#i dont know if this is a good answer pfff i dont really think about my blocks very often
sunny6677 · 2 years
Scenario that wasn't requested at all part 77! /j
Scenario: Your all bored, and you suggest playing a game. When asked what game, you jokingly suggest Seven Minutes In Heaven. But you didn't expect to be in Tords room, the five of you all sat in front of his closet and with a timer.
With a sigh after they decided you should be the first to spin the bottle, you spun and it landed on-
And yes this is romantic-
Tw: suggestive text, smoking, profanity, flirting.
- Edd. Oh shit. Your crush. And somehow worst enemy.
- Deep inside, you screamed for your life. But on the outside, you smiled lazily like you always did. Edd seemed surprised that the bottle had landed on him and a bit.. disturbed? Flustered? You couldn't tell.
- Standing up, you walked inside the closet and waited for Edd to come inside. Once he had come in, you shut the closet and the others started the timer.
- Edd crossed his legs, and sighed. For about a few seconds, he stayed silent before you spoke; "So, uhh.. rules state we can do whatever the hell we want so.. what do ya wanna do?" You asked, calm as can be.
- "Well, i sure as hell am not going to make out with you if that's what you were hoping for.." He sarcastically said. "Aww, how'd you know?~" You replied back. "Wha-" "Dont worry, Cola boy. That was a joke." You cut off his flustered confusion.
- He grumbled, and pulled out a sketchbook from seemingly nowhere, and a pen too. Opening the book, he began to rapidly scramble his pen on the page. Curious, you scooted closer. "Whatcha drawin?" You peeked over, your head hovering above the page.
- He seemed to be drawing a person, but you couldn't tell who. "...someone." He answered, and then began to draw their hair. You watched in silence, as he kept glancing back you, irritated.
- "Why do you wanna know anyway?" He asked, sounding a bit angry. "Cuz I think your drawings are good." You smiled at his piercing green eyes. Edd raised a brow at this, "Really? And why is that?" He seemed curious, but still angry.
- "Pfff, why do you need a reason? I'm pretty sure you know yourself that your fuckin awesome at drawing. Didn't know if you noticed, but all four of us seem to think your pretty cool at it." You scooted slightly closer, one of your hands now behind him.
- He scoffed, "If this is your attempt at flattery, it isn't going to work." You pouted in a fake way, "Oh? But why not? I'd say I'm pretty good at it." You chuckled at yourself.
- With a irritated sigh, he put the sketchbook and the pen down. "If your just going to talk my ear off, then I won't do anything." You laughed again, "Aw.. not even talking? Thats a shame. Your voice is pretty lovely to hear."
- "In pain, you mean? That seems to be the one thing you like to hear." Edd crossed his arms, facing you. As he peered down/up at you, you felt yourself slightly tremble at his gaze. "Well, I'd say that isn't the only thing I like to hear." You shrugged, looking away.
- "Well, what else do you like to hear then? I'd be surprised if you said you actually liked me being happy." Edd rolled his eyes. Warmth. Your face was enveloped in that very thing. As embarrassed under/in his gaze as you felt, you kept speaking. "Eh, well I do like hearing you happy, but I do like to hear you pleasured-" You felt a sharp pain on your face.
- He had slapped you. Yet you still laughed as you held your cheek. Heavily breathing, you said right in his furious face; "Heheh.. you really do hate me, huh?" God, that smirk drove him insane.
- You tried to get up, but then you suddenly fell back on the ground again. You opened your eyes, only to see the sight of him on top of you. He grabbed you by the collar of your shirt/hoodie, you blushed but smiled again. "Damn, Edd.. I never thought you'd be into this~" You teased, still trying to aggravate the poor brit.
- You had expected to get a retort or something, but-
- "Well, you don't know a lot of things about me.. do you?" His voice suddenly got low, making you tense up. Face red, you still replied quietly: "Guess i dont.."
- "I didn't think so.." He brought you closer, "You know, I really should hate you.. your mean and way too smug. Yet for some reason.. your oddly charming." His face was inches away from yours at this point, his hands were clenched tight onto your collar.
- You felt nervous. But whispered; "You kinda chose the wrong person to hate then.." Edd only chuckled at this, he got closer, his lips now inches away from yours. "I guess I did.." With those words in mind, you then suddenly felt something soft press against your own lips.
- Edd was kissing you, there was no possible denial that was what was happening. You hadn't expected him to be like this, but you guessed it was welco-
- "Hey, times u-"
- You both knew that voice, and immediately let go. Tom stood, horrified from what he had just seen. Before Edd could even say anything, Tom slammed the closet door shut.
- Edd had to awkwardly fight a teasing Tord and a horrified Tom as soon as he got out of the closet. Matt and you just stood in silence.
- As they fought, you had to face the fact that you and edd were going to have a long... "chat" after this was over.
- Tord. Your crush that you barely talked to.
- Tord jokingly flirted with you as soon as he processed that the bottle had landed on him. You awkwardly joked back in response, as the two of you stood up and walked to the closet.
- You shut the closet door, and the two of you sat down. He sighed, and you looked down at your lap while blushing. You hadn't expected this to happen.
- "Well, what do you want to do?" He asked you, you averted your eyes and replied; "Eh.. whatever you want, I guess." He laughed with a smirk, "Oh really? So if I told you to bend over, you'd do it-" "Heheh.. no, no." You immediately declined, face red.
- "I guess we can just.. talk, if you want." You suggested, looking at him for a few moments. "Alright, that's cool." He said, staring at the closet door in front of him.
- You, tired as can be, sleepily went along with whatever he was talking about. You slept a good 3 hours, so you weren't exactly active.
- As he went on and on, and you smiled at his voice, your head eventually gave into exhaustion and made you lay on his shoulder/head. He looked up/down at you, a small blush on his face. "What are you doing?" He inquired.
- "Tired." That was all you answered with. "How many hours did you sleep?" A nervous chuckle filled his words. "Mmmm.. three." You mumbled. He laughed, "Geez, what made you not sleep?" You only answered with a noise of exhaustion.
- "Eh, alright, I guess I'll let you sleep, sleeping beauty." He smiled and pulled out his cigar, seemingly okay with the position he was in. As he smoked on and on for a good three minutes, you felt yourself slowly giving into slumb-
- "Times up-"
- You snapped awake, and the bright light from the closet opening greeted you both. Tom had opened the closet door, now that the time was done. You two secretly kind of hoped he didn't see that, as much as you didn't mind eachother being that close to one another.
- But of course, he had. "...what were you two doing?" Tom asked with a smirk.
- The next few minutes were the two of you trying to defend yourself from Tom's endless teasing. Edd and Matt only quietly watched until the three of you were done. Moving onto the second round, you three sat.
- The awkward tension between you and Tord was killing you, but you felt somewhat grateful he let you try and sleep.. for about 3 minutes.
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obscenitymoving · 2 years
(anon who asked about how you found out you had szpd, again)
would you be able to describe what the 'split' in schizoid pd is like for you, personally? and would you believe it is generally the same among all schizoids or can their personal interpretations of the split vary depending on who they are?
in addition, i'm having trouble telling how to differ between szpd symptoms and personality traits and ways of being as a person, since i presume schizoids' experiences will vary as they're all their own people, too. i'm unsure whether you'd be able to explain this for me? that may seem peculiar and i know you're not the SzpdTM Authority pfff but you're the first person i found to ask
i ask this as someone who is wondering whether they have szpd but who has a Loooot of issues in dealing with figuring that out (plus doubt is not fun when you have ocd and obsessively intrusive thoughts that revolve around trauma conditioned mindsets that are contrary to accepting and understanding myself in relation to the pd, let me say that...) so i just figured i'd send another ask ^_^ once again your answers and time are appreciated!
hi again. i have to assume it can be similar between other schizoids as much as it can be different but since i literally do not know anyone else whos schizoid i really dont have much to compare my own experience to. my own experience is much like how it was discussed in the post i linked before. my "inner" world is very very rich, i cannot tell you just how much time i spend immersed inside my self where it is considered "safe". even as a kid i thought i was just a 'maladaptive daydreamer' but its since evolved way past that. like, to a point where i cannot imagine a world in which i dont rely on my inner machinations. mostly i can just describe it as making ocs and literally focusing on their world almost 24/7. its a "safe" situation which i can entirely control. i dont think i can go even an hour without retreating back into that world, even when im entirely alone and theres nothing to "hide" from so to speak. where on the other hand the way i present myself to other people is very stereotypical. ive been called a robot and the like. i lack empathy and i never reach out to people first. im not entirely stoic, mostly because i dont think any person can truly be entirely emotionless, but id describe the feelings as very fleeting, at least for the outside world. i get over arguments very quickly because its simply not in my nature to be angry for very long. when i do cry (which is very very rare for me even in the safety of my room) its for 5 minutes at most and i immediately "get over it". my joy feels more like instant gratification instead of something lasting.
i cannot really tell you just how much of who i am is because im a schizoid or if its just my normal personality i wouldve had regardless. mostly because i think just in the way schizoid forms it makes it very difficult for us to hold onto a certain identity. i mean we're literally the personality disorder without a personality. ive spent years trying to figure out who i was, went by 20 different million names, used 20 million different identities, etc. i feel slightly more solid in now, which is interesting i suppose. just the fact that i am a schizoid has given me a good identifier in who i am. on my insta i cannot even begin to describe to you just how much i mention my szpd. its all i talk about sometimes. when i had a job last year (which i quit because customer service is um... it doesnt work for obvious reasons) it was all i talked about. because it was all i had to identify myself. now that im jobless and about to start college, ive latched onto Being A College Student because its all i have, and its all i feel safe sharing to other people. that last part is important because i truly do think we have personalities, its just we dont feel safe showing it to the rest of the world, by showing it, the delicate way in which we control our inner environment will be "invaded" by the "outside world". its one of the reasons i quit art. i could not stand showing my art to people and then them forcing their own emotions and ideas onto it.
im sorry about the last paragraph you sent. unfortunately i cant really help or give much advice beyond what ive already said because it just came so naturally to me. well it wasnt that smooth obviously, but the only thing i really had to get over was my own self doubt and thinking that one regular experience or two entirely invalidated me being a schizoid (which it doesnt). the best i can say is i wish you luck and i hope my annoying ramble-y paragraphs helped you in some way. as always feel free to send more asks and i do hope you can find other schizoids to talk to! my own experiences are very limited.
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popcorn1989 · 2 years
Imagine cahir and reader on a travel to another city and a monster strikes and hits cahir unconscious and reader kills it witch magic and when cahir wakes up hes just confused because he thought reader was to weak to kill even a rabbit but when he asks them they just shush him and dont give him an answer which leaves him utterly confused.
Hi Hi Hi, :D Good idea, will be implemented, and has become more :D
Pairing: Cahir x Reader
Warning: Blood, Monster
Words: 772
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Cahir and you had to walk, why? Don't ask... Cahir has warned you, several times, that you should tie the horses properly. You did, but you didn't, shit just happens. "Cahir, do you think, it really takes us two days to walk?" "Yes" "And you think, it's dangerous around here?" "Yes" "Do you mean, because of monsters, or bandits?" "Yes" "Oh come on, don't do that, you can, at least, give me a sensible answer?" "Yes" he turned to you, "If you had the horses..." "Yes, yes, yes, would have... if it wasn't for the word would have" "I'm running with someone, who really doesn't know anything about something..." He looked at you again, "On a road that actually, many men walk in groups, and it would be really nice of you, if you would be quiet and not draw the attention of, who or whatever on us." he said, raising an eyebrow briefly. Pfff, I don't know... you thought to yourself, when you still kept your mouth shut and walked up to him.
