#i make no apologies for my rambly nature but also i'm about to fall asleep and that makes me chatty xD
copiasblair · 1 year
oh boy this got realllll rambly but basically i got to thinking about some shitty stuff i went through when i was younger and how it kind of plays into me and copia's first big fight.
so maybe this is traumadumping or whatever but um when i was younger i had a friend group that was terribly emotionally manipulative and abusive to me, like a lot of stuff that i don't even want to talk about in detail because it still just shakes me up and mostly just makes me mad because they never faced any kind of consequence or had any remorse for what they did and instead blamed me (and also if i outlined all of their shitty behavior we would be here all day to be honest), but a big part of what they did was a lot of talking behind my back, as in they had a separate group chat from ours that was just the three of them and they would stay up later during sleepovers just to talk shit about me (i know because one time i just pretended to fall asleep and then when i revealed myself and called them out on it, and they basically tried to gaslight me and said i was paranoid and making up shit just to cause drama)
AND on top of that i come from a family of people who do that a LOT, like my mom in particular will be polite to someone face-to-face and then as soon as they leave talk about how much she hates them and how they do this thing or that that really gets on her nerves.
anyway all this to say that i have a really bad reaction to like, surprises, or people sneaking around around me. it just makes me really paranoid and anxious, especially if it's someone that i care about.
so around the time of copia's ascension he is acting secretive. this is necessary, he has a plan in place, and since failing could mean him getting killed, and very well me getting killed just by association. not to say too much but i think that whether or not nihil passed away naturally that night, nihil was going to die, if you know what i mean (copia was plotting to kill him, or have him assassinated). obviously i know the precedent at this point for What Happens At The Last Date Of The Tour, and also i'm well aware of the fates of the previous papas, and so as this date draws nearer and nearer i'm scared out of my fucking mind. and copia is giving me radio silence, he's barely talking with me, and i start to get seriously paranoid. and especially without him there to anchor me, my anxiety is spiralling hard and i spend most of my time just sleeping or crying, mostly sleeping so i don't have to think about it. i get this fear that i've made this huge mistake, that everything bad my family said about him and our relationship was right.
after his ascension (which the night of that is just a lot of mixed emotions, i have a fic in progress about it actually), things start to calm down a little obviously, i'm obviously super happy that he's not dead and that in fact he's doing better than ever, and for the first couple months things are kind of back to normal. eventually though, i just kind of feel like i never got any meaningful resolution, and it eats away at me. like he apologizes, obviously, but it's in a kind of "well yeah i'm sorry, but you can see why i did that right?" kind of way and not really addressing how it made me feel. and part of me is mad that he even felt like he needed to keep that secret from me in the first place, and especially given that i tend to be especially emotional about that kind of behavior. and a few months after his ascension it reaches a bit of a boiling point and that's our first all-out fight. like obviously we had argued about shit before, but this was like an i need to stay in a hotel for a few days we might break up kind of a fight.
but then, a few days later (days spent crying and going back and forth on calling my family, whom i ran away from to be with copia)i spend more time looking back on it, and especially when i try to think of it from his perspective i get it, but then of course i get too paralyzed with anxiety to actually fucking call him up to talk about it. especially given that this is my first relationship and this is our first fight like this, and that he's probably busy with all the new duties that come with being papa, my tendency to catastrophize leads me to think that the ship has sailed, that our relationship is over and it's all my fault, etc etc.
until he shows up at my door, and we have a very long emotional conversation about trust and really just trying to explain how to situation felt from both our perspectives and he acknowledges that his first apology was kind of shitty and i say it's fine, he was obviously really caught up in everything else going on, and especially once he talks about why he couldn't feel he could tell me what he was planning. i didn't even know about the whole murder plot thing until this point, and he explains that, and also that his not telling me wasn't because he didn't trust me, but because he wanted to protect me. if something went wrong, if things didn't go to plan, imperator (and nihil if he was still alive) would be on the warpath and in that situation it would probably be better that i genuinely Did Not Know what was going to happen. i talk a little about my childhood trauma and how that kind of behavior makes me just feel angry and powerless, and that in the future, if he has to keep secrets from me like that, i would hope that he could at least tell me that it's not something i did, or something about me.
and we make up make out etc etc, and go on with more clearly defined boundaries and maybe a better grip on each other's perspectives :))
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tracybirds · 3 years
I was very determined to finish something today :D Yo all knw I’m back in lockdown which like... bro every time I try to write a thing that seems to happen so I’m snowed under again......................... Anyway, decided to finish up the exhausted Virg fic I began on Friday the 13th of August and how has it nearly been a month of lockdown already?? anyway I’m reposting the first bit with this, but wanted to say thank you to everyone who left comments on that snippet and encouraged me!! And big thanks to @gumnut-logic who read the first, slightly sleep-deprived first version of this before it underwent edits
It’s 11:30pm, my brain is no longer functioning, anyways, enjoy <3
Virgil drags his leaden feet across the floor, still pink from the hot water, barely acknowledging Scott and Alan, chatting lightly together as he walks past them.
He’s not ready to sleep, but he’s not much good for anything else either.
He’s tired from the ground up. The exhaustion is only in his feet, his calves, his thighs, but it reaches up into his mind all the same. His shoulders ache, but it’s from good work and kind deeds, a balm for any residual overthinking.
He did good today, he knows it, can feel it in every torn muscle fibre.
He’ll just rest for a moment or two. Debrief can wait. John’s probably already written up most of the report.
He collapses onto the nearest sofa, but it’s more muscle memory than aim that lands him safely amongst the cushions.
“Cannonball!” crows a voice from somewhere above him, followed by a sharp yell of “Gordon, no!” and a crash that reverberated through his skull.
Then it hits him, and he launches himself sideways.
Gordon dives onto the sofa, arms and smile wide, as though he hadn’t just come off the same seven-hour mission plus bonus two-hour administrative argument with the nearest hospital who had just had their landscaping done.
And now, incidentally, redone.
Virgil glares from the floor.
“How’s it going, V?” Gordon says, still grinning.
“Did you fall off the couch? You’ve gotta be careful about these things, you know.”
Short, sharp, monosyllabic words might be enough to fend off some lower forms of life, but Gordon is rather like moss, clinging to hard rock. Virgil opts to ignore him instead as he picks himself up with a groan.
A strong, sure hand grasps his arm and he accepts the extra leverage gladly, hauling his stiff muscles upright and stretching them carefully. He can see the chair Scott had leapt from halfway across the room. Alan isn’t even pretending he’s not laughing, the jerk.
Gordon is nestling, smirking as he burrows down into his cushions.
“Let it go,” he mutters, his hand now resting on Scott’s shoulder. He can’t handle a shouting match now, jackhammering into his brain after a day filled with enough pain.
Scott settles for pulling the cushions from under Gordon’s head and he falls back onto the hard frame with a squawk.
Alan’s laughter erupts again and Virgil doesn’t bother to smother his own smile.
Gordon sits up and his eyes are shining.
“Fine, fine, I deserved that,” he says, grinning up at Scott. “Now, get lost and put the large lump to bed, I checked the stats. There’s fifteen miles registered on his pedometer and he basically hauled three tons today.”
“Not all at once, Gordon, stop exaggerating.”
Gordon shrugs.
“I know the medical studies as well as you do. Sure, they might not think rescue work counts as overtraining, but science doesn’t lie.”
“But, people do,” Virgil says, scowling at him. Each word ripped more energy from his depleted stores. “And I was resting, thanks.”
Gordon lifts a finger, waggling it with a half-smile.
“A couch isn’t a substitute for a bed,” he says, dropping his voice to mimic Virgil’s own. “How many times did you say that to me?”
“When you had a broken back!”
“Right, that’s enough.” Scott steps forward between the bickering brothers. “Decompression time for you both.”
Virgil blinks, realising that he was stooping to an argument with Gordon. Gordon, who always fought dirty, twisting intent and laughing in a way he never could manage. He must be tired.
“Virgil, can you get up to your rooms alone?”
“Yeah,” he says, holding himself upright against the sudden wave of exhaustion. It was as though in remembering he was meant to be tired, his body had decided to lean into that realisation.
“And Gordon…” Scott pauses, eyeing Gordon who was still fairly vibrating with energy even after nine hours in the field. “Go watch a fish or something. Just stay away from each other.”
Virgil is already halfway out the door and his ears have been stoppered by weariness, the external world becoming fuzzy. He doesn’t hear Gordon’s quick reply.
He doesn’t hear Alan’s sharp cry either, doesn’t even register the way the world is tilting sideways.
He merely crumples on the floor in the hallway.
Virgil wakes slowly, awareness seeping into his bones and spreading outwards. His neck is propped up at an awkward angle; he’s resting on the pillows that he rearranges around him every night and they are much too high.
