#if the characters are crossing a bridge
rjalker · 9 months
Idk if it was (is?) a French thing or a Guy de Maupassant thing but water = death.
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alienssstufff · 8 months
*cracking knuckles*
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Too busy to do anything refined yet too excited to keep the idea to just my brain fiddling around with the concept - they b animal crossing happy home >u<
I blame the cute SL logo and teeny tiny starter bases for this
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myrmica · 14 days
its so funny that all minute—the guy who once upon a time hoped to redeem zam—'s team has accomplished is getting him to consider giving up his remaining honor in order to match the level they're playing on ?
#m#lifesteal#i can't stop thinking about minute&co dismissing the argument about how they've encouraged players#to ban themselves and thus contradicted their own stated goal#the way 'peaceful ending' warped into 'it doesn't matter what we do so long as we can flip a switch at the end' but what the fuck happens#in a scenario where you unban everyone who you've pissed off ? are they happy? is that peace? and you won't even defend the choice!#what the fuck is happening here!#you laugh at zam for saying he's won but you won't have the argument that you know you'd lose ^_^#none of this is angry in tone i'm having fun. thisis my bread and butter. i'm happy lifesteal is weird and tense again#enjoying that it's looped this far around into the ACTIVE dismissal of rp-logic where zam&co are having to say 'okay then#we'll win This game too!'#them acting dismayed that mapicc wouldn't walk into that obsidian box. like oh my god#and it's so different from the weird tenseness of s4 it's something different entirely. new meta conflicts just for me !????#we'll see how it all ends.... they might make me mad again but we'll cross that bridge#it's so different from the Vitalasy Incident even though both involve people functioning in opposition to lifesteal's 'storytelling rules'#for vi it was because of his emotional investment. it manifested in nothing but endless 'character-level' debate in the lead up and#plenty of emotional roleplay from vitalasy in the aftermath#vi's primary effect on season 4 through the wormhole was to render lifesteal's gameplay obsolete#pb&j's primary effect is instead to focus intently on Winning that game while everything else falls by the wayside
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lovecoredeity · 2 months
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recent paycheck got fucked and after paying my phone bill I don’t have any money left for other necessities until my next paycheck (a whole two weeks from now) so now I have to attempt to sell ✨this✨ doll themed adoptable, I’m not like even sure how to go about pricing it so instead we’re doing ✨an auction✨ starting at $25! I have Zero Confidence that this will even receive bids or be sold but here we are anyways! I do not have a specific “reach this amount to buy the design” price in mine I’m sorry I’m bad at pricing things and have 0 confidence in my art </3
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phoenix-inblue · 8 months
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Work in progress!!! This is actually going well??? I don't typically make comics this way, I generally spread them out
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redactedrem · 19 days
Drawing my OTP like this but the question is, which one?
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bunnymajo · 8 months
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Color test for a new tenrec oc I'm working on, Lily Lemon (name still working on)
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luuxxart · 5 months
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content warning: it is pretty plot important, and I have the warning on the content warning page, but there is explicit child abuse (mental, physical) in this update.
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blackjackkent · 6 months
This Sharran gauntlet is definitely a bit of a maze. Doing my best to cover everything and not get lost but we'll see.
My immediate plan was to go deal with that displacer beast, since the knowledge that it was there was making me nervous. :P Jumping down to the level where it was standing, though, it seems to be abruptly gone, and Karlach picked up a perception check.
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Cool. Probably the one Raphael told us to look for.
Aggressive quicksave per @zenjestrr's suggestion, and down we go, fully expecting something to jump out of a wall.
Actually, before even starting down the corridor, I'm able to move the camera along, and hey, look.
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There he is.
This big boy and his numerous friends are a level above us (just take my word for it; the messed up, shattered architecture around here is very confusing) and looking the other direction. I'm guessing our current path will take us underneath him and then he will drop down on us? The displacer beast appears to have moved to the far side of the room past him.
My ideal strategy here would be to jump up behind him and get the drop on him instead, but only Karlach has the jump distance necessary to make that work. So we'll see if we can get a shot on him from underneath before he notices us, I guess.
