#idc if im too stupid to actually explain how good this was just know its great and the more you keep giving me im just eatin it UPPPPP
beetljugo · 7 months
Keegan says nothing for a while, unsure of what Isaac means.
He lied to them? About what? Was Isaac really some kind of traitor? Was this about something completely different. Did he lie to all the Ghosts or just to Keegan?
Isaac is looking at the ground when he finally speaks again. “When I told you all that my only goal is to take down the Federation, that wasn’t true. There is something else.”
“Isaac…” Keegan doesn’t want to believe it. Just when he was starting to become okay with opening up to Isaac. Just when he decided to actually TRY for him.
“Taking down the Federation has always been my priority, but the reason I transferred under Elias’ command was because this division had the broadest military database in the country, and I needed access to it to find someone.”
“My little brother”
And so Isaac tells Keegan about his brother Arthur. How despite their mother’s insistence on university, Arthur enlisted just like his big brother did a few years ago. Wanted to be just like him in every way. And Arthur excelled in training, was a model soldier, and was set to be stationed with Isaac for a while in a few months. Isaac was so proud of him.
Arthur and his squad were about to ship out of Boston when the city was hit by ODIN.
Isaac couldn’t get ahold of his mother or anyone in the city on base to see if Arthur was alive or not. He spent months looking for him, even deserted his former commander because he was so desperate for ANYTHING. But there wasn’t anything to find. Not even a record of death. Isaac spent years bouncing from operation to operation, using his skills to help take down the Federation but also to find any information on what happened to his little brother.
Once he landed in with Elias and the Ghosts though, something changed. He started to care about people again. He wasn’t consumed with desperation for a scrap of intel on one Arthur Hill.
He found joy in the dynamic between the Walker boys. He felt proud when Elias told him he did a good job. He felt like the safest he could ever be was on a team with Keegan.
Isaac tells Keegan all of this and by the end it’s him who is crying and being comforted by someone.
Keegan holds Isaac close as Isaac just keeps repeating “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I lied to you, please don’t hate me, don’t send me away.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m not letting you leave us anytime soon.” Keegan’s voice rumbles in Isaacs ear.
Once his tears have mostly stopped, Keegan gently cups Isaacs face and pulls it up to look at him.
“You didn’t have to do this alone. We would have helped you look for him.” Keegan says
Isaac sniffles “I know that now. I haven’t had…anyone for so long. I don’t think I knew how to ask for help.”
“You have us now. More than that, you have me.”
“I mean it Isaac. I’m done pretending that I don’t care about you. I’ll be by your side for as long as you’ll have me there.”
Isaac let’s put a weak chuckle. “Don’t give me that kinda power, I might want to keep you there forever.
“Then that’s how long I’ll be there.”
((I ran out of steam near the end but I think that’s it))
you did amazing. omg i dont even- where do i even begin...
RAHHHHHH okay first of all the isaac backstory?? SCRUMPTIOUS love the angst, love the lore
BUT THE "something changed. he started to care about people again" AHHHHHHH can you hear my screaming??? stop right there!!! THAT TROPE THAT STORY PATH IS SO.. AHHH ITS SO GOOD
((im so sorry i have no brain power to actually give you decent feedback besides "AHHH" and "RAHHHH" just know its positive))
okay but the "you have us now." and "im done pretending i dont care about you" BITCH IM KICKIN MY FEET IM CHEESIN IM SMILIN IM GIGGLING CAUSE THEM THEM THEM THEM I LOVE THEM>>
AND THOSE LAST TWO LINES??? "then that's how long i'll be there" PLEASE PLEASE I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE.
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bearlypigest · 5 months
i cannot BELIEVE i was following a homophobe and had no idea
just because youre 15 im gonna explain just on the off chance you dont understand the weight of calling someone the f slur
thats the word people yell at us when they hate crime us. thats what we're called by the people who want us dead. by calling a lgbtq+ person that bc they hurt youre feelings, youre saying, 'hey, im on the side of the people who do those things. i also want you dead for being lgbtq+. i take joy in hearing about the lgbtq+ people who get beaten and murdered and more for it, they deserve it'
if thats not what you mean, dont say it
theres literally no justification or EVER any good reason to say it
the only reasons youd be saying it are either a) youre a homophobe or b) youre too young to know better. but 15 is really around the age that you should start learning better.
that sort of thing isnt tolerated in the real world. thats how you get fired from your job in the future or kicked out of uni. if you cant drop it from your vocabulary because its beyond hurtful, then do it for your own sake
seriously man
its NOT like any other insult. its not like when someone called you a weirdo on twitter. that was wrong of them, they shouldnt. im not saying thats okay. but im saying that calling someone the f slur has so much weight and history and blood on it
like i said
either you mean it in all those awful ways, or you dont know better. im telling you so you can learn better. you deserve that chance at least
I never knew that word had a deep meaning against the lgbt, but I'm not a homophobic, I didn't know the f slur meant that cause what I've been hearing where I'm from ppl my age say it a lot, I asked them what it meant and they said it's calling someone gay, that's all they said and that's what I thought it meant, and yk how ppl are know days calling each other gay as a joke, but I never said it out loud both on the internet and irl, til now, and what you told me Abt what it meant I never knew that. And it's not because I'm homophobic I'm not, it just means I'm still a kid and still learning this stuff (when in actual reality I should be learning/talking Abt this as an adult not at this age cause I'm stupid) so I apologize for that, forgive me, don't forgive me, idc. But all I'm saying is I'm sorry and I never knew
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1990jeevas · 3 years
I love it when people talk about things they're passionate about, tell me something cool!! Anything you want, just something you find interesting or want to talk about :D
hello anon my beloved, I am in a bad mood so you will be receiving a passionate, yet lowkey of pissy rant about why villainizing bakugou makes me wanna vomit and its NOT just because I'm a dumbass kinnie :)
tws: child abuse (emotional and physical), near death expierences, bullying, kidnapping, suffocation, lots of trauma in general tbh. if you've seen bnha then basically just keep all the general triggering plot stuff in mind incase i missed any warnings
also, note: I havent caught up on bnha in a minute, I'm at like the start of the war arc but I barely remember shit there tbh so like. probs missing new stuff. also bnha spoiler warnings lol
so, for starters, the homie bakugou has like,, a good handful of issues that come from his childhood that explain why he's an ass. he was always praised and never actually reprimanded for being a twat which led to him having a huge ego that ended up fucking him over majorly. this ego was something that his mother acknowledged him having, but literally didnt try to fix it with anything other than violence. see here:
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like, instead of trying to help him, she hits and insults him, which is probably what led to his weird inferiority/superiority complex. being constantly told by others that you're outstanding and one day you'll be a top hero because you're rude and aggressive and then going home and being hit by your mother for those exact same behaviors is bound to fucking confuse a child.
so like, now that we've established that its definetly canon that his mother (parents? I think he said parents at some point but masaru doesn't seem like the type so 🤷) hits him though we don't know how much or how often (though if bakugou was as much of a little shit back then ((which as far as we've seen- he was)) then it was probably often), lets talk about how regardless of all that 1) hitting your kids as "discipline" not only doesn't work but is abusive lol like idc if it's spanking/popping them on the mouth for talking shit, slapping them across the face "on occasion", etc. shits not okay 2) hitting your kids!!!! does not work!!!!!!!! it is literally PROVEN not to work!!!!!!!! hitting a child who has done something wrong doesnt teach them to stop doing something it teaches them to be scared of you, which will cause the child to withdraw, removing part of their support system (assuming said abusive parents would even offer that up) and will most likely lead to them thinking they're a bad person, not that their actions were bad, which are two different things. so, ya know, that would clearly have an effect on a kid. like, as someone with a mother who reminds me all too much of mitsuki: I have acted like a complete shitbag and taken my anger out on people to feel better in the past because of the way my mother treated me. though it was nowhere near what bakugou did, I still know first fucking hand what a mother hitting and insulting her child will do, especially if they have no proper outlet for that (friends, a safe place to vent) which bakugou never fucking had.
theres also the fact that just talking to your kid the way mitsuki does (saying it's his fault he was kidnapped because he's weak, all while hitting him) is not??? okay?????? ive seen people arguing that this was just a joke in poor taste but like her son was KIDNAPPED and even if it was a "joke" there's literally NO WAY that would EVER?? BE FUNNY??????? she just sounds like the kind of parent who at the very least says shit without thinking that would traumatize bakugou (because being told right after being kidnapped it's your fucking fault by your mother is absolutely traumatizing) but it comes across as her being emotionally abusive.
mitsukis character as a whole comes across as a shitty mom who doesn't realize she's a shitty mom and thinks bakugou being an ass isn't at least partially her fault even though she's admitted to realizing he has always had an ego problem and doing nothing to fix it except for hitting and yelling which obviously did nothing but make him just as loud and violent as she is.
this is obviously not the entire reason why he's a dick but he was never properly taught that the shit he was doing wasn't okay and people not stopping it and/or praising him endlessly even tho he was a bully is basically the same as encouraging it, thank you very much.
moving on from that, let's talk about bakugous other traumas and how he naturally responds to them. hint: it's with either full blown panic or a fight response (verbal or physical, though usually physical. also sometimes it's the panic followed by the fight response.)
so far in bnha (keep in mind that I am not caught up, I've only read up to the beginning of the war arc and i barely remember those bits so) bakugou has...
nearly died via sludge villain (he was unable to move and was being suffocated to death- keep this in mind)
lost for the first time ever and against deku of all people (this nearly sent him into a full blown panic attack, likely because of that sexy little inferiority/superiority complex combo. think of this as like. gifted kid burnout lite. he has always been the best of the best and now suddenly he is being beaten by somebody who has always been weaker than him, which immediately makes him start thinking he was never actually that good, he's actually a fucking failure, a goddamn fraud)
won the sports festival by default (bakugou counts this as yet another failure because todoroki didnt try his best. had bakugou lost to todoroki full strength, he would've taken 2nd place with a bit of bitching, but he still wouldve taken it rather than refuse the medal as it would be a reminder that he failed. instead of accepting that like UA shouldve, the staff chained and muzzled him on live television and then had all might, his fucking idol, force the medal into his mouth. remember the sludge villain incident and how he couldnt move and was suffocating to death? yeah.)
been kidnapped because of the way he reacted to winning during the sports festival (he was aggressive and tried to refuse the medal because he felt he didnt deserve it and was then retraumatized by being chained up and muzzled. his "villainous attitude" was a fucking trauma response, do not tell me otherwise)
was then chained up once again by the LOV after being kidnapped,,, do we see the "retraumatize bkg" theme yet?
"ended all might" (he literally blames himself for all mights retirement because had he just not have been weak, all might wouldve had more time, right?)
my point with all of these is that bakugou has been severely traumatized and has then had his trauma responses (aggression, fight) used to further demonize him. not all people with trauma react the fucking same and the way the fandom just refuses to acknowledge anger as a valid form of trauma response is gross as hell.
moving away from that topic, bakugou has literally never had any actual friends, they all just used him and didn't care about him which absolutely will fuck up a kid, especially one who already has all that other shit going on. bakugou deadass never had a support system or people to help him grow as a person, let alone properly work through his fucking emotions so it's not surprising that he would take out his bullshit on the one person who tried to help him especially considering he saw dekus actions as him thinking he was weak. bakugou was raised to not seek help, he thought somebody strong shouldnt ever need it, so for somebody like deku (who bakugou percieved as weak and helpless already) to offer up help? deku must obviously think bakugou is even weaker than him, what other explanation could their possibly be!
speaking of which, there's his heaps of insecurities that he basically hid by being a twat and bullying others for most of his life. kid was so insecure he bullied deku for fucking years cause he thought deku looked down on him, thought he was better than him, etc. and that only got worse bc his idol then decided to take deku in, train him and even give him his quirk. there's probably some shit im missing but still he's got issues and always has had issues. that being said, he's actually improving and working them out now which is what makes him a really good, interesting character. it's also nice to see a character who is a dick without some tragic backstory (like his backstory is sad but its not the classic "my family was fucking slaughtered and i turned into a raging bitch who murders people" type shit) bc that rarely happens and it's like most assholes don't actually have a story like that they're just assholes lol
now lets talk improvement! lil bitch has been getting better since he got into UA and im so happy abt it!! he had a rough start what with deku suddenly having a quirk and all but like he is really improving now and it highkey shows that bakugou just mostly needed people who 1) didn't constantly praise him and actually criticized him instead 2) actually fucking punished him doing stupid shit and 3) some motherfucking friends
Since going to UA he's gotten actually feedback from teachers about his weaknesses and how to get stronger, he's lost against others, hes been told he has a shit attitude and is a dick, told he should be nicer and leave deku alone, etc etc. He hasn't gotten in trouble too much with teachers but others give him shit for what he does and aizawa has punished him too, while still acknowledging that bakugou is an amazing and dedicated student, something which no one else had done up til that point. and uh???? homie actually has friends who like,,, don't use him and also call him out when he's a dick. like specifically kirishima has done this shit and him and bakugous relationship is clearly very healthy and beneficial for the both of them. makes me feel all happy n shit, ya know
bottom line is: while it is absolutely valid to dislike or even hate bakugou because he is a massively flawed person who has been very cruel to others, villainizing him for the way he acts which in large part seems to be from a lack of guidance, a shitty mother and heavy amounts of trauma, is fucking awful. his actions cannot be fucking excused, he needs to apologize and continue to grow, but he is also a fucking teenager, who is just now being told that the way he acts is unacceptable by people who dont fucking abuse him (and I swear to god if any people who think mitsuki isnt abusive interact with this fucking post I will fullstop hardblock you, I do not fucking care) and actually treat him like a normal person instead of some prodigy child or someone who needs to be fixed.
people are free to debate my points or whatever bc I know some of this stuff is up to interpretation but like. dni if you're just here to say you hate bakugou for xyz reason or that he's irredeemable. also especially dni if you compare him to fucking endeavor yall bitches make me gag.
anyways thxs for the ask anon <33 sorry this is a kinda messy info dump lol
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0tivez · 2 years
I am feeling better now! Thanks for caring :D I also mention spoilers here as well :)
His death just, I don't know. It really did hurt. When he thought about all the books he bought and didn't read?? that hit so close to home. how many books did I buy but I never read?? That line made him so painfully human and tears. I'm in tears.
