#idk what olivia is yet
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Thousands of years ago, Earth woke up. In a magnificent burst of energy, magic infused the planet and every living thing on it, irreversibly changing the trajectory of human civilization.
But that's old news. Magic is inherent in living, herbivores and plants are big now, blah blah.
What's actually important is that Midge needs to convince her idiot brother that he's an idiot for trying to run off when they have a perfectly good thing going for them at home. They should be on the ranch, working hard and living well, but instead they're on the run with some guy named Gem who keeps trying to kick the bucket while his murderous human trafficker ex-girlfriend—
Is she still his girlfriend since they didn't technically break up before she tried to sell him into slavery?
Whatever. The point is, she sucks, Gem is… alright, and Jax is on thin fucking ice.
She would wash her hands of the whole drama Gem brings to their table, but she sees the sappy wet moon-eyes Jax makes at him and thinks, she's not enough to convince Jax to come home, but maybe Gem is.
Midge - 26, short, stubborn, hard-working, self-absorbed, and utterly ignorant to all things romance
Jax - 29, leggy, sarcastic, process-oriented, lonely, not physically prepared for running for his life in the woods, determined to stand up for himself for the first time
Gem - 26, small, quick, dorky, distrustful, angry, kind, self-preservation whomst???
Olivia - 27, effortlessly polished, manipulative, cunning, loyal, and resolved to hunt down her fate and throw the first punch
There are two magic systems. First, are True Names. Your True Name is your deepest, closest held secret because anyone who calls you by your Name can magically control your every action. To divulge your True Name is the most intimate display of trust, whether between partners, friends, or even siblings, but trust the wrong person and things can go horribly, horribly wrong. Many people go their entire life without sharing their Name with anyone at all.
Second, everyone has an innate magical ability. There are a variety but each has strict limitations:
Midge is a transmuter. So long as she has the exact ingredients, she can create a final product with the wave of her hand. Most transmuters work in textiles or in constructing building materials. The more ingredients used to form the final product, the more energy it costs to combine them. It's also possible to transmute the temperature, but it costs significantly more energy.
Jax is an infuser. During the creation process, he can infuse magic into otherwise ordinary ingredients to achieve extraordinary results. Cakes that instill in you a feeling of peace, ale that grants good fortune, not to mention health elixirs and tonics. There is a dark side of course. Infused goods can elicit a burning rage, confusion and muddled thoughts, depression, and there are stories of infusers who learned to work metal and leather to make cursed items that will steal your mind and leave your body to wither. Because of this, infusers are treated with a great deal of wariness, even as people come to them for migraine cures and prenatal potions.
Gem is an internal amplifier. He can augment his own abilities to temporarily makes himself stronger, faster, smarter, etc. His opposite is the external amplifier, someone who can only augment someone else the same way. Internal amplifiers run the greatest risk of burning out. While their abilities are enhanced, they don't feel the drain on their magic. Once their magic fades, if they've used too much too fast, they could fall to exhaustion so strong they sleep for days or even potentially die. This is the risk everyone faces when they use their magic, but internal amplifiers have a greater need to learn their limits because they won't know they've reached it until they've already surpassed it.
Olivia is a grower. Growers can tap into the life force of a living thing and coax it farther along, or further back, on its life path. Colloquially referred to as suckers (because they’ll suck the life out of you). Gardens flourish under their care. Chicken eggs can be hatched in a matter of days. Chicks grow to full egg-bearing hens in a matter of weeks. Rotten apples can be reversed back to their prime. Rumor says there are growers who live forever because they keep reversing their own aging. Rumors also say there are growers who can literally suck the life out of you. It costs more to move back that it does to push forward.
There are also tellers (can tell the future but like, not well), dampeners (dead zones where magic doesn't work, but they can turn it on and off--highly sought after by anyone who likes to control people, ie. gov't and crime organizations (but Sarah, you just said the same thing twice (•‿•), and perceptors (they're just lucky. They listen to their gut and things just kind of work out for them. Unfortunately, Gem's girlfriend is a perceptor and that makes things... difficult.)
Setting: Woolen Hollow is the name of the dusty little town where Midge and Jax have lived their entire lives on their family ranch with their mom, paternal grandmother, and Aunt Judith, their mother's man-hating sister who has a personal vendetta against Jax because thinks he is going to turn out just like his lowlife abuser dad that she, Mama, and Gramma ran off more than two decades ago along with all of his hired ranch hands. He keeps out of her way as much as possible and everything is fine. Totally fine.
Midge is living her best life. She's in charge of the sheep, her big woolly babies, which can be tricky considering a millennia ago all herbivores had a massive growth spurt and each sheep is double her height. Granted, she's short, roughly 5'2", but still, a 10-foot tall sheep is nothing to scoff at. Ma and Judith handle the cattle, Gramma keeps the big house from falling apart around their ears, and Jax mostly keeps to himself in his little pantry-turned-apothecary in the back of the little house he and Midge share on the property.
Alleyn is the name of the city where Midge and the other nearby ranchers drive the livestock they want to sell for calk--that's money. It's made of bone and comes in chips or rings and is practically worthless in Woolen Hollow considering most of them would rather trade. That is until tax collectors come around and expect payment in something other than knitted sweaters and zucchini. The entire town counts on the ranchers to return with enough calk to keep them afloat another year. It's a heavy burden but it's one Midge relishes.
Alleyn is also where Gem lives--or rather, lived, before he had to go on the run. It's where he grew up. Where his parents died. Where his foster father was killed by an off-duty peace officer, and where he skulked the streets at night, stepping into the middle of fights and searching for trouble to put a stop to. Right up until the day he stuck his nose too deep and trouble found him with a mouthful of pretty lies and a pair of thugs equipped with handcuffs and black holes where their conscious was meant to be.
The road between Woolen Hollow and Alleyn is dangerous. Train is the best way to travel, but when driving hundreds of mega-sized livestock, or when running for your life from people who could make you stop and walk back into cage with a few well-spoken words, train isn't an option. Across the plains where each blade of grass is a foot wide and twice as tall as a grown man, through the forest where a single tree could hide an entire cow behind its trunk and the thick canopy turns day to night, and over the mountains where massive packs of wolves and coyotes hunt for deer that tower overhead on legs as thick as a blade of grass--it's a difficult journey on its own, never mind while being chased down by the scourge of humanity.
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astarlightmonbebe · 1 year
“when you play go, you pursue your desires in silence. you seduce, and you fall. you strip each other bare. and if your partner doesn't reciprocate, then it's just a game of go.”
go as an overarching symbol throughout the glory, both figuratively as a representation of dongeun’s revenge, and also as a metaphor for class and relations (between her and the men in her life, i.e. yeojeong and doyeong).
on a relational level, go is a game of seduction. it’s a mental sword dance, so to speak. dongeun learns it with revenge in mind - she plans to catch the interest of doyeong, the husband of the girl who destroyed her life. she uses go to approach him - she seduces him the very first time he sees her play, so much that he can’t get her out of his head. she uses go to entice him; she wins before he even knows that he’s playing.
dongeun learns go for the purposes of ensnaring doyeong, but it’s yeojeong who first teaches her go at all. and it’s go that becomes a cornerstone of their burgeoning relationship as well. throughout the seasons, go helps both of them, as something that centers them, tethers them to current life. for yeojeong, his sessions mentoring dongeun in go were the only thing that created a schedule for him in his most turbulent time (after his father died, etc.). it becomes their mode of communication - he asks her to make a play so that he can know she came by. a silent way of saying i’m alive.
and then there’s dongeun approaching doyeong to play go, then them meeting again at the park he designed. yeojeong also approaches doyeong to play go, also purposefully - the man who taught dongeun vs the man she learned to play for. 
but for dongeun, go is never about the men so much as it is about herself. go becomes something she loves for what it is, a game that builds territories, a game where the enemy can be slowly and methodically destroyed as you take all their territories, like how she plans to take everything from yeonjin. it reminds her of the dreams of being an architect she had before she had to drop out of school from the bullying/assault.
doyeong says that one of his go teachers tells him that he was born holding the black stones. when dongeun plays with yeojeong for the first time, she says she has to start with the white stones, since she’s the beginner. that’s how they play, for months. when doyeong meets dongeun after finding out the beginnings of the truth, he says that this game is more difficult than the ones he’s played in the past (and she beats him, the first time they play prior to that meeting). 
the black stones represent the upper hand, the wealthy. it’s a class metaphor, especially when related to doyeong. yeojeong also starts out with the black stones, maybe because of wealth, maybe because he’s learned it for far longer. maybe because life was kinder to him. dongeun starts at the bottom, with the white stones, because she has nothing and knows nothing.
but when she places her first stones on the go board, she plays with the black.
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supernovajazzy-art · 1 year
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"She said let me free your mind I’m your guiding light (she said) let me in your head you’re all mine tonight (she said)" ✝️
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skhardwarevers1 · 4 months
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The like two people that see my art rejoice! I have drawn a handful of queers again
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primsycoldbottles · 2 years
<- guy who got very attached to his ultra sun playthru protag + team
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loverscrossmp3 · 1 day
i just think that the non-californian pop stars have more of that pop star oomph. it cannot be taught i’m afraid
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ntaliavr · 7 months
her ex is literally stunning i want to fucking kms what is wrong w me!!
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pixiesfz · 5 months
would you write for alexia putellas?
okay I always find it hard to write for Alexia but I finally thought of a good plot
inspired by Olivia Rodrigo's unaired song
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prison for life a.p
plot: you've always been independent in life but when Alexia walks in you cant help but want her to protect you.
warning: idk
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You sat in front of an interviewer in front of the goal posts as he asked questions about your new signing to Barcelona FC.
"So what caused the change from United to here?" he asked and you smiled "Change of scenery I think, there is nothing wrong with the club and I cherish every memory I have there" The interviewer nodded his head "So you don't feel for the comments saying you are moving just to get wins under your belt?" he asked slowly, almost as if he was scared to ask the question.
Your eyes slightly squinted at him but you leaned back as you remembered it is only his job "I'm a big girl" you smirked "I'm not going to listen to comments left on my Instagram because they're not the ones controlling my movements, I am" you said with a nod.
The interviewer smiled, impressed with your answer as the camera stopped rolling "You're very good with the media" he complimented you as he packed up his set "thanks" you smiled before returning to practice.
As you reached the other side of the pitch Keira turned to you "any personalized questions?" she asked and you shrugged "talked a little bit about the rumors of why I moved but that's all" Keira nodded "I will say in this team you get asked more personal questions so I'm here if you need" she suggested and you nodded "I'll be fine" you reassured her "yeah?" she asked "I'm good at protecting myself".
You had moved to Barcelona for a change of scenery but to also spend more time with your girlfriend Alexia who lived and breathed the club.
She was injured at the moment so she wasn't at a lot of the trainings and would appear at some games, she was very protective but you knew that... to an extent.
Your whole life you had protected yourself from the prying eyes of others and didn't rely on anyone else so whenever someone offered to help you, you always declined.
They didn't need to, you had yourself sorted.
But as your early weeks turned into months at Barcelona more interviewers and fans started asking more questions and players on the pitch were starting to recognize some of your go to traits which ended in more tackles, risky tackles.
You had never played in the same team as Alexia yet but as she was getting better and sat on the bench you saw her eyes darken whenever a tackle on you was played.
When the game ended you walked over to the bench where she sat and took the water bottle she had out for you "you know if looks could kill Ellie Carpenter would be six feet under" you joked as the girl had slide tackled you at least five times during the game.
"I don't like it when they try and hurt you" she shrugged and you smiled, leaning over to place her hair behind her ear "it's apart of the game Ale, it's her job and she is good at it." you told the blonde and she rolled her eyes "they hurt you, I hurt them" she shrugged before walking off into the change rooms.
You stayed in your place as you watched her go.
"She's so protective of you" Mapi scoffed as she watched your interaction with Ingred "you know it wouldn't hurt if you were that protective over me" Ingred teased "Alexia would go to prison for life if anyone laid a finger on her"
You furrowed your eyebrows at the couple as they walked away from you still babbling about how Mapi could be more protective of Ingred.
You looked around the crowd before walking around to say hello and sign t-shirts for the crowd.
You always did the lap, some girls stopped every now and then because some of the fans could be too much but you were always good, protecting yourself when something would go too far.
But when a man tried to convince you to take off your playing shirt and give it to him you thought about Mapi's words.
You wish you had Alexia here to protect you.
