#if my dad was the one who didn’t wanna get me the surgery
my mom really said she wished she pressed for me to have eye surgery as a baby so my eyes wouldn’t be as bad as they are now
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ruinedbylanadelrey · 1 year
Hi so the request is wanna make is a Joel miller x plus!size reader. I was thinking that maybe before the apocalypse happened Joel and the reader where married and the reader was Sarah’s stepmother Sarah loved the reader as if she was her real mother maybe Joel and the reader got a divorce because they started to argue about the bills maybe the day Joel signed the papers they slept together one last time so the reader found out she was pregnant and the day of the outbreak she was getting chased by an infected and she gave birth in the house so the reader is Ellie’s mom and Joel is Ellie’s dad but he never knew about Ellie so the reader didn’t die because she was immune she doesn’t know how she didn’t turn so maybe she joined the community Joel was in but she didn’t know they were keeping her daughter captive and Ellie knows what her mom looks like because she has a picture of the reader so maybe when they were in the city the reader told Joel how Ellie is his daughter he is shocked but Ellie knew so the reader and Joel get back together maybe when they are at the hospital the reader volunteers to take Ellie’s place in the surgery Joel tries to talk to the reader not to do it the reader just tells him she loves him and tells him to take care of Ellie so Joel saves his wife and they head back to Tommy’s town and they get their happy ending (sorry it’s long let me know if your ok with it just message me of what you think and if you would write it it’s fine if you don’t)
This is an interesting concept. I love it. I had a lot of fun writing this. Buckle up, everyone! We're going for a ride. the amount of calculating i did so the timeline would match was insane for me lol.
Word count: 3K
Warnings: angst, alludes to smut, f!reader, death, birth-giving, jealousy, ellie<3, joel being joel, mention of joel’s attempt, mention of David
50 percent of marriages end in divorce and the other 50 just live in harmony. You thought you had it made when you married Joel Miller, he is everything you look in for a person. You checked off every box for him. Joel loved how you treated Sarah as your own, just being such a good mother figure in her life.
You met Joel when he was 30 and you were 25, you were the receptionist for the construction company he worked for. You were just the most beautiful woman to him and every man you worked with could see it too.
You were the one who made the first move. You didn't care for anyone else but him, mainly because he wasn't trying to get in your pants. He treated you as a person. You two became good friends, you would hang out with him and Tommy outside of work.
He eventually introduced to Sarah. She instantly loved you, she always asked about you and wanted you to come over and listen to whatever was the hottest new album that came out since you were still young enough to enjoy pop culture.
"Hey, would you like to grab a beer after work?" You stopped Joel before he had to leave to go to the site. Joel was surprised by your forwardness. "Are you asking me on a date, sweetheart?" Joel flashed a smile at you as your face flushed with red. "I guess I am, whatcha say, Miller?" You smirked at him. "It's a date." Joel winks before he left with the others for the day. The date was just the beginning of the romance between the two of you. 2 years later you were married.
4 years now you're crying in the kitchen and Joel staring at the ceiling. "I'll be staying with my brother until we get the papers signed." You broke the silence. Your relationship with Joel finally came to end when you both had enough of being at each other's throats.
You would fight about literally anything. It would be about bills one day then the next day he said he doesn't feel anything for you anymore or you realized that you can't love anyone when you can't love yourself. The reason for divorce was to work on yourselves.  
When you broke the news to Sarah she was livid because she could see that you both love each other so much and you guys were being stubborn and couldn't see it. You felt your heart break when Sarah said "Please don't stop being my mom." you explained to her that no matter what happens she'll always be your sweet girl.
The day you were supposed to sign all the papers the world collapsed. It was the worst day of your life no matter what. If the world didn't end you would be divorced from Joel and since the world did end you lost your Sarah and almost lost Joel forever. You can't get her screams and cries out of your head, and the image of Joel holding her as she took her last breaths. Then Joel trying to end his life made you break further.
Another 4 years go by and you stuck by Joel. It was just strictly platonic. You were the last thing he had in the old world and he was the same for you. You were each other's comfort and safety net. Though still you were still legally married that didn't matter when it was a lawless world around you.
Joel and you found yourselves a group and did what you had to do to survive. You watched Joel become a ghost of the person you once knew. He could see you as yourself. Just as flippant and caring.
You still yearned for Joel's love and companionship but he found it in another woman, Tess. You couldn't help but be hurt and jealous. You liked Tess and could never hate her. You envied what she had; Joel in the palm of her hands.
Joel didn't mean for it to happen but life loves to derail everything well. "I'm leaving the group...I'm going with Tommy." You sat with Joel in the apartment you shared in the QZ. "You're not leaving." Joel thought he could change your mind, but nothing could. "Joel, I have nothing keeping me here and I rather go with someone who doesn't see me as a second choice." Your words cut into his wounds.
"Darlin'...," Joel pulled you into his arms, "N-no...Joel. I'm leaving tonight." You pushed him off of you and started packing your go-bag. "This is it? After everything we have been through." Joel was angry not at you but at the way things turned out. You stopped packing and looked at him. "You don't need me, Joel. You don't even love m-" "Stop talking before you say something you'll regret." Joel didn't want you to make him face the music.
Joel walks to you and you stood up straight to look him in the eye. "You don't love me." You snubbed, Joel's eyes clouded with hurt and pure rage. The next few moments were hazy.
Joel crashes his lips into yours, your hands gripping the collar of his flannel bringing him as close as possible. Moans leave your mouth as he undresses you, then you come to when the moonlight leaks in through the windows. Your legs tangled with his and his skin on yours. You remove yourself from his hold.
You put your clothes back on and take your bag. You look at Joel sleeping unknowing that he will never see you again. Tommy was waiting with Marlene outside the door. "We're ready when you are." Marlene gave you a weak smile. "I'm ready." You nod and follow them to escape the place where you don't belong.
You ran like hell from the QZ, your feet ached and your back was on fire as you fly through the trees. The screams and growls were catching up to you. The safe house was just in view, "Marlene!" You blockade the door trying to buy yourself time to hide. No one was there yet, all you had to defend yourself with was the switchblade Joel gave to you when you first started dating.
You felt your water break and fluid drenched your legs. You got up the stairs and threw yourself on the ground. Your body was ready to give out when you started pushing.
Your screams echoed through the empty home. The growls and scratching were at the door, the next push was interrupted by the infected breaking down the door with their excessive strength. You were crying as you put up your best fight. Your adrenaline pumps through your body. You made the fatal blow and threw the body off of you.
A cry came from someone other than you. You reached down to hold the small child in your hands. Your body was coming down from the high and your thigh was aching. There was the mark of death etched into your skin. "No, no, no, no." You scrambled for your blade and cut the cord. The infant was still crying and you started to console her.
You forgot for a moment about your fate being sealed and watched the most beautiful creature in front of your eyes. "You tell 'em Ellie." you gave a tired laugh and just soaked in what you thought were the final moments of your life.
When Marlene found you, you didn't say anything about being bit, but you let her leave with Ellie so you could collect yourself. You waited and waited to turn into a monster but your time never came. Every day you would wake up and have to calm yourself down, 'You're okay...' you found the word to describe yourself...immune.
You knew you couldn't raise Ellie in the group you found yourself in. Marlene and you decided to give her up to FEDRA to give her a shot at life. That meant many nights crying into Tommy's chest and just feeling like you lost everything. You made Tommy swear he would never say anything to Joel about Ellie. When you and Tommy left the fireflies, you had no contact with Marlene anymore.
14 years went by just thinking about Ellie, Joel, Tess, and Sarah. Nightmares consumed you and didn't let you rest.
Ellie was being held captive and soon to be turned into a science experiment. Joel found himself smuggling this fiery kid who reminded him of you. He didn't ever put too much thought into it. The day you left he would look for you everywhere and in everyone.
The day after Marlene sent Ellie packing with Joel he saw your switchblade in her hands as they passed time. He told himself it couldn't be yours, it's not it was one of a kind. Everything was too coincidental but he tried not to think about it...more like tried not to think about you.
Ellie knew about you, Marlene let her have a picture of you before sending her off to her death with Joel. Marlene knew about your last night with Joel. She knew that Ellie was Joel's child and she couldn't break her promise to you 'Don't ever let Joel know...or even Ellie, know about each other...' because you were her best friend but she was afraid that you would kill her. Anytime Ellie looked at your picture she thought you were the most beautiful person ever and made sure no one ever saw the picture. It was a part of herself she could keep to herself.
Joel came in riding on a horse and Ellie trailed behind him on hers. The news about two new coming into the community made its way to you and Tommy. You both didn't think much about it because it wasn't anything new.
People would come and go. Tommy was helping on structuring another building for the community and you were helping with the school coordinating the calendar for a school year. "Tommy's brother is here and he has some child with..." a woman whispered to another lady and your ears burned. You scurried away from the table and found yourself vomiting into a trashcan.
This is can't be real. He can't be here and with a child? What child? Did he knock someone else up? "Sweetie, are you okay?" An older woman came over and held your hair back, her hand rubbing your back trying to soothe you. "I'm fine...I think I'm gonna call it day." You spit off some more saliva and walked back to your house. You first stopped by Tommy's since it was right next to yours but no one was home not even Maria.
The night passed on and Maria was knocking on your door and she got impatient and walked in. "Y/n? We need to talk" Maria calls out, you emerged from the kitchen with a glass of water. You looked like you've seen a ghost. "I take it as you heard the news." Maria sat you down on the couch, you started to sob.
It feels like the universe was teasing you and it wasn't fair. "He doesn't know you're here...and he's here with Ellie." You felt the air in the room not be enough to breathe in. Ellie...your Ellie. "How?" "The devil works but Marlene works harder...he's supposed to smuggle Ellie to the fireflies. I don't know why they want her." you knew why...she has to be immune too. That's the only reason why.
You heard the door open, Tommy was standing there with a sorry look on his face. "You told him, didn't you?" you asked, Tommy, sighed and tried to look for the words he wanted to say. "You fucking broke your promise!" You darted toward Tommy pushing him against the wall, your arm raised and your hand clenched into a fist. "Hey! Hey! Let's take a deep breath, Y/n...I didn't say anything about Ellie...I just told him you're here. He kept asking if you were alive. That's all." Tommy grabbed your hand on put it down. You were huffing trying to catch your breath.
"He wants to me take Ellie to the fireflies...Y/n, he's at his breaking point." Tommy sighed and looked at Maria. You look back at her and she just shook her head. "She is the key to the vaccine." the words hit you like a train. You knew what that meant, Marlene told you about what they needed to make the vaccine work.
"They have to kill her to make it work." You spoke, and the couple looked at you. "I remember Marlene telling me the science behind it...I can't let this happen. It has to be me." You weren't making any sense to them. "What are you saying?" Maria quipped, you looked up at the ceiling and pulled down your sweatpants. Tommy didn't look down at you and Maria looked at your right thigh. A scar in the shape of a bite with the cordyceps tendrils underneath the skin.
"You're immune..." Maria was stunned, you pulled your pants up and Tommy quickly looked at you. "Looks like you guys have another secret to keep." You laughed to lighten the mood.
Tommy brought you to the house where Joel and Ellie were staying for the night, his knuckles knock against the door. You wait for a moment and the door swings open to Joel, he's aged, a few new scars litter his face and he still has his signature beard that you've always loved. "I think you two have some business to attend to...Goodnight." Tommy excuses himself, leaving you at the door with the man you never stopped loving.
Joel moved out of the way and let you inside. You move in silence to where is supposed the living room but it was barren with a weathered couch in the center. "She's our kid...isn't she?" Joel broke the silence, when he opened the door to your face everything clicked in his head. "Nothing ever gets past you." You exhaled, and Joel lets out a weak chuckle. "Does she know?" Joel asked as he leaned back with his arms resting on the back of the couch. "No. I made people keep their promises." You were always the one person that people never crossed because karma was always on your side.
"I said something to her that I should have never said..." Joel recalls just moments before you showed back up into his life 'You're right...you're not my daughter. And I sure as hell ain't your dad.' he hated himself from that very moment. "Joel, you've always spoken before you thought." You remember all the times his mouth got him in trouble.
"Now, Joel I'm going with Ellie tomorrow...I can't let her do this." You broke the news. Just as thought Joel had you back, he was about to lose you again. "No, you're staying here" Joel protested, he'll be damned to let you go. "I am, I know where to go and I know the team down there. I need to be there for her. She's my baby girl..." You knew your words were useless because he will try everything in his power to keep you from going.