A very unscientific diagram of the situation:
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After some experimenting, I was able to get the group (in a rare moment of the hide action actually working successfully in this game) to sneak to the far right side of the room without alerting anybody. This allows us to get a bit of a look around at this area, which is AWFUL.
Hector points out that there is tons of blood and gore everywhere, and this is hanging out at the far end near where the displacer beast is pacing back and forth.
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I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, Shadowheart, that this isn't what normally goes on in Sharran temples.
We do seem to kind of have the option of just...scurrying past the whole situation and not engaging. But I'm not overly interested in doing that, and I don't think Hector is either. He doesn't like Raphael much but the depiction of the Orthon as a crazed brute seems like it might not be off the mark and needs to be dealt with.
But if there's a way to handle this situation stealthily I don't think I know what it is. And ultimately I think Hector would like to get Orthon's side of the story before killing him outright. So I think the correct answer here might just be to step into view and see what happens.
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The displacer beast spots them immediately, followed at once by the orthon on the upper level, who has sighted down on them with a crossbow.
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"What's this?" the devil growls in a rumbling, resonant baritone. "Fresh entertainment...but you're too fresh for this place, aren't you? There's a whiff of the surface to you..."
His eyes move from Hector to Karlach, and he smirks. "You. Tiefling. You've got the stench of the Hells about you - the stench of home. And a whiff of the surface besides. A servant of Zariel, if I'm not mistaken." His fingers flex on the handle of his crossbow. "I'd know the stench of her infernal machinery anywhere."
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Karlach shifts uncomfortably at Hector's side. "What do you know of infernal machinery?" she asks.
The devil shrugs casually, the tip of the crossbow remaining perfectly steady with the movement. "Only what I can smell. And whatever engine burns within you is grinding to an inevitable explosion. Burning and fear - you reek with it."
Hector sets his jaw. How dare this creature taunt them with that terrible encroaching deadline? He has tried, so hard, not to think about it, to focus on what he and Karlach have together, now, but that mocking voice draws it back into immediate focus and the pain stabs back into him again, and with it, fury.
And yet...
Is it possible the orthon knows something that could help to save her? Hector would betray Raphael in a heartbeat if it meant keeping Karlach safe...
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As if following his thoughts, the devil twitches, looks back towards Hector and wrinkles his nose up. "There's something else...almost hidden by your fear-stink. Cherries...musk...and sulphur. Raphael! I can smell him all over you. WHERE IS HE?"
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"I...don't know what you mean..." Hector tries evasion, but it's useless.
"LIES," the devil bellows at once, as Hector on some level knew he would. "My nose would recognize him anywhere. That perfumed trickster swindled me - trapped me!"
There's clearly no point in being coy about this. Hector sighs. "He wants you dead," he says matter-of-factly.
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"Where is he?" growls the orthon. "Spit it out. NOW!"
"Careful," Shadowheart mutters. "I'm not sure we want Raphael as an enemy."
Hector isn't either, but he also believes Raphael fully capable of lying about what is actually going on here. What he wants, more than anything, is information before making a decision, and this orthon seems like it might be marginally more likely to tell him things directly than Raphael is.
"Let's...share our experiences about Raphael," he says carefully. "Perhaps we can help each other."
The devil laughs. "Bargaining, are you? A Kara-Tur warlord once tried the same - I made him watch as I ate his concubines and young, then fashioned a codpiece from his skull." He snarls, a noise of muted frustration and rage. "You can't help. It's not just walls that keep me here. Not the traps, the dark, or the creatures it hides. Something stronger holds me. A contract. Either I fulfil the contract, die trying, or forfeit my freedom. If I leave this place now, I'll become Raphael's slave."
Hector's eyebrows lift in surprise. This...is interesting news - and not simply for reasons of the issue at hand. Astarion has said on more than one occasion in camp that he would like to work with Raphael, to make a deal that would see him freed of Cazador's ability to control him. Hector thinks it's a terrible idea, but knows arguing with Astarion is pointless - but he wonders how Astarion would feel to know that Raphael is ready to enslave and control as well, perhaps just as much as Cazador was.
