#i screenshotted these this morning but didn’t get around to posting them
sideeve · 11 months
can you do a miles e42 fix based off of broken clocks by sza
U LUV ME | with 42!miles
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— it’s been 3 years since you’ve dated him. why he still talking about you like you together ? i’m not officially back but i just LOVE this concept. and i love sza🤭 ex!miles, both characters are like 17-18, reader has a younger sister, simp!miles fr, reader is still in love with miles but is stubborn, probably makes no sense whatsoever
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“ma,” miles kneeled in front of you. “i’ll do anything to win you back. swear. i’ll drop the prowler job. anything.” his hands were wrapped around your legs as he begged for you to take him back.
“you swear?” you pull him up, he now towers over you. “swear.” his lip inch closer to yours “i lo—”
“WAKE THE FUCK UP!” your sister, nicknamed yaya, repeatedly hits you in the face with a pillow. “damn. i’m up, i’m up.” you sit up as she hits your back.
you grab the pillow, throwing it in her face. “i said i’m up.” “mama said you better be ready in 10 minutes or you’re gonna have to find another ride to work.”
you turn your head, looking at the clock.
it read 9:45.
“get out so i can get dressed.”
*time skip*
you had barely made it in time for work. “hi, welcome to [ insert favorite cafe ], how can i—get out.” your voice was quickly filled with hatred. “chill, ma. i just wanted coffee.” the boy laughs. “not from here. go.”
you refused to serve him. you knew what was to come next.
“i miss you.”
“my mom won’t stop talking about you.” know well it was just him ranting about how he wanted you back.
“i want—”
“you want a caramel frappe, no whipped cream, a chocolate chip, warmed. i remember.” you deadpan. “i want something else.” your brows raise in shock, “so you have changed.”
you groan. you bit your tongue, trying so hard not to yell at him to get out of your store. “i take that back.”
after completing his order, you slid him the drink and cookie, “that’ll be 12.65. cash or card?” he slid you a 50. “keep the change.” he walked off, sipping his newly made drink.
*time skip to the next day*
the day before was stressful. you had karens upset bc you didn’t give them a drink at 75 degree exact, too many customers, not enough staff. it was a miracle you made it out alive.
your sleep once you got home was well deserved. it was peaceful.
until the next morning. your phone was blown up by your best friend trying to get your attention.
[ name ] ! when did u and miles get back together ?
[ name ] girl wake the fuck up.
i know you see these messages. don’t make me come to your house.
answer me hoe😡
you quickly unlock your phone,
“tf r u talking abt?”
he posted on his private story. sum abt “when you two talk it out and cuddle” some shit like that. the caption had you name on it
your head hangs low when they sent the screenshot.
this motherfucker is really delusional.
“we never got back together. tf is he on?”
you threw on some clothes, storming your way to miles’ house.
you knew his mother had work at this time so you have no mercy to his front door. “miles, open this fucking door. imma kick it down.” your tone let him know you were pissed. he opens the door, “what are you mad about ma?”
you raise your phone at his face. “what is this?” he leans back, getting a good look at it. “oh, i was letting people know you’re mine.” you tilt your head, eyes squinted. “are you fucking crazy? what part of “we’re broken up” do you not understand? we ain’t together. end of story.”
he laughs, making you more upset. “that’s what you think. why do you think no one has asked you out yet?” he smirks. “because they know that you’re mine. anybody who wants you gotta go through me first. and you and me both know that’s not gonna end well.” he snickers.
“miles—” “i’m not done.” he cuts you off. “look, i know me being the prowler affected our relationship. but i’m done with that. completely. i’m focused on you right now. i’m tryna do better for you.” he suddenly wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“i’m yours.”
you smirk at him. “and how do i know you don’t have any hoes in your phone right now?” “be reasonable right now.” he smile drops, his nostrils flaring. “okay, i was joking.” you laugh.
“so, what’s this mean ma?” you purse your lips, “i guess we can get back together.” he grins, pulling you closer. “you don’t know how much i missed you. and this ass—” his hands squeeze your ass before you smack his hands away.
“i can always change my mind, miles.” “okay, i was just kidding.”
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
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— when he almost gets caught
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Bakugou is a bit of a creep in this one, but I promise it’s just because he’s so obsessed with reader okay?
Warnings: 18+, dubconish, pervy photographs, male masturbation.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 1.5k.
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One of the first things Bakugou did once he started to like you was search for your social media profiles. He knew he shouldn’t have done it, that it was wrong. As your boss he should’ve granted you the privacy that you deserve in your personal life, a side of you that he really had no right to see. But this is what you do to him, he just can’t seem to help himself around you. And your internet footprint wasn’t exactly Fort Knox. 
With a few clicks Bakugou could easily access your entire social media footprint, no passwords or accounts required to satiate the itch of missing you when he’s in his large studio apartment late at night, painfully alone. After discovering your extremely public Instagram (he’d have to talk to you about internet security, any pervert could find them!) he’d spent hours scrolling through and admiring each photograph of you. Trying to ignore the ache in his chest whenever he’d see you a little too close to one of your friends, clicking into their profiles to ensure you weren’t actually dating them.
Bakugou had given himself a heart attack on more than one occassion when he thought he’d accidentally double clicked one of your photos to like it, or followed you by mistake. Something he’d foolishly done before, and something he did not want to repeat. One morning he’d been so tired after a grueling night patrol, collapsing into his bed at four in the morning he’d accidentally done the unthinkable and liked his favourite photograph of you. Feeling so lethargic, his fingers had double tapped the screen instead of pinched to enlarge it. Quickly unliking it as he tried to reason with himself that you wouldn’t see it. Not wanting to seem like the shameless creep he was acting like, stalking his employees like this.
But it did leave him wondering sometimes whether you’d mind if he followed you on your social media. You didn’t seem to mind his company, and you’d given him your personal phone number to talk to him about work matters so you couldn’t have been that adverse to it… But there was no way he’d be asking you, instead he was content to scroll through and get these little insights to your life, enjoying the aesthetic food photographs or the scenic ones he probably would have made fun of anyone else for posting— but it was different when it was you, because he loves everything about you.
Bakugou had an entire album in his cellphone dedicated to you now, screenshots of his favourite photographs from your social media so he could shamelessly admire you without the fear of an accidental follow. Pictures that he would be ashamed to admit to anyone that he’d spent many nights fucking his fist to the sight of. It didn’t matter that the pictures were sweet and innocent, it didn’t make him want you any less. The thought of what lay beneath the cosy sweaters and tight jeans had his mind reeling, the curiosity sending a rush of blood direct to his throbbing cock.
But these photographs weren’t enough, not when there are plenty of other eyes that get to admire them whenever and wherever they want. There’s something personal about having photographs of the people you love that are for your eyes only, photos that no one else gets to see.
Oh, Bakugou definitely knew it was wrong. But is it really his fault when you’re so damn beautiful?
It was early one afternoon when he took the chance to get his own candid photograph of you, the office floor deserted for lunch besides the both of you as you stood facing the copier. Bakugou was about to tell you that he was heading out on his patrol and that he probably wouldn’t be back in the office tonight. But that’s the exact moment that the printer decided to jam, a frustrated groan spilled from your lips as you hit the side of the machine roughly.
Bakugou couldn’t help but smirk at your reaction, sending your frustration a mile away as he took a step closer to come to your aid— but that’s when it happened.
You bent over to pull the small drawer out of the side of the machine, peering into the drawer as the fabric of your skirt began to stretch around your ass. Revealing more of your gorgeous thighs as he stopped dead in his tracks to revel at the sight of you.
“Stupid fucking report,” You growled as you began to tug at the papers that were stuck inside the machine, only causing your ass to shake as Bakugou had to bite back a groan.
Bakugou’s cock began to throb beneath his hero suit as he took the opportunity, ignoring the little voice at the back of his head that told him not to do it— aiming his phone camera towards you as he snapped a few photographs of your ass in quick succession.
He should’ve walked over to help you after that, but he couldn’t bring himself to approach you when his cock was painfully hard beneath his pants. Instead turning on booted heels as he made his way back towards his office, his phone clutched tight to his chest.
He was no better than Denki, no better than Mineta as he unlocked the phone to take a look at his bounty. Turning his screens brightness up as high as it would go as he zoomed in on the perfect curve of your ass. Groaning at the way the slit at the back of your pencil skirt rode up so he could see your bare thighs where your stockings ended, trying to see whether there was the print of a panty line against the material as he tried to guess what underwear lay beneath. But the fact that Bakugou couldn’t even see a line only had him speculating even more, wondering exactly what style of panties you were wearing, if you were even wearing any at all.
And god, now the thought of you completely bare inside his office, working so innocently beside him, had his head racing and his cock begging for attention. Palming himself with a soft groan as he pictured sliding the fabric of your skirt up your thighs himself to find out, calloused fingers warm against your skin as you spread those gorgeous thighs for him.
Bakugou couldn’t help it, forgetting about his patrol as he unbuckled his utility belt. Sitting himself down in his plush desk chair as he tugged his pants down just enough to free his aching cock. The head already an angry pink colour as pre oozed from the slit, his thumb smoothing over it to smear the moisture along his length as he hissed sharply through his teeth. Picturing you bent over in the same position as in the photograph across the width of his desk. Giving him the perfect position to slide his throbbing cock inside your tight, wet cunt as he wrapped his fist around his girth tightly. A feeble attempt at mimicking how you’d feel wrapped around him as he began to lazily stroke his cock, sitting back in his chair as half-lidded eyes gazed down at the photograph on his phone.
The photograph that was all for him, for his eyes only.
Gnawing on his lower lip to bite back a groan as he swiped his thumb across his leaky slit, his chest heaving as he continued to think of the most debauched positions with you. Feeling himself edging closer and closer to his release before there was a swift knock on the door.
Bakugou scrambled to fix himself, his phone now laying flat on his desk as he tugged his pants back up over his hips, sliding forward in his chair to hide his throbbing cock beneath the desk as you stepped inside the office. The sultry scent of your perfume immediately wafting into the air and making it difficult to think, his length twitched in response as you continued closer. Laying the hundred page report down onto his desk with a bright smile.
“‘m sorry it took so long, Dynamight.” You murmured sheepishly, “I had some problems with the copier.”
I know, Bakugou was already thinking of a hundred new ways to jam the copier just to have you like that again all for himself.
“S’fine.” Bakugou muttered, trying to push his depraved thoughts to the side, all too aware of his problem beneath the desk.
“Oh, are you heading out on your patrol now?” You surmised as you noticed his outfit, “I’m not keeping you, am I?”
“Nah,” He shook his head, trying to play it cool as though he wasn’t touching himself to an illicit picture of you seconds earlier, “Gonna head out now.”
“Well stay safe, and wrap up warm. I heard there might be snow tonight.”
“I’ll be fine,” Bakugou scoffed, but inside his heart was performing somersaults at the idea that you cared about him.
“I know, I just know you hate the cold.” You smiled as you turned to leave the room, and of course you had to sway that perfect fucking ass again. Bakugou tried to look anywhere else, but his eyes were completely transfixed, biting back a moan of pleasure as you finally shut the door. Leaving him completely alone in his office, late for patrol, with a raging hard on.
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If you hadn’t of been so quick to dismiss your Instagram notifications one drunken night after work, as you’d climbed into your bed at four in the morning. Fighting with your charger as you tried to jab it into the port at the base of your phone, you would’ve noticed one of the banners that showed up said “DynamightOfficial liked your photo.”
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winchesterwild78 · 25 days
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Story Warnings: Language, angst, anxiety, accusations of cheating, fluff, SMUT
A/N: I had to write a quick story about a birthday and how Jensen forgot. The idea came to me since my birthday was earlier this week. No disrespect to his family or wife, this is a work of fiction and does not depict real life.
Characters: Jensen x Reader-married, Jared, Gen and unnamed characters
All work is my own. Don’t take it. I wrote this and edited quickly. Please overlook any mistakes. Feedback on any of my writing is always welcome.
Minors DNI 18+
You sat in your living room answering texts, phone calls and replying to posts on social media. It had been a long but good day at work. Your coworkers surprised you with a cake and some amazing gifts. When you married Jensen you wanted to make sure you were able to keep your job. You enjoyed your coworkers and loved working with kids.
As the calls, texts, and posts kept rolling in your heart broke with each notification. The one person you wanted to hear from the most was Jensen. He was away doing a project so you knew he was busy. As the day wore on your heart broke more. Gen called you to tell you Happy Birthday and to chat. “Hey Y/N, Happy Birthday girl! How have you been today” she asked in her cheerful way. “Hey, Gen. I’m okay. Just trying to keep up with all the birthday wishes. How are you and the family doing” you asked as your voice cracked. “Pretty good, the kids are outside playing and I’m getting ready to cook dinner. Just got off the phone with Jared and he said he and Jensen were wrapped for the day and heading to dinner.” She told you. “Oh, okay. Well I need to get my dinner started too. Thanks for calling me. Bye Gen” you said holding back tears.
You held it together until you hung up. The world around you crumbled as you realized Jensen forgot your birthday. Your heart broke. The rest of the evening was a fog. When you crawled into bed you grabbed your phone and sent Jensen a text.
Me: I’m going to bed. I wish I could have heard from you today. I love you, Jensen.
You sat your phone on the table and turned off notifications. Sleep finally washed over you after crying for about an hour.
The next morning you woke up with a headache. You checked your phone and still nothing. The sadness was replaced with anger. What the hell is so important that he couldn’t even text you back. You scrolled social media and then the anger was replaced with absolute rage. You saw pictures of Jared, Jensen and some of the cast out partying last night. In each picture one of his female costars was hanging all over Jensen.
You growled out “what the fuck! So this is what was more important than me.” You took screenshots and sent them to Jensen.
Me: So this is what was more important than me yesterday?!?! You forgot my fucking birthday and then I see you were out with her and letting her hang all over you. You know what, just fucking stay there!
Jensen was standing beside Jared when his phone went off. He smiled when he saw the notification was from you. Then his heart dropped. Jared noticed the color drain from Jensen’s face. “Dude what’s wrong” he asked. Jensen raked his hands through his hair and down his face. “I fucked up big time man. I forgot Y/N’s birthday yesterday and then she sends me this” he shows Jared the text. “Oh damn. How did you forget her birthday man and why would you let her hang all over you.” Jared asked. “I don’t know. Shit, how am I going to make this right” Jensen said.
Jensen stepped away and called you. It rang and you saw it was him calling. You didn’t answer. He hung up and called back. Jensen did that about 5 times before you finally answered the call. “What?!” You hissed as you answered the phone. “Babe I’m so sorry I fucked up. I didn’t mean to forget your birthday. Please forgive me.” Jensen pleaded.
“Why. You didn’t just forget my birthday Jensen, you let her, of all people HER hang all over you like you two were together. I saw you in the pictures. You fucking enjoyed it. Damnit Jensen. You know how her and I feel about each other. She’s wanted you since she started on the show and she hasn’t been subtle about it either.” You broke down crying. “I am so sorry baby. I swear I don’t want her. I love you more than anything and I swear I’m going to make it up to you.” He said with fear and sadness in his voice. “You know what Jensen, no. I love you but no. There is no fixing what you did and what you allowed to happen” you said sternly.
“I need to go. Goodbye Jensen” you hung up. Jensen stood in place looking at his phone for what seemed like hours. Jared walked over to him and asked what happened. “I blew it man. She doesn’t want to talk to me. She said there isn’t anyway to fix this. I don’t know what to do man” Jensen said with tears in his eyes.
Jared grabbed him and said “Go home! Go to your wife. Make her listen to you and make her feel like she’s the only woman in the world. If you love her and want to fix this then go. I’ll talk to the director you book a flight!” Jensen pulled Jared into a hug and took off towards his trailer to get a flight home.
You were sitting on your bed with a picture from your wedding day. You both looked so happy and so in love. You felt incredibly lucky to have met him and to have fallen in love with him, and to have him fall in love with you. You held the picture to your chest and cried. You had always felt not good enough for him and his newest co-star was a model and didn’t hide the fact she was in love with him. She found every excuse to touch him and be close to him. She’s made snarky comments about you and to you. The last time you were around her you both got into a heated argument that almost resulted in an assault charge.
You laid down clutching the photo and cried yourself to sleep. You didn’t care if it was the middle of the day. Your heart was shattered and all you wanted to do was fall asleep to the memory of a happier time.
Jensen found a flight that left within the hour and he booked it. He packed quickly and Clif got him to the airport fast. “Go get your girl man” Clif said as Jensen took off towards security. Jensen boarded the plane and sent you a text.
J: Baby I know I fucked up. I love you and I’m going to make this right. I’ll love you until my dying breath Mrs Y/N Ackles. Today, tomorrow, forever.
You heard your phone go off but you ignored it. Soon sleep fell over you and you dreamed of your wedding day and of the wedding night. Jensen had always been an incredible lover but your wedding night was something else. He was so gentle and loving. You two explored every inch of each other’s body and you made love so many times. Even in a deep sleep the memory brought a smile to your tear stained face.
Jensen’s legged bounced nervously as the plane approached the gate. He turned his phone off airplane mode and checked his messages. There still wasn’t anything from you. “Shit! I fucking blew it.” Jensen mumbled under his breath. He sent Jared a text to let him know he landed and was getting ready to leave the plane. Jared sent him a text and told him everything was good at work and they gave him 2 weeks off for the “family emergency” Jared told them Jensen had.
Jensen: Thanks brother. I owe you one.
Jared: No you don’t. That’s what we do. Now go fix this.
As soon as the plane doors opened Jensen was running towards the exit. He grabbed an Uber and headed home. It took a good half hour to get home. The driver was polite and obviously was a fan. Jensen did his best to answer questions and be friendly but his mind kept wandering to you.
When the car pulled in the driveway Jensen noticed how dark the house looked. He was afraid you had left him. He got out of the car and ran up the steps to the door. Jensen pulled out his keys and unlocked the door and walked in. He called your name but there was no answer. Each step he took was met with silence and his heart sank.
He climbed the stairs and walked to your bedroom door. He opened it and saw you lying on the bed still holding the picture. He smiled and walked over to you. If you were holding that picture there had to be hope. He sat on the bed and softly touched your face and whispered your name. “Y/N, baby wake up. I’m home sweetheart” Your eyes fluttered open and you saw your husband sitting on the bed. You sat up shocked. “Jens, what are you doing here.” You asked him. “I told you I was going to fix this. I’m so sorry baby. I really am.” He said as he caressed your cheek. You leaned into his touch.
