#i for one just think misha really likes the beard and isn’t growing it for a role because it’s been like 5 months now
sunglassesmish · 4 months
https://twitter.com/ekaglzz/status/1757061044994727963?s=46&t=O8DlkiEEvxedwfBrhMaE_A THE MIDDLE PIC HELP MEEEE he is so FINE 😩😩
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god yeah he looks so good!! in the suit too, all dressed up 😫😫
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Where’s Misha?
I have seen a lot of posts lately about Misha “not being in Vancouver”, and I’m assuming that they’re due to all his tweets that pointedly “prove” he’s not in Vancouver.
And all I can say is: Isn’t that weird?
The show that he’s been on for the past 11 years is filming its FINAL EPISODE and all he can post are rainbow pictures, political things (which is nothing new, I know) and random anecdotes about his kids? Nothing about this giant chapter in his life coming to a close? Nothing about how his life has been forever altered because of this experience and by the people he’s met along the way? Really?
Or … is that exactly the point? This monumental thing is happening and he’s barely said two words about it since filming began again. The most we got are his comments on other people’s posts only alluding to how sad he is that Supernatural is coming to an end. I just think that’s curious.
It seems like he’s actively avoiding the subject, and my guesses as to why are because he actually IS on set; and not only is he there, but he is in the final episode because Castiel is playing a major role in how Supernatural comes to a close.
Just think about it: First of all, like I said before, he’s not really mentioning the show at all… that’s evidence in an of itself. Secondly, he can be literally anywhere and still post about the political status of this fucked up country. Third and most importantly—all the random selfies, family anecdotes, other mentions of things that are specifically not Supernatural-related, could have been taken anywhere, happened at any time, or been told to him by a second party, and he’s just posting it all now to throw us off the scent of where he actually is … which is in Vancouver, on set. Now, some people have said “he has a beard in the rainbow picture and in his ‘Rise’ post” and Castiel obviously doesn’t have a beard … but just remember, Misha can grow a beard in like two days, so I don’t think that really proves he’s not filming at all. He could have just had two days of down time; or—he could have taken that picture and filmed the Rise-post a week or so earlier and then waited to put it up so we would once again be thrown off to his whereabouts.
And, I don’t think he’s the only one trying to throw us off… I think other cast members are trying to throw us off too. Jake Abel’s posts for example, have seemed to highlight the fact that “we don’t know where Misha is”. Jake has even made a video where he thinks he sees Misha on set, and then discovers that he’s mistaken. It was short, it was random and it seems too deliberate not to mean something.
It seems odd to me to make that video if Misha wasn’t actually there, and especially odd if Misha was truly done shooting the show. Honestly, it wouldn’t just be odd ... that would seem pretty cruel—like “Haha, Misha … you’re no longer on the show that you’ve been on for over a decade and I am!” That’s just plain mean, and Jake doesn’t strike me as a mean guy. I think that if Misha was truly, 100% finished with all his scenes, Jake—as well as every other cast member would be missing him like crazy. They wouldn’t post about it of course, because that would spoil the show’s finale to some degree, but they certainly wouldn’t be making fun of the fact that Misha’s time on Supernatural was over. Everyone involved with the show is too emotionally invested to mock its ending in any way.
So … Misha is in Vancouver. He’s filming with Jensen and Jared as we speak, and all these other, seemingly random posts that he, and that others have been making, are simply trying to hide the fact that he’s there; because, not only is Cas going to be in the final episode, he’s going to be undeniably pivotal in how the Winchesters save the world one last time.
Those are my thoughts anyway, and in order to stay sane in the coming weeks, I’m sticking to them.
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crashdevlin · 4 years
Another Second Chance 1- Black Hole
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Another Second Chance Masterlist,  Happily Ever Eventually Masterlist
Author’s Note: The final (hopefully) installment of the Happily Ever Eventually RPF series.
Summary: It's been five years since Jensen broke Y/n's heart and she's avoided him completely, but avoidance only lasts so long.
Pairing: past Jensen x Reader
Word count: 2302
Story Warnings: past cheating, little bit of background angst, mostly no warnings.
Things change. Either gradually or in catastrophic leaps, things change. Fact of life, unfortunately. Songs have been sung, books have been penned, movies have been made, all centered around that single inarguable fact.
When I was a younger woman, I thought that nothing really ever changed, that the facts of my life were that I was weak and stupid and I was always going to be in love with people who didn’t want me and were too good for me, that I was going to be miserable and alone forever. I was certain that I was the same person at 26 that I was at 16 and that’s just how things were always going to be.
I can honestly say, at 34 years old, I’m a different woman than I was at 16 or 26 or 30...and I may be alone, but I am not miserable.
I’m successful. I’m happy. I have friends and I have fans. I am well-rounded and, despite a hundred things working against me, well-adjusted. I’ve learned that I don’t need to be dating someone to be happy. In fact, without all the drama surrounding me whenever I do date someone, I’m happier. I have my children and I have my friends and I am happy. 2025 is shaping up to be one of my best years yet and I am ecstatic to see where it leads.
I’m sitting at my computer when my phone goes off. I don’t recognize the number so I Google it. King Woods Private School, the school Jensen wants to send Mav to. Weird that they’d call me when Jensen has primary custody. I answer immediately. “Hello?”
“Is this Miss Y/l/n? Maverick Ackles’ mother?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Hi, Ma’am. I’m Caroline Smith, Dean of Admissions for King Woods Private School. Your son’s father applied to our institution for the Fall semester for Kindergarten.”
“Oh, yeah. He told me. Said his father is very excited to get him in there.”
“His father didn’t tell you?”
“Mav’s nanny mentioned it, too, but...Jensen and I-”
“Had a very public falling out a few years ago, we’ve done our research,” she interrupts me. “But the thing is, King Woods is a very family-oriented institute and we need both parents to participate in all activities like monthly PTAs and volunteer nights. We need to make sure that both active parents can work together amicably. On that note, we have an admissions interview with little Maverick on Friday and we require your presence. Can you make it? 10:30 am.”
“Ten-thirty on Friday? Y-yeah. I can...I can totally do that. I will...see you then, Mrs. Smith.”
“See you then, ma’am. I’m looking forward to meeting you and your son. Goodbye.”
“Goodbye.” I set my phone to the side of my laptop and take a deep breath. Jensen and I haven’t been in the same room since NolaCon 2020. We’ve emailed a few times, but haven’t even spoken on the phone...in several years...and that’s better. It’s better for everyone if we don’t talk because then we don’t argue and we don’t fall into patterns that leave us in bad shape.
But for Maverick’s future, for Maverick’s good, I will have to do it.
I call Misha. He encourages me and tells me it’ll be okay. He supports me. He’s an amazing friend, has been for years, one of the few I got in the breakup. Most of our friends specifically didn’t take sides. Kim and Briana and Misha, they sided with me...the girls a little more vocally than Meesh, but it ended up a small rift between Misha and Jensen. I put an end to J2M and it hurts a bit when I think about it. They still talk sometimes but nothing like they used to.
Jared still talks to me every once in a while, but he sided with Jensen. Of course he did. Jensen’s his brother. But Jared tries to keep me involved in his life, he tries to stay a friend...but he’s Jensen’s first, always has been.
“It’s gonna suck,” I say, shaking my head.
“Yeah. But still. You gotta do it, right?” Misha says and I chuckle. To the point with Mr. Collins.
“Yeah. I gotta do it. It’s just...I haven’t seen him in years. I mean...except pictures on Instagram. It’s gonna be weird.”
“You know what I say about weird, right?”
“Yeah. But this isn’t the GISH and Random Acts kinda weird, this is...a pit in my stomach that feels like a bowling ball and a fear of reversion to the person I was in the past kinda weird.”
“You’ve grown too much to revert and that bowling ball will go away when you get comfortable again.”
“That’s…that’s the problem. What happens if I get comfortable with him again, Misha?” I’m scared of it. “He’s like this black hole that sucks me in every time and the only way I’ve been able to stave off the destruction of my universe these last five years is to keep my distance. I don’t know what to do when I’m in close proximity to the black hole.”
“You can do this, Y/n. You won’t have any problems...and maybe Jensen’s grown over the last five years, too.”
“Well, you’ve talked to him more than I have. You’d know how much growing he’d done.”
“Yeah, but it’s not like we’re spending all our time together anymore.”
I nod. “So...hope for the best, that he’s grown and things will be okay, and keep my distance from the dark vortex.”
“Exactly.” Misha smiles and looks directly at the camera. “You got this.”
Yeah, I do. I got this.
I wear an embroidered black silk Joanna Mastroianni dress to the interview. Not a lot of makeup, but enough to accentuate my features. I keep my hair out of my face and I wear sensible, cute shoes. I look good, but not like I’m trying to look good. I look like I’m trying to look presentable and classy for the people in charge of my son’s education.
I make it to the school first and I sit in a plush chair in the waiting room and wait with my legs crossed neatly to the side. I pull out my phone and start playing a game of Solitaire.
“Mommy!” Maverick’s voice pulls my attention away from the Seven of Hearts that is stuck behind the Six of Diamonds that is arresting my forward momentum in the game. I smile as he runs at me, full-speed, and I slip my phone in my purse as he throws his arms around my neck. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too, Mav!” I exclaim. I lean back and look into the beautiful green eyes he inherited from his father. “Have you been having fun with Daddy?”
“Yes! All the time!” Mav says.
He turns his head to look at the door to the lobby as Jensen walks in. Holy shit. He let his hair grow out a bit...little longer than when he was playing a demon. It's multi toned, what would be called 'Salt and Pepper' in any other man, but it looks more like 'Walnut and light Roux' on him. He's rocking his ginger beard and it has some actual salt in the color. He's wearing a blue suit...a masterpiece tailored to take away your breath. The man knows how to make an entrance.
He's still gorgeous...and I’m still stuck on him. Fuck.
I stand and take Mav’s hand as Jensen steps closer. I focus on his forehead. I can’t look at those eyes. I can’t look at those lips or those freckles on his cheeks. Forehead is safe. He tucks his hands in the pockets of his slacks and licks his lips. “Hi,” I greet him, and my voice sounds awkward, too high-pitched.
“Hey,” he responds and oh, God, that voice.
Breathe. Stay away from the singularity, avoid being pulled into the black hole. “You doin’ good?”
He nods. “Yeah. You?”
“Just fine.” Dying, being sucked into a vortex in space.
He opens his mouth like he’s gonna say something else when a tall brunette woman in a smart pantsuit walks out of the office. “Mr. Ackles? Miss Y/l/n?” We nod as she drops to kneel in front of Mav and me. “And this must be little Maverick.”
Mav turns and hides his face in my skirt. “Sorry. He’s a little shy around new people. He’ll warm up to you.”
“It’s okay. It’s natural.” She stands and extends her hand to me and then Jensen, shaking our hands. “Good to see you both here. So, we’re going to take Maverick in and watch him play a bit, get a sense of his social and developmental placement and if he’s a good fit for King Woods, then we will make that happen.”
Jensen and I nod, then I gently pull Mav away from my legs. “You’re gonna go with the nice lady and play with some toys, answer some questions, okay? You can rock that, right, buddy?” Mav nods and smiles at me and Jensen.
“And you two will be just fine out here together, right?” Mrs. Smith says. She’s making sure we won’t freak out on each other. Freaking out on each other is not the problem.
“Of course we will,” Jensen answers. “We’re gonna park ourselves right here in these chairs and wait for you to tell us how brilliant our boy is.” He winks at the woman and she swoons a bit...I have to stop myself from doing the same as I step back toward the chair I was sitting in before. She offers Maverick her hand and he looks back at me before he takes it and follows her as she leads him away toward a playroom. I play with the hem of my dress for a few moments as Jensen takes the seat next to me, his bowlegs stretching out in front of him a bit. “So...listened to that cover album you did...with, uh, Rob, Rich, and Mark. It came out real good. ‘A Little Dive Bar in Dahlonega’ was perfect.”
