#house of cards 954
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I posted 6,578 times in 2022
That's 954 more posts than 2021!
2,006 posts created (30%)
4,572 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,290 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#sex edventures 2022 - 246 posts
#the locked tomb - 174 posts
#gotham time - 142 posts
#weekend positivity - 131 posts
#edward riddlehands - 113 posts
#a court of fey and flowers - 109 posts
#our flag means death - 108 posts
#pokemon - 108 posts
#art - 107 posts
#wwdits - 98 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#'no ethical consumption' is not a get out of jail free card for when you just. don't want to make a very easy and harmless lifestyle change
My Top Posts in 2022:
I get why fantasy authors would default to using, like, the same basic arrangement of seasons and weather and gravity that we have here in The Real World because they have to make up so much shit as it is and it IS probably good praxis to give your readers some familiar touchstones in your world so they can just focus on the plot, but. having said that. I think there should be more settings that have seventeen seasons, all of them different lengths, and constellations that don't have fixed patterns because sometimes they'll get pissy and just move to a different part of the sky, and sometimes the sun tells people things telepathically, and there's a type of weather where the air just gets really thick and difficult to walk through that's unpleasant but not any more uncommon than rain. it's called smärklf.
19,155 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
hey if you have a pet or pets you need to reblog this rn and tell me in the tags what their names are. bonus points for including what kind of animal.
31,495 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
the worst part of my job (standing around at college orientations being Visibly Queer) is when parents nervously alter their entire walking trajectory to stay out of range as if I'm going to bite them and pass on my infectious homosexuality.
this is wildly eclipsed by the best part of my job, parents who are such wildly enthusiastic allies that their children seem a little embarrassed about it. I'm talking parents who eagerly point out my little rainbow-draped table and urge their kids to come over, parents who excitedly pick through my button box offering up the relevant pride flags and pronouns to their kids, parents who have detailed questions about harassment policies and gender affirming care while their kids are trying to wander away, parents who rush over with open arms and obvious glee on their faces knowing there's a space on campus dedicated to keeping their kids safe.
the ferocity with which these parents love and affirm their queer kids is so humbling and wonderful.
36,652 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
cannot believe twitter libs are whining that protesting outside Kavanaugh's house is iNcOnSiDeRaTe To HiS nEiGhBoRs. if you live nextdoor to Brett fucking Kavanaugh and you're not shitting on his porch or at least throwing eggs at his house every day you're wasting your life.
42,481 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
all goofing aside I genuinely don't understand the urge to reimagine Taylor Allison Swift as a secretly queer icon when the pop music scene(TM) is like. literally overflowing with women who actually like women. Gaga and Kesha and Miley and Halsey are right there. Rina Sawayama and Hayley Kiyoko and Rebecca Black and Kehlani and Victoria Monét and Miya Folick if you're willing to get slightly less top 100. Janelle and Demi for them nonbinary takes on liking girls. like what are we doing here. like I'm not even saying you can't enjoy Taylor but why would you hang all your little gay hopes on her.
70,455 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Up in the tower they’re watching me, hoping I’m gonna die.
(Tuesday, 12/28/21)
“ it’s something she wrote just to ruin my day.”
“ how did we get here?”
“ i’ve said much too much. “
“ oh, the revolution was here that would set you free from those bourgeoisie.”
“ you’re sick in the head and you wish you were dead. You feel drained and insane.”
“ you can’t fight that feeling that you’re one true love is just awaiting your big meeting, so you never even asked for names.”
“ there’s no going back against this California feeling.” (I will mention that I dreamt about James Murphy again last night.)
“ are those dreams inside your head?”
“ wherever you will ever be, you’re never getting rid of me.”
“ and can you tell me, was it worth it?”
“ One day, we will be remembered.”
“ said I’m out to get her.”
“ I think we were ready to hear the rest.”
“ I might leave.”
“ she’ll make you flip.”
“ can you see the look on your face?”
“ It takes more than fucking someone you don’t know to keep warm. I’m drunk and you’re probably on pills. If we both got the same diseases it’s irrelevant girl.”
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“ denial. (Your ears should be burning.)”
“ they twist all around him till he can’t move. Brother of mine, don’t run with those fuckers.”
“ he’s in the best selling show.”
“ broken branches trip me as I speak. Just because you feel it doesn’t mean it’s there. We are accidents waiting to happen.”
“ I can’t stand by and see you destroyed. You lie as a decoy.”
“ in and out of love and institutions.”
“ Little girl please stop your crying.”
“ God is on top of it. That’s all.”
“ she just walked in the room.”
“ The time to hesitate is through.”
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“ Little Johnny’s sad and fucked. First he jumped and then he looked. The tracks of time those tracks of mine Little Johnny’s occupied. Well little Johnny had an ache that hung around the poor boys neck. Every time that Johnny ate, the little fucker fed the ache. So little J’s a fucked up boy who dulled the pain but killed the joy, and little j’s a fucking mess but when he’s offered, just says yes.”
“ I will be king and you will be queen.”
“ did my time, took my chances, went the distance, now I’m back on my feet. Just a woman and her will to survive.”
“ I wouldn’t know you were alive. You haven’t seen me for years now.”
��� and I just think you should know. I’ll follow you home.”
“ your door is always open.”(The Yonkers house)
“ everybody wants a piece of Mary.”
“ I know that you have the need.”
“ Chuck and Matty… If they could see me, they’d be so proud.”
“ The wake is over. We gotta leave because they said so. I want to tell you. I want to tell you, but..you’re dead.”
she kneels before the grave. “ you’re so very young.”
“ you’re gone, then back at my door. You know what you’re doing when you’re coming back.”
“ I can’t be the lie between your teeth.”
“I need you more than anything.”
“ how can he tell? He can’t even remember his name.”
“ better than their mommy or their daddy did. The truth is they’re happier when they’re in pain. that’s why they got married.”
“Tell me if you want to take a hit.”
“ daddy didn’t raise no fucking fools. No one is going to fuck with me tonight.”
“ i’m afraid I can’t help it.”
“ it’s all in vain.”
“ but what if I was right?”
“ I accidentally touched my head and noticed that it had been bleeding. For how long I did not know.”
” your door is always open.”
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“ I feel it’s time somebody told you.”
“ I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door.”
“ if someone comes at us this time, I’m ready.”
“ Long story short, it was a bad time.”
“everybody sees right through the static. Everyone but you.”
“I’ve been wonderin’ if I might fall.”
“We shall live again. Shake out the ghost dance.”
“We were broke as well.”
“Cut the cord.”
“ if you’re hungry you’re not too particular about what you’ll taste.”
“ what the hell?”
“ I fell.”
“ yeah people, don’t you listen now?”
“ Goodbye angel, maybe you’ll come back sometime.”
“ she boards a greyhound, ticket to Jersey, a gray colored backpack full of all her belongings.”
“ I will fly Swift and true straight to you, just to be where you lie.”
“ I am alive… But a different kind of alive than I used to be.”
