#idk this whole labels shit is fucking dumb
leotheflameohotman · 2 months
Is your type brown haired men with purple eyes? Or blonde hair with blue eyes?? 🤨
my type is men.
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I've seen metas about Stede being a coward and I think that, when you're analyzing a show about how there's not just one way to be a man, that misses the point a bit?
like. Stede definitely thinks he's a coward and other people call him a coward. in the same way that Ed thinks he's a monster and other people call him a monster. these are labels that they both grapple with because they don't want them to be true but when people keep telling you over and over that you are [X], then you'll believe it eventually.
and the thing that gets me about Stede is that his cowardice isn't in the areas that his bullies tell him it is. his plan to steal a hostage back from Izzy is dumb, but it's also brave. the man keeps putting himself in physical danger, ALL OF THE TIME. he's naive, but he's also brave.
his decision to go be a pirate is brave, and Ed sees that. I'd even say it's one of the first things he recognizes and likes about Stede. because Ed also wants to change his whole life (but is struggling with actually doing it) and here comes this guy who just went and DID it. what the hell. better talk to that guy, see what he knows. (maybe fall in love with him)
Stede's only a coward when it comes to emotional stuff. there was probably a middle ground between "suffer in this marriage forever" and "run off to be a pirate" but leaving in the middle of the night was a way to escape hard conversations. there was also DEFINITELY a middle ground between "go to China with Ed and be eaten alive by guilt over abandoning his family" and "leave Ed without saying goodbye" but that would have meant talking to Ed about it and my man Stede does not talk about his feelings, wants, or needs. because emotional honesty is scary. (and when you're Stede, emotional honesty has always ended up with getting yelled at, shut down, or worse).
but it's frustrating, because people will say "oh Stede's a coward" and point to all the people saying he is one and Stede himself believing it, and ignore all the times he is shown to be very brave. or they'll say (and this one haunts me) "Stede wasn't bullied as a kid for being obviously queer, he was bullied for being a coward."
and idk dude but I think the point is that sometimes the things we believe about ourselves because we've been told them over and over are just... not true?
your childhood bully wasn't right about you, they were a fucking bully. your shit dad wasn't right about you, he was just shit. these people don't know you and they don't want to know you. their opinions are worse than useless. and Stede's season one arc is about him grappling with that and deciding he isn't a coward, he isn't inadequate, he isn't a waste of space. he is in fact worthy of love. that's the whole point!
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ghouljams · 2 months
Hi friend, it’s been a while. I hope you’re doing well o/
I was reading your headcanons and worldbuilding ideas for a/b/o and they’re so refreshing ! It actually gave me a few ideas, inspired by our own world. Wholesome, but realistic too. I hope it’s okay for me to share them with you, I’m not sure if I’m… Idk, « enough » ? To post this on my blog ? But yeah, inspiration struck.
In an a/b/o universe, I think it would be easy for many people to lose to their instincts, so you *have* to be labeled as alpha, beta or omega, for your own safety at least. And these categories, these moulds, would probably be associated with many struggles in day to day life, and many clichés. So…
People with hormone problems having to go through very long tests to find which category they fall into. Struggling with stupid doctors and people being « convinced » they actually are not what the last test results said, so they are pressured to go through it all over again. Being misdiagnosed so many times because of the uncertainties these hormones imbalances come with.
Very « conservative » people forcing their points of view on others. Alphas being mocked by others if they show even the slightest « weakness », because alphas are supposed to be the rock for everyone around them or something, place the whole world before themselves. Many people believing betas are actually not a thing, just lazy, cowards or something when they have an important role in society, but people are dumb, and society never helps with those things ; being accused of hiding a hormonal problem, or wearing perfumes/taking scent suppressants to escape their roles as alphas or omegas. Said omegas being pressured into being obedient people, to please others and never offend anyone, constantly being told they’re weak so they have to quickly find a pack that can protect them.
« Two alphas/betas/omegas can’t be together, it’s against nature ! », « One has to lead and the other has to follow, this is how real instincts work ! »
Gender roles « debates » being mixed into those ideas. Religion too.
Those clichés making finding a satisfying job to be a nightmare for so many people, leaving them miserable and struggling because they can’t seem to find a place in a job they know they would love, since they’re « not part of the good category for this ». LGBTQA+ people, poly people, straight people… Constantly being told how to be « perfect » according to the categories they fit into when it’s so far of what they actually want ; identifying as other categories. Even being « coached » on how to act « properly » in their home, even in bed, when they’re not interested in having a relationship, romantic, sexual, or both, at all.
Which goes with more and more people, especially teenagers and young adults, to fight to free themselves from all those entitled idiots and clichés. Fighting to get an easier access to health products or basic human rights (maybe paid « heat » leaves, stuff like that), because let’s face it, the government and big companies of all types wouldn’t give a shit about those things since the « original » system brings them so much money and other new opportunities to do so.
Marches in the streets with people suppressing their scents and holding signs saying stuff like « a/b/o - it doesn’t matter », « we’re all humans », « fuck society’s archaic roles - let us be free ». Rebellions. Social media movements, new ways of educating kids, trying to open people’s minds in general.
Books being written and spreading new ideas to make the world more tolerant. People burning old books of all genres to protest against the clichés and try to make things change, brandishing school books in front of their cameras before tossing them into the flames.
People from older generations supporting all of this too, because they, too, are tired, and want to be themselves. Defending kids who are being humiliated by their own parents in public for « throwing a tantrum » when they were just asking for « something they shouldn’t even think about because of their role ». Teens from conservative families running away and finding solace in their old neighbours’ living room, drinking and eating comforting foods while letting all their frustrations out, the neighbours listening to them, encouraging them and giving them advice. Becoming the parents the kids always wanted to have.
Kids bringing back their crying friend at home to ask help from their really cool parents, because said friend is tired of his own and doesn’t know what to do.
People finding their real family away from theirs, no matter their age.
Stuff like that. Both infuriating and wholesome. Human.
Yeah I’m feeling kind of rebellious right now. Thank you for sharing your amazing « non-conventional » a/b/o thoughts, Ghoul. I was tired of always seeing the same toxic tropes being used without any actual thought behind them. I mean, people write what they want, of course, but it’s not my jam. Not anymore.
Lots of love on you friend 💚
- Mii
As I've said in other posts there's not "submissive" expectation for omegas in my au! They're actually probably seen as the more aggressive/dominant endotype.
My au isn't a progression of the traditional au it's its own thing entirely just borrowing the terms. So there's not really a "traditional" way of doing things, that's evolved to be more chill over the years, it's a separate universe entirely. I think that's tripping people up lol
I love all your ideas Mii! Some of them fit neatly into how I'm structuring my au and others feel like better fits for the traditional omegaverse. So I'm going to use your post to talk about what I think is "wrong" with society in my omegaverse!
