#if something changes I turn into the ants from a bugs life
simplyghosting · 2 years
I have trouble differentiating between directions (left/west and right/east in particular) and so during my college days I would rely on either a literal compass or use the sun to tell how to get around campus because I can’t orient myself with a map.
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waklman · 1 year
Sweet Nothings
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summary: you start to feel insecure in your relationship with bradley.
warnings: negative self talk. this blog is 18+.
word count: 1.4k
this is dedicated to anon who sent me down the bradley and babybear x taylor swift hole this is for you!!
something ‘bout you masterlist.
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Late at night—when Bradley had too many beers running through his bloodstream, he’d whisper little reassurances in your ear. I like it when you take care of me. I love how silly you are. I want you forever. I love you. It was like he just knew you needed to hear it every so often. The pilot would be barely conscious whenever he said it—draped over your body like a weighted blanket, fighting against his doubled vision, just to drunkenly quell your insecurities.
And it wasn't often that you felt insecure—but it’s not like it didn’t happen either. 
You had always been conscious of the fact that your relationship with Bradley was different—different from ones he’s had before, different from other couples around you. It was different in the way you drove the Bronco while he sat as a passenger. It was different because you called him girly pet names that should be meant for you instead. It was different because you were the one who held the umbrella when it rained on you two. It was different because you didn’t have a collection of tight sundresses, or own a pair of those tall stilettos everyone your age wore, and you never put on much makeup for that matter. It was different because he was dating you. You were different. 
And because it’s been so long since Bradley went out with his team for drinks, the reminder of how different you were, started to feel suffocating. You found yourself wishing that he’d come stumbling home, cheeks flushed from alcohol just so you could hear him whisper sweet nothings to you, in his drunken state.
Weeks have passed since he last took a sip of beer. And over those past few weeks, the voices that rung into your head, in the form of all your ex-boyfriends' compiled complaints—started to grow louder and louder by the day. You knew it wasn’t fair to Bradley that you took up old criticisms you got from the past and pitted them against him, but it started to sound so true. 
Bradley wouldn’t want someone who acted like you. What Bradley would want is someone who was more serious. He wouldn't want someone who deflected with humor. He’d want someone normal—someone who could wear those flowy skirts that you couldn’t even imagine slipping your legs through. Why would Bradley want someone who owned the same stupid pair of levi's as him? Why would Bradley want you?  
So it dawns on you tonight, right as you’re sitting in his lap watching the film, A Bugs’ life in your living room—that maybe, he changed his mind about this—about you. 
“Babybear, why are you cryin’ so hard—he found where he belonged!” Bradley lightly laughs, giving the back of your head a soft pat as you bury your face into his neck.
That ant might’ve found where he belonged, but you didn’t. You didn’t belong anywhere. You didn’t belong with him. 
Bradley allots you some time to process the ending of the movie. But as your sobs show no sign of stopping—he starts to feel uneasy. No one should be crying this hard at an insect who felt left out. 
Letting out a breath, Bradley starts to sit up from the couch, with a solid arm wrapped around your middle. “You gonna let me carry you?” He asks, voice barely above a whisper. 
Rather than replying, you push your face deeper into the curve of his neck, trying to stifle your weak cries.
“Don’t you start wrestling with me, alright?” He lightly teases, before fully standing up straight, with you hung around his waist.
Walking away from the television that’s still playing, he turns the corner to step into your bedroom. Bradley bends his knees to fit through the door-frame. You had whined the last time he didn’t do it, causing the back of your skull to make contact with the head of the door. 
It’s almost like drunk Bradley is taking over now, knowing exactly what to do with you as he carefully peels you from his front—making you sit on the edge of the bed. 
Kneeling before you, Bradley lifts his large hands to cup your face. “What’s bothering my favorite little brain,” he asks softly, extending a thumb to bat away the fresh tear that slips down your face. 
His favorite little brain. How could he even like that part of you? 
You grit your teeth together, trying to keep another sob at bay. Though, looking into his eyes doesn’t help, he doesn’t look a bit annoyed. Not like your ex boyfriend did when you got like this. Bradley’s being so patient with you.
Taking a shaky breath, your bottom lip quivers—which Bradley pets over with his thumb. “…Do you ever wish I wasn’t like this?” The rotting question finally leaves your mouth, and Bradley feels like he got shot in the chest. 
His face is marked by hurt, dropping his hands down to your waist. “Babybear, what are you—”
“I don’t—” you start to cut him off, lowering your gaze down to your lap. “I don’t belong,” you hiccup. “I feel like—I don’t belong with you,” you pathetically confess. 
At your words, Bradley’s worst fear comes alive. 
“…Are you breaking up with me?” He asks calmly, keeping his voice low—so low that he can’t even hear himself over his racing heart. 
You shake your head no, allowing temporary relief to wash over him. 
Bradley slightly pinches your waist through the t-shirt you’re wearing, hoping you would squirm from the ticklish feeling. But you don’t. 
Tilting his head, Bradley tries to catch your puffy eyes—but you refuse to look at him. “I open the doors for you at restaurants,” you start, voice shaky. He nods his head, “Yeah, you do,” he agrees. “I pull out the chair for you.” Bradley hums. 
“I do stuff that other girls don’t,” you sniffle. “That’s right baby,” he answers, palms massaging your side. “Aren’t you embarrassed of me?” You lift your eyes back to his face, watching him through a layer of tears, “Do you ever wish I wasn’t like this?” You ask again, throat tight.
Bradley darts out a tongue, licking over his lips as he comes up with an idea.
With ease, he picks you up by the waist, holding you up in the air until he slips into the bed. Then, he drops you onto him like nothing, forcing you to lay flat against his chest, cheek pressed against his steady heart. 
Running a hand under your shirt, Bradley grazes the pad of his fingers up and down your spine. “Can I tell you something?” He asks, staring up at the ceiling. 
You nod against him, heart still heavy. “I can’t imagine you any other way,” he starts, heart beginning to pound under your ear. “I wouldn’t want you any other way.” 
“You could be dressed like a clown and I’d still hold your hand, and kiss your pretty face, right in front of everyone.”
“You’re scared of clowns.” 
“I know,” he softly laughs. “But if they looked like you—if they were just like you, I would want to marry every clown I see.” 
“Thats—that’s not right. You can’t marry them all,” you frown. 
“You know what’s not right? That you think I could ever get tired of you,” he rings the conversation back. 
“If every other lifetime—I’m a clown or an ugly ant living in a colony—but you’re still there with me, carrying me around like I weigh nothin', forcing me to wear tiaras to get you to laugh, making me forget how it feels to be alone. I'll ride it out with you.”
Though his speech was intended to make you laugh, you continue to cry instead—stuffing your face into his chest, soaking the fabric of his t-shirt with salty tears and sticky snot. “Hey—c’mere my little clown,” he tickles your side, making you painfully break out into laughter. 
You squirm, unable to escape his wiggling fingers. “Ah—Please—It tickles!” You complain, voice still hoarse.
“That’s right, clowns are supposed to laugh!” He barks, flipping you over.
With you caged underneath him, he stops his attack. Leaning down towards your ear, he whispers a familiar string of words, “I like it when you take care of me. I love how silly you are. I want you forever. I love you.” 
Your eyes burn, shooting wide open. “You were sober!”
He laughs into your ear before pressing a gentle kiss to your earring. “You make me feel s’shy. How am I supposed to say all that if I’m not pretending to be drunk?"
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finitevoid · 4 months
ASK GAME ASK GAME 🌵(gimme), 🥑 (*kim possible theme music*), 🦷 andddd 🪲 (idk if that's the right bug but close enough probably djdmmd) 💖💖
🌵⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
I know i sent you this exact one but im realizing that i dont listen to a lot of playlists made by other people like Do i just send you your own playlist. Its by far the playlist i listen to the most. Genuinely. in compensation heres a playlist of mine i think youll like
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
[would you love me if i were a worm voice] would you let me stay at your house if i killed somebody
Uhh you. @t eddie. my mom isnt a mutual but I would be texting her
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
The world is full of more complexity than your (not you specifically general you) tiny brain can comprehend and all of us are tiny rushing ants on our little anthills waiting to rend meaning from the insanity. And do not let the existential dread get you. This is a miraculous and beautiful thing . we live our lives to learn and change and experience and there will always be more to see
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
i wouldnt say i have a "wip" right now, im taking a break from my current project to Recharge after writing like 60k in 2 months on it (whew) sooo i wrote a paragraph on the directionless fairytale inspired twst Something i was writing at work earlier today
Silver's sword drags a trench into the floor, tip biting into the wood. His armor clinks, and every eye in the bar turns to look at him. The person closest to him-- --possesses the ears and tail of a spotted dog. He has the look of a dainty forest creature about him; his clothes hang off his frame and his hair falls around his face in a thick halo. Light eyes peer out from behind a curtain of blonde hair, almost blending into his pale skin, and pointed teeth poke out from a devilishly curled smirk. He leans his elbows on the bartop, legs crossed, pose languid and unconcerned.
