#i wanna dye it but i don't want to do that myself and unfortunately what my org has in chillness it lacks in Compensation
n7punk · 27 days
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fascinated by multiple torties specifically, but to answer the question i shaved my entire head a month into lockdown (did not take me long but tbf i already needed a haircut when it started) but didn't like it
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Perfect Paradise Ch.9: All I Want to Do is Be More Like Me and Be Less Like You
Summary: Hospital stays and dyeing days.
Juleka paced in the hospital room as Rose snored softly. Roarr and Daizzi whispering inside the bouquet Adrien brought yesterday.
Adrien closed the door behind him. The flowers of the bouquet rustling at a blur that vanished before Juleka turned around. "Any change?"
She shook her head. "Still stable. Just a late riser is all."
By the time Rose had woken up yesterday visiting hours were over. Juleka was lucky they let her see Rose at all. She wasn't family... And even if she was there was no telling how the staff would react to learning they were dating.
Juleka was pretty sure the doctor knew anyway and was keeping quiet.
"... I'm not sure our insurance covers Chinese hospitals," she admitted.
"You don't have to worry about that."
Juleka gave him a look. "Adrien-"
"Gregor already handled it. Think of it as hazard pay." He walked up to Rose's bedside, brow furrowed. "I'm sorry. I knew about her condition  and I asked you to come anyway."
"We're not talking about me like I'm not here are we?" Rose asked as she opened her eyes.
"Rose!" Juleka barely restrained herself from pouncing on her girlfriend. Instead grabbing Rose's hand and laying a kiss across her fingers.
Rose smiled as she squeezed Juleka's hand. Then frowned as she looked down at her hospital gown. A hand going to her forehead. "Well that's embarrassing... Sleeping on the job."
Adrien shifted but took a deep breath. "Rose... I'm sorry. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist coming if I offered and I should've been more considerate."
Rose sighed as she settled deeper into the covers. "It's not your fault. Not really. I could've done this when we were younger. Could've beaten up supervillains all day and the suit's magic would protect me from my own overenthusiasm... Don't much like knowing I can't anymore."
Adrien and Juleka shared a glance. "Has it gotten that bad?"
"Yes and no. I think I need a break from superheroing honestly. For a while at least."
She looked up and there was Daizzi with droopy ears and watery eyes.
"Oh, D." Rose held out her hands and Daizzi flew into them. Cradling the kwami to her chest.
"I'm glad you're okay," Daizzi sniffled.
"We've been through worse," Rose smiled fondly.
"We know, that's why we worry," Juleka pointed out.
Rose stuck her tongue out halfheartedly as Daizzi cuddled into her.
"How's Emma?"
"As well as can be expected after, y'know. She wanted to see you. They all did but the hospital only allows two visitors at a time."
"What? Boo! Lame."
Adrien grinned as he set a hand on Rose's shoulder. "I'll send her up."
Juleka waited until the door was closed. "You're sure about benching Pigella?"
"Well, considering that I'm laying in a hospital bed because the Miraculous magic makes it hard to judge when I'm overexerting myself... Pretty sure."
Juleka remembered she stayed awake for two whole days while transformed once. She didn't remember why exactly, it was years ago. Something dumb probably. What Juleka did remember was how the exhaustion hit her all at once when she detransformed.
"Right. Dumb question."
Rose grinned but said nothing.
Juleka blushed and her voice squeaked. "Shut uuup."
That just made Rose grin wider... "What's the diagnosis?"
"They want to keep you for a few more days," Juleka said, voice sobering. "Make sure you're okay. How's the headache?"
Rose made a face. "Present and accounted for, unfortunately. Enthusiastic little bastard too." She noticed the blinds were drawn and the lighting was softer than usual for hospitals. Which helped somewhat.
"You need rest?"
"I wanna see Emma first."
As though summoned Emma opened the door and stepped in. "Aunt Rose, you're awake!"
Daizzi burrowed under the covers.
"Hey, kid," Rose smiled as the relief she felt was mirrored on Emma's face. "How're you?"
"Better than you're doing." The look that crossed Emma's face said her mouth had moved before her brain caught up.
But Rose was too busy laughing. "That's a pretty low bar," she grinned. Then winced as her temples throbbed.
"Quick, what's something a responsible Aunt would say?"
"... Always go for the balls?"
Rose snapped her fingers and pointed a finger gun at Juleka. "That."
Adrien gave a wry smirk as he laid a hand on Emma's shoulder. "C'mon, Aunt Rose needs rest and you have training with your brothers."
