#i have very few close friends and none of them dated as we grew up either
skunkes · 9 months
what they dont tell you about being incredibly introspective is that you'll think you're done making realizations and then you'll just make more realizations always all the time forever
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cumikering · 5 months
Keegan Russ x reader
3.5k | fluff, second chance, childhood friends
You matched with Keegan on Tinder
@glitterypirateduck’s holiday challenge, inspired by I Don’t Do Drugs by Doja Cat
“No way.” You shook your head. “Not Keegan goddamn Russ.” You chuckled as you stared at his profile.
It had been over 15 years since you saw him last. His teeth might have been straight, bowl cut replaced by a far more fitting fade cut, but his sharp blue eyes and easy smile remained. They were unmistakable.
This dude hadn’t crossed your mind in years, but you were pleasantly surprised to see he’d grown to be a tall and athletic Marine. You hated to admit that he got hot, even that not having a stupid haircut wasn’t a very high bar to begin with.
You zeroed in on his smile again. He was attractive and he knew it. He couldn’t have been there for anything serious.
You laughed to yourself. “What the hell,” you said and swiped right on him.
At the other end of town, Keegan laid in bed, swiping mindlessly on his phone.  Left… Left… Oh!? … Yeah, another left… Until his hand froze when he saw your card.
“Goddamn,” he muttered as he rolled to his side, clutching his phone. Where the hell were you all this time?
He took his time ogling your photos. The first one was a full body picture, your figure on display in your tight jeans. The second was a selfie, your eyes bright, donning a brilliant smile and glossy lips. The last two were group photos. He loved your style – comfortable yet tasteful. Your genuine laughter and the twinkle in your eye as you sat among your friends mesmerised him.
Okay, so you were the life of the party.
Keegan often worried about not having enough to say and preferred chattier dates who’d lead the conversation. Evidently, he didn’t have to worry about that with you…  Because you probably wouldn’t even look at him twice. With looks like that, you could have anyone.
He lied on his back and gawked at your selfie again, biting his lip.
“What the hell,” he said to himself and swiped right.
He nearly dropped his phone on his face when it chimed right away. It’s a match! He gasped.
He stared at the empty chat window, fingers drumming on his thigh as he contemplated what to say. He wished he had more game.
After a minute, he settled with a simple Hi, hope you’re doing alright :) are you from the area?
You seemed a little quiet the first day of texting, but he’d expected that, a usual occurrence in his endeavour. Keegan didn’t relent, coming up with discussions, although some he had to admit were rather lame. Soon, you asked him specific questions about himself, allowing the conversation to pour throughout the days. He stopped thinking too hard when replying.
As it turned out, you were from the same hometown. You went to different high schools, but had a few mutual friends, although none he knew anymore. He barely kept in contact with anyone back home safe for the handful of his close high school friends.
Now that he reached for his phone far more often on base, grinning at that, it took no time for people to notice the newfound habit.
“We need to tell command someone’s hardly working.” Ajax nudged Kick, nodding at Keegan at the far end of the rec room. “He keeps looking at that one selfie.”
He chuckled. “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t get catfished, bro.”
“Or ghosted.” Ajax roared in laughter. He had no business sounding so proud of his pun.
Keegan’s eyes narrowed at them before looking back down at his phone. He wasn’t going to let his buddies stop him from sending you the What kind of bread are you? quiz.
At night, it’d also become a routine to text. He didn’t want to get ahead of himself, but it grew to be the highlight of his day. He could unwind and laugh with you without having to wait long to have you text back. His bed felt less empty, a little less cold.
“I’d really like to meet you. You’re wonderful,” he said longingly at his phone.
He knew he wanted to after the third day, but didn’t initiate a date in fear of moving too fast and appalling you. But after over a week, with his next deployment inching closer, he’d grown impatient and a bit mad at himself for overthinking the matter. He didn’t remember asking anyone on a date being that unnerving.
Unprompted, your name flashed across his screen, sending his heart racing. Keegan sat up and cleared his throat before answering.
“Hey,” he said with as much smoothness as he could muster.
“Hi, Keegan.”
He could hear the smile in your voice, and he prayed he had even a fraction of the effect you had on him, on you.
“I was wondering if you’re into soccer?”
His brows furrowed. Hell no, he wasn’t at all.
“You want to watch the World Cup screening with me Saturday night?”
But for you? Well for you, he was the biggest fan in town.
“Sure,” he answered immediately. He couldn’t believe his ears. Was it Christmas already?
“For dinner, there’s a taco truck I like near the sports bar, if you’d like to try.”
He tried not to smile too much, but he was failing miserably. He was two seconds away from puking out the butterflies in his stomach.
“Sounds great,” he breathed. “I’m looking forward to meeting you.”
“Me too.” Your easy voice calmed him.
Kick’s comment crossed his mind. He stilled for a moment and decided he didn’t care what you looked like. The little of you he got to know the past week was enough to get him hooked.
“Well, I only wanted to ask that. I’m going to bed.”
“So soon?”
You let out a small laugh. Oh, he wanted to stay on the phone all night.
“Talk to you again tomorrow, okay? Send me more quizzes.”
After you hung up, he bit down a silly grin as he pulled up your photos again.
The following night, struck with a sudden burst of confidence, Keegan called when you were both in bed. He’d expected the pauses on his end (which was why he always preferred texting), but you didn’t seem to mind. At least he knew you weren’t opposed to talking to him. You stayed on the line for half an hour, your laughter lulled his reeling mind.
Saturday couldn’t have come sooner. He’d shaved that morning and put on some cologne before taking way too long to pick an outfit. He hoped it didn’t look like he was trying too hard.
You declined his offer to pick you up. He didn’t take it personally - he was a patient man after all. But when he’d arrived a little too early, he started to lose his cool the longer he leaned on the streetlamp.
He had to do a double take when he caught sight of you walking towards him. Oh, look at the way you lit up, your smile the same brilliant one like in your photos. You were in those delightful jeans again, your hair bouncing to your steps. He straightened up and met you halfway.
“Hi,” you said when you got to him.
“Hey.” His smile didn’t waver. “You look great.”
You took the words out of his lips, the words that he already had so few of. This was the opposite of catfish because you were far prettier in real life. He needed you to hold his hand because he wasn’t going to look where he was going.
He couldn’t wait to brag to Kick and Ajax.
You looked up at him, eyes bright. “Thank you. You look nice yourself.”
He followed you to join the short queue. He stole a glance as you ordered.
“I’ll have what she’s having,” he said to the cook, giving your hand a gentle nudge when you tried to pay.
First skin contact. Innocent enough.
But why did it get so warm all of a sudden? He hoped he wasn’t sweating. Fuck, he didn’t know what to do with his hands. Should he shove them in his pockets? How close was the acceptable distance to stand next to you?
Well, he certainly stood close enough for you to catch a faint waft of his cologne.
You meant it when you said he looked good. He wore a light jacket over a black shirt, light washed jeans and sneakers. His jet black hair was styled, a little longer than in his photos. The way he stood with his hands in his pockets accentuated his build, his watch a nice touch.
Sure, curiosity got you at first. It quickly came to light that he didn’t recognise you – granted you used a nickname – but you found it amusing nonetheless. You didn’t even mean it to get that far but after talking to him, you couldn’t help but want more.
Dating was always daunting; putting your heart on the line like that rendered you vulnerable. It wasn’t that he didn’t reciprocate – his company was delightful, but whatever you had between you felt stagnant. You thought your initial assumption was right: he wasn’t looking for anything more. Was this a mistake after all?
You sat on the bench nearby, the drinks between you. You took two bites before you stalled.
Your face twisted. “Why’s this hot?”
“Is it? Mine isn’t at all.”
“It is ridiculously hot.” You blinked the tears away.
“Can’t be. Let me try.”
You handed him the taco, instead he grabbed your wrist and leaned in for a bite.
He gave you an amused smile. “It’s not hot at all. Here, I’ll have yours.”
By now, a few drops of sweat had broken out of your forehead. You didn’t question it when he swapped the paper plates on your thighs and took a huge bite.
It wasn’t supposed to be hot! This was so uncool, at your first meeting at that. Your gaze trained on the ground as you took a small bite of his which actually tasted normal. When you looked up, it was his turn to frown.
“Wait. It is.” He put the taco down. ”It is hot.”
“I told you!”
“Oh God. Oh shit,” he hissed, scrambling for his drink. “Why is it so hot?”
You stifled a giggle. “They must have put the wrong sauce in mine, because yours tastes fine.”
“My tongue had never known such pain. What the hell is in this thing?” He continued gulping down his drink. “Oh no, it’s getting worse.” He sniffled before shoving the last half into his mouth.
“You know you don’t have to eat it, right?” You busted into laughter as he chew with all his might. “Why would you do that to yourself?”
His brows knitted, the agony in his watery eyes as clear as day. You handed him a serviette.
“That’s inhumane, but I’m a man of my word,” he said between hisses, wiping at his forehead. “My mouth is on fire. I need to inhale fire extinguisher.”
You could only offer him your drink which he gladly chugged. Still giggling, you finished your meal before making your way to the bar.
“I’m sorry, that was really embarrassing.” He grimaced through his drying tears, forehead still damp. “But at least you’re laughing. I like it when you laugh.”
You wanted to kiss him right then.
Keegan was the first man to make you willingly lose sleep in a long time, but his inaction didn’t sit right with you. Self-doubt inevitably crept up - maybe you simply weren’t his type, but you were too hooked to not at least shoot your shot despite your mounting fear of rejection. Your heart lodged in your throat when you called him that night.
Oh but his voice was so calm and soothing, and what for? He got you hanging onto every word - some straight up sounded like he was purring. Like now, he had to lean in closer and closer to talk over the noise as the bar continued to fill up. The deep rumble of his laughter so close in your ear got you biting your lip.
You didn’t want to like him so much, but here you were smiling non-stop the past hour. He’d taken his jacket off, his sturdy arms on display as he lied back. Now that was the highlight of his outfit. It didn’t help that he kept looking at you like that either; blue eyes piercing, brows striking with a cool smile.
It was unfair how effortlessly charming he was, like it was simply an unfortunate by product of being Keegan Russ, like he didn’t even mean it.
Well, evidently, Keegan was literally sweating about the humiliating incident. He sincerely hoped you wouldn’t excuse yourself to the bathroom to stand him up, but the smile hadn’t left your pretty face ever since. That was a good sign right?
Halfway into the first half, he extended his arm along the back of your seat, eyes still on the screen pretending to not notice the way your lips curled in amusement. You dragged your chair against his, thighs touching now. His fist clenched when you placed your hand on his knee.
He was secretly glad this was your first date – if he could even call it that. At least there was no pressure to keep making conversation and he could focus on your company, which he thoroughly enjoyed thus far. Was wrapping his arm around your waist an appropriate next move? He itched to be closer.
“How long have you been on Tinder?” You turned to him during halftime.
“A few months now.”
“Any luck?”
He looked away, shaking his head. “I don’t get a lot of matches, and when I do - even after many weeks of talking… Well as it turned out, people just aren’t very interested in dating long distance.”
When his eyes flicked up and met your sympathetic look, he wondered if he shouldn’t have been so honest.
“You? Any luck so far?” he asked quickly.
“I went on a few dates with someone who looked an awful lot like my first crush.” You let out a small laugh. “But that’s all. It didn’t work out.”
A speck of jealousy flickered in his chest. “Tell me about him. Your first crush.”
“Well, I was a late bloomer. It was in high school, he was a sophomore when I was a freshman.”
“Handsome dude?”
“Yes, but I actually never spoke to him.” You tilted your head and smiled. “Well, I did once, kind of. I don’t know what possessed me, but one day I walked up to him and gave him a bar of chocolate. He said thanks, and that was it.”
You looked over him. The crowd had started to move towards the bar
“I’ll get us more drinks before the wait gets too long.” You stood up.
Keegan perked up; he wasn’t going to miss his chance. When you came back, he’d mustered all his courage to tug on your wrist in the direction of his parted thighs. There was a glint in your eye as you indulged and he snaked his arm behind you, hand on his knee. You had a playful smile on your lips when you moved it to your waist and wrapped your arm around his neck.
He leaned onto your shoulder, his chest pressing against your side. He watched the way your eyes transfixed on the screen, how your glass would freeze against your lower lip at times. He couldn’t help smiling when you tensed up whenever someone got close to scoring a goal. His other arm wrapped around your waist.
He hadn’t taken his eyes off you when the bar erupted in cheers. You turned to him with a proud grin. Oh, your lips were just right there. He wasn’t going to survive the night.
Your favourite team won and you left the bar beaming. You were glad he offered to walk you home because you still wanted his presence. Your fingers curled around his forearm.
“I didn’t get to ask about your first crush.”
He chuckled to himself. “We were in fifth grade.”
“You ever told her?”
He shook his head. “She hated me. My friends used to tease her about her weight. I didn’t join in but I hung around anyway. I guess when you’re young you do dumb things to fall in.”
You remembered the raucous boys he hung out with.
“Over the summer, I convinced myself to finally say something, but she’d moved away.”
Had he not looked at where you were going, he’d have seen the shock on your face. Your heart skipped a beat. Is he talking about me?
“What was she like?”