I look down and my cheeks heat up. “Thanks. Uh...you and Steve are working on Volume Four, right? How’s that comin’?”
“Pretty good. Not bad at all, actually.” There’s a moment of silence and I sneak a look at him. He’s biting his bottom lip. Black hole, black hole, black hole. “Oh, and how’s that Shakespeare thing goin’?”
My eyes light up and I look over at him. “Midsummer! Yes. My pet project! It’s coming. Rich has signed on to direct a few episodes and Matt signed up to be my Puck. I’m really excited to see what we can do with that universe. Fairies are so my jam!”
“Are you just producing and writing it, or are you gonna be acting in it?” he asks, leaning forward, showing interest, active listening.
“I’m Hermia, actually. It’s coming along very well.”
“That’s really good. I’m...happy for you.” He smiles and I bite my tongue. God. This is bad. This is so fucking bad. I look away from him. “So, uh, I heard that you RSVP’d to Padalecki’s July Fourth barbecue, but you never showed up.”
I shake my head and sigh. Of course Jared told him I flaked on Independence Day. “Yeah. I was, uh...I was gonna go but-”
“But then you heard my shoot in Georgia got rescheduled and I wasn’t gonna be in Atlanta like I planned so you decided not to risk runnin’ into me?” he guesses.
“Yeah.” I nod and look over at him. “It was fine. I ended up watching fireworks with Nova over Skype.”
“You know...it’s been years. You don’t have to avoid me. We can be adults. Jared misses you.”
I lick my lips and nod. “It’s just hard for me to be around you. I miss Jared too, but I can’t be around you. It’s too hard.”
“This is hard?” he asks. I open my mouth to respond ‘Unbelievably’, but he keeps talking. “Because it’s not hard for me. It's the most natural thing in the world to me.”
I close my eyes and shake my head, settling back in the chair to lean away from him. “This is why it’s hard.” I open my eyes and pull my phone out to finish that game of Solitaire.
He doesn’t say anything else until Mrs. Smith walks out with Maverick fifteen minutes later. “They had a lot of toys in there!” Maverick shouts.
“Indoor voice, Mav,” I say as I stand up. I focus on Mrs. Smith. “So?”
She smiles brightly. “He’s a brilliant child. We would absolutely love to have him here at King Woods.”
“That’s great news!” Jensen exclaims.
“Indoor voice, Jay,” I joke before it hits me that I just called him ‘Jay’ and teased him. Slippery slope. Don’t get comfortable. “Uh, a-anyway. That is great news.”
“We’ll send you the information for tuition and supplies. It was wonderful to meet you both,” Mrs. Smith says.
I bend down and give Mav a hug as she walks away. “You’re awesome, kiddo. I’ll see you this weekend, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy!”
He runs to his dad and I pick up my purse, stepping toward the door. Jensen puts his hand out as he picks Maverick up to hold him on the other side. He pulls me into a half hug and I go stiff as his hand lands on the small of my back. God, he smells so good...and his hand is so big and…
I pull away and lick my lips. “You and Daddy have fun, Mav!” I almost run out of the lobby and into the parking lot.
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby  @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @sunnyroadtrips @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you @dayasvalkyrie Hunter Tags - @atc74 @sandlee44 @spnbaby-67 @kalesrebellion @tumbler-tidbits @hoboal87 @stoneyggirl @kbl1313 @cookiechipdough @mrswhozeewhatsis @winchesterxfamilybusiness @holylulusworld @pretty-fortune @screechingartisancashbailiff @we-are-all-a-bunch-of-idjits @imperiusimpala @supernaturalenchanted Gaga For Green Eyes Tags- @typicalweirdbookworm @deanmonandnegansbitch @jadesupernatural @stoneyggirl @4fareader @squirrelnotsam @lyarr24 @akshi8278 @pretty-fortune @we-are-all-a-bunch-of-idjits Happily Ever Eventually Tags- @deanmonandnegansbitch @jamielea81 @xhannahbananax03 @traceyaudette @fabinaforever11 @pretty-fortune @vicmc624​
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orionsangel86 · 5 years
Season 15 - Spoilers and Speculation
There I was happily trying to watch the Great British Bake Off as you do, and my notifications start blowing up because someone decided to go write a ridiculous spoilery article about season 15 in the TV Guide magazine and all the good and terrible things we have to look forward too! So I promised I would attempt some sort of time line of spoilers and events so that we can jumble together some expectations (and some yummy speculation) about the upcoming season! 
Episode 1 - we know that Cas is in this episode as Misha was filming. We know that Alex was also filming though potentially either as a corpse, or as a manifestation of someones guilt/hallucination (these are theories not confirmed). Other than this we know that Jack “won’t be coming back from the Empty for a while now” and hasn’t been seen filming since. (source)
Episodes 2 and 3 - The main spoilers of relevance are that Dean and Cas are still not okay with each other. There is tension between them and they won’t be okay for a while (sources on this are from SDCC and well, everywhere, unless you’ve actually been living under a rock all summer).
Now today we got this spoiler:
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[Twitter link]
“Theres a scene we shot recently that really got to me. Cas decides he’s going away for a while. And it wasn’t necessarily a goodbye, but it felt like that to me.”
and this one:
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[Twitter Link]
“Cas feels he’s losing Sam and Dean, the only other people in the universe he has a connection to”
and this:
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[Twitter Link]
“God becoming his primary enemy bent on destroying everything he cares about is a really difficult transition for Cas to go through” as a result, after a few episodes of chaos, Cas gets fed up and takes a personal time-out before returning to the action, or as Collins puts it, “He leaves in a huff.”
So we have been speculating that this likely takes place in episode 3 following some big dramatic showdown. Cas leaves because he just can’t deal with everything that is happening. Poor angel has lost his son, found out his father is basically enemy number 1, and he has lost the one person he cares about most in the universe (honestly I just don’t see Sam falling out with Cas here because those two are TIGHT but Sam’s friendship alone won’t be enough to make Cas stay - it’s the DeanCas tension that all the PR has been going on about lately).
So then we have two Cas free episodes with 4 and 5 (and I love that there was early speculation following a pic that Jensen posted that Dean might have a beard in episode 4 because OMG GRIEF BEARD OVER LOSING CAS HELLO YES PLEASE GIMME THIS!)
Episode 6 set spoilers show Jared and Misha filmed together, whereas there were very few Jensen sightings. We can therefore speculate that Sam reaches out to Cas because he is fed up of his brothers sulking? Or maybe Cas finds a hunt and calls Sam because he’s still mad at his husband. Or well, anything along these lines. If Dean and Cas don’t reunite in episode 6, then that makes for a very interesting timeline with episode 7. Which is looking to be EPIC.
We have received quite a few spoilers for episode 7 so far. We know that Christian Kane is going to be playing an “old friend” of Dean’s from his past (who it appears Sam doesn’t know, or at least isn’t involved with). We know there will be a fight scene which “the fans will love” whatever that means, and we know that they filmed at “Swayze’s bar”. [Twitter Source]
*rubs temples and tries not to reach for the red nose straight away*
We also now know that Jensen will be singing in this episode and that Dean and Leo have a “wild night” together where Dean will “recapture his mojo” [Twitter Source]
*starts painting face with red and white*
So Dean was down on his mojo eh Dabb? This is starting to sound a bit like early season 13. Dean clearly doesn’t take too well to Cas leaving him in episode 3. >.>
Now I am convinced that no matter what happens in episode 7, the homoerotic tension is gonna be EXTREME, but please allow me to go full clown mode here for a second 
*adjusts rainbow wig*
If this episode does indeed go down the route of Leo being an ex boyfriend, if something DOES happen between Dean and Leo beyond just bros being bros, then we have a legit coming out episode here following a huge bust up with his actual husband that somehow ends with Dean getting his mojo back. This episode, like every Dean focused episode, usually ends up with Dean getting some big realisation. Dean growing a little bit more, and the audience learning something new about him. Whatever goes down, we are now in a prime position for a DeanCas reunion either by episode end or in episode 8. 
IF in episode 8 Dean is able to reconcile with Cas in someway, but because some other horrible shit goes down (which based on latest spoilers could potentially be an Adam/OG!Michael return/Cage breakout of hell nightmare) plus since episode 8 is a Bucklemming episode meaning it will be overly jam packed with plot stuff so a potential Jack return plus Empty entity in this one too - then...
*deep breath*
The time line fits.
Episode 8 plot filled mayhem interrupts a true DeanCas make up scene but we get at least some reveal that Dean wants to have a “conversation” with Cas, then imagine if following the episode 8 drama Jack returns. Imagine if we get a midseason finale in episode 9 where for at least a small part of the episode it looks like the family is back together? Following all the angst and separation of the early season we are right back to where we were during the midseason finale of season 14 - TFW2.0 together again and fighting side by side. Enough to bring some joy to our poor angels otherwise broken heart?
Imagine if though, when all is said and done, right after the boys think they have a win, Dean gets his moment. The show has already given us his coming out ep. He has already realised what it is he truly wants, now he finally gets the chance to reach out and grasp for it...
But when he does it’s a moment too late. It’s time to pay up. Cas gets his moment of true happiness - and the Empty takes him. Midseason finale ends with a horrified Dean having just laid his heart on his sleeve, and a dead Castiel at his feet.
(I know. I’m a clown for having any hope in this - but my god the potential is too much for me to bare. HONK HONK)
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Standard Disclaimer: Nothing I say here is claiming to be factual other than sources from PR related material and spoilers from set. Speculation is all based on what we have seen and my own foolish hope that this show might actually go the way it has been building up to for 10 fucking years. I am not a psychic. I do not have a crystal ball. Readers are asked to manage their own expectations and not blame me for daring to squee about my own excited enthusiasm on the internet on my own blog. Hate is not welcome. Negative comments and moaning accusations are not welcome. Either squee with me in excited delight or scroll on past. You are welcome to join my screaming over on Twitter as well.
Manage your own expectations. I am not telling you anything is going to happen other than what I would LIKE to happen. As always PR IS NOT SHOWRUNNING.
Thank you and good night.
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One Day At A Time - Jensen x Reader
A/N: Part Two! As always, feedback is incredible. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block. 
Series Masterlist
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Warnings: Widower!Jensen. Grieving process. Age Gap. Character pregnancy. Unrequited feelings. I believe that is all.
Word Count: Roughly 3,200
“Jared!” You screeched just in time to find your body thrown in the air. You didn't let go, tugging the large, heavy weight in after you. The water rushed around your form. Cradling your fall. An angry cry left your lips as you surfaced. Glaring at your friend as he shook out his shaggy, dark hair. “You're such a shit.”
The sound of kids shouting out their own war cries sounded before they followed. The noise was enough to diffuse the mini war for a moment. They were careening their bodies into the water one at a time. Six cannonballs of various sizes.
“Teach you to sass,” He cackled, wincing every so slightly as you splashed at him in mock outrage. You dodged Shep as you bolted away from him; kicking your feet hard enough that Jared couldn't see well enough to dive at you until you had some distance between your bodies.
“Gen!” Before you could bring his wife into the mix, you were tackled again. Losing your shout in the liquid. Jared's unnatural length had given him the advantage. Again.
“They're going to kill each other,” Jensen muttered to Genevieve at the grill. Watching the scene from the corner of his eye. He'd refused to bet on who would come out on top. Both of you were too determined to end the mutual torture amicably.
“The kids will break it up before it gets there.” She answered with a grin as she watched your leg hook Jared's. The towering height was a disadvantage for the first time as you yanked the limb upwards with your entire strength. It slowed him down. His arms couldn't quite reach you before you threw him off balance. Crashing his bulk backwards. Creating waves that all six kids rode out. The high pitched betting on who would be winner making the brow rise towards his friend's wife. “Or maybe not,” The devilish smile on her love's face made her tsk in shame.
