#hsmtmts s2 video
saw-x · 2 years
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Hi so I’ve had a couple of anons asking me how I make my gifs (some specifically hsmtmts gifs lol) so I’ve decided to write up a tutorial of the basics of how I make my gifs. I’m going to try and make it as detailed and clear as possible - but I have been pretty busy with uni and stuff so if I miss anything or anything isn’t clear just lmk and I will do my best to clarify. I’m going to try and include any resources or other tutorials which may be useful as I go along. This is going to be quite long and detailed so tutorial follows under the cut. For some basic steps I know of good tutorials for - I will link tutorials rather than re-explaining :)
Before we begin with the tutorial part bear with me there are a couple of screencaps which I took out of sequence because I forgot to take them at the step I did it - and the final gif colouring result looks kind of different from the rest of the screencaps because when I was adding the gif to the gifset I was making it for I decided it needed to be brighter because the s3 scene was much brighter than the s2 gif I made for this tutorial (none of this really matters, just explaining the slight discrepancy in some of the caps).
To make all of my gifs I use Photoshop CS5 (this is the version I use). Any version of Photoshop should work with the methods in this tutorial and you can find a masterlist of cracked photoshops here
When making gifs I always use 1080p video - but not all 1080p is created equally. Generally remux files and larger file sizes will produce better quality screencaps so this is what I search for when giffing. I know a lot of gifmakers who swear by using 4k, but personally I find 4k is more trouble than its worth in my opinion (screencaps always come out weird on my computer - like with a full on green tint, and they take forever to download). For HSMTMS in particular I like to use the release labelled 1080p SALT.
In terms of finding videos, this is a good guide on downloading.
I use mpv player to take screencaps for my gifs. This is a tutorial on how to use and install mpv. When taking your screencaps make sure you have continuous screencaps and no frames are skipped or duplicated. These missing/extra frames will make your gif look choppy and the animation won’t be smooth.
After finishing my screencaps I put them all in folders and move the folders to my desktop (but it can be anywhere you easily can access the folder) to import into Photoshop.
Open Photoshop. Open the Menu path "File > Scripts > Load Multiple DICOM files” and select the folder where the screencaps for your gif are. 
Click the ‘Crop’ button on Photoshop (the little button shown in the screenshot below). Typically I like to use a preset so that all the gifs in the set I make are the same size. For this set I used the 4x5 crop preset because that is what I typically use.
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Position the crop where you want the gif (typically I like the character in the center).
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Then push enter (or the tick next to the crop buttons) to confirm your crop.
Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + I to resize your image. This will bring up a little pop up like this:
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Resize your gif accordingly based on the width. It is important to use the correct dimensions for the size of the gif you wish to make. These are summarized in the below image.
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When you change the width to the correct size (e.g. in this case 540px) the height will automatically change as well.
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Click Ok to resize.
There are quite a lot of steps to turning your frames into a timeline animation. They are covered in detail in this amazing gif tutorial (which is the main one which helped me learn to gif).
It would be useful to have a read of how the process works, but to speed things up for myself I use a Photoshop action (shared here) I made that does all these steps for me plus my sharpening😊 (Here is a tutorial explaining how to create & install Photoshop actions)
I just highlight the word animate click the play sign and it does all the tedious steps in a couple of seconds. Note it is important to keep the reverse frames one unticked as shown in the screencap otherwise your gifs will move backwards
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After that runs through we have our gif in timeline mode sharpened and ready to colour :)
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My basic colouring process is very simple and honestly it may shock some people but I primarily colour my basic scene gifs using only the curves and vibrance adjustment layers. There a few reasons for this – 1) The curves tool is a powerful tool and you can do a lot with it 2) Less adjustment layers = better quality gifs 3) This works for me and it is what I find easy. Essentially, I like to keep things simple where ever possible.
First I add a curves layer by clicking on the highlighted adjustment layer
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This gives you a menu that looks like this:
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The great thing about Curves is that Photoshop will do a lot of the work for us if we use the eyedropper tools.
