#the only Good relationships i see are online from ppl i follow. and then i cant trust em bc we only see the Good Parts
skunkes · 9 months
what they dont tell you about being incredibly introspective is that you'll think you're done making realizations and then you'll just make more realizations always all the time forever
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soracities · 1 year
Hey! It has been on my mind lately and i just wanna ask..idk if it would make sense but i just noticed that nowadays ppl cant separate the authors and their books (ex. when author wrote a story about cheating and ppl starts bashing the author for romanticizing cheating and even to a point of cancelling the author for not setting a good/healthy example of a relationship) any thoughts about it?
I have many, many thoughts on this, so this may get a little unwieldy but I'll try to corall it together as best I can.
But honestly, I think sometimes being unable to separate the author from the work (which is interesting to me to see because some people are definitely not "separating" anything even though they think they are; they just erase the author entirely as an active agent, isolate the work, and call it "objectivity") has a lot to do with some people being unable to separate the things they read from themselves.
I'm absolutely not saying it's right, but it's an impulse I do understand. If you read a book and love it, if it transforms your life, or defines a particular period of your life, and then you find out that the author has said or done something awful--where does that leave you? Someone awful made something beautiful, something you loved: and now that this point of communion exists between you and someone whose views you'd never agree with, what does that mean for who you are? That this came from the mind of a person capable of something awful and spoke to your mind--does that mean you're like them? Could be like them?
Those are very uncomfortable questions and I think if you have a tendency to look at art or literature this way, you will inevitable fall into the mindset where only "Good" stories can be accepted because there's no distinction between where the story ends and you begin. As I said, I can see where it comes from but I also find it profoundly troubling because i think one of the worst things you can do to literature is approach it with the expectation of moral validation--this idea that everything you consume, everything you like and engage with is some fundamental insight into your very character as opposed to just a means of looking at or questioning something for its own sake is not just narrow-minded but dangerous.
Art isn't obliged to be anything--not moral, not even beautiful. And while I expend very little (and I mean very little) energy engaging with or even looking at internet / twitter discourse for obvious reasons, I do find it interesting that people (online anyway) will make the entire axis of their critique on something hinge on the fact that its bad representation or justifying / romanticizing something less than ideal, proceeding to treat art as some sort of conduit for moral guidance when it absolutely isn't. And they will also hold that this critique comes from a necessarily good and just place (positive representation, and I don't know, maybe in their minds it does) while at the same time setting themselves apart from radical conservatives who do the exact same thing, only they're doing it from the other side.
To make it abundantly clear, I'm absolutely not saying you should tolerate bigots decrying that books about the Holocaust, race, homophobia, or lgbt experiences should be banned--what I am saying, is that people who protest that a book like Maus or Persepolis is going to "corrupt children", and people who think a book exploring the emotional landscape of a deeply flawed character, who just happens to be from a traditionally marginalised group or is written by someone who is, is bad representation and therefore damaging to that community as a whole are arguments that stem from the exact same place: it's a fundamental inability, or outright refusal, to accept the interiority and alterity of other people, and the inherent validity of the experiences that follow. It's the same maniacal, consumptive, belief that there can be one view and one view only: the correct view, which is your view--your thoughts, your feelings.
There is also dangerous element of control in this. Someone with racist views does not want their child to hear anti-racist views because as far as they are concerned, this child is not a being with agency, but a direct extension of them and their legacy. That this child may disagree is a profound rupture and a threat to the cohesion of this person's entire worldview. Nothing exists in and of and for itself here: rather the multiplicity of the world and people's experiences within it are reduced to shadowy agents that are either for us or against us. It's not about protecting children's "innocence" ("think of the children", in these contexts, often just means "think of the status quo"), as much as it is about protecting yourself and the threat to your perceived place in the world.
And in all honestt I think the same holds true for the other side--if you cannot trust yourself to engage with works of art that come from a different standpoint to yours, or whose subject matter you dislike, without believing the mere fact of these works' existence will threaten something within you or society in general (which is hysterical because believe me, society is NOT that flimsy), then that is not an issue with the work itself--it's a personal issue and you need to ask yourself if it would actually be so unthinkable if your belief about something isn't as solid as you think it is, and, crucially, why you have such little faith in your own critical capacity that the only response these works ilicit from you is that no one should be able to engage with them. That's not awareness to me--it's veering very close to sticking your head in the sand, while insisting you actually aren't.
Arbitrarily adding a moral element to something that does not exist as an agent of moral rectitude but rather as an exploration of deeply human impulses, and doing so simply to justify your stance or your discomfort is not only a profoundly inadequate, but also a deeply insidious, way of papering over your insecurities and your own ignorance (i mean this in the literal sense of the word), of creating a false and dishonest certainty where certainty does not exist and then presenting this as a fact that cannot and should not be challenged and those who do are somehow perverse or should have their characters called into question for it. It's reductive and infantilising in so many ways and it also actively absolves you of any responsibility as a reader--it absolves you of taking responsibility for your own interpretation of the work in question, it absolves you of responsibility for your own feelings (and, potentially, your own biases or preconceptions), it absolves you of actual, proper, thought and engagement by laying the blame entirely on a rogue piece of literature (as if prose is something sentient) instead of acknowledging that any instance of reading is a two-way street: instead of asking why do I feel this way? what has this text rubbed up against? the assumption is that the book has imposed these feelings on you, rather than potentially illuminated what was already there.
Which brings me to something else which is that it is also, and I think this is equally dangerous, lending books and stories a mythical, almost supernatural, power that they absolutely do not have. Is story-telling one of the most human, most enduring, most important and life-altering traditions we have? Yes. But a story is also just a story. And to convince yourself that books have a dangerous transformative power above and beyond what they are actually capable of is, again, to completely erase people's agency as readers, writers' agency as writers and makers (the same as any other craft), and subsequently your own. And erasing agency is the very point of censors banning books en masse. It's not an act of stupidity or blind ignorance, but a conscious awareness of the fact that people will disagree with you, and for whatever reason you've decided that you are not going to let them.
Writers and poets are not separate entities to the rest of us: they aren't shamans or prophets, gifted and chosen beings who have some inner, profound, knowledge the rest of us aren't privy to (and should therefore know better or be better in some regard) because moral absolutism just does not exist. Every writer, no matter how affecting their work may be, is still Just Some Guy Who Made a Thing. Writing can be an incredibly intimate act, but it can also just be writing, in the same way that plumbing is plumbing and weeding is just weeding and not necessarily some transcendant cosmic endeavour in and of itself. Authors are no different, when you get down to it, from bakers or electricians; Nobel laureates are just as capable of coming out with distasteful comments about women as your annoying cousin is and the fact that they wrote a genre-defying work does not change that, or vice-versa. We imbue books with so much power and as conduits of the very best and most human traits we can imagine and hope for, but they aren't representations of the best of humanity--they're simply expressions of humanity, which includes the things we don't like.
There are some authors I love who have said and done things I completely disagree with or whose views I find abhorrent--but I'm not expecting that, just because they created something that changed my world, they are above and beyond the ordinarly, the petty, the spiteful, or cruel. That's not condoning what they have said and done in the least: but I trust myself to be able to read these works with awareness and attention, to pick out and examine and attempt to understand the things that I find questionable, to hold on to what has moved me, and to disregard what I just don't vibe with or disagree with. There are writers I've chosen not to engage with, for my own personal reasons: but I'm not going to enforce this onto someone else because I can see what others would love in them, even if what I love is not strong enough to make up for what I can't. Terrance Hayes put perfectly in my view, when he talks about this and being capable of "love without forgiveness". Writing is a profoundly human heritage and those who engage with it aren't separate from that heritage as human because they live in, and are made by, the exact same world as anyone else.
The measure of good writing for me has hardly anything to do with whatever "virtue" it's perceived to have and everything to do with sincerity. As far as I'm concerned, "positive representation" is not about 100% likeable characters who never do anything problematic or who are easily understood. Positive representation is about being afforded the full scope of human feelings, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and not having your humanity, your dignity, your right to exist in the world questioned because all of these can only be seen through the filter of race, or gender, religion, or ethicity and interpreted according to our (profoundly warped) perceptions of those categories and what they should or shouldn't represent. True recognition of someone's humanity does not lie in finding only what is held in common between you (and is therefore "acceptable", with whatever you put into that category), but in accepting everything that is radically different about them and not letting this colour the consideration you give.
