#i adore maki so much this arc was for me actually
hijaluna · 2 years
naoya is so ugly 😭😭😭😭😭😭 also absolutely horrible but it's kind of funny
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epickiya722 · 1 month
I think people took the "hey, you should be aware of issues about the way some stories treat it's female characters" and instead of actually going forward and treating these characters as, well, characters that deserve to be fairly analized
they went backwards and put up impossibly high standards for these female characters and made anything remotely sexual about them regardless of context as "it is evil and bad writing" when they wouldn't ever do the same for the male characters.
They don't even bat an eye for the fact that whole fandoms will absolutely ADORE a guy who is either the most vile asshole in the story or straight up a bland nothing as long as he is generically attractive enough.
Like that's just misogyny but "girlbossed" now.
(I kind of went on a ramble here, I won't lie and I apologize for that. I just.. had a lot to say.)
And I definitely agree with you, Anon.
I made that same point that you stated in this point right here in a post I wrote a while back.
The same people who will say "it's bad writing" are the same people who don't take the time out to analyze a female character.
It's not "bad writing". You just don't want to understand her.
A male character can have the exact same traits as her and can be analyzed and "He's just misunderstood" and adored, but the most that female character can get is the bare minimum from the fandom.
I have my male faves, too, that I like to analyze. But don't the female cast also deserves the attention, too?
Everyone who follows me know I am a big Miruko fan. And I love her more now because over the past... 2 years or so I have written posts about her of why she probably acts the way she does or does the things she do. And it came easy to me.
Mind you, she is a minor character. She doesn't have a lot of screen time and we don't much about her backstory unless you have read Vigilantes where she gets a flashback arc. And even with all the little information she has from canon, analyzing her was fun for me.
Analyzing her actually why it's fun for me when I do so for Yuji.
It's just there.
Let's say a female character is comfortable with her own sexuality and femininity. "Slut, whore, oversexualized". But the same people who apply those terms to male characters in a more positive way.
"Such a slutty waist, look at him so sexy, he's such a whore and I'm here for it".
So let me get straight. A woman can be a sexy character, but a man can even those that aren't even all that sexy.
Again, I'm using Miruko as an example.
People will have grievances over her costume but were so quick to be horny over the male characters wearing that same costume. Which, and I know some of you ain't gonna like, some of them did not look good in.
Also, then what about the male hero costumes or the fact that Shigaraki and Dabi are obvious fanservice now? You're telling me you're okay with the fact that Endeavor and All Might's costumes are super tight but Miruko shows some skin and it's a problem?
Oh, I'll give another example of some fandom misogyny.
Maki Zenin. The JJK fandom be pulling some tomfuckery when it comes to her. "She's such a girlboss". Okay, but you feel sympathize or empathize with her? "Oh my gosh, Sukuna is gonna kill her!" So, let me get this straight. Even though others who have been hit with Black Flash has survived, Maki the one female victim of it is going to die from that one blow? Whose body is pretty much a cheat code against cursed energy? That Maki? That one?
Let's not forget, you can bring her up without someone bringing up Yuta! I wrote a post about her and Nobara and someone goes "At least, Maki loves Yuta, right?" THIS IS NOT ABOUT YUTA!! GOOD GRIEF, CAN THIS BE ABOUT THE FEMALE CHARACTERS FOR ONCE? LIKE, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE WITH THAT!!
And Yuki! Sooo... y'all are upset that Gege killed her off, right? Okay, understanding. I like Yuki, too. With that said... um... then why in the fuck did I have to type a Yuki Lives tag for her despite her being dead in the manga since December 2022? Almost 2 years? There are currently 3 fics with that tag and two of them are mine!
Kaori, oh, the fandom doesn't love you enough! I had to type in a tag for her! There was no Itadori Kaori & Itadori Yuji tag! THAT IS STILL HIS MOM?! "But Kenjaku---" Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is still Kaori's body, right? If Choso states he has three parents, then Yuji can, too. Guess what, Kaori is his mother. People love to make sure others know Kenjaku and Suguru are separate people but what about Kaori? You don't think she was her own person?
From Wasuke's words and behavior, I figure she was different than how Kenjaku acted.
Also, with Delicious in Dungeon! I haven't even watched or read it and I have seen so many posts about how that one helmet guy had a lot of panty shots and loving it, yet I hear about people having problems with Falin and Marcille being sexualized? Makes no sense to me, it just doesn't.
It's like people in fandoms want something involving female characters just to bash those female characters.
Complex female characters - insult them
Female characters is written to have a variety of personalities and backstory - boring, shifts focus to more bland male characters
Female character exist with many characteristics - fandom focuses on one trait and make that her whole personality
Female character just exists - labeled just one single word, not worthy of any attention, post about her and someone will make it about a male character
Just... honestly, I feel like before you call a creator a "misogynist", how about taking a step back and observe how you treat female characters and understand the story in which those female characters come from?
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dollsuguru · 2 months
Top 5 of your favorite jjk characters!!!
1) toji: my FAVORITE character of ALL TIME and yes i do mean ALL TIME from ANY series… and i’ll tell you why… i have been BEGGING on my hands and knees for a MEAN HOT DILF ASSASSIN IN MEDIA FOR SO FUCKING LONG… and there like a beacon of light in the shadows was toji fushiguro… mean. hot. sexy. looks like he could and would step on me and kick my ass. also very sexy. just everything i wanted all rolled into one <3 and i also legitimately love love LOVE his character arc & backstory so much! heavenly restriction was PERFECT for him and i love that he genuinely fucked shit up + distorted fate… he came out the gate SWINGING!!!!!! also just the fact that he also Genuinely loved his wife and was truly a better man for her & himself and then she died… oh that’s just heartbreaking. him naming megumi “blessings” because names have meaning and megumi was truly his blessing… man i love toji so much. so so SO much. he’s sooooo multi-faceted and i love that no matter what at the end of the day, BOTH TIMES, his last memories were of his son and wanting to protect him. god i love toji <3 also elite character design i Love his scar & his massive tits and also. his spiky hair. Delicious
2) satoru: another elite character and design listen i looooove white-haired characters so much! they’re only second to black-haired characters <3 i also. genuinely. just love how much he loves his kids…….. him doing everything to protect the youth & always wanting them to nurture themselves/their friendships is so fucking sweet??? also i feel like some people just don’t understand that satoru is ACTUALLY, in my opinion, quite emotionally mature & also VERY responsible! he has so much on his plate/the world is on his shoulders and he carries that weight alone & willingly… i think it’s also another reason of why he wants his kids to get stronger… he knows curses won’t ever leave the world and he KNOWS he’s not infallible no matter how much he says he’s the strongest… i just think he wants the new generation to be better than him in every which way! also satoru had to do the work of essentially 3/4 special grades all by himself… yuki left, suguru went awol, yuuta only became an official sg in when he came to school and then he left during his 2nd yr… like i really genuinely truly honestly admire satoru SO much it makes me so upset when people don’t recognize that maturity and silliness can coexist! also him putting up infinity so no one can ever physically hurt him again… like i think people also forget that satoru… DIED. he DIED. when he was 16… and then he came back to life… like he’s such a traumatized character ALSO it’s another pet peeve of mine when people always attribute all of satoru’s best qualities to suguru like… i think people forget that satoru is also SUCH a good person in that he always calmed down suguru’s overthinking mind/would take the blame upon his OWN self… he’s self-sacrificial when necessary while also simultaneously easing the worries of his younger students… he’s my beloved. he’s in my lap as we speak i’m feeding him chocolate covered strawberries bc he deserves it. my baby boy my big baby
3) sukuna: BAD BITCH! I LOVE MEAN BAD BITCHES! I LOVE VILLAINS SOOOOOO MUCH I LOVE THOSE WHO ARE UNFORGIVING! WHO ARE EVIL JUST TO BE EVIL! NO RHYME OR REASON! also. listen. i fucking loooooooooove the idea of him doing this based on his whim… i just adore that when characters do it! if he’s hungry he eats, if he’s feeling murderous he kills, if he’s curious he keeps the person alive for the time being… he’s just so fascinating to me! i also just completely took sukuna and make him into bestie!sukie so i think i love him even more bc of that 😭 he’s just so fun and cool and fucked up to me! he’s everything <333
4) yuji/maki/yuuta: MY BABIES!!!!! MY BESTIES!!!!! MY REASONS TO BE 🥹🥹🥹 yuji is my son my baby child my sunshine boy and also. my badass kid <3 he’s so fucking cool i love him as a mc so much! so much abt him we don’t know esp when it comes to his backstory but you just can’t help but root for him! he’s such a genuinely good kid you always wanna see him win — and seeing him angry? pissed off? another fav of mine <3 the mahito vs yuji fight when yuji tells mahito he’ll kill him no matter the form? poetic cinema. also don’t get me started on geto & toji meeting yuji it’s in my brain all the time 😭 and MAKI IS MY DAUGHTER!!!!! literally like my fav female character of all time she’s so cool and badass and is so powerful! her reaching demon toji level and surpassing him??? DELICIOUS. also scarred maki is my fav character design ok the short hair + scars + yuki fit??? iconic. AND YUUTA <333 my bestie <333 he’s so fun to me i love that he’s babie but also an unforgiving badass! the dichotomy is everything to me! him having a creepier aura than satoru but just as strong… one of my fav panels of all time and i’m so serious. just unmatched
5) suguru: hate this bitch in canon but love this bitch in kanon (kairo canon) <333 he’s a very. interesting character. i disagree w his entire logic and i personally find it foolish (maybe bc i’m a toji & maki truther and love heavenly restriction above all else) but suguru truly is soooo fascinating. even as a high schooler pre-defection he considered non-sorcerers weak and something that sorcerers had to “protect” i think that suguru is very very VERY paternal and i think that influences a lot of his decisions… he’s a literal PATRIARCH in his cult family + he’s technically nanamimi’s dad + he wants to usher in a new age simply to protect those he loves but what he fails to realize is that… he just creates more chaos! he was his own downfall at the end of the day and i do think that no matter if satoru/shoko intervened that he still would have defected i just think he was doomed from the start… you don’t just ingest curses and then not be affected by it y’know? i think eventually he also would have been consumed by negativity the same way he consumes negativity (curses) and ultimately? he was. he’s a wonderful character to me in that he makes me feel genuine anger at certain times and at other times i just feel pity! i love him. he makes me think & feel a lot of things which is why i Write for him 😭 you’re probably wondering well why is he 5th/8th if you write for him the most??? idk maybe he should be theoretically first but i just. like him in my brain more than i do in canon i think he’s unlikable in canon to me but he’s also my skrunkly… i have duality ok i love him i dislike him i want him carnally
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caliwashere · 2 years
Cali’s Note: Hey all! I’ve been super busy graduating and everything so I stopped posting but that doesn’t mean I abandoned TGKDN or anything. I’ve been reading and rereading all the chapters while waiting for the author to finally update!
Context: Tsukuyo Hiyori is from a jjkxoc (additional add-ons: dad!gojoxoc, yutaxoc, megumixoc) fic called Tsuki Ga Kirei Desu Ne (TGKDN). It’s linked in my bio in case anyone wants to read it. I don’t own her or TGKDN! I’m just a fan! I heavily recommend those who haven’t read TGKDN to read it. It’s made me cry from the angst chapters to scream into my pillow at 4am from adorable romance (fluff) moments or from laughing my a** off. I personally don’t have anything i can say i dislike about it and the grammar/spelling + sequencing of events is good too like actual novel-worthy (but the author is kind of like Gege 2.0 and she scares me with her unpredictability)
Anyways, on to my discussions that a surprising few of you actually read! I’ve seen all the messages thanking me for introducing TGKDN to y’all but tbh u should be thanking the author not me cuz she’s the one who writes it! 
Spoilers below!
-Her entrance was just *chef’s kiss*
-She’s so dramatic (she def gets it from gojo i swear) and the way it started off with Tsuki trolling them was funny af 
-Tsuki still remains one of my favorite characters but i wish there was more tsuki content 
-not junpei being the only sane person there (plz the way he just got more and more confused by both hiyori and yuji)
- megumi better run cuz nobara is out for blood 
- lowkey not even his fault cuz he never said she was dead, they just assumed she was cuz he kept saying she was “gone”
- ok but not hiyori having a couples vacation with yuta while we were all sobbing and panicking over her possibly being dead (author better be feeding us some tsukuokko content soon! i want to know what happened in africa!)