But you had never invited her too, always making excuses for people or sticking up for yourself.
You knew you could protect yourself but you wouldn't mind Alexia saving you.
You bid the man farewell as he groaned at your non-willingness to take off the top.
When you went home that night you took another hot shower as Alexia cooked dinner you couldn't stop smiling over the fact that Alexia cared so much about you.
When you got out of the shower and changed, you went to the kitchen and wrapped your arms around Alexia's toned stomach.
"comfortable?" she asked and you nodded "very" Alexia laughed "almost done, go put something on the TV" she suggested and you nodded, kissing her back which was covered by a singlet and walking to the couch and picking a television show.
You sat in the corner as you waited for Alexia, your mind wondering into situations where Alexia could save you and how her arms could hold you oh her arms-
"penny for your thoughts?" Alexia said as she put your plate down in front of you "not thinking much" you shrugged and Alexia rolled her eyes "I know when something is on your mind amor" she said and you ducked your head into your arms out of embarrassment.
"It's silly"
"I doubt it is" Alexia moved closer to you and picked up your head with her fingers so you would face her "are you okay?"
"I'm fine I just-" you stopped yourself and Alexia nodded for you to go along.
"Well my whole life I've always stood up for myself and solved my all problems" you started and Alexia nodded "I know, it's one of the things I love about you"
You blushed as she kissed your cheek "And today when I saw your eyes on the pitch and then what you said after the game I realized that I can also allow you to protect me" you said softly
"And I just really like the fact that I have you and that you care about me so much to even suggest hurting someone who hurt me" you laughed at the end.
"I would do more than just hurt them" Alexia quipped and you smirked "would you say you would end up going to prison?" you asked, thinking of Mapi's comment from earlier.
"For life".
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nats--sw · 7 months
Little Monster | Leah Williamson
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Leah Williamson x reader You and Leah have a daughter, but Leah has forgotten the one thing you asked her to do today.  I saw a tiktok a few days ago and I need it to write this. I think i want to write more about this, like a part 2 but idk yet, need some ideas 
"Leah, can you come here for a second?!" 
Leah made a face as soon as she heard your voice. She never refused to help you with whatever you needed, but when you needed her during an interesting football match, like today, her disposition wasn't at its best.  
"Can you give me ten minutes? The match is about to end." Leah knew that her request was risky and that she could end up losing, but it was the most exciting game of the week, and Arsenal was fighting for the top spot in the Premier League, and so far, the result wasn't in their favour. 
Leah waited for a few seconds for a response from you, but when more than two minutes passed, she knew she was getting into trouble. She didn't want to ruin the day, so she decided to give in and get up from the sofa, muttering a couple of curses on her way to the kitchen. 
"Hey love, what do you need?" she asked with the sweetest voice she could do. But when she saw you looking at her from head to toe with a serious expression, she knew her attempt to not worsen the situation had been in vain. 
"Why are you dressed like that?" Your serious tone of voice was reasonable. Beth had invited both of you to a dinner to celebrate the team's latest win in one of the most important matches of the season, and you had to leave in less than an hour to arrive on time. But Leah was still in her Arsenal shirt and a pair of shorts she always wore at home. 
"I won't take long to change. What do you need help with?" Leah quickly changed the topic of the conversation, lowering her gaze to the cake you were struggling to finish decorating. "By the way, that looks delicious," she muttered, trying to scoop up some frosting with her finger, receiving a playful slap on her hand in response. 
"If it's not Olivia, it's you," you muttered, referring to your daughter, who had done the same thing as Leah twenty minutes ago. At least she had been smarter and had quickly run to her room before you could say anything to her. 
Leah was about to defend herself, but your daughter's shout echoed throughout the house, drawing both of your attention. 
"A gooaal! Yees!" 
Leah practically ran towards the living room, cursing when she realized she had missed the goal that tied the game. But Olivia, who was only four years old, had managed to see the goal and well... being the daughter of a footballer it was obvious that she knew the excitement of seeing your favourite team score a goal. 
"It was a goal, mommy!" Liv approached Leah, who instinctively lifted her in her arms while watching the goal replay. "Did you see it?!" 
"I can't believe it, Liv. We are so close to win this now." The joy of the goal was interrupted by your presence. Any other day, you would have found it the cutest thing in the world to see your daughter and your wife dressed the same while enjoying the match. However, over half an hour ago, you had asked Leah to help Liv change her clothes, but she was still dressed the same as before. 
Leah closed her eyes when she remembered what you had asked her to do during halftime. She was almost afraid to turn around now. "I'm sorry, dear. But we still have time, we'll change right away, don’t worry." 
"You have 20 minutes, Williamson," you said before returning to the kitchen, avoiding an argument. 
"Mum is upset." Liv whispered. 
"Yeah, don't tell me." Leah replied shaking her head.
"Okay, where is the outfit mum chose for you?" Leah asked, placing Liv on her bed. 
"I don't want to wear that, mommy." 
"Why not?" Leah started searching and found the dress under the bed, Liv's usual hiding spot for her mischievous activities or snacks stolen from the kitchen. "But it's your favourite dress," she said when she saw the little blue dress. 
"I don't like it anymore." Liv said, crossing her arms. Leah sighed; it was always a battle to get her daughter dressed. However, you and Leah had decided not to force Liv into wearing something she didn't want. Instead, you always tried to find an agreement that made everyone happy, you wouldn't make her wear something she wasn't comfortable in, but you wouldn't let her go outside with the wrong shoes or shorts on a freezing day either. 
"Alright, what would you like to wear then?" Leah resigned, mostly because the dress was now wrinkled, and she didn't feel like bothering with an iron now. Liv hearing this, hopped off the bed and sprinted to her wardrobe, from where she pulled out a monster costume you and Leah had bought a while ago thinking it was cute in a certain way, but Leah knew that costume shouldn't be there. 
"Hey, where did you get that?" Leah asked because she was sure the costume was supposed to be hidden in the wardrobe you both shared. It was an old costume Liv wanted to wear every day back then, which wasn't a significant issue before, but since she started school a few months ago, you and Leah had decided to hide it to avoid daily battles. 
"I found it." Liv responded nonchalantly, handing it to Leah, who didn't know what to do. “I want to wear this, mommy.” 
"You can't go with this, sweetheart. Your mum won't be happy with me if I let you wear this..." 
"But it's a party, mommy! Mum is making a cake because it's a party." 
"Yes, but it's not a costume party." Leah shook her head and went to the wardrobe to find another outfit to convince her daughter. 
"But I want to wear this!" Liv clung to her costume, her eyes welling up with tears instantly. 
And when Leah turned around, she knew she had made a big mistake. Liv and you had the same eyes, and the truth was she was weak against both of those gazes... Perhaps it was worth facing you being mad at her to prevent your daughter from crying over a silly costume. 
The twenty minutes you had given Leah had already passed a while ago. You had already finished the cake; everything was ready and in the car now, all that was left was for Leah and Olivia to come down. You were still a bit annoyed that Leah had forgotten to do the one thing you had asked of her, of course, it was an important match for her, and you understood that she got distracted, but it was just one thing she had to do while you had taken care of everything else.  
"Leah! We're going to be late!" you shouted from the first step of the stairs, holding the car keys in your hand, ready to go. 
"I'm coming!" you heard Leah and her steps around the second floor. And when she appeared on the stairs a few seconds later in a simple outfit, not quite formal enough, all you could do was smile because she looked beautiful as always. "Please don't be mad," she murmured as she reached you, taking the car keys from your hand and leaving the house before you saw Olivia. 
With that gesture from your wife, you knew that something had happened, so you weren't surprised to see your daughter coming down the stairs in her costume, with a big smile on her face. At least Leah had taken the time to do her hair. 
"Wow, I thought I wouldn't see this little monster anymore." you said, taking her in your arms and giving her a few kisses on her cheeks until Liv laughed and pushed you away with her hands on your face. And like when you had seen Leah in her outfit, you couldn't bring yourself to be upset that Olivia wasn't wearing what you and Leah had agreed on because she looked completely adorable in her little costume.  
"Do you like it, mum?" Liv asked, trying to adjust her costume, which had moved with your attack of kisses. You couldn't say that you loved it, but after all, it was a dinner with friends, and you were sure that when you arrived at Beth's, all the girls would be all over your daughter. 
"I love it, darling." 
The car journey was quiet, not because you were still upset with Leah – although you were still annoyed, but now it wasn't for the same reason as before or because of Liv's costume. You were mad at her because as soon as you got in the car, Leah blamed you for missing the end of the Arsenal match, where they lost in the last minute. Was that your fault? Clearly not. In fact, if Leah had done what you asked her to do during halftime, she could have watched the entire second half without interruptions. 
Leah didn't usually get upset if her favourite team lost a match, or at least she didn't show it to you, but this time Arsenal had lost the top of the table and she had missed the most crucial minutes of the match that everyone would be talking about all week.  
But that wasn't your fault.  
"I'll help you, darling." You told your daughter as soon as Leah parked outside Beth's house. It was a blessing that Olivia hadn't figured out how to unbuckle her seatbelt yet, so Leah usually took care of that, but now you offered to do it just to get out of the car. 
Leah didn't say anything, she just gripped the steering wheel to hold back the anger she felt towards herself for being such an idiot and taking it out on you when you had nothing to do with it. She didn't get out of the car until she saw you ringing the doorbell.
Leah didn't want to ruin her friends' celebration, and she knew you didn't either, so she just had to pretend that everything was perfectly fine, something you and her had done more than once during all the years that you had been together. 
It was a simple task, and when Leah placed her hand on your waist and you didn't move away, she knew you had the same idea in mind. 
"Oh, I didn't know we had a little monster as a guest." Beth said when she saw the three of you outside her house. 
"Hiii" Olivia approached Beth, who had crouched down to give her a hug. 
"I couldn't convince her to wear something else." Leah said, laughing a bit while still holding you by your waist. 
"That's why mum is mad at mommy." Olivia blurted out, not intending to reveal her mothers' actions, but she was a child, and that's something kids tended to do. 
"Huh?" Beth raised an eyebrow with a hint of curiosity. 
"That's not true, Beth." you said, trying to downplay the situation your daughter had brought up. "Why don't we go inside? It's a bit cold out here." 
"Yeah, of course... sorry. The girls are already inside." Beth said and stepped aside to let you and Liv enter, blocking Leah from passing. "What did you do to upset your wife?" she murmured, ensuring you couldn't hear her words. 
"Nothing, I was just being an idiot, but don't worry, I'll fix it." 
Just as you had thought, all the girls were around Olivia as soon as they saw her. Many of them had known her since she was a baby, so Liv felt attached to each one of them. 
"I think she gets more adorable every day," Beth appeared by your side, watching the girls sitting on the floor playing with your daughter. "I thought that costume had disappeared, or at least that's what Leah had told me." 
"Well, she found it," you murmured, still smiling. Seeing your daughter surrounded by people who loved her made you happy. 
"So... what happened with Leah?" Beth asked, pretending to sound disinterest. "She's been in the kitchen for half an hour, as if she's punishing herself." 
"I know Leah is your friend, but that doesn't stop her from acting like an idiot sometimes." 
"Oh... believe me, I know how much of an idiot she can be. But I think she's more than sorry for whatever she said." You chose to not say anything; you'd think about it once you got home. "Look y/n, you know I don't like to interfere in other people's relationships, but I think it's unfair that Leah is stuck in the kitchen missing out on moments like these." 
"I didn't send her to lock herself in, Beth." 
"I know, but you know how Leah is, she tends to punish herself and deprive herself of these things when she feels she had made a mistake," Beth sighed. "I've known you since the beginning of your relationship, I've been there for every one of your fights, and I know that at the end of the day you'll forgive each other as always, so why not do it now?" 
You contemplated Beth's words for a moment. She was right. You knew that when you got home, Leah would apologize and try to make things right, and you would forgive her before going to bed, so you could avoid the suffering that would last a few more hours. 
"We both know Leah adores these moments. She may have been an idiot by messing with you when you had nothing to do with it, but she doesn't deserve to miss this." 
"Fine." you said, shaking your head. "You stay in charge of my daughter until I get back, and please don't give her any more sweets. I don't want to deal with a sugar rush when I get home." 
"No promises." 
Beth was right, Leah was in a corner of the kitchen as if someone had punished. 
"Hey" as soon as Leah heard your voice, she looked up from her phone and straightened her posture. 
