#i don't really know if SHE knows how to carry anger. it just turns into sadness and guilt
nymfaia · 4 months
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let it heal you, but don't let it consume you. - you were wronged, and your anger has protected you for so long. through your fury you have grown stronger and wiser, but please do not sacrifice anymore of yourself. remember tenderness, remember vulnerability. don't let this devour you.
tagged by @iirvings / tagging ... @ofmakoeyes!
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Gods I just have the funniest idea ever!
Can you do where Alastor will just do the most demonic, cannibalistic and brutal things ever (that even Lucifer was convinced that this mf CANNOT be redeem) but wifey was just sighing, heart eyes and goes 'isn't he the most adorable 🥰'
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Murder, Cannibalism
Description: ☝️⬆️
A lot of people tend to forget that you're ALSO in hell for a reason, assuming you to be Alastor's loving wife and not thinking beyond that
They forget that you love all of your husband, even his twisted side that scares everyone else
Maybe they somehow missed the days you tenderly wiped blood of his face after a particularly large meal of demons who got in his way
"You really should be more mindful of the mess you're making, hiding this lovely face with all this blood."
"Apologies, darling~"
Or the way you would sigh happily whenever the radio static in his voice would intensify due to anger
"He's so cute when he's angry~"
They were probably too busy staring at his humongous demon form to notice how you practically swooned and got weak in the knees at the sight
"Oh honey~ In public~?"
Nobody except Husker, who has been with you two long enough to know just how fucked up you are
Somehow, nobody at the hotel seems to notice any of these signs until Husk points it out to them
"How did that creepy fucker even pull Y/N anyways? There's no way that bitch is actually into his mess!"
Charlie is trying to shut Angel up before either you or your husband hear him, Vaggie nodding in agreement with Angel
Until Husk slams back a shot and points you, innocently reading and sitting in Alastor's lap
"What the fuck? Have any of you actually been using your eyes!? She fucking loves the shit he pulls!"
Everyone's whips their heads around to look at you in surprise, you only laugh and play with the ends of your husband's hair
Alastor's head does a full turn as he gives them a smug grin as he accepts a small kiss on the cheek from you
"What can I say? I'm just irresistible~"
They all start to pay closs attention to your relationship with Alastor after that, especially when he being particularly monstrous
And of course, Husk was fucking right
Alastor is squeezing some guy to death with a tentacle? You're fanning yourself from the balcony with your hand
"Isn't he just the most handsome man you've ever seen? Is it hot out here? I feel like it's hot out here..!"
"...sure, doll..."
You miss the way Angel scoots away from you and hides behind Vaggie
He's dangling another poor soul over his mouth and cackling at that sound of their terror? Suddenly, everyone sees the kiss you blow his way and the wink he gives you
"Remember to chew, darling~! I don't want you to get a stomachache from that lowlife!"
"Darling, you're embarrassing me..!"
Charlie is torn between being horrified and thinking that you two are the cutest couple ever
Alastor decapitates the next one and brings you the head as a gift? You're blushing and holding it like he just gave you a precious bouquet of flowers
"Oh, Alastor, aren't you just the most man romantic in hell~"
"I thought you might enjoy it~"
He looks so pleased with himself, leaning in to accept a gracious kiss on the cheek from his beloved wife
Vaggie is just so visibly shocked, looking at Husk in disbelief, the bartender simply rolling his eyes
"I told you, she's just as fucked up in the head as he is."
They all watch in shock as Alastor picks you up and carries you inside, the sound of your delighted giggling haunting them
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caraphernellie · 5 months
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country girl ellie x city girl reader headcanons
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oh fuck yeah so excited i love this kind of au!!
warnings: suggestive stuff, femme reader, obviously ellie’s a country gal, reader is wealthy, uhhh . these are super disorganised and probably really lame just things that i thought of ??
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✧ ellie moved to the city from the countryside to pursue dreams of becoming an artist (with a scholarship to art school)
✧ she has a southern accent don't get me started
✧ u met her on her way to school. u bump into her and her phone falls to the ground and cracks
✧ ellie definitely has her own judgements about city girls, coming from the south, but she doesn't want to anger u, she's apologising profusely because ur gorgeous and just look expensive
✧ only for u to own up to it, and offering to pay for her phone damages
✧ and ellie's absolutely shocked. she tells u it is really not necessary but u insist by writing down ur number for her and then hurrying off
✧ did someone say u-haul lesbian trope or...
✧ because she wasted no time in pursuing u. there's something about her growing up in the country with nobody but joel raising her that made her extremely unhinged and this was something she couldnt let go
✧ she's so laidback despite u living every day like it's ur last (anxious queen or party girl whichever one u are 💀)
✧ she's so calm, never afraid to get her hands dirty
✧ coming from the countryside where the nearest other human civilisation was the small town twenty miles away, she definitely had some safety concerns and paranoia when it came to the city. definitely a protective gf
✧ u have to constantly remind ellie that she cannot just punch people if they stare at u too long even if it makes her jealous. she will get arrested
✧ she does feel kind of bad and a little insecure at times, wishing she could provide but u spend so much money on her (guitars, art supplies, comics, food) and she's so grateful but feels like a burden sometimes even if u continuously tell her u WANT to
✧ after moving to the city and dating u she finally understood where the stereotype about girls getting ready for ages comes from. it has only ever taken her ten minutes max to get ready in her life and yet u start getting ready three hours before an event
✧ she's kind of super clueless
✧ softdom ellie my beloved
✧ in summer break u went with her to the countryside and she thought it was the funniest thing ever watching u be scared to get dirty
✧ she taught u how to ride a horse and out of nowhere afterwards says "i'll teach you how to ride bareback later, yeah?" with that stupid smirk on her face, patting your thigh while helping you onto the saddle
✧ so reputation coded. so cornelia street coded
✧ she definitely helps u loosen up and become a little less uptight
✧ there was definitely a few times where she'd shovel up horse shit and chase u with it on the shovel just to laugh at ur screaming and "ellieeee-uh!!!!!!!!"
✧ she's the epitome of being super confident about things she's never done before. thinks she's fucking invincible just because she can lift heavy and tolerate the smell of manure
✧ rolls her sleeves up and gets into it
✧ the first time she got into the bedroom with u... did she know entirely what she was doing? no. oh but she had the confidence as if she did know what she was doing
i cant keep going im gonna get carried away i kinda wanna turn this into a proper fic or somethinggg but i have too many ideasss :((
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starillusion13 · 3 months
Hi! can I request an ateez 9th member poly au but the scenario is they make her feel left out, being mean and entertains another girl from another grp and she was painted as the villain by that girl! so they gang up on her, she suddenly left the group and now they’re chasing her back!!
Missing Piece
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Pairing: Ateez!ot8 x f!reader
Genre: Idol au, Angst, Mature
Warnings: ignorance, tired, mention of drugs( just a rumor), leaving the group, feeling left out, light arguments, anxiety, evil intentions(a pick me not y/n), a mess of emotions nothing more.
W.C: 6.9k
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated. Spread love not hate. After writing this fic, I realized that I don't know how to write 9th member fics😔. I hope this what you wanted anon<3.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Now let’s take a moment to appreciate my dear friend @dreamsoffanfics Thanks for helping me out and being my proofreader. A dear friend indeed <3.
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"Congratulations Ateez!"
Whenever this phrase echoed, you always felt proud and satisfied with yourself for coming a long way. It's obvious that your hard work and determination made it possible for you to stand strong and shine on this ground.
But, a wave of emotions was running inside you today because of the feelings that are itching your mind.
The scandals you are in lately.
The staff and other idols who are passing by while making your way towards the private room are constantly congratulating you and the members of your group. They all are having a wide smile across their faces but you just hesitantly smiled towards others. You know very well that everyone is aware of the scandal you are currently dealing with.
You excuse yourself from the washroom and Hongjoong notices you stepping away in another direction. He called out your name and asked where you were off to but you didn't reply or turned back.
All the members were gathered in front of their room to enter but when they saw their leader---the captain was standing in front of the door and looking in a particular direction. They all looked towards your fading figure into the hallway.
"Where is she going now?" San asked the captain but quickly noticed the anger on his face.
Hongjoong slammed open the door and others followed him inside the room, "I don't know. She didn't reply to me when I asked her. She is really becoming stubborn."
"What's her problem? Isn't she acting so childish all the time?" Mingi slumped down on a cushioned chair and closed his eyes when placing himself comfortably.
Jongho shook his head while removing the mic and earpiece from around his neck and placing it on the wide desk in front of the mirror. "What about the updates on her scandal? The way she is sneaking around here and there, I feel like believing those are not just scandals."
"No. I don't think that's possible. I don't see a sign from her taking any drugs." Seonghwa stated and looked at the leader who was leaning against the wall after removing all the unnecessary items from him. When he caught his eyes, the one standing sighed.
"But she didn't even deny it." Hongjoong said and raised a brow.
Yeosang nodded and spoke up, earning others attention to his words,"When the manager asked her to explain the matter she remained silent and was staring down as if she was high on drugs. Even when the company tried to answer the question about her on the internet, she refused to make a statement."
Some of them nodded and others had confusion visible on their faces.
Wooyoung pointed at your bag beside his and asked, "why did she bring this bag again?" He lifted the bag and found it to be the same bag which you're carrying everywhere, "it seems like she has a lot of stuff inside it."
"Open it." Hongjoong orders the younger one but he hesitated to the command. "I said open it. I am asking you for it and she has no say in this."
"But it's a girl's bag."
"Don't act like we don't stay together. Even if I ask her about bringing this bag, she won't reply. And if something inappropriate is there then we would apologize to her later."
The younger nodded but before he could open the bag. The manager entered. Hongjoong signaled to put the bag down.
It was always a bit challenging for you to be in a group where you are the only female member. All the fans accepted you very willingly and gave you lots of love on the day when it was announced you would be the last member of the debut line. Yeah, the competition had always included the five girls with the boys but you didn't expect back then to be in the lineup of the final showdown. As you were very sure of Minnie to be debuting with them. Her talents and looks are always remarkable and you admired her dance moves and vocals so much. And, you're sure others loved her more than you. They have a strong friendship with her even after her debuting in a different group 'Stray Kids'.
But your members never made you feel left out or different for being a girl. At first they were a bit hesitant to have you as the member but gradually you all became close and had so much fun together during the first MV shooting. Your debut was memorable with you all traveling to a different country and experiencing several new things.
Moreover, your members treated you like the baby of the group. They pampered you so much and of course, they won't leave a chance to annoy the shit out of you. You felt closer with Jongho because he was around your age so you were always paired up with him. And that's how the deep friendship started between you both.
Ateez are very close with Stray Kids and for that you all often meet them to dine out and hang out on off schedule days and after encore and promotion stages. You loved Minho's company a lot because you both clicked together perfectly. But there was something you noticed: San doesn't like you spending time with Stray Kids and sometimes, he and the others often drag you away with your members telling them that they need to hurry back to the dorm because something urgent came up. Only for you to get scolded later by Hongjoong that being so friendly with others would lead you to get into a lot of scandals.
What about them?
They often can be seen talking with Minnie after the performances or concerts and even two or three of them hanging out with her. Did you ever say anything? No. Then how come the dating rules only apply to you? You had enough one day and screamed at her and them, telling them that because of her Ateez would soon be under controversy but she quickly apologized to you and cried to them.
That was not the end. Because of her Hongjoong treated you really badly. He and other members used harsh words on you and others supported him on the fact that you had overreacted for no reason. They really started to go out alone without you - you were already used to it. But after the incident, they purposely made you feel left out. That didn't even stop them being friendly with her. They even did the new dance challenge with her and the way she was leaning on Seonghwa's arm made you glare at the video longer until the manager announced the practice time.
All these struggles really made you exhausted day by day and it's even showing in your performances and interaction with others. One afternoon, you were in the middle of the preparation for the comeback when you suddenly got to know about something trending under your name on all social media platforms.
'Is y/n really taking drugs?'
And the comments under the post - some supporting your side saying it's fake but you were shocked to see the amount of people believing the post and making strong comments that your recent appearances do look like you are under its effects. You ignored the news, you ignored everyone. You thought about the trainee days and then after debuting. You had lots of fun with Ateez. There are a lot of good memories and there are a lot more than just memories which couldn't be revealed everywhere. You tried to talk with others but never had the courage so you kept everything to yourself. Whenever you were asked to clarify on this matter, you remained silent.
One day, finally you had a talk session with your manager to discuss the ongoing situation. Many of your fans went against you and you accepted their opinions because you didn't make any strong denial statement on it so it's obvious for people to suspect you. You are being a bad influence on the industry.
"Are you sure about this?" the manager had concern and worry etched across her face but you just nodded and sighed when she kept staring at you.
"I don't want to change my mind. I have come up with this decision after thinking a lot."
She opened a file on her tablet before passing it to you to read, "read this. And, what about them? This is a big decision so please think carefully."
"I know."
"Will you be fine after this? People might blame you more."
"I don't have any other option. Even if I have, this is the only thing that seems right to me right now."
She just nodded in acceptance.
As the manager entered the room, she noticed Wooyoung placing your bag down to the side of the chair. Hongjoong stepped forward to greet her and she sent a quick smile to everyone present in the room, also noticing your absence there.
"You all don't have any more upcoming schedules this week so hurry up, we have to leave for the dorm. You guys look so tired. You all didn't got enough rest the last few days." She announced and stared at Hongjoong who seemed to want to ask her something.
"Do you want to say something?"
He nodded, "Y/n is not here since we came back from the stage. She went towards the stairs and I asked her but she seemed a bit lost. Where is she? Do you know about it?"
She sighed, "she is probably in the restroom, don't worry."
"Before the day of the comeback, she had a talk with you. What did she tell?" Seonghwa asked, who was now wearing a black t-shirt with just a washed face. He wasn't wearing his stage outfit anymore.
"You all will get to know about it tomorrow morning."
"What is it that you can't tell us now?" San asked her curiously.
She shook her head, "it's not like that. I can tell you but she doesn't want me to tell you. Don't get your hopes up. Just know it's nothing good." She handed over the food bag to them so that they could feed themselves inside the van while going back home. She asked the last two members to quickly change into a comfortable outfit and took your outfit to the restroom.
As soon as she handed you the outfit, you thanked her and asked her to wait outside. Changing into the comfortable soft fabrics made you sigh in relief. But you felt tears welling up in your eyes while staring down at the mic, earpiece and the stage outfit in your hand. A lot of emotions coursing through you but your mind was only focusing on the fact - this was your last stage performance.
You wiped your tears and put on a fake smile before exiting the door. the manager took the things from your hands but before you could step forward, she grabbed your wrist and looked at your face, scanning the smudged eyeshadow and liner. You were crying and she caressed your hand.
"Y/n, you are not okay with this. Please, I would suggest that you change your mind."