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flame-shadow · 2 years
HC's for Hoaxe after he became a tree? Post-tree redemption arc and design thoughts for the changed bug? Or is he stuck photosynthesizing for the rest of his life
Hah... Okay, well going off what we've got from the game only, I think Hoaxe is just a tree and only a tree. There are no detectable magical signature [according to Leif] and probably no mind.
However, it's fun to explore alternatives! I'm not much of a fic reader, so I'm not very familiar with what other people have written about, but some ideas I've entertained over the years are:
Hoaxe's mind/consciousness is still in the tree, but he's thinking and processing at plant speeds which means it'll be extremely difficult for bugs to discover this and communicate with him. Perhaps a plant god could talk to him, though! Or someone with some tech and a lot of time and patience. Hook him up to electrodes or whatever it is to make synth music like people do with mushrooms hehehehe
The tree, if given light and water and nutrients, grows enough to produce a fruit. From that fruit hatches/emerges Hoaxe either as a baby again or as he was before he ate the sapling's leaf. Interesting scenarios for interaction. [bonus points if "reborn" Hoaxe is part plant and needs to take care of those parts of himself differently as a result]
This one's silly, but imagine if the tree grew into the shape of Hoaxe standing triumphantly or something. The Everlasting King... at least in shape.
Personally, I think it's more fun to think about what might've happened right before the tree-ification happened. So while it's not in the purview of your question, I'll give it out as a freebie because it's my favorite to think about. What if Hoaxe's power failed during the fight instead of after he was defeated? Not fun from a gameplay perspective, but VERY fun from a speculative one. He's alive but unwell, the magic having transfigured him but then running out, abandoning him as a half-plant-half-bug who just failed after everyone thought he was guaranteed to win, after he'd devastated the wasp army and caused strife to the ant kingdom and the deadland roaches... A pathetic, powerless fly who now has to face the consequences of his actions. I bet he wishes he'd turned into a tree instead. Below is a sketch from last year of what I had pictured at the time for what he might look like in this state. I would design him differently if I were to redo it today, but ya get this for now:
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I'd love to hear other people's thoughts if they wanna share!
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windydayey · 2 years
Bad friend
Sugawara Koushi x fem!reader
Warnings : none.
Sugawara Koushi has been friends with L/n for two years now, great friends actually. You guys get eachother's humour you get along very well, though he has to nag at you sometimes because of your bad sleep schedule.
From his point of view, you were like a tiny ant. No idea why don't even ask him. He doesn't know why you just remind him of one. Not in the 'bug' way though in a 'tiny and always working' way of course. You always responded to his jokes and always the first to get it. When you two would be throwing gang signs from a distance in the school, his friends would look at him like he's some kind of a weirdo communicating with a con artist.
From your point of view he was a respectable guy, he'd come have lunch with you on rainy days, lend you his umbrella and wake you up when it's time to leave after school. He'd exchange his bento with yours saying he feels bad you have to eat your rushed in the morning lunch, but obviously he wants you to try his amazing bento and try...yours?
He always leaves a spot for you next to him or maybe drag a chair next to him for you. He plays volleyball and you said you'd come watch them get to nationals. It was just a word of encouragement but when they actually did, it felt different. Sounds cliché and you dislike cliché. How did you ever love those clichés is what confuses you though.
"Won't you tell her?" Daichi looks at Suga,
"Tell what?" He is confused.
"Ehh c'mon Suga don't play dumb" Asahi looks at him with a constipated expression.
"What!? This time I'm the one who doesn't get you guys"
Daichi sighs "...L/n-chan"
Sugawara just pouts and turns his face away '...I know.'
His school life will end soon, he wants to confess to the girl he loves or maybe get confessed by the girl he loves before this golden life ends.
Bunk classes with her and run away to take a random stroll in the town with her.
Which is his great friend, you.
He sighs ' To fall in love with my friend who I promised to be friends with for life such a bad friend I am'
You on the side banged your head on the desk as soon as you entered your class, "ughhhhhhhhh" you groaned "URGHHHHH" your friend that was sitting beside you gave you the stink eye "What happened now?" She asked, you immediately jerked your head up "Why is he so dense!? Does he never get the hints!? Is he playing dumb or really that dense!?" Your friend rolled her eyes "Just say you're only giving light hints now so he could confess to you?" You sharply turned your head to her which startled her a bit "Y'know what this is too much. I'll go confess to that silver head RIGHT.NOW" you got up and stormed off the class yelling "MY GOLDEN YEARS CAN'T END SO PATHETICALLY" . Your friend sighed "My my what happened to my dear N/n"
Sugawara who too was actually going to ask you to walk with him after school so he could express his feelings for you was now against the wall, secured and trapped between your arms.
"Um.....N/n.. what's this?" You sighed then inhaled "I'm sorry but we have to break our promise and cut our friendship" 'HEAVENS DID I SO SOMETHING!??' poor guy was scared and confused. "N/n sorry what did i-" "Because we have to go further than just being friends" you had an expression that seemed like you were going to shit out an egg any moment now.
"...Y/n are you okay?" Gosh he said your name
"Yes. Absolutely."
"Y/n April first is over right...?"
You were afraid he was trying to change the topic but then his confused face changed into a smile which then broke into a small soft laughter.
"Haaa.....and h...here I thought you would reject me" he held his stomach.
"....reje.....what?" Your turn to be confused now
He just looked at you with a confident expression.
"oh-" you realised. He cut you off instead this time
"Well then like the bad friends we have become for breaking our promise....might as well as fix a date for the date?" He smiled
"RIGHT AFTER THIS" you exclaimed
He hugged you all of a sudden which you returned, it was to hide his glassy eyes.
"woah woah someone's getting too excited" you said as you patted his back.
"sure am" he then started to jump still hugging you, you matched your jumps with his as well.
Asahi and Daichi from the distance who came to give Suga emotional support were now giving him a constipated look.
Today was certainly a hell of a ride.
All's well that ends well?
/long time no oneshots sry school caught my ass 🤕
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reksink · 11 months
hey lookit this cool bug
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this is a honeypot ant, theyre pretty interesting
(i have thought about designing a hollow knight race based on them, but ill have to see about that)
anyways! cool bug picture!
I agree this is an incredibly cool bug
And the idea of making a race out of them is incredibly cool & is full of so much potential. My brain is rattling now too actually, OMGA
If you don't mind I'm gonna use this as an excuse to ramble how I'd think their societies & culture would work in the world of HK. Feel free to take anything I say here & use it or ask me to elaborate on certain things, I love world building with all my soul
Firstly: Gods. I don't think that many ant colonies would side with a good in Hallownest if given the chance. I wouldn't surprise me if they've always been there, possibly way before the Mantis Tribe or Deepnest
Ants are incredibly efficient creatures, they have been for centuries with no outside influence. They've learned every inch of their territory, they know how to manage resources, defend themselves, the works. I'd say that the closest thing they'd have to a God would be their Queen, and in the case of honeypot ants, they're repletes (The food storing ants)
Their Queen gives life, their Queen gives them purpose, as all as she lives the colony will continue. Work to preserve the colony, work to preserve her
This only ties into the fact that once a queen dies, the colony does as well. Turning this cycle into a 'If you do not work, the Queen will die, and we are all doomed' mentality
As cruel as it may sound, that's their philosophy. One that's always worked for millennia. Why change what's 'perfect'?
