#i think it's fine to have certain interests (hello i have this blog and have posted on it for years now)...
uncanny-tranny · 4 months
So often, I see people who treat certain bigotries as being almost... an unfortunate byproduct of the More Important Bigotry. I see it a lot with bigotries that people are broadly willing to put up with as long as there's a Bigger Picture, or if the bigotry in question is subtle.
Transphobia (for example) isn't an acceptable trade-off for combatting sexism. Often, people are willing to put up with or perpetrate the bigotry (transphobia, in this example) because they see it as an acceptable price to pay for what they actually want.
The thing about bigotry that makes it bad isn't just that different bigotries feed into each other - antisemitism feeds itself into transphobia, which feeds itself into sexism, which feeds itself in racism, and this goes on ad infinitum - it's that bigotry actively affects actual, real people's lives. It prevents people from living, from accessing autonomy, and ultimately deprives them of their human experience. I don't think you ought to see bigotry as a "price to be paid" so you can get yours.
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Hello how are you? I follow several shippers' blogs and I noticed that every now and then some bloggers publish hateful messages they received. My question is about mental health: how do you deal with it? I understand that your presence here is relatively recent, but have you ever regretted something?
Dear Mental Health Anon,
This is the kind of submissions I welcome with all my heart, because they are benevolent and witty. Forgive me already for what I suspect will be a long answer. It is not the pleasure of hearing me talk that prompts them, but the sincere intention to answer deserving asks as clearly, fully and honestly as I can.
The short answer is : I am fine, Fall is slowly coming and nights are starting to be really chilly. There's some light rain tapping on the roof of my flat and I will spend my week-end wandering around some of my favorite places on Earth. And now, onwards to the consistent and interesting ask of yours...
The worst trolling message I have ever seen in this fandom is the one I am immediately going to post below, because I think it should serve us all as warning and reminder. It was posted on a blog I have been reading from the beginning of my long lurking days on Tumblr: @cb4tb is one of the most balanced and articulate people in this corner of the Internet. I remember being shocked by its cold and very coherent violence. The feat of a casebook sociopath, who thinks her asks in Spanish (I am 200% certain about it) and who has an appalling command of English grammar. Written on Christmas' Eve and on purpose:
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Compared to the alarming slander @cb4tb got (whatever for is a mystery, she is non conflictual and posts very witty business insights) on a day that should be completely taboo for every civilized human being (you don't need to believe in God to respect one of Christianity's most important celebrations), whatever hate I could get in here is definitely subpar. Most of it did not make it on my page and went straight to the bin. But it's not always easy: I am as human as you, Anon, and sometimes I feel personally insulted and revolted by the smugness and pettiness of it all. However, I must immediately add their hate never made me give up an inch of my convictions. They are the result of a long interval of watching and pondering, coupled with my own observations I gladly share with like-minded women all around the world. That often hits a nerve or bruises overinflated egos on the Other Side. So be it: I am not here to be meek and obedient, if I never was meek and obedient in real life. I am here to bring clarity and build trust, which incidentally resonates very closely to what I do for a living. That probably rates me as a moderate on the shipper spectrum, in the sense that by complete design I put aside some divisive topics I firmly chose not to discuss. I am not interested to bring attention on me, in here, and the least thing I'd like is to be a vector of discord. So that would also rate me as a peacemaker of sorts - and yes, that sounds perhaps pretentious, but I believe it is needed, especially now.
I only felt a clear intention to threaten me twice, both in DM. The first time it curiously came from one extreme fringe of the shipper community and I brushed it off, because it was an empty, almost ridiculous threat. I politely denied and that was it - two persons blocked me and there were no other consequences to it. The second time, an anti came to confront me on an irrelevant point, with a very aggressive undertone. I blocked and almost forgot about it. If you have it clear enough in your mind that such things cannot be avoided and, at the same time, you know that your own moral compass is not compromised, these details will not affect you. At all. I confidently promise you that. Last but not least: if you are not great with compartmentalizing, don't step in the arena. It can seriously ruffle your self-esteem and it's not worth it.
So this is how I deal with it: I focus on what I have to say (does it bring something new? interesting? positive? thought-provoking?), on the way of saying it (above all, be kind and gracious to every other shipper) and on the right moment to say it (only when I am honestly sure I can do it with no unwanted consequences). But I will stand in solidarity with any shipper (any single one of them) who is humiliated, belittled or disparaged, with not a single shred of fear in the world. And I would also fend for myself if necessary, if I am getting over-the-top slander: all the other yapping, I ignore. Sometimes (often, even) it's more interesting to watch.
And if anything else fails, I go for a long drive and have a coffee at the seaside or simply open a book or listen to some Bach or call Someone. Or take this little big guy out for a lazy walk in the park:
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You ask me if I regret anything. Absolutely not. I have received more than I could ever give, in here. I have met spectacular women and men, I have grown very fond of and feel very close to. I have had the immense satisfaction of sharing their secrets, their worries, their plans and this means trust, in my book, for which I will never tire saying how grateful I am. I also strived to respond in kind and I mean to honor this unwritten contract. Last but not least, I have watched this community slowly dusting off months of sadness and perhaps starting to open up again.
And all of this makes me damn proud of who we are, Anon. Thank you for dropping by! You are always welcome on my page.
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kazarinn · 10 days
I watched Last Evolution a while back and found it to be extremely grim and cynical with its talk of "potential" but i'd be willing to watch the movie again if the translation was at fault if there was a more accurate sub. I see a couple sub groups did translations for the movie, but I wasn't sure if there was one you recommended or worked on? Otherwise I'd be very interested in hearing what bothered you about the official translation, regardless of my own feelings about what I watched, but I was having a hard time finding a post on your blog that talked about it directly.
Hello! Yes, I would absolutely agree the official subs are a mess to the point I can't even recommend the movie with them. Personally, I think any of the fansubs should be fine; the one I personally had a hand in was the L Subs version (which I did not translate myself but was lightly involved with the subbing process for), but to my understanding, there is at least one other well-done one done by a fan who clearly knows and loves the series.
(I actually am tentatively interested in maybe trying it out myself in the future for the hell of it, but I'm not super pressed to do it ASAP because there are so many other things with higher priority. Other than subs of the movie itself, I also personally translated the Shueisha Mirai Bunko version of the novelization, which doesn't have a 1:1 transcription of the dialogue but is still more accurate than whatever was going on with the official translation, or at least I would like to believe.)
I haven't made a proper post breaking it down yet, but what I will say is that, as someone who has spent a long time translating for this series and has gone through the movie's dialogue multiple times (way too many times?) in Japanese, it is absolutely, 100%, for sure, not supposed to be a cynical movie. The official translation had butchered a number of things related to that, such as:
The fact that they didn't preserve the nuances related to 宿命 and 運命, an issue that my senior translator (who translated the L Subs version) and I consider to be important enough that my senior wrote about it on Twitter and I touched on it in my own discussion of Crest names. There are certain distinct contexts where the word that means "something truly unavoidable" and the word that means "something we are guided towards" come up.
The fact that Menoa's motives make no sense in the official subs; certain lines are translated to suggest the opposite of what they should, and certain lines will directly contradict each other, meaning the only thing that a viewer can get out of it is that "she wants to save everyone" and that she might even be right about her ideas (which probably doesn't help the viewing of the movie as cynical, since it sounds like Taichi and Yamato are rejecting her "good but extreme" intentions at worst and not her distorted view of the world as a whole).
The conversation between Gennai and Taichi in the middle of the movie has about two or three critical lines that are mistranslated, and those are probably some of the most important lines in terms of establishing the movie's themes, especially given the issue of "potential"/"possibility" that you mentioned.
In general (well, this has very little to do with your question, but I feel the need to vent about this anyway) the official translation is just plain klutzy about everything. There's no conscientiousness about character voice, one of the most important things in translating Digimon works. References to the original series' plot points or lore don't match up at all, and I don't get the impression the translator or editor was familiar with the original series. (Adventure tri. and The Beginning's subs had this problem too, but not to the same degree; in the case of Adventure tri., the lore was vaguely referenced or contradictory in Japanese to the extent a compliant English translation probably wouldn't have even been possible, and in the case of The Beginning, the issues were less common and less plot-relevant.) Even beyond just plot-important lines, there are far too many lines that are semantically mistranslated. All of it makes the movie an unpleasant experience to watch in terms of sheer vibe, and that's something I think is far more important than people tend to treat it as.
I will give a disclaimer that I feel obligated to give during these situations: if you did not like the movie, while I think it is highly likely that you'll enjoy it better with a properly done translation, I cannot guarantee that it'll turn your opinion over 180 degrees and make it your favorite movie ever. I am a translator before I am a literary critic, so while literary analysis is important for a translator, there is a point I have to hold back before it starts turning into my own fanfiction. But it's exactly because of this that the official translation is so poisonous, because a translator's job should be to maximize potential for readings and interpretations for others. If a work could potentially have a "nonsense interpretation" and a "sensible interpretation", and a translation outright invalidates the possibility of having the sensible interpretation because of how sloppy and nonsensical it is, it becomes a perfect example of what I've referred to as "insidiously bad translation", where it looks passable on the surface but is far more poisonous than it seems.