You shook your head before removing her hand. "Trust me. I will be okay without all of these problems." She watched your retreating figure until you took a sharp turn.
When you reached the door of the private room, it was expected to hear their loud laugh or them having weird singing competitions that could be heard from outside. But now, it's so quiet. Are they that tired? Or did they already leave for the dorm without you? That's not possible, the car was for you nine so it won't leave until nine of you have entered it.
You tightly held the handle before pushing the door open only to find them gathered around the couch but staring at you. You noticed Wooyoung holding a bag at the end of the couch.
A bag, wait, your bag. No!
You hurriedly went over to the couch to find it was your bag and the things were already scattered on it. You tried to pull the bag from his hold until Yeosang grabbed your wrist and turned you around.
"What is this?" he asked you in a demanding tone.
You licked your lips before prying his hand off from your wrist, "nothing. you don't have to know." You snatched the bag, "and why did you even touch my bag without my permission?"
"Since when are we asking each other to touch our things?" Yunho asked and got up from the chair to make his way towards you. You tried to pick up the things and place them inside the bag but Hongjoong blocked your hand and signaled Mingi to take the things away from you. The tall man finally stood in front of you, "and you better explain what all these boxes are for?"
Yunho exhaled sharply and grabbed your biceps tightly, "Y/n, what are you hiding from us? what is it that you can't tell us?"
Mingi was glancing between you and the things which he was putting inside the bag. Seonghwa stood beside the man holding you and stared at you sharply, "are these the drugs?"
"Please just shut up!" you screamed at them.
They slightly flinched at your sudden outburst but it was not noticeable by you as your teary eyes blurred your view. You put your palm over your ears and closed your eyes tightly.
"Please shut up. I can't hear any more of this. I know you don't trust me like before but please don't blame me every time. Because of me, this group is already under so much controversy and I'm really sorry for that."
You were going through a lot and having them all cornering you in the room, confined to a little space was too much.
San pushed Yunho so that he could hug your crying form, "It's okay, y/n. No one is blaming you. But why are there so many boxes containing various pills in your bag? You can tell me if those are distractions." he continuously rubbed your back.
You were crying in his hold, clutching his white t-shirt tightly. He didn't care that his fresh t-shirt was getting wet because of your tears when you were crying helplessly. It was breaking their heart to see you like this but what could they do. If you are doing something wrong then they must solve it and for that they need to talk to you but here you are not telling anything and always ignoring them since the incident happened between you and Minnie.
Realizing you were holding San tightly, you quickly removed his arms from around you and glared at him. Everyone observed your sudden change in mood and Hongjoong held your biceps to turn you towards him. At the tight hold you said harshly "let go of me."
"Y/n, enough. What's wrong with you suddenly?" His demanding tone was obvious and your glaring eyes didn't faze his expression. "Don't show me that look."
"Then leave me."
"Joong, leave her hand. We are all tired and we need to go to the dorm. We can ask her about this there." Seonghwa said calmly and placed his palm on the younger's shoulder. the latter sighed and you snatched your hand from him.
Everyone's eyes followed how disheveled you were looking while picking up your things and no one tried to stop you as you were all going to the same place after all. When you pulled the zip of your bag, Wooyoung stepped forward to offer you the food but you rejected it and went outside the room, slamming the door. They flinched at the loud noise but no one noticed your tears and emotions while exiting the private room backstage for the last time.
"I will be good without all of them." You have repeated this line to yourself a lot of times but still you felt the emotions to return back all over again.
Wiping your eyes, you raised your head only to find Minnie standing in front of you with folded hands and innocent eyes, the way she always looks at others. She was still wearing a faerie stage outfit and smiling at you. Ignoring her presence, you tried to turn around but her voice made you halt.
"Are you carrying those drugs in the bag again? So should I post it clearly that you are being spotted taking drugs?" she was smirking when you turned around.
"What are you saying?" You gripped the bag tightly when she glanced at it and chuckled. Stepping forward to you, her smirk grew wider, "it was me who posted that about you. and even if you say this to anyone, no one is going to believe you."
"It was...you." you watched her in disbelief when she lightly laughed and twirled a strand of hair between her delicate thin fingers. She pouted and blinked at you, "you shouted at me in front of them so I had to take my revenge."
"And it's just-"
"It hurts my pride." She made a disgusted face at you and bumped against your shoulder, "well, thank me for not doing something else but....I just ruined your career. Goodbye!"
You saw her walking like on a cat walk towards the corridor and smiling innocently to everyone in her way. She turned a little and smirked at you before taking a turn leaving you there in shock.
"Y/n...you're still here." You heard Jongho's voice and then saw others exiting the room but before they could ask you something, you ran towards the elevator and fortunately it just opened for the staff members queuing in front of it and you got inside with them. They were all glancing at you because of your weird behavior and you being alone with a sad look.
As soon as the ding sound indicated the arrival to the ground floor, you wasted no time and speedily walked towards the car. You got inside and sat in the far back, waiting for others to come.
After they got into the car, they found you sleeping peacefully at the back. "She is sleeping." Yunho told others and placed your head on his shoulder while adjusting in the seat beside you.
"Let her sleep. She is extremely tired." Hongjoong said and scolded Wooyoung who was about to say something loudly.
Seonghwa shook his head, "but she has to eat."
"I will feed her after we reach home. Leave her for a while. Let's not ask her anything more today." Yeosang started and closed his eyes while leaning back.
Yunho kept stroking your head so that you don't wake up and he felt you nuzzling into him and he smiled while looking down at you.
You stretched your arms, you heard their voices coming from a distance. You groaned and rubbed your eyes. Your body was aching so bad that you felt like going back to sleep again. But then you remembered your plans for this night.
You got up and stepped outside the room, their voices were coming from the living room and when some of them caught your sleepy figure entering the room they sent a smile towards you.
"Y/n come eat with me. Others have already had their dinner and I will accompany you while the rest keep doing whatever they do at the moment." Yeosang called you from the table and patted the chair beside him. You were hungry but you didn't feel like eating anything because of all the emotions you had inside.
Is my decision okay?
You shook off the feeling and walked towards the table. Some returned back to discuss the topic they were busy with and the youngest of the two joined you both at the table.
"So, as we don't have a schedule this week. How about we go on a trip somewhere?" Wooyoung suggested and Yeosang nodded before urging to start eating.
Your heart ached when you heard the joy in his voice and how they were planning for the week.
"But can we not spend time inside the dorm? I don't feel like going out." Jongho whined.
"What do you say, y/n?" Yeosang asked and you glanced at him to your side but remained silent.
He shared a glance with Wooyoung before the younger one spoke up: "Hey! Do you want to stay inside or go out? We will decide after what you say."
"I......whatever you all will agree on." You mumbled softly.
"I said whatever you guys will agree on! It doesn't matter what I say. You all will be off on your own." You stood up from the table and took deep breaths, "have fun without me. Whatever you guys do, enjoy yourself and live a happy life."
"Yeo I don't want to hear anything. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."
The moment you had to pass the couch where others were sitting but their attention was on you after you shouted at the table, Mingi grabbed your hand, "Are you okay?"
You glanced at the grip and to the others.
"You all are always meant for each other. The eight of you are soulmates and I'm just an extra character who acted as a villain in the group and destroyed your success with my scandal."
Hongjoong stood up, "Don't think like that. We can sort this out together."
"No. People already hate me for this and even if I try to claim myself innocent then all the fame I have already lost is never coming back. I'll still receive more hate. It wouldn't have happened if you guys really cared for me." You whispered the last line.
San scratched his neck and spoke up, "But you have us. Even if they hate you, we will show them that you are the best."
"But you don't have me. I can't do anything in return so it's better for me to move away from the scene so that you don't have a problem on your way to success. There's still a long way to go and I can't stop you all from that."
Seonghwa shook his head, "You are not stopping us. You keep us motivated, Y/n. You'll always be with us like the final missing piece of the puzzle."
"Sometimes there's an extra piece to distract you and confuse you and I'm that extra piece. You are already complete without me."
"Why are you thinking like this?" Mingi asked you softly.
"Because you all made me feel like this." You sighed and turned back but before stepping forward, you said loudly, "Just remember that even if I'm not with you all in this journey you all will move forward and achieve everything. You deserve a lot and on top of that, be happy. Don't let yourself fall apart because of a missing piece."
Your quick steps led you to your room and you fell on your bed. Cries getting muffled by the sheet and you pushed your face into it more. When you were saying those words earlier, you stood strong but deep down, your heart was heavy.
Time passed and you didn't realize when you fell asleep. A figure stepped inside your room, he smiled at your sleeping figure, his dimples peeking out even in the dark and his sharp eyes staring at you softly. He adjusted your body to a comfortable position and pulled you closer to him, lulling you to sleep. You mumbled something in your sleep and he smiled and patted your head. Soon, he fell asleep with you in his arms.
Now, this is the secret that nobody knows yet. You're dating all of them. Since the day of the debut you all found comfort in each other's arms. This can't be mentioned in the public media and nothing can be obvious if you are really dating one of them - let alone all of them. They're always so protective and showered you with love, making your heart warm and a wide smile visible on your face.
In many shows and interviews, you've referred to them as your strongest pillars of life and that you would be always thankful to them for being with you.
But lately it turned into a disaster after you all met her again after a year at the show when Minnie introduced herself to them and they became friends quickly. You didn't mind the friendship at first but when they started to blame you on whatever she tells them, they started pointing out her right proving you wrong in every aspect.
She really had to destroy your career---even your relationship with them.
"You are here?" Yunho yawned while nodding his head and rubbed his eyes while making his way towards the table after greeting the leader. "I thought you're the one sleeping with her."
Yunho shook his head before gulping down the water, "No. San told me that he wanted to sleep with her." Hongjoong nodded and turned his attention back to the food on the table.
The rest of them soon started to gather around in the living room. Wooyoung saw San coming last into the wide space but all alone. He creased his brows and asked him, "Isn't she coming for breakfast?" He put down the plate on the table.
"It'll soon be lunch time." Jongho said and laughed. Yeah, it's true that they woke up so late that they have passed the morning and it's already noon but they're still preparing breakfast.
San, who was still rubbing his eyes, looked at him and then around the room, "She isn't here?"
"When I woke up, she was not in the bed."
Hongjoong stood up and took the phone in his hand before watching everyone in confusion,
"Did she tell any of you where she is going today? Does she have something to do?"
He dialed your number but the line was dead.
Mingi skipped to your room to see if you had left any sticky note but nothing was there. Wait. Not even your things were there. Only a few items were there but the photo frames with a few boxes were missing too. He went back into the living room to inform the others about it. They were so lost and confused about the situation when suddenly the doorbell rang.
Jongho quickly opened it to be greeted by their manager whose appearance was more serious than usual. She walked inside and looked at everyone before sighing and sitting on the chair near her, "Have you checked your phones?"
When they shook their heads and told her that they had just woken up. She turned her phone screen around to take a look at it.
'Y/n, the member of Ateez is leaving the group...'
San snatched the phone from her hand and scrolled down the whole post only to find out the news was announced by their own company and there was also an apology letter from your side posted. So many things happened just in the morning.
"What is this? Where is she?" Hongjoong demanded a clarification of this situation from her but she only shook her head before brushing some strands of hair back.
"She has already left the place. These past few days, you were busy and didn't notice her preparing for this day so I was there to help her collect everything. I tried to change her decision, make her understand but she had already lost hope in this. She was so disturbed with the whole scandal and all."
"Can't we contact her?" Wooyoung asked her while tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.
"No. Your company has banned you from having any contact with a former member. I don't think it's good for your image."
"I don't care about my image. I want her back. How can she leave the group? And she didn't tell us anything about this the whole time..."
Seonghwa looked at the leader and sighed, "That's why she was saying things like that last night."
And now, they realized how they have ignored you all these past months just to believe that girl whom they had befriended and trusted so much that they doubted you on taking drugs and being jealous of others too much.
But their career can't be stopped here. They need to move forward on this journey - even if that means with a missing piece in their group.
[2 years later]
"8 makes 1 team...Hello we are Ateez."
The whole audience in the arena cheered. Ateez with wide smiles and sparkling eyes were watching their fans from overseas greeting them by shouting out their names. They felt so loved at that moment that they forgot the pain inside their heart, not getting to be loved by you anymore.
They love their fans a lot but your love was the precious one and when Yeosang realized that you were not there beside him in the choreography, tears fell from his eyes. It's already been 2 years but still everytime he cries during this step where you are no longer smiling while spinning with him in the center.
The concert went for two hours and they quickly changed into some casual wear afterwards and decided on takeout for the day.
The next day, at night they planned to stroll around the city and take in the view of the new place overseas and enjoy the place. They were not given any schedules for the vlog so they were free to roam around.
"I have seen this place just across the street that has a good variety of foods. Let's try it out." Yunho stated his search for this place and others agreed quickly.
All of them entered the big glass door of the restaurant and eyes roaming around in appreciation of the new place. The things decorating the tables, shelves and each corner with the soft melody of the overflowing music with the right amount of warmth and light were a perfect setting. Many customers turned towards them, a table with four girls recognized them but the rest just watched them curiously as they were standing awkwardly until a waiter offered them a helping hand.
They opted for a table at the very end as it was a bit away from the other tables and a bit hidden by a wooden rack.
They all settled down and the waiter waited for them to order. After a lot of complaints, whines, bickers and scolding, they had decided on the menu to be ordered finally.
For the time being, they were waiting for the food to arrive. They gossiped on a lot of stuff, few scrolling through Instagram and taking aesthetic pictures of the place but they don't forget to see any update from your private account. nothing. Jongho sighed and switched off his phone.
"Here is the food!" A cheerful voice made them look up at the person with two others trailing behind her. The girl didn't look at their faces but the eight boys from around the table were staring at her. she was joking with the girl beside her while placing all the bowls down the table. the other two left her when she turned around, "is there some-"
her voice got lost in her throat when she finally locked eyes with the ones watching her intently.
"y/n. you are here."
oh. they're having tours in this country. you're so busy these past few days that you didn't notice that they have announced the tour dates. yeah, even if you have left the group and moved away to a different country, you keep yourself updated with them.
you just can't get over them and this kills you inside.
"uh...um...congratulations on the comeback."
"Why did you leave the group? You don't even contact any of us." Hongjoong asked you from just the opposite direction from where you were standing.
"Isn't it obvious that I left the group not to keep in touch with you all?"
"But why?"
"Now your group is free from scandals and under no controversy. You all are having comebacks and your fans even forgot about me and giving you all the love you guys deserve. So what's the point of me being there." You chuckled in an unamused way.
Wooyoung stood up and suddenly hugged you catching you off guard, "you don't know how much we missed you. Everyday we thought that you'll call one of us or will show up to the front door. But you totally disappeared."
"It hurt us, baby. It hurts to not wake up to your side. It hurts not to see your smiling face and you walking around the dorm. Heck! I watched all the videos of you to hear your voice." San bit his lip to prevent himself from crying.
