#i might be the only person in that tag but i've never checked so don't quote me
lesenbyan · 15 days
You know. I think I like G'raha for some of the same reasons people i know dislike him but likewise in the agreement on these facts is also why I dislike fandom G'raha. 'cause like. He isn't the same character as the Exarch. the G'raha we know and travel with in EW is not the same man as the Exarch, even with his memories, and I don't mean bc he's younger. like.
okay. I was raised on way too much sci-fi, okay? I got deep in it with paradoxes and time travel and alternate and parallel realities before i was 10. I had a lose grasp on certain quantum mechanics concepts at 13. you give me a time loop and I will immediately understand two things:
every loop is an alternate universe converging off of the same single point as there can be (are, depending) near infinite universes off of every single point in space (<- this is why AUs are called AUs after all) and thus
even if it's the same face, even if it's the same name. even if it's the exact same past up until now, even if everything is perceptibly the same, and this is crucial, they are not the same person.
(I promise, I'm getting there)
This holds true, even in a closed paradox bc you now have a chicken and the egg scenario. Like we all kind of understand the grandfather paradox, we understand that if we kill our grandfather before the respective parent is conceived we couldn't have been born and thus couldn't kill him, ad nauseum. but even if you close it. Even if, say, you're your own grandfather, every loop something's going to change, even if it's not noticeable, even if it's not in your life. something is gonna change. A fundamental fact of how i understand the theory to work (granted I'm no scholar) is every time you go back in time you're not actually going back on your linear time, you're creating an alternate universe which will then be the universe you also fast forward through when you go forward in time.
That being said, the G'raha Tia that becomes the Exarch is not the G'raha Tia that we know, this is proven the fact that the G'raha Tia we know cannot go on to become the Exarch bc the Exarch did not live these post 5.3 experiences. And from there that means the Exarch also didn't come from the G'raha we knew in Crystal Tower. CT and EW G'rahas are the same. the Exarch is from a parallel reality G'raha that yanked us bc the us from his reality died before he woke up and that is how that reality will always play out and we just so happen to be from the reality he reaches into/splinters to save a future. not his future. the people of his future are far beyond his reach and have been since he traveled to the First.
And I think all of that is incredibly fascinating. Especially bc if the G'raha we know was the base of the Exarch you'd think, now that the Exarch's memories are part of him he'd act more like him. but it still doesn't sit right on his shoulders. bc it's not him. This is someone else. this is a role he can play, a mask he can slip into, a dance he knows. but it's not who he is. it's not where he's comfortable, like he was comfortable for 100 years. You see it in Thavnair, you see him steel himself for it. he sees what's happening and he knows what needs doing bc he's got the memories of managing a panicked peoples before in the middle of tragedy. But it's not him. The Exarch is a different man. And I wonder, desperately, how G'raha feels about that man.
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magdaclaire · 2 years
the thing is that ellenmissouri makes me feel insane
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peachsayshi · 2 months
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₊ ⊹ . ݁ sex worker!suguru geto x rich girl!reader ₊ ⊹ .
⊹ tags: nudity; post-sex; slightly angsty; au
:about: you grew up in a supremely wealthy household, but that came with a price. you've never had control over your own life, and now your father is set to marry you off. distraught by the news, you decide to call your contact for comfort.
:note: I don't know why but I've been thinking about this au a lot recently and I'm completely obsessed. I have so many aus for my faves and really wanted to spend some time exploring them more!
wc: 1,067
"an arranged marriage, huh?" suguru whispers, his sharp eyes dipping to your naked chest while his delicate fingers carefully push the bedsheet further down to your hips.
you inch a little closer into his frame, soaking in the outlines of his chiseled torso and bring one finger to trace little shapes on his broad shoulder. your brows furrow with annoyance, "yeah, you ever heard of the zenin family?"
suguru scoffs, breaking character for only a second. it's something that you've started noticing recently. that he doesn't hold his reactions around you as tightly as he used to. the front of this alter ego that he created has started to falter, but you find yourself drawn to the person existing underneath the mask of the seducer.
you sigh, "my father thinks naoya zenin is a perfect match for me."
an uneasy expression flickers across suguru's face, but he suppresses it before allowing it to linger.
you lift yourself up onto your elbow and rest your head on your palm. "what is it?"
suguru mimics your position, his large hand gliding back and forth over the slope of your hips and waistline. it sends goosebumps all over your body, your mind going back to the first time when you met him in person.
you still vividly remember his reaction. the way his eyes widened, and the quirk of his brow as he addressed you.
"you're young," he blurted.
"we're around the same age," you replied defensively, already feeling insecure for having hired him after you spent weeks watching his videos. you didn't even know about his house calls until you heard it from a source within your social circle. " is this how you greet all your clients?"
suguru boldly checks you out, "my other clients don't look like you..."
over time you learned that he catered to a specific demographic: older divorcees and cheating housewives.
the person you might turn into twenty years from now if this marriage goes through.
a knot forms in your stomach.
"I've heard that naoya..." suguru explains, pinching the pads of his fingers lightly against your flesh before leaning forward to kiss the crease between your brows. "can be a handful to deal with..."
you thread your fingers around his neck, your lips finding his jaw where you return a kiss. "and who told you that?" you murmur, as the weight of suguru's body rolls on top of yours.
a wicked smile ticks at the corners of his lips, and you're staring at his devastatingly handsome face from below. the longer you spent time with him the more you began to wonder about his circumstances.
the same thought constantly crosses your mind time and time again.
suguru could truly be anything he wanted but instead he was here making a killing off of fucking lonely women and making porn videos.
you aren't here to judge his choices, but you can't help but feel puzzled by the situation.
his smile gives you the answer. his source regarding naoya zenin thanks to a client, but suguru has a confidentiality policy and shares nothing about the other women he beds.
you shiver when his mouth meets your neck, his lips sucking along the tender skin that sends goosebumps all over your chest but there's an ache in your heart when you consider that if it wasn't for the signed cheque in your purse, he wouldn't even be here in the first place.
not a single man you've met in the world compares to suguru. not only was he beautiful beyond comprehension, but he had striking charm and was extremely smart. you found yourself enjoying his company beyond physical purposes, and conversations with him turned out to be one of your favorite ways to pass time.
"think we'll still get together when you're a missus?" he teases, his lips trailing lower to your collar bones and hovering just a above your breasts covered with the hickeys that he's left.
the thought of getting married makes you sick.
"do you peg me as a terrible wife? a woman who would happily cheat on her husband?" you question, your voice small and trembling when suguru circles his lips around your hard nipple.
he hums, drawing out a whimper when he nips at the bud lightly.
"no," he answers, his voice dropping an octave and your mind swirls when you contemplate if that strange tone is actually jealousy. he rests his chin on your chest, his inky hair framing his face in a waterfall of obsidian. "I do, however, peg naoya as a terrible husband"
you sink your fingers into his locks. "it doesn't matter who my father chooses, they are all the same. naoya is no worse than the rest. I'm trapped regardless..."
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," suguru responds sincerely, the sweetness in his voice the reason why your eyes prick with tears.
you sniffle, using your free hand to wipe away a rogue droplet freely falls down your cheek. suguru softens his expression, adjusting his position so he was laying by your side. he doesn't say anything but draws you into his chest for a hug, enveloping you in his warmth. you try hard not to consider the reality of the situation, and accept the gesture freely as you cuddle against him.
the moment of peace is interrupted by a loud vibration. you and suguru both perk up to stare at his phone buzzing on the side table.
your heart sinks.
another client.
suguru reaches his arm around to grab the phone, and you close your eyes as you inhale his natural scent, trying to soak him in for as long as you can. but to your surprise he simply switches it off, and wraps his arm back around you to return to his position.
"you sure you don't need to take that?" you mumble, trying to play off your disappointment as casually as possible.
"I'm booked out for the rest of the evening," he answers nonchalantly, "there's no reason to respond."
a flutter in your belly sends a tingle all over your skin. "but...your cheque only covers the hours we agreed on..."
two fingers touch the underside of your chin, and suguru tilts your head up so you were both face to face again. "don't worry about it, doll," he consoles, his thumb lightly outlining your bottom lip, "this is on the house."
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 years
If you're reading posts about people who are being "treated unfairly" by AO3, I would like you to keep in mind that AO3 will never tell you the other side of the story. That means that you're only getting one perspective and you have nothing to compare it to.
All reports that AO3 receives are kept confidential. The person who was reported never finds out who sent in the report. The person who sent in the report never finds out details beyond whether AO3 agreed with them or not. The other volunteers within AO3 never find out, either. Just the ones on the Policy & Abuse team.
I'm saying this because I've been tagged in several different posts in recent weeks dealing with different cases and I'm not going to cast aspersions or anything. I don't know the details (see above). But I will say that I tend to be skeptical.
A few things to note: If AO3 ever receives a report about you and decides that you have broken the TOS, they will email you. Check your email. Make sure the email address associated with your account is up to date and one that you check regularly. In that email, they will tell you:
What part of the TOS you broke.
Why what you did was not allowed.
Where you did it (a link to a work or to a comment or to your profile page etc)
How you can fix it.
How much time you have to fix it (if you are suspended, the timeline will be longer than however long your suspension is)
That you can reply to their email if you have questions, if you want to disagree, or if you need to ask for more time.
You should also keep in mind that AO3 cannot delete accounts. Only the account owner can do that. And please remember that you are dealing with human volunteers.
AO3 doesn't pre-screen content, so it doesn't matter if the violation happened a long time ago. If it's being reported now, then they're dealing with it now. Also, other people doing the same thing doesn't mean you didn't break the rules. It just means those people haven't been reported yet.
If you want to learn more about how AO3 Policy & Abuse reports work, take a look at the pac takeover tag on this blog. One of the PAC volunteers answered questions a few months ago that might shed more light.
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pixiedust0604 · 5 months
Miss You Already-
Clarisse x fem!reader
Info: Reader is in Aphrodite Cabin. Set in The Sea of Monsters. This is my first fanfic on here, so some constructive criticism would be very appreciated!
Context: Clarisse is about to go into the Sea of Monsters to get the Golden Fleece, but something (or someone) gets in her way
Reader's POV
Warnings: Angst but is resolved in the end
Word Count: 1381 words
Clarisse was livid.
Not that this should be a surprise. Clarisse was known for her temper in Camp, so it was of no big shock that she was upset. 'Probably the nerves of going on a quest for the first time' her siblings thought.
They were very wrong.
You see, Clarisse had a lucky shirt and bandana she wore when she did things like this. Any competition she went to, any test she did she always wore her lucky CHB shirt and bright red bandana.
She set them out that night, before she went to bed. She knows she did. But when she went to get dressed this morning, they were gone.
Now she's in a worse mood that usual, and I was terrified.
I could here the noise she was making from the dining pavilion.
I took the shirt and bandana last night, but I didn't know that they were her lucky ones. I just wanted something to remind me of her while she went away. It's not like I knew how important they were.
Okay, I didn't know the bandana was important, but in my defence, it's scary thinking about the fact that my girlfriend might not come home after this quest. I know I'll miss her, so I wanted to wear both the t-shirt and the bandana while she was gone, so it felt like she was right there next to me, and that the luck would bring her home to me safely.
I was just about to sneak back off to my cabin after breakfast so Clarisse wouldn't catch me, when I bumped into her immediately.
*Great, I'm dead aren't I* I think to myself as I see her almost glaring at me.
"Hi Y/N, you haven't seen my lucky bandana and camp t-shirt, have you?" She said, even though we both knew that I have them both.
"No, can't say I have honey, good luck on your quest though! Goodbye, love you!" I say, before quickly trying to running off.
Keyword, trying to. Unfortunately, Clarisse caught me by the arm before I could run off.
"Not so fast, love. You need to help me find them. Do you mind me looking in your cabin first?" She asked, grinning at me.
"I mean, I'd love to help, but I'm very busy right now." I say quickly, hoping that it'll work and she'll let me go.
It didn't work. Of course it didn't.
"Please, love? It'll only take 2 minutes." She said, feigning being upset.
I sighed, and said, "Fine, but you'll have to be quick, I don't think you have that much time, Clary." I was worried that she was going to see them both straight away. "Do you mind if I clean up a bit before you look? My part of the cabin is pretty messy."
"No, I'd prefer if I could look right now, lovely. I want to get going as soon as possible, okay?" She answers, looking at me again with that smirk of hers.
"Okay, come on then." I say, turning around terrified. I lead her to the Aphrodite Cabin, practically shaking the entire time.
I open the door, letting her in. "Here you go, just don't go through people's stuff too much, alright?" I close the door behind us, grateful that no-one else is there.
