#idk i feel like i would add another layer to her character
ariariarimu · 7 months
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g1deonthefirst · 2 months
has anyone mentioned ianthe's flesh transplant arm as another example of sexual assault metaphor in tlt?harrow gets talked about a lot for obvious reasons but imo there's something there with ianthe as well, being forced to carry this (functionally dying/dead) limb that's been sewn into her body against her will and everyone else judging her for struggling with it until she literally tries to cut it out of herself. it would add a new layer to the bone arm scene, both as sex, as is usually interpreted, but also abortion and conception/birth.
(also idk where exactly this fits but something else about how cytherea severed her arm at the elbow but the transplant was attached at the shoulder so that even once she got autonomy back with the bone arm, she had still lost more than was originally taken)
anon this is WILD!!! i've thought before about how ianthe having an arm (whose arm, by the way?) attached to her body without her consent is just one of many autonomy violations we see in the series, but i had never connected it directly to the ever-present theme of reproduction and reproductive horror. this is absolutely blowing my mind.
this is a little more obvious, but i also just want to note while we're on the subject that ianthe's limb also seems to be an intentional parallel with the way that people who develop prosthetics make assumptions about the needs and wants of amputees; according to a 2022 survey, nearly half of upper-limb amputees end up abandoning their prosthetics. some amputees feel pressured into wearing realistic prosthetics to blend in, and people often end up feel hindered even by high-tech prosthetics. on top of being another example of a character suffering a severe violation of their autonomy, it's also an example of tamsyn's dedication to realistically portraying disabled characters, and (like with dulcinea and cytherea) it showcases the ableism built into the nine houses.
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 5 months
I wanted to add another little bit about clothing and characters of PotC.
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I don't think it's a coincidence that of all the characters, only Jack Sparrows costume has remained relatively unchanged. Of all the characters, he's changed the least.
But looking at Elizabeth in the picture above, on the right, we see that her outfit has changed quiet a lot from her first (adult) appearance in CotBP (below).
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In CotBP, she is obviously wearing a dress with a corset, but we see she is wearing a white dress with yellow accents. Her final outfit from At World's End (outside of the end credit scene, which doesn't count) is black with gold/yellow accents. Earlier in AWE, we see her in all black, and even briefly in the scene where Soa Feng puts her in the more ornamental robes, those are dark colors. My point here is that as Elizabeth's story progresses, she dresses in darker colors. It happens in every movie.
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In CotBP she goes from the white with gold to a sort of mauve-y red (IDK I don't know my colors that well) to that bright red coat on Isla De Muerta. And at the end, during the execution sequence, she's in that other yellow dress (see below). And even when she's in her underthings, they're white. Which we only see her in when she's surrounded by Norrington and his soldiers. When she's back where society would deem her "place". When she's aboard a pirate vessel, where she can be truer to herself, she's in darker colors. Around society, she has an image to upkeep, so she wears the lighter colors, using them as a shield.
And I can't forget pants. Elizabeth wearing pants near the end of the movie really drives home just how much she's changed in these movies. Here she's wearing arguably the least amount of clothes she's worn during the entire movie (even her underclothes are several layers of full-length dress like stuff). Even Anamaria, the only other significant female character in CotBP wears pants. They show the freedom these women have as pirates. This same point can be made when she eventually ends up in soley pants through the mid part of DMC to the end of AWE, except for the brief moment she's in a dress while imprisoned by Soa Feng, which I feel only strengthens my point.
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Now, let's look at Will in the above (left) picture. He's in what I like to call his "Muskateer Get Up" - he's wearing the more billowy, formal shirt, a brown vest with double crossed belts, a red cape, brown pants and that garish hat. Will's outfits in CotBP are much less about color and more about appearance. In the picture above from Will's first adult appearance, he is pictured wearing a full, formal suit with tie, coat, and everything. As the movie progresses and he gets closer and closer to Elizabeth, he loses more pieces of that suit.
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By the end of CotBP, Will is left with just his vest, trousers, and undershirt from the original ensemble.
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Him putting on the more colorful ensemble at the end to free Jack is symbolic of him accepting his true identity (son of a pirate) and allow his experiences to change him.
I wanna talk about hair here for a second. Elizabeth and Will both get hair used as a symbol as well. For Will, his is kept up until approx. his capture in CotBP by Barbossa. Once he's finally in the thick of it, and once again when he's accepted the results of his actions, it's down (in the opening shot with Governor Swann we can see his hair is kept back in a ponytail). The same can be said for Elizabeth: during the scenes where she is wearing her lighter clothes, where society is expecting something of her, her hair is kept up. When she goes out to Barbossa's ship, and basically up until she's back in her stuffy societal position, her hair is down. Now, it's not practical, but it is symbolic (I still don't give it a pass. That is a crime honey. I have to put my hair back to walk to class when it's windy, put your damn hair up on the high seas dammit!).
Back to clothes: we really get to see this change in Elizabeth and Will's characters and their clothing best in DMC and AWE.
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We can see here that Elizabeth is once again in yellow, and her hair is done in a half up, half down style. Her yellow is once again a symbol of her being in a societally "acceptable" position (the same can be said for Will, more on that in a moment), however her hair can be seen as a sort of "sticking it to the man", since, as we've established, Elizabeth's hair is down when she is getting a taste of freedom. Marrying Will is an act of freedom for her, since she's not been forced to marry Norrington. With Will, we get a special blend of symbolism. He too is wearing yellow, which can be seen as symbolic of him doing a "societally deemed chill" thing: getting married. However, his is surrounded by the much darker blue, which as I will establish momentarily, is a symbol of him straying further towards piracy and away from society. This is also the fanciest get up we see him in: he looks like a soldier and has the same tricorn hat we know Jack wears. As far as his hair, it's up in a ponytail. So, we know that Will is in a societally acceptable position, but just like Elizabeth, his scuffle with pirates previously has changed him. However, unlike Elizabeth, he's not really acknowledging that in public, hence the ponytail.
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Just like with CotBP, DMC gives us similar outfit evolutions with Will and Elizabeth, but with some minor changes. Will still ends up stripping down to the most basic components of his suit by the end (though this time he doesn't get a final outfit change, though it appears he gets it at the beginning as he doesn't seem to be in the full wedding suit when he leaves Port Royal) and Elizabeth ends up in pants and a red shirt once more. Both have their hair down as they return to piracy, again a symbol of their freedom or even just comfort level away from society. Elizabeth is back in pants again, relatively free (despite the whole Davy Jones situation). The only major hair change to note is that when she's on Tortuga, Elizabeth keeps her hair up and very short looking. Even if this is a temporary change, it's the first time we really see her acting like a pirate. Even stowing over to Tortuga she'd kept to the shadows and been witty about her interactions with the crew. This shorter hair can be taken to symbolize a new start (even if, again, it's only temporary).
