#i was working on this last night i can feel all the regression in my art from last year reversing
pinkcadavart · 3 months
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Are you big? Are you ugly? Can you kill a man with your hands?
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abby420 · 3 months
trauma is so wild like what do you mean it’s been seven years. what do you mean it still makes me sick to my stomach. what do you mean this has forever changed how i view myself and my relationships with others. what do you mean that happened to me. what do you mean i can’t remember it. literally what. what do you mean i can never be normal about this now. what.
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hiraiologist · 4 months
keep you in my mouth (and hope to never take you out)
hirai momo x f!reader
synopsis: at first it’s a party. then it’s a study session. then it’s like you’re addicted to her, and you find yourself caught up in everything that is hirai momo.
tags/warnings: ambiguous location but college/university setting, alcohol, drugs, parties, mentions of throwing up, smut (strap, cunnilingus, overstimulation, begging), fluff!, light degradation (reader is referred to as whore and slut lul), friends to lovers, switch!momo ??? idk but momo’s the best girl :]
a/n: i haven’t written for fun in… over 5 years? not since i was in high school… so i'm extremely out of practice SORRY! i’ve definitely regressed (T_T) i wanted this to just be a quick way to get back into writing, so its not all that articulate or anything. i started this last thursday when i was off work bc i was sick and bored, and i was gonna post it over the weekend but then with seollal and going back to work, i kinda forgot about it. partially ib my own college experience :p i feel obligated to say don’t do drugs and don’t drink underage but…! title from flashing room by 2am club. not proofread!
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the resounding thump of the bass sinks into your skin, replacing the steady beat beneath your ribs.
you feel a body next to you—someone’s pushing past you across the room, their sweat smearing across your exposed forearm. it’s damp and uncomfortably cool, an off-putting and striking contrast to the heat of the crowd. you stop dancing and frown. you turn to your left, pinching a piece of your friend’s shirt between your fingers, wiping the sweat onto the dark fabric. chaeyoung stops moving to the music and swats your hand away.
“what are you doing?”
“someone touched me,” you wrinkle your nose. “it was sweaty.”
“so you wiped it on me instead?” the shorter girl glares up at you, though her eyes twinkle with mirth—or maybe it’s just the reflection from the led light strips on the walls. she pulls out her phone to check the time. “i need another drink before we go. c’mon, let’s go find tzuyu and dahyun.”
you shrug as the two of you link fingers and begin to find your way back to the makeshift bar for more drinks. you’re already drunk—yooyeon’s playing bartender tonight and you’ve been taking advantage of it as much as possible.
“ladies,” yooyeon greets as you approach her table. she spreads her hands over a few stacks of cups filled with red liquid. “what can i get you this time?”
the options are pretty limited. actually, there’s really only one option: a delightfully strong mixture of jungle juice made oh so lovingly by yooyeon and jiwon.
“you’re hilarious,” you say flatly as you roll your eyes at her. she just cackles and starts fixing up two new cups. “have i ever told you that you’re my favorite bartender?”
“that’ll break jiwon’s heart,” she replies with a laugh. “but i won’t tell if you won’t.” she holds out the drinks with both hands.
chaeyoung accepts one of the cups and takes a long swig. “hey, we’re actually probably heading out soon. going to a kickback with some friends,” she says to yooyeon. you take the other cup and swallow some of the jungle juice. it’s your third cup of the night, so maybe you’re just drunk, but it tastes divine. you’re pretty sure that, at the very least, it tastes better than the tequila shots you’d downed earlier with chaeyoung before leaving your apartment.
yooyeon pouts. “why?” she leans in towards the two of you. “don’t go. you guys practically just got here.”
you shake your head. “no can do. we promised jihyo we’d go to her place tonight.” on another night, you might stay, watch jiwon do a few lines in the bathroom, drink more alcohol until your vision starts to blur, maybe let yooyeon or jiwon—or both—put delicate hands up your shirt and leave bruises on your hips. tonight, though, you’re going to a kickback held by one of your closest friends, jihyo, and you’ll consume enough substances to ensure you wake up with your head pounding, mouth dry, body aching all over.
it’s going to be fun, you think to yourself. you chug some more jungle juice, finishing your cup more quickly than you’d intended. chaeyoung’s texting tzuyu, instructing her to meet you guys by yooyeon’s setup. as the alcohol sets into your bloodstream, your skin warms, a muted blush settling on your cheeks.
chaeyoung spots tzuyu and dahyun walking towards yooyeon’s table and waves them over. yooyeon pours two more drinks and offers them out to your friends as they approach.
“thanks yooyeon!” tzuyu happily tips her cup back into her mouth. dahyun does the same, though she only takes a small mouthful. you’re pretty sure she’s sober. you’ve been at the house for about an hour, but you know she’s only been occasionally stealing sips from everybody’s drinks instead of just getting one of her own. really, you’re a little grateful that she’s not drunk—you know that by the end of the night, most of you will be too inebriated to get home properly without help. dahyun’s always been a little less raucous than the rest of the girls, but it doesn’t seem to bother her. dahyun hands her barely-touched cup to you to finish and you flash her a playful grin with a wink.
“finish your drinks and we’ll go. i’ll go ahead and call an uber now,” dahyun directs while pulling out her phone. the rest of you nod and tap your cups together in a cheers. a few moments pass before dahyun slips her phone back into her pocket and announces, “okay, he’ll be here in… six minutes. jihyo said nayeon and mina are already there.”
yooyeon makes eye contact with you. “will you guys come back later?” her eyes are hopeful, bright—she’s more a puppy than a party girl. but you’d rather be with your other friends, so you just shoot her an apologetic expression.
“not tonight,” you shake your head. “but maybe we’ll see you later this weekend or something?”
before yooyeon can respond, you hear someone squeal from a few feet away. “guys! what are you doing here?” you all turn to find sana skipping towards your group, a huge smile on her face.
“sana!” the four of you yell simultaneously, pulling her into hugs with each of you. she’s beaming wildly. you didn’t know she was here; if you’d seen her earlier, you would’ve dragged her onto the dance floor and probably made her your drinking buddy. sana’s a little older than you and she’s infinitely cool. you’d met her at a party last year, where she’d pulled trig for chaeyoung after knowing her for about an hour. you’d all instantly fallen for her, and she was a welcome addition to your group. sana was confidence and optimism wrapped in sex on legs—but she was also undeniably cute, with her bubbly personality and squishy cheeks. she’d easily become one of your closest confidants, spending time with you every week, showering you with affection and giving you advice whenever you were struggling. her status as a social butterfly also meant that she has a lot of other friends, so your group of four—you, tzuyu, chaeyoung, and dahyun—had rapidly expanded to a group of ten, with sana bringing her best friend momo into the fold, then jihyo, mina, jeongyeon, and nayeon with them. but sana’s infinite list of friends turns her into a pretty busy girl, so when chaeyoung had invited her out with you all tonight, she’d politely declined, stating her previously-arranged plans with momo and jeongyeon.
“i thought you were hanging out with jeongyeon and momo?” you look at sana in excitement.
“i am! well, jeongyeon had to go home early because she’s got a test tomorrow morning, but momo’s here. she’s talking to yoona right now,” sana points a few feet away at momo, engrossed in conversation with another girl you vaguely recognize. “wait, this is great! we can all hang out!”
“actually,” tzuyu interjects, “we’re leaving right now. but we’re heading to jihyo’s! nayeon and mina are there right now. will you come with us?”
“i’m down, but let me ask momo,” she giggles before bounding towards the older girl. she taps the girl on the shoulder and yoona offers them both a wave, walking off to find her friends in another room. sana starts to talk to momo; after a moment, she points over at your group and momo turns to glance at you all. her gaze seems to drag over you slowly. then she looks back at sana and says something, prompting sana to grin and tug at her arm, dragging the girl towards you. dahyun, chaeyoung, and tzuyu all give her a quick hug and big smiles.
momo pulls you into a hug last, her firm arms wrapped around you tightly as sana exclaims, “momo said she’s down to go to jihyo’s!”
“we should probably head outside, then,” dahyun suggests. “it would suck if we missed our uber.” you all nod and start to find your way to the door. you quickly turn towards yooyeon and send her a wave. the girl perks up and shoots you a smile before you turn back around and follow chaeyoung out the house to the front.
you all stand outside, chatting idly amongst yourselves as dahyun watches for the right car to pull up. eventually, she spots what must be your uber and walks up to the vehicle, waving at the driver as they roll down their window. the rest of you trail behind her.
“for dahyun?” when the driver nods, she continues, “uh, so we have six people, actually. is that okay?” dahyun smiles sheepishly at the uber driver and bites her lip. he looks at you all warily and sighs.
“yeah, sure. it’s not like we’re going very far, i guess.”
tzuyu climbs into the passenger seat while chaeyoung scoots into the middle seat in the back. dahyun takes the seat to the right of chaeyoung, with sana climbing into her lap naturally. you quickly realize your predicament as the rest of the girls settle into the uber. you turn to momo and say, “you can sit on me. if that’s okay.”
the girl’s cheeks instantly turn the prettiest shade of pink you’ve ever seen. “oh! um, okay. sure. thanks.”
you open the door on the left and climb into the last seat. once you’re seated, you look back at momo and smile. she quickly gets in, sitting awkwardly on your lap. you reach for the door handle with one hand, close the door, then snake your hand around the girl’s waist, pulling her towards you more tightly. she squeaks a little, but shifts her body more to settle comfortably against you. your uber driver eyes you all in the backseat with a tired expression before driving off slowly.
“this top looks really good on you, by the way,” you say, lips twitching into a small grin. you play a little with the ends of her hair before dropping your fingers to brush along her shirt. she stares at the floor.
“thanks,” she replies quietly. her cheeks are red when she looks up and her eyes dart away when she notices you’re looking at her face.
the rest of the ride is filled by your friends’ conversations and your driver’s playlist coming low through the speakers of the car, your fingers rubbing circles into momo’s hip soothingly as you feel her take quiet, even breaths. you’re almost disappointed when the uber stops in front of jihyo’s apartment.
when you arrive at jihyo’s door, jihyo welcomes you all with a hug and ushers you inside. she leads you to the kitchen, where nayeon and mina are chatting next to the table covered with an array of drinks. you greet nayeon and mina with hugs as well, chatting with them for a minute before you decide to make a few cherry bombs for everyone. the girls seem to have found their spots in the apartment: tzuyu, dahyun, and chaeyoung are sitting on the floor in jihyo’s living room while sana and momo fumble with jihyo’s speaker system, squabbling over jihyo’s phone to try to queue up a few more songs. nayeon, jihyo, and mina continue to chat while they watch you in the kitchen as you mix cherry vodka with redbull. when you’ve prepared a few shot glasses, you offer them to nayeon and jihyo, knowing mina won’t be drinking. you all quickly down your shots and nayeon and jihyo excuse themselves to go find a game to play, leaving you in the kitchen with mina. she offers to take two of the shots over to sana and momo, and you agree. you grab the remaining three shots, find dahyun, chaeyoung, and tzuyu in the living room, and watch as they knock back their cherry bombs.
you plop down on the floor next to chaeyoung, letting out an excited giggle when she produces a small tin from her pocket and pulls out a perfectly rolled joint. as she lights it and begins to take a hit, you look towards the speaker where you spot sana and momo laughing with mina. you observe them for a moment before you feel chaeyoung tapping at your shoulder, offering you the joint. you take a hit and hand it back to chaeyoung. dahyun and tzuyu get up; you vaguely register them saying something about finding some ping pong balls. you and chaeyoung chat quietly, asking “would you rather” questions, passing the joint back and forth until eventually it’s reduced to nothing and you’re forced to stub it out. by now, the combination of the weed and alcohol has you feeling light and slightly dizzy, but it’s pleasant and you’re smiling a little dopily. chaeyoung pulls you up with her when she sees tzuyu across the room, setting up a table to play beer pong.
“tzu! i wanna play!” chaeyoung exclaims happily. “can i play?”
“sure,” the taller girl agrees easily. “you can be my partner. y/n, wanna play?”
“wait, who else is playing?”
tzuyu shrugs. “go find someone!” you glance around; mina’s sitting on the couch with dahyun, both tapping away at their phones. nayeon and jihyo are sitting at the table in the kitchen, already playing some kind of card game. you start to walk off to look for sana and momo and tzuyu calls after you, “oh, get sana! she needs to get on our level!”
you find sana in the kitchen with momo. you quickly grab another cup, mixing vodka with soda haphazardly, taking a big gulp as you bound up to sana. “i’m drunk,” you state the obvious with a giggle. “and you need to catch up! let’s play beer pong with chae and tzuyu!” you point your cup towards sana, who giggles back at you, takes the cup, shares a look with momo.
“thanks, y/n!” she hums as she sips at the drink. “actually, i think you might regret recruiting me for beer pong,” she winks at you and hands your cup to momo, who tilts her head at you for approval. you nod quickly and she takes a long drink before handing the cup back to you. “but momo would love to be your partner tonight!”
you beam at the other girl hopefully. “would you really? please?” momo looks at you with wide eyes, seemingly caught off guard. she sneaks a glance at sana, who just bats her eyes innocently.
“oh, sure,” she agrees quickly. “i’m down.” you cheer as you grab her hand and guide her towards the table where chaeyoung and tzuyu are setting up the cups and pouring beer into each one. you chug a bit more of your drink, which has dwindled down to just a few more mouthfuls. you offer the rest to momo, then pout when you realize you don’t have anything else to drink, making sana laugh from behind you. she walks back to the kitchen as you and momo take your places at one end of the table, chaeyoung and tzuyu at the other. it’s decided that you and momo will go first. momo gestures at you to go ahead, and you grab one of the ping pong balls and eye the pyramid of cups across from you.
before you can toss the ball, sana returns with two new drinks, places one on the small table by the couch. she points at it and says, “that’s for you, y/n. when you’re done playing.” she takes a sip from the other drink still in her hand.
“thanks,” you nod at her words, focusing intently on your form. you decide to just go for it, casually arching the ball forward, watching as it sinks cleanly into one of the cups in front of tzuyu. “yes!” 
momo whoops. “nice.” she offers her hand out for a high-five. tzuyu takes the cup, removes the ball, drinks the beer. momo quickly finishes off the drink you’d given her, adding it to the cup tzuyu drank to start a stack on the side, then moves to take her shot. she hesitates for quite a while before eventually throwing the ball. it bounces off the side of one cup, but falls into the one next to it. you cheer loudly as momo’s eyes widen and she turns to face you, a giddy expression on her face. you sneak a quick peck on her cheek, delight in the way the skin pinkens immediately as momo looks at you bashfully. chaeyoung takes the cup out, removing the ball before downing the contents inside. she boos half-heartedly but she’s smiling as she hands both ping pong balls back to you.
you immediately toss one across the table. it bounces off a cup and drops onto the table. you pout. “ugh. got too cocky. redeem us, momo!” but momo misses her shot, too, so you hand the balls to chaeyoung and tzuyu.
tzuyu tosses her ball quickly and it immediately falls into a cup in front of you. you grab the cup, take the ball out, drink the beer, add the cup to the stack. chaeyoung takes her position, squinting momentarily across the table before shooting the ball, landing it in a cup next to momo. the older girl grabs the cup, takes the ball out and hands it back to chaeyoung before tossing the beer back into her mouth. a droplet of beer shines at the corner of her mouth. without thinking, you lean forward and wipe at it with your finger before popping it into your mouth to clean it off. momo stares at you, but you don’t seem to notice. tzuyu and chaeyoung take their shots again. tzuyu lands her ball in a cup—momo drinks it quickly—but chaeyoung misses hers. they hand the balls back to you and momo. you arc one ball perfectly into a cup. momo’s turn is kind of disastrous; she throws the ball towards the cups, but it ends up smacking chaeyoung in the tit.
“sorry!” momo squeaks. chaeyoung just laughs and waves her off. the game keeps going, but it quickly becomes obvious that chaeyoung and tzuyu are going to win. you only land your ball into the cups two more times, and momo misses every shot she takes, looking all the more distracted as each round passes. eventually, you and momo lose pretty spectacularly. jihyo and nayeon push you both out of the way to take on chaeyoung and tzuyu.
disgruntled, you grab the drink sana made for you and take a gulp. “i can’t believe we lost!” you wail as momo follows you to the kitchen.
momo shrugs. “we’ll get ’em next time,” she promises, wrapping her arms around you from behind. you settle against her with a sigh.
“you’re so…” you gesture a little vaguely at her body, “comfy?” you finish, pulling momo’s arms around you even tighter. “like, you’re firm. you have really nice muscles and... you know. but you’re super cozy.” she hums in your ear as you lift your cup to your lips again.
“thanks,” she laughs. “i mean, i eat a lot. but i work out a lot too.”
“oh, i’ve noticed. your body always looks so good,” you continue absentmindedly before you pull away from her to look her in the eyes, slightly embarrassed. “i—it’s not like i stare. i just mean i wish i had your athleticism, you know? i don’t really know how to work out, and i don’t have a whole lot of stamina.” that causes momo’s mouth to twitch into a subtle smirk and you flush. your tongue suddenly feels very dry, and you’re not exactly sure it’s cotton mouth.
“well, maybe i could help you with that,” momo quips before she steals a bit of your drink and starts to move to the music blaring from jihyo’s speaker, and it pushes you to dance as well. after a song or two, momo’s hands make their way around your waist and you let your arms wrap around her neck, your cup dangling over her shoulder. it registers in your mind that you like this—like momo pressed against your body, like big brown eyes twinkling as she grins at you, like momo’s laugh vibrating against your chest. you smile at her as you dance together, your friends jumping and singing along to the music around you as they toss ping pong balls at each other.
everyone else seems to be preoccupied, not paying any attention to you and momo. you hardly realize that momo’s been guiding you towards the bathroom until she pushes the door open, closes it behind you, shoves you against the wall. her eyes bore into yours, looking for your approval before she leans in to kiss you. you close the distance, bringing a hand up to cradle her jaw. it feels incredibly intimate as she runs a hand from your neck down your side, eventually resting it on your hip. you continue to kiss her softly, sighing into her mouth as she lets out quiet hums of approval. after a while, she licks into your mouth, nips at your bottom lip, and you gasp as things begin to progress quickly from there.
her teeth tug at the skin of your throat. you try to suppress a moan, but it rips out of your mouth before you can stop it, and momo laughs, kisses you again. “maybe,” she breathes against your lips, “we should get out of here.” you nod enthusiastically, connect your lips again, savor the taste of her peach chapstick. you follow her out of the bathroom. you go to the front door, grabbing your belongings while momo walks up to the rest of the girls, all still either dancing or playing beer pong, says to them, “i think y/n isn’t feeling great. maybe she drank too much? and i’m kind of tired anyway, so i’m gonna take her home. we’ll see you later.” she leans in to whisper something privately to sana, who squeals and shoves momo’s shoulder. then sana waves you both off, turning back to cheer jihyo on as she tosses a ping pong ball into a cup.
and then you’re out the door, stumbling as you walk the few short minutes to momo’s place, giggling as momo pulls you into her arms every few steps to kiss you exuberantly.
you’ve never actually been to momo’s apartment, you realize. it’s nice; it’s relatively simple, a comfortable lived-in vibe filling the space. in the back of your mind, behind the haze of tequila shots, jungle juice, cherry bombs, beer, and weed, you remember that this isn’t just momo’s apartment—this is also sana and nayeon’s new apartment, the three having just moved in together recently.
you follow momo to one of the rooms, presumably hers. as she punches the numbers into her keypad, you take a moment to check your phone. you have a text from chaeyoung.
text me when you get home please, it reads.
not sure when i’ll be home but i’m okay! i’m at momo’s, you respond before following momo through the door.
quietly, you take a moment to observe momo’s room. it’s cozy, photos adorning the walls along with a bunch of figurines momo must like. there are a few drawings hung on the walls, too, and if you lean in, you can see on each of them a signature that looks kind of like momo’s name.
before you can get a closer look, though, momo’s running her fingers down your arm, pressing feather-light kisses against the back of your neck and your shoulders. you turn and wrap your arms around her neck, pulling her into a proper kiss as she settles her hands along your waist. she kisses you with vigor, smiling as you respond just as fervently. she pushes you lightly, the backs of your knees hitting her mattress, making you fall backwards onto the bed. she makes quick work of your clothes, pulling your top and pants off as she kisses down your skin. momo takes her shirt off and you stare at her muscular arms and abs in reverence. your jaw drops when she pulls off her bra next; her boobs are actually perfect. it’s like she’s not even real. she smirks as she pulls her pants down her legs and kicks them to the floor, shaking you from your daze. then she crawls back on top of you, leaves another hickey on your chest, strokes your hair.
“if you wanna stop at any point, just tell me.” her voice is gentle but insistent, and you nod.
“same here,” you respond, and she sends you a little smile that’s entirely too cute for her own good.
she undoes the clasp of your bra, throws it somewhere to the side and momo descends immediately, full lips around your nipple, sucking hard and assertive, the other one rolled between two fingers. after you begin panting, she switches sides, makes sure to pay attention to both of your breasts as you let out lewd moans and sighs.
you lose yourself like that for a while as she pleasures your tits before eventually she removes her mouth from your chest, shifts up a little, grinds down on your thigh—you can feel the heat from between her legs, the soaked fabric of her panties pressing down onto your skin. you let out a whine.
