#if you think about it for longer than one second you’ll figure it out
iwantmygun · 1 year
I’ve seen a few anti Johnny Depp posts here and it’s pretty disheartening to me lol. Did y’all watch the trial? Do y’all know that women are capable of being mentally ill? Do y’all know that women are capable of being abusers? One argument I saw was a rumor that Johnny MUST be a terf based on how he “abused Turd over her bisexuality”, which there is no proof of besides her word, which has been determined to be meaningless. It’s obvious to me that she used her sexuality to hide amongst and pull on the heartstrings of a vulnerable group of people. SHE WAS CHARGED WITH DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST HER EX GIRLFRIEND. The fact that she even brought up her sexuality to draw sympathy is horrifying, but adding the layer of her being CONVICTED of domestic violence against her ex girlfriend makes it that much worse. The hypocrisy is unending. Psycho lost the defamation trial and for damn good reason. All of her stories about Depp were straight up lies, her photos were staged and edited and she slipped up/was caught in a lie so many times on the stand, not to mention her demeanor was bone chilling. I could feel her getting angry and it was scary to me. She reminds me of my own abuser and made me very uncomfortable to watch her avoid every direct question. Yes I am a Depp fan but I stayed neutral until I learned all the facts. Once you know the case, it speaks for itself. The defamation trial went on for SIX WEEKS WITH A JURY. Sorry but nah you’re just playing the ignorant devils advocate if you’re siding with Turd after all that. Also not only are you sexist, you’re perpetuating the idea that abusers/narcissists can get away with ruining someone’s life and still walk away a millionaire. She will never admit that she is responsible because that’s what narcissists do. They are always the victim of some great big conspiracy. (Ex: her saying some “rogue agents from the Australian government” created a rouse to incriminate her over her knowingly illegally bringing her dogs into Australia). You are allowing yourself to be manipulated by an abuser. This should have been taken as a lesson to all. You’ve been given a blueprint of what a narcissist looks like. So when one shows up in your real life, you’ll know to run for the hills.
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ageofstarkey · 9 months
Hi! Could you write a Mattheo one, where it’s that time of the month, and you’re just really not feeling like facing the world.
poor thing ✰ m. riddle
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summary: you’re on your period, and matthéo’s there to help you feel less awful.
pairing: bf!matthéo x reader
warnings: reader is implied to be afab, mentions of reader having their period, discussion of period-related symptoms, nothing else really???
note: hello!! thank you so much for the request!! i’m still trying to find my groove with writing, but i hope i did your prompt some justice :’) also pretend that boys can in fact enter the girls dorms in this universe lmfao
comments & reblogs are so appreciated!
✰ ✰ ✰
“aren’t you getting up for potions?”
when you roll over, you see pansy watching you from the doorway. she’s dressed and ready for the day - book bag slung carefully across her body. she studies you with something akin to concern; awaiting your response with perfect, furrowed brows.
with a quiet sigh, you push yourself into a half-sitting position. “i don’t think so. i got my period last night and i feel absolutely horrid.”
“want me to tell riddle? i’m sure he’s looking for an excuse to skip anyway”
you roll your eyes fondly. “he’s already missed too many lessons this year - let him figure it out on his own time, yeah?”
pansy shrugs. “fine. hope you feel better.”
you groan, flopping none-too-gracefully back on your pillow. “me too.”
when pansy leaves, you take a few moments to savour the silence. it does little to ease the uncomfortable ache in your abdomen, but it’s quiet enough that you can almost pretend your head hasn’t been throbbing since the second you opened your eyes.
eventually, you snuggle back under your thick quilt, resigned to sleeping away your misery. it doesn’t take long for your fatigue to take over, pushing you steadily towards the edge of unconsciousness.
you’re nearly asleep, when you hear a sharp knock at the dormitory door. your brows tug downwards in confusion. with a quiet groan, you drag yourself out of bed. the floors are shockingly cold against your bare feet, and you curse quietly under your breath as you approach the door.
when you tug it open, you’re pleasantly surprised to see your boyfriends handsome face. although he should be in class, you can hardly fight the grin that tugs at your lips. “you are not supposed to be here.”
matthéo quirks an eyebrow, sporting a smirk you know all too well. “shall i see myself out then?”
you roll your eyes fondly. “no.”
“didn’t think so.” he lets himself in, kicking the door shut behind him. “do you wanna lay down?”
“merlin - more than anything.”
he tugs you gently towards him, pressing his lips against your forehead in a chaste kiss. “i figured as much.” he murmurs the words against your skin, punctuating them with another kiss. when he pulls away, he nudges you gently towards the bed. “how are you feeling?”
“cramps?” he shrugs off a few layers of clothing, before tugging back your quilt and laying on the bed.
with a gentle little tug, you’re falling into the empty space beside him. “my entire body just… aches.” with a defeated sigh, you drop your head on his chest.
matthéo hums softly, stroking a gentle hand up and down the length of your spine. “poor thing.”
“tell me about it.”
with a quiet little laugh, he tilts your head up towards his own. “do you think you’ll survive?”
“i really might not, théo. this might be it for me.”
matthéo rolls his eyes, but he wears a fond little smile that gives him away. “you’re ridiculous.”
“i am not!” your lips turn downwards in an involuntary pout. “it hurts.”
“i know, sweetheart.” he closes the small gap between you, kissing away your feeble little frown. “why don’t you try and get some rest, hm?”
“you’ll stay?”
he kisses you again - longer this time, and you swear you’re feeling better already. “‘m not going anywhere.”
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ilguna · 7 months
☼ whisper of the beast (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; on your own, you try to find your boyfriend in the arena. instead, you run across something much, much worse.
warnings; swearing, death, weapon usage, ehhh gore, blood mention.
wc; 2.5k
prompt; 11. "Just keep breathing. In and out. You're doing great."
There is something seriously horrifying going on with this arena, and each time you think you get close to figuring it out—it changes.
The only consistent factor in each of your theories is the jungle, and that’s because it’s the root of the fear. When you travel through the greenery for long periods of time, a creeping feeling grows on you, one that you can’t shake unless you make your way back to the beach.
Which is far from safe, itself. Especially since there are nine other tributes alive here, roaming around, hunting for lone victors. For it only being the second day of the Games, it’s remarkable that so many are dead, already. With six of them dying today, alone.
It makes you think that you’re being overly paranoid, because you’re out here by yourself. It’s a completely new experience to you. The first time around, during your Games, the Career alliance lasted up until the very last second. You never had to keep an eye out for yourself, because you had others with you that were doing the same thing.
You were under the impression that you’d be doing that for these Games, too, but nothing has gone according to plan. You and Finnick had a long discussion the night of the interviews on what to expect regarding corralling Katniss and Peeta into the alliance. Neither of you thought it would be easy. Worst case scenario, you’d grab one and he’d get the other, and the two of you would meet up somewhere in the middle. 
The Gamemakers really must have it out for you this year, determined to keep you and Finnick apart. That’s why they decided to put you on the opposite side of the Cornucopia, keeping you from seeing Finnick. While also putting Brutus in your water wedge, to ensure that you wouldn’t be able to reach him.
By the time you fought off Brutus and got to the Cornucopia, all three of them were gone. The only option you had left was to wait for Johanna and Blight, but with them still in the water and the Careers coming to take over, you had to leave. There wasn’t a choice in the matter.
Since, you’ve spent your time traveling through the jungle and taking the occasional rest on the beach, in the hopes that you’ll run across your boyfriend. The search was casual yesterday, as you were more worried about finding drinking water than the rebel alliance. Now that the numbers are spiraling, you know that the rescue plan is right around the corner.
You’re confident enough to say that they won’t do it today, but it’s got to be tomorrow or the day after. They won’t have Katniss and Peeta openly in danger like this for longer than they have to. You likely have less than forty-eight hours to find them, or else you’ll get trapped in here and taken by the Capitol.
You would say that you wish you had a general idea on which direction they went in yesterday, but it probably won’t make much of a difference. With the amount of people dying in these trees, you’re sure Finnick is directing them the opposite way, just in case. 
It’s another reason why you can’t stand to be in the jungle for long periods of time. From what you’ve gathered, at least half of the tributes that have died today so far, have come from somewhere in the trees. It makes you think that something is out here, and it’s more than just a rogue tribute.
In fact, it would make more sense for it to be a mutt of some kind. In the last Quarter Quell, they were everywhere. There was not a single animal that a tribute could trust to be friendly. On top of that, there were aspects of the arena that took them by surprise. 
It appeared to be the most breathtaking place imaginable. The Cornucopia was in the middle of a vibrantly green meadow, the sky a perfect blue, with fluffy white clouds. In the distance, there was a snow capped mountain, one that looked straight out of a picture book. On the other side, a healthy forest with plants you couldn’t name.
Of course, it was all too good to be true. The mountain was revealed to be a deadly volcano, the plants were poisonous, the water was infected with a disease, the insects stung and the flowers could kill when inhaled too closely. Everything that was placed in that arena was working against them.
Who’s to say it’s not the same for this one?
You pause next to a nearby tree to rest your feet, because they’re throbbing in your shoes. You lift one, stretching your thigh, feeling the immediate relief that comes with being off the foot. After a minute, you switch, but it doesn’t feel as good this time around.
When you reach up to run a hand through your hair to smooth it back, you find that your scalp is wet, soaked from sweating so much. It feels much hotter today than it was yesterday, like the Gamemakers are trying to boil you alive. It’s brutal enough being in here, do they really need to make it any worse?
You dip your head, eyes closed while you take a deep breath, sighing it out. You return to walking, paying attention to where you place your feet.
It might make more sense for you to go down to the beach and wait for Finnick, Katniss and Peeta to show up. The issue is that you’re not willing to take the risk of the Careers spotting you while you’re down there. The four of them could easily get you pinned down. You’ll be dead before you can call for help.
A branch rustling behind you makes your next step stutter. Your eyes widen, as you slowly look across the fern in front of you, to the left of your vision. With sensitive ears, you adjust the spear in your hand, turning your body halfway to look behind you, at the tree you were just standing at.
There’s nothing.
You take a minute to search the trees around you, backtracking to get a better look. Even if it’s just a critter, you want to know. If there’s living animals out here, that means there’s a water source—and you won’t have to depend on your sponsors to keep you hydrated.
There’s not a trace. At least, that’s what you think, until your eyes catch the hoof print in the mud. Your face contorts, you drop into a crouch to get closer, curious on what could’ve made a mark like this. As far as your knowledge on the jungle goes, there shouldn’t be anything that could leave this behind.
The goosebumps that crawl up your arms are involuntary, stomach dropping. The safety blanket that the jungle had been providing seconds ago, is gone now. There’s something in here with you, and it was smart enough to run when it made noise.
You raise your head, thinking about the best way to handle this situation, when your heart seizes in your chest.
What the fuck is that.
In one fluid movement, you jump to your feet, turning in the direction of the beach, and beginning to sprint down the slope. A screech cuts through the previously quiet air, piercing your ears enough to make you wince at the pitch.
And then you can hear it galloping behind you, hands and feet pounding against the spongy jungle ground. A scream rises in your throat, terrified to look behind you to see how fast this thing actually is.
You take the chance when you swing around a tree, stealing a glance over your shoulder. 
Whatever it is, it’s demonic.
You’ve never seen anything like it. It’s coming at you on all fours, there’s hooves where its feet should be, with long and pointed nails on its fingers. Its fur is so black that you can’t make out where its eyes are, or if it has any skin exposed at all. It’s a beast straight out of one of your nightmares.
It isn’t fast by any means, but it’s not slow, either.
You can hear it tearing up a path behind you, trampling through the bushes, ripping bark off trees. As the path between the trees narrows, the jungle becomes more condensed. You hear less of it coming in contact with the ground, thumping replacing the noise.
Until it stops altogether.
Your instincts take over, jerking to the right, shoulder slamming into the tree. You watch in silence as the beast flies by where you were a second ago, claws out and ready to latch on. It comes into contact with the ground about ten feet away, head whipping unnaturally to see over its shoulder.
“No, no!” You let out, beginning to weave through the trees.
A snarl rips through its throat at the idea of you outsmarting it. It’s coming for you, and there’s nothing you can do besides run for your life and dodge it each time it tries to attack. 
You play this game for what feels like an hour, but it can’t be more than twenty minutes. You make it half a mile down the slope, knowing that the beach can’t be that far away from where you are, when you realize that it’s gone. The monster that has been chasing you has given up.
You lean over your knees, mouth watering, throat beginning to close. As you gasp for air, your body tries to expel some of the heat by making you sweat, but all that’s doing is making you sick. You think you might throw up. 
Right as you’ve come to terms with losing all the water and food in your body, spit falling from your mouth in long strings, a shadow on the ground grows larger. Your face twists, thinking that something must be falling, like a leaf.
It hits you, literally, flattening you against the ground, head hitting the dirt. It digs in, nails cutting through skin as it tears through your back and arms, shredding your jumpsuit. A scream leaves your lips, a white hot and blinding pain smothering you all at once.
Your hand tightens around the spear, cheek against Earth as the beast presses into your shoulders, keeping you from moving. Still, with the small amount of mobility you have, you swing the head of the spear up, toward yourself, narrowly missing your left  shoulder.
It lodges into the beast, causing it to roar in pain. You shove the pole further back, hoping that it pushes into its body deeper. The weight on your shoulders disappears, you can hear it stumbling away.
In the window you have, you get back to your feet, ignoring the screaming pain your entire backside is in. You just need to make it to the beach, it’s not that far away, you’ve covered this distance in your sleep before. It’s harder to do, though, when every hard step you take makes you grit your teeth to keep from crying out. 
The beast is catching up with you, recovering from its wound. It’s faster than you are, and it’s completely disregarding everything in its path. Nothing can slow it down. You can see the golden sand through the trees, you’re almost there.
A body jumps out from behind a bush, making you run into it. For a moment, you’re sure that it’s an exact replica of the monster behind you, but once you realize that you’re staring at another tribute jumpsuit, the panic subsides. But only for a second.
“Move!” You shriek, trying to get around him. He grabs the sides of your arms, holding you there.
You look up, finding that you’re standing face to face with the male tribute from Ten—someone who is not part of the rebel alliance, and doesn’t care whether or not you make it out alive. When you glance over your shoulder, you can see that the beast is getting closer. It’s not going to stop until it gets its hands on somebody.
And it won’t be you.
The only choice you have is to sacrifice him, so that’s exactly what you do. You jerk him around, switching places with him, forcing his back to the beast. His eyes widen, mouth opening to say something, when you pull back from him, lifting your leg to kick him in the chest.
The beast takes him gratefully, landing on his back. He stumbles forward, struggling under the weight of the beast. You watch in horror as its jaws unhinge, revealing razor sharp teeth. It throws its head back, before whipping forward, mouth securing around the tribute’s neck.
And with no resistance, he rips out a chunk of the flesh. A spray of blood hits you in the face, and it coats the jungle floor. You back away with wide eyes, watching as Ten’s legs can’t hold him up anymore, body collapsing in the dirt beneath the beast.
A cannon fires.
You turn, making the final push for the beach before it can come after you, too. 
The moment your feet hit the sand, it begins to drag you down, keeping you from running as far away as your mind is screaming for you to go. You make it a few feet before landing on your hands and knees, sucking in sharp breaths and letting them out aggressively. 
That was almost you. That could’ve been you.
You try to crawl, hands forming in fists in the sand, tears falling from your eyes.
“(Y/n)?” You hear. There’s a headache forming, black spots coming to eat away at the corners of your vision. “(Y/n), hey.”
A hand touching your lower back makes you swing a hand up to get them off. Your wrist is caught, eyes meeting Finnick’s, finding him worried. 
“You’re okay, honey. I’m right here.” He pulls at your elbow to make you sit up on your knees. 
You grab onto his shoulder, struggling to breathe, “It—it… The—” 
Finnick takes your hand placing it against his chest. “Follow me.” He takes a deep breath, you try to follow, stuttering. He blows it out, you sob. “Come on, (Y/n). Just keep breathing. In and out.” You mimic his breaths, allowing them to even out. “You’re doing great.”
“Finnick.” You cry, head falling forward.
He cups your face with both hands, lifting your head. He’s only a couple inches away from you. “You’re safe with me, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” He wipes your tears away with his thumbs. “Do you want to tell me what’s in there?”
You look away, eyes too intense to stare into. “A monster.”
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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bunny-xoxo · 8 months
Take It Slow
Yuuta Okkotsu x afab!reader
wc: 4.1k
warning(s): established relationship, friends to lovers implied, heavy petting, fingering, masturbation, oral (reader receiving), choking (reader receiving), instance of breath play as a result, slight corruption kink from Yuuta, inexperienced reader, a single instance of slightly mean Yuuta, reader’s chest anatomy is not referenced/described
a/n: first NSFW piece in a VERY long time, was picked from the poll so here you go! hope you all enjoy :)! Also jus wanna say there is NOTHING weird or wrong about being a virgin at any age just so you guys know <33 🫶 also in case it needs to be said, this is an unrealistic portrayal of participating in kink for the first time! Boundaries and safety should be discussed at length before these things, but this is fiction so just wanted to make that clear 😭🤍 anyways enjoy <3
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“Yuuta, stop! I don’t wanna talk about it!” You whined and buried your face further into his chest hoping to spare yourself of the embarrassment from the conversation you’re sure the two of you are about to have.
“Sweetheart, I’m your boyfriend, you knew it was gonna come up sooner or later. Besides, you’re literally the one who started the conversation! There’s no way you’re getting out of it now.” He let out a few boyish chuckles as he tried to pry your face away from him and out of the covers, just to see you pressing your lips together and closing your eyes in protest.
Sure, did you figure at some point the fact you haven’t gone farther than holding hands and sharing a few quick pecks was gonna be brought up? Probably. Especially after 4 whole months of being in a relationship? Maybe. Did you think it’d be right now? No! But is it your fault? Unfortunately, yes.
You’d known Yuuta long before the two of you started dating, having been apart of his friend group since freshman year of high school, and you’ve always had a secret crush on your friend. He was kind, never failed to make you smile, charmingly awkward (so charming you almost thought he faked it), & all things endearing. It wasn’t until a few months ago, now in your fourth and final year at University, that the two of you had confessed your feelings for the other. You had a bottle of tequila and Maki to thank for that.
And honestly, it couldn’t have been more perfect since. He was still sweeter than ever, a complete gentleman always, and even though it’d only been a couple months he’s never failed to make you constantly feel cared for and appreciated. There was only one problem: how were you supposed to tell him you’ve lied about every instance of you hooking up ever? And you haven’t even done so much as grind on someone, let alone fuck?
Maybe you could blame it on Yuuji, he’s the one who brought it up the first time anyways, innocently teasing you about how “you probably don’t even know how to give head”. He was 16, and all 16 year old boys are stupid as shit - besides Yuuta you suppose - so you’ll forgive him for it.
“Fuck you Yuuji, you’re just saying that cause you’re embarrassed you can’t last longer than 10 seconds inside a girl.”
“That literally happened once, and it was my first time! What, you’re telling me your first time was any better?”
It was just humiliating to think of looking at your friends, who definitely weren’t virgins anymore (besides Toge, maybe Toge, you never really trusted his whole story - but that’s beside the point), and tell them yeah no, I haven’t even seen a dick in person!
“No, he was ass, too.” You did your best to not draw attention to the way your palms were sweating profusely, fighting every instinct in you to wipe them off on the denim of your jeans.
“Yep, fits the bill.” Mai rolled her eyes at the thought of her own experience with a man, must’ve been pretty bad.
