#i try not to put people on blast (so to speak i love this stuff) for their extremely niche works they made ten years ago
dhmis-heritage-posts · 7 months
Not forcing but you need to post more omg everytime I go on here I get nostalgia whiplash😭this page is awesome ^0^
Thank you for writing in!!!
I'm sure I'll update here and there... I'm still in a padlock mood, but that usually involves reading fanfiction that sustains me but has like under 50 notes lmfaoo
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cocoa-rococo · 21 days
Koopaling Headcanons: Iggy
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The wild child, the mad lad, the resident scientist himself! I think about him a regular amount.
His powers are more plant-based, and he's very good at controlling them, but inventing is a big hobby of his that plays into how he attacks. To put it in other terms, he's got Artificer software running on Druid hardware.
His eye color is a rare mutation of his draconic koopa biology, though it does give him some issues with his vision, hence the glasses.
He's definitely wacky, but he's not actually ‘demented’ or ‘insane’ like most think he is. That being said, he likes to play up the whole ‘mad scientist' act around other people because he enjoys their reactions. Maybe a little too much…
April Fool's is a banned celebration in the castle because of him. Not that it stops him from pulling pranks on any other day of the year.
His favorite fruits are more tropical things; kiwis, pineapples, and starfruit.
Prefers Chain Chomps and other animals to people, as he's not great with conversation nor predicting people. Rumor has it that he can actually speak with them, but whether it's true remains to be seen.
He occasionally gets nonverbal when an experiment goes awry, or when he’s so upset he can’t find the words for it. His siblings check in on him every once in a while, and he does end up speaking again after a few hours / a day.
His hair naturally falls into a mohawk like in his earlier depictions; he just likes styling it back to differentiate himself from Lemmy.
Doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, but he's a big fan of savory things. That said, he does have a fondness for carrot cake.
He actually made his glasses when he realized his eyes didn’t see well with traditional lenses… and because he needed something that was fireproof, blast-proof, and freeze-proof, just to name a few. When he realized he could market it on a professional basis, Iggy’s Glass was created.
He's a big fan of his veggies! He's not a strict vegetarian, nor is he opposed to meat whatsoever, he just likes his greens more. Like I said, Druid hardware.
Speaking of food, if he's craving something, he often decides what to have not by flavor, but by texture. He looooves crunchy stuff or things he can rip into, like sandwiches with hard bread or jerky sticks.
He helps Wendy with her baking hobby! Baking is just another form of chemistry, after all, and he likes having something to do with his hands. He doesn't like cooking much, though. Too much guesswork.
His love language is gift giving. He makes so many things for his siblings for holidays and birthdays, and is always touchingly surprised if they get him something personal or practical (not that he shows it).
He got Morton a camera for his tenth birthday to support his scrapbooking hobby, and is secretly very pleased that Morton takes such good care of it. He also denies crying when Morton showed him the page he made of the two of them with the photos he took.
His handwriting is the worst out of the seven. Given how fast he needs to write to keep up with his experiments, and his habit of using short phrases that only he understands, it's really legible to just him.
He genuinely is pretty funny. His humor is skewed towards shitposter memes thanks to Roy and Larry, but his sense of comedic timing to drop a bomb or punchline is perfect.
Will respond to highly cursed memes and images along the lines of "Oh, that's AWFUL. I LOVE IT."
His currency is amusement. You wanna get on his good side or impress him, making him laugh. This is harder then it sounds; if he can tell you’re trying too hard, he’ll just blast you with sarcasm.
Ludwig is teaching him how to play the accordion. It’s just as chaotic as it sounds.
He's a big fan of bad B-movie horrors, making fun of them while also unironically enjoying how terrible they are. He's got a few posters of them in his room.
He was the dog version of a warrior cats kid. I'm sorry, but it's true.
He likes to collect bugs! It's not a very big collection, seeing as the Darklands is uninhabitable by a majority of insects, but he likes learning and talking about them to anyone interested.
One of the most terrifying generals out of the Koopalings to the troops; not because he’s especially mean or strict or anything, but because you’ll have no idea how he’ll react to something. He is, however, perhaps also one of the the least military-inclined out of his siblings, much preferring his lab to a war room.
Will wear the UGLIEST aloha shirts with zero concerns. Will also wear socks and sandals. Wendy loathes him.
Doesn't like coffee; the taste makes him nauseous. He's more of a soda guy, anyway.
He and Larry are huge sci-fi nerds, and enjoy bonding over comics and mecha anime and going to cons together. Also a big fan of horror; the more gore, the better.
Cannot draw people for shit. Animals and plants he can do okay at, but more in an anatomical kind of way then any artistic sort of style. Blueprints, however, are a different story.
Genuinely likes pistachio ice cream. None of his siblings know why, nor do they want to know.
Like Lemmy, he's very much a fan of pulling a prank and doing the "ohhhh I'm just a little guy, and it's my birthday, I'm a lil birthday boooy" routine. Unlike Lemmy, this rarely works for him.
His lab is his safe haven; it may be a mess in some places, but it's his mess. If you touch something you shouldn't, be prepared to get whacked.
Can and will pick up bugs and eat them. Bonus if they’re dipped in chocolate.
He doesn’t have any particular favorite flowers, but he's got a side hobby of cross-breeding and mutating plants for both science and in the sense of, in his own terms, “fucking around and finding out.”
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graciegoeskrazy · 7 months
Healy!reader’s relationship to the boys
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george - as mentioned previously, george is the official-unofficial godfather. (official because matty deemed him that, and unofficial because your father is an atheist) your dad also always puts him down as your 2nd emergency contact - him being first of course. He was one of the first people to hold you when you were born and was looking forward to life with his new little buddy. He always called you “bubs” and when you were a baby and first started to babble, you tried to say it back and eventually kept saying “bubba” instead and kept pointing at him whenever you said it or tried to get his attention. from then on he was bubba to you and he loved that he had a nickname. you call him whenever you're in some sort of trouble that you don’t want your dad finding out about. You had him pick you up from a party and admitted to him you tried drugs but swore immediately that you’d never do it again. He was like “Bubs, what the hell?!” and you said “I know, Bubba. I know, I’ll never do it again!” and he said “No not doing drugs- doing drugs without me! Next time you feel like having fun, you call your uncle George and let him get you something. I need to make sure you're not getting worse stuff on the streets or someone is trying to rip you off!” you we’re like uh okay cool but no thanks. your dad was pissed when he found out. Not at you ofc - he was happy you were out and about being a teenager. he was pissed at george for the encouragement and that he didn’t tell him.
Adam - your dad likes to joke that you started having conversations with people that moment you were born. you would always make these noises. Eventually your dad could differentiate them and he would be able to tell if you were hungry, or tired or whatever. You tried to call people by their names before you could really speak. Again- they were just like sounds. Adam became “adi” and that’s all you’ve called him since. usually nowadays it’s “uncle adi” or something of the sort. he was set on you being a musician from the very start. he gave you your very first guitar lesson at the ripe age of 3 which was basically just him playing guitar to whatever song was blasting and you strumming along on your hannah montana mini guitar that bubba got you for christmas without playing any actual chords or holding any rhythm. He’s the uncle you spill all the tea to first. He knows who everyone in your school is because you two always shit talk about the bitches in your school and gossip about whatever taylor swift was doing that day. “So she called me literally CRYING that her friend canceled on her and i was like ‘gurl don’t worry we can go out together tmr’ and so we made plans for the next day” and he’s just like “uh huh” and just nodding on and on “but THEN she cancels our plans the very next day and was like ‘oh i have a family event’ but then a check her instagram story AND SHES OUT WITH ALL OUR FRIENDS WITHOUT ME!” and he matches your energy and is like “WHAT A BITCH!” he loves you very very dearly and would drop everything in a second to be wherever you needed him.
ross - When you were little and started speaking little words you would point at ross and just say “tall” which always made everyone laugh. It eventually turned into “tallie” (t - ah - lee) the vowels never made sense to the boys but they just chalked it up to you being a baby of a britt being raised in america. he’s the most ‘uncle like’ (?) like he’s always making sure you do your homework and makes sure you're home at a certain time and shit. all 3 are overprotective as FUCK but ross definitely takes the cake for most over protective. he’s like “be back my 10” and you’d always fight him and be like “10!?! cmon! midnight man!” and he sticks his ground. “no way.” “what about 11:30?” “it’s about to be 9 if you keep it up…” “fine i’ll be back by 10.” - you, accepting your defeat.
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dreamywakes · 6 months
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Betting on Betta: A Bachelorette Challenge
Hi Everyone! I'm not dead I promise. Work life has just caused me to take a break from games in general. In order to get back into the game I want to play a basic legacy without any rules. The only problem... I really don't feel like making a spouse for my founder. Soo why not have some fun with it and attempt a bachelorette challenge?
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Introducing Betta Lace:
Growing up in Sulani was a blast for Betta. How could it not have been? Everything she loved surrounded her: warm sand, calm waves, clear water, and pretty shells. There was only one issue. Being a Lace comes with a lot of responsibility. Ever wonder why the island waters are always so calm? The Lace's have lived in Sulani for ages. Hundreds of years ago they were gifted with the ability to speak and see the islands spirits. For generations they have calmed angry spirits. By following their spirit guides every word the Lace's have saved the island and it's locals from many threats. Sulani locals like to call them The Guardians. Betta's thoughts on this? Well to put it simply, she hates it. Betta and her siblings were treated like glass. Public schooling? No way, we can't have risk anything bad happening to a Guardian. Home schooling was seen as the safest way to learn. Being a Lace has left Betta with little social life. It's hard to make real friends when everyone sees you as an idol. Finding love? Betta could only dream of it. She has tried in the past. However, it's hard to find love when people expect an idealized version of you. That's why Betta decided to be the next Bachelorette. She wants to find someone who will love her as she is.
