#idk 🤷‍♂️
kingzombear · 6 months
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Lil doodle between comms but I wanna expand on this concept, someone was like "what if they swapped personalities" and I was like 🤔
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cheffe-cool · 4 months
Such a strange rant I’m about to go on, but-
I don’t think aouv is as modern as some people think it is? I’ve been reading fanfics about the series and people keep mentioning the internet or using smartphones, but the only kind of phones we see in the books are landlines.
Like when Reid’s on call with another spell maker (Isobels first chap of aoud) he twirls the wire around his finger.
Or at the end when Reid is upset Isobels been ignoring his calls she says “I’ve been at my moms (or with my mom idr)” If she had a smartphone that definitely wouldn’t be a problem.
None of the characters have phones they can carry around, and while we see a lot of news coverage on the tournament, it’s all in newspapers, magazines, TV and call ins. You’d think in a world like ours there would be some blogs- or Twitter fights about it or SOMETHING.
This literary doesn’t matter at all really- but I think the series might take place somewhere closer to the 80’s than 2000’s.
Idk just been thinking about this a lot for some reason.
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thedailydib · 7 months
Day 27: trophy
Sorry this one is a little messy the mental illness got a little too out of control today. i cant decide if it looks best this way or that way so you get two flipped versions
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braindamaged007 · 1 year
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aithusarosekiller · 9 months
Hi Archie! How’s your day going?
The Crowley was Raphael theory? Tell me more Archie! I need to know more..
I'm pretty good actually :D how are you?
It's really late rn and I'm so tired sleeping this so ignore any mistakes haha!
I've rambled about this theory too much lately so I'm just gonna say random stuff and tag the theory tag so you can indulge in everyone else's thoughts but basically
Based on all the teasing in s2, I think we're getting a reveal in s3 and I think that either
1) Crowley will be revealed to have been the previously missing Raphael (which seems to line up well with a lot: the snake thing, the 'I think I understand better than you do' thing, the everyone knows him thing, the knows god personally thing, the 'Raphael seems to be conveniently not mentioned...maybe to hide heaven's institutional problems?' thing, the 'walks on earth and helps protect humans' thing, the 'is Lucifer Satan in this universe? And he says 'Lucifer and the guys at one point but who knows how he meant it' thing, the 'how do you know it wasn't me?' In reference to archangel power thing, the 'close enough to god to think he's safe asking questions' thing, the whole 'his bitterness towards Gabriel feeling distinctly sibling-y even if it was rooted in love for aziraphale' thing, something about the fact he keeps houseplants and terrifies them into submission while trying to keep them alive and 'perfect' feels like he can't deal with smth not being perfect or 'healed' as a lingering thing from his past- he pushes them to be healthy and perfect...can he not do that for them anymore?, the 'knowing when somebody is too far gone to heal' thing and the acceptance of human passing (that feels very important in s2 for some reason) thing, the 'are they making Lucifer a prince of heaven or were they on about someone else, how is this working?' Thing, the 'we know he was powerful so there's a small chance could be Raph thing, smth about the metatron wanting him back and as an Angel...is he luring him using Azi? Does he want Raph back to replace Gabriel?, the 'his cute prefall self gives off both Raph and Lucifer energy and it's so strong it is suffocating' thing, the way he didn't even hesitate when opening the file which suggests that he was RIGHT at the top bc if he was only just high enough he may have hesitated or considered other precautions put in place to stop him from spying, the SARAQAEL TRUSTED HIM SO QUICKLY??? Thing...they really hoped he remembered them???? That's weird..., something about the job story that I cannot articulate, the fact Raphael is MISSING (possibly thought to have just DISAPPEARED) in relation to the number of times Crowley suggests running away, he hates the idea of earth and human life ending for the start...does he want an endless cycle of growing and...gradual healing? Something something he protects people from before the beginning something something, etc)
2) Aziraphale will get his position as head archangel and BECOME the Raphael of the series bc of the name similarity, the healing thing, and the fact the name Raphael hasn't even been mentioned thus far, while Crowley is revealed to have been another angel, likely either Lucifer or Barachiel (both of which would be pretty cool)
I personally prefer option 1 but option two is looking prettyyyyy likely I will admit. I'd be happy with either but...Raph Crowley has a special spot in my heart
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thelionsship · 10 days
you know...
We can’t live with this feeling forever.
We should [MOVE ON]
It's not like he won't show up anymore, right?
It will be the next tournament. If not, then it must be the next next tournament.
SO we should just move on and enjoy the future guys!
Anyway, here's my new Twitter banner-
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birb-boyo · 2 months
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prettykillingdoll · 5 months
Is there a word for something like nonverbal but isn’t really that. Like I sometimes (when I mean something I mean once a week) get this feeling were I just don’t want to speak like it not that I can’t speak, I can it just feels like I unclench my jaw when I was clenching my jaw for the whole day. And sometimes that feeling just dissipates like I will be with friends and then I get feeling when I really want to talk (like I’m going to explode if I don’t). I’m not distress (sometimes I’m sad but the reason why I don’t want to speak) when I get like this. I don’t get distress from speaking but more a tried feeling.
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I try to keep that stuff on side blogs but sometimes I have to let it be here so I know if the people that did that to me check this blog, they know I know now it was bullshit and abuse. It's petty and stupid, but i know it would drive at least one of them up the fuxking wall so
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rogueddie · 1 year
Dw, your checks still cut off on my phone. I think it might be because of the type of phone I have
I think there was an update that fixed it, if it isn't just your phone shape? But they've started glitching a little on my phone so I'm counting it as a win
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otherkinotd · 9 months
Shrub from Empires SMP season 1 is wolfkin! This is (basically) canon and you cannot change my mind
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the-shape-showdown · 11 months
When do submissions close?
I don't really know, I guess what I've always done for these is just close them when I feel we have enough submissions
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hexusproductions · 1 year
Cyclonus is cool as hell actually, I'm sorry I ever doubted him*
(*I didn't really doubt him, but I'm only just starting MTMTE)
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savoirbeau · 1 year
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gayfishermanfive · 1 year
College or work or both?
neither LMAO i need a job bc i need money but like. the thought of working/having a job just fills me with so much dread 😭 i considered college/uni but like. i forgot most of my school studies already, and im also still waiting for an official adhd diagnosis (ive been waiting like.. a year now) 💀 and id like to get that/get on meds before reconsidering further eduction yknow?
so rn im just depressed and unemployed 😔
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yellowhearther0 · 2 years
I don't think Ranboo got hacked because he's also referencing ethan on his twitter
i mean if his discord is hacked then theres always a chance his twt could be hacked too
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