It’d make more sense to blame it on your age than Yuuji really, looking back it wouldn’t have been embarrassing for more than a couple weeks at most to have admitted you were a virgin when the matter was pressed. But that’s not what past you thought, and now it’s current you’s problem.
“I know, I know, but now I change my mind. I shouldn’t have said anything.” Your lips are pushed out and puckered slightly from the way Yuuta has your cheeks squished together - his best effort at making you smile right now.
He lets go of your cheeks to squeeze your shoulder gently, looking at your face for a moment before speaking softly.
“You know you can tell me anything, right? I’d never judge you for anything, make comments, nothing. Swear on it.” His voice dipped low with sincerity as he dramatically “crossed his heart and hoped to die”, it was a little goofy but that’s okay.
It was hard to speak while he was staring down at you like that, you knew he’d be nothing but gentle and kind, but the thought of actually talking about it made your stomach twist ‘n turn.
“Uh”, your voice trembled more than you’d like to admit and it did nothing to help your nerves, “I guess I asked what you’d do if I lied about not being a virgin cause, I’m, like, a virgin. Yeah.” You might’ve stumbled through your sentence, but you got there eventually.
His hand continued to rub circles on your skin as he spoke, “Well, I kind of figured that much when you first asked that, cause why else would you. Is that all you wanted to tell me though?”
Glancing up to meet his eyes, you were confused, visibly confused. Was that it? Was he really not gonna pester about why you lied, when you lied, or why you’re grown and still a virgin?
You squinted your eyes and hummed quietly, unreasonably suspicious of him - which he could clearly see.
Rolling his eyes playfully, he groaned out your name and pulled your face close to his so you couldn’t escape him even if you wanted to.
“Ya know, I was kind of talking about the first question you asked me. The one before you cut me off and changed the subject with the whole ‘I’m a virgin thing.’ I want to talk to you about that.”
You’re sure you were listening, it’s just that his face was so close to you that his breath was intermingling with yours, and you could practically taste the gum he was chewing while studying earlier. Not only that but his eyelashes were so pretty and doll like from this angle, looking up at him with his hands still on your cheeks. And his hands were so warm and soft - or was your face warm?
“Are you really ignoring me right now?” He wondered where your mind wandered to, cause clearly with the way you were looking at him with hearts in your eyes and invisible stars circling around your head - you couldn’t have been listening to him.
Yeah, you definitely weren’t listening to him.
“Baby, are you okay with talking about what you asked me earlier? It’s okay if the answer is no.” His eyes were glued to your face as your own darted around the room.
You wanted to speak up but your throat was dry and your face was hot, and honestly it felt like your jaw was wired shut; a simple nod will have to do.
It felt like the room was getting smaller at the lack of a response from Yuuta until you felt him lean just a tad closer and gently press his lips to your cheek, “would you rather me show you how I take care of myself, or tell you?”
Goosebumps rose along the back of your neck and down your arms at the soft volume of his voice in your ear and the way his breath fanned across your cheek.
“Both, please.” The tenor of your voice matched his as your hands fiddled nervously with the hem of your shirt, unsure what to with them while he moved to give you a kiss and sit up in front you.
The embarrassment of how you asked Yuuta how to give a hand job from earlier began to fade and be replaced with curiosity and eagerness at the sight of Yuuta reaching down to palm at himself.
It was still embarrassing, staring so shamelessly at his growing bulge in obvious intrigue and desire, but it was Yuuta, and Yuuta would never make you feel bad for having human urges and wanting him in this way.
Hesitantly, once he was ready, he tugged at the fabric of his pajama pants until he was fully exposed. He was happy you were so needy and awe struck at the sight of him, because your undivided attention to the way his cock sits in his hand is making him blush.
He spreads his legs just as much as the stretch of his bottoms let him while he dips forward to drip spit in the direction of his lap, his wrist catching the fabric of his shirt and exposing a tease of his lower stomach as he spreads the spit along the length of his cock. Leaning back into a more comfortable position, you take in the way he’s exposed himself to you, his stomach visibly clenching as he rubs his thumb along the slit at the tip of his cock.
It was firm in his hand, and you couldn’t help but squeeze your thighs together from where you sat watching at the vulgarity of it all. His loud and unashamed whimpering, his leaking and twitchy cock, and the way his eyes were never closed, always watching your face, when you would flick your own up to get a peek at his reactions.
You thought maybe he’d be a little more bashful, slow and careful with what he wanted to show you, but if anything, it seems like he’s been waiting for you to ask.
“You like watching me stroke my cock, hm baby?”
Your clit began to throb at the sudden recognition and reminder that you’re involved just as much as he is, as well as the sound of him speaking, and speaking directly at you.
“Answer me angel, even a nod’s okay. Wanna make sure my baby’s feeling good.” His voice was hoarse, but soft, and the sentiment did nothing more than increase your arousal and send butterflies rampant in your stomach.
Settling further into the situation, and gaining some confidence in return, you make your way over to him slowly as you nod your head.
“Want you to tell me, Yuuta.” Your voice is small, quiet.
“Tell you what, pretty?”
He’s got an air of fake innocence around him as he speaks but you couldn’t care less when you’re so close that you can hear his soft and barely audible panting, and smell the light scent of musk and sweat begin to gather along his clothed skin from his excitement and exertion. You’d give him anything he wants at this point, and you’re certain he knows it.
“Yuuta,”, you whine and move in his direction, hovering over his lap with his cock not quite close enough to press against your covered cunt as he strokes himself, “want you to tell me how it feels.”
The pair of you groan together at the lewdness of it all, both of you reveling in the freedom to finally explore your deep attraction for another, no longer embarrassed or fearful to admit or indulge in it.
“Fuck, feels so good baby. ‘M so hard with you watching me like this. You like knowing you’ve got me and my cock this needy without even touching me?” Whining at his response, you lean into him and sloppily place your lips on his, ignoring the urge to smack him on his chest as he chuckles a, “yeah?”, into your mouth at your eagerness.
You both kiss, messy and loud, as you reach and drag your hand down his torso, lightly drawing circles onto Yuuta’s exposed lower stomach with your fingertips.
A strained groan comes from him at the sensation, sighing into your mouth as he sits up to be impossibly closer to you. It was all too much.
He could feel the heat from your body as your thighs squeeze him from each side, hear the crude noises your pussy makes each time you adjust, and he could just imagine how needy your poor cunt would smell. Feeling his stomach tighten and his head get cloudy, he knew he was close, and he wanted you to watch.
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me come baby.” Yuuta’s lips were soft and slick with spit as he spoke against yours, while you felt a hand slide from the back of your neck up to the top of your head, turning you to face down and stare at the way his fist was feverishly tugging at his cock.
“Want my sweetheart to watch how hard they’re gonna make me come, how good they’re taking care of me and my cock.” His voice was strained and low, out of breath, and if you weren’t desperate to watch his cock get some release, you would have protested at the sudden lack of kissing.
“Please, need you to show me baby.” You whined and wrapped your hand around Yuuta’s wrist gently, moving in time with the way he was stroking himself.
Hearing your voice was all he needed to let himself go, throwing his head back and getting his sternum sticky with cum as it stained his t-shirt. His balls and cock twitched as he slowed down his movements, whining when he rubs the tip once more, not wanting it to be over. If it wasn’t for the way you were still hovering over his lap, he would’ve let himself stay like this for a while longer, catching his breath and resting his eyes.
But he could see how bad you needed him, your chest heaving and your body hot against his.
Pulling you into his chest, he speaks against your shoulder softly between gentle kisses, “Want me to take care of you too, baby?”
Your body jolts at the prospect, nerves riddling your muscles and your stomach, making you feel almost weak. The thought made you self-conscious just as much as it made you feel exhilarated, but you couldn’t deny the way your cunt was throbbing and hot. You needed him bad, and you could trust Yuuta. You always could.
Words were too hard, like they often were with him in intimate moments like this (the thought of your first date briefly crosses your mind), so you substitute a pleading “yes” for another messy, longing kiss.
“I got you angel,”, was all he said before you were leaned back on the pillows, Yuuta hovering above you with soft wisps of his hair tickling the sides of your face.
You knew you could trust Yuuta, he always knows what his baby needs.
Delicate fingers graze across your side until they reach the waist band of your bottoms, running back and forth along the top as Yuuta chuckles softly at the way your stomach twitches, waiting for a sign of permission.
A warm hand tugging Yuuta’s in the direction of your heat is all he needs before sliding his hand between your thighs to rub heavy and slow circles onto your clit beneath your shorts.
“Oh, god.” You breathe out and close your eyes, letting him take his time in making you feel good.
Your hole ached every time he dipped a finger down to tease your entrance, gathering more of your arousal to rub into your puffy clit. He was such a tease even when he didn’t mean to be, couldn’t he tell you needed him inside? Can’t he imagine how empty your poor hole feels? Doesn’t he know how often you’ve fucked yourself with your fingers or favorite toy, imagining it’s really him inside instead?
The desperate call of his name makes his stomach flip, eyes quickly searching across your face for a sign of discomfort, “‘M here baby, what do you need?”
Sitting up slowly, your face stops inches from his as you shimmy your way out of your bottoms. Laying back down, you open your legs wide and spread your pussy for Yuuta to see, another hand rubbing at your clit slowly.
“‘S too empty, baby.” You fight back the hot wave of embarrassment that floods your body at your crudeness and use all your will power to stay still, cunt on full display, as you watch Yuuta’s breath quicken and his hand snake down to tug at his cock again despite the slight sensitivity he’s still feeling.
He doesn’t give you much time to linger on your sheepishness before you’re tugged further down the bed by the grip he takes on both of your thighs, his tongue impatiently shoved into your mouth with a loud whimper. You both stay like this a little while longer than you would have liked, his tongue running along the inside of your mouth before he has yours between his lips, switching between sucking on it loudly and licking at the saliva that drips down onto your chin.
God, he was so dirty.
Unable to beg for more, you attempt to wrap your legs up and around his midsection, hoping he’ll catch the hint, but instead you’re stopped by a firm placement of his hand on your inner thigh.
“‘Scuse me, beautiful.” His voice is hoarser than before as he speaks softly against your neck, leaving hasty kisses on any exposed skin while scooting down the bed, landing with his face between your legs.
You could have cried when you felt his tongue poke and prod at your hole, pushing in and moaning loudly before licking long and slow up to your clit. His tongue flicks back and forth as he keeps your lips spread with one hand, deciding to then take his time licking and dragging his tongue between every fold before coming back to suck on your clit.
A strangled groan vibrates deep within your chest as you tug on his hair to bring him impossibly closer to your cunt, as if he needed to devour you whole, while you no longer fought the way your hips were grinding down and writhing beneath Yuuta’s grip. It’s not until you finally feel a finger push inside, slender and slow, that you begin to incoherently beg and whine for more.
It doesn’t take many half-spoken pleas for him to get the idea you need more.
“Ah, Yuuta!” You whimper and internally battle between trying to squirm away and press yourself even further into his mouth, overwhelmed by the pleasure of his two fingers inside pumping in and out of you with his mouth nipping and sucking at your clit.
He sits up, kneeling between you to watch the way you take what he’s giving you.
“Yeah?”, his voice is uncharacteristically cocky and out of breath, “Feels good, baby?”
He was going to be the death of you.
If it wasn’t for the way Yuuta was placed between your thighs, your efforts to clamp them shut would be working. It was all too much, but so fucking good.
“Ah- fuck, oh, oh my god - Yuuta please make me come. Wanna come so bad!” You arch your back and attempt to sit up to reach him, needing him closer, but a hand on your chest pushes you back down and slides up until it rests wrapped around your throat.
“Mmm, I’ll give it to you baby, just want you stay right there. Wanna see what you look like when I make you finish for the first time.” His hand wasn’t holding tight, it was merely keeping you in your spot beneath him, but you wanted him to grab you tighter.
With a shaky hand, you reached to hold onto his wrist like your life depended on it,
“Please choke me.”
His fingers stopped curling into you for maybe a second before he continued, his mouth parting slightly as a gentle moan fell from his lips.
Did you really just ask him that?
You closed your eyes in bliss when he squeezed gently, instinctually doing your best to grind down onto his hand, but it wasn’t enough.
“T-tighter, please.”
It took everything in you to open your eyes and see his reaction, a slight amount of shame building up in your stomach for requesting something that felt so dirty - but all embarrassment fizzled out where it sat when you saw the way he was staring down at you.
Nothing was said as he squeezed you tighter and tighter until you let out a choked moan, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Tap me twice if it’s too much.” You’re not sure when he leaned down to speak lowly to you, but his breath fanning across the side of your neck and face sends chills down your body.
You’re so lost in the pleasure of it all you can only nod when he takes your hand to show you exactly how he wants you to tap against his wrist if you can’t take it anymore.
He sits back up and smiles to himself as he takes you in. You look so.. so.. so pathetic like this. And what, all because he’s got two of his fingers fucking your pussy? Cause he’s the first person to ever make you feel this way?
The latter thought makes his dick twitch and pick up the pace of his fingers until even you can register the crude squelching coming from between your thighs. Thankfully for you, you’re too full of bliss to care - fuck you were so close, and he knows it, too.
Your eyes shoot open when his grip is tightened even more, making it so you can only take in shallow and shaky breaths.
“Gonna have to come around my fingers if you want me to loosen up.” It wasn’t a question of how much you could take, it was a matter of how far you wanted him to go to make you see stars. And apparently this was it with the way he could feel you clench around him at his words, your thighs starting to thrash and shake.
“Fuck, you’re so dirty. My dirty little cunt, huh?” His voice was so misleadingly soft. His register was still high, slightly whiny, but you knew it was all to mock you and your fucked out state. If anything, Yuuta was the one being so dirty, and you were thankful for it.
It was hot, so hot, and you could hear your heart pounding in your head, and you could feel how tight you were clenching around his fingers.
Unable to fight off the feeling and attempt to last a second longer, your body shook as you came hard around Yuuta’s fingers, your nails digging into the forearm of the hand still wrapped around your throat. He kept it there for a brief few moments into your orgasm before letting go to immediately bring his fingers down to your clit, helping you ride out your orgasm for as long as you could handle.
The first full breath you took was loud and followed by an even louder mantra of thank you’s and please’s. It took a soft and slow kiss from Yuuta to quiet your whimpers, and warm, and undeniably semi-sticky hands, rubbing tenderly into your thighs and arms.
You both stayed like that for a while, Yuuta above you with his hands rubbing your muscles carefully, kissing slow and catching your breath while sharing gentle sentiments of love and reassurance. Much to your surprise, you were the first to speak a full sentence as you both relaxed into a more comfortable position.
“Ya know”, your voice had a slight hoarseness to it now, most likely from your earlier activities, “I don’t think I like knowing someone else has gotten to see you like this.”
He brings his head up to rest on his palm with a crooked smile, leaning forward until his lips ghosted over yours as he spoke,
“Yeah? You the jealous type baby?”
This time, you did smack him. And hard.
“Ow?” Yuuta pouts, pretending to be appalled, and rubs circles into his chest as if you had actually smacked him hard enough to feel like anything more than a friendly pat.
His request for an apology is brushed off and amended with a kiss, from which you receive no protest, as you sink further into the comfort of his embrace and, now dirty but once very clean, sheets.
“How about we clean up n get some rest, okay baby?” He sounds distant and quiet when he speaks, his heartbeat louder in your ears than his voice with your head pressed into his chest.
Sighing and shaking his head, he leans down to kiss the top of your head with a small smile. Laundry and a shower can wait a few more minutes if it means he gets to have you like this for even a little bit longer.
taglist: @plutowrites @alert-arlert (I think you asked to be tagged in this??? If not I’m sorry !! This was like a literal year ago I started this so 😭🫶) @touyaz (only cause you liked the snippet 🤭) if you’d like to be added just lemme know!!
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bunniesanddeer · 1 month
My Little Light: Part One
This is a request! From @animeloveruwu1234
Alrighty, thank you!:)<3 So, I wanted to ask for a fluff request for Alastor x light! female doe reader meets him because her light shadow(I don’t know what to call it🙂‍↕️) likes his shadow. She meets him and gets so shy around him that it gets to the point that she faints every time he comes around her. Just toothrotting fluff!!:)
So this is actually part one of three! Sorry, I intended it to be two parts, but it was running longer than I was expecting. Part one is from MC's POV, Part two is Alastor, and Part three is smut, with no plot, so no one is going to miss anything if they can't/or don't like to read smut. :)
Pairing: Alastor x Doe!Reader
Warnings: Reader passes out twice, super early set up, next part focuses on fluff!
Word Count: 1,877
You slipped between demons on the busy sidewalk, twisting yourself this way and that way. You watched your little light friend stretch herself across the cracked pavement, flat expression twisting up in joy. With a smile, you followed her whims without much thinking, and found yourself in a calmer section of downtown. The strange being flattened across the wall beside you, and her eyes crinkled. 
If anyone had asked you, when you were alive, how you would feel about a two-dimensional figure made of light, that acted like a shadow, following you everywhere in Hell, you would have been quite confused. Even now, after having lived in Hell for a few years, you didn’t completely understand your companion, or how she came to be. She could separate from you, leaving you entirely shadowless, but you still had some control over her. The light-shadow was autonomous, and yet you knew if you told her to do something, she would. You had taken to calling her Lyra in your head. 
You leaned against the building, and watched her form flicker about as something caught her attention. Your ear twitched, and you watched hers follow suit. Suddenly, her shape wavered, and her head flipped in the other direction. Her excitement was evident in the way she suddenly stretched her body across the ground, and reached flat claws across the road, pointing at something you couldn’t see. With a small sigh, you push off from the wall, and make your way across the road.
“Whatever could have your attention,” you huff. Your head turns in each direction as you follow her pointing claws. Your ears swivel and twitch. Something in you is suddenly on high alert, and yet Lyra urges you to keep going. “If I get torn apart, I blame you entirely. You’ll get ignored for a week after I reform.” 
Lyra ignores you, and crawls up a wall beside the door to a tailor shop. Her sharp grin stretches farther, and she keeps her eyes locked on the door. 
“What are you doing? What’s got you so worked up?” You take a look around, and nothing seems out of the ordinary. And then your ears catch it; the subtle sound of static. Your heart starts pounding. You know what that sound means. 
He had disappeared shortly before you landed in Hell, but the scary posters and warnings you constantly got from other sinners let you know to be wary. And then he had suddenly reappeared in the company of the princess six months ago. You had heard his voice on the radio, of course. Who hadn’t? His broadcasts were impossible to ignore. He had a charming voice and the kind of charisma that made him hard to forget. And that static. It followed his voice, his very presence like a heavy fog, blanketing everything around him. That thought clicked, and you realized what was going to happen only moments before it did. 
The door to the tailor shop opened, a twinkling bell following the motion, and out stepped Alastor, The Radio Demon. You turned a harsh gaze to Lyra, who wasn’t even looking at the demon, but at his feet. You followed her gaze for only a second, and saw a writhing black shape in his shadow. With haste, you whipped your gaze away, and turned around, hoping that if you didn’t look at him, he wouldn’t notice you. 
With heaving breaths you tried to focus yourself, and walk away, but Lyra squirmed, frowning at you. She clawed at the ground, and warped her form to gather closer to where you knew Alastor was still standing. Suddenly she tugged harshly, chasing something you couldn’t see, and pulled you with her. You didn’t know she could do that! At the tug, your hooves struggled to make contact with the ground, and you started to tumble backwards. 