First I click the white eye dropper – then I pick a white point on the gif and see how it goes. This can take a few times to get right and often I will try a few times to see which I like best.
For this gif I selected the white light in the background but it looks a little green to me
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After I have selected my white point I will usually do the same thing except with picking a black point of the gifs. I don’t always pick a dark point it kind of depends on how much I like what Curves has done with the white point and if I think the gif needs more contrast.
For this gif I picked a black point of the area behind Ricky. This is what the gif looks like now with the dark point chosen:
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This looks a little better to me than just the white point – but the screencap still looks kind of yellowy and dark to me. So what I do now is I go into each colour channel for the curve and manually adjust it to my liking.
Since this gif is yellow I start in the blue channel and add more blue. I do this by changing the drop down menu on the curves screen from RGB to blue. This gives me something like this to work with:
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Essentially I adjust the amount of blue in the gif by sliding the white arrow down the bottom up or down to add more or less blue to the gif. For this gif I am going to slide white arrow at the bottom to the left to make the gif more blue (i.e. neutralise yellow). If I think I have added too much blue I slide it back to the right to add yellow back in.
This is what I adjusted it to and it already looks a lot better
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I am actually pretty happy with the overall colouring of this for the moment and I don’t think I need to go into the red and green curves. But I will briefly explain what they do/how they work by showing what some adjustments to these curves looks like.
Red curve – here is our starting point
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Dragging the curve to the left will introduce more red into the image
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Dragging it back to the right will take out red (the gif will become more cyan)
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Green curves: this is our starting point
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Dragging the green curve to the left will add more green to the image
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Dragging it to the right will take green out (adding pink/magenta)
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So after I am happy I have coloured the image in curves If I want the gif to be a little brighter I go back to the main RBG Curves screen and drag the white arrow a little up to the left to add some additional brightness
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After colouring with Curves I add in a Vibrance layer (highlighted adjustment layer)
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Typically I set the vibrance somewhere between 50 and 60.
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This is what the gif looks like now:
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At this point I also have another quick look at the gif and see if I think I need to go back into curves and tweak the colouring a bit and add a bit of extra brightness. When I add in the Vibrance I find it easier to see if there is any underylying colours I want to go back and neutralise/adjust in my curves layer again.
This is what I end up with after making my adjustments post vibrance layer:
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Another step I do sometimes is grabbing the black slider on curves and dragging it just a little bit to the right to add some depth and contrast to the gif. As s2 of hsmtmts is really dark I didn’t do it for this gif because I don’t think it needs it. But I will show an example of what this might look like:
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This is basically it for my basic colouring. Of course there are a lot of different steps to making my colourful gifsets, but this is just a basic tutorial for the way I gif standard scenes so I will move on to subtitling gifs.
My go to subtitle font is Arial Rounded MT Bold. I have Faux Italic and Faux Bold Selected for this. I like bigger font sizes because I have bad eyesight so usually I will opt between 20 – 24 pt font size
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I click the T button to add text then I type out my caption.
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Obviously we don’t want our text here so I align it to the bottom and centre of the gif I do this by first selecting the move tool then going ctrl + a (this selects our gif as the boundary for our alignment). You will know this is done based on the border that comes around the gif (also please ignore that drop shadow and outline settings have already been applied here lol – I added this in because I forgot to screen cap/ explain this part initially)
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Then I align my text using the following menu buttons:
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Next I Ctrl +D to remove the selection (you need to do this to be able to nudge your text up for the next step). This is the result of the alignment:
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Now I nudge the caption up by selecting the text layer and pushing ctrl + shift + up
This is the result:
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This looks ok, but I always add an outline and dropshadow to make the text more readable. To do this I go into the blending options for the text layer. You can do this by right clicking the layer and selecting blending options or by double clicking the layer (but not on the text).
First I add Stroke with these settings
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Then I add Drop Shadow with these settings:
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To save your file use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S to open the save for web settings. You will get a screen like this. The settings shown in this screen are my typical save settings (except it should say ‘Forever’ on looping options)
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However, Tumblr’s gif limit is 10mb so the size of this gif is too big to upload (it is nearly 12 mb) so we have to go back in the timeline to shorten the gif a bit so we can upload it to tumblr.
