#Anyway i miss adachi and shimamura
ma-mariarie243 · 4 months
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I was re-reading the adachi and shimamura novel i had and.... this just kind of drew itself
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arctic-hands · 2 months
I love slice of life stories and I still read YA and such from time to time, but damn it all if this slice of life light novel I'm reading doesn't reawaken the feelings of loneliness I had as a teenager
Don't get me wrong, I do like the story and I'm already on the second book of the series and I only started reading the first book three weeks ago. It's really cute and I'm told the later books will blow my fucking mind. But relating to the characters reminds me that sometimes I wish I was as bad a kid as everyone dismissed me as so I could have hung out with the other "bad kids" or something instead of feeling so shut out from them along with everyone else bc I was too nervous of the teachers' and admin's perception of me that wouldn't have changed no matter what I did bc for them it was more important to torment the sick kid into dropping out than have the attendance record fucked up by my constant absences
Like I can't imagine myself smoking in the bathroom with the "delinquents" or drinking or anything like that bc I knew even then I was sensible enough to know I was sick enough already, but I feel like I should have made as much hell as I was perceived as making just by existing quietly, rather than taking it all in stoic silence. Maybe even intentionally skip school and go somewhere calmer or more fun with friends bc it's not like it would have mattered anyway when they were sending truancy officers to my house threatening to drag me off the toilet and arrest me when I took too long for their liking. I wish I did have those bad influences to be bolder and even be the slightest menace just because I was screwed no matter what I did.
Or something. idk. At least I would have had friends even if we did do stupid shit and get in trouble for it
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Dino Watches Anime (Nov 15)
BOI, I HAVE A MIDTERM ON TUESDAY AND TEST ON WEDNESDAY. SCREW THAT. I’M GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE ANIME I’VE BEEN WATCHING IN BETWEEN STUDY SESSIONS! Yeah, the studying is like 2% while the anime and games are like 98%... I’m working on that, okay? Anyway, I’m going to cover mostly seasonal stuff with some other stuff.
Let’s go over the seasonal stuff first. Summer had so few anime coming out whereas Autumn/Fall came in like, “OPEN THE FLOODGATES! LET’S GO!!!” I haven’t even gotten around to all the anime airing this season that I want to like Yuukoku no Moriarty, Majo no Tabitabi, and Adachi to Shimamura. I missed some last season too like Deca-Dance which I just didn’t want to commit to if it was only for the good animation.
Taisou Samurai (DROPPED) 
I dropped it after two episodes. MAPPA has two major series this season, but they clearly gave more time and attention to the one that was actually going to make money here (which I’ll talk about later). This one seems like a passion project without the passion in it anymore. It’s like opening a bag of chips and finding out they went stale long before you even reached into the bag.
Taisou Samurai, at its core, has a premise that I found really promising. I happen to like watching gymnastics sometimes, and the idea of an athlete who doesn’t want to retire is interesting. They went wrong with the execution. I don’t know what they were trying to pull here, but with unlikeable characters and a terrible run at it, it’s like they weren’t playing with a full deck of cards here.
Also, if you don’t know what a gyaru is, one of the supporting characters will look like a racist caricature. Also, this bird has no other point than to try to make up for this show’s lack of usable humour by using Kappei Yamaguchi’s range and going, “Please, save this show. I beg you.” 
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I didn’t even bother giving this show three episodes to drag me in because I just couldn’t see myself wasting another 20 minutes here. Maybe I’ll have a change of heart, but for now, I should be having better things to do.
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I know everyone has made this joke already, but this is really just My Hero Academia x Among Us. I feel like if there was some more... budget put into this anime, they could’ve made it a lot better. The manga had a lot more detail, so a lot of the gruesome scenes with zombies or killings, etc. were muted and toned down beyond belief. Not to mention, I guess watching it after I read the manga just made me feel stupid. This is such a junkie show that pulls tricks that everyone knows is coming. Nonetheless, I can’t find some big reason to say “do not watch this” because it’s still a very mediocre show. It has its good points, but its presentation devalues it, the voice acting is meh (especially since Yuuichi Nakamura is playing THREE overpowered main cast characters this season), and the jig is up after the first episode, so the twists are just to make you sympathize more with the imposter. I haven’t seen a show like this for a while though, so I guess you can watch it if you want something refreshing like that. I don’t think you’re supposed to like this cast of characters, so I won’t say anything against not liking this cast. 
