#i really love geff
jord-exverno · 3 years
things to look forward to at camp averno according to someone whos never been
trees, i can assume a lot of them
the vague presence of a powerful and spiteful but ultimately benevolent being that seems to linger just at the edge of your perception
inevitably basing some kind of game around the shit you find for sale at al’s grocery
hearing whispers at all hours of the day, some distinctly human, some not
at dolores’ pie shop, you can at least feel secure in the knowledge that the whispers are human, or human-equivalent, but be careful not to listen too intently to these whispers, for you may hear something that will keep you up at night
cabin terras three-eyed pet raccoon geff
tea parties at cabin solis, very lovely but i hope you like yellow
the domestic sounds of orders being taken dishes clamoring against each other and campers laughing over milkshakes and fries at the skyline diner
if youre not in ddl, finally learning dreamspeak thanks to your ddl cabinmates
if you are in ddl, finally being able to ramble about dreamspeak to people who arent also in ddl
collectively being able to refer to your classes at ans in the past tense
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f1tasies · 2 years
I have never been so mad after this qualifying session. Poor Pierre can he let all his rage out on me pls and thank you
istg baby Spa was at least a bit more tolerable.
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gifs by @\callumilott
I mean. Look at him. he's just so disappointed. in the car. in the team maybe himself? imagine he's back in his room and you're being a tease, y'know? Subtle jokes you thought might help, some light teasing that usually works.
But not this time. You settle down between his legs, on his lap, placing his right hand on your waist.
"What's the problem, baby?" you ask him, pouting. 
He massages his temple with one hand and looks away. You turn his head with your hands, forcing him to look at you. He doesn't meet your eyes.
"Nothing," he mumbles. "Just a shitshow, really."
You slowly grind on his thigh, just subtle enough to make him realize what you want to do. 
"Might as well," he whispers. "Take off your clothes and get on all fours," he orders, a little louder. 
You capture his bottom lip between yours, an affirmation to his order. 
"Yes sir," you wink, and slowly unbutton your dress. You were wearing a particularly sheer variant of stockings underneath, with lace trim that you knew Pierre liked. You wanted them to be used for a celebration. Not today, it seemed though. 
You unclasp your bra with one hand, and slide one strap out carefully. The other follows soon. You take it out from under your dress, giving him a good peek of what was to come, before throwing it at him. 
He smiles and shakes his head. "You know what?" he stands up, and unzips his suit. "To do things good, you have to do them yourself."
You hold your arms out as he undoes the final button and carefully pushes the fabric down your shoulders. His touch lingers on spots that he knew made you shiver, and as his nails trace your neck, your collarbone, your shoulder; you're sopping wet already. 
Based on his expression though, it seemed that was all the foreplay you were going to get. He lets the dress fall to the floor, before taking your scarf and tying it around your mouth, like a gag. 
"Is this fine?" he asks softly, seeking your permission without losing the moment. You liked that about him, he was always respectful. 
You nod, saliva staining the sides of your expensive satin scarf. 
“Geff on wif it!” you tell him. 
“Always so impatient,” Pierre chuckles, but takes off his fireproof inners. You could picture him clearly, seeing him in his half done racesuit never failed to make you wet. 
He pushes you down, a little harshly. But you love it. He holds the scarf in his hands, pulling it tighter, adding the teensiest bit of pain to the pleasure, enhancing it. Very cautiously, he pushes his middle finger into you, checking if you were ready. 
He takes it out, and you hear him laugh. “Maybe I’m the one who’s too patient, bella.”
His Italian was rusty, but it only turned you on. You smile to yourself. 
You feel him line up behind you, and before you anticipate it, he enters you in one fluid thrust. It was as if you were molded to him, and by the number of times you’d done it with him he already might have reshaped you to fit him like a glove. You’ve never felt more full, more satisfied, and even when he’s frustrated, he’s only thinking of you. 
He picks the pace up very quickly, not that you had reason to complain. He holds both your hands with one hand and the makeshift scarf gag in another, and you are completely at his mercy. It is a liberating feeling. You’ve never even thought about exploring outside your bedroom and yet here you are, during a qualifying that was still in session. Each time a car zooms by, you feel lightheaded. Or maybe that’s just the effect Pierre has on you.
With each thrust, he tightens his hold on you, bringing you closer, closer–
And without warning, you snap like a rubber band at maximum tension. It was as if Pierre took you to the top of Mont Blanc and sent you careening down in free fall, without a parachute. You were in bliss. 
“Good girl,” he pants into your ear, before crying out your name and cumming on your back. His grip on your make-shift gag slackens, and you feel your jaw again. Your lips are sore, and your scarf is ruined (especially when he uses it to wipe you clean; you would’ve shouted but you were too tired) but you feel refreshed. You look back at Pierre.
He seems a bit more at peace, a little calmed down. He kisses your forehead. “Merci ma belle; I really needed this.”
You wrap his arm around you, pressing your lips to his. “Always. I’ll always be here for anything you need.”
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colormeyondublue · 3 years
Yondu & The Secretary  Chapter 2: The Love Bug
Chapter 1 Here  Chapter 3 Here A few months go by aboard the ravager ship. You find out that Yondu is the Captain, and Kraglin, the Xandarian, is his first mate. The ship is called the Eclector, and some of the guys on board are total pigs. Yondu sets up a small office space for you to work out of and you find that the work is surprisingly simple. You get into a routine and start to really settle in. You also come to find that Yondu is particularly kind; to you. To the crew, he could be a total ass. Your slight attraction to the Captain was only a thought when you first met him on Krylor, but every day it kept growing and growing with how sweet he was. Maybe it was because you were a woman? Maybe it was because you were Terran? You couldn’t be sure. This might become a problem.
One evening, your office door creaks open loudly, and you hear heavy boots thunking into the room. Yondu. You smirk softly at the thought. “So, you goin’ to Geff’s little get together?” The Captain’s voice came from behind you as you finished up the data entry from the crew’s last heist. It was Geff’s birthday. The boys decided to throw him a little party at the bar on the ship. “Me? Heh, no…probably not.” You hadn’t looked at him yet, but something caught your senses. Something, different. Something…intoxicating. Was Yondu wearing cologne? Whatever it was, it was messing with your head. It smelled like the forest back home – right after the rain, blended with tones of spices and notes of musk. “Well, why the hell not?” He seemed a little surprised. Hurt, maybe? You spun around on your desk chair to face him, “Hmm…. let me put it to you this way: I am not about to be the only female on the ship in a room full of drunk Ravagers. I already get harassed and catcalled on a daily basis, Yondu! Why on Earth would I want to put myself in a situation like that?” “You Terrans sure do use the strangest expressions. We ain’t on Earth…uh….Terra I mean.” He said with a chuckle. The small chuckle at his own words made you giggle too. “Well, regardless, I just don’t think it would be very wise of me to put myself in a bad spot, that’s all.” “Well I’ll be there. I can make sure no one bothers you too much. Then would you go?” “I don’t know Yondu…I mean Geff is great and all but –“  You were cut off by loud laughter and heavy footsteps of several ravagers going past your office door. A lot of the boys were already headed to the bar to get the party started. “ – but I don’t want to be a bother. Besides, if you show even the slightest bit of protective behavior around me, couldn’t that start rumors? Wouldn’t they think it was odd? Some of these guys really talk…”
Yondu scoffed with a slight wave of his hand. “Who cares what these idiots think. I’m the Captain, and I can protect whoever the hell I feel like. Besides, how am I supposed to keep my shit in order without my assistant who helps with our operations? The boys will probably understand that their payouts could get disrupted if they mess with our lil’ secretary, right? Everybody knows you don’t mess with a Ravager’s units.” He finished with a wink. That wink…that smirk…his scent…oh no. Your head starts to feel fuzzy. Your sternum is growing tight, and butterflies explode by the thousands in your stomach. You feel like your arms are floating. You start to notice that your head seems to be wobbling a little bit and you find yourself staring at his lips. Stop being stupid! Say something! Get a grip! His smile starts to falter after a moment or two. “Uhh…you alright?”
Your clear your throat a little louder than you wanted to, and manage to say with a shaky voice, “Uhh, yeah, no, yeah…I’m – I’m fine. I guess I’m just a little tired is all. But, fine. I’ll go, but only for a few drinks. I’m not staying out all night! I have more things I want to get updated in the system before you and Kraglin start gathering intel on your next mission.” “Fine, fine. Just a few drinks.” He motions with both his hands in the air. It did not turn out, however, to be just a few drinks. It started out that way, but the more you drank, the more you wanted to be close to him. The alcohol was making you feel a little too confident. The captain was drinking too, of course, but Centaurians have to drink quite a bit before they really start to feel anything. He was on his fifth glass of whiskey for the night, and you were on your third. You were definitely tipsy, but not terribly drunk. The scent coming off him just kept smelling better and better, your senses were stirred, and you wanted to dive into him. You are sitting next to each other on the couch in the lounge that was connected to the bar. You both listen to stories and jokes being told by Tullk, Oblo, and Kraglin. Laugher is plentiful, and you couldn’t be happier. Then, you feel your Captain move next to you as he throws his arm over the back of the couch behind you. The shift in the cushions causes you to inadvertently lean closer to him. Your cheeks turn bright pink and your heart starts pounding. You sit up straight, put your drink down on the table and politely excuse yourself. The others were too drunk to notice, or care, but Yondu notices. After a moment or two he gets up and follows you to the bar. You hastily get yourself a tall glass of water, and chug it down. “What was that about back there? You alright?” He asked. “Feelin’ sick?” “No, no I’m fine. I just think it’s time I headed back to my cabin. I need to get some sleep. I have an early start tomorrow.” You said as you put your glass down on the bar. Yondu eyes you suspiciously, but doesn’t press the matter. “Can I at least walk you back? These boy’s is pretty drunk. I don’t want you to run into any trouble.” “Yeah, I guess that would be alright.” You fiddle with the empty glass on the bar in front of you. What am I even doing? Do I really have feelings for him? Is this seriously happening? What the hell am I supposed to do?! Your job on the ship is simple: free up the first mate’s time by entering new recruit information, keep transmission logs up to date, work up data sheets for new missions, and keep an updated archive on clients, easy heist planets, kree intel, etc… That was it! Nowhere in your job description are you supposed to fall for your Captain, your boss! “Well…should we be headin’ out?” Yondu’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. You looked over at him, his eyes were touched with slight concern, confusion maybe. “Captain, I….” You began, but the words just stopped coming out. You close your mouth and shake your head. “Never mind, I’m ready. Let’s go.” You both walk slowly back your cabin. Yondu is silent, as are you. The only sound to be heard is both yours and Yondu’s boots clunking down the walkways of the Eclector. When you approach your door, you hesitate.
