#i think how other people feel about jesse pink man is how i feel about nacho varga except he’s not my soaking wet little meow meow
feyburner · 2 years
Mike and Nacho’s relationship in s1-3 makes me absolutely fucking insane btw like. During the whole thing with Wormald the way Nacho is instantly like [game recognize game] with Mike and knows he’s the one running the shots and then. the baseball card debacle and Mike visiting Nacho at his dads business and giving him the carrot and stick speech while also making it clear he is Not there to threaten Nacho’s family and then. When Nacho wants Tuco killed and calls up the vet and asks for Mike by name bc he knows Mike will get it done and then afterward the moment when Nacho is like “You did a lot to avoid pulling that trigger. Why?” AND HOW IT CARRIES THEM ALL THE WAY TO “YOURE NOT THE ONE I NEED TO HEAR IT FROM……” CHRIST IM SICK IM SICK THEY COULD HAVE . THEY HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL IM GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yuly · 1 year
I desperately need a part 2 to the “that’s Hotchner to you, agent” plz plz plz 🙃
→ hi lovely anon! ask and you shall receive! cw: only fluff I promise!
Aaron Hotchner x genderal neutral reader 
Always Aaron to You
Aaron is not a person who gives his trust easily. Once his trust has been broken, he clams up like a shell and prying that open might cost you a couple fingers. It's been a month now and you are willing to do whatever it takes for him to even look in your direction again. You miss your Aaron, your cuddle buddy, your confidant, your man. Because your words caused him this much pain and undid all the work the two of you have done to get him to express his feelings and be open, you have to think of a way to get him to see and hear just how sorry you are. With Valentine's Day coming up, you decide to use that to your advantage. If he throws it back in your face, you would take it in stride and leave him alone for good, this was your last shot. 
Aaron is not a shopping fanatic and he's not the easiest to buy gifts for, you know that he does everything in life for the people he loves, so you decide to take a page out of his book and pray it goes well.
He comes home absolutely exhausted, the case was long, the jet lag severe, and the whole precinct annoyed him to no end. Worst of all, he had to spend yet another day pretending to be angry with you when all he wanted was for things to go back to normal. But his pride was hurt so he kept the act up. As he made his way to the doorstep, Aaron thought of all the non-work related things he needed to get done this weekend and he let out an exasperated sigh. Being a single father with his work schedule was exhausting, to say the least. Aaron hated asking for help, but he so desperately needed to get some rest this weekend. As he entered his apartment, he toyed with the idea of swallowing his pride and maybe asking Jessica for a favour. 
Aaron was surprised to find Jack running about the apartment, stuffing a suitcase with clothes, toys and other odd bits.
“Dad! Guess what! I’m going to the Star Wars all-weekend exhibit with Jessica and cousins!!!!” Jack rambled excitedly, nearly foaming at the mouth. Apparently, Jessica was lucky enough to get her hands on some of the last tickets at the very last minute.
“I hope you don’t mind me whisking him away so last minute, I’m sorry if you had plans together or-”
“No, no, not at all actually. Thank you, Jess. It's been a long week I actually could use a weekend in, I owe you.” She smiled and swatted him away. Aaron wondered how his silent prayers of a quiet weekend were answered so quickly.
The next day, Aaron got an email reminding him of a golfing event he apparently booked in advance in the city. Aaron was confused, having no relocation of signing up, bet there was the receipt, from a month ago, under his name and credit card. He had actually been looking forward to going for a while now and must’ve forgotten about signing up. He spent the day catching up and flexing his skills in front of old friends. As he looked over the green hills and admired the view, Aaron got a text from Jessica, a photo of Jack and his cousins having an absolute ball at “stars wars land” as he called it, much to Jack’s dismay. He quickly saved the photo and sent her a thank you text back. At that moment, as the sun smiled down on him from its midday spot in the sky, Aaron felt content and happy, he felt lucky and again, he silently questioned how and why this weekend seemed to only get better. It was almost perfect, save for the small part of him that yearned for you.
When Aaron returned home that evening to find a bouquet of pink and white flowers, he was immediately on high alert. He cleared the area, and scanned the object carefully, only entering his home once he was certain everything was ok. He disarmed the alarm system and quietly closed the door behind him. He went through every square inch of the home, only relaxing when he successfully cleared the premises. He turned his attention to the bouquet of flowers, shades of pink and white staring back at him. He set them down on the kitchen counter, shifting his focus to the small card in the center.
“Agent Hotchner, please accept these as a token of my apology. 
The pink hydrangeas symbolize my regret over my words and actions toward you. I hope the optimism of the lily of the valley can bring a rebirth in our friendship, and that the pink peonies bring you good luck, maybe they can be the angel that silently answers your prayers.
- Agent L/N.”
Aaron is taken aback, he honestly cannot remember a time in his life when he received flowers in such a loving gesture. It flusters him as he’s unsure how to place this emotion that was nagging at his chest. The last line makes the cogs in his brain spin and his heart race. Could it be possible that this weekend was your doing? Or was the sweet gesture getting to his head.
“Aaron, is everything ok?” He could hear the kids laughing in the background.
“I need to know where did you get the tickets from”
After a bit of resistance, Jessica confesses that you had gifted them the tickets. She insisted that it was simply a kind gesture and pleaded with Aaron not to say anything.
Within 15 minutes, Aaron is at your doorstep with the flowers in hand.
“Aar-Agent Hotchner?”
“You bought those tickets for Jack didn’t you?”
Your gaze shifts to your feet, unsure how to read his flat tone and fearing the worst.
“And the golfing, you signed me up for it didn’t you?”
You look up to meet his eyes now, honey-coloured orbs that make your knees weak. His expression is difficult to read but his tone is soft. 
“Thought I’d make it up to you, show you how sorry I am.”
His heart aches at how docile and unsure you sound. He lifts your chin up to meet your eyes once again and spares you a smile, “you are my light at the end of the tunnel, I hope you know that.”
A shy breaks across your face, the warmth of his words wrapping around you snugly. 
“Aaron, always Aaron to you, Y/N. I love you”
You nuzzle into his chest, relieved that this long and drawn-out fight between you is finally over. Something clicks and the final piece of the puzzle has found its place as harmony is restored between you and Aaron.
“I love you, Aaron.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
@michasia24 @hizzielover @shamelessfangirl-3 @lilozg-123 @daily-evanstan  @justarandommom @hausofwhores
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scekrex · 13 days
I just got another idea for Adam and Reader. My intrusive thoughts didn't let me down again :p
So imagine a Reader meeting Adams friends for the first time, they get along, talk for most of the time with shakes and then one of them asks the reader a question. The question is ”How did the two of you actually started to date?” Adam and Reader glance at each other, Adam is more smug than not, but Reader is really embarrassed. That's because they met in the weirdest way, Reader has gone to ask his crush out, but was rejected and his intrusive thoughts get the better of him. So he asked the first person he saw on a date and that was Adam.
Hope you'll like it :p
Omg I adore it, this is low-key me coded hehe also might re-use the friends of Adam that I've described in this fic in the future.
I could treat you so much better I've known you forever figured you out
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: beta read by @drxgonspine
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While your boyfriend was known for making questionable decisions, he definitely knew how to pick his friends because the people that surrounded you were the most relaxed angels you had ever met. The dudes’ vibe was so chill that you seriously considered hanging out with them more often.
They were a group of four. On one end of the couch sat Glenn, a blonde, quite tall dude who was built to look broad, he seemed to regularly hit the gym. Glenn’s face was peppered with the cutest freckles you had ever seen and his short, fluffy looking hair was slicked back. He was extroverted and loud, yet not loud enough to cause the situation to feel unnatural or cringe, if you remembered correctly he was also the drummer of Adam’s band - at least you were quite sure you had seen him on stage before.
Next to Glenn there was Nathan, though he had introduced himself as Nate. Nate was rocking a wolf cut, his black hair framed his pale face in a handsome way. His eyes held a lot of curiosity in them and you noticed that one of his legs was constantly bouncing up and down. He was about half a head smaller than Glenn and was wearing a lot of jewelry - you made a mental note to ask him where he bought it.
On Nate’s other side sat Jesse. The dude’s buzzcut was dyed a bright pink, he was about as tall as Glenn and carried himself would cause strangers to think of him as arrogant but once you got to know the man, he was a total sweetheart. His ears were pierced and a tattooed snake was wrapped around his neck.
And last but not least and therefore on the other end of the couch there was Shawn. Shawn was easily the smallest out of all of them, he was about two heads smaller than Nate, wore his long brown hair in a man bun and seemed quite confident - all of Adam’s friends seemed quite confident. Shawn was not only one of Adam’s closest friends, he was also the bassist in your boyfriend’s band.
Adam patted his leg, “C’mere babes.” A sly grin was on his lips as you made your way over to your lover to sit down on his lap - the dudes sitting on Adam’s couch left no room for you and therefore the brunette’s lap was the only seat available for you. Not that you minded, you liked being close to Adam, his friends’ company did not change that.
Glenn leaned forward, his arms resting on his legs as he looked at the two of you, “How did you even manage to pull Y/N, dude?”
Nate next to him added, “Y/N’s a fucking treat, ain’t no fucking way Adam pulled him, it must’ve been the other way around.” Adam rolled his eyes at that - if only they knew. But they didn’t and the fact that Adam would get to finally tell them how you and him met caused the brunette to grin the most smug grin you have ever seen on his lips as he looked down at you.
You looked up at the tallest man in the room from the corner of your eye and groaned in annoyance and embarrassment as soon as you saw the grin on his lips, “Fucking forget it.” You kept a careful eye on Adam’s body language and when you heard the brunette inhale deeply, you covered your face with your hands and mumbled, “Oh dear God please have mercy with my soul.”
But the first man ignored your silly little comment and told his boys the story anyway.
The weather was amazing, it was warm enough to wear a t-shirt but not warm enough to feel all icky and sweaty - a typical day in heaven. You were walking next to Zack - one of your best friends - as you sipped on a milkshake you had bought a couple minutes ago. That was until your redheaded friend pointed out that your crush was walking right towards you.
“You know what? I’m just gonna ask him out,” you hummed around the straw in your mouth and before Zack was able to stop you from doing so and getting your heart crushed, you were already gone. Confidence was the word that would describe your body language best in that moment, your back was straight and you had a soft and natural seeming smile on your lips.
“Hey,” you greeted the taller man with a fist bump, “Nice to see ya out here, whatcha up to?” The male in front of you smiled back at you, apparently he was just as happy as you. “Oh y’know a lil bit of this, a lil bit of that,” he answered your question without actually giving you an answer - to be honest it was nothing that really bothered you.
Liam did that a lot. “What about you?” the male you were interested in asked. You breathed in, there was no point in tiptoeing around it, not when you had been so confident about it just a couple moments ago. Where did that confidence go? You did not know. Oh fuck, this was so much harder than you would have thought. You exhaled before your eyes met Liam’s.
“I actually wanted to speak to ya,” you began to lead the conversation in the direction you wanted it to go. “See, we’ve known each other for I dunno how long - fucking long though - and I wanted to ask if you would be interested to go on a date with me?” The smile on Liam’s lips disappeared the moment those words left your lips, his expression soured a little and while he did seem sorry, he also seemed slightly disgusted.
“Dude, I can’t date my brother from another mother,” Liam responded. He tried a little too hard to play it cool, instead of just rejecting you like any other of your friends would have done it, he made you feel kinda bad about it. Because you were unbiological brothers, at least that’s what you called each other. And the thought of that caused you to feel slightly disgusted by yourself.
“I have to go, I’m about to meet Harper,” Liam’s eyes darted over to where Zack was impatiently waiting for you to get your ass back to him. “Tell Zack I said hi,” and with those words he brushed past you, accidently knocking his shoulder against yours as he did so. Great, that had gone according to plan. What had caused you to think asking Liam out would end up with a good result?
“I swear,” you growled, your mood was ruined, your milkshake empty and Zack had that certain look in his eyes that was supposed to tell you that ‘Dude I fucking told you, next time you’re gonna listen to me’. Not that you would listen to him ever - hell fucking nah. “I’m gonna ask the next dude out that we meet,” and God must have been listening because just as you had finished that sentence, a familiar tall man rounded the corner and walked into your view.
Fucking great, you and your big, stupid mouth. You were not in the mood to get rejected again . not that you had ever talked to the first man before. You had visited a couple of his concerts, had seen him walking through heaven’s streets with Lute by his side more often than you remembered. And now you were going to talk to him - ask him out even.
“What did you say?” Zack grinned as he spotted the first man. That comment earned your best friend a slap on the back of head, making him hiss. Not that you cared about that, you had more important things filling your head - the thought of hitting on Adam like those cringy fangirls you hated so much, oh fuck it.
You had been able to ask Liam out, you would survive it to ask the first man out as well. Adam was someone you were able to avoid if things would go south and you would embarrass yourself in front of him.
So before your mind started to overthink it all you closed the distance between you and him, the cocky grin on your lips told Adam everything he needed to know and if he was being honest he wanted to see where this would go. So he let you shoot whatever shot it was you had in store.
“Hey handsome,” you physically cringed at your own words, a shudder ran over your back and you flinched at the awkwardness that had just left your lips. ‘Hey handsome’? That was everything your stupid brain was able to come up with? At least the chances of getting rejected twice within less than thirty minutes was higher than it had ever been before. But a soft chuckle made you look at the first man who seemed visibly amused by your sad excuse of a flirt. You swallowed the last bit of pride you had within you and just got it over with.
“So whatcha doing tonight?” Oh so that was what you were aiming for. The grin on the brunette’s lips only widened as he took a step closer to you.
His wing wrapped around you and his arm came to rest on your shoulders, “Well now it seems as if I’m having dinner with a motherfucking hottie.”
Jesse snorted at Adam’s story, shaking his head in amusment, “Adam can be fucking happy that this Liam dude clearly has shitty taste.” Glenn agreed with his friend by humming as he was chewing on some chips. Your face was still hidden behind your hands, the first man seemed still very proud of his little story,
“We had lunch and then we fucked - it was absolutely fucking amazing. You should’ve seen him - bros I swear there’s nothing more beautiful than this man naked.”
The taller male who’s lap you were using as a seat squeezed your hips, causing you to squirm, “Stop that.” But it was Adam, he did very much not stop - in fact, he made it worse by nuzzling his face against the crook of your neck and blowing air against the sensitive skin.
“You fucked and then started dating?” Shawn questioned, slightly confused as he frowned at the couple. Adam pressed a quick peck to your neck before he backed off to answer the question Shawn had just asked. “Oh nah bitch, shawty and I didn’t start dating until decades later. For the longest time we’ve been just fucking around.” That caused even more questions to form inside Shawn’s head, “And how did that happen?” But the brunette shook his head, “That’s a fucking long story.”
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miceonpluto · 11 months
Anomaly 888
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Part 1 Part 2
Next part is finally out!! Biggest thank you to my best friend and editor Leeks, this fic wouldn’t be nearly as good without her help🫶🏾Little translation not for characterization purposes, “sin duda” in this context means “without a doubt” not “definitely” as google translate will lead you to believe hehe Let me know what you guys think PLEASE feel free to go insane in the comments its so fun. Also let me know if you wanna be on my tag list for this fic!! Okay now enjoy hehe
3.2k words
••●── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ──●••
“Miguel don’t you think you went a liiiiiitle too far?” A woman’s voice said from somewhere above you.
“If little anomalía here hadn’t tried to run away I wouldn’t have needed to snatch her like that.” You recognized that voice from earlier. It was the same smooth baritone that taunted you while they took you from your home. His name is Miguel?
“She passed out dude. You could’ve at least tried to explain before you brought her here.” The woman's voice was much closer this time, it sounded as if she were right next to your ear. You groggily opened your eyes and all you saw was red. Where even was here? Your head spun and you groaned as you tried to stand on numb legs, so numb that you had to lean against the wall for support. Once you felt stable enough, you stood up straighter and looked around. A small lady in pink heart glasses and a white trench coat suddenly hovered above your nose, she was so close that you had to cross your eyes to properly look at her. “Oh you’re awake! Hiii~” She chirped. You recoiled and hit the wall behind you and just as quickly as she appeared, she was back outside of the glass.
You hadn’t realized how confining this room was until then, all four walls were so close that you couldn’t fully outstretch your arms in any direction. “Where am I!” You shouted to the two blurry silhouettes that stood behind the red walls. “Jess, she’s awake.” The deep voice you now know belonged to a man named Miguel called out and a third person walked up, now there were two people and…a pixie? All ogling you like you were a caged animal at the zoo. The tallest one walked closer and tapped the glass twice with his knuckles and the frosted glass became transparent. You could see each person clearly, a black woman with a sleek red jacket stood in front of the cell, gently caressing her round stomach. The little pixie with glasses sat on her shoulder with her legs crossed, she tilted her head and smiled at you when she caught your eye. Next to the two of them, was him. His previously red eyes were now brown and looking down at you indifferently. You took note of his large biceps, now feeling a little better about how easy it was for him to take you away. He was wearing a skin tight suit that reminded you of SpiderWoman’s back home, he even had a similar spider stretching across his broad figure, though his design was a bit different. He had his hands on his hips and quirked his brow when you furrowed your own and shouted at him.
“Who the hell are you!? How’d you get in my room?! Why were you going through my stuff?! You abducted me!” You felt your blood boil as you got more and more angry at the absurdity of the situation. You glared at him and his slightly irritated stare only angered you more. “Are you done?” He asked, visibly unamused. “I-“ You started to speak again but he cut you off.
“Great. I’m Miguel O’Hara. My accomplice here is Jess,” The dark skinned woman nodded at you.
“The other is Lyla, my artificial intelligence companion.” Miguel continued.
“Awwwww you think I’m your companion?” Lyla crooned.
“Shut it. I’m being professional.” Miguel snapped and Lyla giggled in response. He rolled his eyes and continued.
“I’m only going over this once.” He said and took a deep breath, “You’re in Nueva York in the year 2099, this is my universe. I’m this city’s one and only Spider-Man. You belong to earth888, you’re here because your SpiderWoman reported you as a potential anomaly. There can only be one, and only one spider in each universe and for some reason, yours had two, you being the second. Your very existence could disrupt the canon and cause a multiversal collapse so I took you from your universe.” He rambled off so fast and with so much information it made you lightheaded. Multiverse? What does he mean my SpiderWoman? The audience of three could tell you were dazed by the info dump and Miguel sighed. He pinched his brow and pressed a few buttons on the watch he was wearing and the red walls that surrounded you began to slowly recede into the floor below.
“You just need to see it for yourself.” He said as he reached for your wrist. You jerked it back, “See what? Where are you taking me?” You demanded to know. He grabbed your wrist and slipped a white band on it. “What is this?!”
“A day pass. It’ll keep your atoms from glitching out and killing you.” He sighed as Lyla teased him. “I told you to give her the debrief in her room.” She hovered over to him and poked his cheek.
