#i know it's out of focus sue me
mercrow · 1 month
A (very) free interpretation of the mars house chapter 6
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So textually this would've had to be a angry 13 year old girl but i put the bear since that was the commonly used comparison for scary earthstrongers, but, while doing that, i also realized. The hotel has this cute playful bunch of petable polar bears that everyone just loves, right. And polar bear specifically is used so many times as the easily understandable baseline for big, scary, dangerous. This has to intentional, doesn't it (i am probably the only idiot who noticed this only now...)
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queen0fm0nsterz · 6 months
thinking about the Lady again and she actually is the Character Ever.
Starting off with her design. How ridiculously simple it is, right? Her yukata is plain brown and has a single layer, her wig (and yes, I am positive what she wears is not her hair but a wig soley because of how easily it comes undone... that kind of hairstyle is meant to STICK when done with actual hair) has no decorations befitting a woman of her powerful status and her mask is nothing but... empty. You could mistake her for a mannequin and you wouldn't even be wrong. It's by design, after all: she is as insanely important, as a figure, as she is anonymous as a person.
But then, it's with amusement that you note that that boring, unexpressive mask is called the "Rascal's mask" when unlocked. It's such an oddly affectionate nickname stemming from a person so utterly despicable. And then you notice her hair. Her long, black hair that should be hidden under her wig, as the hairstyle goes, but are instead hanging out freely. Not very traditional at all, right? You could almost read it as a small act of defiance of... something. Now, what that thing is, I doubt even she knows. Maybe it's just her way to seek individuality without having to step into zones she does not want to touch.
And then, of course, the lack of shoes. It's not uncommon for people to wear slippers in the house - especially for the Japanese - but she just... doesn't. In that small, small way, she is similar to Six - and every other child in the Maw running around barefoot. Except she's above running, of course. She's got the privilege of floating like a ghost so that she may never touch the ground.
(The only time when this rule is broken is when she fights Six, poetically enough. You can see her visibly step back.)
These strange little things are the first things that push you to wonder about her as a person. Not the title, not the Lady of the Maw: the individual behind the mask. Who is that person? What is she like? Is there a way to answer these questions? I think yes, if you know where to look - but is it worth to ask these questions considering what she does?
That depends on you. Me personally, I think there is narrative worth to be found in what she has to hide. Her foil, Six, finds value in the aspects of herself she does not hide: she is very unapologetic in her selfhood. The Lady isn't, for the most part.
(I wonder if that would make her envious of her younger counterpart in a different context?)
Frankly, looking back on her choice of attire, the fact that her personal bedroom is barely decorated is not surprising. She only has the essentials: a bed, the vase with the key, a few pictures of importance (of people long forgotten, herself included no doubt) and... an ungodly amount of misplaced clothes all over her quarters. All the same yukata, repeated over and over, maniacally folded and arranged in towers, but never where they're supposed to be.
A bedroom is the reflection of yourself. Of your inner world. The fact hers looks so barebones is quite telling about who she is. Or isn't. She herself may have some trouble trying to figure that one out.
I think that, in a vacuum, it's easy to assume that the reason she's so displeased by her reflection is soley out of vanity. That is definitely part of it, but I don't think that's all there is. Because after seeing the mannequins that all look just like her, the four women in the picture who also wear her same exact clothes... and that hidden quote.
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This quote, which is from Alice in Wonderland. Specifically from a conversation in which Alice expresses how she doesn't recognise herself anymore because of how many times she grew big and small during the course of the day. She is not the same person she was before entering Wonderland.
I find the way she clings to the dolls and the music box to be much more... sombre when keeping this in mind. In a way, that scene is reminiscent of Monster Six clinging to her music box in the chaos of the Tower; an attempt to attach to something safe. For the Lady, it's even more personal. Those are her toys. Her song. No one can take them from her and claim them as theirs. These materialistic tomes are physical proof of her identity. She likes dolls, and she likes to sing that song from her music box. Surely, that much is something.
But a ceramic toy and an old music box are not really enough to placate the inner turmoil. Hence the broken mirrors, the hidden statues... the hung down portraits with their eyes scratched out - from times of the past. There is a person looking back in the mirror which she does not recognise. That can't be her, right?
It isn't. The reflection is but a faux image of her outward appearence. The inside, however... much like this concept art shows, she is melting away. Rapidly decaying no matter how much she tries to stick to her youth.
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Because at the end of the day, that's what she's doing, no? The toys, the music box, her appearence... all of it, just to cling a bit more to the person she used to be. Point being that I doubt even she remembers what she used to be.
You'd think a person like this would be inclined to feel at least some sympathy for all the lost children wandering the Nowhere. A sense of kinship, perhaps, or even just... basic human compassion. She has proved to have very human emotions, after all. This is where she proves you wrong. Whenever you think she's stepped the lowest, she always goes lower.
In her humanity, she is brutal. Relentless, ruthless. She offers no sympathy to anyone and has no empathy to spare either. She is very much aware of what's going on under her roof: she not only allows the Maw to continue being the way it is in spite of having the power to change things, but she actively engages in its despicable practices. She has petrified children in her quarters, as well as their ashes - of which the use is unclear - and then she is responsible for the Nome population and exploitation being so large and so eerily heavy. She's twisted necks, broken bones, murdered innocents.
The Shadow Children are, to me, one her greatest offenses. I don't think they serve any particular purpose other than... being there because she wanted to make them. Children ripped away from their life because of her whims. Not even in death can they rest because she can get her hands on their souls. They're nameless, forgotten shadows with blank masks: they're just like their creator, in that way. Ripped of all individuality and devoid of everything.
Everything she sees, the Lady devours. Not a creature is safe from her shadows and her wrath, especially if they come and actively intrude in her activities. She's twice as aggressive if the Maw is at stake.
The Lady's personal bedroom has another motif piece which I did not previously mention: the Maw wallpaper. While Roger and the Chefs have wallpapers that portray them with her, the Lady... does not. She only has the Maw. She's not part of that picture.
The Lady can't let the Maw change its ways. She is the Maw. The Maw must survive: so must she. To change the Maw would mean challenging herself enough to bring about a change; to her, who does nothing but lament what she lost, that would be too much effort. Too outside of the comfortable zone where she can survive in peace. Miserable, but unbothered.
... For the most part. Until Six comes around.
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lordsardine · 2 months
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annakarenina · 2 years
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Pablo Neruda, “Tonight I Can Write” / Mary Oliver, “When Did It Happen?” / Taylor Swift, “Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve” / Albert Camus, “The Stranger” / Sue Zhao @blossomfully / George Seferis, “Collected Poems; Memory I” / SZA, “Gone Girl” / Bessel van der Kolk, “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma”
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mcondance · 5 days
bubble pop electric 。𖦹° spencer reid
18+ backseat sex duhhhh, afab!reader but no terms like ‘girl,’ just female anatomy, spencer’s fingers make an appearance again wowww, reader is in his lap, 1 direct hozier quote sue me, i’m still working on my writing style which isn’t important i just wanted to note that. you can listen to bubble pop electric by gwen stefani if you wanna feel the vibes, a bit unfinished i guess but i didn’t know where else to take it
tonight i’m gonna give you all my love in the backseat
the shuffling of clothes is almost the loudest thing in the car, only beat out by you and spencer’s heavy breathing and pounding hearts.
your whines and moans slip straight into his mouth— the two of you seem to have forgotten what it even means to separate from the other. you give him perfect notes like he’s playing you from the inside out. your kisses are all sloppy, unfocused and focused at the same time, spit-swapping between the two of you, his groans vibrating in his chest and into your mouth.
he curls his fingers up to kiss that spot inside you so deliberately your mind blanks, and you’re conflicted on what to focus on. his lips, or his fingers, or his sounds, or all of it at once.
yeah, all of it at once sounds great.
“you’re so pretty,” he confesses after one kiss and before another. he pauses for a second, to look. you’re so beautiful above him. the white light of the street lamps shines in through the car windows and illuminates your skin. you glow obscenely beautifully, so beautiful his brown eyes get glossy in awe.
he kisses you again, and you kiss him back like you’re begging for it. you’re always begging for it, always wanting to be wrapped up in his lips and sliding your tongue against his all messy.
you think you know insanity, that you’re as fucked as you can be right now, but that’s until through one loud pass and another you pick up the sound of the slipping and sliding of his fingers. your cunt sings out into the car and he breaks the kiss to shoot his eyes down between your legs, watching wide-eyed the lewd display you two have created.
how lewd it is.
he breathes raggedly, all keyed up. he can feel his blood boiling hot with how turned on he is.
it doesn’t take long for him to slip his fingers out of you and for the both of you to fumble with your buttons and clothes and zippers.
spencer’s nothing if not disgusting— he can’t help but rub his cock through your wetness, pupils dilating even bigger as he watches you cover him in sticky slick. its heavenly and horribly filthy all at the same time, how he taps it against your clit, softly, huffing out a laugh when you jump a little above him. the whine that leaks out of your throat is met with a hum of his own, a little sound of admiration.
spencer laughs when he sinks in. your whine is so melodic he finally tears his eyes from your cunt to your face, and god, he’s so fucking glad he did. your eyebrows are turned down, nose scrunched and lips pressed together. your eyes, hazy as they lock with his.
looking up at you is how he wants to fuck you always (at least, until he fucks you another way, it always changes). his hands find your waist and they dig in a little, slowly guiding you on his cock.
a groan from spencer’s slack lips is what breaks the hanging silence in the car. the hypnosis that grips you both is shattered and his honest sound makes the heart between your legs pound and jump and you bring hips down on him just a little harder.
“oh my god,” he moans into your chest, his cheek rubbing against your shirt. “shit.” he’s rarely ever reduced to expletives to express himself, but when his hands are digging into your waist and you’re grinding on his lap like sin, he can’t find anything else to say.
you run your hands through the hair at the nape of his neck and pull him, desperately, closer. lines have faded and been crossed and fucking in the backseat of a car shouldn’t feel this soft, but it does. your soft whines and moans and his earnest groans smooth out the rough edges of the circumstance, and leave sweetness in their wake. but its still lewd. it’s still sensual. he’s still fucking up into you, the sound of you two rubbing against each other still swirls in the car, he’s still cursing against your chest.
exhilaration flows through you. you and spencer never take anything too serious, especially with each other, and to be pulled over in his backseat, fogging up the windows and probably making the car shake, is what you and spencer do. it’s on-brand; of course you’d get so turned on you’d have no choice but to take it to the backseat.
it’s not like it’s the first time it’s happened, though. and it’ll happen again.
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More security guard!simon thoughts.
He has to wear formal wear at work now. Which he hates- the man always feels constricted by a suit and tie in a way that will never be satiated no matter how much he adjusts his cuffs and the line of poor silk wrapped around his neck.
"For the love of Christ can you stop fidgeting? You're like a fucking child in church clothes." You peer over your laptop with narrowed eyes, letting your gaze focus on the way the fabric stretches over his muscles, buttons almost straining over his chest.
He says nothing. As usual.
"Maybe you wouldn't be so twitchy if you actually wore clothes that fit. You get paid enough to be able to afford a proper tailor.” 
His eyes snap up to your own and you can feel his scowl underneath that stupid mask and can’t find the smile that it brings to your face. Annoying your obliged shadow has become one of the few joys in your day. 
“Don’t need new clothes.” 
“Yeah sure, tell that to the button that’s fighting for its life right now. If that thing flies off and takes my eye out, I’ll sue.” 
“I’m sure you have a lawyer on retainer.” “Several actually. Along with a very talented tailor who has done beautiful work for the past three weddings I’ve had to attend.” 
“All for your father?” 
“And each blushing bride-that-was-once-to-be that still feels the need to send me a christmas card.” 
Simon feels his phone vibrate in the pocket of his slacks. Before he has a chance to reach for it- you confirm his curiosity. 
“You have a meeting with him Saturday morning, he’ll do your measurements and then have your clothes ready for you on monday. I’ve sent the address to you and I expect the next time you come into my office, you’ll look like a normal human being and not a weightlifter stuffed into his old communion suit.” The chair creaks under his weight as he leans forward, eyes narrowing into slits as yours don’t bother looking up from your computer screen as you continue to read whatever fucking proposal you’ve been glued to all morning.
“You know-” He rasps. “I work for your father. Not for you, don’t forget that.” 
Your gaze flicks up to find his own and he’s taken aback by the thin smile that stretches over your face and the smug twinkle in your eye that makes him realize perhaps the two are one in the same. 
“The appointment is 9 a.m, Riley. I’m sure your time in the military has made you quite the early riser.” 
Simon has learned you have an interesting way of always getting what you want, even if you end up hating it in the end. 
Which is how he finds himself standing before a wrinkled old man taking his inseam at 9:30 in the fucking morning- telling him that he should stick to muted colors for his ties from now on. Something like burgundy and dark greens because “she says it’s a complementary color for your eyes and I’m inclined to agree.”
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spaghettiposts · 3 months
Wanda Maximoff x Sorcerer!Reader
Summery: You could never escape Wanda, much less the Scarlet Witch. Even bound to a chair, you couldn’t help but fall into her again. Your precious witch.
Warnings: Dark Obsessive Wanda, sorta possessive, you’re tied to a chair, hurt/comfort, Wanda’s been feeling neglected, established relationship? Not really Wanda’s just obsessed with you, toxic relationship maybe
Word count: 1.1k
A/n: I had a dream Wanda tied us to a chair, sue me. This honestly got way softer than I intended LMAO
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“I was wondering when you’d wake up…” The words rang through your ears as you regained consciousness again, your eyelids fluttering opening to the sight of Wanda— no, The Scarlet Witch—before you. A sly smirk played on her lips, illuminated softly by the dim glow of red candles flickering around the room. She took a leisurely sip from her coffee mug before making it vanish with a flick of her wrists. 
Your eyes squinted against the candlelight, trying to see through the madness that seemed to swirl behind her red irises. Something you tried to search into, only to be blocked out. She simply smiled at you, taunting you, teasing, her eyes darting lower to which you followed her gaze.
Now you understood why you couldn’t feel your arms, they were tied up to the chair, every inch of you.  “Wands…what’s going on?” You managed, attempting to keep your voice steady as you tested the restraints. 
“Oh Detka, there’s no use in struggling,” She purred, chuckling in such a condescending tone it sent shivers down your spine. You would be lying if you didn’t admit you had found Wanda attractive before. 
Right now that wasn’t the time for that, again you tried to reach into your head. Desperately trying to recall what led to this moment, but your memories were clouded completely until all your focus was on her. 
And her only. 
Your eyes weren’t familiar with your surroundings whatsoever, figuring it was a reality Wanda made for just the two of you. It resembled a home, something the witch had always dreamed of, something you failed to provide with all your lessons. 
Still, despite knowing how unfair and neglectful you had been to her, you knew this wasn’t how to fix things, “Wanda, this isn’t right. Let me go.” 
But she only laughed, approaching you the next second. She bent down to your level and you sucked in a breath, her cold finger grazing underneath your chin, forcing you to look at her as she slid into your lap effortlessly. 
“Mhmm now why should I? You look so good for me, sitting there.” She murmured, her lips brushing against yours as her hands roamed across your body, landing to rest on your shoulders. You’d also be lying if you said you weren’t equally as affected. “You know we haven’t gotten time for ourselves since…well, Strange.” Her nose scrunching in distaste at the mention of your mentor.
“Honey, I'm his apprentice. I have to spend my time there, surely you understand?” You spoke softly, trying to reason for your obligations. “I’ve always devoted myself to you.”
“You call abandoning me devotion?” She scoffed, not for a second believing you, and yet again her eyes returned to their crimson color. Your unresponsiveness only pissed her off further, rolling her eyes and withdrawing from you with a wounded expression written across her face. 
With another sigh, you bowed your head, knowing that the little progress you had made had been erased in milliseconds. Biting back the frustration, you reminded yourself of the delicacy of the situation. You had to be careful. 
Wanda shifted in your lap, her gaze averted and hurt. Part of you longed to reach out to her, whisper all the things she needed to hear and make her believe you, but your hands were pulled back by their restraints. Damn, you were really starting to hate these things. 
“Untie my hands?” You asked softly, gesturing towards the ropes. Wanda’s eyes snapped to yours, looking at you in disbelief.
“No.” She muttered darkly, “You’ll only run from me.” She explained, her words falling heavy. Slowly, she shifted, positioning herself in a way that allowed you to cradle her, her nose brushing your cheek, gently nuzzling against you. 
Your lips parted, so that’s what it was? Wanda was afraid. She wasn’t just upset; she was afraid of losing you. You understood what she needed, to be reminded of your so-called devotion, understood again. When her head landed to rest on your shoulder, you took your chances, risking your life to ever so gently place a kiss on her head. 
You felt Wanda stiffen against you, but she nestled in closer, tilting her head just the slightest bit. Though the position was quite awkward and strained your neck, you persisted, peppering slow lingering kisses across her face. A soft smile tugged at her lips, and you took the opportunity to ask again, “I just want to hold you, untie me?” 
Reluctantly, Wanda opened her eyes, not really wanting to move but deciding to trust you when you gave her a crooked smile. Without much effort, she complied, reaching behind you to loosen the ropes on your hands. As the knots came undone, you sighed in relief, rubbing at your wrist to ease the soreness. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, pulling Wanda close as you wrapped your arms around her. She hummed in response, pressing her lips to your neck. You put considerable thought into your next words, you had missed these moments with Wanda, moments where the world wasn’t red it was just green.
“I’ll talk to Strange tomorrow, to let him know I’m pausing my lessons.” You said into the silence, and Wanda’s arms tightened around you. 
“Really, I need to show my girl she’s my priority after all.” You affirmed and Wanda smiled, Wanda—no longer just the Scarlet Witch, but the woman who held your heart entirely. With a gentle touch, she pressed her lips against yours in a loving embrace; satisfied with your answer. 
You smiled into the kiss, absorbing as much of her as you could. Eventually, you broke away, but Wanda was quick to lean her head against yours, and a breathy chuckle escaped her lips, echoing yours. Unable to resist, you pressed a soft kiss to Wanda’s nose, enjoying the way it scrunched up in response. The witch blushed shyly and buried between the crook of your neck, and you had trouble believing this girl was set to be the destroyer of worlds.
The thought only made you hold her further. The sudden weight of responsibility bore down on you. It wasn’t how you wanted things to go, but it was how it had to be. For Wanda’s safety and the promise of gaining your future with her, undisturbed.
Swallowing hard, you brushed loose strands of hair from her face, tucking them behind her ear and taking one last look. Recalling what you had been taught, you chanted the familiar spell you had been practicing, murmuring it softly in her ear to ease her. Her eyes drooped heavily before she went completely limp against you and all you could hope was that she’d understand. 
Carefully, you untied the ropes holding your legs together before shrugging them off. You stood up, mindful of Wanda, tightening your grip around her, lifting her up properly. As you walked down the unfamiliar path, slowly transforming back into what it used to be, you were determined to prove your devotion to Wanda.
But first, you’d help her fulfill her own destiny, no matter the cost.
Even if she didn’t quite understand it.
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icedmatchatae · 1 year
Good for Me | KTH
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Pairing: Bad Boy Taehyung x Wholesome Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut, PWP (porn with plot LMAO),
Summary: You went home for the weekend, leaving a pissed-off and bruised-up Taehyung dry and devastated. So what does he do?—follow you home. Insane? Probs, but you’re always good for him so why not?
Warning: OC’s parents are those strict nosy parents who still tell you what to do even if you’re 50 years+, mentions of Christianity hfrowhouw SUE ME, i have no idea what oc and tae are but you know there’s something, mentions of violence, blood, fighting, sneaky sneaky, dom tae x subby reader but tae is needy and whipped for her, he’s just a little shit, tae has a favorite curse word—it’s fuck, TAEHYUNG IS HUGE AND HUNG, aggressive handling (but oc consented), degradation/praise combo, pet names (because I’m a simp), oral (m. and f. receiving), fingering, spanking, tae enjoys seeing oc cry, licking, i think i have an obsession with orgasm control/denial, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, unprotected sex (don’t be like them), cream pie, cum play, the ending though MWAHAHAHAH
Word Count: 7.8k
A/N: I’m adding on for the taewhores and also wrote one lol BLAME THE FUCKING ELLE COVERS BECAUSE THIS SHOT OUT OF MY BLEEDING VAGINA DJDBDBSB I’M REPENTING AFTER THIS also cross-posted on AO3. Posting this at 2AM because that's when the feral wolf comes out :D
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“You know ___, you shouldn’t be going out and partying. What if you do drugs and we don’t know? You know you should focus on yo—”
“Dad, for the last time, I’ve been focusing on my studies.” You rolled your eyes, not wanting a whole ‘nother lecture when you’re here, and you got here today! “I rarely go out too, plus if I do, I know I have to finish my work! You’ve seen my grades!”
“Yes, I know but still. Those worldly activities won’t get you anywhere in life but trouble.” Your dad expressed his continuous concern for you. He can’t help that you were his youngest. “Especially with boys! I mean your sisters have boyfriends but we don’t want that for y—”
“Dad, please. Nothing’s going on with me.” You semi-lied. You pinched the bridge of your nose before you stared exhaustingly at him. “It’s also not fair, but I don’t want to get into that.” You muttered under your breath as your father rested his hands on his hips.
“I’m just worried about you, sweet pea, especially since you’re farther away from us than your sisters were.” He reasoned worryingly. “We rarely hear from you too.”