“Goodnight Captain, thank you for walking me back. I appreciate it…and thank you for having my back tonight. I was able to actually relax and have a nice time.” You begin to open your door and walk in when you feel a large, warm hand on your shoulder. You turn to look at his hand, and your eyes trail up his arm to his shoulder, and then to his face. You both lock eyes, and your heart stops. “Why do you keep callin’ me that? Captain. You haven’t really called me that much since you boarded for the first time a few months back.” “I – I’m sorry. I just…you’re the Captain.” He took his hand from your shoulder, “Yeah, I know that. But it just feels wrong somehow. You typically call me by my name when we ain’t around the crew.” You couldn’t help but smile a little. “Alright, Yondu.” You said with a slight chuckle. “Is that better?” “Yeah. I like it when you call me by my name.” A small tinge of purple comes to his cheeks. “But don’t go tellin’ anybody that! You still gotta’ call me Captain or Sir around the crew.” “Hahaha, of course. I promise I won’t tell a soul. Cross my heart.” You used your index finger to draw an X over your chest. “I swear, you Terrans are odd…I don’t even know what that means.” You giggle again, “It means I’m serious. As serious as I can be. I won’t tell anyone. You have a reputation and status to maintain with your crew, and I completely understand that.” You turn and step into your cabin. Looking over your shoulder you smile a small, bashful smile at him. “Goodnight, Yondu.” With that, you closed your door. Yondu stood at the closed door and quietly said, “Goodnight, Darlin’.” He continued to stand there, frozen in place. What the hell was that? Why do I feel funny? My heart is pounding, my head is reeling. I care about what she calls me? Since when? Darlin’? When have I ever called anyone that? He shook his head to free himself of where he stood, and walked back to his quarters. You laid in your bed that night, unable to sleep. A big, stupid grin would not leave your lips no matter how hard you tried to get rid of it. Oh. My. Gosh. I cannot believe this. I can’t believe how hard this hit me. He’s so unbelievably handsome. His scent was so intoxicating. I didn’t know he wore cologne? And that smile?! Who knew blue could look so damn good. You giggled out loud to yourself. “I have a crush on the Captain. I have a huge freakin’ crush on Yondu Udonta. What the hell?!” You continued to giggle to yourself until you heard a group of footsteps going past your door. More ravagers were headed to bed from the party. You quickly covered your mouth as if someone could possibly hear you. Once the footsteps were gone, you continued to smile and giggle like a little girl. “Wow. What on earth and am I going to do? How do I even begin to handle this?” You said to yourself. Your mind raced, and sleep eluded you all night. Meanwhile, the Captain wasn’t sleeping much either. You kept popping up in his head. Every time he would close his eyes, you appeared. It wasn’t until tonight that he realized that you looked incredible in your maroon leathers. He had always thought you were attractive, ever since he and Kraglin decided to hire you when they met you on Krylor. But this was a whole new level of attraction. It made him feel…different. He had never felt this way before, he felt vulnerable. He did not like it one bit! But on the other hand, he did? It was starting to piss him off. He threw the furs and blankets from his body and got out of bed. He picked up a communicator brace from his nightstand and pushed a few buttons. It beeped a few times, and Kraglin’s sleepy voice could be heard. “Yes, sir? Everythin’ alright?” “Boy, get to my quarters. I need to talk to ya. I’m havin’ a problem.” “Right away sir.” Yondu shut the brace off and tossed it back on the table. Within a few minutes there was a knock on the door. Yondu got up and walked to the door, flinging it open. Kraglin rubbed his eye with a fist and yawned. “What’s goin’ on Sir?” “What’s goin’ on is I need to talk to ya. Maybe you’ll know what to do…get in here!” Yondu yanked Kraglin into the room and slammed the door shut. “Siddown.” He muttered as he pushed his desk chair to the first mate. Yondu sat on the bed and fiddled with his hands for a moment. “Sir?” Kraglin asked. “What do you need help with? Somethin’ goin’ on with the crew?” “No, but there is something goin’ on…I’ve been feeling funny all night. Ever since I went with y/n to the bar for Geff’s party, my head has been fuzzy, my chest is tight, my hands are all shaky and I can’t sleep! It’s pissin’ me off! I don’t know what the problem is. I only went with her to make sure the boys didn’t do nothin’ stupid, but now I can’t think straight! Every time I close my damn eyes, I see her!” A smirk appeared on Kraglin’s face, and he started snickering at the Captain. “What?! The hell is so funny?!” Yondu barked. Kraglin’s snickering turned into full blown laughing. He couldn’t help it. Was his Captain so oblivious? “Sir, sir, I’m sorry. You really have no idea what this is?” He asked. “No! If I did, I wouldn’t have woke you up to help me figure it out, damn it!” “Sir, it sounds to me that you got bit.” Kraglin joked. “Bit? Bit by what? Like a bug or somethin’?” “Ohhhh yeah, it’s happened to me before too. It’s a nasty little sucker.” He said with a grin. “Okay, so what do I do? Am I getting’ sick or somethin’?” “Yeah, you’re sick all right. Love sick.” The first mate said with the biggest shit eatin’ grin on his face. “Lovesick? What the hell is that? That ain’t a real thing.” Yondu snorted. “Sure is, Sir. From the sounds of it, you got bit by the love bug. The only way to cure it is to get some lovin’ from the person who sent it after ya.” Kraglin couldn’t believe this was happening to his captain. This was too good. Of course, he wanted to help him out, but he wanted to taunt him first. “What on Earth are you talkin’ about boy?! Just spit it out already!” The Captain shouted. A goofy little smile appeared on his lips as he realized he just used your expression. Damn it, girl. “Alright, alright.” Kraglin said between laughs. “Cap’n, you’re in love. Plain and simple. It sounds to me like you just realized it tonight.” “Love? I don’t love nobody. I ain’t never been in love before. This can’t be right…” Yondu started searching his hands for some kind of alternative answer. “Anyone can fall in love, Cap’n. I know I have. But that was a long time ago, before I joined the crew. It really ain’t a big deal, honest. Tell me, when you think of y/n, what do you feel?” Yondu pondered Kraglin’s words for a few moments. “I feel – happy. Warm? Maybe a little nervous. Unsure of myself, ya know? I wanna touch her, make her smile, make sure she’s safe and happy, hold her hands... kiss her.” The realization hit him like a blazing meteor. “I wanna kiss her? What?! I’ve never cared about that sentimental crap before!” Kraglin just shook his head and looked down at the floor. “Cap’n, love is a strange and mysterious force. It can be exhilarating. Maybe you should investigate and find out if she feels the same way. Could be worth a shot. Who knows? Could lead to somethin’.” Yondu looked confused. “Like what?” “Heh, I don’t know, happiness?” Kraglin shrugged his shoulders and stood. “I hope that helps Sir. I’m gonna head back to bed if you don’t need anything else.” “Yeah, sure, boy. Go on.” “Night, Cap’n.” The first mate headed toward to door, but before he walked out, he heard the Captain’s voice behind him, “Hey Krags, uh, thanks.” “No problem, Sir.” Kraglin walked out of the Captain’s quarters and quietly closed the door. Yondu got back into bed, stared at the ceiling above him and smiled. Love huh? Well, ain’t that some shit.
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texasbama · 2 years
I remember when Simone was first introduced and I was like "oh finally a black girl from beverly that isn't mixed/lightskin" and then they revealed that she lied about the pregnancy and I was like "oh why tf would you give her THIS storyline??" but then she and Jordan bonded, built up their fastburn and I was like "aww wait I love this and them, she's already elevated him as a character"
then season 3 came around and she was barely there because Geff was filming Snowfall, then the announcement of her spin off came and I was excited for her but worried about Jimone but thought "I'll be fine if they give them a good break up before she leaves" but NK's lying ass was going around saying "we spent way too much time to build this relationship to just break them up" 😒
but even in season 3 they set her up for failure/hate having her talk back to his mother (which I personally loved cause I don't care for Laura) which people (the locals) didn't like, then she was barely in any episodes to build up for her own show to make people like her and want to tune into HC. THEN they talk about "oh Simone's getting her own show" when really it's more about Damon than her - hell his ass was the one in the front in the very first poster which already set me off in not having faith in this show.
and now with that ig post where they use a "angry" picture for the darker skin girl and a happy/cute pic for the lighter one? confirmation that they hate her guts.
they may like Geffri, but they hate Simone. the views for the show aren't great and it won't even be going to Netflix where All American gets a lot of their success so I'm not expecting it to get renewed and tbh, while Simone is one of my top 5 characters out of any show, I hope it doesn't. Geffri deserves better, these shows (AA, AAHC) have not utilised the acting abilities she has, what she did with her little time on Snowfall? chefs kiss
sorry this is super long lol I just needed to get that off my chest
You make excellent points friend! When I saw that IG post yesterday I thought the same damn thing but I questioned myself. Like let me calm down, the emotions of the episode are clouding my thoughts. But after sitting on it, you are spot on. It screams colorism. From the poster to the IG post just…everything.
The writing on HC is mediocre at best. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t get picked up for a s2. I’m with you, I love Simone. I enjoy Keisha and Nathan and Thea. They have spent far too much time on this Damon birth parents thing and the aunt/coach story tbh. But so far there haven’t really been episodes where I leave it going “omg that was so good!” ya know?
I love Geffri and I agree that they aren’t utilizing her acting abilities. I want her to win so bad. It just really sucks that it seems that the show runners are not fully supporting her as the lead of the show.
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jadelotusflower · 3 years
Robin Hood Rewatch: 2x03 Childhood
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So, it's the mini gang episode. I do appreciate that the show isn't so on the nose as to have a mini equivalent to each of the gang, they're just a group of kids playing their hero games.
And we have our first murder of the episode.
Robin recognises Daniel as Marian's former table boy at Knighton in a nice piece of character continuity. I guess we're to assume that Knighton village is no more seeing as the Hall was destroyed, or that it's been subsumed into the Locksley holdings
Guy drawing the line at child murder (this time) is something I suppose.
Would the outlaws really be turning their nose up at eating squirrel? I mean come on. I don't know why this anachronism bothers me when casinos don't.
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Djaq does make a good point about foraging - oof the scurvy. Have I mentioned how much I love her new costume?
"Men tend to lie about their size." LOL
I do feel bad for Much though. He gets no respect, no respect I tells ya.
I do love it when Robin and Guy fight, because neither of them can shut up while doing it. I also enjoy Robin's little "ha" as he takes the box of black diamonds.
Little John and Mark, fighting dream team.
"This is for the poor" *punch* I love Will.
Much performing all that domestic labour and getting no credit for it. Go on strike, Much.
Marian's plan is a very clever one, playing Vaisey like a fiddle as he once again underestimates her. Great tension in this scene.
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Richard Armitage is a very handsome man, but to be honest I find Guy so repellent that I can't enjoy the shirtless scene? I realise this is an extreme minority opinion.
Anyway, Marian doesn't seem to have the same qualms, or is at least very flustered either from discomfort or attraction (probably both), then embarrassed and angry when she sees Robin checking up on her. There's a lot going on here.
I do love Marina's dress and I wish we saw more of it.
Allan taking a step towards the dark side, because he's not just "stopping Robin" but putting a child's life at risk. But he's deep in rationalisation, thinking that they'll get Daniel back by swapping him for the diamonds, no harm no foul, and not thinking about the consequences of Vaisey having access to impenetrable armour. Speaking of...
"I'd be friends with the sparrows, and the boy who shoots the arrows, if I only had a heart"
"Um, I have everything I could want" Vaisey is the just the best villain. Also, he probably knows that Robin is probably not going to go through with killing Guy - he's got Robin's number, but once again it's Marian who he doesn't see coming - he can't be as sure that she won't go through with her threat.
It's actually a great power play on Marian's part - she ensures the gang gets the diamonds, while also leaving Guy indebted to her for saving his life. But Guy is also starting to get a clue, wary of her motives that serve dual purpose, and it's an interesting dynamic.
Shoutout to Geff Francis, who played the Smith in an enjoyable guest role, yet another contractor who finds the Sheriff's employ far too dangerous. Looking at his IMDB page, other than guesting in every British tv show known to man, he also apparently played a character called Admiral Griss in The Rise of Skywalker which I have not seen, but there you go.
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brywrites · 4 years
Flight Risk VI
Summary: An answer to the age old CM question, “who’s flying the plane?” And the story of a pilot and a profiler. Part VI: In which things are lost and found and borrowed.
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(Series Masterlist) ( Previous  |  Next )
The case is of a vengeful Cinderella is closed, but as they prepare to head to the airport, Kate isn’t feeling so well. Rossi offers to drive with her to a pharmacy to pick up some saltines and Dramamine, and the rest of the team heads to the airport to wait. Reid spots Y/N chatting outside the plane with Dobson, and he instinctively starts towards her. She must see him out of the corner of her eye because she turns to greet him, but before either of them can say anything a strong hand finds his shoulder, holding him back.
“Hold there, Pretty Boy. I wanna hear the details of your Prince Charming moment back there,” Morgan says.
Y/N raises her eyebrows and he can feel his face flush. “There’s um, not much to say,” he stammers.
“Spence, come on, you were totally prince-like,” JJ laughs. “Kneeling down on one knee with a glass slipper and everything?”