“ all I wanted slips through my hands.”
“ I don’t want to hear from those who know. Never would have known of me before.”
“ everything has chains. Take my hand, not my picture.”
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“ I see right, so wide, so open hearted it’s pain.”
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“ And she’ll drive the big car and talk herself insane.”
“ I can’t go on without you.”
“ show me the way to the next little girl. For if we don’t find the next little girl I tell you we must die.”
“ we’ve lost our good old mama. And must have whiskey, oh you know why.”
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“ all your life you’ve never seen.”
“ dreams unwind.”
“ please don’t leave me.”
“ what through the darkness around me close?”
“ when tyrants tremble, sick with fear and hear their death knell ringing, when friends rejoice both far and near, how can I keep from singing?”
“ that what you fear the most could meet you halfway.”
“ this kind of music is like heaven to me. Has got me higher than a kite. Hand me down my soup and fish, I am going to get my wish.”
“ you like to play, it’s true, that’s why you’re always winning. Well I could do that too, just let me start at the beginning because I’m just as good as you.”
“ I know you put those big boots on because they’re kind of scary.”
“ dig your grave.”
“ my last girl had me so fucked up i was a blacked out blur.”
“ i’ve come to the conclusion you can’t kill me if I kill you first.”
“ i’ve been through the ringer.”
“ The devil on my shoulder keep on telling me to keep her.”
“ just give me drugs. I need something other than Zannies to take the pain away.”
“Satan bossing me around.”
“ we met in a car crash.”
“ you know some people, they just don’t know when to stop.”
“ leave me alone!”
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“ Well accidents will happen. I’m hoping one might happen to him.”
“ all the dreams you’re having, you stole them all from me.”
“ accidents keep happening.”
“ maybe you and I will get it together.”
“ I’m just trying to make some sense.”
“ Holy cow, I love your eyes. and only now I see the light.”
“ throw those curtains wide.”(just got that one)
“ don’t come over here piss on my gate.”(and of course in the background the song is playing that I’ve heard 1 million times, and yet this is the first time I’m hearing all the references to having my house broken into.)
“ pointless savagery. I put one hand on your round ripe heart and the other down your panties.”
“ everything is falling. It’s just history repeating itself.”
“ Word travels fast.”
“ if you could read my mind you might see more of me than meets the eye.”(oh wait, you can, or did. Whore.)
“ A good rabbit.”
“ you were right about the reasons.”
“ I don’t want to be what I’m becoming.”
“ when the kids had killed the man I had to break up the band.”
“ blood sugar sucker fish in my dish.”
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“ she’s magic. Sex Magik, sex Magik.”
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“ everything I’ve imagined.”
“ actually I want to be alone to mourn the loss of what it cost.”
“ if you’re not allowed to love people alive, then you learn how to love people dead.”
“ but blow me, and I owe you.”
“ it’s time I got back to the good life.”

(Songs: never make me cry 1145, lost 1148, soul love 1155, PTA 1155, the cut that always bleeds 1169, endless cycle 1203, Kyle petty son of richard 1207, I’m afraid of Americans live 1212 Glastonbury, kingdom come 1219, the night will always win 1222, The spark that bled 1229, free to walk 1231, Little girl blue 1234, Long story short 1238, On the water 1238, special kind of love 100, Ghost dance 102, citizenship 111, The song remains the same 111, Letters and drawings 123, Gentle storm 130, Starry stairs 135, did you ever love me 139, Cordaroy 145, Blackstar 158, She’ll drive the big car 207, If you knew 207, Alabama whiskey song 213, Rhiannon 2:22, put a candle in the window 2:22, held up without a gun 226, crazy Mary 226, Hoop Dee Doo 333, Big boots 335, Gold dust woman 339, Candles 346, leave me alone 400, accidents will happen 400, waiting on a friend 406, a day like this 411,  My wave 419, babe you turn me on 424,  Outside looking in 428, trophy wife 429, Ziggy Stardust 436, blood sugar sex magic 441, I get so scared 4:44,  The thing about things 446, solo 550, The good life 5:55 PM.)
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
If You Leave
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Black Reader
Summary: You’re tired of Miguel spending all of his time in Mexico so you give him an ultimatum.
Warning: angst
Word Count: 954
A/N: This idea popped into my head and I couldn’t shake it out and so this was born lol I might make a part two to this but I’m not entirely sure just yet. It’s really angsty but I hope you all like it  💖💖💖
A/N 2: Big thanks to @briannab1234​ for beta reading this for me 💖💖💖
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There were times where you wondered why you ever got involved with Miguel Galindo. And right now was one of those times.
When Miguel asked you to move in with him last year, you were hesitant. You had been living on your own since you finished school and you were used to it. Not having to think about or take care of anyone else but yourself. You were free. Part of you didn’t want to get attached to Miguel because of his lifestyle. You knew and understood that he spent a lot of time across the border. You knew that living in his house would be different, especially when he wouldn’t be there. You didn’t want to get attached for that reason, but you did. Especially after he assured you that he would always make time for you.
When you first moved in, things were great. Miguel was home more often than not. He was never too busy for you, often dropping whatever he was doing to spend time with you.
But things change.
As time went on, Miguel got busier and busier. At first, you understood because his business was important. Yet, the constant late nights, the canceled dates, and forgotten plans began to wear on you.
The stretches between the time you spent with Miguel grew longer and longer. And with each passing month, you began to wonder if staying with him was worth it.
At this point in your relationship, you hadn’t seen or talked to Miguel in three weeks. Something had gone wrong that kept him across the border. You didn’t know what happened, Nestor had refused to relay any information to you.
The first few nights you were able to sleep, fitfully, but you were able to get some shut-eye. As the days passed, your chances of getting some sleep diminished until you weren’t able to sleep at all.
Miguel hadn’t answered any of your calls or texts and you were at your wit’s end. You were confused about why Nestor was able to get away to come to check on you, but Miguel couldn’t.
The day Miguel finally came back, you were ecstatic. You woke in the middle of the night to find him asleep next to you and you snuggled in close to him before you fell back asleep. When you woke up for the second time, you let him sleep and went to go make breakfast.
When Miguel finally joined you for breakfast, he was already dressed and ready for the day.
Your heart sank. He was leaving again.
“I have a few meetings today,” he said without looking at you.
You gaped at him. There was no ‘Good morning’ or ‘how are you’ not even an ‘I’m sorry’ hell he didn’t even kiss you before he spoke to you. You had no clue what was going on.
“I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone, so don’t wait up,” he took a few steps away from you but the sound of your voice halted his movements.
“If you leave, Miguel, don’t expect me to be here when you get back.” Your voice shook a bit as you spoke. You couldn’t take it anymore. You needed to know where you stood with him.
Miguel slowly turned to face you; a dark look on his face. “Say that again.” There was a hint of malice in his voice and you began to second guess yourself.
“I said, if you leave, don’t expect me to be here when you get back,” you said much stronger than the first time.