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Jun Maeda... the man who manages to incorporate baseball into every anime he does... seriously, every anime I’ve watched by him has it from Angel Beats to Charlotte to that unfinished Little Busters I just left on hold. Anyway, Kamisama is no exception. Jun Maeda has a reputation for building touching stories that start off strong then really lose their footing once he realizes that he’s not going to get 24 episodes and needs to squeeze all of those 16 episodes of story left into 4 episodes or so. It also doesn’t help that sometimes he goes off on useless storylines that pay no use to the story. 
Hina is really funny sometimes (but can be annoying). Narukami is funny. Really, everyone has some valid point about them that makes the show better compared to the previous entries. 
Seriously, some little kid comes up to you and goes, “The world is ending, I am God, and I’m going to stick by you.” Meanwhile, you’re just a simp that’s trying to get your childhood friend to fall for you.
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Honestly, I’m still having a blast watching this. As much as Maeda’s writing can really suffer from tonal shifts (mostly in the end), I still wanted to watch this anime simply because I always like his storytelling in the beginning, and the laughs it brings can sometimes still muddle out the bitter taste that’s left in your mouth when the series finishes. I can already feel this train going down a slide and off a cliff. I already paid for my ticket though, so I’m obligated to stay on this shootshow until the end.
Seriously, I do not like where some of these relationships are heading. 
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This anime is relatable. It can get stale fast for a lot of people, but every time I think I’m going to get sick of it, it pulls one of the same gags that makes me go, “This. This is why I’m sticking with this.” I’m not sure how much more there is to say. It’s just an abducted princess who couldn’t care less that she’s a hostage and instead, takes this newfound time to take some good ZZZs. What a life.
Oh yeah, this princess is also willing to commit murder, mutilation, theft, and assault to get the sleep she wants. 
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I’m not dropping this show... even if it makes no sense. The premise is astoundingly stupid, but it pulled a Zombieland Saga on me. It sounded so stupid, but once I gave it one episode, I found myself being entertained and almost rooting for the characters and their relationships. 
Imagine this: You are about to get into the high school of your dreams when you see the girl of your dreams cross your path. You want to ask her out so you jump over the barricade and get hit by a truck. You’re on the brink of death when you realize you can’t die there without confessing your love. You chase her down with blood coming out of your head and confess. She says that she’ll only go out with you if you marry her. You then... somehow survive, drop out of school, then get a job to search for her. I kid you not. This is the setup. It’s as stupid as it sounds, and the anime knows this. It doesn’t try to fool you into thinking that this series is supposed to be anything but some highway fast-track way to convince you into watching a married couple. I think what irked me the most is that the character designs didn’t change from when they were in middle school to when they were adults. It wasn’t the being hit by a truck and not being sent to another world, it wasn’t this girl who stopped the truck without ruining her hair, it wasn’t anything else but their character designs staying the same. 
Anyway, this anime is cute as long as you can jump some hurdles. It’s basically puppy-love marriage with anime stupidity through and through. I don’t know what about this series people, including myself, find charming. 
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It’s Shonen Jump. “Will it be the next Kimetsu no Yaiba? The next big Shonen Jump series? One of the next big three? Five?” No, I don’t think so. I’m not enjoying this nearly as much as I did binging KNY. The cast isn’t nearly as likeable, but I’m still having a good time. It’s not all that fair to make that comparison anyway. The cast for Jujutsu Kaisen is passable. I like some of the main cast, but I feel like they lack the same kind of depth with its main heroine. I know she gets more stuff done in the future chapters, but her backstory so far is, “I had a friend once... No, she’s not dead. She just left our small town.”
The fight scenes are actually so much fun to watch. MAPPA gave this series a lot more time and budget than say that first anime I mentioned. It’s fluid, the camerawork is amazing, the choreography is on-point. 
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The voice acting for this anime is spectacular among the main cast... when character dialogue allows it.