"Did something happen? Where's Liv?" she quickly asked, thinking the only reason you'd talk to her was about something related to your daughter. 
"She's playing with the girls," you replied and approached her, resting your head on her shoulder, an action that made Leah stiffen, too afraid to move. "You know I'm not upset about the costume, right?" 
"Yes... deep down, I knew you wouldn't be bothered by that," she murmured, daring to put her arm around your back to make sure you wouldn't leave. "You're upset about what I said in the car... I was a complete idiot." 
"Exactly, you were an idiot. You acted like a straight man, you know?" you said, smiling a bit. 
"Wow, I think I've never been insulted like that." she said, looking at the floor with shame. "I was really that bad?" 
"Leah, you said that Arsenal lost because of me." you rolled your eyes, trying to move away from Leah's body when the anger returned at the memory of her words. But you didn't take more than two steps before Leah grabbed you by the waist and turned you to face her. 
"I'm really sorry. I know it's not an excuse, but I was stressed because we were running late, and I couldn't find something to wear, and the Liv's costume... my emotions got mixed up, and I did something that wasn't right, so I'm sorry," she said sincerely, never breaking the eye contact. 
"That doesn't change the fact that you're an idiot," you replied, and before Leah could defend herself, you placed your lips on hers. "If you make a scene over a silly football game again, I'll kick you out of the house and tell your mother. Do you hear me? And we both know she won't be happy." you said as you pulled away from her lips, but you kept pointing at her with your index finger. 
"Of course love, whatever you say," she kissed you again. It wasn't an intense kiss, but you could feel how much Leah wanted to express to you in it because she kept holding you by your waist to prevent you from pulling away. 
"Yuck!" Olivia exclaimed, frowning when she entered the kitchen followed by Beth. 
"Indeed... yuck." Beth laughed as she saw you with flushed cheeks and the huge smile on Leah's face. 
"Shut up, Beth," Leah laughed, approaching your daughter. "And you, little monster, I think you've had too many sweets while we weren't there." 
Olivia shook her head, but the blue all over her mouth gave her away. "I haven't eaten anything, mommy." 
"Sure." Leah rolled her eyes and picked up your daughter. "Come on, let's go find Viv so we can play for a bit." 
When your wife and your daughter left the kitchen, Beth approached you with a smile on her face. "I was right then?" 
"Shut up, Beth." 
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hugshughes · 3 months
Casual J. McCarthy
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JJ McCarthy x fem!reader
synopsis - Although your relationship with JJ has always been categorized as no strings attached, the way he makes you feel is anything but casual.
wc - 4.6k
contains - she's angsty :( takes place in a universe where JJ and Katya broke up during like spring 2023!!! friends with benefits but more!!! "casual" relationship that acts like more, cursing, kissing, making out, reader's not great family life is mentioned once or twice, sex references (no elicit smut!), caught feelings, arguing, misunderstanding, shouting, eating, crying, hurt with comfort??? i think that's it!!! lmk!
an - wowwwwww this oneeeee. this took me so long to write like SO FUCKING LONG. started it, got sick, got better, wrote some more, got sick again, got better, THEN FINALLY FINISHED! ummmm idk... OH! i was surprised with tickets to Olivia Rodrigo and flew out to her Charlotte show A WEEK AFTER I COME BACK FROM THERE FOR SPRING BREAK to go with my favorite person ever! and Chappell Roan is her opener currently and SHE PLAYED CASUAL AND I CRIED.
my friends call me a loser, 'cause i'm still hanging around.
You often got shit from your friends over your relationship with JJ McCarthy. If you could even truly call it a relationship. The two of you had gotten "together" around the beginning of the school year. He'd followed you on Instagram after meeting at a party. How romantic?
He and his long term girlfriend, Katya had broken up about 6 months prior and the boy was not ready for another true commitment of any kind. You'd also gotten dumped by your boyfriend of over two years over the summer, so honestly neither were you.
You two were strictly casual. Just two not quite friends but also definitely not dating kids who made out and fucked, but also cuddled and kissed each other with no sinful intentions. He took you on dates but God forbid you call him your boyfriend.
i've heard so many rumors, that i'm just a girl that you bang on your couch.
You knew people talked about you two. Girls at parties and in random classes in hushed conversations while they glared into the back of your skulls.
"No, she's not like his girlfriend. She's like his no strings attached side piece or something."
Your eye twitched when you heard it whispered all too loudly behind you in a marketing class. You sighed and shrunk into your chair, reminding yourself that you were gonna private your Instagram.
JJ treated you like his girlfriend, point-blank. It wasn't even like a switch from in private to in public. He always did. But nevertheless he always said that it was all informal. There had been many nights where you stayed up questioning it all. Was you falling sleep on his chest while he played with your hair and kissed your head just another Saturday night for him?
i thought you thought of me better. someone you couldn't lose.
JJ made you feel special, like you were special to him. Special was something you didn't feel often, not after how your ex treated you. You were lucky to even get the bare minimum from him, yet you stayed because he made you believe that was what you deserved.
You and JJ both truly cared about each other. Even though you two were not together, you guys did everything two people that were together did. You went on dates, went together everywhere, cuddled, kissed, had long conversations. It was hard to not imagine how it would feel for him to really be your boyfriend.
You remember the night JJ unknowingly broke your heart. You were at a party, and you'd left to get drinks for the two of you. You were walking back over when you heard one of JJ's friends ask a stupid question.
"Where's your little girlfriend, Jay?"
"Oh, we're not together."
you said "we're not together". so now when we kiss, i have anger issues.
He laughed awkwardly as he said it, rubbing the back of his neck. You turned around and explored the rest of the party for a little while before going back over to JJ. When you returned and stuck a can in his hand, he pulled your arm towards him and kissed you deeply. It was a good kiss, all kisses with JJ were, but it left you hurting.
you said, "baby, no attachment",
It was always the same with JJ. There would be a long while where you and him were in a blissful and amazing haze of acting like a couple without having to be one. Then someone would ruin everything by asking if you were together, causing you two to realize you acted too much like a couple.
You and JJ trusted each other entirely. You'd seen every inch of each other. Helped each other through the bad days, all of it. You'd held him in your arms while he cried over the pressure he felt because of football. You cheered him on at every game. You spent countless nights in each other's beds. He listened while you talked for hours about problems with your family.
but we're... knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out.
You'd done stuff with JJ you'd never have the heart to repeat to anyone. You got closer to each other than you'd ever been with anyone else, and still there was a strict separation between you.
Your head often drifted to one of the many nights you spent in intimacy with JJ. Flashes of you in the backseat of his truck, in his bed, his shower, all of the above. You never let the words JJ said to you while he groaned above you in bed get to your head. You wanted to believe them, but knew you were better off to not. He made you the happiest you'd ever been while also making you completely miserable sometimes.
is it casual now?
Over the winter JJ had even brought you to dinner with his family. You'd met his parents, and his sisters, and they immediately fell in love with you. They assumed you were his girlfriend, though he never actually said that. They were so glad to see their boy so incredibly happy after being in the dumps over Katya all summer.
You remember at that same dinner freezing in your seat when his mom had what she felt was a bright idea.
"Oh, JJ, she should come to the beach this summer!"
You had to awkwardly laugh it off, throwing a joking 'Maybe!' out as his sisters boasted about how that was a great idea. JJ smiled uncouthly, laughing and carelessly nodding his head. You knew that topic would never be brought up, JJ would definitely not be asking you to spend the summer with him.
two weeks and your mom invites me, to her house in Long Beach. is it casual now?
You liked to pretend he was your boyfriend, it wasn't that hard most of the time. You were exclusive with each other, that was made clear at the beginning of your "relationship". JJ said something about how he wasn't the type to see more than one girl, and that you were that girl for him.
You were the one with him when he won the National Championship. He'd invited you to sit with his family. Like, what the fuck? How were you supposed to not be in love with him?
You knew JJ only wanted something casual. You tried not to think about how he was probably just with you to get over his ex. He told you about her, sometimes. He said how he thought he was gonna marry her, but she didn't want that. You couldn't imagine why. JJ was everything you'd ever need in a man. He was stable, and loyal, and made you laugh so hard you cried. He cared for you, no matter the status of your relationship.
i know what you tell your friends. it's casual, if it's casual now. but baby, get me off again. if it's casual, it's casual now.
What you had going on with JJ was great, and you were in no position to ruin it with your stupid feelings. You didn't really care what you were, as long as it was with JJ.
Now you were getting ready to go over to JJ's apartment for the night. He invited you over a couple hours ago, telling you he wanted to watch some movies and hang out with you. Of course you said yes, how could you not? He'd just finished up with the NFL Combine a couple days ago. And spring break had just ended so you hadn't seen him since before then, you were excited.
You adjusted your hair for the fourteenth time before you were satisfied. You would only be going from your place to the car to JJ's apartment. You still wanted him to think you looked good, good enough to be more than just his fling.
You grabbed your small overnight bag filled with the barebones of your necessities and left your apartment, swiftly locking the door behind you.
You listened to low music while you drove lowly through the college town. It was only a seven minute drive, so you got there right away. You parked your car and sat for a second as you were overcome with a random wave of dejection. You took a deep breath, your brain reminding your heart not to get too excited. You shook off the feeling, grabbing your bag from the passenger seat and exiting your car, locking it behind you.
You knocked lightly on the door you'd walked through all too many times. Barely ten seconds passed before the door opened, a bubbly dirty blonde with the cutest smile you'd ever seen standing opposite you. JJ immediately grabbed you by the hips, pulling you to hug him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, tucking your head into his shoulder. You let yourself believe all the stupid fantasies for just a second.
dumb love, i love being stupid.
"Missed you, gorgeous."
dream of us in a year.
You shut your eyes, squeezing him. He giggled, turning his head to kiss your neck. You felt his smile against your flushed skin.
"I missed you."
He held you tighter, pulling away to kiss your forehead and grab your hand. He shut the door behind you and pulled you further into his apartment. He led you to his bedroom before dropping your hand, turning to go back to the front of the apartment. You dropped your bag next to his bathroom door before taking your shoes off and tucking them just underneath his bed so they were out of the way.
maybe we'd have an apartment. and you'd show me off to your friends at the pier.
"How're you doin' pretty?"
JJ's voice echoed from the kitchen, you could literally hear his smile.
"'M doin' okay! Nothing new, y'know."
JJ heard something different in your voice. Something other than happiness, which obviously concerned him. You sat back on his bed, sighing.
"What's wrong? Sure you're good?"
"Yeah, it's fine! Some shit happened over spring break so I've just been a little out of it is all. Don't worry!"
The blonde came through the doorway again, this time holding a plastic bag with a logo you knew all too well. You gave him a smile that didn't aid his now worried mind.
"What happened? You could've called me."
"Oh come on, Jay. You were literally at the NFL Combine. I was not about to distract you with my stupid problems."
It's not like I'm your girlfriend. JJ shook his head as he sat the bag next to you, turning to open his closet door and rummage through his clothes.
"You can always call me. I wanna hear about all of your problems. You're my best friend, y'know."
i know, "baby, no attachment." but we're...
You winced, fuck. The man you were certain you were in love with just 100% friend zoned you. Just his best friend that he kissed, laid skin to skin with, told his family about.
knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out.
"I know! But still, you're Mr. National Champion and I'm not gonna bother you with dumb things."
"You're never bothering me. You don't bother me."
He came out of his closet, now shirtless and in new sweatpants. His eyes found yours and he raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to agree with him.
"Okay, okay, whatever. Come eat."
He climbed over you onto "his" side of his bed. You ate while asking him about the combine, as if you hadn't watched the videos of JJ's performance. You definitely appreciated how he looked in his tight red shirt.
"It was fun, nerve wracking as hell though. Kinda like made me realize that like I actually am going to the NFL. It's a lot closer than it feels."
He could say that again. You knew your time with JJ was coming to its end. Whenever he got drafted to an NFL team he wasn't gonna keep wanting a random girl from his old college. Not one that wasn't actually his girlfriend or anything. He'd find another one very quickly, you knew it.
"That's so scary. I couldn't imagine that. Having so many people depend on you for their happiness is too much. But you're good at it."
He threw you a smile, moving closer to you.
"I just love it. It's so fun for me. Obviously not like losing but having so much support is actually really nice sometimes."
You nodded, trying to fathom how it was possible for the boy to be so positive always. You both were done eating so JJ took all of your trash and threw everything into the garbage. When he came back he pulled you closer to him, your head on his shoulder and your back to his chest.