About Betta:
25 years old
The youngest of three
Hopeless romantic
Has only had one long-term relationship that ended very badly
Quit her job as a life guard to come on the show
Hopes to find a job as a Conservationist after finding love.
Made accessories out of shells when she was a kid.
Spent four years away from Sulani when she went to college which made her never want to leave again.
Not the closest with her family. They find her to be too irresponsible.
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Contestant Guidelines:
Berry Sims Only- I tend to get bored when my sims aren't nice and colorful. No specific colors for this one so have fun.
Young Adults Only- The winner will hopefully go on to found a legacy with Betta. I want them to live happily for as long as possible.
All genders Allowed- Betta is Pan.
Occults are Welcomed- I love occults and so does Betta. You can even get creative with CC to make something different if you'd like.
Custom Content? Go Crazy- Well maybe not too crazy. I'm not going to put a limit on CC just be aware that we may not see all of your sim's outfits (like cold weather or athletic for example).
Fashion? Be sure to give your sim a nice formal, everyday, and date outfit at least.
Backstory and Details- Please give us a backstory and some facts to get to know your contestants better. It doesn't have to be extremely long I just want to know who they are.
No Skills Allowed- There will be challenges in this bachelorette and I don't want anyone to have the upper hand. Traits that may affect skills are allowed obviously.
No Romantic Traits- Once again I just don't want anyone to have the upper hand. Describing your sim as romantic is fine. We're just trying to eliminate any major advantages.
No Contestant Limit- at the moment. This could change later!
Comment Below to Reserve a Spot- Just to make sure I know you're making a sim. I don't have a deadline in mind and I don't want to end submissions when someone is still making a sim.
Be sure to make a post with your sims details so I can repost them for everyone to see.
DM me with your sims files when you are done.
Pack Limitations? Please note that I do not own Horse Ranch, For Rent, Outdoor Retreat, Dine Out, Jungle Adventure, Journey to Batuu, Dream Home Decorator, My Wedding Stories, Most stuff packs, All Kits.
Stuff Packs I do own include- Paranormal, Cool Kitchen, Movie Hangout, and My First Pet (yes I downloaded it for free)
Accepting Contestants Now!
Current Contestants:
Reserved by @dragonplumbobs
Reserved by @invisiblequeen
Reserved by @justmeeeeeeks
Reserved by @theworstsimblr
-Reserved by @prettyprettyplumbobs
No deadline yet
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melloween-candie · 9 months
She's Perfect
Judd Birch x Black, Goth Reader Headcanon
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Requested // Request Rules
"I LOVE YOUR WRITINGS FOR JUDD OMG!! YOUR WORK *chefs kiss*!!! can I request judd with a black reader who's also a goth and the shit they'd do together! if not you can totally ignore this 🫶🏾"
Submitted by: @monibabsx3
A/n - I wasn't sure whether I should make this into a headcanon or one-shot, so I kind of made it a blend of both- Basically, I made one-shots out of categories based on what I think you guys would do~
[I try to write stories that don't evolve around skin color as much as possible so everyone can fully see themselves in it. So, if it's a little weird- my apologies 😅]
I myself am Asian, so I don't really know much about other cultures, but I do find them interesting, in general. I really hope I got most if not all of what you were trying to request! 🫱🏻‍🫲🏿🫰
Warning! cussing, racism, drugs, racial slur
Word Count: 1,376
Big Mouth Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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"You ready?" Judd asked you as he threw his duffle bag into the back seat of his car.
"Ready as ever!" You replied as you put your respiratory mask on.
You both got in the car. Judd was speeding as usual, and you picked out the beats as he drove. You guys listened to a variety of songs, mainly going back and forth between Rap, Metal, and R&B.
Of course, it wasn't a normal car ride without letting every car around you guys hear the songs you guys were listening to. So, obviously, you blasted the nuts out of Judd's car radio.
You guys got out of the car and went behind an ally from an abandoned building.
You guys spent hours perfecting your art as you listened to some beats in the background. You ended up drawing your pride. You wanted your art to speak for your culture.
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Judd ended up drawing what he thinks humanity's real truth is.
"Ironic, I know, but it speaks the truth." He said as he puts away his stuff.
You smiled, elbowing him. "I love you..."
His eyebrows furrow, "Where did that come from?"
You fidget with your mask as you continue staring at his art. "You don't see color- just the truth."
He smirks, leaning in closely; he kisses your head- "That's not entirely true..." You two stare at each other's eyes for a hot moment until Judd looks at your art. "That's you to me." He spoke in a soft tone. You blushed instantly and looked at him with shock eyes as you lifted your mask higher so he wouldn't see the blush.
He laughs, then quickly cuts it off- "Don't tell anyone I said that." He said, sounding all serious as both walked back to the car.
You were sitting in Judd's room, feeling completely bored. You've been sitting there for about an hour, practically doing nothing as he sharpened his knives.
"Juuuuddd... Can we do something else PLEASE!"
"With what money?"
"I don't know... we don't have to do anything money related today- just something!"
Judd stops sharpening his knives he looks at you for a moment then proceeds to stand up. He walks towards his bathroom leaving the door open for you to see what he was doing.
You peaked in and found him leaning close to his mirror as he shaved the side of his head. He looked like he was struggling with the farther back part of his head.
You looked at him surprised.
"What?" He spit.
"N-nothing. Just a little surprised... I just didn't think you did your hair- since it was really good..." You muttered the last part-
"What was that-?!"
"Nothing!" You giggled... You continued watching him struggle only to end up grabbing he knife.
"Hey!" He turns around.
"Relax! I got this~" you said in confidence. "You looked like you were struggling."
He grumbled. "I don't like it when other people do my hair- they always do it wrong."
"You and me both." You sassed. "Now turn around."
He grumbles and proceeds to turn. "If you fuck up my hair I will-"
"Shave me bald?" You interrupted. "Yeah, don't worry- I got this!"
~Time Skip!~
After hours of angry Judd wiggling and whining, his hair was finally complete.
"We would have been done hours ago if you just stopped wiggling!"
"I wouldn't need to if you'd stop pulling it on so hard! Besides, I. Don't. Wiggle." He said, standing up, towering over you. He had his arms crossed... He looked hot.
You had your arms crossed, too- a smirk started forming as he stood in front of you. He hadn't seen the full results yet... You simply grabbed his arms, turning him around so he could see himself in the mirror.
His reaction was priceless... Man was literally touching his face as if he couldn't believe that the man in the mirror was actually him- One thing's for sure: he looked like a badass.
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(This is how I would have pictured him... just with blue tips for his bangs~ Personally, I think he would look hot as fuck 😏😂)
With the beads and his edges done... he never thought he'd live to see that day when he actually feels cool with braids on...
Your smile only grew as you watched your boyfriend check himself out in the mirror. You giggled, shoving him in the arm. "Feels good to look good, huh?" You smiled biting your lip. He smiled grabbing your hips pulling you close.
You wrapped your arms around his neck. "I guess I won't be going bald anytime soon~" you said, rubbing the tip of your nose against his. He smirks, not saying anything- he just smashes his lips towards yours.
"Calm down, dude it was just a joke~" One of Judds friends said.
You were currently sitting on top of a rock wall. The roof part that's supposed to be connected to it broke off years ago.
You were hanging out with Judd and his friends at an abandoned orphanage, smoking pot. You were all cracking jokes and having a fun time until someone said something a little too offensive.
It was one of 'Judd's' newer friends... Judd's friend Camden invited him. The dude's name was Deerk. Pronounced: Dee-erk. He was blond with dirty, long hair. He was wearing a loose tank top that looked like he hadn't washed it in weeks. He had a green bandana on... it looked like it was sucking in the grease from his hair due to how long it's been there- He had loose pants, so every time he walked, his underwear would show- And lastly, he had slippers on.
He looked like a certified hippy. He was also extremely pale and skinny, as in bridlebone skinny.
He was currently lighting up a joint. "Want some honey?" Judd scrunched up his nose instantly when he heard what his 'new friend' said. Instinctively grabbing ahold of your waist, he just sat there staring at the guy.
"No thanks," you said. "I don't smoke."
"Really... Well, that's surprising."
Clearly, the guy was high-
"W-what do you mean by that?" You didn't really want to believe in what you just heard.
You crossed your arms waiting for the guys reply.
He smiles. "W-well, it ain't no big deal-"
The group started to realize the tension...
"I-I just thought that you smoke that's all."
"Why? Is it cause I'm black? Do you assume all black people smoke? What?! You wouldn't offer a cig to a white girl unless she asked, right?"
"N-no, no! It's just most of my black friends-"
"Oh, were comparing now!"
'No! That's not what I meant!"
You stood up with your arms crossed, staring down at him. "Then what? What did you mean?"
The guy looked at you as if you were being unbelievable right now. He looked around at the other people with him. They all shooked their heads.
He shrugged his shoulders- "Come on, can't we all be ni**** about thi-"
He couldn't even finish his sentence because Judd's fist slammed into his face, causing him to fall back. As you left.
His nose was bleeding. "Oh- come on, man! Not cool-"
Then Judd walks towards where you walked off. Meanwhile, the entire group of friends got up, too. Shaking their heads as they threw their joints to the ground. Some calling the dude an idiot...
"Camden- you too?" Deerek said as he watched his new friend get up.
