#i think i made friends with some carats . so at least there's that :')
froghwon · 8 months
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the-boy-meets-evil · 4 months
today of all days | vernon
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(the lull of the new year never really comes for you, which is fine. it's better to be busy. this year, you're a little too busy planning something else to worry much about valentine's day. It's never been your favorite holiday anyway. but, could your boyfriend have forgotten in entirely?)
pairing: vernon x afab!reader genre: est. relationship, non-idol!au | smut, slight angst, fluff rating: explicit, minors DNI word count: ~4.6k warnings: mentions of food, there's a little angst, but it's mostly miscommunication, kissing, oral sex (m & f receiving), fingering, marking, unprotected sex (don't do this without talking about it), multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, i think that's it
a/n: happy valentine's day to the always wonderful, absolutely amazing @wonwussy 💕 it's been so much fun to get to write this for you. i hope you enjoy it! this is part of @svthub's cupid for you valentine's exchange organized by my bby @wongyuseokie (who is very amazing and also made the banner & divider). happy valentine's (and carat day)!
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There’s usually kind of a lull at the beginning of the new year. Like everyone decides that after the holidays, you’re due for a break. People try to work on their resolutions, businesses expect to see the drop off in their sales. Everything just feels more peaceful. It’s that calm before the storm when everything picks up again. 
Not for you, though. At least not this year. February brings Valentine’s Day and your boyfriend’s birthday. You don’t really care that much about the former. It’s nice to have someone to celebrate with, and you’re sure the two of you will do something, but it’s nothing crazy. As long as you have him and a quiet night in, you’re good. It’s the latter of the two things that’s keeping an otherwise peaceful time from being peaceful. 
Here’s the thing. Vernon isn’t one to make a big deal of his birthday, never has been. He feels similar to the way you feel about Valentine’s Day. He likes to do something to mark the passing of time, definitely enjoys the presents, but doesn’t feel the need for it to be some huge thing. It’s a little difficult, too, because he’s got another friend with the same birthday. For the years that they’ve been friends, they’ve always tried to work it around each other. Seokmin is a year older and feels a little more strongly about birthdays as something that should be celebrated. Somehow, that led to this year. A coordinated birthday for the two of them with all their friends there to celebrate the both of them. Two different cakes, two different contributions to the menu, and twice as many people to coordinate with. 
To say it’s been a bit of a headache is an understatement.
You love Vernon. He’s been your person for over two years and you wouldn’t trade him for the world. You also love to plan things for other people as a way to show them how much you care. This has just been a bigger undertaking than you imagined. Especially when you have to keep the party under wraps. Vernon knows you’re doing something with a group of friends. He thinks it’s only a small group. But, he’ll appreciate it all the same. Just like he seems to appreciate everything that you do. 
“Babe,” Vernon calls from the living room. He’s in the middle of gaming with Wonwoo, connected by their headsets.
“Yeah?” you answer.
“Wonwoo says that I’m gonna get in trouble for not planning some big thing for Valentine’s,” Vernon tells you.
You can hear the protests from Vernon even through the headset, which makes you chuckle. “As long as we get to cook something together and have a night in, I’m good.” 
“See?” Vernon says triumphantly. There’s a pause where Wonwoo must be asking something. “Oh, yeah, I’m definitely getting a gift.” 
“What?” you ask with clear surprise. Gifts were not part of the plan for this year.
“It’s nothing big, but I’ve got the perfect idea,” Vernon says with a familiar look of mischief. 
“Oh no, no you are not,” you counter. He bursts out in a cackle. “Vernon, you are not getting strawberry flavored condoms for Valentine’s Day. We don’t even use condoms.” 
The laugh through Vernon’s headset is just as loud. You would probably be embarrassed if it was anyone else, but Wonwoo has been in both of your lives long enough that most barriers have been erased. 
“No, don’t worry, that wasn’t actually it. I have a plan,” Vernon says and you watch him suspiciously. “Promise!”
You decide to let it lie for the time being. At least partly, because you don’t want to keep standing there while he’s playing video games. Partly because you knew it meant he would be distracted enough that you could sneak off to the bedroom to make a call about the party. 
Jeonghan had not been your first choice for a party planning committee because sometimes it’s hard to get an actual thought out of him. You’re not always sure what he’s thinking. But, he’s Seokmin’s best friend and one of the best schemers you know. Thankfully, these days he really only uses his talents for good. Well, it would be thankfully if you didn’t harbor a grudge over a prank he played when you first met. 
Miraculously, Jeonghan is also free and willing to do some final planning. It’s that stage where the final group of friends get clued in. Some friends, who shall remain nameless, had to find out much closer to the day. They just couldn’t be trusted to keep the secret. You’re actually impressed that you’ve managed to keep it from Vernon and Seokmin. You confirm that Vernon doesn’t know. He would have absolutely told you. Jeonghan also confirms that Seokmin doesn’t know because he can’t keep a secret either. 
When you wander back out into the living room, Vernon is still very engrossed in his game. You kiss the top of his head, watch the small smile with his eyes trained on the screen, and plop down at the other end of the couch. You prop your computer on your lap and reach for your headphones when Vernon turns to you between matches.
“Wanna order in for dinner?” he asks and you smile.
“Oh from that place around the corner?” you suggest. Vernon rolls his eyes without any real annoyance. It’s your favorite place.
“Whatever you want, babe,” he says and turns back to the game.
It’s easy, not only because you like it, but also since you know what he orders there. He’s kind of a creature of habit. Maybe you are too, since you always want to order from the same place. It’ll give you a chance to watch a few things while waiting as well as giving Vernon the chance to keep playing with Wonwoo. The gaming is always seamless for them after years of working together. 
When the food arrives, Vernon finishes his last game so that he can eat with you. It’s one of the things you love about him. He’s so thoughtful with things like that. When you first moved in with him, you were a little worried. You had never lived with a partner and weren’t sure how to navigate it. As it turns out, with the right person, it’s pretty easy. You leave each other to do your own things and then come together after.
“You’re sure you’re okay with a quiet Valentine’s Day?” he asks when you curl into him after dinner.
“It’s a little late if I’m not considering it’s in two days,” you say with a light laugh.
“I’m being serious,” he says. 
“I’m good, Vernon. I’ve got you and we’re going to make something together,” you say.
“I promise not to burn down the kitchen,” he assures you.
“You’ve been getting a lot better,” you say. “Plus, we also have dinner this weekend for your birthday.” 
“We don’t really have to do anything crazy for my birthday, you know. It’s so close to Valentine’s Day and…” Vernon trails off before you press a kiss to his lips.
“I love to celebrate your birthday. It’s another year of you and everyone should be thankful for that,” you say. 
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Valentine’s morning comes bright and early. Sun streams through the cracks in your shades. Not quite enough to wake you up, but enough for you to know that it’s morning. You smile and stretch out, thinking it’s probably earlier than you need to be up. As you’re considering waking Vernon up to celebrate the day when you register an emptiness.
You’re the only one in the bed. 
You open your eyes and confirm what you already knew. Vernon isn’t in bed with you. The door to the bathroom is open and the light is off, so he’s not in there either. Although you prefer to lay in bed to wake up, curiosity gets the better of you and propels you out of bed to the living room. The entire apartment is quiet, still. Well, still apart from your cat that’s weaving between your legs. He doesn’t seem hungry, so you think he’s just wondering what you’re doing. It’s odd that he would have left the apartment so early in the morning. 
Padding back to the bedroom, you find your phone on the nightstand, plugged in like it always is. When you unlock it, you have a myriad of messages and notifications. Conspicuously absent, though, is a message from your boyfriend. There’s nothing to tell you where he is or went or could be. Which is odd, yes, but mostly it just makes you a little irritated. Sure, you don’t ever want to make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day. It’s plenty to spend the day with someone you love that loves you back. 
Vernon can be a little spacy at times. It’s not his best quality, but it’s also impossibly endearing. Maybe it’s because you know how much he’s thinking about when he’s got that look like he’s never had a thought in his life. It also makes him really chill, which matches you well. He doesn’t always have to be going or doing something. But, he’ll just as happily go out and be your shield because he’s much more of a people person than you are. 
All this to say, there’s part of you that wonders if the holiday just slipped his mind. It’s not like it’s a big deal, you said as much to him. But, you still expect something. Even if it’s just to know where he is so early in the morning. You hate that you wonder if he forgot because you trust Vernon with your life. He can get distracted sometimes. One time, he got so caught up in a project that he entirely forgot dinner plans with his friends. 
The mature thing to do would be to send him a text and ask where he is or even to wish him a happy Valentine’s Day. You’re not feeling especially mature, though. And you feel very justified in that annoyance because he’s the one that left early. He should be the one to let you know where he is. It should not be on you.
Trying to push the thoughts of Vernon out of your mind, you get ready for the day. Opt to leave earlier so you can buy yourself something to eat and some coffee on the way. By the time you reach work, you’re even more irritated rather than calmer. Every radio station was playing love songs that fit the genre. Every host seems to want to know what people’s plans are for the day. The coffee shop by your office was decorated in red, white, and pink hearts with all sorts of specials for the day. When you head into the office, it only gets worse. People have flowers on their desks, are exchanging happy wishes, talking about how they can’t wait to get out of work for their plans. Some people are spending it with partners, others are spending it with friends. Either way, everyone seems to have plans that are better than whatever will be waiting when you get home. Why did Vernon have to pick today of all days to be forgetful? 
Your work best friend stops by your desk with the typical cup of coffee mid morning and stops in his tracks when he senses your mood.
“What’s wrong with your face?” Minho asks. 
“Wow, hello to you too,” you respond when you take the coffee from him.
“You seem like you’re in a bad mood,” he says. 
“Maybe I am,” you answer. 
“But, it’s Valentine’s Day and you have, like, the most perfect boyfriend. What’s there to be mad about?” he asks. 
“Can’t be the most perfect boyfriend if he was gone before I woke up and didn’t even text me to say anything,” you say with all the irritation you feel.
That catches Minho’s attention. “I’m sorry, what?” 
“I woke up and the bed was empty. No note. No text. Just empty,” you say. 
“And you haven’t heard from him?” Minho presses.
“No,” you say, only to be distracted by your phone lighting up.
“Looks like a message from him,” he observes.
You quickly glance at your phone, hating how eager you feel just to hear something from him. It’s disappointing, though.
Vernon: sorry that i wasn’t there when you woke up, i had a last minute errand Vernon: when do you think you’ll be home from work? 
Instead of telling Minho what happened, you just hand your phone over to him. His grimace says all you need to know. It’s not an overreaction. 
“That’s…all he’s said to you today?” he asks.
“You can scroll to see,” you say because he still has your phone.
“No thanks,” Minho says with a laugh. “I don’t wanna accidentally see something.”
“It was one time,” you say, snatching your phone back with an eye roll. 
“And I’m still scarred,” he says. “What are you going to say back?”
“Nothing,” you say.
“But…” he starts.
“No, I’m not saying anything. I know I’m chill about this holiday, but to not even say anything? And what errand does he have to do at 7 in the morning?” you ask, more irritated that you had been.
“If you want to hold onto a grudge, who am I to stop you?” he asks when he stands. “Let me know if he manages to get out of the dog house.” 
With that comment, he’s off to his own desk. It usually goes something like this every day anyway. Minho shows up with coffee for you, looking to see what you have to say. Even though he’s the one that has the best gossip. Sometimes, he just wants someone to share it with. It’s a nice reprieve from your irritation. One that he repeats in the afternoon, which is a break from the norm. Unfortunately, the irritation that settles in his wake is worse than before he stops by. 
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You consider staying at work late when the end of the day comes. It’s not like you’re in a rush to head home. There’s also a part of you that wants to punish Vernon for forgetting a holiday that you don’t even care that much about. (Okay, maybe you care, but that’s the whole point of having someone you love that also loves you to spend it with.) Staying late by yourself feels even worse when nobody else from the office is. Everyone seems to be out the door as soon as the day ends. And, despite not answering any of Vernon’s messages, you know he’s home. At least it’ll give you the chance to figure out how to approach this.
The drive home gives you a chance to run through all sorts of conversations in your head. You’re still stewing, a bit, because you’re upset at how the day went. But, you’re also preparing yourself to have a potentially difficult conversation with Vernon. Of course, he’ll be receptive to your feelings. He always is. It’s more that you’re frustrated it happened in the first place and don’t want your feelings to seem invalid. 
All of that goes out the window the second you step into your apartment. The lights are low, so it takes your eyes a second to adjust. When they do, however, you see that Vernon has transformed your living room into a scene from your favorite video game. It’s like stepping into another world. Every little detail is so carefully thought out that you can’t even appreciate it all in one look. Your feet carry you forward to examine the small things. The ones that very obviously took extra effort. You’re so busy appreciating it all that you don’t even notice Vernon coming in from the kitchen.
“I know we said no presents, but I wanted to do this anyway. Happy Valentine’s Day,” he says, pulling you out of your head.
“How did you…” you ask, unable to even finish the question.
“I found someone who had this whole set for their ex and wanted to get rid of it. He was practically giving it away, but I had to go pick it up like 2 hours away,” he says.
You look around and can tell the level of care that went into creating this. “That’s why you were gone when I woke up?” 
“Yeah, I left you notes on breakfast in the fridge and coffee in the microwave, but I guess you didn’t see those,” he says. 
“I’m so sorry,” you say and don’t even realize that tears started to fall until Vernon’s pulling you into his arms.
“It’s fine, what are you sorry for?” he asks, holding you tightly.
“I spent the whole day thinking you forgot Valentine’s Day and being mad. That’s why I didn’t answer your texts,” you say.
“I just figured it was a busy day and you were excited to get home,” Vernon says.
“I’m so sorry,” you repeat.
He pulls back so that he can look down at you. Wipes the tears gently away from under your eyes. “It’s fine, babe. I’m not upset at you when I can be forgetful.” 
Nobody has ever done something like this for you. You can’t imagine how long it took to transform the living room this way. There aren’t any words you can think of to express how much it all means to you, so you just press your lips against his. Throw your hands around his neck to keep him close to you. He’s surprised, at least for a second, before he pulls you in tighter against him and kisses you back. It’s not the time to talk, at least not right now. How could you have thought this man would ever forget? 
“Can I show you what I was thinking about before I realized you were already gone this morning?” you ask when you break the kiss.
“Should I be concerned?” he asks.
“Just trust me,” you say and pull him into the bedroom with you. 
Any hesitations that he may have had disappear when you resume kissing him. Your fingers nimbly undo his pants so that you can slide them down his legs. The clothes come flying off in a flurry from there, far quicker than usual for the two of you. There’s just an urgency given the way the day went. Neither of you seems to want to let your lips leave the other. As Vernon kisses down your neck, you take the opportunity to push him back onto the bed.
It’s the first time you take a second and you appreciate how beautiful he is laying on the bed. The lean lines of his muscle, his eyes hungry as they drink your body in, the way his cock rests heavily on his stomach. You need to do something, though. You nudge his legs apart as you settle yourself onto the bed between them. 
“You don’t have to…” he starts and you’re quick to cut him off.
“I want to,” you insist. 
And you do. You take his cock into your hand and lick a stripe up it. It’s not enough, though, so you spit into your hand so you can run it along his length. He shudders under your touch. Once you wrap your lips around his tip, you pull a groan out of him. For just a second, his eyes close and his head lolls back on the pillow. It’s so pretty to watch him from this angle. To know that this man, usually so relaxed and chill, is so wound up under your power. It’s not long before he’s watching you, though. Letting out a stream of praise for how good you look with his cock in your mouth. How it turns him on, how you know just how to use your tongue. You hollow out your cheeks and it’s more than he can take.
Vernon pulls you up so that he can kiss you, so hard that you lose your breath. You’re a little off balance, which makes it easier for him to flip your positions. Now he’s the one between your legs. That same fervor is back when he spreads your lips so he can lick up your entrance. He’s always been insanely good with his mouth. It’s actually unfair. When his thumb circles your clit, you see stars for a second and arch your back into his mouth. All you can do is watch as he works his tongue in and out of your cunt. The thumb on your clit is bordering on too much sensation. Makes it hard for you to watch him even though you love the sight of him between your legs. 
