#i just can't get over these cricket memes
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WIBTA if I intentionally exclude my friend from the group?
Friend A and I have known each other for 6 years, and during that, he's never been acceptionally nice to me. We usually playfully insult each other, though he has a tendency to blow up when it goes too far and he rarely respects when I set a boundary on what's okay to make fun of. Really, the only thing that's been a constant in our friendship is that we liked the same cringe fandoms (homestuck, furries, and notably the DSMP) so we've always had at least someone to talk to about them. Now, that much isn't true. I got into different things than he did, and while he gets pissed when nobody acknowledges the stuff he makes for his interests, I still get crickets for mine. Whatever, I can deal with a little poor etiquette. What I can't deal with is how much he makes fun of my interests.
I'm not as big into the MCYT space as I was before, but I did follow some of my favorite creators over from the DSMP to the QSMP. We have a discord server set up now with different channels for different fandoms so that we can ramble about our different interests at the same time without talking over anyone. I usually just have the channels I don't care as much about muted so that the others can have their conversations in peace. I sort of expected him to do the same. He has not. He shows up in the MCYT channel every time I post a meme or something to tell us all how much he's "so glad he doesn't recognize any of the skins anymore" and getting genuinely pissed off when anyone mentions that he used to like DSMP.
He does this with other things I like: what I eat, what I think of movies, how I draw. If I do anything that he wouldn't, he makes sure that I know just how stupid he thinks I am for it. I don't care if my friends find new hobbies or drift away or whatever. That's a fact of life, you know? I just wish he wouldn't be such a dick about the process.
I've been considering just making a group chat with our mutual friends without him since I can't talk to them about anything without him chiming in, but that's pretty frowned upon. Is that too assholeish?
What are these acronyms?
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textsfromthetva · 3 months
i assume that's a hypothetical question, but the reason people are so much more defensive of Sylvie than other characters like Loki is that people are so much meaner about her. you really can't go a day in this fandom without seeing Sylvie slander – which is why I really appreciate that even though you don't ship Sylki, you still respect the character and you still make Sylvie into some fucking awesome memes
I guess my refusal to take part in fandom at large is shielding me from a lot of this overt hostility. I’m just sitting here in my sandbox with a couple of trusted mutuals while the world burns around us
having spent 22 years in fandom though, I am intimately aware of this strategy in relation to shipping. slandering the woman in a ship you don’t like is a tale as old as time. so in that way I can sympathise with Sylki shippers automatically being really on edge and assuming the worst at all times
what I do not understand is how you can look at my entire history of content and come to the conclusion that I hate Sylvie. she is all over the place! yeah there are posts that are anti Sylki, but I make a point of giving the character love and attention on a daily basis. I made the observation early on that most of my followers weren’t that keen on Sylki, or Sylvie herself, judging by average number of notes on edits about either. I wrote a whole goddamn post about it, and I am actually really sad about the fact that I will make a great Sylvie edit and then it will get next to no notes, because it’s about Sylvie. has that stopped me from making content about her? no! and it really should not be hard to figure out why I would continue to shower attention on a character even when the general response is crickets chirping
I’ll give you a hint. it’s because I adore her. her and Brad are special in that way. I refuse to stop making content about them, no matter the popularity of the result, and I will keep doing this until you pry my laptop from my cold, dead hands
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naivesilver · 8 months
ASK MEME HUH? 😏 prepare yourself here :^)
okay okay so. (for the kid fic ask) 2 or 8 (toddler) or 3 (teenager)? with any parent child combination you feel like
I know this is a prime chance to write some angst but I have entered silly mode at some point lately so you get AU silliness only SLIGHTLY tinged with angst, I hope that's alright ssadkajshdnkbfk
(It also got longer than I'd anticipated, F in the chat for us all)
Kid/Parent Fic Prompts
3. "Everyone makes mistakes, it's okay."
"Hey, August, your dad said I'd find you..." Emma trails off, stopping halfway through the door as she takes in the scene before her. "...here. What are you guys doing?"
To Marco's credit, his son is, in fact, sitting in the shed just like the man had said. The only issue is that he's not alone - in fact, a swooping three of the kids in his care are crowded around him, typewriter pushed to the side as they peer at something taking center place on the table.
August looks up from it momentarily to shoot her a slight grin, which does nothing to soothe her confusion. "Scientific research."
"On a lamp? Thought that had been patented a while ago."
"Yes, but this is a monad lamp. We're trying to figure out if there's actually a cricket in here."
Emma's gaze moves to the object in question, eyebrows raised. "And that other guy's letting you? Isn't this literally attached to his hip most of the time?"
"We traded for the day!" The smallest of the puppets chirps excitedly, all but bouncing on August's knee. "Gina's showing him around, and we get to hang out with Gemini!"
"I see."
The problem with these kids, in Emma's mind, is that while they might have fairly contrasting personalities, there's something in them that betrays their connection even at first glance. Cedar's a sweet girl and the strange one with the metal arm is prone to brooding, and the two younger boys (she needs to find better nicknames to differentiate them than Big One and Little One, honestly - they bring to mind Tweedledee and Tweedledum, sometimes, but they'd probably take offense to that) are just unruly children like any other, and still they all share faint traces of past events that make her understand August a little bit more.
Right now, for example, the man has got a boy perched on his lap and Cedar leaning onto his shoulder, the other boy sitting on the tabletop with his ruined legs dangling over the edge, and yet they're all looking at her like they're about to tell her to take a leap of faith...or blow something up and ask her for help, at least, given Big Pinocchio's tendencies and those of the guy they call P. Emma should be backing away before it's too late, honestly.
"Doesn't that thing talk, anyway?" She hears herself asking instead, as if that were the most pressing matter. "Can't you just ask?"
"He's recharging," Cedar replies, ever the most helpful of them all. "That's why P left him at home. Grandfather said Gemini's not allowed to be around us unsupervised anymore, since the last time he tried to teach some nasty words to-"
"Hey!" The Pinocchio sitting on the table glares at her, a thunderous look on his face. "That's none of your business! Don't be a snitch!"
"It's not snitching if it's true! You only want to know because you've got a point to prove, anyway."
The boy sniffs haughtily, turning away. "I don't need to prove anything. I'm right. We've all got a cricket, so P should have one too."
"You're wrong. I never got a cricket, and Dad doesn't have one either-"
Emma can clearly see August barely stifling a laugh, the bastard. "Don't let Jiminy hear you say that, Cedar- I can assure you, he helped me quite a lot before he got a degree."
"I don't have a cricket," the little one says, beaming, seemingly unbothered by the squabble. "I just have Gina."
"Gina counts."
"Gina does not count, she's a duck." Cedar sighs, shaking her head of dark curls. "Why are you so worried about this, anyway? Your cricket isn't here, either."
One would expect Big Pinocchio to have a snappish retort for that, as well, and yet, none comes. Instead he seems to curl even further into himself, his glower even deeper, like a turtle tucking head and tail into its shell. "Yeah, but he was there," he mutters, much lower than before. "No one else could see him, so they thought I was making him up, but I wasn't. He was real, and I wasn't crazy."
The two adults exchange a look, the mood grown a tad more somber all of a sudden. This, perhaps, is the other thing these children have in common, and it's much less amusing than the first one - they have had some awful experiences already, for being so young, and sometimes they mention it in such an offhanded way, it sounds like everyday stuff, like making the bed or running errands.
Maybe it was everyday stuff for them, before. That doesn't make it more reassuring, either.