"Maybe we could use that, to our advantage?" you asked him, as he started to laugh slightly "Well I am, but excited" he looked at you again. "Well, I mean a centaur, on which we could..." "A what?" Cahir asked you and started laughing again. "Centaurs, half human and half horse..." Cahir laughed again "There's no such thing" You let some wind whistle through your teeth, if he knew, you thought to yourself and shut up again. Both of you, have been hiking, for about ten hours now, and you only saw forest around you. You got a little bored, "Race?" you asked Cahir, but saw that he shook his head. "Oh come on..." He held up his hand to tell you, to shut up. Again, you thought and rolled your eyes. When you heard it too, branches cracked in the forest, many of them. "A pack?" "No" "Maybe a raccoon", You only said that to cheer yourself up, but Cahir just looked at you, well, he probably thought now that you really didn't have all the cups in the closet anymore. (what is meant, you're crazy)
"I can help," you now whisper, as the crack came closer and closer. Cahir turned back to you "You can't even kill an ant, because you're like a mole, or a rabbit, because you're slow.... you're no help" he said and looked towards the forest again. You're angry and mimic what he's saying, as you both take a deep breath. Out of the forest came a Big Chort (if you don't know that Google: big chort Witcher, haha, so on) Its horns so high they banged against the branches, it roared angrily, when it saw you. "Leave me" "Better run" Cahir said and drew his sword "No, leave it, it'll be quick" you said and wanted to stand in front of him, he stood back and stood in front of you again. The monster ran and rammed Cahir. Well, you dodged it, but let him do it, he knows what he's doing... you thought so.
Cahir had a nasty laceration on his head, he was about to get up, when the monster ran over him again. Cahir stayed on the ground, the beast had hit him really hard. It's his own fault, right? But now the cattle stared at you and wanted to come towards you, but you clap your hands, saying a spell and the Monster disappeared, whimpering. You told Cahir that it's quick, but if you don't want to hear, you have to feel. You went to him, examine his wounds and cast a healing spell. The unconsciousness would probably last a while, so you decide to sit next to him and wait, your legs hurt anyway. Cahir woke up with a jolt, after what felt like two hours. "Run," he said, jumping up, still clutching his sword. "Can we then?" you asked, he looked around, "Where is it?" "Huh what?" "The monster?" "Huh, that was two hours ago? Maybe you shouldn't always fall asleep?" you said and continues on your way. You turn to him, when you realize he's not following you. "What are you coming now?" "What did you do?" "What?" "How did you...." "Huh, no, that was you, you fell over immediately, because you were so exhausted... can we then, you oh such great hero?" Cahir sheathed the sword and looked around again, all the way, he kept asking you, how you did it, but you gave the same answer each time, finding it amusing that he was so confused. And this time it wasn't you...
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thedandelion-writer · 3 years
haii!~ can i maybe get a match up? 👉👈 luv ya! 💜
1: i kinda wanna see both, but if I have to settle for one i lean to guys slightly more
2: im an infp
3: a bit of an airhead, very shy until you get past my shell, chronic over-apologizer, and uh... yeah
4: i mean, it doesnt matter too much for me personally, variety is the spice of life. but I guess my go to is usually doing something at home, like gaming, baking, watching a movie, or even just sitting together.
5: i dont actually know since I never actually dated anyone before, but I know the love languages im most receptive to are (innocent) physical touch and words of affirmation
6: no nsfw thingies
7: ye
A/N: Hi there! Tysm for participating! I honestly thought of him right away for you hehe~ so, I hope you enioy ^^
Also, both you and him are aged up to the legal drinking age for this.
But without further ado, you're going with...
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My reasons!
To me, the big reason I matched you up with him are because I believe he'd match with your love language as Venti would be naturally inclined to express his affections through physical touch (ahem, nothing naughty in this context) and/or words. He would probably tease you for being an airhead, and wouldn't get overly irritated by it because of his light-hearted, carefree nature. And honestly, with Venti, I'd feel like you'd be best friends before anything else so by the time anything romantic is involved, the initial shyness wouldn't be as prominent. And as for over-apologising, Venti would just laugh it off, that's just who you are! He doesn't mind. Most of the time, he'd go with whatever it is you want to do for the day (I can totally see him doing everything you mentioned above), he'll just go with the flow most of the time. As for other matches, I also considered Childe as he is prone to express via phyical touch/words of affirmation as well, but I feel like he may be a bit too much of a wild card sometimes, and I also had Noelle swimming at the back of my mind because she'll love doing homely activities with you, but I thought someone a bit more outgoing would be better, so bard boy it is! :)
The First Date:
"Wha- I thought when you said 'come over and have some cake!' that you would already have one made," Venti complained after you ushered him inside.
You had called him under the pretense of having a decadent treat ready to eat, when in reality you just wanted him over to help you make said treat because baking was way more fun when done together.
"Oh stop whining," you rolled your eyes.
"Which one? Wining or whining? Because I'm never giving up the former," he gave you a cheeky grin over his shoulder as you tied his apron up a bit tight to shut him up.
You ignored his so called witty retort to retrieve ingredients from the cupboard. "You wanted to take me on a date this week right? Well this is it, your chance on a good impression!"
"Pfff, good impressions? Please, we're way past those. I've seen you walk into a pole and apologise to it, and you've seen me dancing on the street half naked because I was drunk at 3am."
"Touche," you sighed,"why did I ever even agree to give you a chance, I'm starting to wonder."
Venti shrugged 'beats me' before bending to look into the fridge. "What kind of cake are we making?"
"Chocolate? I dunno, what do you want?"
He rummaged around a little before pulling out a slender bottle of dandelion wine, one you did not remember having.
"So this is where it went!" he exclaimed, examining the label,"I must've put it in here last time...hey, is it possible to put this in the cake?"
"I knew you were going to say that," you pinched the bridge of your nose before mumbling,"I guess we could."
You had tasted a chocolate wine cake before, and even though you made a point to look disapproving whenever he tried to weasel the drink in every meal, you had to admit that this just might make for a very tasty flavour.
"Alright~!" Venti cheered, suddenly a lot more enthusiastic. "Where do we start?"
You opened the recipe book to flip through to the right page, trying not to be distracted by him peering over your shoulder, almost resting his chin on you
The lack of space made you fluster, and of course, Venti took that as an opportunity to poke fun
"Y-you just stay over there," you nudged him away in embarrassment. "Just crack the eggs into that bowl- and no egg puns!"
"Aww but how did you-"
"I could see it in your eyes," you huffed, pretending to be annoyed.
Did you really think Venti would stop there though? Course not! Be prepared for him booping you on the nose with cream, smearing your cheek with flour and drinking the rest of the wine that was not used.
He certainly made the process a lot more fun, and you guessed it was one of the things you liked about him.
"So...what do you say? Am I in the clear for a second date?" Venti slid down the side of the counter to sit in front of the oven, keeping a close eye on the tray inside.
"Hmm," you sat cross legged next to him, opting to humour him with your answer. "If the cake comes out delicious, then you've got yourself a deal."
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geekygoddesss · 4 years
The Boyfriend Tag [Calum Hood Edition]
Summary: an unfiltered interview featuring Calum Hood and his girlfriend.
Words: 4.7k
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“Hello! I’m Calum Hood, from 5 seconds of summer” He greets to the camera. 
“My name is (Y/n) and I am dating this guy. Today! we are going to be answering this tag thing” I answer in a more excited tone, as I point at the camera. 
“The whole band has done it, it’s only fair I do it as well” He mentions  “We’re currently at home, where we all should be” He says, looking at the surroundings of our sweet home “...so we have more than enough time to get to this”
I smile “And here it is” 
How did we first meet?
“Through friends” Calum explains shortly “it was nothing super special, sadly, she just happened to be friends with one of my friends and that’s how it happened” he shrugged. 
There was really not much to tell, Our story simply happened in a very natural way. 
“My friend invited me to LA and I met him in...If I’m not mistaken it was at a brunch party?” I explain. 
“You’d be right” he nods  “then a series of things happened and she ended up joining our team”
I smile to the camera “In case you didn’t know. I’m a music editor, I like producing and tweaking, so you could say we would see each other a lot” I shrug. 
“And things happened, went on a couple of dates, did my magic…” he added, moved his fingers in front of the camera in a funky way and finished with a “...and here we are”. 
Where was our first date?
“We went to a concert” I exclaimed, growing really excited at the memory “it was crazy, we literally started with a bang” 
“Yep and it wasn’t planned at all” he laughs, rubbing his jaw with his hand as he spoke “I originally had the plan to go with Ashton to this Chainsmokers show, we wanted to take advantage of that to talk with Drew and Alex after, but Ashton got really sick and since I had the ticket and couldn’t just let it go to waste, I asked this beauty to go with me” he said, reaching over to squish my cheek. 
I move away as an instinct, but I love it. 
“It was awesome, those guys really put up a good show” I add, smiling as I spoke “I got really drunk that night” 
Fun fact. I don’t know what came over to me the night of our first date, but for some reason, alcohol played a big part that night, it was embarrassing, but it was worth it. After all, we made a great memory out of it. 
“Tell me about it” Calum said, rolling his eyes. 
I blushed, but before he could say anything else, I swang over to him and covered his mouth “Shhh” I giggle, scotting over to his side “He kind of babysat me, sorry babe” I said, uncovering his mouth. 
“Kind of?” he asked with a sarcastic tone “Geez, I can’t even answer to that. Next question, I don’t want to tell this story” he said, shaking his head. 
I roll my eyes “Drama queen” I shrug “I got drunk and he had to take care of the rest, it was both fun and weird”. 
“Next” he states, passing on to the next question. 
What was your first impression of me?
I have to take a moment to answer this question, not because I don’t know what I like, but because I struggle remembering what exactly was that caught my attention. It only took me a few seconds to answer. 
“My first impression of you was that you were really quite but still very present in the room” I speak first “it’s hard to explain, because we literally met in the middle of a conversation but basically” I try to explain, shifting a little in my place  “I remember standing in one place and hearing stories from other people, I was completely not familiar with anything, I didn’t know any of them so everything they said was pretty much new, but you always had a fun insert to add, even though you barely spoken that was something that stood out for me a lot” I say, nodding towards him. 
“Mine was more or less the same, actually” he says, acting surprised about my answer “because you’re always very quiet when being on a crowd and that stuff, you always stand back from having too much attention” he explain. “it’s funny because, the first day I met you I remember, I greeted you and all, we didn’t really talked to each other and I didn’t hear you talk either, however, when our food delivery came in the first thing I heard you say was ‘yo, I bet you can’t sniff of this paprika’” he says, a smile growing on his face, until full giggles starting coming out of his lips. 
“Did you really had to say that on camera?” I sigh, acting annoyed, but I really wasn’t. 
“It was hilarious” he says, still laughing. 
I know this is a fact that kind of embarrass me, but watching laugh it off was completely priceless. 
When did you meet my family?
