#i guess either way i might lose some people but at least if i took a break it'd feel like less shitty of a reason
hajihiko · 1 year
What did you make of DR3's explanation for how the characters became Despairs?
I dont like it. Here's a re-write i was thinking about
Ok note: this is what would have made the School Life thing more enjoyable TO ME. Not gonna fit for everyone obvi
Ok first of all. Junko loses most of her potential if you take away her being sneaky and manipulative, which we barely even got to see in the games, so I want that in ACTION.
Second of all, this takes time. More than just like a single moment of anime hypnotism. Junko was definitely working her suckers for at least a year. I dont know how that reflects on the timeline and I dont super care
Chisa's class is full of chaos, these are some of the rowdiest students you'll find. They have potential for getting along, but they're also Very Troubled, and Chisa is a kind soul who tries to help them out with various issues. Actual attention paid to these kids being, like, KIDS, but also having some major red flags in their backgrounds that could escalate out of control very fast.
Among others, she tries to get Chiaki to come out of her shell and interact with the others more. This is hard, because Chiaki is not exactly receptive to it at first, but theres a little bit of unity between all the students anyway and they slowly start becoming friends. Chiaki uses this friendship guidance to befriend a lonely boy who often stares longingly at the school, whom she's noticed by silently sticking to the background when he's around. This will come in handy later.
Until, certain students start hanging out with their junior of 1 year, who always seems to be kind of slinking around and hanging with at least one student a day. Chiaki notices this because a) shes very quiet and mostly goes unnoticed when she's in the background, and b) she only needs half her attention span to play games anyway.
The people Junko hangs around get noticeably worse, though not necessarily more divided; just sort of 10 steps backwards for every 1 step Chisa helped them take. The rude and mean ones stop trying to be kinder, the shy and meek ones retreat even more, etc. Chisa is at a complete loss with this, but Chiaki confides in her that it might be the new student making trouble. Chisa takes over, and encourages Chiaki to keep trying to make friends with the others, which Chiaki does.
(Mahiru gets scared into telling no one what happened / what she suspects happened in Natsumi's murder, and gets rid of the evidence, as advised. The evidence she throws away gets mailed to Fuyuhiko, who is encouraged to avenge his sister. Guess who orchestrated all that?)
Chiaki does not fall into Junko's claws, because she's quiet and unobtrusive and, importantly, less desperate for what Junko can give her than the rest is. Chiaki does, after all, have her teacher who took the reigns and told Chiaki to grab her own oxygen mask first, and her Lonely Boy to confide in, and whenever she starts to lose herself, he gently reminds her to stand firm. That's right, the secret weapon was the friends we made along the way, just like in the ending.
(Hajime is probably just doing things more or less like in the anime, maybe listens to Chiaki's growing worries about her semi-friends, shits getting fucked and the only conceivable way Hajime can help is by agreeing to be a lab rat obviously what else. Biggest downfall is wanting to be there for Chiaki, but not letting her be there for him in return. Because inferiority complex.)
Chisa goes to confront this troubled mystery girl; Junko catches her too and starts working her nasty magic- for example, did you know two of your students were a part of a murder? Aren't you supposed to be guiding them? Do you know what's really happening in this school? Do you wanna see the human experimentation they just started? Did you know your best friend is in love with your crush and you can't confide in either of them anymore actually? Etc.
Chiaki is all alone now. When she finally DOES confront Junko, once the whole class along with the teacher has been sort of indoctrinated and her Lonely Boy has ditched her and she's feeling a bit brave because of it all), Junko kills her horribly in front of everyone as they do nothing. Not because they were hypnotized, but because they choose to. This is what really marks the point of no return for them. Chiaki was a quiet and harmless and mostly very nice girl, and her death was pointless, and they were a part of it, and they got away with it.
Instead of being a practically perfect student council president, Chiaki has more of an NPC theme, falling into the background more but also being honest and nice and willing to work with people. Then later, obviously, she really is an NPC and repeats the process, but this time she manages to save her boy and therefore her class.
(I'm not opposed to Chiaki being JUST an AI and never a part of the class at all, but I havent thought about it as much so idk any good points)
Hajime retains the same themes, but gets to be more of a juxtaposition of Junko, sneaking into everyone's hearts by befriending them and helping them move forward instead of backwards. He wins with the power of friendship and all that jazz.
Everyone else gets way more accountability to take. No hypnotism or brain poking, just digging into the worst parts of themselves and then indulging them entirely (with the help of Ultimate Charismatic Cult Leader Junko). I think the most interesting thing about this whole narrative could be that Anyone is capable of intense cruelty, and Anyone can choose to be a better person moving forward.
anyway in my mind that's what happened differently.
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auseyre · 11 days
I'm way too lazy to copy that Marvel What If font rn but...what if
What if Korn took Nampheung, not out of obsession or some freaky desire to attic wife her, but to please his father? I think it’s pretty much a given that his recitation of the shooting events is a lie and that Gun’s is closer to the truth. 
In both versions, though, they are there trying to persuade Nampheung to come home again because their dad is insisting. I’m guessing that since Nampheung has yet another son, their father is ready for her to come back into the fold, bringing her kids with her. Korn kills her husband, obviously to get him out of the way. But I think that he didn’t want even more competition against his own sons for a place in the family. Vegas and Macau were enough. So he brings her and leaves Porsche and Chay behind. 
And then he tells his father the same story he told Gun, but in reverse. Gun freaked out. Gun killed Ted. Gun killed Porsche and Chay because he’s obsessed with Nampheung. Gun tried to rape her. Keep her locked away and safe from Gun. It’s enough to make Gun completely lose favor with his father. Nampheung either tries to kill herself because she thinks her sons are dead as well, or Korn just keeps her drugged up. Now he’s eliminated both rivals for the head of the family in one fell swoop. After his father dies, he keeps her because why not? She’s completely under his control and someday he might need her as a weapon/hostage (turns out he does). 
What if Porsche is actually Gun’s son? Gun doesn’t know it, Nampheung didn’t tell him — I’m thinking one night of passion and her realizing that is she was with him, she’d never escape the Mafia life, or they knew their dad would never allow it. So she just ran off with Pat, who married her to protect her and the baby (maybe he was already in love with her, maybe they fell in love later.) But Korn knows it or at least he’s pretty sure of it. It would explain his interest in Porsche but not Chay, who would presumably be more malleable for Korn’s needs. (I know people have explored this possibility in way more depth than I can).
Yes, I know that would make Porsche and Kinn actual cousins, but look, I’m watching a show where a severed head in a box is considered a gift, and a torture raincoat standard equipment. Every romantic relationship on this show is ignoring the guy on the ship waving blood-red semaphore flags in frantic “danger, Will Robinson” messages. I promise you, my line is not a consensual romantic relationship between two blood-related adults who didn’t even grow up together. 
TBH, I’m just throwing this out here because I want Porsche and Vegas and Macau and Chay to have to navigate an enemies-to-brothers relationship. Porsche and Vegas, two men conditioned to love and protect their brothers, having to deal with their super awkward relationship. Chay and Macau, both used to being the adored baby brother, unable to stifle their resentment and confusion. Heck, they’re still babies, so send them off to camp together so we can have a Parent Trap type bonding situation. Y’all I just want one of those cheesy 80s, defensive “that’s my brother!” moments.
What if Porsche becoming Tankhun’s bodyguard was meant to be a test by both Khun and Korn as well as taking Porsche off of the hot seat for a minute? Korn brings Porsche in, is delighted by his moxie, puts him on the board as an actual player, and then he’s just a disaster who almost gets himself killed by the Minor Family. So, letting him be Tankhun’s bodyguard got him out of the spotlight for a minute, long enough for the Minor family to move on to other grudges. And it was a test to see if he had any ambition, any edge at all. That’s why Korn does not want him to guard anybody else when Porsche suggests it. He passed the test and needs to stay in play. 
Khun sees Kinn’s interest in Porsche. After all, Kinn comes personally to rescue Porsche from his fish-killing punishment. Switching Pete and Porsche protects him from Minor family retaliation(because come on, do we really think that Vegas was gonna let that go? If he hadn’t wanted to use Porsche, he would absolutely have gotten revenge.) It also gives Khun a chance to study Porsche and see if he’s worthy of Kinn’s attention. When he decides he is, he nudges him back toward Kinn ...mentioning the meeting, telling him that Kinn said he was useless and would get killed, eventually “giving” him back to Kinn with the flimsiest excuse. 
@iamcon-fu-sion mentions some of these ideas about the bodyguard situation in their KP rewatch and I was so happy to see that because I constantly think I’m over analysing everything about this show(I mean I’m not gonna stop though). 
What if Ken wasn’t the original mole? What if it was a lower-level bodyguard, and he didn’t betray the main family until Porsche came onto the scene? Maybe he’d already turned down the offer before. Then Big gets hurt and Porsche comes along out of nowhere. By rights, Ken should have moved into Big’s spot, but Porsche stops that, humiliating them in the process. Porsche continually fucks up and yet still fails upward. Sure, they made fun of him being Tankhun’s bodyguard, but realistically, Tankhun has the best bodyguards they have other than Big and Ken. 
Arm and Pete are constantly pulled into other missions because they’re so valuable and talented. Maybe no one wants the job, but it’s still one of the most high-ranking. Then, when Ken does get the head bodyguard job, it’s yanked back out from under him. He has no idea that Porsche is getting all kinds of nepo baby/sugar baby privileges, but whatever is going on is enough to leave him bitter, angry, and betrayed enough to go over to the minor family. 
editing this because where did I get Ted for the Kittisawasd dad? I ...have no idea.