Since I've said before that Beta was the dominant endotype for most of human history (since most people don't fall into the stereotypes) I think there's a lot of "Are you sure you don't want to just mark beta?" Style doubts that are cast on low O hormone omegas or low A hormone alphas. Getting tested for hormone balances is pretty common, and most of the time you can tell by smelling someone, but that doesn't stop people from trying to push low hormone endotypes towards beta designations.
There's definitely a lot of pressure on alphas to be peacekeepers, and they'll end up with a lot of problems that aren't theirs, constantly trying to solve everything for everyone because they feel bad saying "no." I think it's very common for alphas to be people pleasers, often putting their pack before themselves, and having a tendency to extend the borders of their pack outside their immediate friends and family. It's not uncommon for "lone" alphas to get depressed because they don't have anyone to care for.
I think Betas can sometimes get a lot of "Well thank god you can keep your emotions in check" jokes and nudging. Which sure, they're supposed to be better at thinking things through, but that's the stereotype it doesn't mean anything for the individual. There are probably a good amount of emotional Betas that have been broken up with because their partner "thought they'd have a better handle on all that" just by virtue of being a beta.
Omegas have a reputation for being nosy. It's hard to be curious as an omega because the stereotype is that you're going to butt in on people's business with unsolicited advice. It's probably difficult to offer acquaintances advice without being labeled "that omega".
Sliding along the spectrum is believed to not be a thing, even though it's probably pretty common. Hormones change as we age, and react to different environment, it's not uncommon for someone's hormones to fluctuate and for them to move around their usual designation. People like Ghost who move from one end to the other are believed to be a medical rarity, and he's had to keep his condition pretty hidden to avoid getting published in a medical journal.
The army is pretty populated with alphas and betas because they're considered the easiest to train. Omegas are seen as testy and aggressive, territorial and not willing to listen to people, so the military avoids recruiting them. That's not to say there aren't omegas in the military, they just get a lot of attention during basic training to "break" that aggressive attitude.
Betas are seen as the ideal for politicians and people will often run ads against other endotypes relying on the sterotypes of omegas being territorial or alphas being reactive.
There's always push back on birth control and medical leave, but for the most part since everyone gets a week of being unable to work every 3-5 months due to their heat/rut most companies have medical leave. You have to request it though, and if you have irregular cycles it makes it hard to request off in advance.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hi love! I'm a new follower, and I was wondering if you could do a night with badlinu?? Like what he would do on a night in with his s/o?? Thank you! I also love you're writing and I hope you are having a good day:)<3
hi!! welcome to the family 🫶🫶 ; and yes of course!! I love writing for him sm I literally can't. ; also help sorry I just saw this halfway through writing 💀💀💀 THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENT, HOPE YOURE HAVING A GOOD DAY/NIGHT AS WELL!!
BADLINU ; a night inside
summary ; spending a peaceful night with freddie
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 372
Tumblr media
you came over for a movie + a sleepover because it's a weekly tradition
bro he got your favorite snacks and everything
"I'm so sorry it's so cold right now, the heater broke but I got some space heaters and a bunch of blankets for you"
my brother in christ he says a "bunch" of blankets and it's even including duvets. like, whole heavy ass blankets 😭
he didn't know what you liked the most blanket-wise so he gave you all the options
and put one of the space heaters right in front of you
once the movie finally starts he's just chilling next to you like 🧍‍♂️
you grab his hand on a part that jumpscared you a bit and he just silently smiles
he leans into you a bit and djksndnmd
don't think you're getting out of this without doing dumb shit
you eventually start a cooking stream because you guys wanted to make a box cake and why not make some content out of it yk
the amount of everything everywhere. that kitchen needs a deepclean
don't get me started if one of you needs a recolor on your hair...
"Freddie, get your head over the bathtub!"
"My neck hurts!"
you're genuinley up most the night goofing off
dancing around on stream to fuckin Rihanna and Lady Gaga like okay get into it
roasting Twitter trolls as well
making 30% of the stream about Jojo Siwa and just shit talking her and about all the everything going on with that atm
yall start to get tired on the couch and watch your comfort movies for a while
lots of just hugging kind of cuddling
eventually you fall asleep and he's trapped there like "fuck" but he doesn't wanna wake up all sore either LMAO
traces your features while you sleep
also takes a ton of pictures of you sleeping 💀💀💀 just to fuck around with you
any other night if it was labeled a date, there would've been candles, trust
he probably knows how to cook up some mad good food for a white British guy, that's all I'm gonna say
youd probably stray off from the "date" and make puppets or something
yeah idk this is all I got
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sundragon · 5 months
The chatter about "reclaiming p-shift" or whatever the hell just makes me shake my head! It's just weird. There's nothing good about that label, it's not redeemable, and it wasn't ours to begin with?
I'm transspecies, as in I'm going to be physically modifying my body to be More Lion until I'm dead. My body is a lion's body the same way it's a man's body. It is only "human" in the sense that it shares genetic patterns with other bodies like it, and those don't mean anything to me as a person unless I engage with them.
Some people would uncharitably call my body map a delusion. When I'm not feeling dragony, I'm just a big awkward anthro lion getting through the world here. My phantom body overlay is so tactile to me, so sensitive and "visible" that I'm still mildly upset other people don't see it the way I do. It's ridiculous! Just look at me! But rationally... I know why that is, and that there's a disconnect in what my brain tells me is there vs what is tangibly there. Regardless of one's comfort level, at the end of the day we have to agree that there is a common detectable reality that we all appear to live in. None of us live in a reality that has human bodies morphing into non-human bodies, and we won't get anywhere until such a basic fact of life can be mutually understood outside of personal feelings. Those feelings can be really fucking powerful, but still irrelevant.
If I were to insist that I was physically transforming into a Real Life Simba every time, I'd sound off my fucking rocker. Not that there'd be anything morally wrong with that, but I'm saying all this to give context to just how dumb the whole idea is. Why would I, a physically not human person, "reclaim" a word that is literally by, for, and about people who are pretending to be shapeshifters online for clout? Who call people like me fakers and wannabes? Other people having clinical zoanthropy has nothing to do with them, and trying to repurpose the word for the former doesn't somehow make it make sense. That'd be like if I decided to start calling myself a Christian, because I like the word for some vague reason that only makes sense to me internally, even though I'm an atheist and do not share the core belief that Christians do. I can think the aesthetic is neat, but it doesn't make me one.
