#i hope she knows ilove her
colnerys · 2 years
i have some really random pieces of headcanons that i’m just gonna throw into one post right now because they’re kinda important to me but also they’re not the most fully formed ideas / will need to be elaborated on
kira’s imagination isn’t underdeveloped. it’s easy for her to say that because in the federation world, her imagination seems almost ... unorthodox. which is kind of ironic, if you ask me. escapism, hoping, dream, dissociating etc etc is a very common coping strategies for people living under circumstances like her’s. kira does actually have a very active imagination but she’s sensitive and protective about her personal stuff, especially her bajoran cultural things that outsiders simply will not get — she doesn’t share it. perhaps, sometimes she even feels ashamed especially if she’s a child of the occupation in which resistance fighters would most likely laugh at her for being naive and soft at first. so she’s forced to shove it down with a buttload of shame. 
nerys, i don’t believe is actually bad at dancing. maybe not a lot of earth style dances like waltzes, ballroom, etc but she’s a quick study! i genuinely believe she played it down to make odo feel more comfortable because that’s who she is — she knows how hard it is to come out of your shell and try something new nevertheless share it, so she let odo have their moment of confidence. nerys actually, is pretty good at dancing she just needs to get Into It. 
in some senses, she sees nog and jake like her little brothers. not exactly like ‘oh he’s my little brother’ but similar to it. in some ways, nerys felt like she grew up with them : her, growing away from the kira nerys she knew as the resistance fighter and into her own person; nog and jake, has their own coming of age. this is why despite them absolutely annoying the hell out of her sometimes, she holds them very near and dear — and in some ways, it makes her feel like she gets to have a second chance of being a big sister in some ways. but also not because you don’t need to label everyone’s role / relationship to one another in a found family.
kira’s “Artistic” talents doesn’t come in painting, sculpting, drawing, writing — it comes in the form of music. she’s much more musically inclined and a lot of those innate musical talents came very useful during her time in the resistance. she would have what humans would call perfect/absolute pitch, which comes in handy in terms of identifying engine, warp core, thruster, etc etc sounds. her innate sense of rhythm helps her pick up different types of martial arts. anyways, this will definitely be a bigger hc post. 
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Having Nonbinary Sapphic Tuvok Brainrot Lately…
You're the realest motherfucker on planet Earth and I hope you know that.
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Here's a bunch of bullshit I doodled on the topic of Nonbinary Sapphic Tuvok !!!! And I HOPE you will share YOUR personal brainrot with the class (my ask box, the masses, a text post....whatever gets the word out.) If you've been paying attention you KNOW I love a 'Tuvok discovers he's trans while in the delta quadrant' story Guy who likes girls and has always liked girls...but....not in the same way OTHER guys seem to like girls... Tuvok who never quite fit in with 'other' men even Vulcan men...always preferred spending time with women and girls but never felt precisely LIKE a woman or OVERLY uncomfortable with being identified as a man and Vulcan society doesn't seem like it would be heavily gendered so he never really questioned it seriously. Tuvok who found comfort in titles like Husband and Father...those fit, those are good. Then in the delta quadrant he isn't able to be a husband or a father any more and is just some guy surrounded by humans...hmmmmmm....
Still doesn't really seriously think it's worth questioning or exploring his gender identity (partially out of a desire to return home as he left...what will his wife and children think? He's experienced a LOT of sudden change in regards to his personal identity and life, he doesn't really want to undergo more.) until Seven of Nine comes along and also begins to go through a "Questioning Her Gender" arc. Tuvok thinks about it on his own time for a long time and then finally goes to Janeway for support and assistance and together they spend like SEVERAL months just the two of them seeing what this whole gender thing's about. Tuvok slowly exploring expressing himself in a more feminine manner because he's spent his whole life adhering rigidly to one sort of Look. Unexpectedly struggles with anxiety about this. Neelix: Don't be nervous Ms. Vulcan! Tuvok: [nervous] I am not nervous. Tuvok and Seven BOTH exploring masculinity/femininity and their own nonbinary gender identities...late night slumber par- experimentation. Painting each others nails is...very scientific. It's important. Talking with Janeway was good because she's his friend but talking with Seven, another person actively questioning their gender is....well, it's something else.
#Tom: Tuvok?#Tuvok: [towering over him in Seven's heels] Yes Mr. Paris?#Tom: I'm gonna kill you.#anon I hope you know I was in the middle of a completely different drawing and IMMEDIATELY stopped it to answer this#some people wait literally weeks for me to re ply to their things but sapphic nonbinary tuvok??? he gets top billing#Tuvok is SO gender he's EVERY gender and Ilove him for it#Tuvok is a trans man a trans woman nonbinary genderfluid a secret thing etc etc etc infinitely#T'Pel finally sees Tuvok again says 'you've changed' and he stiffens and goes 'yes...'#then she extends her hand out towards him and they kiss. 'yet this remains the same' she says/assures him#st voyager#Q&A#trans Tuvok#your commanding officer shows up out of nowhere one day with a beautiful bust and no comment on said bust wdyd#love thinking about nonbinary tuvok...not only nonbinary but also an alien who doesn't have the same concepts/ingrained markers of gender#Also sorry let's make this about something SO specific to me for a second but one of my personal little fantasies is#trans femme Tuvok/Neelix and man...I don't...even know if I can really explain it#something about Neelix makes me think he'd be like 'That's no way to speak around a lady!!' (scolding The Boyztm) and Tuvok would sigh#or whatever but internally she'd be charmed....she be faking like she don't have a crush but she does....she likeshiiim....#SORRY. AS IF IT'S MY FAULT?????#anyway....I hope this was.........any thing. I hope this was literally ANYTHING.#anon#bee doodles#oh another is trans femme Tuvok x Janeway but that's mostly onesided angst on Janeway's part (delicious)
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flem17ng · 5 months
Pretty girl: KCC x reader
keep on pretending, pretty girl
note: here it is! I may have made myself cry writing this
summary: Kyra is straight. She has liked boys since she was little. She had boyfriends all through high school. She is straight. At least she thought she was... but then she met you.
warnings: internalized homophobia kinda, Kyra being a cutie, angst (Sorry), the effects of the lesbian master dock, happy ending (Because i Ilove ya'll)
word count: 4.8k
"Kyra!" you yelled from across the dance floor, "come dance with me!" She hesitated for a second before moving towards you. It wasn't normal for her to think twice about dancing with her best friend but recently she had been getting weird feelings every time she saw you, or was near you... especially when she was near you.
The club was crowded with sweaty couples, all twirling together in time to the pounding music. Kyra finally reached you and you danced. some mindless pop ballad that neither of you knew the words to. You watched her dance, one hand in the air, grinning like a maniac and giggling. She was absolutely gorgeous like always.
"how much have you had to drink ky?" you asked with a smirk as she moved closer to you.
"huh? nothinggg" she slurred, proving her point moot. You knew she was drunk, she only got touchy when she was drunk and now she had a hand on your waist was was slowly dancing into your personal space. Maybe if you were smart you would confront her about this, but you weren't. On the contrary, you were utterly and completely in love with her. So instead you pushed her off you gently, grabbed her hand, and subtly started pulling her towards the door. You weren't smart but you were wise enough not to let her get ahead of herself. Your best friend was straight, you knew you had no chance, it would be torture to let yourself pretend while she was like this.
"come on ky ky, let's get you home" You opened the club door for her and let her walk onto the street.
"it's so pretty tonight!" she exclaimed, looking up at the Sydney city lights before turning to you, "you are so pretty tonight" she giggled. You tried to ignore the way your heart stuttered at her words and her drunken smirk. It helped to remember that she didn't mean it. Kyra walked towards you with a cheeky grin, placing her hands on your shoulders.
"you are the prettiest girl in the world! you know that right" she laughed. you just frowed and looked at the ground.
"come on. You're drunk. I'll get you an Uber." You took out your phone and started typing when you felt her lean forward and press a quick kiss to your cheek. You wished it was easier to fall out of love with someone, but it wasn't. Especially when that someone was Kyra. Kyra with her perfect teeth, her tanned skin, and her warm eyes. Kyra who sent you 'good morning texts' and knew your coffee order off by heart. Kyra was standing on a street in Sydney on a Saturday night with the prettiest smile. Kyra who was straight.
When the Uber finally arrived Kyra pouted. "I don't wanna leave you," she whined and you smiled at her before paying the Uber driver and giving her a quick hug.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Text me when you get home ok?" She nodded and gave you a drunken wave before getting into the car and driving off.
Kyra woke up with a headache and three text messages.
Y/N: Get home safe?
Y/N: hey ky. I dropped some painkillers at your door! I hope the hangover isn't too bad :)
tinder: you matched with Tom G! Message him to get a conversation started.
Kyra groaned. The odd feeling in her chest was back. It was like a flipping fluttering feeling that seemed to appear only with you. It would be a pleasant feeling if it wasn't mixed with the plummeting sensation of dread, confusion, and (weirdly) guilt. She clicked on the notification from Tinder first. The guy wasn't bad-looking, he had similar hobbies. But as Kyra looked through his photos again, she couldn't help but think he looked a little bit like her best friend... she closed her phone. She didn't have training that day so there was no reason she would have to bump into you. It wasn't that she didn't want to spend time you you! But she knew she got ahead of herself when she was drunk. She says things she shouldn't, and she gets touchy. She knows this because she does it on purpose: always acting more drunk than she is, leaning into you, batting her eyelids, and knowing she'll get away with it. She knows you won't call her up on it.
Maybe she would meet up with that Tom guy anyway. Why the hell not? She was young and single, and straight and so was this guy. She was sure of all those things! So why did she feel so horrible when she opened up her phone again, ignoring your texts and tapping on the Tinder app?
Kyra: Hey x
Tom G: Hi :)
"Y/n you can't just let her do this to you" Ellie groaned as she took another large gulp of her coffee. It had been a few weeks since the club with Kyra and ever since, she had been cold and distant, making up lame excuses about seeing some new guy. It was a cycle that was familiar at this point: Kyra was your best friend, you were her pretty girl, she gets drunk, she flirts, she gets cold, hooks up with a few guys, and then comes back to gossip about it. Unfortunately, Ellie had been there to see it all.
"Look I know! but I just can't help it ok! When she wants me I..."
Ellie's expression softened with understanding. As much as she wished she could snap you out of it and point you in the direction of literally any other woman, she knew it would never work.
"you know my opinion on this. Drunk words are sober thoughts and all that." she shot you a sad smile.
"Yes well. her sober thoughts right now are all about some guy called Tom." you rolled your eyes. Stupid Tom and his stupid XY chromosomes. You chewed your muffin with an aggressive frown. Ellie shook her head letting you finish your bite so you could continue.
"And besides. Yes! maybe she is gay. but she certainly doesn't know that does she. What's the point Ellie?" you sighed. "she only wants me when she's drunk. in the morning it's like nothing happened"
"Look I don't know what you want me to say! You need to get your mind off her. Go hook up with someone" Ellie rolled her eyes. She was terribly supportive but there was only so much delusion she could take in one morning.
"See I would... but she's asked me to come round for a movie tonight" Ellie just groaned. You could never pull yourself away from Kyra, no matter how much you tried. It wasn't like you did try though. you drank the rest of your coffee, feeling suddenly like a bum on a bar stool.
"You're too young to look so hopeless! You're attractive, and queer in Sydney for god's sake!" She laughed, giving you a playful slap on the arm. You knew she was right even if you would never tell her she was. Your phone buzzed.
Ky 🤍: can't wait to see you! I have to tell you about Tom ;)
"Jesus Christ I'm pathetic" You covered your face with your hands dramatically.
"Correct! Now finish your muffin so we can pay and leave please."
Kyra rushed forward into a hug when you arrived at her door a few hours later. She was dressed in a loose pajama top and shorts and her hair was in a messy bun with strands out to frame her face. You wished you could greet her with a kiss, or run your hands through her hair... Instead, you returned the hug, handed over the bag containing ice cream and snacks, and walked into the apartment like a friend would.
"I missed you!" Kyra shouted from the kitchen as she put the icecream in the freazer, "I feel like i havnt seen you in forever"
You swallowed back a remark about kyra ignoring you for days and choosing some guy over you and instead followed her into the kitchen with a grin.
"I missed you too Ky! How have you been?" you knew better than to bring up your last outing to the club. She would brush it off with a joke or get cold like she always did.
"Well... Tom took me Bowling the other day! It was so romantic" She giggled, grabbing her phone to show you a picture of the two of them at the bowling lane. You swallowed hard and nodded supportively.
The night wore on relatively the same: you talked and laughed and gossiped about your friends. Kyra was only about 2 wine glasses in when she started feeling weird again. Maybe it was the way your hair was sitting or the way the light was hitting your face... Either way, she needed to be close to you. On the couch she cuddled up to you, resting her head on your chest while some movie played on mute in the background. When she closed her eyes and listened she could hear your heartbeat under her head, slow and steady. The movie, a rom-com, must have been coming to an end as the two characters finally got together in a scene that might have been heartwarming if either of you had been playing attention to the plot.
"Y/n?" Kyra asked suddenly.
"hmm?" You had let yourself relax a little into the sofa as the night wore on and now rested a hand on top of her head gently.
"I dont want Tom to be my boyfriend" she whispered, so quiet you almost didnt catch it.
"I thought he was romantic? and smart and handsom?" you asked, looked down to were kyra lay with her eyes squeezed shut on your chest.
"I don't know i..." Kyra opened her eyes and looked up, your faces suddenly very close together. "I don't want him to be close to me like you are" She admitted, her voice sounding vulnerable.
"He woldnt be! It would be different. He would kiss you and all that." you responded confused. Kyra had had boyfriends before, she knew what that relationship entailed.
"But I want to do that stuff with you!" She smiled moving her face even closer so your noses brushed. You felt your heart drop. You had hoped the evening wouldn't take this direction mostly because you wanted to save yourself the pain.
"Kyra..." you breathed. You knew this is when you should pull away, push her off you, and tell her to sort herself out. Instead, you just squeezed your eyes closed in hopes that she could sober up and stop playing with your feelings. "You know it hurts me when you do this Ky..."
"I don't want to hurt you" She whispered and you could hear the cheeky smirk on her lips. You could feel her wine breath on your own mouth. God why was it so hard. You opened your eyes, only to find her still close enough to touch. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were flushed from the alcohol. She was looking at your lips and you knew the kiss was coming before she even leaned in.
It was sloppy and one-sided. You refused to kiss her back despite how much you wanted to, despite the way your heart raced at the feel of her warm lips on yours. She tried to deepen it when you placed a hand on her shoulder and pushed her away softly.
"Enough. Time for bed"
"But you taste so good" Kyra giggled with a pout pulling on her rosey cheeks. You swallowed and shook your head. You had let it go too far, you needed to stop, you needed to leave before you did something stupid like let her kiss you again.
"Tom wouldn't mind me kissing you silly" She laughed finally rolling to the other side of the couch to let you stand up. You felt your eyes sting a little. You wouldn't cry in front of her, you wouldn't let yourself be comforted by her.
"I don't want you to kiss me Ky. Just go to bed now" You didn't wait to see her pout at you because you knew your resolve wouldn't last if you did. Instead, you turned on your heel, grabbed your bag, and headed out of the apartment.
Ky 🤍: Oh man I drank way more than I thought last night! I can't remember anything from after we turned on the movie lol
You rolled your eyes when you saw the notification. At this point, you could predict the fallout of every possible flirty Kyra situation based on her first text of the day. She wasn't a lightweight, she knew how to hold her liquor so the part about not remembering anything was nothing short of a blatant lie and you knew it. Maybe a year ago, hell maybe even a month ago, you would have let her get away with her bullshit, but not now. Yes, you loved her but you loved her when she was just being herself, not some character she pretended to be. Maybe that's what made it so painful: not because of what she did when she was drunk but because deep down you knew that she knew exactly what she was doing while she was doing it. She knew what she was doing when she kissed you, she knew what she was doing when she told you she wanted to be with you...
You needed space, no matter how much it hurt. So you ignored her text. And her call that came later. And her offer to get coffee the next day.
Ky 🤍: I miss you pretty girl ;)
That notification was soon replaced with:
Ky 🤍 Deleted one (1) message
A few days latter and kyra stopped trying to call. Part of you was thankful... But most of you just wanted to cry. It was self preservation mostly and Ellie agreed it was the right thing to do. But you couldnt help but feel you would loose your best friend if carried on ghosting her.
10:30 am
Ky 🤍: Tom asked me to be his girlfriend btw.