“My memory’s fuzzy now, but she had two other girlfriends they teased too but she always stood up for them. Oh, was sassy too.” He smiled. “I used to stand around to overhear her jokes. If I laughed along, she’d stare me down until I left.”
You laughed, too hard for someone who supposedly wasn’t involved in the story. You remembered that too, the way prepubescent Keegan Russ and his dumb bowl cut scrambled away when you gave him bombastic side eye.
You couldn’t believe it. He had a crush on you?
“I think had I spoken up, we’d have been good friends.” He glanced at you with a smile. “You know, when I heard she’d moved away, I came home crying and my mum smacked me upside the head. Told me not to hang around with the shithead boys anymore.”
You stopped in your tracks and took your hand off his arm. “You really don’t recognise me?”
He turned to you, brows furrowed. “What?”
“You used to paste Superman stickers on my Barbie backpack.”
Keegan’s eyes widened. He turned away, a hand over his face, laughing out of pain. No fucking way. He wanted to disappear.
You chuckled. “A new one whenever I managed to peel the previous one off. Said they were boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry. I don’t recognise you at all.” He lowered his hand. “But you don’t even have the same name?”
“It’s the internet. You’re the weird one for using your real name.”
His brows rose. “You knew it was me all along?”
“Right away.”
“And you didn’t say anything?” He shook his head. “That’s just mean.”
“Was wondering if you remembered, but we were kids. I’m not surprised you didn’t recognise me or forgot.”
The corner of his lips pulled. “Well, I didn’t forget.” And probably won’t. You haven’t left my mind the past week.
And that voice was back, of course. He definitely knew what he was doing, and still you couldn’t get enough.
“Wait, no. Is this it?” He frowned. “Did you talk to me the entire time- meet me just for this?”
“No! No. I wanted to see you.” The edge in his voice stung more than you expected. “I… I didn’t think you’d even want to, because you didn’t make a move.”
His cold eyes searched yours, making your heart ache. If only he knew how much he made you smile, how many times a day you wished he’d replied when you checked your phone. You never wanted to see that pain in his face again.
“Please don’t lead me on,” he finally said, his gaze softening. “Not when you know you don’t want this.”
You wanted to hold him. “I promise I won’t. I know it’s early to say, but I want to try.”
He took a small step towards you. “Are you sure you like me?”
Suddenly he was once again the young Keegan who couldn’t meet your eyes, asking if you wanted to share the last of his favourite chocolate with him.
“Are you?”
“Positive.” His icy blues were back on you. You saw the wary hopefulness in them.
You closed the gap, arms wrapping around his waist. You let out a small sigh as your head rested on his shoulder.
“May I see you again?” He pulled you closer, his voice lighter now. “I want to go on a date. A real one, with my first crush with the death stare.”
You laughed against his neck.
Keegan hated getting ahead of himself, not knowing how many more times his hopes could be shattered before the shards got to small to meet again. But as he held you, he let his mind drift, just a little further, just this time.
With his eyes closed, he thought that maybe in the future - perhaps soon enough, someone would be waiting at the base to welcome him back with a smile and an embrace just like this.
More Keegan: fake dating, werewolf AU
A/N: I think the song represents the uncertainty in the initial stages of falling, when you keep trying to swallow the hopefulness, cautious of each other’s intentions as to not get hurt. It takes bravery handing your heart over to a stranger, unsure if they’ll just stomp on your feelings or be the best thing ever.
@sofasoap @b1rds3ye @macravishedbymactavish @shadofireshinobi @two-gh0sts
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chapter 1.
Note: a brand new fic no one asked for :)
Warnings: none I can think of, we're just getting started here, it's all fluff ;)
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric, the bass player of your favourite band, suddenly remembers you when you meet again after 7 years.
wordcount: 4,5k
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'Wait! Have we met before?'
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Seven Kings, one of the most popular alternative rock bands of the last few years, were playing a show in your hometown, which was actually also the band's hometown, but you knew all members had moved away after their break through. When you saw the tour announcement, which only had eight dates, you immediately called your best friend, Gisela, and you were hysterically screaming on the phone. When she finally understood what you were saying, she screamed just as hard. You both have been a fan since the very start of the band's career, seeing them at their very first free show in your city at a pub. And after that, you both went to every show near you, while the band became more popular and the venues bigger. 
The band hadn't toured for a whole year and a half, as they had been recording new music and dealt with some personal issues back home. Sihtric, the bass player and your favourite member, went through a divorce last year, while Osferth, their guitarist, made headlines when word came out he was to become a father; of two different children, by two different ladies. It always baffled you how Osferth seemed so shy, yet he was a real ladies killer. Their other members, Finan, the drummer, and Uhtred, the singer/guitarist and Gisela's favourite member, seemed to have no struggles going on. And you were already excited when they announced their new album, a few weeks before the tour announcement dropped.
You and Gisela immediately stressed over the ticket sale. As the band had gotten more popular, the ticket sales became more horrifying. However, you couldn't complain, you always managed to get tickets, but it was always a bit of a punch in the gut you could never see your favourite band up close again. The newer fans randomly started to camp out for shows a few years ago, two days before the actual show sometimes, and you and Gisela drew the line there. You had no problem with getting to the venue early in the morning and queueing, but sleeping outside? For a show? Absolutely not. And so you both bitterly accepted your front row days were over. 
Your most prized possessions are the photos you have with all the members, when you met them for the first and last time, seven years ago, when they opened up for a bigger band. You got to meet Seven Kings at their merch table, after the show. They had all been so lovely, which was a big reason why you kept supporting them. You pretty much grew up with them, as you were around the same age, and their music had helped you through various heartbreaks. But your heart was also somewhat broken when word got out that Sihtric got married, years ago. You and Gisela always joked how you belonged with Sihtric, and how she belonged with Uhtred. But then Sihtric got married, and you felt crushed for a day or two, but then life went on. It's not like you ever had a chance with the guy anyway. Uhtred was forever single, always whoring around with the groupies, as was Finan, and well… Osferth definitely too. Gisela said she'd still marry Uhtred if she could, and you couldn't blame her. 
When the news broke last year that Sihtric was single again, Gisela blew up your phone with texts. You both chuckled at your delusions of marrying your favourite pretty boys, but never took it seriously, as they were famous, and truthfully, you barely knew anything about them.
On the day of the ticket sale you managed to score floor tickets, and you and Gisela were ecstatic. The show was already in a few months, and the album would be released in a few weeks. You both counted down the days and, when the album dropped, you and Gisela had a sleepover, listening to the record all night while desperately gushing over how good "your boys" looked in that new video, even though you both knew it was shot a while ago, as Finan's hair was short in the video, and you knew it was longer now.
'Did you hear you can win meet and greet tickets?' you suddenly asked.
'For real?' Gisela gasped, 'how?'
'All you have to do is enter your email address on their website, and a few winners get picked at random for each show.'
'Oh my god!' Gisela squealed, 'can you imagine?! We both have to enter!'
And so you both entered the competition. You knew chances were slim, their fanbase was huge, and many fans travelled to multiple shows, so they would try for every show they'd go to. You could only afford to go to one show, the one in your city, which was also the first show of the tour. You kept thinking of trying to get tickets for the last show of the tour, which was two weeks after your show, in a city which was only an hour away from you, but you never got them.
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The concert was in two days. You and Gisela were already going crazy with excitement, and when you suddenly received an email from their record label, saying you were one of the meet and greet winners, you were sure your entire city could hear you and Gisela scream.
'Oh my god, what do I wear?' you panicked.
'I need to buy new clothes!' Gisela cried.
'I have to dye my hair! Look at these roots!' you gasped as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You and Gisela went shopping the day before the show, and you fixed up each other's hair, hoping you'd both look a little presentable among the other fans who had won. 
'I wonder how many others there will be,' Gisela dreamed the night before the show, as she stared at her phone, looking at pictures of Uhtred, 'and I wonder what the guys will be wearing!'
'I'm so afraid it will be so rushed,' you pouted, scrolling through Sihtric's instagram, 'and me too, I can't wait to see their new look- oh my god!' you suddenly shouted.
'What?' Gisela jumped up.
'Sihtric just posted a selfie on his story!' you squealed, 'look! Oh my god, he has long hair now! Oh god, that smile!' you cried.
'Oh god,' Gisela snorted, knowing you were a sucker for tall, lean guys with shoulder length hair, 'you won't survive tomorrow.'
Luckily for you, Gisela had the same meltdown when Uhtred posted a new selfie too, revealing his new look as well, and you thought Gisela was about to faint. You both 'awww'ed' at Osferth and Finan's reveals, them always being cute and handsome, and after that, you desperately tried to get some sleep, as tomorrow was the day.
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'Is my hair okay?' you asked nervously, standing in front of the venue.
'Yeah, yeah, you look good,' Gisela said, 'mine?'
'You're always pretty, shut up,' you scowled.
You looked down at your outfit; black boots, black skinny jeans, and a comfy shirt of Seven Kings, which was actually their very first tour shirt, which you had always been very careful with. The shirt still fitted perfectly, but you did cut off the sleeves years ago, making it a sleeveless top. You anxiously looked around, confused, as there were only a handful of other fans who also won, and then you all figured there were no more than five winners, each allowed to bring a friend, so it truly was an exclusive thing. Gisela kept pulling at her little black dress. She heard that Uhtred apparently likes ladies in short dresses, so she went for it. You actually had no idea what type of girl Sihtric was into, as he was rather private and quiet in interviews. And his instagram page mainly had professional photos of him, taken during live shows or for promo, and if it wasn't that, it was a photo of another new bass guitar he got his tattooed hands on.
You all froze when suddenly a door opened, and your tickets got checked. Terrified that something was wrong with your ticket, your trembling hands showed the venue employee your papers. You all got cleared, ushered inside, and were told to wait in a comfortable lounge room.
'Okay,' Ragnar, the band's manager, said as he walked in the door, 'first of all, congratulations,' he smiled, and you all cheered quietly.
'The band will come out in a moment,' he said, 'and please… just… behave,' Ragnar sighed, 'no pushing or pulling, there is no need, there's only ten of you and you guys have almost an hour here with them, if you all behave that is,' Ragnar said sternly. 'Also,' he continued, 'no asking for kisses and there will be no boob signatures if you are underage,' he glanced quickly at a few girls who were absolutely no older than 16.
You and Gisela gave each other a sly smile, but you both felt you were too old for that kind of behaviour, so you wouldn't ask for anything like that anyway.
'Before you take your selfies with the guys, we ask you to just chill out and chat, get some albums signed and all that, the more relaxed you are, the better your pictures will be, okay?' Ragnar chuckled, 'those boys are all ugly anyway, so I don't even know why you are all here,' he snorted and left the room.
The younger girls gasped while you and Gisela laughed at the manager's sneer. Everyone adjusted their outfits before you all perked up at the sound of Finan's laughter closing in. And there they were. Finan got in the room first, grinning, wearing a sleeveless black shirt with denim jeans and sneakers. Osferth followed, in his white fishnet top, black jeans and leather boots. You heard Gisela exhale sharply next to you when Uhtred appeared, with a hint of eyeliner, a leather jacket with no shirt underneath, leather jeans and black boots. You looked at Gisela, who was blushing at the sight of her favourite, and you snorted. But when you looked back up, you saw Sihtric, his hair loose and wild, wearing a black leather dungarees with a black mesh shirt underneath, his dungarees tucked in his black Doctor Martens. Your heart skipped about five beats when you locked eyes with his mismatched pair for a second.
'Oh my god,' you breathed softly, grabbing Gisela's hand. 
Then Ragnar walked in again and frowned at all of you, frozen on the sofas. 'Well, what are you waiting for?' he chuckled, 'they don't bite!'
'Maybe we do,' Finan grinned.
Then you all jumped up and, as expected, most girls ran over to Osferth and Uhtred, while Finan earned some company too. Because Sihtric was always the quiet one, he took a slight step back from the others, which is why some of the other hesitant fans didn't dare walk up to him, and turned to the other members. But this was your chance, you thought, so you went for it, while Gisela already left your side and stood next to Uhtred.
You took a deep breath and walked up to the handsome, slightly scarred Dane, who grabbed himself a bottle of water and sat up on a table, keeping to himself. When his eyes met yours again as you approached him, a sweet smile appeared on his face and he leaned back.
'Hello,' he simply said, with that soft, low voice you love so much, and he took a sip of water.
'H-hi,' you smiled, trying your best to not show your nerves, 'how are you doing?'
'Nervous,' Sihtric confessed with a chuckle, then tilted his head, 'and how are you, lady?'
'Nervous,' you laughed softly, which earned you another sweet smile from Sihtric.
'Surely not because of me, I hope?' Sihtric asked as he sat up, quickly looking you up and down with a sly smile.
'Maybe,' you half joked, feeling your face heat up when his eyes darted over you.
'Ah, don't be nervous for me,' Sihtric smiled and squinted his eyes a little, 'I like your shirt. Is it an original?' he asked and leaned in, his fingers brushing your shoulder as he felt the fabric.
'It is,' you smiled, 'I got it at the actual tour back then.'
'No way,' Sihtric said with big eyes and let go of your shirt, 'you stuck around all that time?'
