#how to translate
senia-nee · 10 months
So I'm going to start translating some IkeGen Routes and posting them on YOUTUBE.
I've noticed so far that there's not much people able to read Ikemen Genjiden, especially because it doesn't have any English version yet. It might take a while especially and I'll be putting up some effort on editing it.
I don't like it when I just put the translations on Caption.
My OCD just can't take it... GAHHH!!!!
Anyways, School is about to start so, I hope I'll be able to upload some soon....
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pattberg-institute · 11 days
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Notable Alumni of Peking University_China Writers_Pattberg TJ
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Poetry translation tips and tools from a bilingual poet.
Dear Lovestar, Poetry is my life! I’m bilingual and translating even my poetry is tough! But I do my best. Click on this link to follow my Spanish poetry blog. Most of these poems have been translated from English. https://wordpress.com/wp-login.php Why poetry translation is so difficult Translating poetry can be quite challenging, as it involves not only conveying the literal meaning of…
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sleepsucks · 2 months
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whosherefor-thechaos · 2 months
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incredible translation of sheeesh thank you google
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watchingwisteria · 7 months
listen there really was just something about how in the book, snow’s 3-page descent from hesitant lover boy to deluded psychopath happens entirely in his mind. lucy gray gives him no indication whatsoever that she suspects him, that she’s going to leave or betray him. he’s just sitting quietly in the cabin waiting for her to return when that seed of calculated suspicion, which he has needed to survive the capitol, takes a hold of him and chokes the life out of any goodness left inside him. it really drives home your terror as a reader that “oh my god did he kill her? did she escape? what happened to her? why would he even think that?” in a way that when the movie had to adjust for visualization it lost some of that holy shit this guy has lost it emphasis.
#seeing some discourse and im not saying lucy grey didnt know#im saying she never dropped the kind of hints that she knew like she did in the movie#or if she did snow isnt worried about them until he very suddenly is consumed by them#snow is not concerned about whether or not she believed him. of course she did! hes snow!#but then shes gone…. for a while……#and its the sudden immediate drastic unravelling that comes across so clearly in the book#that i knew wouldn’t translate to screen yet still cant help but miss#the hunger games#coriolanus snow#tbosas#lucy gray baird#not a crime or anything just a note that i cannot stop thinking about#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#this is all from memory of reading it quite a while ago. so maybe 3 pages is an exaggeration#but i remember it happening VERY quickly and without much external cause#like we as the reader have no indication as to whether shes nearby or not.#snow has no idea either. he just SUSPECTS. and his suspicion breeds the hatred that has been bubbling inside him all this time#he hates how she undoes him. he hates that he WOULD run away with her if shed let him keep his secrets#and he HATES more than anything that she makes him WANT to tell his secrets#he wants to be vulnerable and reveal the ugly nasty parts about himself and still be loved#but he does not let himself and it is everyone’s downfall#he chooses cruelty bc it is easy and familiar and makes him feel more powerful than the vulnerable give and take that real love requires
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beif0ngs · 3 months
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alright look, i just wanna know who is the writer that came up with the dumbass idea of replacing the line “Ever since I lost my son, I think of you as my own” with “Lu Ten would have been proud to have you as his father” in this scene for the Netflix live action series???
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lotus-pear · 27 days
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feluka · 5 months
In front of the Journalists' Syndicate, Cairo, Egypt, on 15th January 2024.
The crowd chants:
مصر مشاركة في الحصار معبر بيننا و بين اهالينا الصهيوني متحكم فينا طول ما الدم العربي رخيص يسقط يسقط اي رئيس عملوها احفاد مانديلا و احنا فخوف و فعار و مزلة عايزين المعبر مفتوح
Egypt participates in this siege! A crossing between us and our people! Controlled by Zionists! As long as Arab blood is seen as cheap, Any and every president must fall! Mandela's grandchildren have done it, While we are seized by fear, shame, and humiliation! We demand Rafah Crossing open!
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justgotpunched · 11 days
I wake up, I brush my teeth, I make my breakfast and I drink my morning tea with one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of lemon, I take my meds and I make my coffee, what a beautiful day to be alive
I open tumblr and its another fucking category 5 spn event again
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bastardnoodle · 3 months
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how to safely transport your 6 ft plant boyfriend
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originalartblog · 4 months
Apparently much-needed reminder that reposting artists' art (by saving the images or screenshotting them and reuploading them yourself) on other platforms without the artists' expressed permission and without credit is theft and an insult to their passion and craft. You are profiting (in views, in attention, in feedback) from someone else's work and ideas, who do not get that feedback for sharing their creation.
If you are an art reposter, you are a thief and I have no respect for you.
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junotter · 2 months
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My redesigns for aged up gaang
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
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mob tells reigen to shut up accidentally... two!!!
abbreviated ID: An mp100 comic. Teru tells Mob "shut up" can be a reply to something funny. and mob later tells reigen to shut up after he tells a joke, shocking reigen. Full ID under cut
[ID: A black and white Mob Psycho 100 comic. Mob smiles and says something marked as “[funny comment]” and Teru laughs hard, clapping Mob on the shoulder and exclaiming, “Oh, shut up, Kageyama!” Mob sweats and says, “Oh, sorry.” Teru, frowning, asks, “Huh? Why?”
Mob says, “You told me to shut up?” and Teru holds up his hands, looking apologetic. He exclaims, “Oh! No, no, no! That means I thought it was funny!” He flusters, smiling weakly and trying to explain. “When someone tells you to shut up and they’re laughing it means it was funny! Like uh... uh... Okay I can’t explain it but you know what I mean.”
Mob looks away and says, “Not really...” He smiles at Teru. “But I'm glad you thought it was funny.” Teru rubs the back of his head and says, “Ahaa yeah! I did!”
The view cuts to Spirits and Such, where Mob is writing at his desk and Reigen is scowling behind his. Arms crossed, Reigen says a “[snide but funny remark]”. Mob gives a “hehe” and smiles, “Good one, master.” The background turns dark gray as the view zooms in on Mob and he, still smiling with big eyes, says, “Shut up!”
Reigen’s mouth parts as his expression goes to blank shock. The background behind him is stark black. End ID]
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ministarfruit · 6 months
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stardew valley marriage candidates
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savaralyn2 · 4 months
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Dungeon Meshi - Magical Advisor
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