That was when you really did cry: Hot heavy tears that seemed like they would never end. The tears brought with them a horrible emptiness and you mourned not only your friendship but that delusional part of yourself that still believed that one day Kyra would realize you were there for her all along.
11:00 am
Y/n: Thats great Kyra! sorry I've been off grid for a while :)
You hated yourself as soon as you pressed send. But it was Kyra, and no matter how bad it hurt you were there for her. It wasn't her fault you had a silly crush on her after all. You bit down another sob that threatened to break free. here you were again, making excuses for her.
11:05 am
Ky 🤍: SHE'S ALIVE!! come to the bar tonight to meet him? pleaaseee
Y/n: I'll be there.
"Y/n I didnt think we'd be seeing you here tonight" ellie called from the booth that was already very full with the rest of your group. Ellie shot you a knowing look as kyra shot up from her seat to great you with a bear hug.
"Well... I needed to meet the mystery man didn't i?" you tried for a smile but it came out all forced and wrong.
"Come on! Sit next to me. I already got you a drink" Kyra shot you a winning smile as she turned back to the table. You couldn't help but smile at the spring in her step.
Tom sat on her otherside seemingly unaware of the subtle tension between his new girlfriend and yourself. Maybe the tension was in your head you bagan to think...
But then you felt a cool hand rest on your thigh and you knew it wasnt. Kyras hand was hidden by the table but you could feel it: Resting on your bare leg, slightly too high to be friendly. You ignored it at first, taking another sip of your coke, laughing at something sam was saying.
But then she gave your leg a squeeze and you felt your breath hitch. Her fingers absent-mindedly began fiddling with the hem of your dress. You shot her a look but she wasn't even looking in your directing.
Already you caught yourself making her excuses: she was nervous, she was a little drunk and did not realize what she was doing, and she was a touchy person by nature (this was true).
"You are my favorite. You know that don't you" You flinched when you felt her hot breath tickle your kneck. You had been so engrossed with your thoughts that you hadn't even noticed her leaning towards you to whisper in your ear.
"Please get off me Kyra," you said, a little loudly making Ellie and Sam look at you with concern. Kyra's smirk dropped into a genuine frown.
"What?" She didn't sound drunk now. You turned to face her, a knot forming in your throat. You couldn't hurt yourself like this, not when her boyfriend was sitting at the same table. Not when you had spent every day since you were 14 falling in love with her.
"I said, Get off me" You pushed her hand off your thigh and stood up suddenly. It was too hot in the bar, too crowded. You turned and almost ran towards the door, needing to get away from Kyra's shocked face, Tom's stupid smirk and drawling voice, and Ellie's pitying expression. No sooner had you exited the bar did you head her run after you.
"What the fuck was that about Y/n?" she shouted, looking disheveled and shocked. You could have laughed.
"What was that about? I could bloody well ask you the same thing. Has it ever occurred to you once, that I'm more than just your drunken experiment" you yelled back, "I mean really Kyra! We're experts at this little dance by now."
"What are you talking about?" you really did laugh then, only to stop the hot tears waiting to burst.
"you get drunk and you want me. I'm your favorite, I'm your pretty girl, I'm the most beautiful person in the world. And then the next day I'm what? nothing? your best friend?" The tears start rolling now, making it hard to breathe but you need to get this all out. It's been welling in your chest for years, building pressure and heat and now you need to let it go.
"So what is it ky? Do you love me like you say or is it just the wine? or sorry, is it Burbon today I didn't ask." you knew it was cruel, especially as you saw the understanding in her eyes. "I'm done with this. I'm done with you. I can't keep wasting my love on you when you can't even return it." Your cheeks felt hot despite the cool breeze and your heart raced.
"Y/n he's not my boyfriend... he asked but I said no," she said quietly as if that was a balm.
"Who cares Kyra? because if it's not him it's some other man. It's anyone but me. or at least until you get a couple drinks in." Kyra was definitely sober now if she wasn't before. Her expression was somewhere between guilt, anger, and hurt. You wished you would hold her, kiss her, and make it all better but it wasn't possible.
"I do... I do love you like I say when I'm... drunk," she muttered to the floor. "I just- I need to figure it out. being with Tom it's like-"
"pretending. It's pretending Kyra." there was no anger left in you now, just sadness. Kyra loved you but she wouldn't face up to it without being knockout drunk and what was worse? you had wasted all your love on her.
"Y/n I love you though"
"Stop. You're being mean" a sob escaped you, "Just keep on pretending. I can't wait around for you to figure yourself out." You took a couple steps backward, suddenly feeling deja vu from the last time you found yourself outside a club on the street with Kyra. She must have had the same thought because she looked up at the city lights, the colours bouncing off her wet cheeks. Before she could look back at you and break your heart more, you turned and walked up the street, hoping she had the sense not to follow you.
You didn't talk for months. 3 Months and 2 weeks to be exact but who was counting? Kyra broke up with Tom that night without hesitation. She knew what the weird feeling she got when she was around you know. She had been so scared so so long it felt weird to put a label on the emotion. She loved you. Was in love with you to be exact. And as far as she knew, you hated her. All she could think about was how broken you had looked as you shouted at her. You looked so tired and hopeless and it was all because she hadn't realised how she was affecting you. It was just fun, drinking a little as an excuse to be close to you. She knew kissing you at her house that day was a mistake but it's all she wanted to do.
"Kyra you messed up mate. You're really in the doghouse." Sam stated from the other side of the couch while Kyra cried yet again. All she seemed to do now was cry.
"Is she dating anyone?" She asked. sam just shook her head and didn't answer. She had already told both of you that she wasn't going to be the middle man of this mess.
"I know it's hard to face up to these feelings ok? But remember what she told you? You need to figure yourself out before you try to make things right."
"It was hard for me too" Kristie rubbed her back as she entered the room, "I mean things are pretty uptight where I come from and I just wanted to fit in. I know that isn't quite the issue for you but-" she shrugged "For me it helped to remember that life is too short to give a shit about whether you like a boy or a girl."
"I like girls" Kyra stated (It had taken a long time and a lot of girls in red music videos to realise it but now she was dead certain), "But I don't just... I love her." She deadpanned, looking up at Kristie. "That's so scary..."
Sam shrugged again, "It's scary sure, but from the sounds of it she feels the same"
Kyra snorted, "Well maybe she did before I fucked it all up."
"Look man, she isn't going to be the one to reach out to you. No matter how much she loves you, that girl is stubborn as hell. You need to be the one the make amends." Kyra nodded.
She loved you and she knew that now. She loved the way you teased her for her bad jokes, she loved the way you smiled and sang in the shower. She loved to way you squinted your eyes when watching a movie. She missed you. And she knew now that she was a damn fool for thinking any differently.
The past few months had been rough to say the very least on the matter. You had taken Ellie's advice and gone out to a few clubs, hooked up with women whose names you can't remember, and tried your best to forget about Kyra. Every other morning you seemed to be waking up in a bed that wasn't yours, and every morning without fail you felt a deep hole in your chest like something had been wrenched out of place. You wanted her, yes, but you needed security more and that was something she wasn't able to give you. Not if she wasn't even able to admit she was gay.
That morning, exactly 3 months, 2 weeks, and one day since you last saw Kyra you felt as though you might finally have forgiven her. Sure you were upset and hurt and embarrassed, and you were sure as hell done making excuses for her; But at the end of the day, Kyra was your best friend and, if your recent escapades had taught you anything, she was also the love of your life.
The knock came at your door when you were halfway through your third cup of coffee for the morning. It startled you enough to leave you swearing and rubbing your hand where you spilled the drink.
"Coming!" you yelled, dropping the cup off in the kitchen before padding barefoot towards the door, expecting the mailman or a delivery. When you opened the door to see Kyra you were glad you had already put your mud down or you would have dropped it again.
"Kyra?" her name felt weird on your tongue, "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you," She said simply, stepping in and shutting the door softly behind her.
"You could have texted"
"No, I- I needed to talk to you"
"Well. You're talking now" You couldn't help but be a little aloof, you had no idea where to conversation was going to go. Kyra took your statement as permission to continue.
"Can we sit please?" You nodded and led her over the the kitchen where she sat on one of the bar stools. You stayed standing, leaning your hip on the counter.
"I'm sorry" she blurted before you could say anything, "I'm sorry for treating you like shit and for ignoring your feelings, I'm sorry it took me so long to figure myself out. I'm sorry I pushed all these guys in your face like I had something to prove to you. Most of all I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I felt sooner because maybe we wouldn't have gotten into this mess in the first place." She took a breath and rubbed her palms on her thighs nervously.
"The truth is that all those times I flirted with you and stepped over the line... I was not drunk at least not like I acted to be. It was a confidence boost I needed to say what I was thinking, what I am always thinking. I've realised now that I've loved you for years, maybe longer. I knew I felt different towards you than I did others but it was so scary."
You nodded, feeling a knot of emotion form in your throat. Here she was, after months of not talking, saying all the things you had been longing for.
"And I know that it's going to take some time to trust me again" Kyra looked into your eyes now, feeling more confident, "But Y/n I love you so much it hurts. I'm done pretending ok? I'm yours." She smiled softly, "If you'll have me that is."
You watched her fiddle with her fingers for a second before opening your mouth.
"Kyra you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that." She smiled at you and your heart skipped its familiar beat at the sight. "You're right, I'll need time but..." You stood up straight and walked towards where she sat, "I want this so bad Ky."
You stepped in between her legs and cupped her face between your hands. You watched her eyes go a little wider and her cheeks go pink. You felt her heart speed up under your fingers and for the first time, it was you leaning in to kiss her. Her lips were soft and warm and minty. Her breath was hot and clear against your skin. She wrapped her arms around your waist and sighed against your lips making you giggle. You ran your fingers through her hair like you always wanted to and pulled back slowly. Kyra's eyes were still closed, a small smile on her swollen lips.
"You're the prettiest girl in the world Kyra. You know that right?" Kyra opened her eyes and smiled her perfect smile and your chest filled with a wave of warmth. You would take it slow with her, careful... but in that moment it was everything just to be near her and she felt the very same.
You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around her tightly. You just needed to hold her, to keep her there so she wouldn't leave. As if she read your mind, Kyra moved your hair and planted a small kiss on the side of your neck.
"I'm not going. I promise" she whispered and pressed another feather-light kiss under your ear. Maybe you were a fool, maybe you were an idiot, maybe you were just stupidly in love with this girl. Whatever it was you knew she was telling the truth. Kyra Cooney-Cross was done pretending.
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why4anne · 6 months
Part: 6/?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Category: Social Media au
Summary: Follow the love story of a global pop icon and a monegasque F1 driver
Face claim: Taylor Swift (Singing) + others
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liked by gigihadid, nicorosberg and 11 372 931 others
You’re Loosing Me: Out on all platforms at 6PM tonight!
There has been a lot of sleepless nights lately. During one of which I sat down with a glass of wine and wrote this heartfelt song. This is one of the most vulnerable songs I’ve ever written but I’m very proud of it. I hope you guys like it as much as I do.
view comments:
haveyntickets: I was having a calm morning until you posted this😭
uno_dos_yn: How am I supposed to live through the day knowing this will be dropping tonight???!!!!
ginaschumifan: So… are we going to adress the elephant in the room?
- frenchf1fan: The song? The caption? Nico f*cking Rosberg liking this? You gotta be more specific girl.
- holy_verstappen: NICO ROSBERG LIKED THIS???!!!! Helloooo??? Sir??!!
doverussell: I love how all of the F1 drivers are ignoring her and Nico Rosberg is out here liking her posts💀
- formula_frankie: istg he’s so unserious😭
- slaybastianvettel: He lives for chaos
howtomoveyn: It’s about Charles, I know it!!
- ynxcharlesship: Girl- we all know it😭
- charlesgirlie: I can’t handle it🪦
threeyn: 💀🪦☠️😵: Visual representation of me rn
fromtheyntable: I know it’s bad but if the breakup with Charles gives us more heartbreaking, tear inducing, banging my head against the wall type of songs I’m here for it!
- howtobeyn: She’s still a person, have some respect!
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liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc and 3 182 732 others
ABU22 out at 5PM tonight!
I’ve recently started picking up the piano and had a burst of inspiration after the Abu Dhabi GP and composed this piece. I hope you enjoy it.
View comments:
icemanfan: He’s not even trying to be subtle😭
formula_frankie: ON THE SAME DAY???
unocharlss: SIR?? Is this a good timing??
- goodleclerc: RIGHT!!??
allaboutleclerc: anyways…the weather😃
thinkingyn: I can’t tell if he’s heartbroken or shady
- ghost_leclerc: probably both💀
hateyn: Serves her right after all the songs she’s written about her exes!😤
- charlesfans4ever: gtfo of here
- goldenyn: How does it feel to be unwanted and lonely?
-ynandsharl: Y/N fans 🤝 Charles fans: not tolerating hate!
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Liked by 219 377 people
The 2022 athletes gala have announced that the musical guest for this years gala in early March will be singer Y/N L/N. This would not be anything noteworthy unless for the fact that her ex, Charles Leclerc is confirmed to be in attendance.
What do you think will happen on this eventful evening? We’re certainly eager to find out!
View comments:
formulayn:what. the. fuck.😭
leclercthigs: So we’re going to see mom and dad in the same room for the first time since the split?😃
greatnessln: She will 100% be performing the pettiest songs in existence💀
- ynchildrenshome: I bet she’ll perform you’re loosing me!😖
superyn: Guys! Please do a wellness check on all of your friends who are Y/N and/or Charles fans. We’re very fragile rn😭💀
Tag-list: @mindflay3r @karmabyfernando @lightdragonrayne @ilove-tswizzle @sadg3
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edwardslvrr · 9 months
trevor zegras x singer!reader
the one where rumour has it YN’s new album is about Trevor
taglist if you’d like to be added to my taglist, message me privately or comment on this post
warning this is all fake and just for fun, no hate to any of the people mentioned. Just a reminder that this is pure for entertainment xoxo
main masterlist trevor zegras masterlist
los angeles, california
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liked by _alexturcotte and 1.213.175 others
yourinstagram good riddance is now out and about for you beautiful souls to listen to I hope you love it as much as I loved making this. now it’s time for wine and a party, thank you.
view 20.194 comments
username so here for this drama!!
username “all our best years are behind” mind if i just go into full sob mode??
username she’s just making us go through it fr
username “got a lot to cry about” yeah me too rn
username trevor has never been more quiet
username all his friends liking this post pretending like it isn’t about their best friend 😭
yourbestfriend give this woman her grammy rn, babes pulled my heart out of my chest and just stomped on it this is what i call a fucking masterpiece!!!
yourinstagram ILOVE YOU SOOOO !!
michigan, usa
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liked by colecaufield and 284.195 others
trevorzegras same time next year?
view 1.329 comments
username bro acting like nothing happened
username what is he suppose to do? make a poem abt it?
username poem sounds nice tho
jackhughes could be.. difficult
username did he just?
username I think he did-
username jack is running wild😭
username bro feeding the dixie rumours w the 3rd photo
username only here for the drama 💪
colecaufield haunted house era
username the gc is 100% going wild rn
username nahhh there aint no way, they’re fr taking the piss tn what is this😭
username dude is regretting all his life decisions atp
los angeles, california
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liked by trevorzegras and 1.421.184 others
yourinstagram the support on Good Riddance is INSANE! could have never imagined this all being the outcome of just writing my feelings down on a piece of paper. you guys have been the absolute best people ever, the way you promote this album just makes me tear up. LOVE YOU ALL!! see you soon.
view 18.382 comments
username this album is my new personality for the next 2 years
username my new therapy fr
username ayo trevor is see you👀
username he panicked liked
username bro just knows he’ll never hear the end of this
username i honestly for the drama when a break up album gets realeased
username not trevor liking this post😭
username he’s just fighting for his life in the gc
username he’ll be hearing the chirps on the ice for a couple years
username just looking at what he missed out on fr
username y’all so worried, bro couldn’t care less
username and what if the album wasn’t abt trevor
username trevor here to take his little bit of fame
via twitter
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username now this is what i call sus
username she’s brave for not typing out the rest of that bridge
username “And now, I, now I bet you resent All of me, all of it, angry, blocking me over the internet Promise I don't forget all of my fault in this” SUS
username think she’s the one regretting her choices rn
username the money entering her bank account isn’t
username so real
username she def sent him a long paragraph apologising for his comment section 😭
username everyone always out here claiming they know trevor and YN personally or sum shit
164 notes · View notes
itssmean · 3 months
𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 (𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒂) 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓
track 10 ; ring ding dong (600+ words)
warning(s) : grammatical error might be occur, harsh jokes?