“Because I’m just tired and I’m usually studying.” You shrugged. “I’m safe, okay? If I’m not, I know to call you or mom.”
“Fine…” He still didn’t look convinced, but it was enough to end it…for today only. “I always pray for your safety regardless. You should get some sleep since we’re waking up early tomorrow for the church fellowship.”
“I still don’t know why you wanted me to come for the weekend.” It was random and unexpected. But your father called you a couple of days back telling you to come back home for the weekend, so as a good and obedient daughter, you did.
“Of course, you needed to come.” He said like it was obvious. “As the pastor of the church and the one who’s hosting it, I’d like all my children to come.”
“But why aren’t the other two here?” You questioned. You haven’t seen your two older sisters yet.
“I mean they live around the area, unlike you since you’re hours away. We figured that they’ll meet us over there.” He responded. 
Great, you were the only one and had to deal with both of your parents for the entire weekend alone. At least your mom was already sleeping, but once she wakes up, it’ll only be twice as worse.
“Alright, well, I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.” You announced before hugging him. “Good night, love you.”
“Love you too, sweet pea, and remember, dear, the Lord is watching.” Your father pointed upwards, indicating the invisible yet existent one. You gulped before nodding obediently and going under your sheets. Before he left your room, he held the doorknob and said, “No boys, and don’t forget to pray!”
“Okay.” You didn’t even bother to look at him as you were situating yourself comfortably in bed. The bedroom lights were clicked off, yet the only light source was your bedside lamp. You heard your door closed shut and the sounds of his heavy footsteps disappeared away from your room before letting out a relieving sigh.
You don’t even know how long you could keep like this. There were many reasons why you wanted to be away for college, and this was one of them. You cheered yourself on right now, knowing that it’s just this weekend and you’ll be back in your freedom in no time.
This was where prayer came in handy, asking for the amount of strength and patience you’ll need with your parents. But it was all interrupted by the blue light and vibrations coming from your phone resting on your nightstand. This sigh you let out was more exasperated than before. You turned your head in that direction. You couldn’t really what was on it at this angle, but you definitely knew who it was.
You snatched your phone to find the 43 messages, 12 missed calls, and 2 voicemails from the one and only Kim Taehyung.
You honestly don’t know how you got into this mess, or how you weren’t able to get him away (probably because you still wanted him to be within reach). But the cycle continued.
It was probably because you were new to that town, having no background about your new hometown, and usually, those who lived there continued to stay there. You were fresh meat. But don’t get it wrong, people were nice and brought you in like you were always part of the community. You found new friends, even living with a girl who treated you so sweetly and caringly. It almost felt like they wanted to protect you from something…or rather someone.
That happened to be Taehyung.
You see here, folks. Kim Taehyung had a…infamous reputation. His name always got a reaction since the day he came into the world. What that meant was people were afraid of him. He grew up as a delinquent, had some family issues, got into loads of trouble, got suspended from school, was shipped to boarding school but got expelled and came back, and even got into countless fights. You recalled someone mentioning he once beaten his teacher up because he got a low grade that he shouldn’t have deserved.
He tended to get what he wanted. It didn’t help the fact that he came from a pretty well-off family, so whatever he did, it didn’t reach the police. Right? Fucking rich people.
Nevertheless, Taehyung’s behavior with or without his familial status was rogue. There have been rumors about him getting into gangs, drugs, you know the typical dark side of society. You couldn’t confirm nor deny it because despite his willingness to tell you, you never wanted to hear anything about it. Ignorance was bliss under this circumstance.
With that being said, when you first came here, you were instantly warned to stay away from him or else…You reasoned with, “or else what?” But then they proceeded to say the same things to you—he was dangerous, he harms others, he doesn’t care about anyone else but himself, if you’re in his way, he’ll wipe your entire existence away, and your life would get fucked up.
You did in fact listen and stayed away. You rarely knew of him or even saw him around, but it was better safe than sorry. Of course, fate begged to differ. 
Oh, that’s right. That’s how you got into this mess. You were partners with him in a general requirement course, and then after briefly talking to him, you realized he wasn’t all that bad.
First off, the dude was immaculate looking, like, who wouldn’t want to stare at his chiseled features? Yeah, he stared intensely almost like he wanted to kill you, but it affected you in other ways. His voice was cavernous and velvet like you wanted him to read the Bible to you.
He looked annoyed, yet he was a chill dude. There you thought—give him a chance and a break.
Oh boy, you thought wrong. So so wrong.
But did you love it? Absolutely.
This was why you needed to repent.
You didn’t even bother reading his texts. You decided to call him and annoyingly sat up from your comfortable position. The call didn’t even ring twice because, after the first one, he answered immediately.
“Petal, where the fuck are you?” He shouted through the phone. You squinted to yourself but weren’t as affected by his tone since you were used to it by now.
“I went home for the weekend.” You simply replied.
“And didn’t fucking bother to tell me?”
“It was a last-minute thing, and it slipped my mind.” You shrugged, then you pulled your blankets off of you to get up and habitually pace around the room while you talked. “Plus, you don’t have any authority to know where I am.”
“I absolutely do have the authority whether you like it or not.”
“Ew, red flag, why?” 
“I need to know if you’re safe.” His voice subsided this time, knowing he was probably pouting yet you couldn’t see it. Okay, this was rather valid since you were associated with the bad boy of the town.
“Well, I am safe. I’m away from school and all of that.” You blushed, feeling the butterflies in your stomach. “I’m with my parents too. My holy parents, might I add.” 
“Right, holy parents and your holy sisters who got married to other holy men.” You could hear the sarcasm leaving his mouth. “Yet there’s nothing holy about their slutty little girl and the man that’s been fucking her to hell.”
“Shhhhh, don’t say stuff like that, Taehyung!” You whisperingly yelled as you stopped your pacing to clench your legs together. You always hated how much of a potty mouth he was. Though you internally loved it. “You know I don’t like that.”
“Come on, Petal. I’m just lightening up my mood, especially since you left me.”
“I won’t be gone for that long. It’s only the weekend, and I’ll be back in no time.” You resumed your pace before standing in front of your window with your back facing it. 
“That’s too long for me to not have you.”
“I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do!”
“You can come back, Petal.”
“No, I can’t!” You shook your head. “My parents will get mad if I leave, for a boy too.”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to let you take.”
“Taetae, no!” You were trying to stand your ground. You already had four lectures with your parents, you can’t argue with him right now. “I need to sleep, it’s getting late too!”
Though his heart fluttered at the use of the nickname, he was getting pissed off that you weren’t being a good girl for him. “Babydoll, be careful with your words. I’m warning you.” His voice went an octave down, shocking your body especially your cunt. Even hundreds of kilometers away, he had such a powerful effect on you.
“I am being careful! With everything. Now please, I have to get up early tomorrow. Good night, okay Taetae? I’m sorry.” You rushed your words in fear that you were getting too loud that your parents might hear.
“This isn’t ov—” You didn’t let him finish because you decided that this conversation was over. You didn’t want to get into trouble on both ends, but your parents scared you more than him. They’ll probably want to purify you if they found out you were stained by the lustful demon-like Taehyung.
Despite ending the call, here came Taehyung calling you over and over again. You could not be bothered with it, so you settled it back onto your nightstand. You were exhausted, frustrated, and horny, but sleep was above all right now. You had to bite your tongue and go to bed.
You were about to get back into your sheets when suddenly your window from the second level of the house opened, and a gust of wind pushed its way inside. Your head snapped back at the speed of light, then a large palm covered your entire mouth before you could scream your heart out.
Though in low light, your wild widened eyes saw his face.  But what sparked you was his concerning appearance. While disheveled ebony hair was pushed back with little strands falling off his forehead, yet there was a deep cut with dried-up blood around its corners. Hues of purple and yellow covered his rich eyes that gleamed in the night whilst glaring deeply into your soul. The perfect bridge of his curved nose had another pained gash. His ever-so-plumped lips were peeled and split open and the corner of his mouth held bruising. Despite all, he looked so perfect in your dazed eyes.
“Good night, okay Taetae?” At a lower volume, he mimicked your voice at a higher pitch than how you actually sounded. He dropped his hand off of you and started waving both hands around. “Oh, look, I’m ___. I need my rest to go to church with my pastor dad and repent all the nasty shit I do with my Taetae.”
You didn’t even bother to point out how he was inaccurately impersonating you because you were shushing him to shut up. “Taehyung, be quiet. My parents could hear you.” You shook your head, eyes shifting from the closed door to him. Then you realized it wasn’t locked, so you rushed there to lock it immediately. You checked the knob and once it didn’t budge, you peered back at the frustrated man standing tall and intimidating. “How did you even find me?”
“I always find you.” He snorted as his eyes roamed around your childhood bedroom. Very pink with an unhealthy amount of plushies scattered around and you had so many pictures of your family. Not to mention the Bible at your desk. “We also share each other’s location.”
“I don’t even look at yours.”
“That’s your fault.” He retorted back.
“Taetae, you’re all bruised up!” You gasped as you finally saw patches of blood stains on his denim and army fabric jacket. A sleeve was torn and ripped. His knuckles held more bruising cuts and discoloration. You couldn’t even process that he had no shirt underneath because battered markings painted his torso. It wasn’t unusual to see him like this because these things occurred regularly but never made you less at ease. You reached for his hands and inspected for any other cuts and bleeding. “Noo, do you feel like you have a concussion? Is your head also okay? Will you need stitches agai—“
Out of nowhere, his long fingers grasped under your jaw, pulling you closer to his face. His grip tightened, causing you to wince in pain. Dang, he was so furious. Not bothering to answer you, he interrupted your worries. “Now the fuck you were doing, talking back at me and hanging up? You’re not being a good girl right now.”
Though you were in a light panic for him, you didn’t like when he scolded you like that. You frowned profoundly, “I-I’m a good girl, Taetae.” Your cheeks were puffed and squishy, he even struggled to put a hard exterior.
You were always so soft even before him. You didn’t like getting scolded despite hearing numerous lectures from your parents. You always wanted to be obedient to those you loved. 
However, Taehyung’s scoldings hit a little differently.
“Oh yeah, does a good girl leave their man without permission?” Taehyung patronized you, he knew how to get you to fear him. You merely shook your head and apologized, but he wasn’t having it. “Words, Petal. Speak up.”
“No, they don’t. I-I’m sorry, Taehyung.”
He lets out a dark chuckle before he pressed his injured lips to your forehead. They felt soft and warm on your skin. “I don’t think you’re sorry, babydoll. Seems like the bad girl needs to be punished.”
You shook your head, lips pushing out into a pout. “No, please.” You breathed. “My paren—”
Taehyung tutted and rolled his eyes before using the hand that held your face to coerce your head down so you can drop down to your knees. “Kneel before me, slut.”
You whimpered weakly as your knees landed on the ground with a loud thud. Your palmed rested in front of his dirtied boots. Your heart palpitated fast in fear of getting caught, but your mind was preoccupied with the unexpected slap from the man before you.
You bit your lips deeply, trying not to make any more sounds. The tears in your eyes threatened to be released but you also held back by squeezing your eyes shut. More so to not give Taehyung satisfaction. But when you peeled them back open and looked up, it was over for you.
He leered down at you, his stone demeanor expanded by the second. You noticed his naked chest raising harshly from the breaths he took. You immediately felt smaller and smaller the longer you stared at each other in this position.
“Be a good girl and take my cock out”. He commanded as he threaded his fingers through your hair and yanked you closer. “Now.”
You didn’t hesitate any longer. Your trembling hands tugged his belt off. You tried your best to quicken up the pace, but it seemed to hold you back as you struggled with the button pants and zipper. Taehyung noticed too so he fastened his grip on you to tell you to hurry up, making you weep.
“S-sorry.” You apologized quietly but it wasn’t enough for him. Once you pulled his pants down, you were met with a familiar bulge in his underwear. When you freed him, his monstrous dick slapped his toned stomach and bounced before you.
Taehyung never failed to amaze you with how colossal he was. The first time you saw it you wanted to run away, but he caught you and you got hooked. His darkened mushroom head was huge while the base was thick and his curved length was long and veiny. It was the prettiest dick you’ve ever seen and seemed that God blessed him very well. 
Nothing happened between the two of you yet but the slit of his tip pearled fluids. You gawked agape with your mouth parted and tongue swiping your lips. His dick twitched, waiting for you to do something but you were too mesmerized.
Impatiently, using his unoccupied hand, he seized your jaw again, keeping your mouth open. “You’re fucking taking too long.” It didn’t take him long to bring your lips to his cock and push all of him in one motion.
You let out a muffled cry with watery eyes. If the tears fell before, they sure did now.  Your throat muscles throbbed around him from the unexpected slamming.  You gagged painfully, especially since his blunt head hit the back of your throat. Your mouth produced trickling drool all over him and down your chin. You were by no means prepared, but Taehyung didn’t seem bothered as he began his harsh pace.
You held onto his muscular thighs. You were crying so much but your sobs were smothered by the cruel thrusts of his rabid cock. Despite the sting, the actions sent a flood to your thin underwear. The familiar warmth covered your stomach, clenching your thighs together for some pressure on your poor leaking cunt.
“Fuck, Petal. Shit.” He cursed lowly. His cavernous moans echoed through the air. “Look at me.” His order sounded like a threat. He stopped his movements; his cock halfway in your mouth. When you opened your heavy lids, he looked so hot and bothered even in your blurry vision. “My pretty girl.” His thumb wiped off the trail of tears. 
You were always pretty in his eyes, smiling, and laughing, even when you get angry at his annoying ass. But he especially thought you were pretty when he made you cry like this. 
Then he went back to bobbing your head brutally on him. Your nails scratched his thighs, leaving indents on them. You retched again, spit drenching all over him. “Fucking amazing for a slut like you. Is this what you wanted, since you’re a fucking bad girl?”
You wanted to say no, but you couldn’t so you shook your head and whimpered. You weren’t a bad girl. You were good!
You were getting lightheaded, feeling so stuffed to even breathe. Taehyung observed your face getting a little pale. You always forgot to learn how to breathe when giving him a blow job.
He pressed into you once more and a bit longer than usual, so he can imprint the feeling of your mouth again into his spank bank. He ultimately pulled out, leaving a long string of drool from his tip to your crimson lips. His dick covered in your sweet saliva. 
You heaved profoundly and wept here and there. You wanted to tell him off, but you were too scared to say anything. You pushed the tears away with the back of your hand and gulped your words but it pained you to do that.
“God, you’re messy,” He laughed cynically at you. “Aww, you’re upset, babydoll?” He asked condescendingly.
“N-no,” You sniffed, trying your best to be strong. “I’m not.”
“Good, you better not.” He said, letting go of your hair. “Stand up.”
This time you were swift on your feet. Though with painful reddened knees, you stood up wobbly and held Taehyung’s biceps for some support. He hooked an arm around your waist, pulling you to be chest to chest with him. 
Being like this, you saw how he towered over you. The height difference wasn’t compared to a gremlin and the Incredible Hulk but he was still way taller than you. He absorbed your appearance, finally taking in how you wore a cute brown bear pajama shirt and matching shorts. The fresh aroma of roses from your body wash and your natural scent swirling into his nostrils sent his pheromones into a frenzy. He wanted you so badly.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and let me fuck you while your parents are sleeping?” His hot breath splashed your face, fluttering you into submission. You unconsciously nodded excitingly but it caused him to tut at you. “I’m not gonna tell you again. Exact words, babydoll.”
“Yes!” You shouted too quickly that only after you caught yourself, covering your mouth with your palms. He smirked at your reaction—so needy for him. Just the way he loved it. Your hands slowly traveled to his shoulders as you batted your beautiful irises at him. You didn’t like swearing, but it came often when you were with him alone. “Uhh, p-please f-fuck me. I’m your good girl, Taetae.”
The perfect answer.
He bent down to peck the tip of your nose then went further down to lick the trunk of your neck. He picked a spot before suckling around to mark his territory. You mewled at the sensation, slithering your arms around his nape. He began moving towards your bed while you stepped back, following his lead until you fell back onto the sheets of your mattress. Your back rested while your legs hung at the edge of the bed.
Your unapologetic eyes wandered his frame.
He kicked his pants and boots off his ankles, leaving him in only his jacket. But even that, he took off. The faded and lighter scars sprawled his torso, showing evidence of fights and brawls through the years. The fresher wounds battered his rough skin and once you saw gauges wrapped around his right hip with blood patches seeping through, you sat up straight with pupils dilated.
“Taehyung, your—”
“I didn’t tell you to speak,” He growled, and stalked to the bed before pushing your shoulder roughly to lay back down. Your body bounced, trying to process what was happening but he tugged your shorts and panties down and off your skin.
He kneeled in front of you, callous palms spreading your thighs apart to reveal your leaking puffy pussy. He didn’t even touch you and you were this soaked. He inhaled deeply, taking in your sweet essence.
Jesus Christ, you were always embarrassed when he did that. It was like his human nature devolved into animalistic instincts. His mouth had a mind of its own, nibbling your inner thighs and placing even more marks on you like he wanted to claim you. You gasped quietly, jerking a little. So sensitive as always. His thumbs stretched your nether lips apart, revealing more of you to him. The petals of your sex opened for him. Your little hole throbbing around nothing but secreted so much wetness, even spotted your tiny clit inflamed, begging to be touched.
But to your luck, Taehyung wasn’t the type to get on with it right away…well he can, but most of the time, he chose not to. No, sir, he took his time with you, to the point you had to drop your pride and beg. His fingers lightly caressed your sex, enough for you to feel it but do no pleasure.
“Tae,” You whined, hands reaching for him but he swatted them away.
“Don’t touch me, put them on your sides.” He seethed through his teeth.
Smack! The slap stung your cunt, making you welp loudly. He does another and your head turned to the side. You cried, pressing your face into your blankets. Taehyung continued hitting your pussy until it was red and sensitive.
“Naughty girl!” He slapped your lips once more, jolting your feeble body. “What’s wrong with you tonight? You think just because you’re with your family that you forgot all the rules we had, hm??”
“N-n-no.” You sobbed, shaking your head cowardly. “I promise I reme—”
A knock came on your bedroom door.
Both of your heads shot toward the direction with wide eyes. Another knock happened again before the person on the other end said, “___?” Another knock. “Sweet pea, I heard noises. Are you good?” Then the fucking knob jiggled, but fortunately, you locked it. “Why’d you lock the door? What are you doing?”
Shoot, it was your dad. Your pastor dad. Now your heart was heavy and dropped down to your uneasy stomach. You needed to say something quickly, but no words came out. You shifted to see Taehyung who shrugged and smirked devilishly, leaving you to fend for yourself. 
It was only until your dad said, “Do I need to use the spare keys to open the door?” That you spoke up.
“No! I’m good, I just…I accidentally dropped my phone on my face.” You lied, praying he’d buy it. 
“You and your dang phone.” He complained through the door. Taehyung’s mouth went wide with silent laughter hearing you get scolded. You pursed your lips, shaking your head. He was no help at all because there was a gleam of mischief and it wasn’t a good sign at all. “You need to get off of that thing, sweet pea. You won’t have enough sleep. Remember you’re joining the praise team in the morning.”
“Yes, dad! I know. I’m sorry to—unghhh.” Your sentence was interrupted by the sudden breach from Taehyung’s two long fingers sliding in so smoothly into your cunt. 
“___? ___, are you okay?” Your dad questioned as he continuously knocked on your door.
It didn’t take long for Taehyung to find your g-spot, curling his fingers to muscle memory. His digits pumped into you, and at times, he thumbed your clit. He had your eyes rolling back and biting your lips to stop your struggling whimpers. “I-I’m f-fine right now. D-d-ahh worry!”
“Are you sure you’re fine? You sound like you’re in pain.”
Taehyung dived into your pussy, taking a long lick before wrapping his lips around your sensitive nub. The tips of his fingers did their magic hitting your insides, playing with the squish of immense ecstasy.
You shrieked involuntarily, fisting the blankets under you as you threw your head back. “Yes, I’m fine!” You groaned distressingly. “I-I’m so…touched by my prayer before sleeping.” You swore faintly when Taehyung suckled and flattened his tongue on your clit.
“Prayer to the Lord is always so emotional, sweet pea.” Your father pointed out, but you really didn’t give a shit. “Alright, don’t want to disturb your time. Hope you get some sleep soon though. Good night.”
His footsteps faded away and you mentally cheered that you didn’t get caught, but you had sudden guilt that you basically spoke to your father with a guy eating you out.
Taehyung released his mouth off you to see how you appeared, crumbling at his touch. Your face wrinkled together with your mouth parted, and you saying his name with your pretty voice had his aching cock twitching. He reached over to the hem of your shirt and pulled it up, revealing your soft bare breasts and hardened nipples. “Such a pretty girl. Touched by the prayer? No, no, I’m the one you should be praying to.”
“D-don’t say that.” You moaned he knew you were very much in tune with your spirituality but he also liked to mess around with you.
“Why, Petal? You don’t like what I say, hmm?” He pouted mockingly, pushing his fingers deeper into you. You gasped, digging your head into the mattress. “I’ll give you everything that you want.” These blankets did no justice, you needed to hold onto him. You put your hand out, silently asking to hold him. Taehyung was mean but he wasn’t that mean…at least not today, so he accepted your request and intertwined his vacant hand with yours.
He felt your cunt getting tighter, understanding what was about to happen. Well, remember how Taehyung wasn’t that mean? That statement was taken back because he said, “Don’t come until I say so.”