“Fuck, Vernon, I need more,” you whine. 
“I should make you draw it out,” he says, still so close to your pussy that you can feel his breath.
“Please, Vernon, please,” you beg. You know it’ll make him cave.
“Since you asked so nicely,” he answers.
He runs his fingers through your folds before sliding one into your pussy. The moment his mouth finds your clit, he inserts a second finger and pumps into you at a punishing pace. It’s everything you can do not to squirm under his efforts. As it is, the words coming out of your mouth are entirely incoherent. What you want to say is that he’s a god with both his mouth and his fingers. That he knows just how to fit you where you need him most. That nobody has ever felt as good as him.
What you manage to yell out: “Oh my fucking god, I’m gonna come.” 
Vernon hums against your clit and it’s all too much. Your release is nearly instant. You don’t even notice how he guides you through your high or that he doesn’t remove his fingers until your body stops shaking. Miss the way he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before kissing you. Not that you would mind. His lips wander down your neck to your chest, kissing all the way. He loves your breasts, loves the soft skin there. Loves to nip and watch the way you react. Most of all, he loves to leave marks there. Even if you won’t let him mark you where other people can see (at least, not often), you’ll always let him mark up your chest. He roughly sucks a mark into your sensitive skin and you squirm. 
Any other time, you would let him enjoy it. Let him take his time. Not today. You need to feel him. Need to have that connection with him. He seems to realize it too.
“Roll over on your side,” he directs. 
You hasten to do exactly what he asks. He slides right in behind you and you bring your leg forward a little so that it’ll be easier on him. One of his arms slides under your neck. The other lines his cock up at your entrance. He presses lightly, at least at first, giving you time before he’s fully inside you. No matter how many times you and Vernon fuck, you’ll never be fully prepared for the way he feels. It’s the most perfect type of full. Just enough of a stretch without it being overwhelming. 
It’s only a second before he starts moving, with his hand on your stomach. Not too fast. Just enough to give you the relief that you need. Not enough that it’s going to push you over the edge again. You’re still sensitive, though. The connectedness of your bodies is exactly what you need. It’s intimate in all the ways that you couldn’t tell him that you needed. But, he knows. Of course, he knows. This man knows you better than anyone else, a fact clear in how he thrusts into you.
Vernon’s free hand moves from your stomach up to your breast. He rolls your nipple between his fingers and you groan out. That’s the other best part about your relationship with Vernon. There isn’t a need for constant communication during sex. He knows what you like and you know what he likes. He knows how to interrupt your moans and your pleas. Knows when to pick up the pace. 
It’s entirely too soon when you feel your second orgasm coming on. “I’m close, oh my god.” 
“I know, baby, just come for me,” Vernon urges as he continues to thrust hard into you.
Despite that, you try to hold out because you know that he’s not there yet, can feel it in the way he fucks into you. It’s a losing battle, though, and you end up coming even harder than the first time. Vernon fucks through your high before slowing down to give you a minute to breath. Always so considerate of what you need.
“It’s okay, keep going,” you urge.
He doesn’t have to ask if you’re sure, he can feel it in the way you clench around him. Makes him groan as he moves again. You’re still a little out of it from the two orgasms, so it doesn’t register just how sensitive you are. You tilt your head so that you can kiss him. Catch all his groans with your lips. Partly since you know how much the intimacy of it all means to him. Know that it’ll send him over the edge. 
A minute later it does just that. Even though you feel spent, he manages to pull a third orgasm out of you with his own. There’s a moment when you’re both catching your breath that neither of you move or even say anything. It gives you a moment to remember just how much you love him. Vernon slides out of you carefully and you roll over so that you can face him.
“I love you,” he says with a soft smile, fingers gently moving a few strands of hair away from your face.
“I love you, too,” you say. 
“Do we have to get up right now?” he asks.
You shake your head and let him pull you into his body. His arms feel strong and safe around you. Like home, which is what he’s always been for you. From entirely too early into the relationship. A feeling that’s only grown in the time you’ve been together.
“I’m sorry,” you say again. 
“You don’t need to be, “ Vernon assures you. “I’m forgetful sometimes and you’ve been busy lately. I figured this was a good way to say thank you for everything you do.”
“What? The sex?” you joke. 
He huffs into your hair. “I take it all back.”
You pull back to look at him. “It was perfect. Almost as perfect as you.” 
A light blush creeps up. “I don’t know about that.” 
“I do,” you whisper into his skin when you cuddle back against his chest.
“We still have to cook dinner,” he says.
“Let’s just order something. I don’t want to move from this spot right now,” you say.
“We can stay as long as you want,” he says.
Forever, you think. That’s how long you want to stay with him. It’s never felt more real than it does right now. You think, by the way he holds you, that maybe he wants to be with you forever too. It may have gotten out to a rocky start, but it ends up being the most perfect Valentine’s Day of your life. 
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svtdarlingbby · 5 months
Let’s Start Some Rumors The8xIdol!Reader - Part 3
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pairing: The8 x reader genre: idol au  warnings: occasional cursing  word count: 1594
Part 1 Part 2
“Are you absolutely sure Y/N?” sighed Minghao as he felt your squeeze his hand.
“Yes, and hey, maybe we could have some fun out of this whole scenario. Trolling is your thing, right?” you laughed as you took your hand off his and playfully nudged his shoulder.
“Yes, I love messing around with the press. I can’t wait to see what carats would say too,” giggled Minghao. 
“Good! Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow for the whole dating scandal?” you asked with a more relaxed expression. 
“You bet! See you Y/N,” said Minghao as you two parted ways. 
Tomorrow was going to cause a scene for sure
The next day arrived rather quickly. Seeing the numbers from your comeback continue to dwindle just made you want to do nothing but sleep early. However, you just couldn't sleep knowing that you were going to go on a date with Minghao of all people the next day. Minghao was your friend, right? You had nothing to be afraid of. But why were you feeling so nervous?
Just as the managers had told you, you arrived to the dressing rooms bright and early that morning. The bright lights of the dressing room conflicted with the remaining sleep that harbored your vision as you rubbed your eyes and suppressed a yawn. But what really woke you up was your utterly handsome friend, dressed in nothing but a black tank top and gray sweatpants waiting patiently for the stylists to bring him his outfit for your "date." His long black hair fell messily above his forehead as he raised a muscular arm to brush his hair out of his tired eyes.
How many minutes had you spent ogling at Minghao? You're not quite sure until he notices you, his eyes instantly brightening. You swore you heard him chuckle before he caught your attention.
"Hey Y/N, come over here!" gestured Minghao, snapping you out of your trance.
"Hi Minghao," you uttered, somewhat softer than you meant to, but nonetheless happy to see him. "It's early, isn't it?"
"Yeah, but at least I'm treating us to coffee later today on our date" chuckled Minghao.
"Oh yeah!" you chuckled, feeling your cheeks heat up. That came out way too enthusiastic, oh god! you thought as you mentally cringed at yourself.
Minghao only smiled and was about to say something until you were both bombarded by an army of stylists pulling you in opposite directions. The sudden shift to your curtain snapped you out of your embarrassment as some of the stylists began to lay out the outfit they had chosen for you and the others began to work on your makeup. They had gone with a rather simple look compared to your music video and stage makeup, but it was still effortless and complimented your features nicely. The hair stylist came in shortly afterwards to fix your hair. Like your makeup, your hair was also in a simple style that accentuated your facial features. A cute, simple pastel blue ribbon was also tied into your hair.
You thanked your hair and makeup team before getting up to get changed. Before you, the stylists presented a form-fitting, plain white long sleeve top paired with a frilly black skirt, the length shorter than what you're usually used to. Thankfully, you had the option to pair it with some sheer black tights. The boots were leather and long with a flirty heel. To top it off was a pastel pink trench coat since the weather was colder this season. However, the most important piece of the outfit was the silver infinity sign necklace; the pendant sparkling against the lights was sure to draw attention.
"So, what do you think Y/N?" asked manager Lina, seemingly appealing out of thin air.
"AAHHHH!" you jumped, you scream was loud enough to ensue chuckles among the stylists outside the curtain.
"Sorry! Are you nervous?" chuckled Lina as she nudged your shoulder.
"A little," you admitted, picking up the white shirt.
"Let me give you some privacy!" chirped your overly enthusiastic manager as she stepped out, leaving you alone to change into the outfit.
Sighing, you began to undress and replace your sweats with the flirty outfit the stylists had chosen for you. Once all of the articles of clothing were on you, you looked into the mirror and damn. The stylists at HYBE deserved a raise for making you look so effortlessly hot. The outfit flattered you in every way possible, emphasizing your beautiful body so well. You didn't want to admit how long you had been staring at yourself in the mirror but snapped a full body mirror selfie nonetheless. However, the infinity sign pendant made itself known as it shone against the lights in your selfies. Not going to lie, the necklace really brought the whole outfit together.
"Y/N!? Are you ready? We don't wanna be late!" yelled manager Lina on the other side.
"Coming!" you chirped, this outfit giving you the extra boost of confidence for your date. Wait. Your date. With Minghao. He was going to see you look this sexy with his name practically wrapped around your neck. You were feeling conflicted to say the least.
"OH MY GOSH! Y/N!!?? You've gotta do a sexy concept for you next comeback!" complimented manager Lina as she took in your form, causing you to giggle and feel flustered.
"Ahhh stop manager Lina!" you smiled, hiding your face and turning your body away from her only to bump right into Minghao.
"Oh! Sorry Y/N!" apologized Minghao as he suddenly shut his mouth and took in your appearance.
"Minghao! Sorry I should've paid more attention," you apologized, feeling even more flustered if that was even possible.
"You two are so cute! You look like a real couple!" noted manager Lina. You hate to admit it, but she was right. Minghao's outfit complimented your outfit so well. In fact, your outfits were almost identical. Minghao was wearing a white button up top that was tucked into a pair of black dress pants. He also had a trench coat loosely hanging over his shoulders in a pastel blue shade, which you noticed matched the ribbon in your hair. Then it came to you: the set of your music video was pastel colors. Just like your infinity sign necklace, the shiny flower necklace you wore in your music video was clasped against his neck in an almost obvious manner.
Neither of you knew how to reply, but you swore you saw Minghao smile at her statement. "You look pretty Y/N."
"Oh! Thank you Minghao! Um, you look handsome!" you stumbled but your smile couldn't help but grow as a result of his compliment.
Just as you two were having your little moment, Minghao's manager seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "The matching couples bracelets! We can't forget that!" he gasped, practically out of breath.
The bracelets were simple silver chains with two dangling charms: an infinity sign and a flower, representing the two of you. The both of you promptly slipped on the bracelets, thus completing the visuals to the ultimate "dating" scandal HYBE was about to pull.
"Ah don't they look perfect, Lina?" asked Minghao's manager as Lina nodded.
"The head manager told me to send him pictures before you two headed out! Smile!" she said as she pulled out her phone.
You awkwardly shuffled closer to Minghao and he did the same, maintaining a respectful distance between you two. "Oh come on, you two are supposed to be a couple!" said Manager Lina as she playfully rolled her eyes.
You awkwardly just laughed as you felt Minghao slowly begin to wrap an arm around your shoulders. "Is this okay?" he whispered.
You nodded as his arm rested around you and tried to subtly lean more into him, but just to make the picture look more convincing! In reality, you felt yourself become even more flustered at the physical contact between you and Minghao. Something about him asking if it was okay for him to touch you also stirred some feelings within you as you smiled for the camera.
Nonetheless, you two were ushered into the car that the company had paid for the two of you. As you both sat in the backseat, it felt like you and Minghao were approaching the impending moment that could change the trajectory of your careers. Despite you two being friends, it was still a daunting task.
Minghao noticed how stiff your form was next to him in the vehicle as you fidgeted with the bracelet that represented the both of you. "Are you okay, Y/N? It's not too late, you know," he said softly.
"I know. And I'm as ready as ever if I'm being honest," you replied, still looking down at the bracelet.
"Okay, but just let me know if you are ever uncomfortable," he said, gently patting your shoulder causing you to look into his reassuring and sincere eyes.
"Thank you Minghao," you smiled.
"It's no problem. Treat yourself baby girl, food's on me" Minghao said jokingly, making his voice sound more manly before whipping out the gift card given to him by the company.
You only laughed at his antics. "Baby girl? Oh Hao, I thought you'd be better at pet names!"
"Better? I thought all girl want to be called baby girls?" he feigned offense as you two erupted in laughter.
You're not going to lie, you felt your heart thump at the fact that Minghao called you baby girl even though you couldn't explain why. This man is literally your friend, how come him jokingly calling you baby girl made you flustered? It couldn't be because he was dressed so nicely, matching you and smiling at you, his dimples appearing and his eyes lighting up. But even when you two were joking as usual, he never called you baby girl or anything romantic like that! Your laughter began to subside as the car pulled into the parking lot before Minghao spoke up again.
"Yup, trolling Dispatch and the media and fans is going to be so fun."
Oh. That's right. You two aren't going on an actual date.
part 4 coming soon!
hiiiii sorry I've been missing! I've had school, work, and some major life stuff happen and I felt so bad putting off this series and leaving you guys hanging! I'll try to update more frequently, I forgot how much fun writing is! I hope you enjoy and let me know if you want to be on the taglist!
Taglist: @hoshipills @rodygr @shabzy1644 @spilled-coffee-cup @sev0-0 @jeonginssa
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octuscle · 11 months
Hey there! A good friend of mine gets recently a wrong suitcase from the airport and suddenly disappeared. I never got a text from him anymore. It seems like he has forgotten his real life - I hope he's alive! My problem is that I get a strange suitcase too now. It's from SBH. Maybe I should bring it back?
Really a strange suitcase. You could have done more with a decent hard case from Samsonite. You've been wanting one of these for 30 years. But this? A pretty ugly bag for your taste…. Seems to be from France, the name has an accent on the second e in any case. No idea how to pronounce it now. You take a picture of the bag and let Google Lens see if you can get something for it on ebay….
WHAT THE HELL! 8.500 EURO! For a bag. You get out your reading glasses. You need to take a closer look. Okay. You've made a mistake. It's 85,000 euros. You're getting dizzy. Are the zippers and the lock made of white gold? What justifies this absolutely absurd price? For a company that nobody knows. At least you've never heard of it… Now you are curious about the contents. The lock hangs only decoratively on the bag. It is not locked. It would be better if it was. The contents are two sets of underwear, two pairs of silk boxer shorts, a couple of T-shirts, a toilet bag, which you assume costs a fortune… Everything is incidental… Most of the space is taken up by bundles of hot-off-the-press 200-euro bills. There must be several 100,000 euros in there. What the hell!
Take the bag and run? Seems like a shitty idea to you. The shipment went to your address. Whoever owns it (and it's not you) knows who you are and where you live. None of this makes any sense! You search the side pockets. An airline ticket. First class. From Paris back to Saint Barth via Saint Martin. And a booking confirmation for an overnight stay in a suite at the Pullman Paris Roissy CDG Airport. Tonight. All in your name. Fuck, you can't just fly to the Caribbean with some underwear and two swim shorts and an incredible amount of money. But if you do, you have to hurry. Shit, you'll regret it. But you buy a train ticket to Paris, put on your best suit. And you're on your way.
On the train, everything was still okay. But in the lobby of the airport hotel you get a lot of looks. Yes, first of all you don't fit into the elegant frame. Your suit is enough for a customer appointment as a representative of construction machinery. But here all the people are slimmer, more elegant, prettier…. You look like a slightly overweight piece of dirt. With a 15-carat diamond in your hand. At the reception, the lady smiles at you briefly. Then her eyes fall on the weekender. And just breathes a "How beautiful!" Then she apologizes that they can't offer you anything better than the Superior Suite. There were other VIPs here besides you who had received the very large suites. As an apology you would receive a bottle of champagne in your room. And they would be very grateful if they could invite you to dinner. Your luggage has already arrived, they were so kind to bring it to your room. If you need help unpacking, you can reach the butler service at extension 940.
