#how to pack candles for selling
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bladeofthestars · 7 days
#we're supposed to do a final push move tomorrow#i have already felt for awhile that my partner's parents are quite annoying#which is way too easy to feel guilty about because they do a lot for us and seem like good people for the most part#but like. they have made moving very frustrating and have been weirdly controlling about it#and just. like nonsensical to the point of it feeling like aggression#i lost track of how many fucking times we had the interaction 'where do you want this?' 'over there so it's not in the way'#'imma set it here' specifically where it will be in the way? fucking why? and my back is fucked up rn WHICH THEY KNOW so#moving it out of the way myself is frequently not an option#they left literally every single box directly in a fucking tight area that seperates our entry from our bedrooms#they stacked them higher than i can handle safely even when my back *doesn't* hurt#i moved things further into the house and out of the way and informed them i had done so and why#they continued fucking putting shit in the exact same spot anyway#there's literally a mattress a boxspring seven boxes a three tier organizer and a clear tote in this fucking spot#i'm not fucking moving it and they can deal with it when they come in tomorrow#i came over here to get some clothes for my partner so they can br girlmode for a haircut tomorrow#and we were essentially harassed into packing everything except a few days of clothes already despite it having been A MONTH since we#started paying rent and we aren't fucking sleeping here yet#and like. it's so quiet. and it's a reasonable temperature in here. they come home from their other house and turn the AC down so low#that i can't comfortably sit in the house without thick pajamas a jacket a blanket and sometimes a heating pad too!!#i don't even want to go back to go bed over there but i have to bring the fucking clothes back#his dad is such a controlling dickwad and is so fucking contrarian about everything even when it's not his thing#and literally they'll offer aid just so they can control what we do i swear!!!!#like 'we'll pay for X portion but if we do you must choose thing with Y parameters'#'we'll pay for 50% of your washer and dryer but they have to be front loaders'#they tried to pressure us into accepting a condo that they would buy (we would pay monthly building fees) and sell if/when we left#they didn't say 'let's look at some condos together' they said 'here we'll buy this specific one do you like it?' and KEPT ASKING ABOUT IT#AFTER WE SAID NO MULTIPLE TIMES#i put my foot down on that offer so fucking hard because i knew there were gonna be shit ass rules because it would be their property still#like no i will not be putting cameras in my home and i will be burning candles thank you and i'm going to have a christmas tree and#on and on and on
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
𝕟𝕠 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘: 𝕤𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣
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a farmer's market steve harrington x reader au part 1 [7.2k] | part 2 [8.3k] | part 3 [13.3k] | part 4 [4.6k] | au masterlist
You haven't called home in two weeks. But then again, no one has tried to reach you, either. It took one to drive here and the other you’ve spent settling in. The main house is quiet most of the time, except when Bob turns up the radio as he cleans. If you try really hard you think you can hear the gentle hum of the hives, a soothing buzz that never ceases. Bees are like that: always working, always caring for their queen. Never unsatisfied to do so forever.
"It must be nice," you'd said to Bob when he showed you a piece of comb for the first time. The beekeepers at New-Bee's farm only wear netting on their faces, which made you only a little bit nervous but you'd pushed it down.
"What do you mean?" your new boss asked you.
"To know what your life means," you said softly. A single worker bee crawled onto your hand to explore. Her tiny legs tickled a little. "To know how you're supposed to spend it." Bob gently clapped a hand on your shoulder and smiled at you.
"I think you're going to learn a lot from the bees while you're here. And from this town. If you want to."
And right now you're wondering if you want to. If this hadn't been a huge mistake -- snatching at the vague opportunity your parents had presented after you dropped out of college. To work at and live on a bee farm in Hawkins, Indiana owned by a college friend. To help out for the last few months at the local farmer's market. To see if you can figure out what's next before the goodwill of everyone around you wears out.
It's still a little warm for September. You and Bob had been a bit red-faced unloading the beeswax candles, soaps, and jars of honey onto the wooden stand you're running. You'd reassured him you could handle selling by yourself until he came back to help you pack up when the market ends at 2 pm. The other stands are looking thinly staffed -- school starting has taken away most of the summer hires -- and you see plenty of people your age. A boy with a tangle of long hair and a black bandana around his neck is organizing mushrooms a few stalls over while laughing at something the tiny woman you know to be Joyce Byers says to him. She's got a clipboard in hand and looks very serious. A pretty girl in a Hawkins Band shirt sporting a backwards baseball cap is bickering with another boy whose back is turned to you, but you can see the work gloves tucked into the back pocket of his jeans, his arms straining against his t-shirt as he gesticulates wildly.
You sigh and yawn, checking your watch. 8:50 am. Market opens in ten minutes, and you can already see people milling around on the surrounding sidewalk. It's going to be a long day.
"Hello? Anybody home?" You startle out of your stupor to see the boy with the gloves standing in front of you. He's alarmingly pretty -- messy hair and cheeks dotted with faint freckles, chewed lips pouted as he looks at you with annoyed eyes. His baseball shirt is tucked into his jeans and the gloves are in one hand now, a hand he's settled on his hip like he's about to chastise you.
His name tag is crooked.  It reads Sara's Farm: Steve.
"Hi," you say, a bit dazed. "Can I...help you?"
"Who are you? Where's Melanie?" He sounds impatient and almost rude, glancing over his shoulder as if checking for someone.
"Uh," you point to your own name tag to answer his first question, wondering if he actually cares about the second. "She's back at field hockey. So can I help you...Steve?"
He starts at the sound of his own name before his brows narrow again. He seems to have a very quick conversation with himself before he leans on your stall, his demeanor changing completely.
"Well, she put aside some candles for me. Any chance you can hand 'em over?" It's almost like he's flirting with you, but he's still glancing over his shoulder, his fingers tapping on the wood betraying his impatience. Maybe he's buying them for the girl he was talking to earlier.
"I'm really sorry," you say, bending down to check the crates of glass jars. "I don't know anything about that." You hate to disappoint this cute boy on your first meeting, even if he's not exactly charming you.
He sighs and rubs his free hand over his face. "Look," he says. "Are you sure? You're new, so maybe you just didn't see them, or maybe you're not looking in the right place--"
"Do you want to do my job for me?" you snap. It doesn't feel like he's being rude on purpose, but you're bristling. This is your stall and yes, you're new, but you know what you're doing. Steve throws up his hands and backs away a little.
"No," he mutters. "Sorry. I'll just -- come back later." He turns away without another word and you feel your mouth twist into a frown. Hopefully not everyone is as sour as this guy.
"Harrington, be nice to the new girl!" calls a rough voice. "Don't mind him, he's not usually such a sourpuss." It's the long-haired boy by the mushroom stand. He waves.
"Fuck off, Munson!" Steve sends his middle finger in that general direction and does not look at you.
"Christ," you mutter. But you can't think about it for long, as Joyce unties the thin rope at the entrance and townspeople spill into the square.
It's not a hard job, not really. And you do like talking to people -- hearing about how much they love Bob, love the candles. How they use the honey in their tea or to fend off seasonal allergies. It's nice to have people smile at you, to have their hands brush yours as you take their change. It makes you feel lighter, makes you feel needed. Most people are charmed by your newness, giving recommendations of local businesses to check out and asking you how you like Hawkins, their Midwest kindness making your cheeks ache.
The morning rush dies down a little around 11:30, so you resolve to look for those stupid candles again. Because no matter how unpleasant this Steve Harrington might be, you don't like that he thinks you're bad at your job. And he looked pretty anxious to get his hands on those candles. You search every crate for anything with his name on it until you finally find a small parcel tied with twine and labeled "SH."
"You're welcome," you mutter. A glance at the stalls around you proves fruitful as you get a glimpse of Steve for the first time since this morning. He's standing close to the mushroom stall whispering furiously to the same girl from earlier. You slide out from behind New-Bee's and trot over to where they're standing, parcel in hand.
"She couldn't find the...uh...stuff I ordered weeks ago, Robin. I mean, keeping track of stock isn't hard. I don't know where she came from anyway. Maybe she'll be gone once Bob realizes she's losing stuff like an idiot." The girl -- Robin -- has the decency to grimace when she catches sight of you. You're tempted to drop his candles on the ground right then and there, but you instead put on a smile that your mother once called "extremely unsettling."
"Steve," you say loudly, putting a hand on his shoulder. He's warm through the fabric. He turns, eyes wide. A flush spreads across his cheekbones.
"I found your things." You make sure to keep your voice sticky sweet. "So sorry it took so long. I'm just so new and stupid." You shove the parcel into his hands, leaning into his space. His pupils dilate and he smells a little like sweat, a little like apples. "You don't know a thing about me," you hiss, "so I think you should go fuck yourself." You flash your teeth at him and turn on your heel. Robin bursts into laughter but you don't look back. Your fingers tingle and Steve's scent fills your nostrils. Why are you getting so worked up over a random boy?
Maybe because you're staring down the barrel of three Saturdays of farmer's markets and you've already made an enemy.
By 1 pm you are very hungry.
"Damn," you say to yourself. You'll have to bring a snack next time.
But then, as if by magic, a girl appears in front of the stand. She's young, probably high school-aged, with long hair pulled back in a ponytail. She sports a Sara's Farm name tag that reads Jane.
"Hi," she says. Her eye contact is intense immediately, but something about her makes you smile, even if she works with Steve.
"Hi," you echo. She holds out a brown paper bag. You raise your eyebrows but reach out to take it from her. "Thanks?"
"My dad told me to welcome you," she says. "It's just an apple and a scone we made this morning. I figured you forgot your lunch. Eddie always does." You must look confused at her name dropping, so she points to the mushroom stand first, and then to the white tents where Steve had disappeared earlier. "Eddie. And my dad's farm."
Your chest is doing something messy as you take in that this girl has brought you food. "Thank you," you say, softer this time. She beams at you.
"Was Steve mean earlier?" You open the bag and pull out a gorgeous red apple rather than answer. She huffs. "He's been so rude this week. I think it's because he doesn't know what to get Robin for her birthday." Girlfriend, maybe?
"Candles," you mutter. He must have bought the candles in advance for her. It doesn't make you like him anymore, but it makes you see why he was a little desperate. But he didn’t have to call you stupid.
"So, who are you? Why are you in Hawkins?" the girl asks. You point to your name tag for the second time today. "Oh!" she says, just realizing that she never introduced herself. "I'm Jane, but you can call me El."
"Hi, El." Her question doesn't carry any accusation like Steve's had. She’s genuinely curious with a child-like kindness that makes you want to hug her. "I don’t have a fun story or anything. I didn't want to be where I was, so I thought I'd try somewhere new." You shrug and take a bite of the apple. It's crisp and fresh.
"Maybe you can start making one now that you're here."
"Making what?" You wipe juice from your chin.
"A story."
You realize very quickly that you don't have much to do to fill the week. Bob insists that you take a while to settle in before helping out around New-Bee's and he gives you the keys to one of the farm pickup trucks to explore whenever you want. But most of your days during the week are spent wandering the property or taking as long as possible to buy groceries with the money you're being paid -- money that you feel a bit strange taking, considering you're living in Bob's house and only working here because he knows your parents.
But goodwill is goodwill, you suppose. By Wednesday you've made two different kinds of muffins and one loaf of banana bread with a cookbook tucked away on a shelf.
"Not that I'm complaining, but I think it might be good for you to go into town," Bob says through a mouth full of the latter. "Go for a walk in the square. Go to the library! Maybe you'll see some of the kids your age who aren't in school." You smile thinly at him as he whistles his way to the hives. He's being kinder than you deserve, like a cool uncle or something. No one else who works on the property really talks to you.
"The library," you mutter. You could do with something to read. Or at least another place to sit and waste time. You scowl at the idea that you'll run into some other "kids your age" if their name is Steve Harrington, but it's worth the risk because you're so bored.
The parking lot is empty except for some bikes in the bike rack when you arrive. The truck sputters a little when you put it in park and you hop down into a fairly nice day. The chill has finally started to set into Hawkins, the sky a mess of fluffy white clouds and enough sunshine that you shade your eyes.
The front desk is deserted when you go inside. There's a small bell on the dark wood that is begging to be pushed and your hand is midair when a voice comes from your left.
"That never does anything," it says. You turn and see the girl from the market -- Robin -- with a stack of books in her arms. One of them teeters off of the top and you surge forward without thinking to grab it so it doesn't fall. She beams at you. You want to smile back but remember that she's maybe Steve's girlfriend and probably remembers how rude you were on Saturday so you step back quickly, clutching the hardcover. History of Art, it reads.
"Sorry," Robin says. "I've been walking around with all of these trying to find someone to check them out for like, 20 minutes but this place is a ghost town." She plunks her stack on the front desk with a sound far too loud for a library but no one shows up.
"We didn't officially meet," you say, biting the bullet. Steve Harrington be damned, you will not be known as the rude new girl in town. Even to your apparent nemesis's girlfriend. "You're Robin, right? And uh, you might have seen me at the farmer's market? I'm--"
"Oh, I know your name!" She says it with such warmth that you feel the corner of your mouth lift. "How could I forget? You burned Steve better than I could ever hope to. Seeing pretty girls be mean to him is like, the best thing ever."
You can't tamp down your confusion in time and Robin clocks it. Her eyes widen and her mouth forms an "o" before she bursts into laughter. Not just a chuckle, either. She's bent over, hands on her knees, shaking.
"Sorry," you say. This is the loudest you've ever been in a library in your life. "I think I'm a little lost." She straightens and runs a hand through her bob.
"You probably thought I was his girlfriend, right? Everyone does at first." You tap your fingers on the front desk and chew on your lip, nodding.
"I mean, he was buying stuff for you when we met." When he was rude, you don't say, but Robin picks up on the way your shoulders tense because she sighs.
"Yeah, he told me all about that. And he deserved the telling off you gave him!" Robin rings the bell just once, almost absentmindedly. "I feel like I need to apologize for him but he obviously should do that himself."
You huff. "Yeah, well. It's fine if he never does. We don't need to be friends." The thought causes a pang in your chest that you don't totally understand -- maybe it's because this lovely, kind girl is friends with him and that makes you yearn for companionship, too. Maybe it's because when you saw him for the first time you couldn't look away.
"He's a good guy," Robin hedges. "I met him when I started working at Sara's in high school and he's been there like, forever. He worked the market in the summer and then Hopper -- the guy who owns it -- took him on full time after graduation and he moved onto the property. Which is a pretty sweet gig if you ask me because he doesn't have to pay rent and he gets to like, be outside all the time." She sighs, examining her nails as she keeps talking. "I don't know how much you know about the whole thing, since this is your first time here. I mean, we all know about you because Bob told us you were coming and all that. But most of us do summers at the market growing up and maybe a little after when we can. It's just part of the town, part of our lives. Everyone there has a story, you know? And for Steve, the market and Sara's are like, his things." She seems to want to say more but stops herself. "Sorry," she says, a little sheepishly. "I talk a lot."
It must be nice to have a tether like that, you think. To have a place to gather, to know that you can always come back to. Your chest aches again and you blink rapidly, trying to think of something else to talk about. "What are you here for?" you ask instead. Robin takes on your change of subject kindly.
"Gotta rent these for school." She pats the top of her stack of textbooks. "I'm in college nearby enough that I come home a lot. And I forgot to get everything on my course list in time so there aren't enough copies at school. I don't have class today and I drove back yesterday because it was my birthday and Steve threw this party for me and all that stuff, so." She shrugs like it's no big deal.
"Happy birthday," you tell her, and you mean it. She winks at you.
"Thanks for the candles," she says. You roll your eyes but huff out a laugh. "He's really not that great at gifts. Better at doing stuff, you know?" You nod. Robin cracks her knuckles and rings the bell one more time. A woman finally pops out from the hallway behind the front desk as if she's hearing it for the first time.
"Library card, Dolores," Robin says, jerking her head at you. "Then all of these for me." The woman doesn't say a word but holds her hand out for your driver's license, which you pass over.
"You were here first," you mutter.
"Yeah, but my best friend was a dick to you, so." She examines you for a long second and you want to squirm, but you meet her gaze. "You're not bad at your job," she says. "He'll get over himself, I promise. But I hope you like it here and I hope he didn't ruin my chances of becoming your friend."
"Here," the librarian says, shoving your license and a plastic card that says Hawkins Library under your nose. You take them from her as she starts to scan Robin's books.
"No late returns this time, Ms. Buckley," she says. Robin makes a face that says 'who, me’?