“you sound so pretty for me, baby,” momo breathes into your collarbone. she sucks a dark hickey at the base of your throat. you moan again, the sound vibrating against momo’s lips. you let your hand drift down towards her clothed core, rubbing circles against the wet spot on her panties. she lets out a whimper, and you push her a little so she sits up. you easily pull her panties off, let them fall to the floor. you use your fingers to tease at her folds, coating them in her slick. you start to rub circles on her clit and she lets out a series of breathy, high-pitched whines. you keep going like that for a while, momo pulling you down to make out with her as you stimulate her clit. soon, momo’s body is shaking. “i need your fingers in me, y/n,” she chokes out. 
you hum. “ask me nicely.”
“please, y/n. please fuck me with your fingers.” you lick your lips and nod.
you start by easing one finger inside her, thrusting in and out until she’s whimpering softly. then, you add another finger, curling them both upwards as you sink them into her pussy, caressing her g-spot. momo groans, low and sensual, as you start to fuck into her with your fingers. with each thrust, your palm makes contact with her clit, and eventually her head starts to loll back, loud moans rising out of her mouth.
you think you could get addicted to this—her sounds, her heat, her pleasure. it’s enough to get you dripping.
“i’m gonna cum,” momo gasps out. “oh, fuck—i’m—”
you nearly cum when her orgasm takes over, grunts and whines falling from her lips as she shudders and gushes onto your fingers. you slow down, rub at her clit gently a few times before eventually pulling your fingers out. you shove them into momo’s mouth. “suck,” you command, and she does so immediately, tongue flicking around your digits. “good girl.” you take your fingers out and immediately pull her into a kiss, licking into her mouth and tasting her cum on her tongue, sweet and tangy and a little salty.
yeah, you could definitely get addicted to this.
for a while, you kiss her like that, her heavy breathing eventually evening out as she recovers from her climax. slowly, momo slides her hand downwards, stopping at the edge of your panties. she circles the hem of your underwear, presses a kiss into your neck again. your breath catches in your throat. you’re positively soaked. momo moves down, settles between your thighs. she kisses at the wetness on your panties, reaches up, pulls them down your legs, over your thighs, tosses them away from the bed. she kisses your clit and you whimper. you look down and oh—she makes eye contact with you, smirks, licks into your slit, collecting your slick on her warm tongue.
momo sucks at your clit just as unrelentingly as she had your nipple, and you’ve always been so sensitive. you’re moaning, breath ragged, body shaking as momo licks at your cunt.
you’re so drenched, momo easily slips two fingers in and starts pumping them in and out. the feeling of her fingers curling into your g-spot makes you gasp, and she keeps darting her tongue against your clit, licking against your labia, spreading your wetness around her mouth. you moan loudly and your hands fall to grip at her head, grasping into her hair.
you let out a strangled, “oh fuck, momo, oh my god—” as her fingers fuck into you, tongue licking broadly against your folds and flicking against your clit. her lips wrap around your bud and she sucks, the sensation sending you over the edge. “momo, i’m gonna cum, ’m gonna—fuck—”
your body goes slack as you cum powerfully, momo still lapping at your folds, sucking around your clit and thrusting her fingers into you. eventually, she pulls away, lets you lay there as you recover, brushes your hair out of your face. she gets up off the bed and says, “be right back.” then she’s rummaging through her drawers as you close your eyes, trying to catch your breath.
you notice her shadow looming over you when she returns. “so,” momo breathes out, tugging at your hair. you let out a whimper. “i have something else i’d like to try with you, if you’re up for it?” you open your eyes and look at her, see the harness and pink silicone dildo in her hands. instantly, you sit up and surge towards her, kissing her desperately. she pulls away with a laugh and says, “i’ll take that as a yes, then.”
before you know it, you’re face down on the bed, on your hands and knees, elbows resting on her pillow, back arched and legs spread. momo runs her hands down your back as you shiver, grips your left hip, uses her other hand to rub the tip of the shaft along your dripping slit. she teases you leisurely and you quickly begin to grow impatient. you whine pathetically, “more. i need all of you. please, momo.”
momo’s mouth quirks up in satisfaction. “you’re a greedy little whore, huh?” but she complies, places the head against your pussy, pushes the tip in, doesn’t wait for you to adjust and slides the length all the way into you in one movement. you grasp tightly at the sheets beneath you, letting out a low moan. momo slowly pulls out, looks smug at the slickness spread along the strap, pushes back inside you with a giggle. she pulls out again, repeats the action, thrusting harder and quicker each time, hands gripping your ass firmly. she’s found a good rhythm and she lets out a deep groan. you feel yourself clench at the sound, thighs quivering as pleasure surges throughout you.
she continues to fuck into you deeply until eventually your arms begin to give out; she slows momentarily, pulls out completely, grabs your hips and flips you over so you’re on your back, staring up at her. she lines up the dildo against your cunt again, buries the shaft in you, but she doesn’t move. instead, she smirks down at you as you begin to whimper desperately.
“what is it, baby? use your words.”
“momo,” you gasp out, “please move, please.”
she tilts her head. you’re squirming, trying to fuck yourself on her dick, but momo’s strong, holding you in place, preventing you from finding your own pleasure. “beg properly,” she drawls, “and maybe i’ll think about it.”
“will you please move, momo? i’ll do anything, baby, please, i need your cock so bad,” you cry. “please fuck me, please i’ll be such a good slut for you, momo, just please move, please.”
“how cute,” she coos before she starts fucking you at the same pace as before, hitting hard and deep inside you every time. you’re gasping and grunting each time she thrusts, her round eyes shining in amusement as she stares down at you. you eventually break eye contact when you glance at her body.
the sight of momo’s toned abs and round tits glistening with a thin layer of sweat nearly makes you lose your mind, and you claw desperately at her arms. she starts rubbing at your clit with one hand, the other holding you down securely by your waist. the combined stimulation sends you into overdrive, and your breath hitches, vision begins to blur, body shakes frantically with momo’s name falling from your lips repeatedly as your orgasm ripples through every part of you.
as you come down from your high, momo slips out of you, making you exhale sharply as you adjust to the loss. you feel completely wrecked, pussy raw and sore from the intensity of momo’s actions. she quickly leaves to bring you some towels and a glass of water. she returns with a soft expression; the two of you lay together as she gently, carefully wipes you down. you sip at your water gratefully, finishing the entire glass, but you can feel fatigue engulfing your body. she practically carries you to the bathroom, where she lends you a spare toothbrush and leaves you to use the toilet. when you’re finished, she really does pick you up this time, setting you gently on her bed, pulling the sheets up over your body. you barely manage to whisper out a “thank you” before you’re passed out, surrounded by momo’s scent and breathing peacefully. momo just smiles, tucks your hair behind your ear, presses a soft kiss against your forehead. as you fall into a deep slumber, she gets up, folds your clothes and puts them in a tote bag, finds your phone. noticing your almost-dead battery, she plugs it into a spare charger. then she crawls into bed next to you, turns off her light, and falls asleep to the soothing rise and fall of your chest next to her.
you roll over, eyes sticky with exhaustion and haziness. your body aches, and you reach a heavy hand out to find your phone. you feel around for a few moments before your phone is pushed gently into your hand. startled, you blink a few times and sit up.
momo lays next to you, body half-covered by the sheets, lips cut into a smirk. “good morning,” she husks quietly. “sleep well?” you stare at her for a moment. you’re aware that you’re both still naked, and you try not to think about her flawless chest and delicious abs.
“uh, good morning. yes. yeah. uh, i… i did. did you?” your brain feels all jumbled and looking at momo doesn’t seem to help.
“sure did,” she drawls with a grin, all teeth and rosy cheeks. “your phone’s being blowing up all morning, by the way.” you look down at the device and unlock the screen. your notifications are flooded with missed calls and texts from your friends—sana and chaeyoung’s names seem to take up the majority of them. noticing the time, your eyes widen comically.
“holy shit,” you breathe, head snapping up to look at momo. “uh… fuck. i am so sorry.”
her head tilts, adorably confused. “what for?” she shifts forward, reaching for your torso. she tugs at you a little until she’s snuggled against your body, burying her head into your side and wrapping an arm around your midsection.
“uh.” it seems to be your favorite word this morning. “for staying here so long? i didn’t mean to fall asleep here, i swear.” momo just laughs softly and closes her eyes.
“i don’t mind,” she sighs into your skin. your heart starts to beat a little faster.
“are you sure?”
she hums. “yeah. i even made breakfast, if you’re ready to eat. i wouldn’t have done that if i weren’t okay with you staying here.” her tone is teasing, but you can feel the sincerity in her voice. it makes you blush.
you squeak, “you made breakfast?”
“mm,” she responds. “just before you woke up. should still be warm. you still like waffles, yeah?”
“uh,” you repeat. you mentally kick yourself—where is your eloquence? “waffles are… good. hey, is sana here? and nayeon?”
her lips twitch. “would i have made breakfast naked if they were?” you turn bright red. “nayeon decided to head over to jeongyeon’s last night,” momo continues, “and dahyun took sana home with her and tzuyu. neither of them will be back until later.”
“oh, okay,” you exhale. “right. so, uh…” you don’t quite know how to say the words.
“hey, if you’re worried about this ruining our friendship,” momo starts, fiddling with her fingers, “we don’t have to make it anything more than just a hookup. we don’t even have to mention it again, if you’d like. i don’t mind. it’s your call.”
instantly, you flush, embarrassed that she’s read you so easily. “i’m sorry,” you say quickly. “it’s just—last night was incredible, beyond incredible, and you were so good, really, but i just don’t want this to make things weird between us. you’re one of my best friends and i like being with you, you know?” stop talking, you think. momo raises an eyebrow and you can’t help but continue, “not like that—or, well, maybe like that, if that’s something you want, because i definitely wouldn’t be opposed.” oh my god, stop! talking! your cheeks are hot and you look down at the floor.
momo lets out a laugh and reaches for your hand, prompting you to look back up at her. “y/n, it’s okay. i’m not, like, offended or anything. i totally get it. i’d never want to jeopardize our friendship, either. but it doesn’t have to make things weird. because i also like being with you, whether it ends like it did last night or not. no pressure. we don’t have to do anything you don’t want. we can just go with the flow.” she sends you a comforting smile. “how about we eat breakfast now? before it goes cold.”
“sure,” you agree, “but i might need help walking over there.”
momo’s proud smirk that follows replays in your mind even weeks later.
when you’d come home the day after jihyo’s kickback, chaeyoung had asked about your sleepover at momo’s, but she didn’t seem to think much of it. miraculously, none of the girls had noticed the array of hickeys that momo had left all over your body, or wondered why you’d spent the rest of the weekend entirely in bed, only moving to get ready.
before you’d left her apartment that day, you’d mustered up the courage to lean in to kiss her, and momo had closed the distance before saying goodbye sweetly. you’d given in and texted momo not even two hours later, and ever since then, you’ve been chatting back and forth with the older girl, messages flirtier than they’ve ever been, tension accumulating as the weeks go by. you see momo a lot when you hang out with your friends, and nobody seems to think anything of it when she intertwines her fingers with yours or pulls you into frequent hugs, hands gripping at your waist. you hang out with her alone, too, though it’s all been completely friendly so far, with only your texts to insinuate there might be something else between you. you won’t say it to her, but you really wouldn’t mind if she just kissed you sometimes, or edged you in the bathroom during lunch, maybe.
on one morning, between classes, you go for coffee with her and sana—invitation extended by momo followed by a mouthwatering mirror pic of her, post-workout, abs gleaning with sweat and thumb hooked into the front of her joggers, along with the message working on my stamina. needless to say, you’d nearly forgotten about the coffee entirely.
“you guys seem to have gotten really close recently,” sana remarks as momo goes to pick up your orders. the two of you sit at a table, observing the oldest girl as she thanks the barista and starts to carry the tray back over to you.
“well, we were close before,” you say, trying to not sound too affected. “but i guess we have been hanging out a lot more recently.” momo takes her seat then, passing out your drinks and pastries. sana just hums and fails to hide a smile behind her cold brew. you cough.
before you head to your next class, sana pulls you aside as momo’s tossing away your trash. “just so you know,” she whispers, “i think you should go for it. if you like her, i mean. you’re totally momo’s type.”
before you can respond, momo’s standing in front of you, doe eyes sparkling as she swings her bag over her shoulder. sana winks at you.
you bid them both goodbye and make your way to class. it’s kind of funny—the entire time, all you can think about is sana saying you’re totally momo’s type. you try to ignore how the thought sets your skin on fire.
you have statistics class with tzuyu, jihyo, and momo every tuesday and thursday at 10 a.m.
only now, you start to notice momo—she always sits at the end of the row next to tzuyu, while you sit in between tzuyu and jihyo. momo’s quietly immersed in her phone most of the time. she doesn’t really take notes, or even listen to your professor. in fact, whenever your eyes find her, she’s always staring into space or typing something on her phone. sometimes you catch her with her notebook open and pencil scrawling something across the pages, but you can see she’s just doodling. you wonder what her grade is. after all, you spend half your time in this class playing games and texting with tzuyu, and the both of you are barely clinging to a low B as it is. jihyo, on the other hand, is always focused—her hard-earned A is the reflection of her determination and work ethic.
you subtly begin to switch seats with tzuyu so you can sit next to momo. tzuyu doesn’t really seem to notice or care, but one day, after a couple weeks, jihyo asks you about it as you slide into a seat, five minutes early for class.
“why are you sitting there?”
“huh?” you say smartly, pulling out your notebook and pencil. jihyo does the same, but she gives you a look.
“tzuyu usually sits next to momo. what, you don’t like sitting next to me anymore?”
“oh! no, that’s not it. uh, i guess i just didn’t notice.” you hope it comes out as casual as possible. jihyo gives you another look, which you ignore, and pulls out her stuff, settling into her seat.
“momo! hey!” at jihyo’s words, you nearly break your neck looking up so quickly. jihyo tries to stifle a guffaw.
“hey jihyo,” momo glances towards you and her eyes sparkle more brightly. “hi, y/n.”
“hi momo,” you reply breathlessly. again, you pay no mind to the giant grin jihyo’s sending your way.
momo drops into the seat next to you, scoots a little closer to you, her leg brushing against yours. your breath falters slightly. jihyo suppresses a cackle; you ignore her resolutely. “are you guys ready for the test next week?”
“wait, there’s a test next week?” you squeak.
“hey, you should’ve been paying attention,” jihyo tsks. “i invited you the other day to come to my study session. at least tzuyu actually showed up.”
“well, we can still study until the test,” momo offers. she glances at you. “y/n, what do you think?”
“oh, uh,” you look at momo. “sure. i could use the extra help. i mean, tzuyu and i…” you peek over at jihyo sheepishly. “well, yeah. i could use the extra help.” momo lets out a laugh and you blush.
jihyo rolls her eyes. “oh, now you want to study together? hey, you missed your chance.”
you wince. “sorry about that again. it’s just… well, i just didn’t feel like studying.” momo can’t help but giggle again at that. secretly, you’re preening inside at the sound.
“you can study with me,” momo leans closer to you. you stare at her, brain faltering at her close proximity. “i might not be a genius like jihyo, but i’m good. good enough to have an A, at least.”
you’re about to respond when tzuyu hurls herself into the seat between you and jihyo. “hey guys! did i miss anything?”
“hey tzuyu,” momo looks at her. “no, not yet. we were just saying we should study together again before the unit test, maybe next week?” you all agree and begin to make plans, but quickly quiet down when you notice the professor walk in.
the entire lecture, all you can focus on is momo—momo’s leg, pressed against your own—momo’s fingers, tapping every so often along the desk—momo’s perfume, something sweet and citrusy and a little powdery—momo’s jawline, sharp and gorgeous—momo’s eyes, huge and twinkling—
you don’t even notice when class ends, only registering it when momo’s standing up to leave, waggling her fingers teasingly at you as she exits the hall. jihyo and tzuyu gesture for you to hurry up and gather your things. you look down at your notebook, page completely empty save for the words stop staring at me in momo’s cute handwriting scrawled next to a heart.
jihyo and tzuyu exchange a look as you stare at the paper. when you peer up at them, jihyo just laughs. tzuyu rolls her eyes but sends a soft expression towards you. you suddenly feel very dizzy.
you’d spent the week trying to study to prepare for your statistics test, but you didn’t seem to get very far. now, you’re standing in front of momo’s door, textbook in hand with your bag slung over your shoulder as you knock gently.
jihyo and tzuyu had chosen to study on their own, with jihyo ultimately deciding that you would be too distracting for tzuyu to focus if you were together. she’d offered to study with you separately, but you’d instead jumped at the chance to ask momo to study with you. jihyo hadn’t tried to convince you otherwise, just giving you a knowing wink, and momo was more than happy to say yes.
the door opens to reveal a barefaced momo, dressed comfortably in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, doe eyes blinking at you behind big round glasses, fluffy hair falling softly around her face. your heart bursts at the sight. she beams at you before pulling you into a hug, shutting the door behind you.
“hey, you,” she greets you fondly. “ready to study, buddy?” you roll your eyes but laugh anyway.
“i guess,” you respond. “but to be completely honest, i’m pretty lost on this whole unit. and not just because i usually spend half of lecture beating tzuyu at candy crush.” momo raises an eyebrow at that. “i mean, i’m not stupid or anything, but it kinda just doesn’t click for me. just to warn you.”
momo just shrugs, gives you a comforting smile. “that’s okay. i’m pretty patient.”
you follow her to her room and you settle on the floor, pulling out your materials. for a while, you’re determined and fully concentrated on your studies. momo’s not wrong: she’s extremely patient, and the way she explains things is direct and simple, and somehow, things start to fall into place, and you grasp the concepts from the unit fairly quickly.
but after a couple hours, your focus begins to waver, and you find yourself incredibly distracted by the slope of momo’s nose, the mole on her neck, the rosiness of her cheeks—
“you’re staring,” momo singsongs, breaking your train of thought. her mouth is configured in a lopsided grin. you blink. “again.”
“sorry,” you say, not feeling very sorry at all. “you’re just really… you know. pretty.”
“i’m pretty?” she smirks at you, leans into your personal space. you nod dumbly and she giggles. she tilts her head forward to capture your lips in a kiss, and you can’t help but sigh. despite her flirty behavior, it’s been almost two months since you’d last kissed, since you’d spent the night with her after jihyo’s party, and you missed it. you missed her.
the two of you collapse onto her bed and kiss lazily for a while; you relish in her gentle touches and natural beauty. she’s so pretty. she’s certainly handsome, too, you think. she’s honestly just the most gorgeous person you’ve ever seen in your entire life. her lips are soft and full, dragging lightly along your jawline before she nips at your throat. you whimper quietly as momo bites down on you again.
statistics long forgotten, you take your top off, toss it to momo’s floor.
momo’s plump lips are pressing hot, wet kisses against the column of your neck. you try to keep your composure, but a guttural moan makes its way out of your mouth and you instantly flush red. momo pulls at your pants, tugging them and your panties down your legs.
momo eats you out until you’re trembling, chest heaving and nothing but moans and broken speech falling from your lips. her lips and chin glisten with your slick, but she just gives you a quick kiss before leaning back down and attaching her mouth around your clit again. you fall apart once, twice, three times—your clit throbs intensely, painfully, too sensitive to keep going. but you don’t tell her to stop, so momo doesn’t stop, and you really like that she doesn’t stop. by the time you’re shuddering your way into a seventh orgasm, you’re limp and mumbling incoherently. momo finally lets up, licks into your mouth instead, your own cum coating your tongue as she kisses you wetly, desperately.
you go home that night feeling complete—and momo completes you again and again and again for hours when you show up at her place a week later, a giant A displayed at the top of your statistics test.
you’re pretty sure you’re addicted to momo.
you hang out with the older girl constantly. you go to movies together, study together, eat meals together. you don’t even go out to parties anymore, unless it’s held by one of your friends, choosing to go out with momo instead. you can’t remember the last time you saw yooyeon or jiwon. it hardly matters when you’re settled between momo’s thighs, lips wrapped around her clit, the sweetness of her cum dancing along every corner of your mouth.
eventually, you’re ending every other night in momo’s room. it doesn’t always involve sex—really, you just feel like being around momo. it’s nice. momo certainly isn’t complaining.
she starts to keep a toothbrush for you in her bathroom, and your clothes begin to mix in with her own closet.
chaeyoung doesn’t text you asking when you’re coming home anymore. instead, she asks if you’re coming over. whenever you swing by what’s technically your apartment with momo in tow, chaeyoung beams hugely at you, gives you a wink or a thumbs up. it’s only mildly embarrassing.
you’ve never had a friend quite like momo—she’s in a league of her own. she’s easily the best hookup you’ve ever had. you feel lucky just to be friends with her.
you think about momo’s taut abs, the way her skilled tongue curls inside you, her incredible stamina. you think about her contagious laugh, her alarmingly loud sneezes, her focused expression when she’s cooking something in the kitchen. you like all of these things about momo. you decide that, yeah, momo feels right. your head starts to spin when you think about what that means.
it dawns on you that this was what you’d been feeling every time you think about momo—want, pure desire, love. you’ve never craved anything or anyone like this before. you never felt want like this, love like this—it never felt right, not unless it was momo.
you’re at dinner with jeongyeon when you finally get the bright idea to actually tell momo you love her.
really, it’s more like jeongyeon hands you the idea on a silver platter.