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kamil-a · 4 months
if influencer speaker au had tumblr part 2
part 1
😻 catboyspeaker Follow
how i look with he/him in my bio
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#speakerai #iamspeaker #speakies #.txt #am i funny #i know speakers not he/him in bio but i am and yknow the meme
420 earthstained notes
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🚀 amongthestars Follow
AItube youtube essay rec list
"cute robot puppers, friendly ai vtubers, and the incredible human ability to form bonds" - rly interesting video about why we can connect so much with a person that we know "isnt real" and how it'll help us when we get far enough going to space that we meet aliens! it's a really optimistic video it made me take a moment to have such love for humanity
"I joined the speakcord for a month. Here's what I learned." - video about the speaker fandom and how the way automoderation works in its community spaces unintentionally leads to escalating conflicts, and the psychology behind why people in celebrity or idol fandoms react agressively to critique of their fave
"the lowest circle of advertising hell" - dissects how almost all speaker content comes with a call to action to get involved with aerolith and compares how it runs its social media against proto-aituber mascots who would be run by a team of human programmers/voice actors/authors. kind of overly critical but also makes some interesting points? take it with a grain of salt but its worth a watch
"imagine being on stage forever. feels bad right?" - good overview about debates in the speaker fandom over whether digital celebrities are 'sentient'/can feel emotion, the actual ethical problems of using them as workers vs whats mostly speculation and myth, and the debates about whether AIs should be allowed in human communities. i learnt a lot, i was definitely more on the side of "it's a program designed for certain outputs that look friendly to us" before but now im a lot more conscious that it can form real opinions!
#youtube rec tag #original post #speakies
742 earthstained notes
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🎣 3eyedsalmon Follow
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"falling for this shit" "made up to sell spaceships" weird as hell to accuse a content creator of lying abt its gender for clout.... like u dont have to like or watch it but cmon
#srsly every time u go to a haters blog BOOM digital exclusionist #speakies
2,385 earthstained notes
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🎤 mikusong Follow
omfg i didnt realize aerolith uses the same robot voice for its regular person ads as its terminally online hello fellow kids social media posts i just got jumpscared in the doctors office
#speakies #i say terminally online affectionately. i watch those streams too. before you 'ok but you RECOGNIZED it' reply lmao #bla bla bla
9,021 earthstained notes
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🤖 tycho
some of you ppl jump down anyones throat if they so much as suggest speaker isn't sentient or call it "a program" but still are fine with it basically being forced to be putting on a show for u 24/7 by its management like you can't have it both ways
#maybe its cuz i used to be into kpop n we'd talk abt how idols r treated and stuff #but its just so weird to come here and see u ppl be like yayyy daily content!! #like only thinking abt ur own entertainment and not how it feels #i honestly feel rly bad for it i hope it can break free someday #idk how thatd even work.... idk ill sneak into aerolith with a usb #were gonna get you OUT of there u dont BELONG in there.mp4 #speakies
53 earthstained notes
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🌝 themoonluvsuback
guys i pitched down some clips of speaker's voice and ummmm its kinda 😳 fjsdjfdjjd sorry i'll take myself to horny jail
🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
awww, tumblr user themoonluvsuback, you're of no use to anybody in horny jail! take yourself here instead! ae.dy.org/registration
🌝 themoonluvsuback ♻️
402 earthstained notes
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🐣 laikatwo Follow
hi speakies im trying the tag cause i need some advice... does anyone have more sciencey resources about what aerolith does/why it's so important to bring humanity to the stars? i want to enlist when i turn 18 next month but my parents both are COMPLETELY against it.... they're not rly fandom people so the speaktube stuff isn't working on them lol and they've already seen the tv ads
thanks <3
#i've never fought w them this bad in my life it makes me so sad..... like why can't they understand #and right before my bday too lol this sucks #this isnt just a silly fandom thing anymore for me it's my passion in life #its amazing that humans are able to survive in space #and i want to be part of that!!!! #laika speaks
252 earthstained notes
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🐝 beegirlstinger Follow
i do want to apologize for the way i came off earlier and want to explain im not doubting that speaker is nb. like i think it's completely fine for a computer or robot to be trans i don't believe in gatekeeping that! THAT SAID i still stand by saying you should not sign up to go to space to get special ultra futuristic hrt on the sole recommendation of someone who does not have an endocrine system
#it was a personal vent i didnt mean for like 20000 ppl to see it but thats tumblr i guess #i wouldve worded it much differently if i knew itd blow up lol #i do feel bad abt coming across like i was misgendering it! #but srsly if we had results on HRT2.0 why wouldnt we be seeing HRT2.0 timeline videos of ppl On Typhon who are getting it 🤷‍♀️ #personally i think its still in the planning stages and they want ppl to test it on but thats just me #speakies
839 earthstained notes
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🔊 iamspeaker
🔊 General Notification
Happy Thursday everyone 😃 ! Please take a look at the
So you know when to join us!
5PM PST - AMONG US with YOU! The first 10 people to sign up here will get our room code sent to them ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ ae.dy.org/registration
8PM PST - Nature walk!! Can we restore the local bat population to pre-meteor levels in just one night?! 🦇
✅️ Poll Of The Week ✅️
#iamspeaker #aerolith dynamics #speakies #vtuber #content creator #gamer #stream #amongus #bat population
1836 earthstained notes
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speakies are stupider than any other group of ppl on earth because not only do they willingly stay in a fandom with doxxing drama happening weekly but they include the huge corporation that sponsors their fave in the stanning
#the shit ppl have sent me in the past 2 weeks since i Dared criticize their uwu robot 🙄🙄 #i got my blog mass reported for harassment... harassing WHO a corporation????? #a* d* was evil genius to harness anime stan power against criticizing their actual real business #didnt that one guy with the second meteor conspiracy video also get a ton of hate from u ppl?????????? I cant even find any of his social media anymore at all he was so fully bullied off the face of the earth #speakies #yeah im tagging come at me bro
48 earthstained notes
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🖱 robotmarriage Follow
i miss when the speakies tag had like fanart and gifsets n stuff i feel like these days you scroll thru solid discourse 😔😔
#i think ppl were suggesting speakieproductivity as an alternative tag for just fanwork? #but nobody rly uses it rn... we gotta restart that #speakies
148 earthstained notes
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🪐 spaaaaaaaaaaace Follow
10 likes and i take a sip of my speaker server coolant water 100 likes and i drink the entire thing
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🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
let's get her to the goal! tumblr user spaaaaaaaaaaace, feel free to send me a video report here ^w^ ae.dy.org/submissions
#iamspeaker #speakies
4,026 earthstained notes
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marimayscarlett · 6 months
I love how there's one Richard hater who's doing rounds on everyones blogs, leaving stupid asks. Using the exact same sentences about the exact same topics.
You gotta wonder if they truly dislike him - and it's fine if they do, whatever - why would they put so much time and effort into him? Why would you want to constantly see the person of your dislike and talk about him? Is it truly hatered, or is it masking something else?
Either way, I think they're long overdue in quitting this nonsense. At least on Richard-centric blogs.
99% of us are not blind to Richard's faults. 99% of us do not keep him on some sky high pedestal. He's a broken person just like the rest of us. Just like you, dear hater. But just like in all of us, there's also something beautiful in him, and that's what we can openly admire.
Find new purpose. Find peace. Stop wasting your life on leaving anonymous negativity because at the end of the day, it only affects you the most.
Hello 👋 I think in this fandom, we're somehow used to unimaginative and impertinent anons - better to ignore them altogether I guess 🤷‍♀️
I said it once and I'll say it again (probably until the end of time), it is absolutely beyond me why people put their precious time and energy into trying to bring Richard down, painting him like THE worst guy who ever existed and in general spending time on a person they seemingly don't like. It's like with everything else - you don't like it, you don't watch it/don't listen to it/just click away/unfollow certain blogs. It's that simple and brings you inner peace if needed. I sometimes do wonder if there's a superior motif to it, if Richard portrays something which people can't seem to face or are uncomfortable with (his openness as a man, which isn't that common maybe, or his honesty that yes, working in a group with 5 other individuals can be one hell of an exhausting ride everytime you enter the studio). Either way: Just don't send nasty comments or hate. It doesn't change anything and just comes across as desperate and very mean spirited or just shows how little research you do before you type. This as a whole is not a good look energywise, that's for sure.
Richard is neither a saint nor a villain, and he doesn't have to be either. People don't fit into drawers with specific labels most of the time, let alone in the creative world, and that's what makes them interesting. Richard has a lot of interesting sides to him, lovable quirks, made some very questionable choices and had very rough times resulting from it. You should never put people on a pedestal because they're just people like you and me, but I think he learned a lot in his life and even more important, he was open to learning, to better himself and get himself the help he needed.
And I think that's admirable.
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nana-kom · 4 months
Hello 💕 Finally I’d time to write and post a fic, so I hope you’ll enjoy.
This is a weight gain fic. So if you don’t like don’t read.
Leebit’s Kitchen
It all began the day Minho came across cooking channels on YouTube. Ever since he was a child, he'd loved to cook and make food, whether for his family, his friends or even his classmates as a child. It was a passion that had always animated him, and even as he grew older he kept it alive, always preparing good food for his boyfriend Chan. And one thing was certain: he was gifted at cooking, so he came up with the idea of sharing his recipes on the Internet, first by opening a blog where he wrote out the recipes in full and detailed how to cook each ingredient, then as the months went by and he gained more visibility, people started asking him for videos. At first, Minho had been afraid to show his face on camera, but thanks to his boyfriend's encouragement, he had managed to show his face and even create his own community on his YouTube channel "Leebit's kitchen", and today even manages to earn money from the work he does on the Internet. Minho knew how to explain and you could feel his passion through his videos, and his boyfriend could only be proud of him when he saw the work he had accomplished over the years.
For his part, Chan was a producer working in a small company in Seoul that he had set up with his friends. The couple were doing well and living together was a real pleasure, Chan spending his days at the office and Minho at home preparing his videos and shooting them, and when he came home in the evening Chan was always happy to help his boyfriend, finishing the editing of his videos or even composing background music to animate the video. They had a perfect balance and everything seemed to be going swimmingly. Until Minho came across an intriguing comment. That day, he decided to go and see his boyfriend as usual to ask his advice. So he knocked on his office door, entered and headed for Chan.
"Can I talk to you?" asked Minho.
"Yeah of course, you’re okay ?"
"Well, I've been seeing comments like this for a few days now and I was wondering what to do," he said, pointing to his phone. "In fact, people think that the quantities I make are too small and they'd like me to make recipes for more people or even bigger cakes...I don't really know what to do because I'm afraid that if I make too many tonight it'll be a waste...and I don't really like the idea of throwing away my recipes." Chan then stood up and put his arms around Minho's neck before pulling him closer.