It hurts me too...
You just curled your fingers, wanting them to stop or you might break down in front of them. You thought after joining at your friend's restaurant that you won't ever come across your past life but who knew after two years here, you would be facing them again.
Licking your lips, you pushed Wooyoung off from you and eyed him before turning to them, "but you all became used to ignoring me then why suddenly you all are acting like this."
"No it's not like that."
"Really Mingi? Are you sure you're not the person who blamed me that for me all your hard work will be gone."
The chatters around the place increased with the entry of some more customers. Little did you know, your friend noticed the current situation you were in and she told other workers to take your place and not mind anything at the end table.
Jongho glared at Mingi but still he also knew that the news got them all shattered because it was their first accusation after the debut and they knew very well the cause of any controversy regarding a group. They all feared for their dreams to be crashing down.
But they were also worried for you. They all asked you about it but you're not the outspoken type and you remained silent and refused to talk to anyone. You distanced yourself from them when they hinted their anger towards you and it really scared you.
and that girl Minnie really played her wicked games with them at their weakest moment. "I'm sorry. Please forgive us for not being there for you. We-"
"Jongho, there's nothing to forgive or forget. I had some great memories with you all and I loved every moment but for me I don't want someone's dreams to end."
You weakly smiled at them.
"But what about you? How are you?" Seonghwa asked you while he approached you and held your hands in his, he caressed the soft skin and stared down.
"Honestly, I don't even know about myself. I'm totally living a different life. People don't recognize me after dying my hair and not wearing makeup and I don't come out often to serve the customers but unfortunately today I did and...."
"And what about the......drugs?"
"It's okay Hwa. He is just obeying his rules being a leader." You bit your lip when retreating the hand from the hold, "those boxes in my bag were not drugs. Those were my anxiety pills. I used label-less boxes so that people won't know about my problems but that only led to some bigger problems."
Yunho stepped forward, "you had anxiety?" You nodded.
"What caused you this? I swear y/n tell me what happened to have this happen?" He was furious and you watched his impatient hand brushed his hair back.
"Yunho.....it's you guys. You all did this to me." After voicing out the words, you stared at them blankly.
"Us?" Yeosang asked you but also to himself.
"The ignorance. The blames and accusations adding up to the online comments on my posts were stressing me out and I had a consultation with my family psychiatrist." You sighed at the end of the sentence.
San suddenly asked you, "what about your dreams, y/n? You shared so many things with me with us. You planned a whole future with us. What about that?"
"I really wanted to spend my whole life with you all. To create so many memories together but I think those will just remain as dreams because of the rumors. Even if I want to get back. I won't because it would hamper your future and dream."
"But who spread the rumors on drugs?" Hongjoong sat down and held his head.
"It's-... it's..." you bit your lips and proceeded, "it's nothing. You don't have to worry about it now. I'm out of this whole thing and you are all free from all controversial posts."
You tried to smile but the tears falling from your eyes betrayed you.
"You are not coming back to us?" Yunho held your hand, he held it so dearly as if you were a delicate person. He didn't want to let it go but still somewhere in your eyes he saw the distance between you both.
There was no sign of love from you.
Jongho came in front of your view, "but please we need you. It's no more the same feelings without you. There's really a missing piece in our life." He gulped the lump of sadness and continued, "and, It's you, y/n."
"No you are a perfect team even without me. Eight makes a perfect team like you." You looked over all of them.
"And nine makes the perfect family." Seonghwa said in a hushed voice.
You shook your head, "then work on your teamwork and make it a family. I hope you will find a better girl for yourselves."
Wooyoung pushed aside Seonghwa and cupped your cheek and Hongjoong just stood behind him, watching you keenly.
"Please, y/n don't do this to me. I got to see you after two years and...and just for you to say leave me again?"
"Woo, people might be watching."
"I don't care."
"But I care. I have to work unlike you who will go back to your country after the tour ends. I have to stay back here and face these customers again and if somehow this scene got to the media then it'll be a new situation to handle. Please, I beg you. I don't want to be in a similar situation again."
You inhaled and continued, "and this time it won't be because of me but because of you. So stop before anything happens again."
" but you can stay with us. We can move out from the dorm and stay somewhere else. Also, you don't have to be with us for the sake of being a group member but as our girlfriend." Hongjoong said the words very precisely but you just laughed at him.
"You have lost the right to call me that way before. Don't say that word again. I hate it. I don't want to stay with any of you."
"The food is getting cold. They worked hard in preparing this."
San held your hand when you stepped back, "At Least eat with us. Last time, you didn't even eat properly with us."
"Y/n, I miss you a lot." Yeosang looked at you with a longing feeling but you just ignored it.
I miss you all too...
And I know I shouldn't...
You took deep breaths, "I'm telling this to all of you. And it's my final wish to you so please kindly keep it. Just forget about me. You all have a long way to go to achieve success. Don't get stuck in the past. Pretend I never met you all. I was never a part of your life."
San gripped your wrist tighter.
Hongjoong said in a low voice, "this is impossible for us to do. How can we forget you? How can we forget all the memories of us?"
You stared at the grip and glanced at his face. He had changed a lot in these two years and the maturity in his voice and demeanor was visible.
He stared at you helplessly and waited for your response. You removed the grip and turned around.
"Enjoy the meal!"
How can they just eat now? They all have lost their appetite after this and the way you didn't even turn back to them for the last time left them staring at your direction until you disappeared behind the door beside the desk.
You entered the door and tears slid down your cheek and whispered to yourself, "pretend I was just a missing piece of your dream."
[I just realized that I don't know how to write 9th member aus like what did I write here. It could have been better but still I tried so appreciate me🥹]
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Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @meowmeeps @vtyb23 @haechansbbg
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deartrent · 4 months
mum's emotions — taa
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summary: pent-up emotions and frustrations as a first-time mom finally surface when you find yourself in the familiar arms of trent
pairing: trent alexander-arnold x fem!reader
notes: my first ever post on here. didn't really come out the way i intended, idrk if i like it, but let me know what you guys think!!
what you felt was wrong. you knew it was wrong on so many levels. you couldn't help but feel the way you did though. seeing trent take care of your baby so naturally, as if he'd experienced being a father before, sparked something inside of you that you didn't know you were capable of feeling. you couldn't tell if it was anger, disappointment or jealousy. all you could think of was how come i carried that baby for 9 months, just to be the worst mother of all time?
trent noticed your frustrations. he could tell when he'd come home from training and you'd greet him coldly or shoot daggers when he'd steal the baby from you, the cries stopping as soon as he held her in his arms, so gently. you were never the type to verbalise your feelings and trent knew not to push you to that point either, but he also knew you were slowly reaching your limit. he wished he could stay home more often to help you out, to take some of the workload off of you, but his schedule didn't allow him to.
"look she smiled," trent turned your daughter to face you, unaware that you had been observing them for the past two minutes. their smiles resembled so much, something you had prayed for way before getting pregnant.
it took everything in you to fake a smile, masking the emptiness you felt inside. trent could sense your mind was racing, your silence speaking louder than words. his heart ached seeing you in this state, reminiscing on the bubbly version of you prior to giving birth.
"she can sense your emotions you know," trent spoke after getting no reaction from you, walking over to where you stood, with your daughter against his chest, "when mum's stressed, she will be too, i read it somewhere." you felt vulnerable as trent towered over you, trying his best to read your facial expressions. you hadn't been too verbal lately, with trent having to rely on body language. he had no clue the reason you hadn't been verbal was the inability to hold in tears whenever trent would try and have a conversation about anything baby related. instead of confiding in him, you chose to distance yourself.
you didn't know how much longer you could hold everything in though, and without a single warning, you felt your eyes well up, a burning sensation confirming that your tear-filled eyes had turned bloodshot red by now. trent was caught off guard, not knowing what to do next. this was the first time you'd shown a different emotion than anger and annoyance since the baby had arrived.
trent's first instinct was to put the baby down on the playmat, before engulfing you into an embrace you didn't realise you needed until your face sunk into trent's chest, the all too familiar scent and sense of warmth, comfort and security washing over you. you sobbed into his shirt, his large hands caressing your back as he tried soothing you.
"please talk to me babe, tell me what's on your mind," trent begged and for the first time since bringing your daughter home, you thought of trent, instead of yourself. you thought about how he must've felt, being a first time parent himself and having to deal with taking care of the baby on one hand, but on the other hand having to deal with an angry, irritated girlfriend, not knowing what exactly is going on because you simply did not communicate with him. you could only imagine how scary and lonely it must have been for him.
"i just need a break," you sobbed, barely audible but you knew if anyone would understand you, it would be trent. "i don't know what i'm doing, i don't know if i'm feeding her correctly, i don't know if i'm dressing her warm enough, all she does is cry and i have no idea what she wants. i'm just a shit mother, i wasn't made for this." you took the opportunity to dump all of your frustrations.
"stop, don't say that," trent pried you off of him to create a little distance as he held your face with both hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs, "you're doing great, i promise. she's alive, she's healthy, that means you're doing a good job." trent tried reassuring you, your breath shaky from all the sobbing. "she's crying, because she senses your emotions," you melted into trent's hands, the eyes you were so in love with fixated on yours, making your surroundings disappear, "she just wants you to be happy, we both do." guilt was the next thing you felt.
you felt guilty because you'd left trent in the dark, taking your frustrations out on him, while all he wanted to do was help, "i'm so exhausted trent, i can't remember last time i slept a full night," you continued your rant, "i miss just cuddling with you and not be interrupted," you could see the corner of trent's lips turn upwards, igniting the same warm, fuzzy feeling you'd been feeling ever since the first day you'd met; the one thing that hadn't changed since the birth of your baby. trent placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, before placing your head on his chest once more, "you know, i have a day off tomorrow, i can ask my mum to babysit and we could just stay in bed all day," trent suggested, earning a chuckle from you.
you could feel trent's heart beat against your temple and as you further sunk into his arms, you realised just how blessed you really were. you couldn't imagine having a baby with anyone other than trent, the idea of building a family with him easing your mind. he was everything you wanted and from the moment you told him you were pregnant, you knew that you and your baby were in safe hands. and that was all that mattered.
"i would love that," you looked up, pressing your lips to his luscious ones in a kiss you didn't know you craved.
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azzo0 · 2 months
Katsuki misses when his daughter was younger, and he could fix her boo-boos with a bandage and a kiss. He could carry her in his arms, clean the scrapes she received while playing at the playground, smack on a cute Hello Kitty bandage, kiss it and get her to giggle. But now that she was older, she did not have scratches and scrapes to worry about. Her boo-boos came in other forms- Boys and heartbreaks, to be specific. 
He'd just come home from work to find his daughter cuddled into you, the teenager bawling her eyes out because some stupid guy she was seeing dumped her for no apparent reason. His heart shattered, watching her wipe her eyes with hiccups leaving her chest. He didn't enter the room. He just stood there, and his daughter caught his eye, quickly looking away and burying her head in her mother's hair. 
You shot him a pointed look, reminding him not to say something that would make her cry even more. Bakugo's fists clenched on his sides, crimson eyes bubbling with anger. His daughter peeked at him, wondering if he was mad at her. Her heart sank when he turned around and left. 
"Now Papa's mad at me too," She sniffled. 
"No, he's not," You stroke her hair, trying to calm her down. "Just give him some time, alright?"
"Mhm..." She lets you comfort her some more before you leave. 
She buried herself under the blanket and scrolled through her socials, blocking that dumb ex of hers from everywhere. Maybe Papa did know best after all. Maybe she should've listened when her father said the guy didn't give him good vibes. She sighed and pushed the phone under her pillow, trying to go to sleep to escape all the tears.
Just as she started to drift off, she heard the door open a creak and poked her head out of the blanket to see her father standing in the doorway with a plastic bag in hand, still in full hero gear.
"Can I come inside?" He asked. She sat up and wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, nodding. 
Katsuki shuffled to her bed and cleared his throat, taking out all his daughter's favourite snacks from the plastic bag, "Erm- thought you'd like some... saw your favourite chocolate, so I bought that too. There's some of that crappy ramen you like. It's shit, but I'll allow it for now."
His daughter can't help but smile at him. So that's why he left without a word. To get her snacks and try to cheer her up. Or so she thinks, "Thank you, papa."
"'S nothin'" He stared at her awkwardly, not sure what to do next. He knew just snacks wouldn't fix a broken heart. He opened his arms for her, and she shifted closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Bakugo can't remember the last time he held her like this. It's been a while. This reminded him that no matter how old she was, he'd always be able to hold her like his little girl. He kissed her forehead and wiped tears from her eyes. 
"Don't waste yer tears, squirt," He said, "That asshole ain't worth yer pretty tears. Now open the snacks. I wanna try some."
Bakugo grins when she breaks into a goofy smile and opens a packet of spicy chips. He doesn't really eat this stuff, especially before dinner, but he'll make an exception for his little girl. He takes a chip and pops it into his mouth, glad she is smiling now. He held back a smirk when he thought of how she'd be rolling on the floor laughing when she saw her ex come to school with a bandage on his nose and a bruise on his cheek. 
Sure, he did not know how to fix her boo-boos anymore, but he sure did know how to beat the shit out of people who gave her the boo-boos. Even if it was a teenage boy far younger than him.