Another death that hit me hard was Junpei's. I think it was the fact that he could've been okay but wasn't. His friendship with Yuuji, the idea that maybe he could've joined the main 3 and be supported by Gojo in a Gojo way? I even read some hc that talked about a mentor!Nanami/mentee!Junpei relationship. And Ig I understand that idea that not everyone can be saved but I so desperately wanted him to be saved. He lived such a shitty life and then he got this? when things started to look ok, that they could get better he just- It makes me angry and sad :)
What I'm about to say is probably biased as fuck, but I genuinely dislike Sukuna. Idc. Modern AU/fanon Sukuna is fine and the way people write him as Yuuji's brother is cute sometimes. Canon Sukuna tho? I despise that bitch. I feel so much hatred for him you don't even know. Nanako and Mimiko's death hit me out of nowhere when I was reading bits of the manga. I was so angry, I wanted to punch a wall.
Your propaganda has fr changed me 🙏 I feel the same way about shipping I think. As long as you're not hurting anybody its all good! I will admit that sometimes I dislike shipping bc of reasons that might be a bit controversial?? I don't think I'd be able to explain them properly in an anon message. I do find it interesting to talk about shipping as a concept bc there's so many layers to the conversation imo and I find that kinda fascinating 😅 is that odd? lmfao. Still, as long as you don't harm anyone alls good!
I thought Gojo was 6'7, last time I checked, which actually kinda killed me a bit inside ngl. I refuse to believe it tho, it just doesn't make sense to me for some reason?? Although on some parts of the anime his hands look MASSIVE to the point it looks kinda odd if you think about them for too long...which is kinda weird bc why would u think about them for too long but in my defence it was a gif set and I was curious about the details :,)
Im so excited for Toji to be animated! I'm kinda scared that my expectations are too high bc of Tumblr and that I will get disappointed BUT im still hyped for everything new that's coming our way :D
I think its sadder for Levi to keep living on and even though I hate it I kinda like it in a way? I think people are always so scared to watch their favourite characters die but in this case Levi stays alive and its worse than him dying ig? I've never felt that conflict before, and its and interesting feeling + internal debate. Tbh a small part of me still thinks him not dying was bc the fandom loves Levi too much so he literally couldn't die or people would've rioted ,but you know.
Nothing makes me rage more than the way teenagers are treated in shonen. putting them through heart wrenching and traumatic situations, expecting them to act like adults just doesn't sit right with me and makes me want to scream. I loved Sasha so much, she was one of my comfort characters growing up until I drifted away from aot, and even though I should've expected it bc its aot it still hurt. Nothing feels fair in that manga/anime lol.
I'm all for reading your thoughts on Hanji though! She was a great character!
I- Im so stupid bc I just searched on google "geto shower scene" and I clicked the first link bc I thought google would understand but I- I was jumpscared by a pxrn site...
ANYWAY I ALSO NEED TO SEE THE ENDING!!! Secret is safe with me😌✨ I don't know how its gonna be and I'm scared of it bc I know im gonna get hurt. For some reason I think Gojo is gonna die and maybe Yuuji will stay alive. Its a weird hunch that just nags me tbh.
I don't think Im well versed to understand the berserk reference but I've watched Tokyorev's op and...yeah, its definitely an opening sequence the song tho 👀
Last time I checked my dash I got a bunch of spoilers for the manga and apparently things got spicy and people were freaking out it a bit...maybe that works as an incentive to continue reading it?? 😅
Also! Is the demon slayer manga any good?? All my friends love the anime but none of them have read the manga yet :(
also ff but the acronym for Chainsaw man always makes me laugh bc its kinda like a curse word in Spanish lmfao
HE DID SKATE TO A CRUEL ANGEL'S THESIS!!!! I THINK IT WAS IN 2018-2019. IF YOU SEARCH "YUZURU HANYU A CRUEL ANGEL'S THESIS" ON YOUTUBE ITLL DEF COME UP. He looks like he's having so much fun and it makes it even better. OH DID YOU WATCH THE OLYMPICS THIS YEAR??? I am heartbroken over a 27 year old man that doesn't know of my existence lmfaoo I'm also proud of the same 27 year old man but oh well, Yuzuru Hanyu makes me want to learn how to ice skate :,)
I wanna try Melon bread so badly bc it looks very sweet. Tempted to make it myself but my oven is breaking down! Fujimoto and Gege do sound like very cool people; I would like to have a conversation with them, think it would be interesting. csm (and I do chuckle every time I write the acronym) sounds/looks bizarre (I saw a panel of Aki and it looked...well, bizarre bc I don't know what other word to use, MY VOCAB IS LIMITED IM SORRY) and im curious as to how they come up with those concepts and storylines.
THAT NOBARA DRAWING IS SO GOOD does that mean that Fujimoto drew jjk fanart? 👀
I will def read look back asap! I like shorts stuff bc I can finish it fairly quickly :p I'll read it tomorrow if possible bc right now it is a bit late; I stayed up watching the new Euphoria ep and im very excited for the one coming out next week! I'll also try to read csm soon! I don't have much time mainly bc I suck at time management and I read too much fanfics apparently? I really need a detox from all my screens. Let me know if you liked god's lie as well!
ONE OF THESE DAYS I'LL TAG YOU I PROMISE! I think my anxiety has decreased quite a bit and im feeling more confident :D the water gun also makes the threat sound very funny im sorry TT
I hope you have a good day/night!
I also realised that my asks seem to get longer and longer TT
-🥳 anon
aah sorry for the late reply!
ngl i wasn't as affected by junpei's death. it seemed so... set up? probably cause i read the manga before the anime and didn't get fooled by the opening, but i knew junpei would die eventually. i didn't feel much connection to him whatsoever, he was okay but definitely had more space to grow. he was a wasted potential, and that's exactly how he was supposed to be seen as. i really liked the scene where ijichi lets itadori go to save junpei, i found that scene so well made and choreographed. reminds you a little of geto, eh?
ngl even tho he's a rat bastard, i really like sukuna. yeah. i said it. i'm a hypocrite. he's sexy yeah but his "you were strong" to jogo before he killed him made me have at least a little respect for him. he's smart, i feel like he has a bigger plan than what fans theorize. he's such a well written villain too and it's a shame we never really got to see him since shibuya. i wonder what's his reaction to all this culling game stuff. i also believe he will play a big role on killing kenjaku somehow, if he already hasn't made a pact with him thousands of years ago. i dislike the fanon sukuna tho, idk. i like canon devil sukuna
shipping is basically a commercial material now. especially yaoi ships. i feel like mangakas specifically play on certain characters. i mean, c'mon, we all know how bnha and haikyuu got popular, right? it's a shame, if they don't make them canon, i feel like they are bullshit. tho i think jjk will be different, if stsg is real, we might get a confirmation somehow. it will be controversial but needed since gege already writes pretty controversial characters. i mean, c'mon, the song they put on geto's death scene was "this is pure love" are you fucking kidding me. i think tho, if they do indeed become canon, some terfs and incels will cry 'gege did it to pleasure girls and shippers boo' shut? the fuck? up???? my fucking god i hate anime community
one side of me blames me for thinking of healthy male friendships as romantic ones but i also can't blame myself if they're written to be understood that way. my friend told me that some ships in haikyuu were supposed to be canon so let's wish japan gets more comfortable with lgbt people so we can learn if gojo is a twink or not lol
i feel like gojo's hands could easily frame my neck..... just a thought...
i mean, isayama basically hates levi for his popularity so it must have been a tough decision to keep him alive lol
i like the pain, anon. i really do. evangelion, c'mon. i don't like it when they seem unbothered by their situation which is thankfully mostly the opposite. i love that everyone in aot is aware of how fucked up their lives are, just like how itadori switched his opinion on jujutsu lately. the whole 'im just a cog' convo is just incredible.
the least they can do is just stop putting sasha on every episode jesus fucking christ. i was so sad when kaya mixed gabi as sasha last episode
i'm so fucking in love with hanji. so much. her downfall from the cheery right arm to depressed yet still somehow positive commander was heart braking. i knew she was gonna die, i have read the chapter on pinterest. yet i still cried like a baby. so much. she was so close to her "happy ending" but was so, so tired. it was a suicide, no one can tell me otherwise. her sad face at the end with levi was heart braking.
don't get me started on her meeting with erwin and the rest tho my god i forgot about that FUCK-
anyways ahem
i feel like the "either only one dies or everyone except for one dies" thing will be nobara idk she's definitely not dead, i don't think gege would kill her again. i think gojo will die tho, i wouldn't want him to be the only survivor. letting yuji alive would be too predictable, megumi might survive too. i think he will be the only survivor, tho i ALSO feel like he might switch sides once tsumiki is in the picture again. i guess we can only see as the story proceeds
the manga is good, i enjoyed the anime, not a huge fan. my friend says the next arcs are pretty solid, i only finished this season's arc. i should continue lol. the style is pretty... original. idk it's a solid 7 i would say so far
ooh im learning spanish whats the cuss word??
AAH i'll watch it asap. i love yuzuru, i couldn't watch the olympics. i need to see clips of it, he didn't win gold tho right? did he even compete? last time i checked during summer olympics, his status was still unknown
csm is so cool, you will be shocked with every panel lol. aki is so sexy
aah i need to catch up on euphoria soon or my friends will beat me up lol. i watch clips of it on youtube, i spoiled myself to death. it's so fun, i hope maddy gets the happy ending she deserves. her and fex are my faves so far
take as much time as you want babe, it's okay if you want to stay on anon all the time, don't be harsh on yourself <3 i'm fine as long as we get to talk to each other
good night/say :*
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daddiest-of-daddies · 3 years
Hi I haven’t been on tumblr in a hot sec but Ranboo’s lore stream just ended and my mind running with ideas.
If you haven’t watch the lastest Ranboo Lore stream, skip this or enjoy spoilers/theories you won’t understand :) (or read it cause I often recap the streams in theories too)
Warning: It’s very long and I’m sorry.
Warning first parts a recap, feel free to skip if u want.
Anyways,,, Ranboo visited Dream in prison, and then some weird stuff happened.
Ranboo was literally shaking when he turned around to see Dream when he entered the cell, weather it was intended or not, it was a nice small detail.
They exchange greeting and then Ranboo mentions how they have barely talked and how his visit is surprising, however Dream says the opposite. How he and Ranboo have probably talked the most out of everyone on the server and the visit was expected and actually surprised it didn’t happen sooner. Dream even called them BEST FRIENDS,,, idk bout you but the seems sus to me. Ranboo thinks Dream is trying to scare him and Dream says, “Why are you acting different?”,,,, that’s weird,,,that’s suspicious.
Ranboo says that he’s not acting different, acting the way he normally acts and Dream acts like he realizes what’s happening, but doesn’t outwardly say it. Ranboo doesn’t understand and Dream states that he’s glad Ranboo visited. He then goes on to say Ranboo has been a good helping hand, Ranboo starts talking about how he wants to confront Dream about the panic room, and the things Dream, supposabley, told him. Dream says that Ranboo did do those things and then says, “Yiu did do them, after Dream told you to do them, but you did do them.” WHY IS HE ALL OF THE SUDDEN IN THIRD PERSON???????