Miguel smirked before he took a few calculated steps toward you. He stopped close enough so that you had to look up to keep eye contact with him. He placed a gentle hand on your cheek and lightly rubbed.
“But I do expect you to be here, mi amor, and I know that you won’t disappoint me, will you?” His voice was calm but you could see the fire in his eyes.
“If you stay, then you won’t be disappointed. But I promise, if you walk out that door, Miguel, I-”
“Will be here when I return,” he finished for you. Miguel straightened himself up and pulled away from you before he walked away.
You stood in the same spot for a while before you regained your composure. You headed towards the bedroom and pulled out your overnight bag and packed some clothes. You couldn’t believe that it had come to this, that Miguel had chosen his work over you and still expected you to stay.
When you finished packing, you made one last phone call before you removed the sim card from your phone. You thought about leaving the phone too, but you decided against it and placed it in your pocket.
You made your way to the front door and gave one last look around. You would miss this place, but you deserved better. So much better.
You found it weird that none of Miguel’s guards were around to stop you. Leaving seemed way too easy.
Your heart raced as you watched your ride pull up and tossed your bags into the back. When you climbed in, you reached over to hug the driver, you were happy to see him but sad for the circumstances.
“I’ve missed you, y/n,” he said as he put the car back in drive.
“I’ve missed you too,” you responded before falling into silence. When you arrived at your destination, you looked over at him and smiled.
“Thanks for, ya know, everything,” you said before you moved to get out of the car.
“You’re my best friend, y/n. I’d do anything for you.”
“And you’re my best friend too, Angel.”
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A/N 3: If you liked this, please reblog or leave a comment (even if it’s just an emoji) It would mean so much to me!!!
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Fedora go Yeet-
Characters: Hatter, Morizono Aguni, Niragi
Genre: Honestly it's just two dads low-key gossiping and then random Niragi.
954 words
(Thank@brainwashedkittenstuff for giving the idea.)
(And excuse the fact that I can't write Hatter with the energy he deserves.)
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Nobody was exactly sure whether he found it at some unknown point or if he always had it on, but every time anyone looked at Niragi, they could pin out certain key traits.
One, his patterned shirt that really accentuated him, the white trails along black that fit his aesthetic well. It wasn’t like he was staying true to the Beach’s swimsuit rule, but the militants really did whatever they wanted since, well…… they were the only ones with access to the weapons.
Second, his piercings that lined the right of his face and on his tongue. People always end up noticing it because apparently Niragi has never heard of keeping his mouth shut for longer than an hour.
Third, that he was a massive prick that deserved to be flung off the roof, but sadly nobody was allowed to do that. Yet.
Lastly, and this was the real ringer, but he was wearing a fedora. Not an overly fancy one, but a fedora nonetheless. It was black, with a ribbon around the top of the brim. The band was silver and black striped, angled. Simplistic, and there Niragi was, wearing this fedora around the Beach.
To be entirely honest, he didn’t look that bad with the hat, it’s just kind of ridiculous that he managed to find one anyways and wear it everywhere with the courage of a blind lion. Nobody was brave enough to mention this to Niragi of course, because Niragi was kind of a loose cannon with a rifle.
If anyone valued their life, especially here in the Borderlands, they would never purposefully try to rile him up and give him a reason to take his temper out on them.
Of course, that wouldn’t stop people from talking about it in private anyways. They just had to be careful about what they say in case someone heard and relayed it to the gunslinging bastard.
…. Or be Hatter and Aguni, sitting on Hatter’s couch and sharing a bottle of wine and eating some tasteful spaghetti. Off of different plates, of course. Although technically they were both Aguni’s plates of spaghetti, but Hatter just liked eating off of whatever plate he could reach as they chatted between each other.
“ Speaking of which! Have you seen Niragi lately?” Hatter chirps up after hours of talking about the legalities of bringing guns to a flamethrower fight. Aguni looks at Hatter, taking a sip of wine. “ Yes? He’s with me.” Aguni blankly states. It was an obvious question with an even more obvious answer.
“ He’s been walking around with that fedora all day! I haven’t seen him take it off once!” Hatter waves his hand around, which was holding onto a fork twirled with spaghetti, which flung sauce practically everywhere. Not that Hatter seemed to care, but Aguni grabbed a paper towel to wipe what he could. “ And as much as I hate to admit, but not really, it looks like he doesn’t know how to choose hats.”
“ Is that so.” Aguni mutters, and he eats his spaghetti as Hatter rambles on.
“ Yes! He looks like he’s going to pick up helpless people off the internet! What were those called? Eh, too much thinking.” Hatter takes a sip of wine. “ He’d probably look much better without one, but the hat looks to be in great shape! I think I had a similar one down at the shop, but less tacky.” Aguni hums lowly, and sips at the wine. He’s not sure what it is, and he’s not sure if he likes it either, Aguni just walked in with Hatter already drinking his second glass. Now he was at his fifth, but that was besides the point. “ He’s happy with it.” “ And he can do whatever! Maybe we should go see if the shop is still full and grab some hats to check ourselves out! Send some people down and bring back hats to wear. Just like old times!” Hatter grins proudly, and Aguni just takes another bite of spaghetti.
“ So are you gonna tell Niragi that his hat looks like it came from an off brand department store?” Aguni asks, and Hatter laughs, resting his feet against the table, nearly knocking over the bottle.
“ He’s not my problem, and I’d be a bit of a hypocrite, don’tcha think?Second rule, feel free to do whatever you want.” “ Which includes hats.” “ Which includes hats! Even if they look like it came from a narcissistic gamer’s house!” Hatter flung his arms out, and the spaghetti on his fork goes flying, landing a fair distance away from them. Aguni watches it fly and internally sighs. That’s probably never going to be cleaned any time soon.
“ I’m not telling him about his hat either. It doesn’t hurt anyone.” Aguni says, and Hatter nods with the air of wisdom, and the conversation soon melds itself into how many cards were collected. As they spoke, Niragi was just wandering around through the halls, hat on head and smirk smeared on his face, when someone came up to him. He grins even wider and approaches like the feral predator lizard man he was. He leans towards the person, eyes glittering with interest and mischief as they scan over them.
“ Hey there, what’s a pretty-” “ No! Nope! Not today!” Niragi didn’t get to finish his sentence as the mystery person slaps the hat off his head without a glint of fear and books it down the hall, disappearing around a corner before Niragi could process it and pull his rifle from his shoulder to even fire back. Niragi blinks, and a hand makes its way to his hair, a little messy from hat hair syndrome, but still in its signature tiny bun.
“….. Rude.”
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pikeos954-blog · 4 years
Get Huge Discount on you First Food Order (Limited Offer) Hurry Up!!!
Making way for a hearty meal is Pikeos 954 in Sunrise, FL 33322. We are dedicated to offering the best food from the Peruvian Kitchen to our loyal customers in our local community. So as to be able to cater to a large number of diners, it occupies a favorable location at Sunrise. 2768 N University Dr, Sunrise, FL 33322, United States is where one can visit the venue.