“A glass slipper?” Y/N asks. JJ describes, in detail, how he played the part of the knight in shining armor at the cemetery to get Claire Dunbar to leave with them. He’s embarrassed through the whole tale, but by the time JJ gets down on one knee to kiss Morgan’s hand as he did the unsub’s, he’s sure his face is scarlet. Y/N is laughing along the entire time at his fellow agents’ melodramatic reenactment.
“Anyways, it was all very romantic. He totally swept her of her feet. The poor girl fell for him in a heartbeat,” JJ says. For a moment, Reid tries to discern what Y/N is thinking. Her face is unreadable other than a bemused smile. Her body language tells him nothing. But he can’t help but wonder – hearing about his heroics in the field, would she be jealous? Hearing how he played Prince Charming for Claire and kissed her hand. Then he wonders if he wants her to be. Is he curious because there’s a part of him that wants her to want him? Is he secretly hoping that she’d feel slighted by any hint of romance towards someone else? And if he is hoping for that, what does that mean?
But Y/N just says, “I sure would have liked to see that.”
“Next time we’ll get it on camera,” Morgan teases, ruffling Reid’s hair. He swats his friend’s hand away.
“You know, I love a good fairytale,” Y/N says, turning to him.
“Well this one was more Grimm than Disney,” he admits, trying to push the memories of the men Claire killed out of his mind. The story is over now. No more dragons to slay. Kate and Rossi return seconds later and it’s time to go.
Y/N follows Captain Dobson up the steps of the jet, and he follows close behind her. Lost in his thoughts, he nearly loses his balance at the top of the stairs. Y/N immediately reaches a hand out to steady him. Her hand is soft around his. He holds tight, both to maintain his balance and to keep a connection to her. All his life he’s been uncoordinated, but he’s willing to fall over his own feet a million times if it means having the chance to finally hold her hand. With her help, he ascends to the top step, finally making it onto the jet. It strikes him, this sudden reversal of roles. Only a few hours ago he was offering his hand to a distressed damsel to lead her away, using his words to woo her. But now Y/N is the one coming to his rescue. She is steady. Confident. She doesn’t need anyone to save her. If she did, he’d be there in a heartbeat. But she’s saving him. Little by little. Maybe they’re saving each other. One thing is for sure – she sweeps him of his feet without even trying. Knocks him out with a single smile. Quite literally puts his head in the clouds. And that’s better than any fairytale.
She’s turning the pages of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, so taken by the story that she jumps when he calls her name. She turns to see him standing there, offering an awkward half-wave. Y/N can’t help but smile at the sight of him. His cardigans and ties are becoming familiar. He always looks more like a librarian or a professor than a special agent. Not that she minds one bit. The clothes suit him well, though at this point she’s convinced he’d look good in just about anything.”
“Is it good?” he asks, nodding at the book.
“Extremely. The prose is incredible and the narration is really unique. It manages to make a story so painful sound so beautiful. You can borrow it when I’m done if you’d like. I’m sure you’d finish it in a single flight.”
“It’s quite likely,” he laughs.
“So I hear we’re off to New Mexico,” she says. The flight is long enough that she could easily lend him the book now, but she knows the trip there will be spent reviewing case files and preparing for the work to come.
“Yeah, there’s five women dead already.” Spencer sits beside her on the bench. “The unsub seems quite advanced. It’s not looking pretty.”
“We’ve got to find you at least one pretty thing to see on these cases,” she says. It doesn’t seem right for him to travel across the country and return with nothing but memories of police stations and a handful of nightmares. She still hates the idea of ferrying him and his team to and from monsters. To and from danger.
He raises his eyebrows. “Oh? Like that coffee shop you found for us last weekend?”
She laughs at his pointed accusation. When they made plans she had insisted on visiting a new pop-up that Yeeqin had shown her on Instagram. The drinks were dreamlike pieces of art with cotton candy fluff, impeccable latte art, ombre iced teas, and donuts carefully placed over the rims of mugs. The line to order had been long, and the shop was crowded with people taking photos in front of the murals and installations throughout the shop. When they finally got their drinks, they were both disappointed to find they were more watery than the sad coffee found in police stations and tiny airports. The coffee didn’t taste nearly as good as it looked, especially for the pretty penny it had cost.
“Okay, okay,” she giggles. “You have a point. I will refrain from taking food recommendations from social media influencers in the future. But I’m sure I can find a nice bookstore or a garden or something worth paying a quick visit to in Santa Fe.” She pulls out her phone for a quick search. “Oh, like this bookstore! It’s called Collected Works and it’s lovely.” Suddenly she can smell coffee and the sharp spice of aftershave. Spencer is leaning over to look at her screen. She turns her head towards him and he shifts his gaze from the phone to her and she realizes how incredibly close he is. There’s only inches between them and when his hazel eyes find hers any words she had die on her lips. Lovely, is all she can think.
After mere seconds that seem to slip into eternity, she quickly breaks eye contact and looks down at her hands, her heart thudding loudly in her ears. “Um, but, uh, maybe there’s somewhere else…” she says.
“Oh my god, Reid, you are not going to believe what I saw this morning!” A cheerful voice calls out from across the hanger and Spencer practically leaps up from the bench. The voice is familiar somehow. A brightly-dressed woman is heading towards them surprisingly fast considering the height of her stilettos. Her shockingly orange dress matches the bright hue of her lipstick and the flowers in her hair. When she reaches them, her eyes widen, and a neon grin spreads across her face as she regards Y/N. “Oh! You have to be Y/N! You look just like Morgan described!”
Y/N’s eyes flicker to Spencer who gestures towards the newcomer. “Y/N, this is Penelope Garcia. Our technical analyst.”
Garcia holds out a well-manicured hand. “Technical analyst, internet goddess, and oracle of all knowledge. But tomato, tomahto.” Y/N stands to shake her hand. “JJ was right, you’re totally cute.”
Out of the corner of her eye she sees Spencer turn tomato red. She chooses not to question it and instead asks, “Why haven’t I met you before?”
“Well, usually when these crimefighters are flying all over to world to do their crimefighting thing, I stay hunkered down in my Quantico batcave ready to scour the interwebs for their every demand. But our creep of the week is particularly creepy – he’s hacking into his victims computers to stalk them and erasing almost any trace he was there. So I’m coming along for the ride to try and pull any data I can from their devices.” She grimaces. “Believe me I would much rather be staying put and calling them from my office.”
That explains why her voice is so familiar, she’s heard it in the background a million times as the team prepares for a case in the cabin.
“Well Captain Dobson and I will do our best to make the trip a little more comfortable. We restocked the galley and deep cleaned this weekend, so Geff should be in perfect form.”
“Oh my gosh I still love that our jet has a name. Geff is so cute. I’m never calling it the jet again.”
Y/N smiles. “Right? I feel like planes have a personality all their own. They deserve a name, too!”
“I feel the same way! I name all the things in my life, but none quite compares to Esther. She’s an orange 1975 Cadillac Eldorado and the one true love of my life.”
“An Eldorado? She must be gorgeous.”
“She absolutely is, and she drives like a dream. You should totally come take her for a spin sometime! If you can handle Geff you can totally handle Esther.”
“Hey!” Spencer protests. “You wouldn’t let me drive your car!”
Garcia rolls her eyes in mock annoyance. “See, calling her a car is exactly why I don’t let you drive her! Besides, you drove us to Comic-Con and your maneuverability did not exactly inspire confidence.”
“Well if you ever need a co-pilot for a convention, let me know,” Y/N offers.
“You’re into the con crowd?” Garcia asks.
“Please, I’m a total geek,” she laughs. “If it’s got a flying craft of any kind I’m in. Firefly, LOST, Doctor Who, Star Wars – you name it.”
“I totally love you,” Garcia declares, linking her arm through Y/N’s. “I love her!” she tells Spencer.
“Well I hope you have a little love left for me, Baby Girl,” Morgan teases, walking up behind them.
“Always, sugar,” Garcia throws back. She let’s go of Y/N’s arm but says, “We have to talk later.”
“Of course,” Y/N assures her, and she hurries over to catch up with Morgan.
“I didn’t realize you liked all those things,” Spencer says.
“Of course,” she laughs. “I guess it just never came up in conversation. We were too busy with books and stories. But I’m guessing you’re also a fan?”
He nods. “Although I’ve never seen LOST. Is it good?”
“Is it good?” she asks, incredulous. “It’s incredible. It revolutionized television. And it’s right up your alley. Mystery, psychology, recurrent numbers . When this case is over we are absolutely watching it together.” She only realizes after she says it that she’s practically inviting him over to her place. Or inviting herself over to his. Is that too much? They’ve been spending more and more time together, and she has yet to stop enjoying his company. If she’s being honest, she’s always looking for excuses to see him again.
“I would love to,” he says immediately. Relief washes over her. So it is okay. It’s okay that she wants more of these moments with him, that she’s trying to commit of these little conversations to memory for fear they’ll slip away and she’ll forget the butterflies she feels when he looks at her. And when Arthur calls her away to ready Geff for takeoff, the smell of coffee and aftershave lingers in her in mind long after she walks away from him.
Three days later, the case is solved. The unsub is in custody. The victim is in the hospital with their family, where she will hopefully make a full recovery with time and with therapy. The Santa Fe sun is sweltering though. The team sits inside a small room at the little airport. The air conditioner is on full blast and everyone is sipping on water to stay cool. All of them are exhausted, and Reid wants nothing more than to take a long nap on the plane. Even Garcia is quiet. It’s a relief when Captain Dobson appears to inform them that the jet is ready for takeoff. They board Geff and settle down into chairs and couches, ready for well-deserved rest.
As soon as he does so, Reid realizes he’s left his book in the air-conditioned room. He quickly hurries back down the stairs and inside, grabbing the paperback that sits on the table where he left it. As he walks back out, he spots Y/N, standing at a locker in the hangar. She waves at him a with a smile.
“How was the case?” she asks.
“It ended as well as it could have,” he says. “But it was long. I think we’re all pretty tired.”
“I’m sure this heat isn’t helping. It’s worn me out. I’ve been putting off getting in uniform as long as I could.” She wears black pants and a short-sleeved white button-down, but the rest of her uniform is still in the locker. “So the missing woman is okay?”
Reid explains that she is, but he’s hardly aware of the words he’s saying. His focus is on her fingers as she buttons the top of her collar and ties her black tie with a careful and practiced knot. It’s looks far nicer than any of his slapdash crooked knots. She slips her blazer over her shoulders and adjusts the cuffs. He’s seen her in these clothes so many times before but he’s never realized before how good she looks in uniform. Or at least, he’s never let himself think it. It fits her well, tailored perfectly to her body. Reid is absolutely entranced as she buttons the front of her blazer, the little gold pair of wings shining above her pocket. He can’t explain why he suddenly finds this incredibly attractive, but when she puts her cap on and turns to smile at him, he completely loses track of any thoughts in his head.
It’s only when she closes the locker and says, “Let’s get out of here,” that he regains his ability to form coherent sentences.
“Wait,” he says. She does. Her cap is ever so slightly off-kilter. He reaches out to straighten it for her. As he does so, it catches a strand of her hair, and he brushes it out of the way. The gesture feels so intimate, and she stares at him the entire time. “There,” he says. “Perfect.”
“Thanks, Doctor.” The smile she gives him is different from the one she wore seconds ago. It’s softer somehow, and if he were to melt right now it wouldn’t be the result of the Santa Fe sun. They climb back into the plane. Y/N disappears into the cockpit. He puts his book back into his bag and then walks to the jet galley to grab another cup of water. Garcia joins him. As she pours herself a cup of coffee she says, “I had no idea you liked a girl in uniform.”
Reid nearly chokes on his water. “I – wait – what?”
“Oh come on, I saw you staring at Y/N.  The way you were looking at her? Ooh you are in deep, loverboy.”
“It’s – it’s not like that,” he sputters. “Not at all. We’re just – she – she’s my friend. That’s it.” Garcia quirks an unconvinced eyebrow. Reid sighs. “Look, even if I liked her, it would never work out. She’s…” There aren’t enough words to follow that adequately describe her. “Her. And I’m me. And besides, I’m pretty sure there are rules. Even if I felt that way…” He couldn’t. He can’t.
