#how to make bath bomb boxes
Different Ways to Package Bath Bombs || Bath Bomb Packaging
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animehideout · 5 months
like what would jjk men would do when you’re in your period (like how he would help you and what would he do to cheer you up)
JJK Men When You're On Your Period
a/n: Thank you anon for this request, I hope this comforts you <33 . Remember to stay warm and hydrated, also I realized that dates ( the fruit ) really helps with period pain 💗
Warnings: Fluff 🌸 but Smut only in Sukuna's part.
Characters: Satoru – Yuuji – Megumi – Choso – Toji – Nanami – Sukuna. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Gojo Satoru: Runs you a warm bath.
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He would sense that something is wrong the moment he stepped into your shared apartment after his mission.
You're not all goofy and cute while greeting him.
You didn't kiss him or jump on him like you usually do, but rather you're glaring at him.
He would be so confused trying to remember if he did something wrong to upset you but nah he's the best partner.
“Babygirl are you okay? did I do something wrong?”
“My tummy hurts” you would whine your glaring expression quickly turned into a pout.
Without saying anything he would rush to the bathroom, gather your favorite bath bombs and oils knowing that they might ease your discomfort.
Would approach you gently and carries you bridal style
“Come on babes, I think a warm bath will help, hm!”
He would adjust the water temperature for you, not too cold not too hot.
Would undress you, and help you to slowly get into the bathtub.
A playlist of your favorite songs is a must to take your mind off of your pain while you hum along with the tunes.
Gojo would light up some candles for a soothing ambiance.
He'd bring a bowl of fruits, and feed you while you're relaxing in the water.
Gives your shoulders light squeezes while rubbing them with scented body oil.
After that bath, he had already prepared a towel to wrap you with.
Covered in your towel he would carry you to your shared bedroom like a princess, where he dries your body and helps you dress up into more comfy pajamas.
He's always touchy so he can't take his hands off of you but if you don't want to be touched then he would respect your space.
“You're not alone in this, I'm right here baby. If there's anything specific you need, just let me know, kay? Your loving man will take care of you”
Yuuji Itadori: Builds you a pillow fort.
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The sight of you curled up on your bed while holding your lower abdomen, broke his heart into pieces.
He can't bear seeing you in pain, he wants to protect you from every thing so that's why he'd do literally everything that may cheer you up.
He would bring you a box that he was hiding, full of your favorite snacks and necessary meds.
“I got you a little something, I've prepared this 2 weeks ago, in case your period starts”
“You prepared this for me?.. you're the best boyfriend ever”.
“Wait here for me I'll be right back! don't leave the bed..if you want you can start munching on your snacks”.
Yuuji would rush to the living room, arranging a cozy pillow fort with soft warm blankets and cushions.
He would hold you and carry you in his arms to the living room, while you hold your snack box.
“Surprise sweet cupcake! what about we spend the rest of the day in our little pillow fort?”
He would gently place you and pull up the blanket to cover both of you.
His presence created a warm and inviting space within the fort.
“Here let me fluff up these pillows for you”.
He would let you pick up your comfort show and watch it while snuggling together.
Would stare at you in a loving way while you eat your chocolate and chips.
Checks up on you every now and then to make sure you're feeling less pain.
Kisses your hands a lot and runs his thumb on your knuckles.
“How are you feeling my little pookie? Need anything else?”.
Megumi Fushiguro: Cuddles you to sleep.
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You'd find a difficulty finding a comfortable position to sleep, nothing helps with your period pain like being in Megumi's embrace.
He's an understanding man, he would give you some private time to sleep alone in your bedroom while he sleeps on the couch.
But the moment you call for him because you need comfort he would literally run to you.
Approaches you with a comforting smile, sensing that now you need to be buried in his chest.
“Let me cuddle you and drift back to sleep together, you want that, love?”.
He'd bring extra pillows to ensure you're surrounded by softness even though his body is enough for you.
He'd lay next to you, while holding you gently, an arm under your head as a pillow and the other wrapped around you pulling you closer to him.
“Close your eyes love, I'm right here”.
He'd tenderly give you a backrub, easing the tension in your muscles.
He'd let you toss and turn and shift positions to make sure you have the most restful sleep.
His arms will always find a way to cuddle you close.
He'd play with your hair, while whispering sweet comforting words.
Forehead and top of the head kisses are obligatory.
“We'll take it easy tonight, no stress no worries, just relaxation and warmth–oh you're asleep? sweet dreams my love I love you”
Choso Kamo: Makes you food and tea.
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Wouldn't allow you leave your bed he'll bring everything you need or crave right into your hands.
The moment you told him that your period started he'd go straight to the kitchen and prepares your comfort food.
He wouldn't let you take any period pills on an empty stomach.
He'd pick some fresh vegetables and some protein to make a nourishing soup, something that wouldn't give you a stomachache.
He would cook with care and love, making sure it tastes good.
“I'm making your favorite soup and brewing some tea for you my princess, it will be ready soon..stay cuddled on the bed”.
Once it's ready he'll bring it to you with careful balance making sure everything is in place.
The scent of the chamoline drink wafts through air creating a cozy atmosphere in your room.
He's so attentive, he'll adjust the pillows behind your back for a comfier sitting position.
He'll place the cup on your nightstand while he holds the bowl of soup in his hand, ready to feed you.
The soup is too hot? he'll blow on it. Needs more salt? he'll ran to the kitch to add some salt. You need a piece of bread? he'll instantly bring it to you.
“Eat slowly and enjoy the flavours my princess”.
After eating he'll make sure you take your pills and then drink your tea to help you warm up and digest.
Tucks you back to sleep, while he watches over you.
“I hope this brings you a bit of comfort my princess, I'm here to make you feel better, I just wish I can take your pain away”
Toji Fushiguro: Give you a massage.
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I mean look at his big hands, they do magic.
He can't just watch while you're in pain.
He'd set the mood with dim lighting, and calming background instrumentals, creating a tranquil environnement.
He'd prepare your bed, spreading a big towel over it.
“Come here babe, lay and on the bed and get comfy. I'll give you a nice massage”
He'd take off your shirt so he can use the massage oils on your body.
He'd crawl on top of you while you lay on your stomach.
His large hands would begin with gentle touches, softly rubbing the warm oil on your back.
“Let me know if the pressure is too much or too little”
His hands would reach the areas where you may feel the discomfort, like your lower back.
His palms going up and down your back, caressing the soft skin and pressing on some specific spots to ease the tighteness.
Would squeeze your shoulders and the back of your neck softly.
His hands moving and working perfectly, applying magic to take your pain away.
Would regularly check if you're enjoying the massage he's giving you
“Does that feel good baby?”
Would keep the conversation going to take your mind off of your period, his voice soothing you.
He would turn you around to lay on your back, so he can massage your stomach and lower abdomen.
His hands circling around your waist, going down smoothly, the tension melting away with each stroke.
He would kiss your tummy repeatedly to make you giggle from the ticklish feeling.
“There you go doll, take your time to get up while I'll bring you some comfy clothes”.
Nanami Kento : Buys you everything you need.
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He already knows you started your period, since he keeps track of your menstrual cycle.
He would get off work early to be next to you at home.
He would stop by the pharmacy to buy your favorite brand of pads and tampons and some pain killers.
He would also stop by your favorite restaurant and buys you food.
Buys you a bouquet of flowers to cheer you up.
He would arrive home, holding a lot of bags full of everything you need.
“Here you go honey, I've got you a few things that might help. Period pain sucks”
“H-how did you know my period started?”
“These flowers are for you, you deserve something beautiful like you”
He's fully aware of your mood swings, and how emotional you can get so he always makes sure to make you feel loved and cared for you.
Would help you put on some fluffy socks, so your feet won't get cold.
Would sit next to you on the couch and turn on the TV.
You'd place your head on his broad shoulder while you munch on your food.
His fingers massage your scalp and play with your hair strands.
Would encourage you a lot, drowning you in sweet and comforting words.
“I know this is tough but you're so strong love, this pain will fade away... Just say the word, and I'll bring the world to you, you're my ultimate priority”
Ryomen Sukuna: Makes you orgasm.
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Instead of pain in your stomach he would make you feel butterflies.
Orgasming helps with period pain, and who's more qualified than Sukuna to help you release?
He would be surprised on how bratty you were acting towards him, literally yelling at him for the slightest things.
He breathed too loud? you'd tell him to shut up.
He chewed food too loud? you'd glare at him.
He's got enough of you screaming at his face, he's surprisingly patient with you.
“Alright, listen here little brat ..this website states that orgasming can ease the pain and regulate the hormones.. get on the bed let's me stop this mood swing of yours”
He'd be okay with making love to you while you're bleeding.
What matters is making you feel okay and brings back the soft and sweeter side of you not the grumpy one that he's already dealing with.
He'd know exactly how to make you feel good and relaxed at the same time.
Drowns you with flirty and praising words.
“You're so good baby, you know that? come on let me help you release and relief your pain”
“I must admit it, you're strong.. Periods must be a pain in the ass but you're dealing with it perfectly”.
He'd make you feel much better, both pleasured and relieved from he pain.
He'd help you clean up and then give you the aftercare you deserve.
“Finally, I've got my sweet baby back, you've been acting like a brat for the whole morning. See how patient I am with you instead of slicing you in half”
He'd flirt with you, and use cheesy pick up lines to make you laugh.
Would snuggles next to you till both of you fall asleep with you on top of him.
Sukuna tends to be more romantic when you're on you're period.
Despite his harsh and intimidating nature, he's a softball when he's around you.