'Even longer,' you giggled shyly, 'I first saw you guys at that free show here in the city, at the Irish pub.'
'At Clancy's?' Sihtric frowned, 'damn.'
'Yeah, but I had to leave early that evening,' you said, 'and I got this shirt when you opened up for that other band, you guys were at the merch-'
'Wait! Have we met before?' he gasped softly.
'Eh, actually, yeah,' you felt your cheeks heat up again and took out your phone, showing him the seven year old selfie.
'Gods!' Sihtric stared at your screen. He took your hand in his while you held your phone up to him, to get a better look. 'Yeah… I remember that night, I also remember you now.'
'What? No way,' you looked down at your feet.
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric said as he let go of your hand, 'you were the girl who told me you liked the metal chain I use as a bass guitar strap,' he smiled, 'because it reminded you of Peter Steele.'
'Oh my god,' you snorted, 'yeah, that was me. And you told me you stole the idea-' 
'From Peter Steele,' Sihtric laughed, 'because I am the most unoriginal bastard.'
You both laughed at the memory, and suddenly Sihtric held his arms open to you. 'Come here, bring it in,' he smiled, 'you deserve a hug for still putting up with our music.'
You allowed Sihtric to pull you in, wrapping his arms around you, and he lightly stroked your back with his big, warm hands as you were pressed against his muscular chest. You could die peacefully now, you thought. You tried to pull back, but Sihtric held on a little longer before he let go, licking his lips with a soft smile when he looked at you again.
'You been to all our tours ever since?' he asked.
'Yeah, but more and more in the back of the venue, as you guys became more popular. I refuse to camp out for a good spot.'
'Ah,' Sihtric clicked his tongue, 'yeah, fandom behaviour got, eh, quite intense the last few years. People camp out, some even figure out our hotels, it's crazy,' he said, 'that's why I'm not that active on social media. You post one thing and suddenly a shit ton of people find out where you are.'
'Sorry to hear that,' you gave him a compassionate look, 'me and my friend also took a step back from the fanbase because of that,' you looked a little sad, 'people have no limits anymore these days. It's weird as shit.'
'Truly,' Sihtric nodded, 'but good to see we still got some decently behaving people who like us,' he winked and poked your shoulder.
'Oh, thanks,' you smiled shyly.
'So, can I sign anything for you or…?'
'Ehh, my ticket?' you smiled sheepishly, 'I forgot to bring my album.'
'You did not,' Sihtric snorted, 'really?'
You gave him a shy nod and buried your face in your hands, to which Sihtric laughed.
'Okay, hold on,' Sihtric smiled and got off the table, towering over you as he put his feet on the ground, and his fingers brushed over your arm, 'come,' he said, 'I'll get you another one.'
You hesitantly moved your feet towards the door Sihtric held open for you.
'But… I don't want to get in trouble,' you looked back at Ragnar, who was on his phone, 'I can just wait here?'
Trouble?' Sihtric shook his head with a smile, 'you won't get in any trouble, come,' he beckoned you over.
He didn't have to ask you again. You followed Sihtric through the empty hallway, to their merch stand, where he opened a few boxes.
'You had a cd or a vinyl?'
'Cd,' you said, 'the coloured vinyl was a little too pricey,' you blurted out by accident, not meaning to fish for anything or come off rude.
'I agree,' Sihtric sighed and looked up at you, 'we told the label to cut down that price. We don't even need that income anymore, to be honest,' he quickly grimaced, 'sorry, don't mean to boast or anything. But yeah, the record looks sick, but that price tag is ridiculous.'
'I agree,' you scoffed lightly, 'but, well, it is what it is.'
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed as he grabbed a vinyl, 'it is what it is,' he smiled and got up again, 'what's your name, love?' he asked as he grabbed a silver marker out of a drawer and ripped the plastic off the vinyl cover.
You told him your name and stared at the vinyl, confused, then you suddenly realised Sihtric was writing your name on the record.
'W-wait,' you chuckled nervously, 'I… I can't afford that-'
'Shush,' Sihtric hushed sweetly and winked at you, 'I'm giving it to you, so it's a gift,' he shrugged and continued to scribble on the cover.
'Oh… o-okay,' you felt yourself blushing again, 'thank you.'
Sihtric smiled and silently nodded his head while looking down at the record, accepting your thanks. He closed the marker again and flung it in the drawer, then leaned in on the merch table, opposite of you, staring into your eyes with a soft smile.
'Can I get you anything else, pretty lady?' he asked, carefully pushing the vinyl your way.
'N-no,' you said with big eyes.
'Hm, what's your size?'
'No,' you chuckled, 'I… I will not steal any more merchandise.'
'You're not stealing any merch,' Sihtric laughed, 'tell me your shirt size,' he bit down on his lip.
'I will not,' you protested while butterflies marched through your stomach, because of Sihtric's playful voice and smile.
He suddenly made his way around the merch table and, before you realised what happened, you felt his rough fingers touching your neck, as he took the collar of your shirt and looked at the label.
'Got you,' Sihtric whispered in your ear before he hopped back to the merchandise. 
He pulled out a sweater and two shirts in your size and pushed them in your hands, along with the signed vinyl.
'Sihtric, I-'
'Let's go, lady,' Sihtric chuckled as he looked around. He placed his hand on your lower back, guiding you with him, 'if anyone asks,' he looked at the pile of merch in your arms, 'you already had it. It's just our secret as to how you got it,' he winked, opened the door for you, and you stepped back into the lounge room.
Luckily, everyone else had been so occupied, no one even noticed that you and Sihtric had left the room for quite a few minutes.
'Thank you,' you said as Sihtric sat back on the table again, and he took another sip of his water.
'For what?' he grinned, then held his water bottle out to you, 'sip?'
Sharing a drink? With the man of your dreams? You'd be foolish if you didn't.
'Eh, sure,' you smiled and took the bottle out of his hand, taking a small sip.
You handed it back to Sihtric, who took another few sips before he closed the half empty bottle again, and handed it back to you.
'Keep it,' he smiled, 'so, you want a new photo? Now that we're both older?'
'Of course,' you said, taking out your phone again, fumbling as your arms were overloaded with everything Sihtric had given you.
Sihtric chuckled and grabbed your phone when he saw your struggle. 'Put the stuff on the table, love,' he smiled and then pulled you close, his arm around your neck, leaning heavily against you, and he flashed a sly smile as he snapped a few photos.
'Those good?' he asked, swiping through the selfies, keeping his arm around you.
'Yeah,' you smiled, feeling lightheaded at how close you were. You could even smell his cologne, which had hints of mint and cedarwood. You were absolutely smitten.
Sihtric handed you your phone and took a step back, his hand still on your shoulder, but before either of you could say something, another fan finally walked up to Sihtric. You noticed her and you stepped away, but Sihtric's eyes lingered on you before he looked at the other lady, and he somewhat reluctantly let go of your shoulder. 
'I'll see you around,' Sihtric said with a sweet smile.
You returned the smile and walked up to the other members, joining Gisela again, who frowned at your arms full of merch.
'How did you get that?' she asked with big eyes as the other men were busy chatting with someone else.
'Sihtric gave it to me,' you whispered.
'Are you serious?'
'Yeah,' you smiled and told her what happened. Gisela couldn't believe it and kept saying how Sihtric must have liked you, but you shrugged it off. 'He's just really nice,' you said.
'Nice, my ass,' Gisela frowned, 'he keeps looking at you,' she said, upset, because Uhtred didn't pay her much attention apparently.
'No, he's not,' you scoffed, then looked over your shoulder and locked eyes with Sihtric, as someone else was talking to him, and a smile appeared on his face. 'O-okay, maybe he just looked now,' you stammered.
'What did he write on that record?' Gisela tried to get a look at it.
'Oh, shit, I have no idea,' you said, completely forgetting about that after everything that happened.
You looked at the vinyl cover and smiled at the way he wrote your name so gracefully, and had continued with;
Hope you stick around for another seven years, and longer... 
Love you to death ;) 
'Love you to death?' Gisela's mouth fell open.
'No! It's not what you think!' you said, 'you know his guitar strap? The metal chain?' 
Gisela nodded, her jaw still dropped.
'He stole that idea from Peter Steele, who was the bass player and singer for Type O Negative,' you explained, 'and one of their most famous songs is called Love You to Death. It's obviously a nod to the first time I met Sihtric, and said the metal chain reminded me of Peter, which we just talked about. Oh my god, I didn't even tell you yet!' you gasped, 'he remembered me when I showed him the photo we took years ago!'
'Oh my god,' was all Gisela could bring out.
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The rest of the meet and greet was a blur really. You just couldn't grasp your interaction with Sihtric, and Gisela kept telling you how Sihtric was constantly looking at you. You chatted and took pictures with the other guys too, who were just as friendly as the first time you had met, but your eyes kept wandering back to Sihtric, and you always found him looking at you from across the room. When the meet and greet was over, everyone just waved goodbye to each other, but Sihtric was quick to run up to you, to give you another firm hug before leaving, and said if he found you in the crowd, he'd throw you one of his guitar picks. 
And before you knew it, you found yourself in the hot crowd. You were kinda close to the stage at first, but the crowd was constantly pushing and pulling, so you and Gisela moved further back halfway through the set.
As always, the show was fantastic, but when you left the venue you were sad you never got that guitar pick, as you had been too far away. Back home, you both couldn't stop staring at the pictures you got with your favourite member, and you posted your selfies separately on your instagram, tagging all members in their own photo. About an hour later you suddenly screamed, startling Gisela, who jumped up next to you on the couch.
'What happened?' she asked.
'S…S…S-Sihtric liked our selfie,' you wheezed, and just as you both looked at your screen, another notification popped up.
sihtric.kjartansson commented: beauty & the beast x
You felt dizzy and laid down on the floor, while Gisela took your phone to read the comment properly.
'Oh my god,' she laughed, 'he's totally into you!'
'Impossible,' you groaned, hiding your face behind your hands.
'Oh come on, we all stalk their pages, we know none of them ever comment. They rarely even like the posts they are tagged in!' Gisela said, 'you gotta dm him! He's totally flirting!'
'I thought about it, to… you know, thank him again in private but… I don't know…'
'You should!' she said, 'you should send a picture of you wearing one of those shirts he gave you, telling him it fits,' she giggled.
'Should I?' you frowned.
After some bickering, you finally agreed. You put on the comfy hoodie, which was the perfect amount of oversized, and you took a cute picture in the mirror. 
You: The merch fits! Thanks for everything. Had a great time meeting you again, sad I didn't get that guitar pick though, the crowd was rough. Great show regardless! :) 
You hit send and locked your phone. It was getting late and you were tired, so you decided to go home and sleep, figuring Sihtric would never reply anyway.
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The next morning you woke up and you had a near heart attack when you looked at your phone. Sihtric had liked your message and even replied. With shaking hands you opened your dms.
Sihtric: looking good lady x
Sihtric: sad I couldn't find you either, the crowd was indeed rowdy. hope you didn't get stuck in that mosh pit...
Sihtric: let me know if you're going to another show, I'll fix that pick for you x
You gasped, screamed and nearly cried. You screenshotted the messages and texted Gisela, who went feral too, and she asked what you were going to reply with. You had no idea yet, you needed some time to think. You also cursed yourself when you saw he had replied only 5 minutes after you had messaged him last night, while you were in bed already, trying to sleep. You figured he'd never reply again now, after 10 hours had passed by now, and you felt you had wasted the opportunity. 
After an hour you finally gathered your courage and replied.
You: I know better than to get near a mosh pit haha! unfortunately last night was the only show I'll be at, I couldn't get tickets for the last show :( better luck next tour maybe!
You locked your phone again and got back under your covers, and a minute later your phone buzzed. You thought it was Gisela, but your heart skipped another beat with you saw it was Sihtric again.
'Oh my fucking god,' you breathed and opened the message.
Sihtric: damn, lady. Definitely hit me up next time you're seeing us, yeah? x
You replied with trembling hands again.
You: will do :) thanks again! x
Right after you pressed send, it showed that Sihtric had seen the message, and he started typing. Your head was spinning, how was any of this even real. Sihtric, out of all members, was the one who used his social media the least. Yet here he was, responding to you within seconds.
Sihtric: no worries love
Sihtric: was lovely meeting you again
Sihtric: how are you doing today then? x
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1
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zanashair · 5 months
— your presences
Ran Haitani x F!Reader
master list
fluff | female!reader | ib that one ts scene (im sad now)
warning : you're an idol? none.
A/N: hello, here's an old oneshot that i had uploaded on Wattpad but forgot to upload it here, I've been a little dead and unmotivated when it comes to writing, not that i hate it, it's more of a i started to become a little to aware of my way of writing stories, I'll work on that since i have a fanfic i wanted to finish lol, anw, bye for now
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The loud cheers from the sea of crowds were the only thing filling up the enormous stadium, you and your idol members continues to keep their energy shined out from the very beginning of the concert till to this very second, your body moved and keep on track to the right rhythm playing in your 'in ear monitor' moving position's and changing turns for each other own part of the song
As you continue to sings all out to your hearts content, you couldn't helped but looked around through the vip section of the seat, hoping to see a certain tall lanky figure with a purple haired and black streaks dyed men sitting somewhere in the vip crowd's 
You threw a glance to the vip section every once in a while, not wanting to be seen as if you were searching for someone specific in the crowds which could grew suspicion to the fans since there is always cameras pointing at them each second. dating was not something banned in your entertainment company, but they gave out a heads up on how those delusional fans could get a bit too rowdy and wild when it comes out to their lovely idol getting their selves a significant other, and it wasn't something that is easy to control...