We're not actually physically shape-shifting, that's the point. Our brains are just doing weird shit (which is cool enough on it's own, like... can we talk about how interesting this is?), and some have it in a way that is genuinely scary or otherwise upsetting enough to be categorized as a disorder. You can cope with and be in your headspace and deal with it in whatever way you need to, but this ain't it. It's just not it. idk how else to articulate this. P-shifters aren't here for me or you or anyone but themselves and their weird little cliques giving them attention.
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kattestrophe · 2 years
Alright, I've finished Season 3 of The Musketeers
It was... I have some questions. I may just be dumb. I may have missed things while getting a drink. I don't know. Maybe someone will be able to help. Anyway, I'll rant my thoughts into the void for a moment.
How exactly did they go on after the end of S2? Their last scene is literally "Yeah, we're going to go find Aramis and get the gang back together after five minutes apart!" and then they... Don't, apparently? They are surprised to see him at the monastery in S3E1, so they obviously did not know he was there. Did they catch up to him before he got there? Did they not find him? Did he actually turn them down when they asked him to come back or did they just not have that talk?! I feel like that should be mentioned? Feels relevant? Was it mentioned!?
Why is Grimaud so mad at Athos specifically? Why is it stated in the behind the scenes clips that Grimaud specifically gives Athos the heeby jeebies more than any other villain so far? Where did he get his money? How did he get his connections? Do I need to read the book to understand why the show named their villain who has never met Athos before after Athos' lackey??
The other villains didn't quite catch me either this season, idk what it was, they just didn't really do it for me.
Why would you basically put Athos in the Milady Memorial Suit, say as much in the behind the scenes, and then pretty much not use her at all in S3? "The Milady Story", "The writers felt like there was something left to tell", then why didn't they do it?!
Why does the Dauphin not talk?! Like?? He's supposed to be 6?? Give him another line or two and pay the child accordingly, it's kinda creepy how he barely makes any sound at all. Also: Why does he just walk along with anyone who grabs his arm, surely even a child would notice that the guy who just punched the lady he was supposed to stay with in the face is not a nice man?!
Well, maybe he gets his brains from his dad who, for some reason, thought spilling everything about his affair with Anne to Louis was a swell idea. "I know how a dying man acts", oh fuck off, for all you know you may have just turned his terrible inescapable marriage even worse for Anne. 17th century Queens have been exiled away from their kids for this type of shit, Aramis!
Speaking of which: What exactly did Louis do to keep Aramis away from Anne and his son after his death? Like? He says that, but?? Nothing happens?? At all?? No consequences?? He called her a spanish harlot in the episode before his death, it doesn't sound like he feels all that generous towards her??
That was another thing, the whole caricature-print-story started and ended so fast I barely caught up. That really only existed to have Athos yell "to hell with the law", right?
Was Sylvie expecting the people to just get how to read themselves from the flyers they were handing out? Like, they were explicitly handing them out, not using them for lessons.
Oh boy, Feron sure changed his mind about the whole treason thing fast. "I'll conspire against the crown!" "You're family, Philippe, I'm gifting you a grave 🥺" "Can't wait to fill that! Will die for you right away!"
Why do Aramis and d'Artagnan keep switching pauldrons in multiple episodes, I am BEGGING you to label your costumes, BBC!
And why do they only get their new uniforms in Episode 3
And why is Marcheaux's jacket glittery
And what's that added leather thing with the cross that Aramis wears like... Twice? Is it their fancy day uniform? Why does he wear it without anything else when he accompanies Louis? Why does he wear it to the bar battle?
the costumes were kind of hit or miss for me this season, some I loved, some were Marcheaux's jacket or Aramis's final outfit. Or the Dauphin's wigs.
it's also very funny to watch everyone in the behind the scenes say "Oh, the Red Guard is so much more elite now, scary Red Guard" when d'Artagnan throws his weapon away to kill Marcheaux and they're still mostly absolute dunces who get beaten to pulp every other episode and have their bare asses handed to them by Constance
Speaking of Constance: Handing the kid off to her sounds fine at first, but like... Wouldn't everyone know her around these parts? And know she doesn't have a child? If there are two women the people of the area would know it's Madame d'Artagnan of the Musketeers and Sylvie of The Group of Refugees We Hate Sometimes, people would notice them dragging an unknown child around.
Speaking of Constance and kids, that was made to seem important for her and d'Artagnan and then never mentioned again. "Oh, we may never have kids..." "Oh, the kids Constance and I will have someday..." talk to each other!?!?
Aramis in the middle of S2: "Fighting is what I am meant to be doing!" Aramis at the end of S2: "Everything is going to shit, if I get out of this I'll radically turn my life around!"- okay, I get that. - Aramis at the beginning of S3: "The turning around part showed me that I am truly meant to be a musketeer!" - nice, he has grown in his understanding of himself, he knows his place in the world - Aramis at the end of S3: "So, about that-!" - oh come ON!
I didn't really dig the ending overall. We got a taste of Anne's and Aramis's combined diplomatic power in episode 8 and I dare say France is doomed.
Like, I'm glad they're together, making out in the middle of the park as if their relationship isn't still scandalous, raising their son, but A. that blue costume looked really weird on Aramis (is it just me? was something off about the cut?) and B. there must have been a better way. Honestly, the other people on the council who have been navigating politics for ages must be banging their heads on the table in agony whenever the current regent drags in yet another rando who's there for different reasons entirely!
Aramis will get bored and start shooting birds in the palace garden in three days time, I'm calling it
Continuing on about the ending, did Porthos and Elodie truly make such a connection in the cumulative week of knowing each other that they have to get married? Maybe if they had brought her back an episode earlier, but pulling her from a hat right before the end of the series felt a bit cheap...
Where are Athos and Sylvie going?? And why?? Don't the two of you have shit to do in Paris, help the poor, keep your community going?? Do they have a specific destination or are they just hoping to arrive somewhere nice enough with a midwife and a connection to food and water before Sylvie is so pregnant she can't ride anymore?!
Also, did Athos brush and tie up his hair for his final scene? That can't be him, it's his evil clone!
Constance and d'Artagnan are still cute and together, yay for that! Would have loved more conversations
Goodbye Scene in the garrison: Why no last "All for one, one for all"? Why must the last one for all be a note in a hat!?!? You're telling me this group of besties just kind of awkwardly walk away from each other!? Let Porthos and Aramis hug again!
I do love Milady's new paying position, good for my favourite murderous fashion icon. If only she had had like... a lot more proper scenes and interactions with the plot.
I heard that the actress couldn't film due to her being on maternity leave, but... come on, couldn't that have been handled better?