That reminded you, “Hey! How’d you get in my room?!”
“I followed you.”
“How’d you find me?”
“Your spider led you to me.”
“She…” You hesitated, “She wouldn’t do that! If you really are from another universe, how’d you get into mine?”
“With this.” Miguel held up his watch, its little monitor beeped and flashed quietly.
“What is it?”
“None of your business.” He said condescendingly.
“Except for the fact that it is because it’s the entire reason you were able to abduct me and bring me to wherever the hell I am now!” Your voice raised at the end of your sentence.
“All in a day’s work.” He completely blew you off, thwipped a web onto your shoulder and pulled you along with him.
“You don’t have to leash her like a dog Miguel.” Jess scoffed while walking along his other side.
“Maybe if she didn’t yap like one I wouldn’t have to.” He quipped. The four of you walked out of the dim room and down a long hallway. The chatter of many many voices began to get louder the further you walked, the bright light from the end made you squint and you had to blink a few times to adjust to your new surroundings. When they did, you were absolutely floored.
The hallway had opened up to a gigantic building that seemed to go up forever. Hundreds of spider people of every shape and size could be seen in every direction. Some swinging from the support beams, some standing and talking on the walkways that ran along the wall and up towards the ceiling, a lot of them greeted Miguel as you walked past. Other people stopped and stared at you being pulled along behind him, and you suddenly became very aware of how ridiculous you looked being led around like an animal. You quickened your steps so you could stay at Miguel’s side and give the web enough slack to hopefully be hidden. He looked down at you and began to speak. “Everyone here is a spider from their perspective universe. In each universe, they’re the only one. But here…” He stopped and looked around, “here they’re not. They have others like them.” You looked up at him and when his eyes met yours, you could see a glimmer of sadness sparkling somewhere beneath the surface. “I started this organization to unite the multiverses and keep everything in order so when people like you pop up, it’s my job to look into it.”
“But…I was just trying to help.” You said.
He sighed, “We all are.” He held his watch up to a keypad on a large gray door and it beeped and shone green. His voice hardened as he continued, “But that’s not your job.” The doors slowly opened and the four of you stepped inside.
“So I should just let people get robbed? Killed? Even if there’s something I can do to stop it?”
“There’s nothing you could do to stop it anyways. You couldn’t even catch the robber on 64th yesterday.”
“But-Hey! How’d you know about that?!”
Miguel ran his hand down his face. “I was there. Your spider was the robber and the woman she “stole” from was her girlfriend. They picked up her purse right after you left.”
You twiddled your fingers and tried to come up with a good excuse. “Well at least I got her purse. And the robber was…I was just having an off day.” You played with the hem of your sleeve and looked at the ground.
He stepped in front of you and looked at you earnestly. “We can’t afford to have off days.”
You hummed, not sure what to say next. He gently tugged at the web, urging you to follow him to a wall of labeled storage lockers. He stopped at one labeled Anomaly 888. “If you were there when that happened…” you thought out loud, “You stole my suit!”
“I confiscated it.” He said without looking down and typed in the code for the locker. A888. Pretty on the nose. Inside was the duffle bag from the night before, Miguel took it out and handed it to Jess, who had already sat down in front of the many large monitors in the center of the room.
“Run diagnostics on this stuff. Scan every page and have her suit analyzed.” He said while unzipping the bag and pulling your suit out. You were relieved to see it was in perfect condition. Jess nodded and laid your things out on a large table while Lyla began to scan your suit with her phone.
“I have some things to take care of, I’ll be in my office if you need me.” He said and pulled you with him, you took one long, sad look at your suit before the doors shut behind you. You tried to memorize the path you took to get to the office. Left, left, left, then a right. There’s a bathroom, and a restaurant is around the second corner. Your stomach growled. Whatever’s in there smelled so good. “You hungry?” Miguel cocked his head towards the restaurant. “You heard that? Over all these people?” You asked, feeling your face flush.
“I hear everything.” He said with a subtle smile and led you to the menu.
“Hey boss! What’ll it be?” A spiderman in a white suit wearing a chef's hat bounced up to the counter and leaned on the counter.
“Just a coffee for me. And whatever she wants.” Miguel said, gesturing to you.
“Ooooh~ who’s the lady? I haven’t seen her around here before.” The chef sang.
“Oh! I’m-“ you started to introduce yourself but Miguel cut you off.
“She’s not staying.”
The chef seemed to get the memo and asked “Well Miss Not Staying, what can I getcha?” He asked with a wink.
“I’ll just have a turkey sandwich please.” The chef disappeared into the kitchen and came back with your orders surprisingly quick. You and Miguel thanked him and continued on your way to the office.
Right, left, right. He led you through two intricately carved metal doors and flipped a switch when they closed behind you. Evening light flooded the room as the large window blinds rolled themselves up. His office was gorgeously furnished, bookshelves lined three of the walls, all completely stacked with stacks of books, papers, magazines, notebooks, and various other trinkets. Huge potted plants lined the perimeter of a cozy looking blue couch that sat up against the other free wall. Above the couch were various picture frames, filled with what looked like children’s drawings. A grand mahogany desk and plush arm chair sat in the middle of the room on top of an extravagant rug. The desk itself was pretty bare, save for a single picture frame and a long rectangle that ran horizontally along the far side of the desks perimeter. “This is beautiful.” You said breathlessly. “Infinite universes, infinite spidermen, one of them is bound to be an interior designer.” He said and sipped his coffee. You began to walk towards the couch but you stepped on a little toy car and fell backwards. Miguel pulled the web on your shoulder up and set you back on your feet. “Thanks.” You exhaled. He hummed in response. You looked down and carefully tiptoed over colorful blocks and little dolls strewn about the floor. You sat in the middle of the couch while Miguel got settled in at his desk. “Do you have kids?” He froze and looked up at you with an expression you couldn’t quite place. Grief? Anger maybe? “What?” He asked with an edge that made you uneasy. “I just assumed…because of the toys on the floor and stuff.” You said, almost apologetically.
“Oh.” He said flatly and peered down at the toys. “Those are Mayday’s toys. Peter B’s daughter.”
You nodded your head and looked around the room awkwardly while taking the occasional bite of your sandwich.
He pressed a button on the desk rectangle and a large floating screen hummed to life above a keyboard that was being projected onto the wood. He began typing furiously and you sank further into the couch as boredom began to set in. “Why am I even here?”
He glanced at you briefly then diverted his attention back to the screen. “Would you rather be back in solitary?” You shook your head. “Then cállate. Stop complaining.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, “I can't let you out of my sight until I figure out what to do with you.”
“So I have to sit here and wait for you to be finished?”
“Dios mío!“ He snatched a random book off of the shelf next to you and plopped it in your lap.
An Extensive History of the Discovery and Exploration of the Multiverse. You flipped through the thick book and scanned the tiny words. It could have been an interesting read if it wasn’t full of scientific words that hadn’t yet been invented in your timeline. You tried to lay on your side to get more comfortable, but the web connecting you and Miguel tugged his hand down. “Sorry.” You muttered as he scowled at you and snapped the string off of him.
Soon the sun had fully set and the bright lights of the city illuminated the office. You’d pretended to be sleep for the past hour, you kept your breathing steady and occasionally peaked to see if he was getting tired too. You could tell Miguel was trying to fight off sleep by the drowsy droop of his eyes and hunch of his back. He yawned and his sharp canines gleamed. Your breath hitched at the sight of them and you tried to keep your breathing consistent. That quick glimpse of his fangs reminded you what could go wrong if you messed this up. He shut off his computer and placed the picture frame on his desk face down. “Buenas noches mi chiquita.” He said softly. Who was he talking to? You wondered, but caught yourself before you let your mind wander any further. You needed to focus. You kept your eyes closed and waited until his breathing had leveled out to open them again. When it did, you peered over at him. His arms were crossed and he was leaned back comfortably in his chair. You weren’t sure how much time had passed before you had worked up the courage to slowly stand up and wrap Miguel’s discarded web around your wrist so it wouldn’t drag along the floor behind you. You tip toed your way towards the door, making sure to not to disturb any of the toys that tripped you earlier.
You held your breath as you cracked open the office door painstakingly slowly and slipped out as soon as the gap was big enough for you to do so. You closed it behind you and as soon as it clicked shut, you took off. The compound was eerily still and quiet, the lively atmosphere had been drained from the walls and all that was left was the quiet echo of your footsteps and shallow breaths. You passed the restaurant from earlier so you knew you were going in the right direction. You skidded to a stop once you made it to an intersection. You came right left right on the way here so now…you looked down either hallway and bit your lip unsure of which way to go. You shook your head and decided to go left, since you were coming from the opposite direction. “Right then left”, you whispered to yourself when you came upon two more intersections and sprinted through the empty building until you made it back to the familiar storage room doors. “Damn it.” You hissed once you realized you didn’t have a watch to open the doors. Upon closer inspection, you saw one door was left slightly ajar, you tried to get a good grip with your fingertips on the edge and pry it open but to no avail.
There wasn’t enough space for you to get a solid hold on it. You stood there anxiously until you remembered the web wrapped around your wrist. Perfect. You yanked the other end off of your shoulder and slung it onto the door. It stuck! You took a few steps back and pulled as hard as you could. It didn’t budge. You turned around and pulled the string over your shoulder and trudged forward, slowly the door gave way and you internally rejoiced once you finally got it open wide enough for you to get inside. You wrapped the web back around your wrist and felt your way along the wall to find the lockers. There was barely enough light for you to see the labels engraved on them but you eventually found yours. You tapped the keypad and its faint blue light shone bright enough for you to see the letters and numbers on it. A888. You typed in the password and the locker popped open. You reached inside and found the duffle bag. The zipper was way louder than you expected it to be and you winced as it broke the silence. Your suit was neatly folded inside and you quickly put it on and put the straps of the duffle bag on your shoulders as if it were a backpack. Time to go. You weren’t really sure what direction would lead you out and away but you didn’t have time to think about that. You picked a random direction to go and you started swinging across the pillars with your borrowed web.
••●── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ──●••
Miguel opened one eye and scanned the room. You were gone. “Lyla.” He whispered. She flickered to life on the desk below and yawned. “Do you know what time it is?”
“Has ev-What? What do you mean, you don’t even sleep? Why the hell are you yawning?” She shrugged, “I like to pretend.”
He rolled his eyes. “Has everyone evacuated?” Lyla scrolled through her phone and gave him a thumbs up.
“Activate discrete lockdown.”
“Done.” She said as she followed him across the room. “Are you sure you can catch her? You’ve given her quite the head start.”
Miguel cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders as he stepped out of the office.
“Sin duda.”
••●── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ──●••
Thanks again for reading!!
Tag list @mynameiswilliamblake
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dapper-zappa · 10 months
Spider Outta The Bag | Miguel O'Hara
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Woman!Reader
Summary: Miguel is fed up with LYLA pestering him about his crush on you… only for him to accidentally confess the feelings in front of you.
Word count: ~1,3K
Warnings: Fluff, banter, possibly OOC Miguel?, TSSM series ending spoilers, LYLA being a sassy ahh mf, accidental confession, oblivious Y/N,
A/N: First Miguel fic woop woop, and if there's any inaccurate Spanish, please tell me! Also, I think it'd be nice to use the Peter from The Spectacular Spider-Man, who appeared on ATSV briefly as Y/N's mission partner in this fic instead of someone like Miles, Hobie, Jess Drew, or Ben. TSSM!Peter's world is canonically Earth-26496 in the Marvel wiki so that's why I wrote it that way.
Also, based after this prompt !
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For the upteenth time, LYLA sighed at Miguel, who only did nothing but sit down and think. “Wow, Miguel, I swear you’re way more shy than a high schooler crushing on someone.” the AI groaned, shifting her form so she’s now sitting on top of her boss’s shoulder as she filed her nails. “Since she’s gonna go for a mission later thanks to an anomaly in Earth-26496 with the Peter from that world, why can’t you just tell her when you call her here for the mission briefing? That’ll save you way more time instead of wasting your time waiting for her to confess instead!”
His growing feelings towards you (and how he constantly tried to deny it) were often challenged if someone else teased him about it. While it’s usually 
his AI assistant that pestered him about his silly schoolboy crush, Dr. O’Hara also had got a fair amount of spider people who teased him to try to make him ask you out. From Jess, the Peter with a 5 o'clock shadow who almost always had baby Mayday on his side, Hobie, while not close with him, tends to make little jabs on how Miguel “was always buzzin’ to see Y/N”, even the melodramatic hunk Ben Reilly joined in at times. 
Yet at the same time, deep down he always yearned for you to return his feelings. 
“For the last time, LYLA. I’m not in love with Y/N L/N.” Miguel grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
LYLA’s projection shifted again so she’s now in front of his face, arms crossed as she popped a bubble of bubblegum as pink as her heart shaped shades.
“My goodness, you’re doing it again.” 
“What thing? I didn’t say anything bad before.” Miguel gestured with his hands to try to prove LYLA’s only joking or making some sort of false accusations to toy with him. 
“That thing! Where you’re so in love with someone yet pretend you’re not in love with them!” The AI bursted into laughter at how bad he is at pretending he’s not being lovestruck. “Every day you whine about how you don’t love Y/N yet whenever someone says it in front of your handsome face, you often look at her like a lost puppy whenever she’s in the room or whenever you two go on missions together. I’d say you’re one of the funniest in terms of the spider people being in love.” she chortled. 
Miguel shot LYLA a glare, shutting her mouth up once she was faced with a pair of angry scarlet orbs. The AI tried to open her mouth again but she was cut off by him.
“Then what am I supposed to say? Hey Y/N, I’m so deeply in love with you that you’re all I think about all the time-”
Before he knew it, he was interrupted by two familiar voices exclaiming at the same time. His jaw dropped agape, the scarlet hues in his now widened eyes dimmed down at the sheer shock that crept through him when one of the people who just walked into his office was Y/N L/N out of everyone else. 
“Why didn’t you tell me Y/N is coming?” he scolded, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice.
“I was trying to tell you that but you cut me off.”
On the other hand, the embarrassment also hit you, especially because you still couldn’t believe what you and the Peter from Earth-26496 - or as you’d nickname him, Spectacular Peter had just witnessed. Peter and you settled on the nickname when you praised his performance, calling him “spectacular” in a mission and you used that nickname to distinguish him from the many other Peters in the Spider Society. 
Miguel O’Hara just accidentally confessed he’s in love with you.
“Estupendo.” With his back now facing you and Peter, Miguel huffed in frustration and embarrassment. “Just make sure to tell no one about this.” 
“Miguel, I know I’m supposed to get the details about the mission in Earth-26496 but why didn’t you tell me from the start?” you questioned. “That way at least you wouldn’t have to hide your feelings around me, even if I ashamedly didn’t know about your little crush on me before I heard you saying it in front of me and Peter.” 
Peter, who noticeably appeared more cartoonish than most of his variants who were part of the Spider Society, could only give your shoulder a few comforting pats to attempt to relieve you from the amount of embarrassment by your own boss yet at the same time not cause any more trouble.
“At least it’s not the time when Gwen and I broke up with our partners Harry and Liz just so we can get together with each other… only for me to find out that my best friend’s dad is the Green Goblin soon after.” Peter lamented in remembrance of that very awkward moment in his love life.
Conflict grew even more - perhaps way more than it was within Miguel’s heart before he accidentally revealed his crush in front of you, someone who had no clue he liked you. His heart pounded under his ribs, waiting so hard for it to burst from how uneasy this moment was making him. His combed hair became messier the more he ran his fingers through his hair, as he tends to do it whenever he’s feeling stressed or anxious. 
This had gotta be the time where he should be all serious and make sure you and Peter got the needed information… right? After he calmed down, Miguel instead turned around to face you and your partner for today’s mission, approached you, and gently placed his large hand on your shoulder.
He briefly glanced at Peter (who’s getting really awkward from finding out his boss has a crush on his partner for today’s mission) before fixating his chestnut brown eyes on you. 
“I’m sorry for embarrassing you. I wasn't careful about my words before and I won’t do it again in front of you.” he suddenly retracted his hand after remembering that he’s supposed to give you the details of the anomaly in Earth-26496. 
LYLA projected 2 screens in front of you and Peter as Miguel began his briefing. The first screen displayed the details and a virtual model of a variant of the infamous Scorpion, but this particular version appeared to be a tall and muscular woman donning the Scorpion armor, complete to the venom infused in her tail’s stinger. On the other hand, the second screen displayed the Scorpion variant rampaging in that world’s city center. Police cars surrounded all over her, but to no avail as she started attacking the police officers and citizens began scurrying away from the now dangerous area. 
“Oh, I forgot. A Scorpion variant is rampaging in Earth-26496 and all you two have to do is to take down this anomaly, capture her, then bring her to the HQ so that the Go-Home Machine can send her back to her native dimension.”
“By the way, she looks to be quite tough because she’s armed with a venom stinger in her tail, so you both have to be careful or else you’ll suffer from hallucinations and fatigue induced by her venom.” LYLA added.
“I wish you two luck with today’s mission.” Miguel said firmly, ending the briefing for today’s mission. 
“We will, Miguel.” Peter replied. 
He immediately opened a portal to his native world for you two to go in and immediately stepped inside, but right when you were about to step inside the portal, Miguel stopped you.
“So… would you like to go to dinner tonight with me? Maybe I can take you to my favorite place in Nueva York once you and Peter are done handling the anomaly. For our first date.” you turned around at his offer. 
“I’d love to, but I have to go now. I’ll see you again!” 
“You too.” he smiled. 
With a last wave towards him, you went in the portal and it closed itself right after. Now what’s left to do is for you to help Peter capture the Scorpion variant anomaly and bring her back to the HQ, just as you were told.
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song-witch · 1 year
Make You Feel
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Pairing: Taylor Sloane (Ingrid Goes West) x Jess Thayer (Rough Night)
Word Count: 3,126
Warnings: Age Gaps (Jess is 34, Taylor is 25), Pre-Smut, Slight Choking, Spanking, Daddy Kink, Possessiveness, hints of Jealousy, Angst | 18+, Minors DNI
Summary: With a private charity event set to help Jess in the upcoming election, Taylor decides there's not enough fun at the party. It's no more than a publicity stunt, after all.
A/N: This was written for and inspired by @cthulhus-curse! This is our little rarepair and I love them dearly.
Jess sighed upon taking another sip from her martini. She had been listening to this man blabber on for upwards of an hour, yet he hadn’t said a single thing to spark her interest. Had this appearance not been so crucial to her reelection, she thinks she might’ve left hours ago. She probably wouldn’t have shown up in the first place if she were entirely honest.
It was something she hated about being in the public eye. She had to be so conscientious of what she said and did, and even then, it would still be picked apart by people who hated her. Years of self-criticism led to her hard exterior, it was critical as a politician. That didn’t mean she liked it, though.
