#how did an originally 3 pages of writing become 13 pages
tc-doherty · 3 months
TC's Practical Writing Tips
Like I said before, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I can teach anyone how to write – that's a level of hubris even I'm not capable of –but in honor of my rapidly approaching ~quarter century of writing original fiction anniversary~, I did figure I would share the tips that I live by when it comes to the act of writing.
So without further ado:
Write it now, fix it later
2. It is always permissible – and usually enjoyable – to write the stupidest possible version
3. "Inspiration" is great for poets, but poison for people who write prose
3.1: if you want to write often, you need to write often, and then you will find that you don't need to be "inspired" because you will have made a habit of it and it will come naturally 3.2: even one sentence a day is still one sentence a day. And even one sentence a week is still one sentence a week. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop 3.3: believing in the concept that you need to be inspired to write will trap you into believing in the concept of writer's block 3.4: if you are having difficulty getting out words that satisfy you, lower your standards and keep writing (see point one)
4. A few months down the line you will not remember which words came easily and which words did not
5. It is always permissible to set a project aside for now, or forever, if you need a break
6. Read widely and often, both in your favorite genres and outside of them
6.1: pay special attention to both things that you love and things that you hate - study them, engage with them, learn what makes yourself tick and your writing can only get stronger
7. Never write for the lowest common denominator, via wise words I once heard: "if you open the window and make love to the world, your story will get pneumonia", have an audience in mind and the people who like what you write will find it
8. Never write for the bad faith critic, those people will always exist and you will need to deal with them at some point if you put your writing in the world, but they don't matter and you cannot live in fear of them
9. It's fine and normal to want engagement and praise, however you must find a way to make the act of writing joyful in and of itself – make the praise the cherry on top, not the entire sunday
9.1: writing is hard work, and it's a lot of work, if you lose the ability to enjoy the journey and are proceeding only for external rewards from others, you will gradually write less and less if the ratio of work to rewards is unsatisfying
10. For anything other than final copy editing, always write a new draft into a new document, or else the words you have already written will trap you from being able to make large, sweeping changes
10.1: any change you make will invariably snowball, and you must give space for that snowball to roll
11. If someone tells you that something doesn't work for them, believe them, because people know what they like. But if people try to tell you what to do to fix it, take that with an entire serving of salt because you are the author, not them
12. It is always morally correct to look at a critique that you received, even if you asked for opinions via beta reading, and decide that it's bullshit and doesn't apply to you
13. "write what you know" means "write what you're interested in"
14. "Show don't tell" applies to screenwriting, not novels. This is the thing that drives me the most insane every time I see it. Novels are words on a page, not images on a screen. They require a lot of telling. Not all telling, but a lot of telling. Become comfortable with that.
15. It is always, ALWAYS acceptable to use "said", do not listen to the lies of others
16. Have fun, do it out of love and you will never go astray
17. Become comfortable with who you are. Your work is always going to be yours and it is always going to sound like you wrote it, and this is a good thing! No one else is ever going to write exactly like you, and you should be proud of that
17.1: the concept of "originality" is vastly overrated, every culture has some version of Cinderella and we still love it. Your writing is yours because you wrote it, and it will always be unique because of that
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cerealandchoccymilk · 11 months
Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1-2, Chapter #08
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CW: Some of my analysis in this post touches the topic of suicidal ideation (there will be a warning around that portion).
I’m doing a deep-read of the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read) side-by-side, and writing down everything I notice from small details, version differences, translation differences, etc.
The volume numbers will be mismatched for most of the remainder of Trigun, since the Japanese first edition is 3 volumes while all later versions are 2 volumes.
As always, here are the non-analysis panels aka just my homosexual mumbling:
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And the rest is under the cut.
[link for if the images aren’t in horizontal rows]
This chapter is the beginning of the Japanese Volume 2, which is from #08 to #13 (plus the pilot as a bonus).
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Starting off with the cool as balls shot of Vash being shot a billion bullets at! I did write "rule of cool" here since I thought he was just magically evading the firing squad. However, on second thought, I think Neon specifically ordered the gang to not actually shoot him, judging by how he says "not bad" immediately afterwards. It's his way to test Vash, to see if he flinches.
[cw sui] The "You ain't afraid of dyin', are ya?!" line stuck out to me a lot... Many rereaders (and I assume first-timers too, at this point in the bookclub) know that Vash is... casually suicidal? I'm not sure if that's the right way to put it, but he doesn't have much of a sense of self-preservation. He's not seeking death, of course, but he's not exactly avoiding it either.... This becomes much more apparent and relevant at the end of Trigun and in Maximum, so I'll leave it until I get to those parts. [/cw]
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Dear god the crotch shot. okay (squeezing this into a row because I don't really want this guy's balls to take up the whole screen lmao)
I've always loved how Nightow draws these circles to show spinning motion in his artwork!! It's simple but it really pops... it's just so so (chef's kiss)
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I wonder just what Vash's next move was going to be here? He's pretty much cornered... but I guess he can always get out of any situation, as he usually does.
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Vash's expression of sheer confusion is golden. I love him lmao
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Meryl!!!!!!!!! Milly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how immediately after he calls Meryl a little girl he gets spooked by the Big Girl instead.
This is not directly translatable, but I find Milly's line here very cute. In Japanese, she says「…私は―― ミリィ…トンプソンとゆいます えとえとイチオー スタンガンミリィとは私のコトをゆいます」 The correct word for "I'm called [smth]" here would be 言います(iimasu), but the pronunciation ゆいます(yuimasu) is a bit childish in this context. If I recall correctly, isn't Milly the youngest of many siblings? Maybe it's a little quirk showing that youngest-sibling aspect of hers.
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Meryl asking Vash to be a "responsible adult" for once.... lol
This is the first time his name has been called since his encounter with Kaito and the beginning of the BL gang' hijack. I completely forgot that Kaito has no idea who he is!! Vash didn't give him a name; he's just been calling him あんた("you") the whole time!!
Excuse the messier handwriting from here on… I was working on this during a car ride.
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A detail in the Japanese version - this line was originally written「おまえが消したって話んなってるJULY(あのまち)だが…」with "JULY" having a ruby pronunciation note of あのまち("that city").
This part was initially written to be a translation suggestion but I decided to just keep it a JP phrasing note:
「あのガレキが俺の見た最初の風景だ」 "That mountain of debris was the first thing I saw."
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Translation suggestion - Here, Neon says「サシの勝負だ」, where サシ means "face-to-face" or "one-on-one." I would say it's more like "This fight is between just the two of us," to show more of the respect Neon has for Vash.
More of this respect is shown in the next page, where they make a promise that Neon will step back if Vash wins the duel. Neon recognizes Vash's skill and ideology, and treats him as an equal.
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And here's the action!
I found interesting that Neon's war-cry/exclamation "ha" was actually written in kanji as 派. The kanji by itself means group or faction, but considering Neon's character, maybe it's supposed to be a reference to the word 派手(hade), meaning "gaudy?"
This duel definitely isn't following regular duel rules... but no one said it was unfair or anything. Maybe this is just how they are in No Man's Land.
Neon shoots with his dynamo-gun (?) instead of his cool engraved pistol.... Anyways, his first strike is at Vash, and they all hit the rocks that are falling between them. Vash then shields himself with one of those rocks by jumping in the same direction as it.
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And he's doing another frontflip!! In sync with the falling rock!! With a wound in his gut!! In midair and upside down, he precisely shoots five rounds into Neon. It hits his dynamo, but looking closely I can see that maybe he got his arm shot too.
A bit of a tangent - many of Neon's actions are reminiscent of old Japanese culture, which is very interesting. His pose during his first appearance in Chapter #05 (how did i remember that. i checked just in case and i was right), where he sort of squats and extends his open palm to the front, is a very stereotypical kabuki pose. Again, I don't know about the specifics of kabuki, but his pose on the the panel where Vash jumps also looks kabuki-esque to me. Neon's respect towards Vash as a fellow gunslinger and his beliefs on dignity reminds me of bushidō. It's not representative of all aspects, of course, but there are definitely elements incorporated in his character.
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This line (including the speech bubble after it) is a bit weird when translated so it will have to be tweaked, but a direct translation would be:
「このままではブレーキングはおろか… 船体ごと爆発する可能性があります!!」 "If it continues like this, the ship itself may blow up, let alone brake!!"
I'm pretty sure "brake" (miswrote in the image, will fix later) here means that they won't be able to put on the brakes due to the boiler malfunction. But I don't know shit about machinery or how to phrase this. (shrug)
That’s it for Chapter #08! As always, the Japanese annotations are in the reblogs.
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sometimesraven · 3 months
20 Questions for AO3 Writers
I was tagged in this FOREVER ago by @the-frankenman-writes I'm sorry it took me so long to get to!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
84,067 (my fics are usually pretty short haha)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Quantum Leap (TV 2022) (18)
Dragon Age (Video Games) (17)
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) (11)
Original Work (10)
Dead by Daylight (Video Game) (10)
The Witcher (TV) (6)
The Sandman (TV 2022) (5)
Doctor Who (5)
Elder Scrolls Online (2)
Critical Role (Web Series) (1)
Torchwood (1)
F.E.A.R. (Video Games) (1)
Mass Effect Trilogy (1)
The Champions (TV 1968) (1)
Baldur's Gate (Video Games) (1)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Cold and Dark (Detroit: Become Human)
Holy, Holy, Holy (Original)
Her Sweet Kiss (The Witcher)
Just A Scratch (The Witcher)
Less Than Stellar Judgement (The Witcher)
(,,, people really like my Geraltskier whump fics huh XD)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I respond to basically every comment I get, even if all I can usually manage is some variation of "sfkgjhsfkgj thank you!!" because I have no idea how to take praise but I want the commenter to know they mean the world to me
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angiest ending?
Ooooooooof uhhhhh probably the little Detroit: Become Human ficlet I did called I Will Go Down. TW for suicide XD But there are a lot of angsty fics on there so who knows lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics end pretty bittersweet but I think Hope (Doctor Who) is one of my happiest endings <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, surprisingly! My fics don't usually have much reach tbf. The only time I got anything close to "hate" was an ableist saying my disabled Dragon Age Inquisition OC is unrealistic to the setting and would likely be "with their clan or dead".
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes! Usually it's abstract (a la Holy, Holy, Holy) or porn with feelings (a la A Tale of Yearning) but I've been known to indulge in a lil PWP on occasion
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Just one! I have an ongoing Torchwood x Quantum Leap crossover 'verse thanks to @chaos-of-the-endless 😂 I also wrote a Baldur's Gate x Dead by Daylight AU recently!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't believe so (please tell me if you ever do!)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no but some of my fics were inspired by other people or based on RP I've done in the past
14. What is your all time favorite ship?
Oh don't even XD uhhhhh right now it's Jenn&Ian from Quantum Leap and Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier from the Witcher but my shipping loves go so far back I could never name an all time favourite
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Family Reunion :( I've been trying to write it for,,,, basically as long as I've been writing but I can never finish it and then years pass and I hate it and think it's cringe and want to start it from scratch, rinse and repeat)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Taking an impulsive headcanon and running with it. I have so many ficlets just because I thought of a headcanon and NEEDED to put it to the page. I also enjoy angst and hurt/comfort, things that expand on already existing angst and make it WORSE :3
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
In fic writing it's definitely description. I tend to get carried away in dialogue and forget to Say Other Stuff but I think I have a good handle on it now. That and smut, I enjoy writing it but I have to be either In The Mood or shut off my brain so I don't cringe so hard I delete it all bc I struggle with explicit content and get embarassed when things I'm writing are at all Kinky bc I have a crippling fear of judgement
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language for a fic?
As a reader I enjoy it! As a writer, just be careful, stick to one or two words rather than full dialogue if you don't have the time or energy to deep-google that shit
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who <3
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
this changes daily but at the moment I'm loving Something More and the rest of my Sandman fics revolving around the dream OC I made for it. I'm in love with them and I enjoy writing their dynamic with the Endless siblings too <3
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this <3
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evilwickedme · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you for tagging me <3
How many works do you have on ao3?
69 lmaooo
what’s your total ao3 word count?
407,178 which is. A lot
What fandoms do you write for?
My current main fandoms are DC comics and marvel comics, but I've also been writing a lil btvs. Historically I've written a fuckton of Harry Potter, The Witcher (TV), a decent amount of leverage and daredevil (TV), the raven cycle, all for the game, and a few other fics in some random fandoms
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
before we get married, I need to get permission from batman; hang on til the chaos is through; in which an entire university becomes far too involved in Pankratz and Vengerberg's love life; This is all just HR paperwork waiting to happen; and The Sound Of My Own Voice (Asking You To Stay)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every single comment, with exactly one exception, that absolutely haunts me. The person just kept replying to me no matter what I said and I couldn't make them stop
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
Mornings, for sure. One of my first ever spideypool fics back from 2016. Peter dies at the end. know we're not together (but I won't forget you) is a close second though
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh I don't know, I have a lot of happy endings but they usually follow a fuckton of angst. Maybe in which the daily planet staff are 100% convinced that the kent-lanes are fucking superman, but I wouldn't call that a traditional ending
Do you get hate on fics?
Nah, although I've had some unnecessarily harsh public bookmarks
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yeah. My first ever smut sucked but then I wrote so much in 2021 for the witcher that I actually got pretty good at it, or at least as mlm sex. I have some body dysmorphia issues around vaginas and I never feel like I write that well. Anyway I tend to go for excessively sweet or incredibly kinky and borderline unhealthy fics
Do you write crossovers?
Only the buffy/jason fic, unless you count daredevil tv and marvel comics or itsv and marvel comics to be crossovers
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! It's incomplete unlike the original fic but someone translated most of I'm a mess (but I'm the mess that you wanted) into Russian. This wasn't the question but @flowerparrish also podficced the first chapter of my jaybuffy fic!!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes but I removed it from my page following an extremely brutal and somewhat traumatizing fight with some of the people I was cowriting it with
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Mmmm I don't know, that's a good question. For a long time I would've answered jily. Spideypool is probably the main contender now, although spuffy could give it a run for its money - despite the fact that I've only written one fic for them (and implied them in my jaybuffy fic), I've adored them since I was 13, which is. Over 12 years ago fuck
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Mmm I'm always hoping I'll finish my wips, but the ones I doubt the most are my yennskier fic (no progress in over a year), my literati fic (although I did make some progress about a month ago), and I don't plan on going back to my drarry Hogwarts professor au for obvious reasons
Edit: OH ALSO the Witcher s2 outsider pov is never ever getting finished I'm sorry I know I promised it to a lot of people in the comments but it's not gonna happen
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterizations imo
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions my fucking God I struggle so much with them
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm fluent in Hebrew and my first ever fic was in Hebrew, so if that came up I'd feel pretty comfortable with it. Anything else I'd have to approach someone who spoke the language, and I'd rather just write it in English and say it was in the other languages
First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter and again, it was in Hebrew. I recently described what it was about to a group of friends who called it, and I quote, "adorable". I was ten or eleven at the time and I do not plan on reposting it.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
That's a toughie. I think probably I'm a mess (but I'm the mess that you wanted), but Under the Pink Hood, Of Three Times Lily Evans Changed Her Mind About James Potter, and know we're not together (but I won't forget you) are all honorable mentions
I'm not a tagger - I usually don't even participate in these kinds of posts - but I guess @not-the-blue @supergirlboy @penny-anna and any other mutual or even follower are invited to participate if you wanna
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vikenticomeshome · 1 month
Cyberchase Web Adventures Episode 4: Numberless Poddles
On April, 13, 2003, the fourth episode of the Cyberchase Web Adventures comic, "Numberless Poddles", was released. The original three-part web comic, "How It All Started" was also rebranded to become Cyberchase Web Adventures Episode 1-3.
This comic was made in the style of the "How it All Started" webcomic, as it was constructed with backgrounds taken from the original "Poddleville Case" pilot. The creators then added drawings on top of these frames. It is known for being a bit more off-the-rails than the "How It All Started" episodes due to some of the backgrounds and characters drawings not fitting together very well. This includes panels that show the stolen Poddle Eggs from the pilot, even though they have nothing to do with this story.
I just want to make it clear that, as far as I can tell, these are the original assets in their original intended placement. I had to re-assemble the panels due to certain assets being spread across multiple archives. However, I did not change anything.
I previously shared pages of this comic on a post that discussed The Hacker's most humiliating defeat. However, this time, I am going to post the whole thing, with the dialogue transcribed.
This comic was originally released for free on the pbskids.org website. It is no longer available, and it was actually fairly difficult to find backups of the images. I am only posting this for the purpose of archiving the content for fans. The only copyright visible is the general website copyright to the Educational Broadcasting Corporation. No specific people were credited for writing, illustrating, or otherwise creating the comic.
As with the three "How It All Started" webcomics, this comic was designed with some simple animations. I cannot reproduce the animations here. However, I have an item on Blue Maxima;a Flashpoint Archive project that reproduces them. That is the place to go for the best possible experience.
Here we go.
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Narration: It's morning in happy Poddleville but it won't be happy for long!
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Narration: Someone took the Poddles numbers away - and the cheerful world of the Poddles has ground to a complete halt! Without knowing their number no poddle knows what to do!
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Narration: Of course - Hacker was behind it. But that meant Buzz and Delete also, er, helped.
The Hacker: Perfect, perfect! Without numbers, the Poddles don't have a - Ha! -- clue who they are.
Delete: Yeah, boss - neither do we!
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The Hacker: But did you hide the Poddleville records somwhere very safe? So we can get them and I can tell each and every Poddle their number, and what they do - and rule this world!
Delete: Yes but-
Buzz: We forgot where, boss!
Narration: Hacker's plan is stopped for now - until he finds those records!
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The Hacker: Do not worry, my little numberless Poddles. I will tell each and every one of you what number you are!
Narration: The Poddles have no choice -- but to follow Hacker if he can give them their numbers back!
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Motherboard: Hacker has taken the numbers away from the Poddles! And he made them forget everything!
Digit: You gotta help the kids find the Poddleville records! So -- what are you waiting for? If you and the kids find the Poddleville records first, you can stop Hacker from ruling Poddleville!
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The Hacker: Well?
Buzz: Um, we haven't exactly found the records yet boss. But I remember we used one of the Poddles Word Machines to give us a clue.
Narration: Digit overhears Buzz! And now it's a race to the Poddleville Word Machine!
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Poddleville Police Officer: Yes, that Buzz and Delete did use our Word Machine
Nezzie: Can you help us find Buzz's clue word
Narration: Press the red button to make letters appear in the white space. Press the blue button when a word is made.
Editor's Note: This very simple puzzle allows us to change the first letter of a 5-letter word. The remaining four letters, which we cannot change, are: "L", "I", "M", and "B". The red button changes the first letter. We start with a "W". Then, we get an "S". Next comes an "F". Then comes a "C". Next comes a "P". Then comes a "D". Then comes a "B". Then the game breaks and fails to load another image. I have all of content, so this is a bug. We know the correct letter is "C", as it is the only one that forms a word, "CLIMB". There's nothing stopping us from clicking the arrow and skipping this puzzle entirely, though.
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Inez: Yes! The clue word is climb but climb where?
Jackie: Um maybe Mount Poddle?!
Narration: The records must be hidden somewhere on top of Mount Poddle! But how will they get there?
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Matt: Oh no! Without their numbers the Poddles don't know how to run the cable car!
Jackie: Can you help us?!
Narration: The cable car machine can take the kids to the top of Poddleville Mountain - if the Poddles can get it working!
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Narration: Poddle Weigh-in
Narration: For the Poddles to get the Cybersquad up to the mountain, they need to know their numbers -- and you can help!
Editor's Note: And now, we play a game of "Poddle Weigh-in". A modernized version of this game, which removes the original storyline, is still on the website.
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Narration: Poddle Weigh-in
Narration: Remember: Poddles all need numbers, but their numbers don't have to do with how big or small their bodies are. You can't judge a Poddle by it's cover!
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Editor's Note: Don't trust your memory of a given Poddle from the pilot. This one is clearly the mayor, who is number "1" in the pilot. However, this Poddle is showing as a number "8" in this game.
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Narration: Meanwhile Hacker finds another way up Mount Poddle!
