#hyperthyroidism in dogs
puppyexpressions · 10 months
Hypothyroidism in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
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When a dog’s thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, a condition called hypothyroidism occurs. Middle-aged and older dogs are most commonly affected. Thyroid hormones help regulate many internal functions, such as metabolism and heart rate. When these hormones are low, vital functions are impaired and symptoms develop. Fortunately, with early detection and treatment, most hypothyroid dogs have a normal life expectancy.
Causes of hypothyroidism in dogs
Lymphocytic thyroiditis, an immune-mediated condition, is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in dogs. It occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys the thyroid gland, resulting in significant inflammation and low hormone production. It is unknown why the immune system decides to attack the thyroid gland, but it is thought to be hereditary.
Hypothyroidism in dogs can also occur due to thyroid gland atrophy. During this process, the functional tissue of the thyroid gland is replaced by fat. Veterinarians also don’t know why this process occurs.
A pituitary gland tumor is another cause, but it is extremely rare. The pituitary gland is located at the base of a dog’s brain and is responsible for secreting thyroid stimulating hormone. In dogs with a pituitary tumor, this process is impaired, and the thyroid gland is not stimulated. Therefore, thyroid hormones are not produced.
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Symptoms of hypothyroidism in dogs
Hypothyroidism causes numerous symptoms in dogs, which may include the following:
Weight gain despite a normal appetite
Fat accumulation around shoulders, neck, and hind end
Dull hair coat
Slow hair regrowth
Flaky and/or thickened skin
Patches of alopecia (hair loss)
Slow heart rate
Cold intolerance
Recurrent skin and ear infections
Fertility issues
Reduced tear production (dry eye)
Nerve abnormalities
Dogs with hypothyroidism may have high cholesterol, high fat content and mild anemia on bloodwork.
How to treat hypothyroidism in dogs
Dogs with hypothyroidism require oral supplementation of a synthetic thyroid hormone called levothyroxine. This medication is given daily and is relatively inexpensive. The dose, which is determined by the dog’s weight, may change over time based on his response to treatment. Periodic bloodwork helps the veterinarian assess hormone levels and adjust the dose when necessary. Supplementation is required for the remainder of the pet’s life.
Since hypothyroid dogs are already prone to high cholesterol, switching to a low-fat kibble is beneficial. Omega-3 fatty acids also promote a healthier skin and coat. Your veterinarian can recommend the best type of food to meet your dog’s specific needs.
Life expectancy
Hypothyroidism is not a curable condition. However, most healthy, hypothyroid dogs live long, happy lives with the proper monitoring and treatment. Dogs with additional health issues, such as heart disease or kidney disease, may have shorter lifespans due to the difficulty in managing hypothyroidism alongside concurrent illness.
If left untreated, hypothyroidism results in a poor quality of life, an increased risk of complications and a reduced lifespan. Early diagnosis ensures your pet receives the treatment he needs to be happy and healthy. If you notice any signs of hypothyroidism in your dog, bring him to the veterinarian for evaluation.
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Captain is taking a morning nap in what looks like some kind of very uncomfortable contortion pose...
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Health issues & anxieties/worry thoughts
Yesterday I was able to come home from the hospital after a brief admission because I collapsed and had a seizure at home late in the evening on Saturday November 18th. I have no history of seizures so this was shocking, surreal, and scary for me and my family. After a lot of testing in the hospital the cause of my seizure was determined to be a major deficiency in vitaminB12 and magnesium as a result of my hyperthyroidism and malabsorption syndrome. I am relieved that the cause of the seizure was pre-existing conditions and not some sort of epilepsy, abnormality in my brain, or some other possible diagnosis discovered and added on to the list I've already been given. However simultaneously with the relief I still feel some anxiety, worry, fear, frustration, uneasiness and uncertainty. In and after circumstances where a new symptom/issue/mini crisis with my health emerges [in this instance it was me having a seizure], It's difficult to shake the anxious and worried thoughts and one of the biggest ones being that some new health condition/ something else wrong with me is going to be discovered and I will be forced to live, cope and try to battle/treat/medicate it as well. It's a sort of anxiety that is like an impending sense of...not really doom but more like something else is going to go wrong-the next shoe is going to drop. It's thoughts and worries about how this is going to effect my overall health if at all? Is this causing more damage to my already damaged heart, liver, bones, or eyes? How is this going to effect my family? Is it going to decrease my ability to function in life and my ability to do the things I love? Will l have to take more medication? What if I require some kind of surgery? Will I be in the hospital more? Will I be in the hospital longer? How much longer will I be able to dance and play sports and will my health problems put an early end to those passions?
