#hope this is okay hun !!
brxvxsoul · 9 months
❝ can i stay the night? ❞ ( sabrina to nathan )
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The knocks were faint though enough for a light sleeper like Nathan to get pulled out of his slumber. Dragging himself away from the couch, he reached for the door without even checking who could be behind it. To his surprise, Sabrina was standing there and looking at him with doe eyes, a bag hanging down her shoulder.
❛ I mean...you're already here, I guess ❜
With a slight shrug, the male slowly stepped away as to allow her inside. He figured explanations on why she was here would naturally follow anyways.
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cheridraws · 1 year
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got a job offer from my aunt to paint some tombstones
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joshshannon · 11 months
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luvulyy · 2 years
Hella, can i request a Denji x Male reader, reader is a vocalist on denji's favorite metal band and they meet after a concert so they kinda hit it off from there?
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Denji didn't care much for music or celebrities. They were all irrelevant, something that didn't affect his goals. They were for normal people, those who didn't need to constantly fight for their dreams. Really, he couldn't care less.
But you were different.
From the moment he heard your voice, he was hooked. He'd never even remotely thought he'd be a metal fan but the way you screamed, the absolute energy you radiated was addicting.
It was a secret comfort to him. He'd hum your songs while working, driving everyone else insane as he sang the same ones repeatedly. Your voice was like a warm hug after a long day, always there as he finally lay down to rest.
He'd secretly buy your merch, your cd's, and listen to your band at every possible opportunity. He'd try to be subtle and deny everything with red cheeks whenever Power teased him about it.
It had taken countless attempts of bribery and offers to do the chores to convince her to come to the concert with him. The days leading up he'd been noticably distracted, practically vibrating with excitement.
The concert itself was better than he could even dream. You seemed to glow on stage, like it was where you were born to be. It was hypnotising how confident you were up there, swinging around as you sang, your throaty voice mesmerising. It was over far too soon for Denji's liking, he could listen to you for hours.
He danced and sang along until his voice was hoarse. He'd never felt so at peace, jumping along to the volume. He was out of breath by the end, sweaty but unable to hide his joy.
He was still basking in your sound when the concert had ended and people were milling about, drinking and chatting. The music was still echoing in his head, so absorbed he didn't notice the band coming to mingle in the crowd.
When you walked past Denji's heart skipped a beat. You met his eyes and instantly, he froze.
He didn't believe in love at first sight or anything but seeing you right in front of him, looking at him, after being a fan for so long left him starstruck. Power had wandered off somewhere, probably looking for food so it was just you and him.
'Hey.' You smiled warmly at him and his stomach flipped. He simply gaped at you, unable to believe this was really happening.
You took a step closer, brows lightly furrowed. 'You alright?'
Your voice was even more musical when you spoke, clear but soft as it rang out. He didn't know what to say, as if fanboying was a good answer. 'Yeah, yeah... I am.'
The boy in front of you looked a little off, eyes completely alert. You couldn't help but move closer to him, concerned. It didn't hurt that he was... really cute. He looked your age, and radiated boyish charm. His scruffy blond hair was wild and spiky, it was clear he'd been banging along to the music.
You licked your lips as you watched his reactions. 'Mind telling me a bit about yourself, sweetheart?'
He flushed beautifully, clearly not used to the attention. 'I'm Denji. I'm here with my friend Power... and I'm a Devil Hunter?'
Now it was your eyes that widened as you stepped forward and grabbed his hands excitedly. It was adorable how your eyes lit up. 'Woah, that's so cool! I don't think I've ever spoken to one before. Thank you for your hard work.' You bowed your head as Denji proudly grinned.
Denji was a goner. Absolutely head over heels. You dressed so punk, sang like a fallen angel but your personality? You'd been nothing but postively sweet since you'd started talking. If it was anyone else it would be sickening but with you, your smiles were nothing but natural and enchanting.
As he watched you with puppy eyes you couldn't help but reach into your pockets and pull out a ticket. 'Hey, I hope this doesnt sound conceited but you listen? It's the least I can do.'
His jaw dropped wordlessly as he stared at the slip in your hand hungrily. Could you not feel the absolute awe exuding from him? 'Yeah... yeah I do.'
You grinned as you held it out for him to take, smile only widening as he took it gently, not able to believe it was real.
'It's a VIP for tomorrow's show. I don't think you'll mind hearing it again.' You winked openly at him. 'Plus I'd love to talk to you some more.'