I feel a bit of imbalance, but Yuuji does offer a good protagonist template. Junya Enoki makes his lines so funny and gives this nonchalant approach that is the polar opposite of his performance in Tonikawa. This is definitely his season.
Junichi Suwabe voicing the main demon thing is amazing too. It fits so well, and he sounds so cool and evil. It’s great.
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Gojou is also one badass mentor played by Yuuichi Nakamura. Overpowered, part of the main cast, etc. Insert your reverse Kakashi joke here. Just give him more Sharingan genjutsu, I dare you. 
Yuuma Uchida is back playing another tragic character that’s serious and uptight. I can’t say much more about him.
The opening and ending are both worth listening to even if you don’t want to watch the anime. Lost in Paradise by ALI has been on repeat for me.
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Besides that, I’m going to go over some other anime that I’ve been watching.
Slowly. Slowly but surely. 11/148.
I know this is going to be amazing... I just want to be in the right mood to full savour it. I don’t want to be consumed by stress and not pay attention. The reason why I like a lot of those seasonal anime is because I don’t pay the same kind of attention. 
If you told me these characters’ ages, I probably would’ve believed everyone... except Leorio. The guy looks like a middle-aged money-hungry gangster.
What I would give to have the energy and serotonin of a Shonen Jump protagonist. 
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Haikyuu (YEAH, IT’S GOOD)
I’m watching this one with my mom and sister as they go “OMG OMG OMG” as we watch while I’m sitting there like -_-
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good show, but sports anime are made like shounen battle anime (because they are in a way) with different stakes. I’ve felt more “nervous” about some of the Haikyuu matches than I did with some of the Hunter Exam. Worst case scenario in Haikyuu, you lose the match. Worst case scenario in Hunter x Hunter? You die. 
I knew what I was going to get into when I was watching Haikyuu, and it’s given me what I remembered (since I did watch 10 episodes of it a few years ago) and expected.
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Unfollow me. Unfollow me right now. This is what I’m going to be talking about for the next month. I can feel it. I’ve had this show for like 3 days and watched around 33 episodes along with some of these other titles. I have a problem. I know that, but I don’t feel like fixing it. This show is just too good.
I get why people call this a poor man’s Gintama, but it’s not quite that. I can get the similarities, but it’s like eating an empanada and saying that it’s just like that dumpling you tasted last week. It looks alike on the surface... if you’re not that great at... telling the difference between things... but once you get to the meat of it (PUN HAHA), you realize that they are completely different, and you were a fool for thinking otherwise. 
That’s our main heroine! Go go go!
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Dude, episode 25 hit me out of nowhere, AND I READ THE SPOILERS! I won’t say any more than that.
The cast is one of the best that I’ve seen in a while. Their chemistry is basically the entire show. Without one of the main three, you wouldn’t have the show anymore. It handles its female characters better than some of its fellow competitors at the time, and it may have what some may call a “token fat character”, but the character never makes fun of her for being fat. They make fun of her for saying “Yabasu” every single sentence. It hurts that the manga ended with some loose ends, and this anime isn’t getting a season 2.
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But at its weird and mushy core, this show is about three people with heavy and complex pasts who simply want to help people work out their issues in their own... unique ways. 
I don’t want to say much else, but I wish more people would watch/read it and create/post most content for it even if it’s a bit old because it deserves it. I’m almost a decade late, and this anime still holds up.
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I gave Mairimashita Iruma-kun its own post.
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shazzeaslightnovels · 5 years
Adachi to Shimamura 3
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Author: Hitoma Iruma
Illustrator: Non
Label: Dengeki Bunko
Release Date: 9 August 2014
A Valentine’s Day volume! Honestly, I didn’t care much for this volume. I did enjoy reading about Disaster Gay Adachi overthinking everything but I found the volume overall to be underwhelming. Still there was some cute stuff and I look forward to the next volume.
English Release:
Seven Seas has liscensed this series in English as Adachi and Shimamura. The first volume is planned to be released in 2020 so please check it out then if the series interests you.