She starts rifling through everyone's wardrobe, checking the tags for her name, and searching through each person's accessories for her bandana. Until she got to mine.
This is where I start panicking, because I hid it in the most obvious place I could think of. Underneath my pillow.
She looks in my wardrobe, obviously to find nothing, then she gets to the bed.
She throws everything off the bed, and there lies the bandana, and the shirt where my pillow should be, crumpled up into a ball.
Clarisse, the girl I've been dating for almost 9 months now, turns to look at me with a look I've never seen aimed at me before.
A look I've only seen her give Percy Jackson, and any monster who dare to make her angry. A look of unbridled rage.
"Babe, why is my lucky bandana and shirt in your bed?" She asked, glaring at me with that look.
"Uh... I- I don't know, could have been one of the Hermes kids? But I don't know how it got there my love," I shakily replied, trying my best to get to the exit, bumping into things on the way.
"Then why are you leaving? Didn't you say yesterday that you wanted to see me off to the border?" She said, frowning at me. She stepped closer.
"Did I? I don't remember that..." I say, trailing off as my hand grasps the door handle.
"Just tell me why you took it, love" Clarisse says, that terrifying look fading and her voice growing softer as she saw how frightened I was.
She steps closer, her face relaxing as she stepped closer. Her hands were spread out wide, showing me I had nothing to fear. That she wouldn't hurt me. I know she never would, I was the only person in the entire camp she wasn't willing to spar with. The only times we ever did spar together, she always held back.
"I wanted something to remember you by, that's all. I'm so scared you won't make it- home, and I want something to have that- that's yours, so it feels like you're here with me. I'm so sorry Clarisse, I'm so so sorry I took them. I won't take anything from you again, I promise. But please, promise me you'll make it home safe, because I can't lose you." I say between sobs, tears flowing down my face and onto the hardwood floor.
I'm quickly enveloped into her arms, and my head is tucked under her chin.
"I'm sorry that you felt that way, Y/N. But maybe next time, ask for something from me. I have a ton of camp shirts and bandanas for you to have that I'd be happy to give you. You just have to a ask." She tells me, stroking my hair.
After a silence, I say, "I will, I'm sorry. Can I still walk you to the border?"
"Of course you can. In fact, why don't you pick out a bandana before I go? You can wear it while I'm gone." She says, letting me go, and leading me out of my cabin, to hers.
"Really?" I ask, my voice wobbling as tears fill my eyes once again.
"Yeah, of course love. You said you wanted something to remind you of me while I'm gone, so you can pick something out of mine." She says walking into her cabin, her hand still holding mine even as her siblings stare.
I ended up choosing a blue bandana and one of her camp shirts.
I felt all eyes on me and Clarisse as she held my hand and walked out with me. "Do you want anyone to come with us to the border?" She asks, rubbing my knuckles.
"No, I think I'll be okay" I reply, clutching the blue cloth in my left hand.
"Alright then my love." She said, and pulled me along gently to the border. There stood Argus, with his van.
"You ready to go?" He asks Clarisse, opening the van door for her.
"Yeah, just one sec" Clarisse answers.
Argus nods his head, his multiple eyes blinking at the same time.
"I'll see you later, Y/N. And don't you dare say I might not be, because I know I'll always come back to you." She says playfully.
"I swear to the gods, if you die on this quest, I'll kill you Clarisse." I joke, giggling as tears fill my eyes again.
She then kisses me, and her hands snaked around my waist. I quickly grab her face, kissing her back. I can feel her chapped lips as they move against mine. Her rough hands pull me closer, so I can feel her body .
Unfortunately, Argus interrupted saying "Clarisse, we have to get going."
She slowly pulls back and lets go of my waist. As I feel her body leave mine, Clarisse possibly for the last time, kisses me on the cheek, and moves away from me to go on her quest.
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myfictionaldreams · 2 months
request: nyx x female reader where they’re matted but don’t know it and reader visits him at the illyrian camps and she gets hurt and nyx loses it
Don't Touch // Nyx (ACoTaR) x Fem!Reader
A/N: I can't even thank you enough, anon, for this request! I've been desperate to write something like this (especially including my sweet love Nyx; I have an entire headcanon/long-form story of him already, oops). Thank you for requesting! To you or anything else, please request more SJM fics, I am adoring writing them.
Warning: there is a description of visibly seeing the colour of bruising on the skin. Also, intense emotions and responses to situations due to the mating bond.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, angst, minor injuries, possessive behaviour/sex, obsessive behaviour, over-the-top reaction (or just right depends how you like your partners), threats of violence, aggression, rough sex, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, creampie, size kink, intense emotions/sex, sex until passing out :)
Words: 6.3k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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"I've never seen you like this before, Mor" You observe your friend closely as the beautiful blonde woman checks her reflection in the glass of a passing shop.
Morrigan paused, where she was currently trying to perfect her already stunning hair. Trying not to baulk from the intense, fiery stare that turned your way as she raised a single well-groomed eyebrow and attempted to sound as unconcerned as possible, "I don't know what you're referring to. I'm acting completely and utterly sane".
Linking an arm with your friend, you both continued to walk as you sarcastically agreed, "Oh yes, of course. Except that was the tenth time you've stopped to stare at your reflection and tried to fix your already pristine hair, Morrigan".
Mor rolled her brown eyes playfully, moving closer as a brisk wind brushed over the two of you. "You already know I'm vain; why is it such an issue if I want to stare at myself?" she asked, leading in the direction the two of you were walking.
"I didn't say there was an issue. I'm just pointing out that we're heading towards a certain someone's shop, and she's going to love how you look no matter what". Mor hid her face for once, but you could still see the rosy colour deepening in her cheeks.
She quickly recovered by lifting her head and flicking the blonde strands behind her shoulders. "You're one to talk. I've seen you searching over your shoulder 50 times now. Wouldn't it be because of a certain family member of mine, would it?"
There was no hiding the grin that spread across your face as your pulse quickened ever so slightly. "Nyx doesn't even know that I'm in Windhaven. I might not even see him; I'm not here for him."
"Who says I was talking about Nyx? I'm pretty sure Feyre and Rhys are here too", she laughs as you shove your shoulder into hers playfully. As you both calm down, Mor's expression turns more serious. She glances at you, "I'm surprised he hasn't sensed you're here yet. I also don't necessarily think he'll welcome you with open arms; he's attempted to shield you from this side of his life. As hard as we are trying to change the cultures and traditions of the Illyrians, most of them are still unpleasant to be around, especially if you happen to be a female, wings or not."
"You didn't have to bring me here, you know".
"Yes, well, don't make me regret it. Stay nice and close to me, and anyway", Mor paused as she paused outside Emeries shop. "I needed an excuse to come here", she admitted with as much sheepishness as Morrigan would ever allow another person to see.
You couldn't help but grin as you squealed, "Ha! I knew it!"
The bell dinged above the shop door as you followed the blonde through the door. The answer, welcomed by Emerie by the counter, "There you both are! Welcome to Windhaven, stay away from the males, and please have a lovely time", she beams, walking around the counter towards Mor.
Glancing around to give both women a private moment, you admired her shop and eyed some of the winter clothing that would be perfect for the cold weather approaching Velaris in a few months. As you ran your fingers over the lining of a beautiful coat and casually suggested over your shoulder, "If you want, I can watch the shop if you two happen to find your way upstairs. Didn't you say you have some new socks in the back room?"
"Oh yes, thank you for the reminder!" Emerie played with your antics and took Mor's hand, dragging her into the back. Smiling at seeing their happiness, you couldn't help but let your mind wander to the man whom you'd been searching for from the second of landing in Windhaven.
You and Nyx had been friends since childhood. You'd spotted a young boy flying over the Sidra, mesmerised by the freeness of his movements, not watching where you were walking, tripped and scratched your knee on the pavement. Having watched it all from the sky, Nyx landed beside you and helped you home. He hadn't laughed like the other children; he'd shown compassion and kindness.
The son of the High Lord and Lady quickly became one of your closest friends, spending every waking hour possible together when you weren't in lessons or he was in training. Along the way, lines became blurred, and you were infatuated with one another. The relationship was intense, to say the least, and the two of you often joked about being mates, but no sign of the bond had occurred yet.
Not that this mattered to you. You were thoroughly and obsessively in love with Nyx, and he was with you. In fact, his obsession and possessive behaviour were renowned throughout Velaris. Every occupant knew that you were Nyx's; if a single hair on your head was out of place, he would bring all of the power of the Night Court down on them. It was extreme at first, but in truth, you were not much of a fighter, so being able to walk around Velaris with the reputation of belonging to Nyx was a relief.
Now, however, it had been weeks since you saw him as he'd been training with the other Illyrians, and even though he used his daemati skills to talk mind to mind with you or he left intimate little notes throughout your home, it couldn't ease the ache in your chest. So when Mor mentioned visiting Emerie's shop in Windhaven, you jumped at the opportunity to see, hoping you'd run into him, even if he didn't want you near the camps.
Lost in your thoughts of black hair and vibrant blue eyes, you'd not noticed that someone had entered the shop until a male growled from behind you, "Where is she?"
Jumping and turning on the spot, you looked the Illyrian over from the golden-brown skin covered in the darkest black tattoos that stretched up his neck and over the sides of his shaved head, leaving a tuft of hair down the centre. His membranous wings were widely spread as he stood in a defensive stance, fists tightly clenched at his side and armour creased from lack of care.
"Who?" you asked innocently, facing him fully and trying not to let his anger intimidate you even though you could already smell the sourness of your anxiety and fear in the air. The stranger walks forward, the tips of his wings knocking into a collection of hats, all toppled to the floor. "Watch where you're walking!"
The male stops a step away, tilting his head and frowning with even more vigour, "What did you just say to me?" As he took another step forward, you matched his step with one backwards until you were pressed against the wall with him towering over you.
"Just - Just watch it, ok? You're knocking over the display" You pointed to the knocked-over items, but he didn't take his eyes off of you, searching over your body until your skin crawled with discomfort.
"Wherever that thief is, give her this", he shoves the letter that had been screwed up in his meaty hands into your chest. You gasp out loud at the pain that rips through your shoulder, knowing it is going to bruise, and you have to look away to hide the tears that had formed as you grasp the letter and watch him leave.
It was only as the bell rang as the male exited that Emerie and Mor rushed into the room with a dagger in hand as they rushed to your side. If it wasn't for the shock and pain in your shoulder, you would have commented and jested how they both looked flustered with dishevelled hair and swollen lips, but this was the last thing on your mind now.
"Who was just here? Why do you smell of fear?" Mor asked as she rested a hand on your arm, looking at you furiously with concern.
"I don't know his name, but he gave me this for you, Emerie." You held out the letter, ignoring how your fingers trembled as she accepted it with a roll of her eyes.
"His name is Prumlos. He works closely with my uncle, and they believe they have rights to my shop. No matter how often I tell them, they keep coming back. Unlucky for me, he trains here in Windhaven and often brings new threatening letters from my extended family. He's a really brute", she pauses as she eyes you closely, "are you ok? Did he harm you in any way?"
Swallowing the thick lump formed in your throat, you attempt to compose yourself, not wishing to seem weak in front of these two strong females. Maybe you'd been sheltered too much throughout your life, but you didn't want to be emotionally broken just because one arrogant male was rude to you, even if your shoulder throbbed terribly.
"He just gave me the letter", you managed to spit out, not looking either female in the eye.
"Bullshit. I can still smell your fear; what did he do?" Mor demanded, stepping closer.
"Nothing! I mean, he was just an arrogant male and just wanted to scare me. I'm fine, really. But could we go, please? Sorry, I know we've only just arrived. Maybe I can wait for you in the High Lord's mother's home, Mor? I just need to be shown the way". You held your breath, waiting for Mor to answer, hoping she didn't try to question you further, but thankfully, she agreed.
"I'm sorry you've been shaken up; I hope it hasn't deterred you from coming to visit me every so often," Emerie smiled gently while holding your hand.
Thanking her, you and Mor left the store and began walking down the street. "Are you sure you're ok? I can see you're still shaken up; talk to me, Little star", Mor asks a couple of silent minutes later and hearing the nickname the inner circle had named you from a child finally brought a smile to your face.
But then Mor tried to link her arm through yours, and you couldn't help but flinch as the movement caused the pain in your shoulder to worsen. Mor noticed and stopped abruptly, turning you towards her, "He did hurt you, didn't he? Tell me so I can go and deal with him".
"No! Please, Mor, can we just go? You know I hate violence".
"Do you want me to go and find Nyx?" she asked, lowering her voice.
