#if we get a touya/rei reunion….
class1akids · 6 months
Act 3 Fumbles in the Todoroki arc
The decision to keep Endeavor alive with no clear narrative plan came with some terrible writing fumbles in Act 3 of the Todoroki arc which walked back previously established themes and failed to deliver on certain set-ups.
Off-screening Rei's reunion with Shoto.
Saving Rei from the hospital was Shoto's starting line back in Ch 44. After 250+ chapters of visits and letters, it was a huge milestone for him to see her out of the hospital and would have deserved a proper highlight and dialogue. Yet it was off-screened in favor of Endeavor getting the reunion scene.
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2. Spreading the blame for Toya to Natsuo and Fuyumi who are victims and children themselves
In a clunky attempt of parallels between the passive civilians of hero society, Natsuo and Fuyumi incomprehensibly are being framed as part of the blame for Touya's escalation.
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3. Walking back the Act 2 narrative of all victim responses are valid in favor of "it's heroic to prop up your abuser"
Instead of having Hawks feel bad about killing Twice, he was used as a prop to call into question the victim's right to walk away by making it seem as if he's done something wrong by cutting off the parents who abused and sold him.
Shoto's choice is valid, but he shouldn't be pitted against other victim responses.
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4. Focusing only on Endeavor's side of the fall-out for the scandal, while off-screening the impact on Shouto and only making coy references to it
It's convenient to hide the implied backlash at Shouto. Since his feelings never matter in relation to his family. His POV conveniently focuses on his friends helping him.
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5. Endeavor failing to step up for his family gets excused constantly, and turning everyone into Endeavor's cheerleader, while not having anyone anything to say about the abuse.
This was personally for me awful to watch how Hori kept using characters to shill for Endeavor, and did not make a single effort at an honest condemnation.
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6. Endeavor never delivers on becoming a father - in fact, Shouto spends Act 3 playing parent to Endeavor and carrying his burden and his arc of emancipation is invalidated as he gets no real choice
Shoto's arc was about freedom to decide who he wants to be. The emancipation cannot really happen though. He is bound by Endeavor's abuse, toxic legacy and past. While his peers rise into incredible heights, Shouto is condemned to pick up the pieces after Endeavor fails to step up.
Endeavor's arc was leading to a moment where he would choose to be a father over a hero. The moment never comes. Endeavor breaks every promise he made to the family, his solution for Touya is to kill him and has to propped up and saved by his victims throughout Act 3. He never gives them anything.
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7. Endeavor gets a bonus fight he doesn't need then sits back and waits while all the victims step up to save him and Toya. He gets no consequence at all for breaking his promise to the family since it would invalidate Shoto's arc of "family hero".
See above. Endeavor's fight with AFO is cool aesthetics and lots of internal pain. What it doesn't do is to step up for the family.
8. Shouto's fight in 352 has a clear narrative vision and strong, beautiful visuals, yet it gets invalidated for Round 2 which is a mess of short chapters that need heavy revision.
I'm convinced 352 was the original ending for Shouto vs Touya. It has a strong visual and great focus on their themes as brothers.
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9. By contast, Todoroki Shoto: Rising in fact in the weekly version had not a single strong visual for Shouto
Clearly Hori had no idea what point he wanted to make about Shouto. We don't really learn anything new about him - he steps up when Endeavor fails, like every time before. I'm still incredibly angry about this fumble. In fact, Hori doesn't really know what to do with this Todoroki family which has to embrace its abuser in order to save its "villain" without the abuser ever stepping up or giving anything back to the family and especially to Shouto. Even the masterpiece line which could be read as a reproach to Endeavor is scrapped.
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10. Ending the Todoroki climax on Endeavor's word is an awful disservice to Shouto as a character, which is why I fervently hope this is not the end for Shouto who deserves much better.
He doesn't even get to say anything.
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By keeping Endeavor alive without a plan, Horikoshi couldn't stick the landing of the Todoroki arc.
Sure, he has some cool visuals, but the overall message is terrible. In Act 3, the victims take on the burden of the abuser who keeps doing the same thing as he's always done: run away and play hero.
To make matters worse, the narrative is at most half-hearted in calling Endeavor out for this, and rather uses characters to shill for his heroic qualities.
The rebuilding of the family is hangs on the victims (apart from Touya) never getting to voice their feelings. In order to heal, not only they have to save their villain, but they have to embrace their abuser, who in turn doesn't have to do anything for them.
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ao3feed-hawks · 1 year
Meeting His Ex's Family was Not on Hawks's 20XX Bingo Card but Here We Are
Meeting His Ex’s Family Was Not on Hawks’s 20XX Bingo Card but Here We Are by skeletonsinmycloset
Explaining his complicated relationship with Dabi to the unaware Todoroki family in Endeavor's hospital room was not what Hawks expected to do today when he and Best Jeanist interrupted their family reunion, but that is the tricky situation he has found himself in.
Hopefully, Dabi doesn't try to kill him for this.
Words: 3603, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Todoroki Family
Additional Tags: My Hero Academia Ep130: The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Mentioned Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Expanded on the Endeavor's Hospital Room Scene, Hawks and his guilt complex, Honestly I just wanted to write something to get Rei off the fucking floor, How dare she apologize on Dabi's behalf, The man would be pissed to find out, Meeting your ex(?)'s family for the first time, talk about awkard, League characters are mentioned but only through Hawks's memory, Dabi is secretly a soft boi, Self-Indulgent, League of Villains as Family, No Beta We Burn Like Touya
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45137752
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himurah · 2 years
himura rei is everything to me
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
More of a question on Touya here. To me, I do find Touya is the character within the LOV the most prepared to die. And I know MHA is an optimistic manga and all, but HK has been shown to handle dark themes and character deaths *gestures to Twice/Magne* Do you think HK could change in his mind of Touya going the suicidal route? How much of a factor do you think Natsuo could be in his saving considering their bond when young? I know the Todofam is about reunion and all, the table scene is a sign of this, but considering his character it does worry me how far he will go you belittle his father (who does deserve it in all honesty haha)
So, I’m going to quote a post that was circulating recently.
“These characters are not real people. They are narrative tools.”
So, if Touya was a real person, I’d say his suicidal tendencies are a valid concern. But he is a character on a page, completely at the beck and call of the author. So I say this because there is zero, and I mean ZERO, indication that Hori wants to go with “yeah this character is just gonna lose out on all opportunity for hope, to be with his family, and just die by his own fire”. Just. No. That is nowhere in the subtext.
And there is a difference between the way Horikoshi uses dark themes, and the way say--Attack on Titan or Death Note uses dark themes.