You whined, giving your best doe-eyes and pinkest pout. “Please, Taetae. Wanna cum.”
Without removing any touch of you, he stood from his feet before covering your entire body with his large one. His face leaned down until your noses touched. “No.” He simply replied, yet his pace wasn’t slowing down. “Hold it.”
Your eyes twitched, wrestling to keep your orgasm under control. He always loved to play with you like this. You attempted to stabilize your breathing, deep and slow breaths. In…and out. In…and out. Yeah, this wasn’t working when Taehyung’s four-inch fingers were jamming into you. The pressure in your stomach tightened, clenching your abdominals to get your reach. It wasn’t a good girl thing to do, but he was mean!
“Can’t! Please!” You begged once more, knowing it couldn’t be stopped.
“No, be a good girl.”
Sorry, Taehyung but it was too late. Your eyes were already going to the back of your head, and you were prepared for the high of it all. But once you started arching your back, he pulled his fingers and hand away from you. You still had your orgasm but it felt so weak going through it without him helping you come down. Your pussy burned unpleasantly.
He glared at you, watching your lousy orgasm go to waste. All because you didn’t listen to him. But whose fault was that? Taehyung will never take the blame.
Pathetically unsatisfied, you came down and exhaled. It physically and emotionally pained you how shitty that orgasm was. And with a pissed-off Taehyung looming over you, it’ll be torture.
“Bad, bad girl.” Taehyung was disappointed at you, something you grimaced over. “I told you not to but you didn’t it anyway.”
“I couldn’t stop it…” You whispered.
“Couldn’t stop yourself? You really are a fucking slutty bad girl.” Getting slightly self-conscious from his jeering eyes, you closed your legs and covered your chest. Your face flushed with post-orgasm and shame.
Taehyung saw your actions, softening his tough demeanor. He lifted you to the middle of the bed before climbing over your concealed body. At this angle, the moonlight struck his body. Every muscle and indent defined, every wound and bruise visible, every part of him shined so beautifully and perfectly. 
His knees spread your legs open to go in between while carefully pulling your arms off your chest. His face goes down to yours, planting little kisses all over your face in hopes he doesn’t make you feel too bad. “Tell me if I go too far, Petal. Don’t hide from me.”
You shook your head, “You’re not. I’m sorry I didn’t listen. I’ll be good, I promise.”
You were soooo good to him. He smiled tenderly, pecking another on the tip of your nose before the demon smirk came back. “Then you’re still gonna get it. Get on your knees.”
You nodded and were about to twist your body when Taehyung grasped your waist and flipped you over. He pushed down your back, arching your ass up before landing a loud slap to it. You cried into the pillow, hugging it as if it was like your protection. He slapped the other cheek, receiving another reaction from you.
“Since you’re weak at controlling yourself,” He grabbed his thick length. His head played with you, gliding across the slit and collecting your saturation until he aligned it with your hole. He puts a little bit of pressure, enough to make you moan for more but then stopped. “Maybe I should punish you by giving more than what you can handle.”
That was…even worse. But you had to accept it, so you could be the good girl for him. 
Knowing he could maim you, he steadily filled you up. You felt every inch of him getting deeper and deeper inside, the stretch of your pussy left a dull ache. He held your hips as he guided himself in. Once he bottomed out, the both of you let out a sigh of relief. Every time you do this, it always felt like the first time because of how big he was.
“So fucking tight, Petal.” He hissed. The sensation of you pulsating had his head thrown back.
After a while, the two of you knew it was time for him to move. Taehyung pulled himself back, leaving his head and then piercing back in. You jolted forward, but he kept you firmly to continue his aggressive yet even pace. Each penetration to your spot left you wailing into the pillow, gripping its covers. The slapping of your skin resonated in your childhood bedroom, the only sound that could be heard other than Taehyung’s heavy breathing and your keens.
“This is what you wanted, right?” Taehyung asked lowly before speeding up his movements, making you louder in the cushion. When he didn’t get the answer that he wanted, he looped your hair around his hand and hauled your upper body until your back pressed to his sweaty chest. You winced in pain but you hooked an arm around his neck.
“I want—unggh, y-yes.” Tears fell on your cheeks. Your neck extended to the side, giving him full access to licking and sucking your skin. “A-am I being a—your good g-girl?”
“You’re such a fucking good girl, Petal. Fucking good girl.” He praised you, muffling into your neck. His other hand kneaded your boob, massaging your nipple between his appendages. You groaned at the added touch. The twist in your stomach rose, sensing another high coming soon. Taehyung noticed you tightening around his ramming shaft, so he slid his hand down to your clit and made circular motions. “Cream around my cock again. Come on, pray to me. Bless my name with your sweet sounds.”
“Taehyung, please, please, ahh.” You breathed heavily, bringing your head back to rest on his shoulder. His length ravaged your insides and his fingers pinched your sensitivity until the knot released. You splashed with blistering ecstasy, almost about to scream at the top of your lungs but his palm covered your pitched sounds. You stifled chants of his name with your rolling eyes, even lapping your tongue over his callous. His thrusts slowed down this time, easing you down. He showered you with compliments, kissing your jaw and cheek. 
Once you came back, he took himself out of you to lay you down. He needed to see your face clearly at least once. He grabbed himself and plunged in again. You keened in volume, but Taehyung shushed you. “Babydoll, be quiet. Don’t want your dad to exorcise the both of us.”
You nodded pliantly and slapped hands over your lips. He moved at his previous pace, yet your sensitivity increased after your two orgasms. You were overstimulated but pushed through to help him meet his climax. He handled your hips where it would leave bruises days after. He hunched over to your chest, latching onto your nipple and swirling it with his tongue.
His touch was a mixture of all—needy, urgent, warm, cool, rough, and supple. You loved it all, you wanted more of him. You quivered into your palms, muting the uncontrollable noises escaping you.
He popped off your nub. His thrusts jerked faster and sloppier, recognizing how close he was. His resonant whimpers rung through your ears. It was like his thumb was magnetic to your clit because it was on you again and flicking rapidly. You shuttered, shaking your head at the intensity. It was too much. “One more for me, Petal. I wanna feel you, please.”
Darn, he said please. There was no way to deny him. After four more pumps, he buried himself still. He painted your insides white with his cum, whining your name. Meanwhile, you tirelessly came again. Blinding white spots came into your vision, ringing happened in your eardrums. The feeling of scorching euphoria spread all over your body as you curved your spine. Your hands were replaced with Taehyung’s mouth, sluggishly kissing you and keeping you as quiet as possible but let’s be real.
He kissed your lips once more before scooting in between your neck and shoulder to leave more smooches on your perspiring skin. His cum inside electrified you, feeling it flood around. It wasn’t until his softening dick pulled out of you, that the dam of cum seeped out your weeping pussy.
What an immaculate sight that he couldn’t resist.
Your energy-drained body thought it was over. But Taehyung had other plans because once you felt his tongue on your enlarged overloaded clit, you gasped in shock. “Taehyung, can’t anymore!” Your fingers attempted to push him off of you but you were too helpless and fatigued to overpower his strength.
He tasted the concoction of both of your cum, playing with the juice all over you and his mouth. He was addicted to the taste, vibrating another low moan to your clit.
You begged for him to stop, but he wasn’t going to finish until you came one more time. He lets go hastily and said, “Last one. Come on, Petal.”
Then there was your last orgasm. It was weaker than the previous, better than the first, but the most agonizing one. It burned but was so divine. You shoved your face into your cushion, crying away from every sensation and emotion you felt. 
Taehyung was finally off of you and went up your body to kiss you again. But you were so lethargic, you couldn’t keep up and lay there like a Twinkie. You didn’t even comprehend how he walked out of your bedroom to look for the bathroom, knowing damn well your parents could see him.
But he made it back alive and unseen with a damp cloth to clean you up. He wiped you clean as you stared at him with so much endearment and swell to your heart even after pounding you like an animal.
After he was done cleaning, he threw the dirtied rag to the ground before climbing back in bed and putting the covers over your naked bodies. “You did so good, ___. My good girl, my favorite girl.” He pressed a kiss on your temple before you fell into slumber.
“___, wake up! We’re gonna be late!” Harsh knocks through your door disrupted your dreams. You groaned loudly, wanting to go back to sleep. “Sweet pea, get dressed!” It was your mom calling for you. You rubbed your eyes sluggishly in your raggedy state and rolled over. With squinting lids, you searched for your phone to check the time.
You overslept, and you panicked a bit. You kept your cool, it was fine. This was a small bump, but you’ll get over it.
Suddenly, something or someone shifted beside you. You turned your head before you were fully awake by your heart dropping down and coming out of your ass. A peaceful hibernating and naked Taehyung was by your side, cuddling your body. No wonder you woke up with furnace-like heat against you.
Immediately, you shot out of your bed to stand up but you completely forgot that after a night with Taehyung, you become temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. So you stood up and your feeble numb legs made you drop to the floor.
“___, are you awake? I heard a noise.” Your mom questioned again.
“Yeah,” you grimaced at how raspy your voice was. “I-I just woke up, I’m sorry.” You crawled towards the other side of the bed where Taehyung was.
“You have 30 minutes! I told you not to stay up late at night! You know…”
You tuned out her lecture because you were trying to wake Taehyung up in fear that you might get caught. “Taetae, wake up.” You were usually so gentle because it took him a while to fully get up but you slapped the shit out of him.
His eyes stammered open in surprise. He bolted awake and in pain. He was about to yell but you covered his mouth as you stared with alarming pupils. “It’s morning, my parents are awake. I need to get ready and you need to leave.”
“___! Are you listening to me? Do I need to open your door to get you ready?” Your mother complained, trying to open your door but it was still locked. “I’m getting the key—”
“No, mommy!” You protested. Both of your heads directed to the door with widened eyes. “I swear I’ll get ready. I promise I’ll be quick.”
“Okay…I’m almost done with breakfast.” She announced.
You breathed out in relief, knowing you were clear for now. But once you looked over to the naked man still in your bed, you had another morning task to do. “You need to leave. If I don’t come out in five minutes to go get my teeth brushed, my parents will come to get me out.”
Usually, Taehyung would play around, but he knew this time meant business. He nodded obediently. You rolled away to give him some space to get out and gather his scattered clothes. As he was getting dressed, you watched him.
The bruises, the cuts, and that deep wound were all still there. It made you upset, frowning at the mere thoughts of what Taehyung dealt with before coming to see you. You never liked what business or situation he was in, you didn’t know fully but again, just by looking at it, it was not good.
Taehyung detected your staring, but he was surprised at your sad state. “What’s wrong, Petal?”
“I know I said I don’t wanna know what you do, but it won’t change the fact that I don’t like seeing you get hurt.” You explained. “I’m seeing all of this and I’m worried sick, Taetae.”
He sighed, putting his jacket back on then walking over to pick you up on your feet. You used him as leverage. You acted like a baby dear standing on its legs for the first time, making him chuckle at your struggling state but it was too adorable. “I’m sorry for worrying you. You probably wanted to know what happened and I’ll tell you more about it later, but let’s just say I’m trying to get out of the things.”
Your eyes sparkled with joy, “You are? You’re not just saying that, are you?”
He smiled and shook his head, “I’m not just saying that. I’m serious. I’ve been…in it for a long time but I’ve been also wanting to stop.” You nodded understandingly. “Wanna do this for myself, but for you. I don’t want any of them or other affiliations to find you and use you against our will. It’s not easy, hence why I arrived like this, but it’ll come to an end.”
“Okay,” You grinned sweetly before puckering your lips and waiting for him to come.
He leaned down and accepted you, He circled his arms around your body as he kissed you tenderly. He parted away, foreheads touching. “I’m gonna miss you, Petal.”
“As I said, it’ll only be this weekend. I’ll be back tomorrow night.” You reassured but it wasn’t enough to prevent the pout on his lips. “Come on.”
The two of you walked over to the window. He opened the pane as he prepared his descent. His legs were out hanging, his arms and torso still inside your room. You went over to give him one last kiss for his travels back.
“I’ll miss you too, Taehyung.” You giggled, captivating his entire heart.
Feeling overwhelmed with the thoughts and emotions of you, he blurted out, “I love you so much, ___.” It was the first time either of you said it, and he just realized what he said when his eyes grew the size of saucers and stared at him like he was insane. You were a fish, opening and closing your mouth with no words coming out. You didn’t know how to react, but you definitely felt your heart palpitating briskly. 
Before you could finally say anything, he abruptly goes, “Okay, well, yeah bye. See you in psychology class.” He descended as fast as he could, trying to get away as possible. You didn’t even watch him out the window, which was a good thing for him as reached the ground. While walking away, he was mentally screaming at himself and fisting the air at what he did.
You were finally dressed and appropriate for church. You fixed the clip in your hair before walking out of your room and down the stairs. Yet your thoughts were elsewhere and about the boy who was in your room not too long ago.
He said I love you. The fucking bad boy of the town confessed his love for you. What the fuck? First of all, you weren’t even together. You didn’t know what you were, whatever. The only thing you knew was that Taehyung would beat the shit out of any guy that came your way. Second, it was an odd choice to say a confession after a sneaky night at your lover’s childhood house with their parents sleeping at the end of the hallway.
Thirdly, you knew what your feelings were but the little shit didn’t give you a chance to comprehend and tell your side. Ugh, now you have to deal with him opening up once you were back in town.
You reached the kitchen, greeting your parents. Your mom told you to take a seat as she prepared a plate for you. She glanced at you, then took another look intently yet you didn’t seem to notice.
Once seated, your father scrolled his phone for news and reread his notes for his sermon. He gazed up at you, then did a double take before raising an eyebrow yet you didn’t see his stare as your mom walked towards the table with your breakfast.
You were too busy looking down at the settled breakfast before to spot the questionable looks your parents made. Once you were about to devour your eggs and kimchi, your dad stopped you. “What were you doing last night?”
You blinked, “I was on my phone late at night, and did my emotional prayer, remember?” Your father hummed, nodding eerily calmly.
Then your mother spoke up as blunt and knowledgeable as she was. “Then why do you have hickeys all over your neck?”
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A/N: There will NOT be a part two :D
All rights reserved for ©️ icedmatchatae 2023 (。●́‿●̀。)
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mccardswife · 5 months
three dreaded letters
ingrid engen x mapi leon x teen!reader
summary: reader plays for Barca, she gets injured in the match and her mother figures and the whole team support her. ingrid and mapi caring for her
(this is a request)
reader is 18, signed for Barca at 15, amazing I know right?
reader calls mapi mom and Ingrid mama
word count: 1589
warnings: angst, fluff, acl injury, protective team
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There was no secret that the common injuries for footballers, especially women footballers is the dreaded three letters.
Anterior cruciate ligament tear, also known as an acl tear...
Hearing about the experience of your teammates, both club and national team, you pretty much knew what the injury detailed.
You tracked back to defend, when you hit the ground. The fear that ran through your body when you heard the pop. The pop in your left knee felt like everyone described. 
The pain in your knee was something you've never experienced before, it was so horrible and painful. It literally felt like a hammer smashed both sides of my knee. 
The ball was still in play, but I was in so much pain I could not get up. I played limp on the ground, thinking about everything. How was recovery going to be? Is this the end of my career at 18? Will I ever be the same? Will people support me? 
I did not realise I was screaming in pain until Mom and Mama ran over to me, the couple is like you moms, you even live with the two of them in an apartment together.
Then Alexia walked over, she came back recently from an acl tear herself. And exchanged knowing looks, they knew by the look of you holding onto your knee.
"Where does it hurt?" Mom asked, crouching down to you.
"Knee, acl, it popped Mom, i tore it" you responded to her. Then Aitana came running over and Alexia motioned to the medics. 
"We don't know if it is the acl, but if it is, me and Mom. Also the whole team will be there with you kid. You are so strong and you will get through this y/nn" Mama said softly. 
You started sobbing, leaning into Mom crying. She held you comforting and then literally the whole team stood by your side.
The medics arrived and started to assess me, everyone looked at me, with concerned looks full of sympathy. But you can't focus on them, the only thing that going through your mind is the pain, how will rehab be, will I ever be the same?....
Then I was carried off on a stretcher. All you wanted was your moms, the pain in your knee increased with every second. It was unbearable
Frido already setting with the rest of the team on the sidelines, saw everything, she is like your older protective sister at the team. Her being out with a meniscus injury in her right knee immediately understood the serious situation and rushed to you when the stretcher went past her. Walking through the tunnel beside you holding your hand she felt heartbreak for the teenager, the medics told her what happened and secretly she knew right away what it was. 
She could not bear the thought of her little sister being injured. 
Walking into one of the medical rooms with Frido whispered supporting words in your ear, the medics sat you on a table.
"We need to take some scans of your knee before we know for sue but it unfortunately seems like your acl. Im really sorry kid" one of the medics said.
I broke down again in pain.
The game was over quickly after your being carried off. Since it was only 15 minutes left. They won the game but felt horribly pain for you, being in the starting line up at Barca as a 18 year old kid. Everyone felt their duty was to protect you.
The scans showed that you had tore your acl
It was the worst thing you've been told ever, the three dreaded letters was something you wouldn't wish on anyone. Not the star player on your rival team, or upon your worst enemy. It is pain through and through.
Frido hugged me lovingly and said "I love you y/nn, we will be with you all the way".
I half smiled to her, appreciating the words.
The door to the medical room opened.
"Knock knock" Caroline said walking in with a supporting but sad smile and behind her was the rest of the team. You allowed them to come in for a few minutes. But really the ones you only wanted was your mums.
You tried to speak, but it got muffled out by tears. Frido seeing that saying.
"It is her acl unfortunately" Frido said, she never thought she would ever say that. The pain in her voice showed that.
The team already knew but the words coming out of Frido´s mouth was something none of the girls would ever want to hear.
"I am terribly sorry my love" Mama said to me reassuring walking over to me with Mom, mama giving me a hug while Mom held my hand softly.
Ona is one of my best friend on the team, she came over to me and gave me a hug. "We are all with you" she said caring.
"Thank you all so much, I really appreciate all of you but I want a moment with my moms, and then you can come in again afterwards".
"Of course bebita, we will pick up some things for you, if you'd like. Some warmer clothes or something to drink and eat?" Alexia asked me with the softest smile ever.
The captain of the team, also the La Reina. Not everyone knows this but she really is a big softie, but really a reassuring and stern captain.
"Yes please, If you don't mind I would love that, thank you so much" I answered.
"No problem babe, but I think you should call Leah and some of our others national teammates after, my phone has blown up with messages from Leah, Beth, Millie and pretty much everyone else", she said.
Yes, I am a lioness. And me growing up in London being an Arsenal fan through and through, I was at the arsenal academy when i got the Barca contract. I immediately accepted, it was my dream club to play for other than Arsenal. 
Some time in the future I want to play in London, not now tho.
"Yeah I know, I will call them after", i said.
I am very close with the national team, especially Leah, I have known her for almost my whole life, because of arsenal academy and because our families has always been friends. So she is like my protective but stern older sister, and I will say I am closest with her on the England squad. The whole squad is very protective so I know they're probably worried sick now.
I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the door open again and shut again. The rest of the team walked outside, me being alone with my mom.
I started crying again and they started sobbing too.
"elskling" mama said walking quickly over to me giving me the warmest hug ever. "I am so sorry love" she said to me wiping away my tears. 
"Mama and mom, I don't think I will get through this, what if rehab is not worth it, what if this is my career end, what if" a voice cut me off.
"stop, stop, stop my love, me and your mama will be there with you every step of the way. You are worth it, the rehab will be worth it. You will get through this" Mapi said sternly but soft.
"Your mom is right y/nn, you will get through this and we will be there with you every step of the way" Ingrid said holding my hand.
"Every step of the way"
"Every step of the way"
"Every step of the way"
Mom took my face in her hand, so that we stared right into each others eye. she kissed my forehead and gave me a hug saying "You are one of the strongest people me and your mama have met, we promise you. You will get through this and come back stronger than ever".
"I love you so much mama and mom, but I am so scared, is this my fault? what will everybody say?
"elskling" Mama said looking me right in the eye.
"It is not your fault, this can happen to anyone and nobody will think it is your fault. I promise you, you may think it is your fault but bless you love it is not"
"You've got this, we are with you every step of the way and we've got you", Mom said to me with the most heartwarming look ever that wanted me so sob again.
"We love you so much" mama said.
"Always, we will always be here with you" my moms said giving me a bone crushing hug.
We sat like that for a while, just hugging, you have no idea of grateful I am for my moms, my club and national team. They are like my family, blood or not.
My moms pulled away, still holding me softly saying
"We believe in you, this is obviously tough news but you are a thousand times tougher, it is hard but we and the other girls will help you, even if you need to lift a finger. Everyone is there with you, you can do this" they said to me, the tone in the words was familiar. It was voice of confidence and loving.
You smiled accepting them, only nodding.
You leaned into them again hugging, with a sad but meaningful smile on your face. Knowing that you have the best moms and family in the world.
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campbell-rose · 6 months
Alastor Redesign
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Omg there’s like over 70 people following me – guys I'm o///O flattered and flabbergasted. 
Anyway, onto today’s main event, Alastor. I hate Alastor’s og design, I hate his twig waist and his shoulder pads and the way you can’t see his antlers next to his ears, and his bow tie ugh viv please and his HAIR what even is that??? Not even mentioning that nothing about his design is really like a focal point. There’s no one thing that’s particularly interesting. At least before this he had that cathedral window looking cross on his undershirt that I found interesting. Nothing about his says he’s from the 1930’s other than dialogue. 