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seokjinsonlyone · 6 months
this how i think bts would be if they was your husband
you’d have your own rooftop garden together; like he’d get someone to get it setup architecturally the way he has it envisioned in his head and to give like advice on the types of plants that are good for this set up but y’all would do all the seeding and watering and weed pulling yourselves
evening walks together around sunset through the park or around the river hand in hand where you just soak up nature and talk about any and everything
you both like the idea of having a pet but know that you're too busy to keep one regularly so you end up getting fish; he gets a cute little 20 gallon tank and like five fish but he actually does a lot of research on which fish live the best together, which food and treats they like best, the best plants and knick knacks to put inside, how to clean it, etc.; all in all takes the whole situation way more seriously than you'd thought he would; it was supposed to be sumn light for the summer time but you'd think he's filming an episode of tanked for all the time and effort he pours into it
sits side by side with you rubbing circles into your lower back whenever you need to rant about something
loves it when you get desperate for him so sometimes around the time you're ovulating he teases you; will walk around the house in nothing but his briefs with his glasses on talking in his deep voice; will invade your space like if you're in the kitchen making food or something he's gonna come up behind you and wrap that strong arm around your middle kissing up on you asking meaningless questions about what you're doing until you finally snap and drag him to the bedroom
consistently opens every door for you and pulls out your chair at restaurants even if it's five, ten years down the line
the type to never know where anything is; it's not even that you switch things up a lot it's just that he never forgot the muscle memory of where things were when he lived alone; so he's constantly calling out to you asking where something is; half the time what he looking for be in very obvious locations but his mind is just so all over the place that he overlooks it
uses you as his sounding board when he has a situation he needs handled; will just sit there and think out loud to you for minutes and hours; you don't even be saying that much really like occasionally he'll ask what you think but he appreciates having a listening ear more than anything and you're happy to be there for him even if his incessant rambling makes you wanna strangle yourself sometimes
would learn to help you take out your box braids; it makes you nervous when he first offers to help because he can be a bit rough sometimes but he's oddly gentle and diligent with the task; once he's gotten good with that you convince him to wash your hair too; and take down/wash day is less dreadful because of it
you two become a package deal; like it could be a boys night or a girl's night and you're always gonna try to bring the other with and most of the time y'alls friends don't mind like you're one of the boys and he's one of the girls so it's fine; even if he like invites some friends over the house and you stay in the room to give them some space at some point he's gonna go and check up on you; you'll just be laying in bed on your laptop or phone, watching tv or something and he's gonna lay beside you and ask what you doing make sure you're okay next thing you know 30 minutes gon go by and you'll have to remind him that he has guests over; then he's gonna convince you to come out with him and stay tucked up under his arm until his friends leave or pass out
draws you a bath when he knows you’ve had a long day; it’d be really nice too; he'd light your favorite candle and set it on the counter; add a fragrant moisturizing bath bomb and sprinkle in some flower petals; once you settle in he'll put down one of them over the tub trays and hand you a glass of wine and your laptop so you can watch whatever you want or stream music while you’re in the tub
loves referring to you as 'his wife'; like y'all will be with a group of your friends that knew you from the get go and they'll ask him where he got his jacket from and he'll be like "oh my wife bought it for me" and they'll be like "🥴 boi we knew her long before she was ever worried about you just say her name" aksksksk
every couple months y’all will go on cooking dates with his celebrity chef friends and their wives; which is basically them in the kitchen being loud cooking a meal he specifically chose for you and you and the wife not too far away watching them while being wined and dined
not particularly handy but he feels like as a man there’s just certain things he should be able to do; so if your sink is leaking or there’s a problem with your car battery or something he’s gonna hop on youtube and figure out how to solve it first; calls an actual repairman to deal with it if he can’t fix it without being moderately inconvenienced
insists on getting a pool installed even tho you tell him you would barely use it bc you hate having to redo your hair more than you like to swim; you actually do end up using it all the time bc he orders one of those giant canopy floats and y'all just lay up there and take naps or talk; the whole outdoor area is actually bomb tbh like there's an entire sheltered outdoor kitchen and grill patio area with fans on the ceiling for when it gets hot and a fully loaded bar; y'all honestly spend more time outside during the summer than inside and get scolded for not entertaining people more often
if you reeeaaalllyyy want him to go shopping with you he will but he’d rather just give you his card and you gather up some of your girls and y’all can go nuts together
tries to butter you up when he knows he's in trouble but it's never with anything good like he'll stop at the convenience store on the way home and pick up some things to try to sway you; he get home and you're waiting for him slightly ticked off and he's like "i know you're mad but look at what i got you and it's a cosmic brownie, sour gummy worms (his favorite candy mind you), some wet wipes, and an arizona tea
official driver of the relationship; lets you be the passenger princess of your dreams like whenever you need to get from point a to point b he’s getting you there all you gotta do is sit down and look pretty (and play decent music while he’s driving)
even if you’re not a certified Gamer Girl™️ when there’s like a new mario game or something along those lines that doesn’t require a ton of skill and know how to play you’ll no life it together; like will straight up play for like 16 hours a day until you beat it; you still force him to eat and shower however but you’re not allowed to touch the controller until he returns bc he’d be afraid you’ll lose all your lives
the type to get super close with your family; like you look over one day and see yo mama calling him and you listen to him and they're literally just catching up???; he goes out on bros days with your dad and brothers; all your cousins follow him on instagram and be sending him memes; and you just sit there tryna figure out how he singlehandedly replaced you in your family bc they be treating him better than they treat you
after hearing you talk about wanting a detached claw foot jacuzzi tub for the 1000th time he decides to just go ahead and get your dream house built from the ground up; gives his input in every step of the process since he has so many opinions on architecture, furniture, finishes, and overall aesthetics; sometimes there’s little disagreements when your design styles clash but in the end he makes sure that you definitely get everything you’ve ever wanted included
warms your car up for you in the morning during winter months; unimportant but i just know he would go out in a sweatshirt and some slides like barefoot toes out in 20° weather shuffling out to make sure your car is nice and cozy and the frost is off the windshield
every now and again you’ll just be chilling at home and then he’ll be like “yah go get dressed we’re going out” and then he’ll genuinely take you on one of the best dates ever; it may not be over the top every time but somehow it’s always exactly what you needed; acts nonchalant about it when you’re gushing over how great of a time you’re having; “ah it’s nothing” but he’s secretly super self satisfied bc he knows he’s killing it
sometimes he’ll be sprawled out on the couch watching basketball and you’ll be tryna tell him something but he’s so engrossed that he won’t hear a word you say so you gotta throw a pillow at him to get his attention
untangles your necklaces for you; sweeps the hair from the back of your neck and clasps it together once he's got it free
likes leaning on your shoulder when you’re in bed on the computer; not really nosy about what it is that you’re doing whether it’s work or whatever but just likes to listen to the sound of your typing as his own personal asmr; also loves it when you get your nails done like will happily pay for a new set every other week because of the tippity tapping that accompanies everything you do
sets up a joint bank account for you two like immediately bc he doesn't have anything to hide and what's his is yours; but also sets you up a separate savings account that he funnels money into biweekly bc he wants you to be okay always even if one day it has to be without him
if you're both up late and you're feeling peckish he'll whip up a quick late night snack for y'all to munch on
never really comments when your hormones throw your body system out of wack; like if you randomly had night sweats for a couple days and sweat through your clothes and blanket he'd just nudge you awake so you can dry off and turn the ac on
is extra physically affectionate whenever you start getting irritated even if he’s the source of your irritation; will grab your hand and pull you into him planting kisses on top of your head and rubbing up and down your back until you’re sufficiently pacified
all his numeric passcodes are related to you; like it’s either your birthday or your anniversary, the day y’all met, first date, etc.
sometimes he likes to sit on the toilet when you're in the shower and talk to you; will periodically poke his head in to check your progress depending on how long you're in there; ooos and aahs and waggles his eyebrows every time he does so
some people think you’re some kind of dictator bc his response to every proposal he receives is “let me check with my wife first”; you’re not tho he just likes running things by you bc he’s only ever okay if y’all are on the same page; sometimes you really are his scapegoat if he doesn’t wanna do something tho and you’re fine with being his excuse! you love spending time with your man!!
y’all draw lots over who has to kill the bugs in the house; he tries his best to overcome his fear for you he really does but sometimes he look at the bug and the bug look at him and his heart can’t take it; generally tho there’s less fear of y’all conquer it together
at least once a month he books a couples spa day appointment for you two; deep tissue massages, facials, manicures, pedicures, the works like you just get absolutely spoiled; his motto is that if you feel good and look good then you can be good and be good to each other; unrelated but he get a kick out of eating the cucumbers that are supposed to help soothe around your eyes
you get so used to the sound effects he makes all the time that when he’s not around you have to have some kind of background sounds whether it’s music or white noise just something to fill the air.
you both like plushies, funko pops, action figures and all that so there's a dedicated toy room in your home; all the toys that you actually care about are placed higher up and in cases to keep in good condition but things that you don't mind having some use are accessible; the whole room is carpeted and there are some fluffy rugs too; there's a 65 inch tv on one wall and a computer area for gaming as well; the whole room is illuminated via led lights; needless to say all the kids you know love when y'all babysit them; they stay in that one room the entire time except when they want a snack bc there's no eating in the toy room; jungkook also loves to randomly come and hangout in the toy room by himself
wouldn't tolerate any kind of disrespect toward you; say you went out to a restaurant and the server was being rude to you, he'd clock it so fast he'd be talking to a manager having your server swapped out and dessert on the house before you even realized what they said
y'all try new hobbies together; it's never anything you have experience or are good at which makes it even more fun as you're doing it; like you'll get one of those woobles crochet kits and spend like a month trying to figure it out in your free time and make whatever little creature you bought
never actually stops dating you; will still have an active folder with activities and restaurants he wants the both of you to go to; even if you both lack the time and energy to actually go out on a date he's lighting a candle and pulling out the fine china for you it doesn't matter that you're wearing loungewear and sitting on the floor in front of the tv; he wants you to feel special always
intimacy between you two go crazy; you’re as close as close can be like if there were such a thing as soulmates you two would be it; you’re consistently trapped within your own bubble and even if you’re out and about it’s still almost as if no one else existed; like say y’all went out to a club music is thumping people are everywhere it’s a generally Loud environment if you softly called his name from beside him he would turn to you immediately; or someone could brush past him and it’d be whatever but if you ghosted your hand up his arm he would get goosebumps; you’re just insanely in tuned to each other
would love if you had a softer build bc he likes the way you feel like heaven when he lays on you; also he just likes squeezing at your squishy bits; he finds it equal parts amusing and satisfying; like he'll squeeze at your boob when you're half asleep in bed just to annoy you; you'll be turned on your side and his arm will be slung across your waist and he'll just inch his hand up until he reaches your boob and squeezes; giggles evilly every time you smack his hand away and won't stop until you're whining and kicking at him to leave you alone and let you sleep
sometimes you’ll build a giant fort in the living room when he’s getting overwhelmed by life complete with fairy lights strung up overhead and pillows and more blankets covering the floor to make it extra comfy; you spend all day together in there playing games and talking nonsense and eating snacks and end the night cuddled up his arm wrapped around your shoulders, your head tucked into his neck watching movies until you’re sure his head is free from all his worries
loves to be fed, literally; like when dinner time comes he will make one big plate and pull up with a fork and a knife and a waiting attitude; if you don't play along immediately he's gonna put his hands over yours and make you feed him bites until you take over; likes to feed you as well; just always sharing his food with you and expects you to do the same
he gets obsessive when you don't answer his calls; like if he knows you're not busy and he calls you and you don't answer it drives him up a wall and he will spam you with texts and at least a dozen more calls until you pick up; not even because he has anything urgent to tell you he just always craves your attention; bonus: ends every conversation by saying i love you like you could be on the phone for 15 seconds just confirming something really quickly and he's gonna make sure he's told you he loves you before you click end call
doesn’t say anything when he finds you crying just pulls you into him and lets you get it all out; once you start calming down a bit he’ll pull back slightly, gently cupping your face in his hands and swipe away all your tears; only when he’s sure the tears have come to a complete stop does he softly ask “what’s going on?”