I really liked the show overall, but the third season felt a bit lackluster. Welp. I might still make that crack vid :'D
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macarensesangles · 1 year
this is maybe not the blog to have this little bitchfest on but here we go. because i love bitching and am a hater.
i do get angry pretty often that nuanced conversations about things like abuse in fiction as a reflection of and dialogue with the society in which said fiction is created and how certain common narratives can genuinely influence people's thinking and how they interact with other people in subtle ways and how to create art as ethically as possible given all that have been like. kind of subsumed under this really simplistic shipcourse debate where i think both "sides" have, to a degree, kind of lost the plot (in that i think vocally profiction people are generally really noxious and horrible and morally indefensible, and antishippers who identify strongly with that label and who get really invested in Doing Discourse frequently stoop to the level proshippers often dwell at and fail to make actual cogent points, NOT in that i'm neutral or something obvs).
because the reality is that there is a deep and wide and vast can of worms opened when the base discussion is like, "what is and isn't okay to write and what should the consequences be for people who do write something that isn't okay?" because i think the reality is there are a myriad of positions to take in relation to those questions between the two extremes of "being offensive is COOL, actually," and "no one should ever write anything." like, an entire world of nuance that gets lost there. especially because the whole hashtag Debate is confined to the sphere of people's fucking dumb ass fanfiction. i don't think fic has no literary merit or something but it's so deeply entrenched in the realm of arguing over shit that largely is like. i don't know. i don't want to be insulting to fic but having read so much of it it astounds me that so many people argue on the side of like "but the ARTISTIC MERIT!!!! of these depictions!" and then you read some piece of Problematique Erotica with about as much Artistic Merit as the back of a box of cereal and you just have to stare out your window and wonder about the general state of intellectual discourse
anyway of course you guys already know this but i think in evaluating whether or not a depiction of a taboo subject like abuse is valuable one has to figure out what it is that the narrative is ultimately communicating first and how that message, like, idk gels with social discourses that already exist about the subject. this is why i tend to be more sharply critical of these elements in fanfiction; typically i feel like the only message is like "what if there was an excuse for this behavior/what if it was desirable" because it's, you know, erotica, or it's poorly-done Dark Romance, or whatever, and then there's a whole further debate to be had about like "well if it's just kink etc and clearly labelled as such does that actually feed into the dominant social narratives you're complaining about" but generally i think like, just the sheer volume of this stuff portrayed in a positive light is kind of concerning and there needs to be some kind of wider analysis of like, how that potentially perpetuates and is certainly perpetuated by external elements like rape culture or a society that largely has a lot of discomfort with actually criticizing behaviors it outwardly condemns when those with power and social capital are the ones doing the abusing.
but like i said, yknow, that's all complicated shit and i think your average like ~problematique darkfic~ writer has not really attempted to wrestle with any of those points in relation to their own work. or even cares about them or finds them valuable questions. it's really readily apparent too when people from this general "camp" are like "but what about when people like hannibal from tv show? he ate people???" like, as if there's the same sort of cultural defense of cannibalism as there is of fucking rape that makes idealized depictions of rape dangerous. like, get real.
also ive bitched about this on my personal but 90% of people who are not incest survivors like just in general have not even the barest understanding of what is actually objectionable about incest, so i don't tolerate its incursion into fandom shit basically at all. not to mention that debates about it tend to be massively offensive toward actual survivors on both sides (protip: try not to rely on arguments about how it's 'gross,' it's really fucking stigmatizing to hear repeatedly that abuse you have endured is primarily objectionable because other people think it's yucky rather than because it causes extreme harm physically and emotionally).
anyway tl;dr i am just really tired of people being dumb and knee-jerk in their endless quest to find justifications for being just as utterly offensive and vocally reprehensible as possible without any criticism or repercussions and how said desperation has really watered down any useful dialogues that could be had about fiction and its impacts on survivors of abuse in favor of, like, having to anticipate utterly inane bad-faith arguments from people who do not give a shit about anything but their own sense of being pleasurably naughty and transgressive. like the majority of proship arguments have all the intellectual honesty and depth of "but i WANT to stick my hand in the cookie jar!" to me.
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a-room-of-my-own · 2 years
Tbh I know it’s just dumb internet shit but like the stuff that’s been going on with radblr for the past several months genuinely has me really upset. I’m so sick and tired of all the shit talk straight women constantly get on radblr and I hate not being allowed to talk about it with being falsely accused of total bullshit. I hate how saying literally anything at all that might even allude to me having sexual interests invites harassment. I hate being accused of having a “victim mentality” for being upset about the misogynistic harassment I’ve gotten from so-called “radfems”. I hate how sexual the harassment always is. Having random women talk and gossip constantly about straight women’s sex lives is really upsetting. I hate how even on radblr I am defined entirely by my sexuality and whether or not I’ve ever had contact with a dick. I hate being actively pushed out of feminist spaces because my experience with misogyny is “too heterosexual”. I hate how literally all of radblr acts like the misogyny I face isn’t real and doesn’t matter entirely because I’m straight. I hate not being able to talk about it because I don’t want to be labeled a homophobe for doing literally nothing. Like I can’t even say that what they are saying is degrading or violating or hurtful because I’m “playing into lesbophobic stereotypes by calling lesbians mean or perverted” or whatever they want to claim even though I’m literally not doing that! I’m saying that the actions of certain users is disgusting and idc what their sexuality is, this behavior is wildly inappropriate! I hate feeling emotionally violated like this all the time. And I know this is just internet bs but I don’t have any real life feminist groups to go to. They do not exist where I live. Like why are the vast majority of women not allowed to exist in feminism?? And then they complain about that too! Saying nonsense like “het women think that being straight is required for being a woman” when literally the only thing anyone said was that it’s gross to exclude like 90% of all women from feminism and it’s gross to not let us talk about our problems. They act like straight women don’t experience misogyny.
Like this isn’t feminist anymore and I wish they’d all just fuck off already. It’d be a whole lot less miserable and a ton more productive without judgmental women like that. Idk I’m just really hurt and angry. Especially since this all kicked up again with roe getting repealed. It feels like their rubbing salt in the wound you know? I don’t believe them when they say that they’re trying to “help”. I think that it’s intended to be malicious and harmful. They know that no one can call them out on it though. I doubt that any of them even really care about abortion that much since it’s an osa woman’s problem. A while ago they had “it’s not that bad if straight women get raped since they like dick so much” discourse too and this piv nonsense really reminds me of that. I wish I kept receipts, that happened months ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if the worst of those posts got deleted they were really bad. Those women that participate in this junk all the time don’t actually care about women at all I wish they’d go rot in a discord server instead of tumblr. I think a lot of them are pornsick or something because it feels like some of them are genuinely getting off on this. I’m not really allowed to say that though.
First of all I'm very sorry you're upset and feel excluded, I completely understand 💙
I'm not interacting with so called 'radblr' so much also because of what I've read these last 4-5 years. They succeeded at pushing out a lot of women by creating their little toxic echo chamber, and by the number of silent followers I get + several people who sent me asks asking to not publish if it wasn't anonymous, it's obvious something is seriously wrong.
