#i made touya call his mom
artemis32 · 6 months
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Dabi / Touya Todoroki x reader (ft. Tomura Shigaraki & Keigo Takami)
First fic in yonks, and it's a dark one (seriously. read the warnings)
i have three other fics i'm working on that i'm hoping to have done in the next week or two :))
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word count - 7.5k
tw: dark content, noncon / dubcon (mostly noncon), (pseudo) incest??, yandere, threesome, gangbang, vaginal sex, oral sex (both m and f receiving), throat fucking, slapping (not in a sexy way), praise, degradation, they're all pretty mean, voyeurism, choking (not in a sexy way), Dabi is called Touya pretty much the entire fic, and he has a Jacob's ladder, the big dick Shiggy agenda continues, violence, creampie, no protection (wrap it before you tap it kids), chasing, Touya has a thing for tits, some head injury (reader should really have that checked out), Keigo's kinda just there for the vibes tbh
bnha masterlist
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
The mumble is dejected, barely uttered under your breath, and promptly followed by a heavy huff.
Your day had been hell personified, to put it lightly. 
A slew of unfortunate events had been what made up your day, bad luck from the moment you’d opened your eyes that morning - late, might I add.
All of your bad luck had culminated into what had probably been the worst day of your life, and to top it all off, you’d been forced to walk home in the rain. Twenty minutes of trudging down a bunch of empty streets saw your already terrible mood plummet, becoming ten times worse.
You’d been looking forward to the day’s end - all you wanted was to get home, for some peace and quiet and whatever leftovers you could find shoved in the back of the fridge. 
That’s why, right now, you feel yourself itching with barely concealed irritation.
There, sat far too comfortably on the sofa, was your brother.
Step brother.
As if you’d ever call that waste of space your brother.
Worse still was the fact that he had two of his creep-fest friends with him.
That wasn’t what annoyed you, although you hated that they had decided to spend their time here instead of elsewhere.
No, what annoyed you most was-
“You couldn’t have picked me up? I had to walk in the rain. Twenty minutes Touya!”
He glances over at you, barely registering your words, his attention more focused on the game he’s playing with one of his friends - the blue haired one who has a habit of seemingly undressing you with his eyes everytime you see him.
You shiver in slight disgust as he eyes you up.
“And? How’s that my problem?”
You groan in frustration, kicking off your shoes in the entryway and stomping up the stairs towards your room. 
“Fucking stupid, waste of space, dumbass, idiot - I’ll shove that damn controller up your ass.”
You take a deep breath, calming yourself. 
It’s fine. This is fine. 
After you’ve calmed yourself and changed out of your soaked clothing, you head downstairs again, pausing on the landing to stare out the window.
The rain pelts down in thick sheets, so heavy you can barely see beyond the window.
You preoccupy yourself with grabbing something to eat, shoving a few slices of leftover pizza onto a plate and into the microwave. While it heats up, a thought hits you and you head back to the living room.
“Hey Touya, when’re mom and dad getting home?”
He doesn’t answer. You wait a while, thinking he’s preoccupied. 
Still nothing.
You ask again.
“Fucking hell!” he yells, slamming his hand down on the coffee table. 
The screen flashes as his character dies and Shigaraki snickers next to him.
Touya turns to glower at you.
“Stop bothering me.”
You roll your eyes.
“When’s dad getting home?”
He leans back, flicking at the controller as another round starts up. Shigaraki hands his controller over to Keigo, or Hawks as his friends mockingly call him.
“Eh? He’s not coming home. Him and your mom left for a business trip this morning - didn’t they tell you?”
You still.
A business trip?
You hum out a distracted thanks, heading back into the kitchen as the microwave blares. You grab the still-hot plate before heading back up to your room, crawling under the pile of blankets on your bed.
You put the thought of your parents and their last minute business trip out of your mind. Instead, you think about other things.
Like the fact that Touya refused to call your mom ‘mom’.
You didn’t blame him, per se. In fact, it was probably better that he didn’t.
It was just strange - Shouto, Fuyumi and Natsuo all called your mom theirs, so it was always jarring to hear Touya call her ‘your mom’, or even worse, by her first name. But it never seemed to bother her, so you never mentioned it.
It wasn’t as if he was even around often enough for it to be a big deal. 
Mostly, he stayed with one of his friends, coming home only when no one else was around or if he needed a change of clothes.
It was an arrangement that suited everyone, though your father never seemed to appreciate his son’s flighty nature.
Whatever, it was none of your business.
All you knew was that whenever he was around, he made your life a living hell.
Before your mom had married his dad, you’d never had any siblings, so the only image you had of that type of relationship before was the stuff you’d seen on tv. 
Shouto and Natsuo were nice enough, adopting you as their younger sister. You’d joined their family early enough that it felt as if they really were your siblings - you were barely four years old at the time, two years younger than Shouto.
Fuyumi had smothered you in the beginning, coddling and cooing at you like a pet. 
Once the novelty had worn off, she’d become somewhat of a normal older sister, though still far more affectionate than what you expected.
Touya though - he avoided you like the plague, at least for the first few years after you’d been forced to live together. Sometime after your tenth birthday though, he’d turned into your own personal tormentor, teasing you like some stereotypical middle school bully, pulling at your hair, tripping you while you walked up the stairs, locking you in the basement if you went down alone to get something out of your dad’s office. Once or twice, he even managed to get you into a headlock, letting up only once you were seconds away from passing out.
It was horrible, and your siblings stepped in wherever they could.
He seemed to lose interest after a while, settling on slinging insults your way whenever he was near. Eventually even that seemed to lose its appeal, and, as of late, he’d gone back to ignoring your very existence, as he had when you’d first met.
It might have hurt your feelings, if you’d had any type of relationship with him. Now, you were just thankful he wasn’t trying to wrestle you to the ground whenever he saw you.
Your musings are cut short by a loud clap of thunder, and you flinch as the windows rattle.
Thunder never bothered you, but the storm seemed to be getting worse, and in the back of your mind, you registered that Shouto still wasn’t home.
You fidget with the blanket on your lap for a few more moments, trying and failing to distract yourself with your phone. You find yourself tapping Shouto’s contact, calling him before you can think twice.
Most of the time, you were concerned your siblings would find you clingy and annoying, as Touya had no problem reminding you, but you cared for them, and that meant you fretted over every little thing.
You pull at a loose thread on your sweater while the line rings, staring vacantly out the window as rain continues to streak down, blurring the view of the garden.
Will it flood? They might have mentioned something on the weather report this morning. I really should start paying more attention.
You lurch forward. “Shouto? Hey, what’s up?”
He greets you, asking why you called.
“Well, you aren’t home yet and the weather’s looking pretty bad. I just- I was wondering if you’re coming home tonight?”
If you were talking to anyone else, you’d be worried about sounding pathetic - needy.
But it’s your brother. Your older brother who loves you and would never mock you for your concern.
He hums before answering. “Oh, yeah, I forgot to let you know, I’m staying over at Midoriya’s tonight. We have a project to work on and it’s just easier to stay here for the night.”
“Oh,” you say.
There’s a long pause, neither of you saying anything for a long moment.
“Okay, I just- um, wanted to check in.”
You take a deep breath, pulling yourself together.
“Well, have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He’s about to put the phone down while you scramble to keep him on the line.
“Wait!” you exclaim, “Mom and dad are away on a business trip”
“Yes, I know,” he says evenly. 
There ‘s another pause. 
“Natsuo should be home soon though - his classes ended about half an hour ago, so you won’t be alone,” he reassures you.
“Okay,” you say, sighing through your nose. “Okay, I- goodnight Sho, see you tomorrow.”
He bids you goodnight once more before ending the call. 
You stay still, not moving from your spot for a long moment.
The truth…
The truth was that you weren’t exactly comfortable being alone in the house with Touya. Well, Touya and his friends.
Not that he’d ever done anything beyond bullying you, but - well, you hadn’t been alone with him for more than ten minutes since you were seven years old, and you weren’t eager to try your luck.
Bruises healed, but his scathing words took longer to soothe.
You shake your head.
No, grow up - there’s no need to be so scared. It’s just for one night. And besides, I can just stay in my room and he’ll stay downstairs. Far away from me. And Natsuo will be here. I won’t be alone.
This is fine. 
It’s fine.
After taking your dishes to the kitchen, you make your way back upstairs and head to the bathroom you and Shouto share, locking the door before stripping and jumping into the shower.
The hot water helps work the knots out of your neck, and you sigh heavily as you stand under the jets of water. 
After scrubbing your hair and body, you leave the shower and brush your teeth. Enveloping yourself in a massive towel, you unlock the door and pad over to your bedroom. 
A hot shower had unsurprisingly done wonders for your mood, and you felt much better now. Although, a part of you wished you’d properly relaxed and taken a bath instead - you were sure your muscle aches would be a thing of the past if you had.
You stop short in the middle of the hall.
The door is ajar. Your door.
You’d shut it. 
Before you went to the bathroom, before you’d gone downstairs to the kitchen, you had shut your door.
Hands shaking, you reach for the handle and push it open.
It’s empty.
You sigh through your nose, closing the door behind you and heading over to your closet.
After changing into your pyjamas - sleep shorts that could just as easily pass as underwear for how short they were, and a ridiculously oversized shirt, stolen from either your father or Natsuo - you head over to the hamper in the corner of your room, dropping your towel into it and-
You let out a strangled sound, and it dies in the back of your throat as you freeze with your hand still outstretched.
Laundry was a chore you kept up to date with at all times, preferring to keep your clothing separate from the rest of your family. 
You tended to wash your underwear in a separate load too, so it often took longer to get to. 
That being said, you were supposed to do a load today, and there, on top of the full hamper, was a pair of panties.
Your favourite pair.
The lacy white undergarment lay crumpled up, discarded in a hurry. And it was covered in something thick - both creamy and white.
You feel yourself gag.
Anger- No, rage blinds you as you move to the door.
You storm downstairs, unthinking as you march into the livingroom and stand with crossed arms in front of the TV, ignoring the indignant yells that follow as both Tomura and Keigo die in the game. 
“You’re disgusting.” You spit out, your words venomous and your tone scathing as you keep a tight grip on your soiled underwear.
Touya regards you with a bored, uninterested look, pausing for the briefest moment to eye the panties crumpled in your hand. The two other men take the unprompted disruption as their chance to take a break, Tomura standing up and heading towards the bathroom.
“Hm? Did someone upset the poor sensitive baby?” He asks in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes as he holds out a hand for the controller.
“You and your disgusting degenerate friends are the ones who upset me. Stay out of my room, and keep your goddamn dicks in your pants.” You snap scornfully, glaring down at him.
He pauses, his eyes narrowing as he sits straight and leans forward, his voice dropping an octave as he stares you down intently.
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Don’t ‘what’ me, you know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Tomura returns from his trip to the bathroom, flopping down on the couch with a grunt as he restarts the game, craning his neck to peer around you at the TV.
“No. I don’t. What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about the literal cumstain one of you left on my underwear. Just because none of you have ever felt the touch of a woman doesn’t mean I appreciate you using my underwear to get your rocks off.”
His eyes lighten in amusement at the words, and the smug smirk he wears as he glances at his friends makes your blood boil.
“The kitchen, huh Shiggs? You dirty freak.”
Somehow, you don’t think the words are meant as an insult. The three laugh, ignoring you completely. Keigo even claps the blue haired reprobate on the shoulder in an almost congratulatory gesture.
Rage roars in your ears, and any sense of civility evaporates as you glare at them.
“I’m telling my mom.”
The words, however childish they may be, slip out before you can stop them. It’s all you can think to say at that moment.
Touya pauses, wrinkling his nose in an expression similar to disgust as he scoffs.
“Your mother? Ha, fuck off, I don’t care what she thinks. She’s not my mother. She’s nothing. She’s a brainless bimbo whose only purpose is to spread her legs for my asshat father.”
The words sting more than they should, considering you know they’re not true, and you bite back, uncaring of how you might hurt him as the words spill out of you, trembling hands clenched so tightly your nails dig into your palms, drawing blood.
“Yeah, well, at least she actually loves me. It’s more than you can say for your mother. And at least the rest of the family actually want me around. Fuck, at least Dad looks at me- he’s too disappointed in you to even look at your face.”
Tomura and Keigo’s reactions tell you everything you need to know. You just fucked up. Royally. 
The only sound besides the constant battering of rain against the large windows is the sharp intake of breath from Touya’s two friends, and they sit deadstill, staring between the two of you as they wait with bated breath for Touya’s response.
He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t look at you. He doesn’t even move.
The room seems frozen in time. No one moves, no words are spoken to break the silence.
You move. The smallest of steps, a miniscule shuffle to the side, towards the staircase.
It seems that’s all he needed. 
Touya is on his feet in an instant, darting towards you, but you’re already making a mad dash for the stairs.
He tackles you down before you’ve even made it halfway, grabbing your ankle and jerking you closer midstep. Your forehead collides painfully with the edge of a step and you let out a pained, strangled whimper. 
Much of what Touya tells his friends is lost to the ringing in your head. All you really register is him picking you up, feeling near weightless as he carries you past the living room, his friends’ leering gazes digging into your scalp as the two of you descend into the basement.
Your attempt at wriggling out of his arms is pathetic and half-hearted, and when you try to grab at the door frame to halt his movement, he cruelly twists your wrists, his expression unchanging at your cry of pain.
The last thing you see before the basement door closes is the enraptured gleam in Tomura’s eyes.
You weren’t ever really allowed in the basement, not that you had a reason to enter the restricted space.
Regardless, you never wanted to be down there. It was cold, and dark, and it sent a stab of unbridled panic down your spine. It only really contained your father’s old office space and a spare bedroom which had been used as a storage space for the better part of the last twelve years. All in all, it was an empty, forgotten space.
The handful of times you’d been down there never ended well.
And as usual, the problems had to do with Touya. 
Always Touya.
He’d locked you down there for hours once, before it had become essentially abandoned.