With repletes, while some see their jobs as a luxury, the ants would view them as a beacon of responsibility. They hold all of their food, and they're incredibly vulnerable because of it. They can barely move by themselves, and they can never leave their nest. Without them, the colony would starve, and as such works hold their sister in the upmost highest regards
(They wouldn't see this as a sacrifice though. This is literally what they were born to do. Still, they have the colony's respect)
This also leads me to believe they'd take incredible offense to anyone insulting either of them. They're literally the reason they're alive, and I feel like they wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone that makes threats to either. No matter how joking
The Pale King would treat the colony like he does Deepnest, it's a territory that he does not own nor trades with. Though, there's always the possibility for a failed tram like situation like in Deepnest. At the same time, there's like thousands of combat trained ants that can just invade his city and kill everybody if he's not careful, so probably not
To summarize, the honeypots wouldn't side with any Gods, instead they worship their Queen & sisters. If you insult either you're getting stabbed. PK doesn't touch them with a ten foot pole (he is tempted though)
As for how they'd interact with other groups, I feel like they'd have a hesitant alliance with The Hive. The bees make honey, and as the name implies, the ants would love that
I feel like they'd strike a deal, something like: The Hive will deliver packages of honey every time the colony demands, and in exchange the bees are protected by workers, have full access to the territories' nectar, and the colony will provide them information on Hallownest
If I remember correctly the hive is completely shut off from the outside world, and in this case, the ant colony isn't. So, in case something happens, like an angry orange death plague that kills everybody, the hive is updated on the status of it constantly. All they need to do is give a little honey for it, hehe
As for Deepnest & The Mantis Tribe, it's all neutral ground. They don't go picking fights, if every side kills someone it's possible just because they needed the food or they're just protecting their territory
As for the beetles in the City of Tears, both sides do their best to stay clear of each other.
In the case of the beetles, due the ants lack of individuality, they're behavior come off as robotic & uncanny to them. That, and the fact they can kill them easily if they wanted to, makes the beetles see them as these 'Emotionless creatures that can strike at any moment'
And some of them would find the idea of being a living food storage tank horrifying, questioning any ant they come across like 'How care you DO just an AWFUL thing??? To your own FAMILY'
As for the ants, they literally don't care. Nothing in the city is of interest to them, and they only really go there to scavenge or get information to share with The Hive
Summarize: They're chill with The Hive, neutral with Deepnest & The Mantis Tribe, don't give a fuck about City of Tears
As for some bullet point ideas
- Repletes would be the first targeted by the infection. Chances are they have lots of dreams about the outside, perfect for the Radiance to get into their minds!
- The ants would have mountains of geo deposits they have no idea what to do with. They literally have no economy & they don't trade with money
- The ants only wear cloaks when they're in the city. Protects them from the rain & keeps them hidden from the beetles
- Ant are capable of leaving the nest & being their own person. Though more often than not they'll feel incredibly guilty for leaving their family (escaping as a replete is very hard though, for reasons I'm sure you can imagine)
- Past repletes will have the habit of over eating, they just need to break out of that 'I'm responsible for feeding EVERYONE' mindset. Or sometimes they just eat to finally enjoy the experience of it, you know?
- I feel like the colony would be a mountain of living corpses after the infection. Just piles of infected bodies moving in unison, fixing the best or attacking any intruders
- Ants really love hugs & being close. It reminds them how they felt their family 💚
Alrighty that should be all from me for now, thank you so much for reading this if you did!! These are just my speculates & how I would set up things, if there's anything you don't like here or wanna expand on you're in every right to do so! Plus I'm mostly just spitballing here, hehe
I just love world building for HK so very much
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englishsuffix · 11 months
Worried, Sick
A/N: I could be writing Sole Memorial (formulating the chapter while I’m at work does not make good production) or any other backlog fic I got, but instead I wanted to write out this ABL headcanon. So... enjoy!
Atta had thought her pacing days were over, at least those ones where she would act like the sky was falling. But things just couldn’t be so easy for her, could they?
No, they couldn’t, and that was why she was pacing to and fro in front of her bedroom, waiting anxiously for word from inside. “I should be in there,” Atta muttered, pausing to touch the leaves, and then go right back to pacing. “But can I really… No, no, I should. What kind of message am I sending by being out here?”
“Trust, for one thing,” Mother piped up, petting Aphie as she could any ordinary day. “Besides, Dr. Flora will need all the concentration she can get.”
Atta stopped and tried to force her wings still, but they still quivered. “But what if something happens and I’m not there?” she asked. “I should be there for my—”
“Trust me, you’ll be the first to know if anything changes.” Mother grasped her hands—Atta hadn’t even noticed her put Aphie down—and squeezed. “Now follow my lead. Breathe in�� and out…” She herself took deep breaths to demonstrate, and the familiar guidance began to calm Atta’s nerves. “There we go, that’s my girl. Everything will be fine, I know, and do you know why?”
“Because Dr. Flora’s on the case?” Atta answered almost absently.
“Yes, and what else?”
After a little more consideration, Atta gave her a sheepish smile. “I guess Flik has gotten out of worse scrapes than this.”
“Well, that, but what I’m trying to say is this happens all the time”—Mother affixed her with a firm look—“and you still see plenty of fathers in the colony, don’t you?”
“Right, right.” Another smile, this time nostalgic. “It’s our lot in life.”
“Well, maybe not our lot, but it’s our life,” Mother chuckled.
No one knew why nor how, but there was a strange phenomenon among most bug species that males would fall ill after trying for a child. It varied from bug to bug, some mild and some severe; but it happened without fail. Every couple knew to expect the telltale symptoms of exhaustion that fell in the morning. Even Flik, it seemed, had no choice but to follow that rule.
Exhaustion just might have been an understatement, however. “He just looked so…”
As Atta recalled what happened earlier that morning, what peace she gained began to melt away. She'd woken up to find Flik awfully pale and unmoving, much like he’d been after the night of the colony’s revolution. It was because she’d seen him like this before that she thought she was just having a nightmare, only becoming horrified once she realized she wasn’t dreaming. How else was she supposed to feel, seeing such a jarring change when her consort had been so lively merely hours before?
After that, no amount of fact could phase her. It didn’t matter that this was something almost every ant parent went through at some point. It didn’t matter that there existed fathers in the colony, healthy as could be. It didn’t even matter that Flik had startled awake (though it was hard to tell) at her panicking. All she cared about was getting someone to help, please help, don’t let her lose him!
“I should have known this would happen. Something always happens, it’s Flik,” she muttered, and then she sighed wistfully. “But he’s so good with Dot and the other children, and I wanted—and he also—he said he’d be okay and like an idiot I believed him.”
“Oh, sweetie,” Mother began softly, understanding, “your father was much the same way when we agreed to have you, and didn’t he turn out fine?”
Atta bit back a retort.
But it seemed her message still rang clear. “I know you’re worried, and don’t you think I don’t understand.” Mother squeezed her hands again, this time a little tighter. “Just follow the doctor’s orders, and that boy will be up and running in no time. In the meantime”—she sent a knowing glance down—“you can go tell the colony the good news.”
“The colony! That’s right, I have to make an announcement!” Then Atta pulled away and groaned when she realized just what she had to explain. “Though I wouldn’t be surprised if they already know. I must have woken everyone up.”
“Maybe our younger members, sure,” chirped Dr. Flora, peeking through the leaf curtains. “But I recall when a certain queen before you screamed so loud we formed an army!”
“Flora,” Mother chided and sent her a halfhearted warning look, “I trust you have some words to ease your queen.”
“Oh, yes.” Dr. Flora stepped aside and allowed her nurses to leave. “You can come inside, now. We’ll be back later to check on him, but he’s stable.” She giggled knowingly. “I should go make sure Thorny hasn’t keeled over by now.” Another giggle, and then she was on her way. “Congratulations, Your Majesty!” Almost immediately after, nearby passing ants followed with their own greetings and congratulations—some had noticeably stiff edges to them.
Atta groaned again and would have hid her quickly heating face if not for her growing desire to return to Flik’s side. Straightening up, she marched through the leaves, ready to face whatever sight lay within.
And once she did, her anxiousness fell away.
Flik was nearly fully hidden under the petals save for his hands, which had bunched some of the petals against his face in a clear display of embarrassment. Sickly pale as he was, he was still very much alive. Even his groans were more akin to awkwardness than pain.
Atta sat at the edge of the flower, soon torn between taking a hand or crossing her arms. The first option won out. “You scared me to death, you know,” she scolded him.
Flik startled and lowered the petal hiding him. “A-Atta, hey!” He flashed her a smile; tired in his current state, but still oddly charming. “W-what brings you here?”
“To our room?” Atta said, raising a brow.
“Oh, of course! Ours. We’re…” He brought the petal back up a little, but he looked more thoughtful now. “So, we’re actually having a…”
“We are.” Atta gave Flik’s hand a small squeeze. “Hard to believe.”
“Yeah…” Oh, he’s got stars in his eyes now. “A little tyke of our own. Who’da thought?”
“You hadn’t?”
“It was more of a fantasy to me.”
It was certainly more than Atta ever thought, but she kept that to herself. “Tell me about this fantasy,” she said instead. “Maybe… any names?”