Similar to the last volume, this time the story takes place before and during Valentine’s Day, with the POV alternating between Adachi and Shimamura and  a small omake chapter after each main chapter. Adachi’s chapters are just about her being a massive disaster and about her preparing chocolates for Shiamura while Shimamura’s are a bit more varied with appearances by Yashiro and a new character. I still prefer Adachi’s narration but this is a good example of the differences between the two characters and how they view their relationship. Adachi’s is all about Shimamura and her being anxious about their relationship while Shimura’s is about far more than just Adachi. It’s interesting and I look forward to seeing how this changes.
Not a whole lot of changes between Adachi and Shimamura this volume though they do grow a bit closer. Disaster Gay Adachi is a delight, as usual.
This volume introduces a new character: Tarumi. She was Shimamura’s friend in Primary School and they meet again for the first time in years in this volume. She seems nice but I have to confess that I’m a little suspicious of her. Hopefully I’m just overreacting.
Please note that I haven’t read all of volume 3 of Mani’s version of the manga. I’m still missing a couple of chapters that I hope to have access to soon so this will be based of the chapters that I have read. The manga adaptation for this volume doesn’t cut out much and is a faithful adaptation of the novel. Like the previous volumes, it does cut out a lot of the narration which works better for a visual medium anyway. Mani’s art style is very cute and I did end up enjoying the manga more than the light novel as a result. I’m fairly sure that Moke Yuzuhara’s manga will start at adapting volume 4 of the light novel but we’ll have to wait and see. Overall, Mani’s manga is a good adaptation of the light novel and is worth the read.
I’ll be reading volume 4 soon. Next up is the first volume of Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta, a volume which, I must confess, I only bought because it was up for free on BookWalker a while ago and I’m trying to be optimistic about it.
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zabbaninja · 2 years
Anime of the Year Review 2021- The Bad
So it's been a long time coming, but that's mainly because I watched a lot of anime in 2021. It's harder to put it all together. So I've decided to split it up a little and upload them in chunks. And so I'll start with the worst anime I watched this year, gradually getting better and better. These are just my thoughts from when the year ended, and some decisions may have been changed over time. But at the end of 2021, this is how I felt.
Dropout Idol Fruit Tart-
The worst thing I watched this year. It is a confusing, stupid, and unoriginal anime made for no one. There was one single moment where I liked this anime, but more importantly, it taught me something. When you watch an anime and you don’t like it, don’t force yourself to watch the whole thing. If you can’t stand it, just stop and watch something different. Unfortunately, I only realized that when I had already watched this whole thing. It’s really bad. It’s so bad there’s not that much to talk about.
New Gods: Nezha Reborn-
This one is also bad. What an incredibly boring and uninspired movie. I knew it was a different studio from the people that made the other Nezha movie, but still, this was really awful. There was nearly no merit. Lame. Don’t watch it.
How clumsy you are, Miss Ueno-
This one has some value if only a tiny bit. It’s not good, but it’s not the worst thing ever. I kind of like the premise, I just don’t think there’s anything special going on here. And I’m not sure what the point really is, considering nothing really changes from the beginning and at the end. (Not that I was expecting it to) The one good thing is the music. All the endings are quite good, almost unexpectedly so. The main character has nice character design.
I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level-
This anime fucking sucks! Not really though. I’m just a little disappointed. It’s not that bad, but I expected more. I think the story isn’t that terrible, but the animation, music, and character designs are all poor quality. I think it could have been a lot better. The theme of forming a family was quite odd. It’s not like the main character was going to get married. I wish they had the balls to do that, but they don’t. The ecchi jokes were good, but it was mainly just not great.
Cells at Work!-
Cells at Work is the most ok anime I think I’ve ever seen. There isn’t necessarily anything bad about it, and it is pretty educational, but I just don’t love it very much. It’s ok. It’s got good animation, good characters, and a solid story, but I just don’t think it’s that special.
Sword Art Online- The Movie- Ordinal Scale
So disappointing. I can’t believe it made me want to watch Alicization again. I thought that would never happen. But it’s really bad. There are some bright spots, but mainly it’s just kinda dumb. I’m just glad I didn’t see this in theaters.