I do this by dragging the red preview thingy (idk what else to call it) around till I find a point where I feel the gif has a natural end. Then I grab the timeline bar thingy (idk what it’s called but the silver gray bar at the end of the gif) to the red bar to shorten the gif.
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Now press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S again to save your gif and make sure you set the Looping Option to ‘Forever’. Sometimes I have to shorten the gif a few times to get it under 10mb - but luckily I got it first go this time :)
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Now your gif is saved but there is still one step left to do. Photoshop has a glitch where it automatically sets gif speed to 0.7 after saving from the timeline function – we don’t want that! The gifs look very slow and are not very smooth.
So what we do is we open the gif that we just saved and this will open in the frame format. All we have to do is select all frames and set the gif speed to 0.5 – I also have this in my action so I go back to the actions and highlight the line that says ‘set frame speed’ and play the action through
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Then we just save the gif again as we just did 😊
This is the end result:
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and what the gif looks like without any colouring or text:
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One other helpful tip:
If you are giffing from the same scene you can do your colouring and text manually as per the tutorial on the first gif for the set and then drag what you did across to the second (after cropping, resizing and animating it). All you need to do is drag the colouring outside to a different window then highlight your adjustment layers + text and drag them to the new canvas off of the gif (If you drag it on top of the gif it will place it where you put it. Make sure to go off the canvas to so it will keep you positioning/alignment of the text you made 😊)
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Basically - you drag the text, curves, vibrance (and any other layers you need) to the gray area of your photoshop document and your colouring will be applied and your text will be placed in the same position as your source doc.
Ok so that is my super basic gif tutorial - if anyone has any questions feel free to ask!
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sourstiless · 2 years
i don’t really post about hsmtmts anymore but tbh it’s really weird to me how people say ricky’s feelings for gina just suddenly appeared, or that he’s somehow regressing, or that he’s a homewrecker, because that’s precisely what ricky’s trying to avoid doing ??? like he’s actively trying to suppress how he feels so that he’s NOT impeding on gina’s relationship with ej. he told carlos and asked him not to tell anyone, it’s not his fault the camera guy got it on video.
ricky’s relationship with nini wasn’t so much about love, but rather security. there may have been a time where they really did love each other romantically, but he fell back into his rhythm with nini because it was at a time where everything in his life was drastically changing, and he was so afraid of it. he didn’t want things to change, and so he latched onto something, or in this case, someone, who was familiar to him, where he could pretend that nothing was happening. it was like a form of escapism for him. and we see the repercussions of this in s2, when their relationship becomes unhealthy because he’s trying to avoid the inevitable change and growth/regression (growth as in character growth moreso on nini’s end, and regression on his end) that is occurring, and the lack of communication between the two of them, which would eventually lead to their breakup. they may always care for each other, but kind of like steve and nancy from stranger things, they’re growing apart romantically. and that happens. it’s normal, and that’s okay.
i think his feelings for gina have always been there. it’s clear he and gina clicked right away, and that they always had chemistry straight from the get go. but again, gina came into his life at a time where he was terrified of things in his life changing. and because acting on any romantic feelings he had for gina meant going out of his comfort zone, it meant change, he avoided it instead. he pretended, or maybe didn’t even know, they were there. but in s3 we see that ricky is beginning to accept that things will change as time goes on, and that change isn’t always bad, and can even be freeing. so, instead of pretending it’s not happening, he’s finally beginning to realize and accept certain things about himself (i.e. feelings for gina).
ricky is not regressing. there is a clear distinction between his unresolved feelings for gina coming back to the surface, and his desire for security and consistency with nini. in fact, if anything, ricky deliberately trying not to sabotage and staying out of ej and gina’s relationship, as opposed to what he did in s1 with ej and nini’s relationship, only shows how much he’s grown since s1. that, along with how in s1 he backed out of the musical for nini because he thought it was what was best, and then in s3 he’s actively making an effort to make sure he and everyone else are stepping up for gina, show how much he’s matured. having feelings for someone in a relationship doesn’t mean you’re a homewrecker, or that you’re a bad person. it happens all the time, and is fairly common. it’s not a crime. it only become a problem when you know that person already has a significant other, and you still continue to pursue those feelings anyway. which ricky isn’t doing.
ricky and gina are playing love interests in the musical, something neither of them had a say in. they were performing a musical number, they were’t making out in secret in the woods like y’all are acting like they were doing. are we watching the same show ???