“Ahh!” You let out a harsh cry, and internally braced for hitting the harsh concrete. Instead, however, you were caught by warm, sturdy arms. You let out a huff, and went to thank the person. You looked up and said, “Ah, thank you-” and finally caught the gaze of your savior. Alastor. Alastor The Radio Demon. Alastor The Radio Demon just caught you. Holy shit. Your eyes widen, and your ears pin back. “Oh,” you mutter, and the world goes black. 
Your hearing comes back to you first. Two voices are whispering to each other, and the gruffer voice’s volume picks up just enough for you to hear, “-you have to admit that it’s suspicious. You know he has been acting strange ever since he came back from licking his wounds. Why would he suddenly help some rando-”
The other voice, lighter and with a twinge of something like hope, responds, “I don’t know, Vaggie, but isn’t this a good sign? When was the last time he did something without being prompted? Something that wasn’t obviously for his own gain?”
You hear the other person sigh, and it is then that you decided to try and peel your eyes open. It takes several blinks to get used to the redness of the room. Eventually, your sight clears, and you search the room for the people who were just talking. Across from you, on a couch much like the one you’re lying on, are two women. One has gray hair, and is looking up at who you immediately recognize as Princess Charlie.
“Uh, hello?” You call, trying to gather their attention. Charlie turns her head wickedly fast, and her face is split by a happy smile as she hops up from the couch. 
“Oh yay! You’re awake!” You gather yourself, sitting up and removing your legs from the couch as you watch her nearly hop in her excitement. “I have so many questions, but first! Are you okay? Al said you passed out.”
At the mention of Alastor, the blood drains from your face. You are absolutely not okay, but it also seems that he helped you after your embarrassing debacle earlier, so you just whisper, “Uh, I’m okay.”
She squeaks, and then sits next to you. “So, how’d you meet Alastor? He was super vague!” 
“Honestly?” You take a glance at the other woman, who has her arms folded, and is watching with a wary gaze. “I was walking down the street, following my companion, and she dragged me over to this tailor. I wasn’t really thinking about much, but then out comes Alastor!” You throw up your arms, disbelief lacing your tone. “And she’s just kicking and clawing her way over towards him, and she trips me! And then he caught me. And I passed out as soon as I made eye contact.”
You rub at your head, shame filling you, rising with the heat in your face. You feel so silly. 
Charlie lets out a little giggle, and then asks, “Where’s this companion?”
You purse your lips, then take a glance at the women again. They’re fine, probably. Right? You internally shrug, and then wave your hand; out pops Lyra, her white form shimmering across the carpet. 
“What the hell,” the other woman says. She gives you a strange look. “Do all deer demons have these? Alastor has the same damn thing, it just looks like an actual shadow.” 
You frown. Someone else had this kind of companion? Alastor had this kind? Confusion floods you, so you give Lyra a curious glance. She responds with a simple toothy grin. “Is that why you were chasing him?”
Lyra’s shape flickers and warbles. She grins wider. Holy shit. She tripped you, trying to hit up another fucking shadow. What the hell. “What the fuck, Lyra.” Her shoulders and grin shake, in a mockery of laughter. You roll your eyes, waving your hand, and she disappears. 
With a palm to your head, you mutter to yourself. “What the hell is my life. Please tell me this won’t happen again.” You look up at Charlie, sheepishly. “Please tell Alastor I said thanks. I’m gonna go to my apartment and hide there for forever.” You stand and whip your pants awkwardly. “Thanks again. It was, uh, nice to meet you. Bye.”
You waver on weak legs, and go to leave the strange sitting area, when you hear him.
“Well, dear, why don’t you tell me yourself?” He’s sitting at the bar you failed to notice before. One ankle is propped on the other knee, and he’s holding a newspaper. His gaze finds yours, a sly smile on his face. 
In shock, you let out a bleat, and collapse.
Alastor’s smile shrink, just a touch, and he turns his gaze to the two women that are conscious. “As you can see, I had nothing to do with that.” 
Later that day, you’re propped up on the couch, and Alastor is leering at you from the accent chair across from you. His smile is wide and smug, and his eyes don’t stray from your form. His shadow companion, the one Lyra might’ve been chasing, is flickering in and out of view behind him. Its smile is just as wide, and it sends shivers down your spine. Every once in a while, the static that surrounds Alastor, something your brain struggles to understand, even in Hell, surges. Your ears prick and swivel every time, and it’s starting to give you a headache.
The two of you spend a time merely staring at each other. Your chest aches at the idea of trying to speak up. There are a lot of factors contributing to this, but you really don’t know what to say to the Overlord, especially Alastor. He’s just so intimidating, and you’re, well, you. Charlie and Vaggie are sitting on the other couch, whispering to each other. You can just barely hear them talking, but it’s drowned out by Alastor’s presence. 
You gulp down the spit that is slowly accumulating in your mouth, and then your mouth feels far too dry. The cotton feeling makes you scrunch up your face, and you force your eyes to wander to the strange circus themed patterns on the wallpaper. Alastor’s eyes are too much. 
Lyra takes the near silence as an opportunity to pop up. She slithers her form over to Alastor’s shadow, and you watch on in horror. You desperately want to say something, especially as Alastor’s eyebrows raise in surprise. Lyra doesn’t even look back at you as she reaches her hands out to the shadow, and grabs. Alastor’s shadow makes a strange noise, and it makes you shrink in on yourself. Alastor is gonna kill you. You had never expected to get any attention from an Overlord, and now one, (that was so similar to you, something you’d been searching for), was going to kill you.
“Aw. It seems our little companions like each other,” He says, instead. Your eyes widen, and you stare in shock. “Well, my dear, it seems we will just have to spend more time together.”
He looks like that cat that caught the canary, and your mind is on high alert. There has to be more to this, and you aren't sure how to feel. But then his smile softens, and you can’t help but feel excited. Where will The Radio Demon lead you?
Taglist: Current List: @girl-nahh-two @numetalnerd2007 @justchillingandhavingfun @alastor-simp @thonethatflies620 @lemonyboy97 @fairyv-ice @alastorssimp @wen01203
Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it! I will have the next part out soon, and some of my other works to follow, or just before. We had some shenanigans occur today, so I'm a little bummed. I'll try and get it done thugh, no worries!
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mochalate · 1 month
[3] new notification!
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msby!atsumuxreader || w/c: 1.1k + 1 min of video (yes, video.) chocolate chip cookies are the way to a guy's heart. (everyone knows that!) a/n: wow I thought I wouldn't post anything this week, but one really good chocolate cake later, I felt alive. Perhaps Atsumu and I are more similar than I thought. 🔔Please use full screen for the video!
[<-chapter 2][chapter 4->] ||[start from intro][masterlist]
Back when you were still at university, you had a part time job at the campus gym. Legally, you weren’t allowed to call yourself a nutritionist at that point, but that’s what you did. It was never anything complicated— the hardest thing had been managing expectations. 
No, you won’t have noticeable muscle definition in a month. 
Yes, you’ll need quite a bit longer than a week to lose ten kilos.
That will give you results, but perhaps a more sustainable plan?
So yes, expectations. You’re in a career chock-full of them. You’re good at managing them. Even when it’s hard.
Or so you’d thought.
Can I keep starin’? 
(Could it really be that easy?)
With four words, Atsumu Miya had ripped open the top of that flimsy cardboard box you’d oh-so-carefully stuffed your expectations in, and now you were struggling to (convince yourself to) put them back in. For the last few hours, you’ve been fiddling with that metaphorical scotch-tape, not quite daring to believe he could be interested in you— and yet unable to let go of that fantasy.
Was it a fantasy? 
You can still picture his flushed-red face, the anticipation and anxiety in his eyes. It wasn’t the kind of look you expected from a flirty joke.
It's when Osamu has to stop you from trying to grab the piping hot handle of a cast iron pan for the second time that you realise you need to come back to your senses.
“Osamu,” you ask, timidly. “Can I ask you something? It’s about Atsumu.”
Osamu turns down the flame on the burner, and looks at you. His face is neutral— some people went as far as calling those droopy grey eyes of his ‘expressionless’, but you preferred to think of them as steady. Osamu always said it like it was. 
He’s going to give you the reality check you so obviously need.
“How stupid am I for thinking I have a chance with Atsumu?”
You brace yourself for a scathing reply. Perhaps, ‘Next time, I won’t stop ya from burning yourself.’ Or maybe, “That oaf? Sorry, the only thing he’s attracted to is balls. Volleyballs, that is.”
What he does instead, is sigh heavily, and a little exasperatedly. 
“Did ya two idiots finally figure it out?”
Your heart skips a beat. “What?”
“You heard me,” Osamu says, turning up the flame once more. He stirs the simmering broth as he speaks. “He’s been actin’ stupid all week. And you’ve been actin’ stupid around him for a while.”
Oh. Oh.
There’s no way you’re ever putting those expectations away ever again, because that stupid box is all soggy at the bottom now. Soggy, because the raging mix of relief and happiness swirling around in your chest— the weight lifted off your shoulders because you don’t have to pretend anymore—  is making you tear up. 
Osamu hears you sniffle. 
“Aw, c’mon,” he says, tapping off the broth and setting the spoon beside the stove, “you know he isn’t worth cryin' over.” There’s a cheeky grin on his face, as he brings his large hands up to your face, wiping away the tears. “Want me to beat him up for ya?”
(You think he really might be your best friend.)
“You’re just looking for an excuse to!” You say, pulling his hands away as you laugh. 
He holds them up in mock defence. “Hey, two birds and all. Are you going call him?”
You’re already scrambling inside your purse. “I… think I forgot my phone at work.” 
He clicks his tongue. “I take it back, yer perfect for each other.”
“Hey!” You say it indignantly, but his words make you feel warm. Perfect for each other. “Can I borrow your phone? Would that be weird?”
“He’d make it weird,” Osamu scoffs. “Just go over.”
“I— I should bring him something.”
He makes an amused expression. “Okay.”
“I don’t know what.”
“Are you asking me for help?”
You make your best puppy face. “Please?”
Osamu sighs. “Well, he’s been complainin’ about those raisin bran cookies for weeks now…”
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“I think it would be best if you don’t say anything. Just let it blow over,” the publicist says. She’s using the speakerphone, and her voice sounds far away. Atsumu can hear the clack of keyboard keys in the background. “I mean it, Miya. Log out of everything. No, uninstall everything.”
“Don’t ya trust me even a little bit?” Atsumu asks. He tries to sound teasing, but his heart isn’t in it.
“No,” she says bluntly. The call goes blank.
Atsumu collapses back on to his bed, legs hanging over the edge. He holds his phone up over his face, staring at the ‘call ended’ until the screen turns itself off, and then sighs heavily.
It’s not that he’s worried. She was right, it would blow over. But it would happen again. And he knows that each time, it would chip off a little piece of you; and eventually leave your edges jagged and rough enough to cut.
You’d resent him for it.
Atsumu unlocks his phone. It’s easy enough to find those pictures of you and Osamu again.
You look so happy.
He doesn’t think he was being delusional earlier, he knows there was something more than plain embarrassment in your eyes when you’d looked at him; and yet, he can’t shake the thought that he’s being selfish. 
The photo is cropped awkwardly, and he knows you and Osamu are close, but he can’t help but feel disheartened, and then hate himself for feeling like that. Were you two actually seeing each other? Was he meddling in his brother’s happiness, your happiness? What did he have to offer that his brother didn’t, save for the scrutiny of strangers?
The phone buzzes.
His eyes flick up to the notification bar. It’s a DM request from one of his new-found confidantes.
(Well, it's not like I've got anything better to do.)
In that brief moment, Atsumu understands his mother, and her panic at the state of the house when guests were imminent. He even understands, as he turns a couple of the trophies he has on display a few degrees to the left, why she would go around adjusting her many throw pillows in those last few seconds. That time seemed to stretch endlessly.
And then the doorbell rings, and time seems to somehow come to a stop and rush forward at the same time.
Atsumu stumbles on the carpet as he rushes to open the door.
And there you are.
“Hey, Atsumu,” you say, fiddling with the lid of the plastic container in your hands, “can we talk?”
(Wow, he thinks for some reason. I think those are cookies.)
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Osamu walked her over because the publicist was calling around to find her, when she couldn't get a hold of reader on her number. He was worried about her going alone. What a prince. Divider @/cafekitsune Tweet images edited from here and Shokubutsu Zukan (by Tsutsumi Kakeru). Had a hard time finding the source for that image lol, it's been used in SO many fic headers. Each time I reverse image searched, If found a slightly less cropped version until it ended as the full page. and then i had to google translate this russian pirated manga site. next chapter will be the last + I will post a little bonus from the osamu POV. :)
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444takeomi · 9 months
: ̗̀➛ summary: 1st gen bd walking in on you changing
character(s): shinichiro sano, wakasa imaushi, takeomi akashi, keizo arashi
warnings: female reader, nsfw, nudity, second-hand embarrassment (lol)
wc: 0.8k
a/n: i haven’t written anything overly nsfw in a while so have this ig, i'm currently working on a few longer posts but writer’s block has been kicking my ass😭
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: ̗̀➛ shinichiro
shin knew that you were in your room and wanted to ask you something, but he made the mistake of forgetting to knock on your door and decided to just walk in without any warning. he stops mid-sentence as soon as he sees you, the sight of your naked body making him lose his ability to both speak and think, and he immediately forgets what he was even going to ask you in the first place. he tries not to stare, he really does, but with you being the first woman he had seen like this, at least in person, he just can't help himself as his eyes begin tracing along every dip and curve of your body. shin can feel his pants getting tighter as he continues to look you up and down, and it isn't until you tell him to get out that he snaps back into reality, realising that he's been staring at you for way too long. he starts apologising profusely before turning around to leave your room, only to hit his head on the doorframe on the way out. shin never really saw you as anything more than a friend before, but he finds himself unable to look at you the same way again, especially after all the dreams he's had about you since.
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: ̗̀➛ wakasa
waka doesn't even think about the fact you might be changing, opening your door and casually walking into your room without bothering to knock first. he isn't prepared for the sight in front of him, his eyes instantly landing on your bare figure and he can't help but smirk in amusement as he watches you attempt to cover yourself with your hands. waka might tease you about it a little, suggesting that you did this on purpose and how it was like you wanted him to walk in on you since you didn't even bother to lock the door, and if you weren't in such a vulnerable position you'd honestly want to slap him. of course he’ll leave as soon as you ask him to, he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable after all, although he can't help but find himself stealing one last glance at your body before he closes the door. he's had a thing for you for so long now, having imagined what you might look like underneath your clothes countless times before, but none of his fantasies could ever compare to the real thing. waka can't stop picturing your body underneath his, imagining all the things he wants to do to you.
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: ̗̀➛ takeomi
omi will roll his eyes and sigh, acting like this entire situation is somehow your fault despite the fact he was the one who walked in on you. he scoffs at you when you tell him to get out, abruptly turning around because he knows he'll be tempted to look at you otherwise, and he doesn't want you figuring out just how much of an effect you have on him. not to mention he can feel his face getting hot and refuses to let you see the blush spreading across his cheeks, knowing that you’ll never let him live it down. omi snidely tells you that there are locks for a reason and you should learn how to use them, before shutting the door behind him just a little too loudly. despite having been around countless naked women before, he's actually super embarrassed by the whole situation and he feels like an idiot for entering your room without knocking. he holds the bridge of his nose between two fingers as thoughts of your body occupy his mind, and he mentally curses at you for making him feel this way. omi can't get that image out of his head for weeks, jacking off to the thought of you more times than he'd like to admit.
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: ̗̀➛ keizo
benkei is very respectful of your privacy, so it's unlikely that he would come into your room without knocking or asking for permission to enter first. however, for the sake of this scenario let's just say that this time you didn't hear him, and so he assumed it was okay to come in since he didn't hear you say otherwise. he’s very flustered upon seeing you undressed but manages to keep his composure, refusing to let his eyes wander as he averts his gaze elsewhere, uttering a small sorry and gently shutting the door again. benkei is so quiet about it that you probably wouldn't have even known he'd walked in on you if you weren't paying attention. he’ll apologise to you properly about it later, saying how sorry he is and that what he did was a complete accident. he's so sincere that of course you forgive him, telling him that the both of you can just forget it ever happened, to which he agrees. but what you don't know is that benkei finds himself getting bricked up to the thought of your body later, and he knows seeing you like that just made trying to get over his crush on you a hundred times more difficult.
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please do not translate, repost, or share my writing on any other platforms eg. tiktok
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cam3lliaw · 2 months
Tell me
• Megumi Fushiguro x gn!reader
• wc ~1k words
• a bit of angst but mainly fluff
• warnings: mentions of wounds(not detailed), mentions of wincing, lying, slight trust issues mentioned, i think that's all
A/N : not really proofread, but i had fun writing this after my hiatus :))
An angry knock could’ve been heard from all across the dark hallway.
Megumi didn’t need to get up from the laying position he was in, on the bed, to know that the person on the other side of his door was no one other than you, his partner, and it was even easier for him to guess, from the way you were knocking, that you were not happy at all.
“Megumi, open the door.” your voice could be heard from the hallway.
Megumi. Not ‘Gumi, not darling, not babe, not love, not other pet name or silly nickname you could ever come up with, because if there is someone in this world that could invent the cheesiest appellatives to ever exist, it was you. Ever since you two started dating, there were very few instances in which you called the boy by his given name, two to be more exact, when you were teasing him and when you were upset at him and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that unfortunately for him, right now it’s not the first one.
He tried to get up as quietly as possible without wincing from the wound that he got, not even half a day ago, while he was on a mission with Yuji. The boy walked to the bathroom and turned on the water in the shower.
“In the shower.” he announced standing close to the door hoping that you’ll hear and leave him alone for a little while more.
“Yeah, yeah sure and I am the heir of the Gojo clan.” you said in a monotone tone before continuing: “I know you are not in fact in the shower, unfortunately for you, I wasn’t born yesterday Megumi, I heard you shuffling in the room a second ago, not to mention that if you were, in fact, showering you wouldn’t have heard me so clearly as you seem to have heard. Don’t lie to me and come open the door.”
He hesitated mentally face palming himself. Megumi doesn’t even know why he bothered lying, you paid an incredible amount of attention when you actually wanted to. And yet he didn’t move from his spot on the bathroom floor.
A minute passed, then two and if he didn’t know any better he’d say you got the hint and left. But he does know better, he knows you better-
“Please.” your voice was quiet but he heard it all too clearly. And hesitation or whatever held him back be damned, because Megumi knew. He was well aware that if you said please he’d do anything you asked him to without hesitating one bit.
He turned off the water and got out of the bathroom. A part of him was still hesitant as he walked to the door but he knew he can’t avoid you any longer at this point.
Megumi opened the door and you entered, arms crossed looking him up and down.
“Do you have something you want to tell me?” you asked looking straight at your lover.
“I don’t.” he said a bit hesitant.
If there was something Megumi didn’t like to do, it was to lie to you. He knew you didn’t like being lied to either, but he believes that this time it’s for the greater good, which would include you not finding out about his recent wound. But he has this glooming feeling in the pit of his stomach that you somehow already found out.
You breathed a sigh.
“Okay. I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that, so I am going to ask you again, okay? Megumi” you took a step forward towards your boyfriend. “do you have something you want to tell me?”
You knew. You definitely knew. There was no way you didn’t know at this point. But still, he had to try denying it once more.
“I don’t have anything that I want to tell you.” he said, avoiding your gaze, a thing that he kept doing unintentionally since you got into the room.
He was a bad liar. At least, that was the case when it came to you. That’s something the both of you could agree on.
“Why do I have to find out from Yuji that you got hurt?” you decided to say it already to his face since he clearly showed no signs of telling you himself.
“…listen [name]-“ he started but you interrupted him.
