#if anyone has something to add on please feel free!
digi-lov · 3 days
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Digimon Liberator Novel
[read on the official website] DEBUG.1-1 [Yuuki] - DEBUG.1-2 [HEAVY METAL PLAY] - DEBUG.2-1 [Winr] - DEBUG.2-2 [GOOD GAME]
First spoiler free, then more detailed including spoilers under cut
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So the first 2 chapters of the Digimon liberator novel dropped last week! We don't exactly know how frequent it'll update, but most likely not as regular as the comic. First impressions on the main characters, I really like them. I think they are fun and interesting enough to drive the story. They don't feel like exact copies of previous characters, and make me exited for a fresh adventure!
As far as I could tell, the translation seems fairly good, but there was a mistranslation of a card effect. However the translation of TCG card effects can be a bit tricky, and the translators might not have known the official english wording. They also show the respective card right there, so it's easy to see what the effect should be, but it might be confusing to people who weren't already familiar with the cards.
Nevertheless I'm optimistic and looking forward to read more!
So now for a bit more detail
First off, I think they way they incorporate the player's tamer cards is really smart. A player get's their own blank tamer card, and can obtain various effects to add to it within the game, to customize their own tamer card to their play style. Nice! This way it doesn't feel like a weird 4th wall break for Yuuki to have a Yuuki Tamer card for example.
I really like Yuuki , immediately! She's fun, and she definitely has flaws and quirks to work on that'll make her interesting to watch grow. Her relationship with Impmon is nice too. Impmon is not exactly a serious character, but does want Yuuki to be a bit more serious, and recognize the weight of the situation. To an extend, Impmon wants Yuuki to take their partnership more serious in turn, I'd say. The way they talk to each other feels very familiar. You can tell they're close, not holding back complaining about the other. They bicker, but they also quickly drop the fight when needing to figure something out together.
Yuuki's Impmon, as most already know, get's a new evolution line: Punkmon, Loudmon, and HeavyMetaldramon. I love them! I like how it gives Yuuki and her Impmon more of an individual identity, than if they used a previously common Impmon line. The detail about Yuuki being a dancer, and vibing with the cool metal dragon is sweet too!
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Also, I wonder if that Altea character is this girl from the poster? It's interesting that Impmon is not a fan of her...
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Winr and FunBeemon's introduction was great too. Winr seems like a proud kid, without being feeling too stuck up. The story taking place after he's already known Yuuki for a year, really helps with his walls having started to come down already. I'm curious if his parents will be related to the in universe Digimon Franchise or Game Company in a way, or it they're just generic absent rich parents. Which, I don't think would take away from Winr's character if they are. I feel for him to want to escape from his home life into a virtual world. I love his relationship with FunBeemon. FunBeemon is very attentive to Winr's feelings, and cares a lot about him. And Winr doesn't get annoyed by it, but appreciates it, even though he doesn't quite know how to express it. The new evolutions for FunBeemon are also cool! I've like FunBeemon for a partner Digimon for a while, and I'm excited to see it finally happen!
I'm curious about Winr's real name too, assuming Winr is his username. Winr is a play on "winner", with his Japanese name サイキヨ Saikiyo being a play on 最強 (さいきょう) saikyou meaning "the best" or "the strongest". FunBeemon's nickname "Winnie" is キヨちゃん kiyo-chan in Japanese.
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For anyone who's interested: Japanese first person pronouns
Yuuki uses the japanese first person pronoun あたし atashi, which is quite feminine, but as being too over the top girly is sometimes seen as disruptive, atashi also has a do-as-I-please kinda vibe sometimes. For example, it's used by Yuffie from FFVII. The even more cute-girly atai in turn is often used in media by very strong-willed, rough women, such as Plumeria fom Pokémon Sun&Moon, or the Gerudo women from the Legend of Zelda games. It can also be played straight as super cute too thoug, like with Vivian from Paper Mario TTYD.
Impmon uses オレ ore, which is a strong, proud, often masculine pronoun. In formal situations it would be considered rude, but it's normal for guys to use in a casual setting. Very rarely it is also used by super tough women in media, such as Kumatora from Mother 3, or Big Mom from One Piece. Eiichiro Oda mentioned himself knowing women who use ore, but this is quite uncommon and likely a modern developement. You go girls! Impmon also uses it in katakana, which gives it a bit more emphasis.
Winr uses 僕 boku, which is quite common for young boys, or more soft spoken men in casual settings. In media it is also occasionally used by girl characters that have a "tomboy" vibe, but also sometimes by female singers in their songs.
FunBeemon uses 私 watashi, which is technically a polite neutral pronoun, but using it in a casual setting has a feminine connotation.
PS: Sorry this took so long, I'm still very sick, and writing coherent sentences with okay spelling is diffcult.
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the-kingshound · 10 hours
Warning inane ramble incoming, it’ll probably be annoying I apologize. (*_ _)人 I spent the last several days reading every post here. I managed to convince myself to start liking some (sorry about that I’m sure it was annoying to get all those notifications) I have this weird thing where I get nervous about liking older posts cuz I mean it’s been a long time and it’s unprompted so that’s weird right? It feels weird like I’m doing something wrong or I’m being annoying, I considered reblogging too but somehow that felt worse? Sorry I am not good with social rules they confuse me both on and offline Idk my brain is wrong and I’m just a nervous socially anxious snail. (>﹏<)
Anyways just wanted to gush about how much I love it here and I’m never leaving (´꒳`) ♡ First and foremost Yniol has a special place in my heart they will forever be my favorite bestie (*^ω^)人(^ω^*), yes I am biased as my partner is grey and though they don’t play IFs they were thrilled to learn about your character! Also your writing is just phenomenal, your fans are fun and creative, your characters give such warm and positive energy I love them so much they’re perfect, the inclusivity is such chefs kiss ( ´ з `) 🤌🏻✨, the angst is delicious, the fluff is so sweet and comforting, the spice is ... very blush-worthy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄). This has been a journey I laughed, I cried, I giggled, and I blushed and I have enjoyed every bit of it from pasta discourse to Moldien cult wars to Arthur bunnies, I’ve had the most wonderful time. Now my mind is gonna be filled with Arthurian stuff for months my maladaptive daydreaming is having the time of its life I have a road trip next week and I’m so looking forward to just staring out a window for 6+hours while my Hound's just alternating daydream adventures with the cast o(≧▽≦)o. Also speaking of your amazingly wonderful, sweet, and supportive cast I have decided my (though I love them all) favorite poly pairings are Arthur/Morien and whole crew polycule I’d sell my soul for those but I 100% understand why you can’t really do that. I don’t think I have the endurance in me to code a single poly no matter how much I wish it so the fact you’re doing any let alone several is just god tier you are awe inspiring.