still gets shy and flustered around you; it doesn’t stop him from being himself around you whatsoever but it’s very obvious when you have the upper hand in a situation
you can't just tell him you need an item from the store bc half the time he'll go and come back with the wrong thing; you gotta send him a picture of it and that don't even work all the time; most of his solo ventures to the store at your request end in him facetimeing you bc he swears up and down they don't have what you asked for but then you end up finding it for him and you not even there
knows you admire his art skills so he leaves little doodles on post it notes around the house; is really proud when you display the ones you find really cute in your phone case
the type to put his life in your hands; when y'all go out to eat he tells you to order for him bc "you know what i like"; will let you dress him/style his hair however bc "you know what looks good on me"; he just literally trusts and defers to your judgement as much as possible
the type to tighten all the jars when you’re upset with him so you’re forced to ask him for help and talk to him anyway
would try to set up a really romantic dinner for you complete with rose petals and candles and champagne on ice but he'd be so focused on creating the right ambience that he forgets to order the food and one thing bout tae is he ain't a chef and even if he was he wouldn't have enough time before you showed up so you'd end up having a pb&j and cup noodles
sometimes if he has a lot of energy but you’re asleep he’ll poke at you until you’re awake and then he’ll ask if you’re asleep and when you say yes he’ll keep messing with you until he’s able to drag you out to play with him
knows how to tie a tie but claims it looks better when you tie it so whenever he wears a suit he gets you to finish off his look; really he just likes to be manhandled by you and the grip you have around his neck does something for him
if you get him riled up in the morning he just lives there all day; partially aware of what's going on around him but undoubtedly distracted, thinking about you, wanting you; hands and eyes are glued to the phone at all times hoping you'll message him or something even if it is just you teasing him some more; he's putty in your hands and he knows it but when the day is over and y'all are both home you're his
you have to come to major compromises when it comes to decorations; like you let him have his accent wall that he puts his paintings of his basquiat-esque faces but the weird cyber bug and person shark statues and the butt chair have to go
you do majority of the cooking so he takes dish duty very seriously; will swat you away if you try to help most times; however there’s a special place in his heart for the times you ignore him and help anyway by drying the dishes and it’s you him and some music playing and you’re singing and dancing around the kitchen together
there's a legitimate argument about your use of a body pillow; he genuinely gets offended bc is he not enough for you? why can't you just cuddle him? why would you go and put the great wall of china in between you two? what's with the distance? was he too much for you? like the situation blows completely out of proportion for no reason skslklsks the argument ends when you force him to cuddle it and he instantly understands the hype behind it; that doesn't curb his jealousy towards the object however and you're only allowed to use it when he's not in bed with you
a whiny baby when he's sick; you'd think he had tuberculosis in the 12th century instead of a common cold the way he be acting; a piece of tissue stuck in his nose, piled under three blankets, shivering every five minutes on cue; you give him a good day of dealing with the dramatics after that you leave him in the room with a bottle of dayquil and a packet of vitamin c until he decides to get on with his life like a normal human being
loves planning weekend getaways for the two of you; like every other month you guys are out of town for like 3-4 days in the spirit of “rekindling”; he always rents a really nice and cozy cabin type joint and most of the trips are spent just enjoying each others company and the scenery, walking around the town latched onto his arm and eating good food; you come back from each outing refreshed and more in love than you already were
every sunday he checks your car to make sure it has a full tank and if it doesn’t he fills it up for you
you two have separate rooms bc you both like to have space to just exist as an individual from time to time (also it’s really nice to have a place to storm away to when you’re in a fight) but you end up cuddled up next to each other every night anyway
has a very strict laundry schedule and routine; gets annoyed if you don't do it how he likes when he's unable to
watches you while you’re getting ready; he’ll be sitting at the edge of the bed while you walk around from your closet to the dressers circling the room trying to find something to wear; you’ll be having a conversation with him the whole time and after you walk past him for the 4th time his clinginess gets the best of him and he catches you by the waist before you can fully bypass him; he pulls you in between his legs and just hugs you to him for a few moments while you run your hands through his hair
follows you around the house with his mic serenading you like three times a week
comes behind you when you’re cooking or washing dishes or something and just pats at your butt for a while and by a while i mean he won’t stop until you elbow him and threaten to cut his hands off; he just laughs and gets one more grope in before backing off
traces the contours of your face and murmurs all kinds of cute and lovely and cheesy stuff about you when you’re both in bed and he thinks you’re sleep
if you made him a good meal you’d hear about it constantly for the next week; like every other sentence is a “seriously, it was so good” and he won’t stop until you make it again; sometimes he’ll try making it himself to see if he could do better but it always tastes best coming from you
an absolute menace in the grocery store; will spend the first 15-20 minutes behaving as he grabs whatever he needs personally and once that's done he's acting a fool; doing that thing that kids do when they use the cart as a skateboard like push off on it and then hop on to ride out the wave; grabbing all kinds of junk that neither of you need; touching everything even when he has no intention of buying it; you have to grab his ear and threaten him with celibacy to get him to calm down
whenever you’re sitting next to each other could be on the couch out at dinner in bed etc he likes to play with your hand and fiddle with your ring; will often slide it off and try to fit the ring on his fingers; then he’ll put it back on and kiss your fingertips for safekeeping
a/n: i worked on this for months and months and now it’s finally here lemme know what u thought 😩🙏
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vampzity · 4 months
𝘼 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚
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Pairing: husband! San x f! reader
Genre: fluff, nudity w/o smut, husband au, valentine’s day series, mini idol au, one shot, pet names (angel, princess, baby girl), LOTS of flirting
Synopsis: It’s Valentine’s Day, but not just any Valentine’s Day.. it’s your first as a married couple with your beloved husband, San. You had the entire day planned out and what you wanted to in celebration of this special day, or so you thought. San was not just one but two steps ahead of you and your game plan. He knew exactly of your plans for him, and decided to turn it around on you.
Now Playing: POV - Ariana Grande
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: Sorry this took so long! There’s a lot going on in my personal life- I couldn’t tell you guys how excited I’ve been to write this one shot… it was literally haunting me!
Yeosang’s Pt. Masterlist Mingi’s Pt.
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You lay on your bed, practically suffocated by the covers that wrapped around your body. You felt a pair of soft paws pass through your legs, soon pushing at your head to wake you. You yawned widely, eyes closed as you lifted the covers to let the furry animal under them with you. You heard a small purr as the animal nuzzled against your chest, resting its head under your chin.
“Good morning, my sweet Byeol.”
You pet her softly, eyes still closed as you didn’t want to accept the fate of it being morning so soon. Your eyes fluttered a bit as you continued to yawn a bit more, poking your head out from above the covers. To your surprise, your dearly beloved wasn’t there.
You poked your head out a little more, looking around the room. Nowhere to be found. Glancing over to the nightstand, you realize his glasses are gone as well. You raised an eyebrow suspiciously, shrugging slowly as you sat up in bed to stretch your limbs. Byeol tip-toed from under the covers and sat on your husband’s side of the bed. You stretched your arms and back, rubbing your eyes to adjust to the morning sunlight shining in the room.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you froze. You looked over to the door, seeing your husband standing there with a towel, a basket of miscellaneous items, and roses. He beamed a soft smile at you, his glasses sitting perfectly on the bridge of his nose.
He walked over to you, placing the items on the edge of the bed. He brushed your hair out of your face, leaning in to plant a soft but warm kiss on your forehead. Your face flushed a light red, ears turning hot with it. San hovered over you, pulling your chin up to meet his eyes as you sat in bed below him.
“Good morning sleepy head. Ready for your princess treatment today?”
You stood there, completely at a loss for words as your face now turned a dark red. Normally, you’d wake up early every morning to feed Byeol and make San breakfast for the day. Not because you had to, but because you wanted to. Acts of service were simply how you showed your affection to him, and that’s exactly what you wanted to do today but heightened. Unfortunately for you, San beat you to it.
He walked away from you, grabbing the box of miscellaneous items to hand over to you. In the box were different kinds of soaps you adored, bath bombs, and scrubs that made your skin glow. An entire bag of Epsom salt sat in the corner of the box and made you grin slightly, as San knew how much it helped your feet when they were sore.
You smiled at the box, feeling love fill your heart with joy as you accepted the gift. Looking back up at San, he smiled at you holding his hand out for you.
“Well, c’mon. I already have a bath ready for you with warm water. Today, I spoil you and you cannot interfere. Understood?”
You looked at him, completely speechless at his words. An entire bath was ready for you? Whatever happened to your plans for him today? It was such a sudden change of events for you, that you weren’t sure of how to respond to his offering.
“But, San. You ca- Shhh.”
He placed his finger against your lips, cutting you off to shush you. He smirked, leaning in to bring his face only a few inches away from yours.
“What did I say, princess? I’m spoiling you today.” He backed away from you, grabbing your hand to pull you out of bed. “I’ll do whatever you want today, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your special treatment.”
He walked you towards the bathroom, closing the door behind you two. The tub was covered in rose petals along with other flowers. Different honeycomb scrubs rested afloat as a soothing aroma of vanilla and lavender filled your nose. Curtains rested on the windows, allowing for a darker room only lit by small candles laid about.
He let go of your hand and stuck it into the bath water to make sure its temperature was still warm for you. Humming pleasantly, he turned back to you.
“Still nice and warm for you.”
Your cheeks flushed red as he once again, moved hair out of your face to admire you. He moved out of your way and walked towards the door, allowing you the privacy to relax and rewind without him there. However, a quick thought hit your mind. A devilish one at that, and it was indeed something that he wouldn’t expect from you.
“Sannie?” He turned his head to you, raising an eyebrow as it was rare that you ever used his nickname with him.
“You said you’d do anything I want right?” His head nodded softly, turning his entire back to face you as he began to cock his face to the side. He meant what he said, but he wasn’t as positive about you taking such a vague request seriously. You looked down at your nightgown, smirking slightly as you met eyes with San once again.
“Undress me.”
San’s eyes widened as you gave him a smug look. His face immediately shot red with nervousness, feeling the room turn hot. A few seconds passed by until you grew impatient, so you grabbed San by the arm and pulled him to you, placing his hand on the strap of your gown.
“Do it,” you mumbled, feeling your heart beat out of your chest.
San gave you a soft glare, kissing your shoulder softly. He pulled your straps off your shoulder, as your arms slipped out of them. The nightgown fell to your ankles, revealing you only in red underwear. San’s eyes widened at the sight of you. Sure, he has seen your body plenty of times, but it still shocked him at how bold you were compared to your normal shy self. He continued to give you small pecks along your neck and shoulders, soon planting a kiss against your hand.
He pulled your body to him, his hand resting underneath your chin as a soft kiss was shared between you two.
"Is there.. anything else that you want me for, princess?"
You blushed hesitantly, shaking your head no to the young man. He smiled, letting go of you and making his way back towards the door. He picked up Byeol, who stood at the door frame and turned to face you once again.
"Take your time. I'll be making breakfast for you."`
San closed the door, allowing you to be alone for some time to gather yourself. You sighed happily and removed your underwear, stepping into the warm bath water. You allowed the water to engulf you as you soaked. It was relaxing, soothing even. You felt refreshed and felt like yourself again, especially after the week you’ve had.
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What seemed like a few minutes soon turned into 30 as you heard a few knocks on the door. You perked up, seeing Byeol make her way through the door only to be followed by San’s head.
“How’s my baby girl doing? Feeling relaxed enough?”
He walked over to the counter, placing a warm towel and fuzzy robe down. You tilted your head at him like a dog, confused as to what his mind was thinking. He came and kneeled by the tub, petting your head softly as he kissed your forehead. You smiled, your eyes meeting. You nodded to his question.
“I am, Sannie. Thank you.”
He stood up, walked back to the door, and opened it. As he did so, the fresh smell of breakfast hit your nostrils. Bacon, pancakes, eggs. Smells that made your stomach growl with hunger and tastebuds eager.
“I left some clothes for you on the bed. Try them on for me, will you? Then come eat breakfast with me.”
His eyes beamed through the lens in his glasses as you nodded once again, permitting him to leave the bathroom. You looked at Byeol, who snuggled herself on the mat. She was always so precious to San, but it gave you warmth in your heart to know that you were just as precious to him.
Getting out of the tub, you dried off with the warm towel San had brought for you and wrapped the fluffy robe around you as your feet dipped into your slippers. Opening the door, Byeol made her way out with you following behind. As San said, there were a pair of clothes laid out for you on the bed, nicely placed so they wouldn’t wrinkle. It was a pink turtle neck paired with a pleated denim skirt. You smiled at his choice of fashion, as San always went out of his way to buy you the cutest clothes.
You removed your robe, grabbing some undergarments to wear before putting the outfit on. Without looking in the mirror yet, you slipped on knitted white socks to match and smiled, pleased with the outfit. Before you could get up to admire it, a small knock interrupted you.
San cracked open the door, peeking his head through to see what you were up to. Upon seeing you, he paused, feeling his heart skip a beat. He invited himself into the room, his eyes refusing to turn away from you as your face turned red.
“You look beautiful, baby girl.”
Turning your head away from his gaze, San made his way torward you. As you sat on the bed, his arm reached out to the side of you as he hovered over your figure. He stood above you as he leaned in closer to kiss the side of your neck fondly. You felt butterflies in your stomach as he placed his other hand on your upper thigh, slowly bringing it up. He continued to peck at your neck softly.