I'm not going to dive into the way SnK and DN use them aside from saying that--they don't exhibit hope in their themes. The darkness in their stories encompasses pretty much everything in it. SnK IS hopeful, to an extent. The ending had hope in it but throughout the story you literally could not have hope for anybody because you didn't know who was gonna get axed next. DN, well, the darkness just surrounded the main character like a storm cloud. It wasn't hopeful or optimistic. It was spiraling and dark.
Darkness in BNHA: Hori uses the dark themes specifically to DISPLAY HOPE.
Endeavor abused his family. But now, Rei is HOME and Touya, who was presumed dead, is ALIVE. That is about AS optimistic as it can possibly get. Your dead child is alive. So what is the answer to this plot? Because that's what the Todoroki family is, they are a plot. Not real people. The answer is not to kill off the same character for a second time. That destroyed the family the first time. There is no indication that it wouldn't destroy them AGAIN. No, the answer is to restore the family. Because not once, even when everyone lived together, did they have each other. They were separated and suffering, even under the same roof. The answer is to give them what they never got and let them all end up together in the end. That's the answer.
Shigaraki's family is completely gone. Seems pretty hopeless right? But his whole issue was that NOBODY bothered to save him. So what is the answer to this plot? Is it to kill him because he's "too far gone"? Or is it to give him what he's always wanted and needed, and give him a hero to save him? My guess is that the answer is to give him a hero to save him, because that's what he never got to have. That's what he wants. That's the answer.
Magne, as lovely as she was, served her purpose BY dying. (That can be critiqued, but it's what we got). She died, and Shigaraki changed for the better. That's when we saw him really stick his neck out for the LOV. That's when we started to see the real parts of his character. She wasn't a main character, so she was easy to use as a tool to develop a main character instead.
Twice's death, while tragic, gave us the chance to ask if it's really within a hero's job to play cop, judge, and executioner. The answer SHOULD be no, but so far, we haven't seen that. But I'm hoping what @redphlox says here comes to fruition so I don't have to feel salty about this anymore. But Twice's death served a purpose. It showed the corruption of heroes, and the lengths they were willing to go to uphold their role.
In fact, Twice's death did instill hope. Because it specifically told us that death is not the answer in THIS story.
I don't think people will particularly like me referring to the LOV characters like this, but this is kinda what they are:
They are narrative rewards for the main characters. The hero characters. Yes, Endeavor is a main character (we can complain though). Touya being alive, and his family being restored (with or without him) is his narrative reward. Shouto's family being restored and having the opportunity to have a relationship with the brother he never got to know is his narrative reward.
Saving Shigaraki and ending the OFA/AFO conflict is Deku's narrative reward. Because that's what he wants, so that's what he'll get.
Toga being saved and smiling with the heroes will be Ochacko's narrative reward, since according to her last appearance, that's what she wants to see happen.
It's just...the way it is. Hori can't kill off the main characters' endgame rewards. If that makes sense. The main characters ✨will✨undoubtedly get what they want in the end. And in this particular case, what they want is the villains. They want a happy ending for everyone. Don't know what that looks like yet, but we know based off the text, that these are the things that they want.
So, to answer your question: No. I don't think Hori would, I don't think he will, and I certainly don't think he has any desire or temptation to do that. There isn't any indication of the scenario you're concerned about happening.
Disclaimer though: Hori could say fuck all and ruin his story. But, again. He'd have to really stop giving a shit. And, well, I think he cares way too much about his story to do that.
I'm 0% worried. Like I said before, the second I feel that the ending is not going to be what I want, I'm dropping the manga. And anyone who follows me on this hellsite will immediately know. So, if I'm still posting about BNHA, I'm not worried.
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You made me imagine Shigaraki trying to explain his family to like, Spinner or something.
"This is Hana, she's my big sister. I accidentally stole her hands when I got my quirk so she's technically the only person allowed to mess with me."
"This is Himiko, she's...I guess my little sister? I think we might've tried to kill each other when we first met. She's cool."
"This is Eri. We only have custody of her every other weekend because the heroes keep finding our hideouts. I'm pretty sure she's our baby sister, but Dabi is convinced she's either my kid or Hana's."
In this au, AFO doesn't exists (what a blessing) and Shirakumo Oboro is still alive.
The night Tenko's quirk manifest, Hana prevents him from doing anything using her quirk: if someone touches her skin recently, she can freeze that person's movements for a short amount of time.
Some years later, Shirakumo saves them both from their abusive family. Kotaro goes to jail, Nao goes to a mental institution to recover from the trauma and Oboro adopts the kids.
Welcome to the Cloud Family.
Shirakumo, a sort of vigilante now, keeps saving and adopting people that were forgotten by society.
Around that time he meets a girl maybe two years older than Hana. Her name is Magne and she ran away from her home because they didn't wanted her for being trans. She ask Shirakumo is she can stay with him, helping him raise the kids. He allows it, thankful.
Magne immediately becomes Hana's best friend. Both girls are an amazing duo and they help Tenko learn how to manage his quirk.
While Hana and Tenko study and Shirakumo works, Magne stays with the home duties, goes out with friends, lives her normal life being who she truly is.
She's cleaning the kitchen one morning and when Shirakumo breaks in through the window, holding a little girl in his arms. The girl looks younger than Tenko and it's covered in mud and blood. She's smiling big, fascinated with Shirakumo's quirk, like she's just taking a ride.
Shirakumo found her playing inside a trash can in the street. She was looking for something to eat. Her parents, some rich bastards, had abandoned her aftering finding out their kid liked to bite living animals and drink their blood. They kicked her out of the house and faked her death.
To cover up his vigilante identity, Shirakumo opens a bar. It's small, comfortable, perfect to hide from heroes and villians. He has a contact named Giran, who redirects to him all those people who need a hero but can't trust in the law.
Magne is the one managing the bar with Shirakumo, whevener he's not working. Hana, Tenko and Toga go to school.
Let's take a minute to imagine Hana and Touya being classmates. Imagine Hana and Touya arguing and even fistfighting. They become rivals. Which is pretty funny because you have Fuyumi trying to stop hee brother from insulting her best friend.
Little Hana hating Endeavor. Preach.
Natsuo and Tenko study together. They bond over trains and having idiotic parents.
I mean, I've always headcanoned that Shoto and Toga are both neurodivergent so imagine then bonding over that.
Toga is considered a weird kid but Shoto likes being around her because she doesn't look like him like he's unreachable. Toga is always telling how his fire is so pretty, nothing like Endeavor's fire. Also Shoto, who's always bleeding thanks to his training, doesn't understand why it's a big deal that Toga asks him for some. He just gives her and they pretend to be twins when she uses her quirk.