"But enough about football. How was spring break? D'you have fun?"
"Um, yeah! For the most part it was really fun. Florida was fun but when I went home for the last three days it was honestly the worst. My mom was so mean for no reason the whole time, I don't know."
He ran his hands over the tops of your thighs before wrapping his arms around your hips. He kissed the side of your head sweetly, not moving as he spoke into your hair.
"'M sorry baby. Y'don't deserve that."
"Eh it's whatever. I'm used to her not being my biggest fan at this point."
JJ felt so bad. He couldn't relate to you on this level. He'd never know what it feels like to not have good parents.
"Well if it helps any, my mom's your biggest fan, to be completely honest. She keeps texting me to make sure you know you're invited to the beach this summer."
two weeks and your mom invites me, to her house in Long Beach.
It comforted and hurt you all the same. There's no way you could accept that invitation, no matter how sweet it was. You couldn't survive a week with his family while still only being casual. No way in hell.
"That's really sweet, Jay."
You shifted in his arms, turning so your cheek laid against his bare chest. You smiled and lightly kissed his pec.
is it casual now?
"So, what are we watching, Jay?"
"Whatever you want."
It was just another small thing that made you fall harder for him. You didn't know how much longer you could pretend like you didn't want him more than physically.
"How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days?"
"Are you plotting or somethin'?"
You can't lose something that isn't yours. Your smile faltered but you let out a forced giggle, telling JJ to just play the movie. You watched the majority of the movie in silence, answering JJ's questions whenever he had them. At some point the movie got boring, you'd seen it a million times before. You started running your nails over JJ's pec, unknowingly distracting him. He traced his hand up your back and to your hand on his chest, interlocking his with yours.
i know what you tell your friends. it's casual, if it's casual now.
You leaned away from him just a bit to look him in the eyes. You stared at each other for just a few seconds, just until JJ took his hand out of yours, grabbing ahold of your jaw. The thoughts filling your mind seemed to quiet down as JJ kissed you. The kiss quickly grew hot as JJ's hands traveled back down your body. Your tongue hit the seam of his lips, a downright immoral sound leaving his mouth.
You shifted onto your knees over JJ, the connection between you persistent. Your hands ran through his hair, tugging slightly at the dirty blonde locks.
but baby, get me off again. if it's casual, oh, oh, oh.
Your chest pressed against his as he pulled you closer, leaving no space between you. Every move of JJ's mouth and hands cushioned your spiraling thoughts, muting them. Your could focus your thinking on nothing but the physicality of the situation. Until JJ shifted his hands to the curve of your ass and gentley moved so your back was flush with his comforter, the quarterback kneeling over you. It was the position change as much as what he groaned out when your lips parted for just a moment that had you stopping in your tracks.
"Fuck, my girl."
His girl. His girl? How could you be his girl? You didn't mean to hesitate in your kiss with JJ but you did, pausing for just a second. Though it was long enough for JJ to notice and immediately grow concerned. He pulled back from you, his eyes full of worry. Did you not want this?
"Hey, what's wrong? We don't have to do anything, you know that. Right? Sorry I got carried away, baby."
He comforted you immediately, like a man who loved you would. Not like a no strings attached fuck friend would. It soothed you but also made you ache even more. Why did he have to act like he cared? It wasn't fair.
"No, Jay. Sorry, it's fine. I just,"
You trailed off, wanting to hide from his concerned blue eyes. You kind of wished he'd get pissed off that you were hesitant, asking 'The fuck is wrong with you?' instead of being the most gentle and loving person you'd ever known.
"Hey, it's more than okay. Alright? Is something else wrong?"
Yes. Something else was wrong. You're in love with JJ but he's unattainable. You wondered if he knew, if he knew and was still treating you the same just to keep you loyal. Your silence proved JJ right, something was seriously wrong.
"Talk to me, okay? I wanna make you feel better."
You finally looked into his eyes. He was now next to you, laying on his side, confused and concerned.
This is where it ends, you told yourself. There really wasn't a way around telling him, and all you could do was imagine his reaction. You sat up, crossing your legs and looking down at your hands. How the fuck were you supposed to start this? Do you just break it off with no explanation, or let him do it after you tell him you're in love?
"Well I just, I don't know if I can do this anymore, JJ. And I'm sorry, I really-"
"What? That's really not what I thought this was about."
He was shocked, his chest tightened as he leaned away from you, moving off the bed to stand. He crossed his arms over his chest for some comfort.
it's hard being casual, when my favorite bra lives in your dresser.
"JJ, I'm sorry, really. I just, we're supposed to be strictly casual and it's honestly kinda hard when we're so close to each other. Like a quarter of my clothes are in your closet! It's just kind of a lot."
You too stood from his bed, now standing on opposite sides. You didn't want to hurt JJ, but it would only hurt you worse and worse in the end if you kept letting yourself indulge in him.
"Baby, what changed? I thought everything was fine the way it was."
it's hard being casual, when i'm on the phone talking down your sister.
"Jayj, it's just kind of a lot of pressure. Like, we FaceTime your sister when we hang out! Your mom invited me to your summer vacation! Like how is that casual?"
JJ stood there, astounded. He was shocked you felt this way. He thought everything was better than okay. He would've never guessed it all felt too relationship-y for you.
"So, what? Are you like breaking up with me, or?"
"That's exactly my point, JJ! What do you mean by breaking up? There's nothing solid in between us! Our quote unquote label is 'friends that fuck but also sometimes just lay skin to skin and talk for hours on end'. That's fucking confusing JJ! I don't get you!"
and i try to be the chill girl, that holds her tongue and gives you space. i try to be the chill girl but, honestly, i'm not.
Your volume rose as felt tears pricking behind your waterline. You brought your hands to your eyes, rubbing aggressively with the heel of your palms. JJ was so hurt. He didn't think of you as just something casual, not since the very beginning had he thought you two were just random and informal. He knew you two weren't a couple, but he didn't think of you as anything near just his fuck buddy. Watching you, obviously distraught, almost crying in his bedroom over him being too much of a boyfriend had JJ rethinking himself.
"Am I too much? I thought we were more than that to you. I thought I was more than that."
"You are! You are and it's ruining my fucking life!"
knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out. two weeks and your mom invites me, to her long beach house. i know what you tell your friends. baby, get me off again.
You shouted, tears starting to fall down your face. You tried to wipe them away as you hiccuped, cutting JJ off before he could respond.
"You tell me all you want is something casual so that's what I give you! I was there when you needed it, I left you alone otherwise. But then you just didn't let me go! You make me feel important! And like I'm special to you, then I hear you tell your friends we're nothing serious! I met your family, I went to your championship game and sat with them! Do you know how fucked that is? To tell a girl that is obviously invested in you that she means something to you then doing that! I just- I really wanted you to like me, for real. And you act like you do! But I know you don't really care about what we are. I can't pretend to not like you more than that, JJ. It's not fair anymore."
i fucked you in the bathroom, when we went to dinner.
Holy shit. You'd just practically told JJ you were in love with him. He was even more confused now, was this a joke?
your parents at the table, you wonder why i'm bitter?
"What are you talking about? This hasn't been casual to me since fucking October! I do this shit because I like you! Like, I really like you! You know, before I got broken up with in February last year, I thought I was ready to fuckin' marry her. And then seven months later you come into my life, and you're supposed to be this girl that I'm not really committed to, and that distracts me from how hurt I am. But, I'm more in love with you than I ever was with her! And I thought I would spend my entire fuckin' life with her! Do you know how scary that is? That someone I've known for barely seven months is making me feel more than the girl I dated for years! I'm terrified, it fucking sucks!"
bragging to your friends, i get off when you hit it. i hate to tell the truth, but i'm sorry dude you didn't.
Your mouth fell open, pupils constricting under the haze of tears. JJ just told you he was more in love with you than the girl he thought was gonna be his wife. His tears were flowing by the end of his emotional outburst. He buried his head in his hands, turning away from you.
You couldn't believe what you'd heard. The boy you were convinced didn't want you enough to really have you had just poured his entire heart out over how much he loved you. You were in love just as hard.
You moved slowly around his bed, watching for signs of him shifting again. You gently grabbed his wrists, urging his hands from his face. You jumped to throw your arms around his neck, wrapping him in a hug. His arms wrapped around you so tightly, he cried into your shoulder.
i hate that i let this drag on so long. now, i hate myself.
"I'm sorry."
"'M so sorry."
You both let out your apologies at the same time, causing JJ to let out a wet giggle into the crook of your neck.
"I just love you so much."
Your heart squeezed as JJ spoke into your shoulder, teary and sweet. You loved him just as much. You couldn't believe what was happening.
"I've been in love with you since you took me to the lake."
You whispered it slowly, muffled by his shoulder. On that chilly day in November JJ had driven you guys an hour or so to the coast of the nearest Great Lake, Lake Erie. You ate of the sandy shore and watched the water. It was one of the first times you two were together where it really felt like you were boyfriend and girlfriend.
You'd realized he was the sweet and caring one you'd been waiting for for so long. And it ruined you.
JJ squeezed you tighter. A little sob mixed with a giggle shaking through him. He sniffed, kissing your neck gently.
"I didn't wanna believe I was in love with you, as obvious as it was. I was scared of really being in love after what had happened before. You were just so amazing, and kind, and you listened to me. I've been trying to push it away 'cause I didn't think it was how you felt. Which I can't believe you didn't just tell me, by the way."
You giggled now, pulling away from his shoulder to look at him, jaw dropping.
"Alright, Mr. I don't really need anything serious right now I'm still hurt over my ex. Yeah, sorry I never told you I was in love."
JJ just kissed you, and it felt so incredibly right. Kissing the boy you loved, in his bedroom, where half of your clothes lived. The boy who's whole family, including him, loved you and thought you were perfect for him. You smiled against his lips, you just couldn't help it.
"Can't believe you went from friend zoning me to telling me you loved me in two hours."
JJ pulled away from you abruptly, confusion filling his face.
"When did I friend zone you? I didn't do that!"
"'You can always call me. I wanna hear about all of your problems. You're my best friend, y'know.' It wasn't very soothing to a girl who was actively debating telling you she was in love with you."
"Well you are my best friend! But also the girl I want so, two for one."
You laughed, rolling your eyes playfully as you pulled him by his neck to kiss you. You both couldn't help it as you smirked and giggled into your kiss, hands and minds wandering.
JJ pulled back from you for just a second, causing you to groan.
"Can I be your boyfriend?"
Your annoyance was quickly replaced, your eyes widening. You just smiled and nodded pulling him back in.
Your boyfriend squeezed your ass at your playful response, kissing you deeper. Your head was spinning, JJ was finally yours, for real. You were his girlfriend and he was your boyfriend. And one day, you'd walk down the aisle with him waiting at the altar, not that either of you knew that now. So much for keeping your relationship casual?
i hate that i let this drag on so long. you can go to hell.
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riordanness · 4 months
enchanté — [n.sheff]
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wordcount: 1.2K
warnings: none
requested: no
tags: @honey-ambrosia my wife <33 (send her love or else)
a/n: idk?? i just had a random idea while watching this movie for the first time so enjoy i guess. nic is defo ooc, doesn’t do drugs in this fic either, and i know basically none of the movie plot yet. feel free to request nic sheff fics tho! <3
“Nice to meet you.” I smile; and shake my new roommate's hand. He seems nice enough, with pretty green eyes and curly brown hair.
He smiles back, then heads into our dorm room. I turn back to my conversation with the other girls in our hallway. Turns out there wasn’t an even number of girls or boys this year, so I got shoved into a dorm room with a guy. Not that that’s the worst thing that could’ve happened to me; he’s kinda cute.
One of the other new girls, I think she said her name was Alexa, nudges me. “Damn, I wish I was the not-so-unlucky girl stuck with a boy. He is hot.”
I shrug. “He’s not bad. He’s probably got a girlfriend though. Or he’s gay.” I nudge her back. “Doesn’t matter that much; he’s probably the kind of guy who spends all his time not in his dorm room. More time alone for me.”
I say goodbye and turn towards my bedroom door. I stop just before it, though, when I hear voices.
“Yeah, she seems nice, she’s just in the hall,” I hear my roommate say. I’m not entirely sure who he’s talking to, but then another person speaks, a much older man, and I remember his father is here.
“I feel for you though…” His father laughs, and I hear the sound of cds clacking together, and I realise that they’re my cds.