SYNOPSIS new upcoming app called ‘love alarm’ will be launched ! but it need to be tested before the official launching date, so what ifs the well known enemies— lee chanyoung and park y/n are the one that gonna be the app beta users? does the love between them gonna ring?
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After a few days passed, a peaceful weekend finally arrived. At the cafe near the campus’s dorm, there were Y/N and Haewon who’s waiting patiently for the other students who are also ‘beta users’.
Somehow, without Y/N’s knowing, all of her friends (including Anton’s friends) are plotting something behind them. According to Sunoo, his idea to make things work is to deceive both of them to meet each other without them running away with the help of the others mentioned before.
Thankfully after a few bribing all of them agreed to help these desperate friends group (definitely not Taesan’s words!). 
“Well, are you sure that this is the right thing to do?” Yuna asked Sunoo, particularly unimpressed with Sunoo’s idea to spy on Y/N who’s eating with Haewon on the other side of the cafe.
“We need to see the progress, just asking Sohee to make sure Anton is coming with Shinyu and Taesan doesn’t help anything! Plus, who knows if Y/N will just dash out after seeing Anton?” he answered mindlessly while sipping his drinks. 
“Uhm, I hope Haewon will not say anything, I paid her 50 bucks! She just needs to shut up and just go with the flow.” he added. Suddenly, Yuna’s phone beeps— getting messages from Sohee that the three boys mentioned before will arrive at the cafe soon.
“So who will be here soon? Shinyu and Taesan you said? Anton is not coming, right?” Haewon just nodded, scared she’ll spoil the whole thing before the boys arrive.
“Why, do you want him to be here too?” Well, her impulsive thought is winning so Haewon just smirked while Y/N flusteredly shook her head “No, obviously not! Where does the thought come from!” 
“Do you know the first step of falling in love?” Haewon wiggles her eyebrows at Y/N which makes Y/N frown. “No, what is the first step then?”
“I hope you choke on your drinks.”
Shortly after that, Haewon waved her hand to signalling Shinyu where they sat as the boys arrived. Both Anton and Y/N didn’t know each other's whereabouts until they faced each other and frowned.
“You said that Anton is not coming” Y/N glared at Haewon who is not saying anything and just sipping her drinks looking around the cafe — well specifically looking for Sunoo and Yuna.
“You said that is just the three of us hanging out” Anton looks at Shinyu, bamboozled. “Who said that? I don’t think I said that.” 
Suddenly, Y/N’s phone rings, which makes Anton’s eye widened. As soon as she opened it, she furrowed her eyebrows along with Haewoon who’s sneakily looking at her phone too.
“Does your phone ring? Why does the heart on my app showing two people ring their love alarm?” Y/N asked Haewon and she just showed her phone, “Mine is one. And only three of the boys are here, so one of you must like me while the rest like Y/N. So who is it?” Haewon slyly asked.
Y/N who is still frowning cannot comprehend anything at that moment with Anton who is also in complete silence fighting with his inner self, trying not to be obvious. However, without anyone knowing Shinyu is typing something in his phone.
“What’s wrong with them? Why does Anton look so scared and why is his phone not ringing? Something is wrong here.” Yuna beams behind the bushes spying on them. 
“Now why are you hiding here Shin Yuna?” Sunoo beams while side eyeing Yuna. Yuna just glared at him and ignored him. Sunoo snickered at the sight. Shortly after that he receives a message from someone and he suddenly drops his phone.
“What do you mean there are other people that like Y/N?”
track 09 / track 10 / track 11
open for taglist!
@kyusqult @babigriin @brachioswrld @dinosluver @rksbae @ilovejungwonandhaechan @bunni
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gagad · 8 months
Your top 5 fav dl boys skip kino cuz we know he is 1 and yuri too!!
Girl, why didn't you allow me to express my feelings towards Kino and Yuri ha?🗿 Look, if you see  someone running towards you with a knife, you should know that it is ME, not someone else lol
1 Ayato 🥺🥺
Oh sure, who doesn't love him?  He's kind and funny, You can't imagine how much I love him, Some say he's selfish. Guys, you don't know anything about Ayato. He's the cutest. Look at him. He forgave his mother after everything ,Do you believe that?  And in young blood they left him alone fighting ,ayato was on the brink of death he  always ready to die for his family and yui wow i hope  he was  my friend ilymybitch
2 Yuma
Of course, of course, I love Yuma, he's my favorite Mukami😔, how can I not love him when he's hot as hell, after all I love him because he's always ready to help others and how he took care of lilAzusa😭😫 when they were young, his memories with Shu and Luck was the best thing in DL,I love u ma bigboy.
3 Reiji
Now it's time to talk about daddy 😈, guys Reiji  may seem evil and Mean, but he is definitely the best big brother for me, look at him he takes care of his family while as he said "I can go if I want" but he stays and takes charge of his crazy family how can he handle the triplets  ?  I know that what he did to Shu and Yuma was bad, even worse, but he also has a wonderful side🗿 He reminds me of my sister ilove u daddy 😃😘.
4 Shu
Well, guys, I used to love Shu, but after Youngblood, I don’t know, I felt that my feelings towards him changed (I know, you will say that Reiji did worse and that Kino is the embodiment of evil in DL), but to me that was unexpected. It was more like betrayal. He left Ayato alone. You will say  It's a plan but HELL NAH, its really something different from him ,oh I remember one time he told Yuma that he was the one who burned  his village of course he didn't lol that was the kindest thing he did, , he's kind I think most of the fans love him for that you know like quite and handsome anyway ily my sleeping beauty .
(I know you said boys, but I liked to choose Yui I'm dumb I know it)
Yui is my babygirl, I hope she was my girlfriend, I'm serious I want to marry her💗💗, Yui is the cutest girl I've ever met in my life 😫 💗 The most amazing, the cutest, pure bitch, the way she treats diaboys when she does that and "gives me her calm reaction"  I really want to eat her 😭😭😫 She's the cutest in all DL She makes all the girls lesbians 😔🔪 Oh my god she always forgives others when they hurt her, but my favorite is when she loses her mind 😈and tries to kill them🔪😔 I reallyfuckin love u my princess.
38 notes · View notes
fairybinie · 2 years
COPYCCINO — 47: jun for june
synopsis: soobin has been talking to who he thought was his unrequited crush on messages, only to find out through a visit to their coffee shop that it was in fact not them. not only does he meet the real y/n, he runs into their friend yeonjun, an ex friend of his who he has some unresolved issues with. as soobin and the real y/n are getting to know each other, yeonjun and soobin are working through their misunderstandings, as well as trying to figure out who the catfish was.
taglist: @iyeonjuni @odxrilove @ifwtyun @iuwon @ijhyo @cherr-y-eji @peachy-yabbay @ameliesaysshoo @sunlightwoo @enhacolor @tyungun @multi4lifer @milkycloudtyg @bluhr @strawberri-uyu @fluffdiaree @notdrunkbutdazed @misscalcutta @butterflx @cherrybeomgyu @skinnygowon @ilove-jake @feyregels @blahbluhblahbluh @hueofjamjam @wccycc @mnlylonely @seventeeneration @hyukabean @boba-beom @moaberryjjunie @soobmint @tae-ology @voidbeomgyu @hyuntaena @loverhyunn @calumsfringe @7thgyu @ashxxkook @soobsfairy444 @sansluvr @flrtsbin @bibinnieposts @dandelionxgal @whoislouu @ahalya25 @cha0thicpisces @laylasbunbunny @robinsluva @luvsoobs @kooktattoos @binsoomi @noholywater
send an ask to be apart of the taglist!
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a/n: written (5.8k). profanity, bullying, angst. sorry for the wait y’all i hope this is worth it 😿 this is a chapter dedicated to background! i hope the years don’t make it confusing 😭😭
six years ago. 
“i don’t know what i did wrong yeonjun,” soobin cries out in the empty stall, his best friend accompanying him on the other side. yeonjun’s head rests on the stall door, sympathizing with every word soobin says. 
“you didn’t do anything wrong bud,” yeonjun can only respond with some heartache in his voice. “they’re just jerks,” he mumbles with a soft kick. 
lunch had been a nightmare. soobin was sitting alone in the cafeteria, waiting for his best friend to leave his 5th period. he always had some time to himself since their lunch periods didn’t exactly line up with each other’s, but they still managed to beat the time each time. soobin always dreaded being alone, especially since he’s friends with no one else besides yeonjun. the one he’s known since they were in diapers. 
frankly, he couldn't ask for anyone else. yeonjun was always cooler than him, sometimes he even questioned why they were still friends, aside from their mothers. soobin wasn’t popular. he was always considered to be ‘the loner kid’, or his personal favorite, ‘yeonjun’s sidekick’. he worried that yeonjun had seen him in that same light, but he never did. yeonjun never cared what others thought, at the end of the day, soobin was his best friend. he knows him the best, not what others think they know. 
yeonjun rushed to grab his favorite food, only to come back to what seemed to be an entourage around soobin. he was momentarily confused, being that nobody ever wanted to be in soobin’s space. the kid likes anime, all of a sudden nobody wants to acknowledge his existence. yeonjun gets closer around the crowd, finally seeing what all the fuss was about. another kid in their grade, with his fists wrapped around soobin’s collar, soobin being pushed up against the wall. 
“i know you kissed her, you freak!” the boy yells out each word into soobin’s face. every time soobin attempted to speak, it only came out as a whisper, which angered the boy and drove him to push him further into the wall. 
“i don’t know what she sees in you,” he sneers, looking soobin up and down. it’s funny, if he hadn’t had his fists in soobin’s business, soobin was actually taller than the kid. he was taller than everyone in their grade. 
yeonjun has had enough, bringing the two apart while attempting to brush soobin’s shoulder to ask if he’s alright. he faces the bully, who only appears to be amused, as if he’s done nothing wrong. yeonjun knows he’s not innocent.
“what’s your problem?” yeonjun’s tired. this isn’t the first time soobin’s been picked on, but he still has some force in his voice.  
the boy raises his hands in surrender and backs away with a groove. “oh i have no problem! tell your pussy of a friend here to stay away from my girl and then we’re good.” 
there are snickers heard between the crowd, some whispering to each other in gossip. yeonjun looks back at his friend, who only wants to be anywhere but here. soobin becomes small in his position, not wanting to be seen by anyone. 
“dude can’t even defend himself jun,” the boy scoffs, the crowd reacting with an ‘ooo.’ 
“don’t call me that,” it’s at this moment yeonjun considers beating this guy to death, but he’s already served detention for doing that before. his mother told him to be the bigger person, and maybe he should. 
“c’mon soobin,” he lowers his voice so only he could hear, gesturing with his head in another direction. “let’s get outta here.” 
“hey soobin!” 
soobin follows yeonjun and hears his name being called right behind him, to which he turns around. big mistake. 
right as he turns around his face is met with a splash of chocolate milk being thrown his way, each drop landing inside his eyes, down to his clothes. the crowd bursts into a collective laugh, some people even taking out their phones to take pictures. yeonjun turns around to see what all the fuss is about, eyes widening at the scene. he brings soobin to his side, rushing him out of there, after raising a middle finger up at the kid. it’s right after they left that staff arrived at the scene. 
now, here they were, in an empty bathroom with soobin locking him inside a hall. apparently, that kid thought soobin was trying to steal his girlfriend, after she received a love note during class. a note that wasn’t even meant for her, it was meant for the girl in front of her. of course, being that this is soobin, the classmates thought it’d be funny to give it to the most popular girl in school instead, which has led to this. 
“come out soobin,” yeonjun asks with care. “let’s get you cleaned up.” 
he hears a sniffle before he hears footsteps reach for the handle, so he backs away to be faced with red stained eyes and drenched clothes. soobin heads towards the sink, his arms spread out in a firm stance. yeonjun grabs some paper towels and begins to add some warm water to clean soobin’s face.
“your clothes might take a while to dry, but i think i have some extra clothes in my locker.”  
soobin disregards what yeonjun has said and only speaks what he’s thinking. 
“i don’t think you should be friends with me anymore yeonjun.” 
yeonjun stops what he’s doing and a frown appears on his face. “why?” 
soobin rolls his eyes to the back of his head to refrain any tears that may fall out and speaks in a low manner. “i’m a loser! everyone associates me with you and it’s only ruining your reputation.” 
“…you’ve defended me our whole lives, all because i’m a wimp who can’t do it myself.” 
“…our first year of high school is not too long away,” soobin sighs, not wanting to say his next sentence. “you still have time. let go of me now, and you’ll be fine.” 
yeonjun doesn’t know where this is coming from, but he can only assume. soobin’s been picked on his whole life, he’s probably had enough too. yeonjun feels bad, wishing none of this would happen. soobin is a good person. he’s sweet, genuine, and the most selfless person he’s ever met. he doesn’t deserve this. 
what he does deserve, is a good friend. 
“i’m not gonna stop being friends with you,” he persists, only to a bewildered soobin, who has had a long day. 
“you’re not a loser, and i’m not gonna cut you from my life just because other people think that’s what you are.” 
“it’s you and me against the world soobin,” yeonjun lays a hand on soobin’s shoulder, looking him straight into his eyes. “nothing’s going to get in the way of that. not those jerks, or anyone else.” 
soobin shifts his gaze down at the sink, embarrassed of his next question. “what if you think i took your girl too?” 
yeonjun can’t help but spit out a laugh, which brings soobin to smile slightly. 
“i doubt i would ever think that bud,” yeonjun promises with a click of his tongue. “even if we do have girl troubles, we’ll listen to each other, okay?” 
yeonjun brings his pinky in the air as soobin makes eye contact, gushingly bringing his out too. the two lock their pinkies together, their thumbs closing the promise as well. soobin feels better, the dimples reappearing on his face which brings yeonjun to a smile. 
“stay here, i’ll go get my clothes.” 
five years ago. 
things were certainly not the same anymore. 
freshmen year in high school, and all of a sudden, everyone had different viewpoints. soobin was no longer seen as some freak who liked school, he was seen as a hardworking student who was nice to everyone. he managed to make his own friends, some who really cared about him. all the bullying was put to a holt, and he couldn’t be happier. 
yeonjun was still popular. a bright personality that grew on everyone rather quickly, not to mention he’s grown to be more attractive. he had no problem making friends, however, he soon knew what it was like to live in someone else’s shadow. because everyone had a liking to soobin, he was mostly seen as just soobin’s friend. even back at home, his parents compared his skills to soobin’s and wished yeonjun could do certain things the way soobin did. yeonjun was indeed proud of soobin to be where he was at now, after years of torture, but he wished that could apply to him too. 
“oh my gosh i’m so sorry!” yeonjun feels someone bump into him, knocking down the flyer papers he had received for soobin’s upcoming play. 
yeonjun makes eye contact with the girl right in front of him, and it’s like it was love at first sight. she seemed to be new, never have seen her face at school before. he smiles softly to himself before stuttering out a few apologies, despite not doing anything. 
the girl brushes some hair out of her face and grabs for the papers on the floor, giving them back to yeonjun. “sorry, i’m new here. still making my way around the school.” 
yeonjun feels himself go still in his place, just nodding and smiling at her words. 
“i’m min,” she reaches out her hand with a friendly grin on her face, yeonjun bringing his free hand to greet with hers. 
“yeonjun,” he introduces simply. the girl agapes her mouth open slightly, swearing that she’s heard that name before. she looks over at the papers in yeonjun’s hands, seeing if that could be a potential clue. 
“yeonjun, as in,” she stretches her words out, leaving yeonjun to grow worried. usually when people say this they end their sentences with ‘soobin’s friend’ or ‘the one who’s next to the tall guy’ or anything involving his friend. she’s new here, he hopes that isn’t her first impression. he wants to be his own person. 
“the one who brought back meat lovers monday?” she questions out loud, bringing a surprise to yeonjun’s face. an accomplishment yeonjun was able to do last week, protesting that the cafeteria should bring it back. he’s caught off guard, but is nonetheless appreciative. 
“yeah,” he chuckles while rubbing the back of his head. “that’s me.” 
“i heard about it earlier today,” min adds with a bob of her head. yeonjun feels warm that people can refer to him without mentioning soobin. 
“you should show me around sometime,” the girl offers with a wink, before she smiles as she walks away to her next class. yeonjun is left alone, with an absolute ridiculous grin on his face. 
“i will,” he says to no one, with a wave in the air. 
a week later. 
