#i’d be down to answer 29 again i have so much stuff in this document that will never see the light of day otherwise
acorrespondence · 8 months
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I’m very glad I turned on email receipts for asks yesterday (I didn’t even realize it was off!), because tumblr ate this one from @toli-a!
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
Oh, this is a hard one, because I’m very bad at remembering when and how I learned information unless the circumstances in which I learned it were very memorable, and most of my fic research involves getting lost in a link chain rabbit hole for hours and coming back up like I’ve just woken from a fugue state. Actually, as I was writing this I was thinking about the justified og au and remembered one of the things I researched in depth for that: the details and dangers which “robbing a mine” entails, as well as some very specific instances where attempts to do so ended in disaster. A lot of mining companies would pay people under the table to do this for them, but of course some people did it for themselves because they could make more money per ounce on the coal than the mine was willing to pay them for it. Guess which of these equally illegal activities more often resulted in arrest? Yep; if you were doing this for yourself behind the company’s back, you weren’t just accused of robbing the mine, but also of robbing the mining company.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
This is from a collection of prequel snippets in the heavy heart universe. It was never intended to be published and instead is really just for my own reference, so it’s rougher than I’d prefer:
"Arlo says the two'a you's queer for each other."
Boyd freezes, but Raylan just rolls his eyes. "Arlo says the mailman's queer because he—I’m quotin, here—‘spends all day shovin things in mail holes.' And when my mama told Arlo that's just his job, Arlo said that made it worse, on account'a he's gettin paid for it."
Johnny laughs. "Shit. Your old man may be an asshole, Raylan, but he's a funny one."
Raylan's said far worse about Arlo himself, but he feels his hackles rise anyway. "You oughtta watch what you say, Johnny."
Johnny lounges back on the dugout bench and looks at Raylan through hooded eyes. "Careful, Raylan. We ain't in high school anymore, when our families left us to it. Your affairs are your daddy's, now, and his affairs are yours, and he ain't exactly got his affairs in order."
Boyd, still lounging against the chain link, having since recovered from his earlier jolt of fear, smirks at him. "Maybe you're well-served to mold yourself blindly in your daddy's image, cousin, but if I am truly to become my daddy, I must first become my own man."
Johnny spits on the ground. "Long as your own man ain't a fag."
(Questions here)
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whoistheasshole · 3 years
How do I get out of this unsatisfying life I’m living?
Anonymous asks: So the thing is that I feel incredibly stuck - I have all the basics of life which I'm grateful for but also that was my BIG dream as a kid, to get tf out of my parents' house - but now I have that and idk what to do for the rest of my life. Like, if I try those "visualize your future" things I'm just like, "I'd like to sleep for a month, maybe longer" & it feels like I don't really WANT anything so I can't plan, you know? Just flailing here honestly. Pretty tired of it.
I wrote back: I got your question. To pinpoint my answer a little better, can you tell me about your current situation, like how long has it been since you moved out? Which are the things you have in order to your satisfaction? Some vague idea of your age range would also be helpful, but I can work without it too if you’d rather not share.
Anonymous answered: Ah, sorry. I was trying to fit in the character limit & also whenever I think about this my mind just goes flbbbbth. It's been about 5 years? That's about the only thing I'm truly HAPPY about, I'm not thrilled with my social/love life, career, etc & have pretty much been just coasting tbh. I'm almost 30. Thanks for entertaining this.
Alright, thanks for adding some background. I will come at this from different angles and you can pretty much pick and choose what sounds helpful and leave the rest, okay?
First, while there are people who have it all figured out, methodically planning their next career step or fully certain that there is no greater joy than raising a child, there are tons of other people who just, to quote, go „ flbbbbth“ when asked about their next steps or, god forbid, their life plan. I would say I fall in the latter camp, but I don’t mind because I think there is nothing wrong with that. I let myself be guided by the things I need to be happy (more on that later) and by current necessities – if my job becomes shit, I need to find a new job. If a friendship goes sour, I need to end it respectfully. But I couldn’t tell you specific career or personal goals, except...
... let’s talk about the „later“ now.
I’m an organizer, maybe even a worrier, and therefore I like lists. And for that reason I made a list a while ago that I still have and expect to keep for a long time. It is a list of everything that I need to be satisfied with my life. It consists of 29 entries and has three of them checked, though several others could be counted as half-checked. I wrote down everything that came to mind, paying no attention whether it was reasonable or feasible to want. That wasn’t the question.
It covers stuff like a clean flat (not checked), restful sleep (not checked), friends that I see regularly (checked) or a job with purpose (not checked). This list is my guide. Well, generally my needs are my guide, but it can be hard to be aware of your needs sometimes, so I got this list. And if I wonder what I need or want to focus on, I can turn to it and choose one of the entries and see what I can do about it. I can also look over the list every few years and see if things have developed in the right direction. Little progress is no reason to chastise myself, but helpful information to see whether I need to re-direct my focus.
Please note that I wrote „satisfied“, not „happy“. Being happy is a passing emotional state. It is completely normal and okay not to be happy all the time. But quiet satisfaction with where you are or where you are going, that is pretty achievable. It certainly is a process, but an enjoyable one.
This list is not a race and it is not really a to-do list because most of the things I wrote down aren’t easy to accomplish with a single action. They take months and years and, for some items, I can only try and hope it works out some day (see anybody who ever purposely looked for a partner).
So maybe this kind of list could be an exercise for you. Maybe it provides you with some insight, maybe it doesn’t. Maybe it’s not the right point in your life. But if you sit down and the only thing you can come up with is „cry forever“ or „sleep forever“ then, you know, that’s a sign.
Which brings me to my next point: Journaling or automatic writing. This method is especially helpful for those „I feel some kind of way and I couldn’t even tell you how“ moments – so maybe exactly where you are right now. Captain Akward has introduced me to a website called „750 words“ and I’ve used the principle of „morning pages“, though not the website, since then whenever I felt like some emotions were starting to boil over.
I sit down, ideally in the morning, and just barf it all on the (digital) page. There are only two rules: 1) Don’t edit or judge yourself, write everything as it comes to mind (that’s the automatic writing part) and 2) Don’t stop before you’ve reached 750 words. You are not looking to write anything readable or clever or lyrical, you’re looking to get all the weirdness out so you can move on. Repeat this as many days as you feel queasy or weird or confused or angry or sad. Each day, as soon as you’ve reached the 750 words, you can walk away. Heck, you could even delete/burn the document if that feels right. It’s just about giving your thoughts the room they need so you can continue with your day, hopefully feeling somewhat relieved.
While we’re at writing, I also have a question for you: Where is the pressure coming from to „do something with your life“? Is it truly coming from inside you or are there outside factors? Are people in your life asking you when you’ll have kids? Do you live in a culture where it’s expected that everybody does something of note, works certain prestigious jobs? Do you compare yourself to the people around you and feel like you’re „late“?
Maybe mull this over on a leisurely walk or write about it, using the method above. No matter where it’s coming from, the feeling of pressure won’t go away just by knowing its origin, but the knowledge can help you keep it under control. And if you find it is truly your own wish, you will have tools to shape your life according to your needs.
So, next, sleep: Maybe do that?
You wrote "I'd like to sleep for a month, maybe longer". I understand this was half a joke, but also … it was probably more than a joke.
How are your energy levels? How does life feel? Are you trying to jog through jello most of these days?
If we’ve been overachievers or had a tough home life or needed to take care of ourselves pretty early, we can become accustomed to everything being difficult. This feeling and behavior can become a way of life, even when circumstances change and we have a chance to act differently.
Do you feel rested? Do you have regular moments of quiet in your life that let you breathe? If not, this is where I would start. Forget about lists, though morning pages might be a helpful accompanying tool (if they don’t become a task to punish yourself with if you don’t find the energy).
Take some weeks or months, maybe even a year to make rest your priority. You will have to find a way that works for you. Yes there is a lot of clinically proven stuff out there, but you will not see me do yoga or meditate. Though feel free if that’s up your alley. If you love cycling or taking photos or drawing or just plain lying on your bed and staring at the wall, see where you can add more of that to your day. Whatever brings you closer to yourself and makes you feel like you can exhale and stand still for a moment, that’s the way to go. Do this as long as sleeping seems like a fine choice. And for good measure maybe a month longer. You are ready to stop when you cannot wait to do something else goddamnit I’m bored!!! (you might say)
If you are in this picture, please start here. Any kind of life plan, next steps, strategizing, solving of riddles would set you back and perpetuate your exhaustion. Rest is not time wasted, rest is how you get your life back.
If you are in this picture, you will likely find that if you really pull through, if you truly rest, as long and boring or even scary as it may be, the other questions will probably have an intuitive answer afterwards. Not like „this is my 20-year career plan“, but „I feel like doing x this week“. And that is enough. Because you won’t need to strain to hear your needs through the fog of exhaustion anymore.
Finally, some practical information and links for when you do have the energy and inclination to tackle your job and social life. I am not saying you need to change anything if that’s not what you want to focus on. These are just some tips, in case they become relevant.
For your social life, I recommend what others have recommended before me: Pick an activity that you do with other people and stick with it long enough to become a familiar face, see also here and here (yes, meeting gay people is similar to meeting other people). If you try out new stuff, go there at least 5 or 6 times before you decide it’s not for you – of course assuming nothing bad is coming up like racist or abusive people in the group. Shop around if the first group/activity doesn’t work for you until you find something that you’d like to do permanently. Maybe you’ll gain some friends, maybe you’ll find a romantic opportunity. In any case, if it’s something fun that you like to do anyway, you will have found an outlet with a social group attached. It is absolutely not as easy right now, with Covid and all, but if nothing outdoors-y comes to mind, you could also use this time to brainstorm what sounds like fun for when things are safer again.
Of course you can also look at opportunities online, like Discord servers, online interest groups etc but I do understand if that’s just not appealing right now. I am certainly over sitting in front of a screen.
To round this up, don’t sneeze at contacts that you already have. Are there acquaintances, friends of friends, colleagues, family members who you would like to get to know better? Then go do that! Suggest a time and place to meet up and see how they react. Say yes to the potential friends.
Speaking of which...
The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes might also be interesting. Sure, it’s a little pop culture positive thinking kinda stuff, but I did like the impulse it gave me to consider when I say no to opportunities out of anxiety or worry. It made me accept some social invitations from colleagues (… in the before times) that I would not have otherwise considered. I did not gain life-long friends, but I did learn another valuable info: That my FOMO wasn’t justified for these events ;)
It also lead me to the decision to do one new thing every month – visit a new place or try a new activity or cook a new food. If the concept sounds appealing, just think about what sounds interesting and achievable to you.
And finally, the advice blog recommendations that I’ll always have. For social life, love life, and general life planning turmoil: Captain Awkward. For everything job-related, including how to write a good cover letter or interview well and, of course, how to get out of the dreaded current job you have: Ask A Manager.
To sum it up:
1) Figure out if you even have the energy to tackle any of this right now.
2) Figure out your pillars for a satisfying life – nothing big and shiny, just … basic needs, wishes, social needs.
3) When you feel like it, pick what you want to tackle next and see where it leads you.
4) Stay flexible. This is your life and it’s okay to go where it takes you, even if it doesn’t look „cool“ or „impressive“ from the outside. All you need is to make it your own.
And if you want to, let me know how it goes some time. :)
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hoidn · 3 years
Writer Tag Game
@anghraine was kind enough to tag me for this.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 110. they're not all fic, though.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 386,718. again, it's not all fic, so let's call it an even 385K for the fic portion.
3. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
A Wild and Distant Shore Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth/Darcy
Hearing Light Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth/Darcy
to suppose the truth of it possible Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth/Darcy
Drowning in the Absolute Yes Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth/Darcy
if you came this way Star Trek: Voyager, Janeway/Chakotay
4. Do you respond to comments; why or why not? for the sake of my mental health, i would prefer not to answer at this time. (i’m not being sarcastic. this is actually very difficult for me to talk about.)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? probably Periapsis. Callisto’s just been raped by Zeus. we all know what happens next.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? i really don't know how to answer this. most of my fics have, at the very least, hopeful endings, and i think a lot depends on the context. for example, Elizabeth and Darcy are happy in both A Wild and Distant Shore and Hearing Light, but one is the happiness of a newly married couple still learning the joys of sexual intimacy with each other, whereas the other is the happiness of a newly engaged couple still in the first tremulous throes of requited love and attraction. how do you quantify which state is happier? to use a different sort of example, Harvest ends happily for Griet because she’s achieved a kind of freedom she never imagined, but i don't know how to compare that to, say, Mulder’s happiness at still being with Scully after so many years in and the world keeps beginning. there are different kinds of happiness is what i'm saying, and i don’t know how to judge the relative values.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest most absurd one you’ve ever written? how about we don’t use the word ‘crazy’ here? i’ve written a few crossovers, though i'm not a big fan of them. (as opposed to fusions, which i absolutely adore.) for most absurd, considering that Pride and Prejudice and Star Trek: The Next Generation are two of the unlikeliest canons to combine, Lydia, still has been a surprisingly well-received fic.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? if i have, it wasn't particularly memorable. i suppose it depends on how one defines 'hate' in this context. i know i've had comments from people who have not been happy with some aspect of a fic, or with me generally, but nothing i'd actually term hate. (truthfully? i'm kind of disappointed.)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? there are kinds? i wasn't aware of this and i don't know what the categories are. amusing fact (at least to me): my most popular fic by kudos happens to be the first piece of smut i ever wrote. since then i've written a lot more, for a variety of f/f and f/m pairings, including various kinks, dub-con, non-con, and even alpha/omega (heavens to betsy!); however, my writing preference is people who love each other (even if they don't know/won't admit it), and those pairings make up the bulk of my smut fic.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? just the once, to my knowledge, and it was an extremely disappointing experience. a few years ago if you came this way was repackaged into a fic called Hired for Love by someone named cress26. and when i say it was disappointing, i mean... like, okay, i know i'm a solid writer. (that sentence notwithstanding.) obviously i'm no anne carson or a.s. byatt, but i'd give myself a solid B average for overall quality. so i guess i figured that if someone was going to steal my stuff, it would be because of that. but, no. instead of merely suffering the insult of being plagiarised, i was forced to also suffer the much, much worse indignity of having a story that is absolutely freakin' beautiful in places -- and i do say so myself -- taken apart and put back together like frankenstein's monster. seriously, even now, i am still so much more offended by how dreadful they made the fic than by the actual plagiarism. a copy and paste job i could understand! that fic is good, damn it! that is some A-grade shit right there. but how can anyone have so little respect for writing, or for language, just in general that they’d take something and then ruin it to claim it as theirs? ugh, it’s so dreadful. 
...wanna see? ;D most of it is still available on the wayback machine.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? i feel like maybe someone did once ask me if they could? but i have no confidence that that actually happened, so i don’t know. anyway, i’ve got a blanket permission statement in my profile, so it’s possible that someone has translated something and i’m just not aware of it. or i was aware and i forgot. these are all possibilities. i’m a very unreliable narrator.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no. it's something i've long been interested in trying, and there have been a couple of people i've wanted to try it with, but i can only imagine i'd be a nightmare for someone else to work with, so i've never broached the topic.
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship? once upon a time i would've said Mulder/Scully but i'm sad to admit that's no longer the case. while Elizabeth/Darcy is now my most enduring ship, i really can't say it's my all-time favourite (though it's in the top 5, certainly). i think, at this point, given the word count devoted to them, and the number of hours i've spent thinking, writing, and making gifs of them, it's going to have to be Walt/Vic. our relationship is only six years old, but those six years represent an output that exceeds all the years of all my other ships combined.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? yeah, see, there's a reason why i don't post real WIPs. (with one current exception that i’m still actively working on). actually there are more than a hundred reasons, scattered across a variety of documents on my hard drive. i doubt i'll finish any of them, but this way no one’s disappointed except me, and i was disappointed to begin with.