Fragtime (Movie)-
I don’t want to be super hard on this, but I really think if you want to experience this story, please read the manga instead. The movie is just not as good and doesn’t do a great job of capturing the manga well. There’s less content in the movie, and yet they added unnecessary things anyway. Don’t waste your time watching this inferior version.
Gabriel DropOut-
It has some good moments.
Neon Genesis Evangelion-
Oh boy. What an interesting, thought-provoking, and insane piece of art that should be celebrated and remembered. It is one of the cornerstones of anime, and I really don’t like it. I particularly don’t like misogyny. I have a certain tolerance towards these things, but I can’t stand the way this anime does things. I don’t like the characters, and I don’t like a lot of the choices they made. This anime is for a very specific type of person, and that isn’t me.
Adachi and Shimamura-
I don’t like slow-burns. If I’m watching a romance, I want the characters to admit they love each other by the end. That’s basically my one requirement. There are some anime that I’ve liked that do this, but this is not one of them. Adachi and Shimamura do have some great moments, but all in all, it’s nothing special. And I can’t not criticize it just because it’s LGBTQ. I definitely respect it and want them to improve, but it’s just not very good in my opinion.
Evangelion:2.22 YOU CAN (NOT) ADVANCE.-
I didn’t like this one as much as 1.11, and I still don’t really think it’s that great, but it’s here, I guess. There are some nice visuals and the ending is neat, but that’s all I can say about it.
Please tell me! Galko-chan-
I liked this a lot. It’s very simple, but it talks about a lot of issues you don’t see anime bring up very often. It was good.
The End of Evangelion-
An incredible film that represents everything Hideaki Anno stood for and is a very representation of him. It has my eternal respect and is one of the most interesting anime films ever made. Did I like it? Sort of.
Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart-
I like watching children’s shows every now and then. A delightfully cute, but overall just good cartoon with a lot of action and fun characters. Charming, but nothing I’d go crazy for. Some episodes are much better than others.
Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles-
I feel weird about Koizumi-San because I love, love the food talk, but I’m not super huge on the characters. Koizumi is great, but most of the other characters didn’t really do it for me. However, the actual ramen part of the anime is really great. I love all the different locations and details that go into ramen. I never thought I’d prefer the educational side to an anime, but here we are!
Princess Connect! Re: Dive-
Yuuki is so freaking boring he ruins the show. Get him out of here! He is a nothing character that sits around while everything amazing is given to the female leads. For the love of god, give this man some personality! It was endearing for the first episode, but got stale extremely quickly. He is a loser and I hate him. Very disappointing.
Physic Princess-
I enjoy watching Chinese anime and movies because I love the language. And while this wasn’t incredible, it was pretty interesting. I like the main character a lot, and the romance scenes were the best part for me. It just felt a little scatter-brained, so to speak.
Evangelion:3.33 YOU CAN (NOT) REDO-
A very solid set up to the last rebuild, it was rather good. But still just a setup.
A period piece anime that is good and very satisfying, with not much else. The action is nice, the characters are nice, I liked the ending a lot, but really, it’s just alright. It’s enjoyable, but you aren’t going to be blown away. The ending is awesome though.
Okay, everything after this is anime I consider 'good.'
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Manga the Week of 7/21/21
SEAN: July continues to exist, despite the best efforts of calendar cancellers. What manga do we have?
ASH: A fair bit, it would seem!
SEAN: Airship has digital-first releases for Adachi and Shimamura 6 and Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear 7. In print, they debut Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship!, and we also get the 4th volume of The Invincible Shovel.
Ghost Ship debuts Call Girl in Another World (Isekai demo Fuuzokujou Yatte Mita). A sex worker who works at a soapland suddenly finds herself in another world! In order to return, well, if you guessed “she has to be a sex worker in this fantasy world”, you’re on the nose. This is NOT the same as JK Haru Is a Sex Worker in Another World, FYI, and I suspect is far more interested in the sex. It runs in Houbunsha’s Comic Trail.
J-Novel Club, first of all, has all the print books I mentioned two weeks ago – they were delayed due to ongoing shipping issues from the Suez Canal blockage earlier in the year.
ASH: It’s been a rather chaotic time for the shipping industry. (And just about every other industry, for that matter.)