All Camden did was flick his dead joint at him. "It was a regrettable choice of mine to bring you here. Find your own way home, racist fucker." Then he walked towards where the rest of his friend group left.
When he caught up, he found you and Judd sitting on a rock close to the river. He saw you get up and walked away as Judd nodded.
He then walked towards Judd, grabbing his shoulder as he took a seat right next to him. "Hey, man."
Judd nods as he placed his cig back in his mouth.
"Sorry about that, is your girl, okay?"
Judd removed the cig and puffed out a cloud of smoke, nodding as he stared off into the distance.
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I hope this is okay! I wanted to make it into a regular one-shot, but it was kind of hard for me to think of adding all these plots into one story whilst also keeping it a good length. So, I decided to put this into small little stories instead~! I might actually make a part 2 because I had a lot of ideas. With all the new experiences and what you guys would do together. This was kind of fun~ 💕
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azrielfiend · 8 months
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if i could insert myself into any world you bet your ass im going to nevada (just kidding id die in an instant but how cool would it be to see deimos in action?)
a story below about how this topic is actually all connected to my current favorite friendgroup atp
we wouldve never met if it wasnt for someone on the meme account, big_chungles on instagram (yes really!) who wanted to make a madcom themed account and were asking people to join as admins. a few days pass and i see an account named sanfordtits! i followed and had a few laughs for them for a while. and they announced their public server, so i decided to join it. and to my surprised i was dunked and candle wax that was cheese flavored and got cannibalized by kon and niko. (thanks kon for doodling the feast image.) there were a few major events in that server. i also met alfred in that server. yuck. anyways, there was a talent show and i performed osu mania there. it was soooo embarrassing since it didnt capture my audio and my osu was glitching and lagging so hard the judges werent able to even watch me play. niko won that talent show. we had some sort of rivalry-friendship thing going on and would bicker at eachother. (this is important later, i promise.) he was given the supertitter role since normal members were just named titters. i eventually got one myself, and zardy also got one too. due to being active members of the server, we would greet new members, talk alot yada yada alot of stuff. we were also thinking of doing a dating sim where i was one of the routes, and there was a lore behind it, i wont spoil it of course but i drew alot of stuff for it, and some writing which can be see on a doc here. there was also an fnf mod which you can actually see i had the sprites/concept art for it here. theres a lot! let me tell you that. and we had around 3 bgs, completed around 5 characters worth of sprites, a few music and charts done... until. i started to notice something, there was this admin where they babied and constantly praised just because they were a partner of another admin in the server. there was an art channel there right? i often post my art there along with others, and their pencil sketches would get way, way more attention than everyone else in the whole server. i bought this issue up with my friends and wanted their opinions on it, before calmly confronting the admins. and their reactions were not expected. they acted harsher towards us and called me a lying prick (?) i cant remember their exact words, but when i wanted to speak out against this behavior theyre doing and they wanted to shut me up as soon as possible. they were announcing that the servers getting shut down, and they were trying to ban me off of the server. admittedly i did something stupid and made a "kys challenge" joke to them which, well, they got mad at me for. i shouldnt have said something so vile back then. i was emotionally very immature back then. i hope theyre doing well now. i eventually got banned from their server, and they put me on blast on their instagram, which resulted in me losing a very close friend because their story captioned something like "these people harrassed my partners, theyre so gross, please block them" which.. well. youre kind of right but not really? we didnt harrass that person, only called out the admins.....childish behavior. although i did missacted and made a kys joke there too, so im not surprised on why theyre mad. i do take accountability for it. i cried for a bit. we were both wrong in this. but eventually made a new server for the people that were on my side. first it was named something like.. landfill? not exactly appealing, hehe. but it was eventually became bunkers, and its still my strongest bonds with my friends ever. and what a wild journey its been hm? if all of that never happened i wouldve never met the great friends i have today and my amazing loving boyfriend @woopdeloopei <33 (love you btw) its crazy how that spiraled but it all ended up pretty good in the end. a few of my friends got out of their depression and is happier now. i guess we matured! but seriously, so much history for such a small friend group. im so thankful for them right now. if it wasnt for that madcom admin on that meme account.... ah! i wouldve been just dead! thanks for reading all the way through the story!
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numbuh-72 · 3 days
Artist's Message/Update
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Hey everyone! Artsy_Lexi here!
Hope everyone has been doing all right and staying safe out there!
I have some stuff I would like to say in regards to Numbuh 72's blog and the plans for what's to come in the future, so buckle up and grab a can of soda!
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First off, I wanna thank the people who've been around to support me and my work ever since I returned to Tumblr under Numbuh 72, you guys are all amazing and I've been having a blast starting to know some of you guys, through my fellow mutuals~. I will say, ideas continue to develop in my head for stuff to draw and interact with you guys and have some fun with our characters!
With that in mind, I'm already almost to 25 followers on here! I do plan on doing a small celebration for this milestone that's already about to be achieved, so once I hit it, stick around for a DTIYS art challenge and be on the lookout for a new hashtag that I will put for my oc, Gianna Chavez!
Aside from that though, allow me to give yall an update for what I plan to do to...better organize this blog;
So I have a lot of ideas for this blog that's been running around my head for ages now and I've been struggling on what idea to do first; This would include
Alternate Universes (FNF, Roblox, Little Brother, etc.)
Finishing up OC Ref sheets, well, updated versions of them-
RP Doodles for RPs that I'm doing as we speak
LOG Data (I've been typing away for days on some of these to catch up on the stuff-)
Creating my own Headcanon for Sector V and other canon characters (Basically a universe for Gianna-)
And so much more!!!!
Don't worry though, I'm gonna be taking as much time as needed to be able to properly organize all of these awesome ideas, though I think for the meantime, I'm gonna try and focus on Gianna's main storyline that involves her improvement on the Treatment Program and how she will successfully get out of it!
Most of her adventures she will have, I plan to maybe do them via roleplays or from doing asks with all my moots and at one point, involve them in the main storyline for Gianna! (That is of course, I get consent for those that see this~)
So the LOG Data you see, those are actual reflections from roleplays that I have completed or in progress that I think are considered worthy for Gianna to report, for this is part of her program to see if she has been improving or not during the course.
I might even at one point ask for help now and then from my friends to gib ideas and of course properly credit them since they are all amazing~
As far as how I will tell the story on here, I have some ideas of doing Arcs with chapters, following with illustrations now and then, or maybe attempt to do a comic series. Who knows, we shall see~
I'm hoping though to try and get more asks in her inbox since sadly it's been empty for the most part and I was hoping people were curious to know her more while I work on some stuff on the side.
Don't worry though! Everything's all good! I'm just pushing a gentle reminder that the Asks are open for Gianna and the ocs listed that are open for questions~ <3
Now inspired by the lovely @kandykatz's way of their organizing their master posts, I might go for that way of organizing my stuff properly, or might do some twists, who knows, still gotta figure that out-
I...think that's all I have for now in what's the plan for this blog, if anything comes to mind I will edit this post or maybe do a part 2.
Thanks guys for taking the time to read! I hope to continue cooking up in the kitchen with yall and have some fun here~
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appelia · 1 year
♡*♡∞:。.。 Main 4 + Butters Relationship HCs
IMPORTANT: all my characters in my fics are aged up to 19-24. Side note: excuse my poor English.
warnings: none applicable
reader gender: gender neutral
a/n: this is my first tumblr fic, i hope it's enjoyable! :)
Stan Marsh
I see Stan as a bit of a hopeless romantic
But when he does get into a relationship, he either totally lovebombs, or gradually becomes obsessed with you over the years.
He definitely needs reassuring for EVERYTHING (/neu)
"Is it okay that I'm holding your hand? Are my hands too sweaty? I can let go if you want."
But over time he becomes comfortable with you, and knows that if you're ever uncomfortable, you'll tell him right away.
He loves cuddles, so long as it's not in front of his friends, as he doesn't want them teasing you.
Actually a gentleman, will stop to tie your shoes for you.
His ideal date night: Sitting in his or your bedroom and blasting music while drunk.
He'll get up and make you dance with him, the two of you stumbling around in your dunken haze.
You'll both laugh so hard you wind up in tears and on the floor.
Overall, both of you have flaws. For what it's worth, he's a great boyfriend, so long as you help each other try and patch those flaws.
Kyle Brovlofski
He's a lover, this one
Despite the fact that he's rather inexperienced with relationships, he treats you like the royalty you are.
He has many insecurities, but will work overtime to make sure that you yourself love yourself fully.
Speaking of insecurity, he's very jealous.
If you're chatting with someone, and he notices them getting a little too comfortable, he won't hesitate to walk over and hug you from behind, putting his chin on your shoulder, maybe even kissing your cheek if the person is still flirty.
He may not need constant reassurance, but when you two start dating, he'll accidentally avoid you out of fear he'll mess something up.
While Stan may be a gentleman, Kyle is the epitome of the word Chivalry.
He'll force you to stay in the car until he's walked around and opened the car door for you.
His ideal date night: The movie theater! Nothing wrong with a good old fashioned movie date.
He'll accidentally blow a bag on the expensive ass movie theater snacks, but it's worth it for you.
He WILL spoil you.
Eric Cartman
He acts all tough and stuff around his friends, but behind closed doors, he's your babygirl.
Demands kisses and cuddles at all given moments.
In front of his friends, he'll firmly wrap an arm around your waste.
"Yeah, this is my bitch." (More like he's YOUR bitch, but you don't say anything and just go along with it.)
He'll complain, but he secretly loves spoiling you. Maybe because you spoil him too.
He doesn't show his jealousy outright, but if he sees you talking to ANYONE around your ages, he is internally FUMING.