-hiyori seems the same as she was back in her first year (well surface level anyway from what’s been witnessed in chapter 40)
-i was reading her profile again and i noticed that the author mentioned hiyori not carrying her katana anymore (what’s up with that? im confused. i feel like that has significance but idk what)
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-Y’all i swear if a spinny wheel is what ends up being the reason why one of my favs die, imma flip (and cry alot)
-as much as i love yuta and all tsukuokko content, i rlly want to see more on hiyori’s relationships with the other characters especially maki and megumi since the first main arc (jjk 0 timeline) was mainly in yuta’s point of view so there was a lot of stuff not mentioned like hiyori’s role in the juju society and stuff (can we talk about how amazingly well the author writes unreliable narrators and pov switching? its fucking amazing)
- tsukuyo hiyori = certified badass
- now that she’s back then that means she’s most likely going to be in japan during the shibuya arc (i can’t wait to see what goes down but im also scared)
- waiting for more kazuha info still cuz why is this little kid so mysterious??
- I want to see sukuna and hiyori meet OR sukuna and tsuki ( i feel like those interactions would be rlly funny)
- ok but what’s this tree and why is she going to sendai??
- can we talk about how hiyori is starting to act more and more like gojo but with a blend of geto and shoko into it too (u can tell she grew up around those three cuz she has a mix of all of their personalities mainly gojo and geto’s)
- that photo of hiyori for chapter 40 (she could step on me and i would thank her)
- plus all those photos in the image gallery for her profile too!
- she’s so hot.
- i’d choose her over yuta and megumi ngl (sorry not sorry)
- i wonder how megumi will react when he finds out hiyori is already taken
- nobara seems to be a fan of hiyori so i wonder how their first interaction will be
- i’m surprised no one knew hiyori was back until she came back (then again maybe the “she” referred to at the end of the chapter isn’t even hiyori but someone else)
- will hiyori kill mahito? what will happen during junpei’s MORPHIN’ TIME? will she be there or is she gonna still be in sendai and find out after?
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mewmewchann · 3 years
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Danganronpa tier listttttt
Idk if people know how I feel about these characters, so here ya go! This is my opinion, please don’t attack me for this (also I only did this for the mainline games and Komaru + the Warriors of Hope)
...Also I wanted to go into detail on some of these so yeah Warning: it does get pretty rambly
S tier
...I don’t really feel like I need to explain any of these. MOVING ON
A tier
Chiaki Nanami Please don’t kill me for not putting her in S. I can explain, I promise Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore her and love her relationship with Hajime, but I didn’t really get as attached to her as I did with other characters. I still love her though
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu He has one of the best character arcs in the series, only JUST being outranked by Shuichi. Seriously, best SDR2 survivor, hands DOWN.
Ultimate Imposter Yep. Fake Togami outranks actual Togami by miles. YEAH I SAID IT! Idk, I found them a lot more interesting and likeable than Togami and it was a real shame they got killed off so early. They were pretty fun.
Ryoma Hoshi ...Do I even need to explain why he ranked so high? Like, come ON! He’s one of the most underrated characters in the franchise!
Hajime Hinata 3rd best protag for me (yes I’m counting Kaede shut up), but I still love his arc. 
Kiyotaka Ishimaru He was my fave from the first game for a while, but the Kiyondo stuff kinda brought him down for me. And ngl, at times it feels like people only judge him based on his friendship with Mondo. I still love him though.
Mondo Owada Chapter 2. Need I say more. He’s a pretty cool character outside of that, too.
Komaru Naegi Just copy-paste my reason for Ryoma, it’s practically the same.
Nagisa Shingetsu Best Warrior of Hope. Hands down. I will die on this hill.
Kotoko Utsugi Despite being beaten out by Nagisa, I still adore her. She deserves the best.
B tier
Maki Harukawa Okay don’t get me wrong, I like her as a character, but the main problem I had was that her crush on Kaito kinda came out of left field for me. Like, she was a stoic unfeeling assassin and she suddenly fell head over heels for some astronaut that knocked on her door a few times. It feels pretty rushed (though knowing Tsumugi it probably was) and kinda brings her down a few pegs for me.
Korekiyo Shinguji “Why is he ranked so high!? He’s the freaky incest guy-” SHUT UP. Yes, his character was absolutely obliterated by the incest twist, but outside of that he is actually a pretty compelling character. (also if you look into his writing it’s pretty heavily implied that his sister used and abused him so judging him based on the incest thing alone is kinda odd ngl)
Ibuki Mioda She’s pretty fun. I’m not as head-over-heels for her as other people, but she’s pretty fun.
Celestia Ludenberg See, Ouma stans? THIS is how you do a compelling liar character!
Peko Pekoyama Please don’t kill me. It’s just that outside of Fuyuhiko she kinda felt......Eh? Like don’t get me wrong, I like her, but something always felt missing for me.
Nagito Komaeda My favourite antag didn’t even make A tier whoops- Yeah, Nagito is the best rival for me, but I’m not as head-over-heels for him as the rest of the fandom is.
Kiibo The “that’s robophobic!” joke kinda got old after the billionth time, but other than that he’s fun.
Aoi Asahina Her development is cool, but I don’t really have much to say on her honestly.
Sonia Nevermind Same reason as Aoi, but her relationship with Gundham is pretty cute.
Jataro Kemuri This kid deserves better and needs protection. ...I don’t have much other than that, though.
Monaca Towa This is gonna be controversial, but Monaca is the best villain of the franchise for me. Sure, she’s far from being one of my favourite characters, but she’s menacing and enough of a threat to be a great antagonist.
C tier
Kyoko Kirigiri Please don’t kill me. Like...She’s okay, but for a while I found her kinda......Dull? Idk what to say here.
Makoto Naegi He’s alright, but he’s the weakest protagonist for me.
Tsumugi Shirogane I think people are gonna agree with me the most on this. She’s a decent villain, but the "plainy plainy plain” stuff got REALLY old. (which is partially why I rewrote her entirely in DFTH oops) She’s better than Junko by a long shot, so at least she has that.
Kirumi Tojo She was okay until the nonsensical prime minister twist. Seriously, I detest that twist.
Angie Yonaga ...I don’t really have much to say on her. Like the Atua stuff got pretty old and I found her kinda annoying, but she has enough to put her above the characters I don’t like.
Mahiru Koizumi She kinda felt like a better Tenko, but...Uh...
Teruteru Hanamura Yeah, I don’t outright dislike Teruteru. Shocking, I know. His backstory and the stuff with his mom is charming enough, but the perverted stuff still kinda icks me out. It’s not as bad as Miu’s, though.
Genocider Syo She’s more interesting than Toko, but still not really that much there other than “serial killer that somehow got accepted into this academy but don’t think about that look how quirky she is!!”
Tenko Chabashira Similar to Angie. But the way she drooled over and chased after Himiko was kinda eeeh for me. Not as bad as Souda though, thank god
D tier
Byakuya Togami God, he’s such an asshole. Sure his development and the stuff he does is interesting, but GOD HE’S SUCH AN ASSHOLE.
Akane Owari She’s the most “why the hell are you still here” out of the survivors for me. Like, I don’t outright hate her, but a lot of the time it kinda feels to me like she’s only there for fanservice. (seriously, in one of her sprites she’s literally flashing you. Do I need to say anything else?)
Himiko Yumeno Yeah, she’s also pretty weak for me. Her development post chapter 3 was okay I guess, but it kinda felt too little too late.
Toko Fukawa Ugh. Sure, I don’t really like Togami, but the way she drools over him is gross. Sure she’s somewhat redeemed by her development in UDG, but other than that she doesn’t really offer much.
Yasuhiro Hagakure Didn’t really felt like he offered much other than “blatant comic relief who’s probably a stoner”.
Masaru Daimon The weakest out of the Warriors of Hope by a long shot. Sure, his backstory’s pretty sad, but his personality kinda grated on me, ngl.
Kokichi Ouma PLEASE DON’T KILL ME. Like, everyone hails him as the best written character of the series, but if you look closer into his writing it’s actually pretty bad. Not to mention the stans constantly excusing his actions because “uwu liar boy who’s gay for Shuichi” REALLY brings him down.
E tier
Kazuichi Souda He’s literally all the things people hate about Teruteru, but the fandom barely calls him out for it! Hooray!
Miu Iruma She’s basically just there for NSFW jokes. Need I say more. Also, why is no-one else talking about how problematic the maintenance scene was?
Nekomaru Nidai He’s basically just there for shit jokes. And that really got old for me.
Sayaka Maizono OKAY PLEASE PUT YOUR PITCHFORKS DOWN AND HEAR ME OUT! Look, I’m not gonna deny she was kinda cute, but what she pulled in chapter 1 was honestly really fucking snakey. “But she didn’t know about the class trial stuff!” So what? She was willing to use practically the only person in the academy she was close to as a fall guy so she could get away with murder and didn’t even bat an eye! Even if the trial stuff didn’t happen and she DID get away with killing Leon, did she really think everyone would be okay with it? Hell, did she even CONSIDER how Makoto felt!? Sayaka is a fucking snake! She literally USED Makoto!!! WHY IS NO-ONE CALLING HER OUT!?!?
F tier
Junko Enoshima ...Do I even need to explain this.
Mikan Tsumiki I really didn’t like her, even BEFORE chapter 3. Yeah, I said it. She kinda got on my nerves and the fact that they were playing her up for fanservice despite her backstory was really gross, and chapter 3 just made everything so much worse. Like, her getting her memories back and killing someone could’ve worked, JUST MAKE HER PLAN MAKE SENSE!
Hiyoko Saionji She’s just a fucking bully. Do I really need to elaborate?
Hifumi Yamada ...Again. Do I REALLY NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS!?
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nicomrade · 3 years
Top 5 lupin npc girls
OK THIS IS a really good question first off does rebecca count as an npc girl like she did have her own movie/clipshow.... if yes shes my absolute favorite i adore her if not well let me brainstorm the top 5
i think maria from tokyo crisis has to be there right? she fits PERFECTLY in the universe by being her own kind of overpowered shes zenis new daughter and genuinely its really refreshing to see a side character stick around with ZENIGATA instead of the lupgang for once? it feels like that doesnt happen very often its usually people hanging w lupin or trying to also arrest him... anyway i love maria shes so good shes THEE lupin npc girl she has purple hair and a cool watch what more can u want!!!!! i just found out she has a last name mariya isshiki i love u doesnt she have heart shaped earrings at one point. shes so good
i also really loved ellen from isle of assassins its one of the first lupin movies i watched so i dont know how much itd hold up to my CURRENT standards but i remember her having an actually interesting arc and motives and when things happen to her (good or bad!) i did care. everyone in that movie has a spider motif but i think if i rewatched the movie id go insane about HER spider motif you know.. like shes the spiders prey turned predator for the spider this is the exact same spider motif i use for one of my ocs so im biased but. interesting! themes and motifs! yipee!