“where’d that boy go,” min mutters to herself as she makes her way around the house that she’s never seen, bumping into bodies of people. she never liked parties, but it’s something yeonjun wanted to go to so she agreed. only now, she’s somehow lost her way and has been searching in the crowd for ten minutes. 
next thing she knew, she was crashing into a firm body near the kitchen, mentally cursing inside her head for being so clumsy. she doesn’t make eye contact with the person just yet but already begins to apologize profusely. 
“i’m sorry, i’m trying to look for someone,” she says bashfully as she gazes up. way up. this man was too tall. 
she shouldn’t have looked at this guy. a lean figure, the perfect amount of messy hair resting perfectly on his head. casually dressed but it still looks presentable. his doe eyes look back at her, worrying that he may have hurt her somehow. nicely shaped lips that purse together every second. 
she can’t be thinking this. she has a boyfriend. 
“no worries, i’m looking for someone too,” he replies with a slight chuckle as he leans against the kitchen counter. min can’t help but follow his lead, almost entranced by his every move. 
“i was kinda forced to be here,” he confides with a smile. “otherwise, i don’t really enjoy parties.” 
min already feels relaxed with his presence, unlike how she was feeling earlier. “me too actually. i was supposed to meet my boyfriend but i have no idea where he is.” 
soobin nods understandingly as he looks around the crowd of people. he doesn’t normally talk to girls, so he’s unsure of what to say. he should be nice, right? 
“a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be alone,” soobin feels shocked with himself, wondering where he got all the courage from all of a sudden. min widens her eyes at the compliment, feeling herself grow flustered in every part of her body. she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and shyly thanks him. 
soobin doesn’t like this girl. frankly, he’s not interested in dating right now. he doesn’t want to give any false hope, so he attempts to save his previous statement by adding something else. 
“i hope your boyfriend finds you,” he wishes quickly. “i’m sure he’s looking for you.” 
before min could say anything else, a voice interrupts this moment which brings the two of them to refocus their attention. yeonjun, seemingly to have appeared out of nowhere. min feels like a deer caught in headlights, even though the pair weren’t technically doing anything wrong. soobin is relieved to see yeonjun’s presence again, inaudibly sighing a breath of fresh air. 
yeonjun looks at the two and shows a wide grin, clapping his two hands together at once before gesturing to each of them. 
“ah! i see you two have already met,” yeonjun smiles from ear to ear. 
“soobin, this is my girlfriend min, and min this is my best friend soobin.” 
soobin can’t help but to laugh out loud, shying his face away with his sleeve. yeonjun is curious, but he knows his friend can be awkward with these things. soobin’s a bit embarrassed, considering he accidentally flirted with her and probably looks like a huge idiot. he’ll get over it though. 
“yeah, nice to meet you,” soobin says a little flushed, collecting himself from the laughter as he does a little bow, raising his hand in the air as a greeting. 
min looks at yeonjun, who whose smile hasn’t left his face. he looks expectant, glad that his two favorite people have met each other. she looks over at soobin, whose legs are shaking up and down exasperatedly, a habit of his. he looks around the crowd in front of him, his mouth resting in the corner as his dimple appears like a home on his face. it’s like she’s trying to figure him out. she likes what she sees, and smiles. 
“nice to meet you too.” 
a year later. 
“you’re what?”
“i’m breaking up with you yeonjun.”
yeonjun looks desperately at his girlfriend, trying to figure out where it went wrong. it’s been a year, he thought things were going great. now here they were, after school, where things seem to not have been like he thought. 
“did i do something wrong?” is all the boy can ask, like he wants to fix this. 
min sighs, feeling bad for him, but there’s nothing she can do. her heart belongs to someone else now. “no, it’s just- it’s been a year and i don’t want to lead you on when i know i don’t feel the same for you anymore.” that doesn’t help whatsoever, if anything, yeonjun appears to be even more confused. she adds one thing under her breath. 
“and i like someone else now.” 
yeonjun raises his head at this, furrowing his eyebrows together as he’s slightly enraged. “who?” 
min considers telling yeonjun, her breath hitches behind her throat as she contemplates. she wanted to make this painless, there’s no need for details. 
“doesn’t matter,” she shrugs off in a rushed voice. “but i’m sure he likes me too.” 
yeonjun shakes his head in disbelief as he takes all of this in. lately he’s felt like he’s had nothing for himself, isn’t seen as his own person. he just wanted someone to view him the way he wished and that’s come to an end. 
the boy remains speechless, not knowing how to act. he’s never been through a breakup before, what should he say? surely he should fight for it, but where does he even start? 
or maybe he just lets it go. 
“i’m sorry jun,” min can only say, barely sounding genuine. 
something shifts inside yeonjun, almost like a loose screw. come to think of it, min has barely given their relationship any effort lately. he knows his worth, he shouldn’t dwell on this too much. 
but this was his first love. 
“don’t call me that,” he mutters under his voice, not making any eye contact with the girl in front of him. min scoffs to herself, nearly offended that this is how he’s choosing to say goodbye. she gives the boy one last longing look, pitying him to see where he’ll go now. she was the only good thing in his life. she shrugs her shoulders, beginning to walk away in another direction, leaving yeonjun to be by himself. he stares at the ground in thought. 
she’s wrong. she wasn’t the only good thing in his life. soobin was too, he took first place. he wanted to talk to one person about this, and that’s him.
his best friend. 
later that day. 
soobin says waves his friends goodbye as he exists the theatre building after finishing rehearsals for the day. he was playing a psychologist role, finding it to be the most interesting part he’s had to play. he's always been interested in those things and hopes to find a career in that field in the future. 
the boy looks up and sees min is right in front of him, temporarily caught off guard. he doesn’t see min too much, yeonjun usually has only hung out with min and soobin separately. they’ve only seen each other if it’s some special event, or if the circumstances lined up. still, he’s friendly. 
“oh, hey min!” soobin looks over behind min, expecting to see yeonjun as well. “is yeonjun with you?” 
min ignores soobin’s question, impatient to get to what she’s been wanting to tell him for a while now. 
“can we talk?” she gestures towards the cement seats nearby, walking to sit on one of them. soobin follows reluctantly, still confused about what the matter of this is. 
the two are now sitting face to face and soobin attempts to read min by her demeanor. she looks anxious, but also somewhat relieved. like she’s nervous to say something, but also anticipates it. her eyes shake to each side, but a slight smirk is prevalent on her lips. did something happen between her and yeonjun? did they fight and she wanted to go to him for advice? he was been taking this psychology role seriously. 
little did he know it was close enough. 
“i like you.” 
on instinct, soobin widens his eyes, not being able to hide the cough in his throat. he takes a moment to look around, now really wondering if this is some kind of joke and there was some entourage filming. 
it’s just them. 
“you what?” he squeaks out, hoping he misheard. 
“i like you soobin,” min repeats with some confidence in her voice. her face shines brightly as she looks at him with so much admiration. 
soobin shakes his head softly, eyebrows furrowing deeper by the second. “i’m confused here.” 
“i’ve liked you for a while now,” min continues, scooting closer to soobin as he watches her every move, unsure of what to do. “ever since i met you that night you’ve been on my mind, and it’s now that i have decided that i have feelings for you.” 
she grabs soobin’s hands, the shock getting in the way of him removing them from her hold. “you’re the one i want to be with.” 
soobin shakes his head sporadically as he stutters out words that don’t go together. he finally removes min’s hands from his, earning a frown from the girl.
“does yeonjun know about this?” he questions with genuine concern.  
the frown is soon replaced with the biggest grin he’s ever seen. “that too, i broke up with him so we could be together soobin!” 
soobin’s mouth can’t help but hang wide in astonishment as he thinks of a bunch of responses in his head. min doesn’t have a care in the world, assuming that this will end with soobin asking her out the way she imagined. 
“i-i really think you should talk to yeonjun about this min,” soobin attempts to be cautious, the grin now fading into a straight face. “i don’t know if i’ve done anything to you but i’m sorry if i’ve given you the wrong impression.” 
min furrows her eyebrows in confusion, her tone is obvious. “what could’ve been the wrong impression, silly?” 
“i don’t like you min,” soobin says in a clear tone. min has trouble believing this, a dumbfounded expression on her face. 
“of course you do,” she adds more seriously. “i know you do.” 
soobin gulps at the sudden shift in environment, trying to figure out how he could put this delicately. he doesn’t want to break this girl’s heart, but she needs to know the truth. 
“but i don’t,” he repeats once more. “i’ve been nice to you, yeah. that doesn’t mean i have feelings for you.” 
it’s at this point where min’s eyes begin to trickle with water and it’s her turn to come up with a properly structured sentence. soobin feels bad, he hates seeing people cry. it tugs at his heartstrings. 
“but you called me pretty.” 
and just like that, he knew. she was insane. that was something that was said over a year ago. she’s still dwelling onto that? soobin thinks about the other occurrences where they’ve hung out together, only being with yeonjun. he’s only been nice, staying in his lane, one, because he doesn’t like her in that way, but two, because she’s dating yeonjun. or was. 
“that was only meant as a compliment,” soobin defends, some frustration being shown. “i’m sorry you took it as anything else, but again, i don’t like you. i don’t think we should talk anymore considering you broke up with yeonjun too.” 
min wipes a tear away as she processes this rejection. this did not go the way she planned. now it was her turn to question if she should fight for this, or just leave it alone. should she resent soobin too? 
this wasn’t over, but she needed to pretend that it was. 
“can we at least hug goodbye?” 
the girl stands up from her seat and opens her arms with her small figure, appearing puppy like. soobin goes through a crisis in his head, but it’s the least that he can do. he did just reject her, he does feel bad. if this is what it takes to never see her again, then so be it. 
soobin gets up as well and completes the hug in his stiff manner while min tightens her arms around his. he counts the seconds down silently, wanting this to be over with. he hears min mutter something under her breath, but can’t make out the words. not like it matters anyway. 
min lets go of the hug, facing soobin one last time. she gives him a tight smile to which he can only return, and walks away. just like that. he watches her leave into the distance and the weight on his chest feels lighter. he sighs out loud as he thinks about what just happened, occurring to him that min and yeonjun broke up. he should be comforting his friend. 
soobin reaches for his bag on the ground and stands back up, seeing yeonjun stand right in front of him. 
“yeonjun!” soobin greets with some sympathy in his voice. “i heard what happened with you and-” 
“what the hell is wrong with you?” 
yeonjun’s demeanor is completely different from soobin’s. it’s tight, he has a hard scowl on his face, the anger in his eyes not going unnoticed. soobin, of course, is confused as to why. 
“what?” the boy questions timidly. 
“so you’re the boy she likes,” yeonjun responds with some vengeance. “and you like her too.” 
soobin can only assume he’s talking about min, but still wonders where this is coming from. 
“what are you-” 
“she breaks up with me so she can date you and now you’re all over her,” yeonjun accuses with no remorse. 
it occurs to soobin that yeonjun witnessed the entire thing. he mentally curses to himself as he knows that the scene looks suspicious, but he hopes that yeonjun at least heard what happened. 
“okay that’s not what happened.” 
yeonjun scoffs, not believing what the boy in front of him says. “what, were you guys hooking up behind my back too?” 
soobin widens his eyes as he immediately begins to disregard that. “no, we never-” 
“oh shut up soobin!” yeonjun yells into the air. “tell me what happened then, huh?” 
soobin gestures his hand to no one, attempting to recall the events that just happened. the fact that the words aren’t forming on his tongue doesn’t help whatsoever. he was never good at confrontation either, this wasn’t a good mix.
“i-she-she came up to me and-” 
“told you she liked you and you told her the same thing,” yeonjun interrupts harshly. soobin feels the tears swell into his eyes, frustrated with the fact that he can’t defend himself and how yeonjun doesn’t believe him. 
“god, you’ve never been a good liar,” yeonjun comments with a shake of his head, his hand being placed on his hip as he clicks his tongue. soobin remains quiet, thinking of how he should put all this. doesn’t make sense, considering this is a fairly simple situation. he doesn’t understand why he’s contemplating this much. 
to yeonjun, it only fuels his suspicion. 
“you can’t let me have anything, can you?” yeonjun questions out loud, the squint in his eyes showcasing his hurt. 
“what?” soobin manages to choke out, fully aware that yeonjun is actually upset with him. 
“this whole time everyone has associated me with you,” yeonjun begins to rant, each word getting more harsh. “soobin, future actor. soobin, nice to everyone. soobin, the tall handsome guy in our grade. yeonjun, his best friend.” 
“…i don't even have my own name anymore because you’ve taken over my life and how everyone perceives me.” yeonjun says with a crack in his voice. 
“…even my parents compare me to you and want me to be just like you. i have nothing to my name except being your friend. everything i have i share with you. i just wanted something that was mine, something you couldn’t have. and then i did. i found a girl, i had a girlfriend. you didn't. she liked just me not you.” 
yeonjun adds one last thing under his breath, but still stern enough for soobin to hear. “and you had to ruin that too.” 
this is the first time soobin has been aware of yeonjun’s feelings. he can’t deny that there has been a shift in their friendship recently, with each of them being interested in different things. they still managed to remain close, he hoped that yeonjun would disclose everything to him like he once used to. he feels sorry that yeonjun feels this way, but still has to prove his point that he didn’t see what he thought he did. 
“yeonjun,” soobin says with a sigh, trying to get through to the boy. “i swear i didn't-i swear nothing happened.” 
yeonjun stares back at soobin with some glassy eyes, the emotions finally taking over him. he remains still and his voice is lower as he figures soobin out.
“that didn’t look like nothing.”  
soobin feels hopeless as a silence between them ensues. he wishes he wasn’t so reserved so that he could argue back. after all, that’s why he even chose to take a drama class. to supposedly bring him out of his shell. it’s like all of his progress has been thrown out the window. 
“maybe you and i need to take a break,” yeonjun offers tiredly, like it was the last solution he could come up with. soobin appears concerned, wondering why that’s what he was resorting to. 
“…things haven’t been the same for a while now soobin,” yeonjun replies. “maybe we need some time apart. this was kinda the last straw for me.” 
soobin begins to shake his head in denial, wanting anything else to happen except this. all they needed to do was talk. but when you put one person who can’t defend himself with someone who won’t listen, where is that gonna go? 
“or maybe we shouldn’t be friends at all,” yeonjun steps closer to soobin with the most serious face he’s ever displayed. “because this is loser behavior.” he refers to a conversation he and soobin had long ago. soobin felt it, it stung. it’s brutal. all he can do is just remain in his place in despair. yeonjun scoffs at his lack of effort, sniffing away any tears that wanted to come down. he backs away from the boy as he slowly walks backwards before leaving soobin alone again. 
“see you around, i guess.” 
they never saw each other around for the next two years of high school. 
or for the rest of their lives. 
last year. 
yeonjun makes his way around campus as he tries to find his group for orientation. he’s just as lost as he has been for the last three years. he managed to graduate with good grades, but with barely any life. no girlfriend, no friends. no bestfriend. he doesn’t know where soobin is now, he doesn’t really care to know. college is his chance to start over and meet new people. 
now if he could just return to the right group, he could start doing that. 
yeonjun curses under his breath as he scrolls on his phone, comparing the pictures online with the real life scenery. comparing buildings to each other to see if he's any closer to his desired location. he was supposed to meet his group near the main hall to have a tour of the school. he's got five minutes to spare, he hopes that he’s getting closer at least. 
as soon as he locks his phone and stores it in his back pocket, he bumps directly into someone. the two back away slightly, ready to apologize for the contact. 
“god, i’m sorry,” the person says as they tuck their phone away as well. “you work in a coffee shop for a week and suddenly lose all sense of direction. i’m trying to find my group and i’m kinda losing my mind.” 
the two lock eyes and some kind of nostalgia hits yeonjun, like he’s been here before. the person appears to be friendly, almost an innocence to them. though with his experiences, he’s grown to be cautious of others. he shouldn’t trust anyone too soon. 
“it’s okay,” yeonjun chuckles politely. he’s a bit reserved and awkward. “i’m looking for my group too.” 
the person’s eyes widen in excitement, a burst of energy escaping from their body as they clap their two hands together and jump in place. “we might be headed the same place then! who’s your group leader?” 
“han,” yeonjun remembers. the person’s eyes light up in realization as they begin to squeal like it was christmas day. 
“i have han too!” they exclaim and it takes yeonjun a moment to comprehend what it means. “we’re in the same group then!” 
yeonjun nods in realization as he returns their energy more timidly. the person reaches out their hand and yeonjun is temporarily caught off guard, looking at it before he looks back at them. 
“i’m y/n by the way.” 
they hold their hand out as a friendly smile stays on their face, their eyes creasing as the bigger their smile gets. yeonjun can’t help but return the gesture, a small smile on his face as he introduces himself. 