His ideal date night: People watching at a park, making fun of passerbys.
He'll literally make fun of the way he sees someone breathe.
He may be an awful person sometimes, but you even him out slightly, Kyle will say he's gotten soft because of you.
He has, but he'll deny it to the ends of the Earth.
He makes you playlists and gets mad when you don't listen to them as soon as he makes them.
Kenny McCormick
Kenny is an ex-fuckboy. When he realized his crush on you, he quickly dropped all his flings.
He is absolutely smitten with you.
He honestly gets angry that he doesn't get spoil you. He'd give you the world and more if it didn't have a price tag.
That being said: He's a total perv, he hasn't lost his roots completely.
Will make dirty jokes at any given moment just to fluster you, doesn't matter who you're with.
He's 100% okay with PDA. In fact, he initiated it first.
Will straight up make out with you in public any where.
Doesn't talk much when you two are around others, but at night, lying in your bed, you two will have the deepest conversations.
Cried of happiness in your arms the first time he stayed over at your house for the night, because you made him bring over his family's laundry and you did it for free. (You constantly help his family with things they might not have access to, mostly discreetly b/c you don't want them feeling like a charity case.)
His ideal date night: Laying in the grass at midnight and watching the stars, occasionally making out.
He loves everything about you, and will always make that known.
Butters Stotch
He's such a sweetheart.
He loves kisses, but gets really shy everytime you kiss him.
It's rare he ever uses your actual name to address you. He mostly uses pet names like angel, baby, sweetheart, etc.
You knocked that weird misogynist phase out of him and for that he owes you big time.
He's insecure about his scar and prosthetic eye, so you always make it a point to tell him how beautiful he and his eyes are.
To him, you hung the stars in the sky.
He doesn't want to mess things up, so he asks Cartman for advice. Which was a bad idea, because he ends up doing/saying something really stupid and it takes you two days to forgive him.
He makes up for it by apologising 400 times and buying you a basket of candies.
His ideal date night: Either going to the aquarium or the beach, right after eating dinner at a nice restaurant.
He loves to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat.
One night, you accidentally drop him off five minutes past his cerfew, and stick up for him when his parents give him a hard time. Because of you, they only grounded him for three days instead of two weeks.
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ruppcake · 1 year
Ouhhhh I loved your ficlet…. May I request a part 2? It’s ok if not
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Bob Velseb x Small! Reader pt 2
{i added my spooky month persona Rylynn. i will be making a post about them later}
Note: (y/nn) = your nickname, (y/n) = your name, (y/f/d) = your favorite drink
🛑TW🛑: bl00d, d3@d b0di3s, some cursing, bob being a c@nnib@l. if you can’t handle that stuff please don’t not read. i don’t want anyone to be uncomfortable or triggered.
{your pov}
You started walking back towards the road that led to the woods. The encounter you had with the red devil guy was a little interesting. Not sure if you should say it was good or bad. It was just…interesting. The cool breeze felt nice on your face as you walked down the street. The only thing on your mind was Bob and how he didn’t seem like how people have described him. When you heard about him for the first time, you thought he would be more intimidating and very brutal towards others. Not an ounce of kindness or anything like it but actually meeting him changed how you thought of him. Change your perspective on a few other things as well. You shook your head as you got to the steps of your house reaching for your keys. Unlocking the door, you enter into your house, closing it behind you before going further into the cozy cabin before flipping a light switch on. You look around seeing everything was still as it was when you left and decide to go to the kitchen to make yourself a warm drink.
{Bob’s pov}
His latest victim dropped to the ground with a thud after stabbing them in the back a few times. It was his fourth one that night. He looked at the knife as the blood from it was dripping to his feet. He licked it while chuckling to himself. Bob put his weapon away and went to pick up the body then heard a sound coming from behind him. He turned to see a tall figure standing in the shadows before it moved closer to Bob. Once the tall figure got into the light, Bob saw it was just his friend, Frank. He sighed glaring at Frank for startling him. “Dammit Frank! Don’t be scaring me like that!” Bob said, putting his hands on his knees to calm himself before picking up the body on the ground. The tall man chuckled at the red devil man’s reaction. “Sorry Bob. Thought you knew it was me since you were expecting me to show sooner or later.” Frank looked behind him at his van that was full of Bob’s other victims. “Especially since I’ve been carrying these bodies for you.” Bob walked over to the van putting the body in. “Well you did owe me a favor since I’ve helped you in the past. Remember?” Frank sighed in annoyance at Bob bringing that up. “I thought we agreed we would never bring that up again…” Bob chuckled, closing the door before turning around to face Frank again. “Let's just get this back to your house so I can clean my van from all the blood.” Frank went around the van to get in the driver’s seat while Bob got in the passenger’s seat. Frank started the car and drove off. The van was completely silent as they traveled along the road throughout the town. Bob looked out the window every now and then looking at all the buildings they were driving past.
Frank looked over at him clearing his throat before speaking. “So uh did you hear about that new killer? I believe they are called (y/nn)? I heard they have never been caught by the police yet.” Bob was taken out of his thoughts when he heard your nickname and that got him thinking about you now. He started thinking about what you said to him before you walked away. He thought about going to see you but he was not sure when to do so. While he was thinking about you, Frank was trying to get his attention. “Hey bob? You alright man?” Bob got shaken out of his thoughts looking at the man who was driving and trying to register what he said. Before he could answer, sirens were blasting from behind them making both men turn around to see the police on their trail. Frank steps on the gas speeding down the street cursing to himself. Bob held onto the dashboard and door of the van scared shitless of how fast the taller man was driving. They raced through the town leading into the woods finding a place to hide the van from the cops. Frank parked the van behind some trees and shrubs, turning the car off waiting for the police to get off their trail before they could continue with where they were originally going. The cop car drove past continuing down the street. Frank chuckled to himself seeing the cops driving away. Bob was still in the van trying to catch his breath from what just occurred. He got out of the van still breathing heavily putting his hands on his knees. Frank opens the sliding door of the vehicle getting ready to unload it. Bob comes around on the other side and glares at Frank. “You doing alright, old man?”
The shorter man elbowed the taller one chuckling a bit. “Yea yea I’m alright, ya jackass.” Frank smirked, grabbing some of the bodies out. “We should probably get going before the cops come back.” Bob nodded before grabbing the rest of the bodies and heading towards his home. Frank followed behind him. “So going back to our conversation before we got chased, have you heard about that new killer at all?” Bob looked at him and sighed. “I actually got to meet them earlier today before I went on my killing spree. I thought they were just a normal person. They were going to be my first victim of the evening until they caught me before I could strike at them. It caught me off guard. We talked for a bit afterwards and I’m planning on seeing them again. They seem interesting.” Frank looked at him smirking away. “Heh yea. I’ve seen them before too but I never got to really talk to them. It was when they were out killing. I only got a glimpse of them before they disappeared.” Bob nodded after hearing what Frank said. “They live around here as well. When I was heading back to the house, I saw them walking to town by themselves.” Frank hummed in response. Both men got to the house unlocking and entering the place.
{your pov}
You were sitting on the couch in the living room with (y/f/d) taking in the silence of the house. You enjoyed listening to the silence but you also like to have company but silence seemed a bit more nicer to you. Usually your roommate would come join you but they had something to do for a friend. Sighing you put your cup down on the coffee table and slouched on the couch staring up at the ceiling. Your mind started to slip back into the thoughts you were having earlier about your encounter with Bob. You were dragged out of your thoughts when you heard the front door unlock and someone entered into the house. Looking towards the door, you see that it was just your roommate, Rylynn, finally back home. “Well look who finally came home. Welcome back, Rylynn.” They looked at you giving a tired smile. “Yea sorry. Took longer than I thought. Did you go out at all while I was gone?” You nodded, taking a sip of your drink. Rylynn took their shoes and jacket off, putting them by the door. “Yea I went out for a bit but decided against walking in the woods for tonight since there’s a bunch of criminals on the loose. I walked around town, talked to a person or two, then went back home.” They nodded, walking over to the couch and standing next to you. “Yea I would have been home earlier but my friend got a little paranoid about a lot of dangerous people being on the loose lately so I had to stay with her for a bit until her partner showed up then I came home.” You looked at your roommate studying them a bit. “No one tried to hurt you, right?” Rylynn shook their head and grabbed your shoulder. “I didn’t get into any danger while coming home. I promise I’m alright.” They rubbed their eyes a bit yawning while doing so. “We should probably get sleep since you still have to look for a new job and I have work tomorrow.” Rylynn nodded as you got up, putting your cup in the kitchen before you both headed upstairs for bed.
{Bob’s pov}
Bob was in the kitchen cutting up the ‘meat’ he just got for himself before stashing it away for later. Frank sat in the living room with the tv on. He had the news on listening in on what had been going on and if the police were on their trails. Bob would glance over every once in a while. “Ya got a place to stay tonight, Frank?” Frank got pulled out of his thoughts and looked over. “Was probably going to stay in my van. Why?” Bob ceased what he was doing before lowering the cleaver looking at Frank. “Frank, ya don’t need to stay in your van. There’s a guest bedroom you can stay in. It’s the least I can do since you are family after all.” Frank sighed getting up from the couch then fully faced Bob. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to stay for a night or two. Thanks Bob, ya weird bastard cousin of mine.” Bob chuckled a bit before shaking his head. “Yea yea! You're welcome, ya asshole.” Frank smirked, stretching a bit while yawning. “Well I should probably shower then head to bed. I’ll see ya in the morning then. Night Bob.” “Night Frank.” Bob said before going back to doing what he was doing previously. Frank went upstairs for the night. Bob was left alone. With only his thoughts, the sound of the news on tv still going, and the clear cutting into ‘meat’. His mind went back to when he first met you and how you said you wouldn’t mind seeing him. Bob smiled to himself before saying to himself in his mind ‘I might try to go and see (y/n) tomorrow afternoon or evening.’ He finished up the work he had to do before heading upstairs for a shower as well then headed off to bed for the night.
sorry this took me a while to send. life has been crazy. thank you for the request and i hope you liked it! ☺️🫂
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kattythingz · 5 months
Ok hihi! I was wondering how you did research on Ling speaking Chinese (?) In your fics! I want to add some stuff with my OCS speaking Chinese in my book but I am not entirely too sure on how to properly conduct research, so I was wondering how you do it? /Genq
Also I love your writing it has such a good flow and you write Ed and Ling so well!