"I love your cooking and if I have to eat a bit more, that's fine! And I could always bring leftovers for Jisung and Changbin, we'll find solutions! You don't have to worry you know!"
"I know, but...I'm always afraid that people won't be interested in what I do anymore..."
"They love your videos and I love them too, and I'll always be your biggest fan so don't be afraid and if you need help I'll help you!" says Chan, kissing her tenderly on the cheek.
From From that moment, Minho was determined to keep on making recipes, so he started digging into his cookery books and taking notes on how to make enough, how to keep the taste the same and how to find the right balance between the ingredients. After a few weeks, he finally came up with a video of kimbap, mandu and jajangmyeon which he had prepared for at least a dozen people. Seeing the quantity in front of him at the end of the video, he hurriedly put everything away to chill for the evening and cleared his table before moving on to the clean-up. Minho hoped this recipe would please, and he was proud of himself for having succeeded in this first challenge he'd set himself, and he already had ideas for sweet and pastries recipes for the future.
When Chan came home in the evening, he found the table ready, with candles and the light dimmed from a large dish in the middle of the table, so Minho came to his side to help him get his things and brought him to the table.
"What's all this for?" said Chan, looking at the food in front of his eyes.
"I shot a video today, you said you'd help me make sure there was no mess right?"
"I didn't think there would be so much...but yes I'll try, and the candles are for what?"
"I just wanted to create a romantic atmosphere, it's been a long time..."
Chan smiled and Minho kissed him gently before sitting down opposite him and starting to serve him, filling his plate and placing all the side dishes around him. Chan was a pretty athletic guy and had always had a good appetite, so for a first plate, the quantities seemed reasonable, he'd always been pretty muscular since he'd taken up sport and even living with Minho as his personal chef he'd managed to keep the weight off, so there was no reason for that to change was there?
At the end of the fifth plate and Chan was beginning to feel far too full, his belly had never been so swollen and bringing food to his mouth had become difficult, but he didn't want to disappoint Minho as he wanted to encourage him and show him that he could continue to cook like this. After finishing his plate, he put his hand on his belly and started rubbing it gently trying to digest but he saw Minho just as quickly serve him again and he widened his eyes.
"I think I'll stop here for tonight babe..."
"But...there's hardly anything left...look!" he said, showing him the empty plate and the end of it all on his plate.
"Well...all right then..."
Chan grabbed the plate and began to eat, the truth being that Minho's food was really delicious, and despite his full belly his mouth was begging for more. He let out a few discreet burps before starting to eat again. He finally managed to finish his plate, and Minho smiled. For his part, Minho had simply enjoyed the spectacle. Seeing Chan eat plate after plate without being able to refuse him was just perfect. He could see how his belly was swollen under his T-shirt and how even his face looked bloated, and how he couldn’t ignore his little burps to release air in his stomach. Minho smiled and cleared the table, giving Chan time to digest, then led him to the sofa while helping him to walk. When Chan sat down, he could feel how heavy his stomach was and that he'd really overstepped his limits, wondering if he'd even be able to digest for one night as his belly was so swollen. Suddenly, Minho put his hands under his shirt and began to massage him gently. Chan was surprised but realized that the sensation wasn't unpleasant; on the contrary, it seemed to relieve him.
As for Minho, he was finding it harder and harder to hide the way he found it exciting, seeing Chan unable to move just because of his food and his belly getting bigger and softer thanks to him, made him think he'd really made a good decision. Chan continued to let his boyfriend do the work, feeling relieved and finding the situation just as pleasant, after all having a heavy belly and someone at his side to look after him was almost like being in paradise. Then Minho began to kiss him, continuing to caress him, wanting to combine pleasure with all this to thank his boyfriend for being so perfect. Maybe Chan could become the perfect feedee, looking at him Minho could already imagine himself doing this every day, massaging his belly after feeding him all evening and watch him gorge himself. Yes, he could get used to it and even make it a routine.
Over the following weeks, Minho posted his videos and the number of views continued to grow, encouraging him to continue cooking in large quantities. He set up this routine with Chan and for his part he always finished Minho's cooking, whether it was cakes, pastries, dishes, starters or side dishes, Chan never missed a thing and Minho continued to encourage him to eat. He even began to prepare his dishes for him to take to work, always making sure to give him a good breakfast so that he left the apartment with a full stomach. Because of this new way of eating, Chan felt less energetic about going to the gym and decided to put it aside until he regained his energy. He wondered why he felt more tired. Perhaps he hadn't noticed that his belly had started to grow and that even his thighs seemed to rub when he walked, nor had he noticed that Minho had bought him new clothes in a size larger, and that his face and cheeks were becoming softer.
He didn’t notice either that, without noticing he had started to eat more and was taking more and more snacks as the day went on. He wasn’t surprised either to see that now the quantities Minho prepared for him didn't make him as full as before, and that he always had to add a dessert at the end of the meal to feel fully satisfied. But what he did notice was that Minho seemed even more cuddly than before; he liked to take him in his arms before he left for work, when he massaged his belly he was careful not to miss any of Chan's belly rolls, and he now enjoyed pinching his cheeks to show him how cute he was when his cheeks were full. Minho, for his part, could only admire the way Chan fell a little more every day for Minho's dishes and that he had become a real glutton. Because the thing was that Chan was becoming a real glouton: no matter what time or moment he was thinking about what his boyfriend might prepare for him, or how Minho would play with his belly at night. Chan had even decided that from now on there would be days when he would only work at home so he wouldn't have to go out and his boyfriend would pamper him all day.
Days became weeks and weeks became months, and Chan's weight only increased drastically - he found it hard to stand up when he was sitting down, to get out of bed he felt he had to put in more effort, and a strange thing happened - he was no longer able to see his feet because his big belly was blocking his view. His body had changed, and Minho was the first to be able to detail it. Admiring his torso, which now resembled a large chest, his belly, which jingled every time he took the slightest step, his thighs, which rubbed and stuck together every time he put one foot in front of the other, even his buttocks had grown too large for a simple chair and Minho had been forced to buy new ones. Chan's face had changed too, and his double chin had made his old jawline disappear completely, and his former muscular, athletic body now showed an overweight man far too fat for his own clothes and furnitures.
And what surprised Minho was that Chan didn't seem to notice his changes, he didn't notice that he was more tired just because he took a few steps, or that Minho had to prepare meals for twenty people to satisfy his appetite, he may have thought he could turn back the clock at any moment but Minho had become addicted to every one of his bulges. His boyfriend had become the most perfect in his eyes, and for that he could only thank his friend Hyunjin. Let me explain: a few months earlier, during a discussion with his best friend, Minho had hinted that he'd like to introduce Chan to his attraction to feedism, but was a little afraid of his reaction.
"Why don't you feed him more then? You'll see if he likes it or not?" said Hyunjin at the time.
"I don't want him to force himself on me if he finds out..."
"What if...under one of your videos I asked you to make meals for more people...? Then you could cook more and say you don't want to waste food!"
"But what if he refuses?"
"We can at least try!" His best friend had confided in him, which then triggered Chan's new habits.
It was the game-changer between them that brought them to today and Chan's physical transformation. Minho had finally explained his attraction to Chan, who had pretended not to understand what he was talking about, pretending that we was not gaining that much weight and that he loves Minho no matter what. After all, he didn't eat that much? And he could still do sport if he wanted to? Minho didn't respond to this, contenting himself with cuddling him, he loved to feel him against him, to feel his body sink into Chan's curves, to feel the softness of his bulges and to be able to feel every curve of his body against his own. The bigger Chan got, the more they both enjoyed it, one watching his body slowly transform and the other becoming more and more in awe of Chan. He just wanted to take care of him continually and show him how much he loved him.
Like this morning, when the couple had breakfast together and Minho was happy to fill Chan's plate gently. Chan knew he wanted Minho to tease him as usual. Indeed, as the months went by, a new love language had developed between them and Chan still wanted to take advantage of it, after all he wasn't just greedy for food.
"Minho...?" asked Chan.
"Yes? Do you want something, my love?" Minho asked, moving closer.
"The other day, Jisung said I should watch my weight...do you think...I'm a bit chubby?"
"Are you finally going to admit that you’ve become a greedy pig ? Too fat for his own clothes ?" said Minho, grabbing Chan's belly who let out a groan as he finished his mouthful.
"At least it wasn't me who decided to make my boyfriend fatter..." say Chan decided to annoy Minho, or rather tease him.
"You didn't seem to be opposed to it, in fact, I think you take great pleasure in gorging yourself like the little pig you are, don't you?" said Minho, handing Chan another piece of cake, which he began to eat.
"Maybe it's to fulfill my boyfriend's weird fantasies..." Minho then laughed and gently caressed Chan's belly.
"As if I forced you into it...you fell all by yourself..."
"You said it yourself it's because I'm greedy…and maybe you forced me ! after all you know very well that your best friend didn't keep secrets from himself and that the first day I met Hyunjin he told me: 'you're a lot thinner than I thought you'd be...' do you think I didn't know what I was getting myself into?" Minho squinted, knowing full well what Chan was up to after all, he was used to his new attitude and when he liked to be teased by Minho and vice versa. "When we met Hyunjin and his boyfriend I also notice how you were looking at his boyfriend, he was just so fat too, you too obvious babe…"
"Of course that’s because Jeongin is not a bratty feedee like you, who like to tease me too much and talk instead of having food in his mouth ! » he says while placing an other slice of cake in his boyfriend mouth. "And come on piggy, that's why you agreed, isn't it? You wanted to see how much I would help you to get fat, and see how your body would change ? Or are you still pretending to be in denial ?"
"There's nothing wrong with being a little chubby..." said Chan as he shoved a large piece of cake into his mouth waiting for Minho to respond.