"That's okay." August sounds softer, too, as he leans closer to the boy and tries to meet his eyes. "We know you're not crazy. Those boys in your old school- they didn't have the full picture. Everyone makes mistakes, when they don't have the full picture."
And that, a smidge more teasing, once he has finally gotten Pinocchio to look up: "And I mean everyone. You know, Emma here, she didn't believe I was made of wood, in the beginning. Guess who proved her wrong later."
"Seriously?" Emma exhales heavily, relieved that her friend has been able to handle the situation so well and yet resigned to the fact that August continues to be, well, himself. "You only butt into this argument to throw me to the wolves?"
"You wouldn't want me to get in the way of a scientific debate, do you?"
If this were a normal conversation between the two of them, she would tell him to stop being so cheeky; but as it is, there are three more people in the room with them right now, people who have barely stopped looking wary and guarded before returning to their analysis of an otherworldly piece of machinery. There is little Emma can do beside playing along, distracting them from whatever effects the past still has on them all. She owes them that, at least.
"Alright," she says, dragging a spare stool closer and finding a spot near the table, mindless to how Cedar moves to lean on her instead, as is the nature of things.
"Let's crack this, then. I came over to ask something else, but you guys got to me. Show me what you've got, Gemini."
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okamirayne · 1 month
Hi Rayne! I see your in the plotting stage of HHU judging from your memes? 💖 *insanely excited* Just curious as I know ur slowly coming out of burnout by returning to fanfic? As somesone who gets rly confused between writers block and writers burnout (I see from other posts/asks you've always refered to it as burnout not block?) could you maybe (only if u want!) share your experience & journey out of burnout as you go? I'm so stuck creatively atm and your journey has always inspired me. 😘 MWAH
Hiya Anon! 😘
I see your in the plotting stage of HHU judging from your memes?
Ha...yeah 😅...you could say that...🫠
Just curious as I know ur slowly coming out of burnout by returning to fanfic?
That is correct, my lovely. Let me take this opportunity to say it's thanks to the amazingly sweet reviewers that I've had the courage to do this after so long away. They give me the chakra with their engagement, I give them the chapters with my insanity - it's a beautiful thing. 💜
As somesone who gets rly confused between writers block and writers burnout (I see from other posts/asks you've always refered to it as burnout not block?)
Completely understandable you'd get confused between the two. For definition's sake, my personal experience with Writer's Block and Burnout is this:
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BLOCK: I have no ideas. My brain screen is white noise. My canvas is blank. I can't think of any stories or characters or scenes. Its a ghost town. There are tumbleweeds. And crickets. There is a big BLOCK and nothing can come INTO my headspace/heartspace. Maybe I need inspiration. Maybe I need a muse. Maybe I need to return to stuff I love and enjoy (outside of writing) to grease the wheels and get the ball rolling again. Maybe I need to just play around a bit with WIPS or switch projects and try some creative exercises. There's not usually a bigger, neurological issue playing out here. There might be (and often is) an emotional / mental one and that looks different for different people. Maybe I can power through this and crack on (some do, some don't). It's not spilling into other areas of my life. I still have the desire to write.
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BURNOUT: I have ideas. Many ideas. My brain screen is active, but it's on mute and sometimes grainy. My canvas has the picture sketched out, but I've gone colourblind. I can think of stories and characters and scenes but I cannot connect to them or express them. It's not a ghost town, it's a burning wasteland during dawn of the dead and I am the zombie staggering around. I cannot connect to what I am seeing/feeling about the characters/stories I love. I do not have the energy, clarity, or capacity to CREATE (put on the page/screen) what I am HOLDING inside me. It's not gone or absent, I AM. I cannot connect to it. I can't THINK straight. Brainfog on STEROIDS. Apathy creeping in. There is a big BLACKNESS and nothing can COME OUT of my headspace/heartspace. Those spaces are malfunctioning. Maybe I need a brain transplant or defibrillation. Maybe I need a bit of self-care. Maybe I need Jesus / Buddha / Insert-Your-Go-To-God or Grace-Place Miracle...because turning to things I used to love isn't doing it. I can't feel anything (losing joy and love for things you used to enjoy is a big part of it). Nothing is greasing these wheels or getting this ball rolling again until I walk through the hellfire and address the pyromanic issues that set me and my world on fire (not in the good passionate way; think petrol self-immolation montage). Said issues are both emotional / mental AND physical (neurological/health related) and it's an unholy trine that needs to be addressed gently and with grace, because if I try to POWER through this wasteland I will lose so, so hard and set myself back even further. It's not isolated to creativity. It's spilling all over the bloody shop and impacting other areas of my life. I can't feel the joy or desire anymore.
Writer's Block = Struggling to conceive and generate ideas, cannot get the ideas IN (inspiration, doubt, perfectionism, tiredness, often emotional/mental root causes). Doesn't usually affect other areas of your life. Desire to write is there. Tough but not severe. Writer's Burnout = Struggling to connect to writer's heart and give birth to ideas, cannot get the ideas OUT (no energy, no capacity, chronic, physical/emotional/mental root causes). Affects other areas of your life. Desire to write is gone (worst feeling EVER). Existential writer crisis. BLOODY SEVERE.
I'm not sure if that helps, luv? But from my mad ramblings you can see how I view them as completely different entities. I've experienced bouts of writer's block and I've always managed to power through it with the right approach (again, that's different for everyone) because though it was tough, I hadn't lost my writer heart. Burnout is very different. Writer heart is buried under smoking rubble. Nothing tried-and-tested for BLOCK could get me through the BURNOUT -- it's a whole different monster, way more sinister and boss-level bad. It needs a whole different treatment, and in my experience, that recovery and treatment needs to be HOLISTIC.
[...] could you maybe (only if u want!) share your experience & journey out of burnout as you go? I'm so stuck creatively atm and your journey has always inspired me. 😘 MWAH
I'm so sorry you're feeling creatively stuck. That's rubbish on fire, and I feel for you. I hope my words above gave you a little insight into my experience of burnout (in a really abstract way, sorry!). I'd highly recommend Becca Syme's work on burnout, though it's geared specifically towards writers (though artists and other creatives can definitely benefit from her YouTube series on Burnout and 'energy pennies' etc). I tend to sometimes post a few quotes and pieces on burnout, but I can do more of that if it helps other creatives?
Fortunately more and more, burnout is becoming acknowledged for creatives and not just those in the corporate world. Generating creative energy and expending it requires TREMENDOUS energy (usually joyful) at a core level. If that joyful source runs dry, it's time to find the exit wound(s) and see where the heck you've been bleeding out (hence, holistic approach for a usually chronic state) - and that is unique to each individual, even if burnout is a universal condition (paradoxically, it can look/present both similarly and very differently for people, as with most things).
I sincerely hope that you're blocked and not burntout, sweetheart (though if you ARE burntout, there is absolutely a way back from that). Either way, it sucks not to be able to create. Again, I'm not sure if anything I've shared here has helped or answered your question properly. Thanks for your patience in my lengthy response.💜💜 I have deep empathy for those who lose their creative light (not the spark, but the whole damn fire) and hence my tendency to rant on and on...I shall shut up now.