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Courtesy to this strategic location, foodies in and around the neighborhood can walk into this eating house conveniently without facing any hassles related to commuting to this part of the city. It is one of the most sought after Peruvian Food in Sunrise. Www.pikoes954.com offers a complete information about the restaurant. This is one of the renowned Fast Food in Sunrise, FL.
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The Pikoes954 at Sunrise makes sure one has a great food experience by offering highly palatable food. The various services offered at the venue include Home Delivery, Take Away. The restaurant welcomes guests from 11:00 am to 10:00 pm allowing diners to relish a scrumptious meal between the functional hours. One can make their payment via Cash or Card.
For More Information Please visit our official website --> http://pikeos954.com/
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lipcaufulri-blog · 4 years
Uno PlayLink cheats Card genres
    Critiques - This app is very useful for playing multiplayer ratings - 4,5 / 5 Stars Rating - 2093 Vote 2018-08-31 version - 1.0.5 Play UNO locally on PS4TM! Yet works. Hi tg pls play the crew 2 or ark and I can't download this game In south Africa. Happy 4 of July. Finally something new STOP DOING FORTNITE STREAMS AND DO OTHER GAMES. Can you play more house flipper.
  The Uno link didint work.
a skip in WN 2020-01-26T01:05:15.1576366+03:00 play more house flipper 2019-11-15T23:05:15.1576366+00:00 192 325 uno 278 33 45 522 33 UP 463 952 Uno link didint 489 282 ROUI 649 679 99 60 718 2020-01-25T15:05:15 69 933 731 64 11/17/2019 201 933 373 698 VTJN 673 20 884 148 01/21/2020 09:05 PM 1 10 552 457 717 AKHY 97 HR MPCA 428 86 887 it to UltraISO 224 257 606 323 G 67 59 707 YD 322 01/29/20 8:05:15 +03:00
When i right click on the folder i dont see 7 zip REEEEEE.
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Lol just extract the ISO file 4:55 It will take longer than mount it to UltraISO. It's not available in my country.
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perfectoservicesinc · 5 years
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masterdetectivexx · 5 years
Rum Arc Discussion Series: Higashio Maria
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Higashio Maria is a kansai transfer student in Teitan Elementary that was introduced during Kir arc (File 548-549), and was recently reintroduced in Rum arc (File 1006-1008). I will be discussing this suspicion, that I’ve held since her reintro, about how she could be Asaka. Previous Discussion Topic (Iori Muga):
Asaka’s disappearance
Asaka’s disappearance is very suspicious, since she was last seen with Amanda, who was killed later that day, and was perceived as her bodyguard. Rum was able to successfully kill Amanda with the APTX4869 prototype drug (made by the Miyano parents) and cover it up as if nothing happened, according to the Black Organization’s M.O (as seen with how clean and tidy her room looked 17 years ago, in contrast to Kohji’s messy room, File 948). Despite being a female figure guarding Amanda the last time she was seen, Asaka was somehow still missing from the crime scene and not found dead along with Amanda (after failing to hinder Rum’s plans). As I’ve suggested in previous discussions, Asaka’s disappearance could be because she was drugged by Rum along with Amanda 17 years ago, but instead of dying, she actually shrank like Conan and fled (which would explain why she is missing). “Asaka taking the same drug as him” was a possibility that Conan also considered during his first speculation of Asaka’s identity (File 953), so there’s a good chance that Gosho was foreshadowing what had happened to Asaka.
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In File 948, Haibara explained that she tried to recreate her parents’ APTX4869 with their remaining data (even though the BO wanted her to make something else that wasn’t a poison), meaning that her APTX4869 prototype, which shrinks as a side effect, originated from her parents’ APTX4869 model.
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In File 1025, Gosho further clarifies Haibara’s statement by having her directly monologue that her parents created the same drug that shrank her and Shinichi, meaning that according to her, the shrinking side effect definitely originated from her parents’ APTX4869 prototype.
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This information further underlines the possibility that the 17-year-old prototype could also shrink people as a side-effect in rare occasions, which in turn could easily explain how Asaka was able to disappear from the crime scene despite being in a position that should have made her someone Rum got rid of in the process of successfully killing Amanda.
Foreshadowing to Asaka’s identity
What we know about Asaka is very limited, but the info that we do have suggest a connection between Asaka and Kohji. In File 948, when Conan read about the hand-mirror, Haibara explained that it was a popular hand-mirror and that her sister had one of them which she inherited from their mother, and later suggested that Kohji might’ve inherited the hand-mirror from his mother as well. However, we later find out in file 953 that Asaka was seen holding that same hand-mirror. This immediately suggest that the hand-mirror was passed on from Asaka to Kohji, implying that they were familiar with each other to that extent. If you take Haibara’s correlation to Kohji about “sister inheriting mirror from mother”, it’s possible that Gosho was using Haibara’s story to foreshadow that just like Haibara’s sister, Asaka inherited the hand-mirror from her mother.
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In other words, Kohji borrowed Asaka’s hand-mirror in order to prepare for his meeting with Amanda, and Asaka later leaves with Amanda to act as her bodyguard. Going back to Conan’s first suspicion of Asaka, he suspected that Asaka took the same drug as him and that Mary would be the prime suspect. This is something Conan also did in regards to Rum’s identity, where according to his first suspicion, Yamato Kansuke came the closest to the descriptions of Rum (File 913).
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Iori Muga, who I deduced could be Rum, fits with Kansuke’s characteristics. They are both considered effeminate men (both have long curly dark hair), a strong build, Kansuke’s left eye is damaged while Rum’s left eye is foreshadowed to be a prosthetic (Higo plushie “left eye coming off” reference, File 999) and Muga’s left lense consistently reflected like Rumi’s suspected blind right side (File 981-982), and if Muga is hiding 5 years from his age like Satami Saya (File 920), then he would be the same age as Kansuke. If Kansuke is a Rum model that shares direct similarities to Rum, then the likelihood that Mary was utilized as an Asaka model is very high.
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The one who shares the most characteristical similarities with Mary, and thus could be Asaka, is the latest transfer student Higashio Maria. Mary and Maria have pretty much the same name. “Maria” is the latin form of “Mary”. Gosho even went as far as to have Ogura mistake Mary’s name for “Mari-chan” (File 928-930), which could have been intentional on his part in order to emphasize the similarity to “Maria-chan”.
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Both Mary and Maria are also light-haired kids and are hinted at being half-japanese. Mary’s sister Elena is confirmed to be half-japanese (File 1011), and Maria has the english influence, to the point that her grandma called the toy “bird-chan” (File 1007).
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Asaka was also compared to Ran (File 954), which also could be Gosho’s hint to that Asaka is in reality a normal 17-year-old girl who was mistaken as a “personal SP”/official bodyguard for Amanda, due to her skills. If Maria is shrunken adult Asaka, then the comparison to Ran would make sense too, since she has a sweet personality like her that is very subverted from everyone’s expectations of “the bodyguard Asaka”/“a weird person”(as Ran put it), despite her similar qualities.