You threw your arms around him and lunged into his lap. He pulled you in for a kiss and as soon as his lips were on yours you deepened the kiss. You moaned into his mouth as his hands ran up your body. He picked you up and laid you down on the bed. Jensen hovered over you and kissed your lips. Working his way down your neck and on your collarbone. His hand lifted the hem of your shirt and his fingers danced up your body.
Fire ignited on your skin with every touch. He pulled your shirt over your head revealing your bra covered breasts and he bit his lip. Your hands pulled at his shirt until he pulled it over his head with one pull. Your hands ran up his toned chest. Your fingers dancing over each freckle.
Jensen reached around your back and with one hand unhooked your bra. You helped him remove it and your full, ample breasts sprang free. Jensen growled as he looked at them and took a nipple in his mouth. You threw your head back with a loud moan of pleasure. Electricity surged through your body as Jensen worked each nipple. He sucked and nibbled as you felt the heat and slick pooling between your legs.
Jensen leaned you back and pulled off your pants and panties with one pull. He used his knee to separate your legs. Biting his lip as he looked at your body on full display. He looked down and noticed the slick sliding between your folds. He took his fingers and parted your lips and felt the wetness. “Damn baby, all this for me” he asked. You nodded. He took two fingers and hooked them inside your dripping pussy. Pumping in and out. The smell and sound of your arousal in the air.
Jensen locked his eyes on yours as he helped you chase your release. Thoughts of the last few days started to fade as you looked your husband in the eyes. Seeing all his love and desire behind his green eyes.
You bit your lower lip and moaned Jensen’s name. “God I love when you moan my name sweetheart” Jensen panted. Jensen cupped your breast with his free hand and licked at your hard nipple. As he nibbled your nipple he felt your walls tighten around his fingers. His thumb rubbed circles on your swollen clit. “Jensen I’m close. I’m gonna cum” you breathed out. “Cum for me baby” he whispered in your ear.
You came hard and screamed his name. As you came Jensen’s lips captured yours sending chills through your body. As you came down from your high you looked at your husband and bit your lip. “Please Jens, I need you” He smiled softly and removed his pants and boxers. His already hard cock sprang free and on there was a bead of precum that danced in the soft light. You leaned forward and licked the pink tip of his long, engorged cock. Causing it to twitch at your touch.
You licked your lips and took his length in your wet, warm mouth. Jensen moaned loudly. Soon the room was filled with the sounds of Jensen grunting and the wet sounds of flesh being sucked. Jensen pulled away and you frowned. “No baby. Tonight is about you. I don’t want to cum yet” He whispered as he cupped your face. You nodded and leaned back.
As you laid back Jensen placed himself between your legs and lined himself up. He gazed down at you with lust and love in his eyes and you nodded. He pushed his length inside you and you gasped with pleasure. He stopped giving you time to adjust but you moved your hips, silently begging for more. Jensen pushed all the way in bottoming out and you gasped loudly as he moaned.
He kissed you as he set a slow pace. Your hands on his chest. Lightly touching his toned body. Gripping his large biceps with each thrust. His hands running over your breasts as they bounced with each movement of your bodies. Jensen leaned down and kissed you.
You wrapped your legs around his hips trying to push him in deeper. Jensen took that as an invitation to pick up the pace. He hooked both his hands around each leg and lifted them up on his broad shoulders. You moaned at the change of position. Jensen picked up the pace and you pushed back against him. He was going deeper now and hitting that sweet spot. You felt yourself getting closer to the edge again. “Jens I’m going to cum again” came from your lips. “Me too baby. Cum for me again” Jensen demanded in a voice laced with passion and need. You both came hard. Jensen grunted as his hot seed coated your walls and you screamed his name raking your nails down his back.
He let himself go soft before he pulled out. As he got up he kissed the tip of your nose and said he’d be right back. He returned with a warm cloth to clean you both up. He threw the cloth in the hamper and laid beside you. Taking you in his arms he placed kisses all over your face causing you to giggle.
“Jensen I can’t believe you came home in the middle of filming. You’re going to lose your job. I know how important your job is to you”you said with concern in your voice. “Nothing is ever more important to me than you. It’s worked out thanks to Jared and you have me for 2 weeks before I have to leave. Please believe me when I tell you how sorry I am I forgot your birthday. It was not intentional and I don’t want anyone but you. You’re my world and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving that to you. I love you, Y/N” He whispered as he pulled you tighter.
“I love you too, Jensen. I’m sorry I overreacted and got so jealous. I know you don’t want anything to do with her and you’re an incredibly faithful husband. I still can’t believe you flew home for me” you said with shock in your voice. Jensen pulled you closer and kissed your forehead “I’d do whatever I needed to do to get home to you when you need me. There is nothing and nobody more important to me than you.”
You smiled at him and kissed his lips. “Jens, about that. I don’t think that’s going to be entirely true anymore.” He looked confused “what, why would you say that. You’re the most important person in my life.” You looked your husband in the eyes and cupped his face. “Jensen, I’m pregnant” you whispered tenderly. He smiled and kissed you. “I’m going to be a dad” he questioned. “Yes my love. You’re going to be an amazing dad” you replied. “I found out on my birthday and I got so excited I couldn’t wait to tell you. That’s why got so upset. My greatest moment of joy and I couldn’t wait to tell you. Telling you now and seeing your reaction is far better than telling you on the phone. I love you, husband” you said gently. “I love you too, wife and our little bean” he pulled you in for a kiss as he rubbed your belly.
You forgave Jensen and realized sometimes the best gifts are worth waiting for.
Forever as tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @jensengirl83 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373
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coltrainbat · 1 year
What about chubbish and kind reader getting criticized for dating the world's sexiest man of 2022, she felt upset and cries. Chris felt angry at the people who doesn't know about his girlfriend
Sexist Girl Alive (Curvy!Reader)
A.N/WARNING: Screenshots are obvi fake, TW for fatphobia, slurs, people being mean ☹️ but happy ending, photos arent mine (mwah pinterest)
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You smiled at the photo of you two, dressed up before a night out. Chris lips lovingly on your cheeks as you smiled happily. You thought you looked great in your new skin tight dress. Sure it showed a few insecurities but you hoped the black would hide it. Your makeup and hair was all done up and Chris couldn’t stop loving on you all night.
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You chuckled at the sweet yet corny caption. He would never live it down - would he? You shook your head, grinning like an idiot. 
Fighting your better instinct, you went through the comments, chewing your thumb nail as you eyes laid on the key words:
“She takes up the whole mirror.” 
“It should be illegal for someone like her to wear a dress like that”
“Chris Evans is legally blind if he thinks she’s sexy”
You licked the taste of salty tears that had landed on your upper lip. You took a shaky breathe out as you quickly wiped away the tears that were forming. You felt pathetic, crying about what a bunch of nobody’s had to say about your body. They were jealous, they didn’t know you, they were protective of their internet boyfriend - your mind ran through all the reasons for such vile comments but that still didn’t stop the feeling of sadness and inadequacy that ran through you. 
That was until a wet little nose landed on your cheek, paw pushing the phone away from your face. 
“Would you look at that you found mama- baby what’s wrong?” Chris came in, catching your tear stained cheeks and red, watery eyes.
“The um… instagram you posted you-“ You were hiccuping, anxiously patting Dodgers coat. Too embarrassed to meet his eyes, firmly focused on the Instagram comments that were now blurry. 
“I didn’t post your nudes did I?!” His face full of concern that he had pulled another, much worse, social media blunder. 
“No.” You left out a shaky faux laugh 
“You left comments on and well some people aren’t very nice.” 
“Show me right now.” His jaw went tight and his expression changed to pure disgust and anger.
You handed him the phone, digging your face into Dodgers coat, drying your tears.
Chris’s eyes scanned the comments, jaw tightening as he grounded his teeth. 
“That’s it.” He throw the phone next him, making his way up in a frenzy.
“Chris it’s not a big deal I’m just emotional.”
“It is a fucking big deal.” He raised his voice now, running his hands through his hair in frustration. Chris wasn’t an angry person, rarely getting upset but when you were involved; people better run.
It perplexed him everyday how he thinks he landed the most beautiful woman in the world yet people want to pick apart something as stupid as your weight.
Chris wasn’t blind at all, he was  engrossed and obsessed with every curve, every roll, every stretch mark, every sag. He loved them all.
He couldn’t get enough of grabbing your belly whenever he could, even in public. His hand without fail always travelled from your waist to your pudge, slowly stroking the skin or the fabric - it relaxed him.
Or at home when he’d forgo your ass and instead just grab a roll and jiggle it in his hands, fuck, in his mind it was a bonus to your ass, more skin he could fondle and touch and enjoy, more ways to get a whole body ripple out of you.
Or in the morning before you’d wake up when he’d slowly trace your stretch marks, adoring the way they looked like tiger stripes he felt like they were a natural piece of art on your body.
The way your thighs would wrap tightly around his head, a built in pillow for him to rest on while he traced your body with his hands, following the natural trail created by your curves.
How every hug felt soft and warm as you pressed your plump body up against him, he would get so frustrated that he couldn’t grab every single part of you all at once and just squeeze but a hug was the closest thing.
He didn’t think pure beauty existed until he saw you for the first time, he remembers the way he jaw fell agape slightly and his eyes widened desperate to touch you, desperate to have you in his bed every night. 
You were his now and he wasn’t going to let some bullshit comments take that away from him.
To take the spark and light out of you, to push you down to a place where you felt you were anything but incredible.
You body wasn’t just a wonderland but the home for the soul in which he adored, his kind, intelligent, resilient, witty, outspoken, well read and highly cultured, drop dead gorgeous woman.
The purity of you being so authentically yourself was sacred to him and he was fiercely protective of you for that.
He dreaded the day the comments got too much and he cringed at the thought of you changing any part of the woman he met for some fucking comments. It wouldn’t happen. Not on his watch.
“You can’t just- you can’t fucking say those things about someone! I mean we go back 200 fucking years and there’s your body in fucking oil paintings around castles and here we are now where your accomplishments, your personality, your kindness, your fucking beauty is just completely shitted on.”
“I dealt with it way before I started dating you.” 
“Well it ends now.” He said crouching down in front of you as you sat curled into a ball on the couch. 
His eyes had softened and he was desperate for you to meet his. Wanting to assure you with everything he had that this meant nothing to him. 
“Baby you know I don’t agree with those comments right. Fuck, you remember how much I couldn’t keep my hands off you that night.”
“And every night before.” You snorted 
He gave you a soft smile, happy you were back to making jokes “Exactly.” 
“It’s my fault I should of turned comments off but we shouldn’t have to do that. I’m going to write something and that should be the end of it.” 
“We shouldn’t react that’s what they want.” You said wearily.
“In no world is that going to be said about you and I just sit back and let it happen. Absolutely not. Now come on, let’s get you in the bath.”
You sunk into the steaming water as the smell of lavender and rose filled your nose and muscles you didn’t realise you were tensing finally relaxed. Repeating mantras of self assurance in your head with the distant sound of Chris scurrying around the bedroom and his muffled voice on the phone. 
 Getting out and into your robe after an hour you made your way into the bedroom, finding an exhausted Chris waiting for you on the bed.
“Come here I wanna show you something.” He tapped the spot next to him, inviting you to snuggle against his chest as he got out his phone.
You rolled your eyes, sighing as you got comfortable. 
“Read.” He said sternly, putting his phone into your hand.
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You brushed the tears forming in your eyes from happiness. Two things you could always count on with Chris is his ability to make you the happiest person alive and his passion. Combine them and you’re a babbling mess of gratitude and love. Pulling his head down towards you, peppering kisses all over his face and whispering thank you against his lips. 
“Don’t thank me come on now.”
“It was very well said.”
“Yeah well we won’t need this for awhile.” He grabbed his phone from you, throwing it down the bed as he fell off the edge, landing with a small thump.
“Come here sexy, I wanna love on my girl.” You giggled as his beard brushed against your neck as he left wet soppy kisses down your body, untieing your robe to get your unfiltered body in all its glory. 
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Chris’s comments created a storm of support, bringing up a conversation of why a woman’s body is ever a topic of concern and the high expectations of male celebrity partners to look a certain way. 
And months down the line he still stood by them. Stating in an interview:
“I don’t think I have ever been more furious than when I read those comments. You know you have this beautiful, intelligent partner and you’re both in this happy little bubble of love and admiration and then these strangers, randoms on the internet just start attacking them for all the things you love about them. It’s like a kick in the gut. I felt so guilty like it was my fault because she didn’t ask to be famous or anything and it’s not easy to give that privacy and anonymity up to follow your heart but she did it anyways and all she was met with was horrible comments. Man, I was so scared that was going to be it for her and I’d never see her again. It just felt like people don’t realise that’s a real person, we are real people and if you wouldn’t say that to someone’s face then why comment it where they can see? She didn’t deserve that at all and I was going to do everything in my power to make sure it never happened again. She means the world to me, I’d do anything to protect her. I’m just lucky I get to wake up to her everyday and she’s this strong, resilient person who can’t be knocked down easily.”
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AITAH for ruining a friendship I’ve had for years?
I (13FTM) had been told that a good friend of mine since March 2023 A (14F) had been saying things behind my back about me a couple of days before the first of December.
My friend W (14NB), had let me know of this the moment I had gotten to school that morning, since they were the one A was talking to about this. *She had said that I had cared more about a special interest and my partner more than I did them, and was as smart as a goldfish. (Mind you I do pretty well in school)*
This upset me a little, and I had brushed it off, decided to text M(14FTM) about this- asking if he had stood up for me or even told A that the words she said wasn’t nice. Instead of words of comfort and reassurance that he had stood up against A (Both had finally started dating after months of pining btw) I got a message saying that M couldn’t police things people said, and it wasn’t almost a big deal. So that hurt big time- since I’ve known M longer than A and W.
I decided to avoid A and M for a bit, knowing that it would just be awkward. Over the next few days it was, and finally that Friday it was at one of its peaks.
W couldn’t handle watching mine and M’s longtime friendship break off- so they had said that if I didn’t go and talk to them about the situation, they wouldn’t talk to me for two whole weeks (basically ghosting me for a bit)
I said I would, and popped my earbuds back in. W must of gone to get M, because the next moment I knew W had pulled my earbuds out of my ears for me to listen to M’s rant about ‘them being done with being the one to ruin friendships’
I was at my breaking point then- and busted into tears. Later on I went home early, since I couldn’t handle being so upset at school.
For the next part you need a bit of context: My mother and I planned on that evening flying to Toronto Canada to see a play Saturday evening and come home the Sunday night.
Sunday morning came around, and before and during breakfast I decided to text a big apology to M, stating how I felt about the situation and how he had reacted to it as well. Instead of a reply- I got a screenshot of M and A’s convo *M had taken screenshots of my apology, and sent it to A. M then sent A’s replies to me, blocking out his responds.*
A basically admitted to being in the wrong- but I was in the wrong too aparently.
Almost at my limit- I sent A a couple of texts, explaining that I didn’t drag M into the situation, and that they couldn’t be the messenger of the argument- as well as how I felt about A’s words and responses. I even mentioned that if they had reached out I would have helped in a flash.
I’ve been avoiding them since- but I still see them in the halls almost everyday, and the bus for M daily. It took something out of my usually cheery personality that was mainly me and a bit for comfort of others, and my teachers had started to notice right before our Xmas break. Now that we’re back at school and I’ve gotten to be able to post things on Tumblr- I’ve been feeling pretty aweful about the situation, and pretty lonely. I don’t know if it truly was my fault or not at this point.
What are these acronyms?
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That was it.
(a new post? it's been months, bro!)
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What -- Daryl had a dream featuring You. It's thrown him a little, ngl.
When -- the first day Daryl is bedridden following his two falling trips down the ridge in the episode Chupacabra. In the Slowpoke Series, it's a few hours after Redemption Arcs, which takes place the morning after Thank you, angel...
Who's in this one? -- Daryl, You, Carl, Lori
Perspective -- POV 3rd person Daryl
Relationships -- slow burn, currently platonic-but-confused Daryl x equally oblivious Reader
Pronouns - she/her
TWs -- some language, and reference to Daryl's childhood neglect, and ghastly screenshots with poor editing XD
Masterlist -- Official one here and Chronological one here
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Her knock was recognizable and he got a rush in his stomach when he knew she was there. Three or four knocks, a pause, then one or two more knocks with some kind of greeting. This time, is was: “Daryl, you up for visitors?”
Was he ‘up for visitors?’
Ain’t like he’s some old dude in a nursing home, why would—oh shit, did this mean they found Sophia? Was Sophia the visitor?? “What is it?”
“It’s Carl’s first field trip out of bed other than for the toilet.”
“Y/N,” came Carl’s groan through the shut door.
“Carl,” she teased back back in the same tone of voice. “Mr. Dixon’s in the same boat, nerd, no leavin’ bed excepting for the facilities.”
Speaking for himself, the kid finally said, “I wanted to go see you first, Mr. Dixon.”
“Just—come in already,” Daryl grunted. He'd already tugged his bedsheets as high as they'd go, he was ready as he could get.
The knob turned, and as the two of them slowly walked in. He made himself relax when the nerves hit him at seeing Y/N.
It's stupid. His dumb ass started getting nervous around her this morning. Nervous around Y/N, of all the people here!
Daryl noticed Lori hovering by the doorway while Y/N and Carl walked in. She explained, “We don’t want to crowd you like yesterday. And we won’t stay too long, Y/N, Maggie and I will be going out for another sweep of our grid.”
The boy had more color than he did the other day when Daryl went to see him, which was good.
"The head wrap stuff they gave you looks cool," the kid told him. "I'm glad you didn't get hurt worse than you were. I heard you got hurt pretty bad." Slowly, Carl made his way to Daryl’s bedside and seemed beat doing it. “I would go out to help search today if I could. I was the only one of us who—well, other than you—who hasn’t gone out looking today. Beth’s older sister and Jimmy and his mom went, too.”
“Well, Mags came with us,” Y/N filled in. “Jimmy looked around the property and its perimeter only, but that’s because he got in trouble yesterday for joinin’ without permission. His mama searched with him to keep the peace.”