They also tend to periodically forget that not everyone lives in the USA, and that some women here live in countries/places where they can't have these discussions, or are already living in places where abortion is forbidden. And from that angle, this debate is borderline indecent.
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flukeanalgesics · 2 months
Also I think iska hogya ab, we talked politics we fucked up. He's a brahmand atheist liberal who doesn't understand his privilege, advocates for billionaires, generation weleath and privilege what a dick this entire thing was dumb in the first place, if somebody would actually want to understand politics they'd, becuse it'd be personal , it'd matter to them, not caring about the world is dumb, you are a part of the world how does one not care about the world when it directly impacts them, he doesn't because his life isn't rollercoasting and on the verge to fuck up everyday.
Says leftists are selfish, lazy, playing victim card, greedy, jealous because somebody "smart" is making money out of working class?!??!
I don't even know where to start to this so many wrong things.
He even said that underprivileged ppl are alcoholics wali cheez like bro wtf
Says he fw leftist girls when he meets em. Untill they start talking politics becuse he's apolitical he doesn't get it and then loses interest. That's literally objectifing women and to be more specific a leftist kink, ke oh okay you'd get in their bed but you don't give a fuck about what they stand for. Could go in depth of this as well, ppl fetishized muslims, dalits, black, native American, kashmiri, palestinian women hmesha se hi
Doesn't even want to get started on how he doesn't understand socalism and communism ka kuch bhi even apolitical ppl give fucks bro and Know ke kya galat hai kya sahi hai, stop calling yourself upper middle class for sympathy.
Honestly I m going to be very vocal about ( unironically) my political ideologies shuru se hi if I meet a person .I m never compromising on this. If saamnna wala person aur main are on a serious note in a good friendship or relationship. Internet main kuch bhi bakchodi bolna doesn't matter nobody cares, even ngl I have legit disguised myself as a right wing person sometimes 😭😭just so I can see ke in bhadwo ka mindset chalta kasei hai, that's just me maybe I like to see ke kitne paani main hai. Spy material.🤣😝
So dumb of me to give him sympathy when he got scammed up by a store lowkey karma. Ispr bhi I can talk for hours, why do ppl scam other ppl in the first place? Becuse of how the system works, ppl need money and need to survive. Billionaires scam the entire country. Comparing a person who scammed you directly to a person who scams billions of ppl directly indirectly in as many ways possible, what logic They are the bigger enemy than a local thrift store scammer jo apne Ghar ko chalane ki koshish krraha hai. Also I think he lost more than 2000 rupees, he was probably dumb enough to get scammed, no shit has to be 2000 ki on a thrift store, first hand hi kharredo isse accha.
Bro also said he fw bpdbegum heavy, he got his shitpost acc after getting inspired from her and I remind him of her this is a whole different topic bpdbegum wouldn't fw me as much as I know because of how fucked I m, all the points felt dumb. Not the first time I don't understand when ppl compare me with her, happened too many times jbse she got mainstream it's like okay I fw her but she'd hate me if we remove my politics and social labels from me that's one thing we'd agree on. anyway back to the point idk if he'd fw her now that he knows bpdbegum 100% hates every single category he falls in. I won't lie what I think is bpdbegum or any leftist wouldn't even bother to talk to him, instant blocked and i literally tried and was even nice. Did not ask questions, did not deviate things, did not cuss, did not call him a peace of privileged upper caste libertarian who doesn't give two fucks about anything but himself. He's right he's borderline narcissistic. I guess it's all the brshmands lmaoo he's literally everything he called me and my ppl.
+he 's just dumb says the same things over and over again and very very common basic liberal questions. I never had them myself for a sec mujhe laga maybe I m not thinking of it theek se shayad analyse nahi kiya critically but nah it's him. I did not have questions because I know what it is like to be on groundlevel, surviving capitalism.
And to questions I did not answer.
Would i kill a person if they kill my entire family ? Yes.
Would i advocate for billionaires if I were billionaire? No. I wouldn't be a billionaire in a first place, it's unfair to profit off ppl for their work. I wouldn't want to be a billionaire
Centrist Liberal ko chedo, fascist bahar aajata hai
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imnotreal-png · 2 months
>:(!!! -- Entri 5
Im going 2 lose my shit. im going to rip my hair out. there is no way im a real person. cuz what the fuck?
ive been trying to plan and book this show for months, communicating to my friends of my struggles bc im an unknown loser & im not getting emails back or responses. since i've started organizing it--some of them have done 935839 shows already...
while ive been pushing it back every month because i still have NO RESPONSES or the venue is completely booked out for the dates i look for.
so i finally decide to push it back and make it a huge summer show and it gives us more time to plan. everyone agrees.
not hooray.
my dj and headliner got booked for a big summer show. and never told me or gave me a headsup. i wouldve never said no to them but i feel like a clown? you guys are organizing and participating in all of these events, telling me you'll try to reach out for me and never do?
ok wtv. ik im being irrational and i text another friend (who is participating) about how i was upset that no one has really helped me much and i feel ignored so they offered to email sum venues for me. i said that would be great and thanked them.
not hooray again.
why did they just text me saying they're going to plan their own summer show with a line up, that this isnt them betraying [my label] (??? idk its the label i use to host/organize events) but they rlly wanna organize something.
ntm they listed venues they wanna book with and its bigger and expensive venues and i asked them how theyre gonna afford that. we're not famous and idk who they're having perform but no way you're making money back. they also dont work/unemployed.
oops. forgot they come from a rich family.
yeah so im canceling the whole thing. i feel embarrassed. im such a loser. im so upset. i feel insane bruh i hate this
and on top of all this; im so behind in school. every spring semester im always dealing w depressing shit that sets me back or some dumb shit cuz my school is full of retards and fuck everything up
i want existence to pause pls i want to not exist
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lapata-lupt · 2 years
“ Seeing people armchair diagnosing Elon with npd or psychopathy and it's like y'all... Stop...  Being a rich entitled asshole doesn't require mental illness it just requires being raised spoiled rich, you just throw mentally ill people under the bus when you say shit like that “
not to be controversial but wtf. i dont get why people think that categorizing all bad people as mentally ill is not just as stupid as categorizing all mentally ill people as “not bad”... mentally ill by definition means u r sick,, there’s something wrong, and increasing sympathy for mentally ill people means having sympathy for the most fucked ass people in this world too. just like we said that u can't just be pro mental illness for illnesses u can sympathize with on some levels like depression and anxiety to people who villainize personality disorders, u cant eliminate anyone u dont find relatable or struggle hard to empathize with. the point it to have sympathy for the ugliest humanity has to offer and try to fix problems at their very roots. murderers, pedophiles, billionaires every fucking one. u cant santize the “mentally ill” label to protect urself from the risk of being misunderstood. there’s bad in every category of people, and by definition a lot more in this specific community because it consists of people who are suffering or unfit.