But...that is an issue to consider later. For now he must decide what to do regarding that crossbow still pointing down at him.
"Show me this contract," he says, still speaking very slowly, carefully, ready to dodge aside if the devil shows signs of attacking. "Perhaps there's something you missed." That would be the ideal scenario, wouldn't it? Get the creature out of its contract, send it back to the hells, and upset Raphael's plans at the same time but without giving him room to object.
The orthon blinks, then straightens and, completely unexpectedly, begins to sing - terribly.
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"Spill all the blood sworn to the night. Silence all prayers, smother each rite. Wander Shar's halls, hungry to slay. Leave no Justiciar alive to obey. Leave none to hear it; then be set free. This song is your oath. Swear, swear it to me."
Hector resists the urge to wince at the discordant notes, focusing instead on the message of the strange, winding verse.
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Narrator: Well, that explains where all the Dark Justiciars went. [INSIGHT] The final lyrics linger in your mind. There is a trick buried within them - a clause that cannot be easily fulfilled.
"That's it," the demon rumbles, bringing his crossbow up again and re-aiming it at Hector's face.
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"So he's responsible for all the carnage down here," Shadowheart whispers, appalled. "All those Dark Justiciars...slaughtered..."
Hector looks up at the orthon, his mind churning rapidly, trying to parse the situation and the best way out of it. "Raphael wanted you to kill Dark Justiciars?" he asks. "Why?"
"Asking why doesn't get me paid," the orthon snarls. "Hunting and killing does. Raphael mentioned something about an aasimar. Meant nothing to me. I did my part - I filled these halls with ghosts. But Raphael's playing some other game, one that involves stiffing me."
He pauses, seems to consider for a moment, then shrugs. "Anyway, enough prattle. The lyrics are clear - all who hear the song must die. He spits on the ground, cocks the crossbow back. "Time to die."
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Hector backpedals at once, a hand going to his crossbow, but as he does, he babbles out desperately, [PERSUASION] "The lyrics are a trick! You've always had an audience - your followers! Get rid of them!"
Years of reading back in the monastery libraries on all manner of subjects coalesces here; he has read of devil contracts and of the legal ones of the material plane. If he can convince the devil to believe him...this has to be correct, it has to be the way out...it solves everything at once...
But that's a very big "if."
A long, strained pause. For a moment he's quite sure he's going to get a crossbow bolt in the head no matter what...and then the orthon's weapon drops and he looks perplexed. "The merregons?" He glances at the masked, imp-like creatures flanking him. "They barely have a thought to share among themselves..." Another pause. "But they do have ears." He turns towards them, snaps out an order. "Kill yourselves! Back to the hells with you!"
It's a rather extraordinary show; without hesitation, all the small creatures turn and slam their axes into each others heads, then collapse in a bloody heap. One of their axes clatters down next to Hector's feet.
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The orthon roars with frustration. "Arrrghhh - I still hear it! Seems your theory is wrong!"
Hector's whole body is jittery with adrenaline, both from fear and from a sort of hysterical thrill that he spoke and the creature listened to such a bloody degree. He can feel the situation on the verge of slipping out of control...but he's almost certain his interpretation of the situation is correct, and at least there are fewer enemies on the field now. [PERSUASION] "You're not finished yet!" he points out desperately. "The displacer can hear you, can't she? Kill her!"
A very unexpected burst of grief flashes onto the orthon's face. "Kill..Nessa?" He looks towards the displacer beast at the far end of the room with deep regret.
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"Stay very still, my beauty..." he whispers, and pulls the trigger on the crossbow. The shot flies true and the displacer falls without a sound.
The regret morphs into rage at once. "I STILL HEAR IT!" the demon bellows.
Hector swallows. This is it - the final point. If he's right...the orthon will no longer stalk these halls, Raphael's request will also have been fulfilled, and all of it completely in line with the contract.
[PERSUASION] "Exactly," he says. It takes every ounce of nerve in his body not to flinch away from the pure fury in the demon's face. "Kill yourself, complete the contract, and you'll be reborn in Avernus. Free!"