“you seem happy,” jeongyeon says before biting into a dumpling.
you hum. “i am happy,” you say, not at all surprised to find your thoughts immediately drifting to momo. you begin to space out a bit as you think about all your recent memories with her; it’s not just the sex that’s good, but she makes you feel alive. when you’re with her, you forget about the rest of the world. it feels good to be around her. even just thinking about momo makes you feel at ease, content.
jeongyeon smiles at you, eyes softening. “so you and momo made it official then?”
that jolts you out of your reverie.
“momo—official—we aren’t—what?” you splutter incredulously. you stare at jeongyeon. she just blinks at you.
“you and momo,” she repeats, slower this time. “aren’t you guys, like, dating?” she says it so casually, in between bites of meat—you feel like the world has stopped spinning. “did she finally ask you to be her girlfriend?”
“momo and i are not dating,” you choke out nervously. “where in the world did you get that idea?”
jeongyeon stops chewing, swallows haltingly. “you’re kidding, right?” she sits up straighter, looks you in the eyes. “you guys aren’t subtle. like, at all. you know, we’re polite, not blind. those hickeys aren’t invisible, and you only got away with faking sick so many times before it tipped us off that something was up. plus, you’re always looking at each other with heart eyes. it’s kind of sickening, actually.”
you sit in silence as you absorb this. after a beat, you croak, “so, all of you… know about the sex?” she nods. “i see. well, honestly, i love her. but i’m worried that she’s not there yet.”
jeongyeon looks at you. “y/n, i’m pretty sure everyone knows that momo loves you. like, i’m not kidding, but she’s had a crush on you since you met. just ask sana. she’s been playing wingwoman for momo for months and it was like you were completely blind until the first time you and momo kissed. you know sana called me that night, drunk in dahyun’s bed, both of them shouting at me to start planning the wedding? mina helps momo pick out outfits for your dates. nayeon buys extra groceries because you practically live at their apartment now, and don’t think chaeyoung hasn’t noticed that. don’t even get me started on the updates jihyo and tzuyu send every week.” she decides to make it very clear to you. “momo talks nonstop about you, and the sex isn’t even a quarter of her rambling.” she rolls her eyes, but her lips stretch into a tender smile.
“oh. i guess i should probably do something about this, huh?” you rub your fingers at your neck as jeongyeon just rolls her eyes again.
“yeah,” she responds. “make it simple and just tell her ‘i love you.’”
you unlock momo’s room when you return from dinner and march up to momo, who’s laying on her bed, listening to music and staring at the ceiling absentmindedly. “i love you,” you say to her, feeling completely breathless. she sits up, looks extremely confused, but smiles blindingly at you. “i’m sorry i didn’t say it sooner.” you pause. “all of our friends seem to be under the impression that you love me back, so…” you trail off shyly.
“well, they’re not wrong,” she laughs out. “i do love you back.” you’re blushing, but momo just reaches towards you, pulls you onto her bed next to her. “no need to be sorry, by the way. i told you i was patient.”
that night, you see stars over and over and over as you and momo make love for hours until you’re both ready to pass out.
when your eyes finally shut, the last thing you register before you drift to sleep is momo whispering against your lips, “i love you.” and you think love might just be your new favorite word in the world.
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yujification · 4 months
press your number — hwang yeji
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desc: It’s lewd and messy when Yeji finally slides it all the way in. Soft squelching sounds, that of which derived from the silicone stretching her pretty cunt out. You moan, a sharp whine coming from the back of your throat as she sits on your waist, biting your lip gingerly. “Fuck,” You swallow. “Good girl. Just like that.” You give her ass a nice hearty smack. She swats your hand away. You were only being kind, after all.
cw: strap sex, strap sucking, praise, unnie kink, cunnilingus, lowkey manipulative!yeji, gratuitous smut, kind of pwp
wc: 2.4k
note: i got crazy writers block halfway through…. um this is super half-assed…. my bad! + i pulled out the proper punctuation for this one plz dont ask why ….. i was feeling diplomatic
Groupmates doesn’t always equal teammates. In fact, your relationship with Hwang Yeji was more like something akin to a rivalry— always at each other’s throats with knives and blades (and tongues) waiting to slash (or lick).
It hurt. It hurt your heart how much she hated you and hurt your head even more.
“I have needs,” Yeji whispers, licking a stripe up the valley of your breasts, tasting of pure, unsaturated skin and flesh. Of salt. Of innocence. “And… when your unnies have needs, you need to help, yeah? I would’ve helped you. Do you need me to help you? Help you learn?”
It felt wrong, almost. Chanting her name, almost like a prayer, begging and pleading for release while Yeji buried her face between your thighs. You wondered if she cared. If she gave a shit how wrong it was.
It was mostly you doing the dirty work anyway, using Yeji’s thick, jet black 7-inch of silicone and thrusting into her rhythmically, drool loosely hanging off your lips and dribbling into her mouth and hair. You felt like it was a part of you. Like the strap-on was your own, like you could almost feel her tight, virginal cunt clenching around it. Neither of you had ever been with anyone else before. Being an idol meant limited social interactions, let alone time with normal civilians long enough to fuck them. You had to help each other, is what Yeji always said, but as far as you were aware, the others didn’t have late-night meetings like this. Yuna had admitted that she had kissed Chaeryeong before, years ago, but it meant nothing. This wasn’t kissing. This was raw. Felt real. Maybe too real.
“Feels good, unnie,” you whisper, burying the cock deeper, and letting Yeji adjust to it’s size.
Yeji grunts. It’s low and throaty and leaves you dripping. You shouldn’t enjoy this as much as you do, but it wasn’t like she would know anyway. “Is that a question or a statement?”
A statement. You play it off. “It was a question,”
“Sorry. Do you feel… good? Unnie?” There are awkward pauses between your words.
“Y-Yeah. Feels fine.”
Just fine.
You can feel it. You can feel when she comes, and not even in some bullshit spiritual way. You feel it. You don’t remember Yeji being a squirter, but suddenly she is, her juices leaking all over the silicone. You pull out, and almost want to take the strap off and lick everything off of it. You imagine it tastes good. Clean and salty.
You don’t. It’s too many boundaries to cross in one night.
“Another?” you ask, letting the one word speak for itself while your fingers hover over the clasps of the toy.
“Quality over quantity,” Yeji says, a little too blunt for comfort. You want to be offended, but you aren’t.
“Am I getting better?”
“You’re regressing,” But you know she’s lying.
You scoff. “You came in two minutes,” and it’s truer than ever. Maybe even less than that. You’d always had good waist control, and maybe that’s what made you such a good dancer. “I’m obviously not getting worse. That was quicker than last time.”
“Freak. You’re counting?”
“It’s only an estimate.”
Yeji adjusts herself. “Fine. Fuck me again, then.”
“Quality over quantity.”
Touché. Always witty, never afraid.
Any other girl would pout. Beg like a dirty whore and get on their knees. Anyone would kill for a chance to be with someone as high profile as you. Yeji, however, couldn’t care less about how much money you have or how many fangirls you have lined up just waiting to suck your strap clean.
“I want quantity. I said, fuck me again. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
You won’t. You’ll obey, but not as easily as usual. Not as much as Yeji wants.
“Ride me, then. I want you on top, this time.”
Yeji meets your request with a bitchy eye roll. “Fuck, yeah, okay,”
And it’s always that easy.
You settle on your back and Yeji straddles you. She’s wetter than normal. Her folds shine in the light, nearly glistening with heat. They’re swollen too. Puffy and needy.
She lines the silicone up with her entrance and sinks, and the words come out embarrassingly fast, “God, you make unnie feel so fucking good,” and she doesn’t stop them, pushing nearly half of the length into her before stopping, taking a breath.
“You can do it,” you encourage, hands firmly on her waist,
“Stop talking.”
It’s lewd and messy when Yeji finally slides it all the way in. Soft squelching sounds, that of which derived from the silicone stretching her pretty cunt out. You moan, a sharp whine coming from the back of your throat as she sits on your waist, biting your lip gingerly. “Fuck,” You swallow. “Good girl. Just like that.” You give her ass a nice hearty smack. She swats your hand away. You were only being kind, after all.
At the very least, it isn’t an attempt to be romantic. She hates corny shit, and this isn’t corny. Well, maybe it is— but not in that way. It isn’t cheesy. It isn’t stomach-churningly cute, or soft, or sweet. You’re fucking your leader with a huge piece of silicone and praising her for her good work. God knows she needs it. It might inflate her ego, and she might use this moment against you, but sacrifices have to be made for a good time. And this? This is a good ass time. For you, at least. With her reactions, you’re not certain if it’s reciprocal.
“I feel full,” Yeji notes, breath shaky, slowly quickening her pace, rolling her hips onto the strap as it slides in and out of her. “Think I’m gonna come,” She huffs.
“Already?” You want to laugh, but you don’t. It’s ironic how cruel she is to you, how ruthless and mean and intense your work relationship is, but how easy it is to break her. How quickly you can make her lose it. How you can ruin her and she wouldn’t even mind.
Yeji moans. It’s loud and rough and Ryujin is sleeping just one thin wall away, and if that doesn’t wake her up, you don’t know what will. Nothing will get Yeji to shut up, not even you, but you make an attempt anyway.
“Shush, unnie,” you urge, brows furrowed in frustration as you impulsively and autonomously buck your hips up into her.
It only doubles her reactions.
“You only, fuck, you only make it harder when you do shit like that,” She hums, rocking on you, breath coming out in short gasps.
Finally coming down, Yeji climbs off of you and stands. Her knees shudder under her weight, understandably. Her cunt aches.
“I’m gonna go piss and get dressed. We have practice in thirty. Be ready.”
Another order. She’s good at giving those, evidently.
The next time it happens is a little less planned. Fuck it— not even that. It’s not prepared at all. It started off innocent, at least. If you get arrested for indecent exposure and get kicked out of your agency, you have an excuse. It’s her fault. It’s always her fault. Hwang Yeji is always to blame. She makes you like this, a horrific mess and a trainwreck of an idol.
“I could lose my job,” you say. “My life would be over,” you say. “All your fucking fault,” you say. You say, all while spilling your saliva all over her lips, messily pressing your lips to hers while you brush her wet and wispy red hairs away from where they stick on her cheek. You’re in full hair and makeup and wouldn’t like to ruin it, but maybe it’s a little necessary. Such an irresponsible leader, letting you ruin yourself in the bathroom of a music show. She doesn’t even seem phased with her clit against your skin.
Lucky for you, Yeji’s stylist wasn’t quite finished yet. Her makeup wasn’t finished below her nose and she was still wearing the clothes she came in — well, only half of them, anyway. Her skirt was splattered across the tile and her panties dangled off of one knee as she sat on your now bare thigh, A fistful of orange hair was left tangled in your hands, spilling out of your palms as she rides against your thigh. You always want to praise her. Tell her that she’s a good girl for letting you fuck her so close to showtime, but it almost aggravates you how careless she is. You could get caught. Not just by a groupmate— that wasn’t your concern. Sure, it’d be awkward for someone to catch you in such a… compromised… position, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. They’d keep it a secret, you were sure of it. Worst case scenario was your manager. God forbid he walk in. You were confined to a stall, sure, but it didn’t even matter when you were cursing and whining into Yeji’s slutty mouth, nearly begging her to keep going. Freak. How were you even getting off on this? She wasn’t even doing anything to turn you on, and somehow, some way, you were turned on anyway. Women tend to have that effect on you.
Yeji stopped rather abruptly, words still hesitating to come out. Your fingers duck down and push generously against her clit.
You aren’t trying to embarrass her, of course not. But, it feels a little good to make her shy, shuddering needily against your thigh. “Good fucking god, unnie,” you breathe, licking hotly up her neck, damp with sweat. “So fucking wet, all for me?”
She covers your mouth with the palm of her hand, eyebrows threading together in a twisted furrow while she lazily humps against you.
When she comes, it soaks your thigh, thick wetness dribbling down your leg and dripping onto the floor. “You made such a mess, unnie.”
You aren’t trying to embarrass her.
Of course not.
Yeji hates it when you sleep in her bed. She doesn’t think you’re unhygienic, or anything. You’re fairly certain she would let you sleep in her bed after you fuck her if it weren’t for the fact that you kick. When you’re asleep, you destroy her just as bad as you do when you’re awake. Roughly slamming your heels into her knees, elbowing her in the jaw. The rule is no marks. No bruises, no hickeys, no bites. Even if they’re done deep in slumber. Nothing.
You’re both a little distracted. You feel a teensy bit gross, too. The strap is on Yeji this time, and she isn’t even really doing much— because she never really wants to do much.
Goddamned pillow princess.
(You don’t mind.)
The silicone comes out of your mouth with a sharp pop, saliva pooling on the corner of your lip. You can’t even get mad at Yeji, because she’s unbelievably nice when you take her down your throat. She knows it isn’t the most comfortable.
“You’re so cute,” she whispers, scratching at your chin softly like you’re an animal. Something about it is a little domestic, really. You’re like her pet, in a way. Always ready to obey her even if it means discomfort or displeasure. Who are you kidding? Fucking your leader could never bring you any sort of displeasure.
Is she even getting off on this?
“What’s the point? Of this? Of all this sucking? You can’t feel it. I can’t really feel it.”
“Preparation. Tolerance building. You’ll never be able to handle something bigger if you don’t get used to this first.” Yeji claims, hands smoothly tousling your hair.
A brow of yours shoots up. “I’m the one who fucks you, usually, though.”
“Not always. Can you just take it like a good girl and be quiet? Open wide, please? For unnie?”
The conversation ends with an eye roll, your mouth open, and Yeji’s hand on your jaw while she slides it past your tongue. It’s wet and warm in your mouth. And still, a little gross feeling. Who were you to object?
“You’re something else,” Yeji whispers. “So obedient. I used to wonder why you never reject, but I understand now. You have a crush on me, don’t you?”
You gag a little. Not from the dick halfway down your throat. More from the downright ridiculous words coming out of Yeji’s mouth.
“Don’t be crazy, unnie,” you whisper as you pull back, a string of saliva between your top lip and the silicone.
She scoffs.
“Okay,” and she pats your thigh and lifts you onto the bed.
“Unnie, I can’t take all of that. Not down there.”
Yeji cocks her head. “Sure you can.”
“I can’t.”
“Do you…?”
Yeah. You do. You’re not sure what it is that you do, but you do.
“Okay,” Yeji unclips the strap from her waist and lays it gently in the drawer it came from. A little too gently. Like she gives a fuck about it, or you, or this.
Her tongue feels good on you. All over you, in fact. While it drags down your body, from your collarbones to your stomach, tender strokes of the muscle, flexing around the softness of your skin and down to your sweet cunt. Her tongue glides between your folds, lapping up your juices like a crazed animal that had been without water for months. She hadn’t done this before— but you felt a tightness in your stomach that wasn’t unfamiliar, but wasn’t something you were used to.
Her mouth alternates between sucking at your clit and fucking her tongue into your hole, sending you onto a frenzy of flexing your abs and thighs, back arching against the bed as you writhe. A cold hand settles on your waist and the other situates on your thigh, holding your leg over Yeji’s shoulder. It’s new. Fresh, and soaking, and so, so good.
“You taste so good,” Yeji mumbles into your pussy, mouth burrowed between your legs. She’s better at this than you thought, and it almost makes you wonder if she makes other girls’ thighs shake like this. If other girls experience her tongue on them like this. Whether you’re the only one doesn’t bother you— you’re just curious. You don’t question it.
And when you come, everything feels like levitating. Some sort of telekinetic force lifting everything from the floor. It’s ridiculous, maybe. Oh, well. Looking up at you as your stomach and chest rise and fall like a tidal wave, Yeji smiles, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.
She’s something else.
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babydollmarauders · 11 months
part of the el!hughes au
summary: y/n (lovie) and jack get into their biggest fight yet
warnings: fighting, mention of bad parents (lovie’s)
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my head slumps on the back of the couch as Eleanor’s cries pierce my eardrums.
“El, baby, c’mon.” i groan out.
my recently turned one year old is sprawled out on the apartment floor, throwing a fit over something of which i have no idea.
i tried to pick her up, but she just kept pushing my hands away, screaming ‘mama! no! mama, no! no, mama!’
it’s been two weeks of this, and i have a sneaking suspicion that her constant sour mood has been all because of the particular absence of her favorite person. Jack.
it’s been two weeks of early wake-ups and late nights. two weeks of El having meltdowns if i mess up even one thing, like giving her cheetos in a bowl instead of her snack cup, or suggesting Moana instead of watching Lilo & Stitch for the billionth time, or reading her the wrong book at bed time. it’s been two weeks of sleep regression, no naps, and her throwing her food every chance she gets. two weeks of her screaming if i try and leave the room, but screaming if i try and pick her up as well. two weeks of bags under my eyes, messy buns because my hair is horribly greasy, and surviving purely on coffee.
i’m tired. my feet hurt because every time i sit, El screams at me. my head hurts from her screaming. and now my stomach cramps because i, of course, both started my period, and have not had a moment to eat all day. i’ve broken down in tears nearly every night once i finally get El to sleep, because i don’t know how much more of this i can take.
tears well up in my eyes at this very moment, and it takes everything in me to hold back my own screams. not necessarily directed at my daughter, but just in frustration. i can’t think clearly. it’s nearing midnight and i’ve tried everything to get her to sleep, but she just keeps fighting it.
i know she’s tired, just like i am. she’s been up since five in the morning, which means so have i.
“i give up.” i cry out, burying my face in my hands, weeping into them in frustration and exhaustion. “i get it, El. you want your father. i know. please, i know.”
El’s cries pause and i peek through my fingers to see her watching me with a tilted head, before she bursts back into tears.
i steel my spine, wiping my own tears, and strengthening myself. i rise from the couch, scooping my daughter up, despite her smacks to my chest and pulls on my now-falling-out bun, and shuffle towards her bedroom.
going for the last ditch effort, i grab the hidden pacifier in her top dresser drawer, and pop it into her mouth before turning on the white noise machine in the corner and placing her in her crib.
i gaze down at her, watching as she yawns, tears still slipping from her eyes. her eyelids flutter closed before she pries them back open and stares back at me.
“Eleanor Elizabeth Hughes, you have to sleep.” i scold in a whisper.
retreating from the room, closing the door and listening for her wails; i nearly cry in relief when nothing comes. nothing but silence and the sound of the white noise.
my feet pad across the wooden floors as i walk to the kitchen, keeping an ear out for El’s possible whines. too drained to make myself anything sustainable, i settle for a yogurt cup and a cheese stick. bringing my snacks with me into Jack and i’s bedroom, i settle under the blankets.
i have no energy to put into paying attention to a show or movie, and not nearly enough to read a book; so i sit in silence, staring at the wall as i eat.
placing the now empty yogurt cup on my nightstand, i pick at the cheese stick, lost in thought.
i’m struggling.
i feel like a single parent half the time.
i’m not sure how actual single parents do it. the ones who have to work and take care of their children. because parenting in and of itself is a full time job.
i know it’s not fair of me to think so little of myself, but i can’t help feeling like a horrible mother. she never wants me anymore; only ever yearning for Jack.
and i get it. i yearn for him too when he’s gone.
but can’t she be happy with me?
i miss the sound of the front door shutting; too deep in my own head. too far gone in my own thoughts.
but i do hear the not-so-hushed whispers of my husband and his brother as they venture farther into the apartment.
i hear the ‘goodnight.’ from Luke before his bedroom door shuts. i hear the nursery door opening, the white noise from the room getting louder. and then a few minutes later, i hear the nursery door click shut and the sound of my husbands footsteps getting closer down the hall before our bedroom door opens.
my cheese stick is long gone, and my fingers now settle for playing with each other. my nails picking at the others as i still sit in a catatonic state of exhaustion; staring at the wall in front of me.
Jack lets out a breath of surprise when he notices i’m awake in the dim lighting of the bedside lamp.
“hey, lovie.” he leans down, his fists pressing down on the mattress top, and lays a swift kiss on my cheek before rising back up to his full height.
i glance over as he throws Eleanor’s pacifier onto his nightstand.
“i thought we agreed no more pacifiers when she turned one? she hasn’t had one in the past month.” he huffs, stripping his shirt off and throwing it towards the hamper in the corner of the bedroom, narrowly missing by an inch. he eyes the shirt for a millisecond before shrugging and repeating the process with his pants, this time making it in the hamper.
“yeah, well, you weren’t here to attend to her screams and i was.” i retort.
“so you resorted to the paci?” he questions, pulling a pair of flannel pajama pants out of his dresser drawer.
“stop mom-shaming me.” i snap, scooting down and flopping onto my side, my back facing Jack.
“lovie.” he sighs. the bed dips as he sits behind me. “that’s not what i was doing.”
“yes. you were.” i accuse. “you’re saying i’m a bad mom for giving my daughter what she needed in order to fall asleep.”
i turn in the bed to look up at him and he parts his lips to speak, but i keep going.