The Hacker: Now tell me again slowly why did you two hide the records all the way up there!?
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Narration: Are the numbers of each Poddle locked inside the Poddleville Vault?
Digit: Yoiks! Are the records in there?
Jackie: And if they are how will we get in?
Inez: We can figure it out - with the help of the Poddles from the cable car! Come on!
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The Hacker: Oh good, those annoying kids will figure out how to get in - and then we will snatch the record book!
Buzz: Yeah - now I remember, boss. This is where we hid the records!
Narration: Hacker, Buzz and Delete wait to trick the kids!
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Narration: Click on one of the Poddles to go in the red square! Each correct Poddle is part of the combination. Get all four, and the kids are in the vault!
Narration: Hey - you can do this! Put the right Poddle in the red square!
Editor's Note: And now, we solve four simple math equations to unlock the vault. Or we can use the arrow to skip the minigame entirely.
Question #1: _ + 4 = 9
Answer: The Poddle with the number 5.
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Question #2: 8 x _ = 16
Answer: 2
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Question #3: 9 - _ = 0
Answer: 9
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Question #4: _ - 3 = 1
Answer: 4
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Narration: The kids have the Poddle numbers - if they can get past Hacker!
Jackie: We got it! The book with every Poddle's number!
Matt: Uh-oh! looks like we just have to get past Hacker!
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Digit: Try this on for size, Hacker.
The Hacker: Help! Someone turned the lights out!
Jackie: Now they look much better!
Delete: I'm scared!
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Narration: Locked in the vault, Hacker and his pals will have lots of time to chill before they hatch their next evil plan.
Jackie: This should keep them busy for awhile.
Inez: Let's go give the Poddles back their numbers!
Matt: And we couldn't have done it - without you!
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Narration: Looks like Hacker will have to do some real thinking to get out of this one!
The Hacker: Well, this lock can't be too difficult, just have to put - um -- the right numbers in. I mean, how hard can it be?
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Digit: He didn't win this time!
Motherboard: Thank you - all of you - for stopping Hacker.
Jackie: And Hacke will never win because -
Matt: We've got his number - and it's a zero!
And so, that is the end of this comic.
Now, what did I think of it? It is bizarre. I know the "How it All Started" comics were a little weird, and they didn't always integrate their characters with their backgrounds. However, this is on a whole different level.
You have grainy footage of the pilot episode with non-grainy stickers of the children and Digit on top of it.
You have a shot showing Matt, Jackie, and Inez as they appeared in the pilot with Digit added as a sticker, since we wasn't in the pilot.
You have those stolen Poddle eggs in a few shots, even thought they have nothing to do with the story.
You have The Hacker's infamous double chin, where they put their drawing of Hacker's face on top of his face, as he appeared in the screenshot of the pilot that they are using as the background. They replaced part of his chin from the background with what looks like an electrical cable.
Inez still has her purple star, because they reused the assets from the "Meet the Cybersquad" character bios.
You have The Hacker, Buzz, and Delete in their "giant mode", where The Hacker is about half the size of Mount Poddle, and Delete is towing him up the mountain.
They followed this up with the smallest Hacker ever, peeking out from behind a bush.
They added mini-games, but then, with the exception of "Poddle weigh-in, you can just skip them. With "How It All Started", you did have to beat all of the minigames to move forward.
You have The Hacker's most humiliating defeat, where the kids and Digit stop him with giant Happy Birthday hats.
The kids lock The Hacker, Buzz, and Delete in the Poddleville Vault and leave him to die, which is fucking cold. They know this man needs regular recharges, and they know that Buzz and Delete are too dumb to solve the problem. This feels like an AU where the kids permanently stopped The Hacker
You have Motherboard's congratulation scene with her photo-shopped onto a poorly-drawn flat screen television. The Poddles are running away in terror. This is because the scene that they took from the pilot to use as the background is from when the Mayor of Poddleville is trying to maintain calm, but the tent is collapsing.
10/10. It's perfect. I wouldn't change a damn thing.
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drwilfredwaterson · 8 months
Recognizing and Responding To The Adversary of the Abrahamic Faiths and All of The Adversary's Servants, Slaves, and Allies. Part 1/13.
“Forever is composed of nows.” ― Emily Dickinson
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
“How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.” ― Henry David Thoreau
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein
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When your ass seems lost, have faith; you're on your way to the next time and place of the opportunity you're prepared for: being a crucial part of Earth's big, beautiful picture…
August 4, 2015 = 19th of Av, 5775 Parashat Eikev י״ט בְּאָב תשע״ה Parashat Eikev is the 46th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. Torah Portion: Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25 In Eikev (“As a Result”), Moses recounts events that happened in the desert, including the manna, the golden calf, and Aaron's death. Moses describes the blessings God will bestow upon the Israelites if they follow God’s law and the punishments they will encounter if they disobey.
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ - Theatrical Trailer #1
Published: June 27, 2015 (178th day) Duration: 2:20 (140 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z_nWwKBiRw 5z_nWwKBiRw z_nWwKBiRw biknrwwwz 2+9+10+40+80+900+900+900+500=3341. 3341+5=3346. 3346+140=3486. 3486+178=3664.
Strong's Concordance #3664 kanas: to gather, collect, assemble, conference, to enfold, to wrap, clean (Yiddish) Original Word: כָּנַס
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’-Three Minutes: Temporal Do-over…Frieza's Cremation
August 4, 2015 (216th day) Duration: 2:24 (144 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_e7btKE1mQ J_e7btKE1mQ J_ebtKEmQ beejkmqt 2+5+5+600+10+30+70+100=822. 822+7+1=830. 830+144=974. 974+216=1190.
Strong's Concordance #1190 Baal Shalishah: "Baal of Shalishah," feminine from shalash; trebled land; to do a third time, divide into three parts; "Husband of three" Original Word: בַּעַל שָׁלִשָׁה
Ross Geller was married and divorced three times (once to Rachael Green) before ending up married to Rachael and them having a baby. So technically, Ross Geller only actually had three wives and ended up having a baby with the one he was meant to be with the whole time. Gotta love happy endings! (Friends)
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 587: 1 Samuel 9:3 Once the asses of Saul's father Kish went astray, and Kish said to his son Saul, "Take along one of the servants and go out and look for the asses." 1 Samuel 9:4 He passed into the hill country of Ephraim. He crossed the district of Shalishah, but they did not find them. They passed though the district of Shaalim, but they were not there. They traversed the [entire] terriroty of Benjamin, and still they did not find them. 1 Samuel 9:5 When they reached the district of Zuph, Saul said to the servant who was with him, "Let us turn back, or my father will stop worring about the asses and begin to worry about us." 1 Samuel 9:6 But he replied, "There is a man of God in that town, and the man is highly esteemed; everything that he says comes true. Let us go there; perhaps he will tell us about the errand on which we set out." 1 Samuel 9:7 "But if we go," Saul said to his servant, "what can we bring the man? For the food in our bags is all gone, and there is nothing we can bring to the man of God as a present. What have we got?" 1 Samuel 9:8 The servant answered Saul again, "I happen to have a quarter-shekel of silver. I can give that to the man of God and he will tell us about our errand."-- 1 Samuel 9:9 Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he would say, "Come, let us go to the seer," for the prophet of today was formerly called a seer.-- 1 Samuel 9:10 Saul said to his servant, "A good idea; let us go." And they went to the town where the man of God lived. 1 Samuel 9:11 As they were climbing the ascent to the town, they met some girls coming out to draw water, and they asked them, "Is the seer in town?" 1 Samuel 9:12 "Yes," they replied, "He is up there ahead of you. Hurry, for he has just come to the town because the people have a sacrifice at the shrine today. 1 Samuel 9:13 As soon as you enter the town, you will find him before he goes up to the shrine to eat; the people will not eat until he comes; for he must first bless the sacrifice and only then will the guests eat. Go up at once, for you will find him right away." 1 Samuel 9:14 So they went up to the town; and as they were entering the town, Samuel came out toward them, on his way up to the shrine. 1 Samuel 9:15 Now the day before Saul came, the Lord had revealed the following to Samuel: 1 Samuel 9:16 "At this time tomorrow, I will send a man to you from the territory of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him ruler of My people Israel. He will deliver My people from the hands of the Philistines; for I have taken note of My people, their outcry has come to Me." 1 Samuel 9:17 As soon as Samuel saw Saul, the Lord declared to him, "This is the man that I told you would govern My people."
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Pages 610 and 611: 1 Samuel 17:31 The things David said were overheard and were reported to Saul, who had him brought over. 1 Samuel 17:32 David said to Saul, "Let no man's courage fail him. Your servant will go and fight that Philistine!" 1 Samuel 17:33 But Saul said to David, "You cannot go to that Philistine and fight him; you are only a boy, and he has been a warrior from his youth!" 1 Samuel 17:34 David replied to Saul, "Your servant has been tending his father's sheep, and if a lion or a bear came and carried off an animal from the flock, 1 Samuel 17:35 I would go after it and fight it and rescue it from its mouth. And if it attacked me, I would seize it by the beard and strike it down and kill it. 1 Samuel 17:36 Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and that uncircumcised Philistine shall end up like one of them, for he has defied the ranks of the living God. 1 Samuel 17:37 The Lord," David went on, "who saved me from lion and bear will also save me from that Philistine." "Then go," Saul said to David, "and may the Lord be with you!" 1 Samuel 17:38 Saul clothed David in his own garment; he placed a bronze helmet on his head and fastened a breastplate on him. 1 Samuel 17:39 David girded his sword over his garment. Then he tried to walk; but he was not used to it. And David said to Saul, "I cannot walk in these, for I am not used to them." So David took them off. 1 Samuel 17:40 He took his stick, picked a few smooth stones from the wadi, put them in the pocket of his shepherd's bag and, sling in hand, he went toward the Philistine. 1 Samuel 17:41 The Philistine, meanwhile, was coming closer to David, preceded by his shield-bearer. 1 Samuel 17:42 When the Philistine caught sight of David, he scorned him, for he was but a boy, ruddy and handsome. 1 Samuel 17:43 And the Philistine called out to David, "Am I a dog that you come against me with sticks?" The Philistine cursed David by his gods; 1 Samuel 17:44 and the Philistine said to David, "Come here, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the sky and the beasts of the field." 1 Samuel 17:45 David replied to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin; but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the ranks of Israel, whom you have defied. 1 Samuel 17:46 This very day the Lord will deliver you into my hands. I will kill you and cut off your head; and I will give the carcasses of the Philistine camp to the birds of the sky and the beasts of the earth. All the earth shall know that there is a God in Israel. 1 Samuel 17:47 And this whole assembly shall know that the Lord can give victory without sword or spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and He will deliver you into our hands." 1 Samuel 17:48 When the Philistine began to advance toward him again, David quickly ran up to the battle line to face the Philistine. 1 Samuel 17:49 David put his hand into the bag; he took out a stone and slung it. It struck the Philistine in the forehead; the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell face down on the ground.
Fall Out Boy - Centuries
Published: October 17, 2014 (290th day) Duration: 4:32 (272 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBr7kECsjcQ LBr7kECsjcQ LBrkECsjcQ bccejklqrs 2+3+3+5+600+10+20+70+80+90=883. 883+7=890. 890+272=1162. 1162+290=1452.
Strong's Concordance #1452 Gederathi: inhabitant of Gederah (a hedged, enclosed, fenced, or walled place) Original Word: גְּדֵרָתִי
"I keep waiting for the roof to cave in. I was raised to follow the Golden Rule, you know, treat people the way you wish to be treated. That's kind of the way I live my life. Maybe someone up there likes me for that." - Matt LeBlanc
"The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us, and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone." - George Eliot
Boleskine House: New fire rips through Aleister Crowley's former home and collapses what was left of the roof Published: 31 July 2019 Firefighters have tackled another blaze at the ruined former home of notorious occultist Aleister Crowley. Boleskine House, overlooking Loch Ness, was badly damaged by a blaze in 2015 and the ruin was sold earlier this year. Crowley was said to have performed occultist rituals at the property when he lived there between 1899 and 1913. The B-listed Georgian building was later owned by musician Jimmy Page, of Led Zeppelin. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said the alarm was raised shortly before 16:00 on Wednesday and two appliances were sent to the property. Police Scotland said it believed the fire was started deliberately and has appealed for witnesses. The Friends of Boleskine House later posted on Facebook that the coach house had been saved but what was left of the roof of Boleskine House had collapsed. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-49186622
I will give you to G-d (Hebrew), All mankind is with G-d (Yiddish): אַלְ מָנ וּת אֶתְ נָהאֲ בִ י אֵל
491 Strong's Concordance #491 almanuth: widowhood, discarded, forsaken Original Word: אַלְמָנוּת
866 Strong's Concordance #866 ethnah: the wages (of a harlot/prostitute), Athena Original Word: אֶתְנָה
22 Strong's Concordance #22 Abiel: "El/G-d is my Father," from 'ab and 'el; father (i.e. Possessor) of G-d; an Israelite name Original Word: אֲבִיאֵל
“Money is, in some respects, like fire. It is a very excellent servant, but a terrible master.” ― P. T. Barnum, The Art of Money Getting : Or Golden Rules for Making Money
A wildfire announces its desire, hunger, intent, and presence to those far from the active carnage with the faint smell of smoke. A primal human reaction is to locate the direction the smoke is traveling from and then look for signs of smoke and birds fleeing from the area and call for help; because whatever that wildfire is pursuing and consuming needs it. Those even closer to the devastation will encounter all of the other fleeing people and wildlife. All of those living beings and creatures are the lucky ones outside of ground zero.
“A fight is like a fire. You think you have it under control, you think you can stop it whenever you want, but before you know it, it’s a living, breathing thing and there’s no controlling it and you were a fool to think you could.” ― Jenny Han, We'll Always Have Summer
“Always leave a way out, unless you really want to find out how hard a man can fight when he’s nothing to lose.” ― Robert Jordan, The Fires of Heaven
It's been a constant wildfire since Herod betrayed Israel and Jesus Christ was proclaimed innocent and then tortured to death by the European infestation of Israel. The European assault on the Almighty Abrahamic G-d, Israel, all Hebrews on Earth, and all people(s) of the Abrahamic faiths has been vicious and relentless for two thousand years. The antisemitic, genocidal, ethnic cleansing, and antichrist/satanic Sunday "Lord's Day" of the servants, slaves, and allies of The Adversary, paired with the so-called "Old Testament" of the Christian Holy Bible (the King James Version being the worst offender) have been a wildfire war of attrition the European servants of The Adversary have been using to attempt to erase all truth and knowledge about the Almighty Abrahamic G-d from the face of the earth since 321 AD and 1600 AD after their hatred of the Almighty Abrahamic G-d resulted in the ends of their empires and their godless, self-deifying, antisemitic, genocidal, entitled, indulgent and delusional ways of life. The best way to fight that wildfire war of attrition has always been with the Fountain of Living Water: the Almighty Abrahamic G-d of the Abrahamic faiths, and the true and uncorrupted living, vibrant, working and fruitful word of the Almighty Abrahamic G-d of the Abrahamic faiths: the Hebrew TANAKH that's been faithfully and accurately translated and interpreted by those who keep His commands and His seventh-day sabbath holy.
“Only a heathen would bring a gun to a sword fight.' And only a moron would bring a sword to a gunfight.” ― Derek Landy, Playing with Fire
“One is left with the horrible feeling now that war settles nothing; that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one.” ― Agatha Christie
“Do not rely on following the degree of understanding that you have discovered, but simply think, "This is not enough.” ― Tsunetomo Yamamoto, Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai
“I do not know how to defeat others. All I know is the path to defeat myself. Today one must be better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today. The pursuit of perfection is a lifelong quest that has no end.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure: The Secret Wisdom of the Samurai
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janec23 · 9 months
Writing question tag
Thank you @mariahwritesstuff for the tag, I love these questions! Here the original post :)
My quest to finish my tag games is moving forward!
I tag: @rickie-the-storyteller, @digital-chance, @romanceandshenanigans, @phynewrites, @harleywriteshit (if you did this already, sorry!)
Rules: Answer the 10 questions if you feel like it ^^
Questions at the bottom!
1. What is your absolute all-time favourite ideas you’ve ever had?
It's not really an idea, but I really want to crush the tabu about menstrual cycle. Half of the population on earth has period, so why not mention it in my writing? It's just part of my OCs life, so I mention it if necessary.
2. Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you, and you still think about sometimes?
The question was: why do you care so much about your writing? You are a scientist and you care more on improving your writing style than your career. I know I can improve my writing and it makes me feel good, my career? Not so much... :/
3. What is your favourite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
Favourite: Feeling what my OCs are feeling while I write. I love becoming my OCs, think like them, act like them. Daydreaming about their adventures as well!
I would leave the editing, I hate it, I'm not good at it. I can rework scenes hundreds of times to make them better, but please, don't make me work on punctuation and cutting out stuff >.<
4. What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Knowing that once I am done writing I will have another story to read and re-read that I enjoy when I am down. The confort of knowing my OCs will be there for me is undeniable ^^
5. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
Become your OCs and write like you're them, act like them, write what they feel and think at that moment, do not over explain useless stuff only for the sake of the reader.
6. What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
The classic: show don't tell. I was 13, so you can imagine the pages spent on over-explaining every single detail of the world I was building. -.-"
7. What is your favourite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
It's a sequel of The midnight's witches, where I focus on Alessia. It takes place 5 years after the main story, she's 17 and facing a lot of challenges as the perfect daughter that is starting to explore the world for the first time. Without her mother breathing down her neck all the time she's finally free to date that guy.
8. What is your favourite out-of-the-box quote?
"Did that silver spoon got stuck in your ass, snobly?" Sneered Julien.
9. Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
This is a slippery slope. I would say Renewa. She's a healer and most of her patients are elderly, so she is suppose to cure them, but since the setting of the story is in a middle age kind of world, sometimes they don't want to suffer anymore and ask her to help them in other ways... And she does it. I respect the way she feels about it, she's just doing her best to ease their suffering, respecting their wishes. I made her to be controversial also in the novel.
10. If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
She would be amazed at the amount of stuff I wrote, winning small prizes and pushing forward in my quest to improve. She would be happy to know fantasy do not extinguish when you grow older, but like wine it becomes better.
1. What is your absolute all-time favourite ideas you’ve ever had?
2. Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you, and you still think about sometimes?
3. What is your favourite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
4. What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
5. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
6. What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
7. What is your favourite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
8. What is your favourite out-of-the-box quote?
9. Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
10. If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
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elaynajeanne · 1 year
Readerly Exploration 1, Semester 2
Due Date: January 30th
Reading(s): Tompkins, Chapter 1, “Becoming an Effective Literacy Teacher”
The Big Take-Away(s):
Effective teachers 1) understand how students learn, 2) support students’ use of the cueing system, 3) create a community of learners, 4) adopt a balanced approach to instruction, 5) scaffold students’ reading and writing, 6) organize for literacy instruction, 7) differentiate instruction, and 8) link instruction and assessment.
I enjoyed looking through the book lists on page 10 and 11 and seeing if there were any books I had read or heard of.  The sad truth is I had only read Smoky Night and The Giver.  I read Smoky Night for my mini lesson and my mother read the whole Giver series to my sister and I in middle school.  When my Inquiry Project is complete, I would love to come back to these books and consider purchasing some for my future library.
It was also a good review for me to look through the chart on page 13 with the systems, their terms, and applications. I have an awful time remembering which term is which so this was very helpful for me, especially having them compared like that in writing right next to each other.
I enjoyed reading through the characteristics of a classroom.  Respect is something I am personally nervous about building in my own classroom. I am nervous I am going to be so stress and try to plan too much out that I forget to remember that my students need time to be students or that mistakes and misunderstanding happen.  I am also nervous about setting expectations that are within the students ZPD.   Lastly, I am nervous when working alongside families, as I have not had any experience yet but have heard some interesting stories.
Figure 1-5 on page 23 was interesting to look at as it had the levels of scaffolding and how they interacted with reading and writing right next to each other so I could review and compare again.
Readerly Habit: Choose an excerpt from your assigned course reading(s) and share with a family member to get his or her insight and perspective on it.