SEAN: Digitally, we see Cooking with Wild Game 13, The Master of Ragnarok and Blesser of Einherjar 16, Tearmoon Empire 5, and the 5th and final volume of The White Cat’s Revenge as Plotted from the Dragon King’s Lap. Tearmoon Empire is essential reading for shoujo light novel fans.
Kaiten Books has a lot of new print volumes for series that were previously digital. We get debuts for Gacha Girls Corps, UzaMaid: Our Maid Is Way Too Annoying!, and The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting.
They’ve also got the 2nd volume of The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting digitally.
Kodansha has a print debut that may seem a bit familiar: Battle Angel Alita is coming out with a new translation in paperback. This is the original version from 1990.
ASH: Interesting. I’d missed that this was going to be a new translation.
MELINDA: I guess I’m kind of interested.
SEAN: There’s also more Battle Angel Alita with the 7th volume of Mars Chronicle. And we get L*DK 16, the 14th and final volume of The Quintessential Quintuplets, Rent-a-Girlfriend 7, Sue and Tai-chan 3, To Your Eternity 14, and The Witch and the Beast 6.
ASH: To Your Eternity has my attention. (And probably the attention of even more people now that there’s an anime adaptation.)
MELINDA: Oh, hm. I may have to check it out.
SEAN: Digitally we get Saving Sweets for After-Hours (Sweets wa Teiji no Ato de). It’s from Kodansha’s Palcy, and stars a tall beauty who nevertheless has no romance in her life as men seem to want her to dominate them. Her fortunes change, however, when she meets a co-worker with a secret. This may appeal to Sweat and Soap fans.
Other E-Books: Blue Lock 5, Boss Wife 2, Cells at Work: Platelets! 3, the 4th and final volume of The Honey-blood Beauty & Her Vampire, I Guess I Became the Mother of the Great Demon King’s 10 Children in Another World 4, Kakafukaka 12 (also a final volume), Ran the Peerless Beauty 9, Undead Girl Murder Farce 2, We’re New at This 8, and Will It Be the World or Her? 7.
MICHELLE: I still need to get going on Blue Lock, but huzzah for more Ran the Peerless Beauty!
SEAN: One Peace has The New Gate 6.
Seven Seas has two debuts. The Dangers in My Heart (Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu) is an award-winning manga from Akita Shoten’s Manga Cross about the romance between a boy who pretends to be an edgy sociopath and the school beauty, who he longs for and who turns out to be a bit strange herself.
ASH: I am intrigued.
ANNA: Sounds like it might have potential.
SEAN: The other debut is She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja), based on the light novel which Seven Seas has coming out in a month or so. A gamer is transported to the game world he loves… but not as the old, powerful wizard he played! He’s a cute girl instead. Can he get by pretending to be his own student?
We also get The Ancient Magus’ Bride: Jack Flash and the Faerie Case Files 3, Cutie and the Beast 3, and Otaku Elf 2.
Sol Press has Redefining the META at VRMMO Academy 4.
Tokyopop has a new BL one-shot, Chéri, My Destiny! (Cheri, Unmei no Hito!). This is from Kaiousha’s Gush, and is about a candy war that turns into passion.
Viz has two debuts. The first is a Jump series, so it’s odd to see it this late in the month. MASHLE: Magic & Muscles is about a world where everyone can use magic… except our hero. So he decides to bulk up instead. This has gotten pretty popular.
The other debut is long-awaited. No. 5, a Taiyo Matsumoto title from 2001 that ran in Shogakukan’s Ikki. Viz was putting it out at the time on their Ikki website, but when the various Ikki series didn’t sell great the site kinda floundered, and this was dropped. It’s back now, in Viz Signature edition. As for the plot, well, it’s Matsumoto doing After The Apocalypse.
ASH: I am so excited to see this being released! I’ve held onto my copies of the two volumes that previously made it into print but won’t hesitate to double-dip.
ANNA: Nice.
SEAN: We also get BEASTARS 13, Children of the Whales 17, Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku 9, and RWBY: Official Manga Anthology 5.
Yen On has High School DxD 4, the 5th and final volume of Last Round Arthurs, So I’m a Spider, So What? 12, and Unnamed Memory 3.