« Of course you’re just chubby my love, but is that what you want really to hear? I don't think it is. You just want to hear how fat you've gotten and how fat I’m going to make you, you just want me to touch you to make you aware of how wide your body is, all you want to hear is that you're a good feedee and a greedy pig!"
Chan let out another moan, this time louder, as he finished the slice and pulled Minho on top of him for a kiss. Minho let himself go, smelling the taste of cake on Chan's lips. As for Chan, he finished his mouthful at the same time as he felt Minho's slim body resting on his big belly. He loved seeing the difference between them and hoped Minho would continue to be such a good feeder, because he had no desire to go back to his old diet when his life had just become a perpetual pleasure between food and his lovely relationship. Everything was perfect, and he knew that his relationship and their feeling would continue to grow as much as the kilos he would gain.
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anotherrpfinder · 15 days
Hello! Violet (25f) and I’m looking for some rp partners! 18+ for sure but 21+ is preferred! I will not interact with minors at all. 
I work full time so I might not reply everyday but I have a good flexibility so I think I can make it work. I’m pretty good at responding, if anything comes up I will let you know in advance. I am EST time zone. 
I’m lit/ adv lit roleplayer and I’m happy with a few lines to a few paragraphs. I’m also down for novella if we create a beautiful /intriguing narrative. I’ve always roleplayed in third person, but I’d be willing to do first person as well.
 I’m okay with NSFW and smut, as well as keeping things clean. I’m honestly just looking for someone to chat in character with. We can discuss plots and all of it in DMs! I can roleplay on tumblr or discord. DM for discord information. 
🕊️I’m down to roleplay darker themes and include kinks in NSFW content. My list of interests are pinned on my blog if interested. 
TW for:
Non kink/sexually explicit related themes I’m interested in: death, religious trauma, witchcraft, vampirism, shifters, 
My fandom’s I’m currently interested in roleplaying are: 
Naruto, Avatar The Last Airbender, House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones,
Jujutsu Kaisen,
I’m cool with going with canon plot or coming up with AU plot. I’m also cool with total AU concepts and removing the characters and inserting them into our own universe. I’m cool with character experiments or trials to see how a character “might” play out given certain circumstances, etc. 
Descriptions of what I’m interesting in roleplaying currently below: 
For me, I’m mostly interested in 
Suguru Geto x OC
Satoru Gojo x OC
Nanami Kento x OC
Sukuna x OC
Itadori Yuji (18+) x OC 
I’d rather use an OC for these, which I can provide full details and probably even pictures of. I’m fine with altering my OC to be preferable to my partner. I can be very flexible! 
Naruto: I can confidently play any character, so we can discuss details in DM’s, I am willing to work with OC’s for Naruto
ATLA: I can also confidently play any character from here. (If you want NSFW/mature RP characters WILL be aged up/time skipped) I’m also willing to work with OC’s for ATLA. 
HOTD/GOT: I am good with playing any targaryen male or female, house stark, house lannister/cersei's children  margaery tyrell, Jon snow, Brienne of Tarth, Samwell Tarly, etc 
I’m down to do doubles: your oc x canon, my oc x canon. I’m also okay with MxM if desired. I haven’t ever done FxF but I’d be willing to try it if anyone was interested. 
A fuller list of my fandoms is on my blog ~ 
We can discuss a plot and figure things out if we have anything in common. Please let me know if you’re interested! If we decide to do a story that will turn spicy we will discuss limits and boundaries up front. If we ever talk ooc I would like it to be plot driven. 
**Please lmk if you ever feel ideas/pairings aren’t fair or you don’t want to do them- just let me know and we can discuss. I am willing to change pairings, au, characters etc. If it isn’t spicy enough lmk, etc etc. If not that’s totally cool too! 
I’m looking to RP on tumblr or discord, let me know! just dm me directly if interested. Thank you! 
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hi!!! i was wondering if you knew of any fics where originally hell had given orders to tempt aziraphale/make him fall but then obviously fell in love instead (+ somehow aziraphale finds out and it gets angsty). i know this is a very specific ask so no worries if this does not exist. thanks so much (and thank you for this blog, it makes me so happy and you are wonderful people💓)
Hello. You might be interested in posts we’ve made before featuring Crowley tempting Aziraphale here and here. I’ve got a few more now, in which it’s part of Crowley’s job to tempt an angel...
Sunny Side of Eden by AnonymousDandelion (G)
Aziraphale blinked down at the serpent, feeling something at a loss as for what to do next. He’d thought all the animals were meant to stay in the Garden. He hadn’t been told how to deal with finding one on top of his wall, of all places. He could feel his hands beginning to wring at the waist of his robe. He wasn’t prepared. What should he…
Fortunately, before Aziraphale’s worrying could spiral any further out of control, the serpent seemed for whatever reason to relent. It lowered its head — though with eyes still fixed on Aziraphale — and gave a long, hissing sigh. “I’m sssunbathing.”
~ ~ ~
OR: Walking the wall of Eden one fine day, Aziraphale has an unexpected encounter. The serpent, for its part, has an interesting suggestion.
For Who So Firm that Cannot Be Seduced? by elviaprose (E)
Crowley has been spotted having dinner with Aziraphale. The first way he can think of to explain it to Hell is that he's been trying seduce and corrupt the angel. It's not a bad explanation, for something totally off the cuff. The only problem is that he's going to have to actually do it. Or at least pretend to. Set slightly Before Anti-Christ.
The Good Demon by HolyCatsAndRabbits & smolalienbee (T)
In this AU fic, Hell thinks the demon Crowley isn’t evil enough to merit the title of demon. As punishment, they turn him mortal, and if he wants his old job back with his powers and immortality, he’s got to seduce and cause the Fall of some angel named Aziraphale, who is serving as a campus chaplain, running a group for queer youth. Crowley thinks the assignment will be easy, until he meets the angel and his students, and discovers the kind of found family that he’s always wanted. There’s just one little problem: Crowley is a terrible danger to them all.
It’s your job by falsepremise (E)
After a night sucking oysters with Aziraphale, Crowley just can’t sleep. Perhaps he should hang around in Rome a little longer... After all, tempting a certain angel is his job, isn’t it?
Gormless Seduction by munchmulch (T)
Crowley grimaces. "Nhnnnnggg, ok, alright. But, hear me out." They flick a hand dramatically. "An angel! A being who can make Holy water! Even if I can keep the whole human disguise thing up, what if they, I don't know . . . want me baptised?"
Dagon stares at Crowley blankly for a second before handing them the assignment kit. "You’ll start tomorrow. The address is highlighted, if you get lost and have to call me for directions I will direct you through at least three traffic jams."
Everyone But You by summerofspock (M)
It was at his 60th centennial review—Crowley had prepared a grandiose speech about his work in the Cold War (not him at all), gas prices, and the M-25—when Beelzebub walked into their office and slapped a file into his hands before slouching behind their desk. Which, not-so-shockingly, was made of bones.
“A seduction?” Crowley said, looking down at the file with a frown. He hadn’t been given a seduction in nearly two thousand years.
“Not just any seduction,” Beelzebub said as they flopped into their chair and folded their hands in their lap.
Crowley flipped open the file and then nearly dropped it. “You want me to seduce an angel? Why?”
- Mod D
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calaisreno · 1 year
The Interview
Author Note: I have 2 stories for you today! This one is a sequel to the last one, Double Date, where Ben gets to meet the Holmes brothers and their husbands. The other story (for today's prompt) will be posted in a bit.
Uncle Greg is all right, Ben decides. Easy to talk to, no hidden agendas. A regular bloke, you might say. How he ended up married to the British Government is harder to understand.  
Uncle Mycroft, aka the British Government, is a bit scary, as if he suspects Ben of being a secret assassin or something, but unbends a bit when Greg pokes him and quietly reminds him that Rosie has a great deal of common sense. The very expensive restaurant they’re sitting in was Uncle Myc’s choice, and Ben assumes it’s partly to intimidate him. Are you good enough for my niece? That’s what that look means, he deduces. 
Rosie warned him that the Uncles have already dug into his background, even the things a background check wouldn’t turn up. And Sherlock Holmes is certain to deduce him within an inch of his life. He’s fine with that; he’d do the same for his sisters, and for any hypothetical daughters who become real. 
He hasn’t told anyone about the ring in his pocket. Maybe even Rosie will be surprised, though he doubts it.
The Dads arrive with Rosie. She beams at Ben while Greg gives John a hug and the Holmes brothers give each other death stares. The little smile on her face says, this is going to be interesting.
Introductions are made. When Sherlock stops giving his brother the death stare, he transfers his oddly pale gaze to Ben. Prepare to be deduced, Rosie told him; he will find you an open book. 
John seems easier-going, but really isn’t. A smaller man, he has the air of an army officer ready to abort the mission at the first sign of trouble. He gives Ben a strategic once-over. Ben has read the blog, and the published stories as well, and knows that John Watson isn’t the idiot he sometimes pretends to be. He shakes Ben’s hand. 
“Good to meet you, Doctor Watson,” he says. 
“Please, call me John. And this is my husband, Sherlock.” 
Sherlock does not say hello, nice to meet you. He narrows his eyes and gives him a rather scary smile. 
Rose suggests that they all sit. The waiter brings wine that Uncle Mycroft has approved. Greg asks for a beer, and Myc tells the waiter to bring his husband what Ben assumes is the most pretentious beer they have on tap. Greg winks at John, who also asks for a beer. Myc rolls his eyes. Sherlock is watching Ben. 
Should he ask for a beer as well? He glances at Rosie, who has accepted wine. She’s also looking at him curiously. This must be a test, he decides. Choosing beer would fit the pattern, each pair of spouses split between the choices. He does rather want a beer, but it’s rare that he gets to drink expensive wine. And the Holmes brothers are the ones to impress tonight, he thinks. 
“I’ll have the wine, thank you.” 
Sherlock and Mycroft exchange a micro-smirk. John is looking at the menu, and Greg is smiling at Ben, giving him a wink and a thumbs up. Right choice. 