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aikoiya · 15 days
LoZ - Missing Time
I just had a realization. I don’t think that Adult Link actually “disappeared.”
Think about it, Time wasn’t literally traveling through time. The Master Sword put him into a coma for 7 years, & at the end of which, he woke up. And putting the sword back, sent his mind back to his past body.
However, if this is the case, then wouldn’t that mean that after Lullaby sent him back that it would’ve left his body behind at the very least?
Where’d his body go?
It couldn’t have been de-aged & sent back because then there’d be 2 Kid Links in the past instead of one.
So, either his body was vaporized, it literally dropped right there into a vegetative state due to it missing a mind, or it created another Time that remained there within that body.
And, honestly, I don’t know which would be worse.
In the case of the first one, Lullaby would be none-the-wiser.
But the other 2 has potential for exorbitant amounts of angst.
Because, think about that scene from Lullaby’s perspective.
First scene: She plays the Ocarina, only for her Hero to, instead of being sent back in time, he just falls down there as though dead.
Any sane person would immediately assume that they’d killed him. Then, she’d learn that he was technically still alive, which would make things arguably worse.
Whatever guilt she felt before, has just been amplified. (I don’t doubt that she’d give him a glorious tomb though. Like, Snowhite.)
2nd scene: She plays the Ocarina, light show, but Link’s still there. No idea what happened, but he’s stuck here in the body of an adult with the mind of a… I’m not even sure?
In such a situation, I actually wouldn’t be surprised if, much like the Time we know, Navi left & this one was just… lost. Like, even more lost than the one sent back. He lost everything in his mission to protect Hyrule. Lost his home, lost his family (none of the Kokiri recognized him), lost his identity (not actually a Kokiri), lost his security, lost his innocence, lost his best friend, lost his other friends (Darunia, Ruto, Nabooru), he loses his fairy, the chance to live those lost years like he was promised, & then, to top it all off, he lost his body & was saddled with this new one with emotions that he’s unfamiliar with due to being an adult.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he started to despise Lullaby for having, in his mind, lead him on. If he regretted ever having left his forest. Would you really blame him if he just left & never came back?
And, in fact, WW even sorta implies that this may be the case. Like, I don't remember Time breaking the TFoC into pieces & hiding them around Hyrule before fighting Gdorf, do you? I certainly didn't see it happen in the cutscene before Zelda sent him back.
Hell, this may even be why Wind had to prove himself to the gods. Because the previous bearer of the Hero's Spirit abandoned Hyrule &, when the next crisis took place, he didn't answer the call to action. Like, yes, he at the very least left the TFoC for any future Heroes that might come, but he, himself, didn't act as the Hero.
My guess is that, in this situation, it might prompt the gods to make absolutely sure that the next bearer of the Hero's Spirit would be steadfast enough to finish his mission by testing him.
After all, Time wasn't really tested the way Wind was. Yes, he had to obtain the 3 Spiritual Stones, which resulted in him going through 3 separate dungeons in order to aid their respective protectors & their peoples (which is actually very similar to what Wind needed to do to get the Goddess Pearls even though Nayru's only required swiping some bombs & blowing up a stone wall). However, those were just Time fixing the bs that Gdorf pulled against DekuDad, the Gorons, & the Zora. Once Time actually got the Spiritual Stones, all he'd really needed to do was go to the Temple of Time, insert the stones, play Zelda's Lullaby, & pull the sword from it's pedestal. Easy peasy. (And again, yes, he was put into a 7 year coma, but that wasn't an actual test.)
Wind, on the other hand, had to go through an entire other dungeon specifically put in place by the gods themselves to test him before he was even allowed to obtain the Master Sword.
That's a heck of a lot more precaution than before.
Now, of course, it's also possible that Lullaby broke the TFoC & hid them herself rather than Time, but you get my point.
And... Lullaby might just hate herself because of this...
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tiny-tigers · 2 months
I don’t know what else to say then. Trust in his judgement to have chosen someone good hearted and maybe that will ease your pain. Better to feel this way now and be able to move past it and put your own self ahead.
Let's face it your are reasonable and I am not, you are keeping a cold head while I am driven by my own feelings. You are not moralizing the situation but I do feel guilty.
I don't have any solutions at the minute either so expect some more whining and complaints because my life is very difficult and it was the last drop. I am surrounded and having help but my psy is so expensive I might not be able to afford it anymore and I have hit rock bottom like before Jack era while I was depressed and having suicidal thoughts. Therefore I am trying to write it down here my thoughts when I cannot exorcize it, maybe it is not the place but it is my place.
Yes you are right, it doesn't help when people say I am prettier or that she isn't pretty. It doesn't help when I am trying to value her either or when they reassure me it will not last.
The thing is : I need to accept and stop feeling guilty for having "evil" human emotions that are raw and not allignated with my usual values and causes I care about like feminism. I shouldn't drag her down. Yes I am envious and jealous to the core. I never should have been allowed to have some closeness with him because it tears me apart.
That you want it or not he does represent the last thread that ties me to this life so "losing" him is a huge blow to my mind, I am used to the comfort of living in that little dreaming reality where I idealize him so he makes me create stuff , marking the way of my goals , he was the way and the aim. I do improved myself, I traveled, I tried to be prettier-wiser.... always in the hope to be perfect when I will meet him. From meeting to meeting trying to surpass it. I do value his look on me to the point I am desperately seeking his approval. From the page to the hope he simply rates myself a little and can give me some value/reason to continue.
If you are here I guess you already know that tho , your are not landing here without knowing the faithful adoration I have for him.
He is my refuge , here is my shelter when reality hits too hard. He was one of my life crutches but now I don't have content anymore and someone took what I have forever desires and ever wanted. Yes it is hard. Why her not me , why again losing / failing / never having something good for myself. Yes I reached my objectives and I had more than I could hope but for others reasons independent than him I feel like a waste of time and space.
No value, no talent, no charism , no physic to balance feeling wortheless, no job, no lover, friends absents, etc.
I don't belong anywhere, I reach no one, I am simply transparent. Colorless and insipid. I have no taste for life or what it offers. I have nothing and I am nothing. I used to at least have some sort of appeal to the future via next meeting with jack and could handle going from one to another and holding on in between. Now what is the point exactely ? He always been discreet, he will not reach for fans like before and hide with her in the family corner like other players. I cannot exist in his world when he is so present into mine. It does hurt and I am feeling even more bad that it is entirely my fault.
I am the only reason why I feel this bad and it enrages me because I cannot exit it on my own. I can rationalize the situation. I have been delusional, I am not enough and never would have been enough for him. It is so immature to fantasize that way over someone you don't know. Just stop what you have created with the page and lose again something. Cut it all off and live in real world. I have been a stupid silly creature reaching for a star. I disgust me for that to ever think I could have some chance for a change.
I do believe in all that is written here, it isn't self depreciating in an attempt of fishing for compliments, in case you were wondering.
Yes I will move on because I need it for my own survival but please still allow me to be sadened for a while. Never been a positive person, everything that moves me damages me.
Believe me if I could rewrite it I would change it .
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melishade · 10 months
In the Peaceful Timeline, I can't help but think about how Optimus killed the crap out of those Eldians that tried to wage another war. Because it's bad enough that they hurt people from the village he lives near, and as angry as he was, he still wouldn't go on a killing spree until given a reason.
I theorize that after dragging that one Eldian to their hideout, he tries to talk them out of their plans. From peace talk to negotiation to warnings to full blown threatens, Optimus would try to use his words first.
But the Eldians are being stubborn, so it's time to kick it up a notch. He might have to start torturing some of them to get the message through that their actions have consequences. He'd make sure of it. Or maybe reveal that, yup, he's the metal being that ended the Eldian reign in the first place. Whatcha gonna do bout it? Fuck around and find out!
There's no way having an angry metal giant looming over you won't make you second guess your life choices. But someone, maybe more than one person, did fuck around. And I bet it had to do with Ymir. Maybe they said something about hunting her down or killing her for the betrayal or using her for their plans, but Optimus snaps and just steps on them or something.
Either way, it wouldn't be easy to make Optimus break his vow. At least, that's my theory on how it happened.
Previous Episode of the Peaceful Timeline
No...No for Optimus in this situation, mercy was out the window.
TW Rape. TW Discussion of Rape. TW Death. TW Violence. Like this is pretty fucking heavy. You are more than welcome to avoid this one.
For those who might have just stumbled upon this post and need a little bit of context, this is the Peaceful Timeline where Optimus gets dropped off during Ymir's time instead of the main AOT timeline. Two years after Maria is born, remnants of the Eldian Empire are trying to rebuild their might, they attack the village that Optimus, Ymir, and Megatron are residing nearby (they live up in the mountains) and Optimus absolutely loses his shit. For more context: Here it is
Now Optimus in the Peaceful Timeline, is not the pristine, regal, picture perfect being we see him as majority of the time. He's a mix of Orion Pax and Feral Orion at this point, with maybe a hint of Prime for social interaction sake with the village. He doesn't know why Primus sent him to this world, but he knows that his duty is to Ymir, this girl with immeasurable power. And he has grown to love and care for her as if she was his own.
And he had sacrificed so much for her to make sure that she's alright and happy. He's had to figure out what foods were safe for her to eat. He had to protect her while they were sleeping in caves. He had to find a place for her to call home after he found out that she was pregnant. He had to care for a human for seven months before Megatron even showed up. And even when Megatron did show up, it was tense because of history.