“i’m yeonjun,” he replies cooly as the two shake hands, both of them blushing slightly with the contact. they let go and y/n begins to head the opposite way, earning a confused expression from yeonjun. 
“where are you going?” he calls out as y/n heads over back to him. 
“we’re meeting with them that way aren’t we?” y/n points behind them, yeonjun shaking his head with some amusement. 
“i think it’s this way,” he gestures to his side, bringing his phone back in his hand as he shows them the pictures. “the buildings match up.” 
y/n stares at the photos as they glance over at the building around the corner, bursting into laughter. they begin to walk that direction as yeonjun catches up to them. 
“you’re right, thanks jun!” 
yeonjun continues to walk more slowly this time, the nickname snapping him back to reality. all the memories in his head begin to play out. anyone who has ever called him that, or any nickname for that matter, have always had negative influences on him. he’s never allowed anyone to call him anything except for yeonjun. 
y/n notices the shift in pace as they match theirs with his. “you alright?” 
“jun.” is all the boy can say. it came out more like a statement than a question, as if he was trying to make sense of the name he hasn’t heard in a while. y/n has no idea. 
“yeah jun,” y/n replies nonchalantly, the smile still apparent. “your name reminds me of the month june, so jun for june.” 
“june is in summer, and based on your energy right now, i can tell you’re just as bright as the season. you're reserved right now, anyone could take you to be mean on first impression. kinda how like people hate summer at first thought. but once they get to know you, once people get to experience summer, it’s the best thing ever. that could be you and i!” 
y/n returns back to their normal pace before they realize that yeonjun has stopped in his place right behind them. they turn around and remain in their position, calling out to him in a teasing manner. 
“you coming or what?” 
yeonjun looks back at them, seeing them with so much fondness. it’s like they don’t have a care in the world, like they genuinely want to have fun. they show interest in him, something that he hasn’t received in a while. he smiles softly as he sniffs out some air, biting his lip to attempt to not make his smile any bigger, it’s barely a success. he jogs to y/n and calls out to them. 
“yeah, i’m coming.”
please do not translate, modify or repost on other platforms.
© fairybinie
211 notes · View notes
juminsmysticmc · 2 years
Hey!! Ilove your work sm ❤️ i hope you're doing great
Can I ask RFA reacting to MC getting Assassinated but survived??
Ignore this if you want because the topic is sensitive. Even if I still love your creativity in writing your fanfictions ilsym take care of yourselfff!!! ❤️❤️❤️
RFA x  MC being involved in an assassination but surviving
Hello! First of all I want to clarify that I googled the definition for Assassination, this is what Google Says: Assassination is the murder of a prominent person or political figure by a surprise attack, usually for payment or political reasons
So, I hope everyone can enjoy this Fic, I also want to clarify that this is something written soly out of fiction, nothing is real and things may be exaggerated to make it seem more exciting so please, don’t hate this Fiction.
And to you, you lovely Anon, I bless you with the name ,,red ( heart ) anon’’ because of the whole red hearts and the bloody request. I hope you enjoy it :) BTW, this isn’t sensitive for me at all! Take care of yourself too!!
TW: Sensitive Content 
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The day started well and it all went well until that evening at the company, celebrating the new success.
Jumin was standing a few feets away from you, next to you Assistant Kang, who you were talking with, and Jumin didn’t really want to know what you were telling her as her cheeks grew red.
He took his eyes off you for a single second before he heard screaming, shooting and groaning.
When he looked back, Assistant Kang was over you, her body shielding yours as blood was gushing out of one of you.
,,MC!!!’’ Jumin screamed loudly, but probably no one heard it as everyone was running and screaming across the big room.
More shooting was heard and the bodyguards around him were running around as way too many people were laying dead around him.
,,DOWN MR HAN!’’ someone screamed and covered him as more gunfire was heard and then everything was silent.
,,My wife! My wife is there! Get off me!’’ he hissed, trying to shake the person away who saved his life, trying to get to you.
Just now, he could see that you were losing blood.
He finally was able to approach you and pull you towards him. Jaehee was still over you when he gently laid Jaehee back, only noticing then that she was dead.
Jumin couldn’t even gulp at the sight of his best Assistant, dead over his wife.
Jumin checked your pulse and could feel your heart beating. The pulse was still there, but his trembling hands quickly pulled off Jaehee's lifeless body. She had protected you until the end .
,,Don’t make her death be in vain, Mc, stay with me,’’ he begged, trying to cover you with his jacket, his hand over your injury as he waited for help.
,,FUCK! Why didn’t you check all the guests?!’’ Zen screamed at the bloody man in front of him, crying upon hearing of the death of his biggest fan and the dangerous situation you were in.
Jumin stayed silent as Jihyun tried to pull the young man back.
,,I…I was a fool…I know,’’ he confessed, praying, this once praying to God, even though he wasn’t a believer, that you would survive.
,,She’s alive. Her wounds were deep, but Mrs Han was a fighter. An angel must have stayed by her side,’’ the doctor said as soon as he finished his prayer.
,,Jumin…she’s dead, isn’t she? I saw her in my dream, she’s dead… Jaehee saved me,’’ you cried as soon as you saw him, you in his arms as he finally could let his tears fall freely too…
Months later it was discovered that the assasination was planned and done by someone who got fired due to the success of C&R. The man later on killed himself too.
Jumin was and would be always thankful for Jaehee’s sacrifice and to honor her, his child, two years later, was named after her.
,,The first big fan meeting, I’m so excited,’’ you giggled, holding your boyfriend’s hand.
He was just as nervous as you and you could feel that due to his kind of sweaty hands.
He nodded as he entered the room, preparing little details before the fangirls were let in.
Of course one of them was Jaehee, who thanks to you, got her every VIP Ticket, although she wasn’ the first, but this was okay for her.
Time went on and finally it was her turn, but the atmosphere was totally different from the normal meetings she had with the two of you. It was visible that she was really really nervous too.
,,Thank you for supporting me until coming here,’’ he smiled, holding her hand, which was trembling.
You were assured and looked away from the both of you when you suddenly saw someone pointing a gun towards the three of you.
You acted rapidly, made Zen duck down, and pulled Jaehee below the table when the bullet met your back, making you scream in pain and shiver.
,,OH MY GOD NO!’’ Zen screamed when he saw you. He and Jaehee were hiding behind the table thanks to you and could pull you back just in time before another shot was heard.
The fans were screaming in fear and apparently some of them were shot and injured as even more gunfire was heard.
Zen however, even though it sounded awful in his mind, didn’t mind at all the other people and was just trying to get you to open your eyes, doing CPR on you and calling your name.
Zen was just about to give up when suddenly someone pulled up the tablecloth, making Jaehee shield both you and Zen.
Luckily, a guard and a paramedic quickly performed first aid on you, shoving Zen away from you.
It didn’t take long for Zen to look for the culprit, sprinting towards the woman who was held by the guard.
It was the first time Zen ever hit a woman and he never felt as good as now. “I swear, if you did kill her, I will make you regret being alive!’’ he screamed, before Jaehee pulled him away.
The ride to the hospital was awful. Zen was sobbing loudly as pictures of your lifeless body came back to his mind.
He was trembling like a leaf and no one, not even Jaehee’s support, could help him calm down.
Two of the worst weeks passed for Zen.
His unshaved face was glued on your bed and his cold hand was entangled in yours.
You were in a coma, alive but not waking up and Zen swore to himself, he would die next to you if it was needed.
He was just about to pull back to kiss you one last time before your finger twitched, making him hold his breath.
When he looked up, his hand still in yours, your eyes sleepily looked into his eyes. You were back.
,,I’m not comfortable in big crowds,’’ you confessed as Yoosung was holding your hand. He pulled you through the tables of the video games convention, absorbing every single detail.
The tables were decorated with stuff to sell, fan made pictures, figures, everything.
Yoosung smiled brightly as he looked around himself and enjoyed the sight of the cosplayers, making a mental note to ask one of them for a picture later.
But first of all, he needed very important merch from his lovely LOLOL.
,,Nothing can happen to you. The guards checked our belongings and no one would attack a convention. Besides, I will protect you with my life,’’ he told you, smiling brightly.
Well, he didn’t know how wrong he was.
Yoosung left you at the table in the food hall, just going out because a famous cosplayer was outside and made a live on Instagram saying that he would leave soon.
,,The food will be here any minute, but don’t worry and begin without me,’’ he assured you, kissed your cheek and left, making you sigh as you watched him walk away.
He was right. The food came a few moments later, but there wasn't a chance for you to get the first slice of pizza into your hands as screams made you shriek.
Loud screams of panic around you started and suddenly bullets were heard, almost giving you a heart attack upon hearing the loud sound.
You wanted to hide, go below the table, pray that the person who was shooting around wouldn’t kill you, meet your scared eyes, but you failed and before you could save yourself, a bullet hit you.
Your last thought was for him, Yoosung, to stay outside and not come in, having to be in such pain and in danger.
,,My wife is in the building!’’ Yoosung screamed at a security guard who was trying to hold him off.
Yoosung tried with all his might to make the man let go. His eyes turned darker and suddenly Yoosung really seemed to be stronger.
However, the man didn’t let go and until the assassin wasn’t caught, no one was actually allowed to go in.
Only when paramedics and police officers finally ran into the building, Yoosung was strong enough to punch the man who was holding him to run up into the building to check on him. The sight was horrific.
Yoosung screamed your name and ran towards you.
Everything was spilled on the floor. You were laying in your own blood and you were as pale as the clouds outside.
Yoosung tried to do some first aid on you, however, you didn’t wake up.
Your eyes didn’t open and Yoosung couldn’t feel a pulse.
The sight of you being alive was equal to zero.
Yoosung already thought of dying with you, hating himself for having brought you along, even though you said that you didn’t like crowds. He hated himself for leaving you on your own and he really took the knife to cut the pizza, ready to slice himself open, thinking that he couldn’t dare to live without you, losing again another person.
What he, however, didn’t expect was you grabbing his hand and groaning ,,Don’t you dare…are we Romeo and Juliet or what?’’ you asked him before you passed out again.
,,I can’t believe that a vet wasn’t able to feel the pulse, like, Bro, if you tend your animals like your wife, Korea won’t have any pets at this rate,’’ Zen teased Yoosung later in the hospital after your wounds were tended and the RFA came for a visit.
,,I am here for Mc. She was admitted to this hospital,’’ Jaehee said, out of breath as she arrived at the hospital in the middle of Seoul.
The nurse checked her out, her eyes going from bottom to top before she typed your name into her computer without saying anything.
Jaehee tapped with her feet, standing on one foot and then on the other one, waiting nervously for the nurse to give her an answer.
,,And who are you?’’ the nurse finally said before saying anything regarding your health.
Jaehee inhaled and tried to stay calm.
She often had odd things happen to her when she worked with Jumin. She often had to be confronted with not-so-easy situations, but this one was wracking.
,,I’m her partner. She was involved in an assasination attempt, is she okay?’’ Jaehee asked.
Her hands were placed on the table so that no one could see her trembling hands.
The nurse nodded and looked back down at her screen before she tried to find an answer for Jaehee.
,,She was injured quite badly when she arrived in the ER… someone is waiting for the legal guardian or partner to sign the papers, please follow me,’’ she said. Now the nurse herself was walking quickly. This meant for Jaehee that the situation was quite bad and indeed seemed like that.
As she entered the emergency room, a lot of people were laying on beds.
Some had already a blanket over their face, others were visibly in pain, and then there was you, pale as the blanket you were laying on and totally bloody.
Jaehee didn’t even have the time to take a look at you, take your hand, or anything else. As soon as she signed the papers, you were carried away and no one saw you anymore.
Jaehee kept thinking about you, the way you looked, the blood…the time you had waited for her…if she just came with you to the political meeting…would things have been different?
But before Jaehee could worry more about you and get desperate about your well-being, a doctor approached her with good news…
,,Someone hacked into our System,’’ the red haired man breathed out as he said those words.
His twin brother was sitting next to him, trying to hack into their hacked system as Jumin stood behind the twins.
He was typing something into his phone and Saeyoung could only guess that Jumin demanded more guards and to get everyone safe and out of the place.
The issue was that the RFA was currently holding a party and used this to show the world what the prime minister was actually like.
This probably was an action done by the so hated politician from Saeyoung and he could only guess that worse was to come. He was right…
You, on the other hand, were still standing in the room, wanting to welcome your guests when you suddenly noticed that you were hacked.
,,Let’s just wait a bit longer,’’ you said and nodded to Yoosung, Zen, and Jaehee as you looked around.
Your guests were happily eating and standing around the buffet so no one actually noticed the chaos around you.
And while you were actually trying to figure out what your fiancé was doing, someone else who was actually invited to the RFA Party used his chance to make everything in your speech be deleted.
Such as attacking you from behind, trying to assassinate you and stab you with a knife.
You didn’t know how, but you somehow escaped the painful attack as Zen pulled you away before the knife could be shoved into you.
Jaehee didn’t even take a second to attack your attacker with her judo skills, throwing the man to the floor and making sure that he would stay put.
,,MC?!’’ Saeyoung hissed as soon as he arrived, seeing you sitting on a chair without losing any blood or any minor injury. He had the feeling that his heart rate was getting better.
,,I thought I lost you for a second,’’ he whispered in confession as he held your trembling hand.
,,But I survived…. I survived, Saeyoung.’’
25.09.2022 // 13:57 MEST
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hello!! omygosh i love your writings so much ♡ im gonna continue reading them all later-
anyways, if its okay could you do Maru falling in love? thank you for sharing your writings ilove them all ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎♡
Maru: Falling in Love
Ahhhh, thank you!!! It would be my pleasure to do a Maru one. She's such a nice person. :)
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Before you arrive, she's super excited to meet you. As she says, a new townie can really alter the community dynamic. She wonders all sorts of things about you. Your name, what you look like, how you act, how that can change the town, everything!
She admires your persistence. Working on a farm you need a lot of it. There's so much to do every day, just meeting people becomes a job to do. As an inventor she also has a long to-do list, so she likes that you guys have that in common.
She decides to survey you. What better way is there to get to know someone than ask them a few questions? Most of it is just basic stuff. Who you are, how you feel about the farm, etc. Some of them are more complicated, but that's for research on the community as a whole.
She knows she has a thing for you while looking through the results. It's like an instant 'wait, why else would I ask this stuff?' moment. She's very chill about it, doesn't care much at all. I mean, crushes pass. This one will too, right?
But it doesn't! And now she's stuck in a fat pile of what we call love. Still, she's very chill, albeit a little nervous. But who wouldn't be?
She likes to teach you how to invent things. I know there's a better, more technical word for that, but I forgot it. Anyways, she loves to help teach you her passions. It may or may not be an excuse to hold hands, but that's not important.
You guys have a secret code! It's simple but hard to crack. Translated, it's just you guys goofing about, talking about whatever Sebastian is up to or Robin's newest deals.
She has a stack of love letters. Never are any of them going to see the light of day, but it helps her express her emotions in a safe environment. In fact, she plans to confess via love letter, but nothing she writes ever seems to be good enough.
Stargazing! So much of your time together is spent looking at the night sky. She teaches you about all the constellations and where to find them, taking your hand to point up to it. You guys lay down on a blanket together, Maru usually falling asleep.
"This one, the legend behind it reminds me of you. It's a beautiful constellation, isn't it?"
Overall, she's pretty lowkey about it. Nobody - not even Demetrius - can tell. She just admires you from afar and does her best to be a good friend. She can't guarantee a romantic relationship with you, so a best friend role she will settle for.