As the news hovered, rolled over him, then sunk in, it felt to Daryl as if were making him sink deeper into the mattress where he lay bandaged, bruised, and not much use to anyone.
He’d nearly died trying to find that little girl yesterday, found her doll. And after just about everyone went out searching today, and all them people came back with zip.
Daryl hated feeling helpless, and now he felt helpless, annoyed and angry.
Really, they all went out searching, and somehow all came back with nothing?
Carl kept chatting to him, but to his credit, Daryl didn’t snarl at him to shut up.
“I would’ve wanted to go to target practice, too. Did you know Mr. Douglas knows how to use guns? He told me he was an instructor, he’d started learning way a long time ago after something bad happened to this guy named Ronny King.”
“Rodney,” his ma corrected softly.
“I want to learn how to use a gun. How old were you when you learned, Mr. Dixon?”
Lori and Y/N reacted to the question in their own ways.
Y/N peeked at Lori and it looked like she was shrinking into her neck like a turtle as she walked to the window to get the stool for Carl to sit on.
Lori saw, shook her head and took it from Y/N’s hands, citing, “Let me, honey.” She placed it behind her son, then told him sternly, “You were just shot. Now’s not the time to discuss you using a gun.”
“But Mo—”
“We can talk about that with Dad later, okay, bud?”
“Y/N started learning to shoot when she was 8.”
That made Daryl blink, and it distracted him from his annoyance. His square, chick friend learned about using guns when she was 8?
Y/N gave her nephew a warning stare. “I learned because my own mama in our own circumstances made a decision for me that she determined would help keep me safe, the same way your mama’s makin’ one for you.”
He jut out his chin a little. “I would be safer with one. And I thought Shane taught you?”
“S-Sometimes babysitting me meant us goin’ to the range,” she allowed, eyeing Lori for help.
“Carl,” his ma told him, and with a look firm enough to make a nun cower. “That’s enough interrogating your aunt. We will talk about this with Dad when you’re able to leave bed for more than a few yards.”
“Okay,” the kid apologized, head lowering. “Sorry Mom, sorry Y/N.”
There were about three seconds of silence, tops, when the boy next asked Daryl, “Do you still think Sophia’s alive?”
Y/N froze, Lori tilted her head and looked Daryl in the eye warily.
As for Carl himself, he at least seemed hopeful. “If you could stay okay for nine days when you were a kid, Sophia can stay okay for five.”
Y/N’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. He'd told her the other day about it, then decided Carl should know to keep his spirits up.
Lori, who knew nothing about this, looked alarmed. “You went missing for nine days as a child, Daryl?” she repeated.
Daryl nodded, getting dizzy when he did. Wasn’t no big secret, just some dumb mistake he made when he was little. He'd figured that Carl staying hopeful and expecting people to find Sophia would keep the rest of the people here searching.
Y/N already knew about Daryl’s little nine-day accident, and Andrea; might as well let Lori in on it if it meant more people wouldn’t give up on Sophia.
“Yeah, nine days. Was perfectly fine, and that was with me bein’ nowhere near as sharp as Sophia, and without miles of farmhouses and shit around.” Daryl figured exaggerating might help Carl feel happy, so he added, “I was dumber than a post, and even I got away with only an itchy ass from using poison oak as toilet paper.”
It did make the kid smile, but then Carl whispered as if he was nervous, “Quarter.”
Y/N wasn’t nervous at all. “Two of ’em.”
Oh, right. Daryl had forgotten about the no-cuss-around-kids rule.
“I’m sorry that happened to you,” is how Lori responded quietly to Daryl, then to his relief, she changed the subject back to asking Y/N how target practice went.
“Lore, did you know Teddy was good with guns?” Y/N shared. “I’d had zero idea.”
“He and Shane talked about being instructors on one of the first nights at the quarry.”
“Man, I missed that whole conversation.”
Lori smiled and began to fix the extra blanket that was crumpled on the side of Daryl’s bed.
Daryl almost missed what was being said because he was distracted by how casually nice that was. Damned thoughtful.
It was that moment when he noticed how he’d grown pretty okay with shooting the shit with these people. Wouldn’t seek it out, probably, but he wasn’t crawling out of his skin, neither. He really liked that the kid wanted to see him, too. It helped him feel like he wasn’t as big an asshole as he felt.
“You, Amy and Glenn were busy playing ‘I never’, if I’m remembering it.” Lori spread blanket out at the foot of the bed and folded it in an accordion-type way. “Either that night or the—no, sorry, it was the night everyone started talking about Bigfoot, the kids were sitting around you three. That was one of the first nights, wasn’t it?”
“Oh, right! We used up all the Tapatío, and this guy mentioned his chupacabra.” Y/N stuck the tip of her tongue out and lightly bit it, grinning big.
“Luis and me got so freaked out that night!” Carl joined in, suddenly as energetic as a little bunny-rabbit. “His older cousin told him all about Okefenokee Swamp, and, and the gators and the Pig Man and the Thing!”
“Your Aunt Evie and I camped with Grammy and Grandad at Okefenokee lots of times when I was a girl,” Lori told them both with a smile in her eyes. “Never saw the Pig Man or the Swamp Thing.”
“But they saw her,” Y/N mouthed to Carl. “Thank God we lived more upstate.”
That, Daryl could agree with, he even made a hum.
He was from way up north, close to the Tennessee border. But with this group that he’d stuck with for who-knows-why, to get to Fort Benning they’d driven far enough southwest that they was basically in Alabama.
“Yeah, you’re from further north, too, right?” Y/N sighed. “I’m so darn homesick, man. We’re just about on the fall line now, aren’t we? Driving to the city was one thing, close enough to home, but the roundabout, southwest mess we made trying to get to stupid Fort Benning was—w-we’re basically in Alabama!”
…His thoughts exactly.
“We’re further from Lake Lanier down here, though,” Carl said. Sounded like he was both trying to cheer her up and rib her. Inside joke most likely, Daryl guessed.
Y/N shivered at the name but couldn’t stop herself from breaking into a smirk, which made Carl crack up. After making a face at him, she looked at Daryl. “Dude, you’d have had a good time at practice.” Her smile grew and she leaned toward him. “As soon as it was time to try hittin’ the targets, Jimmy tried to shoot his pistol sideways.”
“What, all gangster?” he grunted back, glad that he wasn’t alone with her again. He liked didn’t mind being alone with her, but he obviously got smacked in the head a little too hard yesterday, seeing as he felt all nervous around her now. Really nervous. Like, so goddamned nervous, man, it’s good the boy and Lori are here, otherwise he’d be barely able to look her in the eyes.
Give it a day or two, he’d be fine.
“Teddy thinks Jimmy will have to undo Hollywood and video game gun stuff the next couple lessons.” She scrunched her nose, and wondered out loud, “Don’t know why that’s what they show in movies so often, that’s irresponsible firearm use. Oh! But the angled aim I guess is needed when one’s using a riot shield, right?”
His mouth lifted into a grin. Y/N could be such a square.
With that, she yawned and leaned on the side of the bed, causing it to dip down slightly. Daryl’s heart did a funny jolting type thing when she did, he inhaled too quickly as a result, which hurt his stiched side and bruised or broken ribs, so he then winced as a result of that.
“How long do we have ’til we head out again, Lore? I’m hittin’ my limit. Looks like Carl’s crashing, too, you doing okay, baby?”
The conversation that followed didn’t reach his head, Daryl was too distracted. The, um, the movement of the bed dipping as Y/N relaxed and reached back to massage her shoulder caused the memories from last night and the dream that followed to whoosh back to Daryl even harder.
His heartbeat did that funny thing again. And the helpless feeling he’d had, with its anger and annoyance, whittled away bit by bit.
A weird sensation replaced it.
He wasn’t sure that it was, but it felt like it was pressing him even further into the mattress.
So, the dream he had last night: Y/N was…laying down with him.
Nothing was going on, her arm was simply wrapped around him and he could feel her heartbeat against his chest. He remembers pressing his mouth to her head for a second, then she reached her hand to brush it across his temple or whatever, and they just laid there. That was it.
Really, that was it, the whole dream, nothing else went on. And he relieved but also...disappointed when he first woke up, saw the bed empty beside him, and figured out it was just a dream, ain’t that bullshit? Then he listened to Y/N's breathing where she lay on the air mattress and couldn't fall back asleep for what felt like a while.
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He was all screwed up, wasn't he?
Granted, two days ago, her shirt had been soaked after they’d got caught in the storm and the outline of everything was clear as damn day. Like, sure, he’d turned his eyes away, but he’d still seen it and liked it! Then, yesterday during their argument when they’d suddenly been standing all close, he’d randomly imagined gripping her waist and crashing his mouth against hers before cupping her face so he could see if her cheeks were as soft as they looked, like what the in the balls was his deal? He ain’t mature enough to be friends with a chick or something? It’s never been a problem before, he used to barely even notice or care when he thought someone looked nice.
Her calling him all them pet names yesterday was enough, but, like, what was last night?
She literally massaged him. Who does that?
The massage had felt as if there were an angel, don’t get him wrong, he’d been in so much pain. But being touched so gently but so…close, and right on his bare skin, it made him feel something similar to scared.
It wasn’t ‘scary’ in that sense, that’s not it, it felt…weird. Again, he didn’t know how to phrase it.
Worse still was that he thinks he accidentally called Y/N “angel.”
Out loud.
He still ain’t sure, his sleep was too disjointed to tell if he was awake or not, but — she’d started massaging his feet, he knew that much! His feet had hurt so bad that he’d almost cried again when she’d started to rub them because it was just such relief.
Fast forwarding to this morning, when he’d made his managed to power his way all by himself out of bed (oh, it hurt like a bitch) and out of his room to find the pisser, of course the first thing he saw when he opened the door was Y/N, all sleepy-eyed, messy-haired, and wrapped in a blanket like he was.
And, of course, the first thing she did was help him walk by putting her good arm around his back. He could feel her warmth and heartbeat beside his chest again, and when he turned his head, his mouth collided with her head. Kinda hurt. And she smelled good.
But all that sent the dream he’d had, the one where she was laying next to him, crashing back all at once.
Plus the fear that she’d see him in his boxers again and/or notice how his morning wood (ain’t his fault, he’d only just woken up and he had to take a whiz real bad!) was the only thing pinging through his mind as she walked him to the toilet.
Then when her brother dropped off some of his stuff from his tent, he had a sneaking suspicion it was Y/N who’d been the one to gather it up. Mainly because she’d been the one who promised him someone would bring him some things, but also because nail clippers and a toothbrush were on top of the pile.
He then got the dumb idea in his head to be embarrassed at how his tent wasn’t real clean.
The past four days were batshit crazy; getting all nervous around a chick — probably the only person he truly feels okay with around here — is the stupidest damn thing. Still, he never had a person he felt so damn comfortable with other than Uncle Jesse, his little cousin, Merle, and his old lady neighbor from when he was a kid.
So much happened with Y/N the past few days. It was like they’d been stripped and beaten together, but got back home in one piece. He even hallucinated her talking to him when he’d fallen down the ridge. And that’s not even bringing up how he’d been chill with her seeing his scars yesterday, which was only after he okayed Dr. Farmer literally teaching her how do literal goddamn stitches on him!
Almost like yesterday, Daryl could imagine the way Merle would bust his balls. “I can’t tell if you’re actin’ like a little boy clinging to the kid who was nice to ’em on the jungle gym, or a clueless virgin nervous around the girl who’ll look him in the eyes long enough.”
Lucky for him, Carl wondered out loud: “Maybe Jimmy wanted to practice shooting sideways,” so Daryl was able to shut his mind up.
Next, Carl, who definitely looked ready to hit the sack, started miming holding a gun and aiming it to the side (as opposed to shooting it forward, just cocked to the side like Jimmy had, according to Y/N).
“No, ya nerd, like this,” Y/N snorted, and held out her good arm as if she were aiming a gun forward, then twisted her wrist sideways.
“Oh, the cool way to shoot!”
-> Masterlist link here <-
and our teeny tiny taglist :D
@spenciepoo338 @its-freaking-bats​​​​ @whistlesalot​​​​ @buffy-the-assbutt-slayer​​​​  @dreamingaboutthewonderland @kwazii-kat​ @darylsmavis​​​​​  @outlanderhornet22​​​​​ @battinsonrobs @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @multiifandomhoe @writingmybeloved @boomergirl123 @iheartathena0 @moonliight-luv @suniloli @supernaturalgirl02 @cnake-garden @daryldixmedown @sophehe @crashlyrose @virgo-sunflower920 @jennythe @theficbaker @vampireautism @rosetta196 @wifeof-barnes
(inbox is open if you would like on or off the taglist, slowpokes. Please don’t feel bad or nervous if you don’t want to be tagged anymore, just let me know in the inbox! We’re all friends here and your comfort level matters)  
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ukrfeminism · 8 months
‘What’s the worst that can happen?” That is what Georgia Harrison asked herself one Sunday morning in August 2020 when Stephen Bear, who lived opposite, invited her over for a cup of tea. They knew each other through the reality television and influencer circuits. She had been on The Only Way Is Essex (Towie) and Love Island; he had done Shipwrecked, Ex on the Beach, then won Celebrity Big Brother. They had hooked up before and he hadn’t treated her well.
“We’d been in lockdown and I was definitely quite lonely, feeling quite rubbish about myself,” says Harrison, 28. “I knew that going to Bear’s was a bad idea – there were two voices in my head. In the end, I thought: what’s the worst that could happen? Well, now we know.”
What happened was this: the morning cup of tea stretched into a long lunch washed down by tequila, followed by drunken sex in Bear’s back garden. The sex was different from how it had been in the past – more performative, with Bear carefully positioning Harrison in various locations. “It was more dramatic and lasted longer,” says Harrison. “I just thought he was having a good day.” Afterwards, to Harrison’s horror, Bear mentioned casually that it might have been caught on his CCTV system. When he showed her the footage and she began to cry (“I’ll die if anyone sees it,” she said), he promised to delete the video. Instead, three months later, Bear posted the footage on his verified Only Fans account. Within days, it was all over the internet, including the website Pornhub. “Georgia Harrison sex tape” had become a top search on Google.
Harrison found out when a fan in the US sent her a screenshot asking: “Have you seen this?” Her reaction was to gag. But she picked herself up and went to the police. Bear was arrested, charged and convicted. In March 2023, he was sentenced to 21 months in prison for voyeurism and sharing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress. Now, she has written a memoir about it, Taking Back My Power.
It is hard to overstate the impact of this case. Most victims of intimate image abuse never report the crime. They are teenagers too terrified of their parents’ reactions, professionals who fear for their careers, parents who don’t want their children or partner to know, or anyone else who can’t face walking into a police station armed with a link to Pornhub. Of those who do come forward, only about 4% will ever see a charge; a prison sentence is rarer still.
Bear’s case – on the news, in headlines, all over social media – sent a message of hope to victims of this sort of abuse and a warning shot to potential perpetrators. There was a 56% rise in calls to the government’s “revenge porn” helpline in the month he was sentenced. Harrison didn’t stop there, though. She lobbied parliament to demand better laws around “revenge porn” and helped to secure amendments to the online safety bill that make the crime easier to prosecute. She is still campaigning for platforms that carry the footage of her and Bear to be held criminally accountable.
It is certainly not the life or career she had in mind when she left school at 16, the only child of a single mother, already intent on reality TV stardom. “I grew up in Essex and a lot of my friends were on Towie, so that’s what I wanted to reach for,” she says. “It was the idea of literally getting paid for doing photoshoots, partying and having some fun in all these mad countries and bars.” At 19, she did get on Towie; a few years later, she was on Love Island. She built a career as an influencer and was able to buy a flat in Essex at 21. Was it all she had hoped for? “Actually, it was even better,” she says.
Although she and Bear were neighbours, Harrison didn’t get to know him until October 2018, when they were cast in The Challenge, an MTV reality show. By then, the former roofer had built a TV reputation as a bit of a player, a “lovable rogue”. They got together during filming, but when the show finished, Bear went back to womanising. Shortly afterwards, they starred in the sequel and got together again. This time, though, Harrison says, he locked her out of their hotel room to sleep with someone else.
The next time Harrison saw Bear was in August 2020, when he invited her over for that cup of tea and secretly filmed them having sex. Afterwards, she felt certain he had planned it. “We’d been in every angle that his CCTV covered,” she says. “He’d made sure we were never outside the lines.” Even so, she didn’t see what lay ahead. “I was really upset and he seemed to understand. I never for a second thought he’d be stupid enough to send it to people. I hoped he had some form of respect for me, but I also thought he wouldn’t want to ruin his entire career or end up in prison. I just didn’t think he was capable of what he was capable of.”
In the days after, Harrison messaged Bear asking him to promise he wouldn’t do anything with the video. He assured her that he had deleted it. It was December when she received the screenshot from a fan in the US. “That’s when I knew it was global,” she says. “One of my first thoughts was: it’s time to tell my family. My mum knew already, but I needed to have the conversations with my dad, my uncle – the male figures, I guess – so they knew it was coming.” In fact, her uncle knew already; he had been sent the video by someone who didn’t realise Harrison was his niece. “They were all horrified, but supportive,” she says. “I was an adult having sex – they told me I’d done nothing to be ashamed of.”
She knew that, but shame still hit in waves. “It went so horrifically viral; my postman’s probably seen it,” she says. “It’s that feeling that I’d let myself down, let my family down, that I should have seen it coming and how could I have been so stupid?” Her influencer work went into freefall. Any post on any product would be flooded with comments about the video (“Congrats hon, you’re a porn star now!”). “There were so many other influencers – same amount of followers, been on Love Island, same calibre – who didn’t have a sex scandal. Why put me next to their brand?” She rented out her flat – for income and because she was terrified of seeing Bear – and moved in with her mum.
“I don’t think I’ve admitted to myself how bad my anxiety was until now,” she says. “I wouldn’t be able to go to the gym on my own, or I’d get in and feel everyone was looking at me and have to leave. I barely left the house and when I did it was really hard not to panic. It got to the point where I only wanted to be around my closest friends.”
