#i like how i made my own versions of the vocaloids
ma-mariarie243 · 4 months
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I was re-reading the adachi and shimamura novel i had and.... this just kind of drew itself
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mayordea · 10 months
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songwriting with meiko 🎙️
i have a few things to comment abt this which will be isolated under the cut so the post doesnt get too bloated :] mainly small hcs about meiko/kaito/miku hhhh
an idea that briefly popped in my head when i was brushing my teeth that i did not want to let get away. it was ambitious and i liked the concept of using my hc'd versions of the younger crypton vocaloids (miku's beta design and meiko/kaito's v1 designs) interacting with each other, so i went for it. i designed the general vibe of the background in animal crossing, ol reliable for these kinds of things, since i knew i wanted to cram as much detail in the environment as i could. i made a post about it on my personal account here since i was quite proud of this build.
as i was decorating, i kept spontaneously making headcanons for the younger meiko/kaito/miku unit in order to understand how to populate their living space with accurate clutter. i ended up totally overdecorating the whole thing and only referenced a small portion of the interior (like, why'd i go so hard on thinking about the yard? thats just what happens when i try taking this route) but i did like some of the ideas i came up with to explain my decorative choices. here's just a ramble.
oh yeah i guess i should get something i mentioned in the tags of that art i made w all the crypton gang's "younger" versions out of the way: i hc the character vocal gangs' "younger" designs to be their "IF" or beta designs. and meiko and kaito's younger versions are their V1 designs, mainly inspired by how they appear in the earlier project diva games (every time i look at them i just see them as awkward teens still trying to figure out who they are lmao)
also mentioned there that sakine meiko and meiko are one in the same and the fanloid and vocaloid arent separate entities. sakine meiko was meiko in her early music career as a relatable teen pop idol, with the "sakine" family name being made up to create that image. once meiko grew into an adult, she put the persona behind and just went by meiko, and around that time she met kaito and theyd be musical partners for a while
meiko sort of adopts miku into their unit when she recognizes her potential and serves as a mentor to her after then. kaito is the same but acts more as a supportive guardian in comparison. rin, len, and luka would come along later of course.
yeah i really fuck with the idea of the crypton gang being a little family :] i think it's neat! and this art/animal crossing build was a fun way to explore that hc a little
meiko is a physical media fiend, especially for music. loves collecting cds and vinyls and the like; they're littered all over the house. loves rock music too
kaito on the other hand has a knack for gardening and tends to the very modest garden outside their house. also collects a lot of art he finds in thrift marts and such for novelty's sake
miku always dedicated herself to improving her craft and finding her voice thanks to the help of meiko. she was also kind of a nerd at this era. very serious and dedicated
these folks did not know how to clean shit up, everything left lying on the floor ends up being an intentional decoration (probably not clear in this but i did like scattering stuff around to the best of my ability in the AC build)
ummm that’s it for now i guess i had less than i expected? but i’m glad to get this down somewhere lol feel free to share your own hcs if you wish, i love hearing them
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kafus · 6 months
it's entirely possible that kaf has changed her feelings about kafu over the past few years, she's a bit older and the concept has had time to settle, but this stuff with synthv is really startling to me because like. back when kafu was in development for cevio, they ran a poll asking which voice people liked better, there were options A and B - A sounded wayy closer to kaf, like kaf in a box, and obviously pre-existing kaf fans voted for option A. it was a huge thing because kaf put out a statement saying like, i want kafu to be her own thing, and so we've decided we're not going with option A. this was a multi paragraph statement with a decent amount of emotion in it - kaf grew up on vocaloid, she started singing because she was interested in utaite, she has genuine interest in the culture...
so them turning their back on this creative decision a few years later just feels... odd?? piedpiper just put out a longer tweet on twitter about kafu's synthv but i'm not going to comment on it since i feel like machine translation is losing some nuance and i'm waiting on a friend to help me out with better translation, but kaf's tweet about the phony demo is really short and has pretty much zero emotion, it's like just a PR tweet. this isn't super unusual, kaf doesn't talk about a ton of stuff very publicly, but it still feels odd, like she's fangirled on twitter before about honeyworks using kafu, she's not incapable of being excited on main...
a lot of kaf fans that i follow are excited about this because they want kaf in a box and i'm not following enough vocaloid people to see the opinions on the other side of things, but i made some disappointed tweets and my jp mutuals liked them and. even from people who are tentatively interested or excited in her synthv, i'm seeing visible confusion about why they didn't go with "version A" from that poll years ago if they were just gonna do this years later, so at least i'm not crazy and even for people who want kaf in a box, this is whiplash lol
idk i just really wish i knew the behind the scenes of how this happened. i was relatively confident this wouldn't happen because of how passionate they've been in the past about differentiating kafu, including kaf herself, and this is just such major tonal whiplash. kaf is usually treated well by kamitsubaki as far as i know so i'd like to believe this was a mutual decision even if i don't agree with it and not like, her being pressured in some way or another
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kamilion-en-pointe · 1 year
Just watched Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3 a few days ago. And I mean this with 100% sincerity—I don't think I've ever watched a movie so good it made me want to rewatch it in cinemas, until this one.
Anyway, here are some thoughts that have been spinning around in my head like a microwave lol. And feel free to add your own stuff. I'd genuinely love to read more of other people's takes :)
Uhhh surprise most of this is gonna be about Rocket
Spoilers Below!
The entire opening. I've listened to the acoustic version of Creep at least a billion times since watching it
I love that the stakes start relatively small. They're not going (initially) to save the entire galaxy or anything. They just need to save a member of their family. That's all you need to care
Mantis getting more character development is always really nice to see. She gives me the vibes of a therapist friend, which makes her ending of needing to part from the group to find herself quite satisfying
Nebula. Just Nebula. I love her
I think the movie handled the flashback scenes very well, especially the ones that featured heavy animal cruelty. Choosing not to show any visuals, just audio of a young Rocket screaming in pain. You can feel the horror of the Guardians as they watch the data they gathered
I like the brief scene of baby Rocket pocketing some of the High Evolutionary's tech. Especially once it's revealed he was hiding all the necessary components to recreate a keycard for the cages—something I don't think he would've done if he really had faith the High Evolutionary would let him and his friends free
When the High Evolutionary put a turtle in one of his pods, there was a little kid in the cinema who said, "Ninja turtle!" Which is great 'cause that's also what I was thinking lol
That same kid also really freaked out (/pos) when Peter dropped that f-bomb. It was really cute
I also love that Vocaloid is apparently a staple bit of pop-culture on Counter-Earth? Because that implies either:
A) The High Evolutionary thought it was literally the perfect music genre OR
B) He counted it as one of the many mistakes on his 'Reasons To Explode An Entire Planet I Spent Years Figuring Out A Way To Speed Up Evolution For' list
I'd like to just take a moment to appreciate how great of an actor Chukwudi Iwuji is??? Like, when the High Evolutionary drags Rocket to the pods and hysterically questions how? How could he have known what to do? How could this vermin be more intelligent than his creator? How dare he look down on him?! I was scared shitless
Just... Rocket's scream of anguish once Lylla is dead. After having hugged for the first and last time. Sends shivers up my spine
Floor's repetition of "Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now! Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!" has been ingrained into my brain for the rest of time (Major shout out to the voice actor, Mikaela Hoover!)
