#i got like
1captainjordan4 · 2 years
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People seemed to like my boatem immortal au so here is them being silly
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taonpest · 1 month
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Opening my slideshow in front of the exam board, crying: *sniff* this is all I got
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theclod3215 · 1 year
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Me spending hours drawing this: Man sure would suck if some eldritch god of madness showed up and idk became a voice in my head or sumthing and I helped them learn about being human,,,
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cokoweee · 2 months
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laur-rants · 5 months
So for Christmas, I returned to some roots: printmaking. It's hard to make prints by hand without a press, but I was pretty determined on this one. It sparked something in me I thought long lost.
My parents asked for a print of something Celtic, if we had one lying around (either a painting, or a photo Mat had taken at some point). We didn't have anything, so I did the next reasonable thing: made up a 9"x12" linocut print of a Celtic cross that I designed myself. It's not perfect, but I learned a lot, and it resparked my love for printmaking.
Of course, this framed image went to my parents. But in the process of making one, I now have other prints. If anyone is interested, I now have this print available on my website as a purchasable print ($75 USD). It's currently only shipping to North America (US, Canada, Mexico), but if it sells well, I will be opening up international shipping.
Thank you for the support in 2023 and please be sure to look for more of my prints as the year progresses; I already have two more designs in mind! https://www.bagleyarts.com/prints/celtic-cross-linocut-print
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royalefish · 5 months
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Gift drawing 4 my gf (with and without text) :3
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bettertwin9000 · 7 months
Suddenly turns into a cowboy
yeehaw uh hello darlin 🤠🤠🐎
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kryptosworld · 4 months
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Look what I got hehe
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ralvezfanatic · 3 months
should i keep posting incorrect quotes here or make a separate blog for it bc i got a lot rn and idk djanjans
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faggotwalkwithme · 11 months
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crawford and his bloodsoaked girlfriend😍
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kalims · 11 months
I have a question
how many pulls have you guys saved up for a character
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floydsteeth · 3 months
I want to draw so bad right now but I'm so fuxking sick
And I already have enough things in my queue to last all week but
But want to draw
I wants
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nihilara · 1 month
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BSD VERSE: Kuro is a member of port mafia, though his involvement and actions within the organization seem rather random and bizarre. Doing odd jobs between major infiltration and retrieval missions, and usually working alone. At first he really seems rather... normal, and has no ability. But unbeknownst to many outside of port mafia executives, Kuro is effectively immortal. Whether this is the cause of an ability, or the ability in itself- no one knows. Kuro doesn't enjoy talking about it, and any attempts to get information out of him causes a full blown break down.
TWST VERSE: An acquaintance of Crowley's, Kuro is a minor reoccurring character who seems capable of a lot of different things. He is effectively a substitute teacher, who lives on campus. He can fill in for most teachers when they need the time off, or he works in the cafeteria, the library, the yard-- he does just about anything he's asked to. Most the students don't seem to mind him, but know better than to take advantage of him as a substitute. He's really chill, and a fun teacher- but wont hesitate to deal with rowdy students.
DIS/LYTE VERSE: Gaining his abilities / gift from the nekomata, kuro was once a member of the shadow/decree. Though he does leave, and attempts to separate himself from the organization with no small amount of difficulty. It with with the help of feng/xun that he is eventually able to get himself on the right path. And joins the esper/union. Though his role within it is about as prominent as his role has ever been in life. He finds himself with much more to live for, and people to truly care for.
LEAGUE VERSE: Cursed by some spirit, or ancient magic-- kuro's immortality remains an enigma to himself and others. His memory of the events that led to it are foggy at best. Unable to recall precisely what it was he may of done or... if there was foul play involved in his predicament. Kuro travels runeterra attempting to meet death, and speak to the lamb about his situation. But in every attempt, it is almost as if neither they, or the black wolf can even feel his presence.
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homely-lunatic · 10 months
maybe I've just rewatched severance too many times but I am absolutely CONVINCED that cobel is in fact gemma's mother.
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brwnsugcr · 1 year
10 first lines. tagged by @powerful-niya 💕
thank you bby I got more to post after this!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyways!
pilates au. naruhina
naruto begrudgingly walks up to the pilates studio.