"See you on Saturday!" Her words echo behind you as you give her a little wave. Maybe you could be friends with her. And Steve, if he apologizes. And stops being such an asshole. And they're not dating, so Robin wouldn't have vouched for him unless she really meant it. How else are you going to spend the next few months? You can't sit in Bob's house every day. So maybe you need to suck it up and try harder this weekend, try to be nice. But something in you doesn't want to -- something that feels like Steve sees you as an outsider. As someone who doesn't belong at his market, this place that is clearly the center of the community. And the last thing you need is someone telling you that you're not welcome here.
You're so busy thing about Steve fucking Harrington that you don't realize until you're halfway back to the farm that you didn't even check out any books.
Unloading everything yourself for your second ever Hawkins Farmer's Market is probably not a good idea. But Bob was stressed this morning because a new queen was being introduced to one of the hives so you told him you had it covered. One box of honey and candles and soap is easy. But by box five? Holy shit, your arms hurt.
You're hauling your last box to your stall when you hear a low whistle from the Sara's Farm tent. You flick an errant piece of hair out of your eyes and glare in that direction only to find Steve Harrington with his arms crossed, frowning. He's in dark blue work pants today and a white shirt with a flannel pushed up to his elbows. And a stupid baseball cap on his head, backward.
"Have you been standing there this whole time?" Your voice is more disbelief than anger. But then he shrugs.
He takes a step forward. "Damn, why didn't you ask for help?" His hands form fists on his sleeves as he looks at all of the stock you've carried by yourself. It looks like his stand is all set up already.
"Don't you know how to put on a hat properly, Harrington?" you snarl, perhaps a bit harsher than you intended. Steve takes a step back and his eyes widen before he turns on his heel without so much as a wave.
You think about saying something else but it's then that you realize your stool is missing. And something in you deflates. Sure, you could stand for the next five hours but who really wants to do that? You look around as if it'll appear by magic, as if it's hiding behind the crates you brought in. But it's nowhere to be found, so you just start to unload, setting up your display and trying not to worry a hole through your lip.
"That looks nice!" Joyce Byers has her hair pulled up in a rather frazzled ponytail but she's all smiles as she compliments your work. "You okay over here?"
You shove down your discontent and nod. Joyce has been nothing but kind so far, coming to check on you at New-Bee's more than once, and she does her best to keep the market well-run.
"Well, actually," you say, grimacing. "I think the stool I had last week has moved somewhere? Would I be able to get another?" Joyce scribbles something on the clipboard she's holding before nodding.
"Oh, of course. I'll have Jonathan find something. Stuff can get moved around when the stalls get put away, so I'm sure it's somewhere!" Movement over her shoulder catches your eye.
It's Steve. Moving your stool behind crates of apples and plopping his annoying ass onto it. You clench your fingers into fists and any goodwill you were considering after running into Robin this week totally evaporates.
Fuck him.
"You okay?" Joyce asks. You blink and smile at her.
"Just a little tired," you say. "I'll be okay standing until Jonathan has a second." Not even a single part of you wants to tell her that Steve took your stool. It would feel like defeat. In what, you're not totally sure. Joyce pats you on the arm and heads off on her rounds.
You sell a few soaps and a very large jar of honey to a strange man called Murray who asks your opinion on wiretapping. He's just left for Rick's Mushrooms when a boy with a mop of hair and kind face approaches carrying two wooden crates.
"Uh, hi," he says. "My mom said to bring you these?"
"Oh thank god," you moan, louder than you probably should. "Jonathan, right?" You step around the stall to grab them from him. He's got a name tag on that says "Byers Flowers."
"That's me. Sorry I couldn't find a stool. But if you stack these it should work." You do as he says and plop down and sigh so big that Jonathan laughs. "Who is watching the flowers if you're here?" you ask. Maybe this boy could be your friend. 
"My little brother, Will." A smile spreads across his face as he keeps talking. "He's better at it than I am, really. Really good at selling people on big bouquets."
"I'll have to buy one sometime," you say, and you mean it. "Thank you for these, really." You kick at the crates with your heels. 
As soon as Jonathan goes back to his job you feel your good mood slowly slip away. Someone must have it out for you because you can see Steve perfectly from here. He hasn't flipped his hat around all day and he's barely using the stool that he stole from you. You watch him flirt with old ladies and girls your age alike, watch him juggle apples for kids and recommend different kinds of tomatoes and potatoes and squash and it makes you furious.
It makes you so mad and you don't dare think about why.
A nice girl your age is admiring some soap when she notices you staring. "Do you know Steve Harrington?" she asks you.
"Uh," you say, embarrassed to be caught. "No?"
"Probably best," she sighs. "You're new in town, right?" You nod. News spreads faster in Hawkins than wildfire. "I've got nothing against him, not really. People change, right? But he was a piece of work in high school. Lots of girls, lots of broken hearts." She shrugs.
"You ever date him?" you ask. She laughs.
"No. Had a boyfriend the whole time. But he's a flirt, that's for sure. I'd be wary, I guess is what I'm saying." She picks up the soap she's eyeing. "Can I get this?"
"Sure," you say, grabbing the purchase pad. "And thanks, I think. But I don't think I'll be going anywhere near him."
"Hi, Brenda," the boy in question interrupts. The girl -- Brenda -- grabs her soap and hands you some cash before grimacing and giving Steve a wave. "Thanks," she says to you. "Hi, Steve." He rocks back and forth on his heels as she walks away, hands in his back pockets. You want to knock the hat off of his head.
"Harrington," you say, sitting back on your crates.
"On a last-name basis, are we?" You cross your arms. He nods to himself before taking a deep breath. "Okay. I wanted to apologize for last week." Your eyebrows raise but you say nothing.
"Well, Robin told me that I was a real dick, and I--"
"Oh, Robin told you," you say, slapping a hand on your thigh. "So you're here because Robin told you to apologize, not because you realized you were an asshole?" Steve looks gobsmacked that you've turned this into an argument, and you’re a little surprised yourself, but you keep going. "Save it, Steve." You say his name like it stings to have in your mouth.
"Woah," he says over you. "What is your problem?"
"What's my problem?" you grit out between your clenched teeth. "My problem is you think you own this place and you make assumptions about people before you know them." Watching him all day has made you like a pipe fit to burst. With loathing, you tell yourself. "And you stole my stool."
"I...what? Your...stool?" he sputters. He takes off the godforsaken baseball cap to run a hand through messy hair before replacing it. "I have no idea what you're talking about." His eyes harden and you realize you've actually pissed him off, maybe for the first time. The smile he sends you is sharp and you don't like it. It makes him less handsome. "Well, I'll leave you to your beeswax. Good luck wrangling those bees, bee girl. Can't be that hard if you can do it."
It's a cutting remark you don't expect. "Bee girl?" you say in disbelief. "I have a name, Steve! What is your problem?"
He starts to walk backwards. "Or should I call you honey?" He ignores your question. "Nah. That's too sweet for you." He barks a laugh at his own joke and it's a bitter thing.
When you're packing up your crates at the end of the market he brings back the stool. It slams on the pavement, startling you into turning around with a yelp. Your mouth tugs into a frown at the sight of him, his hat on the right way this time. He's got that same ice-cold smile on and you fight a shiver.
"Here you go, honey," he says, the word sounding like an insult.
"Go away," you say before you can stop yourself.
Steve just shrugs. "See? Doesn't work too well." He salutes you. You flip him the bird as he turns because what else can you do? Strangle him? If only, you think. If only.
The details of your life in Hawkins start to fade into the background. You've been here for over a month and have been at two farmer's markets and you've got hardly anything to show for it. A few arguments and not a single friend to speak of, though there are a few friendly people. And you're hardly friendly these days anyway, still smarting from the argument you had with Steve.
Okay, so maybe he didn't steal your stool. But he was mean to you! And... you were mean to him. What a mess. An embarrassing, juvenile mess.
It only gets worse when you start to see the Sara's Farm pickup truck everywhere. In the parking lot at the grocery store, stopped at the Arcade, just driving through town. You only actually see him once -- heading into Family Video with Robin -- but it makes your cheeks heat and your fingers twitch every time. Why does he get such a reaction out of you? How is one boy single-handedly causing you to become a recluse in your new home?
"I'm sure he's not that bad," your mom says. You've finally caught your parents at home and have spent the last twenty minutes being uncharacteristically detailed about your life. You can't help it -- you just want to talk to someone.
"He's rude," you huff. "He's rude, and everyone knows him and he won't leave me alone."
"Is he cute?" Her voice is tinny through the phone line. You scoff, and she laughs. "Yes, then. Always makes it worse." Your mother sighs. "Maybe you just need more work, baby. Ask Bob."
Bob, who continues to be so kind to you even though you do hardly anything. You know she's right. The whole purpose of this relocation to Hawkins was for you to find something you liked, something you were good at. To figure your shit out and to work hard. To get the ground under your feet again. So you take her advice and see what you can get your hands dirty with. He’s thrilled and soon you find yourself in one of the property sheds.
"It's fairly simple, but you do need to pay attention," Bob tells you. "The other beekeepers and I harvest the beeswax, so it's all ready for you." He gestures to a metal tub covered with what looks like a cheesecloth next to the stove. "I've written out the steps to take for making soaps and candles and everything is labeled."
The small workroom has a kitchen sink and a fridge. The shelves are stocked with lye, bottles of oils, and plenty of pots and jars. "It smells wonderful in here," you say. In truth, it's a little overwhelming but not unpleasant.
"You can make any scent you want, just write it down so we can label it right." Bob gives you a smile. "And be careful with the hot wax. I've burned myself tons of times."
He leaves you to it. You turn on the radio and set it low to keep yourself company. And the work is easy, Bob was right. You decide to make candles first, melting the beeswax on the stove and adding some of the oils to make it smell good. You lay out the jars with the wicks pulled tight across the tops and start to pour.
"Fuck," you hiss. A bit of the hot wax splashes onto your fingertips but you don't drop the pot, instead finishing your pours as your skin throbs. You set the empty pot back on the burner and move to the sink, peeling the now-hard wax off of your skin to reveal a reddening welt.
"Damn." You run it under cool water for a second before steeling yourself to do it again. Because you finally feel useful. And so you do another batch and another. And the next day you try soaps. You put colorful bandaids on your fingertips until your hands look like the rainbow but you get better and you stop getting wax on your skin. And by Friday night, when you and Bob are labeling everything you've made, you feel proud.
"You're going to be selling stock you made tomorrow," he says. "How does that feel?"
You smile and you mean it. "Like I'm doing something right."
You've finished your setup early for your third farmer's market and decide to talk a walk around the stalls. There's a jewelry table next to a stall selling loose-leaf tea across from Rick's Mushrooms. A curly head is barely visible over the stall's counter, whoever it belongs to clearly organizing something underneath. You wrinkle your nose at the array of gilled fungi, one of your least favorite foods.
Eddie pops up from his crouch and grins at you. "Hey there new girl." Not your name, but better than bee girl. "Wanna buy some 'shrooms? I'll give you an early bird discount."
"Nah," you say. "Don't really like them." You admire how he's got them all laid out like he's taken care to make the stand pretty as well as thoroughly stocked. "We haven't really met, I'm --"
Eddie says your name, eyes on your name tag. "Talk of the town!"
"Nah," he scoffs. "I mean, I know you're new at New-Bee's. And with Harrington's antics since you got here I'm sure everyone else does too." You scowl at the mention of Steve, who you haven't seen yet. "Oh, looks like he's gotten under your skin!"
"He's everywhere," you grumble. "And he's nice to everyone but me."
Eddie hums, tucking his hair behind his ears. "Well, we've all got good sides and bad sides, sweetheart." He seems to eye how you take the pet name, but from him it feels friendly. "Harrington is used to this place. He's known it for years, worked summers here since he was in high school. I think he's unsure how to deal with a new girl."
"That's what Robin said." You rub your arms a little against the morning chill, your bandaged fingers throbbing dully. “But I heard he was…different in school?” Eddie whistles long and low, crossing his flannel-clad arms. He’s wearing silver rings on almost every finger and he’s got dirt under his nails, you notice. 
“Total douchebag. I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but he started at Sara’s because he got community service hours for vandalism or something. Took the fall for some shit his asshole friends did.” Eddie shrugs. “But it did him good. Less of a douche after that. And how he’s pretty close to being a good guy.”
You drum your fingers against your thigh and wince, forgetting they’re blistered. There’s a story there and despite yourself, you want to know more. "I just don't get why he's so hot and cold with me."
"Probably bothers him that you don't like him very much." Eddie's got a sly smile that looks suspicious.
"Well, if he was less of an asshole maybe I would!" He laughs at you, not unkindly.
"Okay, sure. It'll be an interesting end to the season!" He cracks his knuckles. His next words are softer, more earnest. "You ever want to hang out, let me know. I know it’s hard to be new somewhere."
The market goes by as usual. Every time you sell a bar of soap or a candle that you made it's like the slight throb of your fingers ebbs for a moment. You tell a few mothers that you made them yourself and they fawn over you. But even so, there's a whisper in your head that you haven't seen Steve all day. Is he working today? He doesn't seem like the type to take time off.
You realize that you've spent so much time thinking about Steve Harrington that you could be considered obsessed. You've only really spoken twice as it is, and neither time has been pleasant. But there's something about him.
Maybe that something is how he sidles up to stand next to you behind the New-Bee stand with an expression so worried you don't refuse him. There's a part of you that never wants to refuse him, a part of you that is tired and lonely after three weeks without friends. You let that part take over for today with Eddie’s words top of mind, let him stand next to your stool with his hands in his pockets.
"Do you ever actually work, Steve?" you ask, his first name rolling off of your tongue in your tired tone. "Seems like you come to bother me a lot."
"Hi," he says softly. He doesn't take your bait. "Uh, what happened to your hands?" He juts his chin at the bandaged fingers in your lap. They've felt tender for the last few hours.
"If I tell you you'll just make fun of me." You huff. "Bee girl is so bad at her job she burns her fingers, or something."
"C'mon, now." His concern doesn't fade but it hardens. "I'm trying to be nice. I'm here to apologize, actually. Though I'm not sure what I'm apologizing for."
You cross your arms and study him as if you could discern his intentions from his soft yellow sweater, his belted jeans, his mussed hair. He looks so lovely you could scream. "I burned them making all of this." You gesture to the candles and soaps around you. Steve steps up to inspect them, closer than you were that first day when you cussed him out. His arm brushes yours and he gently traces the outline of a comb-shaped soap you'd made.
"These are pretty," he mutters. Your mouth falls open.
"Are you being nice to me?" He scoffs and...is he blushing?
"Robin told me to --"
"Oh, Robin told you. Again." Steve scowls at you but it's got less heat than last week.
"Fine. I thought I'd try to be nice to you." He runs a hand through his hair, eyes on your hands. "Just for today, though," he says, teasing. "Since you're injured."
Maybe it's your hands hurting or Steve's light tone or the things Eddie said this morning, but you can't find it in yourself to argue with him. "Okay," you say instead. He looks a little surprised.
"Okay," he echoes. "Uh..." Clearly, he didn't think he'd get this far. You smile a little and let him waffle for a topic of conversation. "Did you meet Jane?" he settles on.
"El? She brought me lunch the first week." You haven't spoken with her since, but she waves at you whenever she runs back and forth across the market doing whatever her dad needs -- you haven't met him, either, but you expect you will eventually.
"She told you to call her that?" Steve asks, sounding surprised.
"Yes?" Have you messed up somehow and soured this remarkably pleasant conversation already?
"Damn." He laughs a little. "She wouldn't let me call her El until I'd worked at Sara's full time for three months." You watch to see if this will make him sour, if you need to queue up a barb, but he seems incredulous rather than mad.
"Hey, listen," he says. "I wanted to ask you --"
"You don't work here!" Four teenagers have appeared in front of the stall and Steve's easy expression turns to a scowl.
"Good to know you've been paying attention, Henderson." Steve's voice isn't cruel, though it is annoyed. You wonder what he was going to ask you. "What do you want?"
"We're here to see Will but thought we'd meet the chick you won't stop talking about first," says the only girl, her fiery hair in a braid down her back. She eyes your reaction to her words as you send Steve a confused look.
"Sorry, what --" Steve doesn't look at you.
"Alright, alright, that's enough. Go bother someone else." They don't move and Steve sighs like a put-upon parent. "Fine. Meet the biggest pain in my ass: Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Max Mayfield, and Lucas Sinclair."
"Hi. Are you all...students?" They stand close like kids who've been together a long time, used to orbiting each other's space.
"Juniors," Lucas says. "We haven't been to the market in a few weeks because we're working on college applications."
"You're old," Dustin says. Steve swears softly next to you. "Do you know anything about college?"