He moans a little as he shuffles, his neck creaking as it falls back in alignment with his spine.
The gulls call from outside his window, a high and keening cry. He can hear the light whistles of forest bird. The low murmur of voices unable to pierce the early fog of morning.
He doesn’t remember making it to his bed, but nor does he intend to rise from it.
 He wants to cling to slumber, doesn’t want to make conversation or move. But he’s already lost the game of sleep and settles for burrowing further into the light cotton comforter that had seen him through every summer of his life.
A rough hand on his shoulder greets him instead and he groans a warning as it flips him onto his back.
“Come on, Virgil, we know you’re awake.”
The voice floats down from above him. He grumbles deeply, unintelligibly, and turns his back on the inhumanity of it all.
A sharp poke pierces his clouded thoughts and Virgil growled as he opened one bleary eye.
“Gentlemen, he lives,” crows Gordon, arms wide and ready to receive undying adoration for his proclamation.
“It’s been fourteen hours,” Scott says, grimly. “Time for a check-up.”
Virgil wonders at that. Fourteen hours of sleep, while rare in their home, was hardly reason for medical concern. He suspects though, that Scott already knows this, and doesn’t resist for fear that he’ll be forced to leave the warmth and comfort of his bed.
“The air’s stale in here,” he says instead. “I don’t sleep with my windows shut.”
“Arm,” orders Scott, and Virgil lifts it automatically, puzzling over his last memories which certainly don’t involve him shutting his windows. Or entering his room for that matter.
“I fell asleep?” he asks, suddenly.
“Right in the hall,” Gordon says, his eyes dancing with half checked laughter. “You went down like a ton of bricks.”
“It wasn’t funny.” Scott’s manner is terse, his shoulders tight and the deep crease between his eyes growing as he turns to glare at Gordon. “He could have seriously hurt himself.”
“He didn’t though.” He whips around to face Virgil. “And you’re welcome, by the way. I convinced Scott to let us put you here instead of the infirmary. Even woke John up to back me. I risked the wrath of John for you, he said you were physically fine otherwise you’d be waking in that cold infirmary and Scott would have a back spasm from sleeping in those terrible chairs. All for nothing too because you’re fine.”
Virgil stares at him.
He wants to argue with Gordon, the necessity of rules made for their safety niggling at the back of his brain. He wants to roll his eyes, tell him that the infirmary beds aren’t that painful, that the fluorescent lights that blink and buzz might be made for suturing and not sleeping but that they held their own kind of relief, of comfort.
He wants to thank him, for giving him this moment where he could wake slowly to the sounds of birdsong and crashing waves, unheard in the depths of the island. For that moment where he could lay still as the sun streamed in with warmth and good cheer.
He has a thesis of carefully memorised protocols warring with pure sensation of soft coziness and the luxury of a brother who loves him.
He isn’t sure which instinct is winning when he opens his mouth.
“You made me sleep on two pillows.”
The room blurs as the soft mound beneath his head is ripped away at lightning speed. Virgil hardly has time to hear the whirl of rushing air before the pillow connects with his head with a dull thud.
Gordon jabs at his arm.
“No appreciation, I tell you.”
“Gordon! Out!”
Virgil throws the offending pillow after him, chuckling at the sharp laughter that pierced the slammed door.
Scott isn’t smiling.
He pulls the sphygmomanometer tight around Virgil’s arm.
Virgil winces slightly, but says nothing. Not yet.
Scott’s movements are precise and ordered, with nothing to suggest he isn’t conducting a normal check-up at all.
But Virgil knows his brother.
“Hey,” he says softly, watching Scott stare at the dial. “I really am okay.”
Scott’s not listening to the blood pounding through his arteries, not even in pretence. Still, he ignores Virgil and pulls up a new medical report so he can stare intently at that in place of his brother’s gentle eyes.
“Scott,” says Virgil, leaning forward and placing a hand on his shoulder.
Scott shoves it away, his eyes snapping to Virgil’s.
“Why didn’t you call for backup?”
“You were off duty.”
“I don’t mean me,” Scott growls. “I mean, I do, I would’ve been there in a heartbeat if you’d asked. But you didn’t, did you? Not even Alan. Not even John.”
“John was helping,” says Virgil, sharply. “Just because he wasn’t on the ground, doesn’t mean he wasn’t working that same stretch of time. Why do you think Gordon had to wake him?”
“Stop side-stepping my point,” snaps Scott. “We’re a team, Virgil, you can’t work yourself to the point of exhaustion like that.”
“What choice did I have?”
“I should’ve been there, I could’ve-” began Scott, but Virgil merely raised his own voice.
“You couldn’t, Scott. What you’re angry about, I could turn right around and parrot back, you know. Don’t be a hypocrite.”
He fell back against the headboard, wishing he hadn’t woken up. Or at least that he wasn’t having this argument, not here and now.
And he recognises those eyes, the burning frustration at one’s own limitations and the rising fear for a brother mixed with torn compassion and understanding.
He’s mirrored Scott all his life, and it’s startling to see his own familiar expression on Scott’s face.
“Please, Virgil.”
He doesn’t say anything. He can’t make that kind of promise to Scott any more than Scott could to him. Not without breaking it.
Scott smiles sadly as he stands, accepting the silence.
He knows.
“Don’t even think about moving from this room for the next twenty-four hours. Just... get some rest, will you, Virg?”
He thinks he will.
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
Hi! I love your blog and would like to ask for th or lotr matchup :3
And I apologize for the mistakes, English is not my first language.
I'm hetero demiromantic female
I adore mythology and history, especially medieval and ancient. I also write poetry and love creative writing, draw and design (I am fashion and jewelry design student).  People around me often say that from the outside I seem gloomy and arrogant, although I consider myself a very simple and friendly person. But I have problems with social skills and emotional understanding and most of the time I look tired because SLEEP IS FOR WHIMPS RIGHT so that might be the reason why :'D
I am quite calm and straightforward (and absolutely unable to read the atmosphere, which is why I can say something unnecessary). I may unconsciously be rude, but I try to keep track of it, and then I am always ashamed. I'm also the kind of person who shows affection by sarcasm. I'm very VERY introverted and silent at first, which can make it hard for even the most persistent extrovert to pull me out of the shell only to find out I'm just a running joke and very talkative (especially if someone mentions my hyperfixations, it will be impossible to shut me up)
Most of all I value respect for personal boundaries, both mine and others. Stingy with the expression of emotions and prefer to express affection in the form of care and attention, but my emotional dryness and sarcastic nature often goes sideways to me despite this.
You mentioned that looks can be useful, sooo I'm 5'7, with long dark hair and very pale skin (I've been compared to a vampire a couple of times lol), and I usually look like either a softie or a punk witch, there no in between
Wish you a good day✨
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The Hobbit, Thorin Oakenshield:
- Let’s start with the fact that jewelry goes greatly appreciated by dwarves, as they not only forge them, but decorate themselves with it as well. Having an s/o who studied jewelry itself makes Thorin so proud. As a king, he has quite the status to uphold, and knowing that his partner knows so much about something so little makes him incredibly proud. He is always complimenting your work and nearly begs you to make him new beads every once in a while. He cannot get enough of the things you create.
- Now, Thorin is busy himself and often forgets to sleep or eat. He, however, does not let you forget. He holds you very close and dear to his heart and he would hate for you to pick up unhealthy habits (as he does). He will stop his work earlier, getting into bed with you to make sure you actually fall asleep. When you are busy as he tries to get you into bed, he will lay his head on your lap or wrap his arms around your waist, tracing light circles on your stomach. He also enjoys toying with your hair, knowing you like it. After all that work, he can you truly say no to him. Worse case scenario; he will actually throw you onto the bed and hold you tightly so you can’t escape. But you will get that sleep.
- Thorin is a very caring and emotional person, though he does not always let it show. As stated; he cares deeply for you and values your needs and requests. He is not talkative himself, but - be that as it may - he loves hearing your rants and speeches. He knows exactly what you like and dislike and will ask about them when he notices a shift in your mood. Your little ramblings are what he loves most about you. His entire day is filled with boring meeting and stupid talks. He needs someone to tell him about something he might not ever use or need for the rest of his life. Something to remind him that he can have some even, even as he is a king. A lot of nights are spend in bed while you talk about your day or rant about something that happened. He’ll drag you into his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you as he lets out an occasional hum or question to let you know he’s still listening.
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Lord of the Rings, Aragorn:
- I think Aragorn would be most intrigued by mythologies from every other Tolkien character. While he is a ranger, and is relatively old, he knows much of travels and languages. Though his charm and speech are great, he fails to somehow recognize certain standards and stories if they are not explained to him. He is a very quick learner though. He enjoys listening to you telling him tales of old, as mythological stories intervene with some of them. He finds himself in awe of them. He even carries a small notebook with him so he can write down quick little notes of stories he truly enjoys. Just to have something to look back on when he’s traveling.