He pulled away, his eyes meeting your flushed face. He wasn't sure what had gotten into him this morning, as he knew you weren’t always one for displays of affection. However, today he just felt so much love towards you. He wanted to kiss you, hold you, love you, touch you. There was no end to the overflowing amount of adore he felt towards you today that he could not resist.
He pulled you over to the mirror to see the outfit on you as you stood in complete awe. You smiled, hitting a small pose as San stood behind you. He wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your temple softly.
“I told you. An absolute angel.”
He pulled your hand, allowing you to follow him into the dining room. Different plates of food were placed on the table, from bacon to assorted fruit, to fluffy pancakes, and even some white toast. Your eyes widened in awe seeing the glorious amount of food in front of you. He pulled out a seat for you, gesturing for you to sit down. You took a seat and San pushed the seat in, placing all your favorite foods in front of you so that you could indulge yourself. Smiling, you grabbed a piece of bacon, biting into it happily.
“Mmm, so good.”
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You sat at the kitchen table, curious as to why San had left you alone for a moment. You were full from all the breakfast he had made and yet somehow, he managed to eat your leftovers with his food. It was only 11 am and San had already spoiled you so much on this special day.
You heard footsteps approach you as San appeared in your sight of vision again. He was holding a blindfold in his hand, giving you a slight nervous feeling in your stomach. He smirked softly, coming behind you and leaning next to your ear.
“I have a surprise for you, princess.”
Your face turned red as you felt his warm breath hit your neck. He kissed the top of your ear, placing the blindfold around your eyes and tying it lightly. He grabbed your hand and pulled you up from your seat, guiding your walking with his own. You held out your other hand for balance, curious as to what surprise was awaiting you.
You both came to a stop. San let go of your hand and came behind you, allowing you to feel his presence brush by you so you weren’t startled. He untied the blindfold, letting it fall on its own into his hands.
Before you, were dozens of rose petals laid against the ground. Heart-shaped balloons covered the ceiling in various areas from red to pink. Candles lit the room up, as San put up darker curtains to set the mood. As you began to walk into the room, you realized more rose petals covering the bed and a small lingerie set sitting nicely on it. You blushed as your breath hitched, San coming up next to you.
“I know you don’t like to reveal yourself, and that’s okay. So, don’t feel pressured to try it on, k?” He squeezed your hand reassuringly.
You eyed the sight, nodding quickly. It was a light pink baby doll set. The spaghetti straps had small butterflies sewn to them. The sides of the lingerie were a sheer pink, and the body’s middle was simply laced with butterflies and flower patterns. A baby pink hem wrapped around the middle of the gown, small ruffles hanging off the cups of it.
You walked over to it, picking it up. You looked up at San as he gestured to the bathroom for you. He gave you a warm smile and you blushed once again, feeling the heat inside of you.
You walked over to the bathroom with the set, closing the door behind you as you went to change your clothes. San waited for you patiently by the window, petting Byeol as he gazed out into the streets. He felt his heart thump louder and louder as he waited for you to come out. He has never felt this nervous for you before, it was a new feeling. Even though he’s seen you in all your beauty thousands of times before, this time was different for him. It was the first Valentine’s as a wedded couple and he wanted to make sure everything went in your favor.
“Well, how does it look..?”
San turned his head to see you standing by the bed shyly. Your hands clasped together as you looked down at your feet, feeling slightly insecure. He admired how nicely the lingerie hugged your figure, how perfectly it enhanced his favorite features about you.
San walked over to you until you caught his feet meeting your own. His hand slowly made its way under your chin. He lifted your head to meet his eyes and smiled at you subtly. You felt your cheeks warm up at his actions, not sure of what to do. He took off his glasses and placed them on the nightstand.
“You look stunning, princess. Exactly what I envisioned.”
He kissed your forehead softly, picked you up bridally style, and placed you on the bed. You sat there confused, following his body as he walked across the room to take off his hoodie. He had a simple white tank top under, giving you a full show of his broad muscles and shoulders.
You felt butterflies in your stomach as he made his way towards you, smirking with every step he took. He hovered over your body on the bed as he stood and his hand came up to caress your cheek.
“Remember what I said earlier?”
Your breath hitched as he spoke, feeling caught off guard by his sudden question. You stood silent, feeling your body continue to melt under his control.
“I’ll do anything you want today.”
He pulled his hand away from you and climbed onto the bed, his body now hovering over you. Your knee brushed against his member, making you close your eyes in embarrassment.
“Tell me, princess,” he laid a soft kiss against your neck, soon making his way down to what was exposed of your chest.
“What do you want from me?”
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divider creds: @cafekitsune
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did hehe🤭 Was literally giggling and kicking my feet writing this. Again, sorry for such the long wait!
Taglist: @skzline @evidive @kittykat-25 @amuromio @xoxkii @losrpark @classyrbf @sundaybossanova @owmoiralover @vrtualsins @sanslovesblog @honeyhwaaa @mingisbbokari @scarfac3
*comment to be apart of future taglists!*
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r0-boat · 21 days
stupid Bimet headcanons
I love him stupid foxy boy
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His eyes are the most cat-like of all the devils, going into slits when he is annoyed but when he see something he likes his pupils blow up just like a cat.
He never understands sentimental value. However, his greatest treasure is something you gave a smooth round tiger's eye because you told him that it reminds you of his eyes. He keeps it in a velvet box away from all his other treasures. It is a treasure that he keeps for himself something that he owns a gift from you no matter the price is worth billions.
But everything else about him is a snickering fox;
This motherfucker owns every name brand worth more than your fucking rent. This man goes to spas every weekend and owns luxury skin products. This man takes a bath In a luxury bathhouse made out of solid gold with expensive ass bath bombs, lit candles, and milk that's good for your skin. When he gets out, he wears a stupid fucking bathrobe with gold embroidery of his name before he puts on his foolish fucking 1 billion dollar lotion.
Watches human reality TV shows. Televisions that are able to not only play programs from hell but programs in the human world cost a fortune but of course devils in tartaros can afford that.
The nickname he gave you in his phone is "broke bitch🥰💕"
You may own women but he knows how much money you got in that wallet lol.
People say that bimet is it afraid to be himself around you isn't afraid to criticize you And I love that so much. Where he treats you differently than his king.
Petty and jealous, clings to you and gives you affection while he gives that foxy little bitch smirk to any other demon he comes across.
to be honest you and Bimet are really Mammons sugar babies, the way Bimet eyes went wide when Mammon save you a copy of his platinum credit card.
He is quite an enigma when it comes to spoiling, when he splurging on himself he will bring you with him he will get you whatever you want though he will bitch about it the entire time. Don't listen to him. That's just empty threats. Having you with him is the greatest treasure. He loves when other devils and tartaros look at him with envious eyes when he is hooked around your arm. But he will absolutely treat you like a precious treasure. Worship the ground you walk on. He will bring you on spa trips shopping trips.
Buys you gifts, then makes fun of you for how broke you are. When you try not to accept it, he gets pissed, so you're not sure if this is a gift or a joke.
"seriously you need to take care of yourself better, It really pisses me off that you don't recognize your own worth." -Bimet
The best person to talk about your ex's with He will murder them~
(I want him to have a kitsune a form so bad, He's so fox-coated guys)
It doesn't like to admit it, but you are his first genuine friend.
Nicole from class 09 coded
"HEY! You don't dare bully them; that's my job!!"
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leeknow-thoughts · 2 months
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౨ৎ pairing : Lee know x reader
౨ৎ warnings : tooth rotting fluff, petnames
౨ৎ a/n : sorry for being gone for so long babes !!!
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You stumble through the front door, discarding your shoes. You are met with the sight of him in the kitchen, making dinner. "Happy anniversary jagiya," he smiles ever-so-sweetly.
"Hey min, happy anniversary," you smile through your tiredness, "shit I should've made a dinner reservation."
"You do enough for the both of us," he takes a break from the stove, crossing the space to embrace you, "besides, expensive food sucks."
You chuckle softly, hugging minho gently. "I made your favorite, and got some wine, thought we could just be together tonight."
"That sound so good right now," you sigh into his chest.
You both stay there for a moment, soaking in each other's warmth. "You're so beautiful," he kisses your forehead, "my beautiful girl."
He pets your hair, tucking a few strands behind your ear. "I bought a lavender bath bomb, why don't you go take a bath and I'll call you when dinner is ready?"
You nod into his chest before leaving for your bathroom with a kiss left on his lips as he returns to tending to the pot on the stove.
You run the water, discarding your clothes before sinking into the warm bubbles. The water helps relax you a bit, still mentally tense from a long day. You close your eyes, and nearly fall asleep when three knocks on the bathroom door snap you from your almost sleep. "Hey, dinner is ready," minho says so sweetly as he peaks his head into the bathroom.
You rise up from the tub, drain the water and you pat yourself dry with a towel. You dress yourself in one of minho's shirts and a pair of your own sleep shorts. Joining minho in the dining room. You both eat over silence, you don't need words to tell him how much you love him. He shows you how much he loves you, no words necessary.
"You're so beautiful," Minho stops by you, after putting his dish in the sink, "do I ever tell you that?"
You chuckle, "only every time you open your mouth."
"I should tell you more," he hums, taking your empty plate, putting it in the sink, "you're so beautiful."
You smile, "let me clean up for you, you made dinner it's only fair."
"Call me crazy, but let's wash dishes tomorrow, let's just be together now," he insists.
You nod, agreeing with him. "C'mon let's go lay in bed," he hums.
You join him on your bed, cuddling up next to him. "Here's your anniversary present," he beams, handing you a black velvet box he pulled out of his nightstand.
You sit with your jaw on the floor, the gold ring was absolutely breath-taking. "Minho you really didn't have to-" you begin.
"-it's an engagement ring," he interrupts the ramble you were about to go on.
You stare at him with wide eyes, "you're asking me to marry you?"
He nods, the most loving eyes gazing back at you. "Will you marry me?" he asks with a slight tremble in his voice.
"Yes," you blurt, "absolutely a million times yes."
His face breaks in relief, a smile forming on his lips. He presses his lips against your own, and you can't think of anything better to be honest.
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koolades-world · 4 months
Demon brothers with a corvid-coded MC, if it's alright? For example, one who's very intelligent and curious (both in general and about the Devildom specifically), protective of the brothers, likes collecting trinkets/shiny and pretty things, and has echolalia towards phrases, words, or sounds?
hi!! yeah, of course!!
one of my best friends loves birds and he actually volunteers at a bird sanctuary so I asked him about corvids since I actually had no clue what that word meant at first haha
mentally thank him for this one :)
Corvid-coded Mc
actually appreciates the questions and curiosity since it means you want to learn
enjoys how closely you listen and cling onto his words since he knows you'll be able to recite it later thank to your memory
it's nice to have someone listen to him for once LOL
he knows that he just needs to listen to you if he suspects his brothers of doing something wrong because he knows you'll repeat exactly what they said back to him
y'all are literally meant to be besties like his little animal guy is a crow!! (or is it raven 😭)
he also collects shiny things and has a little box full of trinkets under his bed that he shows you at some point
shopping together!! gosh would be so fun
he so understands you you're basically soul sisters right down to the protective loyalty
he also has specific phrases that he just loves and probably has memorized
that one voice line he heard probably a million times by now is something he'll repeat randomly
enjoys that you even ask questions about the things he likes, not just academic things
you could spend hours talking so please make sure you don't lose track of time
there's no way he also doesn't collect things so he'll bring back cutesy things he think you'll like since he would love if someone did that for him
loves your passion for learning, so the two of you often take tips to the library together
during your free time you talk about supplementary lessons
it's actually gotten to the point where you're academic rivals and he's living for it
another brother that shopping with would be so fun
please let him put all sorts of shiny makeup and clothes on you, he'll make you so disco ball core
oh don't even start on bath products, you'd lose your mind at the glittery bath bombs he def has
also will talk with you for hours about his interests, which isn't something people do with him much so please don't stop
you guys are so different but that doesn't stop you from getting along
loves how you watch his fangol games closely and then talk about them with him later
like you actually paid attention and interacted with him about it!! that's so much more than his brothers ever did
he feels so loved 🥺
sometimes has the urge to ask you to shut up because you keep trying to talk to him while he's sleeping
however, your intelligence causes him to step up his game in class so you're not running circles around him anymore
oh diavolo what monster have you created
if you bug him enough maybe he'll calm it down a little haha
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
Killers' with a reader during bath time. Non-binary reader.