“No! I don’t want to listen, I gave you the change to talk, not once but twice mind you, and you said that you didn’t have anything that you wanted to tell me so I’ll do the talking.” you took a deep breath and continued “you know I don’t like to be lied to Megumi, you know it and yet you still go and do it. I don’t understand it, you always want to know when I get hurt on missions, why shouldn’t I know when you’re the one who gets hurt? I thought you said you trusted me. Did that not include telling me if you get hurt? Did I ever make you feel like you can’t be vulnerable around me?”
“[name] you know that’s not the case-”
“Then why? Why do you hide stuff like that from me? And if you start saying some shit like “you didn’t want to worry me” I’m leaving this room right now because we both know I will worry about you no matter what you say to me-”
Megumi took a step forward and closed the distance between the two of you by gently grabbing your face and kissing you. The kiss wasn’t long by any means, but it felt more sincere than any words Megumi could say at the moment.
There was a short silence afterwards as you two stared into each other’s eyes. You knew he was sorry. That’s one of the things you prided yourself with, reading Megumi better than anyone else ever did and yet, you couldn’t help but want more. You didn’t want to be able to read him as much as you wanted him to tell you all of those things himself, to talk to you.
“I am sorry.” he apologized looking into your eyes.
“I know that.”
“You’re right, I should tell you this stuff. I promise I’ll never hide this kind of things from you ever again.” he added as his hand went to caress your cheek.
“I’m glad you finally agree with me.” you smiled as you leaned into his hand.
Megumi took your hand and gently pulled you to his bed. You two cuddled and ended up falling asleep in each other’s arms.
A/N : i hope you liked it :))
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lemonlover1110 · 9 months
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝
Satoru Gojo
Satoru Gojo NSFW Week 2023 Masterlist
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
Day 1: Exhibitionism, Degrading, Mutual Oral (69)
Warnings: MDNI, Smut, Cheating, Exhibitionism, Degrading, Mutual Oral, Vaginal Sex, Cum Eating (Gojo sucks his own cum out), Creampie
Summary: Your boyfriend's best friend fulfills your every desire. It's too hard for you to control yourself around him.
❤︎ Gojo NSFW Week Twitter - AO3 Collection ❤︎
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You never found your boyfriend’s friend attractive– Well, you’ve always been too focused on your boyfriend to care about what his friends look like. Satoru was known to be handsome, but you never really cared about that. Satoru was just another one of your boyfriend’s friends, until he wasn’t.
One night after many drinks, you made a move on Satoru. The next morning you acted as if you remembered nothing, oh, but your body clearly remembered something. And a couple of days later you were craving his touch. Your body yearned for it.
So you went back for more, begging him to keep quiet about it. Your body has this desire, and you can’t ignore it for too long. And Satoru is beyond happy to help. So whenever you need him, you make up an excuse and go wherever to get what your body needs.
But sometimes you can’t wait. You can’t go anywhere else. You have to do it right there and then. Your boyfriend is inside, taking a nap since he’s getting sick, while you’re on the balcony of the apartment, looking out the second floor. Satoru is behind you, one hand around your throat while his cock moves in and out of you.
“Such a filthy slut.” Satoru comments, before his teeth begin to nibble on your earlobe. Your hands hold onto the balcony’s railing, trying your best to suppress the fucked expression from taking over your face. 
Every passing car can probably tell what you two are doing, which almost makes you embarrassed. Almost. The way his cock hits every right spot is enough to make you forget that you might bump into these people eventually. That the neighbors that you see every morning can see. The fact that they know you’re in a committed relationship is the last thing that you care about.
“What a fucking slut. You love taking dick, don’t you?” He whispers into your ear before he licks the shell of your ear. You’re moaning like a fool as he moves in and out of your cunt. One hand going under your shirt and his nails digging into your flesh. Your cunt is squeezing around him. Satoru can’t love this more than he does now. If he could, he’d fuck you daily.
“This is all you’ll ever be good at. Just a fucking sex toy.” He says, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He begins to kiss and suck on your neck. And you mindlessly moan. You feel as your orgasm slowly approaches.
Your eyes look at the many people that watch what you’re doing on the balcony, but they can’t quite figure out what you’re doing. You really don’t care though. You’re a mess on Satoru’s cock and you’re focused on making a big mess around him.
“I’m all your slutty pussy needs.” You hear, and you can’t take more. You moan his name mindlessly as you near your orgasm. He keeps hitting every right spot, and your legs spasm, gripping onto the balcony railing as you reach your peak. “Bet I’m all you think about when you’re with him.”
“What a whore… If only your boyfriend knew what you were doing with me.” Satoru is so close to coming, he can’t control himself for much longer with how nice and warm your tight little cunt feels around him. He’s so determined to finish, and he’ll do it inside of you. He adores filling you up, he doesn’t know if it’s because you have a boyfriend or if it’s for any other reason. He just knows he doesn’t even think of pulling out, “You want me to come inside you?”
“Yes, yes, yes.” You respond, way too enthusiastically. The grip of his hand tightens around your throat, putting a bit more pressure but not enough to choke you. 
“All your dumb little brain thinks about is cum?” He asks, coming closer and closer to finishing. “Of course it is. Your brain is too stupid to think of anything else.”
He stops moving and you feel as his warm cum fills you up. For a moment he stands still until he lets go of you and pulls his cock out. You take slow deep breaths before he picks you up and carries you back inside the living room. You’re about to protest this sudden rash decision, but he tells you, “He’s asleep anyway. It shouldn’t matter.”
He puts you down and lays down on the couch before he says, “Put your pussy on my face.”
You’re hesitant, knowing that your boyfriend can walk out at any minute. But his cum is already dripping down your legs, so you don’t have that much to think about. You put your pussy on his face, just like he told you, and your hands begin to stroke his cock. He’s still hard, despite just coming inside of you.
He’s licking up and down your pussy, tasting himself on you. He begins by focusing on your clit, his tongue repeatedly flicking it, and you have to bite your bottom lip. You aren’t outside anymore, your moans aren’t something for the whole wide world to hear. Your boyfriend is sleeping in his room, and you have to be as careful as possible to not wake him up. Seeing his friend eating you out won’t be the best sight for the poor sick man to see right when he wakes up.
You have to keep yourself entertained, so instead of your hand just playing with his cock, your tongue begins to circle around the tip. You’ll keep your mouth stuffed to suppress any sounds. You taste some of the cum that remains on his cock before your mouth wraps around his length.
His mouth sucks on your clit, making you moan around his cock. His fingers dig into the skin of your ass while he hums, his way of telling you how much he’s enjoying this. Both eating you out and the way your mouth is slowly working on his cock.
You slowly bob your head, taking in as much as you can. Which is enough to satisfy Satoru. He doesn’t care all that much anyway, he just wants to eat you out. Taste you, as well as himself.
You feel as his tongue goes to your entrance, and he gets more of his own cum on his tongue. He inserts his tongue inside of you and begins to move it in and out. You’re feeling your eyes roll to the back of your head, and you’re barely able to focus on the cock inside of your mouth. You know your jaw is getting tired and that you lazily bob your head, but you aren’t doing it properly.
You love the way Satoru’s tongue feels inside you, and he sure loves the way you feel around his tongue. And the way the vibrations of your soft moans feel around his cock. It’s a winning situation all around.
He takes his tongue out and focuses on your clit again. His tongue swirls around your clit, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. You feel an orgasm build up, and it slowly takes over your body. You stop sucking on his dick, your hand stroking his cock in replacement while you allow yourself to freely moan into the air.
“Oh, Satoru, it’s so good!” You can’t help but moan as he fills you up with so much pleasure. You’re mindless, doing the last thing you’re supposed to do. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”
He’s sucking on your clit, and you can barely take it. And he’s having so much fun with it. Your toes are curling as that overwhelming feeling takes over you. Until you can’t take it anymore and you finally come. You bite your bottom lip as you ride out your high, while Satoru continues sucking on your clit.
Your mouth wraps around his cock again, both of you so focused on each other to have heard how the bedroom door opened. Neither of you notice until you hear,
“What’s going on here?”
But it’s not hard for you both to convince him it’s a fever dream, allowing you to continue to meet each other.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
this was very clearly his side job.
club bouncer!sukuna is well aware he didn’t have to commit fully to it, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the pompous power that the job brought him.
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t believe he has favourites. every club had their fair share of sleazy gropers and pumping loud music. but he definitely looked forward to working at a certain club in particular — spice’s munchkins.
staffed majority of woman (bar the owner, kiyotaka ijichi himself) who were few of the most likeable people he knew, club bouncer!sukuna felt a tendency to look out for them more than he did the customers. because he’s not gonna lie, they were all stunnas in their own right. glamorous — with hairstyles that suited their features and outfits that accentuated their curvaceous bodies. it was sadly often that people would try to treat them like pushovers or start unnecessary trouble, but club bouncer!sukuna made it his mission to protect them. especially you.
“you good?!” you shout over the music towards club bouncer!sukuna as you clean up your work station.
the bar area isn’t too busy concerning the ‘entry before 12am = free drinks’ is over and most people are on the dance floor, and so club bouncer!sukuna takes the chance to lean onto the bar counter, his eyes freely dancing over the top half of your figure.
“a martini pornstar if you dont mind.”
with a roll of your eyes, you scoff in his direction albeit your smile is light.
“boy, you know i’m not allowed to pull those typa favours. Iji’s already warned me twice.”
“yeah, but i’m your favourite. you’ll let me slide, wont you?”
the two of you hold each other’s eye contact for a brief second. you’re sure you encounter something deeper, something more carnal than just a casual stare, but you easily relent and look away first.
“fine! but at least pay for one through the employee discount. i’m really not tryna lose my job.”
club bouncer!sukuna has his eyes linger on you a bit longer before he agrees with a grunt.
you quickly set the card machine up so that he can pay for his drink but then you move to the otherside of the bar to start making his drink.
however, halfway through you accidentally dropped the lick of dark red de kuyper onto your shirt, the sticky substance automatically seeping through. with a curse under your breath, you suddenly rush towards the toilets behind the bar.
seeing you randomly boister off, club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t think about why — he automatically follows you through behind the bar area, thinking something was dearly wrong.
“everything okay?!” club bouncer!sukuna’s voice is gravel as he speaks upon pushing the door open, but he doesn’t expect to see you with your shirt mildly wet with the buttons popped and your bra on display. instantly he backs up.
“oh, shit. my bad.” he gruffly mumbles but you stop him before he’s able to leave.
“no, it’s fine. you’re fine.”
you move around the man to pull him back into the staff bathroom before shutting the door behind him and for a second, club bouncer!sukuna feels his dick jump in excitement.
“fuck…” he breathes once you let go of him. you back up so that you can stand against the sink with your spine against the cold porcelain.
“what?” your lips look like glass beneath the toilet’s neon lights and club bouncer!sukuna is just dying for a taste.
“i know you feel that.”
“feel what?” you ask up at him with wide inquisitive eyes.
club bouncer!sukuna’s hands start to flex by his side as he feels his inner demons become stirred. he can hear his walkie talkie click for his presence but he dutifully ignores it because surely there was something deeper to your actions yet all you do is act clueless.
taking a step closer in your direction, club bouncer!sukuna bares his teeth as his lips curl upwards. yet his large hands quickly find solace atop your waist.
“don’t make me sound it out, woman. this. this thing between us.”
“what, you think i got the hots for you?” you say, despite you allowing club bouncer!sukuna‘s hands to knead your skin whilst you lay your hands over his chest.
“i know you do.” he snides, but then he’s pressing his tenting crotch against your thigh. “luckily, i feel the same way.”
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t mind that you offer to suck him off because he’s singing low moans into the echoing bathroom once you do, his hands on your cheeks as he pretty much fucks your face.
but then he remembers that hes determined to treat you and so he finds obligation in eating you out against the wall as you stretch one of your legs wide open. messy juice stains his mouth but now its your turn to tug at club bouncer!sukuna‘s hair as you caused you to writhe and buck your hips into his mouth.
but because he’s a menace, club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t let you dip after he’s made you cum twice. no, club bouncer!sukuna is fucking your sweet cunt whilst cursing every profanity he knows because you’re exactly what he needs and wants to willingly. and his walkie talkie is now requesting the both of you, unsure of where you were.
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t usually stay close to quick fucks — hasnt really got the heart to face them — but it’s something about you that makes him do something stupid, something so intimate.
whilst he’s zipping his trousers up and youre drying her blouse in the hand druer, club bouncer!sukuna groans.
“uhh…fuck. i dunno, man but…” club bouncer!sukuna kisses his teeth before nodding his head towards the door. “there’s a 24 hour food stop just up this street. you wanna grab somethin’ with me after our shifts?”
your eyes widen for a second but not for long. giggling with the man, you sweetly nod.
“sure. thought you’d never ask.” you say with a sigh of relief.
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seungmoonandstars · 4 months
first kiss with minnie? how he would approach it, and react
Let's do this again...
Kim Seungmin/female reader
wc: 1k
rating: fluff -`♡´-
He fidgets carelessly with the wrapper from his straw, ripping little pieces off of it, rolling it. Eventually, he knots it up like a pretzel. Seungmin pulls softly until the paper rips in half.
“Someone is thinking about you.”
“Hm?” He sits up and sets the wrapper on the table. “I’m sorry, I spaced out.” The drink by his hand is nearly finished, but he seems to have lost interest in his last few sips.
“Your straw paper,” you point to it, “the knot is still on the end. That means someone is thinking about you.”
He picks it up and examines it, “I’ve never heard that one,” now he finishes the last of his iced coffee, slurping hard and getting every last bit out. “Is it you?” Seungmin leans closer across the table and smirks.
“Yeah, I usually am thinking about you.”
A very obvious blush rises to Seungmin’s ears. His smirk turns into a full smile as he looks around, but there is nobody else to pry in on your date. It’s just the two of you here—Seungmin made sure of it.
It’s only your second real date, but it feels like you’ve known each other much longer. The two of you have danced around each other for months—avoiding eye contact, making excuses to not be in the same room.
Well, not you…that was all him.
When you finally figured him out a little, he eased up, gave you a shot…and now you’re here, alone together for the second time. He seems nervous. You’re not as nervous, you think, but him looking at you the way that he is—eyes soft and sweet—you’re getting butterflies.
Seungmin clears his throat and looks away, spins his cup in his hands, looks down at his hands. Altogether avoids eye contact. He likes looking at you, though, because he thinks your eyes are pretty and kind, and even though you sometimes have a pushy personality, you’ve never been like that alone with him.
You’ve only ever been sweet and patient with his stubbornness.
“Why?” He smiles and finds an interesting spot on the table to stare at, but you watch as they move to your hands. “What did I do to deserve that?” His eyes flutter at you, very briefly, when he asks. “To be on your mind so much?”
There is no answer for that, because Seungmin didn’t do anything. You just happen to catch him on stage—practicing, laughing, goofing off, and you fell hard. You were lucky to be there.
His eyes drop to your lips as you struggle to find the words.
“You don’t have to answer that…” he laughs softly and rubs at his cheeks, “but if it’s true—“
“It is true.”
“Oh,” he says it under his breath. Blushes. Tries to hide his smirk. He does a bad job of it, though.
“Sorry, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“You’re not. You’re very sweet.”
“Am I? I don’t get that much.”
“When it’s just us…yes, you are.” He’s still blushing, and stuttering a little as he speaks. “And when I’m around.” Seungmin slides his hand across the table and reaches for yours. “But I don’t get that much, either. Being sweet, I mean.”
“No, you don’t usually come off as sweet. You’re a little bit mysterious.”
“Me? Mysterious?”
You nod, “to me you are.”
“How do you plan on figuring me out?”
You pull him a little closer, “I haven’t decided yet,” and watch as his tongue pokes out between his lips. He smiles and it slowly disappears behind his teeth.
He lifts his free hand to cover his mouth.
“Don’t do that.” You grab his hand and pull a little. “No hiding your smile.”
“Only if you don’t hide your attitude.”
It feels like your mind goes blank…all fuzzy and static, when he leans in again. You feel the tip of his nose first—it pushes gently into yours before his lips reach you. They graze lightly, like he’s not sure if you’ll kiss back, and he’s afraid of pulling back with nothing in return.
He knows better than that, though, because you both go for it at the same time, and you think you almost hit your teeth against his. He corrects quickly though; pulls back a little, softens his touch. You meet right where you need to.
It feels like he wants more, so you open up a bit. His tongue runs across your bottom lip as it slides in, and he’s not shy about it anymore. He leans across the small table and kisses hard. You wish it wasn’t there, and you feel like he’s thinking the same thing. It’s all that’s keeping your bodies from touching, so…maybe it’s a good thing that it is there.
When he finally releases you, he stays there, eyes closed, like he’s not sure if he’s satisfied yet. It isn’t what you expected from him. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, really…you’re just relieved that he did it.
He’s not done. He kisses again. Just a simple little kiss. But still, he stays there. You open your eyes, and now his are open, too. A smile spreads across his face. There’s a feeling of warm hands moving over your forearm—sliding up, fingers spreading, gripping you gently. His gaze is impossible to break away from.
He kisses again, longer and deeper. You need to get closer, but that might be too much. This is a lot already. You weren’t prepared for him to kiss you like this, so you shut your brain up and enjoy it.
And then he pulls back to take in a deep breath. The bitter taste of his black coffee is all over your lips.
It seems like the perfect time to move away from the table and get closer, but you wait for him to make his next move. He watches you, too, probably waiting for your next move.
But neither of you move. Seungmin bites his lip in a failed attempt to hold back his smile.
You lean forward and rest your elbows on the table. “…well.
“Well…” he repeats, and he leans in too, until his nose is just against yours. “Until next time?” He sits back and stands.
If he’s a tease like this often, you’re looking forward to more. “Yeah…next time. When is next time?”
He squints his eyes and pretends to think, “I’m not sure. I will text you."
“Don’t leave me waiting.”
Seungmin smiles and walks out the door.
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honeypiehotchner · 1 year
Will you be my Valentine? (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- one shot
Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day! This one shot turned out to be a lot longer than I was expecting, hence why it’s being posted today instead of yesterday 😭 (Also the first scene with Garcia is 100% inspired by a TikTok I saw and the idea just spiraled from there)
Summary: Each time a new member of the BAU figured out Hotch had feelings for you...and when he finally told you.
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff babes. It’s vile how cute this is
WC: 3.6k
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Everyone knew Hotch had it bad from the first day you started working at the BAU.
There was a case on your very first day, so introductions were sparse before you boarded the jet. You met with Hotch, and the two of you talked briefly about how things work in general, though he said you’ll pick most of it up from actual experience.
The case was in Arizona, and it was a long one. But it didn’t take long for Garcia to see right through Hotch.
“So, um. How’s it going with the new agent?” Garcia asked, twirling her feathery pen back in Quantico.
Hotch shrugged. “Why are you asking me?”
“What is that in your voice?” Garcia said. She grinned. Say it ain’t so, she thought. Hotch, the Unit Chief, having a crush? This is too good. “Oh my god, you think she’s pretty.”
“Penelope--” he tried to stop her, to tell her she had it wrong because that would be wildly inappropriate, plus, his thinking that you were pretty had nothing to do with--
“Oh, you totally do!” Garcia giggled, ignoring his protests because he was deep in denial. Finally! A crush! “PG out, lover boy.”
He shook his head as she hung up on him, but he knew the blush was evident on his cheeks. He could feel it, so he knew everyone could see it.
Even you, who walked in a second later to ask him a question.
You saw the red tint on his cheeks, but thought nothing of it as he steeled his face once more before listening to your question.
A few months passed since you began at the BAU, and still Garcia was the only one privy to Hotch’s secret. He thought.