You’d been five years old, still young and believing the best of him. He’d told you it had been a game of hide-and-seek.
Only, you’d spent the better part of eight hours screaming and sobbing, completely unheard in the soundless backroom of the basement. You’d passed out on the bed sometime after the six hour mark, sleeping soundly until you were found.
Your mother had been in a panic by the time she’d found you, letting out relieved sobs of her own as she scooped you up into her arms and cradled you against her chest soothingly.
Your parents had thought, completely unaware of the truth, that you’d strayed down there alone and managed to lock yourself in. Since that moment, you’d been banned from wandering into the basement by yourself.
Similar things had happened over the years, and unsurprisingly, Touya had been the root cause of many of the problems you’d dealt with.
Presently, he tosses you uncaringly on the bed, scoffing in bored amusement as you scramble over the bed and huddle against the headboard.
Despite your earlier brashness in confronting him, you were terrified. The reality of the situation had set in, and you felt your stomach roil as Touya stared you down with heavy lidded eyes, his gaze contemplative as he scans your half-bare body.
You’d seen that look before, and it made your skin crawl. It terrified you.
It was how Tomura looked at you when he brazenly palmed the bulge in his pants.
How stupid of you, marching downstairs and confronting three grown men, as if you had any chance of winning an argument. You wished you’d had the forethought to at least put on a proper pair of pants.
You swallow thickly, clenching your trembling hands into tight fists as you straighten your spine, attempting to appear calm and unaffected.
“Okay Touya, you’ve made your point. You can stop now, I-I won’t tell anyone.”
It’s an effort to swallow your pride, but you manage the words through gritted teeth, bowing your head as you continue. 
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry for being, uh- For being mean.”
Touya rolls his eyes as he leans forward and grips your ankle tightly, his palm calloused and warm, pulling you closer in one quick jerk, your ass teetering on the edge of the bed. “Imoto…” he trails off, his tone far too sultry for the situation, caressing the inner side of your ankle with his thumb, stroking the soft skin as he tilts his head, deep in thought. 
His grip tightens again, to an almost painful extent, and you suppress a cry as the delicate bones of your ankle groan under the pressure. His voice is cold and condescending as he speaks.
“You’re so stupid.”
You lean further back as he hovers over you, surveying you with flat, emotionless eyes. 
“I don’t care that you were mean. Just like I don’t care if you tell anyone. I don’t care if they believe you either. You know why? Because no one will do anything,” he whispers, toying with the hem of your shirt as he regards you with cool indifference.
“I could do anything I wanted, and no one would say a thing. In fact, I will do what I want… Do you know what I want?”
You shake your head, hesitant and silent in your state of panic.
“Aw, imoto, you know you shouldn’t lie to your big brother,” he murmurs patronisingly, gripping the hem of your shirt as he slowly lifts it up, leaving it to rest just above your bare breasts.
His pupils are blown wide as his hand trails down your waist, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“Y’know, you’re pretty grown now, aren't ya? I wonder… Have you let anyone touch you yet?” 
He hums to himself, not pressing you for an answer as he continues in a stupor, seemingly unaware of your silent horror. You’re completely frozen, too shocked to move, to speak, to do anything. You can’t even bring yourself to lower your shirt as you listen in abject horror as he continues on.
“I really hope you haven’t. Not that it really matters… Touya-nii will take real good care of you, don’t you worry… It’s about time I treat that bad attitude of yours too.”
You’re frozen in disbelief and fear, completely paralysed as he shoves a leg between yours, keeping them open as he shifts his grip from your ankle to your hips.
The stupor is short-lived, and your struggles renew twofold as he paws at your clothed cunt. There’s a satisfying thwack sound as your foot connects with his jaw, though the sense of victory quickly fizzes out within the long bout of dead silence. Touya tilts his head to the side staring at the wall blankly, and after a few long moments, he moves, slowly facing forward again, rubbing his jaw, seemingly completely ignoring you as he works his jaw.
He huffs, the sound reminiscent of an amused scoff as he looks down at you with rage simmering in his eyes.
“Like I said: You’re so fucking stupid.”
You don’t see the slap coming. All you register is the blurred sight of his arm flying towards you, his numerous rings glinting in the lowlight of the room, and the sudden burn of his backhand striking you across the face. A short, surprised huff is all you can manage, the sharp taste of blood and the stinging pain of rapidly developing welts on your cheek distracting you from reacting.
A trembling palm presses to your tender cheek, and you look up at him with shocked eyes.
“You… hit me.”
He lets out a sardonic laugh, rolling his eyes as he clicks his tongue and caresses your cheek, condescending in his tone.
“Aw, my sweet little sister. You sound so surprised. If I’d known you were such a baby, maybe I’d have taken my rings off for you. Here-”
He pauses, pulling away as he discards his rings haphazardly, turning to frame your face with his calloused palms. His eyes soften slightly as he looks down at you, caressing your tender, reddened cheek for a moment, his fingers lovingly stroking the warm flesh before digging into the fat of your cheeks and his gaze hardens. 
The next slap feels worse than the previous, if that’s even possible.
You’re still reeling from the rough strikes, jolting out of your daze as you feel Touya’s palms ghost over the inside of your thighs. 
His gaze is focused and razor sharp as he soaks in the sight of your scantily clad core, his palms encasing the tender, soft flesh of your thighs. 
Squirming uncomfortably does nothing as he pins your hips down, shifting to kneel on the floor before the bed, yanking you closer and throwing your legs over his shoulders.
Dread drops into your stomach like a stone, making your head spin. As badly as you try to keep them at bay, tears bubble up, dripping down your temples as you sniffle, staring up at the ceiling as you beg.
“Stop– Stop!” You wail panickedly, thrashing beneath him, making no attempts to disguise your sobs. “Stop or I’ll tell Dad!” 
He lifts his head from where it was descending between your legs, grinning wickedly at the words.
“Dad? Aw, you sweet, innocent thing. He’d do the exact same thing if he could. Where do you think I get it from, huh?” he says mockingly, condescending as he slaps your cheek lightly before moving back to his previous position, his mouth dangerously close to your centre despite your tightly clenched thighs.
“Come on now, open up for me. It’ll only hurt more if I have to make you.”
A pleading whine is all you can manage as you shake your head, keeping your legs pressed together.
His eyes turn cold at that, all playfulness and teasing leaving him in an instant. He cruelly digs his fingers into the soft flesh of your thighs and huffs in annoyance at your yelp of pain, leaning forward as you jerk your legs apart from the pressure.
A moment later, his warm mouth envelopes your clothed sex.
Your hips jolt, and you gasp in surprise, eyes wide and rounded as you stare down at his bowed head between your legs.
This… This was wrong. So wrong. 
Even if you didn’t like him, even if you were loathed to admit it- He was your brother.
Your brother.
“Touya… Stop, please. Please,” you beg quietly, your voice quivering with effort as you reach down to his head, intent on pushing his face away.
You don’t get very far.
His grip is like a vice on your wrist, and he doesn’t look up and he squeezes down painfully, tutting in mock disappointment.
“Did your mother never teach you it’s bad manners to interrupt someone’s meal?” he murmurs, not looking up at you as he massages your hips, hooking his fingers over the hem of your sleep shorts.
It’s torturous. A sick, twisted punishment, the way his focus is wholly dedicated to undressing you.
Shame floods your chest, burning up your neck and over your ears.
He pulls your shorts down, inch by inch until you’re exposed to him, shivering in the cold, stagnant air of the basement. He looks up at you then, regarding you with cool indifference as he kneads the fat of your thighs.
“Itadakimasu,” he purrs softly before descending on you.
A breathy, strangled garble is all you can manage as he licks a smooth, confident stripe up your slit, twirling his tongue lightly around the bud of your clit before returning to your cunt.
His tongue is teasing, punishing as he laps at your core, slurping loudly as if to humiliate you. It works, tears of shame burning your eyes as he pulls away after a few minutes to stare up at you with an appraising eye.
“Someone’s enjoying this, hm? Look at how worked up I’ve got ya…” he hums softly, shifting his hand to rub tight circles on your clit as he stares you down.
“You’re a disgusting whore, getting off on this. Like mother, like daughter, huh?”
The words snap something inside of you, and you decide in that moment, you want to hurt him- kill him. Gouge his eyes out and shove them down his throat.
“I hate you.”
You glower and slap him across the face with as much force as you can muster, not giving him a moment to react as you kick his shoulder, sending him careening back before you jump off the bed, yanking your shirt down in the process.
Though you try to sprint for the door, your relief is short lived.
At least the floor is carpeted here, you think gratefully, sparing your head the aching reverberation as your skull bounces off the ground for the second time that evening.
He wrestles you onto your back, keeping you pinned with frightening ease.
You realise in that moment, he’d been allowing you to put up a fight. Though he seemed somewhat lanky at first glance, his torso and arms were corded with muscles. Muscles he used to keep you restrained beneath him as he ripped off your shirt, tearing through it like paper and leaving you stark naked beneath him. Your struggles had been little more than a game to him, one which he’d played along with all evening.
Screams and pleas fall on deaf ears as he snarls down at you, hatred simmering in his eyes. A thin trail of blood drips down from his cheekbone and onto your bare chest, the scratch on his face red and angry from where you’d struck him.
“I was going to be nice, get you all prepped and ready, maybe even give you an orgasm or two. But you’re such an ungrateful fucking whore,” he spits, wrapping his hand around your throat to quieten your wails.
When you continue struggling, thrashing beneath him with flailing limbs, he lifts you up slightly by your throat before slamming you down, knocking the last of your breath from your lungs. 
“Now, here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to punish you for that little stunt just now, and then I’ll let my friends upstairs have their way with you too. It’s the least you could do after you were so rude to them, hm?”
You have no words left. No hateful insults, no pleas, no threats, nothing.
All you can do is cry soundlessly as he unbuckles his belt, the metal clinking as he yanks it off and shoves his pants down his thighs, lining himself up with your mostly unprepped entrance.
He slaps your cheek lightly, shaking your head as you try to dissociate from reality.
“Nuh uh, none of that now. I want you here. Pay attention,” he hisses, gripping your jaw tightly before shifting his palm back down to your neck, his grip bruising and painful.
A pained squeak is all the noise you can manage, clawing at his hand on your throat as his cock shoves into your core.
It’s agonising, painful, feeling him force his way into you, violating you.
His hips jerk forward in short spurts, fighting against the resistance of your unprepared core with every stroke, his Jacob’s ladder rubbing your walls raw with each vicious stoke. Tears dampen your temples, burning your eyes, and you wait for the pain to subside as he pushes in to the hilt and stops with a puff, his breathing evening out after a long moment.
The two of you lay there in silence, and you suck in a shuddering, wheezing breath as he released the column of your throat. His hand travels down your bare body, coming to rest on your pubic bone as he uses his thumb to massage tight circles into your clit.
His ministrations leave your legs quaking, and your orgasm overtakes you without warning, slamming into you like a tidal wave as you whine and arch your back off the ground, begging him in broken babbles to stop.
Your pleas fall on deaf ears, and he seems to double down, grinning cruelly as he continues to flick your swollen clit.
“Come on now, you can give me one more,” he coaxes teasingly.
And you do. You cum again, your walls fluttering around his cock as your eyes roll back in your head. 
His fingers stop their tortuous movements while you pant, but you’re not granted a reprieve as he grips your hips, lifting them slightly to position the back of your ass on the top of his thighs. He jerks his hips forward, snickering as you gasp and whine before drawing his hips back and slamming forward.
The movement makes your breasts bounce, and he immediately sets an arduous pace.
You dig your fingertips into the carpet beneath you, clinging onto it for dear life as he fucks his way deeper into you, pressing your thighs to your chest. 
The noises you let out are disgraceful, moans and whines that would put a pornstar to shame, but your mind feels blank, empty of all thoughts besides the feeling of his cock filling you up, the mind numbing massage of his piercing against your gummy walls.
Touya isn’t much better off. His bottom lip is caught between his teeth and his brow is furrowed, twitching as he grunts and moans each time he bottoms out inside you, feeling your walls suck him in deeper with each stroke. You’re both covered in a light sheen of sweat, panting heavily and trembling with the exertion, and your cheeks still shine with tears.
“That’s my girl,” he murmurs. “My sweet little sister, nothing but a dumb little cumslut. What would everyone say if they could see you now, huh?”
His words are hateful and meant to hurt you, but you can’t think, can’t respond in anything but breathless moans as he pulls you closer and picks up the pace. 
“Say thank you. Say ‘thank you big brother for making me cum’. Say it.” 
He’s as demanding as ever, tweaking your nipples in punishment when you make no attempt to respond, insead laying dumb and drool covered beneath him.
“Say it,” he orders you.
“T-Thank you- fuck- thank you Touya.”
He scoffs, slapping your tits with an open palm.
“Thank you Touya-nii,” he corrects you, squishing your cheeks together with one palm as he shakes your head back and forth.
“Thank you Touya-nii,” you whine, writhing beneath him.
He rewards you by leaning forward and spitting into your squished open mouth, clamping his palm over your mouth as you gag and try to spit it out.
“Ah ah, swallow.”
You do.
He pats your cheek in a gesture that seems almost loving, shifting his fingers down to your clit once more.
“You wanna cum again? Wanna cum on your big brother’s cock?”
It’s a rhetorical question, he’s already forcing you over the edge for the third time that evening, leaving you a twitching, overstimulated mess beneath him.
"It was me, by the way. I used your underwear- I came to tell you Natsuo wouldn't be home tonight, but instead all I find is some lacy white shit."
He chuckles at your horrified expression, groaning at the feeling of your fluttering walls.
“-’m gonna fill you up,” he grunts to himself, gripping your thighs, digging his nails into the tender flesh as he uses your body.
His words fill you with cold dread, but you don’t have time to interject before he stills with a throaty groan, slumping over you as his cock twitches inside you and warmth floods your belly.
“F-Fuck, so good-” he mumbles into your chest as he presses kisses against your tits, still grinding into you as your walls twitch pathetically around him.