The day Touya goes to Sekoto peak, Hana is looking for him because Shirakumo insists that she should invite him to have dinner with them. She goes with Shirakumo to Endeavor's house and from there they go look for him at the peak.
When the fire begins, Oboro flies over and rescues Touya. However, they both get pretty burned. Shirakumo scapes with the kid and arrives at the bar. Magne contacts an illegal doctor to cure them both.
Hana tells Fuyumi that Touya is alive but she refuses to tell her where he is. She will only tell her if Fuyumi tells her about Endeavor. Hana knows she's being cruel but she also knows them, and she knows something bad is going on with them.
Hana takes Fuyumi to where they keep Touya once she admits Endeavor's abuse.
But Touya refuses to go back. He's barely healing, slowly, and he hates his dad. He is full with hatred and anger and hurt. Shirakumo fears for his life, but he can't simply fight Endeavor.
Fuyumi returns home, troubled. Finally she talks with Rei and the woman visits Shirakumo in secret. She visits her son.
They reach an agreement: For the world, Touya Todoroki would be dead. Only his siblings and his mother would know the truth, along with the Cloud Family. Dabi would be just a kid without a family, someone who grew up in Shirakumo's bar.
And so they did. The Todorokis would visit him regularly with the excuse of the todosiblings being friends with the cloud kids.
When Hana and Fuyumi started college, Dabi stayed behind with Toga and Tenko. They started training together, and before anyone could notice, they were already a team.
The final adoption of the cloud family happened when a woman gave a little girl to Shirakumo one rainy night. She was terrified of the child. In the hurry, she told him to take the kid to a mafia boss and left, but Shirakumo couldn't do it.
Shirakumo already had experience raising little girls and raising children with problematic quirks, so she fit perfectly in their family of weirdos.
The yakuza never knew about this.
Eri grew up glued to Tenko, because they look a like a lot, so people didn't doubt them being siblings.
Shirakumo turns into a reformed pro-hero just to start teaching at UA along with his old besties, Aizawa and Yamada. He's in charge of teaching the kids about how the villians think and work.
Hana ends up studying to be a lawyer, but only to cover up her family whereabouts.
Toga and Shoto starts studying at UA together (or the AU where Toga replaces Mineta at class 1-A). Toga calls Aizawa "uncle Eraser".
Magne keeps the bar with the help of Tenko aka Tomura and Dabi. Which is just a lie because Tomura and Dabi follow the vigilante path together, creating the Anti-hero League. Bonus point because Natsuo has to constantly use his medical skills on his older sibling and his best friend, since they are both reckless idiots with self-destructive quirks.
Fuyumi works with Eri on learning how to control her quirk. Turns out Fuyumi is an amazing teacher and Eri completely adores her.
Rei is responsible for Shoto's scar but this time is totally an accident. She still goes to the hospital BUT Dabi exposes Endeavor and together they all sent him to jail.
Compress, Spinner, Twice, Mustard, Giran.. They all find their way to the Anti-hero League and most important, to the Cloud Family. Shirakumo is proud as fuck because his son is just like him.
Which takes us to Tomura having to explain he has four sisters to Spinner.
And this is the story Tomura told him and the reason why Spinner keeps losing his mind every time he sees them all on the family reunions.
The end.
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kiritouyadeku96 · 2 years
Now you just seem angry at Enji, but honestly no I get where you are coming from it’s kind of gone a full circle now - Shouto wishes to deal with Touya—>Family talks, come to conclusion they do it together—>Enji disappoints Shouto a bit they then once again agree to do it together—>Shouto ends up being the one to deal with Touya but Enji phoned and Shouto said that it’s ok!
Anon I’m always angry at Enji 😂🤣 no in all seriousness I’m not even angry at him right now, even in this chapter I’m not angry at him. However, you just reminded me about how salty I am over Rei’s reunion with her son being skipped over! The pessimist in me is going “Nah we ain’t going to get a flashback on that moment now it’s too close to the end” but the tiny very tiny optimist in me(it’s very small I’m a bit of a pessimistic person 😅) is going “well I bet we’re going to get a flashback to that moment once Shouto cools Touya down and talks to him” because I can’t outright say we’re not going to get that flashback when I not Horikoshi!
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Interruption (modern au)
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The school of U.A was one of the most popular and importants around Japan and the area. You and a few other teachers were considered lucky to work as teachers there and some even envy you all for the payment.
Well... you and your coworker Aizawa could say other wise.... Toshinori, Mic and the others could sure be happy but the job was draining. And now with this pandemic thing going on it seemed that online classes were more exhausting then the normal ones... the hell?
'At least you dont have to get out of the house' you commented once on a teachers reunion and some answered you by laughter, others by whines and Aizawa only sipping his slcoffe while petting his cat as Eri gave all of you a cheerful greeting.
"Eh?!?!?!? So is not 160 the answer?!" You heard Denki Kaminari voice at your computer as you giggled at the bunch of laughter on the zoom chat.
"By my calculations is seems like the answer is 90, right (L/n)-sensei?" You nodded at your camera at seing and hearing Momo as you clicked on some things and showing the online board.
"You guys can see the results and the solving of the problem here. Any questions? Kaminari?"
"Oh shit it was that simple?" You snorted as some of the bakusquad as they named themselves laughed.
"Fucking stupid who cant solve a problem."
"Bakugou..." you scolded softly before you saw it Midoriya's hand raised "Yes Midoriya?"
"(Y/n)-sensei there is a problem of anatomy that I wanted to discuss with you!"
"Oh, of cour-!"
"No one cares DEKU!"
"Bakugou!" You scolded again and sighed, supporting your head on your hands as you tried to control your laughter... Those kids never failed to amuse or to entertain you.
You heard the door cracking open and you turned your head to the apartment door to see your boyfriend coming from work with a exausted face. Tossing his jacket aside as he called your name softly.
You mouthed a sorry to your students while pressing the mute and turning off the camera... well, that's was what you wanted to do at least.
"Hey." You spike softly as he only scotted to you, wrapping his bandages arms on your waist and making himself at home in your arms as you giggled softly, combing his dyed hair on your fingers as he rested his face on the crook of your neck.
You took the chance of grabbing your computer and your notebook with your pens, placing the laptop on top of you and your tired boyfriend as he breathed in and out on you, ocassionaly tightening his hold on you.
"Sorry guys, I will have to continue the class without the camera but moving on-" you heard giggles and snickers from many of your students but you simple brushed off as then messing ok his phones instead of paying attention to classes... you could only scold them softly with a joke or two but hey, is not like you can do what you usually did on classes.