“I have, actually, though it’s been a while since I thought of them,” Flik confessed. “Let’s see… I guess, for our first girl, I’d always liked—”
Before he could finish, the leaves forcefully parted. The pair turned their eyes to see a buzzing and lilac blur making a beeline to the bed.
Thankfully, for all her obvious worry, Dot refrained from barreling into her brother-in-law. “Flik! You okay?!” she cried. “I heard you got really sick, but I was stuck in Blueberry Scouts and had to stay until we were done!”
“Aw, I’m fine, kiddo,” Flik chuckled and patted her head. “Just need a little rest, that’s all.”
“What happened? You were fine yesterday.”
“Uh—well…” Flik tried to laugh the awkwardness away. “Atta and I were working on a special project, and I may have overexerted myself?” He sent her an apologetic glance.
Dot glanced at her sister, frowned suspiciously, and set her attention back to Flik. “But how come Atta’s okay?”
The apologetic glance returned with a plea for help.
And thus began a long and hopefully friendly explanation for the coming of a new member of the family.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! And yes, my headcanon that I wanted to write out is that bug fathers get sick instead of outright dying. ( -v-)
This can go either two ways: a general sick story with no stakes, or something that leads Atta (and maybe also Dot) on a small quest to get some medicine that happened to run out.
P.S. If there’s interest, I may write more snips involving the likely OC that would come out of this. Got a name picked out and everything!
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certified-bi · 1 year
Just to be clear this isn't intended as hate just simply my thoughts on why elemental isn't hitting with some people. Personally I'm not really invested in this movie being good or bad.
Elemental has reinforced something I've been thinking about for a while. In dramaturgy we ask "Why This Play Now?" Why this script, why our audience, why does it have to be a play. And for some stuff it can be simple. We're doing the Pigeon bus play because we have a child audience, it exposes them to puppetry and live theatre and it's fun.
Another thing that's connected in my head is how form is apart of the message of media. Why is this a sci-fi thriller and not an epic poem? Neither is wrong but the choice to go one route or another can impact the message, and if the person creating is aware of this they can use it to influence how the medium is received by the people who will read/watch/etc. It's why theatre thrives being interactive, but pre recorded media often isn't in the same way. Even in space with markiplier feels different from something like Stupid Fucking Bird(play) it's interactive but not in a live way. The content doesn't change(the clips are prerecorded) by how you interact with it, whereas in a live play the audience would be impacting the actors performance.
Why does this matter to elemental? Simple. Why this movie? Why does it have to be a movie? Why is it in a city? Why is it about elements? And the answer to some is clear!... until you examine the rest. It's in a city because it's a metaphor about second generation immigrants based on the experience of the director living in a city. Okay then why elements? Well at first we act like those that are different than us are dangerous to us... except fire and water don't mix? Like in a literal sense. So the metaphor looses a lot of people. And Asian person can touch a white person(pulling directly from the director's marriage he himself references) but Fire and water literally make steam and one will loose its form. And I doubt Wade is going to turn ember to coal or ember turn wade to steam. So the element thing just... misses the mark. It's like how zootopia made the predators and prey allegories for race which doesn't hit well due to... you know predators eating prey in our world. But pushing all that aside, why does their city look like a regular city and not seem to have touches of the elements? Like there are so many routes you could go with making a city built by just the natural forces. Or they could have less common mixtures of elements. Like a coal person. Or maybe some earth elements are more rocky and some are almost all plant matter.. but instead the idea is modern city and thinly reiled race allegory... oh and puns.
And that's why I think so many people are not hyped for this movie. Pixar was know for pushing what a film could be. Bao might have been a short film but it was pretty tight in playing with audience preconceptions and metaphors and it hit. Bugs life makes the comparison to working life while still clearly being about ants. The ant hill looks like an ant hill because there was no reason for it to be a sprawling metropolitan area to get across the message of workers struggle. Monsters Inc had a metropolitan area but it worked because the film centered on an electric fuel crisis and it doesnt wrok if it's about humans because theyre the monsters under the bed. You could change the setting of elemental or the fact that they're elements and it doesn't seem to make a difference... and I think that's why people are pre determined to be let down. And why the test crowds love the visuals but aren't impressed by the dialogue. Personally I think elemental is the next Soul or good dinosaur. Some people will really love it, some will hate it with the same passion, and most won't notice. It simply something different to put on to distract the kids. And I don't mean that as hate, that's just how it seems to be going.
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Meet-Cute Masterlist
and what if you'd never smiled at me (ao3) - kaleidoscopeminds luke/calum T, 14k
Summary: Calum's really not happy about the new bakery that's just opened up down the road from his own bakery; it's gaudy and pastel and covered in flowers and is an offence to the name of baking. At least he's got a new regular to make him feel better about it all. One with a smile that can turn a day around just like that, even on a Tuesday.
As If Front Row Wasn't Good Enough Already (ao3) - drummer_boy michael/calum G, 8k
Summary: Calum forgot to bring a blanket and has to wait for more than 15 hours in line to get front row for one of his favourite bands.
He doesn't think his day can get any better when a really good looking stranger offers him his fleece blanket.
astral collisions (ao3) - kaleidoscopeminds luke/calum E, 42k
Summary: Calum bumps into Luke in the strangest of circumstances in an airport thousands of miles from home, almost fifteen years since he last saw him. A completely innocuous encounter, until an overbooked flight means Calum makes a decision that surprises even himself. Twenty-four hours with a really hot almost-stranger is not really how he saw his work trip ending, but what’s the worse that could happen?
blue gatorade & strawberries (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum M, 7k
Summary: “That’s actually why I’m here,” Calum says, causing Luke to frown in confusion.
“To haunt me?”
“To ask if I’m being too loud,” Calum replies with a lopsided smile. “My sister got me these badass speakers for graduation, but the subwoofer can be kind of intense, so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t bothering you.”
“Oh, are you the asshole in 314 whose bass is making it impossible for me to quietly pine after my best friend?”
blue skies and blue eyes (a hell of a way to start) (ao3) - bellawritess luke/ashton T, 921
Summary: “Excuse me?” he says, carefully approaching Hot Eyeliner Guy. Hot Eyeliner Guy immediately whips his head up, clearly embarrassed. Ashton tries not to get whiplash from those blue eyes on him. “Sorry, I just — I’ve been watching you try to put your eyeliner on for almost ten minutes, so I thought I’d offer to help? I’m a makeup artist.”
Bug's Life - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) michael/ashton T, 16k
Summary: or the one where Ashton is very confused about what being 'into' someone means and, also, there are ants in his dorm.
carrot correspondence (ao3) - galacticsugar, kaleidoscopeminds luke/calum T, 15k
Summary: His eyes. Calum is losing seconds if not weeks looking at them. They’re a little heavy and a lot hazy, framed with such ridiculously long lashes, and they glitter and shine at Calum as he pauses, with his lips already half turned up like he’s prepared to be delighted at any of Calum’s answers.
Calum entertains an errant passing thought about whether the bride would be willing to go for a gold glitter dusting on top of the piped flower design for the godforsaken carrot cake and—
The fucking carrot cake. Fuck.
changing flights so you'd stay with me (ao3) - bellawritess michael/calum, luke/ashton G, 9k
Summary: five times Calum saw Michael in an airport, and the one time Michael saw Calum.
comfortable silence (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum E, 41k
Summary: Luke’s boyfriend touched him all the time, but it didn’t feel right anymore. It made Luke’s skin crawl, which was fucked up, because he used to love being touched. In hindsight, it was probably his body trying to tell his brain something wasn’t right with his relationship. At the time, he just thought there was something wrong with him.
Regardless of the reason, the strength of the urge to smother Calum against his chest took him aback, because he hadn’t felt anything like that in so long. And he kinda liked it, which really scared him.
flowers (ao3) - lukeashtonmeetcute luke/ashton M, 400
Summary: ashton fell in love with luke; a boy who loved flowers.
for real (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum E, 63k
Summary: There’s an order to things in LA. An established code of conduct between celebrity and mere mortal, wherein the mere mortal does not engage with the celebrity unless it is an approved event, like a red carpet or a meet & greet. It’s a symbiotic relationship that allows the celebrities to live their lives in relative peace and allows the mere mortals to look upon their beauty in the wild.
Golden (ao3) - merlypops calum/ashton G, 1k
Summary: Calum meets Ashton and maybe gains a puppy in the process.
Greyhound, Run (ao3) - cornflowerblue (daydadahlias) luke/ashton M, 12k
Summary: It's a small town—the sort where everyone knows everyone—so when a new car pulls into their lot that he doesn't recognize, and some blonde blue-eyed pretty boy steps out, Ashton's thrown for a loop.