I was originally thinking about doing the readerly habit of looking up unknown terms before actually reading the text, but since chapter 1 was mostly a review for me, or at least used a lot of familiar terms, I decided this was not a good habit for this chapter.  I then decided I would talk to my mom about the chapter as my habit.  Thus, my next step was to actually read the chapter.  This was honestly very helpful for me, as it reminded me of terms I had forgotten or concepts I needed reminded of.  I did find the book list very helpful, and like I mentioned above, I would be very interested in going back to take a look at some of those texts after I have finished my inquiry project on what makes a good children’s book.
After I finished reading the chapter, I called my mom and we had some really good conversation.  She was able to relate the 8 steps to being an effective literacy educator to Duolingo, which I found very interesting.  My struggle with this analogy was that I did not have the best experience on Duolingo, but she has been enjoying it.  When I put my own personal opinions aside, I do see how the different steps in Duolingo match up with the 8 things the chapter mentioned.  This analogy put these effective teaching practices into a example I had seen before and beyond the scope of teaching literacy.  All in all, I enjoyed the insight my mother gave me on this chapter and feel like this conversation I had with her was very helpful.
Multimedia Document:
Readerly Habit: Choose an excerpt from your assigned course reading(s) and share with a family member to get his or her insight and perspective on it.
Below is me and my mom after talking about Tompkins’s Chapter 1.
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My Mom is the BESTEST!
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blazenka · 1 year
Returning to Mystic Falls for a visit, Elena awakes to find she's been sent unwillingly into the past. Not only does she have to avoid changing past events; she must also deal with a cold and detached Damon who is the only one who knows she's there.
Original source: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7073903/1/Forthcoming
Chapters: 17
Published: June 12, 2011 - December 31, 2011
Words: 41434
Rated: Fiction M - Language: English - Genre: Romance/Supernatural - Characters: Elena G., Damon S. - Reviews: 117 - Favs: 132 - Follows: 95
Exported with the assistance of FicHub.net
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 9
a.n.: This chapter is taking place during episode: "Let the Right One In".
Damon returned later in the evening to find Elena lying upon his bed, curled up with a pad of paper beside her. He sat gently on the edge of the bed while taking in her sleeping form, moving a strand of hair from her face. The whole scene reminded him of the time after he had been invited it where he was invited into her home only to sneak in later to… creepily watch her sleep.
Quickly, he glanced away from her before taking a notice of the pad of paper.
Elena removed her slumber heavy head from the pillow to face him with a sleepy smile, "Hey, you're back."
Damon drew his attention back to Elena, "And in surprisingly good condition too. Not going to have to replace my shirt again this time."
"I'm glad. I guess I was right about everything again?" she asked as she moved to prop herself against the head board so she could speak to him sitting up.
"Yea, well, you were almost right about everything," Damon answered her.
Elena's eyes went wide, thinking of all the possible things that could have happened or changed from her original time line, "What did I get wrong?"
"Well, I think you're wrong about Ric and I being friends…"
"Why?" How much did she screw up the events her past?
"Well, he punched me just a little while ago at the bar when I tried to befriend him…" Damon informed her before rubbing his jaw for her sympathy.
Elena let out the breath she had been holding with a short laugh before she quickly tried to cover it with her hand. She felt beyond relief, she hadn't changed anything at all.
Damon leaned closer to her, giving her a serious expression, "And do tell what is so amusing, Elena? Does the idea of Ric punching me seem hilarious to you?"
Elena shook her head, a grim widened upon her face as she tried to answer him, "Of course not I just… I wish you knew how great of friends you two become in the near future."
Damon just rolled his eyes, "I highly doubt that," before his attention turned to the tablet again.
Elena's attention turned too as she looked over the papers, wondering if Damon had read any of it… and if she should let him.
"I have been writing some things down," Elena answered, the curiosity evident on his face.
"Really, like what?"
"Um…" Elena stuttered before looking down to her lap, "The things that will happen in the next couple years…"
"Like us?"
Elena nodded before adding, "Like Klaus."
Elena lifted up the tablet of paper, looking over the first page before she handed it to Damon, "This should answer all your questions so, just take it."
His brows furrowed as he turned to her, "Elena, I rather hear all this stuff from you."
"But earlier you said…"
"Earlier I was angry and… just talk to me, alright?"
Elena sighed before she moved over enough for Damon to sit next to her on his bed. She brought her knees up the her chest in comfort before she began where he nightmares had stopped;
Elena gasped as she saw Damon shackled to a wall. His skin pale as his body hung lifeless below his anchored arms. His dark hair matted to his scalp with blood crusted around his hair line.
Every bone and tendon in her body wanted to go to him, comfort him and sooth any pain he was in - but all Elena could barely managed was to lift her head to point her eyes in his direction.
" I wouldn't bother trying to get up to rush to him, Elena…" the voice drew out as it called from another corner of the room, "You'll find your body is not going to cooperate with you- not after what I've done…"
The voice had immediate reactions with both Damon and Elena. Damon struggled against his restraints as Elena just stared in shock.
" Stefan?" Elena could barely manage to get his name out as her eyes began to well up with tears. She hardly recognized the sharp dressed and slicked back hair man in front of her.
Stefan smirked as he walked over to Elena, forcing Elena to lift her head with two of his fingers, "Hello Elena, how are you doing?"
Elena just grimaced as the sound of his voice - even if it sounded like him at the same time it did not. "I would be just fine if I could move… and maybe if you hadn't chained your brother to that wall."
" Hmm… maybe you would… but you're not going to be," he answered her with a sinister smile before moving away from her- and towards Damon.
" So… have you two grown close since I've been gone?" Stefan mocked as he grasped Damon's jaw, "Katherine told me about your kiss."
" You've talked to Katherine?" Damon gasped out as he tried to move his head away from his brother.
" Yes, I have. Fortunately, she didn't have a choice in the matter."
" Stefan, what do you want?" Elena demanded, drawing his attention away from Damon.
Stefan shrugged before he pulled Elena and forced her into a sitting position, "Maybe I just want to chit-chat… you know, the good old days? When you were my naïve girlfriend and I was your boyfriend who tried to lower himself because he thought you was worth it."
" So… you want to taunt me, Stefan?"
" No, I want to torment you, Elena."
Elena sat back as far as she could, wide eyed at what he could possibly do to her. Stefan just smiled before drawing a chair from across the room and sitting in front of her.
" When I saved you… you know, instead of your parents, I'll admit - it was because you looked like Katherine," he began - knowing her past, especially with the other doppelganger, was a sore subject.
" I just had to know you…" Stefan continued as he memorized every expression of distress, doubt, fear and hatred flicker across Elena's face.
" I watched you for months before that school year started, seemingly to bump into you on accident the first day. Even your friends noticed how I would constantly stare at you in the class room. Of course, they thought you had an admirer."
" I thought when I confessed to you about your parents… you know, after we made love the first time but you ran away because you found out you looked exactly like Katherine? I thought you would question everything as more than mere coincidence…"
Stefan smiled as Elena's breathing became labored and tears once again welled in her eyes. He simply rolled his shoulders before continuing, "After you came back from your trip with Damon… which really worried me - thought you were going to pick him over me… Strangely, all I had to say was "I love you" and all was forgiven. I honestly thought back then it would be harder but you've always made it so easy, haven't you, Elena? Well… easy for Klaus and me anyway," he smirked before sparing a glance back at his brother.
" Wh… why are you doing this? What do you want, Stefan?" Elena question, the tears freely flowing down her cheeks.
" I've already told you…"
" No, that's not why you're doing this…"
" Maybe… but you won't find that out until the end, now - let me finish," Stefan ordered before he continued once again, this time pulling what seemed to be a piece of worn folded paper from his pocket.
" Klaus' witches got this back for me before we managed to get Katherine herself," he stated, waving the picture in front of her - the same picture she found in his journal that particular night - the picture Stefan had kept all those years of Katherine from 1864.
" I hated having to burn this for that stupid spell Bonnie tried to perform but I was angry with how she was behaving, nothing like how I remembered her from a century before… plus the little Scooby gang didn't really give me a choice, did they? But I have it back now… of course, it would be better if we had her too…"
" Katherine's not here?" Elena interjected.
Stefan glared at her before turning his attention back to the photo, "No… she managed to escape once again. But don't worry, we'll find her again. Klaus promised."
Elena took a deep breath, trying to keep her hopes high - there went one person she hoped would be able to rescue them… luckily, the was still the others she could depend on.
" Now… as I was saying -You would think burning it would be symbolic of my love for you… When the gang really should have been questioning why I had it in the first place…"
"Elena, stop - you don't have to keep going."
Elena jumped back slightly in shock as Damon rested on of his hands upon her knee, his eyes full of concern as he watched tears streak down her face. Elena quickly wiped them away, almost ready to berate herself for getting so caught up in her memories.
"Do you not want to hear this, Damon?"
"No… I mean… well, I do but not if you're going to cry over it. It's not worth to put you through this again…"
Elena smiled before she moved to rest her head upon Damon's shoulder. Damon stared at her uncertain for a moment before he wrapped his one arm around her. The pair settled deeper into the bed, making themselves comfortable and closer before Elena continued.
"I realized then that my relationship with Stefan was… sort of a lie. I should have realized all the signs but… I was just a teenager… in love and…"
"It's easy to believe anything when you feel that way," Damon finished for her, his eyes distant and she knew he was thinking about his time with Katherine for that short moment.
"I didn't know what was worse… which version of Stefan was crueler… the sadistic ripper who was tormenting me with all this knowledge or that selfish façade of a boyfriend."
Elena took a deep breath as Damon pulled her closer, resting her head upon his chest. Elena smiled for a moment at the feeling before she took swallowed it down to finish, "I could no longer respect him… I still loved him but… after he said all that… there was no future for us anymore."
Damon shifted slightly before he pulled her closer to him, soothing her hair before he asked her, "What happened next? I mean… you guys… er, we had to get out somehow… How…?"
"Katherine." It wasn't exactly the answer Damon wanted or expected but he got some idea what could have happened if she had been involved.
Yet, Elena decided to elaborate anyway for him, "She snuck in and while Stefan's back was turned she enable me to move my body again then gave me the keys to set me free. I thought we were going to fight Stefan but he seemed to be occupied with just the fact that Katherine was there. They talked… or rather yelled while I got you free. She managed to pin him against a wall, using the same restraints on him that he had used on you… then she threw me your car keys, told us where your Camero was parked and told us to get out of there while she dealt with him."
Damon nodded as it all sank in, "That is… some story."
"Damon… it's not a story… I didn't make it up." Elena practically growled, jerking out of his embrace before staring down at him.
"I know, I believe you Elena but… it has happened to me yet so to me, it's a story… of what's to come," he reassured her, pulling her back so she laid upon his chest, soothingly rubbing her back as they fell into a peaceful silence.
Elena felt sort of relieved after telling him despite the issues with actually telling him and messing up everything that's supposed to happen - but, Elena decided not to worry. Damon seemed to always have a strange way affecting her. She always reacted different when he was around -especially towards him.
That moment Elena looked up at Damon to find he was staring back at her with equal intensity.
Elena leaned up to him to meet his lips with her own. Damon responded to her by tightening his one arm around her slim waist while the other moved to cup the back of her neck. They continued to kiss as their hearts began to race and their breathing became more ragged as the moment went on.
Elena snaked her arm around to tug up his shirt so she could run her hand over the smooth planes of his back. Damon covered Elena's body with his own, moving his legs between hers before shifting his hip against her, licking her plump lips before opening her mouth with his - sharing a breath together.
Elena then interrupted their kisses to pull Damon's tight shirt off his tone body.
Quickly, Damon tossed the article of clothing across the room before turning to Elena to return the favor.
They mirrored another as they continued to undress each other. Damon kissed and licked his way down Elena's arching neck while she reached blindly for the zipper of his jeans - slowly ghosting the tips of her fingers down the midline of his torso.
"Elena…" Damon let out on a gasp as he fought to regain his breath.
"Shh… no talking," Elena whispered as the rest of their clothes flew away.
While Damon smirked at Elena forwardness, Elena went one step forward - rolling them so she could be on top.
Elena immediately silenced any quarrels he had with the position as she kissed him before making her way down his neck.
Damon felt his lids droop heavily and his breathing became labored as Elena slowly kissed his hips, slowing her pace as she made her way towards his groin, "Elena… please…"
"Begging Damon? What is it you want?" Elena teased, smirking seductively at him as she fell into her old habits.
Instead of telling her, Damon pulled her up so he could look into her eyes, "What I want to say is that you don't have to do this… we don't have to do any of this."
Elena gave him a confused look, looking between the their complete lack of any clothes before her gazed returned to him.
Damon sighed, knowing better than to put on the brakes with women when you're in bed with her but Elena wasn't any other woman. "It's just… before you stopped me from going too far…"
Elena smiled, he didn't need to stop her - ask her if this was alright before she did something she would regret later on. But he did.
"Damon," she gazed into his eyes as she cupped his face in her hand, "I want this… I want you."
Suddenly, Damon lifted Elena into his lap, placing his hands upon her hips and the curve of her back before capturing her lips once again. Damon pressed his hips against hers, eliciting a low moan from Elena.
Damon was memorized as Elena tipped her head back - the waves of her brunette hair fell behind her as she arched her back into him, allowing him to access her neck.
Damon placed a chaste kiss on the pulse of her neck before he lifted her hip so she could meet him all the way.
Elena and Damon both moaned at the contact, instinctively rolling their hips to crash into the others. Soon they began a rhythmic pace, both racing to reach that pinnacle point before everything would crash down upon them.
Damon kept his arms wound around her slim waist as he braced his hands on her hips, keeping her exactly where he wanted her.
Elena grasped his shoulders, focusing of their movements as she strived to go faster, "Damon, look."
Damon followed the short order as he opened his eyes. Elena stared back at him, reflecting something in her eyes Damon could fathom is words but understood.
Damon quickly moved into as sitting position and Elena gasped at the new angle, neither one breaking eye contact with the other.
As the buildup reached its peak, Damon and Elena gasped, forced to close their eyes before they shivered at the feeling.
Elena leaned forward against Damon's chest, clinging to him as she buried her head in his shoulder. Damon slowly moved to make her comfortable, keeping his arms locked her before they settled, smiling down upon her as she looked up again in his cerulean eyes.
The moment seemed right and perfect like all those other times she found herself reflected in Damon's eyes. It probably would have been wise not to go there, and make it clear she shouldn't look at him like that before everything went to hell in a basket. Yet, Elena had already spent a couple days there with no clue how long she would end up staying. Could you blame her for wanting to be comforted by the man she grew to love? Even if it was the past version of him.
After seeing the way Elena made contact with his eyes, how she would drop her gaze to his lips, respond to his touched and caresses; Damon never felt so wanted in his life before that night. Not even by women who could not deny his devilish charm. This went beyond that but he knew she wasn't his to have - not yet anyway. But who could blame Damon for wanting to be comforted by the women he was growing to love?
Damon and Elena laid in each other's arms as they caught their breaths and calmed their hearts. Even if they weren't exactly who the other needed, they were all they had at that moment.
Thank you for reading!
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herdeerpolice · 2 years
Weird questions for writers
1 default
2 I could and have and by pen
3 it's not cursed, after I get my house cleaned.
4 personal
5 no, I don't believe in superstition
6 nothing
7 I make myself laugh alot
8 I get joy from it
9 yes, everyone should, personally with my dad who passed away.
10 no
11 I never heard of that before.
If I did, ruthless, no, I am a realist
And if I was a assassin the people I have killed knew better in the beginning not to piss me off.
If they're stupid enough to go there then it's they're own fault.
I co wrote a thriller with a friend of mine and she was the bad guys and I killed them off one by one.
She loved playing the devils advocate
With me. If you will.
12 to be a best seller, to spell better, to write faster.
13 personal stuff, made up stuff.
14 never
I tell them hey this is a good book you should buy it
15 I always write in the margins
Ear mark my pages sometimes
No, book might get dropped in the tub
Get wet
Not my job to judge anyone
I don't know who you are so no
Till I know who you are
16 chewing gum wrapper
17 I am literally in the middle of a God father situation with romance
She's young and takes over the family business
She takes no one's shit
She was trained by the original God father her grandfather to run the family business
Because she's Italian full-blooded and can be cold as ice with no remorse for anything
Her grandpa taught her how to be cold and not to give a f.
Her most inner feelings will never make it in the txt because it makes her soft
18 how someone tried to kill her husband and she put a bullet through his head with out a second thought about it
Me, I am extremely protective about the people that I love and I don't like for anyone to hurt my family
Especially when it's the love of my life then anyone who knows me knows better than to cross that line with me
Not to often will I put myself in my own writings but this one there's no way around it
I just sit at the desk and computer and let my imagination run wild and it does.
It's changed because of her never being in love but when she sees him she is married to the asshole of the world.
She never crossed the line to cheating but it's crossed her mind a lot.
I got sick of her exx husband and her second husband and kill them off.
She had a boyfriend before marriage and she needed them gone.
So the boyfriend was the drunk driver who hit her stupid excuse for a husband and they both died in the world the same wreck instantly.
Then she could be with her love of her life.
I don't understand the last thing your asking.
19 it's easier to get things done and out of the way when you are writing from the God Father Era.
You don't need much emotions or heart to kill off the bad people in the story.
Bumps along the way?
Kinda, because I would want something else to happen during the middle of a new chapter and thinking about how to get there.
It's usually making the character that you want gone to become unhappy with their life and write them out that way.
Let's say I am the lady God Father and now I am finally happy. I plan on showing her husband running more of the family business and I don't know right now.
20 I choose the love of my life.
21 no,I am a writer from the heart and its in my blood.
22 not organized at all fly by the seat of my pants 24/7. Okay, a printer to print out everything then organize t he chapters. I don't use I cloud or anything. Write print oh, I copy my writings on cds. That's all.
23 I sit at my desk and lean back in my chair and it's quite and there's a dog and a puppy running around me all of the time.
I have a fan on low for the soft sound it makes for me to have something to listen to.
Or a good movie playing over and over again for background noise.
I don't like too much quite, I am adhd and and add. To much quite will make me goofy.
So, I also have a small lizard in a cage with a light and I watch it climbing all over the place.
It eats crickets and I was thinking about how do I get rid of the husband
And I seen the cricket eat the victim.
I don't want to eat the victim so I killed him in a wreck.
So, the lizard gives me inspiration and the dogs too.
24 no prep work at all, don't have the patience for it.
25 I don't know right now
26 I was raised with brothers and their friends and we were teenagers we played like the mob the God father and we used water guns and our dads ties to dress up kinda . I remember those days and laugh and I use my oldest step sisters love life to write from because it's drama central.
She's about 10 years older than me.
Not really, what you guys are reading is different from the reality of it. Plot twist and I am usually laughing my ass off.
My mom is very elderly but she hears me laughing and I will be busting up laughing and she'll say what is so funny. I tell her that I am writing about her because she has dementia and stays lost in her mind.
She smiles and asks me what did I do to day in your story thats if she remembers that day.
27 I am literally always fighting for the underdog and I battle for their rights and place in this world.
The news is always full of negative crap so I think about something and revamp it and that's stressful.
28 my character Vince, a sweetheart of a man and works for the lady who is running the family businesses and he loves her so much.
He's street smart and educated and down to earth. He's what I would call the perfect man for me.
You can write anyway you want to and I created a mob character call him a bodyguard who has a heart of gold yet as I put it he's sexx on a stick and more. He's loving and able to drop you in a heart best with out a second thought to it.
He's good with his gun and I need to write more about that to.
Just the perfect man for me tho.
29 everything and anything.
The life experiences and sometimes from the neighbors and childhood fights . I use beat up my oldest brother and it would piss him off.
Go smoke a cigarette and drink a soda and sit on the porch while watching the birds in the air and other animals. L
30 no.
Dreams are to personal for me.
No I have woken up and thought that last piece sucks and I rewrote it tho.
31 a short love letter 💌 to my readers
Dearest one,
Thank you for loving my writings and reading them. It makes me happy to know that your enjoying my work.
I know since you keep reading my writings and in boxing me about how much you really liked a certain piece it makes your day.
Truly, I have taken the time out to ask myself if the reader would like this or not.