"No!" you say urgently, looking up at her with wide eyes, "Please don't, you know how he'd react. I just want to go to Rhys' mother's home and forget about the day. I'll speak to Nyx another time".
With great reluctance, Mor nods, and the two of you continue the walk back to the home. Once inside and next to the fire, you could finally stop and relax, especially as Mor offered you a hefty glass of wine to help your nerves.
After half an hour of sipping away at the absurdly expensive win, shoes off and feet tucked beneath you, Mor suddenly sat up further in her seat with a smile, informing you, "You're about to be a very happy female".
You're confused by her statement, but then you feel it: the connection in your heart is strengthening, like the missing piece to you was suddenly warming and filling in. The front door opened, and Feyre and Rhys walked in first, followed by Cassian and Nyx.
You're half aware of Cassian's joyful greeting: "Ah, Little star! You've finally come to join the camps. We'll have you trained in no time".
You stand quickly, eyes only on Nyx as he stands in the doorway, not breathing as he stares only at you. One second, you're near the table, and the next, you're running full speed towards him, sliding across the wooden floor with your socks, not that you care as you're suddenly in his arms.
The pain had diminished the second you were reunited with him. All you cared about was breathing him in, the relaxing scents of spice and lavender, the strength of his arms as they wrapped around your waist, keeping you up off of your feet that had tucked around his hips. Your fingers clenched into curling hair at the nape of his neck, not caring that it was sweaty from where he'd been training. He could be covered in mud, and you would have jumped into his arms with as much enthusiasm.
The others in the room pretended to look busy as he continued to hold you, his face moving into the nape of his neck, and he took a deep breath, breathing in your scents. Nyx's voice was like dark silk, wrapping around you entirely as he said, "I knew you were here. I mean, I thought I was losing my mind; an hour ago, the tightness in my chest eased".
You couldn't help but giggle, kissing his cheek, "That was me; I arrived about an hour ago". Pulling back in his arms, the back of your fingers caressed against his cheek, admiring the light stubble that had grown since you'd last seen him. "I like this", you admire.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, his thumbs stroking circles from where he still held up your body.
"I came to see my best friend, of course", you claimed, watching his handsome features as his smile grew to a grin, the dimple in his cheek deepening beneath your thumb. "Yes, I came to see my best friend Emerie", you joked as Nyx rolled his crystal blue eyes before moving his face back to nuzzle against your jaw.
"I've missed you", he mumbles, not caring that you both had an audience and your heart clenched tighter at the need in his voice.
"I've missed you too, more than you could ever know".
"If you two aren't mates, I'll eat my trousers", Cassian quips sarcastically over the rim of his glass of wine. Mor slaps his arm for interrupting as you're lowered back to the floor by Nyx, but you still lean on the tip of your toes, pushing your chest against his to remain close.
Admiring the passionate way Nyx is searching your face, you turn to grin as Cass is over your shoulder when the sudden deathly shift in the air has you freezing. The faelights casting a golden glow across the house dimmed as the room became cold, the fire extinguishing in a single breath.
Your head spins as you turn back to Nyx, who is staring at the opening of your shirt beneath your neck.
"What's that mark?" Nyx asked, his voice a terrifying tone you'd only heard on a handful of occasions. Instinctively, you were stepping back, but his gentle hand grabbed yours, keeping you close. You can sense his family moving closer, and Nyx doesn't wait for you to answer his question. He carefully releases your hand and pushes aside the material of your blouse until your shoulder is exposed.
Glancing down, you could see now that where Prumlos had shoved the letter into your shoulder earlier had now formed a deep purple bruise. Nyx leans forward, sniffs your skin, and his spine instantly stiffens.
"Who did that to you?" he asks, voice thick with venom and anger.
You're unable to give him an answer as Mor is suddenly by your side, holding open your shirt to stare at the injury as she gasps, "I asked if he hurt you!"
"He?!" Nyx growls, looking between Mor and you.
Attempting to take a step away from both of them, you try and calm the energy, sensing it is escalating to a level that could not be returned from. It wasn't that Nyx was scaring you; it was quite the opposite, as his protection made you feel safe; you were just frightened that he would do something he couldn't undo and start a war within the camps.
"I'm fine; it doesn't even hurt anymore" you tried to reason, but that only made Nyx breathe heavily out of his nose as he turned to Mor.
"Who did this? Give me his name. Tell me right now, Morrigan!"
Thankfully, Mor didn't answer immediately and glanced at you from the corner of your eye, knowing that you didn't want to cause a fuss, so she didn't respond immediately, which only frustrated Nyx more in his crusade for revenge. "This is why you shouldn't have bought her here! I told you on multiple occasions that it wasn't safe!"
"Nyx, you need to take a breath; maybe you and your father should go outside and release some of that energy" Feyre tried to reason with him, stepping closer, but it was useless; Nyx was like a boiling pot of deathly anger. Shadows pulsed and darkened around him, travelling up the length of his muscular arms and around his neck. Rhys and Cassian finally began to step forward, moving into a warrior stance between Mor, Feyre and Nyx, even attempting to urge you behind them, but there was no way you were being forced away from Nyx.
Stepping toe to toe with him, your fingers moved back to cradling his face, forcing his now icey eyes onto you, and for a fraction of a second, he seemed calmer. "Nyx, please listen to me, I'm fine. Everything is ok, it was just-"
You were unable to finish your sentence because his knees buckled, and he audibly gulped down air as all signs of anger and pain disappeared from his eyes and tears lined the edges. "Nyx?"
"Mate", he whispers in awe, leaning his forehead against yours as his arms come around your waist, holding you delicately.
You could feel it, too, like an elastic band was tied around your heart, strengthening with each passing second. "I can feel it too"," you confirmed with glee, tears beginning to fill your eyes with the sudden realisation of what was happening. You and Nyx were mates. The Cauldron had blessed you both; even after waiting what felt like a lifeline for the bond to confirm itself, you both knew it had only been a matter of time. The relief was unlike anything you'd ever experienced before.
"Finally!" Cassian cheered, loosening his warrior stance to return to his glass of wine, raising it towards where you and Nyx stood in the entryway. "Welcome to the family, Little Star!"
You grin up tearfully towards Nyx, who in turn returns the joy, but that all disappears as the anger and rage return full force as he growls, "Someone hurt my mate". Moving away from you, he faces Mor and demands, "Tell me his name, Mor, I know you know it. Don't make me find it out".
Morrigan shifts, rolling her shoulders back as she looks down at Nyx, which is an incredible feat considering the fact that he is considerably taller than her. "Are you threatening me, Nyx??
"He hurt my mate!" he bellows at her, but she doesn't so much as flinch as she shifts her gaze to you, looking like she's contemplating a hundred thoughts at once. Then, without looking away, she confirms the man's name.
Nyx vanishes before you have time to stop him, and seconds pass before the ground trembles and shakes the home's foundation. 
"No! I didn't want violence! Why did you tell him, Mor?!" you gawped at the blond, who didn't look remotely sorry.
As Rhysand grabs Cassian and winnows away, Mor steps closer with Feyre at her side. "I told him because we protect our own. Not only has he hurt you, but he's also threatening Emerie; he deserves what's coming to him. In fact, I shouldn't have faltered with telling Nyx, that is my only regret".
You feel defeated and stare at your feet with a thousand thoughts dizzying your mind. Was Nyx ok? Was he hurt? When would he come back? He was your mate. Nyx was YOUR mate.
A pair of brown leather boots entered your vision as Feyre stepped close, wrapping an arm carefully over your not-injured shoulder as she directed you towards the table, kissing your cheek as she moved, "Welcome to the family, properly that is. You've always been one of us, Little Star. Now, why don't you take a seat and I'll see if we have any healing ointments remaining in the cupboards".
Thankfully, Feyre had found a purple ointment that had already worked enough that the pain in your shoulder was considerably less, and the colour of the bruising was now a subtle yellow. Nibbling nervously on the corner of your thumb as you awaited your mate's return, it finally dawned on you. "Wait, how am I supposed to do this? Aren't mates supposed to have a ceremony or something?"
"There can be a ceremony where you offer Nyx some food; we can organise it once we return to Velaris if you'd like? Or if you'd rather not wait, you could offer him food whenever you'd like", Feyre explained warmly with a gentle smile that matched Nyx's.
"I don't think I want to wait. We've all known we would be mates, and waiting for this bond has been slow, so I don't want to wait to accept his bond.
"Why don't you go and have a look in the kitchen? There might be something here", Mor encouraged with a nod towards the back of the house.
You scoured the kitchen cupboards for any sort of food, but with the house having not been in proper use for years, there was nothing except some stale bread on the kitchen table with suspicious-looking green mould on the edges. Even after ripping away the discoloured sections of the bread, you still eyed it with uncertainty.
Stepping out of the kitchen and returning to the dining area, you were surprised to find that Mor and Feyre had gone, and Nyx now stood calmly in the centre of the room, his eyes watching your every breath.
"Where did everyone go?" you ask, trying to fill the thick tension with some noise.
Nyx smiled, not enough to show his dimple but enough to have your shoulders dropping with ease as he stated, "I don't care where they've gone, as long as you remain". Those blazing eyes lowered to your hands as he sucked in a powerful breath as he looked at the stale bread that you were still holding.
As he took several steps forward, you couldn't help but ask, "What did you do to him?"
"What he deserved". There wasn't a speck of blood on his leathery uniform. "What are you doing with that bread?" he asked in a low voice.
You're unsure why you're so nervous when you answer, "Oh, um. It was meant to be for you. I can't find anything else for the mating bond, but it's stale and has mould over it. Maybe I can find a little shop here to find some proper food and serve that to you- NYX!"
Closing the gap between you, he takes the bread out of your hands and, without taking his eyes off of yours, begins to chew the bread that was so clearly dry and stale as he chewed for considerably longer than he should have.
As he finally swallows, you're reaching up for him, resting your hands on his chest and feeling the racing of his heart beneath your palms. "You're my mate", you breathe in awe, forgetting everything that had happened that day and only focusing on the man before you.
"I am. I'm yours, and you're mine", he states with as much wonderment as you felt in your soul.
Grinning up at him, you remind him, "Forever. You're mine forever". The tension beneath your fingers eases as he takes a steadying breath, and then his eyes lower to the edges of your blouse.
You watch with bated breath as he checks the mostly healed bruise. "I'm sorry if I frightened you earlier".
"Nyx, you could never frighten me, " you reassure and tip a finger beneath his chin so that he has to look at your face, not the injury.
"I've always wanted to keep you safe. Seeing that bruise on you today, I was ready to destroy the world to find out who harmed you".
"I know". You watch as he nuzzles into your palm, kissing the centre as you try to lighten the mood, "You're very intense, you know that, right" you say with a light laugh.
Nyx grins, that precious dimple capturing your attention. "I'm more than intense; I'm obsessed. I've been obsessed for years, and now, there's no escaping me" he chuckles as his hand cups around the backs of your thighs and lifts you up, your arms and legs wrapping around his firm body.
"I thought it was just me with the obsession", you retort whilst curling your fingers into his hair once more. Leaning your forehead against him, you both just breathe the other in, eyes closed and hearing the hearts beating as one.
"There hasn't been a second since you entered my life where I haven't wanted you to be by my side. I think I always knew, even when we were children. And now, you're mine".
"Officially", you joke with a giggle, squeezing your arms and legs more firmly around him.
"Officially, my mate", he agrees and then sighs, balancing your weight on one arm so that he could move aside your blouse and kiss the lightening bruise. "I don't want you to come back here again if you can help it. I don't trust these males".
"That's fine with me. I don't particularly want to return, no matter how lovely Emerie's shop is. I don't know how you can stand to be here, let alone train with them", you agreed wholeheartedly.
"You deserve to be in nice and happy places like Velaris, and I can deal with dreadful places like this. It's in my blood, after all". Nyx took a moment to admire your beauty before he stepped forward and winnowed the two of you into his bedroom in the River House in Velaris. "Finally back where we both belong. Now, you're wearing too many clothing articles".
"Wait, don't you have training?" you ask in confusion.
"Not anymore. They'll have to come here and fight me to drag me back to that shit hole tonight. I have other plans now anyway". As he finished talking, he gently eased you onto the navy silk sheets of his bed, resting his arm next to your head as he looked down at you.
You giggle as his hair falls into his face. Reaching up, you pushed the dark curls back to see him grinning at you with just as much glee. "Mmm, I love that sound", he admires before lowering his face to the junction of your neck, his lips pressing against the sensitive area, causing a shiver to burst over your skin.
"What sound?" you ask in a daze.