Big love and creative energy coming at you. 🥰 May the root cause of your "stuckness" be removed from you and may inspiration and JOY pave the way back to your creative spirit.💜
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ddyfckr · 6 months
if  i  ever  seem  curt  when  talking  ooc,  i  apologize.
i  have  been  in     &.     out  of  the  fandom  scene     &.     tumblr  for  a  little  over  a  decade.     at  this  point.     i'm  at  an  age  where  i  don't  have  the  energy  for  a  lot  of  these  things  anymore.     i  am...     afraid  of  reaching  out     &.     forming  bonds.     i  have  realized  that  this  is  evidently  my  fault.
i  am  always  eager  to  jump  in  with  a  writer     &.     make  stories,  exchange  plot  lines,  do  rapid  fire  roleplays,  bur  it  always  starts     &.     ends  the  same  way :     we're  both  invested,  we  make  all  these  scenarios,  we  exchange  in  depth  metas,  we  share  videos,  images,  memes  that  remind  each  other  of  our  characters,  we  talk  every  day  for  several  hours  on  end  etc  etc.
but  somewhere  along  the  line,  i  lose  them.     the  other  person's  interest  dwindles  until  i'm  trying  to  light  up  the  spark  in  them  again.     responses  become  less  enthusiastic,  less  detailed,  until  all  i'm  left  with  is  one  word  responses  or  even  just  emoji  reactions.     until  one  day,  i  realize  we  haven't  spoken  in  several  months,  sometimes  close  to  a  year     &.     it's  not  for  a  lack  of  trying  on  my  end.     i  leave  detailed  plots  or  messages.     or  sometimes  just  me  trying  to  check  in.     &.     i  get  crickets,  because  by  that  point,  the  person  has  already  moved  on  to  something  else.
it  sucks.
what  trips  me  out  is  that  this  doesn't  happen  once  or  maybe  twice  from  the  same  fandom.     this  has  happened  in  several  fandoms,  with  several  different  people,  at  different  stages  of  my  life,  playing  with  different  characters.     logically,  if  it  the  same  thing  keeps  happening  to  you  at  several  different  times  of  your  life  with  several  different  people,  that  tells  you  that  you're  the  problem.     but  it's  frustrating  because...     i  never  quite  know  how  to  make  it  better,  how  to  fix  it.
a  recent  incident  has  also  led  me  to  the  conclusion  that,  just  generally  speaking,  i'm  not  really  likable.     the  other  person  was  apparently  looking  forward  to  writing  with  me,  until  they  realized  that  i  was  someone  they  already  knew,     &.     all  of  a  sudden,  i  don't  hear  anything  from  them  anymore.     &.     i'm  not  saying  that  to  get  pity  points  or  anything,  even  in  real  life,  i've  been  told  that  i  can  come  across  really  blunt,  rude  or  selfish.     i've  been  trying  to  adjust  my  behaviors,  because  i  never  mean  ill  intent,  perhaps  my  personality  may  be  off  putting.
but  again,  it  becomes  frustrating  because  i  don't  know  what  exactly  to  do.     what  exact  behaviors  to  adjust.     previous  experiences  has  shown  me,  apparently  i'm  likable  to  a  point.     but...     then  stuff  happens,     &.     suddenly  i'm  not  interesting  anymore,  i'm  boring,  i'm  repetitive.     &.     yet  i  see  other  people  acting  the  same  way  i  do     &.     they  don't  seem  to  have  the  same  issues,  regarding  writing     &.     interacting / roleplaying  with  others.     
i  just  don't  understand.
people  tell  you  it's  natural,  not  everyone  can  talk  about  the  same  thing  for  several  years  on  end     &.     yet,  i  can't  help  but  look  with  envy  to  those  that  have  these  strong  friendships  that  last  years  on  end     &.     they  can  indeed  talk  about  the  same  ships     &.     the  same  plots     &.     everything.
so  i  feel  stuck,  tired     &.     not  really  eager  to  make  new  bonds  because  i  know  it'll  end  up  the  same  way.     i  just  came  out  of  this  very  situation.     i  had  a  roleplay  partner  on  discord     &.     we  spoke  for  about  just  a  little  over  two  years  about  our  ship,  but  then  gradually,  it  started  to  dwindle.     they  stopped  reaching  out,  they  stopped  getting  excited  to  see  me,  they  stopped  checking  up  on  me,  even  when  i  would  still  do  the  same  in  return.     &.     the  crazy  part  is  that,  with  all  these,  i'm  never  blocked,  i'm  never  '  broken  up  with',  these  people  are  theoretically  still  my  friends,  but  whenever  i  try  to  reach  out,  it's  like  i  have  to  reintroduce  myself  all  over  again.     it  hurts  because,  i  may  have  been  easily  forgetful  for  them,  but  for  me ?     i  remember  them,  i  go  back  to  our  messages     &.     i  read  them     &.     i  have  them  ingrained  in  my  head  because  they  are  people  that  i  want  to  talk  with     &.     continue  engaging  with.     but  the  feeling  is  apparently  never  mutual.
so  this  has  led  me  to  where  i  am  now,  where  i  do  want  to  roleplay,  i  DO  want  to  interact,  i  WANT  to  be  happy  to  get  excited  without  the  feeling  of  dread,  but  the  pain  of  potentially  going  thru  the  same  experience  is  too  much  for  my  mental  health,  so  i  just  keep  to  myself.     maybe  i  can  learn  to  hype  MYSELF  up,  to  get  excited  over  my  own  ideas  i  stead  of  seeking  constant  validation.     it  would  be  so  much  easier  for  me  if  i  didn't  care  for  interaction,  because  then  i  could  just  write  all  the  fanfiction  ideas  i  have,  but  have  no  motivation  to  write.     
but  i  do  crave  that  interaction,  so...     i  just  think  it's  best  if  i  keep  everything  to  a  minimum.     thus,  if  you  have  tried  to  reach  out  to  me     &.     i  don't  seem  that  receptive,  please  understand  that  it's  literally  not  you,  it's  me.     i'm  just  trying  to  keep  myself  guarded  for  my  own  mental  health,     &.     i'm  not  as  diligent  as  i  used  to  be  with  messages.     inbox  is  always  open,  starter  calls  are  obviously  open  if  i  post  them  etc.     this  isn't  to  announce  that  i'm  changing  anything,  this  is  more  of  an  explanation  as  to  why  i  am  the  way  i  am.
thank  you  for  reading  xx
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leviathiane · 2 years
for the ask meme!
26. tell us about an experience you’ve had that seemed unreal or supernatural. (doesn’t have to be scary)
ksahbjdsak i dont usually reblog ask memes to actually be asked anything, but thank you lmao
I've had lots of unreal experiences! Not necessarily ever supernatural, bc I don't actually believe in the supernatural myself despite my fascination with it-- but, as someone who suffers from severe insomnia and some other health problems, one of my minor symptoms is auditory and visual hallucinations.
I don't know how other people handle hallucinations. I'll be honest, I don't actually know anybody who deals with them on the semi-regular, or with any experience at all. Shifting shadows, noises that aren't there. I love bugs now, but I didn't used to. I saw them everywhere. I dream about maggots and moths. In the corners of my eyes I often see spiders. What I assume are spiders, at least-- little dark skittering things that flit just out of my eyesight, always clambering over my elbows and down by my foot, on the far wall where the shadow seems to twist, in the flickering air above too-hot metal. I have excellent eyesight. Good night-vision; better than all my family. But I'm far-sighted. I wear glasses when I read, so I can hold the text less than an arms-length away. When I shift and twitch, moving so incrementally, the flash of the glass catches the light. I always think it's a moth. I always turn.
Sometimes there really is a moth. We have a pantry moth issue. Little brown moths who gorge themselves on our rice stores. It's not always a hallucination.