You thank her and ask for a discreetly placed table at 8:30 pm. The champagne gladly with your meal. In fluent French. You beam at the young lady, she blushes and smiles back.
It's a good thing your suitcase wasn't checked in directly by the Air France service. You would like to change again for dinner. The suite is okay for one night. In the bathroom, you look in the mirror. Why did you put on that cheap suit? You must have been really mentally deranged. Were you trying to disguise yourself? Silly! You jump into the shower. While drying off, you think to yourself that you are actually quite firm for a man in his late 40s. Yes, a little more exercise would be okay. But otherwise… You open the Hermès suitcase, take out a black suit and a black shirt. And you change your clothes. You find the Royal Oak to match. And as a statement, the crocodile sandals. Let everyone see your freshly pedicured feet.
There's hardly a pair of eyes that don't turn to you when you enter the restaurant. If your ego wasn't bigger than the Eiffel Tower, you might be embarrassed that the entire staff looks after you first and then the other guests. You see people whispering. Everyone wonders who you are. The problem is: you don't know yourself… For a moment, you look at your manicured fingernails and wonder what's going on. Then you take a sip of champagne. Veuve Clicquot. Well… It's a gift… It's okay for that…
After dessert, the waiter asks if you would like to have coffee and digestif with a cigar at the bar. Normally you think this is a good idea. But not today. The flight to Martinique leaves quite early. Before that, you would like to get some sleep. So you decline with thanks and put a 100-euro bill on the table as a tip.
A message on your cell phone wakes you up at 4:00 in the morning. You are supposed to take some courier goods with you. You can get it at the hotel reception. Fuck! What is this again? Anyway, you are awake now. Then use the time at least. 100 situps, 100 pushups. You like the picture in the bathroom mirror afterwards. The hair on your chest is jet black. Just like your beard, there's not a gray hair to be seen. And sweat drips in the grooves between your six-pack. You get a hard-on like you haven't had in years. You can't help it. You have to jerk off. And boy, there was real pressure on your balls. Your cum runs off the mirror like someone threw a cup of yogurt at it. It's just before 6:00 now. You call 940 and ask Yves to pick up a package at the reception desk, which would be deposited there. Until he arrives, you do another 100 push-ups. When the knock comes and you open the door, your eyes fall on a turquoise package in Yves' hands. Yves' gaze falls on the package between your legs. Shit, you are naked. Yves asks if he can help you in any way. He still does not look into your eyes. You pull him into the room and throw him on your bed.
Two hours later Yves serves you breakfast in your room. You are ready for departure. Airfrance has already picked up your luggage with the package, which is probably not from Tiffany's, and your boarding pass is in an envelope on a silver tray on the breakfast table. In half an hour, someone will pick you up and take you directly to the plane. Security checks are something for people who have to travel in business class.
Flights with Air France are orgies of champagne and foie gras. The nine hours fly by. The fuck with the purser in the bathroom certainly played its part. The guy thought you were in your late 30s and asked if you were flying on your dad's credit card or your own. For the impudence he had to blow you unfortunately. Whereby he was not so wrong. Somehow you fly with daddy's credit card. But you still don't know who Daddy is. The pilot of the private plane who meets you in Saint Martin directly on the tarmac and flies with you to Saint Barth doesn't tell you that either. You have never been here before. But you feel right at home. This is how you always imagined the Caribbean. There is a Maybach on the tarmac. When you get off the plane, the driver comes to meet you, takes your suitcase and weekender and puts both in the trunk. Wordlessly. And just as wordlessly, he gets into the car and speeds away.
Shit! Now you're standing at the airport. You don't even have an ID card. You have the clothes you wear on your body. Okay, the watch you're wearing on your wrist could get you back home if need be and feed you for a year. That's where the Maybach comes back. The chauffeur gets out and asks you for the watch. Fuck!
At that moment, an open jeep rolls up to you. At the wheel is a young guy, maybe in his mid-20s, waving at you. Damn, you know that face… He reminds you of your lost buddy. Did he have a son who is a personal trainer in the Caribbean? That's definitely what the man looks like. The guy jumps out of the car, hugs you and welcomes you to Saint Barth. "Come on, get in! The boss wants to meet you!" You drive around the island for half an hour. Everything is incredibly beautiful! A gate opens in front of you at the end of a dead-end street. And your buddy steers the car through a tropical park. He parks the car in front of a palace, grins at you, says "Not bad, huh" and tells you to follow him. You walk through the house for what feels like a kilometer. There is a pleasant coolness here. Your buddy knocks on a door, waits a moment and opens it. A wave of autotity hits you. The whole room literally reeks with authority. You almost feel like falling to your knees and kissing the man's hand. "This is the boy from Paris?" Your buddy nods mutely. "Good job," says your boss. And extends his hand to you. With a dry mouth you say that you would do anything for him. He laughs and says that for now you should enjoy the island for a few days. And with a twitch of the corner of his mouth, he tells you that you can say goodbye.
You had hoped a little that you would be allowed to stay in the palace. But your buddy runs back to the jeep. And drives with you to a far less pompous house. But the beach is close. Your room is spacious. Your closet is well sorted. And you have a few days off on the island of the rich and beautiful.
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03:30 the next morning. Message from the boss. Have you ever been to Abu Dhabi? Be at the airport in an hour!
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TW: Implied cheating. Language. 
SUMMARY: Rafe defending you leads to a change in your relationship with your stepson…
Anonymous asked:
Would you write a fic about rafe crushing on wards new 20 something year old wife? Also maybe a bonus of someone his age making a comment about the wife being a gold-digger and rafe getting pissy and defensive over you.
You weren't married to him long. But it was long enough for everyone to store some form of opinion of you. Not a word would need to be spoken as you could read it across their expressions as their eyes came to the fresh four carat diamond on your left hand. And even if they would feign interest in your new life as Ward Cameron's wife, you could see the disapproval behind forced chivalry. 
A day at the golf course would be spent in gossip of how bored you would be beneath the grueling sun, only to overhear them turn the whisper campaign to you as were believed to be absent. A dinner with his clients or friends would pull conversations of your relationship, only to read their expressions as the words they didn't say. But of any public setting, there was one other constant throughout their harsh conversations. And that would be Rafe. Each comment he would hear when you would leave to collect yourself to return to their silent judgments. Every look would be countered with one of his own in a silent defense on your behalf, that you had only caught as of late. You believed this was because he pitied you or maybe because you were closer to his age than that of your own husband, which was why he felt the need to protect you somehow. But it wouldn't matter the reason for as long as they would judge, he would counter them in this intense and intimidating quietude. 
"She is clearly a gold digger....you see how she is with Ward," Rafe's hand would hit hard on the table, sending everything on its surface to shake and wobble. 
"Your crush on her is getting a bit too surreal, bro-" Topper went to tease as you couldn't help but find your focus on the commotion as Rafe had been as dramatic as he was quick to his feet. 
"Stop fucking talking about her." 
"You think being mad is gonna make her fuck you or something?" Kelce added. "Hate to break it to you, she's already fucking your dad...lucky man-" Kelce's collar was in Rafe's grasp before he could even attempt a reprieve as he spat off a series of rather vulgar threats before Rafe would turn to see you. 
He would look at you with a silenced apology before moving to the restroom at the edge of the hallway at the brunch hall while you made note of the blood dripping from his dominant fist. Assessing the scene he left behind, you deduced he had wounded himself all to defend you. And for what would solely be this reason, or at least what you told yourself had been an innocent check of wellness, you had followed. 
"Are you alright?" You asked as the bathroom door came closed and his eyes rose to you in complete surprise. 
"Yo-you should be in here. They're going to say-"
"They always will, Rafe...but I don't care..." You collected his hand beneath the running water as he winced to the way you pulled the rush over his wound to clean it. 
"Nobody has ever defended me. Usually your father just rolls his eyes and says I'm too immature." 
"He should defend you. Bleed for you..." He spoke the words aloud without the means to do so as his eyes widened once realizing they had left his thoughts. 
"I just meant if I had someone like you...that's what I'd do..." He confessed, almost sheepishly, as you fixated your eyes onto him. 
"You would, wouldn’t you?" He shrugged as you moved to the door, his head bowing as any fantasy he had left with you. But at the sound of the door clicking into its locked position, his eyes would shoot upwards to you. 
"I know you can keep a secret..." You began, pulling your hair out from its pin, before setting its metal on the dink behind him as he swallowed hard to your instigation. 
"And if you breathe even an inclination of what I'm about to let you do...you'll be sorry-" He hesitated for a moment, eyes dancing between the floor and your impatient expression, before he would rush against you. A hand to your neck and a knee between your legs had set you to gasp as you watched him switch. 
"Not as much as you'll be if you change your mind." 
"Do I look like the kind of girl who would?" 
His eyes only descended you. Shamelessly for the first time as he’d stolen enough glances to make him feel guilty. But you stood before him now as his and he was eager to know just what that meant and just what you'd allow. 
"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into baby..." He moved just close enough to still keep an effortless gaze without it threatening to cross as you closed the distance that much more. 
"Then show me…"
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @camilynn @bethoconnor @belcalis9503
81 notes · View notes
it just sort of... happened | part 3.
Summary: After Hogwarts is turned upside down after Harry Potter started attending, a new normal DADA professor seems like a Godsend.  
Warnings for the Series: age gap age gap age gap (however reader is of age because anything under deserves jail time no exceptions). student-teacher relationship. slow burn because obviously. smut at some point. honestly nothing else. forbidden love trope BUT ONCE AGAIN of age reader
Pairing: remus lupin x reader eventually, professor!remus x student!reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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Christmas was spent at Cedric’s house since you two had spent it at your house last year. Not that it meant much. You and Cedric lived fairly close to each other, nothing more than a ten minute walk on a nice day. You sat on his kitchen counter with a large bowl in your lap. Whenever you were at the Diggorys, you were put to work helping your friend in the kitchen.
Cedric was cooking the bacon as you kept kneading the dough for apple cinnamon rolls. His uncle sent over a large cookbook last Christmas with American dishes or their versions of dishes and you two were determined to eventually get through the entire book. While the rolls were baking, you two were ready for your second Christmas tradition.  
With your scarf bundled tightly around you and a jar that had a warming charm in it, you and Cedric left the house. You wanted to look at the house in the village with the singing tulips. There was one cottage that was so rundown, no one could possibly live there. A few cottages were like that. Something happened years ago. Freak potions accident gone wrong that almost burned down the whole neighborhood. But the real estate was cheap and you had been eyeing one of the cottages for years.
You were going to move there after graduation and fix it up. Some people had already started doing that. Because it wasn’t completely hidden away like houses in the Diagon Alley area or a wizarding village like Hogsmeade, most of the people fixing up cottages were wizard-muggle couples. You liked that. Then your neighbors would be nice. You also liked that they seemed to vary in ages. You weren’t going to be terribly younger than everyone. Some of them actually had children your age that you and Cedric had made friends with but they were squibs so they went to muggle school.
“So what if the cottage has been bought?”
You gasped. “How dare you say that.”
Cedric rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying. You’ve only been looking at the one with the small lake.”
“Because it’s perfect for a pool. Don’t you want a pool, Ced?”
“What makes you think I’m going to live with you?”
“Are you going to ask Cho Chang out… No? Then I look forward to sending a picture of the engagement ring I want.”
“Well, what about you?”
“What about me?” You asked as he held his cup of warm butterbeer to your lips so you could have some.
“I remember you making those lovesick eyes at Percy Weasley all last year and now you only give him a nod in the hall.”
“Because he has a girlfriend.”
“Wait, what?”
“It’s a secret. He said he was flattered but couldn’t go on a date, offered to set me up with Oliver though.”
“And nothing. We couldn’t find anything to talk about past being friends with Percy. He thinks one of the twins is more my speed but that’s totally weird after looking at Percy… at least right away anyway.”
Cedric chuckled. “Merlin, we suck at dating… Your engagement ring is only allowed to be 1.2 carats.”
“Dea— Catcher?” Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion when your aunt’s owl landed on your shoulder.
Catcher was clearly headed somewhere before spotting you. She wasn’t the brightest owl. You were positive that she was dumber than Bennett which was saying something because you definitely didn’t get the smartest cat in the pet shop— Bennett didn’t even come from a pet shop, you found the poor thing abandoned by a dumpster back when you were ten. You took a look at the letter that Catcher was holding in her beak.
Before you really got a chance to see, your aunt’s owl was off your shoulder and flying again. You and Cedric followed her just for the fun of it. Lucky for you, Catcher was going to the village with the singing tulips. You weren’t aware that your aunt knew anyone in the tulip village. Your aunt’s owl nearly crashed into the window of the derelict cottage that you had your eyes on. You felt your heart sink, Cedric laughing because he told you so that someone totally bought it. The window opened to see if poor Catcher was alright.
“Professor Moony? You bought this place?!”
Remus looked from the owl to two of his students, completely surprised. He also wasn’t sure what he had missed in the brief moments he wasn’t paying attention that had Cedric laughing so hard while you looked on the verge of tears. In a classroom, he knew exactly how to calm his students down. Caught off guard, he knew nothing. Your stomps were heavy as you walked towards the window.
“Professor, you’ve ruined my life.”
Cedric came bounding up behind you. “Excuse the wife, she’s a bit dramatic.”
Right on cue, you threw your head back before dropping your forehead against Cedric’s chest. He rubbed your back with the same fake pity that you gave him all the time, trying not to laugh any harder. He stage-whispered to Remus who was even more confused.
“She’s been looking at this house since we were twelve. Almost all her allowance is in a savings account explicitly for it.”
“It has a lake!” You whined into his chest.
“It has a lake,” he repeated in a much calmer fashion.
You lifted your head and dramatically wiped at tears that weren’t there. “It’s fine, it’s fine. We’ll just buy another one.”
“What if all the others are b—”
“Finish that sentence and I will break our marriage pact.” You turned to Remus. “Professor, do you really live here? You bought this place? You heard about the good real estate too?”
Remus nodded. He couldn’t very well say that he had been living in the cottage nearly as long as you had been eyeing it considering it still looked a mess. All of his jobs before Hogwarts had never given him enough money to move anywhere but small basement apartments every few months.
When he heard about this village by chance, he had to take the opportunity. Up until this year, he had been renting it so he still had no money. But it was a permanent home and now, on his teaching salary, he could fix it up since he bought it.
You weren’t dejected for very long, suddenly excited over the prospects of being neighbors with your third favorite professor behind McGonagall and Professor Burbage who taught Muggle Studies. Remus had to admit that it was nice to be wanted. He didn’t realize how much he enjoyed teaching until he got students like you, the Golden Trio, Cedric, and all his first years. There was a want to learn specifically from him. He was respected as a person not just because he had to be respected as a professor.
Cedric started pulling you away, apologizing profusely to Professor Lupin, when you started unloading all of your design ideas for the cottage onto him. Remus laughed as he watched you guys look at a few houses before you pointed to what he could only assume was the new cottage you were planning on buying.
You and Cedric gave him waves as you walked out the village. Remus figured that you guys must have lived close by since you seemed to be only walking. The nearest Public Floo Network required turning right out of the village but you and Cedric had turned left.
He didn’t see either of you for the rest of Christmas break. But Remus did suddenly receive two gifts for the holidays— a box tea set and a cardigan. He received a third one from your aunt to which he gave a gift back. He would have to thank you for your aunt’s contact. After all his friends died, Remus thought that it was nice to have one again. And one that knew him and understood his pain. He was even considering meeting her for the next full moon instead of suffering it alone.
“You tried to become an Animagus?” Remus asked when you showed up early to his class after the break. Your better half was still in the bathroom.
“Did my aunt tell you that? That’s so embarrassing. I tried three times and kept dropping the leaf right before it was time.”