What I want to note here is the colors used. Both end up wearing significantly darker colors by the end of the film. Even their yellow and blue at the beginning of the film are the darkest we've seen outside of the blue navy coats, but I'd personally argue that Will's coat is darker than the EICo's blue. Elizabeth's dress is a darker yellow, and as the movie progresses, they end up in darker and darker colors. Both end in grungy, dirty clothes too, in contrast with the previous film. Will is in greyer tinted, dingy stuff, and Elizabeth is wearing maroon and a brown darker than Will's from CotBP.
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Also, I'm putting a quick pin in Elizabeth's maroon from DMC for Will's fit in AWE. We already saw Will wearing yellow for the first time in DMC when Elizabeth so prominently wore the color in CotBP, so him wearing maroon in AWE after Elizabeth wore it prominently in DMC cannot be a coincidence. I think it's probably a very literal symbol, in that she is really starting to rub off on Will.
Now let's jump to AWE. Elizabeth is featured initially in all black (minus the hat and poncho which are quickly discarded). Will's outfit also appears this way due to the water he's been soaked in, although we soon learn that it's black with the maroon shirt. Everyone's in mostly dark clothes, as this is a dark hour for pirates. Also here, Will's hair is undone, and Elizabeth's is in a tight braid. Again, Elizabeth is in a more "acceptable" position, but this doesn't last long. It's down again once they hit Davy Jones locker. Will's hair, however, stays back almost the entire movie, beginning with their search for the locker (See below).
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As I mentioned before, the dark clothes are a pretty standard symbol for dark times. Just about everyone in this movie is wearing dark clothes. The maroon on Will still shows how Elizabeth has rubbed off on him, but his hair back shows us he isn't as free as he could be, how he's trying to hide the effect of his experiences on the Flying Dutchman from everyone. He's weighed down between his options: Elizabeth and his father. We learn pretty quickly into the movie that he's gonna have to choose, and he doesn't want too.
Once again, as mentioned above, Elizabeth is the one who gets an outfit change for this movie. First, she ends up in the red and blue ensemble from Soa Feng. Red is a color we've seen her in before, one we know she's comfortable in. Blue is one we haven't seen her in, so we can see how she sort of feels during this scene through these colors. At first, she's ill at ease, but once Soa Feng reveals his cards, she gets him hook, line, and sinker. She's in control. She's cool, she knows what she's doing.
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When Elizabeth rolls up to the pirate council in the black and gold threads from Soa Feng, she also has her hair up (not many pictures of that, unfortunately). And while, yes, that does mean she's in an "acceptable position", I think here its more that she's in a position she's prepared for. She's the governor's daughter, so a position of power is something she theoretically should have in the bag. And we see she does because she becomes Pirate King pretty quick. Again, it's a dark hour, but that gold really ties her character back to when she was firmly the governor's daughter: when she only wore yellow. Something I didn't mention above is that Elizabeth really only wears yellow in the presence of her father, the governor. And again, really only while he's the real power. By the time he loses that to Cutler Beckett, she's in maroon and brown. The colors symbolize that while this is the pirate's darkest hour, Elizabeth is prepared for this. She can lead them. And her hair, once again down, represents that she is free here, even in the face of impending doom (same with her pants). She is a real pirate, and she's ready to fight for their freedom (even if I would HIGHLY recommend tying your damn hair back, girl!).
Let's look at Will now. In AWE, he's got some pretty static character stuff, but that's okay, because he got a lot of that in DMC. His most major outfit is the switch from a black vest during the locker sequences to a black coat when Jack throws him overboard and lets him get captured. He's still got a crossed belt, which has become a staple, and we get a little pop of color from his sash/gun belt thing. Which, funnily enough, looks to be predominantly brown, red, and gold.
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So as far as colors, we again get the darkest hour bit, although for Will his is more of a darkest hour because he's going to soon be forced to choose between his dad and his (I'm assuming) fiancé. The maroon shows that Will and Elizabeth are still connected, she's still rubbing off on him despite their coolness during this movie. The steaks of color in his belt help us really see where he came from too, red from AWE, the gold again from Elizabeth, and the brown calling all the way back to CotBP.
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Will's final costume change comes once he's sort of forced into the captainship of the Flying Dutchman. He's still wearing the black coat and maroon shirt, with the black crossed belt, but there's two major changes: the bandanna and his hair. The hair I'll harp on real quick because it's down. And as far as we've discussed, that mean he's more himself, that he's allowing the world to see just how much he's been changed by the circumstances around him. Like Calypso says, Will has a "touch 'a destiny", and as far as we can tell, this is quite literally where he is meant to be (for the 2007 crowd this was assumed to be in perpetuity as well). This is like, literally the 2nd or 2 times his hair is down in this movie. Do I like that all the symbols are pointing to him being here on purpose? fuck no. But it gives me that kind-of-icky-kind-of-not pit on my stomach that tells me this is a narratively satisfying conclusion.
Turning to the bandana, this is something we've never seen his character wear, ever, in the entire franchise. The only other prominent characters we see wear bandannas are those who do so under hats: Jack and Barbossa. And both of them are captains. So, the bandana not only signifies the magic-girl-transformation(TM)that Will undergoes after getting his heart carved out by (assumedly) his own father; but it also symbolizes his new role in life: captain of the Flying Dutchman. Its color tells us something too, the same as his clothes. The maroon symbolizes how Elizabeth has worn off on him, and the black shows us that when he became captain, it was a dark time. But the bandanna, that baby is green. What can that symbolize? Well, do me a favor and scroll back up to Will and Elizabeth's wedding outfits from DMC. What colors are they wearing? Yellow and Blue? I sure hope so. What color does yellow + blue = ? Green. Will's bandana symbolizes not only his new station in life, but also the entwinement of his and Elizabeths' destinies, now for all eternity. That's why even though Norrington ended up in gold and blue, like Will, he never got any green, he says it himself: "Our destinies were entwined, but never joined" (I paraphrase).
So, in conclusion, the wardrobe department for this trilogy slaps, the writers were great, Gore Verbisnky is a legend, and I just spent over a literal hour over analyzing the clothing on two fictional pirates in a Disney movie franchise based on a ride.
I love how I said this was gonna be little. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ya'll. Felt like pictures might do us some good this time and break up the giant walls of text. This has been fun to put together, and I may do an analysis of other characters later, but IDK. I'm trying to outline a new WIP so... we'll see how long that one lasts. I may do an analysis of the costumes from five as they pertain to the original trilogy, but I don't know yet (for reference, I personally don't consider 4 as a main line story. It's like Rogue One is to the Original Star Wars trilogy, it explains a couple plot points for the next movie, but it's not a necessary watch).