And then the High Evolutionary has the gall to mock Rocket, calling his grief a crying contest. I already hated this bastard but oh boy—!
Which makes Rocket's reaction so cathartic, when he jumps and scratches the High Evolutionary's face off. But his friends are telling him they have to go. They have to go now! Pleading with him as reineforcements arrive until...
They go quiet. And you can't help the dread bubbling inside you. Because we all knew how it was going to end, but we hoped, just maybe, we would be proven wrong
We weren't
Rocket, on the brink of death as Peter screams for him to be alright, seeing his friends in a white void, stacks of cages barely visible behind him. They're flying, they can see the neverending sky! "Can I join you?" he asks.
"Of course. But it's not your time yet."
Me: :')
Rocket seeing a cage of baby animals that look like him, after decades of thinking he was the only one in the universe. Looking at the plaque to see 'Racoon'—that's what he is? That's what he is!
Followed by him immediately scooping them all into his arms. Doesn't matter if they can't fit, or if some of them scramble onto his back. They can't go through what he went through, they just can't!
Rocket seeing the High Evolutionary after all these years of running, being beaten and thrown around, insult after insult flung at him—"How dare you think you are more?! 89P13!"
Before Rocket changes the gravity—one of the things the High Evolutionary boasted only he could control—and declaring, "Name's Rocket. Rocket Racoon."
He uses his name. He's not only found belonging with the baby racoons he just saved, this is also the first time his torturer hears his chosen name from his own mouth. He's saying, "I am not just a string of numbers! I am not just part of a batch of 'failed' experiments! I am my own being!!"
The reveal of the High Evolutionary's actual face was gross in all the best ways. The makeup was just *chef's kiss*
Rocket insisting they have to get the animals out too, even though the initial mission was to just get the children out, and the other Guardians going along with it because they can see how important it is to him makes me smile
Peter fucking Quill going back for the Zune, not for him, but so that he can give it to Rocket!!!
For real, I was actually worried that they would kill him off. The stakes were that convincing
I like that Peter and Gamora don't end back together. It's realistic, and more importantly, it feels like the characters made that decision themselves and not a bunch of writers forcing something between them. And Gamora has grown to care for the group now, even if she'll never return to how she was before
The fact that we can understand Groot because we're part of the family now ❤️❤️❤️
I genuinely don't get why some people thought ending with a dance party was weird/bad? Maybe it's just 'cause I'm a dancer so I associate it a lot with my emotions. But if any movie deserves to go out with a dance party, it's this one. It feels so...relieving, seeing everyone on Knowhere smiling and having fun together
(And, of course, I've also been looping Dog Days Are Over a billion times and smiling stupidly to myself)
And Peter finally returning to Earth, seeing his grandfather, who immediately gets up to hug him? Tears, just like that haha
I also adore both end credits scenes. Adorable
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
AMIAAAA!! HII<33 its A and ive finally decided to reveal myself since ive seen other anons do it !!
im sorry for not sliding into ur asks for the past few days im just been lazy 😞😞 so.. ive decided to come back with a request!!
i dont know if you write only angst but im still gonna ask anyway 😈
this, of course, came into my mind about two days ago,, i dont know if youve ever looked up the english lyrics of the disappearance of hatsune miku, or listened to the cover version by splendiferachie, but my request is if you can write about akito and rui with a vocaloid s/o, like miku, they’re sisters in a way since they were both created around the same time, and reader left them a song that’s about five minutes long which is entirely about how much they mean to them, and how they loved them with their whole heart even if they’re not actually a proper human 🙁 i just reallyyyy wanna know how the two would react to listening to their s/o listing everything, and i mean everything that they love about them, even if it was fast as hell, and then finally hear them shut down due to a critical error 😞😞 oh my fod amia im outtinf myself through pain
oh but anyways, despite the angst i just mercilessly dumped by accident, i hope your days have been incredibly wonderhoyful!!<33
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WAA omg HELLO!! its ok dw, its been very hectic for me recently anyway GDKSJF- but yall and the angst smh..../lh JK OFC this req destroyed me emotionally but I hope your days have been incredibly wonderhoyful too, and I hope you like this!! <3
♡ THE LOVE OF YOU... - Akito Shinonome and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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Akito had always been confused and in awe of the Sekai. I mean, it was a dimension born of feelings, he couldn't even comprehend how that worked-
Still, he was thankful to the Sekai. He was able to meet the Vocaloids, and he was able to meet you
You, wonderful you. The two of you hit it off immediately, and Miku would always tease you on the very obvious crush you had on Akito. Neither of you knew he felt the same way though
In fact, he was planning on telling you that very day, but was greeted by your absence. Confused, he looked around the Sekai until he bumped into Miku. Once he asked her where you went, the sad smile on her face was enough for him to worry
"It's...Hard to explain. Here," She held out a phone, and he took it with a raised brow, "They left this for you."
He thanked her before walking off, plugging in his earbuds to the phone before pressing play on the only track on it
He was greeted by your voice. You took a deep breath before singing, and with wide eyes he realized that you were describing him. You sang about how you adored him, the sparkle of determination in his eyes, the sly grin you'd give him after a successful practice
You were a vocaloid, but you loved him with all of your heart. The song made his own heart swell, but he didn't realize its purpose until you sang a final, "I love you-" before you were cut off, apparently shutting down
He sat in silence for a while, absolutely shocked. So you...You were shut down? He would never be able to talk to you again? He would never be able to see you again?
He didn't even realize that he was crying until the first of many tears landed on his hand. He tried to wipe them away, but they kept coming, never stopping
A choked sob left him as he cradled the phone close, hoping that nobody could hear him. You were gone. And he could never tell you that he loved you back.
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Rui found the Sekai to be one of the most fascinating things in the world. A place born purely from Tsukasa's feelings was certainly an interesting place to be!