i alsoooo liked judy (from siberia with love/bank of liberty) a lot shes lots of fun and her interactions w fujiko well... im a fujikogirl (gender neutral) the bit of character lore that she pressed charges against her boss for sexual harassment???? IDK theres something about that detail IN a franchise like lupin that almost feels like the movie is apologizing for the history of sexual assault. tho she does get re-traumatized later in the movie which -__- huge fucking fail. but ye like shes allowed to be scheming shes allowed to be a little wicked to backstab once or twice while still being sympathetic with a good heart which is!! refreshing!! judy was given nuance she felt like she really had her own life and her own world
i feel like so far ive been really in w the fandom consensus maybe this next one will be a surprise... i do love anita from operation return the treasure (one of my fave lupin movies!) shes an architect i believe! and she has this convo w goemon that i like its about art shes an artist theyre both artists.... the movie doesnt focus on her as much IIRC cause its got a lot of side characters but her moments are really nice and again i felt like she had her own world, her own troubles, her own passions, she felt real to me :]
i think well. i HAVE to mention this one cause i did start making her a playlist purely in my head as the ending of her movie played out shes from blood seal eternal mermaid NOT maki im talking about the titular mermaid misa HER CHARACTER as it unravels and we come to understand ALL of it the horror of fate the power of blood it was all very ... it GETS to something to me.. id have to rewatch it to tell you more but really i think maybe this movie shouldve had more body horror. but it did deserve what it got cause there IS something horrific about misas curse and that spoke to me that was really interesting to me. maybe she doesnt count as an npc girl the one of blood seal is maki but. i liked misas character theres something to it
i think the last ones gonna have to be the honorable mention to the little girl julia from farewell, nostradamus! i LOVE HER shes so much fun shes written really fun she has a character arc that makes SENSE for a... how old is she. 8yo? i love her little american voice: "daddy! mommy!" its so charming shes just so so small and she she has a Trusted Adult in fujiko and she has a whole thing about not wanting to go back home yet cause she feels like her parents are forgetting about her but when theyre reunited she IS happy she DOES love them they DO love her!!! shes really fun the whole movie i cared her so so much she had a lot of personality while still being believably a child
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pcktknife · 3 years
PLEASE tell us about ur relationship with kaito im SO curious
its really dumb actually the fact I tolerate kaito alone is because of maki and shuichi’s relationship with him. i personally do not like kaito because idk he’s written in such a way that makes him very cis very straight with the “man up” mentality and the “shinguuji is [insert slur]” and the slight misogyny (ive only ever completed the first game so all i know i get from other fans or wiki pages so if im wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) also i think he’s dumb. dumb face, dumb fit, dumb haircut.
 the complication comes in with the maki x kaito story arc. see i love maki very very much. she’s mean and stoic and can KILL >:D. shes very lovely and i adore her. she also has a hard time with caring abt ppl cause of her talent so when she falls in love with kaito that little breakdown she has breaks my heart 😔. danganronpa pulls that relationship shit every game and you know who falls for it everytime? me! I don’t care how heteronormative or nonsensical it is cause it always gets me. go me with ishimaru, got me with peko, and it got me with maki. i want her to be happy with her stupid little purple spaceman and so i tolerate his character.
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daxieoclock · 3 years
Sorry if you've answered this before, but is there any reason for the change to Makie? I don't dislike it - I think it's really cute - but I don't quite understand the reason why
I haven't actually, ty for the ask!
So when translating from Japanese to English, there are a few aspects of language that stand out and can't be properly translated; most noticeably, honorifics. "Sensei", "senpai", "-san", "-chan", "-kun", etc can't exactly be translated one-to-one to English. Persona 5's dub team translated as much as possible, and simply carried over those honorifics and similar aspects, which is a choice I absolutely respect but not something I felt that comfortable emulating within Deja Vu.
As my grasp of Japanese is tenuous at best, I didn't feel as though I could handle honorifics properly, and early in the story I decided to provide approximations where an honorific would normally go (such as Kasumi's immediate instinct to refer to everyone as Mister/Miss, rather than her canonical "senpai"). Similarly, while Haru's "Mako-chan" nickname for Makoto is utterly adorable and I definitely had to include it in some capacity, it didn't make sense to me to have a single instant of honorifics within a story that otherwise steered clear of them (Yusuke did say "sensei" a few times, but I shifted away from that partway through the Madarame arc, after making a more conscious decision about how to handle untranslatable elements). Therefore: Makie, something similarly cutesy and potentially condescending, overly friendly and/or flirtatious. Credit to @lilyhoshikawa of course for coming up with the name!
Sorry if that's a lot of information, but I hope that makes sense! If there's anything more about Deja Vu that confused you, or anything else you'd like to know about my creative process, just let me know! I really enjoy answering questions about stuff like this. C:
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waywardfacegarden · 3 years
my turn for the __ or __ ask game >:)
red or blue? apples or oranges? long or short sleeves? shorter (11-24 ep) or longer anime (24+ ep)? friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? bakusquad or dekusquad? deku, iida, and uraraka or deku, todoroki, and bakugou? sukuna or mahito? itafushi or nobamaki? (for research purposes:) mask gojo or sunglasses gojo? kagehina or iwaoi? grepre or fkbu?
ngl i just kinda spat out whatever came into my mind so have fun LOL!
ask me to choose between a character, pairing, show or anything
hello, audrey!!! thank you so much for the ask! <3333 hope you’re having a nice day!! my answers got a bit too long adkflsdfj so:
red or blue? red! red is one of my very favorite colors. (funny thing, though, blue was my top #1 favorite color when i was like 13-16 i think? haha.)
apples or oranges? oranges! natural orange-juice, for example, it’s one of my very favorite things in this world, haha. 
long or short sleeves? hmm, i don’t particularly care? guess it depends if it’s hot or cold. but ig i like long sleeves more (bad thing i would melt if i wore long-sleeves a lot, here’s like. hot as hell 95% of the year *sighs*)
shorter (11-24 ep) or longer anime (24+ ep)? shorter! it has its disadvantages, of course. if the plot is heavy and they put a lot of topics and the author doesn’t know how to handle it in a short amount of eps, it feels lacking. but yeah, all in all, the story moves faster and if they know how to do it, you don’t have “wasting eps”, because you need, as a writer/author, to take advantage of every ep you have. idk if it’s bc i got used to the pace of that kind of story (bc i don’t have so much free time lately so i’ve been looking up for shorter ones so as to watch them in a free weekend or so), but now a lot of longer animes feel pretty slow and boring to me. not all of them, ofc, you have jjk and haikyuu! and bnha that still has me hooked (tho i haven’t really watched the anime in a long time ajhksdfh) and more, but, to end all my rambling, shorter, haha.
friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? definitely enemies to lovers! friends to lovers is lovely and fluffy and makes my heart melt (and if it has pining, all the better), but enemies to lovers is one of my favorite tropes ajsfksdfh. the sexual tension! the rivarly! the “idc about u” slowly melting into fondness and closeness. god i love to see it
bakusquad or dekusquad? BAKUSQUAD, BAKUSQUAD, BAKUSQUAD, BAKUSQUAD, BAKUSQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how am i not gonna love supportive, chaotic dumbasses together with a grumpy, caring, cleaning-freak, nerd mom friend (ily baku ashdksajfhdf) asjdkslh. all the chaotic and sweet energy/vibes they share and absolutely dumbassery is my favorite thing. i think disaster squad (baku + todo + inasa + camie) is the only squad that matches in regards of how much i love squads in bnha jsdfldsf 
deku, iida, and uraraka or deku, todoroki, and bakugou? deku, todoroki and bakugou definitely ajsdkhldsjf. bakugou is my fave character, and todoroki is my second favorite, and bkdk and tdbk are in my favorite favorite dynamics/friendships in bnha! also. i love the contrast in their personalities and how well they team up and work together despite that. also the emotional layers they have together is unmatched wow
sukuna or mahito? SUKUNAAAA. hell yeah you god demon or whatever you are lol. i love how he’s so freaking,,,, idk, he doesn’t take shit of anyone AJSDLDJF. he’s such a bitch and little shit i love it KSJDLFJ-- also his obsession with megumi is hilarious LMAO i get it sukuna, i get it
itafushi or nobamaki? THIS ONE WAS THE HARDEST, I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH, DON’T DO THIS TO ME AKJSDLJ. um. uh,,,, itafushi maybe? like just a bitttttttttt more. just bc they have a bit more emotional moments in canon but gAH dude, i thought about this one for like half an hour KAJDFLSJDF. just,,,,, strong, pretty girlfriends?? they’re awesome and they love each other sm and they can and WILL kick your ass and JLFDSJFASKDL maki is the absolute LOVE OF MY LIFE and NOBARA GOD NOBARA i’m in love with her as well and and her obvious crush on maki is the cutest shit ever and aaaaaaAA. but also,,, yuuji and megumi GOD. like you have these two dumbasses who care about each other so damn much, and yuuji is so sweet and dumb and strong and cares so GODDAMN MUCH and megumi just wants him to be happy and and respects him a lot and like. they support and believe in each other sm and just want the other to take care of themselves and be safe and and,,, like YUUJI IS EXACTLY MEGUMI’S TYPE TOO AAAAAAAAAA i just. love them. they make me so soft. i love them both i love them both
mask gojo or sunglasses gojo? kay this one was hard as well bc i love him either way and he looks hot as hell in both but ig,,, mask gojo?? THO I LOVE HIS EYES DUDE ASJDLADFKSHDF. maybe without anything (nor mask or sunglasses) but it would feel kinda weird aksdjlasjd,,, like he’s,,,, naked or something idk LMAO
kagehina or iwaoi? kagehina but god iwaoi man,,,, kagehina was my first haikyuu ship, i fell in love with both in the first ep and they just KEPT growing on me sm. they make me so goddamn emotional, i love the mutual respect, the admiration, the bickering, the dumbassery,,, (as you can see, idiots in love is a fave trope of mine lmao) but YEAH, ah. the last ch and bit extra always manages to break me in tears LMAO, just,,, i’m so proud of them and i feel like they both understand and complement the other SO WELL, it’s mindblowing. dorks. bu t actually iwaoi is my second fave ship in hq! childhood friends and all the LAYERS they have god my heart,,,, my HEART. they make my soul ache
grepre or fkbu? grepre!!! the characters and arcs and dynamics are so well-done, and overall, as much as i love love love and adore fkbu, grepre was more unique and interesting!!! the premise, everything. i loved seeing all develop. i watched the case 1, 2 and 3 in one sitting, and the first one had me hooked from beginning to end. but every single case has SOMETHING to it. like watching abby thrive and grow was amazing, watching both cynthia and laurent’s backstory was mindblowing. and i just. love abby and cynthia and dorothy so goddamn much. all the main characters tbh yES
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nuttyjellyfishlover · 3 years
One Piece Anime Wano Arc Episodes 890
One Piece Anime: Wano Arc, Episodes 890 This honestly is less going to be a review and more of a commentary as I watch through the anime's rendition of the Wano arc. I've honestly never really watched too much of the One Pieceanime, mostly just looking up the highlights of the arcs I read in the manga. I did watch the filler episodes and most of the movies, as I've talked about at length recently. And everyone tells me that the anime has some rather terrible pacing, particularly around the time of Dressrossa, which is apparently pretty padded out. But then I heard the absolute opposite for Wano, where the anime has received a new art-style and one hell of a fancy makeover. And I thought... hey, I'm on a One Piece kick this year, clearly, so yeah, I think I'm going to give this a shot.
The Wano arc, I think, is one that works a lot better because it has the reverse problem of a lot of One Piece arcs -- there are a lot of moments in Act One of the manga's version of the story that the writer clearly purposefully threw in a couple of off-screened moments that the anime could expand into full action scenes. I already know that Sanji versus Page One is fully animated in the anime, and scenes like Big Mom vs. Kaido or Zoro vs. Basil Hawkins are extended a lot more than the couple of panels we had in the manga. And Wano's got a lot of supporting characters, some of which actually get swept under the rug when I first read through the manga chapters weekly. So yeah, having bright colours and voices and music is going to make this a much more fun experience!
Anyway, here goes my collection of random notes and commentary. Be aware that there will be MANGA SPOILERS, as I will point out a couple of things here and there about stuff I notice that's foreshadowing or whatever:
* Marco's blue-and-yellow phoenix form looks so, so much more vibrant and pops out compared to anything else in the series in colour, huh? I think out of any other character, Marco is extra-memorable in animated format. * That said, basically half this episode is just a recap of the Paramount War. I mean, I haven't seen the Paramount War in full animated format, so it's nice to hear Whitebeard and Ace and Marco speak some of their more famous lines there. But on the other hand, it's also it's kind of one of the more-criticized parts of the One Piece anime that any time they could pad out an episode with scenes from a previously-produced episode, they will. * We actually get to see the Grudge/Payback War in the anime! I think this is less of a showcase of events that actually happened and more of a symbolic one, but hey, we get to see Blackbeard doing some sky-quakes and black holes and Marco turning phoenix. It just shows the Whitebeard division commanders getting sucked into a giant Dragon-Ball-esque spirit bomb Black Hole. Actually pretty neat! * Jozu has both arms in that vision. Whether it's an error or a spoiler or if he has a prosthetic a la Akainu in Film: Z, we'll see eventually.