And Optimus is the one that had to undo her conditioning. He has to tell her that she's not a slave. That he wasn't going to hurt her. That he was going to protect her. It took a while for Ymir to even look him in the eye when they first started living together. He had to show her what real love and compassion looked like. Not what the King did.
And what the King did...oh god that was already a tough conversation in it of itself. When Optimus learned that Ymir was raped by the King and was told that it was some form of reward, it infuriated him. But Ymir needed someone to turn to and rely on. So he had to shove down his feelings. Six months into her pregnancy, Ymir has to bring up the King because she still believes that he loved her. He was the one who accepted her. Who gave her a new name.
Now Optimus and Ymir don't fight very often, but when they do, it's a major blow-up. Optimus explains to her that what the King did was not love. It was cruelty. It was hate. He never loved her at all. He burned her home to the ground. He took her tongue. He tried to kill her! And only saw value in her when she got power! He only saw her as property! Ymir is continuing to deny it. It's not true. It's not true! He welcomed her when no one else did! When everyone else looked at her in fear for this demon inside of her, he didn't! If he didn't love her, then everything she did, everything that she was told, would've been a lie! That she was never loved at all! And that all that existed in this world was cruelty. And Optimus asks her the important, damning question in all of this:
"Did you want to interface with him?" Optimus demanded.
Ymir froze at that question, her hand clutching the notebook, crinkling the pages in her hand.
"Ymir, did you want to have sex with him?" Optimus clarified.
Ymir felt her hands and lips tremble. She...she was told it was a reward. She was told it was for all of her hard work. But...she was so afraid, and she knew that if she talked back she'd be severely punished. She knew. She's been beaten, and whipped, and lost her eye. She had seen other slave women like her get violated by other men and punished for denying them that pleasure. She remembered how terrified she was when she was taken to that bed!
Optimus saw tears streaming down Ymir's face as she held the notebook tighter. "You did not. You did not want to be with him. You did not want to interface with him. But he did not give you a choice in that matter. You could not even voice your concerns to him, and even if you were able to he would have said no because he only saw you as property. If he loved you, he would have cared about your well-being and choice on the matter. But he did not. He never did. Ymir..."
Optimus hated what was about to come out of his mouth next, but it needed to be said. "He raped you. And he...never loved you at all."
Ymir knew, deep down, that this was the truth, but it didn't hurt any less. Because if he didn't love her, then it just confirmed her greatest fear: that she was never loved at all. That she was nothing. And that everything she did...was for nothing. She killed, maimed, destroyed for nothing, and all she can do is scream in despair. She really was a monster.
And Ymir shuts down for a few weeks and is just in a state of depression. She's eating the bare minimum and refusing to communicate with Optimus. She just...wants to disappear. Even so, Optimus doesn't leave her side unless he has to. He feels horrible for that conversation, but he knew that it was a necessity. Ymir finally asks Optimus why he's choosing to stay. She's a monster. A demon. A pathetic and worthless girl who was only seen for her power. She killed people who were slaves like her. She killed innocent people. Why would he remain by her side? And Optimus tells her that he's supposed to be dead. His body was supposed to be destroyed and his soul was supposed to be reborn. But he was sent here by a higher power. He was sent here to meet her, and to free her from her pain and suffering, because at the end of the day, she was a victim of war, suffering, and violence. And she was never granted the proper safety and love that she deserved.
Optimus placed a hand on her cheek. "You did not deserve any of what you've gone through. And I am still here by your side because I heard your soul cry out to me, and I wanted nothing more than to save you. I love you as if you were my own child, and no matter how many years have passed or lifetimes I lead, I will always protect you. I am glad that a higher power brought me to you. I will always love you, and I will protect you in both life and death. You have my word."
And his words reignite her will to live, because there was someone in this world who loved her as she was, and someone in this world who needed her just to exist. That was it. She hugs him close, tears in her eyes, and she speak to him.
And Optimus starts to cry, because it's the first time she's actually spoken his name.
So fast forward when Maria is two and the village is attacked. Optimus is the one disarming while Megatron is the one killing. Optimus wants to show mercy, but Megatron wasn't leaving room for argument at the moment. Megatron had the last soldier, and Optimus was almost ready to tell Megatron to spare him, but he opened his mouth:
"Killing me will do nothing," the soldier spit out, "Our spirit remains strong, and the Eldian Empire will rise again!"
Optimus heard nothing but ringing in his audio receptor. He felt his spark race; he felt his anger rise. His energon was boiling. He remembered Ymir's conditioning and what he had to undo. Her fear. Her despair. That conversation! Her tears! Her depression! A kind-hearted girl's suffering was caused was because of them!
And he just snapped.
Megatron tilted his head in confusion. Eldian Empire? He heard that name before. Where did he hear it? And before he could react, he heard Optimus scream in fury before tackling the soldier to the ground. The Prime pinned him by the neck and began choking him out. Megatron watched in shock at the sight of the rage in Optimus' eyes as he grit his teeth. He could've sworn he heard Optimus growling as the soldier struggled to breathe.
"What are you talking about?! What Eldian Empire?!" Optimus screamed at him.
The villagers watched as the soldier tried to pry Optimus' off of him, but it was no use. His grip was stone. Tears came out of the soldier's eyes and they looked ready to bulge out of his head.
"What are you doing?! Stop him!" the herbalist yelled at Megatron. She paused; however, when Megatron merely spared a glance at her, and the old woman could see the fear and warning in his eyes.
"Answer me or I will snap your neck right now!" Optimus roared.
"E-east!" the soldier forced out. "East! M-mercy!"
Optimus slammed him into the ground before grabbing him by his fur coat. "You will take me to the rest of them, and maybe I will let you live. If you do not, I will do unspeakable things to you that you will pray to whatever god you worship that I had just killed you sooner."
"O-okay," the soldier stuttered as he trembled. Optimus then dragged him by his coat along the ground, grabbing a sword in the process and dragging him out of the village. Megatron snapped out of his shock and followed the Prime.
"Do not follow me," Optimus warned ominously.
Megatron recognized that look and immediately backed away as Optimus dragged his hostage along the ground. The soldier tried to beg Megatron for his life, but Optimus quickly glared at him, and that quickly got him to shut up. Some of the villagers even tried to go after Optimus, but Megatron quickly blocked the path.
"No," Megatron warned, and they could all see the terror in Megatron's eyes as Optimus walked into the forest, his alt mode sneaking around the village.
And Optimus walks for miles, demanding the soldier to provide guidance whenever he can. He force feeds him the bare minimum and knocks him out cold whenever he needs to deactivate the holoform. In the back of his mind, he's still holding on to the morality of not killing any humans. He gets to the Eldian campsite about for days later in the night time. He demands his hostage to tell them if this is all that remains, and the hostage tearfully relents. He just wants his suffering to be over.
Optimus hides in the shadows and listens in to what they were saying, talking about recapturing the glory days of the Eldian Empire, how King Fritz was a great leader. And Optimus just wanted to scream his head off. And then...they start talking about Ymir. They called her a slave, a monster, a demon, a whore. They started talking about ways to control if they were going to find her. They started talking about how they were going to defile her.
(And you know that scene in Logan where X-23 comes out of the abandoned building Charles and Logan have been hiding in before throwing the head of the fucker that tried to cuff her to the enemy? Well that's exactly what happened here.)
The Eldian Empire hears the hostage scream and Optimus appears and throw the head, causing everyone to immediately grab their weapons. They see how furious Optimus looks and don't know what to say. Optimus gives them one chance: end this farce. Stop this attempt at making the Eldian Empire rise again. And the soldiers...starting laughing. They think it's a joke. One approaches to just kill him, but Optimus breaks his vow. He snaps his neck in an instant before the rest can process what the hell happened. Once they realize what did happen, Optimus chucked the sword and it stabbed another one in the chest. They charge at him and Optimus starts to kill them in a blind rage. However, due to the 100 to 1 ratio, Optimus does end up slipping up and gets stabbed in the chest with a sword. The Eldians think they've won, but they grow terrified as Optimus' holoform begins to glitch out. And Optimus speaks in a distorted voice.
"Those who are willing to take away the freedom of others, should be prepared to lose theirs."
Optimus deactivates the holoform, shows them all his bipedal mode, and some of them recognize him as the titan who destroyed the Eldian Empire, and they are all screaming in terror as Optimus pulls out his blaster and fires. When Optimus snaps out of his rage, he's sees the burning cinder of what remained of the Eldian Empire that tried to grow again. And he feels nothing but shame.
Optimus ends up trudging back to the mountains in bipedal mode, trapped in his own thoughts and letting instincts guide him. And when he gets back, and feels Megatron place a servo on his shoulder, and sees his face full of concern...By the Allspark he was actually happy to see him. And he just collapses in his arms.
"I broke my vow." Optimus clung to his former foe, "I broke my vow. I didn't mean to. But I killed them all. I was so angry. What did I do?"
Megatron grabbed Optimus' face with his claws and forced him to look him in the optic. "You did what you had to do."
"I killed humans. I made a vow to protect them and I-!"
"Those humans tried to kill and capture everyone in that village," Megatron cut him off, "They had already taken the lives of so many people already. You did what you had to do to protect them. To protect Ymir. If you didn't, they would've burned that village to the ground, and Ymir would have been taken away from you again. She would have been a slave again. You kept her freedom intact. You kept your promise to her."
Optimus looked away in uncertainty. He...he still...Optimus heard the door open, and saw Ymir running out the house, looking both relieved and worried. Tears formed in her eyes as she ran up to him, and all of Optimus' worries faded away in that moment. He offered his servo to her and picked her up. He cradled her close to his face, and Ymir did her best to give him a hug with his battle mask on.