Denji nodded, gobsmacked. Whatever had made the universe be so generous he didnt know, but he sure as hell was going to take the opportunity. 'Sure. Same here.'
You patted him on the head and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek as you walked pass. Electricity ran down his spine at the contact.
'I'll be looking for you!'
It was only as you walked away he realised he never got an autograph. He beamed cheek to cheek as he touched where your lips had ghosted, unable to believe his luck. He'd just have to ask tomorrow.
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tenebriism · 27 days
@darlingdesiredelicious ;; cont. from here :
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" There you go again with your... delusions. You really DO live in some sort of self erected fairytale land, don't you? " To some extent, Astarion envies him. PITIES him, mostly, but... there is envy to be had in the way he sees the hope and promise in things long since drained of it. " I push and push, yet you hang on. I hiss and snarl and bare my teeth, yet there you stand, UNMOVING, from behind that cloud that makes me out to be something I am not. "
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
Xiao my dear! I don’t know if this an invite to send you prompts but if so 👀 I’m taking my opportunity! 😌🤍🤍
What about: “You think I’m still in love with you after all of this shit you decided to put me through? Well… ha. I guess I am somewhat of an idiot.” With lestappen? 🥰
Love ya!! 😘
bby, hi 😘! any and all times i reblog prompts are an invite 💛💜 and OKAY:
pairing: max verstappen x charles leclerc | rating: G | not checked over by any second parties so beware of spelling/grammar bumbles
Charles glances up when he enters the room. There is a second where his face looks like it cannot decide whether to behave as a wave or a particle. Max doesn't spare him much of a glance. Walks over to the co-pilot's seat, reaches over to disengage the starboard lithium thrusters. Pulls both knees up until he is a cocoon in the cockpit.
For a while, they sit simply in silence. It is both horridly new and terrifyingly old. Max would have broken it by now, a hundred times over probably. Not anymore. He watches as Space crawls around them, vast and dark and infinite.
"So," says Charles at last. On trajectory, the numbers oscillate between -0.071/+0.039 and -0.069/+0.039. Out of the corner of his eye, Max can see Charles lean forward to adjust accordingly. He does the same, feet have to fall back to the floor. "You and Martijn?"
Max snorts. The number shoots to -0.067/-0.064. He hastily rectifies it before replying, "I don't see how that matters right now."
"I am just. Catching up."
"Yeah?" says Max, only a little snippily. "How come."
There is a pause. "Lookㅡ"
And isn't that a funny little word.
"I did," says Max, cutting him off. He thinks he might be amused. Or unimaginably pissed off. Maybe both at this point. "Trust me, I fucking did. Want to know what I found?"
No reply.
Max laughs, continues, one hand flipping the port thrusters up to 0.4%, "Nada. Not a damn thing. For two whole years. So yeah, mate, do you really want to tell me to look?"
"I would not change anything," says Charles, ever entirely, aggravatingly stubborn.
Max snorts. "Fucking course you wouldn't."
"I loved you."
And that's even funnier, thinks Max. "I don't see what that has to do with anything right now."
"Of course you do not," says Charles. It is biting. They fall silent again with it, words left to hang heavy. Max wishes Daniel were here. Or Lando. Or Martijn. Even Pierre. Anyone else, anything else, to fit into this great, gaping void. He wishes when Seb gave them their rotation posts, he'd said, Actuallyㅡ
But he did not. And Max is. Max is a little tired. Max is suddenly, stupidly, outrageously, a little bit tired.
He says, to the ship and the ship alone, "Martijn is my friend."
"Pierre is mine," says Charles.
Max rolls his eyes. "I was notㅡ"
"Do not lie."
"I would notㅡ"
"Change a thing." Max's jaw goes stiff for a moment, a hop and a skip through time.
There are enough particles between them right now to fill five thousand bathtubs if they were the size of marbles. Still, he can hear Charles's exhale. He can hear, "I love you."
And is that not horrid. The way the words sink, tail and claw and nuclear fission, into Max's stomach. The way the words sink, warm and soft and nuclear fusion into his belly.
"Max," whispers Charles. Or maybe it was the wind, in the vacuum of Space.
