#i enjoy dressing up as a hime lolita & hime gyaru
thetopichot · 6 months
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Why is Yandere Finn deadass built & function like the Goblin King from Labyrinth?
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Ngl, I want him to whisk me away to be his princess forever & he would even treat me a princess too.
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lilly-chou-chou · 9 months
Lolita fashion: A guide for beginners and love letter to seasoned Lolitas (Fashion guide part ll)
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Hello everyone!! Few days ago I had made a guide for people interested and doing gyaru fashion (interested people please visit my account to read about it <3) moving on I was intrigued and ready to take on the world of Lolita fashion as well, I hope this guides helps newer people and makes other old followers of this amazing fashion culture realize that it is all about fun and feeling pretty. Some may agree with this and some may not either way I am posting this <3
(Kindly please stop sending d#ath threads regarding this post. Kindly also refrain from sending comments saying I deserve those threaths please 🙏🏼)
My guides start from here on. So as a lot of people know, this culture of fashion was started by taking inspirations from Rococco and Victorian era. Over the years this subculture of Japanese fashion has definitely evolved and this subculture has given birth to many sub styles like most famous being sweet Lolita, gothic Lolita and hime Lolita.
So now that you know the gist of this style let me educate you further that the reason Lolita fashion exists is purely just for fun. People especially women wanted to feel that elegance and olden time beauty and dressed up in Lolita just for fun!! So no. 1 rule of Lolita is to have fun. Enjoy what you wear and buy.
Yes, when you first begin it is necessary that you browse through the summary but make sure to ONLY browse through the history of Lolita fashion. Never pay too much attention towards rules of Lolita because again just like gyaru fashion it was and has always been foreigners who police others and are way too anal about rules when as a matter of fact the whole reason Lolita and gyaru existed was to have fun! Of course but only gyaru had a backstory of opposing with stereotypes of women in Japan.
I am here to tell you that I have lived in Japan during the hype of Lolita and gyaru (also being an avid follower of both fashion culture since the age of 4) and having talking with foreigners and locals I suggest you to only LIKE ONLY listen to locals because they truly know what's up. My guides are filled with my experience and what they have told me.
So let's talk about rules like lace and materials and shit. What I have been told and have been doing my life is that pick any lace design that you feel pretty in because in the end even back then Lolita fashion magazines and shows would only tell you what a typical Lolita would wear like poofy dress and small details like pretty wigs and such but people in streets be it Harajuku or Shibuya or etc etc didn't follow these rules themselves and they were covered in latest Lolita trends from head to toe.
The magazines and such only give you an idea of what you can do or typical image of a Lolita fashion follower. That doesn't mean you have to do exactly that. Things like "stop wearing that" "your lace is ugly" "wow you purchased dress from Amazon? Fuck you" "that dress quality sucks you are NOT a real Lolita" is all doing of foreigner Lolita fashion followers.
I am so sorry if you ever encountered any of these people but Lolita girlies in Japan will never harass you like this.
Plus buying stuff from Amazon is OKAY because even though these days there are many affordable Lolita dresses and accessories, it is okay to still look for options and I understand that some people don't have budget and just because you are tight on budget doesn't mean you should be left out. YOU ALSO DESERVE TO FEEL PRETTY! Amazon might not be authentic if that's what you can afford atm then go for it please, enjoy and have fun because you were to meet other Japanese Lolitas they will say things like "wow I didn't know these days Amazon sold such good quality Lolita dresses" never feel guilty for buying off brand.
What people don't tell you is that these days even brands break some of the rules from Lolita fashion and honestly if the household brands break them then you also shouldn't feel bad about messing up. I just want Lolita fashion culture to be welcoming and I don't want beginners to be afraid and I don't want old members to feel the need to be always classic authentic.
Even the queen and ambassador of foreign affairs kawaii aka president of Japan Lolita Association Misako Aiko who has been doing Lolita fashion for 25 years also mixes and matches from different fashion and breaks so called rules like poofy dress shape, owning few dresses with no laces, hair usually styled in a simple way, not always wearing a blouse or a head wear etc etc.