But, he's seen it a time before, and he knows the look in someone's eye when they're running from something.
if you ever feel alone, don't. (ao3) - galacticsugar michael/luke T, 5k
Summary: Michael needs a tall man with broad shoulders and a slim waist and he needs one now. Not for sexy reasons, although he wouldn’t turn one down for that. No, he needs a fit model for his design final project that is due in exactly 9 hours, and his usual model is in the hospital after having an allergic reaction to unannounced shellfish in the dining hall pasta.
lift me up - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 1k
Summary: Luke gets trapped in an elevator for two hours, but it's not all bad when it turns out the technician is his soulmate.
that’s why you like it (ao3) - merlypops michael/calum, bryana/ashton E, 69k
Summary: Calum starts doing workouts in the garden over the summer and Michael spends the whole time with his hand down his pants (until Calum takes matters into his own hands).
wait for me in the sky (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum T, 10k
Summary: Calum and Luke sit next to each other on a long flight.
you got me (ao3) - welcometobadlands michael/luke G, 3k
Summary: Luke didn't plan to be in an animal shelter the next day. But, whether with Ashton's advice from last night in mind or otherwise, he ended up wandering into one after work the next day, regardless.
or AU where Luke is lonely, Ashton sucks, Calum works in an animal shelter and Michael is a hot mess when he meets Luke
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starrkc · 11 months
30 (nice nd in the middle)
send in a number from 1 - 60 and I’ll use the lyrics from that song
there was a presence that watched him from the shadows. it lingered and always made certain not to make itself known. although starrk always knew it was there. even if he didn't give off any inclinations in that regard. today happened to be a day off and since it was summer that meant he could go outdoors and enjoy some fresh air for once. maybe even get some sun and heat that most people seemed to loathe. to him it was something new. something different. he liked how it lit everything up and maxed up that heat in the summer. and how people seemed to be sitting outside fanning themselves with paper fans or eating icecream. little things humans did in the summer to cool down.
I had a thought, dear However scary About that night The bugs and the dirt
there were also bugs. lots and lots of bugs in the summer. zooming past and being pests. it seemed the human realm had more bugs than humans at times. he kneeled down to observe a trail of ants on the pavement, a little past the green green grass. they apparently either sought out moisture or food. ants were curious insects. something akin to wolves in packs. but they worked harder and they were much, much more in number. and unlike them, he was completely alone. a lone wolf without a pack. as he watched the ants, the presence lingered behind him several steps away. he pretended to not notice and got up to continue on his way.
Why were you digging? What did you bury Before those hands pulled me From the earth?
walking with his hand in one pocket while the other held a cherry and lime-flavoured popsicle he walked leisurely onward. the grass was also much greener in the summer. or so he had noticed. in spring it was dull. as though regaining life after a long slumber. and winter had it completely almost dead. or maybe it did die and in spring it was born anew. hm. perhaps that's how it was with grass because the leaves in the trees were the same way too. one thing he enjoyed about this human realm was the way the seasons changed and each one was different in its own way. and still the figure continued to follow him. always several steps away.
I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask you, neither should you
once he turned a corner and immediately ducked out of sight behind a building, he waited. now being the hunter and not the prey. and when he felt the familiarness of the presence that had been following all day right there looking left and right in a rushed manner. he reached out a hand and held onto the shoulder.
' caught you. it's not nice spying on people. ' whoever you are. why are you following me, he thought not asking it just yet.
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from prey to predator ep2 s 3
After some time of introductions and traveling around the main island the newcomers met firstly the clowns, secondly the lost souls and with them the souleaters, then the plants and lastly ants but as they were coming back from the giant hive that was the bug kingdom Margareth heard something
Markus - there is nothing there calm down
Dorothy - what did you hear
Margareth - it was rustling from over there
Markus - don't panic it was probably a rat or something
And with that the group continued the travels, but Margareth seemingly as the only one, kept hearing more of the rustling it felt like it was following them, but, she didn't want to be a bother. They got home and went to sleep. But the rustling didn't stop, until Margareth went to Dorothy where she got a spare matress and slept on the floor, finally being able to sleep with the comfort of safety and dorothy's presence. The next day they set out to get grocories needed for thier dinner. They tried to get to the kingdom closest to thier landing site that being the Rainbow kingdom, and since Erick decided to get himself the best bedroom in the castle for the time of the lessons, as he conveniently had the best relationship with the clown king for some odd reason, Erick was able to help them pick the best tasting and the most affordable food that planet rasvin had to offer.So they bought everything they needed and got on the way back, But it was only when they were coming back to the landing site did it happen Rustling happened and with that rustling fell one, two, three until Margareth was the last one to hit the ground as the fourth one. When they woke up it was clear as the day what happened, they got kidnnaped, but what wasn't clear for now, was why that happened they saw things they haven't yet been showed, rats, human like rats, they were the size of a eleven year old grey fur and small rodent hands and they were behaving in human ways, right now they were looking through the grocories, the group looked around, they were in a open stable like structure tied with ropes and next to them was a… a person? thier face and hands were covered with a cloth and gloves, they seemed unfriendly, it was probably the leader of all the other rats, He looked back at them and the group saw what he was doing, he was reading a book, Ericks book
??? - i do not think i will, I must say Erick you did this to yourself
Erick - how would i do any of this to myself, i did nothing wrong
??? - as if. Not only did you play as a god you also changed people into objects or animals
Erick - animals? wait hold on! i know who you are! Please let me explain myself, it might even help you!
??? - oh.. so you know who i am huh. That's weird because when you turned me into this you didn't even ask me for my name!
As the man said that he aggresively pulled out his cloth mask reveling a rodent face
Erick - Look i am sorry i had to do this or else you would destroy this world!
??? - and how would i do that! i was just a pathetic plant!
Erick - you… you were more than that a wrong move with you and your anger… it would destroy all, in a proper way of a destruktor
??? - D- de- … What wreched thing are you assigning me now
Erick - do you know what a destruktor is
??? - of course i do! a wreached montster fuelled by the anger of the person that became them!
Erick - do you remember how angry you were getting how much wrong stuff happened to you? that is why. A destruktor is cursed from it's birth by the Astral goddess with the worst of luck, it only appears when the person reaches full adulthood and thier life becomes more frustrating and stressing it becomes more and more stressful until the bubble finally pops.
the stranger now worried looked at Erick and considered his words he knew that Erick spoke the truth but he still didn't know why he was a rat
??? - so what's the point of all this why am i a filthy animal now
Erick - I got a theory when i saw that the deseas that a destruktor has isn't affecting non abstractal thinking species, you know the species that can't have abstract thoughts, and i tested that theory on you, and guess what… It works! That type of change can prevent the transformation and can prevent further destruction. I didn't consult you because the stress of being hit with the fact that you are a destruktor would suerly change you into one. But now i see that i might have been too harsh on your form. You know, i could change you into a kobolt instead of a mus folk. But that would mean you would need to move somewhere where i could make sure you are doing fine.
??? - OH please do so, i am tired of living here with those filthy rodents!
Erick - alright then would you kindly untie us
the stranger quickly cut through the rope, the rats were noticeably sad that one of them was going to leave but they didn't make a move to stop him from doing so they even helped to get the ropes off and helped the group with getting up then quickly Erick and the rat man settled on the form of a humanoid rattle snake and then the man was quickly turned into his desired form. Then they said thier goodbyes to the rats, and went back home to the kingdom, where they told about thier adventures to the king, ate, and left behind Erick and the man who introduced himself as El Mariana, they went to sleep and it was even more calming for Margareth as she now was sure the rustling won't happen again.
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mfenvs3000f23 · 7 months
Bustling Bugs and Productivity Praising
I think knowing that there are teeny tiny insects who have mastered a skill considered to be a “human” skill, such as agriculture, causes people to reflect.
Clearly, other species are capable of using practices that we use. What makes humans so dominant? What makes us think and act as though we are above all other species? Multiple animals much smaller than us figured out the agricultural system way before we did, and that has to count for something. Do we measure worthiness through productivity? This is a flaw in our own society, we often do measure people’s worthiness by their contributions and ability to work. We sometimes speak a certain way (denoting lesser worth or importance) about certain demographics such as people who don’t choose to work a 9-5, the elderly, people who are unable to have a steady/traditional job etc. Shouldn’t being human mean being worthy? So what about other life forms? I think sometimes in order for people to care about something, it has to be humanized in some way. In western society, we have a self-centered approach to existing on the Earth. In my opinion, I think our need to recognize something as “human” before we deem it worthy is a flaw of ours. Ants and beetles are not as charismatic as let’s say bears or deer. If this information about insect agriculture is new to you, do you find yourself caring more about them now that you know of these abilities they have? Maybe that is a stretch, but I think the underlying theme is important. We are quick to judge species’ relevance by seeing how they measure up to us humans, when I think we should be seeing species in their own light.