I wanted him to be in greyscale because that’s the coolest aesthetic, and colored photos weren’t a thing until way after the 30s. Recently I saw jjk, and Jogo’s teeth threw me because at some points I thought he was just straight up toothless. But then when I started this design, that colored tooth look spoke to me. Initially his teeth were yellow to look gross like he never brushes them, but then I was like ‘ayo wait, he’s literally a cannibal’, thus his vibrant red teeth to really pop against his greyscale. Initially his undershirt was white, but I feel like that was too much contrast and white is typically innocence, so by instead having a deep red it shows he’s just straight up bloodthirsty underneath his formal appearance. I also considered it being black, but then he looked like a pastor, and I wasn’t too much of a fan of it. The idea of the red on his design is that it leads your eye down his design to take it all in, with his face being the focus. I gave him glasses because I like the way it obscures his eyes a bit and I imagine they do the anime thing where they glow and hide his eyes. I liked Viv’s idea of sinners having marks where they died, and I slicked his hair back to show it off very prominently. His antlers are larger, I gave him cute lil deer ears. Also, under his suit he is lowkey buff. I feel like a serial killer should at least look physically capable of taking someone down not whatever the fuck viv’s nasty twig men can do. Like, in that comic with the cute sheep girl, when Alastor goes demon mode his body looks so snappable I just wanna like grab his waist in my hands and break it like a twig. I also tried to keep his design simple as if this were for animation, I know pinstripes are complicated and so are antlers but other than that I tried to keep his design basic. 
If I were to rewrite him based solely on the pilot, I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. Alastor is a decent character, his voice actor gives him life, the radio filter is cool, and nothing he did made me want to break my screen (ANGELDUST). The only thing I'd change would be his position in hell. Like, viv’s hell is so wack and I hate it, she’s got the princes, then the goetia and the overlords and then sinners and blah blah, it’s a lot to keep track of, not even mentioning the rings and circles thing. I think Alastor should have had dealings with hell as a human, maybe he routinely did sacrifices or something, and he made a deal with the archdemon Alastor and when he died like... uuhhhhhhh. Maybe through connections he’s gained more power? Idk, I just know I hate the idea of his dying and then having like the bestest most powerful demon powers despite not being hellborn. It’s got this mary sue stench. I’ll figure it out, maybe, who knows. 
I’m not gonna start rewriting since there’s nothing to go off of and alter yet, so that’s gonna have to wait until the show actually drops before anything concrete happens lol. 
Also the sheep girl is a sinner that reoccurs in the show now so sorry I don’t make the rules, you can’t give me a cute sheep girl and try to take her away, I’m gonna redesign her and shove her into the plot as someone looking for redemption at the hotel
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elliespeach · 1 year
the black lace | ellie williams
pairing: ellie williams x afab reader warnings: 18+!! smut smut smutty smut smut smut!! r! receiving, fingering, strap riding, teasing, friends to lovers lowkey,reader n ellie smoke bc who doesn't love that shit, the plot is there if u squint but i tried to not focus on it too much, not proofread wordcount: 3k an: yeah yeah i got this from porn SUE ME i will not be apologizing
you knocked on ellie’s dorm, you were a little late because you couldn’t decide what to actually wear. it was seconds before her door opened, revealing her and that smile you loved so much. your friendship with ellie was always dancing on the very thin line between platonic and romantic. a few drunk nights here and there where you both got really handsy with each other, you were always cuddling and playfully flirting with one another. but neither of you ever truly acted on the obvious feelings you had for one another, and you hoped tonight would change that. 
your plan was simple, really. ellie prided herself on her photography skills, even selling a few of them and you had asked her to help with taking some professional explicit photos of yourself. you didn’t share with her why, but ellie definitely thought about the reason all day. and she cursed herself for not asking why, instead she was so excited about the idea she immediately said yes and only thought about it later once it actually set in. without even fully knowing, your plan was already working. 
“that’s what you’re wearing?” she asked, looking you up and down with a smug expression on her face. 
you lifted up your shirt slightly, revealing the lace beneath, “did you want me to walk across campus with only this on?” ellie whistled and you pulled your shirt back down, rolling your eyes at her while she stepped aside, letting you in her dorm. it was small, but decorated just perfectly to encapsulate ellie’s personality. mortal kombat posters plastered everywhere along with ones related to comics you had no knowledge of. art supplies were scattered along her desk as if she had been painting just minutes prior and her camera sat perfectly placed on her freshly made bed. 
the neon weed sign on her wall illuminated the room in a purple cloud as it always did, making the stick-on stars on her ceiling glow as well in the semi-darkness. you turned back around to her as she shut the door behind her, she was in her usual lounging around wear. the hoodie that she stole from you that she refused to wash because it smells like you. “wanna smoke first?” she inquired, bending down to grab the shoebox from under her bed. 
“always,” you responded and sat on the edge of her bed while she picked a pre-roll from the box. she placed it in her mouth and lit the end but passed it off to you before she inhaled. she sat next to you on the bed as you took a few puffs and blew it out of the open window. 
you handed it back to her, making eye contact as you did and her fingers lingered above yours for a second too long and she cleared her throat, looking away and taking the pre-roll. “so–uh, why did you need these pictures?” she took a drag and exhaled quickly. 
“just for myself,” you admitted, which wasn’t an entire lie because you had no one else to send them to, the only person you would send them to would be her. ellie chuckled, taking another hit and handing back to you but not allowing her fingers to linger. she spoke as you inhaled the smoke. 
“really? just for you?” she asked in disbelief, allowing the little green monster in her show slightly. “not that girl in your lecture who you said was totalllyyy hot?” she mocked you, concealing her jealousy with a joke but her chest felt heavy as she did. 
you turned your body towards her, lifting your knee to rest on the bed, the other dangling off and swaying with the nerves that filled your body. “maybe,” you shrugged, taking one more hit before trying to pass it back to her. ellie rolled her eyes, swiveling her body to reach the camera behind her ignoring you trying to pass her the pre-roll. 
“i’ve heard horror stories about her–” ellie spoke, turning back to you with the camera in her hands. she gently pushed your shoulder down so your head fell to her pillow. she propped herself up on her knees and stared down at you through the camera lens. “you could do better than that.” 
since she wouldn’t take it back, you balanced the pre-roll in your mouth and lifted your upper body, peeling off the shirt that covered the lace. the high coming on making you feel more confident, along with her words so obviously laced in jealousy. bringing yourself back down on her bed and taking another hit and keeping it in your fingers. “and who is that?”
ellie gawked at you through the lens, the lingerie falling so softly on your skin and squeezing all the best parts of you. she had never seen so much of you exposed, the very thin layer of lace that covered your nipples and she was glad you couldn’t tell where she was looking through the camera. she swallowed probably louder than she had intended to and quickly refocused on the conversation. “anyone but her.” 
she snapped a picture, looking at it on the camera and shook her head. you were perfect, but the angle was off and she moved from the foot of the bed and came beside you, still on her knees. you scoffed as she straddled your lap, looking through the lens once again, focusing on your upper body. “ellie wh–” 
“shh, i’m working–” she uttered, snapping another picture catching you off guard. so you decided to just play into it, posing as best you could while she continually took pictures. she would occasionally shift her weight on top of you, resting against your legs that were propped up behind her back. the movement on your core, as little as it was, felt antagonizing like she was doing it on purpose. and she was. 
ellie was doing all she could to keep composed, but you looked so good laying on her bed in the black lace and she felt her own core tighten as it usually did when she was around you. ignoring it, she removed the camera from her eyes and plucked the pre-roll from your hands, taking a drag herself before climbing off of you. if you hadn’t been paying attention, you would have whined at her leaving but while the weed rested in her mouth she tugged on your pants, speaking out of the side of her mouth. “you look stiff,” 
“stiff?” you asked, pulling your pants down to your ankles and ellie couldn’t stop herself from peeling them the rest of the way off for you.she tossed them to the floor, putting out the pre-roll into the ashtray on her desk at the foot of the bed. turning back to you, she placed her hands on your legs gently. while meeting your gaze, she moved them up and goosebumps erupted on your skin. 
“yeah, stiff,” she repeated, stopping her hands at your thighs and spreading them apart. the lingerie hiding your wetness that had grown since you walked in the door and ellie reached for her camera, placing herself between your legs. “like you’re nervous–” she said, pulling the camera up to her eye. 
“i am not nervous,” you lied with a chuckle and ellie dropped her shoulders, bringing the camera down as well and placing it next to you on the bed. her expression read as really? and you doubled down, “i’m not!” 
she clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth, breathing out a sigh that you couldn’t decipher. she pushed back any thoughts screaming at her to stop as she lowered herself between your legs, peppering kisses along the insides of them. “do i make you nervous?” her hot breath grazed your thighs and you knew you were a goner, your breathing hitched and you laughed as her lips tickled your thighs. 
“n-no,” you remained firm, but her kisses felt like velvet on your legs and you held back from begging her to rip off the lingerie. she lifted her head from your legs, meeting your gaze. 
“i’m not buying it, babe,” you were used to her calling you babe, but her voice had turned to a low raspy tone and you nearly melted. ellie took notice of your weakened state with her between your legs and bit down on her lip, taking you in. she ran her hand up your thigh, grazing it over the top of the lace on your stomach and all bets were off for her. “i could help loosen you up, y’know.” 
you stomach was doing flips and you looked down at her still between your legs, her fingers twirling the lingerie on your hips. you knew exactly what she meant, but you decided to play dumb despite the aching urge for her to connect her lips to you again, “we already smoked–” 
“i’m not talking about smoking,” she whispered as she pulled herself up from your legs and hovering over your face. she studied your face, moving from your eyes to your lips and back again, as if asking permission. you didn’t nod, you didn’t respond, you took her face in your hands and connected your lips, tired of waiting. 
her mouth took control, forcing her tongue inside yours as her hand guided itself down your chest and squeezing the lingerie that covered your breast. you two had kissed before but it was when you were way too drunk but this time felt different. as if circumstances had changed, she kissed you like you were hers and it felt hungry which only made you all the more desperate for her to touch you. 
her hand wandered down as she kissed you, stuffing her hand beneath the clothing and finding your drenched pussy. as her fingers swirled around between your folds you moaned into her mouth, unable to hold it back and she smiled against your lips as if in victory. she pulled back from the kiss while her hands worked their magic that you had been longing for ever since you met her. she kept her face close to yours, feeling each other's heavy breathing and your hips bucked, needing more of her. 
but as you did she retracted her hand, snapping your lingerie back down on your skin. this time you whined, the missing feeling of her fingers in your slick being overbearing. “you’re soaked, babe,” she said breathlessly in her raspy voice. she took the camera that had been laying stagnant beside the two of you and repositioned herself at your feet. “let’s see if that helped,” bringing the camera up to her eye, staring at the mess she had made you to be. your chest was heaving and the clothing did little to hide the wet patch that had appeared as the result of her. 
she tsk’d, lowering the camera and looked into your doe eyes, glossed over with desperation. “try touching yourself,” ellie’d be lying if she said that she wasn’t self indulging here, you looked perfect and to be honest you were never stiff to begin with. but she couldn’t hide the way you made her feel, the butterflies that filled her stomach when you moaned into her mouth and she knew that she couldn’t go back to how it was before after this. 
you obliged, slipping your hand beneath your lingerie and felt just exactly how wet you were. you’d be embarrassed it had been anyone but ellie, but while watching her look down at you through the camera you felt the familiar build up rising in your stomach. just the image of her was enough for you. soft mumbles escaped your mouth and you arched your head back, hearing the camera snapping above you. when it stopped you lifted your head, your fingers still gliding through your own folds and ellie had placed the camera back down and she was just gazing at you while you pleased yourself. you swore you heard a soft, fuck come from her but over your own mumbles you weren’t sure. 
she leaned down, snagging the small straps on your hips in her knuckles and tugged. you lifted your legs to your chest as she pulled them up and off of you, your wet cunt on full display for her now and the look in her eye was dangerous. you hadn’t seen this side of ellie before, just her grabby hands all over you but never so determined like now. she gently pushed your legs apart again, sliding her fingers through your wetness before inserting her middle finger and your back arched. you gripped her sheets as she pumped in and out, groaning as she quickened her pace at your reaction. 
“f-fuck, ellie–” you moaned, eyes rolling back in pleasure. ellie smirked watching you unravel in front of her and slid in her ring finger, curling them inside of you. your pussy clenched around them and ellie let out a low animalistic grunt, pushing them further into your cunt with every thrust. the sound of your slick against her fingers filling the room and you felt your stomach bundle up in knots. your hand grasped at her arm that was holding her up, digging your nails into her skin and letting the moans roll out of your mouth. “i’m– i–” 
“i know baby,” ellie panted, her fingers never letting up, the new nickname ringing in your ears, bringing you closer to your climax. “let it out, i got you–” she cooed through breaths and with her words you came undone. your legs shook around her fingers, eyes rolling and back arching as tall as it could and ellie nearly finished herself just watching you. your tits bouncing with the thrusts of her fingers and she only slowed down and removed them when your quick breaths turned into long exhales. 
she couldn’t help herself and licked her fingers clean of you, leaning down and planting soft kisses on your jawline then coming back up to your mouth. “it wasn’t about pictures, was it?” she spoke quietly into your mouth, her eyes fluttering open to meet yours. you shook your head slightly, cupping her face and kissing her again, feeling accomplished that your plan had worked. 
when she pulled away you gave her puppy dog eyes, your hands gliding down her arms and tugging slightly as if to pull her back to you. “you want more?” she asked tauntingly, leaning against the wall beside her bed and brushing a hair from your face. you got up, positioning yourself on her lap and laced your arms behind her head, trailing wet kisses down her neck. 
her hands roamed your body while she hummed softly from your kisses. while sitting on her lap, you couldn’t help but feel a bulge poking you from under her sweatpants and you pulled back, an amused expression across your face. “it wasn’t just pictures for you either then?” you questioned in a low voice as your hands worked their way beyond her pants and felt the silicone underneath. 
she pulled off her hoodie, throwing it behind you and her hands found your figure again. her thumbs tracing your skin softly as she refocused her eyes on you. “i just happen to be wearing it,” 
“sure, els,” you mocked her, sliding off of her lap and tugging her pants down revealing the strap she had been concealing. it was rather large, veiny and had a purple tint to it– although you weren’t sure if it was from the neon lights in her room. but nonetheless it looked sexy attached to her, springing up as her pants were removed. you crawled up her legs, kissing here and there while she watched, her hands playing in your hair. ellie’s own pussy throbbing at the sight as you placed yourself down on the purple silicone, feeling it fill you up. 
her hands found your hips and with the help of her hands guiding your hips, you rode her strap. the movement of the base of it rubbing ellie just the right way to feel her stomach tighten as your tits bounced in her face. you placed one hand on the wall behind her to steady yourself, the other resting on her shoulder as you grinded on her, the strap reaching every corner of your pussy. ellie dug her fingers into your hips and moved you faster, feeling her own release coming on. 
your head fell into her shoulder and a string of moans and cursing came rambling out next to her ear. she was doing the same, allowing herself to express her pleasure in the form of quick breaths and low grunts. “oh my god, baby–” she managed to get out as your hips grinded faster into her and her hands cupped your tits, squeezing harshly before bringing one of them into her mouth. her tongue swirled on your sensitive nipple, feeling the vibration of her moans as she sucked on your boob before letting them go with a pop. 
her head leaned back on the wall beside your hand and her eyes were closed tight, feeling herself come closer to her finish. she could sense you were close to, your legs shaking against hers and how your breathing became more erratic. bringing her hands back to your hips to guide them, as if they needed any help anyway, you both felt the sensation of tipping over the edge and awfully loud gasps came from the both of you. your head was still buried in her shoulder as you came and ellie grabbed your face, pulling you into a deep kiss as you rode out your highs together. your grinds slowly came to a stop before plucking yourself off of her. 
you sat beside her, both of you completely out of breath and when you met her gaze she smirked at you lightly. “i still wanna take those pictures of you,” your face contorted into a confused one and she continued, rubbing your thigh with her hand, “for…. science.�� 
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rhadamanthes · 2 months
Overtime. Sukuna x reader
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word count : 2,4k
warnings : office AU, tits play, desk sex, blowjob, cum eating, biting, fingering, praise, picture taking, breeding kink, cockwarming.
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The winter vacation wraps around and you're the only one at the office or... this is what you thought. Sukuna, your most gruffy co-worker is here too. You're not really surprised, the whole office is away in their family and him. Well, he doesn't really look like a family kind of guy. In your case you simply don't want to see your family and these weeks where everybody is away are very slow so it's a vacation itself. For the three years that you worked here you've been doing this, but you were always alone... When you came in and Sukuna was sitting on his desk you froze. He glanced at you before returning his focus to his monitor. You made your way to your desk, which is right next to his and you greeted him lightly. He didn't answer back of course, why would he ? You sheepishly sat next to him, scared to make any noise that would get on his nerves.  
The morning rolls around without a word being exchanged, the area is filled with keyboard and mouse noises, it feels awkward to the point you apologized when your pen fell on the ground interrupting the silence. He let out another sigh not even bothering looking your way. You drowned in embarrassment and resumed your task. When lunch break comes you decide to take matters in your hands. You can not possibly spend a week with him in complete awkward silence. 
"Sukuna, do you want to have lunch with me? I mean since there's only us and there's this new place i want to try, so feel free to join, i mean if you want to of course i'm not forcing you or anything" you say laughing nervously. Thinking about it, it's probably the longest sentence you ever said to him, he must think you stupid stumbling over your words like that. Without a word he got up and put his coat on. Well at least you tried. Laying back in your chair defeated when his voice interrupts you. 
"So are you getting up or do you expect me to deliver your food?" His voice is deep, and he's looking at you now, the shade of his eyes is so unique you want to get lost in it, but he words hit you now. Is that a yes? Did he actually agree? You instantly rise from your seat grabbing your purse and coat rushing to the elevator.  
To no one's surprise you did most of the talking during lunch, he actively listened and answered from time to time. You learned he has a cat named Uraume but when you asked for pictures of it he told you he didn't have any in his phone. What type of cat owner does that ? You proudly did a slideshow of your own cat, he told you he was fat and you just shut him off. Once back at the office, the atmosphere is way more light, you can finally relax. Thanks to you working the problem out, the afternoon went fast. At 16:57 you're turning off the computer and packing your things.  
"It's 3 minutes early," his deep voice warns. You scoff "Sue me please" When you walk past him you notice his monitor already turned off. He was playing on his phone. 
"Oh you're scandalous, picking on me when you're not even working." 
He laughs a bit, a deep gravelly song coming from his chest.You blush thinking that it's attractive before you make your way to the elevator. The two of you are making the long way down to the parking lot. and you engage conversation once again. 
"So do you drive here ?"   
"Yeah I have a bike"   
"Oh that's why your thighs so muscular" you nod your head. 
He looks at you curiously,a sly smirk in the corner of his mouth before he raises a helmet, one with a shade visor. Of course he rides a motorbike, for god's sake this man has tattoos all over his face and lord knows elsewhere. Why would he pedal to work every morning? You close your eyes realising that you probably sound like an idiot and a pervert at the same time. The elevator dings saving you from an awkward interaction, you bid your farewell quickly rushing to hide in your car.  
The next morning you stand awkwardly in front of the open space, thinking about how embarrassing the whole day is going to be, but you can't back down. You also wonder why he's here, you're dying to ask him. HR asked you to be here during this beat weak because she knows you don't care about this holiday particularly and also because she waiting for some late christmas gift that are to be delivered at the office. Most people would think that this is abuse but you both agreed that she would raise your rate during this week, so easy money. But why would he be here? Is it the same for him ?  
"You're blocking the way" Sukuna's deep voice snaps you out of your reverie. You turn around pushing on his (very firm) chest.  
"Did you just call me fat ?" you say rushing to your desk, feeling embarrassed to see him again. 
You hear him chuckle behind you and your ears get hot. You're sitting at your desk while he slowly unpack his belongings, with a smile on the corner of his lips. You roll your eyes, focusing your attention on your computer. You've been debating with yourself all morning whether to ask him or not about his presence. You steal glances in his way from time to time. Until he finally snaps, dragging your chair in front of him, encasing your knees with his own.  
"Tell me what's wrong before I bite you." he grits through his teeth. You gasp in shock feeling your cheeks heat up. You wonder how his teeth would feel on your flesh, but right now is not the time you're about to have your much wanted answer.  
"Why are you here?" "I have a deal with HR but what about you ?" you blurt out feeling stupid saying it out loud. 
His eyes squint looking at you "That's what you want to know? This is why you've  been fidgeting all morning ?" You nod your head avoiding his gaze.  
"Well you're not the only one with a secret deal here" He says with a serious expression letting go of your knees.  
Your mouth opens a bit, so this is what it is ? You rack your brain thinking what Sukuna's one could be. And then it clicks.  
"Oh my god she asked you to spy on me!! I knew it she doesn't trust me, you know she's really a bitch bec-" 
Your sentence is interrupted by Sukuna ripping your shirt open, He gives you a stern look at the fact that you're not wearing a bra and dip his face between your tits he licks and bites at your skin, and you can't help but moan.  
"What the hell are you doing?" you say pushing on his head  
"You talk too much, and I could see your damn nipples from my fucking seat" Your face heat at his remark, you never bother to wear one when you'e alone at the office, but you not really are this time. Before you can answer he cuts you off. 