"Um, no." You fiddle with the sleeve of your flannel. "Well, a little. I went but I dropped out.” You feel Steve turn towards you but you don't look.
"Ask Nance when she's back next time, yeah?" he says. Mike smacks his own forehead.
"Shit, I didn't think of that. My own sister!"
"Go take that big brain of yours to bother Will, okay, shitheads?" Max nods at you and tugs Lucas away by one hand, Mike's jacket sleeve in the other.
"I'm gonna...go," Steve mumbles, stepping out from behind the stall without another word. You don't realize that Dustin hasn't left until he speaks again.
"You don't look mean," he says. He crosses his arms like he's looking at a puzzle.
"Excuse me?"
"Steve is probably so obsessed with you because you're like, really pretty. But he won't admit it."
"Oh, so he's pulling my pigtails because he likes me?" you grumble but your face feels hot. "How mature of him." You don't really believe it. Dustin must be willfully misunderstanding Steve's complaining. Plus, he's a heartbreaker, right? Not someone you'd want to be involved with, no matter how nice he is to look at. No matter how good some people say he is.
"He's just a bit of an asshole sometimes," Dustin says fondly. "Don't hold it against him."
"I've heard that before," you say. "Why is he friends with a bunch of high schoolers? No offense." Dustin grins and you see that he's got almost perfectly straight teeth under braces.
"None taken. He was...kind of our babysitter? But now we're too old for that so we just hang out with him because he needs more friends."
"Wow," you say. "Harsh." But you're smiling. You don't want to find the story endearing but you do and it makes you sad more than anything. To see these kids so obviously bonded to each other and their older friend. In another life, you'd wonder if there was something going on here that made them this way, that made this town so close. But as it is, you feel the ache in your chest that's been bothering you for years -- since you went to school, since you left, since you arrived in Hawkins. The ache that wakes you every day, that feels like a bruise in your chest when you fall asleep.
The ache that disappears when you talk to Steve but returns full force as soon as he walks away. 
tags: @cheerupbarry @srrybutno @97soroka @sunlitide @gloryofroses19 @carpediem1219 @themarvelousbee @sunshinehollandd @katsukis1wife @imherefortea @spideyboipete @lonelywidow @louderfortheback @actual-mom-steve-harrington @steveharringtonscarkeys @pennyllanne @ducky-is-dead-inside @ih3artcry1ng @escape-in-time-x @sea040561 @manyfandomsfanvergent @blandyton @liberhoe @annaisweird
reblog, send feedback, requests open, masterlist here!
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yelenasdiary · 11 months
I'm in the need of some ceo! Yelena x fem! Reader fluff or something and your writing is just so gooood. So if you're up to this, it would be great:)
No, We Did It!
Pairing: CEO! Yelena Belova x Fem! Reader
Summary: Since Yelena started her own business, she’s been busy. Putting a lot of her focus on making sure things are running smoothly and you’re there to make sure she’s not overworking herself. 
Tiny Angst? Like really small? You might miss it if you blink? | Fluff | No Warnings | 1K | 
Translation: малыш (baby), милый (darling),
AC: I am always up for Yelena content or any kind! I miss her so much; I hope you enjoy this!! xx
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You knew when your girlfriend decided to start her own business that it was going to take up a lot of her time, she's stepped back from doing missions and put more of her focus on making her business. Yelena had this idea to make things that anybody could use to protect themselves, from clothing to different gadgets, she was proud of what she'd made of her business, and you were beyond proud of her. 
Of course, it wasn't always easy, there were many nights where you missed her, late a night when it was cold, and you wished she was beside you to cuddle up against. Not saying Fanny did a horrible job at keeping you warm but it was safe to say you both missed her, even more than when she used to go on missions. 
Today was a big day for Yelena and her business, she was hoping to strike a deal, an international deal to begin selling her products worldwide. All her time was spent at the office and every day you popped into the office with lunch for her and to give her a little extra hand before you'd go home and cook something for her for dinner. 
You were in the process of making Yelena's favorite, mac n cheese. A win, win kind of meal. If she didn't get the contract, she'd have her comfort food to help but is she did get the contract, she could celebrate with her favorite meal. Fanny laid by your feet while you stood by the stove, stirring the pasta before adding the extra ingredients. Things were almost ready when your phone buzzed. 
"малыш, can you come to the office? Really need you here" 
Yelena's text worried you, you looked down at Fanny and sighed "Looks like Ma didn't get the contract" you spoke before packing the mac n cheese in a container. The drive to her office you couldn't stop thinking how hurt Yelena must be, she's worked so hard for this and of course there will always be other contracts, but she was really counting on this one. 
You arrived at the office, nobody insight but the light from Yelena's office. No signs of a celebration taking place only made your suspicion grow. Gently you knocked on Yelena's door and opened it slowly. 
"Honey?" you questioned while you opened the door. A gasp soon left your lips at the sight before you. A candle lit dinner waited your arrival, Yelena looked up from her desk, a bouquet of light pink roses sat in front of her. "There you are" she smiled softly as she stood from her desk, grabbing the roses before walking over to you. "Lena" you gasp once more in shock. 
"What's all this?" you asked as she handed you the roses, taking a sniff of them with your eyes closed. "A little thank you for everything you've done over the past year and a bit, especially over the past few months with everything going on. I didn't ask you to do anything but you did it anyway and I never want you feel like I don't see that, or you" Yelena spoke, one of her hands cupping your face, "we got the contract, милый" she smiled softly.
"You did?! Baby, I'm so proud of you!!" 
"No, we did it!" she reminded you before kissing you softly, "I've missed you and Fanny, mostly Fanny, I won't lie" she added jokingly before leading you to the table in the middle of her office and pulling out a seat for you. Kindly she took the container of mac n cheese from your hand along with the roses, placing them on her desk. "I didn't cook but I did order your favourite take out" she placed the hot take out in the middle of the table as you chuckled at her comment. 
"I was thinking" Yelena added while she began to dish up both plates, "how about we take a vacation? Just the three of us, or two, whatever you want" 
"I don't care what we do or where we go, as long as I get you all to myself, I'm happy" you smiled. 
After dinner, Yelena followed you home where she wasted no time running a bath for you both before getting comfortable on the sofa with you in her arms, watching one of Netflix's new movies. Her fingers twirled with your hair on one hand while the over was intertwined with yours. 
"Thank you for everything baby" Yelena whispered before placing a kiss on the top of your head, you smiled instantly before looking up at her. 
"You know I'd do anything for you"
"How do you feel about travelling the world with me? I know you have your job here so it's okay if you can't. Once all the paperwork is finalised and things get moving, I want to be there for the store openings around the world, I'd love for you to be there as well" 
You sat up and looked at her, a smile tugged at your lips as you nodded, "you don't even have to ask me twice" you replied before kissing her deeply. "I'm just so beyond proud of you my love, you've worked so hard on all of this, of course I want to be there for you any way I can" you added as you pulled away. 
Yelena smiled back, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear, and even with all her success lately, you couldn't help but feel something else was playing on her mind. "What is it darling?" you asked, catching her eyes connect with yours. 
"It's nothing, I promise" she brushed it off, "I was just taking a moment to take all of this in, and how there is nobody I would rather be with, not a single soul, not even for a second" she added. "Everything I do is for us and I know I did this business for me but without you, there's no way I would've went through with it" 
"Lena, you have to thank yourself as well, you put and continue to put in the hours, the meetings, the paperwork, all of it. I'm just your little cheerleader cheering you on. You made this happen baby, take a moment to be proud of yourself" you reminded her, knowing that giving herself any form of credit. 
"What would I do without you huh?" she couldn't help my smirk softly. Playfully you shrugged, "who knows" you replied.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok |  @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @maria-403 | 
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What do the M6 spent an exorbitant amount of money on? So much so that it could be considered an addiction? (Doesn't need to be expenses related to the MC, but could be.) I feel like for Lucio it would be Furry Comissions (regardless of whether or not you want to set the hc's in a modern AU or the regular story).
The Arcana HCs: M6 and their shopping weaknesses
~ a request from my wonderful fantastic mutual @helshollowhalls ? Anything for you, friend! Enjoy the madness - brainrot ~
Depending on how the two of you like to split your duties, it may be more or less frequent for you or your beloved to shop alone. Most of the time you don't have to worry too much, they're an adult! They know what they're doing.
Until they creep into your shared quarters one evening, oozing both excitement and guilt as they hide the results of their errands behind the door. "MC, you wouldn't believe what I saw for sale in the market today."
He's standing almost like a soldier, chest bared and feet braced for your reaction, arms folded under his cape behind his back
"What did you buy, Julian?"
He's not ready to answer your question. "I have it in good faith that it may one day prove essential to saving someone's life."
He's really getting into character now, and you're beginning to worry
"What did you buy, Julian?"
"A rare instrument necessary to my practice! A scientific breakthrough! Behold!"
And with a grand flourish, he pulls out a feat of engineering that seems to be an obscure medical instrument. Fair enough
"So what does it do?"
You watch him deflate like one of those car dealership tube men at the end of the day
"... I don't know."
"And how much did you spend on it?"
He clutches it to his chest protectively. "Does it matter? I'll figure out a way to use it eventually! Maybe it pairs well with leeches!"
You can't tell if they're grinning or grimacing, but their dimples are out and they're almost sparkling with excitement
"They had so many options, MC. I've never even heard of most of them before!"
He can see your eyes widening as Faust tips over the duffle-sized bag behind the door, slithering over the piles of packages that pour out across the floor
"How much did you spend, Asra!?"
"Not as much as I could have, and only my own money. They had sample packs!"
Now that their secret is out, they're excitedly unwrapping every bundle and disappearing in a mountain of paper and twine
Faust seeks refuge on your shoulder and the sheer diversity of smells filling the room are making both of you a little dizzy
Small bottles of perfumed oil, tiny pots of lotion, mini candles and twigs of incense cover every surface of the room
All the candles and incense are lit. Every tester is being applied in random patchwork
He got over 50 new scents and he is thriving
She feels a little guilty for going without you, but she's so excited to have been part of your world like this
She went to the central marketplace
And she got everything suggested to her
Because who would know better than the people selling what she needed to get?
Two menservants are bringing in the multiple bags she brought back in the carriage while she goes over each thing with you, excitedly repeating their sales pitches
She's halfway through the second bag, telling you all about her new gilded mop holder when you finally interrupt
"Nadia, my love. How many things did you get?" You're holding your breath, hoping the question doesn't burst her bubble
"Oh, nothing extravagant. You should see the shipments that come in for palace events! We'll go back together, my darling, and we can do a proper shopping trip then."
You do go back together, and this time you steer clear of the salesmen taking advantage of her inexperience
He's peeking around the door of the hut, and you can tell by the set of his eyebrows that he is embarrassed and has no regrets
You smile up at him, walking over to greet him after his trip into town
And the door swings a little further open to reveal his cloak, stuffed to the brim with something that keeps cheeping
He's got the squirming mass wrapped protectively in his arms, slowly kneeling to lower it to the ground
And from the depths of his clothing burst a tidal wave of baby chicks, spreading out to cover the yard and sending the chickens already present into a ruffle of squawks
"Muriel, how many are there?!"
" ... twenty-four. The pet shop had them with the kittens and puppies and," he pauses to peek at your face, "chickens are different. They wouldn't be happy in the city."
The ground is yellow. Inanna has turned into a sulky, wolf shaped jungle gymn. Muriel watches quietly. "Did I do the right thing?"
"Yes. But they are your responsibility."
You see the way Pepi perks up and Portia moves to guard the giant paper bags she's holding, and that's how you know it's food
You pick Pepi up to protect the goods and take a closer look. The two bags are each nearly the size of your beloved's torso
"Portia, what small army are we feeding!?"
She drops them on the table, flicks a stray crumb from her sleeve, and deflects Pepi's swipe at the pastry that tumbles out
"Ok so don't be mad, I may have overspent just a teeny little bit, but she was a traveling baker from up north! And I had to try some!"
"And then?"
"And then we started talking about baking, and she gave me a discount so I tried one of everything, but I didn't want you to miss out so I got two more of everything for us to eat together!"
You're not sure what to say. It's a lot of food
You end up inviting the Palace bakers to enjoy it with you (they'll be able to really appreciate the technique) and eating lentil stew for the rest of the week
You're having flashbacks while he fidgets in the doorway. This used to happen every time you let him do the shopping alone
In his defense, nobody ever taught him to budget. His job was to hunt his food or eat his rations until the old Count took him in
But you two have been working on it together, and he's gotten pretty good at making and sticking to a list and limit
Which can only mean one thing:
"It was so shiny, MC. I know I made an oopsie, but look at it! It goes on my arm!"
It's a jewelry piece that he's clipped to the grooves on his gauntlet. It's not that big, so you can't see how it's an oopsie unless ...
"Is that an emerald? Is that real gold!?"
He nods excitedly. "Don't feel bad, MC, I got you one too! Now we match!"
It's beautiful, but, "Lucio, where did you get the money for this?"
"Next week's budget." He sees your face and grabs your hands. "But don't worry! I did the math, and I already found a job to cover it."
This man is going to be the death of you
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grunklejam · 5 months
The Mystery Shack keychains are due on Monday!
I'm still waiting for the final component which I think will really elevate the product, which is sadly taking far too much time to get here. But I can now kinda explain how it'll look.
Every wooden keychain looks like this, with variance according to the wood grain and its texture. The Moon and 'West of Weird' lettering is glossy, so it's a sort of two-texture print that feels a little more multi-dimensional.
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This will then be placed in a 'Mystery Smugglin' Sack'! This helps protect the artwork and keeps it secure during shipping, as well as providing you with a lovely reusable bag for anything from cool rocks you find in the forest to your collection of flu medication.
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The lettering isn't entirely legible, as you'd expect from a hessian sack, but that kind of adds to the charm so I'm keeping it. I think they look really funky.
After this, it's going to be tied off in red string with a lovely metal question mark charm, which will add a little flash of colour and make it feel that little bit more 'premium'. But a Grunkle Stan style of premium. An 'obviously assembled by Soos' premium.
I'm going to have 47 of these things ready to go upon launch (three sacks didn't pass my inspections)
Price expectations are:
£9.99 UK (including postage and packing) £11.99 Rest of the World (including postage and packing)
I hope you see that as reasonable. I always try and keep Not S&P Approved's pricing as low as I possibly can. I think this should hopefully go some way to proving that with a product that's substantially larger yet not much more expensive than my usual output.
Future plans include brand new t-shirts, a souvenir tote bag, a Ford and Bill Cipher acrylic charm, and hopefully a second candle design - a 'Stan'dle!
All depending, of course, on if things like this sell so I can make back my investment. Costs of running this sort of store are pretty high, and I depend upon you to make it worthwhile.
Thank you. I love you.
Mwah. x
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lighteez · 8 months
Kaeya (soft smut)
request: ahem ahem. may i request a blurb of soft sex with kaeya. yk what i mean, sex with real love. and it’s just so good they don’t wanna stop. :33 LMFAO (from tumblr)note: ofc i can!!! i had a small idea where they go on a small trip together and he rented a cabin near the waterfall and uh... well just read to find out ;) they have semi-public sex (?)... so like... yeahhh dw tho its soft and cute!! thanks for requesting!! p.s. i put her name as Loretta (he calls her lore tho)
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It was a long day at work selling flowers and many cute flower decorations to houses due to Valentine's Day being today. She had completely forgotten about the holiday and took today as a regular day on the job. If she was honest, she felt absolutely horrible for not giving anything to her boyfriend, Kaeya, for Valentine's, so before closing up her shop, she made a card and placed it on a beautiful bouquet she made in less than thirty minutes.
In fact, she was proud of herself for making something cute for him, she just hoped he loved it and didn't ask for anything expensive or ask for sex when she was completely worn out. It was their first-time celebrating Valentine's Day. They started dating a day after Valentine's Day so it would almost be a full year being together with him.
Loretta couldn't wait to see him tomorrow first thing in the morning as she smelled his flowers and smiled widely. There was a slight skip to her step, as she got closer to her apartment. A light smile was plastered on her face, she couldn't wait to spend tomorrow with him since he asked for a day off as well.
She was finally at the doorstep of her apartment and opened the door with her key, walking inside and closing the door behind her. A loud gasp erupted from her mouth as she saw what was in front of her. Her apartment was filled with beautiful flowers of different colors and aromas as they decorated every single corner of her apartment. Each table that she had in her apartment; the kitchen counter, the small dining table, the coffee table, and even a small table where it held small flowerpots had white candles. The aromas of the flowers and the candles made her take in a deep breath and almost cried.