He huffs a spiteful laugh at the whine you let out as he pulls out of you, his cum dribbling out of your spent cunt. He lightly slaps your cunt, smirking as your legs twitch, before he sits back on his haunches and tucks his now limp dick back in his pants.
“Up. Get on the bed.”
Your mind, somewhat coherent once more, is in a frenzy.
What the fuck had you just done.
This was wrong. So, so wrong.
What would your parents say? What would your siblings say?
Oh God, if they saw this, saw you…
You feel sick, your stomach roiling as you sit up, shoulders shaking with cold realisation.
Another harsh slap to the face pulls you out of your panicked reverie.
Touya looms above you with cold eyes and an unimpressed expression.
“Get on the fucking bed. Right now. We’re not done here.”
You know by now that fighting is useless. He was so much bigger and stronger than you, so easily able to subdue you. Not to mention the other two men upstairs-
No. Please no.
But your suspicions are confirmed as Touya walks to the door and leaves the room, coming back a moment later with his two friends in tow and a cruel smirk on his face, tutting mockingly at the anguish on your face.
“I did warn you. You have to apologise for your bad manners. Come on sweetie, be a good girl for them, yeah?”
None of them wait for a response, both Keigo and Tomura pulling their aching, leaking cocks from their pants as they hover above you, leering down like a pack of hyenas. 
Touya doesn’t slap you when you try to dissociate this time, content to let his friends use you while he lounges in the armchair in the corner of the room, watching with a disinterested expression. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he seemed bored.
Keigo seems to have some sick fascination with your mouth, shoving his cock down your throat without warning or preparation and letting out a throaty moan as your throat convulses around him.
His palm remains locked around your neck, watching with rapt attention as your throat works awkwardly around the thick intrusion.
You’re almost thankful for the distraction of his cock, for the way Touya had stretched you out minutes prior, when you see the length bobbing between Tomura’s legs.
How it was possible for someone to be that big, you didn’t want to know. 
Your eyes remain transfixed in muted panic on the monstrous member as Tomura makes his way around the bed, propping you up on your knees before he spits on your cunt.
The feeling of a fat glob of spit hitting your entrance and sliding down the length of your slit makes you cringe, shivering in disgust at his actions. You’re not given a moment's warning before you feel the fat head of his cock rubbing against your entrance, trying to pry its way into your tight heat.
A panicked, muffled garble escapes you as you jerk forward, only serving to fit more of Keigo’s length down your throat in your attempt of escape.
Tomura lets out a hiss of displeasure, digging his fingertips into the fat of your hips as he jerks you back towards him, forcing the head of his cock into your pussy.
It hurts, you want to say. It won’t fit, please.
But you can’t. All you can do is choke down gags and sobs as Tomura rips through you. Everytime you think he’s bottomed out, he just keeps going. He keeps going until it feels like he’s pushed through your cervix, until he sits snugly in your stomach. 
He doesn’t give you a chance to catch your breath, doesn’t grant you the smallest of breaks like Touya did. Instead, he immediately sets a harsh, forceful pace, and each stroke feels like a punch to the gut.
From his spot in the corner of the room, Touya lets out a low whistle, leaning forward with his forearms resting on his knees.
“Look at ya. You’re loving this, aren’t ya? Hm, if I’d have known being dicked down was all you needed to shut up, I’d have done it ages ago.”
His words flow in one ear and out the other, your sole focus on not choking around Keigo’s length as he bottoms out and keeps you pinned in place with his palm planted on the back of your head.
As much as you try to ignore it, his throaty, vocal moans make your core clench around Tomura who scoffs. “You were right, she really is a whore. I can feel her sucking me in.” Touya only hums in response, watching now with an almost enthralled expression as his two friends plough into you simultaneously. “You probably love this, hah? Dumb little slut.” 
The swat he places on your ass leaves a stinging red welt on the smooth flesh.
You’re too lost in the unwanted pleasure to even think about responding. You let your mind wander elsewhere, losing yourself in the toe curling sensation of Tomura’s dick rubbing up against your walls, filling you completely.
Maybe if you pretend it’s someone else, anyone else-
You cum so hard you black out for a moment, losing any and all sensation in your hands and feet as your limbs fill with a strange fuzzy feeling. Your orgasm was so sudden, so unexpected and all-consuming that you struggle to keep yourself conscious and up on all fours, arms and legs trembling as Tomura whines through his teeth.
Keigo grips your hair at the roots, bringing your attention back to his cock as he moans, tilting his head back and flooding your throat with his cum without warning.
He tuts, pulling out of your mouth with a sigh and tapping your chin with his fingers.
“Be a big girl and swallow now, will ya?”
You wince, grimacing as you swallow down his thick, salty seed.
His smirk is devious as he pats your cheek, zipping up his pants and walking over to Touya. He leans down and whispers something in his ear, though their conversation is lost to you as Tomura flattens your chest against the mattress and picks up his pace.
You can’t stop your tongue from lolling out your mouth as he rails into you, your drool forming a puddle beneath you, soaking into the cream duvet. All you can manage is breathless, whiny moans - the only sound in the room besides his own grunts, the slick pattering of your cunt, and the banging of the headboard against the wall.
The thick duvet lays twisted beneath your fingers, and you cling to it desperately as Tomura pants above you like a dog in heat, using your cunt like some glorified fleshlight.
By the time Tomura finishes inside you, you’ve climaxed twice more. He collapses on your back, breathless as he licks a stripe up the ridges of your sweaty spine.
You’re too exhausted to even whine or wrinkle your nose in disgust. It’s all you can do to fight from passing out, puffing from the exertion.
Goosebumps cover you as the sweat cools on your skin, leaving you shivering and sticky.
Touya approaches the bed, murmuring something to Tomura, who grumbles and gets off of you with a grunt before ambling out of the room.
Once only the two of you are left in the thin silence, Touya speaks. His voice is little more than a low murmur as he crouches down next to you, softly brushing the sweaty strands of hair off your face.
“You look so pretty like this. All vulnerable and used… I hope you know how this changes things. You’re mine now. All mine.”
The sentiment makes your stomach curl. If he sees the cold dread on your exhausted face, he doesn’t comment on it, instead pressing a soft, small kiss to your temple.
“Come on, I’ll carry you to your room.”
He doesn’t wait for an answer, lifting you off the bed with ease before leaving the basement and making his way through the house, to your room. The sight of the soft, baby pink walls feel surreal after the past few hours. You feel as if you’re violating the clean, pure space of your bedroom, soiling the sheets as Touya sets you down on your bed. 
He bustles around your room, grabbing another sleep shirt and tossing it your way before coming to settle down beside you on your bed. You make no move to put on the shirt.
You don’t do much of anything but stare blankly at the wall opposite your bed.
Touya hums softly, stroking your hair.
“Ya not gonna say anything?”
There’s a pause.
“Huh. Okay then… I think you’ll move in with me. Well, Tomura and me, that is. It’s a nice place, you’ll like it.”
Again, a pause. He seems to be waiting for a reaction, a change in facial expression, something.
He sighs heavily.
“Come on, don’t be like that. It’s not as if you didn’t enjoy it. You’re lucky it was storming outside and no one’s home. I’m sure the entire neighbourhood would’ve heard you moaning like a whore.”
It’s a jibe, one meant to get a rise out of you.
“...whatever. You’ll come around sooner or later, hah?” he hums, ruffling your hair.
He stands and stretches, seeming to contemplate something for a moment before he sighs again, covering you with a blanket and leaving your room without another word.
Only once the door clicks shut, do you allow yourself to cry, your small sniffles muffled by your pillow.
Despite your fear, your strained emotions, the ache between your thighs and in your jaw…
You fall asleep, curled up in a tight ball beneath a pile of blankets.
Unconsciousness welcomes you with open arms, and you pray that you stay asleep indefinitely, not wanting to wake up and deal with what had happened. 
You dream of shadowy figures, larger and faster than you, with glinting silver jewellery and cruel smirks, all looming over you.
And when you wake up hours later, you awake all your belongings packed up in cardboard boxes, and to Touya next to you in bed, his fingers pumping in and out of your core, his other palm massaging your breast.
He nips at your ear, smirking against your neck. "Morning imoto..."
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phantasmiac · 1 year
civilian touya who has an awkward relationship with his family. puts the civil in civilian. he got all his angst and rage out of his system during his teenage years, and enji’s been on a self improvement journey for some time now. things should be good now — but he only visits home once every two months (sometimes even less often) and no phone call with him ever lasts any longer than five minutes (unless you’re natsuo. then you get an extra five). and no matter how hard fuyumi or rei attempt to pry on the occasions he does join them at the dinner table, whatever he’s been up to recently is still a mystery for the most part by the time he leaves. touya loves his family, because loving unconditionally is just in his nature. but he spent so much time being angry and pushing them away during his teenage years that he doesn’t really know them anymore — and he can’t bring himself to trust people he doesn’t know.
civilian touya who randomly brings home his hot tattooed gf one day. rei’s eyes are sparkling as she laughs and chats with you, hand resting over your own in that warm motherly way. and the whole time enji’s sat like a fucking statue with an unreadable expression on his face that makes him look constipated. he’s trying so hard not to say oh brother 🙄 so this is what touya’s gotten himself into. he hasn’t gotten to the chapter about conservatism in his self help book. he doesn’t say anything because everyone seems to really like you and touya’s been watching you and his mom talk with a fondness that’s lowkey causing cracks in his stone cold heart. but secretly, he’s betting that this relationship isn’t gonna make it touya’s next visit.
civilian touya who brings you over again…. and again…. and again. enji’s so bewildered and stressed at the fact that he was wrong it’s comical. and he has yet to voice his concerns to anyone else bc he doesn’t want to look like an asshole so he just has this ongoing bet with the voice inside his head that you and touya are going to break up any minute now. everyone else has joined touya in being infatuated with you because you’re great — but also because touya’s now started to visit more often and there’s a constant grin on his face that they haven’t seen since he was a little boy. and enji swears he won’t fall for your little tricks! he’s absolutely livid when a chuckle escapes him at a juvenile joke you made. scandalized by the fact that he’s a little curious about the meaning behind one of your tattoos — you’re not gonna get him to ask 😡
civilian touya who announces that you’re five weeks pregnant a year and a half into your relationship. rei cries. because she’s going to be a grandma, of course, but also because he actually chose to share the news with them instead of suddenly disappearing to some foreign country to raise a family in secret — something she’s convinced the touya before you would have done just to avoid being open with them. and enji, thinks this might just be his aha! moment. having a baby this soon, out of wedlock? bound to fall apart. for once, he hopes he’s wrong.
civilian touya who has one hand stabilizing the smiley, toothless baby girl sitting on his lap and the other holding your left, thumb rubbing the aquamarine gemstone on your ring finger. enji watches his firstborn dote on his own and silently reminisces the first few months of touya’s life. he remembers being full of love for someone for the first time in his entire life, and being terrified; it was all more than he knew what to do with. touya seems to know exactly what to do with it all when he coos at his two girls. love was never a challenge for him — just finding somewhere to place it.
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★ a/n: i wrote this with the panel from 388 in mind and that’s the ONLY reason shouto isn’t mentioned. ily bby it’s not what it looks like
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sweetbbyshion · 1 year
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Little Brother
-> Touya Todoroki (Dabi) x Reader (they/them pronouns used)
characters: Touya Todoroki (Dabi), Shoto Todoroki
genre: fluff
summary: touya introduces you to his family and the youngest todoroki grows attached to you
warnings: established relationship (between dabi and the reader), mentions of past trauma, this is set on a alternative setting where quirks aren't a thing and the todorokis are trying to be a better family
I do have more ideas for different parts so let me know if you're interested in this becoming a series of dabi fluff feat his family (in particular shoto)
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When you first started dating Touya, meeting his family was the scariest thing you could think of. Touya was honest when he told you he and his family had a rough start but were trying to get on good terms again. He always seemed happy when he was talking about his siblings, telling you silly stories about their childhood or how the weekly phone call with them went.
After a few months of dating, Touya decided to ask you to visit his family for the weekend. You could have lied and said you had exams or even been honest and tell him you weren't sure but the way Touya’s eyes sparkled in hope made you unable to deny his request. His mom seemed sweet and from what Touya told you, she already loved you; his dad you weren't so sure but your boyfriend assured you that he wouldn't be mean or anything; you were almost sure you would get along with Fuyumi; Natsuo was too much like Touya so if you managed to get along with your boyfriend, you are sure you will be able to get along with Natsuo; Shoto, however, was the person who scared you the most. He was only twelve and you know how hard teenage boys can be to deal with. Touya guaranteed that Shoto would like you, that he doesn't even talk much but that made you more nervous. How were you supposed to bond with a twelve year old boy that doesn't speak? More than anything, you wanted Touya’s family’s approval and that meant every single one of them.
The days prior to the big meeting, you kept annoying Touya with multiple questions about Shoto, trying to get an idea of what you could say to start a conversation. Your boyfriend wasn't very useful on the matter, simply brushing you off with “you’ll be ok, stop worrying your pretty head.” You hated him (but not really). So you ignore the urge to choke Touya to death and mentally prepare yourself. If everything goes wrong, you will have to lock yourself in his room until it's time to leave.
Your university isn't that far away from Touya’s house so, as he drives, you start to think that maybe you should have stayed home. It might be too soon to meet his family, you haven't been dating for long. Touya’s hand squeezes your thigh as a sign of reassurance. You try to focus on the music for the rest of the ride. Your heart starts beating faster when Touya parks in front of a house. You leave the car without thinking, set on getting this over with as fast as possible. Your boyfriend goes to the trunk to get both of your small bags for the weekend and starts walking in front of you. He knocks on the door and your breath gets caught in your throat. A boy that looks too much like Touya without his piercings opens the door and instantly hugs your boyfriend. Touya ruffles his hair and steps to the side. “This is my partner.” he introduces, then says your name. Natsuo bows slightly and tells you to get in, expressing how happy he is to meet you. There's a faint smell of food coming from the kitchen and two women that look so much alike come out to say hi. You bow at them but Rei has a warm smile as she hugs you, communicating how much Touya has talked about you, making your tough looking boyfriend blush slightly as he tries to hide his face on his sister’s hair. Fuyumi hugs you next, asking you to drop the formalities as they already consider you family.