And purposely put crazy funny stuff in my writings just for you.
Thanks alot for all of the in box support.
Much love ❤
32 I actually accidentally ran across it
It's not mine so I can't put it out there but it's beautiful and intense.
I think about it all of the time.
Especially when I need to feel better When my day is going slow.
33 i draw on canvas and paint.
I stil suck at painting tho.
I wood burn and I really love that.
It doesn't doesn't tie into my writing at all.
34 none
35 writing rules suck.
If you're going to coddle your readers then you are boring.
I break most all of the rules and do as i please and have ton of readers.
Readers don't want to be put to sleep they're reading for several reasons.
Get away from there every day life.
To laugh and smile.
To get a thrill from reality
Why let them down for
36 that's terrible to tell people
Create is what I tell people
Open up your imagination and run with it
I am bored as shit with what I have to do everyday
I want to be sat free to roam every corner of my mind and heart
Create damn it
Forget about what they tell you
They're already rich and don't have a clue about what they are fucking talking about
Money isn't everything
But writing about what I know
One I can do my job in my sleep
Not because it's easy or boring
But I know it all too well
I want new and exciting
Then learn how to edit your work
I am sloppy on here but my lady friend edits my work for me and I take her on a small shopping trip and pay her back that way
37 that I was not boring and I had a great vivid imagination.
38 I usually start on my desk top but end up on my phone in my recliner writing .
I am more comfortable reclined back in my chair.
I get my best work done in my recliner.
39 my Vince, my favorite character of all. I love to write about my Vince.
40 a poem for you
Robert Burns
O my luve's like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June;
O my luve's like the melodie
That's sweetly played in tune.
As fair art thou, my Bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
O I will love thee still, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run.
And fare thee well, my only luve,
And fare thee weel, awhile !
And I will come again my luve,
Though it were ten thousand mile.
The lyrics by Scotland"s greatest poet breaths life into a series of smiles that sounds as natural as a song, and as sincere as a prayer.
On page 7
The 100 best love poems of all time.
Edited by
Leslie Pockell
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schmuwuwu · 4 years
Let Me Love You - XiCheng FF
Pairing: Jiang Cheng|Jiang Wanyin x Lan Huan|Lan Xichen
There’s not really any spoilers to the novel/drama/donghua/manhua so please enjoy! For my friend who showed me a pic of Jiang Wanyin with puppies and so I used it as a prompt for this fanfiction.
Jiang Wanyin entered the room where he was directed from the front desk clerk. She had said that due to it being the busy tourist period, there was too little personnel working on the current production that featured him and thus there wasn’t anyone available to guide him there. He didn’t mind as he was tired at having prepared Yunmeng Jiang and the whole of Lotus Pier for the upcoming New Year’s celebrations. He was only here as his council and his right-hand man literally pushed him out of the gates of his sect before sending him off with good wishes on relaxing. At first, he couldn’t grasp how coming to an interview would help him relax. Even now, he couldn’t relax. Just by the busy atmosphere around him, he couldn’t help but worry about the preparations back home. What’s more, he was even more worried about who was going to interview him today. He had been blacklisted one too many times with the reason that he was too serious, too angry, too… frowny.
His scowl deepened as he remembered those dates. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t change his personality. In fact, if the other party couldn’t accept his personality, there was no reason for them to marry at all. After all, he wouldn’t want a loveless marriage like his parents had and the constant disappointment that maybe he wasn’t what his wife always thought he was. That made him scowl even more. Women were such complicated beings, he concluded. He entered the room in deep thought and looked around. It wasn’t beautifully decorated like the lotus lakes back in Yunmeng, wasn’t pristinely pictured like the Cloud Recesses in Gusu, nor was it as extravagant as Koi Tower in Lanling. Of course, it wasn’t as moody and boring as the Unclean Realm in Qinghe. It was beautiful in its own right and even someone who was not talented in the arts such as Lan Xichen or Nie Huaisang could appreciate its unique beauty. Untalented in anything overall, he added on bitterly.
He glanced around. The furniture was simple, a table and a few seats, a few cabinets and some shelves lining the walls. The walls themselves were painted with faint motifs of the four great cultivational sects. The head of a beast for the Qinghe Nie, the white peony for the Lanling Jin, the cloud for the Gusu Lan and finally the nine-petalled lotus for the Yunmeng Jiang. He noticed that there were other sects’ motifs that were hidden between the spaces of the more dominant sects and realised that all four walls were representing different areas of the cultivation world; where each of the four dominant sects had conquered and the smaller sects that hid under their protection. He had also noticed there was no imagery of the Qishan Wen sect, which he wasn’t complaining off. In fact, his scowl lightened quite a few degrees after discovering this fact. None could blame him, seeing as how Yunmeng Jiang had one of the more devastating losses during Qishan Wen’s dominance over the whole entire country. He could still smell the flames as they rose up from the ground and suddenly they were all around him, burning the once-beautifully standing Lotus Pier. He could only watch in anger and resent, vision blurred through the curtain of tears and red, as the Yunmeng Jiang sect flags were torn from their flag poles, still half burnt, stomped to the ground and even trampled upon in disrespect.
He shook his head. He shouldn’t dwell on the past anymore. What mattered more was the present. And at present, he needed to worry about the interview. He went to seat on one of the provided seats at the table where tea and refreshments had been laid out. It was simple china but it was polished till he could see his own reflection on his face. Tilting his head from side to side, he couldn’t help but praise the maids for their effort in hiding the traces of long nights and lack of food in his face, Though his cheeks and eyes were still more hollow than ever before, the heavy eyebags had gone and there was slight colouring to his cheeks. Even his usually dry lips were moisturised and preserved so that they wouldn’t suddenly turn dry and crack in the middle of the interview. Though he originally felt uncomfortable at the thought of applying make-up on a male such as him, it didn’t feel unnatural to wear it on his face. In fact, he had taken a newfound liking to it and even newfound respect to maids or noblewomen for putting on such thick make-up every single day. He was already weary at having to sit still for more than 30 minutes in front of a mirror just to be told that his makeup was not even half the time of most women’s make-up regime. Even doing his hair took less than 10 minutes!
He poured himself a cup of tea and enjoyed the light refreshments that were served in variations. He had recognised them as the portrayed images of the four great sects. Lotus-flavoured obviously for Yunmeng Jiang-though he preferred desserts made back at Yunmeng; desserts made anywhere else were under-par with those served back home! A slightly herbal taste while refreshing for the Gusu Lan; he was more surprised that it wasn’t plain bitter or just tasteless. Unexpectedly, the tea complemented with this dessert the most. A fairly rich taste of expensive for Lanling Jin and a more impactful and forceful taste for Qinghe Nie. They were rotated with sour, bitter, salty, sweet and sometimes even spicy, acidic or even tasteless! Really, did they have to invent a tasteless flavour too? 
Time passed and by the time the interviewer had come, he was busy playing a game he made up to try and differentiate the different tastes. He even managed to play a game similar to bingo! It just showed how bored he really was.
“Uhm, Sect Leader Jiang?” a voice called out hesitantly.
He looked up from his small game and saw a young boy around the age of twenty. He had a tired face and looked as though he had pulled through as many nights as he did as a sect leader. He immediately felt pity for the boy; he wasn’t in any important positions in the whole world, even in the country, and yet he had to pull on as many hours working as him.
Seeing as Jiang Wanyin didn’t reply, he hesitantly said, “I sincerely apologise for having you wait for such a long time. I can only hope I can repay it with something if it’s within my abilities.”
He shook off the boy’s offer and said gently, “It is fine. It is not like I could make you wait in return.”
The boy was immediately relieved as he broke into a small smile. Sect Leader Jiang wasn’t as fearful as he had thought. Contrarily, however, the boy reminded Jiang Wanyin much of his sister for some odd reason. He couldn’t put his finger on it and he wasn’t in the mood to try. He merely took another dessert and drank another sip from his third cup of tea; he must admit it was quite good.
“Would you like to indulge yourself with more sweets?” the boy peeked at him.
“Oh, no,” Jiang Wanyin fumbled, draining the remaining tea. “They are quite enjoyable, however.”
The boy smiled, free of tension. “Then, if you would, please follow me to the next room where we will begin your interview.”
Jiang Wanyin nodded and stood up to follow the surprisingly brisk boy. The other room was a little ways from his waiting room but it was relatively a replica, albeit smaller. The same walls adorned the different motifs of different sects and it was furnished relatively the same way. Pasted on the walls were different talismans. He peeked at them and could guess they’re vaguely for enclosing the sounds within these four walls and a few other spells scrawled to record their voices for future references. There was also another spell scrawled in the middle of the table on a white cloth with the exact same purpose. He went ahead to sit down on the table where there was already the interviewer seated. He was looking up and down a large stack of notes and occasionally looked up to see if a new communication talisman had arrived. He looked stressed and even to Jiang Wanyin, he looked way overworked, though he wasn’t in any position to judge himself. As he seated himself, the interviewer in front of him suddenly looked at his direction dumbfounded. A look of realisation dawned when he finally remembered why the esteemed Sandu Shengshou would come to their humble offices.
“Sandu Shengshou, sir! I apologise for being unable to meet you in person and for having you wait for a long time!” he squawked.
Jiang Wanyin raised an eyebrow.
The interviewer stumbled, “If—if it is alright with you, we can start whenever you are ready. The preparations have been done…”
Jiang Wanyin, though he understood the poor interviewer’s position, was starting to get annoyed. Was he really that feared? It wasn’t as if he was going to raise a hand on unarmed people. Well, he wouldn’t spare anyone of his sharp tongue though.
The interviewer startled, “But something is holding up the last party and so we will need to wait for them…”
Jiang Wanyin stared at him dubiously. “Them?”
“Uh, yes, sir. Them.”
The interviewer answered just as a communication talisman entered the room and stopped in front of him. Jiang Wanyin could care less of what was about to happen. Though he was grateful for the extra time to eat more snacks. He poured tea in his newly given cup and stayed oblivious to the conspicuous sneaking around of the interviewer. Well, it was more of he couldn’t give a shit. When he finally looked at the interviewer after finishing his short but very much relaxing teatime, suspicion was written all over his body. His demeanour changed fully. He was no longer nervous or glancing around the room but was now smiling widely and was even sitting closer to the table right to his face. He even had his hands on the table as though anticipating something from Jiang Wanyin. He was staring at Jiang Wanyin with eyes full of adoration and worship. Jiang Wanyin could feel a chill down his back. Somehow, he felt that they were familiar. Too familiar.
He cleared his throat. “Are we going to start? I’d appreciate if my time is not wasted much more than this already has.”
The interviewer nodded and pulled out his notes, the movement looking very elegant. Too elegant. Jiang Wanyin stared down on him and reaffirmed the tugging feeling in the back of his mind. He cautiously watched as the interviewer asked the questions.
“Alright, sir. If you could, please introduce yourself, your name and titles, if you would?”
Jiang Wanyin gave him a long stare but the interviewer didn’t even quake, it even looked as though his smile grew bigger. That smile was unsettling. Too unsettling. As though Jiang Wanyin should be anticipating something very detestable after this interview was over. Or maybe even during.
“Jiang Cheng, courtesy name Jiang Wanyin. Sect leader of Yunmeng Jiang and holder of title Sandu Shengshou,” he said slowly.
He expected another intimidatingly familiar reaction but all he got out of the other person was a nod and him writing a few lines in his notes.
“Next question, do you like dogs?”
Jiang Wanyin, “Yes, I do.”
The interviewer beamed at him before opening the door to the room. Jiang Wanyin could only look on curiously as a trail of people entered the room, carrying something in their arms. The first person went up to him and deposited a round white object into his lap. He looked at the unknown object with curious eyes. The object moved and a pair of curious eyes met with his. He only then realised that it was a puppy. He was pleasantly surprised as he was quickly surrounded by multiple puppies that were brought in by the staff. His clothes were quickly dishevelled and his hair was mussed out of its usual tight bun. He was quickly caught up in the puppies’ tireless energy and was overwhelmed. He could barely keep a grin off his face and would occasionally be attacked by a barrage of small but sloppy tongues. He happily accepted the sudden bombardment of the small and cute puppies. His shoulders immediately lost their usual tension and his signature frown on his face had completely disappeared. He had a relaxed face and constantly moved his upper body to account for every single puppy who demanded his attention. 
Everyone in the room held their breaths at this moment of weakness. The Sandu Shengshou had his guard down. And it was so easily accomplished by the appearance of dogs. There was a warm and fluffy atmosphere surround Jiang Wanyin, as though encompassing him in this very joyous haven that he could enjoy alone. They could see the small but innocent smile of his face and even the slight tint of pink in his cheeks. His eyes were soft and were looking at the puppies with tenderness. They could not believe at this blessing to see a side of the notoriously infamous Sandu Shengshou. A man who was ruthless and merciless towards his enemies and could make one’s blood run cold at a mere glance. They could only savour this rare, if not once in a blue moon, side of Jiang Wanyin.
Suddenly, it had felt as though the room chilled. A murderous intent lurked into the four walls of the room. The staff members could only look towards the only other involved person in the room; the interviewer. He was glaring intensely at the small puppies that hang off Jiang Wanyin’s arms and occasionally looked at the staff members, harbouring a stiff smile and cold, lifeless eyes. They could only gulp in fear and quickly shuffled out of the room, afraid of their lives. Once outside, they quickly ran away as far as they could, informing every personnel not to enter the room until further notice before collapsing and thanking the Gods that they made it out alive.
Inside, Jiang Wanyin was fully oblivious to the on-goings of possible murder. Even more, his guard was fully down. He had put aside Zidian and Sandu for fear of harming the puppies due to their playfulness and his inability to occupy every single one of them. He was constantly kept busy by switching between multiple puppies who lay around his body as though they were worshipping him. Being in such a blissful situation, he didn’t realise when a certain someone snuck up from behind him, only realising when he was finally encased in someone’s warm embrace.
Jiang Wanyin turned around, expecting it to be the interviewer but was met with the familiar dazzling smile of Lan Xichen.
“Sect leader Lan?” he squawked in surprise. “What are you doing here? Where are the rest of the people?”
He looked around quickly only to realise now that they were the only ones in the room. His sight landed back onto Lan Xichen.
“I am unsure of what happened to those pitiful people. However, I don’t assume that you have something for me?”
Jiang Wanyin stared at him dubiously. “I don’t recall having anything to give you.” He frowned.
Lan Xichen only looked at him expectantly and seeing his serious eyes, he proceeded to bait him.
“See, I heard you liked dogs…”
Jiang Wanyin nodded in agreement.
“But you are also notorious for not liking people…”
Jiang Wanyin impatiently snapped. “So, what is your point, Sect leader Lan?”
Lan Xichen sighed. “Now, now, Wanyin. Have we not agreed just the other day to drop formalities? Call me Lan Huan.”
The pink in Jiang Wanyin’s cheeks grew deeper. “We never agreed to! You went ahead and made it up yourself!”
He tutted. “But you didn’t complain about it, so I had taken it upon myself to call you so.”
Jiang Wanyin couldn’t retort. It was true; he didn’t really hate it when Lan Xichen called him by his name. Although… He shook his head. No, no! He wasn’t just trying to imagine Lan Xichen calling him by his birth name. Not at all!
Seeing as he didn’t answer, Lan Xichen proceeded to pout. “Well, if you dislike it this much, I will immediately cease calling—”
“No, no! You can!” Jiang Wanyin was flustered and refused to meet Lan Xichen’s eyes. “I—I mean, you can call me however you wish to.”
Lan Xichen’s face immediately brightened. “Then, I shall take up your offer, A-Cheng!”
Jiang Wanyin’s heart stilled before beating at Mach 20 speed. A-Cheng! Lan Xichen’s voice was looping in his head and he couldn’t stop the heat that spread from his cheeks all the way to his ears. He didn’t even notice when Lan Xichen’s arms circled around his waist and were snuggled comfortably at the nook of his hips. He sat closer to him, his chest now coming into contact with his back. At the sudden contact of warmth, Jiang Wanyin was immediately snapped out of his daze.
“A-Cheng, do you like me?” Lan Xichen breathed into his ear. Jiang Wanyin couldn’t help but shiver, his nerves tingling at the low rumble.
“O—Of course, I mean, Sect leader Lan is very likeable…”
“Not like that, A-Cheng.” His mouth was dangerously close to Jiang Wanyin’s neck now and he couldn’t stop his trembling and the feeling of longing. He unconsciously leaned back towards that inviting warmth but was quickly dragged to reality when Lan Xichen immediately drew back and stood up. He stared up at him dumbfoundedly.
“There is no need to think so seriously, Wanyin. After all, I have no obligation to rush for an answer right now.”
Jiang Wanyin stared after him as Lan Xichen walked dejectedly towards the door. Jiang Wanyin could have sworn he saw a pair of ears and a long tail droop down in accordance. He couldn’t ignore his demand now and hesitantly opened his mouth.
“Y—Yes…l—like…” he whispered softly.
Lan Xichen immediately perked up. “I’m sorry, would you care to repeat that?”
“Yes! I like you, Lan Xichen!”
Jiang Wanyin’s face was on fire and he immediately avoided Lan Xichen’s gaze when he turned to look at him. In all honesty, Lan Xichen didn’t need him to repeat his answer as his trained ear could pick out any of Jiang Wanyin’s clear voice, brimming with emotion. His uncut anger when he spouts out complains, his curt responses when he brutally gives his opinion, his sorrow-filled whispers as he voices out his regrets, the carefree laughter as he let go of his restraints and smiled freely, the shy and embarrassing responses to his words of love… Lan Xichen loved it all. His open and direct character drew him in. He who could only wear a smile through thick and thin could only watch in wonder at this rare gem that had coincidentally been sent to his doorstep. A gem laden with pain and longing, hurt by what he lacked but scorned the idea of weakness. He was attracted to that strength. An imperfection with an obvious flaw.
And despite Jiang Wanyin’s constant criticisms to his self, Lan Xichen, a man who was born to be perfect, born raised to be perfect, expected to be perfect, could only find this imperfection beautiful. That someone who was so self-deprecating about his flaw was this powerful and successful. 
“Thank you, A-Cheng.”
Jiang Wanyin startled as Lan Xichen held him to his chest.
“F—For what? I didn’t do anything,” he said.
“No, you did.” But I’ll save the explanation for later.
Jiang Wanyin stilled, unused to being embraced, before surrendering and leaned into Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen could feel a smile spread and tightened his hold on Jiang Wanyin, forcing them to press even closer. Jiang Wanyin was flustered and tried to push with his hands on Lan Xichen’s chest. He stopped his futile attempt when he felt Lan Xichen’s lips back on his neck.
“W-w-w-w-what are you doing?!”
Lan Xichen sighed, his hot breath making Jiang Wanyin unable to resist the shiver down his back and his rapid heartbeat. “Well, it seems as though my A-Cheng is being needy so I wanted to pamper him…”
He sighed again. “Alas, it seems that I was merely speculating…”
He trailed off dramatically. Jiang Wanyin could never get used to his antics and thus it caused his anger to spike up. “Who said I needed pampering?!”
“Hmm… I am unsure of that myself but I heard you were going to celebrate the New Year by yourself, since Young Master Jin — oh, should I be saying Sect Leader Jin, now? — has gone off to celebrate with some of my disciples.”
Jiang Wanyin impatiently replied. “Well, yes. That has been happening since recent years so I am used to celebrating alone. It doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.”
Lan Xichen turned his head and looked at Jiang Wanyin, resting it on his shoulder.
“I am merely upset that you didn’t feel that it was necessary to invite me to celebrate with you.”
Jiang Wanyin opened his mouth to retort only to stop when he met Lan Xichen’s eyes. Oh God, the eyes. He could even swear that the dog ears were back, drooping down flat onto the sides of his head. It wouldn’t be presumptuous for him to assume that the tail was also back.
“It—It wasn’t as though I didn’t want to…” he looked away from Lan Xichen.
“But you’re not looking at me… so you really don’t want to celebrate with me…” he could hear the sadness in his voice.
He was quite certain that it was feigned but he really couldn’t bring himself to push away the older sect leader.
“… Fine. You can celebrate it with me.”