“I met your family on the day you launched your third album” I start answering the question, as soon as he finishes reading.  “it was such a big moment and you flew everyone in, it was the first time I ever got to interact with your mother and -well- everyone, as your girlfriend and not just a friend” I explain “also it was the first time I stayed over at your place for more than two nights”
“It was a extended pijama party” he mention, nodding at the camera with a serious look “no, uh, there’s a reason behind all that. When it came to this situations, I very much preferred for her to stay at mines while my family was in there than to have her alone at her apartment, so I took the chance” He shrugged, reaching over to pat my tight. “It was fun!” 
“It was very fun” I nod agreeing “I love how your mom takes the lead in the kitchen and no matter what you say, she is the one in charge” I laugh, remembering all those discussion for who was the first cooking dinner at the house.
“Mom doesn’t love my cooking” Calum admits with a sigh. 
I nod “I don’t know why, if I’m honest”  I add“She makes some exceptional fish and chips though, it’s just...” 
I have to close my eyes to add some drama into all these. I loved food, and that was definitely one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time. I knew Cal’s mom loved to cook, and it was an honour for me to try her meals, they were heaven on earth.
“Yeah I know” he chuckles “How did I meet yours?” he asks to himself and sighs  “I didn’t”
My jaw tenses a little, I don’t know how I didn’t see this coming but I didn’t care at all. 
“I’m an orphan, don’t cry for me, I’m fine, I don’t need to talk about it” I state, moving over to his side and hugging him “you are my family”
He smiles softly at me. “Yes I am, baby” he says kissing my forehead. “Next” 
Who said “I love you” first?
“Eh...I did” I admit, with a shy smile on my face “guilty” I add, raising my hand. 
“She did” he seconds, pointing at him. “it was adorable”
That phrase made me cringe for some reason. Not that I denied it wasn’t adorable, it was just some awkward moment that I came out of me and I still feel unsure of. I am not often the one who speaks up, so doing this was pretty ballsy. 
“Was it?” I ask, unsure “It was too soon, I dont know...”
“It was alright, really” he says, shaking his head and going over to rub on my arm a little “we were having one of our famous, drink and watch, where we watch movies and every time something specific happens, we drink a shot” he starts telling the story, also making the fun add on of our usual date nights. 
“And I was like, woooh woooh” I say, trying to imitate that very moment. I lean over him, and leaning my head too close to his, I press my head on his cheek and whisper “I loaf you, Cayum” making it coming out as a loud muffled sound. 
“God dammit” he giggles moving away just a little “I mean, it did sound like that, but it was cute and I said it back” he says, rounding his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer.
“At first I felt weird because I thought I shouldn’t have said it right there at that moment, but if I’m honest” I add “I was fine” 
“We were fine” he continues, leaning in to kiss my temple “more than fine”
What dressing do I always wear?
I look at him up and down.  It’s kind of funny, because with this whole situation, we both happen to be in our pajamas, so our dressing code has been turned around for the moment. My vision of what he could be wearing on the daily has been distorted. 
“Pfff” I sigh “I don’t know, I really don’t” I confess. “You are very weird with fashion, I must say, I don’t think you often wear the same thing” I say, looking over at him. 
“I sure do, I can think of a couple things” He says, smiling at me with a teasing smile, silently encouraging me to think. 
“Well, you do wear hoodies often, at home mostly” I say, being the first thing I can think of
“Like this one, actually, it’s like your morning hoodie” I giggle, reaching over to tug on the hood. 
He was wearing that very soft white hoodie he would reach over to every morning, if there was a little bit of a breeze out there. She loved it, it was a nice piece of clothing to hug him in. 
“There you go, see?” He chuckles, shaking his head  “Mine is easy because every day of your life you wear socks that reach your ankles and beyond” He smiles, looking down at my feet and staring at my socks. 
“Ding ding ding!” I celebrate, smiling at him “You are so right!” I laugh.
He nods, he knows he was right. 
“Show the public, please” he suggests, giving me the honours.
“I have pineapples today” I say, lifting my foot as much as I can and holding it up to the camera. “Yesterday I had dogs and I have all kind of patterns, I love collecting socks” I smile, looking down at the pretty pattern and admiring it. 
“It’s a fun thing to collect, I like it a lot actually” He admits, staring at it too “Do you have your 5SOS socks already?” he asks, as I lower my leg to its previous position. 
I roll my eyes “Oh, shut it” I groan, he breaks to laugh and he knows why.  “you didn’t let me design socks for your merch, now I don’t want anything” I say, scooting away from him
“Right” he laughs, shaking his head and laughing “Next question”. 
Weird habit of each other?
“I know one of yours” he says before I can even answer. He turns to me, looking at me with a mysterious smile. “I’m going to leave it at your choice, should I tell or should I not?” 
I look at him with the same look he gives to me, trying to see in him what he had in mind. I might have some weird habits, I was just hoping he wouldn’t pull out the worst. 
“Shoot”  I say, glaring at him. 
“Everything you do, you find a way to relate it to a meme” he says, looking straight at me and laughing as he speaks “I don’t even know how you do it, you just do” 
“Oh man! that’s not that bad, but I wasn’t expecting that at all” I laugh as well, finding it kind of funny that we went in with this one “I don’t think you have a bad habit, but, if I must say one, I would say your silence” I say slowly, not really sure if that even count. “you are one quite soul, Cal” I add, bumping our shoulders together 
“Am I?” He says, raising an eyebrow up as he spoke. 
I nod  “It’s like, sometimes  I ask you something and you just do this” I explain, resting my head over my chin and looking straight at him, saying nothing but still saying much. “I’m not a mind reader, pal” I mumble, still looking at him. 
He leans over and touches my forehead with his, looking at me straight in the eyes and mumbling.  “You should know what it means” 
I roll my eyes. “Uh huh” 
He would never admit his silence was weird, but that’s okay, it was something of him that I really liked.
How long have we been together?
“Almost two years” Calum says, his voice sounding sort of surprised as he spoke. 
“It doesn’t feel like two years, how scary” I add, leaning my head on his shoulder “I feel like time really flies lately, these past two years between working with you, having all these changes and moving to this city, I felt like it’s only been a couple months” I mention, reflecting about all of the little things that have led us to this moment. 
“That happens when you’re having fun baby” 
I smile, bumping my shoulder to his “It’s been the best two years, I hope you know that” 
What was our first road trip?
“Here’s the thing” he says, taking the lead “We often do small road trips to little parts of the city, so I would dare to say our first road trip together was... Mexico?” he says, looking at me in doubt. 
“I think so, I’m not sure” I say, thinking about it as well. “but I think our most special trip was not even a road trip, it was a full on trip, remember?”
He frowns a little, turning to look at me looking for more clues. I didn’t gave more information away, if he knows, he knows. 
“Which one?” He asks, still thinking about it.
“The first trip we did together, we were around 8 months, I would say” I say, still maintaining the mystery, until I decided to drop it.  “We went to Australia, made a stop for three days and then New Zealand” I explain. 
“Oh that’s right! yeah, you are right” he nods energetically at my answer. “We went visiting my family and exploring, it was a whole deal” he explain, now with a smile on his face. 
“I think that even counts as a road trip, we used your uncle’s jeep, visited some awesome places” I say, smiling as well “I loved it, I always wanted to go to Auckland and having the chance of exploring the city was the best thing ever” 
He nods, agreeing with me. That particular trip was the first trip we ever did together as a couple and it was worth every second. 
“I had fun too, it was a very special time” He agrees. “Fun fact, a song came out of that trip, and you would never guess which one, but if you do, let me know and I might tell a story” He states, pointing at the camera, and looking at it with a completely serious look. 
“Please do, guess” I chuckle at that statement “That story is going to fuck me up”
First thing you noticed about me?
“Now this is a question I like a lot” Calum states, sitting up straight and getting excited about his answer “Here’s the thing, the first time I met you was on this brunch thing and it was... a private event” he starts “it was interesting because in this event they had like a whole dancing thing, musicians, a DJ... the thing is, there was a particular moment of the event where they were playing jazz and the way she lost it while listening to that... that was priceless” he noticed, smiling at me “the way you lose yourself with music it’s something I won’t ever get tired of” he said in honest words. 
That statement made my heart warm up. Those were one of the most adorable things he had ever said to me. 
“Thank you” I said, with a hand on my chest. “The first thing I noticed about you is how good you are with words” I said, as part of my answer “I think some people, especially guys, sometimes come out as assholes when they want to cause a good impression, but surprisingly, he was the first guy who when he first came up to me, I felt comfortable” I shrug, looking at the camera and smiling softly. 
There was really not much to say, I felt like my answer said a lot. 
Calum smiled softly at me and reached my place, and while he caught me in his arms he mumbled “Come here”. 
And then we fall onto the floor, as we washes me in kisses. 
Tell us a fun fact about you
We both stare blankly at different points as we think of an answer. It should be easier than this, but for some reason, it is being more difficult than we thought to come up with a good answer to fill in this question. We could say so many things, but none of them would be the most appropriate one for this. 
“Fun fact” I start, after our moment of silence “the first time we kissed, very first time, I was really drunk, but I would say, it wasn’t that noticeable or at least that’s what I thought”
I see Calum notices what I am saying right away, because once I start my story, his face goes from a frown to a surprised expression very quickly. Suddenly everything taking a bit of sense for him. 
“I know where you’re going” he says, shaking his head. 
“He asked me how it felt, like the kiss, how I felt about it” I continue  “and I said ‘Ew’” 
I wish I could help it, but everytime I tell a story like this, I can’t help but breaking to laugh, without having enough control over myself. I almost have to lay back, because I am laughing so much I can hardly sit still, but I don’t do that, I just hold on to my boyfriend and do my thing. I was such a fun story, the embarrassing part of it worn off completely by how funny it was. 
“That was the most discouraging moment of my life” He explains, joining as well into my little laughing fit and shaking his head.
“I know, I’m sorry” I said, cleaning a small tear off my eye “I didn’t mean it! I was drunk, plus, I think I say ew and ouch out of its context more times that I could count” I mention.
“Now, that is very true” he says, laughing as well as he turns his look back at the camera and mumbles “Next question”
Tell us a secret 
“No” Calum says. 
So we move on to the next question. 
What am I good at?
“She’s excellent at cooking the best things in the worst times” Calum explains as soon as he’s given the chance “and what I mean by this is that, most of the time when there’s a storm or, just like a month ago, we were confined and she would do deserts like everyday, It was so good I would forget for a second about what was surrounding me” He admitted, looking at me for a second before going back at the camera. 
“I’m glad you like it”  I smile, suddenly feeling very excited. “I do instagram lives every time I cook, It’s a lot of fun” I add.
He nods “You see me in the back, like, ‘what’s that white spongy thing?’” he mentions, making a weird voice just for laughs. 
I giggle. “What’s that white dust on the table?”  I follow, completely being aware of the double-sense. 
“Is that mint? Or cilantro?” He adds. 
“Oh geez” I laugh, at that last one. “People roast me in the comments all the time, because I make stuff like, burritos, or maybe chicken teriyaki, and then you come over and can’t eat anything” I roll my eyes, shaking my head at the camera. 
He presses his lips together at my mention and nods. 