So she continued to attend these… publicity stunts, for lack of a better term. It was part of the job and for the pretty penny she was paid, she would continue to deal with arrogant, old white men. Even if she was fairly certain she would get wrinkles at the ripe age of 34.
Forcing her mind back to the conversation, Jess swallowed harshly, nodding her head. “I hate to cut this sort, gentlemen, but I do have others to attend to.” The short-haired blonde gave a very fake laugh to accompany her words, as if it would lessen the blow of her leaving. The woman smiled as she stood, allowing their words to filter in and out of her head once again, pushing her way out of the circle she was in.
Filtering through the people who lingered about was easy enough, stepping out into the small, thankfully empty, balcony. Jess set her glass down on the railing, inhaling the sweet crispness of the fall air, her eyes watching the still-setting sun. Despite the fact that it was nearing 8 pm, the sky was painted something akin to a Bob Ross painting, with deep oranges and pinks.
She was thankful for the cool breeze and her cropped hair, meaning all of the wind hit her, rather than her hair. Jess paid no attention to the clicking of heels, knowing there were only a handful of people brave enough to follow her outside. “Fancy seeing you here, miss senator.” And yet, of the ones she expected, the soft Californian Valley Girl of her girlfriend was the least expected.
“Seeing as how we were both invited, fancy is not the word I would use to describe you following me.” Without looking back, Jess brought her glass to her lips, sipping the vodka-based drink. The chill of the air was more present than the one of her lemon drop martini, though she was hardly complaining as she finished it off. “Stalker is more your style.”
“Well excuse me for wanting to make sure my senator girlfriend is okay.” The blonde scoffed, moving to stand next to the older woman. She shivered in her short black number, jacket long forgotten in some coat closet, Malibu Sunset clenched tightly in her hand. Rather than wrap her arms around the taller one as she would in the privacy of their home, she instead sidled up next to her, their arms just barely touching as she set her glass next to the other’s.
Jessica only scoffed, shaking her head. “Stalker.” She whispered with a coy smirk, dropping her elbows to lean against the railing, finally looking at the younger woman. Heels that she insisted on wearing, even though Jess had said otherwise multiple times. It had led to the younger nearly being bent over her knee, only being saved by a call from her Uber driver of all people. She would be the first to say they accentuated her legs, though.
Sweeping up her legs that seemed to go on for much longer than miles, she resisted the urge to reach out and tug her dress down, the material barely reaching midthigh. The material wasn’t an issue. She rather liked seeing the girl in short, silk dresses. The issue was not only how short it was, but how she seemed to parade around, knowing her tits and ass were out. Jess had found it funny at first, given the fact that they were attending a “high-end charity, cocktail event,” whatever that was supposed to mean. As the night progressed, though, the cockiness of the younger woman had only fueled the rage she spent hours mustering away.
“You love it.” Taylor Sloane’s teasing pulled her out of her self-induced reverie, a shit-eating smirk accompanying her features. Her hair waved behind her in the breeze, the sun giving the slight tan she had developed over the summer a soft glow accentuated by her makeup. The angle she was leaning against the railing at made it more than easy to look down her dress, hardly anything covered.
“I don’t love being stalked.” Both had had their fair share of creepy paparazzi on more than one occasion. It wasn’t something they talked about often, though the thought hung heavy in the air. Reaching for her glass, Jess took a long look at the woman, clearing her throat. “And put your tits away.”
Taylor smiled cheekily, seemingly leaning forward even more. It was as if she were trying to get on Jess’ already high-strung nerves, though two could play at that game. “I thought you liked them, Daddy.” She emphasized the final word, a smirk playing on her lips.
“Shut. Up.” Jess held the glass tighter in her grip, turning away from the woman. She left without another word, leaving the younger behind to fix herself. It would still be hours before they would be home, though they were both certain they would see each other again. The moods the two would be in, however, were a lot less certain.
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Jess watched as the younger posed against the wall, some man taking photos of her. She knew Taylor was doing it on purpose; the fact that they had made eye contact multiple times was more than enough of an indicator. Yet still, it pissed the senator off beyond comparison, barely thinking it over before she was marching up to the young woman. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Taking pictures. What does it look like I’m doing?” Taylor only rolled her eyes, continuing to pose. She bent forward, much like she had earlier, barely any fabric hiding her tits. A smirk was thrown Jess’ way, a kiss at the man.
“That’s enough. I can take it from here.” Jess reached for the phone, shooing the man away in a move that was less than polite. She pocketed the girl’s phone, stopping the impromptu photo session within seconds. “Let me ask again, what the fuck are you doing?”
“Like I said, taking pictures.” Taylor scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Sure, she had asked a rando to take her pictures in an attempt to get the woman to her, though she wasn’t impressed it had backfired so quickly. She rolled her eyes, blowing air from her pursed lips.
“Taking pictures like a slut?” Jess scoffed, fixing the woman with a glare. Taylor had a tendency to brat out, especially when she wanted attention, though this was unusual, even for her. “We’re at a charity event and you’re slutting yourself out for a random man?”
“Oh please, I wasn’t slutting myself out. You’re just jealous.” Taylor rolled her eyes, reaching up to play with a strand of her hair. She knew she was in trouble, even before they had left the house. Why not play it up a bit? The only thing that could happen would be another punishment, and she was more than willing to pay that price.
“Jealous of what?” Jessica pressed, stepping closer to the woman. Their chests were nearly touching, the world around them fading to soft blurs. In this moment it was only them and the tension between them. She would’ve found it hot if they were at home, though she was far more fed up than amused.
“Jealous of the fact that I’m getting more attention than you.” The word ‘bitch’ mumbled under her breath, squinting her eyes at the woman. She knew those words would do it, by the way the older woman’s body tensed. She took a step closer, their noses now practically touching.
“Quit being a fucking brat.” Jess spit out as she grabbed the dirty blonde’s wrist, stopping her from walking away. As the number of warnings she got went up, the patience the senator had got lower. She was lucky they were at a very public, very important event, or she’d have been bent over hours ago.
“Then quit being a fucking bitch.” Taylor snarled right back, with possibly more venom than needed. She didn’t care, though. There was no reason for Jess to be as pushy as she was. Why couldn’t she take photos to post later if she wanted to?
“Excuse me?” The older grasped her wrist harder as she tried to walk away again, this time not letting her grip loosen. She was shocked to hear those words, especially after the talk they had earlier. Jess glanced around them, assuring they weren’t being watched, before pulling the girl closer. “Would you like to say that again? And watch your fucking attitude.”
“Then you,” Taylor met the woman with the same intensity, the pointer on her free hand coming up to poke at the woman’s chest, “stop being a fucking bitch.” She crossed her arms over her chest, meeting the same intensity that the other woman held. She was fed up. All of her attempts to gain her attention had gone to waste, shrugged off as if she were nothing.
“Let’s go.” Jess would be damned if anyone saw them, too focused on taking care of the girl to even care. She dragged her to the bathroom, practically throwing her inside the small room. “Fucing brat.” The short-haired woman snarled, turning to face the door. She inhaled deeply before turning around, ignoring the ‘what the fuck’ thrown at her.
Jessica locked the door behind her, a sense of cockiness filling her as she did. Taylor would face the consequences of her actions, publicity be damned. “You have about two seconds to apologize before I give you something to whine about.” Her hand almost immediately threaded through the younger’s hair, settling at the base of her skull and pulling upwards.
“Apologize for what? I wasn’t the one being a bitch.” Taylor scoffed, yanking her head back in an attempt to have her hair dropped. It didn’t work and only encouraged the older to pull harder, which in turn made the younger struggle just slightly against her grasp.
“I said: apologize, whore.” Jess grasped her hair harder, a gasp pulled from the younger woman’s throat. She knew how easy it was to rile up the blonde and vice versa. If she wanted to be a bitch, two could play that game.
“Fucking bitch.” Taylor spit at the woman’s heeled feet, actually spit, a flame in her eye that wouldn’t go away. She practically snarled, rolling her eyes and tossing her hair back, effectively pulling the older woman’s hand out of her hair.
“Watch your fucking mouth.” The words just barely resonated with the blonde before her head jerked to the side, falling to her knees, pain blooming throughout her cheek. The same hand that had slapped her, Taylor knew due to the warmth and slight buzzing that seemed to connect them, pulled her face back over and up, not giving her time to even react to the hit. Fire blazed behind her eyes as they stared up at Jess, her chest heaving.
“Cunt.” The speed at which two fingers were forcefully shoved down the younger’s throat was enough to make her choke, the acrylics of the older woman’s nails easily hitting the back of her throat. Despite the fact that Taylor was the best little cocksucker Jess had found, and she had had her fair share of free trials, she loved how easily it was to make her gag. The sound she made was enough by itself to turn her on, though the feeling was exquisite too.
“You keep running that goddamn mouth thinking I’m not going to do anything, huh?” Jess raised both of her eyebrows as her face tilted down just slightly, fixing the younger with a questioning look. Her hand followed where the blonde whipped her head back and forth in an attempt to dislodge her fingers. Even as Taylor’s hands came up to grasp her wrist and push it away, she continued to press forward.
“What? Too dumb to say anything back?” The taller woman faked sympathy, pouting condescendingly. She pushed her fingers forward before pulling them out, a sense of pride filling her as she watched the girl bend forward, hair falling in front of her face as she coughed. With a coo, Jess squatted, reaching through a curtain of blonde hair to tilt her chin up, meeting a pair of rage, and lust, filled eyes.
Taylor glared at the older though her vision swam with a mix of tears and arousal, grinding her teeth together. “Fuck. You.” The influencer spat through her teeth, her chest heaving. She knew she was going to be punished, if Jess’ earlier threats weren’t obvious enough, the unmistakable anger on her face was more than enough to send any man to their knees.
Jess’ nose twitched, her throat tightening as her hand traveled down the blonde’s neck, easily closing against it. “You just don’t fucking learn, do you?” She stood, not letting go of the younger as she did so, instead pulling her up and allowing her to dangle for a moment before dragging her towards the sink. The woman was thrown over the porcelain, her head bouncing off said counter with a resounding thud.
Taylor whimpered at the pain spiraling through her head, attempting to stand and reach for her head, only to be stopped by the politician. Jess easily grabbed the younger’s wrists, holding them behind her back, her free hand pressing down between her shoulder blades. “Don’t even fucking think about it, slut.”
“Ow.” The dirty blonde half whimpered, half moaned against the sink, squirming in her place. She was more than aware of the senator’s hands pushing the skirt of her dress up, a spank accompanying the motion. “What the fuck!” She yelped, though more from shock than pain.
“You wanna act like a fucking slut, you get punished like a fucking slut.” Was all Jess said as her free hand tugged the girl’s lacy thong down, bending over to pick it up and study it for a second. “Fucking pathetic. Getting off on your punishment. Whore.” The cropped-haired woman shoved them in the pocket of her pants, before another slap against the younger’s behind rang out through the room.
“Stop!” Taylor pushed her hips forward, trying to escape the slaps against her ass. It was futile, even if she didn’t want to admit it. Her hands were held behind her and there was no way she could squirm away, not with how high her heels were. It would most likely lead to her toppling over and she didn’t want to hit her head for a second time that night.
“You don’t get a say in this, bitch. So I suggest you start counting before I start over.” Jess threatened, her hand coming down yet again. She waited for Taylor to yelp out the word one, mere seconds before her hand came down again. She never hit the same spot twice, alternating both cheek and power with each hit. It had the younger crying by the twelfth hit, a mess of tears and whimpers.
Jess’ hand came down hard on the blonde’s ass, the sharp resounding slap of skin on skin reverberating through the small bathroom. She waited, curling her fingers until her nails dug into the soft flesh they rested on. “If you sto-” The woman was cut off by a wail from the younger, her form shaking with poorly hidden sobs.
“N-nineteen!” Taylor nearly screamed, rocking between her feet under the other’s harsh gaze. Her entire body shook with how hard she was sobbing, a mixture of tears and snot running down her face. She hardly even cared about how smudged she knew her makeup would be, able to see globs of black streaked across her cheeks, another product of her punishment, no doubt.
“Good.” Was all Jess said before her hand came down one last time, landing squarely on the girl’s already sensitive sit spot. She couldn’t care less about how loud they were being, far more focused on beating the brat out of the girl bent over in front of her. She watched with satisfaction as the girl yelped, her body quivering with the way she sunk against the sink. “Number.”
Taylor grasped at the faucet, her knuckles white with how strong she was holding it as tears continued to fall down her cheeks. “T-” She was cut off by a sob, pressing her face against her arm. It took her another sob before she spit the word out. “Twenty.”
“Good girl, Taylor.” Jess gently pulled the girl off of the sink, gathering her in her arms before sitting on the floor. Taylor clung to her almost instantly, her face slotting against her neck, fists grasping at her shirt. “It’s all done, baby. You’re okay.” The older woman murmured against her ear, holding her tight against her body.
“Good girl, Tay. You’re my good girl.” Jess hushed the girl, running her fingers through the loose curls cascading down her back. The younger continued to sob, her entire body flinching with how violent they were. Jess rocked back and forth just slightly, attempting to soothe her in any way possible. “My good girl, taking her punishment so well. Such a good girl.”
The short-haired woman swayed until the younger’s sobs subsided, though she didn’t let her go right away. “Look at me, Tay.” Jess prompted softly, using the hand still carding through long hair to gently tilt her head back. She waited until the dirty blonde did so, smiling softly at the girl. “You’re such a good girl, Taylor, even if you were acting up today. Now, you’re gonna get your Uber and I’ll meet you at home, okay baby girl?”
"Okay.” Taylor hiccuped softly, pushing her chin back into the woman’s neck. Neither of them cared about how much time passed, sitting on the floor of the bathroom, merely basking in each other. Jess ultimately had to force the younger up, helping her clean her makeup before sending her off, a kiss against her lips as a silent promise that she wouldn’t be long.
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beckyy055 · 7 months
Meet me where it never closes... - Alex Turner one shot
1:52 AM
- Girls girls girls! - The guitar finishes with great style another gig at the Whiskey. The crowd is clapping as me and the band say goodbye and start packing our equipment. A weird looking guy is in the corner looking at me with a creepy face, but I don't care because if he messes with me, I have my switchblade on my high heels boot. My equipment is very easy to pack, so I don't take more then five minutes to get everything ready to go. As I finish everything, I take my bottle of Jack from the ground and take a swag, walking off the stage and towards the bar. My bestie and also rhythm guitarrist takes care of the payment, so for now I can just enjoy all the groupies. There are always a couple boys and girls looking after the frontwoman of the band, and I'm always willing to give them some fun if they're interesting enough.
When i sit on a random chair and open my Insta, a random account has sent a message for me. When I open it, it says: Alex's in town and wants to see you. Immidiately, I know what's the matter. Alex never plays a clean game. His game is dirty and it's almost as if he's playing hide and seek with me. I text back, saying: if he wants me, meet me on the back of the Whiskey. And bring that cigarette that I like.
I lay back comfortably, sipping my drink as I talk to some people who are complimenting my performance on the show. My bandmates come to me with all the packed stuff and sit to drink and cheer a little. We share the bottle until it's over and we're all drunkly laughing at everything. Around 2:46 AM, I receive another message from the same account saying he's here. I get up from my chair, holding on my bestie's shoulder to not fall back, and walk towards the back door of the place.
When I walk out of the Whiskey, I find myself on a dark alley. On a corner, just the silhouette of the man who called me here. I walk with a sly smile as I get closer, little by little being able to see him better, and saying:
- Well, well, well... Look who's here. Nice to see you again, Al.
- Couldn't pass through L.A. without seeing ya, honey. - He takes a drag of his cigarette and blows the smoke away, keeping a smile similar to mine.
- Did you bring my cigarettes? - I ask, a slight devilsh look in my eyes as i look into his eyes. My look is almost like a bullet to his heart, the look only a femme fatale could give so naturally.
- Hell yeah, darlin'. Here, take one... - He takes another drag as he gives me box of cigarettes. I take it, opening it and lighting one with my pink lighter. Quickly, I'm already exhaling some smoke.
- Now that's what I'm talking about! This is good stuff! - I take another drag, letting the nicotine inibriate me as i lay against a wall.
- So Jess, how's your band goin'? Still playin' on this place? You know that with a single phonecall I could make you a star by the night. - His eyes stare at me, taking my looks under the moonlight
I roll my eyes and look at him bored as I answer with some boredness in my tone:
- Yeah, yeah, you already said it a million times. You know I wanna make into the industry by my own merit, not because of what I can do with my mouth, Al. - I take a puff of my cigarette, blowing the smoke away.
- I know, sweetie, I know... I just can't stop thinking you're wasting your talent here while you could be already playing at stadiums around the world. Maybe even Wembley! Imagine! You said it was your dream! - He gets closer to me, holding me by my waist as he look into my eyes.
- And listening from everyone I only did it because I gave you a bl0wj0b? No fucking way. I prefer the harder path, the one I keep some of my dignity. - I take another puff as I let him come closer, my eyes on his.
- Speaking of that, darlin'... You know what I want, don't ya? It's not the first time we've been on this place... - His smile is sly as his hands trace along my waist and hips.
- Don't go so eager for the meal, indie boy. Pay me a dinner first and I can think if you deserve it. - I chuckle, taking his hands off me and holding just one of them in mine.
- Ah... You and your little games... Fine. We can go have dinner and I'll convince you I'm a good boy. - He says as he chuckles and holds my hand, taking me to his car, a beautiful Cadillac. He opens the door for me and I get into it, waiting for him to go to the driver's seat.
As he starts the engine, I lay back on the seat, taking a last drag of my cigarette before throwing it out of the window. He starts driving, one hand on the wheel as the other holds on my left thigh. The radio is playing some jazz, to which I respect but find a bit boring. The silence is broken when he turns to me and start talking with that english accent of his that he knows that messes with me.
- You look stunning tonight, darlin'. Is this a new skirt? - He pretends to not know just to make me talk to him.
- Nah, you know I don't have money to keep buying stage clothes. This is the same as last time and the other. - I pretend I don't care, although I feel awesome to be in this spot.
- Then you look stunning every gig. Ya know, you have a lot of stage presence. I was watching you the other time and damn, you're unique. - His hand keeps holding on my thigh, going up and down just as a sweet carress. The wind blows in my hair, making it fly and get more volume than it already has.
- Really? I just do what I feel like doing. I feel the beat and let it take my body. - I chuckle, just acting innocently and letting a nice and sweet mood be created between us.
- Well, then something is working. I particularly like the part where you move your hips to the ground while on the pole. It's not a coincidence the guys on the front row drool over you. - He smiles at me again with a sly look, trying to warm things up.