Lan Xichen immediately lit up and released his hold on Jiang Wanyin, sliding his hand into his and pulling him towards the exit.
“W—wait, where are we going??” Jiang Wanyin exclaimed in bewilderment.
“First things first, we are going to be a family!” Lan Xichen excitedly replied.
Although he was at the mercy of the Lan superhuman, even for cultivators, strength, he still stubbornly resisted being dragged across the room to the door. “What do you mean family?? Aren’t we technically already?”
Lan Xichen stopped and turned to face him. “You… Don’t want to be family?”
Oh, for fuck sakes! “Alright, alright, yes, I do! Happy now?”
Lan Xichen smiled again and before Jiang Wanyin could retaliate, he was picked up into Lan Xichen’s arms who proceeded to exit the building merrily. Jiang Wanyin knew there was no use in fighting a Lan and could only hide the growing embarrassment he felt with anger.
“Can you at least tell me where we are going and what we are going to be doing?”
Lan Xichen merely looked straight ahead and smiled. “Lotus Pier should be empty due to the New Year, so we shall be going there and become family!”
There was a slight tone of pride as though he was patting himself on the back for thinking of such a smart idea. Jiang Wanyin immediately picked up on it and his face darkened when he realised what Lan Xichen had been hinting at.
“Don’t tell me.”
“That’s right! We shall make love, my dear A-Cheng!”
“Lan Xichen, you—”
“Lan Huan.” 
He sighed, exasperated. “L—Lan Huan, we don’t have to rush into it, do we? You already told your uncle that you would abstain!”
Lan Xichen nodded. “Indeed. Abstain till you agreed to it. Which you did.”
His scowl deepened. “You planned for this, didn’t you?!”
Lan Xichen only chuckled lightly.
With nothing else to entertain him during the journey back home, he decided to provoke the Lan.
“Were you in the room when I got there?” Lan Xichen hummed in agreement.
“Were you the one who organised the interview?” A shake of his head.
“How did I not notice you when I entered the room?” His smile grew wider. He was certainly playing hard to get that’s for sure.
“Was the whole interview just a sham?” A hum.
“Did you switch places with the interviewer?” A hum.
“Did you— Wait… You switched places with the interviewer?”
Lan Xichen nodded and finally looked down at him. “Yes, I did, A-Cheng.”
Jiang Wanyin finally realised as to why the interviewer was questionably familiar. “You… Did you use that new spell that you constructed just recently?”
Lan Xichen beamed at him despite his ploy being out in the open. “Yes, I did! A-Cheng, you’re very smart!”
Jiang Wanyin snorted. “I’m not smart. I didn’t even realise that you were in the room at all until now.”
Lan Xichen frowned and chided, “Of course you’re smart. How else have you maintained Yunmeng Jiang sect as one of the top cultivation sects without any guidance? You even denied any help offered to you.”
“That’s different.”
“And how is it different?”
“No one would do it. So, of course, I’d take it up upon myself to do it. After all, I am the only son of the previous Sect leader Jiang.”
Lan Xichen went quiet. There was truth to his words but…
“If it were anyone else in your position, do you think they’d do it?”
“…Of course,” Jiang Wanyin said hesitantly, his confidence slipping.
Lan Xichen shook his head. “No, A-Cheng. Even I wouldn’t.”
Jiang Wanyin disagreed in disbelief. “The esteemed and obedient Zewu-Jun wouldn’t save his clan and sect from the brink of destruction?”
Lan Xichen smiled at him, with a hint of sadness. “Do you think I would? If the Cloud Recesses sat atop ashes, no signs of life, or any traces of the previous Gusu Lan?” He shook his head. “I wouldn’t. There wouldn’t have been any point. Even if I managed to rebuild the Cloud Recesses, what about the recruitment of disciples? What about the lost techniques that were lost in the destruction? And what about being left alone again?”
Jiang Wanyin could only stare at him. He didn’t have the answers to them. He only knew that he should regain Yunmeng Jiang’s and his former glory. He wasn’t about to let the Wens think they had brought down a strong sect with their petty ways. He wasn’t going to let the other cultivators think of what they wished about how Lotus Pier fell. And he wasn’t going to let the world think that he was that much of a coward to listen to all those whispers.
“It’s all my selfishness. Only that,” he muttered finally.
“Then,” Lan Xichen replied firmly. “let me be selfish just this once and say that I want to spend time with you.”
Jiang Wanyin pursed his lips. “Fine, have it your way.”
Lan Xichen gave him a small smile and they travelled the rest of the way in silence. After dismounting from Shuoyue, Jiang Wanyin immediately marched to the direction of the kitchens. Lan Xichen followed him, shutting his mouth when he saw the stubborn expression on the younger man. Jiang Wanyin approached the stove, sleeves rolled up, and began to prepare the food. Lan Xichen could not hold it in anymore and opened his mouth to ask when Jiang Wanyin spoke first.
“If you want to spend time together, then make yourself useful,” he said, his back towards Lan Xichen.
Lan Xichen stared at him and processed his words before getting the hint. He beamed as he noticed the familiar pink tint that climbed up his neck. “Of course, A-Cheng!”
Lan Xichen immediately busied himself with the preparation of the ingredients, falling into step with Jiang Wanyin easily. They worked in silence, easily coordinating with one another as easily as breathing, having spent too long on the same battlefield.
The day quickly passed and the sun quickly fell from its mighty position. The food, now completed, was laid out in front of them where they were sitting at one of Jiang Wanyin’s favourite spots that looked out over the lotus lakes. They ate in silence as they were both not too keen on conversing while eating, unlike a certain male whose mouth and words were as abundant as the rabbits back in the Cloud Recesses. And unlike that same certain person, they settled comfortably in the silence, especially Jiang Wanyin.
The entire Lotus Pier was empty, including all of his attendants and there was only him staying there for the next few days. He didn’t know how comfortable he felt with another person intruding into his personal space but Lan Xichen was tolerable, if not comfortable, to be around. Lan Xichen held his questions back and perfectly assisted him as though he was his right-hand man currently.
Ending up back in his study, he finally asked Lan Xichen the question that had bothered him since that afternoon—no, since he confessed three months ago.
“… Why me?”
Lan Xichen looked up from the scroll he was reading right into Jiang Wanyin’s questioning eyes.
“… Do I need a reason to love someone?” Jiang Wanyin didn’t answer. “Love needs no rhyme or reason. It just is.”
Jiang Wanyin became exasperated. Sure, he could agree that love was an unreasonable feeling. But it didn’t explain why it was him.
“It’s because it’s you.” Jiang Wanyin looked up at Lan Xichen who was now standing right in front of him, a serious expression on his face rid of the usual polite smile.
“Hah?” Jiang Wanyin could only reply dumbfoundedly.
“I love you because it’s you.” Lan Xichen was now behind the desk and stepping even closer to Jiang Wanyin. Unused to close contact, Jiang Wanyin unconsciously took a step back to which Lan Xichen covered the distance with a step of his own. That was until Jiang Wanyin’s back hit the wall. He was trapped in Lan Xichen’s gaze and he couldn’t help but swallow stiffly. He wasn’t worthy… He didn’t deserve him…
“If you’re thinking of how I can easily find someone like you, then you’re wrong. Where am I going to find someone who decided to do something as grand as reviving a dead sect and rebuilding their burnt home from the ground up and went through with it? Where am I going to find someone who although is finicky when it comes to standards but so entertaining when he tries to make an expression?” Lan Xichen continued. He cupped Jiang Wanyin’s face and made him look up to meet his eyes. This pitiful man could only look at him helplessly, unable to refute. He wanted to say that there were millions of other people in the world, and even if they didn’t meet his standards now, what about in the future? There was bound to be someone. Even his family. Even though his father had him, he was more satisfied with someone else’s son. Even though his mother had him, she was more satisfied pampering his older sister. Even though his siblings loved him, in the end, they chose to stay with their beloved who would keep them safe. Because he couldn’t give them that safety. That warm comfort of love that he never learnt to reciprocate.
“Then, what if it isn’t me? Someone totally different from me. Not a stubborn, annoying and hard to please person. But a kind, caring and patient person?” Jiang Wanyin blinked hard. The image of Jin Guangyao entered his mind to which he furiously pushed out of his mind. He was going to be second again. The alternative. The silence settled around them again, this time stifling. He could hardly breathe now, thinking that Lan Xichen’s silence was affirmation. Lan Xichen looked at him, re-evaluating him, maybe even regretting ever saying he fell in love with him, Jiang Wanyin thought. By the time he noticed, tears had already left a trail on his cheeks, falling silently to the ground, just as silently as his heart broke. He never wanted to realise, never wanted to acknowledge. Because he couldn’t bear another slipping out of his hands. Slipping through his fingers as though they were just sand and them being beside him was just an illusion. That all he could do was chase around after their backs, hoping something would change. But it never did. Because—
“—Because they never had the chance to look at you.”
Jiang Wanyin blinked. It finally clicked that it was Lan Xichen who said that. “They ran out of time, A-Cheng. It wasn’t because they didn’t bother to look at you properly but because they never realised how much time they had to do so.” Jiang Wanyin found himself leaning away from Lan Xichen’s hands, trying to slip away, but failed when Lan Xichen’s hands moved from his cheeks to his back, pulling him close to his chest.
“Then, what about you? Are you going to run out of time too?” Jiang Wanyin muffled from his chest.
“I won’t,” Lan Xichen replied and chuckled when Jiang Wanyin looked up with incredulity. “Not until I hear you saying that you are glad I fell in love with you and believe that I love you.”
Jiang Wanyin immediately buried his head further into his chest, feeling the now familiar feeling of warmth spread through his face. Lan Xichen laughed softly at his act of shyness and could only think of how adorable his Jiang Wanyin was. When it was obvious that Jiang Wanyin had no intentions of moving from his chest, Lan Xichen made a sound something of a sigh and a hum. Jiang Wanyin looked up puzzled before feeling himself being lifted off the ground. Lan Xichen effortless carried him in his arms and sat him on his lap as he took a seat on the chair behind the desk. Jiang Wanyin turned to Lan Xichen, bewildered, while the other merely gave him a large smile.
“What are you doing?” he asked, still shocked at his bewitching manoeuvre. Only Lan Xichen could make such a movement so beautiful, he thought as he sighed to himself. “Showering you with love, of course!” Lan Xichen replied, delighted at his reaction. Jiang Wanyin choked at that unexpected comment. As expected, only Lan Xichen could find his reactions entertaining, he continued thinking. 
“Is there anything else you would like to entertain me with?” Jiang Wanyin snorted. Lan Xichen smiled even brighter. Really, if he was going to smile any wider or brighter, Jiang Wanyin felt he might really go blind, and not only because of love. “There are a million things, of course,” Lan Xichen said, holding Jiang Wanyin closer. “But I know if I don’t follow your pace, we’d go backwards instead of forwards. So, what would you like me to do?”
Jiang Wanyin looked up at him, marvelling at how this Jade of Lan shone under the cover of moonlight. He rested his chin on his chest and pondered for a moment. Every single thought that went through his mind made him blush more. “U—Uh, what are my options?” he coughed. Lan Xichen struggled to keep his laughter from bubbling but that didn’t stop his shoulders from shaking. His eyes filled with adoration at the young man in his arms before him as Jiang Wanyin’s face formed a pout. His eyes twinkled. “Well, we could start off easy. Pick a number from one to ten,” he grinned mischievously. Jiang Wanyin racked his brains. There was definitely a catch here. But maybe there wasn’t. Lan Xichen wouldn’t do anything he wouldn’t like, would he? Maybe the numbers represent the comfort level? Maybe his confidence level? Maybe speed? Jiang Wanyin felt his temples throbbed and thought, Screw it! 
“Then, eight!” he said confidently. The higher the better, right? I won’t regret it, surely!
Lan Xichen grinned widely and proceeded to pick him up.
“W-w-w-w-wait, where are we going?!” Jiang Wanyin flailed as he was adjusted comfortably again in the bridal carry. 
Lan Xichen opened the door to Jiang Wanyin’s room adjacent to the study and proceeded to lay him on the bed. Was he going to tuck him to bed, Jiang Wanyin wondered. But his relief would slowly turn into dread and, although Jiang Wanyin strongly and stubbornly denied the idea, pleasure. For the number eight was the number of hours Lan Xichen proceeded to whisper words of love and affection whilst pampering the uncomfortable man with kisses.
The next day when Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had come with the preparations of the New Year, uninvited of course, they found Jiang Wanyin with swollen and full lips and a Lan Xichen whose smile seemed to put the sun to shame. The couple dreaded to think what had happened and instead kept their mouth shut when the two sect leaders greeted them at the gate.
Well, Wei Wuxian thought, at least now he isn’t second anymore. He watched as his younger brother busied himself with cleaning the hallways while being spoiled rotten by the older Lan. And that was the start of Jiang Wanyin’s fall from being alone and scarred to being helpless, in love and helplessly in love.
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CFWC Writer of the Month May 2022 Bebepac
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our many talented fanfic writers and this month’s writer of the month is @bebepac ! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! Writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Blog: @bebepac
How do you want to be known on Tumblr?  You can call me Bebe or Bee.
Quick Links:
See More Below!
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I started playing choices in mid-2018 or early 2019 I think?:  TRR was between books two and three because I caught up to where the series was and had to wait for weekly releases 
I played Rules of Engagement and The Freshman at the same time.  TRR came on my radar when I saw that Leo was the Leo from there.   
2- When, and why, did you join Choices fandom?.
I saw a post on Reddit talking about the Tumblr choices fandom when was looking for TRR information between books
3- How did you pick your url name? 
Bebe is actually one of the nicknames I go by and Pac is actually because I still want to go back to school to become a Physician Assistant  a  PA-C.
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
My first posts were TRH inspired, with pictures of the Royal Heir.   My first chapter I wrote was a one-shot called Ride With Me
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I started writing in January 2020
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
TRR, I use the characters, but they’re not always royal in the series I put them in.
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
A WIP is the earliest thing I can find that I shared on CFWC
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Greek Meat - in May 2020 I was supposed to spend 12 days in Greece, but due to the pandemic, my trip was canceled.  That fictionalized series was kind of the time I hoped to have with me and my good friend who planned to go together. 
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be, but it could use a little more love?
I didn’t expect The Rotten Apple to be well received, and I have gotten some very negative messages about it.  It does have a taboo storyline, but I truly enjoy writing the story, and the evolution of the characters.
I expected The Life of Riley: Book One to do better.  It made me feel like I was the only one who really wanted Riley to have a backstory,  so I created one for her that explained integral parts of her life in the canon story where she didn’t have family there to support her.  
10- What is your specialty as a fanfic writer?
Drama and angst,  I can write fluff, but fluff is not my go to.  I do promise on my page, you get original fics with dramatic flair.  
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Angst.  They say you write what you know, and I’ve had to deal with tough things in my life.
12- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MC’s or in your writing?
All of my MCs have components of me, all are left-handed like myself.  But if I had to rank them the most like me is  My original Riley Brooks Character (most emotionally like me when I explain how my Riley reacts to things, I always put myself in her shoes.)  Mia from my series Pop’s Place and Mia’s World  My New Riley (from The Blue Honey Cafe)
13- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Not adequately conveying what I’m thinking to the page, or giving as much detail as I should.   I know what I see, but I need to help  you see what I see.  This is something I’ve been working on.
14- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
I have several series that are really close to being done. Just the Way You are (TRR x Perfect Match crossover) The Days the Earth Stood Still (TRR) 
15- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first?
Funny:  Greek Meat Drama:  Fast Forward 
16- Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
@dcbbw on the fandom,  my struggle point I mentioned about my writing, is something she gave me as constructive criticism and I appreciate it.  
Giving me the courage to write when I told them I had a story idea fandom peeps @janezillow @dcbbw.  Thank you for believing in me.
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Greek Meat 
18- Do you write original stories?
I write very little canon in my stories so I think of them as original and most of my storylines aren’t actually set in Cordonia.
I also write a lot of pieces based in my hometown area which I think gives them a very unique feel.
19 -  What other hobbies do you have?
Music, movies, and now that the pollening is no longer among us I want to get back into the great outdoors more until it gets too hot!
20 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
Right now it’s the red apple for my series The Rotten Apple 🍎
21: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I am very appreciative of everyone who is reading and following the storylines that I am creating.  Tumblr can feel hard sometimes, especially when you are a small blog, and I am.  I appreciate liking, commenting, and especially reblogging, as that’s how others see your work as a writer on this platform.  Thank you to all that are supporting me for supporting my writing.
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bluerosesburnblue · 3 years
I don't suppose you could explain the ending for khux for me?? i've watched it and i've been following the translated storyline for it and this ending just. does not make a ton of sense to me. i can usually figure out kh endings no problem but this time i'm just lost.