The hiatus-bearded forty four year old beside her stopped watching the meat for a moment. Focusing on his best friend and his nanny. You had promised yourself wouldn't leave. It had been just over two years since Danneel had passed away, and you'd kept your word.
For not knowing how to care for other people full time, you'd figured it out in a hurry. Ouchies were bandaged. Homework was helped. Food was prepared just in time for everyone to slink out of the rooms. You'd gone above and beyond. Taking up a housekeeper role, even. No one could have asked for a better person to fill what had been needed.
“He takes her out? He has kid duty.” Jensen warned; his own grin covered as he took a swig of his beer to compose himself. A recent habit he'd invested in when it came to anything involving you. Too many people found themselves asking questions. He didn't want to answer them.
“Fair enough,” She shrugged as she watched Jared toss you like you were a rag doll. “Overgrown children. The both of them.”
“Keeps life a little interesting,” He acknowledged easily. It really had. Helped keep it all lighthearted when things were anything but. It'd helped him survive the worst thing he'd ever experienced. “They're too busy pranking each other to turn their wiles on us, nowadays.” That brought up Gen's brow.
“She's given you wiles, huh?” Her own drink was brought to her lips to keep her face as neutral as could as she watched her friend turn the deadly chromatic gaze her way. Looking for a sign that would tell him to keep his mouth shut. He didn't find anything. Being in the acting business had its perks, and cons, when it came to their friendship.
“She's decided that I'm too serious, lately,” He grumbled. Finger quotes and all. Pulling on the years of playing Dean Winchester for a way to express his displeasure with adequate emphasis. He'd long ago accepted that the Winchester would pop his head up whenever he needed him to. Almost eighteen years on the job did that to a man. “She gets the kids in on the plots. Got Jared in on a few before they turned on each other.”
Jared had eagerly adopted a new victim in his favorite sport. Jensen had lost the urge to get down and dirty years ago. After an incident that may, or may not have, involved stink bombs in a trailer. He reserved his angst for Misha and other cast members. However, that didn't mean that he didn't enjoy watching his best friend meeting his match.
It was nearly as explosive as when him and Jared had been younger. The only thing that prevented a forced truce was the amount of space and time apart that you two experienced. It never had a chance to build up and become deadly. Or, that's what everyone was counting on, anyway.
“Did it work?” The Winchester's bitch face was turned her way. Two could play the acting game. She just read it better, “So, it did.”
“It's been two years. I don't need checked on, constantly,” He grumbled. Taking another swig as he flipped the burgers and hot dogs. She wasn't quite sure if he was talking about you or her nosing about.
“I'm fine, Gen...Really...I'm great.” She didn't look nearly convinced. Impatiently waiting for him to continue. He didn't disappoint. Unleashing the verbal diarrhea in a torrent after a moment of silence. He'd been stewing for too long. “She just...she's something else.” That seemed to catch her attention even more.
“Are you two fighting?” The question was carefully let out, ensuring that he knew she wasn't trying to push too hard. Simply expressing a bit of concern.
“No,” He scoffed. Despite that it's actually what he'd tried to enact more than once. You were just unshakeable. “She's just...she's always there, you know?” He sounded weak to his own ears, but that didn't stop the word vomit leaving his lips. “And she's always... on top of everything. God forbid I tell her what to do.” Every thing that had been itching at his nerves burst forth. “That's another thing! She isn't intimidated. At all. I told her to take a day off, or she's canned. What'd she do? She laughed. Laughed!” He was going to lose his mind over the saucy nanny. That much he was sure on.
“And you don't like that?” Gen's teasing tone made him mentally kick himself in the ass. His long suffering parent face came out at that. She missed the point. “Sounds like the perfect nanny if I'd ever heard of one.”
“She's not just a nanny,” He was aware that he sounded like a sulking child. It made his shoulders straighten even more. His voice deepening in frustration. “She joined the damn family. When she shouldn't've had to. Y/N was supposed to get back on her feet, and moved on.”
The lingering guilt came forward. You hadn't wanted to be trapped in role. Yet, there you were. All for his family's benefit. His benefit.
“Doesn't seem to bother her,” Genevieve noted, nodding her head subtly towards the scene in the pool.
You'd gathered reinforcements. Jensen's three helped you knock Jared under the water again while his own children simply cackled around the attack zone. All it took was a simple bribe from their chief to get them to join in on the battle. Suddenly, the pool erupted into full blown war fare.
Waves crashed over the edge. Floaties went flying through the air. But, everyone knew their limits. Tenderly, you all rode the thin line that would lead to death as you wrestled in the chlorinated pit.
“It should,” He grumbled. It had at one time. The memory of you insisting that you couldn't fill the void echoed in his brain. People didn't change that much. No, if you were okay with it? There was a reason. And there was only one he could piece together enough to make some kinda sense. “She's using us for a crutch. She should be out there. Looking to start her own family.”
He'd painted the image in his mind. Clear as day, it danced there. He could see you in a bar, taking a down night. Later, with your own family after you'd stumbled into some nice good looking chap who'd appreciate you. God knows that you'd earned it.
“Ever think that she doesn't want to?” The idea was dismissed before she even finished it. After all, what woman didn't want someone of their own? “She's a big girl, Jensen...She can decide when she's ready.”
“You don't always get to choose,” His answer was softer that time. Thinking of the turn his life had taken. “You don't always get time.”
His own lack of time still haunted him more than he'd acknowledge. Jensen had wanted forever. Instead, he'd gotten a sliver of it. Best damn sliver of his life, but still. It hadn't been enough. He wanted his wife back. Wanted the life they'd been denied.
“I know,” She would have offered him a hug if his expression hadn't turned back to the mulish expression that often resided in his character's face at the soft words.  It was his way of coping. Emotions turned deadly. He wouldn't- couldn't give into it. Not in front of the kids, anyway. Alone in his room was a different story. “Have you tried actually talking to her?”
“She treats me like one of the kids,” He muttered with a soft scowl that made Gen bite back a laugh. “Actually, that's not true. I get lower. She gives the kids more attention when they take up a problem with her.” The sulking was back in full force as he nudged at the meat, once again. It was the one trait of yours that drove him crazy. That easy dismissal of his concerns.
“I can talk to her-”
“No,” His head jerked her way in dismay. He didn't want anyone fighting his battles. Didn't want you to feel that he was forcing you out. “No,” He cleared his throat; this time speaking more calmly. “I'll figure something out...providing Jared doesn't kill her.” His eyes locked onto your form as you tried to tackle the bigger man, and failed. Laughing as you were tossed around like a rag doll.
“I still have water in my ears,” You grumbled back at the Ackle's fortress. Trying to dislodge the liquid by shaking your head. It was useless. You'd have to pull out the cotton balls and rubbing alcohol to try and draw it out. “Your friend is wicked.”
“You started it,” Jensen shot back, setting the dish he'd dried back into the cupboard.
They'd been discarded from that morning, before the small get together. Going to sleep with a dirty sink had turned into one of your pet peeves. So, there you were. At midnight. Cleaning dishes next to your employer and friend...of sorts.
“Fair point,” You relented, passing him the pan you'd just rinsed.
After nearly three years? You'd had no problem taunting the man who'd once intimidated you. The puppy-like beast could truly do damage if he wanted. Jared simply never had the desire to inflict permanent harm. Rather stuck to temporary discomfort.
And, you loved every bit of it. It made you feel welcomed. Placed on equal footing, despite the fact that you were the furthest thing from famous.
“I think it's time to replace this thing,” Jensen muttered as he shifted the thinning towel to a dry spot to work on the metal more.
“I can do this on my own, you know.” You pointed out without malice. After all, that's what you were paid to do. A job that you didn't particularly mind, either.
“Figured Jared kicked your ass enough, today.” The wry grin made your eyes roll before you turned away. Ignoring the way his chuckle made your stomach knot.
It wasn't a new feeling. Simply one that you couldn't focus on. He'd had that soul deep kinda connection that you longed for before. So rare that you doubted you'd ever find it. Not only was he still madly in love with Danneel. But, there was also the issue of him handing over a paycheck weekly. Even if you were willing to bend the rules a bit? He wouldn't. So, you turned back to what you could focus on. The dishes.
“I can take it from here,” You returned when you gathered your wits back to where they belonged. It took longer than you had liked. “Besides, you have a flight in the morning. You should get some sleep.”
“Sure thing, mom.” His dry tone was telling enough. You were being blown off. “You sure you can handle them on your own?”
His anxiety over the trip was both endearing and frustrating. On one hand, you understood it. The kids were his everything. He hadn't left their side for longer than a few hours since they'd lost their mother. On the other, it almost hurt that there wasn't enough trust built up to give him relief for a single weekend. To let you step in and care for his family as if they were your own. Hadn't you already proven your worth?
“I'll be fine,” You waved him off with a sudsy hand. Blowing him off as easily as he had your concern. He and Dee had raised some pretty fantastic kids before you'd stepped in. They'd stay that way over two days without their dad. You'd make sure of it. “You need some time to yourself, Jay.”
“When do you ever get that?” He pointed out, jumping on his opening. Your eyes rolled back so far that it was painful. Rehashing the now familiar argument.
“I'm starting to think that you're trying to get rid of me,” His horrified look your way was ignored as you pressed your point home. Making him understand exactly how it was coming across each time he pushed. “If you don't want me around-”
“Did I say that?” The answer was so Dean that you had to bite back the chuckle. He'd only get more worked up, again, if you did. So, you resisted the urge. The kids were out. Neither of you wanted to wake them. “I just think that you need a getaway- one that doesn't include my kids.”
“Are you kidding? What fun is it to go to the beach on your own?” You'd joined the family on their excursions. Everything from the family vacations to trips to conventions. You'd even stayed in Toronto when it came time to film Supernatural. Ensuring that Jensen hadn't needed to worry for a second about his children. Instead, he'd begun to direct it towards you. “I'm not missing much. Trust me. Been there. Done that.”
“Are you still hung up on-”
“I should have never told you that story,” You muttered before he could finish. He'd never forgotten. Or let you forget that you'd confided in him. It was the first thing that had made him give you a second look. “I have bad taste, Jensen. Notoriously bad taste.” He wasn't going to argue there. The guy in question was a douche. “I'm not bringing anything like that home with me, again. There's not enough sage in the world to get rid of that kind of energy. You really should thank me.” A sad smile lined Jensen's face. Danneel had been known to burn a bundle as needed. The tradition had lived on, even just for memories sake.
“Yeah,” He cleared his throat. Taking the hint, finally. “I shouldn't push.” The look on your face said that you agreed. Silence ensued as the nightly chore was wrapped up before you went your separate ways. The issue only held away for another day.
“We're good. Go have fun,” You winked over the snapchat. Jensen could see all the girls in the back. Odette had taken the place of Zeppelin for the night. The boys were all with Gen. The children's own request.
You pulled away from your face to record the dance party that was taking place to Little Mix's Salute. Makeup covered all their little faces haphazardly. Your own face carried the telling marks of a young child's heavy handedness. Boas and frilly pink pajamas filled the room. All had embraced their inner female, looking remarkably fierce as they yelled the lyrics.
You ended it with a little lip sync action and your own, half-assed salute. He found himself replaying it for the simple, wide smile on your face as you turned away in the end. You'd seemed happier than he'd expected. His fingers rubbed over the bridge of his nose. Maybe you and Gen had a point.
“Dude, you okay?” Jared's shoulder jostled his best friend lightly, making the shorter one jerk away from his phone. When he glanced back, his reflection stared back at him. A flower crown rested over his forehead. His back straightened as he locked the screen, and tucked the device back in his pocket.