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insomniactalks · 2 years
About what you said with EJ and Gina calling each other by their full name in their love confession. I think it’s likely Gina might be the one that reveals what E.J. is short for by calling him by his full name. Every time a character’s real name is revealed in HSMTMTS it’s by one of the characters love interests or they tell one of their love interests what their real name is. Nini, Ricky, Seb, Mike (Ricky’s father) and Howie’s real name were all revealed by one of their love interests. 1/2
Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara tell each other their real name in 1x03. I can totally picture Gina asking EJ what does E.J. stand for and he refuses to tell her what his real name is because he hates his real name. Then one day when Gina is hanging out with E.J. and his family. Then Gina overhears one of EJ’s relatives calls him by his full name and that is how she finds what E.J. is short for. 2/2
Great observation, anon! I hadn't even thought about the characters' full names being revealed by their love interests on the show.😅 And you're totally right! All those characters have had a name reveal by their love interest or potential love interest. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for Portwell. Also, I've had the exact same scenario play out in my head, anon! I can totally picture either EJ's dad or Ashlyn just casually calling him by his full name (probably outta anger or seriousness) and Gina overhearing it. Then she teases him about being Elijah James Caswell (which is totally his name in my head 😂). I remember seeing an interview Matt did for S2 on YouTube and he said something along the lines of EJ's real name not being revealed yet because "there were some plans for that in the future" (according to a convo Matt had with Tim). I tried looking for that video, no luck LOL😭 But I'm pretty confident we're finally going to get a name reveal for him in S3. 😚
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rkrispyt · 1 year
Birthday Goodness Request
Hola tumblr friends!
It's almost my birthday (this Friday, November 4th - eek!) and last year I really needed a pick-me-up and put out a request for Portwell goodness that got so many lovely responses, it was overwhelming in the most wonderful way.
This year, I could certainly use a bit of happiness as I'm spending the day before my birthday at funeral services for a dear, dear friend that passed away extremely suddenly. So I thought I'd put out another request for some birthday goodness.
Put most simply, I would just love any suggestions or creations to put a smile on my face this birthday and give me a little serotonin. It's much needed.
Unlike last year I don't know that Portwell would bring a ton of happiness? I'm still in a place with canon that is a bit fragile and complicated. Some part of all of it still feels ruined and I'm continuing to work through that. Up to S2 I'm ok about mostly. S3 I'd like to erase from memory and replace with headcanon lol.
AU Portwell is wonderful though. Then Somebody Bends Unexpectedly by the incomparable @lovelyserpentines remains flawless. Everything from @aroundthewaygirlao3 is an absolute treasure.
So my request this year is two-fold...
First: anything to do with any of my favorites, whether new or recommendations. Those include: Portwell (HSMTMTS) Polin (Bridgerton) Samcedes (Glee) Pacey/Joey (Dawson's Creek Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter) Jafael (Jane The Virgin) *Nsync (JC girl all the way) original 90210 (I shipped David & Donna, lol - I know, I know!) Derry Girls RuPaul's Drag Race Musical Theatre Jane Austen books Christopher Moore books Pam/Jim (The Office) Noel/Felicity (Felicity) Anything inspiring to get through the day to day Anything to make me laugh. I really do love laughing. Secondly: I would love for those with similar interests to share some of THEIR favorite things. Whether it's videos, fics, artwork, a book, movie, tv show, song, album, character, or couple you love that I may too.
Thank you in advance if you so choose to share!