Also, and it may sound harsh, but I think people forget that fictional characters are fictional. If I find a particularly fucked up relationship dynamic compelling (as I often do), or if I decide to write and explore that dynamic, that's not me saying two people who threaten to kill each other and constantly hurt each other is my ideal of romance and that this is exactly how I want to be treated: it's me trying to find out what is really happening below the surface when two people behave like this. It's me exploring something that would be traumatizing and deeply damaging in real life, in a safe and fictional setting so I can gain some kind of understanding about our darker and more destructive impulses without being literally destroyed by them, as would happen if all of this were real. But it isn't real. And this isn't a radical or complex thing to comprehend, but it becomes incomprehensible if your sole understanding of literature is that it exists to validate you or entertain you or cater to you, and if all of your interpretations of other people's intentions are laced with a persistent sense of bad faith. Just because you have not forged any identity outside of this fictional narrative doesn't mean it's the same for others.
Ursula K. le Guin made an extremely salient point about children and stories in that children know the stories you tell them--dragons, witches, ghouls, whatever--are not real, but they are true. And that sums it all up. There's a reason children learning to lie is an incredibly important developmental milestone, because it shows that they have achieved an incredibly complex, but vitally important, ability to hold two contradictory statements in their minds and still know which is true and which isn't. If you cannot delve into a work, on the terms it sets, as a fictional piece of literature, recognize its good points and note its bad points, assess what can have a real world impact or reflects a real world impact and what is just creative license, how do you possible expect to recognize when authority and propaganda lies to you? Because one thing propaganda has always utilised is a simplistic, black and white depiction of The Good (Us) and The Bad (Them). This moralistic stance regarding fiction does not make you more progressive or considerate; it simply makes it easier to manipulate your ideas and your feelings about those ideas because your assessments are entirely emotional and surface level and are fuelled by a refusal to engage with something beyond the knee-jerk reaction it causes you to have.
Books are profoundly, and I do mean profoundly, important to me-- and so much of who I am and the way I see things is probably down to the fact that stories have preoccupied me wherever I go. But I also don't see them as vital building blocks for some core facet or a pronouncement of Who I Am. They're not badges of honour or a cover letter I put out into the world for other people to judge and assess me by, and approve of me (and by extension, the things I say or feel). They're vehicles through which I explore and experience whatever it is that I'm most caught by: not a prophylactic, not a mode of virtue signalling, and certainly not a means of signalling a moral stance.
I think at the end of the day so much of this tendency to view books as an extension of yourself (and therefore of an author) is down to the whole notion of "art as a mirror", and I always come back to Fran Lebowitz saying that it "isn't a mirror, it's a door". And while I do think it's important to have that mirror (especially if you're part of a community that never sees itself represented, or represented poorly and offensively) I think some people have moved into the mindset of thinking that, in order for art to be good, it needs to be a mirror, it needs to cater to them and their experiences precisely--either that or that it can only exist as a mirror full stop, a reflection of and for the reader and the writer (which is just incredibly reductive and dismissive of both)--and if art can only exist as a mirror then anything negative that is reflected back at you must be a condemnation, not a call for exploration or an attempt at understanding.
As I said, a mirror is important but to insist on it above all else isn't always a positive thing: there are books I related to deeply because they allowed me to feel so seen (some by authors who looked nothing like me), but I have no interest in surrounding myself with those books all the time either--I know what goes on in my head which is precisely why I don't always want to live there. Being validated by a character who's "just like me" is amazing but I also want--I also need-- to know that lives and minds and events exist outside of the echo-chamber of my own mind. The mirror is comforting, yes, but if you spend too long with it, it also becomes isolating: you need doors because they lead you to ideas and views and characters you could never come up with on your own. A world made up of various Mes reflected back to me is not a world I want to be immersed in because it's a world with very little texture or discovery or room for growth and change. Your sense of self and your sense of other people cannot grow here; it just becomes mangled.
Art has always been about dialogue, always about a me and a you, a speaker and a listener, even when it is happening in the most internal of spaces: to insist that art only ever tells you what you want to hear, that it should only reflect what you know and accept is to undermine the very core of what it seeks to do in the first place, which is establish connection. Art is a lifeline, I'm not saying it isn't. But it's also not an instruction manual for how to behave in the world--it's an exploration of what being in the world looks like at all, and this is different for everyone. And you are treading into some very, very dangerous waters the moment you insist it must be otherwise.
Whatever it means to be in the world, it is anything but straightforward. In this world people cheat, people kill, they manipulate, they lie, they torture and steal--why? Sometimes we know why, but more often we don't--but we take all these questions and write (or read) our way through them hoping that, if we don't find an answer, we can at least find our way to a place where not knowing isn't as unbearable anymore (and sometimes it's not even about that; it's just about telling a story and wanting to make people laugh). It's an endless heritage of seeking with countless variations on the same statements which say over and over again I don't know what to make of this story, even as I tell it to you. So why am I telling it? Do I want to change it? Can I change it? Yes. No. Maybe. I have no certainty in any of this except that I can say it. All I can do is say it.
Writing, and art in general, are one of the very, very, few ways we can try and make sense of the apparently arbitrary chaos and absurdity of our lives--it's one of the only ways left to us by which we can impose some sense of structure or meaning, even if those things exists in the midst of forces that will constantly overwhelm those structures, and us. I write a poem to try and make sense of something (grief, love, a question about octopuses) or to just set down that I've experienced something (grief, love, an answer about octpuses). You write a poem to make sense of, resolve, register, or celebrate something else. They don't have to align. They don't have to agree. We don't even need to like each other much. But in both of these instances something is being said, some fragment of the world as its been perceived or experienced is being shared. They're separate truths that can exist at the same time. Acknowledging this is the only means we have of momentarily bridging the gaps that will always exist between ourselves and others, and it requires a profound amount of grace, consideration and forbearance. Otherwise, why are we bothering at all?
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
˗ˏˋ balladeer & friends ´ˎ˗
scaramouche x g!n reader
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scaramouche — film major, childe got him into streaming and everyone thirsted over his hands when his camera accidentally pointed towards them, gained popularity from being in childe’s videos first, uses the name kunikuzushi irl so nobody figures out his online persona, goes by scara online, horror game fanatic, loves story games and gets rlly invested in them, ppl love his voice and snarky attitude.
childe — business major, kinda like mr beast and throws a lot of money away in streams for entertainment. just lookin for a good time and has scara in the back of his videos but always slaps a giant eggplant emoji on his face to not expose him. already had a following because of the insanity of his videos as time went on and gave scara a jumpstart, closest friend of scara #chiscara4lyfe
heizou — criminology major, started streaming as a side project for class and then never stopped, known for his conspiracy videos like those game theory ones and loves mystery games but always figures out the ending, also does those buzzfeed unsolved/watcher kinda videos, SUPER flirty to his chat omfg so many edits of him saying the most outlandish shit, joins kazuha’s streams and attempts to flirt via donations
tighnari — botanic science major, has a bunch of compilations like “tighnari roasting his friends for 10 mins straight” very blunt with his chat and will judge them. does those judging my viewers confessions videos a lot, will play story based games solely to judge the writing, does garden tours during streams and his fans like to send him rose petals through his p.o. box, has a long geoguesser streak
albedo — art major, art streams and youtuber, does a lot of drawing tutorials and known for his unique art style and talent. lots of edits since he’s rlly attractive and has a sexy voice, has a segment where he lets his fans send in their hw and he does it for them when he’s bored, he and tighnari get shipped a lot for their compatible personalities, his sister klee streams with him when she visits and he lets her win in all the games and tells his chat to keep quiet about it
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behind the lens !
masterlist — prev | next
teyvat university, junior year of college, age 20-21
everyone lives off campus together
scara doesn’t have a face icon for now cus he’s a faceless streamer he’s so sexy and mysterious
both groups tend to collab but usually stick to their own, kinda like content houses but less douchey lmfao
tighnari is so sexy but pretend he isn’t a furry in this modern setting ☠️
synopsis - , better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
author’s notes - planned out the au for the most part will start it when i feel like it 🤗
taglist is closed — @captainzep @elysiumarchieve @plinkuro @sakkakuu-squared @eliqusgenma @vuvulia @kunikuzushiit @heehooyeslol @stxrgxzxr @lilneps @uma-umie @lynnforever @mitsukifilms @caesars-bubbles @wheneverthesunrise @its-like-twilight @kazuhalvrr @camiluvsreading @cloudxemoji @thenightsflower @p1utto @caesars-bubbles @lxry-chxn @orbitscara @court-jester-stuff @lauragalliart @veyu002 @kaeyas-eyepatch-69 @leathernourishingshoepolish @satowaluverr @lexlapis @drunkwithfever @remiikoe @exhaustedcommunist @vincanzu @just-here-reading @amoguz @ainlaw @ovaliz @depressedwhore @kitsuvil @whatamidoing89 @bunny-x-sakura @scarasaver @kazioli @xiaosoneandonly @vinskypuff @cridtiins @cherrybeomgyu @asukahiriko [1/3]
name in bold means i can’t tag you
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
[Last post I'll make about this]
Okay so, everything I, as a person who has been seeing this going down for 6 years now and is not a particular fan of neither side, know about the Cellbit and Sasa situation
First thing first: I'm really not a fan of Cellbit these past years. Yes he was a big part of my childhood going from 13-16 yo following him. I got to see the breakup first hand and it was around the time he was shifting his content in a way i didn't like so it was just another push for me to stop following him as close. As for nowadays, hes the BIGGEST ttrpg streamer of Brazil, he changed a lot, he has achieved SO MUCH. He's a great storyteller and rper. But its a guy I'd never sit in a bar table to talk to.