Ahh, I hope you like it! I'm not as familiar with Maru, so sorry if this is out of character! Thank you for the compliments and thank you for the ask! Remember to drink water and get lots of sleep. <33
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webspinning · 5 months
Self, Intimacy, Family, Loss, Future
Macaron, Alabastrine, Florence, Hellion
Don’t need to do all if you dont want :)
Macaron - Yes, they like themself! Or that's what they'd say if asked, anyway, it's never something they've thought about extensively :] Alabastrine - He knows he's pretty, has a few doubts about his personality. Though he would like to be a little shorter, he's small for a SandWing. Florence - Yes. What? Maybe. She's pretty and gets told it a lot, [and has accepted it] but she doesn't care, and would probably prefer to be less pretty. She gets a lot of people asking her out and finds it distracting lmao. Hellion - He didn't used to like himself but he does now, he's happier getting to dress like an emo teen even in his forties. Intimacy; Macaron - Aromantic..they might be okay with a longterm QPR but they'd need to trust that dragon a lot. They don't really have the...time right now. Alabastrine - Been on a few flings in his life, usually just for entertainment between him and whoever it was. There was never really any spark but it's nice to have someone to be affectionate with for a bit. He's hoping his current relationship will last. Florence - Dislikes the idea of flings, needs time to get to know someone before she even lets them know most things about her. She's never been incredibly interested in romantic relationships, really. Hellion - This man was known for having a lot of partners back in his younger days, and still has a few he hangs around with now !! Nothing serious, he doesn't want the scene that happened with Veros to happen again. Always been romantic though. Family; Macaron - They're very close with their family! I haven't picked them out or named them yet but they have three siblings, both parents, and several cousins. They all love each other lots :) Alabastrine - Not very close with any of her family...his father is distant and literally unreachable, being the prince, his grandmother wants him dead, and his mother has a tense relationship with him. He's not fond of any of them either. Florence - None of her family is left alive. Hellion - Knows of Strina, doesn't like to acknowledge his existence. Close with his mother [he was her favourite child for a long time], vaguely positive relationship with his father, doesn't see his brothers enough but they all kind of dislike him because he was Iurus' golden child, and he dislikes his younger sister. Loss; No for everyone except Florence ! Her entire family [twin brother + parents] is dead, she misses them - especially her brother - a lot. She didn't take his loss well, but they were able to mourn their parents together before that and it made it a little bit better. Losing him is part of why she's so closed off.
Future; Macaron always looks forward to seeing their family when they get breaks from work long enough to visit, they normally end up in a big cuddle pile of SilkWings for a few hours.
thank you for this <3 i needed it today
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Collar (Michael Langdon x woc! Reader)
(The true battle is watching their superiority complexes clash; tw for shitty daughter/father relationship; enemies -to-‘do they wanna kill each other or fuck each other?’-to-‘oh shit are those butterflies’ ; good for her ; god complexes 😩👌; apologies if this is a piece of shit🫶🏾🫶🏾)
taglist: @ilove-evanpeters @moonyscardigans @twinshii @raspberryhaterade @iwenttoshiratorizawa @uselessdoodlesdude @khai-luvs-iida @ferneskin @burneraccountant @de4ds0up @bellaisasleep @arougeme @aurorarevenclaw1927 @applecandy14 @fingersnapples @weasleysgirl77 @fuckingheartgames @langdoncult @untitled44100
Hey y’all, sorry for being MIA but I had college and atm a full time job 😅 I hope this is satisfactory, I enjoyed this personally so I hope y’all feel the same. Also, I’d definitely love to write more Eve and Michael so if you have any requests for short fics with them I’m absolutely down to do it (they’d definitely come out quicker!)
Enjoy! Happy Summer.
parts: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ♥
As Eve comes to terms with herself, she and Michael look at the world with different eyes. The final chapter. 🖤
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final part | eden
If there was one thing I would tell everyone—my sisters, the millions that died, the survivors that suffered, the children who were never born and the ones who never grew—it would be that I am not a hero. I am not a savior, and looking back, I was never a sentinel for humankind. Maybe it’s because of the way my childhood was; fucked up people have bad childhoods, and although I wouldn’t say I was particularly twisted, normal people don’t commit parricide.
I never took pleasure in destroying humanity or the apocalypse, but I wasn’t willing to bend over backwards to try and do something impossible. Not when I was happy enough; it’s better than being hollow, and it’s far better than misery.
And before you even imply it, I didn’t do it just because I was so lovestruck. The mere implication insults me. I have always chased purpose; and while I have only followed purposes that were given to me by others, implicitly or explicitly, I know better than to make something as fickle as another person my purpose. I did my job. I chased my mission. I went after my purpose, no one can say I didn’t try, that I didn’t fight. But there was no more purpose; no more duty. If you’d seen all that I had, you would have done the same—you would have gone to your wives or husbands or that ex you never got over, you’d embrace your loved ones and make the end a happy one. You wouldn’t have left the peaceful eye of the storm to try and fight against the wind.
If that’s not good enough for you, then I hope you can accept my apology. I would have been a good Supreme. I tried to be one until the end. I’m sorry.
But I was never a martyr.
“Hello, Michael.”
I held his gaze with uncertainty. He took in my features as he walked towards me, his smile only growing.
“It really is you, isn’t it,” he said softly, touching my face, “You came and found me.”
I didn’t know what to say. “Sorry I took all of the bacon.”
He looked at me fondly in absolute silence. I smiled awkwardly, looking away. The emotion in his eyes overwhelmed me.
“Why did you come back,” he asked, taking my hand, “I figured you were going back to your coven.”
“I did. I tried to stop the Apocalypse. I failed for two years straight.”
He seemed pleased by the news. “And then you came back to me?”
I let out a gentle sigh, my nerves fading from the feeling of his hand on mine.
“Yes. I did.”
I looked up to meet his gaze. “I’ve been to fifty-six timelines in the last two years. I killed you in fifteen of them, and the number’s so low because I couldn’t bear to do it anymore after the last time jump I did.”
“I can imagine how much you enjoyed the first time,” he added, eyes twinkling with humor.
“The first time was about as good as the last.”
He paused, the twinkle fading. Slowly, I intertwined my fingers with his.
“It was almost scary, you know. In fifty-six timelines filled with thousands of possibilities and changes, you were always there. In fact, I’m willing to admit that at a certain point, I started to go looking for you if you weren’t there already.”
My eyebrows furrowed. “And my world just seemed worse and worse every time I came back to this timeline where I was all alone.”
“And…I don’t regret doing what I did that morning. I don’t do things I regret. But…”
I fell silent, unable to finish the sentence while looking into his eyes.
“I’ve thought of waking up in your arms more than I think would be normal. Or okay. Or rational.”
I let out a shaky sigh, looking into his eyes, frowning a bit and holding onto his hand firmly.
“So, I guess I came back because I…I think…”
His eager expression made my words fail as blood rose to my cheeks in embarrassment. He smiled, but it was a genuinely warm one—one that reminded me of that warm halo in the midday sun.
“I…think I might…”
I couldn’t finish it; I couldn’t say it out loud just yet but it didn’t matter to him. He still leaned down, wrapped his arm around my waist, and kissed me like I’d told him I’d loved him a million times. I held onto him as we kissed, gripping onto his coat. He laughed softly after our lips parted.
“What are you holding on so desperately for,” he questioned.
“I’m scared I might fall.”
“Go ahead,” he encouraged, leaning in again, “I’ll catch you.”
I laughed, making his eyebrows draw in a confused smile.
“That’s definitely one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.”
Eyes shining, he shook his head and kissed me. The light in his gaze danced lazily behind my eyelids as I held him tighter, my body melting in his arms as he smiled at the feeling.
Two months passed with Michael and I was finding myself growing peaceful. Two months waking up in Michael’s arms had caused me to grow accustomed to embracing another and being embraced, which is something I experienced often with him. I was amused by it. I once asked him if he was hanging on so I wouldn’t leave, and he only held me tighter and smiled into the crook of my neck.
My sisters haunted me, though. They haunted me in the back of my mind and watched me through the shadows on the wall at night. But the longer I was with Michael, the less I wanted to return. I would protect them from the End—it was my duty as a Supreme and a witch to protect them from oblivion—but I couldn’t go back and leave behind this peace.
By the fifth month with Michael, I couldn’t see myself ever setting foot in an academy for exceptional anyones ever again. I didn’t want it any other way.
I expected pains and gripes more the longer we’d been each other’s company, each other’s solace. It was inevitable, or at least that’s what I believed. I don’t think Micheal ever believed he could be loved romantically to begin with, and it seemed that he was in complete psychological bliss after this had been disapproved. If only I could’ve been that simple. Instead, I found myself disturbing my own peace after seven months—staying up later and later and getting in bed when I knew Micheal was dead asleep, stiffening in his arms again, straying mentally—and it was magical and terrifying to watch. I had no control over it, I had no want for it, but it kept going and it got worse until it reached the point where Micheal’s peace was disturbed, too.
“Have I done something?”
I paused, looking up from my book and reluctantly meeting Michael's eyes.
He sighed as I turned the page and continued reading. I felt him sit down next to me, placing a hand on my arm to draw my attention away from the book. I kept my eyes downcast with discomfort as Michael tried to catch my gaze.
"Eve. I know something's wrong. Don't lie to me if I've hurt you or have done something to upset you."
"I don't want to talk about it," I admitted. "It's me, not you. It's juvenile."
He caressed my cheek, then turned my face to his, tilting my head up. I slowly lifted my eyes to meet his.
"Nothing you feel is juvenile to me."
I swallowed, feeling my heart jump, and tried to look away but Michael wouldn't let me. A smile started to form on my lips as I pushed his hand away to turn my face.
"Why do you always know the perfect thing to say?"
"I don't know the perfect thing to say," he said with a small laugh.
I gave him a look. "Yes, you do. It's your nature to say exactly what someone wants or needs to hear."
"I'm not trying to trick you, Eve," he said with some offense, "I love you."
"I know. You're just good at being kind to me. It's...strange."
I held his gaze, giving a little smile and he looked into my eyes.
"I'm not going to stop being kind, I promise. I wouldn't mistreat someone I'm so lucky to have."
I laughed, feeling embarrassment creep up inside of me.
"I mean it," he asserted with a smile, pulling me close, "I love you, Eve."
I nodded. "I know, I know. I..."
With an apologetic look, I finished my sentence. "I care for you, too."
He only kept smiling. "I care for you more."
I kissed his cheek, smiled, and went back to reading. He lingered.
“Eve, I want you to come with me today.”
I frowned instinctively. “God, not those two bowl cut douchebags and their purple demon, no way, I told you I never—“
He laughed. “You really do hate them, don’t you?”
I scoffed. “Yeah. They don’t have to stick around, do they?”
“I’m not going to Silicon Valley, though. I’m going to meet them.”
I rose my eyebrows, not looking away from the page. “The Cooperative?”
“You’re not going with Miriam?”
“That’s beside the point, I want you to come.”
I smiled. “It’s a little important, considering she hates me.”
“Well, you did kill her.”
“And she got the benefit of burning in hell. If I was her, I would be thanking me.”
He chuckled. “And you wonder why she hates you.”
I gave him a humorous glance.
“You can relay the information to me just the same, can’t you?”
“That’s not why I want you to come.”
“Oh. Why, then?”
He hesitated to answer, which caught my attention.
“I’m getting a little concerned about your well-being, that’s all. You’ve barely left here in five months, and all you do is read. You aren’t the kind of person who hides from things.”
I broke my focus on the page I was reading to give him an offended look. “I’m not hiding from anything.”
“You aren’t doing anything, either,” he said, “You’re not a person who doesn’t do anything.”
I sighed, closing my book. He gently took it from my hands almost instantaneously.
“I think it’s what’s affected your mood. I’m just…worried.”
I glanced around the darkened room, seeing the half empty pitcher of water, the haphazardly stacked books, the sunlight battling against the blackout curtains. I relented.
“Fine. I could use some sun.”
“And some fresh air,” he added, taking my hand and removing me from the bed.
“Mm, while it still lasts.”
He smiled.
The car ride with me, Michael and Miriam was awkward. (Well, robo-Miriam, but Miriam just the same.)
She had a number of grudges against me: killing her, abandoning Micheal, coming back to Michael, being the Supreme, all the times I said ‘God’ and ‘Jesus’, and so on and so forth…I didn’t expect the Antichrist to come with a mother-in-law who hated me, but I’d accepted it as my deserved punishment for leaving my sisters behind.
Her face immediately fell the moment I got into the car. “Oh, you’ve finally come out during the day?”
I sighed, putting on my sunglasses. “You are just always in a bad mood when I see you; are you sure you don’t need an OS update?”
“Oh! Look at that, she’s got jokes. Aren’t you a funny little witch?”
The way she spat that word out like it was some kind of insult made my stomach tense in sudden anger.
I smiled at her. “What’s funny is that the only thing keeping you from death again is your precious little boy.”
An uncomfortable silence fell over the car after that. Michael gave me a look, and I shrugged.
“What? I didn’t start it.”
He didn’t appreciate it when I threatened to kill her again. I told him all he had to do was to get her to behave, but we both knew I wouldn’t do it. He loved her. With some embarrassment I took his hand and met his eyes.
“Sorry. I’ll be nice.”
He squeezed my hand and gaze me a smile. I turned my attention to the window, putting in an earbud.
Michael was right to be concerned about me, although I would never tell him that. Between armageddon and being a failure, I was inclined to live off of books, sugary cereals, liters and liters of water and some occasional fruit to avoid scurvy.
I hadn’t left the house because I was terrified—terrified of my own place in the world and what I was supposed to do now. I’d only thought of an escape from the crushing doom that trying to save the world gave me, and I while I only briefly acknowledged that going to Micheal implied ending the world, I didn’t really understand it. When I started packing that suitcase, I only thought of Micheal. When I left New Orleans for Los Angeles I was only thinking of being in Michael’s embrace.
I’d gotten what I wanted, and I loved being with Michael. I didn’t really get how phyrric a reunion with him would be, though. However, I’d recovered my mind now. I really fucked up, but I didn’t want to change a thing. It was insane, but it was undeniable that I was happy. Michael’s smile made me smile, his laugh made me laugh, his contentment gave me a deep sense of ease. I was fond of him and his wickedness and his naïveté, although he wasn’t very naïve about much except ending the world. I was very fond of that. More than I should’ve been. That was going to run out sooner or later.
There were times when I wondered and questioned. I would shower late and inhale the steam, feeling the pressure of my life leave my warmed muscles and spiral down the drain. My mind would become clear as a crisp winter sky, and I would think of my mother. I wished to speak to her, to go to her and have my fears quelled, that Michael could be trusted with forever. I knew he wasn’t a good man—he wasn’t a man to begin with. Maybe that was better. He was a monster, and this was a secret to neither of us. I supposed this was better than my mother with Ariel, but I had no way of knowing. This fear began to sit on my chest when I laid down next to him, crushing my ribs and lungs as I stared at the ceiling and held onto his hand. Was I following the same pattern? Michael was devoted to me, he was helplessly in love which I knew not just from his words, but from his eyes. Those vast, empty pits, they now held adoration and visions of our long and plentiful future. A future stained in blood, but a future we shared.
I was afraid to love him completely. It was something I didn’t want to admit, or that I knew then, but I knew if I loved him I wouldn’t be able to betray him if I had to. I was still a woman; a human being. He could freeze his heart, I thought, he could stop adoring me as quickly and powerfully as he started. It comforted me to know I could do the same, and I was afraid of the possibility of that capability suddenly vanishing, that I would wake up one day uninhibited and loving, all of my cunning and power stripped away. I feared loving him—he wasn’t a good man, after all.
But I wasn’t a good woman, either. Sometimes I needed to recall it. It gave me some relief.
When we drove back from meeting the Cooperative (a bunch of silly rich kids playing Illuminati if you ask me) , we came upon some traffic that slowed us down. I cracked the window as we sat there and waited for some movement. It felt suffocating in the car for some reason, possibly because of Robo-Miriam’s death stare whenever I made any sound or movement that reminded her of my existence.
Still, it felt unbearable the longer we sat. There was a horrible aching sensation that squeezed my temples as if my brain had swelled. I let out a soft groan, massaging my knuckles against my forehead and rolling the window down fully.
Michael placed his hand on mine. “Are you okay?”
I gave a feeble affirmation, which did little to convince him.
“I think I just need some water,” I assured him with a brief smile, “I’m fine. Really.”
“If you need a nap, go ahead,” he said gently, “I know it’s a bit of a road trip.”
Miriam groaned. “What, is she a toddler? She’s fine, probably just a headache from being in the sun longer than a half hour.”
“For once I might agree with her,” I said, chuckling dryly. “Would you mind if we—“
Our eyes locked briefly, but undeniably recognized the other’s gaze, their face. My mouth went dry, my words became long forgotten and my body went rigid—sitting right across the street, cooly enjoying an espresso in the outside seating of a cafe was Behold. He held my astonished stare, rose his porcelain cup towards me, and continued to drink. I swallowed, feeling nausea pool in my stomach. My head spun as the traffic suddenly cleared. I couldn’t break my eyes from his. I couldn’t reach for Michael’s hand, or let out a shocked gasp. I was frozen. They’d found me. Or had they already found me? Were those dreams really dreams or were they reaching out for me? Was I ever really free? Did I truly leave it all behind, or was it just slow to follow?
“Eve? Eve.”