For what have felt like ages you've been looking out for the obvious purple colored haired men that should've been easily spotted since the hair color stands out a lot, you didn't found him, your heart dropped a bit by the fact you weren't able to find him in the vip crowd, even with the very few minutes break to interact with your crowd of lovely fans asking how their days have been going so far and if they have been enjoying their selves with the performance your group idol have been giving out to them, you weren't able to find him, your bright smile fall off for a momentarily before a forced out one rise back up to your lips
You weren't sad nor disappointed that he weren't there, he has always been a busy man himself, having to deal with their clubs and other businesses work stuff in hand, it were expected that he wouldn't be able to appear and show support in your idol group performance all the time, but he had given out the most sweetest words and promise's on how he will 100% show up on the vip crowd and cheering you like he's your number one fan, but it seems that he got himself busy or maybe something unavoidable happened that he couldn't cancel the plans out
"Y/n, are you ok?" your friend whispered out to you as she sent you a worried expression, you quickly snapped your head towards the girl and nodded telling her that you were more than fine, which she did not believed in the slightest "you're horrible at lying you know~" "do i?" she only let out a giggle and put her arms around your shoulder and proceeds to close her mouth with the back of her hands 
"You're looking for him, don't you?" the mic that each of the idol members were given were all hand mic which you were thankful about since this conversation that had just started were only between you and the member only to know, you then closed your mouth with the back of your hand too and put the right hand which were the hand you were holding onto the mic fell to the side of your thigh "was it that obvious?" she only nodded and once again let's out another giggle
"We could go and search for him in the crowds if you wanted to?" she whispered again with her mouth covered with the back of her hands "isn't that too risky?" sending her a nervous smile she shrugged at your words "we'll just multitask between searching for him and interact with the fans and read their hilarious board too~" 
And just with that, you agreed and started walking to the other 3 members of your group, had a minute talk before you all decided to go a bit more closer to the vip crowd from the stage, looking and interacting a bit with the fans
You and the previous girl that have had been talking with you were walking at the left side of the stage waving, laughing at those creative and funny board the fans held up for you all to read, flashing them smiles and having a short talk and selfies using their phones, but even with all of the stuff you were doing your best to interact with the fans, your eyes kept on searching for him, silently
You were starting to lose hope before you saw a group of 12 light stick of your f/c glow sticks that flashing right at the corner of your eyes, you turned around and were met with the sight of 3 grown man, in suits, one with horribly bright pink hair and the other two with a short and long purple hair, waving your glow sticks at your way, each one of them had two f/c glow sticks in each hand
And there you were met with his beautiful purple gaze, you couldn't helped but let the wide smile crept upon your lips at the sight of it as a laughter bubble up in your throat, ready to burst out from your lips by the sight of them
Rindou clearly seemed like he were too tired to even be there, sanzu were just confused but has kinda gotten the spirit to wave the stick in the sky aggressively, and then there was ran, ran haitani, his gaze screamed "head over heels" and the soft smile has been plastered on him for as long as he could remembered, watching you shine brighter than you already are up on the tall stage, he couldn't helped but let his heart melt a bit at the sight of it
The next thing you knew, without any hesitation, you blowout a kiss to the crowd of fans which made the row of seat squeal in happiness, thinking it were given to them when clearly it were sent to the purpled haired man, but they didn't need to know thay only the both of you do (and rin and sanzu, but not the point), ran reach out his hands for the blown kiss, grabbed it and dramatically put his balled fist on his chest as if had took the kiss you had gave and kept it inside of his heart
Now knowing that ran were 100% in the crowds, watching over you, you couldn't helped but give out an even MORE outstanding performance even after all of the hours, even after your legs were giving out on you and you were breathing in for air, you wanted to give out 1000% of your all 
After the last song were performed, you and your group of friends send out the thankyou's for the crowds and waving them a goodbye before you and the other 4 members disappeared from the stage
At the backstage, you were each given a bottle of water by the staff as they told to every members that they all have done an outstanding performance today like any other performance, thanking for their words one of the other staff called out for your name, telling you that a certain dude named ran haitani were looking for your presence, and with that being told, you took off and ran
looking around for ran in the long hallway of the backstage, you finally found his figure, both hands in each side of the pockets, he turned his head around towards the rapid foot steps that were running towards his way, realizing that it was only you, he sent out another soft smile and he removed both arms from the pockets
"i thought you didn't came! i got so sad when i couldn't find you" and with that, you wrapped your arms around his neck tightly "really now?" he said with an obvious teasing voice lacing in his tone, with your face buried on the crook of his neck, you nodded your head while still hugging tightly onto him "i thought you had to cancel it and had to do other stuff" your words slightly muffled out but still managed to make sense to his ears "i always keep my promises, i am a man of my words after all..." hugging you back tightly, he kissed the crown of your head and let the side of his face fell on top of yours
"and what's with rindou and sanzu coming too? i thought it was just gonna be you?" you lifted your head to look at his eyes "i can't hold all 12 of your glow sticks all alone you know?" you sweat dropped a bit at his words "12 glows stick? why did you got that much?" "just so i can stand out the most" you could only laughed at his statement and shook your head a bit at it 
"i think the suit and purple hair already stand out quite a lot if you asked me"
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please reblog if you enjoy it <3
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spaceyaceface · 2 years
He Fell In Love (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!Reader
Warnings/Cliches: Friends to lovers, idiots in love, (mutual?) pining, def a fix-it fic, everyone is fine what are you talking about, very minor spoilers for vol 1
Request: how about best friend!steve and the moment he realizes that he's in love with the reader? - Anon
A/N: This was going to be different but then it just happened the way it happened, please enjoy. I’ll probably definitely absolutely make a part two if yall want it. EDIT: Part 2 is here!
WC: 1.8k
Steve always looked forward to Saturday nights nowadays. After all the hell he’d been through, something as mundane as a movie night was like therapy. Not quite as good, but close. 
He figured there would be a good turn out that night. He’d brought home a new release, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Most of the younger kids had seen it in theaters already, but insisted the rest of them had to see it, too. 
He was hosting at his place tonight, as he usually did. For as long as he lived in his parents’ house, he was content on abusing his right to use their property when they were out of town. He was getting the popcorn bowls ready when the pounding on the door started. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” he called out, making his way to the door. “Keep your pants on!”
He opened the door and the kids all came tumbling in. “You know, I really don’t need you all banging like that every time you come over. When it finally comes off its hinges, you’re paying for the new one.” 
“Relax, Steve,” Dustin said, taking off his shoes on the ground by the door. 
Steve rolled his eyes, picking up all the coats they had discarded and putting them into a somewhat organized pile. “It’s always ‘Relax, Steve,’ and never ‘Sorry Steve, you’re right, how inconsiderate of me.’” 
“Because you’re never right,” Dustin fired back. He stood up. “Hey, wait up!” He called, racing after all the other kids as they’d made their way to the living room, chattering excitedly. 
Steve’s frown disappeared when he head a chuckle from the doorway. Y/N came in the rest of the way, shutting the door behind her. “That’s what you get when you invite teenagers over.” 
He smiled at her, folding his arms as he leaned against the wall. “Please tell me we weren’t that bad.”
“Probably worse.” 
“Probably,” he replied. “Robin and Eddie coming?” 
“Nah. Robin flaked on us because Vickie asked her to do something tonight, and Eddie is at band practice. They managed to score a gig.”
Most people in their group came and went each week. None of them minded if another made other plans or did something else; they had something much stronger keeping them together. After the experiences over the years--and especially a few months ago--a weekly movie night was a constant that they all relied on from time to time. Of all of them, Steve and Y/N were the most consistant with the tradition. For Steve, it was because he didn’t have many other friends. He could have been asking girls on dates, (which he still did occasionally), but there was something about movie night that kept him content most of the time. 
Y/N and Steve walked into the living room. Max and Lucas were sitting next to each other on the ground. Will was sandwiched between Dustin and Mike, the two of them arguing about something on each side of him--his eyes went between them like a game of pong. Mike had his arm around El, who was braiding Max’s hair at her feet. Robin had just taught her how to braid recently, so she was taking every chance to practice as her own hair grew back out. 
No was sitting on the smaller sofa, so Steve and Y/N claimed it as their own. As soon as they said, Steve threw his arm onto the back of the couch, just behind Y/N’s shoulders. 
“Hey Mike,” he called, interrupting the debate. “Is Nancy coming, or are we good to get started?”
“She’s ditching tonight, her and Johnathan went to dinner or something.”
Steve nodded. A while back, that would have caused a sharp pain in his chest. But at some point, it had changed to a dull ache. And one day, it disappeared all together. 
He wasn’t sure what had changed, but it felt better. 
Dustin got the movie started and Y/N went to the kitchen to fetch the popcorn. She distributed a couple of bowls to the kids, keeping the largest one and plopped back down next to Steve. He chuckled. 
She gave him a glare. “What?”
“Oh, nothing, you’re just greedy as always,” he mumbled as the first scene began. 
“I brought it to share with you since you usually complain there’s not enough, but now that you said that, yes, yes I am greedy.” She moved herself to the furthest part of the couch, taking the bowl with her. 
“Hey! You know you can’t eat it all by yourself!” 
She shot him a playful glare. “Watch me,” she said, shoveling a buttery handful into her mouth. 
He scoot over, pressing himself to her side and tried to snatch a handful, but she held the bowl away from him. He groaned. “Fine, I take it back, you’re not greedy. Can I have some now?”
There was a loud shushing noise, and Steve looked over to find Max glaring at the two of them. Y/N rolled her eyes and set the bowl into his lap. 
He grinned. “Thanks.” 
They stayed side by side, and at some point, his arm found his way from the back of the couch to over her shoulders. This wasn’t unusual. It was something he loved about his friendship with Y/N. It was all just so easy around her. Since taking down Vecna, they’d spent a lot of time together. She had been Eddie’s friend and had joined the hunt to find him, managing to get herself caught up in the whole mess. But like the rest of them, she seemed grateful for the little family she had found on the other side of disaster. 
For a while, Steve had considered Robin his best friend, but it seemed like she’d gotten some competition lately. They hadn’t grown apart by any means, Y/N and Steve had just gotten so incredibly close. 
Because, despite what he had expected, Y/N was... well, she was Y/N. She’d talked him down when things with his dad got heated, and he’d stayed up with her on the nights she couldn’t close her eyes, afraid of what she would see. There was something between them that wasn’t between him and Robin. He couldn’t quite tell what it was, but it meant more to him than the world. 
The movie came to an end, and Steve turned his face toward Y/N’s, who was resting her head on his shoulder. “You awake enough to drive the gremlins home, or do you want me to?”
She sat up. “I’m awake, but I wouldn’t mind the company if you want to come.”
“Sure, I’ll be generous enough to grace you with my presence for an extra half hour,” he said as he stood. 
She rolled her eyes. “On second thought...”
He laughed. Something flickered in her eyes when he did, but it was so fast he figured he was seeing things. “Nope, you’re stuck with me, L/N. Just like you’re stuck with the rest of these twerps.” He held out his hand to help her up. 
As she took it to stand, she smiled. “Honestly, I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.” Her eyes looked surveyed the kids, all in various stages of waking up. Her gaze was soft, full of affection. Steve couldn’t help but think he looked at them the same way, too. 
The drive home was uneventful. Once the kids woke up enough to get into the car, Y/N took them each home, waiting in their driveways to make sure they were safely inside before heading to the next house. Soon it was just her and Steve in the car, driving back to his place. Her hands tapped on the steering wheel in time with the music on the radio. 
Steve yawned. “I’m glad you’re driving. I’m about to pass out.” 
“Yeah?” Y/N said, glancing over at him. “You been sleeping ok?”
“Past couple of nights were rough. I’ll be out like a light tonight.” 
She put the car in park once she pulled into his driveway. “You can call me anytime, you know. That offer still stands.” 
He gave her a soft smile. “I know. It’s not as bad as it used to be. What about you, you doing ok?”
She gave a gentle nod. “Most of the time.” 
“I think most of the time is all we can ask for.” 
He was truly grateful for Y/N, how quick she was to check up on him. She spent a lot of time caring for others, and putting herself on the back burner. He’d learned that in the last few months of watching her play babysitter with all the kids, making sure they were feeling all right, that they were sleeping, eating well, coping. She’d done the same thing to him, and as soon as he realized she was letting herself deal with things alone, he jumped to be there for her. 
But that was just the way Y/N was. Kind, caring, loyal. She’d fight tooth and nail when it came down to it, but when the smoke cleared, she was there to put things back together, even if she was broken herself. 
That’s what he loved about her. 
Steve froze. His heart started to hammer in his chest. He did, didn’t he? He loved Y/N. He loved the way she made him laugh, even at the worst of times. He loved the way she looked at the kids, eyes full of warmth he had seen no where else. He loved the way she felt in his arms, the way he felt complete when he held her. 
