#i love you finn mertens you are everything finn mertens
grendelsmilf · 8 months
Love your Adventure Time posts, and saw the Breezy is good actually, and carrying on from that I’m reminded that I really love Finn’s mid story negative character development, reading pua books and fucking up with Phoebe. I remember a lot of people being angry with that direction, but he’s one of the few cartoon teenage boys that I’m actually really interested in. Mostly because he could be such a little shit sometimes. Anyway apologies for random have a good day.
yeah i've seen multiple people say that they stopped watching adventure time after finn and/or pb [did something fucked up ethically dubious etc.] or got complex in any way and that is so crazy to me. like i can't even wrap my head around someone thinking that unless they're like, a tiny child. a literal infant.
mid-show finn sucks in a very realistic teenage boy way, but also early seasons finn sucks in a very realistic twelve year old boy way, so it's not like he's retrogressed, it's just that his actions seem more questionable now that they are being held up to scrutiny by the narrative itself. his worldview is expanding, and thus the confines of his world (and with it the audience's lens as the capacity to understand the thematics of the narrative widen) are less limited and given more room to push back on what we are being shown.
kid finn valorizes the concept of the righteous knight who slays monsters and wins princesses. he has a very black and white way of thinking and refuses to question his beliefs. growing up is a process of questioning, learning, and adjusting your worldview, and that's generally not a very palatable process. i don't know many teenage boys who weren't nightmares to be around for at least a couple years (in fact, i can think of like, one guy i was friends with in highschool who was a perfect angel the entire time i knew him, and that's it).
like, ice king and bonnie and marcy and jake and the very fabric of his world do not change nearly as much as finn does, but they seem to change considerably because finn's perspective on them changes as he grows up. and the way he functions as our eyes through which we view this world and our understanding of it expands as his perspective does is one of the most narratologically beautiful things i have ever seen and why this show means so much to me.
over the course of the show proper (spinoffs/specials notwithstanding), we see finn grow up from the ages of 12-17. growing up is not a seamless transition between childhood and adulthood. it involves making mistakes and getting hurt and hurting others and experiencing multiple worldchanging paradigm shifts about yourself and others and the nature of your universe. people who want finn to be perfect (or even "good") don't understand that he is something far more beautiful than perfection: he's real.
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qiinamii · 8 months
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crown swap
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the-possum-writes · 8 months
Hi! Could you do a Finn x Fem reader lemon? Maybe it could be with and inexperienced reader while finn already has some knowledge about it and shows her how to do it. Thank you! <3
[Finn with an Inexperienced Reader]
❥Character: Finn Mertens
❥Tags: NS/FW hc's, handj0bs, established relationship, fem!reader
❥Synopsis: Finn takes things slow with you but you convince him to teach you how he likes to be touched.
❥A/N: I was going through a writing block so there's no full smut but rather some handsy stuff.
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❥Whether you've been dating for years or just a few weeks, if you tell Finn you want to take things slowly, he'll respect your wishes.
❥Only kissing and hugging, nothing more.
❥But that doesn't take away how startling it is when a kissing session becomes too intense, and just as you feel the warmth cling to your heart and stomach in a tightening squeeze, Finn pulls away from you and acts as if nothing happened, resuming whatever video game you were playing or changing the subject.
❥You know where babies come from and all that basic biology class, but you have yet to personally experience it and are kind of wary of unplanned pregnancies, that's why you told Finn you wanted to take things slow.
❥And he was okay with that, but it didn't stop the growing doubt since you know he's had past encounters with other girls before. "Is he getting frustrated at me cause I'm making him wait?" you'd start asking yourself.
❥Finn is a passionate and outgoing guy who pours his heart into everything he does, whether it's fighting monsters, reading comic books, or simply indulging in his favorite meals. And, given how much he adores you, you're filled with illogical guilt at the thought of preventing Finn from physically expressing his feelings for you.
❥You've already asked him directly. "Finn, are you mad that we haven't done couple things?"
"But we always do couple things."
"No I mean like, tier 15 stuff and all that."
"Oh... Not really.."
❥He's a straightforward and laid-back guy, so it didn't occur to you until lately when, on a day when you didn't feel confident, you pushed yourself to kiss him by placing your hand on his thigh and running it upward. Finn stopped you by holding your hand so he could ask you, "Are you sure you want to do this now?"
You try to kiss his neck while saying, "I know you've been dying to-," but Finn is insistent. If there's anything he's learnt from his previous relationship, it's to avoid diving into pleasures on a whim.
"It's not about what I want, I'm asking about you." His tone has changed a little bit, especially in light of your earlier question.
❥As self-doubt circles in your thoughts and seeps beyond your eyes, you choose to keep quiet, but Finn squooze-hugs you to his chest.
"We don't need to rush anything; I'm pretty happy with you so far. We can do those things when you don't have any more uncertainties in your lovely head."
❥"Alright, there's something I can teach ya but we have to keep our voices down. You don't need to take off anything so don't worry, we'll just be using your hands."
❥"But what if I do wanna do those things but I want to take it a small step at a time? Like when you taught me how to swim." you bring up.
Finn adjusts his hold on you, the two of you were in the middle of a movie night and are currently on the couch. Jake is already asleep and BMO is probably lurking around the treefort but he promised to not peep at you two during visiting hours.
❥Finn leans back on the couch's headrest, allowing you to rest on his thighs as he tells you."How about I give you a lesson in Finn-biology?" he chuckles."I can't say no to my favorite subject." you respond. Considering the stories and experiences you've heard from your close friends, you have only a rough idea of what he's considering, but you're nonetheless anxious, intrigued, and interested about it.
❥Finn starts out by smooching you, easing a bit of your nerves as he gently grabs your hand and lowers it down his chest until it reaches his groin, he motions for you to rub him through his shorts, feeling something grow underneath.
❥It's warm, really warm.
❥Finn raises himself from the couch to lower his shorts with his underwear, and you remain silent while watching his half hard dick peeking out from the confines of his baby blue trousers. You temptingly touch his head with the tip of your fingers, unconsciously wrapping more and more of your around around him until he finches a bit, pulling away at the discouragement. "It's okay, it just needs something slick." he assures you. At the mention of it you're unconsciously rubbing your thighs together upon feeling something getting wet downstairs, but you don't bring it up.
❥The attention has Finn squirming in his spot but he continues with the lesson.
"Give me your hand." he asks. When you do he purposely spits on his dick and guides your hand to smear it all over him, amplifying the prominent musky smell coming from him.
"It's sensitive here." he explains in short breaths, hearing his panting picking up the more you run your fingers over the underside of his shaft right where it connects with his pink gland.