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In other words, 17-year-old Maria came along with Haneda Kohji to the US in order to watch him play in the chess tournament. Her black hair colour in the Asaka photo would be as a result of her dying her hair black, like how Gosho seeded that concept in with Takashi during department store case (File 941).
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And after she got drugged by Rum and shrank, she changed her one-tail hairstyle (as seen in the photo) to her current twin-tail hair style, just like how that concept was seeded in with Isuzu from secret cafe case (File 994), in order to not get easily recognized.
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If Maria shrank as Asaka 17 years ago, then the true purpose it would have would mainly be to answer the question regarding Conan’s and Haibara’s aging state, and that answer would be that they can’t age like Vermouth, since Maria is still a 7-year-old, because, as mentioned above, the drug they were affected by is a recreated version of the one Asaka would have been drugged by (and is very likely to have the same effect). If Maria has been a child for 17 years then her parents would be much older and the parents that she is currently said to have (File 1006) would have to be fake/stand-in parents.
Going back to the idea that Asaka inherited the hand-mirror from her mother, there’s another detail about Maria that fits with this interpretation. In File 1006, Maria’s grandma gave her the advice “it’s important for a girl to watch over her appearance”, which is very consistent with someone who would pass down a hand-mirror. This could be a small clue to that Maria’s grandma is actually her mother. In other words, those cherished memories in her reintro case was actually her with her real parents.
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Wakasa Rumi’s True identity (Link to summary)
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Wakasa Rumi’s target
Gosho has a tendency to foreshadow the introduction of new plot elements by hinting at it just before it happens. in this case, just before Higashio Maria was reintroduced, the previous chapter had a cliffhanger with Wakasa Rumi staring at the APTX4869 victim list (File 1005).
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This could be Gosho’s introduction foreshadowing to that Higashio Maria is that very target Rumi is after, Asaka (who potentially got drugged 17 years ago). In fact, both of Maria’s reappearances in Rum arc consistently followed Rumi’s appearance, as if she could be tied with her in the ongoing plot (File 966 & 1006).
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Following my deduction regarding Rumi’s identity being Vermouth, this would automatically fill in the holes regarding Rumi’s APTX victim interest, since Vermouth has personal motivations for keeping the shrinking effect hidden. If the BO dismissed Asaka as dead, despite her missing corpse, someone like Vermouth, who knows about the shrinking effect’s existence would suspect that Asaka is alive. Rumi’s goal in Teitan Elementary could therefore be to not only investigate Haibara’s neighbor in the Kudo mansion (Subaru), but also investigate Asaka’s disappearance. Her disguising as a potential Asaka, carrying Kohji-case-related objects and using a dying-message-derived name (“wACASA RUMi”) could be a grand scheme in order to use Conan’s help in locating Asaka, who ends up being the newest transfer student in class 1B after Haibara.
Maria’s Personality
Maria’s personality is very child-like and innocent, and ever since her intro in File 548, she never showed any signs of having an adult mind (more than likely because even if she happens to be Asaka, she was probably not initially conceived as another APTX victim). How Gosho could handle such a plot move, where a seemingly normal older character enters the plot, is maybe by playing the amnesia card, meaning that Maria suffered memory loss as a result of a post-traumatic stress from the Kohji case. In which case, Maria-chan may have lived those 17 years with her “grandparents” in the Kansai area as if she was a “normal” child.
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Summary: - Asaka was drugged by Rum along with Amanda 17 years ago, but shrank and fled. - Asaka lent her hand-mirror to Haneda Kohji, which she might’ve inherited from her mother. - Asaka could be Higashio Maria. - Wakasa Rumi is Vermouth in disguise and is investigating Asaka’s potential shrinking.
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brahms--heelshire · 5 years
My Murderous Angel 2/? (USUK)
(A/N): I wrote this instead of sleeping. It’s chapter two, so I would recommend reading chapter one first if you want it to make sense. Trigger Warnings for killing, stabbing, and profanity.
“We’re going to need to keep on the move.” Arthur dug through my kitchen drawers, grabbing every steak knife that I had.
“Why’s that?” I asked, picking up my lucky baseball bat.
“We’re going to need our rest. If we stay in the same spot, we’ll just get constant ambushes. I don’t think we’ll be able to deal with that.” Arthur pulled holy water out of his pocket and put his shirt back on, tucking the tips of his wings into the top of his khakis.
“Ah,” I said, “so I think we should make some hotel reservations, then.”
“Sounds good,” he mumbled, concentrating on gently dropping holy water on each of the knives. He then took my baseball bat and put a few drops on there, too. He whispered something- likely a prayer- holding his hands over the weapons.
I pulled a hotel app up on my phone, reserving rooms at four different hotels for the next five days. Doubting any demons would find us on the first day, I booked the first hotel for two days. If it took longer than that to kill the demons- well, we could cross that bridge when we came to it.
When I looked back up, Arthur had finished blessing the items. He put half of the knives in his bag and the other half in mine.
“So, you ready?” I asked, holding my hand out to him.
He took my hand, holding it in his. “As soon as you are.”
And we left the house, getting into my car and driving towards the first hotel.
The drive was peaceful, despite how on edge Arthur and I were. We held hands the whole ride there, which admittedly, was not the safest. But nothing bad happened, so we assumed that we were okay.
We rushed into the hotel, checking in quickly before rushing up to our room. The top floor. That wouldn’t make it easy for a quick escape, but it did make us harder to find. I wasn’t sure whether that was good or not.
Our room was comfy. There was a short hallway leading to the bathroom, the living room, and the bedroom. The small ‘living room’ area had a couch, a desk with a swivel chair, and a TV. The bathroom was a standard bathroom, with a toilet, a shower, a mirror, and a painting on the wall. The bedroom was also standard. A king sized bed rested against the back wall, a TV facing it. A nightstand was on each side of the bed, each equipped with a lamp. One nightstand also had a phone and the TV remote on it.
Arthur pulled his shirt off, his wings fluttering once they were released.
“Well someone sure is eager,” I teased.
“Shut up! It’s just more comfortable for my wings when they’re not forced to stay stuck to my back.” Arthur gritted his teeth.
“I’m not complaining,” I said, pulling a pair of boxers out of my tote bag, “I’ll get changed for bed, then you can go, if that’s fine.”
“Yeah,” Arthur muttered, pulling some clothes out of his bag.
I went into the bathroom and changed out of my sweaty clothes into a pair of boxers that I brought to sleep in.
Making finger guns in the mirror, I strutted out, stopping where Arthur was seated.
“Okay, babe. Your turn,” I said with a grin. I gave his cheek a kiss when he stood up.
He walked into the bathroom, the green clothing in his hand bunched up in his tight grip.
I let myself into the bedroom, quickly finding a nice spot under the covers.
A few moments later, Arthur walked in and I let myself gaze at him. He wore a pair of green pajama pants and let his wings stay half-opened.