The class moved on, you answering questions and praising everyone for their hard work as the male on top of you smuggled his face every once in a while on you, coincidentally the giggles getting just after that.
"Well usually we would have ten minutes left, but since I know all of you are exausted I will let you all have a break." You said while writing on your notebook some annotations as some students cheered.
"You're the best (L/n)-sensei!" You shaked your head with a smile at Kirishima's words, glad at least that your voice wasn't mumbled by your boyfriend's hair.
"Thank you thank you. Any more questions? I will be solving them." You hummed at seing Shoto's hand raised, Todoroki wasn't much of a talker yet his relationship with you was particularly interesting and like he was even a little brother to you as well. "Yes Todoroki-kun?"
"First, thank you for the class (Y/n)-san." You snorted, your only student who called you that "And second, Touya. Mom, Natsuo and Fuyumi send a hi and asked if things were okay for both of you."
Your eyes widened as one turquoise eye cracked open lazily, staring directly at the camera before you bursted in embarrased laughter along with your students, poor Shouto not understand why everyone was laughing that much.
"So you catched us huh?" You giggled as Touya sighed, closing his eyes once again and answering a few of questions including of his little brother.
"Oh gosh." You spoke after seing the time writen on your laptop "I took the break of all of you, I'm so sorry kids."
"Don't worry (L/n)-sensei!" Urakaka spoke on the mic as the others agreed to her words.
"You with Todoroki-kun's older brother is just so cuteeeee!!! I ship it!" Mina made a signal of heart with her hands on her camera as you giggled, your boyfriend shaking from the movement of your chest.
"Right right, thank you guys. Now I will leave the class to Aizawa before he rips my head out." They all whined as Touya tsked on your neck at they behaviour.
"Mom also asked if we could visit on this weekend." You snorted as the other students laughed at Shouto's words before Touya just raised his hand to give a thumbs up before plopping down to your waist. "He said yes."
"Okay now, dont forget to do your homework and study for the online text tommorow, I'm looking at noth of you Mina and Kaminari." They all made a salute out of joke as you rolled your eyes and wished them a good day before finishing your class.
You looked at your boyfriend, whose was still face deep buried on your neck a syou chuckled.
"Come on! It was kinda of funny!" You yelped at the pinch you received on your thigh before softening your gaze and playing with his hair, his natural color slowly growing and coming back.
"Is everything okay? You want to talk about it?" You felt him shake his head as a no on your neck before breathing in and tightening his hold on you.
"Shitty day doll..." he mumbled before you kissed his head as you cooed over your boyfriend.
"Its okay baby, take a nap, my job is over for today so..." you layed with his hair as he hummed, body relaxing and slowly giving onto slumber.
You soon received both messages of Natsuo and Fuyumi on the group chat you were added some months ago. The only member being the todoroki siblings, you and Rei.
Party rock onto Touya's house tonight!😝🎵🎶
Thanks for accepting us in your apartment (Y/n)-chan!
Yeah! Thanks a lot... but can you do us ust a favor? Send a pic of that sleepy head to us will you?😂👌 we saw through Shouto screen right when you ended the classes and we couldn't get it!
You snorted, clicking on the app of camera and snapping one or three pics of him sleeping on your chest as you sended only two, the most precious one where you got him smilling on your neck you decided to make as a wallpaper.
Doesn't even look like the old man he is 😂😂😂🤣🤣
Thank you for taking care of him (Y/n), my son looks so peaceful on your arms sweety 😊🙏
Classes are over.
Yes. I was just going to ask if (Y/n)-san would like to taste cold soba. Do you, (Y/n)-san?
"Look at what you got yourself into.." you yelped softly at the vibrations of his voice on your neck before carresing his cheek.
"I thought you were sleeping?"
"I have ears, the flash also bothered my eyes doll." He mumbled as you deadpanned.
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niks-minion · 3 years
Enji crying over Touya, and Rei telling Enji to get his shit together while stepping up as the family leader were both on my wishlist- sometimes fandom discourse makes me doubt how Hori’s gonna handle the todofam, but chapters like these bring so much relief
It’s so reassuring to see her being calm, composed and collected, ready to be there for her kids, face the difficulties in the process.
No trace of doubts at this face!
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And her kids surround her in the protective circle, Todo palm on her back, because they know how difficult it is for her after all. *uncontrollable sobbing*
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Could we have asked for more?
Ok maybe I’d be happy to see a bit of mom and son reunion back in Shouto hospital room but ok.
I believe we’ll witness one more shining moment of Endeavor as a hero. He’ll do it, for the sake of his family for once, not to uphold his number 1 status. Even if he tells “I can’t go against my own son”, I can’t imagine him just letting his other son to deal with it. I’ll kick his ass if that’s gonna be the case.
Anyhow, Hori is handling their arc like a pro 🖤
Can’t wait for more.
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Also can Hawks suddenly burst into the room? Pls? 😀
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problemswithbooks · 2 years
But I don’t think iida is there to be a cheerleader so something has to happen and reunion of endeavor and dabi have to happen so I think dabi is going to him
I mean I hope something happens with Iida, but he hasn't done much for a long while. The biggest thing he did was grab Izuku's hand, but as emotional as a scene that was, it was focusing on Izuku. Iida as a character just hasn't had much focus since his mini arc with Stain and the save Bakugou squad.
I really want him to properly finish his arc by meeting Stain again and proving that he has changed (especially if that changes something in Stain too), but Hori has put in enough little background updates that his arc could be considered finished already. He's already shown that he cares more for saving then he used to and fully imbodies his brother's Heroic style. Really, as much as it would be better to go full circle and have Stain see that, it's not strictly necessary. If he's rushing, it's probably the easiest plot to drop.
Sure, it'd be weird if Iida was brought to this battle for seemingly no reason, but with so many characters to juggle some will just be stuck in the background not doing all that much. It could just be that he's here because he's one of Shoto's closer friends and Hori wanted to give Shoto a little more background support. I mean, quite a few of the students did very little during the first War arc, including Iida who was just sort of around. It wouldn't be shocking if that was all he did this time to.
Plus, I don't even know how that interaction would go now anyway. Stain isn't really good at fighting multiple people and lost to the kids back when they were relatively untrained. Even with everyone tired, few of the sidekicks look that injured. He wouldn't stand much a chance against them, and to be honest it's hard to say if he'd even do well against Iida now that he has his power up. The only way to make him showing up interesting is if he was there to help instead of fight, and Iida stepped up and decided to trust him--but as much as I would like that, we didn't really get the idea that Stain had changed much when he talked to All Might. I mean he said he nearly doubled his kill count, and was still a relatively flat ranting lunatic kind of character. Like I love him but he's not very deep and Hori hasn't developed him at all.