The ceiling is ripe with shadows. "You think I’m still in love with you," he says, "after all of this shit you decided to put me through?" Charles does not say anything. When Max looks over, finally, finally, he has his hands gripped over the controls, thumbs pressed to the adjustments like profactors, staring, staring, staring. Until Max catches him; then, he glances away, resumes fiddling. His cheeks are glowing, begging to be held, felt. Kissed.
Max has to laugh. Lean back into his seat to work on his own course adjustments. They're out in space, a billion stars at his fingertips and a billion more planets. A hundred hot-headed supernovas and a thousand dragging blackholes. A million twisting galaxies and a trillion folds of gravity. An awful amount of ways to hold the very simple thing Max is trying to say, which is:
All this, and Charles fucking Leclerc is still the greatest force he has ever known.
"Well," he says at last, finger presses the dial a little further to the left as Charles presses his up, "I guess I am somewhat of an idiot." He catches Charles's eyes as their hands still, half a console between them.
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englass · 3 months
The Cold of a Steel Heart (Yandere robot/AI) sounds interesting could we see some of that please!! 👀👀
Ahhhhhh sure thing hun!!! Hope you're doing well by the way! 🤗💖
TBH, as a bit of backstory, this mostly came about from a combination of a dream I had a while ago and because I wanted to write something horror related. Natural conclusion considering the dream I had was a yandere AI/robot, with a bit more of a lean into the horror aspect. It's not very prevalent in this preview, more tension building and scene setting I guess, but the idea is for it to get worse and never better 😃🙃
You flail as you turn around, back pressed tightly against the heavy steel of your barred exit. Eyes widening as another wave of panicked nausea twists violently in your stomach. Unable to look away from the monstrosity that’s cornered you.
It’s a machine, makeshift and crude. Rover-like if not for how It fills the space, large with a mishmash of parts that you can not entirely make out in the gloom.
The steady pulsing of the emergency lights cast deep shadows across Its angular frame, the uncanny illusion of It breathing setting you further on edge as It fades into the black and reappears with the red like a spectre. Tears spilling down your cheeks as the light glints hauntingly on a large lens, welded brutishly into a rectangular box that reminds you of a projector or one of the chunky VHS players found in the monitoring rooms.
It rumbles, chugs to a gradual stop a few feet in front of you. Eerily silent bar for the click-click-click as the makeshift projector moves, mechanical joints jolting as It hunches over to look down at you. Its dark lens is cold and bright, a midnight sun stained vermillion in the polar night. Immovable and disquieting as it looms over you, an ill fated omen painfully still like an apex hunter lying in wait for the appointed hour.
Swallowing the whimper lodged in your throat you shakily stare up at It. Can just about make out the movement in Its lens, can hear that grinding whirl from earlier as Its aperture shifts and focuses. The rectangular casing which you are coming to realise might be its face jankily falls closer, startling a yelp out of you before Its frame falls still yet again with a hissing creak.
The stare off feels like it lasts forever, time at a laborious crawl as the lights keep dimming and brightening in measured breaths. The machine’s lens glowing as the light glints and shines off of it, traps the colour sinisterly in the glass as It bears down on you like a spotlight (you swear you can see your trembling reflection in Its red-tinted gaze).
As another pulse of red bleeds into the sea of dead air between you. Its shutter schlinks closed in what you can only guess is a facsimile of a blink, the sound gritty as though filled with sand between the blades. A swift but quiet be-beep following the grainy sound, digital and so loud against the stifling silence that you instinctively flinch back and closer against the door.
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seerbloom · 1 month
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"    I    was     scared    you'd    stop    being     my    friend    . "     𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇     𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐃     𝐎𝐅𝐅     𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘'𝐒     tongue,    𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼    buried    beneath    soft     vocals.    from    ​​​​​​​ the     ​​​​​​​wealth    that    her    family     held    'pon    their     palms,    to    the    ​​​​​​​downward     ​​​​​​​spiral     of    the    lost    ​​​​​​​ fortune.     ​​​​​​​(    A DEAL GONE BAD / INVENTORIES DOWN BENEATH THE OCEAN SEA     ​​​​​​​).     ​​​​​​​as    if     in    a    ​​​​​​​𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕕,     ​​​​​​​everything     spiraled    out    of     control.     The     friends    she     had    ​​​​​​​grown     close    to     ​​​​​​​abruptly     ​​​​​​​abandoned    the     family,     as    though    they    ​​​​​​​​🇫​​🇪​​🇦​​🇷​​🇪​​🇩​     ​​​​​​​being    [     𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃    ​​​​​​​ ]     ​​​​​​​by     their     misfortune.     their    false demeanor of kindness     ​​​​​​​couldn't    hide     the    true     colors     that    were     ​​​​​​​𝙡𝙪𝙧𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜     ​​​​​​​beneath     the     surface.     yet    the    one    before    elain,     ariel    was    the     ​​​​​​​𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘     ​​​​​​​one    who    stood     by     her     side.     a    true     ​​​​​​​friend.    "     ​​​​​​​you're     not    ashamed     being    seen    talking    to    me?    "
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                              starter ° ⸻ @sirenea
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collectivemesses · 6 months
@luneblush | Lyric~
"You're joking, right?" Lyric couldn't even frown yet. His expression was blank, not quite sure whether to twist into something or not, whether they were joking or not. The only sign he was having any thought on the matter at all was the way his brow was beginning to furrow, "You know that could get either me, or both of us killed, right? Have you even thought this through?"