“Fine,” He answered easily. His hand ran through his hair. A simple tell. “Y/N was just checking in.”
“It's hard to be away from them,” The understanding tone made Jensen's tension fall a bit. It was ridiculous to even try to hide it from Jared. “I get it, man.” The large hand clasped against his arm. “If you want to bail, I'll find a way to cover-”
“I can't do that to the fans,” He shook his head. They'd all been so patient. So damn sweet after he'd lost Danneel. They deserved more than him flaking out. Again. “No, she's got it.” A crooked side smile pulled up his face, “Besides, Gen would kill me if I left you alone. You're practically bursting at the seams.”
“Am not,” The little shit eating grin said otherwise. A look that called bull was the only response he got. “Okay, but number four being on the way is kind of a big deal.” Fatherly pride was contagious.
“Yeah, man, it is.” With a sigh, Jensen pulled himself together. Determined to fall back into old patterns as much as he still could.
Years ago, Danneel and him had said they were done. Hell, even on live TV. Yet, so had Jared and Gen. There was no predicting how life would go. What turns would come forward.
Jensen was happy for his friend. Hell, his brother. He'd be there for them and the kid. Just as they had for him and his brood. But, it didn't settle the pit in his gut.
His focus lingered on the what ifs that life had left him with. Where would they all be if that car accident hadn't happened? Would the man who'd hit her be behind bars for someone else? He even found himself wondering if he'd have a fourth baby if Danneel was still alive...
Part Three
ODAAT: @winchester-ofthe-lord
Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278 @screechingartisancashbailiff
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon @supernaturalginger @lilulo-12​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @malfoysqueen14​
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
5x05: Fallen Idols
Hey all! Welcome to Hate Watch Week! We’ve picked the best of the worst and are recapping them all week. These are our personal choices, and I’m sure they all (*but one*) have redeeming qualities, we just see the bad more than the good. Enjoy our snark  --and join in if you want :) (And if you’re still trying to guess our hiatus theme, this episode doesn’t count.) 
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We meet Jimmy and his pal, Cal, both race car enthusiasts. Well, enthusiasts for one sports car: James Dean’s Porsche 550 Spyder. While Jimmy runs to get the camera, Cal sits in the car, ready to start the “Little Bastard”. Only, the air gets frosty and the car radio flickers on. We hear a crash and Jimmy heads back to the garage to find Cal’s head smashed into the jagged edge of the convertible’s windshield. 
Sam and Dean are on the case! Sam wants to know why this case is so important --what with the devil and apocalypse and all. “This is what we’re doing, okay?” Dean insists. Dean highlights that they’ve been away from each other for a while (*Ahem* maybe I don’t like this episode as much because the last two episodes were just Dean and Cas having fun times together? IDK. 5x03 and 5x04 were a wild ride that I watch over and over again.) 
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They arrive at the local cop shop as FBI agents Bonham and Copeland. The local sheriff shows them the video “evidence” that Cal’s good buddy Jim killed him. The brothers are less than convinced.
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The sheriff applied Occam's Razor, and done and done. 
The brothers want to interview Jim anyway. He tells them what he heard from the house: tires squealing, glass breaking. The car killed Cal. It’s cursed. Jim mentions that it was “Little Bastard” that did it, and Dean’s eyes light up like a little boy at Christmas. OoooohhhHHHHooo. Dean and cars and, well, don’t tell me he never had a crush on James Dean. We all have had a crush on James Dean. Sam “I can’t be any more straight” Winchester has no flippin’ clue what’s going on. Dean insists they check out the car. Bby boy. 
They head to the car, and Dean takes a moment. Sam asks for some exposition. Dean explains that after James Dean died, the mechanic bought the wreckage and fixed the car. 
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The car fell on him, and death continues to follow the car wherever it goes (Ugh, I just went down a rabbit hole of what happened to the car and am now in a weird spiral of remembering how much I loved James Dean as a teen and how much Rebel Without A Cause meant to me. I’m not 90 years old. What a weird flex for a 1990’s kid to experience. But also not, since Dean’s right there with me, right?) 
Anyway, to really confirm if the car was James Dean’s, they’ve got to match the engine number. Dean heads under the car to confirm, begging the car to not hurt him first. Dean takes his sweet ass time being nervous and writing down the engine number, but he makes it out alive. He tasks Sam with tracking down all the owners.
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While Dean hangs at a bar, Sam discovers the car is a fake. 
Meanwhile, a nerdy man reflects on his day at his desk when the air gets frosty and he hears a creaking behind him. He turns and utters, “Oh my god, it’s you. You’re dead. You’re supposed to be dead.” Is it a long lost wife? An old rival? Nope. It’s a growling Abraham Lincoln. He chokes the nerd man until he becomes a victim of the blood cannon. Better angels of our nature, my ass. 
The agents meet the sheriff at the crime scene. They remark that there’s nothing strange about the victim dying of a gunshot wound where there’s no gun, no gunpowder, no bullet. Awkward. The brothers demand a reasonable explanation from the sheriff. He hunkers down and whispers, “Professional killer.” He’s thinking this is a Michael Clayton-type thing. And I love it because that’s the limit of his imagination. Sam and Dean know better but only because they live in the fringe of this world where monsters are real. 
Sam and Dean head to interview the victim’s maid, Consuela Alvarez. She’s very distressed, and can only speak Spanish. 
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Sam pulls out his freshman Spanish to save the day. I only remember “Donde esta el baño?” Good job, Sam! The killer was a tall man with a long black coat and a beard. And he wore a hat. A tall hat. Dean cracks the code: A stovepipe hat like Abraham Lincoln. DEAN BEAN, so street smart he doesn’t even realize how book smart he is. Sigh. “Abraham Lincoln killed Mr. Hill,” Consuela confirms. 
The brothers continue to research. Dean watches the car video frame by frame until he finds one frame of a blurred red coated figure ---and INSTANTLY guesses that it’s James Dean ---but like Jim Stark James Dean. It’s not like James Dean wore the damn red coat outside of that movie role, lol. (Sidenote: Fun fact: Fry from Futurama’s coat is modeled after that red coat.) 
Sam realizes that they’re dealing with famous ghosts that are killing their fans. (Sidenote: I hope Misha Collins never dies.) The brothers wonder why these ghosts are haunting Canton, Ohio. They do more research. 
The brothers head to the Canton Wax Museum. They marvel at all the random wax figurines (and Sam is taller than Lincoln? Hmmm. They’re the same height. #Borisisanerd) Dean makes fun of Gandhi and Sam defends him, but uh, nope, Sam, nope. 
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The museum curator shows up and the brothers introduce themselves as reporters for Travel Magazine. They’re writing an article on “how totally non-sucky wax museums are.” The curator points out that this place is unique. He points to Lincoln and tells the boys that’s actually Lincoln’s hat. Yep, he’s got real items from all the dead guys. 
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He’s going to make wax museums hip again. And OMG Sam’s little thumbs up in response. STOP. 
Later, Sam loads up on salt rounds and walks in on Dean talking to Bobby about him. Dean gets off the phone fast and dismisses Sam’s questioning about the call. Dean’s not 100% with Sam yet. They head out to finish the case. 
At the wax museum Dean starts poking around. Let the tomfoolery begin!
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Sam hauls out a metal trash can which they can use to torch all the priceless, one of a kind objects. (History-fan me cringes.) While he’s doing an ultra-close-up examination of Lincoln, the doors slam shut. Suddenly, Gandhi is on him! Gandhi is strong, he’s fast, and he’s out to kill. Dean torches Gandhi's watch and Sam’s attacker winks out. 
The next day, Sam mulls over the case in the motel room. Ghost Gandhi's quick disappearance has him troubled. He didn’t flame out like most ghosts, and he seemed almost zombie hungry. Sam thinks the hunger is uncharacteristic given Gandhi's tendency towards fruitarianism. (WWMGD? What would monster Gandhi do?) Dean dismisses Sam’s concerns, and Sam tells him that hunting together isn’t working. Dean doesn’t trust him. More than that, Dean’s trying to stick to their old patterns with the older brother telling the younger brother what to do. 
“Before didn’t work,” Sam tells him. That old dynamic chased Sam off into Ruby’s arms. “You’re gonna have to let me grow up.”
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Dean’s phone rings. It’s the local cops, calling about another terrible incident. 
The Sheriff is…utterly at a loss with this next one. Dean and Sam head into the station to interview two teen girls. They tearfully recount the “horrible” “way horrible” disappearance of their friend who was kidnapped earlier by…Paris Hilton. 
Dean and Sam tick the obvious boxes. Paris Hilton isn’t dead, so they’re not after a ghost. Sam suits up in scrubs to do a detailed autopsy of one of the prior corpses. He pulls out two strange seeds from one of the victim’s stomachs. 
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Sam fills Dean in on the excessive blood loss he discovered (something was feeding) and the seeds. The seeds are unusual, and he takes them back to the motel. There, he discovers that the seeds were indigenous to a forest in Europe, and the forest was ruled over by a god, Leshi. Leshi can take on any form and feeds on his followers. Dean hand waves the shapeshifting explanation for the audience by asking, “So how's he doing it? What, he touches James Dean's keychain and then morphs into James Dean?” Thank you, Exposition Dean!
The Winchesters arrive back at the Wax Museum, this time bearing a nice sharp axe. In a creepy closed exhibit they find the victim and…Paris Hilton. She (He?) takes out Dean and Sam quickly. When they wake a little while later, they’re tied to the fake trees in the exhibit. 
Leshi sharpens a blade slowly, excited to do the sacrificial ritual correctly this time. He explains that he’s settled in this town to stuff his face full of worshippers arriving at the wax museum. With the apocalypse nigh, there’s no reason to diet! 
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Leshi grouses about the poor quality of worshippers these days. Dean fights whining with snark, and Leshi tells him that he worships somebody - his dad. “Poor little Dean. All you ever wanted was to be loved by your idol.” They fight and Sam breaks free and hacks off Leshi’s head.
The next day, we learn that the victim they rescued is going to recover. And even better? The bumbling Sheriff is putting out an APB on Paris Hilton. 
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At the car, Dean admits his own culpability in bringing about the apocalypse, when he broke the first seal. He apologizes for being preoccupied with the wrong things. Sam responds with the hero speech with which we’re so familiar. “We gotta just grab onto whatever's in front of us, kick its ass, and go down fighting.” Dean’s on board. Hell, he’s more than ready to move forward. He hands Sam the keys to Baby and they roll off to the sweet sounds of Jeff Beck's “Superstition." D’awwww.
These Quotes are Hot:
We’re not your typical cops
Death follows this car around like exhaust
Christine is fiction, this is real
I'm gonna make wax museums hip again
Four score and seven years ago, I had a funny hat
You’re not the first god we've met, but you are the nuttiest
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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sammyhale · 5 years
J2 VegasCon 2019 Main Panel
*Reminder: Full answers/more context in vids and gifs <3
J2 jump onstage as fans wave pink hearts from the crowd <3
Jensen: Whenever we come out and do one of those jumps, I always wonder if today’s the day one of us blows a hip. 
Jensen’s microphone keeps making a high pitched sound lol. 
They ask how many first-timers are there. Jensen: Okay, well, I’d like to remind you we’ve been on this show for fourteen years, doing these for thirteen and a half. Where were you??? 
Jared: We are five days into our final hiatus. Jensen: Five days into our hiatus beard!
Jensen won’t shave for a few months.
J2 whispering and Jensen cracking up :P 
Jensen reveals that Jared is wearing a party patch (they help with hangovers). Jared puts his leg on Jensen’s lap and rolls up his pant leg to show the patch lol. 
J2 gave the crew party patches at the s14 wrap party.  
Fan asks if they believe in the supernatural in real-life. Jensen doesn’t not believe in ghosts. First to think there’s a logical explanation. But he’s certainly open to the availability that that 1% could be supernatural. Even though he’s never experienced it in real life. 