As for the Dabi/Endeavor meet up, I'm entirely unsure how Hori's going to get there. I feel like it's pretty important that it happen, but at the same time I'm not going to say Hori will include it for sure since he makes really odd choices at times. To be honest I could see Touya going to the hospital in another coma and by the time he wakes up the War is over and Enji died or something. It'd be really unsatisfying and dumb, but I think it's best to consider the worst case scenario sometimes, just so I'm not overly disappointed when it doesn't go the way I thought it would.
Because again I really don't know how Touya would get to where Enji is. He's seemingly knocked out and mostly falling apart. Some people think either he or Shoto will end up having a healing factor in their Quirks, but I personally hope they don't because they're already both super OP as is and I don't even know where they would have gotten that from. At best it'd be something like, due to Rei's genes, maybe ice heals Touya, but even then you'd think they'd have figured that out sooner given how she mentioned cooling him off before.
Yet, if he or his brother don't have a healing Quirk he's pretty much out of the picture at this point. Or at least, he'd have to be fixed by Eri, which would then beg the question why afterwards Touya would be let loose to go help fight AfO. At this point the only way I can see this working past a sudden healing Quirk pulled out of Hori's ass, is if this entire plan falls apart in some way, and AfO escapes and everyone has to regroup, and the converted villains (probably Toga, Spinner and Touya only) are allowed to help because they want to save Shigaraki who is still under AfO's control.
But given how big the set up for this fight is, I really doubt this isn't the last fight, especially since Hori said he'd be done in a year.
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guardianspirits13 · 3 years
Emotional Abuse and Neglect in the Todoroki Family
(Originally this was going to be a very long winded responce to one of @habukomongoose’s posts, but I didn’t want to overshadow syr, so you can find the original post that inspired me here.
Okay, I could rant about this forever, but I don’t think people understand like how difficult and psychologically damaging neclect and emotional abuse can be. Natsuo and Fuyumi had literally no parental guidance from the ages of like 4+.
Fuyumi essentialy gave up her childhood to take care of her siblings and she was as young as 11 when Rei was sent away and she literally took care of the house, cooking, cleaning etc, as well as encouraging her brothers. She had to mature quickly to take on responsibility and so much stress as a literal child.
She heard her brothers and mom being abused from behind closed doors the same as Natsuo did, but she kept a smile on her face and kept fighting for the chance to have a family. Her inner dialogue was probably something along the lines of ‘If I can do more, if I help out, if I’m kind and patient and I’m good then everything will get better.’ I’m extremely familiar with these sort of internal thoughts, taking responsibility for everything that happens and blaming others’ pain on your personal shortcomings.
If she couldn’t bring her family back together, then maybe at the very least she could gain her father’s approval by being the perfect child, right?
Natsuo is a different case. He probably had the closest to a ‘normal’ childhood that any of the siblings got, but in the present he also seems to express the most residual emotional trauma (excluding Dabi, he’s an outlier). Fuyumi did most likely go out of her way to take care of him, up through encouraging him to go to college while she stayed in an....unstable household and continued to try and hold the place together. Natsuo was allowed to play and do essentially whatever he wanted, but he probably knew his parents the least.
He is the only one who explicitly never interacted with Endevaor as a kid, and hardly saw Rei past the age of four. I wouldn’t put him past goning above and beyond to gain any sort of attention, ranging from straight A’s to acting out and getting detention. It’s normal for kids who don’t get enough attention at home to act out, and I headcanon him as the sort of kid that was gifted and didn’t really have to try at school, but also a class clown who got in trouble a lot.
And then there’s his relationship with Touya. Now I’m going to say right off that bat that none of what I’m about to say is Touya’s fault whatsoever, but a MAJOR failing on the part of Endeavor and (to a much lesser extent) Rei. Now that that’s out of the way, Natsuo’s childhood relationship with Touya is clearly the main source of his trauma. Touya vented to him, and explicitly told him everything, from the things that Endeavor did to him to his own self-hatred and borderline suicial tendencies. Now we don’t know how young Natsuo was when this started, but he was nine when Touya ‘died’ and even that is an extremely young age to deal with anything of this nature, let alone from someone at least four years older than him.
So here’s the thing. In most cases, it would definitely be a form of emotional abuse to dump these sort of thoughts/feelings onto a young child, and even to a certain extent for adults as well. But Touya was also a child. He shouldn’t have had to turn to Natsuo to feel heard so again, all of this was very much Endeavor’s fault, from his role in making Touya feel like this in the first place to not meeting basic parental responsibilites. Also saying that, it is evident to me that a lot of Touya’s emotions towards Endeavor rubbed off on Natsuo, beyond just being angry about what Endeavor did to him directly. Natsuo still clearly looked up to Touya and saw him as a role model, as younger kids tend to do, so Touya’s abuse and neglect was just that much more damaging to Natsuo’s development.
Point being, Fuyumi had to mature responsibly to take care of her family, and Natsuo had to mature emotionally to help deal with Touya’s deepest, darkest thoughts and experiences.
This is not to speak of Touya’s ‘death’ and the impact that had on Natsuo specifically, hearing every single thing Touya went through and then losing him so suddenly. I’m not particularly saying that Touya attempted suicide (although the evidence is there), but I am saying Natsuo’s head can’t have been in a good place after hearing Touya wonder why he was even alive and then ‘dying’ soon after. He’s living with years of guilt and Touya’s death definitely weighs on his conscience.
If I’m gonna be even more of a psychology nerd for a moment here, he logically knows that he was just a kid, Touya’s death wasn’t his fault, and if it was anyone’s fault it would be Endeavor’s. Emotionally though, he feels responsible. He knows there’s nothing he could have done but there’s this nagging what if feeling, and he projects those feelings onto Endeavor, so pushing him away makes him feel like he’s doing something. Touya’s not alive to see this new Endeavor, he’ll never have the chance to forgive Endeavor because he’s dead. He hated Endeavor when he was alive too, so as much or as little as Natsuo might want to forgive Endeavor for his own neglect, he can’t forgive Endeavor for Touya’s sake. Once again, Touya is the source of most of his trauma, not Endeavor, however much Natsuo attributes to him. As far as we know Endeavor never did anything actively abusive to Natsuo, but it was passive neglect that broke both him and Touya. It’s sucha an interesting character aspect that I’ve uncovered, and honestly it makes so much more sense. Natsuo’s become a sort of vigilante in his own right, and he’s not going to rest until Touya gets justice or he gets the closure he needs to move on.