He loved her, completely, utterly and irrevocably. 
And damn if he wasn’t still falling. 
“Steve?” Her voice brought him out of his trance, and his eyes shot up to meet hers. He almost regretted it--now that he’d made sense of it all, he felt like he could never look away. “You okay?”
“Y-yeah. Sorry, I was, um.” Words tumbled clumsily out of his mouth. But how was he supposed to function when she looked at him like that? “Thinking. I was just thinking.”
“Thinking what?” she asked slowly, confusion written across her face. 
“Nothing.” It came out much too quickly. He cleared his throat and tore his eyes away from her, glancing out the door. “Nothing, I should... should go?” It came out like a question. He hadn’t meant to do that. 
“Yeah,” she said softly, brows furrowed. “Yeah, you should get to bed. Are you sure you’re alright?”
He let out a small sigh, regaining a bit of his composure. “I’m sure. I’ll... I’ll tell you about it later, ok? Just not right now. Promise.”
She hesitated before nodded. “Ok. I’m making you stick to that promise, Harrington.” Her hand rested on his shoulder. “Go get some rest for me.”
Anything for you. The thought came naturally. And he meant it. 
“Thanks, Y/N.”
He got out of the car, trying not to look back before going inside. The feeling of her stare on his back followed in to the front door. Once he walked in, He let out a sigh, trying to empty the butterflies that invaded his stomach. 
He was doomed. 
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magewritesstories · 2 years
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[ ᴊᴏᴇʏ ᴛʀɪʙʙɪᴀɴɪ ] ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʜ ɴᴏ
summary: You come knocking at Phoebe's door in the middle of the night because you've had a realisation about your relationship with Joey. TW: none note: a little imagine for my favourite Himbo.
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"Phoebe open up, it's an emergency!" You shouted, pounding on your best friend's apartment door. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" She shouted back from behind the door.
After a few seconds, the door opened to reveal a very disgruntled Phoebe. She was wearing some shorts and what looked like Mike's T-shirt. "What's wrong, Y/N?" She asked worriedly, you'd never visited her this late at night before. 
"I really needed to talk to you I'm sorry for waking you up," You said apologetically. Phoebe shook her head, "Oh no, it's fine, I love having you around!" She said, "But what's wrong, it's pretty late?"
You stepped into the apartment and flopped onto her couch. "Well, you might want to sit down for this one..."You said. Seemingly out of nowhere she handed you a cup of hot cocoa, and sat down.
"So, have you ever had a really close friend, and you love them, like in platonic way. But then they do this one small thing and you have this feeling of Oh, Oh no..?" You asked. Phoebe shook her head; "No, but continue."
"Well, I kind of had that feeling today..." You mumbled. Phoebe's eyes grew wide, "Oh. My. God!" She shouted, "Who?!" You mumbled something incoherently, "What?" You mumbled again, but Phoebe still didn't hear you.
"Joey!" You shouted finally. "Wha– tell me everything." Phoebe said, getting more comfortable in her position.
"Wow, that was fun," You said between laughs, putting down your bag on the floor next to the Foosball table. Joey grinned, "I told you, if you were my girlfriend we would be having even more fun right now." You laughed as he shamelessly tried to flirt with you.
This wasn't anything new. Every few months the two of you would go out on a "date". The two of you would act like you hadn't been friends for years and act like you would on a normal date. Until you walked into the apartment. Although you had come up with the no kissing rule, much to Joey's dismay.
You walked into your room and quickly changed out of the black dress into more comfortable clothes ( Joey's old Nicks T-shirt that was too big for you and a pair of shorts.) Out of the corner of you eye you saw the DVD of Scream.
"Hey Joe, wanna stay up and watch some horror movies?" You asked. "But you hate them?" Joey asked, walking out of his room. You shrugged, grabbing some extra blankets, "That's half the fun, right?" And soon the two of you were snuggled up in the barcalounger. 
Halfway through the movie you were practically hiding behind Joey. He laughed at you, "What was that about half the fun?" He asked teasingly. "Shut up," You said, but your sound was muffled by his sweater, since you were half turned away from the TV now. Joey laughed at you before reaching for the remote. "I think that's enough horror films for you," he said turning of the TV.  He quickly planted a kiss on your forehead before walking back into his room, "'Night!" 
You smiled and relaxed into your seat.
So cute.
Wait, no, did you just call Joey cute?!
You shook your head wildly, no, no way... Although, maybe...
Uh oh
Oh no.
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ch. 2: A Safe Place to Land - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x nurse!reader
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Summary: 2.1k words. After an unexpected breakup with her long-term boyfriend, y/n had one goal: to keep her head down and finish her travel nursing contract as soon as possible. That was until Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw derailed her plan entirely. Just as y/n finished picking up the pieces of her broken heart, Rooster came along and showed y/n what it’s like to be loved again–if only she’ll let him in.
Warnings: Rooster’s sweaty abs & tooth-rotting fluff
a/n: hi!! first of all–thank you all SO MUCH for the overwhelming support & love for this series! i’m so happy y’all are just as excited ab it as i am! the comments, reblogs, & tags really keep me going ❤️ enjoy & lmk what you think!
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After their date at The Hard Deck, Rooster and y/n started talking pretty often. Despite their busy schedules that hadn’t allowed them to see each other in person, they grew close. Late night phone calls and random texts throughout the day become a common occurrence for the two.
Rooster prided himself on being discreet and keeping his personal life separate from his work life, but he evidently didn’t have as good of a poker face as he thought he did. Between training sessions, during breaks, and even when he was out at The Hard Deck with his fellow aviators, he was often grinning like a fool while looking at his phone.
“You got a girl we don’t know about, Rooster?” Hangman teased from across the pool table and pointed his cue stick towards Rooster’s phone.  Rooster shot Hangman a harmless glare before tucking his phone into his back pocket.
“Not exactly…” Rooster trailed off. His non-denial had Phoenix and Payback raising their eyebrows and sharing a curious glance. Hangman, Coyote, and Fanboy wore matching devious grins while Bob sat in the corner with a small knowing smile on his face.
Rooster’s attention turned back to the game of pool after Hangman’s teasing, but his mind was still on y/n.
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A few rough shifts back-to-back had y/n craving a break and some well deserved relaxation. Weeks of spending her days off binge-watching Netflix in between naps soon grew old, so she went out instead. Considering she’d be living along the California coast for the foreseeable future–at least until her contract was over–she decided to take advantage of the beach.
It just so happened that Rooster’s coworkers-turned-friend group were at the same beach that day, unbeknownst to y/n. After Maverick’s team building exercise months ago, trips to the beach and subsequent football games became a regular occurrence for the group of aviators.
y/n found a quieter uncrowded section of the beach to lay her towel down with her small bag and water bottle in tow. It didn’t take long for the warmth of the sun and gentle crashing of the waves to lull y/n into a peaceful nap before she even got a chance to open the book she’d brought along. An hour or so later, she was startled awake by someone shouting “Look out!” from the distance while a pair of thundering footsteps ran towards her. The glare from the sun as y/n opened her eyes from her nap momentarily blinded her and she missed the football flying straight towards her. The ball narrowly missed her, but her water bottle didn’t have the same luck. With a pathetic clunk the bottle toppled over and spilled water onto the sand around y/n.
y/n huffed, ready to chew out whoever came to retrieve the football but the words got caught in her throat when she looked up and saw none other than Bradley Bradshaw.
“Damn, looks like I owe you another drink, darlin’,” Rooster greeted, relieved to see the frustration leave her face once she recognized him.
“It seems so, Lieutenant,” y/n responded, her disappointment about her spilled drink quickly forgotten. y/n’s poker face fell short for the umpteenth time around Rooster as her sunglasses slid down her nose and she admired the very sweaty, very sexy pilot standing above her. The feeling was evidently mutual when y/n caught Rooster letting his eyes drag down her bikini-clad body. y/n cleared her throat to get Rooster’s attention again and he realized he’d been caught. He hoped his increasingly red-tinted ears could be blamed on the sun, but y/n saw right through him. The man was blushing.
Rooster recovered quickly though. Seeing as he’d already been caught checking y/n out, he saw no reason to hide his attraction towards her.
“You’re so beautiful,” Rooster exhaled. The man sounded whipped, and maybe he was, but he’d been dying to see her and let her know how he felt since the moment he watched her leave The Hard Deck. This time it was y/n’s turn to blush, practically swooning at the aviator’s admission. She hummed in appreciation and finally pushed herself up to a seated position before returning the compliment.
“Thanks, Adonis,” a cheeky grin spread across y/n’s face as she flirted with Rooster. She momentarily considered standing to be closer to his eye level, but he had her weak in the knees. Before Rooster could quip back, he was cut off by a distant shout.
“C’mon, Rooster! What’s the hold up?” Payback called out while waiting for Rooster to return with the football.
“I’m coming!” Rooster shouted over his shoulder, briefly and begrudgingly tearing his eyes away from y/n. y/n smiled as she handed Rooster the football, noting the way his fingers brushed across hers. Rooster maintained their eye contact for a moment longer, just taking in y/n’s features.
“Are you free tonight?” y/n nodded with a smile. “Alright, I’ll text you then,” a coy smile spread across Rooster’s face and he pointed the football towards y/n before jogging back towards his friends. y/n opted to read her book instead of taking another nap, but she didn’t get very far. She found herself looking up and staring at Bradley in the distance, appreciating the way he cheered when his team scored a touchdown and how happy he was.
In between football plays, Hangman caught Rooster staring back at the woman he retrieved the football from earlier.
“Is that the reason you’ve been smiling at your phone all the time?” the cocky blonde asked with a grin, gesturing towards y/n in the distance. Phoenix elbowed Hangman in the ribs, though she was curious herself. Rooster threw the ball towards Hangman, aiming for his face. Of course, Hangman anticipated the dirty throw and caught the ball with expert precision, giving him an unnecessary ego boost.
“Shut up,” Rooster quipped while failing to hide his smile.
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Not long after y/n got home from spending a few hours at the beach, her phone pinged with a text notification.
4:32 p.m.   Hey, are you still free tonight? I’d love to get dinner together - Rooster 🐓
4:33 p.m.  Are you asking me on a second date already? You might lead me to thinking you like me, Lieutenant - y/n
4:33 p.m.   That’s the goal, darlin’ - Rooster 🐓
A soft smile played at y/n’s lips as she texted Rooster and ironed out the details of their date. She agreed to let him pick her up at six before they went to a beachfront restaurant Rooster thought y/n would love. By the time they wrapped up their conversation, y/n was left with just under an hour and a half to get ready.
Sure enough, Bradley knocked on her front door at exactly six o’clock. y/n expected they’d be leaving immediately, but her heart swelled when he stood at her door with a dozen roses in hand. If she wasn’t swooning before, she certainly was now.
The pair drove to the restaurant in Rooster’s old Ford Bronco. A comfortable summer breeze flowed through the open windows and soft music played over the speakers. The ocean view from the causeway was breathtaking, but that wasn’t the view Bradley was focused on. His eyes were on the road of course, but he couldn’t help the way they flitted towards his and y/n’s joined hands or towards y/n when she started humming along with the radio.
Just as Rooster promised, y/n loved the restaurant he brought her to. It was a little Mom and Pop diner that overlooked the ocean and according to Rooster, their burgers were legendary. It was far enough away from the base and main city that it was mostly frequented by the residents of the sleepy beach town it was located in, rather than tourists or Navy personnel, much to y/n’s relief. One milkshake, a basket of fries, and a burger later, y/n told Rooster that he was absolutely right: the burgers were legendary. The victorious grin that spread across the aviator’s face was infectious and eventually the pair dissolved into senseless laughter.
When their server dropped off the bill, y/n started to protest when Rooster reached for it and pulled his wallet out. The pointed look he delivered let her know there was no room for argument and the words died on her lips. y/n typically wasn’t a fan of other people paying for her things. She was a grown woman and made her own money, but more than anything, she didn’t want something as simple as paying for a beer or meal being held over her head by a guy. It happened too many times in the past–unfortunately in the recent past with her ex-boyfriend–but something told y/n that she didn’t have to worry about Bradley taking advantage of her.
The sunset painted the sky in striking shades of orange and pink above the horizon as Rooster and y/n took a walk on the beach after their dinner, fingers interlaced. The gentle rush of waves against their feet and the quiet breeze brought a unique kind of peace that only the ocean can. After everything that happened with her ex, y/n was dreading the move to California. Now? She wouldn’t rather be anywhere else in the world, she thought as she squeezed Bradley’s hand.
Conversation between the two flowed smoothly, just as it had at The Hard Deck and every moment since. After spending countless hours calling and texting each other over the past couple weeks, y/n would’ve thought they might run out of conversation topics, but they never did. Things were always easy with Rooster. Things felt right for the first time in a long time.
Rooster was too caught up admiring the way y/n looked in her sundress to notice she was gearing up to kick up a bit of water towards his shins in a teasing manner. The sea breeze had other plans though, as the salty droplets were soon redirected directly towards his face by a strong gust of wind. Rooster’s jaw dropped in surprise as the water slid down his face. y/n, also in shock, did a terrible job at hiding the laughter shaking through her body as her hands rested on her knees. Rooster got a devious idea of his own to get even. Before y/n could stop him, he scooped her up in his arms and began tickling her sides.