The sounds aren't either. There's lots of sounds at night, you know? Wind in the leaves, june bugs (southern masked chafers, actually, but they'll always be june bugs to me) buzzing at the screen door, an owl in the distance and the coyotes and foxes exploring out of the hills. I live against a creek. I live in an orchard. There's no shortage of sounds. When I'm up late, far past midnight, I sit by the backdoor with my laptop and I listen to them. It's familiar, you know? Soothing. I've lived with those field crickets and sierran tree frogs all my life.
but auditory hallucinations can be a lot of things, you know? Sometimes I hear footsteps. It's just a crunch of leaves outside, if even that. A gust of air I mistake as a breath. No one is out there. No one ever is. I'd know if there was-- my eyesight in the dark is very, very good. My hearing is good. No one is so careful to make it over the wooden fence caging in the fruit trees without my notice. It's loud, and creaking, and my hearing is very good. And my eyes are very good. And there is no reason to fear, ever, because if anything is going to be waiting in the dark, it's going to be me. I can brush it off, you know? Just another noise in the night.
Sometimes I hear voices. Not often. A single call of my name, so loud I flinch. So loud I can't ignore it. I always get up, always look around. Sometimes I know the voice-- my mother, my grandmother, a friend I don't speak to anymore, a cousin I know is asleep in her bed a mountain away. But I get up, because it's so loud. Because it sounds scared. Because it's calling for me, and there will always be something deeply ingrained in me to answer that. No one is ever there. Just another noise in the night, if even that.
It doesn't happen often. It's not real, most of the time. Just a noise. Just a sound, if even that. Just my brain pulling at straws, because it's been three days since I've slept more than two hours. Just an old paranoia that something other than me is out there. That someone needs my help. It doesn't happen often.
But it happens. I can't deny it happens. Does it count as unreal anymore, at that point?
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nightcall99 · 2 months
Notes from 28.2.24
The sound of crickets coming through the walls or behind the fridge and my manager has been spraying bug spray every 3-4 hours to make them stop. We can't reach where they're hiding to spray them properly, so they just keep chirping away. Usually it'd piss me off since I don't need more cause to be over-stimulated but it makes me laugh because I know it's just an alarm bell trying to get my attention.
I made a comment to this lady about my suicidal ideation, like I always do, and she told me off LOL. I don't want to kill myself anymore and I only said it to spark conversation since I like her and we were both using the tills but she got up close to me, lowered her voice and said, You know what, I gotta tell you something. My friend's son just died a few days ago. A sudden heart attack. He was fit, and young. Only 35. And how old are you? I gave her a look. She continued, Yes exactly, so you better make the most of your life while you've still got it. Blah blah blah. Fingers in ears.
Then later, a student muttered under her breath something about another wave of the C flu. I said, Another one? She said, Yeah, on the news. I said, God it's so boring, each time, it's so fucking boring. And tiring. Can't they just admit that it's become naturalised in the environment or however you call it? She agreed with me, said it was just like another cold or flu.
I was thinking on the particulars of how the recall will be presented. I even got stressed, a bit. How do I do this, without having to be in direct contact with it? I was that confused math lady meme. Then I let it go. It will be nothing. This is all a dream. I think I'm going to walk into work one day and see an email about it from head office and that'll be that (since I don't watch the news). They'll just say it's become as mild as the common cold and that there's no point anymore so they're pulling the V off the market. A few bemused conversations will be had, and then the NPCs will forget about it. Then we'll go.
I dunno why but today I woke up feeling really good. Like a fog had been lifted, like something had clicked into place. There is no future for me here and I know it in my bones. There is no future in tomorrow, or even the next minute. We are just here for kicks at this point. I was laughing at the things people were saying in the chat, not out of callousness but because in that moment it struck me so clearly how much we love to play pretend. It's over. There is nothing that could tell me otherwise from what I know deeply. And because I know it so deeply, and there is no one here other than I, everyone else does too. That's what I found so funny. Everyone knows it. There's only I. We just play. I'm glad that we're all just playing and that none of the things we say or do at this point to spell otherwise, is real.
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caatws · 11 months
when it comes to shipping I notice with woc it's less common for people to ship them unless they are in an explicitly canon relationship. It's also pushed much harder for them to be single and have fewer close relationships if it looks like canon will he moving towards them having a relationship. After Endgame I saw a few people ready to write Gamora off because she didn't know Peter anymore. I'm not saying anyone has to ship her but it's definitely noticeable how easily some people gave up on her having any potential after vol 3. It's also not escaping my notice that some people, especially on places like Twitter, were quick to want it denied if she would continue to have even the slightest chance of ever being with Peter again or connected to the guardians.
This is why I was/am annoyed with Gunn's real family nonsense. It plays right into people looking for excuses to say Gamora isn't important. He left the movie in a way where possibilities were there for her to be more involved with the guardians and Peter(whether as friends or something more) and then went online to be saying things that don't line up with the movie. Like the Groot interaction. He said himself the audience can understand him because understanding means you're family. There's no way he forgot Gamora could understand at the end. It was a big deal in the movie when she couldn't and the ending created a small arc with her and Groot where she finally could and they both looked happy.
you're def far from the only one who notices that! fandom already tends to kick most female characters in general to the curb in favor of white m/m ships, but at least some white f characters can usually still be part of m/f ships, but then with woc it's just....crickets on all sides lmao 💀 (and moc have it pretty rough too)
ever since that first iw trailer where the gotg ran over thor in space dropped, it feels like some parts of gotg fandom have just become a battle for maintaining gamora's space in the franchise and fan works. it felt like way more white m/m ships ft peter and (insert any white male avenger here) were suddenly popping up—sometimes even straight up IN st*rmora tags lmao—and just a lot of content abt gotg characters in general just stopped featuring gamora as much, compared to characters like peter or rocket. and then us not getting any canon content actually featuring gamora, 2014!version or not, for 4 years, didn't rly help either. (what if barely counts since they cut the episode explaining why she was even in the position to be part of the guardians of the multiverse in the first place 💀💀💀) like, some viewers even misinterpreted the way 2014!gamora just kinda stops appearing on screen in endgame as her like getting snapped with thanos and the black order and co. (which i can't even blame them for, bc she just. does not get shown leaving onscreen? wlknlknsf it was cut, as part of the taking a knee scene) so it's just been a huge mess all around.
the last thing gamora needed was more reasons for ppl to continue leaving her out of the gotg or replacing her in her relationships. like bestie founded the damn team!!!!! if we can bend over backwards in canon to retcon shit or put random male characters in the same spaces how come we couldn't do it for gamora???? it just feels like gamora's been more and more erased on a lot of fronts—fandom, canon, etc—as the years have passed, which is just so frustrating for the first woc lead in the mcu ugh
you know those memes that are like "i've been listening to this super niche underground indie alternative band you guys have probably never heard of them"? well that is how i unironically feel abt gamora now, like actually lol. gamora has legitimately become my super niche underground indie alternative band that apparently no one's heard of.
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BEFORE THE BEGINNING (dealer’s choice)
from the writing askbox meme thingy!
this one says three sentences but who do you think you're talking to. i thought about this for 30 seconds and then wrote five pages in my journal like a madman before i went to bed last night. normal christmas things.
a scene long preceding the events of the never-quite-done 1880s/90s widojest au <3
There is a man that visits her mother's house.
Not that that's anything strange. There are many men that come to her mother's house, for many reasons. Why wouldn't they? There is their beautiful villa and the beautiful grounds and her beautiful mother, who sings with her heavenly voice at the most incredible parties almost every evening. Women come too, that's how amazing the parties are. Jester knows it. For a fact. She's allowed to attend them twice a month.