I chuckle and look at him, giving back his look, as i answer:
- I guess it's just something normal, I don't see a reason for them to get crazy like that. Just a normal girl doing pole dance, nothing extraordinary.
- Baby, everything about you is extraordinary. - He looks deepy into my eyes, making me blush a bit, as he gives a squeeze on my thigh.
I lose all my words for a moment and try to say something, unsucessfully. I slutter a bit before he interrupts me, stopping the car on a parking lot, getting off the car and opening the door to me as he offers me his hand.
- Now, would you give me the honour of your company during a dinner, milady?
I chuckle and take his hand, getting off the car and closing the door behind me. We walk towards the restaurant, which looks quite expensive, and he opens the door for me. I smile and enter the place, looking around to guess what kind of restaurand he took me. Quickly, he talks to a lady and she guides us to a table, where I sit and adjust my napkin on my lap. I might be looking like a mix between a rockstar and a h00k3r, but I have a good ettiquete. He sits on the opposite side of the table, looking at me every now and then through the menu.
When the waitress comes, I order a caesar salad without sauce as the entrance and a steak with some whole rice as the main course. He orders a tomato salad and some grilled salmon with white rice for him, as well as a good wine for us both. I thank the waitress and look at him, keeping my good girl composture. He smiles and teases:
- You look so behaved, doesn't even look like you're a wild cat.
- And you don't even look like you're a naughty boy. - I chuckle as I tease back.
- Tell me, Jess. Why so sarcastic and fatale? - He asks as he looks intrigued to me, his arms crossed as he stays laid back on his chair.
- Because it's who I am, Al. You know that. Ever since you met me, you know that's how I am. - I look at him with a smile, keeping my mask. I never let my real me show.
- You know, I bet there's other face of you inside. A face that you hide and only shows to the right people at the right time. I don't judge you though, you know I keep an appereance to the others as well. But you should let it show sometimes, darlin'. - He says as he keeps a toothpick on his mouth, playing with his fingers as he analyze each move I make.
- And who are you to tell me how I should act? You don't even talk to me directly, you send your friends to talk to me on your behalf. Alex, if you want to know me, I have to know you as well. - I lay back on the chair, my eyes locked on his as I sip some water.
- Fine, then it's a deal. If you let your real self show, I'll do the same. - He gives me his hand for a handshake and I do the same. We shake hands and he smile to me, this time, more warmly.
The waitress comes with our order and we both start eating the food, giving each other shy looks every once in a while. He sees that I can use the cutlerly properly like a like a lady does and we talk about foolish things during the dinner, like music and world news. When we finish our dessert, a sweet petit gateau, he asks the waitress for the bill, to which he pays quickly with his platinum Mastercard. We get up and he guides me to the exit, acting like a real gentleman towards me, not the bad boy he usually is. When we get to his car, I get in as he does the same. He starts the engine as he places again a hand on my left thigh, giving me a look almost like as if he's eating me with his eyes. He turns to me and asks:
- Your place or mine? Tell me I've earned my prize, baby. - He keeps that hunter look, his eyes almost shooting right through my heart.
- Last time was mine, so now it's your turn. - I wink and lay back on the seat, relaxing a bit. His eyes are red from being high, probably from before he picked me at the Whiskey. I chuckle and turn to him. - Are you high, baby? Huh?
He chuckles and look at me, his thumb rubbing my thigh.
- Just a bit darlin'. Why? Does it bother you?
I chuckle and nod in no, letting him touch me slightly.
- Nah. It's just that I wonder... Why'd you only call me when you're high, honey?
- Because I'm always high after 1 AM, baby! And also, you're always drunk as well! - He laughs and plays with my hair, keeping one hand on the wheel and one on me, as if he's showing who I belong to. I chuckle and just the enjoy the wind in my face and hair. The music is still boring me, so I look at him and smile.
- Darlin', could you please put something cool on the radio? I'll sleep with this slow music! - I chuckle as I wait for him.
- Sure! Put something you like on Spotify! - He smiles warmly and keeps driving. I take my phone and connect the bluetooth, putting on "Honey (Are u Coming?)" on the radio.
(I highly recommend to read the following parts while listening to the song!)
- Måneskin again?! You're always listening to them! - He laughs and looks at me.
- Why? Did you prefer the Crüe? - I laugh and smile to him. My smile is funny and slightly drunk.
- Nah, not in this moment. You should look for new bands, not listen to the same couple bands everyday! You don't even change the songs! - He laughs more as his hand keeps tracing my thighs. I sing for a bit of the song, to which he finds funny.
- I know, but it's just so comforting to listen the same songs on replay! It's predictable and I can sing along! - I laugh and keep looking at him as he drives. His profile is so hot, this man is all I want and more. The hair, the nose, the jawline, the neck, everything is perfect.
- Okay, okay, you have a point. But still, you should try new things. - He chuckles, noticing the way I look at him and giving me another squeeze on my thigh.
Minutes later, we arrive at his mansion in Bervely Hills. I've been here before, but I always get a bit shocked when I actually see it. He parks his car quickly and opens the door for me, helping me get out of it. As soon as we enter the house and he closes the door behind me, he pushes me against a wall and starts to kiss me passionately, holding my waist tightly. I look at him surprised, but don't try to avoid. Instead, I kiss him back as passionately as him, my hands holding on his shirt as he keeps me close to him. He pulls back a bit and breathe heavily, whispering to me.
- Remember the rules?
- No visible marks. - I answer, breathing heavily as well as my eyes look inside his.
- Good girl. Now, may we start our little one night stand? - His smile is naughty, as well has his look. His voice is hoarse and gives me shivers with each whisper. I smile and chuckle.
- It's not a one night stand if it turns into two, baby... - I chuckle again and pull him towards me, kissing his lips with lust. My teeth nibble on his lower lip and he presses me more against the wall. I can already feel his b0n3r against my thighs, which makes me feel hotter. His hands trace along my hips and sides, holding me close. His mouth starts to go down my jaw and neck, kissing and licking it. Then, he moves to my earlobe, biting on it and making me shiver more as I breathe heavily. His eyes are full of lust and his mouth kisses me as if I were a prey for him to hunt. I moan softly and he smiles widely.
- Already moaning, darlin'? Looks like someone's already hot in here. - He chuckles and keep kissing me as his hands reach for my belts, first unbuckling the leather one with chains and letting it fall to the ground, making a metallic sound of the chains, and for second the leoppard print one. Then, his fingers unzip my leather skirt, also letting it fall. Piece by piece, he undresses me until I'm left only on my panties and bra. He steps back for a moment to see me like this, taking every detail of my body before rushing to kiss me again, making my blood boil because of every touch and kiss. My hands run to his jeans, undoing them on an almost desperate move to touch his member soon. After his pants fall to the ground, he takes me in his arms bridal style, taking me by surprise. I chuckle and look at him as he takes me upstairs to his room, feeling excited for what's coming next. When we get there, he lays me on his king size bed before crawling on top of me and kissing everything from my mouth to my chest and collarbone. One of his hands moves to under my panties, rubbing my button slightly and slowly and making me moan, as the other holds my wrists above my head. My legs pull him closer, trying to make him put quickly inside me, but instead, his hand goes even more slow, just to tease me. I look at him, a bit frustrated, and complain.
- C'mon Al! - I say in a loud tone.
He chuckles and whisper in my ear, his smile is naughty, almost devilsh, as his look shows that he's getting off with this.
- You know that's not how it works, baby. Beg me to do it. - His look is lustful and I have to swallow my pride to receive my pleasure. I look at him with the most submissive look I can do and smile.
- Please honey! Please! Please fu©k me! Please 34t my pu55¥ and make me cum! I'm begging you darling! Make me get there!
He chuckles again and bite his lip, clearly enjoying my pleading. He gets closer to me again, his hot breath on my neck, and says:
- Look at you, you dirty little $lut, begging me to fu¢k you... Only if you act like a good girl and give your baby that magic you do with your lips, sweetheart.
I shiver and I can't help but feel excited by this. I nod in yes and smile as I look at him.
- Sure sweetie. I'll do whatever you like.
He looks proudly at me as he gets out of the bed and stand up. I also get off the bed, but I get on my knees in front of him. He takes off his boxers and look at me, excited for me to start. I take his member on my hand and start licking it, slowly at first, before putting it on my mouth and starting to give him a bl0wj0b as well as a h4ñdj0b, doing my best to please him the most. He closes his eyes and guides my pace with his hand, each time pushing my head more and more. He knows how much I can handle and he pushes me to my limits. His expressions and groans show me I'm pleasing him, so I continue, even though my knees hurt a little and my jaw is tired. I keep doing for more and more minutes, until he groans loudly and I feel his juices filling my mouth. But I know our fun isn't over yet. I swallow the liquid and he smiles as he pats my head. He pulls me up by my choker and whispers in my ear:
- Good girl... Now, let me give ya your reward...
He pushes me to the bed and starts to kiss me again, his hands taking off my bra roughly and squeezing my breast, his thumb playing with my sensitive n1ppl3 and his mouth everywhere on me. Quickly, his member hardens again, ready for another round. His hands move to my panties and take them off, leaving me exposed to him. Then, with a trail of kisses, he starts to go down on me. When his mouth starts touching my intimate area, I start to moan louder and my hand grabs on his soft brown hair. He stops and looks at me with a naughty smile before saying to me:
- Let's notch the fun up a bit, shall we darlin'?
I nod in yes and he chuckles as he walks to a cabinet and grabs a belt. He walks back to me and start tieing my wrists together until they're very well tied. Then, with the rest of the belt, he ties them to the headboard of the bed, making sure I wouldn't be able to move my hands. He smiles and appreciates the view before commanding me:
- Now babygirl, test it. See if it's loose or unties easily.
- As you wish, darling. - With all the strengh I have, i try to move my hands away and pull the belt, unsuccessfully. He chuckles when he sees me trying and talk.
- Good girl. Well, let me get back to where I stopped... - He moves back to my sensitive area, licking and sucking my button unlike anyone could do. I immidiately start to squirm and moan loudly, my whole body reacting to his actions. His hands squeeze both my b00bs as I feel my blood rushing through my veins.
- Damn boy... Ah! Fu©k! Yeah... You're so good... - I couldn't stop saying this kind of stuff as he was taking me to paradise with his tongue. After some minutes, I was almost getting there, to the gates of heaven. My whole body shakes and I scream obcenities to him. But then, he stops, making me fall into disappointment.
He pulls away and observe me, seeing my face of frustration. I breathe heavily as I try to ask him:
- W-why? Why did you stop?
He chuckles and whispers in my ear seductively:
- Did you really think I'd let you ©um without me inside you baby?! You're so innocent, babygirl... - He goes away before crawling on top of me and, on a quick surprise moment, burying himself deep inside me, making me moan loudly. He starts to thrust on me as he kisses my whole body, staying close to me all the the time. I moan loudly as we fu¢k like two animals, his hands and mouth all over me as I just feel an overload of pleasure. His member, hard, big and thick, goes deeper and faster with each thrust, pleasuring me as it touches my most sensitive spots. He bites me all along my body, marking me as his property. When he bites my n1ppl3, I let a little scream of pain and pleasure escape my mouth, which makes him groan. Soon, my peak starts to come, making me scream.
- SHIT BABY, I'M GONNA ©UM!! - My whole body shakes as my walls start to tighten around him.
- YES! YES DIRTY GIRL! ©UM FOR YOUR BABY! AH, I'M CLOSE TOO... - He says loudly between moans and groans, his hips going faster as one of his hands reach for my neck, chocking me as I feel my whole body reaching paradise. He controls my breathing, making my sensation stronger and lasting. Soon, I feel his juices filling me inside as our moans become a symphony of pleasure, almost in unison. He slowly starts to slow down, until he stops completely and lays by my side. I take a deep breath, finally being able to breathe freely, as he unties my wrists from the headboard.
With my wrists free, I can finally touch him, letting my fingers carress his pale chest. He smiles at me, the sweat falling from his face as he also breathes heavily, and says:
- Damn Jess... You always know how to make me feel alive. You're the perfect girl and a perfect rocket queen. - He takes my hand on his, carressing it gently.
- My pleasure, Al. You know, you also makes my nights better. A hurricane on the case of a shy boy. - I chuckle and get closer to him, letting myself enjoy being in his presence and even a little cuddle.
- Yeah, I guess so. But looks like you're quite the opposite. A shy girl on the case of a hurricane. - His hands pull me closer for a hug as we cuddle after a savage session of love.
- Maybe you're right. I think we would work together, you know? - I chuckle, blushing a bit. My eyes shine for him as I feel somehow loved and warm on his arms.
- Yeah, I guess so, but you know we couldn't. You know I still date you know who... - His expression is sad, but he smiles as he sees I'm opening up a bit, letting my real self show up. My smile fades a little, as I look at him with sad eyes.
- Please Al. Pick me. Choose me. Love me. - I say in a sad tone, letting a tear fall from my eye. He wipes this tear, trying to make me feel better.
- I promisse I'll think about it, okay? Now, let's get some sleep, it's almost 5 AM. Good night, my darling. - He pulls me closer, hugging me as we cuddle.
- Good night, baby. - I hold his arms as I close my eyes to sleep. In my dreams, all I can think is being his number one, not being the other girl anymore. I don't think it's fair for his girlfriend, for him or for me. But I guess this is the kind of thing we submit ourselves for love. I love him, even if he doesn't love me back the same way.
The End
Hope u guys liked!! ♥️♥️♥️
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koolcece22 · 22 days
Enter Vemongirl
Miguel’s POV
I have to handle Shade, she can act. I ran as fast as could so I changed into civilian clothes so I could blend into the crowd again. I look at my watch to see a Message from Shade telling me to meet her back at her place. She didn’t have to tell me twice. I needed a place to take my medicine as time was near. 
“Lyla, follow Shade’s location.” 
“Aye! Aye! Captain!”  Lyla shows me the way to Shade’s place. I need to remember how to get back to her place. As we made it there I made sure no one was around since it seemed like the city in high alert. I wouldn’t blame them since the Empress was kidnapped twice in one week. 
I entered the place and as usual, it was dark,not that I’m complaining. I head up to the room Shade used to see if she was ok. I enter to see her lying on the couch,  bleeding pink liquid coming from her side. I’m hoping that not her blood onto the floor. I rushed to her side to see if she was ok. 
“I’m fine.” She groaned as she was about to get up but I made sure she stayed lying down. I was about to check her stomach but she grabbed my hand
“La Merda, I’m fine. I heal fast like you guys remember?” 
“He stabs you in your stomach. Even for us that deadly.”
“ Well, I’m not a spider. Nanihatomoare, ano kuso yarō wa nigeta.”
I’m guessing she said something around the line that he got away. Her language is so different. 
“por el amor de. Just don’t bleed out.”  I sighed as I got up 
Before Shade could say anything else my watch went off to remind me to take my medicine. I got up to go to the far corner of the room so I could take the medicine quickly, hopefully, she didn’t see. I still don’t like it when people see me take my medicine. I know Peter, Jess, and the kids kept it secret from the reason for the spider wish I am thankful for but still. It just makes me feel more different from the others. 
I felt the needles going into my skin and felt the cooling effects begin to calm me down. Especially, after that fight. 
“What is that?” 
I turn to see Shade peeking over the couch she must be watching me. I curse to myself wishing she hadn’t seen that. I send the injection back into my watch. 
“Nothing for you to worry about.” 
Shade rolled her eyes “Scusa, ho chiesto. Kono yarō”
“Hey! I know enough Italian to know what you saying!”
“Huh? What Italian?” 
“It's what you were speaking just now. Ok, the first half. The second half was like Japanese, I think?” the second half does sound Japanese. Shade gave me a confessed look
“It is my sector language. The one I’m talking to you about is the world language that all sector knows. What you spoke sector 18 languages.” 
I raise an eyebrow “Sector what?”
Both of us dropped that subject, and we heard a noise coming down the hall. I quickly change back into my Spider-Man costume. 
“Calm down it just Timothy.” Shade said as she got up next to me. Sure enough, Timothy came in. he worried and his eyes widened when saw Shade’s injuries. He rushed in to hug her cause to groan from pain. She still not fully heal
“Timothy easy. Please.” 
“I’m sorry! I thought you…I’m glad you not your and…” the kid was in tears as he hugged Shade more. He does care for Shade. She was hesitant to hug him back like she was afraid of hurting him. She used her tendrils to push off of him. 
“I’m ok Tim.”
“Your not-”
“I’m fine Tim,” she said more sternly as changed her clothes to more of a body suit to reveal her blackened limbs. I thought that was there when she used her powers, I guess it permitted. She sat back down, and both me and Timothy sat near her giving her space as look like she needed it. 
“Wish we could have got that vucker.” Shade said she then looked at me “Thanks for following my lead, I praying that got what I was doing.”
I nodded “I didn’t want to stay knowing that Arachnidqueen was coming.” I then remember the way Tempest looked at Shade. With fear and hatred in her eyes. Is this what Shade had to deal with. Spider-People were not liked by police and villains but saw the whole world straight up hate her, how was she able to deal with this for so long?
“I’m used to it.” 
I look up and see Shade having her arm covering her face. “From the look on your face, bet how I dealt with the world wanting me dead. I’m used to Miguel.”
“It seems like that, I wouldn’t think it is this bad for you.” 
“This my life. This is my void. Anyway, anything with the collider. We still have to deal with that.” 
Lyla popped up next to me and showed me the data, weirdly the collider hasn’t been acting up as of late. Either they still working on it or something else going on.  This might be a good thing because it can buy us some time to stop these guys. I’m debating leaving Shade here.
“I’ll go back with you.” Shade said as she got up. “When the city is on high alert there is usually no crime going on the six have this place down when something like this happens. I have seen it before with attacks. They going to have Empress locked up till it was safe. Besides, I need help and you guys are the only ones that help me with that.” 
“Ok, I think might have an idea where Carnage is from, or at least I can narrow down the earth. Let's go back later you should at least rest for a bit.” 
Shade was about to reject till her stomach said otherwise. Shade blushed while Timothy couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I brought some food but I think Mr. Alien ate some. He eats like you.” Timothy said, wish he had mentioned my eating habits. Shade sighed knowing she had to deal with that, as she headed to her ‘kitchen’ area Timothy pulled me to the side or at least out of sight from Shade. He pulls out the UBS drive.
“It finishes downloading all the data…Mr.Miguel…I’m …when looking at this…please tell Shade…I think she has the right to know what going on and what they did to her.” Timothy said as he gave it to me. Something tells me whatever information this UBS drive contains.
Third person POV  
Carnage was walking down the back alleyway, he growled knowing his fun with two heroes was cut short by this earth police force. He knows they made failed compound R subjects making them stronger and annoying to deal with. Also, the fact that their blood tastes like crap to him. He had to find a couple of people nearby to help heal and feed his blood lust. Venom was more easy to control but Carnage was a hell of a lot stronger. 