Since he was so big, i still saw all this developing as the years passed. I saw the exposed thread, and i saw sasa's first stream on the subject and his own tweet admitting to have done everything Sasa had said (and a clip, that I can't for the love of god find rn. It was in the exposed thread but some tweets have disappeared since then so :/) and to stop harassing her because she was saying the truth and he was the toxic one and he was going to do therapy
A LOT OF PEOPLE showed their support to Sasa at the time. Cellbit lost a lot of subs and a lot of YouTubers covered the situation. It WASN'T pushed under the rug, it was front and center, EVERYONE that was in the Brazilian yt environment at the time knew about it
Both him and Sasa stopped talking about it after, they said everything had been said, Sasa's friends backed her up with screenshots and sharing her vod. Sasa changed everything about her media presence, trying to distance herself from Cellbit, but ppl never stopped asking her, ever since 2018/2019, getting worse whenever Cellbit did something big, ppl relived her stuff, and she got SHOWERED in hate for it, everytime
And she asked to stop bringing it up because it wasn't doing any good, it was just bringing her more hate and making ppl distance themselves from her bc she was becoming = to drama in online communities
And then she had a breakdown on stream in 2021 about it. Y'all seen the clips with caption.
First thing i have to say: These clips are out of order. And out of context as well
This is the thread with the almost entirety of her Livestream
First thing to point out: She has not healed from her relationship with Cellbit at that point (2021). She didn't manage to get support immediately after and only got psychological support in 2020, 1-2 years after everything she went down
She is crying and she is saying how she is getting tired of being silenced and being ignored. She says she's her own person and did everything to distance herself from Cellbit but people keep bringing that up. She says how everyweek someone still shows up to ask her about Cellbit, how when the exposed came out she got so much hate it badly fucked with her mental health. She says ppl started spreading around she was also toxic, when she wasn't AND cellbit never said she was. She then says she doesn't wanna keep talking in details or bringing it up again (which y'all can see at the very start of this same captioned clip), plus saying she left a lot of details out BECAUSE she didn't want to enter in those details
She then asks if ppl are going to keep ignoring her words (dismissing her abuse, twisting her words, ignoring her pleads to be left alone), to do it quietly without invading her chat or personal socials bc she is tired of being hammered with that everyday and she just wants to heal
Once again: Cellbit confirmed everything, and both have ended discussion, Sasa wants to be left alone
This is all I know. Now please, stop dragging Sasa back into this. I've seen this poor girl crying way too many times
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penny-hartzs · 4 months
this is going to be long. i saw ur post about j0sh/rachel and the whole wild “grooming” allegations and i have to say it comes 100% from people shipping rachel with tom and wanting to feel validated by finding a reason to “dislike” her current partner. and we need to have a conversation with twitter’s obsession w white boy x biracial or woc real life shipping.
tom is their white boy of the month. also, if josh was white and a blue eyed conventionally attractive man you’ll see the allegations wouldn’t even exist cuz they would have not problem w the couple. might u, tom is also the same age as josh. i find a bit of racist too but i won’t go there. them just not considering josh attractive enough to be w her so she should be w her white attractive co-star instead.
i’ve been following rachel since 2019 when she was announced as maria in wss because i am a musical girlie and she’s been friends w josh ever since then. 3 years of friendship and 2 years of relationship. rachel is a very friendly. you can tell she befriends people very quickly and isn’t shy about showing that love to friends. the same thing she does w tom now she’s been very vocal to her other friends she holds dear as well. her legit best friend for ages is a man.
those people suddenly being so concerned for rachel want josh to be a ped0 so badly to the point of exaggerating the whole situation. and doing that just shows they want ppl to deliberately hate on josh and ship her w tom. it doesn’t come from a genuine concern. out of all the post i’ve seen wanting to claim she was “gr0omed” they want to make it seem like they started dating during wss when they started dating two years later (late 2021). and i was there to see their friendship to relationship turning point. rachel was 20. both were consenting adults. and josh was also 24/25 not “almost 30” like some say to exaggerate the situation. they have exactly a 5 year age difference. (both born in may).
i feel like so many people see age differences and scream so bad because 21 being the drinking age in the us has twisted their minds. they want to paint rachel as a little girl that had not agency about the relationship she gets in. as if she and her family haven’t been close to him for 3 years prior. i even saw someone say “hope rachel has a good influence in her life that can advice her” girl u dont know those people. why are u making some wild allegations like this. allegations that can ruin someone’s career and entire image. they have been in what it seems to be a really good relationship for 2 years now. rachel’s family is very close with him. and they are very private despite being “public”. they seem to share when it’s needed but keep the relationship mostly to themselves. josh isn’t very active on social media and frankly, i feel like since he is starting his movie career he doesn’t want to be known as “rachel’s bf” cuz people are already calling him nepo bf and that he gets roles only cuz of rachel and he is really talented. and the whole “he doesn’t even support her publicly like tom”. first, tom replied to a post made on his own account about his current co-star. and josh not only isn’t that active on social media but he doesn’t have enough star power yet. they also seem to have two different love languages. rachel is very vocal/physical. he seems more chill. the most important thing is that he was the person with rachel when she was getting mass hated and the fact she even has to clarify (in her 2023 appreciation post) that her bf was there for her is wild cuz people are too chronically online these days and measure love with public postings. and most people didn’t know she was in a relationship until the tgh press tour lmao.
another wild thing i saw from people is saying “they’re in different life stages and that’s weird” well, not really. they’re both in their 20s and embarking in acting together. they both got their first acting job in wss. they’re on the same train and live a life very different from ours.
i get people feeling weird over the fact she was 17 turning 18 when she met him and he was 23. but that doesn’t necessarily meant she was gro0med. not every age different comes from an abusive environment and it’s really weird. and i literally have met people that have been friends for a while and naturally felt in love and have been together for ages. like let’s find ourselves an honest concern to yell about truly.
Thank you for taking the time to write this, you gave me some new perspective on Rachel and Josh's relationship I didn't have and also thanks for sharing your opinion with me!
People on twitter and tiktok shipping women with their male costars is certainly not a new phenomenon but I've been seeing it grow insanely popular these last few years: from Halle Bailey and Jonah Hauer-King, India Amarteifio and Corey Mylchreest, Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya, Rachel Zegler and Tom Blyth and so on and so on. It doesn't matter that most of these people were/are in relationships with others (and are pretty vocal about it), we're still going to see fancams of the co-stars posing on the red carpet together (with a romantic song as the musical background) and tweets about their 'natural chemistry' are going to go viral again and again.
I think it's absolutely fair to talk about racism when stans are rooting for a woman of color to break up with her boyfriend (also a man of color) and get with her white co-star, but the thing is, most of them know it's wrong, so they come up with other reasons to justify the hate towards their fave's partner: Halle Bailey's boyfriend makes it easy for them, but Josh and Rachel seem to keep fairly to themselves so they had to dig deeper. So on the one hand, I think the weird allegations Josh is receiving right now are based on the simple (and idiotic) fact that people want Rachel to be with Tom. On the other hand it opens up a huge topic of conversation about age gaps in couples, and especially in Hollywood. I personally believe that five years apart is a perfectly appropriate age gap between a couple and I have no idea how Rachel and Josh are supposed to be in 'different stages of their life', since they are both upcoming actors, starred in the same successful movie and are in their early and mid twenties. I dont understand why it's even an issue for anyone and tbh I find it disheartening that Rachel has such lovely things to say about him and seems to genuinely love him very much only for her fans to call him a groomer and wish for them to break up. Grooming someone is a serious, dangerous thing and if online users keep using those words for situations like Rachel and Josh, they'll end up losing all meaning. Lastly, I know social media is a huge part of our lives, but I still find it completely stupid to judge anyone's relationship on their instagram and twitter activity. Have we learned nothing from those men who post their wives on their main page while simultaneously sending dick pics to models?