No, it's not the man that is strange. It's that he won't take off his top hat.
In the foyer? Top hat. In the front parlor? Top hat. In the smoking room? Top hat. In the ballroom, where people crane their necks to see and push their neighbors aside, and press eagerly shoulder to shoulder? In the corner, frowning, with his top hat. Jester's tried to get it off --- has tried bribing the footman and waxing the floors and standing very, very quietly behind the man and very, very slowly inching her hand up to his brim. And when those things have failed, she has employed her best sneaking skills to try and catch him de-chapeaued. She has lurked in dark corners, and waited. She has stolen one of the dresses with the very low necklines that she is not supposed to touch, and held a mask over her face and perched in the back of the room with all the ladies in that all the men eventually come to, and blush in, and she has waited. She has crept through the thin passageways between the walls, and put her eyes to the cracks in the plaster of the bathroom, and she has waited.
She has waited, and waited. But he has never come. He has never removed his hat.
That is, until luck finds her --- until she is leaning out of a window in one of the lonely, westward facing first floor alcoves, chin in her hands, and there are shadows moving in the warm dark.
She can't see; the only light is from her window, already dim, already half covered by her silhouette cast out wide on the lawn. What to do? Her pulse leaps. She darts down beneath the windowsill, crushing the silk of her dress, and cringes. Come tomorrow she'll be in even more trouble with the Chateau's head laundress than she already is for last Friday's grass stains. But ---
This is when luck comes into it.
The expletive rings out across the empty gardens, and through Jester's window, and to her ears, the too-late-quieted rasp of a woman's voice, deep and callused. Jester slowly places her fingers on the sill; she pulls herself up only just enough for her eyes to peek over it; she gazes out on the sparsely lit lawn.
In the light of her mother's chandeliers leaking out into the cricket-song darkness, there is the man, dusting himself off. Holding his hat in one hand. Checking that his long, twisted hair has not come out of its bun with the other.
Jester gasps.
The sound is too loud. It escapes her mouth and enters the air and echoes, echoes --- and, what is now clear is a woman, looks up. Though her skin is tan her eyes are blue, and they pierce Jester, find her own just perched over the windowsill, from all the way across the lawn. It is all so clear to see, now --- the woman's jaw is just the slightest bit too soft, her lashes the slightest bit too long, her nose small and darling. But she places her hat back upon her head and everything sharpens. She looks not a woman in men's clothes, but a young, strapping man in his finest. The change is subtle, and wondrous, and amazingly natural.
The woman tips the brim of her hat. "Evening," she says, casual and terse, both a courtesy and a threat at once. Then she turns and continues on her way, hurrying across the gardens, wide shoulders disappearing into the night.
Jester lifts herself up from the windowsill to watch the woman's silhouette fade away. It is better than Jester ever could have wished.
Come two more weeks, she will join her mother's festivities, and she will make herself a new friend.
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dreamingpartone · 2 years
Do you have any tips for working on sketches and proportions?
ooh! that's a good and tricky question, anon…. I’m not sure how helpful I can be without a bit more specific direction (especially sketching; there are all sorts of ways to sketch all sorts of things) but I've tried to come up with some general tips! just let me know if you were wondering about anything else in particular!
*usual disclaimer that I’m not an expert and different art strokes work for different folks*
✦ Very basic, but start light and loose with sketching — the first thing you want to get down is just gesture/shapes/positioning, then worry about refining and adding detail afterwards
Purely for personal ease, I often use a light pencil (2H) to start my sketches, and then go over it with a mechanical pencil (B). On the other hand: thicker, softer pencils (like 3B+) are really fun to work with for rougher, more gestural sketches or studies!!
(You can replicate this digitally too, by changing brush size and opacity)
✦ Try working small? I’ve never been great at drawing large-scale, but I also think keeping sketches on the smaller side helps me think about what the most important features to capture are
✦ If we’re talking figures, try sketching things in different orders to find what suits you; obviously a lot of people start with the head (including me 90% of the time), but I also like drawing in the angle for shoulders or blocking in the torso first sometimes, so feel free to experiment!
✦ Probably the most important thing: don’t worry about making mistakes in sketches, and especially don’t worry about how nice they look! Unless you have to or want to share them, sketches are just for you, and they’re not meant to be masterpieces. As long as you get what you need from them (whether that’s jotting down a quick idea for later, getting the base ready for a big piece, or practicing drawing xyz) then that’s their job done!
✦ I'm gonna guess you probably mean the human anatomy kind of proportions? (In which case, I am going to skip over the standard “look at and draw a lot of people” because that is obvious and not-particularly-motivating advice in my experience :’))
✦ Again, make sure to start with simple shapes, and know that it’s okay to use easy references! You're not gonna love working on proportions if you jump immediately to a really complex pose or angle and then get frustrated when you can't get it right
✦ Doing studies is great, but make them suit you. I've never been that diligent about studying anatomy and proportions; I enjoy doing quick pose sketches every now and then, but tbh I mostly took the long road of improving proportions by sketching a crap load of fanart over the years, and therefore using references that I have more of an investment in than just “random man #5 posing”
(e.g. I’m pretty sure just absorbing 45 volumes of Haikyuu gave me a little art boost because Furudate is so good at it  — but it also meant I started using actual volleyball photos for sketches and art references, which was great fun! I have also used cricket, classical sculptures, various tv screencaps, meme-y kpop pics, etc, as studies in the past, because they make me actually want to sit down and draw, which is the important first step!)
(ALSO: taking photos of yourself as a reference is 👌 very quick and useful. I have many random photos of myself posing on my phone)
✦ There are some very general but handy proportion guides that I've absorbed over the years, like: a person’s thumb is about the length of their nose, their foot is about the length of their forearm, when arms are relaxed at the sides elbows reach to the navel and fingertips reach about mid-thigh, from the front nipples are in line with the ears, eyes line up at the edge of nostrils, ears are placed between the top of the eye and bottom of the nose (actually ear placement is super handy for getting head angles to look good), etc etc !
(Obviously though, these aren't accurate for every single real life person and can be broken for interesting character design anyway)
✦ Also the Measuring In Heads trick — a classic and pretty common guide for (standing) proportions, once again not 100% foolproof, but measuring your figure in heads can get you a good basis for overall proportion. The “rule” is that a person is generally 7.5 heads tall, so in my art I usually go between 7-8 heads, with the waist at about 3 heads from the top
(I only bother with/remember those two points, but from a quick google apparently you can also measure where the nipples (2 heads) and pelvis (4 heads) are with this one!)
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absurdthirst · 2 years
I am so exhausted. I keep participating in writing challenges, fic exchanges etc. and only once have I gotten any kind of interaction (me and one other person wrote each other a drabble). Every other time, I've done my part of the exchange and then been ghosted. I've asked to be added to other writers' masterlists of fic recs but most of the time I've gotten no response. I keep seeing people saying that new writers need to build a relationship with other writers first, but how am I supposed to do that when I keep getting ghosted? For example, I answer all comments, reblogs etc, send in asks to other writers for ask memes, reblog their masterlists. And it feels like I get nothing in return.
Then there's the added frustration of seeing people say "well you should only write for yourself, not for validation" only for those same people to complain they only got 100+ notes on their works in addition to however much on AO3. I'm not allowed to be disappointed in getting 0-20 but they are allowed to be disappointed in five times as many?
I even have a friend (who had been asking to read some of my stuff) ignore the 3 different oneshots I sent them. If I can't even get any response from a close irl friend, who specifically asked to read my works, how am I supposed to get anyone else to care?