“I don’t eat meat” he mentions, shrugging “but I don’t mind at all, I don’t care if you eat meat”
I nod “I always prepare like one ratio and leave some for if you wanna try, but…” I shrug “I wouldn’t tease you into it”
“I know babe” He says, going to reach my cheek and pinch it. 
 I move away from his touch as I say “I’m not even going to answer this so… next!” 
Favorite feature about each other?
“His face is the stretchiest ever” I say with excitement in my voice. 
Without a doubt, I get up and walk right behind him, because I just need to do something. It's a necessity, this is something I do on the daily, showing the public was something I wanted to do so badly. 
“Look at this” I said, placing my hands on his cheeks and squishing them…stretching… squishing… stretching… squishing… I had so much fun. 
“I have so much fun doing this, it’s like playdough in my hands” I say, caressing my boyfriends face. 
“Okay, alright” he laughs, taking my hands away from his face. “My favourite thing is this” he says, still holding onto my hands and suddenly tugging on them hard. 
Before I even noticed, he was grabbing both of my arms together, and with great skill, he pulled my whole body over his shoulders, and as he got up from his seat and walked back. 
“What?!” I yelled loudly “Put me down!” 
He does as I said, and as he walked to the back of the room, he let me down right beside him. 
“She’s so tiny” he laughed, ruffling my hair playfully “I can carry her in my bag” 
I rolled my eyes “No, I’m not” I whined “Stop” 
He laughed again, and as he lifted his arm, and rested his elbow on my head.  “See this (Y/n) to Calum ratio” he mocks ��I’m half a person” 
“Perfect size” I giggle, pushing him aside playfully. “Now that you’ve exposed my height, can we keep going please?” I say, almost begging. 
If we kept going with this, I could easily turn from funny to not so funny anymore. 
What do we argue about the most? 
Once again, we stay quiet for a good second, but not because we don’t know, it’s because there was really not an specific answer we could give. I don’t we even knew what to say. 
“I would say, the majority of times, we argue for the most dumb things you could imagine” I say, answering for the both of us  “But about serious things, it’s something very rare” I shrug. 
“I think our trending topic when discussing about something, it’s about me misspelling words when writing, and her losing it” he says, pointing at us and totally throwing me a look. 
“Dude” I sigh “Because then people will read and take it the wrong way, not cool” I argue. 
“It doesn’t matter, you just explain” he shrugs, completely not caring. 
“You need to listen, that’s what you need to do” I roll my eyes  “Read a book, punk” I let out. 
His eyes widen at my answer. “Oh is that it?” He says looking at me directly. 
I crack a smile, going to hug him, before he thought I was serious about this. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding” I let him know. 
I would never tell him something like that on purpose.
Nicknames for each other?
I sigh. “Sadly, I don’t have anything other than Cal, and all the regular sappy nicknames” I shrug  “I know I’m terrible, sue me, I don’t care” 
I speak honestly, all super creative nicknames were over thought and they could be weird sometimes. I was too classy to use anything overly new. 
“That’s mean, because I do have a couple of names for you” he mentions “Sweetie pie, Baby… The others I can’t reveal” he says slowly, patting my thigh with his hand. 
my nose scrunches “Why?” I ask. 
“They’re very confidential, you should know that”  he says, shaking his head. 
I shrug. “If I’m honest, I don’t know” I giggle “But I’ll keep the secret if that’s what you want”
He smiles, and leaving kiss on my cheek, we move on to the next question. 
Complete this sentence “You’re my……..”?
“Oh, this is the famous question” he says after reading the question out loud. A smile cracking on his face as he looked at me. 
“Was there a famous question?” I asked, raising my eyebrow. 
“All the guys were talking about this one, I’m sure you guys are enjoying this” he smiled at the camera and pointing at It. “Luke’s girl cried” he mentioned to me. 
My eyes widen “Did she?” I say, my mouth forming a pout “Oh man, I haven’t seen that” I sigh “You first”
He nods, already knowing that he would be the one taking the lead first.
“You are my saviour” he says, going to grab my hand. “I know it might sound sappy and you hate it, but it’s the truth. Before you I was a lonely guy, even when I had friends, I still felt pretty lonely, and I really appreciate the fact that I found someone who I can talk to, share moments… someone who I can lean on, It’s something that really gets me thinking… If it wasn’t for you, I would be sad” he says, pressing his lips together as he looked at me. 
“Really?” I asked in a whisper. He nods. “Cal…”
I wish I could keep it together, but hearing him say something like this… I’m front of a camera. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, we’ve been in these kinds of situations before, but right now, it felt different, and it felt special. 
“No, baby, don’t” he chuckles when sees my eyes starting to Glow. “See?” He tells the camera with a smile. 
“I don’t even know what to say…” I sigh, shaking my head “You’re my partner” I say smiling. “Probably sounds weird, because it’s obvious, but I mean it, you’re my best friend, I love spending time with you, I always look forward to be with you and have you by my side, I can tell you everything and I trust you more than anyone, I think being with you is without a doubt, the best decision I have ever taken in my life” I admit. 
The grin on his face is a real one, and once I finish with my words, he gives a squeeze to my hands, and leaves a kiss in both of them. 
“Come here, baby” he whispers, pulling my into his arms. “I love you, I love you, I love you” he says, kissing my cheek a lot. 
“You’re squishing me” I laugh “I love you so much, a million times, more than you do” 
And more than he could imagine…
“So, this was our version of the girlfriend and boyfriend tag, I hope you enjoyed” I say first, as I smiled to the camera. 
“We also hope this brought you enough entertainment during this time, we for sure had a good time doing it” He continues for me, waving at the camera. “Until the next time, and remember to stay safe, bye!”
With this, we both lift our hands, and wave energetically at the camera, we turn of the camera, and our version of this tag was completed. 
It was a wrap!.
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osdd-1bitch · 3 years
Hi! Idk what to call myself except for the auditory hallucination anon so I guess we can abbreviate to A.H.A. pfff no need to answer I just need to like. Get this out of my brain.
I considered that maybe I was schizophrenic? But if I'm being honest my auditory hallucinations could've been caused by caffeine/my manic episodes. I self checked to make sure I wasn't manic to ensure that yeah maybe I'm a system? I'm not manic right now it's super easy for me to tell and I am also. Far too self aware. I also went back and double checked that some other mental issues I suffer from could be connected with my manic episodes and *coughs* cycle (hormones man. Desperately trying not to overshare here).
I recently settled into new meds and I haven't actually suffered from any of that stuff. It did cause two manic episodes in the beginning but again. New medicines. And since I've sort of always talked to people in my head off and on I don't think it's my medicines causing this.
I got worried that maybe I was overpathologizing HOWEVER I have talked to people in my head for a while. In elementary school I considered one specific systemmate an imaginary friend-- in middleschool I had another pop up after a year or two of stagnation, then in freshman year I had a few plus the old imaginary friend and an introject (who just took on her appearance) of another imaginary friend (we agreed on introject because it's a lot more complicated than her being an imaginary friend-- childhood alter ego doesn't sound correct LOL unless what I went through was that extensive that this developed much earlier than I thought. Which could be a possibility BUT I don't think I should worry about when I first split since it's a childhood thing and I can't remember a whole lot of it. Literally a whole two years is blocked out of my brain.
Also a fun fact. Which you probably know. Osdd can cause a disconnect from trauma while still retaining the memories. I thought I hadn't really connected with this (Which is why I looked into schizophrenia) at first but then one of them came forward (a little :c) and described to me in vivid detail how one of my traumas felt to them and I just. Oh. My stomach dropped because I completely blocked out a lot of the feelings towards it. (I know systemmates can communicate through feelings, correct? I think I felt some of hers.) I knew it was bad and that it definitely affected me in a certain way but I realized it had affected me a lot deeper than I thought.
Sorry this is like. Essay-length. This is why I feel like my systemmates are real, at least. We've been talking about making a system tumblr????? But I'm worried it'll be too soon to make a blog since we've been questioning for like. A whole week at the most. Maybe if we did we could dm you or something and talk privately? *shrugs*
I really hope I'm not oversharing too much? Anyways! Have a good one!
Yeah, id say if youve noticed symptoms from that far back, youve got a pretty high chance of osdd-1/did! and heck, even if you do have another thing causing hallucinations you can still have it, we have psychotic symptoms too and its not impossible.
the emotional disconnect is a mood, it can take a bit of reflection to really go "oh f/ck.." huh. and yes sysmates can communicate through emotions!
dont worry bout length, and yeah youve got what seems like a real solid foundation for your questioning! a sysblr could be helpful, especially if you are in the stage of questioning! you dont need a 1 month badge or anything. and totally, our dms are open!
and yeah imaginary friends turning out to be alters is very common
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lu-undy · 4 years
Another sniperspy hc! Hope you lije this one too! (if u wanna write it ofc dont wanna pressure u!). Spy has anxiety, a little, but still has it; and it mostly shows when he is touchstarved. He gets nervous and a little overwhelmed but he hides it trying to play it cool. He stays in his room in the ceasefires all alone but that just makes things worse. He needs cuddles, but he'll neer admit it, never asks for them. And it gets worse. And Spy breaks, just a little, but Snipes notices and helps❤️🐑
Here we go! Sorry about the delay, I have to juggle with work and my long fic at the same time. I hope you’ll like it :)
"Oh, Scout, please, go fuck yourself." 
The young man insisted. 
"Spy, c'mon man, you-"
"I said: go fuck yourself."
"You can't just say that?!"
Spy was in his room. All the lights were off, only the dancing flames of the fireplace lit his smoking room. The Frenchman was sitting on his armchair, a glass of wine in his hand and an annoyed look on his face. 
"Scout if you stand behind my door one more second, I will push every single blade I have into you, in places where you couldn't possibly pull them out." 
He answered, his teeth gritted and his jaw clenched angrily. 
"Jeez, fine…!" 
The Frenchman was pissed off. He had played his part very poorly that day and even though his colleagues respected him enough to not mention it, he could see it in their eyes. He had disappointed them, and he could hardly look at himself in the mirror for it. 
There was one pair of eyes that was stuck in his mind. Those lagoon blue eyes had dwelled on him for the entire duration of his dinner, they had spoken louder thatn any voice.
What Spy needed was red wine, a strong, almost bitter château. Ah, some cheap Spanish one would do. There were very few occasions the Frenchman would betray his country: when he needed the alcohol to sting his soul from the inside was one of them. He just needed something to hurt him physically, something that transferred the pain from his soul to somewhere he could point at, on his body. 
Spy emptied the glass and poured more, grunting. The strong sourness hurt the back of his throat. Good. He threw his gloves away and undid his tie. It flew straight to the floor. He had removed his jacket and his vest and was now undoing the first couple of buttons on his shirt. 
The Frenchman was sitting on the edge of his armchair, his elbows planted on his thighs and his head hanging low. He wasn't proud of himself and he didn't have the energy to pretend that he was in front of his colleagues, so his isolation in the deafening silence and darkness of his lonely room was the best course of action. 
He put a hand on his face and let it sink from his brow down to his chin. A knock interrupted him. 
"Scout, no respawn will fix what I am about to do to you." He said angrily.
"It's not Scout." A muffled voice answered across the door. 
"Leave me alone." He answered, as if he didn't know who it was, as if he hadn't recognised that voice. 
"C'mon, open the door."
"Non, go away."
"I won't." 