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rainbowcrowley · 11 months
31, 33 & 34 💋
toni <3 thanks! *bites you*
31: What your last text message says
just "yes" lmao
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
"you're valid and there are people who love you"
34: What I find attractive in women
oh thats mean and you know it. like. everything? esp hair and face and personality.... yup
wanna be nosy?
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dragetunge · 2 years
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@maimedaffair​ reversed starter for MERIDA
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Emerald hues look upon the familiar land shape as the ship rocked in the waves. A hand balancing himself on the dragon companion who wouldn’t let him say no to him coming as he deeply takes a breath. He was still unstable from his time laying in a bed. With the war ended travel was better getting in and out of the archipelago. 
Traders were saying the waters were calmer and easier to navigate. Without the fear of their ships being set ablaze. With the dragons no longer being an enemy those once causing ship wrecks were now helping guide the boats in question in safety. 
He was nervous though. In such a short span so much had happened. His letters had stopped going due of the war and his recovery...wasn’t going as quickly as he had hoped. 
Though the suggestion of him visiting a warmer climate would prove more beneficial to his remaining recovery. So a letter was sent and here he was. Looking at the familiar shape of the highlands once more with nothing but blue skies overhead. 
Fingers picking at his sleeves as he leaned against his night fury companion. Sitting in nervous anticipation until the hull of their ship bumped against the docks of the Kingdom of DunBroch. 
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simplegenius042 · 11 months
Two roses for two sentences? Thank you!
Here's a tiny snippet of a little FC5 WIP I'm calling The True Sinners. Starring my FC5 OC Deputy Silva Omar herself, a little before she has a chance encounter with one of the Seed brothers in the woods.
Here's the snippet below:
The sandbags tied to the cheap mannequin had barely been nicked by her fourth shot. Silva could almost imagine the shitty pink smile she had shoddily painted on its blank face open wide, if only to wordlessly laugh. Mocking her.
Reload. Rinse and Repeat. Silva repeated the mantra in her mind, methodically accomplishing each task she set out. Layout the ground. Scan the area. Set the scope. Line the shot. Breathe.
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wintcrstcrfall · 2 years
closed starter for @laviexenrose​
Matthew was staying behind after almost everyone had left the Sunday service. He didn’t mind, as it had always been something he preferred rather than the other possibility of his empty apartment or the deafening quiet that filled it. Usually, it didn’t bother him at all but lately it had surprisingly started to dawn on him, that way cleaning the path for more than the usual amount of dark thoughts to make themselves at home in his mind. That was probably the reason why Matthew stayed outside as much as he could - either studying hard, or trying to find new inspirations for his paintings... or spending more of his time right there, at church, helping, the only way that really eased his consciousness about feeling like he was doing something with his life. That was the place where he had met her also. Matthew talked with almost everyone at church regularly but unlike with everyone else, he always seemed to want to figure out more topics on which to talk with Isabelle, even when it was way past the time both of them had to go home. But his social skills stretched so far and in most cases he swallowed down some of the things he wanted to say and instead just always asked her how she was, making sure that Isabelle would know he was there if she ever needed someone to offer a supportive ear. “I’m almost finished here...”, he said over his shoulder at the woman, a half-smile almost appearing on his face. “You can go home if you want to... or if you have other things to do. Seriously. It’s okay.”