And guess what? Both of those things are so close to happening in canon. Yes, I’m a little (a lot) disappointed that it looks like Dabi’s gonna escape and go underground again after all of that drama, bceause I was really hoping for a reunion sooner rather than later. Either way, the Todoroki family is gonna have a lot to work through, even if they aren’t able to make peace with Touya himself. Shouto has undergone layers of new trauma in the past few chapters, and whenever Natsuo and Fuyumi show up he’s gonna have to decide wether he mentions how casually Dabi mentioned his (presumably secretive) reliant relationship with Natsuo, or how nonchalant he was about Natsuo almost dying. Anyways, everyone has a bunch of new trauma and I cannot WAIT to see how that works out for them.
Thank you for reading, and I would love to hear your thoughts if you have any!
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class1akids · 7 months
Interesting. I had to zoom in to read the Japanese to be sure, but yeah, the “greatest masterpiece” line is gone from the new spread. I’m curious to see how this and other changes work in context with the rest of the chapter. It makes me wonder if this is something that we’ll return to later in the conclusion and explore in-depth because I honestly don’t believe Shouto’s story is over.
Now I bought Vol 39, so I could look through the full sequence. There are a couple of interesting changes:
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The bottom panel showing Shouto's approach from the family's perspective disappeared from the volume version. Instead there is a new double spread that shows the approach from Shouto's perspective - he sees the giant, about to explode fireball with Touya and Endeavor in the center, Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi trying what they can, but their ice being dwarved by the flames. It's interesing that this is the first full Todoroki family panel since Ch 301 - Touya's attack. So it's a big moment and I'm glad Horikoshi emphasized the "family reunion" with a new, more fitting double spread.
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The second big change is to Shouto's line ("He reached uncharted territory that I can't tread. Maybe I was never the masterpiece creation"). In the volume version this line disappeared and Endeavor's panel has been taken out:
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I think this change achieves a couple of things:
While Shouto rejecting the masterpiece creation label is a powerful sentiment, the line implies that Touya is the "masterpiece", but also bringing back the "creation" idea which while a fair accusation to throw at Endeavor, may sound dehumanizing to Touya, the way it was to Shouto.
It has a sarcastic / bitter tone, speaking of resentment that's more fitting of Early-roki than Shouto as he is now. Since the theme of "Rising" is "become who you want to be" - Shouto has been trying to leave that person driven by negative emotions behind.
It may feel like Shouto with the jab prompts Endeavor to apologize, rather than Endeavor's apology coming naturally, on his own accord, which I think is important for Enji's character (and also works better for Shouto not to be fishing for an apology).
It leaves the scene way more open. "I was never a masterpiece creation" may be a fitting line to close Shouto's arc. But now, we are just left with "Touya's fire kept getting hotter..." which certainly makes the scene feel more unfinished. It makes me feel like we will get back to Shouto with much more confidence than before.
I also like Shouto's hand in the redraw - while in the weekly version he's standing there still with Phosphor in his palm ready to fight, in the volume, his palm is in a more relaxed position and it's just ice residue on his fingers, while his heart is emphasized even more. It gives overall the impression of a kinder, more compassionate Shouto than the weekly version one.
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sheliftsmeup · 3 years
okey so here it comes.... *drumrolls*
My thoughts on the shock of a chapter that’s 298 !!
- First of all: bakugou being worried about todoroki and midoriya
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As soon as he wakes up he ask’s about them 😭 he’s worried about his two friends even when he just woke up from almost dying 😭 he saw Izuku fighting and maybe remembers todoroki saving him? Idk I’m just soft for this
- Now this 💔 todoroki all bandaged up bc he was burned that badly, this is probably my favourite panel
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He’s just there unable to talk while momo, mina, shouji and kirishima stand beside him... they probably already know about dabi and what he said, they knew todoroki needed someone by his side when he woke up 😭
- then we have.... Mina and Momo hurting for him 😭 my heart broke dude
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momo with “we saw it todoroki... we know about the situation” and Mina saying “it’ll be alright” while she cries just BREAKS my heart... My bet is they’re crying for him, they realised all the hurt and abuse he was hiding since they met him in they’re first day at UA, how they didn’t know their dear friend at all 😭 they’re hurting for everything shouto has gone through, from his childhood filled with abuse to his scar and his villian brother... maybe I’m looking too into it and Mina’s just sad about everything but I’m really inclined to believe they’re hurting for him and they’re just really really worried about shouto and how all this is affecting him
- I don’t even know what to say about this besides WHAT THE F???
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He said “he’s basically me” when thinking about dabi??? WTF? this whole thing has hit him so hard, he probably has a mess in his head 😭 dabi publicly blamed him for his own abuse and called him “the favourite” when he knew shouto just suffered all his childhood, he wanted to kill him just because he was endeavour’s “perfect creation”... Shouto’s probably not thinking straight at ALL this was just too much for him... I know he’s saying dabi it’s him from before (him before the sports festival) but even then it isn’t right at all 😭 Dabi’s a villian and a murderer, shouto was just a broken teenager who didn’t have any emotional support or care growing up 😭 there’s no comparison
- I have nothing to say for this...
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I have to options:
1- he thinks endeavor isn’t mentally prepared to talk his own son down from villainy, in other words: “save him”
2- he thinks endeavor isn’t strong enough to fight Dabi
So either way he’s truly convinced he HAS to deal with dabi on his own, either to fight him or to try and “save him”... this means shouto, who btw had all his trauma exposed by his own brother, the brother who HATES him, who explicitly tried to KILL HIM and shamed him intensively- will try and go against him alone?? I want to see it really badly but I don’t think I’m ready 😭
* did dabi get so inside his head that now shouto feels guilty?? 😭💔
- my heart is warm?? 👇🏼
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Mina telling fuyumi and natsuo shouto can’t talk bc his throat it’s too burnt 🥺 I’m soft for this
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LOOK AT HIS POOR SHOCKED FACE 😭 did his mind made it up due to the shock bc of all he went through? Or is there SOMEONE WATCHING HIM?? Who did he see????!!! I’m dying to know 😭
- Now for the special mentions we have:
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Aizawa definitely lost his leg and eye 😔 and even then the only thing he’s worried about are the kids 🥺 he cares so much for them... and present mic there beside him... it hurts
Well I had more special mentions but I reached the image limit 😭 anyways it was the panel of bakugou saying he would kill midoriya himself if he died on him, the panel of midoriya unconscious with all might on his side, and the panel of todoroki’s lost gaze while everyone was talking to him...