Isn't that just the state of the writing for it, where even people familiar with the series are having trouble understanding it. And, of course, the game dies as it lived: screwing over Global so we can't even compare/contrast with an official English version yet to see if it's more clear
Anyway, sure, I'll try to break it down scene by scene (Note: these aren't the actual scene titles, I just needed a way to delineate them so I made titles up)
Scene 1: The Master and Luxu
The update begins with a continuation of the past flashbacks expanding on the Case of Luxu and the Master of Masters' instructions to him. He explains that he knew that Darkness could only truly be defeated in the future, and so he made sure that Keyblade wielders would exist to fight it by recruiting many Keyblade wielders in Daybreak Town (as per the start of KHx) and then using the Dandelions to stall Darkness's takeover and give them time to make sure that the Keyblade legacy would live on. As Luxu turns to leave, though, the Master stops him with one more bit of information that he feels Luxu needs to know
He explains that back when he was younger, the being known as Darkness tried to gain the advantage in their battle by becoming incorporeal and attacking people's hearts instead of their bodies. There were 13 of these original Darkness beings, and because they lack bodies they aim to win by quantity and so created the Heartless as lesser, but more physical versions of themselves. The original 13 still haven't given up their desire to regain a physical form, however, and so they target those with strong hearts to take their bodies for themselves
The Master of Masters, knowing this and knowing that something without a physical body can't be destroyed, came up with a plan. He took in six children, his apprentices, and raised them to be a prison for Darkness. To foster light so strongly within them that Darkness couldn't possibly taint it, and then seal the strongest 7 of the 13 Darknesses within himself and his students, trapping the Darknesses inside their impenetrable hearts of light. Then, he instigated the Keyblade War. This is only my interpretation of the line, but it sounds to me like the purpose was to get the Foretellers killed in the War and the Darkness sealed inside of them along with them. How this relates to them coming back in KH3 is unclear
When Luxu asks if the War and the idea of a traitor were necessary, the Master goes on to say that the purpose of making the Foretellers believe there was a traitor was to instill negative emotions like fear and doubt in them. Darkness feeds on those emotions, and so by making sure that his students would produce them and yet not have their light tainted, he would attract Darkness into their hearts by giving it something to eat, only for it to realize that it was trapped in light that couldn't be consumed. The infighting amongst the Foretellers was bait to lock Darkness in their hearts the entire time
After that, there's only six left and so the Master chose five individuals, the Union Leaders, to be the uncorruptable lights that would house the weaker Darknesses. The final one, he would simply trap in the Data Daybreak Town
At this, Luxu flies into a rage at his master, angrily shouting that he can't possibly accept a plan that sacrifices so many people, but the Master stands up and starts talking over him. He's made it clear that he doesn't see Darkness as human, and he's seen this inhuman thing take countless lives, including people he's cared about. He doesn't believe them to be heroes, and he doesn't care. The entire purpose is just to ensure that in the end, humanity is what survives the war. He knows it's a tragedy, but for one who believes that tragedy can't be fully avoided, this is a solution that will at least save some
Luxu accepts this answer and leaves, but behind his back the Master muses on what Luxu, the traitor, needs to do. Luxu was the traitor from the lost page the entire time, given a role to take him out of the infighting so that his identity as the traitor wouldn't be discovered (or at least, that's how it seems to me considering that he needed the Foretellers to fear and doubt to attract Darkness to them)
Scene 2: Fleeing Daybreak Town
We now cut to the real Daybreak Town in the present, where Lauriam, Elrena, Ventus, and Brain have just emerged from the Data Daybreak Town into the real-world version of the lifeboat room. Daybreak Town is breaking down around them, about to be fully consumed by the aftermath of the Keyblade War which had been temporarily staved off while the Data simulation was running
Brain is attempting to enact his plan to extract all of the Dandelions from Data Daybreak Town and bring them into the real world, but he's worried that there won't be enough time to actually do it before the simulation shuts down and the real Daybreak Town is destroyed. The only thing he has time to do is get their three remaining friends (Ephemer, Skuld, and Player) out to the real world, and the only way that he can think to do this is to send Lauriam, Elrena, and Ven away to the future and to safety and then send the remaining lifeboats back into the datascape so that there's enough for the three trapped in there to use
Brain is willing to stay behind to man this operation, but he wants to ensure that at least one of the true Union Leaders (Lauriam) manages to live on in case things go wrong and save as many of them as he can, so those going to the future must be sent first. Lauriam, etching his mission to finally find Strelitzia (or even just her data) into his heart, departs with Elrena and Ven. Once they're gone, however, Brain notices someone enter the room and turns to find Luxu approaching him
Scene 3: Those Trapped in Data
We now cut to Player, Ephemer, and Skuld in the data version of the lifeboat room, contemplating how the others are doing. Just as they muse about how quiet the end of this world feels, Player turns to find that four of the remaining six Darknesses have entered the room (presumably the other two are the one sealed in Ven and the one that Luxu was fighting in the real world and who helped Maleficent, who seems to be gone by the time Brain and the others end up back in the real world)
The Darknesses, it seems, have come to politely ask the gang to open up a way out of the Data Daybreak Town for them, so that they can spread to other worlds. They don't want to fight, and obviously even if they did they'd win, so just open a gate for them to escape with already. They could always just take over Ephemer's friends and force him to watch as they rip them away until he complies
Ephemer mocks this and moves in to attack, but before he fully commits he whispers his plan to Player: he and Skuld will hold them off to buy time for Player to get into the last pod and run. To his shock, however, Player begins mimicking Darkness's speaking patterns and then goes to attack their friends. It seems that Darkness has done to Player what they did to Ven, taking them over and forcing them to act out. Player is now their bargaining chip; they'll only give Player back if Ephemer opens the gate. And since Darkness can only be defeated if it has a body, their options are to give in or destroy the possessed Player
This initiates the final boss fight against Ephemer and Skuld, Player's dearest friends who have been with them since before the war
And the duo prove no match for the Darkness-possessed Player, who taunts them about not just leaving when they had the chance. Ephemer begs his friend to stop as Player goes in to finish off Skuld, and in his desperation to protect one friend, he opens up the portal to Game Central Station and forces his fallen friend though. As it closes, Ephemer breaks down in tears, muttering apologies to the friend that he was unable to save
Scene 4: Luxu and Brain
We cut back to where we left off in Scene 2, with Luxu confronting Brain in the real lifeboat room. He introduces himself, and Brain is taken aback that one of the missing masters has finally returned. Luxu asks Brain if he's a Union Leader, and when Brain confirms that he is, Luxu then gestures to the missing pods and asks where the others are. Brain tells him that one escaped, and the other two are still trapped in the data. Luxu's confused; there should be five Union Leaders, but Brain only listed four. He asks what happened to the fifth, and Brain confirms that they were struck down
Luxu assumes that Brain is going to make his escape, but Brain denies this. They have a friend who he calls a Dandelion (even though Player did not consider themself one) who is trapped alongside the other two Union Leaders, and he intends to get all three out no matter what. Furthermore, Brain has no intention of using one of the real lifeboats. Rather, he has resigned himself to staying behind in the past and finding some way to survive the end of the world to eventually extract the rest of the Dandelions from the data as well, and wake them from their data sleep
Luxu, however, has some bad news. While normally that would be true, the Data Daybreak Town was designed to lock Darkness away. Once it's locked up, nothing will ever be able to get out of it again. If anything could get out, then Darkness would as well. It was meant to be a grave for an intangible being
Not only that, but Luxu expresses doubt that Brain has properly prepared for his friends who use the lifeboats to awaken in the future. What does Brain plan to use for mediums? Who are the memories going to come from? Brain doesn't have an answer, but he has to do this and he's willing to put his life on the line for it
This seems to earn Luxu's respect
Scene 5: The Two Who Remain
We now resume with Ephemer and Skuld in the data lifeboat room, having just sealed Player away. The two real pods that weren't used yet are digitized and sent to Ephemer and Skuld to use for their escape. Ephemer picks up the weakened Skuld and places her in a lifeboat, then looks forlornly over to the one on the other side of the room. The one meant for Player. Then he reclines back into his own pod and the two leave the Data Daybreak Town
Scene 6: "You're So Gullible"
We now join Player inside of the familiar tunnel that joined the Data Daybreak Town to Game Central Station
The four Darknesses swarm around Player, commending them for goading Ephemer into being desperate enough to open up a gateway for them, implying that Player was at least partially in control by the end of the fight. In a bizarre way, they seem to be trying to help Player as they warn them they must cast off their body if they don't want to be destroyed by the simulation shutting down
Player laughs
They ask if Darkness is always this easy to trick. After all, it can't go anywhere without a Keyblade and without a body it can't use one, either, which is why it needed one of them to open a path for it. Player turns, and locks the end of the pathway that leads to Game Central Station. And since Ephemer sealed the Data Daybreak Town end when he cast Player and the Darknesses through the portal, all five of them are now trapped in this space between worlds on the cusp of shutting down along with Data Daybreak Town. This was Player's plan all along, opening their heart up just enough for the four Darknesses to try and use them as a host and then provoking their friends into sealing them away and taking Darkness with them
Darkness flies into an anger-fueled frenzy but is unable to do anything to escape. Player collapses, and Chirithy appears. Petting them much like they did during the Keyblade War, Player apologizes for forcing Chirithy to be sealed away with them since their hearts are bound. Chirithy shakes their head, signaling that they don't hold it against Player, and the two go in for a final hug and are bathed in light
Scene 7: The Destruction of Daybreak Town
Back in the real lifeboat room again, Ephemer and Skuld emerge and are met with blaring sirens signaling that the world is at its end. The other are gone, including Brain and Luxu, and the two have no idea what happened to them (or that Luxu was involved). They simply hope that they made it out safely, and decide to check outside just to see what's going on
They're met with the destruction of Daybreak Town. Smoke is everywhere, the sky is red, and pieces of debris are being drawn into a swirling dark orb in the sky not unlike the destruction of Destiny Islands from KH1. Ephemer decides that they need to leave, now, and Skuld muses about how it takes a lot of time and effort to build something, but none at all to destroy. The two retreat back into the lifeboat room to make their exit
Scene 8: The Master's Plans
We now cut to our final continuation of the flashback of Master of Masters' talk with Darkness from before he disappeared
Darkness muses that it truly does not understand the Master of Masters at all. The Master asks if it wants to, and Darkness replies with a very clinical, "Yes, understanding your enemy is important." The Master muses if it means all of the Darknesses or just the one who is speaking, and Darkness states that it's speaking for all of them
The Master muses for a bit about how small worlds are easy to control. If this small world simply expands gradually over time, then eventually there will become parts of it that the light can't reach, but Darkness will have free reign over anywhere it pleases (much like real light can only shine so far, and anywhere it doesn't reach is filled with shadow). This skews everything in Darkness's favor when vying for control and is precisely what would happen if the world of the Age of Fairtytales continued to expand
Darkness simply notes that of course it will always be around, that's what "friends" do, but the Master says that sometimes he'd like to be left alone. And so, to get away from Darkness, he plans to flee to a world that Darkness does not know about. One where neither Darkness nor Light can be controlled. Darkness asks what this world is, and the Master says that humanity, even if their lives end, want to believe in a world that exists for them in the future. For him, this is a world of fiction and imagination. This implies that he plans to flee into the world of Quadratum, the fictional world that we learned about in Melody of Memory that exists on the other side of the "real world"
Darkness is clearly lost as it asks if he's talking about the Data World. The Master simply says that even if it started out as fiction, you can make it real. But he won't explain any more. After all, the point is that this is a world that Darkness doesn't know about. It cannot reach it, even if it tried
Of note is that he mimics what the illusory Xehanort remarks about Sora in Melody of Memory by calling this a place where neither your "eyes nor voice" can reach, much like Sora's voice could not reach Kairi in The Final World from Quadratum. His final description of it is as "a world of [symbol]." It's unclear if this is an actual term that is unpronounceable and unspeakable in-universe, or if this is simply done to censor the word for the players
Scene 9: Goodbye
We once again return to the real lifeboat room amidst the destruction of Daybreak Town. As she gets into her pod, Skuld starts sobbing and thanks Ephemer through her tears for staying with her until the end. Ephemer tells her that she can't give up until it's all over. As he goes into his pod, he flashes back to all of the time that he spent with Player, and mutters their name through his tears as their pods close and the room caves in around them
Scene 10: Where Do Dream Eaters Come From?
Player and Chirithy are floating in a white void alongside all of the other Dandelions that were trapped in the Data Daybreak Town and their Chirithies. Some of them are familiar faces, like the "My friends aren't my power" kid and the squad of four kids that Player had befriended and their ex-teammate. As Player awakens, they watch these sleeping Dandelions revert to the forms of hearts that are then eaten by those Chirithies, transforming them into the Spirits seen in Dream Drop Distance
Player's Chirithy explains that because Chirithies are bonded to their Keyblade wielder's heart, they take on a state to match their wielder. If the wielder dies, so do they. And if the wielder falls into a deep sleep, they take on a stronger form to protect it
Contrary to what the fandom is saying, NO, Spirits aren't dead Keykids. Rather, the Chirithies are simply taking their sleeping hearts into their bodies and transforming into a stronger form to keep them safe. This is only my assumption, but I would assume that this is possible since they don't technically have bodies anyway, having been digitized. Therefore, their body-less hearts would otherwise have been sent directly to sleep with no protection, hence the Chirithies moving in
Now, this still doesn't make sense regarding Dream Drop Distance by overriding the lore that all Dream Eaters are simply the form that Darkness takes in Sleeping Worlds, which made sense from a metaphorical perspective of "you sleep at night which is dark, so dreams are darkness and both good and bad dreams are made of the same stuff." And also you can totally craft Spirits and have them explode if they take too much damage, all with zero indication that a keykid heart was involved in the creation process or released on destruction, but whatever, let's just move on
Player asks if this is what will happen to them and their Chirithy, and Chirithy responds that they have a choice. If Player doesn't want to go to sleep, then their heart will be broken down and reconstructed as an entirely new heart to live a new life
Smash cut to an unfamiliar town where a woman in purple with black hair and silver eyes hand over what is obviously a baby Xehanort to a hunched figure in a blue cloak, holding a cane. She sobs. Cut again to the figure in blue holding baby Xehanort standing on Destiny Islands' play island. Cut once more and Xehanort is now his teenage self from Dark Road on the beach of the play island. The figure in blue is standing on the ledge behind him, and as Xehanort stands up to walk to the shoreline, the figure collapses onto the ground. Xehanort does not notice this. Two more cuts, this time to the day that Xehanort found himself in Scala ad Caelum and a chess match with Eraqus
We return to Player, who closes their eyes peacefully and decided to move on to another life. Chirithy is confused, but goes in for a final hug as both of them dissolve into light, Player's heart flying off into the white void
The implication of all of this being that not only did Player reincarnate as Xehanort, introducing reincarnation into a series that it has never been a part of and overcomplicating the lore even worse, but that Xehanort isn't even from Destiny Islands in the first place, invalidating nearly all of his character motivation from the series
This is so bad that it deserves its own post though, so we're moving on
Credits Roll: Scenes From the Game Play Over It
Post Credits: Aftermath
We find our scene in a vast expanse of water, littered with debris. A lone lifeboat floats amongst the rubble. Some houses from Daybreak Town can be seen partially submerged, setting this after its destruction. The lifeboat comes to a stop and opens up, revealing Ephemer's silhouette. He looks around
It's unclear why Ephemer seems to have landed so far back in the past compared to the others, though some people have noted that he also doesn't appear to have lost his body, so it could be that his pod simply didn't activate (note how we only saw it close, not disappear into light like Lauriam and crew's) and that Ephemer didn't time travel at all but simply rode out the destruction of Daybreak Town inside the lifeboat
We see a rendition of the scene from KH2 where Diablo the raven brings Maleficent's cloak to the three fairies and she revives, showing that this scene was, indeed, her coming back from her time travel adventure
Lauriam wakes up in the field of flowers from Dwarf Woodlands, and looks confused and startled as a white butterfly flits about him. The flowers clearly a nod to his element among the Organization
Elrena is shown still unconscious along the cliffs that lead to Maleficent's castle in Enchanted Dominion. Much like Lauriam, her element is represented in the thunderstorm that rages around her
Ventus is shown unconscious in the Keyblade Graveyard, and a silhouette approaches him. Many believe this to be Xehanort finding him, though as of now the figure's identity is unconfirmed
We cut to a scene of Luxu dragging the black box behind him in the Keyblade Graveyard, much like a certain scene from the end of Back Cover. However, this time the scene continues and he removes his hood to reveal Brain's face. The implication here is that after Scene 4 above, Luxu took Brain's body as the first of many that he would steal to prolong his own life. This is why neither of them are seen when Ephemer and Skuld emerge from the datascape; Luxu has already taken Brain's body for his own and made his escape to survive the destruction of the world with the black box
We get a title card, but are treated to one final scene. Brain wakes up (sans hat) in the same town that we saw baby Xehanort being given away in. A hooded figure in strange garb arrives, holding Brain's hat, and asks if he is Brain. At Brain's confirmation, the figure returns the hat and introduces themself as Sigurd (a Norse mythology name much like the other Scala ad Caelum characters so far). They seem to have been waiting for Brain and report that they found him into an earpiece of sorts
Brain is understandably confused, and Sigurd explains that they know of the Brain who escaped Daybreak Town's destruction and that he would appear in this spot on this day. Brain panics, realizing that he doesn't know where any of his seven other friends are and if they made it to safety. Sigurd tells Brain that he's the only one who made it to this spot. Brain, utterly crushed that all of his friends have seemingly perished, listlessly follows Sigurd as Sigurd leads him to their headquarters
On the way there, however, something catches Brain's eye. He sprints to the fountain and looks up at something that's not in the frame in shock. Sigurd explains that this is a statue of this town, Scala ad Caelum’s founder (so Xehanort's actually from Scala...) and the first ever Keyblade Master, Master Ephemer. The camera pans up to show the statue of Ephemer as we know him holding the Master Keeper Keyblade that he got from Brain
Brain is overcome with emotions, and through his tears states that he knows exactly who that is. That's his best friend, and he's so proud of him for rebuilding
This is just my speculation, but what I believe is going on in the final scene with Brain is that when Luxu took his body, he ejected Brain's heart from it. A lifeboat wasn't used up, so Luxu must have either used time travel on his own to send Brain's heart to the future or simply left Brain's heart stranded and waiting in the ruins of Daybreak Town. This would let Luxu have his body, but Brain's stranded heart could make a new one with the proper resources in the future like the other hearts sent via the pods. That's what I think the focus on the hat is about. Luxu is shown without it after he takes Brain's body, and Sigurd has it. So my assumption would be that the hat was the medium used to bring Brain's body back like Maleficent's cloak was for her. It’s possible that Luxu set this up, but I can’t confirm. As for the memories, I couldn't say
I would also speculate that this scene takes place a decent amount of time before Dark Road, since Eraqus has been implied to be a descendant of Brain due to their similar looks. If Brain is in Scala ad Caelum in the past, then he could easily be the grandfather that Eraqus mentioned
My final bit of speculation is that the reason Sigurd and crew know who Brain is is because Ephemer, the founder of Scala ad Caelum and the inheritor of the Book of Prophecies, likely saw when Brain would emerge and set up a system to take care of him, knowing that he wouldn't survive to see him again
Apologies for the length, the ending was 40 minutes long. But, hopefully, I've made it clear which scenes are connected to which and what is actually happening. If it wasn't actually clear, there's two flashback sequences involving the Master of Masters that take place before KHx, the scenes in the data and real lifeboat rooms are running concurrently with each other (Brain and Luxu are having their conversation at the same time as Player is being possessed by the Darknesses, etc.) and everything else is roughly chronological with the exception of the scenes where Maleficent, Lauriam, Elrena, and Ven are revived after time traveling. Lauriam, Elrena, and Ven's scenes all must take place sometime before or around BBS (Lauriam and Elrena for their ages to match up, Ven because he's in BBS). Maleficent's is at the beginning of KH2
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ectonurites · 3 years
In Tim original he was there when dick parents die and he look like 4-5 and that make me confused bc shouldn’t Tim be more younger than that when dick parents die ? ( I mean the age gap between dick and Tim Probably 8-10 )
OKAY lets take a look at this!
All of this is obviously not currently canon because the New 52 changed things and honestly even before that things could be very inconsistent, but we can try to approximate what Tim, Jason, and Dick's ages and age differences were based on that 1987-1989 era of canon to try to make sense of 'how old Tim should have been when Dick's parents died' (Then I know you didn't bring up Jason but considering how linked Tim's origin is to him he's relevant, so he's in here too)
So in Batman #416 (the issue Dick & Jason first meet), Dick brings up two things relevant to talk about here:
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From this we know:
Dick was 19 when Bruce fired him from being Robin
Dick & Bruce were partners for 6 years, meaning Dick was approximately 13 when he began as Robin (I believe other comics reference him being around 12 at the time of his parents' death/becoming Robin, so it could be more like it was 6 full years and dates just don't line up exactly, and he did actually start at 12. This could also be explained as the training time, as later in Lonely Place of Dying Tim mentions there were a few months between the death of Dick's parents and Robin's debut, meaning it could be more like his parents died when he was 12 -> he trained the rest of the time he was 12 -> he properly debuted as Robin at age 13)
For the purposes of working out this logic I'm going to treat these things as happening when Dick was 12
Now the DC Wiki cites that Jason was confirmed as 12 when he met Bruce/became Robin in a letters-to-the-editor type 'bat-signals' page included in Batman #413, however all the scans of that issue I've been able to find don't include those pages (they're often not included in scans of older issues), so I'm not currently able to confirm/deny that. However logistically it makes sense, that way he had a few years in the role before his death, considering we do know he died at age 15 from a few sources including his Death Certificate in the Batman Files:
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For the sake of 'needing a number' I'm going to assume that age 12 start time is true.
We then know that Bruce met Jason not too long after he fired Dick based on Batman #408. The start of the issue shows the incident/reason that Bruce fired him (he got very injured by the Joker and Bruce decided he couldn't work with a partner anymore), then it says some weeks (an unspecified number of weeks, but they use the term 'weeks' not 'months' to describe it) passed:
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Which brings us to the anniversary of Bruce's parents' death which is when he first meets Jason in crime alley.
So, based on all that so far we can conclude:
Dick's parents died and he became Robin when he was around 12/13
Dick was fired from being Robin after they worked together for six years, at age 19
Soon after Dick became Nightwing (also at 19 I believe), and Jason was taken in by Bruce at age 12 and became Robin after training
(Jason and Dick don't meet for a while though, as it's not until 18 months after being fired that Dick approaches Bruce again (in Batman #416 as referenced earlier), when he and Jason would have probably been around 20/21 and 13/14 respectively)
Jason was killed at age 15, when Dick would have been approximately 22 if we consider this three years after he was fired/Jason met Bruce
Then let's get to Tim! We know that Tim was 13 during Lonely Place of Dying, which takes place not too long after Jason was killed
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(Batman #441)
Which gives us that 'Jason is about two years older than Tim' age difference that is commonly used
Now taking that stuff also into consideration:
Jason died at age 15, when Dick would have been approximately 22, and Tim would have been about 13 (theoretically he actually should have been 12 at the time of Jason's death because Jason died in April and Tim's birthday is in July, and Lonely Place of Dying is supposed to be like a few months after Jason's death and we know he's 13 at the time of the story, however I'm almost certain Tim's birthday hadn't been determined yet when the story was written so it definitely didn't factor into the logic when they were writing it. So we should treat it as him being 13, but my brain would yell at me if I didn't at least address that)
So, we can then approximate Tim & Dick's age difference at around 9 years, implying Tim should have been about 3 at the time Dick's parents died, when Dick was 12. Most people usually assume Tim is older than that at the time though, in the 4-5 (or even 6) range like you suggested, based on the art and the fact that Tim has strong memories from that day (of the deaths themselves, and the thing that lets him figure out that Dick is Robin: that the Ringmaster had said only three people could do that quadruple somersault)
However frankly it is possible to have memories from being 3, like it's less common sure and is about the earliest that is average to have, but especially considering it was something he had nightmares about for years afterwards that impacted him, I wouldn't be that surprised by details sticking with him even if it was from when he was that young. Also comics are not ever consistent about drawing people the ages they are so I really don't think that can count as proof of age or anything.