The stairs creaked and you both turn to find Ellie trying her best to stealth her way back up the stairs. You stood up and looked at the girl in front of your eyes. You drank in her presence, noticing the scar on her eyebrow, her puppy dog eyes and how they sparkled, and the slope of her nose. "Ellie," you whispered trying not to scare her. Her face lit up when her name fell off your lips.
Ellie walked down the stairs and met you and Joel in the living room. She stopped just a few feet away from you. Joel watched the two of you look at each other. He was checking off how similar you guys are, the way you both stood and how you carried yourself. "Mom." Ellie ran into your arms, and you naturally accepted her into an embrace. You rested your head on top of hers, breathing her scent, and listened to her breathing. You swayed gently, her breathing became heavy as tears spilled from her eyes.
"I'm here...forever." You murmured while stroking her hair. It was the most beautiful thing to see, a mother and her child. The warmth of a mother's love is like nothing else. "Hey...guess what? you sure as hell are my dad." Ellie pulled away a little to look at Joel. Her laugh filled the home. "I knew that would come back and bite me in the ass." Joel stood up and came beside you. He tucked the hair out of Ellie's face. "C'mere you little shit." Joel pulled her from your arms into his. He laid a kiss on her head.
"You too, darlin'" Joel brings you into the embrace. You couldn't help but sob at the reunion before you knew that you would have to lay down your life for her. -
The journey to the fireflies brought you and Joel back together as a couple, and you fell in love again with each other. It made it hard for you to not tell him everything about what is going to happen you get to the hospital. Everything with Ellie made you thirst for blood again, you feel like you failed as a parent when Ellie ended up killing David. You did everything in your power to help Ellie process what happened and nothing she did was wrong but she shut you and Joel out.
Joel woke up in a hospital bed alone. Everything around him made him uneasy. The tension in the air was suffocating. Marlene was speaking to him slowly, making sure she didn't tick him off.
But when Marlene explained everything to him, he snapped. She knew that she had to get him out and make sure they could get this done.
You tried to reason with Marlene and let you be the one to die but the doctors thought it would be great to experiment on you and Ellie. You begged for Ellie to be spared. You were sedated before her before you could put up a fight. Marlene warned them about your life with Joel and how ruthless you are when it came to protecting the ones you loved.
Joel snapped at the right moment. He moved through the hospital without any thought in his mind. He didn't wake from his haze until he shot Marlene. He was trying to conjure up what he would say because knowing Ellie and you, questions were going to be asked and will need to be answered.
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for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish (b.r.b.)
a/n: eh what the hell, i’m indulging myself. kylie has to get her wisdom teeth out and she doesn’t wanna! this is small but self indulgent 
summary: Bradley goes with Sunshine to the dentist.
main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist | flight risk masterlist | flight risk timeline
warnings: dentists, wisdom tooth infections, antibiotics, swearing, food mentions, brief mention of insecurities and doubt of self-worth at the end
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"You’re going.”
You huff, looking up at the brunette who towers over you, hands shoved into his jacket pockets. “I don’t wanna.” The words come out in a more of a whine than you originally mean them to and you cringe. 
“Are you 3?” He asks, a hint of laughter in his voice. “I don’t know you to be a petulant child Sunshine.” He pauses, frowning as you continue to stare back at him. “C’mon, the only thing not going will do for you is make your pain worse.”
You sigh, sliding further into the couch. “Yeah, I know, but-” You cut yourself off, feeling suddenly really silly. 
“But-?” He prompts, raising his eyebrow. 
“But like- what if I have to get emergency wisdom tooth removal? I talked to my Dad, they’ll probably have to put me under and that’s literally terrifying-” 
“Sunshine.” He says, firmly, cutting you off. “Then we’ll figure it out, okay?” 
“I can’t afford emergency wisdom tooth surgery.” You mutter.
He sighs. “As of Friday, that won’t matter okay? And we will figure it out. I promise. In sickness and in health, right?”
Part of you wants argue that he’s too nice to you, another part wanting to argue that the two of you really shouldn’t be getting married on Friday.
The overwhelming part that wins is the part that doesn’t want to be in pain anymore. 
You sigh, pushing yourself up from the couch. “Fine. Fine.” 
Bradley flashes you a bright smile, pulling your front door open. “After you m’lady.” 
The door jingles above you as you open the door to the office. The lady sitting at the front desk offers you a smile. “Hi, how may I help you?” 
You take a deep breath as Bradley follows you into the office. “Hi, I’m here for an appointment?” 
The lady asks for your name as you see Bradley moves towards the fish tank in your peripheral. “Sunshine look, it’s Nemo.” He says, bending down to look into the tank. 
The lady laughs softly as she hands you your paperwork. “If you want to just have a seat, someone will be out to take you back in a little.” 
“Thank you.” You say, moving to sit down on the bench. Bradley follows your lead and squishes himself in between the two of you. You look up at him, raising an eyebrow. “What are you doing?” 
“We’re sitting together.” He says simply. 
“We don’t both fit.” 
He shrugs at your words, tapping the clipboard. “Fill out your paperwork.” 
You shake your head, bringing your gaze down to the pages in front of you. 
As you fill out your insurance information, you feel your legs become uncrossed, your foot falling to bounce on the floor. It’s almost unconscious as you chew on your lip, filling out the paperwork in front of you. 
Suddenly, Bradley’s hand comes out to your knee, holding it still. “You’re gonna be fine Sunshine.” His eyes don’t move from the fish tank. 
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you’re holding, nodding as tears prick your eyes. 
The two of you sit there for a little while longer before one of the dental assistants comes out, calling you by name. You take a deep breath as you stand up, the woman taking your paperwork from you. 
“Good luck Sunshine.” Bradley says, giving you a goofy grin and two thumbs up. “I’ll watch your purse.” 
You let out a little laugh, shaking your head, as you follow the woman further into the office. 
“You and your boyfriend are very cute.” She says, offering you a smile. 
“Oh, we’re not-” You pause, swallowing. 
If you were getting married, you couldn’t really keep denying that, could you?
You nod. “Yeah, he’s wonderful.” 
“So?” He asks raising an eyebrow as you emerge from the back, holding two pieces of paper in your hand. 
“Antibiotics for a week and super ibuprofen for the pain.” 
He stands up from the bench as you say goodbye to the woman at the front desk. Moving to the door of the office, the bell jingles again as the two of you leave. 
“Don’t forget you need to eat yogurt or something with your antibiotics.” 
“I fucking hate yogurt. I don’t even have yogurt.” 
He chuckles, following on to the steps of the building. “Sounds like we’ll be making a trip to the grocery store and the pharmacy then.” 
You bite your lip, suddenly feeling bad and self-conscious at all the kind things he’s done for you even just over the span of the last week since the party. 
You turn as he pulls his keys out, the Bronco clicking unlocked. “You don’t have to. I mean you drove me to my appointment-” 
He shakes his head, pulling the front door open. “In sickness and in health Sunshine!” 
You stand at the pharmacy counter, waiting for them to fill your prescription when a sharp pain erupts in your side. You turn, realizing Bradley has nudged you with the cart, giving you a guilty smile. “Ow.”
“Sorry Sunshine.” 
“You are literally a pain in my ass.” 
He shrugs. “Maybe, but you can’t hate me because I’m buying you cake. And it’s even your favorite flavor!” 
You sigh. “Bradshaw, I’m perfectly capable of buying my own groceries. And affording them.” 
He sighs, leaning up against the cart. “For richer, for poor, remember?” 
“We aren’t even married yet.” 
“Details. How much longer?” He says through a feigned yawn, waving a hand in the air.  
You squint at him, moving closer to him as your voice drop downs to a whisper. “I didn’t realize doing this for the benefits meant buying all my groceries. I can pay my own bills.” 
“Sunshine, do you ever let anybody do anything nice for you?” 
“Sunshine, you’re in pain. You have a wisdom tooth infection. I know you haven’t been eating and I know surgery isn’t going to be cheap. Let me buy you fucking yogurt and dino nuggies.”
You frown, eyeing him. Before you can say anything though, the pharmacist comes back to the counter with your prescription in hand. 
You look up, seeing Bradley setting on of his t-rexs on your plate. “What are you doing?” 
He gives you a nervous smile. “My dinosaur is saying hi.” 
Your hand reaches up to rub your temple. “Why are you playing with your food? Are you a toddler or a grown-ass adult? Because I’m not sure.” 
He shrugs, taking the piece of meat back. “I just wanted to make you smile. Now, eat your food. You can’t take super ibuprofen on an empty stomach.” 
You sigh. “But my tooth hurts.” 
He chuckles, dipping the dinosaur in ketchup. “Sunshine, it’s not gonna stop hurting until you take super ibuprofen and you have to eat to do that.” 
You groan, sliding down in your chair. “Bradley, we gotta talk about this.” 
His gaze flickers up to you as he chomps down on a pterodactyl, biting it’s head off. “Talk ‘bout what?” 
“Getting married?” You say, like it’s not the most obvious thing in the world. Like it hasn’t been haunting you since you and Bradley had set down in a diner near campus and agreed to actually do the damn thing. 
“I thought we already talked about it.” 
“When are we telling our friends?” 
He shrugs. “Whenever you give me the go-ahead Sunshine. You might want to tell Bailey before we tell Eli though, because her head’s gonna explode.” 
You shrug, reaching out to move one of the dino nuggets around the plate. “Yeah, I don’t think I’m gonna tell her.” 
He pauses mid-bite, raising an eyebrow. “What? Why?” 
“I just don’t... I just don’t think she’ll care all that much.” 
He snorts. “She’ll care, trust me. Stop playing with your food.” 
You swallow, sitting up in your chair as your hand slide under your legs to keep from peeling at the skin around your nails. You want to tell him that you don’t think they want to hear from you, that they were really only your friends because they felt bad for you, but another part of is terrified that he might agree. 
“You’re a good person, you know that right, Bradley?” 
Your voice is quiet, the only sound in the room becoming the TV of the two of you left on for background noise. He hums, tilting his head. “Okay, what’s up Sunshine?” He holds up a finger as you open your mouth to protest. “And don’t fucking bullshit me, Sunshine. You’ve been acting strange for a while now.” 
“I don’t- I don’t know.” You mumble. “I haven’t felt like myself in months. I’m graduating in a few months, I have no idea what I’m doing with my life, I’ve got so much shit to do between now and May, I spend all my energy playing mediator between my parents- I’m just- I’m just-” 
You force yourself to stop, taking a shuddering breath as hot tears prick your eyes. The last thing you want to do is cry in front of him again. 
“You’re tired?” 
“Exhausted.” You mutter, looking down to your plate as the first tear rolls down your cheek, hot against your skin. “I don’t want to do this anymore.” 
He sighs, the sound of his chair moving echoing through the living room as he moves to sit down next to you. He pulls you into his chest and against your better judgment, you wrap your arms around him, returning his hug. He rubs your shoulder sympathetically, making the tears fall harder. “It’s gonna be okay, Sunshine. We’ll figure it out together, I promise. You’re not in this on your own.” 
As your tears bubble over, creating a wet patch on Bradley’s shirt, you can’t help but think about how you wound up with someone as incredible as him in it. 
He’s so kind.
And you don’t deserve it.
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rarelyrad · 8 months
I offer you my plans for the month. Wanna read?
1.Drugging / sick / poisoned (Roy gets food poisoning)
2.Overworked / insomnia / Exhaustion (Expansion of the “I’ve lost my wings Roy” scene, where Roy takes Jamie home so he can rest)
3.Sensory deprivation / overstimulation / isolation (Roy has a panic attack)
4.Blackmail : (A player Roy used to play with tries to black mail him out of the closet)
5.Jamie breaks his leg on the pitch.
6.Crying to sleep : (Jamie after the man city match)
7.Misunderstanding (Rebecca confesses to Jamie that it was her who initiated Jamie’s transfer to Man City, and she apologizes.)
8.Panic attacks / Dissociation / Seizure (Jamie is with Ted to witness and help him through a panic attack)
9.Scar reveal / Interrogation / Presumed dead (Roy notices the scars on Jamie’s body sustained as a child from his dad)
10.Human sheild: (James Tartt Sr. Pays Jamie a visit at home while Roy is over, Roy steps between the two of them.)
11.Nervous breakdown : (Roy signs up for knee surgery and panics the night before)
12.Self harm / Sacrifice / Character death (Roy notices scars on Ted’s forearm and asks him about them.)