"Do you want this ?" he says, biting at your skin, never breaking eye contact. 
You bite your lip and nod. A wolfish grin spreads across his face as he pushes his head in your chest once again. Sukuna takes one of your tits in his mouth nursing it while he groans. He's kneeling on the floor between your legs and none of it seems real to you. How the broody scary guy is now worshipping you ? It doesn't really matter when you haven't been touched in so long, sure you know how to satisfy yourself but his warm hands on your hips and the flick of his tongue feels amazing at the moment. Locking your legs behind his back you let your head fall backward in pleasure.  
Sukuna alternate his sweet torture between both your breasts and you're a moaning mess, eyes shut closed, you grind against the chair. Soon enough you can't take it anymore, needing to touch him too, you break his hold on you.  
"Let me suck your cock" you purr out loud. His eyes go wide a bit, but he quickly gets on his feet unbuckling his belt, letting his pants slide off his thighs. It's your turn to kneel before him. The heel you're wearing allows you to be at his crotch level while staying balanced. The bulge in his boxer makes your mouth water, you plant kisses over it, getting rid of the last piece of clothes separating you from the object of your desire. His cock spring free slapping against his lower abdomen, it's already so hard, your lips part in awe. Taking his length in your hand, you stroke it a few times before putting it in your mouth. Sukuna grunts at the warmth of your wet mouth. 
"I didn't know you were such a dirty girl" he chuckles, running one of his hands in your hair.  
You moan at his words, slobbering all over his cock while you take more and more of his member in your mouth. His girth is impressive and you feel a familiar tingle in your pussy, the situation excites you so much, having sex in your workplace has always been your dream but you never thought it would literally happen at your desk. One of your hands snakes under your tights to touch yourself, you collect arousal from your entrance to rub at your clit.Pleasuring yourself, you moan around his cock, sending vibration to it. Sukuna hiss at the sensation guiding your head even deeper on his dick. You choke a bit propping your free hand on his thigh to warn him.  
"Put your fingers inside" he grunt looking at your hand that is buried between your thighs 
You happily oblige, curling them in a way you like, you hump against your own hand still wanting to feel your pressure on your clitoris.  
"You sure know how to pleasure yourself, huh? little pervert." he taunts.  
You nod your head looking him in the eyes. His precum and your drool are mixing on your chin, he's close and you hollow your cheeks to make him crumble faster. He moans behind his teeth and with a few more strokes his seed fills your mouth, you swallow it all to the last drop. You free his cock from the confine of your mouth out of breath. Sukuna let himself fall against the chair laughing off his high, one of his hands arms covering his eyes. Feeling hungrier than ever you straddle him sliding his now limp cock inside of you as you lock your arms behind the headrest.  He looks at you with shock in his eyes, you smile at him. 
"Don't worry I'll go slow. I want to feel you get hard inside of me."  you say in a sweet voice.  
He scoffs not believing how dirty you really are, it's the first time for him to be with a woman this deciding. You wanted to suck his cock and now you're riding him. He doesn't hate it, he's just not used to it. He captures your lips with his own, tasting himself on your tongue. You go up and down a few times and can already feel his cock harden inside your cunt. You moan in the kiss boucing on his cock harder and harder. Suddenly Sukuna pushes you off him, spinning you around, placing both your hands flat on the desk. You chuckle knowing where he wants this to go, you hike one of your knees on the desk spreading your holes with your hands. 
"You want me like that don't you?" you giggle looking back at him, your cheek is flush against the desk.  
He fist himself angrily a few times before entering his whole length inside of you. 
"Oh fuck" you moan out loud at the force he did it with.  
He wastes no time ramming into you grunting like a beast, his roughness fills your every need and you let your voice fill the space with a loud moan. The desk rocks under his powerful thrust, his cock hits your spongy spot and you feel the pleasure rise inside of you, you didn't cum on your finger wanting to do so on his cock.  
"I'm going to fill your cunt this time" he grunts  
"Please Sukuna, Yes!" you cry mouth wide open  
His grip on your hips keeps you in place as he never slows down his pace, you can only take and take while he pistons inside of you.  
" S-sukuna" you stutter, feeling your orgasm approaching.  
He slows his pace giving hard thrusts to fuck you as far as possible, you cum undone shaking over your desk. Your walls tighten around him and he hiss fucking into you until he cums deep inside of you. Both your heavy breaths fill the silence, Sukuna slowly pulls out of you grunting at the sight of his spunk leaking out of your pussy to the desk and finally on the floor. Quickly taking his phone from the pocket of his pants he snaps a picture the clicking noise makes you open your eyes. 
"Hey!" you scold him "Send it to me" you whisper. A deep laugh escapes him and he sits back down on the chair easing you on his cock. you furrow your brows not ready for another round yet but he shuts you off. 
"Just keeping it warm" he wink at you. You chuckle letting your head rest on his shoulder and you close your eyes. After a moment Sukuna breaks the silence. 
"I want to try something new" he state  
"You can fuck my ass later i just need to rest a bit" you mutter agaisnt his skin 
"I was talking about lunch" he coos 
You're way too tired to feel the shame take over you so you just laugh. 
"I can't exactly go out since you ripped my shirt" you bite his skin 
"I'll go buy you one, get cleaned up, i'll bring food too" he says spanking your ass. 
You laugh, haven't even noticed lunch break has ended more than an hour ago.  
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worldlxvlys · 5 months
hiii could u make dwb (chris or matt which ever) where reader is drunk and Chris take care or them plsssss
( I'm a slut for being taken care of when drunk sue me😭)
boyfriend! chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: reader is drunk, cursing, mention of sex
a/n: hope you like :)
based off of these texts, you can read if you want !
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my mind was fuzzy, eyes unable to focus on anything. the only thing i could think about was chris.
i tapped the stranger next to me, making him turn towards me.
“my boyfriendsss comin’ to get me!” i told him, a huge smile on my face. “i’m sooooo excited to see him”
he stared at me with a weird look, “ok?” he said confused.
when he walked away, i saw the familiar fresh love logo walking towards me.
“CHRIS!!!” i yelled, starting to walk towards him, but losing my balance.
“careful ma” he said as he caught me.
“chrisss, you’re actuallyyyy wearing fresh love ! i didn’t even know !” i let out a gasp “maybe i’m a psyhcic! “ i said as my eyes lit up.
“ok baby, let me take you home”
“WOAHHHH CHRIS” i yelled.
“you tryna fuck ? shit, we can do it right hear, right now” i said as i went to pull my dress up.
“WOAH WOAH” he said, eyes wide and stopping me.
“baby, you’re so far gone right now. i’m not gonna take advantage of you, i just want to make sure you get home safe” he said.
“awww how cute” i said.
“c’mon ma” he said as he guided me outside and into the uber.
once we arrived at my house, he thanked our driver and helped me into my house.
he wrapped an arm around my waist as he helped me walk to my room.
he sat me down on my bed, “ i’m gonna help you get changed, ma. is that ok ?” he asked.
“mmhm” i nodded.
he pulled my heels off, placing them down on my floor. he then moved behind me, slowly unzipping my dress, careful not to snag my skin.
he pulled my dress off, and helped me to get changed into a pair of sweats.
“are you cold? want my hoodie?”
“yes please” i said, grinning up at him.
he pulled his hoodie off, putting it on me.
“ok baby, i need you to drink some water for me” he said as he passed me a bottle.
i opened the bottle and put it to my mouth, letting the cool liquid flow down my throat.
after a few sips, i put the cap on and placed it on my nightstand.
“alright, let’s get you to sleep” he said as i laid down.
he pulled my blanket over my body, and placed a kiss on my cheek.
“thank you, chris” i whispered. “you always take good care of me”
“you deserve it, ma” he said, his eyes sweeping over my face and taking in my features.
he began to walk away.
“where are you going?” i asked, peaking my head in his direction. “i want my cuddles”
the corner of his lips turned up as he started to smile, “i got you, ma”
he laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss on my shoulder.
“sweet dreams baby”
sorry i just realized that you asked for dealer chris, hope you still like tho <333
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @chanelsturn @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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rebelfell · 7 months
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The Third Date
Eddie Munson x Anorgasmic!Reader
It’s finally the night of your date with Eddie and everything is gonna be fine. Great. Fine and great. Right?
Part One. Part Two.
cw: childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, making out, fingering, sexual anxiety/panic attack, discussion of difficulty climaxing, eddie being sweet and reassuring, fluffy ending.
I was kinda in my feelings and needed Eddie to tell me all the right things. Sue me. 18+, MDNI 6k
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You’ve barely finished knocking on the bright red door to Eddie’s when it swings open to reveal him grinning back at you. He ushers you inside, nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet as he shows you around his place.
It’s a small apartment, but for two young guys living together it’s surprisingly tidy and well furnished. That must be Steve’s influence, you muse, noting the plushness of the sofa and an overstuffed armchair. Shelves piled with books and board games sit off to the side and next to the screen door is a plant that could do with a little water, but ultimately is surviving fine. It’s bordering on cozy in here, cast in the glow of a couple lamps and a candle flickering on the coffee table. The warm, sweet smell of some nonspecific baked goods filling the room.
“So, this is my castle,” Eddie says, bowing slightly and brandishing his arms.
“I like it,” you nod as you glance around. “It’s not quite what I expected.”
“What? You were thinking empty liquor bottles, a couple camp chairs, a half dozen posters of babes in bikinis?” He quirks his brow at you, seemingly reading your mind.
“That may be exactly what I was picturing,” you reply with a knowing smirk. “Though it is you, so maybe a dragon in a bikini instead?”
He laughs at that and bobs his head a few times in agreement as his eyes drift to the overnight bag you’re clutching. “Here, let me put that in my room for you,” he says with a sweet smile.
You hand it over and your eyes follow him as he heads down the hall. He pushes open the door at the very end and you catch a glimpse of his old Corroded Coffin banner hanging on the wall that brings a smile to your face. Below it is his bed, nicely made up with a navy duvet.
Just the sight of it makes your heart race and every thought falls right out of your head.
When he re-emerges from the room, you realize he’s been talking to you and you have to force yourself to focus on his voice rather than your deep contemplation of his sheets.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered dinner already,” he says. “There’s this Thai place that’s seriously incredible, but it takes a while to deliver, so I wanted to be sure it got here on time.”
“That sounds great,” you say, still milling about to take in the rest of Eddie’s place.
He rattles off all the dishes he ordered, each one sounding better than the last, and you pause by the fireplace. A row of knick knacks interspersed with framed photos sit on the mantle. Some are his figures from Hellfire and you delicately touch a fingertip to the top of each one until you reach a photo in a frame made from popsicle sticks.
It’s a picture of you and him—one of the few in existence. You think you must be six or seven based on his buzzed haircut and your braces. Instinctively, you run your tongue over the front of your teeth, almost expecting to feel the thick metal wires there. Eddie moves silently to stand at your side and peers over your shoulder at the picture now held in your hand.
The two of you are at Forest Hills, sitting on top of the dome climber across from he and Wayne’s trailer. You must have spent all summer on that thing, pretending it was a deserted island where you’d been marooned after refusing to marry the merchant sailor your evil father had betrothed you to. The picnic table nearby played the role of Eddie’s pirate ship where he spotted you climbing to the top of the island’s mountain to signal for help. He would oblige, rowing an imaginary smaller boat to your island and bravely scaling the mountainside to sit beside you at the top. He offered you passage on his ship as a member of his crew, assuring you it would be hard work but that your new life would be filled with riches like the freedom to sail the seas and explore worlds unknown you could not even imagine.
Wayne must have interrupted your epic play to snap this photo. Eddie is in his signature pose. He’s got his hands raised to the sides of his head, fingers pointed to resemble horns and his tongue flicked out with his eyes wide and wild. You’re not even looking at the camera, enamored gaze unable to tear away from him.
“It’s like you had a crush on me or something,” Eddie says teasingly.
“Yeah, clearly I wasn’t hiding it as well as I thought I was.” 
You chuckle, but Eddie’s brow furrows and his voice loses that playful edge as he dips into pensiveness. He takes the frame from you and carefully places it back on the mantle.
“Did you really?” he asks. “Did you really like me all that time and I was too stupid to know?”
The question catches you off guard. You’d sort of just assumed he had to know that was the case, given how things had progressed between you, seemingly overnight. Well, overnight plus five years. It's the first time you’ve stopped to question what had inspired his pursuit.
“I’m not sure,” you say slowly. “At the time, I don’t think I knew the difference between how much I liked having you as my friend and how much I liked you. Eventually, I figured it out.”
You pause, summoning the strength to ask the question you’re dying to know. The one you’ve been wanting to ask practically your whole life.
“Did you ever think of me like that? I mean…before now?”
Sadness flickers in Eddie’s deep brown eyes and he takes a steadying breath. He moves into you, slipping his arms around your waist and holding you by the small of your back. You feel yourself tremble as he tucks his chin down and gently rests his forehead against your own. 
“All the fucking time,” he whispers. “I liked you so much, but I…I couldn’t imagine you’d ever want me back. I guess I was too scared to find out.”
“Oh, Eddie,” you sigh mournfully. “That’s ridiculous.”
“Is it?” he mutters. “Trailer park loser. Criminal. Freak. Who would want me?”
You shake your head at his disparaging words and overwrite them with your own. “Honest. Fearless. Kind. Trustworthy. Genius.”
A bashful smile spreads across Eddie’s face and he tries to look away, but you surprise yourself with your own boldness as your hand comes up to catch his face and turn it back towards you.
“I wanted you,” you confess softly. “I always have.”
He leans in and captures your lips with his. It steals every speck of breath from your lungs and you think you could fly apart into a million pieces if it wasn’t for his hands gripping your waist. It feels like the kiss goes on forever and yet it’s not nearly long enough. You instantly miss the feeling of his mouth when he pulls away, but he keeps his face close to yours.
“Sorry I wasted so much time,” Eddie whispers. “We could have been doing this all along.”
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When dinner arrives, you guffaw at the array of food before you. It seems entirely possible he just ordered one of everything on the menu. You dutifully sample a little of each dish and have to resist stuffing your face full after one mouthful of this roasted duck Eddie asserted was the best thing they made. Delicious as it is, your nerves have made your stomach too jumpy to eat much and before long you’re helping Eddie box up the absurd amount of leftovers. 
Guilt pangs in your chest thinking how much he must have spent, but Eddie chatters excitedly about how it only gets better the longer the flavors have to sit and meld together.
“Are you sure?” you ask, handing him the last container.
“Absolutely,” he says as he pushes the fridge closed. “You can take some home with you, too.”
His hand finds the small of your back as you walk back into the living room. His touch is gentle and reassuring as you head to the couch, but it does little to quell your nerves.
“How about a movie?” he asks. “Steve brings home a bunch of different stuff. We’ve got some horror, some comedy…”
There’s a knot in your stomach as he bends in front of their entertainment center, rifling through the rentals piled up next to their VCR. The lingerie under your clothes rubs raw against your skin as you shift in your seat on the couch, threatening you with the stinging humiliation of wearing it all night long only to never be seen.
What if he’s changed his mind? What if he doesn’t want to anymore? What if he thinks you don’t want to? Is there some signal you should be giving him? Some move you should be making? Ears now ringing, you clear your throat and he glances back at you over his shoulder.
“Maybe later?” you say softly.
Eddie smiles and nods in agreement before returning to his spot on the couch. He sinks down next to you and lays his arm across the back of the cushions. His eyes stay fixed on your face, taking in every inch. It makes your breath catch as you study him back, his features as mesmerizing as always.
You hurl yourself at him, realizing just a second too late his head is dipping down to kiss you at the same time. His face knocks against yours and you wince as you pull back, a dull aching where his chin connected with your cheek.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you mutter frantically. “I’m sorry! Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he laughs. “No permanent damage.”
“Are you sure?”
“Definitely,” he says, his head tilting to the side. 
He reaches out a hand and cups it against the side of your face, his thumb stroking your jaw. You have to resist the urge to ask again if he’s sure, he’s sure. You know you ask it too often. It’s not even conscious at this point, it just comes out. Are you sure? Are you sure?
“Hey…are you okay?” he asks. “You’re shaking.”
“Yeah, I-I’m sorry,” you stammer out your response, heart still pounding in your chest. “I don’t know, I thought maybe I was supposed to like…make a move.”
Eddie’s brows raise and smiles impishly. “What kind of move?”
“Like a…a hook up move.”
Eddie chuckles, his dimples deepening in his cheeks as he scoots closer and leans in so close you can feel the warmth coming off his skin and smell the light, fresh scent of his aftershave.
“How about you let me worry about the moves?”
You inhale sharply, his words zinging straight to your core and making you squirm in your seat from the need to be closer to him. His eyes flit down to see your thighs pressing together and a knowing smile curls up the corners of his mouth. His beautiful, perfect mouth…
He helps you climb onto his lap and wraps his arms tight around your waist, squeezing you against him. He stares up at you, the tip of his nose bumping against the bridge of yours and then mashing into the softness of your cheek as his lips cover your own.
The kiss ignites everything inside of you. Years and years of built up feelings for the boy beneath you begin to smolder—a pile of kindling finally stoked into a flame. 
Experimentally, you shift your hips and begin to rock back and forth in a slow, deep grind. You can feel the effect you have on him in his stilted breath and the prodding of the hardness growing in his jeans. He kisses his way along your jaw and when his lips ghost over a sensitive spot on your neck just behind your ear, you give an involuntary thrust forward.
“Holy shit,” he breathes, tightening his already firm grip on you. “Do that again…”
You oblige him happily. Enthralled by the need in his voice and spurred by his gritty tone, you grind down on him again and squeeze your thighs around his hips. A strained gasp bursts from his lips and he fumbles to grip the back of your neck and hold your mouth against his.
He’s wearing another button up tonight, dark hunter green this time that sets off the rich brown hue of his eyes. Your fingers find the hem of his shirt and begin to unbutton it from the bottom, revealing inch by inch the clingy white tank underneath. It does little to nothing to conceal the solid muscled form of his chest and it makes your heart pound imagining it bare. But sitting down, there was still that soft roundness to his belly you’d always liked. It made you want to scratch him like he was a stray mutt from the junkyard, scraggly and carefree.
When the last button is pulled open, you help him shrug off his shirt, revealing corded arm muscles that twitch and flex as he reaches out to wrap you back up in his arms.
“God, Eddie, I need you—please.” 
Your voice is plaintive and desperate in a way it’s never been before. He groans into your neck and you feel your hips take on a life of their own. The seam of your jeans catches perfectly on your clit and the feeling makes you rock harder, sliding back and forth on his lap and despising every single layer of clothing separating you.
“Hang on, hang on,” he pants, breathless as he sits up and slips his hands up your back to hold you in place. A chill runs down your spine and you sit back on his thighs, body going rigid.
“What is it? D-did I do something wrong?”
“No, not at all,” he laughs, his pale cheeks tinging pink with embarrassment. “But if you keep that up, I’m gonna come in my fucking jeans.”
Heat rises in your own face, his words filling you with a mix of excitement and shyness. And you know he has to be able to feel how it causes you to flutter. He smooths his hands firmly up and down your back, bringing one of them up to the nape of your neck and beginning to massage your hairline with his fingertips.
“How about we…slow down a little?” he asks, his voice gentle but still husky with need. 
You nod wordlessly and let your eyelids drift closed, rolling your head into his strong fingers as they continue rubbing your neck. Shivers ripple down your back and your mouth falls open with relief when he finds a knot in your shoulder and presses down on it. A heavy, resonating moan releases from deep in your chest and you immediately stiffen.
Panicking at the realization the practically pornographic sound you just heard came out of you, you slap your palm over your mouth and stare wide-eyed at Eddie. He just smiles.
“Don’t hide it, sweetheart,��� he hums. “I wanna hear you.”
He pulls your hand from your mouth, bringing it to his own instead. Warm lips and hot breath caress your fingers and the pad of your thumb brushes over the impossibly soft skin of his lip. You tug it down gently, letting it spring back up.
“Your moans are so pretty,” he sighs. “Will you make some more for me?”
The words are lilting like he’s writing lyrics for a song. He looks up at you with those pleading eyes and you bury yourself in the crook of his neck, hiding your face in his curls. His lips and teeth nip at the skin behind your ear, causing you to release breathy sighs and moans just for him. He shivers beneath you and the evidence of his pleasure throbs, unable to be ignored. 
Your mouth seeks his blindly, messily, desperately. Your own hands slide up his chest and around the back of his neck, raking your fingers into his curls until the heels of your palms meet the base of his skull. Firmly and slowly gripping the hair close to his scalp, you guide him deeper into the kiss. He moans into your mouth and relaxes his whole body, giving you the control to put him exactly where you want him.
So much for slowing down, you think.
His hips suddenly jerk upwards, lifting you with him, and you moan again. It’s not as loud as before, but its enough to make your lips break from his. It all feels too good, too overwhelming. The anticipation is killing you now. You’ve spent your whole life waiting, you can’t waste another second. It’s time. It has to be. It’s now or never.
“Can I, um…freshen up?”
Eddie looks up at you with a dreamy expression, his eyes a little glazed and pink lips puffy from kissing. He nods down the hall to the door adjacent to his bedroom, his eyes never leaving you as you slip off his lap.
You don’t enter the bathroom, though. 