Warnings: Nudity. Non-sexual romance. Implied kissing and touching.
Most of the time Jason hates baths or anything to do with water. But if you're in it with him? Then he can compromise.
He always sits up straight and still in the warm tub, his mask off and body bare before you, completely vulnerable. He doesn't like to move because the water scares him, so he settles for watching you as you go about creating bubbles and adding scented oils to the tub. It's pleasant and he enjoys it.
Jason likes to touch you for reassurance that you won't let him drown. A hand on your shoulder, knee, arm or waist; he just likes knowing that you're there for him. Some times he might even pull you into his lap and just hold you for a while, bask in your safe and loving presence.
He loves it when you wash him. During bath time, Jason gives you all the wheels while he sits back and watches. When you use the soft, suddy loofah to scrub his body, it's utter bliss and makes him feel good. Your praise is an added bonus too, making him gladly submit his body in any way you wanted.
He gets transfixed on your bath products. Is that a glitter bath bomb? Whoa. Colored bath beads? Can you use purple? He loves purple. Seeing the water turn purple and glittery will have his adorable eyes going wide in awe. Just look at the water, (y/n), it's magical. You're amazing.
He's a good boy and he'll want to return the favor by washing you. His big hands will scrub every inch of you, making sure that you're nice and clean. Seeing your blissed out expression when he scrubs your back and head makes him happy. He's glad you're enjoying yourself.
The best way to end is by holding you close for a while, feeling your body pressed against his as he held you in his arms. With you around, Jason loved the water.
Wesker's preference when it comes to baths is strictly to lay back, submerge himself into the hot water and relax. After a long day at work, relaxing is all he wants to do.
Most of the time Wesker lays back and watches you in your place between his legs as you pour in muscle relaxing Epsom salt and night-time bubble bath. So considerate. You were always thinking about his well-being, and he loved it.
He enjoys listening to you as you blab about your day- shows you had watched, things you had cleaned, ideas you had hatched, ect... Your innocence is a refreshment to him and it makes him feel a type of happiness that his job just can't mimic.
When it comes to you washing your own body, Wesker absolutely loved to watch. Seeing your wet body move around as you covered it with glistening suds was beyond enamoring to him. Some times he would even ask you to stand up and wash yourself, give him the full view so that he could admire every inch of you.
He's not really one to care for childish bath products but he does get a kick out of how much you enjoy them. Seeing you get excited over a new box of assorted bath bombs- which he totally didn't order for you by the way!- he just adores how excited you get. And that same excitement transfers to the bath whenever you happily go to try out your new water toys.
Bath massages. Oh, there's nothing better. Feeling your wet hands press against his tense, sore muscles was utter ecstacy. Expect lots of groans because he was a very knotted up man, and he tends to make loud noises when you work out those knots with your expert, caring hands. God, you had no idea how much he loved you.
To settle the end, Wesker likes to pull your body on top of his and have you lay against him for a while. Submerged wet cuddles? Yes please.
Oh God... Frank is an absolute child when it comes to the bathtub. Because he was deprived of such innocent luxuries throughout his childhood years, he can't help but to enjoy the opportunity to have fun in the bathtub with you.
Expect everything that was Satan's equivalent of a bathroom mess nightmare pack. Bath bombs, water guns, water crayons, colored bath beads, bubble bath. Everything! He had it all- it's actually kind of cute going to the store with him because he always wanted to check out the bath stuff. Don't tease him though or he'll get frumpy.
Frank loves playing games, so get out those fucking water crayons, baby. If you weren't ever scared of him before, then you should be now, because you are his human canvas. Come on, scoot closer, he wants to draw a heart on your cheek- news flash! It's actually a miniature penis. Let's not forget a colored beard to match!
You can't escape him.
Ever heard of bathtub roulette? Of course you have. It's where you fill the gun with soapy water, play a game of tic-tac-toe, and whoever loses gets a shot of soapy water in the face. Ouch if your eyes get hit.
Despite his childishness, Frank does love relaxing and holding you close. Your legs intertwined as he held your face and kissed your lips? Oh, he could do it for hours, even after the water was freezing cold. You're his gorgeous, beloved angel, and he was never letting you go.
Ending a bath with Frank is less romantic than you probably want to believe because there's a lot of cleaning up to do. And yes, he is childish enough to run away naked so that he doesn't have to take responsibility. Lucky you.
Talk about a statue. During bath time, this man is a brick wall. Like always, he sits at his end of the tub with that very neutral, monotonous look on his face.
Michael isn't against baths. Not at all. In fact he finds them very interesting and fun- except for that time he accidentally ate a "bath treat". Yeah, he knew it was a miniature bar of soap, but why in the hell was it shaped exactly like a gummy bear!?
He finds himself fixated on whatever you're doing. Michael and you have a deep understanding of each other, and he appreciates how you show and explain to him what all kinds of new products you had bought. A double loofah with a rainbow handle? Cute. Colored foam soap? Expect a beard.
Michael loves, loves, loves his rubber ducky collection. Every time he takes a bath with you, he carefully sets each of his duckies in the water one at a time. He may not show it, but every time you gifted him a new rubber ducky, he mentally flies over the roof.
And he feels the same kind of excitement with surprise bath bombs that have little toys hidden inside. Those were his favorite. So far he had some sharks, some dinosaurs, a pearl ring, and a bunny. It was just so fun watching the bath bombs dissolve and reveal an adorable item from all the magical colors within.
He gets frumpy when you try to wash yourself. Michael is very protective and caring of you and he likes to take care of you himself, and that means scrubbing and washing your body. You can't deny... It feels really, really nice.
Seeing your relaxed, sleepy face is the perfect end to a perfect bath for him.
Lazy. Completely and utterly lazy. Depending on the day, baths with Jeffrey could either be very lively or very boring.
Prepare to find yourself squished between his legs at the front of the tub by the faucet, because Jeffrey practically prides himself in taking up most of the space. He chuckles a lot, teasing you and squeezing you between his legs, tickling you with his toes. He loves it when you get all frustrated and defensive, and yet you're still helplessly squished/trapped.
He thinks it's cute when you get on your knees and lean against his belly, your faces closer together so that you can talk, hold hands and caress each other's faces. Your so damn adorable, he could just eat you up.
One of his favorite things, though, is when you slather yourself up with oil. Oh yes. There's nothing Jeffrey loves more than seeing your gorgeous body glistening smooth and slippery. He enjoyed sitting back, licking his lips while watching you languidly touch yourself. It drove him mad.
After enjoying the show you put on, Jeffrey would sit up and touch you himself, squeezing and rubbing different parts of your body for as long as he pleased. Remember, he's obsessed with soft things, and when your body is oiled up it becomes prominent that he worshipped you for hours.
Some times Jeffrey's insecurities got to him, however, and he would refuse taking a bath with you. It took lots of lovin, gentle coaxing and praise, but you always won him over with your caring words and amazing acceptance. How could he ever ask for anyone better?
Ending a bath with Jeffrey usually involved lots of loving touches and cuddles, for you are his and he is yours.
The ultimate God of baths? Look no further than Herman Carter.
This man is unbelievably romantic and will have you wait in your bedroom until he has the perfect set-up created. Like a king/queen walking the red carpet, you would be presented with everything abundantly cheesy and romantic.
Dim lights, scented candles, freakin rose petals- all of it you would follow until you arrived at the bathroom where Herman lay beautifully naked and submerged in the bubbly tub, waiting for you.
Herman smiles at you and beckons you closer, enjoying the sight of you getting undressed right before his eyes. You're clumsiness while getting into the tub with him amuses him and fills him with fondness and joy. He loves spoiling you like this.
During bath time, Herman loves pulling you close and cradling you against him, his lips kissing whatever happened to be in reach- your lips, your face, the back of your neck, or your shoulders. He loved worshipping your body for every second that it was touching him.
Lots and lots of touching. Herman treats your body like it's made out of gold. Constantly he touches you, fondles you and massages you. Praise drips from his lips as he pulls you back against him and rubs his big, calloused hands up and down your chest. You're so beautiful, (y/n), and you're his.
Herman loves taking baths with you because it gives him the opportunity to be intimate under a new light. He got to spoil you, wash you, worship your body and make you feel good. Your happiness was all he needed to make himself happy.
Even though he doesn't want the bath to end, when it does, Herman rinses you off, helps you out and dries you off. Oh, don't think that just because the bath is over he still doesn't have a lot left to give.
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lowkeycasanova · 7 months
the fans love you
i feel like we all know that a lot of vinnie's fans send/spread hate whenever he's simply seen with a girl, but i decided to write this headcanon in which it's the opposite. where the fans absolutely love you
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At first he didn’t know how to approach the situation. You know, finally telling everyone he has a girlfriend. He was also nervous about the reactions. Not that he gave a fuck about what people were to say about him, it was you he was worried about.
And how would he do it? Would he make a tik tok? Would he post a selfie with you on his Instagram story and let people put two and two together?
You told him you didn’t care about what other people thought. Well, maybe deep down you cared a little. Who wouldn’t? But at the end of the day, you couldn’t control what other people said about you and their jealousy.
Vinnie didn’t know the photo had been taken until Jett sent it to him. It was a picture of Vinnie sitting on the couch, you in his lap, kissing each other with your hands caressing his face and his hands wrapped around your waist. Whoever took it was at a distance and zoomed in to take it. It was a chill night at the house. You thought you were alone. Guess not.
Vinnie said, “fuck it”, and posted the picture on Instagram. It was the third picture out of six for his camera roll dump. And tagged you.
You braced yourself for the comments/notifications. Vinnie was giddy with excitement as he knew he just dropped the bomb and there was no going back now.
You told yourself that you were just gonna ignore it for now. Check back in maybe three days.
It hadn’t even been thirty minutes and you opened the app. Disregarding the new activity on your end, you went straight to his comment section.
“oh so we hard launching now?”
“babe, that don’t look like me”
“This was my last straw”
“bout to take a bath with a toaster”
“I’m actually sick”
“Who tf is this?”
“Y’all acting like he want y’all.”
“You two are so cute!!”
“W post”
Of course there were going to be negative ones. But to your surprise, it wasn’t as bad as you thought. There were also a good number of positive ones.
You go to your notifications and it’s flooded. Again, the negative comments were there. Some asking who you were and why you were with Vinnie. Some putting the throwing up emoji. Nothing that you didn’t expect. Even Vinnie was surprised at the response, so far. He was sure he was gonna have to tell some people off.
In the days to come, he started posting you more since it the relationship was no longer a “secret”. And honestly, it came natural, not looking like he was trying to show everyone he had a girlfriend. He posted you like he would post his friends.
You did the same. Although you both made sure that a lot of things were kept private.
His fans loved that they could see Vinnie from your point of view on your insta story. They loved seeing him act silly while y’all were out to lunch or out shopping because you dragged him. You liked being able to give them that content.
When he would post a video on tik tok and you were in it, some people would be like “she’s OUR gf” and he’d be like “bro what?”