15. What are your writing strengths? i'm able to compose grammatically correct sentences and i actually know what words mean. oh, sorry, was that overly sardonic? let me try again. sex and feelings. those are my strengths. i’m good at writing sex and i’m good at writing feelings and when you put those two things together you have most of my fic.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? getting bogged down in details or overly convoluted metaphors, anything resembling plot, actually writing things. (see above re: over a hundred WIPs.)
17. What are you thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i'm pretty sure i've never had any thoughts on the topic. nobody told me there was a prerequisite for this meme!
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? The X Files. the year was 2006 and i was 29. that's right, kids. i was late to the fandom party. also i am middle agéd. run away! run away!
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? i don't have one. i feel affectionately towards some for different reasons; there are some i don't like at all; a few i'm particularly proud of, whether or not i actually like them. basically, my feelings about my own writing are very complicated. i will say that i think Darlin', everything's on fire is one of the best things i've ever written. even there some bits make me wince when i read it, though. (and now the song is stuck in my head again. damn it.)
i will tag @sarking, @sqbr, @wendelah, and @ziparumpazoo if they feel like it, because they’re the only ones i can think of right now, but any other fic writers who want to participate, please consider yourself tagged. below you’ll find the list of questions (with my edit) for your convenience:
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 3. What are you top 5 fics by kudos? 4. Do you respond to comments; why or why not? 5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? 7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest most ridiculous one you’ve ever written? 8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? 9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 11. Have you ever had a fic translated? 12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 13. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? 15. What are your writing strengths? 16. What are your writing weaknesses? 17. What are you thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? 18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? 19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Choices - Tyler Seguin/Jamie Benn - Part 29
Word Count: 2,259
POV: Reader
Warning: Language
Notes: Back by no one’s demand...haha I’m not sure if anyone wants this back or not, but I promised I’d end it so here we go. There will only be a couple chapters left. As always, you’ll have 48 hours to vote, you can vote by commenting or sending it in on anon. Voting will close at 8pm EST on July 2nd. Happy Reading!
Choices Masterlist
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You sat in Tara's kitchen just looking around. It was an open concept, so it gave you a view into her dining and living room as well. Her place, wasn't lavish by any means, not like Tyler's or Jamie's, but it did speak of someone that was well off or at least scamming enough money off of people to buy nice things. The place was neat and meticulous, nothing was out of place; which seemed odd for someone with a one and half-year-old. There should be toys lying around and a baby gate on the stairs, yet none of those things seemed to be anywhere.
 What was interesting, was that the prosthetic maternity belly she'd had on the other day lying on one of the dining room chairs. "What do you have that for?" You blurted out before you could even think of what you were saying.
 "Um…oh…I don't know what you mean. Do you need water or something? Should I call an ambulance?"
 Oh shit, you forgot you were supposed to be in pain. "Oooo," you moaned slightly. "I feel like it's getting a little better resting, and you know focusing on other things. Which is why I'm trying to figure out about that baby belly." You groaned again, hoping she would answer and help take your mind off of things.
 "Oh…um…that old thing. You see…I wanted to be an actress…Yeah, that's it." She said basically giving away that she was making this up as she went. "I had this role a long time ago, that I needed for it, and well…now a friend wants to borrow it. So I have it out for her."
 It would've been a plausible excuse had you not already seen her scamming that man the other day or the fact that she'd stammered her way through that excuse. You also had to wonder if the 'friend' was Kathleen. "Oh wow, being a mom must have really put a damper on things."
 "Yeah, it's really set my career back." She rattled off more easily this time as she settled into the lie. "There's just no time you know."
 You really weren't sure if she was asking or not. "I get where you're coming from. I have no idea how I'm going to do it. You know with leaving Tyler and all." She nodded, so you continued. "Like how do you keep this place spotless? I really need to know your secret. My place is a mess since I haven't felt like unpacking. I can't imagine what it'll be like with the babies."
 "Oh…well…you just have to do it when you can." She paused when you cocked your head to the side looking for more of an explanation. "I'm just a really active person I guess."
 You knitted your brows together because no mother was that active to have all her baby's stuff put away. Tara had given you enough information. Granted, you had no physical evidence but it was enough to go to Tyler with your suspicions. "I wish I had your stamina." You got up then. "Thanks for letting me sit down; I really think I just overdid it. I feel much better. I won't trouble you anymore. I know you were on your way out."
 "Oh, it was no bother. I'm glad your feeling better." She walked you out to the door, following you out.
 "So, I guess I'll see you around the neighborhood sometime then?"
 "Oh…uh yeah. I'm sure we will."
 The two of you walked to the end of the drive. "Thanks again. Maybe we can exchange numbers and get together. I'd love to meet Christopher sometime. You know get some real baby experience. It's been a while."
 "Yeah, next time I see you." She said opening the car and getting in. "I'm really late right now." You moved out of the way as she backed out of the drive and waved goodbye. You rolled your eyes as you made your way back to your vehicle which was parked out of sight. You knew she'd never exchange numbers with you, mainly because there was no Christopher to meet.
 By the time you got to the car, you knew that you had to tell Tyler what was going on, but you also knew that Jamie would be upset with you for doing it. You hated that the thought crossed your mind, but you knew that you had to meet Tyler without Jamie knowing. The problem was how. Jamie was practically attached to your hip when he was home and after being on the road this long you assumed it was going to be worse. The only thing you could do was head to Tyler's house and wait for him to get home.
 You shot a quick text off to Jamie, saying that you were out doing some shopping for the baby and would be home shortly; then you headed over to wait for Tyler. You parked in the driveway, just scrolling through emails when one caught your eye. It was from the paternity testing site that you'd used. You didn't have time to open it though, for Tyler's car pulled in beside you. He glared over at you through the window, before you both got out. "What are you doing here (Y/N)? I thought you never wanted to see me again."
 "We have to talk Tyler."
 "Apparently, we'll be doing that through our lawyers from now on." He slammed the car door shut with such force it made you jump.
 "Look this isn't about us." He started to walk away, so you blurted out. "It's about Christopher." That made him stop.
 "How do you…I mean…what…" He gave up then, you could see it on his face. "You better come in."
 You trailed him inside. The dogs greeting you like they hadn't seen you in months instead of days. Though you wanted to give them love and attention, now was not the time. Tyler reached into the fridge and grabbed a beer, cracking it open and taking a long swig out of it. "Do you want anything?"
 "Just a bottle of water please." You took a seat at the island like you had so many times.
 "So how do you know about him?" It was a simple question yet such a complex answer.
 "Remember when I said that the first sonogram was canceled." He nodded. "Well, I lied."
 "Jesus, (Y/N), you were shutting me out way back then?"
 "It's not like that. I hadn't planned on it, but I saw you in the parking lot with Tara and I recognized her." He winced, yet you could see him understanding why you'd cut him out of the appointment. "Once you left, I ran to talk to her. She told me that she'd had your child and you paid her to keep quiet."
 "Listen, I can explain."
 "No Tyler there's more, let me finish." He stayed mum then. "I was hurt and angry, and if I'm being honest; I still am, but we can deal with that later." The questioning glance he shot you made you keep going. "Other things started to not add up. I saw Tara with Kathleen, and then I ran into them at the coffee shop." You could see the news that the two knew each other, was something he didn't know. "Something they said, it just didn't sit right with me." This was the part you knew he wasn't going to like. "So while you were gone, I broke into your place." You ducked your head kind of sheepishly at your actions and waited for him to yell at you.
 He didn't. "Look (Y/N), I don't care that you were here. This place was always meant to be ours, but I have a feeling there's more than just that."
 "Oh, there is." You added quickly changing the subject back to the matter at hand. "I found the paternity papers. You know the ones Tara gave you and the ones Kathleen blackmailed you with."
 "You mean in the safe?" He was mad now, but you had a feeling it was more about the engagement ring that was in there and not you breaking in to find the documents.
 "Um…yeah. But look, Ty, the papers don't match." You pulled out your phone and brought up the photos. "There's a slight difference. See right here the fonts are off." He peered at the pictures, squinting in an effort to notice the subtle difference. "And here, the address is misspelled. I know it's hard to tell flipping back and forth, but if you put them side by side." He took off down the hall to his bedroom and you followed. It wasn't long before he had the documents out, to see if you were correct.
 "Fuck me, you're right."
 "The signature's even a tad different. See the S." You pointed out to him.
 "Ok, so this means that one of them is lying."
 "I think it's worse than that Ty." He pulled his head back slightly as if he couldn't believe your words. "Let me ask you something. Have you ever seen Christopher?"
 His hand went to the back of his neck and he dropped his head down so he didn't have to look at you, a tell-tale sign he was nervous, only this time you knew he didn't want to admit something to you. "No, no I haven't. It's just…" He went to tell you his reason why but you stopped him. There would be time for explanations later.
 "I don't think he exists Ty." His head snapped up to look you straight in the eye.
 "How do you know this?"
 It was your turn to be ashamed now. "I went to her house. Well, I actually followed her and Kathleen first. I found her pulling the scam on someone else. She has a prosthetic baby belly and when I was inside there's nothing there that says she has a kid, not a bottle, rattle, anything."
 You saw him processing the information and what a toll it was taking on him. He sat down on the bed heavily, papers falling to the floor as he did. "You mean all this time; I've been paying for my son and he just doesn't exist." You hadn't expected him to take it this hard; though it was a lot to digest.
 "I don't think he does Ty." You sat beside him then, rubbing his back in a soothing motion. "I'm so sorry."
 "I don't even know what I'm feeling right now. Like part of me is relieved and, yet...I feel sad." He looked over at you then. "I could never really acknowledge him, you know? When she told me, all I could think of was that was the reason you left me, and every time I thought about him…" He exhaled a heavy sigh. "God I can't even say his fucking name."
 "It's ok Ty. I get it," and you did. You realized that Christopher was just an extension of your failed relationship and would always remind him of that one night he fucked up. It made sense when you looked at from his point of view, but it didn't make the fact that he lied about sleeping with Tara any easier on you.
 "What am I going to do?"
 "Well for starters, I think you need to ask Tara for a paternity test. Someplace where you all can go and get tested at the same time. That way she can't trick you in any way. You'll know then if she's telling the truth because she'll have to bring Christopher with her."
 "Yeah, yeah," He nodded. "That's a good plan. Where did you go?"
 "Well mine was mail in, but I think they have a place here in Dallas. I just got an email from them." You pulled the correspondence up on your phone, flicking it open for the first time. "What? No? This can't be right?"
 "What? Is something wrong?"
 "It says here that they mixed up my paternity samples and gave me someone else's by mistake." It started to sink in then. Tyler may not be the father of your unborn children. "Oh my god." You could see the confusion written on Tyler's face.
 "(Y/N), what does this mean?"
 You'd said so much this afternoon to him, you didn't know how to break this news, but you still had to do it. "I don't know if you're the father of these two babies." He pulled back as if you'd slapped him across the face; he was so stunned, but then so were you. You had so many questions, but the foremost thing in your mind was you had to tell Jamie. You got up, ready to head out of the room.
 "Where are you going?"
 "I have to tell Jamie, Ty. He has to know the truth."
 "I don't know if that's a good idea."
 "Why not?" Honestly, you couldn't see any harm in this news. In fact, Jamie would be ecstatic.
 "What if you get his hopes up, just to be let down. I know he loves you (Y/N). Cause god knows I still do. Don't crush him, if you don't have to." You sat there weighing your options, not knowing what to do. Part of you knew Tyler was right, but it just seemed so wrong to lie to Jamie.
  Your turn to make a choice!
A)     Tell Jamie the truth, he needs to know.
B)     Decide to get a paternity test with just Tyler. Once you know the results you can tell Jamie.
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princessselene126 · 4 years
Kaider OTP Headcanons
Okay, so because I love Kaider so much I decided to do all of these for them. I literally can’t contain myself. I copy and pasted the ones I already did and then answered the ones that I didn’t.
1) Who is the most affectionate? Kai is the most affectionate of the two. Cinder is a pretty touch starved character, she grew up thinking that she wasn’t worth any type of affection, so she doesn’t go out of her way to hug people or tell someone she loves them, or anything like that. Kai, on the other hand, makes a point to always be holding her hand, or whisper a quick “I love you” when they’re in the middle of a world leaders’ meeting.
2) Big spoon/Little spoon? Cinder is usually the big spoon and Kai is usually the little spoon. But normally they sleep facing each other like in this art I found.
3) Most common argument? They don’t really argue, but they often tell each other to go to bed. Kai goes down to the garage and gets Cinder when she’s tinkering too late into the night. Cinder drags (or carries) Kai out of his office when he’s up too late looking over legislation or other important documents.
4) Favorite non-sexual activity? On the rare occasion they have free time, they love sitting together in a big arm chair and reading. They take turns listening to the other’s voice.
5) Who is most likely to carry the other? Cinder carries Kai. Kai tries to carry Cinder sometimes, but it’s difficult because of her metal extremities.
6) What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? Kai loves Cinder’s hair. He likes burying his face in it when they sleep. Cinder loves Kai’s smile. It makes her artificial heart melt.
7) What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? We lived through that, so I’m not gonna bother. Instead I’m gonna talk about what changes when they first start living together. As we saw in Something Old, Something New, Kai and Cinder aren’t strangers to falling asleep in each other’s arms when they’re around their friends, but I have a feeling that didn’t happen much when they visited each other on Earth and Luna. I think Cinder has her own suite in New Beijing Palace set aside before they officially get married just because that seems like something Torin would say they should do to keep up with traditions... but that doesn’t mean Cinder ever uses it. In fact she never does. Now that they live together why would they stay in separate rooms? After dealing with a long distance relationship for almost two years, there’s no way in the stars they’re not sleeping tangled up in each other’s arms.
8) Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? When they’re in teasing moods, they’ll call each other Your Majesty. If the rampion crew is around, Throne will make gagging noises when they do it. The maids at the palace think it’s adorable. Aside from that I don’t think they use nicknames very much. They like calling each other by their names because from anyone else it comes with a title ahead of it. They feel more like ordinary people when the other just calls them by their name.
9) Who worries the most? They’re both pretty big worriers, the difference is that Kai internalizes it while Cinder frequently voices it. Many would think it would be the opposite because Cinder is usually the more closed off, but that’s just not the case.
10) Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Cinder. She has a computer in her head, remember?
11) Who tops? I’d say it’s pretty 50/50 just depends on what they’re in the mood for.
12) Who initiates kisses? Kai usually. He’s a bit more physically needy.
13) Who reaches for the other’s hand first? I’d say it’s pretty even again. Cinder reaches for Kai’s hand under the table when they have meetings or at press conferences. Basically any time that she feels slightly insecure or intimidated by some other leader’s experience compared to her own. Kai reaches out for her all the time. He’s pretty much always holding her hand when they’re out in public.
14) Who kisses the hardest? I… I really want to say Kai. Like I said before he’s a bit more needy and desperate (not in a bad way) and Cinder is a bit more go with the flow.
15) Who wakes up first? They wake up at the same time every day because they have to be briefed in the morning–usually during breakfast–about what’s on their schedule for the day.
16) Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Kai. Cinder was used to having to get up early to go man her booth at the market. Kai on the other hand? He used to be allowed to sleep in and he misses it.
17) Who says I love you first? I honestly can’t remember who says it first in canon, it’s been too long since I’ve read tlc. But if I’m just allowed to make this stuff up? I’d say Cinder. Kai knew he loved her but he wanted her to say it first so he didn’t push her into saying it back when she wasn’t ready.
18) Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) Okay they don’t leave notes in each other’s lunches, but they do comm each other randomly throughout the day. It’s usually stuff like “Vargas was being an ass today” or “I love Iko, but if she makes me wear heels again I swear to the stars--” or “I know it’s been 10 minutes, but I miss you already. Wanna skip lunch?”
19) Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? They don’t have to, everyone already knows. Cinder was pretty fucking obvious about how much she liked *cough* loved *cough* him before they kidnapped Kai. And once Kai joined them on the Rampion? All bets were off if they even wanted to hide their relationship.