❥Once you've gotten the hang of it, Finn releases your hand and lets you try a few more things. What if I squeeze here? What if I touch this tiny hole with my finger? What if I gently squeeze his balls? Finn struggles to form meaningful sentences any longer and is only able to utter things like, "Just like that," "That feels good," and "Wait not like that, there you go... Oh Glob..."
❥It's a hypnotic and undeniably sexy experience, watching him lose himself in his own pleasure to the point where he forgot the reason for this little lesson until he came all over your palm and soiled his own shirt in the process.
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via-the-cryptid · 8 months
Im He/Him thank you so much :)
I got another funny idea: The events of "The Visitor", but its Simon and Martin.
Maybe Simon was in one of his travels when he came across something he was not expecting to find, another human. He comes close and he looks pathetic and small so Simon lets his guard down, but as soon as its obvious that he is not dangerous the stranger comoletely changes his atittude and thats how Simon realises he is not one to trust and also he seems familiar. They have a little adventure together and its only at the end that Martin tells Simon his name and thats when he connects the dots: This is the man who hurt Betty's son, HIS SON, and Simon losses it, imagine Marceline beating Ash on the ground but with all the might of Magic Simon.
Also, Betty trying to make Finn an Ice arm to make him feel better, maybe transfering all the overprotective tendencies she had towards Simon into Finn because someone hurt her baby and she wont let that happen again.
ok so first of all, this is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen because I’m imagining Martin, freshly crash landed on Ooo, meeting this bizarre twink of a man and deeming him to not be a threat, right? and the guy says he’s a wizard or something but all he seems to do is float and sometimes laugh at weird times, so like, probably not a very good wizard. not gonna be an issue. Martin’s playing it safe, he’s keeping his name to himself rather than tell the dude literally calling himself ‘Magic Simon’ (is he brain damaged? is there something wrong with him? probably but it ain’t Martin’s problem) until it’s about time for him to leave. he tells the weirdo, “thanks for the help, you’ve got Martin Mertens’ thanks!” and the words have barely left his mouth before the guy fucking decks him. Magic Simon and Martin Mertens are gonna throw down in the post-apocalyptic Denny’s parking lot. Simon is spitting insults about literally everything and may have also cursed Martin like six separate times by now. Finn is invited to watch but Jake comes instead to report it back to him so Finn doesn’t have to deal with Martin’s personality. Simons gonna curbstomp him. Snow Queen has never been more in love.
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bozzowl · 2 months
Farmworld Finn Dominant and Jealous NSFW !!!
-as requested, there's no drawing with this one but here ya go! :D
It was almost dusk, a slight chill in the air as the stars begin to twinkle their way into the night sky. You were helping Choose Bruce, (the farmworld version of Choose Goose). You were stocking the shelf while he was fixing the stand table again. His shop keeps getting destroyed to the point he got himself a weapon and keeps stuff to repair it nearby. Finn Mertens was just around the corner, keeping an eye on you two. There was nothing between you and Bruce, he just offered you some stuff in return for helping him keep his shop up and going. you would also go out and find things for him to barter with the customers. Even though Bruce had helped Finn in the past when he was little, Finn didn't like that you were spending so much time with him. With someone else.
You did not know why he had felt this way, especially when you go out with your friends or when some guy happened to be talking to you. Finn always seemed to disapprove of this.
Finn's POV: Why do they go out of their way to hangout with him? What does Bruce or anyone else have that I don't? Can't they see that I'm the only one who can really protect them? That I'm the only one who would do anything for them?
He felt that sick, boiling feeling. That internal irritation, narrowing his eyes whenever he saw someone else with you. Suspicious of anyone who seemed a little too friendly towards you. Ever since he had lost his wife, it was hard to find that sort of connection. That safety and security you feel when you are in love. Especially considering his upbringing. He was a proud father, yet such a lonely man who became wary of outsiders. You were the only other person who could come so close, who could understand him. You were so kind, and beautiful in his eyes. You sparked that old flame in his heart that used to burn for someone else. Now it burns for you, and he was so afraid of losing you. Losing you to someone better than him.
You wipe the sweat from your brow as you finish for the day. Everything was stocked up and fully repaired. Bruce handed you some trinkets for your hard work. An old cassette tape with the label worn from time, barely legible but might still work; a gold locket in the shape of a heart, scratched up without a picture inside as they often hold; and some food for you preserved in jars, along with some herbs in case you needed them. With as often as you helped him, of course he'd occasionally find things he would assume you'd like. Especially since you were the only one helping him in these trying times.
You grabbed your new things and started walking home, heading on over to the corner of... well... the Destiny gang keeps spray painting the signs but it used to be called "King Street" and "Molly Lane". Which just so happened to be where Finn was standing. He was leaning against the wall, he did not look happy. With a hint of irritation in his voice, he says to you, "You're still hanging out with Choose Bruce?". You reassure him, "We're just friends, Finn, what's wrong with that?". Finn crossed his arms and looked away, "Nothing, just.... I don't like seeing him around you." You sigh, and proceed to walk home. Finn takes a deep breath, then heads home himself.
Later that night, after you had put everything away, you make dinner. With it just being you here, you did not have to fix much but you do so anyways. Even though Finn always had that soup cooking in that kitchen, he and his kids thought it was nice to have something different every now and then. However, that is because they liked your cooking. You make a large amount of your favorite food, and put it in a big pan to share with them. It was dark, so you grab your trusty lantern before heading out.
Finn was setting the table when he heard a knock at the door. He heads over and opens it slightly to see you "it's late, did you really come down here all by yourself?". You nod and hold up the pan, it smelled so good. Finn's eyes widen, he really liked your cooking. He holds the door open and steps aside. You and the Mertens enjoy dinner together. The kids tell you about their day and Jake the dog crawls up to the table hoping for scraps.
After dinner, the kids head to bed while you helped with the dishes. As you washed the plates, you could hear Finn reading a story to them. He was such a good father. He must've been a good husband too.
As you put up the last of the plates, Finn sneaks up behind you. Wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close from behind. You could feel the cold metal of his mechanical arm. The warmth of his breath against your neck as he whispered in your ear, "can you stay the night?". You blush, then nod in response. With the way he was pressed against your back, while gently nuzzling your cheek, you knew where this was going. You turn around, then cup his cheeks as you pull him into a kiss. Feeling the bristles of his beard as your lips touched his. He held you tight. Beefy, toned muscles pressed against you during the embrace. His hand slowly drifts down to your waist. Your hands lower to caress his chest. Then suddenly he scoops you up, taking you to his bedroom.