In conclusion if the president of Lolita fashion and household brands are breaking rules then you should also not feel guilty for few little things here and there. Aim of Lolita fashion is to feel pretty and have fun. You are the prettiest person alive, embrace it and have fun with this style. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Do what makes you happy and don't ever feel guilty about buying off brands because sometimes food, shelter and bills is important and that is understandable.
I love everyone of you. Hope my guides help you a lot <3
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shytastemakerthing · 11 months
please matchmake this hopeless romantic LOL ♪ (romantic please!! not platonic.) I’m someone who loves to dress up in pink, frilly dresses and I tend to wear j-fashions like sweet lolita or hime gyaru, both very pink and frilly, I love love love cats and tbh I’m a big dork, I’m ambiverted(leaning towards introverted) and I think I’m enfp/infp, I can be hyper sometimes but also tired, I’m a little emotional sometimes too , i love video games, manga, anime, I have an anime figure collection (most of them being pink) and I love cute stationery♪
Hello! It wasn't specified as to which Fandom you wanted this for so I went with the most popular, which is TWST! I would usually send a message to ask but given this is an anonymous request, I can't do that lol🤣😭
I hope you enjoy!
Note: Dont really pay attention to the poll at the bottom. I accidentally clicked it and now it won't go away and i can't post this until i put something in that poll😭😭.
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I match you with......
Idia Shroud
🎮 This guy seems to be pretty popular within tne matchup sections of things (not that I am complaining, I love writing about him xD).
🎮 This is a clear story of the whole 'opposites attract' trope that we see going on all of the time. Between the both of you, it's like night and day. His gloomy disposition and state of dress (I hope he washes that hoodie bevause he wears it all of the time), and then your pink and frilly clothing really makes the both of you stand out when you're next to one another.
🎮 This doesn't mean that he isn't a fan of the way that you dress. In fact, it's the complete opposite. Do you know how many of his favorite anime characters dress the same way that you do? He's already express ordered quite a few outfits just for you...... and if you happen to wear a cosplay of one of said favorite characters, the man has ascended on the spot with this derpy grin on his face.
🎮 Movie and Anime marathons are a MUST in this relationship. The fact that you love them as well is a huge bonus to him. Why go on actual dates when you coild both curl up in the comfort of his room with plenty of snacks and binge watch the latest series that the both of you are into?
🎮 Speaking of dates, it's rather hard to get him to go on one outside of the confines of his room, but given your love for cats and his love for cats, if you manage to get you two a spot at a cat Cafe during one of the less busy times of the day, then he will consider going with you. Spoiler alert, he does go and tiu had to keep him from trying to take some of the cats home.
🎮 Cute stationary (I am also an avid collector of things in this category), he knows you love it. He knows you collect it. His family is very well off and he has an account that he has been saving and wracking up for years now. You best believe that he will be splurging on you to get you you the best and cutesy stationary supplies. Honestly, seeing the smile on your face causes his heart to race and that love meter to keep on filling.
🎮 No matter the gaming set up you had before, as said before, he is very well off in terms of finances. He has 100% gotten you a brand knew, latest off the line, gaming setup in your cute, pink, over the top style. It was an anniversary gift and he is still reeling in from the mass attack of cuddles and kisses he received from you after this.
🎮 Hybperneess isn't exactly his strong suit and he is well known for avoiding the extroverts at the school. Your hyperactiveness is a bit different, though. Unlike other people, you are emotionally aware and are able to see when he begins to grow uncomfortable with tbe amount kf energy you are excuding and are able to quickly bring the energized atmosphere down to the levels where he is the lost comfortable.
🎮 Overall, the relationship took time to get used too, but now he's latched onto you like a leech (no pun intended). He honestly can't get enough of just how adorable you are, your state of dress, and just how tou carry yourself. This is certainly a romance route he wants to carry out until the very end.
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 9 months
Hello there! I’m here to send in a matchup! so I hope you don’t mind anyways 나 자신에 대해 말해줄게!