Yen Press’ debut is The Whole of Humanity Has Gone Yuri Except for Me (Watashi Igai Jinrui Zenin Yuri), a Kadokawa title from Shonen Ace about a “normal” girl who suddenly finds herself in a world where there are only women. Can she find her way back to her own world? And what is “normal” anyway? This is complete in one omnibus.
Yen Press also has Solo Leveling 2.
ASH: I’ve heard good things about Solo Leveling, I should maybe check it out before I get too far behind.
SEAN: Chunky week. Anything appealing?
MICHELLE: I’m too inundated with everything I’m far behind on to find anything that appealing, to be honest!
ANNA: Me too!!
By: Sean Gaffney
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Top Anime of 2020
I’m two years late or something, but whatever. I have ample free time since I’m taking no classes during the summer. I feel like 2021 was actually stronger in terms of releases (edit: Okay, it has a smaller list, but the list is consistently stronger than this top ten), and there are a ton of anime I haven’t watched, so if there’s something missing, there’s probably that reason. Anyways, let’s go!
Note: Haven't finished/started yet: - Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! - Fugou Keiji: Balance: Unlimited - Deca-Dence - Majo no Tabitabi - Adachi to Shimamura - Yuukoku no Moriarty * They will not be on this list if I did not finish them!
I will not be including sequels like Fruits Basket or Kaguya-sama. Those were insanely good and should be watched regardless.
Dishonourable Mentions (stuff I didn’t enjoy)
Kyokou Suiri
I basically watched an interesting first couple of episodes and then watched a girl cling to a guy who was fighting big tits for the rest of the season with the most boring exposition I’ve ever heard. Seriously? I actually can’t remember anything else that happened.
Kami no Tou
I watched a prologue for all the “good parts” of the manhwa that are supposed to come out later. Cool. Well, at least Stray Kids can say they’ve done an anime opening.
Kamisama ni Natta Hi
Jun Maeda already has had a record of not being able to end anime well. I look at Angel Beats, I look at Charlotte, and I just look at how they ended things and went, “I’m watching this for the journey... I guess.” Sure, it starts out funny (as they all do), but that ending was so egregiously terrible that it still remains in my mind as one of the worst endings in anime I’ve seen because it was conclusive in the worst way possible.
Munou na Nana
The art was barely passable. It feels like this anime rode on the popularity of Among Us. It really wasn’t that good. The tonal shifts were bad. The characters were so see-through that you’d think they were a pristine window or something.
Tonikaku Kawaii
This one is definitely the least offensively bad out of this list (although I did enjoy some parts of Munou na Nana). This one was such a pain to say I finished though because everyone was talking about how good it was, and surely, it was my mistake that I didn’t enjoy it all that much. Oh well, we got some good seiyuu radio segments.
Honourable Mentions (I guess):
Kanojo Okarishimasu
This anime has one of the worst main characters I’ve ever seen. In the manga, I’d argue he’s less insufferable, but after recent arcs, I can say his character growth is now moot, and I will not longer be touching the manga with a ten-foot pole. But why is this even on the honourable mention list? Well, because of Chizuru and the fact that I actually enjoyed this for some twisted reason. Watching this anime is like watching a car crash in slow-motion. That’s all I can say. Plus, the opening is so good. I listen to it all the time.
I can’t remember much about this anime besides the fact that it was a nice historical piece that approaches feminism then gets into this weird romance that’s not quite Bunny Drop bad (but if it was, I would’ve cried and stopped watching it), and it’s technically not inaccurate to the time period. Alas, I think approached some topics well, so I can’t say that it was bad as much as it was just mediocre.
Top Ten!
10. BNA
It was alright. I mostly stayed for the animation and that one scene with that bear baseball team. The story was as predictable as they come, and I don’t like furry or furry-adjacent content, so why was I watching this again? Ah, probably for the voice actors. Oh well, I guess this show was alright.
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9. Runway de Waratte
This anime was good. It held the hype of a sports anime despite not being about sports at all! I really like that! It pairs up an unlikely combo, and I’ve seen “macho” guys actually enjoy the anime for what it is. Good stuff. I feel like the art was a bit forgettable consider the source material looking really good, but that’s okay. The story was still good.