He throws you down on the bed. Pulling off his white tank top and undoing his pants. You follow along, tossing your shirt aside and removing any other garments. Now fully exposed, you get on all fours. Ready to heed his every command. Finn was wearing nothing but his metal arm and some briefs. A firm bulge had formed on his groin area. With a smile he whispered, "You're gonna have to take it out." He leaned closer and growled seductively, "and don't stop unless I tell you to~". You obeyed, pulling his briefs down to reveal a girthy member. Hardened and ready for a kiss from you. You lick the shaft, from the balls to the tip. Occasionally kissing it along the way. Kissing the tip before taking him into your mouth. Finn groaned, feeling your hot wet mouth around him. You suck him off, bobbing your head. His breathing gets a little heavier. He smirked, he liked seeing you like this, "keep going~". He kept telling you how good you were, how good you make him feel. Then he tilts his head, you could see the gears turning in his head when you glanced up at him. He smirked, "ok, pull off and lay down. I want you to spread your legs~".If you didn't listen, he'd spank you and tell you how naughty you were. He would make you beg, then proceed to make you moan. You were his, and he wanted you to know that every night you two were together. He positions himself with you before slapping his member against your entrance. You nod to tell him you're ready, then he slips into you. Pumping in and out of you, slapping against you with a slight grinding motion. Finn groans, closing his eyes as he takes in every moment of being inside you. You felt soo good to him. He then rolls over with you still connected to him. He orders you to bounce, and you do so. bouncing up and down his throbbing cock. Bringing him closer to release inside of you. He smiled at you, watching that hot and horny expression you give when you feel good. You could feel the sweat dripping down your back, a knot forming in your stomach. He knew you were close. So he roll his hips in sync with you until you came. and when you did, he grabbed your waist and released his hot seed inside you with mighty thrust.
Two tired bodies covered in sweat, you pull off and lay on his chest. Huffing, thighs trembling as you two lay together. He holds you. He tells you how you did such a good job. You smile, then drift off to sleep in his arms. Finn brushed a strand of hair from your face, smiling at you before closing his eyes. Falling asleep with you.
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boypussydilf · 5 months
2, 5, 7 for both finn and jake. i need you think about these two for me ooo ooooo
2. favorite thing about this character
i think the great thing about jake that really Makes Him Jake is that in a lot of places hes kind of already got himself all figured out. he’s just plain content. he’s good like he is he doesn’t need anything. most of the time his greatest aspirations are “eat sandwich” and “hang out with girlfriend” jake the dog is living his best life
finn. The best thing about finn is everything about finn? he’s such a good protagonist and a good character and a good boy (*remembers hes almost 30 now* jesus christ) and i love him. i just zoned out thinking about finn mertens and forgot to write anything down. He tries very hard and he loves his friends a lot and he gets to be just a regular teenage boy and. And he’s an honorary dog and his existence for the first like 16 years of his life was existential horror at being the only one of his species and he says “mathematical” to mean “awesome”. He’s just so Finn! ifeel like in my mind ive really singled out specific things about him before but. i dont remember exactly. hes just great. he is doing the best that he can. he loves to HELP PEOPLE and USE SWORDS and BEATBOX
5. first song you think of when you think of this character
really feels like cheating to use a song from adventure time but obviously with finn i think of my best friends in the world. otherwise uhhhh….. jeez with how much i listen to music and how much i think about characters you’d think i’d have more songs inextricably linked to certain characters. i don’t really have anything else i can think offff………
really cool wig has jake energy
7. something the fandom does with this character that you like
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH . uh. I dont remember i havent seen many adventure time posts that aren’t about betty in a while. I think it’s funny when people draw them as tumblr posts that sound like them,. but that is not. much. I like it when people draw them? i can not seem to remember anything unique this is so sad ummmmm. I like it when ppl do anything with finns relationships…… his friendship w bonnie and marcy his relationship with his mom um etc. and i liiiiiiiiiiike uhhhhhhh the time someone redrew the “yoshis going to eat me and turn me into an egg now i love you goodbye” post w finn and jake That’s all i got folks thanks for coming
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The Most Character Ever Tournament- Round 4 Set 2
In this tournament, we will be searching to find the most character ever! I challenge you to decide on an adjective before you see the characters and stick with it throughout all the polls. I go a bit more into detail in this post.
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Hatsune Miku from VOCALOID/Piapro studio/other things
Claimed to be the most everything by the person who submitted her. Although, if they had to choose, they’d say she’s the most iconic
Has defeated Anya Forger, Gabbro, and David Brittlesbee
“literally anything you want. she can be everything. she can be nothing. the only things that are canon is that 1. shes a girl 2. shes 16 3. shes 158 cm tall and 42kg but u can ignore all of those if u would like. she sings but she doesnt need to sing if u dont want her to. her friends are the rest of the cryptonloids but they dont need to be her friends if u dont want them to. she sang love is war. she sang melt. shes trilingual and can speak japanese english and chinese but people forget that a lot and her chinese kind of sucks. she sang popipo. shes transgender. shes our oc. shes our daughter. she is hiding in our wifi. shes our best friend.”
Ash Ketchum from Pokémon
Claimed to be the most very best (like no one ever was) specifically at catching pokémon by the person who submitted him
Has defeated Five Pebbles, Perfuma, and Finn Mertens
“This ten year old has been ten for like 2 decades isn't that fucked up. His personality is being ten and being energetic and Determined to Catch 'Em All. He's very loud and outgoing and just,, a nice kid. But most importantly he is the greatest Pokemon Master of all time actually [#real]”
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tabswrites · 1 year
Top Ten Character Essence
(Your top ten characters decided by their essence or meaning to you)
Thanks for the tag @mariahwritesstuff
Join in if you like @clairelsonao3 @hd-literature @sam-glade @zmwrites and anyone else who thinks this looks fun (no pressure!)
(This list is not all-inclusive because I am terrible at making decisions and get attached to everything.)
10. Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy-books, not the terrible movie or laughably bad show)
I was known as the Harry Potter girl growing up (ugh), but Vampire Academy was the first series I truly fell in love with. Rose is loyal, sarcastic, a lot stubborn and a total bad ass. Her character development over the course of the series shows her go from a very talented but totally immature protector to a wise and trusted guardian.
9. Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly/Serenity)
One of the saddest things about Firefly being cancelled is that so many of the characters had a lot of potential to have great stories. Mal for me was one of those. He fought to free the struggling people from the tyranny of the government and failed miserably, turning him into someone completely cynical and closed off. He still finds a way to help in any way he can and depends on his crew to keep him grounded. I still love the line “May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.”
8. Nomi Marks (Sense8)
I could honestly put all of the main characters from this show on my list, it’s one of my favorite shows of all time. Nomi’s journey didn’t start with her transition (MtF). It started with a trans woman discovering she is psychically connected to 7 strangers. Sense8 was my first show with what could be considered real inclusivity and Nomi had by far one of my favorite stories. She’s a whip-smart and sassy “hacktivist” and spends her time just enjoying life and helping others like her with difficult pasts learn to enjoy theirs. In one of my favorite scenes she says “The real violence, the violence I realized was unforgivable, is the violence that we do to ourselves, when we're too afraid to be who we really are.” I’ve thought about it every single day since.