Garcia’s mischievous grin fades. “Reid, do you really think that-”
“Please, Garcia.”
She bites her lip and grabs her coffee. “Hey,” she says quietly. “No one else was paying attention. They didn’t see. And I’m not going to say anything.” She takes a step past him. “I just wish–” But she doesn’t finish the sentence. Evidently deciding against voicing her wish, Garcia returns to her seat. Reid prepares to do the same, only to notice the book sitting beside the coffee maker. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. With a little note that says, you can give it back when I see you for LOST.
In spite of himself, in spite of all the things he can’t and shouldn’t do, he smiles. He can have this. Sharing words and stories with her, and wondering which ones resonated with her when she read them. He picks up the book and sits back down just as Dobson’s voice comes through the speaker  to ask them to ask them to fasten their seatbelts and secure all loose items. Reid opens the book. That nap can wait until he gets home.
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itsawhy · 3 years
i should thank him for ghosting me for awhile. if it weren't for him, i wouldn't know that i have not been focusing on the things that i should be focusing on.
previously, i did focus on myself but everything has always been for my family. but now that i am away, i should really do something that is meant for me, and only me. i should start detaching myself from my family.
this is a great opportunity and i should cease it. his presence in my life is a blessing. i was loved, touched and had quality intimate time that i didn't get from men i dated (and ghosted). i was afraid of intimacy but i was brave enough with Geff.
i honestly thought that one single night would be enough and a one time thing. but he contacted me throughout so it was amazing - and surprising.
this is good. i get to talk myself out of it. the night i dreamnt of Muz, was the same day Geff stopped replying. and again, recurring dreams of him made me feel unloved.
but not this time. i want those dreams to stop. i want to move on. i want to be in love carelessly. i do not want to have fears of being hurt. i want to be expressive with my feelings without thinking that i am too much.
i want to be a 15 year old again and be in love for the first time, over and over again.
Geff was a good start. a pleasant one. i am so grateful to have met him.
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Alex - tell me about your siblings
ooh okay this is a fun one to start with. so i have two half brothers: one older, one younger. 
ryan is seven years younger than me. we have the same dad (who died when i was 9) and since i didn’t know my dad growing up i only learned about ryan a couple of years ago when i was looking for more info about that side of my dna. he looks startlingly like me only as a guy, it’s kinda freaky, and he seems nice enough. but i really don’t know him besides that.geff is thirteen years older than me, and we have the same mom who raised us both. so in my family he was never referred to as my half-brother, he was just my big brother, but with the age gap he moved out when i was 5. i always related to him more like some sort of weird sibling/uncle/stranger hybrid. we didn’t really have much of a relationship and we were never very close.
he breezed in and out of my life while i was a kid, i saw him for two christmases that i remember and maybe one birthday and one thanksgiving. instead of having a deadbeat or absentee dad, that guy who when you do see him it feels really special until he disappears again…i had that in brother form. when my family found out about my first relationship and decided i was gay, without asking me how i defined myself, somehow the news got to him. he showed up on my doorstep, hugged me, told me he loved me, gave me $100, and left again. now he’s one of those conservative white dudes on fb that you suspect voted for trump. 
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stunudo · 7 years
Stu Shares Sundays 9.17.17
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Original Post/ Rules
This is it! The first EVER posting! Thank you everyone who was interested in contributing and sharing with our little corner of the world! I am very proud of you all. Half of the works that “won” were not submitted to me, I had to find them. So if you want me to consider your stuff; please tag me. I can’t find every great writer just by my limited exposure to the site. I want to find new and exciting fics! ***I wanted to add something, if anyone wants to NOMINATE another blog’s work for a certain category, by all means do so!!! (Just remember to tag me and if possible submit the category.) xoxoxo (Grandma / Mama Bear/ Dad) Stu
(Each week will not have EVERY category)
Reid: High brow and/ or nerd related entries.
Hotch: Smut and/ or Angst
Garcia: Fluff/ Empowerment
Prentiss: LGBTQ featured (Can qualify for more than one category. I am not limiting the amount of queer art!!!)
Morgan: Crack/ Shit post
JJ: Domestic life/ Happily Ever Afters
Rossi: Throwbacks
Greenaway: Too short, need more!
Blake: Heartbreak
Callahan: Hot hot hot
And the winners are…
Reid: Night Changes by @dearspencerreid
This piece was for an OC writing challenge via @reiding-and-writing and I am so glad it was written. The atmosphere is elegant and whimsical fitting the OC, Tessa who is a wisp on the night air, so close and yet so far away. Beautiful piece, Liv.
Hotch: A is for Angst
Diary of a Mad Genius by @remember-me-forever-silent-angel
This series takes you into the terrified and desperate internal monologue of our beloved doctor, through his unjustified time behind bars. Stephanie is a remarkably talented writer. (Honestly, if you haven’t heard of her or her multiple amazing series, you probably need your fandom credentials re-evaluated…) I can hear Gubler’s voice saying the lines of each entry. Open at your own risk…
Garcia: Flight Risk by @brywrites
Now in it’s third installment, this engaging series is a great read. Bry shows us the BAU family from inside. And we get to meet Geff, I didn’t know how much I needed this part until it was so perfectly interjected. The fine details and the honest interactions makes my heart so, so content. Slow burn.
Prentiss: Small Creatures by @dontshootmespence
Talk about a love triangle! Nicole has created a truly inspired OC, Atim, who is (a childhood friend of Morgan’s) dating Spencer. And they just click. Atim and Spence ftw. But wait, there’s a twist and… your bleeding heart. There are three parts upon the typing of this category. Read my lovelies, read!
Morgan: This Meme by @fuckyeahcriminalminds
Because I needed a laugh and just happened across it!
Rossi: Proud of Your Boy by @spencerreidsmiles
This is the start of a very promising series! Marissa kicks us off with a short Alvez piece that hits you quickly in the feels but leaves you hoping for more for young Luke.
Blake: Threads part 1 and part 2 by @starbucksreid
My wonderful internet son, Fox, likes to destroy your soul. He built this beautiful little Ralvez family and then rips out the reader’s heart. It is the good kind of hurt.
Greenaway: Nightmare by @ralvezmood After rereading my initial post, this category could seem rude. But it just means that I want more! The depth depicted so efficiently in this piece makes the reader feel connected to their story instantly. Ralvez need each other, folks! Paige did a great job.
NEW Category
Lewis: Aileen’s Reading List by @criminal-navy-writings
For academic contribution to the fandom! Aka, someone who likes researching fics, reading and sharing them! I feel really silly starting this list because I found out that YOU have been doing one for a couple weeks already. I hope you don’t mind?! I am so glad other people are out there doing this. Thanks Allie!
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colormeyondublue · 3 years
Chapter 8: Trenvik
Chapter 7 Here - Chapter 9 Here
The next morning, you wake up feeling a little nervous. Yondu’s words and anxious behavior are still fresh in your mind. You wonder to yourself who these disloyal men may be. You have an idea who a few might be, but they’ve never really bothered you apart from the occasional catcall. Most of the time if you made a snide comment back, they would leave you alone. You idly get ready and fix your hair in a braid. This morning feels strange.
A knock at your cabin door breaks your train of thought. You head toward the door, putting on that silver bracelet Yondu got you. You open your door and find the most unexpected face there to greet you.
It was Trenvik.
Trenvik was a race that you had never seen or heard of before boarding the Eclector. Kraglin told you he was Chorak. Apparently, they were an isolated kind and they were not sociable. He was…odd to say the least. He has lemon yellow skin, with puke green blotches covering his neck and face. His eyes are a piercing green with yellow speckles, and he has goat-like pupils. His facial features are sharp and hollow, and he is totally hairless. Trenvik leans against the doorframe with two of his 4 arms. The other two arms are above you, all 6 fingers gripping the ledge over your head. He was tall – very tall. You would guess around 7 feet. His body was lanky and lean. You recall he has a very unnerving gait to his walk. Something about him always made you very uncomfortable. Maybe it was the croaking sound that always seemed to seep from his throat when he would pass you on the ship. It could have been the fact that you had caught him staring at you a number of times in the mess. He’s never spoken to you – until now.
“Uhh…Hi. Trenvik – right?”
“Why are you hiding – in your room?”
His words are measured and unnerving. You begin to fidget with your feet, gripping the door handle tighter.
“I’m not hiding, I was actually getting ready to get some breakfast.”
“Breakfast? My dear, it’s almost halfway through the day. You are a bit late for that.” His mouth spreads into a nauseating grin. Sharp, needle-like teeth showing beneath his thin lips. He leans in closer to you.
“Oh my gosh! It’s that late?! I had no idea! I’m sorry, Trenvik, I really need to go.” You try to push past him through the doorway and pull the door closed behind you. “It was nice speaking to you!”
“Not so fast.” He grabs you by your wrist and pushes you against the wall next to your door. “Why are you in such a hurry to get away from me?”
“I – I’m not. I’m just late. I have to get to w-work.” You stutter.
He slowly releases his grip on you. His eyes travel up and down your body, as if he is trying to decide if you’re lying or not. “Very well. We can finish this later.” He finally says.
He takes one step back and you turn to run down the walkway toward your office. Trenvik watching you as you flee.
As you reach your office, you slam the door behind you, breathing rapidly. You start to feel tears welling in your eyes when your wrist comm dings. It’s Yondu.
“Hey Darlin’, you alright? I haven’t seen ya all day.”
“Yondu! Umm…yeah. I slept through my alarm. And I’ve been dealing with some weird anxiety today. I just feel strange. On top of that, Trenvik came to my door a little while ago.”
“What did he want?” He asked with clear aggravation in his voice.
“I don’t know. He was just trying to talk to me I think, but it felt creepy – like there was something else. His whole demeanor was sketchy.”
“You in yer office?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Stay right there honey, I’m on my way.”
The comm beeped again, and Yondu was gone. You let out a heavy sigh, and sit down at your desk. Music…I need music. You reach for your holopad and pull up the music files that Kraglin got you a few days prior. You begin to find more and more American music. That was a huge comfort to you, regardless of what era the music was from. A song that came through your speakers almost broke you. “Devil’s Backbone” by The Civil Wars. You heard some of their music when you were back home, but this song was new to you.
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, what have I done?
I've fallen in love with a man on the run
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, I'm begging you please
Don't take that sinner from me
Oh don't take that sinner from me
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, what do I do?
I've fallen for someone who's nothing like you
He's raised on the edge of the devil's backbone
Oh I just wanna take him home...
You begin to think about the events that unfolded that morning with Trenvik. What if something does happen? What if Yondu does make me go back to Earth? I can’t leave him. He’s everything I never knew I needed. He’s brave and strong and true. Sure, he’s a criminal…but I don’t care. Sure, he’s a pirate, but I love him. I don't want to live a life without him in it. You look up at the screen of the holopad and the tears begin to fall. The last thing you want is to be the reason that Yondu runs into trouble with his crew. You don't want to be the reason someone freaks out and he gets hurt. You definitely don't want to put him in a situation where he would have to hurt someone else. He’s been through so much in his life. From being a battle slave all those years ago, being exiled by Stakar, and now he’s questioning his crew’s loyalty.
...Don't care if he's guilty, don't care if he's not
He's good and he's bad and he's all that I've got
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, I'm begging you please
Don't take that sinner from me
Oh don't take that sinner from me
What you didn’t know, is that Yondu was already in the room. He’s been silently standing inside the door listening to the music, hearing the lyrics along with your short breaths.
“Y/n?” His voice is barely above a whisper.
“Yondu!” You whip around, tears evident on your cheeks. “I didn’t hear you come in. What did you need?”
“Baby…what’s wrong? Did Trenvik bother ya?” You think his words over and absentmindedly rub your wrist where Trenvik grabbed you earlier. Yondu sees this and he raises his voice, “Did he put his hands on ya?!”
“Well…yes. He grabbed my wrist in the walkway. I’m a little scared of him, but he didn’t say anything hurtful or inappropriate. I just don't like the feeling he gives me. It’s…intrusive and creepy.”