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laylakeating · 2 years
this ask is about to be so long i apologize
i’m actually curious about your rini thoughts. idk if you’ve ever said it before but how do you think their relationship was intended to end at first? rinis and ex hsmtmts stans main argument is always “rina is only endgame bc of the jolivia fallout and nini leaving bc of olivia’s popularity”
i’ve always been of the idea it was genuinely a dawson’s creek situation. tim accidentally recreated his favorite show in a way lmao. i do think rini was probably suppose to be endgame at first and rina was suppose to be plot device but when they filmed rinas scenes he realized he has to write towards this (like he said). so he wrote it in a way in s1 where they never truly end their book. even before the flashback the last 2 episodes didn’t close their book at all ricky honestly just seemed more confused about his feelings towards her more than anything. and the flashback (that was confirmed not closure 🫂🫂) makes that even more obvious they didn’t want to close the book.
but anyways i think rini was prob endgame at first and then in the s2 writing room or after reading s1 opinions they realized they accidentally in s1 wrote a relationship that is destined to fail and went with it. the same thing happened with dawsey. they realized the better option was jacey and went with it. and i love when writers realize maybe the relationships or storylines they planned at first aren’t working so they change it (not doing that is how we get horrible endgame relationships especially in disney shows)
i think i remember tim saying he wanted them broken up before any of that irl drama even went down but even if some of it was bc of the drama then ok? it probably gave them the courage to full out end rini and go with rina.
okay so. strap in. this got so long i put it under tab thingy. i know that's called something i just don't remember what 😭
main rini thoughts: hate the ship, hate the characters together and what they bring out in each other BUT i absolutely love their relationship from a writing perspective. it's very well written and well structured and the writer in me really admires it.
idk if you’ve ever said it before but how do you think their relationship was intended to end at first?
i haven't said it before BUT naturally i have opinions <3 i think their relationship (their romantic one, anyway) was set up to end in much the same way it actually DID end. i'll explain why i think this is a little bit, but just to address the next bit of your ask:
rinis and ex hsmtmts stans main argument is always “rina is only endgame bc of the jolivia fallout and nini leaving bc of olivia’s popularity”
i think that's a fairly valid opinion to hold if not also like. totally wrong. while it may have contributed to how certain scenes were written (lots of video calls between rini etc) the main outcome (rini breakup) i believe has always remained the same. the seeds have been laid since s1 !! (going to explain this dw)
i’ve always been of the idea it was genuinely a dawson’s creek situation. tim accidentally recreated his favorite show in a way lmao. i do think rini was probably suppose to be endgame at first and rina was suppose to be plot device but when they filmed rinas scenes he realized he has to write towards this (like he said).
this is a very interesting interpretation that i don't necessarily...disagree with? but i've got to say, that from analysing the show bc i can't ever just watch something it's pretty clear that rini was never meant to endgame past s1. it's set up in the PILOT. while i can definitely see tim and the writers deciding to focus more on rina, i really do think that rini was always written to fail and was always MEANT to.
so he wrote it in a way in s1 where they never truly end their book. even before the flashback the last 2 episodes didn’t close their book at all ricky honestly just seemed more confused about his feelings towards her more than anything. and the flashback (that was confirmed not closure 🫂🫂) makes that even more obvious they didn’t want to close the book.
yeah i pretty much agree with all of this. they discovered gold with rina, wanted to keep building towards it, but they didn't want to throw away everything they'd built (to fail lmao) with rini, to they left all the necessary avenues open and gave neither ricky OR gina proper closure leading into s2.
so. i said before that rini were never meant to be endgame past s1, and that this was set up in the pilot.