7. Lord Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
He really did have every reason to be a villain. He was permanently disfigured and banished by his own family as a literal child and sent on what everyone believed to be a futile mission just to get rid of him. He rejected most of the guidance from his caring Uncle until Zuko made the choice to look inward and change for himself. I know people bring him up a LOT for these kinds of posts, but for good reason. He realized that he could simply choose to do the right thing, after years of being angry, scared and alone. That’s powerful.
6. Evelyn Wang (Everything, Everywhere, All At Once)
My new favorite movie. As a white woman I will never be able to connect with this movie as much as the Asian community, and that’s okay. Inclusion should be about bringing stories from all cultures and all types of people to life, while having small parts of the story that everyone can connect to. For Evelyn, she was just a very lost, very sad woman who had given up on having any happiness in her life. She was beaten down, tired, overwhelmed and unable to reconnect with her own family through all of this. Still, when she was told that “Nothing matters”, in the end, she chose her daughter, Joy. “When nothing else matters, choose joy” is a pretty powerful philosophy.
5. Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)
Her story in season 4 really spoke to me. I feel like a lot of stories don’t always acknowledge that you can still grieve someone that caused you pain. A lot of her struggles really resonated with me and I just see her as a really important character.
4. Finn Mertens (Adventure Time)
What can I say? He’s a lovable idiot who becomes one of the most legendary heroes of all time. I relate to that because I myself am a lovable idiot but I’d settle for being just a well-liked author.
3. Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Amity easily had one of the best character arcs of that entire show. She was someone who was the best at everything and slowly realized that she was kind of terrible at just being a person. By the end of the show she was happy with herself, her life and her found family and that’s all anyone can really ask for.
2. Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House…again)
Girl’s had it rough. She is cursed at a young age, essentially destroying any potential she had in the magical world. Her curse led to a devastating fallout with her family and she spent majority of adulthood in isolation. She used that solitude to become confident in herself and her magic and became one of the most powerful witches ever. When she is given the opportunity to come face to face with the person who cursed her, she chose forgiveness. She took in a strange human who was lost because she saw herself at the same age and wished there was something back then to guide her. By the end of the show she has found the people who love and respect her for who she is: The love of my life.
1. Luz Noceda (The…Owl House)
All she ever wanted was to be understood. That’s the most relatable thing I’ve ever heard. When she comes across a strange realm, she doesn’t see demons or witches, she sees other people who are struggling to find who they are. By showing compassion and love to these people she becomes one of the most strongest and respected witches of all time. Her journey is so important to me and I hope all of us can find a Luz to show us what true friendship and love really looks like.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 2 years
fern mertens x gn!reader
a/n: aaaaalright, hello !! uhm, i’m not even sure it’s worth the old “i know i have requests, buuut” because,,, yall have heard that too many times now ahfoanf- i’m not necessarily “back” from my semi-hiatus or anything, i’m just ,,,, fern-posting, since i have brainrot jsjsjs sorry besties <//3
warnings: none <3
word count: 1,103
In his life, there weren’t many things Fern felt were his. There was barely anything he felt he had control over- at times, he wasn’t even sure he had control over his own thoughts, actions, or especially emotions. His memories weren’t his- they were Finn’s. His anger grew so out of control that he found himself smashing plates, or hitting things. Then, he’d sink down into a weird… sadness. The sadness of knowing nothing about yourself. Like he was just some… dude in a plant body. Just a mind, sort of… stuck.
You, however, were something… different. Fern met you properly before Finn did. Sure, thanks to fuzzy half-memories, he was sure Finn had met you, but it was in passing. To Finn, you were just another person to potentially protect. To Fern, you were… incredible.
You had met Fern at the market. While the plant boy glanced at dirt, questioning whether maybe that was something he could eat, you had taken notice of him. A green, grassy version of Ooo’s hero. Was he a… clone? Had PB used Finn as a test subject? When he noticed you staring, he felt his face warm up- the grass against his cheeks and nose turning a darker shade of green- and glanced over at you. Opening, he muttered in a voice that was certainly not Finn’s, “am I in your way?”
“Oh, no, sorry. You just, uh… look familiar?”
“...I get that a lot.”
“Do you?”
“I’m physically almost identical to Finn Mertens, of course I do.”
You pondered a moment, taking the fact that a conversation had begun to step a bit closer, inspecting the boy’s appearance a bit more. “Maybe a bit, but… you don’t seem all that similar.”
That was the first time Fern had heard something like that. Not similar to Finn…? For once, he wasn’t being viewed as some weird… green demon copy of a hero. He was “just some guy” to you, which was so much better in his eyes.
As the two of you grew closer, Fern finally felt another unique feeling. Control. Not “control” in a manipulative way, or even in a way where he actively seeked control, but… a sort of mutual control? As the two of you began dating (a long road had been walked before he was ready to, however,) he knew he had as much control in the relationship as you did. He had a say in things. And, for once, he had something that was… his, and his only. Your relationship wasn’t Finn’s. Your love wasn’t Finn’s. You were in a relationship with him. (Y/N) and Fern. Fern’s relationship with (Y/N)... (Y/N)’s love for Fern. 
Moments like these were Fern’s favorite. You sat with him on the rooftop, Finn and Jake probably off doing their own brother things, BMO and Neptr most likely playing pretend elsewhere- the rest of Ooo seeming busy, yet everything was… rather quiet. Peaceful. To Fern, the world was currently only you and him. Those peaceful moments were ones where the grass boy’s mind would wander freely, when he felt no pressure to stop all his corny thoughts. He pondered many things in those moments, though the only thing he could think then was “love.” He was in love. He wanted to tell you. To exchange three little words, that were a big deal for someone who hadn’t exactly… experienced a lot of love. He wanted to tell you why he loved you. To hold your hands and kiss your face, and mutter all the reasons he loved you. As his cheeks turned a darker green, he simply sighed to himself, debating whether or not to let those corny thoughts slip past.
“(Y/N)?” He responded, glancing over at you. When he looked, he noticed you already looking up at him.
“I love you, Fern,” You stated, the phrase rolling off of your tongue like you had been practicing it specially for him. His heart- though he questioned if he really did have one- fluttered, throat suddenly feeling as though there was a rock in it. No matter how much he, embarrassingly, imagined you saying those words- no matter how often he himself practiced saying them to you- nothing prepared him for that moment. A moment where he genuinely felt so loved, those words only confirming it that much more. He almost wanted to cry, and was sure he’d shed a few tears when you left.