They continue talking about how Ranboo got rid of the voice and the green man(idk who is who anymore so that is who I am deeming him as, the person Ranboo is taking to) says he only got rid of the voice because Dream is in prison and they haven’t talkedlike they usually do, therefore not hearing the voice. GREEN MAN THEN SAYS YOU USE TO TAK TO HIM EVERYDAY. IM AM BASICALLY CRYING AT THIS POINT.
Ranboo then catches onto the third person speaking, thinking Green Man has gone insane. Green Man show Ranboo’s the books he’s been keeping and all of them are named, “Do not read”, the same title as Ranboo’s memory book. And, and, they are all the same, like everything written in all of them, THE SAME.
Ranboo freaks out and then Green Man says, “You need to face the truth...the truth is that you helped me, you’ve helped Dream” I am so confused on if he’s Dream or not, so he’s staying Green Man. Anyways, Ranboo tries to deny a everything but, this is where it gets exciting, Green Mann says, “I’m not even Dream”,,,, this is where the theories start flooding my brain. Ranboo tries to makes sense of things but Green Man says, “I know what you went through, because I’m you” more theories at this point.
Ranboo denies everything again and Green Man explains “Look you’ve been helping Dream the only reason you haven’t been taking to me recently is because you just can’t picture what he sounds like, you used to talk to him everyday, used to help him, he would tell you thing to do, you were like his little, servant”. Ranboo just denies everything so much omfg. Green Man and him just continuous say “oh no I didn’t” and “oh but you did” and just overall disagreeing with each other.
Ranboo then bring up that he doesn’t remember any of it, Green man says that Ranboo does. Ranboo’s perplexed, and GREEN MAN SAYS THE MINE OF “Yu do cause I’m you” RUINING EVERYTHING MUCH HUH????? Green man also says he isn’t real and disappears.
Ranboo talked to himself about how he got rid of the voice, and continues to be affect with nusious effect. (idk and idc if it’s affect or effect shut up.) The prison cell then collapses onto him and Ranboo tries to get out of it, saying he’s got ride of the voice and tries to make sense of everything, then he falls and dies, and the screen goes to that stupid Dream smile, Morse code then appears with the crown flashing on and off and, according to Twitter, it says, “Not free yet”.
Anyways, theory time :)
So I want to start with the Mining fatigue effect/Neather portal situation
At first when Ranboo goes though the Neather portal, he isn’t in the box we saw in Tommy’s stream, idk if it was a bug but it’s going in the theory. He instead ends up in a Warped Forest and goes back though the portal, back at the prisons enterance, and goes through once more to end up in, what I’ve deemed, the wavier and locker room of the prison.
The mining fatigue effect normally effects you, usually, when you are near or in the prison. If you watch Philza, in one of his stream Phil continuously drinks milk when he outside of the prison in attempted to get rid of the effect, but it doesn’t go away, why? ITS BEACON EFFECT. In the top right of Ranboo’s stream you can see that he doesn’t have a Beacon effect, signaled by the blue outline, but instead has the regular Guardian effect instead. That’s weird,,,,,, that’s suspicious.
This could mean that they aren’t in the actual prison, but instead in a different prison replaca(? idk spelling) built specifically for this. Meaning, IT COULD BE ALL A DREAM. Think about, the Neather portal leading somewhere different, different beacon effects, the ceiling collapsing and Sam not being worried, and Dream stating that him and Ranboo are the same.
It is becoming increasingly more obvious that the other half of Ranboo is Dreamon. Dream being in Ranboo’s head, Ranboo not remembering Dream interactions, heck even Ranboo’s memory loss could be due to Dream. He could be stealing his memories so Ranboo can’t do anything Dream doesn’t want.
I’m not that good at putting things into words so I’m sorry if things don’t makes sense.
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Thots on a figure skating au??? 🅱️lease
hmmmmmmm ok so disclaimer that i know nothing about figure skating so i'm just making up whatever
you got me in a difficult position here cuz on the one hand, i'd love for magnus to be a trainer/coreographer. i think it suits him wonderfully and that while obviously he is great at dancing and loves it, i think that he's more on the creative side of things, you know? so i could imagine something like figure skater alec and trainer magnus. and like alec is a shadowhunter so of course that demands a high level of control over your body that is similar to a figure skater's
but at the same time its funny to me to try to imagine alec figure skating when hes a fucking giant like that because like hes so big?? and when ur big like that ur kind of like... mandatorily graceless and clumsy to a degree methinks (not in a like oh hes always tripping and blushing way, more like the "you're on my leg, you asshole" blooper), because things aren't made for you. like really its an actual matter of accessibility sometimes, especially if you actually have the proportions of a real person like alec does (well, except for the yaoi mcfuckhands. they look big even compared to the rest of his ridiculous body he just b standing there and im like christ edward fingerhands we get it) cuz then Everything Is Bigger Than It Should ya feel
so yeah i can't really imagine alec in like, spandex being all graceful and shit, but at the same time rationally i could imagine that for his character, but also no. so i can't really go with that idea without laughing
but also i can't imagine him as a trainer/coreographer and i don't know who the fuck else is involved with figure skating anyway so is alec like, the janitor or some shit???? some fucking basketball player who sees him at the olympics??? lord help me i have no idea
OK SO IT'S BEEN LIKE 5 MONTHS SINCE I FIRST PUT THE FIRST PART OF THIS ANSWER IN MY DRAFTS (rip anon im so sorry) and i THINK i got it!!! alec could be like, the uhh personal trainer? physical trainer? YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN like the one dedicated to making sure the figure skater's body is. capable of. dancing. idk how to explain it but you do get it don't you??? ok
i'm mostly going off my dancing experience here (i had dance classes for like, 10 years of my life, and ugh i miss it) and like besides dancing you always have to train like lifting and doing localized training and stuff because you can't really dance if you don't have strength and flexibility and stamina and all that stuff. the only time i would willingly work out was for dancing lmao especially when i was in my hiphop crew. anyway
and while for me the one responsible for that part of training was the same person as my teacher/coreographer (or when i was doing hiphop it was just. on me to do that lmao but i'm not complaining) i figure when you're a professional and not just a dumb kid that's probably two different people, right? if not it is now. idc
i could go with figure skater magnus and trainer alec but also im really feeling the dynamics of coreographer magnus and trainer alec? like it'd be cute/funny to see them trying to work together for that ya know. so sorry that this feels less like a figure skating au especially since it took me so long to answer it but aaa
but also i mean as a coreographer magnus would have to know how to do it obviously so you would most definitely get a figure skating magnus. alec going to close up the gym and seeing magnus practicing by himself just for fun, anyone? and magnus looks gorgeous as ever way more gorgeous than whoever they're coaching but that's just alec's opinion and magnus kind of stops like "oh, i didn't know you were here" and alec's like "oh oops. anyway keep going you're great at this" and magnus feels a little self conscious but soon he gets lost in it again because really he loves doing this and alec is just appreciating the artwork :)
ANYWAY the dynamics of trainer and coreographer are fun. magnus showing up to alec like "hey alec so i need some heavy lifting on them arms cuz meliorn [idk i don't have any better ideas for who they could be coaching] is gonna carry an elephant onstage" and alec is like "uhh" and meliorn is like "a fake elephant" and alec is like "i mean good but i still have questions"
and magnus is like "obviously we would never use trained elephants, the way they are treated is inhumane" and alec is like "you're completely right but also that's your only worry when it comes to meliorn carrying a real elephant?" and magnus is like "i'm sure you could pull it off ;) you're the best after all" and alec gives him that amused smile
advantages of meliorn: they don't care about the flirting anyway since they are literally Like That too
also magnus and alec working out together off the clock, some ogling on both sides and just generally funny competitive shenanigans. especially cuz like magnus is hella fit but alec works in that stupid gym so he knows what he's about. and alec's all smug about it like "i can lift more than you :)" and magnus is like "oh yeah? let's see how you do in the ring" "no" "yes" "no" "why, can you not do it?" "yes. i know my limits" "well that's too bad... because you're going in anyway"
cue alec falling on his face probably but also like goddamn it he's competitive and he's not gonna let magnus have too much of a win so he tries his best rip. anyway then we probably get some hip touching bullshit when magnus tries to explain it to him and magnus is flirting the whole time and alec's laughing and it's sweet
i have half a mind to make up some angsty backstory about how magnus used to be a figure skater too and his partner was (you'll never guess it) camille and then she pulled the rug from under him and he kinda left the competitions altogether for a while. and then he came back as a coreographer (listen, he loves to dance, but creating is one of his favorite parts and he was always involved in coreographing anyway. his old coreographer and him were always having a blast and camille did not like it) and this is kinda his debut as a coreographer at some big shot competition idk and he just feels like he has so much to prove?
lol bonus camille's new coreographer is lorenzo so the hating magnus squad is in thick against him and it's a whole thing you know
OH MEGA ANGSTY camille got him out of the competition because she outed him as trans and he was declassified because something something transphobic bullcrap so he wasn't allowed anymore. i assume this was like right after they won because of course she wouldn't compromise herself, or maybe it was at the beginning/pre-stages of the championship so she had time to find a new partner. yeah that last one and then she won with the coreography that he had helped them create. im saying she did that because he broke up with her finally after years of abuse both in work and out of it so she did that as revenge or to make sure he couldn't have his passion anymore. and it took magnus years to build himself back up as a coreographer this time because transphobia (and racism) in the market but guess what? he is extremely smart and talented and creative so now he is back at the championship and he wants to show the world what they have been missing on
hmmmmm also i implied this is in pairs since magnus and camille used to be one so i think meliorn's pair would probably be izzy and maybe that's why alec's involved? like he was already a personal trainer or whatever which his parents were fine with even though it's not of course as grand as they would've liked (meaning they were total asses about it) but when izzy decided to go into sports/art they lost their shit and didn't want to support her so, you know, alec did and became her trainer. which is just as well because he is the best so like, deal with it. not saying they like kicked her out or anything (esp cuz i imagine part of alec's reasoning is that izzy stood by him when he came out and if they didn't kick him out over being gay they wouldn't kick her out over being a skater but y'know) but they definitely wouldn't support her so they both also feel like they have a lot to prove
lol me: i have half a mind to make this angsty. also me: paragraphs and paragraphs of angsty backstory
anyway they win obviously idk what to tell you they just do cuz we stan talent. camille is second for maximum drama and vengeance, the lightwoods try to get the spotlight once izzy wins and she and alec tell them to fuck off, they advocate for specific rules prohibiting ppl to declassify trans ppl over being trans and that's all i have tbh
sorry it took so long to answer daiudsauihda but i hope that outline is at least interesting for you!
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pomarrillo · 3 years
you know I’ve been like “man I love xbc2″ lately but then I think about me playing through the game and laughing not because the jokes were good but because the game is genuinely fucking stupid
rant below I couldn’t fit it all in the tags LMAO
this is gonna be messy sorry
I’m gonna be honest I could not take this game seriously until like.... the last quarter maybe... the sci-fi switch blew my mind but like this game is so shounen that it hurts
all its characters are so obnoxiously tropey and anime esp zeke and rex and to🤢tor🤢🤢toRA🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮
WHY THE PERV NOPON I HATE THESE CHARACTER TROPES SO MUCH..... I liked his “i don’t need aptitude to be a driver” thing but when it came to poppi. fucking *dies from cringe* frog FOR REAL... kill off these master roshi characters man it’s just bad taste
on the other hand i genuinely enjoyed zeke as a character and i appreciate that hes like not chuni 24/7 and is serious during story beats. but hes so obnoxiously loud during battle that I occasionally switched languages so I didn’t get a headache from his voice clips LMAO
AND DON’T GET ME STARTED ON REX he was endearing sometimes but i only liked him during heart to hearts and story filler. he was so generic during the main story generic shounen
“JOIN!!! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
im laughing typing these out holy shit
I get why a lot of people dropped this game esp after xbc1. the story has such a slow start and the gameplay.... im gonna be honest the gameplay in the beginning is horrendous. you can’t get into the complexity of the battle system until like the end of chapter 2 which is ALMOST 10 hours into the game... tutorials are poorly explained and aren’t even reaccessible... its just so anti-user friendly it makes me really sad
Also this bothered me less as I went through the game but the character designs almost made me not pick up this game. actually
The only characters in the main cast that I liked design-wise were ***DRIVER*** nia, dromarch, morag, and mythra with the melee aux core. everyone else looks too cold the girls are all ass out they will catch a cold and get ass frost bite
like i will never not rip on pyra’s booty shorts. WHY?? I DONT WANT MY ASS TO BE PINCHED UP 24/7 THTA LOOKS LIKE IT HURTS. and the STRAPS. GIRL HAS GAMER HEADSET INDENTS BUT ON HER HIPS. put a sweater on her and some leggings idc fireblade or not girl looks cold but thats what u get when a hentai artist designs da game. man why couldnt nomura stay for the whole game WHY
like i really liked this game in some aspects.... the combat system is honesty one of my favorites of all time it is so much fun when you get into it. but when i need a 10 minute chuggaaconroy video guide to know how to build up combos, your game isn’t doing it’s job... I really don’t understand where monolith wet wrong because xbc1′s tutorials were perfectly comprehensible?? and they were reaccessible??? what went wrong
the story wasn’t bad or anything and it was a little refreshing for me because it was just a simple coming-of-age story... not a stand-out but enjoyable enough for me but then again im very easy to please lol. i adore the world building tho. I also think the game shines the most with character interactions BARRING TORA!!!!! I loved seeing the characters goofing off in heart-to-hearts, they felt really close and the relationships with the drivers and blades make me so warm. esp zeke and pandy they’re so soft in the ending cutscene in the world tree. man 🌊🐴
but at the same time theres so many things in this game that make me laugh in questionable ways... character designs, cringe dialogue, weird eng va (i fucking love it though its so funny it made me cry laughing like 5 times), etc.... I love this game man but I’m not sure if it’s in an ironic way or because of genuine enjoyment lol
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littlebabycrybtch · 3 years
oh my god im sorry but i HATE reading analysis discourse so fuckgin much. its so annoying and unnecessary and cruel bc per usual ableists just Scream over everyone and manipulate the view by focusing on the wrong points. disrespect towards this issue is never gonna work and yall would get that if you actually listened to the way the (usually nd) people felt about it and why, but ur too busy mocking them so you look good for consuming the Proper Medias tm. i mean you literally have to know this isnt productive, yall keep going bc you get a kick out of laughing at ‘unintelligent’ people.