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starstriix · 1 month
Jo's dynamics with other characters are all usually fun and engaging due to her being such an entertaining and adaptable character herself; but they can honestly be so much more interesting if people explored them a bit more?
For example, take Jo and Lightning. They have a hilarious dynamic with Jo having to deal with Lightning's stupidity and learning to manipulate his self-centeredness to her advantage. Except one thing I don't see explored enough is their similarities??
They're both overconfident athletes who are willing to do bad shit in order to win. It makes me think that Jo might’ve had a similar upbringing to him where she had to deal with the pressure of winning? Like, a cut-throat attitude doesn't just develop out of nowhere. Except whilst I think Lightning's ego developed from being constantly praised (and eventually pressured with having to live up to others' expectations), Jo might’ve been constantly belittled and underestimated (for yknow, being a girl) and she would've had to work hard to achieve recognition from others. Episode 6 pretty much confirms that she uses a false bravado and anger to cover up feelings of insecurity. I just think their possibly similar yet different upbringings and perspectives would be cool to explore.
Jo and Zoey is one of my favourite duos! They definitely should've become friends; I think they would've been a fun dynamic, and gen 2 could've used a proper female friendship. I think them both having the "Not like other girls" aspect is quite interesting?? As well as them both initially lacking actual friendships (with Zoey's lonely childhood, and Jo's... Just Jo) which is. Pretty common amongst the gen 2 girls. Huh
Zoey could've been a MUCH more interesting character (I always just use the cool epic version of her I have inside my head). Let her be weirdddd or let her be super basic and intentionally pose as "indie" to seem cool and different. Maybe she looks down on other "basic" girls to cover up how she feels insecure around them for being weird and having unconventional interests herself idk. I think the dynamic of both Zoey and Jo hating on pretty, popular girls and overcoming that is super neat. Especially since they're both something that the other hates; Zoey is a typically feminine girl and Jo is a jockette. Let them become friends and be like "okay well you aren't so bad" and then eventually stop judging other girls for being "feminine" or "basic" pleaseeeee it'd be so good. Even better: let ALL the revenge girls be friends. I just want them to be happy OKAY? Okay.
Finally, Jo and Cameron! Another duo I'm fond of. Awesome brains/brawns combination, and the whole arc of Cam standing up to her and Jo respecting him for it is absolutely peak. Jo's elimination in roti was pretty much perfect, but I also think she could've worked well in the finale. Her being a combination of brains and brawns would have encouraged Cameron to use both, which would be a neat callback to Jo's earlier line of needing to get physical in TD. (Still think she should've rooted for Cameron over the guy who insisted that she was a dude for most of the season but whatever)
I haven't really seen this take on their dynamic, but the whole thing of Cameron's development being stunted from the over-protective environment of his upbringing and Jo being toughened by the harsh environment of hers adds a fascinating layer to their relationship. Whereas Cameron was prevented from being able to properly grow up and experience things like normal teens, Jo grew up way too soon and put more focus into winning than making positive relationships and allowing herself to just be a teenage girl (I personally believe Jo got the """tough love""" treatment). Idk I just think this would be cool to delve into and see how their opposite childhoods impacted them and their core values when interacting with each other
Cameron clearly saw her as both a role model and an opponent, which is a really fun dynamic! She was a bully, yeah, but she also presented herself as someone who was always in control and knew what she was doing, so it's understandable that Cam looked up to her. She was pretty much the opposite of overprotective too, which is probably what drew Cam to her since she didn't coddle him (and instead made fun of him LMAO). And of course, Jo learned to not underestimate the tiny nerds and gave her respect in the end. Super fun and intriguing duo, and probably the only td pair I would actually compare to siblings.
So yeah basically I think we should start looking into TD relationship dynamics more because they're awesome and filled with potential. Especially Jo's because she is the best ever and if you think otherwise then you're wrong
Also have a gold star if you just read through all of that ⭐️ great work soldier
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foreos · 7 months
The Muppets Present: The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
based on @the-muppets-present. saw their rule list and felt inspired. might do the other hatchetfield shows later if i feel so inclined :)
i just felt like the story of “average office worker who hates musicals gets trapped in a musical” was just begging to be muppetified.
so, without further ado,
ted- guys i went through so many options for ted. it was immediately hard. eventually i decided on rizzo, because i feel like similarly to ted, he’s kind of an asshole that causes problems for himself and everyone around him. plus, the “kick my head!” scene is even funnier if ted is like. one foot tall.
bill- kermit. i think kermit can and should be a sad dad. bill is like the most earnest man in hatchetfield and the idea of kermit being deeply disappointed that his friend won’t help him reconnect with his estranged daughter because he hates musicals so much is so funny to me.
professor hidgens- gonzo. duh. camilla is alexa. gonzo is the most eccentric bitch in the cast and would 100% kill people to get his musical produced. imagine gonzo shouting “come on you bastard!” at the apocalypse. gonzo would get struck by lightning and climb out of a pile of his friends’ bodies. he just would.
charlotte- miss piggy. stay with me here. from a meta standpoint, i always find it funny when piggy plays the secondary female role in a muppet movie and gets annoyed about it in interviews. from a character standpoint, post-infection charlotte’s high energy would be great to see if it was performed by the one and only piggy. imagine miss piggy singing join us and die. imagine the beginning part. she just beats the shit out of rizzo. gonzo shoots her.
mr. davidson- fozzie. idk i just got a mental image of him putting the newspaper down like jeff blim does at the beginning of the song and then fucking. waggling his ears.
sam- this one was hard because i had to think of you tied up my heart and show me your hands. i eventually picked link hogthrob. sam’s a pig, link’s a pig, etc.
alice- janice. hear me out. it’s not just because she’s “the other girl muppet.” imagine if alice just looked at bill and went “whatever, man” and walked away. truthfully thinking more about watcher world than tgwdlm for this one.
paul- jon matteson. paul stays the same, babeyyy. i think it just adds another fucking layer to his panic because not only is everyone randomly singing around him, they’re fucking muppets. just imagine la dee dah dah day if he was surrounded by muppets. he’s just some guy in a weird situation, and just some guy he shall stay.*
emma- lauren lopez. so i am breaking the number one rule of muppetfication to keep emma the same, but there’s a method to my goddamn madness. the only person paul can relate to in hatchetfield is the one other human being. plus, again, imagine the end of inevitable with emma screaming and crying while surrounded by fucking muppets.