Instead you push open the door to Eddie’s room and slip inside, leaving it just ajar enough to spark his curiosity. You place yourself at the end of his bed to wait for him, half sitting up leaning back on your elbows. The mattress dips as you sink into the softness—a far cry from the lumpy thing he slept on in Wayne’s trailer. Your heart races hearing the soft clinking of his belt as he comes down the hall and pushes the door fully open. 
He leans against the frame and smiles.
Eddie looks at you like a kid on Christmas Eve—not feral and wide-eyed like he’s ready to tear through a mountain of presents in an early morning frenzy, but serene and reverent like he’s looking at the tree bathed in the soft glow of twinkle lights strung on its branches.
“Hi,” he whispers.
You smile and tuck your bottom lip behind your teeth. “Hi…”
He gently pushes the door closed behind him and moves towards you where you sit on the bed. But rather than climbing onto the mattress, he sinks to his knees on the floor in front of you and rests his hands on the tops of your thighs. 
“I’m so glad you’re here,” he says, voice still hushed like he’s afraid this is a dream and you’ll twist into smoke if he speaks too loudly. 
You nod back at him. “Me too.” 
His hands move steadily up your thighs to your waist and he gathers your blouse to lift it gently over your head. Lit only by the lamp on his bedside table, the blue of your bra looks even more like the night sky and the light catches on the silvery threads, making the stars sparkle. Your whole body shivers with excitement as he takes you in, his eyes drawn to the swell of your breasts and your nipples standing rigid, pushing out from behind the unlined mesh.
His voice is soft. So soft, you think he might not even realize he spoke out loud. You smirk at him, a little disbelieving even as he sounds genuinely awestruck. His eyes dart back up to yours and he grins, chuckling with mirth at his own reaction.
“Sorry,” he says. “I just…you’re so…god, you’re gorgeous.”
Eyes falling to your breasts again, he reaches out to cup them gently and lets his thumbs brush over their stiff peaks. You hum softly at the feeling of him flicking your nipples with calloused pads worn that way from years of guitar playing. With a soft kiss, he continues on—his hands reluctant to leave them, but eager to touch you more places. 
He slides them downward, relishing every inch of the curve of your waist until he finds the top of your jeans. “Do you want these off?” he asks, voice wavering slightly. 
Your own breath is getting uneven itself as the beginning flames of nerves start to flicker and nip at your ankles. Eddie’s eyes parse your reaction, but you divert his attention by unbuttoning your fly and helping him shift your pants over your hips and down your legs. He tugs them off until they sit in a heap on the floor and he can take you in fully, the reveal of your matching set clearlying having the desired effect.
“Wow…” He stares, eyes soft with awe. His strong hand flexes to extend his fingers and he reaches out to gently stroke the navy material. “I like this a lot,” he says.
“That’s good,” you say, peering at him shyly. “I got it for you.”
His eyes light up at that, brows raising in disbelief. Not that he thinks you’re lying, but that he can’t possibly fathom how he got this lucky.
“Seriously?” he breathes. “No one’s ever…”
He clears his throat, trying to choke back the incoherent stream of words threatening to spill out of his mouth. And his mind scrambles to say something that doesn’t sound completely idiodic. He feels like a caveman seeing fire for the first time and trying to think of a word for it.
He’s just so fucking happy.
Cupping your face tenderly in his hands, thumbs brushing the apples of your cheeks, he gazes deep into your eyes. “You’re so special to me,” he says. “I want to be sure I do this right.”
“So far so good,” you whisper.
He’s left his button down in the living room, leaving him stripped down to only his white singlet. The muscles in his shoulders ripple as he lifts his arms and you whisk off his tank to unveil his bare chest. A couple new tattoos catch your eye. A black widow spider now sits over the demon head on his left pec, just beneath his collarbone. There’s a sword etched into his ribs and as you follow the point down, you spot two pale nicotine patches in the usual spot on his hip.
It makes your heart swell thinking of how he’d explained it that night you played pool. For when I’m really nervous, he’d said. It still seemed so silly that you could make him nervous. 
“Can I kiss you more?” he asks.
You nod and close your eyes to wait for the feeling of his mouth on yours, only to gasp softly when he goes to your neck instead. His lips vibrate with a gentle groan as he kisses down the column of your throat, sucking at it lightly and listening to how it causes your breath to hitch when he finds a particularly sensitive spot. Shivers cascade down your back as he continues on his path, kissing over the mounds of your chest, down your belly, nudging your legs apart.
“Eddie, you don’t have to—ohhh…”
His mouth trails over your hip and they flex upwards, seeking more. He smooths his hands over your legs and every inch of your skin he touches buzzes with anticipation.
“Please, sweetheart?” he says, baring his teeth in a sinful smile from between your thighs. “Been dreaming about this so long…I just want to make you feel good.”
His lips ghost over your heat, the tip of his nose brushing against your sensitive button through the thin barrier of your underwear. Your breath hitches in your throat as he starts to slowly nod his head, giving a preview of the motions he’s dying to use on you. Warm, broad palms coast over your hips and ringed fingers curl around the elastic band circling your waist.
“Can I take these off?” he asks. “I want to see you.”
You hum a noise of approval, so dizzy with need you can’t even form a real word. He glides your panties down your legs, nails raking over your skin all the way down to your ankles. Fighting the urge to cringe at how exposed you feel, you bring your focus back to Eddie—back to his eyes and the way they drink you in. The tip of his tongue ekes out between his lips to wet them and he turns his head to make a path of delicate kisses along the inside of your calf.
You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay, you chant internally. God, you want this so much.
Excitement pools in your belly and the feeling mixes with your nerves into a lethal cocktail. As he kisses up one leg, your other begins to tremble against his ear. You feel as though you’re about to float away and drift untethered into the ether.
His kisses pause at your knee joint and he looks up at you. “Yes, princess?”
“I…I need you closer,” you admit meekly.
He obliges instantly and slides up onto the bed, cradling your body against his. The hardness in his jeans prods against your side and you almost black out thinking how he could be inside you any minute now. Except Eddie seems perfectly content taking his time. 
He skims his fingers from your navel up your sternum, relishing every quiver of your body. His touch follows the graceful lines of your collarbone and neck up to your jaw. With his other arm under you, head resting securely in the crook of his elbow, he traces more of your outline. 
At last he begins his descent, teasingly light touch weaving back and forth across your tummy in swirling patterns down to your mound. He tenderly spreads you apart and strokes your center, fingertips brushing ever so gently over your clit. His eyes stay fixed on your face as he applies more pressure, seeking your reaction.
“That feel good?” he asks, his breath warm on your cheek.
“Yes,” you gasp softly. “Keep going.”
With a little more intention, he dips a finger into your entrance and his chest rumbles with a moan. “You’re so wet,” he whispers. “Is that all for me?”
You can’t answer, your eyes falling closed and your head tipping back—almost wanting to cry because it feels so good in a way it never has. He slides further inside, gently massaging your warm, wet walls. With his thumb pressing on your clit in time with his thrusts, he adds another finger, stretching you open further. Your pussy positively blooms for him, enveloping his fingers and taking him in eagerly.
“Oh, god, Eddie…”
“That’s it, beautiful,” he husks, his digits expertly curling inside of you as his thumb swirls outside. He lowers his voice further, a heated whisper in your ear. “I wanna hear you come…”
His voice sends a jolt straight to your core, but the words cause your mind and body to diverge. You try to stay present. You try not to dwell on it, but his statement echoes. It fills your head and ricochets around the inside of your skull, taking over everything. That’s when you feel it.
Suddenly, it doesn’t matter what he’s doing down there or how good it felt just moments ago. That rigidness you know all too well permeates your body and stills everything—a boulder at the bottom of a frozen lake kind of stillness. You can’t believe you let this happen. You can’t believe you’re ruining this. You can’t believe how stupid you were for thinking it would be any different. Your heart races, pounding like a battering ram behind your ribcage like it’s trying to burst out. 
“Eddie,” you croak. “Eddie, stop!”
He pulls back immediately, his eyes round with concern at the sudden panicked tone in your voice. He stares at you, his own expression descending into remorse.
“Shit, shit, I’m sorry,” he says. “Does it…did it not feel good?”
“No, no, it—I mean, yes, it did, I just…”
Your chest gets unbearably tight, the pressure crushing your windpipe. You try to inhale, but it feels more like sucking air through a pinhole. You sit up, hands fumbling for the sheets to cover yourself. Your whole body is on fire. Blistering, burning, searing pain replacing every speck of the pleasure you’d been feeling. And Eddie…poor Eddie is looking at you like he’s about to cry.
“Hey,” he soothes, timidly reaching to touch your knee. “Talk to me, tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t know,” you gasp, still struggling to get air and failing. “I-I-I feel…”
“It’s alright,” he says, voice steady but urgent. “Look at me, yeah? Take a deep breath in and blow it out quick like you’re blowing out a birthday candle? Okay? Do it with me.”
He locks eyes with you as he demonstrates, sucking in a breath and holding it in his chest until you do the same. Once you have, he blows out a big puff of air and begins breathing steadily in through his nose and out though his mouth. You mimic him, remaining held by those deep  brown pools until you feel your heart rate slow and finally steady.
“That’s good,” he says, shifting so he can rub his hand in wide circles across your back. “You’re doing so good, just keep going.”
You can’t decide if he’s patronizing you, praising you for breathing of all things. But his words are calming regardless and his hand on your back has a comforting weight to it. He keeps up with rubbing small circles across your back until you swallow hard and open your mouth to speak.
“I have to tell you something,” you say.
“Okay. What is it?”
“I can’t, um…I’m not going to…I don’t…finish.”
He frowns, brow furrowing as they knit together. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve never been able to get there. And I-I guess I panicked. I didn’t want you to spend all this time on it when it’s not going to happen.”
“Oh,” he exhales softly. “So…never?”
You shake your head, hugging your knees to your chest. “No,” you sniff. “Never.”
“But what about with Carl? You guys were together for like years.”
“Yeah, but he never…” You sigh and pinch your eyes closed. “I mean, I never—”
“He never made you come?”
Shame radiates in your chest like heartburn and you feel the sting of tears that threaten to spill over your eyelids. “I know, okay?” you whimper. “It’s humiliating.”
“No, no! That’s not what I meant. I mean, it should be humiliating for him. Isn’t it?”
“I don’t see how,” you shrug. “It’s not your food’s fault for being cold if the microwave is busted.”
“You’re not busted,” Eddie insists. “He’s got to try. He should have helped you get there.”
“He did try. We’d have sex and it would feel fine, but we’d always get to this point where I knew it wasn’t gonna happen. And it…it was just easier to get him taken care of.”
“But what about with his fingers? Or his mouth? Or a toy?”
Your face burns at the memory of similar past conversations. Bringing up things you thought seemed obvious only resulted in Carl feeling insulted, like you were saying his dick wasn't enough for you.
“It, um…it took too long.”
“What’s too long?”
“I don’t know,” you mumble. “It felt like an eternity. And I’d get all wrapped up in my head kind of…kind of like I did just now. And it didn’t make sense to waste all that time—”
“It’s not a waste of time,” Eddie scoffs. “Did he actually say that to you?”
Anger flashes briefly in his eyes and you quickly shake your head. It was true, Carl never outright called it that. He just didn’t disagree with you when you apologized for taking so long.  And when you started to feel him getting tired and frustrated, it only added to your stress.
“How about like…on your own?”
“I mean, I-I’ve tried.” You look down again, your body still prickling as you try to answer without crying. “I don’t know why, but I can’t relax? I start thinking about, like, f I’m doing it right or if I’m doing it wrong. And I wind up laying there for hours trying and I feel like such a failure. Like I can’t experience this thing everyone else can and I don’t think I ever will.”
A dark, wet splotch appears on his sheets as a tear falls from your eye. You brush furiously at your cheek, smearing the trail it left behind.
“I guess I get close. I think? I don’t know, it feels good up to a point, and it feels kind of, vaguely, like something, but then it just starts to hurt and ache. And I guess that could be it, but…like, the way people talk about it? I can’t imagine what I feel is what they’re referring to. You know?”
Eddie’s head hangs low. His expression churns with a myriad of emotions like he can’t decide which one to feel. Sadness for you. Anger at Carl. Disappointment with himself.
“I’m so sorry,” you sigh. “I didn’t know how to tell you.”
Furiously, you wish you’d just faked it. How hard would it have been to breathe sort of heavy and writhe around a little bit? It would have been worth it to avoid all this. But even as you’re thinking that, something tells you Eddie never would have bought it. He was too attentive, too attuned to any shift of your mood, of your body. He would have seen right through you.
“Don’t apologize,” he says calmly. “I’m glad you told me, I just…I wish I’d known. I wouldn’t have rushed you. I wouldn’t have said that…”
He hangs his head again and rubs his hand across the back of his neck. You sneak a glance at him, the sadness in his eyes that you caused making your heart ache. This is all your fault, you think. You don’t deserve someone like him. You don’t deserve anyone.
“I, um…I’m gonna get out of here,” you say quietly, scooting towards the other side of the bed. Eddie’s head jerks up at your movement.
“Wait, what?”
“I should just leave, I’m…I’m really sorry.”
“Hang on, hang on, don’t go—” He lurches forward, reaching for your waist to stop you and then abruptly pulling back when he realizes what he’s doing. It breaks your heart a little, the look in his eyes like he’s afraid to touch you now. Again.
“Eddie, it’s okay—”
“It’s not okay,” he says. “Please stay? This is my fault, I shouldn’t have pushed so fast, I was just excited for you to stay over. And I thought this was what you wanted.”
“It was,” you say solemnly. “It is, I mean. I do want this. I’ve wanted this for so long, I just…I don’t know what’s wrong with me and now I’ve ruined the whole night.”
“No, no, not at all.” Eddie shakes his head emphatically. He lifts his hands and cups your face, calloused thumbs rubbing the smoothness of your cheeks. “Absolutely nothing is wrong with you,” he says. “You’re perfect. The only thing that could ruin tonight is you leaving.”
“Are you sure?” you rasp.
He smiles and chuckles at your refrain. “How about from now on, you assume when I say something—anything—it means I’m sure?”
“But are you…” You catch yourself mid sentence. “…certain?”
Eddie rolls his eyes at you and chuckles as your lips finally quirk into a small smile. “I’ll give you that one,” he says begrudgingly. “But no more.”
You give a reluctant nod and he grins.
“And yes, I’m very certain,” he says. “I bought all these snacks for breakfast. And I found this little basket we can put them in. I thought maybe we could drive out to the lake and read like we used to? And then go to that diner way outside of town? With the great milkshakes?”
Tears threaten to spill over your cheeks again, but now it’s from happiness burgeoning in your chest. “That sounds really nice,” you whisper.
He grins back at you.
“Okay, then. I tell you what…why don’t we table all this for right now? Neither of us is gonna make any moves for the rest of the night. We’re going to get in comfy clothes and watch TV, or smoke, or play cards, or talk…whatever you want. And whenever you’re ready, we can go to bed.”
Reactively, your shoulders stiffen and his eyes go wide.
“No, no, no! I didn’t mean—” He slaps his hand to his forehead and sighs at his own flub. “I meant sleep. I…I really just want to sleep next to you. And wake up with you in the morning. And spend the rest of the day together. Is that okay?”
He gives you those eyes again, round and open and vulnerable. Hopeful. It makes it easy to nod at him with a gentle smile. Because it’s more than okay, it sounds perfect. He smiles back and reaches for your hand. You let him lift it to his lips and his breath is warm as he kisses your fingers.
“I just want you here,” he murmurs to your knuckles.
You bite your lip to stop the Are you sure? already queued up on your tongue. Eddie lifts off the bed and pulls a pair of sweatpants and a clean t-shirt from one of the drawers in his dresser. The fresh smell of his detergent wafts towards your nose and you inhale it deeply.
“I’ll change in the bathroom,” he says. “Just come back to the living room when you’re ready.”
Still smiling as he leans over you with ease, balancing on his fists pressing down into the mattress, he kisses you. It’s not a messy or desperate snog, but not quite a chaste peck either. It’s deep and yearning. Full of wanting, but asks for nothing.
He heads into the hall and his bedroom door clicks as he pulls it shut behind him. When you hear the bathroom door also click closed, you creep out from beneath his sheet and reach for the panties bunched up at the foot of the bed. You strip off the matching bra and stuff the pair into the bottom of your overnight bag. To replace them, you exhume a simple gray pajama set of an oversized shirt and loose, flowy shorts. The light material is cool against your skin, soothing for the first time the existential itchiness that had consumed you all night.
In the living room, Eddie sits on the sofa, comfortable and casual as can be in his soft sweats. There’s not a speck of disappointment or frustration on his handsome face as he flips through the channels. His mouth splits into a grin when he sees you, eyes dancing as he takes you in, just as dazzled by the sight of you in plain pajamas as he was by your lingerie.
He pats the cushion next to him and jerks his chin up to beckon you over. From the TV, the eerie tinkling theme of The Twilight Zone begins to play and you all but scamper over to the couch. He chuckles as you pad across the carpet and nestle into his side, folding your legs under you.
He reaches behind your head to pull down the knit blanket draped over the back of the sofa and proceeds to tuck it securely around you both. “Comfy?” he asks, still smiling down at you. 
You nod and his arm curls securely around your shoulder. It rests there naturally, like it’s the one place in the world it’s always been meant to be. “Thank you, Eddie,” you whisper, stretching your neck to press your lips against his.
“Of course. Anything for you, sweetheart.”
His voice is tender and rumbly and you can feel his chest vibrate with the words as you lay your head against him. The softness of his t-shirt on your cheek and the warmth of his skin you can feel through it fills you with contentment. You mold yourself into his side, already thinking how nice it will be when you inevitably fall asleep right here. Right where you belong. Eddie’s head dips and he rests his cheek on the top of your head as he begins to recite along with the narrator,
“You’re traveling through another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination…”
Thank you for reading/interacting - love you, mean it (◕‿◕)
tags: @vintagehellfire @mygirlchaos @autumnleagues @valerievortex
367 notes · View notes
your love is king [könig x f!reader]
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▸pairing: könig x f!reader
▸words: 3,306
▸warnings: porn with some plot, size kink, praise kink, spitting, unprotected sex, switch!könig, some dirty talk, oral sex, talk of killing enemies while fucking, our big boy has STAMINA, he just doesn't stop.
▸summary: you are kind of annoyed when you find out you have to work with a man that calls himself 'king', but soon you find that you can't stop calling him that yourself.
▸a/n: i dunno. i'm horny for the big boy. sue me.
[CoD masterlist]
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“You hear about that new fella from KorTac we’re supposed to workin’ with?” Gaz asked as he took a seat beside you in the briefing room. Price stood at the head of the table, looking at paperwork.
“Yeah, I reckon that’s what this little meeting is all about. He’s a great sniper, supposedly,” you said, unconvinced.
“Listen up,” Price finally said. “I’m speaking to you two before König comes in because I know how you can be.”
“König? The man calls himself king?” You rolled your eyes. “Ugh, can’t wait to meet this one.”
“Sergeant,” the captain warned.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.
“You speak German?” Gaz asked you.
“Not much, but—”
“Would you two focus?” Price huffed. “You two will be nice to our guest, won’t you? Especially you.” He pointed at you. “You’ll be working with him the most.”
“What?” You sat up defiantly. “I’m a sniper. Why do I have to work with another?” you complained.
“You’ll do it because I’m telling you to,” the captain said, and you made a face as Gaz chuckled.
“Good luck with your king,” he teased. You were about to punch him on the arm when the door opened, and Price hushed you both.
A hulk of a man ducked his head to walk through the door, and you were stunned into silence.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell,” Gaz said beside you.
“Screaming Jesus,” you whispered.
“Gaz, Sergeant, this is König,��� Price introduced. Now that you’ve seen his size, you can see why he called himself King.
“You’re a sniper?” you asked. His sheer size would give him away.
“Yes,” he said in accented English.
That was the only thing you could ask him right now. You surveyed him with your eyes. He seemed flustered by all the attention, wringing his hands nervously.
“That’ll be your partner.” The captain nodded to you, and you lifted your hand awkwardly. You were practically gawking at him. You stood slowly and walked over to him, feeling smaller with each step.
“Nice to meet you.” You held your hand out to him, and he took it in a gentle grip. You looked up into his eyes which were also soft.
“The pleasure is mine, ma’am.” He kept shaking your hand until you cleared your throat. “Entschuldige…”
“It’s okay,” you responded, and he looked at you with something akin to wonder in his eyes.
“Sprichst du Deutsch?” he asked.
“Ich spreche nur ein Wenig Deutsch,” you said, holding up your thumb and forefinger to show him how little German you could speak. That little bit of German you spoke seemed to put him at ease.
“I guess I’ll show you around, König,” you offered.
“Yes. Okay.” He waited for you to walk so he could follow.
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He was so silent beside you that it was almost scary.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” you asked.
“I don’t want to annoy you or anything, ma’am,” he said softly.
“You won’t, and you don’t have to call me ma’am. Same rank and all. So…have you always been a sniper?” you asked.
“No. Not many people believed I could be.”
“No offense, but it’s easy to see why. I don’t think I’ve seen a sniper as big as you. Hell, I don’t think I’ve seen a man as big as you. Ever.” You blinked up at him.
Could you not let your size kink peek through for just one second?
“My size intimidates people, so it comes in handy,” he told you.
“Well, I think you’re a gentle giant, my friend.”
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A gentle giant he was and had stayed—towards you and the others he worked with, at least. He was a beast of a man when it came to enemies and protecting you. You knew the glint in his eyes when you saw it. There were times when even you had to calm him down.