"K-Kaeya?! Are you here?" She yelled out as she left her keys hanging on the wall and dropped her bag and took off her coat, dropping them on the floor. The floor was filled with different kinds of petals, and in flower language, they all meant something similar to purity, love, romance, passion, age, and happiness. Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked around everywhere to find Kaeya. She went down the hall to look into the bathroom, and it was a warm steamy bath ready to get inside, but no Kaeya in sight.
She tried the guest room, but the lights were off. Loretta closed the guest bedroom and turned around to see the door to her room slightly opened with flickering dim lights on the other side of the door. She took in a deep breath and sighed, walking to her room and opening the door to see her room cleaned up, compared to how she had it this morning, and decorated with flowers, candles and a small table nearby her window with wine and her favorite snacks there. She looked at her bed and saw two packed bags there.
Loretta came inside but didn't see Kaeya there at all. "Kaeya?! Are you here?" She asked as she walked to the bed and examined the bags. Both of them were opened and had tickets inside of them both.
"Welcome home, sweetheart~" Kaeya appeared from her closet dressed beautifully and a big bouquet of flowers in his hands with a small gift bag dangling from his wrist.
"Kaeya!" Loretta left her bouquet of flowers on the bed and ran to him with open arms, as Kaeya embraced her in a deep warm hug. Not letting each other go, Kaeya kissed her forehead before Loretta started talking. "I'm so sorry-"
"What? Whatever for?" He looked down at her with a smile, she looked up and her eyes softened a lot seeing his beautiful smile that captivated her the second she saw him.
"For completely forgetting to buy you something for Valentine's Day." She pouted and nuzzled her head into his chest as she felt bad. Their first Valentine's Day together and she forgot to buy him something, to top it off, she also forgot that tomorrow was Valentine's Day.
"Don't ever apologize, plus you came in here with a bouquet as well, right?" His eye glanced over to the bed where she left the bouquet of flowers for him. She nodded and looked up at him, she walked over to the bed and grabbed the flowers, then walking back to him.
"I did, but I made them last minute and I don't know if you'll-"
"These are gorgeous! I love them as much as I love you." He grabbed them and smiled at her warmly, looking at her with glistening eyes. "Though... I love you more~" he said cheekily as she chuckled at him and blushed.
"I'm glad you do. I wrote you a small letter in there, I hope that shows you that I do love you. Sorry that I can't properly express my love to you in words, so I did it on paper." She whispered only for him to hear as Kaeya's gaze softened while looking at the bouquet in his hands.
"I don't need any words from you to know you love me. You always buy me a gift every weekend, bring me food when I'm at work, or simply giving me your time. I appreciate everything you do, my love. I was actually worried that this small gift for Valentine's Day wouldn't be enough for you." He chuckled with his soft tone, making her pout.
"Sweetie, this is bigger than everything I've given you. I truly think I don't deserve such a caring boyfriend as you." I looked at him. He held his breath and shook his head in disagreement.
Kaeya then handed her the big bouquet of flowers and the small gift for her, as she grabbed them from his hands. "No, you deserve this and many more things. I still think that even with this beautiful bouquet you gave me, you still outdid yourself again." He smelled the flowers with such delicacy and grabbed the note from the flowers and opened it, resting the bouquet on his left arm as he began reading it.
After a few minutes, he sniffled and looked up at her with slight tears being on the verge of falling. "You really do surprise me each and every day, my love. I will always cherish this in my life. I also have another small gift besides the bouquet and the small gift i gave you. Did you see the tickets in our bags?" He smiled at her and wiped his tears, neatly placing the card back on the bouquet as he gently grabbed her by the shoulder and walked her to the bed.
His hand reached for the tickets and showed it to her. "I'm taking you on a trip. We're leaving tomorrow morning and come back home a day after our one-year anniversary." He smiled at her, "I'm sorry it couldn't be a longer time, but both of us have work, and I didn't want you to get in trouble with your boss." He told her with a soft and calm tone, hoping she would accept.
"Kaeya! That's absolutely beautiful! Where are we going?" She jumped up and down with her eyes gleaming with curiosity.
"That's a secret, but I'll assure you- You're going to love it." He leaned in and captured her lips into a soft heartwarming kiss. She smiled into the kiss, and once the kiss broke off, she laid her flowers and the gift on the bed as she grabbed him by the neck to kiss him deeper as he was caught off guard.
He dropped his bouquet on the bed as well and hugged her waist tightly, bringing her closer to him as they shared a sweet long passionate kiss. Their lips grazing across one another as he licked her bottom lip, she opened her mouth happily as he started to suck on her bottom lip. A small whimper left her lips as he bit down gently on her lip, her heart rate picked up at such an intimate kiss as he pulled away, leaving her wanting more of his lips.
"I love you, darling." He rested his forehead against hers and stared into her beautiful brown eyes. She sighed happily in content and hugged him as he did the same. Their warm embrace was everything to both of them.
"Thank you, Kaeya. You're wonderful, and I can't wait for tomorrow, I'll spend time with you without having interruptions." She whispered.
"I can't wait either, my love." He whispered back and sighed happily, "Ah, I forgot to say that I didn't pack your undergarments or something else. I just packed basic things we needed for tomorrow and your cute pj's that you wear all the time." He said referring to her usual puppy pants and a large t-shirt that fits her a bit too big, but to him she looked absolutely gorgeous.
A blush crept her face as she giggled. "Thanks, sweetie. I'll pack the rest. Do we need something classy? Like a dress or something? Or do I bring something for the cold? Like a coat or jacket?" She asked and went to her closet and opened the door to look at her different choices.
"Hm... we'll be going a warm place, so just bring a small sweater for when we go walking around. Bring a raincoat, and two gorgeous dresses. One for tomorrow at night and the other for the next day at nighttime as well." He stated walking closely to her and wrapping his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder as he placed a kiss to her cheek as she smiled.
"Okay, but why a raincoat? Does it rain a lot?" She asked and started to pick the dresses first.
"Not quite... you'll find out when you see it." He smirked and kept giving her chaste kisses around her cheeks, nose, chin, shoulder, and almost any place that showed skin. She hummed and smiled, nodding at what he said as she picked a dress.
It was a long evening dress, the color was emerald, green with a slit on the side. "Uhm- Should I bring this?" She whispered to him, showing him the dress. He just hummed and looked at it.
"Bring whatever you want, everything looks good on you, and it'll match well with where we're going." He smiled at her. Loretta ran her fingers over the corset that adorned it, it was off the shoulder, and it hugged all her right places, she only wore it once and nodded.
"Okay, I'll bring this. You never saw me with it, right?" She asked as he shook his head no.
"Sadly, I didn't. I can't wait to see you in it, you'll look beautiful as always~" He cooed, and his right hand tilted her face towards his as he captured her lips into another sweet kiss. She hummed sweetly into it and smiled, wrapping her arms around him once more.
After a few seconds they broke off the kiss with a small giggle. "If I don't stop kissing you, then we're probably missing that flight tomorrow morning." He laughed and his hand reached to her cheek and with his thumb he stroked her softly before pushing a hair strand of her hair back to her ear.
"You're right. I should pack quickly, so we can drink that wine and eat before sleeping. I can't wait for tomorrow!" She jumped on her tippy toes in excitement as she let him go and started choosing her clothes. Kaeya hummed and walked to the chair by the window and grabbed the wine bottle, opening it and pouring himself some along with her wine glass.
Loretta and Kaeya were discussing about tomorrow, they couldn't wait to spend time together in another place for them to explore together. As they chatted, they both drank as she walked back and forth, filling her bag with necessities and her clothes that she needs, until she realized that she bought two lingerie sets a few months back, she was initially going to use them for Christmas and New years, but her plans got ruined due to celebrating together with friends and family.
She put the lingerie sets in bags, and as she found them, she keeping Kaeya distracted with the talk as she focused on wrapping the sets in the second dress she chooses. Her thoughts ran wild, and if she's being honest, they haven't done any sexual intercourse since his birthday, so she's quite excited and hoped they can have another intimate moment these two days they're off for vacations.
The night was good as they finished packing and eating the slight snacks he prepared, as they walked around the apartment to turn off the candles before going to their room and kiss for a bit longer under the candlelight shining on their skin. They decided to stop kissing when Kaeya got a bit hard from this beautiful intimate moment between them. Both of them fell asleep soon enough with the aroma of the flowers relaxing them both and they drifted off into a deep sleep.
The next morning came around and Loretta was the first one to wake up, happily getting up from the bed and going to do her basic skincare and get herself ready to leave in two hours. When Kaeya woke up without her in his arms, he felt a sense of loneliness and got up from bed to look for her. "Oh hey, I totally forgot that I prepared a bath for you last night." He stated with a chuckle as Loretta smiled.
"Don't worry, when I got up, I drained the water and ran another bath. The water is still warm for you if you'd like to bathe before we leave!" She smiled, looking at him as she dried her hair with the towel.
"Thanks, love. I'll take the bath then." He came inside the bathroom, closing the door behind him and started to take off his clothes while she was standing near the mirror, she could clearly see his body. Her face became hot and red as she looked down at the skin. He noticed it and decided to teaser her a bit, walking towards her and wrapping his arms around her, letting his chest press against her back as she gulped hard. "I love you~" He whispered and kissed her neck more, softly sucking on her skin as she dropped her towel on the floor and her hands gripped his wrist softly, biting her lip.
"Don't tease me, go bathe! I'll... I'll go get ready!" She whispered yelled at him as she pulled slightly away before he could bite her neck a bit. He pouted and nodded.
"Fine. I'll be quick then." He stated as took off his pants and underwear, leaving him bare as she widened her eyes, seeing his body from the mirror as she couldn't stop looking at him. He caught her this time and a sly smirk appeared. "Like what you see, sweetheart?" He grinned and looked at her as she blushed hard and picked up her towel from the floor and darted out the bathroom as he stood there, chuckling at her shyness.
After what seemed like hours, they had finally arrived at their destination, and she was surprised by the destination. They arrived by taking a small little car to their cabin deep into the woods, and their scenery was a beautiful waterwall in front of the cabin. She got out the small car and gasped loudly with a huge grin in her lips. "Kaeya?! This is- This is gorgeous!" She screamed in happiness as she jumped up and down as Kaeya kissed her temple and hugged her.
"Surprise~" He whispered with a smile before continuing, "At night this car will come for us so we can go eat at the restaurant." He stated, as he left her side to get their bags from the car and waved goodbye to the driver. The driver left and they were finally alone near the cabin that rest high up the tree. It had the perfect amount of privacy and beautiful scenery for a romantic trip between them.
Both of them quickly walked up the steps and ended up on the balcony, the slide-in doors were closed as Loretta opened them and walked in happily. "The interior is beautiful as well! Kaeya, I absolutely love you!" She ran around the cabin happily, gasping at almost every little detail that the little house had. Kaeya just chuckled; he was proud that he made his lover happy with these small gifts. If he could, he would give her everything in the world if it meant he could make her smile and be happy.
"Darling, how about we go ahead and explore the ground a bit? We can see if there's a walking area behind the waterfall. It'll be a nice time to explore before we go eat, hm?" He sat on the large bed that was against the large windows as Loretta looked over to him.
"Yes! You know I love exploring!" She walked over to him and got her bag from the floor, placing it next to Kaeya as she took out her raincoat immediately. He chuckled at her excitement, a hint of mischievousness ran through his eyes as he grabbed his bag and was in search of his raincoat as well along with some other necessities.
As they finally had their things ready, Kaeya held her hand and lead her towards the waterfall to get a closer look. He held both their raincoats in his free arm while taking in a deep breath of the earthy smell all around them. If he's being honest... he always thought that both of them needed a break from the small city and just enjoy nature as it is, and he finally got the opportunity to show her this beautiful waterfall that he heard of from his colleagues.
They walked closer and noticed that small fishes were swimming around there happily. Loretta moved in closer to get a better view as she had a large smile on her face, she felt happy and peaceful just by looking at the fishes and being with her lover. "Kaeya, come here and look at the fishes! They're so cute and tiny!" She cooed as Kaeya crouched down to look at the fishes as well.
After a while, they finally got their raincoats on and found a small path that lead behind the waterfall. Droplets of water were falling from all over the place and there was a large a large area where Loretta saw a small picnic on the floor, waiting for them. "Did you do this?!" She screamed as she walked over to it and happily jumped again.
"Well, not me personally since I was with you this whole time, but I called the people who rented the cabins around here if they could set this place up for a small lunch. It's pretty over here, isn't it?" He said while looking around. There was the light of the water hitting them as vines were all around the ceiling and floor, with a few exotic flowers. Their small picnic seemed simple yet elegant for them both, it has enough privacy and the scenery was stunning.
A large squeal came out of her and ran up to him, hugging him as she jumped on him and wrapped her legs around his torso. "I simply adore you! You're the perfect man I could ever ask for!" She giggled and gave him tons of kisses all around his face as he cackled softly and held her closer.
"I adore you more." He gently whispered into her ear as he grabbed her waist gently, squeezing her as if she was going far away from him if he didn't. Kaeya absolutely adores her and always wants to spoil her the same way she spoils him. 
He kisses her ear and bites the earlobe, making her blush from his sudden action. However, he didn't stop there. Kaeya kept her close to him, running his hands on her sides, letting his breath tickle her ear as he started to kiss her jaw and down to her sweet spot she always enjoys. A soft moan escaped her lips, making him grin into her skin. 
She struggled to get off him now, but he held her tight, not wanting to let her go. "My dearest, can I keep kissing you like this?" He whispered while kissing her neck more, running his tongue around her neck and stopping to suck on her skin, grazing his teeth across her neck. As he bit down softly, she winced and shook her head.
"You'll leave marks there, and I don't want them to stay there after we get back. Plus, we're in public, so-"
"Okay I understand, sweetheart." He mumbled, kissing her once more in her neck before he pulled away and looked up into her eyes, giving her a smile.
"Thanks for understanding. I love you!" She pecked his lips once more before standing up on her own two feet and walked to the picnic as she took off her raincoat, setting it down on the floor. Loretta sat on the blanket and began taking out the contents from the basket, as Kaeya joined her on the blanket, sitting across from her with a heartwarming smile.
As the small lunch got settled, they began to eat while chatting about this place, their work, and overall, how they feel. It was such a nice time together, sitting out in nature privately and having a small picnic together that Kaeya planned. 
After a few hours they were safely back at their cabin as Kaeya called the workers from there that they will go to dinner soon enough. The workers on the other end of the line cheerfully agreed, and asked Kaeya if the small lunch was a success and he happily gave them an answer.
Loretta was getting ready for dinner, putting on her dress, makeup and doing her hair. It felt so refreshing to get ready in a different place other than her apartment, she has never felt so excited to do her makeup for once. As Kaeya finished talking to the workers, he came into the bathroom where she was doing her hair and leaned against the doorframe with a smirk. 
"My my~ you look stunning as always my beautiful diamond." He chuckled and sighed, looking at her from head to toe, wondering how she came to be his. "Y'know something? I always wondered how you ended up loving me, out of all the people in this world, you chose me." He paused when he sees her blush but decided to keep teasing her a bit more. "But I'm glad you chose me over any other guy, you don't know how happy you make me. I will always be yours even if you fall out of love with me. I will never stop loving you, sweetheart." 
Loretta placed her brush down and looked at him. "You always know what to say to make me blush, don't you?" She smiled, "Why would I choose someone who isn't the man of my dreams? Your personality, attitude, the way you're always calm even during a dispute between you and another person, you don't treat people badly and I just love your smile. There're so many amazing qualities about you, even your flaws look like perfections to me. Your looks are just a bonus." She chuckled as Kaeya blushed hard now in return as he didn't know what to do.
He stood there getting flustered at her words as she continued to brush her hair, he didn't say much since he was still freaking out. Whenever she compliments him, he's the one who turns out to be really flustered compared to her, it was amazing how easily she makes him love her more than before. 
"Cat got your tongue, my dear?" She giggled while looking at him from time to time as Kaeya tried to play it cool.
"No no, I was simply- thinking about dinner! Yeah... I hope the food is to your liking." He gave her a goofy smile as she laughed and nodded, deciding to stop teasing him.
"Alright, I'm sure the food will be good. We do have similar tastes when it comes to food." She stated as she finished getting ready and going through her bag to get her stuff ready. Loretta then remembered that she brought undergarments for after the dinner, making her freeze as she quickly turned to Kaeya. "Okay, I'm going to change now, go back outside! I'm going to dress in the bathroom!" She pushed him out before he could say another word and closed the door with the lock.