Fandom: I’d like a romantic male matchup for Jujustu Kaisen and MHA also I’m fine with a poly relationship too! My name is Joey but I also go by Himawari, Rin or Magtanggol too! I’m Transgender (ftm), Aromatic, Unlabled, & Bisexual, I��ve been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD & OCD and im white, arab, flipino, scottish & russian.
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses “big” words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(I’m nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don’t mean to), doesn’t shy away from conflict (a but combative with authority when people don’t know what they’re doing), dad/tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some “repressed anger issues”, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked, I have a hard time taking everything seriously, coke and a little mean when upset at someone and a fun fact is that I can eat the most spiciest foods and not have a problem with it.
hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (I’m a vocaloid producer, i make odecore/scenecore music and I make music like ATARASHII GAKKO too), dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG’s, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer/volleyball/basketball and swim, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it
likes: vocaloid/utau, iced coffee, boba tea, bread, sharks, cats, piercings/tattoos(I wanna get some tattoos!), cold weather, christmas, musicals, cleaning, rhythm games, being with my friends, shopping, mint candles, sweet and spicy food, deserts.
dislikes: spiders, bitter food, nasty scents, hot weather, manipulation, toxic people, having to be responsible for others to much(I tend to look down on/clash with people who are overly insecure), people who don't talk with me a lot, feeling restricted, and over-possessiveness
I'm a ENTP, 4w3 and a Aquarius
misc: accidentally misused slang or phrases bc I can't remember how they usually go (e.g. "bust this popsicle stand" instead of "blow this popsicle stand"), able to eland and pick up skills very quickly, i know 6 languages (Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish & French), i play the piano, bass /electric guitar and cello, prone to be a bit directionless in life, tries to find comfort and humor in hard times, not to take life to seriously, and obsess over the past
appearance /aesthetic: 5'6 / 167.64 cm, midsize, rectangular body shape, i have a masculine and feminine face (somehow), dimple on chin, hazel eyes, wears glasses, dyed black boy hair, lots of piercings, no tattoos(I need some), for style, i wear a lot suck as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, i wear streetwear clothes mostly at home/school/work, i wear fishnets and combat boats, but I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT.
thank you and have a nice day!
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(Hello I really hope you enjoy this, have a nice day/night!)
I match you with:
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Itadori Yuji
- Due to his kind personality you’ll warm up to him quickly. When he realizes that you’re being shy he makes sure to not overwhelm you when you get to know him.
- He was shocked the first time you were verbally aggressive to someone but the shock didn’t last for long. He thinks it’s admirable to stand up for yourself.
- Sets up a contest for you, him, Megumi, and Nobara on who can eat the most spiciest food in a certain amount of time. You would probably win but Itadori would be in second place.
- You guys often binge watch animes or play games together.
- He thinks it’s really cool that you are a vocaloid producer and that you know so many languages, (y’all sometimes listen to your music while hanging out)
- He really likes to listen to you talk about all of your interests. He’s a good listener and remembers majority of what you say.
- Whenever it snows outside you guys will have intense snow fights. He’s really fast so good luck on winning.
- After he’s exhausted from all the training, the water bottles you bring are helpful to cool him off.
- When you are upset he’ll gift you some of your favorite things/drinks and try to cook/bake your favorite treats.
- He asks you to take a picture of you and him so that he can print it out and put it on his wall (or desk if he even has one)
- He loves your collections and art. He would want to try pottery out and try to make something.
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Denki Kaminari
- He can be a bit loud sometimes and if you’re overwhelmed at first when meeting him he’ll tone it down a bit until you get warmed up to him.
- He admires your independence and hopes to be as independent as you.
- If someone provokes you and you’re being verbally aggressive to the person he would be on the sidelines hyping you up.
- If he reads a Manga that you also read and he doesn’t understand some of the storyline or anything he’ll go to you and see if you know about it.
- When he was first learning guitar, he goes to you for some tips.
- He introduces you to a lot of his friends (like Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, Jiro, Sero, etc) he thinks y’all will get along really well.