Yondu's expression then turns angry. Eyes flashing with a seething light. Just as he is about to speak, the comm on his wrist beeps and Kraglin could be heard. “Cap’n, the crew is gathered in the mess fer the meeting.”
“Thanks, Kraglin, I’m headed yer way.” Yondu’s eyes meet yours, and he sees how worried you are. He forces his emotions to calm. “I’m gonna go talk to the crew. I’ll get this settled sweetheart, just ya wait and see.” He caresses your jaw with his hand, and places a single kiss on your lips. “Do ya wanna come with me? Ya can stand by me if that makes ya feel better ‘bout the whole thing?”
“I guess so.” You shrug.
“C’mon, darlin’.” He leads you out the doorway and toward the mess. Once there, you and Yondu walk up toward the officers table at the front. The platform you follow him to is raised and Yondu leans in close to you.
“Stay close ta me, I don’t expect much trouble, but I’d rather be safe in case anyone decides to get stupid.”
You take one small step back, but stay near Yondu’s side. The men in the mess are talking amongst themselves loudly. Kraglin approaches the Captain and murmurs, “Everyone is here sir, they’re all yers.”
Yondu clears his throat and lets out one loud, sharp whistle. His arrow flys up to his ear, and the room is immediately silent. Your heart is beating quickly, and you put your hands behind your back so you can fiddle with your fingers without being seen.
“Now…I bet ya’ll are wonderin’ why I called everyone here. It’s been brought ta my attention that some ‘a y’all think that I am keepin ya on a short leash around y/n fer no reason. It ain't fer no reason. Y/n is off limits, because she’s mine! It’s safe fer ya'll ta assume that she is my girl. I don’t want ta hear another complaint from anyone on this ship about y/n being off limits. If anyone has a problem with that, you are free to depart one of two ways: at our next port, which would be Knowhere, or out the airlock! If I get even the tiniest wind of more talk regarding y/n or this mutiny crap that’s been floating around, I will not hesitate to send this arrow straight through yer skull! Is that clear!?”
A resounding “Yes sir!” echoed through the mess.
“Not a single one ‘a ya is ta lay a hand on her. You do not speak to her in a manner she doesn’t like, and if ya do ya’ll can believe that I will know about it, and I will skin ya alive.”
The murmurs began again as Yondu turns to say something to the first mate. You scan over the crowd nervously. You catch Trenvik staring straight through you from the back of the room. His icy stare sending the worst chills down your spine. You overhear some mention of the Captain going soft, and something about you being his personal whore. The word “whore” lights your blood on fire, and you begin to see red. The murmurers start to get louder and the room is clouded with harsh laughter. The noise starts to get overwhelming. Without thinking, you yell into the room as loud and you can manage. Yondu snaps his head in your direction at the sound of your voice.
“SHUT IT!!” Your fists are clenched and your arms are shaking. Yondu can see the rage burning in your eyes. Anger is an emotion he has never seen you wear before. He isn’t sure if he should stop you, or let you continue. He keeps his eyes on you while you speak.
“Most of you in this room only know me as the Secretary – so to speak. Some of you have never spoken to me, where as some of you,” you glance in Tullk and Geff’s direction and smile softly, “talk to me on a regular basis. Yes, I am in a relationship with the Captain. Yes, I am his girl. Now, I have no authority here, but because I am his girl, I will not tolerate any mention of the Captain going soft! Some of you may have no idea what I am. Some of you might not be familiar with where I’m from. Sure, I’m Terran, but I’m more than that. I am human. We care for our own, deeply. We love, we defend and we protect. We Terrans may be small, we might be weak, and hell, we may not even be that smart by galactic standards – but back on my home planet, we have a saying: It takes a village. The meaning is simple…in order to survive, we have to work together. We have to care about each other. For thousands of years, my people have been beating the odds left and right. We’ve survived hostile environments, fierce predators, and devastating plagues. Just 4 Earth years ago, our global population reached over 7 and a half billion people! We survive because we figured out a long time ago that love is our strength, not our weakness.”
Apart from your words, the room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. You take a big breath in, and continue.
“The point is, this crew could be a whole hell of a lot better off if you guys would trash this idea that caring about someone makes you soft! It’s absolutely ridiculous! Love can bring on a strength in each and every one of you that you never knew you had. It doesn’t even have to be romantic love, it can be something as simple as friendship and respect for one another, and for your Captain. Just know that this entire crew would be so much stronger and much more resilient if you would consider my words. With this knowledge, and with Captain Udonta at the helm, this crew could do anything!”
The crew just stares back at you, with a mixture of bewilderment and confusion on their faces.
“However, Rome wasn’t built in a day. So…just think about it.” You smirk confidently, and cross your arms.
Yondu just stares at you. It’s hard to read what he’s thinking, as he remains expressionless. He looks back out over the crew. “Yer dismissed. Get back ta work!”
Kraglin discreetly says something to Yondu, and he glances at you before leaving the mess as well. Shit…I might have way overstepped my boundaries. Yondu is probably pissed. Great.
Yondu turns to you. “Yer done with yer work fer the day. Come with me.” You follow Yondu out of the mess and straight to his quarters.
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Plant Adventures! 3-23-17
Okay! SO! As of right now:
Belladonna seeds have one more week of soaking before I can plant them
Rosemary and Lavender Plant are both doing super awesome and I have no clue how I haven’t managed to kill them yet but they are both doing extremely well! I think I need to start cutting them back since they are small but getting taller.. I’m afraid they will get leggy and wooded at the bottom and lose their bottom leaves like last time. 
The wildflowers I planted haphazardly in the little peat containers have sprouted!! Out of the five containers, all of them have at least two babies growing, one of them having I think six??? Anywho they are doing super well
Succulents are all doing good! I must need to give them more water because at this point they are sucking it up and I have to water them all every day at least once, the soil is bone dry by the morning. 
Regina is looking great, her leaves have thickened up, however their were two on the bottom that died. To be fair they were already half dead when I got her, so I think it was just a necessary thing.
My lithop is also doing well, getting taller and a bit top heavy so it’s leaning over a little. I’m worried that it won’t grow anymore heads, and will only be the one stone now.
Geff is a billion times better, his green has really deepend and looks lovely, his leaves are nice and thick and firm now, He’s probably my favorite and he is the most plain looking one!
Ginn, my bamboo plant is doing fabulously sitting on my desk in the living room. It’s amazing how much water they need a day! Literally half the little pot will be empty by the morning, so I top it off basically twice a day. 
New Additions:
A few days ago I decided to see if I could grow carrot tops from just using the cut off top of a carrot and submerging it in water. It worked very well until I forgot to add more water and it shriveled up in the sunlight coming through the window. So, I refilled, used some toothpicks to keep it standing straight, and added another top in to try again. The leaves are perky again but I’m worried it’s too much sunlight for the tender greens. I may need to move them away form the glass.
Today we planted:
I also am planting green beans tomorrow, after they soak through the night in warm water. 
I also planting some more flowers, Giant Marigolds, and some Echinacea that were from an old pack of seeds, so they may or may not grow. 
Aubrey planted morning glories! She wanted to grow something too, so she found flowers she liked, and i adore her for trying <3 We plan on using them to climb up the porch and the lattice as a sort of “backdrop” for the flowers I’m currently growing. 
I’m wondering how well the carrots will do, as I have them in a 5 gallon bucket, as are my potatoes. i’ve never grown carrots before, except when I started seeds last year. They ALL sprouted within the week after I planted them, but I ended up throwing them away and never trying to finish. So, I’m confident I’ll have no problem growing them now.
I decided to do mostly ALL container veggies, save for what I plant once Aubrey builds me my raised garden bed. I figure that, since we (aka she) doesn’t eat very many veggies, I don’t have a good reason to be growing fifteen different plants. SO my solution was that I would grow everything, we would keep and use what we use, obviously, and the rest could be sold at the Saturday morning farmers market that we have! This way, I can grow to my hearts content, still get veggies, AND get a little cash! I’m really excited to see what happens. If I can successfully grow some of my plants indoors, I plan on having a year round veggies garden. 
That’s about it on the growing front for today at least! 
I’m excited because, aside from the corn, everything we sowed is something I have at the LEAST sprouted and grew into little babies, so I know I can get them that far. The big question is, will I be able to get them to YIELD? I’m really excited!!! 
Maybe tomorrow I will post some pictures of all my babies!!!
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brywrites · 4 years
Flight Risk VII
Summary: An answer to the age old CM question, “who’s flying the plane?” And the story of a pilot and a profiler. Part V: In which there are some distances that must be maintained and others that are simply begging to be crossed.
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Something is off. She can tell by the way Spencer sits alone, looking so focused on a book that it’s clear he’s not actually paying attention to it. He’s trying to give the impression he’s busy. He doesn’t want to be bothered. There is a tension he carries, and she notices that JJ carries it too. They wait on opposite ends of the hangar. When it’s time to board, she peeks out from the cockpit and notices they’re sitting on opposite ends of the plane. JJ is curled up in a blanket, staring blankly out the window. Spencer stares down at the book he’s clearly not reading.
Y/N wishes she could lighten the burden the same way a plane suddenly seems weightless at the moment of liftoff. This large thing speeding down a runway is propelled into the air and lift and thrust make physics feel like magic. There’s a strong bout of turbulence over the Great Plains, and she and Arthur have to focus on keeping Geff as steady as possible. In a smaller jet like this, an air pocket can feel so much rougher than it would on a commercial liner. One they navigate through it, it’s smooth sailing. The sun is setting behind them as they travel through time zones back to the east coast. The sky around them turns from orange to pink to violet. The stars begin to appear, blinking their salutations.
As they get closer to the airfield, she calls out over the radio. “This is niner-two-two Foxtrot Bravo, checking in, requesting clearance to land at Quantico base.”
“Foxtrot Bravo, enter the holding pattern at Quantico base, while runway is cleared maintain seven thousand feet,” replies a controller.
“Foxtrot Bravo, roger, hold at Quantico. Maintain seven thousand feet,” she echoes back. Together she and Arthur adjust the instruments, setting the proper altitude and speed, and reset the Chronometer. There’s a few planes in the queue ahead of them, and they enter the holding pattern, circling slowly around the sky. So close to home.
She asks, “Do you think something’s wrong?”
“At the base?” Arthur asks. He begins to initiate their first left turn. “Holding patterns are quite standard.”
“No, I mean with the team,” she says. “I don’t know something just seems… off. It’s unusual.”
“Y/L/N. It’s not our job.” They’re not profilers. Their concerns are with the navigation instruments and smooth landings and weather conditions. Not the behavior of people around them. “I need you present when we’re flying. Not worrying about whatever horrors they’ve seen on a case.”
She nods. “Sorry, sir.”
“You don’t need to apologize. I know you care. And I know you’ve found friends with them. But I’ve told you before – they don’t let people in. And it’s best if we try not to get involved.”
The controller cuts in before she can reply. “Foxtrot Bravo, cleared to land, runway Romeo seven.”
“Cleared to land, runway Romeo seven, Foxtrot Bravo,” she says. She can be present. She can be here, in this seat, doing what she loves. And that can be enough, can’t it? She can ignore the text from Penelope Garcia inviting her to join her and the female agents for a drink this weekend. She can stop finding reasons to spend more time with Spencer than she needs to. She can be objective.
Arthur addresses the agents they’re supposed to stay away from. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We’ve just been cleared to land at Quantico base. Please make sure your seat belts are securely fastened and all personal items are stowed away.” His voice reaching to another part of the plane, another world.
On final approach, they guide Geff back down to the ground, a beautifully smooth landing.
“Welcome back to Quantico, Virginia,” Arthur says into the speaker. “Local time is 7:15 PM and the temperature is thirty-nine degrees Fahrenheit. Please wait until we have parked at the gate to move about the cabin. And as always, please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as items may have shifted during the flight.”
She and Arthur sit in the cockpit, the sound of agents shuffling out down the stairs muffled behind them. “You know,” he says, “Malik wants to have a dinner party soon. Maybe next weekend you and Martin could come over. He could bring Theresa and the baby. It might be nice, to spend some time altogether.” Their little misfit crew of pilots.