Kaeya stood outside the bathroom door with his eye wide open. Clearly shocked that she just shoved him, but he chuckled at her shyness whenever she changed in front of him, so he just went to also put the last finishing touches on his outfit and hair as he waited for her to come out.
In the bathroom, Loretta was putting on her lingerie as quickly as possible, feeling shy that she was wearing this under her dress. Especially, since it was going to be a romantic dinner at a good restaurant. As she finally slipped on her lingerie, she looked into the mirror and smiled awkwardly. It was a new feeling having her panties be so see through and having an opening in the middle of the fabric for "easy access" as the lady from the store had told her. Her bralette fit perfectly, but again, it was seen through, and she should see her cold nipples almost poking out if it wasn't for the fabric that held it back a bit. It brushed against her nipples softly as she tried her best to ignore a warm feeling in her stomach.
If she was being totally honest, she may feel awkward wearing this, but at the same time she felt so sexy in it. Most of all, she was eager to see Kaeya's reaction when they come back from dinner.
After seeing herself, she quickly put on her emerald green dress on and adjusted it. Zipping it from the back was a challenge, but she didn't want to ask Kaeya for help since she knew he would see her bralette showing from her back. Once she got it zipped, she put on her heels and checked in the mirror once more before smiling at how pretty she looked for once. 
Taking in a deep breath, she opened the door and walked out the room, suddenly hearing a loud gasp as she looked up and saw Kaeya standing by a mirror fixing his hair, his jaw was open, and he didn't move or say anything at all. 
"Does it look-"
"It looks perfect..." He whispered while walking towards her and looking at her up and down. "My god... are you sure you're not a goddess who fell from the heavens?" He whispered as he took her hand and spined her around, causing her to get flustered at his words. Each time she wears new clothes or even something simple as a new haircut, he always says words like goddess, my muse, my love, and so many other things that makes her feel loved.
He brought her back to look at him as he grabbed her hips and pulled her into him, causing her to gulp while looking up at him with a loving gaze. "Thanks, my love... You always know what to say to make me feel loved." She whispered as he nodded and went in for a sweet passionate kiss. 
The kiss was tender and warm, as her arms wrapped around his shoulders to pull him deeper into the kiss. He was swooning at this point, and if he was honest, he wanted to have dinner with her in the cabin, but he knew that his will to show her off to everyone was too strong. 
As the kiss came to an end, he pulled away breathlessly. Pressing one last kiss to her forehead and looking into her eyes with adoration. "Let's go now. The person came to pick us up to drive us to the restaurant." He whispered as she hummed and nodded, also being left breathless from that kiss.
They headed out their cabin as they see the car parked there.
When dinner was finally over, they headed back to their cabin, but they just couldn't help themselves in kissing each other in the balcony once the car drove away. They couldn't keep their hands to themselves the whole night, she was teasing him a bit as well as him teasing her.
Once they had gotten to the balcony and saw the car drive away, they both immediately crashed their lips together and their hands were on each other. Kaeya's hands were on her thigh, opening the dress slit to caress her bare thigh as his other hand was on her waist, pulling her warm body towards him as he pressed her against the large window of their cabin. He placed his leg in between her legs as she felt his thigh brush against her sensitive area causing her to moan.
Loretta's hands were on his chest, taking off his tie slowly, then going to unbutton his vest until her hands were resting on his abdomen. Once his vest was opened, she rubbed her hands from his abdomen to his chest and resting against his shoulders, as she pulled him closer to her as well. He just groaned into her lips as he squeezed her thigh softly and licked her lips.
She granted him access, and opened her mouth a bit as Kaeya darted his tongue into her mouth. He was exploring her mouth as their tongues both danced together in harmony, their breaths quickening with each movement that passed between them. It was just pure love and ecstasy that they were feeling in the moment. 
His hand that was on her thigh went higher up her dress as he felt her bare ass on his fingers. He pulled away from the kiss and raised his eyebrow at her, "Are you not wearing... anything underneath that dress?" A small grin formed on his lips as she blushed and shook her head.
"I am wearing something underneath... It's just a different type of- underwear." She smiled nervously at him as he bit his lip to hold in his moans. 
He just nodded and quickly dug into his pockets of his pants to fish out the keys and opened the door in one swift movement, pulling her inside the cabin and closing the door shut behind him as he turned his full attention to her. "May I have permission to... see this different type of- underwear?" His gaze left her eyes to travel down her body and linger at the end of the dress slit that was on her upper thigh. 
She bit her lip and grabbed his hands, leading him to the bed and pushing him to sit down on the bed quickly. She took a few steps back and finally responded, "You may see them..." She whispered as her hands went to her zipper and easily pulled it down as she pulled her dress down, letting it fall on the ground with a soft thud, letting it pool under her feet as she stepped out of it and was left with her lingerie and her heels. Kaeya's jaw fell down once more, looking at how gorgeous she looked.
The lingerie set was simply hugging her curves and making her breasts look beautiful under the moonlight that shined through the large windows. Kaeya didn't say anything as he kept looking at her from head to toe, thanking every god in the universe for letting him live to see such a beauty in front of him.
Loretta knew that gaze, it was the same gaze he gave her the first time they had sex. She blushed hard but decided to walk up to him and give him a bit of a tease. Her hand reached for his chin and made him look up at her while she was standing in between his legs. "Darling, my eyes are up here~" He whispered as Kaeya was lost in his wild thoughts. Dare I say- his dirty thoughts.
"I know, it's just... wow." He stated as he finally met her gaze, and clearly, he was flustered enough that he didn't see that was drooling slightly. Loretta chuckled and wiped off his drool with her thumb.
"You're drooling, Kaeya." A small chuckle left her lips as Kaeya shivered when she said his name. He didn't hold back anymore as his hands went to grab her hips and push her to the bed, pinning her body against the bed sheets as he went on top of her. 
"Please... Stop teasing me, you've been teasing me ever since we got to the restaurant, and I can't hold back much more... please... let's make love." He whispered, not breaking eye contact with her as his gaze was soft, full of love, yet passionate and full of lust. She shivered underneath him and nodded.
The second she nodded; their lips connected once more as Loretta started taking off his clothes as quickly as possible. Wanting nothing more than to finally have Kaeya deep inside of her. He felt her urgency and somehow pulled his shirt away, leaving him bare, as his hands went to his pants and started taking off his pants and shoes in the process. Shoving them down as he stood up and took them off, going on top of her quickly and putting one hand on her thigh, slowly opening her legs as he kept kissing her.
His fingers squeezed her inner thigh as they slithered up to her cunt. He opened the slit of the panties and pressed a finger on her clit, causing her to moan into his lips. A groan left his mouth as well as his dick was hard and throbbing, but he decided to take things slower and wanted to savor every moment with her. 
Kaeya broke away from the kiss to start kissing her neck, as she threw her head back with a mewl. Her hands were roaming on his chest, arms, and shoulders as her urgency made her wrap her legs around his hips, but he stood firm and whispered in her neck. "I know you want me inside of you, but I want to savor this moment with you... May you let me do that?" He mumbled in her neck, kissing and sucking softly as she blushed.
"Y-yeah..." She licked her lips and let her legs fall off his waist as he thanked her over and over again, being grateful for her. 
He got to work on kissing her neck on both sides, her jaw, her cheeks, her temples, her nose, literally peppering kisses everywhere he could reach before going down to her chest. His hand on her cunt started rubbing her clit slowly as she kept her legs opened enough for his fingers to pleasure her fully. She inhaled at the sensation of his fingers pressing and circling her clit so slowly with just enough pressure. 
Loretta just couldn't contain her whimpers and moans as her eyes looked down to see Kaeya blissfully kissing around her bralette, teasing her and sucking softly on her chest. He felt her eyes on him as he looked up at her with a smirk before going down to her nipple, licking it through the lace bralette as she gasped at the sensation of his tongue rubbing the fabric against her hardened nipple.
"I love seeing your reactions, sweetheart~" He cooed softly and licked her other nipple as she looked away and bit her lip. She felt his hand from her waist go behind her back and unhooked the bralette, pushing it upwards as he cupped her breast and started to lick her nipple softly, flicking his tongue in a slow motion as he picked up the movements. Her moans were music to his ears as his cock twitched in the air. Kaeya bit her nipple a bit before he closed his lips around her breast, sucking it slightly as he looked up to see her reactions. 
Her face was in pure pleasure as her eyebrows creased in the middle, her lips parted open as her chest heaved up and down from the wet sensation on her hard nipple. As he pulled away, he blew air onto it and that made her tremble under him. Her legs were quivering as she felt herself grow impatient to have him inside of her. Kaeya simply moved on to her other breast and did the same things. He savored her as his hand on her cunt stopped moving her clit, he pinched her clit in his fingers before dragging his fingers to her entrance. 
"Look at you," He hummed around her nipple, whispering softly as she gripped his shoulder a bit, "You taste amazing and your reactions are driving me crazy, my love." 
"K-Kaeya... Please~" She begged and looked at him once more. Her cheeks were flushed as her bottom lip was a bit red from all the biting, she did to them and glistening from how much she licked her lips. 
"Please what? Is there something you need?" He whispered, clearly enjoying how much she shivered underneath him. 
"Please, I need you." She whispered back as Kaeya groaned around her nipple and shook his head.
"No, sweetheart. You said I could enjoy my time savoring you, now you have to wait, enjoy this, yeah? I swear I'll pleasure you so well with my fingers too, hm?" He smiled as he moved up and trapped her lips in a deep kiss again as his hand kept pinching her nipple as the other hand was rubbing her wetness around her cunt, spreading it evenly until his fingers and palm were coated with her wetness.
Loretta only moaned into the kiss and kept her arms closed around his neck to kiss him deeply as she nodded her head in response, sucking on his lips and his tongue, loving how much he took his time with her. 
His fingers finally entered her hole which made her groan into his lips as she opened her legs more. He digs one finger inside and started spreading her hole so he could push in his second finger. Once she was opened enough, he put in a second finger inside and curled it to her sweet spot making her throw her head back with a whine, he quickly kissed her again, but her back arched a bit making her body press against him as he grunted.
A small thrust in and out was simply divine to her, she knew it wasn't the same as his cock, but his fingers curling up made her lose her thoughts a bit as well. She enjoyed how his pace was going, it was going soft at first before picking up the pace and slowing it down as his thumb slowly rubbed her clit which made her bite down on his lip a bit. 
"My love, please- calm down, I'm not even inside you yet and my cock is twitching... dear god." He groaned in her mouth as she whimpered and nodded, continuing to kiss him more.
Kaeya continued his finger movements in and out of her, he kept pleasuring her until he couldn't handle how hard he was. It was almost painful, so he took his fingers out of her and broke the kiss. "I'll enter you now... Let me just grab a cond-"
"Just go inside, I don't mind if you burry your seed inside me. I don't mind having your child, I just want you, Kaeya." She brough her hand down to his cheek and caressed it softly as she pressed a small peck on his lips. 
"Are you sure? I don't mind starting a family with you, but I've heard that women suffer all throughout their pregnancy. I don't want you to be scared or leave-"
"Kaeya... Thanks for your concern sweetheart, but I'm sure I want to spend the rest of my life with you even if we have kids or not. If nothing happens then I'm fine and happy with it, if I do end up pregnant then I'll be happy because I know we'll both try our best to be good parents. I just want you as a whole, my love... If you don't want kids this early then yo-"
"No! I want to be your husband, I want to be a father, I want a future with you. Of course, I want kids with you. I'm just making sure you're okay with this." He leaned into her hand and smiled, going down to kiss her passionately and sweetly, this kiss remained the best kiss throughout their life.
It was pure of love, confidence, trust, and so much more. They both trusted each other that no matter what happened, they would get through it together. It was such a happy moment for the both of them that it was engraved in their memories for life.
"If we're both agreeing to this, then please make love to me~" she said in the kiss as Kaeya hummed and gave one last thrust with his fingers before grabbing his cock and spreading his own precum evenly on his cock.
"Okay my love, I love you so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He whispered into the kiss with a smile as he looked down at his cock, wanting to make sure it was lined up in her entrance. "Ready?" He asked her as she nodded with a genuine smile. 
He kissed her nose as he pressed his tip inside her making her bite her lip, holding in a whimper as Kaeya stopped a bit, "Does it hurt?" He asked sweetly as she shook her head.
"No, push a bit more." She blushed saying that as Kaeya nodded and pushed in a bit more, looking into her eyes to see if she was in pain or if she was being pleasured. Little by little his cock finally slipped inside her fully as he praised her and kissed her forehead, shoving her hair to the side and caressed her face.
"You're taking it so well my love. I'll let you adjust, okay? Tell me when you want me to move." He kissed her lips as she nodded, wrapping her legs around him while she adjusted to his size and grith. 
While kissing, she moved her hips, "You can move now." She smiled into the kiss as Kaeya grunted and slowly pulled out, leaving his tip inside before pushing it back in slowly making sure it slipped in well. He groaned at her wet hot walls throbbing with anticipation as Loretta moaned sweetly near his ear.
He kept repeating the process over and over again, until his pace was good enough to make her grip his shoulders and throwing her head back. Kaeya loved the sight underneath him as he picked up his pace more and more, having both of them grunt in pleasure. It was pure bliss as they both enjoyed it, his hands grabbing her waist as he started picking up his pace while he kept kissing her. 
His cock was throbbing inside of her as her walls eagerly sucked him in again. The atmosphere was amazing to have love, the large windows behind the bed as the waterfall was gorgeous under the moonlight. Their skin was being illuminated by the moon as their sweet voices filled the cabin along with the sound of skin on skin. Their sweat melted into one and they couldn't stop making love to one another.
Their caresses were precious in this moment. A slight touch and they both shivered from the amount of pleasure they felt in that moment, his pace kept teasing them both as he went fast one moment then went down, putting in a long fast thrust into her until she was losing her sanity.
His mouth was kissing every inch of her skin as if she was a delicious meal he never had. Praising her, telling her so many beautiful things into her ear as she replied back with orgasmic noises that almost made Kaeya cum deep inside her. The slight edging he did made them both lose control in the passionate love making in the bed as she squeezed her legs around him to pull him even deeper inside.
"Oh god... I'm close, love... Are you ready?" Kaeya whispered into her neck as she nodded, gripping his shoulders and felt her stomach tie up in a deep pleasurable knot.
"I-I'm close too, make me yours~" She moaned in his ear as Kaeya picked up his pace and kept fucking her more and more deep into the mattress. Her legs were jelly now as he kept her legs wrapped around him tighter as he pounded her, making her arch her back and softly dragging her nails across his back softly as he groaned.
His lips kissed hers again, wanting to cum deep inside her while kissing her as she returned the hot kiss back, their saliva was all over their mouths as the heated kiss felt magical when they both came hard on each other. His essence reaching the deepest part of her as her seed covered his cock fully, slowly spilling onto the sheets and their skin as he didn't stop cumming hard, dirtying her lingerie in the process. 
After calming down they both looked into each other's eyes and laughed as they pecked their lips. "You're amazing, darling. This felt so good." Kaeya said, caressing her body softly as she nodded.
"Yeah, it really was worth it. I loved it, Kaeya. Thanks for your kind words and for your honesty." She smiled at him and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Anything for you, my heart. I was going to propose to you tomorrow on our anniversary, but... I can't hold it anymore; I want to marry you... Will you marry me, sweetheart?" He said with a smile, his gaze was so loving, so true, it felt like a fairy tale being with him.
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nakasumi-sims · 10 months
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Welcome to my First Bachelor Challenge
After his first run as a contestant on The Bachelorette, Abraham is back as the Bachelor on his journey for love continues! It's been 2 years since then and not much in his life has changed. He's a model for Plume Magazine and lives in Sulani with his fellow models. Before he became a model, he was a fisherman along with his father and older brother to keep up the family fishing business while his mother and younger sister run the shop.
"I'm looking for someone to challenge me and to share life with. I would hope they wouldn’t mind me being gone for a week or two at a time for modeling jobs for the time being if they weren't able to come along. Later on though in life, if my looks fail me since they likely aren’t forever, I would like to do things like travel together and maybe explore the lands of Salvadorada or climb Mt. Komorebi. I would love to pick up my old hobbies again since I haven’t had time while modeling. I love to make things with my hands and I used to sell the drinks, candles, and trinkets I made in my family’s shop. I can’t wait to meet you. May this journey we take be one that changes us all for the better!"