‘uu ur teachers didnt oppress u by making u read to kill a mockingbird instead of the hunger games” ok listen 1. media you dont personally care abt can still definitely hold depthful value and be analyzed. oh my god lmao. the people who prefer ~that kind~ of media arent stupid and dont prefer easy thinking, its your own fault for Not looking into it yourself and just assuming its worthless, literally judging a book by its cover. LITERALLY avoiding the analysis skills you claim to have by assuming anything you read in highschool = smart, valuable and anything mainstream = stupid and useless. most books inherently contain symbolism and morals, a lot of these people CAN understand it, theyre just criticizing the inaccessibility of the writing that was forced on them academically. the people analyzing those medias instead of your favs are still taking in lessons even if they prefer to do it in a different format, i mean for instance THG is literally about fucking classism and racism and war you dumb hypocritical tunnel vision bitch, young adult media usually has a Lot of real world parallels in it that very much pertains to how teens see the world, thats the literal POINT, just cuz ur too elitist and dont respect children enough doesnt mean some books are ‘too stupid’ to analyze with any real social value, and 2. A BOOK NOT BEING EXCITING... OR EASY TO UNDERSTAND... IS LITERALLY SMTH VALID TO CRITICIZE IN MANY CASES, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE GIVING IT TO CHILDREN.... if a kid says “this is boring/too long/uses words that i dont know, so i cant make any sense of it” that doesnt always mean theyre lazy or w/e, if its not a book made for kids (bc kids can understand mature themes but that doesnt. mean you can just throw all the other skills they arent experienced with yet at them, they still need writing tailored to them), Thats your first problem, but sometimes ur book is just fucking boring all together. a book can have as much symbolism as it wants, if its not there to open the mind and provide necessary depth, but to feel self important and make you feel self important for getting it, thats not a good book. and with books i do respect now like TKAM i remember outright saying, “i literally cannot read this and dont get it at all” at like 10 yrs old, and my teachers didnt do shit to explain it or help me or give me any skills at all, they were just like. :) keep trying!! according to your scores we know you can do it!!! so, i did not keep trying, i gave up, and i guarantee if it had been a few years later it would have been easier. if i had been given the opportunity to read stories with similar morals that were made for my age range that i WANTED to read, i guarantee i wouldve gotten so much more out of that. but i was literally DISALLOWED, bro if i grabbed a book that actually interested me, i was told i couldnt check it out at ALL unless it was in the ‘range’ i was assigned, which was college level since i was in 4th grade. so if you think i shouldve kept reading, im being unironic rn, you need to go get a degree, become a teacher, and if a kid or teen says to you what i said, sit them down and TEACH THEM without shame, and fight for better regulations of what reading levels can be pushed on what age groups. if lit analysis is this important to you, FUCKING TEACH IT PROPERLY, that is literally the ONLY REAL SOLUTION to the problem you have, NOT SHAMING the people who were ALREADY FAILED BY THE SYSTEM.
the problem is not ‘idiots think symbolism is stupid’ the problem has ALWAYS been ‘the education system is flawed and how and when children are taught certain skills is so corrupted and damaging, the children growing up with it cannot Help but struggle later in life, and your issue should be with the system”. like can i be real. learn how to Emotionally ~analyze~ posts from sad kids with mental illnesses saying smth as basic as “i wish i wasnt forced to read mature books as a child without any themes pertaining to me at all bc it hurt my already fragile motivations for learning :/” without your ass getting defensive over the classics. bitches stan ‘the door is red to symbolize anger’ but think thg is just a stupid dystopia love triangle book................ ur not even that smart like yall are just elitist like LITERALLY just elitist if you mock the values ppl see in other books and claim theyre too stupid to understand ~real books~. a fucking mickey mouse cartoon could hold the exact same moral lesson as a 1200 page novel written by a college professor of 30 years, like the Exact Same Conclusions CAN be drawn no matter how many words and analogies and metaphors are thrown on top!! for many those fancy details make it more enriching but its literally possible to get the same concepts from “EASIER” material, that is not Lesser it is ACCESSIBLE and it should be ENCOURAGED all the same. yall are gatekeeping and its stupid, if you actually want ppl to analyze media then you’d applaud how they analyze their passions even when you dont share it, not shame them for struggling with understanding other stories. this rly boils down to either ‘i hate ppls preferences and wanna make them feel stupid’ OR the ever so lovely ‘i hate whiny disabled ppl and kids who were pressured to the point of burnout, and wanna make them feel stupid’. its fucking exhausting. idc how you guys feel, you talk to hear yourselves talk and its all just talk and nothing helpful, your disrespect doesnt work bc its an echo of the root problem. for gods sake shut up already lmao
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Request: Can I get a bnha matchup please? ;u; I'm a transman, 165 cm, 20 and bi/pan with no gender preference. I'm usually quiet/reserved, monotone/boring when spoken to, but once a subject of interest is brought up, or when im with someone I'm comfy with, my personality does a 180 - I'm loud, sarcastic, and annoying. My sense of humor is all over the place lol Ive been told that I'm "old in spirit" bc I'm really mature when I need to be, even if most of the time I act like I'm 5 lmaoo
I'm pretty chill for the most part, idc what u do as long as it's not hurting anybodyhdjdh im also rlly stubborn but a huge pushover, dunno how that works. I'm both carefree and a worrywart (to both others and myself) and I typically hold my emotions in cause I don't wanna bother others. I try to help others 24/7, even if it affects me negatively. Uhh physically speaking im a lot stronger then look, and I own literally no nice clothes lol its all graphic Ts, cargo pants and hoodies for me
I'm a huge ass nerd when it comes to anything science related, especially paleontology + herpetology. I love all animals (no phobias) and I have 3 snakes whom I adore. I also like to draw and write occasionally. I have severe MDD and SAD, so even with meds I can have really bad depressive episodes and/or panic attacks. This is getting super long so I'll stop now fjfkh thank you !! Sorry if I repeated info I got a shit memory
Before I start, I personally have no experience with MDD or SAD, but I did look up both disorders and I hope that what I wrote about them is okay. If you’d like to correct me, please feel free to do so ^^ 
I’m sorry that this is so long lol, but I wanted to discuss as many things you noted as possible ^^ Hope you enjoy it!! ^^
Reminder that as of right now, requests are closed!
I ship you wiiiith
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Your personality reminds me of a rainbow in a way? So, I feel like Hawks would never ever find a day boring with you! Since he has this whole thing of people calling him fast etc, I lowkey get the idea that that also applies to his personal relationships, so having someone with so many fun personality traits is perfect for him.
I think Hawks is mature in a way, just like you are. I mean, he started his own agency at 18 and a few years later he is the number 3 Hero, that definitely does something to you. So I think it’s nice to him that you are the same, while also remaining carefree most of the time. It makes his busy and serious life a bit more fun.
Your chill attitude is yet another thing Hawks loves, since he wants to be that way as well. Also, with his job, he most likely can’t always tell you everything about it for safety reasons. As for whether it’s hurting people… He can’t always promise you he won’t do that, but he will let you know it’s always with good intentions. Villains can’t always be defeated with just talking to them.
It kind of warms his heart when you are worried about him. I don’t think Hawks is really the type to fall in love easily, so if he had any relationships before meeting you they may not always have been genuine. While part of him likes it, he also doesn’t want you to worry. He always promises to come back, and it does make him a bit more careful when patrolling, because the last thing he wants to do is upset his wonderful boyfriend.
Now, when it comes to you keeping in your emotions, this is where it gets a bit difficult. I don’t know exactly how much time you two will be able to spend together, so he may not always be able to be there for you when you’re having a hard time. However, while Hawks appears to be chill, he’s also smart and analytic and notices when you are feeling down. He won’t force you to tell him what is wrong as he knows it’s hard for you, but he does reassure you that you’d never ever bother him and he will always listen to whatever you have to say. However, if it seems to go on for a long time, he might push you a bit more, simply because he knows keeping it in won’t do any good. But also here he can tell when it really gets too much, so if you still won’t tell him, he will be a little hurt, but definitely stop.
He thinks you’re the sweetest person ever, but he also worries about your well-being at times. If he sees you absolutely exhausted but still telling him everything is fine, he will just scoop you up and go somewhere so you can relax for a bit. Sorry not sorry :p
He thinks it’s kinda hot that you’re stronger than you may seem heh, like if you work out or just do something that requires strength and he sees it, he might make a flirty remark about it and appear chill but on the inside he lowkey panics because uhm what how is his boyfriend so attractive???? explain?
I don’t think Hawks cares that much about what you wear really, if you feel comfortable in it that’s all that matters. You could literally wear a potato sack and he will think you’re the most attractive person on the planet. He might even spoil you a little by buying you hoodies and other clothing which he knows you would love. And no, he won’t let you give it back, it’s yours.
I can’t really see Hawks being super interested in paleontology or herpetology, but he won’t mind you rambling about those things to him! While he might not always focus 100% on what you’re actually saying, he will study your face, smiling at how your eyes are lighting up and your lips are curled in a happy smile as you go on and on about it. If you catch him not listening to you, he will just make a remark related to your beauty, partly to see how you react and partly because he genuinely means it.
So you love animals? Bird boi is perfect for you, now he sees why you fell for him ;). He definitely likes birds, i don’t think he particularly adores any animals but I can see him strongly disliking some mammals like cats and dogs (I think these sometimes eat birds sooooo yeah..) He definitely thinks your snakes are pretty cool.
Hawks doesn’t seem like much of a reader, but he would definitely love to see your drawings! He thinks every single one of them is super awesome, and if you ever give one to him, he will definitely make sure it gets a special place in his house, a place where he can look at it easily whenever he misses you or just feels like it.
As for your MDD and SAD, at first Hawks will be clueless on how he can help you out. If you have a depressive episode that causes you to isolate yourself, he will definitely force you to go outside. It could be just walking to his place, or taking you on a nice flight at night over the city. Afterwards, he will bring you to your favourite restaurant or buy you food that he knows you love. You will also definitely be showered in lots of love and affection. If you’re uncomfortable with PDA however, he will only do it when you two are alone. He will also joke around and flirt with you just to see you smile, but if he sees it doesn’t help he will stop.
Same goes with your anxiety attacks, at first he’s completely lost on what to do. Hawks isn’t stupid of course, but he’s aware that every person is different. If he finds out about this before you have an attack, he will ask you what would help you in situations like that. However, if this happens without him knowing about it at all, he can recognise what’s happening and will do his best to get you to calm down first before talking about it with you. Hawks may not always seem like the most serious guy, but when it comes to you he’s dead serious and always careful. 
So, you’d be very lucky to have someone like him by your side :) Once Hawks is in a relationship, he will give his all. And any moment with him is definitely far from boring
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In My Head - Rafael x MC
Summary: A commentary of MC Jaya’s thoughts during the date with Rafael last chapter. 