“Have a good night,” Hotch said quietly as he passed your desk. You were gathering your things to head out for the night.
“Don’t stay too late,” you teased, shouldering your bag. You noticed he had a fresh mug of coffee in his hand. “You need sleep too, you know.”
“I’ll try,” he said with a smile as he bounded the steps up to his office. “Sleep well.”
Rossi watched (and heard) this interaction from his office. He waited until he saw you disappear into the elevator before he knocked on Aaron’s door.
“Come in,” Hotch said, not looking up from the paperwork at his desk until he realized it was Dave. “Hey, heading out for the night?”
“Not yet,” Rossi said, sinking down into one of Hotch’s chairs. “So…what are your plans for the weekend?”
Hotch eyed Rossi suspiciously. Every time Rossi began with that, it meant one of three things: 1. He genuinely wanted to know what Hotch had going on this weekend, 2. He wanted Hotch to do something with him, or 3. He was digging.
Digging for what exactly, Hotch never knew. Until Rossi caved and outright asked.
“What do you think of Y/N?”
Hotch shrugged. He continued working on the paperwork to distract himself. “She’s doing really well. She adapted quickly. I’ve been very impressed. Strauss has too.”
Rossi hummed. “Well, that sounded rehearsed.”
Hotch looked up from the papers, giving Rossi a tired stare. “What?”
“I asked what you think of her,” Rossi repeated, smiling smugly. “Not how she’s doing at her job.”
“What’s the difference?” Hotch returned to signing off reports.
“Oh, come on, Aaron,” Dave sat forward, tapping the desk. “I’m not that dense. And neither are you. You think she’s cute.”
“She’s very pretty,” Aaron answered without hesitation, regretting it immediately because it only gave Rossi more ammo.
“I knew it,” Dave grinned, sitting back again and clasping his hands together. “Well?”
Finally, Hotch put his pen down. “Well what?”
“Are you going to do something about it?”
Aaron grimaced. “You make it sound like it’s a problem.”
“It is if you never tell her,” Rossi pressed. He had lectured Aaron many times on the dangers of never telling a woman how you feel about her. Especially when it was clear she felt the same way.
“It’s inappropriate,” Hotch said, reverting to his usual defense.
“You’re both adults, clearly capable of making your own decisions,” Rossi replied with a shrug. Aaron knew that Rossi was the reason the No Fraternization rule existed, but he also knew Rossi was the first to say how much bullshit that rule was ladened with. “I don’t see the problem.”
Hotch glanced back down, scribbled a signature on Morgan’s report and tossed it aside, opening yours. He paused. “For one thing,” he started, flipping open your folder. “I don’t know how she feels.”
Dave stared at Aaron, wondering if the man across from him was being serious. As it turned out, Aaron was.
“If you saw what I did earlier, then you’d know she does,” Dave said.
Aaron shrugged again. “She’s nice to me because I’m her boss.”
“She’s civil toward you because you’re her boss,” Rossi clarified. “She’s nice because she feels the same way you do.”
Aaron sighed. He knew Dave meant well, but it was exhausting to listen to him. Aaron wanted to say something to you, but at the end of the day, he was your boss, and you his employee. It didn’t sit right with him. And if he ever did say something, that would be the first topic of conversation. It was too complicated.
Not to mention, he had only known you for a few months, and all of that time consisted of work settings -- save a few nights at bars or restaurants with some of the team.
“Ah, I see,” Dave said, nodding slowly. He stood up to leave.
“See what?” Aaron asked before Dave made it to the door.
“You’re too far in your head about this,” Dave said quietly. “Once you get out, you’ll know what to do.” And he left.
Aaron stared down at your report, your perfect handwriting. It looked far better than his, and miles better than Reid’s. It was very clearly yours, too. It fit your personality.
He closed the folder. The rest could wait until morning.
Not long after Hotch’s talk with Rossi, Morgan was the next to put the pieces together -- and say something about it.
On the jet returning home from yet another case, everyone slept, except Hotch, Morgan, and Rossi. Reid curled up on the couch. Emily and JJ fell asleep in their seats, and you had taken over two other seats to stretch out. No one minded. Morgan gave you his jacket, against your protests. Hotch wished he had given you his, but Morgan had beat him to it.
Morgan noticed Hotch watching you wistfully while you slept, looking up every now and again from his tablet to check on you. Hotch’s eyes shot toward you impossibly fast every time you moved, watching for a moment to be sure you were alright before he looked away again.
After watching this for an hour, Morgan moved from his spot by Rossi to sit in front of Hotch.
“Hey,” Hotch said, nodding to Derek. “Can’t sleep?”
Morgan shrugged, biting back a grin. “I got a cat nap in. You?”
“I’ll sleep better in my bed,” Hotch replied. “I’m a little too tall for these seats.”
“Yeah, you always looked scrunched up,” Derek teased, jokingly mimicking the position Hotch once tried to sleep in. He woke up with one hell of a catch in his back. “Can I ask you a question?”
Hotch looked up, suspicious and a little scared. “Sure.”
Derek opened his mouth to speak and you shifted in your sleep again, causing Aaron’s eyes to shoot over toward you. His eyebrows drew together as he watched you, waiting for you to settle back down.
By the time Hotch looked back over, Morgan was smirking.
“What was your question?” Hotch asked.
“That right there,” Morgan replied, lowering his voice a little just to be sure you wouldn’t catch any of it. “What’s goin’ on?”
“What?” Hotch asked, feigning innocence, but he could feel the heat rising in his cheeks, and the smile he wasn’t able to hold back. “I don’t, uh-- What do you mean?”
“You should tell her,” Morgan said, starting to grin. “You really should.”
What Hotch didn’t know is that exactly two days before this, you confessed your feelings to Morgan. Only because he caught you smiling at Hotch, and you knew he wouldn’t give it up. Also because you were starting to go a little crazy, holding it in. But you called it a stupid crush and said it would go away. Derek didn’t believe you.
“No,” Hotch said, but he kept smiling. “I can’t.”
“Why not?” Derek shrugged. “What’s the harm?”
Hotch stayed quiet, looked back down. He shook his head.
“Hotch, you gotta put yourself out there,” Derek whispered. “And you gotta do it before you’re too late.”
Hotch nodded slowly. He should’ve known you’d have someone else on your horizons. You’re much younger, far prettier than he ever thought to be real. No wonder someone else took notice. No wonder someone else was ahead of him.
“Seriously,” Morgan pressed a little further. “Valentine’s Day is coming up, y’know. Perfect timing.”
Hotch chuckled softly, shaking his head at Morgan’s wicked grin. “Alright.”
Emily and JJ realized it at the same time you did, though you told yourself you were overthinking and making it all up.
Hotch had bought your coffee.
It didn’t seem that strange, or romantic even. You happened to be at a coffee shop down the street, waiting in line to order when Hotch got in line behind you.
The two of you talked while you waited. What a happy coincidence, both of you were there before work. Your heart fluttered with every word he said, every smile he showed and laugh he let slip. Even his jokes, you were flustered beyond belief.
And then he got your coffee for you.
He asked, and you were so shocked that you said yes. You couldn’t stop smiling and neither could he.
Truthfully, Aaron was over the moon. His heart was beating like crazy, and he wondered if you noticed his nervous laughter. (You did.)
When you got back to the BAU, walking in together caught Emily and JJ’s attention. Reid was in the middle of a book, and Derek was nowhere to be found (probably off with Penelope). But Emily and JJ immediately tuned in.
“Hey you two,” you smiled, walking around to your desk.
“Hey yourself,” Emily grinned, keeping an eye on Hotch as he walked up to his office, smiling to himself. “You’re in a good mood.”
“A very good mood,” JJ echoed, propping herself up on the corner of her desk. “You and Hotch got coffee?”
“Yeah,” you replied, thinking nothing of it. “I just ran into him at my usual place.”
Emily and JJ shared a look, raising their eyebrows.
“Just ran into him?” JJ asked, shrugging her shoulders.
“…yeah?” you laughed. “What about it?”
“Did he buy your coffee?” Emily asked quietly, biting back a grin. “That’s…” She cocked her head, giving you a look.
“It’s what?”
“It sounds like he likes you,” Reid piped up, eyes still focused on his book. “It was a romantic gesture.”
Reid had known for a while. He kept it to himself, though, because nine times out of ten, when he first picks up on these things, no one else has yet. And if he mentions it, it’s often invasive and people get defensive, because it’s something they don’t want to think about.
So, he’s kept it quiet. But he has noticed. And now it’s getting obvious.
Your mouth remained open in shock. Hotch? Having a crush on you? That seemed ridiculous. Impossible, even. He’s your boss, for crying out loud. Not to mention, older and…does he even date? He doesn’t talk about his personal life. You know he’s divorced, but that’s it.
“No,” you laughed awkwardly. “I mean, I buy my coffee for my friends all the time. I’ve bought you guys coffee,” you gestured to Emily and JJ. “It’s fine, right?”
“It’s fine,” Emily shrugged. “Yeah, it’s fine, it’s not anything serious.”
“Just a coffee,” JJ agreed, although both of them still didn’t fully believe you.
It was friendly, sure, but the kind of friendly that had romantic undertones and intentions.
But you didn’t want to think about that because it felt impossible. They were reading too far into it, that’s all.
It’s a running joke that joining the BAU is a death sentence for your love life, so it’s a regular conversation, that’s all.
That’s all, you told yourself. That’s all.
The BAU rang in February with a new case, this one in Alabama. It took a week or so to solve, and by the end of it, you were all exhausted. Yet you needed to eat, so the team went out for dinner.
Somehow — you never really know how this happens — the conversation veered toward Valentine’s Day. Derek brought it up, purely because he and Penelope are planning to spend it together watching the worst rom-coms imaginable.
“I don’t know, it just kinda bums me out. I never look forward to it,” you said, expecting to be in the majority at the table, but you weren’t.
“What?” Derek said. “We’ve gotta change that.”
You smiled at him, though it felt like he was pitying you.
“Why does it bum you out?” Hotch asked earnestly.
You hadn’t expected him to say anything, let alone to ask you a question. “Because,” you started. “I guess I just see all these happy couples, and the cards and balloons and flowers and chocolates and it’s— It’s just too much to look at.”
“You know, most of the happiest couples on Valentine’s Day are actually struggling in their relationship,” Reid said, mid-chew.
“What statistics back that one up, pretty boy?” Morgan teased.
“Just an observation,” Reid shrugged, swallowing.
“I know,” you replied. “I know statistically — also just from experience — that they’re not that happy, but still. They still look it. And it’s, you know, it’s sad.” You paused, not wanting to finish your sentence but you knew you had to because you dug this hole for yourself. “Because…I know that I’ll never have that.”
“What makes you say that?” Hotch asked, his voice quiet with concern.
“Yeah, Y/N,” Emily said, her face sad as she shook her head solemnly. “You don’t know that.”
“But…I do.” Your smile was a soft, sad one born from acceptance. “I never have had it, and it just seems so unlikely for me. Besides, I don’t want to be pretending to be happy and in love. That would be worse than being single.”
“Not everyone is pretending,” Hotch said, his eyes soft.
“Maybe,” you shrugged. “I didn’t mean to take over the table, guys. Let’s— JJ, what are you and Will doing?”
The conversation went back into safer territory, as JJ told the table that her and Will would probably do something small after Henry went to bed. Or maybe a dinner, after Spencer offered to babysit.
“Yeah, or I could babysit,” you offered. “You guys should have a date.”
“Uh, you should too,” Emily said. “You’ll find someone.”
“Considering Valentine’s Day is in three days, I doubt it.”
The table was silent for a moment, but Rossi broke it. “You’ll find someone,” he said with his small smile. “You’ll see.”
You rolled your eyes. It wasn’t unlike Rossi to talk like a fortune cookie.
Aaron wanted to throw up.
Well, he wouldn’t go that far, but he certainly was nervous. He didn’t even know if you’d show up.
But he waited. Inside the coffee shop, at a table by the window, he waited. The barista kept giving him this look, like she pitied him because it was Valentine’s Day and he was sitting at a table for two. Alone.
He texted you and asked if you wanted to grab coffee, but you hadn’t texted him back — yet. Still, he needed something to do today, so he came anyway.
Why did he give everyone the day off? He felt ridiculous.
What Aaron didn’t know was that a few miles away, you felt even more ridiculous.
“It’s not even a date!” you cried over the phone. “What the hell am I so worked up for?”
“Because you like him!” Penelope gushed. “And he clearly likes you. Oh, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!”
You laughed at her as you worked your boots over your heels. “Relax, Pen.”
“I won’t!”
“Okay, well, I need to go because he texted like…an hour ago and I’m not even on the way. God, what if he’s already left? I bet he—”
“Shush! No more! You have a hot date and no room for self-doubt, now go!”
“Fine, fine, I’m going. Let me text him that I’m leaving— Penelope.”
Your heart dropped out of your ass. There, staring back at you, was your text message that you meant to send an hour ago. You forgot to hit send.
“I forgot to hit send!” you screamed, flying toward the front door. “I’m such an ass!”
“No you’re not!” Penelope yelled back. “Call him!”
“I can’t!”
“I will literally add him to this call right now if you don’t—”
“Don’t you dare!” You promptly hung up with her and called Aaron. “Come on, pick up. Pick up, please, pick up—”
“Hi!” you sounded out of breath. “Hi, I’m so sorry. I’m such an idiot. I meant to text you back, but it didn’t send, and I know that sounds like a stupid excuse, but I swear it’s true—”
“If you’ve already left, that’s okay, God I feel so bad—”
“Y/N,” he said again. He sounded like he was smiling. “It’s okay,” he chuckled. “I haven’t been here that long.” He had. But you didn’t need to know that, because it was irrelevant. He would wait years for you.
“I’m on my way now, I swear to god,” you said, laughing a little. “Give me five minutes and I’ll be there.”
“Do you want your usual?” he asked.
Your heart skipped a beat. He knew your order. Your usual. “Yeah,” you said. “Please. Thank you.”
“No problem,” he replied, still smiling. “I’ll have it waiting for you.”
Relief. “You’re the best.”
By the time you made it to the coffee shop, Aaron did, in fact, have your coffee waiting for you. Along with your favorite pastry from their bakery. Today, it had a pink heart on it.
He stood to his feet when he saw you come in. You looked flustered, yes, but beautiful beyond measure. He didn’t know if he was going to be able to stop himself from fainting.
You felt the same way. Seeing him out of the suit never ceased to amaze you. He wore a nice black button down today with jeans. He still looked unbelievably handsome, his hair fluffier than usual, not as slicked down as he does it for work.
“What’s all this?” you asked, sheepish. A red rose laid across the table, your favorite pastry sat next to your coffee. It was all so…sweet. “Aaron, you didn’t have to…”
He shrugged. “I wanted it to be special.”
He sat down after you did, his stomach doing somersaults. He didn’t want to point you in the direction of his question so blatantly, but he was getting impatient. He just wanted to blurt it.
Before he could, though, you turned your cup toward you and saw the writing on the side. There, in Hotch’s unmistakable all-caps handwriting, was one question: Will you be my Valentine?
You gasped, then pouted, shocked by it all, but so, so happy. Deep down, you wanted this to happen, but you never let yourself believe that it really could or that it really was.
“Really?” you asked him, looking up from the writing.
He nodded slowly, a soft smile spreading across his lips. “I know you said you don’t like the holiday, but I thought you at least deserved to have a happy one. At least once.”
You didn’t know what to say. “That’s… That’s so sweet, Aaron, wow, okay. Yes.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Yes what?”
You grinned. He’s so cute. “I’ll be your Valentine.”
“Oh!” he laughed. “Right. Sorry, I’m so nervous.”
“Me too,” you confessed. “I was on the phone with Garcia before I came-- She knows, by the way. She insisted this was a date, but I told her not to be delusional and-- Is this a date?”
“If you want it to be,” he said. “I’d like that.”
“I’d like that too,” you murmured. “A lot.”
“Would you like to…” his voice trailed away. “I am so bad at this.”
Instinctively, your hand reached across the table and rested on his. “No you’re doing great!”
He smiled, his cheeks flushing red at your touch. He turned his hand over and clasped his fingers around yours. “Would you like to do this again? I don’t want this to just be today. I’d like to…see where this goes.”
“Me too,” you breathed, so relieved you could almost cry. “I’d love that.”
“And,” he added, enveloping your hand in both of his. “Penelope was the first to know. She saw right through me.”
“When?” you laughed. It was hard to imagine Penelope Garcia cornering Aaron Hotchner on something like this.
“I think it was your first case,” he admitted, the blush seeming permanent on his cheeks now. “I guess how I spoke on the phone gave me away.”
“The first day?” Honestly, it gave you a bit of an ego boost.
He nodded. “The very first.”
“That’s…adorable.” There was nothing else to it.
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
19 - ᴅᴏᴜʙʟᴇ ᴘᴇɴᴇᴛʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ - ʏᴜɴʜᴏ/ꜱᴀɴ
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ꜱʜᴀʀɪɴɢ ɪꜱ ᴄᴀʀɪɴɢ
pairing: vampire! yunho x witch! reader (fem) x werewolf! san
genre: fantasy au, smut, a little baby pinch of humor 🤏🏼
summary: you teach your bickering boyfriends to get along with a fun group activity.
w.c: 3.5k
warnings: poly relationship (it’s a work in progress), mxm, dom! yunho, dom! san, sub! reader, olfactophilia, pet names, name calling, degradation, praise, lots of spit involved (surprise, surprise), oral (receiving), breeding kink, slight bulge kink, fingering, kissing, double penetration in both holes (unprotected), creampies
a/n: after i finished typing this up it was like niagara falls in this bitch 😵‍💫 jshdgdhd so it’s safe to say i might’ve actually gone insane this time <3
FFF Masterlist
As a witch attending a magic academy, it was only natural that you’d encounter supernatural beings of all kinds. Ones that were bigger and stronger than you. More powerful and a lot more equipped when it came to spell casting. Despite this, you felt like you knew enough about the dark arts to take care of yourself. Whether it came to emotional conflict or actual threats of danger, you could handle it without issues. Though things became difficult in a way you never anticipated.
Halfway through the semester, you decided to open yourself up to two new lovers, ones that were having a hard time getting along — though it was sort of expected. One was a ravenous, moody werewolf and the other was a haughty, refined vampire. They were like night and day. Their clans were mortal enemies, only tolerating each other because they weren't allowed to break the strict laws that were enforced throughout the land, or else they faced governmental punishment. Maybe you didn’t think it all the way through, but then again, you were happy and so were they, but they just needed a little help adjusting to each other.
Lazing around in the unmade bed of your rowdy, rambunctious boyfriend, you buried your face into one of his pillows, inhaling his comforting scent. Strong accents of warm spiced cinnamon entered your system, along with the musky-sweet smell of leaves. He must’ve been rolling around in the woods near the academy again. How cute of him. You slowly turned over to look at the door when you heard a voice that was too light and sultry to be his.
“There you are, Darling.” Yunho sighed, stepping past the open dorm door, taking three large strides across the room, already near your side and running his long, cold fingers up the side of your bare figure. “Why are you at this clan’s house instead of mine?” His nose scrunched up for a second, not used to the musk of werewolf dens. “You said that you were coming to see me today.” 
“Hey, Yunnie.” When he sat down on the bed, you reached up to run your fingers up his perfectly ironed, gold-laced button up blazer, unbuttoning the first button to see his chest peak out underneath. “I was going to, but San wanted me to stay longer. He just had a collar delivered, and he wanted me to see it.” 