Traits: Loves Outdoors - Adventurous - Maker
More info about Abe:
27 years old
He honestly doesn't know what his exact sexuality is
He's been learning guitar on the side from fellow model, Jae-Hwan, and they practice together when they get the chance
He enjoys fishing and free diving. They relax him and he feels more at one with nature. Sometimes, he'll play with the dolphins and catch some extra fish to feed them. Sometimes, sharks too, but he knows he needs to do it rarely to avoid attacks
He's the middle child and since he's always been busy fishing with his father and older brother, usually the cooking is left up to his mother and younger sister so he doesn't have much experience in the kitchen. He's always willing to learn
He can occasionally get a bit reckless on his adventures and may need someone who can reel him back in
Even though he's all about his adventures, this island boy knows how to relax and take it slow too
Submission Rules:
7 sims will be chosen as contestants
All genders allowed
Young adult to adults accepted, please include age and pronouns for your sim
Write up a background for your sim and share some details! I love hearing about other's characters and it helps give an idea of who they are
Please include some information about their fashion style so I can give extra/situational outfits as needed that are in character
Give your sim some likes and dislikes
They are free to have skills leveled up but to level 5 max (unless it makes sense for it to be higher due to their background)
I don't care what traits or aspirations are, just no romantic trait/aspirations or alluring/beguiling trait. Feel free to even throw in some negative traits if you'd like
No occults will be accepted to keep things simpler now that there's a few occults in the game. I only have aliens, vampires, and mermaids so I'd feel bad to exclude spellcasters and werewolves
When making your sim, please keep in mind my list below of packs I have/don't have (see below the cut)
CC is accepted. If you've seen my sims, I play maxis match/mix and with some alpha thrown in. So I don't really care what style of sims are in, but I would say just not super heavily alpha sims. I do encourage skin overlays (skin details)
No default eyes/eye colors/replacements. I don't like base game eyes either so please use facepaint eyes or I can always choose some that match your sim.
Please choose 1 outfit for each category, keeping in mind which packs I don't have.
If chosen, I will message you for the files. Please include all cc and tray files for that sim
Tag me in your post and use the tag #Naka's Bachelor Challenge so I can see your entries (they will be liked by my main blog)
Submission deadline is August 23rd 2023
If there's not enough entries I may extend or cancel the bc
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Packs I do NOT own:
Horse Ranch
Growing Together
High School Years
Wedding Stories
Journey to Batuu
Realm of Magic
Nifty Knitting
Tiny Living
My First Pet
Fitness Stuff
Bowling Night
Vintage Glamour
Backyard Stuff
Kids Room
Toddler Stuff
Romantic Garden
Cool Kitchen
Luxury Party
All the kits
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ailendolin · 5 months
Happy 800!
Ho-Tan, Vex/Ho-Tan; Touch, Candle
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy your prompt fic (and that you don't mind that I included the Youngers so prominently)! I had a lot of fun writing it and finding ways for our beloved Yonderland residents to confuse some Christmas traditions from Debbie's world ;)
Explanations for the Youngers' names can be found in this post.
List of prompts is here. Filled prompts are here, here, here, here and here on AO3.
Prompts are closed.
The Surprise [AO3]
Ho-Tan knew it was no secret that Debbie’s world fascinated her. She had, after all, written the best-selling tome Birmingham and Beyond – Customs and Traditions from the Chosen One’s World. Debbie had been kind enough to allow her to visit several times so she could conduct her research there which, Ho-Tan was proud to say, had actually included a trip to the local library. She could have spent hours there, lost among the books – and gladly would have if Debbie hadn’t reminded her that time flowed differently in Yonderland and she’d be gone for days if they didn’t leave as planned. The thought of her Youngers and Vex worrying themselves sick about her had ultimately been enough to convince Ho-Tan to pack up her notes and hurry on home.
Vex had laughed when she told him all about it, and with a very sweet kiss to the tip of her nose said, “You can stay in Deb-beh’s world as long as you like, love. We know how much your research means to you.”
“But not as much as you and the children,” she’d whispered before she’d pulled him and the Youngers close.
It had taken her months to turn her endless pages of notes into anything even remotely resembling organised chapters, and even longer to edit it all properly. But after almost a year of hard work, her book had finally been ready for publishing, and to her complete and utter surprise, it became an instant hit. Even though Debbie was no longer going on quests as the Chosen One, the people of Yonderland still considered her their saviour and seemed to be rather curious about her life and the world Nestor of Maddox had entrusted her to when she was but a baby, causing her book’s first edition to sell out within a week.
The Elders weren’t quite so enthusiastic when she gave them their own copy.
“Why are there no pictures in it?” Pressley wondered aloud as he leafed through the 300 pages with a frown on his face.
“There’s a map of Debbie’s world right at the back?” Ho-Tan offered helpfully.
The smile Pressley gave her looked a little forced.
Vex didn’t even pretend he would read it. “Sorry, love, but you know the words become confusing after a while and make my head ache.”
“I still want you to have it,” Ho-Tan smiled, not surprised and certainly not angry. How could she be when Vex put it so carefully on his shelf and she knew he would treasure it for the simple reason that she had given it to him?
She hadn’t planned on giving the Youngers a copy, figuring they would be even less interested in what was, essentially, academic research than their parents were. But then she saw young Sepal reading his father’s copy one day and realised how foolish that thought had been. The Youngers had always embraced things from Debbie’s world, be it her Krismas carols or the annual Easter Egg Hunt. She should have known they would embrace this too and be eager to learn more.
So that evening, instead of a bedtime story, Ho-Tan read to them a chapter from her book. They listened with wide eyes as she talked about the geography of Debbie’s world – “Great Britain is the centre, see?” – and wasn’t surprised when the other Elders joined them the next evening for the second chapter. Just like that it became a family thing, and Ho-Tan wished she could put into words how happy it made her to have everyone she loved together for an hour every night. Their lives were so busy these days what with having to restore order to the other realms – a process that would take years, she feared – that moments like this had become incredibly rare in the last few months. It didn’t help that the Youngers were slowly but surely growing up as well. She knew it was only a matter of time until one of them would declare himself too old for bedtime stories, and Ho-Tan dreaded the moment that day came with all her heart.
“You worry too much,” Vex told her one night, two weeks into their new routine. As gentle as the flutter of butterfly wings, he took the brush out of her hands and began to untangle her hair for her. “It doesn’t matter how old they get. They will never stop needing you, love.”
Ho-Tan met his eyes in the mirror. “I stopped needing my parents. So did you.”
Vex paused his gentle touches to give her hand a squeeze. “That was different.”
“I know but–“
“No, Alfie,” he said. “Our children are growing up more loved than we ever were. They will always be glad to come home to us. I promise.”
He kissed her then, softly, and it was only when he saw a smile pulling at her lips once more that he went back to brushing her hair.
Ho-Tan knew he was right but a part of her still couldn’t help feeling just a little sad at the thought of her sons growing up and possibly going their own ways soon. Neither of them had yet expressed the wish to take on the role of an Elder one day, and just the idea of Alvin travelling the Seven-and-a-half Seas on his own and Irk collecting plants in some jungle far beyond her reach made her want to hoard every laugh and hug like a dragon hoarded its gold. She had always known they would not stay little forever; she’d just thought she’d have a little more time before they grew up she’d have to let them go.
Over the next few weeks, Ho-Tan tried her best not to show how melancholic that thought made her. If the Youngers noticed that she hugged them a little tighter than usual or lingered at their door after she’d kissed them goodnight, they didn’t show it. She was pretty sure Vex had noticed but he didn’t say anything either. He simply held her a little closer at night, his way of silently reassuring her that he was there and that everything would be okay.
It didn’t even cross her mind that he and the Youngers could be planning something to cheer her up until she woke up to soft kisses behind her ear on a Sunday morning four weeks before Thanktival. A glance towards the window told her it was still early – so early the sun was not even up yet and Vex would normally still be fast asleep. Amused and just a little curious, Ho-Tan turned around in his arms and greeted him with a proper good morning kiss. “You’re up early.”
Vex made one of those noises she found incredibly endearing before he said, rather mysteriously, “Well, today is a special day.”
Ho-Tan frowned, trying to figure out what he meant. She was quite sure it wasn’t one of their important days – she’d never forgotten one of those. But what else could it be?
Seeing her confusion, Vex laughed and pressed another kiss to her lips. “Come on, let’s get you up and out of bed, old girl.”
Ho-Tan let him pull her to her feet, still wondering what he was up to. After they got dressed, Vex helped her with her hair – an intimate way of spending time together she’d always loved but rarely allowed herself to indulge in these days. His touch was gentle, ever loving, and she closed her eyes in contentment as his deft fingers skilfully created the braids she had worn all her adult life.
“There, all done,” Vex whispered softly into her ear.
Ho-Tan opened her eyes and, seeing the butterfly hair clip in her hair, smiled up at him. “Thank you.”
Smiling back at her, he took her hand and led her out of the room towards the kitchen. Usually, the kitchen was still dark and empty when Ho-Tan got up in the morning to get breakfast ready. Today, candlelight was spilling out into the hallway in flickering, golden hues when they rounded the corner. Confused and just a little suspicious, she turned to Vex. “What’s going on?”
He merely continued smiling and squeezed her hand. “You’ll see in a moment.”
When the sounds of excited whispers – the Youngers, if Ho-Tan wasn’t mistaken – echoed through the hallway, Vex not so subtly stomped his foot to alert them of their presence. The whispers stopped at once and Ho-Tan bit her lip so she wouldn’t laugh. It was clear Vex and the Youngers had planned something for her – a surprise breakfast, perhaps? – and the last thing she wanted was to ruin the fun.
“Ready?” Vex asked when they were almost at the door. Ho-Tan nodded and let him guide her into the kitchen.
“Happy Advent!” the Elders and Youngers cheered in unison when she walked through the door. They were all there, waving at her with bright grins on their faces or pointing excitedly at what could only be an advent wreath sitting on the middle of the table. Ho-Tan’s vision blurred as she took it all in. It was only a few weeks ago that she’d read them the Krismas chapter from her book. At the time, she hadn’t thought anything about the curious questions the Youngers had asked her about it the next day but now, looking at the beautifully decorated wreath, it all suddenly made sense.
“Did you make this yourselves?” she breathed in awe.
The Youngers nodded.
“Everyone made their own candle. Look Mum, this one’s mine!” Irk said and pointed excitedly at a green candle that had different kinds of leaves all over it. Leaning forward to get a closer look, Ho-Tan felt her heart warm with more love than it could possibly contain when she saw the personalities of her friends and children reflected in all the candles on the wreath, be it in the quill and inkpot on Sepal’s or the pub sign on Pressley’s.
“They look beautiful,” she whispered.
Irk grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist in a hug. “We have one candle for you too!”
Alvin stepped forward and held a plain, dark blue candle out to her. Ho-Tan turned it over in her hands, wondering how she could personalise it, when Vex gently tapped her on the shoulder and held up a golden scroll and apple blossom made of wax. “I hope you don’t mind but I made these for you.”
It was only then that she noticed his own candle, burning brightly in the back of the wreath with a blue butterfly attached to its side next to a glass of sherry. The butterfly looked just like the one he had put in her hair only moments ago.
With shaking hands, Ho-Tan took the scroll and blossom from him. When she struggled to attach them to her candle, overwhelmed as she was, Alvin and Irk stepped in to help. “You’ve got it, Mum.”
She smiled at them through her tears and, together with them, finished the candle and placed it in the empty spot next to Vex’s.
“Light it, Uncle Choop!” Alvin said. Choop grumbled about being ordered around by a child but pulled out a box of matches anyway. A moment later, Ho-Tan’s candle flared to life and added its own glow to the warm light illuminating the kitchen.
“Perfect,” Irk breathed.
It really is, Ho-Tan thought as she looked at the twelve candles burning merrily on the wreath, symbolising not only every one of them but also the twelve realms and, of course, the Twelve Days of Krismas. Ho-Tan wasn’t quite sure if Debbie’s tradition demanded they be lit all at one – Debbie wasn’t quite clear on that – but it really didn’t matter. What did was that her family had made this for her, just because they knew she needed some cheering up and loved the traditions from Debbie’s world. It wasn’t even Thanktival yet, and yet she couldn’t imagine getting a better present this year.
As the others began to pull out plates and mugs from the cupboards to set the table for breakfast, she quietly turned to Vex. “Did you organise all this?”
“Maybe.” He winked at her before he reached out to cup her face. “You know I can’t bear seeing you sad, Alfie.”
Ho-Tan leaned into his touch and smiled when his thumb brushed a stray tear away. “Thank you.”
Vex looked like he wanted to say more but then Irk and Alvin began tugging at her hands, wanting her to move. Laughing through her tears, Ho-Tan let them pull her to her chair.
“We have another surprise for you, Mum,” Alvin said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “Mr Bojangles helped with this one.”
That was all the explanation she got before he and the other Youngers started singing The Twelve Days of Krismas for her. Delighted, Ho-Tan looked at Vex and found him already smiling back at her, a serene look on his face. He reached for her hand and briefly brought it to his lips to place a kiss upon her knuckles before he gave the Youngers his full attention. Smiling softly to herself, Ho-Tan turned to look at the Youngers too, and as she sat there in the warm glow of the candles, surrounded by the people she loved most in all the realms, she knew she didn’t need to worry about the future. Whatever changes it would bring, her family would always be with her and find a way to make her smile.
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animehouse-moe · 9 months
Kagura Bachi Chapter 1: Mission
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At this point, I'm sure everybody's seen all the memes and jokes about Kagura Bachi. #1 New-Gen Shonen manga that's better than God himself, or whatever. A funny joke at times, but a little overdone.
Kagura Bachi would never live up to that hype, but it's also not a series that's going down the gutter right this second. It struggles, as a first time mangaka will, but at the very least has the potential to turn things around. So, let's take a look at this first chapter then and see what it can do.
The art. All the teaser images you've seen around make it look surprisingly good, and in some places it is. But the default? It's not really that good. It's not awful, but it's far from something you'll routinely comment on.
Simple designs, simple faces, and not a lot that changes about them. Honestly, I'd put it on the same level as the Fantasy Bishoujo manga that I talked about earlier, but even then I think the average quality of the art in Kagura Bachi can struggle to keep pace. Anyways, it certainly doesn't hold a candle to other recent SJ additions. Not awful to be at the bottom of the pack, but the art itself certainly isn't an immediate selling point for readers.
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Diving further into the art and style, same-face is a real struggle with the shape and designs of characters. Eyebrows and pupil/iris shapes are some of the main ways the mangaka forces distinction between their characters. Truthfully, it's not something that's a deal breaker by any means, but just points to the struggles of an early on artist (though it's not like I can really say anything when I can't draw to save my life).
A more important issue however is the action. It's got solid layouts and ideas, but the choreography can feel.. plain. Not a bad thing, but you need art that can fill those gaps, that can provide pace and movement within. Kagura Bachi does not have the benefit of art that can help with that. And so, because of that, the action ends up stuff, and even lackluster.
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Well, I suppose that's enough about the art, let's talk story.
... it's essentially on the same page as the art. Some good, some bad, lotta mediocre. Bog standard revenge plot meets unique but highly underutilized power system.
Chihiro is the son of a famous blacksmith, at some point his father dies and Chihiro is out for revenge against an organization of sorcerers that, we as readers assume, are the ones that killed his father. But Chihiro's just a boy, how could he go up against sorcerers? Well, he's got some special katanas from his departed father.
Very typical, no? Which I think is a shame, because the chapter deeply limits itself. It starts with the story stating that "only" Chihiro has magically imbued Katanas, but anyone with half a brain knows that as the series goes on, villains will wield similar katanas as well. To clarify, we know that Chihiro's father has made more than just the katanas that Chihiro has. The core of the gripe is that only Chihiro's father was able to create them, and that there's no information about how many there are or who might wield them (spoiler, it's gonna be all the bad guys).
The second, and more problematic issue is how the power system is approached. It separates sorcery from the katanas themselves, which is a painful mistake. The magic should be tied to the swords, it would make for a way better power system to explore. Swords vs magic has been done a thousand times over, so I'm just not thrilled to see its opportunity squandered.
That's not where it ends though. Despite being a magic sword, and despite readers knowing, thanks to earlier exposition, that it has the ability to "ward off evil", the manifestation of that ability is... to turn the sword black and slash people really hard.
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I really can't get more disappointed than this. You lead with this super cool visual of the goldfish that the katana is imbued with, and you follow with a single slash. Not even a fancy one. Just a big, fat, shonen manga slash.