You had an account of your own but wouldn’t post all that often. Vinnie’s fans would comment on his videos, telling him to tell you to post more.
When he streams, he’ll get a lot of “where’s y/n?” comments from viewers. Sometimes they would ask so much that he literally has to say that you’re not even there at the house. He would fake being offended that they weren’t playing attention to his game play. Not that he could blame them. He couldn’t stop thinking about you either.
There would be mail sent to the P.O. box with Vinnie’s name on the packaging label but every single item was for you.
When out in public, fans were just as excited to meet you. You can’t even count how many selfies you took with them.
Even the guy fans. Now, Vinnie isn’t the type to really get jealous, but you could tell something was up by how clingy he got after.
It’s like they loved you more than him and honestly, Vinnie couldn’t have been happier at the turnout.
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taurussbabe · 4 months
hey !! its my birthday today and i was wondering if you could possibly write a joao fluff where him + reader just celebrate the reader’s birthday ?! i love your work 💗
a/n: happy belated birthday! i know it's superrr late but i hope you like it anon!❤️ wc: 1.3k
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Today was your birthday, you were happy, sure, but honestly, you wished someone else was here. João had a game away so that meant you woke up to an empty bed, you turned around, seeing the sun illuminate the bedsheets and half of your bedroom.
You reached for your phone, seeing a couple of messages from your mom, your dad and some other family members, but your attention diverted from all of those when you saw a text from your favorite boy in the world.
“happy birthday!!!” read one, followed by few others: “and good morning”, “have the best day”, “sorry I can’t be there”, “love you to much bebé”
You smiled to yourself as you read them all, quickly typing a thank you message , alongside with one where you said you wished he was here too.
You got up, showered and got ready, you didn’t have work today because you had called in for a day off, it was your birthday, and you deserved a little bit of time for yourself before you had your party with your friends that night.
The doorbell sound brought you back to reality, stepping outside, only to find a huge flower bouquet and a box. You picked both the items up as you read the little cart attached to it “happy birthday, linda. Sorry I can’t be there, call me before opening the gift :)”
You placed the flower on the counter and smiled to yourself as you tapped on the little facetime icon, setting the phone up while you filled the vase.
“hi angel” his voiced echoed in the house, making you look at the screen “how’s my favorite birthday girl?”
“you didn’t have to, in fact, you shouldn’t have, they must have been so expensive”
“oh c’mon, you really think I wasn’t going to do anything, you know I wish I could have been there, but I love you so much”
“I know” you let a beat of silence run between the two of you as you admired his face before speaking again “and I love you too”
“I have to go soon so can you open the box?” he asked softly
“oh yeah sure, how are you feeling about the game?” you spoke while unwrapping the little box.
“good. Confident. A little nervous, but confident” he said “oh and just so you know, that’s not your real gift, that you get tomorrow, this is just a little something”
Tears filled your eyes as you opened the box only to reveal so many envelopes in there, each one of them had a little description saying ‘open when feeling sad, angry, anxious, insecure, happy, excited….’, inside the box were also your favorite chocolates, bath bombs and face masks.
You didn’t know what you had done to deserve this boy, but it must have certainly been something incredible because never in your life you thought you would be so lucky as to have someone like him.
“oh god, are you crying? please don’t cry, I didn’t think the gift was that bad” his voice echoed again, by now, tears were streaming down your face
“shut up, this is so perfect, I love you so so so much, thank you for being you”
After your reassurance, you could teel that he took a breath of relief, but you didn’t get to talk much more, because soon enough he was called.
It was now the afternoon and you were getting ready for your birthday party, your friends had arranged everything for a dinner at a restaurant they knew you loved, you had just finished watching barça and you were so happy because they had a good game, you loved seeing joão so happy in this team, even when they were losing he seemed genuinely happy to be there, but it was, of course, better when they won.
You laughed as you took pictures alongside your friends, no one else in sight since you were in the most private part of the restaurant, obviously you were very happy to be there but also a bit worried because joão hadn’t answered ever since before the game, you had congratulated him after, praising his performance but he hadn’t even seen it.
You couldn’t think more about that, though, because your friends dragged you, claiming they had a huge surprise waiting for you.
“okay, you have to keep your eyes closed, promise?” one of your friends said
“yes, I get it”
You stretched your arms in front of you as to try to find out what your surprise was, you smelled a cologne that seemed familiar to you, but didn’t think much of it, until you felt a pair of hands grabbing yours, and those you immediately recognized.
“damn, I thought you would take longer” he hugged you tight, pressing a kiss to your cheek as all your friends applauded.
“oh my god, what are you doing here? I though you were away” you smiled at him when he let go a bit, still not completely letting go of you.
“I had to be here for your birthday” he kissed your forehead, smiling through the kiss
“thank you” you smiled up at him, your eyes full of tears, your hand clasped together with his
The rest of the dinner was spent laughing and taking and awful lot of pictures, until the time to sing happy birthday came. You sat on João’s lap, his hand immediately wrapping around your waist, is thumb rubbing against the material of your dress.
“happy birthday,  bebé, I love you” you heard as soon as you blew the candles, thank you for being born”
You were gonna turn around to thank him when you felt him reach for cake’s icing and place it on your cheek, you audibly gasped when you felt the cold it your skin and soon heard everyone’s laughter.
You said your goodbyes to last person to leave as you left the restaurant, holding hands with João, turning around to meet his smiling face.
“did you have fun today?”
“I did, it was the best day, thank you for being part of it” you got on your tiptoes to kiss him “I love you”
“you’re welcome, you deserve it, you deserve everything” his hand came in contact with your cheek, gently caressing it, instantly making your jaw relax. “wanna go home?”
“yes, please” he pulled at your hand, leading the way to his car.
You felt his hands at your waist pulling you to stay on the opposite side of the road and smiled to yourself when you realized.
“Amo-te” (I love you) he whispered, hugging you from behind as you reached the car “muito” (a lot)
“I love you too” he opened your door, letting you in before getting in himself
During the ride home you were blessed with João’s singing voice, his hand on your thigh and yours on his hair, playing with it.
“dance with me” you whispered, your chin resting on his shoulder
“dance with me, please, it’s my birthday” you looked at him through the mirror, your arms wrapping around his torso.
“of course” he turned around, his hands finding its way to your waist and your arms around his neck
You both started to sway dancing in the middle of the bathroom, he leaned in for a kiss, soft but passionate, and a million little pecks after, making you giggle.
He did a little dip in the end, causing you to laugh.
“thank you, for today” “well, thank YOU for existing” he lifted you up, your legs wrapping around him “close your eyes for you gift”
And you did, and soon felt him peck your lips multiple times “that’s one for each year you lived”  he kept giving you soft, little kisses
“and what are those for?”
“for all the years I’m gonna be spending with you”
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discotenny · 5 months
Gift Giving (hypmic)
Hypmic characters and the gifts they give you
Featuring EVERYONE (excluding Rei and Saburo)
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Buster Bros
I feel like he’s the type of guy to gift you experiences rather than physical items. He’d take you to a fancy cafe you’d been eyeing, maybe a movie you wanted to watch, possibly even plan a surprise picnic!!
He dresses up for the occasion too! Even if you don’t expect it, he’s out of his usual jacket and attire- sporting something he seemingly newly bought. Ichiro will absolutely light up in smiles if you compliment his outfit and effort.
Ichiro feels like his time with you is more valuable than any gift he could give. He has so many other responsibilities on his shoulders so he uses his “gifts” to make up for any time lost.
Jiro worries himself over trying to come up with a gift to get you. He doesn’t have much money, with most of his salary going towards helping his siblings. When the time comes to give you a gift, he’s embarrassed- bumbling over himself with apologies for the supposed shittiness of his gift.
But oh, oh, oh he’s so sweet :C. He’ll hand make a card for you, educating himself on paper craft so it’s the cutest it can be. There’s paper cuts that litter his hands as he gives it to you.
Jiro immediately leaves the room, not wanting to see your face as you read the letter, in which he pours his heart out for you to fully see. Run after him and kiss his face will you?
404 not found!
Mad Trigger Crew
Samatoki gives you a leather wallet... that he made himself!!
One of the old men who he buys meatbuns from told him about a class that would 'fit his vibe.' And when he begrudgingly took the class, the old man was totally right! Samatoki gets really into the task, hiding the new hobby from you because he wants to surprise you with a gift at the end of the class.
When he hands you the wallet, you can tell it wasn't professionally made. There's stray burn marks on the front, mildly messy seams holding it together, and a tag inside that is signed with his initials and yours inside of a heart. Samatoki is so, so proud of showing you his accomplishment though- and hopes you enjoy it as much as he enjoyed making it.
Jyuto gets you a personalized music box.
It's of your favorite song. One you would always play for him whenever you were given aux in the car- that he would always playfully say was becoming annoying to hear. One he only seemed to tolerate instead of actually enjoy listening to it.
But he knows the joy it brings you to listen to. He sees the smile on your face when you turn the volume louder, the shine in your eyes when it surprisingly comes on the radio. It's why, despite his mild dislike of it, he buys you a music box so you could play it whenever you want. Just so he can see your smile whenever he can.
Rio is a man of practicality. So he gets you a self care box!
He kind of throws everything into it, multiple body washes and bath bombs, a variety of different scents- he has more experience in self preservation instead of self care. But just from the amount of... stuff inside- it's clear he thought a lot about it!
When he gives the box to you he has a little trouble explaining what it's for. It's a rare sight to see, Rio stumbling flustered over his words trying to explain he wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself in ways outside his understanding. If you offer to show him how to use all the stuff he got you, he'll gladly accept!
Fling Posse
Ramuda gives you an outfit he specifically designed! In his mind, there's nothing more meaningful than something made from hand.
He’s poured over it for weeks, wanting it to be absolutely perfect for his perfect partner. Ramuda knows your tastes to the smallest detail, so he knew just what to do to make sure you'd like it. And its comfortable too!! Made with the softest fabric he could buy, so despite whatever flashiness it has it's super comfy to wear.
When actually giving it to you, he makes you model it right in front of him! He's kicking his feet and squealing as you twirl around in whatever he gives you, excited to see you in something he created.
mfeafeiafjewamawe Gentaro gifts you a notebook.
It's unsuspecting first, with a plain, brown, leather bound cover. He's unusually casual about it too, handing it to you under his sleeve with a meek smile. Usually, Gentaro would make a show about whatever gift he gives you, jokingly saying you should bow to his feet in praise for his effort.
However, once you open up the notebook, you'd find it's filled with words of love. Poems, short stories, letters, all of it written by Gen to you. It's so, sickenly sweet and romantic you'd never expect it from him. When you look back at him after peeking through, he's red in the face, flustered to hear whatever feedback you may have.
Dice gives you a special lucky charm!!
He spent months hunting it down. Seeking through pawn shops and all the shady back alley sellers he knows. When Dice gets a good idea in his mind, he sticks to it thoroughly, the only thing on his mind being the joyous reaction he expects you to have.
And what does he give you? The matching piece to his earring of course! If you don't wear earrings, he'll have it converted to a keychain so you can carry it on your bag. Dice thinks it's the perfect good luck charm, both for him and for you :3
fewafewafewfeaw Jakurai gets you one of those mini books that's like "30 things I love about you."
You know, the ones that have a different prompt for each page that you have to fill in. Despite the small space, he gets really detailed, and it's so sweet and romantic and yuck !!! They're all wildly different responses, ranging from how he thinks you always look wonderful to how he thinks you truly saved his life just by being in it.
When Jakurai hands the book to you he's shy about it, apologizing about the responses because he wasn't able to fit all he wanted to say. Of course, he'll gladly say it in person if you're insistent 😚😚😚
Hifumi comes to your door with a bouquet of flowers. He's all smiles as he stuffs petals and stems in your face.