“You're trying to steal my partner already and we just arrived.” Touya says in a playful tone.
Rei pats his cheek before pulling him for a hug, squeezing him a bit and saying she missed him. You hear the sweetness in Touya’s voice as he murmurs “I missed you too.”
Fuyumi lets everyone know that dinner is almost ready and that their father will be home soon. From what she said, Shoto was in his room doing homework but she thinks it's an excuse to hide for a little longer since he seemed nervous to meet his big brother’s partner. Your heart warms a bit to the thought that you weren't the only one nervous about this meetup.
You follow Touya to his room to place your bag and take a moment to look around.
“Your room is so… empty.”
“Never really decorated it. Plus, most of my stuff I took with me to the dorm.” you hum in acknowledgment. “I told you they would like you.”
“I still haven't met your dad or your younger brother.”
“I don't give a fuck about what my dad thinks and Shoto will like you.” Touya hugs your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. “It’s hard to believe but he's a lot like me. And you managed to make me fall in love with you so I think it will be fine.” you sigh, turning on his embrace to hug him back. “I love you, don't worry too much.”
You whisper that you love him back and hug him a bit tighter. Touya always managed to feel like home and you felt comfortable in his arms.
A soft knock on the door catches your attention and Touya lets you go to open it. A boy with two colored hair stares at the both of you. “Mom said dinner’s ready.”. Touya looks back at you and you bow slightly to the boy, introducing yourself. Shoto simply turns around and leaves the room. Touya is quick to follow him and hooking his arm around Shoto’s neck, ruffling his hair violently while arguing with him to have manners. While you were a bit sad about the way the youngest Todoroki reacted, you didn't blame him and you laughed at your twenty years old boyfriend acting like a baby as they both got scolded by Rei.
Todoroki Enji was already in the living room. He was definitely the scariest person in the room right now. Tall and broad with a dark aura. He was hard to ignore, towering over anyone and everyone. You got goosebumps with the way he glared at you and you were quick to bow respectfully as you introduced yourself yet again. Touya doesn't say much more than a simple “Hey dad.” before Fuyumi is urging everyone to sit down at the table. His dad definitely had an undertone that made the room feel more tense, quieter, the complete opposite of Rei’s calmer, sweeter spirit.
You were already expecting some questions but you didn't think Touya’s dad would be the one to ask you most of them, giving small hums every time you replied. You didn't know if he was judging you or not, the man kept a straight face all the time and his eyes were impossible to read. His voice was audibly softer when he talked to Touya and you wondered if that was his way of trying to be better to his son. Fuyumi is the one telling you a bit more about the family, talking about how she wants to be a teacher and Natsuo is about to start high school. Then she proudly spoke about how smart Shoto is in school, always getting good grades. Apparently, Shoto was the smartest among the siblings, Fuyumi said, which made Touya hold back his pout as he argued that he was doing pretty well in university. “I bet Shoto couldn't get better grades than me!” “He’s only twelve Touya!”.
The dynamic of the family seemed a lot better than how it was during Touya’s childhood but you notice that Shoto doesn't take his eyes away from the food as the conversation keeps going.
“What's your favorite subject?” you ask him, quietly so the attention doesn't go back to him.
“I don't know.” Shoto simply says before asking to leave the table, then getting up to put his dishes inside the washing machine.
Your brows furrow as you watch the boy leave the room. You decide not to bother the young boy for the rest of the night, focusing on helping Rei clean everything before settling down on the couch next to your boyfriend. Touya’s dad announced that he was going to his room and his mom followed soon after, telling her younger kids that they need to go to their beds soon, getting protests from Natsuo. The four of you decide on a movie and you cuddle your boyfriend’s warm body, drifting between being awake and asleep merely twenty minutes into the movie. Fuyumi is the next one to leave the living room, admitting that she's already tired. She ends up dragging Natsuo since he was almost asleep on the couch, leaving you and Dabi alone in the living room.
Dabi plays with your hair as he murmurs in a soft voice “Are you feeling better? Calmer?”. You nod, cuddling closer to him as you take a deep breath, feeling his scent bring you comfort. “I’m sorry Shoto was a bit rude.”
“It's alright. I understand.” you murmur sleepily. “I’m not mad at him or anything, it's not my place. I believe we’ll have more opportunities to talk.”
“Yeah, I’m not letting you go so you'll definitely have more opportunities to talk to him.” he chuckles, pulling you closer. Let's go to bed, baby.” You let yourself get dragged to the room by your boyfriend. Like he usually does, Dabi helps you take off your clothes and change before softly wiping off your makeup while your eyes fight to stay open. He will then change his own clothes quickly to snuggle you in bed. Dabi always makes himself appear scary and people usually say he's intimidating but you have to disagree because, as Dabi hugs your waist and hides his face on your chest, he always looks like a cuddle away from actually purring. Dabi argues that he will have nightmares if he's not being held by you so you spend most nights with him clinging onto you while you play with his hair until he falls asleep. It's only fair that he asks for that now that he's back in his childhood home.
When you wake up on the next day, Saturday, your boyfriend is shaking you awake because his brother already came calling him for breakfast. Breakfast is a lot quieter than last night's dinner. You help Rei clean everything, not missing Shoto asking Touya if he wanted to play a video game with him. Fuyumi is sitting on the floor, books scattered all over the coffee table and Natsuo is almost falling asleep on the couch. Shoto and Touya are sitting side by side, each holding a controller while they choose a character in Mario Kart. Rei announces that she's going to the supermarket, kissing all of her children’s forehead before leaving. Touya pats the place next to him when he sees you and you quickly sit down, striking a conversation with Fuyumi about what she is studying.
“You're shit at this game.” the youngest Todoroki murmurs. Touya gasps dramatically, a hand going on his chest as he looks at his brother. “Shoto! Language!” his brother simply rolls his eyes, snatching the controller away from him.
“Do you want to play with me?” It takes you a few seconds to realize Shoto is talking to you, his arm stretched in your direction. You can't control your smile as you reach for the controller, ignoring the smirk Touya sends your away. Shoto doesn't talk much unless he's replying to a jab his brother sends him. “You're a lot better than Tou.” Touya, like the drama queen he is, immediately jumps to try to tickle his brother, putting his head on a headlock. You're left to pull your boyfriend back, warning him about how Shoto is getting redder by the second because of the uncontrollable laughter. Shoto cleans the tears in his eyes while you're holding your boyfriend in your arms to stop him from jumping back to tickling his brother. With his back turned to you, you make a signal with your head, hoping Shoto understands the message. He's still laughing when he starts tickling Touya and you do your best to keep him in place as he starts screaming apologies.
You smile as you watch the two brothers catching their breaths side to side and you understand why Touya said his younger brother was a lot like him. As they sit next to each other, you can see the similarities in their expressions. Touya scares you by dropping his head on your shoulder, still breathing heavily. “Are you sure you're 20?” you ask, not able to stop your giggles. “Keep laughing and you're next.”
“I won't let you.” Shoto’s voice surprises you. “They're cooler than you so I can't let you attack them.”
After that day, Shoto visibly grew closer to you. It was barely noticeable but he didn't seem as uncomfortable with your presence. You would hear him ask Touya when were you going back during their weekly calls, begging your boyfriend to visit them the next weekend and bring you along. Touya would argue and whine that his little brother was trying to steal you from him but you would just shut him down by flicking his forehead. You certainly started seeing Shoto as a little brother too and couldn't be happier that he liked your company. Even if it made his older brother act like a baby every time you spent time together. You don't even remember a time when you were nervous to meet Touya's family.
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thehusbandoden · 10 months
A Day Off -Dad! Dabi x Mom!Reader
It's really late but I finished this a little while ago and wanted to post it now.
Fluff | 1,471 words
Dabi's real name used + (spoilers below)
An au where Touya doesn't become Dabi the villain, but instead a loving father to your three kids. (Plus the number one hero)
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Touya grinned as he finished breakfast, happy to help you out and give you a well deserved break.
You and Touya have been married for eight and a half years. You two met at UA high, and an epic love story commenced. You two were made for each other, finding one another again again, no matter how many times you thought things were entirely over.
Touya gave you happiness in life, and you gave him sanity. He almost ran from home many times, and even got seven miles out of the city on foot before you found him, panting on your bicycle.
Touya was quite mad at you for going so far alone at night, and you were utterly livid that he just tried to leave you.
Before Touya could scold you, you blew up on him, tears running down your cheeks as you cussed him out, telling him if he ever tried to leave you again you would hunt him down and break his legs.
Even as you threatened him he hugged you, rubbing his hands up and down your back for comfort.
You two called a friend to pick you up, and you went on with your life. A little more in love with each other than before.
And here you two were, twelve years later. Married, with three kids.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Haru squealed, pulling on Touya's "kiss the chef" apron, red pig tails bouncing up and down.
"Yes, Pumpkin?"
"Mommy awake"
"Already? Go show her your picture, try to stall her, mkay?"
Touya smiled as the four year old ran off to stall her mother, heart melting at her innocence.
Going back to cooking, Touya hoped you would be distracted for at least a few more minutes.
~Your pov:~
Confused, you picked up your phone to check the time.
Panicking, you bolt up from bed, sprinting towards the door, stubbing your toe on a toy.
Inwardly cursing, you open the door to your shared bedroom, making your way into the hallway.
"Mommy! Wook at my dwawing!" Haru exclaimed, heterochromatic eyes shining as she shoved the paper in your face.
"Oh it's so pretty! Why don't you go show Daddy while Mommy goes to get your brothers ready?"
Haru smiled and ran away with a giggle, making her way to the kitchen.
Sighing, you made your way to your boys' room. Opening the door, you were surprised to see their beds empty.
"Taro, Riku~!" You call, walking towards the kitchen.
"We're in the entrance mom!" Taro calls, bringing you towards his voice.
"I'm sorry I woke up late, let's get ready quickly, and I'll buy you guys breakfast on the way there." You coo, stepping into the entrance of your home.
"But- we're not gonna be late. And we already ate!" Riku replied, popping his (h/c) head out to look at you.
"Hey mama, I already got everything handled, go get some more sleep." Dabi hummed, eyes soft as his head popped out as well, turquoise eyes soft as he smiled at you.
"You... You are amazing." You sigh, smiling up at your husband as he hummed, walking towards you.
"Well if you think I'm that amazing, you could always reward me with a kiss?" Touya smirked, leaning towards your lips teasingly.
Chuckling, you slowly closed the distance.
Right as your lips met your kiss was interrupted by your kids' squeals.
Haru was squealing in joy, always happy to see her parents show affection to one another.
Riku was disgusted, never wanting to see anybody receive any sort of affection besides what he got from both his beloved mommy and daddy.
And Taro- the only one who didn't squeal.
He was beet red.
He dreams of the day when he finds the perfect woman -much like his perfect mama- and has a family of his own.
He loves both of his parents. And strives to be the perfect husband and dad -like his daddy- and find the perfect wife -like his mama-.
You smiled as Riku wailed in despair, shaking Haru as she jumped up and down, Taro only staring at his parents in awe.
"Ri-ri, you'll give your sister a headache, quit that. Ru, you're gonna pass out if you don't calm down, and Ro, for the sake of your ma, you need to breathe." Touya sighed, a smile on his lips as he eyed his gorgeous mismatched children in adoration.
Taro, the seven year old eldest by forty three minutes.
He has crimson red hair resembling Touya's. He got his grandma's eyes, but also a splash of yours. Resulting in gorgeous steel gray eyes with a breathtaking splash of (e/c) around the pupils. His facial structure is most similar to Touya's, but he takes after your personality, attitude, and tendies.
Though it would be hard to tell by someone who's not close to your family due to his shy nature concealing it.
He's known for his respectful, peaceful, and polite nature. The calmer of the twins, and the least likely to cause any sort of problem.
Riku, the younger, rambunctious twin.
Riku has (h/c) hair and turquoise eyes. He looks almost exactly like his mum, and gets his fiery personality from his dad.
He's known as the trouble maker, but he does have his gentle moments.
And the four year old youngest, Haru.
Haru has crimson hair like her daddy and big brother. And, like her uncle Shoto, has two different eye colors. Her left eye is the same gorgeous color of her mama's, and her right eye is the same breathtaking turquoise as her dad's. She looks identical to her dad, and has a fun, very very bright personality.
She's known for her sweetness, creativity, and selflessness.
Touya was snapped out of his thoughts as Haru and Riku pulled at his sleeves, warning him that they'd be late if they didn't hurry.
Laughing he pecked you on the lips before following his darlings out the door, telling you that he'd be right back.
It was half an hour later when Touya walked back in, immediately finding his place on top of you as you laid on the couch.
"Oof- hey baby.. where's Haru?"
"She's at uncle Shoto's house. I thought we could use some alone time."
"Oh? And what are you planning on doing?"
Shifting his way so he could look you in the eyes, he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
Twelve minutes later you were laughing in the kitchen as Touya licked the brownie mix off of the side of your mouth, holding your waist to keep you steady.
"To-To-Touya!" You laugh, pushing your beloved back playfully.
"Hmm?" He asks, pulling you in for a chocolate tasting kiss.
"We need to finish these so we can have room for the cleaning, cuddles, and movie date." You breathe against his lips, making him groan.
"But you taste so good!" He wails in despair, falling against the fridge dramatically.
"Help me get these in the oven and I'll reward you with a kiss~." You coo, instantly seizing the pro's attention.
Two batches of brownies and one marathon of cleaning later, you and Touya were cuddled up on the couch, remote and brownies in hand.
"Oooh! Let's watch (f/m)!"
"UGHH~ we are xnotx watching that again!"
"Why not? It's a great movie."
"And we've seen it forty thousand and a bajilion times."
"You are xsox immature To."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am no-"
"This is exactly what I'm talking about!"