"Aunt Fei, Hugo and Louis all send their love." Emma squeezed Rose's hand before letting Adrien lead her out. A shadow flashed out of the corner of her eye as the door closed.
Juleka sat next to Rose while Daizzi and Roarr cuddled on her stomach.
(Continue reading on AO3)
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myaquariusheart · 10 months
I have not written in so long I know. I haven't been motivated and just felt like a loser writing here but I feel like I'm going to miss the memories if I don't speak about them. I went to Portugal with T and it was honestly the best holiday ever, we went to the Algarve and had the most beautiful time and I will never forget it. I went on a jet ski and explored caves, we went out every night and met the most interesting people and made memories I will never forget. It was amazing and I just loved it. I also had my graduation a few days ago and I can't believe I did it. I was literally stressing that I didn't think I was going to graduate and I did it. The last few months have been good, I'm in a really good place right now and I am grateful for everything that's happening I'm just de-motivated and also am enjoying doing nothing but I need to get out of it and start living a little and be less lazy. I also went to Wireless with Cake and I saw 50 Cent live and I also saw DBE and it was just an amazing environment and concerts I've been to. I was singing my heart out and screaming tomorrow Me and Cake are going on a double date and then a Love Island event on Monday and I'm so excited. This is also the most broke I have ever been in my life but it's not that hard, I just have to survive the next 10 days and then I am treating myself to a nice Shien package and that's gonna be it. I cut my hair really short this month and I'm having mixed feelings about it. The first few days I was feeling really not confident and ugly but I'm getting used to it and it's looking better if I style it right. I'm planning to grow out my hair naturally, not dye it and then when it's long year I'm going to dye it all ginger and it's gonna look amazing because it's gonna be on my virgin hair. So I need to just wait and its an end of an era. Hair holds memory that's what I keep seeing and that hair has been through a lot, not going to lie. I didn't want to let go of that hair but that hair just reminds me of a insecure, messy time that I went through with like I, A, S and all of them. I need to just let go and now I have a new destiny and a new rosta which I could never have imagined. I have insta now and TikTok and its actually become really bad because I'm just addicted to TikTok and I need to get off it. I also really want to start going out more and dressing up and going to restaurants, I don't even need to buy a whole meal I just wanna look pretty and have a good night but unfortunately I'm not even allowed or even have friends to do it. T is going Italy for summer and Cake is busy most times. Maybe I need to make a new friend but where will I find her. I'm actually going to manifest a new friend that goes out with me and can always have fun, lets see if it happens Lmao. Anyway Z has also passed his driving and I'm so proud of him. I need to work on my CV and start applying to some teacher roles but like I said I just don't have any motivation and mostly just can't be bothered? That is my mood and I need to snap out of it. I almost forgot to mention that the Barbie movie finally came out and we all went to watch it. It was super cute, on TikTok and online everyone was raving about how it was so emotional but it didn't hit me like that mostly because I'm not a white blonde woman, and it just wasn't emotional for me. It was more funny than anything. Guardians of the Galaxy made me literally cry 6 times during that film so I'm not sure.
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Warning: this is a very long post, and I'm sorry. If you wouldn't mind I do have a transmasc beard question here at the top I could use help with 😊
Question: How do you stimulate beard growth?
I know it just takes time and the proper dose of T, but also I've heard about using a comb/facial roller thing to...stimulate the follicles or whatver? Anybody have luck with stuff like that? Or any tips at all really? Maybe beard products for cis men to start the growth? I really want a beard 😫🥺
Ok! Update since it's been forever! I've been on T for two months now, and I'm so excited for all the upcoming changes!
The first thing I noticed was the anxiety going down SO MUCH! The confidence increase, the lack of anxiety, it was crazy! Suddenly walking alone in parking lots at night is not nerve-wracking 🤣 crazy right?!
Second thing: bottom growth. I might be on a low dose, so my bottom growth is slight but it's THERE and some days walking around feels REAL WEIRD cuz there's a THING down there that wasn't before and is super sensitive. But I'm so excited for it to keep going even though it was the one thing that was holding me back from going on T in the first place 🤣 I was like "ehhh yeah I don't really want that, I feel like I'd dislike it a lot," but now I pump several times a week to encourage growth 🤩 Should be every day but I'm lazy.