*so i lied. just some guy he shall not stay. when inevitable starts, you first hear paul’s voice. he’s singing, just like he does in the show. emma very quietly goes “paul?” the same way, too. but what’s different is you can’t see paul. the camera pans over.
paul is a muppet.
he’s one of the lookalike ones, like from the first two episodes of the show and the jason segel one from the 2011 muppet movie.
“paul, you’re scaring me” indeed.
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softcitrus2345 · 3 months
Hey three questions?
Are requests open besides commissions?
Do you have any female ocs?
Will requests solely be for your ocs?
Three answers!
1. Unfortunately no, I don't have requests open. I can't afford to do art for others for free, and now that I just got my first job I'm gonna be a lot busier than I used to be, so finding the time/motivation to draw is gonna be harder for me to navigate
Also I feel like it defeats the purpose of me having commissions open while also making art catered for others for free, I gotta make money somewhere yknow
And from what I've seen in this community a lot of the requests artists get are for one-off prompts or characters, which just isn't my cup of tea. I can't get invested in a character or a drawing that is just like a one-time thing, if that makes sense?
I don't want that to snowball with me getting flooded with requests from people for random prompts they wanna see drawn out
I hope that makes sense, and please don't see this as me being upset at the question, I just like to be thorough with my answers and explain why /gen
2. I do! Unfortunately not a whole lot that I draw, my main female oc is Vanessa, and I just love her to bits. Her and Damien are stuck like glue so most of my drawings of her also include her lovely hubby~
If you're wondering about me drawing female weight gain, I'm just not really into that, for a number of reasons, but the main one being my feelings towards the female weight gain community, and how it treats women mostly just as an object for pleasure. As an afab person, it just makes me really uncomfortable how I see women portrayed in the feedism community, since from what I can tell most of the people that create/seek out that kind of content are cishet men just looking to get off.
I know that's not the entire female wg community but it's unfortunately the majority of what I've encountered, and it's just turned me off from the subject completely. There are *very* few times I'll see female weight gain portrayed in a way I can appreciate, and those few are like little gold nuggets that I gotta find by sifting through all the shitty stuff, it's just not worth it for me
It just feels dehumanizing, idk
As a fat person who has always been fat, and who is (unfortunately) still perceived by the general public as female, I've seen first hand the way society treats people like me, the backhanded comments and fatshaming and diet culture, and the horrible things I've been called before.. I see it all too often in the female feedism community, it's just a big no no for me overall
Sorry, I kinda went off on a tangent there, hope I didn't derail this post too much-
3. If I were to ever open up requests, I would say yes, they would only involve my ocs. I use this blog sort of as a public sandbox, where I can just kinda play around with my ocs and share my art with you all. I want the focus to be on my ocs and my own original content, with the exception of my friends and mutuals ocs which I do enjoy drawing from time to time
TLDR, yes, if I hypothetically opened requests they would only be for my ocs, just to keep my blog clear of clutter and random prompts I'm not interested in. I don't want to add another layer of stress to my life with requests and stuff that I can't keep up with
Maybe someday TTwTT
But yeah! Thank you for your questions, anon, it's always nice to have a prompt like this so I can share my thoughts, however messy they may be TTwTT
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swashbucklery · 1 year
i'm rewatching Willow and i still can't comprehend what exactly Elora's weird wrap shawl thing with a hood is. or why it is. why is she wearing THE most impractical garment i've ever laid eyes upon. as the resident Willow textiles expert, what are your thoughts?
Oh I actually fully know the answer to this question!
One: if you would like to better understand the garment construction, there's a detailed knitting pattern with a schematic here. The in-show garment is definitely knitted, but if you're a crocheter this person's got you. What you need to understand is that if there is a thing that has a fandom, and in that thing there is a handknitted garment, viewers who knit have started mentally deconstructing it immediately.
BASICALLY both of these garments are a very long scarf, and then you make a big keyhole, and then more scarf, a second keyhole, then even more scarf. After you have the world's most giant scarf, you add a hood in between the keyholes. The way it's actually worn is with each hole as a sleeve; the trailing ends are then crossed in front of the body and tucked through the sleeves to secure them, which creates the crossed-bodice covering effect.
Two, in terms of practicality, I endured two years of The Improbably Clean White Mother Confesssor Traveling Dress so I know the real answer is that trailing ground-level things look really cool and High Fantasy Femme Heroine on-camera.
However, one of my favourite things to do with this show is take costume elements and read them in-character, because I think it adds another little layer of worldbuilding flavour that really pleases me. So in my heart of hearts:
Elora knit that scarf herself. Or maybe she had help with it, maybe she started knitting it and got frustrated and lost track of rows and couldn't bring herself to rip back, and someone else finished it for her. Either way that scarf was made by hand and it took a long time and so much care. I like to think about Elora packing for a long and dangerous journey and bringing something that makes her feel a little extra loved.
Assuming that scarf is made of wool (which again: idk what it's made of for costuming-sake but in-universe it would be) it is going to be warm as shit. A lovely, densely-knitted wool cape and hood, with the construction designed to allow it to wrap around the whole upper body, would actually be extremely practical for cold, damp nights and staying warm while keeping her arms free to ride or cook. The longer tails you could argue might be practical for wrapping more of the torso or using as a pillow on long nights.
You could also make the case that, while the other members of the party are outfitted with capes and other warm garments, Elora as a kitchen maid might not have had access to something like that. I've talked about this more in my fantasy textile post but basically: woven wool textiles are expensive. Something like that scarf could well be the warmest thing Elora owned, and might have been practical to bring from that perspective as well.
Anyway I love that scarf to bits, it is not something I'll ever make myself but I think it's gorgeous and incredibly distinctive, and the odd construction adds a great bit of Fantasy Je Ne Sais Quoi that is really great.
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hotwaterandmilk · 8 months
Paripi Koumei/Ya Boy Kongming drama eps 2-3
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After proving himself worthy of being Eiko's strategist, Kongming helps her not only out-perform event rivals Jet Jacket, but quickly works at finding a rapper to elevate her appeal.
Plot-wise the gist of these episodes is the same as the arcs in the manga (and anime) with Kongming using his tactics to outsmart Jet Jacket while still offering them an olive branch at the end of the day. KABEtaijin is then introduced as a rapper struggling to find his confidence after having succumb to stagnation following an on-stage incident.
What makes the drama stand out while covering the same ground as previous incarnations of the story is how it recognises in its 44-minute episode length it has time to play around with the setting and characters.
So instead of having a scene in the back office of BB Lounge involve Kobayashi, Kongming and Eiko just standing around talking we have Kobayashi riding the faux horse we spotted last episode for the majority of the scene. It is ridiculous and exactly what a TV show needs to break up moments that work well in a manga but could potentially drag in live action.