He loved visiting the Sekai whenever he could. The atmosphere was loud yet homey, and he was able to be with you
You were absolutely lovely company, and he always felt comfortable with you. Miku would cheer the two of you on, and you would always laugh her off. You both had fallen for each other though
He was going to the Sekai to ask you out on a date, only to not find you. This was a normal occurrence with how big the Sekai was, so he found Miku and asked where you were
"Oh..." An uncharacteristic frown was on her face, and Rui was immediately filled with worry. "Um...They wanted you to have this." She handed him a music box and ran off
He tilted his head at her but took it, expressing his thanks before walking to a quieter part of the Sekai
Upon winding it up, he was able to hear your voice. You were singing, and it didn't take him long to realize that you were singing about him. You sang about your love for him, how you adored listening to his rambles, how he would give you hugs before he left
Neither of you thought it was possible for a vocaloid to love, but you did. He was warm, until you sang a final "I love you-" and was cut off. 
It didn't take him too long to realize what had happened. For whatever reason, you had been shut down. He...Couldn't really process it properly
A bitter laugh escaped him, and he hugged himself, tears slipping down his face. He couldn't- You couldn't- Surely you-
He sniffled, rubbing his eyes before standing up, a determined look in his eyes. He doesn't even know if it's possible to bring you back, but he would rather die trying.
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crunchy-humanoid · 2 months
So... Here's an introduction? Also, if you want to be mutuals, just like this post! Bc I have no idea how it works and I don't want to make things awkward 👉👈
Greetings! You can call me Crunchy or Crunch :D
★ 21 y.o (surprised tbh that I made it this far)
★ they/them, ace
★ asian✌️ not Japan/South Korea/China kind tho XD
★ obsessed with aliencore 👽
★ love art (in any kind), crafts, handmade, dolls (Monster High, Ever After High, Rainbow high)
Wanna make one thing clear to my mutuals, @strange-dusty-alien is my main blog (and this one is secondary), but I dedicate it to reblogging stuff I like from wonderful artists/creators. And I'm kinda ashamed to post something there bc some of mutuals there know me irl. So if you see like from that blog, it means I did it, Tumblr doesn't allow to leave likes from secondary blogs 😭
Here I'll post mainly my own thoughts and stuff like handmade, maybe even writing/drawings if I won't be ashamed ahahah
Fandoms (The list is gonna be huge so I'll redact it from time to time and it's not finished atm)
I think name the ones that left some kind of impact on me or I remember them dearly. Also I highlight current obsessions (but I can talk with you about all mentioned below).
Idk how to identify: Scooby Doo franchise, The Beatles, Love Händel from PnF, Hatsune Miku and other Vocaloids (main ones like Luka, Meiko, Kagamine siblings, Kaito, Gumi and Gakupo, I'm kinda basic 💀)
Series [NBC Hannibal, Good Omens, OFMD, Black Books, The Sandman, I'm not okay with this, Stranger things, ]
Movies [Wes Anderson movies, Scream 1-4, Stand by me, Like minds, The boat that rocked, Rocky Horror picture show, WWDITS, Spiderverse, Scott Pilgrim vs The world, Nimona, Klaus, The Aristocats, 101 Dalmatian, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Pocahontas, Coco, Inside Out, Turning Red, basically most of Pixar, IT (both old and new versions), LOTR, Napoleon Dynamite, With Honors, ]
Animated series [Metalocalypse, Steven Universe, Courage the Cowardly dog, MLP:FIM, Infinity train, Over the garden wall, ATLA, Scott Pilgrim takes off, W.I.T.C.H, Totally Spies, ]
Anime [Death note, Death parade, Land of Lustrous, Classmates, Devilman crybaby, Terror in resonance, Another, Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate, Hell Girl, Saint Young Men, Yuri on Ice, All saints street, Hells]
Comics/Manga/Books [The Sandman, Junji Ito's works, Stephen King's works, Tenant by Rolan Topor, 1984/451° Fahrenheit/Brave New World/We (dystopian stuff bc I was 'edgy'), Clockwork orange] basically I need to read more lmao
Games [Sky COTL, Little nightmares 1&2, The Arcana, Baldur's Gate 3, Animal crossing, Until Dawn, Spiderman by Insomniac games, Uncharted 4, GRIS, No Straight Roads, Astral chain, Gravity Rush, Unravel two, Dead rising series, Detroit: become human, Heavy rain, Lego Harry Potter]
Kin characters [Dream of the Endless/Morpheus, Peregrin Took/Pippin, Ice Bear, Courage, Shaggy, Stanley Uris]
Blorbos 🩵 [Dream of the Endless/Morpheus, Julian Devorak, Muriel of the Kokhuri, Astarion Ancunin, Rolan, Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead, Kakashi Hatake] ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
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meikostan · 6 months
It is literally impossible for me to shut up about vocaloid songs i like so i'm going to list a couple of songs and talk about why I like them so much and why you should like them too (to be updated continuously because once again I'll never shut up)
HONORABLE MENTION: The 13 minute, 64-song My Favorite Vocaloid Medley. I have had the lyrics to this beast memorized since I was 12 years old. It warms my heart to know that people are still making covers with this specific medley. I'll link to some of my favorites. Original song version UTAU medley (the only part i dislike is homokure's part idk why but it enrages me) The funny version NEKSM cover Abandoned UTAU cover Bonus: my playlist of each song from the medley in order
Tokyo Teddy Bear - Neru
Literally the song that got me into vocaloid in 5th grade. I was already aware of vocaloid and generally had positive feelings towards it because i had seen the World is Mine concert years before (it had blown my little 7 year old brain btw) but this song is the game changer. If you're a vocaloid fan you have probably listened to this song before so I won't spend too much time trying to pitch the song and instead talk about its impact on me. This bad boy has been with me for at this point nearly half of my life. It's one of the few vocaloid songs I listened to before I ever started learning Japanese (side note remind me to make a post about this too so I can share my numerous resources). Also quick shoutout to JubyPhonic for the line "ends justify the seams" in their english cover, fucking amazing. Anyway, this was also the song that cemented Rin as my favorite vocaloid in middle school (1, she has the range, 2, she's just like me fr <---suffering).
Honorable mention: Alfakyun's cover
2. 3年C組14番窪園チヨコの入閣 (Year 3 Class C No. 14 Kubozono Chiyoko's Joining of the Cabinet)
I have mentioned this before. Books do not make me cry. Songs do not make me cry. Movies have made me cry exactly once when I was 6 years old, and after that never again. This song is one of the few things to have ever made me produce genuine tears. You can tell how much I like it cause both this blog and my main's pfps are from this song. It's the ending, it gets me every time. But it's also the buildup of the actual song that makes the moment. It's hard for me to word exactly why, I've retyped and reworded this sentence many times. There's something about the contrast between the goofy dancing cats and how quietly Rin is singing. But also how, save for the students and cats, there is a near total lack of color (with of couse the bright orange being exclusive to Chiyoko and the cats). And how the song still has a kind of energy to it. I almost don't want to 'spoil' the ending but it's such a big part of why this song has the impact it does on me. Go watch the MV if you haven't yet, I'll wait... 3... 2... 1... ...Now do you get it?
