#if not. ill say it lol
blueiight · 10 months
the thing is abt rosaleen is that shes someone who loves ghastly things & sees herself as someone proximate to that (which is why the brunt of her movie is scattered dream sequences that eventually becomes ‘real’ in that she becomes a wolf + the movie ends with her being awakened to wolves breaking into her bedroom). her favorite person is her grandmother whos viewed by the village as this withering crone regaling her with ‘old wives tales’. the grandmother seeming to warn rosaleen not of the wolves , but how people are mistreated bc of the fear of them not realizing sexual abuse + the hunt is commonplace and not unique to wolves, but something in ‘men’ (the woman who married a werewolf , thought he died, then she remarried, the werewolf was alive, attacks her child, and her second husband beheads the wolf+ slaps his wife for still loving him). the only two stories rosaleen herself recites from her grandmother to her mother + the huntsman are that of outcasted women making the best of their lot — the pregnant witch who turns the nobles into wolves and makes them sing her baby songs, the shewolf who came above and chose the world below. just as rosaleen herself ‘chooses’ the world below, ‘chooses’ the werewolf who hunts over polite society. rosaleen seeing the glass infant that sheds a tear as she applies on red lipstick (and her ‘self’ in the modern world going to sleep with a full face of makeup on, how the fixtures of her tales occupy the room she lays in) and the village encountering the cow that died in childbirth… the girl died, the woman is destroyed, and the shewolf is born thru the demise of the only other she was close to (her grandmother) as she runs off with grandma’s killer away from the villagers trying to save her. the company of wolves movie came out in 1984 , adapted from the 1979 bloody chamber, and featured a werewolf who hunted wolves with a red cape + rifles, and we had a friend whos story in 1985 starts with him donning a red cape + a rifle to hunt wolves, another who suspected him of killing his brother , the only other person that understood him in this world, but ‘chose’ to become a monster with him
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abracadaze · 2 years
i feel so bad for nikola tesla like imagine spending years beefing with a guy who has conned the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and you end up dying broke and starving and alone and then 100 years later another guy cons the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and he's doing it all IN YOUR NAME. he must be rolling in his grave like a fucking rotisserie chicken
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ashfdhfgdsfk · 1 year
which movies have you watched the most amount of times? they dont have to be your actual favorite movies, just the ones youve rewatched most. for example: mine are the final destination movies and scream
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faglaios · 1 month
One of my pet peeves about how people talk about laios is the joke that he’s “never masked a day in his life” and like. Tbh real lol, I’ve made that joke before too . But the issue comes from when people say it seriously, and i think it’s important to note that laios was masking for, like, at the very least the entire time his party had been together before the start of the series. Namari, toshiro, chilchuck, and marcille were all shocked and weirded out upon him talking about the idea and act of eating monsters, and the latter two continuously poke at him for his interest in monsters in general, something that likely hadn’t been happening before.
Hell, he even has a line confessing his special interest in monsters, making it the first time he was actually open about it
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This isnt to say he didn’t talk about monsters before, as we see later with namari telling mr tance that laios is the one to listen to when it comes to them
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The Touden Party was infamous for being extremely skilled in the dungeon, and a large part of that was because of laios’s knowledge on monsters, but there were never any rumors or talk of one of the leaders being weird, even when its noted once or twice that word travels fast in the dungeon world
All of this to say, its extremely nice that we get to see laios when he isnt masking, because he doesn’t have to anymore! He gets to indulge in his interest to quite literally the fullest extent and all he has to worry about is some light teasing as his friends get more used to it over time
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asteraws · 2 months
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my clown college grad project from december last year 🎪
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yuyulie · 2 months
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follower gift set ✰✰✰
This took me so long to put together but I finally finished it 😭 thanks to everyone who participated in the pinterest board/sending me their inspo pics, I know I said I would only make a few things but I ended making a lot LOL, still there were some things that I tried do but were too hard or didn't work in game so maybe next time 🤞🏽 but fr THANKS EVERYONE for 2,100+ followers 😭🙏🏽🙏🏽 , I really appreciate the love everyone has shown me on here in the last few months 💕💕😙 Hope yall enjoy ✨(Pls let me know if there's any issues!)
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✰ new meshes ✰ all LODS ✰ all under 10k polys ✰ disabled for random **the bag/purse can be found on the hat section.
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✰ Download ✰ (alt) ✰
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plague-parade · 11 months
if upon being told about someones illness/condition, your first thought is to say “have you tried X?” i want you to step back for a moment and think to yourself “if i thought of X after hearing about this condition for the very first time, the person who has this condition very likely has thought of this and possibly tried it already”
we are tired of constantly being told to try the same things by people who didnt know our condition existed five minutes ago.
you dont need to offer any solutions or try to fix us. i know it might seem like a polite thing to do or that it shows you care, there are other ways to show us you care.
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jurassic-cunt · 9 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
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DTS S6E1 "Money Talks" - Fernando Alonso & Lance Stroll
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mroddmod · 3 months
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"everybody loved contractors."
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yennao · 18 days
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Yk this actually started as a second pass at @ratblazer 's DTIYS but I got a little bit excited about light pens and ended up here. At least, I think that's what happened. I got the memory of a gnat, you know how it be
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stevenrogered · 1 year
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5x13 / 6x17
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tmos-time · 8 months
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*sits up in bed from a cold sweat* oouh redraw day cringetober erisol real.... ok good day o7
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anewp0tat0 · 6 months
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Black Butler Amino, Black Arts Magazine - Holiday Party
it doesn't quite look like a holiday party from here, but what I imagined as a humble little piece is~~ Ciel and Lizzy sneak away from the big bustling midford Christmas party and raid the kitchen desserts, like they did when they were kids(it was Lizzy's idea, Ciel clearly hasn't been himself since he returned, and she wanted to bring him back).
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heartorbit · 1 year
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i wanna make a prsk major arcana...
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puppyeared · 6 months
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updated Sleight ref!!
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