A/N: My brain - and by extension Jaya’s - is weird. Sorry. You have been warned. This is kinda bad but idc
Tags:  @chantelle-x0x , @choicessa, @mariamulroney , @drakewalkerwhipped , @thewolvesss ,  @mfackenthal , @srawesleyghuewrites , @topsyturvy-dream , @enmchoices , @gardeningourmet @debramcg1106 , @alesana45 , @meladoridarcy, @blackcatkita , @tmarie82 , @annekebbphotography , @lizk77 , @jayjay879 , @tornbetween2loves , @akrenich , @theroyalweisme , @likethetailofacomet , @sleepwalkingelite , @littleblossom-18 , @ooo-barff-ooo , @drakewalker04 , @mkatschoicesblog , 
Rafael Aveiro: @kennaloverofdragons , @ifyouseekheart , @brightpinkpeppercorn
Jaya FC: Pooja Hegde
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Shower? Done. Deep condition? Done. Moisturise? Done. Shave? Goddamn Jaya its the first date, nothing’s gonna happen. Rafael Aveiro is not that kind of guy… And I am not that kind of girl.. 
Standards. Yep totally got those. 
Okay okay, time for the most important part of date prep. Picking the outfit.
What did he say again? Dress comfy.. Comfy, Mr Aveiro, means my panda onesie and Ugg boots. I hardly think thats first date material right there. Unless it was a movie date, and we got to build the PERFECT outfit. 
Think casual but cute. Classy but not like we’re trying too hard. Yep okay lets go. Ooo this dress is cute and it could pair it with those cream wedges... Where are they - NOOO. That stupid chocolate stain from my going away party is STILL there? 
So scrapping that idea. What about that leather skirt… Found it. Okay nope. I look like a hoe in that. We’re going for wholesome not HOEsome here. 
 What do I feel casual in? Pencil skirt? Dress? Jeans? Ugh Raf could you be anymore ambiguous in your description? Don’t you know that girls require a detailed agenda of what we will be doing on the date so we can plan our outfit accordingly??
Oh my god why do I not have anything nice to wear?? 
Ughhhhh I just wanna throw out my whole wardrobe and start again.. I wish Asos had instant delivery like you payed the the thing and it would just magically show up in your closet. I could put together a killer outfit in minutes.. 
Too plain… too boring… I’m pretty sure that should be in my laundry pile… That’s my lab coat.. 
Oh that’s a cute skirt… I’m pretty sure I wore that to the concert with Bryce… I don’t wanna outfit repeat though… 
Does this match.. 
Everything I have makes me look too short, too fat or like I’m trying too hard. I just wanted jeans and a nice top but evidently that’s too much to ask.. 
 What would Lois Lane wear? Wait how cold is it going to be tonight? 
 …Okay no skirts then. Alright he said dinner so that means no white or light colours coz we don’t know where we’re going so lets just go with jeans and maybe I could go with that burgundy off shoulder top I got last week? Huh.. that actually doesn’t look too bad. 
 Damn I actually look kinda good… Lets hope he thinks so too.
Alright now to give this mane a quick blow dry. Ugh why do I have my hair so long again? I literally do nothing with it but chuck it up in a pony tail… I should chop it off, do a new year, new me thing for spring or something.. 
Okay done. 
Now make up. Think classy and cute. Lets put on some music…. Hmmm.. Bollywood Jams… What haven’t I listened to in a while.. Got it.
Panghat pe aake saiyyan marode baiyaan And everybody blames it on Radha Chhedde hai humka daiyaan, bairi Kanhaiya And everybody blames it on Radha
*Twenty minutes of singing and dancing later* 
 Okay Jaya focus. Focus like your life depends on it.
 Time for *deep breath* Eyeliner.. 
Don’t… make… a…move… Okay that actually looks good. Time for the other one. Don’t… make… a…move… Fuck they don’t match… I’ll just make the other one thicker… Not that thick! Maybe I can use some concealer and make fix… Nope now that one’s too short.. Maybe… okay that looks worse… 
Fuck eye makeup I’m just gonna skip it
Are hoops too much for a first date? Do I subscribe to that ‘the bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe’ thing…? Maybe… 
Nows not the time for experimenting Jaya. Focus. Now lipstick.. I cooooould go with red.. Who am I? Priyanka Chopra? Oh wait even Priyanka doesn’t wear red… Ok PC don’t let me down, I’m going with nude.. 
Shit is that the bell?! Okay okay, wallet, phone, shoes, I haven’t picked shoes yet! Ugh okay lets hope he doesn’t notice the chocolate stain.
Coming, coming. Oh wow he looks hot. I mean how does he make just a green jacket and t-shirt look good. Remember to speak Jaya. Say hi. Keep it cool. Goddamn Superman, you’ve got one adorable smile. Huh this old thing? Its just something I threw on… in pure desperation and defeat. 
 Omg guys pls don’t make a huge deal of this… I am so getting a roasting when this is over. 
 Please let’s go. Hang on where are we going? This is true. He can’t show me the city from indoors. Guess we’re doing an outdoor thing then...Apparently its a surprise. I can do this whole spontaneous thing.. Yep easy peasy.. so not still wondering if I’ve over dressed but if his outfit is anything to go off I think I should be fine? 
Umm do you know where we’re going? Coz i have no idea. And I hope you’re not taking me some place to get mugged. DONT say that out loud Jaya. Focus on the conversation.. He’s asking you if you like Boston..
God he’s gorgeous. And humble too. So different from any other guy I’ve dated. From any other guy I’ve met actually… They don’t make em like they made you Rafael Aveiro. 
He claims he’s not Superman but this is totally a Clark Kent outfit.. just missing some glasses. I bet he’d look hot in glasses. Does he wear glasses? I need to know immediately. Nope he doesn’t. 20-20 vision… Just like Superman.
I would have totally missed this place if I hadn’t known it was here… or hadn’t had my own personal Superman showing me around. Heh. 
Okay enough superman jokes. 
I don’t even know where to look, the food, the smells, the sounds, the people, its kinda like the night markets back home. And oh my god what is that smell? Best street food in Boston… Yep I don’t doubt that for a second...
….Is it too cliche if I say Indian food? Coz I have been dying for some Aloo gobi since I came to Boston and — THEY HAVE CHANA MASALA!?!? IM TAKING IT ALL SORRY NOT SORRY Subhanu you’ll be out of business by the time Jaya Da Silva is done with you. 
 Wait he knows everyone here? And they know him? Did he like… save everyone in this city or something? 
 Okay wow this is getting a bit crowded, is it too cliche if I grab his hand? Almost… there… Oh were at our seats… Bummer. 
Did he just… pull out the chair for me? Homeboy is earning some major points over here… I am impressed.
Damn he really does know everyone. If that wasn’t so impressed, I’ve be suspicious. Oh wait he’s grown up with these people. That explains it.
Community man.. Family man. Good match.. God I sound like the aunties back in Chennai. 
He’s way too adorable to be single. A sweet guy, who cares about the community and is genuinely kind and smart? Guys like him do NOT pop out of no where… What are the chances he’s got some crazy dark secret.. 
Goddamn Jaya calm down with the analysing. Just relax. 
Crap he just asked me about my community? What part should I tell him? The crazy expectations, the insane reputations to uphold or the life ruining rumours? Lie Jaya. You gotta lie. You can’t dump the truth on him this early on. He’s a nice guy but even he will turn tail and run if you tell him about your m-
Oh our foods here. OMG I apologise in advance but this has got to be one of the best chana masala’s I’ve ever seen. Patti would feel threatened. Let’s see how it tastes. SO FLIPPING GOOD. OH MAH GAAAHH 
Raf I hope you don’t mind if I pig out coz I’ve been dying for Patti’s food and this is the closest I’m probably gonna get and this is pretty damn close.
Is he looking at me enough? Omg is he looking at me too much? Don’t have something on my face? Okay lets subtly move your hand up and.. okay that was subtle enough right? Holy crap I had gravy on my mouth and he didn’t say anything… Maybe it wasn’t noticeable?
Do I prefer a community or my own space? Hmmm… How do I answer this tactfully…
Oh this is nice. We’re picking up a rhythm here. Just casual chatting… He is actually really funny… 
Okay Rafael Aveiro I see you. You’ve got that hidden sass in you that I sure as hell am going to bring out… 
Oh damn I stand corrected, we are already at the roasting phase — more like a slight toasting really but he’s bring up The Grand Bathrobe Incident of two weeks ago. Oh great, I am never going to live that down. But hey if it landed me here I have no regrets...
Wow he’s actually got a bit of green in his eyes. I never noticed that. Why have I never noticed that? Probably because I’ve never been this close to see it…? 
Oh wait I need a mint. All this chicken tikka and garlic I am gonna to do a major refresh if we’re going to do any kissing… or whatever. 
Wait he just gave me a look. What does that mean? Are we going to… no it can’t be. Omg I did NOT wear my cute underwear.. what if we have sex? Nope Jaya nope. No sex on the first date. No matter how cute the green in Superman’s eyes are. 
 Hmm guess not… Anyways
No way he likes the same flavour of Skittles as me! He’s already planning a movie night for us? Wait is that a hint at another date? Or was it just a general thing? 
 Wait where is everyone else? Are we the last ones here? Hang on a second how did he pay without me noticing?? Nope I can’t let him pay, I- He’s not hearing any of it. Okay fine I won’t argue but next time I’m paying.
Did he just… ask to walk me home? Can this man get any more precious??? Of course honey you can. Gosh I’m melting right now, this is so adorable… 
Oh my god, our fingers brushed. They brushed again.. And again… Please take my hand, please take my hand. I really wanna hold yours but I’m too socially awkward to do that.. Thank god he got the hint. This is nice… real nice…
Okay that walk was way too short for anything to happen. We’e stopped outside my porch. I am SO happy I ran into you Raf. you made my shitty day so much better. Oh god this is like one of those movies where they stand outside the door for ages not wanting to say anything… I really wanna kiss him. Goddamn he’s dreamy as hell… 
How do I tell him I want him to kiss the life out of me without… you know.. telling him I want him to kiss the life out of me?
He’s gonna say goodnight? Wait THATS it? Just a goodnight and go? Wait I think he got the hint, he’s taking a step closer. Wow he’s tall, I’ve always liked them tall dark an handsome.. His eyes… wow..
Oh my god is this really happening? Does he want to kiss me? Of course he wants to kiss you, you dolt, he’s leaning in closer. Can’t you see the look in his eyes? Why is he waiting… Crap he’s waiting for me.. What if I’ve misjudged this whole — Oh fuck it here goes. 
Abshhgkl… can’t… articulate… kiss... too good… 
Breathe Jaya breathe. All tingly now. His arms are so strong… He can leave them around me… He doesn’t have to let go just yet… God he has the most amazing shy smile.. I could kiss him again… and again… and never stop… Do we have to stop? 
Oh yep he wants to stop. Thats…not unexpected… He wants to take it slow remember? Its probably a good thing. I don’t know what I’d do if I managed to sneak him upstairs — out of sight to all my roommates of course — get him pinned up against the wall, inch my fingers up that nice but totally unnecessary shirt of his — I bet he’s got amazing abs too — and just — 
Jaya! Stop it. Stop perving on the nice boy! This is your first date, he already wants to take it slow, lets not ruin this by not being able to keep it in your pants. Now pull yourself together and say goodnight. 
This is like a freaking rom com. Am I in Love Actually right now? He’s actually waiting for me to get in the house before leaving. Chivalry is obviously not dead everyone. Rafael Aveiro alone is keeping it alive. 
Oh fuck my keys, where are they where are they, shit hurry up he’s waiting for you to get in, don’t ruin the moment for me stupid k— Ah finally. 
He looks too adorable to leave out on the front porch. Smile and say goodnight Jaya like a grown ass adult. I really want run over and kiss him. And from the way he’s looking at me, I think he wants to too? 
Nope self control Jaya. This is what we practice in this household. Close the door and go upstair— Oh my god he’s whistling as he walks away. Ahhh does that mean he had a good time? Because I sure as hell did. I hope he asks me out again. Or I could ask him out this time. 
Either way I hope we can see a lot more of each other soon because you are something else Superman. Something else indeed. 
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combustitties · 5 years
I wanna ask all 👀
1. First sex experience?
i was like.. less than ten and my friend asked me to touch his ding dong
2. Celebrity threesum?
oh god idk kjdfgxjch
3. Would you ever have a devils threesum?
urban dictionary says this is legit just a threesome w two other guys so uh Yeah I Guess. why does that get a fancy name.
4. Ever been rimmed?
nah. idrk if i’d like it either jkgdfjkhnb
5. Would you ever rim someone?
??? maybe
6. Weirdest sexual experience?
my friends and i stole her mom’s vibrator and used a bunch of lotion in a plastic cup as lube and masturbated together. wild.