20) What do their family/friends think of their relationship? This depends on who you ask. Iko thinks they’re the cutest couple in history. Thorne thinks they’re sickeningly adorable and obviously enjoys teasing them. Jacin thinks the same but without the teasing. Wolf, Scarlet, Winter, and Cress think that Kai and Cinder just... make sense in such a strange way that it doesn’t make sense.
21) Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Kai is the one to initiate dancing of course. Cinder is absolutely terrible at it, and often accidentally steps on his toes, but she’ll let him guide her along anyway.
22) Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Honestly? Neither of them knows how to cook very well. Cinder knows the basics, but Kai is completely lost. Let’s just say it’s a good thing they have a kitchen full of chefs.
23) Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Neither of them. There’s a lot of heavy flirting and teasing, but neither ever uses cheesy pick up lines.
24) Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Kai does it a lot actually. When they’re dancing at galas or balls he’ll lean in close and whisper in her ear, or he’ll say something that’s subtle enough other people won’t think it’s anything strange, but he said the same thing the night before and Cinder definitely picks up on what he’s trying to do. Most of the time he does it to see if he can get a reaction out of her, a hint of red on her cheeks, anything. But more often than not he gets an eye roll or an elbow to the ribs.
25) Who needs more assurance? I feel like they both do equally as often. Cinder needs assurances from Kai that she’s a good person and that she matters. Kai needs assurances that he’s doing what’s right for their people.
26) What would be their theme song? I wanted to say “I’m not a Robot” by Marina and the Diamonds, but I feel like that’s much more of just Cinder song. For them as a couple I think I’d go with “Only Exception” by Paramore (not just because it’s one of my favorite songs) because they really are the only exception for each other? Kai def wasn’t going to love Levana–no way in hell. And Cinder never really thought of love until Kai came around.
27) Who would sing to their child back to sleep? I’ve said before that I headcanon Cinder as a closeted singer, so I’m carrying this over. Cinder sings their kids to sleep. By the time they have kids, Kai knows that she can sing. He often leans against the kids’ doorway and listens to her voice with a smile on his face.
28) What do they do when they’re away from each other? When one is on a trip to a different country without the other, they both try to immerse themselves in work so they can pretend they get to sleep next to the other when they go to bed that night. If they’re at home but can’t see each other for a while because running the country gets in the way, they comm each other every couple hours throughout the day to check in.
29) one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart The concept of happiness is very foreign to both Cinder and Kai. Cinder because Adri made her feel worthless. Kai because he was resigned to the fact that his entire life was going to revolve around his people and he would never get to do things for himself.
30) one headcanon about this OTP that mends it Now that they have each other, they know that they’ll be happy for the rest of their lives. It doesn’t matter if there’s another war, if they someday have to absolve the monarchy in the Eastern Commonwealth too. As long as they’re together, as long as they face things side by side, they’re happy and they’re okay.
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Wynonna Earp 2x02 Shed your Skin
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments.)
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) Holy fuck!
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Did he really take her up on that shower offer? Or is this a dream? Please not let it be a dream!
2) I guess the lady watching them takes the romance out of it. Kind of? I mean, you never know with these two. Oh, look, Jeremy’s also there!
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3) Is it a demon turd?
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I’d be hella scared, too, if something jumped at me out of a porta-potty…
4) Oh, Nicole, you should know better by now than to dismiss someone’s report about strange shenanigans…
5) Nicole is still kind of pissed at Waverly for leaving her out of the Black Badge force, but tbh, Waverly is not really Waverly right now, so I’m not counting this as their first fight. Also, what was Nicole looking at over Waverly’s shoulder…?
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That’s odd.
6) This lady has some balls, arriving at Purgatory and questioning everyone’s role in the demon hunting business. Apart from barking orders and being a nasty bitch, what’s her use?
7) So the real estate lady – Mercedes Gardner, I think – is one of Willa’s school friends, and she’s here to buy a lot of properties because, guess what?, property value goes down in a town where a lot of people get murdered by demons and the whole town gets poisoned every other Wednesday. It’s a very interesting point to be brought up in a supernatural show, you know?
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And why did it smell like Willa?
9) Ugh, what kind of demons cocoons its victims after jumping at them out of a toilet?
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10) ?
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Are we looking at a Breaking Bad scenario? What does Doc want to “cook”?
11) Doc is getting the bar. That’s more up his alley.
12) WTF! Creepy-crawlies from HELL are never a good sign!
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14) Yep, I love her…
WAVERLY: But what do we do with demon spidey? WYNONNA: Put it on Lucado's desk with a note from me that says…
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15) What’s Doc up to? I can’t figure it out! What was he trying to sell to that girl, and why is he offering “protection” now?
16) Why… would ANYONE… volunteer this information after being threatened? I LOVE HIM ALREADY.
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Wynonna finds him annoying, Waverly kind of likes him, and he’s a fan of Doc. Kind of reminds me of Andrew Wells.
17) Wynonna feels like she’s being haunted by Willa because of the perfume, but it turns out it was her mom’s perfume. And Waverly is haunted in a different way – she can’t forget Bobo’s words about her not being an Earp. Whose daughter is she, though? And why isn’t she talking about this with Wynonna?
18) Is he… hitting on Doc? Or is this more of a bromance kind of vibe?
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Also, hard SAME.
19) Oh, this bitch is gonna get cocooned soon…
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20) Oh, damn, I was loving every little thing about this conversation…
WYNONNA: I thought I could keep the team together. I can't be the leader. I can't. I'm only good at busting the leader's balls. DOC: It is alright to miss him, Wynonna. WYNONNA: I didn't know when we rescued Dolls, we wouldn't get to keep him. DOC: He cannot come back here. This is the first place they will look for him. WYNONNA: I never thought I'd see you again either. And then, at the party there you were. DOC: As were you. Both of you. WYNONNA: I would never have kissed him if I didn't think that you were dead. DOC: Come now, Wynonna, we never lied to each other. You are free to kiss whoever you like.
And then…
DOC: As long as they want you to.
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Why is he putting so much distance between them? It’s clear he wants her and possibly loves her, and let’s be real, Doc is prone to think with his blood instead of his head, so why is he rejecting her?
Back to their conversation, I really like how Wynonna is tough but also vulnerable and is not afraid to show her weaknesses. She opens up so easily to the people she loves, and I truly love that about her because it’s something that doesn’t come easy for me. I also love how Doc doesn’t hold the fact that she has feelings for Dolls against her because why would he? But it would be very easy for the writers to write them as that Male, you know? He understands and accepts the connection between Dolls and Wynonna.
The one thing I didn’t like – even if I ship these two – is how quickly she dismissed her kiss with Dolls by saying she wouldn’t have kissed Dolls had she known Doc would come back because it kind of cheapens her feelings for both of them. It makes it look as though she only saw Dolls as a stand-in or a scratching post, and as though her feelings for Doc are only relevant as long as he is physically in the picture.
Why is he rejecting her, though? It’s driving me nuts!
21) Okay, so the creepy-crawler has brothers and sisters…
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22) Again, a very interesting point of view from a revenant…
EARL: All I dream about is not having to run anymore. WYNONNA: I dream of not having to chase your sorry asses. EARL: It's almost like we're cursed. WYNONNA: I don't know who hates it more, you or me. EARL: We're the ones getting sucked into Hell in a never-ending loop that eats away  at our sanities, so… WYNONNA: You're right. It's totally me. EARL: I don't want to die. WYNONNA: Well, you're in luck. I've just been promised a new way to break the curse. Sold my soul to Black Badge to get it, but might mean not having to kill everyone in sight. EARL: Wait, so we could all be free?
Sometimes the underlying meaning gets lost with all the demons and shooting and whatnot, but these demons are literally in purgatory, cursed to be stuck there for all eternity. They’re in this endless loop of being chased and killed by Earps only to return to earth to get chased and killed by Earps again. It never ends. And I guess working for Bobo gave them some kind of purpose but more importantly, some hope. Hope that the curse could be broken somehow. And that’s gone now.
23) What did he get from the safe?!
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And more importantly, why did he want her to know it was him?
24) Okay, he stole documents which prove that Lucado paid mercenaries to off Dolls. And he’s using this information to bribe her. For money. To buy the bar. Or cook whatever he’s going to cook there. I really thought he was going to ask her to pardon Dolls… And on that note, what did Dolls say? Was the message for Lucado?
25) Yep, Teacher Pet/Bad Eggs vibes…
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26) Uh-oh… there are two of these thingies…
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27) A seal in a basement at an old high school building?
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Purgatory is looking a lot like Sunnnydale…
28) Not gonna lie, this was hot as fuck...
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But I don’t know how I feel about it happening while Waverly is not wholly Waverly? Is she possessed all the time? Does that black-eyes thingy take control of her at times? Was she herself right now? I hope we get answers to all of these questions…
29) Ugh, Wynonna was opening up to Doc yet again and he turned her down. Again. All because of the cooking going on downstairs. Reverse engineering? Synthesizing? What the hell are they up to?!
30) I like how both sisters are dealing with Willa’s death very differently. Wynonna is haunted and devastated, and Waverly is grateful Willa is gone. They both acknowledge their own feelings, but don’t give each other grief for not sharing them. I gotta say, I doubted burning all her stuff was going to do the trick. The shit that went down with Willa is deep, and it goes all the way back to their childhood, so it’s going to take a lot of time to come to terms with it.
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32) This episode was okay-ish, but it makes sense. It’s early in the season, and there are many things to be set up. I wonder when we’ll find out about what’s going with Waverly, and when Dolls will be back. He’s still in the title credits, so he is going to be back for sure. And what the hell is Doc up to?!
33)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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samdukewieland · 4 years
Stuck Inside Media Diary Week 6
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It was during this week that it dawned on me just how many movies I’ve watched since when I started keeping track of it. Then I got to wondering how long I keep this going-it’s kind of a bit, but also not one totally. I guess as soon as I go back to work and no longer spend my days playing PlayStation for hours on end and there’s no longer The Ticket to listen to for the day, that’s when it stops. Got real close to breaking the streak this week, which is probably the most harrowing thing I’ve been through in about 7 weeks (for the record, Week 1 was not documented as there was not much to document).
Sunday, April 26
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Mad Men, “The Mountain King”, “Meditations In An Emergency” [Season 2 Finale], “Out Of Town” [Season 3], “Love Among The Ruins”
California Don Draper/Dick Whitman is a real nice sweet spot that Mad Men taps into this season, or at the very least it comes across as much more interesting than the adventures of young Dick Whitman. It’s, obviously, the most honest we see Don/Dick whenever he’s around Anna and makes you realize just how much work he puts himself through to not be honest to anyone or himself. But to see Jon Hamm go between both characters really knocks you back on your ass-Draper is a pretty surface level “showy” character display, at least in the first season, and I’m glad they decided to flesh him out now like this, by giving the audience something that isn’t so wooden or warn out (wooden is usually an insult, but take it to mean like a gorgeously polished oak table or redwood or something else you could stare at for hours). That ending with him and Betty at the kitchen table is an incredible showcase for both of them (I used to be very dismissive of Betty, but I realize now that that was super unfair and dumb of me! so it’s been kind of eye opening re-watching this and realizing that January Jones was/is actually really good)
Season 3 is probably my favorite season of the show, from what my brain can recall and it really hits the ground running. You can feel the energy radiating off of it (when they were writing it they had already won their first Emmys and were already looking highly favored to repeat success in season 2).
Plot Against America, “Part 5″
Beef House, “Army Buddy Brad”, “Prunes”
Three Busy Debras, “A Very Debra Christmas”, “Cartwheel Club”
People really underrate Adult Swim and Cartoon Network, especially when you find yourself with an awkward amount of time before watching something at a scheduled time. Just nice li’l 15 minute (barely) long episodes before The Last Dance, that’s nice. Also I think the last time I talked about Debras I compared it to Stella which I stand by, but I’d also throw in Strangers With Candy and Pee Wee’s Playhouse. So if you like that kind of stuff.
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The Last Dance, Parts 3 & 4
Dennis. Rodman. The downside of these episodes is that they go fully into the time jumping aspects that it didn’t do as heavily in the first two installments. I also think they might play better if they ran right after the first two parts, rather than have that week long simmer. That’s like the most critical thing I can say about them, and it really just boils down to “I want more now.” Love that Isiah Thomas has no shame in being in the doc, despite just being taken to the dome by e v e r y o n e featured in it. Probably the best example of “no such thing as bad press”-it should be taught in business school or wherever agents go to school.
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Monty Python’s Life Of Brian, Jones 1979 [as of now this is available on Netflix]
This was, somehow, a big blind spot in my Monty Python catalog. I think I very quietly went through a contrarian phase of “Monty Python isn’t that funny” somewhere in college, probably a li’l in high school too. It’s definitely been a thing I’ve been worried about re-visiting (I can’t remember the last time I watched Holy Grail, which I considered a religious text) and wanted to keep at arm’s length. That was very uninteresting and there is nothing at all interesting in me admitting that this movie’s really fucking funny; I was cackling when they bring out the huge stone during the stoning scene. The alien thing, while I respect in a purely “well, we don’t know how to get from this point to this point with it ‘making sense’ so let’s just go all the way to nothing”-stance, I’m just pretty allergic to anything Gilliam (I’m guessing) thinks of as incredibly clever. Life Of Brian: good!
Monday, April 27
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Parks And Recreation, “Tom’s Divorce”
This feels like a very underrated episode of Parks, not in the conversation a lot, which feels like an oversight. I also just realized that it’s a Harris episode, so that could be why I am trying to champion it right now. Honest, I didn’t know until two minutes ago.
Mad Men, “My Old Kentucky Home”
Mmmmm. There’s an image from “Old Kentucky Home” of Roger Sterling that is still so shocking and I’m using a great deal of restraint to not post it above (because it’s super-duper racist), but I am still in awe that a buddy of mine from college used/uses(?) it as a cover photo on one of his social media accounts. IF only I could be so bold as he, or Roger Sterling in black-face. 
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The Virgin Suicides, Coppola 1999 [as of now this is available on Prime]
Grew up in a pretty anti-Sofia household from at least one of my undisclosed older brothers. I was told very early on that she is overrated and not very good at what she does and I just never investigated to see if that was true or not until...well I guess last Monday night. Baby’s first Sofia Coppola movie, babe. Talk about a mood! I liked it, I think? Yer kind of a weirdo-guy if you really latch yerself onto loving The Virgin Suicides, but I guess I didn’t realize how much of the movie has Kirsten Dunst or the other sisters not talking before I saw it. Or that James Woods is a pretty convincing sad/quiet/weird guy (as tempting as it is to say that this is the last good thing James Woods was good in, the correct answer is Recess: Schools Out-maybe John Q ((I haven’t seen it.)) I wonder how many conflicting feelings Josh Hartnett inspired in teenage girls between 1999 and 2001. Great job, Sofia, sorry I’m late to the party and for the pre-conceived notions that were lodged into my stupid brain.
Tuesday, April 28
Mad Men, “The Arrangements”, “The Fog”
Attaboy to “The Arrangements” for giving Carla Gallo work (tsktsk for not finding a way to use her more). “The Fog” is pretty mediocre Sopranos karaoke episode; not great, but not as bad as I remember it being. The Betty being hazy sequences aren’t as long as I recalled them to be, so that was nice. Plus all the Gene stuff....man, I don’t know.
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The Manchurian Candidate, Demme 2004 [as of now this is available on HBO]
Jonathan Demme is easily the most underrated director of his time, especially when it comes to shifting genres and putting such an overwhelmingly human touch to everything he works on. This is probably the movie that has the least amount of that, but it takes these wild swings and chances that you can’t help but respect the hell out of what you’re watching. It’s maybe the weirdest Denzel role I think I’ve ever seen, but he’s so good in it, but that’s just kind of the standard in Demme movies. What’s the worst performance you’ve ever seen in one of his movies? Is there one? I’ve never seen the original Manchurian Candidate so I don’t super know where or what this one lacks, but it’s so strange that it has made me want to go back and watch it again to try and understand or just watch the choices that Demme makes in this movie. How about Streep!
