#i want to watch more westerns this year so pat garrett and billy the kid is in my sights
fortheturnstiles · 5 months
i said i was going to venture into bob dylan acting filmography over winter break and i still haven't quite yet . but its going to happen
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foreverwayward · 4 years
“Someone Like You” Ch. 7
Dean x Reader
Warnings: language, angst, super fluff
Word Count: 1579
Summary: this is the story of Dean, Sam and Y/N. As they grew, a friendship as children would bloom into something that would last a lifetime. But, its Dean who realized things can get confusing when you’re in love with your best friend.
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April 2, 2002
It had been nearly two weeks since Sam had left for Stanford. John was still in the wind, leaving every call unanswered, even from Max. He had completely disappeared for the time being. 
The days seemed to bleed together and time no longer felt as if it mattered. Some days, Dean would be too hurt or broken to do much of anything, but the others were filled with laughter and moments he would remember the rest of his life. 
Y/N had decided to stay with Dean until things began to make more sense. She knew he was never meant to be on his own and that he needed someone to get him through. 
Max had already come and gone to take back his truck, needing to get back on the job. So, the two were left stranded at the Flamingo Lodge. The four walls of their room, the local diner, a movie rental shop, and the liquor store down the street had become their routine. Y/N and Dean did everything they could to kill the time and to forget that the world existed outside their door. 
It was also the first time the two had ever spent so much time alone. Whatever bond they had before those two weeks paled in comparison to the one they were finding in their days at the lodge. 
The ‘73 Western ‘Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid’ played on the tv in the background as Y/N and Dean sat on the bed. Empty beer bottles and containers that once held whiskey were scattered randomly through the room. It was as if they were able to finally behave their own age, young and careless for the first time. 
Dean chuckled proudly as he laid his hand of cards out on the unmade sheets. “Read ‘em and weep, Y/N/N--four of a kind.”
“Oh no,” she feigned with a faked pout. “I guess that means you win…”
Laughing victoriously, Dean then locked his fingers behind his head as he relaxed backward. “I told ya, shouldn’t have bet against the king.”
“The king?” Y/N asked. She then placed her cards out in front of him. “Well, tell the king to take a fuckin’ seat because the queen just served a royal flush.” When Dean looked down in shock, Y/N got up from the bed to begin a ridiculous victory dance. “You...owe...me...dinner…” she sang. “Uh-huh!”
The grin that took over Dean’s face was immense and he threw up his hands. “Alright, alright. You win. I surrender.”
She stopped and pointed at him playfully. “Smart choice, Winchester.”
Dean groaned with a stretch as he got up. “I’m gonna go take a shower because I am fuckin’ ripe, and then...I’ll take you out for dinner.”
“And dessert.”
“And dessert,” he laughed as he headed for the bathroom. 
Dean went to turn on the shower but turned at the sound of singing. As the water rained down on the other side of the shower curtain, Dean peered out from the cracked door. 
Y/N was singing along to the movie’s song ‘Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door’ as she cleaned up their messes around the room, swaying to the music. 
He scoffed with a laugh under his breath and just watched her. If Dean had ever been unsure of his feelings about her before, there was no room for doubt anymore. She was the only woman he had ever truly loved. 
Dean smiled so deeply that he felt his chest grow warm. Without her, he knew he wouldn’t have made it through everything that had happened with his family. 
And with that thought, he disappeared into the bathroom to finally take his shower. 
Not long later, Y/N sat on the bed as she put on her shoes. “Dean! I’m starving!”
“Don’t rush me, woman!” he yelled in a teasing tone. 
She snickered as she got up to throw on her jacket. “I got your coat,” she said loudly while picking it up and folding it over her arm. 
As she did, Dean’s wallet fell from his pocket. Y/N dipped down to pick it up and noticed a small, frayed strand coming from inside the tired leather. She opened the wallet and her heart stopped. There, tucked away for safekeeping, was an old and faded piece of string that had once been knotted. 
Y/N gently took the string into her hands with her mouth somewhat agape in shock. 
Dean came out from the bathroom as he was buttoning up his plaid shirt. “Alright, so are we eating at the diner or doing take out? ‘Cause you owe me another round of poker.” He froze in his tracks seeing what she had found and swallowed hard. 
Turning to him, she asked, “this isn’t…”
“Uh--” Dean cleared his throat. “It’s, uh--”
She shook her head in disbelief with an overwhelming smile. “Is this...is this the bracelet I gave you when we were kids?”
