#i don't ship byler bc it's cute or bc it's two boys
chirpsythismorning · 10 months
When you tell a milkvan that they used the score Eulogy (a song they notably use when a character is mourning a beloved characters' death) during Mike and El's fight in s4.
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nebulousfishgills · 11 months
ship asks (gonna go stranger things w this one): steddie, elmax, and byler
I answered already for Steddie (a soft ship it), but as for these others...
Ship it
1) What made you ship it?
I love the idea of Max being one of the first people to expand Eleven's horizons and treat her normally/see beyond the fact that she has superpowers. The Material Girl Mall Scene is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show since it's just a good, fun time. Eleven's first taste of real freedom and fun. They also just compliment each other well since El's more softspoken whereas Max is more boistrous.
To be clear, I also hardcore ship Lumax, but Elmax just has something about it that makes me very happy.
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
Again, the complimentary personalities and girls backing up girls. Also just... this. I don't know if this is just a normal thing, but I wouldn't get this cozy with my closest friends that I've known for fifteen plus years, let alone a few days.
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3) What's an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Honestly I try to stay clear of ST shipping discussions so I don't know what's really a "popular" vs an "unpopular" opinion. Idk I'll just say that I think it's really close to or on the same level as Lumax (but again I loooove Lumax)
Byler (oh boy lol)
Ship It
(But I don't lose my mind over it)
1) What made you ship it?
I mean, in my opinion it's very obvious that there's tension there. Will absolutely has a crush on Mike but can't say it, and Mike, bless his heart, is too fucking oblivious to realize that or that his own feelings for Will seem to go far beyond that of his other friends. Also just like... I love Will and the poor kid deserves to have something he really wants, even if he's not really sure how to cope with it.
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
The best friends dynamic is cute, it's an idea that makes Will happy, and I love how every time, without fail, my roommate and I see any blue-and-yellow object(s), we call it "The Byler [Object(s)]. So my bike is the Byler Bike since it's blue and yellow and we always tried to get a blue bowl and a yellow bowl at the dining hall (one had the blue, one had the yellow) so we could have Byler Bowls. Byler brings people together.
3) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think I'll get sniped for like... any semi critical Byler opinion bc half-offense (as opposed to full or no offense) some of y'all are fucking crazy, so I'll just say one since I probably have a couple. Mike Wheeler doesn't deserve Will Byers because he gets too swept up in Eleven to understand that his friend is going through shit, which isn't condusive for a healthy relationship.
I have a lot of opinions on Mike and his relationships with Will and Eleven in general and I want to make it clear that I don't hate Mike, or anything close. I think Mike's just not quite emotionally mature enough to handle relationships yet, especially ones with so many complexities as Will and Eleven. I have/had the same problem, so I'm not chastizing him, I'm saying I'm the same way and I see the signs.
Mike's too tunnel-visioned on Eleven to give proper attention to Will, and this can coexist with the fact that Mike's just not the right one for El since I think he's tunnel-visioned on her abnormalities of her rather than the normalcies that should be celebrated, which is where Mileven and Elmax differ for me. In my opinion, Eleven wants as close to a normal life as she can get after all the shit she's gone through, and I don't think Mike really seems to understand that.
I don't wanna do a whole analysis post because one, this is just an ask game; two, many people with more knowledge on the subject have done this before me; and three, this is not my circus, not my monkeys, Stranger Things ships aren't my expertise, the Creels and HNL are.
But tl;dr, neither Byler nor Mileven are currently viable because Mike needs more time to mature and develop before he himself can understand what he wants. The kid's a freshman in high school dealing with supernatural world ending threats every few months, I wouldn't be able to function normally either.
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erectionsandtea · 3 years
Stranger Things beach headcanons, for my new friend @willthecleric who didn't ask for this and idk if we are even friends but they reminded me how much I love writing headcanons!
Elmax - if max could pick el up, she would, but since she can't (or can she ??) she settles for holding el in a tight grip and trying to drag her into the waves. El is screaming (the good kind) and max is laughing and everyone else is laughing too, and eventually Dustin helps max pick el up and dump her into the water. Then he also pushes max in. ALSO max tries to teach el to boogie board
Dustin/Suzy - these cuties like go exploring and looking for things in the sand and tidepools and when they do find something they bring it back to show the others and talk facts about it, before they then release it back into it's habitat. Also they bring the snacks.