“ROOSTER! Oh my gosh, put me down!” y/n pleaded in between fits of laughter. Her gleeful shouts could be heard down the beach as the pair stumbled in the water. Bradley found comfort and satisfaction in knowing he could make y/n so happy. Rooster was relentless in his tickle attack, making mental notes of the spots y/n was especially sensitive. y/n’s sides started aching from all the laughter, but she was still smiling wide in between begging to be put down.
Rooster finally gave in and effortlessly spun y/n around before carefully placing her back down. His arms stayed gently wrapped around her waist even after he was sure she was steady on her feet again. In the suddenly quiet moment, y/n and Rooster both found their gazes flitting between each other’s eyes and lips. Bradley was the first to give in when he pressed his lips against y/n’s in a soft kiss. He was so careful with her as he gently caressed her back and supported her chin while his lips moved against hers. The kiss was far too short for y/n’s liking, so when they pulled apart to look into each other’s eyes and catch their breaths, y/n took it upon herself to initiate the next kiss.
y/n’s approach was far from gentle as she grabbed Rooster’s shirt collar to bring his lips level with hers. The kiss was passionate–all tongue and teeth and quiet moans. y/n crossed her arms behind Rooster’s neck to pull herself closer and the aviator followed her lead, tightly wrapping his arms around y/n’s waist to pull her flush against his chest. 
The kiss was good, like y/n curling her toes into the sand good. When the pair finally pulled away they were dizzy and breathless, their chests quickly rising and falling from the recent lack of oxygen. Rooster firmly decided exactly what he’d do with his last breath if given the choice; kissing y/n would be the most dreamy way to go.
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a/n: as always, comments & reblogs are appreciated! xx
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skzhua · 1 year
friends without desire | part 33 - us.
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pairing: ex-boyfriend!han jisung x dance student!reader, brother!hwang hyunjin x sister!reader
genre: social media!AU, college!AU, exes to friends, exes to lovers.
warnings: none for now.
summary: where minho being a dumbass led to meeting him again.
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What was your password again? Seohyun couldn't remember. It might be because she didn't need to log into your accounts in a while (best friend benefits), or it might be (probably) (definitely) because she was at Hyunjin's place, in his room. The exact same spot they used to make out for hours.
"Okay, I registered Jisung for locker E-0319." he said, happily, before looking at Seohyun who was clearly lost.
"I'm surprised you remembered his password. Do you happen to know Y/N's?" Seohyun asked shyly.
"Do you really think she would give me her passwords just like this?" he rolled his eyes.
He moved closer to the girl and looked at the screen carefully. Needless to say, Seohyun's breath was taken away... literally, she was holding her breath. She always saw Hyunjin's beauty, but to see his perfect features up close after a whole month and a half of not seeing him, she forgot how ethereal he was.
"Bruh, how did you not click on "already registered passcodes"? Looks like she saves every single one of them." he laughed at her, taking the laptop from her to log in into his sister's school account.
This extended the gap from the two, which allowed Seohyun to breathe. However, she already missed his scent. She didn't expect her coming over to be this confusing for her. As much as she has liked Chan for such a long time, Hyunjin was almost like a drug; once you test it out, you can't separate yourself from it so easily.
"Are you even listening?" Hyunjin exclaimed, snapping the girl out of her thoughts.
"What?" she blinked her eyes a few times before noticing how he had already assigned the locker to Y/N.
"Wow, you're not here today. Are you okay? Did something happen? Is it Chan?" he asked worriedly.
The hand he put on her shoulder did not go unnoticed by Seohyun. "I'm okay." she managed to say.
"Are you sure?" She nodded and it seemed to have calmed him down a bit. "If Chan does something to you, you tell me, okay?"
She stared at him, curious onto why he was insisting on the subject of Chan. "Sure, but what about him?"
"Aren't you two... you know... dating now?"
"Oh... no, of course not."
"Uh? I would have sworn you both said you liked each other."
"I mean, yeah. But I think we both realized it was more of a crush than actual feelings."
Somehow, this seemed to satisfy Hyunjin as he focused back on the screen. "Okay, so now I just have to register myself to be with Minho... I just hope he won't put one of his stupid lost cat signs on our locker..."
"He still hasn't found Doongie?"
He shook his head. "He says he loves his cats to death, and then he forgets his youngest at a café, does it again with his middle child, then proceeds to actually lose him. He never ceases to surprise me." he scoffed.
Seohyun wasn't even listening at this point. All she could think of was figuring out her feelings for him. Did she like both men? Well, she visibly had a soft spot for Hyunjin, especially after telling him there was nothing going on between her and Chan. Even if the older man was sweet and mature, she couldn't find the softness she grew to be fond of in Hyunjjn. She couldn't find Hyunjin's humor in Chan. And Chan didn't know her as good as Hyunjin. Why did she have to ruin it all at the Christmas party?
"We have to talk." she blurted out, cutting Hyunjin mid-sentence as he was telling something.
"Uh.. okay?" he said while closing the laptop. He readjusted himself to face the girl properly. "What do we need to talk about?"
Hyunjin scoffed. Even though he still longed for her, he couldn't make out in his head that she would want him still. Even if she wanted to be with him again, he was still very much hurt by what happened.
"I know it was foolish of me to go and kiss Chan. The alcohol was pretty high in my blood, I was alone with him in the kitchen, I always found hin attractive – of course, you're more handsome.. not the point – but things led to.. this. And, Hyunjin, you have no idea how much I regret it. I never thought I was capable of doing such a bitch move and I never want to repeat this kind of behavior ever again."
"Woah, breathe..." he patted her arm.
She didn't even realize she was rambling without taking the time to breathe properly. "What I'm trying to say is, I don't like Chan, and I don't think I ever did genuinely. I miss you and I'm so sorry for what I've done. I don't expect an answer, I just needed to let this all out."
Hyunjin was still holding onto her arm, as his smile grew and he started to laugh. "It's okay, Seohyun. I know you hate causing trouble, so obviously, it wasn't intentional. It hurts, nonetheless, but you seem sincere with your apology. So everything's fine. We're good."
She exhaled in relief. "Good. Okay... Uh.. So... Friends?" she extended her hand.
"Nah, I still hate you." he laughed out, pushing her hand away. Seohyun pouted in response which made him laugh even more. "I'm joking. Of course we can be friends again. Just don't do that again with your future boyfriend."
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You stood in front of the principal's office, playing nervously with the hem of your shirt. You still haven't received your schedule, nor did you get notified if you passed your classes or not.
After what seemed like an eternity for you, the door opened and it revealed, in all his glory, Han Jisung. When your eyes met, you frowned as you couldn't figure why he was at the principal's office. Meanwhile, he immediately took his gaze away from you and walked past you to head to wherever he was going. You eyes never left the back of his head, until you couldn't see him anymore.
"Y/N?" the principal called you out, which brought your focus back on the reason why you were there in the first place.
"You came come in."
You did as told and the principal opened a folder on his desk. "Visibly, you lacked during the last semester. Thankfully, your teachers were kind enough to provide you with the necessary materials to go on with your program. This is something I would usually never allow, but considering your exceptional results you have given last year, we assumed it was a rough pass for you. We also had a lot of pressure from the dance team." he paused to caugh and roll his eyes at the thought of the dance crew demanding you pursue your studies. "Anyway, I'm happy to tell you that you passed with flying colors and that you can come back for this semester."
You were stunned by the news. Minho and the others stood up for you? Of course they did, Minho was that kind of friend. Not only that, you passed, which meant you didn't get penalized.
"Thank you so much, sir." you bowed happily.
"Here is your schedule, your locker number with the passcode, and your pass for access to the dance studio." the principal continued, pulling out every document to display them in front of you.
"Thank you, again."
You grabbed your things quickly and left to head to your new locker. Thinking back, you couldn't recall the moment you registered for the locker attribution. You assumed either Hyunjin, Seohyun or Minho took the time to take care of it while you were too immersed into studying.
E-0319? This was at the opposite of where most of your classes were, but most importantly, it was known as the hallway where dirty things were going on. This corridor consisted mostly of empty classrooms and storage spaces. Hence, the students would use it for their personal time with their partner. You chilled in the disgust. For real, who chose it for you?
Jisung was as displeased as you were. Why on Earth would Hyunjin pick this location? Maybe he didn't know about the E-wing part of the school? He opened his locker to see it empty. Hyunjin probably didn't stop by to drop his things. He opened his backpack and started to place his personal belongings. Minding his own business, he didn't notice someone else coming up next to him.
"You're J.One, right?"
Jisung jumped at the sudden sound and saw a girl from one of his classes of the last semester. "Ah, hi! Yes, that would be me. You're Jia, right?"
"I didn't think you would even notice me." she laughed, tugging a piece of her hair behind her ear.
Of course, he knew her. She was a big thing in the music department, not because she was talented. In fact, she could barely play the piano. However, she was a beautiful girl, known for throwing the biggest parties on campus and for coming from a rich family. Even with all the pride she had, she always came off as odd to most people.
"You're kind of hard to miss." he said, resuming to organizing his things.
"I'm taking this as a compliment, thank you." she giggled, much to Jisung's discomfort.
"I don't think he meant to compliment you."
His head shot up as soon as he heard your voice. Did you follow him? Whatever the reason on why you were there, he couldn't deny he was glad you were there, saving him from this encounter.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Jia asked, attitude written all over her face.
Next thing you know, Jisung was next to you as he was holding your hand. "She's my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, Jia." he introduced.
"Didn't you two break up?" she wondered, lifting one of her eyebrows up.
"None of your business." you shot.
"My bad." she rolled her eyes and walked away.
Jisung's hand was still in yours. If you're being honest, you liked it, but Jisung didn't seem to enjoy it as much when he let go of your hand.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"My locker is here." you responded, looking out for E-0319 only to notice the locker was wide open in front of you. "It's this one, actually."
"Impossible, that's mine."
You showed the number that was encrypted on the sheet the principal gave you. He frowned in confusion. He thought for a bit, until it hit him.
"Did Hyunjin take care of your locker as well?"
"Yeah... why?"
"That jerk..." he cussed out. "I think he switched places with you."
"Impossible, I'm sharing with Minho- oh.." you stopped when you caught on what was going on.
"I'm not sharing with you." Jisung huffed.
"Ah yeah? I thought you would be kinder to your girlfriend." you pointed out but he answered with a glare.
"I said this only because Jia was there."
"Was it to impress her or something?"
"Why would I want to impress her?"
"I don't know, I'm supposing here."
"Are you this stupid?"
"Not as much as you are."
"Yeah, I'm stupid for coming back to you."
"You're the one who insisted on getting back together."
"Clearly, it was a mistake on my part."
"Jeez, can't you two stop being so immature?" Hyunjin yelled out as he walked up to you.
"Hyunjin, what the actual fuck?" Jisung exclaimed.
"Can't you both be at least respectful to each other?"
"She wasn't respectful towards me to begin with."
"Excuse me?" you scoffed.
"Just admit it, Y/N. You were totally ignoring me."
"I might have a good reason why."
"Hmm, I doubt it, but please enlighten me."
"Okay, you two stop this right now." Hyunjin yelled once more. "You were so in love not even a month ago. What happened?"
"I was caught up with school." you answered, but Jisung rolled his eyes again.
"Stop with the bullshit."
"Fine! I saw you with Ryung not long after Christmas, and I panicked I guess. I didn't want to fight with you about it only to get hurt by learning you would rather be with her."
Hyunjin stared at you, too stunned to speak. That was it? That's why you ignored him? Jisung seemed to find this as idiotic as him when he started to laugh.
"Do you really think I want Ryung? After all the shitshow that happened with her? Trust me, if I wanted to be with her, I could have done that a while ago. But I didn't."
"I don't know, maybe you realized you had feelings later?"
"Oh my god, Y/N." he grunted in frustration. "Are you that stupid to think so low of me?"
He didn't even let you answer as he walked away from the scene. Quite frankly, you were glad he left because you had no idea why you thought like this either.
"Well... that was fun... Lunch time?"
You smiled awkwardly at Hyunjin's attempt to diffuse the tension. Nonetheless, you both headed out of the school.
taglist : @mchslut | @ellenikav | @lenilla15 | @phobia0325 | @nanaspalette
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tangytiramisu · 16 days
Sale General + Romantic Headcanons
I have been obsessed with this guy recently, he’s so underrated 🩷😔 This is for my fellow Sale fuckers, I know you’re out there! ✊
CW: None
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His full name is Antonio Sale. He is 22 years old and was born on June 26, 1979.
His childhood wasn’t the happiest. He grew up with a struggling mother and absent father. Because he didn’t have many choices, he joined Passione in his teens to get a decent living.
As we have seen, Sale likes power and money. Understandably so. His position isn’t the highest in Passione and even then, many gangsters don’t get paid very well.
He’s quite stingy with money and will mostly spend it on necessities. For him, shopping sprees are pretty much nonexistent.
Despite that, he still has a pretty keen eye for fashion. He finds beauty in simplicity.
He is quiet and introverted. He doesn’t have many friends but is fine with that. Zucchero is probably the only person he really considers a buddy.
His favorite colors are pink and green and his favorite music is usually techno and punk.