- As I said; Aragorn had a certain charm; he knows what to say and what to do. Whenever you lash out, or say something unnecessary, he will silently let you know you are ranting again, as he covers for you in the most creative ways, just so you won’t get that embarrassed about it afterwards. He knows how worked up you can get over these things, so he will do his best to go along with what you said, before subtly changing the subject, giving you time to recover as he carries the rest of the conversation. No one ever notices it when it happens, so it saves your dignity and it lets you know Aragorn is there to cover for you when things go sideways.
- Prides himself on your writings, especially the poetry. You often write with him in Rivendell. Both of you will be seated outside on a balcony as he comes to rest from his travels and you start writing your own things. His head is on your shoulder as he occasionally peeks at the pages, even though you mostly tell him when you’ve written something you are excited about. Not much is spoken during these moments, but he would not have it any other way. A moment of rest is rare for him, so he takes great care at remembering all the little details from that night. Leave him the poem you’ve written that evening and you made his whole week. In the book where he writes down the mythological stories, he also keeps the little poetry notes with a bit of tape. It is his slice of you when he’s missing you. It is very dear to him.
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fonulyn · 3 years
So my partner is amazing and let's me ramble about RE to them whenever I want to, and even sat down to watch Vendetta with me when I bought it, so the other day I was like explaining Leon and Chris' characters (bc my partner knows how much I love them both lmao so of course that's what I was talking about), and we have both come to the conclusion that Leon is a bisexual disaster, and Chris is a homosexual. The running joke is that Leon is also just generally a whore, out there living his best life, and Chris is the kind of gay guy who no one expects to be gay bc of stereotypes and his habit of never really talking about himself, but he also was never really in the closet about it, so he's surprised whenever people are surprised to learn that he's gay lolol but in all seriousness Leon is not only bisexual, but he's the type to fall in love easily despite all of his background and trauma related to betrayal, so his heart is almost continually broken, either bc he's betrayed or he loses whoever it is he's found himself in love with (and sometimes both i.e. Krauser, and Ada at the end of RE2), either through death or just leaving bc he knows he can't stay/can't be with whomever. As for Chris, maybe I'm reading into it wrong, but despite all of the like, romantic connotations they try to put into some of his games (which I don't. Really see? Like there was some in the first game with Jill but I just cannot see them together like that, neither seem interested in one another like that. And of course, Jessica, who I can't stand, and who Chris is supposedly totally oblivious to? Like she thinks he didn't notice her flirting in RE revelations, and Parker is like "is it that, or is he maybe interested in someone else?" And the assumption there is that he means Jill, but again, I don't see it? Even in that game! But that line of Parker's always makes me think "yeah, he's more than just interested in someone else, he's playing for a whole nother team entirely!" lmao. And I haven't seen much for 5 but I'm sure it's there between Chris and Sheva, and then for 6 from what I understand there really is hardly any talk of Chris in regards to any women at all? 8 has nothing, as well, and the DLC for 7 is just another "Chris loses his entire team in horrific fashion yet again" side plot, so nothing there either), he never seems interested. He's always focused on the task at hand, not letting emotions get in his way, and like, some could argue that that's why he doesn't show interest or why Capcom doesn't create more romantic lore around him, but if they really wanted to Make Sure he was straight and Make Sure everyone playing these games knew that, I imagine there would be some one line little hints in the games of him talking about how he can't let himself get distracted, or in his line of work there are no happy endings or what have you, but. There's none of that. Bc he isn't forcing himself not to be interested, he isn't purposefully focusing on saving the day so he doesn't have to get hurt knowing he can never have whichever high potential for a dope ass protag female character who's constantly sacrificing herself to save him bc what better purpose could they serve, right Capcom?, he's just. There, doing his job and trying to save whoever he can, not getting distracted in anyway whatsoever by any of the women in his life, romantically at least. He still cares way too much, but it never comes off as romantic to me in pretty much any way. Also the note he leaves in his STARS locker in RE2remake, Claire being like "this doesn't sound like Chris at all!" Is funny to me bc like, I don't really remember so correct me if I'm wrong, but she doesn't elaborate on WHY that note doesn't sound like Chris lmao is it bc he's respectful to women at all times and doesn't ever objectify them, probably hates when other people do? Or is it bc he would never be interested in women in this way ANYWAYS, the man is so gay, he must have left this note so that Claire would know something is Up, bc her brother is Such a homosexual.
Anyways sorry, I just wanted to ramble/get your opinion on this. Over-analysing RE is actually really fun lmao
haha not gonna lie, I opened your ask in the car on the grocery store parking lot and tried to read it on my phone, and gave up squinting at the small screen halfway through :'D now that I'm back at my laptop though, lol, all good :'D
first of all I'm happy you have someone to ramble to even though they aren't into the thing themselves! :D I regularly rant about RE fandom things to my brother haha and he listens patiently although he isn't in the fandom at all, he's only played the games and that's it. but he still listens to my shippy rambles lol.
as for your thoughts? makes sense to me tbh. I definitely headcanon Leon as a bisexual disaster most of the time, because it does seem fitting. maybe it's partly because I think he's absolutely breathtakingly stunning and it'd be a shame to deny anyone that, so, naturally he wouldn't care about such trivial things as gender, pfth, love is love.
also Leon falling in love easily? absolutely. too damn easily. c'mon this is a man who gets attached to anyone who shows him even the tiniest amount of basic kindness in the matter of minutes. he canonically forms attachments with Claire, Ada, Krauser, Helena, Buddy and JD (JD 😭)... whoever else am I forgetting? but this is the guy who meets someone and would die for them five seconds later. so. it tracks.
and you know what, I can 100% see Chris being only into men. because like. I don't see the romance there either when he's interacting with the women in his life? okay, sure, I could imagine something there between him and Jill if pressed seeing the way he so single-mindedly wants to save her and then holds her in the scene after they get that thing off her chest. maybe. but even there it doesn't really feel super romantic to me, personally.
in the first game with Jill there's not... a lot of romance I don't think? sure she falls asleep against his shoulder in the evac helicopter but i mean, i've fallen asleep against a friend like that? not an indication of romance? they're clearly important to each other! i am not trying to diminish their importance to one another at all! they'd die for each other and they'd do anything it takes to protect each other and i do think their relationship is compelling but... i don't really see anything inherently romantic in it.
and Jessica, yeah, Chris is 100% oblivious to her advances. it is implied in the game that he's into Jill instead but other than that there's again zero actual romantic interaction between Chris and Jill. I was actually talking about this with my brother, who said the same, like there were so many chances in Revelations to put something romantic in there between Chris and Jill but there just. isn't? anything? except for Parker's comment. which is why it felt so damn out of place? (and like my brother would've wanted to ship Chris and Jill, he was kinda bummed about this i feel :'D) so interpreting it to mean he's not interested in women at all would actually make more sense lmao.
as for RE5, I've played it twice (with my brother lmao do we see a theme here) and honestly I don't remember anything in the game that would've insinuated anything more than solid partnership between Chris and Sheva?? if someone who's more familiar with the game wants to correct me on this, then please! but at least off the bat I can not remember anything so I think they actually didn't try to even hint at romance for them?
and in RE6 Chris is way too focused on killing "Ada" to have any thoughts about anything else :'D so no. no mentions in there regarding him and any women. at all. not even hints of Jill which is so incredibly weird (and stupid tbh) bc she was made to be so important to him in RE5 and then doesn't even get a mention in RE6? (/shakes fist damn you capcom! the characters exist outside the games they're in!)
I think that's pretty much the main difference between Chris and Leon tbh. Chris sees the job at hand, and he knows it'll help, he knows it'll save people and it'll make the world safer and he's so single-mindedly focused on the job that he sees nothing else. while Leon sees people, for the better or for worse, and he is willing to take detours if it helps even one person in the meantime. like in RE6, Leon willingly ignores the task at hand to go help just about anyone. Chris doesn't want to pause even when pressed bc he has an end goal in mind.
and bear in mind, I am not trying to say this somehow makes Leon better or Chris better or anything. they're both doing this to help. they both have their heart in the right place. they both care. but they're just so different! their personalities, and their way of dealing with things is different! I feel Chris is really target oriented and wants to get the job done. while Leon's easily distracted from it, because of all the damn feelings :'D
but yeah. i love them both, and i think it's really damn fascinating how they're both the good guys, the heroes of the franchise, but they both take to things so differently.
i don't know if any of this makes sense, I think i rambled too :'D but hey-o, it was fun lmao.
and hey no need to apologize at all!! always feel free to shoot me a message if you wanna chat!