Also, the way he speaks in the flashback to the moment during Batman Year 3 (so before Lonely Place of Dying, because in the LPoD flashbacks we don't actually see him talk at all at this age) feels much more to me like how a preschooler (typically about 3-4) would talk than a kindergartener (typically about 5-6), just as someone who has worked with both age groups before.
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(Batman #436)
But I mean i'm not an expert on childhood development stuff like that, so take my opinion there with a grain of salt. I'm more just trying to point out that him being significantly younger than most people assume he was there is definitely possible. I usually only see people point to the parts in LPoD and gloss right over Batman #436 in these discussions.
But yeah! So there's obviously guesswork thrown in here, and comics just in general are not consistent about ages like these things are fluid and do change, but my best guesses based on stuff from that late 80's period (+ the death certificate from later, I know him being 15 is mentioned in other places too but off the top of my head I could not remember and the death certificate is just easiest to find) are:
Tim was about 3 when Dick's parents died
Dick is about 9 years older than him
Jason is about 2 years older than Tim/ 7 years younger than Dick
I hope I worded this in not too confusing of a way, and I'd again like to reiterate this is in no way a definitive thing (there just is no definitive answer, because basically all this kind of stuff gets contradicted at various points) it's just what makes most sense to me after reading through these comics from this era!
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d-criss-news · 3 years
20 Questions With Darren Criss: How Acting Has Helped Him Make New Music
While Darren Criss has graced our TV screens with a range of characters, from high schooler Blaine Anderson on Glee to serial killer Andrew Cunanan on The Assassination of Gianni Versace, he was last spotted just being himself, on our For You Page on TikTok. “I’m walking to rehearsal with a guitar on my back with a Trader Joe’s bag ... I did not bring an umbrella because I forgot that it was raining. I’m rocking that NYC musician life,” the Glee alum explained in the hilarious clip posted three days ago.
While Criss’ acting work has earned him acclaim and stardom, he leaned into making music during the pandemic. On Aug. 20, he dropped a new EP, Masquerade, featuring five new tracks that Criss says were inspired by the different characters Criss has embraced throughout his career. After Criss wrote songs for his musical comedy web series Royalties and Apple TV+’s animated sitcom Central Park before the pandemic struck the United States, he then used those experiences as a precursor to his new EP. As Criss continues to promote his new music, he answered 20 of Billboard's questions – giving us a peek into how his new EP came together, and how growing up in San Fransisco shaped him as an actor, singer and all-around artist.
1. What inspired your latest project, Masquerade?
Although I would have preferred that it come at a far less grim cost, I finally had the time. Before the pandemic, I had written 10 new songs for my show Royalties -- along with an original song for Disney and another for Apple’s Central Park. These were all assignments in which I was writing for a certain scenario and character. Go figure. It was the most music I had ever written in a calendar year. This really emboldened me to rethink how I made my own music— to start putting a focus on “character creation” in my songs, rather than personal reflection. The latter was not proving to be as productive. The alchemy of having this time and having set a new intention with my own songwriting and producing made me put on a few of my favorite masques and throw myself a Masquerade.
2. How do you think your background as an actor complements your music?
They are one and the same to me. I treat acting roles like musical pieces— dialogue is like scoring a melody; there’s pace, dynamics, cadence, tone. Physical characterization is like producing -- zeroing in on the bass line, deciding on the kick pattern. Vocal characterization is like choosing the right sonic experience, choosing the most effective snare sound, and mixing the high end or low end. It goes without saying that it works in the complete opposite direction. Making each song is taking on a different role literally and employing the use of different masques to maximize the effectiveness of the particular story being told.
3. On Instagram  you wrote that “Masquerade is a small collection of the variety of musical masques that have always inspired me.” Which track do you identify with most in your real life?
Everybody absorbs songs differently. Some key into the lyrics, some into the melody, some the production, some into vocal performance. When I listen to songs, I consider all of their value on totally different scales. So it’s hard to say if there’s any track I “identify” with more than any others, since I -- by nature -- identify with all of them. I think I just identify with certain aspects more than others. If it helps for a more interesting answer, I will say I enjoy the slightly more classical, playful -- dare I say -- more Broadway-leaning wordplay of “Walk of Shame,” but that’s just talking about lyricism. I enjoy the attitude of “F*kn Around,” the batsh--t musicality of “I Can’t Dance,” the relentless grooves of “Let’s” and “For A Night Like This.” All have different ingredients I really enjoy having an excuse to dive into.
4. What’s the first piece of music that you bought for yourself, and what was the medium?
Beatles audio cassettes: “Help” and “Hard Day’s Night.” I just listened on repeat on a tape-playing Walkman until my brother and I got a stereo for our room with a CD player in it, which was  when I just bought the same two albums again, but this time as compact discs.
5. What was the first concert you saw?It’s hard to say, because my parents took us to a lot of classical concerts when we were small. But I guess this question usually refers to what was the first concert you went to on your own volition, and that my friend, was definitely Warped Tour ’01. My brother and I went on our own— two teenagers going to their first music festival, in the golden age of that particular genre and culture. It was f--king incredible.
6. What did your parents do for a living when you were a kid?
My dad was in private banking and advised really, really wealthy people on how to handle their money. My mom was, by choice, a stay-at-home mom, but in reality, she was my dad’s consigliere. They discussed absolutely everything together. They were a real team, and I saw that every single day in the house. They both had a background in finance (That’s how they met in the first place.) and were incredibly skilled at all the hardcore adulting things that I absolutely suck at. They were total finance wizards together. So of course, instead of becoming an accountant, I picked up playing the guitar and ran as far I could with it. Luckily, they were all about it.
7. What was your favorite homecooked meal growing up?
My dad was an incredible chef. For special occasions, I’d request his crab cakes. They were unreal. I’ve never had a crab cake anywhere in the world that was good as my dad’s.
8. Who made you realize you could be an artist full-time?
I don’t know if I’ve actually realized that yet.
9. What’s at the top of your professional bucket list?
The specifics change every day, but the core idea at the top is to continue being consistently inconsistent with my choices, and to keep getting audiences to constantly reconsider their consideration of me. But I mean, sure, what performer doesn’t want to play Coachella? What songwriter doesn’t want to have Adele sing one of their songs? What actor doesn’t want to be in a Wes Anderson film?
10.  How did your hometown/city shape who you are?
San Francisco. I mean, come on. I was really lucky. The older I get, the more grateful I am for just being born and raised there. It’s an incredibly diverse, culturally rich, colorful, inclusive, vibrant city. By the time I was born, it had served as a beacon for millions of creative, out-of-the-box thinkers to gather and thrive. I grew up around that. The combination of that with having parents, who were unbelievably supportive of the arts themselves, laid an incredibly fortunate foundation to consider the life of an artist as a legitimately viable option. It’s a foundation that I am supremely aware is not the case for millions of young artists around the world. I was absurdly lucky.
11.  What’s the last song you listened to?
I mean probably one of mine, but not by choice. I know, lame. But I’m promoting a new EP, what’d you expect? But if you wanna know what I’ve been listening to, as far as new s--t is concerned: a lot of Lizzy McAlpine, Remi Wolf, and Charlie Burg.
12.  If you could see any artist in concert, dead or alive, who would it be?
The Beatles is an obvious "yeah, duh." Sammy Davis, Mel Tormé, or of course, Nat King Cole. I would’ve loved to see Howard Ashman give a lecture on his creative process and his body of work.
13. What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen happen in the crowd of one of your sets?
I feel like just having a crowd at all, at any one of my sets, is pretty wild enough.
14. What’s your karaoke go-to?
The real answer to this I’ll write into a book one day, because I have a lot to say about karaoke etiquette. I have two options here: I can either name a song that I like to sing for me, for fun, or I can name a song that really gets the group going. The answer depends on what kind of karaoke night we’re dealing with here. So I will say, after I’ve selected a ton of songs that services a decent enough party vibe for everyone else, then I would do one for me, and that would be the Beatles’ “Oh! Darling.”
15. What’s one thing your most devoted fans don’t know about you?
What I have up my sleeve.
16. What TV show did you binge-watch over the past year?
Dave is a stroke of genius. There are episodes that I believe are bona fide masterpieces. Also, My Brilliant Friend is a masterclass in cinematic television.
17. What movie, or song, always makes you cry?
It’s A Wonderful Life.
18. What’s one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
Get used to sharing everything about yourself and your life now, or more astutely, to the idea that you don’t necessarily get to control how your life is shared. I know it’s not really your thing, but you’re gonna have to get used to it, so start building up those calluses now. And don’t worry, all the stuff you love now will be cool again in your mid-thirties, so keep some of those clothes because you’ll be a full-blown fashion icon if you just keep wearing exactly what you’re wearing. Oh nd also, put money into Apple and Facebook.
19.  What new hobby did you take on in the last year?
I’ve always been a linguaphile. My idea of leisure time is getting to study or review other languages. This past year, I took the time to finally dive into learning how to read, write, and speak Japanese. Other than making music, it was one of the biggest components of my 2020-2021.
20. What do you hope to accomplish or experience by the end of 2021?
I hope I get to play live shows again.
64 notes · View notes
drwilfredwaterson · 8 months
Earthquakes in Various Happy, Graceful, Red, and Golden Places...
22:19:30 GMT+3 Jerusalem, Israel, 11:19:30 AKDT Local Time (approximately 110 minutes, 30 seconds (6630 seconds) after posting the 5/5 Evolution Avatar post at 17:29:00 (UTC))
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Pages 1435 and 1436: Psalm 22:14 They open their mouths at me like tearing, roaring lions. Psalm 22:15 My life ebbs away: all my bones are disjointed; my heart is like wax, melting within me; Psalm 22:16 my vigor dries up like a shard; my tongue cleaves to my palate; You commit me to the dust of death. Psalm 22:17 Dogs surround me; a pack of evil ones closes in on me, like lions [they maul] my hands and feet. Psalm 22:18 I take count of all my bones while they look on and gloat. Psalm 22:19 They divide my clothes among themselves, casting lots for my garments.
Luke 23:52 Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body. Luke 23:53 Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid. Luke 23:54 It was Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was about to begin. Luke 23:55 The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. Luke 23:56 Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment. Luke 24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. Luke 24:2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, Luke 24:3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. Luke 24:4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. Luke 24:5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? Luke 24:6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: Luke 24:7 The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ “ Luke 24:8 Then they remembered his words. Luke 24:9 When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others.
Fibonacci Sequence: 8, 13: Taylor Swift - Cruel Summer
Published: August 22, 2019 (234th day) Duration: 3:00 (180 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic8j13piAhQ ic8j13piAhQ icjpiAhQ achiijpq 1+3+8+9+9+600+60+70=760. 760+8+13=781. 781+180=961. 961+234=1195.
Strong's Concordance #1195 Baana: The same as Ba'anah; Banana; with anah through the idea of looking down or browbeating); to depress literally or figuratively, abase self, affliction, chasten self, deal hardly with, defile, exercise, force, gentleness, humble (self), hurt, ravish, submit self, weaken; the name of several Israelites. Original Word: בַּעֲנָא
“Forever is composed of nows.” ― Emily Dickinson
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
“How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.” ― Henry David Thoreau
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein
When your ass seems lost, have faith; you're on your way to the next time and place of the opportunity you're prepared for: being a crucial part of Earth's big, beautiful picture…
Dog Struggles of Taylor Swift
Published: September 20, 2015 (263rd day) Duration: 0:14 (14 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SSI0ZtPfCtA SSI0ZtPfCtA SSIZtPfCtA acfipssttz 1+3+6+9+60+90+90+100+100+500=959. 959+0=959. 959+14=973. 973+263=1236.
Strong's Concordance #1236 biqa: a plain Original Word: בִּקְעָא
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Pages 1809 and 1810: Daniel 3:1 King Nebuchadnezzar made a statue of gold sixty cubits high and six cubits broad. He set it up in the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. Daniel 3:12 There are certain Jews whom you appointed to administer the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego; those men pay no heed to you, O king: they do not serve your god or worship the statue of gold that you have set up." Daniel 3:13 The Nebuchadnezzar, in raging fury, ordered Shadrach, Mesach, and Abed-nego to be brought; so those men were brought before the king. Daniel 3:14 Nebuchadnezzar spoke to them and said, "is it true, Shadrach, Mesach, and Abed-nego, that you do not serve my god or worship the statue of gold that I have set up? Daniel 3:15 Now if you are ready to fall down and worship the statue that I have made when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, zither, lyre, psaltery, and bagpipe, and all other types of instruments, [well and good]; but if you will not worship, you shall at once be thrown into a burning fiery furnace, and what god is there that can save you from my power?" Daniel 3:16 Shadrach, Mesach, and Abed-nego said in reply to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter, Daniel 3:17 for if so it must be, our God whom we serve is able to save us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will save us from your power, O king. Daniel 3:18 But even if He does not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your god or worship the statue of gold that you have set up."
Taylor Swift - "Treacherous" (Canines Version) (From the Swiftie Intelligence Agency's Troll and Christmas Tree Farm Bureau) - Parody Remix ft. Saliva Put your lips close to mine As long as they don't touch A little close, we're eye to eye And the gravity's too much Your doggy breath's up in my face Active sal-i-va-ry glands I'd prefer a bit more space I crave distance Spatial a-ware-ness Hot breath and dampness This slope is treacherous And I'm slimed, slimed by it
Those dogs of mine in the sunshine I think I, smell some, I smell some dog bones Savory echoes through my mind As I say, "A little, a little too close!" I guess my face looked a bit dry They got up, they got up, they got up real close They got up, they got up real close That slope was treacherous Clawed paw marks dangerous Both dogs, licks, fondness But I, I, I liked it
Every creative artist has lived and died with the truth that if their work isn't relatable and cathartic, their creative output will never make it outside of their home studio. If, and that's an enormous "if," a creative artist ever manages to succeed in making their creative output relatable and cathartic to others (many never succeed at this), the moment that's lost is the beginning of the end for that creative artist and their work unless something changes within humanity and the human condition. What connects humanity with an artist's creative output is the honesty, sincerity, and accuracy of the creative artist's expression of their, or someone else's, human experience (be it extraordinary, average, unpleasant, or agonizing). It takes far more than a creative artist's foundational 10,000 hours of training and experience for humanity to instantly connect with an artist's creative output as being relatable and cathartic, so why would any creative artist want to disconnect and disassociate from the pronoun "I," and their own humanity, when their art can't and won't survive if they do?
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Strong's Concordance #1 ab: father, father of individual, God as Father of His people, head of household, family or clan, originator or patron of a class, profession, or art, figurative of producer, generator, figurative of benevolence & protection, term of respect & honor, specifically, ruler, chief (late), Aleph, first letter Original Word: אָב
Strong's Concordance #7040 Qallay: from qalal; frivolous; Kallai, an Israelite, Kelly, Cali (Yiddish) Original Word: קַלַּי
Strong's Concordance #61 abal: verily, of a truth, but Original Word: אֲבָל
John 8:31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
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Strong's Concordance #4439 Malkiel: "my King is El," From melek and 'el; king of (i.e. Appointed by) the one only and true God of Israel; an Asherite Original Word: מַלְכִּיאֵל
Strong's Concordance #1657 Goshen: Goshen, the residence of the Israelites in Egypt; also a city in S. Judah Original Word: גּשֶׁן
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 128: Exodus 8:18 But on that day I will set apart the region of Goshen, where My people dwell, so that no swarms of insects shall be there, that you may know that I the Lord am in the midst of the land.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 131: Exodus 9:26 Only in the region of Goshen, where the Israelites were, there was no hail.
Strong's Concordance #92 aguddah: to bind; a band, bundle, knot, or arch -- bunch, burden, troop, legend, fairytale. Original Word: אֲגֻדָּה
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 981: Isaiah 58:6 No, this is the fast I desire: To unlock fetters of wickedness, And untie the cords of the yoke To let the oppressed go free; To break off every yoke.
Taylor Swift - "Today Was a Fairytale": "Today was a fairytale You were the prince I used to be a damsel in distress You took me by the hand, and you picked me up at six You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess Time slows down Whenever you're around Can you feel this magic in the air? Today was a fairytale"
Strong's Concordance #36 Abitub: From 'ab and tuwb; Father of goodness (i.e. Good), "My Father is goodness"; a Benjamite Original Word: אֲבִיטוּב
Mark 10:17 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Mark 10:18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. Mark 10:19 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.’”
Strong's Concordance #29 Abiyyah: "Yah/Jah/the God of Israel is my Father," from 'ab and Yahh; father (i.e. Worshipper) of Yah/Jah/ the God of Israel; an Israelite name Original Word: אֲבִיָּה
John 10:37 Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. John 10:38 But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead —his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms—this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.” ― Albert Einstein, Living Philosophies
Strong's Concordance #131 Adummim: Plural of 'Adam; Adam the name of the first man; reds, red spots; a place between Jerusalem and Jericho Original Word: אֲדֻמִּים Red Sea: אֲדֻמִּ ים
Fibonacci Sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89… Back to the Future 3 (1990) - Coyote Pass: 131 and Going Home to October 27th, 1985 (300th day), 11:00 AM PST (Daylight Savings Time ended at 02:00) Coyote Pass was a section of terrain along the railroad before Carson Spur. It could be accessed via Gale Ridge. (Fandom.com)
Published: October 21, 2022 (294th day) Duration: 2:58 (178 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZYU1a34YnM FZYU1a34YnM FZYUaYnM afmnuyyz 1+6+30+40+200+400+400+500=1577. 1577+1+34=1612. 1612+178=1790. 1790+294=2084.
Strong's Concordance #2084 zeban: to buy, to acquire by purchase, gain, salesperson Original Word: זְבַן
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1892: 1 Chronicles 1:34 Abraham begot Isaac. The sons of Isaac: Esau and Israel.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 69: Genesis 33:3 He himself went on ahead and bowed low to the ground seven times until he was near his brother. Genesis 33:4 Esau ran to greet him. He embraced him and , falling on his neck, he kissed him; and they wept. Genesis 33:8 And he asked, "What do you mean by all this company which I have met?" He answered, "To gain my lord's favor." Genesis 33:9 Esau said, "I have enough, my brother; let what you have remain yours." Genesis 33:10 But Jacob said, "No, I pray you; if you would do me this favor, accept from me this gift; for to see your face is like seeing the face of God, and you have received me favorably. Genesis 33:11 Please accept my present which has been brought to you, for God has favored me and I have plenty." And when he urged him, he accepted.
Back to the Future Part 3: October 27th: - Red Truck, Better Choices, Blank Paper, Clean Future… "Make your future a good one…" - Christopher Lloyd (as Doc Brown)
Published: November 13, 2020 (318th day) Duration: 6:23 (383 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV7jeOQ8ezs xV7jeOQ8ezs xVjeOQezs eejoqsvxz 5+5+600+50+70+90+700+300+500=2320. 2320+7+8=2335. 2335+383=2718. 2718+318=3036.
Strong's Concordance #3036 Yadon: From yadah; thankful; "will know"; one of the builders of the walls of Jerusalem Original Word: יָדוֹן
That's How You Get Taylor Swift's 1989 Album on October 27th…
Published: July 5, 2015 (186th day) Duration: 0:33 (33 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT3F8_ioamo uT3F8_ioamo uTF_ioamo afimootu 1+6+9+30+50+50+100+200=446. 446+3+8=457. 457+33=490. 490+186=676.