He walked over to the bed, quickly getting under the covers and snuggling close to me.
Arthur let out a content sigh, his head resting on my chest.
“Do your wings ever make your back sore?” I asked quietly, gently petting the feathers of his wings.
“Sometimes,” Arthur mumbled, “They’re not too heavy. It’s fine”
I kissed the top of his head. “Aw. Do you need me to work out the knots? I’m a licensed masseuse.”
“It’s really fine,” Arthur said, sounding sleepy, “Are you hungry?”
“Yeah, a little,” I said. Truth was, I skipped dinner in the whole rush with getting Arthur out of the door.
“Go ahead. Order some room service. I brought my credit card.” Arthur yawned, snuggling even closer to me. He continued to do so until he was practically lying on top of me.
I checked the menu, before picking the phone up and hitting the button for room service. “Hey, could I get a cheeseburger without the cheese.”
“Will that be it for you, sir?” The voice on the other end of the call asked.
I glanced at Arthur, who was still lying on my chest. I wasn’t sure that he’d want anything to eat, but I did know one thing that would perk him up. “Uh, could I also get a bottle of old tom gin?”
Arthur’s face lit up and my heart leapt in my chest.
“Okay sir, that will be $58.79,” the voice said, “Is that okay?”
“Yes. Thank you,” I said, enunciating my words.
“What room?”
“Room 954.”
“Okay, sir.” The employee hung up.
“Oh shit, I forgot to ask how long that will take to get here,” I mumbled as I put the phone back on its stand.
“Just sleep. The knocking will wake one of us when it does get here,” Arthur said, pulling one of my arms until it was wrapped around him.
So I did.
We woke to the sound of knocking.
“I’ll just let myself in, sir. To bring you your food.” The voice came through the door. It didn’t sound natural, though. My suspicions were only confirmed when Arthur’s head whipped up. He pulled a knife out of his bag.
We looked at each other when we heard the door open. After a few moments, there was a demon in front of us.
“Lovino,” Arthur hissed.
“I’ll have you know that I actually made your idiot boyfriend’s hamburger,” Lovino told Arthur.
“Oh shut up,” Arthur said.
Lovino lunged for me and scraped my arm with his nails. It- ironically- stung like hell. I gripped it tightly, hoping that the slight compression would help ease the pain, but it did nothing for me.
But I saw the change in Arthur’s eyes when he saw the blood dripping from the deep wound in my arm. I saw the way that Arthur immediately looked as though he were on the offensive instead of the defensive. Arthur was Pissed with a capital P. Arthur had always been protective of me- which I guess might’ve just been angel instinct?- but in that moment, he was filled with pure rage.
“Arthur, when we’re done with you’ll wish you were never born,” Lovino taunted.
Arthur lunged at Lovino, stabbing every part of the demon that he could reach.
“Die, fucking scum,” Arthur spat, getting Lovino’s blood on his chest and pajama pants as he stabbed the demon.
The blessed knife burnt every part of the demon’s flesh that it touched. Once Arthur was done with him, there was barely any of the demon left. Arthur picked up the last of the demon’s body, opened the window, and threw it as far as he could.
It was, to say the least, a gruesome sight. I felt the adrenaline wearing off. All I could think was that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to kill if it came down to it. Even if they were demons, they just looked like people with wings and horns. I didn’t think I could kill anything. Fuck, I cried when Arthur killed a spider in my room. Because as terrified as I was, that was still a life.
“We need to go,” Arthur said.
“Okay,” I replied, practically breathless.
He dug deep into his bag until he found some bandages to wrap my arm with. He held my arm in his hand, gently applying cream and pressing bandages on tightly.
Then we grabbed the rest of our stuff and he took my hand, dragging me down the staircase under the veil of night. We ended up in my car again.
“Arthur, where will we go? I had us there for two nights.” I looked on my phone to see if any hotels nearby had open rooms.
“Don’t worry. I know someplace safe we can stay for a night.” He gave me a wink and snatched my phone, typing an address into the GPS.
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rickygadvisor · 2 years
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The Fed increased the federal funds rate, a short-term borrowing cost for banks, in what officials have signaled is the first of a steady series of moves. Fed policy changes trickle out through other types of interest rates — on mortgages, car loans and credit cards. Some of the interest rates that consumers pay to borrow money have already moved higher in anticipation of the Fed’s coming adjustments. Policymakers projected that six more similarly sized rate increases would happen this year. That’s because inflation is hot. The policy changes come at a challenging moment for central bankers: They are in charge of maintaining price stability, and inflation is running at the fastest pace in four decades. While officials expect price gains to moderate this year, how quickly and how much that will happen are uncertain, especially as war in Ukraine pushes up fuel costs and fresh virus restrictions in China threaten to perpetuate supply chain disruptions. The Fed is also in charge of fostering maximum employment, but with hiring rapid and more open jobs than there are available workers, that goal appears to have been achieved, at least for now. Higher rates are likely to slow strong consumer demand. The idea behind raising rates is simple: Higher borrowing costs can slow down inflation by tempering demand. When it costs more to borrow, fewer people can afford houses and cars, and fewer businesses can afford to expand or buy new machinery. Spending pulls back (something we’re already beginning to see). With less activity happening, companies need fewer workers. Less demand for labor makes for slower wage growth, which cools demand further. Higher rates effectively pour cold water on the economy. Contact us today. We will make sure you understand your needs, but more importantly, how to handle and mitigate your risk! More information 📱1-954-601-9555 Or visit our website www.pinnacleflorida.com for more information. #interestrates #wealthbuilding #wealthcreation #buildwealth #investing #investments #investors #financialadvisor #buyingahouse #homeselling #preapproval #lender #mortgage #mortgagebroker #homeinspection #lenders #brokerage #debt #mortgagerates (at Pinnacle Financial Group, Inc.) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cby-tstuJgI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Do YOU want to help the homeless?  If you apply and get approved for a Capitol One credit card The Circle of Life Inc will get $100. Use this link to apply. Thanks
 The Circle of Life Inc’s number one priority is to get the homeless off the streets ASAP, provide services, counseling, consulting, training, jobs, and permanent housing.
 Please donate sponsorship/money/pro bono services/clothes/toiletries/items for events ASAP.
 We are seeking a lawyer, CPA, volunteers, college students in nonprofit management, business management, HR, IT, website/graphic design, English/journalism/content creation, sales, advertising/marketing, finance, and advisory board members. Please email a resume/bio ASAP.
 Call/text/email any questions.
 Thanks in advance for your generous donations and work.
  Geraldine Churchwell – Founder & CEO
The Circle of Life Inc
C/O Yumy Odom
The Frator Heru Institute
2227 N Broad St, 3rd Fl
Phila PA 19132
 Call to schedule a drop off time for donated items: Yumy Odom 908-334-1793.
 Mail donations to:
Payable to: The Frator Heru Institute with a memo The Circle of Life Inc
C/O Yumy Odom
The Frator Heru Institute
P O Box 34059
Phila PA 19101
 Or PayPal.me/TheFratorHeruInstitute with memo The Circle of Life Inc.