Ooh, he was insistent on picking out the flowers himself. Hifumi has a company discount with the local flower shop his club works with- so he was all in on getting as many different flowers as he could find (as in, all the flowers he found pretty[as in, all of them]).
He also put together the bouquet himself!! It's a little messy, with some broken stems and falling petals. However, he's just so happy to give it to you that you can't help but find it adorable.
Doppo gets matching keychains for you guys!
He likes being subtle about a lot of things, including his affections. The keychains he gets are the type that look regular on their own, but together they can link to form a heart or your initials or something romantic like that.
Doppo will often link your keychains together in public, smiling to himself as he sees the connection. Whenever he gets anxious in public and he's alone, he'll hold onto the keychain tightly, being reminded of you. Yes, while it was a gift to you it also was a gift to himself, to have a reminder of you with him always :CC
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko is so shit at giving gifts I'm so sorry. He has to ask his friends what gifts to get you and they're all so sick of it LMAO. Ichiro tells him to take you out somewhere, and that eventually gives him the perfect idea for a gift.
Kuko says his gift to you is a day of him being on his best behavior. He says it with a smug smile, expecting you to tell him how good of a present it is and is shocked to see your confusion.
He gets legitimately upset when you tell him that his best behavior shouldn't be a gift. The day ends with him promising you that he'll get you an even better gift next time, which leads him back to the drawing board as this dude is just so, so shit at giving gifts.
Jyushi writes a song for you!
He's not the lyricist for his band but he has a heavenly voice to back up whatever he writes. But he puts EVERYTHING into writing the song for you. Jyushi throws in references to your relationship, to specific dates or moments in time, to things only the two of you would know. He sees it as his magnum opus, and is very very proud of being able to perform it to you.
If his band doesn't want to perform the song with him he makes Kuko and Hitoya help him. Sure, it may have taken a few tear filled begs, but with their help he's able to perform the song he spent so much time working on, just for you
Hitoya makes you a playlist!
He's a bit of a classic guy, and would've made you a mixtape if anyone still used those on the daily lol. There's a lot of different memories within your relationship related to different songs, and he wanted to compile all of them for you two to listen together. Hitoya makes the picture of the playlist a photo of you two on your first anniversary, one where you're holding hands by the sunset and smiling.
It's sweet, cause he plays it first without telling you what it is. With every song that passes you recognize where it's from, and he's left smiling like a kid when you beam with joy asking him if he really made a playlist for you.
Dotsuitare Hompo
Sasara gets you a build-a-bear bear!!
He goes in store alone to buy it, and goes a little overboard in designing it. Sasara gets a bunch of overpriced accessories, stuffs it a little too much with stuffing, and picks one of the most expensive dolls because it was the cutest.
Sasara records his own voice messages so they could play whenever you squeeze the doll's hand. And oh my goodness, he recorded so many. There's multiple shitty jokes, several wild compliments, and a myriad of 'I love yous' said in various different tones. Just don't hug it too much, he might get jealous ehehe.
Rosho gets you whatever you want.
He gets really concerned when trying to get you gifts, worrying over what you would like best, if you already have it, or if you'd think it's too much/too little. So, eventually he'll just go ahead and ask you what you want as a present.
As long as it's in reason, of course. If you say some ludicrous thing like a yacht or a new car, Rosho will get sad and say you know he can't afford such luxurious (why would you do that to him LMAO). But he'll take you to the shops and have you pick out anything you want, buying it with no question as he just wants you to know he loves you so so so much :CC
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A little late to post on Christmas but fwjhshshshshf. I tried to keep it neutral on the occasion since not everyone celebrates holidays and Kuko canonically doesn't know who Jesus is. I lowk couldn’t think of anything for Saburo so that’s why he’s not here bakbdkdbdksns
This isn't my best work as I was a little too tired to put these into anything else other than thought formatting but whtverrrr
I hope you enjoyed !!! I'll see if I can post anything else b4 the new year but eheheehhehe we all know me
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inkdrinkerworld · 10 months
Hi honey! How are you? It’s my birthday today and I have the birthday blues :’) I feel very lonely, unloved and very scared to grow up tbh. Could I request a fluffy fic with James or Sirius to cheer me up a little bit and make me feel loved? If you have too much requests it is totally fine, just ignore this :)
happy birthday my darling! i’m sorry you have the birthday blues :( i’m going with both of them in a kinda poly!situation except there’s no remus i hope you don’t mind!!
sirius knows the emotions well- the weirdness that settles in your chest that comes from growing a year older, from knowing that you’re changing and could possibly outgrow the people you love.
james identifies with the ‘wanting to make it not so heavy’ part and he goes all out.
you’d sounded so down on the phone that your boyfriends just had to do something on top of what they’d already planned.
james filled the tub and set a glittery mint bath bomb in, while sirius emptied out your favourite takeout in your special bowl and filled your cup with peach iced tea.
“i’m home boys,” even your voice sounds done. sirius coos as you step into the flat and you try for a smile.
“we got you some things, and before you protest you did tell jamie to save his spending for birthdays, anniversaries and christmas.”
that pulls a little smile from you. “here’s mine first.”
sirius gifts you two boxes, one bulky and one thin. you open the little one first and find a dainty heart locket laying on a chain.
you’d been eyeing a locket for the longest time, “flip it over,” on the back are his initials and james’.
“siri,” you’re water logged. he kisses your cheek just as james comes out to the foyer.
“angel, wait for mine!” you giggle wetly as james rushes to the bedroom for his gifts.
his are three boxes stacked on one another.
“do one of james’ and then my last one,” you nod, ripping through two of james’ boxes.
one is a tennis bracelet and the other is a pair of dangly star shaped pearly earrings.
“jamie! i love them,” you kiss his lips.
you hold sirius’ last gift and rip it open carefully. instantly your eyes tear up- it’s two books, the good omens book and a herbalism book that you’d been eyeing for some time.
“sirius, thank you so much,” the boy wipes your tears away and kisses your reddening nose.
“you’re welcome, doll,” he brushes your jaw, “jamie’s last gift goes with this.”
you open james’ last one and tear up even more. it’s a green sprout bookmark.
“you boys spoil me,” they both laugh.
“the time for spoiling is far from over, we set up the bath and we’ve got some movies loaded up and your favourite take out.”
“you guys are the best,” you blubber, pulling them both in for a hug.
“we just love you, angel. so much.”
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 1 year
Tender Moments with Michael Myers (RZ)
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Arts and Crafts . Something good he picked up from his time at Smiths Grove (practically the only thing) is his mastery of papier-mâché. He's gonna to make you the most intricate and beautiful masks. The first mask he ever made you, a monarch butterfly, sits proudly in a shadow box.
Sex. It might not sound tender to you, but sex is a sacred thing to Michael. He was almost afraid of intimacy, well into the first year of your relationship. But Michael learned that, being a man of few words, he finds it difficult to express with words how he feels. His love language is definitely touch.
Hand holding. Piggybacking on the previous hc, hand holding is another way he shows his affection. He is ,to this day, scared of it though. Is his hand too rough, too clammy? Too scarred? Just tell him you love it and he'll never stop. After awhile, it's almost a security blanket for him.
Movies. Don't take him to a theater, please. For everyone's benefit. He's more of a Netflix and chill kinda guy. He loves those old sci-fi movies, like the og King Kong and Godzilla. And he also loves a good Hammer Horror (Christopher Lee as Dracula) it reminds him of days his mom was off work.
Cooking. It's not so much him doing the cooking as it is you cooking for him. And it's not a misogyny thing, it's a comfort. It's the idea that you would take time out of your day to take care of him. To be honest all you need to do is empty out of Campbell's chicken noodle soup into it pan throw it in the microwave and he's good.
Bath time. Again it's not a sex thing it's an intimacy thing. Plus we all know baby boy needs a bath he stinky. He'll fight you tooth and nail at first, but the first time you pop in a bath bomb? You literally could see the stress and The Angst™️ wash off of his body.
Your song
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@gao-growl got the idea of Vash trying Bathbombs and skin care item for the Reverse Isekai AU. How could I not?!?!?!
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Self care
Reverse Isekai au
"You haven't tried a bath since you got here?" You asked as Vash joined you at the table for lunch. You were happy to see he had become comfortable walking without a shirt within the few short weeks since he'd arrived in your world.
"I tried, but the tub in my bathroom is too small. I'd much rather use yours."
"Mine really isn't all that fancy." You shrugged as you sat down with your plate.
"It has little back massaging jet's in it! That's way more than fancy! That's luxury!"
I mean, sometimes I want to fully submerge myself. Is that luxurious?" You tilted your head. Your family had always had a hot tub, or a jet bathtub in the family cabin you called home.
"I'm just saying that you're so short, why do you need that big of a bathtub in your bathroom? You could fit two people in there!" Vash grumbled.
"And what if that was the point?" You raised your eyebrow. The blush on his face was hidden by the large bite of his food he used to keep himself from speaking any more. You were surprised he hadn't made that joke himself, "Well, I wouldn't mind letting you use my bathtub if you don't fit in yours. Maybe toss in some bubbles for a bubble bath."
"A.. bubble bath?" He questioned, but you didn't answer.
Later in the day, you led Vash up to your bathroom, and opened the cabinet to show your array of bath products. Extra shampoo and conditioner, body washes, as well as face cleaning products. You picked up a small colorful ball that was wrapped in plastic wrap, giving it a smell before holding it up to Vash. He made a contented noise upon smelling it, nodding in agreement.
"You wanna use this bath bomb?" You offered.
"B-Bomb? You said no firearms outside of the lock boxes!" He backed away, his arms up to guard his face.
"No, no, Vash, these dissolve in water and make the water all soapy. You just drop them in the water." You giggled at his reaction. He has reactions like that sometimes.
When you introduced him to beef jerky, he was surprised when it was soft, and not the brick of Tomas meat. You introduced him to the little camping trigger lighter, and he flinched before realizing it was just a little flame. Let's just say that music with saxophones was… a work in progress…
He seemed to relax as you sneak past him, and began drawing the bath water. As you wait, you grab a few more products from the cabinet, as well as some towels.
"What are those for?"
"After you get out and rinse off, I want to do a little skin routine with you. Just a simple cleaning of your face, and a little moisturizer. Just let me know when you're done, and I'll come back in and help you with it."
"Ah. I was kinda hoping you would stay. We could keep talking while I take a bath." His face had a deep red across it as he struggled to keep eye contact, "it can be difficult to get out of a tub without my arm." He flexed the hand of his prosthetic arm.
"S-sure, but for privacy, I'll probably chill in the shower." You motioned to the wall that sectioned off the shower on the left.
"I'd be okay with that." He seemed to relax a bit.
Soon the bath water was filled in the tub, and Vash noted it was a comfortable temperature. You dropped the bathbomb in, and it thunked on the bottom before resurfacing and began fizzing.
Vash seemed to tense up, but you took his hand and you watched as the water became covered in a layer of soap, looking like a little Galaxy as the bath bomb floated around the tub.
You grabbed a pillow from your room to sit on. When you returned, you walked in on a shirtless Vash, wincing as he removed his prosthetic.
"That looks painful." You frowned.
"You get used to it. It's better than when I first started out." He gave a gentle smile your way, hinting that you shouldn't worry about it. You mimicked his smile, and made your way back to the shower, making yourself comfortable on the shower chair, facing away from Vash, even though there was already a wall between you.
You heard the subtle noise of his pants being removed, and he carefully slipped into the tub. He gave a contented sigh, relishing in the warm water.
"This is really nice. A hot bath never felt this nice when you'd be back to sweating just after getting out." He spoke, a smile on his voice.
"Yeah, sorry you ended up somewhere so cold."