Surely this is right. It fits with everything he's read before about such things. Listen to me, he thinks desperately, watching the crossbow's tip waver in midair.
And then the crossbow drops. The devil stares at him, reaches to his back and pulls out a heavy steel sword from its sheathe.
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"If you're wrong about this," he growls, "I'll claw my way out of Avernus and eat you alive - contract be damned."
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He lifts the blade, puts it to his own heart, and thrusts it home. A spatter of bright red blood sprays across the stone floor. "Nicely played, Raphael... Bastard..." he groans out and collapses heavily off the platform into a heap on the ground.
For a long moment, Hector and his companions simply stare at the unmoving body, unable to believe that worked.
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"That silver tongue of yours is dangerous," Shadowheart murmurs after a while, looking rather impressed. "Bravo. I can't believe you actually pulled that off."
"Me either," Hector whispers. His heart is pounding as if he's just run a marathon, and he finds that his hands are trembling as he goes to try and loot the devil's body.
He didn't really think that would work, right up until the moment that it did. All this time out in the 'real world,' he's struggled with the nuances of conversation, of handling tense situations smoothly. Here, of all places, he was utterly terrified that he would say the wrong thing, would fail, would get them all killed...
But that devil...listened to him.
He believed what he was saying, that these actions would free the orthon from its contract; it wasn't a lie, he wasn't trying to trick the creature. But nevertheless, it was a desperate attempt at best. And the fact that it worked...
He sits down heavily on the floor, puts his head in his hands, and just breathes until the shakiness starts to bleed out of him. It worked, and it's over. It worked, and it's over. One less thing to face in this darkness. All things with her strength.
All things with *my* strength.
For the first time, he realizes he truly believes it. He can do this. He can face these things and handle them, at least sometimes, even the ones that seem insurmountable. For the first time since the crash, a tiny bit of the everpresent fear ebbs away.
"You all right, Hec?" Karlach sits down next to him, leans her head gently against his. Feeling him shaking, she shifts to wrap her arm around him and, unresisting, he slumps into her side.
"I hate this place," he mutters with a hoarse, rueful laugh.
Shadowheart stands nearby, watching him thoughtfully. "You have no love for my Lady, or the others who worship her," she says quietly. "I know that. But you drove out that evil, so it will not kill any more of us."
He nods slightly, not looking up. "They don't deserve a massacre," he says hollowly. "Any more than the Selunites on the surface did."
She has no answer for that, and turns away with a troubled expression.
"Loathe as I am to interrupt our self-congratulatory snuggle session," Gale says mildly, "I think we might do well to be moving on. We've no shortage of other dangers to face before our tents show us their welcoming faces once again."
He leans over and offers a hand to Hector, helping him lever away from Karlach and back onto his feet. "But well done, my friend. Any standoff with a devil that ends with everyone still un-immolated is fine by me."
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firstruleofmethclub · 6 months
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Gimly's D&D 5E Player Characters - #7
Name: Astra Harrowe, the Wolf Spider
Race: Half-Moon Elf
Class: Seeker Warlock x. Whispers Bard
Background: Courtier
Ability Modifiers: +5 Charisma; -2 Strength
Campaign: The Lost Mines of Phandelver campaign I had originally played as Tree in began to spin off into a bigger thing with at least two whole extra campaign books thrown in, and Tree had kind of run her course, so I asked if I could bring in a character of my own creation, and thus, Astra.
Backstory: Astra was a Harper agent who had been installed in a small castle, posing as a courtier to learn its goings on and return information to the Harpers, and ensure that their values are being upheld there.
She was recently reassigned to Phandalin to quietly investigate rumours that the Lords Alliance have seized unwarranted control of the town, and that Order of the Gauntlet agents had also been dispatched there. Her orders were to discover if these other factions intend simply to provide aid the town of Phandalin, as had been suggested, and if so, to assist them as best she could. If however their motives are to use hostility to take Phandalin as their own territory, she is to report back to the Harpers immediately, and co-ordinate their downfall.