“Also, don’t feel pressured to say it back,” You added, trying to hide the way you attempted to analyze his expression, instead going for a safe (and genuine) route. “This sort of thing, just… happens at different times for different people. I hope it isn’t too early on my part- I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or-”
Fern cut you off with a gentle kiss. It was his turn to be uncertain, as his lips barely grazed yours. The way you didn’t flinch gave him just enough confidence to fully kiss you, as if he wanted to be sure he wasn’t imagining it. A moment passed, before he leaned back, practically certain that the grass on his face would burst into flames. You felt the same, aside from the grass part, as your face burned. 
“Me too…” He muttered, before silently cursing himself. “I- I mean- I, uh… I love you too, (Y/N). Really really, not like… not obligatory or anything. You’ve… you’ve given me a sense of control in my life. And like I actually have something that Finn doesn’t… I’ve still got problems, but it feels like I’ve got, uh- I’ve got a few less, y’know… when we’re together…”
He trailed off, turning his head away from you as he attempted to not get tongue-tied. As if he wasn’t already tense enough, he practically jumped when you placed a hand on his back, before the warmth from your palm let him remember it was okay to relax. It was you. He was safe. Free to express his thoughts with zero judgment.
“Thank you, Fern… you have no idea what that means to me. For what it’s worth, I feel the same. Maybe I can’t understand exactly, but I do understand to an extent,” You responded, feeling how he relaxed even just against your palm. His head turned back, just enough to where you could see his smile, and you quickly felt a grin of your own forming. 
“Yeah…” Fern sighed, pausing for a moment before continuing. “I love you.”
You giggled a bit, leaning against Fern slightly. “I love you too. Very much.”
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jakesuit0 · 2 years
Memories of Boom Boom Mountain Review
And we arrive at one of those rare season 1 episodes that introduces some new, vital lore. But as we are still in the season one era, its not a super dramatic episode.
The Marauders are a good group of characters introduced here. They never do much with these characters and they are pretty one note, but that’s okay. Their obsession with wrestling is funny. These are great characters for our rambunctious protagonist to bounce off of. I love how unlike most characters like the Marauders, they are empathetic. They don’t make fun of Finn’s boom boom trauma or his desire to help people. They hear out and try Finn’s ideas. The Marauders genuinely respect Finn! 
Spider-Man vowed to always use his powers to help people after using his powers selfishly ended up resulting in the death of Uncle Ben. Batman seeing his parents get killed by thugs inspired him to take out his anger getting vengeance on other criminals to keep Gotham safe. Iron Man reinvented his company to manufacture suits of armor to save people, after seeing the damage his war profiteering caused. Steven Universe wants to live up to his mother, a courageous rebel who gave up her physical form to create him, leaving behind a broken family. Finn Mertens became a hero...because people were grossed out that he shit himself. 
I kid, Finn’s backstory, while simple, is a bit more sophisticated than that. Finn was abandoned as a baby and saw heartless strangers unwilling to help a defenseless child. That experience traumatized him. He then saw a good example of how people can make the world a better place. His parents took pity on him when nobody else would and adopted him. This inspired Finn’s ethical code and heroism, although the problems Finn tackles here are very mundane.
Other than informing Finn’s character, this backstory confirms a key detail. Finn and Jake are in fact adoptive brothers, giving us a better understanding of their relationship. We are also introduced to Finn and Jake’s parents, Joshua and Margaret. With the fantastic 1940s accent, J and M are hilarious and charming characters. While we later learn more about them, their personalities here are perfectly in line with everything else we see of them throughout the series. These scenes also beg a question, what happened to Finn’s human parents? (...as well as how does Finn even have memories from being an infant?)
Now on to the main conflict, the crying, talking mountain. Ok, its not just me who sees this, the mountain is totally just trying to repress same sex attraction, right?? He is bizarrely bothered by these topless men wrestling. He calls their behavior “raunchy” and says the Marauders have “fantastic bodies”. The mountain is funny enough, if a bit unlikable for trying to police the behavior of others. But this deeper possible layer to his character at least makes him more interesting. Was it intentional? Maybe? Its hard to not see it and the writers do play around with sexuality in subtext a lot. 
Jake thinks the mountain is just crazy and isn’t interested in putting up with his antics, just like he acts again towards Susan Strong later in “Beautopia”. Due to Finn’s principle to try to help everyone in need, he tries to fix the mountain’s problem. The solutions Finn comes up with are funny, even though the first one is pretty abusive to animals. Based mountain calling Finn out on his animal abuse. 
As Finn thinks he finally found a solution, he discovers that solution just pisses other people off. Early Adventure Time loves its random humor, and showing a bunch of wacky characters dealing with bizarre problems is a great excuse to showcase that brand of comedy. In the commentary for this episode, Pen says that was an analogy for how he felt producing early Adventure Time. Many different cooks in the kitchen wanted Adventure Time to be completely opposite things. It reminds me of a politician trying to please and not piss off all their constituents. Its an impossibly tight rope to balance. You can’t please everyone.
However, the moral of the episode goes in an opposite and unrealistic direction. If you have enough will like Finn, you can please everyone! I suppose the message of never giving up to make everyone happy does have some merit. We get a hilarious sequence of a convoluted system that fixes everyone’s problems. On the one hand, this moral is harmful. On the other hand, the solution is really funny. Realistically, there is no way that this system is going to hold forever, soon it will all fall apart, and people will be unhappy once again. I think a good compromise would have been to, at the end of the episode after Finn and Jake had gone home, quickly show the system breaking down to show that you can’t please everyone. 
Finn would later have to learn that you can’t help everyone in episodes like “City of Thieves”. The Simon and Betty arc also strongly pushes that message.
We end on a really funny “lol so random xd” moment of Finn and Jake riding a dolphin.