“hi, welcome in! do you have an appointment with us today?”
“nah, I’m just picking up my friend. is it okay if I wait here?”
“sure! take any seat. they should be wrapping up shortly.”
he sighs as he slips into the chair behind him.
sakura’s lucky he loves her.
“I really needed this today. this week has been so stressful.” he hears the pinkette before he sees her, coming into view with her instructor trailing behind her. naruto huffs and rises to his feet.
and then he sees her.
“I’m glad. you did well today.” a gentle voice that pairs with the most beautiful face he has ever seen. soft features, ivory skin, framed by long, sleek black hair that is pulled back into a ponytail.
winner take all. naruhina
ino leads the group, walking on her toes. just in the next room, they can hear the boys shouting and cursing; an uproar of name calling and playful threats with evident homoerotic undertones. they see a fighter pulled up on the tv, half of them standing while the other half remain seated. shikamaru stands by the couch with his arms folded across his chest; chouji and kiba are seated, leaned forward and animated — with snacks.
naruto and sasuke are standing, game controllers held tightly in grip. no wonder they’re shouting. naruto versus sasuke — a showdown for the generations.
karui walks up behind chouji and leans over on the couch, smoothing her hands over his broad shoulders. at the feel of her presence returning, chouji leans back so she doesn’t have to strain herself too much.
ino slips in beside shikamaru and cannot wait any longer. she puts an elbow on his shoulder and her free hand on her hip, smirking up at him expectantly.
he turns. “hey! what the hell?”
“ino?” that is chouji. “what a minute…” he looks up now, he and shikamaru finally aware of their surroundings. the group of women burst into a fit of cackles, waving shamelessly, sticking out their tongues; varying responses.
“what the hell are you guys doing here?” kiba protests. “this is supposed to be—” he then spots his childhood friend, “hinata? you too? c’mon!”
“hinata?” and that was naruto.
“hi,” the woman in question waves feebly, now meeting the eager eyes of her boyfriend. a moment’s distraction, and then —
“I win,” sasuke smirks with finality.
bodyguard au. sasufuu
“is it just me…or is fuu-chan’s bodyguard crazy hot?”
“he could protect me any day.”
“you know they say you attract what you fear…oh no…I’m suddenly feeling terrified.”
“you guys are dumb.”
suddenly, you, ch 12. sasufuu
“oh my fucking god.” 
“well. good morning.”
“kkura, you scared me! I almost shit myself! jesus christ!”
and sits the pinkette in question, one leg crossed in front of the other as she appraises her friend, almost akin to a parent catching their child sneaking back in the house past curfew. “keep your voice down! you wanna wake up the whole house?”
fuu does not like the look on her friend’s face right now. her choice of words in this moment should be coming off more stern than how she is presenting it; almost as if she’s trying to hold back a hidden satisfaction. almost as if, she might as well have said, yes, fuu. wake up the whole house. let everyone see you make a fool of yourself. I’ve got my popcorn ready!
fuu can’t believe she got caught. twice.
first was with ten — and technically speaking, ten found out on her own — but fuu cannot come up with any reasonable excuse to lie to sakura, even as she desperately grasps for any remaining straw she has left. there is none. 
especially when she was clearly wearing the man’s clothes from last night.
a universal sign of clearly you’ve been fuckin’.
“where’s, uh…where’s kakashi?” fuu asks, hoping to divert her attention for a little longer. she takes another look around herself, half-expecting to see him pop up from around the corner and go, yo, fuu-chan! want a sandwich? turkey’s your favorite, yeah?
tagging @luckycharming and @nindoways aaand anyone else who wants to participate! if you see this post you’re tagged. oopsie.
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just-a-creep-babe · 5 months
Its been so long oml i mean we *really* havent talked, my last ask here was if you do male readers i think but once my birthday passes and i have a good amount of money im so so so so so so looking at comissions again cause im bringing back some old ocs and i think you would kill drawing them and just
Oooooooh happy early birthday if its soon!! And it's definitely been a Hot Minute ™ since we last talked, I'm super happy to hear from you again! I hope this year's gonna treat you right!!!!
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