"You're alright," Optimus swore to her, "You are safe. Like I promised you."
It still bothers Optimus greatly that he went to such a dark place to protect Ymir and the village. And he's refused to talk about what happened. Ymir doesn't know. The village doesn't know. Megatron has an idea, but he's afraid of where that imagination is taking him. Whenever Optimus is sad, Ymir takes the time to comfort him. She'll hug him or wrap a blanket around him, or just enjoy his quiet company. She hopes that it's enough, and it is. At one point through all of this, Optimus is resting the holoform head in her lap while Megatron is keeping Maria occupied. She sees a peaceful expression on his face, and he whispers a quiet thank you to her.
And it makes Ymir happy that she was able to do something for her protector. She was able to provide something so simple for someone she loved, and for someone who loved her in return.
(I will never, ever, shut up about the Peaceful Timeline. I love writing so much about it. BTW AOP Chapter will drop on July 1st before I fly out to Texas.)
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leffee · 10 days
Some Shahrukh things for you!
- he’s super protective especially over the people he cares about and tends to always have his guard up
- he always has to look good “be camera ready”so to speak his appearance means as much to him as it does to Zoe
- he despises his parents, even though they’re the ones who got him into his lifestyle in the first place. they wanted more out of him then he was able to give and not only did they try to force him to marry someone he didn’t love just for status, but they constantly pressured him to be the best at things like modeling,acting, singing,dancing,interviews ect.. so they could brag about their perfect son. 
- he hides his feelings so well that nobody has ever seen him cry or he rarely shows any emotion he feels like it makes him weak, but he’s slowly starting to realize that it actually makes him stronger.
- he helps Zoe with fashion and modeling things,teaching her everything he’s learned along the way, and trying to direct her and answer Any questions she might have. sometimes even getting her little gigs here and there to get her started. he calls himself her coach. 
- Shahrukh and Vinnie had started to grow closer since he started hanging with Sunil more. Vinnie would follow him around and hang with him when Sunil wasn’t there so he started getting used to him giving him the nickname little buddy because he’s so short and he’s now his buddy who’s company he enjoys more then Vinnie thinks.
- he got really into rebuilding cars and actually got pretty good at it. He’s still learning, but he buys cars that he thinks are cool but could use some work as a bit of a challenge for himself. Seeing the finished product brings him so much satisfaction (all stemming from him being able to accomplish, something himself for once in his life)
- he learned Hindi from a tutor, his parents hired so that he could be “in touch” with his Indian culture or more so so his parents could say that they all were and their son definitely was following in their footsteps, even though they barely speak a lick of it themselves
- he realizes how big of an influence he is so he tries his hardest to always be the best role model to every single one of his fans. He puts a lot of pressure on himself to still be the best, even though underneath he suffers, but they’re happiness means more to him and he do anything not to lose them. 
That’s all for now. Let me know what you think. 🙂 would you like more of him? 
Ok ok, so before I even start, I will tell you that yeah, of course I want more of him! I want more of everything lps-related, so of course, him, Vinnie (especially Vinnie, but you know it), and literally anyone else would be great :3
man, just like Vinnie. Wait, no, Leffee, not everything is always about Vinnie (unbelivable, I know). It's Shahrukh time and damn why is his name so hard to spell. I imagine that Shahrukh actually has quite a few things that help him with being protective aka being intimidating to others due to his acting and everything else skills. Surely, he might have some decent fighting skills, right? Just a thought
yeah, that makes total sense, and they're both kinda divas in a way, though honestly I think Shahrukh might care about such stuff even more than Zoe... ok, maybe not, but they're at least at a tie. But contrary to Zoe, Shahrukh has paparazzi constantly after him, taking pictures and all (I'd imagine, Zoe's probably jealous about it when I think about it, not realizing how draining that is) so yeah, he's proooobably a little bit too aware of his own outward looks
ok, ok, all of that I expected as bad as it is, but that forced marriage? Damn it, that's such a big thing. So, he was basically forced into this whole super star thing, huh? Not surprised, poor guy. But hey, at least that gave him money so that's something, right? ...Right? Yeah, I don't think that's enough for him to forgive his parents either way. I will also guess that before he was an adult they took all that money for themselves, but that's theory terrority, theory that I created based on your purely made up headcanons xD but hopefully you like that
oh, just like Vinn- no no, it's not about him again, lol. But yeah, that sure is a Shahrukh-worthy headcanon. So like, he doesn't show many emotions at all normally, but then he's doing all his movie/acting stuff and has to be emotional, well, fake emotional but still. I imagine it looks like this: he stands in front of the camera completely neutral but as soon as he hears "action!" he changes into whatever emotion is needed for the scene. It's a matter of miliseconds
Oh more Zoe and Shahrukh, I mean, not surprised, they're very similar, aren't they? As grateful as Zoe is, I think she'd also be a biiiit unhappy with the fact that Sharukh has so many connections and experiences, more than her anyway. She's the star, damnit! But... at the end of the day she's thankful for his guidance, though I think she wouldn't be quick to admit it to other's (especially her more famous friends like Madame Pom) that she is being trained by him (because that would be admitting that she can't do it on her own) but would be happy to say that Shahrukh is her friend
VINNIE abajs, I mean, yeah, him. Ok, but I just think of situation that Sunil idk, went away for a while somewhere, so of course Vinnie (in his usual absent-Sunil-panic) immediately latached onto him, because not only does he looks very similar to Sunil but also is not that super different personality-wise from Sunil as one might think. Vinnie just kinda appeared behind Shahrukh and was like "Sunil's not here today, so you'll have to deal with me today." Ahaha, yeah. And then they grew closer, perfect. And then of course the nickname little buddy came. What if what if, Vinnie got a little offended because he's not short damnit (he is) but Shahrukh told him that it's not about his height, it's just an affectionate thing, nothing more (but it is, it is about his height actually, Vinnie just wasn't made to believe so).
ye, I remember that headcanon, but I think now it's in more detail. Putting his money to good use, huh? Good for him *clap emoji* and the reason behind it, oh! I like it, it's deep, but I wonder if he even realizes that's why he likes doing it so much himself. Either way good for him, look at him go! What if one day he got to a point that he's actually able to build his dream car (whatever it might look like) completely on his own, hm? I think it might be a thing!
okay, I know this is sad but the whole bit of Shahrukh's parents using it all to say that he is "following in their footsteps" actually made me laugh given the context xD because yeah, no. But of course they would tell everyone that this is the reason. Imagine how awkward it would be if someone asked them to speak some Hindi since they're so good at it >.>. But hey, hopefully maybe it genuinely helped him feel a bit more in touch with his culture, orrrr maybe not and it just overworked him 🙃 
I'd imagine that he would be quite attached to his fans, wouldn't he? Sure, their existence makes it so that he has to put on a perfect performance, but at least many of them genuinely support him and like him, which sure is nice. So of course he wants to give something back to them and that would be being a good influence for them, to actually give them something valuable, even if it all hurts him in a way
Told you I would reply to more and I have time today ^^. But I gotta admit, as much as I like reading and replying to those headcanons Shahrukh's name is so complicated to spell out, I have to focus so much while writing it lol 😭. But still, he's a good boy
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hallothere · 8 months
41 with... Lothrandir maybe? 👀
41. Panic attacks (and tw for associated content)
Alone was easier, most of the time, as opposed to being around other people. This is it, this is the thing that kills you. It's here, and it's coming and there's no stopping it now. Other people often had tells that were hard to stomach. A raised eyebrow. Alternatively, a frown. Techeron's face would pinch and his brows would crease up while he fought back the urge to use the 'And what's making you think that?' he asked when schooling. It's over. Feel that? That's death. That's already here and it's not stopping for you.
When he was alone, he could lie down, press the heels of his hands into his eyes and counting his breathing. Sometimes for an hour, sometimes less. He would have a quiet place to cry or to be sick. Being sick... that was one of the worst.
You're already dead. You just don't know it. But you'll feel it. You're feeling it all the way to the end.
The worst one in memory was with an audience. Here's the rest of your life. You're the last one. What's it going to be like, however long you have left, to be without them forever? He'd been bound, standing, feeling his heart hammering into the wooden post while the Wizard cocked his head. Amused. You know what you saw before you left. Dead. That was the sound of them dying. And he's told you the ways it happened, some of them. Do you even want to think about it? Can you afford not to?
He'd blacked out that time. He'd wept, never more thankful that the fear always dissipated on waking.
But he didn't always have the luxury of sleep. It's not really over. It's a trick, just one more in the downward spiral. You're on borrowed time. At least now you won't be alone when it hits. Be on your guard, and maybe you'll see it coming, however much good that will-
Lothrandir stood just outside the circle of the fire. There were a few Ithilien Rangers with mugs of ale, Rohirrim with mead, and the appreciative exchange happening between them. Dagoras turned and found his face. He didn't frown.
"Lothrandir. Need anything?" he asked as if he couldn't guess.
"If I could tear your from the revelry for a moment-" he paused to look at the assembled company and grinned, "-We won't be long."
Dagoras sighed heavily, for the benefit of the assembly. Lothrandir saw the mug go down to the log seat unfinished, saw Dagoras' face steel a second before sliding back into unconcerned acceptance.
"Keep my seat warm, will you? I'm getting too old for cold nights." It meant nothing. Everything. Past the line of tents and behind the heavy trunk of a culumalda, Lothrandir pushed his face into his hands.