Hair stuff! I have always had some peach fuzz on my upper lip, more than what is considered "normal" so I've always shaved it to fit in (I'm asd and I masked HARD). Well I stopped shaving it, and it grew in nicely! About a week ago I noticed the growth is farther down closer to the corners of my mouth than it's ever been!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!!! 🤩😁🤩😁🤩😄🤩😁🤩😁🤩😄🤩😁🤩😄🤩
I'm very blond, so the "peach fuzz" mustache is basically white, BUT my brother's beard is red, and my mom's whole family is a bunch of redheads SO I could potentially have a red beard 🤩🤩 fun fact: my redhead uncles have super blond, basically white eyebrows! So maybeeeee the white mustache could be red once it gets longer!
I take after my dad in almost every aspect, so unfortunately I'll probably have a blond beard (if I grow one at all) but in that case I might dye it :3 I really like the red beard look. I'm also considering dying my hair red. It's all shaved on the sides, and long on top to braid, like a viking :D a red-haired viking is pretty neat imo. I have beard beads even, from back when I had dreads. (Don't start, i know white people shouldnt really have dreads, it's a weird issue. I made mine by locking a bunch of synthetic hair, locking my own hair, and attaching them properly with all the care and respect and everything but still. I felt weird as a white person with dreads so I stopped.)
Anyways beard beads are awesome and if I grow a beard I'm definitely putting some beard beads in 🤩
Transmasc enthusiasm!!!! We need more trans positivity out here, especially as the news gets darker and darker ☹️
Also fun fact: my dad is extremely anti-trans. Like straight-up thinks it's a mental disorder and that trans people should either get help or die. He doesn't know I'm trans, I just have to sit and listen to his rants when I'm home.
So I mean it when I say I need all the trans positivity I can get. Cuz thinking about if my parents ever found out still makes me cry. I love my parents so much and I have an amazing connection with them and I don't wanna lose that, but 100% would if I came out.
I fully plan on hiding even after my voice drops and I get top surgery. I'll train myself to speak higher around them, and I'll wear a stuffed bra when I'm home.
Anyways. Here's to you, the ones who can't come out, who might never fully come out, but still wanna live your life the way you were meant to: you are valid, and you are loved. I love you. Keep being your awesome self 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
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dreamsorfears · 2 years
Why am I scared of dying my hair the colour I want?
I first bleached my hair when I was like 14 I guess. It was a single strand of hair on the kinda back of my head (I was obsessed with Sweeney Todd and his hair), so not like super visible. When my chemistry teacher found out, she started asking me questions. Till this day I remember the molecular formula of hydrogen dioxide, but I had no idea back then. I absolutely hated being asked questions in front of the rest of the class, even when I knew answers. And even though it seems like a small thing, it was a big deal to me. Later I fell in love with crazy colours of hair – pink but especially turquoise. During summer breaks and when my parents were away I used to dye my hair with wet colorful crepe paper so it could wash off quick. My parents didn't – still don't – like any changes in my appearance. When it comes to hair, they like it "natural with some highlights" but made by sun, not chemicals. It's not like they never let me do anything with my hair or argued about it, they were just always so very and visibly disappointed. When I grew up a bit and went to a #PrestigiousUniversity obviously it wouldn't look good if I had colorful hair. The professors would be gutted. Maybe, just maybe it would get off with this if I was one of the best students. If my knowledge could save me or if I was brave enough to be who I wanted to be. But I was an average student, too shy to talk. I honestly quit one course because a professor was making some mean comments about my nails, that they are "so long that I could kill somebody" (which by the way is not true – I keep 'em natural so if they're too long they just break; I'm so insecure I feel like I need to explain myself when I know I don't have to and the dick should mind his own business. Later I found out it was his way to select students – only the strongest can survive. And this actually shows the ridiculousness of the education system, because it's not like it was some psychology or military studies, it was just some philology so what does it have to do with my nails?). Anyway, I finished my studies and I got a job. I worked with clients and the staff regulations were quite strict, including – obviously – hair colour which was supposed to be natural. I changed my job, but then again I was at a university – this time as an employee and my boss was such a little sack of dicks, but that's a whole another story. Anyway I quit the job recently, I'm almost 30 now. I look at all the teens in my town with cool hair, blue, green, pink, all the damn rainbow, split dye, cool haircuts, buzzcuts and stuff. I am so, so, soooo jealous that it's not the time of my youth. Unfortunately now I don't wanna have crazy colours on my hair, cause I don't feel like it anymore and I know I wouldn't like it now, when I'm older. I just regret I didn't try it earlier. I am very angry that the stupid environment gaslighted me. There is one thing I would like to try. I would like to dye my hair, or part of my hair ginger. I don't wanna do this when I'm old and match all the red-headed old ladies. But then again, I heard and read that it's such a difficult colour to take care of and hard to make and then it would take years for me to get back to blonde and so on. So I do nothing, once again.