- You guys are like a comedic duo in the classroom. Sometimes you guys pull pranks on some of your friends. One time he asked you to teach him some insults in some of the languages you know and y’all were making fun of Bakugou in front of his face while laughing y’all asses off.
- Whenever you’re upset and/or crying he tries to cheer you up the best he can by making you laugh.
- Teaches you the newest slang and phrases.
- You guys sometimes bake together during the holidays and it becomes a mess because he decides to stick his finger into the batter and put it on your face, causing a war.
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
HELLO!! I am now here to request my now 2nd matchup for MHA, Love is war and The promised neverland (also TPN can be platonic since I’m 14 but the two can be romantic lololol) ALSO FEEL FREE TO USE MY OTHER LINK SINCE IM EXPLAINING THE SAME THING
Well my name is Joey, im transgender aromatic bisexual and unlabeled, my zodiac is Aquarius and my others are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, i have adhdism and I’m a very cool person 😎🔥/hj
My personality is that I’m a ENTP and I’m Extroverted but usually I am very awkward at first and it will take me time to adjust to a new person for a while 4-9 months precisely and then I can emote freely around them, but I still love to ramble about my interests to them when I’m getting used to being around that person, my love languages are acts of service, gift giving, quality time and psychical affection and my dates would be like going out and like going to a arcade or seeing a movie and go out to dinner somewhere afterwards but I’m totally up to just stay home and play video games and have movie marathons then…! Oh fun fact I also
I’m 5’6, I have brown eyes, and I (now) have brown boyish hair with bangs and I’m absolutely in love with it—!, and as I said before I wear a lot of styles! such as goth(trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo, and vkei ouji and lolita but I usually don’t wear these to school or at home the whole time, yes I wear it to show off on social media or when I’m going out but I’m pretty casual too, i wear oversized stuff like baggy pants, i wear streetwear stuff and I also like wearing comfy stuff at home like a anime t-shirt and jeans or pj pants lol
Hobbies/Interests: anime/manga, gaming, cosplaying, fashion, art(drawing, painting, pottery, digital art and more), cooking, learning new languages (such as Japanese and Spanish), writing, making/listening to music, dancing, skateboarding, playing Interments like piano/electric guitar and more on. Feel free to ask!
Likes: cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, comparing me to people like “you remind me of ____”, hate talk about my interests, and spiders.
Matchup For Joey!
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Mha: Neito Monoma
Affection was strange to him, he seems like the type of person to have grown up without much love or affection so when he got into a relationship, it was all new and unfamiliar to him. When the two of you began holding hands and becoming more of a couple, he would complain, but it would be less than usual and he would have a bright blush on his face.
Arcade/movie dates are his favorite, but he won't admit anything preferring to stick to his cool nature and act like everything is stupid and dumb. When at the movies, he'll talk about how the movie is so boring and how the film is overrated, that is till the end when he remains silent needing to see the end of the movie. Similar to arcades, when the two of you are playing games and he loses, he'll be in a bad mood, saying things about how he let you win and that if you were to lose he would feel guilty.
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Love is War: Chika Fujiwara
Showing your love for her with acts of service/gifts and it's her favorite thing when receiving something from her partner. When she received her first gift it was adorable, seeing the cute gift on her desk all wrapped up neatly and perfect, just for her. Between us, she definitely fell for you from the gifts, rizz her up with them acts of service and she was whipped.
For some reason when I read that you liked cosplaying, my mind drifted to her also enjoying cosplaying and wanting to dress up as her favorite characters. There would be couples cosplaying between the two of you and it would be adorable as heck.
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The Promise Neverland: Emma
You guys have very similar personalities, both being outgoing and caring towards your friends, always keeping them close. You guys are also extremely smart and are very good thinkers having very similar ideas or you guys are usually the one who has that great idea that ends up being right. (I got this from Entp, if this is wrong I am sorry)
Enjoy when you ramble about your interests, there have been times when Emma has sat there listening to everything you have said without saying a single word just enjoying the conversation. Emma is a great listener, but also a great talker knowing what to say and how to say it. She also has a good memory, being able to remember something you have said from a while back without having to struggle.