Jensen explains the difference between unnatural and supernatural. Unnatural = Jared. Supernatural = us
Norton fixes Jared’s rolled up pants which turns a little dirty, naturally :P 
Fan: Which supporting actors have gone on that have had great careers that you’re still close with? The guest star Jared connects with the most is the girl who played Ruby in season 4 ;) Jensen says they knew Sterling K. Brown was a star when he was on spn, that the Force was strong with him. It’s no surprise he’s had the success that he’s had. Also: Well we’re close to Jeffrey Dean Morgan, even though he hasn’t really done much since spn. He’s still cool. 
J2 ran into Felicia Day yesterday and talked about her daughter aww
Jared watched “Wendigo” recently, named a couple of guest stars (assuming Alden Ehrenreich was one of them ;))
A fan apparently rushed the stage, emotional/screaming and upset about wanting an autograph. Some fans tweeted that she has autism. Fans tweeted that J2, Clif, and Creation handled the situation well. At one point J2 left the stage to help defuse the situation. When they came back out after Jared shouted out: “Our member of the family is having a hard time. We all have had hard times.” He wants us all to be kind. The boys are completely fine. (Some details)
Fan: So after the show, will you continue to shave? Boys: Up here not down there... lol
Jensen: We were talking about Jared’s Viking braids. 
Jensen teased about Jared shaving his head like Borja did yesterday for charity. They said they’d have Misha do it lol. 
Answering sincerely, they acknowledge their look will change a bit, to have their own identities. Jensen:  “Dean is the best imaginary friend I’ve ever had in my life. He’ll be a part of me for the rest of my life. But I don’t have to look like him for the rest of my life.” 
Also: “It all depends on what our wives want us to look like.” lol 
Jared wants to go bowlegged. Asks Jensen how it is, to which he replies “airy.” 
Jensen hopes their relationships with cast and crew will last a lifetime and that is what, quote, “fuels us up.”
J2 are signed to do cons past s15 and won’t end for a while :)  
What is Jared most looking forward to after the show? Getting to know our kids, our wives, and ourselves. Also not shaving! 
Jared: I’m excited to be a dad. Spend more time with the kiddos. Is also excited for the boring.  
Jensen’s never known his wife and kids without the show. It’s been a constant. It’s going to be interesting to see where life goes. He’s excited for the opportunity to spend more time with his kids, wife, and friends. To not get on an airplane.
Jensen: I'm looking forward to but have been happy to have professional opportunities go by these past 14 years in order to tell this story. 
Has anything impacted you (professionally) like SPN has impacted us? Jared says he isn’t sure. Even when “off” we can’t remove our “wigs” like Borja (lol) We’re still working! Always!
Jensen said he and Misha will need vocal therapy after the show to get their voices back to normal. Jensen: I tried to emulate JDM as Dean’s father by speaking with this gravelly voice. I didn’t know I’d been doing this for 15 seasons. I’m a lot older than he was when he played my dad. Jared: Yeah, no kidding!! 
Fan: How do demons deposit sulfur? Jensen: *runs around the stage, making farting noises*
What’s on their bucket lists? And the weirdest thing on there? The fan has an accent that J2 both attempt. Jared says (about the accent): “It’s beautiful and I’m jealous of people who speak better than me, which is everyone.”
We have learned Jared doesn’t have a bucket list. Then he says he would love to go on a helicopter ride. He’s never done it before and it’s the small things. Jensen is unimpressed.
Jared: “What I meant to say was...have a...pet...koala...bear...” Jensen: JUST STOP.
Jensen says, “I want to watch my children grow up.”  
Jared says he can watch his children grow up from the helicopter. Jensen quips, “That’s called helicopter parenting.” 
Jared shakes the fan’s hand and asks where her accent is from, repeating that it’s beautiful. She says, “Yorkshire.” He goes, “no YOU’RE sure.” LOL 
The dad jokes are strong today.
For the final season, this is the first year J2 have said to the writers and producers that they would like to be part of the creative process in the direction and the story of s15. J2 have been invited to the storyboarding with the creators in LA for the final season and definitely want to give their input. They don’t know if they’ll listen, and J2 are prepared for that, but nobody’s lived with Sam and Dean longer than they have. They would love to give input that the show and characters deserve. <3
Jensen: “No one knows these characters more than Jared and I.”
Jared: As a fan of the show, I'd like to offer my input.    
Jensen says they watch the episodes in order to give themselves critical feedback. They don’t read comments on social media re: feedback. 
It’s hard for them to watch themselves as just an audience. Including other TV shows like GOT and This Is Us. 
J2 both loved “Death's Door” then realized we weren't in it much. Jensen: Are we weighing it down? Jared: We're critical of ourselves
Fan: Jensen, you were amazing last night [at the concert]. Jared: Oh, if you think he was amazing last night... :P
Fan asks if Jensen really played piano on Dark Angel and any memories from the show?  It was a little of both Jensen and a pro (close-ups are not him playing). It was a VERY difficult song to learn how to play, Chopin he thinks. He has to think hard to dig up funny stories.
When Jessica Alba gets in the boxing ring (with him) she lined up the punch and hit him RIGHT in the nose. (One of the MANY reasons it’s “so jacked up”) He was too young to say “cut! That hurt!” Realizes he doesn’t do that now, either lol.
Another episode he gets slapped, but the actress wasn’t getting the timing for the fake slap right. She was petite so he assumed it wouldn’t be too bad... But he had a WELT on his face. Whole crew went “oof.”
“Scoobynatural” question for the final scene, how many takes? A small crowd had gathered outside across the street. They’re 20 yards away and can’t hear the regular dialogue. But Jensen knew they would get that last line, and he was embarrassed to say the line because those people wouldn’t know the context. 
Jared: They’re so old they’re animating themselves to be on camera! lol
A fan said she lost her favorite beanie in the Bellagio fountain and was asking on recommendations to get a new one. 
Jared gave his beanie to the fan aww. Then Jensen told Jared that he lost his favorite watch, and Jared immediately took off his watch and gave it to Jensen. Jensen cuddles Jared. Jared then tells Jensen he lost his favorite pair of underwear LOL 
Last question: Fan wants to know where Jensen and Jared went during the “French Mistake” episode.  Jensen says they were at a con. Jared says VegasCon! Or maybe it was Balthazar. But Jensen prefers to think they just didn’t show up for work because “they’re asshole actors.” 
Hugs, standing ovation for the boys, J2 give each other and the fans some love before taking off :) (photo credit: x)
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Info via: Fangasm, Sarah,  #spnlv, #spnvegas
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 15x04 “Atomic Monsters”
in which Jensen’s directing blows my mind a little bit?? holy shit. also Dean is only eating phallic things... and the writer in me is reeling. SOMEONE TELL ME THAT WAS JENSEN SINGING THAT SONG PLEASE
mostly what i wanna do right now is eat and watch queer eye buuuut i guess i should watch this first. hopefully it’s fun?? i do not want my heart ripped out or to be squicked right now
oh no........ becky
i like her as a character but ew ew ew all of her life choices and the way she treats sam
fingers crossed for character development
i mean .....i don’t LIKE her but still
i can’t tell if the audio on my video file is fucked up or whether there’s supposed to be a voiceover here while dean’s shooting people while wearing a very nice beard
because it’s very much drowned out
oh hey benny
soooo this is some kind of au fic maybe
i uh.... fully expected dean to kiss benny right then
definitely a voiceover drowned out on purpose
vaguely heard “title” as the titlecard came up
okay, interesting
OHHHHH SAMMY No i think he knows exactly what it means, and what it sounds like
dean: yeah it does
TOLD YOU. bi baby
real bacon
dean and his flask this season..... guess he’s gone back to quiet alcoholism
wow........ becky has not aged a DAY
becky: they just sit around and do laundry and talk
okay NOW i relate to becky
thank youuuu davy perez for letting her grow and recognize her awful awful awful mistakes
chuck: eeeeeeh, people like monsters
becky: meh
i mean i love monster stories but i love laundry more
there’s a tall cas doll in becky’s bookshelf, yay~
which.... honestly looks like a white tennis ball on a roll of paper with wings attached but still
cas is gone and dean is eating SO MUCH
> meat man bacon (textual penis euphemism)
> pretzels (twisted, salty rather than sweet, metaphor for Not Straight)
> alcohol (DESPAIR)
> hot dog (phallic)
i can’t put screenshots on my posts anymore bc tumblr sucks BUT
as dean’s sitting with the hot dog, in the shot that contains sam, there’s BISEXUAL BICYCLES
sam holds a hyponeedle behind his back
i’m wondering if they’d become a little out of character if chuck is writing them again
i’d say the orchid is significant
there’s a pink one in the house of the dad/mom/son, and the speech-making cheerleader mentioned ghost orchids
edit: nah
aww there’s a lil cas pop figure thingy!!! yay team free will!!!
chuck: fan..fic. it’s not really the same
becky: writing’s writing!!
becky: no-one even mentions cas
flashback to the son biting the girl’s neck, the music kind of halfway there
the directing of this is fascinating
like a music video, it’s ethereal
and... you know when you hear JUST enough of a good chord from a song but you don’t hear the rest and it’s like MMM but just an inch away from satisfying but not in a bad way?? like breathing in a meal you’re not going to eat. like walking past a bakery and not going inside. you want it but you can’t have it, IT TEASES
this isn’t a tv show, it’s art. like. he just made art. wow 
there are SO MANY LAYERS HERe, particularly in the audio
the kid talking, chuck’s voiceover, the music in the truck, the heartbeat and roaring sound effects, the kid and the girl breathing and grunting in the flashback
it’s like... sensory overload but at the same time it’s delicious
.....you know what?? this scene is beyond incredible, because not only is is beautiful for what it is, but also for what it represents
because i was just thinking that this feeling, this blast and blur of ALL THE THINGS ALL AT ONCE AT THE APEX OF EMOTION feels exactly like the part where i’m writing a story and everything’s happening so fast and i gotta type AS THINGS ARE HAPPENING and words just flood from my fingertips and my heart is pounding and the world no longer exists, i’m kind of out of my body but no longer have a body
that’s literally what’s happening. all of this. is chuck writing in that exact moment, unresponsive to becky, WRITING THINGS INTO EXISTENCE
i told my family a while ago, there are some stories only a Writer can write. when they write about being a Writer and you can tell it’s so personal and would be related to the most by other writers. and davy perez has done exactly this here, with becky being us, the fandom, but then there’s THIS
that flood of Everything All At Once is illustrated PERFECTLY, not just in the text, but the way jensen obviously understood the feeling and illustrated it in such a way that i didn’t even remember the layer of this story where chuck’s writing until i was all “hey this feels like that writer thing” and IT’S EXACTLY THAT
this is mind-blowing a little bit??? i really really love this
ooooooh a vampire trying to save the winchesters from humans
.....who’s singing this song? kind of?? sounds like jensen???
it’s probably not jensen but 100% chance he picked the song
that long note as the girl’s taken out on the stretcher. oh man it REALLY sounds like jensen
....i listened again and....... the word “SOUnds”
no, yeah, that’s jensen. the way he kind of hurls a big note up through his chest yet it comes out soft with just that teeeeny touch of huskiness?? that’s gotta be jensen
if it’s not jensen i’ll be v surprised. might be a friend of his maybe. but there’s a personal connection there definitely
*misha at jibcon voice* we get a tingly feeling when we hear it so we know it’s you
becky: it’s AWFUL. HOPELESS. you can’t do this to the fans
i can’t tell if that textual awareness combined with my dread about the upcoming ending of the show makes me glad the writers understand, or worried that they understand but are gonna give us a dark, hopeless ending anyway
did the voiceover just say “bexy becky”
dean: now that chuck’s gone... we are..... finally free
oh no baby
oh no
laughing bc the ending was just “next to him sit dean and sam bobbleheads”
the end
guess it’s kind of a cause-and-effect thing. chuck types, they wobble
at least becky’s not dead right?? at least according to chuck talking about her family
i’m so glad becky is a stable, healthily creative human who obeys consent now and is repulsed by what she did to sam
i probably don’t need to say it again but the directing in this was phenomenal, if highly unusual compared to other episodes. there was a lot of... force in it? actually now i think it about it, it had jensen’s energy. smooth and flowing with smacks of Hell Yeah and some twangs of discomfort thrown in.
also dean’s food was phallic, fight me
i think the bicycles thing probably meant less than the food did, jensen’s way more straightforward with his dick jokes. like, if he’s gonna be gay, he goes for it, doesn’t hide it in the background. someone else put those bicycles there, and he was probably like “ok sure”.