Hi there!! First of all: I'm so flattered you came to me for advice? Idk what that says about my handling of the language but damn if the gesture didn't make me smile.
I worked with Mandarin Chinese for my fic specifically, which in Google translate, that would be Simplified Chinese. But keep in mind there are other dialects to work with, like Cantonese Chinese I believe?
Anyway, first and foremost:
Do NOT rely on Google translate for sentence translations. It served me fine for individual words, but honestly? Even for a simple "fuck" or "shit," I looked at forums and Reddit discussions and such for "authentic" answers from actual Chinese-speaking folks. I found that "local" answers listed some wild things that are common day speaking and Google translate simply doesn't include some of those wild things. Which is a damn shame.
Basic phrases I did the same thing, asking Google "how to say such and such in Chinese" and scrolling down to discussions online. It's how I learned it's apparently common to curse people by using "your mom" as "fuck/fuck you." I had a blast with that one.
What also greatly helped me though was researching basic Chinese grammar for myself. Luckily, the language is surprisingly simple with it having no verb conjugations, and question formations and word placements seem fairly straightforward! So looking into the grammar was a lot less work than I expected and genuinely it was kinda fascinating. I know I definitely got way too into it.
This much attention to detail ofc will eat up time from you. I spent hours longer than intended to verify my sentences as Not Butchering The Language. But it was worth it in the end because I wanted to do the language right, and I wanted to respect it. I'm bilingual myself and I've seen the bullshit Google translate spouts back at you in my language. It's. It's not wrong, but it's also not what people say on a day to say basis, you know? And you want your characters to sound real, not like AIs.
So, FOR EXAMPLE. If you wanna make up a phrase that roughly means, say, "fuck on a dragon's spine..."
My process would be to look up, in order:
The individual words in the sentence, each. So "fuck," "dragon," and "spine." (Via Google translate)
The prepositions, "on" and the possessive in "dragon's." (Via Google search)
Basic sentence structure so you can put it all together. (Google search) (try to specify if you mean a statement sentence or a question or an exclamation, etc)
And then, bonus step, look at similar sentences in the language to gauge if yours sounds legit next to them!
All this wonderful research leads to the sentence of: Cāo zài lóng de jí — 操在龙的脊
It's a lot of work for just one sentence, but languages aren't one and done props for our stories either. The best respect we can give these languages is by researching them properly and putting the time and effort into getting them right. Even if it means spending an hour over one sentence or two.
At least, that's been my work ethic so far about it. I can't speak nor decide for you, but I hope my response inspires that kind of gusto from you too! :)
Thank you for the ask! And good luck with that book!! <3
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sendmyresignation · 5 months
Favorite Albums of 2023 ^_^
To celebrate the coming of a new year, I wanted to spend this first week looking back a bit at the things I enjoyed both old and new. So I put together a little list of albums I spent a lot of time with this year, for a bit of personal posterity, a little of getting into the groove with music writing on a very conversational but nonetheless sincere level, and also just because I enjoy, on a base level, the exchange of music. So hopefully one person will give a new album a try, or somebody will tell me their favorite thing they listened to in 2023. That's all you can ever hope for <3
Here's the albums I loved that came out in 2023 itself:
100 gecs 10,000 gecs: If I’m honest with myself- my album of the year, both in what I spent the most time with and the tracks I’d hold up the most fondly by the end of the year. the high-octane blast of creativity in these short, sweet, never dull, and always inventive bursts made listening a very joyful experience. Hollywood Baby and Dumbest Girl Alive bangers of the year though one million dollars just oooozes and chirps sounds in the most satisfying way.
 Paramore This is Why: very much preaching to the choir with this one. undeniable groove through everything– the whole thing brims with contained energy- like trapping a storm cloud in a bottle and displaying it like it's no big deal and then, every once in a while, electricity arcs through the room. The only issue is it ends on a bit of a weak note, with back-to-back ballads I don’t revisit often. but it's a minor quibble, they’re both distinct enough to stand on their own and neither is insufferably long. forgivable transgression.
Kesha Gag Order: This is self-explanatory, to me. Kesha was the first artist I ever truly fell in love with and everything she makes is like watching a flower bloom over and over again as I grow and change and wither and regrow right alongside. But on top of that, the record itself is so. powerful. Not in the cheap, congratulatory “you’re so brave way” but in the energy it radiates, in the way it stands its ground over and over. the way it grasps its own story by the throat and still lets you peak into all the messy pieces sliding out over the knuckles. Happy is one of those truly great album closers, but the whole album is so solid. 
Vastum Inward to Gethsemane: Absolutely crushing in just about every way, This is like, the platonic ideal of death metal for me. Dense and malevolent as fuck, but there’s still room for these nasty riffs buried deep in all the disgusting muck. That opening guitar on Priapic Chasm is the sickest 8 seconds of the year. 
The Gauntlet Dark Steel and Fire: At first glance, this seems like a textbook Bathory clone. And even if it was just that it’d still be amazing, I love that sound. But there’s space! and dynamic growth! And a growling echoing personality that every other standard in this space just never attempts. Even the hints of black ‘n’ roll and thrash are expanding a series of very narrow spaces– there are these mid-tempo stadium rippers scattered throughout the album that give the whole project gravitas which loops around and gives the faster stuff more swagger and aggression. really cool record.
McKinley Dixon Beloved! Paradise! Jazz?: I checked this out because McKinley Dixon has a great featured verse on Soul Glo’s Spiritual Level of Gang Shit. To make matters worse (or better, in terms of Shit I Am Interested In), the record’s named after Toni Morrison novels. To make it even crazier Hanif Abdurraqib opens the record (he reads this really beautiful passage of Jazz that's sampled later). An album so supremely up my alley I was almost scared the pieces wouldn’t fall together– they did! It's incredible! it's short but each second is purposeful and lush in a way that speaks to measure and care. the jazz isn’t just beautiful, it's a full embracing of the album’s central conceits (not just the Morrison, but the typography of cities, the people in them and the lives they live) and Dixon just oozes poetic ingenuity. Repetition is one of the best devices in his toolkit and nowhere is that more apparent than Tyler Forever which. man.... really really good project.  
Tresspasser Αποκάλυψισ: catchy-as-fuck. not what you’d expect from an album which is very explicitly about debt strikes and anarchy. usually RABM (red and anarchist black metal) leaves me a little cold, a lot of bands in this loose conglomerate aren’t musically inventive. rabm isn't just a stand-in for anti-fascist bands, the projects associated with the label are usually politically lyrically explicit (sometimes in ways that are overtly shocking or simply following a trend). which is nice! and necessary in black metal. but it doesn't automatically make it… good. trespasser have always stood out within that paradigm. clearly grounded in what actually works in black metal (the drumming across their albums is crazy kick ass in particular) and i find myself humming some of these tracks which is such a hard skill to pull off in melodic black metal without being dull or predictable.  
MEURTRIERES Ronde de Nuit: very surprisingly, a lot of this list ended up including black metal, which is uncharacteristic of me. but thankfully, MEURTRIERES is much more aligned with my tastes– epic old-school heavy metal with that galloping Maiden-esque bass and fiery, straining vocals that sit so expertly in the groove and then just push and push and push against it. simple, enjoyable, energetic.
Home Is Where the whaler: At its most basic level this is like. what emo can pull off when it wants to sound incredible. The swirling layers, the inclusion of shit like horns, the abrasive but catchy screams, crashes in and out of earshot, the rhythms!!! this is a very 2023 album, thematically and that's important and immediately apparent, but it's going to last much longer just with how the sound works and works and works until you find yourself continuously coming back, listening to it out of the blue.
Thantifaxath Hive Mind Narcosis: quote-unquote dissonant metal is so hit or miss for me. dissonance is oft a cover for boring, or unoriginal material that hangs its lapels on being disorienting or impenetrable. but when the tone is just right it swallows you up. Thantifaxath got the tone right; I was listening to this a lot while reading or writing during the latter half of the year because it just becomes a part of your world in such a wonderful, subsuming way. I really love these vocals too, they’re vaguely inhuman in a way that pairs so exactly with the balance of spacey and gross earthy magic, outside the world and grounded in flesh simultaneously. 
Crotaline The Hemipenes Demo: This is my friends’ band. They are cool and talented and I love first-wave black metal. They are also people whose projects I listen to in a fundamentally different way; when they pull something off it's a little bit life-changing because you know that person, you’ve seen them do human things! And then they are capable of great art. It's weird and disorienting and one of the best parts of being alive. But I do also think their demo is good without quantifiers, it's exactly what they wanted, it's got riffs that sound gnarly on tape, and it's dedicated to salamanders. like what else could you need in life?