My mind snapped back into reality as the muggy breeze hit my face. Michael was holding my hand, and Miriam was eyeing me. I slowly inhaled, trying to let my constricted lungs expand. I tightened my grip on Michael’s hand, managing to lift my arm to roll the window up. It didn’t help any, though—his eyes were still on me, and I couldn’t escape them.
Floral shop, this evening, don’t be followed.
The words sprouted in my mind while I was submerged in a steaming hot bath, trying to push away memories of time-jumping, vomiting, and sleepless nights, of critical stares and far less mincing thoughts. I wonder what Behold was going to think of me as—a monster, an idiot, a victim, or a coward? I tried to hide it from Michael but I couldn’t push it down. I was a pale statue by the fireplace, eyes distant and pupils wide, mindlessly picking at its cuticles until it drew blood. I asked Michael to leave me alone, and he obliged. He knew when I really wanted to be alone, when it wasn’t just a reflex, when I couldn’t handle anything beyond myself. So I sat there alone in the quiet, listening to the crackling fire until it was time.
I started with gnawing anxiety from the couch, pacing quietly across the room, feeling the walls inching closer towards me when I stopped moving. I didn’t know how I’d put on a strong face when I had no spite to pull from; only shame. I started to wonder many things; like if there were any other witches, if they were planning to get to Michael through me; if my mother was there with them. The thought of my mother stilled me, but the walls stayed still. I clasped my hands, biting down hard on my lip, and sunk slowly to the ground.
Oh god, I thought to myself, what is all this? Why did this madness become my life? What am I doing?
Why can’t it all just disappear?
I took a shaky breath, lowering my head to the floor and letting the few tears that pricked at my eyes accumulate under my eyelids as I recalled that it, in fact, all would.
An hour and a half faded past me, and I got to my feet, wiped my eyes, had a drink, then went to the mirror to transmute myself to the flower shop. I, of course, did it easily, but I wasn’t sure how stealthy I was. I didn’t give it much thought as I inhaled the scent of roses and gardenias while my throat closed. I could feel Behold there, but I couldn’t see him. Where was he? Where was the son of a bitch, was he hiding on purpose? Where—
I spun around so fast I nearly knocked over an arrangement of red roses and small purple wildflowers. I quickly caught it, avoiding his gaze in embarrassment. After I steadied it, I let my gaze wander, unsure what to do but unwilling to meet his eyes.
“Eve, you could at least look at me.”
I dug my nails into my palm, gave him a brief glance, then moved away. He followed after quickly, then suddenly pulled me into a tight hug. I tensed, my heart lightening and my stomach forming knots.
“Shit, do you know how terrified I was? I thought you’d died! Thank God I finally found you—we gotta get you out of here.”
I frowned, struggling to breathe in his tight hold.
“How did that son of a bitch find you? Has he hurt you? Do you know—“
“Okay—I—okay—Behold, wait—“
“Me and the girls have been looking for you for months,” he said with a relieved sigh.
“Can you let me go?”
“Of course.”
His arms loosened, and I stepped back. I swallowed.
“Behold, why are you looking for me? Didn’t you read—“
“Please, as if we’d believe that shit. I knew immediately it was that—“
“His name is Michael,” I said, cutting him off with some assertion.
He paused, giving me a look. I sighed and rubbed my forehead, already regretting this.
“His…his name’s Michael. Just call him that.”
A pregnant silence surrounded us, and I tried to keep my shoulders squared in face of the birthing tension.
“Okay, Eve,” he said, voice gentle, “What’s been going on?”
“I wasn’t kidnapped. I wasn’t…forced, okay? I just…”
I sighed heavily and looked away from Behold’s confused stare.
“I wanted to go to him.”
I muttered it and clasped my hands behind my back. Behold stepped closer and I leaned back slightly.
“Eve, what are you whispering for?”
“You’re going to be upset. All of you are going to…you’re never going to forgive me. I know it.”
Behold took hold of my arms warmly. “Eve, we love you. You’ve been nothing but devoted to our people; you pushed yourself beyond the limit to fight for our future. That love’s not going anywhere, no matter what the problem is.”
My lips twisted and were threatening to quiver. I met Behold’s eyes.
“That’s the thing, there is no problem. I chose to leave and go to Michael. I needed to. I…”
The shock gradually developed in his expression, lowering his eyebrows, sagging his eyes and making him step away. He stayed silent, forcing me to conjure up more words.
“I just needed to go to him. No, not need, I just—I can’t explain it well, I’m sorry, I—”
“It’s a spell, isn’t it? He’s done something to you—“
I shook my head. “No, it’s just…”
He held my gaze, then looked down. I watched him anxiously and moved towards him.
“Behold, I’m—“
“Don’t apologize,” he said, “It’s not like you.”
I let out a heavy sigh, clasping my hands behind my back.
“I didn’t want to leave,” I told him. It was true. “I just…I had nothing more I could do. I had nothing to give you all, I—“
I took a breath, feeling my lips tremble. “It’s embarrassing to admit but all I could think about was being with him. I couldn’t take it anymore.”
He looked up with astonishment. I quickly clarified.
“All of it.”
“Why would you go to him, though,” he questioned slowly.
I was helpless. I let out a soft chuckle, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“I have feelings for him, Behold, don’t play coy. We have feelings for each other.”
It was like a bomb siren had went off. We were both frozen in front of each other, Behold shocked into silence and my body taut as I braced for conflict, unable to let the silence grow.
“We’re connected. It’s something beyond good and evil, it’s predetermined, I can’t explain it better. Every timeline I went to, he was there. In other timelines we’re lovers, too. We can’t escape each other, and…we can’t help but find each other when we’re apart.”
Behold shook his head. “Eve, I understand you’re under a lot of stress—“
“Behold, there’s no point in trying to explain it any other way than the truth. I mean shit, you think I’m happy about it? If I could choose someone else to feel this way for, I would.”
I gave a slight smile, but he wasn’t amused. Maybe he could tell the last part of what I said wasn’t true; that it was just to placate him.
I couldn’t tell if he was hurt or angry. That distinction always proved to be precarious. He held my gaze in silence for what felt like an eternity. With a hollow ache inside, I turned away, looking at a vase of white lilies.
“Eve, you didn’t need to run away. We—“
“It wasn’t about you,” I said quietly, feeling the petals against my fingertips.
“Then why? Why leave us for the Antichrist? Why go into the arms of a monster when you have our world on your shoulders?”
He let out a sharp exhale. “I doubt something like him even feels those kinds of things.”
My stomach clenched, and I clutched a lily firmly, giving him a sharp look. He scoffed.
“Oh, forgive me for insulting your little romance, Eve, but some of us still care about the apocalypse.”
My indignation flared inexplicably. Everything he was saying was fair to think, but I snatched my hand away from the vase and stared at him harshly.
“You think I don’t care,” I echoed with indignation, stepping towards Behold, “You think I don’t lose sleep? That I’m not haunted every single fucking day by all of the lives that are going to be stopped like that?”
I snapped my fingers, finally able to hold his gaze firmly.
“I’m the fucking Supreme, and I can’t do a single damn thing to stop this shit. Do you think, that after a lifetime of training, of fighting for this duty that I wanted to fail you all?”
Behold searched my eyes, giving no response. I swallowed thickly, feeling my lips tremble.
“Do you know how many times I had to fail, Behold? Do you know what that means? How many times I found your mutilated corpse? How many times my sisters were tormented and abused and all I could do was watch? How many times I had to kill him? Then see how pointless it all was as the world burned to the ground around me?”
I stepped closer to Behold, piercing his eyes, feeling the familiar spark of anger within me. “Do you know how many times I vomited blood, poured over spellbooks I already knew cover to cover, cried into my pillow, punished myself because we’re all fucking helpless?”
“You think we’re helpless?”
I shook my head firmly. “No, I know. I fucking know.”
“We’re not,” he coolly denied.
“I can see through your confident visage Behold, you know it too, there’s nothing—“
I glanced around, noticing the eyes I attracted by raising my voice. I let out a breath, calming myself down. I spoke quietly.
“None of us can prevent this. It’s fate. I didn’t believe in it before, but after witnessing it find a way to fulfill itself so many times, I can’t deny it. It doesn’t matter how powerful any of us are, this is decided by something above all of us, even the Devil himself.”
“Well, I’m sorry to hear you feel that way now, but I don’t agree. Neither do our brothers and sisters. And we need our Supreme by our side if we’re going to stop the Antichrist.”
I stayed silent, looking at him. He rose his eyebrows.
“I’m going to protect you all, I promise, I will try my best, but no. I won’t go through any of it again.”
“We’re not going to do Tempus Infinitum anymore if that’s what you’re afraid of—“
I let out an exasperated sigh, throwing my arms out. “Behold, I love him.”
The words hit us both like a freight train. His eyes widened slightly in disbelief. A gasp escaped my lips as I heard my own words. I broke my gaze away from his for a moment, faltering.
“Eve, you don’t mean that.”
I looked at the floor in disbelief. Did I?
“Yes,” I whispered, “Yes, I do. I love him. I want to love him.”
He moved towards me desperately, grabbing my arms again. It shocked me, but not as much as before. For some reason, I felt more solid. My feet were firmly planted on the ground in what seemed like the first time in this conversation.
“Eve, listen to me—“
“I am going to protect all of you, no matter what, but I am not going to hurt Michael.”
I took in his shaken gaze. I tried to give him another small smile, but the corners of my mouth were curving downward. I touched his cheek.
“You can keep fighting if you want to, but I can’t join you. I won’t hurt Michael ever again if I have the choice not to.”
Tears started to form in his eyes. “Eve, you’re not well. You’re not yourself, you can’t be thinking clearly.”
“I love him, Behold.”
Saying it felt like a breeze passing through my body.
“I love him. I won’t hurt him, and I won’t let anyone else hurt him, either. I don’t want to fight you Behold. I don’t want to fight anyone anymore.”
A tear fell down his cheek and I wiped it away. I could feel a well of emotion threatening to rise to the surface again as I could see the confusion, the betrayal in his eyes.
“I only want to protect the people I love. Please don’t make me choose who those people are going to have to be.”
“You…you can’t mean this,” he softly exclaimed.
“I do. Take from it what you will, tell whoever you want. But it’s the truth and it’s what I’m going to do.”
I removed his hands from me and stepped back. It was probably a bad time to ask, but I didn’t care to stay here much longer.
“Is my mother well?”
“My mother. How is she?”
He paused then gave a weak chuckle. “She’s gone, actually.”
My hold on the floor faltered a bit. “What do you mean?”
“Not more than two days after you were gone, she up and disappeared herself. Like daughter, like mother, I suppose.”
I blinked, stepping back.
“You know I can’t begin to understand what going through all of those timelines felt like, but I know that this isn’t you. The Eve I know wouldn’t turn her back on everything because things got too hard.”
I chuckled a little. “Neither Eves would be able to change a thing.”
“But the Eve I know would try,” he pressed.
I nodded. “And she would’ve failed.”
Before he could respond, a petite woman in a rainbow apron approached us.
“Sorry to bother you two, but we’re closing soon.”
Behold was unresponsive. I gave her a smile.
“Okay, we’ll get out of your hair.”
She smiled, nodded, then walked away. I turned back to Behold, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I’ll see you again soon, hopefully in a place like this.”
He slowly met my eyes and seemed to take in my features. I frowned.
“I remember the day when your father arrived at Miss Robicheaux’s beaten and half dead under your magic. I remember thinking back to your face…”
He gently touched my cheek for a moment, eyes distant.
“Back to that little girl who looked just like her mother…who I could see the perfect reflection of Nadia in. I was so convinced of Nadia’s influence that I ignored the warning signs. I would think, “why she’s Nadia’s girl, she wouldn’t hurt a fly if it came down to it”.”
A pressure formed in my gut, and I held his gaze, trying to seem undaunted.
“You and your father were so distant, I thought you had none of him in you. But now…I think you were hiding it all this time.”
I tightened my lips and pressed them together. “What, do you want me to feel something? Like remorse? Sadness? Anger? I don’t. I only delivered the justice my mother deserved.”
A sudden rush of sorrow filled his eyes. “I should’ve done more, I should’ve pushed to be there for you. You were so alone, Eve.”
I knitted my brows, seeing the grief in his eyes.
“I know how you and the witches always saw me. You looked at me like some kind of beacon of hope, some übermensch that would protect our people, but I’m no better than Michael is.”
“Eve, no! That’s not—“
“It is true. We are both voids created for other’s purposes. I was consumed by my father’s purpose, then my mother passed on her purpose to me. I’ve never been my own. I think we’re both cursed in that way. I think that’s why we always find each other.”
“Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me you’re happy to give yourself to him? You think he won’t throw you away the moment he decides he doesn’t want you anymore?”
.“I haven’t given him a thing. I don’t have to give anything. My whole life I’ve had to give, change, hide. With Michael, I’m free.”
“He’s a monster.”
I smiled, holding his conviction-filled gaze.
“That’s the thing—so am I.”
“No. No you’re not.”
“Yes, Behold, I am. I’m empty; I am heartless, cruel, and vindictive. I lie, I manipulate, I find glee in other’s suffering and deception. That doesn’t sound very different than Michael, does it?”
“I know you, Eve,” he insisted, “You have a heart. You have loyalty and love within you. You’re just angry, you’re just hurt.”
I held his gaze intently, taking his hand and pressing it against my chest.
“Feel me, Behold. Feel my heart, look into my eyes. Am I really just angry at this point?”
His arm tensed as I showed him, opening up to his uneasy stare and letting it flow; the memories, the thoughts, the hitchhiking, the times with Michael, all of it. His hand squeezed into a fist as I held his arm still despite his attempts to pull it away.
“Monsters can love. We can be kind and loyal. But that doesn’t change who we are. It’s why we’re willing to do the things no one else would.”
I finally let Behold steal his arm back, satisfied by the defensive gleam in his eye—not exactly fear, but just close enough. I glanced over to the shopkeep, who was watching us anxiously.
“Come on, let’s go.”
I turned Behold, leading him out of the door and closing it behind us. The air was dry and cool. The sun was setting. I let out a soft exhale, leaning on the window and admiring the sky. The sunset was brilliant. It filled my eyes. We stood on the sidewalk quietly.
“You trust him?”
I looked to Behold curiously. He seemed to have regained himself, and was eyeing me.
I frowned, observing the cars. “I can see it in his soul that he cares for me. Before, there was nothing…now there’s me.”
“You didn’t answer me.”
I looked at Behold with a small smile. “Trust is built. For now, I believe him.”
I left the flower shop with a renewed sense of peace. I could feel the life drumming through my veins; the blood pumping in and out of my heart. I wanted to return to the streets of Los Angeles with him on my arm. I wanted to do anything and everything, be anything and everything, but always with him. I wanted to make love and dance and sing and laugh and scream and stroke his golden hair and smile at the sound of his laugh and see the way his eyes lit up when we looked at each other and let his love fill me up, up, up until I overflowed back into him. I went back to Michael that night with music in me. I went back to Michael with the comfort of a lost child going home.
He was up and waiting for me in the library, reading but half asleep. I laughed a little bit at the sight of him, his relaxation despite the fact he had no clue where I went or who I was seeing. I took off my heels and went to him quietly as his eyes fell shut. I watched his peaceful face, admiring the fullness of his lips and his beautiful features.
My beautiful monster.
I ran my fingers through his hair, waking him. He frowned as his eyes opened then looked up and saw me. A smile formed on his lips instantaneously as he saw mine and caressed my cheek.
“Where did you go,” he asked.
“I saw Behold when we were driving back from Silicon Valley. He had me meet him at a flower shop.”
He let out a deep sigh, sitting up, looking at me with a hint of uncertainty in his tired eyes.
“Was anyone else with him?”
“No, didn’t seem like it.”
I took off my jacket and reclined into his arms on the couch. He took me happily, but I could sense the nugget of tension inside of him. I stroked the back of his hand.
“You know, I realized something talking to him.”
“What’s that?”
“We’re quite alike.”
He laughed and I smiled. “Oh, you’ve just discovered that?”
“Yes, yes I have,” I admitted with a giggle. “And…I wonder if you feel something.”
He hummed. I looked up at him to see into his eyes.
“Do you ever want to get away?”
He frowned. “From what?”
“All of it.”
There was some silence, and we came to an understanding through our stares.
“Are you happy, Michael?”
“Of course I’m happy, I have you.”
I shook my head. “Besides me. Would you feel whole without me? Alive?”
He smiled, letting out a sigh. “I wouldn’t feel much of anything without you. Although I would have Ms. Mead.”
“You would feel loneliness, though. You would feel the aching sense of otherness, you would feel your soul crying out for someone, anyone to understand.”