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
hcs: todoroki, midoriya and bakugou with an s/o who sleep cuddles them
Request: YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN, YAAY uhm anyway, would you maybe write about something with Shoto, Izuku and Bakugo with an s/o that gets sleepy a lot and just kinda sleep cuddles them often? I am a sleep cuddler and I wasn't aware of that for years lmao I just love feeling protected and I'm into fluff a lottt, hope you have a nice day and love youuuu sweetieee
First of all, my apologies for not having written in a while. I’m gonna be blunt and honest: I just really didn’t feel like it and I didn’t want to write something that wasn’t even good. But anyway, I’m posting again ^^ You didn’t specify whether you wanted headcanons or scenarios, so I decided to write headcanons ^^ I thought those would fit best with your request. Hope you have fun reading!
xxx Damla
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Todoroki Shouto
Literally a walking heater/air conditioner, aka the perfect person to cuddle while sleeping
Todoroki really doesn’t mind you sleep cuddling him
it will surprise him the first few times though, and he may even blush a bit
doesn’t really know what to do at first so
he’s just lying there, arms agains his body
but after a few times, if he’s awake, he might hug you back uwu
I also don’t think he’s the type to move much in his sleep so even better cuddle material for u!
if you’ve been dating for a while, he might even snuggle into and press a soft kiss on your forehead
but he won’t really talk about it to you
not that he’s embarrassed
he just doesn’t think it’s a big deal
until a friend of yours mentions it and you’re like ??? I do that???
if you feel embarrassed he will reassure you that he doesn’t mind :D
he won’t let a n y o n e wake you up
you could be anywhere, if you’re tired he will let you sleep
I can also see him carrying you
if you nuzzle into his chest while he is carrying you, he will d i e 
might accidentally activate his quirk, but before it hurt you he already notices it
still wow, you have that effect on him
it’s something that makes him realise how much he cares about you
If you’re ever in some vehicle together and yo get sleepy, he will just silently move your head so it’s on his shoulder :,)
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Midoriya Izuku
o boi
pray for his heart please
as soon as he feels you clinging onto him, Midoriya thinks he’s gonna faint
he will get red, feel very hot, might even sweat a little but he doesn’t say a single thing
but you never mention it?
that’s when he realises you do this unconsciously
so for a while he doesn’t really talk about either
and when you realise you do cuddle him in your sleep and ask him about it
baby will just become a flustered mess
“I-I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you! I just didn’t think it was a big deal and I didn’t want to make you feel awkward or upset-”
yeah he will ramble
however, once you two have been together for a longer time, his reaction will become more natural to it
he may shyly hug you back, pull you a little closer or nuzzle into your neck
also, if you ever get sleepy, your human teddy bear is here!!
if it’s in a crowded area he will get shy but he won’t mind it
if you sleep while he is doing something and you cuddle him in a way that prevents him from doing it, he will just stop
he’s not going a n y w h e r e
….yeah that’s rough buddy
but he loves you so much and watching you sleep so peacefully is worth not being able to move
and if you fall asleep anywhere inconvenient, ypu bet your ass he will carry you to your bed
this boi is strong, he can do it
and honestly, holding you as well as you hugging him makes him feel like he’s protecting you
and that’s what he always wants to do
if he ever wakes you up on accident he will just profuesly apologise until you ave to shut him up with a kiss
he means well I promise
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Bakugou Katsuki
he will be confused
“What the fuck?”
if he accidentally wakes you up, he will definitely be flustered
won’t apologise but you can tell he feels a little guilty
he will mention it once he notices it’s an unconscious habit of yours
but if you apologise, he will not be happy about it
“The hell you apologisin’ for? I didn’t say I hated it did I…
pssst, he loves it :)
despite his confident demeanor, I can see bakugou actually being insecure in the sense that, if he doesn’t get confirmation that he’s good he will feel like he isn't good enough
so when you unconsciously hug him, it makes him feel like you trust him and feel safe with him
and that makes him happy
Also won’t hesitate to beat someone’s butt if they wake you up  
And somehow he manages to do that without yelling and waking you up lmao 
If you fall asleep on him and cuddle him in public, he won’t move a muscle 
Sorry, he’s just struggling 
But when you two are in private, he won’t hesitate to hold you and pull you closer 
He might even stare at you for a bit, and stroke your cheek oh so gently
I can also see him using moments like this to completely open up to you
Bakugou wont immediately fully open up at the start of your relationship
He wants to, he really does but he’s scared
So for now, he just talks to you while you’re asleep 
However if you wake him up by cuddling him like that he will be annoyed 
He sleeps at like 8:30pm come on, don’t be surprised 
He might push you away and go back to sleep, and if he wakes you up by accident he will mutter an apology
He does love it when you hold him, he just doesn’t like being woken up :p
He still loves you tho :D
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bookuya · 2 years
Hi! I've been lurking around your blog for a few months now and sae that your 1k event was open. I would like to request a matchup please ^^ (Male characters please)
I'm a very positive and bubbly person and my friends says I just radiate happiness. I'm very empathetic and I try to give everyone as much space as they need. I try my best to keep everyone happy as much as I can and I'm always willing to lend am ear for those who need it.
I also do have my off days where I feel drained and 'out of it' which I just can't see the beauty in normal things anymore. If I have a problem, I'm going to try and fix it myself without telling others because it's my responsibility to shoulder it, which makes me bottle up my negative feelings most of the time.
I love reading, chatting with friends, listening to music, chocolate, nature, pets and sleeping. I dont like being forced to do something a specific way, exercising, certain animals (snakes, amphibians), waking up early.
My ideal date would be a cafe date, a walk in the park, or chilling at home with Netflix. I'll be down for almost anything chill.
I play multiple instruments but I mainly play piano. I do compose my own songs for my friends when I feel inspired.
I'm a night owl and I prefer staying up late than waking up early, since at the evenings I'd be chilling out on the couch.
I rambled on a bit, sorry for that TvT As a last note, I just wanted to say that I love your writings and the interactions between you and your mutuals are so wholesome to see ^^
since nobody is stopping me from doing the opposite's attract trope again... *rubs hands together evilly* also no need to apologize for the rambles!! i love rambles ^_^
i'm matching you up with scaramouche!
i feel like you and scaramouche would balance each other out! he gains energy when he is around you, and although he is very brash and merciless with his words and attitude, you know he truly doesn't mean anything bad by it.
he gives you space when you need it, but doesn't let you bottle your feelings by yourself— he can tell when you are feeling off or iffy about things/yourself. on days like those, he doesn't let you shoulder your "down in the dumps" mood on your own, staying by your side the whole day whether you stubbornly argue with him or not. scaramouche definitely uses that one quote, "if i'm getting in a relationship, then i'm with you on all the ups and downs" but regrets it when you tease him for turning sappy all of a sudden.
he spoils you when there are movie nights: he gets all of your favorite chocolates and marathons late at night with you until you fall asleep on his shoulder.
also?? he absolutely loves to watch you play piano. it's so soothing and mesmerizing to him that he can't help but want to sit next to you whenever you play.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Brackish and Briny Waters (two)
[Ralph Lamont X Female Reader]
Summary: Settling into your new house Part 1 Masterlist Part 3
Tags: +17 | 1.7k words | just really fucking domestic stuff, one (1) bad attitude, presumptuous behavior, unprotected morning sex, more remodeling.
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AN: I kind of know where I'm going with this. The conflict will be subtle at first but it's there I promise.
The first day goes by fast and for Ralph meeting every single person on staff in this prestigious school was like trying cheeses and wines in a vineyard– fun at first but you get a stomach ache because somebody forgot to tell you not to swallow and there are just so many of them each more rich than the last. By the time he crosses the threshold to his new home, he's exhausted and annoyed. 
"I told you not to unpack without me." 
You look at him from the kitchen and shrug. "I needed stuff, baby. I already wrote a list of things to work on in this 'bare bones' house you put us up in and I was bored." 
You don't care for his attitude but offer him the covered plate anyways. "I saved you some dinner." 
All at once, Ralphie's anger melted from his face. He shuffled his tired feet across the still empty living room and pulled you into his side. The plate was warm (still warm or recently warmed up, he couldn't tell) and his stomach growled. 
"M sorry," he said, "I don't mean to be an asshole." 
You smile your forgiveness. "Long day?" 
"Yes," he hisses. "I already can't wait for the weekend." 
You chuckle. "Oh come on, it can't be that bad. Give it a chance, baby!" 
"As you wish." 
After eating, Ralph is right to sleep despite his insistence you finish packing together tonight. A part of you thinks it's the climate here– fresh sea salt air and less artificial light to disrupt the body's natural sleep patterns. You took off his shoes and empty his pockets because he was just 'resting his eyes for a moment,' then slid in right next to him. He's fine without a blanket, but you pull the back of the quilt over your rear and curl into his side. Sleep comes easier tonight than last night and you dream of wallpaper and wood smoke cologne. 