* This episode also has a bit of a recap of the revelations about Wano from the Zou arc, but it's a lot shorter and feels a lot more relevant to the upcoming arc. * Brook actually expresses some interest on Vivi, apparently having heard of her from the others. I've always liked this from the filler episodes, of the newer Straw Hats slowly learning about prior adventures. Brook being Brook, of course, a panty joke was tossed in. * The Japanese-art style water waves look so pretty when animated! * The random octopus that makes Japanese kabuki theater (?) sounds is another thing that works so much better in the anime. I've always thought it felt a bit forced and random in the manga version. * The high-tempo music when the Sunny sails into the koi waves is very, very fun! * Ah, yes, the very first chapter of Wano in the manga shows off a bunch of carps jumping up a waterfall. You know, considering the whole legend that a carp that jumps over the waterfall transforms into a dragon... i.e., a fish that is also a dragon...
* The first one that's properly and almost fully drawn in the new Wano art style! And it looks gorgeous. * Also a new theme song! I've never paid that much attention to theme songs in anime, but I definitely like "One Dream One Wish" more than "We're the Super Powers". Shame that, as with most anime, the opening sort of spoils, like, half of the things that happens in the arc. * Speaking of great background music... the tempo of that opening instrumental that Komurasaki plays on shamisen is pretty catchy, especially with that octopus going iyooo~ in the background. It also makes for very fun background music for Zoro's rampage at the end of the episode. * Anime Wano is so freaking colourful. The rooftops, the kimonos, the hair... I think I remembered reading that Oda made it a point to subvert the fact that everyone in feudal Japan had black hair by explicitly doing the opposite -- black hair is the exception rather than the norm in Wano. Fun! * The frog on Usopp's hat is a real frog! I always thought it was just a hat! It's adorable! The wiki tells me it's called Gama Pyonnosuke. It's an adorable friend! Forget Carrot or Kin'emon or Yamato, Gama Pyonnosuke for next Straw Hat! * The biggest expansion here is that we actually follow Zoro around as he wanders around the city until he gets arrested by the corrupt magistrate. And Zoro actually bumps into the man-slayer and corrupt magistrate, actually explaining why he recognizes the specific scent of blood during the whole seppuku court. * And then we get around a minute of Zoro fighting the magistrate guards with the seppuku knife and good ol' fisticuffs, something that I didn't think I needed, but is certainly very fun to watch! * This new animation studio loves the angled zoom-in into eyes, and I highly approve. I think we had that like at least three times when Zoro decides to get dangerous.
* I never quite realized that if Luffy hadn't been interrupted by the octopus and washed up next to the Thousand Sunny, the poor ship would be literally left to its own devices. You'd think after losing Merry, the Straw Hats would be more careful with their ships... * Zoro gets to slash the magistrates up even more! It's a single Tatsu Maki, but god damn what a pretty Tatsu Maki. The shot of his feet kicking and breaking the wooden floor, the black aura around his blades, the way that the dragon aura appears behind him, the demonic red eyes as Zoro slams down from the sky, and the shots of the surrounding terrain being cut up into cubes... pretty awesome! * Luffy dodging the bullet from the random Beast Pirate goon with Observation Haki and the gomu-gomu-long-range-bitchslap has always been cool in the manga, and this episode makes it even cooler. Those glowing eyes! This is going to be the whole commentary, isn't it? Just me commenting on the scenes I find to be really cool? * Luffy's Conqueror Haki against the giant baboon is another very cool one. From the expression to the delivery of the line to the sound effect... Luffy's expression is actually pretty cool and borderline scary as he beats up the second goon. No wonder Tama went straight into "This is the I surrender pose!" * Also added in the anime is a vignette of Franky, Robin and Usopp seeing the news of Zorojuro becoming a wanted criminal. Again, not entirely necessary to know the story, but actually scenes that I don't mind being shown to us. Particularly that scene of Usopp utterly bullshitting an officer. * Luffy pets Komachiyo with his rubber arms. Komachiyo is a good boy. This is the most important scene.
* Did the manga show Luffy hiding the Sunny and letting it anchor in a cave? I don't remember it. I know that before the flashback and the raid we see the Sunny there, but it's nice to actually show Luffy not being so callous with the Sunny. * They got a pretty good voice actress for Tama that really makes her pretty adorable! So many times these kid guest star characters end up being annoying if they don't get a good voice, but between the voice-acting and the expressions, she's pretty fun! * Also, I think this is going to be something I repeat a couple of times, but both Tama and Tenguyama are so much more visually interesting with their full colour palettes. * Oh, right, Drake was the one that ransacked Tama's village. Wonder if that'll actually come up later on in the story... * Okay, thanks to the anime, it's really going to drill to me that it's pronounced 'Diez Drake' and not 'Eks Drake'. * I'm pretty sure everyone noticed it, but Ace learned to weave hats in Wano! That's how he became buddies with Oars Junior! I didn't notice it until just now!
* (Episode is the Cidre Guild filler arc that ties in to Stampede.) * What is Tenguyama waiting for? It's probably Oden or his retainers, but I don't think he's part of the samurai that was recruited by Kin'emon's group. Maybe he just missed the big recruitment drive, but that's weird. I wonder what role he's going to play in the arc... * There is a random metal guitar riff when Luffy sees the Nidai Kitetsu. And a glow of Observation Haki on Luffy's eyes. That's a small detail, but very cool! He also uses Observation when Hawkins arrives later on. I love the little trail of glowing red that streams out of his pupils when he activates it. * Tenguyama's sword has a very cool leaf-based handguard! Never noticed that. * Speaking of cool Observation Haki effects, Zoro's apparently activates when he senses sake. Appropriate! * I know it's me repeating this over and over, and we'll get so many cooler scenes later on, but Zoro casually launching that Phoenix Cannon to blow up the two random raptor-riders when he saves Tsuru? Such a simple scene but still so cool. Also very cool is the very brief slo-mo as Zoro re-angles the pathway of his slice when cutting down the second random goon. * Unlike most of the other things, I've always noticed that Basil Hawkins has a very cool Koma-deer mount. It looks even cooler in motion!
* This is perhaps one of the more extended scenes, since it features... fight scenes! In the manga, I think this lasted... maybe half a chapter? Less? A couple of page spreads? It's not just the Hawkins fight, either, Luffy's 'swordfighting' with Nidai Kitetsu also gets extended. Luffy's a bit more successful in using the sword to block and parry here. * Luffy's voice actor really makes the 'de gozaru' sound really funny. * I 100% missed Tsuru the first time I read through this chapter since we only see part of her in a single panel before her full-body debut after the Hawkins fight, and it's a lot less likely that you'll make that mistake in the anime. * Some 'elite' goons show up here, including a guy that uses his ponytail as a whip against Zoro, and a dude that makes fissures with a hammer that fights Luffy. Probably feels a bit more filler-y compared to the rest of the action scenes, but that's honestly nitpicking. * Zoro launching a Phoenix Cannon that slashes Hawkins's face is very cool. * Hawkins' little straw dolls gets an extended scene of it crawling out of his arm. It's so creepy, I love it. * Hawkins' giant straw demon StandBankaigets an very cool summoning animation and it's so creepy. The skies darkens and everything. Most importantly, it makes noises! Again, I love it.
* Luffy and Zoro vs. Hawkins! It's extended beyond just the simple 'dodge, then one-shot-slash' that it was in the manga. I really like Hawkins and his creepy-ass Straw Stand, so I am a huge fan of this. We get a couple of nice juxtaposition shots of Hawkins and the straw monster. Also Zoro goes shirtless in the fight. That's an important detail! * I really, really love how Zoro is having a gritted-teeth expression as he fights the giant straw demon; the straw demon is going gakakakakakakaka like a lunatic... then we cut to Hawkins who has a deadpan, bored expression as he swings his sword in the distance. * The animators really like to let the straw monster use the nails entwined to the tips of its fingers. That's fun! Zoro backhand-blocking the nails from hitting Luffy and Tama? That's cool! * Zoro does Ichi-Gorilla-Ni-Gorilla at one point, and totally slices and 'kills' Hawkins a bunch of times. * Also, speaking of pretty, glowing-eyes motion shots, Zoro using Nigiri: Toro Samon? Yeah. The cut itself is cool, but the zoom-in on Zoro's eyes as he does so? I'm sorry, I have a weakness for that kind of shot, it appears. * To extend the fight so that it's not just a single exchange of blows, Komachiyo gets knocked to the ground so that Zoro and the straw demon can actually fight for a bit. * Also shots I have a weakness to? DBZ-style 'aftermath of a powerful move'. This one isn't too over-the-top, but the slash extending into the sky and the shockwave rippling out from where Zoro slices the strawman thing is cool. * We actually see the scene of Okiku being harassed by Urashima in chronological order, and Urashima scares off a customer. Also, the implied scene of Zoro scaring off Urashima is actually shown here.
* This episode kind of extends the scenes in Tsuru's shop a bit more. Not the most exciting thing, but it does really help to build up Tama, Tsuru and Kiku. * ...wait, Tsuru's shop just displays the Kozuki crest very, very evidently on its door awning. If simply speaking the Kozuki name alone is a punishable crime, how did they get away with that? * Zoro trying to get Luffy to adopt a Wano-ized name is extra-funny in the anime! * Speaking of extended fight scenes, Batman gets to shoot alotmore arrows at Luffy and Zoro. It's kind of over-the-top on Batman's part, if we're being honest, even if Zoro and Luffy very easily dispatches of them.
* The anime does give Batman the ability to control his arrows via sonic waves or something, but he lasted for a much, much longer time than he really should have. * Batman fucking blocks Luffy's Busoshoku-empowered punch! He most definitely doesn't do it in the manga, and sure, knocking Luffy down with sonic waves? I buy that. Blocking Luffy and causing a small explosion in the air? ...I'm pretty sure just some random Gifter isn't supposed to be able to do that. Unless they're thinking of the other Batman? * They make the initial shot of Holdem answering the phone with the lion face pretty intimidating! * Holdem's lion beating their shared balls is still one of the weirdest jokes in the manga. * Some really nice face shots in this one, from Tama to Holdem to the lion to Luffy's group.
* A pretty obvious extended filler is Urashima bullying other sumo wrestlers. Urashima is kind of a dipshit, so it's not a particularly enjoyable filler for me. * Zoro gets to sumo-wrestle with one of Urashima's goons! This one, on the other hand, is pretty fun. We also get a little added bit where Zoro smirks after remembering Kiku's earlier insistence that she's a samurai, so it's less of a 'he doesn't give a shit' and more 'he wants to see what Kiku's skill is' or something.
* Luffy vs. Urashima is prolonged a bit in here, obviously. Not as entertaining as fighting Hawkins or even Batman, but okay, sure. Lots of grunting and growling in this one. Urashima cheats a bit more, Luffy has to use Armament Haki at one point... really don't think Urashima's someone that you should bother using hardening on, Luffy. * The kabuki-style delivery of "I'm going to be the king of pirates" is very well done. * Poor Tama! Holdem's a jackass. * We actually get to see Urashima crashing into Holdem's house, in yet another obvious 'hey, anime team, this is something for you to animate' scene from the manga. * Law gets an extended scene with seeing the sick Bepo, including a Room/Scan showcase and Bepo looking cute and Law being unable to keep being angry at him.
* The fight against the pirates and samurai in Bakura Town gets extended a fair bit in this episode. Luffy throws Nidai Kitetsu's scabbard around again, repeating the thing he did before. * This episode noticeably has a bunch of brief flashbacks to previous episodes. Anime episodes do this all the time to easily eat up like, ten or fifteen seconds of runtime. But I felt this one was particularly noticeable since it's to the previous episode which we already had a recap segment of before the episode begun. * Ball-de-boo!