Let's end it with a pic of them, because they're cute and it's almost christmas
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entropy-sea-system · 1 month
This blog and our sideblogs will be on hiatus/inactive at least for a while.
I think being online may be a bit overwhelming for us, I don't feel like we got much out of it and its so easy for us to leave servers and block people when everything doesn't seem perfect, we don't have any actual attachment to anyone online so it's easy to just leave.
And this time at least w the discord servers I don't even feel very angry or upset, just maybe left out of anxiety and feeling like I need a change in the spaces Im in. I also wonder if in some cases I eventually get tired of a space or people and need to leave, Im not used to stability, and especially have no incentive to stay when I don't have a connection to someone.
I think currently I only feel that stability with my in sys partners, and sometimes Im still not used to that, I haven't cared about people that intensely for that long until having relationships with them.
We see a concerning amount of people hold views we can't agree with, and have been blocking these people as well as just ppl whose posts were not things we were interested in / may have been things we disliked or were triggered or repulsed by. We have blocked so many followers and unfollowed or blocked some ppl we followed because of these things, and its just better for us this way.
We haven't liked being in spaces mainly with minors, but maybe that was just the nature of online aro and apl spaces as of now, and some fandom spaces. But some discord servers geared towards adults seem to imply minors are 'annoying' and I don't agree with that, it feels antithetical to youth liberation and generally just respecting people.
I just prefer interacting with adults personally, and most of the system is this way since we are an adult. I feel like Ive been around minors like for so long (body has younger siblings and we were a minor until like 3-4 years ago) that I'm preferring to be around adults because I want to feel more like Im actually an adult, and don't feel like spaces with more minors are for us.
I think maybe I just got a bit tired of being around the age group of 'my age and younger' for so much of my life its like I don't want a repeat of that. I don't know anyone I really trust outside the system(not a priority to find this either), and I've never had an older adult mentor figure I could trust in my life, and I don't even know if I want that since some older adults may see me as 'like their child' and I'm afamilial. I'm also plato repulsed and it doesn't appeal to me to just hang out with people, I may be more plato repulsed than I thought (extending more into some things seen as friendship) which is really saying something.
This doesn't mean minors and youth are prone to always having views we disagree with (although we understand there are some reasons minors may be less likely to be informed about things or be influenced by the way the world has been, but that goes for any age group and/or culture in different ways) or that adults cannot interact in appropriate ways with minors, its just personal preference. I don't feel like on purpose interacting w minors in online spaces, and I don't even seek online interaction w anyone much to begin with. I think often, we just like talking about our interests and maybe like the attention we may get from people online.
There's nothing else we find positive about it, and the way online spaces can become very invested in discourse is.. irritating and like yeah I do talk about discourse and have opinions on it (not much posting abt on main, but used to a bit more in vent channels or other channels on discord servers) myself it's just maybe I want to avoid it for now since it doesn't seem like a good use of time or energy.
I want to avoid people who very obviously have opposing views to ours or make space for those who do for some topics at least, and I don't want people to target us for not agreeing with them. Frankly, I'm seeing a lot of harmful attitudes from so-called leftists and generally people in the mogai community, especially usamericans.
Anyways, all this is to say we will probably be taking a break from tumblr and discord or at least try it out for a bit, see if it feels better than being online a lot.
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marmakar · 6 months
I know how much it hurts, but trust me, social media can be too intense and when you’re especially surrounding yourself in anglo-centric fandoms and social platforms, you’ll be EASILY influenced by their culture and points of view. What is considered morally wrong in anyone’s country, is ALWAYS acceptable in the west. because they’re animals. There’s no fine line they put. In 10 years, ped*philia and inc*st will be accepted, and heavily encouraged too! You must not falter and fall for that shit.
You have feelings for this person even though you met them online is not strange at all! But remember this, you’re friends, and you’ve developed feelings for each other because you probably share the same fandoms, no?? Well, I find that baffling. That’s what friends are for!
Please don’t take this as an offense, I only went out of my way to help you. I suggest you take your time and just… go outside, take long walks, surround yourself with people. Exercise! Eat well! And all these feelings will fade away once you accept that you can be better, and independent.
I hope this helps and I wish you well
Thank you for your concern, but I must express that your message was quite distressing to receive. While I appreciate your attempt to provide advice, it came across as dismissive and invalidating of my experiences.
Perhaps you've misunderstood my situation. I genuinely have feelings for this woman, and my post was merely an expression of this beautiful, intense emotion and touches on topic of «forbidden love» women to women. It will soon stable, and everything will be fine, because she really care about me and my feelings and my mood.
Besides, we have a very good relationship, and she accepts my feelings. I do have friends, and I don't feel this way towards them. She is not from the GTA fandom but from my country.
By the way, I'm 24 years old. I've had an internet girlfriend before. I've been creating queer content since I was 13. I'm from Russia, and it's disheartening that over time, my orientation in online has been associated with the «western/leftist movement» or «gay propaganda law».
I'm curious, if the West is so bad, why are you on this site and engaged in anglo-centric fandoms? You wouldn't be here then, which is logical. I understand your reservations about the West a bit, but it's essential not to conflate crimes you've listed with the love between consenting adults. I don't believe that one's orientation is influenced by someone else's opinions. My post was precisely about the bullying and discrimination that queer ppl individuals face, and I condemn it.
I see that we have different views, and this topic can be debated forever. Please unfollow me, and if I'm following you, I'll do the same. Take care.
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kwangyanese · 3 months
i feel like its easier for me to follow/like boygroups now bc i dont really get emotionally invested. i actually think i wont ever get that invested into a group again after aespa. and not to ramble but i feel like a hypocrite because i told myself i was gonna leave kpop but i guess i surrounded myself with it online so badly in the past 3 years i'd probably have to either 1) redo all my accounts and unfollow all my moots 2) try to get obsessed with something else and make the algorythm "renew" itself. truth i'd lose many moots that i like if i did the 1st and i'm already doing the 2nd but i feel frustrated for how slow it is plus i end up watching kpop videos to chill anyway. and when i 'judge' (not that i go around annoying them about it) my kpop moots for still posting about idols that either haven't spoken up or are doing deals w pro-israel brands it's like throwing stones from a glass house LOL i mean at least i'm not posting about #those idols but i still haven't left kpop as a whole which imo would be ideal lol. well, again, what i'm into rn is just tvxq and riize and as much as i can go awww <3 i don't feel nothing beyond that. sorry to objectify idols but i'd drop them in a instant i just can't truly connect with men in general.... and to be even more honest i still have feelings for ningning that i'm trying to get rid of.... it's actually quite sad how far a parasocial relationship will ruin you.... like sure i like shotaro he is quite actually such a sweet guy that so far hasnt had a single moment where i went "oh he is a man after all" and i like jaejoong/changmin/yunho but i missed so much of their fandom lore so i don't know them that well lmfao it makes me feel distant. and i dont feel the need to get closer to neither of them. oh that reminds me that the only (parasocial) closeness i felt to a man was jonghyun and then atsushi and they are literally dead rn (rip)... like fr i know ur not supposed to put ppl on a pedestal, nobodys perfect etc but i do feel the least i can do as a person is expect someone i like to do the bare minimum and theres only do much i can ignore (like ningning being obsessed with malnourishing herself and bleaching her skin into oblivion to look whiter hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but i think what's really making me feel liek the Odd One Out is that every other my is just going about their business as usual and aespa enthusiasts don't care fr theyre just there for the pretty girls. it was only me and this one moot that i saw be disgusted with the whole thing and dropping them and like........... seeing other mys not do anything at all just makes me think like even if it was another situation would they not care also? like what would it take for these ppl to be like Woah hey this is not right. or am i thinking too much? maybe it's not that serious? if anything perhaps this was the last straw for me bc aespa was already literally ruining my day either for always lying or for sm being a terrible company to their ggs, and me being excited about aespa coming to brazil literally got me into a scam and i ended up losing over $1k (thats on me though but still. if i hadnt become a fan that wouldnt have happened), and the general stress a parasocial relationship brings (stressed out bc ningning doesnt know i exist and that i loved her so much). i feel stupid and i know it's stupid for writing these kind of these cos there's literally more important things going on. i'm nothing but a drop of water in the sea and sharing my thoughts is like screaming into a void it means nothing at all. anyway good morning.