You might be thinking, okay I was reading some interesting stuff about bugs and then it turned into a lesson on human ethics and now I’m not really following. That would be understandable because when you hear “insect agriculture” your mind probably doesn’t jump to “the elderly/the unemployed/the disabled/the sick/etc/etc/etc should be seen as worthy as the CEO”.
I think it is important to find lessons within nature where we can. I was very much in awe when I first learned about insect agriculture, and I thought my reaction could say something about the way we treat not only animals and plants, but eachother as people. Sometimes the way we reflect on nature can tell us what kind of things we need to be changing in our society. To me, the way I felt more connected to these agricultural insect species reminded me of how we need to move away from using productivity to measure people’s value.
I hope it makes sense, let me know your thoughts!
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dvarapala · 9 months
i admit it :  i’m afraid .
monologue at three am // @thesarge
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"me too, pip," udyati whispers. "me too, but we came this far; we've gotta see this through. and hey, at least we're together, yeah?"
she hadn't known salil singh personally. nor does she know ravi beyond what pippa has told her. she doesn't know ravi's parents, either. but her own mom has gone out of her way to make friends with mr and mrs singh. because they hail from the same community. because she can and should. because it's the right thing to do. because ankita rao may not say it as much but she loves her people as fiercely as her daughter does.
of course said daughter would fall in with pippa fitz-amobi and ravi singh. of course she would. she is theirs, now. theirs to take or to break. their blade to wield. their shield to use. she is theirs.
"this is exactly what i mean," ankita - udyati's mom - told pippa yesterday, sighing heavily. "when i tell yaya to mind herself. lo kya kahenge. what will other people think? what will other people say? what will they see? everybody has an opinion about you and it can change just like that."
udyati had nodded her head, then, placing a cup of chai down in front of her new friend as her mom said her goodbyes and hurried out the door for her next shift: "what amma means to say is that you can do everything right and still be punished for it because you don't fit into the box people designed for you. even though you try your best and fold yourself in half like a pretzel. you and your life will either end up underneath a magnifying glass like you're a little bug or an ant or you will be ignored, wasting away as you turn into a ghost. i know that firsthand because of all the school stuff i've been through. none of it is unconditional. everything comes with strings attached. you can be a bright soul, a star student, a good brother and a great kid but none of that matters because any time something awful happens, the first thing people look at is your skin. especially when it's a pretty white girl that's gone missing. had andie been brown, they wouldn't have cared as much and if sal had been white, perhaps they would have cared a bit more."
she'd shrugged, gulping down her own glass of chai. "the system is broken. the justice system, the school system. every system that is designed to help people often hurts them. if the system benefits the people in power, they don't want to change it. and so, they often hide behind rules and regulations. and the handful of people who do want to change it often don't have enough power to do so on their own and it's just this vicious cycle without an end."
after one last look at pip, udyati smiles wryly. then she lifts her fist and knocks on the door.
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amaranthineoni · 11 months
@starrkc || CONTINUED
there was a presence that watched him from the shadows. it lingered and always made certain not to make itself known. although starrk always knew it was there. even if he didn't give off any inclinations in that regard. today happened to be a day off and since it was summer that meant he could go outdoors and enjoy some fresh air for once. maybe even get some sun and heat that most people seemed to loathe. to him it was something new. something different. he liked how it lit everything up and maxed up that heat in the summer. and how people seemed to be sitting outside fanning themselves with paper fans or eating icecream. little things humans did in the summer to cool down. I had a thought, dear However scary About that night The bugs and the dirt there were also bugs. lots and lots of bugs in the summer. zooming past and being pests. it seemed the human realm had more bugs than humans at times. he kneeled down to observe a trail of ants on the pavement, a little past the green green grass. they apparently either sought out moisture or food. ants were curious insects. something akin to wolves in packs. but they worked harder and they were much, much more in number. and unlike them, he was completely alone. a lone wolf without a pack. as he watched the ants, the presence lingered behind him several steps away. he pretended to not notice and got up to continue on his way. Why were you digging? What did you bury Before those hands pulled me From the earth? walking with his hand in one pocket while the other held a cherry and lime-flavoured popsicle he walked leisurely onward. the grass was also much greener in the summer. or so he had noticed. in spring it was dull. as though regaining life after a long slumber. and winter had it completely almost dead. or maybe it did die and in spring it was born anew. hm. perhaps that's how it was with grass because the leaves in the trees were the same way too. one thing he enjoyed about this human realm was the way the seasons changed and each one was different in its own way. and still the figure continued to follow him. always several steps away. I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask you, neither should you once he turned a corner and immediately ducked out of sight behind a building, he waited. now being the hunter and not the prey. and when he felt the familiarness of the presence that had been following all day right there looking left and right in a rushed manner. he reached out a hand and held onto the shoulder. ' caught you. it's not nice spying on people. ' whoever you are. why are you following me, he thought not asking it just yet.
Allowing Aizen's former army into the living world is a trust exercise, and one that Tomoe personally believes should be taken with much much more caution than it is.
Sure, Nelliel and her brethren are pretty harmless. Not physically, but she is a dignified and honorable warrior, and more importantly, she's their friend. Her presence is always a pleasure, and Tomoe likes to see her around. She's safe.
The other end of the spectrum is Grimmjow. Kisuke has him on an exceptionally tight leash, though she's pretty sure he doesn't know, but he does. Kisuke watches him, leads him around by the nose and knows where and how to point him so he doesn't explode in the direction of a vulnerable human. But even then, he's dangerous and volatile. He's gone after members of the shoten more than once. She can handle herself, as can Kisuke and Yoruichi, but poor Ururu is outgunned and outclassed.
Her point is, Nel might not need a babysitter, but Grimmjow sure as hell does, and she hasn't decided if this one does or doesn't yet.
Her time with the arrancar was an unkind one, and it scarred her. She's not being unreasonable by taking this act upon herself.
He's a powerful man by anyone's measure. Tall and strong, but he's not imposing in his size, ,he hasn't done anything to tip her off, to offend or aggress anyone. Dark hair, light eyes, taller than most Japanese men, he almost stand out if not for his slouch and unobtrusive presence.
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But a hollow is a hollow. She's just as certain that he has blood on his hands and in between the crevices of his teeth as she's sure every hollow does.
She's unobtrusive in her hunt, she doesn't mean to interrupt him. She doesn't let him know she's watching, keeping her pace behind, reiatsu suppressed. She blends with the crowd, contained in her gigai, a cap low over her eyes and bright clothes swapped for duller black and greys.
When he wanders around the corner, she waits a beat before following, it doesn't do good to follow too closely, but when she gets around the corner herself, he's gone. Senses stretches out - gold eyes scan the road, then sweep across the opposite side of the road. She can't see him. Where -
A hand, settles heavily on her shoulder, and she whirls around only to come face to face with her target.
"Ah-" busted. Not good.
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Should she lie?
No, he clearly knows she's been following him, but she doesn't know how long he's know. Better to say nothing at all and see what he does. "Is it?"
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Pangolin grass type starter
Roots for ears and underside of tail Baby is Oblossum
It’s final evo is grass steel
Wooly bear caterpillar that turns into a cat moth cause Virgin tiger moth is what wooly bears turn into
Rhino beetle hyena big dark maybe?
It’s baby is a grub puppy
Water starter goes from like a leopard gecko to a ribbon eel dragon. Coral horns and bits. It’s sleepy and likes to put others to sleep water psychic final evo type
Fire ferret into fire couatamundi or what ever or like. Civet something long with a bit tail that’s fire rock with lava and rock making the tail stripes baby fire ferret tail is a sparkler
Spider with a grass knot or a tumble weed for a butt
Psychic beluga
Succulent ant. Succlant
Butterfly that is actually a carnivorous plant
Water grass type loch ness shape based on lotus flowers growing up above the muck
It’s baby form is just a little messy leafy plesiosaur or something
Fighting type babirusa 2 stage
Catnip cat
Shadow thing under blanket/coins/etc like has a mimic vibe it’s like mimikyu like u never see it’s true form it’s just little grabby hands that reach out from under the piles.
Thylacine fossil?
Coffee bean that is either grass psychic or grass dark
Because like. Idk man but coffee has dark effects on my body. Fast effects. But dark.