“Why don’t you try again?”
“Professor McGonagall keeps asking the same thing. I think she really wants me to get it. I don’t know, I was only doing it so my aunt wouldn’t be alone during full moons.”
The corner of Lupin’s lip pulled up in a smile. “I think you should try again at least one more time.”
You gave him a look before shrugging. “I’ll consider it, Professor.”
“Oh, and (Y/N),” he lowered his voice as other students came in. “The trick is to add some bubotuber pus to the leaf and stick it to the roof of your mouth, not under the tongue.”
“Isn’t that dangerous undiluted? And it smells awful. I don’t know about you, Professor Moony, but I can’t live down bad breath.”
“Mix it with Dirigible Plum juice. And don’t register. I find it’s more useful to not register with the Ministry.”
McGonagall was more than overjoyed to hear you were trying again. A smirk crossed her face despite her shaking her head when you told her that you wanted to keep it quiet. She could only imagine where you must have gotten the idea to not register becoming an Animagus. However, she wasn’t going to say anything despite the fact that she wanted to brag about it. She said that much when she entered Remus’ classroom.
“Are you purposely trying to recreate your legacy, Professor Moony, or do you just manage to attract every rambunctious student with a penchant for reckless curiosity?”
“Did Harry mention the dementor training?” Remus asked as he scratched the back of his neck.  
“No, you just forgot that the youngest Mr. Weasley has a big mouth and extreme lack of spatial awareness… It’s nice to see you enjoying yourself, Remus.”
“Thanks, Minnie.”
Even without the tip from Professor Lupin, no one even noticed you talking less. It was officially OWL season. Almost the entirety of the second semester was just fifth years studying more and enjoying themselves less. Parties would die down in the upcoming months, relegated to Saturdays only. Hogsmeade would become even more of a paradise than it previously was. And you all would breathe out great sighs of relief when the whole ordeal was over and you could breathe a bit easier in sixth year.
You spat the mandrake leaf into the full-moon lit vial and trudged over to Professor Lupin’s office. The only thing left to do was wait for a thunderstorm with lots of lightning.
While you were excited about what your Animagus might be, you didn’t have too much time to dwell on it. You had a Charms textbook to read and flashcards to go over until it was permanently etched into your brain. You were going to ace all of your OWLs. That was a fact.
You grabbed the teacup that you had started using all the time whenever you had tea with Professor Lupin and brewed yourself a cup. You even bothered to light the fireplace just like how the fireplaces in the library were lit. Proper studying could officially begin. The words in your textbook started to run together until they lulled you to sleep. The cup of tea in your hand tilted until it was all spilling onto the carpet.  
You jumped at the voice. Remus was barely alert as he entered his office. Two days of the full moon down. One more left to go. Even with keeping his human consciousness thanks to the wolfsbane, he never wanted to risk it and chose to stay in the Forbidden Forest until his transformation was nearly complete.  
“Professor! Sorry, it’s just you said that Cedric and I could study here whenever everywhere else was crowded. And the library is completely full and my roommates won’t stop singing a song to help remember potions’ ingredients.”
Remus nodded absentmindedly as he accepted the cup of tea you brewed. He did offer up his office like some of the other professors because of how stressed all the students seemed. He was just so used to hearing you and Cedric quizzing each other back and forth that seeing you alone was a mild surprise. Also, the time.
“It’s past curfew, way past curfew if I’m back in the castle.”
You looked outside the small skinny window in his office. The moon had gone down and even though the sun wasn’t rising yet, it was first light.
“Shit, I’m so getting detention this time. Professor Sprout’s been having the elves snitch on all the fifth and seventh years if we’re anywhere outside our rooms past two. She keeps trying to get us all to calm down, says we’re pushing ourselves too hard.”
Remus sighed as you tried to not yawn while talking to him. It was the weekend so no students had class. He knew that you wouldn’t be missing any classes and while Pomona’s intentions were nice, detention would only stress you students out more.
“You can stay here until curfew is over.”
“Thank you, Professor.”
Remus nodded slowly. He summoned one of his spare blankets for you and stiffly walked to his room. Normally, he just passed out on the office couch or curled up under his desk. He was barely inside his room when you fell back asleep on the couch. This time the sleeping position was much more comfortable. You tried to thank Professor Lupin when you both woke up at much more respectable times but he just brushed it off and asked if you had any questions he could answer to put your mind at ease about the Defense Against the Dark Arts OWL.
While you still studied in his office, sometimes with Cedric and sometimes alone, you made sure to actually get proper sleep and leave before curfew. Remus got used to you in his office. He snorted at you and Cedric’s banter as he wrote lesson plans and created exam questions. When you were alone, he graded essays and tests in the comfortable silence of the space you guys created. You asked him questions and no matter how many there were, he always answered them.
You found that he was skilled in lots of fields past Defense Against the Dark Arts. Sometimes, when you were bored, Remus would entertain non-education related questions for short five or ten minute breaks. He would even ask you a few things when your brain was too overworked to even come up with a question.
“Professor Moony, you’re going to stay next year, right?” You asked as you came back with lunch for both of you.
Cedric still had quidditch practice, like some of the other players including Oliver Wood, because he was planning on going pro so you were studying alone that day.
“I plan on it.” Remus took the lunch.
“Good because you’re actually the best Defense professor we’ve had in a while… Well, Professor Quirrell wasn’t bad before he took that one year off and all of a sudden You-Know-Who is on the back of his head and he has a random stutter.”
“Well, I’m glad to be the best professor.”
You nodded furiously as you took a bite of food.
“Absolute best. Oh and I gave my aunt the modified wolfsbane for this month. She’ll try it since she’s able to hide away from people if it doesn’t work. Depending on what she says, I’ll give you the potion next time.”
“Thank you, (Y/N). And talking to your aunt has been lovely.”
“Professor… Do you like teaching?”
“I do, why?”
“I’ve been thinking about teaching more. I don’t really think I want to be a Healer past helping you and my aunt, I hate all my trips to St. Mungo’s. We can start doing career internships next year and I don’t want to pick the wrong one.”
“It’s not a set path, even if you pick something you end up not liking.”
“I know but… all my friends seem to already know what they want to do. Percy’s going to the Ministry, Cedric and Oliver are playing quidditch, Beatrice wants to run a nice pub, Aggie plans on a Ministry job too, and Lucy wants to be a housewife so she’s focusing on writing as a side job, something to keep her busy.”
“Lucy? Lucy Miller? I didn’t know she writes.”
“She’s actually pretty good. She keeps asking me for muggle book recommendations. I love her but she’s such a pureblood it hurts sometimes. If I give her any sci-fi books, I’ll get a hundred questions a chapter. Cyborgs really aren’t that hard to understand.”
“Is sci-fi your favorite genre?”
“Hmm, not really. I think I like realist fiction and fantasy the most.”
“Oh, yeah. I read The Chronicles of Narnia at the beginning of the school year. I think it’s so fascinating how muggles are so wrong about magic. You don’t know how many books I’ve read where the unicorns don’t even have silver blood.”
“You really like muggle books.”
“I know most purebloods don’t but it’s a whole other world of books. When I was eight, my dad turned our attic into a library because my room was already starting to overflow.”
“Suddenly, I no longer feel proud of my collection.”
You turned your head to look at the shelves behind you. It wasn’t much but considering he had to buy all his books secondhand or risk having no money, he was still satisfied with it. If you weren’t his student, Remus could have mistaken you for a literary critic with the way you were eyeing his shelves. Whether you approved or not, he couldn’t figure it out considering you didn’t share your opinion. You pulled something from your satchel and slid it onto his desk as if it was a covert package.
“Frankenstein,” he read the title.
“Your shelf is impressive but I don’t get how you don’t have Mary Shelley. She’s a genius. Even Professor McGonagall couldn’t put the book down when I recommended it.”
“I try to stay away from monster books.”
You pursed your lips for a moment. “You aren’t a monster, Professor. It’s a condition nothing more than that… I have to go, Cedric’s practice is almost over. I hope you read the book, it might be more pleasant than you think.”
“(Y/N),” Remus called before you fully left the office. “It’s okay to not know what you want to do even if all your friends know. So many people try a bunch of different things before finding out what fits them. It’s okay if you like it at the moment and then realize it isn’t for you. Just go with what you think you’ll like, you can figure it out from there.”
“Thanks, Professor Moony.”
Remus’ advice put you at ease a bit. So did answering all of your questions about classes. You and Cedric ended up finding almost all your OWLs a breeze to take. Now, you still might have been wrong on plenty of it but the actual test taking was significantly less stressful. You two were trying to plan your summer now that you could just relax. School still wasn’t out yet but it was basically done for fifth years. Cedric’s thumb traced over your eyebrow as you stared at him, chin on his chest, while you laid on him.
“The quidditch camp takes up a lot of the day. I’ll be gone all mornings.”
“That’s fine, your career is a big deal. I’ll go visit the Weasleys or maybe even Professor Lupin when you’re gone.”
Cedric laughed. “You’re going to make him sick of you.”
“I’m his favorite student.”
“That is such a lie. You just talk the most.”
“Well, I’m going to go find him now and ask him. See you in the morning.”
You skipped to Professor Lupin’s office. Professor Snape almost knocked you over as he ran past you, seeming to have come from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Your aunt had written that the modified wolfsbane was a success. And after a couple more months of testing, the conclusion was complete success and not just a fluke. Taking one potion was significantly better than taking multiple so you were on your way to tell him the good news and that you would start brewing bigger batches for him and your aunt. You learned from many study breaks that he was never very good at making his own Potions despite being brilliant at the literature of it.
A pout came to your face when no one answered as you called for your teacher. He wasn’t in his office either. The map was laid out fully on his desk. You gasped when you noticed that a vial of blue potion was also on the desk.
Your eyes scanned the map that Remus had reluctantly told you about when you asked him for the hundredth time to try and find him. Panic flooded you as several names appeared around him— especially the names of Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. Remus must have rushed out the room the moment he spotted them, potion forgotten. You didn’t even have time to think about that. You grabbed the last vial and raced to find your professor before someone got seriously hurt. Why couldn’t the others have been away from him?  
Your eyes widened as you heard a howl and some screams when you got closer to the Shrieking Shack. Snape ran past you, practically carrying Ron who couldn’t properly use one of his legs. You didn’t see Hermione or Harry with either one of them. You clutched the bottle tightly in your hand as you ran to find either them or Lupin.
Hermione slapped a hand over her mouth to try and stop from breathing so hard. Harry was somewhere. She could hear the snarls of the werewolf, aware that she was probably Lupin’s current target. The snap of a branch made her eyes snap open. Lupin clearly heard it too as he moved away from her and to wherever the sound was.  
Your breath caught in your throat at seeing Lupin’s werewolf form. You had only seen your aunt as a werewolf once or twice but his figure was so much bigger. Much more imposing. Part of you wished that you had found Hermione or Harry first. Lupin lunged at you before you could even process it. The scream that left your mouth didn’t quite register as yours. Your hands shakily opened the vial and threw it at Lupin’s mouth. The smell of the wolfsbane alone sent the creature backwards and away from you.
Remus shook his head out, trying to figure out what happened. He remembered the Shrieking Shack and the full moon and now but there were at least fifteen minutes missing. The pained groan made him look over. He felt like he had been slapped in the face. The missing minutes came back to him all at once. The werewolf slowly approached you. Remus felt like he couldn’t breathe as he stared at all the blood. He barely missed your face.
But the amount coming out from between your hand that clutched your shoulder let him know that he had hurt you severely. Your sharp cry made him wince as he tried to get you onto his back so he could run back to the castle. He breathed out in relief when Sirius, who had recovered from Remus flinging his animagus form into a tree, came out of the trees.
“I got her, Moony. The kids are back at the castle, all of them. You didn’t hurt anyone else.”
Remus didn’t want to hear it, running deep into the forest.
(Part 4)
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koutarostiddies · 2 years
What if...? Pt 5
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Nishinoya and you are best friends and never once questioned anything about your friendship, until a series of questions ended up turning your friendship on it’s head. This will be a multi part fic since it got a bit long. In case anyone is wondering when it’s not reader addressing him, I think it’s less confusing reading ‘Noya’ instead of 'Yuu’ when the sentence has 'you’ in it as well. So for consistency I will do the same for the other characters.
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4
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What if we get married? was all that was written on that small folded up piece of paper. He had placed it in the fridge to prevent you from thinking it was anything but another dessert. You had to admit that was pretty smart of him. This was far from the flashy proposal you would’ve assumed would’ve come from him. It was quiet, no bells and whistles; it was just the two of you alone in your new place. It wasn’t an outlandishly romantic gesture but it had you crying just the same. You looked up and he was sitting across from you once again, this time he had a small velvet box in his hand.
“So, y/n, how about it?” He opened the box.
“Ok, but promise me it won’t be weird,” you hiccuped.
Noya removed the ring from the box. A closer look at it made your heart tighten, it was a sakura diamond and you knew he had spent a good chunk of money on it. You knew he loved you, you had both made it clear that gifts wouldn’t be a reflection of your love. You were simple, never had much in terms of expensive items, whether it was gifts or household items, But this ring, you knew the price point and you were nearly ashamed that your boyfriend had gone out of his way to most likely get the most expensive one. Surely he knew you didn’t care if he bought the cheapest one with the smallest carat. Hell, he could’ve bought any ring and you would’ve been thrilled, but he remembered everything about you. He knew how much you loved to see the cherry blossoms, loved the little picnics underneath the trees and how you loved picking the petals out of his hair, especially right before leaning in for a kiss. 
Ever since you were children he knew exactly how to make you smile. That’s when it hit you. His questions weren’t sudden or spontaneous, at least not to him. He had always loved you. He had spent his allowance on replacing a plushie that a neighbor’s dog had shredded. You were absolutely devastated. That was until he had shown up to your house with another one with a bow his sister helped him tie around its neck. He always made sure you were smiling every day. He wiped away all your tears, soothed you when you were scared and always made sure you had him next to you when you slept over. How on earth did you not see this coming? He always stood by you during your break ups, never once bad mouthing your exes even though you knew he wanted to. It was about you, it was always about you.
You held out your hand, ready to feel the cool metal surround your finger, but it didn’t happen, not immediately at least. Before he took your hand, Noya hooked his pinky around yours and like he had done countless amounts of times, he simply smiled at you and said, “Promise."
The wedding was more on the Western side with elements of a traditional Japanese wedding sprinkled in. Noya had traveled and seen enough western weddings to gain some inspiration. The one thing he loved so much about you was that you didn’t bother to question his decision, you simply smiled and went along with it. You knew that one day it’d get you in trouble, at least you were pretty sure of it. 
Despite his larger than life personality the wedding was much like the proposal, it was subdued and intimate and neither of you would have it any other way. In fact, you were pretty confident that regardless of the dress, catering and venue, your ring was still the most expensive thing there. 
As you walked down the aisle, you noticed a few of your friends crying–Suga being the loudest among them. Hinata, Asahi and Tanaka stood by Noya, their smiles offering you comfort and putting you at ease as you got closer. You looked at your soon to be husband only to see that he too was crying. Now it was your turn to soothe away his tears, that was if you didn’t start crying yourself. As soon as you reached him he slipped his arm through yours and pulled you close.
“You look so beautiful. How did I get so lucky,” he whispered. 
“You’re not the only lucky one.” You reached out and cupped his cheek as you started to lean in, stopping abruptly when you heard the officiant clear their throat. You swore you had also heard Tsukki groan amongst the group. 
The two of you opted to write your own vows at the risk of crying even more in front of everyone. It wasn’t just you baring your hearts to each other, this time everyone would know just how intensely you loved each other and hopefully Noya spared everyone the more intimate details of your love and affection. 