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getawayheaven · 6 months
I follow you enough to know that you don’t think they’re still together.. i think so too.. if they were together louis wouldn’t have done few things what he has done from around may last year… he wouldn’t have blocked HLD.. one would think it couldn’t have been the case or it’s some other reason, but louis kind of a person who wants to make statements, he knew it would’ve given ppl reason to believe that.. also the not so good part about this though he has been denying larry since 2012 online is that he was very bitter about it this time and i can only imagine that their breakup has been hurtful atleast to louis to an extent where he made very sure to let that show on his face.. with louis it has always been his words but his expressions are always very fond when it cane to H during interviews, just check last years how different it was.. he denied larry in that audio call as well last yr I believe not sure why ppl are reacting too much over this.. imagine you loved someone soo much for so long and brokeup, but you cannot say anything or ppl will tag you as a liar or rude or drag you for trying to protect a kid(his or not)
One thing that ppl say that f is not his kid, couldn’t have been we don’t know.. but he was so young and everyone agreed that it was a way to closet him and been fighting for it.. what would happen in couple of years harry will have a kid?? Am sure he will have one.. what then?? Did anyone think that he would get whole ass tattoo of olivia?? Ppl just brushed it off saying that’s how industry works.. so the person who talks about wasted time, would do that?? Entire name, at such intimate place?? Their relationship screamed PR but he gotten himself a tattoo based off it, so imagine that kind of decisions he is capable of.. i mean common on, even if louis wouldn’t have said what he said, and ended up doing PR like harry, fandom would’ve lot of things to say.. i guess success matters at thr end of the day, ppl only stayback and support if you’re extremely successful..
I think the real problem lies in signaling and coding. Break up is something that we can never know about, so it's useless to form opinion about it. But I think it's not particularly Larry/ break up that makes him mad, it's the fact that people are here for his relationship (that nobody knows is real at this point or not) and not for him or his music. Any artist would be pissed off by that. Plus I think he freely wants to signal about his sexuality without people directly linking it to Larry. I think both Harry and Louis are on thin ice here, where they can't signal/ code about their sexuality without people thinking that they both are very much still together. IF they already broke up then it must be frustrating as hell to see people linking EVERYHTING to his ex. Especially those things that were meant to be linked to his sexuality and his identity. I know how fucking irritating it must be.
And regarding Larries cancelling Louis.... I really think it's just a disbelief that Larries particularly target Louis for every minute thing. I have seen people hating harry the same when he pull such stunts, I have seen people unstanning harry for such things too (I am one of those people) I have seen so many larries just entirely feeling detached from Harry when he sat down for an official RS interview with Olivia and even more when he got her name tattooed on his balls thighs. He got dragged so much from every side of fandom for RS interview for queerbaiting that it made him tear up on stage the next day. So I don't think it's just with Louis people are bitter with. It's just that Harry has a hell lot of more solo fans. Larries are a very small part of his fanbase, so it goes unnoticed when some of the larries unstan him. It hardly matters cos he will still sell the same amount of tickets. But with Louis it's different. Larries are still a big part of his fanbase. They still affects his shows and online activities. And that's why people think that Louis is targeted the most by larries but in reality harry is targeted too, but it just doesn't make any difference. I have seen larries defending Louis no matter what happens and I have seen larries dragging harry and unfollowing him.
There is no way to know if they are still together or not. But people really need to lay off of their relationship. It's not 2015 anymore and they don't need anyone fighting for their relationship (if there is still one).
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kmgoogiemin · 2 years
Hi Georgia! Thank god all those tkkrs and antis come to your blog, they opened my eyes, I was so wrong about life but they fixed my misconseptions!
1. Turns out, IG is the only proof of life, at least since 02Dec.2021. As I don't post shit there my personal life in particular is a mysery and in general I'm dead, hello from the other side! That's obviously the only reason jm posts sth once in a while too as much as he don't like it, just to let the world know he's still alive.
2. Celebrities get into relationships based on opinions of internet anons who ship them. I bet that's how tomdaya got together, their agents told them they're being shipped. I can totally see that convo bw jk and tae:
jk: hey, tae, many shippers believe we look good together, so lets have sex and get married!
tae: great news, jk, I feel like I already am pssionately in love with u! Wait, what if I'm not gay?
jk: well u are if ppl say so, hurry up and take ur pants off, ppl on twt say IG selcas mean we f*cked!
3. Twitter trends obviously also prove which ships are real. Like, the more ppl want sb to be together, the bigger the chance those 2 will be together cuz 1) see par.2 and 2) the sheer power of thought, if ur wish is strong enough it comes true, especially if you keep repeating it like a prayer. Jikook trending doesn't count though cuz apparently fanservice, duh.
4. Jikook is definitely a fanservice cuz all we know abt them happened ON cameras, that's how we know anything at all and so their relationship is all fake. Tkk is real cuz all their meaningful moments happen OFF cameras and no one has literally zero proof those moments happened which means they definitely happened, thank god there are smart shippers who could figure that out of thin air. In general this should mean everything all ships do on cameras is fake tkk including and I'm confused but that's probably just cuz I'm not smart enough to understand that.
5. Everybody hates jm, how could I not realise that?! Like, I thought I loved him but that big warm feeling I have towards him must be, in fact, hate (thanks to your anons I know now)! So what if he's been trending on Twitter almost daily for years with thousands of 'jm we love u, u'r amazing thank god u exist' posts, it's simply impossible someone could love him for real! I bet it's all his own manipulations, that's why he barely comes online, he's too f*cking busy juggling multiple accounts writing posts abt himself, he overdone it so much he got his own name muted but that cunning little ass still manages to trend daily with half a dozen other names! Thank god Yoongy his bf sleeps all the time he's off work otherwise their relationship wouldn't last cuz jm barely has time for anything else. Srsly, let this poor guy go already, all those men and women all over the world falling for him don't exist, it's all a big fat lie! And that model who screamed 'jm marry me!' was totally paid by jm.
6. South Korea is apparently a gay paradise with fairies and unicorns, just like in those BL webtoons one can find online where every man is hot and gay and women only exist if they're gay too, I mean, Korean artists drew that so they must be telling the truth, right? Homophobia doesn't exist there, that's why BH covers the real gay couple with the fake gay couple, the only reason celebs don't rush to come out is cuz their nasty companies want them to play straight to milk all those naive female fans who dream of marrying them one day or believe celebs are all saints who gave chastity vows. Actually, homophobia doesn't exist anywhere, so taekook (proven couple cuz see par.2-4) will definitely officially come out very soon (again cuz they took a habit of coming out every week since they got IG, ahh the power of that SM!) you just wait and see. And other ships will follow suit cuz BTS is obviously one big gay circus, see utube edits and wattpad/ao3 ffcs for proof, they're obviously all documentaries.
Phew, I'm sure I missed sth, I mean I'm going through fundamental changes in my head u know so it's easy to forget sth but I'm looking fwd to the new revelations, my life will not be the same!
seeing it all written there kinda is just crazy
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anapologethicc · 2 years
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happy diwali💛💖 i let out my inner louis😌
those not wanting to read abt my feelings pls scroll to the bottom:)
i'm in bed and all diwali celebrations are finally over and i just spent like 15 minutes just sobbing in bed🙈 firstly because i don't think i've ever felt so happy and comfortable with myself as i did this diwali🥺🥰
i didn't need to wear a ghagra (long heavy skirts not that i hate them) or sth frilly or a fricking blouse of any sort. i got to wear clothes which were so so comfortable and so so gender affirming (idk if that's a term lmao). i've worn similar stuff before and never realized why i had felt so happy in them and i don't think i really understood how much this would mean to me and my gender to be wearing clothes that felt so ME.