7. Weirdest solo sexual experience?
i was jackin it in the shower once and i think i mightve squirted but i dunno bc SHOWER it felt like a water balloon popping in my vagooter
8. Every have a one night stand?
9. Thought on r*pe play?
hmmmmmmmmm,,,, i dunno like so long as it’s between consenting adults who cares but for myself i dunno if i’d like it?? like. the loss of control and consensual non-con w safewords sounds chill but i dunno like actual roleplay would b. unpredictable.
10. As a guy, what do think is a female’s idea penis?
11. What’s your ideal penis?
my boo’s tf
12. Ever have sex in public?
technically i blew a friend in middle school on a creek trail thing.
13. Describe a sex fantasy that you want to try in detail.
wow i’ve suddenly forgotten everything ive ever thought
14. Do you consider your genitals attractive?
15. What bra size do you find yourself most attracted to?
i don’t think i have a preference
16. Favorite sex position?
shrug emoji haven’t had enuf to develop a preference
17. Least favorite sex positions?
18. What makes sex ‘bad’ to you?
if no one’s enjoying themselves
19. Ever have sex with someone loud?
i’m sure he could get louder 👀
20. Have you ever thought a partner faked an orgasam?
i?? don’t think so???? god i hope not??
21. Have you ever faked an orgasam?
22. Thoughts on accidental anal?
how do u accidentally stick it in the butt
23. Have you ever had sex with food?
technically i tried to use a hot dog in a condom as a dildo when i was. uh. young and stupid.
24. For giving oral to a female, you prefer them to ride your face, or them laying down (or other)
ive never done lol idk
25. Weirdest thing someone’s ever said to you during sex?
???????????? nothing comes to mind.
26. Ever prematurely cum?
pffft is there such a thing? all orgasms good orgasms. i wonder what the world record for fastest orgasm is. lmao lets beat it (HA accidental pun.)
27. Do you prefer you or your partner to cum first?
my partner ndfgkjdfnh
28. Ever have a kink a partner thought was weird?
? i? don’t know????? 👀👀😫😫
29. Thoughts on drunk sex, or sex where your sober and your partner semiconscious?
i can’t stand being sober around not-sobers bc issues but if consent was given for those circumstances prior and we’re both fukt up then um yes pls
30. If your partner made you a sex toy from their genitals would you be creeped out or…?
gimme gimme gimme
31. Ever have a safe word, if so, what was it?
i never used it with anyone but, hyacinth. i like the traffic light system more tho.
32. Thoughts on partner sharing?
gut reaction is grr but w plenty of communication and negotiation and talking i don’t think i’d have a real problem w it. i don’t think i’d want another partner tho.
33. Weirdest sex story you’ve heard?
oh god idk
34. What gives you the most confidence during sex?
being not sober and the lights being off or v dim
35. What feels better for you sex or oral sex?
sex :o
36. Do you like sloppy blowjobs?
giving them hella
37. Which feels better blowjob or blowjob and hands?
38. Most viewed porn categories?
rough, and sex machines.
39. Thoughts on knife play?
hnnnnnn sharp shiney good. idk about the actual cutting tho i’m recovered from s.h kjdfgkdljf
40. Can you be intimate if your pet is in the room?
yea so long as he’s not up in my grill
41. I’d you ever had the chance for a threesum with twins would you do it?
...probably not?
42. Are you ok with your partner owning sex toys?b
?? tf yes
43. Are you ok with your partner using toys to finish after sex?
hella. no bad feels just whatever works ^_^
44. Are you ok with your partner mastubating. (Instead of going to you for help)
duh tf i don’t own them
45. Are you a fan of cuddles after sex?
46. Do you care how many sexual partners your partner had?
47. If you had the chance to join an orgy, would you?
...not sober
48. What’s your thoughts about watching porn with a partner?
hmmmmm. nice.
49. Are you ok with your partner watching porn to get off? (Instead of going to you?)
again, yes, wtff
50. As a guy, do you consider your girlfriend kissing other girls as cheating?
51. If you and your partner broke up for a week but got back together how would you react finding out they had sex during that time?
i mean. i dunno. if we were legit broken up with no intention of getting back together then whatever.
52. Are you ok with your partner posting nudes online?
yes what is up w these possessive ass questions
53. Has anyone ever said the wrong name during sex with you?
not that ive noticed dkfjgvdfjkhn
54. Ever had sex to just get it out of the way?
no???? wtf was this written by a Straight
55. Have you ever had sex in your parents bed?
56. Favorite place to cum?
anywhere anytime lol
57. Do you prefer your partner to a Bush or shaved? (Which do you find more aesthetically pleasing)
whatever they want lol idc
58. How old were you when you first bought condoms?
my mom bought me some when i was like 12 it was mortifying. i still have yet to purchase them myself. WAIT NO YES I DID i was like 13 and it was for a friend bc she was too embarrassed.
59. Have you ever tried flavored condoms?
i haven’t but i wanna yummm lollipop without the cals
60. Would you ever let a stranger watch you and your partner have sex?.
uhhhhhh. not unless we were being paid
61. What’s the worst thing that’s aroused you?
i used to be really fucking embarrassed about my daddy kink
62. Would you ever have sex with a guy who had a spliced dick?
wh. okay i have to google this.
63. Would you ever have sex with someone with genital piercings?
sure why not
64. Thoughts on sleep sex?
GOD yes. esp on the receiving end but all around a+
65. How easily do you get aroused?
aroused in general p easily ig? but im ace so idk i don’t ever feel like i NEEED it
66. Explain the time you got aroused at the worst time?
any time in public bc i blush too easily
67. Have you ever received oral from someone with a tongue piercing, did it feel any different?
i has not
68. Have you ever accidentally hurt your partner during intimacy, how? And did you continue after?
i? think i totally kneed him at least once. but ya
69. Ever 69 :p
not YET
70. Would you ever give someone oral underwater?
YES pool sex or hot tub sex is a kink of mine ever since i got off with a hot tub jet. and breath play. so like hella. i have a sensory issue with water on my eyelids tho and i don’t think goggles are all that sexy sooo njdfgjkfhn
71. Would you ever have sex on the beach?
idk maybe. that’s a lot of sand to keep track of.
72. Do you prefer your own touch or a partners?
not my own ksjdnfjkgh
73. Why do men slap their penis on their partner? Does it feel good???
i dunno WHY but it feels somewhat objectifying in a good way to ME so likeee
74. For mastubating do you use lube?
75. Is there some place you don’t like being touched during intimacy?
my sides feel hurt really easily like even if u poke it it HURTS i think it’s a medical thing but ive never brought it up at the drs. and my ears. that’s weird.
76. Do you prefer your partner to knead you head or pull your hair?
uh both? both yes? both good
77. Has a condom ever fallen off during sex?
lowkey sjkdfhnzskjghfh
78. Have you ever lost arousal during intimacy, did you keep going?
no??? like im generally always turned on gettin it on n it’s a gr8 time but my meds just fuck with my ability to actively get off UGH
79. Have you ever gotten cum in your eye?
no *knocks on wood*
80. Weirdest compliment you’ve gotten?
ive had people compliment my feet and that’s not my kink so i think it’s kinda weird.
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yuckubus · 6 years
disclaimer: i love all my mutuals and respect their opinions, y’all will be missed if you decide to unfollow after i pour my judgmental heart out
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1. the most well-rounded member of bts, is hoseok. yall can argue that it’s jk, but i said what i said 
2. minghao with a mullet is godtier; out of all the male idols with mullets, he is The king. 
3. speaking of seventeen, a lot of their songs are very edm-inspired but it works really well for them 
4. woozi deserves recognition for the songs he produces, like i really hope he gets an award for his production skills bc he’s amazing 
5. i feel like most wonwoo stans, stan him for his beauty and not his talent (which, he’s not a bad rapper)
6. that being said, i wish he (wonwoo) played around a little more bc his flow is kinda predictable. not only that, but he can do more than just rap lowly and get loud.
7. seokmin/ dokyeom > jungkook, in terms of vocal ability. he’s just better 
8. imo, in terms of like younger groups i guess? leader wise, namjoon is the best leader. im not saying other group leaders like scoups, for example, are bad at their abilities to lead, but i think nj really is. 
9. spring day, don’t leave me, the truth untold, best of me, and whatever else yall try to advocate as good songs...are not good. they dont do anything for me. sorry
10. also just one day is the superior rnb bts song. 
11. house of cards didn’t deserve all the hype it got. like, its good but it hasnt done anything for me since i heard the full version.
12. while im not as into got7 as i used to be, ya’ll took all the stuff that happened with got7 and RAN lol like yall really went in on them and still do and it’s sorta.. annoying? like i get why people do not like certain members (i really do!!) but its tired now. it has been for a while 
13. speaking of got7, if they did more stuff like just right (since it worked so well for them) and the flight log trilogy, ESPECIALLY turbulence, it would be effective
14. I dont know why people think lucas from nct is so dumb, he just has moments 
15. speaking of lucas, i dont see any purpose for him in nct. he doesn’t provide anything special or new except some personality and physical beauty.
16. sm either needs to get rid of some members of nct, or really talk to these niggas bc he doesnt seem to care about anyone but mark, taeyong, jaehyun, and doyoung...and sorta lucas 
17. jungwoo is a product of taemin. either that man is his father, or he’s a relative. 
18. in terms of like newer and young rappers, mark lee is the only one with some potential; sometimes, he lacks, but he really is the only one 
19. jaemin and jeno ended and revived kpop with their verses in Go! 
20. chanyeol and sehun go off in some exo songs, especially forever. they’re still not great rappers.
21. exo has the better vocal line and bts has the better rap line. i just ended every pointless, unnecessary fanwar.
22. the exo l x army beef is so..stupid like all of y’all look childish. deadass. it’s never that deep unless both sides really said some serious shit and, most cases they dont so literally shut up lol
23. astro’s danceline are amazing
25. kihyun’s voice is absolutely beautiful and deserves that recognition bc he really has such a beautiful voice 
26. Pentagon’s first album is THAT first mini album. if you havent invested time in it, please do
27. like the wonwoo thing, mingyu and wonho stans only stan these boys for physical attractiveness. I see something all the time (on twitter) anout wonho’s body and not really much about just him. this sounds fake deep, but forreal 
28. stan twitter in general has great memes and stuff, but they are quite literally, the worst set of fans i have ever seen. facebook fans and instagram fans are just evil too but stan twt is satan. 
29. in terms of talent level in twice...there’s 9 girls and only 4/9 really do something. i do love them though
30. tzuyu is great and shes so pretty but that’s it. the personality and everything else, where is it
31. imma be honest, i think chaeyoung is the prettiest
32. kyla isnt coming back to pristin, we all know this. it’s just time to face it 
33. people only care about like 5 members of pristin, and theyre all in pristin v...there was a reason for their creation lol
34. miss shannon, aka sungyeon, of pristin? she’s got lungs and deserves to be seen as more than just her round face 
35. MISS JOY is That member of red velvet
36. i dont think this is unpopular, but all the good rapper idols would be so much better if they just didnt sink into a niggaboo phase
38. i dont,...really care for jennie; she overdoes the cuteness sometimes 
39. rose would be so much more powerful if she dropped the sza syndrome (I hope this isnt offensive, if it is please let me know)
40. if wendy wasn’t the leader and main vocalist of red velvet, her ass would have already been gone for that crap she pulled again
41. girl groups? are just as low down and dirty with their racism and antiblackness but that stuff gets hidden really well unless you look it up...or are mamamoo 
42. IOI SHOULD HAVE LIVED LONGER THAN WANNABE. no one wants to hear that shit, ioi was giving us bops but after that year was up, they couldnt wait to get rid of them...but wannaone still exists. ok
43. all the my idols are gay legends stuff is kinda annoying now... like...you dont know their actual sexuality, so stop trying to justify your weird ass argument with proof from 1997, it’s not cute (this could be said about yoongi, but i mean in general)
44. people dont see holland as more than his sexuality, and what i mean by that is, a lot of people dont care about him or wont until he starts interacting with male idols, so people can start shipping them with him
45. kpop stans do women involved with male groups so fucking dirty, like ya’ll cannot wait to tear them down due to your insecurities as a fan. You’re not marrying any of them, so pipe the fuck down  
46.nonblack stans, especially on twitter, dont really care about black issues lol yall do that fake oh my god im so sorry :( then use some form of aave with ?????????? and then move on. 
48. people are allowed to still be upset about an idol’s past actions. it is valid ESPECIALLY if you are a fan of color. You are also allowed to unstan and not explain yourself bc no one’s gonna beat your ass for it. 
49. these idols and their companies dont really care about their fans as much as they want y’all to believe. i believe they care to a degree, but it’s exaggerated
50. none of yall are family; you can say it a million and six times, but you really only believe that if you are not a person of color.