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Harrison reported Bear, who was arrested in January 2021 and charged four months later. There was an 18-month wait for the trial. Harrison’s life was on hold. She knew she had a strong case – she had been filmed without her knowledge and had sent multiple messages to Bear begging him not to share it – but she dreaded a “not guilty” verdict. The Bear she knew, the Bear who had won Celebrity Big Brother, was a charmer. He could win hearts, talk you round.
“If he was found not guilty, I think I would have had to shave my head and move to Bolivia or something,” she says. “The career I love would have been over – that’s definite. But aside from that, my faith in the universe would have been so shattered. It would have drained all the hope and faith and love and life out of me. To see someone act in such an awful, evil, manipulative way and then walk away … I felt it might just ruin me – and it seemed possible. Bear could play things so brilliantly. I don’t know why he decided not to.”
Bear’s behaviour before and during the trial probably sealed his sentence. He uploaded X-rated videos of him and his girlfriend to the internet, captioning one: “At least she knows I’m filming her.” In another video posted just before the trial, the couple cavorted in orange prison jumpsuits. He ran a Twitter poll on what colour of suit he should wear to court – and turned up in a rented Rolls-Royce, dressed in pink and a huge fur coat, carrying a cane topped with a gold snake’s head. In court, he interrupted the judge and waved away the barrister. He pleaded not guilty, but his defence was nonsensical. At times, he claimed that Harrison wasn’t the woman in the video, or that she didn’t mind it being filmed, or that there was no proof that he had uploaded the images – it might have been his assistant, it could have been a hacker.
Had he pleaded guilty and expressed remorse, he would almost certainly have been handed a community sentence. Harrison still can’t understand it. “The Bear I first met was funny and cheeky, but also really charming – he could be kind,” she says. “That person in court seemed possessed. I feel like every show he went on, he was praised for being ‘the villain’ – and the worse he was, the more attention he got. At some point, the lines blurred. That role took over.” A reality TV monster? “That’s how it seemed.”
Giving evidence was excruciating for Harrison. She sat in the witness box as the jury (nine men, three women) looked through pages and pages of video stills, having to confirm that each one featured her. “I could tell the jury was absolutely cringing,” she says. “I was in a private garden in a private moment that I thought was between me and one other person. To know people have seen it is hard. To see people seeing it while they can see you is harder.
“As someone in the public eye, used to public speaking, it was still hard to get my words out. You don’t know where to look, who to talk to. You feel you’ve done something wrong when you haven’t. I dread to think what it’s like for a vulnerable young woman who isn’t used to addressing a room. I think it would be near enough impossible.” She hopes her case might make it a little easier. “Women come up to me all the time, crying, saying they’ve been through this horrible situation and never spoken to anyone about it before. They message me on a daily basis. Intimate-image abuse happens so much more than people think.”
After the trial, Harrison continued campaigning, initially to make cases easier to prosecute. At present, the sharing of intimate images without consent is not illegal – unless done “with intent to cause distress”, however hard that is to prove. In June, the government announced amendments to the online safety bill that will remove this requirement if the law is passed. This will mean that sharing intimate images without consent, whatever the motive, would become a criminal act.
But Harrison wants more.
“If you go to court for this and get a criminal conviction, that content should become illegal and any platforms that still show it and fail to take it down should become criminally accountable,” she says. “It’s crazy. If someone gets caught with drugs, those drugs are seized and disposed of. Why should this footage stay up there? A change like that isn’t hard to make and it would make a huge difference. Far more victims would come forward, because they’d know it will be possible to make all that footage disappear at the end.”
The video of Harrison and Bear is still out there. “I worry that one day I’ll have kids and it will be accessible to them,” she says. “I just hope that by that time, society may have got on top of this and it will be too risky and expensive for platforms to carry it.” She expects that finding a partner she trusts will take time. “As I get to the point where I am trying to have relationships, I’ve realised that I do have trust issues, but that’s not a bad thing. I’ve been burned so badly. I won’t accept anything that might be a red flag or makes me feel vulnerable. If someone really cares about me, they’ll just have to help me get past that.”
Meanwhile, she is busy again. There is a TV show coming up that she can’t talk about yet. The brands are back. Harrison has written Taking Back My Power. She would like to present daytime TV: “You literally get paid to have a natter!” She is also happy to be known for the court case. “I’ll never, ever lose the stigma of being all over those porn platforms,” she says. “But if I’m known as the person who stood up and fought back – I’d be proud of that.”
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evanspresso · 2 years
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and then they knew you could be homesick for people too.
She watched the screen intently, butterflies erupting in her stomach while waiting for him to answer the call. It’s almost been four months since he’s been gone, the longest he has ever been away on a work trip since they started dating.
“My love!” She finally hears through the speakers following with his face popping onto the screen with a huge smile plastered across his face.
“I was getting worried that you might’ve fallen asleep.” she sighs in relief.
Y/n clutches to her wine glass peering at Evan. He looks tired especially since it’s around two in the morning where he is, but it’s the only time y/n can call him since she only gets home and has enough time to change before calling him.
They don’t like to call this a “long distance” relationship because he’s only gone when on location, when she’s not in University, or working she usually tags along, but it sure does feel like it when days turn into weeks and months.
Anyway, he is her everything so all she really needs is to see his handsome face and hear his beautiful voice that makes her weak in the knees and she’s all set.
Of course Evan already knows this but he can’t help but be selfish when it comes to y/n.
Of course Evan already knows this but he can’t help but be selfish when it comes to y/n.
“You know I’d never do that to you” Evan says softly as he watches her take a sip of her wine.
“I know.”
She frowns at him, noticing the bags under his eyes and he sticks his tongue out at her in hopes to cheer her up. “Sleep who? I only want you.” he teases.
“Oh, shut up!” she playfully rolls her eyes at his cheekiness.
Y/n cracks a smile at him as he places his hands behind his head and gives himself bunny ears, causing her to laugh a true laugh that brings music to his ears.
“Only two more weeks, baby and I get to come home!” He says excitedly. “Then I get to kiss you all over and keep you locked in the bedroom for days.” he says darkly while wiggling his brows.
Y/n’s eyes gloss over as she looks at him through the screen, all she’s wanted to do since the day he had left was exactly that and she didn’t know if she could handle two more weeks without her beau.
But, she doesn’t want him to see the pain, or blame himself for the way she’s feeling so she pushes her thoughts aside, biting her lip in anticipation while dropping her head in her hands and awing at him with her eyes.
“Promise?” She nearly whimpers making Evan laugh, throwing his head back to the process.
“Always!” He muses.
“Two weeks can’t go by fast enough, I can’t wait until you’re here… in our bed and in my arms.” she hums.
Evan nods, his motions lagging as the connection faults a for a second or two. Y/n chuckles at the way his face is frozen in the screen, his face all distorted from being paused in the middle of nodding his head, she can’t help but take a screenshot of it.
Y/n loves posting screenshots of their FaceTime chats, mostly the ones where Evan is making a funny face, she gets a kick out of it and so do her followers. Evan always grins about it, but y/n knows that he secretly loves them, she can always picture him laughing hysterically at himself which causes her to smile.
“Mmm you have no idea.” Evan says after appearing live on the screen with a yawn.
Y/n scrunches her nose at him and leans back into her chair, tilting her head back as she chugs the rest of her wine speeding up the process of a tingling head.
Evan hoots at her playfully, bringing his hand up into a fist and pumping it over his head causing y/n to snort out and laughs long with him, both of their eyes filled with tears as they bend over laughing at one another.
“My girl’s goin’ to bed tipsy tonight!” he says loudly like he’s talking to an audience which causes y/n to scoff and wipe her lips.
“At least I know I’ll sleep like-"
“A fucking brick!” He laughs causing y/n to shake her head at him, “when you’re wine drunk, you’re on a whole other level.” he laughs causing y/n to hide her face into her hands giggling, already feeling the buzz of the bubbly.
“You never seem to complain when you experience it first hand!” she snaps making him suck in and smirk at her.
“Handsy ladyy!!” he sing songs.
“Loser.” she says, sticking her tongue out at him, watching as he clutches his chest and sticks out his tongue in response.
Like clockwork, the pair have their synchronized yawn motioning that it’s time for sleep, Evan groans and looks at his clock and y/n knows it’s time, it’s around three for him by the time they come close to the end of their conversation.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Y/n nods.
She smiles at her boyfriend, watching as he leans closer to his laptop and blows her a kiss through the screen.
Y/n’s cheeks glow red as she reaches out and pretends to place it on her heart before doing the same, watching Evan pretend to stuff her kiss into his briefs causing her to snort out.
“Love you.” he whispers causing y/n’s head to spin even more than it already was.
She knew she’d never get tired of hearing it come from him, and she’d never lose those butterflies that followed.
“I love you too” she whispers back, “until tomorrow.”
“Until tomorrow.”
Likes, comments and reposts are greatly appreciated. xx
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archiveikemen · 1 year
'Secret in Your Heart' Collection Event: Ellis
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
thank you so much @candied-boys for sharing this story + the screenshots with me ♡♡!!
When I was about to go shopping on my day off, Ellis offered to come with me.
Ellis: Kate, let me carry your bags for you.
Kate: That’s alright. You’re already carrying the things I bought earlier.
Ellis: I still have one free hand.
Ellis: Moreover… I’m physically stronger than you.
Kate: Of course you are…
Ellis: I want to pamper you. Can’t I do that…?
Kate: … Then I’ll accept your kind offer. Thank you, Ellis.
Ellis: Mm, you’re welcome.
(... Ellis is so kind, as always.)
Ellis was always excessively kind towards me, as if I were his lover.
But it wasn’t because I was special, Ellis was kind towards everyone.
Whenever I was with Ellis, my heart felt lighter.
Ellis: — Hey, how happy are you right now?
Kate: Hmm… this is the happiest I’ve been since I woke up this morning.
Ellis: … I see.
(This question again.)
— “How happy are you right now?”.
He would ask that question to me and everyone around him at every opportunity.
Initially, I thought that it was just a habit of his, but—.
(I feel like there’s specific meaning behind it. Something very important to Ellis.)
There was a sense of uneasiness that felt like being choked by a ball of cotton.
As I pondered about the question I couldn't find answers to, I heard small footsteps next to me.
Little Boy: Because I like you, I’ll tell you my secret!
Little Girl: Then I’ll also tell you a huge secret because I like you too!
The little children held hands and ran off giggling.
Kate: Fufu, how adorable. It must be nice to have a close companion.
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Ellis: Shall we tell each other our secrets?
Kate: Huh?
Ellis: I want to get closer to you.
Ellis: Maybe we can get closer if we tell each other secrets. … What do you think?
His cute child-like suggestion made me smile.
Kate: Okay.
Ellis: … Great.
(What secret should I tell him?)
Ellis: Someone once said to me that if you tell someone a secret you’ve never told anyone else, you’ll get along very well, but…
Ellis: … Don’t go too far because you're going to end up having a hard time.
Kate: … Ellis?
Ellis: Which one is better? A secret that will hurt, or a happy one?
— It felt as if the bustling city suddenly stopped.
Kate: A secret that will hurt?
Ellis: Mm-hmm.
Kate: … Am I the one who will get hurt? Or you?
Ellis: Both of us, I guess?
Ellis: It’s a secret I’ve never shared before.
(How should I respond…?)
If I chose the painful secret, I might get to find out the reason behind his disturbing aura, and the meaning of that question he always asks.
(But once I find out, there’s no turning back.)
Ellis: I’d hate to make you sad.
Ellis: So I suggest you choose the happy secret.
Ellis: … What’s your decision?
Kate: Then… I’ll do as you suggested.
Ellis: Mm, okay.
I decided to go for the escape route Ellis offered me, and he brought his lips to my ear.
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Ellis: To be honest, I’m in a bit of a fix because both my hands are full.
Kate: Huh?
Ellis: I realised that I can’t hold your hand because of all the bags I’m carrying.
The unexpectedly adorable secret made my heart feel lighter again.
Kate: I didn’t notice that.
Ellis: Fufu, I did my best to hide it.
Ellis: Anyway, what’s your secret, Kate?
Kate: Don’t laugh at it, okay?
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Ellis: … I might laugh because of how cute you are.
Kate: Then I won’t say it.
Ellis: Just kidding, my bad. I promise not to laugh.
Ellis: So tell me more about yourself, Kate.
His words and actions never failed to make me feel like a large weight had been lifted off my heart.
However, I had a hunch that I would someday be consumed by the dark secret he was burdened with.
It would be like I’m paying the price for overlooking it.
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wanderfan2000 · 3 months
The Depression - WanderFan2000′s Side of The Story
Before I get started with this, I need to say for the sake of my viewers. What I’m about to talk about is MY side of this Tumblr drama that’s been going on around here regarding me and my love for the Wander Over Yonder episode, “The Lonely Planet”.  Keep in mind when I first read the post, I felt depression, flabbergasted and shock all take me over. I couldn’t shake it off and it still continues to take me over this morning. So, without further ado, let’s begin with…
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“Why do I have depression?” you might ask. Well, I’ll explain…
I was looking at the “Wander Over Yonder” tag like I always do when I came across a post written by a fellow tumblr blogger, it involved a question with highlighted words as I clicked on it, I never thought I’d find myself in the MIDDLE of a Tumblr drama war.
The story in particular was all about my countless obsession with “The Lonely Planet.” It even included pictures of questions I told some other WOY fan about the episode and how I wanted them to draw fan art of the episode. Then I started reading more, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing… 
The blogger was explaining how the lonely planet artwork, the questions, everything related to said episode was basically just a giant huge pot of NSFW content and many other things. I didn’t quite understand it, but once I did, shock and depression took over my body. 
Now that I’ve gotten the backstory out of the way, let me explain MY SIDE of the story…
First of all, everyone should know that I would NEVER in my lifetime do ANYTHING to harm Wander, he’s a character who I love and will love forever. I clearly don’t understand why on earth the Wander fandom wants to go against me, especially after seeing what I have been doing regarding my fan artwork of a sentient talking planet we’ve only seen in ONE episode and especially, the thing about me not giving a hoot about the opinion! 
But there’s no need to attack me or say anything about it. Just because I’m obsessed with an episodes of Wander that involve him getting captured by a lonely, sentient planet who ties him up with plant vines DOESN’T mean that I obsess with these episodes MORE than the entire series. I love the WOY series as a whole, each episode is unique and special in their own way, plus I always get a laugh out of a lot of them.  Now, lemme talk about my art work of Wander and Janet: 
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One thing I’d like to point out that whenever I draw Wander and Janet together nowadays, I draw them as Forever Friends. Because I like to think that Janet enjoys loving over Wander as a friend rather than trying to force him to love her. NTM, she has Maurice as her husband now.  Now I understand that a lot of folks aren’t fans of the whole “plant vines tying around Wander’s wrists ofc, many of them aren’t fan of the vines touching his face ether”. In fact, in a deleted storyboard, there was going to be a scene where Wander was completely surrounded by plant vines. It even mentions that the vines were going to be stroking his face. This never made it into the final episode, tho. Thank grop, I can’t even imagine what the fandom would’ve done with THAT. 
But anyway, the plant vines in all my fanart for this episode aren’t stroking Wander at all, they are cuddling him sweetly. (Well, in Janet’s defense.) Because the vines love him just like Janet loves her forever friend. 
Yes, I know it’s a lot to take in, but I wanted to express my feelings for what I do whenever I draw fanart for Janet. 
Listen, guys, I apologize for any convenience that my artwork, questions and screenshots centered around this episode have made you all uncomfortable. But you need to keep in mind that it is still based on the episode with a different twist: Janet is now obsessed with having Wander as her FRIEND, NOT keeping him as her lover. I mean, sure, I draw artwork based on what happened in the actual episode, but it’s fun to draw something different that Janet can obsess with Wander.  The thing is I don’t want you to view me as a bad person, especially someone who you think is obsessive with fetish. But I am NOT OBSESSED WITH ANY OF THAT! I don’t want to draw A N Y T H I N G that could cause a problem in the fandom. 
Also, the artwork that I draw of The Lonely Planet in particular, talking about it, screenshots I share, I keep all of this FRIENDLY! I don’t want them to be viewed as “NSFW” content because I would NEVER do anything to upset you guys out there, you are all my FRIENDS and I LOVE all of you! 
So, please, don’t block me just because of my obsession. I’m a friendly person who wants to love everyone I meet on here. I’m sorry if the thing I did made everyone upset and uncomfortable. I won’t do it again. 
- WanderFan2000 
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Princess! Princess!
Linktober 2023
Day 12: Princess
One week after the Princess of Hyrule returns to the surface, everyone wants an audience with her.
A week. Six days, seven hours, and eighteen minutes, to be exact. He was sure he could get it down to the second if he really thought about it. He had no doubt Purah stopped a clock somewhere or took a—what did she call it? Screenshot?—something that marked the exact moment Zelda plummeted down from the heavens.
Marking the time wasn’t of immediate importance to Link in that moment. Once he held Zelda in his arms again, splashing down into the pond below, time didn’t matter so much anymore.
For the first three days, she took no visitors. Link and Purah made sure of that. Purah ran test after test on Zelda, checking for any lingering effects of draconification or time travel. Link’s head still reeled when he tried to grasp it all. He’d never fallen back in time, though suddenly falling forward was beginning to feel like a theme in his life. Zelda couldn’t recall a moment of her time in the sky, though she believed every word of what Link told her regarding it. She eagerly examined photos of the Light Dragon, her fingers lingering over the images as if they might come to life and bite her. She expressed disquiet at the striking blueness of her draconic eyes, but she could not recall a moment beyond clutching the sword and crying out her final plea: ”Protect them all!” Having been in stasis, much like Link’s initial slumber but for tens of thousands of years, her body needed a little more time to recover and adjust to living on the ground again.
Link stayed by her side, holding her hand every moment. Zelda teased that she didn’t plan on falling down any chasms any time soon. Link tried to laugh.
On the fourth day, the first visitor arrived. Words of the princess’s return spread like wildfire through Hyrule. Ripples of news spread out from Lookout Landing, reaching new ears with every turn of a merchant’s wagon wheel.
The first to approach were Karson and Anson. They knelt before the princess, told her in earnest voices that they were thrilled to see her back, and reported on the progress of the Castle Town Restoration Project.
Link leaned back against the doorpost, watching both young men begin their petitions to the newly returned princess. Anson spoke first.