(also? dean’s “nice beaver” quip, followed by the fact that THE PERSON INSIDE THE BEAVER FURSUIT IS A GUY)
i bet i’m gonna get on tumblr after this and someone’s gonna be like “hey here’s the song that was in this episode and yeah it’s off jensen’s new album��
i’m interested to see where this story goes next. but also WOW, i’m not into the fact chuck is manipulating the storyline again and the winchesters aren’t aware of it. curious flip regarding consent issues, with chuck and becky. now chuck’s the violator and becky’s the voice of reason
anyway this was 10/10, and i’m happy to report that after i got past the scene with the red lights in the bunker, and made it to the brothers eating bacon, i’d completely forgotten i wanted to be watching something else and began to fully enjoy this episode~ yay
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bunnymcbunnister · 5 years
SPN Season 15 Spoiler Sheet, update 11/4
There were a few nice tidbits from DCCon about the latest filmed episodes (9-10). These have been a busy few weeks for me, so if I have missed anything or messed it up, let me know! I had a detail from ep 10 listed as 9, which is fixed now. Remember- this is for fun and somethings will be wrong! Enjoy the episode this week after a week off. 
DISCLAIMER: This is gathered info from various sources. This is not confirmed information. Stuff in this WILL be wrong. Don’t take this too seriously. This is for fun. 
General Info (oldest to newest)
There is likely to be 20 episodes
They are filming the 4th episode 1st, which Jensen is directing
Returning this year are: Rowena, Ketch, Eileen, Amara, Adam, and Kevin
Jared and Jensen know the ending. Jensen struggled with it at first. Misha does not know the ending as of SDCC
Matt Cohen and Richard Speight Jr. will direct
Sam, Dean, and Cas will struggle with the concept of free will and if they ever really had it
The focus will be more on Hell than Heaven
There is hope to wrap up some Wayward Daughters storylines in the back half of the season
They are adding a whole extra day to filming to do the final scene (Implies logistics- lots of returning people?)
Brad Bucker used the word “romance” when asked about Sam and Dean’s arcs. Did not specify who. 
Chuck will be more of an absent protagonist in the 1st half of the season (but he in in ep 4)
At the beginning of the season Dean and Cas will still have a rift. They will reconcile “at some point”. Jensen claims as of script 4 they still have friction. This has been repeated several times, from Misha as well. He indicated Dean is still mad at Cas, but Cas doesn’t feel to blame for Mary’s death. 
In an interview, Kripe indicated that the series ending would have “peace” for Sam and Dean
Not much new at the TCA’s, but it was said it is “unlikely” Jeffery Dean Morgan will be back since his last appearance was such a good end note. There were some jokes about a Castiel spin off. Hell, I’d watch. 
There will be a special tribute ep, not clear if its one of the 20 or additional
Misha will be in 15 out of 20 episodes this season
According to Dabb, Sam and Dean are going to start to lose people who, in past seasons, we would’ve never lost — and lose them in a very real way. Our guys are going to realize there’s a certain finality, and some of the things they’ve relied on to get through the day — people, talents, things like that — they are no longer going to be able to roll out. And that’s going to throw them for a loop (Unfortunately, my guess in Rowena)
Also according to Dabb, Jack is still in the empty and “he’s not coming back in the near future”
Cas’ deal with the Empty may come up later in the season. 
Kevin will return.
Season 15 promo: https://youtu.be/V232RpcCdTY
Christan Kane (Leverage/Angel) will star as “Leo” an “old friend” of Deans. 
Dabb intimated that Chuck was inherently responsible for killing Mary when asked how the boys would respond to Jack. 
Adam Rose, who played Aaron Bass from the golem episode vauge-tweeted about working a show with two badass leads. Could be Supernatural, but I think the timing is off- he indicated he was filming late Friday night. 
General season 15 promo- more of a retrospective: https://youtu.be/_hlkNQL5Ecg
Dabb compared Chuck and John Winchester, claiming that Dean would have to break free of “conditioning.” Also, for Jack “there have been cosmic forces fighting for his attention since he was in the womb — and that will continue. As much as this season is about Sam and Dean finding agency, it’s also about Castiel finding agency, and it’s about Jack finding agency. As always, death is never the end. It’s just part of the journey and that’s certainly true with Jack.” 
Per Variety: At the outset of the season, the “Supernatural” foursome of Dean, Sam, Castiel and Jack are split up, but Dabb notes they won’t be for long because “ultimately this is a found family, and they have deep emotional bonds” that make up the most important part of the show.
Sam’s wound from the equalizer gives his powers/an advantage of some kind (per TVGuide)
Jack will be a critical part of the ending of the show
The cage/Adam is looking like it will be coming up for midseason
Shaving People, Punting Things: https://youtu.be/azTwku2uosA
The shaving promo, punting things promo shows glimpses or Lucifer!Sam and MOC!Dean, as well as bearded Dean in tactical equipment. Recent interviews by Dabb seem to indicate that these are glimpses into other universes, a la Apocalypse World, and other endings from Sam and Dean. 
According to the MarySue and other interviews, Sam’s bullet hole will give him a connection and insight to god- like a tin can telephone string.
In the cage, Micheal and Adam have formed a working relationship (MarySue)
Dean and Amara’s connection will be explored
There will be a bunker themed episode (MarySue)
According to Misha (Cinablend) Dean and Cas will have discord up to ep 8- which is the mid-season finale. 
At a convention, Jake Abel was asked to share two lies about Adam’s return and a truth. The said 1. Adam is not upset about hell 2. Adam kills someone 3. Adam bring someone back. I am assuming its the bring someone back (Micheal?)
Episode 15x04 (filmed out of order)
Title: Atomic Monsters
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: JENSEN ACKLES DIRECTS – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) investigate the mysterious death of a girl and the disappearance of another. Jensen Ackles directed the episode written by Davy Perez (#1501). Original Airdate 11/7/2019.
Written by: Davy Perez
Director: Jensen Ackles
Filming Dates:  7/18-7/29
Airdate: 11/7
Photos: http://www.ksitetv.com/supernatural/supernatural-spoilers-atomic-monsters-description-photos/197700/
Promo: https://youtu.be/YjEHDwocD9M
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Probably not  Jack? Probably not
Guest stars:  Rob Benedict 
Other Spoilers/info:
Jensen mentioned  a guest star “fan favorite”  that hasn’t been seen since season 7 that is no longer in the business. Guesses include Becky, who hasn’t acted in a while but isn't exactly a fan favorite, Meg, who hasn't acted but she was in season 8, and Balthazar or Frank or Jo or Rufus, but all act frequently. Jensen doesn't always have the most accurate season memory, so he could be off on the season. Since this seems like a Chuck episode, my guess is Becky but I hope for Meg. SOURCE UNCONFIRMED- I haven’t seen this in a reliable source, so take it with a grain of salt. UPDATE- it sounds like Becky’s voice in the Shaving People, Punting things trailer.��UPDATE- Jensen talked about a returning character in an interview with Variety in a completely contradictory way to this- a favorite male character of his that is busy working. Another guest? Or was he wrong the first time?
There was a beaver mascot on set… it looks like they are filming at a school called Beaverdale
Jensen and Jared filed outside in fed suits
Chuck will be in this one. Jensen directed him first alone with his beard unshaved (so maybe a solo Chuck scene or him interacting with others/not the boys). There are also theories of a time jump in this ep.
This will be a one off, classic monster hunting episode with some ties to ongoing storylines. Sam and Dean will leave the bunker to keep their skills sharp
Jensen directed
Misha will not be in this ep
SD Comic Con was during filming
Dean will be in the bunker in tactical equipment with a BEARD- fighting someone
 Episode 15x05
Title: Proverbs 17:3
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. DIRECTS – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean’s (Jensen Ackles) routine case turns out to be anything but. Richard Speight, Jr. directed the episode written by Steve Yockey (#1505). Original Airdate 11/14/2019.
Written by: Yockey
Director: Speight
Filming Dates:  9/4-9/13
Airdate: 11/14
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? No  Jack? doubtful
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info::
This will most likely be Yockey’s last episode.
Matt Cohen was around, but I imagine he is following directors to prep for his own debut directing. 
Scenes were filmed in the bunker and in a wooded area. A woman could be heard screaming in the outside scene. 
The bible verse referenced is: “The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: But the LORD trieth the hearts.”
 Episode 15x06
Title: Golden Time
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: OUT OF DIFFICULTIES GROW MIRACLES – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) are visited by an old friend. Castiel (Misha Collins) investigates the disappearance of a local teen. John Showalter directed the episode written by Meredith Glynn (#1506). Original Airdate 11/21/2019.
Written by: Meredith Glynn
Director: Steve Boyum
Filming Dates:  9/16-9/25
Airdate: 11/21
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Yes Jack? Not sure
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha tweeted from set in costume, so Cas. 
Misha also tweeted a pic in blood spatter with two bullet holes in his shirt
At least Jensen and Jared filmed in Rowena’s apartment 
This will be a witch episode- Witches will invade Rowena’s apartment looking for books. They are very powerful. Dean gets thrown into a wall and Sam uses magic to stop them (from TVGuide)
 Episode 15x07
Title: Last Call
Written by: Jeremy Adams
Director: Amyn Kaderali
Filming Dates:  9/26- 10/7
Airdate: Dec 7th is what Christian Kane tweeted…. But that is a Saturday. Dec 5th maybe?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? Yes Jack ? 
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info :
Misha posted from set in new shoes- very shiny with well tailored pants. (The next day he posted in full Cas costume, so are the shoes a one off? Another outfit with new shoes?)
Misha and Jensen made a video from set. I feel like if Jared was around he would have been in it since it was about money raised?  Maybe a Dean Cas scene?
There will be a battle scene in this that Jensen mentioned he was looking forward to and we would enjoy. 
After NJ Con, it appeared that Jensen returned to work, Jared and Misha stayed an extra day and then Misha went home.
Jensen and Christian filmed at a bar called Swazey’s. This was the fight scene Jensen was referring to. 
At some point, Sam might be shirtless or we can see part of his chest- Jared had his anti-possession tattoo at the weekend convention.
Per TVGuide, Leo and Dean will have a wild night out in an effort for Dean to recapture his mojo. Dean will become the lead of a band called Dean and the Impalas, which is made up of Supernatural crew. 
Osric Chau popped over to set, but he is filming on Legends of Tomorrow in the same studio. Sebastin Roche also indicated he would come by, he is filming on Batgirl. Unfortunately, neither Kevin or Balthazar will appear in this one. 
 Episode 15x08
Title: Our Father Who Aren’t in Heaven
Written by: Buckleming
Director: Speight
Filming Dates:  10/8- 10/18 (no filming 10/14 for Canadian Thanksgiving)
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? 
Guest stars: Jake Abel, Shoshannah Stern
Other Spoilers/info:
Jake Abel posted a script with the caption “hell hath no fury like a brother scorned”
Shoshannah Stern was spotted on set- Eileen!