Feeling himself growing nauseous, his hands shaking with nerves, Dean didn’t know what to say. He was beyond embarrassed. “Yeah,” he answered cooly. 
Y/N scoffed. “I can’t believe you still have this.”
“Yeah, well, it’s--it’s no big deal. When it finally snapped after wearing it for so long,” Dean admitted with a nervous smile, “I guess I just never really wanted to get rid of it. I know--I know it’s really stupid.” Trying to laugh it off, Dean reached out a hand as if asking her to give it back. She did just that and he looked down at the old string with affection. “I dunno. Guess it just meant a lot to me.”
Again, Dean cleared his throat before tucking his treasure back into his wallet and returning it to its place in his coat. 
“Dean…” Y/N said softly. When he turned to her, she smirked. “Hold on.” She went to her bag and pulled out a leather bound journal. It was visibly cracked at the binding showing its constant use. The book was Y/N’s journal and she flipped to the center before pulling out a piece of string from among her drawings, scribbles, and deepest secrets. When she put the journal down, she looked over to Dean and shrugged innocently. 
He smiled, practically glowing. “Is that the one I gave you on my 18th birthday?”
“Mm-hmm…’dunno. Guess it just meant a lot to me’.” 
The room went quiet as Y/N lovingly placed the old bracelet back into its safe place. When she looked back at Dean, he was slowly walking towards her, closing the space between them. 
Dean almost audibly gulped as he stood close enough to smell her perfume. He peered down at her and hesitated before reaching to take her hands in his, his fingers playing with Y/N’s. It took all of his courage to meet her gaze.
“I, uh--” Dean laughed to himself. “God, I have no idea what I’m doing...”
As she waited for what he was struggling to say, Y/N felt her heart begin to pound.
“You...you mean more to me than I could ever tell you, Y/N/N. And, honestly? You’ve been one of the best parts of my life.”
With tears in her eyes, Y/N smiled as she sniffled. “Mine too.”
Dean leaned forward and their foreheads pressed together as they closed their eyes and inhaled deeply. He bit his lip. “I don’t wanna ruin this. I--I can’t ruin this.”
Y/N pulled away to look up at him and put a gentle hand on his cheek. Remembering what Max had said, she uttered, “we couldn’t if we tried.” 
Mustering every ounce of strength he had, Dean’s face fell as he finally unburdened himself of his deepest secret. “I love you, Y/N. And I don’t mean in a ‘kid-best friend-love’ kinda way. I mean a ‘heart-stopping...can’t-live-without-you’ kinda way.” Dean shrugged with a small smirk. “Pretty sure I’ve been in love with you since I was nine-years-old.” Tucking her hair behind her ear and away from her face, he looked into Y/N’s eyes. “Now, I have no idea how you feel about me, but, I’m done pretending that I don’t think of you every single day, or that I don’t miss you so much when we’re apart that it’s like--like I can’t breathe again until I’m with you.” 
A tear fell down Y/N’s smiling face and Dean wiped it away with a loving thumb. 
“But, if you don’t feel the same, I understand, and I--I don’t know how I could live without you in my life. So, I’ll do whatever I have to to make sure I don’t lose the best thing I’ve ever had.” 
Still quiet, her stomach twisting with anticipation, Y/N exhaled a nervous breath.
“Okay, but you gotta say something 'cause I’m losin’ my fuckin’ mind over here,” Dean chuckled anxiously. 
Y/N stared into Dean’s eager and desperate eyes until the pull between them was enough to suck the air from her chest. She took the sides of his face and tilted up onto her toes to bring her lips to his. A release of love like neither had ever known poured through a kiss that had quietly waited for thirteen years. The two had imagined that moment countless times, but the real thing made them feel more alive than anything they’d ever survived as hunters--it was like a raging fire that consumed them both.
As their kiss intensified, Dean’s face scrunched with emotion and passion as he held her, his fingers burying themselves into her hair. 
Panting and trembling, they pulled away from each other, still desperate for more. 
Y/N sighed. “I love you too.”
As Dean held onto to her waist, never looked away from her eyes, he took a nervous breath. “...really?”
Y/N’s fingers played with the hair on the back of his neck as she silently giggled. She bit her lip as she stared back at him, realizing that Max was right and that there was no denying the loved they shared. Y/N knew that in that moment, that she held her whole world in her arms--she had finally found home. 
“It was always you, Dean.”
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