I internally cringe. Why did I decide to set up my cds? My roommate definitely thinks I’m a total loser freak now. I visualise my collection. Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Chase Atlantic, Melanie Martinez, Joshua Bassett, and the Chainsmokers. Pretty much screams ‘basic white girl’ doesn’t it?
I knock on the doorframe, stepping into view. “Hey,” I say, waving a little at his father. “Nice to meet you.”
My roommate’s father hastily shoves my cds back onto my desk. “You too. I’m Nic’s father.” He stands and offers me his hand. I shake it, offering a smile.
“Well…” Nic’s father pats his pockets. “I’d best be going.” He gives his son a hug, who stands and grips his father tightly.
I feel awkward, like I’m interrupting something.
“Everything,” Nic whispers.
Though I have no idea what that means, I think it’s adorable.
His father leaves, and the two of us stand for a moment. Then I drop my bag on the floor next to my bed and flop myself onto it.
“What’s your name?” Nic asks quietly. “I’m Nic.”
I prop myself up on one elbow. “I know. I’m y/n.”
He nods. “Cool.”
There’s silence for a couple more seconds, more than feels comfortable.
I blow out my breath. “My friend thinks you’re cute.”
He laughs in surprise. “Is that a pick-up line?”
“No.” I glance at him. “She literally does think that.”
“Okay.” Another pause. “My dad thinks your music taste sucks.”
I glance over at my cd collection, which is now in an unorganised pile on my desk, compliments to Nic’s father. “Mm.”
“It’s not bad, though,” he offers. “I love Chase Atlantic.”
I raise an eyebrow, and meet his eyes. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmmm. Vibes, Into It, Friends, Meddle About, CALL ME BACK, Church, some of my favourite songs ever.”
I make an impressed face. “Okay, okay. I’ll accept that.”
“The other stuff though?” He makes a face. “Taylor Swift? Really?”
I sit up. “Yes. Taylor Swift really.” I grab my notebook out of my bag and relax onto my pillows. “Now shh while I write this idea down.”
He suddenly looks interested. “You write?”
“No, no,” he tries to backtrack. “I mean, I write too. That’s why I’m here. To study writing.”
I look at him over the top of my notebook. “You? A writer?” i don’t mean to sound incredulous, but I probably do.
He nods sincerely. “I love to write. What kind of things do you write?”
“Umm…” I stare up at the ceiling. “All kinds. Poetry, fiction, lyrics, fanfiction, essays, critiques, anything really. I just love anything to do with words and writing.” I swing my legs over the side of my bed, facing him. “What about you?”
“Me too. Anything.”
I nod. “Can I read something of yours sometime?”
He shoots me a crooked smile. “Only if I can read yours.”
We shake hands, and I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t flutter a little.
It’s been six weeks of sharing a dorm with Nic Sheff, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love every second.
Turns out, he’s amazing. At like, everything. His writing is incredible, at least the little I’ve seen so far. He can skateboard like nobody’s business. He can sing, speak French, and apparently, braid hair. (I know from experience, trust me on this).
“Hey, tresses,” Nic says, throwing his backpack on the floor, and himself on my bed.
I was at my desk, trying to study. “Hey,” I reply absentmindedly.
“You got class this afternoon?” he asks.
“Same one as me?”
“Y/n…” he whines, picking up my Spider-Man squishmallow and throwing it at me. “Pay attention to me.”
I glance up. “What?”
“Do you have the poetry class in twenty minutes? The one we both take?” He asks the question slowly.
I read my timetable quickly. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
“Okay. Let’s go then, it’s a bit of a walk and we do not want to be late.”
I shut my laptop. “Fine. Let’s go then.”
He jokingly offers me his arm, and instead of taking it like a lady, I hit him. “Ow, y/n!” he complains.
I giggle. “Come on, Nic. We don’t wanna be late.” I mimic his earlier words.
He rolls his eyes. “You’re awful, tresses.”
“You love me.”
He doesn’t reply to that.
“Alright, Mr Steff, would you like to read your poem aloud now?” Mr Day asks the boy.
Nic glances nervously at me, for some reason, then stands as he nods at our teacher. “Yes, sir.”
He unfolds a crumpled piece of paper, clears his throat, and licks his lips in the cute way he always does when he’s worried or nervous.
“Mon amour,
Oh, how I adore you.
The way you make me feel, my love,
it’s like I’d give anything for one of your smiles.
The fact that I can’t say ‘je vous aime’,
well, ça me tue à l’intérieur.
j’ai été enchanté de te rencontrer,
mon amour.
je pense que tu es á ma place.
Mon amour,
Oh, how I adore you.
Je vous aime.”
A brief silence follows Nic’s poem, then a round of applause, louder than any I’d heard here before.
He looks at me, and for a split second I don’t know why. Then it clicks.
“Me?” I ask weakly. “You wrote that… for me?”
He smiles shyly. “I love you.”
The whole class cheers, and we get another round of applause.
My mouth is open, and my heart is racing, but I know I want to say it too. But for some reason, when I open my mouth, the words won’t come out. So I do the only other thing I can think of.
I stand up, grab Nic by the collar, and pull him into a kiss.
The cheering gets a whole lot louder after that.
“My love,
Oh, how I adore you.
The way you make me feel, my love,
it’s like I’d give anything for one of your smiles.
The fact that I can’t say ‘I love you’,
Well, it kills me inside.
I was enchanted to meet you,
my love.
I think you belong with me.
My love,
Oh, how I adore you.
I love you.”
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rafesdrew · 2 months
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 so american ·˚ ༘
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warnings ! near car crash? few swear words, pogues & kooks are friends! kelce and topper and dicks. um idk what else actually lmk if there’s anything i should add !! could be mistakes it’s too late for this😭
rafe x british!reader AGAIN!
drivin’ on the right-side road
“can i please drive today, rafe!” you excitedly came downstairs wearing your adidas campus instead of your usual heels.
“i don’t feel like dying today, angel!” rafe said in the same excited voice, mocking you.
“oh come on! it will be fun, i promise.” you said now feeling him up in order to get your way.
“fine.” he let out in defeat, connecting your lips and handing you his keys.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
“i thought you said this would be fun, y/n?!” rafe said holding onto the door and his seat belt.
“what do you mean? i’m always fu-“
“Y/N YOU’RE ON THE WRONG FUCKING SIDE” rafe screamed cutting you off as a car came, having to turn the wheel towards the correct lane.
“oops?” you let out a laugh at rafe’s terrified face.
“you are never driving again.”
he says i’m pretty wearin’ his clothes
you were getting ready for a beach day with your friends, a weekly occurrence during the summer. you were applying your spf in rafe’s bathroom when he came in grumpily with his bed hair.
“you better get ready before we are late, love.” you laughed at him as he wrapped his arms around your waist nearly falling asleep on your shoulder.
“hmmmm i’m so tired.” he kissed your neck before leaving to his closet.
he came back in 5 minutes later dressed into only swimming trunks and no shirt, but yet holding one.
“you gonna wear this?” he said passing you his white button up shirt for you to wear as a bikini cover knowing that’s what you usually do, still not use to the hot weather after moving.
you immediately put it on after he handed it to you, placing your sunglasses on your head before checking yourself in the mirror for the last time.
“you look so pretty, especially in my clothes. you’re so beautiful angel.” rafe said spinning you around, placing a kiss on your lips.
and he’s got hands that make hell seem cold
watching the sunset on the beach and then spending the rest of your night driving around with your perfect boyfriend in the front seat of his car, listening to the music you wanted, there’s nothing that can make it unenjoyable.
except for when you regret wearing shorts.
rafe noticed the goose bumps on your thighs immediately.
he reached over the middle console and placed his hand on your thigh in an attempt to warm your legs up as well as turning the warm air on.
“how the fuck are your hands so warm?”
feet on the dashboard, he’s like a poem i wish i wrote, i wish i wrote
when he laughs at all my jokes
you, rafe, sarah, topper, kelce, jj and pope were sat at dinner at the country club finishing up on your meal.
“so i got card for the meal and cash for the tip.” you said to the server.
well rafe’s card. he refused to let you use your own.
while the server processed the card, you handed them two twenty dollar bills.
“that’s fake by the way” you laughed while the table including the server just started at you.
well except rafe who was giggling.
and he (she) says i’m so american
“i don’t understand rafe. it’s our language, we are correct, it’s a fucking CRISP.” you and rafe were sat on your bed after just coming home from the store with your snacks.
“angel, it’s a chip.” he said laughing, kissing your temple”
“god rafe, why are you so american.”
oh god, it’s just not fair of him to make me feel this much
you, sarah and kie were in sarah’s living room gossiping about everyone and everything.
“he just makes me so happy, this is seriously the happiest i’ve ever been in my life. baldie really makes me smile” you said laughing and also smiling at the thought of your boyfriend.
rafe stood in the door way of his living room listening to you speak about him with an uncontrollable smile, while also rubbing his head to the use of ‘baldie’.
i’ll go anywhere he goes
“are we going to the party?” you asked rafe needing an answer soon to know if you should start getting ready or not.
“up to you.” he said unbothered, despite it being his best friends party. “i’ll go anywhere you go.” he added.
and he says i’m so american
oh god i’m gonna marry him if he keeps this shit up
you were laying in bed from your uncontrollable period pain, nothing was working!
when you had to cancel plans on rafe, he was so worried.
he ran to the store immediately, texting sarah and asking her for help.
he chose chocolate, tampons, ice cream, crisps!!!! (chips) and also got you takeout.
when he came into your room holding the goods with a huge smile on his face, you took one look at him before crying.
he placed the things on the floor and immediately rushed over to you.
“what’s wrong baby, is it me?”
hearing him say that made you cry even more.
“i’m gonna fuckin’ marry you, if you keep this up.”
i might just be in lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love
you were sat at the beach having a picnic that rafe so kindly set up after you mentioned it one time weeks ago.
you watched him stare out at the sea infront of you, looking so peaceful.
“i think im in love with you.” you said out of no where, even shocking yourself.
god i’m so boring and i’m so rude
“rafe why don’t you come to a party get high, get bitc-“
“don’t finish that sentence, you know i’m with y/n.” rafe said cutting topper off angrily.
“but she’s so boring!” topped exclaimed.
“and she’s rude, all she ever does is swear.”
“i don’t give a fuck. stop speaking about her, the both of you. don’t even look at her again.” rafe said before storming off.
can’t have a conversation if it’s not all about you
“and so like the other day rafe and i, we we-“
“y/n. we have been at this table for two hours, you’ve ate nothing and just talked about rafe.” your mother cut you off leaving you with a frown on your face.
the way you dress and the books you read
you walked into rafe’s backyard to see him laying on a sun lounger, book in hand as he focuses on the words.
he’s wearing a blue and white stripped button up shirt and navy shorts. he smiles as he looks up and stares at you, as you make your way over.
you gave him a big smile and straddled his lap, putting his book mark into his page dropping his book onto the floor.
“my god you look so good.” you said kissing him hard.
i really love my bed, but, man, it’s hard to sleep when he’s with me
after spending what felt like a month in rafe’s house, you both decided to go to your house, and you couldn’t lie, you were excited to get to your own bed.
that night rafe had took all the blanket from you causing you to freeze and unable to sleep.
“rafe i am gonna kill you, please give me blanket.” you said to basically yourself as he spread out, snoring annoyingly and taking even more of the blanket.
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harrysfolklore · 1 year
hey bff can you do a insta blurb with a non binary person and harry 🫶🏻 could be any non binary face claim i’m not picky THANK YOUUU
ahhh here it is ! ex!yn inspired by kill bill by sza, i hope you like it, let the know your thoughts !
if you want exclusive blurbs, tropes and polls SUBSCRIBE TO MY PATREON
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by mileycyrus, jorjasmith_ and 2,028,976 others
yourinstagram if i can’t have you no one should
view all 78,927 comments
ynfan1 SLAY
dualipa my best friend is gorgeous 🤍
ynfan2 they’re the hottest ever
ynfan3 is this shadeeee
dojacat 🔥🔥
harryfan1 them posting this when harry is dating someone else? i call shade
ynfan4 new song ??