13.A member of the team loses their father to suicide, Ted steps in and takes care of them.
14.Bleeding through the bandage / Field medicine / no anesthesia (expansion of Roy in the game that ended his career)
15.Jamie in the locker room, in season one back when Ted thought he was pretending to be hurt . In this one, Jamie wasn’t pretending. He was hurt.
16.Amputation/ chronic pain / Hospital (Roy vs. his knee)
17.Hypothermia / heat stroke / "You look a little pale” (Jamie spends too long in the ice bath)
18.Fever / vomiting / Warm soup (Jamie gets a stomach bug.)
19.Taken for granted/ Left behind/ "Why wasn't I enough?" (Jamie has a panic attack derived from his childhood)
20.Healing : (Roy recovers from knee surgery)
21.Jamie is Roy’s emergency contact
22.Special Surprise (translation I haven’t come up with an idea here)
23.Begging / "Take me instead" / Forced to watch (Roy and Jamie are out on a date and run into Denbo and Bug)
24.Grief (Jamie’s dad dies and Jamie has conflicted feelings)
25.Nightmares / Flashback / "Why didn't you save me?" (Jamie asks Ted why he didn’t intervene when he saw his dad in the locker room in season one)
26.Roy and Jamie get into a car accident
27.One of the team comes back after the charity gala evenings with a black eye and bruises.
28.Coughing up blood
29.Emergency room
30.The “what if George caterick allowed someone to take out Jamie”
31.Ted talks about the day he found his dad.
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cyb3rscoups · 1 year
Pretty Woman AU (pt 3️⃣)
No warnings for this one just the usually cursing
Full Collection
She’d blanked out a long time ago, hyper focusing on not seeming like she was just taught proper etiquette two days ago.
“I am not selling it.” Namor insists, neglecting the very expensive food on his plate to argue with Attuma.
“You are in a rut, Namor. I’m your only out. Just take it and free yourself of this misery.”
“Your greed will be the fall of you. Always wanting more. You keep those sly hands off my company or I’ll rip you apart.”
Namor tossed his napkin to the side as he sighed, fixing his suit and his expression. “Ms. Okoye.” He held a hand out.
“Hm?” The woman looked up, her mouth full of pasta and her eyes clueless. Namor chuckled and took her hand, pressing a soft kiss to her skin.
“It was lovely to meet you. Enjoy your dinner. Good luck with this one.” He saw himself out of the restaurant, leaving Okoye much more oblivious than when she got here.
Carefully, she swallowed her food. “What just happened?” She prompted a tense Attuma who held his glass of wine with a strong enough grip to break.
“Finish eating. You did great.”
“And you? What did you say to him?”
“It was business, Okoye. Business he didn’t atone to when he should’ve.”
Okoye furrowed her brows. “Well, it seemed like you were being the asshole by the way he left.”
Attuma’s jaw ticked with a scoff. “You know what. Let’s get you home and stuff that pretty mouth of yours full of something else.”
“Ooh yay.” She grabbed her purse with a beaming grin. “Y-you do mean your dick right?”
Soft splashing water echoed through the bathroom as the couple sat in the tub together. Attuma nearly passed out on her chest as she tugged at his hair, maneuvering it into a set of braids
“Namor has filed for bankruptcy three times in the last two years. His employees are quitting left and right and his investors don’t trust him anymore. His company is shot. I want it.”
“And what would you do with it..” Okoye started the part the other half of his head.
“Sell it. Then boom, I’m rich.”
“Aren’t you already?” She smirked.
“I’ll be extra rich.” He tilted his head to the side, his fingers tracing her legs under the water.
Why he would need to be more rich than he already was, she wouldn’t know. When would it be enough for him?
“Tell me your story. Tell me how you ended up on the boulevard.”
Okoye scoffed just thinking about it. She took a pause from her braiding to brace herself.
“I was well off growing up..not rich not poor. Then this guy, I was real into in high school somehow convinced me to move in with him after graduation.”
She remembers how hard her parents tried to get her to stay. Her dad at least, her mom just sat on the couch with her third glass of wine, chuckling as Okoye packed.
“It was nice for like six months. Then we had a fight about rent or some bullshit like that. He hit me over the head with an iron and sent me to the hospital.”
“Jesus…where is this guy?”
“Calm down, Mr. man. He’s in jail now.” Attuma’s body relaxed against hers again and she was able to finish his hair as she continued.
“They had to shave my head for brain surgery cause he fractured my skull. Damn bastard. The only person at my bedside was my friend Nakia. She turns tricks too. We moved in together after the incident. Ol’ dude got arrested on a drug charge. The rest is history.”
Attuma shifted his body around, careful not to send any water over the edge as he turned to face her.
“So somewhere under this..” He took a strand of hair between his fingers. “Is a pretty nasty surgery scar?”
“I wouldn’t say it’s nasty. They did me pretty good. Even got some tattoos to cover it up.”
His eyes almost popped out. “On your head Okoye?”
The woman just nodded. “Wanna see?”
They rinsed off quickly, wrapping their respective towels around themselves and Okoye moved to the sink.
“I don’t usually glue em down since I switch em up nearly everyday.”
Attuma tilts his head in confusion. “Because?”
“Makes my regulars feel like they’re fucking a new ‘exotic’ black girl every day. Kind of sick when you think about it.” She pulled the wig off in one swoop and tossed it to the counter. “Tada!”
Attuma moved behind her, taking in her new appearance. He could point out the surgery scar, the scar from where her ex hit her, and the tattoos that covered the skin.
“It’s beautiful.” He whispered, against her neck as his arms started to snake around her waist.
“Why thank you Mr. man.” Okoye ignored the flutter in her chest as he touched her. “And now that that’s done, I bid you goodnight.”
She tried to push his arms from her waist but her efforts were futile as he pressed closer to her. He took one hand and turned her chin to face him.
“What?” She asked quietly as he gazed at her with something she couldn’t place. It made her heart flutter and she didn’t like it one bit.
“Kiss me, Ko.” He leaned closer, letting their cheeks graze together, he could moan at the contact.
“I don’t kiss on the mouth. Too personal.” She snatched herself back, looking into the mirror at him. She saw the pained look that washed his face.
“Not even with someone you’ve spent three days with..”
“No. Not unless they plan on making me a wife. Last time I checked, you were paying me to hang out with you. So…you won’t feel this lips on yours for an eternity. Good night Attuma.”
She waited for his grip to loosen and free her. Once it did, she made no hesitation to exit the bathroom and get dressed elsewhere.
Attuma braced himself against the sink with a sigh.
The next morning was awkward between them only short ‘good mornings’ to start until he told her what the plan was today. A housewarming.
“Namora, my lawyer, and her wife RiRi.” Attuma muttered to her as he started to take his braids out, a soft curl formed in his hair that softened his demeanor.
Okoye stood beside him, applying mascara to her lashes and putting her wig back on. “Will there be buffalo wings at such a thing?”
Attuma smiled at the comment, “No. Namora is vegan and a control freak so all food will be disgustingly green.”
“Y’all rich motherfuckers suck.” He struck a stinging smack to her ass causing her to jolt up and squeal. “What the fuck was that for?!”
“Watch your language. I let it slip at dinner cause I knew Namor had an eye for you but you cannot- no you will not let one curse slip or so help me god-“
“Alright! Goddamn it.” Another stinging swat to her and she gasped. “Ow! Take it easy!”
“Then stop cursing.”
Okoye rolled her eyes as she made her exit. From the next room she yelled. “You better be fucking me later!”
“Okoye…how foreign!” The jealous woman leered at Okoye as Attuma left her to ‘mingle’. “So you’re flavor of the month.”
“Excuse you?”
“Oh! Don’t take it personally.” The other woman placed a hand to her shoulder and glared at her friend. “Attuma is one of our most eligible bachelors. We’re all trying to land him.”
“Well I’m not trying to land him. I’m riding his cock and spending his money.” Okoye grinned as the women’s face fell and she walked away to find a drink.
She grabbed a champagne glass from a caterer and found herself on an empty couch, staring into the glass as Attuma talked it up with Namora on the other side of the room.
A body slid in next to her and then a nudge to her elbow.
“Now what can I do to take that pretty little pout of your face, Okoye.” Namor smirked as he looked her over with a gleam in his eye.
“Get me the hell out of here.” She mumbled, sitting back into the couch with a huff.
“I’m afraid we won’t be able to get past big bad over there without drawing attention. How about a toy.”
Okoye scoffed at the man and his dashing face. “What am I? 5?”
“Come on. Adults can play too.” Namor reached into his pocket pulling out a finger trap and setting it into her lap. “I keep it at all times, sometimes play with it in meetings.”
Okoye gave him her glass and picked up the trap, setting her index fingers into it and pulling. She found herself smiling softly at the toy.
“I haven’t seen one of these since middle school..”
“Yeah? You like it?” Namor pushed the hair on her shoulder back, smoothing it down with a gentle touch.
“Mhmm.” Okoye hummed, playing with the toy without a care for where she was.
“Keep it, beautiful woman like yourself deserves to be happy and stay happy.”
“I have to say Attuma. I’m impressed with her but I gotta know where you found her. Out shopping? Cafe? Hell, did you hire her on a website?”
“No…we just crossed paths I guess…” Attuma paid Namora no real attention as he focused his gaze on Okoye and Namor on the couch.
Giggling and talking in hushed tones like best friends. He couldn’t help the furrow of his brows or the discomfort on his face as he looked at the two.
“-obviously she’s a catch. Even Namor looks like he’s smitten-“
“Namora, she’s a hooker. She stays on the boulevard and turns tricks.” He blurted as his anger bubbled over. What the fuck was she doing? Getting friendly with an enemy.
Namora scoffs, looking between Attuma and the woman on the couch. “Are you kidding me?”
“No. I wish I was joking but no. I got lost in your car and ended up in her part of town. She gave me directions and I gave her an offer. Happy?”
Attuma fumed as he ran a hand through his hair and went searching for alcohol to ease his nerves. Jesus what was he thinking? Why did he just tell her that? No one had ever asked about who he was with previously.
Back on the couch, Namor made his exit from the party, leaving Okoye with a kiss to her hands and a wink.
She continued toying with the finger trap until she felt a hand on her arm.
Namora sat beside her with a friendly grin. “How’s the party?” She beamed.
Okoye smiled back, tucking the toy away while she spoke. “It is great. Your home is so beautiful.”
“Well RiRi is spoiled rotten. But whose fault is that but my own..” Namora chuckled. “Gosh, I just can’t for the life of me believe he did this.”
“Who did what?” Okoye tilted her head curiously.
“How Attuma turned a boulevard whore into classy plain jane.” A certain venom was laced into her voice as her grip on Okoye’s arm turned lethal.
“The hell are you talking about?” Okoye muttered.
“Oh he told me and honestly I was suspicious that day he left the office early to some ‘urgent matter’. I guess he was just trying to fix you up to fit in with the big leagues.”
“Let me go.” Okoye tried to snatch her arm from the woman but her nails only dug in firmer to her skin.
“Now that I’m looking at you…you do seem like a 20 buck slut.”
The ride home was silent, tense. One word from either of them and the dam would’ve broken loose.
“Do you want to order lunch?” Attuma asked, kicking his shoes off.
“Don’t bother.”
“Okay. That’s the 8th sly comment you’ve made since we left. What the hell is up with you?”
He could hear her laugh from the bathroom as she started to gather her things.
“You know it’s funny you ask because I mean why even bother dressing me the fuck up and teaching me all this etiquette bullshit if you were just gonna rattle off to all your pervy friends that I’m a hooker!”
“You told Namora that you plucked me off the street!! And she wouldn’t let me forget it!!” She yelled every word as she snatched her clothes off their hangers and bunched them up in her arms.
“I didn’t know she would confront you about it! I wasn’t prepared for her questions about you! I’m sorry!”
“You couldn’t at least save me some dignity! You know what Namor was right.”
“Oh what did that dickhead say about me now huh?!”
“You’re weak and you don’t care about anything but your own greed!”
“That’s bullshit! You know it’s bullshit! And where the fuck are you going?!”
“I’m leaving this hellhole. Your deal is off.”
“Don’t you walk away from me, woman! You are not leaving me!”
“Watch me!” Okoye made a beeline for the door.
Attuma beat her to it, pulling her body back to him and yanking the things out of her hands.
“You’re not leaving.” He muttered almost painfully as rage coursed from her body.
“Fuck you!! Fuck your money! I don’t want this anymore!”