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Joe Pera Talks With You, “Joe Pera Gives You A Piano Lesson”, “Joe Pera Watches Internet Videos With You”
I know I harp on this a lot, but it’s just so wholesome and I guess I’m just shocked that anything this wholesome could have Connor O’Malley’s prints all over it. I say that as an admirer of both things, but just can’t wrap my head around the two come together.
Wednesday, April 29 
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Something Wild, Demme 1986 [as of now this is available on HBO]
This movie’s incredible. I knew absolutely nothing about it going in, other than it was Demme and Jeff Daniels (every time I saw the poster, my brain just registered Melanie Griffith as Catherine O’Hara, because that’s who it looks like at a glance). I was floored, I couldn’t believe a movie like this existed and I just hadn’t seen it (though, to be fair, I can’t imagine a person who doesn’t love Jonathan Demme going out of their way to see this in 1986, let alone 2020). And I’ve got some apologizing to do to Melanie Griffith after being pretty underwhelmed by her in Working Girl, I loved her in this. I also can’t help but wonder who has had a worse life (in the face) because of cigarettes, Ray Liotta or Al Pacino? If you want actual good discussion on this movie, I can’t implore the Blank Check episode with Scott Aukerman where they talk about it (there was also nothing more, personally, of a relief than hearing them talk about how it reminded them of a David Lynch movie and After Hours, thoughts I also had while watching, but am by no means enough of a Lynch-head or have seen After Hours enough to confidently throw that out in the open without someone else saying it first).
Thursday, April 30
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Mikey And Nicky, May 1976
About once a year Criterion does a 50% sale and lately I’ve tried to take advantage of that (having a disposable income really lends itself to doing this). This was a movie I knew nothing about, other than Peter Falk was in it and ya know what, I really like Peter Falk. I wasn’t expecting an all-night movie, I was barely expecting a crime/mob movie, but it technically is. It’s about so much more: cowardice, male-friendship, our weaknesses and shortcomings as people, Ned Beatty being pissed about driving around New York City and getting lost. I’ve thought about it a lot since watching it and I’m glad that I own it and can re-visit it whenever I want.
Parks And Recreation, “Christmas Scandal” & “Special”
Joe Pera Talks With You, “Joe Pera Has A Surprise For You”, “Joe Pera Helps You Write An Obituary”
When you just look at these titles on paper (or screen, rather) without actually seeing them, it’s a pretty good setup as a joke. However, this is when the season and show takes a very melancholy turn that’s incredibly moving. (I think he might’ve actually lost his grandmother between seasons-very possible I have this wrong, I just know the character was based on her)
Friday, May 1
Mad Men, “Guy Walks Into An Advertising Agency”
Man, this episode.This is an all-timer on every level; not an ounce of fat on this one and maybe one of the funniest things to happen on this wonderful show.
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X-Men: Dark Phoenix or, uh, just Dark Phoenix, Kinberg 2019 [as of now this is available on HBO]
Incredible that people in charge of an X-Men movie decided an actual team that should be depicted in this movie was Mystique (team leader, lol), Cyclops, Jean, Nightcrawler, Hank/Beast, Storm and Quicksilver. I mean yeh, this thing is really bad, potentially worse than Apocalypse, because that at least tried to have a personality. Though the train sequence here does have some redeeming qualities to it, so it might have the edge-I couldn’t tell you a single set piece from Apocalypse other than Oscar Isaac’s beautiful mug being caked in blue make-up (lol). Also, I gotta admit, mad respect to Kinberg for the incredible bait and switch with making Jessica Chastain look enough like some kind of mixture between Cassandra Nova and Emma Frost where you’re expecting her to be either of them and not just a shape-shifting alien.
Joe Pera Talks With You, “Joe Pera Shows You How To Do Good Fashion”, “Joe Pera Shows You How To Pack A Lunch”, “Joe Pera Talks With You On The First Day Of School”
I obviously want more episodes of this show, but if there were ever a perfect collection of stories, it was this.
Saturday, May 2
Top Chef, Season 17 episode 7
Tough, tough loss for Eric [insert Tom Colicchio “there’s always Last Chance Kitchen”] who I really admire and absolutely loved last season, I wish he had not gone on All-Stars this year, gained a couple more years, polish his technique and come back on the next All-Star season and sweep the floor. No shame in this loss though, because half of the competition this week was pretty dumb, though this was good build-up for Restaurant Wars, which the producers seem to always have hanging above their head as fan favorite and they feel like they need to throw Poochie in there.
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Mad Men, “Seven Twenty Three”, “Souvenir”, “Wee Small Hours”, “The Color Blue”, “The Gypsy And The Hobo”, “The Grown-Ups”, “Shut The Door. Have A Seat”
I don’t know if I necessarily advise watching 7 episodes of Mad Men like I did this past Saturday. However, I think you’re kind of hard-pressed to not want to just keep the tap going on this one. Incredible stretch of episodes for January Jones and a real proper introduction to Henry Francis, probably a character I should hate, but have a lot of affection for. He might be the most sincere character on the show, which makes him pretty endearing. “Shut the Door. Have A Seat” is also one of the best getting the gang together sequences/movies I think I’ve ever seen. This is also a real, real tough stretch for Don, humanity wise, between his handling of poor Salvatore and his dealing with Betty once he finds out about she and Henry. Great season, great stuff.
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The Death Of Stalin, Iannucci 2017 [as of now this is available on Netflix]
Despite knowing (possibly) an embarrassingly low amount about Russian history, I dug it. Felt like the joke was probably on me partially, because of how little I know about Russian history, but is that gonna make me not enjoy watching Jeffrey Tambor in Hank Kingsly form bounce off of Steve Buscemi, Simon Russell Beale, Michael Palin and Jason Isaacs (holy shit, Jason Isaacs in this movie)? Nah. Though, be warned because this thing is probably ripe for your cousin who goes out of his way to tell you stuff like “well Doctor Strangelove is satire, that’s why it’s so genius.”
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floraone · 6 years
28-30? If you take multiple lol
I do take multiple, haha
28. How do you make sure your plot points are there while also making them blend in with the story?
So, I think it reall depends on the definition of “plot points” how I answer this story. This thing is, plot, for me, is any story arc that “goes somewhere”. Anything that I pick up again later, anything that has developement. So, in fact, to me, they ARE the story, and thus… there really isn’t that much blending to be done? BUT, that being said, I “hide” stuff. I foreshadow certain things. Like, when I had Mamoru gush about physics in Ikigai I made him say stuff that was needed WAY later in Yugen for my explanation of Chaos. Of course here I did try to blend it in like crazy, and I only put things in that are reasoable and make sense where they are. So, in essence, I want my reader go “ahhhhh riiight THAT’S why that was thereeee.”, when the time comes, but not when the scene where I hid it is actually happening. Basically, whenever go out of my way to bring across something vehemently, an emotion, an explanation, anything, I do it because I’ll pick up on it later, because it’ll become important. Other things, of course, are there to emphasize a character’s traits and habits. Like, having Mamoru figet all the time or write in crazy neat handwriting doesn’t drive any plot forward, but it fleshes out a character, without having to actively say, oh, btw, this character is actually really conscientious but also pretty flustered all the time even when he doesn’t want to show it.
So, yeah, anything is plot, or story arc. If you take Yugen, plot would be Mamoru’s coming into confidence of playing the supporter role, and that the supporter role is just as important. Plot would also be Minako and her internal struggle with her high expectations of herself, her need to be important to a cause, and everything she has to give up for it. Plot would also be te animosity between Mamoru and Minako, and that little dance they do to avoid each other at all cost cause the other represents certain things they don’t wanna face. So, you see, these are examples that blend really well together, when laid out like this, and basically DRIVE my storytelling?
But, this can lead easily to the next question.
29. How do you plot your stories?
Sometimes it starts with a random idea of a scene. Sometimes it starts with a theme. Either way, I definitely, DEFINITELY don’t go from the beginning.
Themes are really important to me to make a story “round”. But a story doesn’t need to have only one theme for me, especially when it’s a multichapter. But those it has need to be clearly the essence of what I’m writing about, and present alost anywhere throughout.
Ikigai, for example, had two themes. It was an origin story - you know, the kind you’d know from any first issue/film Marvel and DC superhero story. How did this person become a super hero. And theme two would be “free choice” - they become a super hero because they choose to be. So naturaly, all my plot derives from this (And really, even the title would reflect that, ideally - thankfully that worked out for both Ikigai and Yugen, but knock on wood for the future). How do the girls get into it seperately. How do Mamoru and Usagi figure it all out. Who do they confide in. What does the enemy do.
So, once I know the “themes” and the end, I can build my plot around this. Usually I put everything in one document, and it would spell out these plots and ideas how they interact, and then I plan the scenes. So it might look like,
Chapter 10
Usagi and Mamoru finally meet Rei. She’s pretty catty, Mamoru immediately doesn’t like her, Usagi’s in love.
Next scene: Date. Something terribly cute.
Next scene: Enemy attacks. Mass panic.
And these get fleshed out more and more. Especially scenes that don’t directly belong TO the plot, but are to flesh out a character, or bring in comedic elements, and the like. That date for instance would be a moment where you get to characterize. Like, right this moment on the train I watched a Youtube video of a guy who regularly talks about japanese culture. What’s up in Japan, the like. And today’s video was on a japanese online survey to rate your “best anime wife(waifu) 2017″…. and I was shocked. Appalled. Rating women on their “wife-qualities” like it’s 1960. And I immediately felt… MINAKO WOULD THROW A FIT. So, this might be an idea for a scene. And then I’d go, where can I put this, where does it fit? And if I might already know where it goes and works well with my scene outline, I might even go ahead and script it while my rage is fresh in my mind, lol.
30. How do you edit your stories?
SO, I don’t write linear at all. AT. ALL. So, by the time I’m actually polishing up a chapter of a multichapter work to post it, it will have been plotted months ago, filled in with scripts of scenes weeks ago, some scenes will have been written from the start, and there’s pretty much always this one part that gives me a headache that I still need to write. But, since there is SO MUCH on the page already at that point, I also get to edit some of these elements with a more neutral eye. Since I’d have written or at least scripted the “Minako throws a fit on Waifu polls” scene as I thought of it, I now get to revise it. Does this actually make sense? Is this neccessary? Can I tone this down? Is it still funny weeks afterwards? Does it convey about my character what I want to convey? A lot of stuff I thought was brilliant ages ago falls victim to the backspace button this way. And then, I still have my lovely beta to assure me that the rest that survived that little test of time is actually worthwhile.
Anyway, I do hope I answered these in a way that makes sense outside of my own head, and thank you SO MUCH for stopping by, I loved answering these!!!
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littledonkeyburrito · 6 years
I like hotdogs but only the shitty ones
1. Do you have a garden shed in your backyard? I do not have a backyard
2. Who is the tallest person you know and how tall are they? I don’t know who is tallest but I think I know a few that are ~6′4″
3. What was your lowest mark on your previous report card? That was like 6 years ago. I have no idea.
4. What are you listening to? I think a neighbour is vacuuming. 
5. What year are you/did you graduate? 2011
6. Do you prefer non-diet or diet soda? Diet. Most diet soft drink tastes the same as regular to me so I may as well just not have the sugar.
7. Do you like seafood? I didn’t much as a kid, but I do now. Prawns are so damn good.
8. Are you craving anything right now? Sex tbh
9. Do you dress appropriately for your age? Nah honestly I kinda dress like a kid
10. Can you speak any other languages? I can get by in spanish
11. If McDonalds sold hot dogs, would you buy them? No. I like hotdogs but only the shitty ones at the zoo or an amusement park. For some reason, those are essential to the zoo/park experience for me.
12. How long is your hair? Not very. But needs a trim fairly soon or it’ll start curling into my ears which is The Most Annoying Stage of hair growth. 13. Do you like your neighbors? Don’t know them well but they seem cool.
14. What was your first pets name? What, are you trying to get the answers to my security questions?
15. What do you remember most when you were 10? I went to Europe for a month with my Dad and brother.
16. What teacher did all the high school boys/girls have a crush on? Mr Hayes.
17. Where do you see yourself in a year? Who the fuck knows? Preferably not dead
18. If you were able to change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would have better skin
19. Do you hate your weight? No, I am a good weight.
20. Have you ever stepped on a snail? Not on purpose.
21. Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes? Just gimme potato in any form other than gnocci
22. Do you prefer ankle socks over regular socks? No, I’m pretty specific about my socks. Gotta be crew cut.
23. Last movie you’ve seen in theaters? Spiderman Homecoming but I plan on seeing Thor Ragnarok tomorrow
24. Would you ever go backpacking across any country? Obviously. Have you met me? I fucking love travelling and backpacking.
25. Would you prefer to travel around the world by yourself or with a friend?  Friend. But I can make do. Group tours or hostels are great for making new travel friends.
26. Do you usually wear shorts around your house all year long? I only wear shorts as pyjamas. And I don’t usually wear my pyjamas all day. I used to, but not anymore bc I get antsy if I don’t have a shower and get changed every day. Probably a good thing tbh, gives me at least some kind of routine.
27. What state were you born in? T’was not a state but a county and I have no idea what that county is called.
28. Do you think Disney World could ever get old? If I went to the same one often enough, yes.
29. If you could, would you hookup with the last person you messaged?  No
30. What are your favorite things to spend money on? TRAVEL
31. What do you usually order on a pizza? I used to have a standard order from dominos back in aus but they changed the menu not long before I left. Since being in Europe, I have never gotten a takeaway pizza. I usually cook/eat whatever I have at home.
32. Do you and your boyfriend/girlfriend fight a lot? I am single.
33. Who’s the first person with the letter “m” in your contacts? Maggie
34. Which would you rather have a new puppy or kitten? Puppy. But I am not a position to be getting any pet because I move around too much.
35. How old will you be on your next birthday?
36. What color are your underwear? Light purple, like a lavender colour.
37. What is the average number of customers that stop by where you work? I don’t currently have a job, and my old job didn’t really have customers. 38. When you are having a bath, do you have the water low, medium, or high? It has been years since I’ve had a bath. I used to always have the water low but I’d have preferred it higher.
39. Do you know anyone who pronounces ‘ketchup’ with ‘catsup’? I thought that was just a thing Mr Burns said in that one episode of the simpsons. Do people actually say it like that? 40. What makes a person physically beautiful to you? Well I guess I gotta describe my type here. Tall, brown eyes, dark hair, tanned skin. Obvs other people are beautiful too but if you got this then you’re already a step ahead of the pack for me. Although I get that I just described like half of the world’s population. 41. Would you rather have a hospital become a church, or vice versa? Need more hospitals, less churches. 42. Would you miss winter if it never came back? Why or why not? Yes because SKIING
43. Does bad weather ruin your day? Why or why not? No. Even when I get drenched and cold from rain I figure it’s still an experience and I try to make it amusing for myself instead of just plain shit. 44. What is one thing stopping you from becoming a veterinarian? Well I started at uni with the intention of becoming one. I don’t know what specifically changed my mind but after my first semester (of an adjacent degree) I decided vet wasn’t for me. Then dropped out of uni completely after my second semester. 45. When you read 'bass’ just now, was it read like the fish or the instrument? Instrument.
46. What would you like a pint of right now? It could be anything. I’m already drinking beer so I guess another 47. What is one thing that the Titanic has taught you? To never sit through another shitty 3 hour movie again.  48. Are you avoiding correspondence with anyone you actually like? If so, why? Yeah I’m still waiting to see how long it’ll take him to message me first. It’s been like 5 days now. I’m starting to think I should take a hint.
49. When I say cricket, do you picture the insect or the sport first? Insect
50. If you were ever to be famous, how would you want your signature to look? I would probably have my public signature be my initials and keep my normal one for documents and stuff 51. What are two things you usually do with ice? Cool down my drinks and...??? 52. Describe your last history teacher in one sentence. I never took history
53. If you had to only use either shampoo or conditioner, which would it be? My hair is too short and gets greasy too quickly for me to use conditioner so I haven’t used it in like a year or two. So, shampoo.