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pupyuj · 5 months
GP! Yujin "accidentally" (girl never wears condoms who we kidding) knocking you up 🙊 now you have to tell her about being a possible baby daddy🤭 what if I say she might be into it🤔👀 like her thoughts drift to you walking around carrying HER kid for the next few months. 🤭She's possessive your honor😊 honestly her reaction is totally up to you
- 🧇
oddly enough i enjoyed writing this ask but mostly bcs it's on the softer side lmao 😭 might be the only time i indulge in something involving pregnancy but who knows! baby daddy yuj was just something i could NOTTTT pass up 😳
[cw: pregnancy!, lactation kink.]
oh my god she would be flabbergasted??? 😭 yujinnie likes to tell you that she'll give you babies whenever the two of you fuck but 78% of the time she doesn't mean it!! 😣 so one day when you sit her down and tell her you're pregnant and that you have absolutely no plans to 'get rid' of the baby... well, yujin was literally speechless 😭 but she wouldn't hate it... in fact seeing you so confident about your decision to keep her child really helped her come to her own conclusion about this whole situation herself! you best believe she'll raise tf outta that baby with you 😤💕
anw back to the nasty stuff—yk how turned on yujin would be afterwards?? just staring at you while you go about your day... her boner situation so fucking bad bcs she can't stop thinking about the night she put that baby inside you... and you don't even have your little bump yet but she acts like you do!! she's always caressing your stomach while making out, makes sure to plant the sweetest kisses on it before she goes down on you too! :3
every time she's staring she's so desperate to knock you up again that she just wants to bend you over and fuck you but she gets kinda afraid?? 😭 yujinnie doesn't want to hurt you or the baby so she refrains from doing anything too crazy... but then you'd tell her that you'll both be careful so that none of you three will get hurt and suddenly she's back to being a huge fucking pervert! oh and don't even get met started on how she acts when your tits start leaking... lord.
yujin would have you sat on her lap all the time, your shirt off and perky nipples on her mouth,,, yujin has no problem getting messy with it too!! sucking on your nipples like she’s the baby 😭😭😭 makes a joke about your tits drying up by the time the kid gets here bcs she really does get addicted to them! 😵‍💫 sometimes it gets annoying how she just wants to touch you all the time but most of your anger comes from the mood swings 😭😭 all yujin has to do is kiss you and pull you around for a dance with fun music playing in the background and you’ll be fine! 🥰
about the possessive thing… well yes! 😵‍💫 yujin also gets overprotective to the point it becomes something the two of you argue about… 😭 daddy will be nagging at you a lot but that’s bcs she’s only concerned about you and the kid!! most of the time you can’t even get mad at her bcs yujin’s just being a good daddy mommy 🥺 see, she’s usually so haughty and reckless but getting you pregnant would definitely bring out a sweeter side of yujin that you’ll fall in love w her all over again 😔💕
okay now she really needs to breed me—[SIRENS BLARING]
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boiohboii · 25 days
A broken house
(Charles leclerc x daughter! Reader)
I just saw remembered this heartbreaking scene from an old theatre play (is that what they're called?), like when colors on tv first became a thing old, and I just had to write it down. WARNING: implications of cheating, abandoning children, Charles is not a good guy at all, a daughter confronting her dad, not proofread, just something quick right before bed
Charles never imagined he would ever be in this situation.
When he first held yn in his arms, his precious, precious daughter, his oldest and the apple of his eyes, he vowed to never hurt her, to never see her cry and to never let her expirence heartbreak, so what was he supposed to do when she's standing right in front of him cheeks flushed, fists by her side and angry tears falling out of her eyes.
He was the reason, he was the reason and he never thought he'd be. And to make it all worse, he doesn't feel sorry. He doesn't know where it all went wrong and he doesn't know when he became so cold-hearted towards the sunshine of his life, his pride and joy. But it's too late now, too late to try and talk, too late to try to explain and too late to even get a speck of the love yn held in her eyes for him. He knew it was too late. It was just too late.
"So what," yn refused to accept her father's silence, she needed to hear him say it, admit to his wrongdoings "you're just gonna leave us?"
"You don't understand," Charles tried to reason, his eyes not even meeting his daughter's identical ones "she needs help."
"THAT'S YOUR REASON!" yn's voice boomed through the empty house, thanking anything and everything that her mother and siblings aren't home yet "that's your reason to abandon us! What about mum huh? what about your wife? The woman WHO SACRIFICED HER YOUTH FOR YOU! TO FOLLOW YOU! TO HELP YOU! And what of my siblings, what are they gonna do? What did they do to deserve this? What did any of us do to deserve this?"
Yn looked at her father, slowly walking towards him, she refused to believe that's the same man who showed her what love is, who carried her on her shoulders to hear her laughter, who promised to sheild her from the world's treachery. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, the man who promised to protect her is the one clawing at her heart and watching it bleed, too much of a coward to even lift his eyes from the floor.
"Please," yn's voice broke as she thought of her home tearing apart, her mother and her baby siblings "please take a moment and think about it, about our family, just for five minutes. Please."
"I'm not going to waste my time."
Yn's breath hitched in her throat, her voice gaining power as her disappointment and anger took over, yet still so quite.
"All four of us don't even deserve five minutes of your time. Are you that impatient to leave with her? Don't worry, I won't hold you back, but I swear to you, I swear on everything that you believe in that you will regret it. There will be a day where you will wish for the time to go back for an hour, a minute or even a second, you will wish you'd have thought this through and really kept in mind who actually loved you before you ruined it all. But even if all the years turn back, we will never forgive you, we will never miss you and we will never think of you as the man you once were. We will never love you again."
Yn doesn't know where it all went wrong, she doesn't know how could 20 years of loving someone, your father, all just go down the drain because of one voice call. She doesn't know what she's supposed to do or what's she supposed to tell her mother, her siblings, her grandparents, but she knew one thing; it was too late to try and talk her father out of it, too late to not let this moment tarnish all the good memories they had together, too late to even leave a bit of her love for her father in her heart. It was just too late.
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wlntrsldler · 3 months
shades of cool | luke castellan
part two to how to disappear
a/n: happy endings don't exist on this page.
i. and when he calls, he calls for me and not for you; he lives for love, he loves his drugs, he loves his baby too.
“hermes is angry.” 
you knew it was your mother before you even saw her. the two, white doves cooing in the middle of downtown berkeley gave her away. although you hadn’t spoken to her in months, too afraid and too upset to put your faith in the hands of the gods since the night at the pier, your mother tried to get your attention every day. the flowers bloomed like clockwork. on your way to class, red and orange bunches sprouted from the corner of your eye. the once welcome reminder of luke turned bitter and painful. it was as if your mother was mocking you for losing him, for losing love. you felt as if you disappointed her, the daughter of the goddess of love, unable to experience it for herself. it was pathetic, really. 
you tucked your hair behind your ears, suddenly feeling self-conscious with aphrodite’s eyes on you. she was your mother, sure, and she’d been a better parent to you than most, but she was still a goddess– the goddess of beauty at that. your arms were crossed over your chest, eyebrows furrowed, “why?” 
she didn’t answer your question just yet, but she studied your face, eyes scrutinizing the marks of imperfections. she reached over to run her thumb across the bags under your eyes. “you’ve aged, my child.” 
you fought the urge to roll your eyes. this was normal with your mother. she made these snide comments about your appearance, but her comments to you were not nearly as bad as what she said to your siblings, and especially not as bad as what other godly parents put their kids through. you could handle a few jabs here and there. you shrugged, “not all of us have the power of eternal youth.” 
she nodded, pulling her thumb away, “we have not talked in a while.” 
“been busy,” you lied, chewing on your bottom lip. you tugged on the scarf around your neck, wanting to keep your hand occupied as you avoided her gaze. you wondered if your mother missed you, if she actually cared about you. in the weird way that gods do, you suppose that she did care, but you wondered if she cared about you the way a mother would; worry about your safety when you went out at night, worry if you were wearing enough layers in the winter, mundane things like that. “college and stuff, you know.” 
“hmm,” she hummed, unconvinced. she motioned for the two doves perched on the tree branch to fly away. they obeyed her, circling around each other in a dance, before flying away in separate directions, away from the both of you. “how many more years do you have left?” 
“another two after this and then i’m done.” it was odd talking to her like this, in her human form, like she was a normal mother who was just curious about college and her daughter’s future. maybe she even sounded a little bit proud of you; a child of aphrodite, making a name for herself outside of the life she was dealt. “hopefully, i’ll make it to graduate school.” 
a heavy tension hung in the air as your words echoed. aphrodite’s eyes narrowed, thinking. she looked up at the sky, before repeating herself. “hermes is angry.”
you stared at her, waiting for her to continue. there was an unreadable expression on her face, somewhere between anger, pain, and desperation, but it wasn’t her own emotions that she carried. she was mirroring someone, as if their pain was so unbearable, aphrodite herself had to shoulder some of it to save them. the gods were selfish. most of the time, they thought of nobody but themselves, but there were some moments when they showed compassion, when they showed mercy to mortals and demigods alike.
“his son resents him,” she continued, eyes closing like she was picturing it in her mind. “he is angry at me because his son prays to me instead of him.” 
“mom, i don’t want to hear this,” you sighed, anger rising in your system. you knew she knew how you felt about the situation. you’d ignored her attempts to talk frequently. “he made his decision. he’s betrayed us all.” 
“i cannot ignore him, don’t you understand?” she looked at you, eyes glossed over in a pleading manner. she looked too human. it was unsettling. “his love is loud. he is desperate. i am the goddess of love and i cannot ignore him while he suffers, even if he makes me his enemy.”
“the other gods listen to his prayers to me because i can no longer carry the burden on my own. it is too much, my child,” she shuddered, “all he talks of is you.” 
you stared at her, internalizing her words. a shiver went down your spine as you looked at her, “i don’t understand why you’re telling me this.” 
“i have tried to tell you, but you’ve been stubborn,” aphrodite frowned, “you do not pray, you do not make your offerings. you have not spoken to your siblings since that night. you have disappeared from this life as if you were not part of it at all.” 
“because i didn’t ask for this!” you screamed. “i don’t want anything to do with this, mom. losing luke… it killed me. you know this. i can’t go back there and i can’t make offerings to you or the gods when you all are the reason why he did what he did!” 
since that night, you began to question your blind faith in the gods. you’d been taught to worship them and you did because you had to. you were luckier than most, being the favorite of your mother, so you never went against the gods. you thought you had no reason to, until luke began talking to you. he planted seeds of distrust for the gods in you, learning about thalia, meeting annabeth and learning her story from luke, what luke had to go through during his quest. how did the gods sit back and leave their children for dead? but you always believed there was a purpose for all of this, and it provided you with some misguided comfort. then, luke left everyone who’d ever loved him because the anger in his soul won against all odds, and you knew there was no reason to trust them anymore. 
if the gods were all-mighty and all-powerful, how could they let him grow so angry and accept this fate? how dare they ignore him and ruin him? he was kind. he was patient. he was luke. he deserved more than what they gave him. all of you do. aphrodite blinked, trying to understand you. a look of panic flashed across her features, her human form slowly peeling away, but you could see her pulling back. 
“i’m not saying i’m joining him,” you sighed, rubbing your face with your hands, “i’m just saying what he said to percy made sense. luke had a point. the gods were horrible to him and to all demigods. hermes has no right to be angry with you, or with luke. he should be angry at himself. all of you should be.” 
“i can’t forgive luke for what he did,” you whispered, voice calming after a rumble of thunder shook the ground. the gods were listening. “beth still wakes up screaming in the middle of the night. she writes to me every month. i haven’t written back because it hurts, mom. i keep thinking of luke. she reminds me so much of him and it kills me that i can’t do anything to help her. where do i even start? i can’t fulfill the hole he left in her life. nobody can.” 
your mother nodded, clearing her throat. “do consider returning to camp this summer. your siblings miss you and your sister is not doing well.” 
“silena,” she replied. the doves returned to her. “it was lovely to see you, my child.” 
in a blink, she was gone. you wondered if she’d show her face again, but the rain fell from the sky soon after she left, and you realized you probably wouldn’t. 
ii. but you are unfixable, i can't break through your world.
“i’ll catch up with you guys in a second,” you motioned for your roommates to keep walking home without you. the two girls nodded, sending you a small wave of goodbye, before they turned the street corner. you began walking towards the entrance of the science building, towards the silhouette of a boy you could recognize in every life. 
luke’s jaw was clenched as you approached him. he was caught. luke knew that he shouldn't be here. he knew it was too dangerous, but he couldn't help himself; he had to see you. 
berkeley suited you. in college, you were a normal girl, stressed about finals and getting a summer internship. though luke had never seen you outside of camp before, he always imagined that you’d look even more beautiful when you didn’t have the stress of this life on your shoulders. it was weird seeing you out in the world like this. if he hadn’t known you, if he wasn’t already under your spell, he would undoubtedly fall to worship aphrodite’s favorite daughter.
your friends didn’t know who your mother was, but if they saw through the mist, if they knew the truth, it wouldn’t come as a surprise to them. you had an aura about you that was undeniable and for a minute, luke was jealous that these people around you could freely succumb to your pull, to allow themselves into your orbit, while all he could do was watch from afar. they didn’t realize how lucky they were to be around you, they would never fully understand. 
you looked happy in the bay area, free, like you weren’t a demigod, like you weren’t preparing for a war. a war that he knew he caused. 
he looked down at his feet before rising from the steps. he hadn't planned to speak to you. he’d been following you for weeks, from a distance, of course, he wasn’t going to test his luck any more than he already was, but then you approached him and luke knew there was no hiding anymore. 
truth be told, there was never any hiding from you in the first place. you knew him better than he knew himself. sometimes, it scared him, just how vulnerable he was with you. when he first realized how he felt about you, he wanted to squash the feeling between his fingers and make it disappear into thin air. he knew there was nothing good that could come out of it, but he couldn't help but hope. 
how could he not? how could he not hope that maybe, in some twisted way, he would be able to be with you? that one day, he could stop running, stop fighting, and just love you the way he wanted to. hope was a cruel thing, luke realized after the night on the pier. it makes him believe that there is good out there, somewhere in the future, daring him to hold on just a bit longer, only to leave him high and dry, an empty shell of who he once was. 
“what are you doing here?”
luke let the question linger between the both of you for a second. partly because he didn't know what he was doing here. i needed to see you didn't feel like enough. it barely scratched the surface of what he was feeling. luke was never a wizard with words, but he used to be able to at least say something. now, though, as you stood in front of him, his mind went blank. 
“what are you doing here?” you repeated. you had your arms wrapped around yourself to soothe your skin from the wind chills. luke didn't know it got this cold in california. “i’ve seen you a few times, and i thought you’d give it up, but it’s been weeks, luke. so tell me, what are you doing here?”
luke’s mouth was dry. he thought he was being careful, but he should’ve known better. you could always sense when he was around, just like how he knew whenever you were around. there’s something that shifts in the air, as if it gets lighter and it’s easier to breathe. luke wondered if it was still the same for you. 
“he's using me,” luke whispered, “like a stepping stone to gain power.” 
for a second, your face softened into a look that he knew too well. it was the same way you used to look at him when he talked about his nightmares or when he talked about his mom. a flicker of hope passed through luke’s mind, but he knew better now. he extinguished it before it got too comfortable. 
there was a hint of disbelief in your voice when you spoke again, “what did you think was going to happen?”
“i thought i was doing the right thing,” he felt small. “i thought he wanted to make things better for us. the gods, they’re terrible parents. you know this. what they did to thalia, to all of us, i-i just thought that he would make things better.”
you shook your head, “luke, you betrayed all of us. percy, annabeth– did you know that she cries at night over losing you? over losing her brother? she’s lost everyone luke! and you were supposed to stay. you were supposed to be there for her! i saw her last summer when i came back to camp. beth is so much like you.” 
“i know,” luke was crying. he was exhausted, both physically and mentally. kronos was taking over every part of him. he was there in every crevice of him, just waiting for the moment to drain him of everything he used to be. “gods, i know, angel. i just thought i was doing the right thing.” 
“and me luke,” you rubbed your temples with the pads of your fingers. you hadn’t told anyone this before. you were too busy trying to make sure that everyone else around you was okay. as the oldest one now that luke was gone, you had to step up. your mother was right. your siblings were not doing well, nobody in the camp was. “i feel so stupid for ever trusting you. i keep thinking of every small interaction, every word you said, and i just keep wondering if any of it was real.”