Grass fire incense Pokémon
Rat king three stage more rats? More rats.
Grackle to dragon pipeline final evo looks like it fucked a bedazzler
Honey pot ants that r like eevee. What ever they got in their butts is the type. Idk if it’s like. A evo sitch with three different elemental ants or if it is a gimmick Pokémon that just like. Changes type.
Anubit anubould
Tenneric poison electric pikachu clone
Psychic olm pseudo legendary dragon
pseudo legendary ‘mythic’ like celebi or victini that a cuttlefish that changed type depending on the environment or the weather effects so like it would completely wreck a team built around sandstorm it’s a kittlefish like it’s tails are like the tentacles of cuttlefish and it’s eyes are OwO eyes it’s a cute baby cat
Fairy flying golden heron 2 stage maybe ghost fairy because like. They’re said to carry souls to the after life?
Grass whale. It’s like a hump back cause they’re my fave two stage???
Two headed fawn that turns into the two headed unicorn like that one taxidermy
I want it to split apart and be connected by a spine and like ectoplasm and the girls get little ectoplasm unicorn horns and the boys get ectoplasm antlers
Lamb of tartary Pokémon 3 stage grass wife
I think I already have the grass wife trope but like. Idk I love grass types I’m sorry. I can’t help myself.
There should be a water fighting type based off of a betta and the adult evo can have different color patterns assigned at random like Spinda
Fairy rock konpeito
Water steel hippocampus the baby form is just a little pony but with a dolphin tail
Poison steel based on mercury
Pure steel type that’s just a mailbox. They’re delivery Pokémon. The little red flags are on both sides and are like. Puppy ears.
Scarab beetle that imitates luxury balls when baby form. Adult form is opulent very fancy black and gold bug rock type
Solid rock type Minotaur two stage. The baby is just a liddol calf very cute
Dark poison type two stage based on the shaggy inkcap mushroom
Also I want a fairy type that’s pure fairy because monotypes are actually p important to cannon Pokémon games anyway. Fairy type two or three stage that starts off as just a little deer but ends up like a big stag that looks like it’s made of wood and is covers in mushrooms. Like the ruff around the neck is just layers of oyster mushrooms or turkey tails
Flat normal type hedgehog into porcupine
Split evo spider one is bug fairy one is bug dark both jumpers just the fairy is a peacock spider the dark is a bold jumper
Fire steel red river hog two or three stage
I want a Pokémon that evolves differently if it’s in the wild vs if it’s caught and trained
And now that I’ve decided to make Pokémon based off my cats there we go like the base is normal and it’s a kitten like it’s a very small baby super baby tiny and if it’s caught as this baby and raised by someone it turns into a big soft normal flying but if it’s left to the wilds it becomes a normal fighting and it’s like. A Bamf
Hummingbird mouse griffin that’s flying fighting because grasshopper mice and hummingbirds are both so Aggro
Gold orb weaver that can use a move like pay day that gets you money it’s baby form is often mistaken for gold nuggets 77
Normal type that is a like. A harp like idk deer with harp antlers or something with strings between spines on its back idk idk
I kno I have a couple mushroom Pokémon already I think but like what about a lion with a lions mane mushroom for a mane tho
Like the region is already kinda apocalyptic feels so maybe it makes sense there’s a lot of mons that are kinda fungal. Idk. …
Make a quest beast that isn’t a giraffe
Mahoganbee. It’s not a bee it’s a mahogany wasp it’s a solo Pokémon and it’s bug and grass and it’s a friend
Water fairy solo Pokémon that’s a manga ray with like rainbow elements so like when it breaches the water it leaves like. The wrainbows in the air and idk I’m sleeping
An object Pokémon that’s a snake Made outta horse shoes. Solid metal but then the evo is steel dragon and you add spurs as spikes on the back to make it bulky and sharp
Also maybe a Capricorn cause like. Fish goat. Oh maybe a foil to the hippocampus
Grass type that is a lion with a mane made of peacock feathers
Shrimp horse
I already have Anubis so like I kinda wanna do set or like a typhonic beast so like the baby is pure dark and then the evo is dark electric or dark dragon
I Dont think there are any rock ghost Pokémon so like a ghost that is fused with a tombstone? Ough maybe a stego that has headstones as it’s back fins and it can have like a Celtic cross for its tail this isn’t a fossil Pokémon tho I don’t vibe with a fossil being revived just to be a ghost maYBE it’s Jersey Devil shaped. Like idk idk idk but I’m scheming this feels close
Regional variant one is a deaths head hawk moth and one is a Luna moth 94
Ok but a fire type that is a lava lamp like maybe a giraffe with lava lamp neck or a Fox with a lava lamp tail
Baby bat that is normal type that just has a big honking nose like big v shaped nose it can’t fly yet it’s head is like the size of the rest of the body it’s all shnoz and all ears the grown up form has like frilly wings like a parasol
European starling that is flying steel because the gold on the wings the end form is steel fairy or psychic? Something what ever it’s gonna be spacey
Wait another shark that is water ghost and it’s a shark with ghost fins because of shark fin soup
Psychic poison scorpion. The baby is bug poison. There’s eyes inside the claws and like the lore is that people use it as a psychedelic. Is that too much for a Pokémon game? Oh well I guess.
Rock water type that’s like. The baby is a grotesque and it’s just rock but the gargoyle is rock water because. Architecture. Idk.
The regional rodent is raccoon based and it gets more rabid looking as u go
A pair of pokes that’s like. One is a wolf in sheeps clothing one is a sheep in wolfs clothing
Pure water type that is a brittle star sea star that like. Walks around like u used to walk ur hand around U kno? Like it is just a little creachur
The grass wife will be oak based and the baby will be acorns and the adult will be oak tree based but there’s three kinds there’s live oak red oak and bur oak and all of them have diff leaf shapes and maybe the acorn babies are shaped dif too
Legendaries maybe growth and decay themed so the decay legendary is mushroomy and the growth is flowery ofc But like what animals the third legendary is based on like the pure core of life and I want it to have a crazy god particle feel it’s got like a double helix tail and maybe horns oh maybe it’s a kirin. The decay Pokémon is maybe named Endtrophy 116
Manticore Pokémon but instead of a human face it has a baboon face because I don’t like human mons and also baboons are cool as fuck
I want a shark Pokémon that’s fairy and very sweet because everyone loves dolphins and they’re shitty and sharks are good
Bug dragon that’s like. The frills of the face are the moth wings with like the eye spots like it’s. Complicated but it’s good it’s very cool ok I swear
Ghost psychic that is a chameleon that is like. Glow in the dark skeleton idk maybe it’s body and shape is like made of smoke like the gengar line
I want a white rabbit with red eyes that looks at first glance very fairy type but it’s actually dark type and it’s not a rabbit it’s a hare so it’s inherently rly fucked up the baby form of it is like a little puff ball dust bunny or mochi bunny or something that’s strict normal
Firefly shooting star Pokémon it’s bug lightning the baby is just a little sparkle star the middle is a uhhh it’s a rock like it’s a meteor u kno and yeah shooting star firefly
There is a sheep Pokémon that is the like. Poster child for Delta Pokémon it’s a normal type but at any point u can take it to a Modico station and change its type and form. Like froufrou or what ever it was called. It’s a sheep because of dolly the cloned sheep
I need a fire type that has spikes like maybe a stego? But basically the spikes are made of fire and like high intensity torch style flames so they look sharp
Abrice the ice psychic abra and koldabra there isn’t a third evo because the psychic power is dampened 129
The evil corp is called Modico Corporation
They front as a company of good will and change progress etc etc
The evil team people is called Team ChimeRNA
Cause like. DNA and rna like. And they’re doing gene splicing.
Some of the original canon pokes u can catch you can also take to a Modico station ‘modicubes’ that are like in Pokémon centers and stuff anyway u can take them and some you can change to like Entolian Forms and some you can just change their types. Not all can be changed like there will only be like 20 or so and the company says it’s because cracking the Genome of different Pokémon takes time because Pokémon vary so widely.
U can se delta Pokémon in the wild as well tho it’s not common. When a Pokémon is delta variant it has a different color or pattern so it’s like easy to see. It’s kinda like finding a shiny but it’s not that rare. They also don’t sparkle when u find them just different colors. If u breed a delta there’s a percentage that u can breed a delta. Some Pokémon can only get one delta type but some have like idk maybe three options. It’s not like. U can take any Pokémon and add any element. That’s what Modico wants but they’re not there yet.