“König, look at me,” you’d say, and he’d focus only on you, his green gaze softening almost immediately. “There you are.”
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“You’re hurt,” he said, pointing at the blood dripping from your hand.
“Nothing a few bandages won’t fix.”
“I will fix it,” he offered.
“It’s not a big deal, re—”
“Sit,” he demanded in a gruff voice, and you sat. It was nice to have some quiet after all the shooting you had done earlier. You two were in one of the safe houses now.
“So bossy,” you joked.
“You should know me by now, meine Freundin. I do not like seeing you hurt.” He knelt in front of you. You only smiled and watched how efficiently he moved, his big hands gentler than any you had ever been touched by.
“It’s only a scra—AH!” you yelped as he cleaned the wound with antiseptic.
“Only a scratch, hm?” He tore the bandage open with his teeth, letting out a little growl. You shifted in the chair noticeably.
“Don’t move so much,” he scolded.
He was meticulous in his bandaging so that it was neat and kept the wound clean.
“There. You take it easy with that hand,” he told you.
“No promises.” You smiled. “Thanks.”
“Bitte.” He stayed kneeling in front of you.
“What do you look like under there?” you asked, tilting your head and looking into his eyes.
“I am hideous,” he joked.
You giggled. “Or perhaps it’s the opposite. You’re too handsome, so you must hide your face to stop everyone from going mad over your beauty.”
“If beauty made people go mad, you would certainly have to cover your face. For you would drive even the most emotionless of men insane,” he said, and you had never heard anything more romantic in your life.
“König…you’re a romantic,” you said.
“Don’t.” He stood up, and you knew you had made him blush.
“No, really. That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
“Well, I meant it. You are…beautiful.” He walked away and sat down at the small table.
“Do I make you nervous?” you asked without looking at him.
“Nein…well, sometimes.” He was happy you weren’t looking at him. He felt as though he could speak his mind that way. “Only because I have come to like you so much, but I am afraid to act on it because if something happens, then….”
“I like you too, König,” you confessed.
“You’ve never seen my face,” he started.
“I don’t have to see your face to like you.”
“Who’s romantic now?” he joked, and you finally looked at him over your shoulder. “Come.” He beckoned you with his fingers.
“What’s up?”
“Sit here.” He tapped the table in front of him, and you looked at him, confused. “Just do it.”
“Fine.” You hopped up on the table.
“Now, close your eyes.” He waited until he was sure they were closed before taking your wrists and bringing your hands under his sniper hood to his face.
“Now you can see me,” he said, and you nearly cried. You used your fingers to see him—his brow, cheekbones, nose, lips, and a few scars.
“What is the verdict? Am I hideous?” he asked.
“I think you’re beautiful,” you said, hoping that word didn’t offend him. His breath hitched, and you almost moved your hands away until he grabbed them and placed a kiss on both palms.
“Thank you for letting me do that,” you said. “For trusting me.”
“I trust you with my life.” You both stared at each other for a moment before he stood too quickly. “I am going to shower,” he told you.
“Um, okay. I’ll do the same. I mean…after you, of course!” You were all flustered over this man.
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Your body heated up just hearing the shower come on. You could hear him moving around and knew he was undressing.
“Stop,” you whispered to yourself.
You heard the shower turn off about ten minutes later, and König cleared his throat. Then he was whistling a tune you had never heard before.
You turned away from the hall as the bathroom door opened, but then your head turned slowly, and you were met with the hulking man in nothing but a towel hanging low on his hips.
“I’m finished,” he said.
From what you could see, his chest had only a speckling of hair. Then there was his stomach, which was toned but not exactly muscular. It had a happy trail that disappeared under the towel. You wet your lips quickly as you heard a door close and realized he had gone into one of the rooms to dress.
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As you showered, you thought back to König and his sheer size—everything about him was big, and you loved that. You told yourself that your hand was only moving between your legs so you could wash yourself, but you still touched yourself there even after you did.
“Fuck,” you whimpered just as König was walking by the door. He knew he should keep walking, but he didn’t. He listened as you got off.
“Yes, König,” you moaned, and his eyes widened. He moved away from the door and walked back into one of the bedrooms.
A few moments later, he heard the shower turn off. He would try to act as normal as possible, but he knew it would be almost as hard as he was right now.
The door opened, and you stepped out with a towel wrapped around your body.
“H-How was it?” he asked.
“It was nice.” You noticed that he changed into a different sort of mask instead of the sniper hood. It looked more comfortable.
You smiled before slipping into the other bedroom. As soon as the door closed behind you, you leaned against it breathing heavily.
You quickly put on something comfortable and stepped back out of the room.
“I’m going to make some tea. Would you like some?” you asked.
“Yes, please.”
He followed you to the small kitchen. There was an awkward silence as you waited to pull the kettle off the stove before it whistled.
“Do you mind grabbing the cups? I think they’re in that cabinet,” you told him, and he stood quickly to help.
“Here?” he asked as he reached over and above you. His shirt pulled up, and you found yourself staring at his happy trail then you looked up at him. He was staring back.
“I-I’ve found them,” he told you.
“Yes.” You swallowed hard.
“Ich will dich,” he gasped.
“You can have me, König…my King.”
He pulled his mask up quickly and kissed you, taking the very breath you just took away. But that was okay because he was breathing life right back into you.
“Finally,” you moaned. “Fucking finally.” You pressed your lips to his, slipping your tongue into his mouth.
“Do you want me as much as I want you?” he asked, cupping your face. You nodded and tried to move in for another kiss, but he held you still. “Tell me.”
“I want you. I want you so bad. Please take me. Right here, right now.” You put your hands on his chest. “And I don’t want you to be gentle.”
“Fuck.” He kissed you hard. “Will you be loud for me?”
“Yes, as long as you’re loud for me.”
“I will shout your name to the high heavens,” he told you.
“Can I tell you something?” you asked as he sat you on the kitchen counter. “I touched myself in the shower thinking of you.”
“I know.”
You were about to ask how he knew, but he tore your shirt open at that moment, revealing your breasts.
“Impatient,” you teased.
“You wear the shirt…with no bra…I could see your nipples right through it.” He stared at your breasts before using his big hands to grab both and push them together. Then his mouth was on them—lips, tongue, teeth, he was using them all on your nipples.
You reached down and slid your hand under the waistband of his pants. You found him hard already, but you knew you could get him harder.
“How are you going to fit, my King?” you asked, and his hips bucked into your hand.
“We will find a way,” he promised. “I will spread you open…make a path just for me.” He pushed you back gently so that you were leaning on your elbows on the counter. He tapped your thigh, and you lifted your hips so he could get your bottoms off.
“I knew it was beautiful,” he said, staring hungrily at your cunt. “It will eat me alive, but not before I taste it.” He fell to his knees and wasted no time getting his tongue on you. He moaned loudly as he slurped and smacked his lips on you greedily, making the most obnoxious but delicious sounds ever.
He sucked your clit into his mouth and pulled until he released it with a pop. You were close already.
“Here.” He held his fingers up to you, and you took them into your mouth as he continued devouring you. “Get them wetter.”
You let your saliva drip down onto the digits, and he groaned against you before pulling them out of your mouth and slipping them into your pussy. He pulled away to watch the push and pull of your pussy on his fingers.
“She is greedy,” he murmured, resting his head on your thigh. “She doesn’t want to let me go.”
“You’re gonna make me cum, König,” you whined.
“I’ve dreamt of hearing those words. Please, let me feel you; let me hear you.”
You held onto his wrist as he pumped his fingers faster, as his thumb rubbed your clit.
“König, König, oh my fucking God!” Your toes curled as you came around his fingers. He grunted and groaned at the feeling. Slowly, he pulled his fingers from you, staring at the slick mess you left on him. He pulled his fingers apart to watch how your juices stretched between them, then reached down to stroke himself with them.
“I need you to spit on it,” he said.
You sat up and looked down. He stopped stroking for a moment, grabbing you by your hair as you gathered the spit in your mouth, then let it drip from your lips, sticking out your tongue to make sure it all came out.
“Braves Mädchen,” he said. Good girl. You leaned back again. “Spread yourself open for me.”
You slid a hand between your legs and used your pointer and middle fingers to spread your lips for him. He groaned before spitting on your pussy and pushing against your entrance.
You bit your lip and moaned, craning your neck to watch him make his way inside you.
“Oh, fuck! You’re stretching me so good.” Your mouth dropped open as he pushed in more and more, his cock disappearing inch by inch.
“I’m not sure I will last long inside of you,” he said through clenched teeth.
“Then fuck me now. Please, my King.”
With those words, he slammed the rest of his way in, and you cried out, one hand against his stomach.
“Don’t fucking stop,” you whimpered.
He let out a growl as he began fiercely pound away at you. He was surprised you were handling him so well. He looked down and nearly came at seeing your pussy taking every inch of him.
“You are mine!” he grunted loudly, pinching a nipple and twisting it.
“Yours!” you cried out. You started to worry that maybe you both were too loud and an enemy would find you. “König, are we too loud?”
“No,” he said before pulling out of you and turning you around. Then he slammed into you from behind. “And even if we are…” he began, stopping to fuck slam his hips against your ass a few times.
“Even if we are….” He turned you toward the door. “…if they come in here, I would still stay buried to the hilt in you as I killed every one of them. Bang! Bang! Bang!” His thrusts matched his words.
That turned you on more than you could imagine. Your back was arched as he held you up to stand as straight as possible while he fucked you from behind. He moved one hand up and around your neck while the other slipped between your legs, fingers finding your clit and pinching it.
It didn’t take long for you to fall over the edge again. Your knees gave out as you came, but he held you with strong arms.
He was getting closer. His thrusts became messier, and his hand tightened around your neck.
“Would you like me to cum inside you?” he asked. His thighs were trembling now as if he was holding himself from cumming.
“Tell me!” he grunted. He punctuated each thrust with a groan that got louder and louder each time.
“Cum inside of me, König.”
“Again,” he growled. “Fuck, fuuuuuuuck…call me…call me your King.”
“Cum inside of me, my King.”
“I will. I will. Right now!” He turned you around quickly and let go of your neck so that you could brace yourself on the kitchen counter. He used both hands to grip your hips, and tears spilled from your eyes.
“Here it comes, Liebe…AHHHHHHHH!” he shouted as he began filling you. He threw his head back and screamed your name to the high heavens like he said he would. He filled you more with each hard thrust.
“Uh! Uh! Uhhhh!” he growled as he completely emptied himself inside you. “I can’t stop…it has been so long…”
“Give me…all of it.” You wiggled your ass on him and pushed back against him, making him hiss. “You’re already leaking out of me,” you said when you looked down at the floor.
He looked down and saw what you meant. It made him throb inside you.
“Not as shy as I thought you were, big boy,” you said, turning your head to kiss him.
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After a hot shower, you both were wrapped up in each other in bed. He somehow stayed hard against you but didn’t try anything.
“I want to go again,” he said with a sheepish laugh.
“I can tell.” You pushed him onto his back and straddled him. You licked your hand and stroked him a few times before lowering yourself onto him.
“Fuck! I hope you know you have the loveliest cock ever,” you told him, and he throbbed inside you. “Oh, you like that, huh?”
Someone had a praise kink.
“Is that why you like it when I call you my King?” you asked as you swirled your hips on him. “My King with the perfect cock. Stretching me so good.”
“I-I can’t…ah….”
“You’re so fucking good, König. You make me cum so hard.” You brought a hand up to his neck, and he whimpered. “Mmm.”
You bounced your ass on him, and he held your hips tightly.
“Fuck me,” he moaned. “Fuck your King.”
“You’re gonna get me addicted to fucking this cock,” you told him, and he squeezed his eyes shut. “Next time, I want it in my mouth….” You leaned in so that you could whisper in his ear. “Down my throat. I want you to make me gag.”
“Don’t stop,” he whined. You had never heard his voice at such a high pitch.
“My good boy. My handsome, beautiful boy.”
His mouth dropped open, and his eyes rolled back as he held you still and came inside you again.
“Mmm, atta boy. Fill my pussy. Make it yours. That’s it.”
Suddenly, he rolled you over, and you yelped before giggling.
“You are too much for me,” he said.
“Am I?”
“No. I didn’t mean it,” he corrected quickly. “You are just enough. I think I have met my match.”
“And I have met mine.”
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paddockbunny · 1 year
Repeat Offender
Summary : Charles is recently single and quickly finds himself in a "friends with benefits" situation with none other than his ex-girlfriend's best friend.
Rating : 18+, Mature
Pairing : Charles Leclerc x Reader
Word Count : 7, 345
Trigger Warnings : 18+, Mature & Adult themes, Angsty, FWB situation, PinV sex, Unprotected sex, Oral (female receiving), slight choking, c*m talk & language
Authors Note : Firstly, I had around five or six requests for a newly single charles or rebounding charles so I've amalgamated them all into one. Thank you for the inspo to all of those who requested something to do with this. I'm trying out some first person stuff on this one so although it's labelled as "reader" YOU are in fact the author/reader if that makes sense. I also don't mention Charles' ex by name and that is very much on purpose as I keep my blog as IRL WAG free as possible so none of my stories will feature any of their names, hope you can all understand why. Anyway, this is LOOOOOONG so it has not been proofread yet.
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You know when you wake up but your not fully awake yet, you’re like conscious but not alert? Well, that was exactly how I was feeling as the room was ever so slightly spinning and the faint memory of strawberry daiquiri's and vodka shots were beginning to flash across my eyes. So was the deafening sound of the music, the ache in the arches of my feet from stupid heels and the feeling of hands creeping around my waist pulling my ass against a firm crotch while dancing. Then as I slowly crept more and more into consciousness I felt the slight ache from my thighs kick in and the feeling my body had been through it.
Finally, after summoning up the energy to do it, I managed to open my eyes. They felt heavy and dense and I realised there was no way I had made it home because I had slept in my make-up - and regardless of whatever state I was in I would always manage to stumble into the bathroom to at least wipe most of the night out greasepaint off of my face so the fact it was still firmly in place meant the worst. As my vision was struggled to focus I wriggled around in a rather comfortable bed and attempted to pull myself up without a wave of nausea lash upon me. Exactly how much did I fucking drink last night? But then as eventually my eyes concentrated on something and a very loud groan reverberated from my throat. The familiar bright coloured art work that hung from the white wall across from the bottom of the bed was like a vicious, unwelcome enemy. I had studied it far too many times to count and each time it got worse and worse. It was like the eyes of T. J Eckleburg in The Great Gatsby, but instead of the judgment of an inanimate object upon American society, this horrendous painting was judging my piss poor decisions of the night prior which lead me to waking up in this damn bed, once again. And as my stomach lurched I had to force myself to make sure I was in the bed of the man whom the awful painting belonged to.
At an almost glacier pace my head began to turn. Crawling up the sheet clad outline of a pair of calves, knees and up to big, broad thighs and into the covered - yet barely - crotch. The outline of his cock almost visible through the white cotton that was practically failing to protect his modesty. His hips were next, then the outline of abs which yeah ok - I can admit it, I’ve traced with my tongue before so sue me. Then I couldn’t do it any longer. I was just drawing things out. I snapped my head immediately up to his and yup! It was Charles.
“Oh fuck!” I groaned loudly and with an eye roll I drew my hands over my face. Listen, you might be thinking “he’s fucking hot as hell, probably an incredible shag and I’d love to know how big his cock is” but, it’s all the other stuff that goes along with these nights of drunken yet passionate sex with Charles that makes me sick to my stomach each time I wake up here. You see Charles had so much awkward baggage that spilled over into my own life and I really went through several stages of self loathing when I left his apartment and had the embarrassing walk of shame home the next day. “Good morning to you too.” He scoffed loudly but by this point I knew he probably felt as guilt-ridden and dismayed as I felt.
Silence had momentarily befallen us. All I heard was the quick typing of his thumbs hitting his phone screen. It was almost annoying. That incessant tap, tappy tappy tappy, tap, tap as he typed whatever was in his head into a text or whatever he was doing. I couldn’t help it, I rolled my eyes and thought how likely it was that he was probably texting one of his friends telling them how the pair of us had hooked up AGAIN! Most likely he was asking for their advice on how to get me out of his bed. Not that he needed any because there was no way in hell I felt like staying. I wanted to get out of here as badly and he wanted to kick me out. Just as I moved to sit upright a bit more and try search for my stomach lurched and I had to take a few deep breaths not to feel the effects of last nights alcohol. Something which unfortunately Charles noticed and as he asked if I was suffering from a the dreaded hangover, sarcasm laced thick in his voice.
“Why does this always happen? Why do we do this?” I sighed while letting out a long, drawn out exhale. The question hung in the air and I could feel Charles’ eyes suddenly burrowing into the side of my head. I knew there were words teetering on the tip of his tongue and could practically hear his brain working out a response that sounded appropriate for me but thankfully, he remained in silence. There was no doubt he would have been regretting whatever things happened last night as much as I was and yet, he didn’t seem particularly consumed by guilt. He seemed rather carefree right now so scoff I closed my eyes in an attempt to piece the puzzle together remember what the fuck happened last night.
The music was far too loud but the fourth fruity cocktail I currently clasped in my hand made me rather immune and numb to it. I danced just like all the other girls out in the middle of the crowded dance floor. Hips swaying side to side in time with the rhythm. Hair swishing around without a care in the world. Feet aching in stupid stilettos. To have looked at me in that moment anyone would be forgiven for thinking I was a party girl. One of those glamorous girls always out on the town, partying, blowing cash (boys and snow* too probably) but really I hated going out. I hated the stress of finding something to wear, doing the whole routine of make-up and hair and then feeling like I was in the middle of a cattle market. At least the men in Monaco happened to be rich and therefore no girls spent a dime all night from all the free drinks that would get bought. And the fact that someone in my group always seemed to know someone else in another and that meant VIP was inevitable. And I mean come on, who wouldn’t want to be sat in VIP?! Which was funnily enough, where Amelie was pulling me in the direction of and then I sighed when I saw why.
Sat in a booth was none other than Charles and his gang of buddies that I really wish would have been anywhere else in the world tonight and not in this nightclub. As soon as he looked around and saw me heading toward him I swear he rolled his eyes.
“Fucking hello to you too Charles.” I thought, muttering under my breath while I and rolled my own eyes back at him sarcastically. And that was when my mind flashed back to the last time we saw each other. It had been at that shitty dinner where I actually felt sorry for him having to sit the whole night flashing googly eyes at his ex girlfriend hoping she would notice him even though the night before he had had his cock shoved down my throat, me! The one he spent the entire time ignoring. But the thing was, I knew one thing he didn’t and that was she was already moving on with someone who might have been too close too home for him to even comprehend. Yet, with his attitude I said nothing and allowed him to remain in purgatory. Sad thing was, she never even so much as glanced at him the whole meal. Then I remembered what happened after, once everyone had drank heavily and shared cars home. It hadn’t been the first time (nor the second, third or fourth and was actually more like the eleventh or twelfth) that Charles had put the moves on me and I stupidly succumbed to his seductions. But now as I reached the table the thought of his hands being between my thighs, his fingers caressing my desperate clit with the door to his apartment wide open behind us in an utterly voyeuristic display - one that I would never have pegged him as the type to enjoy - danced teasingly through my thoughts. He slid into the booth a little more and nodded in the direction of the now vacant faux leather seat beside him for me to sit in. He looked good tonight and for once that wasn’t the alcohol in my system talking. He seemed to be in good spirits and I figured he must have been celebrating a good race. It was neutral ground so I thought it was something I could talk to him about. When I went to open my mouth to do exactly so, my words were swallowed by his; “Have you seen her recently?” Your mouth parted slightly before closing. You had to bite your tongue before you said something to the effect of “fuck off” or “fuck you” and quickly shook your head to respond to him. Then loudly from across the table one of his friends shouted loudly “shots” and thankfully it distracted Charles from pushing the conversation toward her like he wanted.
Several shots were taken and yet another strong strawberry daiquiri was being drunk while having as everyone sat at the table has as much of a conversation as possible over the loud thumping music. I raised my voice as I leaned forward to answer one of the questions Charles’ friends had asked me. We had met before and yet he did that typical male thing of forgetting who I was and therefore I had to tell him all over again much to my slight annoyance and dismay. But as I was explaining what I did for a living, I stuttered when suddenly I felt the flesh of soft fingertips ghost up and down my bare naked thigh. The action almost made me brake my calm, collected exterior. He couldn’t be serious? We had barely spoken since I sat down nearly an hour ago and as his thumb stroked up and down the skin of my inner thigh I glanced at him. He wasn’t even paying attention, he was doing it just for the sake of it, because he could. And so without a single thought I decided it was time to go and dance again. I wanted to put distance between him and I because we would only end up doing what was by now becoming a habit and falling into bed together.
As I grabbed Amelie and pulled her back to dance with me, I could feel the familiar pulsating throb from between my thighs at the thought of Charles. I tried to push the thoughts of him out of my brain as I began dancing and yet, it was a pointless task as all I kept thinking about was how badly I needed him and how he melted all of my annoyed thoughts of him away with a simple touch of his damn hand. The worst part was, just as Amelie and I settled into moving our bodies one of Charles’ friends rudely pushed between us. I was just about to argue and tell him to get lost when I suddenly felt hands creep around my waist. I didn’t need to look to know who they belonged too and I realised the intrusion in between me and my dance partner had been orchestrated.