mental illnesses exhibit themselves differently in different people because of their different choices and that is why we hold most people accountable for their actions. by theorizing bad people to have certain diagnosis in attempt to explain some of their behavior doesn't excuse them of their choices but neither does it imply that people with that diagnosis are all gonna make that choice. that's the grey area. it’s dumb to say people with npd are always bad, cause of this, cause they are capable of making all kinds of choices including the good ones, but denying a particular “evil” person a certain diagnosis because you dont want other people under that diagnosis to be categorized “evil” is self defeating. a person with a diagnosis doesn't explain the whole category of that diagnosis, a diagnosis attempts to explain a part of a person. 
idk or care enough to put a lot of research into this particular case but just from basic stuff i know narcissists can be of 2 types and while some narcissists emerge from abuse and develop npd as a defence and coping mechanism while struggling with low self esteem, other kind of narcisissts can emerge from pampared households, the literal definition of what this post explained elon musk’s childhood to be. that fact doesnt strip him of his potential diagnosis, but still persists in explaining him to be the same asshole we all already knew and acknowledged he was. 
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sapphicdib · 2 years
I’m going through your blog so apologies on how late this is but 🎥💕🏳️‍🌈 for hyperfixations asks!
AHH TY!! this is a super nice thing to open tumblr to after class!!
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
🌲- all of sock opera i have that damn episode memorized 😭 getting specific it would probably be the scene where bipper goes “who would sacrifice everything they’ve worked for just for their dumb sibling” and mabel goes “dipper would” and ruins her play
🛸 - literally all of dark harvest 😭 okay but specifically the ending where zim is chasing dib through the hall and all you can hear is the stupid pigeon cooing and dib is basically having a panic attack LMFAO the suspense in that scene is REAL
🍂 - adelaide parade on the boat. wirt laugh. need i say more?
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
🌲 - bill. look before you come for me he’s just sO INTERESTING. he’s literally just tormenting the pines family for fun. he switches all the functions of the holes in pacificas dads face when he’s a capitalist shill. dude does not give a fuck about ANYTHING except partying and dicking around and i can respect that. also i might be influenced by the tumblr sexymen phenomena bc i’m obsessed w studying them and i also lived through that era of the gf fandom so he’s nostalgic 😭
🛸 - DIB. DIB DIB DIBBY DIB DIB!!!!!!!!!! i could rant forever about him but listen. this little fucker was the first character i looked at and was like “shit. i kin him and i’m actually acknowledging it.” he’s just so??? RRGH. idk he’s a dumbass and he just makes me happy and i can project all of my mento illnesses onto him
🍂 - wow wonder who /s LMFAO it’s wirt!! i was instantly charmed by him just because he is simply so Shaped, but after the show oh my GOSH. he is preshush and i love him and i’m proud of him for his character growth!! i rotate him in my mind at speeds unseen by mankind i s2g
🏳️‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
oh god this is gonna be a long one
Dipper: bi, jewish, autism
Mabel: bi, jewish, adhd
(the pines twins have so much bisexual swag it’s off the charts 😎)
Dib: gay demiboy (projection much?), mexican, adhd
Zim: gay, NB (“what are your pronouns” “STOP SWEARING AT ME” type deal)
Gaz: LESBIAAAANNNNN. BIG OL LESBIAN. mexican, obv, also GAZ IS FAT!!! SHE IS FAT AND U CANNOT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!! also shes got anger issues n depression
Tak: Lesbian, “girl” (same deal as zim and doesn’t really get the whole “gender” thing)
Wirt: Queer and Agender! He literally just said “fuck all that noise i don’t really like labels” and then never thought about it again. also neurodivergent
Greg: When he grows up i definitely feel like he would be nonbinary and use any pronouns! also autistic u can’t stop me every one of my blorbos is autistic i’m joining the war on autism on the side of autism
Sara: bisexual!! she/they
Those are all my headcanons that i can think of rn!! Thank u for the ask aaaaa!!! This was super fun to do after i finished my classes for the day!!
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Okay so I got a few for that ask thing: flower/plant? Makeup item? Fashion icon? Guilty pleasure music?
oh shit
Flower / Plant: I'm basic and I just love me some ferns!! one of my favorite things about being in the PNW was just ferns, ferns everywhere. Ferns didn't really grow that much in the Chicago suburbs where I grew up but I remember, somehow, under the bushes on the front of my childhood home, little ferns would always grow there, and I would take pains to not mow them on accident when I would mow the lawn. It was like a little special place, dark but not too dark, wet but not too wet, that they could grow, and they still make me really happy. love the little guys.
Makeup Item: If we're going just category of thing, it's black eyeshadow. I don't think I've ever done an eye makeup look that doesn't include black eyeshadow, and with just that and some brushes you can do a great smokey eye, nothing else required. if I can be a Capitalist Shill for a second, it's UD's eye primer potion. It has spoiled me to the point that if I try to do eyeshadow without using it first, it feels totally messed up and weird. Just magic stuff honestly, especially for someone like me with really deep-set eyes and a big problem with getting creases in my eyeshadow because of that.
Fashion Icon: uhhhh fuck lol, it's hard to think of like. One person? I can think of designers or general "styles", like. I LOVE Alexander McQueen's work, it's so striking and dramatic, and his label when it was under his direction almost never missed. Other than that in more of the Icon vein uhhh Charli XCX, Josefine Jonsson's latex photography (have multiple prints from her in my house lol), everything J. Lo wears in The Cell, Razor Candi, the entire cast of Alien 3, the things Killstar puts out that aren't dumb as hell, uh. honestly Jean Hollywood's whole ~techwear femboy~ look is so good rn too. like,
Tumblr media
that's a vibe.
Guilty Pleasure Music: Ok I'm gonna have a fun answer and a not fun answer. Let's go not fun first and end with a pick me up: my not fun answer is music made by legit horrible people. Red House Painters, Throbbing Gristle (i go back and forth on this a LOT, as Genesis doesn't deserve to taint the work everyone else did in that, but. yeah. idk. moving on!), the album Suicidal Emotions by Abyssic Hate, which is some of the best DSBM I've ever heard, and has nothing to do with NSBM, but I found out years after falling in love with just that one album that his earlier stuff is straight up Nazi shit. That's the stuff I actually feel guilty about a bit listening to.