She’s not sure if it’s his way of apologizing for earlier, or perhaps a way to remind her of her own team and duties, but she says, “I’d like that. Thank you.”
They collect their own go-bags and descend the stairs. When the door has been closed once more and they turn the corner to leave, she’s startled by the familiar figure waiting by the hangar lockers. He’s busying himself with staring at the walls around him, but when he hears them, he lifts his head and looks right at her. As if asking permission.
Y/N glances at Arthur, who just sighs and shakes his head. “Go on then,” he says. “I think it’s too late when it comes to this one.”
With his blessing, she walks over to Spencer. “Hey,” she says. “Is everything okay?” Though if it were, he wouldn’t be standing here.
“Um… not – not really. I’m sorry, I know it’s late. But would you mind giving me a ride home? I’ll order us takeout to make up for it. I uh, ­– I was hoping that maybe we could talk. If that’s okay?” He adjusts the strap of his messenger bag. “I just need someone to talk to right now, and I really want it to be you.”
How can she say no to that? “I’ll grab my car from the lot. Should I meet you outside of the Bureau building?”
“Yeah. That’d be great. There’s something I have to finish first.”
Soon enough she’s parked under the awning of the Academy entrance, waiting for him. She starts the engine up when she spots him coming out of the double doors, pulling his coat a little tighter against the chill of the winter air. His eyes trail curiously over her car before he opens the door to get in. It occurs to her that he’s never seen her car before.
“What?” she asks. “Is this not what you were expecting?”
“I guess after your conversation with Garcia I was expecting your taste to be… more flashy?”
Y/N laughs. Her blue Prius is far from flashy. “Well, as much as I’d love to drive a Plymouth Fury or a vintage Ferrari, I thought I should get something that’s a bit more kind to the environment if I’m burning jet fuel all day, and a Prius is a decent hybrid. Not to mention, it’s got a great safety rating. Do you know how much more dangerous it is to fly than it is to drive?”
“On average, it’s about nineteen times more dangerous. The odds of dying as a result of a car accident in the United States are roughly 1 in 114, but the odds of dying in an aviation accident is closer to 1 in 9,821. You’re far more likely to die from choking on food than in a plane crash.”
“Of course you know that.” She grins at him, letting him know that she’s not making fun of him. She’s impressed by him. She always is. “I don’t know why I bother asking at this point.” The smile he offers in return is only half-hearted. The drive into the District is quiet. Given the tension she felt earlier, she decides not to push him for conversation. Yeeqin is away visiting her sister for the weekend so she offers to take them back to her apartment. He calls to order takeout to be delivered from the Indian place around the corner. They arrive at her place only moments before the food does, fortuitous timing.
It feels strangely intimate to invite him in. She’s been to his apartment twice for their LOST marathon, but this is the first time he’s seeing her space. She wonders what it looks like through his eyes, what a profiler can discern about her life from the books on the coffee table and the pictures on the walls. They sit at the tiny kitchen table she usually shares only with Yeeqin and split the samosas down the middle.
“So what’s going on?” she asks, taking a sip of mango lassi.
Spencer purses his lips and pushes the tikka masala around on his plate before answering. Whatever has happened is still bothering him. “This case was hard,” he says. “There was a cult. They were separating kids from their families and it just became something awful. Seeing someone taking advantage of all these people who put their trust in him, it just… I try to distance myself from things when I’m in the field, you know? I try to be objective and treat it like a puzzle, but it’s not. And sometimes it’s harder to keep that distance.”
“Yeah. I know.” She doesn’t have to push down her emotions to solve a killer, but she does know the difficulties of keeping one’s distance. Of trying not to feel something.
“The case was hard enough, but then I had a… a fight, I guess with a team member. Not like we were arguing more just, like I made them upset I guess. And I didn’t mean to. But I think in trying to be helpful, in trying to be objective, I hurt them. I think that I know things or that I understand people because of this job and then when I don’t… I feel like I’ve failed.”
“I’m sure you haven’t,” she says.
“They were struggling with something. And I thought breaking it down to a science would make it easier. Maybe because that helps me. But it just made things worse and then I didn’t know how else to comfort them.”
“What happened, exactly?” she asks.
Spencer hesitates. “Uh, I can’t – I can’t really say. It’s not mine to share.”
“Oh. Of course.” But it stings slightly. You can’t get close to them. Arthur’s words of warning echo in her head. They don’t let people in. After all this time, she’d begun to think that maybe it was different. Maybe they would trust her – maybe he would trust her. But perhaps the BAU is still an impenetrable world, one she’ll never truly be welcome in. Even now. Even with him. He still won’t let her in.
He looks down. “I hate knowing that the way I am made someone I care about feel worse. I don’t have a lot of friends outside my team. And sometimes I wonder if maybe that’s because I’m not a very good one.”
“I’m sure that’s not true,” she says, trying to push her own frustrations aside.
“It is. The only people I’m close to who aren’t colleagues are my mom, a former colleague, and… well, I guess my girlfriend. Before she died.”
The words instantly steal her breath. She had no idea. “Spencer, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
He shrugs. “It’s okay, it was two years ago, and I don’t usually talk about it. But it’s just so easy with you. I feel like I can tell you anything.”
The sting subsides. The way he looks at her so softly like a salve for the bitterness. He’s trying. He is letting her in. He is sharing things with her he doesn’t usually share. And small bit of knowledge lifts her hopes once more.
“Well I’m glad about that. And thank you, for telling me. Although I guess what I was trying to say was that I don’t think it’s true that you’re not a good friend. I mean, I haven’t even known you a whole year and I think you’re one of the best people I know. You’re thoughtful. You’re smart. You have a tendency to be passive aggressive sometimes,” she teases, and he nods in bashful acknowledgement. “But you’re a good friend. And I’m really, really happy that you’re my friend.”
“Me too,” he says. “I really like having you in my life.”
They stand at the sink together, washing the few dishes they’ve used, and she tries not to think about the way his arm rests against hers, his fingers touching hers when she hands him a plate to dry.
“I want to be a good friend to you,” Spencer tells her. “Which means I should probably ask how you’re doing now that I’ve talked about myself so much.”
“I’m good,” she answers. “I guess I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to belong somewhere. My parents haven’t spoken to me since I took this job.  I think they had higher expectations for me and I don’t think any of us really knows how to start to repair this rift between us. So it’s been strangely lonely. But I have Yeeqin, and our neighbors. I have Arthur, and Martin. And I think I’m finally starting to feel like I have a place with this job. Like I belong here.”
“Of course you do, Y/N. I mean we all think you’re great. Garcia always asks me about you. Ever since you came along, things have been different. Flying feels different. You’ve become part of the team. Not that Captain Dobson wasn’t,” he adds quickly. “But I get the sense he likes to keep a distance from things, while you…” He pauses, looking for the right words. When they don’t seem to come he just smiles. “You’re you. And you fit right it in.”
“Thank you, Spencer.”
“I’m sorry, though. About your family. You have a gift for flying. And for lifting people’s spirits. I don’t understand how who you are wouldn’t make them proud.”
Flying is her gift. Something she has always intrinsically understood. The world makes so much more sense to her from the sky. But it’s nice to know that someone outside of her world of aviators sees it as something worthwhile. It’s not just jet-setting and traveling and steering. It requires communication, a knowledge of physics and the earth and the weather. An ability to think fast and act faster.
Spencer sees her. He understands her. And he knows exactly what to say to make her feel at home.
“See?” she says, gently elbowing him. “You are a good friend.”
She decides that there has been enough trauma bonding for the night, and scoops them both a bowl of ice cream. They sit on her couch and she flips through the channels before settling on one playing one of her favorite old movies, Sabrina. It’s a nice way to unwind, with a the soft distraction of the television and the sweetness of the ice cream. And the simple pleasure of sitting beside each other.
Humphrey Bogart is sitting in the back of a car as his beloved Sabrina’s father, the chauffer, reprimands him. “I like to think of life as a limousine. Though we are all riding together, we must remember our places. There’s a front seat and a back seat and a window in between.”
Y/N is struck by the parallels. A cockpit and a cabin. A door in the middle. Two completely different worlds, inhabited by heroes who save the day and the pilots who ferry them from place to place. It’s easy to imagine Arthur saying those exact words to her, trying to protect her from her own heart.
Then she feels Spencer’s hand against her own. Glancing down as subtly as she can, she finds his pinky and ring finger stretched out over her own. So close it might be an accident. Maybe it is. But maybe for tonight she can let herself pretend it isn’t. Let herself believe that she is allowed to be close to him. Testing the waters, she slowly leans her head against his shoulder. He doesn’t flinch. Doesn’t pull away. But he does, seconds later, respond in kind, resting his head against the top of hers. It’s warm, and his cardigan is soft against her cheek. Is this really the same man who didn’t want to shake her hand when they first met? Now they sit together, not quite embracing, but close. It’s so gentle. It feels so tender.
Neither of them says a word. They just sit there, in silence, sharing the same space.
And then the next thing she knows, she is blinking awake in the morning light. Her arm is around his waist. His hand on her shoulder. Her back incredibly stiff from falling asleep sitting up. The television is still softly playing.
She carefully pulls her arm away and sits up. His hand falls away from hers. She isn’t sure what is okay and what is too soon and what this is even supposed to be. What they are supposed to be. Y/N carefully inches to the opposite end of the couch and lies back down, pretending to still be asleep. But she stretches her leg out and allows her ankle to touch his. Holding on to some little connection. Soon, he awakes himself, and she pretends to startled out of slumber by his movements. Spencer looks at her, at their tangled legs, at her bedhead, and laughs. And she does too, giggling at how tired they must have been to fall asleep like that, how silly. How incredibly comfortable next to each other.
They walk downstairs and grab coffee and pastries at the bakery next to her building. She drives him home. He concedes that she’s far better at the helm of any vehicle than he could ever hope to be. She stops outside his building and he grabs his satchel and coffee.
Door open, he pauses, turns to her and says, “Thanks for this, Y/N.”
“Anytime, Doctor.”
He climbs out of the car. “Bye,” he says. “I l-” He blinks. “Um. I – I’ll see you on Monday.”
He closes the door. She waits until he gets into the building to start the ignition again, but lingers there on the curbside a few minutes more. Wondering what he would have said if he’d woken up to find them with their arms around each other like that. Wondering what exactly they are to each other.
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graciedroweuk · 7 years
PHOTO: Parents carry son fighting cancer down hallway after hospital wedding
COLUMBUS, Kansas – Two-year old Logan keeps onto his dad because they stroll alongside his mom down the clinic hall. She is sporting a bright wedding gown that is sensational.
It is spectacular, a tragic, and effective picture of love and courage, and it was obtained in the Nationwide Youngsters’ Clinic in Ohio.
Within the picture, Loganis parents took him back again to his clinic space. He is fighting with Phase 4 Medulloblastoma, which he was identified as having this past year.
The picture, clicked following the pairis wedding within the clinic’s church. ” Geff and Celia chose to transfer their wedding ideas up to Jan from June 2018 since it simply experienced to them. A healthcare facility team went of the method to allow it to be therefore unique for everybody,” Dempsey stated.
After his analysis, Logan that was small experienced surgery to get rid of a growth and the household recognized. However the melanoma returned after Christmas, and he today has cancers down his chord and on his mind.
While he gets more intense chemotherapy, the household is staying in a healthcare facility throughout the week with Logan.
The father in Logan has merely started working out school to be always a officer using the Police Office, Dempsey claims. ” since the school is really challenging That Is also a powerful period for him. He have now been residing in the clinic throughout the week while Rowan, their 4-year old boy, remains by having an mother and dad. He’s truly this tale too’s hero,” she explained.
“This image I clicked is of Celia getting back Logan again to his space. It talks in my experience of love courage and also the capability to discover joy and pleasure in just about any scenario,” said Dempsey.
Meanwhile, Logan stays exactly the same nice, pleased child he is been, and enjoys dinosaurs, Foot Patrol, his grandma stated.