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Rather than being a shot-for-shot remake of the manga, the drama leans into comedy with us actually following Kongming around properly as he surveils his targets in episodes 2 and 3. The absurdity of this man dressed as he is while trying to be subtle and also film on a smartphone is genuinely funny. However, the show never fails to underscore the lead's lighthearted ways by showing his past actions as fragments of a bold historical melodrama and it really, really works.
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But Kongming isn't the only character to benefit from the way the drama embraces its unique perspective. We get to see a bit more of RYO from Jet Jacket and get a greater feel for his motivations. We get some genuinely hilarious doco segments with Maezono Keiji that establish his ego and single-mindedness long before (I assume) we get to meet him properly.
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Even the moments that ARE straight out of the manga are translated to screen well, like KABEtaijin's encounter with Kongming at the laundromat. You can completely understand why KABEtaijin freaks out, but it's hard to ignore just how utterly silly it all is.
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The third episode ends just before Kongming forces KABEtaijin's hand and begins their rap battle. And yes, before you ask, Kongming did ride in on something OTT (like he did in the manga):
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Perhaps not as OTT as his ride in the manga, but I can't fault this show for how it has spent its budget. Not only does everything look top notch, the amount of care that has been spent on producing the performers in the show is amazing. For example, their releases are featured on all major streaming platforms and Jet Jacket got a proper MV for 'MID DAY'. They didn't have to go to this much effort but they did and that really adds another layer to the drama. It features the same characters and story we already know, but it still manages to hit different.
Things I didn't like
I still feel like Eiko is the weakest part of the drama. Kamishiraishi Moka isn't a bad actor and her singing as EIKO is solid, there's just a real low-energy feel to this version of Eiko that I had hoped would go away after the first episode. It's a shame, as I mentioned in my post about the first drama ep, I love Eiko in the anime and manga so I was fully expecting to love her in the drama too but she is still falling flat for me idk.
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The throat-healing concoction that Kongming shares with Jet Jacket has a whole preparation scene that felt really unnecessary? Like oooh look at him brewing this ancient, weird, stinky broth. The drink has the same effect as the manga/anime versions but the whole prep scene didn't work for me.
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I won't say it was bad, because I liked the idea of it being adapted for the drama but Kongming house hunting alone didn't work nearly as well as the manga version with Eiko did. Without her there to sort of balance him out or even to help add a bit of context (suggesting he stop living at BB Lounge with Kobayashi) means I'm not sure if the ultimate punchline (his staying put after driving the real estate agent batshit) will work as well. I'm willing to see where this goes though, if they decide to continue it as a minor plot thread or just decide to have him never leave BB. Either way, I think the manga got it right the first time with this.
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Stuff I did like
I thought the official Twitter account was exaggerating when they said we'd see a more gentle side to Kobayashi in the drama, but they really have made an effort to humanise the guy a bit more and I'm absolutely here for it. While the manga acknowledges that Kobayashi is a decent guy, a lot of his character there remains tied up in explaining and reacting to the revelation of Kongming's tactics.
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The drama doesn't opt for Kobayashi holding a stray rabbit during the Jet Jacket performance per the manga, but it does have a few little things he does which help add depth to his relationship with other characters. When Eiko is lamenting he gently punches her head, he looks up at Kongming for approval with his Three Kingdoms asides more than once, and I did really like this exchange between the two when Kongming admits his past mistakes as they drink together.
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Overall these were two more great episodes in a drama series that is shaping up to be a more than adequate take on the source material. Bring on the rest of the eps!
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gumdefense · 9 months
Iris Fey <3
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I love her so much idk how to describe it. She is everything. She’s such a kind and gentle person, and she cares and loves so much which fits so well with Phoenix. She helped dahlia make the initial plan to steal the diamond and get away from their fucked family, she kept helping her with criminal plans from then on because she just loves her sister even if she wasn’t particularly happy about the path she was starting to go on, she volunteered to get the necklace back for her. You know the necklace full of poison. That dahlia used to (nearly) kill someone. She knew what it was, and still wanted to help her (at her own risk, might I add) because dahlia is and always will be her sister, and if she soiled her own hands to try to get her “off the sinful path” or however she worded it, so be it.
And then Phoenix. I think a lot about how she came to fall for him. Because she can’t have loved him immediately, there must have been a period where she didn’t have any feelings and just wanted the damn necklace, but was unable to get it. Can you imagine ? Realising she was getting attached to this man ? Realising she was actually falling for him, the very last thing that she should do ? I wanna know what this specific period of time was like for her so bad.
And in subject to how she loves— we all know the rest. She knitted that horrible sweater for him, which is by itself insane btw like that takes an enormous amount of time, effort, and money (with how much yarn has to be used). And it looks like a really complicated sweater honestly ! Like it looks quite thick instead of being a simple single layer, and— idk what the right wording would be, but ”doesn’t have holes”-y. It looks really well made. That is absolute smitten behaviour it’s hilarious and adorable
But most importantly, she went against her sister’s wishes, because of how much she ended up loving him. The same sister she loved so much as well. We know she wasn’t really happy with dahlia’s actions at this point, and she wanted to save her from sinning further etc, but as established, that was from a source of love. She knew dahlia could be different in the right environment. She believed in her. But somehow, for some reason, she loved Phoenix enough that, as she says, if she knew dahlia’s plan to kill him- she would have stopped her even if it meant one of their lives
There’s another thing about iris that I love, which is that she’s just as crazy as everyone else. We always joke about every character being insane and she is no exception
I do have thoughts about the decision to have her portrayed so… gentle, specifically in regards to how ace attorney treats women in general. I do think it’s kind of meh that the perfect female love interest (as she is sort of depicted I think, based on how the game ends hinting at her and Phoenix still having feelings for each other) is a “loves others so much she makes herself suffer” character. While her evil twin is an evil woman !! Who hates men and people in general !! And is mean and the opposite of caring !! (I’ve grown to really like dahlia too and to find her fascinating as a character, but I think with the way the game was written and how it portrayed her, you’re meant to dislike her)
But, in my biased purely subjective opinion, she is so fucking amazing and I just love her