"You said it gets warmer though. I've always wanted to see snow and the ocean. The warm weather will get here eventually." He remained optimistic.
When Vash was content with the amount of time spent in the tub, he began to drain the water. He allowed you to make your way out of the showering area before grabbing a towel.
Wrapping his waist before hopping into the shower, he rinsed off the excess soap from his body. Towel once again on his waist, he found you sitting on the bathroom counter. A small array of bottles at your side.
"Ah, that face routine. You know I can just wash my face in the shower, right?"
"If you're not rinsing your face with cold water afterwards, your skin could get dry, and your pores don't close properly. Now come here and let me wash your face." You made grabby hands at him. With a chuckle, he stood against the counter between your legs.
Up close he was so beautiful. More than the anime or manga had ever shown. The scars covering his visible torso were a little gruesome, but he wouldn't be Vash without them. They added to his beauty and you never found them upsetting, unless you thought about all of the various ways he could have received them.
He bent down slightly so you could press the cleansing cloth to his face, his eyes closed as you gently rubbed his face. His body seemed to relax and a content hum left him. Taking a dry wipe, you pumped a little of the moisturizer onto it, spreading the cold liquid on his face. He seemed a little uncomfortable at the change, but didn't object.
Once you were done, you tossed the two wipes in the trash. Wiping your hands on your shorts, Vash opened his eyes, and smiled.
"Wow, that does feel nice."
"See? Your face felt so soft once it had a little moisture added!" You grabbed the bottle of lotion on your left.
"Hey, Vash, wanna make the rest of you all soft? We could use that lotion. Got any rough skin spots?"
"We might as well fill the tub with it." He chuckled.
"Well, why don't I start with your chest and back? You can get your legs and other stuff on your own." You offered. He pondered a minute before nodding permission.
"Let me put my arm back on first." He commented, sliding his way over to the tank of the toilet where his arm sat. He winced once again as it clicked back into place. He rolled his shoulders, and tested the movement of his fingers and other joints. Content, he returned to his spot between your legs, "Where do you want me?" He gave a hollow smile.
You instructed him to face away from you so you could start with his back. You started at his left shoulder, giving his back a massage as you made your way down his shoulder, stopping just before the prosthetic. The skin around the border of metal and skin was definitely chapped, despite the healing from its apparent application. You were very careful in this spot.
You didn't spend too much time on his right shoulder either, since you planned to get his whole right arm once he turned around.
His back, however, was a different story. You were very delicate with the largest scar over his right shoulder, and the grate near his ribs. You made sure the lotion was properly rubbed in over every inch, lastly rubbing circles into the small of his back with your thumbs.
"Okay, you can turn around now."
"That was so relaxing." Vash's face was a deep shade of red. You wondered if he'd ever been touched so intimately.
"Well, you're about to be more relaxed. I gotta get your arm, and chest." You motioned for him to come closer. He obliged, and you once again rubbed more lotion into his chest. You were gonna have to buy this stuff in bulk. A bathtub full might not be enough. As you rubbed the lotion into his chest, it got you thinking.
"You know, Angel, you deserve to feel comfortable in your body."
"I do take care of my body."
"Having the body of sculpted marble is hot and all, but you're in a space you can be touchable now. You have resources to take care of yourself in a loving way, not just the ways for survival. Please take advantage of those. They don't have to be luxuries anymore." You told him. He seemed quiet for a bit while you rubbed in the last bit of lotion around that cute little cross scar on his hip.
"You're right. I've spent so long just… getting by. Surviving. I can finally rest now. Sometimes I can hardly believe it."
"You can spend the rest of your life in peace now, Vash. Nothing's gonna hurt us here." You said, leaning your forehead onto his chest. His arms surrounded you after a moment, and a gentle squeeze of a hug.
"I can rest now." He said as an affirmation.
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mercurygray · 2 months
Hii Merc, could I please request #11. "the lover in the sky" for Fred and Brady? Thank you <3 — @shoshiwrites
Thanks for letting me take my time on this one, @shoshiwrites! I hope you don't mind Fred's having...a bit of a crisis.
There was a shiver in the air.
Fred hefted the empty coffee thermos into the back of the jeep, grateful that it had been a busy day and the thing was mostly empty. She was glad she'd thought to bring her tanker jacket, earlier - the warm one with the good zipper that fit nicely over her uniform coat. Summer was still cool, and night out on the tarmac cooler still. She'd left Ken and his crews with fresh coffee, the last of the day, and now it was time for home, and bath, and bed.
"Fred!" Lieutenant Brady's voice came up out of the rising dark. "What brings you out here?"
"Passing out the rest of the coffee. Ken said it was going to be a long night." She paused, and followed his eyes in the direction of the plane, Brady's Crash Wagon in large friendly letters on the side. (Everyone had heard that story, about how he'd brought the thing in from Greenland on no wheels, and they'd renamed it shortly after.) "I could ask you the same thing."
"Checking in on her," he said with a smile. "Looks pretty good, doesn't she?"
"I wouldn't know," Fred admitted with a good-natured shrug. "I've never been inside one." Not even for a little barnstorm, she wanted to add, before someone starting laughing about the absurdity of working at at airbase and never having actually been inside a plane. City girls don't take plane rides at county fairs - and Clubmobile women take boats to Europe.
Brady, however, wasn't laughing. "Do you want to?" he asked, sincere as anything. She snorted, and then realized he was serious, and shrugged in assent. "Are your fellows all done inside, Herb?" Brady asked, shouting under the belly towards the mechanic and his box of tools.
"It's your ship, Lieutenant," Herb said. "I'll leave the stairs out, for when you both need to come back down. You got a flashlight? It's getting mighty dark out here."
Brady waved his and Herb nodded and let them be, Brady steering her towards the tail of the plane and the hatch with its folded down stairs. "Here, you'd better take this," he said, handing over the flashlight, warm from his pocket. "Once you get up top, go along the gangway and watch your feet."
"Don't you want to go first?"
He shook his head. "Ladies first," he said, and waved her on forward.
It was dark, here in the tail of the fort, the only light the two large panels in the sides with their machine guns standing at the ready. She fumbled for a moment with the flashlight until it finally turned on, the small beam casting here and there over the inside of the plane. It felt like being inside the attic of an old house, seeing the ribs of the aircraft jutting out of the walls at regular intervals, the panel of the floor creaking as she made her way around the guns and the bubble of the turret and its enormous oxygen tank, carefully passing by a chair and radio to an even smaller gangway, and passing between an enormous empty space. "Bomb bay," she heard Brady say behind her. "Careful there, there's a step up past the turret. Go left once you're up there."
The step up was over a large opening that must have led to the nose - the light was slightly better down there. Fred hoisted herself up and tried not to move anything, flipping the flashlight off to appreciate the scene in the last bit of light from the sunset. All of this to put a piece of metal in the sky.
Brady climbed up into the right-hand seat, pleased as anything. "How on earth do you manage all of this all at once?" Fred said, trying to make sense of the buttons and switches, each with a name and label more arcane than the last.
"It's just practice," he offered, "A lot of flight hours. And there's a checklist we go through when we start - fuel levels, pumps, ignition switches. Then we pump and prime the engines and start them one by one. Put your hand here," he said, gesturing to the handle between the two seats. "When we're ready on the runway for takeoff, you'd push this forward -" his hand closed around hers on the double-handled throttle - "and away she goes."
She felt strangely powerful, her hand gripping the bar of the throttle, empowered by the feeling of his hand on top of hers. "So," he said. "What do you think?"
Fred looked out the windows once more. Around them the airfield was deep orange and purple, the sun nearly finished setting over the distant tops of the trees. They weren't all that high up, here in the cockpit, but it was still somehow both wonderful and strange to see the field from this height, and pick out the lights just starting to come on in the distance, the pairs of headlights winking and swerving out of the gates.
"Amazing," she said, her voice full of emotions she didn't know she had. All of this could go up into the sky, and fly and fight and come back down again. Day after day, week after week. Hundreds of men, in hundreds of planes, all of it part of one vast, uncountable effort, beautiful and yet terrible in its beauty.
She looked over at Brady, sitting sideways in the copilot's seat, one foot dangling over the door below, and didn't even have time to think about what was happening before he'd leaned over and kissed her right in the middle of her laughing lips.
Time stopped for a moment, and for a bare second it was only the two of them in the dark, breathing together, lips warm.
"You look so pretty now," he offered, almost breathless. And then his smile fell, and the light went out of his eyes. "Fred, please, say something."
There was pressure behind her temples, a high whine between her ears, a magneto that wasn't powering on. Words failed to connect. "…I think I need to leave."
She didn't quite know where she was going - she'd left the flashlight up front with him. She stumbled down out of the cockpit, taking the easiest route out and launching herself out of the pilot's door onto the dark ground below, the asphalt jarring her knees and eating into her hands.
Somewhere behind her she heard him call her name in the dark, but she was starting the jeep and fumbling it into first, hands shaking against the wheel and feeling like her whole heart was about to burst in her chest the same way she had in the cockpit, filled to the brim with the thought of all that love and all those lovers in the sky.
Her heart was still pounding when she parked and made her way back to the Clubmobile, leaning her forehead against its smooth, safe metal side. It's against the rules. This is against the rules. He kissed me. John Brady kissed me.
And the loudest, strongest thought of all - no one told us at training what to do when you don't know if you don't mind.
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timottea · 1 year
10 and 7 together please🥺husband timo
thank you for requesting!! i hope you like husband timo 💗 (dialogue prompts taken from here if you want to send any and i'll happily write some drabbles)
“i don’t feel like cooking,” timothée sighs, curls falling into his eyes as he ambles down the darkening street. he brushes them away impatiently, scrunching his nose as he looks back at your face lighting up his phone screen. “how does takeout sound?”
in lieu of response, you lift the pizza box triumphantly into shot, watching his features soften in gratitude.
“fuck, you’re incredible,” he moans obscenely, making the tips of your ears burn.
“love you too,” you smirk, moving around the bathroom, opening the cabinets to search through your bath bombs.
the apartment is lit with candles; it smells divine, and the flickering flames are soothing and relaxing to watch as you fill the bath with bubbles. after his nineteen hour shoot day, it’s the least you can do for him.
“i just wanna be home,” timothée grumbles, his disgruntled face reappearing on screen. “i miss your face. your in person face.”
you smile sadly as the signal glitches for a moment, then angle your phone so he can see the steady flow of water streaming into the bath. “i know, baby. there’s a bath running already, i know it was a long day for you.”
“have i told you i love you lately?”
“only every day,” you grin cheekily, propping your phone up on the bathroom sink so that you can pull your shirt over your head.
timothée almost collides with a tree.
he fumbles. the phone shakes in his hands, the view of your husband suddenly replaced by a blurry few seconds of new york city skyscrapers.
you stifle a laugh, biting your lip to hide your amusement as you hear him curse out the uneven sidewalk he just tripped over.
your smile, radiant, is what greets him once he regains his footing. he’ll have to chase his heart, at least put it on a lead, as it races ahead, an entire avenue in front of him as it yearns to reach you.
“chère, you’re naked.” 
smooth, chalamet. it’s a good job you’re already married.
“and you’re not naked. hurry up, gorgeous,” you chastise, opening the pizza box and nibbling on a slice.
“listen, i love you, but i’m not running,” timothée chuckles, though despite his exhaustion he does pick up his pace a little.
“not running, huh?” your voice lilts with the question and you watch your husband’s jaw clench. 
“baby…” he warns, throat bobbing as he swallows.
you tilt your phone until, agonizingly, all he can do is watch as you lower yourself into the bath, the water velvety smooth as it laps against your skin.
sliding yourself further under the water, you bite your lip, running a hand through your wet hair, suppressing a giggle when timothée breaks into a jog.
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