54. If two countries had to switch languages, which two countries should it be? England should speak hindi so they can gain some perspective and stop being whiny little bitches. India speaks some english anyway so not that big a difference for them. 55. Do you budget when you go grocery shopping? Why or why not? No because I only buy what I need to buy. It costs however much it costs.
56. Who was the last person that borrowed money from you? My dad kept some of the money from selling my car for a while. I guess that counts.
57. The last message you sent to someone else - what did it say? "Looking for work like:” and then a picture of the sent folder from my emails which were all identical emails with my resume attached.
58. Would you be prepared to do a job that you didn’t like, if it paid well? Depends on how much I don’t like it. I can deal with mediocre for the money but if it’s absolute shit like that telemarketing job then nah probs not. Although even then it would depend on how much money we’re talking.
59. How long have you known the last person you messaged? It was 2 people and I have known them for 9 and 10 years.
60. Is there anyone on your Facebook friends list that you dislike? Why do you dislike them? Not actively dislike, but there’s a few I’m indifferent to and could probably delete.
61. What exactly did you eat for your last meal? Have you any idea what you’ll be eating your next meal? I had a baked potato with chicken, chorizo, capsicum, corn and sweet chilli sauce. Next meal will probably be cereal or spicy noodles tomorrow depending on whether I have breakfast
62. When will you next go for a night out? Ah who knows
63. Have you ever said that you’d never do something, and then done it? Almost definitely.
64. When did you last speak to one of your siblings? What did you talk about? I think I emailed my brother a week or so ago about people at work (he now works at the company that I worked at before I left aus)
65. Have you ever been told you’ve punched someone in your sleep? No..?
66. When can you legally go to an American bar? A couple of years ago
67. Could you go out in public looking like you do now? I could but I’d prefer to change my oversized jumper for a jacket.
68. Have you ever taken dance lessons? What kind? When I was a little kid I did ballet and apparently I was really good at it. When I was ~5 I entered a competition called the Eisteddfords and I got gold in the under 8′s category.
69. Do you think you get enough physical activity each day, or not? Not even close. Most days I don’t even leave my apartment because I have nothing to do.
70. Does you house have air conditioning, or do you use a bunch of fans? AC
71. Do you prefer liquor or beer?  Depends on my mood. Sometimes beer, sometimes rum and coke.
72. Are you excited for winter? Yes, but so far I have not enjoyed the cooler weather as much as I usually do and I’m not sure why. 73. Do you ever think about what your life will be like when you’re your parents’ age? I really don’t.
74. What would you do if you and the last person you kissed got pregnant? My body has already established that I am not pregnant (slight relief) but if I was I would panic and message a couple of friends and probably organise for an abortion. I suppose I’d have to tell him about it too and let him have a say but I don’t think there’s any way I’d let him talk me into having a kid.
75. Do you ever drunk dial? No, but every now and then I drunk message.
76. Have you ever had a moment with someone you like that seemed like a movie moment? Okay so the guy in Panama, right. We were at a bar and met up with one of his friends, a colombian guy. We were chatting and I mentioned that while in Colombia I never tried the Bandeja Paisa (national dish) because it’s massive and I was never hungry enough. He was almost horrified that I hadn’t tried it. He then found out that it was my last day in central america so he made a couple of phone calls and changed all of their plans. Originally panama guy was going to go back to the friend’s place and stay there for a few days before he flew back home. Instead, the three of us went and picked up the friend’s wife, drove out to their place an hour out of the city, while we each drank several beers, so they could shower and get changed. We then drove back to the city and went to a colombian place for dinner so I could try that dish. We then hung out in a bar for a few hours and drank and played pool and then panama guy stayed with me in my hotel for my last night.  Literally, this guy that I’d never met before changed all of his plans, without prompting, so that his friend could spend one more night with a girl (me).That was pretty cool. I also never mentioned anything to this guy about me and panama guy being together so clearly panama guy had briefed him beforehand.
77. What was your last alcoholic beverage? I am currently drinking beer.
78. Are you an emotional person? Not at all. 
79. Can you dance? I can’t. Also, when a latino guy asks if you can dance and you say no and he asks you why not, apparently “because I’m white” isn’t actually an acceptable answer and it will just confuse him. I confused a few boys in panama/colombia.
80. What’s your instagram? madz3694
81. Do you accept all of your friend requests on Facebook? Usually. But not if it’s someone I don’t know or someone I really don’t like.
82. What happened last night? I played some mass effect and then went to bed.
83. Do you find it annoying when others fake being ‘high’ or ‘drunk’? Okay so I immediately know that this was written by a teenager.
84. What’s the last video game you played? Mass effect
85. Are you in your pajamas at the moment? No.
86. Is your birth year an odd number? No
87. Do you ever say “FAIL” when people mess up? What is this, 2009?
88. What do you think about your cousins? A couple of them are overly christian but I don’t see them often. My little cousin Jimmy is a rad kid, he’s my fave. My little step-cousins are slightly moody but still alright kids.
89. How often would you say you take naps? When I travel, at every opportune moment. At home, almost never.
90. What are you wearing? Jeans, long sleeve shirt with an oversized jumper. Socks and shoes because my feet were cold so I haven’t taken them off since I went to the shops earlier.
91. Do you get yelled at for not using the little drink coasters? I live alone. Who tf is gonna yell at me?
92. What will your next buy be? Probably a movie ticket tomorrow to see Thor.
93. Can you sleep through thunderstorms? Better than when there’s no storm.
94. What does it take to get you out of bed early (before 9 am)? My alarm. But of course I’m not going to set an alarm unless I have a reason to be out of bed early.
95. Ever spent the night in a tent? A few times, yeah
96. Is it ever okay for a woman to ask out a man? Yeah of course it is
97. Where do you call home?  Currently, my apartment in Spain. But I still refer to my “home city” (Brisbane) and my “home town” (town my dad still lives in)
98. Have you ever been IN a wedding? No, but I have to pick up a thing from the post office tomorrow and I get the feeling it’s going to be a letter from my engaged friends asking me to be a groomsman. They can’t stand the idea of me wearing a dress so they don’t want me to be a bridesmaid.
99. Have you ever been covered in mud? So there’s this inactive volcano near Cartagena in Colombia that essentially a big ol mud pit. But it’s really bouyant so you float and physically cannot sink even if you try. It’s pretty cool and I went there while I was in colombia so obvs got covered in mud. If you want to google it, it’s called “Volcan de lado el totumo”
100. Do you want to be married and have a family of your own later in life? Probably not.
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suteshiro · 5 years
1-30 truths and 1-30 dares. ;3c
I don’t think that’s how that ask meme was supposed to work kfjvskjfv
1: (truth) Who was your first major celebrity crush? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle and post the first five songs.
Truth: Uuuh I don’t think I’ve had any celebrity crushes really?? And if I have I don’t believe I could tell you who the first one was
-Our lady of the underground (Hadestown)
-Take me to church (Hozier)
-You spin me round (Like a record) (Ninja Sex Party cover)
-Miss Jackson (Panic! at the disco)
-Looking like this (Lyre Le Temps)
2: (truth) What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in the past week? (dare) Refresh your dashboard and send an anonymous compliment to the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash.
Truth: I don’t have that much memory, pal
Dare: done!
3: (truth) What are your three favorite things about your appearance? (dare) List all nine of your tumblr crushes, and describe each blog/blogger in one word.
Truth: uuuh,,,
I think my hair looks really nice when I am able to care for it,, I also like my eyes. They’re nice. I’m very Fuzzy I like that too
Dare: I’ll be honest I looked at my tumblr crush list and didn’t recognize many of them so uuh nah
4: (truth) What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? (dare) Post the oldest selfie on your camera roll.
Truth: @gaysaiyaman called me “a literal fairy of a person” once
Dare: I’m not on mobile so nah
5: (truth) If your parents knew everything you’ve ever done, what would they think is the worst thing? (dare) Tag the three nonmutuals you admire most.
Truth: I don’t wanna think about that,,
Dare: uuuh @biteghostblogs @tiarasnteakettles I can’t think of anyone else..
6: (truth) What is the last thing you purchased? (dare) Tag three people you’ve thirst followed.
Truth: Really nice pens!!!! I love them!!!!!!!
Dare: I’ve never thirst followed anyone skjvnskvf
7: (truth) How many hours did you sleep last night? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to the last person who followed you.
Truth: Like 6?
Dare: done
8: (truth) If you could go on a date with any of your mutuals, who would it be and what would you do? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to one of your four “Biggest Fans” on tumblr.
Truth: I don’t wanna answer that
Dare: done
9: (truth) How did you meet your best friend? (dare) Refresh your dashboard. Open the blog of the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash. Reblog their most recent selfie.
Truth: @feycreature messaged me bc I’d reblogged pictures of his ocs and he was like “oh wow”
Dare: she doesn’t have a selfie tag so f
10: (truth) What was your favorite band five years ago? (dare) Tag a blog that posts very different content from yours, but that you couldn’t imagine not following.
Truth: Bold of you to assume I know who I was five years ago?? Let’s say Evanescence
Dare: @araeph
11: (truth) Where did you get each article of clothing you’re wearing right now? (dare) Pick up the closest book to you. Turn to page 39 and copy down line 7.
Truth: Literally all of them were gifts
Dare: “I must don my floppy ears and become their queen again”
12: (truth) What are your five favorite girls’ names and five favorite boys’ names? (dare) Copy and paste the 14th line of text from the last document you worked on in Word or Google Drive.
Truth: Aurora, Lucina, Minerva, María, Magnolia - Dante, Apollo, Ariel, Sirius, Cygnus
Dare: “Does he know what he did?”
13: (truth) What’s your most irrational fear? (dare) Tag five mutuals who take amazing selfies.
Truth: I don’t feel like saying
Dare: only one that comes to mind is @masayoshihazama. very nice selfies
14: (truth) If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life (consisting of clothes you already own), what would it be? (dare) Tag someone you follow who has amazing fashion sense.
Truth: dress pants. guns ‘n roses tshirt. plaid shirt on top. black shoes. hell ya
Dare: @zuramaru has rlly nice taste
15: (truth) If you could rock any unusual article of clothing/makeup technique/hairstyle, what would it be? (dare) Go to the blog of the last person you reblogged a text post from. Reblog your favorite of their selfies.
Truth: lots of lacy stuff,,,,,, those shirts that are almost transparent except for beautiful patterns that seem to just be hugging the skin,,,, really sexy
Dare: nah
16: (truth) What is your dream job? (dare) Post the four most recent pictures in your camera roll.
Truth: Writer,
Dare: Not on my phone
17: (truth) Where is the last place you went that took over two hours to get to? (dare) Post screenshots of your phone’s lock screen and home screen.
Truth: my familys place,,,,,, terrible
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im maybe a little in love
18: (truth) How old were you when you had your first kiss? If you haven’t had it yet, how old do you want to be? (dare) Go to the last app/tab you opened. Post a screenshot.
Truth: i haven’t yet, and uuuh. part of me wants to be kissed Right Now, part of me isnt particularly interested
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Pressed enter a bunch until everything looked blank bc thats Spoilery Writing but ya i was writing a thing for a character
19: (truth) What is the first thing you remember having to keep secret? (dare) Tag five bloggers who you associate with being obsessed with something particular, and list what each of them is obsessed with.
Truth: I don’t remember Shit
Dare: @gaysaiyaman keeps putting 10 posts in a row in my dash of whatever the interest of the Moment is and @the-carmevore and i are Same Hyperfixation mood with a campaign we’re in
20: (truth) What does your bedroom look like? (dare) Take one selfie and post it. You only get one shot! (No old selfies or retrying, even if you think you look bad)
Truth: It’s a bit messy ngl,, 
Dare: Nah
21: (truth) What three fictional characters would you most like to meet? (dare) Write your name down on a piece of paper and draw a quick picture of yourself. Take a photo of it and post it.
Truth: all I can think about rn is my oc Ruby
Dare: Not feeling up to anything with pictures bc that implies phone usage
22: (truth) What are three things you’re looking forward to? (dare) Tag the last three people you reblogged posts from, and estimate how many followers they have.
Truth: I’m not feeling really like looking forward to anything rn,, got really depressed all of a sudden
Dare: nah
23: (truth) What are your three biggest turn ons, and your three biggest turn offs? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Without actually listening to it, write the lyrics to the chorus of the first song.
Truth: I don’t feel like giving too much information to unsuspecting people but like if ur curious and wanna dm me or ask privately im not a secretive person
Dare: “Freeze your brain / Swim in the ice, get lost in the pain / Happiness comes when everything numbs / Who needs cocaine? / Freeze your brain”
24: (truth) If you could only own five material objects (not counting life necessities like food/water/a house/etc) what would they be? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Post what the first three songs are, and for each one, tag a blog that the song reminds you of.
Truth: Computer, phone, im gonna put stationery all in one category, controller, ps4
Dare: Nah
25: (truth) What is the last thing you lied about? (dare) Tag three people you want to know better and ask them each three questions about themselves.
Truth: I don’t wanna talk about that!
Dare: nah
26: (truth) What’s the last movie you watched? (dare) Reblog the most recent of your own selfies posted on tumblr, and in the tags say two things you like about your appearance in it?
Truth: I watched like 40 minutes of The Godfather. before that I think I watched Inside Out
Dare: nah
27: (truth) What are three things you like about yourself unrelated to your appearance? (dare) Post a picture from your camera roll that you’ve been meaning to post on tumblr.
Truth: I like that I actively try to be nice,,, I like my voice,,, I uh. like that ive kept myself alive?
Dare: see above in relation to Camera Roll im a lazy bastard
28: (truth) How do you take your coffee? (dare) Post the last picture you posted on a social media platform other than tumblr.
Truth: probably cold, definitely sweetened to death, but i never take coffee by itself honestly
Dare: nah
29: (truth) What are your worst habits? (dare) Put your Top 25 Most Played songs on shuffle and list the first five.
Truth: not a habit by itself but rather my inability to form positive habits and try to take control of my life and do the things i wanna do,, ya
30: (truth) What is the last thing you did that you have to keep secret from someone? Who do you have to keep it secret from? (dare) Tag five blogs with great URLs.
Truth: I’m keeping a Bunch of secrets bc dnd. mostly from @the-carmevore bc Sovereign Stars,, Control
Dare: @vampfucker666 @masayoshihazama @feycreature uuuuh ill leave that there
0 notes
hollywoodx4 · 7 years
Sticking with the Schuylers (Interlude 3)
By the time you’re reading this I’ll be in NYC! (Or on the bus on the way...) 
(Also hi @ellzabethschuyler here’s your tag-I hope your new fic is going well and I can’t wait to read it)
Here’s an interlude/flashback/backstory time to hold you over until I come back. Alex’s first brunch will happen soon. For now, I thought we’d give Angelica a little attention this time...
1  2  3  4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   I   13  14   15   16   17   18A  18B   18C  I   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   261  2  3  4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11  12   I   13  14   15   16   17   18A  18B   18C  I   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27  28   29 
  The beating heart of a human serves the direct and most obvious purpose; taking blood from one part of the body to the other in order to keep a person alive. Then there are the little-known uses; the ones written about in dainty fairytales and sung in verses of idyllic pop harmony. The feeling within a heart tends to be a strange sort of subject for Angelica. While she often speaks her mind and defends her rights the conversation of feeling is often painful to endure. It isn’t as though she cannot bring herself to think about things-or to write them down in well-versed paragraphs, tucked in the pages of a well-worn notebook. The communication of feelings, the actual burden of carrying a heart at all-the struggles rest neatly and tauntingly behind it.
               She finds solace in an upright posture and good grades-in working for what she was given by birth. It is not enough to be wealthy; no, that hardly breaks the foundation of what Angelica craves most within her life, if finding a place within her plan at all. There is no desire to keep her father’s wealth, but the influence carried by social status often remains tucked deep in her pocket. She recognizes her privilege. She accepts it, uses it as a platform. If she can find anybody to discuss her dreams with-to sway toward funding her side of an argument-the galas and incessant talk is well worth it.