* We get an adorable crayon drawing memory when Luffy remembers Zunisha one-shotting Jack's fleet. * Luffy and Zoro's synchronized neck-crick is pretty fun. Also fun is their super-speed when they simultaneously rescue Tama and steal the food barge. The question is, where is this super-speed when they were bamboozled by Batman and Gazelleman? * Unlike the anime, Holdem is able to turn his sword into a flaming segmented sword. It's like Zabimaru from Bleach, but on fire! * We get an extra scene of a random goon holding Kiku hostage and Zoro locking eyes with her and saying "I'm not going to help you", knowing full well she's pretending to be a damsel in distress. * Speed also gets to do something here! She gets to shoot Armament Haki'd arrows at Zoro and Kiku! In the manga she doesn't do anything while this is happening. * REDDO HAAAAAWK! * God damn that's a very satisfying Red Hawk. Such a pretty-looking one! This was the scene that a friend showed me that got me excited to sit down and watch the Wano arc in anime format. From Holdem shooting a lion's fire (how does that work?) and engulfing Luffy, to Tama's yelling, to the zoom-in to Luffy's angry eyes, to the orb of flame dissipating, the zoom-in to Luffy's angry face, the impact, the music... it's just Luffy beating up Holdem, who means jack-all in the grand scheme of things, but what a badass Red Hawk.
And I think that's a neat place to stop off, with the initial Hawkins-Urashima-Holdem opening prologue to Wano done with. I'm not sure how often I'll update this little watch-along series, but I certainly am enjoying myself!
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ffamranxii · 3 years
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Bro. My shipper heart is bleeding. These are my current fandoms (Persona, Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, and Haikyuu!!) and I have some FEELINGS (under the cut).
1. I don’t ship Ryuuji/Protag/Goro. I very specifically headcanon Joker as two different people, with slightly different personalities. Joker-as-Ren I ship with Ryuuji, Joker-as-Akira I ship with Goro.
2. Makoto/Hifumi is a chance interaction that takes place when Joker and Makoto go to Jinbocho. I decided that very second that I ship them so hard, since Makoto abandoned Joker to go shop with Hifumi.
3. I do have specific headcanons for the other thieves, but none are romantic. Ann and Ryuuji have an epic bromance; Yusuke is asexual but best friends with Futaba and Joker; Futaba and Sumire are best friends and neither of them need a relationship while they are healing from their respective traumas; I hardcore ship Haru/happiness but have yet to find a specific person to ship her with. Same with Mishima - I love my boy but haven’t found the right person for him. Also honorable mention to Iwai/Takemi. 
4. Yu/Yosuke was my first P4 ship. Never looked back. I also shipped Yukiko/Chie way before I shipped Ann/Shiho, despite playing P5 first.
5. My take on Naoto is conflicted (I understand their story from both the Japanese and Western point of view and can’t decide which I like better). I very specifically ship Kanji/boy!Naoto.
6. Teddie/Marie was a crackship I came up with during Golden and decided I really liked for some reason. I was thinking of what to write for a fic and Yosuke mentioning “oh hey my brother [Teddie]’s getting married” “oh yeah? to who?” “that weathergirl, Mariko Kusumi” just popped into my head. I’m on board now. 
7. I really like Rise but I can’t for the life of my find a person to ship her with. I do not like Rise/Yu. 
8. Honorable mention to the ball bois Kou/Daisuke.
9. I don’t know why I ship Minato/Yukari. I just really like them together and surprisingly I can hardly find any fics or art of them. I also ship the Minato/Aigis bromance and I love Elizabeth-loves-Minato.
10. You can pry ShinjiHam from my cold dead fingers. VIVA LA SHINJIHAM!
11. These two are similar to Minato/Yukari in that I don’t know why I ship them, I just do. There’s also not much art/fic of them. :(
12. Ngl, Junpei’s inability to leave Chidori alone because he can’t fathom a girl just sitting on a bench drawing really rubs me the wrong way. However, they develop an actual relationship (in as much as a secondary character can in Persona) and by the time she sacrificed herself for him I was hooked. I think Chidori really didn’t give a fuck about Junpei until she was in the hospital and saw how much he cared about a person he didn’t really even know. 
13. I’m not totally sold on the other SEES peeps. I LOVE Fuuka but I can’t find anyone I truly love her WITH. Ken is a child among near adults so I don’t really have anything for him, and Koro-chan’s a doggo. I love Rio and Saori, but not together, and also Mamoru... 
14. Maya/Katsuya are just stupid cute. I take no criticism.
16. Eikichi and Miyabi are honestly super sweet, I can’t even.
17. Maki and Naoya are the only two people from P1 I really connected with in any meaningful way, so of course I ship them together. I also loved Yukino in P1 (but not P2, really), and Yuka, but have no one to ship them with. Yuka married rich so maybe she married Kei! XD
18. Sailor Moon is the ONLY series where I ship people differently based on adaption. I ship Usagi/Mamoru in both, of course (and I think Mamoru was done better in the live action than the anime and especially the manga); but in the live action I hardcore ship Rei/Minako (who seemed to be the replacement Haruka/Michiru, since they weren’t in the live action), and really, really enjoyed the developing relationship with Ami/Nephrite during the Dark Mercury arc as well as the surprisingly stable and sweet Makoto/Motoki relationship.
19. However in the anime/manga I tend to ship what I’m “supposed to” (within reason, lol). Chibiusa was the first person I ever shipped with two different people. I like the idea of her and Hotaru in young love, and Mistress 9 and Wicked Lady getting together, and I love the idea of older princess chibiusa with her first love Helios.
20. Ah, the Kakeru love triangle. Kakeru just RADIATES bisexual energy - he hits on literally all the Sohma men and he LOVES Yuki. I actually did not like Yuki with anyone but Kakeru until the 2019 anime came out and I saw a lot of discourse about how well Yuki/Machi went together. I’m also a sucker for Kakeru’s girlfriend Komaki and I hope they put her in the anime. The idea of chaotic bisexual Kakeru actually having been in a longterm relationship all through high school and marrying her is just super sweet.
21. I will never let go of Hatori/Kana. They should’ve had it all.
22. Kagura/Kunimitsu and Momiji/Kimi are two crackships I found as fanart (I’ve reblogged them at some point), that every so often I stumble upon a fic or art for. I originally didn’t like them, but ended up ADORING them. Kunimitsu is exactly the calm yet gently mischievous presence Kagura needs and Kimi and Momiji would create SO MUCH CHAOS.
23. I do not like Uo/Kureno within the context of the show. I understand that Uo is probably the first non-related girl Kureno’s interacted with since his essential imprisonment and he is probably suffering from “new is always better” syndrome when he meets her. Kureno hardcore needs a few years on his own, away from the Sohmas, to figure out who he is, and what he likes to do, and live as a normal person; and Uo is NOT the person to help him do that. She’s got enough on her plate with the death of her mentor/mother figure and rehabbing her father. Uo is in a good place right now and Kureno is not, and she shouldn’t need to “save” him. I DO like Uo/Kureno as an “after the series” pairing, where Uo’s in her twenties and out of college (if she went) and got a career, and Kureno’s finally gotten his shit together, and they meet again by chance and they’re both in a good place. That’s adorable. Uo/Kureno while Uo’s in school isn’t.
24. I actually think Kagehina was the first ship I shipped in Haikyuu!! I remember watching the first episode and going “...are.... are they gonna make out?” Then Noya and his dramatic “ASAHI!!!!!” and “I’M NEVER GOING TO PLAY UNLESS ASAHI PLAYS TOO!!!” swooped in and I forgot about them. Asanoya is just so precious and pure. Daisuga smacked me in the face like, “Oh. OH. This is... this is fucking GREAT.” I think it was because I saw someone say “Daisuga are basically volleyball mom and dad” and I was hooked. I DO, however, enjoy a Kuroo/Daichi bang it out rivalry though. Tsukki and Tadashi was a no brainer; Tadashi yelling at Tsukki at the camp was just *chef’s kiss*
25. Yachi is the cutest little lesbian, and she’s even gayer in the manga. I actually can’t decide who I like more, Kiyoko/Yachi or Kiyoko/Tanaka. 
26. Iwaoi and Kuroken came to me during my first forays into AO3 for fics. I can’t imagine shipping them with anyone else. They’re just... MADE for each other. 
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myinnersoul1412 · 3 years
My personal comment on the Ossan Love HK remake
Please don't flame if you don't agree. The review is based on my take of the original Japanese Ossan Love 2018 after rewatching it over 10 times lol... Spoilers below
Even though the number of episodes are doubled, the interactions among the main leads remain mostly the same and the emotional climax of certain scenes are lost
( A Tian/Haruta here doesn't even show a single expression of jealousy after finding out Darren/Takegawa is A Muk/Maki ex boyfriend and it 1-2 eps between this revelation and the backhug so I'm like...???)
Due to the episode count advantage, the HK version spends more time explaining the mentality before and after the breakup. Some ppl say the Japanese version was too sudden, though even in my first watch I didn't feel it was sudden at all : it was subtle but indeed there and expressed throughout Kento great acting... Though some overlooked or didn't see that at all😑
Due to the addition of too many subplots for the side couples ( chef and the maika san, Choko and Maro, Chief and wife, Chizu and Haruta ), the plots felt diluted as I'm not really interested in their stores, but I heard the plot for these couples are not bad
The emotional entanglement with Chizu here is quite bad and..unfinished.. Like in one episode before, Haruta was trying to kiss Chizu and then the next episode, the backhug happened and the dating phase began.
There were quite a lot of fanservice and lovely dovey since, which I think a lot of ppl, especially younger ones would like, but for my personal taste I find it too cheesy ( taking Polaroid photos together, couple bracelets, feeding each other etc...)
The HK version completely omitted the part where Haruta tried his best to cook glutinous inedible porridge for Maki when Maki got sick, but in the HK version, A Tian was on a business trip with KK( the chief in HK ver)
The later episode 13 and 14 leave some time for the viewers to digest the emotions so it's not bad
Due to the episode number advantage, there's more time to express each emotion phase as compared to the Japanese version ( which was done n conveyed skillfully by the actors acting, but could get overlooked cause the events in the last episode happened in a whirlwind and especially if the viewer actually paying attention to little expression changes and the mood.
So the Hk version would actually fit those whom went "wtf why" at the breakup scene, who would prefer a more obvious transition of emotions.
The pacing for the episodes after the break up, explaining the living together situation with the chief is quite good, although A muk is quite indecisive here so it's also slightly more frustrating. But overall from the breakup onwards, the plot gets quite good and not as rushed as the original version (damn Tv asashi why u cut down 2 eps of the original series)
Acting/Cast: 7/10
A Tian/ Haruta :this role makes me realize how good an actor Tanaka Kei is... He made Haruta to be so confused and insensitive but at the same time so lovable. But for the HK version, I do feel the need to punch him sometimes. I guess the acting is not delicate enough, but I won't say much since the number of years difference in acting experience is too big anyway. But generally, A Tian made me want to punch him quite a few times
A Muk/ Maki actor is quite good looking though he looks quite stiff, without much expression for the first 10 eps. He got better later on though. Tbh, the HK version of Maki is quite... bland. Maki in the jp version is this bitchy and yet adorable young man, that can be super cool when it comes to work. He also generally has a sad atmosphere due to his 'unrequited' feeling, but only at the appropriate timings when it matters. But for A Muk, he's just generally sad most of the time.I guess it's due to the changes in script and role interpretation.
But really, from the first ep up until ep 10, I barely feel any affection that A Tian has for A Muk so when A Muk proposed that they dated, it felt a bit confusing and out of no where. In the Japanese version however, I could always feel that Maki was special to Haruta in some way, and that romantic affection was triggered by Tagekawa - Maki handholding and Maki attempting to leave series of events. In the remake, the emotional flow n climax of this mini arc was just gone...
In the remake however, they made up for more lovely dovey scenes between A Tian and A Muk during their dates,so I guess it's a good thing (though the fact that they're suddenly so lovely dovey, getting matching bracelets, feeding each other all of sudden don't make much sense to me when A Tian is still a bit hazy about their relationship but I take that as the dynamics of this duo as a couple, n ofc some fanservice )
But honestly in the HK remake, I can't feel A Tian/Haruta affection for A Muk/ Maki at all so this love story feels totally one sided from A Muk up until the breakup point.I have read some comments saying that why is A Tian even crying and I see where they came from
( and hence I deem those statements saying that Haruta/Maki having less chemistry than A Tian! A Muk as invalid to me. Everyone is free to have their opinions ofc, but Haruta affection for Maki in the original series was palpable in the mood even if there were not any tangible specific events.)