“Did have your little fun?”
Carnage turned around, a bit surprised that he didn’t notice the person. He turns around to see the women in military dress. Her pink eyes glowed in the darkness and pierced through him. Carnage just smirked at her, Penny this woman was called, he don’t usually fear women but this one made him weary of her.
“Well, I did play with your little monster. Man, she's no fun. Especially since she holds back.”
Penny walked to him ignoring the dead body that was drained of blood. 
“You should be grateful. You would most likely have lost.”
He growled at the comment. How dare she think he can’t take Venomgirl. He is just another Venom variant a weak one as that. Carnage quickly wraps around Penny like a snake wrapping his prey. Penny was amused by this, still having an expressionless look on her face.
“You think I can’t take her?!”
“Yes, you fool, and with that Spider-man that with her you would have lost. Speaking of which you lost my test subject. I hope you make it up for this.” 
Carnage just scoffed as his tendrils were ready to slash her. But Penny was still unfazed by this. He was starting to think if she was just brain dumb he could end her in a flash by draining her blood. He decides to make her afraid of him. His tendrils all target her to drain her blood. But before it reaches Penny, all the tendrils are cut off too much Carnage is shocked. Before he could react something grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the wall that was other side of him. 
Carnage tried grabbing his throat as he was being choked by unknown force. Guessing this was Penny's doing as he regenerated his tendrils again to lash at her again, but before he could they were slashed again. Not only that his arms and leg were pinned to the wall now too. Carnage tries to break free from this unknown force. He looks up to see Penny float above him looking down at him with her glowing eyes. 
“The next time you pull something like that again, you will be the next guinea pig. Your ‘boss’ doesn’t seem so keen to keep you alive. So it won’t be much of a loss. Do I make myself clear, fool?” Penny said coldly as she began to crush Carnage more into the wall. Carnage cried in pain.
“Yes! Yes! get shock off me!!” he cried out. Penny let him go and let him drop to the floor. 
“Good, now bring back more symbiote or Spider-man, or the deal is off. And if try attacking Empress without my permission…” just then eight hand prints appear around Carnage’s body on the wall “I will crush you.”
Miguel’s POV
Me and Shade decided to back HQ  once she was a bit better to teleport, I want us to get checked for injuries and possible symbiotic infection. Shade did say she was all healed up, but be around stubborn Spider-People who know you have to drag them to see the doctor. Timothy was playing on Shade’s console while Shade was napping on a pile of blankets. I would think she slept on the couch, guess she gave it to me and the kid. 
Lyla soon popped up to give me a report on what going on. 
“Hey boss, wow you look like crap. You ok?” Lyla said noted my bruised ribs and cuts. I wave her away from my face.
“I’m lived for now. Can double-check Shade to make sure she is ok? She fought Carnage again.”
“Got it!” Lyla scanned Shade to show her vital signs. They weren’t as bad as the first time she fought. 
“She ok, just exhausted she needs rest just like you.” 
I rolled my eyes but she was right haven’t gotten any sleep in the last few days and I can tell it started to catch up on me. I sign and tell Jess and Peter that I will be back in a few hours. Lyla smirks the pop out. Timothy got up and grabbed his things.
“I’m going to head out Mr. Spider-Man. I have online school in a few hours. The information I gave you-”
“I’ll make sure it's between us two for now. I’ll tell Shade once I figure out what going on with this earth ok?” 
Timothy nodded as he headed out. Just leave me and Shade. Just looking at her on the floor just didn’t look comfortable and believing wouldn’t help her heal. I walked up to her and picked her up and was about to lay her on the couch but I realized she was hugging me tightly. I tried to get her off of me but her grip was strong. I was about to wake her up
“Please…don’t leave me…”
I saw she was crying in her sleep and she was shaking, she must be having a nightmare. I sat on the floor next to the couch with her. I don’t know if she is having a bad dream or something but I couldn't help but comfort her. She has been alone for a long time. I don’t think she gets any of this. I pat her back to comfort and try to think of something that calms her down. I thought of one.
“Hijo del corazón
deja ya de llorar,
junto a ti yo voy a estar
y nunca más te han de hacer mal.
Tus ojitos de luz
el llanto no ha de nublar.
Ven aquí, mi dulce amor,
nadie nos ha de separar.
Hijo mío, mi amor,
no me importa el sufrir,
como un sol tú me das luz
y das calor a mi vivir.
Ven mi amor,
ven mi amor.”
I don’t know why singing to would have helped but it was the only thing I could think of. But it seemed to work, maybe Peter was right I do have a smooth singing voice, but he’ll never know if I admit it. I look back at Shade, her tendrils were no longer wrapped around me tightly and she stopped crying. She still didn’t let go so I decided to just sit with her letting her hug me till I passed out from exhaustion.
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blog-reflection · 3 months
ONE / Nineteen - Security Breach
Why do they even have that Ticket?
James: Jesse you can’t be serious can you? This was meant to be a surprise and now? This is totally not how I imagined that would work. Honestly…. Jesse: James How the fuck was I suppost to know? James: You were not, how could you, how should you? It was a surprise. For all the work. As a thank you and last time to spend with my best pal. Lucia: I don’t want to interrupt anything but, like, we can still go there. Why make this scene James, it's pointless you know that. Yeah your plan didn’t work, oh what wonder. Let’s get there and party like it’s the last night we have. Drinks, music, food all on me!. Common bitches lets move it!
Lucia is right, there is no need for a fight. Sure that would’ve been a great surprise but hey. Though, I still wonder how the heck Jesse got one of those. Both of us got dressed in our fancy glittery fits before going to the bus. I will admit, our outfits look different. In other words, we catched many eyes. Jesse and I in some dark purple shimmering outfits and Lucia with bright orange and pink colours and this giant feather boa. We kind of look like Lucia is our pimp and we’re just some toys to waddle around her. I mean, it’s more odd considering that Jesse and Lucia are almost the same height but sure. It didn’t take long and all three of us arrived at the nearest station to the club. I don’t think anyone would be able to miss the club. It’s the biggest building in miles, lights everywhere and a giant garden. They really didn’t lie when they said it used to be an opera house. People. Everywhere you’d looked there have been people. Some in groups, some alone but everyone was chilling. And, to my surprise, the three of us haven’t been overdressed at all. Most of the people wore some sparkle stuff, which was nice, but also many wherethere in casual stuff. I have never seen such a diverse place in terms of looks. But my mood got bad when I noticed the line. A never ending line in front of the club filled with people of any shape and colour. 
Jesse: Oh gosh, we will stay in line for like, forever. I did not know that a club with that name would be so much of a hype to be honest. Lucia: Oh my god, are you. Nevermind. Look, we have me, and you for some stance, just follow me.
We followed Lucia on the way to the bouncer. Typical one. A big and chunky man with lots of muscles in a suit and sunglasses. Kinda scary if I might add. Lucia made eye contact, swung the golden ticket in front of them, and then pointed towards us. The bouncer moved aside and within five steps all of us were inside. The interior is much bigger than the outside would tell. There is a massive glass dome in the middle as well as bars, people and music everywhere. Like in the city, they have signs pointing to the variety of locations and music styles. Not gonna lie, standing here feels surreal
With a graceful walk Lucia strutted down the entry line directly towards the bar, again fiddling around with her ticket and whispered something that I did not understand.
Lucia: Here ya go bitches, have a drink. Jesse: What exactly is that? Lucia: Ugh booooring. Just drink it already. I promise this will boost you sooo much. James: You know what, fuck do I care. Give me that glass. Lucia: Here ya go. Don’t spill it.
It didn’t take long for us at all to adapt to our current location. Lucia and Jesse danced at the middle of the stage in the most erotic way friends can dance together while still booking like casual friends. I for myself am not so good with dancing, so I just looked around and got familiar with the club itself. I walked up the stairs into the second floor where I spotted, yet again, three different dance floors as well as up to seven individual bars. I still can’t really believe that I am in this massive thing but, I will not be the one crying about the most awesome night I have. Maybe it doesn't come across like that, but I really love tonight. I know I may not be dancing as much as you expect people to do, especially in a club, but I noticed that I get my happiness from seeing other people's happiness. I got to the bar and got another drink, though I noticed that without the ticket I kinda have to actually pay for that stuff. Ugh it’ll be fine. I grabbed the drink, paid the bartender and braced myself along the railing, looking down the dome onto the main dance floor. I do say, it’s great to see Jesse and Lucia together. They have a vibe I could’ve never imagined for them. Sexual but also close, same kind of drugs, you name it. It was then when I noticed that Lucia was only left in her hotpants and bikini top and Jesse with, ehm, I think that’s part of Lucias outfit they have covered their private part with. Well I couldn’t care less. That's just them and to be fair they do have the body to show it. 
I looked around. Behind me was the floor seven, which provided more of a synthwave music kind of style. Left to me was the kpop corner that’s been blasting the newest songs of Korea nonstop and on my right I can see the smoky hip hop area. They are partly on the balcony so the smoke actually runs out of the Club. And of course, people. Every single floor is filled to the prime with people. It’s not stuffy, there is still enough space to walk around. Across me was the big glass door that led to the balcony. The door was open, and you could see the garden. I decided to move and swung my hibs around till I arrived on the opposite side of where I was. Ah finally, fresh air. I stood in the middle of the balcony, breases to my left and right side like I’d be ready to take off. I haven’t felt like that in such a long time, the feeling of being free, being happy, being … me. I noticed small tears on my cheek before I carefully brushed them off. I again looked around the garden. It’s a giant garden with a massive tree in the middle. Some people were smoking, others just standing by them. Some people were making out in the bushes alongside the walkways. I do think those are rose bushes so happy sexy time for them. The only calm thing was the river behind the garden. As I said, this thing is massive. And even though there are my types of music, the outside is pretty much sound proof. The only thing I hear is the Hip hop music on the side. Life’s truly magical sometimes.
Huh? Who’s that? I just noticed a dark figure, like a shadow on the other side of the balcony, starting to glance towards me. I don’t know how long they’ve been standing there but it kind of creeps the heck out of me. I turned back inside only to look back at the garden. That’s when my phone started to ring.
Discord call 
Jesse: THE FUCK WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OKAY?!? James: Jesus, you don’t have to scream. I’m one floor higher on the balcony. Jesse: ARE YOU OKAY??? THERE HAVE BEEN PE- WH-. [...] YOU KNOW? James: Yeah I’m fine, just some creep staring at me. Stay where you’re at. I am on my way. Jesse: JAMES NO
I closed my phone. Bet Lucia and Jesse had a blast, if Jesse has a moof like that. I walked  towards the stairs to go down, slowly ensuring that the person wasn't watching anymore. I don’t know who that was but I’m sure it’ll be fine. When I came down I saw people, like many people. More people than ever. I spotted Jesse and Lucia and ran towards them.
James: Jesus what happened? Lucia: Apparently there has been a security breach. Hundert of people were flooding the dancefloors within seconds. The bouncer tried to defend the club but with no chance at all. Jesse: Don’t call them people, those are addicts. The Beast and Prey has a strict no drug besides alcohol rule, that’s why the bouncers are that aggressive sometimes. The guys in here are selling drugs to everyone, just sticking them in their pockets, robbing people, you name it. Lucia: I think we should leave. James: Yeah you’re right, seems like all hell broke loose.
As we exited the club, we noticed a variety of people chucking stuff towards us, not only us, but everyone who is getting out of the club. Bouncers were storming the club non stop trying to pull people out of there. In the sure distanz you were able to hear the sound of the police. I just hope everyone is save and sound, however, maybe that creep who stalked me was one of them? How could it be that I got to know nothing of what was going on downstairs? Guess I’ll never figure that out I don’t need to though.
All three of us arrived around Midnight. To my surprise, Sarah was still up. Of course the news made a fast circle so she asked us if everything was fine. After checking all our pockets we decided to call it a day. Lucia wanted to go home but I convinced her that that is not a good idea. Luckily, she agreed and stayed over the night. Tomorrow will be our last day together. After that day it is me, and me only. 
I can’t wait for that               
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truthondarren · 3 months
Songs Titled After Colors
Pop: Pink+White-Frank Ocean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzS3WG6__G4
Jazz: Clementine-grentperez  grentperez - Clementine (Official Lyric Video)
Rock: Purple Rain-Prince Purple Rain
Hip Hop: Purple Tuesday-Rejjie Snow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugqn7JDBqOg
Folk/Jazz: Red- Alice Phoebe Lou  Red
Hip Hop: Red- $not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gng2_JJOwtM
I wanted to choose a theme that allowed me to pull great music from many different genres that all sound unique in their own way. The theme of “songs with colors in the title” made my goal something easily achievable. Also to make it more fun for myself I chose colors I liked. 
Red- Alice Phoebe Lou: Red is a color that I never liked when I was younger, as I got older I started to enjoy it more. This song is slow but overwhelms you with emotional lyrics about a man from the perspective of another. It makes sure that the listeners get an experience that they will enjoy but gives something way more to those who are willing to hear it. Giving the hearers a small story of pain, feeling lost, and wanting to give their all to another person. This song does not try to do anything special with the tempo or melody, just does a beautiful job with the instruments and the vocals. 
Red-$not: This song simply does the normal new-age rap thing about talking about killing people and bragging about how much money they have. Hard-hitting beats and a tempo that keeps you attached to the song. It is so fast you fly through the entire song without realizing it. 
Purple Tuesday-Rejjie Snow: Rejjie Snow brings back a bit of an old-school hip-hop vibe with this song. Slow and melodic lyrics with a beautiful beat. This song was made with two other amazing artists contributing to the song in an amazing way as Jesse Boykins III does a phenomenal job on the chorus and Joey Bada$$ follows it up with an amazing second verse. 
Purple Rain-Prince: A classic song loved by generations made by an artist that is missed regularly. Purple has been my favorite color since I was young and I found this song after looking up “songs about purple” when I was in elementary school. This song showcases a simple drum pattern for the majority of it with the pattern picking up around the chorus. An electric guitar follows the same pattern but it picks up drastically around the midway point of the song. This is because we get an amazing instrumental for the second half where we are able to just let the instruments do the speaking. 
Pink+White-Frank Ocean: Frank Ocean is an artist who is loved by most of my Generation Z. A master craftsman, with the ability to completely put his listeners in a trance and convert them to people that truly hear music. He creates amazing blends with himself and people doing background vocals while giving the 
Clementine-grentperez: The Artist “grentperez” was introduced to me by an old friend of mine. Though I am not close with them anymore they meant a lot to me. This song is one of the many that Grent has put out in the last couple of years. This song speaks about wanting to be with someone badly. Talking about how much this person has impacted them without the person even realizing it. A theme that has been made into a song before but I think it was done very well here. A beautiful melody that locks in the listeners and just makes them want to reply to the song for years to come. 
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captaincassianandorr · 4 months
Australian Survivor Titans v.s Rebels Ep 1:
As usual I ramble incoherently about what I think: (And of course Australian Survivor spoilers ) I'm stupidly excited I finally get to watch
-2 seconds in and I'm already obsessed with Viola help. -Can someone please explain to me how an LPO(Loss Prevention Officer) is a rebel? Isn't he kind of the opposite of a rebel? -WHO IS THE GIRL IN THE PINK JUMPSUIT?Is that the word? -I am so glad for a newbie cast. Newbie casts are the best. -Kelli is slightly unhinged and I am here for it. -omg I just noticed Viola is wearing crocs (-1 for shoe choice) but I am still obsessed with her. -What is up with the chest closeups of each tribe starting reward challenge? -So far I like Raymond, and Viola and possibly Valeria. -the lack of communication between the Titans is sending me. Who thought lighting the wicker man early was a good idea? -Considering I thought when seeing the theme "the rebels will surely not win anything," how very wrong I was. They worked much better as a team than the titans for this reward challenge. -how is a teacher/paramedic/firefighter a "rebel" -OKAY I ADORE EDEN. I love a cinema nerd. Plus he referenced Star Wars. He can stay. Please let that adorable man stay. -does anyone know how to build a shelter on the titans tribe? Anyone??? -Hmm Frankie and Nathan seem to think they are running the tribe but it looks like the other tribe members are getting along? -Lol Valeria "I do feel like a wet chicken." -And the Titans shelter collapsing. HAHAHA I love newbies playing Survivor. -OMG VIOLA AND VALERIA YES. ALLIANCE FORMING. -Jess is a little bit socially awkward and fish out of water and I understand because I am horrible at social situations. I actually still want to get a test for aspergers because I would like to know if I have it or not(my sister does and I have some of the behaviour from it) -HAHAHA the titans forgetting their ball. If this tribe is this much of a trainwreck all season I am here for it. I love trainwreck tribes. I tend to root for them and pray/hope they get at least ONE immunity. -I think the Titans mistake in this one was not having enough guys left to pull the ball up? -2-2 Rebels and Titans. -Rebels win immunity! Unexpected outcome but I am glad they did in a way. Excited to see the Titans first Tribal Council. -Nathan saying him and Frankie are going to take control of their tribe. Nathan that is 2 people out of many. -LOL "you guys want to have a quick chat about how that all went?" then going "we lost 2 challenges." Jess is putting a target on her back here honestly. -Nathan telling the 2 blonde ladies that they'll carry them through. Um I'm pretty sure those 2 ladies are tough as. -YES EDEN. EDEN. I like this plan lol. -Eden you can play Survivor more than once. Just ask Shonee. -YES I like this kind of play where people risk everything. -I must laugh at Jonathan asking if this tribe of Titans is a Titanic mess? Because yes, yes it is. -Jess/Frankie tied votes. I hope Eden's blindside works here because it would be an epic move. HAHA loving the cocky/shock/confusion of Nathan and Frankie. Like "what's going on? People said they were going to vote with us?? :( " -BLINDSIDE I AM HERE FOR IT EVEN THOUGH IT'S EARLY -An enjoyable episode but I don't think anything in Aussie Survivor history can top David's blindside of Daisy or the cookie idol saga quite frankly.
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frankiekatt · 3 years
Wowy hii, saw that you're writing for slasher, so here I am!
Can I plz have some hcs about any slashers with s/o, but their s/o is a literal gremlin, like they're not serious at all, always joking and annoying people around, but sometimes might be quite soft and quiet.
Thank you and have a nice day! ❤️
This was fun to write lmao
Warnings: Sexual harassment, NSFW, murder, blood, canabilism
Characters: Thomas Hewitt, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Billy Lenz, Stu Macher, Michal Myers
Slashers With An S/O That Never Takes Anything Seriously:
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas is a little overwhelmed by your personality at first.
He’s a quiet and reserved man who’s never had any kind of friends, so goofiness and jokes can make him feel uneasy at first.
But!! He gets used to everything very quickly!!!
Thomas loves everything about you and he finds you to be incredibly charming.
He can get a little anxious when he sees you annoying Hoyt because he doesn’t want his uncle to do anything bad to you in irritation/retaliation.