               But Angelica Schuyler’s heart is most often satisfied by the protection of her sisters; from the love they have shared throughout the years. There is a comfort that comes from the bond of knowing so much about a person. In sharing their strengths and lifting each other’s weaknesses they had come to such a point at this moment that sixteen, eighteen, and twenty-one were not such terrifying ages as they had seemed. The younger sisters have Angelica to look up to-to guide them through their years. Angelica in turn takes solace in them, confiding in whatever struggles she faces and asking for their advice. It’s an equilibrium between old, younger, and youngest that works out to great benefit, one that Angelica hinges herself on. In her heart, this bond and protection is her greatest religion.
               She tends to mumble things when she’s charting her thoughts, graphs and diagrams she arranges in careful crispness and attention to detail only she knows. Even John, of quiet soul and worrying heart, had attempted to decipher them to no avail. There were too many thoughts within Angelica’s head for simple writing, although her footnotes and add-ins dotted the miniscule margins she’d leave behind. Once, he had asked her to share one of her older thought mappings with him. She’d laughed.
               It’s private, she’d said, tucking her journal away. Even if I thought you’d be able to read it the right way I still couldn’t let you. A lot of it is about my sisters, stuff they’d never want you to know. I tell you everything but this stuff, this is between us.
               It was between them.
               The things that Angelica had seen-what she now knew…all of that information now rested at the forefront of her mind with no escape. She couldn’t tell her father, or John-not even Peggy. From the moment she had woken up her middle sister had been adamant. What had gone on was to strictly stay to the two of them. Only things weren’t as easy as that. They never were. As Eliza drifted in and out of her medicinal sleep, as the heart monitors tracked her life as if it were just about to end, Angelica watched as a gaggle of doctors and nurses stood outside of the room. And when she looked they’d turn their heads, glancing at charts or leaning over the nurses station as if nothing had happened.
               Closing the shade wasn’t enough.
               Shutting the doctors out would never have appeased her sister, who’d been through hell and back only to have prying eyes outside of her door. They were eyes that had mouths, phones…they had the power to publish the story. Eliza’s life would be ruined. So, she did the only thing she’d known how to do. Angelica Schuyler raced from the room, pointing fingers and accusing as the doctors looked down in shame. She’d made them feel guilty-ruined. And then, she’d taken out her checkbook.
               Angelica Schuyler wrote a check in perfect curvy writing to four doctors with huge mouths and wallets looking for more.
               John Church is a good man. In the darkness he accepts Eliza as their roommate without a second thought. All Angelica has to do is utter the name James Reynolds and he’s sold, making up a  bed in their second bedroom and buying an extra shelf for her things. It’s a gesture that does not go unnoticed by the middle Schuyler, who ducks her head and lets her thanks seep through trembling lips. And when Angelica does not sleep with him for the first month-when she’s up calming her screaming, he says nothing. It is not his business, their sisterhood. It is the only line between them-the only thing that she has been adamant about without compromise.
               My sisters come first. They always come first.
               She’s so protective, so passionate about their family bond that it makes his heart swell. She’s mentioned not wanting kids but he can’t help but picture it-the two of them, years down the road with a little combination of their DNA bundled in Angelica’s arms. He doesn’t dare utter the thoughts to her. While he knows the heightened value that family holds within both of them, there is a difference neither can ignore. He left his family in England to pursue his education; his career. Angelica stuck to Columbia to stay closer to hers. He’d had his separation-his self-exploration. She had not.
               There is an awkward rift around them the second month Eliza is their roommate. She has just gotten back into the swing of things-a routine close enough to her old self where she can stop pretending to be ill to avoid plans. There’s a glimmer, a hope. It lifts the apartment into a beautiful harmony of time spent between them. There is a privacy that Angelica and John had been deprived of. He uses it to his advantage.
               John does not want to believe the words that are in his mind but the assumptions he had been feeling since the beginning of the week had not gone away. It was a curiosity accessorized by an undertone of anger he had never felt toward her before. But there were secrets being kept-secrets that involved not just himself but their relationship. He hated to think that she would be so willing to be at her sisters’ whims that she would up and ignore him.
               For the first time in his life, John Church confronts her.
               Angelica comes home from her longer day, tossing her keys on the table by the door and slinging her coat over its hook. She calls John’s name but is met with silence in its place. Eliza is volunteering. Angelica is alone. She calls John’s name again; the unlocked apartment door and his usual schedule in place for him to be here. It’s their night. He does not answer.
               There are papers on the floor-bright shades of white embossed with stamps that press patterns into them. There are official papers. Real business. And he sits in the middle of it all, head in his hands and dark-framed glasses pushed away from his nose. He pinches the bridge of it, sighing, as he hears her footsteps breaking the silence.
               “John, what are you doing?”
               “I could ask you the same question.” He gestures to the piles of documents-agreements-in front of him. Angelica feels a shock run through her body, from the tip of her toes through to her head. It freezes her in place, captures her in this moment. She is unable to look away although she desperately wants to-all aspects of time have frozen except for him, for this unavoidable confrontation.
               “I just,”
               “Just what, Ange? Decided to keep some deep ring of hospital bills from me? And what are these-these checks?”
               “You know I love you but you need to let me finish.” He looks up then, bringing his eyes into contact with hers. Hurt glazes over everything else, although exhaustion weighs deep in his bones. He’s been sitting here too long; reading through files, trying to decipher everything. And there’s only one solution, the first in his mind. He doesn’t want to think it but the words spill from his lips faster than he can stop them. For once, he lets his values outweigh hers.
               “Did you use the money-all of the money we’ve been saving to move to England, to see my parents,” He chokes on his words then, fingers brushing the sides of paper with a texture hardened by their context. “Did you use all of our money to get an abortion?”
               The time that has been frozen cracks once more. Angelica’s posture drops, body swaying and hands folded into each other as she stares down at her boyfriend.
               “Eight years,” It’s all she can manage to get out before her eyes become inhibited by wild abandon. There is a rapid succession of emotions that hits her, simultaneous and unforgiving. There is not much to decipher between them but her eyes continue to search the air for an answer until her lips thin into a hard line, eyes bringing daggers upon her cross-legged boyfriend.
               “Eight years together and you think I’d abort our child without even telling you I was pregnant?”
               “Eight years of my life with you and you think I’d be so selfish to let my own disinterest in having a child come before your opinion-before the life of a child we’re well-off enough to take care of? Where did you even get the notion that an abortion is what those bills were for? Nowhere on them does it say anything like that. It’s a stab in the heart. It’s horrifying. Do you really think I would do that to you?”
               She paces the room now, a tornado forming in her wake. She’s looking for something to hold, to calm her quaking body and the nerves that have not yet settled. And then there’s the accusation-the toll that sits heaviest on herself. The full story comes rocketing back to her in rapid succession so quickly that she can’t stop it. Instead she lets herself remember; Eliza crying through the phone, Eliza in the hospital. She’d meant to leave him. She’d meant to come right to Angelica. She’d been too late.
               Angelica collects her breathing, letting the silence fill the air as John sits still, watching her wreak havoc on their room until her body has calmed once again. Then she moves to him, sitting on the floor and pulling a yellow sheet of paper from his pile. The receipts only bare names, her curvy writing assuring that the secret is not even written where they can get at it. She traces the outline of her writing with her index finger, shaking her head.
               “It was a lot of money.”
               “It was-it is.” He answers simply, evenly. There is no lift or fall in his tone, no upset or anger. There is only a stoic turn of voice, a nod of the head.
               “It wasn’t for that-for anybody. I would’ve,” She grabs hold of John’s hand. His fingers do not curl around hers. She turns her head away from him, concentrating on the collected writings scattered over the floor. “I would have told you.”
               “And why couldn’t you have told me about this; hospital bills? Personal checks to doctors I’ve never even heard of before?”
               “The money-it wasn’t for me.”
               “Then who was it for?”
               Her lips turn back into their line then, eyes avoidant. She does not verbally refuse his question but her body has shut down-away from him once more. He sighs, heavy and deliberate. It’s meant to hurt her-to guilt her. A purposeful pain has never been aimed from John’s tone before.
               “You’re not going to tell me?”
               “I can’t.”
               “You can’t, or you won’t? If this is about your sisters I just…jesus, Angelica. How much longer are you going to hide things from me? How much longer are they going to invade our relationship? I understand that your family is important, but so is mine. We were going to use that money to see mine. Aren’t my values,”
               “Eliza was seriously hurt.” Angelica spits the words back at him, a venom that comes much easier from her defense than it had from John’s. She leans over, picking the bills from the floor and shoving them back into her desk drawer with a resounding thud. “These papers? Eliza wasn’t James’s girlfriend as much as she was his punching bag. The bills? We’re saving her from a legal battle she doesn’t want to have-from my father losing his seat in the Senate when he kills James if he finds out what he’s done. And the checks?”
               It’s almost too much for her-this beating of her heart, the flooding of emotions that barrel through her, pushing their way to the front until her voice has raised two notches of volume.
               “You can’t blame her for these checks-for any of this. She never saw the way those doctors were looking at her. I wrote those checks so we wouldn’t have to see her battered face all over the newsstands, alright?” She hadn’t meant to yell. She’d never yelled at John before. Not in the eight years they had been together, not a single time. Angelica swallows the lump in her throat. She can’t bring herself to look at him. “I know it was a lot of money. And I know I should have told you-it was our trip, it was your family. I just,”
               “It’s alright.”
               “It’s not.”
               “It is.” He pats the space next to him on the floor, pushes his glasses back to their proper position. When she collapses beside him he pulls her in, her head resting on his lap. The warzone has been pacified. The damage has been done. He calls his mother, cancels their flight for the upcoming summer. The room around them is filled with upturned cushions, things out of place. Angelica has calmed, but a fragment of unease still weighs heavy on both of their shoulders.
               Angelica Schuyler had always been drawn away from her own feelings. The bottle-rocket explosion of carbon and anxiety was not a cocktail she enjoyed. Rather, her heart debated; bargained. Feeling-and talking about said weakening feelings-had never been her heart’s strong suit. For her sisters-for Eliza-Angelica Schuyler would do anything.
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theboykingofhell · 7 years
would you by any chance be up to just answer all of them rn
sjdnflskjdsnfdgsdfg this is gonna kill me and i’m so excited
READ MORE FOR ONCE to spare yalls dashboards
and i took out the ones i answered already tbh OK LET’S GO
1 : What age-group do you write?
YA!!!! i have always always wanted to write for teens. since i’ve gotten older, i do also wanna write for young adults but definitely like anything between 13-25 is the people i rly dedicate my stories to
2 : What genre do you write?
again, the closest thing i’d subscribe to genre-wise is YA... i get bored only doing the same thing over and over, but atm i have the most scifis (the most being two) so i guess that! i do fucking LOVE horror and realistic fiction tho
3 : Do you outline according to big ideas or small details?
how small are we talking... i do rly obsessively outline tho, i get the main big plot points down and then i like to know what those lil details in between are.. so...
5 : Do you write better with or without deadlines?
like, sure, i’ll DO it, but will i LIKE IT.. NAH... PROBABLY NOT... i did nanowrimo once, it was a great experience but was the final product good? nah... so... nnnnnah
6 : What would be the biggest compliment you could hope to receive on your current WIP?
GOSH I DONT KNOW.... JUST... ASKING FOR MORE, I GUESS??????? actually the biggest compliment is people building on my ideas or asking me questions about it tbh, anything that shows how engaged they rly got is NICE... i also do rly like when people compliment my prose tho kfgsdfgs
7 : How long is your current WIP?
tsg is 9449 words as of rn! i am far too lazy to open up the other documents and check but they are FAR shorter! 
10 : Do you brain-storm story ideas alone or with others?
bothhhhh... i do have way more fun with other people though, and i think other people help more cuz they can make connections and ask questions i wouldn’t think of. most importantly, if there are plot holes, maybe they’ll find them for me.. or maybe even solve them!!! eee the best
11 : Do you base your characters off of real people?
y e s yes yes i do i have so many... like, there’s a cara in every story, there’s a maeve and britt in every story, if i know you for long enough, you’ll def appear SOMEwhere.
12 : Is your writing space clean or cluttered?
what is this ‘clean’ you speak of
13 : Do you write character-driven or plot-driven stories?
def characters, man, i wouldn’t even write a plot if you’d let me... i literally have so many stories where the plot IS just the characters kind of just. living. yes. so good
14 : Do you have a favorite writing-related quote?
if i DID i forgot it
15 : If you transport your original characters into another author’s world, which world would you choose?
imma be honest, if i had to pick any author in the world it would be britt @mmementommori‘s verse. i absolutely fucking ADORE everything that went into that story, the verse is fascinating and perfect and my characters would fit in so well and also would be tortured for all of eternity. what could be better???
19 : Would you rather live in your characters’ world, or have your characters come live in our world?
i wanna live in tsg cuz then vampires would be real and i could finally be one, y es
20 : What book would you love to see adapted for the big or small screen?
i’ve been watching a lot of... rly... gay... amazing movies... like, beautifully made and SO grand and larger than life and so CAREFULLY LOVINGLY made... like the handmaiden or moonlight.. and because of that, i would LOVE to see tsg as a movie. i think it’d fit right in and the idea of a lgbt horror movie hitting the scren is... g o d
21 : Do you finish most of the stories you start?
yyyees and nnnoooo....more no than yes... the furthest i get usually is the first draft and onto revising and then i get bored and move on but i’m getting better
22 : Has your own writing ever made you cry?
what is this ‘cry’ you speak of
actually once i did this rp scene with @mvgitek and... imma be real... there might’ve been a tear or two
23 : Are you proud or anxious to show off your writing?
anxious the first couple of seconds, proud the rest of the time. i don’t doubt that my writing is good but also... WILL THEY THINK MY WRITING IS GOOD???
24 : When did you start considering yourself a writer?
in the 3rd grade when i started making lil paperback books for all the kids in my class. maybe even a lil bit before that
28 : On a scale of 1-10, how much do you stress about choosing character names?
def a 1 omg. name is usually one of the first things that pop up for me. if it doesn’t pop up immediately when my baby is a lil shyer, i give them a placeholder. no big. it’ll come eventually
29 : Do you tend to underwrite or overwrite in a first draft?
overwrite... in that... i write the first draft like its the only draft, cuz it pretty much will be i hate revising so much jfkgsg
30 : Does writing calm you down or stress you out?
calm, i suppose... i can and have zoned out and just written for hours, like, ten hours straight, more than that... that’s a nice feeling yes
31 : What trope do you actually like?
what’s with the phrasing of this question... as if i’m only pretending to like most tropes...also i can never remember tropes off the top of my head and i still have 20 questions to go sO..SKIPPING...
32 : Do you give your side-characters extensive backstories?
Y E P.... is it really a side-character if you don’t obsess about them more than the mains at times because they’re so complex and you love them so much
33 : Do you flesh-out characters before you write, or let their personalities develop over time?
nah those fuckers jump outta the brain womb fully formed, pretty much. their personalities do develop more as i write but i have a rly good grasp of them before i even start the story
34 : Describe your old writing in one word.
35 : Is it more fun to write villains or heroes? 
VILLAINS... duh....
36 : Do you write with a black and white sense of morality?
nah... largely cuz my own morality is skewed, also because most of the point of the stories is exploring morality and what it means and seeing how it gets corrupted in the protags
37 : What’s one piece of advice you would give to new writers?
you will be so much happier if you stop writing like anyone else and stop writing what people want you to write and just write for you and you only, everything else falls into place after you accept this!! AND PRACTICE
38 : What’s one piece of writing advice you try--but fail--to follow?
i hate almost all writing advice so there isn’t anything i’m attempting that i’m not doing tbh cuz i don’t wanna do any of it i’m a brat haha
39 : How important is positive reinforcement to you as a writer?
it’s important as in i’m narcissistic so anything negative puts me into a blind rage which is a damper on my mood omsfjgsfgs. also it keeps me vibing and keeps me hyped to channel out more work faster
40 : What would you ask your favorite author if given one question?
‘how the fuck’
41 : Do you find it distracting to read while you’re writing a first draft?