This will be the midseason finale
At BurCon, Misha mentioned Dean is still acting like “a dick” in the ep they were filming- which is this one. 
 Episode 15x09
Written by: Berens
Director: Singer
Filming Dates:  10/21-10/30
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? I can’t tell but maybe not Jack ? maybe
Guest stars: Rob Benedict, Kim Rhodes, Jim Beaver
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Midseason premier episode
Misha was at home for the first week of filming
Alex and Rob were hanging out- Chuck and JACK?
Kim Rhodes posted in front of the SPN set and with her trailer- Jody looks very likely. She also had dyed hair and she has been rockin the grey for the past few Jody eps. Maybe a flashback/AU?
Jim Beaver posted from set- Bobby!
Jensen shared that in this episode, Dean will pray to Cas to “confess” why he has been treating Cas the way he has. 
Episode 15x10
Written by: Dabb
Director: Showalter
Filming Dates:  
Airdate: 10/31- 11/11
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? Jack ? 
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Misha texted some local fans from set in costume about an WA election, but after the convention was in NYC for a couple of days. 
The story will be about Sam and Dean as heroes from the good and bad side (from MarySue)
At DCCon, Jensen shared that  this a bit of a wacky episode- Sam and Dean lose their abilities to fight, Dean gets cavities and Sam gets a cold.
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adhd-hippie · 5 years
Some men are like really hot
NOTE: This will have talk about sex acts if you are sex-repulsed you have been warned. 
I’m still queer though.  I’m Aromantic and allosexual and I am so glad that the aromantic identity exists (in that it’s been defined and described) and I learned of it.  
I always knew there was something a little weird about me.  I would get these insane “crushes” on guys I’d barely spoken too but were cute and just become obsessed with them, but then whenever I dated someone it felt really weird.  As a teen I didn’t like the cutesy hand-holding or snuggles, my ADHD self struggled not to fidget, also, love notes, slow dancing, all of it was very awkward for me.  Also physical intimacy, like putting sunscreen my boyfriend’s body, letting them run their hands through my hair, standing in their embrace all felt really weird. 
Once sex became part of my life I was okay with an increased amount of intimacy so long as all the touching or talking was sexual.  Hot kisses, groping, sharing nudes, phone sex, all of those kinds of things were okay, a little awkward to start (and sometimes during if they weren’t good) but otherwise okay.  Sex doesn’t feel forced or weird or never-ending and strange like cuddles and slow dances did.  I haven’t ever had an amazing sex experience and don’t really seex out or crave sexual intimacy with others but I don’t consider myself asexual at all.  Why? Because...
...MEN ARE FUCKING HOT!  I am so enthralled by the beauty of some men, for example, Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles, Tom Ellis, and my all-time fave Chris Evans.*  Ugh!  They’re just so pretty! I can’t get over it!  and it’s more than an aesthetic attraction because not to become too objectifying, I’d love a night with any one of them.  However, I know that where I go get a night with any of them, that’d be it, that’s all I’d want.  
I know that this isn’t the same for all aromantics and some desire really strong platonic connections but that’s not me.  I don’t want that.  I’m happy to admire from afar and live my life on my own independently.
*sorry, these are all white boys, I do think there are beautiful men in every race, all my celebrity crushes just happen to be white because of 2 reasons.  These are the shows I’m watching right now & there is a hugely disproportionate number of white people in these franchises.  Yes, Lucifer has a very handsome black man as a secondary character (DB Woodside), his goatee is a huge turn-off, fight me!  Ooh if DB Woodside ever grows a full beard tho...
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The Little Hunters
Title: The Little Hunters
Characters: Dean, Sam, Cas, Jensen, Jared, Genevieve, Danneel, Tom, Shep, JJ, West, Maison, Arrow, Zeppelin, and Odette. Basically, a shit ton of people.
Word Count: 1,750
A/N: This is from an episode concept I had the other day. This is SUPER fluffy so I hope you all like it. Enjoy!
Tumblr media
Sam and Dean looked around the backyard, and slowly turned to the window where Ruby and a strange woman were waving at them.
Dean smacked, Sam. “Shit! That’s your...your Ruby...wife.”
“Why?!” Sam looked so distressed.
The women turned to grab some things and came out the back door toward the boys. Sam and Dean’s eyes widened when they saw the suitcases the women were carrying.
“Hey guys!”
Ruby went up to Sam, standing on her tiptoes, and gave him a soft, deep kiss.
The strange woman came up to Dean, pulled him to her, and kissed him with a little bit of heat.
Sam was super confused, and Dean looked like he’d been smacked in the face with a love stick. Two gorgeous women were loving on them. They were shocked that these women would even think about being with them.
“J...Jenny?” Sam’s face contorted as he tried to remember Ruby’s “real name.”
She rolled her eyes an elbowed the woman next to her. “D, I told you about this. Suddenly I’m ‘Ruby’ again and my husband can’t remember me.”
The boys laughed a long with them, before Dean tried to sort out who was who.
“So, Je…”
“Genevieve,” she responded. “Gen.”
“And, D…”
“Danneel.” She started laughing. “Holy shit they really do this!”
Gen handed the boys a piece paper. “Here’s the list. All the numbers, our hotel, the schedule.”
Danneel turned the page over. “Here’s the list for the kids.”
The boys shot looks at each other. “Kids?”
“Don’t worry,” Danneel laughed. “We even put their names by it all!”
The girls laughed and kissed the boys again before walking towards the truck with their bags. 
“We’ll be back in a day or two. Misha doesn’t have a super strict schedule for this event. But then again, it’s Misha.”
“Misha?” Dean contorted his face like the first time he heard the name. “What the hell does he do?”
“Random Acts?”  Gen started to look slightly concerned. “We have a huge event. That’s why Misha was so happy we could add his kiddos to the mix.”
Sam and Dean went white and instantly went into panic hyperdrive. The women started to pull away and the boys couldn’t even move.
The boys looked down the sheet, not even really reading it. Sam took a deep breath and turned the paper over. They almost collapsed.
Tom, West, JJ, Shep, Maison, Zeppelin, Arrow, and Odette.
That was eight. EIGHT children.
Neither of them wanted to step foot into the house. Their instincts were to run. Just bolt out of there. But they also saw kids that were going to be left completely alone without them.
The second they opened that back door, kids were running everywhere. Neither of them had any idea who was who, or what the hell they were supposed to do.
All of them started screaming, “Daddy! Daddy! Uncle Jensen! Uncle Jared!” They all ran up to the boys and they had absolutely no idea how to handle the tiny humans swarming at their feet.
“Woah,” Dean put his hands out. “Calm down. We...we aren’t ‘daddy’ or ‘uncles.”
The kids were absolutely lost and even the littlest one’s were looking confused.
“We...we, uh,” Sam couldn’t stop his next words. “We are Sam and Dean.”
All of the kids faces lit up.
“I’m Dean.” He turned and pointed to Sam. “And this is my brother Sam. Do you know us?”
“Yes!” All the kids screamed together.
One of the older boys nudged another girl. “Hunting?”
Her face lit up. “Hunting!” Pretty soon, all the kids were chanting.
“So…” Sam looked at Dean. “Sam and Dean, don’t know you guys.”
“Yeah! We need names!” Suddenly Dean was very animated.
“I’m Tom.”
“I’m JJ.”
“I’m West.”
“I’m Shep.”
“I’m Maison.”
“Arrow,” a little girl mumbled.
Another little boy kinda giggled. JJ stepped in. “This is Zeppelin.” The boys nodded their heads in approval.
“She’s Odette.” Shep pointed to the littlest girl.
“Come on!” JJ yelled. “We gotta hunt!”
“Sam! Dean!” Tom yelled. “Go in the living room!”
The kids all took off, each of them helping the little ones up the stairs.
Sam and Dean walked around the house. The kitchen was huge. There was amazing furniture everywhere. They found a room with nice couches and a big TV.
Dean tapped Sam on the chest. “Way to live in the sticks, dude.”
“Hey, I’m pretty sure your house is similar. Plus, check out your lady.”
Dean started to blush a little. “She is pretty incredible to look at.”
“Should we check?” Sam looked to Dean and they both shrugged.
The kids were probably fine. They just took a seat and let themselves relax.
“Do we remember why we got here?”
“Not a clue this time.”
“I kinda miss my trailer.” Dean dove into his memory smiling.
“I miss my credit cards,” Sam laughed. “I wonder how that ended.”
A clamor from the stairs made them both sit a little straighter.
Maison, they were pretty sure that was what her name, poked her head around the corner.
“We are almo-”
“We’re all ready!” One of the kids yelled, and she booked it into another room.
There were a lot of giggles and kids trying to stop bickering.
West came into the room. “We would like to show you a vampire hunt.”
The boys got a panicked look on their faces again. Especially when Maison, and the smallest three kids, came into the room, with red marker on their faces, and sat in a circle with Maison standing up, holding a blanket around them.
“I’m Dean!” West yelled. He came into the room with a leather jacket that was bigger than he was.
“I’m Sam!” Tom came in behind him in a dress of a flannel.
Shep and JJ came running in. Shep had a trench coat on. JJ had a baseball hat on.
“Bobby!” Dean/West yelled.
JJ ran up to him. “What! Do you need a car?”
“No!” Shep/Cas came up to their group. “I can fly us all there!”
All of the kids started laughing. Tom shushed the group of little ones with Maison.
“Now!” JJ yelled.
Maison dropped the curtains. “Vampires! We want your blood!” She looked down at the kiddos. “Rawr!”
The little ones all started laughing, and all the kids lost it. Their little play was over it looked like.
“Wait!” West yelled. “We have to get them!”
The big kids started yelling as the little ones started running. All the older kiddoes, “Dean,” “Sam,” “Bobby,” and “Cas” whipped out paper rolled up and pretended to slash at the little ones bolted around the room.
The boys had to lift their legs up as they laughed and their faces lit up. They had never, ever, seen someone have fun with anything they did for a living. Let alone 8 kids.
“Daddy! Uncle!” JJ, Arrow, Zeppelin, and Maison, ran to Dean.
“Daddy! Uncle!” Tom. Shep. West. and Odette, ran to Sam.
The boys froze. They had absolutely no idea how to really absorb all this love. This pure unconditional love of children.
When the kids started to nuzzle into the boys, and rest their hands on their faces and chest, they couldn’t make eye contact.
This was one of the most emotional situations for them. This was a true look at what they could have. Sure, Dean had Lisa and Ben. But Ben was older. There was something about these super young, growing children that just changed things somehow for each other boys.
The boys started to drift off themselves, when a hand touched each of their shoulders. The second their eyes opened to see Cas, they were standing right next to him.
They each turned back to the couch. The kids had probably fallen or something since they weren’t there. But when they turned, they saw themselves.
Except they saw them as Jared and Jensen. Their entire posture’s had changed. They had beards, and were cuddling those kids like they were going to be taken at any second. As a few of the kids started to stir, they got everyone together.
Each of them had at least one kid in their arms as they coaxed the rest of the party up the stairs.
“Cas, what the hell?” Dean turned around.
“Did you like it?”
Sam just looked down at his shoes. “It wasn’t horrible. I mean, they’re kinda cute.”
“Yeah, they didn’t scream. So that’s cool.”
Sam started to laugh. “Bobby John ruined babies. But these...they are…”
“Chill?” Dean shrugged.
Cas brought them back to the Bunker.
“I wanted you to know that you both turned out okay in that world. When you guys met Jared and Jensen, neither of you really had a full handle on life. So I guess I just wanted you to know that they are all happy, and doing well. They became friends. They raise their families together. They change the world. That other version of you, they are making huge changes.”
Sam pulled Cas into a hug. “Thank you, Cas. Seriously. Thank you.”
Dean kinda shifted his weight and walked out of the room, muttering something under his breath.