Alas I have rambled far far to much I wish I could be more eloquent in expressing just how much I enjoyed experiencing all of this but for now this is the best I can do (╥ω╥). Thank you for sharing your wonderful work it’s truly a gift to experience. ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧ I wish you wealth, health, and all the best in all your creative endeavors. -🐌
No, please please do not apologize. You made my entire week <3 This ask is straight up going into the folder where i keep my motivation to write and to be just a little proud of my work, thank you so so much for sending it.
For anyone having the same thoughts about liking or reblogging old posts: please do it. When I see the notifications, get very giddy and pleased, and I hope you are enjoying the food. Liking, and especially reblogging things, even more so if you add tags and reactons, not only fills me with glee but it also reminds me of old asks that I want to reblog again for new followers. So yeah, I love it, please feel free to go on a liking/reblogging spree!
You are so relatable for the maladaptive daydreaming (this game was absolutely born out of my own mental movies), I wish I could speed up the writing and editing for the next update so you can read it while you travel but I'm afraid it's a lost cause (I have been working on things, even now, but I am currently rewriting like half of it and while it is way better it takes sooo much time and energy). Knowing my characters and story are in someone's thoughts it the best kind of reward I need. I will never likely monetise this game, so this is the thing I wish to leave people with, and I hope the characters can be comforting and keep you company <3
You have no idea how much I would love to write the full polycule... maybe one day :,) But don't lose hope for the Arthur/Morien poly yet, as I decided to cancel the Gwyar/Morien poly and now I have a potentially free slot. In any case, awww, please know that this ask made me so happy today and will be in my thoughts as tkh is in yours.
Please have a lovely day and a lovely week and also a very lovely trip! Thank you again so so much!!
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whyawonderwhatudo · 22 hours
Okay so I HAVE to talk about the newest ep of Helluva boss, Full Moon.
Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
I really loved the episode but damn did that last scene hurt! Going into the ep I kinda had the idea that the whole episode would feature around stolas and blitzø, so you can imagine my surprise when we saw the Cherubs!
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Ngl, they always seemed holier than thou (pun intended) but its so interesting to me to see how 2 of the cherubs would justify their 'sins' and want for revenge, when angels are all supposed to be about love and forgiveness. Kinda hope Colin has some kind of redemption, the other 2 cherubs treated him awfully.
Loved how badass Luna was this episode tho! Was so worried they'd actually attack Blitzø only for Luna and M&M's to beat them back to the human world.
Also we love Fizz and Blitz' friendship!!
Okay but that whole conversation between Blitzø and Stolas was heartbreaking. It was so clear how apprehensive Stolas was while waiting, twiddling his thumbs and sitting on the bed, and he's been prepping himself for this talk all day.
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And so has Blitzø, but he's come with the expectation of their transaction, and added with the addition of what Luna had said about him getting bored and no longer wanting to continue, of course he's scared when Stolas asks for the book back.
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Stolas was so determined to make sure Blitzø understood how he felt, no longer wanting to make Blitzø feel obligated to sleep with him to get something out of it when he said 'Please don't say it like that.' Stolas probably felt this was the right choice more than ever when Blitzø said he'd do anything. And then look how sweet stolas looked when he was giving him the crystal.
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This made me so sad because Stolas was so clear, in his feelings and intentions. Even with the crystal, Blitzø asked whether he wasn't good enough anymore or not, showing he does care. He was looking forward to his night with stolas, having preparing for it and doing a whole shopping trip. They both care, but because Blitzø could never believe Stolas actually loved him, he thought Stolas was joking.
It was so hard to watch when Blitzø started to mess around, thinking it was some kind of role play saying 'I love you' and all that, you could see the hurt on Stolas' face.
To be fair to Blitzø, he did need a moment to comprehend it was an actual confession, to truly see Stolas' feelings because it was such a contradiction to what he thought, but Stolas was so clear, of course he would take the joking as rejection, as Blitzø couldn't understand what he was really saying, until it was too late.
We can understand why Blitzø may have lashed out, thinking the way he does, but his words, his name calling of Stolas was so heartbreaking, you could hear Stolas' Heart and hope shatter when he said 'I think so highly of you Blitzø. I had no idea you thought so low of me.'
The miscommunication....
It's only after he can hear Stolas crying does Blitzø really get the memmo, he sees how he's messed up, but of course Stolas was so hurt, he wouldn't want to see Blitzø after that.
This was just so in character for them, to me at least. Stolas said everything right, but Blitzø took too long to understand his emotions, he lashed out and only after he lashed out did he understand what he did. By that point it was too late and Stolas sent him away....
I knew this breakup was coming, but I did NOT think it would hurt this much. Poor stolas..
Thanks for reading my ramblings lol, feel free to add to this with your own thoughts and opinions!
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reneezsq · 2 days
slender–mansion au — personal take.
this is, like the title shows it, my personal take on the creepypastas. i might make other part of this, and i will use this base as my own "version" for my writings. if you have any questions feel free to ask.
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. according to popular beliefs, they all do indeed live in a big mansion. however, contrary to those same beliefs, the mansion is not in the middle of the woods in a random forest somewhere in the world, but instead hidden in a sub–dimension that can be accessed through different means and left under some circumstances. the person at the head of this sub–dimension is, without any single doubt, slenderman who is also known as the operator by the people working under him. slenderman is simply his alias in the human world, but we’ll go on that perhaps in another post.
. there is different ways to access this other dimension that might vary with individuals. the easiest way is to be given access by the operator himself, which is how a big part of the creeps managed to enter in the first place. another way is by simply stumbling across it, less likely to happen, but sometimes lone souls end up being sent here when there is no place left for them in the real world — which is what happened to both sally and ben. of course, we also have the infamous technique of simply following someone that enters the world and follow them, in this case we can count eyeless jack and jeff the killer as having done that. eyeless jack actually wanted to chase one of the operator’s proxy and ended up following them here, while jeff was simply searching for a cover and also followed close to a proxy. for the others, they all either have no access at all, which they do not mind, or have access given to them naturally by slenderman.