"It... it is over? The War? The generals, at least, please tell me something is ended--"
Dagoras' face seemed to droop in recognition. Not in resignation, or reluctance. Compassion. Pity.
"The worst of it, yes." He spoke softly even for their relative isolation. "If the evidence in the air isn't enough, the evidence in your heart either-" here Dagoras set a hand on his shoulder and Lothrandir held onto it right back, "-then we can trust Mithrandir. Frodo cast the Ring into the fires of Doom, and that much has ended things. You saw him too, did you not? He wasn't some trick of the light. Mithrandir, too, seems glad, and we all know there's precious little that causes that these days."
Lothrandir managed a laugh. His eyes stung, and his head hung there a moment longer while the words sank in.
"Tell me again, then." Dagoras spoke up after a moment. "Like you did in Pelargir. Name the fear, that I might know it and dispel it."
Lothrandir took a deep breath. "That... that we didn't really win. That I have.." He swallowed hard. Dagoras didn't interrupt. "...That I have you all back, and I'm going to lose you. That orcs are going to sweep down from that hill over there and cut us down to a man."
Dagoras paused to look at the hill. "It's a worthy concern, don't mistake me." He pulled Lothrandir to his side, facing the hill, but did not insist Lothrandir look. "It's wise to be vigilant, but our Ithilien cousins scouted the hill. They did find trolls- turned to stone- and a few orcs trying to scavenge their caches. Our friend took care of those. Every hiding place of the enemy on that hill has been scattered. Better yet, the Eagles have taken great delight in picking off stragglers. I think I overheard Gwaihir compare them to fleas."
Lothrandir laughed again, deeper, and Dagoras ran a hand down the back of his head to his shoulders, again and again. Lothrandir felt something like a skittish horse, but didn't move to complain.
"Thank you" he said.
"Come find me any time. Any time at all, Lothrandir." Dagoras continued to tend to him like a frightened foal without complaint. "Or, if I'm not there, try one of the others." Lothrandir stiffened, and he felt it. "At least sit with one of them. For a minute- I'm not asking you bare your heart." More quietly, he continued, "Radanir is much the same. You may bristle, but he will try to help in his own way."
Lothrandir remained still for the measure of a few more breaths. Then, he straightened. He clasped Dagoras' hand tightly.
"Thank you." He repeated. We're alright. We're going to be alright.
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planets-and-prose · 6 months
NaNo 10K Excerpt
So I hear y'all want everything to be okay, have the very lightly edited last little bit that I slammed out last night!
Their last class behind them, Briar tossed their bag down in Dr. Adams’ office and slumped in one of the chairs. At least Dr. Adams was one of the professors that cared enough to have somewhat comfortable seating. Dr. Adams looked up, just a bit curious. Her right arm was in a sling, since the shoulder wound she sustained had apparently severed some tendons.
“Rough day?” she asked. Briar made a face.
“I am going to lose it if I don’t get my color vision back soon,” they grumbled.
“I mean at least you didn’t get the danged hospital bill that you didn’t wanna get,” Dr. Adams huffed. “The healthcare system in this country’s gonna give me an ulcer and then charge me way too damn much to treat it.” Briar smirked—Dr. Adams arguing with a nurse about how she didn’t need to go to the ER for severed muscle and tendons, using the words “it’ll just work itself out,” was still a funny image, and that nurse seemed so vindicated when Briar sided with him and made Dr. Adams head to the hospital.
“At least you’re still gonna have a working arm and everything. And you don’t have to deal with dog time.” Briar rummaged in their bag for their notebook and handed it over to Dr. Adams. “How do these data look, by the way? I feel like I’m missing something, but it’s not coming.” Dr. Adams took the notebook, and started looking through it.
“If ya ever need a babysitter—you know, during your time of the month,” Dr. Adams teased, “I’m sure ya got my number already. I’m sure I can make sure ya don’t tear too much up.”
“I told you, I have it handled,” Briar sighed, watching Dr. Adams look over the work. “You just wanna see me be a puppy now.” All Dr. Adams did was smile, still looking things over. “But seriously…thank you for everything. I…didn’t know how bad I needed to talk to someone about this. Until, well, I did.”
“Don’t mention it. I wasn’t lovin’ the whole “hunting alone” thing either, so I’m not too opposed to havin’ a right hand…person. Also, I know it ain’t what you’re lookin’ for exactly, but these PH readings can’t be right for your soil. Some of ‘em look fine, some of ‘em would kill the plants.”
“Did I mess up the reading again!? I swear to god, if they don’t come up with better PH testing systems for people that literally can’t see color—“ Taking a deep breath, Briar looked over the numbers, and let their face fall into their hands. “I’m waiting to try this again till I get my color vision back. Or I will go insane.” All Dr. Adams could do was put a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh.
“Aw, hon, maybe we’ll have to find something else for you to do after the full moon. Cuz I think you might lose your marbles if I keep makin’ you interpret colors.”
“In fairness,” Briar sighed, “you didn’t make me do this one. It’s for my project. But I guess. Ugh. I hate that these things are different…”
“But I’d bet there’s some’a you that ain’t mad at it.”
Briar raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “What do you mean?”
“You took to fighting as a wolf pretty easy. I think you finally let your instincts take over instead’a overthinking. And learnin’ to do that’s half the battle of bein’ someone that can manage the twists and turns life throws at you.”
You finally let your instincts take over. Briar took a breath and thought about it. The minute they just let themselves be, without overthinking or stressing, things fell into place. But that caused a pretty big issue…
“I don’t think I can do it again…” they murmured. But Dr. Adams didn’t seem concerned.
“Has anyone ever gotten anything down without practice?” she asked. “It’ll come, just have faith. We’ve got plenty’a time figurin’ out the crazy in this town to get you feelin’ better about just…being. And now that you finally let me know more about you than your alma mater and your research interests, you got me at your side every step of the way.”
When they heard that, Briar couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks, Dr. Adams. Again.”
“Don’t thank me yet, this means you gotta listen to me make all the werewolf jokes you can stand,” she teased. Briar tried to scowl and make a face at her in retaliation.
But this time, somehow, Briar couldn’t manage to keep the corners of their lips from twitching up in a smile.
Tagging @k-v-briarwood , @the-grim-and-sanguine, please let me know if you wanna be added!!
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fateinthestars · 5 months
Star Crossed Myth Advent Calendar Fanfic: Day Nine - Christmas Calamity (Ichthys/MC)
(Twenty-Four days of Star Crossed Myth Flash Fics using this prompt list)
Title: Day Nine - Christmas Calamity
Pairing: Ichthys/MC (MC's name left blank so you can fill it in with whatever you wish in your head)
Characters: Ichthys, MC, Dui
Word Count: 1,099
Rating: T
Prompt: "Pressing their face into the other’s neck, hiding from the world"
Summary: After Dui notices an incident at the Planetarium, Ichthys goes to check on MC - dragging Dui with him.
A/N: I said Flash Fiction Ichthys! ("It's fiiiine")
Day Nine: Christmas Calamity (Ichthys/MC)
Ichthys bit his lip as he glanced over to Dui, worried that the other was going to tell him that Zyglavis or Scorpio were looking for him, but the look on his best friend’s face seemed more worried than it would if this was either just about work or anger over a prank.
Rather than running off like he had been planning, he moved quickly over to the other. “What’s wrong?”
Dui averted his gaze. “... It’s ___ . I’ve dealt with the culprit, but…”
His eyes lighting up blue with shock, Ichthys grabbed Dui’s arm with a scowl. “Tell me on the way!” He insisted, snapping his fingers before the other could protest.
They arrived at the Planetarium a little bit later. Ichthys had at least thought not to teleport them directly there where people were more likely to see them. From what Dui had told him, someone had decided to vandalise the Christmas decorations. 
Ichthys frowned in annoyance, with a hand on his hip, as he took a look at the scene in front of him now he was in the lobby: the ceiling decorations had been pulled down and torn to shreds, and they’d clearly fed the Christmas tree something that made it lose all its pine needles.
Did someone think this was funny? If it was supposed to be a prank even he couldn’t get behind this, not least because he knew ___ had been in charge of sorting out the decorations this year. She’d been so excited a few days ago, in fact he’d even helped her cut out some paper snowflakes, and now everything was ruined.
It was then that he looked towards the desk and saw ___ sitting with her head in her hands as Hiyori looked awkwardly on.
Forcing a smile, Ichthys hurried over to them. “Hiyori! It’s been a while, huh? What on Earth happened here?”
Hiyori managed a small smile of her own, relieved to see him. “Someone decided to destroy the decorations… we might be able to find some replacements but…”
“This was a personal display,” Ichthys finished with understanding. “Where’s everyone else?”
“When we saw the state of the decorations in here and how it was upsetting the children, the director took all the customers back into the projecting room for another show. We need to at least tidy up, but…”
Ichthys bit his lip as she glanced towards ___ . He then forced a grin. “Go see whether the director needs any help, I’ve got this.”
“What are you going to do?”
“It’s fiiine. Don’t worry about that. My friend and I can sort this!”
Hiyori looked over to where Dui was still awkwardly standing. “Well if you’re sure…”
“Of course I’m sure!” Ichthys replied, smiling reassuringly. He then guided her towards the projecting room door. “Now get going!”
Once she had finally gone, Ichthys moved behind ___ and put his hands over her own so that he was also covering her eyes. “Guess who!”
“Ichthys…” ___ murmured, unable to stop a small laugh from escaping her lips, even if it was a rather distressed one. As he removed his hands, she moved her own and looked up at him with a teary smile. “I heard you talking to Hiyori and my eyes were already covered… what exactly were you trying to do?”