"You laughing. Your happiness. It's the best sound in the world", he groans as his lips travel up the slope of your neck before teasing your earlobe.
"You're being extra soppy today, Nyx", you say halfheartedly, secretly loving how open he was with his emotions.
However, the man above you freezes, his mouth next to your ear as he asks, "Say that again".
You know exactly which word he wanted you to repeat as you sigh happily, close your eyes and say, "Nyx".
He moans deeply, his hips rutting into the bed with a thrust as a shiver shakes his large frame. "Again," he asks as he lowers his hands to palm your breasts through your blouse.
It was your turn to sigh before whispering, "Nyx".
He lowers his body, kissing down your sternum as he unbuttons the material, exposing your bra and soft skin to him. Your fingers continue to weave through his hair, subtly scratching against his scalp as he doesn't stop on his journey lower. Next, he removes your jeans and socks until all that remains is your underwear.
He appeared to be a man possessed as he stared at you beneath him, biting your lip in need. With an easy snap of his fingers, he tore through the centre of your bra and pushed the useless straps off of your shoulders and down your arms and then repeated the tearing with your underwear.
Nyx utterly admired every inch of your body, his eyes full of emotions and desires. He seemed conflicted, though, unsure whether to spend his sweet time kissing and tasting every inch of your body. Still, as you spread your legs and directed him where you truly wanted him, he growled lowly, lowering his body until he kneeled next to the bed, arms wrapped around your thighs and feasted between your legs.
"Nyx!" you cried out, eyes closing and back arching from the stimulation.
The two of you had been intimate for years, both losing your virginities together and exploring each other's bodies; you knew one another better than yourselves. Nyx liked to show this off as he perfectly flicked his tongue and held you firmly with his hands; you were begging in a matter of seconds. The man bringing you closer and closer to the edge chuckled as he felt you tremble with restraint, knowing he was only doing enough to keep you on the very brink, loving the desperate little cries you released until it was all too much, and you cried out, "Please! Nyx!"
Sucking on your clit was all that he needed to do to have you spiralling into euphoric bliss. Your thighs trembled as they squeezed around his head, but he would happily be suffocated between your legs, so let the warmth of the press into his cheeks until you'd calmed down enough to relax the muscles.
Breathlessly, you looked down your body to where he was grinning, kissing the top of your pubis before licking his shiny lips.
"You're wearing too many clothes". The armour he was wearing vanished in a flicker of magic. Sitting up on the bed, your hands wound around his toned shoulders,  feeling the muscle ripple and move beneath as you tugged him closer and kissed him with all the desperation you could muster.
Both of you were moving with such urgency that your emotions were overwhelmed, tears spilling down your cheeks as you cried out the words, "Mine!" repeatedly. You'd heard of the frenzy after a mating bond is accepted, but you never anticipated it to feel this chaotic. You needed every single inch of him, wanted to taste his body, feel the warmth of his skin, and hear the moans from between his lips. There was too much to do, and your brain was engulfed with the need to do everything simultaneously.
Gripping onto his arms, you pulled Nyx so that he was now the one lying in the centre of the bed as you moved to straddle over his waist. With your lips still desperately moving together, tongue caressing and deepening into each other's mouths, your hands finally grasped around the thick, veiny length of your mate.
During any other intimate moment, you would have admired the sheer size of him or the beautiful sensation of him throbbing between your fingers, but right now, all you were desperate to do was give him pleasure.
Squeezing your fingers more firmly around the shaft, you moved up and down, using your thumb to smear the precum over the head. He shivered at the touch, his abs tightening and flexing as he groaned in pleasure.
"Need to be inside of you", he pleaded against your lips. You didn't need to tell twice as you roused high on your knees and direct the tip of his cock towards your drenched hole. You only gave yourself a second to adjust to the sheer size of him before you were rotating your hips and beginning to rock back and forth with increasing speed.
Nyx's arms wrapped around your spine, reaching to grasp onto the back of your shoulder so he had a good foundation to hold and fuck his hips up in time to meet yours. The firmness of his strokes had you seeing stars with how deep he felt. You were utterly consumed by Nyx.
The two of you were fucking each other with such a bruising pace that all you could do was dig your nails into his chest and ride him like your life depended on it. It was only a matter of minutes until you were coming, squeezing your walls tightly around his cock until he, too, was tipping his head back and grunting your name with his own pleasure.
You all but collapsed on top of his chest, greedily sucking in air that smelled entirely of him, and you couldn't get enough. It seemed he couldn't for you either as you continued to feel his hardness within you, not softening even after his orgasm.
Before long, with your face still plastered to his sweaty chest, your hips began to roll, his cock nudging deep inside of you.
"I can't fucking get enough of you", you gasp as he throbbed within you.
Nyx rolled the two of you over, so now he was on top, your legs repositioned so that they were against his shoulders, and you were all but bent in half, the angle meaning he could fuck even deeper.
"Yes! Nyx, please don't stop!" you scream, reaching over his shoulders and stroking the sensitive membrane of his wings, watching them flare behind his back.
"Say it", he begs, his eyes glazed whilst looking down at you.
"Yes! Say you're mine!"
"I'm yours!" Nyx moves harder, his hand slipping down your legs until his thumb could circle your clit.
"That's right", he grunts between thrusts, "And I'm yours. Forever".
You orgasm so hard you're sure you black out for a couple of seconds because, in the next breath, Nyx is beside you, spooning himself around you, kissing along your collarbones and stroking his palm down your stomach.
"I didn't go too hard on you, did I?" he asks with a rough voice.
You smile softly whilst reaching up to scratch your nails behind his ear, tucking the curls behind his pointed ears, careful not to snag the strands on the multiple silver hoops in his ear. "Not at all, I loved every second".
Nyx grinned, and the starlight that usually glowed in his eyes returned for the first time that day, and he was finally at ease.
"I can't believe you ate that stale bread", you say, laughing at the memory.
"I would have eaten the mould too if you'd given it to me. Whatever food you gave me, I would have accepted it with need in my heart". Those perfect lips of his began to kiss across your cheek and down your throat; however, now that the madness of needing to have sex with him had calmed for a moment, you could actually look him over properly, and that's when you noticed the doting of bruises over his arms and chest, all in different stages of healing.
You tense and ask urgently, "Were these from him? Earlier in the day, I mean?"
Nyx moves away from kissing your throat to look at what you're referring to, shaking his head and casually explaining, "No, they're from training. That asshole didn't have time to make a move against me before I-". You'd lost the ability to hear anything further as a fire burned so thoroughly throughout your soul that it momentarily stole your breath. Red burning anger pulsed in your soul, unlike anything you'd ever experienced.
Before a coherent thought could drift through your mind, you're pushing away from Nyx and climbing out of bed on unsteady legs. Needing to half crawl on the floor before righting your posture, you marched towards his bedroom door.
"Woah, Little Star", Nyx is suddenly in front of you, blocking your exit as he holds his hands up.
You try and push past him, but he just carefully eases you away from the door, "Let me past!" you shout in frustration, trying to wiggle past him.
"I don't think so", he responds gently and calmly.
"Nyx, let me out of this house!" You don't get far through as he moves to press your body against the wooden door.
"And what exactly do you think you're going to do?"
Baring your teeth at him over your shoulder, you continued trying to get out of his hold. "I'll kill everyone who harmed you!"
"Oh really?" Nnyx says lightheartedly and with a slight chortle. "You'll kill them? Miss' I despise violence'?"
You turn around so that you're chest to chest with Nyx, looking up at his with eyes so full of fury he actually bulked and softened his laughter. "Whoever hurt you doesn't deserve to live! They hurt you. My mate. MY MATE. They won't live to see the night!"
Nyx wasn't sure how to calm you down, having never seen you with such anger pulsing through your veins before, but he did what he thought was best: distract you. His fingers clutched desperately into your hair as his mouth pressed against yours firmly enough to cause bruises.
You fight and push against him at first, but then thoughts of anger and pain dissolve into lust and need as you're once more desperately grabbing him. Tearing your mouth away, you kiss down his throat, tasting the salty spice of his natural scent.
"These feelings, they will pass", Nyx reassures as he closes his eyes, thoughts entirely on your mouth as you close your lips around his nipple, biting the sensitive bud.
"So you get to have revenge on someone that wrong me, but I don't get to do the same for you?" you ask whilst looking up at him through your lashes, your nails scratching down his abs before grabbing his once more hardening cock.
He releases another long breath, trying to keep his composure as he thrusts into your palm. "I'm saying that I've had a lifetime of training, and taking care of one pathetic asshole was light work. The mating bond is the intense anger you're feeling, protecting my pride. Everything is so new and fresh, but it will pass Little Star. You'll understand that these bruises were all part of my training in a couple of hours. Everyone has similar marks, making the training brutal and volatile. So this feeling, it will pass. Anyway, you are not leaving this room naked with my cum still dripping down my thighs".
You're finally beginning to relax as your harsh touches soften until you're gently cupping his shaft and looking up at him sheepishly, "I thought you would have liked it if everyone got to see who I belonged to?"
Turning on the spot, you rested your hot cheek against the cool wood of the door and began to grind your arse against his cock, "Mmm, don't tempt me", he growls against the side of your face as he moves closer, bending his knees so he could position his cock into your cunt.
Nyx proceeds to fuck you so hard against the door that it begins to crack down the centre. But neither of you stopped for hours. Not until you were both thoroughly exhausted that neither could stand.
"I love you," he whispers against your lips as you teeter on unconsciousness's edge.
"I love you too", you tiredly say back, eyes drooping, and the darkness of sleep welcomed you into its abyss.
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moghedien · 4 months
So someone is in your inbox asking for money
I'm not going to say that every single instance of this happening is a scam, but in my experience, random people following you and then sending you an ask to ask you to reblog a post or donate, they are almost always a scam.
You may feel bad about ignoring them or deleting the ask, but doing so is probably going to be the best course of action. Not only so that YOU don't lose money but so that you don't give the scammer access to you followers.
But how could you know that the person is a scam and not the one instance where someone really needs help? Let's go over some ways to check for signs of a scammer.
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this is the post I got in my inbox today. I've personally never dealt with this particular version, so I didn't immediately delete. I probably wouldn't have reblogged anyway, but I wanted to look into this specifically.
The first thing to do is go on their blog. In this instance, the post they want me to reblog is pinned, and it also has a donation link. I'm NOT going to click on the link because there is no indication at all to what this might lead to and I'm going to instead hover over link and see what url pops up
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in this instance, the url shows me that I'm going to be redirected to paypal. IMMEDIATELY a sign that this is a scam. people can still scam with gofundme and other sites like that, sure, but at least with those sites, there is some accountability in that you can see if the donation goal is being met or not. with paypal, you're just blindly donating, assuming that this donation amounts are what the person says they're at.
And also this is not to say that honest people can't use paypal for donations, sometimes that's the only option. But if you're going to donate to someone via paypal, you should at the very least be personally aware of who you're donating to and that they are an actual person.
But let's look deeper just in case. The next thing to do is look for other sketchy signs on the blog. So I scrolled through to see what they were blogging about otherwise, and there were red flags here.
Just glancing through the blog, I could see that they almost exclusively posted about Taylor Swift and the Mandalorian. They posted A LOT within the past day (this is why you should have times enabled btw) and exclusively from the same four or fives blogs.
But maybe they just post a lot. You can actually very easily see their posting habits by looking at their archive.
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We're going to go to the three dots and click "view archive"
You can also just type in "[username].tumblr.com/archive" for any blog and access anyone's archive as long as they have a public account. But what's the point of doing that. Well, in the archive, we can get a very quick overview of someone's posting habits.
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And here I've circled in red the first and last thing this blog has posted in the month of February 2024 (the month I'm writing this). You can see that both of those posts were posted on the same day. Meaning all of their posts in the entire month of February happened on the same day.
But what about posts outside of February 2024?
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Well there are none
You can sort posts by month and year and doing so for this blog shows that they ONLY posted in February 2024 and ONLY one day in February and it happened to be the day before I got an ask in my inbox asking for donations.
These are the most obvious tells, but there are other signs you can look out for.
For instance, all of their posts are without any sort of tags. They never comment on anything and their only original post was their one asking for donations. If you click on the search function in their blog, nothing comes up
There's also the fact that the blog is clearly targeting at making the people who WOULD care about someone needing insulin sympathetic. The fact that they use BLM, identify as a black man, have pronouns in their bio all are on purpose to make people who might care feel like this is a person who deserves help. the scammer is using your empathy against you. DON'T LET THEM. Be smart and always always think before you act, even if that action is just posting. You can help people in need without feeding the vultures that want to take advantage and want to use YOU to steal from your community
But let's just be REALLY REALLY sure this is a scam.