“Running away from me?” Charles purred against the side of my neck. Why did he do this? Every single time we saw each other he always got underneath my skin. I hated him for it but I felt powerless against him and his cocky seduction techniques. His hands gripped my waist tighter as he pulled me back so I was flush against him. Our hips moving side to side while he got all the friction of my ass grinding against his crotch. “We said the last time was the last time.” “No. You did.” His words were more direct than I would have expected them to be. Almost like he was annoyed at me for implying I was about to turn him down - as if I could if I wanted too, just having the teasing action of his clothed cock so close to where I wanted it would have had me making a public embarrassment of myself right here in a nightclub. And without warning he used those lingering hands to turn me around to face him. “Let me take you home.” “No, Charles. We cannot keep doing this.” The sheer fact that when I spoke to him he was looking at my mouth instead of in my eyes made me want to kick him in the shin for being so vexing. But right as I was trying to convince myself to stand my ground against him he cast his eyes across my body and fuck, the things it did to me when he looked at me like that. “Charles, we’re playing with fire….”
“So? We’ll both burn together.” He shrugged nonchalantly. And I suddenly realised how we were no longer dancing and simply standing staring at each other while everyone else around us continued. In a regular situation - when alcohol wasn’t coursing through my body clouding my judgment - I would have felt self conscious but right now all I could think about was the fact he wanted me so badly he was out here making bold declarations. For a second the fact his first words to me earlier were about his ex girlfriend entered into my mind and a fleeting crushing feeling passed through my soul. He just wanted me to release his tension, not because he ACTUALLY wanted me. I zoned out briefly as I thought of how bad I always felt the next day and considered if I was strong enough to do it again. But as I was contemplating his hand travelled up to my neck and he made me look at him and I was gone. I wanted him to make me feel good.
How he managed to get us both out of the nightclub so easily I had no idea. His hand was wrapped around my wrist guiding me past hordes of people and out toward an exit. It took all but two minutes until we were in the back of a car heading back to his. It seemed too swift to me, too well thought out and I realised that he was so arrogant because he knew I would say yes and probably pre-arranged the car to pick us up. In that second I knew I should have been so pissed off and angry that he would think I was that easy but I let it slip again because I knew I was using him as much as he was using me. I liked the momentary, fleeting high he gave me. I was like a drug taker, he was the drug, and I was willing to take the short hits when I could. So I was every bit as bad as he was. Charles normally didn’t behave to politely in the back of the cars we took as we went back to his. His hands would be roaming, following suit with his mouth. He always made sure to light the match inside of me before we even got to the safety of his apartment. The fact he could be caught out, someone could tell, seemed to always be the furthest thing from his mind and so tonight, it was different. He sat further away and kept his hands very much to himself. And when I couldn’t help but glance across the car toward him and watched as his jaw seemed to clench I swallowed while nerves buzzed through my brain.
As soon as we got to his apartment building Charles called for the elevator and I couldn’t help but feel the same attitude radiating from him. It was the same attitude he had in the car and I thought about turning on my heels and leaving immediately. I didn't even know how to read him. Which meant I was so caught in the thought of trying to work him out that I missed the ding of the lift stopping on the lobby and sliding open. It wasn’t until Charles practically purred my name and held his hand out for me from inside the elevator that I snapped back into reality due to the look that filled his eyes. You knew it all too well. It was self assured, cocky confidence. He knew I couldn’t turn him down, I couldn’t turn his cock down, I craved it and what he could do with it too much. And so when my high heel clad feet crossed the marble floor and passed the iron thread hold of the lift I felt the surge of excitement buzz throughout my body.
The pair of us rode the elevator is silence but my hand remained firmly gripped in Charles’ and his thumb was delicately running over the back of my knuckles. It would be almost fucking romantic if there was any smidgen of a “normal” relationship between us. Now that I had registered the buzz of excitement I also felt the more steady and familiar hit of anxiety that went with it. It was pre-sex anxiety - that realistically I had no reason to have, this wasn’t my first rodeo (certainly not with Charles) but I still had it anyway. The silence would have been deafening to anyone else but right now I was kind of thankful for it. I didn’t want to chat because if I did I would feel guilt and I really didn’t want to feel guilty about what my body craved and desired above all else. The short ride up to Charles’ apartment ended when the lift door slid open and he gently pulled me out behind him. Fuck, I wish I had drunk more. Alcohol would have banished the unfair apprehension I was feeling. I leaned against the wall while Charles opened the door with his key. The curve of his shoulders made my mouth water. The thought of kissing his thick, strong neck while hearing the sound of pleasurable moans escape him sent a pulsating ache through my core. He pushed open the door and held it there with his hand, waiting for me to enter his abode first, ahead of him. And I mustered up all the confidence I could manage to saunter past him and glide into the hallway. The millions he took home from his career driving in fast circles paid off. Charles home was beautiful but like always, I wasn’t here to appreciate it.
Charles hands on my bare arms reminded me of that. He pressed against me from behind and I could feel his semi hard cock already straining against his jeans and I tried desperately to hold it back but a gasp escaped passed my lips as he moved my hair to the side to expose my neck to him. Fuck. The feel of his lips as they pressed delicate tender kisses against my flesh had my mind whirling. I pushed back into him more, instinct completely taking over, and a low groan rolled out of his parted lips and sent tingles up and down my spine. It was dangerous to have allowed myself to think it but I gave in and thought about how it would feel to have been his - properly, as a girlfriend - for all but a few fleeting seconds.
When Charles hands moved from my arms to my waist and I wasted no time. The alcohol came rushing back to me and I turned to him at breakneck speed. My lips finding his immediately. As my hands slowly glided upon the skin of his neck holding him to me. When I let out a small moan it was the sign he needed to start pushing me backward till my back pressed against a cold wall and his tongue pushed into my mouth. He tasted like the liquor he had consumed and as his tongue ran teasingly across my bottom lip he followed it with his teeth and it brought another moan from me, like he knew it would. Charles’ hands left my waist and I felt them slip down to my legs. His fingers skimming the outside of my thighs. I knew he wanted to push my dress up. He was growing impatient and that became very obvious when he yanked me away from the wall and pulled me through his house to his bedroom. The familiar surroundings welcomed me like a sneaky comrade. The walls practically smirked as I was pulled in by Charles. I could become accustomed to these plush surroundings if he saw me as more than a just a hook-up but that was a fucking dumb idea.
My dress was off faster than I knew what was happening. It was around my ankles on the floor and Charles was already making fast work of removing his shirt. His eyes hungrily fixed on my bare chest. He was practically wolf like as his eyes remained on my skin the whole time. I would have blushed if I had been less confident. “Take them off.” It was the first time he spoke since we had left the club. “You heard me.” He flashed his eyes down toward the thin scrap of black lace material that could barely behold the name of underwear. As my eyes travelled down to where his hands were working on ridding himself of his jeans I realised I wasn’t ready to allow him to have all the fun. “No.” I stated. “Take them off me.” My stomach flipped and I watched as a smirk disappeared from his face as quick as it appeared.
“That’s how you want it huh?” He abandoned trying to remove his jeans and his hand suddenly went to my neck and held me firmly before he used it to push me backward on to the bed. My heart hastily quickened. It hammered against my rib cage so quickly it began to hurt. I looked up at him full of expectation but he wasted no time in hooking his fingers around the sides of the only material left on my body and roughly pulling them down my legs and off completely. I watched Charles as he took me in. His eyes casting over and lingering in all the important areas. I bit my bottom lip as my own eyes mimicked his and I took in his perfectly sculpted chest and then his defined muscular abs. The lines on his hips that were line a tempting signal down toward his now erect cock, standing to full attention. He watched me watching him and cockily laughed. “Go on.” He tilted his head and I knew exactly what he was referring too. He wanted head. He wanted me to blow him. And I would have, I would have blown him till my jaw ached and throat couldn’t take anymore, but I reminded him that he wasn’t getting full control.
Much to Charles surprise, I pulled my ankles up and put myself on full display for him. I played him at his own game. If he wanted me to go down on him he had to do it first. I held his gaze and so when he laughed again I wasn’t so sure he was as willing to be a giver as much as a taker, but within a few agonising moments he proved me wrong. Charles was down on his knees and instantly pulled your legs up so you could rest them on his shoulders. And although it was something of an embarrassing confession to make, all of the times we had had sex, Charles had never gone down on me. Not once. So now that his head was between my thighs, mouth so tantalisingly close, eyes locked on to mine, I held my breath in anticipation. Charles gently ran his fingers up and down my dampening folds. I swallowed the breath that was caught in my throat as Charles finally licked a slow, teasing stripe that followed the pattern of his fingers moments earlier. He repeated the action over and over again. Using it to torment me. My hands grabbed hold of the sheets, fingers entwined in the high thread count duvet, when Charles began to pay attention to my pulsating, throbbing clit. Small, short flutters were mixed in with strong kisses. And then a loud exhale left my lips as he pushed two of his fingers inside me.
“Char….” I couldn’t get his name out. My breathing was erratic and all I could think about was what his mouth was doing. As his tongue continued lapping at my clit, his fingers curled up inside of me and Charles immediately found and started massaging that magical spot that made me gasp. And he continued even when I shoved my hands through his hair and gripped on for dead life. My eyes squeezed tightly shut as I felt the first high of an orgasm fast approaching. Swear words were all I could manage. My mouth going between wide open to get as much air as I possibly could and tightly shut with my top teeth digging into my bottom lip practically drawing blood. I was almost so lost in the beginning of the wave of euphoric pleasure that I missed the moan Charles made as he felt my walls start to convulse around his fingers. Fuck. How and why did I not beg for him to do this to me sooner? He was far too good at it. It was borderline obscene how good he was at it. And totally criminal that he had never gone down on me before. Right as I felt every nerve in my body begin to be ignited with the high of a climax Charles removed his mouth and in its place used the fingers of his other hand to draw rapid circles against my clit. The motion made me loose complete control of my mind and his name burst free from my mouth as wave upon wave of ecstasy crashed upon me. The high was undeniable. It took hold of my body and I felt myself quivering as he slipped his fingers out of me, covered in the product of my orgasm.
“Look at me.” Charles voice came quietly but strongly and I did as he requested. I opened my eyes and looked down at where he still remained, between my thighs. He held my stare as he ran the fingers he had brought me to orgasm with back up and down my now dripping folds. A small tremor shuddered through my thighs as he did so. And then with my eyes trained straight on his he raised his fingers to his mouth and licked them. It took a second to register the feeling that I felt in that moment but as he raised to his feet and I saw his cock rock hard, with its purpling tip already leaking pre-cum, I knew it was one that filled me with unashamed excitement. “Turn over.” He demanded and I relinquished the control I had won earlier so easily. Not because he wanted me too but because I wanted too. There was nothing in the world I wanted more than for Charles to fucking rail me into oblivion. I turned and got on all fours on the bed. Ass facing him. It was a position I had come to realise was one of his favourites. Sure he liked watching my boobs bounce as I rode him cowgirl and sometimes if he was feeling slightly more tired he’d fuck missionary, but Doggy was his favourite (like most guys). The momentary lapse of concentration earned me a firm thwack of his hand against the round flesh of my ass. I yelped and lunged forward and I felt the enjoyment radiating off of him. I doubted she let him do that, I doubted she would have enjoyed it. I moaned and after I wiggled my hips around a little he did it again so that a more audible whimper left my mouth.
“Fuck me…” I knew it was what he wanted to hear so I gave it to him. “Please, Charles….” I added more good measure and sure enough, he pulled my hips back and immediately ran his leaking cock over my sensitive folds to collect the mixture of his spit and my juices.
As he lined up at my entrance and pushed the head of his cock inside of me, teasingly slowly, I pushed back for more. It was an action that I knew he would have enjoyed and he groaned as he gave me more of himself. His hand splayed on my lower back and forced me down into the mattress more so I arched for him and then he gave me all of himself. He bottomed out and the stretch from his girthy cock had me once again gasping and gripping the sheets. He stalled for a moment - savouring the feeling no doubt - before he began moving. Slow at first. A steady but slow rhythm that I needed, rather than wanted, to quickly increase. Charles moaned loudly and paused for a second only to surprise me completely. “Your pussy is so fucking perfect. You, are so fucking perfect.” I knew he didn’t mean it in THAT way - he didn’t like me like that, I knew that and he didn’t even need to verbalise it - but his praise made me feel good all the same. I wriggled my hips again to urge him to move and when he did his pace increased. It increased until I was a panting writhing mess. I loved how big he felt at this angle and how he would alternate between giving me quick, short spanks and pulling my hair. And honestly I truly had to focus so I didn’t cum just yet. His cock continually hitting my g-spot could have made me see stars but I didn’t want to give in yet. I wanted more of him so I urged him on my moaning his name over and over and over again through heavy sighs. His hand wrapped itself around my hair once again and this time he pulled me back so my back was flush against him.
“Say my name again.” His voice was lower than I had ever heard it before. Lower than I ever thought possible. The hand that had been wrapped around my long hair was now around my throat, holding my in place against his body as he continued thrusting up into me. I couldn’t focus on words. I just kept thinking about Charles’ lips being on my neck and feeling how fast my heart was going through the vein they lingered upon. His teeth grazed the flesh and his name whimpered across my lips a few times before he finally called me a “good girl” and I almost lost my mind between that and the angle his cock was at. He had to know how close I was. He had to feel how my pussy tightened around his cock and I was beginning to struggle to keep going. His teeth sunk into my shoulder and he groaned as I couldn’t stop the orgasm that came thrashing down upon me. I grabbed his arm so tightly my fingernails would leave marks upon his skin. My whole body convulsed as finally I let go and let the climax take hold of me. The high Charles had given me seemed to be otherworldly and stratospheric. It took me to another fucking planet and none more so than when he groaned, gripped my hips and held me down in place while he himself, found release. I could feel the pulse of his cock inside of me as his hot, milky cum poured out of him. The feeling was insurmountable. The twitch of him as he filled me up seemed the prolong my orgasm even longer and when the shakes that ravaged my body became too much, I couldn’t keep my knees from giving way and so finally fell forward against the bed again. All I could hear was Charles and I’s heavy, exhausted breathing.
As Charles settled down beside me on the bed he ran his hands up and down my back. It was a rather tender, sweet motion for someone who had just railed me into oblivion but I didn’t mind it. Suddenly as I found myself lying still - still recovering from those two incredible orgasms - I felt the alcohol from earlier catch up on me. The room seemed a bit spiny and I really didn’t want to throw up anywhere in Charles all white apartment. But then - right on queue - with his breathing still laboured Charles asked if I wanted anything and suggested a towel and a glass of water. Not to sound like a broken fucking record but this was new, he had never done this before. He had never really spoken after we had fucked so this was totally left field. I nodded and said both would be nice if he didn’t mind.
“Ok, be right back.” I listened to his words but stayed in the same position as I had earlier - mainly because I was scared of being sick and because now I was completely exhausted but also because I didn’t want Charles’ cum to leak out of me and go all over his extortionate sheets. I thought the action of him going to get me things would have been nice for a normal, regular girl (y’know, one he was dating) but seemed unusual for him to extend such gestures to me, his fuck buddy, his hook-up, his piece of ass. When he finally came back clutching an ice cold glass of water and a warmed damp towel for me to clean up with I expected him to hand me my dress as well. But my dress remained on the floor and he stared down at me while I drank from the glass. “Let me.” He motioned when I went for the towel. Charles took the glass from me and placed it on the floor before crouching down there himself. I was about to question him, ask him what he thought he was doing, when he lifted one of my legs and slowly parted them. My breathing all but stopped as he dabbed at my slightly red, a little bit tender pussy with the warm cloth. I let out an unsteady, unsure exhale of air as he watched his cum slowly seep out of me.
“Hmmm….” He purred “I should have told you my pull out game is weak.” He chuckled and in that singular moment he made me laugh. He sat back on his heels and laughed with me and all of the nervous energy in my body disappeared. All I could focus on was the sound of his laughter and how much I liked it and in a different life I would have wanted to hear it every single day for an eternity.
I rushed to try and find my dress, hoping that he hadn’t torn this one like last time. I wanted to spend the least amount of time naked in front of him as possible now snapshots of last night began coming back to me. Charles observed from his place in bed. Watching me as I sprinted around to get back into last nights clothes so I could leave. As the sunlight streamed in through his window it bathed us both in the cold harsh reality of the day and it was very much bringing a self loathing vibe along with it. Suddenly a wave of riotous nausea flashed upon me and my head felt like it belonged in a vice. Through clenched teeth I rubbed my forehead from the searing pain screaming throughout it
“Can I get you painkillers?” His voice had turned soft and was rather strange because it wasn’t what I was used too from him - or was that the narrative my own brain made up for me to believe he was a metaphorical bad guy? “Don’t do that, Charles. Don’t be nice to me.” “Why?” He acted so innocent and I knew he was putting on a front, there was no way he could be so stupid. “Because!” I practically shrieked, “I’m your ex-girlfriend’s best friend and we can’t stop fucking each other.” “I think you’ll probably be her ex-best friend if she finds out about us.” FUCK! He really didn’t need to hit me with the reality stick right now. The smugness was almost woven through his voice and I had to restrain myself from throttling him. But in reality the cold light of day made me feel angry and disappointed with myself, something I doubted he felt about this situation at all.
“That’s not going to happen.” I snap back at him. “Because there is no “us”, there never will be an “us.” Your voice lowered and you knew it sounded sadder than you intended. It didn’t stop Charles from continuing however. “Right…..” he rolled his eyes “until you’ve had too many strong cocktails and vodka shots and then you won’t be able to say no. Just like you always.” With his words lingering in the air I had to fight the urge to yell at him that I was never the instigator and he was the one who always came after me. I desperately wanted to fucking correct him and scream at him that he used me to forget about his ex, about Ferrari, about all the pressures of the life he leads and that it was HIM that sought ME out, not the other way around. But for some unknown reason, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I didn’t want to start an argument with him. I pulled on my dress hurriedly once I found it, no longer wanting to be so naked in front of him. All I wanted was to get the embarrassing walk of shame back to my apartment over already. I busied myself from the silence by looking for my shoes and I almost missed Charles getting out of bed and getting dressed.
“I’ll give you a ride home.” I heard him say as I pulled up the covers and found my black heel under them at the bottom of the bed. I now felt uncomfortable in his presence after the last words he spoke. Instinctively I told him; “It’s fine, I’ll call an Uber.” “I’m not suggesting. I’m telling.” He stated bluntly and this was new, this had never happened before. He was rarely awake when I slunk out the door of his apartment - because it was always his apartment or hotel room never mine - so this was completely foreign to me. “If you’re sure.” I half expected him to say of course he didn’t mean it, laugh, explain he was messing and to call that Uber immediately. But he just nodded and picked up my other heel from beside the door and held it out to me. I tried to avoid his eyes. I didn’t want him to see any emotion at at all behind mines so I took the shoe and shoved it on to distract myself.
We didn’t speak the whole ride to my apartment. The silence was only somewhat uncomfortable but for some strange reason things felt rather calm. Sitting in the passenger seat of Charles’ Ferrari - which I had never before sat in - felt somewhat surreal. I was hyper aware that the seat still practically bore another girls name. It still belonged to her and he would have her back without so much as blinking. I kept my eyes on the roads as Charles expertly drove the expensive luxury vehicle around them. Hoping the red lights would turn green as soon as we approached them.
“I do like you, y’know?” Came abruptly from Charles mouth when we turned onto my street, my apartment building in sight. I thought my ears were deceiving me so I broke my trance and glanced at him. “I know you probably think you’re just a rebound or….” He trailed off as he put the blinker on to pull over into the lane he could stop in to let me out. I could see the front door to my building and I had never seen a more welcome sight. “…but it’s not like that.”
I was desperate to ask what it was in fact like, what exactly he thought was going on but thankfully he brought the car to a stop and I could finally jump out and escape the awkwardness. There was this uneasy feeling in the car that hit me like a led balloon and right in the middle of my chest. I hated it. I wasn’t used to it, especially not with Charles. I was used to feeling annoyed, frustrated and fuck, disappointed by him. The first few times we fucked I’d have said I felt used but that went away because I enjoyed our trysts as much as he did. And besides I didn’t need validation from him. I didn’t need him to need me. But then right now, as I waited to get out of the car with my hand on the door handle, it hit me how badly the words he had just spoken were actually all the things that I craved and desired above all else and it was startling. Then Charles said my name so gently, totally unlike he had ever said it before, and I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. “I’d like to take you out sometime, properly. On a date.”
But before I knew what I was even doing I pulled the handle, pushed the door and started getting out of his car. He yelled my name so I would stop and for a second I did but I couldn’t bring myself to do it, to fall for him. “You know that can’t happen, Charles.” I managed to say in something struggling to be above a whisper “you don’t want me, you don’t even really like me, you’re still in love with her.”
The elevator ride up to my apartment felt like it took an eternity. The words he had spoken rang throughout my head as if a bomb had gone off and I was momentarily deaf. Fuck him. Fuck his bullshit and fuck how I fucking felt right now because of him. I was right for telling him that he was wrong and he still loved his stupid ex but it hurt because being with him always did. Being picked up and dropped all the time hurt. I wanted to be one of those girls who would have fallen for his words, whose stomach flipped when he told them he liked them, but I wasn’t and mines didn’t. I knew it was just about sex. I wasn’t his type. I wasn’t right for him. I’d never be his girl….and yet as the doors opened to my floor, I couldn’t wait till the next time I could fall asleep beside him and hate myself for it the next day.
*snow = cocaine
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