Mileven - mike lets el bury him in the sand because it makes her giggle and smile and oh so happy. Then he buries her and they turn her into a sand mermaid
Byler - our cute boys are calm and cool, they like just sit in the sand and bury their feet and sit super close together bc duh, love (I hope y'all agree with this one, I'm super new to byler so I don't quite have their dynamic figured out yet)
Lumax - you know these two are the ones who terrorize the beach, they like to run around and throw sand at each other (but then the others yell at them for getting sand in the food and bags and everyone's hair), so then they go into the water and have a splash fight and also try to dunk each other under the water. They bring the toys and other beach equipment like buckets and shovels and whatnot. Also totally trying to learn to surf together
El/Will - these two build the most kickass awesome sandcastles, you know it's true, and sometimes they'll find a little tiny sandcrab that made it's way inside and they gently pick it up and put it down somewhere else so it doesn't get squished or anything
Mike/Max - these two get into a sandcastle competition with the above two, but they can't decide how to best build or what to build so they just end up arguing
The whole party - beach sports, duh. Volleyball, soccer, also sometimes chicken in the waves but the waves usually knock them over before the others can. BUT sometimes just the boys will play the beach sports and the girls will sit in the sand and watch and talk about/laugh at the boys
Steve - he's basically one of the kids, he plays beach sports with them but he's pretty good so the party fights over whose team he will be on. He is also a good babysitter who doesn't let things get too out of hand (well he tries to anyway, but most of the time ends up just yelling at them while they do stuff), sometimes he tries to help with sandcastles but he's not super great at it
Nancy - she builds sandcastles with them, but she also likes to sit and read under the umbrella or just watch
Jonathan - he also helps with sandcastles, sometimes he and Nancy will build one together, or sit and read together. Honestly Jonathan would rather just prepare the food and everyone let's him bc damn he makes good food (remember that one time he made breakfast?) Also he likes to sit and draw. ALSO he is in charge of the music.
The teens sometimes like to do beach sports by themselves but stancy will tease Jonathan (all in good fun and he knows that) bc they are better at that stuff than he is
Did I forget anything???
Please feel free to add this or just reblog it or talk to me about it, I love headcanons and discussions! 😄❤️
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edsbev · 6 years
I'M SORRY BUT: Mike and El interacted for a week then kissed. They were separated for probably more than a year (353 and then the few weeks until the dance) And kissed... again. Don't go off on that whole "true love" bullshit because this scenario is completely unrealistic whatsoever. Also the suffer brothers said that there s gonna be "makeout" sessions for mileven so like are you serious?? There is no denying mileven drama, it's gonna happen with or without will involved in it. (Part one)
Then I get that you don’t want Will to go through pain cause he’s “been through enough”. The suffer bros. said that Will would be given a break this season, but still have other troubles (with feelings, we can assume). This either means that he’s gonna realize he’s gay or some stupid stuff because the suffer brothers don’t want to loose popularity. It isn’t likely for BYLER to actually be canon in season three because the suffer brothers are crowd pleasers and they’re gonna appeal (part 2)
To mileven fans. There were no new children casted this season so we know that they most likely haven’t picked a love interest for Will (or Dustin for that matter) and if they did set the two together, I just can’t see it. To some they can’t “see” BYLER because of the fact that they are boys or just because it seems unreal, but when you really look there are a myriad of instances that lead you to believe of their true hidden feelings. But I personally do not think that Will and Dustin (part 3)
Would be a good pairing. I’m not saying that they aren’t good people or friends or wouldn’t work well. It is just that there is no, as Steve puts it, electricity. And since it is over the summer, there is no pressure of coming out in school as well, so it would be easier on our boy to just come out to people he knows will respect and support him. And if there is a love triangle: so what? People happen to fall into love triangles all the time. We had two in the previous seasons already. (Part 4?)
Knowing the suffer brothers, they’ll do what they do best and make us suffer. But to be frank, all of these characters relish each other’s friendships and would be able to work things out with each other. Sure they butt heads but they won’t (in goat terms) loose their horns. Will and Eleven haven’t formally met, but even so Eleven was so sweet and kind to him. If anything, max and Eleven will have more drama then that live triangle would. And Mike wouldn’t hurt either of them. (Part 5)
im sorry for setting u off bud, i was just joking when i talked abt will and dustin getting together (tho i think it would be cute). i actually dont think either of them are gonna get love interests, at least not this season. though i doubt will’ll get a love interest at all (for queer baiting purposes)
and im kinda the wrong person to get into this with, bc i just dont care abt either ship enough and rlly dont wanna be involved in this shipwar. i just want will and eleven to be happy, and right now eleven is happy with mike, so i support that. though i gotta admit, i do kinda get annoyed with ppl dismissing mileven. like u dont have to ship it, thats cool. but realise that mike is elevens first real friend, the first person (aside from benny for a v short while) who actually wants to protect her, who tries to understand her, who treats her like a person who’s more than her powers. so i think its pretty easy to see why she forms such a strong attachment to him. like he literally becomes her home. 
and with mikes feelings for her…yes they only knew each other for a short period of time, but during that period of time, they went through a lot of terrible things together. and traumatic events bond ppl. not to the mention the last time mike saw el, she was literally sacrificing herself for him - dying for him, as he thought. and i think thats enough to create a pretty powerful connection between the two of them yknow? like i dont know if they rlly are ‘in love’ or whatever, but their relationship and how much they care for each other when u consider the situation under which it formed just…doesnt seem that unrealistic (and its not like the show is known for its realism)
and ur point abt the love triangles, abt their being two already…exactly lol. we’ve already had two. and the nancy/jonathan/steve triangle still doesnt seem resolved. so i think its pretty reasonable to not want another one. 
anyway. i kinda dont rlly know what point ur trying to get across with this??? but pls know: i dont hate byler at all and i understand why ppl ship it. i just personally dont. though if it became canon, i probably would. (as along as el doesnt get hurt in the process)
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