The rest of the week gets easier for the both of you. You arrived on Monday and unpack the bigger furniture together by Wednesday with the help of some locals. Ralph is getting to study the lesson plan for Ms. Lewis' math class and establishing a gentle authority with his temporary students. He is still excited for the weekend, intent to help you figure out what to do with the walls of the house. 
"Has anybody come to see you at the house yet?," he asks you Thursday night. 
You pause dicing onions to think. "Besides the neighbors to the north and those Vayle boys? No." 
Ralphie raises his eyebrows and drops them, an involuntary gesture made more for himself than you. 
You put a hand on your hip. "Why?" 
Ralphie waves you off and continues mixing the meat with the spices. "Nothing. It's just everybody and their fucking moms has been asking me about you." 
"What?" This was news to you. "Why?" 
"Because they're nosy," he replies, "asking me about my whole life story and I let slip I had a wife and then they just wouldn't shut up about it." 
You swat his shoulder. "Well don't sound so depressed about it. Do you not like having a wife?" 
"No!" Ralph huffs and turns to look at you as he says, "I just hate that every single one of them bugs me about a million personal things and then I mention you and it's the only thing they can talk about now." 
Ralph turns back to stirring the pan and grumbles to himself, "might tell them to fuck off and just hoard you forever…" 
It clicks in your head at least a bit. Ralph's a born and bred city kid. In the city nobody cares who you are, what you like, or where you're from. Strangers don't want to be anything more than strangers. Their eternal social motto is 'don't waste my time' and anyone who acts differently is probably scheming something. 
You chuckle and rest your chin on his shoulder. "You're forgetting these are a different breed of people. Rich and educated socialites more over but suburban, maybe even rural. We're probably the first new thing to happen to them in decades, and communities like this don't have a 'mind your business and I'll mind mine' attitude." 
Ralphie flicks you a look but you know he knows you're right. It doesn't mean he has to like it but at least he understands it's not malicious, at least not inherently. It's out of his element, a little out of yours too, but you'll have to adapt and play by their rules if you want to stay here for a while. 
The dining room table can seat six, but your Ralphie takes a seat right next to you at a corner so he can hold your hand while you eat. Homemade tacos ease your apprehensions a bit and you go over the remodeling plans with him until midnight. Getting ready to sleep, you wear your thinnest shift and wrap around him like an octopus, your warm core brushing over his barely clothed manhood in temptation. 
Ralphie hums, tucking a stray hair back into your bonnet. "We need to get up early tomorrow." 
It's a weak protest. The two of you keep rocking into each other and sighing at the feeling of friction but eventually fall asleep despite the delightful buzz of sexual energy surrounding you. You do wake up when Ralph flips you under him and sucks a few marks into your neck.
You spread your legs to accommodate his breadth, feeling him settle deliciously and glancing at the bedside clock. It's barely 5 o' clock and the sun is rising. You gasp as you feel Ralphie's cock slide into you and he's met with little resistance. You two have sex for the first time since you moved and it's been so long that the affair is short lived. 
Ralph already has an apology on his lips but you shush him and come a moment later with your fingers brushing your clit in tandem. He peppers you with a dozen more kisses as silent promises to make it up to you. 
You shower together, barely bumping elbows as this bathroom is way bigger than your New York City apartment ever was. You chat idly about the weekend and the town and when you're ready to leave, you grab the manila folder where you store the plans for the remodel. You've even got samples from the wallpaper, only taking the ones you like and want to replace. 
"I know we probably won't find exact replicas but I want to at least find something similar." 
Ralph squeezes your thigh. "Ok, ok. We'll try." 
While this town doesn't have a McDonald's (the town over does and it's fancy for some reason), it does have a Home Depot (also pretty fancy). You know you'll need wood and screws and glass panes to finish that solar room but that's not the goal for today. 
Ralph skips right over the green paint swatch section to the creams. He's rambling about paint brand pros and cons, he did his research on the way in since you were driving and he brought the book from the school library. You follow and half listen. 
Ralph finally catches on to your soft smile. You glance around to make sure no one is in earshot because god forbid these gossipers over hear your conversation right now. 
"I guess I got you pretty excited last night, huh," you say with a sense of pride. Ralph feels the opposite about his performance this morning. 
"I just… I think it's just been a while." He occupies his hands by grabbing every single free swatch sample on the shelf and says, "I promise I will make it up to you." 
You roll your eyes in a not unkind way. "It's fine, babe, really. I uh… it feels kind of good to know I still have that kind of effect on you…" 
Ralphie sports a smile of his own and puts you under his arm. "Of course you do, sugar." 
He leans down to plant a kiss on your lips when you're interrupted by a bright voice. It's so startling that your husband bounces away from you. He stares wide eyed at the woman who interrupted you and he gets that dark look in his eye that only you can see. 
"Jesus, Julie," he tries his best not to growl her name. "This is Julie, she's a teacher at the school. Julie this… is… my wife." 
Julie makes a noise like a whistle. "Oh my god you are so much more beautiful than I imagined! Ralph doesn't have a picture of you in his office!" 
"It's on my desk," he huffs, "it's the one turned towards me." 
"And why would you do that?" 
"...so I can look at it while I work…?" 
Julie's… a little too hands on for just meeting you. You're too reserved to say something about it so you sling a loose arm around her back and hope Ralph doesn't say something for you. 
"Hi Julie, it's nice to finally meet you," you tell her. "Ralph's been slowly but surely introducing me to the concept of his coworkers." 
"I can't believe we haven't met before now! Ralph keeping you all to himself, me and the other teachers are just so curious about you," she coos. It feels almost put on, like overindulging in sweet to play up her first impression. You let it slide though, maybe it's just your city lens. 
"Well, uh, once we've got the house fixed up a bit, we can plan a housewarming party," you suggest. "But not a day before and you may quote me on that, miss!" 
Julie laughed and gave you her phone number 'in case you need anything at all.' Ralph breathed easy once she finally left and you tug his ear gently. "She's veeerry friendly." 
Ralphie shoots you a glare like you'd made a joke he didn't find funny and you go back to debating the paint to use for your walls eagerly.
@escape-your-grape @hoodoo12 @softbeej @go-commander-kim @beetlesstuff @imma-fucking-nerd​ @werwulfy​
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fandom-hoarder · 3 years
listen I have so many questions about Stanford Sam, like this kid who was raised in the wild, barely aware of acceptable social conduct arrives with his 2 ectoplasm stained t-shirts at his dorm and like ????? is he very aware of it at first? or does he think he's hiding it well? and like moving in with Jessica?????? he doesn't know how to water plants and that you have to pay electricity bills ??? Like obviously he's not stupid, we know that!! But there are certain things about ordinary everyday life that are just impossible to pick up when you're raised like that. And this is just surface-level stuff, like I feel overwhelmed just thinking about how many tiny things I do in a day, just normal life stuff that I've always done, that Sam would be like ???? so weirded out by, or maybe creepily fascinated ??? Would he try and copy everyone around him maybe??? and then all the odd things that he'd probably do !!! like just basic marine survival nonsense he's dad probably taught him applied in mundane life situations that would make him stand out and he wouldn't even notice !!! And he thinks he's doing fine, people seem to accept him, but then suddenly someone mentions like... TRL or something and he's like ??? and then Dean picks him up and it all falls to pieces, because it's so EASY and ingrained and he doesn't have to pretend and it puts it into perspective how not okay he was doing at Stanford even when it felt like he was ?? god I'm just rambling, like I barely even have headcanons, I'm just so overwhelmed by all the possibilities of how this would play out !!!!
Holy crap, first I wanna apologize if this has been sitting here awhile. The Ask notification location in settings instead of notifications on the app is so weird and I get them so rarely I don’t think to check. (and the website shows that I have 4 but this one is the only one it’ll show? How does tumblr work? Oh yeah, it doesn’t lol.)
Anyway, I have so many thoughts on this! But they’re not necessarily cohesive?! Like first we all know Sam is super smart. He’s curious. He’s inquisitive. But he’s also sheltered in weird ways. There are things he’s known about the world that most people would never know about, let alone kids his age at any given time; yet the existence of those things--and the understanding that therefore potentially anything could be real--also lends itself to keeping him childlike--he had an “imaginary friend” at age nine and believed in the Easter bunny through age eleven, which is much later than the average probably???
By middle school, he definitely would’ve been feeling the strains of his otherness around his classmates, even if they weren’t constantly moving around, but of course the nomadic lifestyle just makes it even harder.
I think Sam is a very observant person, though. He figured out something was up with their dad and The Truth at age 8! So people watching is Sam’s saving grace for getting along in the mundane world. He definitely learns to mask his otherness by mimicking mundane people.