“Your Highness, firstly, we are very pleased that you’ve returned safe and sound to Lookout Landing!” His broad smile brightened the room, bringing a polite yet sincere return from Princess Zelda. “When you left us, we were in the process of clearing out the debris from around the main square. We are happy to report that the first ring around the fountain has been cleared, and efforts are underway to prepare the space for the first foundations.”
Karson nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! And the first buildings have been constructed along the path to the Landing! We’re still waiting on confirmation from Hudson on who won the bids for those buildings, but we’ll be sure to keep you posted.”
Zelda thanked them for their diligent efforts, assured them of her continuing support for the project, and promised to inspect the completed homes herself when she was feeling a little more like herself.
On the fifth day, new petitions arose.
Josha came in that morning, scrolls of parchment in her arms and a small army of researchers behind her. She bowed low to Zelda, the words already spilling out of her mouth before her head popped back up.
“Your Highness, I am so excited to see you back here again! We were praying day and night for your safe return! My team and I especially worked super hard to help Link navigate the Depths and defeat the Demon King! Link was invaluable to my research team, and I hope we were equally invaluable to his search for you, Your Highness.” She cleared her throat, tossed all the other scrolls onto the floor, and began to unfurl the largest.
“As you can see from this document, Link has assisted us in mapping out the entirety of the Depths. Ah, this is a printout from the Purah Pad.” Josha began, indicating the small Sheikah symbol in the corner of the page. Link, for his part, had no idea what a “printout” was but listened attentively, watching Zelda’s expression for any sign of disapproval or discontent. “We have a pretty good idea of the overview, but we have barely scratched the surface of what the Depths have to offer. As a fellow scientist, I’m sure you’re as excited as I am about all the possible discoveries to be made down there! For instance, in just this short time, we’ve identified several new species of plants, fungi, insects, and new minerals! Or, well, new to us, I suppose.” Josha laughed. “I doubt zonaite is very new to you, Princess.”
Zelda giggled, hiding her mouth behind her hand. “It is not, but I did not have the opportunity to witness the Depths myself when I was in the past. I would like to review your research, if that is acceptable to you.”
“More than acceptable!” Josha exclaimed, quickly picking up the scrolls and handing them to Zelda a handful at a time. “Oh, my goodness, yes! And, Your Highness, if it would please you, once you have read all of our materials, that is, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble-!” She stopped, realizing she had handed everything over and left the princess quite buried in research notes. “Would you be interested in funding a permanent research base in the Depths?”
“Would I- what?” Zelda asked. She stared at Josha, a bit bewildered by the question. With a quick glance at Link, he took the mountain of scrolls from her and set them aside. “Well, we’re working within rather small margins right now. The kingdom’s income is stretched thin as it is, and until we can rebuild to such a point that revenue meaningfully increases…” She paused.
Josha’s big, childlike eyes pleaded, her hands clasped in front of her. And, if Link didn’t know any better, he might be inclined to say she even pouted.
Zelda sighed. “I’ll see what I can do, Josha.”
The girl squealed in delight, assuring the princess over and over that she wouldn’t regret her decision to support the sciences and that the investment would be paid back tenfold.
The next petition cut more to the point.
Gralens took a wide stance after bowing in respect, his hands neatly behind his back. “Your Highness, allow me to congratulate you on your return to Hyrule. My men and I have done our utmost to keep your kingdom safe from Ganon’s threats in your absence.”
“You have my sincerest thanks, Captain. Hyrule is in your debt.” Zelda replied. She sat up a little straighter in his presence. Link didn’t doubt that her father drilled certain etiquette into her head regarding the proper address and behavior around the military.
Her words seemed to please Gralens. He shifted slightly, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice and remain professional. “Princess, with your return, the tide of our war with Ganon’s servants has at last turned in our favor. Gloom has ceased seeping from the Depths, and we believe this may be a sign that the blood moon itself may soon discontinue. That being said,” The captain briefly locked eyes with Link, though for what message or purpose Link couldn’t hope to interpret, “we are requesting additional funding to raise a fourth monster control crew.”
Zelda tilted her head. She eyed the captain suspiciously, narrowing her emerald gaze. “And why is that? If the tide of the war has indeed turned, why do you require more forces?”
Gralens straightened further. “Put simply, Your Highness, we wish to launch a final, decisive campaign. With a fourth team, we could begin a sweep through every Hylian region. We have so far been focused on Akkala, Hyrule Field, and Necluda. As I’m sure you’ve heard, Faron was invaded by monsters who all but destroyed Lurelin. We did not have the manpower to retake the village. I believe it was your knight who restored that settlement and drove the pirates out.” Gralens again looked to Link. “And while your swordsman is remarkably talented, if a bit reckless—“ Hey!”—he cannot be everywhere at once. We would prefer that he remain here for your protection, Princess, though we will take his aid as often as you can spare it.”
The way that Zelda bit her lower lip, the ghost of a grin on her face, sent heat to the tips of Link’s ears. He was, of course, at her disposal. And yet, the idea of anyone asking her permission to access him always made him a bit uncomfortable in his core. His princess knew this and took advantage of it—often.
“Captain, I understand your position, but the kingdom’s income-,” Zelda began but stopped when she saw Gralens raise a hand to object.
“Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Your Highness,” Gralens interjected. “I believe the control crews to be a wholly profitable endeavor from the kingdom’s perspective. Our funding need only be temporary. As monsters are cleared out, and the roads and fields become safer, the economy will adjust to fill in the spaces where destruction once reigned. Frightened people do not produce very much, as you well know. I believe it is in this kingdom’s best interest to act now and snuff out the remaining monsters and free up resources for productive work.”
A measure of silence followed this argument. Zelda twisted the hem of her tunic back and forth, mirroring the thoughts in her head. Her lips parted slowly. “Thank you, Captain. I will…consider this petition.”
Gralens bowed low once more, thanking the princess for her time before taking his leave.
On the sixth day, letters began to arrive. Zelda read over their contents with increasing frustration. The spoon in her mouth, which had been used to stir honey into her tea, shifted from side to side as she read. She’d barely eaten breakfast when the demands for the princess’s attention rolled in. After she’d finished each letter, she passed them to Link.
The first letter smelled like fish and river. Link doubted that the Zora had much reason to send paper letters, and likely, the use of ink and parchment was a novelty to the new king, given the smeared characters. Link squinted as he tried to decipher the meaning of the text.
“King Sidon has invited us to a banquet in my honor,” Zelda explained between bites of toast and jam. “It would be rude of the Princess of Hyrule not to attend.”
Link would not comment upon the propriety of a princess to do anything she wished, or didn’t wish, to do. He smoothed the letter flat on the table, careful not to smudge the ink any further.
The second was written by several hands, many of which Link recognized. Mastro’s close hand repeated his desire to have Link join the Stable Trotters as a vocalist. The other musicians expressed their gratitude toward Link in reuniting their band—those sentiments nearly outweighing their greetings to the princess herself. Besides Sidon, very few of Zelda’s petitioners remembered him. Zelda let him write his half of a reply letter to the group, his cucco-scratch taking up the lower half of the page below Zelda’s flowing, elegant script informing them that she would be quite pleased to hear the song they had written in her honor.
The third letter (or packet, rather) conveyed the deepest, sincerest desires of the Lucky Clover Gazette to interview Princess Zelda about “the Demon King, the ancient past, King Rauru and Queen Sonia, the sages, Castle Town, the school program, international policy, and any other topic you feel so inclined to address.” Zelda paled as she flipped through the pages, neatly written on almost two dozen sheets of paper. The cover letter referred to the following pages as “starting points” for this future interview, though Zelda referred to them as ”fucking interrogatories” under her breath. She spent the rest of the day preparing for the imminent threat of the press, leaving the rest of the petitioners to wait until the next morning.
At the conclusion of their seventh breakfast together since Zelda’s return, Link gathered the plates, stacking one carefully on top of the other. Zelda wrote replies with her right hand, her left setting her empty tea cup back onto its saucer.
Link lifted the teapot, testing the weight of it. Not much remained. He’d better brew another pot at the rate she was drinking it. “Princess-.“
”What?! She snapped, glaring up at him. Violet began to make a home under her eyes. “What else could anyone possibly want from the princess?”
Silence crackled between them. Link, taken aback by her outburst, slowly lifted the teapot up to show her. “Do you want me to brew another pot?”
Zelda’s glare faltered, her lips parting in shock at her lack of charity. “Link, I- I’m sorry. Yes.” She frowned, shaking her head. “No, that isn’t sufficient. I’m sorry for snapping at you. That isn’t how a princess should behave.”
The teapot could wait. Link took her free hand in his, stroking her knuckles with his thumb. “I think you need a break from being a princess, Zel.”
“I can’t-.” Her voice tightened, tears welling up in her eyes.
“You’re tired.” Link said. He held her gaze, refusing to lose her for even a moment. “You need to rest. Hyrule can wait.” Link took a slow breath in, exaggerating the movement of his shoulders. Out of habit, Zelda copied him.
Her fingers curled around his. “I’ve left Hyrule for months. I have a lot of old work to catch up on, and new work on top of that. I have more to do now than ever.”
“I know.” Link took another breath, watching her mimic him. “But no one said you have to do it all at once.” He squeezed her hand. “Or alone.”
A tear rolled down her cheek. She wiped it away before it reached her chin. “I can’t ask you to do this work for me.”
“You’re not asking. I’m offering.” Link reminded her. He gave her a lop-sided smile. “Would you deny your knight the opportunity to serve you?”
A quiet laugh escaped her lips. She shook her head, smiling despite herself. “No, I would never deny you that, Sir Knight.”
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tchallasbabymama · 2 years
Hello, my favorite sluts, whores, and harlots! This here is a little something something I started a year ago thanks to a request from @harleycativy for a Killmonger gangbang fic. I’m just now getting around to finishing it, and since it’s a oneshot and not part of a series, I figured I’d just go ahead and post it unedited. So, let me know what y’all think in your comments and reblogs, and let me know if you want to be tagged in anything! Also, check out my masterlist for more Black Panther fanfics. I have plenty of Erik, T’Challa, and M’Baku stories to choose from, and I have a Ramonda fic and a Nakia x Okoye fic on the way! Enjoy 😘
Word Count: 4,203
CW: smut
Raven walked in step with her boyfriend through the lobby of the luxury condo building, fidgeting with the tied belt on her knee-length trench coat. Her heart beat loudly in her chest with each step they took towards the elevators, and when the doors opened, all of her nerves returned full force.
“What if nobody wants me, Erik?” she blurted, and he looked at her like she had lost her mind.
“Girl, have you seen yourself?”
She looked away shyly, but he pulled her face back to look at him.
“Where’s this coming from? You was all hype in the car screaming Meg lyrics in my ear and shit.”
“I know, but it’d be pretty embarrassing to go to a sex party, and nobody wants to fuck me! What if-”
“Oh, I know my nigga Darnell is gonna want some.”
“Mhm. Probably Tyreke, too.”
“I can’t believe this is how I’m about to meet your friends.”
“We don’t have to do this, babygirl. We can go to dinner instead. I know you like that sushi place down the-”
“No, I want to, I’m just… just nervous, that’s all.”
Erik pulled her in for a kiss, and she let him control her body. 
“We can leave whenever you’re ready.”
Raven nodded and bit her lip, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the very patient elevator.
“So how often do they have these parties?” she asked when the doors closed behind them.
“About once a month.”
“When’s the last time you went?”
“Before we started dating.”
“Why didn’t you mention it sooner?”
“Because if your ass wasn’t so damn nasty, it probably would’ve scared you off.”
Raven giggled and nudged his side. Her eyes flickered to the ascending numbers on the elevator control panel, and a high-pitched ding let them know they had made it to the top floor.
“Ready?” Erik asked, kissing the back of her hand. 
Raven took a deep breath and nodded before stepping off the elevator first and into the foyer of the penthouse. A tall man decked out in leather gear stood by the double doors that led into the party. 
“Test and invite?” He asked, and they reached for their phones. Erik pulled up the invite on his phone while Raven found the screenshot of their STI test results from three days before. The security guard checked the invite and their results and opened the door behind him to the festivities. A room full of naked and near-naked melanated people of all shades and shapes came into view, and Raven lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. 
She barely heard the guard as he ran down a quick list of rules, too entranced in the sight before her. Not only was the condo gorgeous in its own right, with floor-to-cieling windows and a view of the city below, but the salacious activities taking place under its roof had Raven’s thighs rubbing together for friction. Erik noticed the far-off look in her eyes and lightly nudged her, bringing her attention back to the guard.
“-polyurethane condoms and water-based lube provided in the glass bowls placed around the space. Lastly, there’s security at each door and walking around, making sure everyone is playing consensually and safely. If you cannot follow our rules, you will be removed. Understood?”
Raven nodded excitedly, making Erik chuckle.  
“Yeah, we got it.”
“Coat check to the left.” The guard gestured towards the woman in a black latex catsuit stationed by the open coat closet.
They thanked him and made their way over to the coat check with Erik’s hand steadily at the small of Raven’s back to guide her. Otherwise, she’d have stopped and stared at the fine-ass specimen that was currently suspended by ropes in the middle of the room, enduring pleasurable tortures hurled his way by a very short woman in very tall pleasers. 
“Oh my god, is that Killmonger?” a high-pitched voice sang loudly.
Raven tore her gaze away from the show and allowed her eyes to rest on the coat check girl’s wide smile.
“You know it. What’s up, T?”
“Shit, not much. The usual. I see you brought a friend this time.”
“Yeah, this is my girl, Raven. Raven, meet Tara. She’s one of the people that keeps this show running.”
“Nice to meet you,” Raven said shyly.
“And you! Kill’s never brought a girl here before. You must be something special.”
“She is.”
Erik kissed her temple, and Raven melted into him.
“First time at a party like this?” Tara asked.
“How can you tell?”
“You just look a little nervous, but you’re in good hands. Promise.”
“You just gotta do one thing first.”
“What’s that?”
“Get rid of that coat, sis!”
Raven laughed as she untied her belt, and Erik helped her out of her trench, his eyes bugging out of his head when he finally got a glimpse of what she was wearing underneath. A black lace bustier and thong covered her body, but it was the thigh-high stockings being held up by delicate garters that made Erik’s engine purr.
Tara wolf-whistled and motioned for Raven to do a spin.
“You sure know how to pick ‘em, Kill.”
“Mmmhm,” Erik agreed, his eyes raking up and down Raven’s voluptuous form as he undid his own coat and handed it to Tara, blessing the room with the view of his nearly-naked body. 
“Oop, I know that look. Y’all have fun,” Tara giggled and waved goodbye. 
Erik’s hand found its way to the small of Raven’s back again, and he led her into the fray.
“Let’s go watch-”
“Nah, come here,” he rumbled in her ear and pulled her back into him and onto his lap as he sat down on the closest available loveseat. Just as he began to pry her legs open and dip his fingers into her wetness, a deep voice interrupted them – well, not really. Nothing was going to stop Erik except for Raven, and she was more than ready to get down to business.
“Yo, is that my nigga Kill?”
Raven looked up just as Erik began to play with her clit, and her eyes widened at the naked man before her.
“The fuck?!” Erik looked between them.
“Uh, Erik, this is my ex from college.”
“You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
“No, yeah, we, uh… y’all together now?” Darnell asked awkwardly.
“Yeah, it’s been about five months. So, um, how are you?”
“Nah, fuck that small talk. How long were y’all together?”
Erik’s grip on her waist grew tighter with each word. 
“Two years.”
“But that was like a decade ago.”
Erik’s brow remained furrowed. Something about his girl having been with his friend before left a bad taste in his mouth. Raven could feel the tension in his body and placed her hand on his face to get him to look at her.
“What’s wrong?”
“He doesn’t like knowing other people played with his toys,” Darnell chuckled, and Raven shot him a look that shut him up before turning back to Erik.
“Baby, the whole point of tonight was so I could experience my fantasy, right?”
“And you even said he’d want some-”
“Yeah, but that was before I knew-”
“This changes nothing. We had a good run ten years ago, but we can put that behind us and be adults and just have some fun.”
Erik eyed her silently.
“You just nasty and wanna get dicked down.”
A devilish smile curled Raven’s lips.
“That’s why you love me.”
“You right,” Erik sighed before looking up at Darnell. “My bad, bruh.”
“No worries, man.”
“So, Darnell, I’ll get straight to it. He brought me here because I’ve never had sex with multiple partners, and that’s something I want to try. Since I know you, and I’m comfortable with you, would you want to join us?”
“I mean, if Kill’s cool with it, then hell yeah. I’m down.”
They both looked at Erik expectantly, and he responded with a nonchalant shrug.
“The lady gets what the lady wants.”
“Then… can I get a couple more?”
“Anything you want, babygirl,” Erik cooed into the crook of her neck. 
“Hmm,” Raven hummed as she looked around the room at the naked and almost naked bodies around them. Some were coupled or grouped up and messing around right in the middle of all of the action, whereas others were sneaking off for privacy. Her eyes fell on a corseted woman with a large golden afro on the other side of the room, pegging a man over the arm of a couch, and she began to drool a little at the way the woman’s tits bounced with each impact. 
Erik followed her line of vision, and a smirk crossed his face when he saw who she had been looking at. He had a hunch that Raven wasn’t as straight as she thought she was, but he never pushed. The way she complimented women was definitely more lustful and less reverential than she thought, but she swore she was straight… he knew she’d figure it out eventually.
“You like what you see?” he whispered in her ear, breaking her from her trance.
“Wh- no, I just-”
“Wish you were that nigga she’s digging out.”
Raven looked away shyly, her religious upbringing making it difficult for her to articulate her feelings.
“It’s ok if you do, you know.”
“What makes you think I’m not interested in being the pegger?”
“Your sub ass?” Erik laughed, and she poked him in his ribs. Darnell simply smiled at the interaction, just happy to see his ex and his friend getting along so well.
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
Raven looked back at the sudden change of his tone. His voice had gotten raspier and deeper, and there was a growing appendage beneath her thick thighs. They locked eyes once more, and both found heat behind the others’ irises before their lips were pulled together like magnets. Raven’s hips rocked back and forth on Erik’s lap, and he slapped her ass, making her moan into his mouth.