Now this is NOT in any way me trying to insinuate that my health is so bad, and I am so sick and woe is me. I'm very aware that other people have much worse, some even terminal, health issues. However, on that side note who when they are sick or going through something is made better by being reminded that other people have it worse? One of the dancers in my acro and hip hop classes has asthma that gets pretty bad...should I or someone else go to her on a bad day and remind her that others have it worse...like at least you don't have lung cancer or lupus...it's only asthma! Will that cause her to need her inhaler less? Will it alleviate the anxiety that comes with not being able to breathe properly? No! Similarly, in the realm of mental health - the struggles of someone with depression are just as important, serious, difficult, valid and deserving of care as someone who has depression and schizophrenia or depression and drug addiction, depression and has attempted suicide, depression and an eating disorder. None of these needs to be ranked as having it worse than the other. This need we have to qualify and measure illness or situation against others and then determine what is worse is not only invalidating and shaming but gives space to this sick competitive one up‐man-ship vibe and conversation people can get in to...you know the kind where people tell of their ailments and struggles and in turn the next person tells their own that is suppose to be just as bad or worse than the person before. Anyways that's a soap box for some other time.
The issue with my hyperthyroidism and malabsorption syndrome is the severe deficiencies they cause do real damage-permanant damage to my organs and bones - every time more and more damage and I already have heart problems, I have already had to have a surgery on my heart. So each time something like this occurs where I am in the hospital I start to get the anxiety and worry - what's wrong now? Is it going to be so bad this time that I will have to give up dance and sports? One day it probably will come to that...I know that...my doctors have told me that and it's not that all my enjoyment and happiness in life or my whole identity is wrapped up in dance/being a dancer or a volleyball player, soccer player or tennis player. But those things are and have been a big part of who I am. They are things I love and am passionate about and good at...I work hard at. It will be a huge loss when that day where I have to give them up comes and that is scary for me.
The other big piece to this is the uncertainty, uneasiness and frustration. None of my immediate family has any health issues like I do! Not either of my parents or my brothers, not my Aunt and not my two cousins Kenzie and Grace. I am glad my family doesn't have these issues, don't get me wrong, but I still wonder WTF why is it all me? And what's coming next because if genetics play a part in any of my problems which science suggests it probably does then there's a lot of unease and uncertainty. If you don't know this from possibly my main blog then let me tell you that one whole side of my family tree and family history is a big question mark because my father was abandoned as an infant- he grew up in group homes run by the catholic church. He was named by those at the church he was abandoned at. My father lived and grew up in orphan group homes until He was old enough to be out on His own. He's never known his birth family- doesn't want to-and never had a family adopt him. My Aunt and my 2 cousins are the only extended family we have still alive and that is my mother's family. I wish I could explain to you just how uneasy this makes me. Maybe it doesn't make sense to you but it is very real and very much something I battle in my head a lot.
I am sorry this post is kind of rambling...just needed to get this crap out. I am glad to be home and I am doing okay and thank you to everyone...many from my main blog who messaged me concern and well wishes when I had the seizure 😊
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lupismaris · 1 year
Food struggles and mild Ed trigger for the tags
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l3irdl3rain · 2 years
Wanted to show you this beautiful boy I saw on petfinder!
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Do you know what caused him to have speckling like that (I love how he looks like a little night sky)? His petfinder page says he has hyperthyroidism and hypertension.
Oh gosh he’s so handsome! Look at those old man eyes!
My guess is normal aging changes in his coat. Some cats start to lose pigment in their fur as they get older and will end up with this speckled look. Going grey isn’t as common in cats as it is in dogs, but it does happen sometimes.
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doberbutts · 9 months
Tbh at this point CPS needs to be destroyed and then remade from scratch. They either seem to:
Take kids from good homes for bullshit reasons (esp. if the family is poor and/or POC) instead of giving the family actual help and resources so they can afford food/water/clothes/etc.
Take kids from bad situations and then put them into an even WORSE situation because God forbid you actually pay attention to where the vulnerable human child is going or what they actually want.