“you don’t mean that,” he shook his head, stepping down to get closer to you. under the light of the streetlamp, you saw him better. if you didn’t know him as well as you did, you probably wouldn’t have recognized him. “everything, all of it, i meant it. you know that right?” 
his eyes were sunken in, dark bags outshining the once vibrant sparkle of his eyes. now, the rims of his eyes were red. his hair was matted against his scalp like he let his curls tangle into knots and didn’t bother to fix them. there were newer, smaller cuts that joined the scar on his face. they weren’t as deep, but they were fresh, a sign that whatever he faced was recent.
“i love you, please tell me you at least believe that,” luke rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palm, “your mom doesn’t answer me anymore. i don’t know what else to do.”
when you didn’t say anything, luke felt the ground crumbling from under him. luke could live with a lot of things; being a failure in the eyes of his father, being a traitor, but you thinking that he didn’t love you was something he didn’t think he could live with. it was real to him, all of it. he didn’t know if this was the right time to tell you that those moments with you were the only things keeping him grounded. 
the image of you throwing your head back in laughter as he tickled your sides, the freckles on your cheeks that showed up during the summer that he would spend hours counting while you slept on his chest, the sound of your voice, talking in hushed whispers, in the dark of the hermes cabin; it was you who he held onto as he fell deeper and deeper under kronos’ control. 
luke walked closer to you, holding out a hand to touch you, when you flinched and backed away from him. your fingers unconsciously reached for the dagger you had on your belt loop. he shuddered, taking in a breath. he looked down at his hands, lips trembling as he wiped them on the fabric of his jeans. there was nothing on them, but he wanted to scrub them clean because it felt as if all the blood he spilled was stuck under his flesh, staining them red. 
you thought he would hurt you. 
“i…” luke trailed off, stuffing his hands in his pockets. he cleared his throat, “i didn’t come here to fight. i could never hurt you.” 
“i don’t know anymore, luke,” you bit your lip, heart breaking as you spoke to him. “i never thought that we’d end up like this.” 
“come with me,” he begged. “run away with me.” 
“is this what you came here for?” you asked, “to try to recruit me like you did with percy?” 
“no,” he shook his head vigorously. he was on the verge of getting on his knees to beg you to believe him. “i want out. i messed up, angel.” 
“you did,” you whispered. he looked genuine like he meant it, like he did want to run away from it. a piece of you wanted to say yes, yes, i’ll run away with you. tell me where to go and i’ll follow you, but it was the part of you that still clung to him. the foolish part of you who still wanted to believe that the boy you met when you were younger, stubborn, selfless, sweet, luke castellan was still there. 
you listened to that part of you on the final night in the hermes cabin, when you told him you loved him and he said nothing back. you tried so hard to lock that part of you away since that night, but it was hard to deny it when he was there in front of you.
“tell me what i can do to fix it,” luke felt like he was going crazy. “anything, angel. i’ll do it. just say the word.” 
you closed your eyes, “there’s nothing you can do anymore, luke.” 
“that can’t be true,” he hiccuped. 
“you need to go.” 
over the last few years, luke experienced brutal types of torture. he often spent days without sleeping, too afraid that kronos would visit him while he dreamt. he fought monsters he didn’t realize existed. he walked away from fights barely hanging onto a thread of life, but this– you telling him that there was nothing else left for him, like he no longer had a place in your life, this was a different type of torture that might just send him plummeting to his end. 
“please don’t come back here,” you added, motioning to the buildings behind you. “this was the one place in my life you haven’t tainted.” 
his apology was left stuck in his throat as you walked away, not once looking back at him. 
iii. but i can't help him, can't make him better and i can't do nothing about his strange weather. 
“y/n,” percy said, approaching you from behind. 
it was the summer. you were sitting on the pier, a joint loosely hanging off your lips. you put out the lit end on the wooden pier, stuffing the joint in your pocket. you knew percy knew you smoked, but you still tried to hide it from him as much as possible. he was too young. 
“hey, perce,” you smiled, kindly, scooting over to give him space to sit next to you. “sorry. you caught me. i’m not really being a good role model right now.” 
“it’s okay,” he assured you, sitting beside you. he looked out into the lake, extending his fingers to cause a ripple effect in the water. “i don’t judge.” 
you nudged his shoulder. percy looked his age in the light of the sunset. you wondered if you ever looked that young. “don’t tell mr. d.” 
“he has plenty of other things to worry about,” percy scoffed, “how are you?” 
you knew why he was asking. beth had told you today that they saw luke in the labyrinth. he was now kronos’ host. when she first told you, you were stone cold, no emotion on your face. you knew something like this was possible. it was only a matter of time until you lost luke all over again, completely this time, but it still hurt even though you knew it was coming. you simply nodded and walked off, finding solace at the pier as you always did. 
“i’m okay,” you replied, though your voice said differently. you played with the sleeves of your sweater, luke’s sweater actually. he left it in the hermes cabin along with the rest of his things. nobody dared to touch it so his bed remained the same as it was years ago, collecting dust. “he came to see me in berkeley… before, y’know.” 
“did he?” 
“yeah,” you sighed, leaning back on your elbows. “he said he wanted out. asked me to run away with him.” 
percy looked at you, “what did you say?” 
“i told him it was too late,” you met his gaze. “i don’t know if it actually was.” 
he didn’t know what to say to that. he’d only witnessed your relationship with luke for a few hours when he returned to camp for the first time. it was only a few years ago, but percy felt like it had been lifetimes. he’d heard about you and luke from annabeth and grover. when there were lulls in their conversations, one of them would bring you up and joke about how you and luke should just confess your feelings for one another. percy didn’t understand it until he saw the way luke was with you. 
luke, who’d taken him under his wing, was love struck. percy didn’t know how he didn’t notice it before, but there were traces of you weaved into luke’s life. a picture of the two of you in his wallet, a small cal berkeley flag taped messily on his wall, a box of his things under his bed that were reserved for you, doodles of hearts in black and pink ink on luke’s counselor clipboard when he did cabin checks, you were in every piece of him. 
luke was glued to your side the entire time you were there and nobody batted an eye. it was normal. luke and y/n, two names that seemed to go together, like they were meant to be uttered right after each other. it felt right. 
“i met your mom,” he said, “she was weird.” 
“sorry,” you couldn’t help but chuckle. “what did she say?” 
“she was obsessed with me and annabeth,” there was a blush creeping up on percy’s cheeks. he looked down at his lap to shy away, but you caught it. it was such a teenage boy response of percy to call your mom, the goddess of love, weird because she caught onto the two kids’ feelings for each other. 
“yeah, she does that,” you decided to spare him the details of why. you were sure the boy would explode in embarrassment if you told him that you also knew about his feelings for beth. you sensed it when you returned to camp last summer. there were inklings of it when you first met them, but now their bond was stronger and it was harder to ignore. “she used to obsess over me and luke.” 
percy blinked, “she said your love was her favorite to watch.” 
now it was your turn to go red, “did she?” 
“yeah,” he nodded, “annabeth thinks that you’re aphrodite’s favorite because you and luke had a great love and she was drawn to it, which is a little mean if you ask me.” 
“agreed,” you replied, “i… i miss him, percy.” 
“i know.” 
“i love him,” you cried, smudging the mascara on your eyes. 
“i know.” 
“he wasn’t always like this,” percy watched your eyes unfocus, like you were playing back the memories you had with luke in your head. “when we were younger, before luke was the golden boy, he used to help me sneak out of camp when i’d get home sick. he’d take me to this abandoned cabin a few miles away. an old couple used to live there and they set up a little free library. luke knew i loved to read so he would take me there so i could pick out new books for the summer.” 
“i didn’t know it then, but before i got to camp, he would steal books from stores during trips into the city and put them in there so i would have new selections to choose from when i got back,” you had a fond smile on your face as you continued, “the cabin was sold to new owners and they took the library down a while back. i think they thought nobody really used it anymore.” 
“he was always good at sneaking around,” you hummed, “he’d walk out of a place with something that wasn’t his inside his pocket; a lollipop for a new camper who was missing home a little extra one summer, a can of soda for beth from mr. d’s stash when it got too hot under the sun, a flower from the demeter kids’ secret garden for me. he never got caught, but everyone knew it was him. i don’t think anyone cared, though, because it was luke. he always had good intentions at the end of the day.” 
“do you think he’s still there?” percy asked, voice hushed into a whisper. “do you think he could ever come back to being that way?” 
“probably not,” you turned to face him. you were mourning him, percy realized then. luke wasn’t dead, not physically anyway, but the way you spoke about him felt like he was already gone. “luke, he internalizes everything he does. he beats himself up over the things he does wrong. if he were to survive this, i don’t think he’d ever forgive himself for it.” 
“this life, this prophecy, it feels like too much sometimes,” he mumbled. the sun was gone now, the two of you sat in the dark, listening to the calm sounds of the water. “i still feel like i don’t know what i’m doing most days.” 
“yeah,” you played with the pink lighter in your hand. the heart you drew on the plastic was long gone and there was no more fluid in it, but you kept it anyway. “my prophecy said that i would lose a love to worse than death and i ignored then because it didn’t make any sense to me, but now it does.” 
“i’m sorry.” percy didn’t know if it was the right thing to say. 
you smiled at him differently, like you were tired, a look of resignation across your face. you stood up, motioning for him to follow you back to camp to join the others. as you walked together in silence, you noticed a single dove fly across the horizon. 
iv. high, neglectful lover. you’re crumbling, sadly. you’re sadly, crumbling. 
you’d fought through your wounds, even as your bones ached and your blood stained the clothes over your body. luke appeared then. you didn’t know if the gods took on mercy on you at that moment, or if was the lack of energy to distinguish real life from your dreams, or a mist that covered the truth from you then, but the world seemed to stop and everyone seemed to fade away. 
all you saw was luke, in his camp half-blood shirt, five beads around his neck, the same boyish smile on his face. his eyes were sparkling as he approached you. his lips felt soft to the touch and his voice was kind. 
“my angel,” he said, wrapping his arms around you the same way he always did when you returned to him each summer. 
if you were to choose the way death came for you, you would choose it just like this, you decided– in the arms of the one love you’d ever known.
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itsmealaiah · 5 months
Really? Are you that needy?
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Thank you for the request!!
tags/ warnings: brat-taming, p in v, begging, dom! tom, cursing, y/n being drunk in the beginning, consensual ofc, slut-shaming, fingering, use of toys.
a/n: 🤗 enjoy bb's
Tom's POV:
The music pounded in my ears as I scanned the crowd, looking for her. It had been hours since I'd seen y/n. She was supposed to be here tonight, but I'd lost her in the sea of bodies on the dance floor. Fuck. I felt a familiar sting in my chest, a mixture of anger and worry.
I'd been so focused on her that I hadn't even noticed the guy who had been flirting with her from across the room. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. My heart was hammering in my chest as I stormed over, ignoring the shocked expression on his face as I grabbed her roughly by the wrist. "Come on, baby. Let's go home," I growled, dragging her through the crowd.
She struggled against me, laughing drunkenly. "What's the rush, Tom?" she slurred. "I'm having fun here."
"Oh, you're having fun?" I snarled, pulling her closer to my ear so I could whisper my next words. "You think this is fun? You think this is what you want?" I felt her body stiffen under my touch. "You belong to me, you know that?" I growled, glaring at her. "Now, either you come with me and act like it, or I'm going to make you regret it."
I pushed through the exit doors, pulling her into the cool night air. The fresh air seemed to sober her up a little, and she looked up at me with bleary eyes. "What's your problem, Tom?" she asked, her voice softening. "I was just having a good time."
I shoved her roughly against the brick wall, my chest heaving as I glared down at her. "Don't fucking lie to me," I snarled. "I know you were flirting with him. I know you've been looking at other guys." My voice was raw with anger, my fists clenched at my sides. "And you know what? You're fucking mine. You belong to me, and I'm not going to let you forget it."
Her eyes widened, and for a moment I thought she might actually be scared. I wanted her to be scared. I wanted her to know that she was mine, and no one else's. I leaned in close, my lips brushing against her ear as I whispered, "Now, are you coming with me, or do I have to make you?"
Her gaze dropped to my lips, and I could feel the heat emanating from her body. God, she was turned on by this. Even when she was angry or frustrated with me, she couldn't resist the power I held over her. It was intoxicating.
I knew exactly how to get her to obey me. I leaned in closer, my hand cupping her cheek as I brushed my lips against hers in a hard, possessive kiss. Her lips parted under mine, and I tasted the mix of alcohol and her natural sweetness. She moaned into the kiss, her hands reaching up to grasp at my hair, pulling me closer still.
When I finally pulled away, her eyes were glassy with desire. "Come on," I growled, tugging her roughly toward my car. "Let's go home."
The drive was silent, save for the music blaring from the speakers and the sound of her labored breathing. I could feel her gaze on me as I drove, like she was trying to figure out what I was going to do to her. Well, she was about to find out.
When we got to our apartment, I practically threw her over my shoulder in a fireman's carry and kicked the door open with my foot. She let out a startled squeak as I deposited her unceremoniously on the bed, her legs splayed apart and her head lolling to the side.
I crawled over her, pinning her arms above her head as I looked down into her dazed, lust-filled eyes. "You're such a dirty girl," I growled, running my hand down her smooth stomach and between her legs. "Always wanting it, aren't you?"
She arched her back, her hips pushing up toward my hand. "Y-yes," she managed to whisper, her voice breathy and needy. "Please, Tom."
I smiled down at her, my heart racing with desire. I slipped a finger inside her, feeling her wetness coat my skin. She was so ready for me, so wet and hot. I thrust my finger deeper, feeling her muscles clench around me as she moaned into the mattress.
With one swift motion, I rolled her onto her side, positioning her body beneath mine. I leaned in close, nipping at her earlobe as I positioned my hard length at her entrance. "Are you sure you want this?" I whispered, my voice hoarse with lust. "Because once I'm inside you, there's no going back."
Her breath hitched, and she arched her back into me. "Yes," she breathed. "I want you."
I thrust forward, feeling her tightness engulf me as she let out a moan that vibrated through my entire body. I began to move, slowly at first, watching her face as I fucked her. Her expression was a mixture of pleasure and submission, and it drove me wild. I grabbed her hips, holding her steady as I fucked her harder, faster, deeper.
Her nails dug into my shoulders as she arched her back, meeting each of my thrusts with a moan or a gasp. I could feel the tension building inside her, feel the way her muscles were tensing, ready to release. I leaned in, taking one of her nipples between my teeth, rolling it roughly between my teeth as I fucked her harder still.
She came with a scream, her body tensing and shuddering around me as she released a torrent of pleasure. I didn't let up, even as she convulsed beneath me, my own orgasm building relentlessly. I continued to thrust, feeling her body relax back against the mattress as her breathing began to steady.