And this part of her of caring about others to the point of self sabotage makes her connection with Phoenix so interesting. Because that’s exactly how he is, too. He loves and cares so deeply, and he constantly puts others before himself and places his own self-esteem and self-worth on how much he can help people; especially those he loves, i.e. maya, edgeworth, trucy… even apollo and athena based on how much he looks down on himself for his errors as a mentor in aa5. But of course, also iris. As he denied even after the trial that the woman at the witness stand was her, that she could have killed Doug and said those cruel things to him, and that she could have killed Misty, even after 5 years of not having seen her. Their relationship is built with two people who care so, so deeply, and for whom this amount of devotion they always show to loved ones ended up dooming their relationship to each other. Phoenix couldn’t give up the necklace, iris couldn’t take it away from him. I’m a narumitsu endgame kinda guy, but feenris is so incredibly compelling and narratively interesting I’m so unwell about them
Ahem. This long rant aside. What I mean by “most fandom takes are incorrect” is that !! No !! She is not some evil liar that didn’t give a shit about Phoenix and just cared about her selfish desires !! What the fuck !! And she did not fucking “rape him by deception” holy shit !! Like that’s such an insane thing to say, and shows a lack of understanding of what rape by deception is. ALSO: she is a huge victim of… how shall I call it. Gay shipper misogyny ? Let’s go with that. The phenomenon of people hating the guts of a female character for no reason other than “she gets in-between the two men I ship”. I’m not saying it would be the only reason someone would hate her; if you hate her that’s your business and it’s fine, but I’ve definitely seen people acting like she is wayyy worse than she is, and not so subtly showing what their real problem is is that there’s another character who could be a love interest for Phoenix instead of edgeworth. Tldr people are so mean to her :(
And what I mean by lost potential is that I think she could’ve been a lot more. This ties into the kinda misogynistic writing I touched on earlier. I don’t have a great explanation for this honestly, I just have this feeling she could’ve been a top 10 character if she was given a bit more time and more depth. Like if her fucked up parts like being willing to kill dahlia or herself was shown a bit more idk. Like I said I don’t really know how to explain this part. She should’ve been written more as her own character, a bit less as Girl In Love With Phoenix. Which ties with “not enough canon”
And for underrated, well that’s because no one appreciates her rip
This ended up being long as hell lmao anon I hope this is a good answer for you !! And thanks again for asking me I am so happy to talk about iris. Genuinely one of my favourite characters <33 I hope this is coherent I wrote all this late at night when I really should be sleeping as I’m supposed to wake up early tomorrow. But iris is of course more important
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honeybellexox · 1 year
Khushi’s Fashion Makeover
This is my attempt at giving Khushi a reimagined, 2022 makeover, as some of you were curious to see a alternative take.
Khushi was incredibly challenging, compared to Payal. Her fashion is less straightforward and more up to interpretation. Also, being the main character adds another layer of pressure! Idk if I’ll ever get a chance at working for AR but here’s what I came up with:
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So I know this is either a hit or miss but I had 3 factors that I had to try and meet … 1. Colourfulness 2. Mobility/Comfort 3. Quirkiness
Khushi is a person who loves colours, she loves being bright and has a very playful personality. It’s also important to dress her in clothes that visually separate her from other characters as she is the main character…so I got all these outfits from brand called Indya, they do really fun, modern and quirky Indian clothes! I feel this brand was perfect for Khushi!
I tried to stay away from sarees because Khushi prefers dresses and churidaar, for mobility reasons ..she’s always running around, energetic, up to some shenanigan! Sanaya is a petite/ Gamine-like woman (a lot like Audrey Hepburn), so she looks the best in fitted silhouettes. I liked the idea of her in sleeveless dresses, just to give her a more youthful, flirty feel (this is her wardrobe post elopement - kidnapping period …so there’s a sexiness and modernisation to her dressing that didn’t exist previously). Also, I know those sets don’t have dupattas, but I would definitely add them …Khushi wouldn’t feel comfortable without one and I think they would make the outfits more elegant.
I chose some sarees too (not that Khushi needs any help in that department, she’s got amazing taste in sarees!)
But these sarees are for a mature, sexier Khushi who’s settled into her marriage and new lifestyle. So they’re very much on the glamorous, sparklier side (a call back to her ‘chamkili’ self!)
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Now hair!
I actually love Khushi’s long dramatic hair, it’s very iconic and paired with ^^^ outfits, it would look amazing. I’m just not a fan of when it’s pinned from the sides, I feel it looks a bit dated. I much prefer it long, open and dramatic.
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(Pic from Pinterest.)
Alternatively, the curtain bang style she sported in the serial Rangrasiya really highlighted her Gamine features (again, like Audrey Hepburn). I know she had a fringe in the later episodes of IPK but I feel it wasn’t styled as nicely as it was in RR.
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(All images from Pinterest)
I think it would have paired nicely with the fitted, vibrant clothes.
I want to just add an alternative style too…as the above style is a bit unconventional! Khushi looks amazing in Jewelled tones so I could also see her wearing a collection of high-end Anarkalis and elegant suits.
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I don’t know if I completely missed the mark with this one, I certainly won’t be getting that job at AR but again, this was really fun! 🥰
I’m curious to know how would have styled Khushi differently??
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whoredmode · 3 months
Literally all the dynamics they created for those scenes with those characters were so interesting. Like they KNEW that there were interesting ideas there. But they played it off as a one off joke when some actual development of the relationships between characters would've been a welcome addition to the game, since there was nothing with any meat to it anywhere else. Sorry but the romance scenes make me so mad. We could've had it all.
Anyways the only thing I enjoyed about SRIV were, ironically, the collectable voice logs from other characters. It was fun to see past and present characters reflecting on the boss and the saints. More of that carried throughout the game would've really made for a much better experience. I'm with you on the shitty "greatest fears" bits. So much potential... only for nothing to come of it.
I’M SAYING LIKE! i get the romances were supposed to be more like jokes, specifically parodying mass effect but like. hey maybe. just maybe sriv. you could not be afraid of yourself for two seconds and actually do something interesting. instead of feeling like you gotta rely on referential humor you could, i dunno, explore the potential dynamics between the boss and the others in a romantic light? that’s fascinating to me. and there’s so much personality in several of those scenes that like….it all felt like it was right there. the johnny one in particular is insane. y’know at one point in srtt’s production there were apparently plans to have your boss date johnny or shaundi (depending on if you played a female or male boss respectively) but they would break up w you in the end regardless. which i think is really funny on the surface but like. it shows they weren’t totally against the idea of exploring how these relationships would evolve over time? it’s not out of the realm of possibility that these characters may start to develop romantic feelings for each other, and if anything i think it adds an interesting layer. how do you deal w that in this line of work? why allow yourself to care when you could lose them so easily? johnny in particular is an interesting case in and of himself: how does he move on from aisha, especially after what happened to her? there’s so much there! and maybe it’s asking too much from this game but like. idk man.😔
i will say i appreciated the overworld/hub that sriv had and how it allowed you to talk to the lieutenants and all that. it’s something i’m glad they implemented in the reboot, and if they ever remade the first two games i’d hope they’d put that there too. i would LOVE to see the lieutenants around the church and being able to have conversations w them.
and i completely agree, i think the idea of the audio logs is actually really interesting and if anything i wish there was more of them.