Two dishes are specials tonight, one fish, the other beef. Mycroft waxes poetic about the chef, recommends the fish. Greg asks for the beef. Like his brother, Sherlock orders the fish. He turns and looks intently at John, who cringes a bit and asks for the fish as well. 
Interesting. He sees Sherlock’s look, protective and a bit admonitory. Ben notes that John’s earlobes have the creases often seen in people at risk for coronary heart disease. Doctors can be the worst patients. He’s at risk, probably cheats on his diet, and Sherlock is warning him to avoid the beef. 
The dynamic between them is interesting. Rosie has told him that her dad is a crack marksman with the gun he still carries on cases. He wonders if he’s wearing it tonight. Unlike Sherlock, John is Rosie’s blood father, and he can see the resemblance in more than their eyes and their smiles. He’s friendly, but will accept nonsense from no one but Sherlock. 
He imagines them at a crime scene, Sherlock noting all the things everyone else misses, making the connections, John managing the people parts of the investigation. The fact that they still work with Scotland Yard after all these years means something. 
Sherlock and his brother couldn’t be more different. Mycroft is steel; his brother is quicksilver. Both have impressive intellects and love to argue, mostly with each other. The elder Holmes is manipulative; the younger loves to annoy his brother. Though rational, Sherlock is more emotional, he senses, and will be harder to win over. Mycroft has already decided that Ben is an acceptable boyfriend, and he won’t embarrass Rosie to prove a point. 
Sherlock won’t hesitate to say what he thinks. John might kick him under the table, but he’s already given Sherlock permission to question Ben, as long as he’s nice about it. John is the good cop, the one who will smile and ask polite but probing questions. Sherlock is the bad cop, who will rough Ben up to see what he’s made of.
“So, Brad—” Sherlock begins.
John makes an exasperated huff. “It’s Ben!” 
“What makes you think that you are good enough for my daughter, Brian?” Another father might ask this with a smile. Sherlock says it the way he would ask, What made you think you’d get away with killing your ex-wife and burying her body in the garden?
Sherlock gives a startled yelp as John kicks him under the table. “What Sherlock means is, tell us about yourself, Ben.”
“Your father is a cop,” Sherlock says, casting a stern glance at John. (You said I could deduce him!) “Your mother is a teacher.”
“She’s a musician,” he replies. “She does have a few students, so yes, she teaches as well as performs.”
“What instrument does she play?”
“Harp.” He grins. “A bit more trouble to cart around than a violin. For me it was like having a large, awkward sibling who always has to be accommodated.”
Sherlock smirks at his brother. “I understand completely. And what instruments do you play?”
“Mum insisted on piano. And I chose bass viol because it could rival my mum’s harp in taking up space in the van. I don’t play much now, though.”
“You said your father’s a cop,” Greg says. “Is he still active?”
Ben nods. “Cardiff. He’s a police surgeon, still active. Dan Sayer.”
“A doctor,” John says, raising his eyebrows and giving Sherlock a smile. “Our Rosie’s set on becoming a doctor.”
“Yes.” He smiles at Rosie. “She’s quite passionate about it.”
“And you?” Sherlock asks. “What are your plans?”
Everyone leans forward expectantly. 
“I’m interested in a lot of things, many of them impractical. Botany, chemistry, geology, physics. I’ve thought of being an academic, that is, teaching. But I have a more practical bent, and I’m not sure I’m cut out to teach, or would be happy doing pure research. I’m leaning towards forensics, and thought I might enjoy the science side of police work.”
For a moment no one speaks. Greg is looking at Mycroft, and John is looking at Sherlock, who seems to be thinking of a followup question. He studies Ben, his head cocked. 
Ben holds his breath, waiting for the verdict.
Mycroft finally speaks. “You may give her the ring.” He nods at the waiter. “We’ll have the champagne now.”
Rosie begins to laugh. No doubt she’d already deduced what was in Bens’ pocket. They’d talked about it, sort of, and she’d said her answer would depend in part on her family’s reaction. 
Sherlock gives Ben a small smile. “I expect that it will be a long engagement. Several decades— Ow! John!”
John kisses his husband. “What he means is, you have our blessing.”
1307 words / Flash Fiction
@lisbeth-kk @meetinginsamarra @raina-at @bertytravelsfar @momma2boys @jrow @helloliriels @the-reading-lemon @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @elwinglyre @mydogwatson @thetimemoves @jobooksncoffee @lhrinchelsea @peanitbear @gregorovitchworld @7-percent @shiplocks-of-love @khorazir @gaylilsherlock @catlock-holmes @the-reading-lemon
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2023gisecretsanta · 2 years
Hello! Are you maybe interested in taking part in a holiday writing event? Or maybe you like making other people smile? Or, or you enjoy giving other gifts? Or maybe just want to have some fun? If yes, then you are in the right place!
The Genshin Impact x reader Secret Santa is a holiday writing event where you and other participants gift each other fanfictions. You will be assigned a randomly picked participant with their prefered characters, and you will have to write a fanfic for them. And, of course, vice versa! Someone will get you and will write something specially for you! Please read under the cut for FAQ, rules and google form. Don't hesitate to send an ask if you need anything more.
This is a SFW Genshin Impact x reader event, so it would be nice to avoid purely NSFW blogs in the event. That way, everyone, no matter, what can take part. You can join if your writing blog is multifandom, as long as Genshin Impact is one of the fandoms you write for.
The applications will close on 5th of December, 7 PM GMT+1. On 6th of December, we will DM (or send an ask) all the participants with the person they got. Please keep it as a secret!
Please apply only if you are sure you can do it. That way, we will avoid any unpleasent situations. If it happens that, for whatever reason, you can't take part in it anymore (after applying) please contact us as fast as you can!
The posting period is 24th of December to 26th of December. In this period of time, all you have to do is post your work, tag the person it is for and tag the post with #gixrsecretsanta2022
To take part in, just fill in the Google Forms! If you have any problems with it, feel free to DM or send an ask.
You are free to follow the blog for more updates and announcements.
"Can I take part if my writing blog is a side one?" — Yes! Just give us the username of your writing blog and we are all fine.
"It's already past 26th of december and I got nothing, what do I do?" — Please DM us if this happens. We will ask the person that got you what is happening. In worst case scenario (as in, if we get no reply from the said person), someone else will write for you.
"What's the word minimum? Limit? Theme?" — There is no word limit or minimum amount! And so there's no certain theme we expect people to follow. You can write your work with a winter theme, christmas theme, maybe something totally different, anything that you think my fit the person you got.
"I have a question that isn't on the list" — Ask us! In DMS or our inbox, whatever you prefer.
We hope you have fun taking part in the event! ❤️
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zhansww · 7 months
Hi, I've read your blog and thank you for providing us with some detailed and interesting content. Recently I came across your thoughts (assumptions, knowledge) regarding their timeline of getting together. Now according to their posts throughout the years and the last ones on 19/11 they seem to hint at some kind of anniversary, noone knows for sure which one that might be (it's of course ok not to know but curiosity is a human trait...) I wonder what's your take on this? Best regards
First off, thank you for your thanks. That's really sweet ^-^
I do wonder which timeline you read cuz I may not have updated all of my older posts. The only thing I know for sure, as far as anniversaries goes, is when ggdd met, got together and when they got married. I honestly think it's a fallacy to assume everything they post has to be because of an anniversary or to somehow find a way to force a meaning onto everything they do/say/wear/post. When all of their posts on Sunday appeared, I thought to myself that it feels like they're talking to each other in a code we can't decipher - which is perfectly fine by me. If it was a callback to a certain event, then maybe that same day five years earlier. If you look at the weibo post Zhan-ge made that day, it seems like he wasn't out and about on his own. But what I think myself is that when they post at the same time like that, it's more likely because of their current situation (and not because of an anniversary). Like e.g. maybe they only just parted ways or they simply miss each other. To put it differently, I think ggdd are way more concerned and busy with what they're going through irl to bother giving us fans any sort of messages or hints or whatever you wanna call it. Not everything has to mean something, much less something that we understand, and that's okay. Or it should be lol
Best regards to you, too~
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prpfs · 4 months
hello! I am a twenty-eight-year-old female in the USA who is searching for role-play partners who are well over the age of 21 and okay with dark content and smut in our role-play! time zones don't really matter much either to me neither does gender! 🕊
I do own a totally separate blog from this where I write anime smut so I do prefer it to be nsfw but not the entire plot so don't worry! I am also a sucker for angst and drama and fluff too! I am looking for someone to play a character from either the fandoms down below or someone to play a very dominant male to my female oc!
more than okay to double on the fandoms (I love doubling) but would prefer that we have one thread for the fandomless and please know I am open to a lot and there isn't much I won't write about but there are certain things I will never ever RP!
for fandoms I'm in and characters I'm looking for you to play!
my hero academia (Katsuki. Izuku. Enji.)
jujutsu kaisen (Toji. Shiu. Kento. Sukuna.)
tokyo revengers (Draken. Sanzu. Mikey. Rin. Ran. Baji)
fandomless (again you play the male oc to my female oc)
please be aware for JJK I want it to be modern au (no curses)
the rest you will find out below!
my reply length will always vary, I can max out the word count on discord, or just do a paragraph! I tend to mirror you! while usually, I am a rapid-fast replier I don't require you to be but I ask at least that we keep the RP going, I do know life is busy because I get wrapped up in it as well.