51. ya’ll do not know these idols like you think you do; they choose what they want you to show, even in their “RAW” shows; they are not going to let you see them in their 100% real self, ya’ll are strangers to them 
52. being on kpop social media is exhausting, and idk how any of yall are able to do it 24/7. kpop is not that interesting enough for me to be around all day and all night. 
53. Idol groups that play instruments deserve the world 
54. that being said, i hope that n.flying, day6, and the rose get recognition because they’re out here being multi-talented, funny, and good looking. 
i have more opinions but these are ones i could think of. anyway, hope yall enjoyed my ranting. 
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Ali & Carly
Ali: save me Ali: this practice is dragging Carly: survive it & i'll help you forget you had to Ali: reckon i've only just come down Ali: but this sesh is making that happen hard and fast 😩 Ali: how's you Carly: aw baby no Carly: say you caught stage fright off me & you gotta leave rn k Carly: i was still up before i got brought down too Ali: dead believable Carly: i kno Ali: can't even blend into the furniture 'cos there is none Ali: so grunge rn Ali: unacceptable tho, who's bringing my baby down Carly: lie on the floor Carly: as protests go itd get the mood across Carly: ronan is Ali: yeah, 'less they think i'm about to go all acdc on 'em Ali: shouldn't have needed to ask but there we are Ali: what's got his knickers in a twist today Carly: wtf does that mean Carly: a load of his cousins are back on site Carly: fun Ali: oh babe Ali: missing out Ali: i'll show you, not at this rehearsal but when i'm actually bringing my rockstar a game Ali: omg is bartley there Carly: k Carly: yea he is Carly: so im not Ali: fun times Ali: i'd rather him over ronan but you do you Carly: if i wanted a bf Carly: but nah Carly: & hes not over it Ali: 😬 Ali: come to grab you Ali: awks Carly: yea Carly: like i kno im good thats why i cant save it all for you boy Carly: wife your own Ali: thought they weren't allowed to wife gorjas anyway Ali: tuttut Ali: you just out here tryna be community spirited Carly: yea im just living like one of you don't get it twisted lads Carly: cant make it clearer than fucking your cousin at your bday party Ali: damn Ali: stone cold boo Carly: told him how it had to be but he didnt wanna hear it Carly: had to show him instead you kno Ali: i get it, did the same but in reverse Ali: its cultural but its a bullshit excuse Ali: don't answer to anyone, so they don't like no, like Carly: yea? Carly: how fun Carly: like i dont answer to anyone either lads Ali: mhmm, you know how weird he got ick Ali: forreal Ali: my ma might say otherwise but shh Carly: mine wouldnt Carly: out here making her proud Ali: pop that on the next postcard Ali: glad you ain't here, lads Carly: ha Carly: wish you were tho you could distract Barty for me Carly: the grass is too wet for creeping Carly: fall on my arse Ali: poor baby Ali: i'd throw myself on that dick bomb for you Ali: lene can't even be mad Ali: loves chivalry Carly: aw Carly: youre too good Carly: i kno i should just go out there like idgaf but looking like this Carly: not gonna do me any favors Ali: like you're so 😍 there's gonna be a riot or you looking how you feeling Carly: wanna say yea to the first 1 but got the weight of last nite on me Ali: fuck this Ali: i'm coming and i'm bringing concealer Carly: might start a riot at rehearsal baby Carly: but idc if you dont Ali: nah, explained Ali: basically a feminist emergency Ali: how could they refuse Ali: don't need to mention we're gonna turn looks and party Carly: ha Carly: [sends selfie] Carly: thats what im working w Carly: emergency it is Ali: nah you still cute Ali: cuter than them, that's a given but i'll bring all my shit Ali: love a makeover moment Carly: youre so sweet Carly: love a happy lie Ali: no lies bitch Carly: ha k bitch Ali: a bitch better believe me Ali: imma make you when i'm through, don't worry Carly: you do have talent Carly: ive seen that Ali: 😉 Ali: tell you it's all natural or take the compliment hmm Carly: nobodys lashes look that good w out help Carly: but when i can see the freckles i kno you not going hard like Carly: so cute Ali: now who's the sweet one, shortcake Ali: 😊 Carly: facts baby Carly: im just saying 'em Ali: touche Ali: well your eye and hair colour combo is killer and we gon flaunt that Carly: its gonna clash w my skin if you keep making me blush boo Ali: nah, save your blushes for me Ali: stone cold fox, remember Ali: they'll never know Carly: dont let your gf kno Carly: dont wanna get grabbed by her either k Ali: 😂 Ali: she'll be gutted but cool with me Carly: love a 3way but Carly: she still scares me Ali: She's a pussycat really Carly: w you Carly: cuz youre cute Ali: so are you Ali: just a #confirmedstraight Ali: she can't be too nice, like, think of her rep Carly: ha Carly: tell her how many girls ive fucked Ali: tempting as it is to spice up the pillowtalk babe Ali: can't deal with the male gaze rant again 🙄 Carly: like you dont kno how to shhh her Ali: 😏 Ali: easy as a lad, like, but don't tell Carly: facts Carly: like i said you have talent baby Ali: backatcha Ali: for a straight girl, like 😘 Carly: ha Carly: yea lads arent no trick Ali: like you said you've fucked loads of girls too Carly: idk tho didnt stick around to tell me how it was Ali: hmm Ali: have to ask for a review next time Carly: fuck no Carly: might as well go to school and flunk that like Ali: awh baby Ali: how you expecting to learn anything 'bout treating a girl right from ronan Carly: idc Carly: as long as the lad is feeling what im doing Carly: & they do Ali: no doubt Carly: too much in bartys case Ali: hard life being a bad bitch Carly: ha you kno Ali: are any of his other cousins cute Ali: get the full set Carly: yea Carly: most are Ali: back again to homewreck hey Carly: couple are old but would Ali: shame i'm 💍 and they probs are too Carly: ha yea Carly: you could end yours w a txt but them nah Ali: you reckon? 😂 Carly: whats she gonna do Carly: show up here Carly: ill be like i dont share bitch Ali: probably Ali: shotgun toting da's don't scare her as much as they should Carly: k ill remember that Carly: hope mine dont show for my own reasons Ali: would probs scare off bart but also all the others Carly: youd think but hed just have a beer w them & b matey matey Carly: reckon hed sell me for a case if he could Carly: ship sailed w my virginity tho Ali: bummer really Ali: who knows what we coulda got outta that deal Ali: giving it away willynilly ugh past me Carly: they might wanna go harder for round 2 Carly: youre more talented now Ali: nice salespitch, babe Ali: i'm impressed, idk if they will be but worth a shot Carly: they would Carly: not that stupid Carly: & youre that cute Ali: like i'll wanna go with them when their chat is gonna be nowhere near as nice 😋 Carly: aw Carly: well you got me Carly: marital bed whenever Ali: but of course 😂 Carly: youre meant to laugh me into bed not out Ali: yeah and you're meant to wanna be there babe so it's chill Carly: k yea true Ali: even with my talents Ali: no turning water into wine, like Ali: sadly Carly: not w that attitude baby Ali: yeah being a debby downer's your only turn-off Ali: my ego thanks you, babe 😉 Carly: i'll work on the rest of you thanking me when you get here Ali: bitch... 😳 Ali: least it gon' be equal when I slay your makeover Carly: ill be grateful you kno Ali: i know
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angel-nero · 7 years
I wanna know you better!
Tagged by @glaspaladin !!!!!! *hearts i cant add* I’m tagging: @koganess @captainkaltar @lukaspatel @knight-enchxnter @saltedleggy @lipsticklounge @sumi-masen @soomin009 @a-juuzou-a-day @madithetitanslayer @blue-stripe
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you. 
1. What’s the one thing you can obsess over without ever getting tired of it? Wow, I get bored of everything, like, I can still love it with all my heart but it will be like meh in a few years even if i still love it. OH BUT THEN THERE'S ART FUK THAT'S THE REAL ANSWER 
 2. Do you believe in aliens? What about ghosts? Bigfoot? I'm pretty sure aliens and ghosts are real. Big foot and all that? Not even a bit lol 
 3. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Woah, pretty sure I'm a pessimist tho some ppl like to fight and call em/it being realistic?????? 
 4. What’s your biggest regret? God, nothing that has lasted enough for me to remember 
 5. Do you dye your hair? If not, what colour would you go? No, I don't. I just graduated high school and schools here won't permit even a basic color, like, wtf. I wish tho. If I could I would dye it silver even if it doesn't fits me idc. And too many other colors actually. Oh yes, like pastel pink idc, blue and purple i don't give a daaaaammmn, i just need someone to do it for me, knowledge to not fuck up and m0ney ca$h flow. 
 6. Are you a clean or messy person? I like clean stuff, everything has to be clean but I'm very messy and lazy. Shit. 
 7. Do you like where you currently live? Yes! It's a pretty city and it has a beach, but it sucks. It's very damn hot when it's not winter, too many assholes, the government fucking sucks lol, like, wow mexican pals will know where I live if I say our governor is a fugitive LMAO. He did very shitty things, has the worst voice ever and I fucking hate him. It's also very boring in here and wow, there's a carnival in a few days and I hate February cus carnival means BIG MESS, KILL YOURSELF, it endures a whole month the mess, or two. 
 8. If you could change one thing about one of your fandoms, what would it be? FUK BEX WHAT A WAY TO MAKE ME PISSED LOL. Okay, the damn antis. i hate when I follow a blog and then i see their stupid opinions and its like wow unfollow. And the people that actually bother other ppl about what they like, it's like, wow, don't you have a life..? Do you need water? Like, dude, why do you ever give a fuk. Unfollow, block, do ya thing. Also the very lowkey antis, like, wow they don't send hate and sh1t but be like making comments over why certain ship is not CaN0n and b laughing about it like, B1tch!!!!!!! My she1th is cAnOn fuk 0ff. Everything is (or can be) canon, alright???? Wow, this became not vague as i wanted it, wow. I also hate when they're like, making a very stupid comment that's worth shit for a story and b like "@staff make dis can0n" wow there's so many shit that I hate and it took to follow one artist on tw to find out. And when ppl reblog art to be meant for a ship and they change it to sh1t like: "the br0ganes" HAHA SORRY, YO, IM FULL OF SALT. Everything was ok when I wasn't following more than 100 ppl but everyone is inactive and I wanted friends and wow i love you all new @mutuals. Also, when they b like yo, if my pairing ain't canon I quit or shit in other pairs. Like wow i don't expect anything to be canon, but also you're free to do anything you want so quit if you desire it, idc :) about snk? Ppl adding TOO MANY LIKE TOOOO MANYYYY freckles to marco. i know how EVERYONE b like "yo i come from the snk fandom i know about discourse" but that didn't happen to me pal. I realized I just listed what I hate instead of something productive fuk im full of rage don't look at me. 
 9. Do you have any nicknames? Gab. Feel free to add nicknames :-) cus I'm bad at it, like i didn't even called myself gab lol. Oh, and Bowie cus I love bowie a lot and plebs at school would be like "chica bowie" cus they don't even know who david bowie is, it's cute tho. They recently added ‘’Bow’’ wow FUCK GIVE ME EM NICKNAMES 
 10. How good is your poker face? Pretty good :-| 
 11. Have you ever seen something that you couldn't explain? Mmm, fuk im not even good explaining basic shit lol. I curse a lot? I'm sorry
My questions: 1.- do you normally care about washing the part where you drink from of your cans/ box of milk and stuff like that? God, my English is so bad. 2.- how long have you lasted without taking a shower?:^) (god, im so gross) 3.- tell us your paranormal stuff that has happened to you, like, the weirdest one. 4.-Any ship that makes you guilty? 5.-Do you like art? 6.-Do you do art? 7.- What kind of music you listen to? 8.-Ever went to a concert? tell us about it! 9.- What’s yout motto about life? 10.-Favorite fictional character ever? can do a list if needed 11.-What is a chill day for you?