Yunho’s friendly disposition soured at the mention of the werewolf, watching you unbutton the second and third button on his top, but not acknowledging it. “Once that mutt is done with his little show and tell, you’ll come to my dorm so I can have you to myself, alright?” 
“You have to learn to share, baby...” Just as you were going to express your disapproval of the word ‘mutt’, someone beat you to it. 
“Mutt?” San stood in the doorway, his large canines already on display for Yunho to see. Not wasting a single second, he slammed the door behind him, pounced on the bed behind you and pulled your body back against his broad bare chest, his muscular arms wrapping protectively around you. “You come into my clan’s home unannounced looking like an undead Englishman, insult me, then you try to steal my Y/N? Are you trying to die?!” 
 “Undead Englishman? This is made of the finest material a dog like you could only dream of wearing.” Yunho scoffed, rolling his bright crimson eyes at the other male, still not saying anything when you continued to unbutton his blazer. 
“Call me a dog again,” San threatened in a raspy voice, leaning over your naked body to growl in Yunho’s face, his golden irises forming into slits. “Say it so I can see if you can still talk after I rip your vocal cords out of your throat.” 
Wanting to prevent a catastrophic fight from breaking out, you reached up towards San, playing with the shiny new leather collar that adorned his freckled neck. “Sannie, this is so cute! You look so handsome with your new collar~” 
San’s large black ears flattened slightly into his wild raven hair, his anger melting away within seconds. “Handsome?” he questioned, slowly lowering himself onto the bed, his half-clothed body pressing into yours, nuzzling your neck with the side of his head. “Do you really mean that? 
You ran your fingers through his hair, stroking the tip of one of his ears, causing him to let out a low whine, his tail wagging a bit. “Of course, silly…You’re my very handsome boy~” 
“Yay,” San murmured softly, a light blush forming on his angular cheekbones, his fluffy tail wrapping around one of your thighs. “I’m Y/N’s handsome boy, Yunho. Not you.” He stuck his tongue out at the vampire, ears twitching slightly, feeling more playful than bloodthirsty.  
“Sannie, baby, Yunho’s handsome too. Try to get along with him, okay? Can you do that for me?” you asked in a gentle voice, pressing your lips to San’s neck just above the collar and stroking his velvety tail, making him nod and whine again, sounding more needy. 
Yunho chuckled, taking one of your hands and running his thumb over your knuckles. “That’s all it takes, huh? What a simple creature.” 
You turned your head to shoot the vampire a fiery look, gritting your teeth. “Yunho, don’t start that up. Or else.” 
“Or else, what, my lovely plaything?” the vampire asked in a low tone, undoing the last button on his blazer and sliding it off, his chiseled porcelain body now on display.
“I’m surprised he’s not sparkling like in that one movie you showed me a couple weeks back,” San murmured into your ear, making you hold a finger up to his lips to shush him. 
Not caring to listen to the werewolf’s comment, Yunho laid down on the bed to press himself against your bare backside, his half-hard cock against your ass and his lips near your ear. “Or else what, princess? Or else you won’t let me fuck you until you’re too dick-drunk to function?” He feigned a small pout, nudging your neck with his nose and running his fangs across it, trying to ignore how much San marked you that particular night. “I thought you loved that.”
Taking notice of Yunho’s scent, which was giving off strong notes of oak aged vanilla, with small hints of citrus, you licked your lips and slowly exhaled when he just barely punctured your neck with his fangs. You didn’t bother stopping him from sliding a hand past your hip and in between your legs, allowing him to brush his fingers over your clit. “If you don’t stop being mean to San, I’ll put a spell on you that’ll make you hard forever…” 
“Mm, but you’d like that, wouldn’t you, Darling?” he returned, licking the blood that dribbled from your neck, causally slapping San’s hand away when he tried to play with your pussy as well, causing him to growl. “You’d let me fuck you day in and day out, wouldn’t you?” 
Leaning your head back and turning Yunho’s jaw to face you, you pressed kisses along his jaw, replying, “Only if you learn to share your plaything.” When he licked his lips, you grabbed the vampire’s hand to keep it still, allowing San to slip two large fingers inside you to scissor them apart, then quickly pump them in and out. “Yeah, that’s it, Sannie, just like that. Good boyyyy,” you addressed your other boyfriend, giggling at the werewolf’s toothy grin, his tail thumping against the mattress from your praise. Acknowledging Yunho’s twitching fingers, you let his hand go, looking down to watch their hands begin to work in tandem with one another, supplying you an intoxicating amount of pleasure. 
With your lower half lifted up into the air with your left leg hiked up over one of San’s solid shoulders, he rubbed and grabbed at your hickey-covered ass, sucking and licking at the bottom half of your slick cunt from in front of you. “Mmn, Y/N, so sweet…” he mumbled against your mound, slowly slurping up your arousal and spitting it back out, then moving the dripping mess around with his fingers. With his back towards you, Yunho sat on his knees facing San, clutching the inside of your other thigh and keeping it out of his way, his mouth latched onto you, swiping at your throbbing clit with his long forked tongue.
“F-uuuck, that feels good,” you breathed out, grabbing and pulling at the sheets, barely able to handle the visual of Yunho and San both lapping at your cunt, the vampire administering longer, steadier strokes with his tongue, which was quite different from the way the werewolf was licking your soaked folds and salivating on your slit like you were a juicy steak he was about to devour. “Oh my god, I’m gonna cum…” 
“Cum, baby,” they answered in unison, their voices low and gravelly, both consumed with their lust for you, not even caring when their tongues began to overlap. Yunho glanced up at San, his wide tongue spreading out over the expanse of your cunt, swiping from your clit down to your pulsing hole. Eyes narrowed, San pushed two fingers inside you to make you feel full, rubbing your g-spot in a way that made you cry out desperately from the intense pleasure. “Cumming! I’m cumming…!”  you yelled out, tears stinging the corners of your eyes from how overstimulated you were becoming. San pulled his creamy fingers out of you, but continued licking your cunt to collect your cum, until his tongue started to drag up and down Yunho’s, their spit mixing together with the influx of arousal. 
“Give me,” the vampire mumbled, grabbing the werewolf’s hand and bringing it to his mouth to lick the thick strings of cum and spit from his spread fingers. San watched with glazed-over eyes, leaning in to lick at his own fingers as well, their tongues entwining now and then. Yunho slurped the mixed fluids up into his mouth and grabbed San by the jaw, spitting it onto his tongue. “You like that, huh?” the vampire questioned, chuckling when San nodded, watching with interest as the werewolf started to let a thick wad of spit drip down his chin, encouraging Yunho to lap it up and swallow it down. 
You whimpered softly from what was occurring in front of you. Not only was it the hottest thing you’ve ever seen in your life, it felt almost orgasmic to witness your boyfriends finally getting along in such a filthy way. 
Once they were both satisfied, they simultaneously licked their lips and pulled out their heavy, throbbing cocks from the confines of their pants. They had a stare-down for a while, ravenous and thirsty for you, wanting to bury themselves deep inside your cunt as quickly as possible. Yunho spoke up first, claiming, “I made her cum when I sucked on her clit, so I should get to fuck her first.” 
San shook his head, countering, “She came once I finger-fucked her, so it’s actually my turn.” 
Yunho peered at the werewolf, about to argue with him when you interrupted him, “Just fuck me at the same time. It’s not that serious.” 
Never considering that to be a solution, Yunho and San exchanged glances, their glistening lips forming perverse smiles. “I’ll fuck her tight little ass and you’ll fuck her pretty cunt?” Yunho suggested, reaching out to shake San’s hand. San nodded his head adamantly, clutching the vampire’s hand and giving it a firm shake, the both of them sharing a series of delighted chuckles.
No matter what background they were from, men were kind of odd. Oh well, at least they weren’t fighting anymore. Instead, they were about to work together so that they could stuff themselves inside you. Team work. We love to see it.
Growling and making guttural noises from his collared throat, San shoved his cock as deep into your cunt as he possibly could, wanting to ensure that he would fill you up with his pups one day. “Gonna breed you, baby…Gonna make you a mommy,” the werewolf huffed out, drool leaking past his lips, angling his head downward, his eyes zoning in on the faint outline of his cock being forced in and out of your lower stomach. 
“Sounds good, Sannie,” you moaned out, barely able to get a deep breath in from being sandwiched in between the large men, laying on your side on the warm mattress, thankful that Yunho was holding your right thigh up from behind you, his cock sliding in and out of your other hole. You felt a piercing sensation on your collarbone, knowing Yunho was taking a healthy portion of your life source.
"So sweet...my Darling, your blood..." Yunho mumbled against your skin, licking and sucking at the bruising skin, unable to keep his breathing under control. "God, you drive me crazy. I just-"
San's loud growls and groans interrupted the vampire's train of thought, making him grow irritated. San had his head leaned down over your chest, eagerly sucking your tits into his mouth one at a time, nibbling, licking, and slobbering all over them. 
Disgusted, Yunho scowled across your shoulder at San, questioning harshly, “Why do you always have to make such a mess all the time? Dumb dog.”
San pursed his lips and let out a few long strings of spit onto your shiny tits, his golden eyes narrowing at Yunho’s crimson ones. “Because she loves it, onion boy.”
Yunho bared his blood-stained fangs at San, growling, “Onion boy?! That’s literally an old wive’s tale, you absolute d–”
They were both fully sheathed inside your holes, pumping themselves into you over and over again and they couldn't stop arguing even for a moment? How rude. Trying to focus on how heavy and warm your lower half was beginning to feel, your arousal coating the both of their moving cocks, you huffed dramatically, injecting, “Jesus Christ, will you two just fucking focus?”
Rolling his eyes, Yunho started sucking on your neck again, quietly sipping on your blood, still pounding his cock steadily into your ass. Hearing the loud, whiny-sounding moans you were letting out, he chuckled to himself, asking huskily, “You’re such a dirty little witch, aren’t you? Is one cock not enough for you now? You need two now just to cum?” 
San nodded his head in agreement, his shaggy black hair bouncing along with his movements, unable to respond verbally, too concentrated on making sure his pre-cum was reaching your womb, desperately wanting to fill you with his kin.
Personally, you didn't want to admit that you were a slutty little witch, in desperate need of being filled by your boyfriends as much as humanly possible. So, you simply shook your head, exhaling, "No...that's not it...It's so you two can finally get along..."
Yunho dragged his tongue up your neck to your jaw, nipping at it, grabbing your ass roughly and sighing into your ear, “Darling, you say that you’re doing this so that I get along with San, but you really just wanted both of your slutty little holes to be filled up at once, huh?” 
Inhaling sharply at the sensation of both Yunho and San slowing down their thrusts, allowing you to feel every inch of them rubbing against your slick, plush walls, you searched for an excuse inside your clouded mind. “This is a bonding experience for you two, so you can finally stop–unnh–bickering,” you argued back, leaning your head back on Yunho’s collarbone, panting heavily. “How does it feel being cock to cock with my Sannie? Tell me, Yunnie.” 
Leaning his head back, San let out a small howl, overwhelmed by the constant stimulation. Not only was he able to mark you with his scent, and pump his cock into your breeding hole, but he was also able to hear you call him yours. It felt so good, so good he started to drool again. 
Blushing, Yunho pressed his cold sweaty cheek onto yours, glancing over at San, not wanting to admit that it felt good when their cocks rubbed against one another. “It could feel worse, I guess.” 
San snapped out of his daze to growl, “Liar. I can feel your stupid, undead cock throbbing against mine!” 
Yunho blushed harder, the color now reaching his pointed ears. “That’s because I’m inside my Darling’s tight little hole, you dumb m–”
“That’s enough!” you shouted, reaching back to grab the back of Yunho’s head and leaning forward into San’s chest, pushing his head in the opposite direction, now sandwiched tightly between one extremely cool body and one that was radiating heat off of it like it was the surface of the sun. “Kiss and make up, or else I’ll recite a spell that’ll turn the both of you into vibrators.” 
It took a few seconds for the both of them to internally admit to themselves that they found each other to be extremely attractive, despite their differences. San made the first move, having to squish you against his large upper half to press his lips onto Yunho's, already swiping his tongue across the vampire's lower lip. One heated kiss led to another, and soon enough, San was lapping at Yunho’s tongue and sucking on it, his drool dripping down onto your face below. Yunho groaned periodically, his cock throbbing heavily inside you, eventually grabbing San’s face to deepen the kiss, shoving his tongue inside and moving it around to assert his dominance. 
You almost felt like you were under a spell yourself, watching their tongues and lips meet in a fervid manner, noticing how they occasionally used their fangs to bite at each other’s swollen lips, their mixed saliva dripping onto your flushed face now and then. “Kiss me too…” you eventually whispered to the both of them, watching them slowly split apart, the hatred in their eyes gone and instead filled with intrepid lust. 
Without hesitation, San slotted his lips onto yours, moaning into your mouth, his ears flattening down. It's desperate, full of passion and need, his teeth clinking against yours from how fast he’s moving his mouth against yours.
You could barely handle how much pleasure you were feeling, your cunt pulsing and dripping so much slick, you were surprised either of your boyfriends could even stay inside. "Gonna cum..." you moaned into San's mouth, tears forming inside the corners of your eyes.
Yunho suddenly grabbed your chin and moved it towards him, kissing you in a more deliberate manner, allowing you to savor every swipe of his tongue and the faint taste of your own blood. He started to buck his hips up into you, sloppy and desperate, breaking the kiss to groan, "I'm gonna fill this slutty little hole up with my load, princess."
"Fuck, Y/N...I'm cumming...you're gonna be a mommy for me, baby...my pretty mommy...full of my pups..." San grabbed onto one of your hips, digging his fingers into your soft flesh, suddenly emitting harsh, animal-like noises, fucking his own load into you as deep as he possibly could, wanting to make sure it reached your womb.
You couldn't even announce your own orgasm, only able to let out a strained scream, your eyes rolling back into your skull. Your arousal squirted out of you, coating both of your boyfriend's cocks, some of it forming a small puddle on the sheets below.
The three of you laid there in a pile, huffing and puffing, simply looking at one another's flushed, fucked-out faces. The three of you exchanged quiet 'i love you's', until you sat up and jumped up from the bed, a large amount of cum dribbling out of you and down your legs.
"What's wrong, Darling?" Yunho questioned, casually holding his arm out for San to join him, the werewolf laying down on the vampire's chest and looking up at you with a puzzled expression.
"Your cum...it's all coming out of me..." you whined, squeezing your thighs together. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." And with that, you ran out of the dorm room to the bathroom across the hall as quick as you could. When you left, Yunho and San exchanged glances, their lips slowly curling up into the same suggestive smiles.
"Alright, that's better," you sighed to yourself, walking back into the room, only to stop in your tracks, a strong zap of arousal immediately striking your core. Were you seeing things right? You rubbed your eyes and blinked. San was sitting in Yunho's large lap, rutting against the vampire like a bitch in heat with his head leaned back, his tail curled around Yunho's thigh. Not only that, but Yunho had put one of San's leashes on for him, holding the end of it with a tight grip, suddenly yanking on it so that it San down onto him, causing their open mouths to meet.
"Hey!" you called out, a hand on your hip.
They both jumped, pulling away from each other to look up at you.
Your fake angry face disappeared and was quickly replaced with a wide smile. You giggled with delight, closing the door and running towards them to jump onto the bed. "Make room for me!" They laughed in unison and wrapped their limbs around you, pressing kisses to your face and neck.
"Darling," Yunho sighed happily, nuzzling your neck with his cheek, holding you close to him. San nuzzled you as well, giving your cheek a small affectionate lick, adding, "My Y/N....ready for round two?"
Despite the odds, it seemed this naughty fairytale had a happy ending, after all. A very happy ending. 
FFF: @hwalysm @scuzmunkie @creativechaoticloner @dilucpegg3r @yeosxxx @gemjimin @wonwowzers @sanjoongie @manipulatedstars @k-drizzle 
Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
© toxicccred, 2023.
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Potential part 2 to Bridge Over Troubled Water. Maybe something about them finally confessing their feelings, or the reader finishing their degree and Mel is worried about seeing them less thinking they're going back to working in the suburbs but maybe they get transferred to Abbott. That's if you're feeling up to it of course
So... this took way longer than anticipated, but it's here, and she's done (and as always unedited). I hope you enjoy!
Bridge Over Troubled Water Pt 2
Part 1.
WC: 5.5k (exactly!)
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Since the two of you finally confessed your feelings for each other, you’ve found the balance between work and home life as well as the dynamic between the two of you as teacher and aide. Really, not much has changed- you can’t blame Ava for having figured the two of you out before even you two knew what there was with the two of you. 
That was two semesters ago, and you’re quickly approaching the end of your masters degree. You’ve been seeing Melissa for a little over a year, and it’s been great. She’s your best friend, the best mentor, and the biggest supporter for you when you need to be told it’s going to be okay in terms of your graduate degree. But now that’s almost finished. You have three more final papers to write, one group presentation, and a speech to finish, and then you’ll have your masters in reading.
“You’re doing great, hon,” your girlfriend tells you as you type away furiously at your laptop at her kitchen island.
You jump nearly a foot in the air. You had been so focused on your paper that you didn’t even realize she had moved from her station at the stove to right behind you. 
“Jesus, Mel,” you chuckle once your shock wears off. “Give a girl some warning first.”
She wraps her arms around your shoulders and kisses the top of your head. “I thought you saw me move from the stove. Sorry, babe.”
You turn red. “My bad.”
“It’s alright, amore. You were focused on your paper, and I’m so proud of you.”
“I can’t wait to be done with it all,” you sigh. 
“You’re almost there,” she tells you. “And then you can just relax through the end of the school year with me and figure everything else out during the summer.”
You worry your lip through your teeth. “I think I’ve figured out what I’m doing already though.”
“Oh?” She raises an eyebrow. “And what would that be?”
You close your laptop and turn around in her arms. “I think I’m going to go back to the school I was at before- at least for a little bit. I know I have job security there, and the principal already asked me about returning to finish out the school year for one of the old second grade teachers who has to go out on maternity leave- at least to finish up the school year.”
“What?” she sounds shocked. “And you’re going to-“
“I think I have to if I want any sort of job security for next year,” you tell her. “But I’ll still do everything I can to-“
“You’re just going to leave the kids like that? Leave me like that?”
“Baby, it isn’t like that,” you whisper and pull her in closer. “You know how the teaching career paths are. And I know that my old school finishes before Abbott, so I can come in for the last week with you, and-“
Melissa takes a shaky breath. “You have to do what’s best for you, as much as it kills me… have you told anyone else?”
“Just Ava,” you mumble. “I was going to tell you tomorrow when we went out for dinner.”
“Okay.” She bites her lip. She knows you have to do what’s best for you, and she knows you’re right. You need job security. And she’ll be fine with the two classes together again; the two of you have pretty much figured out how to teach both classes seamlessly. But now she’s worried about how this is going to affect the relationship between the two of you- she won’t see you nearly as much.
“Please tell me you’re not mad,” you practically beg her.
“I’m not,” she tells you truthfully. “Just thinking about how the kids are going to miss you… how I’ll miss you.”
“You’ll see me,” you promise her. “We’re dating.”
“I know,” she sighs. “But it’ll be different. I’ll have my classes, you’ll have your class, and when we’re together, we’ll both be swamped with grading and planning.”
“I’m sure we can figure it out, hon. We’ll set aside time to grade together, we’ll see if at least our second grades line up to plan together for, and I’ll make sure that we have our time together to focus on things other than schoolwork.”
“You better,” she chuckles nervously, reaching down to palm your ass. 
“I love you,” you whisper as you set your forehead against hers.
“I love you too,” she tells you, but she’s still nervous.