“Make you laugh,” Ichthys replied with a gentle smile. “And it sorta worked, didn’t it?”
___ wiped at her eyes and tried to smile back, but didn’t really succeed. “What are you doing here?”
As Ichthys seemed reluctant to give that an answer, Dui headed over to them. “Because I saw this in the reflecting pool. The culprit has been dealt with.”
Swallowing hard, ___ tried to calm down. “Thank you…”
“If I’d been here maybe I could have stopped this though,” Ichthys muttered, frowning. “This jerk must really hate Christmas. All your work…”
___ got to her feet this time and looked around again with a sigh. “I should get to tidying this away… probably no time to get anything else right now but can’t have the kids upset again.” Bending down to pick up the nearest torn decorations, she choked back another sob. “... Oh. Our snowflakes…”
“___,” Ichthys snapped firmly.
Frowning, ___ got back to her feet and turned to look at him, but instead found herself being held tightly in his arms. Clinging to him tightly, she buried her face in his neck, taking deep breaths as she tried to calm down. 
“How long have we got?” Ichthys asked her.
“Till the show is over you mean? Well if the director wanted to give us time to tidy… I guess he would have opted for at least 90 minutes… so there should still be an hour left… why?”
Ichthys put a hand on the back of her head, and squeezed her gently with his other arm. “Because I don’t want to cause you complicated questions. Dui?”
“Got it,” Dui replied in understanding, before snapping his fingers.
When ___ finally moved her head away from Ichthys, she glanced around the lobby and her eyes widened. “This is…”
“I hope it’s alright,” Dui muttered awkwardly. He’d summoned some new decorations from examples he had seen before in a magazine.
Ichthys turned to look at them himself now and grinned. “Thanks, Dui. ___, I know this doesn’t have the personal touch, but…”
___ however was now smiling. “The customers will be overjoyed with this sight though. I’d never have been able to do anything like this. The cleanup would likely have taken all the time…” she then glanced at the clock. “Hey, maybe we even have time to make some more snowflakes?”
“Count me in!” Ichthys replied enthusiastically, smiling brightly. 
Dui, however, was frowning with worry. “Zyglavis will be wondering where you have got to…”
“Dui… come on now! I can’t leave ___ in distress like this!”
___ sighed softly. “I’m fine now. Really. You both came down here without permission? Maybe you better get back…”
“It’ll be fiiine. You’ll cover for me, right, Dui?”
Sighing heavily, Dui forced a smile at ___ . “I’ll be going then. Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas!” ___ responded back, before the other left.
Ichthys then grabbed her hand and dragged her back over to the front desk, snapping his fingers and making some shiny paper and two pairs of scissors appear. “Let’s make as many decorations as we can!”
Picking up one pair of scissors and starting to fold and cut a piece of paper, ___ smiled brightly at him. “Ichthys… Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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surely-galena · 11 months
I think Rosa intentionally broke a law. Recently looked into some laws because of yt and found this.
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With what she says at the end of episode 7, it's not straight up evidence falsification but that is almost too close to breaking the law for comfort.
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She straight up admits that it isn't verified, yet earlier she presents it in court as if it was confirmed.
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This is a bit in the gray area because technically it would be valid... if they had a bit more time, but they didn't, so this is possibly false evidence, because if the report came out and it's revealed that the gloves teardd after...
I think it'd be interesting if that was illegal, because it marks a loss of Rosa's moral/ethical compass in her pursuit of black & white justice.
Hi Rose! Sorry this took so long, I was swamped with classes and exam season (my queue has been getting a lot of use recently), but now I've got enough time to answer this!
I don't know if MC/Rosa intentionally broke a law because I'm not super clear on how the legal system in Stellis works (if I had to make a guess, it would probably be based on the Chinese legal system but I still wouldn't be 100% certain). So I'd agree with you about it being in a gray area because even if it isn't explicitly illegal, MC does admit it -- she made a deliberate choice to trick Irene into confessing.
And yet, at this point in the story, I think MC is still aligned with the law, or at least trying to do things by the legal system she's training under. It feels very much like a point of transition because the more recent chapters of the main story have really been digging into gray areas and the places where the law doesn't rectify everything.
We know from the prologue that somewhere along the line, something changes -- either symbolically or in a more tangible way. If we are indeed going to see Rosa lose her faith in the justice system, this could be a key moment to represent that. It might be a sign or something to foreshadow future events, but either way, it is interesting that it's not something the story treats as 'morally/ethically bad'.
MC does admit that Irene got dealt a really bad hand in life -- "Miss Burke, we will get you all the justice you deserve for the pain you went through." So you're right that she's still walking this path towards getting justice, even if it means resorting to underhanded tactics.
Apologies for dragging another fandom into this, but it also sort of reminds me of the DRV3 trials where at certain points, you have to lie in order to get the truth. And given that the way that ToT cases and DR cases wildly differ, it's definitely very interesting to see MC drift away from being strictly lawful to being a little bit more neutral in the way she deals with the people around her.
Anyway, thank you for the interesting thoughts, Rose! I'm keeping an eye out for MC as the main story progresses. Is she going to keep on the lawful path to justice, or are her methods going to diverge in some way?
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the-crow-binary · 10 months
It's Mactor time. >:)
The context is that Mathias (pre-Elisabetha's death) somehow appeared in Dracula's castle (pre-CV3) and bonded quite a lot with Hector ( @beevean :3). Might be a little niche but eh, it makes at least two people happy <3 (beevean and me)
"Scar me."
Hector looked at his Lord with horror, as he took his hand and put it on his bare chest.
"Right here. On my heart." "My Lord, what are you…" "I need it, Hector."
He could never. He has been rough with him a few times, during their most passionnate moments, nothing that he didn't like. But hurting him to the point of leaving a permanent mark? Why would his Lord desire such a thing?
Mathias rest his forehead on Hector's shoulder, hiding his face from him.
"Why would you want that?" he asks, in the most gentle way he could mutter. "Because…"
The man paused. Has he ever looked as vulnerable? It didn't suit him.
"…Because I need to have a piece of you to bring home."
Hector felt a lump forming in his throat.
"It cannot be an object," Mathias continued before he could form a response, "I could lose it. Someone could steal it from me. I can't bear the thought... I don't want anything physical, but I don't want just words and memories either. Those can fade away, even the most precious ones… I need something that will forever be with me, something no one could ever take from me, not even myself. Not even time nor death. Even when I…"
He could not finish his sentence, but Hector guessed what he was thinking about. Who he was thinking about.
"…If this is your wish, then I will gladly grant it. But on one condition."
Mathias raised his head, and Hector let himself drown in his pitiful expression for a few seconds. Mathias was a man who knew to never betray any emotion, just like him. But, just like him... he had his moments of weakness -his moments of humanity-, that only a handful of people ever had the chance to witness.
He was honored to be one of them.
"I want you to scar me as well. It is only fair that if you leave with a piece of me… I keep a piece of you, too."
The tactician squeezed his arms, with a strenght that could almost stop Hector's blood from running. He never was so strong… Funny the effect despair can have on people.
"But your body… isn't it scarred enough?"
The Devil Forgemaster cracked a smile.
"Not until your mark joins the others. It will be the only one that matters, the only I will be able to look at with fondness, instead of disgust and shame... The only one to give me strenghth in my darkest times."
The grip on his arms lightened.
"But aren't some of those marks already caused by… me…? What if you end up hating the scar I made?"
Hector lay a soft kiss on his lips.
"It will never happen. All I care about is Mathias Cronqvist, the human. Not Dracula. He isn't you. And once you'll finally carve your love into my body... Then, I will be complete."
The older man sighed.
"God, Hector... Who taught you how to charm people like that…?"
"Please, my Lord. Allow me to admire you in all your beauty."
Dracula took his protégé's hand and kissed it's back. Hector let him do, though it made him feel no better than a puppet to be played with. Things have not been the same since Mathias went away. Back to his own era, with his own... He wiped out the thought.
"How could I say no to you? Go ahead."
That's all he needed. Slowly, Hector moved his hands. He undressed his master, starting by the top, ignoring as much as possible his oppressing gaze. When his chest was mostly freed, he allowed himself to caress the cold skin. The flesh was clean, perfectly smooth. No matter how much Hector looked, how much he searched for the feeling of an old wound under his fingers, there was nothing he could find.
It was true, then. Mathias has long been gone... No, it was worse than that. The monster currently above him has never been his Mathias.
His new scar itched.
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 4 months
Okay so the entire AU is based on the dream I had, albeit only partial scenes were in the dream. I'll mention 'em.
So the basic thing is that there's two Dekus. They got split into two different guys after an encounter with an OC of mine who I have lost all the lore on, but her quirk lets her split people apart based on personality traits. For Deku, that was the "hero" aspect, that was attempted to be kidnapped captured and utterly failed, and the "villain" aspect, being whatever parts of Deku could have become a villain if the circumstances were different.
-In the original dream, this like? Had taken place in the alleyway where the Stain fight happened? With the same guys from the Stain fight showing up?? So I guess my brain replaced Stain with some gray-pink haired villain who tried to throw a villain! Deku out into the world by force. Plus, in the original dream The Guys had found two Dekus just passed the fuck out on the ground ,and just. Took them to hospital. Vs my thoughts about the AU since then have been focused on the idea of Villain Deku just fucking off from the area while Normal Deku stayed passed out.