He doesn’t eat much but he enjoys, you guessed it, salty foods. But of course, most of his diet is rather nutritious.
He’s quite skinny so he makes up for that with intellect during fights.
Uses Kraftwerk to moves things around if he’s feeling lazy.
He is very good at gambling and often leaves opponents stunned. He gloats at the end about how easily he wins.
Bro has resting bitch face. He knows but that’s only because people he knows (cough cough Zucchero) told him they thought he hated them at first because he looked angry at them 😭😭
He speaks directly in a somewhat monotonous tone and isn’t very expressive, but has a very laidback and chill demeanor.
Like many fans, I HC that he is related to Squalo. Most likely a younger maternal cousin. They aren’t very close but they get along fine. Sale is one of the very few people in the family who supports Squalo and Tiziano’s relationship, which is why Squalo is still in touch with him at all.
With an S/O, despite being a slight cheapskate he is a good boyfriend. Hell, if you are also stingy, it’s a match made in heaven.
His primary love languages are Quality Time and Acts of Service. He’s very lenient so whether you want to go out to a restaurant or stay at home for a date, he’s fine with it because he gets to spend time with you. He will also help you with things around the house if you live together.
You could classify him as a lowkey tsundere. He isn’t very good with words and more obvious expressions of affection, but he will try if you are the sensitive type. He can be very caring with the time calls for it.
Will get a bit gwumpy if you are mushy with him but secretly loves the affection.
If you need to vent, he will listen and give good advice.
Once he achieves his goal of taking over Passione, he would be willing to settle down and get married. Maybe even start a family if he considers it safe enough.
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jktummies · 2 years
More about Jimin gender swap plz 🙇‍♀️
Oh my god
You’re my first ask ever!!
Idk if you wanted just jimin gender swap or like 🔞 or fat jimin gender swap so I’ll try to my best.
So sorry if I disappoint you with this but….
I imagine jikook to be the very touchy couple in public so touchy that their friends are used to thier antics.
The hyungs also know about JM’s condition having witnessed it a few time with how the couple liked to be watched (very much so) how touchy they were to the point of doing it in public.
Like now as they are on a double date with taejoon at their shared apartment. They’re eating dinner and we’ll TH made extras bc he knows of JM’s growing appetite.
I’m fact most of them encourage JM eating bc they all think he looks even cuter with the added weight… that was until it got past the chubby point and to a full on stomach and wads along and wider ass.
They move over to the couch, each couple cuddling with their respected partners. NJ holding TH while JK puts his arm around JM.
It’s all going great the three you test even joke about joons snoring as he passes out mid movie. With TH following close behind.
JM thinks it’s going fine. Dinner was great, they gave him popcorn to snack on and he’s here with his besties and bf. That is until he feels jk lean in closer to his ear and his arms going down to rest on his crotch.
“Couldn’t hold yourself back today babe”
Soon he starts planing jimin under his flab of stomach leaving sensual scatxhrs on his Gupta. Mouth coming to connect with his neck
It all leaves JM a little dumb
“I-I’’ not sure what you mean”
“Cmon fatty you devoured TH’s food and don’t leave none for the rest of us and now here you are snacking. You just can’t fucking help yourself.”
JM groans then as JK gives a brash suck and his hand presses just right. He moans again ands dropping the popcorn and coming to cover his mouth
“You need to be quiet or else you’re gonna wake them up”
“Stop, we’re on their couch”
“Pls I know you. You don’t want me to stop. You can’t even stop yourself. You’re insatiable, you need more and more.”
JM shudders at that. It’s true he can’t stop thats why he so many pounds heavier he can’t stop.
Jk is stroking him faster, doing everyhting right until finally he comes and soon enough he’s sitting on the couch watching as her shorts stretched even more as her boobs grew and her ass growing wider to make room for her curves.
She whines as jk is still stroking her clit.
“God you’re the fucking worst”
“Sorry babe but it’s so hot to see you change”
At that point they hear rustling and see NJ and TH get up.
NJ is shaking his head as a sleepy TH clings to him making gagging sounds.
“Yk you guys could’ve done this in the extra guest room we had.”
They leave to go to bed and well the couple obviously won’t turn down freed bed and breakfast.
ahhhh I hope that was ok 🥹 pls lmk of you want anything else
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reveks · 1 year
Your obligatory Revek ramble
One (1) person asked for this (ty Scarlet!!! mwah!) so you shall receive! Below the cut so I don’t hog up my followers’ dashes sadkjfak
TW for mentioned death
So almost two years ago, I participated in what we called “Abug Us”, which was literally Among Us but with myself and a group of other individuals roleplaying as HK characters, with me playing Revek. This is important for the singular reason of it explaining something that will be mentioned later.
Anyways! Revek! I’ve seen him headcanoned as a lot of bugs (dragonfly, cockroach, and moth are the first that I can think of right now). However, none of those really stuck with me. I’ve always seen the two spots above his main eyes as smaller eyes, and thus, none of those above options fit the bill. What did I come up with?
Jumping spider, baby! They’re very small, and while he’s not the smallest, I think Revek might be one of the smallest spirits in the Glade, only being taller than Millybug, Karina, and maybe Kcin/Hundred Nail Warrior, not sure. So the size is manageable. So he’s always been a jumping spider to me and I have influenced a few others to thinking so too >:)
Backstory time! Because of the roleplay, I had to craft Revek a backstory (again, gotta do everything around here smh) and here’s what I came up with:
Revek was born in a coastal kingdom, basically the equivalent to our Mexico. As such, he did not speak the common language of Hallownest- rather, he and the other denizens (spiders) spoke Scritseda (the equivalent of Bug Spanish (as a Hispanic person, I feel like I am allowed to do this).
He grew up there until he turned 7, at which point he left home to achieve his dreams of being a knight. Unfortunately, this never happened, and he was kidnapped by a guild of assassins.
He stayed with this guild until he was a teen- recruited as an assassin at a very young age left its physical and mental scars, but he eventually escaped and made his way to Hallownest
Revek was found by Seer and taken under her wing, sorta as an adopted son. He remained with her until he turned 19- shortly after he was promoted to the Glade’s protector. He died protecting the Glade
This is where that mentioned roleplay comes into play. During that roleplay, Revek met Grimm- played by @/legendarymxbob. The two became close friends, then lovers, and began dating. A funny little detail is that I randomly got the crewmate pet one day and had it equipped with no explanation to the others, which led them believing the mini crewmate was a kid of Revek and Grimm’s. This became canon in the form of Capricorn- a shared oc between me and Bob.
After a long time (I don’t remember how long), the two then became engaged. The roleplay ended before the wedding (which was scheduled to be an event). Due to the story that was set up, any spirit characters in that roleplay would be revived after its conclusion. So Revek was revived :)))
If not obvious, Bob and I continued to be friends, so we talked a lot about our characters. Revek ended up marrying Grimm, and as of current, is 27 years old.
Personality-wise, Revek is very energetic! He’s almost restless as times, actually. However, he can be quite aggressive. In the words of a friend, “that of an unfriendly cat unless he likes you”. Actually, cat-like is probably the perfect word to describe him akdjfakj. He totally chases laser pointers and all that adksfj
Basic info time!
Nicknames: Rev (friends), Revvy (Grimm)
Age: 27 (born 12/11)
Species: Paradise spider/habronattus jumping spider, spiny orb weaver, golden orb weaver hybrid
Pronouns: he/they
Fun Facts: 
He can’t read very well! Education was not a thing in the guild
He has godly aim. He was mostly an archer in the guild due to this
He’s a hybrid! His mother is a jumping spider, and his father is a hybrid of a spiny orb weaver and a golden orb weaver. As such, he can spin golden silk :0
Like all spiders, Revek goes through molts! He has around 6 or 7 in his lifetime! He’s gone through about 3 right now
He’s bisexual! :P
Feel free to ask me any questions about him! I can always go on long tangents about this little spider boy :0
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itshclly · 1 year
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✦ DANIELLE CAMPBELL, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER ✦ HOLLY SAWYER the TWENTY FIVE year old has been in Hidehill for HER ENTIRE LIFE and was a FORMER STUDENT to Miyeon Kang, the murder victim. Whispers on the streets are that the NURSE who lives in HIDE SQUARE are said to be CARING and STUBBORN but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
hey there !!   it’s alex here with this mess of an intro but i’ll try to put out as much info as i can so that we can hopefully get straight into plotting & starting threads !!   that being said , i am sooo down to plot about anything sooo if you’re wondering if i’d be down for something ??   the answer is 99.9% yes .   if it doesn’t work out i’ll always try to offer something else SO PLS come message me or lmk if you’re interested in plotting by leaving a like and i’ll come to you .   i’m also always available on d.scord !!
NAME : holly sawyer AGE :  twenty-five PRONOUNS :  she/her SEXUALITY : heterosexual PROFESSION : nurse HAIR COLOR : brunette EYE COLOR :  blue TATTOOS  /  SCARS : none BODY :  petite  ,  lean    SIGN :  libra PET : none
holly sawyer was pretty much born and raised in hidehill .   her family had been here from pretty much since the town was established and ever since relied heavily on farming .   living in hagfield on a big farmhouse, carrie and colt sawyer had two other children before holly was born and two more siblings would follow after her .
growing up as the very middle child of a big family among large fields to wander off to , animals to tend to and getting to experience the farm life her whole childhood , holly had decided early on in her life that this was not something she wanted to do in the future .   while her older siblings had been set to run the farm with their parents and take over once they would retire , holly was sure to seek something else . 
as she grew older , she grew to become a social , fun-loving person who liked to stick to her friends and always be down to some harmless adventure .  in high school , she met her ex ( connor ) who she had dated for six months before they got together for the first time and two weeks after that , she was dumped with not much of an explanation which broke her heart .
after that break-up she grew a little closed-off for a good while .   she found it hard to trust people , especially men and didn’t date at all for a few years after that and the few times she did , things didn’t quite work out and she’d been single for a good while now .
after graduation , she trained to become a nurse as she knew she wanted to help people for a living .   it’s tiresome and especially with what happened to her former teacher as well as the recent events ,  it’s safe to say that she’d been on edge about her night shifts as she has left the family farmhouse as soon as she got a job at the hospital and has since been living alone at hide square . 
positive  traits : loyal , caring , friendly , smart , resourceful
negative  traits :  impatient , indecisive , stubborn , curious
best friend : a ride or die , someone she trusts with her life .  could either be that they have known each other for pretty much all their lives ( she was born and raised here ) or  they have met later on but built such a connection that holly wouldn’t think twice before putting herself on the line for the other .  ( 0 / 1-2 )
good friends :  maybe they’re all different kinds of people , maybe they stick together as  a clique of similar people but one thing’s for sure ,  holly loves them all and considers them her people .  they do almost everything together and always have each other’s backs .  ( 0  /  4 )
enemy-ish? : this one’s a little stubborn , a little bit of impulsive sometimes and having lived here all her life she is bound to have some negative connections.  doesn’t even have to be something dramatic , some people simply wouldn’t like each other and that’s okay!   could also be a frenemy situation or something that would later bloom into a friendship even !  after all we all love some enemies to friends story , right ?  ( 0 / 1 )
exes - ish ? : so like i just said in her bio , she had a few people to date before so your character could be one of those .   was it something kind of serious before they broke things off ?   did they just go on a few dates and that was all for some reason ?  anything goes !
other than that honestly she pretty much needs anything ?  lmk if you have any ideas or we can just brainstorm together !!
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denimbex1986 · 1 month
'A few months ago I had lunch with a friend at a restaurant in One Bonifacio. I asked her, “Do you remember when we had dinner here after work one night pre-pandemic, and we talked for hours until the mall was about to close?”
She looked at me blankly. “Marley, I don’t think that was me. This is my first time coming here with you.”
“It was you,” I insisted. “I walked here from work to see you. We weren’t friends friends yet. Anton was waiting for me, or maybe I took a Grab home. We sat at this exact same table by the window. Remember?”
But she didn’t remember. Later that day I scrolled like a madwoman through our old conversations on Messenger, the only place we’d communicate with each other before we became comfortable enough to send random memes on IG DM or little check-ins on Telegram. I scrolled up, up, up, all the way past the early stages of our friendship until I got to the messages from the time we were merely acquaintances, just two girls who had their writing in common.
I couldn’t find anything about making plans to meet up at that restaurant. She was right. It wasn’t her.
I had other suspects but the list was short; the truth is there aren’t a lot of people I would have dinner with one on one, let alone talk to for hours until the mall closes. I asked a couple of other friends. None of them remembered.
Memory is such a delicate, malleable thing—both porcelain and clay. I often wonder about things I may be remembering differently, either because circumstances and emotions have changed with the cushion of hindsight, or simply because of the passing of time.
“Mum went through the windscreen and she lost an eye… I went looking for that eye. I don’t know why. I didn’t want anyone else to find it. I did find a tiny piece of the windscreen glass then. In my head it had blood on it but maybe that’s not true.” —All of Us Strangers, Andrew Haigh (2023)
An example: I am 22 and devastated, barely able to keep it together at work. I get a text from my parents telling me they’re outside my office and would like to take me out to lunch. They both liked the guy I had been kind of seeing (the word situationship had not been coined yet); we were friends from school and he was funny and sweet. I thought he liked me too until suddenly he didn’t. I sat there with my mom and dad, holding back tears and eating in silence. Compared to other families we weren’t very expressive, something I would only realize when I was much older and would observe my friends’ relationships with their parents. Towards the end of the meal they said something that made me decide I was going to be alright. I wish I remembered what it was. Sometimes I doubt myself if they even said anything at all, or if it was just the meal and the company and the love, mostly unspoken, that reassured me I would get through what I was going through.