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speeding-fox · 4 months
39 for the OC questions!
This silly little box kitty creature, Boxitty.
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It came to life through a child's wish. I intended for it to be a Fakemon, but I might make it its own thing at some point.
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ravenwolfie97 · 8 days
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oh baby we're so back
#so i had. a somewhat cracked idea#so i had made some genshin ocs for fun a few months ago#and ended up getting way too attached to one of them in particular#and i kept thinking like man drawing them is one thing but i would love to see that oc as like an actual character in action#without manipulating the actual game of course. cuz that can get you banned and i don't want that ;3;#but then i was like wait. i could just mock it up in blender#because i've used blender before. i had to use it for a couple years in high school for art and animation stuff#and then promptly never really used it again except once in college for fun and it didn't stick#but now i'm like. super pumped about this#i want my vision to come true and by god i will do it#at first i was gonna use the genshin models for base part and started by looking up how people import them#but then i was like. oh yeah i could just draw it and then plop that into blender and just trace that essentially#which i forgot was a thing a lot of people do kjlkjlkl#but like i still want it to be accurate? or close at least#so like idk this isn't something i'm gonna be finishing in an afternoon this will be like. many months of work#but i'm actually rly excited about it man#this isn't getting into the animation aspect yet cuz that. will truly be tricky. cuz idk if you can import that data or not#from genshin i mean. like just slapping those animations onto the character at first#i think that either isn't possible or is more complicated than i would imagine#like. how many bones Do they have. makes ya think#but anyway i can't animate if i don't have a model so i'll cross that bridge first lol
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staticgcne · 21 days
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luminouslotuses · 9 months
very very niche au idea but i’m throwing it out here nonetheless: hadestown au with hades & persephone as c!tntduo and orpheus & eurydice as q!tntduo. idk if it could actually function as an au but i’m partial to the idea of the two tnts meeting (something something seeing completely different versions of yourselves but still seeing certain similarities when it comes to your wants and ideals. lmfao anyways)
i think a way it could work would be for ctnt to be like a myth or legend. some people believe, some don’t– but when the weather and the seasons change, that’s when the “myth” becomes all too real.
qw is working on a song that he believes could change the world for the better, and he travels for inspiration. this would be where the conflict would stem from– between qw always being away & qq still reeling from the loss of tilín. that would also be the lure qq would follow to the underworld– the prospect of getting his child back.
ctnt would be romantic (not entirely sure who would be who? the hadestown itself gives me cq vibes but hades is more cwilbur to me,, idk). for qtnt, qwilbur would obviously be orpheus and qq would be eurydice. despite them being in a romantic relationship in the musical, i personally think it would be better here if this relationship was queerplatonic. or better yet; qq thinking he’s in love with qw romantically at first, though he eventually realizes that he was merely enamored with the idea of any kind of love he could receive after losing tilín. he still loves & cares for qw after coming to that realization, but it just isn’t exactly the kind of love he’d originally thought it was.
no clue who the fates or hermes or the workers would be LMAO i haven’t thought out a lot of things yet but fuck. i kinda want to write something for this,,,
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twanettee · 1 year
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I’ll cross the bridge when I get there
get where? I don’t know
will the trees be gold? will the clouds be pink? will the sky glow lavender?