Now, on top of the "the heroic part of Deku" and "the villainesk part of Deku", the split also unconsciously had partly split up One for All. Only partly since this was Not intentional. This was WAY before we found out the details of One for All's whole "passes down all quirks in a way not just itself" thing, and frankly I have zero idea now how I even knew about Black Whip because I wasn't looking at the manga. And I didn't see it in the anime until like, a year ago, 1-2 years after the dream. So?? Okay then. Either way, in the AU the only quirks I've thought about are the base super-strength One for All, plus the Black Whip part.
Now, both of them have access to OfA, it's just that it's more difficult to control if it's not the "natural" one. For the "natural" stuff, Normal Deku kept base OfA, while Villain Deku got Black Whip. So like, Villain Deku can use Black Whip about as much as Normal Deku can use OfA, but Villain Deku breaks his leg after trying to use 15% of OfA and Normal Deku still loses control if and when Black Whip comes out. (Ik that Black Whip is part of OfA in the current day but for simplicities sake I'm just gonna refer to them as seperate quirks) Thus the joke I made about Villain Deku holding his leg together with Black Whip.
I do also feel it's important to say that Villain Deku can act. He's Aware of what he was split off from, while Normal Deku is not.
Now, any story I've thought of for the AU came at least partly from the dream, but stuff is super blurry about it now outside of the last scene of it. Again, I'll specifically mention it later, but for now, the bullshit that my brain came up with for a story?? Kinda crack treated seriously at parts, maybe. Idk
> First things first, Villain Deku doing his bestest to act and not punch a guy in the face, is the one to go to school first. This act apparently works, because nobody thinks anything weird or Deku up until Normal Deku rushes in, apologizes for being late, before making eye contact with Villain Deku. The class freaked the fuck out in the dream, as in screamed. Idk if that's in character.
> All Might tried to figure out which was the real one via the normal "ask stuff only the true one would know". Except they're both the true one, just different parts of a whole. So like, they both knew OfA, All Might's trauma stuff with AfO and his teacher, ect ect. All Might said "Well Fuck" after the interview with Normal Deku, in front of Normal Deku, freaking out Normal Deku.
> Zero idea how, but one way or another they both just. Become part of the class. Don't ask me, my dream just announced it via the. ....I don't think his name is Serizawa the scarf teacher with quirk disabling quirk.
> Again, no idea how we got here, but one way or another Normal Deku and Villain Deku are fighting in the place where the student's first physical assessment took place in?? This is the thing with the clearest dream stuff, but that is not a high bar to clear. I cannot remember if this was during the day or night, it might've been both/time passed from day to night?? Either way, it's OfA vs Black Whip, basically, since outside of their quirks they both have the same set of skills. Neither win, the dream just ended with Normal Deku sobbing and yelling to stop doing this at Villain Deku, so uh! That's certainly something!!
Admittedly I have not thought of much actual story besides just brain mush about the idea, outside of whatever the fuck my dream threw at me. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted
It's interesting enough<3 I love dreams that make enough sense for a plot
Your Blackwhip. Prediction is something XD haven't you kinda dreamed of things in the past before they happened/you found out about them? I think you did something like that with Genshin.
Also. Would Villain Deku technically want to get rid or normal Deku/heroes?
And the scarf teacher's name is Shota Aizawa.
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catflowerqueen · 1 year
Eclipse really does like lying and making up his own narrative. He claimed today that Sun trapped him inside his body… but that is blatantly untrue. As soon as Moon became aware that Eclipse even existed, he offered to build him his own body. Eclipse is the one who refused. The guy just likes playing victim, I guess, probably so he can enact complicated “revenge” schemes.
And, honestly, Moon has a point about it not being much of a “revenge.” Even if he doesn’t care that Moon and Earth don’t really care about it, all that’s going to happen is that he’s going to end up in the same situation as Lord Eclipse—bored and lonely. He’s just so jealous that he keeps engineering perfect situations for others to build family and bond, and either doesn’t realize or doesn’t want to admit that it is his own actions and the way he treats people that pushes them away from wanting anything to do with him. …I do worry about this is going to affect Sun, though.
I love how much Moon still cares about Sun, even though, from his perspective, he just met the guy ten minutes ago. He did his best to protect and stand up for Sun, even if that meant shouldering the blame for things that really weren’t his fault—or at least not entirely, but I’ll get to that in a bit—and it was great how even though he had no memories and little personal stake beyond defending Sun he was still able to effectively insult and take Eclipse down a peg using logic. As far as the “shouldering undue amounts of blame” thing, though, today this mainly comes from Sun trying to lay all the blame for Eclipse on his shoulders. Sure, Moon might have left a bit of KC’s code in Sun—but not only did KC later claim “credit” for Eclipse, Earth, despite being very confused and having little stake herself, she was still able to point out that a lot of Eclipse’s personality was built from Sun’s repression and denial. And, again, Eclipse does tend to act a lot more like Sun than he does like Moon.
Anyways, the saddest part of the episode definitely had to be Monty and Sun’s conversation. Monty apologizing… Sun getting that confirmation that Lunar really was dead and then having to break that news to a Moon who doesn’t even know who Lunar is… and to make it worse, I don’t think Monty even realized that Moon had lost his memories. I really hope they can fix the situation, especially since we don’t really know exactly what Eclipse did. Though if it does have something to do with memory altering… it almost makes me wonder if this is some sort of slow-building retroactive effect—and if that’s why the Creator was acting so differently a few episodes ago and was suddenly extremely fond of/approving of Eclipse’s actions and ideals.
And the funniest part was that Moon losing his memory apparently means that he can actually flip people off now. It makes me wonder if KC took the piece of code blocking that particular feature with him when he left.
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baconcolacan · 1 year
This may be a loaded question or get into spoiler territory so if you don’t want to answer that is totally fine. With regards to the Regimen and Stay AUs: is the world generally better since the RA took over? Are people being treated better? Is there more equality than before?
I ask because as we’ve seen many times before in history class when a tyrant/dictator takes over they always claim they are doing it for the right reasons, noble reasons, and some seem to really have honest intentions at first. But as time passes, they become less concerned about the welfare of their citizens and more concerned about holding on to their power.
So I am asking cause I genuinely am curious.
Wellll, its sort of a,,,,mixed bag for both.
I won’t get too political about it since the world setting is fictional, especially for Stay who will have a different political climate due to the apocalypse, but remember that I source most stuff I write partially from real life but not totally, so this is from the perspective of somebody who lives in a country that HAD a dictatorship and is still kinda threatened with one lol (I laugh but it hurts fisjdhf)
In Regimen, RA is a total threat, anybody that isn’t with them is against them, and those against them get annihilated. And we know how that looks like. So countries under RA are,,,at peace, I guess. They don’t get bombed or, yknow, massacred so thats nice, and RA generally just lets them get on with their lives without much change other than being an annexed country.
So basically a they caused the problem then sold the solution kind of deal.
Plus under one sovereign (who mind you will not hesitate to shoot underperforming politicians) most political tiffs are pretty much non-existent now, since RL is prone to violence when things aren’t running smoothly. Which can be a good or bad thing depending on who you ask.
Countries can’t function without its people after all, and despite his firepower, it would be a hassle to keep squashing angry rebellions from dissatisfied people. Tord makes it a point to keep citizens as secure as possible, and as long as they wont cause trouble when he’s been so nice about trying to keep them happy….
Well you know the rest.
For Stay, like I said, its a bit more complicated due to the different political climate and general state of the earth. People definitely don’t like that RA is taking over and eating up other countries, but Tord is firm and goes about his power grab with an iron fist, and extenuating circumstances make it difficult for opposition to stop him.
But generally its also like Regimen, annexed and allied countries are generally left alone to continue as normal, albeit all political power bends towards RL and his laws, and Tord is very TIGHT about how politics are run, executions are VERY MUCH a returned consequence for running your country aground via corruption and ineptitude. If a country starts suffering/does not improve/its people are unhappy, losing your head as a politician might be the least of your problems. How quick the death will be is ENTIRELY up to you.
Tord in this universe genuinely believes he’s doing the right thing, but is also unabashed about his want for total power. So he has both a selfless and selfish reason for it and its pretty much up to other people to say if he’s an evil dictator or not.
Some people are grateful to RA, some people hate them for threatening status quo. Either way, building an empire will always have a foundation of blood, and for Tord, he sees that as necessary for change.
Now whether or not RA maintains itself as mostly benevolent after the Thompson-Larsin family disappear from their seat, as RL, is another conversation entirely.
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bi4bihankking · 1 year
HankAl Latkes Ficlet
Hank wasn’t really religious, or at least he hadn’t been growing up. Merry had been... as agnostic as you could be with all the gods visibly running around, and the system hadn’t been particularly interested in forcing him toward Christianity. That had changed recently, though, Al had asked him to convert to Judaism for him, and even though Hank was still in the asking the Rabbi stage for that, he wanted to try.
As October had turned into November, and for some reason, people started celebrating Christmas already, putting up the lights almost two months in advance, Al had looked up at them almost sadly. It was a little odd, and at first, Hank had assumed that it was just that the holiday was so unavoidable, but as time passed, Al just seemed to get more and more forlorn.  
Hank knew that he should ask, but he wondered if his asking would even be appreciated. Maybe he was still too much of an outsider to understand what was going on. He didn’t want to overstep. Of course, as his anxiety overtook him, he ended up losing his opportunity entirely as Rick and Hec took over.  
In the middle of November, Rick had sighed, leaning over Al at the meeting table, and commented: “Alright man, you’re making the vibes in this place absolutely rancid,” Hank would definitely not have chosen those words precisely, but Hank had lost his chance, “what’s up with you?”  