Finally, I gave in to my own need, groaning her name as I emptied myself inside her. My body trembled with the force of my release, my hips moving jerkily as I milked her orgasm for all it was worth.
She wrapped her legs around my waist, holding me tightly as she came down from her high. "Oh, God," she breathed, her head falling back against the pillow. "That was… incredible."
I smiled down at her, my chest heaving with exertion. "You are incredible," I said, my voice hoarse. "So responsive, so hot." I kissed her softly, my tongue dancing with hers. "I could never get enough of you."
She smiled up at me, her eyes sparkling with desire. "And I could never get enough of you," she replied, her fingers running through my sweaty hair. "I love the way you make me feel."
I leaned down, kissing her neck as I slowly pulled out of her, my hardness still pulsing with desire. She let out a small whimper, her body craving more of my touch. "Do you want to feel it again?" I asked, my voice husky.
She nodded eagerly, arching her back to meet my gaze. "Please," she whispered.
I reached over to the bedside table, grabbing a vibrator from the collection of toys we'd gathered. I pressed the smooth, sleek surface against her entrance, feeling her body tense in anticipation as I turned it on. The steady hum filled the air between us as I guided the vibrator inside her, feeling her muscles grip and release around the buzzing toy.
Her hips began to move in time with the vibrations, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. I leaned in, kissing her neck as I slowly increased the speed of the toy. She let out a moan that turned into a low growl as pleasure coursed through her body.
Her hands found their way to my shoulders, digging in as she arched her back off the mattress. I could feel the tension building inside her, feel the way she was tensing, ready to explode. I increased the speed of the vibrator, wanting to push her over the edge, wanting to watch her lose control.
Her cries filled the room, muffled against the pillow as she came, her body shuddering violently around the vibrator. Her nails dug into my shoulders as she arched her back, her hips bucking wildly against my touch. I increased the speed of the toy, feeling her body respond to the sensation, her pleasure intensifying with each passing moment.
I leaned in, capturing one of her cries with my lips, sucking softly as I continued to thrust the vibrator inside her. Her body trembled beneath me, her muscles still clenching and releasing around the toy. I reached down, grasping her hip, feeling the warmth of her skin against my palm. "You're so wet," I growled, my voice thick with desire. "So ready for more."
I withdrew my hand, circling her entrance with my finger before pushing it back inside her, feeling the tightness of her channel grip and release around my digit. Her breath hitched in her throat, her eyes fixed on mine as she waited for my next move. I smiled, watching the way her body responded to my touch. "You're mine, you know that?" I said, my voice low and husky. "I can do whatever I want with you."
I leaned in, kissing her neck before moving lower, sucking on her collarbone. My finger continued to slide in and out of her, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. "I bet you're used to being fucked like a good little slut, aren't you?" I asked, my finger moving faster, hitting that spot deep inside her that made her arch her back off the mattress.
She moaned, her hips undulating against my touch. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of our labored breathing. "I am."
I smiled, feeling her body tense and relax around my finger. "And you like it when I'm mean to you?" I asked, my voice dark and husky. "You like it when I make you feel used?"
She nodded, biting her lip as she tried to stifle another moan. "Yes," she managed to choke out. "Please, don't stop."
I moved my other hand, slipping it between her legs and rubbing her clit, feeling the tightness of her muscles as she tried to clench around my fingers. "You're such a dirty little slut," I growled, my fingers moving faster, circling her hardened nub. "You want more of this?" I asked, my voice rough as I thrust my fingers deeper inside her.
She moaned, arching her back off the mattress as my fingers found their rhythm. "Yes," she breathed, her hips moving in tandem with my hands. "Please."
I leaned in, kissing her neck before moving lower, sucking on her collarbone. My fingers continued to slide in and out of her, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. "You know," I said, my voice low and menacing, "I could make you beg for this." I paused, watching the way her eyes darkened in anticipation. "I could make you scream so loud that the whole world would hear you."
She shuddered beneath me, her body tense as she waited for my next move. I smiled, feeling the power I had over her, the way she was completely lost in the moment, in my touch. With my fingers still buried inside her, I reached down and circled her entrance with my thumb, pressing firmly against the spot where I knew she was most sensitive. "You want more?" I asked, my voice rough as I began to rub her gently. "You want me to make you feel even better?"
Her hips bucked up off the bed, her breath coming in ragged gasps as I continued to tease her. "Tell me," I growled, leaning in to kiss her neck, "tell me how much you want it." She arched her back, moaning into my touch. "I want it," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I want you to make me come."
I smiled against her skin, feeling the heat of her body beneath me. "You're mine to do with as I please," I said, my fingers pressing deeper inside her. "I could keep you here, feeling this way, all night long." I pulled my fingers out, watching as she whimpered at the loss of contact, and then slid them back inside her, coated in her own wetness. "Or," I continued, my voice low and threatening, "I could make you beg for the chance to feel this again."
I leaned in, kissing her lips roughly, tasting the combination of her and me on her mouth. "Do you want to beg for it?" I asked, my fingers moving faster inside her. She nodded, her eyes wide with desire and submission. "Then beg."
She opened her mouth to speak, but the words caught in her throat as I thrust my fingers deeper, harder, finding the spot that sent a wave of pleasure through her body. "Please," she managed to choke out. "Please, make me come." Her hips bucked against my hand, her nails digging into my back as her orgasm built, building toward the inevitable release.
"Tell me," I growled, "tell me how much you want this."
She arched her back, her breath coming in ragged gasps as her orgasm crashed over her. "I need it," she gasped, her body shuddering with pleasure. "I need you to touch me like this." As her words left her lips, her muscles clenched tight around my fingers, milking my touch until every last tremor had faded away.
I withdrew my hand, watching as she lay there, spent and satisfied. "That's better," I murmured, trailing my fingers along her stomach. "That's what happens when you're a good little slut for me." She turned her head to look at me, her eyes shining. "I'll take care of you," I promised, leaning down to kiss her. "As long as you remember your place."
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arctrooper69 · 4 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
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Chapter 4:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Mentions of sexual and romantic attraction. Jealousy. Confusing feelings.
Hunter let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. His initial desperation and anger dissipated into a confused silence.
Was he letting his personal feelings cloud his judgment? Were you really, truly fine and he’d just driven you to anger with his incessant worry?
Maybe it was him who’d changed, projecting onto you the frustration of feelings he didn’t understand.
Am I making this all up?
“Hunter?” Omega slid down the ladder from her room, her small face lined with concern.
Kriff. She'd seen the whole thing.
He turned to face her. “What's up, kid?”
“Is she okay?” Omega looked past the ramp where you'd gone out only seconds ago.
“I… I'm not sure, Omega. She said it's fine though. I trust her.”
She didn't look convinced. “I dunno… She looked really mad. And really sad.”
Hunter shrugged. “She said everything was fine.” He wasn't sure who he was trying to convince more - Omega or himself.
Omega sighed, putting a hand on his arm. “Don’t be dumb, Hunter. It isn’t remotely fine! She is definitely not ok. She's mad!”
Hunter sighed. He knew she was right. He could read her body language and it did not match her words. Guilt twisted and churned through his guts like seasickness.
“How do you know that?”
Omega shrugged. “I read it on the holonet! Tech had some sites up on his datapad when I borrowed it. Sometimes if a woman says she’s fine, it means she's actually really not fine.” Omega paused and scratched her arm. Her nose wrinkled in confusion. “I mean, I don't really get it, but that's what it said. Though, I don't understand why you'd say one thing but mean the exact opposite.”
Hunter's expression mirrored her own. “Yeah. I'm not really sure either, kid. All I know is things were definitely a lot easier when we were just blowing up Seps.”
And apparently I need to talk to Tech about leaving his datapad lying about. He made a mental note to himself. The last thing he needed was Omega accidentally coming across something she definitely shouldn’t be seeing at her age.
He stood for a moment as Omega grabbed her trooper doll and Lula, carrying them back up the ladder to her room. Wracking his brain, he tried to think of something - anything he might’ve done wrong to upset their companion.
Hunter sighed, sitting heavily in the cockpit chair as Tech worked silently beneath the console.
“What am I supposed to do, Tech?” He hit the wall beside him with a fist, the loud clang earning a scowl from Tech as he poked his head out from under the console.
“What are you talking about? And please don’t hit my ship, I just fixed that panel.”
Hunter drew his arm back, resting it on the armrest instead. “Sorry,” he said glumly.
“It’s fine,” Tech grunted, grabbing another tool before sliding back beneath the console.
“I just don’t know what to do about her!”
“Who? Omega?” Tech’s voice was muffled, nearly drowned out by the sudden buzz of a plasma tool.
“No, not Omega.” Hunter rolled his eyes. His brother could be so oblivious sometimes.
“Ah,” Tech slid out from his workstation again. “Well, what about her?”
Hunter folded his arms across his chest. “She’s just been acting so weird lately.”
“Weird how?” Tech grabbed another tool.
Hunter shrugged. “I don’t know. She leaves the room whenever I walk in. Lately she only ever talks to me when it’s about a job and then it’s only a ‘yes sir’ or a ‘you got it Sarge.’”
“I fail to see how that is a problem.”
Hunter grunted, “It just isn’t her. She isn’t acting like herself.”
“And you’re concerned that this change in behavior will affect her field performance?”
“I…” Hunter hesitated, “Well yeah, but not just that. It’s just…” Hunter paused again, trying to find the words. “It’s just that we’re a team. All of us. I thought if there was something wrong, she’d come talk to me like she used to.”
The whir of a hydrospanner filled the silence before Tech spoke again. “Did you ask her to explain her actions?”
“Yeah. Or at least I tried to but she just said she was fine.”
“But you do not think she’s telling the truth?”
Hunter shrugged. “I was gonna let it go but Omega overheard us and basically yelled at me that saying ‘I’m fine’ means she isn’t actually fine.”
“That seems counterintuitive.” Tech frowned.
Hunter shook his head looking perplexed. “Maybe it’s one of those woman things?”
“Hmm, mood swings and irritability are both symptoms of a woman’s menstrual cycle.”
Hunter scoffed, “Where did you read that?”
Tech poked his head out from beneath the console. “The holonet. I figured that I should do some research on the physiology of the opposite sex since we now have two of them aboard the ship and our education on Kamino was less than sufficient on the subject.”
“We didn’t get any education on that subject.”
“I guess that probably was a smart thing to do.”
Tech rolled his eyes, “Of course it was. Did you expect any less?”
Hunter smirked. “I guess not.” His smile faded as he ran a hand down his face. “Did your research tell you what I’m supposed to do with her?”
“Many of the articles on the subject recommended using a heating pack or massage therapy for her physical discomfort. Some suggested that bringing her food - specifically chocolate - may improve irritability.”
Hunter thought for a moment. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try.” He sighed, “I just don’t want to lose her.”
Tech sat his hydrospanner down and adjusted his goggles. “Indeed. She is a useful asset.”
“Yeah, she is but - “ The sound of soft footsteps interrupted him. He groaned, getting up from his seat. Omega was supposed to have gone back to bed. “Omega?”
When there was no reply, he sat down again shaking his head. “That kid’s something else.”
“Yes. She does have a tendency to disregard orders. Much like us.”
“Yeah.” Hunter rested his chin on his fist.
Tech stood up, brushing dust off of his pants. He looked at his brother.
“You are still thinking about her?”
Hunter groaned again. “I just don't know what to do anymore, Tech! She's not just a member of the team to me! When that shot blew the landing gear the other day, I was terrified that she'd been injured! I find myself thinking about her all the time. She can fight like hell, she's pretty, and smart. I just don't want her to walk away if there's something I could've done!”
“You mean to say that you are experiencing romantic feelings towards her?”
“Definitely not.” Hunter stated defensively. “We’re clones. That’s not in the cards for us.”
Tech raised an eyebrow. “The war is over and we are no longer soldiers of the Republic. Therefore, their rules and regulations no longer apply.” He frowned, “And besides, since when have we ever done as we’re told?”
Hunter was silent. As much as he hated to admit it, Tech did have a point.
Tech frowned in concentration, scrolling through his datapad. “Do you experience an elevated heart rate when in her presence?”
“I guess?”
“Do you value her thoughts and opinions?”
“Of course I do!”
“Do you find yourself wanting to be close to her physically and/or emotionally?”
“...Yes,” Hunter felt almost reluctant to answer.
Tech looked up with a smirk, “Well, then according to this and several other sources, you have in fact, fallen in love.”
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If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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sillygoosealert · 2 months
🫡 I will send in a request for some Bi-Han angst. Let’s do one where reader and Bi Han are in an argument (as couples do) and reader says something that’s very true (like idk he’s too quick to anger) And this causes a reaction out of him. And of course, being a stinky sexy angry man, he ends up lashing out in anger. And OOP- ice shards come flying towards reader, (the cold never bothered me anyway) cutting her cheek and slashing her forearm, along with a few other scrapes. Bi Han realizes she’s actually fucking RIGHT and showers reader with love, praise, and begins helping with her wounds. (Fluffy? Apology sex maybe 🤔)
Enough Anna..I SAID ENOUGH o(≧口≦)o
Bi-Han angst to fluff to sex 🤯 afab
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‘Do you even for once want to think about how I feel about this? Because if you took a second to even talk to me half of your problems wouldn’t exist.’
His back is turned from you as he washes the blood out of one of his uniforms
‘Why won’t you look at me, I want to talk to you but you make it so, so hard. Can you even look at me, can you handle looking at me?’
‘Wouldn’t you like that? For me to just look at you and change everything about me. This is who I am, and you can either acknowledge that or continue to live in ignorance.’
‘But this isn't who you are. You are making rash and unusual decisions. I'm worried you are going to do something you'll regret immensely. You're quick to rage and you know that.’
He whips around, ice coming from his arm going towards you
‘What would you know about being Grandmaster? I am helping my clan- my people. They are thriving and are respected because of me.’
You don't hear what he says as your arms go up to protect your face and stomach from the ice shards.
They slice through your skin with ease, going through your forearm and shoulder. One even skims your cheek
It was only after his speech that Bi-Han noticed what he had done, a rash, and unusual decision that he immediately regretted.
But he doesn't make a move to go toward you, he just stands there in shock
However, you move, you move away from him quite quickly
‘Come back here. I meant no harm in my actions.’
You do not come back. You run off to the nurses
When the sky turns dark and inflicts its symptoms of the night- drowsiness, and the need for another to be by your side as you rest; you are no where to be seen
He knows it would be better to find you himself
So he wonders around until he finds you, bandaged up and sitting on a bench
‘I have been looking for you’
You look in his direction
‘Why didn't you come back’
‘You know why’
‘Please come back’
He's frowning, more than usual
You get up, slowly walking to him
‘What do you need me to do to get you to come back?’
‘I don't know Bi-Han, everything hurts and I'm injured. I don't know if I want to come back.’
‘I’ll carry you back if you would like’
‘You’ll carry me back?’