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8. Dorohedoro
While the 3D animation might throw some people off, I think it actually helped with the aesthetic of this anime that’s supposed to give you an off feeling anyway. I like the atmosphere, the premise, but I feel like they didn’t get far enough into the story that I went, “Yeah, I feel real tension in this climax.” It never reached that point (probably due to a short runtime), so I can’t place it any higher than this. I really liked some of those gory scenes.
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7. Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Considering I wrote music inspired by this anime, you’d think it’d be higher, but nope! When this anime first aired, the animation was... bad. They cut so many corners that it made Iruma look like Studio Ghibli. They fixed it for the Blu-rays, but it was already too high of a bar to adapt Aidairo’s art into an anime. With that being said, I didn’t particularly enjoy Nene’s voice. Akari Kitou sounds far better with a natural voice, and I think it added to how I just didn’t feel that hyped about Nene’s character in general. Seriously, even in the manga, she’s my least favourite of the main three. Oh well, the story isn’t named after her. Some parts were incredibly cringe looking back, but I’m not taking points off for that because I am also cringe.
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6. Hamefura
This anime was very entertaining, but it lacked substance and a real overarching plot... which actually doesn’t matter because that’s not what the show is intending to do. Instead, this show is centered around a female himbo and her bisexual harem, and I am here for it. Bakarina is the ideal stupid protagonist who wouldn’t be able to read the room if it was written on the walls. It was a solid, good, and entertaining watch, but it ain’t that deep. It’s puddle-level deep. I’d recommend from number 6 on! Not saying that the other three aren’t good, but they were definitely there to pad so that I could reach ten.
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5. ID: Invaded
I have no idea how Kenjirou Tsuda has not been nominated for a Crunchyroll Award. He won the Best Leading Actor Seiyu Award in 2021. Oh well, Crunchyroll Awards are kind of a joke at this point, so I doubt it matters. This anime was really good, but I couldn’t get behind some of the choices that were made, particularly with the ending. And I didn’t find the young female detective character played by M.A.O. to be that intriguing. Honestly, it feels like they wanted to insert a “moe” character who literally looks like a child. Psycho-Pass had a new female detective who did not look like a child, I’m just saying. Anyways, this show is still quite thought-provoking when you think deep enough, and I think they would’ve benefited even more by going into the minds (get it?) and motivations of its characters a bit more. It probably wouldn’t warrant a 24-episode run, but it’s just a thought.
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4. Kakushigoto
Oh man, if it weren’t for that ending, this would’ve definitely been higher. Okay, the ending itself wasn’t bad, it was the way they approached and got to it given the short span of episodes given. In reality, maybe the manga would handle it better, and the movie gave a more conclusive shut case. However, if we exclude the ending’s stuff, this show was actually really touching while being really funny and entertaining. I love the relationship between the father and daughter, and even though I can’t relate, I enjoyed it. Seriously, give it a watch.
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3. Maoujou de Oyasumi
How did this anime make it this high? I had too much fun watching it, and I looked forward to it every single week. The main character is a self-insert, and it worked. That’s me. I’m always tired. I also want a good nap. It’s such a nice spin on the regular JRPG trope, and the voice acting was S-tier stuff. Yoshitsugu Matsuoka was a hilarious demon lord king who’s really just a figure head because the real monarch is the princess they captured. It’s her castle now.
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2. Jujutsu Kaisen
HEAR ME OUT. HEAR ME OUT BEFORE YOU CANCEL ME. The first half wasn’t nearly as good as the second half, and because only the first half aired during 2020, I only judged it based on that! I couldn’t grow to like the characters until the end of its run, and even then, I feel my liking of the characters growing as more and more content comes out. If i included the second-half, just switch the first and second place.
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1. Great Pretender
This one actually finished and was such a fun ride from start to finish! It took on a lot of interesting topics, and even though the final outcome was insanely predictable every time, the way they got there is what kept me going. I love the style, the opening, the ending (it’s Freddie Mercury, it’s impossible to hate the ending), its characters, and the growth surrounding the story.
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