Spy heard a thud and rolled his eyes. He knew the man behind that door could be awfully patient. He could picture him, sat down on the Frenchman's doormat, his back against the wall. That was the thud, he had dropped himself on the other side of the door with the knife symbol. And Spy knew he could wait there for hours.
"I am not up for games. Go back to your van." 
"Neither am I. I didn't come to play anythin' with you." 
Silence fell. Spy wondered while his visitor pulled his hat in front of his face to block the light from the corridor and rest his eyes more comfortably. He had all his time. He knew his own patience could match Spy's ego. So he waited, sat there, like a homeless man would find shelter under the front facade of a shop when it rains. He waited, his eyes closed and his hat on his eyes.
The man with the absurdly long legs let them flow in front of him. He didn't know how long he had been waiting but the base had gone totally silent. The light in the corridor had switched off a long time ago now. 
Inside the room, the Frenchman had stopped drinking since his visitor had sat there. 
Spy grumbled and stood up. He went to the door, making sure that his footsteps could be heard. The visitor opened his eyes and unstuck his back from the door. The footsteps stopped. There was a moment of hesitation before the doorknob twisted and the door opened. 
Spy looked down. 
"Come in. Don't stay sat there."
The man under the hat stood up and straightened his back before entering. Spy quickly shut the door after him. 
"What do you want?" The Frenchman asked. 
"To not let you get pissed alone. And on cheap wine at that…" 
Sniper had gone next to the sofa and took the bottle of wine in his hand to read the label. The Frenchman almost regretted the wine tasting lessons to his colleague.
"This is shite wine, Spy, what's your problem?"
Spy sat on the sofa. 
"None of your concern." 
Sniper sat down next to him.
"Yeah, it's none of anyone's business but yours, you're right. So what is it?"
The Frenchman put his fingers on his temples. Now that they were both facing the flames, Sniper could see him better. He looked disheveled, his shirt open, without a tie and a miserable look on his face. Had it not been for the taylor-made shirt and trousers, the Australian would have looked better dressed.
"I know you did shit today. And I also know it doesn't look like you. You're better than that, I know it and you do too. So what's special about today?"
The Frenchman sighed. 
"Again, none of your concern."
"Is it your birthday or somethin'?"
Spy shot him a murderous glance. He was nowhere near the point where he could appreciate any joke. His icy blue eyes split the dark room sharply, like the sheen of the short blades he liked so much. 
"You don't want to say, eh?"
"Non, I don't."
"So why did you let me in?"
"To not let you rot on my doormat."
"Pfff, even Scout could lie better than that." Sniper answered and it did strike a nerve. The Frenchman clenched his jaw. 
"If you didn't let me in to talk, it's cause you need somethin' else."
Sniper stood up and headed to the small kitchen area in his colleague's flat. 
"Now, I'm gonna make us some herbal tea. It won't make you talk but it'll help your nerves." 
The Australian kept the lights off. He filled a kettle with water and put in on the stove to heat up. When the water boiled, he poured it in 2 mugs and took 2 tea bags out of his pocket. Spy's eyebrows jumped. Those teabags showed that Sniper had prepared himself and hadn't come by chance or politeness. His mind was set to help the bitter Frenchman. 
A minute later, he brought the two mugs. He handed one to his colleague and that's when he realised that Spy wasn't wearing his gloves. Sniper's brow furrowed for a short instant. Observant as he was, Spy saw it. 
They both took a sip. 
"Something's the matter, Sniper?"
"Well that's cheeky. You're the one who has a problem obviously and you ask me if something's the matter?" 
"You frowned. I'm just curious." 
"I'll tell you what made me frown if you tell me what's pissin' you off like that."
Spy sighed. 
"Today is not a good day for personal reasons." He answered. 
"That doesn't tell me anythin', Spook." 
"Well, too bad, I will not disclose more of it." 
And silence fell again, that was only interrupted by their sips. But they soon finished their drink. Sniper leaned back on the sofa. 
"So that's what you do when you're pissed off? Get drunk on shit wine, alone, in the dark?" 
Spy didn't want to react but of course it affected him. He knew he looked miserable and hearing it being said aloud did not help. Sniper sat up and put his hand on Spy's thigh, right above his knee. 
"You're not wearin' yer gloves. That's why I frowned." 
The Frenchman double-checked and yes indeed. He didn't even think about his gloves when he opened the door. It hurt him even more. 
Sniper took Spy's hand in his and opened its palm. 
"Oh c'mon, it's only yer hand! I just want to see it better." 
He tilted it such that he could  see it well.
"Y'know I can read the lines there. Wanna know what they say?" 
The Frenchman didn't answer. 
"Well, they say that it doesn't matter if you don't tell me what your problem is." 
Sniper moved closer to his friend. 
"You need someone to help, because you're not making it out of this on yer own. And shit alcohol won't do either." 
Spy raised his eyes to finally look at his colleague with something else in his eyes than blind rage. The way that Sniper traced the lines on his hand, how he delicately handle his palm, it all surprised him. The man lived in a van, in the most rustic way, yet he was holding his hand like he would a delicate flower. The tickling of his index tracing the lines through Spy's palm was almost poetic.  
The Frenchman hid his face with his other hand. 
Sniper got even closer. Now their thighs were touching and Spy felt an arm wrap around his back, pulling him to his friend. Without a second thought, he bent on his side and leaned on Sniper's side, his head below the Australian's chin, closing his eyes. 
The marksman got surprised by the suddenness but didn't question it and hugged his friend, lacing his other arm on his left shoulder.
"I don't care why you're annoyed. I just want it to stop. No one wants to see you like that. I watched you during dinner. You were fumin' with rage and you didn't eat much. 's not good."
The vibrations of Sniper's voice travelled through the Frenchman and made his insides relax. There was something about his voice and the embrace. Spy needed more of it. He wrapped his arms around Sniper and buried his head deeper in his friend's chest. He wanted to say something, anything! But the words failed him. 
"So that's what you needed all along? A good hug?" 
Of course, Spy stayed mute. Was his clinging to his friend's polo shirt not enough of an answer? 
But suddenly Spy felt Sniper moving, pulling him. His eyes snapped open as he followed his friend's movements, not really understanding what he was doing. Sniper kept him close all along and soon stopped moving, when he was laying on his back, on the sofa, his feet dangling off of it. Spy was on top of him, his arms still around Sniper's sides and his head below his chin. That way, the Australian couldn't see how hard he was frowning… 
The Frenchman would never admit how much he loved the embrace. And Sniper's hand brushing his back and his other one behind his head... Non, Sniper had understood what Spy needed and wordlessly obliged, without the grumpy one even having to ask. 
There was a blanket on the nearby armchair. The Australian extended his arm and took it. The next thing Spy knew, he was sandwiched between the softness of the duvet and the warmth of Sniper's body.
He squeezed Sniper tighter for an instant. 
"You're welcome. Now, try and get some sleep, will ya?" 
Spy raised his head of his friend's chest and looked him in the eye. 
"Merci." [Thank you.] 
Sniper was looking at him with a smile. He cupped Spy's head and left a silent kiss on his forehead, on the fabric of the mask. Spy's eyes opened wide. With one hand he swiftly removed the mask and threw it away, and ignoring Sniper's total shock, he looked up at him and asked him with his eyes… 
The Australian took a second to process what had just happened and he devoured his friend's face with his eyes. He put his palms on the Frenchman's naked cheeks and slid his fingers up through his hair. Spy closed his eyes, focusing on the touch on his face. He was really just thanking that one man whose patience was infinite with him. 
Sniper pulled him and kissed, not his forehead.
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fanonskeletonstuff · 4 years
pls kno im not a serious writer thank;; also it’s my replies only, i didnt share anyone elses (unless they want to share killer and his s/o’s whole thread along with the sideplots, i dont wanna paste their replies without permission tho i plan not to)
this may include othertale spoilers and rahafwabas’ killer!sans comic references
gonna put this on wattpad too
Dust explores the CP. he sees Color and his rainbow cracked skull is the first thing he catches. Color sees him back and walks to him first. “heya. i see you’re about to cause trouble.”
“wh... what? pfff...” Dust is surprised Color already knows who he is. “i can’t if this is some large christmas gathering. isnt it on christmas, you have to be well... GOOD???”
Color jumps back from the yell. “of course you have to. but, you’re one of those sanses, so i can’t stop ya.” Then, he realizes something. “say, aren’t you killer’s friend? have you two met before?”
Dust remembers who Killer is. “ohhh, that man?? yeah, we had to date once during our bad sanses sleepover. horror held the event cause it was halloween at the time.”
“huh... well, this is dangerous of me, i’m talkin’ to ya and anytime you might just kill me.” Color chuckles. “however, I know sanses can control themselves. I know killer can. he thinks i have to kill him, but it’s just wrong. i think he can change. he doesnt have to fuel himself with thoughts of murdery.”
Dust feels roasted. “WOW?? heheheh!! you’re so smart those colors must be how high your IQ is!”
“heheh, oh, that. so, here’s my story. i absorbed souls in a genocide timeline. i was about to die, so it’s the only thing i had to do. that’s why i look like that... that...”
Color gets interrupted by Dance, who teleported next to him. “uhhh...”
— — —
“heya. you’re quite the party lights in here.” Dance is getting the gay feeling.
“oh, heheh, wow, huh?” Color feels awkward. “heyy, i know you! you’re that shy dancer who doesn’t get much stage fright the more he gets used to dancing. hip hop, right?”
“yep. yeah, that’s my genre.” Dance blushes. “what AU are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“i’m from othertale. fun fact, the AU’s not about me! i’m pretty much undyne’s supporting character.” Color laughs.
“cool...” Dance likes him- “i like your colors. where’d you get your lights?”
“oh, i was just explaining to dust pal here I got it from human souls. i, um, absorbed ‘em. needed it cause i was aboutta die.”
“that must be risktaking of you for your own life, c...” Dance winks, his left eye open. “hey, maybe we should... dance, sometime...”
Dust laughs at Color and Dance, gives a hard pat on Color’s shoulder. “uh oh, GAY alert!!!” Phantom!Papyrus is probably shook at this point.
— — —
“heh... sorry to say, but you’re too nice and popular to be with me.” Color answers. “I, um... already had letters with someone. kinda like dust, but...”
“it’s ok. if i dance too much, that’s when the beats go off.” Dance understands.
“yeah... honestly, he’d kill you if he sees you. If he were in this party and you say that to me... he’ll overthink his actions and end up on a killing spree.”
Dance knows who he’s talking about. “wait. you don’t mean... how...???”
“how... how is he with you? wait, i must be assuming. who are you with, but not really?”
— — —
“u-uh... he likes... someone else, n-n-now...” Dance being the shy sweatpants boi he is puts on his hood blushing. “sorry, i said too much...”
“o-oh, no problem! killer chose me anyway, but i only chose him back cause he wants me to be his guy...de.” Color winks for the pun. guy-de for ‘guide’ lol.
— — —
Then, Color says his name.
“killer. he told me everything about himself. personally. there was no one else but me and him. like an error in his anti-void.”
“oh, uh... he’s h-here, actually...” Dance hesitates. “wait... i still have more to say...”
Dust walks out of the conversation, continuing to follow Red.