When you get your degree, Melissa is the first one to wrap you up in a hug, peck your lips, and tell you how proud of you she is. Your parents are second, and they grin when they see how happy you are with your girlfriend. They had been wary in the beginning of your relationship, but now they fully embrace the fiery redhead in your life as family.
The four of you have a wonderful meal provided by Melissa at her house, and your parents sing her praises.
“My god,” your dad chuckles. “What you do with food woman… you should’ve been a chef instead.”
“I thought about it,” your girlfriend laughs. “But I’d say being a teacher worked out just fine.” She gives you a nudge and squeezes your thigh just slightly.
Dinner is wonderful, your parents head out with warm hugs and kisses to both yours and Melissa’s cheeks, and then it’s just the two of you.
“I’m so proud of you,” she tells you as you curl up on the couch together. “So proud.”
“I know you are,” you chuckles softly. “You’ve only told me a million times today.”
“Because I am,” she grins brightly and kisses you again. “My girl’s got her masters, and she’s going to do great… wherever she might end up.”
That night ends with the two of you in bed, sweaty and grinning as she pulls you into her arms. You both get good rest that night.
On your official last day at Abbott as Melissa’s aide, the kids shower you in presents, cards, poems, drawings… anything and everything you could think of- one of the kids brought it in for you- even a jar of pickles. You chuckle at that one.
“I’m assuming this is your doing?”
“I had it put on the list,” she laughs. “And I had to specifically ask for the dill, because I know you refuse to eat gherkins.”
“You’re the best,” you hip check her. 
“I do my best, babe,” she whispers back. “I am going to miss working with you.”
She hands you a note to go along with all of the kids’ stuff.
“Can I read it now, or should I read it later?”
“Maybe later,” Melissa tells you. “For now, enjoy your party, and then we do have dinner with the crew after school today.”
“We do?”
“You think we’d send you off without a true Abbott celebration?” she laughs. “Of course we have a special outing for you- down at Oscar’s- your favorite skanky dive bar.”
“You’re getting the Barbara Howard to my favorite skanky dive bar?”
“I am,” the redhead chuckles. “She loves you a lot, and I promised her it wouldn’t be too much since it’s a Wednesday at four in the afternoon.”
After many tearful goodbyes (even though you promise the kids they’ll see you for the last week of school), you walk out of the school hand in hand with your girlfriend.
“Can I open it now?” You clutch the envelope Melissa had handed you earlier in the day.
“If you really want to,” she rolls her eyes playfully as she opens the door for you. “But you can’t get all weepy. We have our friends to meet, and they don’t need to know I’m soft for you.”
“Everyone knows you’re soft for me,” you tease her. “Janine fully walked in on you massaging my back the one day in the teachers’ lounge because I had terrible cramps.”
“And I told the kid that if she told anyone, she’d regret it,” Melissa tells you.
“And then she told everyone, and you still haven’t made her regret it because you love me too much to harass our friend.”
“Shut up. Are you going to read it or not?”
“Maybe later if it’s going to make me cry.”
“I really am dating a softy, aren’t I?”
“You really are,” you grin innocently. “And you love me for it.”
When the two of you walk inside, everyone else is already there with drinks in hand.
“Aye, there’s our girl!” Jacob grins and wraps you up in a hug. “You did it!”
“I did,” you chuckle as you awkwardly pat his back before pulling away and being passed around to your friends. 
You make eye contact with your usual bartender, who just smirks and starts pouring your drink for you. He slides it over to you with a wink and a nod of the head. “Congrats, kid. We’re gonna miss having you come around here.”
“I think everybody forgets that I’m not really going anywhere,” you laugh as you take a sip of your beer and find your way into Melissa’s side again. “This one’s keeping me around for a long time, so I’ll be around.”
“But it’ll be different,” Janine argues. “You won’t be at Abbott with us anymore, and you won’t get to see half the stuff we talk about!”
“I wish I didn’t have to see half the stuff we talk about,” you joke. “And I will be back for the last week of school. It’s really just these three weeks that I’m filling in at my old school.”
There’s a nagging thought in the back of your girlfriend’s mind that tells her that might be your actual last day at Abbott if you decide to go back to your school in the suburbs.
“I, for one,” Ava cuts in. “Am glad that I will no longer have competition over who is the hottest in the school.”
“Ava!” Melissa rolls her eyes. 
Everybody raises their glasses towards you and cheers to you and your accomplishment.
After quite of few hours of drinking, exchanging silly Abbott stories, recounting how you and your girlfriend tiptoed around each other’s feelings for quite a bit before finally just biting the bullet and dating and how Ava won a shitload of money off of Mr. Johnson over their bet, and some good bar food, your crew starts to head out.
“You did good, sweetheart,” Barb hugs you gently. “Gerald is here to pick me up now, but I assume I’ll see you on Saturday for shopping?”
“You will,” you mumble into her shoulder.
“I’m just going to miss you so much!” Janine wipes a tear as she lunges forward to hug you.
“I think she had a little too much to drink,” Gregory takes his girlfriend by the hand to pry her off of you. “Congrats, Y/N. Hopefully, you’ll rejoin us at Abbott soon.”
“I’m with them, but it was really great getting to work with you!” Jacob grins. “And getting to see our favorite toughie soften up for you has been-“ he cuts himself off at the glare from your girlfriend. “I’ll see you around, Y/N.” The three of them exit quickly, Jacob and Gregory half carrying Janine.
That leaves you with Melissa, Ava, and Mr. Johnson.
“I’m actually going to have to do my job in that room now that you’re leaving,” Mr. Johnson sighs. “It was nice having you around, kid.”
“Thanks, Mr. J,” you chuckle. He gives you a gentle pat on the back, downs his beer and heads out.
“I know you’re going back to your old school, but…” Ava tells you. “Know Abbott will always welcome you back with open arms- even if that means I’ll have competition for who is the hottest.”
Your girlfriend rolls her eyes as she pulls you closer by the hip. “It isn’t a contest, Ava. It’s Y/N, and then me… The Philly twelve and Philly eleven.”
“Yeah, whatever,” the principal laughs. “My mans is here, but I’ll catch you later.” She heads out.
“I’ll take the tab now,” you tell your bartender. 
“It’s all covered,” he waves you off. You glance to your girlfriend, who shrugs. “It’s on us… for our favorite teacher crew, celebrating one of our favorite teachers from the crew.”
You leave a generous tip before you and the redhead head out of the bar.
“Did you have a good day?” Melissa asks you gently as you get into the car.
“I did,” you smile softly. “It was a bit over the top, considering I’ll continue to see everyone, but… it was all very sweet.”
“You know we all love you,” your girlfriend tells you as she pulls her car out of the parking spot. 
“I know,” you say softly, resting your hand on her thigh. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten about your note. I’m waiting to read it when we’re inside.”
“I do need to get ready for work tomorrow… my first day without my gorgeous girl next to me. So I have to shower when we get home.”
“That’s fine. I’ll read it then.”
Your girlfriend tries to tempt you with a dual shower, but you politely decline.
“I actually need to shower, you actually need to shower, and we both know nothing gets done when we shower together,” you tell her pointedly.
“Actually,” she smirks. “We both get done.”
“Melissa!” you groan.
“I’m not wrong,” she grins as she strips her clothes, hoping to entice you. It doesn’t work, but she knows you’re watching as she heads into the bathroom.
With a shaky breath, you take the card out of the envelope that she had given you at school today. It’s a beautifully decorated card- one that she clearly put a lot of effort into making special just for you. You open it to see her beautiful penmanship.
Y/N, it reads. Congratulations, amore. I’m so unbelievably proud of you- you did it! I never had a doubt in my mind that you could do it, and I truly consider you to be one of the brightest lights there is in this odd profession we’ve found ourselves in. 
I want to take this time to tell you how eternally grateful I am to have found you. I know we got off to a rocky start- I was angry at Ava and my last aide, and I was about to admit defeat when I stormed into her office. When I looked at you though, all that stress melted away. I would realize later that any time I looked at you, I would feel more at peace. 
I expected you to waltz into my room and add to the mayhem, much like Ashley did, but you proved me wrong from the start. You immediately proved that you were a pro- that you were worth keeping around. From your organization to the way that teaching and classroom management just comes so naturally to you… you’re the real deal, babe. 
And somehow, in the middle of the absolute chaos that we call our classroom, I fell for you. I was able to see every side of you- the professional and the personal. I was able to see the way that you worked seamlessly between organizing papers and handling the students in a matter of minutes of you being there. I saw the woman who is tough on the kids when they need it, but also knows how to soften up for a student who needs some extra love. I saw the goofball who isn’t afraid to be the butt of a joke because you create the joke and embrace it. I’ve loved watching you maneuver all of the staff- who even I haven’t figured out quite yet. I watched you grow professionally, but I also watched you grow personally. I’ve loved being able to be here for you through it all- all of the highs of celebrating when you got a 100% on an essay you worked your ass off to write by a deadline, to loving you through when your professor gave you a wrongful failing grade and we worked our asses off to write a better paper. I’ve loved watching you come into your own and figure out who you are. But mostly, I’ve loved loving you. I’ve loved being able to hold you on a good or a bad day, being able to cherish our time together and make memories that I never thought I would have. I’ve loved being your person, and you being mine. Thank you for being my person, thank you for letting me be your person, and here’s to you, my love. Congratulations.
She signed her name at the bottom with a heart scrawled next to it, and you can’t help but wipe a few tears away. You look towards her bathroom and smile when you hear her voice singing softly. You strip down before heading into the bathroom.
“Hon?” she calls.
You step into the shower with her, and her eyes are immediately all over you. You crash your lips into hers.
“I read your note,” you mumble against her lips. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
That night, the two of you hardly get any sleep.
You take the next few days off to ensure that you’re prepared for your new second graders, and then that weekend, you and Melissa find yourselves diving into your work to make sure that everything is just as it should be. You know you’re in good standing with your school, but you want to make sure that you still impress.
You end up staying at your apartment out in the suburbs (you aren’t even really sure why you have it anymore- you almost stay exclusively at your girlfriend’s in Philly) on Sunday night so that you’re closer to work.
“I’ll be fine, Mel,” you promise her over the phone as you’re driving.
“I just know that you’re nervous, and sometimes your anxiety gets the best of you,” she sighs into the phone. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay over with you?”
“I mean… you know you’re more than welcome to, but that commute for you is going to be a bitch tomorrow,” you chuckle. 
“It’s a worthwhile sacrifice for you, my dear,” she tells you. “Let me pack a bag, and I’ll be there not long after you.”
After a night of Melissa assuring you that you were going to be just fine- it’s just first day jitters, you wake up to an empty bed. You can smell breakfast being cooked. You yawn, get yourself dressed for work, and stumble into the kitchen. Melissa is already ready for school, and she’s just plating breakfast when you walk in. She smiles gently at you, pouring a cup of coffee for you as you slowly make your way into her arms.
“Good morning, my love,” she whispers, kissing your head. “Are you ready?”
“I’m gonna have to be,” you mumble into her shoulder.
“Well, I have to head out if I’m going to make it in time for the news, but I’ll drive back here to hear all about your first day? We’ll cook up somethin’ nice?”
You nod. “I love you. Thank you for staying over with me to help calm my nerves.”
“Anything for you,” she kisses you softly before slinging her bags around her. “Keep me updated throughout the day.”
Your first day is great. The kids are so excited to see you, your old coworkers are thrilled to have you back, and you don’t necessarily miss the piss stench that would waft itself in from the streets at Abbott.
But you find yourself comparing this school to Abbott- the odd little school in center city that has your heart. You find yourself missing sitting in the teacher’s lounge with your girlfriend and your friends, joking over whatever happened that day. You find yourself missing the knowing glances from Melissa when one of your kids says something funny. You catch yourself looking for someone to share a look with, even if it’s just one of the camera men you’ve grown fond of. 
After your first day, you drive yourself back to your apartment, fully ready to pour over quite a few notes and start planning for the next few weeks. Melissa strolls in not too much later, a grocery bag in hand.
“There’s my girl,” she smiles and makes her way over to you. She kisses you deeply. “How was your first day, amore?”
You shrug. “It was nice being back.”
You don’t fail to see the way her shoulders shrink slightly. 
“But I missed you today.”
“Well, you have me now, before I have to head back to my house,” she tells you. “I’ll cook us up some dinner?”
“That sounds wonderful,” you smile as you wrap your arms around her.
“I can’t really cook if you don’t let me go,” she quips. Begrudgingly, you let her go. “So tell me about your day.”
You do. She cooks dinner. The two of you find your way into your bedroom. After quite a few rounds, she sighs and cleans you up.
“So…” she sighs softly. “When will I get to see you again?”
You bite your lip. “Maybe this weekend?”
“Baby, that’s… four days away.”
“I know, but I’m already drowning in planning, and the kids are working on some of their projects from their teacher that I’ll have to grade, and I-“
“It’s okay, love,” she promises you, knowing you’ll get worked up. “I’ll see you on Friday?”
“I’ll come down for the weekend,” you tell her. “I promise. I might have to do some work, but we can spend the weekend together.”
She nods, kisses your nose, then your cheek, then your lips before slipping out of bed. 
You don’t end up seeing Melissa on Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday. You actually don’t see her until the following weekend until she comes over to your place after you hadn’t texted her all day on Friday. She’s worried about you.
“Y/N?” Melissa calls as she uses her key to let herself in. You’re asleep on some papers that you’re attempting to grade. “Oh, hon,” she sighs.
She shakes your shoulder gently, and you immediately sit up straight in a panic. Who was in your-
“It’s just me, amore,” she whispers and kisses your head. “It’s just me. You’re alright.”
You bring your hand to your chest as you continue to try to steady your breathing. “You had me so scared.”
“I’m sorry to just drop in on you,” your girlfriend apologizes. “I got worried when I didn’t get a text this morning or at all today.”
“I’m sorry,” you immediately say. “I’ve been up to my eyeballs in grading… and I may have taken a cat nap.”
“I think the cat nap took you, love,” she chuckles. “Have you slept at all?”
“I slept for like forty-five minutes last night?” you blush. “I was up making sure that all of the things for the last week of school were ready.”
“Babe,” the redhead says sternly as she lifts you into her arms. “We’ve talked about how that’s not healthy.”
“I know, I know,” you sigh as you cuddle closer to her. “I just-“ you yawn. “I want to make sure everything is perfect for them next week.”
“You need sleep. And you always could’ve called me to ask for help.”
“You have both classes though,” you mumble, sleep already threatening to take you. That’s really the last thing you remember until you wake up again. Your girlfriend’s warm body is pressed up against yours, and you roll over to look at her.
“Sleep,” Melissa grumbles against your head. You feel her press a delicate kiss to your temple.
“I have to finish everything up,” you sigh as you try to pull away.
“I graded everything, and I made sure their bags were all made up, and I made sure the stuff for their party is in order… you really need to utilize your classroom parents more; how much did you spend out of your own pocket?”
“More than I’m willing to admit,” you mutter. You pull away from her slightly as you realize everything she did for you. “Mel. You didn’t have to-”
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to while you got some much deserved sleep. Now, did you eat before you fell asleep grading?”
You shake your head sheepishly against her chest.
“So if I order Korean, you’ll be happy?”
“You know how to treat a girl right,” you sigh in content. Your eyes flutter shut again.
“I’ll call it in and wake you the food gets here,” she chuckles as she kisses your head again.
Your final week with your second grade class passes quickly, and while you grew to love those kids, you find yourself thrilled to be able to set foot back in Abbott with your girlfriend. Ava had graciously added you back on as an aide, even if just for the last week of school- the lord knows Melissa needs help calming down over thirty children during the final few days of school.
You’re greeted with whoops and hollers as you enter the break room. It’s like nothing changed. Melissa makes your coffee in the mug you usually drank, you sit in between the two veteran teachers while you watch the news, and then the two of you walk hand in hand down the hall to your classroom.
“Do they still remember me?” you ask her quietly as you perch yourself on her desk.
“They’ve been chattering about you nonstop,” your girlfriend tells you. “They’re so excited to see you ag-”
“Miss Y/N!” one of your kids comes running in. She immediately tackles you in a hug, and you have to place a hand on Melissa in order to steady yourself before you wrap her up in your arms.
“Hey, baby,” you grin. “I missed you!”
“We missed you!” the little girl grins.
As the rest of the kiddos come trickling in, they greet you with bear hugs and lots of chatter about all of the things the redhead has been teaching them. 
Before you know it, you’re saying goodbye to the Abbott crew for the summer, and probably for the foreseeable future. You had been offered your position back at your school in the suburbs, and you hadn’t been offered a position at Abbott- as much as you would love to come back. You leave the school helping your girlfriend carry a few things out of the classroom with a sigh.
“It’s been a good run,” you sigh softly. “I’m going to miss this place.”
“Abbott’s gonna miss you,” Melissa mumbles quietly.
You spend the summer with the fiery redhead, often times at the beach. Occasionally, Barbara would join you, but for the most part it’s just you and your girl.
The beginning of the school year starts to creep up on you quickly though. You’re actually in the middle of decorating your new classroom, Melissa holding the push pins for you when your phone starts to ring.
Your girlfriend glances over at your phone. “Ava’s callin’.”
“Hand it here,” you request, a confused look on your face.
“Hey,” you say into the phone, as you cradle it between your ear and your shoulder. You continue to try to pin up the bulletin board. “Trying to get ahold of Melissa?”
“If I wanted Schemmenti, I would’ve called Schemmenti,” she tells you bluntly. “No, girl, I’m trying to get ahold of you!”
“Oh?” You pause your actions.
“Girl, Latisha just quit ‘cause she got a new job. Suburban white girl couldn’t handle it,” the principal of Abbott says. “So, naturally- as owner of the school: I thought I would bring you back! As a third grade teacher!”
Your eyes grow wide. Melissa’s do too; she can hear the loud woman through the speaker. 
You stammer out a “W-what? R-really?”
“Of course!” she grins into the phone. “So, what do you say?”
“I- I have a contract at Old Eagle,” you say softly, a frown on your face.
“So break that bitch!”
“I-“ you pause. You glance at your girlfriend looking at you hopefully. “I can try. When do you need an answer by?”
“Today,” she sighs dramatically. “If you can’t take it, I gotta hire someone else, and it’s gonna be a bitch trying to find someone two weeks before school starts.”
“Let me- uh, I have to go talk to my principal, but I- okay,” you start to think out loud as you climb down from the desk you’re currently standing on.
“Get back to me soon. I can’t hold this job for you forever,” she tells you before hanging up. 
Melissa is looking at you with curiosity. “So, what’re you gonna do, hon?”
“I’ll be back,” you tell her as you give her a quick peck on the cheek. “I have to try to quit.”
You practically sprint down to the principal’s office. You speak with the principal about your situation, and despite his efforts to keep you at Old Eagle, you tell him your heart belongs to Abbott. 
Two hours later, after far too much paperwork, you return to your classroom- your almost classroom. Melissa had finished your bulletin board for you, and now she’s scrolling through her phone with her cat-eyed glasses on.
“Sorry, hon,” you apologize. “I didn’t think it would take that long.”
“Well?” She looks at you imploringly.
“I have to call Ava and tell her I will be accepting the second grade position at Abbott,” you grin brightly. “And then I have to take all of this down to set it up in my own classroom- right next to yours.”
Ava is delighted with your news, telling you she’s thankful that she won’t have to interview “any boring ass people who will leave in three weeks anyway”. Then she tells you to get your tasty ass into Abbott today if possible to sign your contract and start decorating for your class.