(cheryl blossom voice) let's unpack that, shall we?
in the pilot we encounter a nini who we are told (and shown!) is remarkably different from before. she's stepping out of her comfort zone and auditioning for the lead. now, why is this important?
in 101 nini tells ricky "the old me got her heart broken. and then she went away and she found herself" (or something along those lines lmao i'm too lazy to look it up). this is pretty pivotal bc this is when nini also found her voice. she steps out of her shell (ej says something similar). kourtney makes several remarks of the same nature!! we get the impression that while nini is clearly NOT over ricky, she's much better off without him (while he's spiralling without her).
so now we can follow that thread to 105. nini blows off the homecoming dance and goes to the karaoke bar with kourtney. kourtney signs her up to sing. nini is very adamant that she doesn't want to...and what happens next? they have a heart to heart, where kourtney says something VERY impactful (and i looked this one up bc it is IMPORTANT) - "what happened to the 7th grade nini who used to belt this song out in the back seat of my mum's minivan?" - "she grew up" - "nuh-uh. she met ricky." "what?" "ever since you discovered boys you've spent way too much time trying to see yourself through their eyes."
now. WHY am i making such a big deal out of this ONE scene? it's a good kourtney/nini bonding moment, sure, but how does it let us know that rini was written to fail???
let us jump ahead to season 2. specifically, season 2, episode 6.
what happens in 206 that doesn't have anything to do with rina, you ask?
well, dear reader, in 206, nini writes a song. what's that song called?
it's called the rose song. and within the rose song there are a few choice lyrics:
"i am more than what i am to you" - directly inspired by what kourtney says to howie beforehand at slices (there's a lot of focus on nini's reaction to this here btw)
"all my life i've seen myself through your eyes"
it's a DIRECT callback to s1. it's a direct callback to all of the problems in the rini relationship that have ALWAYS BEEN THERE.
these seeds were always planted. all the signs were there!!! you just had to look for them <3
to get even deeper into it...rini are endgame in s1 bc they both regress back to the "safe" option. despite moving on from nini (during the period of time gina is actively in his life) ricky confesses his love for her (this is due to lots of things..gina leaving, his parents' divorce etc). nini is safe. he knows her!! ricky's arc in s1 is abt being vulnerable emotionally!! it's abt saying ily!! this had to happen with nini BC he'd known her as long as he'd known her and also bc she'd said it first!! he already knew how she felt !!
whereas nini tried to have it all. she wasn't over ricky but she couldn't be WITH ricky and also chase her dreams. they needed different things from one another, and while it seems like everything is tied up in a neat little bow at the end of s1, it's really just the tip of the iceberg for them.
to make a veryyyy long story short, i think the line "i never outgrew you" says it best. in the end, that's exactly what happened. nini had grown too much as a person to stay "trapped" in her relationship, and ricky had discovered that change wasn't as bad as he thought and learnt to stop relying so heavily on nini (mostly thanks to gina).
in s1, we see rini outgrow each other, even if they don't. in s2, they realise it for themselves. and that's how we know they were ALWAYS written to fail.
anyway, i digress. also i hope this was coherent lmao.
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
Olivia Rodrigo and Agustin Bernasconi; How to depart a character from a Disney show (and how not to do it)
I have been thinking about this a while. Both Soy Luna and HSMTMTS both have a character that departs the show in S3 of the said show because their actors made it big in the music industry.
In my opinion Nini's (or should I say Nina's...oh goodness this is kind of ironic. if you know you know) departure was done pretty well. I am not sure if they knew about Olivia's success while S2 was being written/filmed, but that doesn't really matter. Ricky and Nini's break was organic and came with a good build-up. How Nini ends up in end of S2 leaves her future open. She could have been set up for the departure from the show after that (like she will) or she could have stayed in the show too. In S3 they are giving her some closure and in the finale, she said her final goodbye. They didn't just drop everything about her to make her leave and gave her actually a good reason that worked it her character and didn't contradict the previous plots. And I felt like her goodbye with is Jenn and Kourtney was so well done
On the contrary, we have Gastón from Soy Luna. In the end of S2 he goes to Oxford university leaving all his friends, best friend, and girlfriend with who he had an extremely devoted relationship, behind. If you look at his reasons for going to Oxford and the whole mess that lead up to that, it really didn't even make sense for him to go. He didn't go to Oxford so they could write him off the show, since Agus allegedly expressed his desire to leave the show right before they were about to start shooting S3. In the start of S3 he had video chats with his best friend and girlfriend and the plot kind of seems to warp in a way that he might be coming back. He shows up in the flesh in ep. 10, but in ep. 11 all a sudden, with absolutely no build-up he tells his girlfriend Nina (I said this was gonna be ironic) that they can't keep going with the long-distance relationship, even when it was a heavily discussed choice from S2. All the arguments for their break have not existed until that one moment and go against lot of what we know of Gastón and Nina as people, but they still break up. Only thing that makes sesn is the fact that Gastón cares about Nina's happiness more than his own but that does not work since Nina ends up suffering much more as a result. After this Gastón is never seen again. He doesn't say goodbye to his best friend and no one brings him up ever again, outside of Nina and that only happens so someone can tell her to move on and forget him. No one even tell Gastón when his best friend, Matteo ends up in the hospital.