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry. It’ll never happen again. I swear. Just don’t go. I-I love you.”
Now when’s the last time someone said that to her. On his knees he dropped, pressing his head to her stomach, rubbing up her thighs and butt.
“I’m sorry Okoye.” He whispered, beginning to lift her dress.
He didn’t get far until her grip was on his jaw, forcing him to look up at her. His gaze was hopeless and desperate as tears glossed over his eyes and hers.
“You can’t fuck your way out of this Attuma.”
“Then what can I do?”
“Tell me why…why did you do it?”
Attuma scoffed at the reason now. How childish was he to see her talking to the man he was trying to buy and get pissed beyond coherent thinking.
“Namor..you were talking to him so friendly and he- he likes you Okoye. I didn’t like it.” He admitted, rising to his feet.
“We were just talking! He gave me a stupid toy to ease my anxiety!”
“I didn’t fucking like it. He can’t sweet talk you right under my nose like that.”
“Jealous man.” She smirked, wiping the tears from her face.
He smiled up at her. “Yeah. I’ve never cared before but with you….it’s different. I don’t know.”
Okoye stepped back from him, looking at the mess around the floor.
“My clothes are collecting dust.” She crossed her arms as Attuma moved to pick them up.
All bunched up in his hands, he held them out to her, ready for her to take them and walk out the door with out so much as a second thought.
“What are you doing?” She chuckled. “They belong in the closet don’t they?”
@theeblackmedusa @tvreadsandsleep @pilesofpillows @xblackreader @mamajankyy @dontruinmymorning @attoye
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taavisplushies · 3 days
Hey Taavi! I'm sorry that ye're doing bad right now, *offers ye a hug* /nf 💙💙💙
Love ye a lot and ye should know that ye're so, so strong <333
Here's some plushie photos to hopefully help distract ye <333333
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Here's Light!! She's a Hannimations Colorful Kitty, and she saw a shooting star with me :3 her name is Light because of that, and because she brings light into my life hehe
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Here are some of my pokemon plushies!! Only some have names: Hot Spot (the charmander), Phoebe (the shiny/blue mew), and Scout (the skitty)! I haven't named the others yet fgdb Phoebe and Scout go with me nearly everywhere :3
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THE ORB I got for Hannukah!! He's super soft and a HUGE comfort plushie for me :D
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Ava is a plushie I colored on to look like one of my characters! They're blind, but that doesn't stop them from running forward and exploring everywhere they can >:3 I thought of them to cheer me up/on about my own disabilities <333
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HERE'S TEAM RWBY!!! + Little! They're all very soft and I try to bring Ruby and Weiss around in my backpack whenever I can dgsb :DD
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Chat Noir with my baby llama plushies!!! Chat Noir cheers me on often, be that writing or roleplaying, and the baby llamas are huge comfort plushies to me :'3 (they're names are TBH (the white one) and BTW (the blue one!!)) One time, my step-dad balanced the baby llamas on his shoulders for like. 20 minutes cause he knew it'd make me happy fgsvcv :DD
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TADA!! Watermelon and King!! I snuggle with Watermelon every night, she's so soft :3 and I hug King a lot too hehe (he's special cause he's missing a tooth!)
That's all for now!! Hopefully this helps a lil <333
Thank you Cow Cow!! I really appreciate it 🩵👍 you are always so nice!!!
Light is so cute!! I love the colors. I can’t believe you saw a shooting star!!! That’s so cool :0
Ohhh so many Pokémon!!! I like how Phoebe and Scout go with you everywhere! Are they named after the comic characters?
I love The Orb!!!!!!! He definitely looks soft… and squeezable!!! I wanna give him a hug!
I love Ava!!!!!! I love how they cheer you up about your own disabilities :’) that’s so sweet. They are super cool. Disabilities suck but we can still find ways to enjoy life!!!!!!!! I recently got a plush who inspires me in a similar way… he has a big scar on his belly from surgery, and I have lots of scars like that too! So he inspires me to be more confident in my scars :)
RWBY!!! I didn’t know they had plushies :0 I always say I’m gonna try watching the show but I never get a chance to :( sorry! But I know if you like it so much then there’s a chance that it’s a good show and I’ll like it too!! This plush group is super cool!!!
Heck yeah! Chat Noir and llamas cheering you on and comforting you!! The story with your step dad is so silly too :3
Watermelon and King!!! Watermelon is so pretty!! I love her design. I’m glad she helps you sleep!! The King plushie is adorable!!! When I watched The Owl House, he was one of my favorite characters!!! Super silly fella. I love the plush’s big ole eyes!!! He’s like 🥺
Thank you so much for showing me your plush friends!!! I really appreciate it. I loved hearing about them and seeing them!!!! It was a great distraction and has definitely cheered me up 🩵🩵🩵
I like how you have such a wide variety of plushies!! I also like how you take some of them with you to different places :) I want to do that one day too!
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oh-surprise-its-me · 9 months
Just wrote a little pacific rim au and it didn't end well 😬 (not surprised, but still...)
Chris ,the one time maybe after that very very bad fire where Ron just take off and runs inside, when Chris's captain is so very sure he just found someone worse than both chros and Dave together. Chris can't contact tom. Be it in the threesome au or not, he tries to call him in every way he can think of, tom must know what happened, and better if its from him rather than whoever. But tom never answer.
He ends up calling mav.he panics, Ron is not doing well, jake is home, and Tom is just nowhere to be found, chris can't do it alone.
Mav didn't expect to get a phone call like that, he half think that chris is exaggerating things a bit, before showing up and uh..he was not exaggerating--
(Oh my god I love pacific rim au’s please write more.)
Threesome au brain rot is still strong in my head soo.
Chris has been at the hospital for most of the morning. He can’t get ahold of Tom. He’s supposed to be in his office all day. Jake is home with his sister.
He’s pacing back and forth. Ron is still unconscious. Has burns on his hands and left leg. A broken rib and three fingers.
Chris desperately needs Tom there with him. Tommy who still doesn’t know what happened. Who always thought stressing about Chris getting burned was bad but now? Ron too? Jesus.
He’s running back through all the places Tom could be when he thinks of Mav.
Wonderful Mav.
He punches in the numbers, it rings. Please god pick up.
“Hello this is Pete?”
Chris sobs he can’t help it, “Mav Ron is in the hospital I can’t get ahold of Tom. Where the hell is he?”
Theres a beat, “he’s in the air. I’ll get him back down don’t worry about it. How’s Ron?”
Chris shakes his head before remembering Mav can’t see him. “Bad. Had worse. But this is bad. Jake’s at home.”
“We can probably be there in two hours?” “Great thank you.”
Chris hangs up. He goes back over to the chair and collapses next to David. He’s instantly pulled under his arm. “You doin okay? Able to call Tom?” Chris shakes his head, he scrubs at his face. God he can’t keep crying. “No and no, had to call Mav. Said they’ll be here in two hours.”
David nods. “Wanna go home and see Jake? It’s only a twenty minute drive?” Chris shudders. “If I see Jake right now I won’t be able to keep it together. Oh Christ does that make me a horrible dad?”
David laughs. He kisses the side of Chris’s head, “doll if you were a horrible dad you wouldn’t of thought of that. You’re fine. It’ll be okay.”
Tom comes running down the hallway. Mav is a few steps behind him because he’s shorter. He sees Chris curled asleep in David’s lap, “how bad?” David shakes his head “bad. But no surgeries.” Mav lets out a sigh. “Can I see him.” “Room 210.”
Tom slowly walks over to that room. He opens the door prepared for the worst. He’s met with a leg wrapped in wound care. Theres a hand in a cast as far as he can see. Ron looks peaceful.
It’s unnatural.
Tom collapses into the chair next to the bed, “Christ Ron. You can’t do that when I’m not here. Can’t do that to us.”
He takes Rons unburned hand, he sighs. “Ron Ron Ron. Our darling fool. Let our firefighter handle the flames next time.”
There’s a laugh from the doorway. It’s Chris.
Chris walks over and slides into Tom’s lap. They both hold onto Ron’s hand. “He’ll be okay. They pretty much said he’s sleeping off the drugs.”
Tom nods. He kisses the back of Chris’s neck. “I’m sorry. Didn’t expect to go up today didn’t think to have anyone listen for calls.”
Chris shudders. “Just don’t do it again. It was like my worst nightmare coming true. Not being able to reach you Ron here. Jake at home. God Tom.”
At some point during Chris talking Ron opened his eyes. “Hey honey, hey pretty boy.”
“Ron!” “Oh Christ baby.”
Ron smiles at them. “I know I’m sorry I didn’t think.”
Tom runs his thumb over Ron’s knuckles. “It’s okay. But also we are all getting pagers.”
Chris laughs. “That would work.”
Ron blinks down at his leg. “Damn. That hurts.” Chris jumps up, “getting a nurse I’ll be back.”
They watch him leave. Tom leans over and kisses Ron quickly. “Gonna have to make up to Chris for a while. He couldn’t reach me for almost four hours. Took two more for me to actually get here. Would’ve been longer but Mav drove.”
Ron laughs. “He is a speedy little thing.”
“I’m sorry I scared you both so much.”
Tom looks at him. He squeezes his hand, “I’d say don’t do it again but we both know it wouldn’t be fair.” Ron grins at him.
Chris walks back in with a nurse, “if you’re feeling good Mr. Kerner then we could discharge you today. I trust Chris to know how to take care of burns and broken ribs.”
Chris goes a bit pink. “Yes ma’am.” His boyfriends smile at him. “Great. I feel fabulous please send me home.” She laughs at him. “It’ll take a few more hours for me to be convinced.”
Ron sighs and plops back into the pillows. Chris brushes a hand over his hair. “Thanks Peggy.”
Mag sticks his head into the room. “Hey Sli how we doin?” Ron waves at him. “Been better but also been worse?” Mav blinks at all the bandages on his leg. “That looks bad.” Tom nods before Ron can disagree, “they are.”
Mav nods. “Sorry again Chris. I would’ve rushed more if I knew.” Chris smiles at him, “it’s okay Mav, you didn’t know because I didn’t say. Just thank you for getting Tommy here.”
Mav nods. He slips back out of the room and looks at them one final time before going back to David.
They look happy. A little messed up. But happy.
(as a fun extra I thought of- Ron’s pinky finger ends up crooked it pisses him off)
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nyaagolor · 2 years
Ok time for a spicy one. Meta knight / Susie for the bingo
So I may or may not have lost the bingo template, but I promised I would answer all the asks so instead you just get the big ramble about the duos instead of that + the bingo board. Hopefully that's good enough? Either way it's all below the cut because wow this got LONG
To get some context out of the way I wanna clarify that I personally see Kirby “ages” as brackets moreso than concrete numbers— alien biology so some species live longer or mentally age nonlinearly and also there’s time travel and whatever. Very hand-wavey. That being said, Susie imo is young adult, 20s or early 30s, while Meta Knight is older adult, 50s-60s. In essence, Meta Knight is the same age as her dad (that’s important for later)
From her end, her attachment and obsession with him is just. Daddy Issues extraordinaire. He’s a proxy that she’s projecting her own mess onto. He’s deindividualized (metaphorically and literally) because to her his mere archetypical existence is more important than anything about his actual personhood. What’s important here is the IDEA of Meta Knight, and what he represents to her as a well respected older man, especially one that a child (Kirby) cares deeply about. She’s frustrated and feeling helpless and Meta Knight just so happens to be the perfect geriatric punching bag. He’s her emotional baggage claim.
To me it’s all about power dynamics— she tries to get power over him because he symbolizes, to her, everything she doesn’t have any control over in her own life, and triumph over one shows triumph over the other: Award for the galaxy’s worst coping mechanism.
Meta Knight time. Slight tangent here to mention that personally I think mechanization was just kinda slapping robot armor and mind control helmets on stuff and didn’t involve any violence or surgery because this a video game series for children and I don’t feel comfortable casually talking about non-consensual medical procedures in this kinda context. Anyway. Meta Knight wasn’t hurt or irreparably traumatized by the whole ordeal, but he did experience his absolute worst nightmare: he was humiliated. To lose a fight so quickly, to be controlled, and to not be strong enough to save himself or Kirby? That embarrasses him so deeply it’s almost unbearable, and it’s a feeling he’s not really equipped to properly deal with.