Please make a note, funds are a donation/sponsorship funds for The Circle of Life Inc.
All donations are 501c3 tax exempt.
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thelistingteammiami · 2 years
Even With a Less-Than-Perfect Financial Record You Can Buy a Home
Photo Credit: Pexels.com
If you dream of owning a home, you aren't alone. Most people still consider this a cornerstone of the "American dream" and aspire to become homeowners. However, if you have a bad financial history, you might think this goal is beyond your reach. Think again because there are ways you can improve your financial record and find properties you can afford.
 The Listing Team can help. We know the ins and outs of the local market and can provide tips on up-and-coming neighborhoods with more affordable options. We also have a professional network we can rely on to connect you to properties beyond what's listed.
 In the meantime, the following guide offers additional tricks and resources that you can rely on to score a property you love — even if you don't have the bank account of a one-percenter.
 Take steps to boost your credit score.
 Your credit score is an indicator of your overall financial health. Lenders will look at it when deciding whether or not to extend a home loan. If you have a low credit score (for example, due to unpaid debts), take steps to boost it. Start by obtaining a copy of your credit report. According to U.S. law, you are entitled to one free copy of your credit report every year.
 When you get your report, check it for errors, which can negatively impact your overall score. Forbes reports that five percent of consumers discovered mistakes on their reports. You can dispute errors by contacting the credit reporting agency. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau provides contact information for the major agencies.
 You can further boost your score by eliminating debts. For instance, if you have multiple credit cards, you can consolidate your debts in one new card (and reduce the amount of interest you pay). The fwer debts you have, the more cash you can save to put toward the purchase of a new home.
 Ask a friend or family member to cosign your loan.
 Even with the above steps, you may be unable to boost your credit score sufficiently to secure a good loan. If you are unable to get a mortgage or only getting offers for undesirable mortgages (for example, those with high-interest rates), consider asking a friend or family member to co-sign your loan. Before you go this route, though, it's important to understand the legal implications for the cosigner.
 Your cosigner will be held liable for your loan — if you can't pay it, they are expected to. If they don't, their own financial record will suffer. For clarity and to minimize the cosigner's risk, present them with a budget reflecting your income, debt, and financial obligations. You can also give them a written statement outlining your emergency plan if you aren't able to pay.
 Try getting a home that's in foreclosure or buying "as is."
 If you've checked homes for sale in your area and still can't find something in your price range, consider buying a property that's in foreclosure or bank-owned. There are a lot of details that come with buying a real-estate owned property (REO), and you need to learn how to buy foreclosed property and everything it entails. However, all the effort can be worth it if you’re able to buy a highly discounted home.
 Another option is to get a house "as is," meaning you can't ask the seller to make fixes (even major ones, like a leaky roof) — these properties are generally cheaper. Either of these options comes with added risks, so make sure to work with a trustworthy realtor and have a lawyer review all paperwork.
 As you can see, there are many creative ways to get a property of your own. You don't necessarily need a huge amount of savings or a stellar credit score to succeed. Get inspired by the above guide and don't give up on your dream of owning a house. Start your home search today. Call The Listing Team at 954-342-6180.
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roxashighwind · 6 years
You Awake Down There? | Peter/Ned/MJ
Relationship: Michelle Jones/Ned Leeds/Peter Parker
Characters: Michelle Jones ; Ned Leeds ; Peter Parker ; May Parker (Spider-Man)
Additional Tags: Sleepovers ; teenage polyamory ; Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant
Words: 954
It’s honestly startling when Aunt May says, “Ned and MJ can stay over if it gets too late, but only if you keep your door open, mister.” She says it firmly, but she’s smiling like she knows she’s being the cool aunt letting him have a girl stay the night. -
Peter's seventeen, dating his two best friends, and luckily gets to have them both spend the night. (Rated for themes and swearing, though nothing saucy happens)
Second prompt fill for the 2018 MCU Bingo! Character: Peter Parker; Prompt: Sleepover
This certainly got a little more focused on the ship than I had originally intended, but I still like how it turned out!
All of my fills (this first card and future cards) will be in a series, though they will not be related; each fill will stand on its own!
{also on ao3}
It’s honestly startling when Aunt May says, “Ned and MJ can stay over if it gets too late, but only if you keep your door open, mister.” She says it firmly, but she’s smiling like she knows she’s being the cool aunt letting him have a girl stay the night.
“May…” he drags her name out, cheeks heating. They’re in the kitchen, the oven is on, and Peter is happy to attribute his flush to how hot it is.
“You’re seventeen and I trust you, Peter,” she starts. “But I know the kinds of things that teenagers get up to and I know that an open door isn’t going to stop you if you really want to do something. Just. Know that if you do any of those things with the door open that I’m just down the hall and I’ll be making all sorts of upset faces if I hear my baby nephew doing any of those things that teenagers do in dark bedrooms.” She makes a face, exaggeratedly horrified, and switches it for equally as exaggerated sad.
She keeps changing it up until Peter puts his hands in her face, squishing her cheeks. “Okay, okay I get it. Stop with your face, you’re so weird.”
May retaliates by licking his palm. She laughs, grinning, as he rubs it against the leg of his jeans. “I’ll bring pizza when it’s ready. Scoot.” She gently pushes him toward the living room.
Peter rolls his eyes, but goes when May pushes him. “Yeah yeah.” He jumps over the back of the couch, squishing himself in between Michelle and Ned. “So, uh.”
“We heard May.”
“Your apartment isn’t that big, dude.” Michelle has a book on her lap, but her attention is on the television, watching Ned play one of the Kingdom Hearts games.
He drops his head back against the couch with a groan. “And?”
Michelle shrugs. “It’s no big.”
“Can you look up the chest locations for Hollow Bastion? I don’t wanna miss any.” Ned mashes buttons, not entirely paying attention to Peter.
He makes a noise -  partially a question, partially a confirmation - as he pulls out his phone to pull up the guide he knows he has bookmarked. It takes almost a full minute to load, and he glances at Michelle.
“It’s not like we’re going to fuck with your aunt here.”
Ned and Peter choke in unison, and Ned drops the controller. It clatters against the coffee table before landing buttons down on the floor. On screen Sora walks steadily against an invisible block on one of the stone walls.
“What?” She narrows her eyes at them, challenging. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
They gape at her, because while neither of them can tell her she’s wrong (she’s really not), they can’t believe that she said it with May barely a room away.
She shrugs and looks back down at her book.
Ned shifts and leans forward to pick up the controller. “So…” He glances at Peter. “Where are those chests?”
“Hey. You awake down there?”
Peter shifts against Ned. They’re curled together on the bottom bunk. He’s been awake the whole time, and from the sound of it so has Michelle. Ned, on the other hand, has been drifting off and on for the last half hour. “Yeah.”
“Me, too,” mumbles Ned. He yawns, and curls a sleepily possessive arm around Peter. “We talkin’ ‘bout stuff?”