i got to be whoever i wanted to be. i got a chance to embrace my own gender and i'm still cuddled up in bed sobbing at how wonderful i felt these past two days.😭😭😭💖💖💖
for once i wore sth for myself and dressed up for myself and MYSELF only. i didn't care that i got told i look too chubby or that my clothes were "boy" clothes or that i should've kept my hair long becuz short hair doesn't suit me or that short hair and traditional clothes don't go tgt (BITCH HAVE U SEEN HOW BOMB I LOOK?!?! HOTTEST NB LESBIAN IN TOWN!!😂 more like only lesbian in town lmfao)or judged for the fact that i changed nail polish colours so many times in like 2 days (i think my nails are abt to disintegrate)
i didn't fucking care this year because i was so happy to finally feel good in my skin (tpwk ref👅). i've always had so many issues with myself and with my mental health. it's taken me such a while to get to where i am and accept myself for the way i am.
i still struggle daily with my relationship with my body, my relationship with food, my relationship with painkillers, my relationship with my adhd my depression or my anxiety, my relationship with school with friends with family with myself. i wake up everyday and just try to grow and be a better person for myself to be someone worthy💕
i just wanted to take this moment to thank everyone for any and all interactions they may have directly or indirectly had with me🥺. becuz i don't really follow a lot of people nor am i good at making any new friends (i suck at it becuz ppl find my personality over the top cuz i'm loud and flamboyant and so fking talkative and i feel like i'm never enough :/) BUT i made a resolution this year that if i couldn't get myself to interact with real life people becuz i find ppl generally really fking annoying😂 that i'd at least finally try and make some online becuz i've been in this fandom and on this site for wayy too long now😌😌
i know i'm just some person in your phone you just made u read a rubbish emo essay all abt myself😂 but i just wanted to let you know that every single interaction has made me feel happy and validated and i just wanna say thank you for somedays being my reason to want to live to see another day🥺💖 thank you for creating a safe space for me knowingly or unknowingly and thank you for being absolutely fantastic human beings😚😚❤❤
i'm sending all the love❤, happiness😂, kindness🥰 and gender joy🥳 in the world that i possible have in me to every single one of you🥺💖
so here's to everyone who has talked to me, liked my tags or post i've made/rbed, rbed sth from me, tagged me in sth or answered/sent an ask💖 and whatever else we get up to on this hellsite😂💕
because every single one of you has made me smile on days i didn't wanna get out of bed or felt like absolute fucking shit🙈💕 i'm so so grateful and so so thankful and just so overwhelmed with love😭💖 i love you❤ (every single one of you)
so thank you my most wonderful mutuals🥺😚 @littlegenderbean emme💕 @quickpauseinconversations cande 💕@mamaharry eli💕 @littlespoongf mehar💕@grimmpitch moon💕 @louisandharry yuktha💕 @casuallycrruell arrow💕 @justmehernthemoon kaitlyn💕 @heartshaped-lou gio💕 @dorothyharry rachel💕 @1800louis sab💕 @swimmingleo leo💕 @holyshit kay💕 @ladychlo chay💕 @rainbowparadisebht kaw💕 @laurelier meg💕 @stylinsuns adheera💕 @softlouve debbie💕 (hopefully i got everyone's name right and didn't miss anyone😳)
for anyone who ever wants to talk /cry/ scream/ infodump to a non-stop oversharing chatterbox / human embodiment of an over excited puppy my dms are always open and i'm always ready to talk😂😂😚😚 you know where to find me!! HAPPY DIWALI💛💖
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shijiujun · 3 years
ZZH + GJ x ELLE TW | Interview (28 April 2021)
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Translations for the separate online interview the both of them did with ELLE Taiwan:
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Talking to SHL GJ and ZZH | "Life can be simple as long as we do our best in the things we love" - 18 liners fulfilling their dreams
What do ZZH and GJ think of each other?
(1) With ZZH
Since the start of SHL, ZZH's role was set so that he only had three years left to live, hinting at the possible tragic ending early! Invested fans cried a lot & left ‘warning’ messages for the scriptwriter & director: "Even if it's unrealistic you better let him live!"
And when he was free during work the day before, ZZH accepted the online interview and was asked about his ZZS role and he, who usually dotes on his fans, said, "Thanks everyone for affirming/recognizing my acting skills, don't cry!"
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ZZH's portrayal/acting was received very well by fans and his dynamic acting skills were revealed in many different directions because of SHL. He was praised to have nine faces, which means that aside from being well-rounded in his portrayal of happiness, anger, sadness, delight and other emotions, ZZH managed to interpret (his role) in a well-rounded way, with just a gaze and how calm he was from head to toe.
Taking on this role in SHL, ZZH says that his heart aches quite a bit for ZZS: "Towards his role, I can't say that I can give him any strength, but what I can do, is quietly feel and understand him."
Talking about his partner Gong Jun, ZZH attributed the success of the show and the efforts put into it to the team, and also praised GJ for being really professional, and fans look forward to be able to see the both of them work tgt in the future.
With a face that's gentle, handsome and has no bad angles, ZZH is most pleased with his defined nose. You may not know this, but in actuality, ZZH is not gentle/quiet at all! He likes to exercise and gym usually, through training, he fills his thoughts with positive energy.
Speaking about his Weibo UN "Crazy ZZH", we can't help but ask, is he a person who goes crazy (I guess, have a lot of fun, party like mad) without limits in private? ZZH says: "I chose this username to reflect a way to live - if I don't go to the extremes I will never accomplish anything.”
"I just feel that the things I'm passionate about I should do my best in them, for example, the craziest might have been when I was in university, I rode my bike solo all the way to Tibet!" He finished the journey step by step and because of this determination, it's reflected in his attitude towards filming & how meticulous he is. A lot of scenes that required fighting, ZZH communicated repeatedly with his teacher while learning and while he injured himself a bit, he said: "We must be responsible towards our roles, this is how an actor should be.”
"Thanks to everyone for recognizing/affirming me (as an actor), we'll continue walking the road together!” 
ZZH who is currently filming for a movie, promises that he'll definitely meet his TWnese fans in the future if given the chance. May 11 is ZZH's birthday and when asked about how he plans to spend his day, he casually says that it's in the planning, and as for birthday wishes, he said without hesitation, "I definitely hope everyone is healthy, and happy everyday!"
(2) With GJ
After SHL was broadcasted everyone fell for it completely, especially for GJ's role WKX. He managed to rank first in terms of entertainment tv influence. While he was free during work, GJ interviewed online and talked about the scene where his hair went white.
GJ: "My heart aches truly for WKX, I know a lot of fans cried because of him, thank you all for liking this show but I still hope everyone spends everyday happily!" 
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He says he was once an 18-line actor & only started becoming popular on his 12th show, & thus he always cautions himself to head towards his dream with his feet on the ground, step by step. This special attitude is also reflected in the way he works; no matter the fighting or more dangerous scenes, GJ always does his best: "I don't know how many shows I've filmed! For fighting-related ones, I am thankful to the wushu laoshi and all the staff's guidance/protection, and once again under their training I safely completed this show, showing everyone the best shots!"
Aside from good acting skills, his styling was well-liked by fans especially when he wore that red outfit, he was endlessly charismatic "My fave is also the red outfit, and this outfit is also my most expensive one, hah!"
The rain scene left the greatest impression on him: "SHL is show with the most lines out of all that I've filmed so far; because a lot of WKX's lines are poetry, memorizing them really challenges comprehension and memory power, the toughest one was the rain scene, I have to adjust the emotions of the crying scene while in the rain and there're endless huge lines I have to recite, it definitely is challenging." 
 Those who follow him know that GJ is a simple person in private and in the interview he mentions: The happy thing about work is being able to earn money! Very few artistes can so blatantly say they wanna earn money, and as an employee who is passionate about earning money and finds joy in that, aside from buying a house so his family's quality of living increases, what does he wanna buy?
"I wanna buy a car! I really like cars a lot!" 
 In contrast to his cold, princely image, GJ's straightforward and blunt character has captured the hearts of his fans, especially when he sings in front of everyone unabashedly, taking on the title of "perfect (lack of) pitch", it is very adorable that he is willing to expose his weakness. But altho his singing skills are lacking, there's one skill that GJ has! And that's cooking! Because of the family rules set by his grandpa, the ppl in the kitchen in the Gong family are all the men.
GJ says: "It's true! The women in our family don't have to cook, it's all the men doing it. My grandpa, my dad, are all like that!" 
Basically it's no challenge for GJ to come up with a table of dishes. His signature dish is fish and when asked if his future other half really doesn't have to cook, that it can all be left to him, GJ says warmly, "Of course~" 
 And as a chef, GJ's build is on the taller side, "I really like to eat but I will control my diet. I gym often and try to eat less oily stuff. When I was in uni I was pretty fat, baby fat, but I lost that weight." 
 When asked which part of him he likes the most he says, "Hands! But I like em all! Because my parents gave them to me!" 