It feels like people are ok with me being around as long as I just fawn over their work and support their creative process, but the second I bring up having an idea of my own then it's crickets.
Disclaimer: obviously people don't owe me their time, and not everyone enjoys every kind of fic, but I think it's pretty shitty of people to wait for me to do my part of an exchange and then duck out without a word.
Sorry for the rant, I just didn't know where else to go and you always have such good answers.
I completely understand where you are coming from.
While yes, you should be writing for yourself, a lot of times that theory is about what you are writing about. Like if fluff is your thing, write the hell out of it. If you love dark smut, don't be afraid of writing it because others believe that is has no place in the fandom. At least when I tell people to write for themselves, that is the point I'm trying to make. Write what you want to write and not what others want.
Support from others, especially on this hell site, it crucial. And yet, we have people who say that they will unfollow if someone asks people to reblog. It's frustrating and I can definitely see how it would be disheartening.
It's not right for someone not participate in a fic exchange if they went into it willingly. That's just wrong.
If you feel comfortable with it, drop me a link to your master list. ❤️
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sageblogsthings · 3 years
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to celebrate The Crimson Moon reaching 30k as of this morning, i thought that i would share the progression of the opening lines of the book, and talk a bit about how the book has grown and changed in the last year! on july 27th it will be exactly a year since i first started writing this and wow i’m not getting emotional you are aha whaaaat
*cough* anywayyysss!!
draft one: please oh god don't judge me
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ok i'm not going to talk negatively about my past writing because it got me to where i am today but. [marge i am looking away meme] if you can't tell, i wrote this when i was going through the existential crisis phase of uni and just wanted to live in the woods, i say like i would not currently move to the woods in a heartbeat asdklfja
at the time that i wrote this i was really happy with it because the writing was fun and, as a result, easy! at this point i was just writing in my down time from uni, and i didn't know what the plot was or what my plans were for the book as a whole. because this was just something i did in my down time, i think my writing took on more of a conversational, stream-of-consciousness tone, and that's part of what made this draft (or start of a draft, i only got like 12k in i think) so easy to write. but eventually, as the plot started to come together and i started to gain more inspiration from sff writers as a whole, i realized that this book wasn't heading in the direction i wanted it to. it wasn't just something to do in my free time at that point, it had taken on a life of it's own. and thus, draft two began.
draft two: electric boogaloo
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ngl these lines still slap and i love them. there are definitely things i would change, but these lines will be in the current draft of the book, albeit not in the first chapter and altered slightly. when i started this draft, i didn't have an outline but i had a very clear, cinematic image of how i wanted this chapter to go. i think having that before i started writing helped a looooot, both in terms of prose and just being able to convey aspects of the setting/character in the first paragraph. as i continued writing this draft though, i realized that some of the character arcs didn't make sense or were getting a bit messy, and that, based on the story i wanted to tell, it didn't make sense to start with Xalia. while there are six main pov characters in this book, Vanna really is the main character and i wanted that to be clear.
draft three: this time it's personal actually good
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these are the current first lines of the book, and honestly my favorite so far! starting off with Vanna rather than Xalia definitely gives the book a different feel, and it's one that's more true to the vision i have for it. in my opinion, this opening does a much better job of setting up some of the book's themes, which admittedly i'm still figuring out lol. grief and loss are major components of all the character arcs, and are integral to the plot itself. switching to present tense has also been a LIFE CHANGER for me. it's funny because, on the second stab at this book, i kept slipping into present tense, but forcing myself back to past tense because i thought present tense sounded weird. turns out it only sounded weird because it was surrounded by past tense, and now that i've written 3 chapters in present tense i can solidly say that this is the way the book was meant to be written. it just feels like my book now, and i'm so happy with where it's headed!
i also made an outline for this draft of the book, and while i've already deviated from it somewhat to work out plot holes or increase ~foreshadowing~ in certain scenes, getting all of the events out of my head and onto paper has really allowed me to just write because i know that i have a document to refer back to if i get stuck on where the story is headed. making the outline also really pushed me to think about character backstories, most of which i had previously established, but now they've changed a lot to fit together more cohesively and integrate with the plot more clearly. i've also changed a lot of the character designs, and as a result of changing the appearances and backstories of a lot of the characters, i feel a lot closer to them and the story itself. the characters have well and truly taken on a life of their own, and now i'm kind of just along for the ride, telling their stories and loving every second of it!
ALSO!! the last big change with this draft, which i just implemented literally this morning and am so so sooooo excited about, is having first person referral, present tense mini-chapters/interludes! it gives the book a really unique sound and ties into the plot really nicely i think! i feel like the structure and form of the story are finally tying into the story itself and it's driving me insane a little bit askdfjka
as of right now i'm not ready to reveal who the pov and referral characters are in these chapters, because i'm debating between a couple ways of doing things and if i go one way that would end up being a pretty big spoiler! that being said, i got really hyped up about it earlier today and rambled in the spoilers section of my server so if you do want that sweet sweet spoilers content....join my server! ;)
also. i hope u all know that i almost deleted that first snippet about ten different times but transparency in writing and all that, i really do want to show how much this book has grown and changed! even if it's going to cause me immense psychic damage to type up the image description for this but i digress
i think that's all for now, and thank you so so much if you read all of that! the love and support this project has received and continues to receive absolutely blow me away, and i can't thank you enough for being part of the journey! <3
the crimson moon taglist (ask to be +/-)
@dallonswords | @isherwoodj | @florraisons | @aetherwrites | @childhoodlovers | @bijouxs | @ziyin | @moonhungers | @piyawrites | @avi-why | @svpphicwrites | @alicewestwater | @ladywithalamp | @spencers-tomes | @discreet-writer | @sunwornpages | @abalonetea | @the-bard-writes | @x-writes | @morganwriteblr​ ​| @aphaimaniis | @stephwriteswords | @ninazeniks ​| @araliensmagica | @fuyugomori | @ryns-ramblings | @greyjaywrites | @marimos
image descriptions below the cut
[header image description]
the background is a dark castle with a checkerboard-patterned marble floor. the hallway fades into black, with the hint of a figure standing in the doorway. white text across the image reads "The Crimson Moon" in a large, all-caps font, and below that reads "wip update post" in thin, lowercase text.
[image description for excerpt one]
I lay on my back, gazing up at the sky. The weather was absolutely perfect. I could hear the crickets singing, the birds chirping, the brook babbling, all that good poetic shit.
I came out here often, just to get away and pretend like I wasn't a part of the fuck-all society I lived in. How could humans be so ignorant? We live in a world with this, I gestured expansively in my mind at the field around me, how can we not see how beautiful it is? How perfect it is? How imperfect we are by comparison?
[image description for excerpt two]
Xalia strode down the marble halls, the soft leather of her shoes meeting each tile with a cacophony of echoes. This was not the first, second, hundredth time that she had walked these passageways, and yet the chill she felt when contained within their depths never seemed to subside. The looming corridors and billowing curtains always seemed to hide sinister whispers that breathed down her neck and pricked at the tips of her ears. Perhaps it was the High Council, with their unnerving masks and owlish eyes, seeming to know and perceive all — or perhaps it was the knowledge that every time she stalked back towards the exit, she would carry the weight of another’s life on her shoulders, a life that she had to take.