Both vows were short and sweet. In fact, you had sped through yours just to avoid the crying, but you couldn’t avoid the trembling as he held onto your hands. He was more intentional with his words, much more deliberate. He wasn’t afraid to show his emotions. Everyone already saw him cry the moment you stepped into view, what did another moment of vulnerability and emotion matter anyways? “What if I told you I love you as much now as I did from the moment I first saw you? What if I told you that as soon as our lips had touched that night the accompanying spark that lit up my body was the thing that kept me coming back to Japan? What if I told you I was so sure of my love for you that every time I asked you for a little bit more I knew you’d say yes because you felt the same way I did? What if from today on out we spend the rest of our lives together, promising to always support each other and stick with each other no matter how hard things get? What if we hold each other accountable for our mistakes and misgivings but also forgive each other of our transgressions?” 
You might’ve not cried during your vows, but his vows brought such an intense wave of emotion over you that you hiccuped through your response.“Ok, just promise it won’t be weird.” You held out your pinky and he hooked his around it.
“Promise.” Before the officiant had a chance to say anything his lips came crashing down on yours. If anyone asked you what you remembered about that moment you always said, “Almost nothing.” It wasn’t as if it was a bad kiss, it was just so intense that your mind practically went blank. Nothing mattered the moment your lips parted, no one besides Noya and you existed in that very moment. No one bothered clearing their throats to stop you.
“I’ll never break my promises to you. Ever.”
Tags: @ladysierra117, @daniagabriela48,
Pt. 6
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Are there any stores you like for lab stone jewelry? I'm worried about getting cheap knockoffs that won't last.
Oh man that’s a good question that I haven’t really thought about! I am not a gem expert by any means and I haven’t bought a lot of jewelry with cut gemstones, but I have bought a lot of rock and mineral samples for my own collection, so I guess can offer some advice (under the cut).
TLDR: If it’s too cheap, stay away. If the store can’t appraise gems or tell you about mineral properties, stay away. Stick with places that have a good reputation from friends or the community. Go to local gem or mineral shows and ask around!
1) If it seems like a REALLY good deal, it’s probably a scam. For the diamond/white sapphire poll I did some looking around at lab-made stones. Diamonds were between $500 and $700 for 1/2 carat stones. Sapphires of any color were around $300, also for 1/2 carat stones. I’d say if you want something as sturdy as a diamond or sapphire of a decent size, you’ll be paying more than $100 because there still is labor and technology that goes into lab-made stones.
2) Weight. A 1 inch sphere of glass will feel MUCH lighter than a 1 inch sphere of garnet, for example. Garnet’s specific gravity/density is higher than glass and you’ll be able to tell. This is obviously harder to do for teeny tiny 1/2 carat gem but…
3) I would imagine that if a store has tools to appraise gem quality (i.e. to measure carats, which are a weight measurement, to appraise the color and clarity, etc), they will be selling real gems, lab-made or otherwise. If they can tell you how to identify a piece of glass from a natural diamond or lab-made diamond or tell you what the mineral properties of a sample are, I’d trust them to sell it to you. Ask questions!
4) If you can’t return your jewelry, I'd stay away. Why would you not be allowed to return a diamond within 30 days or something? You can’t break it, know what I mean?
5) My recommendations for specific gemstone stores? I’d go somewhere with a good reputation. Places your friends have gone, places with verifiable certifications (i.e. GIA), bigger chains that would’ve gotten in trouble a long time ago if they were selling fakes, etc.
These next few pieces of advice are specific to mineral samples and not cut gemstones, but I figured I would include them anyway!
6) Familiarize yourself with mineral properties. Know about cleavage, typical colors, crystal shape, and luster of the samples you want to buy! Also, it’s harder to tell if a sample is fake if it’s cut or tumbled or polished because you can’t use a lot of these properties to identify a sample, but I wouldn't let that scare you away from them entirely, just rely on other properties like density and color.
7) I personally avoid online stores when it comes to buying gems or minerals. I love Etsy, but I would not by mineral samples off Etsy. I would rather see and feel the sample I’m going to buy in person, rather than look at a picture that usually won’t be the actual sample I’m buying. I don’t want to scare people off from ever buying crystals on Etsy! It’s just a personal preference of mine to go to a real store for something like this.
8) If you’re looking for mineral samples, mineralogical or gemological societies often have gem/mineral/fossil shows at least annually. And people selling at those shows are more likely than the average person to have great recommendations as well for places to shop for gemstones!
Thanks for this question, btw! I had fun thinking about how I usually go about avoiding fakes.
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lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
LMAO I truly don't mind the long messages! I'm a fairly straightforward person, They're fun! I have no idea who would read through them other than us so 🤷🏻‍♀️
I don't mean to break anyone's heart but my own! LOL - realistically and with my luck when it comes to BTS, I've just never had a good experience trying to see them. I do wish anyone else all the best though - you included!!!
I think if the audience is 21+, I can do GA 😂 I went to see Epik High recently and most of the audience were in their 20s or older, so it was less chaotic. Not to be that adult LOL, but sometimes, the younger fans are kinda wildin' and disrespectful 😅 Epik High isn't like one of my favorite favorite groups (they were my intro into Kpop), so I wasn't expecting myself to be knocked off my feet, but I was LOL! It was just like fun and chill vibes. I feel like the audience can really make or break your experience.
I'm so glad you had a good time at The Link!!! Even if they didn't do their new album, still sounds like the song selection was pretty good???
Great minds just think alike!!! 🤣😂 No shame at all - if Yangyang's part made you flustered, then he did his job and that is not a bad thing LOL 🤣 Imo, Yangyang is just really dorky and endearing - not necessarily in like a "must protecc" kind of way, but he just makes me a giggly at the dumbest things I normally wouldn't AHAHA. OKAY! Confession - Xiaojun is very much like . . . my type when it comes to who in a group I fall for first LOL. I love his brows, he sings super well with his pretty low ranges, and at least from what we can tell he has a fun personality hahaha.
I'll check out some of the songs you have down for ATEEZ and get back to you!! Screenshotted and will queue them up~ I do listen to Wave, Turbulence, MIST, Light, and Promise regularly!!!
Omg omg omg omg!!! My turn to go wild!! LOL. So long story, short when it comes to SVT: I was a casual fan for a long time, but only started during L&R era. I'm embarrassed to admit, but the combo of Kidult and Mingyu really shoved me to explore their discography (and them as a group LOL) further 😂😅 All this to say, I've only been a carat for ~3-ish years now, so I'm sure there are other ppl who can give you a more seasoned and in-depth look into their discography, but I'll make a separate post sharing my favorite pieces from them! Noted about HHU - Wonwoo/Mingyu were 2 of my very first biases, so I definitely have stuff for you LOL.
RED VELVET MY GIRLS!!!! In my humble opinion, their concept is so timeless - I hope they last a long time 🥺 I definitely went through a Taeyeon phase as well a few years ago (was it really a few or more? T^T) LOL. Why is still my favorite from her!!
The way I was just vibrating when you mentioned StayC LOL - I have friend who LOVES them with all her heart and it's so cute and fun to see y'all be big fans of them!! I did listen to YOUNG-LUV.COM and agree so much!!! I think Young Luv was definitely in my Top 10 most played on Spotify this year hahaha.
LSFM is probably my second most favorite gg after Red Velvet 🥺😭 I mostly started following because I wanted to support Yunjin who I've been keeping my eye out for since her green melona basement room days 😭 (yes, the same one as SVT LMAO). She used to be a Pledis trainee, but then got bounced around a lot between different agencies because she never quite fit any of the concepts. It warmed my heart when she debuted after almost giving up! I ended up really liking LSFM overall after watching their docu-series and then the Anti-Fragile comeback! Blue Flame and No Celestial have a chokehold on me hahaha.
Have you heard Lovin' Me by Fifty Fifty!!!?? I think you might like it a lot!!! I have no idea who they are either lmao, but I really liked that one!! 100/10 would recommend checking out XG - I think they have something a little different to offer the kpop gg scene and it's refreshing! They're latest comeback was really good 🤩
I listen to all the other gg's you listed as well casually LOL, but I'll stop here since I don't have anything else to add hahahaha.
Please look foward to the SVT playlist AAAHHH hahahaha - I love doing things like this 😍🥰
Thank you for the well-wishes 🥺 It's kind of intimidating bc some ppl in my life aren't being the most supportive, but I'm the slightest bit hopeful, it'll work out okay for me in the end :')
Hm, ok you've got me considering GA for real, because there are a few artists I've skipped out on because the venue is only GA 😭...but like maybe this is a me problem but all of the concerts I go to definitely attract lots of under 21 so...💀😂
As an Ateez MIST enthusiast (like personally that's one of my top top top faves from them), I love that you like that song! And omg a fellow stayc girl YESSSSS lol. Blue Flame by LSFM is so great too, and I believe they're about to release a whole album in May so look forward to that! I will def be tuning in! Will definitely check out XG and that song you mentioned from Fifty Fifty as well!
Length of time doesn't matter!!! I've been an Atiny for the same amount of time! Very much looking forward to your SVT playlist!
~Fight for your life~ friend!!!
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lenteur · 2 years
bestie level?!?!?! please i might cry this is so sweet :( it was really fun to do! it was a work secret santa but we weren't given a list of what our person liked, we kinda had to just buy them something we thought they would like 🫶 luckily i had one if my best friends as mine and she was easy to buy for so i got her a candle and some dog socks!! 💞 i'll be making you a gifset 💖
they definitely are two very different people but sometimes those friendships can be so precious too 🖤 oh my god it's so HARD to just not bias the whole group!!!! 😡 i feel like lately wonwoo is about to slip into the bias list and i'm not prepared 😂
ahhh you're most welcome. the carat family is possibly the nicest fandom, everyone's so kind, and i'm so shy when it comes to making new friends because i struggle with anxiety but i've made some of the coolest friends in the carat family 🫶 i always make the mistake of listening to that song in public bc i really just want to start dancing in the middle of the street 😂
i think hao's lives are my favourite to watch, he's chill and i enjoy a nice live to watch when i'm not at my best ❤️
you can't not love seungkwan! i see a little bit of myself in him. there's a compilation of him on youtube of him getting angry and in one of the clips hoshi is saying he's the mafia and seungkwan looks like he's about to beat him up and it's just so funny 😭
oh my god that whole video is so cute 🖤 she's so so pretty 😭 tbf i would definitely be super shy around her too :((( bless your heart, you're so so sweet 🫶🧡
svt are just one of those groups where every single gose episode has you in fits of laughter 😂
a few of my favourite episodes are;
https://youtu.be/7-RbcrWTth4 - this is one of their mafia games, it's a two part. it's just so funny how SERIOUS hoshi gets in trying to figure out who the mafias are 😂
https://youtu.be/d1Tjh0mJBZU - i don't even know what to say about this tbh. it's just....chaos 😂 also a two part!
https://youtu.be/ncgd8GfklT0 - two part ❤️ again..... complete chaos 😭
https://youtu.be/hxTGug0k39s - the worst thing about svt is that i wanna play all of these games with them !!!! 😭 this one is a three part :)
https://youtu.be/XbNcsgEX2jc - this is also a two part 😂
ENJOY 🖤 i can always send more!!! i apologise for the late reply, i always see my family on weekends 🧡
i always talk too much, it's why i send big asks 🫶 i'm happy you're okay with long asks!!! ❤️
hi bestie 💞 thank you so much for answering so thoroughly ❤️ i appreciate it a lot (x3) first of all, i don't want you to apologise/worry about not answering quickly. i'd rather you spend time doing things you love than being here and feeling pressured to do things 💖
ooh! was it not difficult though? i mean being your best friend's secret santa hehe ^^' i can't imagine the stress of not getting caught/not letting too many clues out. btw the dog socks must have been the cutest thing ever. i'm sure she liked it a lot!
[big sigh] i feel the same about the bias thing in seventeen. i just finished watching all the gose episodes you recommended and i think my bias changed at least 25 times 😂😂😂
yes! carats are some of the chillest people i've ever seen. i think when you're a seventeen fan, they kind of rub off on you in a way. i mean the guys are so funny and (AJU) nice. it's only natural they attract people with the same mindset and personality 💗 also, all their interactions with other groups/idols are super wholesome :( like they make them feel like a part of the group 💘 sorry, i'm getting a little emotional rn
tbh seungkwan is one of the only people (along with the rest of seventeen) capable of making me smile so big :D there's a reason why a lot of people like and bias him 💟 i've known him from his variety show appearances and he's one of the funniest people on this planet. and what i like about him is that he's still super nice and friendly 🤍 anyway seungkwan is love, seungkwan is the friend we all dream to have
oh trust me when i say ahn sohee is one of the most beautiful women ever 😭 plus she's so sweet 😭 what's there not to like about her? tell me!
like i said, i've just finished watching all the gose episodes. it took me all day but it was SO worth it 💓 i haven't laughed like that in a long long time. they're all comedians at this point. they should add that to their resume. you can see how strong their friendship is because filming that many videos and still being able to bounce off of each other and make each other laugh... that's a strong friendship 💞 and they manage to catch your attention every single time! thank you so so much for the recs 💞 they made my day. bonus points for hao's outfit in the second part of that last video (playground). it's super duper cute.
you never have to worry about sending long asks with me because i really like reading them 💓
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ann-non · 2 years
Bittersweet Valentine
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Pairing : Seokmin x fem!reader (mentioned of Wonwoo)
Genre : fluff, uni au, non-idol svt
Word count : 2k
Warning : no proof-read
Author’s note : first thing first, HAPPY CARAT DAY!! And valentine’s day too!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
So.. uhm, I’m new to tumblr and writing with reader as the lead instead of OC, so I still have a lot to learn. I used to write a lot but I haven’t been able too for quite a while, so I feel like it’s getting really rusty and bad, pardon me for that. OTL
I think the reader’s character in my fics will be mostly female because I am one, so it’s easier for me. But I also want to learn how to write with gender neutral readers. It might take a while, so for now please bear with me.
Thank you so much for one of my fav carat writer @twogyuu for encouraging me to post. I know am not up to your level yet, but am just excited to start my carat-blr journey!! Thank you for being my first moots here!! It means so much! 💕💕💕
Taking advantage of Valentine’s Day, you confessed the feelings you’ve been harboring for Wonwoo. Or at least, attempted to. But in the end, here you were, sitting on the bench in the park near by your campus, sobbing with a small pile of used tissue next to you.
While you’ve been crushing on him since your freshman year, within two and half years of liking him, you have never actually hang out with him due to the difference in your circle of friends. It was some weird discipline you had within you, that if you want to move on from your feelings, you had to confess about it first, regardless if it was some crush or anger or anything. So, you have no expectation at all quite honestly, you just wanted to let him know how you feel so you wouldn’t have any regret and then moving on. What you didn’t expect at all was that your effort would evaporate without trace nor result. When you were about to walked up to him, Yujin, your faculty sweetheart slash the only girl who’s been around him, already called him out. Even though you heard nothing, the gestures were loud and clear. She was confessing to him, earning a nod and bright smile from Wonwoo, and then they hugged. Witnessing the couple happily got together broke your heart, because as much as you didn’t wish he’d reciprocate your feelings, it still hurt, perhaps even more so, since you were basically rejected indirectly. You lost all the courage and will you’ve gathered to confess. All that left was the disappointment and regret that you should’ve confessed your feelings sooner.
Reaching out for the small pocket tissue pack to wipe your tears, you noticed it was now empty and you didn’t have more of it. “This sucks,” you mumbled to yourself, more tears running down your face the more you tried holding it in. As you wiped your tears with the sleeves of your sweater, you felt something was placed on top of your head and the moment you looked up, your childhood best friend, Lee Seokmin, stood there with a small smile. Reaching out on top of your head, he only let go of his hold on the box when you grabbed it. It was a box of tissue, like the one you would find in your bedroom instead of travel sized ones, which made you laughed internally. “Seems like you’re running out, so..” He said sheepishly as he took a seat next you. In his hand was a convenient store plastic bag with another box of tissue in it. “I wouldn’t need that much, you dork,” you replied weakly, couldn’t help the small smile on your face while you took another tissue and wiped away your tears and snots too.