 During the interview it is not difficult to feel the deep relationship he has with his fam, especially when we chat about his grandpa. Aside from thanking his fam for the support, GJ is most thankful to his grandpa who has given him positive energy and encouragement until now, the person who he respects the most.
SHL did very well, in private who takes care of each other more btw GJ and ZZH? 
Both of their answers are the same: "In reality we take care of each other, because we're really good friends and in the production group we naturally take care of each other.”
Their chemistry and friendship extends to beyond the show and fans have also made plenty of creative CP works to share, we also anticipate their next work together! 
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fairycosmos · 2 years
i swear having followers is sometimes so. weird. like you say something, or you enjoy something or dislike something and people just think that’s your entire life. like you don’t have any other thoughts or are incapable of nuance or critical thinking. they just think they know every thought and the basis of your personality based on one post you made saying “i enjoy this because i think it’s fun” and act like you’ve murdered their entire family in front of them because you didn’t acknowledge the criticism/bad thing about whatever in your whole online dairy blogging career. like pleaseeee some people just don’t understand that other people also have brains.
i totally agree it's bizarre lol. like the internet has just completely decimated the idea of boundaries TBH it's actually a severe problem and sadly i reckon it'll only get worse and worse. the way people choose to behave online, the continuous and casual crossing of the line, is not normal nor is it something our minds have evolved to be able to deal with. i think it's an extension of the whole parasocial relationship phenomenon, the way we see each first and foremast as flat one dimensional content creators (even just regular ppl existing online!) who should only have thoughts that can be condensed into a palatable little soundbite or tweet or post. more than that, whose thoughts MUST be perfectly explained and executed and performed periodically, from every single possible perspective regarding the subject matter, with a million disclaimers beforehand, so some complete stranger doesn't read their post with no context and in bad faith and deem them a fucking abhorrent person for it lmfaooo
we've really simplified our perspective of everyone but our own selves, and for what? yeah it's a good idea to engage critically with the media we consume and i will always do that/encourage that but like. we also don't owe random people constant analysis's of everything we engage with, just so they don't fill in the gaps of their shallow perception of us with crude projections and assumptions. to think anyone is owed that is just crazy. it is a crazy way to live and it will drive us all mad in the end. it's exhausting, even. super entitled. everyone is so sure that it's ok to treat strangers online like you would a friend, but i'm not sure why. even i do it, and i don't know why - i guess because i grew up doing it and now it's second nature? but idk. as an adult, it's obvious that social media is a massive paradox. it's the most impersonal yet hyper-social space on the planet, and communicating with strangers on here is not the same as talking to people you know in person. ultimately IDK when it became normal to demand the time and energy of people you literally have never met before, for completely innocuous reasons? it shouldn't be so hard to grasp the fact that we all are all fully fleshed people living complex lives farrrr beyond what we share online and yet here we are
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i-want-my-iwtv · 3 years
I hope the rumours of Louis being a brothel owner aren't true, but if they are I can sort of see why they're going for this route? I mean, with a black Louis they can't have him being a slaver anymore, so maybe they're trying to find something that is also morally reprehensible for him to be.
TL;DR: My kneejerk reaction was to be saddened, and I don’t like that this is starting up, and will continue to fuel, fandom drama. Ultimately, if we want peace, we’ll embrace the fact that the existence of this adaptation doesn’t take away from the existence of the books, and it also doesn't mean we have to acknowledge it.
It makes me wonder whether AMC wants us to make a storm about this. We’ll see...
After all, what makes this adaptation any more important than the graphic novels of the ’90s, the graphic novel Claudia’s Story, movie!IWTV, or movie!QOTD? In fact, many fans here on tumblr consider VC to be a trilogy only!!! and don’t accept the majority of the PUBLISHED CANON so what makes anyone think we have any obligation to swallow this AMC adaptation as some kind of gospel?
I see movie!QOTD as a buffet of ideas carried in an official fanfiction work, and I don’t accept as my headcanon the various things it changed about the books that I didn’t particularly like, such as merging Magnus and Marius (which, IMO, effectively made both characters more morally reprehensible). I accepted the things I did enjoy, like casting a Black/POC actress to play Akasha. I see this AMC adaptation as a buffet of ideas, some can be taken, and some not, it’s just another official fanfiction work.
[Anon, I need to catch other ppl up on the information, too.]
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Deadline.com informs us that in the AMC adaptation for Interview with the Vampire, Jacob Anderson has been cast as Louis. I'm not familiar with him, but it looks like he’s a successful actor, from Game of Thrones and other things, he’s also joining Series 13 of Doctor Who. I’ll have to check him out from an acting standpoint!
Aside from his talent as an actor, this is by far the most controversial thing that's happened in VC fandom recently. I've been thinking about this for a few months now, talking about it privately online and offline, still gathering my thoughts. So this post is not engraved in stone, it’s initial thoughts on this.
I’m glad to see ppl talking about it and I’m sure we’ll have more public discussions. I’m trying to discuss it very carefully, but also, this is an entertainment blog, my opinions are mine alone, and I’m not looking for dogpiling on anyone, I have no obligation to respond publicly or privately to anything. Plenty of other ppl have differing opinions on this. So take all of the following with more than a grain of salt, I’m not being salty, I’m providing the links to the little info we’ve seen pulicly, I’m giving my initial thoughts, and I’m also trying to add a little levity because ultimately, again, this is an entertainment blog, and I try to add a little humor to help with such serious topics, humor can help ppl talk about controversial things.
The casting of a POC/Black actor (I’m sorry I don't know the preferred terminology, let me know if you know what Anderson prefers) confirms at least one part of theilluminerdi articles that stated that Louis’ race will be different from the books. I didn’t post about these before bc I wasn’t sure how reliable theilluminerdi’s sources are (and I'm still not sure), but this was one major aspect that theilluminerdi announced before Deadline did, so now seems to be the right time to share those articles. For now, you can go check them out yourselves rather than have my reposting of the information, trigger warning: mentions of sex workers and race in the changes to the canon story of Interview with the Vampire.
>>>theilluminerdi articles from May 21, 2021 and July 15, 2021:
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^Meme of Dr. Ian Malcom from Jurassic Park reads: “Your writers were so preoccupied with whether they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
I’m using that meme with a little levity here, clearly an AMC adaptation of vampires in which the producers/writers have chosen to change the race of a main character (arguably the original protagonist of the series) isn’t in the same VICINITY as the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park that broke out of containment and killed visitors to the park, but John Hammond’s intention for the creation of that park was very good, as I assume this race change was intended. Time will tell.
“But with this place, I wanted to show them something that wasn't an illusion. Something that was real, something that they could see and touch. An aim not devoid of merit.”
“Creation is an act of sheer will.” 
- John Hammond, Jurassic Park
Race is a more complicated subject than ever, so for AMC to make this bold change, I hope they have POC and Black writers on staff and are handling this very carefully. Even then, no racial group, including POC and Black people, are a hivemind, disagreements are bound to happen in the writing room, whether in good faith or bad. People have different intentions and motives, compromises will probably be made with the story in many ways, we all know how it goes with collaborations; the end product is a shared vision among multiple creators. This could be a potentially controversial adaptation, I don’t know whether they’re aiming for that or not, but with the elements it has so far, it seems to be headed that way.
Here's a comment by "Angellus" on the 5/21 article. It's undeniable that there's going to be the accusation of racism thrown at anyone who has any negative view of this change, regardless of their reasons. I find it unfair and narrow-minded that any negative response is automatically assumed to be coming from a racist point of view. To say that changing Louis' race is unequivocally an improvement fails to take into account how that change has a Domino effect on all of the other parts of the story. Not the least of which is that, if he is still a slaver/slave holder/plantation owner/(insert your preferred term) that adds a whole new racist element to his owning Black/POC people, even though, apparently there were Black/POC plantation owners. 
Not the least of which: How will this change impact his relationship with Lestat? Particularly when Lestat has the added issue of being described in those articles as having “mind control abilities” and “insistent that he gets what he wants and when facing rejection,” a terrible combination in terms of consent, even in a relationship of the same race, let alone invoking Caucasian/white dominance over Black/POC people, AND Lestat being the catalyst to Louis’ questioning his sexuality:
Lestat is insistent that he gets what he wants and when facing rejection, petulance can quickly turn to ruthless rage which causes frenzied acts of horrifically brutal violence. Lestat also has mind control abilities. Lestat initially infuriates Louis, but this soon turns to fascination which leads Louis to question his religion and sexuality. 