"You're doing it too~!"
"Fine! What movie do you want to watch?"
"Princess Bride."
"No way."
"And why not? Princess Buttercup~."
"Because we've seen it seventy thousand, bajilion times~!"
"I have no idea who you are talking about. You own no child here." Shoto stated, voice as monotone as ever.
"Umm what the fu- fudge! Fudge!" Touya growled, rubbing his side where you just elbowed him.
"Sho we need Haru." You smile, pinching Touya's arm playfully, causing him to yelp.
"Haru is mine now."
"Oh no she is not. Give me back our daughter." Touya growled, stepping close to the menace of a little brother he has.
"You do not have a dau-"
"Shoto dear.. give us our Haru or we will personally burn your favorite cold soba restaurant, all the others and all of the factories producing the ingredients and instant noodles." You smile, eyes holding an evil only a protective parent or lover could produce.
Shoto's face paled as he stepped inside, quickly returning with a sleeping Haru in his arms.
"I- I was kidding.. please don't burn my soba." Shoto pouted, usually monotone voice holding a certain fear.
".. we'll count this as a warning." You drawl, staring Shoto down meaningfully.
Slightly nodding, Shoto quickly closed his door, shivering at the thought of no soba.
Similar to this: Anything For my Queen
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Comments, Requests, and Reblogs are always appreciated<33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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Something to pay attention to is how Tenko and Touya grew on this kind of families that followed the traditional role of the father as the leader of the house, holding the power, making the rules and the choices, while the mother was relegated to a second place of caring for the children in the terms the man stipulated and keeping the house in order.
Rei and Nao were treated by her husbands more like subordinates taking orders than mothers that should have equal saying when their kids and their house are related to the problem. Whenever you are trying to study the Todoroki and Shimura family, you need to acknowledge they had a bad power dynamic based on misogyny and strong patriarchy.
Nao and Rei were victims of their husbands too, explicitly in Rei's case and implicitly in Nao's case. In both stories is mentioned that Enji and Kotaro held all the economic power of the family, which if you remember is the main reason behind Rei and Enji's marriage happened, and a (probable) factor behind why Nao's parents didn't interven for Tenko's sake, since it was not their house per se but Kotaro's. In both cases we can appreciate the way Nao and Rei are ignored and dismissed as authorities in their own houses, treated as more an employee than you know, a woman who has equal part as a head of the house. And in both cases the story goes as far as to show us how Hana and Fuyumi couldn't get Touya and Tenko's pain beause they didn't receive the same treatment from her dads, which was not a good thing at all but rooted in their misogyny; Enji and Kotaro'd ignored their daughters too, not caring if they were as rebellious as their sons, because in their minds the girls were just girls and well, they weren't a big threat. Hana resorted to lying in fear of her dad punishing her and becoming invisible almost whenever her dad was mad, while Fuyumi was pushed away early on and had to fulfil the mother role once Rei couldn't be there anymore.
That is the house Tenko and Touya grew up in, that's the house that abused them and their mothers and their siblings for years and years. Tenko says it explicitly: this's the house my father made, and Touya calls out his mom when she tried to act as an authority in the house: I know you married my dad for money and we are simply experiments so don't act like you you have any control here. It'll do you good to you all to remember the kids do not know their mothers challenged their fathers for them, they feel betrayed by their moms without understanding their situation or why things are like that (they are only kids!) and Rei and Nao were not perfect, they have a part in how things went down, but you can never ever compared them to her husbands without acknowledging any of this.
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class1akids · 1 year
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I'm still not over what a huge contrast this is: the warmth with which Hawks is hugging Tokoyami vs the way Shouto is left all by himself with nobody in the family even looking his way or reacting to him passing out.
This is not an isolated event btw - Hori has been blueballing us on any kind of comfort for Shouto from his family. It started with off-screening his reunion with Rei, and choosing instead to show Rei and the entire family supporting Endeavor.
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And yes, Shouto was called the "hero of the family" - but didn't get really any emotional support or physical comfort for himself. Being the hero comes with the burden and expectation to save everyone always - an expectation Shouto already carried.
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And Shouto has been giving and giving - support, encouragement, reassurance and every last bit of power he has to save them. He's made himself the target of Touya's rage to shield everyone else and swallowed every punch, every insult. But still, there is no end to the hurt. There is no comfort or emotional resolution. There is no visual narrative yet to counter this image:
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or even just something like the simple image of Endeavor crawling over to Touya.
So either HK really, really hates Shouto or his arc is not ended yet and this complete lack of care is a sign that this is not his real ending.
I just think it would be really odd to have a good chunk of a character's arc be about his family and ending it with his family comforting each other (Endeavor with Touya, Natsuo and Fuyumi holding Rei and each other) and leaving Shouto alone, isolated and with no warmth or comfort, with still this image being the last, on-panel, canon hug he got from his mom:
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I am choosing to stay optimistic, and think that Hori knows what he's doing. Even if he's going for a bittersweet ending for the Todoroki family, there is no reason to keep withholding comfort from Shouto or to keep him looking like an outsider in the family he fought so hard for.
So I fully expect a proper resolution, where he is shown the kind of affection, acknowledgement and care that other characters are getting.
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snowflakeanimelover · 2 years
Here For You
Relationship: Hawks/Keigo Takami x Female Reader, Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Female Reader
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Warnings: Reader is pregnant, reader and hawks are married, major fluff, reader being sneaky, cute, friendship
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— — — —
“Morning, Little Bird.” Keigo’s voice was bright. Too bright for my groggy morning. One hand rubs my eye while the other gently rubs my bulging stomach. I let out a low growl in annoyance with not having much sleep that night. The hero gave me a slight pout in worry. “You okay?”
He knows my answer. And I would never yell at him for my terrible night. He also had a not-so-good night, even though he had to work all day. He tried his best to help me sleep better all night. With each kick the baby threw at me, I was groaning and wriggling in bed from the pain. The baby wouldn’t sleep along with me.
I smiled up at him the best I could through my tired state. A quick peck on his lips made his pout go away. “I’m okay. I’ll live.” 
“Try to get some sleep today. Oh, and who would you want to stay with today?” Keigo was ready to get his phone out, about to call a hero for help. Being pregnant with a pro hero has its perks. Keigo doesn’t allow me to be alone unless I use the restroom. Some days are with Endeavor, who is incredibly cute when he’s so awkward to talk to me. Some days are with Best Jeanist, a very kind gentleman. 
I shake my head. “Don’t worry, I set up the day with Mirko.” 
“Mirko? Are you sure?” he asks, his eyebrows raising in another bout of worry this morning.
My small hands hold onto my stomach instinctively. “Of course! What's wrong with her?”
His golden brown eyes avoid mine. “Well…she’s a great friend, but she can be a little too….”
“Excited, I know.” I giggle. “But she’s good at protecting me. She also makes sure I eat well.”
His shoulders slump, his arms wrapping around me tightly for a warm hug. “If you say so. Be careful, alright?” He then kisses the base of my stomach, his big gloved hands holding it. “And you, baby bird, be nice to mom.”
I smile at the kind soon-to-be father in front of me. Keigo has been excited for a child of his own to appear in the world. And with the known fact that it’s a girl, our minds were screaming with questions. What kind of quirk is she going to get? Hawks quirk? My quirk? Or both? What hair color or style will she have? What eye color will she have? 
It’s been around seven months since I first got pregnant. It was a surprise, given that we discussed having a baby together during that time. We didn’t actually plan it right on the spot. Nonetheless, we were excited. 
I wave my husband goodbye as he flies high in the sky. Now, it was time for me to go see Mirko. After getting ready for the day and grabbing my purse, I head out to the car Mirko sent me. Mirko was actually working today. She said she’d have one of her trusted sidekicks drive me to her. When in reality, that wasn’t where I was going.
“So, did he suspect it?” Mirko’s cheery and excited voice echoed through the phone. 
I laugh lightly at her question. “No. And from the looks of it, he just flew off to do his job.” I glanced back through the car window as much as I could. Keigo’s red wings disappeared at a fast pace farther away from me. He was trying to be sneaky, watching me make sure I got into the car safely and I was watched over. It makes me laugh, knowing he wasn’t aware of me finding out about his tactics.
With a click of her tongue, Mirko chuckles. “That damn bird. He’s so dense sometimes. You’d think he’d do a better job at protecting you and your baby.”
I cooed at her. “Awe, don’t be so mean to my husband. He’s trying his best.”
“Anyways, if you’re not back to my agency in two hours, I’m gonna go and find you.” She half threatens.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be okay, I promise.” I end the call after saying goodbye. Once my phone is back in its rightful place in my purse, I rest my hands over my stomach. I rub circles here and there to let the baby know I’m here for her.
— — — —
The wind wrestled my hair when I stepped out of the car. The sounds of the harsh waves against the dark rocks of the island were so loud I could barely hear my driver's words. At some point, he understood my words, letting me enter the prison.
“Mrs. Takami.” A tall man approaches me. “How have you been?” 
I smiled kindly at the man, surrounded by multiple police officers. “I’m doing alright, Best Jeanist. Thank you for taking time out of your day to come. I really appreciate it.” I then smile at the men around him. They all blushed and nodded to my acknowledgment.
“It’s not a problem. Are you sure you’ll be alright doing this?” He asks quietly.
“I do have you here with me. I trust you.” My hand rests on his extended arm, his body too tall for me to reach for his shoulder. Best Jeanist has been a good friend of mine, along with Keigo. After everything that has happened, the war with the League of Villains and their army, I have often seen the jean hero. He’s very willing to help watch over me and protect me. But once, he promised he wouldn’t tell Keigo about my secret plan for the day. “I mean, you are going to be the godfather of our child.” I rested my hand on my stomach for the tenth time that day. A habit for a pregnant woman.
The man blushed lightly under his long jean collar. “It’s ready for you this way.” He encourages me to follow him.
Standing by his side, syncing our steps, I decided to bring up some topics to push the silence away. “How has your successor been doing?” 
Best Jeanist chuckles at my words. “He’s not really my successor.” I giggle, knowing he really wasn’t. But with how attached the boy is to the hero, it’s hard to believe that he isn’t his successor. “But he is…growing.” 
I hum. “Has he picked a hero name yet?”
“He’s still having trouble with that factor.”
“So, Lord Explosion Murder – or whatever – doesn’t work? Too bad.” The boy, Katsuki Bakugo from U.A., was a delight to meet. His unnecessarily loud voice and bad manners were indeed a surprise, but he was still kind to me in the best way he could make it.
“I’ll protect you when I’m around, got it?!” He once angrily blurted out after seeing him for the first time for only an hour or so. Keigo cringed at the words and nervously whispered to me how much he didn’t like the idea of me being around him. I didn’t care what my husband said. Bakugo was a fun boy to be around.
My thoughts are soon interrupted when Best Jeanist stops in front of a door. A giant window and a view of the jail cell were by the door. The window allows the guards to keep an eye on the prisoner. Looking through the window broke my heart. All but a big white room caging the prisoner was there. No windows for the outside to peak in. No sunlight to keep the prisoners sane. 
It was traumatizing to see such a thing for a friend. 
“Here it is. Would you like me to be there with you?” The hero asks.
I shook my head silently. “It’s okay. He’s a good friend. I know he wouldn’t hurt me.” His eyes lingered on me a bit longer, as if he was debating whether to let me in by myself or not. Bless his heart for being such a good friend and trying to protect me. But I came here for a reason. And that reason is essential.
The door opens slowly, letting the bright white light from the room shine into the dark hallway. I held my stomach tightly in nervousness, silently telling my child everything would be alright. I then take a few steps into the room, listening for the door to shut loudly behind me. 
A man, with a collar trapped around his throat and his wrists tightly cuffed, was in the room; his body frozen from my appearance. The collar is a new invention to keep people from using their quirks while it’s on.
The man had white hair, just like the walls, and his skin still looked the same. Burnt skin mixed with the fresh, only holding on by the staples. His piercing blue eyes look up at my own. His eyes widened slightly at my appearance. 
His silence was devastating. Was he happy, scared, or angry to see me? With a deep inhale through my nose, I prepare to say my first words to the man in a year. 
“Hey, Touya. It’s good to see you.” My smile was gentle, telling him that I wanted to see him. That I’m here for him. 
“Why…are you here?” He asks, still frozen in his spot on his white-covered bed. Everything in the room was white, besides the flesh on the man himself. White prison clothes, that actually looked pretty comfy, covered his scarred body. 
I decided to risk it, taking a few steps forward. I was now only one step away from him. “It’s been a long time. And…well, I wanted to bring you news.” 
He followed my hand, resting on my stomach, noticing the news. Before he knew it, I was sitting beside him on the bed. He flinched at the contact of my arm brushing against his, and he scooted a little away from me. 
I quickly grab hold of his arm, his eyes staring at the contact. “It’s okay, Touya. I trust you.”
“Why? I’m a villain. You know what I did to people.” He scowls.
“Like any other villain.” I giggle, softly letting go of his arm to give him space. “We were friends as kids, you know. Practically siblings, with how much I spent at your house. Don’t you remember?”
He avoided looking at me entirely. “Touya is dead.” He says without hesitation. “I’m Dabi. A villain with no feelings and no care in the world.” The way he turned to look at me with those cold, dead eyes sent a shiver down my spine.
But I wouldn’t give up. 
My eyebrows screwed together out of frustration at his lack of participation. This was certainly not how I thought it would go. “Give me your hands,” I demand, reaching out for them. He didn’t try to pull away
when I grabbed his cold, calloused hands, watching what I would do. Although his wrists were closely stuck together, I managed to put one of his hands flat against my stomach. 
The way life was brought back to his eyes in a quick moment made me want to tear up. “What the–” He protested, trying to pull his hands away. I used what little bit of quirk I had to keep him there. My quirk had weakened with the baby almost on the way, but my strength was still there. He couldn’t get away with my quirk, my strength overpowering his. 