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 3,093 others
harryupdates Harry and Olivia at a farmers market today!
view all 926 comments
harryfan1 aweeee
harryfan2 i don’t like this i miss yn
↳ harryfan3 they broke up move on
harryfan4 cuties <3
ynfan1 anyway
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liked by dualipa, bellahadid and 2,986,008 others
yourinstagram i might kill my ex, not the best idea. his new girlfriend's next, how'd I get here?
coming soon 👀
view all 80,873 comments
mileycyrus YES 🔥
harryfan1 harry and olivia should consider witness protection
ynfan3 they’re really going to release a song about murdering their ex and his new gf SO CHAOTIC
harryfan2 just shady and for what
theestallion No one is readyyy
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liked by jefezoff, lizzobeeating and 2,313,461 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Los Angeles XI. November, 2022.
view all 49,938 comments
harryfan1 my babyyyyy
harris_reed My little star ❤️
ynfan1 oh look yn hasn’t unalived him yet
oliviawilde 😍
↳ harryfan2 ew
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liked by tinashe, steve.lacy and 3,102,827 others
yourinstagram KILL BILL the lead single from my third album is out now 🖤🖤
view all 87,027 comments
selenagomez So excited 🔥🔥
theweeknd So proud of you my friend ❤️
harryfan1 the lyrics 😳😳😳
harryfan2 they’re being so bitter and shady over harry being happy.. disappointing
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liked by ynfan1, ynfan2 and 5,093 others
ynupdates Kill Bill full lyrics !
view all 994 comments
ynfan2 they ate and left no crumbs
harryfan1 im worried about harry
harryfan2 @oliviawilde @harrystyles you should fly out of the country
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 3,863 others
harrysposting yn is being so shady in their new song and for what ??? them and harry broke up two years ago and he moved on unlike them 🤷‍♀️
view all 863 comments
harryfan1 agreed
harryfan2 idk, at the end of the day they’re a singer just like harry is and they write about their personal experiences
ynfan1 you harry fans act as it he didn’t release songs about yn and their relationship in his new album
ynfan2 so harry can drop songs like little freak where he talks about their breakup but yn can’t do the same thing ?? okay
harryfan3 the song will flop anyway
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liked by harryfan1, ynfan1 and 102,973 others
deuxmoi Trouble in paradise? Months of messy, embarrassing headlines about their personal lives, have started to take its toll on the couple.
Styles and Wilde, accompanied by a group of friends, attended a Wolf Alice concert in Los Angeles Wednesday night.
Concert-goers shared photos and videos of the couple on Twitter, the “Don’t Worry Darling” stars rarely interacted — despite the fact they sat next to one another at the show. The perceived distance between the couple might have been due to Harry’s ex, YN, recent single “Kill Bill” which lyrics were explicitly about the couple.
view all 43,037 comments
harryfan1 OH
harryfan2 please this is a reach
ynfan1 it’s not yn’s fault that their relationship is going downhill 🤷‍♀️
harryfan3 fuck yn
↳ ynfan2 keep their name out of your mouth
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liked by florencepugh, dojacat and 2,985,873 others
yourinstagram THANK YOU for making kill bill the #1 song in the world ! music video coming soon 🥲🤍
view all 75,837 comments
arianagrande 🔥🔥
harryfan1 bestie save us from olivia’s shackles
ynfan2 imagine being this iconic
steve.lacy Yoooo🤍
gemmachan I love you ❤️
harryfan2 don’t kill your ex please
ynfan3 they’re the moment
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liked by ynfan1, ynfan2 and 5,027 others
ynupdates YN at Harry Styles show in Los Angeles tonight !
view all 1,002 comments
ynfan1 PAUSE ???
harryfan1 olivia is there with the kids 💀
harryfan2 SO MESSY
ynfan3 they’re going to unalive harry and olivia and livestream it and that’s going to be the kill bill music video
harryfan3 what does this mean 😭
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liked by jefezoff, paulithepsm and 3,155,317 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Los Angeles XII. November, 2022.
view all 79,827 comments
harryfan1 MY BABYYYYY
paulithepsm immaculate
ynfan1 good to know he’s still alive after yn attended his concert
annetwist ❤️❤️
harryfan2 yn fans get out of his comment section
harryfan3 olivia didn’t like or comment this 👀
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 192,927 others
people Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde are hitting the brakes on their romance.
The “As It Was” singer and the “Don’t Worry Darling” director are taking a break from their relationship after nearly two years together. Tap our bio link for more details.
view all 28,836 comments
harryfan1 OH
ynfan1 interesting 😳😳
harryfan2 they looked happy together :( i hope harry is okay
ynfan2 kill bill impact ??
ynfan3 this happening when kill bill is the #1 song in the world is just so funny
↳ ynfan4 them attending his show was his last straw
harryfan4 SINGLERRY
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liked by theestallion, arianagrande and 3,021,983 others
yourinstagram rather be in hell than alone 😊
view all 79,873 comments
zendaya they’re an icon they’re a legend and they’re the moment
harryfan1 it was their plan right 💀
iamhalsey ❤️
florencepugh 👀
harryfan2 not thisss
harrystyles wants to send you a direct message
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taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci i @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs s @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @eviesaurusrex @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @harrybabyyyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things @juiceboxrry @lomlolivia @itsgigikay @goldensstateofgrace
1K notes · View notes
tonyspank · 10 months
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, threesome, idk what else
Words: 5.8k
A/N: i dont know what to say
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series masterlist | main masterlist | previous chapter | drabble 1
"Hey, Olivia! Wait up." Eli says, jogging to the girl's side as she walks to her next class. Olivia smiled and slowed her pace. "What's up?" she asked, confused by the fact Eli was approaching her as it's normally the other way around. Eli hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I was wondering if you're okay... I haven't really talked to you in a while."
Olivia looks around, letting out a, "Um..." Eli twists his lips, adjusting his bookbag straps. Olivia sighed. "I'm alright," she said, before giving Eli a small smile. "I've just been thinking about how one-sided everything was, you know?" Eli didn't need any other clues about what Olivia was talking about. It was obvious she was talking about you.
"I just find it immature and rude about how she couldn't have said something earlier. It's like she was trying to make me feel unwanted," Olivia continued. Eli nodded in a frown apparent on his face, "I'm sorry, Liv."
"It's alright," Olivia said. "I just wish she had been honest with me from the start. That would have been the mature thing to do." Eli nodded in agreement. He knew he couldn't change the situation, but he wanted to do something to help.
"Let me take you out for some ice cream. What do you say?" Olivia smiled, her bright eyes twinkling in the light. "Um...sure. I guess." She says, breathing out a small laugh.
Eli laughs as well, his face heating up from the sound she made. "Here, let me walk you to class." He held out his hand, and Olivia took it, a smile blooming on her face. He smiled back, feeling a warmth in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long time. They slowly made their way to class, content in the silence between them.
You and Eli were now at practice, doing a 1v1 drill your coach had suggested for the two of you. You take a step back, pump-faking before shooting the shot, which goes in successfully. Eli's face is blank and you're a bit concerned, he hasn't said anything this entire practice. You hand him the ball, a furrow in your brows. "E, what's wrong?"
Eli sighs, avoiding your gaze. "Why haven't you talked to Olivia yet?" He finally looks up, his expression softening. "That's pretty fucked up man. She was like for real sad about what's been going on between you two."
You look down, feeling ashamed. "I know, I just don't know what to say," you mumble. Eli looks at you sympathetically and says, "It's ok, just be honest with her. She deserves that much." You take a deep breath and nod, getting into position to guard Eli.
He looks at you for a few seconds before dribbling the ball. "I'll talk to her tomorrow." You say as Eli shoots it, swishing the shot. "No, talk to her today. You keep delaying it and never end up doing it." He grabs the rebound, standing in front of you.
You grab the ball from him, shrugging him off and walking behind the three-point line. You run to the paint for a layup but Eli blocks it, staring you down the entire time. "I'm being serious, Y/N."
You take a step back and feel your blood starting to rise. "I said I will." He stares at you, "And I said do it today. Not tomorrow." You scoff at his word choices and tone, "Why are you acting like my father?"
He narrows his eyes and steps closer. "And why are you acting like an asshole? How fucking hard is it to say two words?" You don't answer, you just turn and leave the gym, grabbing your bag as you exit. He doesn't call after you, and you don't look back, but you can feel his eyes on your back until you're out of sight.
You head home feeling frustrated and angry. You arrive home and sit on the couch, still replaying the scene in your head. You take a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. You know he was right, but you're still angry.
"You okay?" You hear Jenna ask, walking into the living room. You take another deep breath and nod. "Yeah, I'll be okay," you say, forcing a smile. Jenna places a hand on your shoulder, leaning down and placing a quick kiss on your lips.
She squeezes your shoulder and stands up, a smile on her face. "Jenna! What if Jacob walked in here," you whisper yell, looking to see if he was present or not. Jenna just chuckles and shakes her head, rolling her eyes. "Jacob is on a Zoom call for some meeting." You relax, a small smile forming on your lips.
You pull Jenna down, bringing her into a more intense kiss. Jenna wraps her arms around your neck, the two of you melting into each other. You pull away, breathless, and look into each other's eyes, smiling as your hearts beat fast. "Emma invited us to her place."
You hum, scanning her outfit. "Is that why you're wearing this yellow dress?" Jenna blushes, her cheeks turning a light pink. "Yes," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "I hoped you'd like it."
Your hands reach out and take her hands in yours. "I love it," you say, smiling. "It's beautiful, just like you."  Jenna's cheeks turn even pinker, and a smile spreads across her face. She looks up at you, her eyes shining with joy. You lean in and kiss her softly. "Let me just shower then we can go."
She nods and you hurry off to the bathroom. You quickly get cleaned up and head back out to the living room, where Jenna is waiting. You both smile at each other and head out the door, hand-in-hand, ready for a night of fun and adventure.
When you arrived at Emma's house you were greeted with a hug and smile, and you both head inside. Emma's outfit was stunning and you could tell she was excited to spend time with you. You all settled into the living room. Emma pours three glasses of her favorite wine.
You furrow your eyebrows as she hands you one. "I'm underage." Emma laughs giving you a wink. "Don't worry, I won't tell," she said. You smile and take a sip, feeling the warmth of the wine as it ran down your throat.
Jenna smiles at you through her glass, her eyes twinkling with amusement. That's when you felt the tension in the room. It felt like you were left out of something. You look back and forth between her and Emma, trying to figure out what was going on. Jenna places down her glass as Emma turns down the music that's been playing for a short period of time.
Emma clears her throat and begins to speak. "Do you like your wine?" she says, a smile creeping across her face. "Mhm, it's pretty good. I haven't had it before." Emma and Jenna exchange a knowing glance and Jenna smiles standing up from the other couch.
Jenna walks over to you and sits down beside you, pressing a kiss onto your neck. She takes the glass of wine from your hand, setting it aside. She reaches up, gently cupping your face in her hands, and bringing your lips to hers. The two of them kiss tenderly, the taste of the wine still on your tongues.
You pull away glancing at Emma who smiles in response, walking over to sit down on the opposite side of you. Jenna leans into your ear, whispering. "Emma and I wanna share you. Are you up for that?" You feel a rush of excitement at the thought of having both Emma and Jenna's attention. You turn to Jenna and give a nod, and they both break into wide grins.
Jenna and Emma exchange a glance before Jenna leans in closer and lightly kisses your cheek. You blush in response while Emma places a few kisses on your neck. You close your eyes and savor the moment, enjoying the warmth of their affection.
Emma runs her fingers through your hair, sending a shiver down your spine. Jenna's hand begins unbuttoning your shirt, while Emma's hand slides up your thigh. You can barely contain your excitement as their touch sends sparks through your body. They lean away from you, facing each other before their lips meet in a passionate embrace.
They break away, exchanging a look of desire, before turning back to you. "Let's move to my room," Emma says, standing up from the couch. You nod eagerly, standing up and following them. Your heart races as you make your way to the bedroom, anticipation coursing through your veins. You can hardly believe what's about to happen and Jenna was so okay with the idea.
You enter the room, the door closing behind you. You look around, taking in the sight of the bedroom before finally turning back to Emma and Jenna. You take a deep breath, your heart pounding in your chest as you take the first step forward. "Why are you being so shy?" Jenna teases, a small smile on her lips. You furrow your eyebrows, your own lips curving up. "Um...I'm not shy."
Jenna laughed, her smile widening. Emma stepped forward and put her hand on your shoulder. "We know you're not shy. Let's just have some fun, okay?" She said and you nodded, finally feeling a little more relaxed.
You take off all your in a rush, almost falling over before your hands reach out to the women in front of you, undressing them with ease. You felt your heart pounding in your chest, but you pushed your fear aside and embraced the moment.