Do fuck all when a kid is actually being abused, and then when the kid inevitably dies they go "Oh we made a oopsie, sorry lol :("
Like......... I cannot fucking fathom how it's possible to be that incompetent. It's like if someone started a car company but every car they made explodes when you're driving it. You'd think at that point you would put someone ELSE in charge of making cars.
That car company exists and it's called Tesla and for some reason people still act like it's the best car company ever to buy from and suck the owner's toes about it.
A fairly significant portion of the problem is that CPS is A: a law enforcement program, not a social services program and B: human-made and thus filled with human problems of bias and bigotry. It is not made to help. It is made to enforce the law. Since kids occupy a weird space between "property" and "person", and since laws regarding raising kids are deliberately vague to allow for a broad range of cultural and religious sensitivity, we get a lot of interpretations of the law being wildly different depending on who is enforcing them.
Children playing in their quiet cul-de-sac while the parents work from home inside the house with the windows open so they can hear what's going on... is that an "unattended child" or not? How about the toddler that learns how to let themselves out of the playpen during mom's shower? The teenager that sneaks out while dad is asleep? The ten-year-old that got left home alone with microwave meals and some toys because auntie got called into work and couldn't say no?
You're a teacher. You're a mandated reporter. You notice that one of your students is constantly coming to school hungry in the morning. You put in a call. Is this student being provided breakfast by the parents? Is this student simply refusing breakfast and then showing up hungry as a consequence for not eating before they left (me)? Is this student diabetic or hyperthyroid or taking steroids for a health concern and thus is constantly hungry anyway? Is this student neurodivergent and tends to eat as a coping behavior?
Mom shows up to the hospital with a broken cheek and a black eye and two kids in tow. She swears the dog headbutted her, her husband isn't even home. Both kids verify the dog headbutted her, dad's not home, and he'd never do such a thing anyway. You're a doctor or a nurse, you're a mandated reporter. Do you call? You're the CPS agent who showed up at the house. You looked into the family's record and you see that dad's had the police called on him a couple times within the house with neighbors citing a disturbance, and once the kids called 911 due to a fight between them getting out of hand and actual blood spilt. The kids seem fractious with each other when you arrive. Mom's face is black and blue. What do you do?
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luninosity · 13 days
@randaness said: We did this for our kitty a couple years ago and it worked great! It took a little while for her to feel like her old self - I think the hyperthyroidism masked the onset of some arthritic pain, but once we figured everything out she’s been feeling great! Best of luck to you and your kitty
Thank you!! That's actually super-reassuring to hear!
We had the whole vet discussion - Miss Merlyn is at a certain age where they went, you may want to think about it, she's 13, and she spent 8 of those years outside as a stray*, so...?
And Awesome Husband and I were just like, look, you said she was healthy otherwise, her kidneys are fine, her heart's fine, my mom used to work as a vet tech and I've had multiple kitties live into their twenties, why wouldn't we do the one-time thing, versus maybe 7+ more years of medication, which she is frankly awful about?
So she's got an appointment the first weekend of June, and hopefully that will start helping her feel much better!
note*so, she had a family for her first year - we found that out when we took her in and discovered she had a microchip - but they moved to Oregon (we're in Southern California) and left her behind. They said - we got in contact, like, oh, hey, we've found your cat! - she was aggressive with their dog and their baby. We have neither of those, and she was so heartbreakingly sweet with us - she walked right into our house, after we started feeding her, and we had been cat-less for about a year - so we of course kept her. But that was, apparently, eight whole years after they moved and left her. She was obviously our baby at that point.
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irlcats-bracket · 9 months
Bracket 6 Round 1 Poll 13
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Squishy vs Molly vs Kofuku
check their descriptions and catpaganda for molly under the cut
Squishy first showed up at submitter's place as a feral (like proper feral he bolted if he saw us) Tomcat who kept beating up their other cats. The situation was getting kind of out of hand and their Mum suggested they fed him into a trap so they could get rid of him, their Dad’s response? “Yeah, we can feed him”, cut to two months later and they come home late from something only to find that Dad has somehow ended up sitting on the deck next to this previous very flighty cat, petting him as he eats. So, they got him more friendly and sent him to the vet to get neutered/shots/microchipped etc., the vets low key didn’t want to give him back because he was so friendly (he likes to roll onto his back then wiggle towards you, plus he accepts belly rubs from strangers, it’s incredibly endearing). For a good while he still disappeared for extended periods of time (neighbours spotted him in town 5km away) and ate anything in sight (including submitter's old cats hyperthyroid pills that he spat out) but 8 years later and he’s the chillest, friendliest cat you could possibly meet. Nowadays he likes to go on walks with submitter and the dogs, and will often try to lure them up the paddock when they're doing something outside (trying to get them to do exercise smh), and he will sit at the table and demand off cuts as they eat dinner. So uh, that’s submitter's potato, they hope you enjoy him.