On whim, I copied the text straight from the ask in my inbox and put into google and then added "tumblr' at the end. You'll be shocked to know there were immediate results and not from this blog
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First one was a reblog from over a year ago. the exact same wording minus the cost of the insulin and the call to action at the end
I clicked on the original poster for this and the blog was cleared out!
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Minus them using the exact same photograph in their header as the blog that sent me an ask today, of course.
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The second instance I found was slightly different wording, but using similar enough wording that it can be assumed came from the same scammer. This came from another ask in an inbox, but the receiver rightly called them out as a scam. The post is from two months ago and the blog that asked it as been deleted outright
All of this to say, there are always scammers on tumblr, but there have been a lot recently. This one happened to not be posing as Palestinians in need, but a lot are (in that instance, Palestinian bloggers have been vetting who is and isn't real so you can always check to see if they're getting support or getting called out from actual Palestinians). They won't always use these methods and won't always been this obvious, so even if you don't donate to someone yourself ALWAYS be thorough in your checking before you reblog a donation post. Make sure the charity its collecting for is REAL and if its a person asking for money, make sure that person is real as well.
You can help people without getting scammed or giving scammers access to your followers, and not reblogging every donation post doesn't make you a bad person or mean you don't care. Its important to be careful, and not being careful can do more harm than good. it makes actual people in need look sketchy and takes away resources that could have been given to them. So if you aren't sure if something is real DO NOT REBLOG IT
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hauntedestheart · 9 months
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is I reach for my phone. I've seen a lot of articles say that doing this is supposed to be bad for you, you're supposed to limit your screen time and not use electronic devices in bed and blah blah blah... but whoever wrote those articles clearly wasn't living my life.
Hell, I barely know who's living my life.
See, the reason I check my phone in the morning is because checking it is the only way I'm gonna find out what I did last night. Take, for example, the photo I found on it this morning.
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Oh god, I'm cringing just looking at it. I didn't take this photo! Yeah, sure, I'm a hot guy who goes to the gym, but I swear I'm not the kind of douchebag who would pose nude like this. Someone else took this photo, and they used my body to do it.
Scrolling through the apps on my phone, I begin to piece together the events of last night. According to some Lyft receipts, my body left the house a bit before midnight and headed across the bridge to uptown, and didn't head back home until around five in the morning.
My bank statement informs me that I stopped at a fancy store to buy a new jacket (which I find in the closet) and then I headed to a bar I'd never heard of where I bought several rounds of shots and a plate of mozzarella sticks. It's even logged in my calorie counter app.
On Instagram I've been tagged in a story by someone I've never met before, and when I click on it there's a short video clip of a man standing on a table in some bar shaking his perky ass around and- oh, yup, the guy is me. I tap to the next video and my body has lost its shirt, probably so everyone can see my abs flexing as I do body rolls, and then in the next clip I'm down to just my skivvies and a stranger's hand is grabbing my junk and shaking it around. Thankfully, that's the last video in the lineup- though there's an ache in my ass that hints that it wasn't where the night ended.
This might sound like the kind of fun, drunken bender that a guy my age might get up to, but that's not what's going on here! I don't know why, but for the past few months every time I've gone to sleep at night, my body has woken back up and gone back out. At first I thought I was just sleepwalking- mom said I did it all the time as a kid -but sleepwalkers don't do the things that my body does.
Sleepwalkers walk. My body hits the town.
I always wake up safe and sound in bed in the morning, which is a small blessing, but everything else is a complete mystery. I don't know what is doing it, or how they're doing it, but I'm pretty sure it's another person. They basically told me so.
A few weeks after it started I bought a night vision camera and set it up to monitor my bedroom, hoping to glean some sort of clue about what exactly was happening to me, but whoever was in my body just deleted the footage. When I woke up in the morning, the only thing I found on the camera was a very long video of my body shoving a dildo up my ass, moaning like a whore while the other hand explored the muscles of my torso... and at the end of it, when my body was finally drenched in semen, it looked straight into the camera and winked.
The me in the video had a cocky expression on his face that I'd never seen before and to be honest, that kinda freaked me out! In a fit of desperation, I decided to leave a note taped to my bedroom door.
What do you want? I wrote. And when I woke up in the morning, someone had written something underneath it:
; )
Which... I still don't know what to make of that. I think whoever is doing this thinks that they're funny. Since then, my body snatcher has gotten into the habit of leaving me little notes and photos like the one up there.
My body snatcher seems to really like my body, which- hey, I'm proud of it too! You don't work as hard as I do on my abs without being a little vain, and if I was gonna snatch someone's body I'd probably go for someone who was packing a dick like mine. I can't even say that I blame them. But the number of photos I've found on my phone of myself groping my pecs, flexing my big biceps for the camera, licking my own armpits... it's a bit too much.
And that's the absolute worst part of it! Whoever's doing it is getting cocky. Look at that photo- the camera set-up, the hand written note, the strategically placed paint... this isn't just some random selfie taken on the spot, this required setup. They're mocking me, letting me know that they've got me where they want me and there's nothing I can do about it.
The pictures have only been getting bolder and more scandalous- some of the more recent ones were taken in public places, and they're starting to involve props. I'm nervous about what they're going to come up with next- but I guess I won't know until I wake up.
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silantryoo · 1 year
midnight rain — huh yunjin x non-idol!reader
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yunjin can't help but reminisce about what she left to achieve her dreams.
WARNINGS ; self-depreciation, cyber-bullying
TAGS ; the huh sisters are the best, y/n is the most supportive gf ever, yunjin sacrificed sm, someone check on y/n, idek if this is a happy ending or not, yunjin using y/n as a coping mechanism tbh
GENRE ; fluff, angst (4.2k)
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huh yunjin had the whole world in the palm of her hands.
there were thousands of people out there, longing for the idol's attention. she could win anyone's heart over, just with a couple words and her goofy smile, but none of them could ever compare to you.
huh yunjin might rule the world, but you still and will always rule hers.
yunjin met you right after she had finished produce 48.
she had left korea feeling like a shell of her former self. yunjin had gotten the taste of a dream that she so badly longed for, and one she most likely would never be able to achieve again. she had missed her only chance, and there was no getting it back.
it didn't help that mainland korea had turned its back on the then-aspiring idol.
she had read through the produce forums almost daily since then. yunjin spent hours scrolling, letting every horrible thing said build inside her like a sickly virus.
glad huh yunjin didn't make it. she's a backstabbing bitch. (+193, -21)
did huh yunjin die? i hope so (+86, -7)
i hope huh yunjin never debuts!!!!!!!!! (+273, -11)
huh yunjin knew she was done for.
she went back to new york mid-september a year later, back to the high school that she dreaded going to, another reminder that she will never, ever be who she wanted.
"um," yunjin felt a tap on her shoulder. "you know the school library isn't open twenty-four hours, right?"
"huh?" yunjin wiped her eyes. she glanced at the clock behind the strange girl. 7:12. "shit, sorry. i didn't realize."
"it's fine. i'm closing this place up soon." yunjin watched as the girl's eyes locked onto hers. she could feel her heart in her throat. "you can stay, if you want."
"i want to, uh..." yunjin cleared her throat. "i'll stay."
yunjin forgot about everything for a moment.
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yunjin was never a studious person.
the girl had decent grades, but she never actually put effort into studying, not like her sister or her friends around her. it came to her naturally, and yunjin had other priorities such as working on her musical skills (something that she had abandoned as soon as she stepped foot on american soil once more).
but a week later, yunjin found herself sitting in front of her younger sister, watching as she did her homework.
"unnie?" her sister, rachel, eyed the brunette weirdly. "why are you here?"
"why?" yunjin stared at the empty desk in front of her, looking around the library to find the others full of papers. "can't i study?"
"no. you can't." rachel tapped her pencil. "you're literally incapable of studying."
"wow, okay." the former trainee scoffed. "i've had a change of heart."
rachel shook her head.
"i get losing in produce sucks, but i don't think you could do a 180 that fast." yunjin winced, rachel opening up fresh wounds. the older huh knew that the girl was just trying to make light of the situation, but it still hurt like hell. "it's been like... three weeks."
yunjin knew it had been three weeks. three weeks, two days, and five hours since she landed back in america. she didn't need rachel to remind her, not when the entire world already had.
"can you shut up?" yunjin snapped, gripping the backpack she was holding on her lap.
the younger huh flinched, the silence of the library amplifying yunjin's aggression.
rachel looked at her sister, yunjin's eyes shut tight as she tried to calm herself down. the young girl had never been good with emotions, but she wanted nothing more than to tell her sister that it was okay to feel upset.
(even if rachel knew yunjin wouldn't listen.)
"oh hey, rach." yunjin's eyes opened, her head turning to the sound of a familiar voice, soothing the former trainee. "what are you doing?"
rachel hummed, setting her pencil down. "working on the assignment from our econ class."
you made your way between the huh sisters, looking at the diligent note-taking of the younger girl to your left.
"why?" you muttered. you were sure that the due date didn't change. "that's due next week."
"no?" you felt your heart drop. "it's due tomorrow."
"oh shit." your eyes widened, covering your mouth. you were screwed. "i need to find nadine."
rachel looked at you with a smile. it was hard to believe that you were only a month younger than yunjin. though yunjin never cared for schoolwork, she was always hardworking when necessary. you on the other hand...
"who was that?"
rachel looked at her sister, yunjin's eyes trained at your retreating figure. "y/n?"
yunjin couldn't help but smile. the name fit you perfectly. "yeah."
"she's my classmate from my AP econ class." rachel squinted. yunjin was a bit too interested in you for it to just be curious. "she's a junior this year... why?"
yunjin's eyes widened, the former trainee's face unable to hide her surprise.
"why are you taking AP?" she tried to change the subject. "aren't you 14?"
"i wanna get into NYU." rachel sighed, picking up the pencil as she bit back multiple remarks that would leave her sister cursing at her. "leave me alone."
yunjin felt a pang in her chest.
it had slipped her mind that she had to think about university now. where she was going to commit, scholarships and loans...
yunjin tried her best to not seem fazed. dreams were meant to be dreamt, not fufilled. the sooner she knew that, the better it was for her.
"you're such a nerd."
"you're literally a theater kid, unnie." rachel bit back, too immersed in her work to notice the mood drop. "you can't talk."
yunjin stared at her sister, hoping that she would never feel that way.
(but in the back of her mind, through all the guilt and anger, she couldn't help but linger at the thought of you).
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yunjin was starting to like the library.
it was quiet, and peaceful (minus the many kids who were scrambling to study for a test in the corner of the library). it let her think about everything, letting her sit in her feelings. plus, the library had the ambiance of the produce practice rooms early in the morning, something that the former trainee greatly missed.
"are you here to read through your phone again?"
yunjin could feel the hairs on her neck stand up. "huh?"
yunjin, eyes trained on your figure, watched as you took a seat across from her.
"you and rach look a lot alike." you said, humming as you set your chin on your hand. "i should've known that you were her sister."
yunjin pushed back a smile.
(she'd never tell anyone, but part of her was worried that rachel no longer looked up to her.)
"she told you about me?"
"she brags about you all the time." you smiled at yunjin's grin. "something about being a kpop idol, i dunno. i'm not good with that stuff."
the former trainee pursed her lips.
"oh, well," yunjin chuckled awkwardly, the awkwardness in her chest starting to change into pain. "i don't think that's gonna happen."
you looked her up and down. "why not?"
yunjin could think of multiple reasons, ones that she had internalized so much that she had changed the way she carried herself, but she wasn't going to say that to a random stanger (much less a hot random stranger).
"it didn't work out." yunjin said.
"oh." you scratched your cheek, yunjin nodding shallowly. "well, it's too soon to tell, y'know? you could be like, the next bts or something."
"how can i be the next bts when i'm one person?" yunjin squinted. kpop was so much more than just bts. "plus, bts isn't the only kpop group out there."
"i know that." you scoffed, rolling your eyes at the girl. "you just seem like someone who likes bts."
yunjin could feel herself blushing.
"see, i already know you." yunjin looked away, afraid that she'd implode if she looked at your smile. "i just need to know your name."
"my name?" yunjin's mind went blank, nearly spitting out a random name. "jennifer."
"jennifer." you smiled harder. "nice to meet you, jennifer. i'm y/n."
and for a moment, right when yunjin's name rolled off of your tongue, yunjin felt seen.