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So, at the end of it all. There'll be an audience for this type of story, there always is. Violent revenge plot centered around black haired swordsman fighting non-sword wielding enemies. About as generic as you could make it, really. I just hope that the mangaka sees the potential that they wield and changes it up. Different schools centered around various imbued properties. Allowing Chihiro the use of sorcery to attempt to create his own blades. Distancing itself from the revenge plot. The art will undoubtedly grow and improve if the series is allowed to live, but in these early chapters.... well it's now or never for shifting the focus of the story. It has the ability to go the distance, but by the hand of the mangaka, the story is going down a path that will destroy its potential.
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blackswan446 · 4 months
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for an autumn day, it was unseasonably warm. it felt more like a beautiful mid-spring afternoon. the landscape didn't match the temperature; the fall air brought a burst of new color to the normally-green tree leaves, to paint one last vibrant picture before they would plunge to the ground and succumb to the harsh conditions of winter.
you sat on the edge of the fountain, making sure not to let you or your bag fall into the pool of water and coins below. although the mall was crowded, you could've sat for hours and just watched the world go by. all these people, they all had their own lives, their own friends and enemies, successes and heartbreaks, yet all you would ever know them as is random people from the mall, and all they would ever know you as is the girl who was sitting on the fountain.
you were broken from your philosophical moment by someone taking a seat next to you on the cool marble bricks. that person was hoseok, clad in his fashionable streetwear, styled hair, and...holding flowers?
you must have been visibly confused, because the first thing he did, rather than greet you, was explain the bundle of flowers in his hand. "don't get the wrong idea, i passed a shop on the way here. i thought you'd like them, that's all." he said, holding out the small bouquet to you. you smiled, and took them slowly. "thank you..what kind of flowers are they? did the owner tell you?"
he nodded. "gardenias. apparently this is the last bunch the shop was selling, i think the growing season for them is over." he explained, looking proud of himself and his good deed. you held the velvety petals of the delicate white flowers between your fingertips, and you didn't need to lean closer to smell their sweet fragrance. you smiled fondly at the small posy, and looked back to hoseok. "thank you, i love them." you said gratefully, not bothering to hide your cheesy smile. he beamed at your appreciation and his heart swelled with pride.
'looks like my research paid off. who knew flowers could have so many meanings?'
it was a few hours later, and you were walking side by side with hoseok in the shopping mall. you cradled the elegant bundle of gardenias gently in one elbow, and the other was holding a few shopping bags. hoseok was carrying a few of his own, plus a to-go cup of iced coffee. "i'm glad we were able to go out today." he said, "you know. before the holiday rush."
you nodded your head in agreement. "yeah, i am too. this place will be packed a month from now. all the stores will be empty, too." you complained, shuddering at the thought of returning here and fighting with the old ladies over the last candle and swimming through a sea of middle schoolers, all looking for their mothers.
"we only have a few more stores to hit, right? my feet are tired." he whined. "hey, i want to get my holiday shopping done early. you can't rush me. i only have to get something for my aunt, my father, and yoongi."
hoseok cringed internally at the mention of his name. "yoongi, huh? what are you going to get him?" he inquired. you shrugged your shoulders. "oh, i don't know yet. he's so hard to shop for. i have to make sure i get him something good, though, because he'll already be mad that i'm out today." you stated.
hoseok felt his heart sink as you mentioned that detail. "how come?" he gritted, trying to keep his cool as he fought the little red devil on his shoulder, screaming in his ear for him to do something, to say something. you sighed. "i don't know. i think it's because we're getting into flu season, and he doesn't want me to get sick." you said. hoseok nodded stiffly. "good to know he cares so much." he fumed, careful not to let his response come out sarcastic.
you nodded and sighed again. "yeah, it is. even if he's strict, i'm glad to have him." you said contentedly.
after a long day of shopping, joking, and talking, you were finally walking through the deserted parking lot to your car. "god, how long were we here?" hoseok joked, looking around the desolate plot of concrete. "six hours, maybe?" you said, thinking back to what time you had gotten here and when you had last looked at the clock on your phone. "i'm exhausted."
he nodded tiredly. "what are you doing after this?" he questioned, the both of you stopping when you reached your cars. you thought for a moment, considering your dinner options and the commute home. "i'm probably going to go to bed. i'm exhausted." you repeated, thinking of the fluffy pillow and cozy comforter waiting for you at home. "sleeping already? but it's only six o'clock." hoseok said, surprised.
"i know, but i haven't really been sleeping well these days. i always wake up more tired than the night before." you admitted, remembering also the sleepless nights and when you would jolt awake randomly. "i see." he said, nodding his head. "well, i hope-"
hoseok stopped talking, watching as the light around the two of you dimmed. the golden rays of the sun were suddenly gone. looking up, the both of you saw the reason for the abrupt darkness: a huge, grey cloud, that had moved through the sky and covered the sun, killing the bright light that came with it.
"what the hell?" you blurted, wondering where in the world that cloud had come from. "i didn't see that when we came outside." hoseok said, his tone sounding bewildered and a little scared. you shook your head. "i don't like this parking lot when it's this dark or empty. it makes me feel like something bad is going to happen. i'm leaving." you said, flinging open your drivers side door and jumping in.
hoseok, who found your superstitions amusing, laughed as you shoved the key in the car's ignition. he tapped on your window, and made a cheesy 'call me' gesture to you through the glass. you rolled your eyes and laughed, clipping your seatbelt into place and driving out of your spot. hoseok waved you goodbye, and it wasn't until you were gone that the smile fell from his face and he got into his own car.
as he laid in bed that night, his thoughts were fighting with one another, darkness imposing itself into the corners of his mind and seeping into his brain. he look a deep breath, and laid still for a moment, before lunging off of the mattress and flying to his desk. he rifled through the drawers, desperately trying to find the paper he needed. finally, his fingers brushed over the smooth envelope he had been searching for. taking it out of the drawer slowly, he lifted the flap and removed the sheet inside.
he read over the unsent letter, rereading some sentences over and over. there was a lot more where this had come from, as he had been writing them for well over a year now. however, with the recent influx of emotions he had been feeling the past few months, and his internal battle between good and evil, the volume of letters written had shot up.
his feelings terrified him to the core, and these letters served as reality checks, as something to ground him and point him back in the direction of happiness and peace. were they the honest to god truth?...
he liked to think so.
whether or not these letters were an honest record of his emotions wasn't important. what was important, was the fact that these letters contained the right answers, and also proved to both you and himself that he knew what the right answers were. they were like reminders for him, whenever his mind started to stray away from what was right, he could reread them and get himself back on track.
he had to make sure he didn't act out, because if he said one wrong word, did one wrong action, gave one little indication that this darkness even existed,
you would run
so fast
and so far
and you wouldn't
give it
a second thought.
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argisthebulwark · 1 year
i want to share this with you, maybe you like it, maybe you dont but in my heart i’ve never stopped wanting to become a princess in the future, yknow? like fuck corporate jobs, i wanna be a princess. but im also like addicted to the whole princess becomes somewhat rogue outlaw?
okay so, bryn breaking in some rich peoples home (or maybe a castle) only to find the lass of his dreams. im picturing something like tangled, except this motherfucker would definitely kidnap someone. for shits n giggles
listen i haven't seen tangled in like a decade but the vibes are immaculate. i do not want to have a 'job' or 'responsibilities' i simply want to chill. and i DO like it so much im sorry this took forever lmao
Just imagine Brynjolf hearing that some wealthy family has bought land in the Rift and getting giddy with excitement. They've made it obvious that their intention is to clear away the crumbling remnants of an old castle and rebuild. He keeps an eye on the construction, impressed with the sheer magnitude of the structure they're building. He rarely sees the owners, only workers.
When the construction ends and they begin work on the interior his interest wanes. He knows that it takes months for wealthy people to decorate their homes. Besides, he'll see it soon enough. He merely needs to wait for them to fill it with enough valuables to keep the Guild afloat.
(nothing nsft - i just write a lot)
Every once in a while Brynjolf checks in. He watches workers laying floorboards and hanging chandeliers. Furniture and appliances are carted in. He has no clue how many people will live in the castle or why they need so much stuff. When the paintings and bookshelves are finally hung he knows that it must be almost complete.
Despite the completion of the castle he notices that it remains dark. Whispered rumors around Riften hint that the family is traveling from far away, possibly even making the long journey from Solstheim. Others claim that the family built it only to sell to another wealthy family. Brynjolf doesn't care enough for the lives of rich folk to investigate their personal lives.
Returning from an unpleasant job in Dawnstar, Brynjolf is exhausted. His feet dragging and pack too light he's dreading the hopeful eyes of those waiting in the Cistern. Just as he's formulating the speech to explain the situation something catches his eye - there, flickering in the distance. The castle's curtains are thrown open and candles cast shadows upon the manicured lawn below.
Before he realizes what he's doing Brynjolf is crouched in the shadows of the castle's hedges. He's eyeing the broad windows and watching overdressed bodies squeeze in and out of view. The owners must be celebrating their arrival with every member of Skyrim's upper class.
They hardly hired any guards around the place. Brynjolf spots a few well-dressed employees that seem more focused on checking invitations than watching for thieves. His heart's in his throat when he scoots into the silence of the back garden.
The castle is large and spindly but one tower stands a few feet above the rest. It has to be their vault. The windows on this tower are thrown open but the lights are low, as if not wanting to draw attention. Brynjolf is grateful to the sharp new stones as he clambers his way up the side of the tower.
Sweat beading on his brow, Brynjolf grasps one last ledge. Voices float up from the garden but he doesn't waste his time - if they'd spotted him their tone wouldn't be so relaxed. A balcony at the tower's peak blocks the pesky moonlight from illuminating his hurried hop into the tower.
The staircase winds upward into the darkness. Sconces along the walkway are unlit and his footsteps are silent on the polished steps. His heart races with every step and Brynjolf finds himself envisioning what awaits at the top - chests full of gems and coin, jewelry if he's lucky. He's calculating how much space is left in his pack when he comes across the final door.
It's firmly shut. No visible locks but it doesn't budge - must be locked from the inside. Had he missed another entrance? The staircase winding up to the peak makes it impossible for a ladder to be hidden somewhere and he doubts that any of the nobles laughing and eating in the main hall are able to scale the walls.
The rational part of his mind urges him to return to the Cistern emptyhanded and create a viable plan but morbid curiosity leads to a quiet knock on the door. He waits, shocked to hear locks sliding open one by one.
"I already told you, I'm not interested in your pathetic suitors!"
When the door is wrenched open, Brynjolf is stunned. The most beautiful woman he's ever seen is glaring at him with enough venom to kill. Her fingers tap impatiently on the door as if waiting for his explanation.
"Well?" She prompts, voice sharp. "Which one sent you?"
"What?" Did she think he was from the Dark Brotherhood?
"Was it my mother or father?"
"No one." He answers curtly, ignoring the way his heart races. Surely it's from the panic of getting caught and has nothing to do with the woman glowering at him. Brynjolf pointedly ignores the way her face softens when she eyes him, noticing his attire.
"I heard the Thieves Guild was based in the Rift." Her head tilts and Brynjolf's heart skips at her words. "I didn't think you'd be so quick considering the state of your group."
"You're wrong, lass." Brynjolf lies through his teeth, surprised when she finally smiles at him.
"Oh good." She steps aside as if welcoming him. "I think we could help one another."
"How?" Brynjolf is careful, never looking away from her in case she's a threat. It has absolutely nothing to do with the alluring way she spoke or her nimble fingers braiding hair out of her face.
"I've been trapped with my family for ages." She mutters, tossing her robe aside to reveal basic clothing unlike those downstairs. "Not literally, of course, but socially. I'm chaperoned and shown off to every unmarried man on the continent with enough coin to his name. If I hadn't locked myself up here they'd be parading me around to whoever owns land in the Rift."
A nasty, jealous feeling leaves Brynjolf unsettled. He doesn't even know her name but dislikes the thought of her being treated like some animal to be sold off. He already knows he's going to agree to whatever she proposes when she faces him again, eyes full of hope.
"How can we help each other?" His voice remains neutral despite the excited fluttering in his chest.
"My parents are terrified of the Thieves Guild. Scared enough that if their eldest daughter were kidnapped I'm sure they'd pay a handsome fee to get her back."
"Sounds more like the Brotherhood or even some of the bandits." His attraction to her battles against the instinct to protect the Guild's failing image. "Thieves don't generally kidnap, lass."
"Then teach me to be a thief." She grins at him and Brynjolf knows she's won. "I can't stay here and rot in this tower or be married off to someone I hardly know."
"I'll keep you around if you're helpful." Brynjolf grumbles and savors the way her arms fling around his neck, treating her kidnapper like a savior.
"Okay!" She bounces to her desk, digging around until she finds some parchment. "Would you like to write the ransom note or shall I?"
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cinemaocd · 11 months
For my UK mutuals
As requested I'm not interacting but I have a lot to say about surviving extreme weather as American who has survived half a century of extreme weather in the midwest.
I lived in uninsulated attic bedroom without ac as a child and these are things I learned to do when I was little:
Close up the windows and shut the blinds as the day is heating up. Wait to open things up until after the sun goes down. Use fans to circulate air into the house early in the a.m. when it's colder outside than inside. Use your fans to circulate air around the house during the heat of the day. Use your fans to push air OUT of the house again in the evening. If you push air out an upper story window it will draw some colder air from below.
Save activities/errands for evenings and early mornings. Stay out of the sun as much as possible. Use umbrellas for shade. Wear a hat. Lose fitting clothing in a breathable (cotton, linen, light weight wool) fabric is much better than exposed skin if you have to go in the sun. If you want to go to the beach go early in the morning or in the evening. Don't swim in the heat of the day. If you are in charge of when you work, avoid doing it in the heat of day. If you run a shop, cafe or other business, change your hours to avoid being open during "siesta hours" (2-5 p.m.) If possible try to work from home to avoid commuting during the heatwave. The more people on the Tube the hotter it's going to be down there.
Cars left in the sun are subject to the greenhouse effect and will be much hotter than outside temperatures. Open your car windows and doors before you drive and run the fan to push the hot air out. If you are traveling carry the following: Cold drinking water, a sports drink, nut milk or cow's milk are preferable to soda, coffee or tea but any of those three are preferable to nothing. Even if your vehicle has a.c. you still need more hydration to deal with the heat.
Also useful for travel: bandana or towel (more on that later), sun hat, handheld fan (for when you are stuck in traffic). In America they sell these shields that you can put over your windshield to prevent the greenhouse effect. Not sure if they sell them in the Old Country, but here is a tutorial for making one out of cardboard. All of this stuff (minus the sunshade) would be useful on public transport.
That other post talks about how its bad to wear wet clothes in the sun because water acts as a lens but wet clothing can be your best friend in the shade! A bandana dipped in cold/cool water and wrapped around your neck will keep you cool until it dries. For sleeping I often place a cold bandana or washcloth on my face or forehead. You can dampen a towel and sit on it (this is a great trick for long car rides in the heat) Alternatively: Hot water bottles can also be COLD WATER BOTTLES. Just add ice. They make ice trays that make skinny little shapes to fit into water bottles, and they can help turn your hwb into an ice pack.
Cold/cool showers and baths especially right before bed if you have trouble sleeping in the heat. Kiddie pools or animal troughs in the shade are great for keeping people and doggos cool.
Cranking your fridge to its lowest setting will make it cool more but the heat that is pumped out of the fridge goes right into your house. Keep your fridge at the warmest temp you can get away with. Likewise televisions and computers pump out of a ton of heat when they are running.
The temptation to rely on your refrigerator/freezer is obvious but the first thing that happens in a heat wave in America is the power grid goes down.
Think about buying a solar powered fan now, before the grid goes down...
Make sure you have batteries charged ahead of time.
If you rely on candles or lanterns for power outtages, consider a source of light that doesn't add heat to the environment, like a solar powered LED lantern.
Another piece of equipment that could literally save your life: a marine cooler.
If/when the worst happens: take some large frozen items out of freezer/deepfreeze and put it in a cooler with some essentials from your fridge. Deeply frozen food will keep those other things cool for a day or more (depending on your cooler). Try to keep the fridge and freezer shut then after you have filled your cooler so that the remaining cool air will keep things as long as possible. If you go multiple days without power you may need to throw everything out anyway, but you might get away with it if you are careful and have a good cooler.
A marine cooler kept out of the sun will keep ice for days. We started camping with one and we no longer have to do any kind of mid-trip ice stock up. Also: block ice will stay frozen so much longer than cubes. If you have the space in your freezer, buy some now and stash it before you need it.
Fresh fruit and vegetables that don't require cooking are a great way to get more liquids and feed yourself without making your house any hotter or using electricity. If consumed quickly they don't need refrigeration either.