Dawn’s Reflection Demo MMXXIII: This short little demo is a perfect burst of raw-ass lo-fi black metal. Which I usually cannot stand. but for some reason is just incredible here. I think it's the way the riffs and vocals interact– there’s these really solid, almost crust-punky guitar lines that shine perfectly in this kind of (basically non-existent) production. And then the vocals just completely rip over them in the loudest most batshit way possible, but there are always pauses that allow the instrumental to recalibrate. The synths are just a fun touch that drone in the back until they’re pulled to the fore which makes for these great, dense peaks instead of overwhelming the balance. It works! I am always hooked! 
And here are some new-to-me albums I listened to for the first time in 2023:
Nuclear Death …For Our Dead: Nuclear Death is already a favorite of mine (I feel like I never stop talking about them) but I finally got around to their demos/EPs this year. this one takes the cake, easily. Topping out at under 10 minutes, this record achieves a kind of demented brutality other death metal bands would kill for in a fourth of the time. It's a miasmic stormcloud of a project that proves (as everything they recorded did) that nobody can out-sick Lori Bravo.
Moral Decay To Build an End: This is a couple of kids in the 1990s writing a thrash record. Not notable in and of itself. However, it becomes clear immediately that these technically proficient metalheads are obsessed with emo. Like oldschool dc emocore. And it is thrown into their mix of sonic influences plainly and obviously. It is one of a kind. It shouldn’t work. It probably doesn’t, unless, of course, you are me and obsessed with it. The vocals on this are punky as hell and they work surprisingly well over these speedy, late-stage neoclassical thrash riffs. It's wild. I love it; the gem of the year!
Little Teeth Child Bearing Man: you will either love this or find it insufferable. Mathy emo-y touches, but this is freaky folk through and through. Flits in and out these crazy choral vocal moments and harmonies that fall in and out of comfort-level– lots of borderline screaming (or just gives up the ghost and becomes screaming). Everything devolves but the sense of melody is always lurking out of frame and comes back around to quiet and confessional. Manages artful and cathartic with a lack of grace and a hell of a conviction.
Helen Love Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Musik: the best punk understands punk is pop music. This is why I love this record. Helen Love loooovvess The Ramones, she does. And since she loves them so much she wrote dance music in their honor and got Joey Ramone to feature on the record. Incredible. 
The BellRays Black Lightning: Soul-filled garage punky rock that’s just masterfully loud, catchy, and full of unlimited swagger. Lisa Kekaula’s vocals are clearly grounded in a long, long line of rockers and soul-stirrers but what stands out is her maturity and control which allows for the slow-burners to feel huge and impressive– she’s the center, the burning star of the whole enterprise. 
Chinchilla 101 Italian Hits: this album is weird and, obviously, I love weird. Situated in the already weird San Diego post-hardcore scene, Chinchilla still stand out with their epic song lengths, murky 90s alt-rock depths, and the way Sioban Dixon’s vocals shift endlessly between a distorted fry, throaty shouts, and sweet elongated falsetto. So fun to get lost in these songs. 
Heaven’s Gate Livin’ in Hysteria: German power metal is always good. Heaven’s Gate is so obviously following in Helloween’s footsteps but Helloween is one of the greatest metal bands on planet earth and they execute that Keepers era sound so well they make a little magic themselves. Add onto that an album cover with a dragon smoking a pipe… it's over, it was love at first sight. 
A Few Honorable Mentions (if you've made it this far):
-Corinne Bailey Ray Black Rainbows (mostly here because I got to it wayy late in the year and haven’t sat with it long enough. but this was incredible all the way through)
-Smoulder Violent Creed of Vengence (was initially disappointed by this one and then I finally got a tape player for Christmas and it just… clicked in the new format)
-Be Your Own Pet Mommy (i love, love, loved be your own pet as a teen and seeing them return to music after so long with the same blast of energy is so cool. I just think the album overstays its welcome; the EP they released with just a handful of tracks just puts it into sharper relief too)
-Melissa II (incredible it was just such a good year for black metal it didn’t quite squeeze up there for me)
and that's it for me; Happy New Year may we all find new music to fall in love with in 2024 <3
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cristalmystery · 2 months
(also guitar player buddies pog:D I love playing the guitar sobs)
Oh gosh, there’s so much I love I can’t narrow it down to just one thing, so I’ve made a top 3. (This is going to be long, btw.)
1. Inner peace. Idk how to explain it, but when I sit down just me, my guitar and one of my old books full of songs I can sight read back to front it’s like the rest of the world disappears. I don’t really need to think about playing the music, and I don’t get frustrated because I know the songs, but I still need to focus enough so my thoughts don’t drift. It’s just me and my music in that moment. Nothing else. That’s my happy place. Especially in summer when I can go and sit in the garden in the sun. I play music just for me and just for the joy of learning it. I don’t really like playing for other people or showing off because then I’m no longer playing for me and my perfectionism kicks in hard, which makes it a lot harder to still enjoy the music.
2. Playing with other musicians! I joined our music school’s string orchestra this year and I’ve been having a blast. It made me realise how much I had missed by guitar ensemble. Such a big part of being a teen was that one hour a week I spent in guitar ensemble with my friends (none of us liked the teacher and we were little shits about it, but we did get shit done). I also think that’s how you learn the most/fastest. A. Because you have a bunch of other people how can help/teach you. B. Because you have to learn in order to keep up, you have to match that same level to play along.
It’s also fun because the stress of having to preform falls away. Everyone is too focused on their own thing to notice your mistakes and the audience tends to not hear or notice the mistakes because it’s really hard to tell that they are there without either knowing the song already or having the sheet music in front of you. So I like playing in a group because I can convince myself to not put too much pressure on it.
Oh, and jam sessions with friends are always fun. I tend to have one once every 3-4 months. Sometimes it’s playing songs we already know or tried. Sometimes it’s just “hey what if we did this song?” And then everyone looks up the chords and we try it a few times. Seeing the music come together is always fun. I end up going home with a sore throat from singing my lungs out every time.
3. This one’s not really about playing it, but sharing music. Going “Hey, I learned to play this song, what do you think?” or “hey i wrote this. Any thoughts?” or talking about new musicians you discovered and making your friends listen. And listening to the stuff your friends write! I have a friend who composed classical music and orchestral shit and I love getting little private concerts!
VIOLIN IS SO COOL! It’s also hell to learn. It’s like playing a video game with endless boss battles. You constantly have to work your way up to the fight so you can get past that hurdle only to be immediately hit with the next skill issue. I’m struggling so hard with the third position. Not even with the position itself, just with switching between first and third and back. I miss my frets!!! I miss being able to see/feel where my notes are instead of having to know them all by muscle memory! And don’t get me started on the bow. Violin is like 80% bow control/management and it’s funfair! I do really love playing the violin. It’s so much fun once you get the hang of a piece.
Oh I didn’t, but I’m looking him up right now.
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burnwater13 · 19 days
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A split image of Luke Skywalker standing just in front of the open blast doors on Moff Gideon's shop and Grogu touching the Mandalorian's helmet on the same bridge. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 8, The Rescue. Calendar from DataWorks.
Original story. Chapter 16. Grogu would like to not like a word.
Knock. Knock, knock.
Hi. It’s Grogu. Can we talk about this? This “One of your kind” thing? It’s come up a couple of times recently and I just want to shut this down once and for all. 
Wow. Thanks. Much appreciated. That felt good.
Listen, we are all unique. Each of us is our own kind. Who we are and who we connect to is our choice. Not anyone else’s. I don’t care how scary or authoritative the Armorer is, she is not the boss of me. She can’t set who my kind is. Only I can. 
And for those of you in the back, I am not talking about deciding that I’m a Twi’lek. I know I’m not a Twi’lek. I don’t have ‘tails’, I’m not really tall, and contrary to popular opinion, everyone does not just fall in love with me. I’m not talking about that.
What I am talking about is that I may have been raised at the Jedi Temple. I may have been trained by many great Jedi masters. I may be able to use the Force as they trained me to. But that doesn’t mean I’m a Jedi. 
At least not any more. I was a Jedi youngling. Past tense. And not recent past either. Nope. That was over half a lifetime ago. I haven’t done the Jedi stuff since then. I had my reasons. They were all good reasons. Don’t bother trying to second guess me. I know where they hide the mythosaur.
This keeps coming up because people use imprecise language, myself included, I’m sorry to say. You see, I hate Gal Basic. I’d much rather speak my own language or Mando’a or even Iktotchi, but right now, I telling my friend, the scribe, what to write. They make choices. But those choices are something I discuss with them in one of those other languages or through the Force. That’s how we do these things.
Now, I’m pretty sure that the Armorer just wanted me to be placed with someone who could keep me safe and fed. So send me to ‘my kind’ was pretty straight forward to them. Maybe. Sorta. Actually, it wasn’t straight forward at all. You see, the Armorer knew that the Jedi had been all but wiped from the face of the galaxy. A lot like the Mandalorians. Which meant she didn’t actually want Din Djarin to give me to some random Jedi he stumbled across. Nope. 
She wanted him to take me home. To the people I am genetically similar to. My home world. Unfortunately, my home world is unknown to me or Din Djarin or anyone else either of us have even met. I can sort of understand the Armorer not knowing that. Maybe.
On the other hand, my home is well known, it’s at the center (pretty close) of the galaxy, and it’s still standing. But somehow, neither the Armorer, nor Din Djarin, ever thought that they could just put me on a passenger ship to Coruscant and call it a day. 
The Temple is still there. More or less. It was the only home I knew for a good chunk of my life. All they had to do was drop me off and I would have been fine. After all, I’m small and I knew my way around the place in a manner that no one else ever did, except maybe Masters Yoda or Yaddle. If you were looking for people like me, they were as close as you were going to get and sadly, they are both gone. One with the Force and all that. 