“but you weren’t here, Jack. you didn’t hear her cries, or have to try every trick in the book to calm her down. you weren’t awake with her for nineteen hours with no nap only to still have her fight bed time. so, yes, i resorted to the pacifier. and ya know what? it worked.”
“i get that you’re in a bad mood, but why are you taking it out on me? i wasn’t even here for you to get angry at me.” he remarks.
“i’m not.” i deny, closing my eyes and hoping he’ll take it as a sign to just let me sleep.
“you are.” he grunts. “and it makes me feel like i’m the bad guy for doing my job.”
“well, i wouldn't have to do this all alone if it weren't for your fucking job.” i know as soon as i say it that my words were uncalled for. but, before i can take them back, Jack stands from the bed, making my eyes fly open to look at him.
“do i not help when i’m home? i’m so sorry that me providing for our family is so hard for you.” he sneers. his sarcasm is not appreciated, and i sit up in the bed in anger. “i’m so sorry that you have to be a mother, while i’m gone making money so that you don’t have to work.”
i shuffle onto my knees on the bed, glaring daggers at my husband.
“when have i ever complained about being a mother? and when have i ever said that i don’t want to work? i never asked to stay at home! but it’s what i do, because not both of us can work without putting El in daycare. which you said you didn’t want to do.”
my finger juts at my chest before poking his. my words harsh in delivery, but quiet in attempt to not disturb the sleeping baby down the hall.
“i never once complained about being a mother. i love her.” i continue.
“are you implying that i don’t love her?” Jack fumes.
“i never said that!” i cry. “you’re putting words into my mouth!”
“i’m just trying to provide for us!” our attempted quiet is long forgotten now, and i can only hope that the white noise in El’s room is enough to mask our argument.
“you think i don’t know that?” i exclaim, he opens his mouth but i don’t let him get a word in. “i’m just saying that you don’t understand how exhausting it is being a single parent half the fucking hockey season! you leave and play games and go out to fucking bars to celebrate wins and i stay here and take care of our daughter, who for the past two weeks, only wanted you!”
Jack throws his hands up in the air, huffing in anger.
“well, i can’t help that! i get that it’s hard, but you’d think you’d be a bit more grateful. it’s part of my job to leave, y/n!”
of everything he’s said, it’s those words that cut me the deepest. and what hurts the most, as small as it may seem, is that within all of our fights, big or small, throughout our entire six years together, never once has he called me by my name while we fought.
it’s always ‘lovie’.
but suddenly, i’m ‘y/n’.
i lower myself onto my butt on the mattress. tears are streaming down my cheeks and i try to wipe them away before Jack can see them.
“now you’re gonna cry?” he lowers himself onto the bed and i push myself off of it in order to gain distance, now standing a couple feet away.
“i quit.” my voice is quiet and surrendered, my words sheltered. i watch as his face drops, lips parting in shock.
“what?” he mumbles, his eyes softening.
i shake my head, letting my tears flow freely now as i round the bed and i head toward the cracked open door.
“where are you going?” he questions, his tone still holding a dash of anger.
“to sleep in Luke’s room.” i reply. he calls after me but his words fall on deaf ears.
i need space.
i don’t bother knocking on Luke’s door, opening it to find him just now sitting down in bed, his hair wet and leftover steam drifting from his en-suite bathroom.
his head snaps over to the door as i close it, and at the sight of my tears, he pats the bed beside him.
a sob racks my chest as i crawl into bed with the boy i look at as a brother. he pulls me into his side, no words spoken between us as he rubs a hand over my hair, letting me cry into his chest and soak his plain white t-shirt.
a muffled cry escapes my lips and he squeezes me tighter, pressing a kiss to my scalp. nothing needs to be said, no words needed to be shared, just quiet shushes and his hand rubbing up and down my back, the other still holding my head tight to his chest in grounding.
i’m not sure how long passes before i cry myself to sleep, Jack’s words echoing on a loop inside my head.
‘you’d think you’d be a bit more grateful.’
i’m unsure what time it is when i awake, but Luke is gone from the bed, and the sun peeks through the bedroom window.
i know Luke and Jack have the day off, so if Luke is already up, then i must have slept in later than i usually do.
despite the apparent long sleep, i don’t feel as well rested as i should. my eyes flutter shut for a few moments, but at the sound of the familiar squeal of excitement from my daughter, drifting in through the crack in the door, my eyes fly back open.
i kick my legs free from the tangle of blankets and throw them over the side of the bed, peeling my tired body up off the mattress. i rub my eyes as i walk over to Luke’s bathroom, ignoring the mess amongst the counter and looking in the mirror.
my eyes are still red and puffy from crying, and i turn on the faucet, cupping my hands under the cold running water and splashing it on my face before drying it with the hand towel that’s thrown haphazardly on the counter.
exiting the bathroom and bedroom, i’m immediately met with the sight of El’s smiling face bounding down the hall. her chubby little legs wobble as she runs.
“mama! dada!” she squeals, motioning behind her. a grin overtakes my lips at her excitement.
“yeah? is dada home?” i ask with a laugh as she runs smack into my legs, reaching up with grabby hands.
my heart melts in my chest. for the first time in two weeks, she wants me.
“mama! dada!” she repeats as i hoist her up, lifting her above my head and rejoicing in her giggles.
my eyes are all too soon drawn to my husband at the end of the hall. he stands leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, a faint smile on his lips while my own falls at the sight of him.
our fight replays in my mind; flashes of his red face and his defensive stance. echoes of his harsh tone and his cruel words.
Jack approaches us, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips, but i shift my face, his lips landing on my cheek instead. pulling back, his face falls, hurt shining in his eyes. it hurts me to see him upset, but i can’t bring myself to feel too bad, as i, too, am hurting.
i maneuver around him, padding down the hallway with El in my arms, making my way to the open layout of the living room and kitchen.
Luke is sat on the couch, eyes on his phone while Lilo & Stitch plays on the tv, and i flop down beside him. El crawls into his lap, pushing his phone out of the way and pushing her smiling face into his line of sight. i watch his eyes light up, sliding his phone into his pocket and tickling her sides.
a laugh escapes my lips as he lifts El upside down in front of his face, making her giggle contagiously. but once again, my lips fall back straight as Jack enters the room again.
the day continues like this, living amicably with Jack, but not happily. as the day goes on, the more i reflect on our fight the night prior, and the worse i feel. i was in the wrong. i knew that last night and i know it now.
i know leaving El is hard for him, just as taking care of her without him is hard for me. but my guilt doesn’t erase his words.
i know he didn’t mean it, just as he knows that i didn’t mean mine, but it still hurts. he cut deep. he accused me of being ungrateful, the very same thing he knows my parents called me when i told them i was moving out.
‘you’re so ungrateful. we offered you to keep living with us even after your graduation, and you’d rather move out with your unstable little boyfriend than live with the people who raised you. well, don’t come crawling back to us, we don’t take ungrateful children.’
a lump grows in my throat as i compare the fights. it’s nine at night and Jack is in El’s room, putting her to sleep, Luke long having retired to his own bedroom, leaving me alone on the couch. my knees are pulled up to my chest, my arms hugging them tight, as tears stream down my cheeks.
a small part of me tells me i should apologize. i know if i do, he will too. he already seems to want to move past it.
but the larger part of me says to wait. to let him apologize to me. to make him acknowledge that we fought. instead of brushing past it like it never happened.
Jack strides into the living room, child free, and it’s the first time we’ve really been alone together all day.
i avoid his gaze, rather wiping my tears and averting my eyes to the television, which still plays the credits of The Little Mermaid from our before bedtime movie.
he sighs, taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch. his hand reaches out to graze my leg and i flinch at the soft touch. the larger part of me wins and i rise from the couch, stalking off to our bedroom and away from him.
i quickly change into my pajamas, hoping to be out of the bedroom before he comes in, but i’m not so lucky.
he enters the room as i’m pulling my t-shirt over my head. my t-shirt. not his. he notices this change quickly and shakes his head.
he stands silently, his back leaning against the now closed door as i pull on sweatpants, watching my every move.
i move to the en-suite bathroom when i’m done. making quick work of washing my face and brushing my teeth. when i finally finish with my nightly routine, i head back out to the still blocked bedroom door.
Jack eyes me up and down, and a quick wetting of his lips tells me he’s horny, but i laugh inside at the thought.
does me angry and upset, turn him on? does he really think he has any chance of getting lucky tonight when he hasn’t even apologized?
“can you move?” i huff, crossing my arms.
“where are you going now?” he questions, shaking his head.
“Luke’s room. again.”
“you know we have a bed, right? the one you were in last night before you left me alone in here.” his words twist my heart, but i stand my ground.
“oh, you mean the same bed i was sitting in when you implied that i’m ungrateful and selfish?” i mock, tilting my head.
“lovie.” his tone is defensive enough to let me know that he doesn’t plan on apologizing tonight, so rather than waiting and hoping for Jack to move, i push him aside lightly with my shoulder and slip through the door.
i knock lightly on Luke’s door and it doesn’t take long for him to open it, letting me slip through into the room.
“you guys are still fighting?” Luke asks, shutting the door and walking over to sit on his bed.
“i promise, this is the last time i’ll sleep in your room. if we’re still fighting tomorrow night, i’ll sleep on the couch.” i assure him, crawling up the bed and laying on my side, facing him.
“i don’t have a problem with you sleeping in here, lovie.” he sighs, laying down on his side so that we lay face to face. “i’ve just never seen you guys fight like this, ya know? you guys are usually so in love, it just scares me to see you fight. i want the best for both of you.”
my eyes soften and i raise my hand, running it softly through Luke’s unruly curls.
“Lukey, i’m still madly in love with your brother. one fight isn’t gonna change that.” i tell him. “he said some things that hurt me. i said things that i’m sure hurt him too. but we’ll get through this. we love each other.”
i speak with assurance, but at this point, i’m not sure if i’m reassuring Luke, or myself.
“you should go to sleep, bubs. you have practice in the morning.” i press a kiss to Luke’s forehead before he turns his bedside lamp off and flops down on his side, his back now facing me.
i follow suit, my back facing Luke as i close my eyes and let myself drift to sleep.
i’m woken up by little hands smacking my cheeks, immediately followed by the sound of my husbands whispers.
“oh no, El, we don’t smack mommy. we’re gentle.” he tells her softly, and soon after, i feel her open mouth press against my cheek; her version of a kiss.
my eyes flutter open and i’m met by the smiling face of my daughter. she’s held hovering above me by Jack, who seems worried for my reaction.
“hi, baby!” i coo, a smile stretching over my lips as i take her from him. “good morning, beautiful!”
“mama!” she cheers, followed by a steady stream of babbling.
“she woke up a couple hours ago. she was looking for you.” Jack tells me. “i just changed her diaper, and she already ate breakfast, but i noticed she’s been chewing on everything this morning, so i threw a couple of her teething toys in the freezer and she’ll probably want a popsicle soon to sooth her gums.”
i look up at him and nod, acknowledging that i heard him, before i sit up and lay El down on the bed, tickling her tummy and listening to her joyous giggles fill the room.
“Luke and i are off to practice, we’re running late.” he runs his hand over El’s hair, leaning down and kissing her forehead before turning to look at me again. “Luke said he wants to take El to the park after we get back. he said for me to ask you if you can have her dressed and her diaper bag ready for when he and i get back.”
“yeah, i can do that.” i reply and he nods, pushing off the bed and laying a kiss on my own forehead before he leaves the room.
i heave out a sigh, looking down at El, who’s already looking up at me.
“you wanna go take a shower with mommy?” i baby talk, pasting a smile back on my face. she smiles right back, grabbing at my shirt. “yeah, you do. you love showers, don’t you? my little water baby.”
El is all dressed and ready to go when Jack and Luke arrive home, while i stick the last snack into her diaper bag.
“hey, lovie.” Luke chimes, throwing an arm around my shoulder and squeezing my head into his chest. “she ready?”
“mhm! she should be good to go.” i confirm as i push out of his hold, stuffing the bag into his arms instead. “you have the stroller, right?”
“yeah, i’m taking Jack’s car and it’s already in the trunk.” he confirms, slinging the diaper bag over his shoulder and scooping his niece up from where she was already staring up at him by his legs.
“alright, say bye-bye to mommy and daddy!” Luke sings out, waving to us. El copies him, waving her entire arm about in order to wave goodbye, and with that, they’re out the door; leaving Jack and i in silence.
i busy myself by picking up the toys strewn about the living room floor, while Jack unloads the dishwasher. but tension lingers in the air.
maybe i should just apologize.
i hate this feeling.
i hate not being cuddled up with him right now.
we usually spend any El free hours curled up in our bed. napping, watching a movie, talking, or just taking part in general bedroom activities.
but instead, we’re across the room from each other, doing daily household chores and trying hard to avoid the screaming silence between us.
i drop a barbie into the toy box and stand up straight, looking towards my husband, who’s already staring at me with gentle eyes.
“i’m sorry.” i sigh, squeezing my eyes shut, holding my hands to my face. “i hate fighting.”
his hurried footsteps click against the wooden floors, stopping when he gets in front of me. his hands come up to mine, delicately pulling them away from my face before his arms encircle my waist.
“i hate it too.” he whispers, and i know his words hold a double meaning. he hates fighting and he hates leaving.
“i shouldn’t have said the things that i did. i shouldn’t have taken my bad mood out on you.” i let my head bob forward, my forehead laying against his chest. “i was tired, and i was angry at the situation, but not at you. never at you. you’re providing for our family, and i’m so glad that you get to do that by doing something you love.”
he kisses the top of my head, his lips lingering on my scalp.
“i’m sorry too.” he mumbles against me.
“i’m sorry for making it seem like i was mom-shaming you, i should’ve chosen my words more carefully. i’m sorry for making you feel bad. i’m sorry for accusing you of saying i don’t love her, i know that’s not what you were saying. and most of all, i’m sorry for implying that you were ungrateful. you’re not. i know you’re not. i should’ve never implied that you were.
“you’re an amazing mom, lovie. the best i could’ve ever hoped for El. i should’ve been more understanding about how hard it is for you to take care of her alone while i’m gone.”
i peer up at him, my chin still resting on his chest, and give him a pointed look.
“and i’m sorry for not calling you ‘lovie’.” he huffs out through a laugh. the corners of my mouth quirk up and i pull his head down to push our lips together.
my whole body melts even further into his, finally at peace for the first time in over two weeks.
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The importance of details
𖤐Hello everyone Kuronians𖤐
To day I would like to tell you about a very interesting frame that can be seen in the fourth season of Kuroshitsuji. This frame made me realise the importance of details and how much Yanuzza takes care of his work.
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As we can see, Ciel is in bed with the blanket covering him a little below his shoulder. He looks relaxed and we can tell this state because of his relaxed hand.The problem, however, is that Ciel would never sleep like that. A child who has been through something as traumatic as Ciel's would certainly not feel relaxed and comfortable in a strange place and with strange people. Rather, he would unconsciously seek some sort of 'protection', something that would shield him from reality, because as stupid as it sounds, falling asleep is not easy. Closing your eyes and resting means that you are relaxing and that you feel safe in the place where you are.
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Yanuzza in the manga did not draw Ciel casually. First of all, the blanket covers him up to his shoulders, or rather, up to his neck, as if to shield him, to protect him from the outside, thus giving him the right reassurance. The hand is clenched into a fist, as if to indicate a certain rigidity due to the new situation he finds himself in.
When we sleep, we do not have control over our bodies, and precisely because of this, the positions in which we sleep can tell us a lot about ourselves because our bodies can reveal needs, fears and more.
The fact that Ciel sleeps in the fetal position is no coincidence, because people who sleep in this position often have a sort of unconscious desire to regress to childhood. Could this be the case for Ciel? Yes probably, considering that he was once happy. The point is not so much this but the fact that those who sleep in this position unconsciously seek protection. I find this last point very interesting indeed because it is precisely what Ciel lacked at the time....
Besides that, in the first volumes (Luxury Line arc) when we see Sebasian's memories, we can see the first night of the human cub at the mansion. He was completely wrapped up under the blankets (including his head) and if I remember correctly, this position is called the 'sarcophagus position' or a similar name that has to do with death anyway. It is not only a comforting position, but it really becomes a den, a safe place.
In the new season they have changed the position by unintentionally giving a new character to Ciel.Surely there will be people who think like me while others will say 'but it's just a frame'.
What do I think as a graphic designer studying at the Rainbow academy? (yes, the Winx) in the other animated series (excluding Atlantic) although the character design was immature (so much so that in certain scenes the characters from a distance had coloured dots as eyes) the details seem to me to have remained the same, but if it had been the other way round I would have turned a blind eye, after all the whole reflected the dark world of Kuroshitsuji. I certainly can't say the same about the new season since they changed both the colour palette and the character design.
For the umpteenth time since this new season came out, here I am again saying 'I am sorry that Yanuzza's work has been belittled' . I think that in order to understand certain things, one has to be 'in it', for example: to make my monogram and give it a story, I spent a good three months on it! Yes, three months for a monogram. As always, I'll be honest, I don't like the fact that she works her ass off for all these details (details that undoubtedly distinguish a story from one with dicks) details that are then not mentioned in the anime (not to mention the colours and other things because otherwise we'd be here a week)
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For example, see how the real Ciel. It is the exact opposite of the position of "Ciel. If the brother is insecure enough to seek protection with blankets, Ciel doesn't give a damn about blankets. That is a position of one who is not afraid of anyone, a position that suggests a certain self-confidence, something that was missing in 'Ciel's' position.
I hope you enjoyed this post that makes us reflect on the details of the manga, a work that deserves much more because of the themes it deals with and the luxurious pain it is imbued with.
If you are curious to see more of my posts, you can find me on IG as Kuroshiutsuji_itaru 😈
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insanityclause · 2 months
When Tom Hiddleston landed his career-changing role in Marvel’s Thor back in April 2009, he never dreamed he would be playing the character for nearly 15 years. To be fair, no one did—except maybe Marvel’s mastermind Kevin Feige, who had begun laying the cinematic groundwork for a multi-billion dollar franchise. At the time, Hiddleston happily threw himself into extensive research and prep to play the duplicitous brother of Thor (Chris Hemsworth).  “I was cast in April 2009, and I had about eight months to build the character from the ground up,” Hiddleston says on this week’s Little Gold Men. “So that was a deep dive into everything Loki from any comic book, any Norse myth, any saga, everything—from the whole run of Marvel comics to the ancient Scandinavian stories, and how he pops up in The Ring cycle for Wagner, and Jim Carrey is wearing the mask of Loki in The Mask.” Hiddleston was trying to discover “this sense of, what's Loki's impact on human imagination and culture? And then synthesizing all of that into the story we’re telling. That was such a delightful period of discovery and curiosity.”
Hiddleston’s scene-stealing portrayal made him an instant fan favorite, laying a formidable foundation for a character who went on to appear in six more films and the stand-alone series Loki. The two-season series threw the character into a new dimension and timeline, stripped him of all his creature comforts, and gave the actor new challenges to tackle.
“In successive iterations, [my approach] has been, how do I keep it interesting?” he says. “I genuinely say this to myself and to others: ‘We're not reheating yesterday's meal in the microwave. We're cooking up something new.’ It's trying to find new ingredients or new challenges for the character, for us as actors, so that it feels like the same person is growing. Because that's what human beings do. They don't stay the same, they grow. Sometimes they regress, but there's always movement.”
Hiddleston has gone on to star in a wide array of projects outside the Marvel universe, of course, from his Emmy-nominated, Golden Globe-winning work in The Night Manager to Jim Jarmusch’s acclaimed romantic vampire drama Only Lovers Left Alive and Steven Spielberg’s epic War Horse. But he’s definitely spent the most time with the God of Mischief. And though no official announcement has been made, the final episode of Loki season two strongly indicates the closing of a formative chapter.
The actor and executive producer stopped by Little Gold Men for a thoughtful discussion about the gift of developing and playing a single character for so long, the surreal fun of working with drama school classmates turned costars Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Wunmi Mosaku, and getting to come up with the character's last line (for now). Listen below, where you can also read excerpts from the conversation.
Vanity Fair: Did the series version of Loki feel a little more stripped down, or did you have the same kind of mindset playing him as you did in the films? Tom Hiddleston: Yes. I think it was stripped down literally in the sense of taking away the costume, but stripped down spiritually and in his soul. I thought [the concept] was such a brilliant idea, and it wasn't mine. It was [executive producers] Michael Waldron and Kevin Wright, and the great and the good at Marvel Studios. I thought for any character, if you were presented with your life and watching a kind of highlight reel of it, what would it add up to? Would it be satisfying? Would it be meaningful? Would it be amusing? Would it be disappointing? And I thought to do that with Loki especially, as it's the journey of a life that the audience is familiar with, but he hasn't seen it. I just thought it was a brilliant conceit. And then I leaned into this idea of the leopard being challenged to change his spots. Because you'd have to if your life ended up in murder by Thanos and humiliation. You'd want to try something new.
And that was really fun, developing a story which was actually very philosophical. It asks the question of Loki, as I hope it asks the question of all of us: Are we in control of the course of our lives? Do we have any free will, and can we break free from any kind of predetermination? It seemed like a great question, and a fun way to ask it.