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yunjin considered herself a lot of things. as of late, most of them had turned overwhelmingly negative, but regardless, she at least knew that she was in tune with her emotions. she, unlike her sister, was able to identify them, and 'fix' them to the best of her abilities.
however, being around you the past couple of weeks you have told her differently.
yunjin knew she liked you. she liked the way you smiled at her, your gums showing through your crooked smile. she liked the way your hands felt, the way your hand would accidentally bump into hers, making yunjin long for more.
you were everything yunjin had ever dreamt of in a person, but she was sure she was just going to mess it up again.
yunjin sighed, forcing herself to stop thinking about you, a common occurrence that had been recently happening lately.
"unnie." rachel tapped her should, causing the older girl to jump.
she turned to the younger girl and her friends, her locker mirror shaking as she slammed it closed. "what?"
rachel's friend, nadine (if yunjin remembered correctly), said, "you're close with y/n right?"
yunjin clenched her jaw, a burst of anxiety running up her spine. had you gotten hurt? was something wrong? yunjin couldn't help but overthink.
"why?" she hummed.
"you guys aren't dating?" rachel asked, yunjin's eyes widening as big as saucers.
"no," yunjin scoffed, a blush covering her face. if only she could. "what?"
rachel looked at the girl beside her as yunjin avoided the younger students' gazes. her older sister was anything but subtle.
"okay." rachel said slowly, watching as yunjin perked up, waiting to hear any information about you. "derek's planning to ask her out, so i just wanted to make sure you don't go all... you on him."
"okay, i don't go all 'me' on anyone." yunjin crossed her arms. perhaps there had been one incident a year ago that almost got her suspended, but that was only because someone had hit on rachel. yunjin took no fault. "wait... derek mcavoy?"
yunjin felt her stomach sink.
she considered herself many things, passionate being one of them. sometimes, yunjin passion could get in the way of her rational thinking.
"hey, do you guys know who sent me these flowers?" yunjin could hear your voice behind her, getting closer to her. "i think they're trying to kill me."
yunjin clenched her fist.
"aren't you allergic to those?" rachel blinked at you, staring at daisies that were in your hand.
how you weren't dead? she had no clue.
"severely." you sighed, looking at the bouquet in front of you. "i had to take my inhaler."
rachel shook her head, looking at her sister who was staring into the distance, face stoic and eyes glazed over. the younger girl sighed. it was happening.
"jen," you called out to her, bringing her out of her head. yunjin turned to you. "do you think one of your fans reached me?"
yunjin's eyes met yours, hardened and swirling with an emotion that you could only identify as anger and regret. looking over to rachel, she shrugged as yunjin continued to stare into your soul.
yunjin didn't want to live in regret anymore, not when her daily life was already filled with it.
"go out with me."
yunjin had never heard silence in a crowded hallway until that very moment.
"go out with me, y/n." yunjin stated, pushing down the embarrassment threatening to take over her entire body.
("should we be here?")
"uh..." you took a breath, your gummy smile making yunjin overflow with happiness. "okay."
yunjin had never felt happiness like that in her life.
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yunjin would be lying if she said she was satisfied with how her life was right now.
she had everything that anyone could want at her age. her grades, although not to ivy league standard, could get her in a good college if she kept her current pace. she had no family problems, and yunjin had always gotten along with rachel.
most of all, she was in a great relationship, celebrating her first valentine's with the girl she had slowly fallen in love with over the past four months.
but it wasn't enough, because this life will never be enough for yunjin.
"oh my god," yunjin smiled, turning her phone off as you entered her room. "is that huh yunjin from produce 48 where iz*one was created?"
although not as strong, yunjin felt a dull ache in her chest.
"you're so annoying." yunjin rolled her eyes, sitting up to greet you with a kiss.
"hey, i got into kpop for you so we could bond as a couple." you teased, humming against her lips. the taller girl smiled. "how am i annoying?"
"i didn't say i hated it." she whispered, moving over to give you a seat. "i missed you."
truthfully, yunjin did miss you, especially the way you made her forget her failures, even if it was just for a moment.
"i saw you yesterday." you teased. you grabbed her hand, smiling at her. "but i missed you too."
you leaned in once more, capturing the girl's mouth against yours. you always felt an overwhelming sense of love whenever you kissed the taller girl, but yunjin always felt a sense of fear. the fear of becoming content with a life like this, a life without doing what she loved.
you pulled away. "me or bts?"
yunjin groaned, guilt simmering in her stomach. "you're the worst."
"i know." you giggled, kissing her cheek.
yunjin sighed, leaning back as she slammed her back onto her bed.
you followed her suit, the short haired girl wrapping her arm around you as you snuggled close into her body.
"tired?" you asked, stroking her hair out of her face.
"this week has been kicking my ass." yunjin knew she had done it to herself, tuning into the japanese tabloids that week to keep tabs on iz*one's debut. "but it is our very first valentines together. plus, i think you're my gift from cupid."
you scoffed playfully, trying to pull away from the ex-trainee. "am i just an object to you, jennifer?"
"hey, no!" yunjin whined, shoving her face into your neck. you giggled, feeling the strands of her hair against your neck. "and don't use my full government name."
"sorry, sorry." you smiled, watching as her eyes looked into yours. "what do you want me to call you instead?"
yunjin thought for a moment, her eyes darting to your mouth. "mine."
your smile dropped, and you pulled away from her, the korean whining at the loss of contact.
"ugh." you sat up, shaking your head. "jesus, jen... that was disgusting."
she gasped, sitting up beside you. "you dated me knowing that i'm like this."
"no." yunjin frowned, and you couldn't help but smile at her adorable face. "i dated you because you're hot."
"wow." yunjin's mouth hung open, trying hard not to smile as you attacked her cheek with kisses as an apology. "so you only love me for my face."
you pulled back, raising your eyebrow. "who said i loved you?"
yunjin stared at you, hearing her heart break slowly.
she knew it wasn't your fault, but yunjin couldn't help but find herself feeling the same way she had at the beginning of the school year.
"i'm sorry, i--"
"i do, though. love you, i mean." you cleared your throat, awkwardly scratching your cheek as you looked at the ground. "i'm just trying to figure out how you know when i literally never told anyone until now."
yunjin smiled at you, taking your features in as if to memorize you.
"i love you too."
yunjin watched as your eyes swarmed with adoration, and nothing had ever scared her so much than the feeling of fulfillment that spread through her chest.
"you do?" you whispered, looking into her eyes, finding nothing but sincerity in them.
but something was off, you could feel it in the air. the way the weight of the room had gotten heavier, almost as if the burden of your girlfriend filled the entire thing.
yunjin looked away, and that was enough to know that deep down, she never wanted to fall in love with you, not like this.
"yeah." yunjin muttered, smiling through her smile. "i do."
you smiled through your pain, wanting nothing more than to feel love instead of regret.
"the famous huh yunjin is in love with me?" you joked, watching as her face morphed into a more playful tone.
"shut up."
"okay." you nodded, wondering how long you had left with her. "only because i love you."
"i love you too."
yunjin had meant every word she said, even if it came with layers of regret.
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yunjin had heard from koeun a month ago that source music had opened back up, this time under new management, a much more competent one.
when the former trainee heard the news, she refused to get her hopes up. she had come to terms with how her life was now. yunjin still felt the what-ifs from time to time, but she couldn't do anything about it, even if she so badly wanted to.
she hid it well from her family, the longing for the spotlight, to perform. they didn't ask her questions about why she would skip dinner, sitting in front of her computer as she waited for a stupid email to pop up.
(you knew, however. and it pained you to know that your girlfriend would never truly be happy with you.)
you pushed it down, waiting for the right time to bring it up to her. you just wished it didn't have to happen today.
"hey, jen. sorry i kept you waiting. your mom tried to force-feed me once i stepped through the door. she thinks you aren't feeding me enough." you laughed as you set your sweater to the side of her room, making your way over to kiss her forehead. "happy six months, baby."
yunjin wiped her face, looking at the monitor of her laptop. "happy six months."
yunjin didn't look at you, afraid that she'd lose everything as soon as her eyes locked onto your eyes.
"what's up?" you wiped her tears. she hung her head low, the light of the monitor illuminating her tear streaks. "you don't look as happy as i do."
yunjin was silent, waiting for you to look at the screen in front of her.
you turned your head, skimming over the english text found in the email. it was bound to happen, and you had tried your hardest to prepare yourself for it. you hoped it was enough to keep the facade up long enough.
"oh, jen." you rubbed yunjin's back, watching as her tears fell harder. "are you going back?"
yunjin shook her head, not wanting to think about it. "i don't know."
"do you want to?"
you already knew your answer a long time ago.
"i don't know." yunjin didn't mean to lie, but she loved you. "i don't want to leave you."
"it's fine." you whispered in her ear, swallowing your tears back. "i'll be fine."
yunjin wrapped her arms around you, her head buried in your neck as sobs wracked her body. she couldn't do it again. she couldn't lose everything she's worked for again.
yunjin couldn't lose you for nothing.
"what if it doesn't go well, and i just ended us for nothing?" yunjin asked in between sobs, gripping the back of your shirt.
"so you want to go?"
yunjin's face fell, pulling back from you as you smiled at her with teary eyes.
yunjin loved your smile.
"it's okay, i promise." you nodded, trying to push through the pain. "you'll be fine. i believe in you."
yunjin shook her head. she didn't deserve it. she didn't deserve your support, not if she's leaving you like this.
"i finally accepted it." yunjin blubbered, too emotional to realize what she said. "i can't go through this again."
you bit your upper lip, looking away briefly. hearing yunjin say it was different from knowing that you were just the second choice.
"i know." yunjin's face was wet with tears, a never-ending flow of remorse. "but you won't, because you'll debut this time."
yunjin shook her head. "how do you know that?"
"because you're jennifer huh. you're the girl who came back here, fighting to be okay again even though deep down you knew that it wasn't what you wanted." you kissed her nose, watching as her nose crinkled at the contact. you smiled. "you're the girl i'm in love with."
yunjin felt a weight lift off of her shoulders.
"i'm in love with you too." yunjin sniffed. "i don't want to leave you."
you looked into yunjin's eyes, and you saw nothing but passion, passion for you.
if there was one thing that you loved yunjin, it was her overwhelming sense of passion. but at times like these, you hated it.
you watched her for a moment.
"then i'll leave you."
"what?" yunjin's eyes widened, moving her hands onto your arm. "no."
"you want us to make it work?" you asked her, almost challenging her at the ridiculous thought.
you two were high school kids, two girls who fell in love because of a missed opportunity, an opportunity that yunjin was willing to jeopardize for you.
yunjin could feel her fears coming true.
"baby, what are they gonna think once they find out about us if we even manage to make it through until your debut?" you told her, furrowing your eyebrows.
"i don't know."
yunjin looked at you through the thick silence, almost as if she was trying to memorize you one more time.
"it's a good thing we're both private people, huh?" you chuckled, the knot in your throat becoming bigger. "imagine all the people you'd have to pay off. i mean, you guys are rich but st--"
"can you not?" yunjin whispered. "please?"
"sorry." you cleared your throat, looking away as tears were starting to form in your eyes (not yet. please.). "do you want me to go?"
"no." yunjin said with sincerity. "i just want to spend one more day with you."
yunjin stared at you desperately pleading for you to agree. she just needed to hold you one more time, to listen to your voice. she just needed one more day to memorize you before she lost you.
one day was enough for you, even if you'd love her for the rest of your life.
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you untangled yourself from her at three in the morning the next day, eyes bloodshot and arms tired from holding her as if she was going to disappear.
you wiped your eyes, and placed your forgotten sweater on her desk, tucking a piece of paper in the pocket.
you were going to break soon, and you didn't want yunjin to see the broken pieces she'd leave in new york.
looking at the girl once more, you gave her one more kiss on the forehead, hoping that she'd remember you with only happiness and love.
you left yunjin's room, clenching your mouth as you tried your best not to sob.
"night, rach." you tried to walk away, the younger girl following you to the door.
rachel looked at you with a frown, watching as you struggled to put your shoes on. "are you okay?"
you looked up at her, your eyes red as you smiled. you haven't heard someone ask that in a while.
"no." you grinned, the tears streaming down your face betraying you.
"thank you for doing this for unnie." rachel said, watching as you stiffened up. she wished she could do something more, but this wasn't her expertise. "it's probably killing you."
"i'll be fine." you whispered, standing up to face the girl.
"come study with me later?" she asked, a small smile on her face.
you hated how much rachel looked like her sister.
"okay." you patted her shoulder, rachel opening the door as you fished for your keys. "thanks rachel. you would've made a good sister-in-law."
rachel winced. not at the comment, but at the way your face morphed into an emotion she had yet to feel.
"you too."