And to finish this post I want to say I’m desperate for the next arc and to see what’s coming for shouto 😭 he’s been hurt so badly I want him to rest but I also want him to go all out and have the dabi vs shouto we’ve been waiting so much for, I also really want to see the reactions of the rest of class 1 A, aizawa and all might to todoroki after they find out about dabi and everything he said... will they feel guilty?? will they ask todoroki about his childhood home life?? I also want to see midoriya waking up and the bakutododeku reunion 🥺 I want to see all three of them together, they’ve gone through so much 😭 anyways I’m all here for more angst but I need some fluff please. Shouto deserves and needs a good crying session and a big ass hug.
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years
It’s hard to tell what Dabi really thinks of his family, I feel it’s mostly negative and any love he does/did have is hidden deep under all the anger and hate he is feeling! Because with the snatch scene is he crying blood because he is thinking of his family? Or is because like a meta I read once he’s upset because Endeavor still didn’t see him or recognise him as his son? And then there’s the fact that after the war he’s crying blood again, and he mentioned the whole family still referring to Rei as mum, Fuyumi as Fuyumi-chan(I think) and Natsuo as Natsu-kun!l don’t because in that scene he seems sad, distant or something. So I really don’t know how he feels and it’s both intriguing and frustrating 😂 I question myself all day on why I got into his character, I know it would just be painful 😖!
I think the meta that Fluffyblaire made (the one you're thinking about) is much more accurate to the Dabi that we've seen in canon personally because Dabi really hasn't shown much interest in his family beyond Endeavor (and Shouto if you count his obsessive need to kill him).
I'm actually not sure if Dabi has shown his true feelings about his family or if his anger and obsession are still blinding him. Because if we go off what we've been shown in canon, Dabi really doesn't care about any of them beyond Endeavor. When he was a kid, he was civil to his family, even using Natsuo as emotional support, however in the same breath he also insulted Rei and Fuyumi and quickly got upset with Natsuo when he said he was tired of hearing Touya talk about how unwanted they are all the time.
I'm hesitant to say he didn't care and instead leaning more towards that he was too obsessed with regaining Enji's love and approval to form bonds with the other members of the family. Even now, that obsession overrides any feelings he has towards his family as we saw how dismissive he was about almost getting Natsuo killed even though he was supposed to be the sibling he was closest too.
It's hard to label Dabi's feelings because his story isn't finished yet and we've still haven't seen a proper family reunion with them (if Hori plans on having Rei and the other two confront Dabi).
We'll have to wait and see!
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digressfromreality · 4 years
The In-Between pt. 2
The reunion that Dabi had hoped for. Part 1 is here! 
A/N: Made a part 2 because the comments on this inspired me. I hope this isn’t too disappointing, because Endeavor is hella hard for me to even attempt writing for. 
“Baby, this doesn’t-” Y/N stammered, fixing the bandages that they wrapped Touya so meticulously in. “I’m not so sure about this. What if-” Dabi wrapped his arm around her, pulling her tight to his torso. She could feel the heat rise in his body when it was pressed so close to hers.
“Doubting me, sweetheart?” Extended between the fingers on his free hand was the ring that he had insisted she needed to put on during this outing. It’s identical to my mother’s, was all he said.
She sighed, leaning into her husband’s embrace. “He’s our baby, I’m always going to worry.” Dabi chuckled, relaxing his posture. Even though she couldn’t see it, he probably was rolling his eyes at her concerns. But she would rather have that, than entice whatever tension he was failing to address at the moment.
“Get going Touya, I need to talk to your mom for minute.” Without hesitation, her son went bounding toward the park without her. His excitement could hardly be curbed, it wasn’t often that they traveled to an area quite as nice as this one.
“Make sure to wait for me! And don’t start anything on fire!” She hollered, watching her 6 year old waving her off as he ran across the alleyway toward the park ahead. Her words were lost to him, as the playset got closer to his field of vision.
She stood still as Dabi readjusted her skirt and the hat he had asked her to wear. These clothes were expensive, but dated. She never minded receiving secondhand clothes and she appreciated the effort it took for him to get her stuff, but it seemed her husband had other intentions for these specific outfits. He had even asked her to change her hair color to match Touya and morph her eyes to a slade gray. It was almost like her and Touya were playing dress up versus taking a family trip to the park.
“Just give it a couple minutes, he knows what to do.” Why did his words make her stomach squirm?
The incessant honking of a car horn had sprung the hero into action. Endeavor had scooped up the kid before the vehicle had a chance to clip him. What was this brat doing? His heart was racing in his chest.
“Mister, you’re holding me too tight.” The boy struggled in his arms as he placed him on the sidewalk for an inspection and lecture. “You squeezed my owwies.” The boy claimed as he fiddled with his bandings. The blinding whiteness of this boy’s hair and the smell of honey and astringent, made Endeavor clench his eyes closed momentarily.
He could feel his heart pumping erratically. Why? Why did this feel so painfully nostalgic?
The boy tugged on the hero’s costume, “Are you okay Mister?” His cyan eyes meeting the boy’s exact stare. Endeavor could hardly breathe, Touya?
“Yeah,” please forgive me. His heart ached with overwhelming regret. This wasn’t, this couldn’t be his son, he-he wasn’t the one he needed to- please forgive me. It’s not-
“Touya, manners!” Scolded a woman in Endeavor’s peripheral vision.
“Where’s dad?” The boy exclaimed loudly.
“Touya you know your father,” she stiffened remembering her current company, “-he can’t go to the park with us.” She sighed, watching her son pout and stomp his foot. He was understandably disappointed.
Touya. Touya. Touya.
“I don’t care about his scars! He’s my dad.” It hurt to lie to her son, but she couldn’t tell him that his father was a wanted criminal. Especially by the man that was staring at her son so woefully. It made her uneasy when this despicable hero gaped at Touya as if he owed him the world.
“Touya, I know your dad can’t come play like you want, but this mister is too busy to play.” She extended her hand to help the hero from his knees, and put some distance between the two. She needed to take Touya far away from here. Her eyes gazed back at the alleyway, her husband had disappeared. Thank god. The last thing she wanted was for him to be caught up in this—
“Ow!” The pro hero was too entranced to realize he was crushing the hand she had extended to him.
Endeavor flinched, when he saw her complexion. Rei? Touya? He remembered buying her that dress for the family pictures his in-laws had insisted on them taking. When was the last time he had saw his wife smile?
His wife was quiet and humble, just like when they first met. “Rei.” He reached for her, only for her to pull away in fear. Her fear engrained so plainly on her face. She was terrified of him. He did that.