. the mansion in itself simply looks like a castle on the outside, a very old one at this. it also appears smaller than it is on the inside, and following its unnatural and even dare i say magical origin (mystical would be more fitting i believe), it is no wonder such a thing is possible. around it, there is a lot of forest with some sort of areas nearby like a lake, a river or even an open field for anyone that wants to do nothing and take a walk around. the area changes occasionally to either add something or erase something. this actually doesn’t happen because of the operator, it’s natural because of the nature of this sub–dimension and he has no say in all of this.
. inside the mansion, it works the same say: some things might change, a random radio appearing on a piece of furniture in an alleyway where nobody will notice it, or an unused room simply disappearing out of thin air as if it never appeared in the first place. it is all a bit random and can get confusing at first, especially because some corridors tend to move around at some points and change the layout of the whole interior (it is actually a sort of defense mechanism to protect from outside threats that would not understand how all of this work, it gets them confused and make it easier to simply dispose of them once taken by surprise).
. although some rooms do stay the same: such as the living room, which is always a few doors away from the entry, never moved from the left side. the kitchen also always stayed connected to the back door, a protection measure if anyone puts it on fire, and it sadly happened more than once for the mansion to decide to keep this room here forever. at least it is easier to get snacks since it will never move. as well as the dining room that remains near the living room at all times. it doesn’t change that much though, mostly once or twice a year, other than that it stays stable most of the time.
. remember how i said everyone lives in the mansion ? that was a bit of a lie actually. in fact, everyone has a room in the mansion where they can go to unwind or if they want to stay here in calmness for a few days, or weeks, but most of the creeps come and go as they please. the only exception of people that always stay here are slenderman as it is his mansion after all, sally who has nowhere else to go, same for ben and some proxies.
jeff the killer — definitely lives in an abandoned apartment he found somewhere in city. it’s easier there to get what he needs to survive like food, and he is close to people so for a quick murder that’s nice. his room in the mansion is a simple one with a more often than not undone bed (with a bunny plushie he hides under his bed, he will never admit sleeping with one after all) and some basic furniture to keep his things where they should be. not many colors, but not strictly monochrome. think like some gray sheets with beige walls and the furnitures are made of different kinds of wood. he drops by the mansion a lot, like, half a week at least he will be there.
homicidal liu — he found for himself a small abandoned house at the outskirts of a small city. nobody visits it so he is free to do as he pleases here. as for his house in the mansion it is, like his brother, quite basic. the only difference is that unlike jeff he has quite a lot of books around his room for when he is bored and the color scheme in the bedroom is very much green and light gray. it creates a soft atmosphere that feels safe, and sully likes the room like that too so no big problems.
jane arkensaw — she lives with mary ! the two of them have a nice house in a neighborhood filled with mostly old couples that all know each other very well. as for her room in the mansion, it does not exist as she mostly just drops by to check up on sally and leave something here for liu when he is here, sometimes eating dinner or lunch with everyone before leaving to go back to the human world. the most she stayed was when she was injured and eyeless jack had to convince her to stay at the infirmary for a bit until she could at least walk straight towards her home.
ben drowned — he lives in the mansion all the time, so he doesn’t have a home outside of it. his room is probably one of the biggest, which is understandable knowing how much he stays in here all day. he most definitely has posters around about perhaps miku with his favorite anime merch a bit around (not too much, just a few figurines here and there). there is a couch in his room where he is watching shows on TV most of the time or playing with one of his consoles. of course there is a desk with a pc for when he needs to go on the darkweb for a mission or when he wants to play on it. he has a bed, without any doubt, that’s very warm. his room is a mix of green, black and white. it looks cozy and is very comfortable.
eyeless jack — he probably lives in some ruins in a forest in the human world, there are a few rooms here that he can go into to be comfortable enough and he often just relaxes here when he wants some peace away from the chaos of the mansion. his room at the mansion looks like a college student apartment, it is his own way to relish the past and give himself a sense of normality that he lost when he became a demon. it’s nice there and smells like coconut, helps him stay calm and keeps his nerves down.
laughing jack — he doesn’t have a room in the mansion, his music box is probably stored somewhere that nobody can reach so he is left in peace and he drops by whenever he wants to. in his music box there is his carnival he mostly stays in for a majority of the time. the lost souls of all the children he has murdered stay here to keep him company, friends that will last forever for once.
brian and tim — putting those two together because they actually live together outside of the mansion. both have found a cottage where they do their own things with separate rooms and all the necessary for survival. unlike other proxies, they do not stick around in the mansion for too long, having been forced to become proxies and still feeling bitter towards the operator even if they cannot disobey his orders any time soon. they have a room awaiting each one of them, but everyone knows those rooms will be left unused.
ticci toby — he mostly stays at the mansion in a small room that belongs to only him. some things are scattered around, like drawings piled up in a random corner of his desk and a box filled with rocks under his bed. a lot of candles around and he strictly refuses to use the big lights, it creates too much brightness in the room and hurts his eyesight. so instead he uses the candles that give off a warm vibe all around the room.
natalie — she doesn’t stick around the mansion too much, especially after she broke up with toby. so now she simply drops by, a bit like jane, and stays for meals before going back to the human world. there, she managed to find a way to pay for an apartment where she mostly chill around when there is nothing to do for her. she changes the furniture a lot and arranges it quite often, that’s why she’s on the lowest floor in the complex.
helen — in the human world, he has a studio that he took from one person he has murdered. he continues to pay the bills normally and his victim was a loner so no one really suspects anything. in the mansion he doesn’t really have a bedroom per say, more of a room where he hangs around his paintings with another room next to it that has a small bed and enough things that it can be considered a small room, yet he uses it more to store things than to really sleep.
sally — she only lives in the mansion so she does not have any other home. her room is one of the biggest just like ben. it’s actually separated in two, with one part where she has a desk and her bed filled with many plushies that have been given to her on multiple occasions, and another part where she has all of her toys and a small table with chairs for when she wants to do her tea party. definitely has a corner where she keeps all of her fake makeup (or is it ?) that she will never hesitate to show out and use on her esteemed guests.