“You wanna talk about it?” Your best friend asked softly. You were aware that he was concerned, but he didn’t force you to tell him anything and it was one of the things you really love about Seokmin. You’ve been friends even before you were born as both of your mothers got pregnant around the same time and they were next-door neighbors and best friends. He was just a week older than you. As your parents went through parenthood together, it’s only natural that the two of you ended up being together all the time. The two of you were attached at the hip, went through thick and thin together ever since your younger days. Seokmin was there when you got your first period, even crying as he walked you to the infirmary, thinking you were suffering from some deadly disease.
“I was about to confess to Wonwoo, you know. But Yujin beat me to it and now they’re together,” you answered sullenly, a soft sigh left your lips. “Aren’t that expected tho? Those two literally been all over each other the past months, everyone knows it,” he shrugged lightly. “I know.. I’m just frustrated that I couldn’t tell him my feelings. I know he’d reject me anyway, but I just want him to know,” you mumbled, pursing your lips to a small pout. “You fool of love,” he cupped your cheeks, squeezed them between his warm hands as he made you face him. Your face scrunched because of it but you have no energy to push him away like you would usually. “So what if you couldn’t confess? Why are you being unnecessarily strict with this whole confessing before moving on things? It’s not that you can’t move on if he doesn’t know your feelings and confessing to him also wouldn’t guarantee that you’d be able to move on. It’s such a weird logic you have,” he said while squishing your cheeks, moving his hands that your face scrunched even more. “Finally I can say this out loud! I’ve been thinking about it since so long. It’s stupid,” he continued with a cheeky grin on his face that made you sulked.
Sighing softly, his eyes softened as he saw how dejected you were, letting your face go and instead, pulled you against his firm chest. “It’s not fun when you’re not your snarky self, you know,” he uttered, you could hear the hint of pout in his tone. “Sorry. I didn’t know why I’m so upset over the fact that I couldn’t confess to him. It’s like I almost did, but the chance disappear right in front of my eyes. It’s frustrating..” You mumbled, burying your face to his chest as you circled your arms around his waist. “Well, I know how frustrating it is to have something so close in your grasp but you couldn’t take it..” his gaze was far away but he quickly focused his eyes on you, one hand gently running through your hair. “This might be the first time it happened, but you do know this won’t be the only time it might happen, right?” He asked softly and you simply nodded. “It’s okay to be sad for now, but don’t make it as an excuse for not moving on. Don’t get stuck over the fact that you didn’t confess. You’re only gonna waste your time moping over this. Who knows there’s somebody out there waiting for you to notice him,” he said, soothingly patting your back. The gesture effectively made you feel better. Yes, you were still sad and upset, but being in Seokmin’s arms always gave you this sense of security, made you believe that everything will be okay.
Having him for your entire life, Seokmin’s presence itself already made you felt safe, let alone to be in his arms. There was almost no secret between the two of you, all boundaries were mostly crossed. He was your first kiss as much as you were his and you lost your virginity to each other. Because it was just that much you trust each other. You were both at that age of being curious about things, you both decided to do it together because if there's someone you want to lose your virginity to, you want him to be someone you fully trust and you knew wouldn't hurt you on purpose. People questioned about your relationship with each other a lot, even up to this day the others in your close-knit group of friends still couldn’t comprehend how the two of you were only best friends. Both of you never mind though. Being with each other had become natural and it felt a lot weirder when he wasn’t around. At the same time, none of you ever addressed regarding your feelings nor you ever think about it. When someone asked you whether you love him, you’d answer that you do without blinking. Seokmin is one of the people you treasured and trusted the most in your life after your parents. But then again, you never really think about your feelings for him romantically and it seems like it goes the same for him.
”Now that you feel better, can I eat that?" he pointed at a box of cookies on your lap, just underneath the tissue box. You made the cookies from scratch last night with his help, obviously. Cause if there is a master chef among your friends, it's definitely Seokmin. "Yah. Is that the reason you're here? For my cookies?" you glared at him not so scarily, earning a wide grin from him. "I mean, you're not gonna give it to Wonwoo anyway. Might as well eating it than having you throwing it away!" he said, swiftly snatching the cookies after letting you go. You only shook your head upon seeing his bright smile as he opened the box. "No matter how many time I see it, I'm amazed by my talent," he said proudly upon seeing the perfectly baked chocolate cookies. "Hey! I'm the one who made it," you protested. "Yea, with my help, remember? And do I need to remind you it's basically my recipe too?" he stuck his tongue out, making fun of you before he took one cookie and popped it to his mouth. Knowing you couldn’t rebut his statement, you only let out a small groan. "You did a descent job, considering you don't usually cook nor bake. But, the presentation.. It could be better," he commented as if he was some kind of judge from a cooking show.
“If you’re just gonna badmouth my cookies, give it back,” you said, reaching out your hand to snatch the cookies from his hand, but he was quick to move it away from your reach while he popped another cookie to his mouth. “Oof! This one is a bit burnt!” he said playfully while you were still trying to reach for the cookies. As you lifted your body up slightly to reach it, he swiftly stood up, taking advantage of his height while holding the cookies up. “Give it back!! I didn’t make it to be mocked by you!!” you complained as you stood on your tippy toes, trying your best to reach it while Seokmin was just smiling in amusement. “Awe, you’re such a tiny baby~ You should stop being grumpy so you’d grow taller~” he sing sang playfully while still keeping the box away from his reach.
Huffing in annoyance, you grabbed onto his shoulder for support as you jumped to get the box. Your move caught him off guard and while you were too happy to finally get your cookies back, you lost your footing upon landing. It all happened so quickly, you were so ready for the pain to struck your body, but instead of the hard pavement, your body met a familiar warmth. “Aigoo, what would happen to you if I’m not in your life? You won’t survive even a day,” his voice was gentle, the closeness between you made even his soft breath audible to you. As you looked up, for the first time in your 25 years together with him, you noticed the fondness in his eyes as his eyes were on you. Realizing that made you blushed. “Awe, why are you being shy now?” he asked, trying to get you to look at him when you looked away. “N-Nothing,” you mumbled, awkwardly avoiding his gaze.
“Well, as comfy as this is, we’re in the pavement right now, so I’d appreciate it if we can continue this in my place or yours instead,” he said with a soft chuckle, reminding the predicament you were actually in. Clearing your throat to shake away the awkwardness, you got off of him and stood up as normally as you could manage. Your attention was averted to the box in your hands, the cookies were still there but most of them are now broken and it made you a bit sad. Now you couldn’t even give to someone else even if you want to. Seeing your pout, Seokmin ruffled your hair gently while his other hand took the box from you.
“You know what, if no one would accept your feelings, I will.”
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Nessian Modern AU: Proposal
A “sequel” to the drabble here that I posted for Nessian Week. As always, what started as a drabble spawned a full-length oneshot. Anyway, writing Nessian was a joy and I look forward to writing more for them in the future. Enjoy!
Warning: Gets a little NSFW near the end because, you know. Them.
           Cassian could feel the little velvet box burning a hole in his suit jacket pocket. Were his hands shaking? He was sure they were shaking. Oh god, what if he dropped it? It probably wouldn’t go anywhere, they were pretty far from the edge of the balcony, but it would certainly be embarrassing.
           His smart watch buzzed and he looked down at it to see a text from Azriel that said Dude, you’re practically sweating through your suit. Chill the fuck out. Cassian looked up and glared over the table at him. Azriel made a little “calm down” motion with his hands, and Cassian was so wired that if they’d been sitting closer he would have decked him. Luckily, Nesta was engrossed in a conversation with Emerie and Mor and wasn’t paying attention. The way everyone kept glancing at Cassian he was sure that she would have noticed something was going on by now, but she seemed unaware.
           Of course, the party was already all about her, she just hadn’t seemed to realize that they were (hopefully) going to be celebrating more than one thing. When she had gotten accepted into law school Cassian had promised her a celebration for the ages, knowing it could double as the perfect chance to pop the question. He had tried to keep it on the down-low, but his brothers had seen right through him. As soon as he had said, “So I’m thinking about planning a trip to Vegas to celebrate Nesta getting into law school. I just want to do something really special for her, you know?” they had turned to him with matching grins and said,
           “Oh yeah? Just a casual trip to one of the most spectacular cities in the country?”
           “Any special shopping you need to do first?”
           Cassian had swung at them while they dodged and laughed. It wasn’t that he didn’t want them to know, it was just that he worried that someone would let something slip to Nesta and ruin the surprise. But then he realized there was no keeping everyone from knowing, because he had to ask Feyre and Elain for their blessing (they gave it readily, with squeals and big hugs), and then he had to ask Emerie and Gwyn to help him find out about rings. Now he sat with what he hoped was the perfect ring in his pocket, showy but classy, with two black diamonds set on either side of a shining two carat white diamond. Shiny and noticeable but…tastefully so, he hoped. That was what Emerie and Gwyn had reported, and really, he should have guessed that, because Nesta liked to be noticed, but only in a way where she was respected, or at least revered.
Now they sat on a private balcony for a dinner service Rhys had helped Cassian book overlooking the Vegas strip, lights and fountains glittering around them, the noise of the strip a pleasant background hum. They had all the usual suspects—Azriel, Rhys and Feyre, Mor and Amren and Varian, Elain and Lucien, and of course, Gwyn and Emerie. Everyone Cassian thought Nesta would want to be here, and the usual plus ones that had to be invited either way. He knew Nesta wouldn’t want a true Jumbotron-style public proposal, but surely this was okay, right? Just their friends? He didn’t think she’d want no one to see it, and yet—
           “Hey,” she said, putting her hand on his knee. He started, almost jumping out of his skin. She laughed. “What, did I startle you, sitting here exactly where I’ve been the whole time? Where are those judo reflexes now?”
           They all had a nice buzz going, though they were refraining from getting really messy until after dinner. Nesta was maybe the most openly happy Cassian had ever seen her, smiling and laughing and shining in a way that he had never seen before. He knew she was really proud to finally be going to law school after all this time. He could only hope that after this dinner her good mood would be doubled, not dampened.
           “Anyway,” Nesta continued, scooting her chair closer to his and sliding her hand dangerously up his thigh. “Could I steal you for a minute after dessert?”
           She looked fucking stunning tonight. Not that she didn’t always, but in that little black dress with her perfect tits tastefully on display, her lithe legs in those heels, and her hair swept up and away from her neck, Cassian might have asked to marry her even if she wasn’t his girlfriend. The only thing keeping his libido in check were his nerves, and if she said yes, it wasn’t going to be much of a competition between the two anymore. But until then….
           Cassian put his arm around her shoulders, trying to act natural. “I think we’re going to have cocktails then head out and hit the Strip again.”
           Nesta raised an eyebrow at him. “Yes. So it’ll be a while before we’re back in our room for the night. I was thinking we could just take a minute.” She moved her fingers on his leg again and with her other hand tilted his head to hers for a kiss. “You look so fucking good in that suit baby,” she whispered against his mouth.
           God, he couldn’t wait to marry her. He lost himself for a second, drinking in the feeling of her lips on his, her warm hand against his thigh. She had to say yes. She had to, or Cassian wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
           “Get a room!” Lucien called from the other side of the balcony. Cassian heard Elain chide him.
           Nesta pulled away and whipped back, “You are here on courtesy invite only, asshole.”
           “Nesta!” Elain complained.
           If there was anything that would put a damper on Cassian’s marriage plans it was that if he married Nesta and Lucien married Elain, he’d be stuck with the little shithead for the rest of his life. Then Cassian looked at Nesta, already laughing with Emerie again, her hand still resting on his leg, and knew that he couldn’t even pretend. Nothing could cause him to hesitate.
           That had to include his nerves. Now that they were finishing with dessert, the servers would be waiting for his speech before bringing out the cocktails and champagne. If he waited too much longer, Nesta would begin to wonder what the holdup was. Fuck his nerves. The last thing he was going to let keep him from marrying Nesta was himself.
           So Cassian stood, taking Nesta’s hand and standing her up. Her face brightened, and she gave him a look through her eyelashes. Then it turned to confusion as he started leading her out onto the balcony, in front of everyone.
           “Um, I was thinking we’d go inside,” she whispered to him, but he could hear the question in her playful tone. What the hell are you doing?
           What he came here to do.
“Everyone?” he said, just loud enough to beat the ambient noise of Vegas below them. They all turned to him from their scattered little tables, and he hoped Nesta wouldn’t read into the eagerness on their faces. Here it was: the main event.
           He didn’t let go of Nesta’s hand as he continued, “I want to thank you all so much for coming this weekend to celebrate the most incredible woman any of us have ever been blessed to have in their presence, soon to be the best attorney this nation has ever seen.”
           Everyone clapped as Nesta rolled her eyes and said, “Cassian, stop.” But she was smiling.
           He didn’t stop, but instead continued, “It has been such an honor to get to be the one by her side through all she has accomplished these past few years. ‘Now Cassian,’ you might be thinking, ‘surely some of that can be attributed to her incredible fitness coach.’ And you would be right,” he said, and as everyone laughed good-naturedly, he heard Nesta mutter, “Nevermind I fucking hate you.” He wasn’t facing her, but he could practically hear her rolling her eyes.
           “But in all seriousness, Nesta is the most amazing woman I have ever met. If you all could see her behind the scenes, how hard she works, how much she cares about her family and her friends,” Cassian paused to take Nesta’s other hand, turning her to face him. There were a hundred specific little things he could list, but knowing how easily she was embarrassed, he would leave it at that until they were alone. “I think you’d be pretty in love with her too.”
           There were a couple of “aw”s from the crowd, and Cassian was pretty sure Lucien’s was genuine. Nesta was blushing, but Cassian was glad to see she was still smiling. “Cassian, how drunk are you?" she laughed.
           “Just enough to fight my nerves,” he replied honestly.
           Her smile froze, and a crease appeared between her eyebrows. “What are you nervous about?”
           He gave her a grin that he was sure looked nervous as hell. “Would you be mad if I told you I might have had an additional motive for planning this trip?”
           He watched as her face changed, putting the clues together just as Cassian sank down onto one knee. She pulled her hands out of his, putting them both over her mouth as Cassian fished the little box out of the inside of his jacket and popped it open. He looked up into her eyes, wide as saucers now, and said, “Nesta Archeron. You are the strongest, sexiest, most capable, most remarkable woman I have ever been fortunate enough to cross the path of. I love everything about you, and I love everything about us. Marry me, Ness. I think we both know this is forever—let’s make it official.”
           She made a slight keening sound. Her face had turned very red, and Cassian could see that she was trembling. But at his question she started nodding frantically, and she choked out a, “Yes. Yes, yes.”
           Their little audience erupted into cheers as Cassian slid the ring onto her finger and stood. Before he could even kiss her, she pulled herself against him with crushing force, burying her face in his shoulder. He could feel her shuddering as she pulled in big, heaving breaths. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. Then, after a moment without her breaths settling, Cassian said, “Hey, are you okay?”
           “Yes,” Nesta said, pulling away just enough to talk. Her face was red and streaked with heavy tears. Her breaths were still labored, and Cassian suddenly realized she was genuinely hyperventilating. “Yes, I just, oh god, I can’t—” The words came out choppy as she tried to catch her breath, still crying. She buried herself back in his chest and he realized she was trying to hide her hysterics.
           “Okay, okay,” Cassian said quietly, hoping to calm her down before she made herself light headed and passed out. “Let’s step inside, okay? Are you okay to move?”
           She nodded, gasping. He gently put his hand on her waist and guided her past the tables. The rest of the party watched with concern, but he mouthed we’ll be right back as he led Nesta inside.
           The space inside was mostly just a hall to the balcony, so Cassian pulled Nesta aside to the little alcove by the bathrooms so they would be hidden from the big glass windows. As soon as they were out of sight he pulled her back close to him.
           “Just tell me this is happy crying,” he said.
           “It is,” Nesta said thickly with a choked laugh. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.”
           “I’m sorry,” he said, slowly stroking his fingers down her back to calm her. “If I had known this would be your reaction, I would have planned something private for you.”