“Don’t you get it?” He growls. “You shouldn’t be here! You shouldn’t be close to me–” His words were stopped when a sudden dull pain was felt in my stomach. A kick from my baby girl. He looked at his hand with widened eyes, too shocked to process what he had just felt.
“I think she likes you.” I smile at him. 
His posture was immediately relaxed as he scooted himself an inch closer to me. He was now intrigued by the baby in my stomach. “...She…?” He finally spoke.
“Yeah. It’s a girl.” My eyes started to tear up. It was a miracle watching the villain in front of me grow as a person. The way he relaxed his hand as he gently moved his hand just a bit to feel my stomach. Like he was searching for another kick. “She’ll be your niece.” Why wouldn’t she be? This man was my best friend, like an older brother, when we were kids. Not a day without seeing him smile and laugh with me back then. 
“This isn’t okay.” He says, still refusing to take his hand away from the baby bump. 
“Touya, what isn’t okay is to not be in my child's life,” I argue, determined to show him how much he is loved. 
“But why? Why do you care so much? After everything I’ve done….” He whispers.
“Because…I know it is still good for you. You can be helped and cured in a way where you can go back to your old life. Where you can go find someone to love and maybe even have a family.” I hold his hand gently. “Because this life right here and now…it isn’t you. I mean, look at you! You’re practically connecting with my baby right now!”
He stayed quiet. His eyes squinted as he thought about my words. “I want you to be the uncle my daughter has never had. Someone she can look up to. Someone you can protect.”
I hugged him tightly after those words, letting my tears freely fall. Silence took over as I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder. He was embracing my warmth.
“...Is it Keigo’s…?” He asks, his voice half muffled from behind me. 
I nod, letting him go and wiping away the stray tears. “Yeah. we got married.” I lift my hand to show him the ring.
“How far along are you?” 
“Seven months. Coming into eight.”
“Damn. And you're still strong as hell.” He comments.
I giggle loudly. “Oh, stop! I’ve definitely gotten weaker because of this child.”
A genuine smile spread on his face as he softly observed me. “Does he know you're here?” He glances at the two-way mirror next to the door. We were unable to look at the people on the other side. 
I glance at the window as well. “No. He doesn’t know I’m here. He would never allow me to see you, especially while pregnant.”
He chuckles. “Overprotective much?” He sarcastically says. “That’s good. You're someone worth protecting. Especially that child.” He nods to my stomach.
“And I’ll be sure to visit you with her. She’ll be delighted to see you.” I smile once more.
He went quiet after I said that. His thoughts went wild as he stared at my stomach. “No… I’ll visit you as soon as I have spent my time here.”
My heart beats faster at the excitement building up in my system. “P-promise?” I ask.
He smiles again, my heart almost exploding at the beautiful sight. “Promise.”
— — — —
“I’m home!” Keigo yells out when he walks through the front door. A rare sight to see as he usually goes through the window or balcony door. 
I walk out of our room, my comfy clothes hugging my body. “Welcome home, Hun! How was work?”
“Same as usual.” He sighs. “How was Mirko? Did she protect you?”
I giggle. “Of course! It was a blast with her. Oh, let me run a warm shower for you.” I turn to go down the hallway, a smirk playing on my lips. He has no idea…
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Todomomo is literally the closest you can get to a autistic4autistic t4t ship without it being canon or intentional.Shouto's dad is an abusive hypermasculine prick who's implied to be misogynistic(teaching Touya his views on women as a kid,that they're 'useless' based off their genders)and Shouto wants to grow up to be the man he never could and refused to be and dosen't care about gender at all,much less conforming to it's roles and gets called a pretty boy a lot and is way closer to his mom and sister than he is to either of his brothers,Momo is the daughter of a rich couple who adultified her to the max in order to make her the ultimate 'proper prim lady' with little regard to her emotions and mental well-being and only care about her when she lives up to their impossible expectations and she had to get that 'I have to be perfect or else i'm WORTHLESS and NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYTHING' mentality from somewhere and it's not like she wasn't isolated from her peers by not being allowed to be a normal kid in any way(her mom didn't even let her go festivals and she had to sneak off on her first one with a fear of her finding out in the back of her head the whole time!That is NOT normal behavior for your child to exhibit,Doña Yaoyorozu!!!)and she presents femininily in a way that's viewed as artificial by assholes but it's just genuinely who she's made herself to be!Shouto explicitly inhereted his mother's build and hates that he keeps looking like his dad as he gets older and Momo's said to look older than her girl classmates even disregard her body type and towers over most teen guys!!!
Shouto has a neutral expression that looks purely deadpan and just a bit angry/annoyed and he's awful at socializing and he's insanely good at flirting with Momo but IT'S NEVER ON PURPOSE and Momo has a resting smiling face as her default look and she gets scandalized at regular teen behavior and she's an expert at navigating social situations with practiced politeness and they both take things literally and don't understand the dumb kind of norms and have a special fondness for a particular food because it gives them comfort(cold soba + tea types)BUT ALSO!!!!They have matching additional food motifs(bubble tea specifically + strawberry based things)and cordinated outfits with their own aesthetics(their sweaters,,,,,,that got turned into a running thing in the games and i believe official art too)and are canon cat people(*insert that 'All cats have autism' pic here*)and Momo is a bookworm while Shouto is a comics nerd and Momo got into alt music thanks to Jirou and has a love for desserts and Shouto writes platonic love letters to Rei and perfers the spicier/savoury kinds of japanese food AND THEN THEIR ACTUAL RELATHIONSHIP
Shouto voted for Momo because he thinks she's the best they're is but didn't verbally communicate it to her because it never occured to him he'd need to and Momo admires Shouto just as much and said it outloud to his face from the start and Aizawa being the only that helps them clear up the mix up?????His old autistic man ass that's married to audhd icon Mic?So Shouto goes into detail to Momo's face too about how cool he thinks she is and that's when they officially becomes friends and he never shuts up about her to anyone from then on,this nigga's new special interest is his best girl friend he's got a crush on,and he did notice she was sad when no one else did in an earlier part but had no clue what to do or say to cheer her up so they spend time together now that they're really buds and they both know just what to say to eachother by the War Arc and Momo finds Shouto being a fucking doofus with geeky ass tendencies and moments she could make a youtube compilation out of it if she was lil meaner to be so attractive she says he's perfect for Prince Charming as a role in a play Class 1-A did in one of the novel's.Izuku broke Shouto out of his ice,Jirou and Mina broke Momo out of her doll shell and now neither of them need to mask but what brought them together was being next to eachother at their worsts and at their bests and only thinking the latter no matter what or who said otherwise.Including themselves
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vimara00 · 1 year
You'll never leave me (Yandere!DabixF!Reader)
Hi everyone! It's Vi ✨ I received a request from @oyasumimosura and I hope you all enjoyed it! (I'm sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language 🙏🏻)
Warnings: yandere themes, curse words
All characters reservations to Horikoshi
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Touya's childhood was field with sadness and disappointment. Every passing day he wished his father would look at him and be proud of how big of a hero he would be, strong enough to surpass All Might!
Not even his brother and sister could understand how he felt; no one ever did! Until a certain someone appeared and brought light to his miserable life. Her name was y/n, a little girl he met at the forest he used to go for training.
At first, he was irritated by the fact that a stupid girl was at HIS secure place but couldn't stop staring from distance how wonderful her quirk was. Apparently, the girl had a water manipulation quirk and was practicing next to the lake. Touya felt envious about how much control she had over her power and how it made no damage to her body.
After a while, the little girl notice that there was someone near the rocks and find a pair of blue eyes staring at her. When she saw a boy around her age, she smiled waving at him and Touya felt his heartbeat fasten. He was accustomed to angry stares that made his blood run cold not pretty smiles that made him feel warm. After that day, y/n and Touya became inseparables. They trained together and share bento boxes her mom made for the two of them (he even went to her house when thing got heavy at home)
One particular day when Touya was crying into her arms and she would whisper that everything was going to be okay, they share their first kiss, a little messy but still beautiful, and promised eachother that someday they'll get marry and he won't suffer anymore.
However, as Endeavour's need for Shoto to be better than All might increased, so did Touya's resentment and he started developing really bad habits that worried his new friend. He would questioned whenever she arrived late and got mad if it was because of others; he started showing up covered in scars and eyes field with tears but when she asked him about it he would leave; Also, his flames turned blue and more powerful that she couldn't keep up with him anymore. Due to his sudden change, she became a little bit afraid so she didn't see him as regularly as before but this did not sit well with the blueyed boy.
The oldest Todoroki started following her to the park where she played with her brothers, to her house and even to her martial arts classes. He couldn't understand why did she distanced herself but was too proud to asked so.
If only that day y/n arrived on time, she could have been able to save him...but she didn't and lost her first love in the blink of an eye. After the incident, she concentrated on working her ass off to be one of the biggest heroes this world has ever seen and maybe, by doing that, she could forgive herself for Touya's death. She even tried to keep in touch with the Todorokis in order to save Shoto from ending like his big brother. She usually would call or text the siblings and went to visit Touya's santuari
Some years later, y/n fould herself patroling the streets at night. Since the appearance of the LOV, she had worked a lot more to keep the streets safe but something has been making her anxious. Everywhere she went, the hero felt some pair of eyes watching her every move and she was sure it has to do with some villian
Y/n heard some noises coming from a near alley and decided to check just in case someone needed help. There it was Dabi leading on the wall and looking at her while smirking, as if he had been waiting for her to arrived.
"Well, well, well I finally found you, doll" He said as he took a few steps towards her "It's not a coincidence that we are here tonight. I think we are destined to find each other" he continued to get closer and the hero took some steps back. Something about the way he was looking at her made a shiver run down her spain. The last time they faced each other, he left her with some pretty marks but she wondered why didn't he killed her when he had the chance but soon enough she'll have her answer
Water started to form around her as she was ready to attack but no before saying "You should've killed me that time" and then, with water manipulation, grabbed Dabi's body while she came closer to give him a big blow of water on his stomach and throw him against the wall while blood came out of his mouth. He stood up as it nothing happened and looked a almost as he was enjoying being hit.
"You are stronger than when we were kids, y/n but there is one thing that haven't changed and it's the fact that I'll always win" Dabi said and took advantage of her hesitation to advanced forward enough to make a fire wall to surround them. To say y/n was shocked was understanding. Nobody new her real name, how did he ? And that thing about knowing each other since they were kids?...
Being surrounded by fire made her body temperature raise and ,because of that, her mind felt dizzy but she tried to move in order to attack again but Dabi speed faster towards her and put a cloth around her mouth till her eyes started to close and her legs to trumble.
Once y/n woke up, she couldn't feel her body and the room was spinning around her. From the corner of her eye, she saw someone moving and she remembered who brought her here. Dabi took a sit next to her on bed (she was sitting on a bed with her back against the wall) and run his fingers crossed her cheek tenderly "You do look sexy wearing my clothes but I prefer that red lingerie you wore on monday to work. Damn I almost lost it, doll!" He said while bitting his lip. Hearing what he he just confessed made her want to vomit as y/n realised that he was her stalker! If her mouth wasn't covert, she would've shout or curse at him.
"I see you still don't know how I am so let me give you a guess" He took some piece of jewelry that was hanging from his neck and put it in front of y/n. Her eyes open like plates and everything came rushing back to her head. The ring that was in the necklace was the one she gave Touya all those years ago when they made a promise to get marry. Tears purred down her cheeks as wipe her tears and said "shhh it's okay. It's really me... Finally we are together again, love. And now that you are here no-one is going to take you away from me and you'll never leave me" His face twisted into a manic smile and laughed loudly. Then he took the cloth away from her mouth and she said " I used to love a boy called Touya but you are not him. You murdered and tortured people. You are fucking crazy if you think I'll stay with you" You tried using your quirk but nothing came and he laughed even louder saying "Oh y/n, I almost forgot to tell you...You don't have a quirk anymore. Isn't it great? I just saved you from that horrible life you had and from now and on, it's you and me! And we are gonna get married and you will never leave me!"
"I would never be with someone like you, fucking monster" she screamed at him as she jump of the bed and continued to run to the exit when suddenly, her felt a huge pain in her right leg, so strong that she fell to the floor and couldn't stand up. She looked at her leg and it was broken. Touya was standing behind her with a hammer with a serious face saying "You are not leaving me again so you better get use to it"
At that moment she understood that there was nothing she could do to scape from him and she cried even harder while he carried her to bed and laid her down. He was on top of her as he took her hand an put the ring on finger and smiled satisfied.
"I will get you something to eat, love. Rice with fried chicken, your favourite!" He pause and then said "I love you, doll " and kiss her forehead.
When he was gone, y/n burst out crying and she prayed that all of this was a nightmare but it was far from the truth, the nightmare had just started.
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werewolfnightwalker · 27 days
A cute, fluffy drabble of Merman!Keigo and Touya.
Touya's flipflops slapped wetly on the rocks as he hopped across them, keeping his balance despite the slick, algae-coated surfaces. His siblings were back on the shore with their mom, building sandcastles, but he had something more important to do.
Adjusting the bucket hat on his head as it nearly fell off, he made it to the last rock and knelt down, peering into the water. "Keigo? Are you here?" He called hopefully.
There was a pause, before a glittering, ruby tail emerged and 𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥 the surface, spraying water at him. Touya laughed, throwing an arm up to shield himself. Bubbly laughter echoed him from below, before Keigo's head breached the surface of the water. He grinned up at Touya, his vicious fangs gleaming like pearls. "Hi, Touya!"
"Hey." Touya giggled, bracing his hands on the rock as he leaned out, over the water. Keigo rose to meet him, and Touya tasted salt water when their lips met.
He pulled back after a few seconds, to see Keigo's earfins fluttering happily. He reached out, running his finger over the edge of one, and Keigo tipped his head into his hand with a low croon. His own webbed hand came up to hold Touya's against his cheek, the crimson scales that dusted his cheeks like freckles scraping against his palm.