Michelle affects a vapid girl voice, “Like, yeah. We’re talking about the boys we like.”
“Those One Direction boys are pretty good looking,” Ned says thoughtfully and laughs, unable to keep it serious.
Peter scoffs. “Ugh, no.”
“They are though! Objectively speaking.”
Michelle hangs over the edge of the top bunk, and frowns impressively at Ned. “You have terrible taste.”
“I know. Look who I’m dating.” He gestures at Peter, hiding a grin against the thinner teen’s shoulder.
She holds a finger to her lips. “You’re gonna wake up May.”
Peter huffs, but it’s all for show. “Seriously though. One Direction?”
“They’ve got good voices.”
Michelle disappears over the edge, and the bunk bed wiggles a little as she shifts around. “Sure they do. I think we need to work on your taste, Ned.”
“Taste in boys or taste in music?”
Peter nudges Ned with his elbow. “I have to agree with her.”
“Et tu, Peter?”
The three fall into a fit of giggles that tapers off and swells a few times before finally lapsing into a comfortable silence.
“We should do this more,” Peter says, just loud enough for it to carry to Michelle on the top bunk. He’s shifted until he’s spooned up behind Ned, arm over his side.
“Agreed,” Michelle replies around a yawn.
“Yeah.” Ned pats Peter’s arm. “This is nice.”
Peter hums, face practically in Ned’s hair. “College could be like this.”
Ned yawns. “If we get an apartment we could be in the same bed.”
“That would be nice.” Michelle rolls toward the edge of the top bunk again. She hangs an arm down, wiggling it until Ned reaches up to squeeze her hand.
“Mr Stark keeps telling me he’ll help with an apartment.” Peter’s already starting to drift off, the warmth of Ned drawing him toward sleep.
Ned resettles his hand on Peter’s. “You never told us that.”
“I didn’t?”
“No,” Michelle replies. “I think we would remember that.”
“Hmm… okay. Well.” He spaces out for a few seconds, or maybe a few minutes he’s not sure, and finally adds, “Says I have some Avengers pay saved up whenever I wanna start using it for smart stuff like housing.” His words are soft, and meandering, and he drifts off before he can hear either of their replies.
{thank you for reading! ♥ if you like what i do here, please consider throwing a coffee my way.}
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Progress at Border as Number of Children at CBP Facilities Falls 84%
The number of children held in Custom and Border Patrol facilities – which critics call “jail like” – has dropped precipitously in the last month. CNN reports that there were 954 children in CBP facilities on Wednesday, down from a peak of 5,767 on March 28. That’s a 84% dip.
In recent weeks, the federal government has opened up more than a dozen temporary shelters, which have reduced overcrowding. On Monday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the Biden administration is essentially starting from scratch. 
“The entire system was gutted,” he said during a briefing at the White House. “It takes time to build out of the depths of cruelty that the administration before us established.”
Federal law requires that minors spend no more than 72 hours at CBP facilities, although officials struggled to comply with that target as they dealt with a massive surge of migrants at the border. 
Yet, the situation is improving. According to CNN, “the average time that kids are in CBP custody is now 28 hours, compared to 133 hours on March 28, the official said, a nearly 80% reduction in time spent in Border Patrol detention.”
Last week, CNN explained that Biden is also emphasizing family reunification:
The Biden administration is trying to fast-track the process for parents or guardians, many of whom are undocumented, to collect their children while awaiting immigration proceedings and an eventual decision on their status. HHS data shows about 90% of children who have been released went to close relatives, suggesting many have family members in the United States.
On his 100th day in office, CBS News summarized Biden’s immigration policy:
During his first 100 days as president, Mr. Biden halted border wall construction and ended some Trump-era policies, including broad restrictions on green cards. However, Mr. Biden has kept several of his predecessor’s immigration changes, including a historic-low cap on refugees and limits on asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border.
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5 Ways To Quickly Get A Down Payment for Coral Springs Real Estate
Looking to buy a house right now? Here are some ways to quickly get a deposit for Coral Springs Fl. Real Estate.
Low Deposit Home Mortgages
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There are a couple of programs to assist first time home purchasers that need extremely little bit deposit regarding the overall purchase cost. This choice will get you to your down payment goal a lot faster than the standard mortgages. There are VA loans, backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and USDA loans, backed by the Department of Farming, which might not require any money down on a home loan at all if you meet particular requirements. FHA loans, backed by the Federal Housing Administration, just need at least 3.5% down. Standard loans, backed by personal business, may only require at least 3% down, however, those loans usually rely on good credit. These low-down-payment choices might be an excellent way to quickly get into a home and start building equity. A huge drawback of this method is that the lower the down payment is, the more interest you are likely to pay overtime which costs you more cash in the long run. Furthermore, a few of these low-down-payment programs have extra charges connected with them such as big origination charges that are rolled into the payments or required home loan insurance coverage.
State and Local Deposit Assistance
Many states have assistance programs to fund deposits for Coral Springs Fl. sponsored by federal government agencies, nonprofits, foundations, and even some companies. These programs can have a varying degree of geographical focus which can vary from the state, city, neighborhood, perhaps even to one home. The assistance might come as a grant or a no-interest forgivable loan. These programs are normally partnered with competitive interest rates or tax breaks. Often, homeownership classes are needed. One disadvantage of this technique is that there might be a purchase cost or income constraints. Down Payment Gifts or Loans From Household or Buddies Among the most available sources of deposits for real estate are gifts or loans from family members or good friends. Make sure you jot down your payback contract if you consent to a loan and pay it back! You do not wish to mess up personal relationships over your home! One downside to utilizing a present as a down payment for real estate is that it’s not quite as easy as it appears. The person who provided you the cash must confirm they offered the present and show that they could make the gift. If you do need to count on presents for the down payment of a home, you may not be gotten ready for the complete expense of homeownership and are statistically most likely to default on the loan. Another downside is if your down payment for Coral Springs Fl. real estate is an individual loan, that loan should likewise be calculated into your earnings to financial obligation ratio to make certain you can still get approved for the loan.
Crowdfunding your Deposit
There are a couple of sites that enable you to crowdfund your down payment. Some sites work like a windows registry where contributions to your down payment are funneled into your savings account. This circumstance works well for circumstances like engaged couples or newlyweds. Other websites require you to end up being prequalified for a loan before they will permit you to raise money for your deposit for Coral Springs homes. Possible drawbacks to this strategy are credit card processing or other costs and the possible failure to search for lenders.
Retirement Account Withdrawals or Loans
Depending on your retirement plan, you might be able to withdraw funds or demand a loan from your balance for your down payment for Coral Springs Fl., however, this method needs to be utilized with discretion. There are a lot of fees surrounding early withdrawal from retirement accounts Make certain you seek advice from your account director before picking this strategy. Call Florida Rent To Own Homes today at 954-247-4285 or send us a message to talk about methods to quickly get a down payment for Coral Springs Fl. real estate.
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