You sound amused but he looks serious
He picks you up bridal style and starts to walk back to his room
‘You can’t just change for a day and expect me to forgive you. I don't think you'll keep up with this.’
‘With what?’
‘Being nice to me.’
He doesn't say anything to that.
After he returns to his room, he sits you on the bed
‘You are dirty’
‘Yes, I am.’
‘How do I help you clean, with your bandages?’
‘I need to take them off first, then put on new ones after’
‘So it's fine if you clean your wounds in the bath?’
He takes you to his bathroom, carefully undressing you
‘Did I hurt you, What did I do?’
‘My shirt, you took it off too fast. My shoulder isn't looking good, I can just take off my own clothes..’
He shakes his head, pulling you onto his lap
‘I will be more gentle. Where else do I need to be wary of?’
‘It's just my upper body, everything else is mostly fine’
After removing your clothes, he turns on the water
Keeping you on his lap, he strokes your hair with one hand, and the other is wrapped around your waist
‘Feel the water, is that temperature okay with you?’
‘That's fine’
He slips you in, holding onto your chest rather than your arms
‘I am regretful of my earlier treatment of you. Will you let me show you I am sorry?’
‘Depends, how do you plan on showing me you didn't mean to harm me?’
‘You will see’
After bathing you, he sits you on his bed
‘Where do I need to wrap you?’
‘Shoulder and arm, anything else is fine being left alone’
He's slow and cautious when treating you, knowing you are vulnerable
You sit there naked and shivering as a man, much gruff, holds you
‘Does that feel secure?’  
‘Yes, thank you’
‘I am..sorry’
‘I know’
He frowns, squeezing your cheeks with one of his hands
You return this act, cupping his face with one of your hands
When you think he's leaning in to kiss you, he just presses his forehead against yours
‘I want to make you feel good’
‘How do you plan to do that?’
He's in between your thighs, slowly laying down so his head is on your cunt
With a little kitten lick, he starts to work on your clit
His hands are gripping your thighs as you have a hold of his hair
Slipping in two fingers, he starts to pump them in and out of your warm pussy
One of his hands wonders onto your chest and plays with your nipple
Then he starts to thrust his tongue into your vagina, his fingers now playing with your clit
The pace is fast and hard, and he's grinding into the bed
His nose is stimulating you along with his fingers, its too much
You don't ask him to stop though, that doesn't even cross your mind
With another suck to your clit your hips stutter and you squirt into his mouth
He licks it up, even lapping at your pussy to try to get more
Sighing into the bed, he rides out your orgasm
When he doesn't stop though, your thighs clench around his head on instinct
Pulling away, he wipes his lips
‘Did you feel good?’
‘Yes Bi-Han, thank you’
‘Do you still hold what happened earlier against my character?’
‘I won't just forget what happened, but I don't hate you for it’
You run your fingers through his hair as he lays his head on your chest
‘I love you, I hope you know that’
‘Thank you..’
You kiss his head and you both doze off, what happened earlier doesn't matter right now
Nothing matters right now, it's okay
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nouvxllev · 6 months
the girl across your street || pt4
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
Summary: You imagine telling Jenna it was her that made you pursue your dreams in becoming a director. Yet, you imagine telling her you carried your love for her as if it were a burden. You made her your temple, your mural, your sky, now you weren't so sure who she was to you anymore. It was the day she came back, your soul could never be more disoriented.
Words: 3.3k
Warnings: slight angst, swearing, and probably (?) the longest chapter.
a/n: sneaked a taylor swift lyric in there
part 5 || masterlist
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You feel nothing.
You feel like crying. 
You feel like shouting at her.
You feel you like want to tell her how much you went through because of her.
Yet, you feel nothing more than to kiss her.
You imagine telling Jenna it was her that made you pursue your dreams in becoming a director. Yet, you imagine telling her you carried your love for her as if it were a burden. You made her your temple, your mural, your sky, now you weren't so sure who she was to you anymore. It was the day she came back, your soul could never be more disoriented.
You turned your heel, heading the way to who knows where. You just wanted to fill the consuming void of your heart with something, anything.
"Y/n! Y/n, wait, please!" Jenna's voice reached you, seeping into your heart. Yet, you blocked it out as if it were the last thing you desired, even if a part of you yearned to hear that symphony one last time.
You wanted to talk to her, you really do, but the years of pent-up anger made you hesitant. You fear you'll eventually mutter something you'll eventually regret.
"Y/n, can we talk please!? "Jenna's calls persisted, her voice trembling, and her footsteps growing louder with each plea. The ringing in your ears seemed relentless ever since she said your name.
For a moment, you stop, and for a moment, your world flickered.
"I'm surprised you even remembered my name." You turned to her, almost seeing her eyes flinch at your words.
Jenna straightened, and you couldn't help but notice the changes in her over the years. Yet, that familiar glint in her eyes remained unchanged. You don't know much about yours. "I never forgot you, Y/n."
"But you made me feel like I was."
"I didn't mean to. I—"
"What do you mean you didn't mean to, Jenna? You never told me you were moving away. You never shared anything. No texts, no calls, not even a note under my door saying you were leaving. Nothing," you began, your voice tapering off into a shaky breath, cracks surfacing.
"You called me special, one of the few you let inside your heart. Then you just went and left without a word." Tears streamed down your face as Jenna remained silent. Her lack of response told you everything. Maybe she did intend to leave, you thought, maybe she never cared about you in the first place.
"Don't you understand how much that killed me?"
Jenna's mouth opened and closed, as if she wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words. You wanted her to say something, really anything, anything if it meant being given an explanation.
"I'm— I'm sorry, Y/n. I thought you wouldn't really care, I— I'm really sorry."
"Wouldn't care? Jenna, I fucking loved you."
Her eyes widened, and yours did the same. Complete silence hung heavy in the air as you try to get a word in, play it off as if you didn't mean it.
"You loved me?"
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
A voice in your head told you were too deep to crawl out, submerged in your own emotions and turmoil to even see the sunlight.
"I hate how it's impossible to hate you, Jenna. Even after all those years, I still love you so much," you confessed, tears welling in your eyes, regret consuming the moment. "I can't even pretend that I hate you."
"Y/n, I also—"
"I have to go, Jenna. Forget this ever happened."
It had been months working with Jenna, and it's been months since the both of you last talked. In that time, you swore on yourself to keep everything beneath you, and the relationship you have with Jenna is only for professional matters. It hurt you deep inside, as much it pains you to admit it, but you wished you never told her you loved her.
Emma decided to take on guiding Jenna whenever she encountered a problem, which, she never really did. She was a skilled actress, you always knew that from the bottom of your heart, and seeing her act was like something out of a fantasy. You also sometimes helped her, but you always kept it brief for God knows what. You'd always think that you'll someday break out into tears yet again.
You stared at Jenna from afar at your own seat, seated at the corner where one could assume that you're busy with your own things. You had your headphones own, funny how you had them instead of Jenna, listening to the songs that Jenna once recommended for you. To maybe just feel a little something beyond sadness.
'…I've been broken-hearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know
My-my I could never let you go…'
It's ironic how this is the song she recommended a while back. Maybe this was her way of telling you she was going away, who knows?
Somebody tapped on your headphones, and before you looked up, you already knew who it was.
"You alright, y/n?" Emma asked, sitting down in front of you with a bottle of wine. Emma was always the one who was there for you at your lowest, she can almost sense whenever you are.
She poured it into your glass, and you drank without a single breath wasted. You continue to pour more until Emma stopped your arm.
"Okaaaay, I think that was the signal that you aren't fine."
"I’m…" Your gaze shifted to Jenna, a smile covering her entire face as she tries to drink a whole bottle of scotch dared by her co-stars. You could almost laugh at it if you weren’t drinking until your vision turns black. "I'm fine, Emma, don't worry."
Emma eyed you, concern etched on her face. "You've been drinking your sorrows away, y/n. And I'm not talking about the good kind of drinking your sorrows away. It's the type where you're attempting to kill yourself." She attempted to lighten the mood with a smile, but your attention remained fixed on Jenna.
Emma followed your gaze and then turned back to you. "You guys should talk."
Your eyes shot to her, "What do you mean?"
"You and Jenna. You think I haven’t seen you guys looking at each other from afar?" Her mouth curved into a smirk, taking her own glass and a sip of it.
You glanced back at your playlist, the cover being Jenna herself. "I don’t want to talk to her, Emma. I mean, what would I even say?"
"I don't know, y/n. Give her a chance to talk to you. You never really did since the last time you guys talked."
"How'd you know?" Regret flooded in as you realized you let your anger get the best of you that time. You were always the one to calm down before exploding, what happened to you?
"Jenna miiight've told me." Emma noticed your furrowed eyebrows and the slight of regret in your eyes. "Don't be mad at her, y/n. She doesn't really have anyone to talk to about you."
"I… I'm not mad. Just wished she talked to me." Fiddling with your phone, your voice faltered to a whisper.
Emma sighed, it's like she was talking to a toddler at this point. "She couldn't when you built walls over her, y/n. Every time she talks to you, you dismiss her."
"You're too afraid to let her into your heart one last time, y/n, I know, but continuing to do that won't let anything progress between the two of you. If anything, it just makes you more scared. Take the risk, y/n, you always loved doing that before."
Your eyes met hers, and you were surprised by the seriousness in Emma's gaze. You never really expected Emma to give a heartfelt talk, everytime she comforts you, it always had a little fun in it, but this time it was different. "You're literally the last person I should be getting a tedtalk from." You finally smiled.
Emma returned the smile, grateful she had brought some lightness back into your expression after weeks of it gone. "What can I say? I'm versatile!" Both of you turned your attention back to Jenna, who looked your way before averting her gaze.
"Looks like she's also hoping you'd come to her." Emma stood up, ready to join the rest of the group. "You'll talk to her, right?"
"I'll try."
It was already nearing midnight, and the store was about to close. You and Emma were settling the tab for the night's expenses while the rest of the group tidied up and exchanged goodbyes but Jenna stayed on the pool table poorly wasted and most likely unconscious to the bone.
After expressing gratitude to the bar owner, you and Emma exchanged glances, both sharing concern in your eyes while looking at Jenna.
"You take her home," Emma said, running to grab her jacket, keys, and already waving goodbye.
"Wait, what!?"
"Take care, love you always!" Emma dashed to the door and swiftly made her way to her car, leaving you alone with Jenna.
"Wait! Emma!—" you shouted before turning your attention back to Jenna. You sighed, picked up her bag, and draped her coat over her. Taking a deep breath, you lifted Jenna in your arms, her limbs wrapping around your neck as her head hung low.
After several minutes of struggling to open the door with one hand, managing different heavy bags, fiddling with your car keys, and taking care of Jenna, you finally got the car door open. Carefully, you seated Jenna inside, securing her seatbelt.
You took her in your house just across from her old one. Oh how you've missed the feeling of being with her in this neighborhood.
You kicked off your shoes then walked to your bedroom where you carefully placed Jenna onto your bed.
Sitting down beside her, you immediately realized exhaustion took a toll on you. Your eyes were already falling heavy from the amount of work you exerted, though you knew you needed a shower.
You glanced at Jenna, wondering how she even knew you were filming a set. You were an upcoming director, sure, but you never really worked on big movies with a big budget or even working with big creators. But your name was definitely known somewhat.
Sighing, you stood up to fetch clean clothes and a towel, turning on the faucet for a much-needed shower.
In your time of organizing your things and fetching some clothes, you wonder why Jenna even did all of this. You knew Jenna wasn't the one for being pressured, especially in the entertainment network. She knew a lot of people who succumbed to the pressure of being in the spotlight, a walking billboard who has less control over their life as she would say. But you also knew acting is her passion, and she embraces it like a shooting star. You could only hope she wouldn't be burnt out by the increasing amount of workload she has.
With your eyes and brain already falling asleep, you turn the lights on at your bedroom with fresh clothes hanging by your arm. You close your eyes for a brief second, trying to not get the lights shined bright at you like you just walked by heavens gate.
"Wooahoh, holy shit— fuck!"
To your surprise, Jenna was awake, and staring you dead in the eyes with her iconic Kubrik stare. Damn, after all those years, she still has that flair for scaring the living shit out of somebody.
She was sitting on the ledge of the balcony, the cold wind of air in your street brought her a sense of nostalgia. She held the broken DSLR you owned, and you noticed the faint sound of your voices, distorted by glitches.
"You kept your DSLR?"
You went over to the bathroom then turned off the faucet, placing your clothes on a hanger placed on a wall. "Well, it's my first camera. Of course, I did." You called out.
You approached Jenna, sitting down with her on the ledge. You looked up at her, and you were suddenly reminded how you fell for her in the first place.
She fiddled with the camera, scrolling through the videos until she reached the last one.
"Aliyah! Aliyah, wait!"
"Y/n! Hey…"
"Where's—Where's Jenna? Is she going back to your house for her birthday?"
"Didn't she tell you? She's going across the country; she just got cast for a character in a film!"
You could only hear the faint sound of your camera crashing onto the ground and your glitchy 'what?' being muttered in the background before the battery on your camera dies. You look up to see Jenna's face, looking like she regrets everything she has done.
"I'm—I'm sorry for saying those things when we talked." You started, getting close to her until you were facing her and in arms reach. "I should've given you the time to say your side of the story."
She put the camera down on a table that was close to your window. "It's fine, I understand, I mean, I was a total shithead." Her voice was raspy, likely from recently waking up.
You laughed a bit, funny how she was the only one that made you laugh after the years she made you cry. "You never changed."
She looked up at you, a spark coming alive in her eyes as she tries to get comfortable in your space. "I could also say the same to you, dork."
"Hey, people say I've grown out of that phase."
"You're still that same dork to me. Always so eager to film a scene, going out of your way to do some idiotic shit on film, and that sparkle in your eyes stayed the same."
It was always something from Jenna that made you absolutely mad at her. Whether it was the sound of her voice, her laugh, the warmth of her touch, her aura, the beauty of her entire being, the words she'd say, it always made you so in love with her. But what you surrendered to is the beauty of her soul. And now, it feels as if you were now so deeply in love with her like never before.
At that moment, you could only hear the beat of your heart banging against your ears. You wanted to capture this moment in time and remember it forever.
Your eyes went over to Jenna's lips then looked back at her, her eyes speaking to you as if you both knew what you wanted from each other.
You leaned in ever so slightly, your breath ghosting on Jenna's lips before laying your lips onto Jenna's.
She pressed against your body, her arms wrapping around your waist while your hands cupped her cheeks.
You, in your life, could never describe the feeling to its utmost perfection. You just couldn't. If you ever did, you'd be lying. It was perfect, more than perfect. You couldn't describe it with only one, or even a million words. No sentence, no word, no phrase, no living or dying poet could ever write the moment you're feeling without having to find new words to describe it.