jason — he doesn’t have a room in the mansion, but a workshop where he keeps some of his dolls. it’s just more room to store for him honestly. in the human world he has a shop, and with it he has a small apartment, like just over his shop, where he lives most of the time. he has everything here, a kitchen, a living room and all of those things. he doesn’t particularly need them as his body does not need to indigest things, but it’s good once in a while to have a good taste in your mouth !
puppeteer — definitely still lives in a house. he doesn’t pay the bills but the house has been abandoned for quite a while so he does not really need to worry himself with such things. he has a room in the mansion but it is pretty basic as he spends like one day in a whole month here when it’s getting too late to go back home, but most of the time he always make sure to leave early and eat his meals at home while spending the days at the mansion bothering everybody or just hanging around with helen and jason.
nina, candy and zalgo do not visit the mansion at all. zalgo is slender’s rival so i do not see him even paying him visits, nina works under zalgo as a well trained assassin and candy just works for himself most of the time, he comes occasionally to go say hi to both jason and jack and leaves quickly before anyone else can notice him.
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i-heart-hxh · 9 months
Hi again! I've had this thought in terms of hxh meta that I personally have not seen discussed, so I'm gonna dump it here for you! There's an underlying theme I've noticed of characters throughout the series being one that lost their other halves. Like, most obvious, Leorio and Kurapika lost their childhood best friends. Melody lost her friend to the devil's music. We see Nobunaga lose Uvogin, and so on. So Killua saving Gon instead of letting him die after CAA seems to be a "breaking the cycle" so to speak, although I'm not sure what that would even mean! Nothing much to say besides those details I've noticed, but I wanted to know if you had thoughts? Or perhaps it's just an interesting background detail that is up in the air in terms of being significant?
Hello, thank you so much for sending an ask again! I've put some thought into this topic as well, so I'm happy you brought this up! How I'm answering this is both somewhat abstract and far-reaching in the series so it's a little difficult to summarize and express simply, but I hope you and others might get some meaning out of it!
I strongly believe that one of HxH's great overarching themes is the transformational power of love and how it grants people second chances in life. In this post I'm referring to love in a broader sense, not just romantic love, as of course many different types of love are portrayed and have deep importance in HxH. We see the theme of transformative love in so many different relationships and instances that it's difficult to even summarize them--a few examples are Gon and Killua, Meruem and Komugi, Meruem and his Royal Guard, Ging and Kite, Killua and Ikalgo, even in less major character pairs like Ging and Razor (Razor: "Ging taught me it took only one person, one person in the entire world who will trust you, to save you.") and Kite and Koala, but that's only scraping the surface. I reblogged a previous wonderful meta that pointed out the domino effect of Killua's act of kindness towards Ikalgo, which ended up changing the ultimate trajectory of humanity's war against the Chimera Ants. This is a great example of this theme in action!
But of course, while meeting and loving someone can transform that person's whole life, so also can losing someone significant. It can set someone on a completely different life track than they would have been on had they not lost them--Kurapika, Leorio, Senritsu, the Phantom Troupe (especially with their flashback in recent chapters), Gon and Kite, Kacho and Fugetsu (though this hasn't played out all the way yet) come to mind, but there are many more throughout the series as well. Not all of the losses that fit into this are someone losing their other half/most important person, but there's a solid enough percentage that it certainly seems to be a trend Togashi is establishing and exploring.
It's difficult to explore one of these themes in depth and with honesty without the other--love happens, loss of loved ones happens, both are deeply transformative, and both can ultimately be placed under the broader umbrella of the transformative power of love. After all, if losing a person causes someone's entire life path to change, chances are they loved them a great deal and the force behind the change that occurs in their life is the love and grief they still feel after the loss.
HxH has many tragic elements and Togashi certainly doesn't shy away from the heart-wrenching and long-lasting results of loss, but I think it's fair to say from the 400 chapters we have so far that HxH's themes are not ultimately tragic and hopeless on this topic by any means. In HxH:
Death is not always insurmountable, i.e., Kite, the Chimera Ants in general
The life path one ends up on after a major loss need not be a tragic one, i.e. Leorio deciding to be a doctor and help children in poverty as a result of losing his friend
Death in itself can be an act of love, i.e. Meruem and Komugi, Netero and humanity
Even if one ends up on a dark path as a result of loss, that doesn't mean they can't be saved by someone else's love for them, i.e., Gon and Killua, this could also end up being the trajectory for Kurapika and Leorio potentially?
With Gon and Killua, their whole relationship is based on them transforming each other and giving each other second chances:
Gon saving Killua simply by not judging him, befriending him, and showing him another life path
Gon retrieving Killua from the Zoldyck family when Killua's resolve broke down because of Illumi
Killua pulling the needle of out of his head out of sheer love for and desire to protect Gon
And of course Killua not allowing Gon to die, simultaneously saving him and transforming Alluka's life.
(And Killua's ability to save and help Alluka is of course, a direct result of the kindness Gon extended to Killua and the love Killua has for Gon.)
There's no way to know for certain what will happen in their future, but I definitely think their relationship has one more transformation in it at least, in the form of a reunion and reconciliation.
So, in summary, I think these themes of someone losing a person who was their other half and how one continues to live after that are another way of exploring the broader theme of what it means to love someone and be transformed by meeting them, which I see as a primary theme of HxH. I also think some of these relationships are intended to be comparisons to or foils of Gon and Killua's relationship in a sense (especially Kurapika and Pairo and Kacho and Fugetsu, but others as well), expanding on the themes of their relationship and how a love that deep affects people, both in beautiful and in deeply painful ways.
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phatcatphergus · 4 months
Hi, you reblogged me with a lore dump about Q! Tubbo and you mentioned that you'd be willing to do a character analysis? Please, I'm invested at this point
Ahhhhh omg hi! I can't believe you came back for more lol. You shall soon be a qtubbo stan like the rest of us.
I do want to preface this by saying that this is my personal lore interpretation so it's subjective. So many people have great analyses of his character, so I recommend watching a couple streams or looking at the tag for a broad scope as well!
That being said...
I think the best word to describe qtubbo is loss.
He was brought to the island having already lost parts of himself he didn't know. Through his time on the island, he lost respect, credibility, friends, family, teammates, nieces and nephews, penpals, godkids, mentors, and himself. He never had something he didn't end up losing, whether by choice or force. He loses what matters most to him, yet he continues giving his all to everyone he meets.