she wants to fight everything but she is too smol so she brings submitter dead leaves instead. also she falls off surfaces a lot (she is not graceful)
He's Mr. J's (that one japanese cream cat popular here) apprentice! He's not so lovingly referred to as menace cat k. He is naughty enough to give Mr. J no peace at all. But he and Mr. J are sometimes referred to as the black and white brothers. Recently, Kofu completely annihilated Todoroki in the tumblr younger siblings bracket, Miette would be proud of him.
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shes such a creature
she brings in leaves sometimes and gets very excited to show us the leaves she catches
also she doesnt meow she just squeaks like a mouse
and she is fully grown but also one (1) foot long
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Weird things about my dogs/funny things they do post #62.5
Captain, our doberman, has a secret love of ducks. It started 6 or so years ago when our family was living in North Carolina. One of our neighbors had ducks and Captain absolutely was obsessed with them from the first moment he saw them. Captain didn't want to hunt them or chase them or anything - it was actually the opposite- Captain loved cuddling them, watching over them. He would lick them and weirdly enough the ducks & Captain bonded and both liked each other. It was a pretty odd couple the ducks & Captain...
When we eventually moved from north Carolina Captain got really depressed for a while- he was sincerely heartbroken about leaving his ducks. We bought him a stuffed animal duck and it really helped Captain- he was happy again. Since then, Captain has gone through so many stuffed ducks- every few months we are buying him one to replace the prior that is worn out/ falling apart. If ever you tell Captain to go get his baby- he'll bring you his duck and Captain normally brings his duck to bed with him at night.
& Don't even get me started recounting incidents where we've taken Captain for a walk or something and he happens to see wild ducks smh...
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Hyperthyroidism part 1 of 2- what it is, symptoms, and diagnosis story
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism at the age of 15. Hyperthyroidism AKA over active thyroid is a condition where your thyroid produces too much thyroxine hormone. It is a manageable condition with medication which I take daily and I have regular appointments with my endocrinologist for this condition...left untreated or not regularly managed under the care of a doctor hyperthyroidism can cause very serious issues that can be fatal...the major ones include heart attack, stroke, and thyroid storm but let's talk about what happened leading up to the diagnosis...
When I was 15 I was in a residential treatment facility for Orthorexia and anorexia nervosa. It was difficult at first for me to actually get diagnosed because many of the symptoms I was experiencing mimicked symptoms of someone who has anorexia and Orthorexia & is either actively engaged in the unhealthy behaviors of these eating disorders or is going through the re-feeding process[which I was in that time]. The symptoms I was experiencing were rapid weight loss and extremely fast metabolism despite what I ate, over heating easily and often, high levels of anxiety, fidgety, antsy, need to be doing something constantly, irritable- lower than average tolerance to frustration/inconveniance/ annoyance ,hair loss, trembling in hands and fingers, fatigue, insomnia, my skin was always damp and clammy to the touch, I had issues with digestion...everything I ate went right through me very quickly so I was in the bathroom a lot, I was experiencing irregular heart beat [heart murmur], my stomach hurt pretty much constantly and I was forever bloated . So if you are reading this & you are not familiar with eating disorders and the effects of them and the effects of early recovery and re-feeding let me just tell you that almost every one of those symptoms could be attributed to eating disorders and re-feeding. All the professionals at the residential I was at understandably took my symptoms and complaints as part of my eating disorders, malnourishment and being early in to re-feeding. The problem was the symptoms continued, even got worse as time went on and I was losing more and more weight. I actually ended up being accused multiple times by the staff , my therapist, nutritionist and psychiatrist at the residential of secretly exercising while in treatment, purging, hiding food...doing something I was NOT supposed to be doing to cause my weight loss to continue....I was