           “No! It was perfect,” she said. “Everything was perfect. I—I didn’t know I’d react like this.” She was still sniffling. “I’ve never really imagined my own engagement. I—I never thought I’d love someone this much. That someone would love me this much.”
           “I love you that much and more,” Cassian said, meaning it with everything he had. “I would marry you tonight if you wanted. We’re in Vegas—pick any venue and we can make it official.”
           She laughed. Her throat still sounded thick but her breathing had returned to normal. “Oh no. We’re having the most grandiose wedding anyone has ever seen. If I’m getting married, everyone is going to know. And I want a ten thousand dollar dress.”
           “Deal,” Cassian said without hesitation. Nesta’s heels already brought her much closer to Cassian’s face than usual, but she still had to press herself up an extra inch on her toes to kiss him. Cassian leaned down obligingly, and now feeling the warmth of her body, the cold press of her ring against his jaw as she cupped his face, sent heat settling at the front of his pelvis.
           “Now what would you say if I told you to drop your panties,” he growled against her mouth.
           She smirked. “I’d say I would.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and tipped her head to whisper in his ear, “But I’d have to be wearing some.”
           Cassian groaned, sliding his hands up under the hem of her dress and indeed finding only bare skin. “Fuck, Ness.”
“I was hoping you’d get handsy and find out during dinner,” she said. “But you had other things on your mind, apparently.”
“From now on I promise to always put my hands up your skirt at dinner to check if you’re commando,” Cassian said.
“At every dinner,” Nesta said, kissing him again. “For the rest of our lives. That better be in your wedding vows.”
“For the rest of our lives,” he repeated.
“For the rest of our lives,” she echoed again. Then she kissed him again, passionately, slipping her tongue over his lips.
He pulled his hands out from her dress and opened the door to the bathroom beside them. “Get in,” he commanded, voice a tight snarl. Nesta took her time, sending him a sultry look through ruined makeup as she swayed her hips and made her way into the single-person room. Cassian followed, locking the door. She stayed with her back to him, watching in the mirror as he slid his suit jacket off and hung it on the hook on the door. She licked her bottom lip as he rolled his sleeves up just a little, to try and make sure he wouldn’t soil them. He met her eyes in the mirror, and he read her intention in the look on her face. She leaned forward and braced herself on the sink.
           “Alright then,” he chuckled, undoing his belt and unfastening his pants to slide them down just over his rapidly hardening cock. He shoved the hem of her dress up to expose her bare ass and said, “Better make sure you’ve got a good grip on that sink, sweetheart. You’re going to need it.”
           Cassian made his way back out onto the balcony, put back together on the outside but with his head still swimming with the look on Nesta’s face in the mirror as she finished around him. Evidently someone had made the wise call to start cocktail hour without waiting for them, and the laughter he heard around him sounded a lot louder and messier than it had when he’d left. Gwyn and Emerie quickly departed for inside, makeup bags in hand, to help clean Nesta up for the rest of the night. Cassian was swarmed with congratulations, and he ordered a scotch on the rocks to keep him busy while he waited for his fiancée to reemerge.
           When Nesta reentered the party she was almost knocked to the ground by her sisters, and she begged them not to make her cry again. Rhys motioned to a server who brought out a bottle of champagne Rhysand had specially reserved for Nesta and Cassian (Cassian didn’t even want to know how much it cost), and Nesta popped the cork to raucous applause. Elain slapped them both with Just Engaged! sashes to wear for the rest of the night, and through it all, there was never a moment that Nesta and Cassian didn’t have some form of physical contact, be it holding hands or hips against each other or an arm around the shoulder. Cassian caught the way Nesta kept looking at her ring, tilting her hand to make it glitter in the lights. Then she would look at him, and she would smile, and as they headed out the Strip to celebrate, Cassian felt happier than he ever had in his entire life.
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keimisan · 3 years
closest moots? or blogs that you really like?
KWBSJWJW i'm surprised you'd want to know but thank you sm for asking 🥺 its been about two months of the start of this blog, and honestly, its been such a nice experience. I have met some wonderful people who are also chaotic. I have met zebra wakasa, pink teddy sanzu and cow (???) hanma.
the closest moot i have here are @rae-blogging and @blueprint-han . But they're not a tr blog, so i'm not including them here i guess. P
theres no order
my first ever moot here is @hanniejji I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHE'S LIKE SO COOL and funny NAD SO NICE TO TALK TO. everytime a chapter or an episode drops, you'll catch me screaming in her inbox like some starved crow. Literally all of our convo is in caps lock, no kidding. my screaming buddy, simping buddy, and crying buddy in one package.
thenn @jyugosgf MY DESI SIS. like half the fandom is made of filipino population nd the other half is well, rest of the world. I never thought there'd be fellow desi blogs here. And PLS THE DESI RANTS/ DISCUSSIONS WE DID. Starting from momma baji caring for his hair in the most conventional indian way to om shanti om and deepika padukone, we've screamed. Damn it was so much fun. message for you if you see this bub: ily 🥺
@dr3ken ANOTHER DESI. she's funny, she's cool, her writings ABSOLUTELY CRAZY like bro did u learn that literature from shakespeare himself. i talk to her a lot, but in another social media. She texts like a loud punjabi AND PLS THE VIBE IS SO NICE LIKE you'll never be bored. Again, another caps lock buddy.
@sukunasbabymama first things first, she became my moot after i proposed to her. ma'am the proposal still stands- aNywAy, she's that one boss bitch who's also very comedic (you'll know if you read her works) i love how independent she is, and how free she thinks. Literally big sis energy, except that sis will take you out at 2 am to drink coke and throw the bottles into space with all the frustration you've got.
@sxlver-sweet the sweetest moot ever. she's an angel in human form, and a blessing to life. i went crazy over her works and sent an ask to yk, start communicating- she rb'ed that and deadass went WE NEED TO BE FRIENDS. that creme brule in my fridge that i'm eating slowly because i dont want it to end and will cry if i ever end it- thats her. also the only moot i've went jeogiyo noona hokshi namjachingu isseo (im so sorry if you dont get its, its kpop reference) and flirted like thrice with (probably) and will still continue to flirt because wkdjwjdjjw it is happiness.
and then @kallikrein my zebra wakasa comrade. i still feel no remorse for the amount of confusion we caused, nor the dash-clogging with countless reblogs we did. she's chaotic funny, and a professional charanon bringer. you literally can't but love her- there i said it.
@lila-skies i hyperventilated over her mitsuya request and thats it- thats how we became friends. SHE ALSO STANS RED-VELVET AND CHUNGHA LIKE please, you stan queens and i stan you.
@angrysupremacy a whole 24 carat gold with the cutest nose. i don't know why but i find her SO CUTE LIKE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺. we fangirl about random tr posts on insta and its so nice talking to her! cute cute cute
@isuuki my bae. she too, is very sweet. brightens my day with her asks and makes me sob at the same time because --- death is coming and we're weeping every other day. i go 💕💞💖💗 Everytime i get an ask from her.
@tokyo-fukushu we dont have much interactions but i feel like she deserves a mention here. I'd definitely consider her one of my closest moots.
@uuden omg her works!! also simply her!! she's also really sweet! definitely in my closer moots list.
Last but not least, my cheese anonni (not mentioning you just in case) who also brings me serotonin. Shes so spontaneous and creative, as well as sweet. SHE GAVE ME HEART COOKIE DOUGH YALL 🥺
and @emergencyfoodpaimon 's posts are so fun to see. I really like seeing new things/fanarts. Also those heart memes make me go 💘💘💘💘
my moots' blogs are absolute masterpieces, and you'll totally love them. other than them, a few blogs that i really like are @kakuchan @maitani (my entire explore is filled with your content omg T.T) @harupill @manjikkai @everafterkeiji @ewitsren @red-beean @chif4yu @wwintersun sorry for the mindless tagging, please tell me if its bothering!
If you've read till the end, i applaud you omg. also, ship my moots with tr ask pspsppss, i really wanna do that.
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lovelycheollie · 3 years
Back Home
“I believe that all of our lives we’re looking for home and if we’re really lucky, we find it in someone’s loving arms. I think that’ what life is-coming home.”  –Anita Krizzan
Words: 2512
Hi there! It’s been years, and I’ve been attracted to embrace my Carat side again! I hope everyone’s doing fine, despite of the pandemic we’re experiencing right now. I decided to create a Vernon fic for the reason that I missed my mutuals, especially @chillihansol ((she’s still a Vernon stan how constant I am jelly!)) I hope you guys enjoy this read! My ask is always open for requests 
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 “This is ridiculous,” you mumbled to yourself, staring at the white cyber abyss in front of you. The laptop screen showed nothing but a blank document, a pile of notebooks unevenly stacked to your right. Your chin rested on the top of your palm while you tried your best to think of something that may make you start on your assignment. So much on learning online, you could only rely on yourself and on the urge of just simply finishing and passing whatever needs to be submitted.
It was early in the morning, and supposedly you were to have a hearty breakfast while thinking of ways to somehow cope with the academic stress you were feeling. Even if you were stuck inside your room, you at least knew how to have fun despite being by yourself, may it be simply listening to your favorite song, or cook something easy. While you strolled towards the kitchen, you heard your phone ring and you were being summoned to an online meeting with your classmates. Your to-do checklist was filled again with some assignments meant to be passed on the next day. Staring at the list alone removed the motivation in you to work on your pancakes, and the weather outside could only join you in your tired state.
So there you were, sitting on the office chair and struggling to find the single word that will push you forward to work on your assignment. No word you’ve thought is good enough for the first sentence. Oh how much you’ve hated going through a writer’s block. Deep inside, you just wanted to cram on the homework and sleep your troubles away, but then again, you just really wanted to get rid of everything and just relax without worrying.
As you decided to brew another cup of coffee, someone knocked on your door, which almost caused you to drop your favorite mug onto the floor. You dragged your feet towards the doorway, eyebrows knitted together and eyes ready to glare on whoever was brave enough to bother you early in the morning. But as soon as you saw Vernon flashing a toothy grin, the eyebrows separated, the glare turned into a loving pair of eyes, and your feelings were everywhere. After months of not seeing each other, Vernon was in the flesh, and was already making your morning better.
“’Sup Y/N,” he said, placing his face mask in his bag and removing his white sneakers. You took the time to gawk at his pink sweater and jeans, while still being mentally at awe at his sudden presence. You heard him chuckle a bit as he welcomed himself in the room. “What’s the mug for?”
You rose the mug near to your face, stepping away from the door. “Ah, well, I was brewing coffee. I wasn’t really expecting a visitor, let alone your face.”
“Kind of mean, but I understand.” He lifted the messenger bag and showed you the contents. He had store-bought meat buns, bottled coffee and milk tea, some chips and biscuits stacked inside the bag. Vernon showed another smile which made your heart throb a bit. “I figured you would be stressed today, so I brought the good stuff.”
“How did you even ‘figure out’?”
“You tweeted last night, and you know me. If practice is over then I do the second best thing.”
“Which is?”
“I check your tweets because I’m such a great friend,” he replied to you as he found himself sitting on a bean bag. Vernon placed the goods on the coffee table and stood up again, joining you in the kitchen to get some glasses and plates. He was always like this in your room; he felt like he was at home, especially when he was with you.
Placing the plates on the table, he proceeded to fill the glasses with the coffee and tea, then looked at you and patted the bean bag next to him. You could only roll your eyes while removing the ice tray from the fridge. As you sat beside him, he dug his teeth on the meat buns and let out a satisfactory hum. He found himself at peace, with you alone, and with some convenience store goods. But before you could even copy him, you remembered you had an assignment to start on. The pain of standing up again to grab your laptop was bothersome, and the temptation to relax has strengthened itself.
While chewing on a hearty bite, Vernon took a short glance on the empty online document, then to your struggling fingers, then back to the screen again. He could tell that you were just not having it, the motivation in you to study was missing.  Remembering on how he welcomed himself inside, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty. “I can see you’re pretty busy. Did I come at the wrong time?”
“What? Oh no, it’s okay! You actually came at a good time,” you tucked your hair behind your ear, his sight fixated on your fingertips. A sigh escaped your lips as you finally typed some words on the keyboard. “I just needed a small push to start on this one.”
“How many assignments do you have?”
“I got two, plus this one, so three,” you stopped and looked at him, seeing a bit of sauce on the side of his lips. With your motherly instinct, you wiped the sauce off with your thumb and then wiped it on a tissue paper. Before it could even sink in your thoughts as you continued to type, Vernon was flabbergasted. Yes, he knew you were a bit motherly to your friends, but he wasn’t aware that you had the gull to touch someone else’s face. He could feel the blood rush to his cheeks, and he was just trying his best not to let you know how your simple gesture made him feel giddy. The troubles of having a crush on a friend was very much real for this man.
Despite being busy on working as an idol, Vernon would always find time to be with you, as the two of you were close friends. He despised the thought of only being friends with you until the two of you reached adulthood, and he was so sure that he wouldn’t let the two of you stay as friends. But then, even if he finds himself in the perfect situation, the courage to muster up the feelings and confess to you was still a hard mission for him to do. Simply put, he was just crushing on you so badly.
And so, the feelings were put in the lyrics he would sing. They would be seen in the steps he would do onstage. You weren’t that naïve; you can feel that Vernon was signaling something to you. However, you didn’t want to simply assume that this charismatic friend of yours was trying to be more than friends. Hence, you and Vernon are still friends, up to this day.
“Do you want me to help you?” he stammered while trying to act as normal as he can, which you could see, was failing. Seeing him like that, you were starting to feel jittery as well. Your fingers kept pressing backspace from the typing mistakes. The two of you were now facing the same dilemma: how to act properly beside the person you’ve been liking for months.
You cleared your throat and sipped from your glass. Opening the packet of biscuits, you munched on a piece and continued on your homework. “No, I’m okay. I know you’ve been busy, so you should just relax and let me do my own thing.”
“Are you sure Y/N? You know I could help you.”
“Yes, I’m definitely sure. And what you should be doing is resting because I know you’d be pretty busy by tomorrow.”
  Then it became silent, with only the rustling of the plastic bags and your fingers typing making the noise. Vernon continued to slip a glance on your work from time to time, and you just did whatever you were doing, despite feeling the heavy weight of his glare. Sometimes, you would catch him looking at you, and he would just give you a goofy grin, and that would be enough for you to punch him lightly on his arms.
 As you were reaching the final paragraph of your paper, you felt the urge of chewing something. The last piece of biscuit was across the table, and sadly, you couldn’t rely on your own to reach it. Luckily, beside you was Vernon who had long, slender arms, who busied himself with his mobile games. It was time for you to have him do something.
 “Hey Vernon?” you said, eyes glued once again to the monitor.
Vernon paused his game and turned his head to you. “Yeah?”
“Can you pass me the last biscuit? I can’t reach it,” you spoke charmingly, giggling in your head. You were expecting that the biscuit would be placed nearer to you, but your friend wanted revenge to what you did earlier.
Vernon opened the packet and positioned the biscuit in front of your lips. For him, he was doing it simply to lessen your troubles, but to you, it was making you crazy.
“Here you go Y/N,” he spoke, placing the thin, chocolate-flavored biscuit on your lips and licking the rest of the crumbs on his thumb. You were staring with wide eyes as he did so, and when he noticed your surprised look, the thought of his actions hit him on the face. Right now, the two of you were a blushing mess. Panicking for your life, you hurried into finishing the last paragraph of your assignment. There were less mistakes this time as you typed, which felt as an accomplishment to you. You couldn’t dare to look at Vernon with your reddened state, which made you to focus more on your paper.
“Hey Y/N,” he finally spoke as you saved the file. Vernon was simply waiting for your response, sitting beside you while you swallowed your feelings and shut your laptop off. He sat on his knees, eyes staring at you which took you aback. Vernon was serious, and you felt a pang of nervousness to whatever he was thinking. You settled the laptop on the table, and just sat there, thinking of what to say to ease the atmosphere somehow.