You’re also an executive producer on the series. How did you take on that role? What did you get to do?
Honestly, it was such an honor and I loved it. I loved the extra imagining and problem solving. I was invited into the writer's room really early, season one, even earlier on season two. And to borrow the words from Lin Manuel Miranda, to be in the room where it happens, and to sit around the table and break story and crunch through the great creative ‘what if’ questions—what if Loki did this? What if Mobius [Owen Wilson] did that? What if they couldn't find Sylvie? What if the TVA ran on an energy source, and it wasn't energy, it was time?
Can you take any credit for bringing Ke Huy Kwan or your RADA buddies Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Wunmi Mosaku on board? I love that that was a little bit of a through-line, that you all got to work together.
Well, when their names came up, Gugu and Wunmi particularly, I was able to say, those guys are great. And Ke was just an amazing idea because actually, [his character] Ouroboros was coming to life on the page. Somebody suggested Ke, and Everything Everywhere All At Once had just come out. And I was like, genius: somebody call him now before we lose him. He was so joyful and optimistic and happy to be there, so honored to be there. He'd wanted to be in a Marvel project his whole life, I think, and, and he brought everything and more to that character.
The day he landed, he came from the airport straight to the studio, probably thinking, ‘I'll just say hello and go back to my digs.’ And Owen and I were actually rehearsing the scene before Mobius and Loki meet OB for the first time. And he came in and he listened. And then we got to the bit where we were like, ‘You're in the next bit. Do you want to do it?’ He said ‘Okay!’ And he stayed and rehearsed for three hours. I think he felt completely crazy having just [traveled] across the continents, but it was so brilliant. And the chemistry was so immediate between the three of us, and so funny. We all love Ke.
Thinking about your journey with this character and all the places he has taken you, has there been a surreal aspect to it? I think about you being in drama school with Gugu and Wunmi—now you're getting paid to play.
It's a wonderful question, and I'm never unaware of the great gift that this job is. Especially because it happens all the time,: I go out into the world and I meet young people or children, and they're so amazed that they’re meeting Loki. I'm obviously not Loki, but the response is so immediate and so emotional and so joyful. What a gift. It's the best job in the world. And I never dreamed back then that I would be part of something with such reach and for so long. It just is the most unlikely, surprising, delightful thing. And we—Wunmi and Gugu I've known for a long time. It is amazing to look and go, ‘Can you believe we're here, we're doing this?’ It is exciting too, because it feels right in some way and they're great actors. They are brilliant.
Do you get recognized as the character, or are people starting to recognize you for your other work?
Oh, it's always different. I went to a friend's birthday party the other day—a friend and his wife, both turning the same age. They got a taco stand. I went to get my taco and the guys were like, ‘Only Lovers Left Alive, man. Love that film.’ And I said, ‘Thank you very much. That's very kind.’ Some people say The Night Manager. Some people stop me in the street and go, ‘It's you! You're the dancer.’ And they're referring to some talk show, some bit of dancing I did on a talk show from like a thousand years ago, which really tickles me.
Speaking of dancing, I wanted to bring up your physicality. With the most recent season of Loki in particular and that time slip, did you have to have massages and stretch after? Because it seems like such a jarring movement.
It's jerky, yes. I had to put my body under a kind of relentless physical stress. But I think it pays off in the way it's presented. In terms of movement and physicality, it comes from my own admiration for other performers when I sense that there is a really, alive and visceral physicality in the performance. Some of people are great actors, very cerebral, very intelligent, but sometimes not always fully embodied. And I love the actors who are giving me a sense that the whole body is occupying whichever space that is. They could be on a horse, they could be driving a car, they could have just run in through the jungle. I don't know, it could be anything, but a real sense of physicality is always something I admire in other actors.
One of my favorite things in doing a little research about your work on this season was that you got to craft Loki’s last lin,e and it also maybe came from going on a run. Can you talk about that? Well, first on running, I love it and it is a big part of my life. And a big part of my creative life. Running outside, in space, in the world with only your own legs to carry you and your own breath to fuel you, I find incredibly freeing. And it's where I do some of my best thinking and dreaming and imagining. Things bubble up from inside you. So I often run at the beginning of a day, very early and with an awareness of what's coming, what the scenes of the day are. Sometimes things will bubble up. And maybe that's just extra oxygen in the brain, who knows? 
But to the point about that last line: one of the things I kept trying to guide our team back to was that the whole series, both seasons, was really about finding purpose, or re-finding, re-defining, re-discovering a sense of purpose. And I think a primal need in all of us, is that we need our lives to mean something. So I kept coming back to this line from The Avengers, ‘I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose.’ And we kept thinking, well, if Loki has a second chance, he gets to redefine his purpose or re-imagine it. I went for a run and was listening to some film scores, and it was a beautiful day. I was thinking about the journey of playing this character and where it started, and all the people that I have had the great good fortune to work with and become friends with—that completely unique kind of soul-sharing relationship where you make something together. And I remembered the end of the first Thor film, and how emotional that felt and. I just suddenly thought, that's what he should say—but it should mean something completely different. Loki's last line in Thor, directed by Kenneth Branagh, is, ‘I could have done it, Father. I could have done it for you, for all of us.’ And of course his effort to gain his father's pride has been misguided and ill thought-out. And then at the end of Loki season 2, 14 years later, he turns to Mobius and Sylvie and says, ‘I know what I want I know what kind of god I need to be. For you. For all of us.’ It felt very resonant somehow. I hope the audience picked up on that.
Are you able to just say goodbye when it's wrap time, or do you have any sort of meditative, formal way of saying goodbye to a project or a character?
That's such a good question. I think it's a very honest, immediate feeling of relief, which they say is the most intense human emotion. You'd think it was anger or grief or something, but actually relief is—the way relief kind of washes through you, and a sense of finality that some finish line has been crossed and there are no more miles to run. And for me anyway, huge amounts of energy have been stored inside myself which had been poured out over time—over maybe 20 weeks or however many months. 
I love that feeling of completeness. The great joy of what I do for a living is that it involves very intense, very close working with a team. And the pride that you can feel with your teammates, with your crew, with your cast—you just hang around and say goodbye, but it never really is goodbye. And there's just a sense of, like, “that'll do, pig,” you know? Yeah: that'll do, pig.
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v3nusxsky · 10 months
Hi! Could you do a CG Natasha/Little!reader? Where the reader has abandonment issues, and severe separation anxiety ( due to basically being passed around the foster care system) and she breakes a cup on accident ( or breakes something) and panics because she thinks her momma will be mad and leave her and fluff/comfort happens?
Love bug
*Authors note~ Mars failing her driving exam with silly mistakes equals an Agere fic so I hope you all enjoy*
Trigger Warnings~ little r cg momma nat mentions of Wanda (aunt) hinted at foster care rough childhood and abuse
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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You were okay before she left, you managed to kiss her goodbye and totally didn't cry. Well you did but after she left. It was silly really, she'd be gone twelve hours maximum, the mission so low risk she'd be doing a duo rather than a whole team. Without you. Of course you worry for her, as she does for you, but for some reason this mission was hitting you hard. Perhaps it was the fact it was last minute or maybe you'd just been pretty sensitive today. But either way Natasha had asked Wanda if she'd keep an eye on you today. It made things easier for you to have someone around when Nat couldn't be there.
Natasha left about ten in the morning and you weren't expecting her to be there till ten at night, so of course you cried yourself to sleep for a nap. Your hope was that it would take up most the time but in fact you only managed to sleep for an hour and a half. You'd woken up feeling rather small, not really understanding you'd regressed or why you'd done so. But the list that you'd made yourself to keep yourself busy and fully distracted from your lover's absence was forgotten.
Without the mental capacity to even consider doing all your adult you tasks you just rolled over and snuggled into your Mama's pillow, nuzzling into her scent hoping to convince yourself she was truly right her. It did nothing but make you miss her more now. Crying was your only reaction to this and that's how Wanda found you when an hour later. Eyes now puffy and red as you sobbed for your Mama. "Oh darling, are we a little one?" Wanda murmured gaining your attention and receiving a small nod and whimper of "Auntie Wan" accompanied but sniffed and whimpers."I'm here lovely, what can Auntie Wanda do for you?"
"Wan Mama" you whimpered, pouting at the mind reading witch. "Oh I know my darling girl, remember Auntie Wands can read your mind?" Her attempt to get you off of seeking out Natasha seemed to work for now, you gasped as if you didn't already know this information. That was how Wanda was stopped showing you call little tricks with her magic that had you amazed and mesmerised on her rather than who wasn't here. With the promise of more tricks with her magic she managed to convince you to come and settle down with the team. They loved when you regressed and your little state loved them just as much.
You spent hours with the team, even eating a little as auntie Wanda made sure Bucky and Thor were unsuccessful in their attempts to try and "steal" your food of your plate. You giggled every time the tried and wands would remove their hands with magic. Tony filled your mind of all these cool toys he could design for you and all the gadgets he could make for his favourite little Avenger. You didn't know you were the only little Avenger and you most certainly didn't know that your Mama and Auntie Wanda would string Tony up the second they thought you'd be in any danger.
Natasha was due back in an hour and a half now. The team watching all the movies your little headspace loves to watch, in fact you'd began with 101 Dalmatian's so it only made sense you'd watch 102 and 103 Dalmatian's. In fact on the third film Wanda decided everyone should have a warm drink to settle themselves for bed. Really it was so you didn't feel alone when she asked you to have your night time drink. Your headspace meant you were willing to drink from a cup with some support so Wanda happily helped you drink. But one time you got brave, curiosity running through your mind as you attempted to be a big girl and make your Mama proud. But the crash of the mug smashing on the ground startled everyone, your warm drink spilling everywhere amongst the shattered mug. Immediately, you began to attempt to clean the mug, not realising in your little state you could hurt yourself, and mumbled "Im sorry! I'm so sorry! Mama gone be mad me I sworry wan no tells Mama on mes? I fix I fix it please no want mana leave."
Bucky attempted to come near you only causing you to shrink further into the mess and cry a plea of forgiveness and that you'd fix it. You didn't want to hurt again. You wanted to make sure your Mama didn't hate you, that she would stay with you and that she still loved you. All these people were wrong, and that made you mad. You wanted your Mama and the fact they wouldn't get her caused a meltdown.
Wanda quickly became the gravity for you, ushering the men away from the room and immediately scooping your crying form off the floor and using her magic to clean the mess. "Hushhhh little one, it's okay it's all clean. All gone. No one is mad. Your Natty is still gonna love her precious girl I promise" Wanda soothed as you sobbed into her shoulder hiccuping through them. "Shh little one. I'm here aren't I? Did I go?" Causing you to shake your head, "want Mama."
"Did I hear my Lovebug wants her Mama?" Natasha's voice rang through the compound causing you to stifle a sob and gasp clinging to Wanda. Although you wanted Nat more than life itself but the fear of her getting mad at you for the mug and leaving you alone. "I'm sorry no let hurt me. I'm sorry mama I no mean do it I try fix" you whimpered showing your hands that Wanda had magic bandaids on for you. "Oh my little Lovebug, Mama isn't mad I promise. I'm here baby I promise and so is Wands here. She took care of you for me huh?" You nodded and pointed to the television where the white spotted dogs were. "Ah I see you had doggies on huh? You must be super tired love bug. I think it's time my lovely girl gets some rest with me. Wanna cuddle my baby while we sleep" she whispered kissing your head as Wanda helped guide you into Natasha's arms. From there you'd have a few more meltdowns before drifting off to sleep with your head buried into her neck.
Word count~ 1178
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starsurface · 3 months
Helloooo!! I really love your headcanons, ESPECIALLY the baby regression. I always find myself AWWWING and being all big smile when I read your work, REALLY good job! Could I ask for Link Kuei brothers (they are my faves) with a baby regressor reader, you know, something similar with your last post (lui kang, raiden, kung lao, Johnny and kenshi with baby regressor)? Keep up the good work!!👍🫶
Hiiiii!!! I'm so glad you like them, it means so, SO much to me!! <3 <3 <3
I didn't have many ideas, and I can totally do a pt 2 or more hcs!!!, but I hope you like them. <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, & Tomas w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
❄️ Your probably good friends with the Lin Kuei Brothers
🔥 ^ Whether your actually Lin Kuei or not doesn’t really matter
💨 If you are Lin Kuei, or just train with them, Bi-Han takes it upon himself to make sure you get a chance to regress after a really hard day of training (that he put you through . . .)
❄️ If you train with them and get hurt, Kuai Liang always has some bandaids on hand
🔥 ^ They’re decorated too!! Whatever design you want to have!! He got them just got you <3
💨 Tomas has a habit of accidently making you feel really small
❄️ It’s not his fault!! But he has a habit of doing ‘big’ things for you (like reaching down to tie your shoe if it’s untied)
🔥 ^ He does the shoe thing for everyone, once got kicked in the face by Bi-han for it
💨 Don’t worry, you sent Bi-Han to timeout (which he begrudgingly served)
❄️ Okay, scenario-
🔥 Whether your good at training or not . . . You still got kicked in the face by Tomas :(
💨 Really hard too!! This mans a little brother of two ninjas, play fighting is fighting for your life out here 😮‍💨
❄️ It wasn’t necessarily the kick that made you regress on spot, but the 360 spin your body did as you fell to the ground defintently didn’t help (when i say kick hard, i mean he was sparing you like you were Bi-Han)
🔥 He felt terribly bad, especially when you began to blubber and just sit there, holding onto your buised cheek
💨 Kuai Liang rushed over first, gently shushing you as he picks you up, and Bi-Han goes towards Tomas for one of the biggest scoldings Tomas will ever receive in his life
❄️ (^ Also don’t worry, you four were training for fun, so no one was around. If they were, the Grandmaster’s icey glare would keep them away)
🔥 Kuai Liang took you to his room, gently shushing you as he patched your cheek
💨 He gently dried your tears and let you cuddle up to him, giving you some pain meds for the time being
❄️ ^ Kuai Liang gives really nice hugs (unless it’s summer), he’s warm and like a big teddy bear
🔥 It isn’t long because Tomas and Bi-Han come to find you, and it almost looks like they got into a fight
💨 Tomas starts spewing apoligize, never meaning to hurt you the way he did
❄️ You do forgive him, after babbling a few things about him being naughty
🔥 Tomas gives you a bone crushing hug afterwords (and I mean bone crushing, survival rate is low) 
💨 ^ Bi-Han has to tell him to watch his strength and Tomas does lighten up though
❄️ The rest of the day is spent doing whatever you want, tv, coloring, making Bi-Han buy your favorite food
🔥 Different scenario-
💨 There are nights where you come to the three brothers already feeling small and a bit clingy
❄️ Suprisingly, Bi-Han is the first to scoop you up, claiming that you should have only came to the best, not these other incompitents
🔥 . . . If you repeat his last word, Kuai Liang snatches you from him and Tomas begin scolding Bi-Han for using naughty words around you (it’s not nice to tell that to others, Bi!!)
💨 There’s a bit of bickering from the three of them
❄️ They all want your attention (very similar to a Johnny and Kung Lao senerio)
🔥 Although unlike Johnny and Kung Lao, they don’t use mean voices and agree to certain things
💨 Kuai Liang wants to color with you? Alright, Tomas and Bi-Han will sit close by, recommending colors and such
❄️ ^They’ll also praise anything you make!! Two scribbles? Going on one of their walls (they’ll fight over it too)
🔥 Tomas wants to play peek-a-boo or have a dance party? (Johnny’s influencing him)
💨 Tomas will hold you on his hip, twirling you two around as you giggle
❄️ Bi-Han and Kuai Liang also demand a turn dancing with you (much to Tomas's pout)
🔥 Bi-Han’s request is very simple, he just wants to have a small cuddle session
💨 He’ll turn on whatever cartoon you want, and hold you while he lays on the couch, you on his chest
❄️ Kuai Liang and Tomas both wiggle into the cuddle session too, and the four of you end up taking a long nap <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hey, you guys remember when I made that CG Johnny & Kenshi w/ Regressor Tomas? Someone called me out saying I did one of the characters (I'm assuming Tomas) really out of character, do you think I should redo it?
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jjtheresidentbaby · 7 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Night In ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| mike schmidt x vanessa shelly
warnings: little!vanessa, cg!mike, established mike/vanessa both romantic & regrssor/caregiver, they live together, slight angst, vanessa’s insecure about her regression, nicknames
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Mike chews the inside of his cheek as he drives down the long stretch of empty road back towards the Schmidt house, it’s far too quiet in the car, and while the car is usually a little quieter without Abby in the backseat, this is almost eerie. They’re driving forty minutes home from the hotel Abby is staying with Ness at- he’s become a trusted babysitter and had offered to take the girl to an upcoming convention for some show they both watch - Mike honestly doesn’t know how a nine year old and a twenty something year old waiter can be this excited about the same show but he was happy to get the alone time with Vanessa.
After everything that’s happened it’s been hard to find time for just them, Mike’s working a new job, Vanessa’s been doing double time since getting out of the hospital, they’ve all been going to therapy- life has been busy. Thankfully much more settled, but some time for tlc is always appreciated, and the longer this car ride goes on the more Mike thinks Vanessa really needs it.
She’s been shifting in her seat every five seconds with a twisted up look on her face as though she can’t get comfortable and her eyes have been looking anywhere but at Mike. It’s worrying him to the point he contemplates pulling over to figure out what’s wrong- but he’ll hold off and start with just asking, trying to remind himself that jumping to conclusions only leads to him getting anxious which is the last thing he needs if Vanessa’s already having a bad time.
“Nessa? You okay?” He drops his voice soft and caring, glancing at the blonde girl only to be turned away from.
“I’m fine.” The response is quick and pitchy, almost nervous sounding, she’s chewing on her thumb nail and staring out the window like she’s never seen anything more interesting in the whole world.
“Are you….feeling small?” Mike hesitates as he asks it. While he’s always eager to take care of Vanessa when she’s little and he loves to be able to help her heal from her horrid childhood; he knows Vanessa isn’t always keen on going small or even admitting she may need to/already is.
“I’m sorry…” The girl mumbles back and Mike swears his heart shatters to nothing. Screw it- he’s pulling over.
“Mike? What are you doing?” A surprised squeak leaves Vanessa when Mike swerves over to the side of the road, a little more chaotically than he thought it’d be.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. But, Nessa, you don’t have to apologize for going small.” A saddened look falls to Vanessa’s face as Mike turns in his seat to face her, reaching to take her hand carefully.
“We’re supposed to be having a romantic night to ourselves, not-.” Her eye flick away from Mike, a wetness to her lashes and her teeth dug into her bottom lip as if she’s keeping back sobs.
They have reservations for a nicer restaurant that’s a few towns over, Mike ironed his dress shirt before they left and he knows Vanessa was going to wear one of her dresses, but none of that is more important than her being comfortable. Not to Mike anyways.
“That’s not true, we’re having a night to ourselves, romantic or not. We could go home and clean the entire house if we wanted to, or drive around until I run out of gas, or hell- we could go running through the woods in the pitch black if we really wanted to. The only thing that matters is that we’re together, okay?”
“And I’d hate to miss a chance to see my best girl.” Mike moves his free hand to brush his thumb against Vanessa’s cheek, smiling when she blushes and giggles at the touch. The nickname ‘best girl’ started after Abby realized Vanessa didn’t have a version of her own nickname ‘sweet girl’ that Mike’s been calling her since she was still a baby.
“You sure? Don’t wanna ruin the night.”
“You’d never ruin the night, ever.”
Eventually the two make it home in much better spirits, Vanessa had started to sing along to the radio loudly while Mike was driving and she’s still humming as she bounces up the walkway to the front door. Mike’s more than relieved that Vanessa seems to be enjoying her regression, he always hates to see when she’s upset and small, it’s a different type of hurt.
“What do you want for dinner? We just went shopping so we still have options.” A grin breaks over Mikes lips when Vanessa comes to wrap around his waist where he’s bent to look into the fridge. There’s still leftovers from last nights dinner but there’s still plenty of fresh ingredients for Mikes to cook something new.
“Pizza? That’s the one thing I can’t make!” Vanessa giggles as Mike comes to scoop her into his arms, placing her on his hip with a playful squint when she pokes at his nose with her pointer finger.
“Pizza. With pepperoni.” He pretends to think it over for a moment- they both know he’ll cave- but he still likes to watch Vanessa’s eyes go big and puppy dog like as she waits.
“Okay, okay, enough with the eyes. We can get pizza.” Both Vanessa and Abby know giving Mike puppy dog eyes will get them just about anything they want, and judging by the smug smile on Vanessa’s face she definitely knew it’d work with this.
“With pepperoni.”
“With pepperoni.” He confirms with a kiss to the side of Vanessa’s head.
A night of pizza and cartoons honestly sounds better than going to some fancy restaurant where he’d have to wear uncomfortable clothes and eat overpriced food while pretending he didn’t feel completely out of place in the restaurant. Holding Vanessa to his chest as she steadily chews on her hoodie strings is also better than seeing her wearing a tight dress - which she looks absolutely stunning in- but he knows bothers her with how stiff it is. They don’t need some expensive dinner or anything like that, they just need each other.