And I get sidetracked here because then I start thinking about exactly how their childhood went. We know John used Pastor Jim and Bobby as childcare/parenting support to some degree. I don’t think we really know anything about Caleb, maybe I’m forgetting something, but my headcanon is that Caleb functioned as a “fun younger uncle” type to Sam and Dean: cool, responsible in a pinch, but mostly not given childcare responsibilities because of his wilding tendencies. (they learn swears accidentally from Bobby and John, but Caleb TEACHES them.) Sam and Dean didn’t even know about Missouri until s1, so she’s off the caretaker list. They had that babysitter they met up with in uhh... Swap Meat! But largely we assume that Dean had a lot of the caretaking responsibilities; maybe with temporary babysitters in other places the same as Swap Meat.
And lbh you just can’t expect well-rounded, informed child-rearing from a kid only four years older. There’s a reason I associate a lot of weechester flashbacks with Sammy watching TV like in Something Wicked, because literally little siblings are A LOT and sometimes you just want them to sit still and quiet and leave you alone for a bit omg.(wait, give me a minute, I’m imagining little 6 year old Dean on the phone with Bobby because John ran out for food supplies and isn’t back yet and Sammy is still asleep but Dean’s creeped out in the longterm room they’re staying in because he KNOWS about the supernatural already. but then bobby gets on John’s case about it--and instead of never leaving Dean alone with baby Sam again, Dean learns from John’s belt not to call anyone when he’s left alone unless it’s an ACTUAL EMERGENCY. Or maybe, because marine, John doesn’t use his belt; maybe he uses PT instead and every time Dean thinks about calling Bobby for that reason again, his abs ache from the memory of punishment situps, or his arms get suddenly shaky thinking about doing pushups til he just couldn’t anymore.)
I haven’t read all of John’s Journal, and I know it’s not actually canon, but IIRC the bits that I’ve read from the wiki show John and the boys staying with a family friend in Lawrence for a few weeks, MAYBE a few months before John visits Missouri and everything STARTS. I think if he hadn’t picked up and left with them then, the family friends would’ve been contacting CPS because they’re starting to think John’s grief is making him unhinged. (I really want to read the journal tbh--there are bits I’ve seen that make me fantasize even more about boyking!sam storylines... but I’m getting even more off track.)
So we’ve got this weird/interesting dichotomy of kids that are groomed with these hyperspecialiizations, too weird to really fit in with other kids but sheltered from the actual hunter life also--like the fact that there ARE other hunters, like as a THING, not just their dad’s rando friends that, as kids, they may just assume know about the supernatural because their dad told them! (jfc they’re SO PRIMED to be each other’s entire world omg I’m gonna die)
So like, by being quiet and observant (an imaginative kid, by nature and by nurture as John starts to take Dean out more and leave Sam alone with his own thoughts), Sam would pick up a lot of things. But they’re never anywhere long enough for him to fully grasp everything and he would definitely suffer a bit from the Dunning-Kruger effect--not having enough knowledge about a thing, but having just enough that you don’t realize you don’t.
Let’s say Sam observes and picks up some things about normal residential life by being around a few mundane babysitters. The nature of John’s “work” would mean that, even if they were in a more in-home-daycare-like situation, they’d be likely to be the “after hours” kinds of kids that are still there when everyone else is picked up and the babysitter would normally be doing their normal life stuff: changing clothes, cleaning up from the daycare kids, making dinner, etc (sam and dean would definitely help, either out of kindness or duty or because it’s agreed that if they help out John will get a discount on their care costs--don’t mind me, just projecting my childhood onto the winchesters hahh. I’m NOT going to go off on a tangent about Dean already having so much experience caring for babies cuz of Sam. He definitely doesn’t have all the under-4s following him around begging for attention while he burps one of the three babies their babysitter cares for after a bottle. it DEFINITELY didn’t make Sam (age 4, 5, 6 maybe) jealous enough to repress the memory so that over a decade later he would claim that Dean doesn’t even LIKE kids.)
Uhh... what was I talking about? Oh yeah, Sam. Observing normal life. Anyway so maybe after things settle for the day, sometimes a babysitter will sit at the dining table with the weekly bills and their checkbook and do the bills. And Sam kind of loves things like this: it feels like something important; it feels like playing school before he was old enough to go (quick aside here: John totally enrolled Sam in school early, both because that’s the only way his age works with canon timeline and because it would make life easier if Sam was in school just like Dean--more cost-and-time efficient.) And maybe Sam goes and sits at the table and just. Watches.
And then he asks questions. When he’s curious, he doesn’t keep his questions to himself as a child (unless the subject is expressly forbidden: see Dean’s reaction when Sam brings up Mary). But his age would inevitably limit the scope and understanding of those questions. Adults are generally disinclined to fully explain the adult world to children, especially when it comes to finances, and in the 80s and early 90s?? With most of the adults of that time that I knew, those kinds of questions were considered rude and nosey. He might understand that adults have to pay bills; he may even understand something about utilities; but he wouldn’t necessarily understand all the requirements and frequency.
Though their nomadic lifestyle wasn’t stable by any “normal” definition, one thing to be said about mostly living out of motels is that your power is never cut off, or your water, or your heat. There’s always television, usually with cable. And the only form of payment you see going on is dad handing over cash or plastic at the front desk--one and done. My headcanon usually disallows the idea that they would’ve squatted in empty houses when Sam and Dean were kids (John makes plenty of bad decisions but I just don’t see him staying in a place without power or water with CHILDREN. Teenagers? SURE.) They would learn how to clean house and make proper beds even when it wasn’t always necessary with housekeeping available--both because of John’s military parenting style and because John would be most likely to opt out of daily housekeeping to lower the risk of having people ask questions.
So yeah, there are so many little intricacies of the mundane world that Sam wouldn’t be conditioned to even think about. Even the realization that he doesn’t know enough about regular life, as he grows up and longs more and more for that very thing because he’s never had more than a glimpse of it, wouldn’t necessarily be enough.
Would his natural curiosity lead him to ask those questions? He can’t ask John because he already asked Dean and got a dismissive answer because ‘what does any of that matter, Sam? we’ll never have to worry about that shit.’ and if Dean seems borderline offended by the sheer audacity of the questions in the first place, he knows John will be worse.
In the 90s, life skills were still kind of a thing in most U.S. schools. But in a really inconsistent way. Sometimes it was in health class curriculum; sometimes your math class would actually do a short focus on balancing a checkbook and banking if there was a chapter, but a lot of times those parts get skipped. You never use the whole textbook. Sometimes life skills was only in Home Ec, but H.E. was completely elective in my area when I was in middle school (the same exact years Sam would’ve been in middle school) and I’m assuming the same for most of the U.S. Sam may have taken it, or he may have taken something else instead (wood shop or computer class were the alternatives in my area). Maybe the nature of school hopping meant that he HAD to enroll in Home Ec, because resources for the other electives were finite, but somehow always managed to miss the bills and budgeting portion. Maybe he couldn’t even take Home Ec due to class size or resources and they just put him in a study hall for that period. (Maybe they put him in the computer class, where he mostly does book work until he gets a turn on the PC he has to share with his classmate.)
As an observant person, Sam totally would’ve known about TRL, I think. There’s no way at least one group of kids in the halls or lunchroom wasn’t talking about it every day in high school, especially with the advent of Britney Spears and Eminem and Jesse freakin Camp. Maybe he goes to someone’s house to try to hang out or to study and they turn it on and Sam watches raptly because it’s such a strange phenomenon and he hardly ever gets to hear new music, much less watch the videos. But he can’t actually get into it because the fangirls are annoying and his analytical mind won’t let him suspend his disbelief about how the voting works. (Maybe he tries giving it another shot in their motel room sometimes, but Dean vetoes that bubblegum pop shit IMMEDIATELY--no Sam, look, that shit isn’t REAL music; most of them don’t even play instruments. And it’s really not fair because Dean TOTALLY watched MTV’s The Grind in the early 90s for his fix of suggestively gyrating bodies before he figured out how to access porn without getting caught.)
Sam and Dean actually make a LOT of pop culture references, which always fascinates me. I imagine they did a lot of TV watching and VCR/movie renting in the times they weren’t working on a case with/for their dad (projecting again; my dad’s house was a very boring place on his weekends). The nature of Dean’s idolization of John and disinclination to let Sam have his own separate likes means they have a mix of age-appropriate pop culture knowledge and a lot of Boomer-era TV and movie knowledge--Dean more than Sam, maybe when it comes to things like cowboy movies and TV lol.