3. The Beast - Spectacle-P (original video, not on spectacle-p's channel; this 2021 remake is, however, on their official channel)
You already know i'm a certified beasthead. There was a time in my life (which went on for more than a few months) where I would spend hours listening to various covers of this song on repeat. She means everything to me. Brief overview of the story: Singer (the beast) isolates themself in a tower of their own loneliness, when a human comes along and breaks down those walls so to speak (and then dies, badly). But now the beast realizes they do actually need human connection, and the song ends with them returning to society, waiting for the day they'll meet their loved one again. I think on some level I relate to the beast. I don't know how much of my isolation is self inflicted and how much is just a natural part of who I am. Maybe even the "natural" part is something that I just incorporated into myself, like the beast (who was formerly human).
Aside from the emotional impact of the lyrics, another reason I love this song so much is because of the composition, even divorced from the lyrics. A not insignificant portion of the covers I repeatedly listen to are literally just piano covers. It's so captivating and well made. I don't know if this is just because I have the original lyrics engraved into my skull or what but somehow even without words the song imparts the same bittersweet feelings.
Honorable mentions: Hinami Mei's cover My The Beast playlist of every iteration of The Beast that I can find One time I remade The Beast with cat meows + oboe + piano
4. Monochrome Shangri-la - MASA Works DESIGN
Definitely not the first song you think of when Masa comes to mind. This song is less overtly dark as his other works, being based off of Kenji Miyazawa's 1934 novel Night on the Galactic Express (銀河鉄道の夜), a pretty widely known and loved novel. This isn't even the only vocaloid song to be based on it - sasakure.UK's "For Campanella" comes to mind. This is also the reason I actually read the book (well, read part of and then finished via audiobook for the daily listening challenge.) But yeah, no gore or necrophilia or anything, just fun times on the space train and then also Campanella dies.
To me the song at times feels intentionally overwhelming, veering from a fun bouncing energy to the sense that suddenly everything is happening at once. Or maybe just being overwhelmed by the "many colored sky", like through your journey in space you're just hit with sight after sparkling sight. It is, after all, "just you, our dreams, the stars, and me". The loss of Campanella (as implied through the lyrics, though he's never actually named) transforms this into a much more frantic feeling.
5. No One Likes a Wallflower - MonochroMenace
I need you to drop what you're doing and listen to this song right fucking now. I think it may be my favorite engloid song. Literally this rocks so hard, there was a point in time where I listened to it multiple times daily for a month straight. Which may be a little surprising considering it only came out like 4 months ago. It's catchy, has an awesome MV, and the lyrics are fun (and honestly kind of call me out x) ) Despite that it doesn't ever cross into being actually mean-spirited toward the people being described (ie, people who prefer to sit by the sidelines in a party, or people who feel forced into doing so). It hasn't been a long enough time for me to say that this is life changing like the other songs listed but genuinely I have been so obsessed with this song that if I don't recommend it here I'll explode. Badly.
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tariah23 · 8 months
Honestly thanks to you now I know more about fate and naruto than I ever hoped to or than I ever needed to but it is an educational experience! (Also why are new fate characters just...recolored versions of old ones are they like shiny pokemon)
Ahhhhhhhhhh it makes me happy that you read what I have to say about fate stuff (I used to talk more about it/ make more in depth posts/threads but orz…!!! Especially on twitter (long ass threads omg. I stopped because I felt like no one would read them because they were only their for porn anyway *sobbing* but I want to get back to doing so since I do love fate and I miss talking about it on their too.) but I am content with sharing my opinions about how I feel about it and certain characters from time to time.
Fate as a franchise might seem a bit overwhelming to even jump into because of how MUCH content there is of it but trust that when I say that once you actually give any of the works a chance, you’ll really be able to understand just why so many people love it with all their hearts. Even works created by type moon that aren’t fate related. (Which fate had been drawn from anyway!)
The fun thing about fate is that majority of the individual works typically stand on their own. So it isn’t that much of a big deal to simply jump into most fate works as someone who isn’t all that familiar with anything that has to do with it! (Some might require you to at least be knowledgeable of certain characters from older works but even when that is the case, it’s really not that all of a big deal since you’ll be experiencing the characters differently for the most part, and there has been quite a few times where a character who’d previously appeared in one fate work, had made an appearance in another but there might be slight changes regarding their character (possibly because of the influences of others, their past experiences, memories, if they have any, and so on) while still retaining all of the same charm that made fans remember why they loved them so much in the first place. It’s so… ahhhh… (Gilgamesh is a great example of this. He’s an easily lovable character, though, this might heavily depend on what work that you are first introduced to where he’s in it.)
Also, I’m not quite sure what fate characters that you could be talking about ToT (maybe the recent new characters that have either made their debut in the BRAND NEW HIT TYPE MOON GAME, FATE/SAMURAI REMNANT, NOW IN STORES ACROSS THE WHOLE WIDE and is playable on multiple platforms-
Akakakakak (I’m still at the beginning of the game ahhh!!! I love all of the character designs so much and can’t wait to meet them all for myself 🥹!!!) But since I’ve been sharing posts featuring them recently, I’ll just assume that you’re referring to FSR related content!
And NO! They are not recolored, shinny Pokémon sksks. (Funny that you mentioned this since type moon hired the artist who designed all of the Pokemon trainers (I’m guessing but I’m not all that familiar with Pokémon stuff, only as a normie basically), and I now see the recent vocaloid collab, has designed two servants for FGO in the past. Well, technically three…)
Some FGO and FSN characters make appearances in the new game (idk how critical their roles are yet since like I’ve previously stated, I’m still at the very beginning of the game and have been avoiding spoilers. But fate has always been known for splurging and hiring tons and tons of artists to design the artwork for the servants. This goes the same for the multiple spinoff manga as well since most of the fate manga are drawn by different artists with varying styles. (Fate/Type Redline, Fate/Strange Fake, Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Shimousa for example, are all manga drawn by completely different artists! The mangaka for the Shimousa manga is also the character designer for the Fate/Samurai Remnant game as well! Love her style so much! I also would HIGHLY recommend checking out all of these as someone who might be even a little bit interested in fate as a beginner sjsjs. They’re all stand alone so there is no need to worry about being confused and lost!!!)
It’s just nice to see artists with such varying styles breathe life into the characters. And like, you will just look at them and go “even though the artists approach might’ve been completely different, overall, it is STILL the same character and I still love them the same even though they might look a little different ^^.” So if you’re familiar with characters like Cu Chulainn, and Gilgamesh in passing, especially, since they do appear in the new game and are two of the oldest fate characters to be present in it, then you’ll get what I mean. All stand alone!