He came to the island with loss and no sense of who he was or where he came from, yet he spent all of his time for the benefit of others. He worked day and night so that other people wouldn't experience the loss of what he could prevent such as items or supplies. He never wanted anyone to experience what he experienced, even when they were the ones perpetuating it.
No one ever cared about him unless it was for a reason. His relationships were transactional and needed to be because who would ever care for someone with no firm sense of self or where you came from? When he couldn't provide a transaction of care, he made himself useful, he became indispensable so that even if people didn't like him for him, they could use his skills until they didn't need him anymore.
The only time he actually felt that someone cared for him, just to care about him, was Fred. Fred had no emotions, no sense of self, and no past to speak of. Fred was someone who had no reason to hate or use Tubbo because Fred was like Tubbo. Fred was the first person who could care for Tubbo because he wanted to, and not because of his use or someone's sense of responsibility.
Losing Fred meant losing the one person who cared about him without strings attached. Anyone else only cared about him because he was useful, a leader, an engineer, a neighbor, a business partner, a babysitter, someone to steal from, or just someone to poke fun at. Until Sunny.
With Sunny, Tubbo knew better than to expect her to stay with him. He learned from his past that he doesn't deserve something as wonderful as Sunny, that he can only love and wait until she is ripped away too. If he wasn't good enough to keep Fred, why on earth would he be even partially enough for Sunny.
He mourned her loss the day he got her. He knew he wasn't the best for her, he wasn't anywhere close to what Sunny deserved, but he did his best regardless and loved her more than life itself. Sunny became his tether and the only reason for him to stay alive. Sunny needed him like he needed Sunny. Sunny was the only reason he kept himself alive after Fred's funeral. Through the jeers, through the belittlement, through the disregard for his feelings, Sunny was there and provided him with enough purpose to keep going.
Fit and Pac dating made his only sense of security start to crumble. The two people he figured would stick by his side were moving along without him. They wouldn't need him in their life because they would need each other. They don't need his friendship anymore, his usefulness has worn itself out. He doesn't see them extending a hand to him as they step forward because he's too focused on the empty voids in his past where others should be.
He tries to break them up, and even if they hate him, he can rationalize that he did it for the right reasons. They may hate him but they're stuck with him, kicking and screaming by his side. Everyone tells him that he needs to find Fred, that he's projecting his romantic life onto theirs. In reality, he is too scared of leaving the island the exact way he started, with nothing to his name and no one by his side.
His character is such a battle between what he wants to do and what he feels that he needs to do. His entire run through purgatory was fighting others for eggs that weren't even his. He spends his days working on projects for other people and picking apart his failures when others can only see his success. He works tirelessly so that Sunny won't ever understand what it's like to be underestimated, beaten down, mischaracterized, and alone. Even if the world is against them, he will be in her corner to fight until his dying breath.
He loves so deeply and so purely. He tries to compensate for the lack of it that he has received after giving it away to whoever asks. He is depressed, anxious, and on alert. He has gone through trials and events with his head high and carrying the weight of others on his shoulders. He loves and he gives and continues to even when the people he gives his love to throw it to the side.
He has people in his corner, but his fear of them leaving has already made them vanish in his mind. He's a killer and a father. An engineer and a friend. A penpal and an adversary. He is loss and he is love.
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pattern-recognition · 2 months
Good starting points for socialist reading? Detailed medium form summaries? Skeptic debate between various forms, and between other theoretical systems? Please do recommend
For introductory texts, start with the basics. That means starting with the foundation laid out by Marx and Engels themselves, not some abridged text or modern compilation that seeks to re-explain scientific socialism out of a lack of agency for the modern reader (though some of these type are good, but I digress.)
For this i’d recommend:
- Marx, Engels. The Communist Manifesto (obviously)
- Engels. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
- Marx, Engels. Wage-Labour and Capital/Value, Price, and Profit
The above three are very short, succinct, and informative. The latter two are woefully unrecognized as ideal texts for introductory socialism, and they were written for that explicit purpose.
After that, move on to more wholistic works that flesh out and elaborate upon the historical, material, circumstances that gave rise to the capitalist epoch and how and why they furnish the future conditions for a socialist system.
- Engels. Origin of the Family, State, and Private Property (Whatever copy you’ll procure will probably include his complimentary essay, The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man, which isn’t hugely beneficial for most discursive purposes but interesting, nonetheless.)
- Lenin. The State and Revolution
- Bukharin. Historical Materialism - A System of Sociology
All of Engels’ work, from his introductions to Marx’s texts, his input on the former, and his original treatises, are a wealth of information.
After the structure of dialectical materialism and the capitalist system are understood, I’d recommend works on how the former can/should be implemented and the latter’s historical reign of misery, as well as works addressing the pressing contradiction of imperialism and core-periphery subjugation. (You won’t find vocabulary like core/periphery/semi periphery in texts like this though, that wouldn’t come about until Immanuel Wallerstein outlined the World Systems Theory in his eponymous book. It’s not strictly a historical materialist work, and made by a bourgeois academic (who was the sociology professor of my sociology professor, which is fun I suppose) but is formative for much of contemporary sociological discourse).
- Lenin. Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism
- Lenin. What is to Be Done?
- Galeano. Open Viens of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent
- Said. Orientalism
Along the way, I strongly suggest you actually read Marx’s Capital in full, at least the first volume. It’s not as monolithic and inaccessible as some would lead you to believe, quite the opposite, and cannot be understated in its utility and insight.