Anyway, as the realization that he doesn’t really know how anything works crept in, maybe Sam would try to lowkey create situations where he could ask his friends/his friends’ parents those normal life kind of questions. But maybe after his first few tries, he’s become so uncomfortably aware of how weird he is to even need to ask that he stops asking. Maybe he starts to tap into his specialized skills and starts snooping/creeping around their houses to try to glean knowledge. Maybe he scours the library for books on ‘what you need to know for life’--I have the urge now to do a google search on actual titles of books on this subject that may have existed at the time, but I’ve already spent a lot of time on this without going into research spirals. lol Maybe he can’t find exactly the things that are pertinent--still doesn’t fully realize that, though--and in the meantime his cache of esoteric knowledge continues to build.
So he gets to Stanford and he mostly understands how the financing works; enough to get by with enrollment and stuff. He understands that he’ll need to get a job of some sort to make ends meet because he’s there to be normal and normal people don’t pay for everything with scammed credit cards and billiards money; he knows that much. But he doesn’t really know about wages, minimum wage, freaking payroll taxes, etc. (I feel like Dean would’ve had odd jobs as a teen, some legit some under the table, but that the nature of John (and Dean) wanting to keep Sam home and safe would’ve made the subject of Sam working through high school a banned topic. And anyway, much as I’m not a fan of the characterization in Drag Me Away (From You), what Dean said to Sam about the impossibility of getting into college with the way his academic career would look is accurate. So Sam would’ve probably spent most of his free time on academics so he could get the fuck out, rather than trying to get a job.
Maybe having to buy his textbooks would be a surprise? John probably always qualified for Sam and Dean to be on free lunch/free book programs in public school, not to mention the likelihood of the records being at least partially counterfeit. But at the same time, John was probably very hands off with their school enrollment crap once the boys were old enough to handle it themselves, so Sam would at least have an inkling.
Sam would be a weird mix of no-boundaries and too-secretive, and his first attempts at acting normal would be a bit too put-on. He’s got experience acting per 1x16 (oh, maybe he did drama instead of home ec somewhere lol), but acting on stage is so much different to acting in a more personal setting. On stage you have to exaggerate your movements to project all the way to the back. Early-Stanford Sam, I guess, is a bit like Soulless Sam. He knows there’s something off about him compared to the people around him, and he just does his best to pretend he’s the same as them without calling attention to his differences, which ends up coming off robotic. A little Stepford. A little uncanny valley. He learns to bite his tongue every time he’s about to let something normal only to his family roll off it; learns to be even more vague than he used to be, because now he’s around strangers ALL THE TIME.
At some point, Sam has a little-but-big breakdown about a payment he missed or the fact that he had to steal shampoo because he didn’t even have toiletries in his budget and couldn’t even afford a bottle of White Rain or Suave, so since he was stealing anyway he got the special brand he really likes and then feels too awful to even use it and doesn’t wash his hair for a week. Brady takes pity on the cute but hapless puppy-boy who is a physical and academic behemoth but has obviously been living off-grid on some kind of militia commune for the past forever--at first the rumor was that he was Amish on rumspringa but the amount of times Sam has busted out some supremely random survival knowledge in casual conversation changes that rumor quickly--and has no understanding of the world. And by the time he moves off-campus with Jess, Sam has this masking thing down pretty well; he can almost forget he’s not normal sometimes and Jess only knows about his previous helplessness in a cute, anecdotal kind of way.
And then Dean comes and gets him and Sam’s all “you and Dad still doing credit card scams?” and Dean’s like “well hunting doesn’t pay the bills.”
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joyandeggs · 5 years
For the headcanon ask (I'm sorry I'm so annoying): Shoot, Killua, Kite, Flash, and Metal Bat!
Oh my gosh, Meve! You are not annoying at all. You encourage me to do these everytime! ❤ Also, I did not realize how difficult these questions were going to be, even if I know the characters well. The music one really got me stuck since I kept thinking of my favorite songs for them. There are probably way better answers others can come up with, but I had fun writing all of these! A little too much fun, actually. 💌
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: I did not realize how difficult this question was going to be for me. I always think about music that reminds me of him, and songs I associate with him through music I love, but what he would listen to... Hm. I honestly feel like he would love a variety of music, especially 80s rock and pop. Both Japanese and English! Hotel California Okay that one is a joke. Songs like Always Something There To Remind Me by Naked Eyes, and Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears, he would enjoy songs with a good beat to bob your head to, or softer songs that are perfect for relaxing. And love songs! This is just me being self-indulgent, but I think Shoot would really like love songs. Songs like I Love You So by Junko Ohashi, especially. A lot of those old 80s and 90s Japanese songs I think he and Knuckle both would like a lot.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: This question makes me think of drunk Shoot. Whenever he goes drinking with Morel and Knuckle, he tends to get very sluggish and sleepy, so he'll fall asleep if he's not careful. But he will pass out on the floor, on the couch, anywhere he can lie down when they get home. I can imagine Knuckle gets up in the morning still half asleep, and he just trips on Shoot's dead body to land face first on the floor with him. Knuckle tries to make sure he's at least in a bed or on a couch before he leaves him be after that.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Hm... I feel like with any sport, specifically volleyball and baseball, he would be incredible at. Shoot has those hands though, so he's a bit of a cheater. 😛 But he is really good at physical sports. Volleyball, baseball, and even tennis he would be great at. Even when he doesn't use the extra hands he has.
The emoticon they'd use most often: Would Shoot use emojis? Hm... I think he would rarely. Maybe if he couldn't send a full text to Knuckle or whoever, he would do a thumbs up. He would send a simple smiley face every now and then, or some silly ones if he were feeling playful. He just wouldn't use them all the time.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: Shoot can be a bit annoyed, but really he is just out of it. Compared to Knuckle, he wouldn't be as irritable. Trying to wake up, he'll just be a bit sluggish and sleepy. He's probably use to it though since for work who knows how much time he has to spend awake and doing something.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Green tea, or a nice coffee! I've always had this idea in my head that he enjoys matcha, I don't know why. But Shoot would always be down for coffee. Always down for a cup of coffee. ☕❤
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: I can honestly see Shoot just...sitting on the couch under a giant blanket reading a book or watching tv. Maybe even taking a nap. If he's in a slump and doesn't want to go anywhere nor do anything, he'll just want to stay home. Doing chores and cleaning also helps. There are times he'll just jump up and get out of the house to clear his head. Go for a quiet walk for some fresh air. And he would definitely not mind at all if a good friend or a significant other wanted to try and cheer him up, or just keep him company when he's not feeling his best. Shoot may come off as cold when he's not in the best mood, but he is nothing but thankful. Honestly, he enjoys that more than just being down in the dumps alone. There's no reason to be that way.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: I always think about possible backstories for both Knuckle and Shoot, and why they wanted to become hunters. I kind of have an idea in mind for Knuckle, but what about Shoot? I think...whenever he was young, he wanted to be stronger. So in order to become stronger, along with trying to have a better life, he decided on becoming a hunter. Really, he was curious on exploring and traveling the world. He didn't know about becoming a hunter until he was older, like how I imagine Knuckle went about it.
Their favorite kind of weather: Shoot seems to enjoy both the cold and the hot weather. I feel like he would enjoy the cooler weather, especially when it's fall, when he doesn't have to worry about getting too hot in his clothing and pouring sweat while out and about. Wants to be comfortable bundling up a bit for the cold rather than barely wearing a thing if it's hot. He would definitely enjoy the lovely sunny days during the summer though! He likes the fresh air and sunshine. I could also see him love the cold and soft rainy days though, without a doubt. It is incredibly relaxing.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): Y'all have literally no idea how much I think about Shoot singing. 💞 So...I listen to Yuuji Ueda all the time, and of course my mind always wonders back to Shoot. Shoot's voice is naturally deep, so I imagine that he sings lowly, but he can get his voice higher if he wanted. I can't imagine Shoot singing out loud or in front of others, he seems too shy for the idea. But one song I definitely hear Shoot's voice in is Lost. Ueda's voice in that is so...lovely. It sounds so romantic. And this is so silly, but I do think of Shoot in songs that Ueda sings higher in, like ヒヤシンス (Hyacinth) or...Next Door. Ahhh, don't even get me started on the Tokimemo games he's been in. I still lose my mind over how he sang songs and voiced characters in those games. There's also Daydream, which is a softer song. It's so...lovely. It sounds romantic. This is one of the first songs I ever listened to when I discovered that he was a singer. I still love it to this day a year later. 💓
(I apologize for rambling an answer out for this. If I have any chance to take time and gush about Yuuji Ueda, I absolutely will. I love him so much. I still can't believe he voices Shoot, like what a dream. I'm happy I got the perfect opportunity to gush about him. ❤)
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Whenever I first read this question while writing, I imagined Shoot doodling flowers. Oh, maybe stars! When he's working on the computer and having to write, he'll just doodle some stars in the margins of his paper while he works. Now all I can see is him drawing hands. Could you imagine?