becoming thinner and sicker being treated for my eating disorders and it was absolute hell because ironically I was not engaging in any of the things I was being accused of but the treatment center still treated me as if I was...I was given a feeding tube, put on one to one observation with a staff member 24/7 which meant I had to be with a staff member no matter what...a staff had to watch me while I slept, while I ate, showered, used the bathroom, sat in group, walked down the hall etc. It went even further to where I was put on wheelchair restriction so I was not allowed to walk anymore to keep me from losing weight . None of that helped and I got worse - my blood work showed that my kidneys were not functioning properly, ekgs showed my heart murmur was getting worse- I was very weak, my neck and eyes looked puffy and swollen, my stomach pain increased and I was nauseous most of the time. The residential sent me to the hospital at this point and after 4 days in the hospital I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and put on medication. I spent 6 days total in the hospital and then went back to the residential treatment center. I have no underlying condition or disease that caused my hyperthyroidism and it is not something that is brought on by eating disorders...it is just something I developed. According to my doctors my hyperthyroidism is pretty severe which presents more risk of other complications mostly with my heart, my eyes, my bone density, and reproductive organs. It is a little worrisome because I already have heart problems and have already had a heart surgery. I already have the sort of precursor to osteoporosis known as osteopenia and my reproductive organs have long ago bit the dust [I am completely infertile/sterile] due to struggling with eating disorders from age 7 - age 15. On medications for my hyperthyroidism- my symptoms are less & much more manageable however there are things I have to avoid but that will be covered in part 2
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This is a blog to highlight cats available for adoption that are declawed, disabled, geriatric or purebred. These are the only requirements for a cat to be featured here.
As stated in the blog description I am not affiliated with any of the organizations whose adoptable cats are featured here. The information presented in the posts is publicly available, I am only drawing attention to it.
I encourage you to always do your research before you adopt or purchase a pet. Just as there are bad breeders there are bad rescues and shelters.
Post will follow the following format.
Cat Name [Original Post]
Age | Sex | Breed*
Other Information
Location [Rescue]**
Date of Post
* Breed will be listed based on apparent breed and not listed breed, as rescue and shelters often mislabel cats under the assumption that their breeds function similarly to dogs. Unless I have reason to believe it is a genuine breed or breed mix I will label them as Domestic Shorthair or Domestic Longhair.
I may occasionally share retired breeding cats.
** The majority of adoptable cats will be from Canada and the United States as these are the countries where Petfinder is available.
I will consider cats to be seniors and eligible for sharing here when estimated at 10+ years.
Here is an incomplete list of qualifying disabilities: Allergies, Amputation, Blindness, Cerebellar Hypoplasia, Chronic Kidney Disease, Enucleation, Deafness, Diabetes, FeLV/FIV+, Hyperthyroidism, Manx Syndrome, Neoplasia, Scottish Fold Osteochondrodysplasia, Seizure Disorder.
I consider declawed cats to be disabled due to having multiple amputations which often result in chronic pain, inappropriate elimination and increased quickness to bite.
You are welcome to submit cats you would like to see featured, but please include a link to their original adoption listing.
You are welcome to make requests to see more cats from a particular area, of a specific breed or color, with a particular health condition, and so forth. I cannot guarantee these requests will be met.
Due to the time sensitive nature of these posts this blog will rarely use a queue and will instead posts in spurts.
You may make requests to see more of a particular breed, location, or health condition. These will be answered in the body of the ask instead of as seperate posts in order to avoid clutter.
Tags List Below Cut
Cat Breeds
American Curl
Cornish Rex
Devon Rex
Domestic Longhair
Domestic Shorthair
Scottish Fold
Colors and Patterns
Note: This are based on colloquial descriptors and not genetically accurate. Check out @felinefractious for coat color and pattern information.