She claims the wish of the household would be to assist increase consciousness for pediatric melanoma. It isn’t uncommon, Dempsey claims, and there is not melanoma financing that is enough. “No kid must have to withstand this illness that was terrible,” Dempsey stated.
A healthcare facility also published the effective picture on its page ” when you cannot arrived at the marriage, you are come to by the wedding.”
The post PHOTO: Parents carry son fighting cancer down hallway after hospital wedding appeared first on afticarr.
from network 4 http://www.afticarr.com/photo-parents-carry-son-fighting-cancer-down-hallway-after-hospital-wedding/
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themomsandthecity · 7 years
Photo of Parents Carrying Toddler With Cancer After Their Hospital Wedding Is Breaking Hearts
Most weddings involve some tears, but when Celia and Geff Kinzel exchanged vows in the chapel of Nationwide Children's hospital in Columbus, OH, there was an added layer of emotion. After their 2-year-old son, Logan, was diagnosed with brain cancer for the second time, the couple decided to move up their wedding and say, "I do," in the hospital where Logan is a patient. "We were so happy that Logan was able to come down," Celia's mom, Megan Dempsey, told ABC News. "It was just a nice day for Celia and Geff and a nice break from what's really been such a difficult time." When Logan was first diagnosed with stage four medulloblastoma, he underwent brain surgery and months of chemotherapy, but his parents learned around Thanksgiving that the cancer had returned. Since then, Logan has been living in the hospital with tumors on his brain and down his spinal cord, and his 4-year-old brother is staying with relatives as their parents split their time. After the bittersweet ceremony, Megan snapped a powerful snapshot as the bride and groom carried their toddler back to his hospital room, and the moving image has since gone viral. "Everyone was really touched by [the photo]," Celia said. "I really hope from all of this, that it does bring awareness to pediatric cancer. Before this happened to Logan, I thought it was rare. I hope this sheds some light on it and people see that it's common." The couple, who first got engaged in 2015, were planning a wedding in June of 2018, but according to Megan, hospital staff went out of their to make this earlier date special for everyone. "No child should have to endure this awful disease," Megan told Fox News. Instead of letting sorrow overshadow this important day for her family, Megan hopes this image sends a different message, "It speaks to me of bravery, love, and the ability to find joy and happiness in almost any situation." Related: This Devastated Dad Shared the Truth About Childhood Cancer With 1 Heartbreaking Photo Just Hours Old, 1 Newborn Helped Pull Off the Ultimate Surprise For His Mom This Photo of a Little Girl's Last Eyelash as She Battles Cancer Will Break Your Heart http://bit.ly/2k3L1Ht
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colormeyondublue · 3 years
Chapter 12: Cards With The Boys (NSFW)
Chapter 11 Here
After confessing his love for you, you decide it was about time to move in with the Captain. It didn’t take long to get your things together because you don’t have much. After getting settled in the Captain’s quarters, you felt your heart soar at how for you two have come.
Later, you sit at your desk in your office tying up some loose ends, day dreaming of Yondu, and of going back to Earth. There isn’t much work to be done, but the peacefulness of your office brings you a sense of normalcy that you dearly missed. While you made sure your data drives were totally backed up and in working order, your door opens quietly. You glance behind you to see Yondu’s handsome face. You turn back to your computer and tell him you’ll be done in just a second.
“Do ya really gotta be working right now? Ya work all the damn time. There ain’t even much that needs done right now anyway! The crew’s gonna be on leave fer a few weeks while we’re gone.”
“I work because I like to!” You protest. “Besides, I’m almost done. Hold your horses.”
“Ya still never explained ta me what a horse even is ya know.” Yondu huffs as he sits down on the couch in your office.
You sigh and shake your head. You never imagined you’d have to explain to an adult what a horse was, but here you are. You eject the data drive and throw it in the drawer of your desk. “A horse, is a large mammalian quadruped with both binocular and monocular vision. They can weigh anywhere between 800 to 1,800 – sometimes 2,000 pounds! They’ve been used by my people as a source of food, labor, transportation and companionship for thousands of years. They’ve helped Terrans in every aspect of life, and nothing that we’ve accomplished to this point could have been done without their help. They’ve fought in our wars, and carried entire countries on their backs at times. In modern times they are primarily pets, used to work livestock, or ridden in competition.”
The captain rubs his chin for a moment. “What’s a pound?”
You stare at him blankly for a good few moments before it dawns on you. You are going to have to explain a lot to Yondu when you get to Earth. There is so much that he still doesn’t know about.
“A pound is just a unit of measurement. It’s used in some countries to quantify how much something weighs. It’s directly related to Earth’s gravitational pull. You know as well as I do that something on Krylor wouldn’t weigh the same as it would on Xandar, right?
“Yeah, I know that. But pounds is just what ya’ll call it?” He asks.
“Well…in some places. In others they might measure weight a little differently. But that’s a whole other conversation for another time. How about I just show you a horse when we get to Earth?” You chuckle.
“Sounds like a plan ta me. But anyway, what I came down here for was ta ask ya if ya wanted to play cards with me and the boys?”
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s already getting kind of late, and I don’t know how to play.”
Yondu stands up from where he’s sitting and approaches you. He steps behind you and gently gathers your hair to one side of your neck. He bends down to place light, seductive kisses up and down your neck before murmuring in your ear, “Come on baby, I ain’t seen ya all day. It’ll just be a few hands, and I wanna show you off to my men for a while. Show ‘em what’s mine.” He continues to kiss you along the length of your neck, and he begins to pull your sleeve down your shoulder to taste a little bit more of your skin. You can’t stop your breaths from coming in deeper and slower. Yondu never fails to make you melt in his hands.
“Alright, alright. You talked me into it. But that mouth of yours just isn’t fair. You cheated and you know it!”
Yondu laughs and gives you a smug grin as he points to himself, “Uhh, Ravager? Not to mention, I’m a Ravager Captain. I see somethin’ I want, and I take it. Including you.” He tugs you closer by your waist and kisses you hard and heavy.
You pull away after a few moments and ask, “Okay, so do you want to get some or go play cards? I’m not sure that we have time for both.”
He growls in annoyance at your point. “Damn. Ya might be right. Let’s go.”
You both sit down at the poker table in the ship’s bar with Yondu, Kraglin, Oblo, Tullk, and Geff. These guys have honestly become your closest friends, and you were happy to have a drink with them and learn to play card games. You were learning a Xandarian game that is similar to Black Jack, except there’s more suits and the cards are octogons. It’s a little confusing at first, but you catch on pretty quick. A few hands in, Tullk asks you if you’re excited to see Terra again.
“Yeah! I can’t wait to see the trees and breathe in the air. I miss our sunsets and forests. I miss the songs the birds sing. I miss the smell of the rain. But I think I miss our blue skies even more.” You smile softly and glance over at Yondu. He smiles back and offers you a quick wink as he takes a swig of his beer. He pulls you closer to him with one firm tug on your seat, and throws his arm over the back of your chair.
“Sounds like a neat place to me!” Geff chimes in as he looks over his hand.
“Got any idea of what your plan might be? What are you gonna do first?” Oblo asks.
“Well…I guess I’ll try to find my mom first. I think she would still live in the same place. I can’t imagine she would move. It’s only been a few years. Then once I find her, I’ll get in touch with my sister. But when it comes to introducing them to Yondu – well, I think I’m gonna have to explain a few things first. Ease them into it. Ya know? I know a place where Yondu can lay low until everything is calmed down. Being kidnapped by an alien race and then shipped out all over the galaxy isn’t going to be easy to explain.” You rub your temple lightly. It didn’t occur to you just how much of a shock your return might be.
“So Tullk, have you ever thought about going back?” You ask, hoping it’s an innocent enough question.
“Nah, not me lass. There isn’t anythin’ left fer me on our planet. I’m happy here with the crew. Mah life back on Terra was a little rough. Got in with some men who were less than savory. Joined Yondu’s crew an’ never looked back.”
The rest of the game you listen to Kraglin and Oblo’s banter back and forth, and wonder to yourself what kind of people Tullk got involved with. You figure that some things are better left unsaid, and as long and he’s happy here, that’s enough for you. Once the game is over, Kraglin gets the cards together and everyone heads in for the night. As you’re walking toward the door, Yondu grabs your hand.
“Hey honey, me ‘n Krags are gonna go over a few things around the ship fer when you and I leave tomorrow. I’ll meet you back at ma quarters?”
“Sure thing, but don’t be too long.” You stand on your tip toes to kiss him on the cheek, and head toward the Captain’s quarters.
You’re playing your list of songs on your personal playlist while you pack for the trip. You find out that there are thousands of songs you hadn’t listened to yet. You had no idea at first, but these data devices Kraglin uses have seemingly endless storage. You were getting a little buzzed, having gotten into Yondu’s whiskey stash at his minibar. A little celebration was in order since you were going back to Earth with Yondu. You were dancing hazily to Fantasy by Mariah Carey. Yondu walks back toward his cabin door, hears some muffled song and smirks to himself. As quietly as possible, he opens the door to find you dancing drunkenly to the music. He enters the room and you don’t even notice his presence as you continue to dance and sing. He creeps into the room and sits down in his recliner, interested in just watching you.
As much of a goofy drunk as you are, he smiles to himself. You might just be the best thing that ever happened to me, girl.  
The song changes over to Love On The Brain by Rhianna. Although your playlist has a ton of different songs, music was something that always resonated with you, and you liked almost anything. With the lyrics of the song carrying you away, you feel large, warm hands on your hips as you sway to the music. Immediately knowing who is feeling you up, you lean into his body and he begins to sway with you. He brings his lips to your neck and kisses you slowly. His lips kiss and part from your neck over and over, and it makes your core ache as warmth spreads through your limbs. Letting go, you fall into him even more, surrendering yourself to him. His hands begin to wander over your body, feeling your hips and thighs. You let out a few breathy moans, and your knees grow weak. While still facing away from him, you bring up your arms and wrap them around his neck as he teases your ear with his tongue. He notices that his bottle of Krylorian Whiskey is almost half empty, and you are way past buzzed at this point.
Baby you got me like ah, woo, ah Don't you stop loving me (loving me) Don't quit loving me (loving me) Just start loving me (loving me)
Oh, and baby I'm fist fighting with fire Just to get close to you Can we burn something, babe? And I run for miles just to get a taste Must be love on the brain That's got me feeling this way (feeling this way) It beats me black and blue but it fucks me so good And I can't get enough Must be love on the brain yeah And it keeps cursing my name (cursing my name) No matter what I do, I'm no good without you And I can't get enough Must be love on the brain
The beat carries you both to his bed and he continues his loving assault on your torso and neck. At this point, the room is spinning a little, and the next thing you see is a gorgeous blue chest, and your captains’ pants slowly being undone. You are more than frisky, and the second his pants come undone, you dive into him. He doesn’t have a chance to argue, as his cock is already making its way into your mouth. He groans in response, and finds a fistful of your hair. The alcohol in your veins gives you some kind of super power and your skills with his manhood are already blowing his mind. He peers down at you with his head tilted to the side, groaning at the sensation you’re giving him. All of that whiskey has made your gag reflex vanish, and you can take him deep into your throat. He watches intently as his cock disappears into your mouth and he moans loudly. You continue to blow him out of his mind for a while longer, polishing the head every now and again. You hear him speak up, “Baby girl, I’m gonna cum if ya don’t stop.”
You look up him momentarily, roll your eyes with pleasure and moan on his cock. You’ve got him exactly where you want him. In a few more minutes, he spits out a string of curses at the intensity of his orgasm. “Oh, fuckin’ hell – yes! Shit….mmmhmm.” He pushes his raging hard cock as deep into your mouth as you can stand, and cums down your throat. You slowly slide his cock out of your mouth, and sensually lick the tip clean.
“It’s even better than I expected.” You smirk up at him. His cum tastes wildly different than a human’s. It isn’t bitter at all. It’s still slightly salty, but it’s also a little sweet and nutty. The taste was completely unexpected, and you almost couldn’t believe it. You tease his sensitive cock with your tongue to make it jump. “Oh, fuck. Ya might be more than I can handle when you drink like that.” He huffs out a laugh and collapses on the bed. “Alright, yer turn sugar.”