“Rick...” Hank decided to try to do damage control instead.  
“It’s the first year I’m not gonna get to have my mom’s latkes at Hanukkah.”  
Hank sucked in his cheeks at that, trying to keep his face completely stony. He knew how much Al liked food. It was important to him, and it was cute. Hank was not going to laugh or do anything that might make Al feel bad about his preferences. Rick and Hector had no such compunctions.  
“Seriously, food’s what’s got you looking like that?”  
“Heh, that’s our Albert I guess.”  
“Aw, c’mon guys, it’s not that funny.”  
Al liked food; Hank knew that already and had already established that he knew that already, but he also knew that Al was kind of a momma’s boy, and he couldn’t just go out and buy a recipe book and follow that. If he did that, he knew that Al would just be comparing it to his mom’s the entire time, and Hank just wouldn’t be able to measure up.  
Option 2 was to call up Mrs. Rothstein and ask her to make some herself and send them up so that they could fry them together. Somehow, he got the feeling that they’d just end up ruining them, though, and then Al would just be even more disappointed.  
He had to go with Option Number 3. He glanced upstairs, where he could hear Al still having a shower, and dragged the man’s laptop toward him. Just a few clicks later, he had a zoom call going.  
The pile of latkes on the kitchen counter was growing by the minute, although it had almost reached the ceiling, and he should probably start on pile number two soon. He should probably have called Al in and asked him to do a taste test for him, but part of Hank wanted them to be perfect before he even tried that.  
“I’m sure that Albert wouldn’t mind,” Al’s mom told him, “he’d appreciate the effort either way, oh hello, honey.”  
Hank froze. He had been distracted, so he hadn’t been keeping track of where in the house Al’s brainwaves were coming from, but he was beginning to suspect that he might be right behind him.  
“What are you two doing?” Al asked, his voice slow before his eyes clearly drifted over to the massive pile of food. “Is that for me?”  
He was next to Hank in seconds. Before the telepath had even the slightest opportunity to stop him, he was already shoveling the food into his mouth.  
“Ah-!” Hank panicked a little, he wanted to reach out to stop Al, but found himself just waving his hands. He was too flustered to do anything useful, “That’s not-”  
The entire pile of latkes was already gone.  
Al blinked up at him, his cheeks bulging. He looked very guilty, although he hadn’t actually done anything wrong.  
Hank let out a breath, one that he hadn’t known he was holding in. “Not enough salt?” He asked.  
The larger man swallowed. “Maybe a little too much egg, the ones in our cupboard are extra large, by the way.”  
Ah fuck. Hank turned toward the laptop. “I’m just gonna run across the street for a moment.” He told Mrs. Rothstein.  
Al’s voice followed him down the hall. “I can taste test, right? You’re gonna let me taste test?!” 
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thiscrimsonsoul · 2 years
Headcanons: Earth-838 Wanda Maximoff
{out of paprikash} I’ve already discussed some of my headcanons for 838-Wanda in these posts (x, x) but I wanted to talk a little more about Pietro and who the boys’ father might be because... my brain has been mulling over this and I need to write it down to get it out of there, haha. Here’s a rant about 838-Wanda comin’ atcha below the cut!
So... Tony either doesn’t exist in Earth 838 or he’s just not a member of the Illuminati. It could be he’s there and created a successful Ultron program or it could have I guess been someone else like Hank Pym maybe. Regardless, Ultron exists in “suit of armor around the world” guard dog program form, not in sentient homicidal A.I. form. Which means... Ultron never teamed up with Wanda and Pietro as in AoU. That doesn’t mean the Maximoff twins weren’t still involved with Hydra.
Maybe Steve & Co. (or Peggy & Co., not sure of Steve’s status in 838) still went looking for the scepter at that particular Hydra base, still encountered the twins, but it stopped there. There was a fight, they hashed it out, took the twins in, and from there their timeline totally deviates. Pietro doesn’t die because there’s no disgruntled Ultron A.I. to kill him and Sokovia still exists because Ultron never tried to destroy it. The twins... I guess are either convinced to join up with the Avengers or maybe they go back to Sokovia for a time, but their powers make it hard to integrate back into society or they feel they can make a bigger difference with the Avengers and change their minds.
Because Pietro never died, Wanda is a lot more mentally and emotionally stable moving to America and becoming an Avenger. They can go through training together, learn to live in America together, that support system is there, but also they can get help for various mental health and physical ailments that may have gone untreated. They can arrive at better places in their lives, and begin to get more comfortable spending time apart. They become healthier and more confident people once their emotional codependency is weaned a bit with therapy and having others who support them.
Also, because there was no homicidal Ultron, there was no need to create Vision at all. Vision, as we know him, that loveable synthezoid, doesn’t exist. Thor keeps the scepter and does whatever with it, maybe it’s never even cracked open and the mind stone is still in there. So Wanda never falls in love with Vision, she never has to transfer the love and support she needs from Pietro to Vision after losing Pietro because he’s not dead, and there is no Vision. Just... none of that happens.
Everything above is reasonably supported by what we saw in DSMoM or at least it can’t be ruled out as being possible. Here’s where I go off the rails with my own headcanons and what-ifs, heh. In Vision’s absence, Wanda falls for somebody else. Who could that be? Honestly, I feel like Steve is the best candidate. I’m a fan of the ship anyway and they seem compatible to me both in some things they have in common as well as what they complement each other on. So... what if... there’s some flirting, they start getting close, they have some oops sex, like oops so that just happened... but then Steve gets cold feet. Because Peggy is in this world too. It is entirely possible that Steve isn’t even in 838 and that only Peggy was frozen, but I’m assuming they both were because... well it’s more fun that way. So what if he and Peggy were on the outs or they had just never worked out or she had moved on, whatever, it doesn’t matter, just for some reason they weren’t a thing. Then Steve sleeps with Wanda and realizes... omg I’m still in love with Peggy. Or he even just starts to feel guilt enough like he owes Peggy another try to make it work or something. Whatever it is, it’s enough for him to tell Wanda look I’m sorry, but I just can’t do this. Wanda is of course devastated, and then she finds out she’s pregnant.
Now... I’m not sure about canon honestly and I don’t know how other people write their Wandas, but mine is a very private person, especially with painful, mortifying, or uncomfortable things. My version of Wanda will withdraw rather than engage on complex, painful matters of the heart. So if she just found out she was pregnant by her teammate and he’s telling her he doesn’t want to be with her, is she going to bring it up? No. Is she going to stay with the Avengers? No. So, citing creative differences haha or I don’t know just that she wants to pursue other things in life, she leaves the Avengers, moves away, and prepares to be a single mother. Of course Pietro goes with her because... solid bro stands by his sis, and instead of having a mother and father, the twins end up having a mother and a very devoted uncle. And it works, it really does. I feel like he would live with them, maybe have his own section of the house that’s like his little apartment. He babysits for Wanda, takes the kids to some of their sports and other extracurriculars, maybe takes one twins to go out and do things while Wanda spends quality time with the other... it just works, and it’s a very loving family.
Would she tell Pietro who their father was...? I... don’t know. She’d want to, and she’d honestly have no problem with him knowing, but she know he won’t be able to keep his mouth shut about it. He’d march right up to Steve and punch his lights out and Wanda doesn’t want that to happen. So I’d... say... she probably keeps it to herself. But she’d tell him she was pregnant and I think he’d stay with her and help her with everything, or at least my version of him would. So Steve never knows about Billy and Tommy unless he actively tries to reconnect with Wanda and he certainly never knows that they’re his kids. Wanda just embraces being a single mom and doesn’t look back. Maybe years down the road she’d tell him, because at some point she’s going to have to tell the boys too. Keeping it from them is something she wouldn’t feel is right to do.
I want to make it clear that Wanda would not be doing this to Steve out of spite. It’s not like.. well you knocked me up and left me so I’m gonna take your kids and not even tell you they exist. No, Wanda doesn’t become intimate with someone unless she already has pretty strong feelings for them, and if she does, she wants them to be happy. So if Steve told her he wants to give it another shot with Peggy, Wanda would not say anything about being pregnant because of that and the kind of guy Steve is. Because she knows that if she tells him she’s pregnant, he’d want to do right by her. He’d feel obligated to stay with her, marry her, be there for her, be a father to their kids, and she doesn’t want to wall him in like that. If he wants to be with Peggy, then he should try for that, and she’ll deal with her stuff on her own. Is this right of her to do? No, of course not. Wanda’s taking away his choice in the matter. But I’m just explaining why she’d make that decision. Wanda, as we know, is not without her flaws.
So... yeah, these are... some... of my headcanons that I’ve just been floating around in my mind a lot, and they’re honestly starting to become my canon. Even with ending up a single mom, which was not at all how she envisioned her life going, 838-Wanda is happier, more mentally and emotionally stable, more confident, and less damaged than 616-Wanda. She hasn’t lost Pietro, hasn’t lost Vision multiple times (because she never even knew him), never went through CA:CW and therefore never was imprisoned in the Raft (basing that off her hair being the same color as AoU still, meaning she never had to dye it red while she was on the run after being rescued from the Raft), was never singled out with Vision by the Black Order, never had to kill Vision herself and then watch Thanos kill him... the list goes on. So many traumatic things that happened to 616-Wanda just never happened to 838-Wanda. She’s a much more stable, put-together, and grounded version of herself that is comfortable with herself and her life.
And there’s my headcanon dump for today, haha. If anyone has any thoughts, comments, questions, or additions, feel free to reply to this post or leave an ask in my inbox. I love developing headcanons with others! =)
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