Your jokes are always a stress reliever for him, since he spends most of his days in a dark basement, surrounded by blood and gore. Your humor just shines a little bit of light on his day, and he loves you for that!
While Luda Mae and Hoyt might not like the fact that you never take anything seriously, Thomas finds it relieving. At the beginning of your relationship, Thomas was terrified of losing you because he thought you would be terrified of all screams, murder, and cannabilism, but he was pleasantly surprised to see that you didn’t pay much mind to it.
Thomas’ family mostly saw you as a clown, but Thomas could only ever look at you as the brightest ray of sunshine that has ever graced his life.
After all, he was the only one that saw your softer side.
Your soft and quiet side mostly shone through during the evening. Something about the sunset and cicada chirping calmed your heart.
You would often take Thomas by the hand and lead him outside to sit on the front porch with you, so the two of you could cuddle and watch the sunset together.
Thomas was always so used to your voice, because you loved to talk about anything and everything, so your temporary quiet nature was new, yet comforting.
During these moments, there didn’t need to be any talking between the two of you. You deep emotional bond allowed you both to communicate through actions.
You would lay your head on Thomas shoulder, stroking his chest, and Thomas would wrap his big arms around your smaller frame, resting his masked cheek against the top of your head.
This was Thomas’ way of saying, “I love you, you’re the best thing in my life,” and your way of saying “I could never live without you.”
Bo Sinclair:
You’re gonna annoy the fuck out of this boy
Sometimes you both wonder how the two of you even got together, but the nights you and Bo spent pleasuring each other, going round after round, reminded you both how. (Your both just sexy okay its that simple)
Bo was a serious guy, so he was a little miffed that he was always the one having to take the lead in everything since you just couldn’t stop making a joke out of everything.
Sometimes you would actually make him really irritated due to your tendency to irk people endlessly, so he would have to step away to cool off and blow off some steam.
Sometimes he would yell at you in anger, which always made him feel like shit after, so he tended to stalk off to his shop to calm down before speaking to you.
You would have to go see him a couple hours later to wrap your arms around him from behind and shyly apologize to him.
He favored these moments the most.
Your voice quieter than usual, focusing on just him, touching him gently.
He would always accept your apologies, of course, and would let you know by kissing your lips softly.
Bo liked to take advantage of your softer side by lifting you up by your waist and setting you on the hood of whatever car he had been working on and kissing down your neck.
As revenge, Bo liked to draw out his teasing as long as possible. Kissing down your neck, chest, stomach, massaging your pussy through your skirt, palming your breast roughly.
It gets to a point where you just have to tell him, “Bo, I need you to fuck me.”
And he would oblige.
He would take you right then and there, on the hood of the car.
The metal beneath you was always shockingly cold, making you shiver against Bo’s chest.
“You cold, Darlin,” Bo would ask teasingly as he pulled your panties off. “Don’t worry, I’ll warm you right up.”
He would spend hours licking your pretty pink pussy if he could. He licks and sucks and kisses your most intimate part until you're shaking and crying above him, begging him to fuck you sensless.
After he’s satisfied with your helplessness, he’ll lean back up and ram himself inside of you. There have been many nights where he has taken you gently and slowly in his garage, holding your hand with every thrust, kissing your sweet lips to quiet your whimpers, but tonight was different. There was a primal need shared between you two. Bo wanted to let his frustrations on through loving you, and you wanted to be taken hard and fast.
When the two of you are done, you lounge around inside the car to catch your breath, holding hands. Everything seems so perfect.
“Hey, Bo? What did the toaster say to the slice of bread?”
“I want you inside me! Eh ha ha..”
Lester Sinclair:
You like constantly joking and never taking things seriously? He does too!!
Lester would find you absolutely hilarious. Every joke you cracked would have him doubling over in laughter. Which would make you double over in laughter. Which would make Lester laugh harder, because now you both have the giggles and both of your laughs are just too infectious.
Everytime the two of you would go to Ambrose to visit his brothers, you guys would annoy the hell out of Bo and Vincent. Bo just wants to be left alone to work in his shop but instead he’s stuck listening to you tell a 40 minutes story about how you burnt dinner last night.
And Vincent just wants to be left alone to paint and sculpt but instead he’s here listening to Lester crack jokes that are a.) not funny and b.) don’t make any sense. -_-
Your and Lester’s trailer is always filled with so much love and laughter and the two of you could not be any happier.
You both have your own soft and quiet moments that hit at random times.
Sometimes it happens when the two of you are play fighting in the living room, howling with laughter. You both fall to the floor, wrestling and giggling until the both of you run out of breath and just gaze at each other as you lay on the carpet.
“You look so cute,” he giggles.
“No, YOU look so cute!”
“W-well!!! I love you!!”
“Uhm...well...I love you MORE.”
And it just turns into an argument about who adores the other more.
Billy Lenz (1974):
The perfect couple.
The two of you are always joking around, cackling and goofing about every little thing.
Billy has finally found his soulmate and he could not be happier.
He two of you prank the sorority girls together, making sex sounds in unison to sound even more vulgar.
Everytime you crack a joke, you get worried Billy is joking because of how hard he’s laughing.
“Umm Billy you okay? It wasn’t even that funny.”
“HA haha...piggy makes me laugh...Billy loves your jokes.”
Needless to say, your relationship is filled with smiles, laughter, and praise.
Billy will tell you you’re the funniest person he’s ever met and he wants to keep you forever.
You tell Billy you love how much he laughs at your antics and that you can’t live without him.
It’s impossible to annoy Billy. It’s just not feasible.
Any time you try, he’ll just giggle and pat your head, telling you you’re his ‘favorite piggy ever.’
He LOVES when you annoy the sorority girls thoug!
Hearing you moan and squeal and speak so sexily vulgarly to Barb and Jess makes Billy so proud. And horny.
Almost all of your sexual encounters are filled with complete silliness.
Sometimes, however, the joking and cackling subside. The two of you will just be chilling, nothing else to do, and you just feel the need to profess your love for your boyfriend.
“I love you so much Billy.”
Billy will look startled at your sudden outburst, before he breaks out in a huge grin, launching across the room to tackle you into a hug.
“Billy loves you too! Billy loves you more than anything!!!”
Now the rest of your day will be spent in Billy’s arms, whispering sweet nothings to each other.
Stu Macher:
Match made in Heaven!
Stu loves to joke around.
He hardly ever takes anything seriously.
He annoys everyone.
And once he meets you? It's love at first sight.
The two of you are always in detention because you guys just cannot shut up in class. You are always disrupting something.
But you know what that means!
Detention dates <3
As long as the two of you together, Stu couldn't care less about where he was.
He and Billy appreciate your habit of not taking anything seriously because once the murders start occuring, you don't think too much about it, never asking questions or arousing suspicion around your boyfriend and his bestie.
When Billy had told Stu his plan to kill Sydney, and asked him if he was going to kill you as well, Stu’s heart sank.
He remembers when he was dating Tatum, just a few months ago, before he broke up with her for you, he had no qualms about killing her,
But you?
He loved you. You were his other half. The one person who understood him, who accepted him. He could never hurt you.
“Nah dude. I’m leaving her out of this.”
That night, he sneaks through your bedroom window to see you.
“Stu! (where the hell have you been loca) What’re you doing here?”
The sparkling smile you flash at him and the love swimming in your big, beautiful eyes makes him feel even guitler.
He feels bad that you’re dating a serial killer. He thinks you deserve better, but he would never let you go.
“Hey babe! I just missed you!”
You rushed over to him, dressed in kitty cat pajamas, and hugged him tight. He had only snuck through your bedroom window a couple of times before, and they had all been planned. Seeing him in your room as a surprise made your heart burst with happiness.
Stu led you to your bed and pulled you up onto his chest to cuddle you. It was late, and the both of you were tired. Stu just wanted to lay with you in silence, appreciating your presence.
You didn’t feel like releasing your usual high energy at the moment. Right now, you just wanted to fall asleep on your boyfriend’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
Michael Myers:
Michael does not appreciate your antics.
Annoying him is easy, but you would never know that.
He keeps his emotions very private, so when he is annoyed he’ll just stalk away from you.
He does not think you’re funny :(
He does enjoy your quiet moments. He likes to come home when your energy is low.
He’s usually covered in blood when this happens, so you clean him up without cracking a joke which he appreciates.
You’ll turn on a movie for the both of you, and Michael lets you cuddle up with him.
He does like you, he just doesn’t want you to know that...
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wishuhadstayed · 3 years
Plus One
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Word count: 3000ish
Summary: it’s baby time y’all!
Warnings: pregnancy complications, angst
Author’s Note: to those who have been waiting, I AM SO SORRY. I hope this will be worth it! Part 8? to Begin Again. Please feel free to yell at me in the comments if you feel so inclined.
Previous Chapter
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Conversation flowed in the dining room and kitchen of the Hotchner residence as the BAU team and family impatiently anticipated the forthcoming announcement.
“It’s a boy, has to be,” Morgan mused.
“No way. Definitely a girl,” JJ contradicts.
“As much as it pains me to say, I think I have to go with Morgan on this one,” Emily admits.
“Garcia?” JJ inquires, “What do you think?”
“I have to agree with Chocolate Thunder on this one, love,”
“Are you all taking his side?” JJ asks with indignation. “I’ll bet you $50 that it’s a girl!”
“Oh you’re on, sweetheart,” Morgan complies with a winning smile.
“I don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy,” says Reid, “but I do know that I wouldn’t bet against JJ.”
“Thanks, Spence,” JJ replies, patting him on the shoulder. “Emily, Rossi? You wanna get in on the action?”
“Oh I am so staying out of this,” Prentiss responds. “Count me out.”
“I’m in with Morgan for $50,” Rossi states.
“Alright, but you’re all gonna be sorry,” JJ says with a smirk.
Overhearing the lively discussion, you enter the room.
“Children, what’s going on here?” You interject, “Don’t make me break up a fight.”
“Y/N! Just the lady I wanted to see!” Exclaims JJ. “May I?” She asks, gesturing towards your growing baby bump.
“Sure, go ahead,” you reply. “Do I even want to know?”
“We’re taking bets on the sex of the baby,” she replies placing a gentle hand on your belly. “And I am so totally going to win!”
“You can’t possibly know that, JJ,” Morgan interrupts.
“Call me crazy if you want,” says JJ, “but a mother knows.”
“I suppose you’ll all find out soon enough,” Aaron cuts in, placing a strong arm around your back and pressing his lips to yours for a quick, tender kiss. “Shall we?”
With that, everyone makes their way to the backyard, where a large golden balloon awaits.
Picking it up from the ground, Aaron asks, “Everybody ready?”
He didn’t really have to ask. The answer was unanimous.
“Jack, would you like to do the honors?” you inquire, holding out a safety pin for him.
“Can I?” he asks hopefully.
“Of course you can buddy. Just be careful, okay?”
“Yes, Mama.”
“Dad and I will count you in, okay? On three.”
Together, you and Aaron slowly count, “One, two, THREE!”
A loud pop from the balloon momentarily startles the crowd and then..... a cloud of pink confetti floats to the ground.
“YES!” JJ shouts in her excitement. “PAY UP, LOSERS! We got a baby shower to plan!”
Several weeks later found you strolling through the back door of Rossi’s home into the yard where you’d married the man of your dreams not so very long ago.
This time it’s decorated for a slightly different occasion. Pale pink lanterns and streamers adorn everything in sight. A picnic table covered with a pink flowered cloth looks like it might collapse at any moment beneath the weight of a mountain of gifts wrapped in pastel paper. Heart shaped balloons are tied to the corners of another table on top of which is a giant bowl of pink punch, more food than you thought possible, and a breathtaking cake, decorated with tiny pink roses.
A tap on your shoulder brings you back to reality and you turn to see three beautiful, smiling faces. Women that you consider to be not only friends, but family at this point.
“Penny, Emily, JJ,” you say as your eyes begin to well up with tears, “This is too much! You shouldn’t have gone to this much trouble.”
“Oh this is the least we could have done for you, doll face,” Garcia interjects. “Nothing but the finest for my very best friend.”
“Don’t worry about it, my clean sweep at the gender reveal paid for most of this,” JJ jokes.
“You look absolutely radiant,” Emily adds, pulling you in for a hug.
“Where’s the boss man?” Penelope asks. “He’s coming isn’t he?”
“Oh yes” you reply. “He was helping Jack out of the car. He told me to come on in. He’s probably inside hanging out with boys for a minute.”
At that moment, you feel a pair of familiar arms encircling you, one across your chest and one just underneath your baby bump. A soft kiss on the cheek and he turns you around to face him. The tender look in his usually stern eyes melts you as he smiles and says,
“There’s my girls.”
“I love you, Aaron.”
“I love you too, darling.”
“Alright love birds, it’s time to get this show on the road!” exclaims Morgan, coming through the door with both Henry and Jack in tow.
“Thanks for keeping the kids entertained, Derek,” you whisper. “I don’t know what we’d do without you.”
“Don’t you worry about a thing, Mama. I’ve got it all under control,” he reassures with a wink.
“Should we be worried?” Aaron jokes under his breath.
“I’ll keep an eye on him,” Garcia offers, trailing off behind them.
Rossi and Reid bring up the tail end of the group, along with Jessica, Jack’s aunt, who had been previously supervising the kids.
“How are the parents-to-be feeling?” Rossi inquires.
“Overwhelmed, and so grateful,” you reply. “I know JJ said she covered most of it with her winnings, but I think we all know you pitched in too. And you’re a fantastic sport for letting the girls decorate your whole house pink.”
“Anything for some of my favorite people,” he replies patting you both on the shoulder.
“I’m so happy for you guys,” Reid chimes in. “This baby’s really lucky to have such loving parents.”
“Reid, stop. You’re gonna make me cry,” you squeak out, pulling a tissue from your purse.
Just then, Jessica wraps an arm around both of you.
“Jess, you know you didn’t have to come,” Aaron says.
“Nonsense!” comes her reply. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
As you go to sit so you can open presents, Morgan pulls out the chair for you, then pulls one out for Garcia as they settle in to watch the kids.
Maybe you were mistaken, but you could have sworn you saw a flirty look pass between them. A mischievous grin crosses your face. Perhaps you should do a bit of your own matchmaking.
“Jack!” you call. “Don’t you wanna help Mama open some of her presents?”
“Yeah! Can Henry help too?”
“What do you think JJ?” you ask.
“As long as it’s okay with you,” she agrees.
The kids ran up to help with their very important present duty. Jack retrieving smaller presents and helping rip the paper. Henry mostly just playing with the shiny bows. Thus leaving Morgan and Garcia free of responsibility.
When the last present had been opened, and the last game played, Aaron made his speech.
“Y/N and I just wanted to thank you all so much for being here today. We love each and every one of you like family, and we are truly grateful for all your love and support. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. Thank you again.”
As everyone was leaving, Penelope pulled you to the side.
“Did you call the kids over for help specifically to leave Derek and I alone together?”
“Penny, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” came your reply. “I’m just getting too big to be bending over to grab the presents and I thought it would be fun for the kids.”
“If you say so,” she says with a skeptical look.
As she walks away, Aaron whispers in your ear, “You are so wrong for that, you know?” with a playful shove of your shoulder.
“Oh they’re perfect for each other and everyone knows it. Besides, she played matchmaker for us and look what happened,” you reply, rubbing your belly.
“Okay, okay!” he surrenders with a grin. “You’re right. You’re always right. You win.”
As the weeks crept by, your little family was not so patiently awaiting the arrival of its newest addition. Being pregnant and taking care of a 6 year old without your husband was extremely taxing, making the moments that you did have with him exceedingly special.
Moments like today. It was nothing exciting, just sitting on the couch, enjoying each other’s company, but sometimes that’s all you really need.
Seated across from each other, You can’t help but admire the sweet look on his face as he touches your belly.
“I still can’t believe we’re having a baby girl,” he mentions.
“Neither can I,” you agree. “She’s gonna be smart,” you state, resting your hand on top of Aaron’s. “A lawyer like her daddy.”
“She can be anything she wants,” he says, looking up with his smile revealing the stunning dimples that caught your eye on your very first date. “As long as she’s happy.”
“God I love you, Aaron.”
“I love you more, angel.”
But mom duty never stops.
“Oh!” you exclaim. “It’s almost time to pick up Jack from school and I haven’t even started dinner!”
“Don’t worry about it, babe,” Aaron says. “I’ll take care of everything, you just relax.”
“But I,”
“Ssshhhhh,” he interrupts. “No buts. I will pick up Jack, I will get dinner. You deserve a break.”
“Alright, if you insist.”
“I do.”
He leans in and gently brushes his lips against yours.
“I’ll be back soon.”
What felt like an eternity later, you hear the front door open and two distinct sets of footsteps.
“Mama!” Jack yelled, scrambling up into your lap for a hug. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too, buddy,” you reassure, pulling him close to your chest.
“What’s for dinner, honey?” you ask?
A playful smirk forms on Aaron’s face, raising your suspicions.
“You’ll see. In the meantime, Jack how would you like to watch a movie with me and mom?”
You all settle on the sofa, Jack in Aaron’s lap and your head on your husband’s left shoulder. Just as you were drifting off to sleep near the end of the movie, a knock at the door startles you awake.
“Dinner’s here!” Aaron announces. “Come on buddy,” he encourages Jack. “Help me out.”
As you reach the table where the food is being laid out, tears begin to spring to your eyes.
“I got you fries and chocolate shake. And a cheeseburger. No mayo, extra pickles.”
“Babe,” you squeak out, “you remembered.”
“Of course I remembered. It’s all you talked about while I was away on my last case.”
You laugh and pull him close.
“I knew I married you for a reason.”
Around your 36 week mark, Aaron called from his hotel room to check on you.
“How are you, love?”
“Still pregnant,” you gripe.
“I know you’re exhausted, mama. I’ll be home tomorrow. Just remember the go bag for the hospital is packed and sitting right by the front door, just in case.”
“Yes, Aaron. You remind me every day. Honestly I think it’s bit overboard, I’m fine.”
“I just worry about you being alone while I’m gone is all. It never hurts to be prepared. Anyway, I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Love you too honey. Good night and be safe tomorrow.”
When Aaron arrived home the next night, he was greeted by the sight of you dozing on the couch.
Easing himself down on the edge, he swipes a lock of hair from your face. He softly kisses your forehead and watches as your eyes flutter open.
“Aaron?” you murmur. “You’re home.”
“I’m home,” he whispers. “How are my girls?”
“Better now that you’re home. I’ve had some pretty intense back pain, but otherwise fine.”
“Well sleeping on the couch probably isn’t helping,” he states matter of factly.
“Oh thank you doctor,” you reply sarcastically, giving his arm a playful slap. “I would never have known.”