“No, it’s okay. I just wanted to make you feel good. I want to show you how much you mean to me. I don’t need anything. This was more than enough for me.” You kiss him lovingly, and snuggle into his side.
“I love you y/n. Ya really are an amazin’ woman. A damn whiskey bandit, but amazin’.”
The next morning, Yondu is still in bed with you. He wakes you up slightly by wrapping his strong arms around you and he pulls you as close as he can. You never thought in a million years that Yondu would be a cuddler, but in the privacy of his cabin he usually turned into a huge teddy bear.
“Good morning, handsome.” You mumble.
“Mornin’, sugar. Guess what?” He asks.
“Today’s the day.” He says as he gently rubs your legs.
You push up on your arms quickly and look around the room. Today’s the day?! Oh my gosh, today’s the day!” You jump out of bed and start to get undressed.
“Woah, wait a minute! Where you goin’? We’ve got all day, slow down girl. Come ‘ere.” He beckons you back to him before you can get your t-shirt and sweats all the way off. You smile and crawl back into bed with your captain. “I wanna spend a little more time with ma woman before we head out. It’s gonna be a long flight, and who knows how long we might hafta be apart while you get your family stuff sorted out.” He pulls you close, and you happily snuggle into his warm embrace. Yondu is the warmest, and most incredible big spoon ever. His warmth is amazing, his body is so firm and strong. His hands engulf your torso almost completely. Absentmindedly, you rub your hands along his arms as he holds you.
“I love you.” These are the only words you can come up with, and yet they barely capture your feelings for him.
“I love you too, honey.” He takes in a deep breath and sighs. Yondu is trying his best to keep his worries at bay. He’s going to take up as much time as he can with you, which is why he wants to be so cuddly. It’s almost as if he’s afraid that you could vanish from his embrace. Today was not going to be an easy one for him. The uncertainty is maddening.
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colormeyondublue · 3 years
Chapter 13: Welcome Back
Chapter 12 Here  Chapter 14 Here
Later that morning, after a good long snuggle session, you finish packing for your trip. You find yourself back in your office with Yondu so you can lock everything up before you leave. Kraglin is the only one with a key to anything, but the captain wants to be sure no one can get in your office to snoop around.
He wanders over to your desk to make sure the drawers are locked, and he finds something odd in the top drawer. “Whatssis?” he asks, picking up the notebook and flipping through some pages.
You gasp and quickly pull the notebook from his hands. “Nothing! It’s nothing. Just some doodles and notes. Nothing important.”
“Notes about what? Doodles? Why can’t I see it – huh?" He presses.
“It’s just nothing important. Doesn’t matter.” You turn to stuff it in your bag and hope he lets it go. You’ll never admit it, but you’re a little embarrassed. These notes and doodles were from when you first starting falling for Yondu, and they were kinda dorky. Little planets, stars, hearts and Yondu’s arrow piercing through a larger heart was scribbled all over various pages. You even started writing his name in cursive on some of the pages.
“Uh, no. Hand it over missy. No secrets 'tween us.”
You reluctantly hand him the notebook and hope like hell he won’t taunt you for it.
“I dunno what yer worried about. It’s just little shapes and planets and stars on here. And an arrow? What’s this stuff on the side?” Yondu points to the cursive writing on the page he is referring to.
Of course! Yondu can’t read English cursive handwriting!
“You mean you can’t read that?”
“Those are letters?! No, I can’t read that. It ain’t like no language I’ve ever seen.”
“Yondu, it’s called cursive, or script. It’s a form of English Terran writing. I learned it when I was really young. I love writing this way, it’s really relaxing.”
“Okay, so whatsit say?”
“That’s your name. Those are planets and stars, that’s your arrow, and those are little hearts. Your arrow is going through that heart like Cupid’s arrow. I think I actually doodled some of this the night I went to the bar with you for Geff’s birthday.”
“What’s a Cupid?” He asks.
“Oh, Cupid is…well, he’s Roman. It’s a long story involving Terran history. Basically, it’s symbolic of love. If Cupid, an ancient Roman deity, shoots you through the heart with his arrow, the first person you see after he shoots you is the one you fall in love with. It’s totally a myth, but that myth goes back thousands of years. When you fall in love with someone, people will sometimes say – ‘you must have been shot by Cupid’s arrow!’ Kinda silly when you think about it.”
“So ya drew all this ‘cause you were thinkin’ about me?” He continues to flip through the pages, and each one is a little different than the last.
“Well…yeah. I did. But this was all before I had the guts to come out about how I felt. So, I poured it all into my notes. I never thought you’d find it.”
A little smirk appears on his face as he marvels at the pages. He snaps the notebook closed and throws it back into the drawer before he locks it. “Let’s keep this safe here until we get back. Then I wanna bring it back ta our quarters so I can look at it whenever I want.”
The two of you pack up your belongings into the Warbird before you head out. Kraglin shows up in the docking bay to see you off. He greets you with a smile and a friendly hug.
“You better get back up here soon. The boys’ll miss ya too much.” Kraglin is only half joking. There is no doubt that there has been some worry among not just Yondu and Kraglin, but a few of the guys that you won’t come back, but no one has said anything. What you didn’t know, was that you really had made a big impact on the whole crew. Your outburst in the mess several weeks ago made the crew start thinking about who they are, what they stand for, and what they want out of life. Not that much has truly changed, but the seed was definitely planted thanks to you.
“Awww. What would you guys do without me?” You tease. You hug Kraglin back and Yondu tells you go ahead and get comfortable on board. He’s got something to discuss with Kraglin.
Yondu watches you step on the Warbird and he turns back to Kraglin. “Alright, so I’ve programmed our comms to have a little bit farther reach so I can still get ahold of ya if things go sour. I don’t think anything is gonna happen down there, but I wanna be careful. Terrans are s’damn touchy. Keep this on you at all times. Same goes fer me. If anythin’ fishy happens on board while I’m gone, you comm me and I’ll be up here quick as I can. I trust you and the boys to keep this place handled and I trust you to choose second in command while I’m not here.”
“Yessir. We’ve got it handled. Don’t worry about a thing. Go down there and make the most of it. We’ll be in touch if we need anything.” Kraglin pats Yondu on the back with a reassuring smirk. Yondu rolls his eyes and smirks back before boarding the ship.
Yondu sits next to you in his pilot chair and hits the ignition. Before long, you’re out of the docking bay of the Eclector, and off into open space. The two of you are silent for a few minutes until you hear Yondu speak up first.
“So – uh…I know yer really excited, and I know how much ya love yer Earth and yer family…but there’s somethin’ that’s been on my mind fer a while. I gotta just get it out there.” He hesitates for a moment while he programs the ship to auto pilot. “If we get there, and all goes well, and ya start feelin’ like ya wanna stay, I won’t hold it against ya. I know how much it all means to ya, and I won’t be mad atcha’ if you decide to stay with yer family.” He notices you start to protest, and he raises his hand so you let him finish. “Honey, you were kidnapped. You were stolen from yer home and yer family. You were sold and traded and bartered for like property. Ya got lucky when you escaped from the Skrull, and ya did pretty well fer yerself on Krylor. Yer a tough woman – you’ve proved that. I just wonder if being back home and with yer people won’t make ya wanna stay with ‘em.”
“Yondu, I understand your concern, but I am not leaving you. Ever. Yes, I love my family. Yes, I love my planet and everything that comes with it. But, after all I’ve been through I think I’ve realized that I love you more. My life has changed drastically over the past few years, and I don’t think I would change a thing that happened. Every single step I’ve taken since that morning by the river has brought me to you. Since finding you, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I don’t think anything can change that.”
Yondu just stares at you. The happiest she’s ever been? With me and that sleezy crew that calls 'emselves Ravagers? Even after what happened with Trenvik? He doesn’t say a word. Instead, he simply takes your hand and brings it to his lips. He then covers your hand with his, and sighs. You stand and walk to him. You carefully nestle yourself in his lap, snuggling your head into the crook of his neck. Yondu wraps his arms around you, and you feel him relax beneath you.
“How long until we approach the solar system?” You ask.
“It’ll be a couple hours until we reach that first little planet’s orbit, and then several more hours ‘til we close in on Terra’s atmosphere. The Warbirds thrusters are wide open, but it’s still a good distance. Gotta hand it ta ya Terran’s…ya’ll got a big solar system fer sure. Have ya even explored all of the planets here, or are they too far apart?”
“We know a lot about the other planets and their moons, but we haven’t visited them other than sending rovers to take videos and photos. They’re too far apart for what technology we have. Our rockets are super slow, and we burn through too much fuel. But, we do know a lot about the different atmospheres of each planet. We know their surface temperatures, and which ones might have had liquid water at some point. Not a single one is suitable for much life, but there is talk about the possibility of colonizing Mars.”
“Hmm.” He says simply. “Tell me somethin’ about Terra.”
“Like what?”
“Anything. What’s the first thing ya think of?”
“Hmm. Well…when I think of Earth, I think of the trees. I think about the forests, rivers, waterfalls, and wildlife. Sometimes humans forget that we aren’t the only ones who call Earth home, but I never forget. Each creature has value. From the tiniest bird in the sky, to the largest whale in the ocean. We are all connected, and we all have something to give.”
“What’s a whale?” he asks.
You simply giggle and rub his arm. “I’ll show you when we get there. Anything you wanna know, I’ll teach you. I can’t wait to show you everything.”
A few more hours go by with idle chit chat, and occasional comfortable silence. You tell him all about your home, the city you lived in, and what it was like growing up on Earth. You catch Yondu smiling at some of the stories you tell and he thinks your sister sounds annoying, but nice nonetheless. You begin to yawn and doze off a little in his lap. “Hey, why doncha’ go get some sleep in the bed back there. I’ll be fine up here – ain’t tired yet. We’ll be there before ya know it.”
“But I don’t wanna leave you all alone up here.” You say.
“It’s alright baby, I’ve flown a lot longer than this in my time. Go on now, getcha some sleep. I’ll be up here if ya need me.”
“Mmmmokay…I’m goin’, I’m goin’.” You mumble as he lifts you from his lap. He watches you make your way to the bedroom. Once you’ve closed the door, he picks up his comm off the control console and gets in touch with Kraglin to make sure all is in order back on the Eclector. Kraglin assures him that everything is fine, and the crew is content with their time off to just play games and drink as they please. Some have even taken to doing some odds and ends jobs to improve their cabins or M-Ships.
Before he knows it, he spots a little blue dot. The Warbird is closing in on your planet. He waits a few more hours before he decides to wake you. The closer the ship comes to Terra, he decides to engage the signal jammers so Terran communication systems and satellites can’t pick up any signals or sounds coming from the Warbird.
A while longer passes, and he heads back to the bedroom to wake you. There’s already a pretty good view of Earth out the front window, and he can’t wait to surprise you. You wake at the feeling of a large hand tapping you on the shoulder. You sit up and try to let your eyes adjust to the dimply lit room. Yondu has a very mischievous grin on his face.
“What’s going on? What are you up to?” You ask.
“Come here, there’s somethin’ you gotta see. But first, you gotta close yer eyes.” He insists.
“Close my eyes?”
“Do ya trust me?”
“Of course, I do!” You say with a smile.
“Well then c’mon! But keep yer eyes shut.”
You close your eyes and giggle lightly as you take his hand. Slowly, he guides you to the front of the ship where you can feel him position you in a specific spot.
“What are you up to, Yondu?”
“You’ll see, you’ll see. Okay…open.”
You open your eyes, and a gasp escapes your mouth before you have time to stifle it with your hand. Tears are immediately filling your eyes, and you can’t keep a few from falling. You shutter a little, and your breath is completely taken away. There it is. The oceans, the clouds, the beautiful green continents. Earth. After all this time, there it is. You can’t believe what you’re seeing, the beauty of your planet is stunning.
“Welcome back sweetheart.” Yondu says as he quietly presses a soft kiss to your temple.
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