As for Naruto… *looks away* I’ve been a Naruto fan since it first hit the US back in like what, 2005…. Lord……. I feel like it’s beyond nostalgia for me at this point no matter how ridiculous it may sound asjaja. It’s like, not the best thing ever like, AT ALL, BUT, Kishimoto’s stupid ass was definitely feeling himself when he wrote both Naruto and Sasuke’s individual characters. He then went on to eventually throw the both of them into the trash bin when Boruto was doo dooed out into the world but that is for another day. He really did put his whole soul into N and S while shitting all over the paper when it came to writing majority of the rest of the cast and story if I’m being honest 🗿!!! All YOU have to know is that Sasuke was CORRECT and that both he and Naruto deserved so much better. They deserved better childhoods - they deserved to enjoy their youth and not spend the majority of their youth suffering because of the pain and trauma that they’d been forced to experience and endure. And They deserved someone who would love and not hurt them. I’m so glad that they found each other because oh my god…
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welcometomy20s · 1 year
May 23, 2023
I don’t… know what Jaime Brooks is getting here. Brooks uses Vocaloids and the recent surge of AI music to paint a very dangerous picture. The problem is that I don’t think… Brooks knows a lot about Vocaloid culture? I mean it’s not like we twiddled our thumbs for just under 20 years and not made progress with how to thrive in this new environment.
Brooks goes on the account of the early history of Vocaloids, which is a well-tread topic for us. Brooks is mostly fair, though I think he underplayed the relative success of Meiko.
There’s a sense that Brooks thinks that using Vocaloids somehow diminished the need for good singing chops when, in reality, Vocaloids pretty saved Japanese music from oblivion. 
The biggest problem with Brooks contention is to notice that Miku created fertile grounds for secondary creations, or niji-sousaku, and not notice that those secondary creators went on to create primary creations, some which are quite popular in their own right.
Warren’s shift in music made in the ‘60s strangely tracks with shift Vocaloid made in ‘10s, and considering that Brooks seemed fond of this change… why does he feel so jaded now?
Most of Brooks’s post concerns Drake, his fallout with the corporate sphere (which seems to be more of the problem in my eyes, and which ‘secondary culture’ would likely fix rather than hinder), and the recent surge of AI voicebanks, which have been a thing in Vocaloid community since Hatsune Miku was a thing. Again… It isn't like popular Japanese artists don’t have voicebanks and those popular artists have not ceased to become recording artists.
People like Drake because he’s Drake, for better or worse, much like how people like Rhianna or Taylor Swift. It is especially odd where celebrity is more of a measure of a single’s success rather than talent that AI is going to somehow disrupt that instead of fueling it.
Let us go through the five sources of music income and see how reality stacks up.
Recording - Numerous versions of AI artists have never outcompeted the original artist and most don't want to. The popularity of AI covers of famous artists depends on the fame of the original artist itself and if the original artist doesn’t create more works then no one would care if this particular artist is singing new songs. As a saying goes, the tail can never outrun the head, that just wouldn’t make sense.
Publishing - I agree there wouldn’t be any changes, although ‘secondary creations’ also contains remixes and parodies which can be monetized through this avenue.
Touring - Well, I mean… let’s look at Hatsune Miku. Yes, Miku tribute bands or really singers, the term is utaites, did make careers in touring singing Miku songs… but then they went onto sing their own singers and became artists in their own right. And remember the contention in the first bullet point - AI Drake is cool, not of itself, but because it’s Drake, hence it would rarely be more popular than Drake.
Merchandise - As if Miku merch isn’t attached to specific recordings of Miku songs… Drake is not going all in on the platform route and so there is no worries here.
IP rights - I agree with Brookes? Not really sure on this point.
Brookes is correct - The artist model and platform models are opposed to each other, which is why platform models will never overtake artist models. We are considering as if the artist models will transition into a platform model, but because of this opposition, that transition won’t happen.
The fear that Brookes might be thinking of is more akin to QT, as in, various corporations will create virtual artists or platforms that can be fueled through secondary creations. But platforms are hard to maintain and foster, corporations are much more likely to just use the brands of artists like they do now, letting the artists do the hard work of cultivation.
In the near-twenty years that Vocaloids have existed, one thing has become very clear. Vocaloids are not going to overtake artists any time soon, but Vocaloids and the surrounding culture has been fertile grounds for up-and-coming producers and artists to showcase their chops. Yes, Vocaloids are a platform but it is also a springboard, and without the advent of Vocaloids and surrounding media, Japanese music would have had a quiet death.
Similar occurrences have been made in the Western media with more traditional platforms like YouTube and TikTok, where many upcoming see the platform as a springboard. As Brookes opines, the rise of recording media led to a rise of a generation of artists which shaped the popular culture of the times, it seems much more likely that these new platforms will provide a similar rise of new generations of artists rather than killing them outright.
In the end, Brookes goes around the recording industry, pointing out that the streaming industry is mostly a scam, and that people are tired of artists (which is not true, but rather the opposite) and envisions a future of ground-up performers wholly depended on artist’s needs, as if Japan did not experiment on this concept long before Vocaloids were even a thing.
One of the most popular songs in Japan right now is called ‘Idol’ by YOASOBI. YOASOBI is produced by someone who used to make music for Hatsune Miku. This is true for many of the top acts in Japan right now. The song is about and is the opening to show about the promises and the failure of this exact concept. You cannot create ‘eternally youthful teenage pop idols’ that would always satisfy the audience’s demand because it does not exist.
As Brookes goes on about Louis Armstrong and positing that the invention of the ‘recording artists’ was due to the intimacy that the technology provides, this is more true as age goes on. Hatsune Miku does not exist. It’s kind of obvious, but since Hatsune Miku does not exist, it could represent whatever we want it to. Instead of creating a unified image, Hatsune Miku is a highly fractured one, and that fracturing leads to more artists providing more of the intimacy through the platform that is Hatsune Miku and beyond, becoming that ‘recording artists’.
It seems the bigger problem in my eyes is that the overwhelming inequality in our world has created corporate capture of creative media, and creations of platforms which are open to the public would induce a sense of creativity necessary to defeat the capture or at least stop the capture from draining our creative potentials to the bone.
In that sense, voice platforms like Vocaloids are not to be feared but welcomed.
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spencer-is-dead · 11 months
Peices of media that I was obsessed with for a long amount of time: a comprehensive list
Most of these were MAJOR hyperfixations, so I was stuck on them for months, sometimes even years. I mostly just wanted to make a list for the sake of research. Like, fandom trends and stuff like that.
My little Pony 2017-2018
Ooh boy I was a huge pony fan. I watched the show at least six or seven consecutive times, watched the movie in theaters, wrote my first fanfiction (though its unpublished and will always remain so), as well as just being a major annoyance to my parents. I didn’t own many toys, but i did own rocks that kind of looked like them, so I played with those. I remember the Twilight Sparkle rock went missing for a few days, and I made missing posters for it and everything.