But the Armorer didn’t send me there. Nope. Din Djarin and I went planet hopping looking for all sorts of needles in all sorts of haystacks. I won’t say it wasn’t exciting. It was. I learned a lot. I even started using the Force again which was pretty handy. Spending time with the Mandalorian helped me see that what I actually wanted was to make my own home and select my own family. I figured that’s what the big guy wanted too or why save me from the client and Dr. Pershing to begin with? 
The two of us got along well, even though he wasn’t a fan of watching me eat frogs and I am certainly not a fan of ration packs and armor polish. But aside from those things, we are very similar. We are both honorable. We keep our word. We help our friends. We hurt people as a last resort. We’re good to critters as long as they aren’t trying to eat us or other people. We pay our debts.
Things were going pretty well until he decided to hand me over to that kid who runs the sleep away camp. I know, I know. Luke Skywalker isn’t just your average kid who grew up on a backwater planet like Tatooine and made good. He got to meet Obi-Wan Kenobi. He trained with Master Yoda. He’s related to Darth Vader. 
Uh… yeah. About that. Darth Vader is Luke’s dad. Strange huh? They were definitely the same kind. But then were they? Vader wasn’t a very nice, friendly, save you from a bunch of scary battle droids kind of guy. Luke clearly was. Vader didn’t make friends. Luke had lots of friends, surprisingly enough, given his wardrobe choices (Dad thing right? Like me and my beskar shirt?). They couldn’t be more different, but they were the same kind. From the same home world. Taught by the same masters. Yet, not really the same at all.
You see how the word just doesn’t help. They are family, for good or bad. Luke chose that. Vader chose that. All I’m really saying is that I chose Din Djarin to be part of my family and I’m not giving him up just because he’s not a Jedi. I’ve made my choice and I’m not going back to Luke’s Jedi Sleep Away Camp and you can’t make me. I have spoken (thanks Kuiil).
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randomland650 · 6 months
Mercs relationship with Airman
At first, Scout would think that Airman is a bit of an idiot. Mostly due to the fact that she likes to crash her plane into things just for the hell of it. Scout would say that she's crazy, half-witted, and suicidal because of her tendency to crash her plane into places. But he finds Airman a mother figure, due to the fact she acts like his mother but also make some dad jokes which annoys Scout.
Soldier is trying to be somewhat of an older brother figure towards Airman however due to his childish behaviour and nature. Airman is annoyed by him as he acts like an overgrown child but she also can’t help but like his positive attitude. Soldier friendship with Airman is almost like with Demoman, cause he thinks Ireland and Scotland is the same country. So I guess they just kinda have a platonic sibling relationship where they don’t always agree on things but she appreciates the support he gives her and she supports him despite him being a complete dumbass.
Pyro and Airman might get along well, due to Airman's daredevil nature. Since Pyro has an affinity for other mercs who enjoy putting their lives on the line to take on opponents, so they would likely respect Airman for her courageous personality and determination. She would probably find Pyro's childlike, playful attitude a little amusing, even if he is a tad bit creepy..
He’ll be surprised that someone who is Irish and almost the same accent as him so they both love a blast, she’s probably the only crazy person that he can respect, because if you are like him, he would love to do crazy stuff with you, they probably wouldn’t talk much, they even go drink together and end up drunk as hell, but he admires her courage, and ability to do the right thing in the end.
Engineer feels like he should just give up on fixing Airman’s helicopter, but doesn’t have it in him to do so. He’s very annoyed with Airman cause her damaging her flying vehicles and her corny jokes. He’s got a big soft spot for her, and it is really cute. When she isn’t crashing her helicopter he takes her to have some tea, and listens to her rambling. All that aside, he doesn’t really know what to do about her constant, insane crashes.
Heavy and Airman would have been friends. Even though sometimes she can be a little annoying or insane for a grown woman, Heavy still has a soft spot for Airman. They have bonded over the time they have worked together, and Heavy sees Airman as a little sister. Although Heavy has never been rude or aggressive to Airman, he does speak his mind to her.
As teammates, Medic will be pretty excited to work with the Airman as he sees potential in Airman and her recklessness. But they both are good friends, they would have conversations about their families and their old jobs they got fired from. Medic wants to help Airman, but also satisfy his experimental needs so he experiments on her and the others.
At first Airman and Sniper were suspicious of each other. One being half-witted, adrenaline junkie and the other being a reserved man who was afraid of getting close to people. But after a while they learned to appreciate each other's work, as working together was a lot more effective than working separately. So to say, they eventually became close friends.
Spy would always feel nervous whenever Airman was in the field with him. Although they were on the same team, he was always worried that Airman would crash her helicopter into him. Despite their trust issues, Spy always admired Airman's courage and loyalty to the team, along with her charm and friendliness. They could be seen together as friends, or just two mercenaries working the same side.
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luvsae · 1 year
summertime love | ryohei arisu [1]
- in which you meet the boy next door and spend the whole summer together.
- ryohei arisu x gn!reader
- fluff, slight angst
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The time where you were off from school and ready to do absolutely nothing. You liked summer, but the intense and constant warmth reminded you why you preferred spring.
The only thing you could really do in the summer was go to the pool or make plans with your friends that would end up not happening.
As or right now, you were on your bed, fan blasting on you as you wore shorts and a short sleeve shirt. Sweat dripped down your forehead making you groan.
"It's so damn hot." You sighed.
"You should go outside. It may be cooler." The sudden voice from your mother startled you, causing you to sit up.
"Oh my gosh, you scared me." You laughed despite the quick heartbeat that was in your chest.
"I'm sorry," your mother laughed. "Why don't you try to go outside, though? Sit in the shade, wait for breeze to swing by."
"Alright." You agreed as you walked down the hall with your mom. There was some fans on in the hallway but they didn't do much like the fan in your own room.
When you made it outside, the same uncomfortable amount of warmth hit you, causing you to groan and sit on the front step.
You looked around the street that was a few steps away from you. Some kids were playing in the streets with a ball, while some jumped on the trampoline, some had popsicles to cool off.
"Here," your mom popped outside, handing you a fresh, cool water bottle. "Can't get dehydrated."
"Thank you," you took a sip from the bottle before you noticed something next door. There were three new people moving into the house next door. "Mom? Are those the new neighbors?"
"Yeah," she replied. "I feel bad, though. It's such a hot day to be moving in and everything. Hey, you should go help them."
"Huh?" You looked up at your mother. "But, I don't know them."
"Let's go over together, come on." Your mom started to walk over, making you sigh as you set your water bottle down and caught up to her.
"Mom, this is gonna be awkward." You reminded her.
"No it won't," she said. "Hello!"
One of the men looked over, you presumed it was the father of the two boys. "Oh, hello. Are you the neighbors next door?"
"Yes! I came over with my [daughter/son/child], Y/N!" Your mother smiled at you, making you smile back.
"Uh, hey." You smiled awkwardly at the man. "It's nice to meet you, sir."
"Please, call me Mr. Arisu," he smiled back. "Nice to meet you both. Ryohei, Hajime! Come here."
Ryohei and Hajime - you guessed those were the names of his sons and you definitely guessed right as they suddenly appeared.
"Yeah, dad?" One of them asked.
"These are our neighbors," he said. "Introduce yourselves."
"I'm Hajime." One of them introduced.
"I'm Ryohei." The other introduced. He seemed more quiet and reserved than his brother.
"I'm Y/N." You told them.
"And I'm Ms. L/N." Your mother said, "Y/N came over to help while I run some errands. I'll be back soon, though."
"Oh?" You looked over at your mother. "I thought you didn't have any errands."
"I have to go grocery shopping," she patted your shoulder before smiling at the neighbors. "She'll help you, like I said. See you!"
Before you could say anything to your mother, she was already walking away and to her parked car.
You cursed at yourself mentally but still turned around and looked at the neighbors.
"Here, you can take this one," The father handed you a box full of things - the front labeled KITCHEN. "You don't have to unpack them yet, just need to put them in the kitchen."
"Alright." You smiled awkwardly once again before taking the box and going inside.
This was going to be a long day.
A few boxes later, and you had one more box. It was labeled RYOHEI'S STUFF.
You walked inside and wasn't sure where to go, so you waited for the boy to pop up. It was awkward standing like this, but you weren't sure what to do.
"I'm here, by the way." Speaking of the devil.
"Oh," you quickly followed him. "Sorry, I wasn't sure where to go."
"That's alright." He said before lightly kicking the door open. "Just place it on the ground."
You followed him into the room and placed the box down. Not sure what to do next, you turned to the boy. "Do you want help?"
"Oh, uh, sure." He nodded, opening the box closest to him.
The room fell silent, making the both of you feel awkward and uncomfortable. You weren't sure what to do when you opened a box full of clothes.
"So, what should I do with these?" You asked.
"Oh, you don't have to do anything with them. I need to fold those." He told you.
"Oh okay," you moved on to the next box before clearing your throat. "Where did you move from?"
"Tokyo." He answered.
Your eyes widened from surprise. "Wow, Tokyo? I always wanted to go there. It seems like a cool place and the food looks really good."
"It's awesome," his voice sounded a bit more enthusiastic this time. "Did you always live in America?"
"Yeah, born here and everything," you replied. "I wish I could travel outside of the country, though. How come you moved from Tokyo?"
He fell silent a moment. "Uh, just personal stuff."
"Oh, I'm sorry." You mentally slapped yourself.
"No, it's okay," he reassured you. "Did you want to help? You know, with this."
"Yeah," you lied. "I mean, I felt awkward, but my mom wanted me to know our neighbors since I knew my last ones."