The region is a series of islands. Not like Hawaii more like. Iceland and Greenland and like. A third idk. Anyway most travel is don’t by bird like that’s the fast travel mechanic and it’s by a giant condor themed bird that also takes flavor from bearded vultures. The babies are a bit stupid cute but useless. They’re dodos.
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jar-of-ectoplasm · 3 years
Reverse Demon Slayer AU
a/n: a demon slayer au my friend and i were talking abt a bunch last week and i wanted to share it with you guys :))
like literally the au is just the demon slayers are the demons and the demons are the demon slayers it's prob been done before but still here it is besties (the hashiras turn into the 12 kizuki, the trainers are like the ex-kizuki members [like kyogai])
Genre/Warnings: Demon shit, body horror, just kinda creepy stuff cause the demons in Demon Slayer look busted most of the time, mentions of blood, gore, mentions of violence/death, religious stuff (gyomei)
~Giyuu Tomioka~
-Stays in the forest near a lake
-His voice echoes, kinda like how a siren's would. Since his voice is very calming and can go pretty far out, it lures a lot of people into his lake
-Blood Demon Art: Can create "reflections" of the demon slayers he's fighting out of the water in his lake. Every hit they land on Giyuu's version of them just goes straight through it since it's made of water but it's able to actually hurt the slayer (basically giyuu just makes little water minion to do his bidding)
-Would be very attached to the demon who turned him (which is Urokodaki) and would be absolutely livid if anyone managed to kill him
-After your encounter with an ex-kizuki member, you started hearing a strange voice echoing through the forest in front of you. Mistaking the man's calls as cries for help, you venture further into the forest not knowing you were walking into your death.
~Shinobu Kocho~
-Her eyes look just like a fly's, but instead of red they're purple
-Has pincers on the sides of her face
-Blood Demon Art: Can spit acid up to 5 feet (like an assassin bug) and if she manages to bite you, she can inject venom into your bloodstream with her freak ass bug tongue (like an ant)
~Sanemi Shinazugawa~
-The top half of his outfit would be tied around his waist (like how Susamaru had hers)
-The scars on his body would become mouths, and each mouth also has a voice so whenever Sanemi speaks it's like there are several voices speaking at the same time
-Blood Demon Art: Can literally take the their from a person's lungs and suffocate them. A demon slayer can't use their breathing technique if they can't breathe, right?
-Doesn't wash the blood off his clothes and he keeps the swords of the slayers he kills as trophies
~Tengen Uzui~
-Each dot on his face tattoo would become more eyes
-His three wives would change every so often because they're kidnapped female demon slayers
-Blood Demon Art: If he gets even the tiniest cut anywhere on his body, he'll be able to emit an incredibly high pitched sound to disorient his opponent
~Muichiro Tokito~
-Blood Demon Art: Creates a mist that, when inhaled, fogs the person's memory; making them forget what they were doing completely so he can easily attack them
-Honestly, he thinks killing the Hashiras Muzan sends after him is a chore, so he usually stays in the Infinite Fortress
-When he does go out though, he doesn't stay in one place for too long so he can avoid the demon slayers as much as possible. He doesn't want to waste energy on killing low level children
~Obanai Iguro~
-Pretty much a naga, the bottom half of his body is a serpent's tail
-Can unhinge his jaw to take some big ass fucking bites out of people
-His eyes can look in two different directions at the same time, making it hard for slayers to land a good hit on him
~Mitsuri Kanroji~
-Main territory is the red light district, she lures men into her little place and eats them
-Blood Demon Art: Similar to how Tamayo can force someone to tell the truth using her demon art, Mitsuri is able to attract people to her. No one wants to hurt the person they're attracted to, so it would make it easy for her to kill them.
-The prettiest demon Hashira by far, pretty much everyone else looks like some horrible grotesque creature
-She always tries to keep the clothes of the men she kills clean so she can give them to the girls in her house. Even if they are human, she still cares for them greatly
-Is the cleanest demon Hashira as well. She doesn't like making a mess of her room just to clean it up right after
-Mitsuri also likes to try different recipes with the men she eats. Having them raw just isn't as fun as cooking them herself
~Kyojuro Rengoku~
-Blood Demon Art: Similar to Esidisi from JJBA, he can make his blood boil. When the slayer manages to get a hit on him, his blood would splash on them and burn through anything it touched. The temperature of his blood is on par with lava
-Looks the most human out of pretty much all the demons, but something just seems very off about him
-When you're fighting him, he's stone faced until he gets bored of you. His smile just looks way too big for his face, and the amount of teeth in his mouth are far beyond what it should be
-Doesn't have eyelids so he literally never blinks
~Gyomei Himejima~
-Would be dressed as a traditional Buddhist priest/monk
-He kills demon slayers to "help them atone for their sins"
-Main method of killing would be using his rosary to choke them out, sometimes since he doesn't really know his own strength their heads pop off
-He cries blood instead of tears
-Blood Demon Art: Can make his blood as hard as diamond so the demon slayer would be unable to cut him on the first try, so he would be able to take advantage of their shock and kill them
~Tanjiro Kamado~
-Blood Demon Art: Just the same as Nezuko's, since they're siblings and all that
-He had come from a family of demon slayers, and after getting turned into one himself they all tried to kill him (except for Nezuko)
-Wears a muzzle only when Nezuko is around other demon slayers. They have to keep up a charade, but it's so hard to control himself sometimes and that's when the muzzle really helps
-His favorite part of the body is the heart. When he was human, everyone always saw him as kind and innocent but when he was turned he was seen as the complete opposite. He hopes that consuming the hearts of other people will return his old kind-hearted personality
~Nezuko Kamado~
-Nezuko followed in her parent's footsteps by joining the demon slayer corps, but instead of trying to find a cure for her brother she gets information and passes it to Tanjiro and the demon Hashiras.
-Nezuko ended up taking Tanjiro away from the bloody ruins of their home, and on their way down the mountain they ran into Giyuu who instructed them to go to Urokodaki so Tanjiro would be safe
-Has killed demon slayers who have seen her interacting with the demon Hashiras. She has to keep her record clean to climb the ranks and to help Tanjiro at the same time
~Zenitsu Agatsuma~
-Would lure people into a trap by guilt tripping them into being alone with him
-"Could you please help me? I lost my gramps, but I can't see him anywhere. Will you help me find him?" and then they'd get bodied
-Always avoids killing innocent people or new demon slayers. He feels so bad for taking their lives away from them, but sometimes he just can't help it
-He'll style the female demon slayers hair after he kills them so they can be just as pretty as they were in life when they get to Heaven
~Inosuke Hashibira~
-The boar mask would become his actual head
-Instead of duel wielding swords, they would be some big ass fangs that he swings around to impale demon slayers
-Inosuke fights dirty. He'll snap his jaws at you and laugh hysterically when he manages to take a chunk out of your arm
-Actively seeks out demon slayers to kill. He never kills regular people because they don't put up a good enough fight for him
-Eats every part of the body, including the bones
~Misc Characters~
-Kanae was a spider-esque demon and cocooned people in her webs to feed a young Shinobu and Kanao until she was killed
-Kanao was human-turned-demon by the sisters
-Urokodaki is an ex-kizuki member and all of his trainees are now the demons in the Final Selection
-the Fox Children, led by Urokodaki, are merciless to any wannabe slayer that comes into their forest looking to make it out alive. Most of the demon slayers that make it out are nearly dead or had ran straight through, not even trying to get a kill
-the Fox Children wear the masks because their faces are incredibly fox-like (think like, mid transition animorphs cover)
-Nobody knows what Urokodaki's face looks like, but based on his mask that's for the best
~General Stuff~
-In this au, the demons actually stick together and the demon slayers work alone which makes the Hashira Kizuki way fucking scarier than they already were
-And because these demons work together, they're all going to hold grudges against certain demon slayers
-When Kanae was killed, the demon Hashira went apeshit, especially Gyomei. Pairing his strength and horrible blinding rage at the fact his coven lost a very important member, every slayer he kills within the first year of Kanae's death die in horrible ways.
-Imagine following the directions your dove gave you to an old, overgrown sanctuary secluded in the mountains. The moonlight does little to illuminate your surroundings, but one thing you do see is the mangled body of your fellow demon slayer hanging from a tree. The only thing keeping them together is their spinal cord, and the impossibly large hand holding their head to a branch.
-The Hashiras are all extremely savage and violent, rarely ever sparing a human life. (sometimes Shinobu or Kanao might feel bad and spare a small child or elderly person, but other than that nobody is safe)
-Crows would service the demons, and doves would service the demon slayers. Everyone is always wary around crows because nobody knows whether that particular one belongs to a demon or not
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