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seargantblue · 7 years
hey i just stumbled across ur blog its cute! i got no life so i just kept scrolling and scrolling and got interested in ur life a lil :) u still seeing that guy u were so crazy about? and whats he like? if so what has being with him done to all ur confusion abt gender/sexuality? what do u like abt him? im sorry if im being annoying im just so bored u dont have to answer
omg this message is so cute thx 4 being interested in my life!! its not annoying at all + i decide to put that information abt me online so its rly ok! my answer got really long and im a lil tired (and not good with english grammar) so sorry 4 any mistakes lel
im actually in a relationship with the guy rn and i swear its one of the few good things that happened to me in 2016 !! i mean it took some time for us to actually get together bc at first he didnt want to ‘put a label on it’ but apparently im an “all or nothing” kind of person and thank god he realized it!! its still kinda weird and very very new for me to be in an actual relationship and i sometimes forget that he is my boyfriend so ??? but im very excited and very very happy and even the smallest things he does still make my heart go !!!!! the gender issue I once had doesnt really exist anymore, I feel more comfortable in my body than ever and enjoy being ‘girly’. Im wearing dresses and skirts quite often now and started to wear the thight fitting tshirts again, instead of only the really loose ones (: the sex thing is still a lil bit tricky: he doesnt really care abt sex which is fucking fantastic, bc I used to think that maybe Im gonna end alone bc Im ace (btw I dont really consider myself ace anymore bc y should I label myself ?? Im okay with telling ppl I dont like sex, but maybe I will one day so idc abt what label to give my sexuality and honestly : its none of other ppls business who I fuck ((or not)) ). I did find out that I can get sexually aroused if I really like the person im with but Im still not sure if I really want to have sex and/or if I would enjoy it. maybe we gonna fuck one day, or maybe not but idc bc its not that important to both of us (i hope). I dont really wanna be too personal or nsfw here but lets just say that my body does react stronger to him touching/kissing me than I thought so yeah thats thatumm what to say about him… hes kinda the stoic person and thinks that everything has to be rational and objective which I think is very stupid bc Im a really subjective person who prefers to just do things instead of planning ahead. also he is very smart (but likes to think he’s smarter than everybody which sucks tbh) and he explains a lot of things to me which is nice bc im a sucker for people explaining the world and stuff to me. i feel very comfortable and safe around him and I think that I make him feel safe too. he questions everything and wants to be 100% sure he makes the ‘right’ decision before doing it, so i actually feel kinda special that he likes me. He also has this thing with wanting to bring out the best in people (according to his vision of ‘good’ and ‘best people’) and that does get kinda annoying bc I dont like the idea of him just wanting to change me ??? But apparently he sees way more potential in me than I do and thats a nice feeling tbh. aaah what I like about him is actually a lot, he is absurd handsome and can literally wear anything he wants ???? sometimes I get self conscious abt how good he looks and that Im not in his league or smth like that although I know how stupid that sounds.. anyway, hes kinda made of edges and has this thin, sharp smile with pointy teeth and hes very tall and fit and I like to call him weasel bc when he proofes me wrong he smirkes all mischievous and sometimes he gets giddy and hyper so it rly fits lol. I like how his voice gets all soft and warm when Im sad or something happened and he tries to cheer me up and I like how fucking much he cares abt other ppl - so much it must hurt himself bc he puts other ppls feelings over his and just cares too much. he is actually a very soft person but probably doesnt want everybody to see it bc he is a man™  I also love how good he is at reading ppl (especially me) bc im terrible at doing the whole feeling thing and voicing what I want so that helps a lot bc often I dont even have to say anything he just knows its spoopy. + im kinda obsessed with biting/biting people, not even in a sexual way just in a ‘i wanna bite u (bc im drunk)’ way and he does that too so thats !!! very good thank you universe for doing all this sorcery I still dont understand how this all worked out but im very happy and i appreciate every single thing in my life that led to today. its all magic but we somehow fit together quite well and I love him so please 2017 me dont fuck that up
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Jack: everyone on the internet calls it a miracle that,we're alive
Me: really?
Jack: babe. Remember how I said earlier that sometimes you just look really stupid?
Me: it didn't seem like a miracle to me...
FBI: Well you should ask one of the cops then. Cause I ain't ever seen anyone deader or a room more filled with natural gas to the point where ee could not see for over two hours. We had to feel along the walls with a hope and a prayer we were doing it right to get them off the wall, using night vision goggles on our gas masks.
Me: well I don't have access to the tv channels... That's how I do it every day... Blind..
FBI: what did you do that day any way besides listen to their hearts to see if they would live?
Me: that was all... Well i burped at one of them... Sometimes they don't like to just be living they like something funny. I only did 2 tho... Brian was already awoke.
FBI: yeah he did that on his own. But Sabrina they didn't need any medical treatment. They just came back to life but how?
Me: some dead hang around their body until it's safer to get back in. Some that have had training.
Jack: IDK what I did baby but I was just there
Me: you remember where you were before?
Jack: the wall. Then just watching you but out of body like I sometimes do when I'm sleep but that was all. I seen you go to the store and I tried handing you your purse but you didn't seem to notice
Me: well I didn't know you were dead in the car
Jack: well you didn't even say thank you but you seemed to notice i was there when you got down. You said "well that was weird but not so much. It will be better when you get done being an ass hole and actually get the nerve to come see me. But let's go jn the store." I think. Did you?
Me: probably when I shut the door. I say it so much.. I don't really notice.
FBI: So what about the other 4?
Dinah Julie. My dead mom: i did. This momma. I said "well let's get back in now. Your girls are waiting." She knows how i do it. just gently glide over and shove them in at the light of speed.
My dad: so you just shove them in huh?
My mom: well they don't go. She just listens to their hearts. Oddly they took D down first and she just happened to go down and she knew he was on the floor and that was that.
Me: its weird that i didn't know it was him.
My mom: well shit you should had you seen his whole torso and all
Me: i just wasn't expecting him. I think i would wanted to know why he was there and
My mom: wanted to control
Me: cause a scene more... Get in the way. I Just shut up and work around things that I dont realize... That aren't that important... At that moment... Like i would had mommed out and been all why the Hell did this happen this way and WTF. Not control but know and then people will have to stop and deal with my drama and it causes more of a mess.. Because had i realized i would been upset. I knew there was a certain set of people up to 6... But the extra 2 i was not aware of
Jack: so excuse me ma'am
Me: i was mad at yoh.
Jack: haha.
Me: apparently for getting kidnapped!.
FBI: i don't wanna laugh but..
Me: but so the fact that there was more people didn't really matter because they were being taken care of.
Mom: well you didn't even take care of any of the Germans! It was the old guy you burped at!
Me: the people I'm closest to. I know them and i know their soulmates. And i can't watch their soulmates suffer any more because I've watched it a lot and iy hurts me a lot to see it. Not that the other people aren't important or significant but those two impact my life greatly and most often.
Jack: every single time i get kidnapped all you do is get pissed off at me. Time before last you fucking yelled at me "fuck you and your fucking Dali lllama that you rode in on!!" And you were so fucking pissed and your eyes were red, your brown part. And I was all... "Fuck idc what you say. I'm gonna live" and I felt really stupid because I was sure i was gonna die... Because I was shot in my lung and i thought it got ky heart. And you said that. Fuck you and your fucking Dali Llama you rode in on. I never heard that shit in my life. And i just saw a llama all clean and fresh snd i knew i was dead and you said "the whole fucking world seen that! Shut the fuck up! Go to sleep you're on my fucking nerve" next thing i knew I was in an American Chopper... And i said "thank you" and you said "yeah fuck off" and i said "fuck you bitch!!" And i started to cry and you smiled this slick sick smile all sly... Tilting your head so no one around could see it. And i knew. You said "you're welcome" and i started laughing and i said "i hate this bitch. I'm gonna fuck her hard" then about 6 weeks later after i got out of the hospital in Germany I was at Circle K in Belen and I was just got into town the day before and i smelled this girl in line and i was explaining to you "babe this girl ... I haven't smelled you in so long but she smells just like you where did you say you were?" And this girl did like you and reached back and scratched her head and when all uggghbbhh and i thought no way is that you. So i said it again and you flashed your left arm up your back to scratch it. And you said "oh my fucking God I'm going to kill something" and the cashier said "bad day?" And you said "no. Some stinky boy who is about to --" and i had grabbed your hand you had behind Your back and you didn't move or try to kill me or scream or even pull away. And so i stuck my head up next to you and said "she means me"
Me: and you smelt fucking good although your little beard was ragged... And i was all Fuck this goddamed ass hole sniffing chicks and shit like he's a school boy in love so I kissed your fucking face. But i didn't know it was you.
My mom: his point is that she actually saved his life then, too. I gave her his coordinates and she emailed every person she could think of and even posted it public so someone could find him ASAP. And they found him within 15 minutes. Not next to alive. But completely dead. And i told her. "Uh Your soulmate is dead you know" and she said "oh" "reached over metaphysically and shook his foot and said "dead people don't have sex, don't you know?!" And the first thing to come to life was his dick! I swear to you! I even asked him "did you miss your legs jumping into your feet and put both feet into your penis?" And he's still got no blood pumping in his other head and he says "i think she'll like" sick little bastards. Ive seen her walk into a McDonald's and find a shot gun victim shot in the chest and lean down and whisper "hey im gonna get some food. I think they got hot fries" and shoowm they come right back to life! Talk about enticing a fellow! She does that a lot. Just give Some one the thought they left off on is the best way she always says but if you can't figure that out, bribe.
Me: McDonald's is always easy. Food. If that don't work. Shopping. Sometimes its back to work or home but that yoh can usually tell. Most the time in reality it's the hospital... But I remember that one dude. He was all bleeding and all sat down and ate some food he had ordered. A quarter pounder big Mac they had them back then and some fresh medium fries. And a large soft drink. Coke with a small ice. He wanted the ice for a small cup not the large. He had just got off work. See he just got up off the floor all "where my food. Get. Out the way miss" and sat down and ate. Man he needed a transfusion... I wasn't sure what all went down. I just sat down near him whistling and all.. And he wolfed his food down and he said "man i don't feel so good" and fainted. Man i felt bad. He fell in slow motion just halfway... I went to help him sit up and slipped on this puddle of blood... He must had bled out half his blood. Most of the time i didn't go to the hospital with them. But him i did. He died. A lot. He didn't have enough blood. So i stopped the dude cause he kept zapping him. I said "you can't do enough electricity if he don't have enough of the joints -- the jolts are too much you're gonna fry his self and he already ate those fresh. He ain't got no juice in his wires.... I see you're not an electrician.he ain't got no blood!!! See You're gonna need 3 bags of saline for there to be enough liquid in his veins for his heart to even pump. Hes empty. How you gonna run a car without no gas?!" Finally the EMT eyes lit up said "you meant zapping him won't do no good. You called me froggy and i been lost since then Cause you know that ain't my name" "its because your voice. Like you got a frog in your throat. Well juice him up, Vince!" "Man you act like you aint from the Bronx, i swear. You didn't think you would get shot in there?" "You can't shoot an angel my buddy" "well what did he do that was so wrong then?" "That's not what I meant" "but you did get shot and it bounced off" "oh that's just my mom. She's my bullet proof vest"
Jack: how come I didn't get your mom?
My mom: cause you got your own and she saved your. Cranium! That's why you got shot in the lung. But tree said not to save you from it and we got upset! Until you got a boner and we thought it was funny
Jack: you know how i got kidnapped and shot?
Me: checking on a "homeless shelter" and they thought you were an actual kidnapper and they kidnapped you and held you hostage until your time was up and no one saved you so they killed you?
Jack: what the fuck babe
Me: i told you I'd kill your dam horse, too. Did you know that's what happened?
Jack: not until this fucking second "DAD"
Me: I told you all that shit about what he did in Iraq with that barbaric guy. And how he was in on 911 And how he used drones to shoot Iraqis for no fucking reason. I wrote it. I told everyone.
My mom: that's not Jack's fault so why.
Me: he was supposed to know. I wasn't supposed to leave him at Circle k. But who else was there? Alex Laughlin And I couldn't stand the sight of him. I got sick and i had to leave
Jack: well you told me to get the fuck out the car
Me: because I thought you were him! And you got out and every one went over and including Matt Hagan and i was all fuck this shit. I'm not doing this, I'll get myself killed.
Jack: well thanks a lot "dad" for getting me fucking killed and pretending to care
Me: i fucking told you. I hated you Jesse and I meant it. You fuck with me one more fucking time you're gonna eat fucking dirt. Do you understand?
Jesse: no
FBI: Sabrina so you're telling me that Jesse You're always emailing is a terrorist?
Me: yeah why didn't you know that?
FBI: because hes a dam liar. Mother fuckers of God. He calls them homeless shelters. That you run. But you don't do that shit you build them their own houses
Me: exactly. I don't fuck with home less people. They dont want homes. I bought some and then the homeless rented out the houses and moved back oj the streets. They explained to me they prefer to live outside. So i don't fuck with homeless. Take them food. Make sure they got umbrella and plastic sheeting for rain storms and blankets and so on and feed them but don't touch them. Leave them where they be. I teach my daughter that "they are homeless because they want to be" granted that isn't all. Some have other circumstances. But I dont fuck with homeless. They live under the stars. No rules, the truest most free people in the world. I dont fuck with them and it PISSES ME OFF YOUD USE MY NAME on a HOMELESS SHELTER, how fucking dare you. When its KIDNAPPING.
Jesse: well what do you want me to do? I'm here to please you!
Me: choke to death and die. Choke on your lies. And die. What the fuck do yiu think.j
Jesse: no
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