- Marx. Capital: A Critique of the Political Economy, Volume I
Other recommendations:
- Marx. Critique of the Gotha Programme
- Marx. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
- Bevins. The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World
- Bevins. If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution
- Lenin. Critical Remarks on the National Question (1913) (Also, can be found in the recent compilation of Lenin’s work on the subject called Imperialism and the National Question)
- Debord. The Society if the Spectacle
- Benjamin. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
- Mishra. From the Ruins of Empire: The Revolt Against the West and the Remaking of Asia
Truth be told, I’m a grievously under-read marxist, and there are others on this site who could provide a more comprehensive syllabus. To half-assedly make up for it, here are some books i’ve been meaning to read/finish but haven’t gotten to it yet:
- Adorno, Horkheimer. Dialect of Enlightenment
- Marx. Capital, Volumes 2 and 3
- Strong. The Soviets Expected It
- Adorno, Bernstein. The Culture Industry
- Adorno. Minima Moralia
- Mao. On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People
- Mao. On Protracted War
All of the aforementioned reading can be found online, for free and readily accessible, on places like Marxists.org, or as downloads from places like Libgen. If you want to read on your phone, download the file as an epub and use your device’s proprietary Books app or similar. If you want to read on a PC, I’d recommend a PDF for easiest navigation. If you want to pursue the latter but can only procure the former, you can use a epub reading program like SumatraPDF. If you’re a person who values a physical copy highly enough to warrant a purchase, I’d recommend ThriftBooks, though do be attentive to buying the most suitable copy of whatever material. Also, I’d be happy to send my copies to you or anyone else, via a google drive or telegram, if you feel like coming off anon.
As for “skeptic debate between various forms, and between various systems,” I can’t think of a standalone work with the principle task of dissecting and contrasting various stripes of marxism, but you’ll find as such permeating throughout almost all of these texts. The thing is, the fundamental material conditions haven’t shifted substantially since these were written, wether it be in Marx’s 19th century, Lenin’s 20th, or Bevins’ 21st. The old enemies remain enemies, the old arguments remain true. Dialectical materialism, scientific socialism, is a malleable system. It is a scientific method by which one can analyze the world, understand it with rational clarity, and come to conclusions on how to react to it and make predictions as to how things may unfold. This is the task assigned to any student of marxism. It is not dogma or a ecclesiastical canon, it is a tool.
After you’ve garnered your bachelor’s degree in scientific socialism you can move on to the postgraduate courses, such as chainsmoking cigarettes, caffeine and amphetamine addiction, alcoholism, and playing Disco Elysium.
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Hello, do you speak in hypotheticals by chance?
Let's say that, hypothetically, your show's lead actress quits 2 days before performance day. Let's also say that, hypothetically, you have been removed from stage management and placed onto the cast in a panicked frenzy.
In this completely hypothetical and not-real-life scenario, is there any kind of advice you would give yourself for learning an entire character in 48 hours?
(Yes everything's fine why do you ask?)
So, hypothetically, I've never had to learn a role on this tight of a time line, but here's my like. General Memorization Strategy™:
You've been part of the SM team, you've got a general idea what's going on, you're not going in completely blind, you can do this.
Repetition. Repetition. Repetition. (spoiler: this is also in every other point.) Run it as much as you can.
You need a line partner. You will read the script (Several times! Out loud even!). You will go 'yeah know what the lines are.' You will not. Get someone on book while you run. It can be a cast member, it can be your friend, it can be your mom, it can be some guy you stop in a grocery store aisle, whoever, Someone needs to check you.
Adding to 3, my favorite method to have them check me, is where I start at the top and go until I mess something up at which point they correct me and I start over from the very beginning. This makes the scene take ages and gets boring fast and it is Absolutely Crucial to making sure you know the scene in context (also. free repetition).*
Do this on your feet. ** I like to run lines under my breath while I'm walking places, which can be anything from around the block, the aforementioned grocery store, or just straight up pacing. You're never just speaking on stage so try not to practice like that. Get your body involved
Don't forget the Everything Else you're doing. You know the lines but do you know where the next entrance is? Props? Costume change? Quick turnaround? Make a list***. Run the list often so you can recall things backstage
Also uh..i've never been concise but 30 Second Character Workshop:
Feet and shoulders. Bam. Like 85% of character body movement right there. How does the character hold their feet and how do they hold their shoulders. If you know that it will lead pretty naturally into the rest of the movements.
*I am absolutely guilty of bailing on my own method and only going back part way bc I have said that dialogue forty times in the last five minutes thank you very much, so this isn't like a hard rule but try to start from different places each time so that the memorization is cohesive and run it all together at the end. I also personally like my partner to make me be word perfect but that is dependent on both directorial and personal preference.
**This is more of a step 2 bc it can be a lot esp if you're trying to read at the same time, but you want to get to it as soon as possible. Also a great place to run blocking if you know it but if you only run things on your feet when you have space to do blocking you're losing out on ages of practice time. Just get your body moving.
***Given the fact you're stepping in so last minute, I'm going to hazard this list already exists in some way but make it your best friend. If you have time to rewrite it (by hand ideally) that can help cement it into your memory. My personal format is "In Scene X, I am playing X in X costume. I enter from X carrying X and exit X carrying X. After I leave, I X" but do whatever format and information makes the most sense to you, cause you're the one who's going to use it.
That's like. kinda a lot but I hope it helps! Anyone else got something they think would help (hypothetically)?
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I want to read Manhut. I saw Jesse Gender's video about it and it sounds like a fantastic spin on zombie horror and I have the stomach for a lot of what is warned about it... but some of the excerpts from the trans protagonist she read chilled me to the core because I sometimes see my unaltered amab self as a bit of a monster (much like TERFs would describe me) and some of the passages really hit that nerve hard. at risk of mild spoilers, can you at least tell me if the book offers some semblance of hope or sense that the pain and discomfort of the experience will be worth getting to the end? I really do want to dig into horror fiction with a trans twist but I would really rather not enter hopeless escapism when reality is already so bleak
I personally really enjoyed the story, because I felt that despite all the bleakness and horror there is there is also care and love and hope for a better future and a loving community. But it is very, very bleak and upsetting at points and self-hatred/dysphoria/dysmorphia play a huge role.
I will delve a bit deeper into the story under the cut, warning for spoilers and a general discussion of the ending (without major spoilers, just the vibes):
There are three trans protagonists in the novel (and two cis ones). Two are trans women without bottom surgery (mentioned because it influences how they treat themselves and how other people treat them), one is a trans man that's not on hormones. It is an apocalypse that heavily focusses on the body and so dysphoria is a near constant companion. One of the trans woman is built bigger with muscles and unable to achieve passing and gets referred to as a brick/treated like a man repeatedly by others in the story and her headspace is quite bad at times. Her story is heartbreaking and a lot of really bad shit happens to her, BUT she was my favorite character and it is clear that the author really loves her too. The other trans woman is smaller and can pass, obviously still faces prejudice, but in a very different way. The trans man also gets repeatedly misgendered and infantalized. What was also really hard to read is that there is a fat disabled caracter and her chapters are very heavily filled with a lot of hatred for her own body in a way that none of the thin abled characters experience. In general it can be hard to handle the self hatred of the characters at parts, especially when you are in their POVs and that is something you need to prepare for. The dysphoria also focusses specifically on certain body parts at times, particularly built/height/shoulders/face shape, so that is something to be prepared for.