When he got to his room, he shut the door and started to cry a little bit. He wanted that, more than he ever let on. He always dreamed about a big family, the kind that isn’t just blood.
When Sam got to his room, he was thinking the same things. He went to his desk and dug out old pictures. Looking through them, he focused on the few that had all four of them together. He knew he’d always wanted it, but having that chance and then leaving was too much. That would hurt him more than he ever could have guessed.
There will never be a day when the boys will not think about the what if’s in life. But there will also never be a day where they don’t fight so that families like that never have to go through what their family was put through.
They fight for the future. Sure, the now is important to survive. But those dreams, even when pushed deep down, they are the ones that keep them fighting for a better future for everyone.
Even though they never want a child to be forced into this life, each of them would admit that seeing those “little hunters” wanting to be like them brought a huge smile to their faces.
That memory will always make them smile no matter how dark things get.
I hope you liked it!!!!
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armsdealing · 6 years
a muse questionnaire
▸     IS  YOUR  MUSE  TALL  /  SHORT  /  AVERAGE    ?
at six feet tall, misha won’t be the tallest person you’ll ever meet, but he’ll be tall enough for you to remember it, especially if you’re shorter than him. he poses a somewhat inconspicuous built -- you don’t realize immediately how muscular he is until you’re right in front of him. he mostly looks lean, with a toned definition, a bit of fat around the belly area, and muscular arms and legs.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ?
the first word that comes to mind for his current do is stylish. right on par with his wardrobe choices and an overall handsome appearance, misha’s hair may be one of the first things people notice about him. it’s free-formish high top twists/locs, with the locs of varying lengths flowing and occasionally dropping in an almost casual manner, and a fade for the sides of his head. here’s a reference / 2. it’s recent how long it’s gotten -- you may spot him with shorter variants depending on how he’s feeling, or even just a short afro, or even just  but that’s the overall intention when he lets his hair grow.  it’s also important to note that occasionally his hair will be covered with a headwrap, usually monochrome/black but can also go black/gold baroque/damask-esque patterns.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    HAIR     /    GROOMING ?
i wouldn’t say crazy amounts, but he does spend the necessary time to keep his hair well groomed and growing healthily. over the centuries he’s always tried new ways to wear his hair. he keeps daily routines for his face and skin and weekly routines for his hair and beard. he’s mindful. 
while he puts a fair amount of thought and effort into his appearance, he does not care about what others think. he doesn’t present himself the way he does for other people’s enjoyment, but for his own. if people like it and compliment him, he will be flattered, but if they don’t, he doesn’t think much about it. your opinion’s ya business, not his!
▸     INDOORS  OR  OUTDOORS    ?  he likes both in equal amounts, i believe. he’s an introvert, so he’ll never turn down a vast, empty room or a cozy bedroom solely for himself, and at the same time he often partakes in long, thoughtful walks through both cityscape and nature. he basks in his solitude, so you could say he leans just a little more towards the indoors.
▸     FOREST  OR  BEACH    ?  forest. mikhail grew up used to icy slavic air and the sight of endless trees and thick foliage. he won’t turn down a beach, though, but he’s a winter kind of guy :^)
▸     PRECIOUS  METALS  OR  GEMS    ?  as the golden god’s high priest, mikhail naturally leans toward precious metals in general. he wears rings and other jewelry often, so you may see gems as well. 
▸     FLOWERS  OR  PERFUMES    ?    flowers. there’s very few perfumes mikhail does like. 
▸     PERSONALITY  OR  APPEARANCE    ?    personality. misha may look young, but he’s rather old at heart, and he best bonds with someone he can have good conversations with, for that’s his preferred form of intimacy. that isn’t to say he doesn’t pay any mind towards beauty -- he’s the aesthetic king after all. 
▸     BEING  ALONE  OR  BEING  IN  A  CROWD    ?  being alone. misha doesn’t like crowds. he learned very early on in his life while in the imperial russian army. either as a low-level officer or as a war general, he never really enjoyed the spotlight. he also does not like eurocouncil meetings for this reason -- he does not like to deal with too many people, so he will proceed towards the fringes. he thrives on his own, or in small groups. 
▸     ORDER  OR  ANARCHY    ? when it comes to rules, misha will only follow them if he feels they make sense, and if so he will follow them digilently -- once he feels a rule does not make sense, he will have no trouble breaking them. so i think he most often leans toward lawful with a side of anarchy when he feels it necessary. misha has always ruled his life with precision and forethought, and he knows how to think several steps ahead (which made him a formidable tactician back in the day) but he also knows sometimes a little spontaneity can provide an edge seldom achieved with by-the-book approaches. 
▸     PAINFUL  TRUTHS  OR  WHITE  LIES    ?  misha is very sincere, but you kind of never know if he’s ever telling the truth or lying -- he kind of gives an unreliable air, not aided by his occasionally obsfuscating eccentricity. when he needs to pick between telling a painful truth or lying, though, when it matters, misha will say the truth plainly.
▸     SCIENCE  OR  MAGIC    ?   it’s the same to him.  
▸      PEACE  OR  CONFLICT    ?    he rather enjoys peace. after an early life plagued with conflict and bloodshed, mikhail is perfectly content not being at the centre of a dispute. when he gets involved he will not turn back from it, though. not at all.
▸     NIGHT  OR  DAY    ?    both.
▸     DUSK  OR  DAWN    ?   both as well.
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD   ?  he’s a cold weather type of person, as i said -- catch him in those sweaters and coats. but that just means he is all the happier when it’s a sunny day. 
▸     MANY  ACQUAINTANCES  OR  A  FEW  CLOSE  FRIENDS    ?   few close friends, some acquaintances. 
▸     READING OR PLAYING A GAME ? reading.  
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ?
complexity. mikhail can get lost in the minutiae of a conversation, and can be hard to follow once he gets into it. he also has a tendency not to ever let you know just how much he knows, or the reasons behind what he does or says. he can be a bit shady tbh. see back on his honesty/lie answer above.
he’s been around for quite a bit, so he’s lost a lot of people. he’s made peace with it. 
any and all memories related to his father, mother, and siblings. at this point, it can be hard for him to remember them, so he treasures the ones he does have and has made a point to keep a record of them by means of journaling. a couple come to mind: wrestling around with his siblings in the grass when he was eight years old, and his mother, a gifted linguist at the time, teaching him languages, and getting him interested in them, when he was as young as ten.
▸     IS  IT  EASY  FOR  YOUR  MUSE  TO  KILL    ?
it is. he does not like it, but he has the training for it. he will kill if he has to, but only then.
▸      WHAT’S  IT  LIKE  WHEN  YOUR  MUSE  BREAKS  DOWN    ? he retreats into his own mind, just sort of closes up and goes especially thoughtful. if spoken to, he will keep his answers brief and simple. mostly, he will stay quiet and go somewhere else to think and rearrange his thoughts. 
he is capable of it. doesn’t mean it happens a lot, but he is capable of it. 
careful. misha is careful with everything in his life -- his words, his mannerisms, there’s an inherent softness to it all, a gentleness, but also a formality. he’s not one for passionate, hot outbursts. his love will take the shape of small physical gestures, and affectionate words. he will want to talk to you, and enjoy your company even if it’s doing something as simple as sitting together in silence while enjoying a nice view. he will also want to know everything about you and remember every single thing. for that matter, he still remembers all the people he’s ever been with (they’re not too many, for that matter), and he’s gone as far as to immortalize them, either by writing about them, or painting them, or composing music. 
tagged by: @thefirstwcman tagging: @neotropical + @isolctions + @rekant (pick a muse), @ourbest, @guttedthroat 
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sammyhale · 6 years
Jensen JIBCon 2018 Sunday Solo Panel
Jensen: "What do you mean I was late? I was waiting for Jared!" 
"Yeah, he needs me."
Daniela just brought back Steve the unicorn. Jensen hit him on the head with his mic. "Ah Steve, you haven't changed."
Fan: What went wrong with Daphne? Jensen: FRED! Fred went wrong! ... They should do another episode where Dean closes the deal. Or Daphne closes the deal.
“When I’m just playing Dean, my mind is very clear. When you’re a director, you need to be able to see when moments are there and be able to capture them.”
Richard and Jensen have talked about directing an episode of the show. Jensen finds it difficult to switch between the actor and director mind frame. When he's playing Dean, he's not overthinking/analyzing things, but as a director, you constantly need to think ahead. 
“It took a few more takes to get into Dean when I was directing so I kinda warned Richard about that.”
A fan asking a question has an injured arm. Earlier in the day, Jason asked her if she was “actually injured or are you just cosplaying Jared from Jib6?” The same girl was about to ask Jensen a question and when Jensen asked her about her arm she said, “People think I’m cosplaying Jared” and Jensen laughed. 
Most awkward moments on set for Jensen is when they’re doing a scene with lots of background performers like in a restaurant or on the street. 
“What’s awkward or embarrassing to me is when we’re doing a scene and there are a lot of background performers, and for some reason, I always feel like they’re just standing by waiting for my cue, and the pressure is on!”
Jensen: Plenty of embarrassing moments on the gag reel. 
Jensen on Dean talking to Amara in the s11 finale: "I played Dean like it was one last effort to express everything he could to get her to change her mind."
Jensen spins the wheel, it lands on surprise. “Oh man.”
“You know most people get excited about surprises... not I!!”
Jensen just got fluffy unicorn slippers as a surprise gift!
Jensen is asking a unicorn slipper its name! “Let me get your friend out” (the other slipper) “I’m talking to shoes!”
Jensen introduces "the twins" Sandy and Brandy to Steve. And then curling in on himself mumbling, "I'm talking to shoes."
Jensen just gave twin unicorn slippers to Steve and Daniela gave him another unicorn head on a stick lol! Will continue this convo with Misha later. 
Jensen: "What's the thing for many unicorns?" Fan:"It's a zoo." Jensen: "A zoo of unicorns? This fan seems very certain. She's like 'it's zoo. It's a zoo of unicorns. How do you not know that?'"
“To me, ice skating is just being able to put them on my feet and not fall over.”
Jensen: The time of day dictates what Dean is drinking. If it’s morning it’s coffee, afternoon it’s beer, evening it’s whiskey. Or if it’s been a rough day it’s whiskey all three of those times. 
Jensen: I don't think I'VE realized [Dean's beverages of choice between coffee, beer, whiskey]. It really hasn't been considered since s7 with Dean going down the rabbit hole a bit there. 
The beer is rarely alcoholic. The whiskey is Coca-Cola with water. Rarely actual coffee in the coffee cups, usually just plain Coca-Cola or empty. The choice of beverages isn’t thought out like it was before. 
Jensen is asked if he misses Dean during summer hiatus. He says it‘s nice to put it down, but also good to pick it back up.
Jensen: it’s nice to have the hiatus but also great to pick Dean up again. And we love each other but need a break sometimes
“We welcome the break between seasons, it’s nice to let the beard grow.”
“God knows what’s gonna happen to me when the show’s over!”
Jensen demonstrated old Dean walking and shooting in 2050...hunting ghosts for senior citizens. 
Jensen on filming the reversed 180 in Baby: “The guest star next to me said you’ve done this before, right? And I said, “Now’s not the time!” Jensen recorded himself with his phone when doing it. 
During that scene, the entire crew had to scatter and hide behind trees because the camera spins 360 degrees.  
Filming with the crane during the first episode of season 13 on the road was a real challenge.
Jensen: Shooting s13e01 was exhilarating. Driving impala on the winding road alongside an SUV with a crane and coming inches to his car at 35 mph. Was sweating bullets keeping the same speed with dips and turns. Meanwhile, Jared is like, What’s my line? :P
Jensen just left and he took the unicorn slippers with him haha. 
Info via: Maisie, Bubbs, Kelly, Chloe, Fandomnatural, Jenn, Sil’s livetweet list
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