Grade: B+
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inwarddynasty · 3 years
Cartoon Gt interactions(sorry they suck)
(Most bonds take place at season 1)
Dipper Pines
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• Most likely, he would try to catch you in a jar, he is devoted to anything out of the ordinary and a tiny person is very interesting
•He would most certainly feel bad when he knows he's frightened you, he'll lift the jar and shower you with apologies until you're calm
•He will hide you from his twin, give you food when you need it, and carry you around everywhere with him. It seems you know more than that book of his has to offer and he only occasionally looks through it
•He is way overprotective when he figured out that the grow gem doesn't work on you for some reason, he won't be as clumsy or sometimes careless
•He'll introduce you to Mabel eventually....maybe....ok it may take a while
Mabel Pines
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•she will be curious and instantly try everything to get you, from traps to just casual conversation. You are like a tiny friend that is always listening but never appears
•when you finally decide to be nice she instantly talks your ears off, she tells you so many things and asks you so many questions. What she will mainly ask is if she can hold you
•once you let her hold you she is an instant cuddle bug, showering you when you want attention and when you want no attention
•making tiny sweaters is something she adores, she even tries to make you ride Waddles. Dipper gets scared that her energetic energy will hurt you but you're a touch cookie
Star Butterly
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•You are disobedient, fearless, and honestly the most hard-headed tiny there was. Star was very confused as to why you would fight monsters that were way out of your size.Yet she admired how even without the magic you could handle yourself
•she would get a cuteness overload when you're trying to get to high places and don't have the right equipment
•she likes it when you hold onto her finger, she finds it adorable when you get stuck in the blankets even though she at times can barely see you
•Hugs are a yes, cuddling is a yes, tiny high fives are a yes, and so on. You two have so much fun together, she asks about your parents but you just change the topic
Marco Diaz
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•You are not one to be pushed around, you hated being small and so when you met an overprotective Marco you made it a habit to do anything dangerous
•hed scowled you for trying to jump from one high place to the next, he was a very worried dad in your perspective. You thought it was funny
•he would make you some little treats if you were good or did something he asked, if not you would just help yourself
•he would tease you when you're in a bad mood most definitely and he will even put you in the 'time out cage'.You knew it was a joke and punishment but you honestly most of the time didn't mind
Finn Mertens
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•you and him go way back along with Jake, a bond that can never be broken. He was a hero in your eyes and you were a ray of sunshine in his
•He would protest with Jake about bringing you on quests and stuff, you would always say you can handle it...you can't but you do it anyway
•he gets seriously mad when someone talks bad about you, don't even get me started on what happens when someone hurts you, he gets so enraged
•being a tiny anything and everything wants you as a meal, Finn would go to lengths to get you safe. If you ever got hurt or injured you can say goodbye to your outside privileges
Luz Noceda
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•You were helped by her on your way to Hexside, they didn't have any books your size and quite frankly you didn't have size-shifting abilities.She helped you pick up your book and offered you a ride to class
•you couldn't do much magic, well....you could but it caused you to get tired fast depending on how big the spell is, Luz showed you her way of learning magic
•luz would invite you to the owl house, hides you from Hooty until she felt it was safe, and take you to her room she was staying in, you would lay on her stomach as she texted on her phone
•she is extra careful around you but also likes to do tricks with you and make small jokes to which you laugh at, all in all, she is really fun to hang out with
Willow Park
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•well she would find you always near a flower, you were tiny with wings that resembled hummingbirds. She loved watching you from a distance seeing you interact with flowers of all kinds. Until she one day saw one of your wings was rip off completely, she rushed to your aid
•you were scared at first, it all happened so fast, but you soon realized she meant no harm and opened up to her slowly. You were upset your wing was gone but in the end, she cheered you up
•she made you a makeshift wing and it was like learning to fly all over again, none the less she helped you.Almost like a mother bird and her chick
•when you flew she was so happy and sad that you might go, but you loved being with her and you didn't have any family alive. Things would get better for both of you, Willow needed someone to talk to and you were right there
(Au versions are coming later on-)
(Want more characters added? Just ask!Hopefully I know em)
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the-possum-writes · 2 years
Hi, could I ask for a 'there's only one bed' trope with finn the human? Thanks!
There's Only One Bed!
❥Ship: Finn Mertens/Reader
❥Tags: Oneshot, Fluff, humor, fanfic tropes, gender neutral!reader
❥Synopsis: A terrible storm has lead you and Finn to stay at an inn, confesiones are made and tropes are expected.
❥Taglist: @watchingfromthefloorboards
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You wish you could call this an ordinary storm but after witnessing a metallic billboard get blown off its hinges and crash land on a car, it's understandable why you don't want to risk traveling in this weather. The safest idea was to cut this expedition short and seek refuge in a nearby town, preferably the cheapest inn you two could find.
"Yeah we're alright, just gonna wait out the storm at an inn," you hear Finn talking to Jake through the phone line. It isn't like you're actively eavesdropping on him, it's just that you happen to be within hearing distance. What a coincidence. "Chill man, we're gonna get separate rooms-" Finn gives you a side glance before placing a hand over the receiver end and purposely turn his back, but you can still manage to distinguish a few lines. "No, no, I don't need you to lecture me on tier 15 again... Cause I'm not a preteen anymore geez! I'll see you in the morning." he eventually hanged up in a furious whisper, looking rather agitated.
"Something wrong?" you ask him, going so far as to fan him with a pamphlet.
Finn scratches the back of his head with a brief laugh. "Nothing, just Jake being Jake." he changes the topic by pointing to the reservation desk. "Did you get our room keys?"
You lower your sight to the ground, scratching the back of your ear. "Yes and no. They told me all the rooms were taken except for one..." to demonstrate your point you raise the single key hanging from your index finger.
Finn exhales from his nose in a tiny laugh. "Really? Uh, that doesn't sound too bad. We've camped together before, you'll just take one bed and I'll take the other."
You nod with uncertainty, too embarrassed to explain the situation until he sees it for himself.
Finn didn't see an issue until you two reached said room in question, opening it to reveal the only thing you've been dreading after watching countless cheesy room coms with Pb and Marcy. A single king sized bed in an otherwise spacious room, not only that but it's decorated with hearts, shades of pink and typical lovely dovely imagery usually reserved for valentines day. "Reception said the honeymoon suite was the only one available," you shift awkwardly as you take a step inside the room, it reeks of lotion and flowery scented candles. "The decoration is awful, but look at the bright side! it had a 2x1 discount price." Finn can tell you're trying to make light of the inconvenience but it's pretty hard when everything in the room screams romance while the two of you are just friends. Right?
Okay that's a partial lie, there's been some growing tension between the two of you for a while now but for the sake of the friendship neither of you took the initiative.
"No biggie! You're probably more tired than I am. You can take the bed." Finn reassures you, funny enough he turns around to avoid meeting your gaze. You lower you back pack beside the bed and it's overly exaggerated amount of pillows. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'll just sleep on this weird curved sofa."
"... Uh Finn, that's not a sofa." you pause momentarily, realizing you'd rather not explain what that piece of furniture is. Or even less, explain why you know what that piece of furniture is for. "You've done a lot of heavy lifting all the way here, maybe you should have it." you raise a hand to his shoulder but the boy flinched to your touch.
"No, no its alright. Honest!" his tone is slightly raised, proving the opposite.
His conversation with Jake started making sense now. You firmly press your hands on Finn's shoulders and force him to turn him around, that's when you're met with what he was trying to hide, the tomato red blush spread over his boyish face. "Finn, we're both equally tired after that trip, we both deserve a good night sleep. Besides, we've known each other for a long time and I trust you won't do anything inappropriate, so I don't see an issue with sharing a bed for today."