I don’t really want to think
about all that
or whether the bridge is wood or metal
or cement or brick
or shiny or matt or thin or thick
I just want the wind to blow
not strong or weak but just right;
not gently, not a hurricane
but perfect to fly a kite
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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I drew a part 2 to my favorite Cookies
To be honest though, I just sort of went with whoever I think is neat, I don’t have like a set list of characters. Should probably do that
Anyways, so let’s get into this
Dark Enchantress Cookie: I think she’s a pretty neat villain. Originally I wasn’t expecting her to be old (I didn’t know who the villain was), but I like it. I dunno, maybe I just haven’t seen that many old ladies as villains? And her voice acting’s pretty good too. Also her voice actor, Patty McCormack, seems like a nice lady :)
But another thing I really like about her is (spoilers) the fact that she’s White Lily Cookie. And she’s not like possessed or turned evil by magic means, from what I can tell, the narrative is that she chose to go down this path. Yes she’s not exactly like White Lily Cookie, and her personality seems changed, but she still has all of White Lily Cookie’s memories, and from what I understand, her change to evil is supposed to be more like a negative response to trauma. She was still White Lily Cookie. She used to be a legendary hero, she used to be lifelong friends with the other Ancients, people we know and we know how deep their bond is. And that is just so interesting to me. And it’s like, I get where she’s coming from, I’ve seen her backstory, and how she got the way she did. And to be honest, her goal doesn’t seem that bad, it’s just the way she goes about it. I hope by the end of the story, she gets some form of happy or at least hopeful ending, whether it’s her changing her ways or even finding peace in death, and possibly getting reborn into a new form to live a better life. But I don’t think I want her to turn back into White Lily Cookie. That sort of invalidates Dark Enchantress Cookie and just makes her seem like just some evil form instead of her own person, which she is. I hear people call Dark Enchantress Cookie “the incarnation of evil”, and while maybe she is in Ovenbreak (I don’t know for sure), she’s clearly not in Kingdom. She’s a flawed, complex individual, just like everyone else
Gingerbrave: I know he isn’t popular, but I like him. I don’t get why he’s hated, other than the fact that he’s like, the most basic Cookie. But what’s wrong with that? Sometimes you need some simplicity. Though to be honest, when first seeing the trailers, I didn’t like him. He seemed like some overconfident dude (for the five seconds I saw him before I skipped the trailer) and I thought the whole game was about him. I wasn’t really aware of what a gacha game was (nor that Genshin Impact was one). Also I thought he was like, at least a teenager, somewhere between 15-20, I did not know he was a child. But once I actually started to play the game, he really grew on me, as he just seems so positive. He’s so willing to help people and do the right thing that I can’t help but like him. Yes maybe he’s a bit generic in that sense but I can’t help but see it as genuine. Funny enough this is exactly how I felt about KO from OK KO, back when that first aired, going through the same thoughts and ending up really liking him.
Also one thing I wanna bring up, but the fact that he knows why Cookies are made, but that he still sees the world in such a positive light is just really good. I know it’s not that big a deal for him since he’s know this from the start, this was the reality he’s always known so it’s not any sort of shock, but I can imagine a future scenario where the other characters find out the truth, and also that Gingerbrave knew the whole time, someone asks him how then he’s been so optimistic, how he’s able to keep a smile knowing the horrible truth, and he gives some sort of speech about how he sees things. I don’t give any specifics because I’m not sure what he’d say, but probably something along the lines of “we may have been created to be eaten, but that doesn’t mean that’s why we live” or something like that, I dunno. This’d probably be where he fully goes into his backstory to others. But yeah, I just like Gingerbrave
Gingerbright: Alright I suppose she’s the weakest contender here, as I really don’t know much about her, but like I said, I just think she’s neat. I like how she’s not just “the girl” of the group and has her own personality, and I like how she’s got a backbone and seems to be the responsible one of the group. She kind of gives me older sister vibes, despite the fact that she’s supposed to be younger than Gingerbrave. Also I like the fact that there’s no sort of romance going on between Ginegrbrave and Gingerbright, they’re just friends. That’s pretty common when you have a female version of a main character and I’m glad they didn’t do that. Actually, given that her description says she was made from the leftover dough from Gingerbrave, I personally like to think that makes her Gingerbrave’s younger sister
A shame she can’t be in Kingdom, but I mean I get it. You don’t really need two Gingerbraves (though I think she’d work fine as part of the crew, other than her turning the party from 5 to 6, one too many), and by this point, you can’t really add her into the game, as story wise it’d make no sense. Also she’d probably be a Common Cookie, and why would you add a new Common Cookie? But ah well. Wish she at least had a Cookie Trial in Ovenbreak
Anyways, those are just some of my thoughts. To be honest I quite like doing these as just a way to go in depth about these characters in general without talking about specific scenarios I’ve drawn or relationships with other characters, just the characters themselves and why I like them
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