Red sees Killer being cute. “ah *shoes*-//“
he notices himself getting his words censored and thats embarrassing. “WHAT THE-////“
— — —
Color and Dance walks in.
“hey, what’s happening here?” Color asks.
“hi red...” Dance waves. “i hope your anger management’s doing well.”
Red’s starting to think he’s gonna have a BIG WHOOP. “OK, what’s goin’ on here?! who set this?! cigar’rus?!” he mentions US!Pap, the host of the therapy closet session.
— — —
Killer sees Dust and feels a bit scarEd. “hiya.”
“welcome to the party, that goes to the three of you....” Dance still shying out tho.
“hey buddy red. tough day? i heard you yelling back there.” Color helps Red.
“ya heard nothin, newbie!” Red nervously laughs. “feel like imma get stabbed by that dust guy there! or any of those funkers!”
Killer breaks up with Color 3 2 1-
“sir’s probably lookin’ for us, we should find a way out.” Dust puts a hand around Killer.
Killer blushes. “wait...// im still wearing this.”
Dust lets go. “ohhh’kayyy, take your time...”
Killer rubs both of his sleeves until he sees Color. “color....?”
“uh...” Color stops hiding behind Dance, holds Dance’s hand, and blushes. “yeah, it’s me.”
Dance blushes back, HE A HERMIT CRAB//) “(c-color, whuh)”
“long time no see.”
“heheh... i heard you found someone else, so... hey, it’s okay! if he can help you, honestly, i just said yes so i could control you. and, uh, manipulation is one of the bad things in relationships, right? so...”
Killer listens to Color. “don’t feel bad.”
“i’m gonna walk off cause i don’t wanna get caught. oh, and one more thing.” Color shows Killer he’s holding Dance’s hand. “once you see it, you can ditch me.”
“s-s-sorry/////“ Dance mutters while hiding in his hood hiding away his blue blushy flustering face.
last one: shoutout to outer sans being a fluffy pillow to the bad sanses out there uwu
Outer, still next to RainbowKill, looks at Dust while Color and Dance walk away together. Not only he should help Killer calm down, but maybe him too. He probably has a certain goal to calm down most Sanses that used to be good. Yep, still the most relaxed Sans AU.
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sundoodle · 7 years
@dragonbloodn7 replied to your post “@dragonbloodn7 replied to your photoset “i can’t believe i made a...”
Haha I tell you, the stuff you come up with is �� awesome. Seriously, how do you manage to not get artist/writers block? I'm working on this Azurrin au (inspired by a prompt ''^_^) and I just keep ignoring it :p
aww ahah thanks!
I mean. I get creative blocks. I have so many wips and projects and ideas that are sitting around but haven’t managed to escape my brain yet. Or not fully. Anything I actually plan out takes me forever to get around to because I have to sit down and do it, most of the art I publish on here is more impulse ideas that I just felt like doing at the time I thought it up and had my tablet near by. like those two cherry comics were just because I was listening to Blow at the time of the first one, and then i was thinking about the second as a bedtime story before I tried to nap today and the idea wouldn’t leave me alone before I sketched it out. (bedtime story creativity is both great and hell. great bc hey creativity and ideas. hell because lol there goes sleeping)
like it’s been a month I posted anything from an idea that didn’t occur to me and then I immediately drew it that day or something, and that wasn’t even anything serious, that was just cleaning up some sketches from an idea from three weeks before I posted it.
when it comes to longer things I have planned I....let myself ignore them lmao. I just do this for fun. So when the idea becomes fun, which it can sometimes take a year to do, I’ll do it then. I let myself take art hiatuses. If art isnt coming to me, like my hand doesn’t want to draw it or I’m just not in the right mindset to write, i go read or play video games or do whatever responsibilities i have until I feel like doing something creative again. Which can be from half a day to a week to a couple weeks, but my art bug always comes back to bite me at some point. 
If it’s something you want to work on but just can’t get your hand or words to work, try just doing some offshoot doodles or sentences? even if they’re silly and messy. like even if it’s the only thing you did that day, you did at least one thing, you practiced, even if you think its awful and shitty, you did do something. Sometimes i just draw busts aimlessly until i get bored. short sentences can be a lot of fun to get an idea down but not want to write a whole scene.
Deadlines that mean something also help. I wrote a one shot over the course of oh, mm 7 months? just because I wasn’t feeling it and only finished it because I really wanted to despite having 0 motivation and a lot of anxiety about it, and I set a deadline as March 3rd because that’s when BotW came out and was Azura’s birthday, so it counted as my “thing” for her bday and also I was going to disappear into zelda land for the forseeable future and it would take even longer to get that one shot done.
and friends! friends are great to help get through a block. bouncing ideas off of them, they can come up with ideas or prompts that will inspire you, it’s fun to just go super silly with everything and then feel motivated to make something, even if its a dumb joke. Also, when new people like you come by and actually show interest, it usually sparks my ideas back up again because people still care! and find it funny! though that takes a long time to build up an audience for hah, but it’s kept me drawing and writing azurrin through the like 3 times I thought i ran out of motivation to do anything else with them. 
tl;dr so....i don’t know??? accept you have a block and just chill and do something else until you feel like or if it’s something you seriously want/need to get done, set a deadline that actually motivates you to get it done before then instead of just a random date, or just goof around with friends and toss ideas around, even if they’re silly. especially if they’re silly.
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ko2vo · 5 years
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Hey anon, you’re good! Ultimately, this is something that will be a personal decision for you to make because it is about what makes you feel happiest and most comfortable existing in the world. It really is a big decision but I think you should trust yourself because you probably do know what you want more than you think you do :D
When I was in high school, I was kinda uncertain about identifying as male because it felt drastic??? So I went through a few years of an androgynous phase (I didn’t know the word for nonbinary at the time tbh i was an isolated country bumpkin trying to navigate gender on my own pfff). But again, only really felt happy as male and eventually began resenting being read as female. I actually... really hated anything that referred to me femininely. Funny enough, getting on T and living socially as male has made me appreciate my femininity more.
It’s scary. It’s really okay to be terrified. It seems easy for me to talk about now because it’s just everyday life now but honestly I was so scared when I was getting those first shots of T. It took two or three months before I stopped shaking whenever I went to the doctor. And I got really down during those first couple months as well because the changes happen so slowly, almost imperceptibly. Worked so hard to get T and prep for the changes and then when I was on it, it felt like nothing was changing. It took about eight months before strangers were reading me as male consistently, when my voice had really reached a masculine low. So much of my voice logs from back then are just me being confused, wondering why I wasn’t happy yet cuz it happened so much sooner for other guys. 
Went on a bit of a self-reflective tangent but I think it’s always important to keep in mind that everyone’s transition will be different. If you look at different trans-related blogs, they all probably say it in one way or another but it really is true. I’ve met guys that have stopped and started T multiple times, and some that have no desire to go on T. Some people dont care about surgery while others work towards it as a major goal. Some bind, some don’t. They’re all different and masculine and doing what they need to do for themselves, for their happiness and comfort.
That’s kinda why I end up talking about myself when answering these asks because, while I support any decision you decide to take and I’m happy to provide my experience as input, it’s such a personal choice. I addressed my doubts through research, seeing other transmen living their lives, and experimenting with my looks and pronouns. It’s not as easy as it should be but it’s worthwhile to try something that will make you feel better.
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blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 4
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billys-hard-grove · 6 years
I was tagged by @goodmorninghawkins , @thebeautyinchains and @lalaithxgrey   <33
Rules: Answer the 20 questions below and then tag bloggers that you want to get to know better.
Nicknames: ??? I wish people would give me cute nicknames now, but i only had nicknames in high school.
Height: 173cm
Orientation: very bi. so bi. 
Nationality: Dutch
Favorite Fruit: All of m, but i eat SO many apples
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Flower: Peonies
Favorite Scent: Vanilla and Lush’s discontinued Yuzu & Cocoa shower gel 
Favorite Color: All of m. And glitter. I know glitter isnt a colour, but damn i love glitter so much.
Favorite Animal: Cats
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Average Hours of Sleep: 7/8-ish? i dont know.
Cat or Dog Person: Cats
Favorite Fictional Character: Peter Pan
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: Zero at the moment
Dream Trip: Im not a very travely person, but probably japan destination-wise. Either way, i want to go with chill people who want to do stuff but dont care too much about an itinerary.
Blog Created: 17-12-’17
Number Of Followers: 1733
Random Fact: i really want to go to readings/leeds festival (because panic at the disco ánd fall out boy!), but my friends think theyre too old for festivals (pfff) and its in the uk. so. bleh.  volunteer to go with me by dropping your resume + motivation in my askbox thanks.
I feeeeeel like a lot of people have already done this but. @billyandsteve @confettibites @femmesteve @unlucky-watcher @oh-goodness-loki @fullofwander @ all the other kids who want to? I guess?
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Ep. 2: “Please add me to an alliance chat I’m lonely” - Ellie
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So, someone found an idol before me because "I value preparation" and wanted to get all the stuff before I actually went out. And, because someone picked food and rations first and picked the right sequence out of probably like 30.... I missed out on an idol. Now I am just wondering if I should even continue idol hunting or just wait till merge because there's usually no point after this since all the advantages are probably found and I'll be idoled out by merge. Fun stuff.
The challenge is due in about 5 hours and I feel damn good about my score. I found what I think is a loophole and was able to get my combined score to 20. If everyone else on my tribe gets an average of 6 links per page, then I think we should be good. I want to win this challenge, but I'll take second. I don't want to have a date with Jay at tribal tomorrow. I had way too many of those last season.
With that said, I do want to go to tribal before we swap. Tribal is where you build trust and I want to make sure I can trust the people I think I can trust. I'm not going to throw a challenge, but if we have to go to tribal in round 3 or 4 I wouldn't complain.
I really just watched half a season of Schitt's Creek in the time it took me to do this challenge huh
I've been talking to everyone and we're all pretty confident we're not going to lose this challenge, but not confident we'll win 😅I think the winners psyched us out last time and now we're scared to hope because we know they're scheme-y. I feel kinda bad for the newbies tho :/ I hope their tribe wins this kind of (but not at our tribe's expense lol).
So I am a little scared if we lose immunity again because I think my life might be on the line. I say this because everyone on our tribe is great and we don't have anything for anyone I think. Since Liz was apparently so adamant about getting me out, they might see me as a person they could get out. I just finished the immunity challenge and I think I actually did really good. I hope the other tribes struggle with it so I have a chance to stay in this. Also, we cannot lose again that would be super emberassing. I'm also praying my tribe mates like me but I can't tell. I know Madi and Rachel like me but I have a weird suspicion that the boys would backstab me so easily. Andddd I might've accidentally left Gian on read for like a day oops. I texted him back and was super nice so hopefully he doesn't care. Pfff
I feel like I kicked some major butt in this challenge. I swear if someone doesnt submit and hecks us over, I will   lose my mind.  