“I know we were supposed to have a nice dinner tonight, but-”
“You signing the papers to get your contract at Abbott is way more important than our dinner, amore,” Melissa says as she starts taking down the things you’ve place around. “And besides, we can always have a nice dinner afterwards.”
The two of you head down to the school in Philly, you sign your papers, and start to set up your room before heading back to her house. You pull your laptop up, eager to sign back in to your Abbott email and check your roster for this upcoming school year. She cooks, and by the time dinner is ready, you’re looking for apartments to move into in Philadelphia.
“Whatcha lookin’ at, hon?” she asks as she slides your plate over to you. “I know you ain’t still looking at your roster.”
“Apartments,” you sigh. “I figure now that I don’t have any ties to my suburban school and my lease is up in October, I might as well make the move out here.”
Your girlfriend bites her lip nervously before blurting out, “What if you just moved in with me?”
You have to stop yourself from dropping your jaw. “What?”
“I mean… you’re always here and spending the night anyway. You have a drawer at my house. Why not just- move in?”
“Are you being serious right now?” You ask her as you stand and make your way to her side of the table. 
She gives a noncommittal hum. “It’d make sense. If you-”
“I would love to,” you tell her as you crash your lips together.
The next few weeks are hectic for the both of you. In between preparing for the school year, packing up your apartment, and then development week, you both are up to your eyeballs in work. But you’re always together, and that’s what matters.
There really isn’t even a big shift in moving in with your girlfriend. She was right. Half of your things were there anyway; now it’s just official that the two of you share a home. And it truly feels like a home- much more of a home than the dingy apartment you had out in the suburbs ever was. 
On the first day of school, the two of you walk in hand in hand, having taken only one car. You watch the news together with your crew, and then you head off to your own classroom. She heads to hers. And when you go to stand outside of your room to greet your new students, you catch a glimpse of Melissa. In that moment, you know you made the right choice. Abbott is home. Melissa is home. 
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circeyoru · 4 months
Surprise, Surprise, I’m Here to Watch = Requested
[Hazbin Hotel x 3 Powers Granted!Reader]
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Did you think it was possible? No way. Did you embrace it? Oh yes baby
That random lamp you ordered off the internet to fill your cart to get some discount was not garbage. 3 wishes. Anything. Oh, you didn’t want immortality, no, living is a pain. Wealth, you’re not putting a target on your back. Perfect health, that’s like immortality, so no. More wishes, come on, don’t think you can lie your way with this. Don’t be greedy
“First one. Power to travel between universe, and I mean that as in non-fiction and fictional worlds. Second one. Shapeshifting powers, like I don’t want the pain that comes along as well if you can. Third one. Uhhh. Perfect stealth? Like no one will be able to know I’m here until I let them.”
“Are you sure you want to use all your wishes in one-go? I’ll be gone once it’s granted.” The genie blinked at the swiftness. Usually people would think forever or save them up for extreme cases
“Yeah, yeah, hurry up and grant me my wishes. I don’t imagine you like to entertain me for long anyways.” You waved the genie off and in a poof and a snap (should have been “A wap! Bam! Boom! Alakazam!”) you were granted those exact powers
Now being a hardcore shut-in addicted to all things fiction, you tested out your powers first to see if you were dreaming. Then you trained yourself a bit with them and tested their limits. In the meantime, you debated on which universe to go to officially. “Has to be Hazbin Hotel.”
You were obsessed, like majorly obsessed with the show. The moment news came about season 1, you prepared yourself and watched them first thing! You watched more than once, having to remember the lines and songs by heart. Nothing beats watching it unfold in real life or fiction life
Maybe it was because you were kind to the genie (being quick about your wishes) that when you traveled to other universes, time in the real world, your world stops until you’re back. You thanked the genie mentally and honest feel a bit guilty that you shooed them off so quickly. But you’ll make it up with fully using your powers
You figured out everything, a demon and angel form (check the ask) and when to go. You did like Lucifer’s entrance to the show. So why not episode 5? You snapped your fingers, opening a portal before you. You closed your eyes to imagine your demon form, a ring appeared over the top of your head and travelled down, shifting your form to what you pleased. Then you got your bag with your phone and charger and you were ready!
You activated your stealth before entering. Like some fanfiction written about the environment, it was that horrid. If you were in human form, you think you’d die like not even pass out but straight up die from inhaling whatever was in the air. You don’t think any human can survive a second here
Like when traveling to other universes, you weren’t where you wanted and have to travel around. You went straight for the Happy (Hazbin) Hotel, noting the various shops and demons around you, taking out your phone, you recorded your way to mark down locations since this was no longer a fictional place the moment you entered
While you shapeshifted into a demon, you can die. Your body acted on the laws of your world no matter where you went. Your powers of shapeshifting gave you the physiology of a demon and maybe some common powers that other demons have. That was if you traveled to this world first, during your testing period, you went to other worlds and ended up with other powers, though they can’t compare to the ones the genie granted you, it was still power. You can confidentially say you weren’t human anymore
Humming with interest, you climbed into the hotel lobby through an open window so as not to alert the demons inside. Well, you didn’t even need to when you saw everyone preparing for Lucifer’s arrival. You looked up to see Alastor’s annoyed look as he observed the situation in silence. Everything was on track
Delightfully, you recorded everything on your phone, keeping quiet as best you could. Even more excited when you found out that Alastor could be captured on your phone. You followed the plotlines as it was intended, but you have to say witnessing Alastor threaten Husk into silence was more terrifying than you thought. You almost dropped your phone from your shaking hands
You were tempted to help Husk, but you decided against it and went to where Charlie, Vaggie, and Lucifer would be. You watched everything for there onwards. Since that balcony would be the perfect place to record Alastor’s Radio Demon show. But you made it down in time to see Lucifer agreeing to get that meeting with Heaven
Before you followed the couple to Heaven, since there was time, you lazed around town without your stealth active. You had the pleasure of testing your demonic powers and appearance. Sinners and demons alike were hooked, you happily showed them not to mess with you. Soon rumours came about saying a mysterious demon was cruelly killing any that dares to address you. Perhaps you should have kept things on the down low
That little hiccup didn’t stop you from following Charlie and Vaggie to Heaven, you went as far as to appear angelic with another form to travel around without your stealth. It was safer in Heaven after all. You having more wings allowed you easy access to the courthouse as well, you seated gracefully among the other angels and watched the scene untold like the script
You noticed the angelic beings near you start to eye you questionably as you recorded the scene below you without a care, even giggling and chuckling at some moment like you were watching a show. Thing is, it was a show, they all were characters of another’s creation and they didn’t even know it! Your odd actions were nothing compared to the drama happening
Proved that you were only noticed officially when the song came to its end and your giggles were heard out and clear. Your wings fluttered as you stood in front of Charlie and Vaggie, the two smaller wings by the side of your head covering your face
You elegantlly mocked aloud, targeting at Adam and Lute. “I always wondered why angels were given a free pass to everything, including the use of unholy words like a demon and committing action like a demon. Perhaps,” Your smaller wings parted for your golden eyes to stare and glare at Adam, “You are the one that belonged in Hell instead of that poor soul.”
Enraged, Adam sent you three back to Hell with the threat that he’d attack the hotel first. Your wings hid your face again the moment you three were back in the hotel lobby. As Charlie remember you being sent to Hell with them, she turned to you to apologize, only to find you in demon form. Her eyes confused as you turned to look at her. “No harm done, princess. I was never a soul in that place anyways. I had to say something to that piece of work known as the first man.”
Using their shocked and confused moment, you actived your stealth before they could question you anything else. You was fun to watch them fret over your disappearance like you were a child and they a parent, you stuck around since the battle was drawing closer. You’d follow the plotline to go into Charlie’s room, but she needed her privacy and you only went when Vaggie did
Later on, you went with Charlie to Cannibal Town. You wanted to see Rosie! The lovely demon that only officially made her debut much later. You had to record the song as well, though you missed Camilla’s sadly. You also took note of the VoxTech drone that watched the scene, you couldn’t help but shot it out of the sky with a rock
When the battle happened, you were away from Alastor in the beginning and helped out behind the scenes, shooting down exterminators that breached the ‘front line’ or threatened to harm/kill Rosie’s people. You (for the first time) didn’t record a moment since it was intense and you didn’t want to accidentally die or get hurt
You nudged Niffty in Adam’s direction when it was sprouting nonsense that you want jump out your skin for. Then you recorded the stab moment. A scene that many loved after the episode was aired. There was another that you watched, Lucifer’s comment before his and Adam’s ‘fight’ began. You honestly couldn’t hold yourself and laughed like you did when you rewatched the episode so many times
Then you were moving in the speed of light to record their final song. Even going to Alastor’s destroyed tower to get his part. And you rushed back to to hotel later to get the rest of it. You had one hell of a leg work and accidentially dropped your stealth due to tiredness
“You’re that demon that was angel but not!” You heard Angel’s voice shouted and saw his four arms pointed at you.
“Yeah, I have a name, so…” You trailed off, wanting to not be in the spotlight, you’re honestly scared to be involve because the later seasons were not released and you didn’t want anything to be affected. “Bye?”
“No way! We’re celebrating with us!” Charlie quickly wrapped her arm to hook one of yours, Vaggie followed and stood on your other side as her girlfriend continued, “Don’t think I didn’t notice some exterminators falling and dying for no reason!”
Yeah, people saying Charlie was more powerful than she led on was right on the money, even in that chaotic scene she noticed your involvement
You sighed and gave in, no turning back now, “Fine. Fine. I guess I deserve some celebration too.”
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Note: I’ll be completely honest, this one, I had no idea how to write. Plus it was different from what I usually write. This is more like a Reader Insert than anything. Hope you enjoyed it though!
Circe Y.
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luvtak · 1 year
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stray kids as cliche romance tropes
❀ pairing skz x gn!reader
❀ genre/tw fluff fluff fluff!! a smidgen of angst, slightly (like the slightest) suggestive, some are est. relationship, some getting together <33
❀ w/c 2248, about 200-300 for each member (do not ask me what happened with linos hehe
❀ a/n here it is!! this took me like a month to write lol so i hope its good!! personal faves are minho and innies, let me know which one is yours <333
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Chan: Childhood Sweethearts
You’ve lived your life holding Chan’s hand.
You met in elementary school, immediately infatuated with the boy and his shy smile. He called you pretty on the first day of school and spent the rest of the year taking care of you: sharpening your pencils and sharing his lunch. Adults would coo and call it puppy love, laughing at the lovesick smiles adorned on your faces, but there was nothing childish about how you looked at each other.
Middle school is spent going to the movies and sharing ice cream, swimming, and sharing sweet laughs. First kisses in the fall and gumball machine promise rings given in the spring—it’s innocent in the sweetest way, forever is simple when you’re thirteen.
Teenage years give way to deeper feelings and new experiences; There was no question you were together—even if you never had the conversation, his hands locked in yours tells everyone what they need to know. High School is defined by stolen kisses on doorsteps and promposals, nights spent giggling into each other’s mouths to keep quiet. You think you know his body and soul as well as your own, like leaves plucked from the same tree.
Childhood eases into adulthood, and suddenly you’ve loved each other longer than you’ve been alive. There’s no question of a future together, no pressure to ask what you are or what you will be. Sometimes you wonder if you missed out on something, if it would’ve been better to have loved more, but when you see him there is no question. It’s easy together, a quiet breeze encasing you in his affections, and you’ll continue like you always have, hand in hand.
Minho: Second Chance Romance
When you saw him again, you didn’t realize it would hurt so bad. He’s gorgeous, somehow even prettier than he was a year ago. You think the grocery store is an interesting place to have this interaction—an unusual intruder to your midnight snack run, haloed by ice cream.
It’s strange, looking at him like you’ve never met, as if he hasn’t seen the inner workings of your mind or mapped your skin with his hands.
You can’t deny you’ve missed him, still grieving the relationship you thought you’d be in forever. You broke up because you didn’t feel appreciated, you were always unsure about how he felt, and he was always too busy and too cocksure to change that. So, you were certain he’d ignore you and you’d both go on with your lives, but when he sees you, he smiles.
 It’s such a contradictory thing, to feel at ease at his figure, but anxious to hear his voice. You know how he’ll sound, so soft and charming, the perfect mix of arrogance and kindness.
When he finally stands in front you, there is so much the same as the last time you saw him, yet distinct differences in how he looks at you. A year ago, his eyes were filled with tears and now they’re so bright it’s blinding. He tells you it’s good to see you, that it’s been too long; he doesn’t want to bother you, but he doesn’t know the next time he’ll see you and he needs you to know that he’s missed you.
When he asks to walk you home, you surprise both of you by saying yes. Sharing stories of the year spent apart and lamenting over lost days together. He wonders if you’ll want to do this again, if you’re up to trying another time equipped with more love and more patience. And how can you say no, when he came back to you like an angel in the frozen food aisle.
Changbin: Damsel in Distress
When you fell, you wanted to die. There you were in the middle of the gym running on the treadmill when you lost your footing and fell directly on your face. It was not your proudest moment, and you were dead set on never setting foot in this gym ever again, maybe not even leaving your house you were that embarrassed. Until you hear someone asking if you were okay, and suddenly he’s fussing around you and lifting you up.
Changbin has seen you here before, watching you work on the equipment, and fantasizing about coming up and introducing himself, but he’s never gained enough courage. It was in the middle of one of these daydreams when you tripped, and immediately he was filled with worry. Rushing over, he checked your hands and pulled up your leggings to see if your knees were scraped and introduced himself while putting band aids on your cuts.
He's cute and nervous, and you can’t help but be swayed by how kind he is. He sits with you while you recuperate and asks to take you to lunch to make up for the embarrassment. The whole time he introduces himself as someone wonderful, you find that he’s silly and so sweet. When he admits to have been crushing on you, you laugh and wonder why he never came up to you before. And as the day comes to an end, you come to be a little grateful for the fall.
Hyunjin: Fake Relationship/Wedding Date
Hyunjin has been your friend for a long time, and your family has always wanted you to be together—it’s been years of awkward questions and dinner invites. When your sister got engaged, she told you to bring a date, and single as can be, the only person to ask was Hyunjin.
At first, he was hesitant. He knew and loved your family, and the idea of lying to them and pretending to be your boyfriend when he is certainly not, is hard to stomach. When he finally agrees he still wonders if it’s a good idea, but seeing the bright smile on your face makes up for it.
The family is ecstatic when they see who your date is, and as the night goes on you start to see why they’re so happy—on a superficial level, you’ve always known how beautiful and wonderful he is, but seeing him  here all dressed up and smiling down at you, you start to see what your family means when they say you’re perfect together. You’re dancing and talking, and he becomes so much more than just your friend.
He’s always loved you, maybe not romantically, but he has. And something turns when he’s dancing with you, maybe it’s the lights or the music, but he can feel something shift. When he takes you home that night, he wonders if it’ll still feel this way in the morning.
Jisung: Best friends to Lovers  
You know everything about each other, it’s as if you’re one person—finishing each other’s sentences and sharing inside jokes. You’ve spent your lives together, yet it has been purely platonic. You’ve both had relationships and never saw each other as more than you are, until one night he looks a little too pretty under the TV light and suddenly you’re overthinking every little interaction you’ve had.
If it’s normal to be so close to someone who’s just your friend—If other people put their best friend before anything else, including significant others. Jisung loves you, that much is obvious, but you’re not sure if he sees you the way you see him; he takes up every inch of your heart, everything you do is for him.
In Han’s mind, you know how he feels—it’s so clear to him how you feel for each other, while unspoken he thinks his  actions speak louder than words. He’s just been waiting for you to be ready, maybe that’s his mistake; you’ve both been waiting to make the first move.
Your friends are frustrated, waiting for you to finally see what they do. Lecturing the both of you on admitting your feelings, but neither you nor Jisung want to mess with the relationship you already have.
When you finally come to terms with how you feel, you confess to your feelings like a crime, he tells you like whispering a secret you already know. Shakey and tired of feeling so overwhelmed with how big your feelings are for him, you admit to realizing how much you truly love him. All he can do is laugh, wondering why you were both so anxious to tell each other this one secret, when you’ve shared all the others.
Felix: Vacation Romance
When your friends decided to go on vacation, you could never have dreamed of meeting someone as wonderful as Felix. You met him three days into your three-week trip, and if you thought he was lovely from afar, he’s even sweeter up close. The relationship was eager, escalating quickly over the course of your stay. Within days you felt like you’d known him forever, sure that you were somehow meant to meet.
Days are spent in the sun, soaking up love and light—watching new freckles arrive on his cheekbones as the weeks fade. His skin is always touching yours, hands in your hair and kisses pressed into your neck. He thinks he’s a little bit in love with you, even so, the threat of the end hangs over your head; you never thought this would last, in fact you knew it would be too hard to continue, but you throw yourself headfirst into it anyway.
Your first kiss is cautious and your last is hasty, a million little touches in twenty-one days leading up to a goodbye. You wonder if you’ll ever see him again, or if it only worked because it was temporary. Your friends laugh at you, thinking you’re taking this little fling too seriously, but they’ve don’t know what it feels like to have his eyes on you.
The night before you leave, he tells you he’ll miss you, and you think that’s it—that the vacation will just become a romantic memory to look back on, but he asks if he can call you, and you think that maybe this could lead to so much more.
Seungmin: Opposites Attract
There was no question, you two were very different people—while you were bubbly and bright, Seungmin was often blunt and withdrawn. Sure, he can be silly, and you don’t think you’ve met anyone funnier than he is, but often he can be cold. When you first got together all your friends wondered how it would work, if someone as sunshiny as you could really feel fulfilled by someone like him.
What they don’t see is how effortlessly sweet he is to you, taking care of your heart like it’s his own. It was difficult in the beginning, to accept both sides of him—the outside version who would barely hold your hand and the inside one, thoughtlessly grazing your skin. He has so much admiration and respect for your open nature; sometimes he wants to be more like you, but he doesn’t think you’d love him so much if it weren’t for your differences.
 You balance each other in the best ways, speaking up for him when his social battery gives way; laughing away his jokes when they could come off too hard. On the other side, Seungmin allows you a respite from the constant smiles—it can get exhausting keeping a positive attitude, but he loves you in your quiet moments as well as your loud ones. 
He’s loved you for all your differences, appreciated you more for them—even if no one understood it didn’t matter because when it’s just you two alone together, there’s nothing different about you.
Jeongin: Boy Next Door
You can count your life in moments spent walking home with Jeongin—he smiles down at you, and asks about your day, and shares his snacks. Summers spent in each other’s backyards, learning to swim and ride bikes; telling scary stories and recitations of silly dreams. As you get older, he only becomes kinder and more handsome, offering to drive you places and invites you out with his friends. It’s only natural to have a crush on him, to feel stubborn butterflies when his dimples are directed at you, but as childhood drifts away and the infatuation becomes more intense, you’re certain you’re in love with him.
When you left for college, you didn’t think your heart would tear into pieces, but all year you missed him. You missed the sidewalk conversations and the sweet grin before he’d offer something to share—you missed sitting in his car, sat so close to him you can smell his cologne mixed with the leather seats, but mostly you just missed his body next to yours.
No boy at school amounted to him, none of them made you feel as giddy and charmed, none of them were able to mask the need you felt for him. You wondered if he thought that way about you, so sure that he was sitting miles and miles away from you, yearning for your company.
When you arrived home for the summer, it was almost like he was waiting for you. Perched on his porch swing and looking out on an empty suburban street. His hair had grown longer, and he seemed freer somehow, but he was still Jeongin—still the boy who’d walk with you and trigger your hundred-watt smile. And when you finally took your first steps outside and waved him over, he was still just the boy next door, smiling down at you.
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© luvtak
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