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My mom saw the ask game thingy and wanted to ask some 🥺
Asks from Mom 💖
1.Do they dye their hair? Have they ever done so?
(Conner Parker Courtney Donnie)
Parker: Nope!
Courtney: Your hair is naturally that pink?
Parker: Yep! Just like how your hair is naturally blonde?
Courtney: Hey! I'm naturally blonde... Just not this blonde.
Conner: Unfortunately, I do not, this is my naturally hair color.
Parker: Natural traffic cone.
Donatello: No, just good genes.
2. If they have piercings, when did they get them? Do they want more? If not, do they want any piercings?
(Aaron Conner Parker Courtney Jared Donnie Nicky)
Courtney: I don't have anything crazy, just the standard ear piercings. I mean they go up my ears but that's it. I've been thinking of getting my nose pierced but at the same time the process seems gross. So I dunno.
Parker: Yeah, my ears are pretty much pierced in any way I could think. I used to have my tongue but that closed. For sure, I'd do my tongue again, I wanna do something like my nipples though.
Courtney: Of course you do! You are obsessed with your nipples.
Parker: I just think it's hot!
Aaron: My ears are pierced too, well, I just have a few helix piercings right now. And I think I'm the only one that has a facial piercing? I have my lip pierced! It was an eighteenth birthday present for myself.
Courtney: Babies 😫
Jared: I have a few in my lobes but I always forget to put them back in, and they're kinda wonky because I let Court do it with a safety pin.
Courtney: Hey! You asked me to.
Jared: I did, I know. But I was fifteen and I shouldn't have. Maybe I'll get them fixed in the future, but I don't have any plans.
Donatello: Oh, Lord in heaven, no. What is happening?
Nicky: I just have my ears pierced too, but I agree with Parker, I'm so down with nipple piercings. Or you know maybe...
Jared: If you finish that thought in front of me you're grounded until you're twenty.
Nicky: Hmph.
Courtney: Con you didn't answer.
Conner:... Yes, I just have so many piercings.
Courtney: Don't be a smart ass!
Conner: No, I think in the only one that doesn't have any piercings and I'll probably keep it that way.
Courtney: Boring!
11. Is their current job one they love?
(Aaron Nate Wyatt)
Aaron: Meh, I mean. I'm a waiter right now, it's okay. I definitely wouldn't say it's my dream job though.
Nate: Nah, I basically just answer phones and tell people to fuck off all day. Feel like I could do better but I'm lazy.
Wyatt: Uh, yeah, I like what I do. I'm a car guy so yeah I pretty much have my dream job. It'd be cool to do something bigger like remake vintage cars or something but I think being a mechanic is pretty cool.
15. Do they have any tattoos? Do they want any?
(Vince Donnie)
Vince: I do, I have a small tattoo under my arm. Nothing too crazy, just a little whiskey bottle with 68 on it. 68 Whiskey basically just means medic. :D
Donatello: Absolutely not, what kind of question is that?
20. If they had a million simoleons, what would they spend it on?
(Conner Nicky)
Conner: I have the absolute most interesting answer ever, I would pay off student loans and probably buy a house.
Nicky: Court's right, you're boring.
Conner:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nicky: I would give it to my brother.
Conner: Aw.
Nicky: And then I would rob him.
Conner: Aw...
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
Hi I'm here for the matchup thing for ur 200 followed event!!!! Congrats on 200, I'm so happy seeing ur acc grow!!! 💞💞
I'd like a regular matchup if that's okay!!!
I'm nonbinary and use they/fairy/buns/angel pronouns. Irl I'm attracted to women but have a preference for male characters??? Idk so I don't really label myself unless I have to oop
I love true crime! I HATE heights and bugs- (bugs r cool for the ecosystem but not inside my house) and I love to draw :)
I usually look for a good listener in a partner and someone who can match my energy no matter the vibe. I wanna chill, they wanna chill, I'm hyper they're hyper, y'know? I'm not sure what my love language is because I love the idea of physical affection, but my ideal date is taking a nap with my partner.