You carefully removed the last piece of clothing and stepped away to admire your work. They both giggles, turning around and teasing you as they finally stood naked in front of you.
You smiled and admired their beauty, crouching down in front of their asses. "I don't even know where to begin..." Jenna giggles, biting her lip. "You should see Emma's face right now. She's basically begging for it." She turns to Emma, giving her a wink. Emma blushes, her heart racing. She can feel the anticipation building up inside her.
You place a hand on Emma's hip, licking her wetness from behind. Emma gasps in pleasure as you start flicking your tongue around wildly. You can feel Emma's body trembling as you keep licking her.
Her muscles start tensing up and her breathing becomes heavier. Emma lets out a loud moan of pleasure as you continue to pleasure her while Jenna smiles at her reaction, finding this a bit too interesting.
Emma is now on the edge, unable to take any more pleasure as you continue to lick her. Suddenly, she comes in a powerful wave of pleasure. "Shit! I'm cumming!" Jenna watches as Emma breathes heavily, enjoying the afterglow of her orgasm. Jenna smiles, feeling proud of you for making Emma come. "Good job, baby. Emma has never had an orgasm from just oral before."
You smile, feeling satisfied with yourself. Emma looks behind at you with a satisfied expression, her eyes twinkling. While Jenna shakes her ass in your face, "Let's see if you can go two for two." You let out a small laugh before placing both your hands on Jenna's ass, spreading them apart before you slip your tongue inside her, feeling her wetness as she lets out a pleasured moan.
You slide your hands around her hips and pull her closer as you keep thrusting your tongue inside of her. Emma places a hand on Jenna's stomach, watching her reaction. Jenna's eyes are shut tight, her mouth agape. Jenna's breathing is becoming labored as she lets out a moan. "Y/N..."
"You heard that? She likes it, Y/N. Keep going." Emma smiles, her face alight with pleasure as she watches Jenna. Your hands slide up across Jenna's body, eliciting more moans from the woman in your arms. Emma takes a step back, watching as Jenna bites down on her lip, balling her fist up.
Jenna's body trembles as you keep going, the pleasure so intense that it's almost too much for her. She lets out a long, loud moan as you reach the peak, and her body is wracked with pleasure. "Fuckkkkk!"
Jenna collapses into your arms, her body still trembling with pleasure. You hold her close, the two of you basking in the afterglow. Emma looks on, a satisfied smirk on her face. Jenna pulls away, her cheeks flushed with pleasure. She looks into your eyes and plants a gentle kiss on your lips. You feel a warmth in your chest, a feeling of contentment and joy. Emma smiles at the two of you, her eyes sparkling with delight.
"Two for two!" You laugh a goofy smile on your lips. Jenna playfully rolls her eyes, lifting herself up from you. "Have you ever gotten a rimjob?" You shake your head at Emma's question. Emma laughs, winking at Jenna. "No one has eaten my chocolate dropper." You tell Emma and Jenna's face scrunches up in response.
Jenna and Emma laugh, with Emma lightly punching you in the arm. "You're outrageous," Jenna says, shaking her head. The girls both drop to their knees, Emma behind you and Jenna in front of you.
Jenna grabs your dick, stroking you a bit, holding eye contact. Emma slides her hands down your back before, grabbing a hold of your ass. Jenna starts to move her hand faster, causing you to moan in pleasure. "That feels so good, Jen."
Emma takes the opportunity to stick her tongue into your rear end, causing you to gasp in surprise. "Woah!" Jenna laughs at your reaction. "How is it?" You shake your head, trying to think of the right words. "It's...something. It's not bad!"
Jenna giggles before taking you into her mouth. You feel a wave of pleasure rush through your body as Jenna begins bopping her head, almost taking all of you into her mouth.
You can feel Emma's tongue lapping against your bottom and a moan escapes your lips as Jenna increases her tempo. All too soon, Jenna pulls away, leaving you panting and wanting more. She looks up at you with a satisfied smirk and you know that you'll never forget this moment. You take a few moments to recover, before turning to Emma with a smile. "That was something else."
Emma just laughs as Jenna says, "Get on the bed." You eagerly hop onto the bed, lying on your back. Emma and Jenna join you on the bed, arching their backs as their mouth makes its way to your penis.
Emma and Jenna take turns licking your penis with their tongues, teasing your most sensitive parts. They move their mouths up and down the length of your shaft, letting their tongues swirl around the head of your penis. "Shit," You grab the sheet under you, unable to contain your pleasure.
They pull away and Jenna holds you by your balls. "I wanna see you suck her off." She says to Emma. Emma takes you into her mouth, sucking hard on your cock as Jenna watches. Jenna's eyes light up with pleasure as she watches Emma pleasure you.
She takes her hand and guides Emma's head, pushing her down further onto your shaft. You moan in pleasure as Emma moves faster, her lips feeling like silk against your skin.
Jenna can't take her eyes off the sight, her breathing fast and shallow. "I'm so close, shit." You whisper. Jenna smirks at this as Emma lets you go, smiling herself.
"You guys are too much," You mumble out, sitting up on the bed. Jenna laughs, her eyes sparkling. She moves closer to you, her hand tenderly brushing your cheek. "What are you waiting for?" She says, her voice low and quiet. "Come fuck me."
You take her in your arms, and your kiss is full of longing and desire. You lay Jenna on her back and Emma grabs her legs, holding them for her as you enter the brown-haired woman.
You thrust into her slowly, savoring the sensation of being connected to her. Jenna gasps groping herself as her mouth falls open. "Fuck, baby. You're so deep!" You keep thrusting, feeling a wave of pleasure building up inside you.
Emma's blue eyes stare at you, filled with desire. You quicken your pace as your desire intensifies, and you can feel Jenna's body trembling beneath you. Jenna's head throws back in elation, "I'm cumming!"
You let out a deep moan as you watch her cum, as her body shudders with pleasure. Emma wraps a hand around your neck, and you kiss her passionately. Jenna bites her lip at you both, smiling.
You pull away, both of you breathless. You pull out of Jenna with a deep groan before Emma places herself between Jenna's legs. Emma's tongue begins to work its magic as she arches her back into you. Jenna moans and her hips move in rhythm with Emma's motions. You slip inside the woman in front of you, keeping eye contact with Jenna the entire time.
You start thrusting in tandem with Emma, and soon all three of you are caught in a passionate frenzy of pleasure. Jenna's breath comes in gasps and Emma's moans fill the room. "It's so hot watching you fuck her," Jenna gasps out, a loud moaning following.
Jenna's body vibrates as she reaches another climax, Emma following right behind her. Emma collapses against Jenna and you pull out and lay down next to them, all of you panting and sweaty. "You're not tapping out already are you?" Jenna asks teasingly. You immediately shake your head. "Of course...not!" You pant, breathless.
Emma smiles, "I thought you played basketball? Your stamina is pretty shitty." You laugh and sit up, leaning on your arms. "Hey, I'll have you know I'm an unstoppable force on the court!" You reply, grinning. Jenna laughs and rolls her eyes, "Sure you are, champ!"
Jenna brings you into a heated kiss, pressing her body against yours and deepening the kiss. You wrap your arms around her waist and hold her close. Eventually, you break apart, and you both look into each others eyes, both with silly grins on your faces. "Let's prove it," you say, lifting her up on top of you so she can straddle you.
You smile, "I did earlier." Emma shakes her head, laughing. "That was nothing." In sync Jenna lowers herself onto you as Emma sits on your face, facing Jenna. You let out a groan as you feel the two of them on top of you.
The sensation of them both pressed against you is overwhelming. Emma starts to move her hips in a slow circle, pushing her warmth against your face. While Jenna begins rocking her hips, your eyes close and you are lost in the pleasure of the moment. Emma moans and Jenna giggles as the sensations take over.
"She's twitching so much Emma," Jenna giggles, biting down on her lip as she raises her hips. Emma grins and nods as Jenna's hips start to move faster. Your breathing becomes more labored as Jenna's hips continue to move in circles, spelling out a word.
Jenna mumbles something incoherent as she groans out in pleasure, her body shaking as the word is spelled out completely. Emma looks up at you Jenna with a smile, bringing her best friend into a kiss.
Jenna's eyes flutter open as she looks at Emma with a lazy smile, her cheeks flushed. Emma's body starts to shake and soon she lets out a loud moan, a liquid coating your face. Jenna's eyes close again as Emma's body relaxes, a satisfied smile gracing her lips. They remain still for a moment, enjoying the moment of peace and pleasure, before getting up and lying down again. "Cum on our faces, Y/N."
You sit up on your knees, kneeling above the women under you as you stroke yourself, bringing yourself closer to an orgasm. You cry out as you come, your pleasure spilling over the two beautiful women beneath you. They both look up, eyes gleaming in satisfaction, as you lay down between them, letting out a chuckle. "Best. Day. Ever."
They laugh before getting up to clean themselves off, "Guys." You say after them, and they both hum in response. "Let's not tell Eli about this. I think he'll actually murder me." They both nod, agreeing to keep this a secret.
It's been a couple of days since your secret happened, and you were chasing after Olivia in hopes to give her an apology. "Olivia!" You call after the girl. She turns around at the sound of your voice. She smiles and walks back to you. You send her a sad smile, "I just wanted to apologize for um, being childish and not communicating with you about my feelings and intentions." Olivia nods in understanding and reaches out to give you a hug.
You hug back tightly and feel a sense of relief wash over you. "It's okay. I appreciate you for apologizing, I've gotten over it though. I hope we can still be friends." You smile and nod. "Me too, I'd like that." You hug again and then part ways. Olivia waves goodbye and you watch her walk away, feeling a weight of guilt being lifted off your shoulders.
Time to get home.
Meanwhile, Jenna was asleep in bed. She had felt extremely tired this morning so you took the bus to school. Jacob was unaware of her tiredness and he had just gotten off the phone with his boss. Jacob had been given a work assignment that was due at the end of the day, but he wanted to spend some time with his fiancée before he stressed himself out about work.
He crawls into the bed, pressing a kiss onto Jenna's forehead. Jenna stirs, her eyes fluttering open. Jacob smiles and leans down, pressing a kiss on her lips, but before their lips meet Jenna places a hand on his chest, pushing him back.
She looks up at him, her eyes still heavy with sleep. "Good morning," she says, her voice still thick with sleep. Jacob just smiles, leaning in for another kiss. She turns her hand, covering her mouth as she yawns.
"Why do you keep ducking my kisses?" Jacob laughs. He straddles the girl, smiling. "I'm in the mood and I miss you." She shakes her head, "I'm not in the mood, sorry Jacob." He sighs and sits up, looking away. "I understand, but it just seems like you're never in the mood. We haven't seen each other in months." She sits up in the bed. "I'm just tired."
Jacob caresses her face and gently kisses her forehead. "What's wrong?" She takes a deep breath and tears begin forming in her eyes. She turns away and begins crying. Jacob wraps his arms around her, holding her close. "It's ok, I'm here for you. You can tell me anything."
She takes another deep breath, "Jacob...I think I'm pregnant." Jacob sits in shock before pulling away from her. His mouth starts forming a wide smile. He looks into her eyes and says, "This is the best news I've ever heard. We're going to be parents." She looks up at him, her eyes still filled with tears. Jacob gently takes her face in his hands and wipes away her tears. "I'm going to be a dad!"
He stares at Jenna, noticing the sad look in her eyes. And that's when the realization hits. His happy face turns into shock and then anger. He lets go of her and takes a step back. "What have you done?" he says in a stern voice. "You—You really cheated on me?!"
Jenna starts to cry, and she hangs her head in shame. "I'm sorry," she whispers. He shakes his head in disbelief. "I can't fucking believe you!"
You walk through the front door, bopping your head as your headphones blast at full volume, unaware of the argument going on upstairs. Jenna looks up at him, tears streaming down her face. She quickly gets up from the bed rushing downstairs. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Jacob yells after her, following her downstairs.
Jenna ignores him, rushing to the kitchen looking for her keys. She grabs her keys and turns to face him. "I'm leaving," she says, her voice shaking. "I cheated on you, Jacob. It's clear we're not happy anymore." Jacob stares at her, stunned. He's speechless as she turns away, but stops her, harshly grabbing her wrist.
"Let me go," Jenna says, her voice barely a whisper. He stares into her eyes, his grip tightening. "I won't let you go," he says. "I won't let you leave me like this."