"Ah, I see," he folded the empty box. "What box do you have?"
"Bunch of controllers." You held one up. "You're into video games I'm guessing?"
"How'd you know?" He joked, stepping out of the way and revealing his computer and some games. "It's not all of them, but yeah, I like video games."
"Nice," you nodded, a slight smile on your face. "I only play a few with my friends but.. I'm not too familiar with many."
"I could teach you some if you wanted," he suggested. "I mean, if you aren't busy in the summer."
"I'm always free during the summer," you laughed quietly. "I'm only not free when I'm sleeping in or walking to the shop."
"There's a shop nearby?" He questioned.
"Yeah, down the street. They sell a bunch of desserts and other fold. It's not that much either," you told him. "I'll show you later."
"Cool," he nodded. "Thanks."
"No worries."
Even though the small talk was a bit strange and you weren't sure how to continue in some parts, it was nice to talk to someone - or at least you guessed so.
"Hey, we're done," Ryohei told you. "I'll get us some water, be right back."
"Okay." You said, watching him as he left.
You weren't sure what to do now as you were left alone, so you decided to look at his collection of books and games.
It seemed like he was very passionate about these types of things. You looked at all of the games, reading each game carefully.
"You okay?" He asked, placing the water down on the table for you.
"Shit," you jumped. "Sorry, you scared me."
"Sorry about that," he laughed quietly. "Have you played those?"
"Never," you said. "It's cool, though. Your collection, I mean."
"I've been trying for years to add more, but I need a job before I buy anymore. A lot of them were gifts but my dad or brother will hate if I bug them for more." He explained.
"Ah, I see." You smiled. "There's a video game store nearby, you know. They have games, figurines, other stuff too."
"Really?" His eyes lit up. "Wow, I need to see."
"That's another place we can go," you told him. "I mean, if you want to."
"Of course," he replied. "Just be prepared to spend hours in there."
"We can spend hours in there if we go to my favorite store straight after." You said.
"Deal," he nodded. "What store?"
"It's a candy store," you looked over at him. "I love it. I've been going to it since I was a kid. They don't charge much either."
"Awesome," he nodded. "Thanks for helping again. I still would've been doing this if it weren't for you. I just hope it wasn't awkward."
"No problem," you smiled again. "What time is it, by the way?"
"Seven o'clock." He checked his phone.
"Seven?" You grabbed your water bottle. "Sorry for the sudden exit, but my mom usually makes dinner at this time. I can't miss it because.. I don't know, she hates when I miss it."
"I understand. My dad's the same way," he smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah," you looked at him again. "By the way, leave your window open a bit. But also be careful of the mosquitoes."
"Thank you," he chuckled. "Night."
You made it in time for dinner. Luckily, it wasn't anything too hot, but the uncomfortable heat still hovered over you.
"So, how did it go?" Your mother asked as she sat down.
"It was good," you said. "I helped one of the sons, Ryohei, that's his name."
"Ooooh." Your mother teased.
"Stop," you sighed. "I barely know the guy. But, we just unpacked his stuff and decorated his room. He even said I could play some of his games one day."
"Aww. I'm glad you have someone close to your age to talk to," she said. "I know how sad you were when Amy moved a few months ago."
She was your best friend. You guys did everything together. Sleepovers, painting, walking around at night - summer was never boring when she was around.
You always hoped someone would move in next door but you knew no one would ever be Amy, no one could compare to your best friend.
But now, with new neighbors around, you secretly hoped that you would become friends with them or at least Ryohei, since you didn't speak to his brother yet.
"Yeah, I'm glad someone new is there," You took a sip of your drink. "It's a bit awkward right now, but I just have to get out of my shell."
"Exactly," your mother said before looking to the door. "Your fathers home."
"Oh, I have to explain everything to him now."
The night ended with you helping your mother and father clean dishes, then sitting for a moment before going up to bed.
You kept your window open a bit but looked out and noticed the window opened a tad - it was Ryohei's's room, and he actually listened to you.
Your curtains were now closed as you changed into summer-appropriate pajamas. Shorts and a tank top, before getting in bed.
It was a long day and you couldn't wait for the next.
Maybe making a new friend was a good thing.
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aparticularbandit · 10 months
I kind-of want to check out WandaVision thanks to On Toons and Magic. But I hear the MCU has a lot of complicated continuity and lore and stuff. So is there anything I need to know going in? Any other MCU media I should watch first? (I have randomly seen the first Avengers film and Thor and Iron Man 3 in my school's Film Club, but that was years ago.)
Mostly, if you want to see WandaVision, you need context!
Technically, you could see the other three Avengers films (and the last Captain America film), but that's...strictly speaking not necessary. Because I can provide context!
...because really you need Wanda's storyline and her relationship with Vision, and those aren't the major focus of anything she's in prior to WV, and you don't need to see entire movies to get those moments. (They are cute moments! I love them! They are VERY CUTE. But.)
Wanda is from the wartorn country of Sokovia. When she and her twin brother were ten years old, a Stark bomb fell on their apartment, killing their parents immediately, and then they sat for days and waited for the bomb to explode and kill them, too! But it was a dud and did not kill them.
Years later, radicalized from these events and wanting revenge on Stark, they joined Hydra and were experimented on using what ended up being the Mind Stone. Wanda got some super cool magic powers that we got no specifics for (but she can read minds and implant visions and shoot blasts from her hands and also make shields), and her twin brother Pietro got super speed! (One of these things is not like the other.)
They join sides with a super robot who thinks he wants to save the world by killing all of humanity! Once they realize he wants to kill all of humanity, they switch sides! (As you do.) They help the evil super robot's new body get hijacked, and then it gets infused with the same Mind Stone that supposedly gave them powers AND BECOMES VISION. He is not an AI. He is wonderful. WE LOVE VISION. (We know we can trust him because he's worthy enough to lift Thor's hammer, and none of the other Avengers could do that! (Except for Steve who made it move a little bit and then backed down but that's not important.)
HER ENTIRE CITY EXPLODES. (After they evacuated everyone first.)
Wanda has been in exactly one movie and has lost her entire family WOO LET'S GO. (Technically she was in an end credits scene in Winter Solider but, like. if you wanna count that, you can, but.)
Wanda stays with the Avengers! To learn to control her powers! She joins them on one of their missions to Lagos, and when a suicide bomber tries to kill Steve in the middle of a crowd of civilians, she uses her magic shield powers to try and lift the bomb up into the sky away from people! But her powers falter and she ends up blowing up a building instead!
As a result, Tony locks her in Avengers Tower! Because she is a liability! And she's a ticking time bomb who could kill a bunch of people!
BUT Vision stays with her and cooks for her and it is very cute!
Then Hawkeye comes to break her out of house arrest because Steve wants her to help him fight Tony. She gets into a fight with Vision. She goes to help Steve. Everyone on Steve's side gets seen as breaking the law because of the Sokovian Accords (which was something to try and control when the Avengers could go help people because cities keep getting torn apart and destroyed when they try to help people, and like. it would have been worse if they hadn't gone to help people - this is kind of one of the main points of the movie, actually, but. only slightly important here).
But it's okay because Steve breaks her out and then everyone has to live under the radar because they're all fugitives WOO.
So this guy named Thanos wants to collect the Infinity Stones so that he can balance out the universe by killing half of it because something something resources.
But no one on Earth knows about that because he's been looking out in space!
Wanda and Vision have been secretly meeting because she's a fugitive and he isn't but they are in TOTAL LOVE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER! THEY ARE VERY CUTE! They've been checking to see if their relationship will be okay! And it is! And Vision asks Wanda to run away with him so they can be together forever!
...and then he sees news footage of space people invading Earth and decides to go help him because Vision is a very innocent superhero who is definitely a hero, we love Vision, okay. But just as he starts to leave, more space people show up to attack him!
But, like, Vision can't live without the Mind Stone.
Wanda fights for her man! He tries to protect her! He gets super hurt! Then some of the other fugitives show up and they all go to Wakanda because Wakanda is better at tech than Tony and Bruce are and maybe they can find a way to get the Infinity Stone out of Vision's head without killing him. (Meanwhile, Vision is like, Wanda. You got your powers from an Infinity Stone. You will be able to destroy it. And she's just, I'm not KILLING YOU, Vis. There is ANOTHER WAY. And you are going to LIVE. I think you see where this is going.)
The Wakandans CAN get the Mind Stone out of Vision's head without killing him, but it takes time! And the space people show up and there's a huge fight! And Wanda tries to stay to protect Vision, but her besties are in trouble, so she goes to help them! But this is a ploy so that the space people can attack Vision! So after saving her besties, Wanda goes to help Vision, and he pleads with her again to kill him by destroying the Mind Stone. And she says no. AGAIN.
And then Thanos shows up and there's no time, and Vision convinces Wanda to destroy the Mind Stone and kill him. Which she does. Which is a spectacularly painful moment, but it'll be okay because they saved the universe!
...except Thanos has a Time Stone and he rewinds time and brings back Vision and the Mind Stone and rips it out of Vision's head, effectively killing Vision a second time right in front of Wanda.
...and then he does the Snap and erases half of all life throughout the universe, which includes Wanda!
The Avengers collect the Stones through sketchy time travel shenanigans and reverse the Snap and bring everyone back and Wanda helps in the big battle, but because they only reversed the Snap, Vision is still dead! Woo!
SO TL;DR - what you need to know before starting WandaVision:
And that's what you need to know before starting WandaVision!
Oh, also, Vision is still very much dead. He died. Very very dead.
Go forth and enjoy!
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