Touya's heart made a funny leap at the motion, heat rising in his cheeks that had nothing to do with the summer sun. Ever sine he met Keigo- after the merman had rescued Shoto from nearly drowning the year before- he'd been helplessly in love with the beautiful creature.
He'd come back at 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵 once a week since then to see him, even braving the waters in winter. It had taken months to get Keigo to trust that he meant no harm, that he didn't want to catch him or steal his scales or anything of the sort. Longer still for him to work up the courage to confess, but now he was glad he did.
You know what today is?" He asked, stroking his thumb across Keigo's cheek.
"The twentieth day of summer?" Keigo murmured.
"Yeah, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 the anniversary of the day we met." Touya told him proudly.
"Is it?" Keigo opened his eyes and blinked at him, his irises like a pair of golden suns.
"Yes! Like I could forget the day I met you." Touya smiled. Keigo huffed, looking away; he couldn't blush, being coldblooded, but Touya knew when he was being shy. He sat back, digging in the satchel at his side, and pulled out a sandwich bag, in which were a pair of taiyaki- handmade by Touya himself.
"I brought these to celebrate." He held the bag out to show him.
Keigo cocked his head at the treats, eyeing them critically. "Those are some odd looking fish."
"They're pastries." Touya corrected, "They just look like fish." He pulled the bag open and retrieved one, holding out. "Try it, I filled them with chocolate."
"Chocolate." Keigo echoed as he took the treat, eternally amused by human words. Touya sat back and watched him sniff the taiyaki, before delivering a swift bite to the back of the head, as he did when he ate actual fish. He tore a large bite off, the chocolate filling smearing on his lip as he chewed. Touya saw the way his eyes lit up from the flavor, before he was devouring the cakey treat. "Delicious!" He declared, licking the crumbs and chocolate smears off his claws.
He looked up at Touya, before his eyes zeroed in on the other snack. Touya had meant for that one to be for himself, but he pulled it out of the bag and gave that one to Keigo, too.
He made sure to tuck the plastic bag back into his satchel; the last time he'd let an arrant piece of plastic fall in the water, Keigo had gotten so mad at him he'd threatened to never speak to him again. Touya had spent the rest of the day picking up trash along the beach to earn his forgiveness.
Now, as Keigo gobbled up the second snack, Touya sat down properly on the stone and let his feet dangle in the water. As soon as he was done with the snack, Keigo swam up to him, rubbing his cheek affectionately against Touya's shin.
"Happy anniversary, Keigo." Touya chuckled, reaching down and running a hand through Keigo's hair.
"Anni-ver-sary." Keigo echoed the word slowly, like he was testing how it felt in his mouth. He pulled away, peering up at Touya. His secondary eyelids blinked, even as his eyes stayed open, before he grinned. "If today is such a special day, then I will get something for you, too!" He declared.
Before Touya could speak, he turned and dove back into the water, vanishing under the waves with a flick of his tail. The young boy blinked, bewildered, but patiently waited for him to come back, curious to see what Keigo would bring him.
After a few minutes, Keigo reemerged, swimming up to the rock and thrusting his hand at Touya proudly.
"Here. You shared your delicacy fish with me, it's only fair that I return the favor. This is a special treat for mermaids- we only eat them during courting rituals or hatching ceremonies."
Touya looked down at his hand, and his stomach dropped; clutched in Keigo's claws was a sea slug, one with vibrant, pink and red colors.
Touya… did not like fish. It was a texture thing, more than anything, but the mere thought of even 𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪 made him gag.
"I eat it?" He echoed, dismayed.
"Yes! Traditionally, you swallow it whole." Keigo beamed. Touya's heart flipped over in his chest; his merman looked so enthusiastic about sharing this part of his culture, he didn't have the courage to let him down.
Swallowing his pride and no small amount of bile, he took the slug from Keigo's hand. At least it was dead; he thought he might puke if he had to eat a live one.
It was cold and slimy in his palm, and he hoped his reluctance came across as hesitation rather than disgust. Keigo gazed up at him with anticipation shining in his beautiful eyes, his hand coming to rest on Touya's foot.
Touya took a breath, counted to three in his head, and threw the slug back in into his mouth. Immediately, he gagged on the texture, the flavor, the smell- he felt vomit creep up his throat, but he swallowed both it and the slug before it could leave him. He nearly puked, anyways, as he 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘵 the slug hit his stomach, and only just managed to keep it down. He took several slow breaths, blinking tears out of his eyes.
"Well?" Keigo asked after a pause, his tail swishing through the water. Touya looked down at him, at the excited look on his face, and forced a smile.
"Delicious." He promised him, smacking his lips before he added, "Kind of salty, though."
That made Keigo laugh. "Of course it was! It's a sea slug, silly!"
Touya laughed weakly, and after a moment, Keigo pulled himself up onto the stone to sit beside him, and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Thank you, my sea star." He crooned.
"You're welcome, Kei. I love you." He nuzzled his nose against Keigo's, causing the merman to flap all of his fins happily.
"I love you, too. Happy anni-ver-sary."
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this story, consider leaving me a tip!
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candyswirl101 · 20 days
Yandere MHA x Abused reader
Yandere: Class 1A
You’ve always wanted to go to U.A
I mean you wanted to have the thrill of excitement in your life, but also your mom wanted a “Good reputation”
Your parents never understood you
All they did was nag on the SMALLEST things and slap you if you somehow did something wrong
You were a good kid…. At least you thought you were.
You tried to get straight A’s but all that pressure put onto you, you didn’t want to mess up.
But when you got into U.A what the FUCK happened to your crusty, musty, dusty, smelling ass, parents???
“Omg honeyyy, you’ve made it into U.A!!” “We knew you could do it.” Is what your parents said
“so that’s it” y/n asked “What do you mean honey?” Y/M/N “What I mean is… WTF happened to my ass of a parents???” They sweat dropped bullets until Y/F/N said “Because you did something important in your life..” it was utter silence
what happened next is you moved out the next day since you were old enough (Did I mention that argument happened on your birthday :3) you had gotten to U.A the first thing that happened was *BELL* class…
You had bumped into some pink alien you didn’t know who she was, but by first appearance she looked like she had bubbly personality.
“Hi I’m Mina Ashido!” “Uhhh, hi I’m Y/N L/N..”
“Omg you look adorbsss”
“thank yo-“
“What class are you???”
“OmG me tooo!! Wanna go to class together? Can I call you N/N-“
“Sure and no don’t call me N/N”
(Fastfoward to class)
you had first opened to a Pikachu, earphone, an angry Pomeranian, a broccoli, a guy that had his hand like a robot, Kirby girl, purple ball Mohawk, A girl with a high ponytail, a bird, a frog, a person that looked shiny ✨, person that had multiple arms, and etc.
Everyone had looked at you like a goddess (cause you are)
“Hey guys! This is my best friend Y/n!” Mina shouted
“When did I s-“ Mina cuts you off
“She is a newbie and she is kind of shy so don’t bully her !” Mina exclaims
“She looks familiar…” a certain Shoto wonders (you knew the Todoroki’s and played with Touya ‘till he went poof 💨)
anyways, you had noticed Shoto
“Hey Todoroki how’ve you been?” Y/n said
Shoto thinking: Holy shit, it’s her, my darling
“Well y/n how about you” feeling proud of himself
everyone had looked at him once he and you started conversing soon after
people were furious, but man some of those people be raging the fuck out
(After school with a meeting of class 1A)
“HEY SHITHEAD, how FUCK you know y/n?!?!” Bakugou is exclaimed
“Yeah Todoroki, I didn’t really think of you as the talking kind.” Deku says
“I was the one that met her first.” Todo says
“Let’s settle this like buisn-“ Tenya gets cut off by Mina
“I mean at least she knew me 2nd” Mina proudly exclaims
“I actually conversed with her before you MINA!” Ochako exclaims (she works jobs for her family is poor)
“Well Ochako, that sadly doesn’t count because you were working.” Momo said “But that also isn’t fair with you either Todoroki.” She said with a venomous lace
After that they had agreed they should share and not let anyone take them. But oh do if they figure out your parents you’d be an orphan.
the end
Thank you for reading this :3 if you liked this I think you’d like my other works
Also remember
Reminder: Your a star no matter what
but also remeber that Kohei Horikoshi drew and made the manga and who owns it is Toho and Bones (?) I just searched this up
Have an Amazing day ❤️♥️💙💜💗🖤💛💖💞💚❣️💓
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voids-voyager · 1 year
Touya being the unofficial relationship counselor among his siblings. They'll rant about and bemoan their relationship struggles to him, not specifically seeking advice but just to vent, only for him to spout some laser-pointed statements at them without deigning them worth his full attention except for when they're being especially annoying and self-pitying. Or dense to their problems.
"Fuyumi, the reason your relationships don't last is because trying to get to know you is like trying to cut a vegetable with a foam knife. Frustrating and gets you nowhere. And you're not fun or sponteanous enough to be a fun fling. I know you're worried your only notable traits is being a stand-in mom, but either get over it or try to develop more of a personality if it worries you so much."
"Natsu, obviously you're having communication issues when you refuse to ever talk about your own problems or gripes. You're not fucking special enough to be ignored by the whole world to justify not talking about your issues. It's fucking frustrating trying to comfort you because of it. Now go call your girlfriend and talk shit out."
"Shouto it sounds like you're used to getting your way in some fashion and having a hard time adjusting to bullheaded stubborness not solving everything. Pull your head out of your ass and the tunnel, Shouto. Also you're emulating father with that pushy behaviour, cut it out."
And during a time they're all meeting up at Fuyumi's place, they ask how the hell he's so good at this. Touya just kinda shrugs and drops an unexpected bomb on the kotatsu they're all huddled around.
"I do have a boyfriend."
Shouto, Fuyumi, and Natsuo stares back at him. Touya stares back, not getting why they suddenly got all quiet, or are looking at him like he's grown a second head.
Then Touya's eyes widen in realisation. "Oh shit, I forgot to tell you."
"Forgot?!" Natsuo exclaims.
"Apparently. Guess that's what strained family relationships does to you."
"How long??" Fuyumi asks.
"Five years, give or take. Took like a year before we made it official."
"Five years?!"
"Where do you think I got all my 'wisdom' as you brats call it from? That's fucking experience talking. And an outsider perspective is way fucking easier when it comes to spotting pitfalls."
"Who is it?" Shouto asks, curious. "Do we know them?"
"Yeah, it's Tenko," Touya answers easily. Then he narrows his eyes. "Wait, did you really not suspect it at all?"
Shouto tilts his head in response. "Why should we have?"
"Not you so much, you were a baby, but Fuyumi and Natsu definitely. I stayed more at Tenko's place than at the house as a teenager and he showed up at the house all the time when I actually was there."
Natso and Fuyumi absorb this, thinking back. Fuyumi rubs the corners of her eyes, messing up her glasses. "Looking back, yeah, now I feel dumb for not noticing."
"You really were together all the time," Natsuo muses, staring at the ceiling as he goes through memories of his brother and his best friend near attached at the hip. Shimura really would just show up at the house no matter the hour. Sometimes Natsuo would wake up and Shimura would be there when he definitely hadn't been the night before. Thinking back, it was always when Touya was feeling especially bad.
"Now I've got something tangible to point at when you all try to claim you're not dense as fuck."
Natsuo thinks back, to Shimura Tenko and his brother, and how Tenko would get this look in his eyes whenever he looked at his brother, how his posture would straighten up from a slouch and tense in what he could with the power of hindsight recognise as protectiveness. All without Touya noticing. And he thinks his brother probably couldn't talk about being dense to them. But then again, he's had what appears to be a stable relationship for five years now.
"Does he still slouch all the time?" Natsuo can't help but ask.
"Nah," Touya sips from his tea cup. "Enough slaps to the ass to make him jerk straight fixed it."
"Bro, too much info."
"I've listened to every single one of you's woes about intimacy, you have no right to complain. Be happy I'm not using it as blackmail."
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sweetbbyshion · 1 year
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-> Touya Todoroki x Reader
characters: Touya Todoroki, Todoroki family
genre: fluff
summary: more shenanigans with the todoroki family
warnings: established relationship, reader is called "mom", reader hinted to being afab, mentions of babies, alternative universe where there's no quirks and the todorokis are trying to be a better family
this is another part for the series I've been making with little brother Shoto. It can be read alone but here are part 1 and part 2 if you wish to read it <333 I'm taking requests and headcanons for this if you want to send anything
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You stare at Touya from your place on his bed. He has been arguing with Shoto for the past ten minutes but you can't understand what was the reason. He throws some glances at you from time to time, pacing around the room while speaking on the phone. It takes another ten minutes until Touya puts his phone down before making his way to the bed. He forces himself between your legs, then laying his head on your stomach. Your hands immediately go to his hair, your fingers going through the soft locks (that took a long time to get this soft after years of dyeing his hair black) while your boyfriend sighs dramatically. “Shoto called.” You hum in acknowledgment as you wait for him to continue. “He asked if we could visit this weekend.” Touya practically melts against your touch, burying his face on your stomach and tightening the hold he has on your waist. “Do you want to go?” You ask.
“Of course not. You forget about me every time we are there!” Touya is quick to reply.
“I do not. You're being dramatic.”
Touya keeps bickering, arguing that he has every right to be dramatic in this situation. At the end of the day, Touya gives in and decides that you are both going to visit during the weekend (he would never admit it but what made him change his mind was the fact that he would get busy with exams in two weeks and this was the last opportunity to see his mom for a while). You're not as nervous as you were the first time. After hours spent talking to the Todorokis, you felt more at ease while visiting the family. You had grown close to Shoto, forming a bond that you didn't have with the other members. For some reason, the youngest sibling saw in you a safe place and you couldn't be more happy about it. Touya, sometimes, would get jealous of the attention you gave his little brother but you would shut down his whining quickly. Nevertheless, your boyfriend is secretly very happy that you were so close to his family.