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luvulyy · 2 years
hi hii !! could i request some oikawa x male reader headcanons where he has a crush on his childhood friend? just how he would react to crushing on a guy- and someone who's been his friend since he was a kid? feel free 2 ignore this, i hope u have a nice day !! <3
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𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥'𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘: aaa this is so cute !! i've never wrote for oikawa or done headcanons before but had to try <3 have a lovely day too and thank you for requesting ♡
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Oikawa had known you for what seemed like his entire life
As far back as he remembered you'd always been their at his sight, laughing along with his natural outlandishness and reeling him back in when necessary
As you grew there was always something special about the bond between you two.
You'd drifted back and forth over the years, but alway came back
What really stuck was a particular time during high school
You'd been lucking enough to be in the same classes now
He'd made it his mission to talk to you at every opportunity, unable to get enough of the sweet small smile you always greeted him with
And to your annoyance, Oikawa insisted on studying together now. If not for him, for your benefit
And if it was just an excuse to spend more time with you, you didn't need to know that
He wasn't sure when he fell. You'd always just been one of his male friends, albeit a little special
But suddenly, a lot more special
He'd tease you with memories from growing up just to show how close you were, instinctively search for you in a crowd. All it took was a fleeting accidental touch of your hand against his while walking home one day, for the penney to drop
He liked you. A guy, his childhood frined since he was a kid
How cliche. He wouldn't have it any other way
He'd liked girls before sure, but never a guy. Never before fell this hard either.
It took everything in him to not reach out and hold your hand as you chatted between classes, to resist the urge to lean in when you laughed so brightly at the jokes he made among friends
He wasn't sure how to cope. Would you even like him back? Could you? Did you even like guys? For days his head spiralled
Until he'd decide to act on it, unable to resist the want to be close to you, to kiss you and hold you. You knew him better than anyway and if anyone was going to accept these feelings, it'd be you
So of course it was during one of your joint study sessions he made his move
He'd cough gently, catching your attention from a question you were frowing over
It was so cute how hard you concentrated, biting your pencil and brows heavily furrowed
'Need help?' He'd say, ignoring the anticpation rising in his stomach
And hearing your positive response, it was time
He'd move around the table until he was on your side, easing in right next to you. If you noticed you didn't comment.
He'd guide your hand along the page, speaking lowkly as he described the questions.
You'd slowly start to notice something was different, in sync with him from the years of company
You raised your eyes to his about to voice as much when your alarm would sound, signalling the end of the session
You'd shot up to standing, regardless of Oikawa's closeness
You'd ignore the way you'd blushed at his touch just seconds before, gathering your things
You'd raise your eyes to say goodbye only to to be greeted with him far far closer than you'd realised
His face was mere centimetres from yours
He'd stop, ghosting just over your lips. Your breath would mingle, warm and soft
And wait
If he made the first move he'd relish in the way you instinctively opened your mouth to him. You'd been waiting for this as well. The gesture sparked heat in his gut as he'd push you back down into where you'd been sitting, ready to show juat how much he liked you
If you did however, he'd completely melt. The slightest touch against his cheek or shoudlers as you deepen the kiss would absolutely weaken his knees.
Kissing girls was never like this. He'd trail his hands alone you jaw, into your hair. Maybe it was because it was you but one thing was for sure, he definitely liked dudes now
And as you'd pull him closer still, grabbing his tie and yanking until he flush against you, he definitely liked you.
If your reaction was anything to go by, the sentiment was shared.
Falling head over heels for you came naturally just like your friendship and now, your relationship
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shyybzikx · 2 years
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Anya hadn’t even noticed she had been chewing on her bottom lip too much until she could felt the familiar taste of copper in her mouth. She had finally found it, her file that Hydra had on her and she had really thought looking through it would have helped her with her memory. However, now that she was reading over the information they had on her, all she could feel was her stomach twisting into knots. They had known all along.
When she realized she wasn’t alone in the room anymore, Anya quickly shut the file and wipe her face, not even realizing tears had started to fall before she cleared her throat. She turned to see Bucky, a silent sigh washing over her as she gazed up to him. Well, at least it wasn’t someone else. “D-did um, you need something? Or had you planned on just staring at me today?” Anya asked, the sarcasm dripping from her. 
Granted, having him there now had an almost calming affect on her. She wasn’t sure if it was because they had both been through the same hell or if it was because they both had been from similar, yet different times.  Anya was glad he had come in when he had though, she wasn’t sure she could go over the rest of that file alone.
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negativefouriq · 2 years
girl for what???
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