"Do you trust me?" you interrupt him, keeping eye contact.
"I uh, I do." he nods.
"Good," you end the conversation with a stern nod. "Now I'll go take a hot shower and get out of these wet clothes."
Finn watches you grab a change of dry clothes and make your way to the bathroom, he admires how mature you handled the situation while he's standing here with his face hot enough to fry an egg. Normally he has no issues sharing beds, but the obvious embarrassment reveals his true feelings about you. Despite how you handled the situation in front of Finn, the second you hide behind the bathroom door you find yourself blushing madly as you squeal under your breath.
After the two of you warm up, tuck into bed and turn off the light, you feel your roommate turn his back to you on his side of the bed. If anyone walked in on the two of you they would think you and Finn are a couple who had an argument. You don't know why but you feel at peace, maybe it's the tranquility of sleeping in a bed after camping in the wilderness, the blankets warmth compared to walking in the rain, or the water droplets smacking against the windows in an almost rhythmic melody. Truthfully, you think it's because of Finn's presence next to you, something about it makes you feel safe and comfortable. Like when he watches over you when you sleep during stake outs.
"Hey Finn, are you asleep yet?" you fear he’s already long asleep, but he responds with a raspy voice, as if he was on the brink of sleeping.
"Not anymore," he chuckles. "What's up? Can't get some shut eye?" he asks.
"Kind of, sorry about your own sleep though. I'm probably a terrible roommate." you lament, hiding deeper in the covers.
"You're not that bad, at least you don't snore like Jake after a house party." you appreciate his comforting words with a brief laugh, but there's still something bothering you. "Then why were you so adamant about sharing with me?"
Finn didn't respond immediately but you feel the bed shift lightly. "Cause the thought of being so close to you made me feel funny." The response wasn't exactly what you were expecting. "A good funny or a bad funny?" you indulge yourself in his explanation. "Well, it makes me happy and warm inside so it's probably a good funny." he's no fool and neither are you, but Finn is being careful about this in case you don't feel the same, almost like he's treading on thin ice. Which is dumb, because you share the same feelings.
You lift the top portion of your body so you could turn around and face Finn, where he still has his back to you. "You also make me feel happy and warm." Finn finally turned around, his shocked face turning into a pleasing smile. "And here I thought I would make for a terrible roommate." you laugh one last time before breaking into a long yawn.
"Let's talk about this tomorrow."
If it wasn't for last night's confessions it would've made the next morning much more awkward, you woke up wrapped around in Finn’s arms with your legs tangled within his in a domestic display you've only seen in romance movies. Looks like overused tropes aren't so bad after all.
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golden-aire-girl · 3 years
So The Great North... 
I adore all the component parts of this show. I love listening to Megan Mullally agreesively flirt with her husband. I love Nick Offerman once again staring as a beacon of wholesome and positive masculinity. I love hollywood executives paying Dulce Sloan and Jenny Slate to be funny. I love how the Molyneux sisters write and have creative authority. I love the weirdness of the family. I can even say I love the bear ears on Moon (he seems like the lovechild of Louise Belcher and Finn (the Human) Mertens - smart, adventerous, loves his family and has a cool hat/costume for no reason). 
With all that, the show doesn’t feel like soup yet. Like everything is individually delicious but needs to simmer for a while to develop its flavor. 
But you know what, I can say I didn’t find Bob’s Burgers that special until the 3rd season and I didn’t get into Adventure Time until it had been off the air for two years. I can’t see this show lasting 10 years but I definitely wouldn’t have seen Bob’s Burgers lasting 11 seasons and a movie. 
I think once it finds its footing, it’ll be incredible. If it can’t, it still gave us an opportunity to see Megan Mullally flirt with her husband on tv and I have to say I love hearing Jenny Slate as an adorable sweetly quirky character and not delightfully toxic. 
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  f/o list pt 1☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
[name // nickname // relationship // source material // ship tag // gif source if applicable]
long post warning lol
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Leo Valdez // Sparky // romantic // Heroes of Olympus books // burning roses
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Finn Mertens // lionheart // romantic-platonic (best friends who kiss sometimes) // Adventure Time cartoon // alone together
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Klaus Hargreeves // the crackhead // romantic // Umbrella Academy show // ghost of you
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Westly // pirate king // romantic // Princess Bride movie and book // lean on me
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Sweet Pea // ambrose // romantic // Riverdale show // summer lovin
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Percy Jackson // mermaid man // romantic // Percy Jackson and the Olympians + Heroes of Olympus books // blue skittles
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Sal Fisher // kitty // romantic // Sally Face video game // reboot
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Durango // cowboy // romantic // Hell’s Cross books // stack the deck 
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Sydney Novak // Freckles // romantic // I Am Not Okay With This show // freaks of a feather
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Harry Hook // smokey // romantic // Descendants movies // ride or tide
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Izuku Midoriya // broccoli // romantic // My Hero Academia anime // the kind hearted
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Danny Vasquez // bushman brows // romantic // Bravest Warriors cartoon // sweater paws
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Draco Malfoy // dragon // romantic // Harry Potter books // what you love
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Danny Fenton/Phantom // oreo // romantic // Danny Phantom cartoon // psychics with issues
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Casey Gardner // hyena // romantic // Atypical show // wish u were gay
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Shawn Hunter // atlas // romantic // Boy Meets World show // behind the camera
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Tedros Pendragon // prince charming // romantic // School for Good and Evil books // cinderella moment
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Beetlejuice // garbage man // romantic // Beetlejuice the musical // bastard babes
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Kiara Carrera // hibiscus // romantic // Outer Banks show // someone on your level
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Beck Oliver // ice cream // romantic // Victorious show // the big lift
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Sirius Black // constellations // romantic // Harry Potter books // a little unconventional
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Christian Reed // sk8rboi // romantic // Dance Academy show // let’s be free
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Nicholas // giraffe // platonic // everything’s gonna be okay show // honey we gay
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Puppycat // spacecritter // platonic // Bee and Puppycat // and they were roommates
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Rachel Green // fashion mom // familial (mother figure) // Friends show // paris this summer (with ross: the epologue)
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Ross Geller // fossil dad // familial (father figure) // Friends show // learning curve (with rachel: the epologue)
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Stef and Lena Adams Foster // therapy mom and cop mom // familial (adoptive/foster moms) // The Fosters show // go ask your mom
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Michael Scott // paper plane // familial (uncle figure) // The Office show // honorary kool kidz
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Kevin Cozner // book dad // familial (father figure) // Brooklyn 99 // academics at work
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Rebecca Bunch // loveylawyer // familial (estranged half sisters) // Crazy Ex Girlfriend // into song
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Maya Hart // blondie // familial, alternate timeline twins // Girl Meets World show // annies one and two
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Sophia Quinn // aligator // familial/nemeses (half sisters,,, if you’ve seen the fosters you know what’s up,,,) // The Fosters show // time bomb
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Catbug // cutiebug // familial (younger brother/pet??) // Bravest Warriors cartoon // whimsy kids
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criptochecca · 4 years
Adventure time?