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sphynxratedr · 11 months
Little Steve struggling to stay big, ultimately fails, misses Eddie, Eddie comes and comforts his baby <3
Little!steve 🧸
kink regressors dni
Steve is /tired/
Absolutely exhausted
And he doesn’t know if it’s mentally or physically or both (probably both)
But if another person asks about a movie that he hasn’t seen or where something is when it’s right. In front. Of their face.
He’s over it
Steve bites at his lip as he stocks tapes back into their place, his mind wondering to being home at the trailer and cuddling with Eddie.
Just being around Eddie.
He misses his teddy
Steve huffs and shakes his head, his mind can’t wonder at work
He hears the bell ring
Why can’t people just stay home?
“Helloo birdie Buckley”
Steve whips his head around at the sound of Eddie
“Hi Edward”
Steve imagines the grimace on Eddie’s face
“Gross, okay bucks where’s my boy” he asks, Steve just knows he’s leaning on the counter like he always does
“Uh horror section? I think? Just call him he can hear-kinda”
Steve pouts at that “hey! I hear just fine”
Steve hears Eddie before he sees him, the sound of metal jingling and boots thudding. Eddie bounds around the corner, smiling a bright smile with his cheeks a little flushed
“Hi baby” he greets
Steve suppresses a wide smile, the nickname making his mind fuzz
“Hi Ed’s” he looks down at the tapes he’s holding as if they were more interesting
“Hi baby” Eddie says again, but this time as if he knows. Can see right through Steve and tell right away. He can always tell
Steve flushes and turns, Eddie crowds towards him. Steve smiles feeling the pressure on his back. Eddie places a kiss on his shoulder, they’re safe behind the shelves.
Eddie moves to kiss his neck, nothing but innocent affection steve knows
“Missed you, honey” Eddie says softly, hugging Steve from behind
“Missed you too dork” steve rolls his eyes and leans back into eddie
“Just wanted to let you know that the guys wanted to go out tonight for guys night? I dunno I think gareth has a crush on this girl at the hideout and needs a wingman. Which-” Steve feels Eddie huff a laugh into his neck
Steve doesn’t reply, frown setting in. It’s been a while since Eddie’s went out with them outside of hellfire…usually at home with Steve or taking care of him when he regresses
He fights the urge to whine out and fuss. He’s big!
“Sounds fun Ed’s” Steve says softly
“You okay with that?” Eddie moves his hands up and massages at Steve’s shoulders
“Yeah babe, you should have fun” Steve shrugs lightly, tilting his head to place a kiss at Eddie’s hand
“Are you sure? You..” Eddie lowers his voice further “You seem a little small no?”
Steve bites his lip before responding “Just felt fuzzy for a bit, I’m okay though it’s already going away” Steve tries harder to pronúnciate his words
Eddie nuzzles into his neck, “You sure..?”
Steve let’s out a laugh, mind feeling distant before he tries to focus “Yes, Eddie. I’ll be okay, I’m a big boy. You don’t gotta take care of me all the time”
“Hey, you know I like doin it. You’re my baby anyway” Eddie pulls Steve close in a tight hug. Steve smiles before turning, finally meeting Eddie’s eye
“Hey” he smiles and placed a kiss on Eddie’s cheek
“Hi yourself” Eddie kisses his forehead then looks down at his watch “Ugh I gotta dip, promised I’d help dress gareth up” he rolls his eyes “he’s more of a girl than I am” Eddie ruffles his curls
Steve snorts “whatever Munson, get outta here” he places his hands on Eddie’s shoulders, Eddie melts for a second before leaning down, he kisses Steve properly. It’s tender and soft. Steve smiles into the kiss, all the worries melting away
“Okay..I’ll see you later tonight-I’ll try to hurry” he cups Steve’s cheek. Steve nods, kissing Eddie’s palm
“You better”
It takes another five minutes before Eddie leaves, lasts last kisses shared
Steve feels better after that, his shoulder less tense and his mood much less grumpy
Except it doesn’t last
It starts going down hill again, he has to work a double now that a new hire decided not to show. Robin offers to stay but Steve can tell she doesn’t want to so he shrugs and waves her off. He can handle it (he can’t)
People come in in an extra bad mood. Demanding to know why he sold an r rated film to 12 year olds (a tape which suspiciously had gone missing last week-)
Someone not paying attention when he asks them the usual check out questions.
People coming up and deciding they don’t want a tape and just giving it to him when they could just. Put it back.
And finally, people being upset at prices. As if he’s the one personally deciding prices- he doesn’t even know how that works. I mean do they price based on the film?
Based on how the tape was made? The casing?
Steve shakes his head as he locks up. He’s tired so so tired. He huffs and pulls at the doors, double checking that they locked. Finally, he gets to his car that has been there since 9:30am.
It’s 10pm.
he gets in. Shuts the door. Hands places on his steering wheel. He feels his eyes sting with tears
no. You gotta drive
He rubs at his eyes harshly and turns the car on. He can just. Just drive home and put on Scooby doo and eat a bowl of cereal and Steve is driving down the road now. Unfortunately the universe has decided to give him every. Single. Red light
His hands shake as they grip the wheel
Just a bit further-
And the drivers. It’s as if everyone and their mother didn’t pass their drivers test it’s a small town how do you almost merge into someone?Steve’s eye twitches as he honks at a driver that cut him off.
He takes a deep shaky breath
“Just gotta get home. Home home”
He stops again at a light, the last one before more open road that leads right to the trailer park. Steve speeds down the road finally, definitely going 55 in a 45 but fuck it! Eddie’s done worse.
Steve frowns at the thought of Eddie-Eddie isn’t home, he’s with the band. Steve let’s out a whine high in his throat as he turns into the park
Eddie’s not home
he stares sadly at the spot where Eddie parks the van
He’s alone tonight..
Maybe he should call up the bar and-
Steve bites him lip, hand coming up to fidget with his bottom lip. He can’t do that! He’s been small before Eddie even told him what it was!
He could do it again
Steve gathers all his usual things. A soft blanket Eddie gifted him, his favorite stuffie Benny, he grabbed a bowl of his favorite cereal (yes everything in his hands) He places the bowl down as he grabs the milk, carefully pouring it and smiles as he pours perfectly. He feels giddiness fill his chest. He goes to call out to Eddie but his smile falls as he remembers
“Alone t’night, stevie” he says to himself “we got this, dids it before an can do it’s again”
He plots down onto the couch now, arranges Benny into his lap and scoops cereal into his mouth. He nods to himself
“M doin good right benny?” He whispers down at the little dog stuffie Steve smiles and rubs a hand on its head. He finished eating no problem, places the bowl into the sink like teddy has told him to
He feels proud of himself! If eddie was here he’d definitely give Steve two little stars! Again, Steve frowns at the reminder of Eddie’s absence
“Nuh, just gotta wait and then can tell teddy I did good. Put milk, I eats, puts in sink” Steve nods with a smile and settles again on the couch, Benny in his lap
“Yeah and teddy gonna be so proud, gonna say I’m good”
With that Steve rubs his face into the soft fur of the stuffed animal. He turns the tv on and searches for Scooby doo. He knows by now that there’s always late showings. As the night goes on, Steve’s eyes get heavy he blinks sleepily at the tv. He’s not sure how long he’s been watching but it’s the second mystery solved. He blinks his eyes over to the clock on the wall
“Lil hand s’hour an..big hand is…is min-mm” Steve takes a deep breath blinking again to get his eyes to focus, he frowns when he finally reads the time
Eddie said he wouldn’t be back too late, but how late is too late when it’s boys night? Steve let’s out a whine. What if Eddie’s not back until 3am? What if he’s not back later? what if he doesn’t come back? Steve takes a couple quick breaths, hugging benny close. He feels his eyes start to water, hot tears running down his cheeks
“Ed’s gonna come back right Benny? He’s gotta” he nuzzled into the fur making it wet
what if m too much? And he doesn come back?
Another whine at the thought. Steve swallows harshly. No,,no he knows his teddy he’s just having fun! How could steve worry over silly things when he knows Eddie will be back soon
Just making him take care of you when he gets backs
he’s gonna be too tired to deal with you
Steve frowns and wipes at his cheeks. He can’t let Eddie see him little when he gets home, he is gonna be tired. Too tired to care for him-Steve shouldn’t even need to be cared for
He has to be big, he’s gotta be the one to care for Eddie when he gets back
He huffs and stands, benny and his blanket in hand. He marches right to their room, places the blanket on the bed before leaving Benny on his pillow and makes his way back out
(Before turning right back around and grabbing benny to sit besides him on the couch)
Steve huffs and grabs the remote. Flick through the few channels they have before a late horror movie clicks on. Thats good, it’ll make him big
Sadly it doesn’t work
If anything it’s just made Steve smaller. He hides behind his hands then his knees as he balls himself up on the couch.He refuses to grab for benny whose a few inches away. He doesn’t realise how late it is before the trailer door is opened. He jumps slightly, letting out a yelp and covering himself
Steve’s basically panting has he lowers his hands he blinks away tears he didn’t know were there
“Teddy?” He whispers
Eddie frowns, closes the door and toes off his boots before making his way to Steve
“Are you small?” He asks softly, kneeling down next to the couch. Steve shakes his head and wipes at his cheeks
“I’m big” he lowers his voice a bit
Eddie squints his eyes slightly, looks at the hoodie Steve’s wearing, benny next to him then at the tv that’s still playing the movie. He frowns
“Baby, Whyre you watching a scary movie? You’re too little for that” he grabs the remote and clicks it off
Steve pouts “I’m not little, I’m big” He crosses his arms, fighting the urge to melt at Eddie’s words and fall into his arms
“And why are you up so late sugar? It’s like 1am” he frowns again, ignoring Steve’s last response
Steve frowns, feels a tug in his chest at Eddie’s frown
you’re making him feel bad
“You gotta get to bed Ed’s” he whispers
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow
“Baby love” he cups at Steve’s cheek
Steve curses at the whine he lets out
“Stop Ed’s I’m big!” He pushes away Eddie’s hand
Eddie’s frown deepens at that, his baby never pushes him away unless somethings really wrong
“You’re big?” He asks, moving his hand onto Steve’s knee instead
Steve nods and a soft ‘mhmm’
“Are you sure? I was really missing my baby tonight” Eddie pouts. Steves eyes widen slightly before he looks away
“Not here” he shakes his head “big Steve. Not little”
Eddie shuffles closer and pokes at steves tummy,“But I reaaalyyy missed my steviebaby” he leans his head onto steves knee. “Can’t I get my baby?”
Steve hums to himself, more of a grumble “No cause he’s not here” he shakes his head
Eddie huffs before his eyes fall onto benny “Well I guess benny will have to do, I’ll just tell benny he’s been a good boy and give him a little star, I mean the little pup has had such a long day I bet he wants some cuddles”
Steve worries at his lip, eyebrows raising with his frown. Eddie hears a quiet whine
“Yep, cmon steve we gotta give bennyboy a sticker”
Steve nods wordlessly as Eddie picks up benny (gently holds him to his chest) Steve crosses his own arms and follows Eddie to their room. He watches Eddie pull out the star sticker pack and grab a little blue star
“You wanna give it to him?” Eddie asks softly
“No! You can do it” steve huffs and plops onto the bed both his arms and legs crossed. Eddie frowns, feels close but not quite.
“Okay then, here we go benny. For being such a good boy- oh you wanna tell me about your day?”
Steve turns away from Eddie, clearly grumpy
“Ah, you had a bad day? And you feel sad and grumpy? Oh benny it’s okay- thank you for telling me. Good boy for letting me know” Eddie pats at the stuffed animals head, looking towards Steve. He sees how scrunched up Steve’s should let’s are. “Baby?” He says gently “You wanna talk me whats wrong? Why you were crying honey?”
Steve mumbles softly, back still towards Eddie
“Babylove I can’t hear you” he places a hand gently onto Steve’s back
“I want a star!” Steve turns to him “I want a star cause-cause” he takes a shakey deep breath “a’cause I had a long day an-an Im upset an work was bad, an people were so mean teddy! An’ I did the milk and didn’t spill! I ate cereal an i put the bowl in the sink like you saids to! And I was good. I wanna be good too”
Eddie’s eyebrows are raised as Steve rambles, he pulls Steve into his chest and holds him close “Oh my baby” he pets at steves hair as the boy sniffles into his chest “You had such a hard day didn’t you? And you did it all alone” he rubs down Steve’s back
Steve nods and wraps his arms around Eddie
“Did alone, robbie went home and I kept workin” he mumbles
“You kept working? You had a double?” Eddie pulls back, Steve whines at the movement
“Hadda” he nods
“Oh Stevie” Eddie places a kiss onto his forehead “And you came home and took care of yourself didn’t you baby? You were a big boy for me and did all that?”
Steve flushes and nods “cn’I get star?” It’s raspy and it makes Eddie’s heart ache
“Baby you can get all the stars you want, I’m so proud of you baby boy, you did so good” he cups Steve’s cheeks and wipes away stray tears “My good boy, thank you for telling me honey- why didn’t you want to tell me before? Were you little at work? How long have you been small”
Steve giggles into his chest then sniffles
“Too many questions teddy” he tilts his head up and rubs at his eyes
Eddie smiles
“Sorry lovely, I’m just worried. But maybe we can talk about it tomorrow yeah? We can cuddle and get some sleep and sleep in and have a little day for you tomorrow okay?”
Eddie watches as the tips of Steve’s ears flush red
“Mm do you wanna? We can be big an I can drive to Uhm” Steve blinks up at him “the the movies? Can have a date?”
Eddie smiles down at him
“Baby, you had a bad day, you gotta rest and recharge. I don’t think you planning a date would be a good idea right now”
Steve pouts up at him “I can be big” he grumbles
“I know you can sweetthing but it’s okay to not be big- you know that”
“But-mmph” steve hides into Eddie’s chest
“But what Stevie?” Eddie pets Steve’s hair again, combs his finger through
“feel bad you take care a’me all the time” he shrugs “should be big an take care of you. Take care of everyone”
Eddie rubs down his back and hugs him close
“Baby, the first talk we had about this stuff was because you were taking care of people too much. You gotta let me take care of you yeah? If not who’s gonna do it Hm? Benny? That puppy is cute but I don’t think he can watch over my baby too much”
Steve looks up at him and gasps
“He can! Benny is good!” Steve turns to look for the stuffed animal, eddie grabs and hands him to Steve
Steve smiles and nuzzles into the soft fur
“But I want to take care of you too okay? I like taking care of my baby. Makes me feel good remember? I like helping you. Whats a king without his knight yeah?” Eddie rubs their noses together, Steve giggles
“You’re king” steve cups at Eddie’s cheek and rubs their noses together again
“Nah baby you are, in a good way. Or you wanna be my little prince?”
Steve giggles, he wraps his arms around Eddie’s shoulders making both of them fall sideways onto the bed
“I can be little Prince” He nods. “s new I like that one”
Eddie brushes away strand of hair fallen over Steve’s face
“Noted little Prince” he pulls the covers over both of them with some difficulty “Does the little Prince wanna sleep now?” Eddie pulls him close into his side
Steve hums “Kisses” he wraps an arm around Eddie’s stomach
“Gnight kisses for benny” Eddie places a kiss onto the stuffed animals head “And Gnight kisses for my baby” he places a kiss on each cheek then his forehead
“Gnight kisses for teddy” steve mumbles, bringing benny up and tapping Eddie’s cheek
“an Gnight kisses for teddy”
Eddie’s heart melts as Steve places a kiss on his cheek before settling back down
“My sweet boy” he mumbles closing his eyes
They finally drift to sleep around 2am. Holding each other close, Steve nuzzles into eddie even in his sleep
Eddie tightens his grip each time
and If Steve wakes up just as small, less fussy and more smiles
Eddie doesn’t mind it one bit
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rhodesrider · 5 months
A Purple Christmas
Tumblr media
Mafia!Judgement Day x Little!Fem!Y/N
Warnings: Some flashbacks, some cussing, age regression, mention of weapons, mentions of harassment, mentions of violence/gun violence
Minors! DNI! 18+!
Feeling the cool air in her room and soon the light shining on her face, Y/N smiled as she had a long night getting stuff together for her sweethearts while they were at work handling business. The presents one by one still in her room. She wanted to make something practical, that they would wear all the time so she took the time to make bracelets. For each one of them has a special charm. She opened her eyes slow and she yawned some hearing holiday music downstairs. Getting up slow stretching, going to do her usual face routine and putting on slippers peeking out the doorway trying to look downstairs. JD walked by the hallways and smirked seeing her some, motioning her to come down as he was carrying gifts as well. She nodded and went back to grab the bag full of boxes. She walked down carefully and squealed soon getting scooped up by Finn. “Merry Christmas little munchkin!” He growled and play tickled her holding her tight so she doesn’t fall. That got everyone attention and gave a smile to the whole group seeing her smile in the morning. “There’s my little princess!” Rhea squealed some as she loved the holidays the most and had her big gift ready between her legs. Finn put her down in her favorite chair in the living room and kissed her on the forehead one last time before going to his pile ready for her. “Ok so, Dom and Damian are fixing breakfast, and I know you’re hungry but we made a wheel so you can do something before we eat.” JD gave her the wheel kissing her forehead as well before sitting back down. “Is papa making pancakes?” Y/N ask as she examining the wheel. “Your favorite pancakes and fruit bowl. They also made some bacon and eggs.” JD answered as he fixed the three gifts he got Y/N on his side of the L-Couch. “Yummy! But ok I’ll pick now! I wanna exchange my gifts as well!” She smiled happy as she spun the wheel.
The first name was Dominic, “Dom Dom! Come on in here. JD tag in with him.” Rhea instructed and both nodded trading places. Dom smiled and went to Y/N kissing her all over and giving her three small boxes and one giant one. “Open them in any order babydoll.” He watched closely as Y/N started to open them, the first was a pandora bracelet, blank canvas, her last one was broke from a raid that happened to their house earlier in the year and two of her charms were stolen. Dominik protected her while the others handled the men that intruded and held her close in her room calming her down so she wouldn’t have a panic attack. After that he wanted to check but she didn’t want him to leave so he stayed and comforted her the whole time. Y/N shed a tear and he smiled placing it on her wrist for her. She smiled at the small engravement and kissed his nose. “Thank you Dom.” Y/N loved it. The other two were boxes with 3 charms in it each for the bracelet, he slowly restored it back for her and added more. And the big gift was next. “I hope you love it ,it was literally the last one.” He smiled. She opened it smiling seeing it was a giant gengar, a limited edition one that was a pale purple. “You got me a shiny gengar!” She squealed as it was one of Y/Ns Pokemon on her team. She helped Dom get into Pokemon and they always play the newest game the DLCs and battle each other. Y/N held the stuffie close to her and kissed Dom on the cheeks making him blush. Little did he know that Finn already spun the wheel and shoved him to the side excited. “Hey!” He was ready for a fight with Finn and his cheeky smile but Rhea put an end to that giving a look to both. “Stop the rough housing and gift her.” Rhea hissed. She giggled and tossed Dom his gift she made him, “Don’t open it yet ok?” He nodded smiling at the semi wrapped well gift.
Finn proudly took gengar and put him to the side of her and gave her two gifts and one big one. “Sure that was sweet and all pipsqueak but mine is gonna take the cake.” Damien overheard him rolling his eyes and in the process saying in his language “Se va a llevar el pastel solo porque ayudé.” (It’s gonna take the cake only because I helped.) JD smirked some knowing what he said and Finn rolled his eyes. “Why is papa Damien so mean to me?” Finn pouted and it made Y/N pout hugging him. “Ok lass go at it.” She giggled and she started to tear the gifts open. One box contained a beautiful necklace, with Finn’s initials. “Awwww finny…” she smiled and Finn helped her put it on. She opened the next and it was vinyls that she wanted for her collection, limited edition. The last one was an envelope, she looked at it and she teared the top opening it and seeing it was tickets to her favorite artist. She squealed to the top of her lungs and she jumps up and down soon gripping on to Finn hugging him koala style. She’s been wanting to go to the concert for a while but due to how everything is set up she couldn’t go by herself. But Finn took the time to talk to Rhea and she subsided her overprotective ways for her this once, but there was a twist. He had to go with her. “I thought you did like my music teddy bear…” she pouted looking up. He sigh swallowing his pride and shrugged. “Eh I’ll live. It’s only one night and you’ve been wanting to go so bad.” He kissed her and hugged her close. The last gift she opened was another large stuffed animal, the pokemon mudkip. “You said it reminded you of me so why not?” He laughed some. She hugged it close and kissed his cheek giving him his gift. “Don’t open it just yet.” She stopped him before he opened it like a kid on Christmas. He nodded fast and Damien finally finished up breakfast.