“You’re welcome,” he says with a shit eating grin. “Let’s get some sleep.”And with that, he sweeps you off the couch, heading for the master bedroom.
You woke the next morning still in pain, but not wanting to disturb Aaron. You struggle to sit up, finally managing after a few tries. You pull back the sheets and immediately get a sense of panic and dread at the sight of blood on the hem of your nightgown and the sheets beneath you. As the tears begin to stream, you instinctively call out for him.
Waking up at the sound of his name he asks, “what’s wrong, baby?”
But he realizes the problem before you even get a chance to respond.
Amazingly he seems not to panic at all. The tears and hysterics don’t faze him at all. He simply grabs you out of the bed, carries your directly to the car, and buckles you in.
“Stay right here,” he instructs. “I’m getting Jack and we’re going to the hospital right now.”
What seems like an eternity later, but in reality was only a few minutes, Aaron emerges from the house with Jack and the go bag.
He peels out of the driveway and drives to the nearest hospital with no regard for the speed limit.
When you arrived to the emergency entrance, you look at him with a panic stricken face.
“I’m scared, Aaron.”
“Don’t worry darling,” he says soothingly. “I’m going to get you some help.”
The next thing you know several people are helping you out of the car and loading you onto a stretcher. As they wheel you inside he follows closely behind with Jack asleep in his arms.
“What going on?” you plead.
“I don’t know, love but they’re going to help,” he reassures.
Just then you overhear a member of the medical staff informing Aaron that he’s not allowed any farther.
“What do you mean he can’t come with me?” You wail.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but bleeding is very serious. Both you and the baby could be in danger. We need to get you treatment now and we can’t have any family in the room.”
“It’s okay,” Aaron says in a very calm and sure tone. “They’re going to take good care of you. Everything will be fine.”
“FINE? Nothing about this is fine!” you shout. “I can’t do this without you, Aaron.”
“Yes you can,” he replies, holding your hand. “You’re the strongest woman I know. You have to. Do it for her.” He says, placing his hand on your belly.
“We have to go now,” one of the nurses insist.
“Be strong for me okay?” He pleads, gaining a short tearful nod from you in response.
“I love you,” he calls out as they wheel you swiftly down the hall. Just before the stretcher is out of sight he hears your response.
“I love you more.”
Collapsing into a chair in the waiting area, mind racing with worry, Aaron does the only thing he can think of at the moment.
The phone rings, and then,
“Aaron! I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon after a case,” Rossi says. “We don’t have plans today, do we?”
“No, Dave. It’s Y/N. We’re at the hospital.”
“Wow, I didn’t think she was due for a few more weeks.”
“She’s not,” Aaron explains, his voice beginning to break. “When we woke up, she was bleeding. From what I understand, it’s pretty serious. You’re the first person I thought to call.”
“Oh my God,” Rossi breathes. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Should I call the rest of the team?”
“Yeah, I think that would be best. I could really use some help with Jack. He’s still asleep for now, but,” Aaron pauses for a moment, choking back tears. “I don’t know what to tell him when he wakes up,” he finishes quietly.
“Just hold on, Aaron,” Rossi replies. “We’re coming.”
Within an hour, the whole BAU team was crowding the hospital waiting room. Hugs were exchanged and Aaron had handed a still sleeping Jack off to JJ.
Everyone waited in tense silence, not knowing quite what to say.
“I’m scared out my mind, Dave,” Aaron confines to him. “I can’t lose her. I’ve been through too much already. And Jack, God it would crush him if anything happened to her.”
“I think he’s waking up,” JJ whispers.
“Dad?” He asks in a daze as he wakes. “Miss JJ? Where are we?” He questions now aware of the unfamiliar surroundings.
Coming over to squat down in front of him, Aaron does his best to explain.
“Well buddy, this morning mom got sick, so we brought her to the hospital, and the doctors are taking good care of her.”
“Is she going to be okay?” he inquires. “And my baby sister?”
“I hope so, the doctors are working really hard to make mom better okay?”
“Daddy, we should say a prayer for Mama,” Jack responds. “And my baby sister too.”
“I think that’s a great idea, Jack,” Aaron responds, as he quickly turns away to wipe a tear.
The whole group gathered closely around Jack and Aaron. Everyone took turns saying prayer for the health and well being of Y/N and her unborn daughter.
Moments after the last amen was said; just when Aaron thought he would die if he waited a moment longer, a doctor came through the doors.
“Mr. Hotchner?”
Aaron stood, bracing himself for the news.
“Is it alright if I speak in front of the group?”
“Yes, they’re family. Please, just— do you have news about my wife?”
“Sir,” the doctor continues with a look of concern. “You all may want to sit down for this.”
Tag list: @ange-must-die @agenthotchner @moonstuffsteve @poetsacademia @hotchners-slut @arganfics @ladyreapermc @rousethemouse @less-intelligent-spencerreid @tgibstan @themanip @word-scribbless @quillvine @glizzieborden @miss-united-ace @samayoshito
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damn-stark · 3 years
The trouble final pt.
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A/N- it's over :( I’m sad that it is, but I’m so thankful for all of you that read it and stuck around to finish with me :)
Warning- ANGST, talks of loss and grief, ptsd, Violence, blood, light fluff
Pairing- Jesse x fem!reader
“Give me your arm again,” Ellie mutters after she had cleared the room that had once been filled with enemies part of the same group as those two me she, and you had taken out. “It’s—”
“It’s okay,” you cut her off and pull your arm away before she could grab it again. “It won’t change sizes, or color in the last ten minutes that you checked.”
After finding out that you had gotten bit by the infected that the man taunted you with, Ellie has been careful with you, she’s made sure that you wouldn’t strain yourself, she’s kept you from helping her fight the danger that lingered, as if you were some child.
And you understood why she kept insisting on trying to keep you from harm's way, she was being cautious, she was worried, but that isn’t going to change the outcome of your dooming fate.
“We could try cutting it off,” she insisted again, hoping that this time you’d change your mind.
You shake your head, “no, we don’t have the proper equipment.” You sit up and begin walking out of the broken down corner store. “I’d end up bleeding to death instead. Plus,” you sigh. “We don’t have time. Not if we want to reach Abby.”
Ellie follows behind you slowly, albeit somewhat lagging behind as she comes across good loot to collect. “We?” She quieres, “it’s we now?”
Your gaze drops to the ground, seeing the natural greenery that cracked through the sidewalk and began to take back its natural place. “I told you my reason already. No matter what’s happening, I’m sticking to it.” You feel chills all over your body and when your head lifts and your eyes flicker to her passing you, that’s where you see him again; Jesse. The bullet that shot through his face and took his life. His cold dead eyes were piercing into you, and his body was stuck in place, unable to even move but causing the same effect it always did.
Ellie noticed your wavered attention, followed your line of vision and saw nothing and knew what was happening. But perhaps that was because of the horror in your eyes. Regardless, she didn’t question it, she just walked towards you to break you from your stupor. “It’s not far anymore. We’re almost where the man told us. I see the round building.”
You pull your eyes from the now empty space where Jesse had been to glance back at Ellie and follow right behind her—for the most part it was silent, but as far as your mind, it was loud and booming with different racing thoughts and memories.
Ellie’s eyes follow your line of vision to the couple quietly talking amongst themselves in the far end of the room. And at first she didn’t think much of it. Actually she simply ignored it and just thought you might be spacing out, but just as she was going to look away the young girl in front of the tall guy with dark shaggy hair, caught her attention. Ellie did a double take and found herself captive by the girl's looks; her long dark hair styled in a ponytail, the light freckles on her face and her bright, charming smile.
She couldn’t keep herself from asking about her in complete starstricken awe. “Who’s that?”. Albeit her words didn’t register in your mind until she grabbed your shoulder and ripped you from your own awe. “Y/N?!”
You blink and look down at the drink in your hand, thinking she was referring to the guy and smiling softly as you answered. Even if a slow sizzling jealousy did begin to boil in the pit of your stomach because she asked. “That’s Jesse.”
Clueless to the fact that you told her the guy's name, Ellie nodded and slowly turned her head to pick up her drink from the table, unable to keep a smile from tugging on her lips. Her curiosity got the best of her before she could even think of taking a sip from her drink like she had planned to. “Is Jesse…dating someone?”
You glance at Jesse and answer her with bitterness in your tone. “Yeah, he's dating Dina. The girl he’s talking to.”
Ellie snaps her head and takes another look at the couple before looking at you with confusion. “Wait, Jesse is the boy? Or the girl?”
“The boy,” you tell her.
“Oh.” Ellie’s eyebrows furrow deeper and thinks that the name Dina suits the girl a lot better. It was actually a pretty name.
“Wait, why do you ask?” You probe as you shift around to look at her better. “Do you…” you pause and narrow your eyes. “…think Jesse is cute?”
“What?” Ellie scoffs with even more confusion. “No. No,” she shakes her head, “I thought the girl was named Jesse, since when I asked you for her name you said that.”
Oh. It makes sense now.
“Oh,” you breathe out and then smirk when you realize why she asked if Dina was dating anyone. “Do you think Dina is cute?” You sip on your straw and raise your eyebrows.
Ellie’s cheeks turn to a tint pink and she looks away from you to hide her flustered smile. “No. Just curious.” She turns her head and smirks when she looks at you. “Do you like Jesse?”
You sigh and look at your hands on the table. “Yeah, but well he’s dating Dina, so I can’t really tell him how I feel can I?” Your heart sinks to your stomach, but you try to ignore the gloomy feelings. “Regardless, he’s a good friend, so I’m better off not telling him anything at all.”
Ellie’s eyes wander to Dina for a brief moment and just like you, a heaviness sets over her heart because of the girl that she can’t try and pursue. You both were stuck looking from afar like a couple of love-struck idiots.
But maybe it was better off that way. Looking from afar.
Neither of you would get hurt that way. If only it was that easy to keep looking and not desire their love in return. Especially when you have to face them everyday of your life, around the same four walls that kept you secure from the rotting, walking corpses…and other humans.
Why couldn’t things be simpler?
When you steal a glance from Jesse that’s all you asked for. Which was such a funny thing to ask with the world as it was. It made you wonder if people back then asked the same thing?
How’s having clickers for simple?
Nonetheless that’s what you wanted right now. A simple life…or really simple feelings, platonic feelings for the guy you’ve known for too many years now. It would make those thoughts—dreams you had of an intended life with him nonexistent. It would make being around him feel like nothing.
Why couldn't life be so simple—why couldn’t your feelings be simple?
“Through here,” Ellie waves you over into a dimly lit hall that was crowded with a bunch of old broken furniture and worn down junk that covered wooden doors, leaving an open path towards a darker-lit corridor. Making this part of the invasion the simplest part of sneaking inside.
“Sneaking inside this building was much harder than actually getting in the property,” you snap in a sharp whisper as you turn off your flashlight and continue behind Ellie, seeing her peek over her shoulder to steal a quick glance as she remarks on your comment.
“Tell me about it.” She scoffs and stops in front of the only unblocked door after turning the corner. “Would’ve been much easier if you stuck behind like I asked.”
You narrow your gaze on her and stop to put your hand on your hip and retort. “You know I’m not a child. Maria doesn’t even treat me this way. I can take care of myself.”
“You’ve never been bit, that's why.” Ellie snaps, her back still facing you and her head turning to face the door after she caught what came out of her mouth.
When her words hit you too, you drop the sass and exhale deeply, letting a sorrow filled frown replace the curled lip. Instead of responding to her with something you know would weigh down on the already heavy subject, you just smoothly change it to the matters in front of her. “Are you going in first, or should I?”
Ellie rolls her shoulders back and straightens her posture to slowly push the door forward, and reveal another poorly lit, dirty room. This time however, whispers came from beyond the shadows of the room, making Ellie put her hand out, signaling you to wait as she carefully snuck inside with her revolver in hand.
Not like you listened albeit, because once she had taken a few steps inside you followed behind her with your hand around your weapon. However once you stepped inside the room your eyes instantly fell on the cell filled with people all poorly taken care of, people they called their prisoners and proved that letter you found about an escapee right. The sight shook you to your core and froze you just under the doorway, that hesitance causing you to miss the woman who jumped out from behind the door and attacked Ellie with a bat like some crazy person.
Of course, Ellie reacted quickly and managed to jerk back, grabbing a hold of the bat and shoving the woman to the wall by pressing the wooden weapon against her throat. But since Ellie was wounded, and weak from lack of food, the woman overpowered her, caught her off guard, and kicked her injured side to then push her to the floor when Ellie was hit with that throbbing and blinding pain.
The woman thought she was going to win, but she hadn’t seen you when she just abruptly attacked without a plan, leaving you with the perfect chance to sprint forward and grab the side of her head, completely startling her. She tried to rip your hands off, but you punctured your thumb into her eye beforehand, causing her to groan out in pain whilst you lifted your leg to kick her towards the cell where the prisoners got ahold of her instead.
“Ellie,” you instantly called out in worry, letting the people behind the cell overpower their captor and take her out with a hard squeeze to her throat with the same bat she used on Ellie— “Are you okay?” You offer her your hand to help her off the floor, and she takes it without an ounce of hesitance. The moment she stands up though, is when you see that more blood began to leak from her wound. She noticed your worried stare and just covered it with her hand, pulling your eyes up to meet her gaze for a lingering second before she looked at the prisoners. You follow her line of vision and watch the prisoners letting themselves out of the cell and quickly occupying their hands with different guns.
Before the prisoners leave Ellie leaves your side and steps towards them with an obvious question. “Where’s Abby?”
They all glance at each other and before any could answer, a woman points out what you thought you had well hidden. “She’s bit!”
A man beside the woman doesn’t fret to point his rifle at you, triggering Ellie instantly and causing her to point her gun at them as she spat out at the man in a venomous tone. “Don't point that gun at her!”
Seeing the gun in hand pointed at the man, those behind him point their weapon at the both of you and surround you with one single intention in mind. Yet before they could act on it, an older man comes in between all of you. “Hey, hey, hey! Abby tried to escape.”
Ellie’s aim on the man falters, and her glare shifts to the man who continues. “She’s down in the pillars.”
“The pillars?” Ellie presses for clarity.
“Head down to the beach,” the man motions out the door with his head. “You won’t miss it. She’s probably already dead.”
With nothing else to ask, or share, the prisoner, Ellie and you, slowly step away from each other and part your own ways; with the prisoners leaving out the door you just came out of, Ellie and you march out the double doors the man had pointed to. Yet the beach wasn’t outside these doors, it would be much easier if it was, but no, you were welcomed by a dark hall, that was purely lit by the moonlight that peeked through the broken windows on the wall. Still the menacing darkness didn’t scare you away, you both continued down the path that led to a broken pair of doors that led to a brighter room, one that smelled like rotten, and moist wood.
Besides that annoying smell, the old, green covered patio was easy to navigate through, even with its broken floors and disorganized room. But through the silence between your friend and you, the sound of gunshots, and shouting against the new threat that escaped from the cell easily and loudly echoed in your ears, even after you jumped a small ledge and walked between the palm trees that scattered when you finally reached the beach.
However, salt, nor water is what you smelled, instead the stench of blood, and putrid aroma of death tickled your nose, almost causing you to gag. You would have thrown up if it wasn’t for all the people you saw tied to actual pillars on the beach. Most were already dead—all were already dead, most were just left as skeletons.
It was such a horrifying sight, like straight out of a nightmare. You’ve heard of tortures like this from Tommy, from other older people in town who experienced similar situations but you never thought it was real. You could never believe it.
“Ellie,” you murmur in disbelief, your eyes unable to stop glancing at every body tied up to pillars when you pass by them in search of one woman. “We should just—”
“There.” Ellie blurted in what almost sounded like excitement. “She’s there.”
Ellie points to a figure up on a pillar, and that’s when you see her. Abby; She’s a lot skinnier now from the lack of food every person not part of the gang seemed to suffer through, her hair was cut close to her scalp, her clothes were torn and her muscles were almost completely gone, leaving nothing behind but slightly toned arms. She didn’t even look alive, but her raspy voice proved otherwise.
“Help me…please.”
It was shocking hearing her talk, but instead of feeling pity, sadness and an urgency to help her, knowing you could, all you felt was an unknown uncontrollable and blinding anger that invaded your mind and judgment. All the sorrow you felt was for the man she killed, the man you loved. She took him right as you both had gotten the chance to finally discover what it was like to love each other. That anger that you warned Ellie about, the rage and thirst for revenge that you’d seen burning in Tommy’s eyes, now overwhelmed you too. It completely fueled wild and violent, revenge filled thoughts that you once thought vile.
Now you shared what motivated Ellie to leave behind her life on her farm.
“It’s you…” Abby whispers hoarsely after she picks up her head and spots Ellie, leaving you to be almost invisible in her eyes. If it wasn’t because Ellie surprisingly let her down from the pillar you would’ve remained nothing but a shadow. Alas Abby saw your face behind Ellie’s when she managed to stand on her feet, she didn’t recognize you at first, but then you saw the flash in her eyes when the memory faded in.
Albeit she didn’t react any differently, instead Abby simply walked to that boy she had been with before; he looked skinnier now, just as weak as Abby. He’s someone you felt pity for, your fight wasn’t with him, but you still did nothing to help, you stood frozen behind Ellie, shocked that she tied down Abby instead of using her switchblade to finish her off. That state of disbelief only heightened when you both began to follow Abby towards boats.
You sought for answers with a simple look, but Ellie’s expression on her beaten face gave nothing but rage. You almost wanted to end the ache you felt in the fragments of your shattered heart, however right when you raised your trembling gun, there he was. Jesses ghost reappearing. He stopped you from acting on revenge, but fueled an adrenaline you couldn’t act on. Not with how Ellie was holding back after coming all this way. You couldn’t help but wonder out loud.
“Ellie, what are you doing? She's right there.” You come to a stop on the side of a small boat, meeting Ellie’s gaze. “Let’s do it. Let’s kill her.” Your eyes drift behind her shoulder to look at Abby, seeing her seem eager to get out of here with the boy without as much of a question of why you were both here. It’s as if she didn’t care. It pissed you off. It made you eager to just kill her yourself.
And it was due to that eagerness that blinded you that you didn’t see Ellie’s sudden switch with the sight of her blood on her hand. It wasn’t until you heard the water clash with her stride towards Abby. Her voice broke through your ears and made your eyes focus intently on her. “I can’t let you leave.”
You take a step back, intending to walk to her side for aid, but you stop when Abby responds with such nonchalance. “I’m not doing this.”
Those words trigger Ellie, causing her to take those last steps towards Abby to grab her shoulder and her hair to forcefully throw her to the water. Continuing then to kick her side and making Abby groan, but not fight back. She just stayed in the water and simply shook her head, “no. I’m not going to fight you.” Abby looks back at you and shakes her head. “Either of you.”