I think Meta Knight’s whole opinion about her as a person is kinda tainted by that. To admit that she makes him uncomfortable or that he hates her for humiliating him is, in a way, a direct acknowledgement of the fact that he lost. To make explicit his thoughts about her is to legitimize the power she has and continues to have over him, physically or mentally. Meta Knight is not the kind of guy to be “vulnerable” and hasn’t felt the full force of a human emotion since ‘86, so to stand around and admit that not only was he emotionally hurt and embarrassed, but to feel that way because of a cute girl half his age who loves ice cream and karaoke and can’t even fight without technology is so insulting to his ego that it’s inconceivable. Meta Knight could easily get over it, but to do that he has to acknowledge the depth of how she made him feel and he isn’t willing to do that on his own, so instead it just sits there and simmers. The two of them are imo quite alike in their inability to acknowledge or process literally any emotion they don’t like (which is almost all of them) and also they’re so, so, so incredibly petty oh my god.
Now back to Susie. In the robobot novel there’s this little detail where after she takes the walk of shame to castle ddd after the defeat of star dream, she runs into meta knight and immediately straightens up, getting flustered and very obviously caring what he thinks about her despite pretending she’s self-assured and egotistical not two minutes before. Personally I cherry-picked this little scene from the novel as basically being how I see them post-Robobot. She lost her chance with her dad, and now there’s this unspoken question and crushing grief dangling over her head that she cannot and will not deal with, so the unresolved need for patriarch approval just kinda sliiiiiiiides onto Meta Knight. She doesn’t seem him as a fatherly figure in any way, but she’s conflating his existence as an older well respected man as being close enough. She desperately craves his approval but is also trying to prove she doesn’t need it. He’s openly hostile but trying to play it cool because he’s still in denial about the situation affecting him in any way.
And the real kicker, the real thing that makes this so juicy to me, is that they’ve never actually had a real proper conversation. Each one is plastering the other’s face onto what basically boils down to their own emotional issues. Despite occupying each other’s thoughts (which they both hate) they don’t really know each other at all. They have the built up versions of each other bouncing around in their heads but if pressed could not say much of anything substantial about the other. They think they know each other— but do they?? (No, the answer is not even a little). I think once they get over their (gestures vaguely) Everything they can start to build a friendship / aquaintanceship / whatever on more amicable or at least less hostile terms, but I have not given a single thought to what that would actually look like
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aajjks · 8 months
you’re frantic, scared, and downright speechless. what exactly should you say? the poison is old, it was given to you when you first became the queen by miriam who wanted to help you escape. you thought you had it well-hidden but seeing it in jungkook’s hand, it clearly wasn’t. what made him even seek it out? he never paid that much attention to the washroom until now. it’s all confusing to you.
somehow you have to flip this back but you honestly don’t know what to say even as he yells at you. you just had a surgery done on your body without your consent, your “husband” is yelling at you, and he’s been acting strange all day.
“the poison is old” you say in a calm tone. “it was given to me when i first became queen. yes, i was going to take my own life but that was in the past. i didn’t get rid of it in case i…changed my mind. but”
for some strange reason, you start laughing. no, because this is hilarious to you. it really is. everything is such a convenience that you find it pretty funny. why even bother trying to explain yourself to him? he never listens anyway, so you push past him and enter the washroom.
“why am i laughing? because, it’s funny to me. i gave you four beautiful children, i slept in the same bed as you, i forgave you, i even had sex with you and enjoyed it! i was vulnerable with you, i kissed you, i did everything i could to make you happy because i believed you would change. but now? i feel stupid. i got that poison in case you didn’t and my only way out would be death”
your voice is shaking and you feel the tears in your eyes but you swallow them down.
“but i was wrong. you were never gonna change and i’m tired to telling myself that you will. you wanna punish me? go ahead. lock me in this room and throw away the key. oh, i know! how about i rot in the dungeon for a few months. even better, keep me from seeing my kids. or do all of them at the same time! wait, i got another one, how about force doctors to take away the baby i want to keep then yell at me while i’m still fresh out of the operating room and leave. that one? i like that one”
ouch, that really hurts. you words really hurt and he watches you slip into the water without a care in the world even while he talks to you.
“i don’t care what you do to me, jungkook. because it’ll be the last time you hurt me” and there is it. it’s like deja vu all over again. you said it in his dream and you’re saying it now. he’s scared to leave you alone.
“ you do realize that the older the poison is, The deadly IT gets.” he’s screaming at you.
“Yn you know what I’m not gonna do anything to punish you I am tired of this!” he falls down to his knees as you get in the water.
“ you should just kill me because you keep torturing me- WHY DON’T YOU GET IT I DON’T WANT TO LOSE YOU AND THIS IS ALL COMING. TRUE THAT NIGHTMARE IS COMING TRUE YN.” he cries loudly.
 “why do you do this to me? I love you and that fetus would have killed you.” He doesn’t know what to do anymore how to make you understand how to make you love him.
Because you really don’t love him.
“ I don’t understand you you were the one who didn’t want any more children so I had your tubes tied after your scary pregnancy and now you are blaming me.”
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mayalaen · 10 months
I can’t sleep tonight. My brain hurts and I’m still annoyed so I’ve got the electric pipecleaner man thing going on in my body.
Took my dad to the eye doc today to finally get his eye checked out - the one where he said they did cataract surgery but fucked up the replacement lens insert.
He lied to the nurse, lab tech, and the doc with almost every sentence he said and I kept having to correct everything.
Got to the point where they just started asking me questions instead of him.
Turns out the horrible awful terrible really bad cataract surgery that he’s been complaining about for FOURTEEN YEARS but hadn’t bothered to get checked out?
The lens he claims was experimental wasn’t (maybe he was the control in a group?)
The surgery he had on it to fix whatever thing he thinks the original doc did never happened - this doc looked twice just to make sure
His eyesight in the “bad” eye is just slightly worse than his perfect right eye, not near blindness like he’s been claiming.
The only issue is a mild amount of cloudiness behind the lens which the doc said happens in about 3-5% of the population. A 30-second laser procedure fixes it.
Dad let it go for 11 years and once the pandemic started he was like IT’S AN EMERGENCY I MUST GET IT FIXED but my mom and I were like yeah no elective surgeries can be done right now so you gotta wait and he didn’t shut up about it and did that lovely gaslighting thing where he tells all his friends we’re horrible creatures who abuse him.
Only reason we waited until now (even though elective surgeries have been available for a while now) is his insurance got fucked up (his fault) around the time the pandemic started and due to medicare and other shit, I only just got his insurance fixed. He refused to pay out of pocket to get it fixed, so he had to wait for the insurance fix.
Anyway I was so pissed by the time we got home I just went to work, but then my aunt started texting me.
She’s one of the other people besides my dad with malignant narcissistic personality disorder.
She was texting me all day acting like she had some big emergency and needed this thing that she couldn’t get from anyone else I had to get it for her.
Wanna see what it is?
Tumblr media
Yes, that’s a travel pouch for a water bottle.
She was in hysterics that I needed to drop everything and get her one of these because she NEEDS it when she goes to the library.
This was AFTER she went onto Temu to try and buy one and entered her brother’s credit card info and it freaked the credit card company out and they shut down his card 😂
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neonbitemarks · 1 year
Nikolai was struggling.
Between the sudden uptick in frequency and length of his blackouts and his feeling unwell overall, Nik was run down to exhaustion, and he barely had the energy to do anything, including eating enough to keep his strength up. That, along with being in physical pain and his mood tanking from the whole combination, meant all he wanted to do was try to sleep through it.
He hadn’t been able to get out of bed in the last two days beyond using the bathroom, and even that had taken more effort than Nik could manage without assistance, only adding to his depressed state.
It felt like he had more bad days than good ones now, and if recently was anything to go by, Nik was justified in that feeling as the days when he felt anywhere close to normal were few and far between lately and getting even fewer as time progressed, it seemed.
Nik had passed out for a few hours after lunch, feeling too sick to eat anything solid. Still, he had at least managed to feed from Cypress, which was more important, but with Nik being under the weather in general, what he did manage to consume got burned through too quickly to make much difference while his body was fighting through everything right now.
A knocking at his bedroom door awoke him; Nik hardly moved beyond lifting his head slightly and barely opening his eyes to see who was standing in the doorway.
“Hey, Dad…” he mumbled sleepily, head dropping back into his pillow before he noticed Cypress wasn’t there anymore. “Where’d Cy go?”
“I told him to go grab a shower, and I’d come keep you company until he got back,” Warren replied, stepping into the room and approaching his son, sitting beside him. “How are you doing, kiddo?”
“I feel like shit, and everything sucks ass?”
“Is it?”
His son’s remark had Warren conceding and heaving a sigh, acknowledging that what Nik had to deal with wasn’t fair for anyone, much less a teenage boy who’d never done anything to deserve such hardship.
“Anything I can do to help right now?” the vampire asked, willing to do whatever was reasonably within his ability to help Nikolai, even if all he could do was offer a slight distraction for a few minutes.
Nik shrugged, unsure what would make any difference beyond figuring out a way to improve his condition in a meaningful and longer-term way.
“I just wanna not feel like this anymore,” he murmured, sighing exhaustedly.
“I know, Nikki,” Warren acknowledged, reaching out and running his fingers through his son’s hair affectionately and in an attempt to soothe him.
“I’m tired, Dad….”
“I know you are, and I wish I knew how to fix that for you right now.”
“What if it never gets better? What if it’s just gonna keep getting worse?”
“Didn’t your uncle say that wasn’t the case?”
“Yeah, after surgery, but that’s only to fix the problem with my blood, right? It doesn’t fix me blacking out, does it?”
“Maybe it’ll help because you won’t have so much to worry about anymore?”
“What if it doesn’t? What if the stress of going through surgery makes them worse?”
“Then we’ll figure out what to do next when we reach that point, okay?”
“Dad, I’m scared,” Nik confessed, getting tearful but trying and failing to hide it. “What if my blackouts keep getting longer until one day, it happens, and I don’t come back from it? What if I blackout so bad I stop being me anymore?”
“Hey, listen to me. It will never, ever come to that, alright?” Warren reassured, pulling Nik into his arms to comfort him. “I promise you, no matter what happens, you will always be you.”
“Dad, I’m not always me now. How can you say I’ll always be me when I turn into someone else and can’t even remember doing it?”
“We’ll figure it out, and we won’t stop trying until we do. We’re not going to lose you. You are not going to lose yourself. I won’t let that happen.”
“Promise?” Nik sniffled.
“Yes, Nikki, I promise you. We won’t let you get lost, I swear. No matter what it takes, your mom, me, Cypress, and everyone else have got you, and we’re not letting go, okay? Nobody and nothing will take you away from us ever again.”
Warren had never been so sincere about anything his whole life. Whatever it took to keep his son safe from harm and still himself, Warren would move heaven and earth to keep that promise.
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Before The Disaster
Luffy wants a nest since they had a sunny day they agree So Brook joins the pack and this is also Zoro's recovery nest Zoro finally lies next to Luffy like he always wanted
So sorry for the very late update I had the worst summer ever. I had my uni exam, my dad got surgery, enrolled in law school, my mom got surgery, had to move out, fix our house and my friend's mom died so I was with her past three weeks nearly so again sorry for the late chapter
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
After talking to Zoro, Chopper wanted to talk to Sanji too, but no matter how hard he tried, the blonde just wouldn't approach. Finally, Sanji decided to put an end to it.
"Chopper? Can we talk?" "Yes, Sanji!" "Well, I understand that you are our doctor and it is your job to take care of us but I would like to figure this out by myself." "But Sanji-" "If it gets worse and I think I can't handle myself I will come to you. What do you think? Can we call this a deal?" "I don't know, Sanji..." "Then think about it like this what if someone in our crew would need you more but you were too busy with me to notice?" "I would never-" "Are you sure? I mean for the past few days you were like my tail." "I... Okay." "Thank you Chopper. I mean it." "But you will keep your promise!" "I will!" "Okay then. I'll look for Luffy." "Okay, bye Chopper." "Bye Sanji."
**** Luffy loved to play on sunny days but today wasn't one of those days because he had something different on his mind. Nest! So he went over to Brook, who had just joined the crew.
"Brook?" "Yes, Luffy-san?" "I want a nest for both of you and Zoro." "Oh... It has been such a long time since I have been in a nest but Luffy-san?" "Yeah?" "I am a skeleton so I can't form a bond with you guys." "Neither Chopper nor Franky but it didn't stop them. It shouldn't stop you too." "You think so?" "Yeah. Wanna be in my pack?" "If you want me, gladly." "Good. We will have a nest then. For you and Zoro!" "I can't wait Luffy-san, yohohoho!"