The chemistry in the HK version only starts to pick up after the breakup event ironically, but because of the feeling /psychology transition was done not so good due to script and difference in acting ability, I don't feel as invested emotionally but I do still wish A Muk all the best because he's been suffering too much in the HK version
In the HK, I can't feel the raw emotions as in the original version but it's not bad too
They use piano songs during emotional moments but the same song is being used throughout all the emotional moments makes it a bit err... The piano sounds are even a bit too digital for my taste but that's just me. The general vibe of the osts are the same as the original 2018 series, but there are no climax/ orchestra pieces so in terms of ost, the original definitely did a much better job.
However the opening song for the HK version is quite nice and fitting for the vibe of the two leads
Re-watch value
Maybe I'll re-watch again after I can detach myself from the original 2018 series...
Again these are all my personal opinions and I tried to phrase it as respectfully as possible.
Overall :7/10, overall better than I expected
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Salutations to you, random people on the internet who most likely won't read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
Gonna be honest, I didn't think The Falcon and the Winter Soldier needed to be a full-length TV series. I mean, if Spider-Man can discover that he didn't have to replace Iron Man in a two-hour and nine-minute long movie, then the Falcon can learn he can't replace Steve Rogers in the same amount of time, right? I was excited, don't get me wrong, but I didn't know how they can fit a plot for a movie into a six-hour-long series. Unlike WandaVision, which needed to be a TV show to get those TV homages right for each episode, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier didn’t sound like something that would honestly work better as a film. But, once it started airing, and my excitement increased each week, I can positively say that it would not have worked as successfully if it wasn't a TV series.
Unfortunately, I'll have to get into spoilers to explain why, but trust me when I say that if you haven't checked it out yet, you definitely should. Because I'm about to dive in (or fly in) as I explain why The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is easily in the top tier MCU projects.
Sam Wilson: If WandaVision was about developing Wanda, then The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is about developing Sam. He might share the spotlight with Bucky, but this is so clearly Sam's story. It's his journey of becoming the new Captain America that gets more of a focus, and it is one of the best aspects of the series. And as I said, it's similar to Spider-Man's journey in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Sure, this time, it's more about stepping up to the mantle, but both Sam and Peter have to learn how to be their own hero rather than replace the one left behind. In Sam's case, it's more than just being the new Captain America, but also being the black Captain America. I'll talk more about the implications of that later, but for now, all I'll say is that it was so engaging seeing Sam accept his role. Plus, even though Sam tries to carry Steve's title, that doesn't mean he's Steve Rogers 2.0. He has his own ardor and personality as Captain America, on top of still representing the aspects of what that title entails. Partial credit for that goes to Anthony Mackie, who does a phenomenal job of portraying a man who's inspirational and charming in all forms of hell. I'd salute him as much as I'd want to have a beer with him...except not really because I refuse to touch a single drop of alcohol. But Sam Wilson would make me consider it! Because he's that good of a character.
Bucky Barnes: Much like Vision in WandaVision, Bucky takes the sidelines as Sam acts as the main face of the series. Unlike Vision, however, Bucky's story seems more like its own thing rather than something that's connected with his co-star. In a way, it's better, but it also seems worse. Because without having it be locked with Sam's story, Bucky's is still compelling as it develops him further in his own way. His journey may not be as engaging as Sam's, but it's still entertaining enough to watch his own narrative get continued in small spurts. Although, the fact that Bucky's story has little to do with Sam's does have the unfortunate side-effect that he doesn't need to be there. His inclusion is very much welcomed, but I feel like Bucky dealing with his own guilt and trauma as the Winter Soldier could be something that can fill up its own series rather than half of one. That being said, Bucky absolutely needs to be in this show. The emotional turmoil that Sabastian Stan portrays so well hits hard, and his dry humor works for some comedic highlights. Bucky's half of the story might be unnecessary for plot reasons, but it is unquestionably necessary for enjoyment.
There’s a lot of talking: This seems like a misstep, especially since most superhero shows are bogged down by characters talking to pad out the run time. Although, the dialogue in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is more like the dialogue in the series Daredevil. There are more words than action, but nearly every line is so incredibly engaging that I do not care. Sam and his sister talking to a banker about getting a loan might not sound as entertaining as Sam being in an air chase against terrorists, but I surprisingly held onto every word being said due to how well-acted it was. Plus, these discussions help make these characters more human on top of making the world feel believable. I understand the argument of show don't tell, but to me, as long as the dialogue is written well enough and said convincingly, I can learn to live with it.
The Flag Smashers: The concept of the Flag Smashers intrigues me. The idea that a group of people believes things were actually better when half the world got turned to dust is a perfect concept for the MCU to explore. In fact, this is the third story in a row that dives deep into the consequences of what happened post-Infinity War and Endgame, and I'm all for it! The universe is forever changed by this one big event, and it's not going to be irrelevant anytime soon. For the Flag Smashers, they offer the most striking glimpse of how the world is forever changed. Now, I'll admit, after seeing doom and gloom in Avengers: Endgame, it would be better to see the benefits of the Blip that characters claim to have existed rather than told about them. But seeing how there were dozens of fans who made the audacious claim that Thanos was right, I don't consider it too far of a stretch to believe that the Flag Smashers could exist. Especially since the arguments that characters present do seem persuasive enough. It's only the actions that the group makes that derail any sense of the discussion. But in a good way...for the most part. But I’ll get into that later too.
The Reveal of the new “Captain America”: This was the dirtiest, sickening punch in the gut that the first episode could have ended on...and I love it!
John Walker: I often find the best antagonists are the ones I'm willing to psychologically analyze. That's John Walker in a nutshell. He is an arrogant ass who deserved to get slapped around when taking things too far. Yet, I always find myself coming back to those scenes where he seems conflicted about becoming the new Captain America. I get a sense that he genuinely wants to do the right thing and those moments when he asks if he is all but confirms it. John's problem is the constant support he's given by his friends. I'd argue that building his ego is the very reason why he gets frustrated so quickly by people denying him, as he often reacts like a toddler who throws a tantrum when a parent makes the "mistake" of saying “no.” This is why it's satisfying seeing people more powerful than John kick the s**t out of him because it results in his ego going through a well-needed deflation. Still, the constant frustrations he has for not being respected as the new Captain America makes his further descent into insanity all the more appealing to watch. Because him taking the super-soldier serum proves Dr. Erskine's theory is true: "Good becomes great. Bad becomes worse."
...And this is why the writers dropped the ball when trying to make John Walker redeemable. It's exceptional if that was the intention. After all, I did say there were glimpses of a man who wanted to become great, not worse. However, given what John does in later episodes, we're going to need more than glimpses to believe his switch from bad to good. Especially since his decision to set his anger aside to suddenly help people is a little too unbelievable for my tastes given how fast it happens. It's not an awful decision. It's just one that needed a bit more polish. I still find John Walker an incredible character regardless, but I don't blame people for being a tad more hesitant given how poorly paced his redemption arc came across as.
Readapting “Star-Spangled Man”: I adore this for two reasons.
Reason #1: It's a solid callback to Captain America: The First Avenger, which I will always stand by as my favorite Captain America movie.
Reason #2: It proves how much John Walker doesn't understand what it means to be Captain America. When Steve did this song and dance routine in his movie, he hated it. Better yet, Steve despised it. Because he wasn't helping anybody. He was just being a dancing monkey to appeal to civilians, and you see how much he regrets doing it with each show. For John, he relishes the whole thing, because of course, he would! John loves having his ego appealed to, and this routine is doing nothing but inflates it. It's a solid case of visual storytelling to prove to the audience just how disconnected John is from being Captain America. Steve or Sam wouldn't have done this, because being a hero is more than respect and adoration. It's about actually doing the right thing. A lesson that John desperately needs to learn.
Sam’s and Bucky’s bromance: You remember how I said that Bucky's dry sense of humor can be a comedic highlight? Well, that's only second rate to the times he and Sam bicker like an old married couple. Whether it's because of the writing, directing, or Makie’s and Stan's natural chemistry, seeing Sam and Bucky interact with each other is always a blast to see. And on top of being funny, there are these well-handled moments of drama shared between both characters that make their relationship convincing. It's why you can't have this series without Bucky, despite it so clearly being Sam's story that gets the more focus. Because without either character, we would miss out on some entertaining interactions that I wouldn't trade for anything else for this series.
Isaiah Bradely: Well, this character was a pleasant surprise. Although, "pleasant" might not be the right word because every scene with Isaiah is absolutely gut-wrenching in all the right ways. Carl Lumbly gives a phenomenal performance for a character that has been beaten down, with very little hope he has for any change that matters for his race. Plus, his backstory may not be as unbelievable as you might think. Between 1932-1972, America performed what is known as the Tuskegee Experiment. Scientists tested the effects of syphilis by injecting it into African Americans, telling them that they were receiving free health care when they didn't. So the idea that scientists tested super-soldier serums on African Americans, not knowing the dangerous effects, is not that far of a stretch. Neither is the knowledge that a black man was disrespected despite fighting hard for his country. If you researched African American history, you'll find that this type of horse s**t happens way more times than it should. It is heartbreaking, and Isaiah Bradley represents all of it. Thus making the little Isaiah exhibit in the Captain America museum all the more tear jerking just because of how sweet it is to see him get some semblance of a win. This level of discussion of what it means to be an African American is something I never expected with The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but I greatly appreciate it nonetheless. What's even better is that these discussions don't end with Isaiah.
The discussions of racism: Again, this was something I didn't expect, but grateful for it nonetheless. I mean, I should have expected it given that one of the co-stars is black, but given how the story was about Sam being the new Captain America, I didn't think discussion of racism and racial injustice would come into play. Turns out that I was naive to think those things are separate. The burden of being a black Captain America is something that not many white people, including myself, consider a big deal. But looking at America's past and how others react to any African American in power, you realize that, yes, it is a big deal. Isaiah, and several real-life POCs in history, prove that America doesn't respond well to a person of color being better than the average white man. So it is easily reasonable to believe that there would be issues with a black man becoming a symbol of what America should be. Hell, I'm willing to bet that there were issues when this happened in the comics way back when. Not because of some bulls**t about how it doesn't fit with the character or story, but solely because they can't handle a black Captain America. And if you don't believe something like this wouldn't happen to someone like Sam Wilson, look back to that scene with the police who didn't know he was the Falcon. This crap happens every day, and it's The Falcon and the Winter Soldier that shines a light on it. Despite being something I didn't expect, the talks of racism are very much appreciated. And I'm as pale white as an introverted vampire. I can't even begin to comprehend how the African American community must feel about all of this.
Zemo: Who the f**k expected this guy to be one of the best things in the series?!
Seriously, from Captain America: Civil War, I wasn't too into Zemo as a character. I loved the idea that this powerless guy tore apart the world's greatest superheroes through intelligence and coercion. But his needlessly complicated plan and stale personality weren't enough to win me over. So when he returned, I expected to dread every minute of it. Little did I know that Zemo's comeback would skyrocket him into top-tier MCU villain territory!
Zemo is a character that, despite "helping" our heroes, still works on his own agenda. He might put them on the right path and occasionally assist in a fight, but only because he still won't stop at anything to make sure fewer super powered individuals are in the world. Because that's the thing about Zemo: His motivation was fine and understandable to a point, but his personality was flawed in Civil War. Here, I finally see how Zemo can work. Despite having no power, he uses his mind to look for any angle to control the situation, gaining an advantage even if it is for a short time. For instance, while he can't harm Sam or Bucky without risking his own life or jeopardizing his temporary freedom, he can still annoy the hell out of them. Like when he forced Sam into a situation where he had to drink literal snake juice. It's actually a ton of fun to watch, and I'm honestly glad that Zemo gets to live to see tomorrow. It means that he might make another return, and I can't wait to see what's in store for him in the future. Which is something I didn't think I'd say five years ago.
The Dora Milaje: It was actually pretty cool seeing these characters make an appearance, notably when they slapped around John Walker like it was nothing. Although, a part of me wonders that if Chadwick Boseman hadn't died last year, we would get to see T'Challa himself make an appearance. This lines up with the character, as I can see him dropping everything to hunt down the man who killed his father. Which would be just as awesome, if not slightly more so, to see. Still, we work with what life gives us. And what it gave are awesome cameos that make the MCU feel more inclusive about its characters rather than limiting them to their specific sections in the universe.