The Dreamworks Trolls movie 2016-2017
Yes. I am being serious. I had a Trolls movie blanket, poster, and everything. I was seriously crazy about this movie. Like I remember buying the novelized version from like Micheals or something.
Harry Potter 2018-2021
I am extremely ashamed of this phase. Mostly because the author turned out to be a big stinky poo poo head. I literally knitted scarves and hats in house colors for my family (they’re actually quite comfy I intend to keep them but fuck you JKR) So long story short I want to burn this part of my history and never look back, while my family urges me to stare at the cringiest time in my life and say that I one day will return to it. And I want to say “No, Mother, I wish not to give more money to the TERF lady” but I doubt she’d get it.
Vocaloid 2022-
It took me a while to become a Vocaloid fan. It started with this cover of Chug Jug with you. I only tipped over the edge when I discovered Synth V’s Eleanor Forte through, you’ll never guess it, a Minecraft Revenge cover, and i swore to only listen to English songs. I then discovered Rishie-P’s cover of 4BLODD, which led me down the hole of English Vocaloid songs. Eventually I found myself listening to the Japanese ones. Now I’m a fully fledged miku fan who has a shrine to her above my bed.
SPY x FAMILY 2022-
10 PM on an October night, I just said “Fuck it” and watched Spy x family. It was honestly for the better. I was always used to asking for approval, making people tell me if I’m allowed to like something. As most of my followers know, this was how I really made it online. I wrote a 48k word Spy x family fic and all of a sudden I’m known for being the crazy one in the fandom.
Splatoon 2022-
This game, this FUCKIGN game. It gets me man, they gay people get me. My friend first introduced this game to me in July, and I’ve been hooked playing it ever since. I am an avid Pearlina Shipper, and well as an Agent 24 (3x8) enthusiast. I want more of these gay cephalopods on my dash. NOW!
Yeah, that’s pretty much it. It’s funny how my media consumption has changed over the years lmao.
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leo rottmnt? ^^
i actually never had the chance to rotate rise leo in my brain ive been.... preoccupied (stares at mikey and donnie)
One aspect I love: i love the change of him being the second oldest tbh it lets leo's character breathe in a way it hasn't been able to and to really act out! (and give him some cool new insecurities lmao) i do love how there's so much more to his character and how he just doesn't think of him as all that but tries to pass it off as he is confident. he's incredibly hard on himself like every leo but hides it behind jokes instead of the older sibling/leader veneer.
One aspect I wish more people understood about them: movie leo was absolutely scared shitless. he was acting out not because he truly thought he was doing the best job but because he didn't want to be leader. the whole movie is him learning how to be a leader and to grow into the position. what he was doing was definitely acting up because he was terrified. he's a perfectionist through and through and he is infinitely much harder on himself than anyone else is. he finally grows into his own throughout the movie and its the best development for his character
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have about them: he's a kaito fan holds a grudge he will forgive but NEVER forget he is actually the only one of the brothers in the future who never grows hair. bald moment. slap his head and it sounds like you took a screenshot. loves learning languages. will just start picking up random ones but will rarely follow through unless he really vibes with it (hated french but spanish and portuguese was fun) THE CLOSET IS MADE OUT OF FUCKING GLASS LMAOOOO has negative sense of direction. will get lost in a straight corridor. think zoro from one piece. he's not finding SHIT.
One character I love seeing them interact with: the hamato clan def but i adore the disaster twins lmao (i am a donnie enjoyer)
One character I wish they would interact with/interact with more: draxum frfr need more interactions where leo is still bitter about being dropped from a roof GIVE ME AN USAGI YOJIMBO CROSSOVER it doesn't even have to be yuichi it could be just a rise version of Miyamoto I JUST LOVE THE CROSSOVERS BETWEEN USAGI YOJIMBO AND TMNT
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involve them and one other character: donnie got him into vocaloid if he were to get a cloaking brooch he would look the most similar to yoshi leo and raph have long mask tails because they're older and they purposefully cut mikey and donnie's tails bc of The Incident when they were kids. he's a pulgero turtle 💀 draxum got him at the pulgero and he was in the shitty plastic container with the plastic tree got him for like 8$ leo was the first to start talking out of the turtles made a powerpoint presentation about sexuality and gender identity for raph donnie and mikey. the call was coming from inside btw he didn't even realize it was ringing. tried playing baseball once to help april with her pitching and got absolutely bodied by some deadballs. thats actually how they found out the turtles were just Built Different.
Send me more characters!
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inchworm-incarnate · 2 years
Vocaloid of The Day:
Hatsune Miku!!!!
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Release Date: August 31, 2007
Era: V2; V3 and V4 update
Company: Crypton Future Media
Language: Japanese/English/Chinese Mandarin
Of course, we all know Hatsune Miku, she is the most well known Vocaloid, even being claimed to be the first vocaloid due to her popularity! I'm still going to go over alot about her so buckle up, she will probably be my longest entry!
Hatsune Miku was advertised through the DTM Magazine, as were most vocaloids before her. In the November 2007 issue that came out after her release, there was a demo cd with featuring songs sung by her. This issue sold out completely and led to Crypton reaching out to other magazines and guidebooks to promote her further.
In her first 12 days of sale, she already sold over 3000 units, which is what MEIKO made in a year. She ended up selling over 60,000 copies in her first year, a massive sale compared to MEIKO and KAITO.
Hatsune Miku boomed with popularity on Nico Nico Douga. The song 'Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru' became the first vocaloid song to get 1,000,000 views on the streaming site.
The concept behind Miku is 'An android from the future where songs are lost' and has traveled back in time to prevent this future from happening. Her name roughly translates to 'the first sound from the future'
KEI was the original illustrator for Mikus boxart, and it took him over a month to complete the final design. He never heard of Vocaloids or synthesizers in general,and had no idea how to humanize a voice program.
Her design has several key elements:
• Her color scheme is based around Yamahas classic synthesizers colors
• The digital bars on her skirt and boots are the bars from the Yamaha synthesizer
• Other aspects of her design are based around the DX-100 and DX-7 keyboard models
•The hair ribbons float without touching her hair and keep it in place
•Before she was given her iconic pigtails, she had a half up half down hair style. (Shown below)
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Like how MEIKO and KAITO are associated with a specific item, Miku has her own item too! Commonly mistaken for a leek, she carries a spring onion! Although due to the misconception, she is more often drawn with a leek.
Miku got so popular to the point she is recognizable almost everywhere in Japan. She is used to draw attention for festivals and sponsor products, and is even in music textbooks.
Because of how recognizable she was, when the 2011 tsunami hit Japan, she was used as the face to represent country and hopefully make younger children feel safer seeing a character they know and love representing them.