33 AD: The love, salvation, and redemption of Jesus Christ's Passover sacrifice and resurrection.
Strong's Concordance #676 etsba: a finger Original Word: אֶצְבַּע
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1419: Psalm 8:1 For the leader; on the gittith. A psalm of David. Psalm 8:2 O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name throughout the earth, You who have covered the heavens with Your splendor! Psalm 8:3 From the mouths of infants and sucklings You have founded strength on account of Your foes, to put an end to enemy and avenger. Psalm 8:4 When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars that You set in place, Psalm 8:5 what is man that You have been mindful of him, mortal man that You have taken note of him, Psalm 8:6 that You have made him little less than divine, and adorned him with glory and majesty; Psalm 8:7 You have made himn master over Your handiwork, laying the world at his feet, Psalm 8:8 sheep and oxen, all of them, and wild beasts, too: Psalm 8:9 the birds of the heavens, the fish of the sea, whatever travels the paths of the seas.
Strong's Concordance #10 abaddoh: a perishing -- destruction. Original Word: אֲבַדֹּה
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
Strong's Concordance #1615 gir: lime (from being burned in a kiln) -- chalk(-stone) Original Word: גִּר
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 903 Isaiah 27:2 In that day, They shall sing of it: "Vineyard of Delight." Isaiah 27:3 I the Lord keep watch over it, I water it every moment; That no harm may befall it, I watch it night and day. Isaiah 27:4 There is no anger in Me: If one offers Me thorns and thistles, I will march to battle against him, And set all of them on fire. Isaiah 27:5 But if he holds fast to My refuge, He makes Me his friend; He makes Me his friend. Isaiah 27:6 [In days] to come Jacob shall strike root, Israel shall sprout and blossom, And the face of the world Shall be covered with fruit. Isaiah 27:7 Was he beaten as his beater has been? Did he suffer such slaughter as his slayers? Isaiah 27:8 Assailing them with fury unchained, His pitiless blast bore them off On a day of gale. Isaiah 27:9 Assuredly, by this alone Shall Jacob's sin be purged away; This is the only price For removing his guilt: That he make all the altar-stones Like shattered blocks of chalk--With no sacred post left standing, Nor any incense altar.
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Strong's Concordance #2980 yabab: to cry in a shrill voice, to bawl, cry out Original Word: יָבַב
9:14 UTC = 12:14 GMT+3 Jerusalem, Israel
John 12:13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the King of Israel!” John 12:14 Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written: John 12:15 “Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion; see, your King is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.”
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Pages 1636 and 1637: Proverbs 22:17 Incline your ear and listen to the words of the sages; Pay attention to my wisdom. Proverbs 22:18 It is good that you store them inside you, And that all of them be constantly on your lips, Proverbs 22:19 That you may put your trust in the Lord. I let you know today--yes, you--
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1173: Ezekiel 11:19 I will give them one heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove the heart of stone from their bodies and give them a heart of flesh Ezekiel 11:20 that they may follow My laws and faithfully observe My rules. Then they shall be My people and I will be their God.
John 19:19 Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.
John 19:30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Strong's Concordance #6630 Tsaanan: sheep pasture; a place perhaps in the Shephelah of Judah, an insulated cooler to keep food and drinks cool and fresh. Original Word: צַאֲנָן
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1643: Proverbs 25:13 Like the coldness of snow at harvesttime Is a trusty messenger to those who send him; He lifts his master's spirits.
Matthew 10:42 And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”
Earthquake: M 1.3 - 40.1 km (24.9 mi) W of Skwentna, Alaska
2023-09-18 19:19:30 (UTC) 62.044°N 152.159°W 90.7 km depth
Between Happy Creek, Johnson Creek, and Red Creek.
"Happiness is inside of all of us; sometimes, you just need someone to help you find it." - Trolls
Evolution is the ultimate fate of all inclusive, expansive, loving, nurturing, and humanitarian free will choices. Taylor Swift and her Swifties are a great modern example of evolution. Era after era, Taylor Swift and her Swifties have evolved together through all that has ever harmed them, rose above it all, and have continued to expand and grow so that new methods of human connectivity are evolving to meet the expansive and inclusive nature of human evolution.
Their evolution is based upon some simple truths:
1. Everyone goes through this suffering.
2. Many, many people survive it because they accept that growing pains are part of evolution.
3. Those who "shake it off" live to shake it off another day.
4. Creative people who refuse to stop creating are harder to destroy than people who refuse to "shake it off" and choose self-destruction, instead.
5. You're a better person today, and you'll be a better person tomorrow, if you refuse to allow other people to force you to self-destruct and implode via their actions and opinions.
6. Embrace your evolution and encourage, support, and inspire evolution in everyone who encounters, knows, and even just witnesses you enduring and surviving your growing pains.
7. Always fearlessly speak now when you know that you and the world are missing something that would make human existence and the world better for yourself, and everyone else, while you're all just trying to survive and endure the growing pains of human evolution.
Cupcakes accekpsu 1+3+3+5+10+60+90+200=372.
Strong's Concordance #372 Iezer: "region of help," from 'iy and ezer; helpless; "I will help"; two Israelites Original Word: אִיעֶזֵר
Rainbows Rare Fogbow Shines Over Graceville, Minnesota September 17, 2023 Fog and sunlight mixed to create a fogbow, or ghost rainbow, over Minnesota. https://weather.com/news/weather/video/rare-fogbow-shines-over-minnesota
2 Corinthians 12:5 I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses. 2 Corinthians 12:6 Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say, 2 Corinthians 12:7 or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 2 Corinthians 12:8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
"If I had been popular, I would've been content staying where I was and I wouldn't have wanted to go anywhere outside of my bubble where I was comfortable and happy. It just wasn't the cool thing to be trying to do anything different. And I think that that caused me to spend a lot of time alone, and spending a lot of time alone gave me a lot of time to think. And having a lot of time to think allowed me to write songs. In the real world, if you have something about yourself that's different, you're lucky; it's not a curse." - Taylor Swift (Best Buy @ 15)
Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift (debut album) (2006) Liner Notes: "I love you's I love you, family. Dad, because you are my biggest fan, and I'll never get tired of the way you smile when I pick up a guitar and play. Mom, for being my best friend and most trusted companion, even in times when you were my only friend. That was just fine. Austin, my little brother, for being so much more brave than I could ever hope to be. My aunt, Alison, for being such a beautiful person. My aunts, uncles, cousins and relatives (even the ones I didn't know I had) for making Thanksgiving something someone should write a book about. I love my mom and dad's friends who have been so unbelievably supportive (and so unbelievably loud at my shows). I love my friends. Abigail, I love you because you are my best friend in the entire world. Can't wait to room together when we're 65 and wrinkly and living in Minnesota. I love all of my myspace friends for taking such an active roll in what I do, I will never forget how you all rallied for me from the beginning. I love everyone who's inspired me to write a song, whether you know it or not. I love anyone who has ever turned the volume up when my song comes on the radio, anyone who has bought this album. Anyone who can sing along to my songs when I play them live. Anyone who's ever requested my song on the radio, or even remembered my name. If you ever see me in public, I want to meet you. I will thank you myself. You have let me into your life, and I will never be able to thank you enough for that. I love YOU, and I love God for putting you in my life love love love -T-"
Trolls - True Colors (November 17, 2023/321st day)
Published: December 31, 2016 Duration: 5:30 (330 seconds: 10x33 seconds: 10=Opals, 33 AD: The love, salvation, and redemption of Jesus Christ's Passover sacrifice and resurrection.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iHJS8hd2FA 5iHJS8hd2FA (5+8+2=15) iHJShdFA adfhhijs 1+4+6+8+8+9+600+90=726. 726+5+8+2=741. 741+330=1071. 1071+321=1392.
Strong's Concordance #1392 gibol: a bud, stem, the origin of something, the main body of a plant that then grows, blooms, and becomes fruitful. Original Word: גִּבְעֹל
John 15:1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. John 15:2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. John 15:3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.
"I hope you remind yourself of what you are, and what you are not. You are not damaged goods. You are not your mistakes. You’re not a result of the things you thought you could have done better, or times you felt you chose the wrong path, instead of the right one.
You’re not somebody else’s opinion of you. You are wiser because you’ve made those mistakes. You are someone who’s brave enough to take chances. You are someone who was rained on over and over again, and kept on putting one foot in front of the other.
I think that’s so much better than never having made a mistake, never having messed up or having failed. I think that the pain we go through when we make mistakes makes us stronger. And I think that being rained on over and over and over again can actually make us clean." - Taylor Swift - 1989 World Tour - Clean Speech - Tokyo Dome
“Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is. And you must bend to its power or live a lie.” ― Miyamoto Musashi
“Under the sword lifted high, There is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, And you have the land of bliss.” ― Miyamoto Musashi satsujinken (殺人剣) "life-taking sword" katsujinken (活人剣) "life-giving sword"
Translation: “Under the life-taking sword lifted high, There is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, And you have the land of bliss.” ― Miyamoto Musashi “Under the life-giving sword lifted high, There is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, And you have the land of bliss.” ― Miyamoto Musashi
“Do not rely on following the degree of understanding that you have discovered, but simply think, "This is not enough.” ― Tsunetomo Yamamoto, Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai
“I do not know how to defeat others. All I know is the path to defeat myself. Today one must be better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today. The pursuit of perfection is a lifelong quest that has no end.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure: The Secret Wisdom of the Samurai
“You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain” ― Miyamoto Musashi
“Step by step walk the thousand-mile road.” ― Musashi Miyamoto
“Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.” ― Miyamoto Musashi
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Trolls - Happy Ending, Can't Stop the Lemon Squeeze Karma (November 17, 2023/321st day)
Published: August 23, 2021 Duration: 5:39 (339 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3rNJYDo2jc A3rNJYDo2jc ArNJYDojc acdjjnory 1+3+4+600+600+40+50+80+400=1778. 1778+3+2=1783. 1783+339=2122. 2122+321=2443.
Strong's Concordance #2443 chakkah: a hook, fishhook, angle, fishing rod Original Word: חַכָּה
Matthew 4:19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”
1 John 5:6 This is the one who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.
The Math is Mathing… Newton's Third Law: Action & Reaction His third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. If object A exerts a force on object B, object B also exerts an equal and opposite force on object A. In other words, forces result from interactions. (NASA.gov)
Taylor Swift - Death By A Thousand Cuts (From Taylor's Version #1: Lover)
Published: August 22, 2019 (234th day) Duration: 3:20 (200 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTEFSuFfgnU GTEFSuFfgnU efffggnstuu 5+6+6+6+7+7+40+90+100+200+200=667. 667+200=867. 867+234=1101. 1+1+1=3. .667 = two thirds. Even, and especially, in the presence of 666, a Holy Trinity will always be an important and everpresent part of a Christmas tree farmers' daughter's life, a Christmas tree farm family's life, and the lives of all whom they connect with and to. It's always been this way and it'll never be any different. The Passover sacrifice of Jesus Christ was every bit as sacred on the Christmas tree farm as it is now, and that blood covering can't be removed or washed away by anyone or anything; because the Father's eternal love will always endure far longer than any human lifetime and is far more significant and powerful than any human mistake and/or learning experience could ever be.
Strong's Concordance #1101 balal: to anoint, to overflow (specifically with oil), to mix cakes with oil, to mix, to mingle, to confound, to temper Original Word: בָּלַל
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Fibonacci Sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 (A Taylor's Version Love Spiral) 8/13/2017: An important day in Taylor Swift's life… 8/14/2017: Taylor Swift Denver Victory 8/15/2017: Denver/Aurora Hail and Rainstorm 8/16/2017: Joyful Heart
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1402: Zechariah 13:8 Throughout the land--declares the Lord--Two-thirds shall perish, shall die, And one-third of it shall survive.
Acts 2:14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. Acts 2:15 These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning! Acts 2:16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: Acts 2:17 “’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Acts 2:18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. Acts 2:19 I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. Acts 2:20 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
Blood Moon: November 7-8, 2022. Monday, 7 November 2022 = 13th of Cheshvan, 5783 Parashat Vayera י״ג בְּחֶשְׁוָן תשפ״ג Parashat Vayera is the 4th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. Torah Portion: Genesis 18:1-22:24 Vayera (“He Appeared”) opens as guests inform Abraham that Sarah will give birth. Despite Abraham’s attempts to convince God otherwise, God destroys the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Sarah gives birth to Isaac, and Abraham sends away Hagar and Ishmael. At God’s command, Abraham prepares to sacrifice Isaac, but an angel of God tells Abraham to offer a ram instead.
Bleachers - Chinatown (Official Video) ft. Bruce Springsteen
Published: November 16, 2020 (321st day) Duration: 4:42 (282 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4uA85iWsIg E4uA85iWsIg EuAiWsIg aegiisuw 1+5+7+9+9+90+200+900=1221. 1221+4+85=1310. 1310+282=1592. 1592+321=1913.
Strong's Concordance #1913 Hadoram: a son of Joktan and his descendents, also son of the king of Hamath, perhaps also an official of Rehoboam, a bedroom, dorm, dormitory Original Word: הֲדוֹרָם
"Black tears on your cheek I want them in my bed I'll take you out of the city Honey, right into the shadow Because I wanna find tomorrow Yeah, I wanna find tomorrow Crying out the crazy I'll take you out of the city Honey, right into the shadow Because I wanna find tomorrow Yeah, I wanna find tomorrow with you, baby Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme that big red light And take the sadness out of Saturday night 'Cause that's just good to have what was missing We don't have to break every dream we've ever known"
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1519: Psalm 85:4 You will withdraw all Your anger, turn away from Your rage.
Taylor Swift Eras Tour Concert Experience Movie Premiere: October 13, 2023.
Seventh-day Sabbath "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse: October 14, 2023 Shabbat, October 14, 2023 29 Tishrei, 5784 Parashat Bereshit / פָּרָשַׁת בְּרֵאשִׁית Parashat Bereshit is the 1st weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. Next read on 14 October 2023 / 29 Tishrei 5784. Torah Portion: Genesis 1:1-6:8 Bereishit (“In the Beginning”), the first parashah in the annual Torah reading cycle, begins with God’s creation of the world. The first people, Adam and Eve, eat from the Tree of Knowledge and are banished from the Garden of Eden. Their elder son, Cain, kills their younger son, Abel, and Cain is destined to a life of wandering. (HebCal.com)
Passover Sabbath: Baptism of Blood, Sabbath Ring of Fire Luke 12:49 “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! Luke 12:50 But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! Luke 12:51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.
Psalm 1:6 (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English TANAKH) Page 1413 For the Lord cherishes the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked is doomed.
Psalm 1:6 (New International Version Christian Holy Bible) For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.
Psalm 1:6 (King James Version Christian Holy Bible) For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Cherish: (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English TANAKH) 1a: to hold dear : feel or show affection for 1b: to keep or cultivate with care and affection : NURTURE 2: to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely (Merriam-Webster)
Watch over: (New International Version Christian Holy Bible) 1: as in supervise; to be in charge of (Merriam-Webster)
Know: (King James Version Christian Holy Bible) 1: to perceive directly : have direct cognition of 2: to have understanding of (Merriam-Webster)
During the Roman occupation of Israel, before they tortured and murdered Jesus Christ and destroyed the Second Temple of the Almighty Abrahamic G-d of Israel and the Hebrews, the terms "watch over" and "know" accurately described what the Romans and Roman-loyalist traitors subjected Jesus Christ and His apostles to. Those terms are found in the so-called "Old Testament" that was translated from Hebrew and Aramaic by co-conspirators of the people who actually tortured and murdered Jesus Christ, destroyed the Second Temple, committed massive genocidal and ethnic cleansing war crimes and crimes against humanity against Israel and the native Hebrew population, and created the antisemitic, genocidal, ethnic cleansing, and antichrist/satanic Sunday "Lord's Day" that led to the implosion of their empire 55 years after its implementation.
In contrast, "cherish" is the term the Jewish Publication Society's Hebrew-English TANAKH uses to describe how the Almighty Abrahamic G-d of the Abrahamic faiths loves, embraces, holds dear, and nurtures all who keep His commandments, loves and blesses the Hebrews, and all who fear, honor, and glorify the Almighty Abrahamic G-d of the Abrahamic faiths. All true students of the authentic life and teachings of Jesus Christ immediately recognize "cherish" as being 100% consistent with the reason Jesus Christ was sent, the reason and ways that Jesus Christ shared the love of His ABBA Father and laid down His life for His Father, Israel, all Hebrews, and all who would believe in Him and His ABBA Father, the Almighty Abrahamic G-d of the Abrahamic faiths. And that's why every true student of the authentic life and teachings of Jesus Christ needs to have a Jewish Publication Society translation of the Hebrew TANAKH, compare it to the closest Christian Holy Bible translation, the New International Version, and ignore the blasphemy of the "Old Testament" of the Christian Holy Bible entirely; because the "New Testament" can't exist in the same book as the "Old Testament" that completely and intentionally invalidates it.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 doesn't state that G-d gave Jesus Christ as a Passover sacrifice to prove He is supervising and in charge of humanity (New International Version Christian Holy Bible). John 3:16 doesn't state that G-d gave Jesus Christ as a Passover sacrifice to prove He is watching humanity and knows what everyone's doing (King James Version Christian Holy Bible).
"Cherish" is the only accurate and acceptable translation that matches John 3:16 of the "New Testament" about the authentic life and teachings of Jesus Christ; but it's not found in either of what's considered to be the two most respected and accurate translations of the Christian Holy Bible; it's only found in the Jewish Publication Society's Hebrew-English TANAKH. Friday night to Saturday night is the only weekly seventh-day Sabbath for all who would be the cherished and righteous true students of the authentic life and teachings of Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ, His apostles, and all of His followers and believers kept the seventh-day Sabbath holy every single week.
And isn't it interesting that those suffering under the 5 generation curse of the antisemitic, genocidal, ethnic cleansing, antichrist/satanic Sunday "Lord's Day" were, and still are, unable to accurately translate the same original Hebrew scriptures that Jesus Christ studied, lived, taught, and died by and for; yet the Hebrews who keep the seventh-day Sabbath holy and keep the commandments of the Almighty Abrahamic G-d of the Abrahamic faiths can and do translate the Hebrew TANAKH scriptures accurately so they're a perfect match for the Christian "New Testament"? The simple, obvious, and undeniable answer is: Psalm 1:6 (JPS Hebrew-English TANAKH), Page 1413: For the Lord cherishes the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked is doomed.
Johnson: "Son of John" (John: "Gift of G-d," "G-d's Grace") John 6:45 It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me.
Taylor Swift - Red (Taylor's Version)
Published: November 11, 2021 (315th day) Duration: 3:41 (221 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_rUYuFtNO4 R_rUYuFtNO4 R_rUYuFtNO fnorrtuuy 6+40+50+80+80+100+200+200+400=1156. 1156+4=1160. 1160+221=1381. 1381+315=1696.
Strong's Concordance #1696 dabar: to speak, answer, appoint, bid, command, declare, give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse, say, be spokesman, talk, teach, tell, think, utter, work, nothing. Original Word: דָבַר
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1: Genesis 1:3 God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:2 He was with God in the beginning. John 1:3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1459: Psalm 40:1 For the leader. A psalm of David. Psalm 40:2 I put my hope in the Lord; He inclined toward me, and heeded my cry.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 934: Isaiah 40:1 Comfort, oh comfort My people, Says your God.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1438: Psalm 24:9 O gates, lift up your heads! Up high, you everlasting doors, so the King of glory may come in!
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Pages 1526 and 1527: Psalm 90:1 A prayer of Moses, the man of God. O Lord, You have been our refuge in every generation. Psalm 90:2 Before the mountains came into being, before You brought forth the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity You are God. Psalm 90:3 You return man to dust; You decreed, "Return you mortals!" Psalm 90:4 For in Your sight a thousand years are like yesterday that has passed, like a watch of the night. Psalm 90:5 You engulf men in sleep; at daybreak they are like grass that renews itself; Psalm 90:6 at daybreak it flourishes anew; by dusk it withers and dries up. Psalm 90:7 So we are consumed by Your anger, terror-struck by Your fury. Psalm 90:8 You have set our iniquities before You, our hidden sins in the light of Your face.
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