[image description for excerpt three]
Vanna’s mother always tells them that grief is a sharp, biting thing; something that latches its teeth around your stomach until you double over with the weight of it. But for Vanna, that’s not quite right. There isn’t something hidden and tucked away behind the confines of their gut because there isn’t anything there at all. As they walk towards the town well — a spell book in one hand and emptiness in the other — they think that their mother got it wrong trying to describe grief in terms of presence. Grief, to them, can only be absence. The absence of light, the absence of a smile, and the absence of a palm which had curled so perfectly into theirs.
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I posted 12,150 times in 2021
90 posts created (1%)
12060 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 134.0 posts.
I added 19,335 tags in 2021
#dream smp - 5139 posts
#mcyt - 3087 posts
#tommyinnit - 2075 posts
#tubbo - 1825 posts
#ranboo - 1682 posts
#the owl house - 1665 posts
#wilbur soot - 1148 posts
#toh fanart - 964 posts
#tubbo fanart - 892 posts
#tommyinnit fanart - 858 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#it gives me vibes of a mc who's like an aspiring musician and about to leave high scool/entering college and it's also a coming of age movie
My Top Posts in 2021
Kinda a continuation to the previous Pixie Hollow AU post but more winter domestic fluff this time :D
On a more comedic note Tommy being an animal fairy means he can train animals to perform harmonies and songs.
So naturally he teaches birds and crickets how to do the Able Sisters Theme.
For a few weeks after that people can just know when Tommy is coming because there’s a chorus of the Able Sisters slowly getting louder the closer he gets to you. There’s just a bunch of bugs and birds following him making the appropriate beats and notes. He always rewards them with treats afterwards.
However, unbeknownst to Tommy, Ranboo is pretty good with animals himself and has successfully taught his choir the Fallen Down tune.
Tommy finds out and is all like “YOU'RE NOT EVEN AN ANIMAL FAIRY????”.
And Ranboo being specifically a winter animal fairy is just like “You sure about that??”
Tommy has never heard of winter animal fairies. He didn’t think there were subclasses for the winter fairies.
And Ranboo’s all like  "....WHAT DO YOU THINK WE DO ALL DAY??? MAKE SNOWANGELS???"
This then leads to Ranboo frosting up Tommy’s wings and giving him a tour of the Winter Woods so he can find out what they do. Wilbur is forced by Tommy to come along. (I promise I have more Wilbur thoughts, but I want to put those in another post or so)
In a previous post I had said Techno wrapped up his wings and dipped to go live in the Winter Woods? Yeah Ranboo takes Tommy and Wilbur over to Phil and Techno’s house.
And Tommy and Wilbur were pretty close to Techno before he dipped and when he left they didn’t really know where he went so they had assumed he had either left Pixie Hollow or was dead.
So we get them stumbling upon Techno and it’s basically the Spiderman meme. And Tommy’s essentially like “YOU GARDEN BITCH I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD I FUCKING MISSED YOU FUCK YOU”.
And then we get tackle hug and Bedrock Bros interactions :D
Tommy had seen some winter fairies doing snowball fights and of course that’s the activity he’s most interested in, so he wants to do one of those with Ranboo, Techno, Wilbur and Phil.
AND SO YOU HAVE SNOWBALL FIGHT. Techno appears to be uninterested until Tommy throws a snowball at him and Tommy's just like "Yeah, what are you gonna now now huh bitch? Yeah you motherfucker can't even throw straight for shit". 
And Techno just chucks snowball after snowball with pinpoint accuracy until Tommy concedes that the great Technoblade is indeed the best at snowball fights.
The whole Theseus speech? Well that’s now for the snowball fight. NOTHING CAN STOP MY FLUFF.
Just for the comedic timing of Ranboo, Phil or Wilbur chucking a snowball at Techno's head during his speech.
Ranboo’s probably like “ WE GET IT YOU’RE MONOLOUGING NOW FIGHT”
And it all devolves into snowball filled chaos. They head into Techno’s house afterwards to warm up. Ranboo heads inside as well but doesn’t stay near the fire because he’s a winter fairy; he can survive the cold and he doesn’t want his wings to melt.
They all just hang around and catch up and swap stories. Domestic fluff all around babey!
Because I am a sucker for the whole “Techno braids people’s hair to show he trusts them” headcanon, I’m throwing in the fact that while they’re inside hanging and all Techno probably does a braid for both Ranboo and Tommy.
After Tommy heads back over to the warmer area, the next day he gives Ranboo an allium and is basically downplaying how much he enjoyed spending time with him and his gratitude towards him for (although accidentally) reuniting him and Wilbur with Techno.
The most he tells him is that “He’s not so bad of a dude after all”
Ranboo absolutely takes that in stride and ends up frosting the flower to preserve it and keep it alive.
Tubbo probably notices the new braid in Tommy’s hair and is curious about it. Leading to a very hurried Tommy ramble and rant.
Also for bonus fluff we have some of the more regular animals Tommy works with just playing with the braid when he’s particularly more still in movement. Like a bird just pecking gently at the braid and probably holding it in its beak.
81 notes • Posted 2021-04-17 03:00:50 GMT
I like imagining that the tollbooth nonsense was either 
A. Tubbo and Fundy putting on different costumes really quickly (and then Tubbo got stuck in the No Wifi Dinosaur costume for some reason). Both he and Fundy just happened to have a Ranboo costume on them. 
B. Rapid fire shapeshifting and in the end Tubbo got stuck in the random dinosaur form.
87 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 20:08:54 GMT
My humble offerings to the Dream SMP Citizens meme trend
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See the full post
94 notes • Posted 2021-05-26 15:16:04 GMT
I saw the new George drawing by Butch Hartman and immediately rushed to make a shitty meme
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130 notes • Posted 2021-09-02 00:12:21 GMT
Okay, but I’d like to think within the Hybrid SMP (that’s what I’m calling it) if we did it within a world or story context
I’d like to think Niki managed to move herself from the deep ocean after finding different ways of trying to get around the fact that she can’t stay on land for too long. Sometimes she found rivers, on some days the rain would come down and she’d just manage to prepare herself some water buckets just in case it would stop suddenly. The rain gave her borrowed time to be on the surface longer, before she eventually settled down for a while at the lake.
I’d like to think Jack as a Nether hybrid spent a long time there (years? months? who knew). He saw unlit portals and traces of Overworld travelers within his realm, and became insanely curious as to how to get out. Enter Tommy getting him out with the flint and steel (completely unplanned with how I’m rolling with it but hero’s complex says to save the trapped hybrid). Jack gets to go to the lake, he and Niki get to talk and know each other. Both are amazed at the differences between them, and it isn’t until water accidentally catches on Jack that they’re made aware that it hurts him. I’d like to think that they swap stories about where they’re from. Niki talks about the deep ocean and its monuments and all the animals down there. There’s coral reefs and sunken ships and a whole lot of other stuff. Jack is intrigued, yet knows he can’t go down there. Jack gives his own stories of the Nether and its different biomes and of the fortresses there. There’s glowstone lighting some areas and lava everywhere so the place is never dark. Niki is fascinated by his own tales, yet also knows that she can’t ever visit.  I’d like to think they both imagine and take in whatever details the other tells them of their worlds, and they both reflect on the potential beauty over each side. They both know the chance of them ever seeing each other’s homeworlds are unlikely, but they still like to picture these different places. Edit: Removed the Or/gin SMP tag in respect for the pre-exisiting one.
235 notes • Posted 2021-02-12 00:09:20 GMT
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “15 Minutes of Fame“
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Jaydeep Hasrajani, Leticia Abreu Silva
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
The return of artsy Bubbles! Unfortunately.