NAH i feel it to be absolutely necessary tbh. when i don’t read, i don’t write nearly as often and sometimes not even as well. i find other books to be rly healthy friendly competition, and when i read, immediately after i think ‘why isn’t my stuff published? why isn’t my book on the shelves with this one? i should get to work holy fuck’
42 : Do critiques motivate or discourage you?
depends! again, narcissistic, but i’ve gotten better and i do want to learn more. as long as it’s constructive and, by constructive, i mean that it still compliments me a lot and gives me the good AND the not-so-good then it’s fine, i get motivated. i never get discouraged, i’m either hype or i’m livid, which gives me evil hype and i write more outta spite haha
44 : How do you decide what story idea to work on?
i just get... the vibe... where suddenly i wanna work on a story so i do. sometimes i can tell a story isn’t ready so even if i feel like working on it, i won’t, but otherwise, i just wait for the vibe...
46 : What Hogwarts house would your protagonist(s) be in?
slytherin: red, bert, nora, amara, nathaniel, mal, katherine, tyler, eve and avery
gryffindor: black, nisha, rachel, caleb (unless i’m mean and make him a slytherin), cupid, aurora, frank, nicky, tasha, sinclair
ravenclaw: aaron, andrey, astra, antionette, blair, lucia
hufflepuff: jackie (unless i’m mean and make him a slytherin), cassandra, danny, ezra, emily, skylar, anna, null
47 : Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years?
book or two published, working on another three or so but who knows omfhsjgs
48 : Would you ever co-write?
i wanna co-write something so BAD......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
49 : Are you a fast and rushed writer or a slow and deliberate writer?
fast and rushed omfg i can’t write slow for shit.. wish i could.. i’m getting better
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sidelpunchna-blog · 5 years
Speed dating flashback
Speed dating Flashcards Something could ping a thought chain in Cisco that leads to something cool.  I might slightly prefer option 2, but these writers are horrible at romantic relationships and women in general , so I'd rather they didn't try.  You'll also get the opportunity to mingle and enjoy appetizers during ride breaks.  I think the problem is because the writers want to put in questionable scenes and actions that require them taking those things seriously but they don't want to take them seriously because it would mean adding a darker layer to the show that they don't seems to want.  No wonder that an increasing amount of the over 40 dating scene is moving online, with between 4-5 more over 40s taking to dating sites and dating apps for the first.  At the moment, I'm most concerned about the Eddie side, since Eobard revealed the West-Allen marriage.  Cultural differences can cause problems in the relationship.
Speed dating Flashcards Often the most animated interactions and the most valuable learning take place during breaks, meals, and receptions.  I don't think the writers get that if everybody on the show is rooting for one couple and the other person involved is not despicable then it becomes easy to root for that person to get the girl.  Maybe in the comics, the romance is written better, but what I see on-screen is not.  Kατά την ολοκλήρωση της παραγγελίας σας στο πειδίο παρατηρήσεις να μας γράψετε τι ακριβώς θέλετε να τυπώσουμε.  Meet Filipina Girls and Woman, Singles and appreciated by thousands for dating American single … Carbon dating is the most famous form of radiometric dating.  Wells is the one that set the wheel in motion for that.
20 vs 1: Speed Dating 20 Guys I'd love to see a Lois and Clark type dynamic! If they wanted him to go down this road, they should have planted some hints and explored him a little bit more.  He established the Intendant system to manage France and took steps to limit Protestant military and political independence.  Flashbaci trees older than the universe.  The results have been excellent.  I cant remember much about Iris, could be the Simon Stagg episode.  Just because you don't doesn't mean others don't see it.  But chemistry is in the eye of the beholder anyway.
Speed Dating 2 Actually, I don't see any reason to root for Barry getting together with anyone on this show.  I would not mind seeing that at all, because it would be different from the typical, predictable, on and off stuff we've seen way too many times on every other show.  Then maybe the answer is for them to write it better - because as it is, they cannot drop it.  Now, I am sure there are those who just don't like romance and that it isn't just that some don't like Iris for Barry I'm sure they exist, but I'm trying to steer clear of that in this discussion and only speak to the idea of romance on this show , but when the show decided to go the Speed Force route and decided to try to do a really close and faithful adaptation of The Flash, romance became part of the package.  It's unnecessary and feels that way.
Speed Dating 2 Andhra Pradesh ˌ spesd n d r ə p r ə ˈ d speed dating flashback ʃ pronunciation help speed dating flashback info is one of 29 states of India, situated on the southeastern speed dating flashback of the.  In my opinion, the show has been about showing their friendship in the first half of the season.  I want them to keep it messy in a way that doesn't have the characters disrespecting each other or making me question their love for each other.  With Iris' dialogue in the last episode echoing most of what we discuss on this board, I think the whey are taking corrections and they will all be written better in the following seasons, I hope.  Because of secrets being in love with her and being the flash , I think Barry did things that were crapping to Iris and because Barry is not perfect, there are times when he does things that are questionable in regard to Iris.  They don't write for Joe unless it is somehow connected to Barry.  The term and basic methodology is used for two quite different functions.
Is Really Mentoring? All participants easily accomplished these three goals, and many actively engaged in deal making.  If you've ever wished you could give out a fake number on Tinder, but signing up for some kind of fake online thing where you have to sign into an app to.  I wouldn't want that because I enjoy the little things the romance reveal about the characters.  Joe didn't have to have the minutae, but he got the bigger strokes.  I think what makes the triangle bad is because we don't have Iris pov.
Carrot Ranch #FlashFiction ‘Speed Dating’ #99Words #SundayBlogShare Good fun night for a goal is karaoke.  Edited May 8, 2015 by Grace19 The problem is these flaws aren't truly acknowledged and explored.  I do wish he hadn't lied to her though.  As it is, his only purpose is being the 3rd wheel in a love triangle, which is frustrating on its own, but if he also gets motivated by a sudden bout of jealousy, that would really be too much.  A panel of veteran market managers providing tips and suggestions has always been valuable, but it suffers from a format that is too similar to all the other sessions.
Speed Dating 2 I think there are times when it reveal the flaws that the characters have, and also time when it reveals the goodness of the characters.  Experience Speed Dating in a Whole New Way! First, nobles should possess fundamental native endowments, such as impeccable character, grace, talents, and noble birth.  I would like to see Barry and Iris as real friends to each other, none of this forced meant to be crap.  I didn't mind the set-up here other than I'm not sure why it was necessary to make them adopted siblings, it doesn't squick me, but I know many people have a problem with it , I mind the realization.  Combs have been used by humans since prehistoric times, having been discovered in.
Vegan Speed I think that maybe you were looking for a different love story than the one you got and that's fair - but it doesn't mean everyone feels that way.  Quaife 6, 2009 for when you could unravel if his theme is time her toes into reading.  If Eddie is dull, it's because they've only allowed him to be a placeholder love interest for Iris, but everything else I agree.  Is it because of your date sitting next to you or the coaster you're about to take off on? Our Trusted Dating Site Matches Compatible Black Lesbians Seeking Healthier, Longer Relationships.  It actually got much better after his feelings were out in the open and then it was more organic but that was season 2.  Emphasized political and military history, relying heavily on personal examples and document any sources.
Using Speed Dating Techniques to Enliven and Improve Conferences and Workshops Also, Geoff Johns who writes The Flash comics said that this tv show would be the most faithful adaptation of the Flash.  Thank you and we hope to do this again next year! It's simply that they've already done it - some just haven't noticed or think it's only about romance when its not.  I mean geez, slow down, why make it so important? So we will be left with shallow-under-develop characters fighting the villain of the week, without the romance.  The aim of the perfect noble was to serve his prince in an effective and honest way.  I actually looked forward to West-Allen interacting because it seems like that is the only time that we learn something about Iris or Joe or even Eddie.  The show has been doing this - maybe it needs to spell it out for fans who don't know.  And about their chemistry - when they are just Barry and Iris before he told her about his feelings , clearly Barry loved her but she was oblivious.
0 notes
“Is maintaining a personal blog a good way to keep track of one's research?” Forum.
Source: https://www.quora.com/Is-maintaining-a-personal-blog-a-good-way-to-keep-track-of-ones-research
Forum Question: I'am just starting out as a Grad student, and I find that I need to keep track of ideas and new concepts that I keep coming across in an organized manner. A friend suggested keeping a journal. Is having a personal blog a good way to implement this? 
-11 Answers-
1) Rishabh Jain, MIT PhD, Imperial MSE, UPenn undergrad
--> Answered Mar 24, 2015
I think you should answer this question by first asking what you want to accomplish. Shriram Krishnamurthi argues that the greatest value to him comes from committing ideas to paper. For me, the most useful reason to keep track of ideas was so I could refer to them over the course of my PhD. Most importantly, when it came time to writing a paper, to be able to find relevant results easily. So you might have your own reasons, and this will certainly be field dependent. 
Regardless of how you choose to document your ideas and work, I would strongly recommend that you think about what are the most important common themes of your work and link your 'documents' or 'ideas' accordingly. A simple example is if you are an organic chemist, perhaps the relevant strategy is to organize your work by molecule (whether that is a folder, a single document, or a blog 'topic'). So try to be exhaustive in how you will want to refer to it in the future and 'save' it in that fashion. 
Finally, to the blog point specifically, I think that as long as you can create thoughtful tags and links between 'posts,' that using a blog will be very effective. As a plug, this issue was one of the big motivations for creating Open Lab, we enable you to create links between your thoughts and data sets arbitrarily so it is easy and fast to find and store your ideas/results! We are hard at work building a beta that we can deploy, but please feel free to follow us on twitter for updates (@openlab_app)--> *Personal Note: Sadly, this app seems to be defunct.*
-Are there any good personal blog?How do researchers keep track of all of their ideas?How do you keep track of research and developments in your field?How can professors in universities, especially top schools like MIT, Stanford, and Berkeley, publish so many papers per year?Is it a good thing to make a personal blog?
2) Shriram Krishnamurthi, Professor of Computer Science, Brown University
--> Updated Apr 1, 2015
First of all, congratulations on realizing this. Far too many students go through too many years of graduate school without ever coming to this realization. The fact that you did early on will serve you well.
By blogging, I assume a private blog. Maybe you even mean a public blog. However, before you go down the latter path, make sure you talk to your advisor and confirm that they're okay with you publicizing everything you're working on. They may have good reasons for you to not do so (some of which are obvious and apply to everyone, some of which may be specific to their projects).
Next, by blogging I wonder you really mean blogging in the conventional sense. I stopped blogging because blogs are focused on temporal order, but so often the things I want to write about are not temporally meaningful: i.e., blogs induce a false temporality. They also make it slightly annoying to add forward pointers from older material. You should consider whether, say, a wiki would be better, because a better organization may be to have a collection of tightly interlinked pages.
Next, ask yourself whether the technology is at the right point. Depending on your subject, it may be onerous, painful, or even impossible to get the right notations, markup, etc. in a conventional blogging platform. Do you really want to spend all your time fighting with stupid markup and/or the hideous posting interfaces of some blogging systems? The more painful it is the less you'll feel like writing at all, which is the opposite of the intended effect.
So what is the real value you might get out of "blogging"? There is a very real one: it's that committing ideas to prose forces you to clarify them. I find it's much easier to think incoherent thoughts than to write them. Especially if you share the blog with someone who might read it—a group mate or even your advisor—you're forced to think more clearly. In fact, I advised a student long-distance who I forced, once a week, to post a message to a private Posterous (RIP) board—it had a great interface (just email to an address, attach a variety of formats, etc.). He kept it up for a while and it was good, but then he lost the habit. 
Of course, you can get this value from other media too. For instance, buying a notebook and writing it in could be just as good, maybe even better if you are in a subject where presentation on the Web is painful (writing a lot of math, drawing a lot of organic compounds, etc.). It's also very easy to sketch out things (for any discipline) on paper. Of course, you lose the benefits of sharing—unless you photograph and upload images of the notebook pages (don't laugh, this is a perfectly sensible thing to do).
So, step back and ask yourself some key questions. Whom is this for? Who will read it? Is it temporal? Will it be tightly interlinked? Will the computer get in the way of writing and cause me to not write as much? Etc. Answering all these will help you figure out for yourself what medium and format is best. But either way, do something. It'll be a great practice.
[Personal aside. As a grad student, I had a file in my research directory in which I wrote down ideas. No blog, just a big ol' file of ASCII text. Most times that I added something, I also went back and cleaned up some of the old entries, etc. 
I picked off very few of them in grad school, but when I accepted a faculty position, I felt this was finally my chance to attack all the ideas I'd been writing down and curating for so long. Then I hit on two new problems, one just before finishing up and the other on the drive from my grad school institution to my work institution. 
You can see where this is going: I never even opened that file again, and have long since lost it. But there was no harm in writing any of it down anyway!]
3) Shenoy Handiru, 3rd year of my PhD journey !
-->Answered Mar 30, 2015
If your intention is to just to keep track of your research progress, then I would recommend a simple cloud-based software. Personally, I use Evernote as a daily journal. 
There is a blogging assistance tool as well -https://github.com/matigo/Notewo..., If you want to organize your ideas, you can have different notebooks within Evernote with appropriate labels/tags.  For ex: I have a notebook named "Daily journal" where I write my ideas and literature review of papers that I read (almost everyday). 
In my opinion, Evernote is one of the must-have tools for researchers. It comes very handy, where you can record the audio during your lab meeting and post it in Evernote. You can take the snapshots of presentation slides of others (ex: lab meeting/ conference/ workshop etc.) and sync it with Evernote. 
I apologize if my answer sounded like an advertisement of Evernote. But, trust me, you will not regret using Evernote to organize your research progress.
4) Pavao Pahljina, Philosopher & Entrepreneur.
--> Answered Mar 23, 2015
For the last 4 months, I have been writing a journal every single day. Journal is a place to simply "dump" your brain, but it has to make it easy for you. I've tried journaling using MS Word, Notepad, Evernote, Wordpress blog on private, various paper notebooks... but nothing really stuck. I would keep going for a few days, and then give up.That is until I found the perfect place for this kind of continuous "get ideas in writing" endeavour. 
Ideal journal.It's a simple little site 750 Words - Write every day. But it is amazing because of it's underlying gamification mechanism that makes you motivated to keep your journal up to date. And it is extremely fast and clean to use. Try it out. Later you can extract and organise everything you wrote and sort it out for research papers.
5) Ferdinand Brueggemann, runs a Wordpress blog since 2004.
--> Updated Jul 29, 2015
I guess it depends on your field of study. If you just write down well published stuff for your own records a blog doesn't make much sense. 
a) blogs are highly static. You can't work well with the memos afterwards (reorganize, sort, restructure, e.g.
b) If you have a lot of entries it's cumbersome to find old memos (even with the search function)
c) text book stuff won't attract a considerable readership except some peers who are too lazy to read the books themselves. 
Therefore for collecting thoughts, notes, webpages, PDF's, whatever, like  Vikram Shenoy Handiru, I would recommend Evernote The workspace for your life’s work. IMHO it's the most versatile solution for collecting _everything_ which comes into your mind. I use it frequently for my research, travels, receipts.
If you collect stuff which might be of interest for your peers, other academics or laymen start a public blog. Daily hits and communication with the readers IMHO is huge incentive to keep on blogging. - Since you are writing 'in public' you will learn to structure your thoughts and get a deeper understanding of the stuff you are interested in.- You will improve your writing skills. - You might get in contact with people around the world.- And it's a great tool for self-marketing in your area of interest. 
Anyway. Just Do It. That's the only way to find out what's working for you. Most blogs don't survive the first months, very, very few still exist after a few years. Quality content and persistence are the keys to a successful blog.
6) Arvind Devaraj, Researcher in Computer Science
--> Answered Oct 24, 2015
There is a difference in being a researcher and a blogger. 
Maintaining a blog just to keep a tab on your research may not be very useful. Blogging is cumbersome, technology-based and time-consuming. I prefer applications like Evernote or OneNote to organize, categorize and retrieve all that I want from time to time. 