LETS GO BABY!!!! Idol safe in my pocket for another round
The fact that we didn’t get sent to tribal is insane whaaaaat
Woohoo! When Ginnifer said she didnt do the challenge I thought for sure we were going to tribal. I am very relieved we are safe!  Although part of me wanted to go to tribal..... muahahaha
James and I are working together to idol hunt, I am trusting him with my game so much
UGGGGHHHHH this is not how I wanted this to go we better have a swap soon and hopefully gian will be with me! If not I do have an idol and a wicked personality so we lost and the best part is that I LITERALLY LOST MY JOB 5 HOURS AGO WITH NO FUCKING NOTICE AND DID BETTER WHILE LITERALLY CRYING THAN GANJO AND ANASTASIA but also Anastasia did fucking amazing for realizing with an hour left that she needed to do four more! vv proud of her🤍🤍 and don’t want her to leave🤍🤍 also gian was trying to get ME to throw the name out??? I was like hunny no I just lost my job! And then he threw out Ganjo which is who I was already wanting !
so I guess ganjo is the target.
Taking time to really get to know my tribe and loving them, just to lose and have to vote someone out sucks.
Oh no why Ganjo!!! I really don't like that Ganjo didn't submit cause he is most likely going home now. I really wanted Ganjo to stay in this game. This is really bad for my game in the long run. Hopefully Ganjo finds some way to stay.
I am committing to throwing the challenge next round because there has to be a swap soon. I want any one of my friends to be gone by then. Also, I feel SO bad for the newbies. In any case, I feel like Ganjo is going to get voted out silly because he didn't submit for the challenge. Unless there is someone who is super inactive, that could be a devastating nail in the coffin.
*blows out long breath* I reeeeaaaallly thought we were done for for a second there. We did pretty well with the clicking connections challenge, Ginny didn't have the chance to do it but there were extenuating circumstances. I hope we start winning instead of it being 1 - winners, 2 - warriors, 3 - wannabes again and again 😅.
My tribe mates are very understanding people we won again so we’re safe but unfortunately my mind wasn’t in it this round but I’ll be ready for next challenge
Well, I fucked up on the last challenge by not submitting an answer. Haha, I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped my little mind. Hopefully my alliances don’t turn on me this fast. Unfortunately for me, I put myself in this position. If I am able to escape the vote tonight, I mainly want to prove to my 2 allies that I am very loyal and they can trust me to vote where they need me to vote. If not, I had fun for the time that I’ve been here.
So I feel like I’m in the outs of my tribe. When we all were doing a tribe call I joined and met everyone for the first time, however it looked like most of them knew each other for years!! I told them all I was gonna go make some hot chocolate for the challenge and closed my camera and mic, and then Raffy said “is it just me or???” And everyo was like “??”, then he started pointing at his face making some signs that I didnt understand, then someone that I think was Allie said “i think I know what you mean cause I know you”. Bitch the fuck, what does this mean? I just know that I dont like Raffy anymore. However I cant even express my hate to anyone in this tribe cause I have no allies and I need to pretend I’m a sweetheart.
Ellie and I were talking and she was saying I’m the person she has been talking the most and wanted to work with me, what??? You’ve been on the tribe call for more than 5 hours and I’m the person she talked the most? and then she said there are people in this tribe who hate her and dont want to work with her. I pretended to believe her and we made an alliance, and I was saying like “your the person I trust the most of this game”. Its super weird, I feel like the others are all constantly talking cause everytime I start talking to one of them, all of them starts messaging me. I’m annoyed and I cant wait to swap and make all this winners losers.
I was scared for this tribal council but my nerves were eased when literally everyone told me they wanted Ganjo out. So I'm feeling comfortable which I know is dangerous probably. I could get backstabbed of course but I need to be a little less stressed about this game so I'm going to claim that I'm safe. I was the 2nd lowest score to Ganjo though... So I am definitely next on the chopping block if we don't win the next challenge!
I’m still allianceless and it hurts my heart, please add me to an alliance chat I’m lonleyyyyy I’ve been trying to talk to everyone and everyone is so fun and nice, I hope we keep winning
here is a chaotic confessional : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z7K7UWS0YzFUtwercdjHZqpEgRMTIphn/view?usp=drivesdk
I am so nervous! This is the most heartbreaking decision and I hate making such hard decisions so early!
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heartsoftruth · 6 years
1/Hi, I apologize in advance for this long message but I just wanted to ask you if you had ever received insults or criticisms or even guys who harassed you because you're a girl who loves football? I'm asking you this because I live this constantly. Yesterday when Barça won the CDR I was so happy so I shared my joy on my social media and I commented on some FB publications related to the match and the majority of ppl on these pages are men so I have only received insults degrading messages.
Anonymous said:2/I was told to go back to the kitchen, that I should go back to clean, that I loved Barça only for cute players or that I probably didn’t know anything about football and was probably repeating what men around me were saying to look smart,.. I will not tell you everything they told me but it was really degrading and mean, I absolutely did not say anything bad, there were comments from guys who writed bullshit on the post but no one answered them but under mine there was like 100 replies.
Anonymous said:3/And I just wrote “I’m so happy and sad at the same time, I will miss Andres so much, it will not be the same without him..” On my other comments also I received insults like "Come suck my c*ck, you will be more useful” “oh a girl trying to make herself interesting by loving football” “shut your mouth bitch it’s a page for men here, go back to cook” And all that just because I’m a girl, if it had been a man who had commented the same thing they would have agreed with him.
Anonymous said:4/It’s unbelievable that a woman can’t love football as much as a man do without being looked at or asked to justify why she really loves football because if a girl likes football it’s surely because she’s in love with the players or wants to fuck with them or that she invents it to have the attention of men, because it is impossible that a woman can really love or understand football, so when it happens I have to justify myself so that they are convinced that I really like this sport..Anonymous said:5/It’s sad that in 2018 for a lot of ppl women = cooking, doing housework, pleasing men and keep quiet. Usually I avoid going into the football debates of my male friends or those of my family because they automatically make fun of me and my opinion is irrelevant. So if you have a vagina your brain is too stupid to understand football and enjoy it? I’m tired of having to hide my passion for football because I risk being insulted. It’s sad because I know I’m not the only one who suffers this..
Anonymous said:6/I discovered football when I was a child, I quickly became a big fan, I even played it many years but growing up my dad start laughing at me and telling me that I should be more interested in girls stuff and he asked me which player I was as much in love to continue to love football like that and the men around me told me that women’s football was not real football so I should stop playing it, my mother also agreed that I should stop because she was afraid that her daughter become a tomboy.
Anonymous said:7/I was stupid enough to believe theses bullshit and I stopped playing at my club. Yes I am feminine in general, I also like makeup, dresses, shoes and stuff like that but sometimes I like to wear my Barça jersey or football outfits too and when I walk in the street with it I get glances, guys who come to talk to me or say that I’m ridiculous with my jersey, one day 2 guys even come to ask me questions on the club to see if I really know about Barça and that it’s not just to get attention..
Anonymous said:8/It’s tiring and exhausting, I’d like to love this sport without suffering all that, what’s the deal with that, it’s a sport among many, why it’s impossible to let a girl enjoy this sport without belittling her? Why is it so difficult for men to believe that we really love this sport too without necessarily wanting to fuck with players? I’m tired, it’s getting depressing and with all the insults I received yesterday I feel like I’m going to be crazy, I really wanted to cry because of my anger..
Anonymous said:9/If you or the followers of your blog undergo this too, can you tell me how you do to support it or to finish with that please? And if there are guys who follow your blog I’d like them to explain to me, if they do these things, just why ? Why a woman who loves football should deserve so much hate and criticism and why it’s as difficult for guys to accept that women can love football too? I’m really sorry again for this long message but I’m really fed up.. 😫
Heey girlie!! OMG dont apologize for the long message! I feel like you needed to vent a little and then it’s 100% better to just write it all down instead of keeping it in. and DAMN you had all the reasons to vent, because what those neanderthals wrote to you MAKES MY BLOOD BOILLLLLLLLL FUUUUUUCK!!!
Im gonna reply to the parts in parts because otherwise the answer will be an unstructured mess. 
½/3: I dont even know where to start with my first off all comment with this ask! But pffff. It;s so so soooo sad that in 2018 people like that put comments under just a very normal and very correct post. It’s also really sad because probably right now you will think twice before commenting something under a footy Facebook thing. 
AND PLEAAAAASEE! Let me know what kind of FB page that is? I am literally fuming and almost on the verge of making a Twitter account for my Tumblr page to post it on here. It’s not fucking normal that when a girl says something about football guys talk like that. It’s not and it’s not ok. 100 replies under your comment? And all like that?? Pfff. Damn. FUMINGGGGG. 
I can understand you feel bad about it bc of all these people jumping on some kind of bandwagon behind their PC’s. Insecure bunch of dicks! 
4/5: Indeed we women have to know WAAAY more about football then men, because if we dont then we’re not serious about it or only watch it for the guys. “YESSSSS!!! THATS TOTALLY TRUE!!!! I watch 90+ minutes of football just for a few close-ups of the football players I like!!!11!1 Makes total sense” said no women who watches football ever. 
6/7/8/9: aaawhh… That is so sad… :( I can’t imagine how that must have felt as a child to be doing something you love but your parents make it out to be as if it was wrong. Not every girl likes pink and barbies just like not every guy likes blue and cars/football. Indeed I also love make up and getting dressed up etc etc. But I also love sitting in a cafe and watching football with a beer or something haha. 
I never wear a football shirt on the streets - unless im going to a match or watch in a cafe - today was the first time actually in my yellow PSG shirt haha. But no one said anything to me (other than a few hey girl). But it’s sad we have to prove something to these idiots… 
I think we’ve sadly all have had an experience like that. When I was younger and asked my friend at her party (or whatever it was) to see the football score a guy was like “what??? You dont watch it? Well then explain to me what off side is?!” That was the first time some guy asked me it and I did do it, but when someone would ask me it now I said: “You would ask a guy that too who says he watches football? Nope huh? So I won’t show you either!”
In Paris also on the way to the hotel the Uber driver was talking etc etc. And we spoke about football and I said how excited I am to finally see Neymar and hope he’s not injured anymore (because at the time he was stil injured and unclear if he would play) and all that blabla. And in one moment he said (in a joking way) oh you’re only here to see Neymar other than that you dont watch it. And I gave him a reality check real quick. My friend wanted to interfere and talk over it and I was like no no noooo. Lemme say my peace. 
Or at work people know I also love Neymar and then one new colleague thought it was funny (and maybe cool in front of the other guys) to say I only watch football for Neymar. And I gave him a reality check too. 
I used to bite my tongue when it came to that, but nowadays I’m like nope. I dont watch so much football for some insecure dick to be talking like that to me. 
But theres also many guys who you can just have a normal convo with about football. Like yesterday I had one with a guy I didn’t know and he was so chill. Or when I’m in the bar watching you also have guys normally coming up like are you also this nervous etc etc. During the Euro’s too. Met many friendly people who just spoke to us about football. Ok and s
What I also think is one of the problem is because many girls indeed just wear a shirt because it looks cute (which they of course can), but it makes it more difficult for us to be taken serious. Especially with tournaments like the Euros and WC many just watch football bc it’s fun with everyone in a cafe but they have no idea what they’re watching. And end up only confirming some of the thoughts by these neathertals. 
Can I ask you where you’re from btw?And please do tell which bs ass fb page you posted this one. I would be a good thing to create all these accounts to back you up or something. 
And indeed I’m curious too how other followers react to stupid comments like that?
And keep watching the sport you love girl! I know its tough at times being doubted to often for just watching something you like but lets hope that someday no one will question why we watch the sport we love. 