Out of all her voicebanks, Append is the only one generally disliked by the community. This got to a point where songs were 'boycotted' if the producer used Append. Many stated it no longer sounded like Miku and refused to listen to her voicebank.
Append is also the only design to be censored in official art. The strip of flesh showing under her tie is covered in Project Diva, but is uncensored in her figures.
While advertising her to the western audience, Crypton marketed her as a virtual singer instead of a virtual instrument.
Miku has the second most amount of voicebanks of any vocaloid, 15 versions.
She is now the face of Crypton Future Media, and Vocaloid as a whole. This has led to come criticism from the community stating that crypton needs to bring more attention to thier other vocaloids as well instead of throwing Miku into everything.
I would like to bring to attention her many adorable designs for her voicebanks! (Her original design by KEI is the first image in this post)
Hastune Miku V2 Append illustrated by Masaki Asai
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Hatsune Miku V3 illustrated by Zain
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Hatsune Miku V3 English Ver. Illustrated by ???
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Hatsune Miku V4X illustrated by iXima
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Hatsune Miku V4X Chinese Ver. Illustrated by Mamenomoto
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Hatusne Miku NT illustrated by Fuzichoco (Technically this version is not a Vocaloid but I still wanted to include it!)
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Personal Opinion:
I LOVE Miku, she is in my top ten. I love seeing how different she sounds when used by different producers and I think her voice is really appealing. I also love how versatile her design is, seeing all her Snow Miku and Magical Mirai designs every year us so fun! And just her merchandise, ugh, I want so much of it! But I do understand people complaints with her, no one else really gets a chance in the spotlight because of her. But! I still love her she is just a little guuuy little guy with cute voice♡
Songs Featuring Hatsune Miku:
I tried to include songs from different eras and voicebanks, as well as different producers to show Mikus range!
Cw(?) For disturbing imagery for both the song above and below
Thank you for listening!
Please be kind when pointing out mistakes in grammar or errors in infomation!
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heartclutter · 2 years
Grand Guignol — English Translation
■ Music:RuLu  https://twitter.com/21mad21 ■ Vocal : つぐ  https://www.youtube.com/c/tuggt_ ■ Vocal Edit:さんかくずわり  https://twitter.com/Sankaku_Mix ■ Illust:とーがらし https://twitter.com/_tgrs_ ■ Movie:Qvy https://twitter.com/Q_quv_s6 ■ Translation:HEARTMUSH https://twitter.com/coeurings
Hello everyone! I really fell in love with this song and have been listening to it on repeat since it was released, so I decided to make an attempt at translating it! 
The song title refers to Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol ("The Theatre of the Great Puppet"), also known as the Grand Guignol; a Parisian theatre that specialized in naturalistic horror shows.
Note: While there is a version voiced by Miku,  I've featured Tug’s cover as I prefer it over the former. This post, however, will have the “vocaloid” tag for organization’s sake.
Grand Guignol feat. Tug グランギニョル feat.つぐ
腐っちまった平穏と 這いよる影  帳が下りる (最低なタイトロープ) すり減った 感情は 冷凍
砕け散ったレプリカント  踏みしめたら 明日には自由? (最低なタイトロープ) 賽はとうに投げられてる
These halcyon days have since decayed; the augury of night descends just like a curtain (walking the worst of tight-ropes) This tattered heart has frozen over
Perhaps by trampling over shattered pieces of replicants¹, tomorrow there’ll exist a freedom? (walking the worst of tight-ropes)
Point of no return; the die's² long since been cast, you know?
The monster with no tears to cry sniffs you out, brings your true colors to light: Expose the real you!
剣を抜け 灰とならば 標に 痛みを光にして 世界は 果実を奪い合う グランギニョル 終わりの無い上映  合図が鳴る
Draw out your sword If you burn to ash, wear it with pride You'll take your pain, and turn it into light³
We'd wage a war to seize the sweetest fruit; this world's a Grand Guignol!
The signal for this endless screening never stops its ringing!
あっけなく散ってく 蠢く春 晒した現実 無能な先生に 罰 砕け散ったレプリカント  踏みしめたら 明日には自由? 賽はとうに投げられてる
Scattering, a disappointing spring writhes in the dirt⁴ and strips the youth⁵ off of reality No-good teachers must pay the price!
Perhaps by trampling over shattered pieces of replicants, tomorrow there’ll exist a freedom? Point of no return; the die's long since been cast, you know?
鼓膜に刻まれた喜劇が嗤ってる 裁く脳内
The Comedy⁶ carved in my ears laughs at me so hard it begins to cry: Judged by my own mind!
線を引け 意味を知れば 透けてく 未来の刹那にして 世界は騙しあう 滑稽なグランギニョル 答えのない証明  帳が上がる
Drawing the line Now I know the nature of the beast, it's clear: "The future" will be over in a flash!
Humanity's duplicity is killing me, a Grand Guignol! No-one answers the smoking gun, but the curtains still are rising!
線を引け 意味を知れば 透けてく 未来の刹那にして
Drawing the line Now I know the nature of the beast, it's clear: A moment in the spotlight flies by fast⁷!
剣を抜け 灰とならば 標に 痛みを光にして 世界は 果実を奪い合う グランギニョル 終わりの無い上映 合図が鳴る 答えのない証明  帳が上がる
Draw out your sword If you burn to ash, wear it with pride You take your pain, and turn it into light
We'd wage a war to seize the sweetest fruit; this world's a Grand Guignol!
The signal for this endless screening never stops its ringing! No-one answers the smoking gun, but the curtains still are rising!
¹ I am uncertain if RuLu is making a reference to the bioengineered humanoids in the film, Blade Runner, or if they simply mean to indicate some type of "man-made humanoid" as the object of the sentence.
² The speaker does not indicate how many dice there are, but since the phrase is "die has been cast" in English, I've defaulted to that.
³ There's no proof that this is on purpose, but 光 (hikari, light) and 怒り(ikari, rage) sound very similar to each other, and I think it would be really fucking cool if this were an intentionally chosen semi-homophone that equates a light that is meant to guide you (or a spotlight, if we're staying with the theatre theme) with anger. Your rage will light the way...?
⁴ There is no mention of dirt in the original. However, the verb "蠢く" is often used to refer to crawling (like a worm). Because it is implied the flowers in this "spring" (metaphorical or not) are falling/wilting, I decided to push the imagery of a "rotting spring" as well as allude to the worm component by introducing dirt into the lyrics.
⁵ It is not uncommon for young adults to become disenchanted with reality; my guess is the speaker wants to punish their teachers for feeding into the illusion of a "Springtime of Youth", or the idea that the world is their oyster, especially when it comes to romance. This, however, is just a Game Theory. The more literal translation would be that this spring "exposes reality".
⁶ Referring to a Comedy Show or performance.