Darnell leaned against the wall next to them, just watching while his dick hardened. Raven reached her hand out to him, and he took it, allowing her to make him sit down next to Erik, who felt the movement but didn’t stop. His hands were busy gripping Raven’s ass, and his mind only focused on her until she pulled back from their kiss and looked over at Darnell, then back at him. Erik nodded, and Raven smiled before pulling Darnell into a kiss next while still straddling Erik. Erik began fingering her, and her hips continued to wind on his lap while she trailed her fingers down to trace Darnell’s throbbing length. 
“You gonna suck daddy’s dick?” Erik asked with his fingers deep inside her, making her moan into Darnell’s mouth. “That’s not an answer.”
His free hand found its way to her braids and pulled her head back to look at him.
“I asked you a question, Raven.”
Her lips were swollen and wet, and her eyes held a certain desperation as they made contact with Erik’s piercing gaze.
“Then suck it,” he ordered before smacking her exposed ass and pulling his fingers out, making a big show of cleaning them off. Raven was on her knees not a second later, already pulling his hefty dick out of his designer boxer briefs. She began to salivate at the look of it, the veins along it calling to her so much that her tongue found its way to one. She traced it teasingly and smirked when he shuddered at the feeling. After teasing him with her tongue, she took him down her throat in a feat Darnell could only marvel at. When they were together, Raven wasn’t a fan of sucking dick, but it seemed that things had changed over time. 
“Shit,” Darnell cursed under his breath, but Raven heard him. She looked over at him and winked, making his dick come alive.
“You like having him watch, huh?”
Raven hummed in response around Erik’s length as she bobbed up and down from base to tip.
“You wanna suck his dick, too?”
“Mmmmh,” Raven all but growled, making Erik laugh.
“You nasty.” He pulled her head off of him and made her look him in the eyes. “Aint you? Say it.”
“I’m nasty.”
“Damn right you are. Now suck his dick while I see where Reke’s ass is. He’s gonna want some, too.”
Erik let her hair go, and Raven shuffled over to kneel in front of Darnell, wasting no time before engulfing him in her mouth.
“Shit, Ray!” Darnell cursed as his nails dug into the armrest.
“Yeah, that’s my girl,” Erik said with a smile while he scanned the room looking for Tyreke. As if Erik manifested his presence, the man in question emerged from a private room with a beautiful woman on his arm. 
“Damn, is that S-shayna?” Darnell stuttered through gritted teeth as he tried to hold onto his composure.
“Sure the fuck is. Yo, Reke!”
Tyreke turned towards Erik’s voice and flashed a blinding smile before kissing his partner goodbye and making his way over through the sea of intertwined bodies.
“Glad y’all’s late asses could finally make it,” he teased, dapping up Erik.
“Yeah, yeah, nigga, whatever. Reke, this here is my girl, Raven.”
Raven pulled off Darnell’s dick with a pop and smiled up at Erik’s other friend.
“Hi,” she said with a little wave as spit dripped down her chin.
“Hi, yourself,” Tyreke responded, his hungry eyes taking in every inch of Raven’s curvaceous body before turning back to Erik. “Since when do you share?”
Darnell chuckled as Erik narrowed his eyes.
“Since now, nigga. You want in or not?”
“Hell yeah! What’s the move?”
Erik turned to Raven, still on her knees in front of Darnell, and held her chin in his hand.
“What you wanna do, babygirl? We could find a room-”
“Let’s stay out here.”
Erik raised his eyebrows.
“You sure?”
“Mhm. I want people to see us.”
“You nasty bitch,” Erik smirked before leaning down and placing a sloppy kiss on her lips. “Show Tyreke what you can do, babygirl.”
Raven’s eyes darted to Tyreke’s before slowly trailing down his body to the barely-contained erection poking out of his silk boxers. Seconds later, her lips were wrapped around his bulbous head, and the salty taste of his pre-cum graced her tongue. 
Her heart nearly beat out of her chest when Erik stepped closer with his dick in hand and placed it against her lips. She worked Tyreke’s dick with her hand while she sucked Erik’s and fondled Darnell’s balls with the other hand. 
“That’s right, babygirl, take care of daddy.”
Raven lost track of time switching between the three comparable, but very different, erections. Tyreke curved slightly to the left and was shaped like a thick-stemmed mushroom, his light brown skin a shade or two darker on his dick than the rest of him. Then, there was Darnell, a clean-shaven straight shooter with a pair of juicy balls that Raven remembered used to slap her pussy with force when they had sex. Lastly, was Erik. He wasn’t nicknamed “Killmonger” for nothing; that dick was a thick, veiny, uncircumcised monster that took no prisoners and regularly had Raven begging him for mercy.
A thumping between Raven’s legs made her hips wiggle in search of stimulation, and Erik let out a dark chuckle as he watched her squirm with Darnell’s dick down her throat. He reached out and grabbed her braids, pulling her head back and making her look at him.
“You ready?”
Raven nodded.
“Use your words, Raven.”
“Yes, daddy.”
Erik helped her to her feet and sat her down on the loveseat next to Darnell before dropping to his knees and spreading her legs wide, draping one over the arm of the chair and the other on Darnell’s lap. He pushed her thong to the side and dug into his meal like a starving man. He focused his plump lips on her sensitive bundle of nerves while he fingered her with one hand and played with her purple jeweled buttplug with the other.
Raven screamed to the heavens as Erik brought her to orgasm, and seconds later, his mouth was replaced by another. Tyreke went next, dragging the flat of his tongue from her taint to her clit, collecting all the juices she had just let loose. Not to be left out, Darnell busied himself by pulling Raven’s breasts from their lace prisons.
They had garnered the attention of a small crowd when Raven’s moans hit a certain decibel, and she happened to lock eyes with the woman in the strap that she had been watching earlier. 
Erik noticed the short exchange, and bent down to whisper in her ear, “You want her to lick your pussy?”
Raven’s eyes blew wide for a second, but her panic quickly subsided, and she nodded shyly.
“Aint nothing wrong with that. Say it with your chest.”
“I-I want her to eat me out. I want to know what it’s like with a woman.”
“Sure thang, babygirl.”
Erik sauntered over to the woman, dick swinging between his toned thighs. 
“My lady likes you. What’s your name?”
“You can call me Honey,” she cooed with a voice that matched her name.
“Bet. You down, Honey?”
Honey looked him up and down before crossing her arms over her chest.
“I got rules.”
“Let’s hear ‘em.”
“I’m only here for pussy and ass. No dick.”
“Respect. This is all for her, anyway.”
Honey uncrossed her arms and nodded in approval, making Erik’s dimples sink into his cheeks, and his golden slugs shine in the dim lighting. He gestured for her to lead the way, and Honey breezed right past him, making her way over to Raven without breaking their eye contact. She tapped Tyreke on the shoulder, and he looked up at her with a soaking wet beard.
“I got it from here, big boy.”
Tyreke nodded and got up to sit on the arm of the loveseat, grabbing Raven’s other leg so that he and Darnell both held one. 
“What’s your name, beautiful?” Honey asked as she squatted in front of Raven’s delicious-looking pussy and reached out to caress her wet, already swollen lips.
“I’m Raven.”
“I’m Honey.”
“Nice to- oh my god!”
Honey wasted no time at all burying her face between Raven’s legs, and she was sure she felt herself ascending to another plane of existence the moment the other woman’s tongue flickered over her favorite spot. It didn’t help that Darnell and Tyreke were stimulating her nipples, and Erik stood off to the side, smirking while he stroked himself. 
Raven tried to focus on the grip she had on Darnell and Tyreke, but her hands flew to Honey’s golden afro to anchor herself. It felt like mere seconds passed before her juices were raining down Honey’s chin.
Honey pulled back to look at Raven’s pussy as it contracted hungrily around her fingers, and Raven pulled her into a steamy kiss. 
“Can I fuck you with my strap?” Honey asked against her lips, and Raven nodded vigorously.
Erik already had the condom ready, so he handed it over and watched as Honey rolled it down her purple shaft. His friends let go of her legs, and Raven slid down to her knees, opening her mouth wide for Honey, who gladly obliged. Even though Honey couldn’t feel the fellatio, the vision of having a beautiful woman on her knees for her made her pussy thump. She grew impatient, and moments later, her strap was sliding into Raven’s depths while the braided beauty posed on the couch with her ass up for the taking. 
“Damn, look at that grip,” Tyreke commented, staring at the way Raven’s lips seemed not to want to let Honey go.
“Greedy pussy having ass bitch,” Erik growled, his hand still stroking his length as he watched his girlfriend get absolutely railed by a woman none of them knew. 
Raven heard him and turned in his direction. She tried to send him a smile, but Honey hit a spot near her cervix that made her release a moan from the depths of her soul. The sound traveled straight to between Erik’s, Darnell’s, and Tyreke’s legs, and all three of them moved to get in on the action.
Honey pulled out and flipped Raven over in one swift motion, and the men put Raven’s mouth and hands to use. 
“There you go,” Erik encouraged her as she looked up at him with Darnell’s dick in her mouth and tears forming in her eyes. 
Raven was in heaven with their hands roaming all over her body, and her holes filled. She didn’t even notice their growing audience; all that mattered was the four people currently making her feel like a goddess of sex. 
When she came on Honey’s strap, Erik’s husky baritone tethered her to the physical.
“How you feeling, babygirl?”
Darnell moved his dick out of the way so she could speak.
“Great,” she heaved out, trying to catch her breath.
“Wanna keep going?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Aight, bet.”
Erik lifted her and sat down on the loveseat with his hips just barely on the edge of the cushion, placing her in his lap and sliding her down his bare erection. She allowed him to thrust up into her with his powerful thighs, and her hands grazed the keloid scars on his chest as she held on for dear life.
“You know this pussy is mine, right?” he growled in her ear.
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good. Now, I know what you want, but you ain’t getting it from me until you take care of them first. Understand?”
Raven pouted, but nodded her head, making Erik slap her ass.
“Yes, daddy!”
“That’s more like it,” he grinned as she bounced up and down on his dick. “Who you want in that ass first?”
Raven looked between the other three, and her eyes fell back on Honey. Without saying a word, she beckoned her over with a “come hither” motion, and leaned forward so that she and Erik were chest-to-chest. Erik reached around and pulled out her bejeweled plug, and Honey wasted no time in making sure Raven was filled to the brim.
“Fuck!” Raven cursed as she held onto Erik’s shoulders.
“Uh-huh, that’s right. Take that shit.”
Honey and Erik had Raven’s voice bouncing off the walls, and when they switched positions so that Darnell and Tyreke could have a go, she nearly dehydrated herself from all the squirting she ended up doing from the overstimulation. 
Raven wasn’t sure how much time had passed. It could’ve been ten minutes or ten hours for all she cared. All that mattered was the intense pleasure she felt from being the center of attention.  Even with all the distractions, her mind was already plotting on the next time. She wasn’t quite ready to try eating pussy yet, but she was curious enough to catalogue it for a later date. Especially if Honey could be involved.
Erik, always one to look out for his girl, noticed after a while that Raven was starting to tire out from the constant arousal, so he pulled his dick from her mouth and grabbed her jaw, forcing her to look up at him while she bounced on Darnell’s dick. Her ass was covered in his and Tyreke’s semen, but Erik had been holding on for the grand finale.  
“You’ve been so good tonight. Ready for your reward, babygirl?”
Raven’s tired eyes lit up.
“Yes, daddy,” she slurred, making him chuckle.
Erik lifted her off of Darnell and wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her back into the wall and sliding his uncovered dick into her depths. Raven held on to his neck as he pounded into her, and with every second that passed, they both climbed higher and higher to their peaks. Raven reached hers first, her body clenching around his dick as a wave of pleasure rippled through her body. 
After holding onto his nut for so long, Erik was pulled right along with her, and Raven moaned in his ear as she felt his essence spilling out of his twitching length. As if his orgasm flipped a switch inside her, Raven’s body went limp in Erik’s arms.
He sat down on the couch next to Darnell as the crowd around them dispersed. Pretty soon, all that was left standing around were just the lucky few who got a taste of Raven that night. Erik stroked her braids while Tyreke went to go find some refreshments for her to eat, and Honey massaged her tired legs while Darnell put a water bottle to her lips for her to rehydrate. When Tyreke returned with a charcuterie plate, Erik fed her little by little. 
They stayed like that until Raven found the strength to move, a lazy smile plastered on her face. She looked around at her love and her play partners, and realized she’d never be able to go back to her old vanilla life. Raven was a changed woman.
Taglist: @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @motheroffae, @love-mesome-me, @toni9, @brihann, @impremenior, @nahimjustfeelingit-writes, @brattyfics, @cecereads209, @afriendlyblackhottie, @queengodiva619, @musicisme333
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changingplumbob · 30 days
Random Ramblings
I've got to go out today so my reply to SQOTD will be coming later, not because I don't love you, but because I love too many of you to do the response justice in the brief time I have before needing to get the bus.
Also I wrote a spicy woohoo scene last night and I'm looking back on it this morning and wondering if tumblr will tell me off... Descriptors below, please let me know if you think flagging will or won't happen!
First up yes my writing is mostly G/PG but my adult sims have needs and occasionally they and I are feeling it at the same time and an intimate scene emerges. I promise I tag these posts.
So the screenshots do not show any nipples (wow I didn't even capture male nipples, weird) or genitalia. The sims are naked but I don't show any part of them below their shoulders.
The spice is in the words and I'm not sure how tumblr goes about filtering or flagging that. Because I don't want my blog to be marked as mature. But my sims do get it on. Example sentences below (and hey I could well edit these if this post gets marked as mature so don't go getting attached) obviously NSFW.
REDACTED: -sure you didn’t imagine me, under you, squirming away
REDACTED: -odd that you never imagined my mouth around you considering how much the idea ran through my mind
Then we have several broken sentences featuring the words: suck, touch, mouth, hands, with several mhmm's and *kisses*
So do we think it'll fly or will tumblr give me a time out if I try to post it?
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leafs-lover · 1 year
Too Far Gone - Part Fifty One
Tumblr media
A/N: There was supposed to be another cute/fluffy part before this but I figured you were getting bored of all the softness and decided to mix it up.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of drinking, talks of mental health - anxiety, a little angst
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 5900
Coming home Auston is beat.
It wasn’t a particularly long trip, only gone for three nights, but for some reason he just feels mentally drained. He has for weeks.
The first time he noticed was the Sunday morning of the All-Star weekend. He spent the days before taking Taylour around the city, bringing him to the dressing rooms to meet the players (he was only really interested in Fred and Mitch) and all the mascots, they watched the skills competitions and games with his family. It was a great couple of days in St. Louis, so great Auston posted a picture of Taylour to his story for the first time, ever. You couldn’t see his face, could barely see any part of him with the puffy jacket and toque he had on, but something about it felt good. Even though there were press releases where Auston acknowledged he had a kid, a couple interviews where he’d casually say “my son” in an answer, it felt as if he was hiding Taylour from the world. He didn’t want Taylour to grow up and think he was embarrassed or ashamed of him because that couldn’t be further from the truth - media and fans haven’t shown they deserve to see that part of his life.
It didn’t come without consequences. Thousands of messages on Instagram, screenshots ending up on every other social media platform, but Auston didn’t worry about any of that. He only concerned himself with Tia’s response, and the heart emoji showed she was okay with the decision.
On the Saturday night he, Fred and Mitch ventured out, along with Connor McDavid, Leon Draisaitl, Matthew Tkachuk, Mat Barzal and a few other players. They had dinner and drinks, then they had shots. They shared stories of themselves and other players in the league. They all talked with a group of women; Fred ducked out early to go home with one of those women.
At 1:30, Auston climbed into bed and opened his phone. He ventured to Instagram and watched Tia’s stories – who spent the night out with friends celebrating her first official sale. She was practically bursting out of a low-cut, tight, emerald green crop top, her skirt was short and her boots stopped just below the knee. Auston saw and loved the outfit, that wasn’t what he focused on. His favourite part was how happy she looked.
Once he watched all of Tia’s stories, Becks started to play. He watched every single one of hers, smiling at the videos of Tia dancing - a few drinks always unleashed her quirky side. He even watched the one where she was in the background, talking to a blonde at the bar while Becks fumbled around with the camera, trying to focus on Camille and Emily who were singing wildly off-key to The Backstreet Boys. Auston laughed, he could practically smell the alcohol through the screen, or maybe that was his own.
He woke up early, surprisingly without a hangover. He FaceTimed Tia to confirm the plans to pick up Alex and Taylour at Pearson. In that moment he felt fine, then he tried to make plans for them to celebrate as a family, and it felt like she blew him off. She fed him something about being busy with school (midterms were coming up), working at the store and getting the order out. Auston understood and didn’t push it, but it just kept happening.
Any time he’d see her he’d casually bring it up and she always had a reason not to. It felt like pulling teeth. There were thirteen days where Auston was in Toronto and didn’t have a game, that she could have picked from.
The only reason he got her to a restaurant was because he told Taylour it was her birthday, and she couldn’t say no to him. He tried to tell himself it was all in his head; Tia was actually busy and not ignoring him. The dinner fell on her reading week, and she should have been somewhat more relaxed. She could barely look him in the eye, and 90% of what she said was ‘hmm’ or ‘yeah.’ It shouldn’t have been that hard.
That was when he knew Tia was shutting him out. He didn’t know what caused it, everything on the surface seemed to be going well. She had a few more sales, she aced all her midterms, and when he asked Becks, she laughed him off and said she’d never seen Tia so happy.
She wasn’t upset or letting her mental health deteriorate. She wasn’t grappling with knowing Kylie lived on the other side of town, she wasn’t searching either of their names on Twitter or Tumblr. She had a problem with him.
Their usually playful banter was gone. FaceTime’s where they’d spend the entire time talking because Taylour was asleep completely stopped. Instead, he’d get texts that said “Taylour’s asleep, can’t talk.”
Days either dragged on or went by in a blur. He couldn’t focus on what people were saying or doing around him. When he stepped on the ice he managed to tune it all out and play hockey, but once the gear came off Auston shut down. The more she pulled away the more he felt himself fade. At this point he doesn’t what he needs to feel better, if anything can even help, but he needs something to bring him out of the haze.
His bag lands with a heavy thud by the door, he is too bothered to carry it to his room. He kicks his sneakers against the wall and tosses his keys on the small table a few feet away. With his head down he slips his hand into the pocket of his hoodie and lights up the screen. Defeated when he doesn’t see Tia’s name on the screen.