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.22
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21| 22
woke up feeling super drained and out of it this morning. thought maybe writing would help, but nothing was working, so we're here.
shoutout to @sunlitshowers​ because we looked up flavors of capri sun for an answer on my deh ask blog and she found so many great capri sun flavors and ads. it was amazing
i dont know whats happening here anymore but enjoy
nino: yo check out how many flavors of fucking caprisun there is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capri_Sun#Flavors
ladybugfan2020: rip me apparently there was an akuma attack last night????? and i missed it??? oh it was on the other side of the city w/e then i got pics its chill whats this link nino?? caprisun?? holy SHIT i need 2 try alL OF THESE tag yourself im…….. monster alarm i am monster alarm
ladybugfan2020 has changed their nickname to monster alarm
nino has changed their nickname to mystic dragon
mystic dragon: what do you think mystic dragon tastes like
monster alarm: something fucking awesome
adrien: I have so many questions
mystic dragon: click the link my dude join us in this knowledge
adrien: What the hell??? Who thought that the world needed THAT MANY flavors of Capri Sun???
monster alarm: me this is amazing im living i love it hey marsh think u can pull some strings so we can get every single of caprisun ever
adrien: No offense but I don’t think my dad would be thrilled with buying Um 43 different flavors of Capri Sun
mystic dragon: did you just count those
monster alarm: MORE than 43 thats definitely MORE
adrien: Only 43 flavors are for sale! We don’t even live in the right country for some of these
monster alarm: come on rich boy!!!!! also,, nickanme
adrien: Fine fine
adrien has changed their nickname to multivitamin
mystic dragon: boy
monster alarm: why do i like you
PM between multivitamin and marinette
multivitamin: Hey Mari Guess what If we were a Capri Sun flavored, we’d be power team
8:02 in out damned spot
mystic dragon: has anyone talked to mari today????
monster alarm: not me
multivitamin: Nope
mystic dragon: do you think shes awake?
monster alarm: uh oh
monster alarm has renamed this conversation to “orange wake up mari!!!”.
mystic dragon: oh yeah thatll DEFINITELY work al good job
monster alarm: what am i supposed to do!!!!!!!!!!!!! i already tried calling she didnt pick up
multivitamin: I’ve got her
monster alarm: wait really??
multivitamin: Yeah sorry we might’ve called at the same time
monster alarm: cool see u nerds at school
mystic dragon: i feel so loved
PM between multivitamin and marinette
multivitamin: Mari Mari Mari are you going to wake up I know we had a really really late night last night I just want to make sure you get to school I’m gonna show up on your balcony don’t freak out I mean you aren’t going to see this if you’re asleep so you’ll probably freak out anyway Ok I’m just going to apologize now If you punt me to the other side of the country I totally understand
8:17 in orange wake up mari!!!
mystic dragon: mari!!!
monster alarm: soooo many things babe get here so we can explain
multivitamin: Get here faster Mari, I think Alya is going to explode
marinette: Fuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkk Allso I hate ALL OF YOU WE ALL HAVE M NAMES THIS SUCK S
monster alarm: i can fix this change ur nickname to elfentrank fairy drink
marinette: excuse me??????
monster alarm: just do it!!!!!!!!!!
mystic dragon: bruh
marinette: FINE FINE!!
marinette has changed their nickname to elfentrank fairy drink
elfentrank fairy drink: Are you happy???/
monster alarm: i am DELIGHTED
mystic dragon: hell yeah girl
multivitamin: Did you all know this chat is exhausting
monster alarm: MARI GET TO CLASS
elfentrank fairy drink: IM GOING
elfentrank fairy drink: Ok Nino Why the fuck were you on the caprisun wiki page at 3 in the morning
mystic dragon: what else are you supposed to do at 3 in the monring?????
monster alarm: thats teh most valid point u could make
elfentrank fairy drink: Remind me how to leave this sky pe group And this friendship
mystic dragon: wow
monster alarm: </3
PM between multivitamin and elfentrank fairy drink
elfentrank fairy drink: We are not calling ourselves power team
multivitamin: Dammit You going to bed soon??
elfentrank fairy drink: It is??? Only 15:25??????
multivitamin: Yeah but you fell asleep during lunch
elfentrank fairy drink: Its fine its fine Im getting used to the no sleep thing for sure You got the same amount of sleep that I did!! Less!!!!!!
multivitamin: I took a nap after school before my shoot It was great It was on the floor
elfentrank fairy drink: Your life is a mess
multivitamin: So is yours bug You were sleeping on your desk chair when I showed up this mornin g
elfentrank fairy drink: LiSTEN We got back at lik e 4 I hate so many thing s Hawk Moth is top of the list Hes not the entier list because I also hate like Homework and stuff BUt hes at the TOP
multivitamin: Go to bed Mari
multivitamin: Well for one thing they aren’t real And we are And I feel like a lot of superheroes have problems balancing but Al knows more about superheroes than I do
multivitamin: Hannah Montana had lots of money and also? Wasn’t fighting evil
elfentrank fairy drink: You dont know that
multivitamin: Ok that’s true
elfentrank fairy drink: Im literally Drowning in work I cant sleep I willl neve r be able to sleep again OH my go d
multivitamin: You ok buggy?
elfentrank fairy drink: No No?? I dont think so Ahhhhhhhh help IM so tired and I have all this physics whcih what hte fuck and Im literally going to break hawk mtohs face?
multivitamin: That’s relatable
elfentrank fairy drink: You NEVER breakdown about this how is that fair??
multivitamin: I mean I do Like all the time
elfentrank fairy drink: ??? Why dont  you tell m e?
multivitamin: Because I don’t like bothering people with my problems I have Plagg though and I’m used to dealing with things on my own
elfentrank fairy drink: Thats bullshit??? Im oyour friend and partner youre supposed to t ell m e this stuff
multivitamin: Ok Ok I will If you promise to go to sleep
elfentrank fairy drink: HA
multivitamin: I’m coming over We can talk about emotions because sleep deprived and exhausted is the best time to do that And we can nap I’ll try to help with physics but no promises because I wasn’t payinga ttention today
elfentrank fairy drink: Pfff Ive never paid attention to anything ayn whreer FUck typin g But thanks
multivitamin: Of course <3 Be there soon
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Bias’ in general lol
A. ALWAYS POST THE RULES. Answer all questions and then write 11 new ones
B. Tag 11 new people.
Q1: What’s your favourite hair colour on your bias?
Admin B: I don’t know, like, brown, perhaps? I don’t know. 
Admin X: black on most of em, silver for yeol
Q2: Do you consider yourself a hard stan or a soft stan of your bias group/overall?
Admin B: I think I’m a hard stan, but I don’t stan them sexually as most hard stans do, like, daddy-please-fuck-me sexually. I stan them because I really love their music and I really love them -- but not love-love, like, platonic love? Is that a even thing?
Admin x: what she said^^  👏👏
Q3: Do you own any K-pop albums? If so which one(s)? If not what K-pop albums would you like to own?
Admin B: Hell yeah. I own every exo and b.a.p album, but a few only on itunes.
Admin X: ye, I got Taemin press it & ace & sayonara hitori ep, jonghyun base & she is & story op.1 (waiting for op2 uhfsidg), SHINee misconceptions of us & 1of1 & everybody, EXO ex’act, LAY lose control, BTS hwayangyeonhwa pt2 & you never walk alone & young forever :)
Q4: Do you try learning the Korean lyrics to the songs if you don’t speak the language? And if you do speak Korean, the question instead is what do you think is/would be the hardest thing about learning Korean/ about the Korean language?
Admin B: I don’t have to try to learn it, like, the lyrics gets stuck in my head when I listen to the song a lot and I’m apparently gifted in learning languages fast if I really want to so yeah. But I don’t really want to learn Korean to be honest.
Admin X: i can pick up parts of languages quickly by watching shows in that language but I’ve never properly learned korean. I did teach myself Japanese for a while but i forgot most of it lol n now im teaching myself mandarin
Q5: What are your favourite covers K-pop idols have done? Post links with the answer?
Admin B: Sabor A Mi, Really I Didn’t Know and Open Arms by exo, also Imagine by Chen and his stages at this masked show. And I Believe I Can Fly by Daehyun & Youngjae. And literally every song by Daehyun because his voice is goddamn great. Sadly, I don’t remember more right now, but I love all covers if I like the original artist so yeah.
Admin X: there’re loads so I’ll just link a few, Chen on masked singer, Taemin korn, exo sabor a mi, all of bts’ covers ksjdgskdg, luhan tian mi mi, chanyeol wiing wiing AND THIS AMAZING COVER OF CATCHING STARS BY HANBYUL HIS VOICE HITS ME IN THE SOUL
Q6: Have you ever tried learning any K-pop dance routines? Was it successful? Did you upload a dance cover to YT?
Admin B: Pfff... No, maybe I’d consider doing it if I’d earn a VIP-ticket in heaven. So, yeah, that’s a no-no. 
Admin X: I’ve learned some of BTS Not Today 
Q7: List one of your favourite things about your bias’ physical appearance and one of your favourite things about their personality/mannerisms/habits:
Admin B: Like, I really like Chen’s smile, like, do I have to explain? And I like his voice, which isn’t a habit or anything of the other things to be honestly, so I like his sass, I guess. And I don’t really have a bias in b.a.p but I guess if I had to choose it’d be Daehyun so I really like his face?? I like everything, and I like him because he’s funny and a bit dumb but that’s okay because so am I. 
Admin X: i love chanyeols neck cuz im a hoe for necks n boi got a noice neck, and i love that he always happy and being stupid with the other members n making em laugh
Q8: Is there a particular member of your bias group/ any K-pop group in general that you think the group couldn’t live without and why? ~ (so it doesn’t necessarily have to be the leader:)
Admin B: Since I don’t know any of them personally, I can’t really answer, but I think every member is important to the group in their own way. And I don’t think that someone like that exist in groups, like, everything has to end someday, what really matters is how they leave.
Admin X: i feel like the members of bts couldn’t live without each other cuz they come from a really good company and they all grew up together, but ye idk em so i cant really say
Q10: Can you describe your bias wrecker as best as you can without mentioning their name so we have to guess?
Admin B: Don’t really have one, sorry ma dudes.
Admin X: he a ceo ;))
Q11: What are the three things you’d want your bias/bias group to know about you?
Admin B:
Hey sorry I missed your call. Ummm... I’m just calling you back to... uhhh. let you know that I... I love you... And I miss you... Huuuuhhhh... I really... I really want you to call me back.... Huuuuuuhhhh... And I’m sorry I missed your phone call and I, I, I, Aih, I know you’re DONE so, so when you get this can you call me back... Huuuuhhh... I love you and I miss you... Huuuh.
I’ll always support you guys, unless you’re murderers or rapists or some shit.
I’m gay.
Admin X:
I’ll love you no matter what you look like
I’m european and europe exists so why dont u come on over ;))
yall helped me through a tough time n ill always be thankful for that
We’re kinda busy with revising for exams (admin b got em finals *cries*) and stuff so we don’t have the time to write another eleven questions. Also these questions are darn good lmao.
@girapph @makaylamari3 @softpuppywinwin @pinkfairyfluff @schokiiii @tadabitch @dobradiana2001 @yakirei @otptolsmol @exo-af @jaebumthebaebum
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