Walker killing the Flag Smasher: There is something so wrong with seeing that shield stained with blood. 'Cause here's the thing: Captain American can kill. He's a soldier. It's expected for a soldier to take lives for the sake of justice. What John Walker did isn't justice. It was vengeance. Vengeance that is fueled by anger rather than the need to do the right thing. Because when Captain America leads an army to kill the man who whipped out half the universe, that's fighting for a just cause. But when “Captain America” kills a man, the wrong man, for killing his best friend, that is an act of selfishness that no one would see your side on. And it was the final nail in the coffin that proves how John Walker does not deserve that shield.
Sam and Bucky vs. John: This might just be the best fight in the entire series. Not only is it so satisfying to see John Walker get everything that he deserves, but the whole thing was pretty intense to watch. After seeing what John can do with that shield, it makes moments when Sam and Bucky barely dodge his attacks with it all the more blood-rushing to see. Plus, Civil War's motif playing the background is another solid callback that fits well narratively since this is technically two superheroes fighting another superhero. It's an incredible scene that was worth the wait of four hour-long episodes to see.
Setting up Joaquín Torres as the new Falcon: I don't know if Marvel will follow through with this or even if they should. That being said, if they do, I'm all for it. Joaquín already seems like a pretty fun character, and his interactions with Sam show there's enough chemistry there to give Captain America a new wingman. I probably won't lose sleep if he doesn't become the new Falcon, but I'll still be excited regardless.
Madame Hydra: I know that she has an actual name, but I refuse to remember it due to how long and convoluted it is.
Anywho, we get a small glimpse of who Madame Hydra is as a character, but already I'm intrigued. She seems to have a fun personality, added by Julia Louis-Dreyfus' dry energy. Whether this is set up for the next big bad or just introducing a fun character, I'm interested. Madame Hydra was already a blast in the short amount of time she was in the show, and I can't wait to see what future installments have in store for her.
“Louisiana Hero”: Or as I like to call it, "Sam's Hero Theme." Because while this is the track that plays for the intro, it still shows up when Sam is training as the new Captain America. Not only is it insanely catchy, but I love that you hear a hint of the theme of Captain America: The First Avenger, yet "Louisiana Hero" is still very much its own thing. And that's another reason why I consider it Sam's motif because it fits precisely with the character. Sam is a person who has a hint of the good man that Steve was but still does his own thing when wearing the stars and stripes. Not a copy, but still heavily influenced by the original. So kudos to Henry Jackman for creating a musical piece that fits so well with a character far better than any other themes or motifs prevalent in the MCU. Because, let's be honest, there aren't that many.
Sam’s new suit: ...I mean, it looks cool. Kinda corny at times, sure, but points for comic accuracy.
Sam Carrying Karli: I mean, look at it.
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This looks like something that should be painted and hung up on a wall due to how beautiful it looks.
Sam’s Speech: Two meaningful things are going on with this speech.
First, it proves once and for all that Sam Wilson is Captain America. He doesn't just fight for his country. He also believes the government that runs it should take accountability for any missteps before dealing with something worse than a person who took the term "rebellious teenager" into an extreme.
Second, it is so satisfying seeing Captain America tell government officials off about unjust treatment. Even if it does diddly-squat about anything in the real world, it's still a big moment that's effective because of the bulls**t that happens every day. It's far from an actual win, but it still feels good (I hope). And that still counts for something, right?
“We’ll need a U.S. Agent”: Credit to Louis-Dreyfus for saying a stupid cornball of a name and making it sound...not that.
Still running that Marvel Studios logo in every episode: It's still a nitpick, but its still annoying. It's alright if you want to use the full fanfare for the first episode, but at least shorten it for the rest of the season. Please? For the love of all that is holy?
The CGI: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has some pretty...not great CGI. It's not as awful as the CG in the DC shows on the CW, but it is way too easy to tell what looks real and what doesn't. Failing to make CGI convincing has been a problem in the MCU for a while, as most of the time, characters barely look like they really exist in the scene. To me, I compare it to when Red vs. Blue switches between actual animation and Machinima. The CG models stick out like a sore thumb to the in-game models, but at least it looks cool. Because while I don't believe that I'm seeing an actual man with bird wings flying through a canyon while chasing helicopters...it still looks cool. Still, not many people would be as forgiving as I am to this type of thing, so it's onto the dislikes it goes.
The direction of the action: Now I want to clarify that I have no problems with the action itself. Some fight scenes are pretty cool while also added with some exciting set-pieces that kept me engaged the whole way through. It's just the direction of the action that I have issues with. The camera is always shaky with so many cuts that it's hard to follow half the time. It's an understandable technique to hide the stunt double's faces or to make it look like it really is the actual actor who's doing the fighting. The issue is that once you know a show like Daredevil exists, with its plethora of well-directed action, the cracks in the armor become much more noticeable for a series like The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Karli Morgenthau: Karli...frustrates me. Because on the one hand, Erin Kellyman does an impeccable job at portraying the heartbreak, frustrations, and determination that Karli has when fighting for her cause. On the other hand, Karli's cause is so layered with hypocrisy that it's hard to understand her position. She wants to prove how the world was better during the Blip, saying that everyone was happier then. So why do things like blow people up and kill ��Captain America?” I get the latter. The guy's a d**k. But to prove to people how better things were, is death and destruction really the best choice to get that point across? I get the mentality of how people respond better to a harmful fist rather than a tranquil hand, but really, has that mentality ever worked out either? 
However, you could argue that her hypocrisy is fueled by the super-soldier serum, with the "good becomes great and bad becomes worse" theory that John all but confirms. Although, unlike John, we never got to see Karli pre-serum, so we don't know how much it really had affected her. With John, it's easy as many scenes indicate how close he was to snapping and murdering someone who disrespects him. We don't get that for Karli and are left to assume she was already crazy about thinking how intense violence can show the world how great things were during the Blip.
Then again, that could be the plan. Show how a person with the best intentions is ultimately wrong, given the lengths they go through to accomplish them. It worked for Thanos, so it should work here. And it would have...if not for Sam saying that Karli has a point. Because for the main hero to say that the villain is correct, you have to show them doing more good than bad. I understand the mentality Karli, and the Flag Smashers, have. But by doing nothing but committing crimes and violence, any point they have is discredited. Take note of the fact that nobody but nutcases on the internet says that Thanos has a point. Because he doesn't. He's a maniacal supervillain who does something so intense that nobody should be on his side. It's similar with Karli, but because we're apparently supposed to agree with her, she doesn't work as well.
...DO YOU SEE WHY SHE'S FRUSTRATING?! Because while I can see how she can be an incredible character, there are so many holes in how she works that I fail to appreciate any of it. And seeing how she's the main antagonist, a character who takes up a good chunk of the screen time, it's not a good thing that she tends to flounder more times than she should. I want to like Karli, but given everything that's wrong with her, I just can't.
Rewriting Sharon as the Power Broker: This is an intriguing idea met with a mixed execution. You see, I like the idea of a character who was once an ally becoming a villain, yet the heroes have no clue about it whatsoever. It creates solid dramatic irony, but only if done well. With Sharon, it's not really done well. It genuinely feels like her character was changed radically to give her this personality. A fun personality, I'll add, but one that comes across as really jarring when looking back at her previous appearance. Don't get me wrong, a character's current personality feeling so radically different from their previous one can work a treat, but only when we see them go through point A to point B. We're told about the s**t that went down with Sharon, but unlike understanding the mentality of the Flag Smashers, her personality change would have been more effective if we saw it. So while I like the idea of Sharon becoming another big bad in the future, I would have liked it more if we saw her decline into possible villainy.
By using my usual scoring system for MCU shows and movies, I'd give this season of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier a solid 8/10. There are problems. Quite a lot of problems. Hell, even the stuff I like comes with a fair share of issues. It's just a matter of asking yourself, "Do I like some parts more than I dislike them?" For me, I find myself enjoying much more than I didn't. It's not perfect by any means, but while it definitely falters at times, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a series that soars to great heights. You might not be in love with it, but you’ll have a helluva good time regardless.
Now if you don't excuse me, it's time I swap from one superhero series to another as I share my more in-depth thoughts on--
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commentaryvorg · 4 years
If you could change anything from Kaito's character arc in V3, what would you change?
Honestly? The short answer is nothing.
Kaito's character arc is fantastically crafted. There are so many tiny, seemingly-innocuous lines and moments that actually serve a vital purpose in either showing us what's going on in Kaito's head despite him never talking about it, or in pushing his arc along further, all of which I had so much fun talking about throughout the commentary. Granted, a lot of it is subtle and difficult to spot - but then it should be, considering how much Kaito tries to hide his issues. When you look for it, though, it is very deliberately there and not meaninglessly ambiguous at all. There's not a single part of Kaito's arc where I'm thinking “this was written badly”; even his phobia, as much as I'm sad that it gives Kaito less screentime and less being-himself in chapter 3, serves multiple purposes for the story and for Kaito's arc. Kaito's writers are the best and I adore how much care and attention they put into writing him.
I've seen a fair few people, presumably fans of Kaito, say “Kaito deserved better”, and... they're wrong. Well, unless they mean it in a purely in-universe sense, in which case of course he did, but then so did everyone, that's kind of the point. But if they mean it in an out-universe sense, in that they think Kaito deserved a better story for how good of a character he is? No! Kaito's story is amazing. He is the best-written character in this game and got absolutely everything he deserved, narratively speaking. I genuinely believe this with all of my heart. If other people don't see it, then they aren't looking hard enough - which is understandable, but also a shame when those people are fans of Kaito who presumably want to enjoy his story as much as they can. I just want to take all of these people and show them my commentary so that they can realise just how good Kaito's arc really is and love him even more like he deserves. (And I am endlessly thrilled that the commentary does seem to have had that kind of effect on some people!)
Obviously I would also love to see a story in which Kaito learns that it's okay to show weakness to his sidekicks, completely untangles his horrendous double-standard for heroes and begins to have healthy, mutually-supportive relationships with his friends. But... that was never this story. This is a story in which Kaito's messed-up view of what it means to be a hero literally gets him killed while all but destroying his sense of self-worth in the process, yet he still manages to keep fighting and make at least some kind of difference for his friends anyway, because he still is a hero despite what he might believe about himself. And that's also a fantastic story to tell!
It's kind of like something I've also considered about Ryoma. It would have been quite possible to tell a story in which Ryoma overcomes his issues and finds a reason to live and survives, and I'd have loved a story like that with him, because Ryoma is great and deserves to be happy. But the story of how he didn't manage to overcome his issues and tragically died because of them is also a compelling story that it's possible to tell with Ryoma's character - and, well, someone had to be chapter 2's victim. With characters as ripe with potential as Kaito, or Ryoma, or really any complex and well-written character in anything, there's so many different and equally compelling stories that could be told with them. But you can't tell all of those stories at once, and that's okay.
(That's why it's great that we have fanwork, to explore all of those other possible stories that couldn't be told in canon!)
With all that said, since this is about Kaito, you know I don't want to just leave it at the (very elaborated-upon) short answer. So here's a few things I thought of anyway that I might want to change if I could - all of which are really very minor nitpicks that barely matter in the grand scheme of things.
The absolute first thing I'd do is remove those four-ish lines in which Kaito is vaguely sexist in a way that is provably out-of-character for him. Gone. Expunged. Never there. Suddenly, magically, there is no longer a portion of the fandom that believes that Kaito is supposed to be sexist, and we literally only changed like four lines of his dialogue. Funny, that.
I'd also want to slightly change the parts where Kaito freaks out in a too-extreme way over ghosts once his phobia's been revealed. Not only is it not really quite in character for him to overreact that badly when he'd be doing his best to hide it, it also comes across like Kaito's phobia is being played for comedy. Which it shouldn’t be. He is literally mentally ill; that's not a joke.
These are the only two aspects of the way in which Kaito's written that I find actively bad in any appreciable way. And, yeah, they're really minor things that don't have anything to do with his actual character arc. That's kind of my point here!
...Though, admittedly, the part where Maki punches Kaito after he clings to her during his phobia-overreaction does actually play a small role in his character arc in that it seems to shift him into beginning to freak out more about his physical illness instead. Hm. Not sure what I'd do about that.