He’s so out of it, moving robotically, that he doesn’t even recognize the sounds coming from his living room. The clattering of plastic and faint giggles. He rounds the corner and Taylour drops one of the cars for the Paw Patrol tower which causes Auston’s head to snap up. So perplexed by what is happening he doesn’t even attempt to welcome the tiny body barreling his way; instead, Taylour runs right into his leg.
“Taylour?” Auston calls out, wondering if this is real.
“Hi, Daddy!” His entire face is glowing.
“What are you doing here?” Auston bends down and picks him up, bringing him in for a tight hug.
“I’m playing with my tower,” Taylour simply explains. 
“Yeah, I see that,” he lets out a quiet laugh, knowing his son doesn’t really understand the question. “Is your mom here?”
“Mhm.” Taylour nods.
“Where is she?” Auston gently pokes his side to prompt him further.
“I don’t know.” Taylour squirms and lets out a soft giggle, one of Auston’s favourite sounds. “Maybe the kitchen.”
She isn’t. Apart from the coffee pot that’s half full of cold coffee, there is no evidence she was ever there.
“I’m going to find her.” Auston kisses Taylour’s temple as he lowers him to his feet. “Then I’ll come play with you.”
“Okay, Daddy!” He emphatically nods.
Auston waited for a second to watch Taylour, worried that if he blinked Taylour could disappear. Even though he heard his voice, smelt his hair, and felt his touch, he still couldn’t believe it was real. Tia long ago was given a key, but only used it those couple days at Christmas. In fact, she rarely even comes to his apartment. He is the one with a car, it makes more sense for him to drive ten minutes than for her and Taylour to sit on a bus for almost forty minutes.
When Auston finally accepts this is real, Taylour is there and not some incredibly vivid hallucination, he turns around and walks back toward the door. He once again leaves the bag by the door, then ventures down the hall. He first stops at Taylour’s room, but she isn’t there – the bed is made, perfectly, with tight corners, pillows and stuffed animals neatly arranged – she was there at some point.
He pokes his head in the spare room, the bed is made which again could be Tia, but nothing else is out of place. There isn’t a hairbrush or face cream on the dresser, there is no sweater folded on the bed – left out for when she inevitably gets cold – and the faint scent of her perfume doesn’t linger in the air. The bathroom too is empty, along with the laundry. If he didn’t know better, he’d think she wasn’t there.
Then he hears it.
A mumbled curse word, followed by a loud clattering sound coming from his closet.
He has spent hours in her room, slept in her bed every night for months, but he can’t remember a time Tia was in his. Auston is so fixated on how peculiar everything is, he ignores the mountain of clothes on the various pieces of furniture, the Rubbermaid totes overflowing with sneakers and stacks of hats on the dresser.
Tia is so fixated on what she is doing she doesn’t even notice him. Pieces of wood, rods, and bags of screws and bolts scattered around. His drill is pushed to the corner and a pencil is tucked behind her ear, holding back her chestnut hair that is simply blow-dried. She is on her hands and knees, hunched over a set of Ikea instructions, spinning a screw in her hand.
“Who puts two screws in the same bag without labeling them,” she utters. “They are the exact same, but one is longer, how do I know if this –“
“What are you doing?” Auston leans against the doorframe, his voice drawing up her gaze. 
“I thought I had more time.” She drops the instructions and flicks her wrist to glance at the watch, then looks back up at him. 
“To remove all the clothes you dislike?” He queries, joking slightly. 
“Not enough time for that,” she dismisses teasingly, then turns her attention back to the instructions. “I’m trying to install these organizers.” 
Reaching down he grips her wrists and forces her to her feet - the only way to get her full attention. “Why are you installing organizers in my closet.”
Her eyes drop to the side. Tia doesn’t have the strength to look in his eyes and tell him. Wave after wave of anxious energy rolls off her. If she had the stomach for breakfast, it likely would reappear. But she couldn’t eat, has barely eaten in days.
“Tia?” Her behaviour does little to settle his nerves, in fact it does the opposite. His heart is pounding and one of his hands is bound in a fist, so tight his nails carve into his palm, but he doesn’t notice. With his free hand Auston grabs her chin and forces her to look his way. “Talk to me,” he pleads, desperately.
“I –“ she whispers, unable to speak with any sort of authority. Her eyes dart all over the place, never meeting his burning gaze until a thumb begins to sweep over her jaw. It’s such a simple touch, something he has done countless times before, and like every time before it works, she is looking at him. His usually warm and grounding eyes are panicked, desperate to be let in, but there is still a softness to them, one that gets her every time.
She rises to her tippy toes and wraps her arms around his neck. Her fingers tug at the baby hairs on the nape of his neck she lets out a soft sigh following the first brush of their lips - she missed the way he felt, the way he tastes. She tries not to think of the million ways this could end badly. She tries. And for a moment everything is amazing, perfect even. She swears Auston returns the kiss, which is all she needs to sink into it and tug on his curls a little harder.
Then Auston pulls away.
A wide and sweet smile is pressed to her face, she rises to her tippy toes again. This time Auston pushes her down to the floor and takes a step back, creating space between them.
Auston is frozen. He was confused enough by her behaviour the last few weeks; he doesn’t even know where to start processing this. Did it actually happen, or is this still a very vivid hallucination?  
Her face twists into a mix of embarrassment and disappointment. She gasps. Horrified. Absolutely horrified. “I…I am so sorry,” she quickly fumbles out. What has she done?
She takes a step over an assembled drawer and tries to maneuver around him when he throws an arm in front of her stomach. Tia tries to swat at Auston’s arm, she can barely handle his concerned gaze, there is no way she can allow his touch.
“Please,” she croaks. A lump in her throat blocks the oxygen from reaching her lungs.
“Tia.” He almost laughs, how could she think he’d let her go?”
“I shouldn’t have done that.”
Auston’s voice is scarily calm. “But you did.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, just explain.”
Auston feels Tia lean back on her heals and his arm drops, the two of them stand just inches apart. The air that sits between them is heavy, so much that needs to be said but not enough words to say it. 
Neither one knows how long they stand there. Seconds bleed into what feels like hours. Breathing in the same air, barely able to hear the others shaky exhales over the pounding of their own heart. Tia uses all her strength to not crumble then and there. She never saw it going like this.
“Mommy!” Taylour’s voice ruptures the silence. “Mommy!” Two little feet pitter on the wood floor, and his voice getting louder. “Mommy, can I have a snack?”
“You want a snack?” Tia waits until he is in the closet to speak.
“Yes please!” He bashfully smiles.
This time Auston let her go, he had to. He took a minute to compose himself as best he could, and when he finally emerged the kitchen was quiet. Taylour was sitting on a barstool, shoveling yogurt into his mouth and Tia had her back to him. She was gripping the counter tight, and her feet looked tethered to the floor.
Auston carded his hand through Taylour’s hair as he walked by, earning a muffled giggle. Then he walked over to Tia and found her biting on her thumb nail. Her face was white, but she is deep in thought.
“You want to tell me what’s going on?”
He sweeps he hair back behind her shoulder, providing him a better view of her face. She jumps at the contact.
“Nothing.” She whispers out, barely able to think straight. 
“You don’t kiss me like that and not talk about it.”
While it was unexpected and left him confused, it was the kind of kiss Auston could have gotten lost in. Her lips were soft yet warm and the sweet moan she let out almost caused his heart to explode. He could have spent hours exploring her, letting them fuse together. It reminded him of the kiss she surprised him with on their first date, the kind of kiss that used to keep him up at night. Unfortunately, over the last year it’s been the kind of kiss that has accompanied pain.
“I said it was a mistake,” she practically hisses.
Auston grabs her by the shoulders and spins her around. She says nothing.
“Whether you want to or not, we are talking about this.”
She says nothing.
“Tia Grace Adams!” He finally speaks with authority, so much so it surprises them both.
“I like you okay!” The words come out before she has a chance to stop them. Hot embarrassment floods her face, only getting worse when his shoulders fall and eyes flutter closed. She wishes she said anything but that; surely she could have made up an excuse if she tried.
“You like me?”
Tia just nods.
She spent days trying to convince herself didn’t have feelings for him. And for a moment she believed it, then she made her first sale, he was the first person she told. The next night while out with her friends, Tia kept looking to the empty seat at the end of the table, she found herself wishing he was sitting in it. And later when Brody with his charming smile and charismatic personality approached Tia at the bar, she could only notice the ways he wasn’t Auston. Everything she did, grocery shopping, walking to get a coffee, she kept wanting him to be there, and every time something happened, no matter how big or small, she wanted to phone and tell him.
She hoped if she kept blowing him off he’d give up on the notion of taking her. He didn’t. He kept asking, anytime he saw her, and she couldn’t keep coming up with reasons to say no. Being around him was suffocating, but in the best way possible.
It took her a little bit, but she finally admitted to Heidi she had feelings for Auston. Heidi just smiled, in a way that said she already knew that but was happy Tia came to that conclusion. They spent the next few sessions talking about that and what Tia wanted. Now that she had admitted her feelings it was easy, she wanted Auston.
“You like me.” Auston repeats after a shaky breath. He takes another and then another, then pushes all the air out of his lungs and runs a hand down his face. Stroking over the stubble on his chiseled jaw, he breathes deeply again.
“You like me.” 
He blinks in disbelief.  
She nods. 
Auston doesn’t know why he is so dumbfounded by Tia’s admission. He held out hope for months she would tell him this exact thing, but as time wore on, he accepted this wouldn’t be the case. This shouldn’t be happening. 
“You like me.” 
“Can you say something, anything other than that,” she pleads. 
“I just…I don’t know what else to say,” he answers dejectedly, making her heart sink. “I wasn’t expecting that.” 
“Sorry for kissing you out of the blue –“ 
“I handled that better than this,” he scoffs.
“Daddy.” Taylour tugs at the hem of his shirt and looks up at him with beady brown eyes. “You play with me now?”
Auston looks down at Taylour and nods. “Yeah. That I can do.”
Tia had no idea what to do once Auston walked into the living room with Taylour. She didn’t want to talk, he begged her to only to repeat the same thing over and over then walk away. He sat on the floor and accepted the Skye figurine Taylour handed him. He put her at the top of the tower and sent her down the zipline. He pressed buttons and even laughed at some of the things Taylour said, he seemingly forgot about everything that transpired between them.
He didn’t.
He couldn’t.
It was all he could think about.
Taylour created some wild fictional story, a mystery they needed to solve. He would move the cars back and forth, give Auston instructions and laugh. Auston pressed the buttons to turn on the sound effects, he’d move Skye from point A to point B and smile whenever Taylour glanced his way. But he could not do anything else.
At some point a ministick was shoved in his hand, it took the ball hitting Auston’s ankle three times before he made an attempt to join in. Even then the ball would bounce over his stick or roll by because he just could not focus on it. His mind was caught on a loop, replaying Tia saying, ‘I like you’ and him…saying nothing.
Tia hoped that because her heart had been yanked from her chest, the rest of the day would have been blur. She felt it all.
Heidi tried to prepare Tia for the possibility Auston wouldn’t feel the same way, but Tia never considered that a possibility. In her mind, there was no way he didn’t. If she ignored the late-night FaceTime’s when Taylour is asleep, the kisses they shared, the way he looked at her and the fact he repeatedly told her that he loved her (never that he was in love with her, but Tia could read between the lines) there was still Fred. Every time he has seen her in the last three months, he has made a point of calling her out for having feelings for Auston. If Auston didn’t feel that way about her, why did his best friend care so much?
She played this situation out a hundred times and not once did it end this way. Every single time he kissed her back, said he had been waiting to hear her say that, and their clothes on a bedroom floor.
The door was barely closed before the phone was in her hand. It took everything for her to not fall apart sitting on a barstool in her ex-boyfriend’s kitchen, she couldn’t take anymore.
“Yeah.” Abby huffs into the phone after seven rings. Tia didn’t expect her to answer, they haven’t spoke in weeks. If the situation were reversed Tia wouldn’t answer, but she always let her ego get in the way.
“I kissed him Abs, I just...I kissed him.” Tia fumbles out, frantically pacing around the mess of clothes in Auston’s room.
“You kissed him?” The sound of running water stops on the other end, then wood scrapes as Abby sits down to focus.
“Yeah.” Tia admits. 
“That’s amazing Tia, I’m so hap –“ Her friend’s voice softens, Tia can feel the warm smile which only makes this worse.
“He stopped…he pulled away…” Tia’s voice trembles.
“What? Why did he do that?”
“I don’t know.”
“What happened?” Abby asks sternly.
“I kissed him, and he kissed me back. Then he just stopped. He seemed confused when I said I liked him, like I suddenly had two heads.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Abby laughs. “Why would he be confused when you say you like him but proceed to kiss you?”
“I told him after the kiss.”
“Tia,” Abby groans and lets her head fall. “What did you do?”
“I…I don’t know.”
Tia’s voice snaps. Warm tears well in her eyes and as she lets out a shaky exhale they begin to fall. Abby doesn’t say anything, she just listens to Tia cry through the speaker. Five minutes later, when she has a sliver of composure Tia starts to tell Abby what happened.
“I’m proud of you,” Abby says after minutes of incoherent rambling when she can finally piece it together.
“I ruined everything,” Tia laughs through the pain.
Subconsciously, Tia brings her left hand up and bites at the hangnail on her thumb. She frantically blinks, hoping to rid the tears from her eyes.
“That’s not true, you just surprised him.”
“Gee, you don’t say?”
“How long did it take for you to get to that conclusion?”
“I told Heidi a couple weeks ago… but you know it’s been way longer than that.”
Abby laughs to herself, the closest she’s going to get to you were right.
“Mhm, and don’t you think Auston deserves more that five seconds to draw a conclusion?”
Tia sighs and falls back onto bed. Abby is right, of course she is. Tia allowed herself time to get to this point, and as much as it may hurt, shouldn’t she give Auston the same courtesy?
“What do I do now?”
“You need to talk to him and let him know this wasn’t an impulse. That you spent weeks processing your feelings, discussed it in therapy before doing anything. You tell him to take his time and that you aren’t expecting an answer right away.” Tia continues to nod through the speaker, if only she put her ego aside maybe this could have been avoided.
“What if he doesn’t feel the same way?” Tia shudders at the thought.
“There is nothing you can do.” Even though it’s not the answer Tia wants, Abby doesn’t sugar coat it. “If that’s how he feels, I help you pick up the pieces.”
Tia releases all the air in her lungs. She knows should have considered this from the beginning, but she knew if her mind was allowed to wander to the possibility, she never would have had the courage to tell him. Now all she can think is how arrogant and ignorant she was to have thought that way.
“You have to stop hiding.”
Tia took a few more minutes to gather herself. She sat on the edge of the bed and thought about what Abby said, tried to remember what Heidi had told her – considering she spent the entire time Heidi talked thinking I won’t need this, it proved to be a little challenging.
With a deep breath to settle her heart, Tia reached for the handle. She thought the slight breeze from the door opening was going to knock the air from her lungs, but what did was Auston, standing inches away, about to open the door from the other side.
“Oh.” Tia gasps. “Sorry.” She shakes her head. “I’m just –“
Auston jumps, just as surprised to see Tia. He knew she ventured down the hall, but once again, he didn’t expect to find her in his room.
Auston shuffles to the side to let her by. They don’t say anything. They don’t even look at the other. Auston’s brows are drawn together, and he has no colour left in his face, still in a state of shock over everything that has transpired over the last four hours. Tia can only wonder how long he stood at that door, and how much he heard.
Auston and Tia moved somewhat robotically after that. She had been gone so long Auston made lunch, she couldn’t eat. She took the plate and placed it in the fridge, then made herself small, curled into a corner of the couch.
Tia heard the shower start, then stop a few minutes later. She heard faint muttering as he maneuvered the various bins and piles trying to find something. She heard plastic scrape along the floor, banging and cursing as he stepped on something that shouldn’t be on the floor. He wasn’t putting anything back, he did not have the mental capacity to look at Ikea instructions, but he needed space to walk and space to sleep. He spent some time stacking all the pieces for the closet storage system together in a pile, so they were out of the way but wouldn’t get misplaced. He closed the Rubbermaid totes, stacked them and left a few pairs of shoes on top for easy access. He pushed everything into corners, against the wall, and threw piles of clothes that were left scattered around on top.
He found Tia’s bag, open, in his room. He left it where it was and set her pajamas on a beside table. He left her hairbrush and toothbrush in the bathroom, set the couple hair elastics he found in a pile. The more he moved around the more he realized this wasn’t an impulse. There were enough clothes in her bag to last almost a week, the three hair elastics and products in his shower indicated she had been there for a few days, not just in his apartment but in his room.
Hours went by and neither one had said anything. Tia knew she should be the first to speak. She wanted to tell him everything. She just sat on the couch, picturing his response.
I’m sorry Tia.
I don’t feel the same way.
This isn’t a good idea.
Too much has happened.
We’re better off as friends.
I’m seeing someone. She’s great, I think you’ll like her.
I’m sorry.
Her heart breaks as those words ring in her ears. She is dizzy. Tears burn her eyes, and she fights to keep them at bay.
Auston heard her sniffling. A lot. It took every ounce of strength to not scoop her up and hold her tight. The heavy silence and suffocating tension broke him, it shouldn’t be like this. They shouldn’t be like this.
After dinner (another meal Tia didn’t eat), Taylour wanted to watch a movie, and on went Toy Story 3. He smiled and laughed and after everything, would turn to one of them with wide eyes and a big grin asking, did you see that? Auston always answered, smiled and tried to sound enthused. Tia, she could barely acknowledge him.
It scared him to see her like this and he hoped it was temporary. He’s met this version of Tia before, but always hoped that’d be the last time. This version of Tia is reminiscent of the one who stopped caring and hadn’t showered for days, her hair was tangled, laundry and dishes were piling up and she didn’t even care. This is the Tia from right after the article came out, the Tia from September that tried to fight through an insurmountable amount of pain alone. The previous times he met this version he was partially to blame, this time it was all on him.
He did this to her.
He broke her.
The credits began to roll long after Taylour fell asleep. Trailers for similar movies appeared and they watched them all. Then the Disney home screen reappeared, and they sat, staring at it for what felt like hours (it was less than three minutes) before Auston slithered out from underneath and carried Taylour down the hall.