It is definitely not an easy story to handle. To me it was hard but worth it, but I also enjoyed the gore and horror of the story. It is definitely one of the more brutal horror books I've read in recent times, but I found the ending to be fulfilling, fitting and hopeful.
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gelatinorifice · 4 months
Extremely counterproductive preaching body positivity while also making fun of a skinny person for having no boobs or ass. Hate to break it to you man but:
1.) Fat people can have no ass and/or boobs too and you acting as though all fat people have prominent “sexy” features is both false and implies that it is only acceptable to be fat if your body can be sexualized.
2.) Body Positivity means treating any and all body types with acceptance rather than judgement, even if you don’t find the person in question to be “attractive”
You can’t pick and choose which body types to praise and which ones to demean when it comes to being body positive. Otherwise, you aren’t being body positive. You’re just being body semi-positive, which is entirely different and misses the point of the term.
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 3 months
Hi! I wanted to say i love your podcast. I had a question; i dont know if you want to answer it here or in the podcast but. Wat do you think, 'so scarlett it was maroon' means?
Thanks again for the podcast, xxxx
Thanks for listening anon and sending this in! ❤️
To me the lyric “so scarlet it was maroon” is representative of a couple things: 1. how bright and passionate Taylor felt this relationship was and how it burned out quickly and 2. how it was frequently changing.
We know that Taylor uses colors to demonstrate her emotions. In the prologue for Red she wrote: “These are moments of newfound hope, extreme joy, intense passion, wishful thinking, and in some cases, the unthinkable letdown. And in my mind, every one of these memories looks the same to me. I see all of these moments in bright, burning, red.” Since Maroon is a shade of red, the connection to the album and title track is clear, though this song looks at the relationship in a more compact and reflective way than most of the songs on Red. The color scarlet is the brightest one mentioned in the lyrics and ties back to the original prologue with the relationship being vibrant and intense. The relationship was so bright and intense that it couldn’t last and it burning out was almost inevitable.
Throughout the chorus the colors switch between different shades of red, with all of them being darker than scarlet. The mention of colors related to more physical features “The mark they saw on my collarbone” and “the lips/I used to call home” are darker, deeper and almost bruise like shades of red. The exception to this is “how the blood rushed into my cheeks,” which is a brighter shade, closer to scarlet and harkens back to the start of the relationship and the first moments of connection. The rust lyric stands out in particular since it indicates that the relationship between her and her partner reached a stage where there was no communication resulting in the relationship and the color changing completely, from red to orange.
The different shades of red indicate how there were slight changes in the relationship with some more noticeable than others until it eventually became something different. In the chorus, the colors turns from brighter to darker, reflective of the ups and downs in the relationship, and that change is encapsulated in the lyric “so scarlet it was maroon.”
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Hi Allie! I hope you're well! Your blog is always super helpful to me so I was wondering if you could help me figure some things out: could you recap what are the different roles of Harry Lambert, Harris Reed, Alessandro... and all the people involved with H's clothes? I'm completely lost and i've tried looking for a masterpost through your tags and other blogs but I can't seem to find any... thanks in advance <3
Hi, darling. Sure! This is not exactly my cup of tea but I can try.
Harry Lambert is Harry's stylist, so he's going to coordinate his entire visual aesthetic, he's going to pick up his clothes, jewellery, shoes, nails, hair, etc. Basically, everything Harry wears is styled by Lambert regardless of the designer/brand.
Harris Reed is a designer (and now creative director), he was discovered by Lambert a few years ago and Harry was actually his first client. Harris designed all of his outfits for Live on Tour, the iconic dress from Vogue, the headdress from Beauty Papers and so many others. So Harris works in collaboration with Lambert, Harries designs and creates original clothing, while Lambert does the styling.
Alessandro Michele is also a fashion designer and most notoriously the creative director of Gucci, which he just left last week. As a creative director, he was responsible for shaping the brand, creating entire concepts and campaigns, and establishing what should be created. Basically, everything Gucci has done for the past 7 years, Alessandro was responsible for. And everything Harry has done that involved Gucci, Alessandro was also responsible for. And while being in Gucci, he also worked in collaboration with other designers, including Harris Reed - that he got to know through Harry.
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dreamiara · 11 months
Why do people not like Jack manifold? I’m fairly new to the fandom and no one’s explained it thus far
okay so it's a little long and complicated (and my memory is kinda. bad) but i'll try my best to explain it!!
okay so basically like last april i believe (so like. really drummy achey time) jm went on a miz.kif's stream and not only did m discuss droxxes but also the topic of george fangirls came on and. well. jm read a tumblr post made by [REDACTED] and then kept commenting that all george fans are 15-year-old girls and was generally very condescending and unkind (in my opinion.) after the stream, many people were rightfully upset and tried to explain why it came across as misogynistic and hurtful. then, jm decided to go on stream to 'address the drama' and, istg, he came on and said that he said nothing wrong, he is not a misogynist by any means and people who got upset are the ones who actually are misogynistic and especially have internalized misogyny. so yeah.
also i think that a lot of people don't appreciate the gogy bit he does and generally find him off-putting. but yeah, i remember watching his "apology" stream (there was no apology) and feeling so deeply disgusted that blocked him on everything lmao
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enderspawn · 2 years
ahoy there
everything i hear about mark winters makes me want to eat wallpaper and i haven’t even seen the man. i’m tempted to watch prime defenders but teen drama stuff is a hard sell for me so i’m not sure if i should watch it. i’m also not the biggest fan of when the guys go into Super Duper Quirky mode and i don’t know what the tone of prime defenders is so i don’t know if it’s a mix of somber and quirky like riptide or if it leans more heavily into quirky.
my apologies idk what that last sentence was, it got away from me. anyway would you recc prime defenders for an individual of my tastes?
hm. I think there’s definitely some good wallpaper eating content available for all the characters, but it may be a bit too quippy for your taste to get to that part?