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verysadlesbian · 1 year
What if the yellowjackets are in a temporal loop?! Like, what if Lottie is not actually a prophet and she's just seeing through the cracks of the loop? Not because of some kind of punishment for their sins or whatever, but because that's really all that is. The "visions of the future" are important elements in the consolidation of any kind of religion, any kind of cult, so that's why I think that, in some way, Misty is right when she said to Lottie that she started it. I do think that they blame her a lot (more than they should, actually), but that's because she's also the scapegoat of the group. It's sad because she's such an interesting character and I love her so much, but for many reasons, I think she's going to die in the finale. I know I said this before, but the fact that the season started with Lottie makes me think that it would make sense if she gets sacrificed. Another thing was her asking Misty to promise her that they wouldn't waste her body, it adds another layer to her decision of letting Shauna beat her up, not only to protect the other girls of her rage, but she could also be thinking "oh, well, if I die, at least they will have food". Maybe it wasn't in the front of her mind, but whatever she was thinking, her actions were essentially suicidal, this intention to sacrifice herself seems to be really present in Lottie, as adult when she said she'll be the last one to pick a cup (this idea is so absurd as well, she needs real therapy with a real therapist. They all do). Also, she had a vision of the card as an adult. Anyways, I forgot what I was talking about, let me check. Oh, right, the temporal loop... i just feel like that'd be cool, I guess (??? Really forgot everything I was going to say about it, but idk something like Life is Strange meets Lord of the Flies meets Donnie Darko meets The L Word meets Lost meets Dark meets Hannibal meets something with a prophet, like the greek myth of the tragical prophet Princess Cassandra aka Lottie Matthews?? idk).
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doomalade · 11 months
I have an idea for a velvet backstory for her team leader coco:
Reason why velvet won’t go to coco for her problems is because coco is not all different then Cardin in a sense.
Coco gets her fashion ideas from faunus hunters (I mean she is based on a Nazi sadly). Hard to talk about your race when you friend does messed up stuff like this.
Coco uses her authority and power to get anything she wants (she has no shame flaunting that power)
Coco bullies anyone that gets in her way (again the books really made me disappointed in her)
Velvet is very uncomfortable with how coco uses her shade to…look at other women (honestly that needs to be addressed)
So when coco tries to use her authority to forced velvet to not date Cardin (if you want to put the love story) .
Velvet puts her foot down and pushes back on coco: why should velvet respect or listen to someone that only sees her as a trophy to be shown?
I think it shows why velvet couldn’t talk to coco about her issues: coco would done something to make things worse truthfully.
Now this is interesting
It doesn’t really work for my AU as Coco is Coco Milton and actually is a good person unlike her canon counterpart but I am starting back up my rewrite.
Of course I am hesitant to be making the canonically lesbian character a villain as I am trying to avoid doing things like that (such as Ilia not attempting to murder the Belladonnas).
I do however think that the team leaders hold the key to the most interesting part of diving into the psyche of hunters. Does their authority get to their head? Does the pressure of leading a team hurt them mentally? Is there imposter syndrome going on? What if they realize the team they’re in is bad for them? Can they abandon their team?
It is all interesting stuff.
To indulge in this idea, I think it would be from a team leader perspective, Cardin is the team leader that starts to realize his team isn’t good for him as he was being the selfish and overly controlling fear mongering type of leader and now he realizes that his teammates were feeding into his bullying and racism towards Faunus. On the other hand is Coco, who refuses to see her selfishness and racism towards the Faunus. Her sexualization of not only women but more importantly, Faunus women.
Now of course at this point I do think in reality it would be best as to not be having the canonically lesbian character falling into the harmful stereotypes of queer people sexualizing everyone around them and making everything a fetish because this feeds into homophobic rhetoric.
And Velvet is stuck in the middle of this. This adds on a layer of complexity as it dives into the view point of the teammate of the leader. How do they react and respond to the actions and behaviors of someone who is meant to lead them? Dove, Russel, and Sky respond with anger and frustration along with full on racism and hatred that Cardin has “changed” and “betrayed them”.
In a sense this almost basically boils down to escaping alt-right pipelines which is another can of worms.
But with Velvet, she feels kinda stuck. She cares for Yatsu and Fox and doesn’t know if they’re on her side of this or on the side of Coco. She also doesn’t want to be the one to break apart her team just because of a romance. (Can you imagine turning your back on your team leader because you’re dating someone cough cough Yang cough.)
But of course in the end everyone lives happily ever after (except me because the Coco Stans will tear me apart and I would have written something that demonizes a queer woman instead of changing her to make her not a Nazi bitch but oh well idk good idea overall though)
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rosefulmadness · 1 year
hello dear rrr fandom: we need to make a backstory for jenny.
we all know (and seem to agree) that sita is a doctor who helps revels and manages the village as well as being an absolute girlboss who can be soft and nice and kick ram's ass (affectionately) and she's also really smart and in most interpretations knows at least a bit of english.
what about jenny tho? I don't have any stories myself but we could collectively come up with one. surface level stuff like jenny never having an actual friend cause everyone is so fake or manipulative is a thing we made canon without voicing it but that's not enough. what about her parents? it is to my understanding that scott and the blonde bitch are her aunt and uncle, what about her parents? are they dead? do they not care about her? does she have siblings? where was she raised? how was she raised? is she just kind even tho she's probably been taught that non-white people are stupid, barbaric, and a waste of time? or did someone teach her that?
perhaps she had a nanny, a caretaker that was Indian, someone who had to take care of her and had no choice in doing so but decided to take the opportunity and teach the young child kindness, to not make her a monster like the other british people. maybe that's why she was so kind to malli? why even tho she saw bheem in pain she never tried to stop her uncle and aunt. maybe she's seen what happen to does that speak up, maybe this isn't her first time seeing people being hurt like that, maybe her nanny had to go through something similar when they found out she was teaching jenny kindness, "manipulating her" as they called it.
or maybe go a different route and just make scott and blondy her parents, and explore the type of childhood she would have had. maybe add a little detail when she gives the prison maps to bheem, maybe have her ask him to kill her parents, or have her hide it from everyone until someone catches on. that would add another layer to her feeling guilty for what the british did to India. you can do a found family trope if you want to.
I'm just saying, there are so many different approaches to her and it seems to me like she's a bit one-dimensional even in the fandom. I would gladly write fics or elaborate more but school makes it impossible for me to have time for that. let's not just give backstories and flesh out a few characters, let's do it with all of them, let's make a whole different level to rrr. I would also love for people to look more into malli's mom and what she went through. laachu and what his thoughts are on ram as well as how he found out about bheem being flogged and how he even found him after that. babai needs a personality too, most of the time he's just there and that's it .perhaps even scott, I would like to get a peak at his thoughts, his wife is a character that interests me too but idk what to do with her cause again, one-dimensional.