Again you stand frozen. Her words stung like cold ice against your skin, they just stomped on your already broken heart and broke it to finer pieces within your chest. How could she just decide that after what she did?
Then again….
Ellie killed Abby's friends. All of them. But it was for Joel….but….Abby was down, she pleaded for mercy even if she didn’t directly say it.
Why is your mind so confused? Why did this hunger for revenge suddenly begin to fade away? Just when it started?
What would’ve Jesse done?
Your eyes fall on your bite from that infected and then you glance at the vision of Jesse. His bloody face reminded you of what you wanted….of what Tommy wanted, even if it wasn’t for Jesse’s death. And you tried to force your anger to be as furious as moments ago.
“Yes, you will.” Ellie seethed, pulling your eyes back to her as she stormed towards Abby's boat and threatened his life with her blade against his throat. Not like he could even fight back, he was too weak to even open his eyes. It should’ve made you protest, but Abby beat you to it.
“He’s not a part of this.”
“You made him a part of this.” Ellie retorted angrily.
Abby stands up and says, “okay, okay,” to give Ellie what she wanted. A fight that would deem one winner, and it was obvious who. Even as Abby charged at Ellie and tackled her to the ground first, you knew in the back of your head Ellie would win.
Even still though, you watched their fight attentively. Maybe you should’ve helped, but this solely felt like Ellie’s fight now. Because again, you couldn’t find it in yourself to act on those feelings.
Nonetheless when your eyes fell on Abby's boat whilst Ellie swung her blade and fought her, Jesse’s haunting ghost made you think of taking what Abby loved the most. The kid—he was there, you could slip by them now that Ellie had forced Abby to the ground with a harsh jab on her shoulder. Abby wouldn't be able to stop you until it was too late, she’d only see his dead body just like how you saw Jesse when you ran out of the theater. She’d suffer the same way, she’d stay on the ground in shock and broken hearted, it would be good revenge to finally stop seeing Jesse’s dead body haunt you.
But you didn’t want to—your eyes return to Ellie and Abby fighting to watch neither of them get the upper hand. Ellie managed to stab her blade through Abby's shoulder when they were on the ground, but Abby reacted quickly and kicked Ellie off her, only continuing the fight, this time with no weapons, just their fists. It left the kid open.
Even if you didn’t want to, you walked past the boat and slowly walked towards the boy. You didn’t stop until you were beside it and overlooking the unconscious boy. And just like you had predicted Abby didn’t stop you, she couldn’t because she didn’t know you were here now, Ellie knocking her to the ground kept her distracted. This was your chance.
You lift your own knife and move your hand towards the boy's throat, the tip of your blade hovers inches over his skin; one more inch and the blade would puncture his skin and flesh, he'd be dead, Abby would have no one. She’d feel your heartbreak. Jesse would be avenged….
The knife in your hand begins to tremble, and hesitation pulls back your hand. Your heart aches every day, the nightmares never stop, continuing everyday felt like being stabbed multiple times all over your body, but it wouldn’t change anything, killing the boy wouldn't stop the vision of Jesse’s dead body from reappearing. Jesse would know that. He knew that when it came down to it he’d have to do bad things, but he was also merciful when he could. He wouldn’t do this, not to the kid. You can’t either. You can’t kill Abby either, it wasn’t right.
These couldn’t be your last moments either. Which is why instead of falling prey to revenge, the knife in your hold falls from your grip and your body crashes down into the water. However instead of crying, you find yourself being more worried over Ellie. You couldn’t lose her….even if she was going to lose you, you couldn’t fathom the thought of losing her now. You needed her in your last moments.
However when you look at her, she’s proving you right, she’s on top of Abby and keeping her underwater to keep her from breathing. She’s moments away from winning, from finally killing Joel’s killer and completing her revenge. The thought of stopping her popped in your head, but this was her fight, she needed to make her decision. Even as you saw Abby struggle to resurface to breathe in air, you couldn’t stop Ellie now.
You watched the rain in her eyes, watched tears and ocean water glisten on her face, cleaning the blood off her cheeks. You waited to be there for her when she was done. But the moment never came, Ellie let go of Abby, letting her resurface to gulp in a breath of fresh air whilst she fell down. She chose to let Abby go and the girl took that chance after she recuperated enough to move. You let her go too. She never paid any attention to you until she glanced at you once because you were beside her boat, but that was it, she left with no hesitation after.
Leaving Ellie panting, and crying as she stayed sitting in the water. You let her have time alone for a little, but it was through the silence after Abby and the boy left that it all set in. The ultimate and unavoidable truth. You’ve tried to ignore any symptom that you could feel due to the bite, which didn’t turn out to be hard since well so far all you’ve felt is a slight annoying dull pain. Any other effect had yet to set in, but the wait was the most irritating side effect.
That and noticing that Ellie couldn’t even face you; due to her processing what just happened, what caused her to let Abby go, and that looking at you without having the mission of finding Abby as a distraction meant that she has to face the harsh truth of your death. She had to face the fact that she was losing someone else, she was going to lose someone else to the infection she couldn’t prevent. She was going to be alone.
“Ellie,” you mutter as your footsteps crash on the water while you slowly step towards her. “It was a good thing that you let them go.”
Said girl sits down in the water, letting the small waves crash into her legs, and feeling the breeze blow past her hair and wet her face, mixing her tears with water droplets.
“You’re right…” she breathes out, dropping her head to look at the cold dark blue water. “Joel wouldn’t have wanted it. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that sooner.”
Your lips tug to a smile and you sit beside her, the feeling of your body brushing against hers making her lift her gaze to steal a quick glance. “Why didn’t you stop her? You seemed eager at the end.”
You sigh and dip your fingers in the water to gently sway them back and forth while you answer her. “Realization set just like with you. The nightmares won’t go away anytime soon, and killing her wouldn’t have solved anything either.”
“Nightmares?” Ellie scoffs, finally daring to meet your gaze. “You're still worried about that.”
You laugh softly and glance at the bite on your arm before looking back at her again. “It’s weird, I thought it would hurt, but all I feel is annoyed. No fever, no pain. Nothing.”
Ellie straightens up and her eyebrows furrow as her eyes fixate on your bite mark. “Nothing?” She repeats and the back of her hand presses on your forehead. “Hmm. Maybe we’ll both live with that burden then. Would be nice.”
You offer her a soft smile and grab her hand to interlace it with yours. Feeling hope piece together the fragments of your broken heart. “I guess we’ll have to wait then, to see what the future holds.”
Ellie’s eyes shift to the grey clouded sky, while her hold secures around your hand in hopes that by doing so you wouldn’t leave her. She hoped that her words would be the manifestation needed to keep you alive and keep you from leaving. She couldn’t lose someone else. She couldn’t bear feeling that pain all over again. “Well, I hope you do live.”
A grin spreads on your lips, and your head falls on her shoulder as your own eyes drift to watch the clouded horizon in a peaceful, waiting silence.
Tagged- @protect-lev, @expecto-nox @vintage-and-hypnotic , @kokomaesadie , @0j-b0, @itsyellow , @minheoly @traceylader
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captainhotch · 4 years
Dress | Jess Mariano
Jess Mariano x reader
Summary: Based on the song Dress by Taylor Swift
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You flattened your palms against powder blue, paisley covered cami dress you were wearing. It fell right below your mid thigh and you absolutely adored it. You spotted it shopping with your best friend the weekend before and just had to have it, even if it cost you half of your paycheck.
As much as you hated to admit it, your first thought after sliding it on was what Jess’s reaction would be. Not that he was the most expressive guy out there— but a part of you hoped he’d at least tell you that you looked nice.
You didn’t need validation— you knew you looked good. You just wanted to hear it from the dark haired boy who occupied your mind way more then you’d ever admit.
Somehow the pair of you had become best friends, much to the surprise of everyone in Stars Hallow. You had quite a few arguments with Taylor defending the boy.
You spent so much time at Luke’s that you practically lived there and eventually Jess was forced to talk to you. Turns out you actually had a lot in common, specifically in the relm of music and movie taste. He’d spend his lunch and dinner breaks tucked away with you at your designated table towards the back of the restaurant, with a window facing the gazebo. You liked to look out on the lights while you listened to music on your walkman.
The second you layed eyes on Jess Mariano your stomach swarmed with butterflies. While you were looking at him, he was looking at Rory Gilmore.
You didn’t want to be just best friends.
You grabbed your bright pink purse, tossing Kafka’s Metamorphosis inside along with your walkman and slipped on a cropped white cardigan. A part of you hopped it wasn’t too dressy— the other part didn’t care.
You had sat in Luke’s in a full Wolf Man costume before, so it didn’t exactly matter.
The walk to Luke’s was short, with you sharing pleasentries with various townsfolk that you passed by. Miss. Patty was sure to compliment your dress.
Your headphones were already pulled over your head by the time you entered the dinner, shooting Luke a quick smile and wave as you settled into your normal seat. You always came after rush hour so you wouldn’t have to worry about it being taken— by then everyone knew who the seat belonged to.
You didn’t notice Jess’s gaze on your back as you stood facing the table, pulling the book from your bag as you took a seat.
An itch at the back of your neck prompted you to turn your head, catching his wide eyes looking in your direction. Knowing better, you didn’t think anything of it, only shooting Jess a grin and opening the book to your latest spot.
Luke shoved his nephew’s shoulder as he passed by, ripping the damp cloth from his hands, “Close your mouth before a bug flies in there.”
Luke thought you were both idiots. When one of you wasn’t staring, the other was. He had just about had it, honestly.
“I’m taking my lunch,” Jess muttered, throwing his notepad on the counter and sitting opposite of you at your table. His own book was in his hand, some Jane Austen novel that Rory recommended.
“Right,” Luke sighed, watching the two of you take turns looking over your books at the other person, “ridiculous.”
“Why are you dressed like an extra in Clueless?” Jess finally questioned, thumbing the pages of his small book.
You rolled your eyes, moving your headphones to rest on the table, “You watch romcoms often? Didn’t take you for the type— but no judgement here,” you threw up your hands, book still clutched tightly in the left one.
“Shut up, Rory made me watch it.”
Your jaw clenched at that, not that Jess would notice. “Right, well it’s called a dress. People wear them when they don’t wanna wear pants,” you replied, eyes returning to your book.
Not exactly the reaction you had imagined.
“What, you gotta date or something?”
“Yup,” you confirmed, not noticing the change in Jess’s demeanor, “Luke and I have been dating for weeks. We just didn’t want to freak you out, probably should’ve told you sooner,” you smirked, holding your blue checked mug out for the diner owner as he passed your table.
���Thanks, hun,” you winked at the older man.
“Never, ever do that again,” he instructed, pointing a finger in your direction before quickly walking away with the coffee pot.
“Then why are you wearing it?” He pressured.
Honestly you didn’t understand the big deal. You were half tempted to slap the back of his head and scream ‘i’m wearing it so you’ll notice me, idiot,’ but the fear of embarrassment quickly took that off of the table.
“It’s just a dress, I don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal out of it,” you shrugged, pulling at the sleeve of your cardigan.
Jess huffed out a laugh, “Whatever.”
“You know, you can just tell me I look nice and we can move on. I know you have the communication skills of a fifth grader, but I promise it won’t kill you. I’m not gonna mount you over the table if that’s what you’re worried about,” you replied, raising a brow in challenge. Something about the dress must’ve been helping your confidence.
Even Jess was surprised, coughing out loud for a few seconds before settling down.
“What, don’t know how to compliment a girl?”
“I know how to compliment a girl,” he finally smirked, leaning over the table with his arms crossed. Jess’s face was so close to yours that you could feel his breath fan your face.
“Oh really— shit,” you hissed, recoiling as coffee spilled down the front of your pretty new dress.
Jess quickly leaned back with wide eyes, realizing what he had done. “Shit, I’m sorry,” he stood up, walking over to you and helping you stand.
“What the hell happened?” Luke questioned, his eyes shifting between the two of you— more specifically the coffee all over you and his semi-clean floors.
“Slick over here,” you hissed, pointing a finger at Jess, “didn’t like the dress apparently.”
“So you poured coffee on it?” Luke questioned his nephew in exasperation, not putting anything past the boy.
“Wha- no! I like the dress, it’s a very nice dress. I just knocked the coffee over. Accidentally.”
“Very nice, huh?”
“We’re not doing this,” Luke interrupted what was probably about to be more flirting, “you two go upstairs. Let her clean up and borrow some of your clothes. And then you’ll pay for her very nice dress to be dry cleaned. Capiche?”
“Got it,” Jess replied, grabbing your arm gently and pulling you behind him.
“I knew you liked the dress,” you whispered as you made your way through the small diner and up the stairs.
“Shut up,” Jess grinned, opening the door.
You looked around curiously, waiting as he rummaged through his dresser. The space was very small— it was obviously a squeeze for both of their belongs plus the little kitchen and living room area. But it was very Luke. You imagined it was much more tightly before Jess came to town.
“Here,” he gestured for you to hold out your hands, handing you a tee shirt, some sweatpants, and a washcloth. The clothes were too long but it would work for the walk back home. “The bathroom is in there,” he pointed to the only other door in the apartment beside the closet and front one. “I’ll wait for you out here.”
You looked in the mirror, rolling your eyes at your appearance. Of course coffee would spill on your new dress because why wouldn’t it? You reached around back to pull down the zipper, cursing when your arms wouldn’t reach.
And now you’d be forced into the cliche of asking the cute boy to help you unzip. At least your initial intentions were coming true, even if they weren’t in the way you had hoped. The idea of Jess removing the dress had definitely come up in a fantasy while you waited in the checkout line.
You opened the door, sighing loud enough for the boy to hear. “I need your help.”
“You need my help?” He repeated with a question mark, looking over at you. He felt bad, sure, but the desire to laugh at your coffee covered frame was definitely present.
“Yes Polly, I need help. I can’t reach the zipper.”
You turned around, pulling your hair over your shoulder. Your eyes closed as you braced yourself, listening to Jess’s footsteps draw closer. You could feel his presence behind you as he came to a stop— seemingly a little unsure aswell.
“Speed it up, Mariano,” you grumbled, cursing the heat that rushed to your cheeks, “I don’t have all day.”
“Shut up,” he quipped, placing a hand on your waist to steady himself before grabbing the zipper with his other one.
He was slow to pull it down, the heat from his knuckes dancing down your spine as more skin was revealed. You could feel his breath hitch against the back of your neck, making your brows furrow.
He stopped right above the end of your spine, hands lingering in place as both of you refused to speak. The air was palpable, the heat of his hands permiating the thin cotton fabric against your waist. Slowly you turned your head, your eyes meeting his as you held your breath.
He brought the hand that was unzipping your dress up to cup your neck, gaze lingering on your once gloss covered lips. “You look really beautiful in this dress,” he muttered before pulling you in for a searing kiss.
It was fast, both of you out of breath after almost a few seconds— “I look really good without the dress too.”
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pinkpastels113 · 2 years
"is there a reason you're blushing like that?" please
a please will virtually get you anywhere on my page sdksfgdhk
also @mamapitch this one is for you too :DD
Beca doesn't know if she's gay.
Sure, she has nothing against it- hell, one of her newest best friends is gay; lesbian, whatever- and she can admit that women are objectively attractive, but she's dating Jesse, and doesn't that mean that she isn't attracted to women?
She doesn't know, and yet, sometimes, when she looks at her...
Chloe had just stepped out of the shower, hand in her towel drying her hair and wearing nothing but a hot pink bra and sweats, the waistband hanging so low on her hips that Beca can see that she is wearing matching pink underwear beneath.
With lace.
Beca's throat dries, and she shifts in her seat as she tries and fails to direct her attention back to the laptop that is sitting on the center island. Her Spotify is on a blur of black and green as she follows Chloe step into the kitchen, thinking that it should be illegal the way her abs flex; it is physically impossible to focus on anything when Chloe walks around like that.
Public indecency is a thing, right?
Beca watches as Chloe traipses over to the fridge, pulls out a gallon of orange juice, pours herself a glass, and finishes it in all in one go, the towel still in her hair even as she goes to the sink to rinse it out. She watches Chloe set the now clean but still dripping wet glass upside down next to her weird yellow cup, watches her turn and smile in the way towards them.
"Whatcha working on?" she asks, casually, as if there aren't other people in the room. Stacie scoots to the side and Lily disappears- the two people who had been right beside Beca all this goddamn time- making plenty of space for Chloe to lean ridiculously close. One of Chloe's hands is lain flat on the island-top, her breath a hint against Beca's ear as she peers over her shoulder.
Beca's heart pounds in her chest, her laser attached focus broken because Chloe is now out of her line of sight. She gulps, clearing her throat immediately afterwards when it feels like a heap of soggy sand, "Just some songs. For our next performance."
It's so stupid, because Beca has seen her naked before. Quite literally, under the fading steam of her dorm hall shower just freshman year when Chloe had burst in demanding a "serenade" of her stupid Lady Jam.
Only, she had been very diligent in keeping her gaze above Chloe's collarbones, because it is weird staring at some rando's boobs and Chloe had been creepy enough for the both of them persuading her to join her acapella group with some guy in the ladies room.
She still wonders sometimes how is it that she hadn't called the campus police.
So yes, Beca has seen Chloe with like, no clothes on before, but somehow, some way, it is moments like these that make Beca question her sexuality.
"Oooooh," Chloe practically purrs into the skin of her neck- god, they are way too close- "What about Kesha? You like her, right? Maybe one of her songs would be easier to work with than some of these others that you have on here?"
Beca could only mindlessly nod, robotically moving her thumb across the pad to click on Chloe's suggestion. Her shampoo is overwhelming, her body wash sweet, and Beca has about half a resolve to just get up and run, "Sure, yeah. I like her."
Chloe's other hand rubs at her waist, soft and slow, like she isn't even aware of what she is doing, "Awes."
Then her watch vibrates, and suddenly Chloe is excusing herself to go take a call in admist the onslaught of images flooding Beca's mind.
Images of Beca laying back against Chloe in the warmth of her bed, images of Chloe pressing her lips to her curve of her spine, images of Chloe just whispering how okay it is, how right it feels, how amazing it's like to have her name fluttering on her tongue.
What would it be like to have someone tell her to spread her legs and be good? Someone who isn't a man?
She looks up, and the heat on her cheeks is so palpable that she could legitimately burn in it, "Yeah?"
CR stares at her with a smirk too intense for someone who has only known her for a handful of semesters, "Is there a reason you're blushing like that?"
Her accent- or is it just general sass?- only makes Beca blush harder.
She fans her face- since when has she started doing that?- whilst crossing her legs, shoving a foot under the ring of her stool, "No, no reason."
Fat Amy catches on, makes a comment about how Chloe's physique is making Beca's eyes go wild, and she bites back a whimper because just then she had been thinking about licking that lone drop of water that had been trickling down her stomach-
She needs to fucking have a talk with Jesse.
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