Cooking together is something she takes pride in, loving being around her friends and doing things the two of them can enjoy together. You guys make all sorts of things for the little kids who always end up falling in love with the food you two make.
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signedeclipse · 1 year
hi hi!! i See you take matchups so I wanted to send one in if that’s okay with you and I’m sorry if you have a lot on your plate rn , but since I was matched up with a hashria before (it was mitsuri romantically) so I wanted to know which demon I would get matched up with platonically?
Anyways, firstly my name is Joey, im 14 years old, i use he/him prns, Im transgender aromatic and unlabeled, i have adhdism, my zodiac sign is ♒️ but the others are ♌️♐️♈️, MBTI is ENTP, my enneagram is 6, extroverted and that’s all for here
Personality: well I am a ENTP and my enneagram is a 6 but firstly when I meet someone I’m usually shy and awkward so I may not talk/feel comfortable much to that person until I get to know them more later on, i usually love to ramble about my interests a lot, I hate getting into drama bc it makes me emotional, I love to text on my technology a lot to my irl/online friends a lot and say stuff like “hai” and “im homophobic” as a joke😭 don’t take the second one seriously, and I also enjoy making sexual jokes to a person when I feel completely comfortable around them.
Looks: Im 5’6, I have a rectangular body shape as I have a more masculine looking body and I use binders, i have white skin, brown hair, hazel eyes, i wear a lot of different styles like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth, gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo, and vkei ouji and lolita and when I’m not wearing those styles I’m usually dressing plain usually at home like t-shirts(regular and anime ones and etc), jeans, sweat pants, and etc
also this is how I would see myself in demon form if I could (^^)
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Interests/Hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, art(drawing, pottery, painting, digital art and more), fashion, playing basketball and volleyball, social media, cosplaying, singing, dancing, playing piano/electric guitar, cooking, learning new languages (like Japanese and Spanish), diy, gardening, photography and more on
Likes: cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, comparing me to people like “you remind me of ____”, also spiders I hate them With my life, hate talk about my interests and that’s rlly it
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You got…Douma!
He is a very eccentric man, and he is really easy to befriend if you're someone who will put up with him! Though, I'll say it was a while before you could actually be next to him without wanting to hide away because yeesh one drop of attention and he clings.
Douma doesn't have hobbies of his own, rather, he just copies others so long as they are next to him. You want to draw? Let him talk and he'll draw with you! Gardening? Well it's cold up here but he'll help you build one at the bottom of the mountain if it means getting away from the cult for a bit!
Okay he is very dramatic, but he won't drag you into drama. He has so much tea to spill about his """coworkers""" and changes in the upper and lower moon rankings, he also complains that none of the other demons speak to him! Usually ends with him praising you for being such a good friend.
Really, really likes fashion and wearing things that stand out! A lot of your clothes are too small for him but anything loose he will try on, especially any accessories! He really likes whimsigoth styles which he picks up by picking some of your gyaru style with your scenemo style.
There's a spider? He's a bit playful, he will pick it up slowly, and then dangle it over his mouth and eat it. He finds it really funny how scared you are of something so small, but he will always get rid of it.
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Authors Note - Okay I tried searching what aromatic is so I just assumed you meant aromantic, sorry fi I messed up your preferences!
Random note but you mentioned SCP & hotels which is funny to me because I work in a hotel + help run my parents bed and breakfast! And I'm a staff + author on the SCP wiki! Thats what I do when im not on here lol
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HELLO!! how are you? I’m here to request for (PLATONICALLY) sk8 the infinity, mystic messenger and obey me please! now let me introduce my fabulous self
My name is Joey, im 14 years old, i use He/Him pronouns, im transgender, aromatic and unlabeled, im a Extrovert, my MBTI is ENTP
Appearance: I have shoulder-length brown hair (will be cut into more boyish hair soon), brown eyes, im 5’6, I wear glasses! but I also use contacts, i dress in a lot of different styles such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth) gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo and vkei, ouji and lolita but I also drsss pretty normal when I’m not in those styles such as hoodies, T-Shirts, anime stuff, jeans, sweats and other comfy stuff also this is what I look like atm
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Personality: We’ll I am Extroverted and my MBTI is ENTP but firstly I am pretty awkward at first so it may take me time to adjust to a new person or more, i love to ramble about my interests(forgot to add I have adhdism), i love to talk online the most through iPhone, computer, anything electronic, i like to use “hai” as a joke and I say “I’m homophobic” as a joke as well (DONT TAKW TAHT SERIOUSLY), i also make sexual jokes as well.