My hair is kept short and I dye it different colours regularly!! It's pink rn! I have hazel eyes and wear glasses- and I'm not sure if this is important by any means but I have mobility issues and use a cane-
Tysm and congratulations again!!!!
hi!! thank you so much for the congratulations!! few little things about your ask i wanted to point out: a) i hate bugs too, they’re so gross b) taking a nap with your partner is very soft and oddly romantic c) i wish i could dye my hair, i just could never pick a color, i wouldn’t have the confidence for it, and i don’t have the hair type for it either unfortunately, d) i did end up including your cane in the match-up briefly. it doesn’t matter to me, because i think it’s your business, but if it’s important to you then it’s important to me, you know? if that makes sense? like i’ve wrote things for people with disorders/disabilities/mobility issues before, and i always just want to say that it shouldn’t matter in a negative way, and it doesn’t have to matter at all if you don’t want it too, but if you do want it to matter, it can matter in a positive way (did that make any sense, i hope it did lol)
💝 💝 💝
Similar Likes: drawing (he doodles, they're not "real" drawings and he'd never show them to anyone because they're bad and the point of them is to just get out the stress)
Similar Dislikes: bugs (he is terrified of spiders, but will kill one for you if you really need him to)
Why You'd Make A Good Match: Toby loves to cuddle with his partner, so you'd get to have plenty of nap-dates! He's also very affectionate overall, and very supportive of your interest in drawing. He'll constantly compliment your artwork, and is in fact a little bit jealous that you can draw so well when he cannot (Tourette's can be a pain).
Potential Relationship Clashes: Toby isn't the best listener to be honest. His heart is in the right place for sure, and he really does want to listen to whatever you have to say when you're venting, but he does have Tourette's (the expert interrupter), ADHD (hello, short attention span), and he's just got that sort of easily distracted personality as well. His Tourette's may also get in the way with your cane. Toby isn't the most reliable person to lean on if you need help with walking, and he may accidentally knock into your cane with a tic. Just know that he doesn't mean to do it if he does, and he will do everything he can to suppress a tic if he knows you're leaning on him or if he knows that the tic might knock your cane away.
What He Loves The Most About You: Toby loves that you’re his partner! He thinks you're very attractive, especially with your dyed hair (he would secretly like to dye his hair, but he could never decide on a color). He’s also somebody that wants a person to match energy with, and he’s happy that you feel the same way. 
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jintae · 3 years
Hi, this is the anon that will continue to hide her work in your presence (and continue to do so because I am ashamed of my writings), I wanted to reply last night, but I had to go to bed, I am 23, I just have a time set for myself otherwise I can't function the next day properly.
But I wanted to let you know, that I do not have any fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and visual art inspired by them, I'm unfortunately just a fanfic writer that uses fan fiction as a way to escape the situation in my home, but I can well tell you what BTS does mean to me.
At the end of August 2020, I discovered them, and I was at that time, in a dark place, thinking there won't be a way out, I'll always be stuck in this situation I am in, that I deserve to be treated like dirt and be stepped on because I did something horrible and deserved that treatment, I'm always staying positive while on the inside I feel like I want to scream and disappear where nobody can find me, and then I found "Fake Love" by BTS on YouTube on a Friday afternoon as I was waiting for my hair dye to do its work, and I was so amazed by them that I found somebody here on Tumblr to tell me more about them, I ended up becoming friends with that person, and that person taught me more about BTS and slowly I learned that I don't deserve to be treated the way I am, I don't deserve this life I'm living right now, but better days are coming, I became a big fan of BTS as they became my moment of escape, a moment to forget about life for just a few minutes, in a way... all of them have taught me that this is not it, this is not the life I will have and this is not the way I deserve to be treated, I'm still struggling to stand up for myself, I'm still struggling to love myself, but day-by-day, it gets a little easier.
Louder Than Bombs became my favourite of all the songs, "The words that tell me to only look on the bright side // My silent sadness // It shakes me // In my quiet sea // The waves crash in // Louder than bombs I break // The pain that spills over "
Those being the lyrics that catches me the most, I always showed a positive attitude, hiding my sadness to myself, and then I discovered them and made a friend that really cares about me, and I learned I'm allowed to show my emotions, not hide them away, but there are days that I feel like I will break, and it will be louder than bombs.
And that article you wrote, I had an entire night to think about it or sleep on some words I could say, It's so elegantly written, I'm glad BTS, but Jimin specifically, helped you, it's hard in some cultures and hard on some, so it's really amazing that he was able to help you become comfortable with yourself, it's not always easy to that or become so comfortable, and it just shows how amazing they are in helping a lot of people.
this is such a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it with me, my dms are always open if you wanna chat/be friends, i’m so glad you discovered them and are learning to get to a place where you can love yourself. i’m sending you so much love and i agree that louder than bombs is an incredibly healing song. they care about you and love you, i hope you continue writing and dreaming and im sending you many good vibes!
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