After that they started up the wheel again, and Rhea was next. She smiled and she placed her gifts in front of Y/N sitting in front of her watching her rip them open. One small one and one big one. She started with the little one. A necklace, a small locket with her and Rhea in a photo. “Mama I love it.” She smiled and Rhea helped her put it on layering it so it doesn’t overlaps Finn’s. “Now this is very special babygirl, this was passed down in my family. And mama loves you so much that she’s giving it to you. You mean the world to mama, to finny, to Papa and Dom Dom and JJ. You mean everything to us. So I want you to have this ok?”Y/N teared up and Rhea kissed her tears away giggling. “No crying baby. We love you.” Y/N sniffles hugging her again. And the big gift was a giant mimikyu, she was grateful for all the stuffed animals but she’s scared she won’t have any more space in her bed. Next was Damien, he smiled and got his three gifts. “Ok flower, I can’t top tears or squeals I honestly just want that beautiful smile I love seeing.” She nodded and she started to unopen gifts. Damien was always the calm note in Y/Ns time being with them. She would have night terrors and she would need comfort and Damien was always there to calm her and hum to her. One night as they were having a meeting and drinks, and Y/N doesn’t do people well. She walked down the steps to get some water from the kitchen, running into one of the security guards for the other gang that was visiting for a meeting. She was in a big shirt and slippers, saying excuse me to the guard. But he was blocking her way, taunting her some. “You must be the goths pet.” He smirked and looked at her up and down. She was getting uncomfortable, “p-please move…” she said low and the man smirked getting to her level. “I could eat you alive talking to me like that pet.” She was shaking some whimpering and she ran the other way quick upstairs. The man wanted to follow her but was stopped by the last person he wanted to see. “Where are you going?” Damien hissed and looking down at the shorter man, “No where man-“ “I wouldn’t lie. Try again.” The guard was silent and Damien sighed. He walked away and went upstairs slow hearing some crying upstairs.
Damien was growing angry hearing her cry, he hated tears falling from her beautiful face. He knocked on the door and soon hear nothing. “Mamas can I come in?” He heard a broken yes and walked in seeing her hiding under her blanket. “Princess…are you ok?” Damien asked low. He slowly uncovered her from under the blanket and saw that her eyes were puffy, and her knife in her hand. “Baby, why do you have that? Were you protecting yourself?” She nodded fast putting the knife on the other side and getting in his arms crying. Damien was so hurt and that put rage in his heart, someone wanting to touch what’s theirs. He rocked her to calm her down, “I just wanted some water, I’m sorry papa I shouldn’t have left my room…he scared me…” she said in the middle of sobbing. He rocked her more and hummed in her ear holding her close. “No one is ever gonna hurt you angel. Not while we are around.” That was a promise. And the man that bothered Y/N, well Damien put Y/N to sleep and dragged that man outside doing some unspeakable things. His anger is something not to be tampered with. Or what he loves.
Y/N opened beautiful gifts from Damien, handwoven jewelry and rings with beautiful gems inside. “I’m scared to even wear these…” she muttered. It was so beautiful that she feels if she wears them they will crumble to dust. “You don’t have to wear them now baby but I’m so glad you love them.” He smiled and kissed her forehead and nose making her giggle. She put on the woven bracelet and smiled at the beautiful colors. While they discussed some in the living room happy that she’s admiring the gifts there’s still one more person. JD. He was honest nervous about giving his gifts. He’s been with the crew for a while but not as long as they stuck together, and they all been sticking together as a family. Sometimes JD feels like he intrudes into a lot even though he works with them. “JJ?” The sweetest voice took him out of his thoughts and he looked up seeing Y/N over him as he was sat down. “You wanna open mine with everyone first?” She asked feeling he was a bit nervous on his first Christmas. He saw the box in her hand and nodded. They all started to open their gifts and they all saw a homemade bracelet. “I know it’s not much I just didn’t wanna let you guys be without this year…” she rubbed her hands together slightly nervous from their expressions. “Babygirl it’s beautiful..” Finn smiled putting it on seeing it was a black and followed by his favorite color. The same patterns with everyone else and special charms that symbolized them. JD saw his charm seeing it was a small angel. “You are one of my protectors no matter how long I’ve known I thank you everyday for loving me, accepting me and being here for me JJ..” he sniffled some letting a tear fall. “Thank you dollface.” He kissed her cheek hugging her. Dominik has an angel and a mood checker charm, symbolizing him watching her and communicating her moods and tempers, when she wants to be little and hide away, he’s her protecter and keep her moods in check so she can survive. Rhea has the angel and a figure of them hugging holding a heart. Symbolism of her being her first love, Rhea was her first everything and will always be her mama. Damien had the extra charm of an angel and a lion, royalty and a proud papa like most lions are. And Finn a charm of an angel and a jokester icon, always making her laugh and playing with her to keep her little and making her happy right to left. JD gave his gifts next, an Apple Watch with a cute band in the next box and new AirPods. “Thank you JJ!” She said excited to set it up and get it working on her phone. Rhea was proud of JD, and so happy that Y/N had a great Christmas.
“So baby who had the best gifts?”Dominik asked while they were all watching some Christmas movies. “I loved all of them silly! I can’t choose.” She smiled as she sat in Damien’s lap playing with his necklace. “It was me.” Finn muttered. Dom rolled his eyes. Rhea threw a small object at Finn giving him a look. “I’m glad you had a wonderful Christmas babygirl.” The warmest smile was still on JDs face looking at the bracelet grateful of his gift. “The best Christmas.” He mumbled kissing the charm.
Merry Christmas~
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We've got you angel
Content - accidental regression, overwhelmed reader, sound sensitive reader, mommy!nancy, daddy!steve, dummy use, soft toys, blankets, newspaper room, auntie robin being platonic cg for a little while, colouring in, Eddie and Jason having a punch up. Slight angst turned fluff.
Summary - one day you regress at school without one of the items you need, but mommy and daddy save the day
Authors note - I love mommy!nancy she would just be so soft aghh, filling in for a request, I could actually see this scenario as I was writing it, hope you enjoy!
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Why did everyone in this school have this mindset that you needed to shout everything?
Even in class people would just start shouting out answers to the teacher unexpectedly then that caused your teachers to shout, god you couldn’t go a day without getting unexpectedly jump scared.
You were currently sitting at your normal lunch table with your friends, they were discussing the ups and downs of a film that had just been released on tape robin thought she had the upper hand because she worked at the video shop which was beginning to start a playful argument. Normally the situation would have been hilarious to you but you weren’t really listening you were trying to stop yourself from slipping.
You were doing quite well you had been at the edge for a while but on the whole you were managing to control it, that was until a fight broke out.
Looking over your shoulder you saw a boy with long dark hair fighting a blonde boy in a basketball jacket, there was already too much shouting and it really didn’t help when almost everyone in the room started chanting “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.”
Robin noticed your eyes becoming cloudy and your demeanour change and immediately sprung into action, “come on sweetie come with me” she said holding her hand out for you to take “where are we going?” You asked curiously “we’re going too see your mommy” she softly whispered in your ear.
Robin walked quickly through the halls with you knowing that if she waited too long you could get really little and she only knew how to care for you when you were feeling a bit bigger. Once you had reached the door robin peeked inside too see how many people were in there luckily it was only Nancy. Pulling thee door open you both stepped inside.
“Mommy!” You exclaimed going to run down the stairs “Y/N be careful hold onto the railing hon!” Robin said worriedly taking your arm and placing it onto the black bar, Nancy came over to you instantly and helped you down “hi baby! There’s my favourite little girl” she said picking you up and twirling you around making you giggle.
“There was a fight at lunch and I think the noise might have overwhelmed her” robin said stroking the back of your head “is that right honey?” Nancy asked you “don’t like noise mommy” You mumbled putting your face against her neck “oh baby I know, your safe here no loud noises I promise” she said walking over to the sofa at the side of the room “hey robin could you get her blanket and dummy out of my bag please?” She asked getting you a colouring in book and some pencils “sure”
“Um Nance?” “yeah?” “Can you come here for a sec?” Walking over to her Nancy noticed that robin had a mildly worried look on her face “what is it?” She questioned her “this is all that was in there” she said quietly holding up a dummy and your pink rabbit with floral fabric in the ears “what!” She whisper hissed rummaging through her bag. Oh god, she must have forgotten to put it back in after last night.
Taking a large sigh she constructed a plan.
“Okay robin I need you to call Steve and tell him to come and pick us up, but tell him that he has to sling by home first, tell him that her blanket is over the sofa okay?” Nancy didn’t think she had ever seen robin move so fast. Picking up your dummy and rabbit she plastered on a smile getting rid of her nervous expression and walked over to you.
In the time that she had been talking to robin you had regressed even further, not even arguing anymore about being a big girl and not needing your dummy like you normally did. “Hi angel” she said pulling you into her side you hummed out the sound of what you wanted to say the words not being able to come out of your mouth.
Looking around the sofa confused you hummed out “where’s blankie?” Oh god here we go.
Nancy was very gentle with the way she told you “it’s not here at the moment baby, but daddy is going to get it and I promise he’ll be here really soon, you let out a hiccup and rested your head on her shoulder “I know baby I know” said resting her hand on your head.
Wiping your tears with her sleeve she had an idea “baby bunny, how about you wear mommy’s jumper, would that tide you over until daddy gets here?” She watched as a small slime appeared on your face and you slowly nodded your head.
After pulling her jumper over her head she positioned you on her lap “arms up princess, arms up, there we go” she loved moments like this when you were just so precious and loving “where did my little angel go, where is she? She said when you were finding your head hole. When you suddenly popped up with a cheeky grin she gave you a big gasp “there she is!” She chuckled pulling you forward and giving you kisses on the top of your head.
Just then you both heard the banging of the two doors leading into the newspaper room.
“I’m here, I’m here!” Steve called running towards the two of you with your blanket in one hand and his keys in the other , he was out of breath.
He actually ran to give you your blanket.
“Dada!” You managed to squeak out “ahh, there’s my girl” he said picking you up and going you a kiss on the top of your nose. “Look at what I’ve got my love” he pulled your blanket out behind your back and placed it in your hands. You let out an excited squeal that had both of them cooing.
Knowing that you wouldn’t be able to go back to class in your current mindset the both of them decided to take you home, Nancy had finished most of the work she needed to get done anyway.
After Nancy strapped you into the car Steve got your dummy and placed it into your mouth smiling at how you started to close your eyes. Starting the car Steve looked back at the two of you in the rear view mirror. Nancy had decided to stay in the back seat with you in case you needed everything.
Both of them looked at you starting to fall asleep with one hang grasping your blanket and the other holding Nancy’s, how did they get so lucky.
A few seconds later Steve was thriving the three of you back home.
───── ⋆⋅◇⋅⋆ ─────
@bunnybubbls @cupcakeanon @crazytrashpuppy
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lurkingshan · 5 months
Last Twilight Episode 11
Sigh. When I wrote my episode 10 debrief laying out concerns about where the show was going, I was still holding out hope that things would turn around this week, that some of those incomplete threads would be picked up, and that the story would still finish strong. Instead, after the penultimate episode, I'm feeling a bit like Day:
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So, my points last week about Mhok's story and Day's mom's arc stand: they did not in fact pick up those threads and resolve them properly. We never got any insight into Mhon’s experiences or perspective at all. It seems that this show just really didn’t care about the family and class conflicts in the way that I hoped it would. It’s pretty disappointing, if I’m being honest, especially from Aof of all creators.
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Instead of continuing any of those plots, after a very weirdly toned part 1 in which Day's surgery failed, the show time skipped to "months later" and started a whole new set of conflicts. Suddenly, after a notable absence for most of the show, Mhok's trauma around the violence he has survived and Rung's death was back, with him having nightmares and regressing via seeing Day as more helpless and in need of his constant support. He got a job offer abroad (besties, I groaned out loud at this all-timer of a drama cliche) in his new career that we’ve seen precious little of, and instead of talking to Day like an adult and working through his worries about going away via their mutual trust, he lied and hid it from him. And Day jumped to breaking up with him immediately after finding out in a big dramatic scene that did absolutely nothing for me emotionally, because I was too busy scratching my head about how we got here.
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Do I see a way for these events to make sense with the themes of this story? Sure. I can understand how these two characters, with their experiences and hangs up and personalities, could end up in a fight like this and maybe even end up breaking up because of communication failures. But the show didn't do any of the work to set it up properly; the turn was far too abrupt and extreme, especially given the pains they took throughout the drama to show us Mhok respecting Day’s autonomy in a way others did not. And that they chose to take the story down this path with the precious little time we have left, when there was still so much unresolved meaty stuff left on the table between the class struggles and family conflicts (not to mention the side romance between Night and Porjai, which has officially been neglected out of existence, or even Gee, y’all remember when she was a character?) is just extremely frustrating.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 8 months
I like to think about the Goldenheart boys got together because as we know they've known each other since they were little
I imagine for the movie boys it followed the classic "This is my best friend. I have a massive crush on him but we are just gonna ~ignore that~ because I kinda have to be perfect because Legacy of Gloreth/I have been on thin fucking ice when I showed up" story
And they grew up and those feelings didn't go away, they just ignored them. They both dated other people as teens (Ambrosius dated a squire girl, Bal dated some ruffian from his hometown) but neither relationship lasted more than a few months. Then at like, 18/19 they were so damn whipped and infatuated with each other that it just kinda happened all at once. Ambrosius approached Bal absolutely terrified because if this doesn't work out he is going to lose his Best Friend his World his Everything, but of course, it immediately does. I hc that the Institute and their family/friends knew about them but the media did not. I also hc that they are closer in age than the comic boys, with Bal being just like a year or less older.
The comic boys I picture something funnier. I can imagine Bal getting dumped at the Institute by his dad and this pathetic little blond kid is getting picked on so Bal, full of rage and abandonment, just beats the shit out of the bullies to establish dominance in the social order of these children and also to stop the bullying.
Ambrosius (who is like. 8??) Immediately had the biggest baby crush imaginable and decides that he is going to tether himself to this person until the day he dies. I imagine their age difference is much more than in the movie, like 2.5ish years, so obviously this 10 year old is not interested in the baby following him around but he'll be friends with him because everyone else is scared of him. He protects him and looks out for him and he thinks he's cute in the way that all children see a child like 6 months younger than them as practically an infant.
They're little pals for the rest of their adolescence with Ambrosius not being subtle about his crush and Ballister assuming it will pass because he's just a little kid. It isn't until they're 14/16 that Ballister starts actually respecting Ambrosius and realizing that oh shit. I'm not a little kid anymore and neither is he. They don't actually start dating at any specific point, but around this time they start kissing and lying to themselves that this is a Normal Friend Activity. Around this time also, the fact that they cuddle at night and share a bed is starting to feel a bit more awkward.
They kiss, hold hands, cuddle and share a bed, but are in complete denial that they've got anything more than friendship going on for like 2 years when they sleep together and are like. Well shit. Homies don't do that, do they?
Ambrosius who has been influenced by regressive ideals is sad that they weren't technically "together" when they first slept together and it makes him feel bad about himself. Ballister then makes up a fake anniversary of a couple months prior and gaslights (j) Ambrosius into believing that's when they got together like "nah remember we went out for coffee that one time that was our first date you didn't know that lol"
Ambrosius kinda knows this is a crock of shit but it makes him happy so he goes along with it.
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jtwritesstuff · 8 months
Race to the Finish - Chapter 1
I feel awareness coming in first, that feeling of waking after a long nap, and the tiredness that comes with that feeling. I gently lift myself up and let a soft groan out as I look around. The room hadn’t changed much since my last lucid period, maybe a few new toys here and there, and that loop-de-loop hot wheels track was definitely new. The room was mostly the same, the same race car bed my other side had picked out, same wild, unkempt toys scattered here and there, again thanks to my other side. 
As I sit I feel the telltale squish of my pull up under my bottom and wince, the night accidents had started soon after catching the virus, even when I was an adult, and I’d still not gotten used to them after…well I didn’t know how many months it’d been at this point. The periods of my other side taking over were there, but kids couldn’t tell time, dates, much of anything, and some things like waiting for mommy- Khris… to get out of a conversation felt like an eternity to a four year old, yet things like daycare seemed to pass in a snap. I slowly pulled myself out of bed, cringing at the feeling between my legs as it squished, and upon looking down cringed again, seeing the childish Paw Patrol PJs I was in. I got up and went to my dresser, one now much bigger than me, though I knew where all the clothes were, starting with underwear I opened the lowest drawer and sighed, digging through, looking for anything without cartoons or cutesy animals, picking a pair that just had Pikachu on them. I had pulled my pants down when I’d heard the sound of the door opening and a blush fell across my face as Khris, my mommy and previous girlfriend walked in, smiling softly. 
“And what are we doing mister?” I let out a sigh as I looked down “Khris… it’s me… I’m just trying to get out of..this” I said, motioning to my well used pull up. Khris seemed a little shocked but kept the smile up “Well, welcome back Stephen, heard ya through the baby monitor and assumed little Stevie was trying to change himself, normally doesn’t end up well as he can have trouble with pants.” She chuckled as I blushed more, my face feeling like it might catch fire at any moment. “W-Well…I’m not him so..c-can you please leave, also where are the wipes?” Khris chuckled again and just walked over, taking them off the top of my dresser and handing them to me before going to walk out. 
“Call me if you need help, I’m just in the living room.” I just blushed more as the door shut, how could she think I need help, it’s just pants and underwear, maybe a shirt if I’m lucky and any of them are less childish. I make quick work of ripping the sides of my pull up and letting it fall to the floor before cleaning myself, something I’d gotten used to before the periods of mental regression had started happening. I slide on the underwear and find a somewhat mature looking pair of shorts before throwing the pull up into the diaper pail near my dresser, though I didn’t need diapers, it kept my room from smelling like stale pee. I walked out and sighed as everything seemed so…big now, everything from a four year olds perspective seemed like it was made for giants. I made my way to the living room where Khris gave me a warm, motherly smile “Good job sweetie! Glad you could get yourself changed after your little nap.” I blushed again “Of course I can, just because…Stevie can’t, doesn’t mean I can’t…” Khris nodded as she looked at me a bit seriously. “Well..this was a longer period under, honestly sweetie, we thought you were permanent this time.” 
I looked annoyed now, probably ‘we’ as in her and her new boyfriend I’d found out about after my last time under. His name was Ty and he honestly wasn’t a bad guy, when I was in my older mindset we could talk about our passion, which was cars. Though we’d gone two very different places with our passion as I’d been a professional stunt and race driver before the virus hit, while Ty was just a mechanic. “Well, I’m back so…of course I can dress myself” I said with a huff 
“Where’s Ty?” I asked, wanting a way to maybe get into a more…adult conversation. Khris sighed a bit, my want to cut the conversation not lost on her “In the garage, the car needed an oil change and he’s getting it done” I nodded and started to head that way, not wanting to lose a second where I could be having a much more…mature conversation than the triumph of being able to put my feet in the right holes without getting lost. I pulled the toddler proof door open, it having one of those over the handle covers to make it near impossible for an actual four year old to open, and made my way into the garage. Ty pulled himself out  from under the car and looked at me “What are you doing out here lil guy?” “I…wanted to see if you needed any help.” Ty looked a bit surprised but then smiled and nodded “Of course I could Stephen, good to see ya back bud, been a minute.” He sat up slowly, having not changed a ton in the time  I’d been under, same long hair tied into a bun, somewhat scruffy but short beard, looked like he’d just gotten out of work as he was still dirty and had the overshirt with his name on it on. 
“So…what do you need me to do?” I asked, unsure how far along the process was “Well, right now could you hand me the wrench on my stool? Getting the oil filter off now.” I smiled and nodded, knowing I’d come in just in time for the start. I grabbed the wrench and quickly handed it to him and he went to slide under as I asked “Do…you need me to help under there?” He stopped and poked back out, a bit of a worried look on his face “Why don’t you stay out here bud, I don’t think you’d be able to get this off being how small you are, and you know how mommy feels about you getting all dirty, especially with oil? She’d have my head and you’d probably have a new daddy” he chuckled as he rolled under and I frowned.
I found myself actually pouting for a second and feeling the urge to stomp my foot, but just barely stopping myself as I said “I can help Ty, I’m not just gonna be a…tool boy. I know cars probably better than you!” I huffed as he sighed from under the car “It’s not about knowledge lil dude, it’s about the fact you’re four now, even if you’re mentally bigger.” I huffed again as I looked around, seeing the new oil sitting near the oil pan and grabbing it “W…Well I wanna put the oil in!” I said, not realizing how childish it sounded at the time as Ty chuckled “Sure bud, you can put the oil in, and in fact, I almost got this off, slide me the oil pan.” I walked over and pushed it towards him with my foot as I held the new oil like it was life or death. 
I heard the telltale thunk as the oil filter fell into the pan and the oil started to pour out with it and Ty slid out, grabbing the new filter and chuckling upon seeing me before sliding back under and waiting. During that waiting period I cooled down a bit, sighing as I realized I’d let my more…childish emotions take over in the moment. Something that wasn’t uncommon when I was aware, though I’d never felt that..close to a tantrum before…it was odd, concerning to say the least. Before long I heard the clicking of the ratchet as he tightened the new filter in place and slid back out, smiling at me as he stood, now towering over me. 
“Lemme grab the stool for ya bud, and the funnel, and then the oil is all yours.” He said, sliding the stool over and helping me onto it before putting the funnel in place and making sure it was secure as I struggled to get the cap off the fresh oil. Ty helped me a bit just to get it started but then let me do it the rest of the way, standing right behind me as I lifted up the fairly large bottle and started to pour it in. I smiled as I felt a form of accomplishment as I watched it go down the funnel, knowing I was doing way more than just handing him tools. 