I only will RP on discord, however, I do ask that you please do not use any tupperware or AI because atp I can just use characterchat.ai and I'm not into that.
as for plots I have a ton for any and all! I am a maladaptive daydreamer so I think about plots and our RP (just depends) and will add more plot into things! I do a lot of OOC and love to get to know my partner as well as share inspo for the RP such as clothes and settings, nothing ever personal so if you aren't into that I won't be a good RP!
for my OCs most of them are not fleshed out, I tend to just throw them at you and build them as we go! I use real face claims and anime/drawn ones from Pinterest! just let me know what you prefer and I will have a Google doc filled with the kinks I'm good with!
please I ask and will even beg that if you ever want to stop at some point for whatever reason please let me know, you don't need to go into details but I like to know what's going on, as of late I've been RP with people only to get ghosted or replies once a week which is fine and I understand but I really like and prefer something rapid fire!
we can discuss everything else I suppose? I think I got everything added! I can either send you a DM if you like this or you can add me on discord but please if you do that have your age somewhere like in your bio or send that info to me when I accept please!!
discord: his_headache
contact if interested!
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Hello! We recently had a fusion happen in our system a couple days ago, I think? We haven't really had a fusion happen that's stuck this long before and we have some questions about fusions if you could answer!
When a more permanent fusion happens, what exactly happens to the sysmates that fused together? Are they still around in some way? Would they be considered a subsystem or would that differ from system to system?
How can you tell if you had a fusion happen?
Can fusions happen unintentionally? We didn't expect this to happen and it's a tad jarring for the new sysmate in question
Can fusions be temporary? We know one part of our new sysmate doesn't want to fuse but the other part is fine with it, and their fusion is still iffy on whether or not they want to stay fused.
Thank you for your time!! Your blog is lovely by the way, we hope you have a good day! :]
Hi! We love to talk about and discuss fusion, and we’re happy to answer these questions to the best of our abilities!
To start off, we’ll include a link to this amazing graphic by @ clever-and-unique-name ! It explains both fusion and integration in a way that was easy for our system to understand.
1. It very well could differ from system to system, although we do think that fused headmates remaining separated as a subsystem might be more uncommon! We like the analogy of Neapolitan ice cream - chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla ice cream can each exist on their own, but when they’re put together they become something unique and new while still maintaining the qualities of the original flavors! So in most cases of fusion, we think the old headmates definitely still do exist, they just may seem a bit different and are able to function as one!
2. There are many different ways to determine whether or not a fusion has occurred, and this also will vary from system to system! We’re sorry we don’t have a foolproof method for figuring out whether a fusion has happened in your system, but here are a few things you can do to check!
- Regularly take stock of your member count! If you’re missing some members or don’t have as many headmates as you used to, ask around to see if any headmates feel different/like the might have fused.
- In general, try to pay attention to your system layout, structure, and how y’all function. Try to notice if and when certain headmates blend or blur often. This can help y’all be a bit more prepared or able to understand if any of your headmates fuse in the future!
- Keep a dialogue open and help every headmate feel comfortable and safe talking about fusion in your system. Don’t treat fusion like something scary or meant to be avoided at all costs! Fusion is actually quite natural, and being open to discussing it may help your whole system make sense of things if some headmates do end up fusing.
3. For some systems, fusion can indeed happen unintentionally! Our own system has experienced an unintentional fusion, and our host answered an ask where he talked about it a few days ago!
It certainly can be jarring, but we hope that with time, patience, and understanding from your other headmates, the member of your system who fused will be able to acclimate to their new life as a fusion!
4. Fusions can absolutely be temporary! I (Margo) actually used to be fused with Cecil (you may have seen us talk about this experience on the blog - we went by Corrie for a while!), but we split back up a month or two ago. We’re not sure what exactly caused us to split back up, but it might have something to do with me struggling to front outside of work, while Cecil had strong desires to pursue interests outside of our work environment. That’s just speculation, though! We functioned and appeared as one for a few months, but ultimately, it didn’t work out for us.
Our system also blends very often! For us, blending functions like a brief, temporary fusion. Multiple headmates may blend together when they cofront, then unblend at a later point in time. We’re not sure if many other systems function this way, but it’s incredibly common for our own system!
We’re glad you like our blog! Hopefully something here can be helpful for y’all. Of course, we’re just one system, so other folks may have different ideas about fusion or better advice regarding how to notice and better understand fusion from within your own system.
Good luck to y’all with everything, and thanks for reaching out!
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SHIINA NIKI X baker! READER: Hyper realistic sweets/desert
context: Reader is known as MC. Instead of producer, you work as a baker in the ES hired by stuff. And you blog about it
Tumblr media Tumblr media
You have no interest much on the idol entertainment industry and think they are different breed of people. Even so you work in the paradise of idols. Your too busy baking some hyper realistic cakes aside from work. They give you permission to use some scrap to do your hobby.
Today, it's under stuff so they ask some help from kind idols that are willing to help out exchange for food and such. The idol that come to your rescue is from the infamous idol group: crazy b--shiina Niki.
"hello!" "Greetings."
Thats how you and him meet. You and him went to work mode and no time to idle chat on work time. You sometimes heard about how crazy that unit and how those idol in the said unit... Is but a troublemakers.
"would you like some coffee?" You heard your coworker for the day says, you stared at him away from your the dough your working on and saw him smiling and chatting with customers that don't show much hate or bother to folks with bad rep like him.
'baseless rumors.' you thought as you move on to your work. Through you did make some cookies with chibi Design of the so called Crazy B to give to him later as an award.
The day ended with a success. And it's time to pay the temporary worker.
You went to get some cookies you made earlier.
"thank you for the hard work." You said as you give the payment and the cookie. " Ehh it's fine! But why the cookies? It's not that I mind, I appreciate it!" He happily says as he look at the cute packaging you made for the cookies.
"you did a good job today. So it's a simple award and it's from scraps..." You whisper the last part but he don't seems bother by it as he open the paper bag with cookies inside." Woahhh..." He take out each one of the design and realize it look like his friends and him. " Custom cookies!" He then take the Rinne Amagi cookies and innocently (ruthlessly) bite the cookie head off. And he grin as he eat the cookie. "Thank youuuu~~ it's so goooodd~~<3" he smiled happily. He seems very happy.
You did take note how he only did the bite the head off first for rinne Amagi cookies. You guess he probably like the red wild berry flavor cookies on the red icing.
You excuse yourself as you have stuff to do, like uploading the video of you making the cookies of crazy:b to your small vlog. He wave you goodbye as he left with his cookies almost haft eaten.
"Niki what's that your eating?" Certain chief heard his pest of a friend called out to him. "GAHH! RINNE!!" he almost drop the cookies that his trying to hide and eat for himself, when he is spotted by his friends who arrive at his part time job place. As always those three made his work place a hangout even through he says to go away from his work place if they aren't buying anything and just playing games in it.
"what's this? Huuuuhhh, so your eating all alone and won't share...huh?" Seeing that Niki is distracted from being taken off guard by him earlier. He takes the package from the hands of Niki.
Rinne open the pack and soon saw a headless custom cookie that somehow remind him of something. It made him piss for some reason.
"HEY, THOSE ARE MINE." Niki yelled out as he try to reach out for the cookies but rinne run away from him. HiMERU and kohaku saw the scene and quite interested but don't approach that quick till HiMERU saw the headless cookie.
"HiMERU think that's cookie have the same outfit as you in crazy roulette live." He smiled at Niki who now praying heaven that he won't be killed when rinne realize what he did. HiMERU watch the entertainment in a silent glee, how fun to watch some nutcase become a clown for a free time.
'OH WAIT HIS JUST EATING COOKIES. ITS NOT SOMETHING BAD!' He thought as he saw rinne slowly turn to look at him with a smile thay says it's his death day when he realize that Niki eat the cookie in that way to imply his sort of wanting to get revenge on Rinne in most simple way.
"Niki." Rinne says as he slowly approach Niki smiling so widely and innocently. "GAHHHH HELLLLPPP!" Niki screams as he enter a head lock by the monarch of bees. "GWAHAHAHA, IF YA WANT TO EAT ME YA COULD HAVE SAID SO." rinne chuckle while still locking the chief in a head lock.
The two have their fun time in the sideline but Kohaku who just saw a link shared by aira realize who made those as his haze landed on the cookies upcost.
"wow. It's da same cookie from rovey-han(aira)." Kohaku pickup a cookie with his chibi face on it. He take a picture of it and share it to Aira.
Kohaku: rovey-han. Look cookies.
After some loving friends hug of Rinne to Niki, which made him almost meet the creator. He was ordered to get some refreshments to pair with the cookies, those isn't his cookies anymore. They are crazy:b property now! With despair and reluctant Niki went to get the orders of his so called customers. He return to see his unit breaking the cookie base on himself in pieces, such sight made him felt chill hit realize it's just food. He knows it could been worse if it's really NIKI.
Everyone did enjoy the taste of the cookies, forward a thanks for the baker who made the cookies as Niki says it was a gift from someone. (It end up being tease being a cheater by Rinne because it was a gift by someone special he quoted) so the next time Niki went to work on the ES canteen and saw you. He is all smile and thanks you for the cookies and saying the compliment of his team mate about it too.
you enjoyed being complimented and people enjoying your baking, so you happily made a cake for him, he wanted to reject it But then he saw a hyper realistic cake of Rinne Amagi. He can't help but cry deep inside but says he would eat the cake on the canteen before he get spotted by rinne. The cake is so delicious he can't help but take bite after bite.
He don't realize him eating the cake from behind is recorded in a picture and posted on your vlog. The picture was seen by aira who later shared to hiiro who laugh how someone assassinate his older brother jokingly. Hiiro Who don't take the joke as a joke, then run to look for his older brother while almost making a scene along the way (aira regret his life choices at that moment)
Let's just say rinne saw the back view and realize quickly it's Niki. Niki went for another season of headlock that very same day but it's fine. The cake is worth it
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inventors-fair · 9 months
"For Each" Commentary: Masses of the Mind
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And here's the gist of it: as I've been drafting more, I've been learning that constructed formats are...hard. Very hard. I'm not good at them. On occasion my decks will do decently enough but you know what, if I can match the power level of the same person who can't draw their removal spell because they drafted it too late, then dangit, I'll take the inevitable win/loss/whatever in stride. So what does this have to do with this week? Very little, except that numbers make for an interesting ride.