⁷ して is generally an indicator of an action ("to do"), but 仕手 (pronounced the same way), can also mean "protagonist" or "main character". Given the consistent theater motifs in this song, I can only surmise that the double-reading is intentional on RuLu's part, and settled on translating the first iteration of this line reading して as "to do", and the second on the assumption that it is meant to read as "仕手". Best of both worlds?
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scotts-takes · 1 year
Best of Ensemble Stars 2022
Number 5- Tell Your World- Switch & 2wink with Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Len
So this is a case where a Cover Series song really feels like cheating- not only do we have 2wink and Switch, but ALSO we have Hatsune F'n Miku and the Kagamines?!? Does this even count as an Enstars song?!?
Of all the cover series songs, this was the one I knew the most coming in- Tell Your World is a classic that you can play in many Project Diva games. It's probably one of Miku's 5 or 10 most identifiable songs. The Chrome commercial it was created for has over 5 million views!
So the question comes down to- why would you listen to this cover version instead of the original? This is a fair question, especially because unlike many cover songs, the original artist is a part of this. Hatsune belts out many lines on her own here. We are going from a solo song to one now featuring 8 total performers- it would be easy for someone to get lost. But the reason this made it to number 5 on this list is that I feel that the addition of all the new voices is addative to the song, instead of taking away from it. The autotuning effect they added to the Enstars characters make them fit in with the more robotic sounds of the vocaloids- right from the start, as Natsume opens up the song, you can tell this sounds different. This is a song that has been covered by thousands of utaite, and this still comes across feeling unique.
It should not be overlooked that Project Sekai/Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage is one of the most popular mobile games in the world right now, and it launched after Enstars Music. That is a game that also features 3D MV's- and it says something that the model and quality used for Enstars are worlds better than anything in Sekai. Really goes to show how well Happy Elements future-proofed the game!
This is the last cover song I am putting on the list-I'm a little dissapointed that in celebrating the best of new Enstars music, a full 25% of my choices are songs that had previously existed. That said, as long as they can figure out the copyright stuff (now that there is CN, KR, and EN, they really can't be doing these as JP exclusives), i'd be down for another round of Cover Songs. Let Switch and Ra*bits cover Despacito, let Ryuseitai cover the Power Rangers theme, and more! These were a fun distraction through the year
And regardless of anything else, this song proves that Sora Harukawa would be friends with Hatsune Miku if they met. And that is worth celebrating! (Also Yuta and Kagamine Len would be besties if they were real)
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❇️🌪️😨🍟🎂 For umm umm Olzhas Isel and Freya smile
EVIL SMILE my specialest guys....
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
i cant think of anything olzhas would own, e's not sentimental in terms of keepsakes... closest thing i can think of is like. the ribbon e wears around eir neck which was a gift from freya, e's had it for literally less than a year but e honors it as representative of their friendship :+)
isel has a bunch of authentic vinyls which are kind of hard to get in the 22nd century.... most of them are queen ones LOL its a collection hes carried around for years and he's worked to keep them all in pristine condition....
i was gonna say freya's tough to think about but NO she absolutely has an ipod shuffle loaded with shitty midis and vocaloid covers of hardcore death metal. her most prized possession
what do they value is too vague a question and too silly for the above answers so im leaving it unanswered....
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into “flight” or “fight”?
olzhas honestly has like a weird fear response wherein anytime e gets scared e also gets extremely angry. so for em definitive fight LOL with freya i think its both somehow. like she'll just throw in a punch and get the fuck out. with isel its usually flight just because he's usually lethargic and doesnt want to tire himself out more
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
i think before the train olja and isel kind of lived by way of takeout and freya usually just ate with her family... in train times though olzhas is beyond adamant about cooking things emself and freya usually swings by often enough to take a serving. they usually like to eat together and chat and stuff :+) sometimes isel joins in but hes usually just in his own room summoning treats for himself, he himself doesnt really cook per se...
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
isel's is on april 6, freya's is on may 22, olzhas' is on july 31 :+)
isel likes his birthdays but he never really does anything extravagant for them... theyre usually just an excuse to relax for the day. freya shares the sentiment but she's a bit more spirited about it and usually likes going out and whatnot. olzhas on the contrary used to fucking hate eir birthday because e despised the passage of time but e's become ambivalent about it... e was particularly dreading turning 30 but once it happened e was just like. whatever. i take a sip of wine
saved tornado till the end because pictures.
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you’ve ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
simply going to post earliest draws compared to their current refs. insane shit
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goldazu · 2 years
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly❣️
I like your drawings, but I also like your writing. I like the MB-like him you write about. I feel like it's hard to find one. Maybe it's my imagination, but in my mind it is.🤔
My other hobbies are...
◎Kirby (Kirby and the Forgotten Land) (This is the only one I've played.)
 Kirby is too cute!
◎Project DIVA series (Me too.)
 I love rhythm games. I recommend them because they have lots of outfits, some very cute ones! Especially the vita version is very well made and interesting.I've been touching the switch version lately.
◎Fate/Grand Order
By the way, do you have an avatar of him in your Animal Crossing?🫣
No problem, it is my pleasure!! 💖
Also, thank you so much for enjoying my art as well as my writing, I really appreciate it. T_T 💗 They’re both my passions but lately I think, thanks to my other blog, that maybe I am better at writing than I am with drawing, ahaha.
And I find it interesting how you mentioned MB specifically, especially since I tend to make Ruki somewhat sadistic in the beginning but then he eventually softens over time in the wife/married type of asks, or just whenever people need comfort from him in general I tend to make him nice for once rather than cold and threatening. It means a lot to me that others would catch on those little details, so again, thank you so much for your kind words. 🏃🏻‍♀️
OMG I love Kirby too!! I haven’t played too many games (mostly on the Nintendo DS) but I want to try some of the newer ones with better graphics as well!! He is indeed too adorable. 😩
And Project Diva sounds like so much fun… I’ll have to buy it!! Honestly, I’m no good at rhythm games at all, but I’ll probably play it just because I love all the cute costumes like you said and so I can also listen to my favorite Vocaloid songs through the game. My favorite right now is Giga-P. 😌
I haven’t played Fate Grand Order but I think Arthur (Prototype — is that how he’s called?) looks really interesting 👀 and he especially intrigues me because I know he also has the same voice actor as Ruki.
Unfortunately I haven’t made Ruki his own avatar on my Animal Crossing island yet, since I only play as myself right now, but half of my villagers are the ‘normal’ personality so they love to read. I can’t help but wonder how well Ruki would get along with them, ahaha. Especially Lolly — she is my favorite cat!! 😩 She’s too good and pure for this world.
Anyway, thank you for sharing more of your interests with me, it’s really nice to meet other DL fans who have similar interests outside of DL too. 💖
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