In conclusion, before Nini left I felt like was already kind of naturally distanced from the rest of the wildcats and LA and her music was a natural progression for her when on the other hand Gastón dropped everything he cared about for a school he was totally fine not going to. He was just dropped from the show half hazardly and with thons of bad writing and lot of heart break
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anyone has the link for that hsmtmts s2 twt in a nutshell video?
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jamazzilblog · 3 years
Anyway now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go listen to A dancers heart in repeat until next week, you know, like any normal person would.
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Sofia Wylie as Gina Porter Singing ‘A Dancer’s Heart’ on Season 2, Episode 5 of ‘High School Musical: The Musical: The Series’ (“The Quinceañero”)
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disneylife0463 · 2 years
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hsmtmtsnet · 3 years
Lily Calls Ricky | HSMTMTS Season 2 | Disney+
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saw-x · 2 years
hi! do u know where to find a 1080p scenepack of rina moments from s1 & s2?
hi there - I don't use scenepacks for hsmtmts as I get my scenes for gifs from the full episodes.
I did have a quick look on youtube and there were some videos with all scenes from season 1 and season 2 put together that maybe might help
another anon has let me know that 1ove4logoless on instagram has all their scenes in good quality :)
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
help im bored and I suddenly have a strong urge to make the EJ video edit I jokingly said I'll make... SO if you see this post and you have any EJ GIFs or video clips from season 1 and 2, send em my way
also what sound should I make the edit to?
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12lifetimes · 3 years
finally edited my comfort character
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gina-porter-real · 2 years
Okay so I’ve usually lurked in the HSMTMTS tag because I’m a fan of the show but not active in the fan community.
I’m currently in school for something related to film and TV production so I can speak with (minimal) authority when I say: unfortunately a lot of y’all’s theories aren’t really possible.
It would be beyond expensive to film in two different cities at the same time, or to rebuild sets in or ship sets from SLC to LA. (I know it’s a Disney show, but it’s pretty well known Disney doesn’t like to spend money on anything besides M*rvel). If Seb/Big Red/Miss Jenn are in this season at all I’m assuming it’ll be some sort of video call/FaceTime - or maybe just showing up for the final performance. I feel like Lily could show up in a similar capacity.
In the past Tim has been a fan of reshoots in S1 and 2 - I mean it’s no Sam Levinson BUT I think that means that the story is always be kinda flexible. If I remember correctly Mark said they shot multiple endings for S2 (and given S2’s Rina flashback scene we know that was also the case with S1). I can totally see them reusing unseen past footage again. It could be as much as S3 opening with unseen footage from the S2 finale.
Olivia filmed all of her scenes at the beginning of shooting, it’s possible that she’s in the entire season but I would guess unlikely. My guess is she’s in the first 2-3 episodes.
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redlyncentral · 3 years
am i going a little crazy? yes BUT i’m a fan of kath steele and i know she and julia are friends (their old videos together SUSTAIN ME) and i came across kath’s frozen vlog of her seeing opening night and though “it’d be funny if julia showed up” AND SHE DID and they mentioned hsmtmts AND I FREAKED OUT BECAUSE THAT CLIP WAS FROM LIKE AN HOUR (?) BEFORE JULIA FOUND OUT SHE’D BE BELLE IN S2 ahhhhh -ay
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