I helped with the first bottle and then the second and smiled as he put the engine cap on and went to go check how it ran, turning the car on. Though in my excitement of helping I went to hop of the stool, misjudging just how high up it was to my little body, I hopped down and yelped as I landed but quickly tumbled forward and whined as I caught myself on my hands and knees, wincing as I felt the sharp pain I hadn’t felt since childhood of my hands and knees getting skinned, whimpering as I stood back up, feeling my lip trembling and the childish emotions welling up, though I did my best to keep them down as Ty turned off the car and stepped out.
“Good job bud, seems to be running…you okay lil guy?” I just nodded, but my face obviously showed otherwise as he kneeled down and started to check me over “Ooo…looks like you got scraped up pretty good, this is why I told you to wait for me bud, come on, lets get mommy to get you a bandaid.” He went to stand as I looked at him, my already heightened emotions flaring up at being talked down to so easily by the man who took my girlfriend. “I can get my own damn bandaid and I don’t even need em! It was a little fall!” 
Ty seemed taken aback by my sudden outburst and just looked at me “Buddy..it’s okay to-” I cut him off “And stop calling me “Buddy”! I’m not a little kid right now! You don’t need to look down on me like one!” I went to stomp into the house, flinging open the door and stomping towards my room as I saw Khris getting up from the couch. I heard Khris ask “What’s going on” and Ty said something back, I’m sure they were talking about me. I was just too upset to even care as I slammed my bedroom door shut and sat down against it, trying to hold myself together…big kids didn’t cry, adults didn’t cry, and I wouldn’t cry.
I sat there for a while, and after a bit I felt and heard a knock at the door behind me to which I responded with a moody “What” Khris responded “Sweetie…can I come in? I wanna make sure you’re okay…Ty told me you took a pretty good tumble.” I felt the red hot rage boiling back up but scooched away from my door and just muttered a soft “Fine….” Khris slowly walked in and looked at me before kneeling down and frowning “Is everything alright hun? This isn’t like you, even big you….” She sounded worried but I just pulled away “I’m perfectly fine…thanks.”
 She sighed and sat down now, probably knowing she was in for the long haul as she gently took my hand “Honey, I know this is all a lot, and while we’ve had time to adjust, I know you haven’t. If you need to talk to us, you can hun, this has to be a lot, and especially being that we don’t know what’s going on in that little head of yours, we can only help you as much as you let us….” I pulled my hand away and curled up again “I don’t need help, I’ll be fine…” Khris frowned “Sweetie, we both know that’s not true.” I shrugged as I just sat there “My issue, not yours…I’m gonna go shower…get this dirt off me” I said, looking for any escape from her ‘mommy of the year’ act, though as I stood, I noticed something off, specifically around my crotch. I frowned as it felt…cold..clammy, though my shorts looked fine. 
Khris seemed to notice my sudden stop too. “Everything okay sweetie?” She started to even make a move to check me probably as I pulled away and just muttered “I’m fine.” I walked out of the room and towards the bathroom, hearing Khris walking out behind me, but stopping in the hall. I made my way into the bathroom, quickly shutting and locking the door behind me before yanking my shorts down and feeling my undies, feeling the telltale squish of the padded undies, wincing I realized…not only was little me not potty trained yet…seems like that little bout made me have a bit of an accident, and not one that will go unnoticed, as I can’t throw these out like a pull up. 
I sigh and slip my now soggy undies down, that being a problem for post shower Stephen as I pulled off my shirt and going to turn the water on, though struggling heavily to do so from outside the tub, just barely being able to turn the knob to the hot area. I got into the shower after it'd warmed up enough, grimacing at the tub toys hanging from mesh bags on the wall, knowing any other night I’d probably be ecstatic to play with those right now. I turned away from em and started to let the warm water run over me, sighing as I felt the stress seemingly start to melt away already, the dirt washing off my body. Some being from the garage, but most I suspect to be from daycare that day, we’d had an outing to the woods behind the school and I’d been getting into everything.
 I washed my body with a soap bar I could only guess to be Ty’s, not that I really cared, though as it came to my hair I looked around for any shampoo, only finding the kids shampoo left low, making it easier to get me washed during my baths.  I groaned, I was not using THAT, I already probably smell like a kid constantly, I wasn’t going to add onto it. I began to look around for some more mature shampoo, noticing it on a higher shelf and well out of my reach, but easy for any adult to get to and use. 
I huffed a bit, crossing my arms before looking for a way to get it, realizing my only way would be to climb, though I knew it was probably not the best idea, it was better than using that childish smelling gunk. I began by stepping onto the edge of the tub, it wasn’t too slippery so it was easy to make my way around to the shelves, and start to pull myself up. This though, was my worst decision of the night, as when I tried to step up onto the lowest shelf, grabbing a higher one. I didn’t realize just how slippery they’d gotten from the steam and water falling on them. 
It was over before it’d even started as I felt my hand slip first before my foot slipped off the lower shelf, sending my tumbling back towards the tub with a loud thud and a yelp. I winced, not hurt, least not badly, and I’d not hit my head on anything, though I’d fallen on my bottom fairly hard, I was surprised though when I heard the knob to the bathroom rattle, and then the door swung open, I thought I’d locked it….
I looked up as the shower curtain was pulled open and Khris was almost immediately at my side, not worried about the water as she immediately went to check me over. “Stevie, sweetie, are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?” She seemed panicked as she looked me over, but I was mortified. Being completely nude in front of not just her, but I could see Ty behind her, holding a screwdriver and looking concerned. I pushed her hands away from me, blushing as I scrambled back up to my feet. “I’m fine, just…tried to get shampoo and fell.” 
Khris frowned as she heard that “Sweetie, your shampoo is down here, you shouldn’t have to climb for it, you know how dangerous that is.” She said, scolding me like you would a small child which only made my embarrassment rise as I looked at her “I’m not gonna use stuff that’s gonna make me smell more like a toddler!” She looked surprised at me for raising my voice and frowned. “Well it’s what we normally use for you,it’s just oranges, nothing kiddie Stephen, you need to understand you can’t do everything like you used to…” 
She stood and sighed, seeming satisfied with me not being hurt and…maybe even a bit hurt herself? I just went to pull the curtain closed as she seemed to linger for a few more seconds before walking out, shutting the door behind her and I could hear some talking behind the door. I sighed and gave a death glare to the bottle of shampoo with a smiling octopus on it before grabbing it and making quick work of washing my hair, huffing as I washed with the shampoo. It didn’t smell bad at all, though I don’t think I could ever admit that to Khris or Ty at this point. 
I stood for a bit longer after washing and just let the water run over me before turning it off and stepping out, grabbing a towel and drying myself off, if there was one good thing about being this small, it’s that it was much easier to dry myself with just one towel. After drying I went to grab my clothes and noticed something that caused my blush to come right back…there was a fresh pull up sitting on my clothes, the sodden undies nowhere to be found. 
I froze as I stared at it and didn’t know what to do. After a few seconds of hoping this was all a childish hallucination I slowly leaned down and picked up the crinkly garment, blushing as I sighed and slowly opened it up, stepping in and pulling it up, wincing a bit as I felt the plush interior of it hugging my crotch and bottom, before putting my shirt and shorts back on and going to walk out, probably with a bit more of a gate, though I was hoping it wasn’t too noticeable.
Upon walking out I heard the TV on, the local weather being read off as I smelled something being cooked, it smelled like something with tomatoes. I made my way into the living room, finding Ty on the couch who gave me a small nod as I just looked away before making my way to the kitchen, looking up at Khris who was currently over a steaming pot, stirring. 
“Khris..?” I asked quietly “Yes Stephen?” “Where did those undies go..?” She gave me a small, almost annoyed look “Well, normally when Stevie wears those undies and goes in them, he tells me and we get him in a pull up for the rest of the day. I see that part doesn’t transfer over as much as the emotional outbursts do.” I blushed deep red as I looked at her “I…I didn’t mean to, I was gonna tell you but I didn’t even realize it happened, I think it happened when I fell off the stool…” I looked down, feeling like a child who’d just done something very bad. 
Khris sighed a bit and looked down at me “Stephen, believe it or not, you’re not an adult anymore, and you need to accept we’re your legal guardians now. We know how to care for you, and we aren’t gonna make fun of you for anything you’d do normally, Stevie hasn’t mastered the potty yet and I know for a fact that means you haven’t either. You know that as well as I do, so you should’ve told me or let me check when you noticed it in your room” I just stared at her, she’d known the entire time, maybe it was my face, or my reaction? 
I must’ve given the same tell as Stevie… I just stood there as she went back to stirring “Dinner will be done in about ten minutes, why don’t you go watch TV for a bit while I work on it?” I could tell by her tone she was upset, so I just nodded and shuffled my way out and to the couch as Ty looked at me and gave a small chuckle. Though it wasn’t one of laughing at me, more of understanding “Guessing her angry voice isn’t any different from when you were big huh?” I just shook my head quietly as he gently rubbed my back “Look bud, she’s just worried. I know you didn’t mean to blow up on me or her, but you gotta understand, we just want what’s best for you, and if you need help or for us to do something, you need to tell us” 
I nodded slowly but scooched away from the back rubs, sitting back and watching the news, something about a local school doing a fundraiser for something. Though my thoughts weren’t focused on that, they were focused on my outburst from earlier, how childish it was, how close I was to a tantrum. It was odd, almost like I was slipping back into the Stevie mindset for a second there and for some reason it reminded me of a story I’d read early on into the virus’ outbreak. 
It’d been about someone who, like me, was swapping between his adult and child mindset, though he was worse, swapping almost weekly, though that wasn’t the only odd thing about him. After around 3 months of this he suddenly just…stopped swapping, and seemed to level out. He knew all about his life as a chef and having a fair amount of his adult thoughts, though he seemed to also have more childish impulses and seemed like any other three year old. Unless you talked to him about food, then it was closer to a hyperactive toddler. 
I began to wonder if this was what he went through, if he had started off by just having small tantrums here and there, maybe an outburst, then he just…slid down until he leveled out as a toddler. I probably looked lost in thought before I was pulled back out by Khris calling out “Dinner’s ready boys.” Ty stood up and smiled at me as I slowly got up, pushing my worries to the back of my mind for now as I walked into the kitchen, seeing Khris setting my spot. 
 I knew it was mine because of the booster seat covered in stickers that was sitting in the chair in front of the spot that Khris was setting, I shuffled slowly over and mumbled “Can’t I have a normal seat…?” Khris gave me another disapproving mom look, one I didn’t even need the rest of the answer for as I pulled myself up and sat in my booster, looking at the plate in front of me. Spaghetti with cheesy garlic bread, on a…what I believe to be a Bluey plate. 
I slowly grabbed my fork and started to eat as Khris and Ty sat with their own plates and started to eat. Ty seemingly trying to break the tension with a “So…least tomorrow’s Friday right?” Khris gave him a bit of a look as she sighed “Yeah…speaking of, that means you do have to go to daycare tomorrow, okay Stephen?” I looked and frowned “But…I’m in my big mindset…do I really have to” Khris nodded at that “Yes, you do, especially after that fall tonight, I’m not trusting you to be home alone all day, let alone cook your own food” 
I looked, trying to think of an argument…though she had me dead to rights with that, so I looked for another way “Can…Can I atleast be in a bigger kids room?” Khris shook her head “You’re in the oldest room you can be in at this daycare sweetie, and you know it’s not realistic to swap daycares when we don’t know when you might just swap back to Stevie.” I nodded again and looked down at my spaghetti, slowly eating it as I mumble softly “Sorry…I just…don’t want you guys to think I’m still some…needy kid.” Ty looked at me this time “Bud, we know you’re not, but we also recognize you still have physical limitations, you’re not very big, even for a four year old. The doctor was worried you were younger than we’d thought given we couldn’t get ahold of your family, but everything else developmentally pointed to a four year old. We just need you to trust us and let us help you, even if you’re an ‘adult’.” 
I nodded slowly at that and just slowly ate, trying my best to keep myself clean as the two actual adults at the table moved the conversation into talks of weekend plans. After a bit of chatter about something to do with going to the local mall for some new clothes for me, Khris turned to me, seeming in a better mood as she smiled “Hey…why don’t we watch a movie tonight. We’ll even let ya stay up a bit late, as long as you promise you’ll wake up good for us, you can pick the movie too, okay sweetie?” 
I looked up and perked up a bit hearing I got to pick it, there was so many movies that came out while I was little that I’ve not gotten to see yet. It would be hard to pick just one to watch, but I nodded quickly. “Yeah!” I finished up eating and quickly went to climb out of my chair, rushing to the living room as the other two chuckled at my sudden reversion to a childish excitement over a movie. Though I was already flipping through the movies, coming to the horror section with a smile.
I selected a newer movie, Scream 6, it having come out during my last bout of being little. I’d been told no to watching it on more than one occasion, but now I’d surely have free reign of being able to watch it. Khris and Ty finished up their dinners and Khris walked out, looking at me with a soft smile before looking at the TV and giving a bit of a worried grimace. Looking back at me she asked “You wanna watch that tonight?” I nodded quickly and smiled as she gave a small sigh. 
She wasn’t big on horror movies, but often did it for me, and tonight she knew she’d given me the choice, and there was no way to talk me out of it. She nodded as I heard Ty already getting the popcorn out and putting it in the microwave, I decided to try my luck at something else “Can…I have a pop too? I haven’t had one in a while.” Khris looked at me and looked unsure “Sweetie…your little body can’t handle that much sugar, nor the caffeine…but…I’ll think about giving you some. I don’t need you getting a sugar rush before bed.” 
I smirked, it was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. She stepped back into the kitchen as I got the movie ready. I could feel the excitement welling up in my body, and I even let a small giggle out, but quickly quelled it, knowing it was the childish emotions pushing their way to the surface again. Ty brought out a big bowl of popcorn and set it on the coffee table in front of the couch as Khris brought out drinks, two obviously alcoholic drinks for them, and something in a sippy cup for me. My excitement died down almost immediately upon seeing the childish cup, decorated in Bluey designs, probably came in a set with the plate. 
“Khris…I don’t need a sippy cup, I’m grown right now” She gave me a stern look this time “And I just cleaned the floors yesterday, last thing they need is orange pop staining them” she said as she set the cup in front of me,I couldn’t exactly argue with that, she’d given me the pop I’d wanted, but on her terms so…I guess small victories again? I took the sippy and drank from it, feeling the carbonation sizzling into my mouth and down my throat mixed with the immense sweetness from the pop, something my little body wasn’t used to…but something my little body absolutely loved at the same time, it was like stimulation in a cup.
We started the movie soon after and I watched, entranced as it started with a fake out opening, sipping my pop and eating popcorn by the not so big handful. Khris sat on her phone, not enjoying these movies in the slightest, but Ty seemed just as invested as me, or atleast acting like he was. This continued for roughly an hour, my sippy nearly empty of the sweet soda I’d been given and the popcorn running low already as I began to feel the consequences of my actions. I started feeling that familiar twinge in my bladder, letting me know it was time to go, but being mid movie I didn’t wanna miss anything nor ask for a pause. So I sat and watched, thinking I could easily make it to the end of the movie. 
I started to squirm a bit and that wasn’t lost on my two caretakers as Ty looked over at me “Everything okay? Got ants in your pants?” I glanced back “I’m fine, just, nervous…yeah” I tried to calm my wiggles down though only a few more minutes had passed and that twinge had turned into an urge, causing me to cross my legs as Khris looked at me and in a very mom tone asked “Stephen…do you need to go potty?” I gave her a side eye as she looked at me and just muttered a soft “...No” She sighed a bit as she went to reach for the remote to pause it, just as a small jumpscare popped onto the screen. One of the first in the movie, causing her to let a yelp out and me to jump…though that momentary lapse in control led me to feeling the warmth spreading slowly across the front of my pull up, and my two carers hearing the unmistakable hiss of an accident in progress. I tensed as I realized fully what I was doing, the movie paused as Ty looked at me and let out a soft “Oh buddy…” I whimpered a bit, as Khris quickly got up “Stephen…why didn’t you say anything? We can pause the movie ya know.” I looked down as the hissing stopped and just sat in disbelief at what I’d just done, feeling the warmth sit around my waist “I..I thought I could hold it” 
Khris looked at me “And as I told you earlier, Stevie isn’t fully potty trained, and neither are you, it seems you even less so at this point because at least Stevie tells me when he needs to go.” I winced at the words being flung at me, looking down still as Khris in one swift motion scooped me up and carried me to my room, Ty looking embarrassed for me as I was carried by. I didn’t even fight it at this point, as I was in too much shock to know what to even say or do as Khris set me down and pulled my shorts down, before tearing the sides of my pull up and letting it fall to the floor. 
Grabbing a wipe and warming it with her hands as she looked at me “Stephen, I know you want to be a big boy, but you’re not, you’re four, and right now, you’re even acting like a four year old. You should’ve said something, we’re not gonna get mad or tease you for it, you’re still learning.” She started to clean me as my lip trembled a bit and all I could manage was a shaky “Sorry…” as I tried to fight back the tears welling up inside me. 
The shame of having an accident mixed with my childish emotions and the urge to prove I’m big was all getting to be too much and threatened to spill over, especially with Khris being so upset as she finished cleaning me. She grabbed a fresh pull up and held it open for me as I shakily stepped in, still barely holding it together as I let soft whimpers out. Khris looked up at me and gently pulled me into a hug “Sweetie…I’m not mad…I just wish you’d understand. You’re not that big Stephen the race car driver anymore, you’re Stephen the four year old, you’re learning still and just getting your fresh restart into the world, and you’re not nearly at the level you were.'' 
I looked at her as I felt the tears start to flow and I started to sniffle out “B…But I’ve…I’ve gotta be big, I’ve gotta show everyone I’m old enough s..still I…” I sniffled more as Khris just rubbed my back “Shhh…sweetie, being big isn’t doing everything alone…being big is knowing when you need to ask for help…and knowing when to let yourself take that help, like right now. I don’t see a big boy who can do everything like superman, I see my little boy, who’s had a rough night of trying to be a big boy and needs his mommy for a hug and a kiss” 
I listened to her as my tears grew to be too much as I let out a soft whimper before the water works truly started, starting to openly cry into her shoulder as I felt the tears rush down my cheeks. The loud cries barely muffled by Khris’ body as I heard something, probably Ty in the hall and felt Khris shake her head before I felt myself being lifted again. Letting my emotions flow as I was carried back to the living room, Khris sitting on the couch with me held in her lap, I didn’t care I was in just my pull up and shirt right now. I didn’t care how childish I looked crying into Khris, my emotions and body knew I needed to let this out, and at this point there was no stopping it as I just cried into her.
I don’t know how long it went on, but soon I felt myself calming down, whether it be due to the back rubs, the rocking or my tears finally running out, I wasn’t sure. I felt myself slowly coming back into focus, softly hiccuping and breathing as my powerful emotions subsided in favor of a post cry tiredness. Khris looked down at me in her lap and just gently kissed the top of my head and helped me calm down before softly asking “Do you want to finish your movie?” 
I nodded slowly as I laid on her and she smiled “Okay…we’ll finish it, if you need to potty, you let me know okay? And after it’s bed time.” I just nodded again as Ty started the movie back up, sitting close but not too much so as the movie continued, going on for roughly another hour or so, filled with a few scares and an end scene that filled me with nostalgia for the original movies. I remembered my first time watching the first movie with my brother after he snuck it in the house. How I was hooked from there, through the ‘bad’ and ‘good’ movies, and how for two halloweens I went as a ghostface because I was just that obsessed. I smiled a bit as it slowly came to an end, knowing I’d get a second chance with those memories.
 Though as it ended and the credits rolled, I could feel the tiredness taking over as I rubbed my eyes, it’d been a long day for sure, and the sudden crying hadn’t helped my case of needing to stay up. This didn’t slip past Khris either as I heard her lean whisper to Ty “I’m gonna put him to bed, you pick something” before she slowly lifted me up and carried me to my room once again. This time carrying me to my bed and laying me slowly down, smiling softly. “Alright, it’s time for you to get your rest, you’re already up well past your bedtime, and I’m hoping I don’t regret it tomorrow morning.” 
I just tiredly nodded as she gently tucked me in, smiling as she sat on the edge of my bed, gently combing through my hair with her fingers. “Thank you for being such a big boy tonight and letting that cry out, some ‘big boys’ still don’t know how to do that, like the big lunk on the couch out there.” I let a soft giggle out at that as she leaned down and kissed my forehead “Sleep well Stephen…I’ll wake you up in the morning, if you need anything, you know where our room is.” 
She slowly stood, smiling still as she turned on what looked to be a nightlight, projecting a starry sky onto my ceiling and playing soft, almost twinkling music, next to it she turned on what looked to be a baby monitor before flicking the lights off. “Sweet dreams” She said as she stepped out into the hall, shutting my door and leaving me with only the soft music and the stars gently spinning above my head. I didn’t get to watch them long though, as I felt my eyes start to flutter not even a minute after, the tiredness from the emotional night and the fact my body was used to a certain bedtime made it hard to keep myself awake. I felt myself slowly drifting off as I watched the big dipper silently glide over me, barely letting out a yawn as I felt the inky blackness of sleep take hold.
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