Her lips onto yours was like finally finding that one puzzle piece, her body leaning onto yours was like the tides crashing with the sea, your hand holding her face was like holding the whole world in your hands. You've completely lost yourself, you knew it in your soul, and your heart was now devoured by this girl, and you had no means in returning it.
Before the touch of her lips on yours, you were nothing. You never knew how starved you were, you never knew how much you longed for the touch of her lips onto yours, you never knew how insane you were up until this point, you never knew how love could burn this bright. Especially loving Jenna. Oh, especially loving her.
And then it was all gone, and realization settled in.
You kissed her.
Holy shit you kissed her.
You kissed her and it felt like heaven.
You looked at her in disbelief, how she even accepted your kiss was even more shocking than this. "I'm.. I'm so sorry, was that okay—"
And now, it was her turn to cup your cheeks and kiss you ever so passionately. You melted in her lips, the scent of her perfume consuming your heart entirely, making you go crazy. You sighed against her kiss, you feel her body going closer to you as she finally settled on your lap.
She pulled away, your eyes still closed as she laughs.
"I'd do anything and everything for you, y/n. Just, please, love me again." You opened your eyes to see the only girl you've loved in your entire life say something out of a romantic film.
You chuckle at her words, "I never fell out of it, Jenna. I always loved you."
"Does... does this mean we're, like, girlfriends?" You asked, a serious question by the way, as if kissing two times never really did the trick on you.
Jenna laughed, she laughed. The symphony to your ears came back, though you can finally listen to it forever.
"Oh my God, you really are such a dork."
"Seriously! I'm asking nicely!"
"Yes! Yes we are. You're my girlfriend now."
"And you're my girlfriend. Oh my god, I'm dating Jenna fucking Ortega everyone!" You shouted to the rooftops, couldn't really give a damn if you just woke the whole neighborhood up while Jenna just laughed with you.
"You never told me why you had to move out." You questioned. The both of you were on your bed, Jenna being beside you and you were beside Jenna. You turned to your side, while Jenna turned to hers.
She looked at you up and down before saying her explanation. "Because I loved you. Too."—She added.
You immediately sat up, "What? What do you mean?"
Jenna stayed in bed, turning on her back. "It's stupid, so stupid. My mom's friends with different directors, right?"
"So she told me I needed to go across the country because she recommended me to one of the directors there and you know me, I wasn't that skilled at acting so I needed training."
"I reluctantly accepted the offer because... because I knew you liked the Scream Franchise. I thought maybe if I had accepted this job offer, you'd watch the full thing and you'd like me back in some way.
"But I didn't think it'd tear us apart. I was jammed-packed with schedules, I'm sorry, y/n. I tried calling and texting you after the film but I heard you changed your number and refused to give my parents your new one."
"When I heard you were an upcoming director, I knew I had to get on one of your movies, but my manager refrained from me taking several movies at once, you know, for my mental health. But when I finally got the chance to get on set with you, I was estatic." She explained her whole story, and you on the hand, felt guilty of ever ignoring her the past few months of filming .
"I didn't know. I'm so sorry I didn't let you speak when we met. I should've waited for your response, I never knew you... liked me back." You reached out for her hand, your thumb grazing over her palm
"I'm a great actor, y/n. I thought you knew that by now." She laughed, and then you laughed with her while going back down to bed.
"Will you go move in soon?" You asked, "well, not move in, but move back in this neighborhood."
"Maybe, someday."
a/n: we're probablyyy nearing the end of this story. i just wanna thank you guys in advance for all the lovely comments! they make my day so much better and i always look forward to writing more chapters because of it. thank you all so much, i appreciate all of you!
taglist/s: @belatrixdragon , @mirage018 , @starstrzck
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hii! could you do like jock!clarisse x like nerd!reader like clarisse bullies her and somehow by the end like they like each other (btw it’s like still set at camphalfblood) but hopefully this makes sense😭 anyways i love your fics sorry if you can’t ! :) xx
A/n: love this and thank you! Sorry I took so longg
Clarisse la rue x demigod!fem!reader
warning: slight bullying fluff doesn't make much sense sorry
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you and Clarisse were never really on good terms you never but you really liked Clarisse for a long time but you knew someone like her would never love you always were reminded of it and of course, it hurts.
you were walking to archery class your hair in a messy bun some bits of your beautiful y/h/c your glasses almost about to fall off your face and then you suddenly bump into somebody your glasses fell off your face.
"Sorry... uhm I didn't... I didn't mean..." You looked for your glasses when you found them you put them on, looking up at the person
"finally found them four-eyes?" she said snickering 'oh my gods Clarisse?!' "Next time watch where you are going, okay? we wouldn't want me to step on your glasses?" she rudely shoved you out of her way while her pretty annoying fucking smirk still snickered while walking away with her friends.
you felt like your heart could break right there it felt upsetting, but you sighed "Whatever." angrily walking away but that anger quickly turned into pain as the days went by.
then it happened again maybe it was you, but you felt exhausted maybe because you'd been awake all night doing your homework you never liked staying up late because it always made you uncomfortable and emotional like always you kept to yourself not really feeling like being noticed today.
at break, Clarisse always had a knack for picking on you she sat right next to you "Hey, there four eyes" she said smiling how annoying but to you her smile was everything it was your most loved thing about her.
"What is it, Clarisse...?" you said slightly anxious a tired you had bags under your eyes feeling heavy like you were carrying the weight of the world.
"don't talk to me like that," she said annoyed by your attitude.
"oh, I'm sorry Your Highness," you said mockingly, and then getting up to walk away.
"ugh, annoying nerd.." she said sighing, Clarisse does like you she just has a very annoying way of showing it.
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the teacher who teaches archery told you that you needed someone to tutor you about how to hold your bow you hated the archery she always criticized your skills in archery.
then you hear Clarisse speak as she walks closer to you "Is this who you wanted me to teach, Mrs.?"
you groaned in pain, slightly uncomfortable because you actually liked her it's just imagine having to be tutored by your crush, "why does it, have to be her." you said quietly.
"y/n, Clarisse is the best person on the battlefield with any weapon you should be happy to be tutored by her so stop being ungrateful," she responded annoyed at your comment before walking away.
Clarisse walked closer to you, snickering looking you in your eyes lifting your chin to look at her as she was taller than you "Yeah well, I guess you are stuck with me for now, four-eye".
you groaned a rolled your eyes pushing her away softly "You are literally the devil in disguise." looking away and blushing looking away.
"Whatever, I know you love me~," she said walking away "Oh, and meet me here next week on Monday in the morning when I practice my archery not that I need to, but you know," she said with such confidence.
you knew she wasn't entirely wrong you really did like her.
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next week on Monday you went to where you had to meet up with Clarisse to see her training already you had never seen someone train so early in the morning.
"Finally, you here, what took you so long?" she said annoyed flipping her hair back.
you rolled your eyes annoyed "What are you talking about I was only 1 minute late." you said with an angelic voice.
"Well, that's a minute of my time wasted on you." in a soft tone as if she didn't really mean it, that's because she really didn't to her she could spend her time with you all the time, she freed up her time for you she had some errands to run today but she didn't do them because it would mess up her meet up.
"mhm? I thought this was supposed to be you teaching me how to "master the art of archery" or is it just a way for you to talk down on me?." you said with sarcasm in the last sentence.
"Whatever, just get your bow out," she said smiling softly at you.
as you get to training you point your arrow trying but always ending up missing your sigh, you knew the teacher was right, but you hate being told that a hundred times with you feel a tight
Clarisse observed how you wielded the bow a grinned as she walked up behind you "Just hold the bow like this, not like you holding a baseball bat." then she shot the arrow while holding your hands it didn't miss the target.
"you are not that bad, as I was hoping you would be~," you said with a grin that was when started becoming softer to you.
you two secretly hung out at night one of those nights you and Clarisse were in her cabin sitting next to each other just talking and laughing "Hey, Clarisse we need to talk seriously though..."
she looked confused a concerned "Hmm? Okay, what happened are you hurt?" shit she just said that.
"no, but i do have something to tell you, clarisse" you took a deep breath in a out "you no what never mind, i should go its getting pretty late anyway" you said awkwardly getting up to leave
she looked confused then she quickly grabbed your hand "wait! don't go..." she said before you went.
"What is it, Clarisse?" you said concerned at her suddenly with a very concerned face because you thought what a mess you've gotten yourself into you said still going to leave until you heard clarisse speak.
"y/n, the truth is that I distanced from you because I love you!.." she covered her mouth can't believe she said that she looked away embarrassed.
"really?.." you said softly walking over to sit next to her "do you really like a nerd like me?.." you said turning her chin to look at you.
Clarisse sat silently and sighed "why wouldn't I not love you?, your perfect to your head to the tip of your toes, I don't ever want to hear you say that about yourself." She said softly holding your hand "that's why I love you your personality your looks your everything.." using her free hand to caress your face
The warmth of her words was like heaven and earth combined the way the sunlight shines on her face the way the light highlights her hair with such grace is like a beauty yet to be discovered "I love you too, clarisse I love the way the sunlight shines on your beautiful face and hair." You said with an angelic voice kissing her cheek.
Clarisse smiled softly, "I would want nothing less than to be with you as well, my sweet heart." She said with such kindness her heart felt in peace.
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You and clarisse were walking around with each other everyone knew that you belonged to her "clarisse I'm so tired of walking maybe we should just sit down my feet hurt."
Clarisse scoffed "well then I'll just carry you!" She said happily
You scoffed "you can't carry me!" But then she picked you up bridal style whilst some of the girls stared in jealousy "what did you, say?"
"whatever." You said annoyed then she started giggling.
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triptychgardener · 3 months
Hello sorry if this is a bother but I am asking in good faith where is the reading for transmasc nepeta. I’m asking this cuz of your last ask (the June one) and I see aradia Dirk and Jane. Thoes all I have seen post and analysis about. But I have not really seen anything about nepeta.
Okay so first thing you gotta understand is that gender in Homestuck, for lack of a better way to say it, can be understood in how characters reflect and relate to each other. That being said to understand Nepeta's gender, we gotta understand the gender of at the very least one other person.
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And more specifically.
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Davepeta, Homestuck's very own first(ish) trans character.
Davepeta is noted to be a sort of platonic ideal of existence for both Dave and Nepeta. Somehow, through a strange series of cosmic coincidences, these two end up making an odd sort of parallel. Both having a strange relationship to a man who loves him some goddamn horses. The whole Akwete Purrmusk thing. I mean, Dave canonically engaged in semi-nonironic furry roleplay with Nepeta offscreen, and given what we know about what becoming a furry in Homestuck means, it's not a leap to describe this as their ideal form.
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But, although we don't see a lot of Nepeta's character arc, we do see a lot of Dave's. He struggles his whole life under an incredibly oppressive masculine force (both of Bro and, indirectly, Lord English), and once the game is over ends up deconstructing and largely rejecting that.
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So when Davesprite, who's also probably been thinking about this for even longer, bereft of purpose or identity, finds a kindred soul in a spunky catgirl... well the rest is Davepeta.
And similarly, there are points in the story where Nepeta acts kind of uncomfortable with how others see her as exclusively something to be protected. The whole "Dear, sweet, precious Nepeta" grates on her early on, as Equius uses it as an excuse to control her actions. The whole of moiraillegience as it is originally explained (i.e. one party helps to calm down an especially brutal and violent person from outbursts of anger, and in turn that person will protect the more docile, even-tempered soul from external harm) even kind of FEELS like the way heterosexual relationships are portrayed in a lot of conservative spaces, where women are nuturers and caretakers while men are protectors. And Nepeta is supposed to, in this situation, be the person who helps Equius manage his emotions, which she feels some consternation at!
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Now, over the course of Hivebent, their relationship appears to evolve and get a bit more balanced, but it still carries these overtones of "I will protect you, and you will handle my outbursts." Notably, when Equius goes to seek the Highb100d, and leaves Nepeta behind.
And of course not after roleplaying as each other.
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Which. I mean come on.
But notably, Nepeta doesn't just stay put! She doesn't really want to be protected all the time! And when push comes to shove, she leaps out to defend, or at the very least avenge, her best friend.
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And then, we don't really see Nepeta for a while!
Until we get to the end of the comic.
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During their whole "date", Nepeta seems a little uncomfortable with Jasprose's affections. She may be a bit flattered, but Jasprose also fully admits later that she was frankly looking for any girl she could fall in love with after the tragic death of her girlfriend and possible more tragic untimely resurrection.
But then the pivotal handshake happens, and we get to see who is perhaps the most happy being in all of Homestuck.
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Then we get into some of the only actual discussion of gender in Homestuck. We don't get much besides that, for both of their lives, Dave and Nepeta both felt something was missing. Something felt wrong that they couldn't quite place that made them both miserable. I don't think it's a massive stretch to say this could be gender dysphoria.
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And when they combine, they feel the fullness of the gendered experience they were missing, melded together like a two-piece puzzle.
Now while the abovementioned "strong identities as a boy and a girl" might throw you off, I would point to what Victoria Lacroix said about this passage: note the lack of the word "respectively." I rest my case.
Now full disclosure, my personal headcanon for Nepeta is genderfluid transmasc. The whole affinity for roleplaying lends itself to a more shifting identity and I just think Nepeta, given more time, would love exploring the little nooks and crannies of gender.
This isn't going into the more complicated shit with Gender when it comes to Equius and Dirk and all that other stuff. Here's a quick summary so you can see exactly how my brain is broken.
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Anyways, thanks for the question! I hope I answered my thoughts on the topic adequately! If other people have more to say about this, please feel free to add on!
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heretherebedork · 7 months
Both Day and Night's anger is so real and I love that.
Day's anger that his life has changed overnight, that he's gone from a national athlete to someone who can't navigate by himself and has no independence, can't cook or take care of himself, and all that frustration and grief turns into anger and he takes it out on the people he knows cant leave him, the safest one, the ones who are there and won't leave because he can be angry at them when he hates everything happening around him so much that he just can't cope.
And Night is trying to find a place in a life that has flipped upside down as well. He's become a caregiver for a brother who is too angry to accept help and who is hurting him as well as himself and his mother and they're all carrying unfamiliar weight and fears and a future that seems so far away.
Their mother cares for them and loves them but she doesn't know how handle this change in them or in their dynamic and she wants the best for her sons and she loves them but she is struggling to cope with the changes the same as they are while trying to cover up those struggles and be the protective and loving mother she wants to be.
Mhok really is exactly who Day needs because Day needs someone that can come into his new life and not see it as a new life but just as a life, just a life that he can lead. Day needs someone who seems as capable of learning and of living and willing to push him to try and to live and that's what he needs.
Not someone who sees his past and the their past and the life he lead and the world he lived in before but the future he can hold onto now and the future he can have.
And someone who can handle his anger. Someone who can understand his anger. Someone who can be there when he's angry and not take it personally.
That's why they need each other. Even if they don't know it.
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