“We could play villains and heroes!” Dabi watched his wife…and Endeavor snap their gazes at his son. He smirked. Touya was a natural. The promise of the park today as long as he played the little game that the two of them planned. It was plenty easy to entice his son. “He already has the costume! He could save the princess and fight the villain!”
The way his wife nearly dropped at the words of her son, almost made Dabi feel guilty…almost. It was too enthralling to witness Endeavor’s conscience collapse beneath the ghosts of his past.
She looked incredulously at her son, her voice almost in a shrill panic, “Touya, stop joking around.”
“But mom...he wouldn’t kill me for real. I’m just a kid.” Endeavor’s heart raced as Touya reached out and pulled on his sleeve, “Heroes don’t hurt kids, right Enji Todoroki?”
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bluecryptic · 3 years
My Thoughts on Ch. 300 from My Hero Academia
(Warning: Spoilers and Opinions!)
The Hero Society is Crumbling- My dark side is satisfied. I’m not suprised that this is happening and I’m actually glad that it is. Although the idea of a society where almost everyone has superpowers and superheroes exist is cool, I’m glad that we got to see the flaws it has. The system has always been shallow and biased towards quirks, especially the hero community, well, most of them so I’m not suprised to see it crumbling down. Not when we have been showed how this kind of society that relies on heroes and quirks shaped the villains in the story.
I also like how a lot of heroes are resigning either because there are too many heroes for them to handle or how civilians that the heroes are supposed to protect are against them and the heroes can’t handle that or both. Needless to say, I like how this is going because this pretty much weeds out the “real” heroes amongst the the ones that were only in it for the fame and fortune.
Speaking of weeding out fake heroes...
Stain is Back- While I liked the ideals Stain introduced and the impact it had on the story, I never actually liked Stain as a character. I always saw his quest to “eliminate all the fake heroes” as an excessive “Notice Me Senpai!” towards All Might, given how Stain would claim that All Might is the one true hero and that All Might is the only one that can take him (Stain) down. Stain stans can come at me with the pitchforks or comments defending Stain but none of y’all are changing my mind of how I see Stain as a crazy All Might fanboy using his villainous actions as a way to meet his idol. 
Although, perhaps time in prison and the events that happened while Stain was in jail changed him and that we can expect him to suprise us. Like maybe, instead of being against heroes, Stain will be helping by being the “Villain Killer” instead. I’m a sucker for “villain turned good guy” stories done right and I see Stain’s return as the chance for one. 
Endeavor’s Breakdown- Everyone has mixed feelings about this scene and I’ve already read a few posts that talk about it and all I can say is that they’re both right and wrong. 
I think I’m one of the few people who didn’t outright Endeavor from the beginning or at least intrigued by idea of this type of character existing in this kind of story and was curious to see where Horikoshi would go with it. I like complex characters, especially those that go through some kind of development, like Zuko from Avatar of Scarlemagne/Hugo from Kipo. First off, I’m not defending Endeavor’s actions and behavior towards his family, he was an abusive piece of shit and I’m glad that karma is coming back to bite him in the ass. However, I can appreciate that Endeavor is the type of shitty father character archetype that is getting good (in terms of writing) development that is consistent to the character, the characters around him and the overall story. 
Endeavor’s breakdown and crying over how much he screwed up is just him finally not realizing how much he screwed up, but feeling how much he screwed up. I’ll also just say this in Endeavor’s defense, he can cry and should be crying. Not that he deserves to cry but rather, it’s fitting given the character and scenario. Endeavor has always been about strength and recognition along with a strong distaste for any sort of weakness. Thinking back on it, Endeavor has always tried to present himself as someone strong no matter what the situation and now, he’s at his lowest point, so naturally, of course he breaks down. 
In terms of development and storytelling, I see the breakdown a necessary plot device to push our characters and the narrative forward. As Aang said in Legend of Korra: “When we reach our lowest point, we are open the greatest change.”
Todoroki Family Reunion- Like many others, I’m glad that the reveal of Touya being alive and a villain didn’t setback Rei’s progress like most expected but rather, the opposite. I’m also curious to see what’s going to happen in the next chapter when it comes to the Todoroki’s
Now, I’d like to point out that aside from Shoto’s reaction to Endeavor’s breakdown (since it was more for comedic purposes), the rest of the Todoroki’s had reactions that pretty much sum up the reactions from the reader.
Fuyumi- Feeling sorry for Endeavor because despite everything he’s done, there are compassionate souls like Fuyumi that just want the best for everyone. It is okay to feel bad for someone even if that person wasn’t the model of a saint themselves. 
Natsuo- The understandable reaction most abuse victims would have towards seeing their abuser in pain. Like with Fuyumi, it’s okay to not feel sympathy towards the person who hurt you and your loved ones as well as believing that said abuser doesn’t deserve to feel sorry after all that’s happened since it is pretty much their fault.
Rei- So little time in the spotlight but so much development. Also, since she only showed up in the last few panels, I don’t think it’s fair to jump to conclusions on how she’s feeling about the current situation. As of now, the tables have flipped where Enji is the one having a breakdown whereas Rei who has her shit together and is still standing tall despite everything. Rei is right to tell Enji off and not giving him any pity. 
What I want to see next chapter, is Rei’s side of the story. Her, talking about her feelings, past and present. I want to see what she thinks about her dead son being alive and a villain. I read a post that talked about how Rei will want to save her Touya/Dabi but for all we know, it could be the opposite. For all we know, Rei would want Dabi to stopped. Sure, Dabi is her son and while his actions can be contributed to Endeavor’s abuse, Rei was hurt just as much if not, more than Dabi and you don’t see her going on about killing people. But that’s just speculation on my part and a part of me wanting to see Rei defending Endeavor for Dabi, not because she forgives him,no, but because she’s done letting the past weigh her down and just wants to move forward with her life. It’d be ironic that Dabi’s big plan to expose Endeavor would work against him but I digress.
The only person who knows where this is going is Horikoshi and I just want to see the drama further unfold so I can’t wait for the next chapter.
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kiritouyadeku96 · 2 years
“then his mother had a word and his mind was changed.” 😂 you sounded so angry there, like why are you angry at Rei??
Hi anon ☺️ angry at Rei? I’m not angry at Rei or even at the chapter really I love the chapter, but we’ve basically gone back to plan one. Which was Shouto being the one to deal with Touya, like he woke up and decided that he would be the one to deal with Touya. Then his dear old mum came in and had a word! What word well we do not know because Enji’s crying face was a whole lot more important, than Rei’s reunion with her son 😭! Yes I’m still salty over it being skipped over, and I feel like with each passing chapter it’s unlikely we’ll get a flashback to that moment!
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