Black and White
Blue Cream
Blue Point
Brown Tabby
Cream and White
Cream Point
Dilute Calico
Flame Point
Gray Tabby
Lynx Point
Orange and White
Orange Tabby
Seal Point
Silver Tabby
Tabby and White
Tortie and White
Tortie Point
Tortie Tabby
Health and Disability
Autoimmune Disease
Behavioral Issues
Breed Specific
Cerebellar Hypoplasia
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pancreatitis
Cleft Palate
Dental Disease
Four Paw Declawed
Front Declawed
Inappropriate Elimination
Kidney Disease
Seizure Disorder
Skin Issues
Upper Respiratory
Urinary Disease
Vision Impaired
Bonded Pair
On Medication
Special Diet
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zooophagous · 1 year
bobtail cats are considered fairly healthy, if susceptible to utis, renal failure, hyperthyroidism and diabetes the same as any other cat
Well yeah most of them are, but that doesn't mean that the gene doesn't cause issues in some individuals. Manx cat syndrome is definitely a thing. Just like double merle gene dogs or dogs that have a high white coat like dalmatians are much more prone to deafness.
These problems can be mostly avoided by careful breeding, such as not breeding two animals together who both have that trait, or by breeding animals that retain heavier color spots on their head and ears.
If you have a bobtail cat that's already healthy though it's probably not going to suddenly develop manx syndrome out of the clear blue sky lol
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thethunderwolf · 6 months
Having a fucking time. Got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, feeling like shit, got the absolutely worst constipation I’ve ever had and I feel sick as a dog. Can’t even work so I’ve got time off sick leave but still for fucks sakes ! Let me deal with coming to terms with the hypothyroidism!! I don’t need constipation right now !!!
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venovenous · 3 months
Hey guys I am showing symptoms that align with a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism but I think I'm going to let sleeping dogs lie and ignore this for as long as feasibly possible.
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catsofcalifornia · 2 years
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Fluffinutter from Cat Tales Rescue in Vacaville, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Fluffinutter aka Nutmeg was adopted a year ago.  She is just being returned and here is the email we received from her adoptive family.   This will allow you to read more about her.
"We adopted Nutmeg, formerly Fluffinuter, from CatTales rescue in 2021. Unfortunately, due to human health issues/allergies we can no longer keep her. We have been attempting to rehome her peer-to-peer for the past two months, but no personal contacts have had the space and there has been no interest shown in her online listings. She also got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism shortly after we began these attempts, which is likely why there has been no interest (we actually had a friend back out). The condition is managed, however, with a 5mg methimazole pill she takes twice daily (we crumble it over wet food)."
"She’s mellowed and gotten bolder since we first got her and could be okay with other cats or potentially calm dogs. I’ll attach some photos to help with the listing, as well as some adjectives, since we’ve gotten to know her—she’s shy at first but when she warms up to a place she’s a very cuddly, friendly, sweet, loyal, and vocal cat! She doesn’t jump but she loves to be petted. Definitely a calm and cuddly girl. We’re very sad to have to let her go."
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askavettech · 8 months
Hey Guys...
I'm very sorry for my lackluster posting over the last *check notes* ouch...essentially two years.
I know I've made this promise before, but I'm going to really try to post regularly. I've got a backlog of asks and cool stuff I'd love to share with everyone. 
As for what the hell I've been doing, here's a quick rundown:
I graduated with my Bachelor's in Animal Science last August; very exciting considering how long it took me to get to this point! I was also able to conduct an independent research project and write an undergraduate thesis. A wonderful experience full of lots of work and stress, but, boy, is it rewarding to say, "I'm technically published."  (If anyone is interested in talking about research, I'd love to chat!)
With degree in hand, I applied to...a lot...of veterinary schools. And they all rejected me - whomp whomp. But, for a first try, I at least got to speak to some of the schools, so not too bad. Yes, I'm a little upset, but not surprised. So we try again! However, at this point, I need to retake some basic prerequisite classes before I can reapply, so I'm heading toward that.  (If you guys have questions about the veterinary school process and how to apply, I'm an open book!)
I have also started working at a new vet clinic! (This is the really fun part!) While I love all creatures under the sun - except ectoparasites, you know what you did - I have some serious knee issues, and wrestling with 150lb dogs isn't so great on the joints. So, last May, I started working at a feline specialty hospital. And I won't lie, I love it so much. My clients, patients, and especially the clinic's live-in blood donor cats are all just wonderful. Because the clinic is feline-oriented, it caters to many feline-specific disease processes - e.g. hyperthyroidism, lymphoma, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc. I can't wait to tell you all more about feline diseases, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments!
Right now, I'm laid up due to knee surgery (like I said, bad knees), so I think I'll have some time to really get going again on this blog. 
I hope to talk to you all soon!
-Jay the Vet Tech
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