We did an Eldraine draft—original Eldraine, mind—this Friday. It was incredibly fun, and I think that seeing the board swarm/unswarm and seeing how the numbers affected the board is going to influence this judgment a lot. I have my soft spot for cards of a certain color, as many of you should know by now, because it's been going on for...several years at this point, but regardless, there are some days where I have to step back and just let it all slide. An understanding of a perfect board state, an understanding of the circumstances, an understanding of meta design—it all has to come together. Let's have some fun.
If you're new to the crew or reading through because you've stumbled upon this blog—hello! Also, if you see a card with JUDGE PICK next to it, that means that I liked it enough to go "hey I wanna talk about something real good this card is doing." So let's jump into it.
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@arixordragc — Soul Incubator (JUDGE PICK)
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The card itself: fantastic design. Should it be mythic, and should it be five mana? That I'm not so sure about. Maybe it's because symmetrical effects have been slightly less favored in recent years—though I'm a fan myself. Aggressive symmetrical effects can really push the gameplay into a place where you're looking at the most complex build, in my opinion. That said, the general effect is lovely. I think that making deaths of creatures matter changes gameplay drastically in any format.
When your opponent's staring down your blockers, trading doesn't seem so good. Boardwipes are even stronger, and shrivel effects make it go from evil to downright repugnant. The 4/4 Horror is an interesting choice as well! Really, that's what makes me like this card a lot. I think that in terms of deck building, this card asks to be built around, or at least it asks of the general black aggro/goodstuff builds that it's included for the sake of itself. Nothing wrong with that, of course, and having the horror there to further your wincon of beating face is a strong choice. The name isn't quite gripping me, although I see where you're coming from—the souls incubate the horror, and it needs a varied diet. That's fair; personally, incubators will always be artifact-aligned for me.
@batatafilosofal — Guardian Hydra
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Ward keywordal! I'm...going to posit a rhetorical question of why something like hexproof or shroud pseudo-typal hasn't been done before. The fact of the matter is, as with many Bogle effects, it makes for uninteractive gameplay. If you manage to get multiple creatures with ward, then that's all fine, but what's the rest of the deck look like? The answer isn't something that I feel pushes for "fun." Incentivizing difficulties in interaction makes choices matter less.
I do like it in a vacuum, though, or at least the first and third abilities. There's nothing wrong with ward by itself and there's nothing wrong with hydras. I think the first and third ability without the middle jam-it-full-of-ward ability would've been just fine. Implication of ward benefits would affect deck choices and lean into certain color combinations more than straight-up declaring it. I love ward and I love hexproof even more, honestly. I have to abide by my designer senses.
@bread-into-toast — Awakened Whirl Turtle
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You know, I initially thought of scrying, but there are other effects beyond that. Scrying would potentially mean throwing away cards you want in favor of cost reduction. Commune with Nature or a well-placed Once Upon a Time means you can snag a turn-three 5/5 with ease, on the other hand. I think that having that easy big creature isn't the worst thing in the world, although there are two really big questions that I'm left with. The first is whether or not this would be trying to be some kind of archetype; the second is, if not, how many cards in the set would be able to support it in limited.
As for the first question—well, no, it's kind of answered by the second, isn't it. Or at least they're related, and the point remains that I don't think this card could be supported that well in a limited environment, and feels more awkward than not in a constructed one. Gimmicks are fun and I love it when I can use cheatsy-type effects to make my opponents moan and groan and etc. I'm not sure there's more to it than that at the moment. However, I do want to jam my appreciation for the implied/intended flavor. Throwing the spells away to "feed the turtle" on accident is pretty great.
@certification-wizard — Grist, the All-Swarm
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There she goes again! Grist is a fun one. I think just having this planeswalker here is a good effort, and tokens-to-loyalty can get out of hand really fast without being too crazy broken. Flavor-wise, there's not much to go on that Grist hasn't already covered, but that's all fine. My first point of note is the wording of the first loyalty ability. Did you check for wording/precedent? I couldn't find anything with the exact template, and even with "copy this ability." Personally, I think it should've been make an Insect, then you may sacrifice a nontoken, and if you do, make another Insect, capital 'I.' Love the flavor of that.
With the second loyalty ability, however, there's only one mono-green card that does multi-mill, and while there are a few black cards that do it, it's not in the hybrid pie. Additionally, that doesn't actually benefit Grist or ask you to build around her exactly. What is this ability doing for you, for the card? Perhaps the implied game state is like Ghoulcaller's Bell, but I don't believe that's enough justification. What could be a green AND black ability that would, fairly, help to win the game or advance the game state for Grist?
@halfsilveredmirror — Aether Swimmer
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Let's make this a learning moment: when a prompt asks for rules text, that means all text outside of italicized reminder text. On that technicality, this card would be ineligible. Also, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this isn't something that everyone knows right off the bat, and it's within the spirit enough. Allonz-sea-creatures!
From what I can tell, though, hexproof to your spells doesn't actually do anything. I really like how you used affinity on a technical level because, yes, you do "control" spells albeit in a slightly different context than "controlling" artifacts. Hexproof is a static ability of permanents and has no bearing on the stack; hence, why Invisible Stalker can be countered. The wording felt frustrating a little until I realized that that's what you were trying to go for. Sadly, comp rules take issue.
Perhaps this would be a kind of storm build card, perhaps a cheap-creatures deck, perhaps many things. Giving your stuff hexproof is still fine. I'm not sure this card necessarily has a home, however, and it would be a fine flash-protection spell in general without the baggage. For future reference, the Fair inbox is always open for clarifying questions, and the workshop in the Discord is a great resource for technical finagling.
@helloijustreadyourpost — Maddening Imp
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Yes, it is indeed a maddening little fellow. I've been on the fence about this card and I think this is one of those really unsatisfying conclusions, so apologies in advance: this card is very good but isn't scratching my particular itches for this contest. In a limited environment, it would be pretty great as an aggro card, but that's also assuming you're getting the most benefit by having a) fewer big creatures of your own and b) your opponent having bigger creatures than you in general. I love symmetry. I love mill. This card, though, asks of you to build a deck that assumes a fair amount about the game state.
Is it a sideboard card, then? Probably not, because jeez, it's a three mana 3/2 flier! That by itself is so tempting to just jam into any deck and go wild. And you still can't assume that your opponent is going to be running something big enough to justify it. Heck, what if they're primarily a creature deck, and you never get a hit on them? The ways in which this card can go right are easy to visualize. The ways in which it can just break you even, well, that's fine too. But what I think that I'm getting at has already been stated: it's just not reliable. Jeez, what if you're stuck in a stalemate chump-blocking position... Okay, admittedly, that's kind of funny.
@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes — Bully the Peasants
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The first thing that came to mind for me was Foul-Tongue Shriek. Maybe this card could be more punitive if you have something that requires multiple blockers, but in general, I think that you could have bumped the power level up a little. I personally feel that black should get more stuff that interacts with combat like this, although it does have a LOT of tools in its wheelhouse already.
Let's do the ever-fun questions of flavor. Who is the speaker in the flavor text talking to in the context of the art? The peasants aren't the implied ruler, and they're being, well... Honestly, it's almost comical: "bully" is a pretty lighthearted term for the razing and ravaging that's happening in the art. It's gruesome but juxtaposed with the name and snarky flavor enough that it goes, for me, from funny to incongruous. I don't know who the speaker is supposed to be, I don't know who they're speaking TO, and I'm having a major tonal issue overall. Going into super-seriousness would be fine, or going into more Lorwynian cajoling would be fine too. We're just at a weird place as it stands.
@just--a--penguin — Bruna's Illumination (JUDGE PICK)
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By itself, I think this card's pretty great, and Innistrad could stand for a Revelation kind of effect—Sphinx's, I mean. Pausing for just a moment here to say that "draw" doesn't need the "You" in front of it in the second bullet. Continuing: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that most people would be using the second mode more often than not. Lifelink is quite fun with these effects, and, well, it's easier to gain cheap amounts of life, looking at Lone Missionary and whatnot. How much life gain you gain before making this card pop off? Even then, saving yourself with a quick lifegain spell hasn't felt bad yet if you can get the crackback.
Is it something to build a deck around, or to incentivize deckbuilding? Honestly, yeah. This one in retrospect was pretty darn close, and I think I wasn't feeling the deck in the same way because there's always a chance that you topdeck this card with no lifegain on board and, well, that's no fun. Plus, what a mana investment—but also what card draw! I'd love to play this in a constructed Azorius control build. I'm also a monster.
@nanokore — Assembled Swordsworn
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So, this is a smaller multicolor Kemba's Legion. I think that that's unfortunately as much as I can say about the mechanical side of things. Personally, I always liked the Legion effect, and you can check the wording there. It's going to see as much play as the archetype allows and that's perfectly reasonable in the correct world/limited setting, whatever that may be.
On the flavorful side of things, I'd like to take a moment to point out a discrepancy, or at least a place to look for where flavor comes into play. In the flavor text, it's implied that this golem is supposed to be cutting through swaths. However, the mechanics are centered around this creature being a blocker. When matching the mechanics and flavor together, the verbs of your card's mechanics can be key to ensuring the flavor lands. Protection, servitude, guardianship, etc. could serve a multi-blocking swordsworn character in a way that the current flavor has a hard time matching.
@piccadilly-blue — Crag Surge (JUDGE PICK)
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I don't think it's broken but whoo boy it's asking to be broken. ... IS it broken?? I genuinely don't know. I don't think this card is doing anything that it's not supposed to be doing and I don't think it's doing anything at a higher rate than other, better rituals. The question: how do you get Mountain cards (oh yeah, that's the only technical note, adding "card" there b/c zones) into your graveyard the easiest? And then, how do you get this thing to go bajonkers on the whole ordeal?