Hobbies: Anime/manga, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), music, fashion, gaming, writing, editing, learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), cooking, cosplaying, social media, volleyball and more ^^
Likes: cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, people comparing me to people like “you remind me of ____”, spiders I hate them with all my life, hate talk about my interests and that’s rlly it
Hi Joey! Ooh, a platonic matchup! That's a nice change of pace!
In Sk8 the Infinity, I match you with...
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Miya is your platonic soulmate. You share so many interests!
You both loves cats, video games, social media, and (at least I think) cosplay.
And, let's be real, if Miya was allowed to in the show, he would be making the most inappropriate jokes imaginable. He's a 13 year old. What did you expect?
He enjoys listening to your rambling but he will act like it annoys him. Just say you can stop though and he'll make up some excuse like "it's better to blabber to me, rather than annoy someone else". Don't listen to him. He loves listening to you.
I also see Miya as an arachnophobe (me too Joey and Miya, me too). He's calling up Joe anytime there's a spider near either of you. He's not dealing with it and he's not making you deal with it either.
In Mystic Messenger, I match you with...
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LOLOL buddies! Yoosung gets pretty competitive though so keep that in mind when you're playing with him. Nothing that will break your friendship though.
LOLOL lobbies can be pretty rough places. If someone starts trash talking you about your voice or your rambling, Yoosung's jumping to your defense. No one talks to his best friend like that!
Another one who hates spiders! He probably just panics and forgets he can use his phone to call someone for help though, so that duty will have to fall to you. In the meantime, he's closing the door to the room where the spider is and locking the door. You don't need to go in there right?
Yoosung definitely watches anime. His favourites are comedy action shows like One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100. He's willing to watch pretty much anything, though he's not a huge fan of anything too scary or sad.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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I'm not sure why Beel stood out to me as the right choice but he did, so this will be a journey of discovery for both of us.
Beel is so used to Levi rambling about his hobbies that listening to you is basically second nature to him.
He also enjoys playing video games (though not to the same extent as Levi) so I can see the three of you setting weekly gaming nights.
He loves trying your cooking! Beel will eat pretty much anything but he assures you that your cooking is up there with some of the better tasting things he's put in his mouth.
Takes care of spiders with no issues! He won't kill them though. He's associated with bugs after all. He's finding a bowl and a piece of firm paper and taking the spider outside.
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//So, I've been re-watching Kill La Kill and forgot how much I loved Nui Harime, who was one of my favorite characters. And now, I want to make one of two options for an RP blog for her. My first option is a canon divergent one where Nui is actually good and she ends up surviving in the end, but still has her random quirks.
My second option (and more favored option) is a P5 AU blog where Nui is a struggling new fashion designer in Shibuya with a cruel and manipulative boss (my AU's version of Ragyo). She will eventually awaken to being a Persoan user of the Temperance Arcana with the Initial Persona of Juliet and the Ultimate Persona of Eris. Her codename would be Kayo (name of the tailor from The Tailor at Enbizaka) and her thief outfit would be a Lolita style dress. Nui would still be going to school as a first year student and is a Gyaru in the Hime Gyaru style, styling her school uniform with a pastel pink skirt, and wearing lots of pearls outside of school. She also takes from two other Gyaru styles: the Banba style by wearing colored contacts and the Ganguro style by bleaching her hair to make it blonde. She understands the culture for the style died out in the past decade, but greatly enjoys the fashion and tries to apply it in her designs.
That's all I have for now, if anyone wants to know more, just let me know.
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