I'll try to work stuff out but for now, all you'll get is this vomited info dump that I forgot why I started writing in the first place. see ya ig
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ffxiv 4.0 yanxia
uh water flows downhill to the sea. if the ruby sea is NE why are the mountain streams flowing down from that direction. and if we are far inland away from the sea why do i hear sea birds. well actually you do find inland seagulls.
gosetsu when trying to keep a low profile: yells at an entire village to announce his presence.
i wonder how long that kojin water charm lasts.
depending on just how long ago the failed rebellion was, some of them might not have been executed yet. idk how efficient the garlean bureaucracy is
omg we have a cover story. we are so bad at this. really should have gone with the mercenary story
and we were so concerned with ishin. but its the same or worse a situation in namai. if we free the captured villagers, the garleans will know that it was this village that was interfered with, its easy to track, and any retribution will fall on them. it puts an interesting contrast between gosetsu who is outwardly loud but chose not to directly face the imperials and yugiri who has a calm demeanor but would not allow the villagers to work to death even if it endangered their village.
the shinobi tradition is from the hidden mountain villages and yugiri is from the secret sea village, how'd she become a ninja? it really is a strange choice at all to make her come from sui no sato since up until now and even now in the story yugiri has been the most prominent representative of doma both as the player's only real connection to doma as also as an advocate for the resistence. But it sounds like she came to Doma as an adult so when the villager talk about the party not knowing their suffering this adds another layer as yugiri didn't grow up under imperial rule. like this could be an interesting take, irl people can and do change national allegience, but i worry this will not be addressed at all.
so yugiri isn't exactly fighting for doma. yeah i get the feeling this is once again a case of different writers having radically different visions for a character. the 2.x writers clearly intended her to represent doma for the players. and this whole sui no nato backstory was written by a different writer who wanted something else for yugiri's character. It really feels like 2 characters sharing 1 name. one yugiri who is fully devoted to hien and doma, and one from sui no sato. Again, they could pull this off and fully integrate these two sides to her character but I haven't seen it yet. The other part of this was that 2.x yugiri seemed much older like mid thirties and an established leader. 4.0 yugiri feels much younger which makes me wonder at the timeline. because if is is young and she trained as a shinobi away in the mountains then she might have spent next to zero time in doma which undermines her characterization in 2.x and her writing thus far.
it would make more sense if hien was yugiri's secret childhood friend, or perhaps if he isn't her story doesn't make sense.
I get the feeling that stormblood is setting up for a Return of the Rightful King arc with Doma and I get it and all but ugggggggg even ishgard, ISHGARD! got rid of their totalitarian regime, and Hien already seems supportive of like popular vote and democracy and the old Doma is over this would be the perfect opportunity to abolish the monarchy. narratively the devs could frame it as the people finding their will to fight and live independently, decide their future themselves instead of garlemald deciding for them. which is what this whole first arc in doma has been about. but noo… this is probably going to end up with another monarchy.
an arc I would really like to see is one where we incite half the imperial army to defect. Its already established that most of them are conscripts from other occupied areas, a lot of them don't want to be there. its free real estate, soldiers who would rather be at home. like there is an interesting layer of complexity there that the game seems reluctant to delve into that those who were invaded and subjugated would then enact that same violence on other people. instead ffxiv tends to simplify this to the blacks and white of imperial vs rebel.
I will say I do like how all the main characters are women, another case of didn't realize what was missing until it was back, hw needs more women. Lyse is essentially the main character of the ala mhigo arc and yugiri is the main character of the doma arc so far. I do like how these stories are centered around them. and then the other major character is alisaie, its good to see her again after bahamut.
2nd zenos encounter: about what i expected. villagers fighting is very symbolic and very stupid. before gosetsu said he wasnt stepping in
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yeah I was thinking about the logistics of this too. carvellain's ship sure looked empty enough but that could have been a graphics/asset thing. probably could at least get all the ninja over. between the la noscea gang and the scions gang we'd have a few dozen at least.
the geography still confuses me. the ruby sea NE. the water in the river is flowing east. so doma is more inland/west of namai? weird how there's fog when its sunny but those fog clouds disappear when its raining.
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notsodailycake · 2 years
Happy Birthday Dork
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Yep! Today's my birthday! This gal right here is turning 16! (Now time to change my age in all my bios💀💀)
And i decided to draw these two gals. Now of yall weren't following me back in 2020 on insta, then yeah, you have no context to who these two are
The blond one is well, Cake, my oc/persona, and the ginger one is Brooke, an oc thag belongs to @/ molzysketch on Instagram. I wont go into full detail, but we basically ship these two. We made them during the fall of danplan, Brooke was supposed to be Ann for molzy's pirate au. A group chat was made to make theories of what would happen on the next part of the au, but the next day the fall happened. After the fall we revamped them as ocs tho, and everyone in the group made their own ocs and we role played with them
I'll add the version with no text under the cut, plus bonus info and ramblings boyt my art :>
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This all are kinda redesigns of them really. Brooke was redesigned by her own creator molzy of course, but i worked on the colors by the end 😌
On another note tho! To make this drawing an even better birthday gift to myself, in the middle of doing this i realized how similar it was to an old drawing of these 2
This one was from July 2020, it was the last time i did a proper drawing of them in their pirate self
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But honestly, looking back the old drawing i did of them, god am i happy with my progress. You can see they actually grew up too, the old one looks more soft, childish and now they seem to have grown up! It's more mature, has more personality to it, to the characters!
I'll keep it short, but basically, I'm happy with how my art and the characters grew. They actually feel like pirates, and Cake feels like how i wanted them to feel, and Brooke now actually seems like Brooke and not a revamp of Ann. Which props to Molly for that!
Also, i tried out a new shading technique here, which i love! But hate it just as much, bc of how many layers i had to use, and how slow it gets when you leave or come back to the drawing 💀
Also really time consuming, but it's worth it bc it looks epic. And honestly it's way more fun, with how free i am with it and messy i can get with it
And yeah, the similarities between this snd the 2020 one, it was PURE coincidence. I started to work on this mostly testing out a technique i saw on a reels and it turned out great, the bodies, didn't know who to use it with. After a while decided to use Brooke and Cake, was gonna draw Brooke holding cake, but the body better fit Cake so i did them instead. And only when i was sketching Cake out did i realise it
I miss these gals, and i wish to work with them more. Hell i actually am re working on Cake's story now. I plan on maybe changing their name to Cory, tho I'm yet to fully decide
Tho idk how the og crew's story is now, but honestly, it's alr i can still have fun with it XP
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