**** Ever since Luffy announced that the nest will be done, Sanji has been looking to prepare enough food before leaving the kitchen. Since this was the first nest for the entire crew to join while at sea, Usopp and Franky were working on an alarm system and Zoro was helping them. Brook played a nice tune as Robin, Nami, Chopper, and Luffy arranged the nest their way. Everyone was in good mood. After all the preparations are done, Luffy:
"Nami?" "Yeah?" "Can you draw on Brook the same way you drew Franky and Chopper?" "I did it before you even asked, Luffy." "She's right, Luffy-san. Look!"
Brook pointed to the mark on his arm bone.
"Brook is one of us now Luffy."
Luffy laughed and decided to go to the kitchen. When he got to the kitchen, just as he was about to pop the food on the table into his mouth, Sanji slapped his hand.
"You should wait for Nest, Luffy." "Pff..." "Don't pout me. I've done so much for Nest. I can't let you ruin it. Now help me carry them to the nest." "Okaaaay..." "And no food along the way." "Even one?" "Not even one."
**** Zoro finally got his aim. He was lying on Luffy's left. Sanji is also behind him. Behind Sanji was Usopp. On the other side of Luffy was Nami. Next to Nami were Chopper and Robin. Even though Franky and Brook didn't join the bed, they made their presence felt in the room. Everything was just as Luffy wanted. He felt safe. He was not alone. He had a huge pack. It's a perfect pack. They would never, ever leave him. Together they would beat the world and achieve their dreams. Luffy would be the king of pirates, and Zoro would be the best swordsman. Sanji would find All Blue, Nami would draw a map of the world. Robin was going to find the Rio and reveal the hidden history. Chopper would be a doctor who could cure any disease. Franky would travel the world in his dreamship and Brook would see his friend Lagoon again and they would stay together. Absolutely nothing could spoil it. Nothing...
**** At Sabody...
It became a short chapter sorry about that too but Sabody will have a long one so bear with this
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passerine-writes · 2 years
Minecraft Neighbors - Level 11
Warnings: Mentions of insecurities and negative thoughts/body perception
Word count: 2131
Apologies in advance! The mini series is going to have to get switched up a little bit when written into the full story, apparently my lack of time perception is warped even when writing, haha!
Back to Masterlist
Today was not okay. And neither was the next week.
My father still wasn't talking to me, and it was clear that he had gone back to drinking more since my surgery. Mom was constantly trying to keep the family together, but at this point, I didn't even want to be home. I decided to crash at Noya's house for the weekend, he could tell I was stressed and offered since he's also the closest I'm to out of second years aside from Tanaka. The bald man joined for the weekend too however, so the three of us pigged out on snacks, watched movies and played video games. It was exactly what I needed in all honesty. Kenma and I didn't get much sleep though, we had become so accustomed to falling asleep on the phone with one another that it became difficult not to. So instead we constantly texted one another until we got tired enough to pass out.
My mom and I ended up having boy talk and she absolutely adores Kenma, it was funny explaining to her what exactly an undercut was and she was so confused but over all, she was happy. She smiled brightly as I gushed about Kenma and all of the things I adore about him and even said she wanted to meet him in person at some point.
I tried talking to my father, okay correction, I tried tolerating being around my father. I didn't see the point of me apologizing. Plus he's breaking the steps of his sobriety and all of that fun stuff, I miss having a dad. Yeah, Daichi is amazing, and I absolutely love him to death, but it's not the same. He's my older brother, not my father, and I don't expect him to try and act like a paternal figure. Despite that, he's done a better job in the last week than my father has in the last few years. Yeah, I know, parents grieve after their child comes out and everything, but I want my Dad back. I want back the man who used to sit and watch a movie with me, who allowed me to stay up super later so we could finish our shows, who would hold me close while I was crying. Not the man who turned back to alcohol after twenty years and blames me for it, who yells at anything I say because he's unpredictable, who only cared when I was injured because it required surgery.
The second week back to school was easier than I predicted it would be, thankfully we worked out physical therapy to be on the weekends, so Daichi and I didn't have to worry about driving on the weekdays with practice and what not. What I wasn't expecting was Yamaguchi to approach me at the end of practice, with an overly nervous expression and fidgeting hands.
"Hey, Yams, everything okay?" I slid over a bit to signal him to sit down beside me, which he hesitantly did.
"Uh, y-yeah! I guess I just had something to ask you?" I cocked my head, the peculiarity of this situation enticing me but also raising my internal questions.
"You don't have to be so tense, kid. I'm not gonna bite like my brother might. What'd you wanna ask me?" He huffed out a nervous laugh at my phrasing before trying to find his words.
"Uh, I uh, h-how did you know? How did you know you were different than what the world is saying is normal?" I paused at his question.
"Well the fact that you're reaching out and asking for advice shows where your thoughts are at. For me, I didn't have the most conventional or standard way of finding out. I made online friends because I didn't feel like I had to pretend. I didn't have to pretend to be feminine or straight. Honestly, one of my biggest fears is letting people down and I was scared of doing just that when in reality, I just wanted to be myself. I knew I felt different when I was younger, but I never had the words to put it together. So, I hid. I wanted to try and be that girl in the picture my parents had painted in their heads, but really? It made things worse. So I stopped hiding. It was hard and terrifying, and it still is. When I came out as bi, my parents held onto a hope that their 'daughter' would marry a nice young man. When I came out as non-binary, it went as well as it could. But what even is 'normal'? Everyone should be normal in their own ways, not by a set of rules. Sure, I'm still figuring that out myself and still struggling to believe it because there are days where I don't feel normal.  What I'm getting at is, it's okay to not meet everyone's expectations, because you're not letting them down. The only way you could do that is by intentionally hurting people along the way, and you aren't that kind of person, Yamaguchi." His eyes started welling with tears as I reached the end of my sentiment, clearly not expecting all of that.
"I- Thank you." I smiled softly and ruffled his hair.
"You're welcome, so if you don't mind me asking, what prompted you to talk to me?" His mouth opened and shut like a fish out of water for a moment, his eyes nervously darting across the gymnasium.
"I think I like Tsukki, in a more than best friend way." I smiled to myself and nodded.
"There's nothing wrong about that. I kinda had a feeling you had feelings towards him but I wasn't completely sure until you just told me."
"Y-You knew?" He all but squeaked.
"I only had a feeling, do you ever get that feeling that you just know someone is gay or bi?" He nodded along with wide eyes. "The nick name for that is a gaydar, and typically only gay or bi people have that." His eyes went as wide as saucers and I could practically see the puzzle pieces falling into place. "Well, you go help clean up. And don't worry yourself sick, I won't tell anyone. If anyone asks, I looked lonely and you figured you'd say hi for a bit and we just got caught up talking. This is just between you and me until you're comfortable with people knowing." He nodded once more and bid me goodbye.
Well, that was interesting.
Once I got home, I retreated to my room, since I was finally trusted to go up the stairs now and was no longer sleeping on the couch. However, I immediately logged onto my gaming set up and joined Kenma's live. He was playing on our main shared world, and by the looks of it, he just started. I started my own stream as well and joined the world.
"Hi Ken Ken!" I almost heard his soft smile before he answered.
"Hi Sawa. Back to streaming now?"
The chat blew up, people asking why I was on a hiatus and where I went. Thankfully, my gaming set up didn't have a camera so nobody saw me grimace at the thought of my knee and it's appearance.
"Well, to answer everyone in the chat, I'm basically part cyborg now!" Kenma and I laughed together as the chat blew up. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I had to!"
Fake it until you make it.
"I had a knee injury about a year ago, which is actually the reason that Ken Ken and I met I guess. My brother got Minecraft for me as a 'feel better soon' present. But my first surgery was messed up so I had to get another one done, which is the reason why I had to get another one and I had to sleep on the couch for a few weeks which is why I was on a brief hiatus."
The chat blew up again, people hoping I make a full recovery and that I heal quick, they're glad I'm back, etcetera. But I got lost in thought again. My mind returning back to the four ugly scars decorating my knee cap. I despised them. They just served as a permanent reminder of so many things. My phone buzzing brought me out of my thoughts. Thankfully, the stream didn't catch on since I was fighting mobs, everyone assumed I was focusing, aside from Kenma.
From My Pudding Head 💞: Are you alright love?
To My Pudding Head 💞: Yeah, I'm alright <3
To My Pudding Head 💞: Do you think we should tell people on our streams? Idk about you, but I've already gotten plenty of people asking in my chat
From My Pudding Head 💞: Sure, would you like to do the honors?
I smiled a bit and went back to talking in my stream.
"Sorry everyone! I got a text, but I'm back!"
The chat started going on about how it had to be Kodzuken and I texting each other.
"Speaking of Kodzuken, Ken Ken! C'mere!" I could hear him sighing out a laugh through the headset, a part of me warm and fuzzy. I crouched in front of his Minecraft skin and changed the perspective to third person. "I know I've already said this today, but happy one month anniversary." I tossed him a cat spawn egg that I found and I could practically hear the people in the chat screaming through their messages.
"Happy one month anniversary, love." He tossed me a wolf spawn egg and crouched as well.
"I think we should address the stream comments now." He laughed but agreed and told me to go first. "Alright, so first up, yes we have been together for a month. Why didn't we tell people? Well, one week into dating I was sorta hospitalized so there's that but also personal lives and whatnot I suppose. Uhhh, let's see.. Oh! Have we met in person? Yes we have actually and no, I'm not disclosing his name so hush. When did I realize I liked him? Uh-" I cleared my throat awkwardly, my face flushing pink.
"Yeah Sawa, when did you realize? I'm curious." I could just hear how cheeky he was being.
"I'll tell you later, in simple terms? Months ago. Okay Ken Ken, your turn."
"So you two are officially mom and dad of the server? Sawa, you can answer this one." My heart fluttered at how he simply respected my boundaries about who to tell and who not to tell.
"For anyone new here, I am actually non-binary and use they/them pronouns! I'm not a female so I can't be the mom. But I'll take parent or 'ren' for short, so I guess we're the parents of the server."
"Oh.. block." I laughed at Kenma's lack of hesitation to block to response. "I'm trying to find non-repeated questions. How did I react to Sawa being in the hospital? I was worried but it's understandable I suppose. Hmm, who's taller? Uh, Sawa looks taller but we're actually the same height. When will you two see each other again? I'm not sure at the moment."
After he answered his questions, we both ended our streams and switched to FaceTime, both of us relieved to have some peace and quiet after the stream blew up. It was peaceful, we made light conversation here and there, and continued playing our game.
"Hey, about earlier.. are you sure you're alright? You seem distant." I smiled softly at his attentiveness and how much he cared, but on the inside I was scared. I have all these secrets piled up that could make him want to leave at any moment. So many questions in my head from over thinking and worrying, negative plagues filling my head and spreading after just a drop. And that's all it took, one drop multiplying into a lake, filling an ocean that I wish I could ignore. "Y/N?" My head shot in the direction of Kenma, realizing I spaced out.
"Sorry, got lost in thought. Yeah, I'll be alright. How has your day been though?" His face softened even more but didn't push which I was silently thankful for.
"It was okay, I miss you though." His voice was delicate as he spoke, his compelling monotoned voice holding a bit of emotion.
"I miss you too. I really hope I can see you soon."
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mobbothetrue · 10 months
Ugh. Unpleasant dream again. I was watching a YouTuber play one of those cosmetic makeover games. It was set in kind of a grungy street, people and cars passing in the background. Someone would walk in and sit down at your little roadside table, and you would remake them.
Except the only customer was this little boy. Who wouldn’t tell you anything about what he wanted. So your goal was to alter his appearance as much as possible before he died from the shock and trauma of having extensive bloody plastic surgery done to him in the middle of the street.
The more makeovers you did, the more lore you unlocked. The little boy was brought there by his step-mother, who wanted him to be unrecognizable so she could get rid of him. He had a father who loved him, and a twin.
Sometimes the little boy would try and run. But he was too small to get very far, ever. The look that eventually got successfully completed was called ‘the Wonder’. All of his skin was dyed blue, one eye and his nose were removed, and his remaining eye has the eyelids cut out. He thought his dad would still recognize his voice.
Once you finish your makeover, there are three endings. The ending I got, the makeup artist got the little boy to ride his pedal bike with him, and took him to a radio tower. As he went, he explained that this was his favourite one to do, but he had to shuffle it around a lot to not get caught. As they got closer, we find out why no one is ever recognized by their family.