Maybe you could try these or something similar and see if  they work for you: 5 Apps To Help Students Organize What They Learn
I tried various techniques to keep track of my research work while writing my thesis. Tools like Diigo, Mendeley helped to some extent. There is still more lot of work to be done in the knowledge management space. 
I got so fascinated by the possibilities in this field. Now started working on  Hyperbook - a tool that helps researchers to keep track of their research content.
7) Amy Hicks, I only excel at the nearly impossible. Otherwise, I'm lazy.
--> Answered Mar 31, 2015
I track my research - even books I read aloud - through audio recordings. Or brainstorming sessions, I do it on my phone, whenever inspiration strikes or I don't want to take notes. I lock it on my server if I'm not done yet. And try to keep the following limited. (Is 4.4K plays limited?) my favorites require lots of research before they're released.
8) Nita Ostroff, A short step from needing a boss, to being one.
--> Answered Mar 21, 2015.
If you do a blog, it normally gets shared, right? So if you want it to be private, maybe a word document would be better. But if you don't mind sharing, honestly I love reading research blogs. I've seen some great ones out there. 
One of the cool things about them, in my opinion, is that if yo keep having problems and nothing is "working" together, sometimes someone can read your blog and figure out where the logic problem comes in. It can be a big help. 
Sometimes I read stuff and am so wowed at the person writing the blog!
9) Joe Velikovsky, PhD & Bio-Cultural Evolutionary Systems Theory Scholar
--> Answered Mar 28, 2015
I certainly think it is.
Here's my PhD research blog: StoryAlityI try and post once a week, but sometimes it doesn't happen (too busy). But I do post about conferences, and major events that I attend, etc.
It's also a great way to get feedback on your ideas, etc. 
And I also have met many like-minded scholars via my blog. 
I personally think: it's priceless.
10) Mark Hawkins
--> Answered Mar 24, 2015
Blogging can help you to 'keep track' in that it can aid your memory of certain stages you went through. And it acts as a neat reference point.
But more than this, the practice of personal writing in various forms serves to deeper embed and imprint memories and experience in the brain. In writing you reinforce and validate to yourself, which can strengthen a memory or learning, as well as merely leaving a record.
11) Robert J. Kolker
--> Answered Mar 25, 2015
Keeping a diary is always a good idea.  If you get a bright idea or even a piece of a bright idea  write it down before you forget it.  Later on, when you have time you can review your bright thoughts and decide which if any to take action on.
*Personal Note: I copy and paste articles and forums like this (especially the forums) because sometimes the sources or the sites go defunct and I lose the info. It’s also time-consuming though. I’d like to find a way around that--some way to save the info that’s more efficient. I use Evernote, but it doesn’t let me link articles to my research notes. Until I find a better way, I’m going to have to keep doing this.*
0 notes
associatevidiot · 7 years
Things I, a Moderate Liberal, Actually Like Quite a Lot About America
Hello! Moderate liberal here. I happened upon this post detailing a list of things that I, a liberal, supposedly hate about America. So I thought I’d quickly run down it, point by point, to see how it checked out. 
1. The U.S. Constitution I love the U.S. Constitution so, so much. The First Amendment in particular. I love the Constitution so much that I even respect the parts that make very little sense to me. (The Second Amendment could, at the very least, have used a decent copy editor. So much confusion just from a couple of awkwardly placed commas.)
2. Liberty Love it! 
3. Freedom Same thing as liberty, but hey, I also love it!
4. Success I have no problem with success! Success is great! I wish success for all who strive for it. Now, conflating success with virtue -- saying that you must be a good person just because you succeeded, or a bad person because you didn’t? Not a fan of that.
5. Big Trucks Eh. I don’t see the point of them unless you need one for your job, in which case I’m all for big trucks. But I don’t hate them so much as roll my eyes at them. Also, I think we can all agree that monster trucks are awesome, and the world is a better place for having them.
6. Capitalism It’s got its downsides in its rawest, least fettered form, but it’s also been responsible for unleashing unprecedented human prosperity, and lifting millions out of poverty. And it’s way, way better than, say, the idiocy that is Communism. Capitalism, like pro sports, simply needs good referees.
7. Free Markets I love free markets! I’d like to see more of them. Free markets in health care. Free markets in broadband. Free markets everywhere, without regulations designed to protect established incumbents at the expense of scrappy up-and-comers. I’d like to see free markets filled with companies that work hard every day to do right both by their employees and their customers, lest a competitor swoop in and outperform them.
8. Wealthy People I like wealthy people! Good for them! I don’t begrudge anyone the ability to live in comfort. And, hey, if they’ve got a little money left over to reinvest in the country that helped them become wealthy, that’s great, too!
9. Economic Prosperity You caught me. I actually favor grinding poverty and misery for all! Ha. No. I love economic prosperity. I’d like more of it for myself and, well, for everyone. Which is why I favor things like single-payer health care and investments in education and infrastructure to help said economy prosper.
10. The Rule of Law I love the rule of law! I love the way it protects the powerless from the powerful. I love the way it allows appellate courts to overrule bad laws made by bad or misguided people! I’d like to see the rule of law applied equally to every citizen of our great nation.
11. Traditional Values As a married guy and a father, I have to say, I love devoting my life to the woman I adore with all my heart, and working with her to raise our children to be kind, thoughtful, polite, compassionate, inventive, thrifty, and hard-working.
12. The American Flag Love it. The stars. The stripes. The color scheme. The swell of pride and awe at the thought of all the sacrifices made and all the greatness achieved and all the hope inspired by that banner. 
13. The Founding Fathers They certainly weren’t perfect. But they gave us the Constitution, which was pretty amazing. Also, Ben Franklin alone is impossible not to love. Dude took air baths in the nude and slept his way through the wives of the French aristocracy, AND invented bifocals. 
14. Guns As a fan of firearm-intensive cinema from John Woo to John Wick, I can confidently say that guns are freaking awesome. In real life, I prefer my guns in the hands of people who’ve been thoroughly trained in how to use them in defense of others, and not, say, indiscriminately placed in the hands of troubled people who might shoot up a movie theater or an elementary school or their families or themselves.
15. Limited Government Depends on your definition of “limited,” but I can certainly see places where too much government is both possible and undesirable. Next!
16. Religious Freedom A Mormon acquaintance of mine recently posted about how her stake had opened their place of worship to Muslims who needed a place to pray because someone who didn’t like religious freedom had burned down their mosque. That story choked me up. I love religious freedom, and the moment someone proposes a law to dictate what you can and can’t say or do in church, I’ll be right there to oppose it.
17. Homeschooling Eh. Doesn’t seem necessary to me, but hey, it’s a free country. 
18. Private Schools See No. 17.
19. Christian Schools See No. 17. Plus, if your faith is so strong that you need to shield it from the outside world wherever possible, maybe your faith is not that strong?
20. Entrepreneurs Steve Jobs, whatever his failings, is a hero of mine. Ditto Jim Sinegal, founder of Costco, and Warren Buffett, head of Berkshire Hathaway. I love people who take risks, start businesses, and create jobs. 
21. Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan is, alas, kind of a dirtbag. The Screen Actors Guild elected him to lead them, and he promptly sold them out to get a sweetheart deal for himself. Then he spent the Blacklist era casually tossing his professional rivals to the Congressional wolves to further his own career. That said, he had the guts to advocate for reasonable gun control after being shot, and he really got the danger of nuclear war and worked hard to prevent it. For that especially, I’ll always be grateful to him.
22. Donald Trump Guilty as charged. Mostly because Trump has a demonstrated history of treating other people horribly. But you can’t get that messed up without a really awful childhood, so deep down, I just sort of feel sorry for him. He doesn’t seem like a truly happy person. I wonder if he ever got down on the floor and played with any of his kids when they were little. I really hope he did.
23. Mike Pence Guilty as charged, but again, mostly because Pence has a documented history of not taking good care of the people he was elected to serve. But that said, I hope Mike Pence lives a long, happy, and prosperous life! I just hope he does so far from any position of political power.
24. Country Music Johnny Cash is a freaking genius. June Carter Cash is amazing. Patsy Cline is gorgeous. Darius Rucker has an amazing voice. Garth Brooks’ “We Shall Be Free” gives me a lump in my throat every. Dang. Time. Hank Williams was awesome. I could go on.
25. Rush Limbaugh That poor, sad man.
26. The Tea Party I may disagree with them, but hey, good on them for engaging in democracy! That’s the way to do it.
27. Lower Taxes I would love lower taxes. I just don’t want anyone else to suffer so that I can have more money.
28. Old-Fashioned Light Bulbs Actually, yeah, I do hate these! Why would anyone want to waste money on something designed to break way, way sooner than it needs to?
29. Jesus The idea that one man would lay down his life to redeem the sins of all mankind awes me to my core, and inspires me to try to lead a more Christlike life myself. I wish everyone acted more like Jesus!
30. The Bible There’s some pretty good stuff in there! Definitely don’t hate it.
31. The Christian Faith I was married in a Baptist church by a Methodist minister who is, no foolin’, one of the best people I know. Christians can be really great people, and any faith that inspires them to be that way is A-OK in my book.
32. The Drudge Report Well, OK, I’m not a fan, but I also roll my eyes at the Huffington Post, so...
33. John Wayne I can’t recall a more thrilling introduction to a character than the way the camera swoops across the landscape to reveal young John Wayne in “Stagecoach.” And “The Searchers” is just fantastic. Like Vin Diesel, Wayne simultaneously manages to be a kind of bad actor and a really good actor, and I love him for that.
34. Alex Jones ... Yeah, guilty as charged. Mostly because he claims murdered kids were fake actors. That’s not cool, man! I know you’re a red-faced amalgam of beef sweats and conspiracy theories, but have a little decency.
35. NASCAR ... They just go around in a circle! Over and over and over! 
36. Tupperware Why would anyone hate Tupperware? It’s great!
37. Big Cheeseburgers I will fistfight anyone who maligns big cheeseburgers. They’re one of my favorite food groups.
38. Football Three words: “Friday Night Lights.” So good.
39. Clint Eastwood If for nothing else, I’d love Clint Eastwood for “Unforgiven.”
40. The Army
41. The Navy
42. The Marines
43. The Air Force I’m the very proud son, brother, and grandson of Air Force vets. My grandfathers flew with bomber crews in WWII and Korea. My dad was a fighter pilot for 30 years. I grew up on Air Force bases with the Sound of Freedom overhead. If you say I hate the Air Force, you and I are going to have words. I love the other branches of the service only slightly less. (: Also, does this mean liberals love the Coast Guard? Because those guys are great.
44. Ron Paul Eh. I don’t think he means any harm.
45. Rand Paul Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, especially about government overreach in regard to the surveillance state.
46. Marriage
47. Family
48. Babies For the above three, please see answer 11. Also, don’t these kind of overlap with “traditional values”?
49. Wal-Mart Every Wal-Mart cashier I’ve ever spoken to has a story that will break your heart. Every single one. Every time. 
50. Flag Pins I have no problem with wearing the flag, as long as you act in ways that honor it.
51. Steakhouses For my bachelor party, I went to a steakhouse and ate a tomahawk ribeye the size of my head. Don’t you dare tell me I hate steakhouses. I’m from Texas. Them’s fightin’ words.
52. Chuck Norris Seems OK to me.
53. Bottled Water  I drink it all the time!
54. George Washington Owning slaves is about the only blemish I can think of for this otherwise sterling example of humanity. And he was at least less of a jerk about that than most people at the time. On the whole, Washington was a great man who truly loved his country and did right by it.
55. The 1st Amendment
56. The 2nd Amendment
57. The 10th Amendment We have already established that I love the Constitution. All of it. Even the parts I disagree with.
58. The Pledge of Allegiance Eh. It’s kinda silly when you learn the history behind it, but it does no harm, and I like the idea of having shared cultural touchstones that unite us as Americans.
59. McDonald’s I applaud their clean restrooms and tasty smoothies.
60. Coca-Cola Not my favorite, but I don’t hate it.
61. Fried Food Fried okra is perhaps the best possible form of any vegetable.
62. Muscle Cars I’ve seen all but one of the “Fast & Furious” movies. Muscle cars are awesome.
63. Charlie Daniels I would prefer not to live in a world that didn’t have “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” Come on, that song is great.
64. Dolly Parton Who hates Dolly Parton? Who could possibly hate Dolly Parton? She’s great.
65. Duck Dynasty Eh. Kinda dumb idea for the TV show, but hey, good on those folks for starting a successful business and enjoying its benefits.
66. Johnny Cash We have previously discussed this. 
67. Sarah Palin I’m very happy that Sarah Palin can live her life in freedom and ease, far from the levers of power. I wish her and her family nothing but the best.
68. Cheesesteaks Again, who could possibly hate cheesesteaks? They have meat! And cheese! And bread! 
69. Sean Hannity ... yeah, guilty as charged.
70. Rodeos They’re pretty fun! And man, it takes a LOT of skill and hard work to be good enough to compete in one.
71. Cadillacs What am I supposed to hate?
72. Barbie Dolls Shrug. 
73. Ted Cruz ... Okay, for real now, does anyone like Ted Cruz? I mean, John Boehner called him “Lucifer in the flesh.”
74. Fiscal Sanity I love fiscal sanity so much. I’d like to see more of it. I try to practice it in my own life and budget.
75. Charlton Heston Ben-Hur and Touch of Evil exist. Your argument that I hate Charlton Heston is invalid.
76. Israel I’m of Jewish descent, and I’ve seen pictures of Dachau just after it was liberated. Nope. Don’t hate Israel.
77. Benjamin Netanyahu Don’t hate the guy, but fine, I dislike him -- mostly because I think he’s bad for Israel.
78. Miners Brave, hardworking folks doing an awful job to dig up stuff we need? Good on them.
79. Loggers As long as they plant more trees than they cut down, we’re cool. People need wood. I get it.
80. The Coal Industry The folks who dig coal out of the ground? Nope. The folks who profit off their misery while cutting corners on their safety? Kinda, yeah.
81. National Sovereignty In order to hate this, I would have to fully understand what it implies.
82. National Borders Well, I mean, I’m not dying to return to the age of the supercontinent Pangea, so no, I don’t hate borders.
83. Uncle Sam Love him.
84. The Washington Redskins The name, yes. The actual players, no. Lotta Redskins fans among my in-laws. I respect that!
85. Small Businesses Love ‘em. Want to do more to help them thrive.
86. Self-Employment My brother’s self-employed. I love my brother. Ergo, I love self-employment.
87. Harley-Davidson Motorcycles They’re pretty cool. And made in the USA. Don’t hate ‘em.
88. Military Veterans Please see 43 above,
89. The Phrase “Islamic Terror” Well, yes, but only because it makes life more dangerous for the soldiers trying to protect us from radical Islamists like ISIS.
90. Big Families Eh, it’s a free country. They can do what they like!
91. The Bible Belt Is this even a thing anymore? Whatever. Don’t hate it. Free country.
92. The Creation Museum Mostly I just think this is kinda dumb. But then, I think ignoring science gives God and his majesty short shrift.
93. The 10 Commandments I love ‘em! Especially “thou shalt not kill” and “thou shalt not bear false witness.” 
94. Anyone That Is Pro-Life I have dear family friends who are pro-life. They adopted two kids and gave them a fantastic, loving home, and they volunteer to help give other babies that same chance. I couldn’t be prouder of them.
95. Anyone Who Disagrees With Them See above. Also, I’ve had some great discussions with people who disagree with me on Facebook. If you really listen to people without trying to judge them or change their minds, you can learn a lot!
96. Hard Work It’s not, you know, always fun, but it’s definitely a good thing!
97. Patriotism I refer you to the Sound of Freedom above.
98. Winning I like winning! It’s fun! I just think when winning becomes your highest goal, you’ve lost sight of more important things.
99. The Truth I went to journalism school. The truth is my religion. 
100. The American People How could I hate myself? I’m an American person, too! In fact, last I checked, 53% of the American people either were liberals or were willing to vote for one to be President. We are large. We contain multitudes. And that’s beautiful.
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