“Yes? What is it?”
“Why are we so awkward?” he mumbled, and you made a small laughter as soon as you heard him. Your laughter was music to his ears, and it quickly perked him back to his normal self again.
“I don’t know about you, all I wanted was for you to reach the biscuit, not feed it to me, you dork!”
“You did it first! You wiped the sauce from the corner of my lips!”
You could only blush more while making up words for your rebuttal. “It was my motherly instinct! You did not have to take your revenge on me!”
And while you continued on, Vernon was simply looking at you, adoring your flushed cheeks in the morning light. In his head, you were pretty, even if your face was red, even if you were chatty and embarrassed. His heart was full of you, he knew that he likes you that much. A tiny smirk grew on his lips, which turned into a large smile. Surrendering in defeat, you turned to the other side, bit your lips into one straight line and planted the thought of him smiling at you in the center of your mind.
“Why did you have to be so charming?” you whispered to yourself, making sure that you were the only one who could hear it. You were mistaken though, as Vernon heard it, and kept the butterflies in his stomach.
Vernon’s ringtone broke the silence, and with quaking hands, he answered the call. While he was talking with the caller, you took a piece of paper and wrote something simple on it. Quietly, you sneaked the paper inside his bag, and laughed at yourself. You imagine a laughing Vernon in the middle of the street, with the paper in between his fingers.
“Y/N, our manager called. He said he wanted to meet us all in the dorm,” he told you while fixing his bag and checking his belongings inside. He had a gloomy look imprinted on his face, and you were affected by the sudden news as well. Vernon was going to leave so soon, and it will take a while again to see him and bond with him. “He wants to meet us right now. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, you’re an idol! You’ll be busy at times and it’s okay! I understand!” you showed a sad smile, which made Vernon ache for a hug with you.
“Don’t you worry! After the meeting, I’ll come back immediately! Lunch will be my treat!” Vernon replied with another grin, lifting his arms to pat you on the head. The two of you walked to the door, and you can’t help but become a little bit greedy to him. Deep inside, you wished that he didn’t have to leave, and that you would spend the whole day with him.
After putting the mask on, he stood up, looking at you once more and poking your head. “Hey, don’t be sad. I’ll be back soon enough!”
You braved yourself to hug him, which startled him a bit. He then hugged you back, his warmth seeping on his clothes to your skin, and his arms tightly wrapped around you. The moment was short-lived, as you backed away from him and returned the smile he’s been giving you. “You better take care of yourself Vernon!”
He opened the door and stayed outside, still holding on to your warmth. Head turning, you were there behind him, in your favorite loungewear, waiting for him to continue ahead. To him, you were the epitome of a home, and he knows that no matter what would happen, he would always come back to you. In the busiest day, or in the darkest night, he would always think of you. You are his home.
While walking along the street, Vernon checked the contents of his bag. He would often check the insides of his bag when he was already outside, a perk he does to secure that he has everything with him. At the bottom corner of the bag, there was a folded paper. He knew the note was yours, as he remembered that you had a small habit of leaving memos in your friend’s belongings. As he opened the note, he found himself running back to your home, knocking on your door and locking you in his arms, embracing you with all of his heart. Vernon thanked his stars, and this stressful morning, as he realized his worries were answered with your sincerity and with your own feelings as well.
“Vernon, even if you run away, always come back home. I love you.”
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lesbiancarat · 2 years
No, no you're good!! Again I just wanted to clarify that because it could be seen wrong and never want anyone to feel like that (also agree numbers are virtual and mean nothing!)
BUT THOUGHTS ABOUT THE COMEBACK!? I personally really, REALLY love it! Its just such a fun one? Like it is seventeen fun but with an edge, a twist. Like a monsta x twist but make it seventeen if that makes sense lolol. Hot is very much st my top 3 comebacks of this year, can we talk about minghao, jun and seungkwan!? This is their era for sure!! I keep seeing jun getting hype and I'm giggling while happy dancing because as he should (also he made me make him a bias so he is now my 4th bias dang his power) thoughts on the bsides? I know favorite bsides change for fans so I'm always curious to hear that :D
And agreed! By all means dress fancy hut have comfy shoes because lots of walking and standing and dancing will be happening! Try to get lightsticks now because sadly at the concert they sell out super fast (but they do sell batteries so you should be fine there!), double check if the venue allows cash or not because I heard this changed for many places. Bring a powerbank!! Super helpful as well! My mom gave me the green light to buy tickets but I found out late about pre-sale so while no code, me and my online friend are going to try general maybe? Idk its the one positive I am clinging onto to be happy after my rough month so good luck to pre-sale carats! Remember don't flip out, be calm! Love you all!
i'm actually really enjoying the comeback so far! tbh while i didn't think i would hate hot based on the highlight medley, i did expect it to be more on the lower end of my favorite svt tracks, just bc i do tend to prefer lighter/fresher songs in general, but i was very pleasantly surprised how much i liked it! i also think the wild west sort of theme they have for this album is super fun, i'm really looking forward to see how they do the set design and stage outfits for the concert bc i think there's a LOT of potential there for some fun things
i've actually only listened to most of the bsides a couple times bc i keep having hot + march on repeat DJFHF i keep thinking i'll put the whole album on repeat but then hot or march will come on and i'll be like wait i gotta listen to that again and suddenly it's all i'm listening to TT. aside from those two though, i think don quixote and 'bout you are up there (+ darling but i'm kind of not counting it since it's not a brand new song so it's hard to compare it to songs i'm still getting used to lol)
but that's all first impressions. like you said, favorite bsides often change. i know it definitely does for me lol. i've found i tend to originally be obsessed with the really catchy and repetitive songs at first but then i listen to them so much that i become a bit sick of them for a little bit. but then eventually i come around to it again and i like the song but i'm not super obsessed with it. on the other hand sometimes there will be a song i'm meh about for a while but then one random tuesday afternoon i'm like oh? this is really really good? so i definitely expect my favorites and least favorites to change over time lol
and yes, jun, minghao, and seungkwan!!!! juns fancams have been going wild so far this era and i've seen him get so much interest from carats with other biases like you which makes me happy dkfgh and of course minghao with his red hair. i feel like seungkwan should be applauded for managing to attract attention this era without having to expose his nipples. truly an amazing feat skdfjg
as someone who bought a lightstick at the last concert i can say it's not impossible, but you do want to have a plan and get in line as quickly as you can lol. but yeah if you're able to get a caratbong ahead of time it will probably be a lot less stressful lol. and good tip about payment! it's still possible you could get tickets during general sale! if not, resales are also possible. i'll keep my fingers crossed for you get tickets!!
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43sparrows · 4 years
r e j e c t - {Five x Reader} AU!
Read Part 1 & Part 2
WARNINGS: drunkenness
Word Count: 2,133
Note: let me know what you think of this development!
It's a huge ass diamond.
The newspaper is still open on your coffee table, and you can see the grainy black and white picture from your spot on the couch. You shouldn't be able to spot the ring from this far, not with your eyes as puffy as they are, not with the tears constantly clouding your vision, but the small white spot practically glows amongst all the grey. It's probably all the carats.
You snatch a tissue from where the box sits at the end table, running it under your eyes to collect tears and make up. There's a part of you that wishes your roommate was here to bitch about how ugly the girl was and how dumb he was. To remind you of how the sex was only ever good and help get your mind off of it.
But she left for her parents' last night and wouldn't be back until tomorrow evening. So it's just you and Laura Williams' from Channel 13, whose story about a soldier returning home to surprise his pregnant wife is doing absolutely nothing to ease the shaking breaths that leave you.
A knock sounds from the front door, stopping further descent down the spiral. Instead, you push yourself up from the couch and haul yourself over to the door, one shuffling footstep after the next. There's another knock as you undo the deadbolt and pull the door open.
Five stands before you with eyebrows raised. His look shifts slightly as he takes you in, his gaze intensifying as he studies your face. A wave of anxiousness crashes over you, leaving a gut twisting feeling of embarrassment in its wake. You've never cried in front of Five. There's never been much of a reason to, but even when you've stumbled into things or had a bad day, you've always been so careful to keep it in. It seems like just your luck that he'd walk in on you feeling your absolute lowest.
"Bad time?" he asks.
"Kind of," you say, wiping at the tears under your eyes once more with the tissue that's still in your hand. You hope you don't resemble a raccoon, but you have a feeling that the powers that be aren't taking any of your requests at the moment.
"What happened?" He's direct and to the point, like always. No offer to kill someone for you or gently asking if you want to talk about it. Still, it's a bit surprising that he's waiting for an answer as opposed to teleporting away.
"Just a long day. A long bad day," you needlessly clarify. His head tilts slightly but he doesn't press you on it. He doesn't need to. "Work is rough," you offer up.
"That sucks," Five says.  He either doesn't know you well enough to tell you're lying, or doesn't care enough to try. Either way it cuts deeper than it probably should. You blame it on the fact that you're emotionally raw right now because there are only so many truth's you're capable of facing at once. And you're already feeling overloaded. Your head keeps cycling through the same five truths.
You'd been with your ex for two whole years and he'd never even broached the topic of moving in.
It only took him eight months to fall in love and get engaged to someone else.
In the same eight months all you got was a friend with benefits minus the actual friendship.
All you want is to be hugged and there's nobody around who'll do that
You're all alone.
The near silence between you seems to exacerbate this last truth, only the sound of Laura Williams' voice in the background announcing a new birth at the zoo cuts through the quiet. It's almost a full minute of willing your eyes not to water before Five speaks again. "Do you want me to leave?"
You're not sure if he's being the world's biggest asshole or doing his best at being considerate. You are sure there's absolutely no way you can make it through a session with him without bursting into more tears. You're also sure that you don't want him to leave. Not at all.
"I'm not really up for anything right now," you shake your head, looking down at the crumpled and stained tissue that's still in your hand.
Five doesn't say anything, and you bet he's either nodding or still staring at you like he's trying to read your thoughts. And then you see his feet angle themselves away from you, ready to leave. Your heart sinks in your chest. You shouldn't have expected him to offer to stay. To comfort you. You need to stop hoping for things that he would never--could never--deliver. Because being warm and caring--that's not Five. It never has been.
"Hey." His voice calls to you, and you hate how quickly your head snaps to him. "Make some coffee, take a bath, and put on something other than the news."
You nod as he offers a ghost of a sympathetic smile before turning and vanishing.
You close door, walk back into your apartment, reach over for the remote and turn off the news.
It's approximately six hours later, and you're still on the couch but at least now you're surrounded by all of your new closest friends: Jack, Jim, Johnnie, Jose--all of the J's  and of course remnants of the Captain from last time you and your roommate made mojitos.
Who the fuck needed people when you had these guys and a playlist of 2000s hits.
Not you.
It was a good thing your roommate wasn't home. There's no way she wouldn't have made fun of your dance moves as you let the beat of the Black Eyed Peas' "Don't Phunk With My Heart" take control of your limbs. And while to the outside eye it might look as if you'd lost control of your motor skills, it felt good just giving in to the influence of the music and your friends.
You turn more quickly than your legs are ready for, stumbling over yourself to face the person in your apartment. You just barely catch yourself by throwing out a hand and bracing yourself against the coffee table.
"Five?" you ask, squinting your eyes at him. You can't tell if his face is more amused or bemused. For some reason all you can focus on are his raised eyebrows. He nods at you, tilting his head slightly.
"What are you doing?" It takes a minute to parse his voice out from will.i.am's rapping.
"Dancing. What are you doing?" You return back, pushing yourself back up to your feet. His eyes run over you and your apartment, seeming to take in the scene more fully. From the fact that you're only wearing a bralette and sweatpants (which has never been your style but you spilled one of the whiskeys on your shirt) to the various pages of the newspaper scattered around the floor and the song pulsating through the apartment.
Don't you worry about a thing, baby / 'Cause you know you got me by a string, baby.
Five takes a step forward, examining the assortment of bottles on your coffee table.
"You called me," he says, picking up the bottle of Jack Daniels that doesn't have more than a swallow left in it. "Eight times. Did you drink all of these?" he asks, gesturing towards you with the bottle.
You scoff at the ridiculousness of the question. As if you could drink five handles of liquor and still be on your feet. "No, they were mostly empty."
He nods, putting the bottle back down on the table and then looks at you out of the side of his eye as the song ends.  "Are you going to tell me what’s really going on now?" Five asks, turning slowly to face you fully as the intro for the next one picks up. You pause, staring at him as your brain tries to piece together what he's asking you. It's not until the verse picks up that it clicks. You nod, reaching for the nearest page of the newspaper. It's cartoons. It takes a few more tries to find the right page before you thrust it at Five, the beat continuing to increase the anticipation, and you find yourself rocking to the song and waiting for him to finish reading.
Never meant to make your daughter cry / I apologize a trillion times.
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson--
"Ooh," you sing along to the one part of the song you're able to keep up with. Five tosses the paper onto the table.
"Your ex?"
You nod, bouncing your shoulders to the beat.  "He's getting married,"  you sing at Five despite the fact that it is not a line to the song and you are horribly off tune.
"Statistically, it'll only last eight years," Five responds, but his eyes continue to linger on you, watching as you make a horrible attempt at lip syncing the rap. He pauses, narrowing his eyes lightly before asking: "You're still…in love with him?"
This elicits another scoff from you. "No," you say as if he's stupid for even suggesting it. "No, no, no-no." You stumble towards him. "He--no," you shake your head, grabbing onto Five's arm so you can brace yourself. You pause, squeezing at his tricep, momentarily distracted by how muscular he is.
"Y/N," Five prompts, and you look up at him and into his green eyes.
"I just wish I had something to shove in his face," you say, withdrawing your hand from Five so you can cup your hands to hold this imaginary item. "Something to show him how wrong he was about me. You know? I'm fucking future material," you say shaking your hands in Five's face. You step back, grabbing the handle of Captain Morgan from the coffee table. "But it looks like he was right," you mumble, looking down into the clear liquid that sloshes at the bottom of the bottle. "The fucker was right. I'm a reject." You lift the rum to your lips to take a swig only to find it yanked from your grasp.
"Hey!" you shout in protest, reaching for the bottle, but Five shakes his head and finishes it off before you can get it back. "Asshole," you mutter, brow furrowed.
"You didn't need it," he says, placing the bottle down as you glare at him. Five turns and begins to walk away towards your bedroom. He pauses half-way there and looks at you. "Are you coming or not?"
You almost trip over the couch in your hurry to follow him.
You do tumble over when you make the poor decision to try to take off your pants on your way to the bedroom. Five's head sticks out your door at the sound, and seeing you on the ground, pants wrapped around your left ankle and right calf, he sighs and comes back out. After a few moments of furious kicking, you're free of the pants and Five is bending over you. It takes a second to realize what's happening, but the next thing you know he's hoisted you over his shoulder and is hauling you off into the bedroom. The act sends tingles racing through your body in anticipation despite the fact that your head feels significantly more cloudy, and it's hard to focus on much.
Your back hits the mattress, and Five is bending over you, but something is off. He's not on the bed. And his hands aren't on you. Instead, he's creating a wall of pillows behind you. As he draws away, you catch hold of his arm and tug him towards you, lifting yourself up off the bed enough so that your lips connect.
Even though your world is fuzzy, the feeling of his lips against yours are enough to keep you grounded in the moment. You reach up with your other hand to pull him even lower, to deepen the kiss, to make him join you in this bed where he belongs, but instead he backs out of your grasp, gently breaking himself free. It would sting more if your limbs weren't so heavy, if your eyelids weren't drooping, if you weren't already half asleep.
You wake up the next morning feeling like shit.
Everything hurts and it seems like your skull is actively trying to split itself in half. Getting out of bed is a process that looks far more like coordinated falling than getting up and at 'em. You walk heavily, stiff legged into the kitchen, and there is one piece of mercy.
Sitting on your counter is a full carafe of coffee with a mug and bottle of aspirin sitting next to it.
You feel a little less like shit.
Read Part 4
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