There’s definitely a larger absurdist comedic aspect to it than riptide imo, which I think kinda boils down to more the difference in setting and DM (but that’s something I’ll save for another day or if ppl show interest), but the short of it is that it doesn’t take itself very seriously in the moment to moment. I think s2 is also generally more absurdist/comedic than s1, but that might just be recency bias making me misremember.
It’s not that the show can’t be or isn’t as serious as riptide can get, the show has plenty of serious and dramatic moments! But they’re definitely more in the minority and the majority of your runtime with it would likely be the more jokey bits.
Of the drama in PD, I’d actually say little of it is Teen Drama™? Or rather, it’s not the petty kind of teen drama.
If anything, some of the conflict/drama can be fueled by the characters being teens meaning that they’re impulsive and struggle to see the “”bigger picture”” that all the adults around them do— “we’re still Just Kids at the end of the day” and “being let down by the adults around us that are meant to care for us” are both definitely themes running throughout PD, but that’s the closest I can think of for “teen drama”. (well, except William’s jealousy surrounding Vyncent, but that’s played for humor and not actual drama to begin with)
I think that your mileage will definitely vary— because it also kind of depends on your definition of Super Duper Quirky?— but I would recommend giving the public episodes of PD a try. It’ll take you through the first arc, Amalgam island, and should be a good trial run of the vibe without costing any money. It’s not the most accurate, since it’s the beginning and the tone has shifted a bit since, but it’s a good trial— if some of the more powerful emotional beats hit right and you don’t mind the comedy they put on, give it a watch imo!
(Worst case scenario, you could always decide to just engage through the fanbase for PD— it cuts a lot of the comedy bits that make up the base of episodes while highlighting the more dramatic sections)
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wikagirl · 10 months
last wip of the day
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like I said this is a wip so nothing about this is final. These are just the bare bones of the bots, no silicone skin, no rubber attached to the metal bones to simulate the strech and flex of muscles under the skin, just the bones, hydraulics, joints and wires.
I know that from an engineering standoint putting all of the wires in the thighs or arms into the bone would probably be smarter but I feel like showing some wire makes the design more interesting since I'm planning on masing a character off of these that would be a bot gone rogue with selfdestructive tendiencies.
I don't think they'll need additional plating on places like the upper arms or their thighs because those are made from the same material as the face plate anyways, the material of the main skull is a bit less sturdy and a more rubbery/shock absorbant coating over a very sturdy vinyl type material to protect the finger hardware for sensory stuff. The chest mainly houses the processors and their cooling systems which I'd imagine to function mostly via cooling fluid that gets pumped into the limbs to carry away the heat and cool off, kind of like a water cooling system. Might add some tubes to the arms and legs for that but idk yet.
With the skin over top the wired of course would not be flapping about like they are here but be secured via something called a shrink tube which is a little rubber tube that you thread the wire through and then heat up so it shrinks down and holds them tight. Normall irl this is used to cover up spots where the rubber coating of a wire is damaged so you won't have to replace the whole thing to minimise the risk of shocking your self, in the case of these bits they'd be bigger and go over top of the bone and the wire and hold everything together like these leg warmer sleeve thingies.
Over all I'm pretty happy with it, the only thing that really bugs me rn is the chest/ribcage. I want it to look sturdy and mechanical because these bots are supposed to be equipped to deal with potentionally violent patients or visitors which is also why the top of the face has like a double plating kindof? right now it looks too much like a flattened phase 1 clone trooper chest plate but if I make it bulkier it will be too big and make the whole thing look even more like revenant than it allready does and if I make it a legit ribcage I will go insane from having to draw that shit.
I'm also not happy with my solution for the shoulder blades, all of the joints are covered in a kind of fabric sleeve to protect them and I just kind of extended the sleeve of the shoulder joints over the shoulder blade too but it honestly looks like shite and I gotta come up with something else for that.
I like the one rib below the main torso because it mirrors the hip handles and I'd like to keep that aspect somehow but idk how so I'll just let it marinade until tomorrow and then see if I can come up with something better.
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ofhope-a · 1 year
Any advice for rper's who have little fate in their writing ability (there are people who write more words and are more detailed in their writing than them) and want to please practically everyone and want everyone to like them (at least a lot of people)?
Hi anon! I'm sorry for taking an hour to get to this, I wanted to have time to dedicate -- you deserve a, hopefully, coherent answer.
I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to start this with a personal anecdote because I feel like we are, or have been, in the same position. I've always fretted because I don't have a style to my writing; I admire deeply everyone's writing and their ability to tie it back to them... but I didn't have this. I change my writing style for every muse I write. No two replies are of the same quality. It's natural to want people to like what you do, to be able to say 'hey, x wrote that!' and to love it simply because it's yours. However, I have found the best way to combat this feeling is to remember:
Do what makes you happy. I know that gets said a lot, maybe to the point of it being redundant, but this, I've found, is the best way to be comfortable in your ability to write (you do have one, even if you don't feel like it); by doing what you do, and by finding things to love about what you do, you will draw people to you. There will be, are, people that love your writing, even if they are quiet about their praise.
The truth is, we can't help comparing ourselves to others. Competition is engraved into us by either external resources or by those closer to us, who've no idea the ramifications that will come of it. We will always see someone that we feel is better than us in some way, even whenever we think we've healed this aspect of ourselves. It's like an angry little demon that emerges whenever you're at your most confident to drag you down again.
But ask yourself this whenever those moments strike: am I happy doing what I am doing? Was I always ashamed of that reply, or did that only come after being introduced to a wave of negative thoughts?
You're on the exact same pedestal as everyone else. No one is greater, no one is worse. Just as you think highly of them, there's someone out there, many someone's, that think highly of you as well... even if you don't think so.
It isn't how much you write, or how detailed you are. It's about what makes you happy. And I promise you, you being you, and you being proud of what you do and unapologetic in doing so, that'll draw people from near and from far to you - because everyone's work, no matter if it's "obscure," no matter if it's "gotten no likes," no matter if it's "years old and not as good" - there's someone out there that loves it. I've personally thought of many replies I've seen in passing via my dashboard, via me visiting random blogs and seeing a stunning reply or an amazing headcanon post, I've attached characters to people I don't even know simply because of how much they love that character.
People have done the very same for you, too. I promise. ♥
Take it easy on yourself anon, I hope I helped some.
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