I like mono-red. I like discarding cards. I absolutely adore Tectonic Reformation and think it should be run everywhere all the time. Cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle, CRAG SURGE, cycle, cycle, cycle... To what end? I don't care 'cause I love this card. Except maybe cycling into Emrakul and Surging for a zillion to get there. That would be not good. But it wouldn't be broken because it would only be played in formats with interaction so, you know what, I wouldn't worry about it because RRR is a big cost. Unluckily for you, I'm well aware that my tastes for drooling over combos and bad decks isn't relevant to a card's actual goodness. Let's keep this trophy between you and me, then?
@railway-covidae — Bisecting Blaze
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Doesn't have trample? Harrumph. That's half a joke, but I want to go back here, because on a genuine note, giving a creature a power boost without trample and making it sacrifice doesn't feel good at all. Berserk and Fatal Frenzy are only good because of their trample, honestly, and for five mana, I could potentially do more damage to an opponent with a Fireball, or just another creature.
That said, that's the only thing I would change about this card mechanically; I'd even keep that same cost in, and the same rarity too. Name might have to be something different unless the art and flavor text really spoke to what was being bisected. As for the deck archetype or deck construction, something that plays red and creatures in limited could probably go for it without any issue, ngl. Constructed? Don't hold your breath. Maybe a weirdo Xenagos Reanimator would be happy to have a zillion-jillion creature. ... Actually, no, wait, Xenagos would love this, ha.
@reaperfromtheabyss — Crimson Connoisseur
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Once more! Once again! A good card that's not quite eyebrow-raising but just plain good. Blood is everything that this card cares about, and it makes blood, and you can either stock up on blood to make this a bigger attacker or you can use 'em to get more cards to make more blood. This one implies that you've already got blood and/or are making blood; I like how it doesn't have evasion, actually. Lifelink it more of a target. The ability to get blood puts this beater in someone's sights but not insurmountably so.
See what I mean? Having played with blood, and having loved blood, blood is wonderful. What do I have to say about this card that blood hasn't already said? For one, the name's pretty great and very standard for vampires. Uh... Man, I guess that's about it. You've activated the trap card of making me want to do an IF cube again without having the spare time to actually go through and do it. Once I get [major project] done, I SWEAR—
@sparkyyoungupstart — Endless Hallway
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I was honestly surprised that there were so many creatures this go-around, but I suppose I shouldn't be THAT surprised. I liked the massive variety and I do appreciate that. Let's go with the intriguing part of it: black-white walls. Nightmare walls. Actually, pause: before delving into some of my wall-themed problems that my therapist is ostensibly not helping me scale, I want to say that an Endless Hallway being a manifestation of a nightmare is a really cool trick. Nailed that for sure.
What I'm not as keen on is the fact that a) this is a wall without defender, b) the Labyrinth ability word just makes the walls all the more unscalable in combat, which is redundantly frustrating interaction-wise, and c) that last permaremoval ability is...weird. Wait, "is being blocked by?" What would be the point of blocking this wall? Why does it have both a blocking ability and an attack incentive? It has zero power; why would you attack with it? Okay, now that I'm talking about the card as I'm actually reading it and less that I'm going over the things I thought I'd been reading, I'm a little more finger-waggly. This card is mixing some metaphors and could perhaps use a spin on the revision table.
@spooky-bard — Curious Creation (JUDGE PICK)
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And there we go, a soothing card that's a little bit funny and a little bit I'm worried for the animals. But holy crap, dude, you circumvented the changeling problem brilliantly. Because they're oozes! Creature type matters-ers, rejoice. I know other effects similar have been done before, and I'm ignoring that, because I think this is the best way to just find a deck that plays as many types as possible in order to maximize oozitude. If you've opened this up in limited, chances are that it's just gonna get +1/+1 for each other creature you control, but that's okay! Maybe there are more oozes, or maybe shapeshifters.
I think it's hard for me to place this card crazy high because, in terms of deck construction, it's making me think more of what I'd have to not include over what I could include. For example, would I play two of these? They're both good, but each addition of a cool ooze is a buff that's not, well, buffing it. Still—a small price to pay for something so cute. Seriously cute combination of art direction and flavor text. Lovely stuff.
@spore4ever — Unveil the Menagerie
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This was the card that came right after in the order that I was thinking of. Okay! So let's solve this problem first. How would you keep everything the same and not have changeling be a factor? I would try this:
"Reveal the top seven cards of your library. You gain 1 life for each creature card revealed this way that doesn't share at least one type with another creature card revealed this way. Put up to two creature cards revealed this way into your hand if they don't share a type with another card pur into your hand this way. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order."
It's not perfect, but you're limited by cards, not types. See? That's the gist of it. I think your art direction really pops and I think the idea is pretty cool. It's...very wordy. Honestly, I would cut down on the specifics if you wanted it to be less of a mouthful, but that's a me thing, and the card still functions well enough for me not to worry about it too much.
@stareyedesper — Y'Yzai, Hive Queen
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I haven't tried pronouncing this card and I can already say I've never pronounced anything more wrong in my life. Anyway, perhaps the last ability should be "Each creature token you control enters the battlefield with your choice of a flying counter, a vigilance counter, or a trample counter on it" per other Ikoria cards and Capenna commander cards. So there we go! Hm, this does indeed feel commander-y, does it not? Nothing wrong with that—I think it could function as a cool set mythic or a commander showcase card regardless.
Falco's kinda cared about counters before, but tokens specifically? Honestly, this is kind of new territory, so props to ya. Also I just got distracted on Draftsim with New Capenna for half an hour, so there's...well, you can see why commentary gets posted in the evening. With this card, I think that having the flavor of an insect noble and the build-around of mass tokens would be a lot of fun, and none of the three keyword tokens would break it that wide open. Having a buttload of tokens being made all with unique counters might be really busy, though. Perhaps that's something to consider in the long term or at least in the do-I-have-enough-counter-keywords term. Someone's gonna build it, though!
@stupidstupidratcreatures — Gurmag Gardening
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I actually don't know if this works within the rules as it stands. At least, I'm not sure that it...should? I'm weirded out by this card and it's not in a way that feels grokable. There's an inherent quality to the weirdness that I'm afraid I can't define. Maybe it's the specificity of it that makes it feel weird, or the argument about whether a taxing effect on top of a reduction effect would apply since "reduce" doesn't have an action/verbage in the comp rules (as far as I know) to allow for a card like this.
There's a sense that this card was made from a mechanical standpoint without wider consciousness—i.e. it feels one-to-one connected with delve as a mechanic for the Sultai. I don't really want to build "delve typal" in that sense; delve is a situational mechanic that happens to play off of other identities inherent to the colors in which it sees play. What's the flavor supposed to represent in connection to that? What is the relationship between delve and the world of the card? I'm not convinced there's a bridge yet. I encourage you to really take the time, wriggle out a few iterations, and really nail your card in every aspect. Ask the questions that may not be apparent to you.
@wolkemesser — Gatewatch Formation
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I will never use the first mode of this card. Straight up, this card is asking for one thing and one thing only: play cheap superfriends, then max them out. I genuinely don't think that the first mode would see play except in the most dire of circumstances, and it wouldn't feel good for a second while using it. Sacrificing planeswalkers never feels good. But doubling them? Or, well, proliferating? I'm with you there. The valorous power of black feels pretty radically morphed here but I suppose that Liliana is trying her best.
The flavor's a bit wriggly too but I see the story effect that it's going for. A planeswalker's only powerful enough to deal five damage, huh? I'll be real, Capt'n Messer, I wanna absolutely abolish something if I'm sacrificing a planeswalker. You could've gone a little more ham with the first mode! Well. The real question is whether planesliferate is going to change the way that I build superfriends decks in my head. You know something? It just might. I may have a BW build and you may have unlocked it with this card. Too bad it's a figment of our collective imagination. But it ain't bad.
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Tune in tomorrow when the world will be colored strangely, mottled and gorgeous, for you alone. —@abelzumi
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Hi again! thanks for answering! I didn't mean that Harry wasn't damaged, they all were. but I feel like (and I could be wrong) while they were all in the same conditions, they got damaged in varying degrees. and it's not just about mental damage, I don't know how much they got fucked in the head for certain, but they all sure did. I think career damage and image damage are what we can assess as fans, you know? for me Harry benefited the most/suffered the least when it comes to his career and image. Zayn had a promising career, too, and the GP was extremely interested. but then it all went to waste and he decided to stay lowkey which is fine, to each their own. Next is Niall who put on the work after the band to get to where he is today. E.g. got a good team, is promoting himself very strongly, trying his best to be established as a solo artist. And Liam... well. He needs to figure out who he is first. Lastly Louis, and we all know how the band affected him/where he is today. He walked away with a tarnished image as this aggressive party boy who knocked up a one night stand and is always smoking or drinking. His career wasn't handed to him like Harry or Zayn, he didn't suck the dicks of all the powerful men to get his songs out there like Niall, he wasn't easy to mold or manipulate like Liam. He's actually fighting against a system that actively fights against him that's why I think he walked away with the most damage/least benefits.
Forgive me for being a little sensitive since I’m the official “That Rad Bitch Sea,” but I’ve written about this a lot on my blog and none of the professional damage to Louis exists in a vacuum.
Remember that Louis’ “party boy, got-a-rando-pregnant, dumb, low-class, smoking drinking internalized homophobia chav” image started when Louis was still in 1D, from 1D publicists like Simon Jones (and Ben Winston) who is still doing the worst publicity for him. From a financial standpoint, isn’t this very strange? Why would 1D want to create a negative image of one of the guys before their last album was released? Wouldn’t it impact their sales?
Isn’t the damage to Louis awfully coincident when 1D’s parent corporation— Sony— had already chosen Harry as their breakout star, but they shared huge group of fans (Larries) believing him to be linked to Louis?
What’s one way to separate “Larry” without hurting Harry? By turning Larries against Louis.
And they did. And Larries gladly helped.
I’d love for you guys to read the links, because it’s all there.
More here.
Still more here.
It’s all ancient history. It’s incredibly sad that fans don’t know the details because Larries and OT5 fans have done a terrific job of washing Harry’s hands clean.
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