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yunjin groaned as chaewon yelled at her from across the dorm. no matter how hard she tried to rest, there was someone who always needed something from her.
"you know that hoodie i was gonna borrow?" yunjin grunted, earning a smack on the head from chaewon. the taller girl looked up, staring face to face with an old piece of paper. "this fell out of it."
"huh?" yunjin didn't remember leaving anything in her pockets.
chaewon hopped on the couch, sitting beside her roommate.
"it's a letter." yunjin knew your writing anywhere.
dear jen,
i'm rooting for you, jen. just like i always have and just like i always will be.
i love you, jen l/n y/n.
"who's y/n?"
"someone." yunjin whispered, memories suddenly flooding her brain. "you can't wear that hoodie though, that one's special."
chaewon whined. "why?"
"you can't." yunjin stated, chaewon watching closely as she hummed, the taller girl having a small smile on her face. "now, let's go get food."
"you're so weird."
i love you too, y/n.
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silan says " pls pray for me... i cannot fail my final ;-; "
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: Backstage (Closer)
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In which you're starting to wonder what Jungkooks intentions might be- and what yours could possibly turn into.
Tags/Warnings: Black Leopard Hybrid!Jungkook, Rockstar!Jungkook, Rusty Spotted Cat Hybrid!Reader, minor angst, major fluff, strangers to lovers, did I mention fluff, reader gets injured but only a bit, fainting, big cat kook, Dom!Kook, future smut
Additional Chapter Warnings: gym kook, sweaty kook, it's getting spicier
Length: mid
Additional Content: Intro, Cuddles
Ever since meeting him in his Hotel, and finding out that back in Seoul, you both don't live that far apart, he's been craving your presence at all times it seems. He's eager to have you around, happier- so much so that even his bandmates notice a significant change in his attitude. While he used to be gloomy and rather upset about the upcoming hiatus the band had been planning, since Namjoons mate was close to giving birth to their first child, nowadays he seems happy about it.
"Not gonna meet your girl tonight?" Taehyung asks teasingly, as his bandmate packs his bag. He'd earlier told everyone that he'd be going to the gym after this last meetup, and with the entire band well aware of his newfound infatuation with you, they can't help but tease the youngest.
"Oh, she's gonna be there." Jungkook grins boyishly to himself as he zips up his bag. "We're gonna watch a movie at my place tonight, you know, see where things go." He shrugs, moving to get his jacket.
"Got one you've got to work for, huh?" Jimin jokes, and only now does Jungkook seem to realize how his words must've come across.
"I, no." He shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. "I actually don't aim for that, really. She's cool to have around, you know? Cute, but easy, if that makes sense. She's real." He explains, getting a pat on the back from his bandleader Namjoon.
"Sounds like she fits you." He says. "Make sure to treat her right." He advises, and Jungkook nods eagerly, before walking off to his gym appointment.
He's in the middle of his warmup when you show up- your scent immediately hitting him as you walk through the door, quietly greeting his coach and then him as to not interrupt anything, rather opting to sit down on the sidelines where you assume his things where placed. "Look at you, taking things seriously all of a sudden." His coach teases, making the black leopard hybrid roll his eyes as he punches a bit harder.
You can't deny that seeing him work out like that has it's appeal.
You've always craved the presence of someone who's able to provide not only mental safety and comfort, but physical as well. Until now, you've always handled your life on your own- with no parents growing up, and no other support than your own in your life, you've started to really feel like you might never find a person you could trust in enough to make you feel like you don't have to worry about anything. But with Jungkook proudly displaying his strength like this, he more and more seems to become just that person you've been looking for-
Or maybe he always has been just that, and you've simply not found him yet.
You occasionally occupy yourself with your phone to check e-mails or look at messages, but still, time seems to pass by quickly as you watch him train. When he slides towards you on his knees, he ends up way closer than you've anticipated- noses almost touching, but he only grins impishly, making you slightly disappointed that he didn't lean in to kiss you in that moment.
All in due time, you tell yourself.
Instead, he gives you a bit more space, as he breathes heavily, grabbing his water bottle that's been standing right next to you. "You know what movie we wanna watch yet?" He asks between sips of water, and you shrug.
"We could watch Doctor strange? I've rented it a few days ago but I never watched it yet, and the time to watch is running out this weekend, so.." You say, and he nods, closing his almost empty bottle before putting it back.
"Sounds good to me!" He chirps, pushing back his hair. It's by now wildly curled from his sweat, and for some reason, you don't mind it one bit. "I'll go shower real quick and then we can get going, alright?" He asks, and you nod. It's then that he notices the size of your bag- and he can't help but ask, as to not get his hopes up for nothing. "You staying over?" He wonders, and you nod.
"I- thought? I mean, I can go home tonight as well if it's better.." You say, but he immediately jumps in.
"No no no that's cool, totally cool, I'd love for you to stay over!" He hurries out, before he realizes how that might've sounded. "Not for anything, you know, except if you'd like to? I mean that's alright with me too, but we totally don't have to!" He rambles, noticing how you seem both amused and a little bashful at his words. "You know what? I'm gonna go take a shower now, before I dig myself deeper." He says, making you laugh as he runs off to do just what he'd said.
You don't know why exactly; you've never been very interested in being sexual with any partner- but for some reason, you wouldn't even mind him becoming a bit bolder with you. And it's not (just) because he's visually attractive. It's most of all the fact that he doesn't push it whatsoever, rather always making sure that you're comfortable and okay with everything he does.
So later, in the car, you can't help but wonder-
How much can you tease him, until his patience runs out?
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572 notes · View notes
So like when you adopt a dog or something, sometimes breeders or shelters will have a certification saying that the animal has been seen by a vet and has a clean bill of health/the necessary immunizations and whatnot.
Is there something equivalent for adopting a snake? Or are you solely relying on the breeder to be honest/your personal inspection?
I worry because I’ve never had a snake before that I wouldn’t know if there was a problem or health risk with a snake.
Will breeders disclose info about the snake’s parents too? Or is that something that’s not really done?
Unfortunately, it's very common that when you buy a snake, you don't get any of that. Snakes don't need any vaccines, so most breeders will not take their snakes to the vet before selling them unless something is obviously wrong (you should take your new pet to the vet always, though!).
It does suck that you're kinda relying on the breeder's good word, but the good news is that most breeders who sell sick snakes will not last long in the business. Word travels fast and breeders known for sick animals will absolutely not be allowed to vend at expos or sell their animals to pet stores. Any breeder who isn't willing to answer your questions about their snakes' health probably isn't worth working with!
A few things to look for when buying a snake to make sure it's healthy:
Especially for your first snake, I recommend buying in person so you can hold the snake. Most breeders will be happy to let you hold the snake if you're seriously interested in buying.
Look for clear eyes and no patches of stuck shed or wrinkly, dry-looking scales.
Breathing should be even and slow, you should not feel the snake breathing as you hold them. Rapid, fast, or heavy breathing, along with open-mouthed breathing or any noises like popping/clicking/wheezing, are signs of illness.
Run your hand along the snake's back firmly but gently and look at your palm. Black dots = mites.
Run your hand along the snake's spine - they should be able to straighten out completely and you shouldn't feel any immobile or crinkly spots.
A healthy snake is pretty hard to disorient. Gently turn the snake in your hand - the snake's head wobbling and/or the neck looping back on itself as it tries to move are signs that the snake might have something neurological going on (or, in the case of ball pythons, might be a spider complex morph - check out the "spider wobble" tag for more info there if you don't know what that is).
A reputable breeder should:
Happily provide you with the snake's feeding schedule on request
Tell you if their facility is tested for common viruses - I personally do not buy from breeders who do not regularly test their snakes for IBD
Alert you immediately to any birth defects, such as spinal kinks and large eyes, and warn you that they're selling any snakes with those issues as pets only
Provide pictures of the snake's parents on request (and most I've known are more than happy to tell you all about the parents' personalities and coloration in great detail!)
Always take your new pet snake to the vet, and always quarantine your new pet for at least 30 days once you bring them home.
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jahiera · 11 months
omg your tags on that last rb? i want to know your Exact thoughts on That dialogue in the scene right after astarion and tav get together because it is so interesting to me 👀
Okay hi yes, I do indeed have some thoughts. Fair disclaimer that this is just my interpretation! I've only been playing the game for a few days technically, so this is all my first impulse in terms of characterization and influenced by my own path, so! Other interpretations will also be super interesting to read about. Also, obviously, we don't have the full cut, whatever comes out in 2 weeks will come out in 2 weeks. Anyways! Overanalyzing this little bastard's dialogue below.
Okay, this affectionate ribbing was referencing this dialogue here where you can comment on Astarion not being totally "present" post-party sex. Sorry this took me a second to respond to, I wanted to grab the screens for this:
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(screencaps of subtitles that read:
Astarion: That's what you want, isn't it? To lose yourself in me?
(new scene) Astarion: You sleep light. I thought you'd be exhausted after last night
Tav: Did you enjoy it? It felt like you weren't fully there.
Astarion: I was holding back a little, it's true. I didn't want to lose control.
To preface this, Astarion's arc is clearly dealing with the push/pull of power and control, one's personal agency (and how it can be taken away), and what happens when an individual reclaims power after for a very long time being without that power. He's endured god-knows-what for 200 years, giving glimpses of his former life, the torture under Cazador, the things he had to do for Cazador (which, included at least finding Cazador's meals through likely charm and seduction, without his own say in the matter.) Now he's out, he's free, he's experiencing the world for the first time basically (as he remarks on in ambient dialogue a lot: everything looks different. Click on a globe and he'll say something along the lines of having never seen the world, but there's time now.) Stating all of that is necessary to me because I think whatever's going on in his terrible brain is several factors all kind of thrown into one; some factors good, some bad, some neutral, some questionable; again, just my interpretation of him, but.
OKAY. Now that that's out of the way. The first interpretation of this scene (and the sex scene in general in its limited capacity: since we don't have eyes on the cinematic.) we can have is the obvious one: you two had a great night, Astarion is being upfront, he simply didn't want to lose control, nothing else here to look at. It's fantasy sex and it's simply good fun.
(The rest is under a cut. Sorry, this kind of turned into a meta Astarion and Sex and all of that? Anyways. CW for a bit of discussion about sexuality + trauma + implications of lack of consent.)
But Do I Believe It's That Simple? Not Really.
On one side, I do think Astarion is genuine in his pursuing of Tav, of sex, of good times and pleasure: he's been locked away for 200 years and now he's traipsing around in mud (a novelty), which might not be ideal, but he can still enjoy the thrill of that too, looks for what's in it for him, what feels good, etc. in all of the circumstances he finds himself in. There's a kind of subdued wonder from him about the world at large; remarks on craving the sun while you're in the Underdark, of experiencing the world, and I think he really is rushing around relishing the freedom as much as he can. And since of course he can reject you, he's not doing anything he doesn't want to do. In short: "simple pleasures," have eluded him under Cazador's thumb, and good sex with someone that you're into is likely just one more of those things he hasn't really gotten to do in ... [checks notes] 200 years.
But I don't think that's the only thing going on in this scene. The fact that the dialogue specifically notes a kind of distance from him feels relevant (since, if they wanted us to think it was all seamless good fun, they could've left it as is.) And the thing is, Astarion. is a big fucking liar.
When he wants to brush aside his dream to Tav, he'll simply say he had some naughty dream and brush it off--which we later find out was a lie ("that's what we call a lie, darling.") and his dreams have actually been about Cazador. Again, only relevant because the first thing Astarion reaches for when he wants to obfuscate the truth is lying through charm, or lying through witty barbs, and when pushed, turns into outright snappy aggression. Saying that the only thing on his mind was the hunger is an easy solution to reach for; maybe it's not even quite wrong, that likely was also an aspect of it! But.
His general .. quick sleazy flirting doesn't come out of nowhere. He uses it liberally, and with everyone, in his Evil Twink Fashion. Can flirt with half the camp at one point or another in environmental dialogue (specifically gets shut down by Shadowheart and Gale, humiliatingly.. the secondhand embarrassment there oh boy.) How much of that he learned while under Cazador's thumb, having to manipulate and charm for Cazador, sexualizing situations where he did not actually have full say and consent in the circumstances, is unknown to us, but can be inferred as not negligible. It's his default state. Charm and persuasion and trickery spell safety, as does disguising any kind of weakness. Disguising his weakness poorly, mind, because he obviously has several moments of raw vulnerability you can get even without his romance being initiated.