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: I think Killua would enjoy rock music a lot! As for specific songs though... Hm. I'll have to look some up. He seems very 2000s alternative or rock to me, like Basket Case by Green Day, or The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls. Songs with that particular sound. The Blue Hearts by Hito ni Yasashiku is his style of music. Just the way that it sounds, and the best that it has.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: Killua could sleep in a desk chair at home, or sleep on a bench somewhere in the park. He could literally fall asleep anywhere if he were tired enough.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Oh, Smash Bros.! He would definitely love playing a fighting game like Smash, even though Gon would definitely destroy him at it.
The emoticon they'd use most often: The two emotions that remind me of him are 😈 and 😸. The cat emojis definitely. I can see him using a lot of the cat emojis if he were texting Gon or Alluka.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: For Killua, he would be just plain grumpy. Just grumpy, grumbling about how tired he was, and wishing that he was in a bed instead of awake.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Honestly, a mug of hot chocolate would be perfect for him on a cooler day. Coffee is too bitter, so of course he would love a hot chocolate.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: When he isn't feeling the best, he escapes from everything to walk somewhere secluded and quiet to clear his head. Training, or even fighting/sparring would help him as well to get his mind off of his bad mood.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: This is difficult for me to answer. Growing up in the family he was in, and even when he took the exam in the beginning of Hunter x Hunter, I'm pretty sure he really wanted to be something other than an assassin. So in order to kind of sway away from the family business, he decided on completeling the hunter exam, and he figured he would go from there to figure out what he really wanted to be in life. He's still young. He has plenty of time to figure out everything.
Their favorite kind of weather: He enjoys the summer and spring! He doesn't mind the cooler seasons, but when he can be out and about in the fresh air of summer or spring is his favorite time of the year.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): I actually looked up his character song to listen to it, and I love it. Killua has a nice singing voice! If I had to be specific, he is very inbetween high and low. His voice doesn't go too high nor too low.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: I can imagine his doodling lightening bolts, different shapes and squiggles, little things like that.
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: Even though he is acquainted with a little technology, this man doesn't have a music player of any kind. But he would love quite a lot of music. Classical, jazz, instrumental tracks are his favorites since they're so soothing.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: In trees! Even on random tree logs around, or just in a patch of grass. He could fall asleep in a patch of flowers. Sad to say that he has fallen asleep in many different places he really shouldn't have, but that's what happens when you're constantly traveling and on the move.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Hm... I was trying to think of a video game, but do you think this man has ever played a game in his life? I could see him being good at different card games, if he played with playing cards. Or playing something like chess or shogi. If he tried to learn it all, I bet he would enjoy it.
The emoticon they'd use most often: I'm not sure if Kite would use emoticons of any kind. I could see him as one of those people who doesn't use smiley faces or text launguage at all, even though he'll do the occasional ":)". It would be very rare.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: Kite is just quieter than usual, trying to get himself to not be so sleepy. If someone tries to poke fun or talk his ear off or anything, then he will get a bit snippy. He's an old man, he needs his sleep.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Coffee. He really enjoys a good cup of black coffee, maybe with a bit of milk. He would enjoy a hot cup of black or oolong tea though, too.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: A really long, warm soak in the bath or in a natural hot spring. Something about a bath really makes your troubles melt away.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: I think Kite really wanted to become a hunter growing up. Since he never really had a solid home to go to, along with always running around with nowhere to really be, he was meant to explore. He was meant to become a hunter and keep going. His curiosity of the world helped in that.
Their favorite kind of weather: I feel like he's easily cold, since he's always wearing a hat, a long sleeved top, and sometimes the occasional cover up. He likes the summer, especially on warm and breezy days. Absolutely would love the summer just because of how lovely the early sunrises are. Not too cold, not too hot.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): The heartbreaking thing about this question is that Shuichi Ikeda has never sang any songs before. 💔 Which is a real shame because his voice is really nice. However, going on how nice Kite's voice sounds, he would have a lovely singing voice. He may be off key or not get certain notes right at first, he has fun singing or humming to himself. No one else has heard him sing.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Kite is an artist through photography, not as much as drawing or doodling. I could see him trying to sketch out various animals and creatures he comes across during work after snapping some photos. Even doodles of some bugs, despite not being a big fan of them. The bugs, mostly.
Flashy Flash
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: Flashy Flash is probably into a lot of classical music as well as traditional Japanese music. I honestly don't know of any specific songs he would have on his phone or anything.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: I could see him accidentally dozing off during an HA meeting, if it was particularly boring. Other than that, he would fall asleep in a really high up branch of a shady tree.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Fencing! Oh could you imagine him in a round of fencing? I think he would be pretty good at it. He is a very talented swordsman.
The emoticon they'd use most often: He definitely reminds mr of the sparkle emoji. He might use that one from time to time, dare I say if he was feeling flashy. ✨
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: Flash can be very stoic and groggy. He may be use to working and training for long periods of time, but his mind will feel blank and his body will feel heavy. If you try speaking to him when he's this way, he may or may not hear you right away.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: He enjoys a cup of tea with honey. No matter what tea, he will drink it.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: I could see him meditating to ease himself and calm his thoughts. Maybe underneath a waterfall, or in a secluded forest away from civilization.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: From what I know about Flashy Flash, he seems like he wanted to become a hero in order to get away from the village he grew up in. He just wanted to live better.
Their favorite kind of weather: I can see him really liking the spring and summer seasons. When it's starting to get warm and sunny, with some nice rainy days, he enjoys the beauty of it.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): I'm actually going to look up his voice actor really quick, I don't remember who voices him. Oh Kousuke Toriumi is a singer! Oh my gosh, his singing voice is super smooth and nice, I like it a lot. Flashy Flash would definitely have a smooth singing voice. He never sings out loud, but if he's listening to any music, he will hum and sing notes to himself with it.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: He doesn't seem like the type of person to doodle to me. I'm honestly not sure if he would.
Metal Bat
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: I feel like Metal Bat is just a younger version of Knuckle honestly, so he would definitely love listening to a lot of different music. All of it is upbeat, most of it being love songs and 80s or 90s music. I feel like he would be a huge sucker for love songs. I'm actually going to put I Give You My... and 明日の篝火 by Wataru Hatano. I honestly see Metal Bat's style in the way that he does his music, and I love it way too much. ❤ Other songs... I definitely see him listening to songs like Hard To Say No and Sexy Socialite by Chromeo. They are absolutely his style, one hundred percent. 💓
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: He has probably fallen asleep during an HA meeting if it were just that boring enough. Has also fallen asleep during his classes. He doesn't mean to though. How is he suppose to get decent sleep if he keeps getting calls in the middle of the night?
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Baseball! Of course he would be perfect at it. And he would be great at video games, too! Smash Bros., Mario Kart, the SNK series, all of those multiplayer games. Even something like Pokemon. I think he would appreciate video games when he had the free time. He rarely gets to play them. Even Zenko will play games with him.
The emoticon they'd use most often: I think he would enjoy using a lot of them, especially when he texts Zenko. He send her little hearts, and smiley faces. Him and her would send some back and forth by themselves, too.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: This makes me think of the OVA! Aw, he would be just a little sleepy and grumpy. More than he usually is since he would be a little out of it. He just doesn't like mornings!
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Give this sweet boy a hot chocolate. I think he would enjoy coffee and tea both, but his coffee has to be with sugar and cream.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: He seems like the type of guy to want to go out and practice batting to clear his head. If at the house, he'll just sit around and relax or something. Maybe take a hot bath, or cook if he's hungry. Little things.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: I think he really wanted to be a hero growing up, even though he never thought about it until he did get older. He had a rough time growing up and having to care for his sister as well as stay in school, he needed to support her and himself. Maybe he went through the same things as Saitama? He couldn't find a job, so maybe he took a chance and was like "Hey, this isn't so bad!" And he pretty much was experienced in fighting and everything since he's a delinquent. This all sounds like a mess, but really, all he wants to do is be tough and take down people for justice.
Their favorite kind of weather: I think Metal Bat enjoys cooler weather. He's always wearing his turtleneck, and that's better to wear in the fall and winter anyway. He seems like someone who really doesn't enjoy sweating all too much. He would love the change of the colors on the trees, the coolness of the air around him, and being able to bundle up instead of struggling with less clothes.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): So...I have always thought that Metal Bat would have a lovely and sweet singing voice. I listen to Wataru Hatano's music all the time, and I never not think about him when I hear him. The first song I discovered of his was King & Queen, and...Metal Bat would sing just like that. He would sing just like every song he does.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Would he doodle? Hm. Oh, like sitting in class or trying to occupy himself, he would doodle little hearts or cats. I'm literally just guessing because I have no idea honestly. If he had a crush, he would absolutely write their name and doodle hearts because of them.
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