osdd-1bitch · 6 months
It’s a difficult subject to currently broach in our system too, to be entirely transparent, but factives and faitives from problematic sources also deserve the same respect and space granted to other introjects/introtives. Their source is equally not a justifier or guide to how to interact with them.
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osdd-1bitch · 6 months
its been a LOOONG time
sorry for vanishing due to [undisclosed real life incidents] for so long. Activity may be semi sporadic for a few more months, but we’re back! A whole load has changed, but we’re glad to see you guys.
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Ask game question number twelve for uhhh *rifles through list of generic white guy names* Trevor
12) Coke or Pepsi?
Aren't those the same things at different tempratures or am I remembering that wrong?
Anyways soda is gross and I prefer lemonade. For this....uh.....which one looks less like soy sauce? Actually, have I ever had one of these before?
-Trev (it/he)
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
one of us called us a 'push-pull system' on twt and like yeah....we need a better name but god that helps explain so much
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
it's based off of alexigender, which is where ur genderfluid but don't exactly know what gender u are as u do a gender fluidity
it's basically that but in terms of plural stuff, where u know ur plural but don't know which person/facet u are at various points
kinda like being blurry but if it was a type of system
thought someone might relate to it :D
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Newest comfort paracosm for the host is actually based in The Boys bc hes a parahumans fictive of a cape, and capes outmatch supes to a comical degree
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Tryin ta help the newish polycule unpack has been a ride so far two separate members both have system dating singlet anxiety despite being both subsystems and part of a larger system bc one is in a two alter subsystem w mem loss and share a innerworld body and the other is a median subsystem with linked doubles and aspects of self like damn what about the other two! It's weird but getting them to write about it
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Maaan all of the servers we are in are dead and we have basically no plural friends around we feel comfy just dming lol >:/
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Met some new people today by complete accident and it was rather strange. Memory loss is getting in the way of doing stuff (unsurprisingly). We've also started to experience a weird formation of a new...thing that doesnt fit in any of our current definitions of the word (subsys, layer, etc etc) and it's confusing and getting in the way too. Things are just sort of funky in general and we need a new and easier way to list ourselves. Maybe just a long list of names and pronouns again....
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Ask meme, now that it's been a while
Designed for individual members to answer. For all kinds of systems, gatekeeping will not be tolerated.
1) How did you get your name? Feel free to elaborate on pre-sys memories if applicable
2) Age? (Feel free to be nonspecific)
3) Height?
4) Are you nonhuman?
6) Favorite colour?
7) What languages can you speak? Does the body know them?
8) What's something you consider yourself good at?
9) Any foods you'd like to try?
10) Do you have a playlist for yourself? What's the most 'you' song on it? How long is the playlist?
11) Are you a subsystem?
12) Coke or pepsi?
13) For Fictives: Would you recommend others watch/read/ect your source? no need to say what it is.
14) Do you have an inner world? Anything neat go on there?
15) How does being a system affect you in everyday life?
16) Are you open about it?
17) Anything you carry with you to help feel more like yourself?
18) If you could change the body at all, would you? Howso?
19) Does your gender or sexuality differ from your "singletsona" at all?
20) Favorite song in general?
21) Tell a random fact about yourself
21) Ask whatever! Do include a question with this one, this list is mostly just to get ideas flowing and people talking.
This is absolutely non exhaustive, just some ideas. I keep the right to pass on any question. Feel free to suggest your own questions.
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
working on a discord to go w the plural writers dw
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Anyways- traumagenic and endogenic only spaces suck conceptually so lets talk about it.
So, origins are /rarely/ something we feel is impactful enough, universally enough, to justify closing a space to others, /especially/ the 'big two', traumagenic, and endogenic. Firstly, traumagenic doesnt actually mean disordered or DID/OSDD1. Most of these spaces just mean DID/OSDD1 when they say that, but exclude nontraumagenic DID/OSDD1 or traumatized nontraumagenic plurals. Also these spaces tend to ignore medians and plurals with less amnesia. Traumagenic plurals are as diverse in ways of functioning and structure as nontraumagenic plurals, so there isnt any inherent solidarity there, the same way for endogenic plurals. A protogenic plural and paragenic plural aren't going to inherently have more in common with each other. Neither of these terms mean much when you are looking for how people live their lives. Not how they function, not their structure, not if they experience amnesia, not anything!
And also, where do mixed origins/TraumEndo people go? DID plurals with parogenic roots. Parotraumagenic people. Neurotraumagenic people. They don't fit cleanly into the above groups and often have a lot of confusion surrounding these spaces.
Tldr origin labels don't actually mean that much and are a weird and confusing way of grouping the plural community and we should probably stop and find a better way.
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Yknow I love my twt moots bc they actually read the DSM and realize that DID/OSDD-1 isnt even a trauma disorder and I get to talk about how traumagenic or endogenic only spaces are actually weird conceptually its pretty cool.
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Hello and welcome to factfessions! We've seen that there are a lot of spaces for fictives specifically to come and talk about their source and lives, but comparatively little for factives. So heres to fixing that.
Some information:
-We will not be allowing syscourse or origincourse on this blog, and related asks will be deleted. We are pro-endogenic and partially endogenic ourselves.
-We will be allowing custom tags, but ask you to try and stay away from emojis.
-We allow factives from all sorts of sources.
-We will tag basic triggers (dth, sh, etc) and more as asked.
-We will tag typing quirks and ask if possible to have a translation. If there is not one provided or you are incapable, we'll make one ourselves.
Currently this is run by two mods (in the same system), Mod Elsen and Mod Kris. We will be updating this post if anything changes
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Ok heading off 4 the night, will make the dreamwidth community 2morrow but need names. follow us on twt 4 more activity/'hot takes' lolz @constconstruct
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Thats very do-able! So like, plural authors collection or some punny name someone smarter than us comes up with, and we start collecting (w permission) plural writings? I think we could handle that, though if something like a discord gets made we wouldnt be on the mod team lol.
I think running lil themed weeks/months could be fun, or whatever! Lots of writing groups do that and having a plural spin on things sounds lovely. Role week or something? Keep the prompts open enough for people to write whatever they feel like, however they feel like, and in a few formats too. We actually quite like this idea too!
Daydreaming about creating stuff specifically as a plural person, about a SI of us as a system, a lil interactive twine where you just talk to some of us, writing down stories of what happens in the headspace and sharing it, writing down our canons and conversations and everything.......just fun things, to connect and show the world.
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Yeah! The best we could do would be like....a blog or a dreamwidth or similar focusing around like, collecting and crediting authors, or like hosting a collection on ao3 or whatever, though an active community would be cool.
Daydreaming about creating stuff specifically as a plural person, about a SI of us as a system, a lil interactive twine where you just talk to some of us, writing down stories of what happens in the headspace and sharing it, writing down our canons and conversations and everything.......just fun things, to connect and show the world.
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