I think his current mental state here is a combination of that; of lying to disguise whatever raw state is beneath, unearthed by having simply... some good fun with someone, not out of servitude to Cazador, not to flirt or cajole to protect his own skin, but yet one more thing that's been denied to him (and, possibly, albeit we can only guess at this, not claiming it as canon, forced on him unwantedly) over the last 200 years. But he and Tav here aren't close, close yet, and when Tav tries to push (via talking about the scars on his back), Astarion clams up quite quickly, moving on from the discussion as soon as possible. So whatever is under the minor half-truth of "losing control," isn't open to us yet; we've really just met in the grand scheme of things.
We don't know yet what sex means to Astarion; he hasn't really elaborated beyond the obvious. But, I think, given his behavior, his casual flirtiness, his "You want to lose yourself in me," (another line I can squawk about endlessly in terms of character analysis), sexuality (actual sex or simply sexualization) can be as much a means of securing safety, control, coercion, power, and pinpointing weakness. It's also something he can clearly also desire wholeheartedly and with no ulterior motives involved; and I think this moment shows that, and he's grappling with it uncomfortably, what this means for him, one more thing that he can reclaim for himself. He craves something real, I think, and he's only just now beginning to form a real identity outside of what Cazador did to him, and how Cazador haunts him.
Pursuing something like this is one more step in that direction. Unlearning these gut impulses to lie and deceive and charm his way with Tav is probably what we're going toward, given his glimpse of a reaction to a hug. Whatever else Astarion has to work through in regards to intimacy is up in the air, but there's clearly a lot more going on beneath his fairly shallow veneer of charm and flirtatiousness.
(Which. Can we just have the option to hug him as a casual dialogue option? Please?)
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5ummit · 7 months
Permanent Blacklists for AO3
Would you like to permanently remove fics with your squicks, triggers, and dislikes from all AO3 searches by default so that you never have to think about or encounter them again? Well now you can!
The ability to do this has actually been around for a little while but it relies on some new CSS functionality that wasn't supported on all major browsers until fairly recently (though you may still have to enable it manually on some). I'm not going to explain how this method works or how to code AO3 skins in general, as I've only dabbled in it a little and there are already some very good tutorials out there. If you want all of the details, check out these guides:
Skins and Archive Interface FAQ – The official skins guide created by AO3. Lots of good information but might be overwhelming and confusing for a beginner.
A Non-Extensive Guide on How to Start Creating a Skin for AO3 by ao3skin – Some good, fairly easy to understand, beginner info on CSS and specifically how it applies to AO3 skins.
Permablocking Specific Tags - Site Skin by Eli0t – Everything you need to know to create permablock lists. If your blacklist doesn't seem to be working as expected, check this for troubleshooting tips.
What I can offer though are some handy pre-made blacklists that you can use as-is or as a starting point to create your own so that you don't have to go to the trouble of figuring out how any of this works or hunting down relevant tags. Just copy the code, open AO3, go to My Preferences > Skins > Create Site Skin, paste it in the box, title it, and click Submit!
Note: The following lists are very specific to me and my own personal tastes. Absolutely no judgement if you love any of the things that I choose to blacklist. You do you. I just happen to like my fics fucked up and relatively canonical.
★ No Reader Fic – Hides all self-insert and reader fic.
★ No Alternate Universes – Hides anything tagged with the most common AU tags. There are so many incredibly specific AUs there's no way to list all of them and AU tagging is also extremely inconsistent from fic to fic so this blacklist may only catch 80% of AUs, but that's better than nothing. You could always exclude the entire alternate universe tag, rather than trying to list specific ones, but unfortunately canon divergence and other less extreme AUs would get caught in the crossfire, which is not worth it for me.
★ No Fluff – Hides anything tagged with the most common fluff and romance tags. I specifically left out "fluff and angst" though because sometimes that's used for things that are mostly angst with only a bit of fluff and I do love angst.
★ Bonus: No Dead Dove – This list is not mine (for obvious reasons) but I know some people may find it useful. Hides anything with the main archive warnings and many common problematic, taboo, or controversial tags. Some of these I wouldn't even classify as dead dove, they're literally just kinks, so I'd suggest reviewing the list carefully and removing any that don't apply to you.
Additional Notes:
This system doesn't work exactly the same as AO3's exclusion filters because you can't use top-level wrangled tags to block all subtags. It only blocks exact matches.
Once the blacklist is implemented you'll see no indication that anything was blocked (except for fewer fics listed on each search page); the entire blurb will be hidden. The tags and fic counts listed in the filter bar will remain unchanged. If you want more advanced features like whitelisting or adding something to indicate when a fic was removed, check out the permablocking guide by Eli0t.
Here's a link with info on which browsers currently support the new "has()" element, which this blacklist system relies on. As of right now Firefox for desktop still has to be manually enabled (for instructions see the section on flag enabling in the permablocking guide). Firefox for iOS isn't listed on this website but it seems to work fine for me.
There are other browser-specific extensions that let you permablock tags, such as this one and this one, that may be more a little more user friendly, but I've never tried them so I can't vouch for them and they may not work consistently between different devices. The good thing about doing blacklists via skins is that, after setting it up once, it should work automatically on pretty much any device (as long as you're logged in to your AO3 account).
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Customer Service (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
They try contacting customer service. 🤷‍♂️
»Characters: Demon Bros
»Tags: Certified Shitpost™️, Pathetic Lucifer is my favorite Lucifer
»Notes: It's been a while since I've done a shitpost bulleted fic so ♡reblogs♡ are appreciated. I've had this wip since March apparently? 💀
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A hand on his hip and the phone in the other
This man means business
"Don't talk to me, I'm trying to keep my level of anger"
Held onto his anger for two hours waiting for the next agent
The annoying hold music only fueled him
Tried to be reasonable with the agent when he got patched through
But they were new
"Look, just get me your manager."
Waited another half hour for them
The problem got fixed rather quickly actually
smirked in satisfaction...Lucifer always wins.
If only he noticed the two stuck pages in the manual, he would've not wasted his morning
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If he wasn't broke he would've paid someone else to make the call
Waited for an hour but it felt like eternity
"Yeah ain't there a satisfaction guarantee on this anyway!? The customers always right!"
Tried to get a replacement for his earbuds
And a refund while he was at it
Scammy? What?? Nooo....
"They fell in the wash! It's not my fault! Did I get insurance? Who has the money for that?"
Him and the agent went back and forth for a while
The agent finally caved and promised to replace the earbuds
"Finally! Ya better send 'em quick! -click-"
He realized he never gave the agent his address & had to start the process all over again
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Tried online chat but his specific issue needed a real agent because...of course it would
Tried to pay one of his brothers to make the call for him
They rather stab themselves or wage war against Diavolo than call customer service
Took anxiety medication before trying to call
Waited three hours on hold but played something soothing in the meantime
helloooo ruri and friends crossing
He stopped when he heard the hold music stop
"Hello thank you for calling Akuz-"
"It's not that important."
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This is how a pro does it.jpg
Drank his little coffee and ate his fresh little pastry
See, he set an alarm to call customer service right when they open their lines
Had the number typed and ready to go with a press
-dialing tone-
"Hello. Your wait time is 2 hours and-"
Slammed his phone on the floor and it broke
Went to go fight the company in person
His issue got fixed
The company had to tighten their security after this incident
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Is that one lucky demon that happens to get patched through quickly
He was having problems with his devilgram account verification
Just as he started speaking about his issue the agent freaked out
Turns out they were a huge fan and could automatically tell it was the REAL™️ Asmo speaking
The issue got fixed and Asmo stayed talking with the agent because they sounded really cute
One thing led to another and...it went from a customer service hotline to a phone sex one real quick
This always happens when he calls customer service akskjfksls
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Collected all the snacks he had
Even cooked an entire feast
He needed everything he could get before making the dreaded call
After an hour of waiting (and barely any snacks left) he finally got to an agent!
It was a pleasant experience for both sides
Beel is getting sent replacements for his shoes plus a discount voucher for his next purchase
güd boi™️ as usual
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Almost fell asleep while waiting
The music soothed him, they had classical music playing
He's not really sure how long he waited if he's being honest
When he finally got to the agent he sounded so weak the agent was concerned
"Mm? No I'm always like ...losing... consciousness ...it's normal...zzz..."
The agent was still so concerned they sent someone to the HOL to check on him
Beel ended up making the call for him
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⬦You might also like: Coconut︱Devil-Mart⭐︱Waffle House
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WIBTA if I posted my art from a zine early?
I (23nb) joined a zine for a semi obscure 2000s manga/anime as a page artist with two of my friends. I enjoy this media but I don't really consider myself in the fandom, I only joined because one of my aforementioned friends is a huge fan of it and the other friend is also a casual enjoyer and we thought it would be fun if we all did a zine together.
Most zines have a timeline of around 9-10 months from beginning to publishing but this one's been in production for almost 2 years. I've been in a few zines and this one has the worst organization I've ever seen in any project. The timeline on the discord only covered the first 5 months and had no estimate for how long the production would be, but a year and a half for publishing is pretty unheard of. The only check-in for progress that I remember didn't even require sending in your piece, you just had to say if you were finished or not and only a handful of the 30ish people on the discord responded lmao. Both of my friends ghosted at this point and the Singular mod (there might be two mods. I can't really tell) didn't dm them to see if they still wanted to participate or anything. Since there is only one person doing everything me and a few others have asked if they need any help and every time the mod(s) say that they're fine. every month or two someone will ask how the production is going and the mod will answer, and then another month goes by and the cycle repeats. I think the zine has finally gone into its “preorder interest check” stage (so not the actual preorder) but judging by how long everything takes i estimate that it'll be another 2 months at least before it actually goes into preorder. Its also never been clear if this is a free zine or if the sales will be donated to charity or distributed among the contributors. Since there's Allegedly going to be a physical copy it's gotta at least use the sales money to pay for production and shipping costs, but I have no idea if I'll be compensated with a physical copy or any money, especially if I do the thing that I might be TA for.
So here's my actual question. WIBTA if I posted the art I made for the zine before the mod says it's ok to do so? A big part of zine etiquette is that you do not post the final piece until the zine is finished, and the repercussions for someone who does range from a mod dming them to take it down or being kicked out of the zine entirely or in the absolute worst case, called out and blacklisted in the fandom and zine circles (I don't think anything that serious will happen to me but I have anxiety so I'm always imagining the worst thing) Most of the people on Tumblr in this fandom are kind of annoying fandom mom millennial types so I don't really want to deal with any possible backlash from them lol. If I just posted my art on Instagram idk if any of them would see it, but they Definitely would if I posted on Tumblr since the zine originated on there and it's such a small tag. I'm also so frustrated with the experience I kind of want to write something cunty in the description about how it's a zine piece for a zine that probably will never come out but I know that's just being petty and would probably invite drama. Also since I drew this thing a year and a half ago it's a little busted looking so I might redraw parts of it, so posting it would still be kinda shitty but it would technically be a different piece from the original one I submitted to the zine.
What are these acronyms?
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merry-pitchmas · 6 months
Will there be an exchange this year?
Sorry, I totes dropped the ball on getting an early start on the exchange this year but never fear!
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The season of giving is almost upon us and you know what that means....
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For a RECORD-BREAKING eighth year in a row, it's time for the Pitchmas Gift Exchange!!
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Okay, listen up.
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If you need a refresh on the rule, please check out this post from last year, but keep in mind the cut of dates will have changed. Because I've left this so late (again, my bad, sorry) I'm only going to let this float around until the end of the day on December 1st. If you'd like to take part in the exchange this year, please reply to this post by then.
Here's the TL;DR for those of you who don't wanna check out the link:
Reply to this post to take part. Reblogs will not be included.
December 1st is the cut off date to sign up.
Posting will begin on December 24th - not a day before! And you have to have your gift finished and posted NO LATER than December 31st.
You don’t need money to take part - just a dash of creativity and the drive to want to do something.
Manips, videos, fanfic, and comics are just a few examples of the things you can do!
All pairings are welcome, but I strongly encourage all participants to ANONYMOUSLY message the person they have to ask questions about which they might prefer.
TURN ON YOUR ANONS. I’ve gotten to the point where if your ask box is not set to allow anon questions and your Secret Santa cannot contact you, I will no longer be trying to get in touch - I’ll just remove you from the exchange. So please, even if you’re sure anon asks are already allowed, double check. If you’re not sure HOW to do that, google is your friend.
If you change your name between now and the posting date, please send me a message to let me know. I will not be trying to track people down again this year.
Please don’t leave someone hanging. If you have no intention of doing anything and just want someone to do something for you, don’t reply. It’s not fair. (And I’m always looking for volunteers who will write for anyone who might get missed!)
Tag your posts with #merry pitchmas 2023.
See you in a few, awesome nerds!
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