As if Tia’s anxiety wasn’t through the roof, that was the moment it all started to become too much. Her palms became clammy, and heartrate began to accelerate. No matter how hard she tried to focus on it, she couldn’t seem to catch her breath.
Up until this point there was a reason to not talk about it – Taylour. Now that he was asleep, there was no buffer, Tia couldn’t hide her crippling anxiety and fears, she couldn’t avoid the heartbreak anymore. He deserved honesty, but she didn’t think she could handle his. At least not right now.
“You like me?” Auston asks, taking a seat beside her. If Tia didn’t know better, she’d think that’s all he could say. 
“Yeah.” She replies, as if that’s all she can say.
Tia finally turns and looks at him, the first time in hours, and that’s when she realizes he looks like hell – heavy dark bags linger on his hollow cheeks, he twists the watch on his left wrist round and round. His nostrils flare and he chews on the inside of his cheek, a nervous tick.
“I’m sorry for kissing you, for just throwing this at you. I know it’s a lot.” As she turns to look at him her hand fans over his thigh ever so briefly. He flinches. It’s small, barely noticeable, but it’s there. Tia would have missed it if she hadn’t become an expert at reading him, something she wishes she wasn’t. “I’m sorry.” 
“How um…how…” Auston clears his throat and lets his shoulders drop. His eyes are trained ahead, he tries to think of how best to approach this. He needs to be delicate, tug at the string until it slowly unravels. “Are you still taking your meds?” 
Neither delicate nor slow. 
“Every day.” Tia nods. She wishes that wasn’t his first response, to assume her mental health had collapsed. “Heidi actually thinks we can start cutting my dose back soon.” 
“That’s good,” his response is barely a whisper. 
“She’s been telling me to do this for a few weeks now. To tell you.” 
Auston’s eyes widen at her admission. “How long have you liked me?” 
“I only admitted it a couple weeks ago, but Heidi knew before that. She said it became obvious at Christmas.” 
“Christmas!” There is only shock in his voice. “That was two months ago!” 
“Yeah.” Tia nods.
“I feel like I’ve had a pretty good read on you, but you’ve had feelings for me for two months and I didn’t know!” 
“Apparently,” Tia nods again. “I only admitted it a couple weeks ago though.”
“But do you think she’s right? Have you been feeling this way for over two months?”
According to Heidi, Tia has felt this way since before Halloween but there were more pressing issues to focus on. Heidi knew that Tia would only admit her feelings for Auston when she was mentally and emotionally ready to take that step. which is why she left it well enough alone. Maybe there would have come a time where Heidi prompted the discussion, but Tia got there first.
Tia’s face scrunches up in confusion. Halloween, Christmas or two weeks ago, what difference does it make? How is this what he is fixated on?
Auston flies off the couch before Tia can even react and starts to walk quickly, back and forth, around the living room. He paces, and he paces, and he paces.
His skin flushes and he scrapes a hand through his hair, then along his jaw, and over the back of his neck. He speaks, quietly, incoherently, to himself. He paces, and he paces, and he paces, stumbling over the toys that litter the living room.
Her eyes water and a heavy ball forms in her throat. She lets out a soft sniffle and water droplets begin to stain her sweater. She watches him. She waits.
She doesn’t know for what or how long it will take, but he’ll figure it out. It took him a month to visit after he found out about Taylour, almost another month to decide to be a part of Taylour’s life. She hopes it isn’t as long for him to process this, but she knows that eventually he’ll find what he’s looking for.
“What were you doing in my room?” He comes to a complete stop; his eyes are white with panic. “In my closet?”
“I thought that if we did this,” she points between them, “I would leave some stuff here. A couple pairs of jeans, some shoes. A sweater or two. I was just trying to make space, one thing led to another, and I was building shelves. I don’t know.”
Tia stands up and sniffs, no longer trying to hide the fact that she’s crying. She thought she had learned to accept heartache; she never realized the hardest part would be having to mourn someone who was still in her life. “I’m going to bed. Can you watch him while I’m at therapy tomorrow?” Her voice cracks and Auston just nods in response. “I really am sorry Auston.” She only speaks once she’s almost out of the room, away from him. “I should have done this differently; I was so sure you were going to say yes.”
“I never said no.” Auston whispers, but she’s long gone.
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offtorivendell · 2 years
What if Azriel didn't let go of Elain after escaping from Hybern's camp because they're carranam, and he needed the power boost?
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This is more of a thought dump than a properly researched theory, but I think it's plausible... and I still wanted to share it despite feeling lazy. 😅
Azriel’s power gave out on the outskirts of our camp. [...] The gray light of morning had broken over the world, mist clinging to our ankles as we headed into that camp, Azriel still cradling Elain to his chest. He dripped blood behind him the entire time—a trickle compared to the torrent that should be leaking out. Contained only by the patches of power he’d slapped on it. Help—he needed a healer immediately. [...] Rhys winnowed into our path before we’d made it past the first line of tents. His eyes went right to Azriel’s wings, then the wound in my shoulder, the paleness of my face. To Elain, then Briar. [...] She let out a sob at the sight of Elain, still in Azriel’s arms. I’d never heard a sound like that from her. Not once. She isn’t hurt, I said to her, into that chamber in her mind. Because words … I couldn’t form them. [...] Rhys lunged for Azriel, taking Elain from him and gently setting my sister down. Azriel rasped, swaying on his feet, “We need Helion to get these chains off her.” Yet Elain didn’t seem to notice them as she rose up on her toes and kissed the shadowsinger’s cheek. And then walked to me and Nesta, who pulled back long enough to survey Elain’s clean face, her clear eyes. “We need to get you to Thesan,” Rhys said to Azriel. “Right now.” - ACOWAR, chapter 65
This passage from ACOWAR is often quoted in Elriel theories discussing the possibility of a second, or true, mating bond between Elain and Azriel - and for a good reason, imo - but what if it's hinting at the existence of a possible carranam bond instead of, or as well as, a mating bond?
Looking at it in a new light - and this is thanks to me remembering something that @ultadverb posted a week or so ago, but I can't find it now, sorry - what if Azriel, who was bleeding at the time, with no power left of his own, was holding onto Elain because they are carranam, and he needed the power boost to get them home? Could Elain have had a small cut that helped to establish their bond, or do power sharing bonds function without blood contact in ACOTAR, as opposed to TOG? Alternatively, and this is far more likely in my opinion, given his power did in fact "give out" eventually, were the spelled chains that Elain was wearing interfering with a hypothetical carranam bond as they once did with Feyre and Rhys' mating bond?
Was Azriel's cradling Elain to his chest instinctual not because (or at least, not just because) they are mates of a sort, but because they are carranam and Azriel sensed that it was, somehow, what he needed to do to get them all home in one piece? Not that I'm suggesting he was wanting to steal her power for selfish or nefarious reasons of course, but it sounds like something he might have sensed at the time, but not known the depth of what it truly meant for them. Did the spelled chains that the king of Hybern had put on Elain trap her power such that she couldn't help Azriel, even if she had known how? Was Az so insistent that the chains were removed from Elain because his magic sensed hers could help out if it was only unlocked?
This could all be part of why Azriel's shadows seem to disappear around Elain; does she, unwittingly or not, charge them in some way that allows them to brighten through neutral and on into sunlight, and could Azriel do the same for her in a time of need?
Will we see them function as conduits, carranam - or whatever they call it in Prythian - again at some point in the future? 🤞🏻
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gwenthebard · 7 months
Pathfinder OCs and Fallout OCs. My Pathfinder OCs are primarily based around the Montague family of Ustalav, my Fallout OCs are primarily based around game MCs plus one TTRPG oc
Honestly I've written fan fiction about all of them, but I'm absolutely too terrified to share that
Buckle up y'all
The Montague family are Ustalav nobility, all disappointments to each other and all fucked up in their own and unique ways. I sort of have art for them, but it's just Hero Forge screenshots from them being largely game characters.
In alphabetical order:
Alaela Montague
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Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 123
Height: 5’4 (163 cm)
Ancestry: Elf
Class: Cleric
Likes: Her kids, Bad Boys, Adventure, Sex, BDSM
Dislikes: Settling Down, Purity Culture, Losing
Fun Facts:
Parents are wealthy merchants in Absalam, but extremely disappointed in their daughter’s life choices and don’t talk to her much.
The collar is not part of her uniform
Alaela's a bad ass Cleric of Calistria who fell in love with her husband after she tried to kill him on a dare and he found it really funny. They got married, but after having the triplets she realized she was missing a life of adventure. She waited until they were 12, said "I'm sure they won't get mommy issues if I leave now" and left.
She still regularly writes her kids letters, somehow knowing where they are even when theyre adventuring. Every year she hosts a family dinner where everyone's invited, but attendance is inconsistent.
Bella Montague
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Pronouns: She/They
Age: 63
Height: 6’3 (190 cm)
Ancestry: Dhampir human
Class: Cleric
Likes: Helping people out, Howl, meeting new people, Unions
Dislikes: Vegetables, Alcohol, Capitalism
Fun Facts:
Is in horrible need of wearing her glasses, but thinks they make her look like a nerd.
Became a cleric to try and see her mom more (it didn’t work)
Bella's the middle child of the Montague triplets, and was actually the first of them I built. She's very much a jock, terribly built, and is a charismatic herbo who gets by on the fact no one asks her anything too complicated.
She can't hit anything, will eat or drink anything you hand her, and has built a slow resistance to poison from Howl testing his poisons on her since they were kids. They will do literally anything an older woman tells her to, and has accidentally unionized war camps.
Delilah Montague
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Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 63
Height: 6’3 (190 cm)
Ancestry: Dhampir human
Class: Witch
Likes: Death, Necromancy, The Eyes That Watch, Salem, Sally
Dislikes: Food, Baths, Bella
Fun Facts:
Uses Embalming fluid as her perfume
Sally is the only one allowed to fix her hair or pick her outfits
I'm actually playing Delilah in an Alkenstar game, and she's probably my favorite. Having suffered from sleep paralysis since she was a kid, on the first birthday after her mom left the creature in the shadows, the Eyes That Watch, sent her a cat as a birthday present. Salem's a talking cat who ambiguously hints he was once human, and is a himbo
She takes terrible care of herself, having not taken a bath or brushed her hair in decades now. Her outfit was white when and blue when she was given it, and she's never purposefully dyed it. Delilah often has to be forced to eat by Salem, though at the same time he eats most of her rations for her.
Howl Montague
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Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 68
Height: 6’6 (198 cm)
Ancestry: Vampire human
Class: Alchemist
Likes: Fashion, Sewing, Fiber Arts, Bella
Dislikes: Blood, messes, insects
Fun Facts:
Made the main outfits all of the triplets normal wear (armor withstanding)
Bella is the only one who gets to hear about how his experiments are going (she's the test subject)
Howl is the oldest Montague child, and is proud of having the best fashion sense. He wakes up every morning and decides he's the most impressive person in the country. Having trained to be an alchemist since a young kid, he specializes in mutagens and poisons.
Howl is a disaster pansexual and has a habit of falling fast and falling hard for every man and woman he meets. Absolutely has never gotten a date and never will, because he has negative game. Sally tried setting him up once on a blind date and he panicked and poisoned himself to have an excuse to leave early.
Kolro Montague
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Pronouns: He/Him
Age: ???
Height: 7’5 (226 cm)
Ancestry: Vampire human
Class: Fighter
Likes: Bloodshed and massacre, subjugating the masses, torture, his wife
Dislikes: His kids, his life choices
Fun Facts:
Spends an hour every morning styling his hair and beard
Makes sure to schedule a collective twenty four hours of bonding time with each of his kids each year to seem like he cares
Kolro's family had ruled their territory in Ustalav for some time before he became a vampire. Killing his own father, he took up the titles and has ruled the territory with an iron fist ever since, his cruel exterior only pierced by Alaela.
Kolro has no idea how to raise kids, and literally thinks his kids aren't properly adults until they try to kill him and steal his titles and lands. None of them have tried to do so, and none hold a demeanor close to his, leading to constant disappointment. He's not sure how to interact with his kids in a way that's not encouraging murder or discussing the philosophy of war.
Salem Catenhagen
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Pronouns: He/Him
Age: ???
Height: Cat
Ancestry: Cat
Class: Cat
Likes: String, fish, catnip, women, flare for the dramatic, evil schemes
Dislikes: Water, long walks on the beach, The Eyes That Watch
Fun Facts:
Used to be human before betraying The Eyes That Watch
Considers himself the dad who stepped up to Delilah.
Literally just gonna leave this here, what else needs to be said.
Sally Montague
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Age: 63
Height: 6’3 (190 cm)
Ancestry: Dhampir human
Class: Druid
Likes: Her kids, Delilah, her husbands, nature, animals, flowers, trees, birds, bugs, green, brown, purple, pink, red, white, black (list continues indefinitely)
Dislikes: Fighting, anger, bad vibes
Fun Fact:
Stole her pearl necklace from her dad’s private vault as a memory of home
Is wanted in every country for violent acts of ecoterrorism she refers to as her “fixing the vibes in the room”.
Youngest of the Montague triplets, Sally has always been the silliest of the family. Loving peace, happiness, beauty, she was always considered to be a rebel in her family, something she thought stressful. When she fell in love with a halfling bard at nineteen she panicked at how her family would react and did the logical thing:
She robbed her grandmother's grave and placed the body in her bed, burned down her tower, stole the Montague family pearls, and faked her death for five years while she eloped and had a kid. By the time she returned, everyone was so happy about her being alive they didn't care about her taste in men. She primarily lives in a halfling commune with her three husbands and scores of kids and grandkids, but occasionally goes on trips to perform ecoterrorism.
These have a lot less information, mostly because most of them are my character headcanons and the one TTRPG one I've never gotten a chance to play in a game so it's just for my custom setting
I have a picture of my Sole Survivor OC, literally shitty "took picture of screen" because was playing her recently, but not even Hero Forge art for others so keep that in mine
Nancy Alberts
Origin: Lone Wanderer
Pronouns: She/Her
Nancy's genuinely hopeful and happy, but also very shy and uncertain about herself. Growing up in the vault she was the type to try and making people like her by being funny, but none of her jokes work in the wasteland so she's just nervous.
Ends up becoming really skilled at using automatic rifles and the like. She wears the power armor she's given while out on quests, but otherwise feels a lot of comfort in wearing her old vault suit while around the house.
She started getting a crush on Butch before she left the vault that she fucking hated and suppressed. They became a relationship of "well we know each other and not many other people" after he left the vault himself, and kinda on again off again until they actually started dating after the game.
Origin: The Courier
Pronouns: She/Her
Mouse lost big sections of her memory after getting shot in the head, remembering some vague details but forgetting a lot. Not remembering her actual name, she just remembers people liked to call her Mouse, and she was from farther out west. Wandering back out into the wastes she found herself.
She ends up becoming classic cowboy, using revolvers mostly with occasional non-scoped rifles, wears leathers and coats. She acts cheerful and happy, though is constantly on the verge of an identity crisis and crying regularly as she tries to figure out who she is. Tries staying alone at first, despite meeting few people, but does bring Boone along after helping him out.
Sees Boone as similar sad person for her to relate to, especially since it helps neither talks about their past immediately. Starts to enjoy his company and adds his gifted beret to her normal wardrobe. Starts to get a crush on Boone, but pretty much immediately knows he's never returning that.
Sleeps with Benny planning to kill him and thinking it's the best way to show Boone "not interested", but they end up talking about their feelings and regrets and she forgets to and falls asleep. Wakes up pissed off and tracks him down, ends up letting him go, and gets pissed at herself again and shoots Caesar for the hell of it before leaving. This all makes her realize how desperate she is for someone to talk to, and makes the crush on Boone worse.
Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road happens and she realizes it's not just Boone, she just has the worst taste in men and is touch starved.
She does the Yes Man ending, and tries and help people around her get better as she realizes she's a complete mess. Tries turning herself into a martyr, but friends keep pulling a "I will drag you into loving yourself" point
Julie "Snipes"
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Pronouns: She/Her
Origin: Sole Survivor
Julie grew up in the country and was used to needing to hunt and the like, with her dad being a major doomsday prepper. Gladly settled down and became a suburban housewife after growing up with that, trying to put that behind her. After waking up from being frozen she fell back on a lot of that, while spiraling mentally.
Julie believes completely in customization and sufficiency, though how far she takes it can be concerning. She primarily dresses as above and uses a sniper rifle and pipe pistol for close range. She stopped using her husband's name early on, though didn't feel comfortable taking her maiden name. In the end she ended up getting the nickname Snipes for her preferred method of combat.
She alternates rather regularly between being nice and supportive and wanting to go into the Wasteland and fight everything she sees. Generally tries to help others, but at the same time just feels really lost and unsure of how to act in this new world so she falls back on letting others do most of the charity work.
On top of building settlements and falling back on knowledge she has from her past she customizes everything. Her weapons, her armor, even herself in what ways she can. Julie got really into chems after the apocalypse, often making her own and using them during fights.
Doesn't really get over the death of her husband for a long while, not even removing her wedding ring the whole time or living his behind. Becomes really good friends with Hancock and has brief flings with Piper and Macready, but isn't ready for a full relationship. Does Minuteman ending, after the game she ends up retiring to Diamond City with her robot kid to try focusing on herself again.
Pronouns: She/Her
Origins: Fallout 2d20 (Custom Richmond Setting)
Morgause is a member of "The Kingdom", a group of ren faire descendents who formed a pseudo-medieval civilization. A member of the noble class, Morgause left it behind to seek a life of her own. Now she wanders the wasteland trying to help smaller civilizations, while escaping bounty hunters her family sends trying to bring her back.
Morgause still dresses in the pseudo-medieval fashion of The Kingdom, wearing long dresses and veils even to fights. Primarily using rifles, she likes to keeps her distance if a fight happens and use her charisma first when possible. Her dialogue's still peppered with the dialect of The Kingdom, though she's been trying to hide it as it's a subject of ridicule the farther out one gets from their territories.
Morgause travels alone mostly, though has recently started taking up group jobs in an attempt to socialize. Not really sure how to act outside the specific context of a noble of a single culture though it's been slow and with plenty of blunders. Her one and only attempt to have asked someone on a date having resulted in laughter
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