This is a wacky one but hear me out: hammocks. If you can hang a hammock do it! Sleeping suspended like that air circulates around your body and you will be so much cooler. I was in tropical Mexico a few years ago and all of the houses had hammock hooks built into the walls to take advantage of the cooling effect. Bonus: you can pretend to be Captain Jack Aubrey while you're lying there...
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pbandjesse · 6 months
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Well today was a bust. Just did not work out. I am trying to not be sad about it but I got my feelings hurt. And I was so tired.
I didn't get enough sleep. I did sleep alright but when I woke up I felt horrible. My eyes were swollen and hurt so much. I took allergy meds and put eye drops in but it was very painful. And I wasn't in a good mood.
James tried to make me feel better. But I was just so sad. I was trying to be positive but it was very hard.
James took me to get hash browns before we went to the elementary school. The hash browns helped. I felt a little more awake. But things were fragile. I felt fragile.
James pulled the wagon and we headed inside. I had a nice space where I could see the door and see people coming in. Which I liked. I got set up and was mostly alright. My sign got scuffed and when James tried to fix it it got worse. Then we tried to cover it with a sticker but it tore when it got placed wrong and I tried covering it up and it was just going very bad. But once I calmed down and delt with that I was alright. James set up some bags with business cards for me. And then walked outside with me to show me where they had parked the car. Before they left to go to work. Hugs and telling them to be careful on their long arduous journey (down the street) and I headed inside.
Everything was alright at first. I had like 40
minutes until people should start coming though so I looked around, and I would do some sewing and made 4 new felt pins throughout the morning.
I found a pair of earrings that I absolutely loved. They were a shop that takes orders though so I got the website and added the to my wishlist.
I was slightly disappointed that there was at least one person drop shipping and there were two mlms. But it was fine. Two crochet sellers. Two books. Some general goods like totesbags and tea towels. A crystal seller. A photographer. Someone selling plants. A baked sale. Girls scout cookies. Candles
It was a good mix.
But I did not have fun. Firstly almost no one talked to me. Including the venders on either side of me. I felt like I was losing my voice again and was having trouble being heard by the few people that were stopping to look at my table. And it was few. I felt like people were aggressively avoiding my table. They would be focused on the table next to me, then make a big U swerve, then go to the next table. At first I was like. Okay that's fine. But then it kept happening. More and more. No one was looking at my table. They were aggressively not looking at me. Im not going to lie I got my feelings hurt.
I get it. You think your kids have to many stuffed animals. But also it's a holiday market. The idea is to buy gifts? I don't just have plushies. I have bags and stickers too. Please just come look. I was becoming more and more disheartened and upset. Literally the highlight of the day was when someone came in with two goats and just walked around.
I tried to just focus on my sewing. Smile at people and try to not show how sad I was. I kept working on my little bead pins.
I would get a brownie and a piece of strawberry cake from the baked sale. I would sell two stickers to some little girls. I was disappointed but I appreciated the sales I did make.
Around noon I finally sold a bear. A girl a little younger then me bought one because she said it made her nostalgic. Thank you! That's exactly it! She liked the birth certificate and made me feel less bad.
But this was a bust. This was a bad day. I didn't even break even with the table cost. I got my feelings hurt. I messed up my sign. I was very close to tears on my drive home.
I also struggled to pack up. Having the two extra crates was great for display but the one for the horses does not fit with the other. I would make it work, and thankfully everything fits in the wagon and I was able to leave in one trip.
I was very upset once I got to the car. I just wanted to go home.
It was foggy and rainy but it would clear up as I got back here. Mr Will and Tina were here putting up Christmas decorations. I love that she does that. She gets fresh pine things. I love it. She was also so nice and said how she was really happy to see me and that my hair looked great.
Will said I seemed very tired. And I was. my eyes were as puffy but I just needed to lay down. After a hug I said goodbye to them both and went upstairs.
I changed into a fleece and put some stuff away. Got cozy in bed and went to sleep with sweetp laying on my side keeping me warm.
It was a good sleep. I woke up a little after 4 because I was cold.
I texted James to check in because the original plan was to go see houses at 5. But it ended up not working out with the listing agent. So we will do that tomorrow. I was only about because I had gotten dressed again.
I ate some cereal while I waited for James to tell me what the plan was. And once I had confirmation we weren't going out I got cozy on the couch. And waited for them to get home.
When they got back here they were all damp from the fog. We hung out on the couch. It made me feel a bit better. They made us a nice little dinner. They would also go walk to get some milk for us.
Eventually I would go take a bath and it was nice. I am tired and still feel a little sad. But I will be okay. I hope next week goes better.
Tomorrow I have a busy day. With my private lesson with Naomi and Kim. Then seeing houses if that works out. And then having dinner with Callie. Busy day but I think it will be good.
Sleep well everyone. Be careful and be kind.
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I am asking about heypetekey drama.
okay there's,,, so much here. chris himself has said that this whole thing is only abt 75% true but i'm putting it all under the cut anyway FDHSJKFDSK it's also not really,,, heypetekey drama it's like petekey + chris who's in lvoe with mikey but also pete and chris definitely kinda have a gay thing drama. i don't know what i'm saying anyways
this isn't like. i'm sure some of this won't make sense if you don't already have background knowledge of them but i'm Hoping it kinda might if not. idk dig up the petekey masterpost or something
anyways so heychris had a girlfriend and her name was heykate and pete slept with her bc?!?!? idk!
so chris posts this thing on his livejournal about it!
an open letter to pete wentz. it takes a lot to make me mad. it takes even more to infuriate me. so, after all this time i finally learned the truth. that it was you telling my ex girlfriend lies and secrets. despite even giving you the pass card after i caught you trying to talk dirty to her online, this is how you repay me? no wonder why you couldnt look me in the eye on the bus last summer and no wonder why you avoided me every chance you got. you hug me and tell me you love me then you tell lies to my girlfriend behind my back to lure her away from me? you tell her i cheat on her and then you tell me to come stay on the bus? you are a spineless fucking sham. i regret every second i spent defending you and your selfish ways. dont forget, i know you. not that shitty glammed up poser image you present to the masses to consume. the dude i knew never would have worn a fucking dinosaur shirt or sold out one of his friends. the dude i knew had heart and fucking loyalty. well lil buddy, you are fucking done. you want to sell me out to the most important person in my life and then have the audacity to make ME think I did something wrong to not deserve your friendship? you fucking arrogant bastard. since we’re discussing sellouts lets discuss how when kids give you presents you laugh at them and throw it straight in the trash. oh yeah, ive seen it many times. lets talk about how you talk shit about the fat girls that are your fans and mock their letters. you are fucking undeserving of every ounce of attention you’ve ever gotten. from every one of your calculated business moves to your “spontaneous” jumps in the crowd parts to your well rehearsed cliche lines you’ve been spouting for 400 shows in a row. you’re boring, contrived and old. “oooh, no one loves me, its sooo hard being on magazine covers and tv shows. someone save me from me.” what are you, fucking 12? go light your little candles ask yourself why no one will ever truly love you. its amazing no one has caught on to your little fucking show. you’re nothing more than a shitty opportunist business man with even shittier fashion sense. so pack up and move to whatever million dollar house you’ve picked out in california paid for by your lies and hypocrisy and deceit and selfishness and over medicate yourself like youve been doing for years…because guess what? no one wants you here anymore. you are not welcome. oh yeah, hows that straight edge tattoo doing? as well as the tattoo for your “crew” who now refer to you as a fraud and a con? stay gold dude, stay gold. remember this each night of the tour when you play the lie, “hey chris, you were our only friend.” downplay it all you want by saying the song is about “friends”, but guess whos fucking name you’re saying each and every night? mine. thats right. what a bunch of fucking phonies. sing the songs you dont even believe in anymore. fucking liar. you know the friends i have and you know how we feel about loyalty. you know who im talking about and you know they’re not happy either. so dont get caught slipping and you better make damn sure you watch whos on your guest list because a plus one might come backstage to punch your fucking teeth out and tear the windpipe from your throat. you fucking sell out. oh, and next time you decide to write another song about me, do it right you fucking coward.
so uh. pete replies on the fall out boy lj. and like,,,, you can imagine how awful that must've been for chris
oh what a monster we’ve created.
when i am called by my manager to read a post that is burning through the internet it makes me wonder. ive never responded to rumours or shittalking online, no matter who it came from- at the same time there is nothing that makes my blood boil more than reading this- being who i am, my first instinct is to blow it off- but then i consider how anytime anything is written on the internet people believe its true- no matter what, no matter the biases or subjectivity of the sources. my first instinct is to lash out- to say everything i think about you and every situation- to defend myself and attack you. as unbelievable as it is- i am an extremely insecure person- everytime i read something about myself negative or positive i react in probably the exact same way anyone would.
but like i said- i am going to continue to do this my own way, what i consider to be the higher road. i understand when we get angry we often lash out- ive done it myself on many occassions. if you want to talk to me about any of this call me on my cell phone and we can do it one on one-
i will not be responding to anything else-
however, the attacks about our fans and the people that listen to this music and read these words is completely offbase- the fans of this band are my entire life- ive lost my girlfriend, my friends, much of my “normal” life- just to keep this relationship going- this isn’t to say that i dont make mistakes, take misteps. just because youve seen me on tv or at a show doesn’t make me anything less or more than human. you dont ever see the other side of the way we agonize over every decision we make or try our best to please everyone- because we’ve given up in bands before and we know how it feels and we dont want that to happen. everyone in the band is upset about this- remember everyone that makes up fall out boy- they all wanted me to voice that we appreciate our fans and friends that weve met more than anything- and that we realize because of where we are all the arrows are pointed at us- but we will try our best. and we do try our best. we also, have far more faith in the intelligence and dedication of the people that believe in us to think that they will be swayed easily. if you want to hear other stories of how we actually talk about our fans or think of them please ask other bands, they will testify to how we really act. we just want you to know that in four years when noone cares, we still hope you are there. im not going to freak out or whatever, but please an attack on our fans or our relationship with them as a p.r. move is uncalled for.
this doesn’t need to be reposted anywhere- i am sure that fob fans know where to find it.
chris if you want to talk the phone line is there.
i wrote this pretty fast so i apologize for the typos and run-ons.
until then, thank you to everyone who reserves judgment and has my back until the end of time. - petey
(idk why that bit formatted weird sorry)
so chris replies again on a different journal i think?
heterolifemates. i wont lie. i hate being this dude. i wish it wouldnt have come to this but goddamn, hes right. no one knows how to break a heart like he does.
which comes across as weirdly gay but shrug. and around now is peengate. chris denies doing it but the timing lines up Really nicely. and like. i don't know getting publicly humiliated by a band that's BLOWING UP? when you weren't even in the wrong? also i'm fairly sure that pete sending chris nudes was like,,, a thing since i think he offered them for help fixing his printer once?! yeah idk
and nowww mikeyway gets involved! hoping you've got like background knowledge on petekey and what went on summer 2005 if not,, i mean you could ask me too o.o FDSHJFDS sorry if i get tinhatty around here too
chris said he "went to california and fell for a boy who had a girlfriend" and then literally RIGHT AFTER. posted these
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and then pete does this
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so pete and chris weren't friends but they were still friends with each other's friends and i'm fairly sure they're like,, on good terms again but definitely not best friends or anything
in 2013 chris said "But I still do have a crush on Mikey."
this year. 2022. chokes and dies.
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do you know how normal i have to be about these images anon.
also earlier this year or maybe last year? idk but chris commented on one of mikey's posts i think getting mad he never came to the catcade (chris's cat cafe!) when he went to chicago (fic potential just sayin)
um the end probably for now :thumbsup: i left some bits out but ! ehhgjgndnj
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gnattyplayssims · 8 months
1953 Pt1 - A Flower in the Desert
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Sofia arrived early at the club as she often did. Don seemed agitated and even seeing her in his favorite dress didn't seem to distract him. He grabbed a bottle of juice from the bar and led her out to the terrace.
She didn't say anything as he poured them drinks.
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Sofia let her mind drift toward home. Ava was crawling now, soon she'd be walking. How much longer would she be able to maintain this deal?
"You seem distracted."
She focused back at Don who was pouring the second glass, "Oh...it's nothing...just...it's Ava's birthday."
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"And you'd rather be home with her then here with me."
"I...no of course not! I can make her a cake in the morning."
He handed her the glass, "That's my good girl." He took his own glass and tossed some pillows on the ground, settling into the opposite end of the couch.
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"Are you angry with me?"
Sofia tried to act unbothered by his behavior but she couldn't afford him to throw her out if he was bored of her. "Then what is it? You're upset about something."
"It's nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about. Just business."
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She closed the space between them and settled against him. "You can tell me about it, even if I won't understand. Or you can let me distract you."
"I'm not in the mood."
"So it is me. You're bored of me."
He took a long drink of his juice. "Don't test me, girl."
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She stood, draping herself over him and tracing his exposed chest. "If you don't need me tonight...I'll go home."
He seized her hand and pulled her back down. "You're not going anywhere. I wasn't going to take it out on you, but you asked for it." He kissed her angrily
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He grabbed her hand and dragged her back inside the club. It was packed now. A few clients whistled at her but she pretended not to notice as he led her to a private room. She swallowed they'd never woohooed at his club before. He'd always taken her back home after a few drinks.
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The room was already occupied but a sharp look at the client sent the man scrambling. "You stay!" He barked at the dancer. He pushed Sofia toward the couch, "Undress."
"Don, there's someone in here...what if someone walks in?...let's go home...please"
"You're talking too much."
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Sofia returned home feeling totally defeated. All she wanted to do was wash Don off her but Ava was already awake and the chance to take a shower long gone. "Ma loo!" Ava had pulled herself up on the couch Sofia felt tears pressing against her eyes. "Good job Little Bird."
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Ava pushed herself off the couch and tried to balance but tumbled to the ground. She gave up and went to play with her toys. Sofia took a deep breath. She couldn't let her daughter see how destroyed she was. "Guess who has a big birthday today!" She scooped Ava up forcing a smile’
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Ava looked at the candles skeptically. "Like this." Sofia blew gently making the flames dance and draw a giggle out of Ava who tried to copy her. Sofia laughed and a tear slid down her cheek unbidden. Ava blew bubbles at the candles and Sofia blew them out. "You did it!"
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Spring followed shortly after that and for Oasis Springs that meant the weather turned hot. Since flowers didn't grow in the desert venders from other worlds would come once during the Spring Season to sell a bit of their beauty in Desert Bloom Park. Ava was completely enthralled
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Sofia had given Ava a flower and the little girl babbled away to it without a care in the world as if the flower were an old friend.
"Would you like mommy to hold your flower so you can play on the slide."
"Ya!" Ava held the flower up for her mother to take.
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Sofia started and scooped Ava up instinctively. "Oh! Jamal?!"
"I thought that might be you. This must be your daughter."
"Oh yes...this is Ava."
Ava held the flower out to Jamal and he chuckled. "Well thank you, Ava. It's very nice to meet you too."
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Sofia set Ava back down and Jamal knelt down beside her pulling a flower from his own basket. "Here, how about a trade. I bet you would look very pretty with it in your hair."
Ava giggled, "pwetty!"
Sofia twirled her ring nervously. What was happening? Did Ava...like him?
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"Um...we were going to play on the slide...if you'd like to join us."
"I'd love to." He grabbed their baskets as she picked up Ava her heart beating wildly as he followed behind her.
"Okay Little Bird, look at this!" Ava squeeled in delight as Sofia showed her how it worked
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Soon Ava was managing on her own. Sofia turned back toward Jamal and her heart leapt when she saw him on one knee...holding a flower out to her. "One for the beautiful mother."
"Oh!" She pressed her nose to the rose taking a moment to breathe in the scent and slow her heart.
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"I think I really messed up our first meeting, I don't want to mess up our second."
"You didn't."
He pulled her to the ground next to him and put an arm around her waist. "Is this okay?"
"Yes..." She swallowed knowing what came next.
"You don't have to do that Sofia."
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He leaned over, pulling her so she was facing him and she closed her eyes. "I'm not going to kiss you."
"Why not?"
"Because you don't trust me. I don't know what you've been through but I don't expect anything. I'd just...maybe like to take you out to dinner?"
"I'd like that."
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Suddenly on Ava's 33rd time down the slide she suddenly realized that her mom was not paying attention to her and that she was hungry.
"Looks like duty calls." Jamal whispered.
"Don't be."
Sofia pulled herself away wondering if this was what falling in love felt like.
1953 Pt2 - A Broken Deal
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