They’re all hanging from the tower. All different people. All dead. And they aren’t hanging from their necks— they’re hanging from their wrists. This is not a quick death. The makeup artist takes the little boy up the tower, and hangs him among the corpses. Explains that he was worried the little boy wouldn’t be heavy enough for the rope to split his wrists, make him bleed out like everyone else has, so he filled the little boys mouth with teeth.
That route ended with the little boy sobbing and begging to be let down as the makeup artist watched neutrally from a distance.
The youtuber that I was still watching at this point said ‘eurgh. I don’t really wanna play any more of this, but I’ll put on a compilation of all the endings.’ I didn’t particularly want to watch this, but couldn’t look away. A lot of the endings involved getting the little boy to be murdered by the parts of his family that loved him. More still involved dismemberment and gore.
Finally, one ending where he survives and escapes. His looks have been altered, but not as severely as the wonder. The makeup artist was just beginning. The dream then transitioned to adulthood, the little boy now a fully grown man, when he and his twin (who never leaves him alone, now,) spot the makeup artist. He’s a drunken old man, huddled over and spitting up bile into a trashcan. They throw cherries at him until he notices— and he remembers, the one who got away. He starts chasing them.
Of course, they’re way faster, and a lot of time has been spent memorizing hiding spots and escape routes around the city. They get away handily, ending up on either side of a sludgy, gross river that the makeup artist is too vain to go through. They talk. it’s surprisingly casual and well natured. Both sides know they would kill the other, given the chance.
I don’t know how it went from there, because my dream made me start looping the running away sequence, and every time the makeup artist gets a little closer. Woke up before he could catch them, though.
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4 February 2023 Saturday 🪐 4:43 pm pdt
incubus burned 🔥 my left side & then I felt nauseous.
In the Bible I thought 💭 I read if a man gets caught sleeping w/a woman 👩🏻 then he’s required 2 marry her. 4:45 pm pdt
incubus already has many music videos showing him w/ his many wives: Kelly, Candace Bailey, behati prinsloo, & probably more. Emily was in the love somebody video. Which reminds me of Whitney Houston’s song wanna dance 💃 with somebody. Not too long afterwards, Whitney Houston is tormented by incubus & dies. 4:48 pm pdt Whitney Houston has donated a lot of money 💰 2 charity it says online. 4:49 pm pdt
draft saved 4:50 pm pdt
incubus most s*xually intimate was w/ prinsloo & Bailey 4:50 pm pdt
I cannot believe in the incubus & I find him despicable & I hate him if he really is my husband & we if we really have kids 2gether. In reality I don’t have any memory of being intimate w/him, but he suggested we have children 2gether that lines up around the 2 times my periods skipped. He is burning 🥵 me absurdly unbelievably hot. Probably making me very sick. The hospital 🏥 almost forced me 2 have surgery to take my gallbladder. I’m very attached 2 my organs & I can’t imagine living w/o those. Life has been hellish health/pain-wise. Eczema is painful 😖 & torture, you don’t know until you have it. 4:56 pm pdt being a woman w/periods, broken wrist, irritable bowels, getting sick 🤒, allergies 🤧, swollen arms & legs 🦵 w/rashes, multiple head trauma making me feel tired a lot, staying up late to do school 🏫 assignments, joining running 🏃🏻‍♀️ Teams 3 seasons forcing myself 2 work hard, frequent bloody 🩸 nose 👃 during multiple summers day after day, no air conditioning in hot 🥵 apartment year after year, starving myself & walked a lot in the hot summer sun in New York one trip to see my sister. Maybe some people will say “oh that’s nothing.” Yes there is worse. But it was not fun 4 me being in pain. 5:05 pm pdt now I got the last 5 years of excruciating torment? Torture. All thanks 🙏 2 incubus husband. 5:07 pm pdt makes me think 🤔 he doesn’t like me much. 5:07 pm pdt
5:16 pm pdt I wouldn’t want the sun (5:22 strike thru) incubus to touch me ever. Every time incubus tried to make me think 💭 we did intimate stuff 2gether he burned me & hurt me more. He’s a scorpion 🦂 . Aesop ... autocorrect “arson esophagus.” Ladybug 🐞 gets stung by scorpion 🦂 tail & dies. Don’t ask a scorpion 🦂 2 do a favor 4 u. Scorpion 🦂 tattoo, scorpion 🦂 = incubus = demon lord =devil = dragon 🐉 god? 5:21 pm pdt
5:29 pm pdt I think 💭 being celibate for a long time & having all the problems I had made me a target 🎯 for the incubus. 5:31 pm pdt made me, should I think, maybe desparate enough to put up 🆙 w/horrible lies & bad treatment/abuse? 5:32 pm pdt I need to think 🤔 about that. 5:33 pm pdt bcz if he were my husband I would b thoroughly upset 😭 about the music videos & pdas online. 5:34 pm pdt I don’t think 💭 I could forgive, but obviously 🙄 if he’s doing that w/other women it means I’m not special. & if he does it w/199 other women how do they know that they are speacial ? He makes it look 👀 as if they’re special to him in the moment? So how do you know???? 5:37 pm pdt
5:39 pm pdt I think age gaps bigger than 5 years is too much. I have not tried dating a man 👨 older than 5 years older than me so I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if it would work out. It didn’t work out for my mom & dad, & my sis. I heard Celine dion ? But I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️. When the age gap is ≈15 years start thinking that guy could have father’d me. I wonder 💭 if naturally that this is rational & then women should naturally not b attracted to someone much older? Bcz w/cheaters who keep secrets, u never know? 5:45 pm pdt
5:47 pm pdt would it b worse if your father was a world 🌎 traveler 🧳 & serial cheater, & u marry unknowingly your half sister? Especially later on when supposedly “love ends”, in a “dead 💀 marriage”, & he likes 2 go after virgins, too. I wonder 💭 if this would fit anyone’s life story? 5:50 pm pdt 8 billion people how does god keep them all straight in his memory? I would think 🤔 that he probably doesn’t give a f*ck if you marry your sister or cousin/half sibling. 5:52 pm pdt
5:58 pm pdt the one guy my mom wanted me to give a chance 2 b4 I stopped 🛑 dating, he was 4 years younger than me, & I had difficulty w/ feeling comfortable w/ the idea 💡 of dating him, bcz he was younger than me even though he was 21. But then I met a guy who was 5 years younger after him, & I was attracted 2 him. Maybe he looked more mature 4 his age? Or maybe 🤔 the incubus messed w/ my feelings? The Asian people in the Clint Eastwood movie 🎥 was it called Gran Torino? I think I looked up their culture- they believe in demons / jealous spirits who will curse you. They have rules I think 💭 against compliments & touching people’s heads.Bcz of demons. 6:06 pm pdt demons make life difficult & complicate relationships? 6:06 pm pdt
6:08 pm pdt I was ok w/Adam Levine dating & marrying behati prinsloo for some reason. I’m not sure if I knew about their age gap at the time. It was weird though bcz my mom had commented about it as if she thought behati was a bad person. But I don’t remember asking why. & I don’t remember when I saw Wendy on the Wendy show but I thought 💭 I saw her comment that she thought behati was too young to get married & now I cannot find it. When behati did an interview I cannot remember which show, but she already had the engagement ring 💍 & the guy asked are you sure you want to ? But in 2017 when incubus bothered me, I couldn’t find the interview in its original length & that part got cut out. 6:13 pm pdt
6:34 pm pdt my aunt chooses weird times 2 abandon people? Once my mom was dating someone & she decided not to talk to my mom anymore bcz of his ethnicity, even though she probably dated someone of a similar or same ethnicity ? Maybe 🤔 she felt she had no choice? Coerced 2 date? Bcz of where she lived ? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ but she chose 2 abandon. Same aunt mentioned in previous posts who we recently moved in with. My mom booked tickets 🎫 this evening & it costs more than we can afford. My aunt, when we moved in together November 2014, she wouldn’t open the Venetian blinds in their bedroom during the day & she wanted our tall dresser in front of the window 🪟. She didn’t trust the neighborhood maybe? Even though anything rarely happened in that neighborhood & houses 🏠 at the time cost ≈1 million? Even though the houses 🏠 were small. She had mentioned fears of her ex-husband coming by w/a gun, but he never did that to my knowledge. Maybe 🤔 she got vibes but was mislead where or who it was coming from. 6:45 pm pdt
6:47 pm pdt my aunt told my mom in their language something about emotional abuse. I think 💭 that she might be guilty of that. All I can recall is me being nice to my cousin recently but my cousin went crazy& weird unfortunately. She’s blaming me I guess for things happening to her. She said I’m trying to trick her? But I get confused 🤷🏻‍♀️ too. I mean, you know she punched me in the head, I’m not a genius, & incubus is abusing me. She’s choosing not to be understanding & her mom is validating her I guess. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ is she? She recently hit her head, too within the last 2 years? It was weird bcz it was soon after I texted her without prompting from her, I texted her I forgave/forgive you for what you did to me (punching me in the head, & it affected my health & job performance) bcz you were a kid & my cousin. If I had been someone else she probably would have been sent to juvie? 6:55 pm pdt I don’t know anything about juvie what’s the age range but I heard kids say juvie when I was a kid. 6:55 my head is hot 🥵. I tried helping her b4 but after I mentioned something she decided to go towards it instead of away, maybe it was bcz of stuff my aunt said? 6:58 pm pdt it’s weird how even though I forgave someone karma came back to get her anyway. Karma gets me back worse usually than what I did - please read previous posts. Karma seems never done w/ me. I don’t know if it’s done w/ my cousin & aunt. Even though I told my aunt at least 3 times that I had told my cousin I forgave her, her responses seem to be not good in my opinion. 7:02 pm pdt
7:14 pm pdt I anticipate more bad things to happen to me. I will probably try 2 get euthanized soon if it continues in that direction. I might die on a plane ✈️. Incubus likes to make me scared 😱. Judas iscariot? I scar rio, t= cross. Sea 🌊 rose 🌹 🆙 🌙. Rio=Uriah? 7:18 pm pdt what makes someone a whore? 7:19 pm pdt incubus once said he’s a bimbo. 7:19 pm pdt incubus once said... he’s a sellout. What is that? #3 feels 🐒💨 7:20 pm pdt
7:23 pm pdt god/demon lord/incubus’ form of love 💕 is draining your pocket book purse 👛 & making you sick 🤒 when he’s tired/bored of you. Growing up 🆙 is a trap 🪤 7:25 pm pdt nausea pain 😖😭😤🥵
I think it is abuse to not care for someone’s head trauma. I suggested some stuff to my cousin. I don’t know if it is the right stuff so I guess they have the right to be scared 😱 about getting treatment. 7:28 pm pdt some times ? Or all the time? We don’t have much good choices? 7:28 pm pdt
9:28 pm pdt if I am Jesus is my aunt & cousin being Judas iscariot? Even though I warned my aunt that this trip might kill me? & mom if the plane ✈️ crashes? 9:31 pm pdt my mouth roof 👄 seems a little dry. 9:32 pmpdt auto correct middle square: pneumonia. 9:32 pm pdt “I am” je suis? 9:32 pmpdt the time was stuck skipped 33, directly to 9:34 pmpdt
9:48 pm pdt I watched a YouTube video last year on the excavation? If (of 10:06 pm pdt) ossuary from a tomb they hypothesize belonged to Jesus Christ. 9:50 toilet 🚽 pm pdt
10:42 pm pdt if incubus is Jesus then , god is a wife beater? 10:43 pmpdt
10:43 pm pdt my aunt ran 2 our place whenever her daughter kicked her out last year. She sometimes slept 🛌 @ our place. 10:45 pmpdt
10:48 pmpdt incubus is making me afraid 😱 to type the 2 above parts. “King killed” was in autocorrect 10:49 pmpdt
0 notes
servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #080
When was the last time you took a taxi/Uber? Where were you going? I actually never have. It's not really a common thing around here. Have you ever been diagnosed (by a professional) with OCD? Yes. Do you know anyone who’s always getting into drama on Facebook? Not these days, no. The most that I ever see is pretty rare outraging over multiple people's babydaddies doing dumb shit lmao. Who is your favorite person to spend time with? Girt. Have you ever woken up somewhere and not known how you got there? Only very briefly after waking up from receiving my concussion and also for just a few moments after waking up from anesthesia for my surgery.