He eyed me. “What’s on your mind, Eve?”
“I want us to get away. See the world, be in love. It would be nice. We’re together, and we should savor it before throwing all of this away.”
“Should I be suspicious of some kind of ploy?”
I laughed. “Does wanting to be free of all this count as a ploy?”
He was quiet, and I was slightly concerned I’d upset him.
“It’s just…I don’t know, I feel free for the first time in my life, and It’s fucking amazing.”
I touched his face. “And I want to share it with you.”
I pushed myself up to kiss him, and he returned the kiss gently, but I could see it in his eyes.
“I’m not manipulating you.”
“I know.”
He glanced away in thought. “I can’t leave my responsibility behind.”
“I can’t abandon my duty either. I’m still a Supreme, you know. I’m still going to protect my sisters when the time comes. I understand. But it doesn’t have to be your entire life here.”
He looked back at me with a slightly amused smile. “Eve…”
I laughed awkwardly. “I know, I know, you’re not human, you don’t care.”
He stroked my cheek with his thumb in appreciation of my understanding. I took his hand, looking at him sincerely and feeling a little sheepish.
“I am, though. I’m human and I care, even if it’s not as much as the average person and you’re human enough to enough to understand that love changes people.”
I squeezed his hand. “I love you.”
His eyes softened.
“And I’ve already changed for it. If you trust me to let it happen, it’ll change you, too.”
He was quiet for a while, and closed his eyes. I rested my head on his chest and shut mine too. I listened to his heartbeat, strong and steady like mine. His voice was quiet as it broke my focus on the crackling of the fireplace.
“I don’t think Ms. Mead would let me get past two yards of this place.”
I laughed softly. “Just put her in water and we could go.”
To my surprise, he gave a little laugh too.
“Where would we go?”
“Where first, then?”
I looked up at him with a smile. “Have you been to Europe before?”
“Then there. We can see these lavender fields in France that I always see online.”
“And the Eiffel Tower?”
I chuckled. “Of course, if that’s what you want.”
He smiled, then looked at me seriously. “I’m still going to end the world, you know.”
I nodded, undaunted. “Yeah, I know. I’ll still be with you then, too.”
“Won’t you miss it?”
I frowned. “What?”
“Everything. The world.”
I gave it some thought, then laughed.
“I’m like you, remember?”
He smiled, and that twinkle in his eye filled me up. It overflowed from my lips again.
“I love you.”
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the-type-a · 1 year
Hello!. I have a duncney fic in mind
I don't have an exact start for it but just hear me out
Courtney was sitting on the floor of an abandoned house tears dripping down her red cheeks beside now on her dead ex boyfriend who she just killed from anger
while more tears were dripping from her cheeks she was having flashbacks from the past when they ^ she was happy
( I don't know what to do now)
As Courtney left the the Abandoned house
fingers of her dead ex boyfriend started to move. END
I wanted to add more,
Also the " ex boyfriend " (Duncan) was brought back alive I don't know how he was brought back alive but idc it's badly written
The concept of your fic is really interesting! I think you should add the types of memories Courtney was thinking about. Kinda give the reader a sense of what Duncan and Courtney’s relationship was before, and then some not so good ones that led to the opening scene.
Idk if this was what you were going for but when I read that Duncan’s fingers started to move I immediately thought of the walking dead. So maybe an apocalypse AU?
Also, when I started writing I always went back and reread it out loud. It helped me catch missing or added words, misspellings, and if it just sounded okay altogether. Hope that helps you too!
And thank you! You know me, Duncney 24/7, I’m glad you enjoy the content! 🤗
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madisonbeersource · 2 years
oooh! talking ab booktok, i read it end with us n i was so disappointed. like i didn't get all the hype over it (or basically collen hover books). did u read it? rn im reading a little life and the heroes of olympus (rereading)!
omg i loved tsitp! the soundtrack was amazing. i think steven is underated. so now i must ask u, team jeremiah or conrad? i also watched heartsopper, it's so cute. personally im currently watching gilmore girls, b99, and never have i ever 3 (it just dropped today).
have a great day!
It ends with us .....I loved it, but because it was very clear to me that is it NOT a romance novel, it's a book about domestic violence, about how by either being the perpetrator of abuse or the one letting the abuse happen can destroy the one living with you because lily ...as strong as she wants to be in a healthy rls, she falls for the boy who had the same red flags as her own father and it broke me because we saw the downfall, we had hope ryle would be stronger than that but yet he r*ped & abused her & she saw it coming, the worst is in the end she saw the signs & she ignored it & SO MANY OF US do that bc we wanna believe, we wanna be loved. and the fact that lily was the representation of colleen's own mother & that her father was abusive like wow... no this book is a masterpiece BUT booktok romanticize it & it's sad bc it's a book about abuse, yes atlas is the cutest book boyfriend but honestly it's not what people on this website claim it is :/ like the end of the book says "You can stop swimming now, Lily. We finally reached the shore" like you can put down the fight, you're safe. LIKE????? WOW OKAY KILL ME NOW?? but i'm a colleen hoover's stan...i read several of her novels & honestly exept "Too Late" that I didn't like because it's a dark romance and I despise this genre i mean no worries to those who read it but i hate it w my whole heart but actually my first new romance book was from her and i think i never had my heart broken like this book it stays my favorite book & i always get teary eyed when i speak about it haha (sorry i'm a passionate type sdfgfds) but YES I DID READ IT ENDS W US & I read recentely we were liars that is SO POPULAR on there & honestly i liked it a lot!! i'm reading a emma green right now and it's HILARIOUS those womenn are literally the best!!
YES HONESTLY it's a cute show!! well steven kinda got on my nerrves tbh... like he's the first to denigrate belly cause she has "no life" but everytime she tries yet she does something he mocks her and yells at her, he makes out w belly's bff bc he was "insecure" about his current gf, and he knew about about it & yet he took advantage of it. He gaslighted at poker losing every pennies he owned sacrificing shayla's dream dance LIKE NO HE WAS ANNOYING MOST OF THE TIME sdfghgfd. AAAAH... hm for belly? i'd say Conrad cause they were in love for the longest time, she never looked at Jer the way she does w Conrad and he is an ass....like a real ass but I also understood that he knew of his mother dying from cancer and couldn't tell anyone so it was eating him alive like if the guy iloved was going through that i would have forgiven him sooo i'd say conrad BUT for me I had to admit that Jer IS REALLY CUTE like the golden retriever type and i like a man like that for me, the type i could die laughing with you know? & i love the fact he's so at piece w his sexuality you know?? and his eyes.......WHEW. Heartstopper is literally the cutest and i love this show SO MUCH!! ooo never watched those shows it's not my type even tho b99 has some banger scenes!!
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dollete-bitch-77-u · 1 month
Chapter two: from the rips of sadness
Jisoo was sitting in front of director of asylum in his office while hes checking her phile :
Mr jeong: your university phile is pretty impressive miss kim,and you seem very willing to get the job!
Jisoo with a confident smile: yes iam mr Jeong it my first job !
Mr jeong: so you're accepted let me show you you're office and soon you have the first phile of your patient
Jisoo smiling: thank you sir i wont dissapoint you¡
They start walking into the large Hall shos fall with nurses and guards,it was a prison for criminals sho have mental health problems, mr jeong get into a private hall for doctors and open an empty room ,the walls of the room were brown and it had some plants and an office.
Mr jeong: i hope you feel comftarble in it and you can start bringing your things to the Office tomorrow
Jisoo: it more than perfect thank you ,dont worry I make myself comftarble
A nurse come it and give mr Jeong a phile and leave
Mr jeong: this is your first patient phile his name is park suho
Jisoo eyes light up:why did he come her
Mr jeong: killing a couple with a gun, his condition is confusing, hes got narcisstic personnality desorder with some psychopathy, i hope you could help him
She grab the phile from him: i do my best sir i wont disspoint you
Mr jeong:let meet suho then
They walked into a hall full with guards ,the guards open a one room when jisoo entered ,she felt such anxiety and pain inside her ,seeing the killer of her family that once was part from her family and betrayed her
Mr jeong: i leave to you from here good luck
He left then she entered the room sho was dark with no lightning until she noticed the glimpse of him sitting his hands tied in a chair looking into the floor
Jisoo sitted infront of him and said:suho you remember me ?
His eyes lighten up when he hear her voice
Suho with a smirk in his sculpted lips:Kim jisoo what are you doing here
Jisoo :iam your doctor
Suho lauphing: did you miss me that mush?
Jisoo with hate in her voice:not really
Suho :then you came for answers for why i killed your mommy and Daddy
Jisoo smiling: i Came to do my job only suho ,here IAm your doctor nothing more ,we have profesional relationship
Suho: god knows how mush i miss you,you changed you cut your hair ,you know how mush iloved your long hair
Jisoo :I couldn't care less as I said you're here to answer my questions
Suho smiling:dont deny you couldnt get over me i killed for you sho else could say that
She tighten her grip: let move into our questions, do you feel emotions regulary like a normal human?
Suho smiling: im not a human jisoo im a god
Jisoo: why you think youre a god ?
Suho:cause I saved you from your abusive parents If they were still alive you suffer and wont achieve your dreams they probaply would want you to marry your Rich ex
Jisoo: do you have thirst for creating justice by killing
Suho:things are different now before two years i wanted to create a family be a lawyer, move out with you ,get married and fuck you every friday night now all i dreamed of is seeing you again and i think im lucky cause i did
Jisoo : what your definition of love
Suho: if you love someone you will do the impossible for them even it mean not seeing them again, it mean setting them free from the prison of their life like I did to you
Jisoo: do you think I'm happy now?
Suho:no im kinda dissapointed you dont look happy more like waiting every day for your death
Jisoo: did your father was abusive to you
Suho:I remember us talking about my dad when we dated actually dad used to want me to be a perfect son but no one is perfect maybe he had a hope that one day I be a perfect child and make him proud in front of the world but I wonder if he would be proud of me now
To be continued
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spiny-cokie · 9 months
by Alex Pefagram
I love Music, and that is Love with a  capital  “elll”. I Love the sweet, mad ,sour, fast, diddles you’ve elected my ear. I Love Ms.Music
                I wrote to Ms.Music. I said, “ Ms. Music, I love you,” and I felt that queasy melting feeling all those writers wrote about. Love, Love, Love, I just said I love someone. It was gross, I was gross. A gross, disgusting lair that ran on Ms.Music’s genuine contentment and played with it. All for that nonsense bawl-‘o-the-heart.
                I talked to Ms.Music. In Truth I know not where she lives but I’ve talked to her. I told her about myself, my wants, my fears ( this is a lie ) and my jokes. Ms.Music did the same ( this is a lie ) so we confided in each other for solace, for peace.
                I said, “I Love you Ms.Music,” and she said it back. I said it again and she said it back again. I said it again and she said it back again. I said it…there it was. That was it. My tongue, frostbitten – though not yet really – rolled almost automatically, I lied. I hadn’t felt a damn thing – or, I did. I did but hadn’t expressed it… express, expre…
                Ms.Music had her pains, she hid them from me. I would say,”Ms. Music, what bothers you?” and she dismissed me bluntly, ”It’s fine really,” she’d said—or, I think that is what she said. My memory can be fuzzy ( am I telling the truth here? )
                Ms.Music confided her complicated worries in me and I did my best ( I am lying; I did not. I brushed her off, and not in the brusque and obvious way; but with faux-reassurance, with lying bantertalk of defunct help. At times I flat out gave up. Why did I, why did I,why,why,why,why,why,why,why,why, why would I, why did I say, why ,god why, why, Ms. Music Sorry [ liar ], Ms.Music i- , ms..ms.,,miss) And she took my efforts with gratitude. But I think the music she sung me after strum my heart with joy.
                So I let her play. She was Music; she was the sweet, mad, sour, fast diddies in my eardrum, and I loved her ( I am being honest ), I loved her ( I am being honest ) I loved her music so much…(am I being honest…)
                Ms.Music was nice to me. Compliments and,,,
And as Ms.Music’s tears dribbled down her blue dress and stained her dry clothing, I turned up the white noise and danced harder. My limbs sretched, bent, spent and broken in hallucinatory bliss. Visceral whiplash eye movements taking all in, vomiting allout.Christ,God, kill me.  Why did hope leave me, iloved her so much.
                Ms.Music’s hobbies and mine aligned. We did the same things. Some she outdid me, others I surpassed her. I….God,why was I like that? She hated her perceived inferiority to me in it, why didn’t I comfort her, ;et her how her prowesss outdid mine so many fields, why wasn’t I there. Why. Oh God why?? Maybe I liked that, that pedestal. I felt raised on. But I couldn’t…[ and its almost too late] [can anything still grow now?]
Oh Ms.Msic, how I loved you. Ms.Music and your cheerfulness, Ms.Music and your loveliness Ms.Music  and your artistry, beauty, cute diddles, Ms.Music and yo---
                Ms.Music said something ( honest) today.
She said I didn’t care.
A vision of cheery amusement befalls me. My family, I perceive. They are having fun, it’s a birthday, I think.
And; there’s an issue. I am over here and they are over there. Why aren’t I with them..?Why aren’t I--?
                Hours pass. Mother called me self-centered then slapped me. Isn’t she unfair! Doesn’t she understand I need alone time ( away from the filth) Time to think and reflect? (On how I am always the smartest in the room?)  To simply enjoy my own company? (.)
                Ms.Music said, “And I don’t think you even care…” she’s wrong (she’s right) she’s wrong (she’s right) I do care. What do I need to do? Rip out my heart and show it to  her? Oh Christ, Ms.Hope had acted the same way. Ms.Passion,Ms.Grace,Ms….
                I see it.
                Our conversation started to have noticeably incongruent stops, nightly caresses no longer. It was starting to sting, and, Ms.Music clearly needed convincement I loved her so I told her;
” Wraith writhe intwine my bedsheets fold, evaporated tears faded from white-angel’s cheeks to be more than sugarcubes in God’s evening tea; And though the cries by violin strum, the sobs fall as drops ‘o water down to mechanized earth. Sweet wet concrete that ‘haLLLoo’ (that is, hallo with a capital ‘Elll’) my nostril, how can I tell you how much I love you?”
She didn’t respond.
                She didn’t respond for a long time.
My thoughts (my pedestal) My thoughts (my pedestal). There I go once more( it is crumbling). Me, self, autos. Why did I? why
                Why was I so selfish. Thoughts, feelings,disgustingall, grand-gesturing mask-concealed habit, apt for apath of apathy, pathetic pathos of love, apathetic habit besmuggled by a glove,
(if I don’t have you, what do I have then? If I don’t have you I cannot have me)
A lot of noise. A lot, of it.(The whitenoise was too loud now)
A vile comeuppance it is! To realize that the self-hatred was valid from skinentry!
                Untrue,maybe, but quell my heart, disarray at all it’s methods, functions, classes and let me cry   “God, why”
As it let me admonish language that befall my dead mind.
                I have been saying all the wrong words, as of late; My tongue is defunct and the demon of fey-wit has poised lamented dictionaries that gated my throat with a sin of phrase-making. I have been kissing Ms.Music all the wrong ways as of recent. Lips parsing, passing no communication, only habit-split disease worthwhile a robot. I haven’t been myself, for a while. A definition I have never found in an encyclopedia or diction but added in felt-tip pen. And in searching forgot you stood there watching,
Cheering me on, caring.
                I didn’t care, not really(.)
I haven’t cared for a long time, as of ever. So, break my liver it and eat it you made judiciary! I have deserved punishment. She will leave, as did the others, but then what? What will be ? A misshapen clay pot that can’t even hold a pint of drink? God, why
No. I think, I was never meant for connection, for joining with another for more than an extended period; for use of words like “love” . My feelings conjoined and disguised like the obfuscated text that I oh so seem to love to perpetuate. These lingual bend and stab me; if’s and what if’s rear up and cut me down. I am no one then, I am nothing now, dust bitter orangeskin fragment squeezed into kindergarteners’ eyes, pain inflicting like sharp daggers. My soul . O my soul, strewn and cast like chicken shittlings to the abyss, the great blast furnace, the endless trod and then you appear, like a bird? Winds thorned, beak polished, pecking my eyes out (they still function) and tearing my tongue( it is defunct) and so suc-fucking-cessfully spiraling me in a squarespin of dark numbing nonsense and fears where words lose more meaning than they can afford. And and and. My pedestal, my worth. I,I,I,I,I,I,I
                I am here, you are there. I am not lying when I say I love you. I am lying when I say I know how to show it
                Ms.Music, I think we should see different people.
                                                                                                                                                -Pefagram, Alex
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