These days I wonder not only about the things I may be remembering differently but about the things I’m forgetting: Names and faces. Entire plotlines of books and films that moved me. Things I liked as a kid. An old friend’s phone number. The street where the house she grew up in still stands. What her room looks like. Places I visited. Places that became parts of me. The sound of someone’s voice. All the fights I used to have with my husband when we were still dating, when we didn’t know whether it would all amount to anything. What it feels like to have my heart broken in my 20s. Or settle into love in my 30s. I’m forgetting even the cavernous whale’s insides of the pandemic, those bleak days that seemed like they would either shatter upon impact or stretch on forever (like memory—like porcelain, like clay)...
During my driving lessons this week, my instructor told me that once I’ve gotten the hang of it, I would completely forget how alien it felt at the start. Muscle memory would take over and I’d stop having to think about it so much. I suppose it’s the same for most things that are painful or daunting or overwhelming but ultimately worthwhile. To everything there is a learning curve, and once you’re over the curve it’s almost incomprehensible that you were once on the other side.
I know I’m forgetting some of the good things. But I’m forgetting some of the hard things, too.
And the things I remember differently? Maybe those narratives have shifted for a reason. Maybe at the end of the day, the story is the same, the shape of it familiar and true even if the details have rearranged themselves: I was there and now I’m here. On the other side. And, with any luck, I still have a long, twisted, glorious way to go.
I know it’s impossible to remember all of it correctly. But I hope I remember the meals and the company and the love. I’ll remember the table by the window. Talking for hours until it’s time to head home. It won’t be everything. But it will be enough.'
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lionheartslowstart · 10 months
A few days ago, I arrived at JFK airport in the middle of the night, drained and depressed, after spending exactly a month in Los Angeles, California. I was invited to participate in a program relevant to my career, and part of that experience was living and working full time in LA.
I have loved LA since the first moment I stepped foot there. People always ask me why I love it so much, and I never know exactly how to answer the question. What don’t I love about it? It feels like you have to physically be there to understand. The weather is wonderful, certainly. Which of course does wonders for the Season Affective Disorder (SAD). Then of course there’s the environment. Everything in LA is so gorgeous. One of my favorite things is driving down the highway and being able to see the gigantic palm trees, the rolling mountains off in the distance, the colorful buildings that whip by. The whole “vibe” is so laid back, and everyone is so friendly. Yes, there is an unspoken understanding that a lot of that is a veneer, fake, and most likely an attempt to get something out of you, but that doesn’t bother me. Not everyone is like that, and you’d be surprised how many New Yorkers end up on that end of the coast. I met quite a few while I was out there. The night life is incredible, rivaled only by the queer community over there. I have never felt more welcomed or had more fun in my life than I did in queer spaces, and/or gathering with other queer people.
I could talk about all these things and more, but even so, none of it could accurately encompass the love I have for this absolutely sprawling city. (Really, it’s more a collection of cities and suburbs.) I always used to simplify my feelings by telling people, “New York has my heart, but LA has my soul.”
But now, I don’t know how true that is anymore.
I spent a month living in Los Angeles. I had an apartment, I had a job, and I had a social life (albeit a limited one). I made sure to go places, like the beach and the Universal Studios theme park, but overall I spent my time acting like I really do live in LA full time. And while I certainly had some lows, which I’m bound to have wherever I go, overall, it was absolutely, unequivocally, magical.
The one, really big downside was how much I missed the people in my life. Especially my boyfriend. I thought of him every single day, wishing he was there with me. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t let my missing him distract me from what I came there to do, but man it was really tough being without him for a month. Yes, we were originally long distance, but even then, once we started dating seriously, I don't think we saw each other less than once every two weeks. So yeah, it sucked. (I’m sure I would have missed my parents more than I did, but they came to visit me halfway through which was so much fun.) I missed my friends and extended family a lot too. A lot of my friends live far away already, but many of them are within a day’s driving distance. As for my extended family, most of them live very close to where I’m living now, and it’s very easy to pop over for a visit. I won’t lie, being all alone in LA for a month was really tough on me.
Even so, I had so much fun. I still went out, made some new friends, and lived my life. It all just felt so...natural.
At the end of the month, I was happy to go home and see everyone I’d been missing. But as the end grew closer, I started to get really sad. While the apartment I’d been living in definitely didn’t feel like home, Los Angeles was actually starting to seem to.
But the real shock came when my boyfriend and I were driving home from the airport. I looked out the window at all the tall, beautiful buildings around me, the bridges, the dark cloudy sky, and just...felt nothing. Not even nothing, if felt WRONG. Like I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I kept saying how sad I was and how it felt so weird to be home. I begged my boyfriend multiple times to take me back to the airport and get on a plane to LA with me. And honestly? I wasn’t joking.
I’ve been home for about a week now, and that feeling still hasn’t gone away. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic to be with my boyfriend again. But New York doesn’t feel the same anymore. It just doesn’t.
A few years ago, I began asking some of my friends if they’d consider moving to LA with me. I started that up again about halfway through my trip. As of right now, I have 1 definite, 1 very solid probably, and 2 I need to see how things go but I’m not saying no’s. Like I said, I love LA, but I could NOT live there alone.
I brought this up to my boyfriend and he panicked. I could see it in his eyes. Before he could say anything, I made sure to let him know that “We’ve been dating for a year and I’m moving to the city so if you want to stay with me you need to move across the state with me” is a VERY different conversation from “We’ve been dating for three years and I’m moving to fucking Los Angeles so if you want to stay with me you need to move across the COUNTRY okay byeeee”. I love my boyfriend, and our relationship is important to me. I wouldn’t just throw that away. I said all this, then reassured him that, while I do strongly feel LA is the place I need to be, there will be many many conversations and we, as a unit, will make the choices that are best for both of us. Besides, I think I would need to be some kind of bicoastal anyway. A lot of people in my industry are, and, as I’ve said, I can’t live without my people. At least, not for too long. Even if I have some friends with me, it can’t be all of them, and my family would still be back in New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania.
But yeah, it’s only been seven days, and I’m already craving LA like a drug. I miss everything about it, and I’d give anything to go back. I’m already talking about taking my boyfriend (who’s never been) to go visit next year.
The truth is, if I could take all of the people I love with me, I’d run back to LA and never look back. I’d come visit, sure. New York is where I grew up. But Los Angeles, Los Angeles is my home. A scary realization, but one I know I can’t ignore.
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xe-company · 1 year
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SUMMARY: THE WRITER / OSHITA HIROKI is called into an interview about his whereabouts on the days of ‘THE INCIDENT’.
MAIN CHARACTER(S): THE WRITER [🎨] and a Lead Investigator [🔎].
TIME: 7AM - 10AM
WARNINGS: a slight talk about bullying but it’s very vague, a girl disappearing, murder . [pls let me know if there are any you believe should be listed !!]
[The pressing of a tape recorder is the only sound in the room besides the beep indicating the session was being recorded.]
[🔎]: “This conversation will be recorded, are you alright with that?”
[The younger boy hums in agreeance.] 
[🎨]: That’s fine.
[🔎]: Who are you the closest with out of your group?
[🔎]: So the five of you are normally seen together? 
[🎨]: No, It was usually just me, DAEWON, and HEEYOUNG. I’m just also close to HACHIRO and MIWA. We all grew up together. 
[🔎]: So you would know about a relationship between one of them and HAEWON?
[His face shows visible confusion.]
[🎨]: Relationship? [He shakes his head.] None of us had relationships like that with her. 
[🔎]: No? What about HACHIRO and HAEWON?
[🎨]: He didn’t like her like that.
[🔎]: Did he hate her? Another one of you said they saw the two of them having a ‘colorful’ conversation. 
[🎨]: I mean, a few of us didn’t like her. 
[🔎]: Did you ever hang out with her as just the two of you?
[🎨]: Not really, the only time that happened was when we would have projects together. Even then, we didn’t talk much.
[🔎]: Did her disappearance upset you in any way?
[🎨]: I didn’t know about it until DAEWON said something. He heard about it on the news a few weeks after it apparently happened. An investigation was being opened and that was the only thing they were talking about on the broadcasts.
[🔎}: Do you remember where you were on the 16TH and 17TH?
[🎨]: Um, on the 16TH I was at CHERRY BLOSSOM doing some writing.
[🔎]: What about—
[🎨]: —Nothing special. [He spoke almost too quickly.]
[🔎]: [hums.] And the 17th?
[🎨]: Having a twelve hour movie marathon with DAEWON and HEEYOUNG. 
[🔎]: Could you tell me the time the marathon was happening?
[🎨]: It was around 5PM. 
[🔎]: And all three of you participated the whole time?
[THE WRITER nods his head in agreeance.]
[🔎]: So HEEYOUNG wasn’t working a shift at DEAD AIR then?
[The younger male seemed caught off guard as he stutters a response.]
[🎨]: Oh yeah! She had to leave earlier because she got called in to cover someone’s shift. 
[🔎]: Do you remember what time that was?
[🎨]: Uh...around 5:25...
[He stated the time as more of a question.]
[🔎]: Okay. [pauses.] Would you say your group of friends are close? That you would do anything for each other?
[🎨]: Most of us yeah, not all of us are as close as many people think...
[🔎]: Did that ever cause any problems between some of them?
[THE WRITER glances at his watch secured to his right wrist.]
[🎨]: Are we almost done here? I’m already late for class at THE ACADEMY and I have assignments to finish.
[The last sound after the movement of the chair and the opening and closing of the door is the clicking of the recorder’s buttons.]
0 notes
theswarmanthology · 2 years
Em, 30s, USA
"i've been part of the fandom since 2004. as much as the band has shaped parts of my life and my outlook on the world, the fandom has as well. i've made wonderful friends, read books i otherwise wouldn't know about, pursued art, and become a better artist in general because of the friends i've made in the community. this community taught me compassion for sex workers (who were also in the fandom at the time) when i was 16 and living in a very conservative household; my friends and acquaintances encouraged my growth and exploration as an artist; and, in adulthood, i've gotten to travel to places i otherwise probably wouldn't have gone just to meet my friends in person. i don't participate in many other fan communities, but this one has, without a doubt, been a formative part of my life."
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 9+ years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: Yes, I saw them before the breakup in 2013 How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 2-4 Favorite album: I have more than one favorite album Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: No
Which date of the tour did you attend? 09/13/22, Little Caesars Arena, Detroit
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? they were gifted to me for free by someone else in the fandom. i'm incredibly grateful.
Did you attend with anyone else? solo
What did you wear? all black + a covid-protection mask
Where were your seats? i was in the seats, but pretty close to the pit, on mikey and frank's side
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? foundations of decay, give em hell kid, house of wolves, the world is ugly, famous last words
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? how i disappear - they didn't play it at this show
What was your favorite moment from the show? two favorite moments: 1. gerard's nurse outfit and 2. when they played helena (i almost cried, which was pretty unexpected)
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? almost crying at helena
Did you snag any merch? What pieces? i got the SWARM hoodie
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? it felt more like a continuation of one of the most important parts of my life than it did like 'coming home'. they, and there music, have been part of my life for almost 20 years at this point. there's no nostalgia in it for me, nor did i feel like i was ever 'away' from them. it felt like a new, special chapter, and i'm so grateful i get to add that to my life.
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? nothing
Has your perspective or opinion about the band changed since seeing them on this tour? If so, in what way? nothing has really changed, so much as i feel like they've grown as people in parallel to me changing as a person. i'm younger than them, but i literally grew up with them and with their music; they've been part of so many important life stages for me from my teen years to my 30s. i'm so grateful they exist, and equally grateful that i fell in love with them when i did.
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? none particularly. enjoy it. talk to the people around you if you want to. you'll have a great time <3
Anything we didn't ask that you feel obliged to share or talk about? i had a moment of trans magic happen at the detroit show. i went by myself and, by happenstance, ended up in a seat next to another trans person around my age. we clocked each other and shared our joy about our queerness, and about MCR, and about getting to see them live again. when i was growing up, and when i came out in my late teenage years, i quite literally had no one who understood what was happening to me, and very very few adults who accepted my transness. like so many people, MCR was crucial to me figuring out how to articulate my transness, i'm very glad to see so many younger people in the fandom find each other and be able to share joy in creating themselves in whatever ways they want to be while sharing a community with other trans and gnc people. it was a much lonelier road for me at the time that i came out. no one that i knew in the fandom was trans, and certainly no one in my immediate life as a teenager was trans. i'm lucky to have had supportive friends both in and out of the fandom, but it felt like a really special blessing to meet someone, by completely random chance, who was both trans and part of my generation, at the show where gerard walked on stage dressed as a nurse. MCR cast some kind of special spell that night, and it gave me a moment of recognition and joy that i'll never forget.
Thanks, Em!
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