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^Screencap reads: "I love how racist everyone is in the damn comments, this doesn’t pervert the story you’re all racist and it’s disgusting. I’m looking forward to it, I hope you keep crying your salty racist tears asswipes."
It makes me question whether Angellus truly believes what they wrote, if this is an ideology, or a troll. I would suggest their use of the term “pervert” is correct though, pervert means: “alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.” That’s what this race change does, factually. Although, in this context, “distortion or corruption” carries a negative connotation. It would take a lot to show how this change does not meet the definition or “to pervert,” though.
I hope the rumours of Louis being a brothel owner aren't true
I agree 1,000%, I was hoping that these were just rumors. But, aside from the race change, if this were the only change, I find Louis being a brothel owner to be equivalently morally reprehensible to being a slaver/slave holder/plantation owner/(insert your preferred term). Ideally, they’d change his career to something that doesn’t involve benefiting from the bodies/labor of others in any morally reprehensible manner.
I mean, with a black Louis they can't have him being a slaver anymore, so maybe they're trying to find something that is also morally reprehensible for him to be.
He might still be a slaver. Who knows. Being morally reprehensible as a mortal man didn’t seem to me to be crucial to the story, but they still could have chosen something better. It seems to me like they want a brothel so they can have eye candy for an audience who want to see sex workers, maybe full frontal nudity. 
What also gets my attention is that Anne and Christopher Rice have not yet posted publicly about it, which leads me to believe that this change wasn’t their choice. They take every chance to brag when they’re proud of something, every chance to crowdsource about casting ideas or which VC books Anne’s fans liked best, etc., and in this case, as of Aug. 31, 2021, (and to be fair, maybe I missed it), I haven’t seen either of them post about this on the official VC FB, Anne Rice’s FB, Annerice.com, Christopher Rice’s FB, or christopherricebooks.com. If it had been their choice, I think they would have gladly trumpeted their credit by now, but maybe they’re waiting to do it in a specific venue. Time will tell.
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
People LOVE them Anon. In fact, those who hate them are only a small minority. Most (normal people) are happy for them. // yeah I agree with what you said. I guess part of me is maybe a bit overprotective right now. I am really happy for Tom (I have been a fan of him for a very long time and I know the man loves love specially his love for Z) and I have seen the entire journey and the ups and downs that it took for him to get to where he is right now with the person he loved for many years and seeing how happy and content right now then reading those tweets from superficial people does irritate me. Plus knowing that he somehow reads/knows what is said is kind of sad yk. Good thing it got deleted, hope it’s a lesson for the rest that are planning for a hit tweet to hate on him.
No, I def get it. It doesn't feel good to see negative stuff being said about anyone you like, love, care about, stan, etc. But unfortunately, that's life. 🤷
Stans are gonna have to get a thicker skin, because life is only going to get more complicated the higher someone's fame gets lol. Tom may read those tweets, but when he does, he's probably laughing in bed right next to Z lol. 😂 Like, who cares what some nobodies think? They're not in the Tomdaya relationship. They don't even know TZ personally as friends. Like, wth? I've been following Tom for a while as well, and I'm sure he very well knows the ups and downs of fame these days. I think the Jacdaya pics hurt him most because not only were people mean, but he was already having a hard time moving on from the breakup, AND he was hurt by the fact that they seemed serious and engaged in PDA in public. Most of his pain wasn't even due to what fans were saying (although, I'm sure it didn't help). It was due to what it looked like for him and Zendaya. I think he thought she had truly moved on. And I'm sure it hurt him seeing her so happy w/another man. Tom has negative stuff written about him on twitter all the time....even when he was dating other girls. Obviously these tweets aren't gonna mean a thing to him because he's got his girl that he loves again. :) So I doubt he's even caring what ppl are saying right now. Plus, Zendaya is a pro at handling hate. This girl has had to deal with SOOOO much hate online. So much negativity. She's had to navigate fame in a world that hasn't always been so kind to woc. There's even a hate campaign against her right now (mainly from antis and Tom's fans🙄), but she's still out here smiling and going about her life. Imagine, having a lot of hate spewed towards you from your own man's fans! LOL!
She is going to be by Tom's side to help him through this. She's been there before for him, so she's going to be there again. They are both going to go through the nonsense, but they have each other, so they'll be fine. 😊 I think both of them have learned to not even be on twitter much. Tom made his annual post on Twitter today lol, but as a whole, he doesn't really seem to go on there much. Even Z has slowed down her twitter habits to only once in a blue moon. I don't blame them. I think fans need to just realize that unfortunately these things happen. It's not right, it's highly immature, but hey.... It's unfortunately what comes with being a celebrity. You WILL get hate. Anyone in the public eye is subject to it. 😔
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bisexualspongebob · 3 years
(long post)
Honestly from one bisexual to another—a lot of u just need to step back, take a deep breath, and chill. I thought it was important to have some sort of civil discussion regarding bi/pan/microlabel discourse, but people just did not know how to be civil and made it into a war.
Listen—neither bi ppl nor pan ppl are a monolithic group. The Bi Manifesto is not a bi-ble for all bisexuals to follow, it is just historical evidence that bisexuality by definition was never exclusive or regressive. The manifesto itself even says that not all bisexuals use the word “bisexual” and everyone has a unique relationship to their sexuality and that includes usage of labels. Yes technically all the different microlabels mean bisexual, but people can and have always been allowed to use what’s right for them, and that is not a personal attack on you or bisexuals as a whole.
And also pan people are not all the same, they’re a diverse group like bisexuals. Yes I get frustrated too when people use the biphobic and transphobic comparisons of bi vs. pan definitions and I think that’s what started this fight in the first place, but that’s not representative of pansexuals as a whole. You do know that a lot of people use bi and pan interchangeably? And a lot of pan people do show support and solidarity to bisexuals. And a lot of pan people speak out against biphobia. And biphobia affects them because at the end of the day we all experience attraction to more than one genders.
We can call out biphobia and transphobia without going into personal attacks or generalization of a whole group. If people want to use a term they resonate with then just let them, that’s cool. And if someone says “I identify as pan bc unlike bisexuals I’m attracted to nonbinary people too” you should just call them out for saying something biphobic, that’s it. If that’s how they choose to feel that’s on them, but that’s not representative of pansexuality as a whole. There are a lot of bisexuals who use their label to excuse their transphobia (“I’m bi because I’m not attracted to trans people”) and they’re not representative of bisexuality as a whole.
And yes it is shitty to see when mainstream media portrays pan as the “woke” version of bi, but you should call them out on the biphobia. It’s perfectly possible to make pansexual characters without throwing bisexuals under the bus, and it won’t do anything to try to “ban” pansexual representation. The more we destigmatize bisexuality the more the root issue gets solved.
And people will say “then what’s the difference?” and honestly who cares about the differences? Some people use pan for any reason they want. Dissecting the differences doesn’t help anyone. Both bi and pan are attracted to all genders. I see pan people who have preferences and pan people who do take gender as a factor into their attraction. So there’s no point in going through mental gymnastics to differentiate them. They can coexist and be synonyms.
And if we can customize our own gender then why not sexuality? If you don’t want to use bi then that’s not a problem. The only problem is if you see bisexuality as an archaic and prejudiced term, be respectful of other labels especially if they’ve been around for much longer. But if you acknowledge bi for what it is but still want to use another term then you deserve that respect. Some terms like lesbian though are not an umbrella term and that should be respected, but do what u want that also respects the boundary of certain terms.
And like that’s all I have to really say. I know I went through an anti-pan phase for a while but my issue didn’t lie within the people themselves, it lied more in the fact that a lot of people used the term as a reason to stigmatize and bastardize bisexuality. Of course you’re gonna get defensive when people say bad things about your label, that’s what I did. But I had an open mind the whole time and was willing to listen to all voices. Please don’t dedicate your mental energy to changing the mind of strangers online. Don’t dedicate your mental energy into trying to dismantle a community that has already cultivated. You will find it much more fulfilling to find solidarity with them. Because there are so many pansexual, omnisexual, any other-sexual people who fight for bisexuals, feel solidarity with bisexuals, support bisexuals, and also identify as bisexual.
At the end of the day, experience will always trump labels. The root of every issue regarding biphobia is and will always be cishets. Let’s all fight biphobia itself regardless of who it comes from and remember that we are not each other’s enemies and oppressors.
And if you actually read through all of this then thank you and have a good one 🏳️‍🌈
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