In terms of things I might change that are more meaningful and relevant to Kaito's arc, as I've said, there's really nothing that's actively bad at all. Rather, we're just getting into things where I'd maybe want to add a little bit more on top of what's already there.
Kokichi Doing The Thing in trial 4 - aka, repeatedly heaping insincere praise onto Shuichi in what's really a transparent attempt to jab at Kaito's jealousy and inferiority complex - should have continued for longer than it did instead of being weirdly confined to one specific quarter of the trial. There are plenty of moments after that that would have been perfectly good opportunities for it! And yes, this is absolutely part of Kaito's arc, shush. Not that this would have significantly affected how Kaito would respond or make his breakdown any more spectacular than it already was, mind you, because Kokichi's jabs at Kaito were not nearly as important as Kokichi wanted them to be.
Then there's the part in chapter 5 where, after being kidnapped and offscreen for a while, Kaito has evidently become okay with Shuichi being more of a hero than him and can just be openly proud of him again. There's no specific evidence indicating why this happened, even though it's a pretty important shift for Kaito. This was the only part of Kaito's arc that I speculated about in the commentary without having anything concrete to back up what I think went on there. So if possible, I'd like to add some hints at that.
...That's easier said than done, though, since Kaito gets so little screentime at this point in the story for unavoidable plot reasons, is still not willing to directly talk about his issues, and was never even really consciously aware of his toxic double-standard for heroes that was the root of this whole problem that he's finally begun to fix. It's entirely possible that this is something the writers already wanted to hint at more than they did, but they just couldn't find a way to plausibly do so in that situation. This also still wouldn't be me changing anything about Kaito's arc, just making part of it a bit more easy to notice and figure out.
Lastly - though this isn't even strictly part of Kaito's arc - I'd love to have Shuichi acknowledge more than he does that Kaito had been suffering, and for him to reflect on that and wish that Kaito hadn't been so selfless (just like he did at one point with Kaede!). Obviously I wouldn't want to make him more aware of it for most of Kaito being alive, because that'd change too much and because Shuichi's obliviousness is part of the excruciating tragedy of it all. But after hearing at the end that Kaito really was sick and dying all along, and that Kaito was jealous of him, Shuichi should have been able to recognise at least some of Kaito's vulnerability in hindsight. Having some reflection on that at the end of chapter 5 or at some point during chapter 6 would be lovely to underline and draw attention to what Kaito's story was really about from Kaito's perspective. It might even prompt more of the fandom to actually realise this and notice what an amazing arc Kaito had, which sure would be nice.
...In fact, there's a very small window of time in which Shuichi could have plausibly acknowledged this kind of thing a little more than he did while Kaito was still alive to hear it and potentially benefit from it. So, actually, now that I think of it: the one change I'd make that'd have any real impact on Kaito's arc at all? It'd be this.
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seoafin · 3 years
hello, choso anon here!! i feel like i havent been here for a while oop, but yeah maki saying that she wants mai to have a place to belong 😭😭 this is just my opinion but i actually like mai quite a bit compared to like everyone else who hates her lol. like i know mai is sort of a shitty person but she's just the product of a very very dysfunctional family. i'm not excusing her actions but it just makes me pity her a little because as someone who also has an older sister, i cannot imagine-
-being estranged from her so honestly reading mai's backstory and watching it in the anime during the kyoto v tokyo school arc made me a little sad.
also unrelated but the official translation of 148 is even more fucked up. instead of "for once make me proud", it's "for once make me glad that i gave birth to you" 😭😭 (- choso anon)
hi friend!!! MISSED YOU!!!
STOP I LOVE MAI SOOO MUCH 😭 she honestly does not deserve half the shit people give her on tiktok it’s so annoying how quickly people are to talk about the “good female characters” in jjk and then when they don’t like a female character they’ll misinterpret her character and be misogynistic about it..... and the same thing happened to momo the lack of braincells is truly astounding
in the ends the twins love each other so idk what people are on when they wish death on mai but adore maki. like mai hate is so extreme for no reason!!!
also i saw that translation....it made me 😁😭😭😁
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ryqoshay · 4 years
How to Handle a Nico - Reunion B&B
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~1.4k Rating: G Time Frame: Summer break of Maki’s 2nd year of high school and Nico’s 1st year of college. Story Arc: “Beach Reunion” Sunscreen The No. 1 Masseuse in the Universe Reunion B&B
Author’s Note: Sat on this a bit too long as I had no idea how to end it or what to title it, but at long last, here is the third entry to the Beach Reunion arc. Woo!
Also, I’m assuming my readers have seen the movie by now as there is one reference to it here. … Did I point that out in my other recent posts? I’ll have to check.
Nico opened her eyes slowly to stare up at an unfamiliar ceiling. She knew the ceiling belonged to the master bedroom of one of the Nishikino family’s vacation homes, but it was still the first time she had seen it upon awakening in the morning. And she decided it wasn’t an unpleasant sight by any means.
The gentle sound of breathing beside her reminded Nico of the night’s sleeping arrangement and she couldn’t help smiling. She had slept well, sharing a small blanket with Maki, and now she was about to behold a much more pleasant…
Wait, what was that? As Nico attempted to sit up, she became aware of a weight on her stomach. The movement caused the girl beside her to shift in her sleep and murmur something unintelligible. Was that…? No, it couldn’t be… Nico lifted the blanket to check. Sure enough, Maki’s arm was draped across her. That meant…
Oh gods…
Nico turned her head slowly, just enough to see…
Oh gods…
Maki’s face was mere centimeters from hers. Literally any closer and the younger girl would be nuzzling Nico’s cheek.
Maki-chan… Nico pleaded silently. When had the other girl moved to such a position? Why had she done so? Had she been awake or asleep? Was Nico herself still asleep and this was a dream? What the heck was going on? A deluge of questions flooded Nico’s mind as she felt her pulse quicken and her body stiffen.
And that was enough to cause Maki to stir again, managing to move her head even closer, enough that Nico could feel her breath. Geez… What to do? If Maki woke up now, would she get embarrassed and avoid Nico for the rest of the vacation? Nico absolutely didn’t want that. Well, even if Maki didn’t avoid her, she’d still undoubtedly be embarrassed and make all manner of expressions that Nico found irresistibly adorable. So maybe it wouldn’t be all that bad...
Nico sighed. At least this was ten times better than waking up to Honoka sprawled directly on top of her, even if a hundred times more stressful. And as much as Nico wanted to just lay back down and bask in a few moments of sleepy affection from the far-to-often standoffish Maki, she knew the other girls would be getting up soon. Thus, if Nico wanted to have breakfast ready for everyone, she had to get up.
Slowly, gently, and with no shortage of reluctance, Nico slid Maki’s arm off her before crawling off the bed with an equal amount of caution. She slipped into the bathroom to quickly remove her mask and wash her face before making her way down to the kitchen.
Maki opened her eyes slowly. For the briefest of moments, she questioned her location before remembering that she had claimed the master bedroom at one of her family’s vacation homes. And Nico had stayed with her.
Maki’s gaze found an empty bed beside her and a sense of disappointment washed over her. Apparently, she had fallen asleep before Nico and awakened after, thus missing the opportunity to see Nico’s ador… sleeping face… Even with that mask treatment Nico insisted on wearing every night, Maki couldn’t help thinking it was cu… well, it wasn’t completely uncute, at least… in a way, maybe. Anyway, for some reason, not being able to see Nico sleeping somehow bothered Maki far more than she would have otherwise expected.
On the duvet immediately next to her, Maki noticed a pillow. A second pillow, in fact, though having fallen asleep during a wonderfully relaxing massage, Maki didn’t remember claiming one for herself. But the second one most certainly had to have been Nico’s. Also, Maki hadn’t gotten under the duvet, so Nico must have found one of the blankets in the closet to use for her. Or both of them, it seemed, as Maki didn’t see another blanket. And since the one currently covering her was a bit small, it was really only meant to cover one’s legs while sitting, that meant Nico must have slept beside her. As in right beside her, close enough to have likely been touching…
Without her bidding, Maki’s hand reached out to touch the indentation in the duvet next to her. Was it her imagination, or did she detect remnants of the warmth left by the girl who had slept there not too long ago?
Wait, what the heck was she doing? Maki pulled back her hand as she felt heat rise in her cheeks as if transferred from the bed through her arm. What if Nico came back in and saw her? Well, it wasn’t like she was doing anything particularly embarrassing… right? Still, knowing Nico, she’d find a way to tease Maki over it.
A yawn escaped and Maki sat up to stretch. Once her blood began proper circulation again, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and made for the bathroom to wash her face. A few minutes later, she opened the door to the hallway and was immediately greeted by a wonderful aroma.
Nico-chan’s cooking…
Maki swallowed the saliva that suddenly pooled in her mouth at the thought of a breakfast prepared by Nico. With as much haste as her caffeine deprived body could muster, she headed toward the kitchen.
“Maki-cha~n~!” a voice greeted from behind her just as she rounded the corner to catch a glimpse of the girl at the stove. “Ohainya!” a weight crashed onto her back.
“Rin…” Maki grumbled. “Get off.” She gave a halfhearted shrug in a tired attempt to shuffle off the cat like girl.
“Awww…” Rin complained, as she obeyed the command. “Maki-chan doesn’t push Nico-chan away anymore. It’s not fair, nya!”
“Haah?” Maki raised an eyebrow.
“Actually, she still does.” Nico spoke up, turning away from the stove to face the second-years. “Sometimes Nico wonders if Maki hates her.” Her tone went up an octave as she pretended to pout.
“W-what the heck?” Maki protested the sudden tag team teasing. “I don’t… why would I hate you, Nico-chan?”
“Because Maki-chan loves tomatoes more than Nico.”
“Buweeeh?” Maki had all but forgotten that bit from the magazine interview almost a year ago.
“And that’s why Nico made sure to include extra tomatoes in Maki-chan’s omurice.”
Maki’s stomach growled, interrupting any retort she might have had.
Nico laughed.
Maki growled.
“Don’t worry, Maki-chan.” Nico continued to giggle. “Nico won’t tease you about preferring tomatoes over her.”
“But… you just did…?” Maki’s early morning muddled mind struggled to keep up as the older girl stuck out her tongue at her.
“Good morning, you three.” A cheerful voice greeted as a new aroma made its presence known. “Here you go, Maki-chan.”
A steaming mug of life-giving coffee entered the redhead’s vision. Like a zombie seeking brains, Maki’s hands reached for her beloved beverage.
“Thank you, Kotori.” Maki managed to murmur before the mug reached her mouth and she immediately downed more than half of it.
“Do you two prefer tea or coffee?” Kotori turned her attention elsewhere.
“Kayo-chin and Rin like tea in the morning.” Rin explained.
Wait, Hanayo was here too? Maki turned her head. Sure enough, just behind her orange-haired friend stood a brunette who looked even more disheveled than Maki felt. The younger second-year yawned and rubbed at her eyes before squinting as though she hadn’t even put in her contacts yet.
“I’ll have that ready for you in a moment.” Kotori smiled before turning away. “Sorry to not have it ready earlier, I only got Maki-chan’s because Nico-chan told me her favorite.”
Nico-chan told her… A small smile turned Maki’s lips as she lifted her mug up to take another sip, barely noticing whatever Hanayo had said to Kotori.
“Maki-chan’s getting a lot of special treatment here.” Rin pointed out. “Especially from Nico-chan.”
“Well, she is our host, after all.” Nico replied, sliding a portion of egg over a mound of rice. “And with that,” she directed a squirt of sauce into a quick design “breakfast is ready. You three can get started while I go check on Nozomi and Eli.” She motioned to a set of plates, each with a girl’s name written in sauce over the omurice.
“I’ll check on Umi-chan to see if she’s done with her morning meditation.” Kotori said. “If she is, she can help me wake up Honoka-chan.”
“Good luck.”
Whatever else may have been said by anyone was lost on Maki as she claimed her plate and made her way to the table. Though her mug was all but drained, the caffeine wouldn’t fully kick in for a few more minutes, and in the meantime, Nico’s tomato laden omurice demanded her undivided attention.
Author's Note Continued in Followup Post
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