What was the last thing to surprise you? Not gonna lie, some of the shit Sara had to say about me that I read the other day really shocked me. She never gave a shit about me; I was an annoyance. Do you live somewhere where recreational marijuana is legal? No, it's illegal in NC. Have you ever quit a job with no notice? No, but each time I quit extremely abruptly, which I don't think is considered proper at all regardless of how short I worked at each place, and that I had to quit for my mental health. I didn't give a warning or anything, I just straight-up quit that day each time. Don't advise that at all, I just... had to go. Are there any foods you dislike solely because of the texture? A FUCKING LOT, like I couldn't even think of them all in one go. Have you ever been on any sort of government assistance? Yes. Did you have your own bedroom when you were growing up? Not until I was a teenager, probably a few years into being one. Prior to my older sister moving out, I shared my room with my younger sis Nicole. If you were to get engaged, what’s your dream engagement ring? I'd be happy with anything, but my DREAM engagement and/or wedding ring is either something rose gold or a dragon's breath opal. What is the last thing you googled? Actually a dragon's breath opal ring, just because I wanted to see one again since I mentioned it, haha. If everyone were required to make a YouTube channel, what would your content be like? I uh... guess I'd be a let's player? However if I was in the tarantula-keeping hobby, I think I'd favor being a tarantula keeper channel, there are people who literally support themselves with just teaching about and caring for their spoods and it seems pretty cool, honestly. Why do you dislike/hate the person you most dislike/hate? I have a metric shit-ton of reasons I don't feel like getting into right now. Do you have any stickers on your car? My mom's car still has one marking her as a college student (you needed it for parking rights), and I feel there are other ones I just can't remember, but nothing just for decor purposes, I know. Do you have any stickers on your laptop? Nah, but I'd actually kinda like some. I don't expect this laptop to go anywhere anytime soon, especially now that I'm not jostling it around in bed and am at a proper desk. Do you think that you are a good singer? Nope. Are you sure of your sexuality? Honestly? Nope. I mean I'm PRETTY sure, but I've said it before and I'll say it again that I don't think I ever WILL be totally sure unless I ever have a truly sexual experience with someone with the traditionally feminine attributes. Just honestly though I really don't care, I know at the minimum that I can find absolutely anyone physically attractive and I just say that. Do you love your parents? I absolutely do. My mom is my actual fucking rock, like I DON'T know and don't wanna know where I'd be without her, and my dad is goofy and very free-spirited and just fun to be around, plus he's grown so much as a person from when I was a child. Do you like to read? I do. I have GOT to make more time for it, though; I don't read books as much as I'd like. It's funny, I get joy and peace and of course satisfaction from reading a good book, there usually just is other things I'd rather be doing. Do you think that you are a good writer? I genuinely think so. Do you eat candy daily? Oh, absolutely not. I have candy really rarely. Do you like to go swimming? I do. Who was driving the last three cars you were in? My mom, Girt, and Nicole. Does anyone call you babe or baby? Girt, sometimes. Have you ever voluntarily read the Bible? Some of it, but not most. I did nooooot get far at all. How many good friends do you have? Honestly? If you excuse Girt bc he's my boyfriend/more than a "good friend," I feel like my only other remotely close friends are Mazzy and Tez. I mean I have other friends, but not any that I talk to regularly or have truly deep bonds with. What’s your favorite ocean animal? Jellyfish as far as aesthetics go, but as individual animals themselves with personalities, bigass whales, like blue whales, as well as sea turtles. Whales in specific are fucking stunning and I REALLY want to swim with one, like I feel like I'd cry seeing a live, wild whale, just fucking marveling at how small me and all my problems really are. When’s the last time you went exploring? Uhhhh, I want to say not since I visited Sara and we walked down this lovely path she has right by her house that reaches back into a lightly-populated neighborhood and then to a pond and stream. Saying I "explored" it may be a bit too far though, like I didn't dig through brush and shit to thoroughly detail every square inch, mostly because on that last visit my knees were starting to get very bad and I nearly collapsed before making it back to her place. But still, it was a new, mostly natural area that I hadn't seen before. Do you have a thing for body hair? Like, am I interested in that for a partner? In that case, I'm indifferent, I think. Don't really care whether you have it or not. Is there anyone into you that you have no interest in? Not that I know of; I don't know who would be. Do your parents have a bad relationship with anyone? Each other, lmao. Mom, like me (but probably stronger than me), also has a love/hate relationship with Tobey, our family friend/landlord. Don't feel like getting into the details because I get upset. Mom is also not very fond of my sister's husband Nick, primarily because he's controlling and distrustful and she sees very clearly that he does not treat Aubree (Ash's daughter that was born before they got together, but Nick legally adopted her; she still doesn't know yet) the same as he does his two biological children, Ryder and Emerson. We all feel like once she does know he's not her real dad, this is going to become a legitimate problem of her feeling unloved. I basically fucking pray to god this doesn't happen. Were you raised by someone other than your parents? No. Do you sing a lot? I barely sing like, at all. Do you prefer the color pink or blue? PINK! 😭 What’s the last chore you did? Well, given the (although very minimum) effort it takes to feeding a snake that only eats frozen/thawed rodents, I suppose getting Venus' rat ready. You have to be very thoroughly and not feed a snake anything that hasn't thawed/warmed up properly. Have you ever had pet mice? I actually feel like I've only ever had rats? MAYBE I've had mice, but I'm not too sure, I always favored rats. <3 Do you have a step-family? Well, in technicality, yes, since my dad remarried. However, I don't consider my stepmom a "mom" to me in my world, nor is her son my "brother" in my world, like I barely know him at all. What is your godmother’s name? I'm pretty sure I don't have a godmother. Have you ever been to a jungle? No. I'd really like to, but I'm also just not sure, primarily because the humidity would ENTIRELY SLAUGHTER me. Just NC humidity makes me fuckin choke, never mind a tropial environment's! I would love to see tropical animals though, the reptiles especially, but I don't think I'll ever be able to handle the heat and drenched air. What is your favorite jungle animal? Oh, YEESH, that's hard; jungles are so dense in unique animals! Ummm, probably some bright kind of (probably venomous, usually prettier) snake or orangutans, they're incredibly fascinating and SO human in their personalities. Hailing back to the old Animal Planet, Orangutan Island was my shit back in the day. I also recall being deeply invested in a rhesus macaque docuseries at some point, but idk if their habitats are considered "jungles?" I wish I could remember what the series was called, it was lovely. Do you like fire? Controlled fire that doesn't endanger living creatures, yes, I think it's very pretty and powerful. I obviously dislike the heat, though. Have you ever had to beg for food or money? No, GOD I hope I am never, fucking EVER, in this situation... because I just COULDN'T ask. I'd literally die on the streets. If you met a genie, what would you wish for? Guessing the usual three wishes, and the typical rule where it can't be like, world peace and other truly world-altering shit? First, financial stability for life, as well as a good home for Mom and me. Thennnn... I'd have to really think more before choosing the last one, but at this moment, I'd choose a quality car for Mom. Would you consider yourself poor? Mom and I are factually very poor. I mean we're in a better position right NOW because of my grandma's inheritence going through, but it's not going to last forever and as a matter of fact for some REALLY fucking stupid reason Mom needs to burn it fast because otherwise it will majorly negatively affect some shit I don't quite know how to explain because legal stuff really confuses me, just know it's FUCKING DUMB and sincerely infuriating. Have you ever lied about your identity? Nope. Do you have a brother? A half-brother, but still a brother nonetheless. He is SUCH a cool and just generally good guy that I really wished lived here so we could see and interact more... He even has a son that just turned a year old that I've never met and really want to, he's a total cutie. His wife also seems super nice and just awesome and I'd love to meet her too. Have you ever ran away from home? Yes, as a HORRIBLY overdramatic pre-teen. It didn't last long. I had my phone on me and Mom texted me threatening to call the cops so I was home pretty quick, haha. She was fuckin mad as fire, rightfully so. Have you ever blamed yourself for someone’s death? Pets, yes. I LOVED my pets that I've had, of course, but I was allowed to get my own unique pets at too young of an age and could definitely be irresponsible... I hate thinking about it. Don't get fuckin pets unless you are fully willing to give them your absolute all, people. Does your family own any land? Ha, no. Have you ever served in the military? Absolutely not and quite frankly I'd die before fighting for this shit country. Is your father injured? Not that I know of; he's had spine issues since he fell rollerskating at my sister's bday party when she was very young, but I don't think he has any like, actively severe issues with it or anything else rn. He semi-recently had surgery for I want to say a slipped disc, but I'm pretty sure that issue is fixed. Do you own any “lucky” items? What? No, I don't believe that any items increase anyone's "luck." Have you ever dated someone from a different country? Well Juan was an illegal immigrant that was eventually deported, so I guess, if you want to consider our less-than-one-day relationship "dating." What’s your favorite thing about nature? Nature has a tendency to really help me appreciate the little things and find peace and comfort in just existing within it. It's also like, beyond beautiful. Are you part Native American? Not that I know of, no. When was the last time someone discriminated against you because of your race? That's never happened to me. Have you ever been to New Orleans? Nope. Who is the oldest sibling in your family? Uh, I wanna say my mom's oldest daughter Katie. Possibly Tiffany, Dad's eldest that I know absolutely nothing about, but I don't think so. Who is the worst boss you’ve ever had? I dunno, probably Colleen's mom, but idk how she was as a boss, really. I was there like, three days. What are the names of the all the dogs you’ve ever owned? Trigger, Angel, Teddy, Dale, Cali, Delilah, Bentley, Lola (that was VERY short-lived), and Cookie. Quite certain that's it. Have you ever lived alone? No, I never could. Have you been told by a doctor that you are a rare medical case? Uhhhh I don't THINK so? Who was the last person who came to visit you? Girt, his sister + her husband, his nephew, and his mom, as well as a family friend/basically Girt's "aunt" and her dad actually all came here today to celebrate Girt's mom's birthday. It was fun, I'm just VERY drained afterwards. Are you listening to a good song right now? No, I'm watching a let's play. What grocery store do you shop at the most? Wal-Mart. What is your most severe allergy (at least to your knowledge)? Just pollen, I think. Have you ever had dreadlocks? No, that's not a hairstyle I will ever want, I'm sure. Have you ever gone to the emergency room having a severe allergic reaction? No. What is the worst thing someone has ever done to you? To be ENTIRELY honest, Sara basically accusing me of exaggerating and how I'm absolutely not traumatized hit me FUCKING DEEP, like at least Jason left my life because he sought happiness that I just couldn't offer him, but this woman straight-up thinks all the shit that nearly made me kill myself OVER and fucking OVER again is a lie. That HURTS. Maybe it hurts more now than it will later, but that honestly does feel like the worst, most fucking inconsiderate thing. Have you ever gone nude/streaked in public? Absolutely not. Do you snore? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep? Girt and Mom have both said I sometimes snore, but not frequently. I hog the FUCK outta the covers, Girt is very open about that, haha. When trying to fall asleep, I do toss and turn a lot, but idk about when I fall asleep. What if someone asked you to be in a relationship with them? I'm in a relationship that I am very happy in so would obviously say no. What will your next piercing be? Probably an industrial ear cartilage one, but not sure. Who made you cry last? I actually cried a bit earlier, thankfully after Girt's family had gone home though so only he and Ma saw. We started watching Black Mirror and the second episode we watched (not the ACTUAL second episode, we jumped into S5 since Girt hadn't seen these and the episodes don't continue the same story, so I wasn't missing anything) dealt with a man leading up to suicide (I think it hit me even harder because it was romantic heartbreak-related) and it was just fucking heartbreaking and I eventually broke, despite trying so hard to hide it. The show is REALLY good, though. Is your best friend in a relationship? With me! <3 Did anything cute happen today? Yeah actually, someone in Girt's family (I think the aunt) pointed out how strange but also sweet it was to hear Girt call me by the petnames he does, and everyone else agreed, lol. Blew her fucking mind when she learned how long we've been together too, Girt is just really private and even his MOM didn't know we'd been dating for like, I wanna say nine-ish months 'til she finally met me. ANYWAY I just thought it was cute, them seeing a side to him they really never knew he had. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? Um idk, I don't think I have anything going on of note tomorrow. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants or pajama pants? I ACTUALLY have sweatpants on right now; I wanted to be more properly dressed with Girt's family coming over. Still wore my tank top though, haha. Are you gonna get high later? No, probs never will. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Absolutely plan on it. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you? Girt, before he left to go home. Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? Yes, but nothing that's even remotely important or serious. Is there anything in your past that you’d like to try again? Uhhhhh maybe?
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