Here's the more fun answer!: Bro metal. I mean that less as a genre category and more of a Type of Guy category, like the Hot Couch Guy. Bro metal is like, Lamb of God, Tool, Slayer, Nile. I can't explain any better than that, it's a vibe, like, the kind of guy who has a shaved head and would get mad at girls being at Ozzfest kind of guy. All he owns are long sleeve metal t-shirts. That guy. I fuck with that hard.
Bonus answer: Robbin' the Hood by Sublime. I cannot fucking stand their other two albums, but Robbin' the Hood is such a messy, barely coherent garbage can of a record that I really, really like it. Like, hey, let's throw half-assed dub versions of random songs together with samples of a mentally ill homeless guy we know and covers of songs we half-remember into a kind of ska punk sound collage...thing. really weird, which is why i can get down with it.
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iron-sides · 3 years
dsmp pantheon but for pjo au lets go
there is no like. ~king of the gods~ or wtv thats laaaame they are all just simply vibing
phil is like a wind god. he also is a bird king. listen hes a very powerful bird man he communes with the birds and has minor wind abilities. he has a secondary role as a god of death
-> phil doesnt really interact w mortals outside of like. because hes hanging out w techno lijkr4ed. also since techno's retired to to the camp he probably spends every other week w his wife
technoblade is a war god/the blood god this is a given. he runs the camp bc he's always been a protector of new soldiers and genuinely likes training young people. phil is there bc he follows techno around to carry the souls of those he kills to the afterlife. phil and techno are like. besties your honor, platonic life partners, whatever. him running the camp is retirement methinks
-> technoblade chooses mortal heroes that he blesses with the ability to hear the voices in battle and call upon the blood gods strength
phil's wife is the goddess of death. is she kristin, is the the samsung smart fridge, idk but shes married to phil. he comes to see her and brings her the souls of the dead as like a romantic gift, we know the deal
-> lady death has a soft spot for dead babies but shes not like. their mom? she doesnt really have kids or mortals that are "hers", shes not super interested in them. i think shes actually p cold and reserved, except to phil
drista is a trickster god, comes to earth and causes chaos until she is once again banished to the heavens- dionysus in pjo got grounded to camp half blood, drista gets grounded FROM camp half blood or whatever i end up calling the camp
-> drista picks out a mortal she likes and smacks them over the head in their early-ish childhood (before the age of ten) with her mark, thus labeling them as Hers. they may as well be a demigod at that point tbh shes technically their patron not their mom but the only difference is the dynamic lol
dristas older brother is dreamXD. i dont know anything about canon!dreamXD but im gonna make him a god of reality? bc as i understand it he comes to c!gnf in dreams or smth idk. hes probably the most powerful but idt he cares to be king of the gods- unless someone was claiming to be more powerful than him which theyre not dumb enough to do.
-> if gnf is a god, dxd never has mortal children, only blesses young adults and teens. if gnf isnt a god, dxd sometimes does blessings n sometimes has mortal children. his blessings work like how dristas do
foolish used to be a god of death before phil was, but when phil married the samsung smart fridge, he stepped down to become the god of life instead. he doesnt reign over births in any way, i think the ender dragon does that, but he like. u know. hes the totem of undying guy, ppl come to him when theyre trying to avoid death. or like, if theyre afraid someones gonna die- hes ya man
-> foolish fashions children out of clay ^^
herobrine is a god of destruction. you give up offerings to him to avoid, like, earthquakes n shit
-> herobrine curses ppl and then their kids are all herobrine descendants, inexplicably. i think there is almost definitely some kind of stigma? or smth? major downside. of being a herobrine kid bc of this.
gnf miiiight be a god of dreams or miight be the son of dreamXD i dont watch him so idk how/how much i wanna play into his and dreamXD's canon dynamic. ill have to watch some vods n talk to my datemates little sister and come back to it later
-> gnf does blessings if hes a god. his mortals have prophetic dreams :]
schlatt is a god of divine justice or punishment, he judges the dead and works w mumza to decide who gets what afterlife. i will not elaborate on why find the clip of wilbur reacting to the matpat video lij5rkefd
-> schlatt Has Kids
FUCK official minecraft lore the ender dragon is the benevolent ruler of the end in-game and here shes the god of like, birth/rebirth/life. bc her whole thing is that shes got this egg and shes protecting it.
-> the ender dragon fucks (love her so much)
lady prime is one of my favorites shes a god a wealth and of business endeavors of all kinds- genuine, scams, pyramid whatevers, if the aim is to get cash money in your pocket u should pray to her shell help u out if she likes u. very much a picker of favorites
-> lady prime Has Kids
the egg is here. its like a bad guy or smth doesnt have kids or anything but does possess ppl
@thenerdistrying pspspspsps give me ur takes
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ddcjas · 7 years
this has nothing to do w/ rp but i really wish that rca would address their lack of concern for the artists of color on their roster, specifically black women
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starfanatic · 3 years
Luke Skywalker vs Rey... Nobody
I hate the argument that a lot of sequel trilogy stans use whenever anyone criticized Rey or labels her a Mary Sue. It’s probably the weakest argument a sequel stan can ever possibly say to me. (Besides the people hate Rey because she’s a women argument).
Lets compare them shall we?
Luke Skywalker in A New Hope is whiny, inexperienced, and very naive. There is multiple moments in a new hope that proves this. When he was whining about not wanting to stay on the moisture farm and wanting to join the Academy like his friend, Biggs. He constantly was slightly annoying throughout the film, especially to Han. When Han named his price and Luke was like “We can buy our own ship with that!” or when Han was flying the Milennium Falcon and Luke was practically yelling in his ear to go into hyperspace. Han and Luke did not get along at first because of Luke’s behavior. Luke went against Obi-Wan’s orders and saved Princess Leia, not thinking of the consequences. How he could possibly be killed or put in a cell with the Princess. He doesn’t think of a plan to get out AFTERWARDS only the spur of the moment. He was constantly shown to be inexperienced and needed his friends help or HE WOULD HAVE DIED THE FIRST MOVIE. While on the millennium falcon, Obi-Wan taught him things about the force. Maybe not a lot but he knew how to use the simple basics of it. Like sensing the force and letting it guide your actions (as Obi-Wan was trying to teach him before). For once Luke listened and trusted Obi-Wan and destroyed the death star.
Lets do Rey now WHOOP. So far the only personality flaw she seems to have is that she’s also naive? She had the same wide-eyed innocence as Luke had but it’s different and here’s why. Rey never suffers for any of her so-called almost non-existent flaws. Rey is experienced enough to hold her own in a fight against men WAY stronger then her (that’s realistic though but that’s one tool in her belt). She’s bilingual. She can fly the millennium falcon better then Han Solo even though she never flew one before. She is constantly saving people by herself, never the one being saved. (Before y’all bust my balls, Rey escaped that damn starkiller base by her damn self. Luke didn’t and couldn’t). She uses powers that takes years to learn and the excuse is the force dyad. So she downloads Kylo’s skills and training. Great. Magnificent. Rey is on a amazing start. And this is the first movie! She can only get stronger from here.