finally something good
Favorite character: Fern the Human and Finn Mertens more or less on the same levelSecond favorite character: MarcelineLeast favorite character: i think... maybe Uncle GumbaldThe character I’m most like:  Cole said “id say Marcie but i think you see yourself in Finn in a lot of stuff” and if that aint the absolute truth...... Favorite pairing: this is easy its not like there are many pairings to choose from, at least main stuff. Bubbline (but im also a huge Prisjake fan)Least favorite pairing: basically any popular Finn ship. Finn/Bubblegum and Finn/Marceline is gross, Finn/Princess Flame was cute when it lasted but to like it after everything is stupid and I hate Finn/Huntress Wizard it was just an excuse to make Finn straight to the very end and honestly Huntress Wizard is too cool for himFavorite moment: oh god.. oh fuckk...... the problem with these medias is that there are just so many things that i love but honestly when Marceline and Ice King sang Remember Me.... i was there when it all started.Rating out of 10: 9.5/10 with its high and low but overall its my favourite cartoon of all time
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burritodetodo · 6 years
Fare You Well Adventure Time - Final Review
On Monday September 3rd 2018 at 19:00 (EST) the 2010s Animation Renaissance era was over after Adventure Time ended. It was the foundation stone of eight years in which a generation that grew up watching cartoons could meet them again thanks to a great story. One of the tales from the mythical Enchiridion that became a worldwide cultural phenomenon.
Pendelton Ward’s creation was born on 2007 as a short on Nickelodeon, but that network didn’t think it was material for a full series. In a very clever move, Cartoon Network, where Pen was working on Flapjack (the mothergum of 2010′s animated series) on those years, did think it was a good series and gave Adventure Time green light.
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In eight years Adventure Time went from the adventures of a 12 year old boy, Finn Mertens, and his magical shapeshifting dog, Jay T Dawgzone Jake, on a post apocalyptic world to a coming of age story that has nothing to envy of John Hughes movies.
The first three seasons the Finn wants to be a hero no matter what the consequences. On fouth and fifth seasons, our little dude falls into love games of infatuation, teen love and broken hearts. Family and existential dramas are shown on its sixth season, in which the tone is darker and deeper. The final three seasons show Finn discovering who he is, why he has a heroic behaviour, learns to cope with depresion and anxiety with his other part, Fern, and, different to his younger self, learns that not everything has to be solved with violence.
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Alongside Finn we have a cast that grew up with him and were key to the main story:
Bonnibel Bubblegum: an 827 year old princess that looks like a 19 year old one that learned not to be manipulative all the time and has to lean on her friends to solve her problems and chill out.
Marceline Abadeer: a +1000 year old vampire queen (that also looks 19) who survived a nuclear war and heir to the Hell throne that realises she can’t escape from her troubles all the time and need her friends beside her. Especially her loved one, PB.
Simon Petrikov/Ice King: he used to be an archaeologist cursed by a magic crown with antediluvian magic that turned him into mental insanity and looks for his fiancée/princess to say one last goodbye.
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BMO: they have the purpose of entertain a young boy, the possible son of their creator that didn’t have because he also didn’t have time to make one, who have some journeys where they found out where they come from and learns about life and death.
Jake: a magical dog who efusively lives under the YOLO rules and skips way too much some important moments like his children breed. Through seasons he learns he needs contention and tries to be a better dad by supporting his pups.
The fight between good and evil can’t be absent from this epic tale. A bunch of major enemies appear such as The Lich as the personification of Evil on Earth, a Grass Curse that brings lots of problems in later seasons, the Vampire King that awakens after a thousand years, a wacky scientist who did hideous experiments on animals and humans and a primordial god that seeks destruction. There’re also other enemies who were defeated in one or two episodes.
Love is a fundamental element of the series. Finn went through infatuations and teen love, satisfy himself through a fantasy that pulls a break up with Flame Princess (his first girlfriend), his unloving dad and loving virtual mom and the spiritual conection with Huntress Wizard towards the end of the show. That feeling can also drive someone mad, like Betty trying to save Simon and almost destroying the world twice.
But the most notorious demonstration of love of the series was the one between Marceline and Bonnibel. Shown distant from the begining because of a mutual distance, they were getting closer and closer as long as the series was reaching the end and the climax was with a long awaited kiss during the end of the world after Marcy went bersek when she saw Bonnie almost dead after a GOLB monster attacked her. That LGBTQ kiss was very important for inclusive representation in animation, a taboo that is luckily disappearing little by little.
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We can’t leave behind the crew who made Adventure Time possible. Pen Ward was in charge for four seasons until he stepped down. Adam Muto replaced him with profit the creator’s project. Storyboarders and writers staff that were in the series left to create big hits:
Patrick McHale: part of the core of what was Adventure Time on its first seasons, he did in parallel the extraordinaire Over The Garden Wall. A 10 part miniseries themed in Halloween that was an instant hit and every October is revisited by fans.
Rebecca Sugar: the best alumni for many fans. They left on Season 5.1 to create Steven Universe, CN’s powerhosrse nowadays.
Ian Jones-Quartley: he went with their girlfriend, Sugar, to Steven Universe. His short, Lakewood Plaza Turbo, was greenlit and it was renamed to OK KO. An awesome cartoon with 90s spirit on its own.
Julia Pott: she created a short that was premiered in Sundance festival called Summer Camp Island. It got an award and the network gave it green light for a full series. With her, many members of Adventure Time crew went there and has a tone that’s familiar with AT’s first season.
Voice actors were also a key role in their interpretation of characters. Big names such as John DiMaggio or Tom Kenny mixed with the aging Jeremy Shada that grew up alongside Finn so the production didn’t have to change his voice actor as it happens in many shows. And, as I did in previous reviews, Olivia Olson was amazing playing Marceling but also by singing: from mourning about the last fries on Earth to doing a terrific Mitski cover back on Season 7.
Of course, a big hit series can have big guest actors voicing characters. Names such as Ron Perlman, Neil Patrick Harris, Maria Bamford, Mark Hamill and many more also gave life to Ooo’s big characters.
We say fare thee well to an epic story. Nine seasons, or chapters, that explored with creativity real life situations ambiented in a post-apocalyptic world. A story that gave us back faith on animation, despite network’s mistreatment in the final seasons. A show that wasn’t only child’s game, because animation is for everybody. Listening to the Music Hole sing sweet songs, she rock our souls while we ask what time is it.
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