The nervousness you felt on the first ride to Touya’s house was not there anymore and instead it's replaced by excitement. You don't wait for your boyfriend to get out of the car when you arrive and, instead, you go to the door by yourself, knocking eagerly. Similar to the first time, Natsuo is the one opening the door. You ruffle his hair, surprised with the growing similarities between him and his older brother. Next, you hear someone running down the stairs and you know it's Shoto by the way his mom calls his name to warn him about running down the stairs. You see a blur of white and red hair before a body collapses against yours. Thankfully, Touya is right behind you to help you stabilize yourself but you barely acknowledge it, just holding Shoto close as you give him the tightest hug.
“Be careful, brat.” Touya says half-heartedly while hugging you both.
“Touya said you weren't coming!”
You look at your boyfriend, an annoying expression on your face while he pretends to not see you. You grab the back of his shirt, preventing him from walking away and whisper “Say sorry, now.” between your teeth. Touya mumbles an apology to his younger brother, who is still hugging you tight and barely paying attention to the other’s words.
Shoto stays quiet as you both walk to the couch. He doesn't talk much but you enjoy his company nonetheless. When you get up to help his mom in the kitchen, he follows you around like a baby duck, not wanting to get you out of his sight. It's cute, really, how he wants to be in your presence even if you're both doing your thing.
“Is lunch almost ready? I’m starving.” Touya asks when he walks into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist to peek at the pot in front of you.
You hum in affirmation. “Help Shoto set the table. Don't be lazy.”
“I’m the guest though I shouldn't…” He stops halfway when he sees you staring at him. “Fine. Kiss first?”
Touya lowers his head and you simply move his hair to the side to kiss his forehead before pushing him off of you. He laughs as he calls for Natsuo to also help because “it isn't fair”.
Lunch is uneventful. Enji Todoroki, as always, doesn’t speak to you much. Instead, he focuses on talking to his oldest son. After eating, Enji goes back to his office to work and the rest of you are left to decide what to do on that Saturday afternoon.
Touya, not so surprisingly, announces that he will be taking a nap and you don't miss the exaggerated pout he gives you when you refuse to go with him. Rei says she will go take care of her garden and asks to warn her if her children decide to go out.
After a lot of deliberation, you, Shoto, Natsuo and Fuyumi decide to go to the supermarket to get the ingredients to bake a cake.
And that's how you end up walking with three of the four Todoroki siblings, holding Shoto’s and Natsuo’s hands whenever you’re about to cross the street, despite the protests of the older one. Quickly you get to the supermarket and you ask the two boys to not run off anywhere, bribing them with the promise of each being able to choose a sweet they want. Natsuo, just like Touya, frowns and tries to act like the angry teenager he thinks he is even though you can see the excitement in his eyes with the promise of food.
“Mom, can we make soba tonight?”
You stop moving when you hear Shoto’s voice, your hand stopping mid air to grab the eggs. You watch the way the boy’s eyes widen when he processes the words coming out of his mouth and his face heats up with embarrassment. It's silent for a while until Natsuo starts laughing loudly and Shoto turns around to try to run away. You have to grab his shirt, not wanting him to get lost. He’s hiding his face and arguing with Natsuo to stop laughing saying “It was an accident!”.
Even Fuyumi has an amused smile on her face watching the scene unfold in front of her while you try to figure out what to do.
“It happens, don't worry about it.” you tell Shoto but it doesn't seem to do much since he still looks embarrassed.
The rest of the grocery shopping is done in silence. Shoto simply points at things, not wanting to make the same embarrassing mistake again.
When you all get home, Touya is awake and watching some random tv show in the living room. You’re putting away the groceries when you hear Touya’s loud laugh and the sound of Shoto running to the kitchen to hide behind you. Touya shows up shortly after, still laughing, with tears in his eyes. You give him a stern look but he doesn't even notice it.
“Hiding behind mom? Such a little baby.” Touya provokes.
“Leave your brother alone. It was an accident.” you respond, rolling your eyes at the immature attitude.
“Didn't you call your math teacher “mom” once, honey?” Rei intervenes, making Touya instantly shut up.
Your boyfriend decides to change the subject and asks to help with the cake. Shoto announced he will just watch TV, his cheeks still a bit red. Rei also leaves the kitchen to do something and you’re left alone with Touya who quickly pulls you for a kiss. “You would be a super hot mom.” he whispers against your lips, his hands making their way down to rest on your stomach.
“Of course you would say that.” you roll your eyes, pushing him away. “I won't get pregnant for the next few years, don't get any ideas.”
Touya laughs and you start paying attention to the cake recipe, trying to push back the images of tattooed, scary Touya with a small baby in his arms.
“Well, that's a shame.” Rei’s voice catches your attention and you see her standing at the door with a sweet smile. “I’m already crocheting small clothes.”
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haikyuuwaifu · 10 months
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Genre: Humor
Warnings: Swearing
“What are we doing again Nana?” Eri questioned, looking up at her grandmother. Mitsuki was waiting for the light to cross and she had remained rather tight lipped about their outing. “Nana’s got a surprise for you sweetie. Maybe even better than the other surprise I had for you.” She grunted as the light changed. The duo trudged across the sidewalk and Eri was going to say something else, when she recognized someone sitting outside the cafe. 
“Holy shit!” She shouted, causing the woman and the man with her to laugh. “Nana it’s Y/n!” Eri screamed jumping up and down excitedly. “It sure is kiddo. She’s actually a really good friend of mine.” Mitsuki bragged as Eri made a beeline for her idol. Y/n took a stand from her seat, preparing herself for the small projectile. She was sure the little girl was going to take a jump and she would be right when she found herself jolting back as Eri threw her full weight into the woman’s legs. “I can’t believe you’re here!” She sighed giving Y/n’s legs a squeeze. “Your nana said she needed a favor, so here I am!” Y/n replied, patting the little girls head. “And your Shinsou Hitoshi!” Eri crowed, pointing at Y/n’s friend. “I am!” He shouted, matching her enthusiasm. “Uncle Keigo said he wants to let you do butt stuff, but he won’t tell me what it is.” Eri mentioned, as Y/n took a seat. Eri took a seat in Y/n’s lap and smiled. “Eri, you can sit in your own seat.” Mitsuki sighed, nodding in thanks as Shinsou handed her a coffee. “It’s alright Mitsuki, I don’t mind.” Y/n declared, tucking Eri’s hair behind her ear. “Shinsou and I have been working on a couple of designs. Your nana told me there were different parts of the contest.” Eri nodded enthusiastically as she opened Y/n’s sketchbook. “There’s a scary part where we dress up like monsters, there’s a family portion where we do a theme with our family, and there’s a glamor part where we dress super pretty.” Eri responded, eyes taking in everything on the pages. “Well, Shin and I have been discussing the scary portion since last night. We’ve narrowed a few down. We thought it would be better to discuss with you how you wanted to do the glamor portion and the family portion.” “I wasn’t going to do the family one.” Eri mumbled quietly, as Mitsuki’s face morphed into confusion. “Sweetie you know your dads will dress however you want them to, and you know your uncles and Momo will join in too.” Mitsuki whispered, holding her granddaughters hand. “I don’t have a mom. The other kids in the class point it out all the time.” Eri sighed, leaning back to lay her cheek against Y/n’s chest. “Himiko always says mean things about me not having a mom, and if I do the family part she’s gonna say rude things about me. The other kids always side with Himiko.” Eri sighed as Mitsuki sneered. “I’ve told the teacher’s nana. They always call daddy suki or touya but they’re always working. It’s fine, I’m a big girl and I can deal with it.” Eri smiled, mostly in hopes of placating her grandmother. “Well, we can’t have that.” Y/n stated, wrapping her arms around the girl. “I’ll do the contest with you, and I’ll bring all my friends with me.” She stated, as Shinsou nodded. “There’s no way you aren’t going to win it now.” The man stated, holding out his fist. Eri nodded hitting his fist with her own. “And I can finally tell Himiko to shove it!” Eri declared, raising her fists in the air. The adults around her broke out into laughter, and for the first time in a long time, Eri didn’t feel so alone.
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-Y/n is ready to throw hands and so are her friends. However, Y/n can be reasonable so she’ll destroy them where it hurts most <3 Her friends expected that they would be helping in some capacity so there was no point in arguing when she said they were going to dress up.Mina is nervous about making pieces for the show but Y/n knows she’s ready.
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starsstuck · 1 year
the only reason i barely tolerate endeavors character is because his family in a way need him to heal, not forgive him but his kind of not so good atonement arch i think in a way gave fuyumi and shouto some courage to heal, fuyumi finally saw her father who never gave her the attention she craved from him, give her that attention and i think it started comforting her inner child, which all she ever wanted was a normal and loving family and saw endeavors change as a change for all of them, which why i think she is trying so hard, so they can all heal. i think shouto was more bittersweet to endeavors change because he saw that his father can be decent, which was something only fuyumi and touya had the chance to witness, but simply wasn’t because his greed got to him more than his family, but at the end that is his father and i don’t think that he ever truly hated him, which is expected because we all have complicated feelings for our parents, i think he saw endeavors tries as a way to connect with the people he calls family, but he never had the chance to bond with. natsuos anger will probably never leave, but he will try because deep down all he ever wanted was his parents to pay attention to him. in school briefs it was mentioned that he didn’t really like shouto when he was young because he took his mom away and it was also mentioned that he tried to gain his dads affection too. fuyumi was more like a parent to him than his two parent were. he recognizes his mom as a victim why is why he tried to reconnect with her. i don’t think he will ever forgive endeavor, but i think that he will recognize and accept his atonement because at the end he still is that young boy that all he wanted was his father to pay attention to him and that is what endeavor is trying to do. rei will never forgive, but i think that by her ex husband apologizing to her and trying to make up with their kids will probably give her some closure because she knows that he knows how he made her feel and him even barely owning up to it can help her move forward, because if that man that made her miserable can try for the better so can she.
i think touya is the most tragic of them all. In so many ways he was reminded that all he was, was a failure, an experiment gone wrong. Before he burnt he was reminded, after he woke up from the coma and went back house, every time he saw endeavor. And i think that people forget that his transformation to dabi from touya was not a day transformation, but one that took years. when he woke up he wanted to apologize to his mom, he was willing to try but he was reminded that his existence wasn’t that important if endeavor didn’t try to change after his death BUT after he became the number 1. He was a boy physically 16 and mentally 13 that had to live in the streets and catch up on lost time. A young boy that all he ever wanted was his fathers love, he was failed by both his parents and i think he is the least likely to ever completely heal. because his dad his family is trying too little too late. i think that his mom is the key for him to find closure, after all he wanted to apologize to her when he woke up from the coma, that was the first thing he thought about. he finally started seeing his mom as the victim that she was, started seeing that she was like him, which makes the fact that he looks a lot like her even more sad. also his siblings are an important factor because they were the only people that he could act like a kid too, the only people were he was touya.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
I wonder how Shoto must feel seeing how he didn't managed to reach Touya after everything he done? (I do think he reached Touya to an extent with the panel of them as kids and him calling Shoto by his name not his hero name) but from Shoto's perspective he must feel like he failed.
I think it’s less about feeling like a failure (though he definitely might feel that way, he just hasn’t said it yet) and more that he is shocked. Because clearly he underestimated how desperate Touya is for their dad. It’s not exactly something Shouto can personally relate to—that want. Considering how Shouto has been trying to rid himself of his dad’s attention for the majority of his life, and only very recently started accepting his dad’s attention and using it to his own advantage.
I think Shouto put his whole heart (literally lmao) into creating that move specifically for his brother. To stop him without hurting him. And Shouto CLEARLY subverted Touya’s expectations when he said this:
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And following all of that, they then had a connecting moment when he pushed against Touya—you know, hence their child selves crying together. It mattered for both of them. But Shouto came at Touya from his own “we lived in the same house and it was fucked up, but you can’t kill people bruh” perspective lol. Which, yes. Those things needed to be said. Touya needs to hear that he isn’t the only one who resents their father and that the family didn’t just, not care about how he felt. Shouto saying those things PROVES that to Touya—someone openly acknowledging how messed up the situation was, and that his feelings toward the situation are valid.
Because saw how hard he took it as a kid when a sibling couldn’t share his sentiment:
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So Shouto kind of making up for that lost moment meant something, obviously:
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BUT—despite the things Shouto has made up for, with his words, I and many others have said it already. Shouto was never going to be the full answer. This is just my way of looking at it—but for Touya you can split his needs up into two categories: Dad, and Family. They’re one in the same, but different.
Touya already spiraled and collapsed from the neglect from his dad over and over again, when he “died”. What broke Touya completely was upon his return home after waking up and he perceived the situation as his entire family burying him:
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So this is just my way of looking at it—there is Endeavor’s validation, and then there is Shouto, as a representative of the rest of the family’s validation. Touya needs both. Because as evidenced by his backstory, his mom and siblings were not enough.
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Shouto was isolated from the siblings, and had too much of his dad’s attention. So it’s fair to assume he doesn’t fully grasp how desperate Touya really is. And he may not even fully grasp that Touya’s desire to kill their dad isn’t purely revenge—it’s because Touya’s love for his dad has hurt him repeatedly, by his dad’s hand. And I’m not entirely sure Shouto actually understands that. The twisted emotions Touya is experiencing. Love and hatred both, for their dad. On the surface Touya just seems like he’s vengeful—which, yes. But we as readers know it goes deeper than that—he wants his dad’s attention, love, acknowledgement, all of that. He isn’t just angry. He’s sad and heartbroken too—which is a harder psychological wound to heal than just being angry.
There was progress though—I also think it’s interesting how Shouto starts pointing out how skilled Touya actually is, rather than being something like “oh great, here we go again”. Also, it wasn’t in the fan translation (which I wasn’t a huge fan of), but in the Japanese version he referred to him as big brother Touya. It was left out on the fan scans, sadly.
But it’s just kinda cool seeing them both subtly learn more about each other and it showing very slowly in the way they talk and think toward each other. So you pointing out how Shouto might feel does make me wonder if Shouto will start to really grasp the situation soon, and vocalize that he understands now that Touya’s feelings about their dad are not simple and cannot be washed away with words or actions from just anyone.
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