Luke is more mature and responsible in ESB. He’s a respected hero of the rebellion. Luke still struggles using the force. Even with the training Luke goes through with Obi-Wan he had to truly focus to pull the lightsaber to him. Plus as a common occurrence, he still needed help from his friends. He’s not invincible. He actually gets severely hurt (makes sense). He goes to Dagobah to get trained (because unlike Rey he doesn’t have the “learn force jedi shit that takes years to learn” cheatcode). And then he’s impatient. He wants to learn how to use the force so he can help his friends. Luke is again reckless, impatient, and he’s also insecure in his own belief. Him not believing he can lift the X-wing was why he couldn’t. Against his master’s and Obi-Wan’s orders he decides to save his friends. It’s a noble reason to but it still got him fucked up. He got his hand cut off, he was beaten and humiliated, and then he was told a horrifying revalation that twisted around everything he knew and believed. He was scared of Vader, you can see it on his face, but he did not succumb to fear.
Rey goes to the island to convince Luke to go help them fight the war. Why doesn’t Leia go instead? Who knows. Why does Luke act the way he does? Who knows. Luke dismissed her and was quite rude to her. Rey was having cute little talks with Kylie Renner in their little force dyad BS. She called him a monster and a murderous snake. I like the insults. It fills me with joy! But then she finds out the truth. Rey did do something reckless and stupid but as usual she doesn’t suffer the consequences to her actions. Technically she’s morally superior to Luke because she saw the good in him and felt like she could turn him to the light (after slicing his face open. Ok). Rey decides to give herself up to the First Order thinking Kylo would save her. And he does. So she wasn’t even wrong... Rey fight the very elite guards of the (bootleg emperor palpatine) Supreme Leader Snoke. Reminder, TFA and TLJ are like 3-4 days apart. She had zero training within these days. Luke refused to train her so don’t start that bullshit. Luke trained her for like 5 minutes and none of that training had anything to do with lightsaber dueling. Rey is then told she was a nobody. Now why did Rey cry about this? I truly don’t know. How the hell would Kylo accurately know that Rey’s parents were nobody? Didnt Rey been know this from the force awakens? Eh whatever. She tries to force pull the lightsaber from Kylo Ren and do a dumbass tug a war instead of walking up and grabbing it. It reminds me of JJ and Rian fighting over where the star wars sequels). Anakin must be screaming and yelling from above... or below... idk. The lightsaber then breaks. Rey then saves her friends by showing her once again superior piloting skills that rival or is possibly better then Anakin Skywalker himself. Hitting 3 in one shot? You go girl! She then uses the force to effortlessly move the big ass boulders out of the entrance to save the resistance. Last I remember... Luke struggled to do that with a few way smaller rocks and was also focusing hard to do.
Luke is finally at jedi status! Woohoo! Now Luke first saves Han from Jabba. It shows his very dark side tendencies by choking the guards (like father like son). Luke thinks of a actual plan before going in (CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT). Luke “Chanel Boots” Skywalker goes to Yoda on his death bed. All he wants is answers but Yoda wants to be cryptic as fuck. Luke has been lied to for years by his mentors and his family. Luke’s father isn’t hero Anakin Skywalker but actually a big, asthmatic, merciless, murderous asshole who has a choking kink. Luke then says he cannot kill his own father and Obi-Wan, who believes Vader isn’t a human but a machine, has no faith in Luke. He believes that Luke will fail and the Empire would win. Luke feels the conflict and good in him that nobody else does. He knows that Vader is unloyal to the emperor and he actually cares about his own son. When he is with Han and Leia he realizes he made a mistake and has a bad feeling about it. (*gasp* Luke is not being super reckless). He’s not arrogant (not in anyway) but he’s completely confident that Vader would turn. (He isn’t flawless there is still obvious problem with this plan he has. He fails, the empire wins. He dies, the emperor wins. Vader doesn’t turn, Luke fails. Luke almost succumbs to the dark side and it’s actually plausible he might fully turn. He wants to desperately save his friends and his father has done horrible things to Luke. Luke had every reason to kill Vader. But he doesn’t. He throws the lightsaber away and foolishly puts his life in Vader’s hand. Luke doesn’t save the galaxy because he can make things levitate with the force. He wins because he had the strength to resist the dark side and has so much love and pure good in his heart he saw the good in his father.
Rey starts off with a training session (no idc it’s too fucking late now. 3 movies in? Is she doing reverse character development?) and basically Poe gets mad at Rey for not accompanying them on missions. I still don’t know why she needs training, when she is at a decent strength to fight elite guards, fight kylo ren, and a variety of other things that typically takes a long time to learn. After finding out Palpatine returned, Rey goes on a mission to find the way finder almost like a shitty videogame. I don’t even want to talk about the force dyad anymore because it’s fucking dumb. Rey gets chased by the force order and hear this out, FORCE HEALS (i forgot what the animal was but idrc). Which means Rey had the power to stop the painful truth of death themself. Why am I not surprised? Rey did something that no other jedi nor sith or jedi have ever done this. Anakin went to the dark side to save the ones he love. This movie was just a slap in the face to Anakin. Rey then fights Kylo Ren and lost??? again it seems a little too late and it also didn’t make sense. Rey defeated those guards all by herself with Kylo needed help from her. She’s obviously the better lightsaber duelist but hey, at least JJ was trying to mellow her out a bit. Rey stabs him while our beloved Princess died. She then regrets her decision and as always, doesn’t have any consequence to her actions. By the force I forgot, the whole scene where she is revealed as a Palpatine? Completely invalidates the first two movies but eh whatever. She uses a power that only the elite sith does... something Kylo Ren himself could not do (and he’s on the dark side). Rey “killed” Chewie but actually no she didn’t because Chewie is perfectly fine. Rey is supposed to be all dark and edgy now, “you don’t know me” BS. Yeah I’m sorry I won’t tolerate this because my only allergy is the fish smelling coochie bullshit called the sequel trilogy. Rey got scared of her dark self. Well at least JJ tried? Rey then almost gives up but Luke was like “nah fam you cant”. Rey dies trying to fight Palpatine but then as usual, she gets zero consequence cuz Benny Simp saved her using the force. Then she kissed him... no. No. No. This made my eyes burn like they just threw bleach in my eyes. It made no sense. “A Kiss of Gratitude”? What the shit was that? GIRLS DO NOT INSPIRE TO BE REY.
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