Jenna struggles to break free, but his grip is too tight. She looks into his eyes, pleading for him to let her go. His face softens and he lets her go, "Jenna, please."
A hand runs through his hair. "I don't care if you cheated! I love you, okay? Stay with me, please? I came here so we could fix things, didn't I? So, let's fix it!" She stepped closer, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice trembling. "I don't love you anymore. This isn't healthy Jacob."
Jacob's face fell, his eyes widening in disbelief. He stepped away, the hurt evident in his expression. "But I thought... I thought you said you still loved me." She shook her head sadly. "I did, but things have changed. I can't do this anymore." She goes to turn away, but Jacob stops her, dropping to his knees.
He reaches for her hand, begging her to stay. "Please, I can't bear to lose you. I love you too much." She looks down at him, her face softens, and then she shakes her head. "It's over, Jacob. I'm sorry." His hand drops to his side. He stares up at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and acceptance. You walk into the kitchen, slowly taking off your headphones. Jacob slowly stands up, turning his head to you.
You look between the two, not knowing what to say. Jacob quickly wipes his face as Jenna makes her way toward you, rubbing a hand on your forearm. "I have to tell you something," Jenna whispers to you, her voice trembling. You can feel her body shaking as she holds onto your arm. "Jenna, what's wrong?" You ask, staring into her brown eyes before looking at Jacob.
Jacob shakes his head, sighing as he rubs his temples. Jenna takes a deep breath and looks away, unable to meet your gaze. "I'm pregnant," she whispers, before burying her face in your shoulder, her body heaving with sobs. You hold her close, unsure of what to say.
You feel her pain and her fear, and you know that everything is going to change. You take a deep breath and whisper "We'll get through this, together."
Jenna nods against your chest, tears still streaming down her face. You gently stroke her hair, letting her know you'll help her along the way, every second. Jacob stares at the two of you, his heart basically shattering.
"It's you..." he mumbles, and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Jenna looks up at Jacob with a teary smile. Her voice was barely a whisper. "Jacob...I'm so sorry." Jacob shakes his head, her temper beginning to rise. Jacob steps back and looks away.
"What happens when she decides you're too much for her and she wants her youth back, huh? You're just creating another you... Making her settle down so young just to end up unhappy. That's supposedly what happened to you, right? What happens when her parents find out?" He says, his voice low and soft, but obviously filled with confusion and anger.
She bites her lip, tears forming in her eyes. "That won't happen," she says firmly. "I love her and I'm not going anywhere." Jacob scoffs, "Jenna you let an eighteen-year-old get you pregnant! She's still in high school!"
Jenna glares at him. "That doesn't matter. We can make this work, I know we can." Jacob shakes his head. "You're delusional." He turns away, unable to watch or listen anymore. Jenna takes a deep breath and watches Jacob leave.
Jacob slams the door, not even going upstairs for his things. You stand there a bit before turning back to Jenna, wiping the tears from her eyes. Jenna takes a few moments to compose herself before turning to you. "I'm sorry for that," she says with a sad smile. You shake your head, your mind on one thing only.
"When did you find out?" Jenna looks away, her voice shaking. "Yesterday," she whispers. "I just didn't know how to tell you." You pull her into a hug, rubbing her back softly. "I'm still shocked we're pregnant."
Jenna looks up at you, a mixture of joy and fear on her face. You kiss her forehead, reassuring her that you are both going to be ok. She takes a deep breath and smiles, knowing that you are in this together.
Here you were, back at your dining room table, except it wasn't as full as it was last time. You, Jenna, Eli, and your parents surrounded it. You told your parents to come home early due to an emergency, and Eli had come over as well due to the fact you texted him an SOS.
You all looked at each other, not quite sure what to say. The only sound was the ticking of the clock, the only movement was the occasional shifting in a chair. Finally, Jenna spoke up, breaking the silence.
"I have some news..." Your eyes glance at Jenna before staring at your parents. There's no way she's not going to ease her way into this? "Me and Jacob have split." Your parents' eyes widened in surprise, unsure of what to say. There was a moment of stunned silence.
Your mom was the first one to speak, "Oh honey, I'm so sorry." Your dad cleared his throat, grabbing Jenna's hand. Jenna gave your dad's hand a gentle squeeze before speaking up, "It'll be alright, I wasn't happy anyway."
Eli mumbles something only you can hear, "Good riddance." You look at Eli, shaking your head at him. You turn away from Eli, not wanting to see the smug look on his face. You take a deep breath and look around the room, feeling the tension in the air.
You can see the worry and sadness on your parent's faces, and you know that worry is going to change into confusion and anger once Jenna tells them you got her pregnant.
You take a deep breath and try to prepare for the inevitable storm that's coming. You know this situation will change everything and you're not sure if it will be for the better. "Are you okay?" Your dad asks, his eyebrows pushed together. Jenna nods, "Yeah. I'm fine. Y/N has been there for me."
Jenna gives your dad a reassuring smile as your mom sends you a tight-lipped smile in appreciation, you nod back at her, but your heart is racing. "We uh, actually have something to tell you." Jenna's gaze drops to her hand that's engulfed in your dad's, biting her lip.
Your dad glances at your mom confused, smiling. "What is it?" Eli's eyes widen as he realizes what Jenna's about to admit. "Y/N and I are... um... we're dating." Jenna smiles nervously, awaiting his response. Your parents exchange looks before your dad speaks. "Well, that's unexpected," he says with a chuckle. "Ummmm..." Your mom says, letting out her own laugh.
"But if you two are happy, then that's all that matters," your dad continues. Your mom nods in agreement, a smile on her face. "It's unexpected, but if you guys take it slow, then we can support you both." They exchange a glance and you can tell that they are both in agreement. You scratch your nose, "We have more news too..."
Your parents look at each other, a mix of surprise and anticipation in their eyes. "What is it?" your mom asks. You take a deep breath and tell them the rest. "Jenna is... Jenna's pregnant, and I'm the parent."
They both looked stunned. "What are you going to do?" your dad asked. You took a deep breath and said, "We'll figure it out together." Your mom shakes her head, "Honey. Listen to me, you're in high school, okay? You have many more years to have a baby! Right now you need to focus on basketball and your education."
You looked at them both and sighed. "I know," you said. "But we're going to keep it." Your dad nodded his head, not knowing what else to say. But your mom finds the words for him, "What are you going to do? Drop out of school?" You shook your head. "No, I'm going to find a way to make it work."
Jenna places a hand on your thigh. " We'll figure it out together, don't worry." You smiled at her, grateful for her support. You looked at your parents, determined to make it through this. "I'm taking responsibility guys." Jenna squeezed your thigh, nodding in agreement. Your parents shared a look before they both sighed in relief.
Your dad stands up, his chair screeching against the tile. "I need a quick breather." Your mom watches him walk away, frowning at you. "Y/N, we worked hard so you could be the opposite of us. We wanted you to go big places with your opportunities." She sighed and shook her head. "I just want you to remember that." She turns around, following your dad.
You glance at Eli, completely forgetting he was here. He's been staring at the two of you with a blank face, not moving a muscle. You feel a lump in your throat, and you don't know why you're feeling so emotional.
Eli quickly gets up wrapping his hands around your throat playfully, shaking your body. He laughs, and you can't help but laugh too. You hug him tightly, grateful for his presence. "I'm going to be an uncle!"
You smile and look into Eli's eyes, seeing the joy that has been missing for so long. He smiles back, and you know that things will be alright. You also know Eli would be the perfect uncle to your child.
"Have you thought of names?" Eli's face lights up and he starts listing off names he likes. You can't help but smile. Jenna playfully rolls her eyes at your best friend, calming herself down from the conversation she just had with your parents. "But like really! Kian is a cute name. It means king or like the grace of god." You furrow your eyebrows, "What if it's a girl?"
"Kia! Duh!" Jenna starts to laugh. Eli joins in, and soon the three of you are in an uncontrollable fit of laughter. You can't help but appreciate the silly moment, and you feel your worries start to fade away.
taglist - @alexkolax @raven-ss @godsfavouritelesbiann @jennasslut @niqmandu @amburntfreeman @returnnofdamac @starry-night17 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @morganismspam23 @tai-hdg @crazyoffher2
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thenewrises · 5 months
more tidbits! (18+ MDNI)
what do i do while i sit here with pre-tattoo anxiety (i’m excited i promise i just hate needles)? make another post about my other thoughts i’ve had during the week tee hee. this is mostly just my inner monologue to get the brain going, so don’t take everything too seriously.
also even though it was only small attention, i’m glad people enjoyed my first post! i appreciate it and if you haven’t read that post, you can find it here! i talk about ren’s name, backstory, and the playlist associations! :)
The official 14DWY blog is @14dayswithyou
1. Picture!
discussing a picture saint posted a year and a half ago, there are some little points in it i was curious about, but mainly one:
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- it’s not V or El as mentioned by saint, but they have light colored hair
- could be kiara mostly due to hair color but ehhhh unlikely
- could be jae-hyun but his natural hair color looks to be black so depends on the timing of the photo (also he is so suspicious to me dog)
- ren has some kind of big vendetta against said person due to all the x’s on the face
- i don’t think ren’s sister has blonde hair but also a possibility????
- might be someone we haven’t met yet! or don’t know about!
and if anyone was curious about the binary code:
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“hey angel. what are you doing? why are you typing this?”
(ren. when i catch you ren…)
2. The other killer!
as mentioned, there are two killers in Corland Bay! and i have a fewwwww ideas about them from context clues and characterizations.
- possibly leon, seems to be confirmed he has some… yandere tendencies…
- jae-hyun could work as a possible accomplice, idk jae-hyun has grown mad fishy to me in my little searches
- MAYBE conan through blackmail due to association with mobs BUT idk enough about him and it seems unlikely but not off the table
3. Food for thought!
- is it possible that olivia knows ren outside of his haruka persona? in day 3, i got to see her say “your boyfriend ‘Ren’” which made me tilt my head a bit. does she know him somehow? it seems she could because she knows his childhood friend river. idk was an interesting tidbit i saw
- also have we ever considered wondering about ren’s last name? i’m only a little curious but i can’t remember if taylor took ichika’s last name or not but he could have!
me on day 7/8 going through ren’s house and STEALING HIS SS CARD
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ceilidho · 5 months
i saw your post about your recommended nonfiction books and can’t wait to read them! would you happen to have any more you suggest? i love learning about the world and how others perceive it ❤️
oh yes i have sooooo many nonfiction recs......it's probably my favourite genre tbh, i try to always read 1 non-fiction for every fiction book i read.
"a natural history of love" and "a natural history of the senses" by diane ackerman. i'm also currently reading her book "the moon by whalelight (and other adventures among bats, penguins, crocodilians, and whales)". she is the most evocative nonfiction writer on planet earth.
i recommended this in my last list but "underland" by robert macfarlane.
"everybody: a book about freedom" by olivia laing - a very good book by a very good writer. queer history, gay liberation, women's rights, reproductive rights, what does it mean for a body to be 'free'.
mary roach, overall, is a very good and very funny non-fiction writer. i've read "spook" (about ghosts and the afterlife) and "fuzz" (about animals and the law) so far, both such good books.
"all about love" by bell hooks. tbh anything by bell hooks.
"the body in pain" by elaine scarry. not for everyone. it's a study on torture and pain and how pain makes and unmakes the world. i read it for a paper i had to write in grad school because i've always been interested in literary trauma theory and it was so informative. also, maggie nelson's "the art of cruelty" and susan sontag's "regarding the pain of others".
"freedom is a constant struggle" by angela davis. so much i could say about this book - it's not dense, it tackles so so much like palestine, prison abolition, the anti-apartheid movement in south africa, and so much more.
anything by rebecca solnit, but start with "hope in the dark" or "the mother of all questions".
"SPQR" by mary beard. if you are at all interested in roman history, this is where to start.
"a short history of nearly everything" by bill bryson is also a very good like....introductory / condensed history book. so so interesting!!
now i haven't read this quite yet but i'm soooooo excited to read "the dawn of everything: a new history" by david graeber and david wengrow.
"four lost cities" by annalee newitz. this book looks at the ancient cities of pompeii in italy, çatalhöyük in turkey, cahokai in the americas, and angkor in cambodia, and delves into how people lived in these cities and how they were built and used. very cool!!!
most of these are history or cultural conversations because those are my favourite non-fiction books to read (i'm not really a big memoir/biography girl). i left off some of my favourite literary criticism books because idk how many people care about that, but if you want those recs lmk!
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