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The episode starts with a field trip to the Natural History Museum. Just the Natural History Museum; Townsville apparently didn’t want its name on it. The big star attraction is a Sabretoothed Cat from the Ice Age, frozen in a giant ice cube. That is the proper term for the various kinds of Felidae that the sabretoothed tiger is a part of, but there’s a reason why they’re calling it a cat. Here's a hint: internet.
The tour guide is having a laugh by doing intentionally unfunny puns. We know this because they do a comedy drumroll every time she says them. It would be hard to tell otherwise. At first, it appears that the jokes are getting through to the kids, but they’re really not paying attention at all. They’re laughing at the latest viral video: two flying bug eyed freaks knocking each other over with a sneeze at the same time. Here it is in its entirety:
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The concept of viral videos has existed since before YouTube, and don't appear to be disappearing anytime soon. The concept of people watching cute animals or little kids doing silly things has stood the test of time, too. I have no problem with cartoons referencing the internet, and I have no problem with this in particular. It's just a cutesy video.
Of course, the kids think it's the best video ever. Blossom tells the kids to thank Bubbles, as she's the one who caught it on her cellphone. They sure are setting high standards for the kids they're trying to inspire. "See, Bubbles was able to make a really popular mobile phone game and a successful viral video enjoyed by hundreds of thousands! If you can't do that on your first try, than you're not as good as Bubbles! Sorry!"
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Indeed, her suscibers subscribers have reached the hundreds of thousands, even beating a not-so-subtle parody of Grumpy Cat. So funny the first time. They put so much effort into that parody, they couldn't even be bothered to look up how to spell "crotchety". This gives Bubbles a fantasy sequence where she’s riding in a car with "Crotchetty Cat", getting praise from leprechauns, fairies, and tanned muscle men. Just take my word for it.
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Thanks to her newfound fame, Bubbles turns into a viral video auteur with her head in the clouds and her usual childish naivety in the trash. That's common in the reboot, but usually she just turns into Patrick Star. This time, she's Angelica from Rugrats, bossing around and just being a general jerk. I can't tell which one is worse.
Completely missing the point of the first one, Bubbles tries to create a sequel to her first viral video. While the original was just something she caught on video, this time she has giant scripts. Blossom reminds her that the first video was shot for fun, but Bubbles isn't having any of that.
During a class on the sabretoothed cat, because the tour apparently wasn’t good enough for the viewers, Bubbles barges in late to show off the sequel to her first big hit. Ms. Keane decides to let her viral video play, disrupting the class.
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This episode has even more bashing of high art, as the new video is a parody of art films. It's incomprehensible, dull, grey, and definitely not made by the Bubbles we know. I can see where they're going here; it's a definite contrast between the first video made for fun, and the second video made for popularity.
Needless to say, the big fans of the original weren't too pleased by the new one. Oh, and the students didn't like Same Sister Sister Sneeze 2. We get the cliched cricket sounds, which they decide to expand upon.
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First, the crickets start talking. It is possible that this is from Bubbles’ perspective, and they decided to do the Wild Thornberrys technique, but it’s just more likely that they didn’t want to be subtle. The other twist is that they found it so horrible, that they jump out of the window to what they hope is their death.
Ms. Keane tries to find something good to say, but she can't say anything. Instead, she jumps out of the window, too. Bubbles' classmates follow with her, complete with glass crashing sounds. This is all played for laughs, but I don't see the joke. A bunch of people seemed to die off screen, and the show doesn't seem to care.
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Neither does Bubbles. Her real care is that her subscriber count dropped to a measly -100. The only people who seemed to like it are people who still think that "what are those" meme is relevant. I'll give this episode one compliment: the already out of date meme references are at least hidden in the background this time.
Bubbles blames her sisters' poor acting for her falling subscriber count. Blossom tries to convince her to make videos for fun again, but Bubbles isn't having any of that. She then bursts through the wall and starts screaming about how everyone is terrible except for her. At least she didn't need a super-cast that time.
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Just in case this didn't convey that Bubbles is being out of line, she makes this face. What's worse is that it’s another two-frame animation in the same style as that infamous scene from Sister Sitter. Remember kids, if it didn't work the last five times, try, try again.
Bubbles decides the best course of action to get her fame back is to free the Sabretoothed Cat with her eye lasers. Why? Because it would be an epic cat video! There should have been a continuation of that drum fill gag, but they felt this joke was actually funny.
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Needless to say, it doesn’t turn out well. Like the building-full-of-people lifting superhero that she is, Bubbles flies away from the giant monster, fearing for her life. He’s technically an endangered species, and he’s a big star attraction for the museum. They have so many excuses for this scene to not end with a gap-toothed Sabretooth, but they don't go with any of them. The rest of the reboot seems to indicate that they just can’t knock down a giant monster if it’s not plot convenient, so I'll assume it's that.
Blossom and Buttercup find Bubbles, and immediately call her out. Bubbles keeps insisting that she's making art until Buttercup snatches her phone and throws it across the city. They then get knocked out by the Sabretoothed Cat, because of course they do. They were caught off guard, but they don't even attempt to fight the cat. I guess they just assume it'll end with Monster Punch, Girls Down just like I would.
Bubbles eventually snaps out of it, mostly because the tiger ruined the carpet factory and said to have done something terrible to the sandbox. Not the only poop joke in the episode, sadly. Blossom has a different plan: knock out the Sabretooth Cat with their super strength, Blossom uses her ice breath to freeze him back into an ice cube, Bubbles gets punished for endangering the town, and Blossom and Buttercup have ice cream. Well, one of those things happen.
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Bubbles makes a mouse aura, complete with a top hat and a diaper. I'm guessing that was Buttercup's idea. She tries to lure the Sabretooth Cat just by existing, but he's not budging. While eating ice cream with Blossom, filming this on her phone, Buttercup makes a suggestion.
Buttercup: Shake it a little!
No. No, no. Please no. For the love of McCracken, no!
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Phew, she’s just doing a tail whip like a cutesy little Pokemon. I was getting worried about the show doing its third crime against humanity, and that is not a worry I should have. Just like how I shouldn’t worry about Bubbles outright shouting that she had an “accident”.
(The sabretoothed cat bites off Bubbles' aura diaper.)
Bubbles: I’m glad I wore this diaper...for two reasons!
I told ya! The sabretooth cat chases the giant blue mouse aura up a tree...
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...where it gets stuck! Because he’s a cat! Badum tsh! After that, the problem gets solved by the Powerpuff Girls calling the regular townspeople to put him in a giant pet carrier. The Powerpuff Girls can't possibly do it themselves with their buildings-full-of-people lifting strength. The big twist is the Buttercup has been recording his on her cell phone the entire time and made a viral video of her own!
One would think she would be embarassed as a punishment for her actions, but not really. The episode ends with Bubbles learning that a star like her should be in front of the camera. I guess they were trying to subvert our expectations, but it doesn't give a lot of closure to the episode. If this was a "oh, there she goes again" ending, I could understand, but they just suddenly end with that. Just like I will.
Does the title work?
“15 minutes of fame” is a general idiom, and it does fit Bubbles’ position as a once popular video maker.
How does it stack up?
Despite what I feared, this episode doesn't put meme references front and center. Instead, we get intentionally unfunny jokes, really unfunny jokes, weird jokes, poop jokes, and a Bubbles that is just unlikable. The latter is intentional, sure, but this episode doesn't have much else going for it. I will say this barely makes this rating, but that's not much of an honor.
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Next week, it’s not a Lidsville reference. Hopefully.
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